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[08-03:05] 5e834, Aralore : *Makes no motion to stop her, just giving a soft sigh of humiliation*
[08-03:08] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : So.. where to? *grins*
[08-03:09] 5e834, Aralore : Drow are not to be carried...*struggles a bit, but gives up after only moments* humble abode...
[08-03:10] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : Right... *a portal opens, and she steps through.. coming out in front of his "humble abode". What? She's a stalker, ofcourse she's followed him before*
[08-03:12] 5e834, Aralore : *Puts his arms around her neck, settling into the indignity of the position until she sets him down, but hoping he'll not have to let go until morn*
[08-03:13] 94c70, Z: *hugs Sileen and Aralore and poofs*
[08-03:14] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : *no... she'll go in with him, settle with him for the night... and next morning she'll be there with one arm looped about him, still asleep after he'd awaken as she'd be watching him sleep most the night*
[08-03:14] EXIT: Brenna Lidil has left the chat ( 3:02am, July 08 (CDT) ).
[08-03:15] 5e834, Aralore : ((*Hugs Z and SIleen and vanish0rz*))
[08-03:16] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : ((*passes out hugs, then slinks off as well*
[08-03:16] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : ))
[08-03:16] EXIT: Delotha Feanor has left the chat ( 4:16am, July 08 (CDT) ).
[08-04:08] JOIN: Sorcha Lidil has entered.
[08-04:14] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: (*twiddles thumbs*)
[08-04:52] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: (....dead)
[08-05:25] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: (*ponders where the people are that are "watching"*)
[08-05:48] EXIT: Sorcha Lidil has left the chat ( 6:25am, July 08 (CDT) ).
[08-06:51] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[08-06:52] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 7:51am, July 08 (CDT) ).
[08-06:53] JOIN: Haesanga has entered.
[08-07:21] JOIN: Ramzix has entered.
[08-10:12] 94c70, Z: *was asleep*
[08-10:15] 94295, Mab: *was asleep also*
[08-10:20] 94295, Mab: *and is hiding on AIM right now, so if you need to message me there, you can, but I'll likely respond here via PM.*
[08-10:21] 94295, Mab: Aw, screw that. I just noticed someone I need to talk to. *grumbles at her plans of hiding from work thwarted*
[08-10:24] 94295, Mab: *pokes Z* Wake up!
[08-10:29] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[08-10:30] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 11:29am, July 08 (CDT) ).
[08-10:30] JOIN: KoalOneri has entered.
[08-10:30] c40b1, KoalOneri: (( Hello ))
[08-10:32] 94295, Mab: Hi
[08-10:32] 94295, Mab: I adjusted the Ghidra species.
[08-10:33] 94295, Mab: Tell me what you think.
[08-10:33] 94295, Mab: Isn't your character regged already? I thought he was. Did you forget the space in the name?
[08-10:33] c40b1, KoalOneri: (( Yep he is ))
[08-10:34] c40b1, KoalOneri: (( Where do i see your changes? ))
[08-10:34] EXIT: KoalOneri has left the chat ( 11:34am, July 08 (CDT) ).
[08-10:35] JOIN: Koal Oneri has entered.
[08-10:35] c40b1, Koal Oneri: (( It has a space in it? ))
[08-10:36] 94295, Mab: They're on the "Species Write-Up Descriptions That We've Got So Far" thread. It's right at the top of the list on the board link. Scroll down in that thread to Ghidra.
[08-10:38] 94295, Mab: I can adjust the species a little further if you don't feel your envisioning can quite adapt to the description.
[08-10:38] c40b1, Koal Oneri: (( my kittens are attacking me. All three of them gang up on me and bit my feet. eh it tickles so back hehe ))
[08-10:38] 94295, Mab: *LOL *
[08-10:40] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[08-10:40] JOIN: Luke has entered.
[08-10:41] c40b1, Koal Oneri: (( Its really good. Thanks alot!! **Tackle-Hug** ))
[08-10:42] b18e0, Luke: *yawns* hey all
[08-10:44] 94295, Mab: Oh cool, glad you like it.
[08-10:46] 94295, Mab: *tackle hugged* Oof.
[08-10:47] 94295, Mab: Hi Luke
[08-10:47] c40b1, Koal Oneri : (( Yo Luke ))
[08-10:49] b18e0, Luke: *ponders either bed or RP*
[08-10:51] b18e0, Luke: hey Mab, did you edit that picture for me, that I asked you to do ages ago? the one with Tom Cruise in it
[08-10:53] 94295, Mab: Mab went and go herself captured and without announcing where she was going. It was kinda an oops on my part, cuz I assumed the drink wasn't drugged when the other guy was drinking it and even said oocly he'd not put anything in it. It just so happened the natural state of the drink was to make on sleepy. *blushes*
[08-10:53] b18e0, Luke: great... Galean's dead...
[08-10:54] 94295, Mab: *LOL* He'd better get himself hence before they discover her missing.
[08-10:54] b18e0, Luke: you wanna RP another beating session now Mab?
[08-10:54] 94295, Mab: Nah, maybe some other time. *L*
[08-10:54] JOIN: Haesanga has entered.
[08-10:55] MSG: Haesanga sent a message to Mab.
[08-10:55] b18e0, Luke: well what am I supposed to do? Galean doesn't even know that she's kidnapped...
[08-10:57] c40b1, Koal Oneri : (( bbl gonna go find food ))
[08-10:57] EXIT: Koal Oneri has left the chat ( 11:57am, July 08 (CDT) ).
[08-10:59] 94295, Mab: Neither do her people know yet.
[08-11:00] f9c17, Haesanga: ((hey Mab, how did you get the cool images for the buttons?))
[08-11:00] b18e0, Luke: like I said before, Galean's dead... *is annoyed now*
[08-11:00] 94295, Mab: Oh, but that gives me a great idea for Artanis and Fahrena. *ponders* Buttons?
[08-11:01] f9c17, Haesanga: ((the say it button, etc...))
[08-11:01] 94295, Mab: How is Galean dead? *rolls eyes*
[08-11:01] 94295, Mab: Oh, Luke made those.
[08-11:02] f9c17, Haesanga: ((cool. How'd you get them to show up though?))
[08-11:02] b18e0, Luke: not literally of course, but he'll wish he was after the beating he's gonna get... I wouldn't be surprised if the entire Fae community stoned him
[08-11:03] 94295, Mab: LOL!! It'll be like bibilical times!!
[08-11:03] 94295, Mab: There's a place in the chat functions you can put the code for them into.
[08-11:03] b18e0, Luke: yeah... maybe that should happen... a public whipping, where everyone gets a chance to hit him with something and turn him into a cripple...
[08-11:03] f9c17, Haesanga: ((Cast ye not the first stone but he who is without sin himself))
[08-11:04] 94295, Mab: It's in Options, Haesanga.
[08-11:05] 94295, Mab: LOL, I just don't think it would be in the nature of the fae as a people to do something like that, the power greedy council maybe, but not the gentle people as a whole.
[08-11:06] f9c17, Haesanga: ((thanks))
[08-11:06] b18e0, Luke: I think you mean "Let he who is without sin cast the first stone"
[08-11:06] b18e0, Luke: let the council do it in a public square then, when Galean's sister comes to visit...
[08-11:06] 94295, Mab: LOL
[08-11:07] 94295, Mab: See, poor Galean has become their scape goat whenever they don't know what happened to their queen, because otherwise the public would turn their eyes to the council and blame them.
[08-11:09] b18e0, Luke: yeah... *is actually in the mood for something like this*
[08-11:09] b18e0, Luke: *is also listening to Green Day as well... what relevance does that have to RP? when you find out, let me know...*
[08-11:13] f9c17, Haesanga: ((Grrrr... Hexadecimal... waht's the other type of color code used in html?))
[08-11:13] b18e0, Luke: dunno
[08-11:13] 94295, Fae Council : *the handmaidens of the queen rush into the councils' breakfast conference room* [ We can't find the queen!!!] *they exclaim* [Does anyone know if she went somewhere? We were not told!]
[08-11:15] b18e0, Galean Arrowan : *is in his room, sharpening his blades*
[08-11:16] f9c17, Haesanga: ((the one that goes: R: G; B:
[08-11:19] f9c17, Haesanga: ((I wish you could replace the buttons with text links))
[08-11:20] b18e0, Luke: is there anything else that you don't like about the chats, Hae? first it's the shiny city word images... now it's the chat's buttons...
[08-11:21] JOIN: Ghamel has entered.
[08-11:21] f9c17, Haesanga: ((... I wasn't complaining about bettenchi's buttons. ))
[08-11:22] f9c17, Haesanga: ((and I didn't say I didn' tlike the shiny word images. I just said I found them a distraction. But I can live with it.))
[08-11:22] b18e0, Luke: good... because they aren't going anywhere...
[08-11:23] 13b7f, Ghamel : ((likes shiny things))
[08-11:24] 94295, Fae Council : *to make a long story short, a search is done and inquiries are made. It is discovered that company she was with, aside from the usual palace compliment, was Galean, when they went to to investigate the happenings there. The council, not wishing it to be apparant that the queen feels she needs to do things without consulting them and also not wanting it to be apparant that they failed to protect her, decide to once again use Galean as a scape goat for their folly. If they weren't so power hungry and corrupt, Mab might have told them what she was up to and all would have been well, but alas, poor Galean. Mab had had full confidence that she could handle the little spying job she was out to do and return in plenty of time before she'd be missed, or she would not have dreamed of putting herself or Galean at risk like this. She made a couple errors, having in all her years not ever done much espionage herself, having sent others to do it in the thousands of years before. She wondered how hard could it be? She was Mab afterall. So, it was not a thoughtlessness as to Galean's safety on her part to run off and do this. She just made one little error by enjoying a drink. Anyways, all is said and done and the council sends some guards to hunt down Galean. The blame must go somewhere.
[08-11:24] f9c17, Haesanga: ((Yup. And I can just ignore people who use them too much. Cause they're still a distraction))
[08-11:25] JOIN: xyva has entered.
[08-11:26] b18e0, Galean Arrowan : *he is oblivious to what is happening... he finishes sharpening his blades, and he heads out of his room, stretching lightly*
[08-11:28] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[08-11:28] 13b7f, Ghamel : * tends the shop ...*
[08-11:28] 94295, Fae Council : *he would see some guards approaching his direction. They could just be on patrol or drilling or heading to the portal for all her could know. Afterall, what reason does Galean have to think something is amiss?*
[08-11:28] 94295, Fae Council : her = he
[08-11:29] c6c97, xyva : haes, aim?
[08-11:29] b18e0, Galean Arrowan : *he glances to the guards and nods to them as they come towards him, still not knowing that anything is wrong*
[08-11:30] JOIN: Brimstone has entered.
[08-11:30] MSG: Haesanga sent a message to Xyva.
[08-11:32] 94295, Fae Council : ((The shiney word images in the filter? They're meant to be a distraction. They're meant to get people's attention so that one can tell at a glance where a person is or what countries they're talking about. It actually comes in very handy for that.))
[08-11:32] MSG: xyva sent a message to Haesanga.
[08-11:33] EXIT: Brimstone has left the chat ( 12:30pm, July 08 (CDT) ).
[08-11:33] f9c17, Haesanga: ((*shrugs*))
[08-11:33] MSG: Haesanga sent a message to Xyva.
[08-11:34] 94295, Fae Council : ((Most people like them. There are only a couple naysayers. I go with the majority. ))
[08-11:34] c6c97, xyva: k
[08-11:36] f9c17, Haesanga: ((would be better if it was an option we can turn off, but meh. Arguing is pointless as usual, and I'm in a grouchy mood toay)
[08-11:37] 94295, Fae Council : *they stop right in front of Galean* [You are under arrest, Galean Arrowan] *Galean should be able to guess what has happened. Que witty retort by him*
[08-11:38] b18e0, Galean Arrowan : under arrest? for what?
[08-11:38] JOIN: Axis has entered.
[08-11:39] 94295, Fae Council : *That's not a witty retort* [Kidnapping of the Queen or failure in your duties to protect her.] *they move to surround the elf*
[08-11:39] 72f58, Axis : ((hmm fea council))
[08-11:40] b18e0, Galean Arrowan : *he raises both eyebrows* what? what do you mean, kidnapping?
[08-11:40] JOIN: Sorcha Lidil has entered.
[08-11:41] 94295, Fae Council : [That is not our concern, nor are we obligated to say. You are under arrest. Come with us.] *they're assembled to march him before the council*
[08-11:42] 72f58, Bartuc : ((oops actually thats a smigen my fault galean ^^))
[08-11:42] a9340, Will-o'-the-wisp: (hey sorcha its me Eradrae, I'll brb)
[08-11:42] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 12:42pm, July 08 (CDT) ).
[08-11:42] 94295, Fae Council : ((LOL ))
[08-11:42] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: (hiya)
[08-11:42] b18e0, Galean Arrowan : ((yes, I am well aware of that...)) no I will not! I demand to be told what is going on!
[08-11:43] JOIN: Eradrae Baenre has entered.
[08-11:44] 72f58, Bartuc : ((hrmmm I suppose mabby might wake up soon))
[08-11:44] 94295, Fae Council : [You will told if the council deems to do so. Now, move!] *two behind him put spear tips to his back*
[08-11:44] a9340, Eradrae Baenre : (hello - again)
[08-11:44] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: (hiya)
[08-11:44] 94295, Fae Council : ((K, give me a couple more posts and I'll wake her up. Being captured is fun and the repercussions Galean is facing for it is fun too. *L*))
[08-11:44] a9340, Eradrae Baenre : (Shall we continue?)
[08-11:45] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: (yep)
[08-11:46] a9340, Eradrae Baenre : (I believe Sorcha just dodged getting her throat torn out by Draes dagger, Lillith)
[08-11:46] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: *she ducks as he takes a slash for her neck she doesn't want to attack him she can't she glances to him moving back a bit* Drae its me Sorcha!
[08-11:46] b18e0, Galean Arrowan : *he gets pushed forward, and reluctantly moves with them*
[08-11:47] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[08-11:47] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 12:47pm, July 08 (CDT) ).
[08-11:48] f9c17, Haesanga: ((I hate making icons))
[08-11:48] a9340, Eradrae Baenre : *The recognition that she had seen earlier was now gone. Spinning he takes a step forward, his his new scimitar flying out wide, it would catch her in the ribs and likely rip half way through her if she didn't block or move.*
[08-11:48] 94295, Fae Council : *la la la, they escort him to the essembled council and stop with him in the middle of the circular chamber. The queen's throne again lays empty in front of him. The head council dude says* [Well, what do you have to say for yourself?]
[08-11:50] b18e0, Galean Arrowan : What do you mean "what do I have to say for myself"? I've been dragged in here, and I have been accused of kidnapping the queen! Where is she?
[08-11:50] b18e0, Galean Arrowan : *is furious*
[08-11:50] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: *She moves her dagger to block but the force of it rips the dagger from her hand and sends her flying backwards sprawling back onto the ground, she looks up in fear, her dagger on the floor feet away from her*
[08-11:52] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: (it being the attack)
[08-11:53] a9340, Eradrae Baenre : *He stands staring at her, no emotion in his eyes, just a somehow horrifying blank exspression. He thrusts toward her face, then suddenly, he tries to move the blade away, it would make a hole in her shoulder unless she moved.*
[08-11:53] 94295, Fae Council : You should very well know and if you do not know, more the shame on you, because she confides in you. *there is a hint of angry jealousy behind his last statement. They do not like that they don't have the queen lulled into complacency like they'd like so that she would confide in them and let them have a more active hand than they already do in running the kingdom*
[08-11:54] 94295, Fae Council : ((Much better color. yup yup))
[08-11:55] 94295, Fae Council : ((*thanks Koal again for that hex code site*))
[08-11:55] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: *She tries to move quick enough out of the way but his blade burries into her shoulder. She screamed in pain* Eradrae snap out of it!
[08-11:56] b18e0, Galean Arrowan : Have you asked yourself why she has decided to confide in an elf, instead of her own council? I do not spend every second of every day at her side, I am only there when she tells me to be there. I have not seen her since last night in .
[08-11:59] 94295, Mab Fairy Queen : *she stirs and then opens her eyes to the nearly dark chamber. How big is this chamber, anyway? She finds herself on cushions and shackles on her wrists and feet and a gag. She blinks wondering where she is and groans with annoyance that she fell for that drink thing. She shifts to sitting and allows her eyes to adjust, a tiny bit of light peeking around the seal at the front. she raises her shackled hands to fumble at the gag at her mouth. Without having her hands chained away from reaching her mouth, she wondered what the gag was for. Probably to mock her, tease her.*
[08-11:59] a9340, Eradrae Baenre : *he falls to his knees, staring at sorcha helplessly, trembling. He lifts his hands before his eyes, then looks back to sorcha.* Dear Elistraeie... what have I done?
[08-12:00] JOIN: Hulkdogs has entered.
[08-12:00] 94295, Mab Fairy Queen : *
[08-12:02] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: *she slowly reaches a hand to her shoulder her eyes tightly closed biting her lip in pain*
[08-12:02] 72f58, Bartuc : *the chamber is about 10X10 and if she can see there are half-finished carvigns on the walls. Voices outside as well*
[08-12:03] 94295, Fae Council : SILENCE!! *he is angry, because Galean is spelling out exactly what it is they are trying to cover up through him* You've said enough. The council finds, based on the evidence, that you are guilty. We will not hear another word from your treacherous tongue, or it will be cut out! *the guy is way to angry for the situation, revealing that he is very upset at Galean so easily hitting the mark*
[08-12:04] f9c17, Haesanga: ((*peeks* sorcha need help?))
[08-12:05] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: (hrmm...perhaps...shes been accident..)
[08-12:06] a9340, Eradrae Baenre : *Tears rolling down his ebony cheeks he slowly moves over to Sorcha, biting down on his lip hard as he grabbed the hilt of his sword. He was dreaming! That must be it! This was all just one big nightmare, they were still at the inn, she didn't love him and she still didn't know his feelings!* What... happened..?
[08-12:07] f9c17, Haesanga: ((Rua Penchi I take it?))
[08-12:07] a9340, Eradrae Baenre : (yep)
[08-12:08] f9c17, Haesanga: ((where?))
[08-12:08] b18e0, Galean Arrowan : *he glares at the head of the council* On what evidence? there IS no evidence! You are punishing me, to cover up your own mistakes! Your incompetent guards left her unattended, and I'm assuming that they left the portal unguarded like they usually do... you should be punishing them, instead of the ambassador who is supposed to be forming an alliance between his people and the fae...
[08-12:08] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: *she opens her eyes looking to him carefully blood starting to flow from her shoulder* you were in a trance...i tried to help you turned on me*she closes her eyes again, she hasn't been hurt like this before*
[08-12:08] 94295, Mab Fairy Queen : *she wouldn't see the carvings as yet, it being dark in there. she sits and fumbles with the gag with her shackled hands. She could shrink out of the shackles, because she can see no reason why that would aid her in escaping the chamber, but she doesn't wish to reveal yet what and who she is. She finally gets the gag off and with great annoyance spits the rag out, giving a dirty look to no one in particular. If he thought about it, she would realize that shrinking out of the shackles could aid her in escaping, if she used them this way or that, but she doesn't think to hard on that or allow herself to explore the possibilities, because once she thinks of it as a possibility to aid in escape, the curse of the fae in regards to magic while inside a container would be enacted. As long as it can't be used for escape, she can work magic, the the moment she realizes or thinks of a way to use it to escape, she loses the ability to perform that particular magical feat. No one knows why, but the fae needed a weakness and so chatmaster chose this*
[08-12:09] a9340, Eradrae Baenre : (the streets somewhere)
[08-12:09] b18e0, Galean Arrowan : ((they already have a weakness... they are stuck up S.O.Bs!))
[08-12:10] f9c17, Haesanga: *There's a rush of feathers overhead, as a hawklike silhouette falls down from the overhanging roof * HO there! Who goe- Sorcha?? What happened, by gods! *the griffin hops off the roof, immediately to the girl's side, turning to glower at Drae a moment* Did you do this?? Speak!
[08-12:10] 94295, Mab Fairy Queen : ((LOL They certainly are, Galean. ))
[08-12:11] a9340, Eradrae Baenre : *Trembling to much to even try take the blade from her shoulder he falls backward as she explains what happened, his eyes horror stricken. It was happening again! Would he do to Sorcha just as he'd done to Drax? He was in to much of a whirwind of emotions to even acknowledge the griffon.*
[08-12:12] 72f58, Bartuc : *the nfrom outside comes a familer voice speaking in their tounge then the door would open just enough that a man with a lantern could slip in. Guess who it is? Bartuc! thats right* SO your awake.
[08-12:12] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: *She slowly sits up* Haesanga....its not his fault it was an accident*she reaches and pulls the blade from her shoulder. She looks to Eradrae* Drae...speak to me please...
[08-12:13] f9c17, Haesanga: *growls at Drae a moment, before Sorcha speaks and he falls silent. Without a word, he morphs to his hummanoid form, moving to put a hand on her shoulder, to stop the bleeding*
[08-12:14] 94295, Fae Council : SILENCE!! I said enough of your feable excuses. Take him away and gag him!! *to the guards. The guards bring shackles and a gag much like Mab herself just spit out to put on Galean to silence him* The people will see, this time, what happens to one who moves to harm our queen or fails to protect her.
[08-12:15] 94295, Mab Fairy Queen : *she looks up at him askance.* No, I sleep walk. Is this a dream? *glances about the chamber now that it's lit*
[08-12:16] a9340, Eradrae Baenre : *If he even heard her he didn't show it. How could he have hurt her, the one he loved? Everything that had happened since he'd come to the surface had resulted in pain... How could he allow himself to stay on the surface when he was brining to much pain to others? Perhaps it was time to return to Menzoberanzan and accept his punishment. He cursed Elistraeie, she had abandonned him! She had pushed him to the surface, then in his tiem of need she had left him. He wanted to lay down and die, his world was falling apart around him. He couldn't bare to see Sorcha hurt, but the fact that it was by his own hands made it tenfold.*
[08-12:16] b18e0, Galean Arrowan : *he moves his head around to prevent it from being gagged* The people will see that first hand when you and your council are disbanded... You have failed to protect her for too long, and they will find out... You will not get away with the act of treachery that you have been committing!
[08-12:16] 72f58, Bartuc : More liek a nightmare for you. Welcome to the Barrows of the feild of Bone. Your lucky. We put you in an empty one
[08-12:17] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: ...we need..some bandages... can someone get them for me*she seems in a daze looking to Haesanga carefully, her face etched..pain...more then onekind, she slowly reaches a hand out to Drae wanting him to take it**
[08-12:18] f9c17, Haesanga: *keeps the pressure on and looks up at Drae, seeing his catatonic state* You! S nap out of it! She needs your help! *he states, voice harsh, cold to bring him out more. If he doesn't move, he swats at the man with one claw/hand, hard enough to sting, but not enough to hurt badly* Wake up!
[08-12:18] b18e0, Galean Arrowan : ((what he meant, was that one day the people will see the entire council in his position, for failing to protect the queen, and moving to harm her))
[08-12:19] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[08-12:19] 94295, Fae Council : *the guards quickly gang up on him and hold him still, grabbing the sides of his head to hold it still and move to shackle and gag him* You are a clever one, you sound so noble, I almost want to believe it myself, but the people WILL see you for what you are. *the guards would hopefully have gagged him by now*
[08-12:20] 94295, Mab Fairy Queen : Oh, should I say thank you? *jerks at her shackles to see what range of movement they allow*
[08-12:21] a9340, Eradrae Baenre : *he looks to her outstretched hand horror still etched into his featurs, then he looks to her. She was in pain he knew... but how could he of all people help? He suddenly stands up, having been on his knees the whole time. He sways slightly, he debated running, by the gods he wanted to! but Sorcha needed his help. He could leave after she was taken care of. He walked over to her, taking her hand and looking to Haesanga, his voice thick with pain.* What can I do?
[08-12:23] b18e0, Galean Arrowan : *he keeps his mouth closed, moves his head forward, then back, slamming into one of the guards holding his head... the guard lets go, and he is able to spit out another sentence* Yes, they will... they will see me for someone loyal to these people, and their queen... You on the other hand will be found to be a group of power hungry traitors... If I am not the one to show the people this, then perhaps she will... You will not dare to silence her to cover up your own foul ways...
[08-12:23] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: *If he left that would only cause her more pain, she squessed his hand weakly glad he too it she could see the horror in his eyes....*don't leave me Drae...
[08-12:24] f9c17, Haesanga: *not only that but he'd have a pissed off griffin chasing him. * Get some bandages... cloth strips, anything to stop the blood. *lays her down if possible, still pushing.*
[08-12:24] b18e0, Galean Arrowan : Perhaps you should be out there finding her before the people do find out that she is missing, instead of telling the people that you let her be kidnapped!
[08-12:24] b18e0, Galean Arrowan : ((eh, X last post0)
[08-12:24] 94295, Fae Council : *Galean might be surprised at what this corrupt council would dare to do. One of the guards gets fed up and goes to klunk Galean on the head to temporarly knock him out*
[08-12:25] 72f58, Bartuc : *she would have a bit of movement as she is not cruely shackled. Just securly.* Mayhaps. Unles you enjoy the company of Barrow wights. And here you shall remain until you decide to be honest with us.
[08-12:25] b18e0, Galean Arrowan : *his head drops suddenly as he goes blank and is knocked out*
[08-12:25] 94295, Fae Council : ((Yeah, he'd have not had a chance to say all of that. hehe))
[08-12:27] a9340, Eradrae Baenre : *he looks around, then freeing his hand from sorchas he grabbed his knife and cut a long stirp of material from the bottom of his cloak. and handed it to Haesanga as he put his knife back in his boot. Taking Sorchas hand again he squeezes it, praying to any god that would listen that she would be okay - his god had abandoned him, he could no longer pray to her.*
[08-12:28] b18e0, Galean Arrowan : ((*thinks he should get the moon elves to do a US on the fae, just like what happened in Iraq with the new interim government*))
[08-12:28] 94295, Mab Fairy Queen : but I have been honest. *her pride perhaps, she doesn't want to tell them now until she has smugly escaped this barrow, if she can.* at least here and there. *she notes the food and looks up at him* Any natural sedatives or poisons I should be aware of in this? *gestures to the food*
[08-12:28] 72f58, Bartuc : ((go in and kill people yo umean?))
[08-12:29] a9340, Eradrae Baenre : (*Agrees with bartuc*)
[08-12:29] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: *She lays down as directed looking at Drae, keeping hold of his hand she sighed she knew even if it was his weapon it wasn't his fault she got in the way..*
[08-12:29] b18e0, Galean Arrowan : ((only the corrupt council... no "accidents" can happen, cause the elves don't have any explosives or machine guns, or access to high-tech weaponry))
[08-12:30] f9c17, Haesanga: *nods as he takes it, carefully folding up* We ned a healer now, a cleric of somesort.
[08-12:30] b18e0, Galean Arrowan : ((*is Australian, and hates Bush, and his father*))
[08-12:30] f9c17, Haesanga: ((do you have floating ships? Drop rocks on them. Big Rocks. The size of Volkswagens))
[08-12:31] b18e0, Galean Arrowan : ((nope, no floating ships... rocks would weigh down the ships anyway))
[08-12:31] b18e0, Galean Arrowan : ((no access to helium anyway))
[08-12:31] a9340, Eradrae Baenre : *He looks hopelessly to Haesanga.* I am no healer... If I go try to find one, they might ask to see beneath my hood, and few would follow the word of a Drow elf...
[08-12:31] 72f58, Bartuc : One days worth of food and 3 of water. Thats all you get. Maybe more water. But not until you tell us why you are here.((Supports bush and his father))
[08-12:31] f9c17, Haesanga: ((Catapult then))
[08-12:31] 94295, Fae Council : *the guards take Galean and shackle him to two pillars in a very public place, leaving the gag on him so he can't spread more of his "lies" to the public. A guard reads an announcement* [For failure to protect the queen and possible conspiracy to kidnap, this man stands here condemned] *and Galean might could use some form of rescue, which could be exciting, anyone available to in the near future?*
[08-12:32] b18e0, Galean Arrowan : ((Trebuchets could possibly be used... hmm...))
[08-12:32] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: *she begins to painc a little maybe shock setting in*please don't leave me please!
[08-12:32] 72f58, Bartuc : (If mab cooperates a legion of horse men perhaps *eg*))
[08-12:33] f9c17, Haesanga: ((I would rescue if I found a way to get there, and find out what happens))
[08-12:33] b18e0, Galean Arrowan : ((good idea... Mab, spill your guts and return, just as Galean is being beaten to death))
[08-12:33] f9c17, Haesanga: *nods at Drae and guestures him down* Stay here with her. I will fetch one. *he states *Push down hard there... it may hurt her a bit, but if she looses more blood, it wont matter.
[08-12:33] a9340, Eradrae Baenre : (*saving his escape from Rua until the attack.)
[08-12:34] b18e0, Galean Arrowan : *he struggles, trying to spit out the gag, with no luck so far*
[08-12:34] f9c17, Haesanga: ((I'll help! Just send word! Somehow...))
[08-12:34] 94295, Mab Fairy Queen : Oh dear, the starvation tactic? *she sounds and looks bored* ((I meant someone else. Mab's not gonna spill her gutts. Please. She has too much pride for that.))
[08-12:34] JOIN: Lan has entered.
[08-12:34] b18e0, Galean Arrowan : *oh, and comes to, just as the announcement is being read*
[08-12:34] JOIN: Lan has entered.
[08-12:35] f9c17, Haesanga: ((*leaps up and down like a hyperactive Border collie* Mee! me! Me!))
[08-12:35] 1591b, Lan: Hey everyone!
[08-12:35] 72f58, Bartuc : You prefer torture then? It is simple but effective. Or we could drug you. Either way you are going to be here a long time in the darkness.
[08-12:36] f9c17, Haesanga: ((*boingg... boingg... boingg...*))
[08-12:36] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: (hi)
[08-12:37] 94295, Mab Fairy Queen : I'm not afraid of the dark. *doesn't say anything about torture. She doesn't think he could hurt her anyway*
[08-12:37] a9340, Eradrae Baenre : *He slowly moves over and takes the cloth. Tearing another piece of cloth from his cloak he stares at Sorcha, how could she still love him? He could have killed her! He quickly removed the cloth Haesanga had placed on her wound and began wrapping her wound tightly with the new cloth, tying it behind her shoulder so that it would stay in place.*
[08-12:38] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: *she looks up at him and then Haesanga, she begins to shiver closing her eyes*
[08-12:39] f9c17, Haesanga : *morphs again and takes off to find a cleric... hopefully there's one left in the city??*
[08-12:40] MSG: Galean Arrowan sent a message to Mab Fairy Queen.
[08-12:40] 72f58, Bartuc : *shrugs* Good.
[08-12:41] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[08-12:41] a9340, Eradrae Baenre : Don't close your eyes! *He knew that if she fell asleep she might not wake up. Leaning over her he beings to rub his hands up and down her arms to warm her up, careful to avoid comign to close to her injured shoulder. In a nearly innaudible voice he speaks.* I... I'm sorry... So..rcha...
[08-12:41] MSG: Mab Fairy Queen sent a message to Galean Arrowan.
[08-12:42] f9c17, Haesanga : *finds a hiding cleric, drags him kicking out of the hiding spot and carts him to Sorcha*
[08-12:42] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: *she opens her eyes again slowly looking at him*sssh*she says quietly*...i'll be okay...
[08-12:42] MSG: Galean Arrowan sent a message to Mab Fairy Queen.
[08-12:43] f9c17, Haesanga : ((Seriouslyu. Can I help rescue Galean after lunch?))
[08-12:43] a9340, Eradrae Baenre : (Hmm... I thought there weren't allowed to be NPC healers?)
[08-12:43] f9c17, Haesanga : ((maybe a loyal Mab supporter fae comes to get help for Galean))
[08-12:44] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[08-12:44] 94295, Fae Council : *and with pain wands and whips they commence with beating poor Galean. They give him a good beating to begin with, but will give him several more strikes every hour, on the hour until Mab is returned. They also send word of their accusations and Galean's "treachery" to Galean's people, via currier, professing their outrage at what he has supposedly done*
[08-12:44] f9c17, Haesanga : ((My mistake. got a better idea?))_
[08-12:44] 1591b, Lan Mandragoran : *shuffles through the documents at his desk, and is reminded that he will be leaving on a delegation to sometime soon...*
[08-12:44] 94295, Fae Council : ((I'm okay with it if Galean is, Haesanga))
[08-12:45] a9340, Eradrae Baenre : (No... Hmm... this could be a problem...)
[08-12:45] b18e0, Galean Arrowan : ((the people have no idea that the council are corrput... they are all for the beating that Galean is about to receive... anyway, I have big plans for what is about to happen in regards to Galean...))
[08-12:46] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: (wrap it up and hope for the best?)
[08-12:46] a9340, Eradrae Baenre : (IS there anyone in with healing powers or a healing potion of somesort?)
[08-12:46] f9c17, Haesanga : ((that works, and we can always ask around later))
[08-12:46] f9c17, Haesanga : ((Awww*sniff* I NEVER get to rescue people *sulk*))
[08-12:46] b18e0, Galean Arrowan : ((*has healing powers* I'm a little tied up.......nevermind...))
[08-12:46] a9340, Eradrae Baenre : (We could but the would wouldn't fully heal and Sorcha wouldn't be able to use her one arm.)
[08-12:46] 94295, Mab Fairy Queen : *she smirks at him.* I'm glad we understand each other. You will get no information from me.
[08-12:47] b18e0, Galean Arrowan : ((I'll create a character that will get kidnapped by the ghouls, then just as you're about to rescue him, the ghouls kill him... how about that? *has to find a way to get rid of the character Vince created for him*))
[08-12:47] a9340, Eradrae Baenre : (, well Galean, whenever your free come down to , I'd help in Galeans rescue but it doesn't make sense for my character.)
[08-12:47] f9c17, Haesanga : ((We can wrap it for now and go find someone to heal her.))
[08-12:48] 94295, Mab Fairy Queen : ((There are unicorns in Rua right now, but I don't have time to play one right now))
[08-12:48] a9340, Eradrae Baenre : (K, its already wrapped.)
[08-12:48] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: (proberly wrapped)
[08-12:48] b18e0, Galean Arrowan : *after the first beatings, blood runs out the side of his mouth, and down the side of his face, soaking into the gag*
[08-12:48] MSG: Haesanga sent a message to Galean Arrowan.
[08-12:48] 72f58, Bartuc : ((sounds okay to ghouls)) *luaghes and walks out takign the latenr with him*
[08-12:49] a9340, Eradrae Baenre : (Hmm, do u think we could bring one in as an NPC and say it was a character?)
[08-12:50] 94295, Fae Council : *some spectators watch, most only watch a little while, feeling he deserved it, but having no taste for the spectacle. After the first couple hours, the only onlookers are those who are passing by about their business anyway*
[08-12:50] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: (no cos thats cheating)
[08-12:50] MSG: Galean Arrowan sent a message to Haesanga.
[08-12:50] 94295, Fae Council : ((You can't use NPC healers, nope. Dats a rule))
[08-12:50] 94295, Fae Council : ((Too lame, easy and convenient that way))
[08-12:51] MSG: Haesanga sent a message to Galean Arrowan.
[08-12:51] a9340, Eradrae Baenre : (K, Drae has been taught how to wrap bandages and stuff, living in the underdark he sorta had to know, but mind you the only thing wrapped around her arm is a strip of his cloak.)
[08-12:51] 1591b, Lan: Hey, Mab... It is ok if I take ove r
[08-12:51] 1591b, Lan: Right? If I do it legally IC...?
[08-12:52] 94295, Mab Fairy Queen : *as he moves to walk out, she springs forward the moment his back is turned and attempts to throw the chain of her wrist shackles over his head and around his neck*
[08-12:52] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: *she closes her eyes again gently leaning against him*
[08-12:52] f9c17, Haesanga : *can't find anyone, returns soon after and pulls out his medical kit* I can't find any... this should help al ittle bit.
[08-12:52] 94295, Mab Fairy Queen : *granted, she gives no thought to her landing, hoping to use him to brace herself on as well, given that her ankles are also shackled*
[08-12:53] JOIN: xyva has entered.
[08-12:53] MSG: Galean Arrowan sent a message to Haesanga.
[08-12:53] 72f58, Bartuc : *hears the clank of chains and as she would do so he would catch her by the chains and shoulder throw her onto the stone floor*
[08-12:53] a9340, Eradrae Baenre : *Still trembling he moves out of the way for Haesanga, his hands were not steady enough to properly wrap bandages...*
[08-12:53] MSG: Haesanga sent a message to Galean Arrowan.
[08-12:54] 94295, Mab Fairy Queen : ((Yeah, if you do it legally IC, you can, but ya gotta wait until after the 11th, because that is the chance I'm giving all the kingdom leaders except the dwarves which have already been NPC usurped))
[08-12:54] f9c17, Haesanga: *uses the medical kit to the best of his abilities*
[08-12:54] b18e0, Galean Arrowan : *on the second hour, they keep whipping him so much, that the hard whip snaps across his back ... he doesn't have the luxury of the chainmail, so the back of his shirt is completely covered in blood... and you can tell that it is blood because his shirt was white*
[08-12:55] 94295, Mab Fairy Queen : *growls at him and lunges for his feet to try and trip him. Okay, she hasn't had too many experiences with having to escape, it only being a recent occurance for her, one time before this and this time*
[08-12:55] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: *she was falling asleep against him so when he moves she moves*
[08-12:55] 1591b, Lan: Ok... Well, then... When the 11th rolls around, Lan is sending a delegation... Mwahahahaha!
[08-12:56] 72f58, Bartuc : *hops back ward out of reach* Well well. Little vyseal has a little fire in her after all. Waht are you hoping to accomplish Outlander?
[08-12:57] c6c97, xyva: *test*
[08-12:57] 94295, Fae Council : *and player doesn't know where to go with this until someone comes to rescue Galean, so they keep at it, not enough to kill him, because the do fear a little that to do that could bring war, but enough to cause him great pain*
[08-12:57] a9340, Eradrae Baenre : *he looks to Haesanga and mouths the words 'thank you'. He moves to pick Sorcha up in his arms.* She needs sleep... I'll take her to the glimmering in... that's where we're - *he pauses thinking on that, then, apparantly deciding he couldn't stay with her after what he'd done he changes his mind.* That's where she's staying. You're welcome to accompany us.
[08-12:57] 94295, Fae Council : ((hehe, Okay, Lan))
[08-12:58] f9c17, Haesanga: *nods* I will. There is still danger in this city. The Glimmering in is warded form the dangers* Lets him lead*
[08-12:58] 1591b, Lan Mandragoran : *in the meantime, arranges for troops to be sent north and around the lakes to claim the land in the name of *
[08-12:58] f9c17, Haesanga: ((what's the link to the map again?))
[08-12:59] 72f58, Bartuc : ((*ponders on gargoyle kingdom*))
[08-12:59] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: *she opens her eyes a little as shes picked up hearing him change what he said*..don't leave me*she whispesr looking up at him*
[08-13:00] 1591b, Lan Mandragoran : (( go to hot spots and click on the bettenchi map link at the top ))
[08-13:00] a9340, Eradrae Baenre : *He pauses, not answering Sorcha.* Do you think you could grab my scimitars for me? *he stand up, Sorcha in his arms.*
[08-13:00] b18e0, Galean Arrowan : *after a while, he faints from the pain and loss of blood... blood is almost running off the edge of the platform he is on, the beatings have been so intense... and he has been swallowing his own blood since he can't spit out the blood that's been coming up from his insides*
[08-13:00] 94295, Mab Fairy Queen : *looks up at him from her resulting sprawled on the floor position* Oh, I was just thinking about overcoming you and escaping. You don't mind, do you? ((Link to the map is in the hot spots and at the beginning of the announcements)) *she quickly crawls forward to grab his ankles if she can. Mann, she's bad without magic. heh*
[08-13:00] f9c17, Haesanga: ((Galean? ))
[08-13:01] c6c97, xyva: its on the hotspots thread
[08-13:01] 72f58, Bartuc : *snap kicks her in the face* Your welcome to try.
[08-13:01] b18e0, Galean Arrowan : ((sorry, didn't see the message))
[08-13:02] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: *tears begin to run down her cheeks* don't leave me*she repeats whispering*
[08-13:02] MSG: Galean Arrowan sent a message to Haesanga.
[08-13:02] f9c17, Haesanga: ((*grumbles*))
[08-13:03] MSG: Haesanga sent a message to Galean Arrowan.
[08-13:03] f9c17, Haesanga: *picks them up obligingly, looking at Sorcha* He wont leave you.
[08-13:03] MSG: Galean Arrowan sent a message to Haesanga.
[08-13:03] 94295, Mab Fairy Queen : *as he goes to snap kick her, she reacts just as quickly to dart her face to the side and try and loop her chain around his heel to try and get a hold and trip him up*
[08-13:04] MSG: Haesanga sent a message to Galean Arrowan.
[08-13:05] 72f58, Bartuc : *as she tries to do that he counters by grabbing the chains in his hands and hualing her upright*
[08-13:05] MSG: Galean Arrowan sent a message to Haesanga.
[08-13:05] MSG: Haesanga sent a message to Galean Arrowan.
[08-13:06] f9c17, Haesanga: ((I should've made Haes a healer))
[08-13:06] b18e0, Galean Arrowan : *and fade out as Galean keeps getting mercilessly beaten up every hour on the hour* *GONE, unless Mab is escaping...*
[08-13:07] 72f58, Bartuc : ((mab isn't going anywhere))
[08-13:08] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: *she looks up at Drae..knows Haesanga won't but now it was Drae she was worried about..didn't care for her arm...she cared for him*don't leave me Drae*she says quietly*
[08-13:08] b18e0, Galean Arrowan : *...okay, is GONE then* ((I'm gonna use this opportunity to go to bed. g'night all))
[08-13:08] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: (night!)
[08-13:09] 94295, Mab Fairy Queen : Rrr! *as she is hauled upright. She'd kick him, if it weren't for the ankle shackles. Instead she just glares at him. She actually has some respect for him thus far, but wants more information, information she feels she could not get if he knew who she was. Her pride, also, she can't have him thinking, upon finally finding out who she is, that she wasn't powerful enough to get out of this situation. So, she is challenged. Her glare is a "bring it on" glare*
[08-13:09] a9340, Eradrae Baenre : *He didn't answer either of them, tears once again running freely down his own cheeks. He had sworn not to fight for the very reason they were having that conversation, but he had come to accept it as a fact - no matter what he did, the violence would follow him, there'd always be someone trying to kill him, and he'd have to fight or he would die. How could he stay when he knew that simply by being around Sorcha he was putting her life in danger?*
[08-13:10] f9c17, Haesanga: *Stares at Drae hard, as though daring him to upset Sorcha further.* ((I Need to get going.))
[08-13:10] EXIT: Galean Arrowan has left the chat ( 2:08pm, July 08 (CDT) ).
[08-13:10] a9340, Eradrae Baenre : (K, good bye.)
[08-13:10] 94295, Mab Fairy Queen : *also, she can't have him thinking, for kingdom posturing purposes, that the fae's leader couldn't get out of this situation*
[08-13:10] f9c17, Haesanga: ((See you later... Haes will go with you till the inn))
[08-13:10] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: (seeya!)
[08-13:13] 72f58, Bartuc : *he glares back at her his eye had taken on that cold as sharpened steel gaze. then after a moment he would fling her back wards towards her water pitcher. Quite possibly knocking it over.* As far as I know you are a threat to my people. And that I will not tolerate *he begisn to circle her*
[08-13:13] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: *she closed her eyes hissing in pain as he moves and carries her to the inn, her eyes close her face etched in pain one of her wound another of the possibility of losing the one she loves*
[08-13:16] a9340, Eradrae Baenre : *He sighed, he would stay with her for now, but he planned to leave shortly after he knew she would be okay.* I wont leave you... *His hood up, he carries her through the inn careful not to draw any attention to himself. He proceeds up to their room and places her in one of the two beds turning to Haesanga and taking his swords.*
[08-13:17] 94295, Mab Fairy Queen : *she flies back and knocks over the pitcher. great. Some does remain inside where the pitcher is rounded, but not as much as she'd have liked to have to spare. She looks up at him with a "why you..." look as she rubs the back of her head with one shackled hand, having klunked her head on the pitcher in the process. When he circles around to where she cannot see him, she does not turn her head. She just gets up to her knees and straightens up all defiant and stuff, looking straight ahead until he would circle to where she can easily look him in the eye again. She puts on an emotionless mask*
[08-13:18] JOIN: xyva has entered.
[08-13:19] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: *she lays on the bed watcing him, her head ls to the side her eyes still open she weeps..why..cos she knows he isn't telling the truth...cos shes in pain...cos she has nothing else to do with all this sadness building up*
[08-13:19] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: rolls
[08-13:20] 72f58, Bartuc : Normally I admire a female with a bit of fire. It is an admrible trait that the water-weak "Civilized" peoples try to breed out. But such bull-headed stubborness....
[08-13:21] a9340, Eradrae Baenre : *Once again dropping his belt and armor to the floor he looks over to her.* Whats wrong?
[08-13:21] 94295, Mab Fairy Queen : What "spy" would be complete without it? *answers not looking at him*
[08-13:22] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: you..*she whispers* your going to leave me because of a mistake...i don't blame you for this i blame myself...i don't want you to go*her eyes flicker to him*
[08-13:23] a9340, Eradrae Baenre : *he looks at her.* How was it your fault? *he tilts his head, a sad look crossing his face*
[08-13:23] 72f58, Bartuc : Indeed. And what do your people do with spys hmmm?
[08-13:24] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: Because i stepped in to help you in the fight whilst you were in that trance...i shouldn't have...*she closes her eyes tightly as she moves herself to look at him*
[08-13:26] 94295, Mab Fairy Queen : If I told you that, it might give you a clue as to who my people are. Nice try. *allows herself a tiny smug smile, which she erases from her face shortly after, still looking forward*
[08-13:27] a9340, Eradrae Baenre : *he bites his lip heavilly sitting down on the bed beside her.* You couldn't have known... Don't blame yourself. *he sighs heavilly.*
[08-13:27] JOIN: Liz has entered.
[08-13:28] 6df9d, Liz: Hello
[08-13:28] c6c97, xyva: hey
[08-13:28] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: *she looks at him her eyes sofening..* i don't blame you*she reaches a hand out to touch his shoulder* (hey liz)
[08-13:29] 72f58, Bartuc : You assume I know that much about your peoples as to know their disposal techinques.*he paces around behind her again*
[08-13:31] 94295, Mab Fairy Queen : It is a possibility. I do not know what spies you might have out there. I can't take the chance.
[08-13:31] a9340, Eradrae Baenre : *he closes his eyes, letting her hand touch his shoulder. He closes his eyes tightly, then leans backward so that he's staring at the ceiling, using her legs like a pillow*
[08-13:31] 94295, Mab Fairy Queen : ((Hi Liz))
[08-13:32] 72f58, Bartuc : Spies? Feh! You insult us. *he does seem fairly insulted as he walks towards the door*
[08-13:32] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[08-13:32] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 2:32pm, July 08 (CDT) ).
[08-13:32] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: *she watches him keeping her hand on his shoulder* i love you*she whispers*
[08-13:33] 6df9d, Liz: Everyone's busy *pouts*
[08-13:33] 94295, Mab Fairy Queen : You don't use spies? I don't think that very wise on your part. *shuffles to her feet as he heads to the door*
[08-13:34] a9340, Eradrae Baenre : *He kept his eyes closed, his heart fluttering wildly. And though he had wanted to hear those words, he knew that they would mean nothing good...* I love you to...
[08-13:35] 72f58, Bartuc : Wh yspy on someone ten thousand miles away?
[08-13:36] 94295, Mab Fairy Queen : Who is ten thousand miles away? I'm right here. *standing now*
[08-13:37] 72f58, Bartuc : *he doesn't repond as he scoops up the lantern and reaches for hte door*
[08-13:37] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: *she puts a hand to her shoulder....*never felt this before*she whispers*
[08-13:38] 94295, Mab Fairy Queen : *takes a couple steps to follow him, the room not being that large. She then goes into a slide aimed to sweep his legs, very unexpectedly*
[08-13:39] 72f58, Bartuc : *again hears the clank of chains and side steps out of the way...then kicks at her side*
[08-13:40] a9340, Eradrae Baenre : *he nods absently, slowly falling asleep, it had been a long emotional night and he'd barely slept at all...*
[08-13:41] 94295, Mab Fairy Queen : *curls around the kick with a grunt of pain, but tries to grab his extended leg and pull him over*
[08-13:41] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: *she watches him fall asleep and she gently moves, biting her lip so not to make a sound she covers him up then lays next to him*
[08-13:41] 72f58, Bartuc : *fals delibratly onto her, and tries to smash her cheek wiht an armored elbow*
[08-13:44] 94295, Mab Fairy Queen : *moves her head aside, but does get pinned, the elbow would hit the floor a fraction of a centimeter before her eyes. Is on her back, luckily, and tries to swing both her legs up to loop around his neck. Wheeee! Grappling!! The fun!*
[08-13:44] a9340, Eradrae Baenre : *He stirs slightly, speaking in an urgent tone.* Lillith... *he says something thats either unintelligible or in another language and it sounds as though he is very angry. then it stops for a short while and continues again.* They're going to destroy it? *long pause.* Drax!
[08-13:44] 94295, Mab Fairy Queen : *to loop the chain of her ankle shackles around his neck, rather*
[08-13:45] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: *she blinks looking to him as he shouts she strokes his cheek softly* shss my love sleep..
[08-13:46] 72f58, Bartuc : *leans forward so that he is laying almost flat on her so she can't as his neck is nearly flush with her body then he would bring that arm for a short powerful punch into her ribs, and would grind the metal stars on the knuckles into it*
[08-13:47] a9340, Eradrae Baenre : *After a moment more of mubling he stops and sleeps away the rest of the night peacfully.*
[08-13:48] 94295, Mab Fairy Queen : Aaah! *she tries to bring her shackled hands to swing sideways to the side of his head, if she can manuever them around, and she thrashes with the rest of her body to try and throw him off*
[08-13:48] 94295, Mab Fairy Queen : *got it good in the ribs, btw. S'why she cried out*
[08-13:49] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: *she stays awake watching him blood begining to seep through the make shift bandages, tears still fall down her cheeks..loves him so..but shes going to lose him...*
[08-13:49] 72f58, Bartuc : erg! *gets hit i nthe head and he rolls off....and is grinning* Feisty aren't you
[08-13:50] 94295, Mab Fairy Queen : *in a lot of pain from the punch to the ribs, she still lunges to get the upper hand over him and get on top of him, aiming to whack him in the face with her shackle chains as she does so* You don't know the half of it.
[08-13:51] a9340, Eradrae Baenre : *err... sleeping.*
[08-13:52] MSG: Sorcha Lidil sent a message to Eradrae Baenre.
[08-13:52] 72f58, Bartuc : *she would leap right inot another one of those punches as he squirms aside*
[08-13:53] MSG: Eradrae Baenre sent a message to Sorcha Lidil.
[08-13:54] MSG: Sorcha Lidil sent a message to Eradrae Baenre.
[08-13:54] 94295, Mab Fairy Queen : *grunts as she gets punched again and is getting that challenged kind of angry. She whips her legs around, again together, to try and pin his down and then roll on top of him, hoping to land her hand shackle chains on his throat with her hands on either side to pin him at her mercy*
[08-13:54] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: *She slowly drifts to sleep against him completly tired and drained*
[08-13:57] 72f58, Bartuc : *she would manage to get those chains over his legsbut he would grab her hands and hold them away from his throat* Still at it hmm?
[08-13:59] 94295, Mab Fairy Queen : I'm bull-headed and stubborn, remember? *panting and alive, she glares at him from her halfway, but not quite on him, not successful in pinning him position*
[08-14:00] a9340, Eradrae Baenre : *he wakes up in the morning with her beside him, still asleep, the sun is just beginning to peek through the window to sting his eyes. He didn
[08-14:00] a9340, Eradrae Baenre : *he didn't want to move in case of waking her.*
[08-14:00] 72f58, Bartuc : I see. *he would lurch sideways at the same time throwign her arms sidways so as to roll on top of her....then he would attempt to wrap her own chains about her throat*
[08-14:01] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: *she sleeps on her dark curls hiding her face from view a gently breathing emits from her*
[08-14:04] a9340, Eradrae Baenre : *he sat there for a long time closing his eyes against the stinging rays of sun, then eventually, he got out of the bed, trying not to wake her. He then moved silently over to his armor and weapons.*
[08-14:04] 94295, Mab Fairy Queen : *didn't know they were long enough to wrap about. She wouldn't hold still for that, but if he means that the chain is stretched across her throat with her hands pinned to the floor at either side of her shoulders, then he would be successful. She attempts to knee him you know where as the chain presses on her throat*
[08-14:04] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: *she simpers in pain as she moves and opens her eyes* Drae*she calls out*
[08-14:06] 72f58, Bartuc : *meant the second thing yes. grunts in pain and leans harder on the chains and her throat. his armor saved him from the worst of it but DAMN that hurts*
[08-14:06] a9340, Eradrae Baenre : *he turned around, looking at her.* What is it Sorcha? *He faked a smile, guilt overwhelming him, though he didn't show it.*
[08-14:07] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: Where are you going*she whispers trying to sit up looking to him doesn't look like she had sleep*
[08-14:07] 94295, Mab Fairy Queen : *resists the urge to put up her shield, wanting to get out of this the non-magic way and, gagging some, goes to knee him again. payback for the rib punching*
[08-14:08] a9340, Eradrae Baenre : *he replies, in all honesty.* I was going to get some food, I thought you'd be hungry when you woke up - you could use some new bandages as well...
[08-14:09] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: *she nods looking at her shoulder she looks to him as she slowly sits up tears of pain as she grits her teeth* i thought i could put up with his
[08-14:09] 72f58, Bartuc : *kneels on her stomach so she can't knee him again. Now he slides one hand directly onto her throat and begisn to squeeze...adding to the chaisn pressure*
[08-14:09] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: this
[08-14:12] 94295, Mab Fairy Queen : gack. *looks up at him nervously, but with anger. The hand that he'd have had to release to do that goes to grasp at his choking hand, trying to pull it away from her throat. Failing that, she'd look for a sensitive spot within her extremely limited reach and start pounding on it*
[08-14:12] a9340, Eradrae Baenre : *he shakes his head.* The bandages are soaked through, they won't do. I'll be right back, you'll pass out soon if you don't eat, you've lost a lot of blood. *with that he puts his armor and weapons on and heads down stairs.
[08-14:13] 94295, Mab Fairy Queen : *if she can reach a nerve spot, all the better and she'd go for it*
[08-14:13] 72f58, Bartuc : *she at this poitn has little leverage and he just leans harder on her throat and his scale coat (closed) keeps him well protected*
[08-14:16] JOIN: Hulkdogs has entered.
[08-14:16] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: *she watches him go and slumps back down on the bed closing her eyes*
[08-14:16] 94295, Mab Fairy Queen : Mmmph...gack..*she squirms and flails and again goes to pull his hand from her throat. She also puts up her shield, but tries to do it in a way that doesn't make it obvious. She is annoyed with herself that she failed to protect herself without magic too. Feels defeated in that regard. So wanted to beat him, shackled and unarmoured as she is, by her own right. hehe.*
[08-14:17] 72f58, Bartuc : (would that keep you from loosing conusness becasue of okygen dyprivation?))
[08-14:17] 72f58, Bartuc : ((passing out I mean))
[08-14:18] 94295, Mab Fairy Queen : ((Yup, but Bartuc wouldn't know that. *has a plan*))
[08-14:18] 72f58, Bartuc : *just stays right on her*
[08-14:19] b73ef, Hulkdogs: (( pic test ))
[08-14:19] a9340, Eradrae Baenre : *he comes back several minutes later with a plate of steaming, spiced patatoes, and a slab of some sort of meat. In his other hand are bandages. Walking over to her he placed the plate on her lap.* Eat first, I can do the bandages later...
[08-14:19] b73ef, Hulkdogs: i cant see advatar
[08-14:19] a9340, Eradrae Baenre : (brb... late lunch...)
[08-14:20] b73ef, Hulkdogs: ** runs off**
[08-14:21] 72f58, Bartuc : ((hmm mabby I am runnign out of time))
[08-14:21] JOIN: Rhaz Malek has entered.
[08-14:22] 49b74, Rhaz Malek: *Sits alone at the tavern, singing quietly to himself* Give me a kiss to build a dream on, and my imagination will drive upon that kiss. Mm, sweetheart, I ask no more than this. A kiss to build a dream on. Give me a kiss before you leave me, and my imagination will feed my hungry heart. Mm, leave me, one thing before we part. A kiss to build a dream on.
[08-14:22] 94295, Mab Fairy Queen : *she looks up at him, defiant, trying not to smirk and give herself away. She then thinks of something, rolls her eyes back and lets herself relax, closing her eyes. No sooner does she do this, than her shield goes down, to her annoyance and surprise, but hopefully not before her very excellent performance does its trick, because her thinking of the plan, caused her magic to give out, because it would ultimately result in her escape if successful, that darn curse*
[08-14:22] 6df9d, Liz: I need help
[08-14:22] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: *shes passed out...*
[08-14:23] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: (wahts the matter liz?)
[08-14:23] 49b74, Rhaz Malek: When I'm alone with my fancies, I'll be with you. Weavin' romances, and making believe they're true. Oh, give me your lips for just a moment. And my imagination will make that moment live, mm, give me what you alone can give. A kiss to build a dream on.
[08-14:23] JOIN: HulkDogs has entered.
[08-14:24] f9c17, Haesanga: ((back))
[08-14:25] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: *she yells in pain as shes woken up again as she moved is upstairs in the tavern*
[08-14:25] 72f58, Bartuc : *keeps a grip for a few moments more. then he slaps her to test. If she is really out....she shouldn't flinch or react or thats what he is thinking*
[08-14:27] 94295, Mab Fairy Queen : *drat. flinches* (know ya gotta go. trying, but I gotta play her right. She'd likely not be able to get up after him though, at least not fast enough in her present condition0
[08-14:28] 72f58, Bartuc : ((no worries))* He notices this and smashes her across the face once then gets up and walks towards the door again picking up the lantern*
[08-14:28] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: (wb)
[08-14:29] f9c17, Haesanga: *snorts and sits up. He'd been dozing nearby* Sorcha?
[08-14:29] 81325, Ashe : ((*all creepy like* I'm watching all of you....))
[08-14:30] 94295, Mab Fairy Queen : *gets a bruised cheek from this and a cracked rib. groans, but has no engergy to get up at this time. Rolls to one side and curls up. She's embarrassed at her failure more than anything, but is in pain as well*
[08-14:30] JOIN: Z has entered.
[08-14:31] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: *tears run down her cheeks really isn't use to in so much pain she doesn't know what to do*
[08-14:31] 6df9d, Liz: Z!!! *tackles*
[08-14:31] 94c70, Z: *poofs in*
[08-14:31] 72f58, Bartuc : *he leaves the guards chuckle at his disheveled appearnce and make jokes about what they think happened.*
[08-14:31] 94c70, Z:
[08-14:31] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: (*creeped out..*)
[08-14:31] 94295, Mab Fairy Queen : (())
[08-14:32] 81325, Ashe : ((.....*creepy and echoing* I can see you....))
[08-14:32] f9c17, Haesanga: Sorcha? *purrs softly as he kneels beside her, moving to touch her UNINJURED shoulder*
[08-14:32] 94295, Mab Fairy Queen : *she hears the chuckling and jokes and isn't sure whether to be glad they're teasing him or embarrassed of what they think*
[08-14:33] 72f58, Bartuc : ((bye mabby....thanks for rp))
[08-14:33] 94295, Mab Fairy Queen : ((Twas fun, see ya))
[08-14:34] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: *she looks to him slowly* i never though i could hurt like this
[08-14:35] f9c17, Haesanga: *smiels softly down at her, feathered hair falling forwards* I think we never imagine it would hurt as much as it really does. Just lay quietly. Your friend is near... Dae, his name is?
[08-14:35] 1f0c9, HulkDogs: (( pic test))
[08-14:36] 6df9d, Liz: Poor Mab...
[08-14:36] JOIN: Lan has entered.
[08-14:36] 1591b, Lan: Hey...
[08-14:36] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: Drae*she says quiety*...just thought i would manage alot better then iam doing..i feel so weak..
[08-14:37] 6df9d, Liz: Garet!!!
[08-14:37] 1591b, Lan: Hey! How are you?
[08-14:38] 6df9d, Liz: Slightly less depressed then yesterday
[08-14:38] f9c17, Haesanga: *smiles and puts a scaly hand on her forehead gently* I know... just rest. Or you'll feel weaker. we'll get someone to help you
[08-14:39] 1591b, Lan: Thats good, I suppose...
[08-14:39] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: *she slowly lays back against the pillows, slipping her eyes closed*
[08-14:39] 94c70, Z: Hey Lan
[08-14:40] 6df9d, Liz: It is
[08-14:40] 1591b, Lan: Hey Z! *pounces, a bit late though...*
[08-14:40] 6df9d, Liz: Are you on long?
[08-14:40] 94c70, Z: hehe.
[08-14:41] f9c17, Haesanga: *nods* I'm making some stew. It'll help you feel better. Do youw ant some water?
[08-14:41] a9340, Eradrae Baenre : (back, sry bout that)
[08-14:41] 1591b, Lan: Maybe 20 min... then I have to go pick up my car from the shop and run some errands...
[08-14:41] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: (its okay)
[08-14:41] 1591b, Lan Mandragoran : *relaxing*
[08-14:41] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: Drae, has brought some food*she says quietly*
[08-14:41] 1f0c9, HulkDogs: wee my pic worked
[08-14:41] 6df9d, Liz: Aww.......when do you think you'll have time for a rp?
[08-14:42] 94c70, Ryavel : *Exploring some of the castle gardens and stuff.*
[08-14:42] NICK: Ashe changed nick to Travis.
[08-14:42] 81325, Travis : I'm watching you all my pretties.
[08-14:43] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: (*waves*)
[08-14:43] 1591b, Lan: Well, I could start one, and we can finish later... Heheheheh... Hi Travis...
[08-14:43] 6df9d, Liz: Will you be on again, later?
[08-14:43] 1591b, Lan Mandragoran : *relaxing... in the castle gardens*
[08-14:43] a9340, Eradrae Baenre : *he walks in, startled to find the griffon in the room. Bandages in his hand.* Oh, your here... Come to think of it... I don't know your name? *He walks over to the bed and sits down next to sorcha, his free hand moving to touch her cheek.*
[08-14:43] 81325, Travis : who are you and how do you know me? *eyes* Don't make me smite you with adminny powers
[08-14:44] 1591b, Lan: I should be...
[08-14:44] f9c17, Haesanga: *nods* Okay. *settles back again, shoulders hunched. *
[08-14:44] 6df9d, Liz: In how long? Because I have to go, but I'll be back in 45 mins
[08-14:44] 1591b, Lan: Heheheh... You registered me, and I was there when Mab gave you your adminny powers...
[08-14:44] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: *she opens her eyes looking to him a weak smile on her face brighter here features a little*
[08-14:45] 1591b, Lan: Probably about an hour...
[08-14:45] 94c70, Ryavel : (( *can RP with Lan if he likes* ))
[08-14:45] 1591b, Lan: Grrr... I'll be right back...
[08-14:45] 6df9d, Liz: I'll lurk around here..see you later
[08-14:45] EXIT: Liz has left the chat ( 3:45pm, July 08 (CDT) ).
[08-14:47] a9340, Eradrae Baenre : *he looks at her smiling.* can I take a look at the wound? It may be infected...
[08-14:47] 81325, Travis :!
[08-14:48] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: *she nods and slowly sits up*
[08-14:49] JOIN: HulkDogs has entered.
[08-14:50] 1f0c9, Hacken Fenishu: (( pic test ))
[08-14:50] f9c17, Haesanga: *moves to put a hand to her ch... shoulder.* stay laying down.
[08-14:50] 1591b, Lan: BEWARE... of what?
[08-14:50] f9c17, Haesanga: *smiles kindly* Trust me, it'll feel better.
[08-14:51] 1591b, Lan: And will RP for a few min...
[08-14:51] 81325, Travis : um...*looks around*...the BOX GHOST!
[08-14:52] 1591b, Lan Mandragoran : *notices Ryavel walking somewhere close, and watches her*
[08-14:53] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: *she lays down again*
[08-14:53] JOIN: lan has entered.
[08-14:53] a9340, Eradrae Baenre : *he slowly begins to unwrap the wound, careful not to cause her any pain - though he surely would have. After examing the wound, he speaks,* Its a minor infection, nothing major. *he looks to Haesanga* could you get me some rubbing alchohol?
[08-14:53] 94c70, Ryavel : *Moving silently, she glances in Lan's direction from time to time. She knew she should probably follow Galaldur's example, but she was still unsure of the sudden generousity of the human.*
[08-14:54] f9c17, Haesanga: *nods and looks over at Eradrae and raises an eyebrow* What? ((does RA exist here? ((
[08-14:54] 94295, Fahrena : *cameo or more, depending upon interest of other player* *She wakes from her sleep and rubs the sleep from her eyes. Winces as that reflexive movement jarrs her injured arm and hand, and opposite shoulder, as she'd forgotten they were injured. Breathing is painful for her, even, anything more than the most shallow and calmed breathes, because it causes her bruised sternum to expand and contract. The injury to her chest makes her lunges feel tight, even though the damage is mostly bruise and mostly surface damage*
[08-14:54] a9340, Eradrae Baenre : (oh wait.)
[08-14:54] f9c17, Haesanga: ((*keeps missing Drae's poses cause they're camoflaged*
[08-14:54] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: *she closes her eyes tightly biting down on her lip once more as if hurts her*
[08-14:54] f9c17, Haesanga: ((hot water is used IIRC ))
[08-14:55] a9340, Eradrae Baenre : (hot water then)
[08-14:55] 94295, Fahrena : ((What is RA?))
[08-14:56] 49b74, Rhaz Malek: ((Back))
[08-14:56] a9340, Eradrae Baenre : (rubbing alchohol)
[08-14:56] f9c17, Haesanga: *nods at that and pats Sorcha's shoulder* It will be over soon. *he states reasuringly, going to fetch some clean cloths and hot water, coming back with a kettle, bowl, and the cloths.*
[08-14:56] 49b74, Rhaz Malek: ((Where are you guys, Hae, Sor, and Era?))
[08-14:56] f9c17, Haesanga: ((and note, most minor infections wont be visible for a day at least, or more after the wound happens, since the germs have to have time to grow))
[08-14:56] 49b74, Rhaz Malek: ((Yeah, RA should exist. If not, people would just use high-proof whiskey))
[08-14:56] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: *she opens her eyes looking at him*! thats going to hurt! (upstairs in the tavern Rhaz)
[08-14:56] a9340, Eradrae Baenre : (In Drae and Sorchas room at the glimmering in.)
[08-14:57] f9c17, Haesanga: ((upstairs in the Glimmering Inn... and are you sure Rhaz? Rubbing Alcohol wasn't around in Mideval Times I'm pretty sure))
[08-14:57] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: (techincally they slept a bit Haesanga...)
[08-14:57] 94295, Fahrena : ((Yeah, they got RA))
[08-14:57] f9c17, Haesanga: The water is used to wet the cloths. We're not going to pour it on you, Sorcha. It'll be only nice and warm before it touches your skin.
[08-14:57] 1f0c9, Lando Trosni : (( Fahrena, is that char still in the cave with ah elven bow chick uh....artanis
[08-14:57] 1f0c9, Lando Trosni : ?))
[08-14:58] 94295, Fahrena : ((Yeah, they're still there, Lando))
[08-14:58] 1591b, Lan Mandragoran : *rises to his feet, and walks towards Ryavel* You have a greater suspicion of me than Galaldur.
[08-14:58] 94c70, Ryavel : (( Lando, yeah cuz we haven't had a chance to RP ))
[08-14:58] 1591b, Lan Mandragoran : Why is that?
[08-14:58] 49b74, Rhaz Malek: ((This isn't medieval, it's fantasy for crying out loud))
[08-14:59] f9c17, Haesanga: ((I'll wait for a mods' call on the RA for now. I dont think it would be around.))
[08-14:59] 49b74, Rhaz Malek: *He finishes off a fruit Silent Bobtail, which was about all he could afford with his pathetic finances. Making his way upstairs, he knocks gingerly upon the door to Sorcha's room, quirking an eyebrow at the sounds which come from inside*
[08-14:59] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: *she shakes her head* i don't want to be in more pain*she says looking scared*
[08-14:59] 94295, Fahrena : *of course, being reminded of these upper injuries, reminds her of all the rest and she groans* ((It's medieval in style, but yeah, it's fantasy. They gots RA))
[08-14:59] 1591b, Lan Mandragoran : (( Silent Bobtail ))
[08-15:00] a9340, Eradrae Baenre : *He sighs empathetically having had to endure the procedure several times in his time in the underdark, most of the time with much less caring people around him.* Its for the best, the infection could fester if we don't. If it festers it will be much more painful - maybe even fatal... *he takes one of the rags, ignoring the slight burning sensation of the hot water on his skin. He begins to rub it gently against Sorchas cut.*
[08-15:00] 94c70, Ryavel : *Looks at Lan for a moment.* I am more careful.
[08-15:00] 94295, Fahrena : ((Actually, the did have rubbing alcohol in medieval times, but it was in limited supply and only available for leet types who could afford to have an apothecary knowitall around))
[08-15:00] f9c17, Haesanga: *holds the water dish for Erandrae, dipping another cloth and wringing it out for the man ahead of time.* It will sting gently then feel good. *lets her hold his hand to crush it if he wants*
[08-15:01] 94295, Fahrena : the did = they did
[08-15:01] f9c17, Haesanga: ((really? Got a site? Not that I dont beleive you but I'm curious how they made it))
[08-15:01] 1f0c9, Lando Trosni : ** well then. has come back to the tree where he was wacthing fahrena and artanis the other day. had gone and retreived his cloak from where he was fighting artanis, so he may move in the day time.**
[08-15:01] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: *the door was partly open to Rhaz could proberly walk in, she grits her teeth balling her hands into fists*ooow
[08-15:01] 1591b, Lan Mandragoran : (( Grrr... b bak in 30 min... ))
[08-15:01] a9340, Eradrae Baenre : (umm... seeing as Drae doesn't have his hood up, he's not going to invite anyone in Rhaz)
[08-15:01] EXIT: Lan Mandragoran has left the chat ( 4:01pm, July 08 (CDT) ).
[08-15:02] 94c70, Artanis : *Having put out their fire and packed what little things she had with her when she hand ran into Fahrena, she moves overr to the Elven woman. WIth one hand she reaches down to touch her shoulder lightly.* Are you awake?
[08-15:02] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: (its her friend)
[08-15:02] f9c17, Haesanga: *takes Sorcha's hand* Shhh. It'll be over soon... what's your favourite color? *he doesnt' answer the door, distracting her*
[08-15:02] JOIN: Z has entered.
[08-15:02] a9340, Eradrae Baenre : *He runs his free hand along her stomach, trying to calm her.* Don't tense, it will only make it worse. (I know that but Drae doesnt and he'd still be wary of revealing his heritage.)
[08-15:03] 94295, Fahrena : *groans* Yes, unfortunately. *hurts always hurt the worst when you're first waking up and stirring*
[08-15:03] 49b74, Rhaz Malek: *Steps inside quietly, surprised at the sight of a wounded Sorcha* What the hell is going on here! *His hand move instinctively to his hip, towards a sword that doesn't exist. He pulls his fingertips away, remembering he has no weaponry*
[08-15:04] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: *she grips Haesanga's hand as it hurts her* green*she mutters and looks to Drae then Rhaz* Rhaz....its okay...there helping me don't panic
[08-15:04] 49b74, Rhaz Malek: moves*
[08-15:04] f9c17, Haesanga: *looks up as Rhaz steps in, his feathered shoulders bristling a bit as the birdman tenses, then relaxes again slowly* She was wounded in an accident. *doesn't mind the fierce grip*
[08-15:05] 49b74, Rhaz Malek: Panic is far from me at the moment. *He steps foward into the room* What kind of an accident was it?
[08-15:05] a9340, Eradrae Baenre : *he looks momentarily to Rhaz, a stunned expression covering his face, the fact that Drae was drow was probably the most alarming part of the thing. He winces as he asks the nature of the accident.*
[08-15:05] 94c70, Artanis : We should be moving on now.
[08-15:06] 1f0c9, Lando Trosni : ** leaps from his perch in his tree to another one, closer to the two women. when he lands, he almost falls when he trys to catch himself with the hand one the side of the injured shoulder. catchs himself with his good ar. pulls himself up with a low grunt**
[08-15:06] f9c17, Haesanga: A sparring accident *covers for both of them* I wasn't there to see it, but that is what was reported. *he whistles softly at Sorcha, a kind of buzzing sound, soothing*
[08-15:06] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: (has a room full of guys....)
[08-15:06] EXIT: Travis has left the chat ( 3:51pm, July 08 (CDT) ).
[08-15:07] 49b74, Rhaz Malek: *Definitely casts a wary glance towards Eradrae, but doesn't pay him much mind. The dark elf was helping, afterall, which puts him in place as an ally. Probably a friend of Sorcha's* She's in pain...I think I can set up an affinity, if one of you is willing to bear part of her pain. It should make it easier for her. *He offers*
[08-15:07] f9c17, Haesanga: ((Lucky Sorcha))
[08-15:07] 94295, Fahrena : Yes, I agree. *sits up suddenly, which was a mistake, sending her head reeling, but she didn't have more than light bruising in her stomach area. It was just that sitting up too fast effect. She uses the wall to brace herself, as she slides up it to her feet.* I need a staff or walking stick. It would make things easier.
[08-15:07] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: *her eyes slip a moment closing then opens them again as Drae would clean her wound, she looks to Rhaz* no this is mine...i don't want anyone hurting..
[08-15:08] 94295, Fahrena : *and is distracted, or would have heard the grunt, but Artanis might*
[08-15:08] 49b74, Rhaz Malek: Nonsense, Sorcha. *He says simply, before looking to the other two* Dark elves are good at handling pain...are you up for it?
[08-15:08] JOIN: Darrius Lokken has entered.
[08-15:08] f9c17, Haesanga: ((*decides, like some men are extremely hairy as apes, that Haes is 'feathery' in human form...))
[08-15:08] 1f0c9, Lando Trosni : (( DARRIUS ))
[08-15:08] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: (heh)
[08-15:08] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[08-15:09] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: No don't let him bear it!*she says sharply*
[08-15:09] MSG: Lando Trosni sent a message to Darrius Lokken.
[08-15:09] a9340, Eradrae Baenre : *Drae instantly volunteers, surly his years alone int he underdark would have put him through more pain then what he'd be put through by sharing Sorchas. He owed it to her in any case.* Set up the affinity between Sorcha and I.
[08-15:09] JOIN: Haesanga has entered.
[08-15:10] f9c17, Haesanga: *puts a hand on Sorcha's face to distract her * shhh... it will only be half for each of you. He will not bear it fully *he states, allowing the other man to... cause well, its HIS fault*
[08-15:11] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[08-15:11] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: Drae no*she looked to him* i won't let would make you feel worse*she blinks as Haesanga puts his hand on her face*
[08-15:11] 49b74, Rhaz Malek: *He lowers to one knee beside Sorcha and Eradrae* You both need to be touching me. I'm going to be kind of a conductor. *He lowers his face closer to Sorcha's for a moment, whispering comfortingly* You'll be fine, this isn't going to hurt him badly at all. I'll disperse the pain between the two of you, so it won't be hard on either one. Just be calm, you'll get through this just fine. *He grabs Sorcha by the arm and extends his left hand for Eradrae to take*
[08-15:11] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 4:11pm, July 08 (CDT) ).
[08-15:11] 94c70, Artanis : *Glances towards the entrance of the cave. She offers Fahrena a long rather straight stick that she had taken the time to ready for her while she slept.* Here. But wait here a moment. I think I heard something outside.
[08-15:12] JOIN: Darrius Lokken has entered.
[08-15:12] 94295, Fahrena : Alright. Thank you. *taking the walking stick and leaning on it*
[08-15:13] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: *she struggles not wanting no she wouldn't put anyone through it but struggling caused her pain and sent it though her that she crys out*no!
[08-15:13] a9340, Eradrae Baenre : *he nods.* Give me all the pain... I accidentally hurt her when we were sparring, I'm sure I can handle it.* he took rhazs hand, it would make him feel much better about it if Sorcha didn't have to bear the pain.*
[08-15:13] MSG: Darrius Lokken sent a message to Lando Trosni.
[08-15:13] 1f0c9, Lando Trosni : ** steadies himself on his new perch, has full few of the caves entrance. he doesnt plan on getting his bounty back till he is in better shape**
[08-15:13] f9c17, Haesanga: *holds Sorcha down firmly, but gently * Please, sorcha... we want to help *he states to her in soft, pleading tones, squeezing a little harder*
[08-15:14] 49b74, Rhaz Malek: *His brow furrows at Sorcha's resistance* It's either this, or I knock you out. *He gives a laugh to lighten the situation* Quit struggling, you'll hurt yourself. It will be fine, Sorcha...remember what you told me? You put others first before yourself, all the time...just this once, put Sorcha first. Please, you owe it to yourself.
[08-15:14] MSG: Lando Trosni sent a message to Darrius Lokken.
[08-15:15] 49b74, Rhaz Malek: I'm going to do it, whether you want me to or not. The more you don't want it, the harder it will be for me, and the more it's going to hurt Eradrae.
[08-15:15] 49b74, Rhaz Malek: ((Err, don't know his name))
[08-15:15] 49b74, Rhaz Malek: ((Switch 'Eradrae' to 'The Dark Elf'))
[08-15:16] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: *She stops, closing her eyes frowing*i remeber*she whispers*
[08-15:16] 94c70, Artanis : *Giving her a nod, she steps away. Her bow in her right hand as it was too long with the blades to carry on her back reasonably. She takes a step out of the cave and stops. As she stands there, her eyes glance over the area, looking for a number of different signs.*
[08-15:17] f9c17, Haesanga: *relaxes and pats Sorcha gently again and murmers so only she can hear, hunched over her head * Look at it this way... he'd probably beat himself up over this if he didn't get to help you, so this is helping him to keep him from hurting himself
[08-15:17] 49b74, Rhaz Malek: Good. *He says as her resistance stops* Now, I'm going to have to ask you to think about your pain. Calm your thoughts, but focus on where exactly it hurts. *He says, closing both of his eyes. A thin trickle of dark, coppery blood begins to flow from his nose*
[08-15:17] 94295, Fahrena : *is wearing and extremely ripped up, long to mid thigh length shirt and Artanis' cloak, having left her other clothes by the river. Great traveling clothes. heh. Has bandages tied all over hear and there from some source for bandages or other. Might be what happened to some of her clothes. Let's just say she got her boots somehow.*
[08-15:17] 94295, Fahrena : and = an
[08-15:17] 94295, Fahrena : hear = here
[08-15:18] 1f0c9, Lando Trosni : ** rearranges himself so that if artanis looks in his direction she would not see him so easily**
[08-15:19] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: *she focus on her pain where it is in her shoulder where she was stabbed she closes her eyes tightly*
[08-15:20] 94c70, Artanis : *She remains there for what might seem several minutes. Her gaze lingers on Lando for a couple of them. She may not have seen him with just a mere glance, but she knows better and is more careful than that knowing how well things can hide themselves out in the wild. She then turns and heads back into Fahrena.* Your friend is outside it seems.
[08-15:20] f9c17, Haesanga: *puts a hand on Sorcha's forehead again reassuringly*
[08-15:21] a9340, Eradrae Baenre : *He kept his hand resting on Sorchas stomach, his thumb carressing her slightly. He wanders if it will remove the infection as well.*
[08-15:21] 49b74, Rhaz Malek: *A vein pumps visibly on his forehead, and soon, Eradrae's shoulder would begin to throb and ache. The pain would be severe, as he attempts to give all of it to the drow in spite of what he had promised. He knew dark elves were tough from personal experience, and this one could probably handle it easy. The pain soars up Malek's right arm and into his chest, sweeping down in constant flow towards Eradrae, all of it in the form of psionic energy* If she stops breathing, let me know. I can make her lungs work if need be.
[08-15:23] 49b74, Rhaz Malek: All this will do, is ease her pain. Haes, please treat the wound and put bandages on it now while she's anesthetized by the affinity field.
[08-15:23] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: *she passes out under the reassurance from her friends in their company she couldn't be happier really...she feels drae's touch the most and she drifts*
[08-15:24] 94295, Fahrena : Oh no. *full of dread* What are we going to do?
[08-15:24] f9c17, Haesanga: *nods as he reaches up and with a flinch, yanks out a feather/hair from his head, holding it a few inches from her nose to make sure she was still breathing * Aye... *after making sure, puts it down nearby and carefully redresses the wound, patting it dry very gently with a cloth before wrapping it. He wasn't an expert but he's wrapped wounds before*
[08-15:24] 94295, Fahrena : ((That was such a cheesy line I just typed. "Oh my, what ever shall we do?" ))
[08-15:25] a9340, Eradrae Baenre : *He braces himself against the pain, yes it hurt, but he could handle it and without complaint. He indeed felt much better about his... 'slip' in the 'sparring incident'.* The wound will heal as normal? *he asked, despite the fact that the wound would never allow her shoulder to return to its maximum capacity again.*
[08-15:26] 49b74, Rhaz Malek: *Malek's head begins to throb, a massive headache forming right behind his eyes. He deals with it as he usually does, and to be honest, it isn't as bad as it usually is. The blood continues it's flow from his nose, and his face soon goes pale* It should heal like any wound normally would. We should get her to a priest, though, to make sure there is no permanent damage. Not sure how much longer I can keep this up. I'm starting to get numb.
[08-15:26] 1f0c9, Lando Trosni : ** remains in the tree. he has only a sword and 2 daggers. His crossbow was broken when he blocked an arrow that was skillfully released from artanis's bow**
[08-15:27] 94c70, Artanis : (( )) We can either stick it out here, or move on anyway. He wouldn't be wise to attack us, not in the condition he is in. *She grins a little satisfactorly.*
[08-15:27] f9c17, Haesanga: ((call me! I'll rescue you! *trumpets* ))
[08-15:29] a9340, Eradrae Baenre : *He frowns.* We couldn't find a priest, the wound will have permenent side effects unless its magically adressed... Can you transfer all of her pain to me? Shall we finish transfering the pain later?
[08-15:29] a9340, Eradrae Baenre : (note: Illithids rock... it mentions them in my characters storyline....)
[08-15:29] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: *she sleeps easily the pain not there as she sleep she is very gratefull to all of them..really is*
[08-15:30] 49b74, Rhaz Malek: Somebody give me a length of string, please. *He finds it easy now to transfer Sorcha's pain to Eradrae. Her unconscious state makes things oh-so-much simpler...maybe this was why the illithid had put their captives into a dreamworld of nightmares*
[08-15:30] 49b74, Rhaz Malek: ((Heh, yeah, they rock alright. Malek hates them for obvious reasons, tho))
[08-15:31] f9c17, Haesanga: *looks at Rhaz worriedly * Willow bark tea... I know that numbs pain, but not all the way. I was hoping to search out a cleric once we got her doctored and safe.
[08-15:32] a9340, Eradrae Baenre : *he looks to Haesanga, whos name he still does not know. Then he looks to Rhaz, I will feel her pain correct? so it will not change depending on how I move my arm? and if she gets hurt after the link is established will I feel it rather then her?
[08-15:32] 94295, Fahrena : Well, I'm for getting somewhere safer. I don't like sitting around feeling like I'm just waiting around for something to happen to me. *limps toward the cave mouth, leaning on her walking stick*
[08-15:33] f9c17, Haesanga: String string... *thinks, and reaches up a claw to his cape, pulling out the cord that was around the neck and hands it over* Is that long enough?
[08-15:33] a9340, Eradrae Baenre : (haesanga, Eradrae can't get the string without breaking the connection)
[08-15:33] a9340, Eradrae Baenre : (NM)
[08-15:34] 49b74, Rhaz Malek: Yes, that should do nicely. *He says to Haes, though his eyes are still closed* I'm not that powerful yet, drow. I need a conductor still, otherwise my affinity field will fail. Grab the cloak and lay the other end in her hand...once the connection breaks, the pain will be hers again, so make sure it's in contact with her skin at all times.
[08-15:34] b9a51, Lando Trosni : **stands up suddenly when he see's fahrena up and moving around. grunts again as the wound in his stomach has stress on it.**
[08-15:35] f9c17, Haesanga: ((*would help rescue Fah, but is already rescuing another maiden in distress. Too many maidens!))
[08-15:35] f9c17, Haesanga: ((I handed you the string from the cloak, not the cloak itself))
[08-15:36] 49b74, Rhaz Malek: ((Err, string, rather. Not cloak, ehehe))
[08-15:36] a9340, Eradrae Baenre : *With hsi one hand he grabs the string and ties it around her finger, with his nimble fingers, an odd feat to witness, the tieing of a string with one hand. Then he motions to the griffon.* tie it about my finger.
[08-15:37] a9340, Eradrae Baenre : (Hmm... is it just physical pain or we he feel her sadness too?)
[08-15:38] f9c17, Haesanga: *takes the string and does so, claws easily maneuvering it. * There... ntot too tight?
[08-15:38] a9340, Eradrae Baenre : *he nods, biting back the pain, though one could never tell he was in any pain at all.*
[08-15:38] 49b74, Rhaz Malek: *Malek's hands slowly move from Eradrae and Sorcha, to the string linking them. He transfers the affinity field and then lets go, his eyes opening. He cleans the blood from his nose and winces at his headache, speaking in a somewhat shallow voice* That should do it. Just keep tight on that string for a little while. ((Nah, no sadness, just pain. The pain would fade substantially though, since she's asleep))
[08-15:40] f9c17, Haesanga: *pulls a blanket over Sorcha's body and makes sure she's tucked in, claws gently going to work as he looks at Rhaz * are you okay?
[08-15:40] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: *sleeps..sleeps andhrmm sleeps tied with Drae now*
[08-15:40] a9340, Eradrae Baenre : *he nods, looking over at Sorcha, a caring expression crossing his face.*
[08-15:41] JOIN: Lan has entered.
[08-15:41] 49b74, Rhaz Malek: Yeah, I'm fine. That was a lot easier than I expected...first time I tried an affinity, I just about killed myself. *Chuckles quietly*
[08-15:41] 49b74, Rhaz Malek: Damned illithids.
[08-15:42] 94c70, Artanis : (( *was on the phone, sorry.* )) *She merely nods. But when Fahrena moves forward, she moves along with her. She knew that Lando wasn't in good shape, but that didn't mean that one could leave their guard down.*
[08-15:42] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: *aww she has great friends..all the people she cares for in are with her..*
[08-15:42] f9c17, Haesanga: *nods, then looks at the others, his shouldres fluffing up* Did anyone want some tea to relax?
[08-15:42] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: Rua penchi
[08-15:42] a9340, Eradrae Baenre : *He doesn't even seem to note the other two inn the room as he stares at Sorcha.* Well... Taking off my armor should be interesting....
[08-15:43] 49b74, Rhaz Malek: I'll pass on the tea...Did you ever manage to buy me that Scimitar, Haesanga? I could really use it...I hate walking around unarmed, and psionics don't exactly work on undead.
[08-15:43] 94295, Fahrena : *she continues out of the cave* Which way should we go?
[08-15:44] a9340, Eradrae Baenre : *his scimitars, both fine magical blades, lie on the other side of the room in their scabbards.*
[08-15:45] f9c17, Haesanga: *nods at rhaz and steps away to his bag, rummaging around * Yes.... I was uncertain of your strength and such so I estimate as best I could for your species. *pulls out one.* will it be suitable?
[08-15:45] f9c17, Haesanga: *glances to Drae and smiles a bit* Well we can work on something to help... it unclips doesnt it? *just wears leather armor himself*
[08-15:47] b9a51, Lando Trosni : ** looks at the two women. begins to think about how long it would take in his condition to get back to ..or find a city in fae but he isnt sure what effect he may have on the people in the city**
[08-15:47] a9340, Eradrae Baenre : *He shakes his head.* Leather, at the back it opens, its not so uncomfortable, I can wear it a few nights while you find a healer... With Sorchas wound I don't imagine we can leave the room.
[08-15:47] 49b74, Rhaz Malek: *Accepts the scimitar and looks it over, giving a few flicks of his wrist* Not bad, it could be a little bit heavier, but I like it. When I was a merc, I had both a falchion, and a scimitar like this one. The Falchion was for fighting in close, and the scimitar was for handling ranged attackers, since I could use a shield with it. *Frowns suddenly* Oh, my damned shield...I loved it so. Saved my life on a few occasions, but now it's some wall ornament in the underdark someplace.
[08-15:47] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: *she moves a little in her sleep and moves closer to Drae still asleep*
[08-15:48] 94c70, Artanis : This way. *She steps towards the left. For now, they would just have to go where she decided since anything said now may give away something.*
[08-15:49] f9c17, Haesanga: *perks up a little bit and looks at Drae* Leather? I could undo it for you if you wish. *he offers.* And I will be our hands and feet for now, and go places. I can go a lot farther and faster than either of you, I expect. *snotty. Glance back to Rhaz* Good. You can always trade up.. And sorry about your shield. I prefer just my Bostaff...
[08-15:50] 94295, Fahrena : *she follows, limping along and leaning on her walking stick. Occasionally saying, "Ow! Dang" as she takes a misstep now and then*
[08-15:50] a9340, Eradrae Baenre : *his ears twitch and he winces visibly at the mention of the underdark, the word alone bringing back so many memories, few of them good memories. He dismisses it, and feeling sorcha move closer he puts his hand back on her stumach, once again caressing her.*
[08-15:50] JOIN: HulkDogs has entered.
[08-15:51] 49b74, Rhaz Malek: I think I might need to have another fruit Silent Bobtail. *He says, holding a hand to his forehead* They seem to make things a bit easier.
[08-15:51] 49b74, Rhaz Malek: ((Argh, filter got me on the c-ocktail))
[08-15:52] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: *she curls up under the blankets feeling him caress her in her sleep she smiles faintly*
[08-15:52] f9c17, Haesanga: *nods as he stands and stretches, stroking back his feathers* I'll go fetch one... Drae, do you wish anything? *he asks quietly, reaching for his bag and money pouch*
[08-15:53] 94295, Fahrena : (())
[08-15:53] 94c70, Artanis : *She doesn't move ahead, staying at Fahrena's side just for those hap chance mis-steps. At the same time she is being very much attentive to those things around her.*
[08-15:53] a9340, Eradrae Baenre : *he looks briefly to Haesanga.* I think I shall sleep, could you close the door, it would be all to easy for someone to wander in and imagine their fury when they found a drow elf. I imagine I'd be dead before morning, particularily with all the headhunters around...
[08-15:54] JOIN: lan has entered.
[08-15:54] f9c17, Haesanga: *nods* I'll bring up some wine, bread and such too for if she wakes up. Lock the door after I go. I can use the window. *he states, pulling his cloak around him and tying the front in a knot.*
[08-15:55] a9340, Eradrae Baenre : *he smirks.* I can't move that far from the bed. Not without waking her.
[08-15:55] 49b74, Rhaz Malek: I'll let you two have some alone time. If you need me, I'll be downstairs. *He says, standing and heading out into the hallway*
[08-15:55] 7f138, Lan: Stupid internet... lost connection right after I logged in... well, I'm here now...
[08-15:56] f9c17, Haesanga: *nods* I'll lock it then and keep the key. *he promises* They'd have to kill me to get it off me.
[08-15:57] a9340, Eradrae Baenre : *he nods smiling. Then he turns back to Sorcha and lies down beside her, he wouldn't sleep much. The pain wasn't enough to be numbing, just enough to stay on the back of his mind and keep him from sleep. (anyway I've g2g in 5 minutes.)
[08-15:57] 2b4b5, Lando Trosni : ** deciding that he is gunna go back to ruanpenchi he turns, leaps through the trees. **
[08-15:58] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: (i gtg too)
[08-15:58] a9340, Eradrae Baenre : (, conveninet timing.)
[08-15:58] 49b74, Rhaz Malek: *Clips the scimitar to his belt and heads downstairs, allowing Haesanga to lock up and follow if he wishes. Mmm...fruit c-ocktail, already he was beginning to crave one. He always did, after using the Illithids' gifts*
[08-15:58] a9340, Eradrae Baenre : (*convenient)
[08-15:58] 94295, Fahrena : *and they make their way along. stumble, limp, lean*
[08-15:59] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: *so she sleeps now resting on Drae she would wish to share the pain but he took it all friendly but yet stupid even though he loved her...she sleeps*(bye peeps)
[08-15:59] JOIN: Liz has entered.
[08-15:59] 6df9d, Liz: Lan?
[08-15:59] 2b4b5, Lando Trosni : ** leap leap leap. leap.........leap and fade out exit stage right**
[08-16:00] a9340, Eradrae Baenre : (bye, I'm gonna go too.)
[08-16:00] EXIT: Eradrae Baenre has left the chat ( 5:00pm, July 08 (CDT) ).
[08-16:00] f9c17, Haesanga: *locks and follows down as well, stretching his arms a bit and yawning* I'm pondering a flight...
[08-16:01] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: (*waves and hugs for peeps and disappears to the land of nod*)
[08-16:01] f9c17, Haesanga: ((*searches for images that could be Haes in humannoid form. *))
[08-16:01] 94c70, Artanis : *She ocassionally indicates a new direction to Fahrena, taking the trip at an easy pace the Elf can keep up with.* Where will you be headed?
[08-16:01] EXIT: Sorcha Lidil has left the chat ( 5:01pm, July 08 (CDT) ).
[08-16:02] 7f138, Lan: Hey Liz
[08-16:02] 94295, Fahrena : I'm not sure, but I do need to head back to to take care of a couple things. Beyond that, I'm not certain.
[08-16:04] 6df9d, Liz: Does anyone know who I mean by the Foz?
[08-16:04] 6df9d, Liz: Fonz
[08-16:04] 94295, Fahrena : ((*blinks* Happy Days?))
[08-16:05] 6df9d, Liz: *swoons* Yes
[08-16:05] 6df9d, Liz: I wish Henry Winkler was 60 years younger
[08-16:05] 7f138, Lan: Had no idea...
[08-16:06] 7f138, Lan:
[08-16:06] 94c70, Artanis : *Pauses for a moment at the mention of .* You're sure you want to go there?
[08-16:06] f9c17, Haesanga: *goes outside, morphs to griffin form and takes off for the forests.*
[08-16:06] 94295, Fahrena : ((heh, okay.....*now has "Happy Days" song stuck in her head* Thanks a lot))
[08-16:06] 94c70, Artanis : (( Lan, did you see my last post? ))
[08-16:07] 49b74, Rhaz Malek: Where to? *He says as he descends the steps into the tavern's main area. He sweeps a hand in front of his face to clear a thin din of cigar smoke, and a staunch, pervading scent of hops*
[08-16:07] 6df9d, Liz: *cackles* Join the club
[08-16:08] 94295, Fahrena : Yes, I have some things I must attend to. Then, I'm not sure where after that. I shant be staying in Rua long.
[08-16:08] 7f138, Lan: No, I didnt... Heading back to ?
[08-16:09] 6df9d, Liz: So...Lan, you rping?
[08-16:09] 7f138, Lan: Can't tell what it is... my comp wont display the graphics... space it or somehing...
[08-16:09] 7f138, Lan: Sure...
[08-16:10] 6df9d, Liz: Sure?
[08-16:11] 7f138, Lan: Yes, I will... as whom.
[08-16:11] 94c70, Artanis : (( Lan, oh, okay I can repost with Ryavel if you want. ))
[08-16:11] f9c17, Haesanga: ((*hmmm* now what... mmm)
[08-16:13] 94c70, Artanis : I'm not certain that I can go that far with you.
[08-16:13] 6df9d, Liz: Garet?
[08-16:13] 7f138, Lan: That would be great...
[08-16:14] 7f138, Garet Jax: (( Yes? ))
[08-16:14] 94c70, Ryavel : *Looks to Lan for a silent moment as she thought about her words.* I am more careful than he..
[08-16:14] 7f138, Garet Jax: (( You called? ))
[08-16:15] f9c17, Haesanga: ((Anyone up for rp with the Heroic Griffin?))
[08-16:15] 6df9d, Averey Lithle : (( Do you remember where we were? ))
[08-16:16] 7f138, Lan Mandragoran : Being careful is good, yet at sme point you must learn to trust. And there is a difference between careful, and suspicious. *RaE at her*
[08-16:16] 94295, Fahrena : As far as you can go, is more than generous. *wonders why, but isn't going to interrogate. Maybe she has pressing matters here. Maybe she wants to dissuade Fahrena from going somewhere other than into the trap she's planned. Maybe she is afraid of Rua. Could be any of those reasons, but she keeps her thoughts and multiple suspicions to herself*
[08-16:16] 7f138, Garet Jax: (( Not really... in the forest? ))
[08-16:17] 7f138, Garet Jax: (( oh, yeah, we just met in the forest, i stepped on a branch... etc...))
[08-16:17] 94c70, Ryavel : I have trust.
[08-16:18] f9c17, Haesanga: ((Any?))
[08-16:18] 7f138, Garet Jax: Perhaps, but none to spare for me, or... *sweeps his arm out to the country* any of the humans, it seems.
[08-16:19] 7f138, Lan Mandragoran : Perhaps, but none to spare for me, or... *sweeps his arm out to the country* any of the humans, it seems.
[08-16:19] 6df9d, Averey Lithle : (( who starts? ))
[08-16:20] 94c70, Artanis : *Glances at her for a moment, but says nothing. Really there was nothing she could do if Fahrena wanted to go there. But it was a place that was no more safer than it was travelling alone.* You might want to find a place to get healed first. doesn't have much of that. *pauses a moment.* Not anymore.
[08-16:21] 7f138, Lan Mandragoran : (( How bout you... I stepped on a branch, swore, and I heard you whisper my name... your post...))
[08-16:21] 7f138, Lan Mandragoran : (( That was from garet ))
[08-16:21] 94c70, Ryavel : *Her brow furrows lightly.* I said nothing like that. *She really didn't understand his accusations.*
[08-16:22] f9c17, Haesanga: ((*curls up*))
[08-16:22] 94295, Fahrena : I know. Do you have a suggestion of where I might go?
[08-16:23] 7f138, Lan Mandragoran : *sighs* You do not trust me, correct?
[08-16:24] 94c70, Ryavel : *Lifts her chin a little.* I do not know you.
[08-16:25] 7f138, Garet Jax: (( How bout you... I stepped on a branch, swore, and I heard you whisper my name... your post...))
[08-16:26] 94c70, Artanis : There are a couple of places I know you that you might not be so easily found. We'd have to travel through a portal to get to them, however.
[08-16:28] 7f138, Lan Mandragoran : Then why did you accept my hospitality... why did you follow someone at night? I only wish to be your friend and ally...
[08-16:28] 94295, Fahrena : Oh? Where are those places? Perhaps I know of them. *moving along slowly*
[08-16:29] 94c70, Artanis : One is called , the other is Emania.
[08-16:30] 94c70, Ryavel : I trust Galaldur. *She says this matter of factly. Her answers and replies being short and moderately accented, an indication of how little she has been using the human tongue.*
[08-16:30] 94295, Fahrena : I've heard of Emania. What is this ?
[08-16:30] 6df9d, Averey Lithle : *silence, hoping he wont see or hear him. She knows him, yes, but that does'nt mean she trusts him*
[08-16:31] f9c17, Haesanga: ((Is anyone near Raupenchi that I could join in with?))
[08-16:32] 94c70, Artanis : is much further into the west, across the sea.
[08-16:32] 7f138, Lan Mandragoran : (( Fahrena, my comp wont display the kingdom graphics, so can you abbreviate, misspell, or something, so I can see? Just a favor... ))
[08-16:33] 7f138, Lan Mandragoran : (( Ah... ? ))
[08-16:34] 7f138, Garet Jax: *turning towards the sound, he moves toward it* Who's there?
[08-16:34] 94295, Fahrena : ((Yeah, I'm gonna have to change the graphic kingdoms to html coded kingdoms))
[08-16:35] 94295, Fahrena : ((Even though Anastra thinks the graphic ones are prettier. *snicker*))
[08-16:35] 94c70, Artanis : (( can you put an alt tag in them? ))
[08-16:36] 7f138, Garet Jax: (( Ok... but it is only the comp I am using right now... really old... ))
[08-16:36] 94295, Fahrena : Across the sea? Oh, you mean the great ocean? ((An "alt tag" ? What's that?))
[08-16:36] f9c17, Haesanga: ((*pokes*))
[08-16:37] 94c70, Artanis : (( You put your cursor over it and it'll show words you want. ))
[08-16:37] 6df9d, Averey Lithle : *she backs away, trying to make little to no sound*
[08-16:37] 94295, Fahrena : ((We're presently in the kingdom of the Fae, Haes))
[08-16:37] 94c70, Artanis : *Nods to her.* Yes.
[08-16:37] 94295, Fahrena : ((Oh, heh, might be more twubble than it's worth. Might just be better to make them all html))
[08-16:38] 7f138, Lan Mandragoran : I can see that you trust him. I hope you will trust me as much one day. *begins to turn away, and stops* If you need anything , you can come to me... even if it is practice with the human language
[08-16:38] 94295, Fahrena : Might be a good place to visit. They are a goodly people? What race? *meaning species*
[08-16:38] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[08-16:40] 7f138, Garet Jax: *continues forward, then darts into the brush where she is hiding, and his eyes widen with surprise* Oh... It's you! *smiles*
[08-16:40] 6df9d, Averey Lithle : *she takes a startled step back*
[08-16:42] 7f138, Garet Jax: Averey, isn't it? *holds out a steady hand* How have you been?
[08-16:42] 6df9d, Averey Lithle : (( Ack! Don't hate me...I gotta go pick up my mom. It's her birthday ))
[08-16:43] 7f138, Garet Jax: (( I won't! But I might no be here when you get back... *tear* Tomorrow, then? ))
[08-16:44] 94c70, Artanis : Humans mostly, but very hospitable.
[08-16:45] 6df9d, Averey Lithle : (( Of course! *hugs and poofs* ))
[08-16:45] 6df9d, Averey Lithle : **pause**
[08-16:45] 94c70, Ryavel : *Frowns a little at this. She wasn't sure if that was an insult or not.*
[08-16:45] EXIT: Averey Lithle has left the chat ( 5:45pm, July 08 (CDT) ).
[08-16:46] 94295, Fahrena : Oh. *tries not to make her haughty, arrogant, general distate that elves have for humans apparant* Emania is humans too. Which would you suggest?
[08-16:48] 7f138, Lan Mandragoran : (( I have ~10 min.)) *Not an insult, just a gesture of friendship... A look of longing and concern in his eyes* I shall see you at supper then...?*
[08-16:49] 94c70, Ryavel : *Nods slightly. She knows that Galaldur would expect her to attend.*
[08-16:50] 7f138, Lan Mandragoran : *and meanwhile, the scouting parties are preparing to travel around the Great lakes*
[08-16:51] 7f138, Lan Mandragoran : If you had a choice, a choice,would you?
[08-16:51] f9c17, Haesanga: *takes a portal back to the Rocky Mountains. Even if the map doesnt' show it (yet) that's where his people are. *
[08-16:51] 94c70, Artanis : is ruled by a King and Queen and is quite far away. Your pursuer might not think to look that far. Emania is yes also humans, but they are much different. Their society is ruled and defended by the women of their population.
[08-16:51] 7f138, Lan Mandragoran : (( insert "free" before italicized "choice" ))
[08-16:52] 94c70, Ryavel : I.. am not sure. *At least she was being honest.*
[08-16:53] 94295, Fahrena : Perhaps I'll go to both, but I think the farther away one might be the better choice for now. How long until we reach a portal?
[08-16:54] 94c70, Artanis : Not far. Though, I warn you. I might have to carry you through.
[08-16:54] 7f138, Lan Mandragoran : *Smiles* I asked this because you do not need to attend if you do not wish to. As I said before, you are only my guests as long as you wish to be...
[08-16:55] 3a8a8, Morgul the Lich King : iiiii will do aaaannnyyy thing for looooove..... but i wont... doooOooOoooooo... thaaaaaaaaaat
[08-16:55] 3a8a8, Roki: iiiii willl doooo annnyyyyyythiiiinnng for looooove.... but.. iii.. wooooOooooOoooonnnt... doooOoOooooo thaaaaaaat
[08-16:56] 94c70, Z: Woo! Meatloaf!
[08-16:57] 7f138, Lan Mandragoran : (( Riiiiight... <_< >_> ))
[08-16:57] 94c70, Ryavel : I understand.
[08-16:58] 94295, Fahrena : ((Oh great, now I've got that song stuck in my head. I suppose it's better than "Happy Days" theme song))
[08-16:59] 7f138, Lan Mandragoran : *smiles again* Good... Enjoy your walk... *turns to leave* (( I might have a little longer... ))
[08-16:59] f9c17, Haesanga: ((Whatever happened to a satuday night? ))
[08-16:59] 94c70, Ryavel : Thank you.
[08-17:00] 94295, Fahrena : *blinks* Why?
[08-17:00] 7f138, Lan Mandragoran : *nods, and walks off to oversee the preparations for exploration*
[08-17:04] 94c70, Ryavel : *Remains standing there as he walks away, silent.*
[08-17:04] 7f138, Lan Mandragoran : *by late afternoon, the exploration teams would be setting out to the north, claiming the wilderness in the name of malkier*
[08-17:05] 7f138, Lan Mandragoran : (( I have to go, but I will be on tomorrow... hey, at least the action ended at the perfect time... ))
[08-17:06] EXIT: Lan Mandragoran has left the chat ( 6:05pm, July 08 (CDT) ).
[08-17:06] 94c70, Artanis : *Considers how to put it. She grins slightly.* The Fae have a sense of humor of sorts.
[08-17:09] 94295, Fahrena : Oh? *tilts her head a moment, but then continues limping along*
[08-17:10] 94c70, Artanis : Yes. I hope you don't mind dancing too much.
[08-17:15] 94295, Fahrena : Dancing? Why would I want to dance in my condition?
[08-17:16] 94c70, Artanis : *Chuckles* If you want to go through their portal you won't have much of a choice.
[08-17:18] 94295, Fahrena : *gets a quizzical look* Why is that?
[08-17:19] 94c70, Artanis : It's an enchantment around the portal.
[08-17:23] 94295, Fahrena : Oh. And it makes you dance. *said as a clarifying that she is understanding statement, without a question inflection*
[08-17:24] 94295, Fahrena : ((Why do I get the impression that everyone has gone to dinner? hehe))
[08-17:28] 94c70, Artanis : Right, they find it humours at least.
[08-17:31] 94295, Fahrena : I'm sure anyone would that wasn't falling victim to it. It's a powerful enchantment?
[08-17:35] 94c70, Artanis : Powerful enough I suppose. *She shrugs lightly.* I have no skill with magic.
[08-17:36] 94295, Fahrena : I only have but little. *isn't very old and player hasn't decided what her two first level spells are yet*
[08-17:37] 94c70, Artanis : There. *She points on ahead to the portal that so happens to be in the midst of some kind of mushroom field.*
[08-17:38] 94c70, Z: *meows*
[08-17:40] 94295, Fahrena : *it would be a circle of mushrooms, the way mushrooms really do in RL, due to the way they shoot out their spores and what not.* Where? *she doesn't see the circle of mushrooms as significant in any way as to draw her attention*
[08-17:40] 94295, Fahrena : ((hehe))
[08-17:41] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[08-17:41] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 6:41pm, July 08 (CDT) ).
[08-17:42] JOIN: Axis has entered.
[08-17:42] 94295, Mab Fairy Queen : *groans and pulls herself to the cushions, more thankful that they are there. She starts to heal herself, but only enough to fix the cracked rib. Can't give away everything she can do.*
[08-17:42] 15840, Axis : ((hello))
[08-17:42] 94c70, Artanis : Amongst the mushrooms, come on.. *She would only be spared from the enchantment due to a gift given to her the last time she visited this place with one named Gorthius.*
[08-17:42] 94295, Mab Fairy Queen : ((Wow, what a coincidence. Hey Axis. I was just doing a cameo here))
[08-17:43] 94c70, Artanis : (( Hey Axis ))
[08-17:43] 15840, Axis : ((hey. heh.))
[08-17:44] 94c70, Z: *pokes Axis IC*
[08-17:45] 94295, Fahrena : Just....amoungst the mushrooms? *in that skeptical, "Okay?" tone of voice. She follows*
[08-17:45] 94295, Fahrena : ((AAAAAAAAAAAHHH! Look out!! It's sniper kitten!!))
[08-17:46] 94c70, Z: *mews at Mab*
[08-17:46] 94295, Mab Fairy Queen : *She moves over to the pitcher and looks inside it. How can she see? Well, she is glowing faintly, while no one is looking. Handy thing fae can do.*
[08-17:47] 15840, Axis : *Axis is gliding about rua humming to himself*
[08-17:47] 94c70, Artanis : The stone structure is the portal. Have you traveled though one before? *She steps inside the ring of mushrooms.*
[08-17:47] 15840, Sorceress Tirale : *sitting in her room reading on the baclony*
[08-17:48] 15840, Bartuc : *sitting ontop of MAb's barrow eating his meal*
[08-17:50] 15840, Lok : *squashing a giant spider in the darkforest*
[08-17:50] 94295, Mab Fairy Queen : Yes, it's how I got to before. *she too steps inside the mushroom circle and she hears music from somewhere and gets the most cumpulsive urge to dance. She takes a step to dance and whimpers as it jarrs the wound in her hip and thigh to take that step. If Artanis acts fast, she really won't have to carry her. Regardless of the pain she feels, she cannot stop dancing and moves another step with a fluid grace that one injured should not attempt*
[08-17:51] 94295, Fahrena : Yes, it's how I got to before. *she too steps inside the mushroom circle and she hears music from somewhere and gets the most cumpulsive urge to dance. She takes a step to dance and whimpers as it jarrs the wound in her hip and thigh to take that step. If Artanis acts fast, she really won't have to carry her. Regardless of the pain she feels, she cannot stop dancing and moves another step with a fluid grace that one injured should not attempt*
[08-17:53] 94295, Mab Fairy Queen : *she takes a drink of the water. She'd have liked to wash up. The chain clinks against the pottery as she drink a couple sips of the little water left. She then moves over to the food and looks at it to see what it really is. Her sides hurt and some expressions hurt the one side of her face, but all in all, she's not in too bad of shape. She fixed the less obvious, deeper damage already*
[08-17:54] 94c70, Artanis : *She winces a little, knowng that was going to happen. She steps up to the gate to speak the words she's heard used for the Fae portal for it to be activated. She then tells it that they wish to go to .*
[08-17:56] 94295, Mab Fairy Queen : *she samples a little of the food, not to much. She wants to see if she experiences any kind of reaction to it, like she did to the drink. If so, she'll need to counter the effects and hope she doesn't starve when she doesn't eat any more of it, depending on any effects it might have, of course. If it just makes her sleepy, she can afford to nibble it hear and there without serious repercussions*
[08-17:57] 15840, Bartuc : *its just normal journey food*
[08-17:58] 94295, Fahrena : *and they appear at the portal, which still needs to be posted on the portals thread. heh. She abruptly stops dancing and pants from the searing pain in her foot and thigh and the aches in other places*
[08-17:59] 15840, Ghouls : rar
[08-18:00] 94295, Mab Fairy Queen : *regardless, she still warily only samples a little. She then notes they gave her a cup. How nice. She poors the rest of the water in a cup and sets it off along a safe edge and looks at the empty water pitcher.* I suppose you'll do for a washing tub. *wryly grins*
[08-18:00] 94c70, Artanis : I'm sorry about that. Are you alright?
[08-18:02] 15840, Sorceress Tirale : *sings softly to herself as she sits there*
[08-18:04] 94295, Fahrena : I'll be fine. Let's not do that again. *pants. Sees her walking stick discarded on the ground and painfully crouches to pick it up and stand again, leaning on it*
[08-18:06] 94c70, Artanis : We can rest for a short while if you need it.
[08-18:10] 94295, Fahrena : Yes please. At least this portal doesn't make you do anything*
[08-18:11] 94295, Mab Fairy Queen : ((*scratches last line of last pose, having misread a cantrip spell she was gonna use*))
[08-18:11] 94295, Mab Fairy Queen : pose = post
[08-18:12] 94c70, Artanis : Indeed.. *She walks a short distance before she settles on a low resting rock. She looks around some, finding the place to have a certain beauty of its own like she does with so many places.*
[08-18:13] 94295, Mab Fairy Queen : ((BRB, I gotta go play mouse game with my cat really quick. He's feeling super neglected and telling me all about it))
[08-18:18] 15840, Sorceress Tirale : ((anyone feel like coming to the mage tower or fighting a demon?))
[08-18:19] 94295, Mab Fairy Queen : ((Hmmm, either of those sounds inviting. Lemme thing who I got))
[08-18:20] 94c70, Artanis : (( *ponders* ))
[08-18:21] 94295, Fahrena : *she looks around too* So, where shall we go from here? *as she is looking around* This place isn't too bad.
[08-18:24] 94c70, Artanis : There is a group of large lakes off that way. *She points on ahead.* There lays the city of .
[08-18:24] 94c70, Artanis : (( Who would a demon fight? ))
[08-18:25] 15840, Sorceress Tirale : ((someone who attacked him))
[08-18:26] 94c70, Artanis : (( Oh.. *doesn't think she's ever attacked Axis with any of her chars* ))
[08-18:28] 15840, Sorceress Tirale : ((you could attack him. *sigh* Gan Ning doesn't show up anymore or I would whomp him))
[08-18:29] 94295, Fahrena : Alright. *smiles* ((You wanna fade with this RP now until representatives are around?))
[08-18:34] 15840, Sorceress Tirale : *sings to herself as she reads*
[08-18:36] 94c70, Artanis : (( Yeah, sure we can ))
[08-18:37] 94295, Tandy : *rubs her backside. Tirale had given her only a temporary reprieve as they talked before, it turns out. Not that Tandy can complain, from what Tirale was telling her of the severity of what Tandy had done. Wouldn't do to take away the reminder so fast. She finishes the scroll she was asked to copy in the scroll room having stood or knelt to do it the entire time, the wizard that had set the spoon on her passing through once and snickering as he departed, to which she gave a dirty look. She was nearly done with her duties*
[08-18:40] 15840, Sorceress Tirale : *she decided she needed to take a walk and goes to fetch tandy. A quick spell tells her where she is and she walks that way accompanied by her statues*
[08-18:40] 94295, Tandy : *only gave the dirty look to his back though, knowing better than to be uppity toward him. She rolls the scroll after the ink has had time to dry and puts it in its spot on the shelf*
[08-18:41] JOIN: HulkDogs has entered.
[08-18:42] 15840, Sorceress Tirale : *she would soon sweep into the scroll room only the cat statue accompaning her inside. She turns to the wizard* I am looking for the girl Tandy.
[08-18:42] 23e00, Hacken Fenishu: ((pic test))
[08-18:43] JOIN: Z has entered.
[08-18:46] 94295, Tandy : *eyes widen a little at the mention of her name and she wonders what she's done now. She looks around the upright shelves she is depositing the scroll on and gets an enthused look upon seing Tirale. She quickly comes out and does a one knee bow that she's supposed to do all the time, but sometimes forgets and the wizard Tirale is inquiring out is just about to call out to Tandy . Wizard says* [Oh, there she is. There's a good girl] *approving of the respect Tandy shows Tirale*
[08-18:47] 15840, Sorceress Tirale : Ahh tandy. Come with me. *she gives tandy a dazzling smile*
[08-18:49] 94295, Tandy : *is dazzled. Is very awed by Tirale and all. She stands and moves to follow Tirale* Yes High Sorceress.
[08-18:51] 15840, Sorceress Tirale : *the cat gives the mage a hungry look before following tirale out* Come let's go to my rooms. Then I will give you some lessons.
[08-18:51] 94c70, Ivirel Arrowan : ((*testses* ))
[08-18:52] 94295, Tandy : *very enthusiastic tone* Yes High Sorceress! *follows*
[08-18:56] 15840, Sorceress Tirale : *once they get to the light filled room tirale pulls out a book. A book of magic. She flips through it for a moment, then choses a page. she covers all of it with her hands except for one rune* Can you read this? (lvl 1 magic...reads Fire))
[08-19:03] 94295, Tandy : Fire? *looks at it. Is adept at runes, too adept for her own good. Imagine the kind of trouble she could have inadvertantly caused if she'd gotten into that library*
[08-19:03] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[08-19:04] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 8:03pm, July 08 (CDT) ).
[08-19:04] JOIN: Travis has entered.
[08-19:05] 15840, Sorceress Tirale : *she picks out another more complex rune* This? (lvl 2 Darkness.))
[08-19:05] 94295, Tandy : *bites her lip and then says* Darkness?
[08-19:07] JOIN: Anastra Sylune has entered.
[08-19:07] 15840, Sorceress Tirale : Very good. Better than I excpected. she flips several pages and picks outa third* One last one. (lvl three. Fog.)
[08-19:08] 81325, Travis: I own you all.
[08-19:08] 81325, Travis: :-d
[08-19:08] 81325, Travis:
[08-19:09] 94c70, Z: *meows*
[08-19:09] 81325, Travis: Nice avatar Z hehe
[08-19:09] 94c70, Z:
[08-19:10] 94c70, Z: Cute aren't I?
[08-19:10] 81325, Travis: gotta love the lil sniper rifle
[08-19:11] 94295, Tandy : Fog *she's good at the runes. Controlling what she reads, well, with that she is about normal, which is what can cause trouble*
[08-19:12] 81325, Travis: hehe
[08-19:13] 81325, Travis: aaaaah, there we are.
[08-19:13] 94c70, Z: *jumps IC*
[08-19:13] 15840, Sorceress Tirale : Impressive. Now lets see you use a rune spell. she flips back to fire* I want you to cast this into the fire place *she places the book in front of her and sits back*
[08-19:15] 81325, Travis: *ponders ICness*
[08-19:16] JOIN: R has entered.
[08-19:16] 94295, Tandy : *she studies what is said, feeling a lot of pressure and feeling very on the spot. She follows the directions flawlessly, but as she casts the spell, whatever curtains are nearby catch flame instead.* OH!! SORRY!! SORRY!! *she rushes over to the curtains, trying to put the flames out, but unable to get close enough and just stammers around the flaming curtain in panic*
[08-19:16] 2b286, R : hm
[08-19:16] 94c70, Ivirel Arrowan : *A couple of days ago the young moon elf left her home. She had taken her bow, some food, and a few extra clothes, then gotten on her horse and road off. During the day of doing work, she had over heard the word about her brother and the things he was being accused of. She didn't want to wait to see what would be done, if anything. She now rides somewhere between the Moon Kingdom and the land of the Fae.*
[08-19:17] EXIT: R has left the chat ( 8:16pm, July 08 (CDT) ).
[08-19:17] NICK: Travis changed nick to Ashe.
[08-19:17] 81325, Ashe : ((anything a kitsune could get involved in? ))
[08-19:18] 94295, Tandy : ((He could pester Ivirel on her journey))
[08-19:19] JOIN: HulkDogs has entered.
[08-19:19] 15840, Sorceress Tirale : *Tirale whistles thre musical notes. The first pputs out the flames. the second removes the smoke and hte third repairs the curtains* Control child.
[08-19:19] 94c70, Ivirel Arrowan : (( Yeah.. you can Rp with me if you like. ))
[08-19:19] 81325, Ashe : ((where are ya?))
[08-19:20] 94295, Tandy : *gets a guilty look and looks at the floor, feeling such a failure in the pressence of what she sees as uber greatness*
[08-19:22] 15840, Sorceress Tirale : come sit *she seems still calm as before* You are abke to read the runes. You followed the direction flawlessly. But you lack control. You must learn to focus o nthe magic ((shait! I gotta go parents want the net))
[08-19:24] 94295, Tandy : ((No problem. We can fade out with her teaching Tandy)) *she comes over and listens to Tirale, sitting and wincing a little as she does so.* Yes High Sorceress. I will try.
[08-19:25] 94c70, Ivirel Arrowan : (( North of . She's on her way to the Fae. ))
[08-19:25] 15840, Sorceress Tirale : ((thanks. and FADE ))
[08-19:26] EXIT: Sorceress Tirale has left the chat ( 8:25pm, July 08 (CDT) ).
[08-19:27] 81325, Ashe : ((okieday, like in the forest or on the road?))
[08-19:27] JOIN: Darrius Lokken has entered.
[08-19:27] 94295, Mab: *meanders off to work for now*
[08-19:28] c3787, Darrius Lokken : ((anything happened with the ghouls yet?))
[08-19:29] 23e00, HulkDogs: I don't think so
[08-19:30] 94c70, Ivirel Arrowan : (( Forests. ))
[08-19:32] 81325, Ashe : *wandering around the forest north of Rua, bored out of his fox skull he's taken to scaring random animals he comes upon until he catches the scent of a horse and an elf. He grins to himself and decides to tail the elf, shifting into his fox form and taking off in Ivirel's direction*
[08-19:35] 94c70, Ivirel Arrowan : *She rides quickly, but not overly so. She would be easily identified as a Moon Elf with her paler complexion, silvery hair, and small body. She only weight about 90 pounds, standing at only 4'8". As the horse dodges trees and brush, she clings to its mane.*
[08-19:38] 23e00, Guien Ventorrell : ** so darrius and him are in the forest somewheres**
[08-19:40] c3787, Darrius Lokken : **Stands solemnly with his hands behind his back, in a clearing of trees, still awaiting his new garbs from sorcha** Guien, tell me more about this unaccesible kingdom...
[08-19:41] 81325, Ashe : *soon he catches sight of the horse and it's rider and leaping forward he shifts forms again to his humanoid form, all 4 tails out, ears laid back, his long silver hair tied loosely, he lands from his jump moving into a full run, maintaining the speed he was at in his fox form, which wasn't even his full speed. He begins closing the gap*
[08-19:42] 23e00, Guien Ventorrell : Well it's not unaccesible. I just don't know the chant, for it's portal.
[08-19:42] c3787, Darrius Lokken : but how did you stumble apon it?
[08-19:44] 94c70, Ivirel Arrowan : (( *suddenly thinks of Tails from Sonic.* ))
[08-19:44] 81325, Ashe : (( except cooler, taller, more powerful and without the flying hehe))
[08-19:45] 94c70, Ivirel Arrowan : *She is unaware that she is being followed, or chased for that matter. Her mind was focused on the concerns at hand, her brother. Her ride continues.*
[08-19:46] 23e00, Guien Ventorrell : I heard about it. From a traveler speaking to another. Said the king was unstable. I thought it was a glorious oppertunity. ** nods **
[08-19:47] JOIN: HulkDogs has entered.
[08-19:47] EXIT: HulkDogs has left the chat ( 8:47pm, July 08 (CDT) ).
[08-19:48] 81325, Ashe : *catches up, grinning* Pull over!
[08-19:48] c3787, Darrius Lokken : *smiles** that it is... My advocates consist only of yourself, an untrustworthy high elf, a necromancer, and an unknown supporter. Of course, he is backing me with 200 ghouls, but it's still hardly an army... but if we could control the king...
[08-19:49] 94c70, Ivirel Arrowan : *Looks at Ashe for a moment, then forward again. But then she blinks and looks at him again realizing he was running on foot as fast as the horse was.*
[08-19:50] 23e00, Guien Ventorrell : Well. ** shrugs** Shall we go to, I tihnk it was, ? Learn the place, before we try and take it?
[08-19:51] JOIN: Arbtian Resderian has entered.
[08-19:52] 81325, Ashe : *again grinning wide* Pull this horse over, now!
[08-19:52] 74d1f, Anastra Sylune : *Still waiting to see the King of .*
[08-19:53] 94c70, Ivirel Arrowan : Why..? I cannot.. *Stopping meant burning time that she could be using to get to the Fae and help her brother.*
[08-19:54] c3787, Darrius Lokken : Obnoxious name isnt it? And you need to learn to have a more positive outlook... not try to take it, just, take it... your a demon, Im a nightmare, we get what we desire, when we desire it... and what I desire is an army. **thinks a moment** Let's go, find exactly how unstable this king is.
[08-19:54] JOIN: HulkDogs has entered.
[08-19:54] 81325, Ashe : *leaps forward and over her head to the opposite side, avoiding a tree* Well where are you going in such a hurry there little missy?
[08-19:56] 81325, Ashe : ((*kills "there"* DIE!!))
[08-19:56] 23e00, Guien Ventorrell : ** opens a portal to this, then motions for darrius to go through**
[08-19:57] 94c70, Ivirel Arrowan : To see the Fae. I have to talk to them.
[08-19:58] c3787, Darrius Lokken : **Steps casually through the portal, emerging on the other side withing 30 seconds.**
[08-19:59] 81325, Ashe : Oh and that excuses your near trampling of the poor creatures around here? *is so teasing her considering he likes to scare them at times*
[08-19:59] 23e00, Guien Ventorrell : ** fallows darrius through the portal closing behind them the first thing guien notices is the huge black castle in the middle of the city**
[08-19:59] 94295, Mab: Where is the King of ? Is he just not able to be on at the same time or something?
[08-20:00] c3787, Darrius Lokken : A bit unnecesarry, wouldnt you say **also reffering to the castle**
[08-20:01] 74d1f, Anastra Sylune : ((Probably.))
[08-20:02] 94295, Mab: and technically, Darrius and Guien could be anywhere since they didn't even name the portal they were going to. Unless they're using a teleportation spell. Also, does the portal they're going from have a chant?
[08-20:02] 23e00, Guien Ventorrell : (( demons may open portals ))
[08-20:02] 94295, Mab: Oh, silly me. Demons, got it. *blushes*
[08-20:03] 94c70, Ivirel Arrowan : *Looks away from him to look ahead as if there were something in front of her.* I have not.
[08-20:03] JOIN: HulkDogs has entered.
[08-20:03] c3787, Darrius Lokken : **looks around at the disgustingly clean city, and notices something a bit strange... theres no homeless. No homeless, no dirty merchants, no marauders, and barely even any peasants in sight.** strange...
[08-20:03] 23e00, Guien Ventorrell : (( easy mistake ))
[08-20:03] 94295, Mab: Darn, thought I caught someone. Was gonna have fun. Wait, did they just try to go over a large body of water?
[08-20:04] 23e00, Guien Ventorrell : ((
[08-20:04] 94295, Mab: Where are they leaving from?
[08-20:05] 23e00, Guien Ventorrell : ((** scowls** rua ))
[08-20:05] 81325, Ashe : *takes the illusion that he's holding a trampled beaver* Well look at this poor beaver. Ran right over him ya did.
[08-20:06] 94295, Mab: *laughs and points* Yes they did, yes they did. Demons can't teleport over large bodies of water. *giggles*
[08-20:07] 94c70, Ivirel Arrowan : *Slows to a stop as she looks at him and the imaginary beaver. It looked real enough to her.* I did not.
[08-20:07] 23e00, Guien Ventorrell : (( rar ))
[08-20:08] 94295, Mab: They'd end up at the shoreline of Mannossa.
[08-20:08] 94295, Mab: NO, wait, the shoreline of , actually.
[08-20:08] c3787, Darrius Lokken : (Retracts all psts while not in rua))
[08-20:09] 81325, Ashe : ((*gets out the bass guitar* Wynona's got herself a big brown beaver and she shows him to all her friends. And one day ya know that beaver tried to leave her she looked him up in a pen. Primus sucks!!)) *stops along with her and then the beaver's gone without a trace* Did not what?
[08-20:09] c3787, Darrius Lokken : ((That blows, this is gonna take a while then, huh?))
[08-20:10] 94295, Mab: Just say the took the public portal to somewhere across the ocean and then teleported from there.
[08-20:10] 23e00, Guien Ventorrell : ** so the two are still in the forest of ** So how are we gunna Gunna get to, ...
[08-20:11] 94295, Mab: has a portal, you know.
[08-20:11] 23e00, Guien Ventorrell : (( we dont know chant ))
[08-20:12] c3787, Darrius Lokken : The city of has a portal, do you know the chant?... is there even a chant?
[08-20:12] 94c70, Ivirel Arrowan : *Frowns a little now as the beaver disappears.* I did not run over anything...
[08-20:13] 81325, Ashe : *trying to play with her mind* What are you talking about? I never said you ran over anything? Where did you get that from?
[08-20:13] 94295, Mab: You mean the title of the portal to ? It's Belkin. The chant for the portal in Rua was written over the arch of the gazebo, but some ghouls and Muna burned the gazebo part down. Portal still works though. You'll just have to inquire about the chant.
[08-20:14] 94c70, Ivirel Arrowan : Yes you did. *She wasn't finding his joke a bit funny.*
[08-20:14] 23e00, Guien Ventorrell : No I don't know the chant. Not many people come to from there. ** shrugs abit**
[08-20:15] 81325, Ashe : *shakes his head* I think you've been riding your horse a little bit too hard. *she would've seen him as a demon for a few seconds there while he was talking*
[08-20:16] c3787, Darrius Lokken : **thinks a moment** The owner of the glimmering inn, the old man, never caught his name, hes seems to know more about a lot of things then he lets on, besides, he see and hears a lot of travelers every day, correct?
[08-20:17] 23e00, Guien Ventorrell : ** waves a hand and begins to walk** Lets go to the glimmering inn. Don't kill anyone. If they are dead, how are we supposed to ask questions?
[08-20:18] 94c70, Ivirel Arrowan : *Withdraws a little as for a moment she thinks that she saw him change form. But then she leans forward on the horse again encouraging him to go. There was no time to waste.*
[08-20:19] c3787, Darrius Lokken : you ought to give me more credit than that Guien, now open a portal to the inn
[08-20:19] JOIN: Haesanga has entered.
[08-20:20] 81325, Ashe : *takes off again keeping with her* Where ya going?
[08-20:20] 23e00, Guien Ventorrell : ** stops short. opens a portal and waits for darrius to walk through** Come.
[08-20:21] c3787, Darrius Lokken : You understand Guien, since you pledged yourself to my cause, Im techniquely in command of you for the moment... try to show a little respect **goes through said portal**
[08-20:22] f9c17, Haesanga: ((hullo))
[08-20:22] 94c70, Ivirel Arrowan : To do what I have to do. *Really, she wished he would leave her alone.*
[08-20:22] MSG: Darrius Lokken sent a message to Roki.
[08-20:23] 23e00, Guien Ventorrell : ** they come out through the portal by the glimmering inn** I'll show you respect when you earn it.
[08-20:23] 94295, Mr. Trendlekim : *doodeedoodeedoo. Polishing a glass behind the bar*
[08-20:24] 81325, Ashe : *suddenly a very large black two headed dragon lands in front of her roaring, as he's now taken a new illusion, doing his damnedest to mess with her*
[08-20:24] EXIT: HulkDogs has left the chat ( 9:03pm, July 08 (CDT) ).
[08-20:25] c3787, Darrius Lokken : You rmember that I nearly brought about the ending of your life, is that not enough to earn it? **Pushes the door to the glimmering inn open, stepping lightly towards the bar, approching Mr.Trendlekim** Hello old man, its good to see you again
[08-20:26] 23e00, Guien Ventorrell : ** has never met this man so.. lets darrius talk, just stands at his side**
[08-20:27] 94295, Mr. Trendlekim : *he looks at Darrius and smiles* Ah, yes, the one that prompted my wards. I haven't thanked you for your previous threats. *continues to polish his glass*
[08-20:27] JOIN: Carillon Su'Fali has entered.
[08-20:28] JOIN: Carillon Su'Fali has entered.
[08-20:28] EXIT: Carillon Su'Fali has left the chat ( 9:28pm, July 08 (CDT) ).
[08-20:28] JOIN: Carillon Su'Fali has entered.
[08-20:28] 94c70, Ivirel Arrowan : *It is enough. She cries out in startlement as the large beast lands in front of her and her horse. This also spooking the horse. It rears up, throwing her off. As the horse darts away, she lands on the ground with an oof as her back hits the ground.*
[08-20:29] 23e00, Carillon Su'Fali: (( rar ))
[08-20:29] EXIT: Carillon Su'Fali has left the chat ( 9:29pm, July 08 (CDT) ).
[08-20:29] EXIT: Carillon Su'Fali has left the chat ( 9:27pm, July 08 (CDT) ).
[08-20:29] c3787, Darrius Lokken : **Looks darkly at trendlekim, though he knows him to be only human... he thinks... theres something about the old man that makes darrius uneasy** I havent come to threaten you this time, My companion and I only need a bit of information, wondering if you knew the chant for a certain portal?
[08-20:30] 81325, Ashe : *and as quickly as the dragon appears, it's gone and he's back standing where he was just before he took the illusion* What happened? Why did your horse throw you and run off?
[08-20:30] JOIN: Hulkdogs has entered.
[08-20:31] 23e00, Hulkdogs: ** cross his arms over his chest just looking at this, man before them**
[08-20:31] 94295, Mr. Trendlekim : And which portal would this be? *polish polish. might be human, might not be. One can't really know*
[08-20:31] 94c70, Ivirel Arrowan : *She glares at him now as she pushes herself up to her feet.* Leave me alone.
[08-20:31] 23e00, Guien Ventorrell : ** cross his arms over his chest just looking at this, man before them**
[08-20:32] 81325, Ashe : *all innocent* What? I didn't do anything.
[08-20:32] MSG: Roki sent a message to Darrius Lokken.
[08-20:33] 94c70, Ivirel Arrowan : I care not. Leave me alone. *She backs away from him now. She had no idea what she was going to do now that the horse ran off.*
[08-20:34] MSG: Darrius Lokken sent a message to Roki.
[08-20:35] 81325, Ashe : *walks towards her* Ah what's with all this hostility little duck?
[08-20:36] MSG: Roki tried to message Darrius Lokkan (not registered).
[08-20:36] MSG: Roki sent a message to Darrius Lokken.
[08-20:36] 94c70, Ivirel Arrowan : *Backs up a little more.* I just want to be left alone.
[08-20:37] JOIN: Hulkdogs has entered.
[08-20:38] MSG: Darrius Lokken sent a message to Roki.
[08-20:38] 81325, Ashe : *grins, figuring she's been scared enough, he decides to offer his assistance since he did scare off her horse* Well it seems like you're still a ways off from the Fae. Hop on my back and I'll fun you there.
[08-20:39] JOIN: Hulkdogs has entered.
[08-20:39] MSG: Roki sent a message to Darrius Lokken.
[08-20:41] 23e00, Hulkdogs: ** is gunna die **
[08-20:41] 94c70, Ivirel Arrowan : *Just shakes her head.*
[08-20:41] MSG: Darrius Lokken sent a message to Roki.
[08-20:41] 23e00, Hulkdogs: (( DARRIUS RP ))
[08-20:42] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[08-20:42] c3787, Darrius Lokken : ((whoa! sorry, didnt notice Trendlekim posted back))
[08-20:42] 81325, Ashe : *grins at her* C'mon, I don't bite....hard.
[08-20:43] MSG: Roki sent a message to Darrius Lokken.
[08-20:43] c3787, Darrius Lokken : It a place called ... uh, something... Guien, what was it called?
[08-20:44] 23e00, Guien Ventorrell : You got it, Darrius. ** nods ** That's right.
[08-20:45] 94c70, Ivirel Arrowan : I will go by myself. *She didn't trust him really.*
[08-20:45] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 9:42pm, July 08 (CDT) ).
[08-20:47] JOIN: Llano Alanastrina has entered.
[08-20:47] a9340, Llano Alanastrina : (hello all)
[08-20:47] 94295, Mr. Trendlekim : I mean, which portal do you wish the chant to use? *since you use the chant to leave a portal normally, not go to it* The title to the portal is Belkin, but you need the chant to the portal you are leaving.
[08-20:48] 81325, Ashe : *laughs* Little duck I guarantee I'm way faster than you and can get you there quicker than you walking. *true he was being mean and she could prolly sense it but when he changes his mind it sticks*
[08-20:49] a9340, Llano Alanastrina : (note: The chant for the portal behind the glimmering is 'know the channels')
[08-20:50] c3787, Darrius Lokken : Thats exactly what I need to know from you... whats the chant, or even maybe wheres the key? Because we really need to see this kingdom.
[08-20:50] c3787, Darrius Lokken : ((Im actaully asking trndlekim whatn the chant is))
[08-20:50] 23e00, Guien Ventorrell : (( we know, llano in rl. but ic is the problem))
[08-20:50] 94295, Mr. Trendlekim : Key, no keys. Just chants. Which portal are you leaving from?
[08-20:51] 23e00, Guien Ventorrell : ** speaks up for darrius** The one out back.
[08-20:51] 94295, Mr. Trendlekim : ((Actually it's "know the right channels" Say "know the channels" and you could end up in some pretty bad places. ))
[08-20:51] a9340, Llano Alanastrina : (I know, I was just saying. Trendlekim probably knows, but just incase he doesn't its right there and he doesn have to search it out on the board.)
[08-20:53] a9340, Llano Alanastrina : (oh, , oops)
[08-20:55] 94c70, Ivirel Arrowan : *Frowns a little, uncertain.*
[08-20:56] 81325, Ashe : *gives her a reassuring smile and turns, those 4 tails swishing lightly* C'mon. Just point the direction and we're off.
[08-20:56] a9340, Llano Alanastrina : *She walks aimlessly down the now familiar streets of . She'd given up on the other bounty hunters catching Eradrae, she had come to the conclusion that none of them could best Eradrae in combat, especially without killing him, after finding several bounty hunters dead in the streets in the previous nights. She had given up on Darrius telling her of the Drows nightmares, and now she simply waited for the invasion. It was then that she would make her move!*
[08-20:56] 94295, Mr. Trendlekim : Oh, that portal. Yes, *rubs his chin* It's been burned down, hasn't it? The words gone. You want to know what it said? You should know the right channels already, for it's been up there for many, many years. That gazebo was ancient, almost petrified wood. However, since you don't know the right channels I'll tell you. The chant is " I regret to leave this fair city" *smiles congeniall*
[08-20:56] 74d1f, Anastra Sylune : ((*grumbles*))
[08-20:57] a9340, Llano Alanastrina : (Muahahahahahaha! Excellent Mr. Trendlekim!)
[08-20:58] 94c70, Ivirel Arrowan : But... *Her mind was racing trying to decide what to believe.*
[08-20:59] a9340, Llano Alanastrina : (by the way... I haven't heard anything about the ghouls in the past day or two... whats going on?)
[08-20:59] c3787, Darrius Lokken : **notes a bit of sarcasm in trendlekims voice but thinks nothing of it** Thank you old man, perhaps when our flames come through here, we will hesitate on this place... Come Guien **turns towards the exit**
[08-21:00] 94295, Mr. Trendlekim : (())
[08-21:00] 23e00, Guien Ventorrell : Okay... ** isnt really sure but darrius seem to thinks this man would know..fallows him**
[08-21:00] c3787, Darrius Lokken : ((nothing that I know of))
[08-21:01] c3787, Darrius Lokken : **Walks around to the back of the Inn, to where the portal is** Guien, did you note the thick layer of sarcasm in the humans voice?
[08-21:03] 23e00, Guien Ventorrell : I did. ** looks at the portal** I regret to leave this fair city, was it?
[08-21:03] 94295, Mr. Trendlekim : *goes back to polishing his glass and sets it under the counter where the glass disappears and heads into the back kitchen area* *GONE*
[08-21:04] 81325, Ashe : Ah c'mon lass, you seemed to be in such a hurry.
[08-21:04] c3787, Darrius Lokken : ((Ive always wnated to see trendlekim fight, I dont know why))
[08-21:05] 94295, Mr. Trendlekim : ((LOL ))
[08-21:05] a9340, Llano Alanastrina : *Her ears twitched slightly. She was being followed. Whoever it was they were very stealthy, melding into the shadows, they were not quite silent when they walked however, Llano had the feeling the foot falls should have been but weren't used to the city ground.*
[08-21:06] 74d1f, Anastra Sylune : *Wanders aimlessly about Mandragoran's castle.*
[08-21:06] a9340, Llano Alanastrina : (Hmm... *has the feeling that whoever it was fighting Trendlekim would get rocked.*)
[08-21:07] 94c70, Ivirel Arrowan : I am. I... *A little frustrated now.*
[08-21:08] a9340, Llano Alanastrina : *The footfalls slowly began to move in front of her and she kept wary of them, ever alert, hands ready to snap to the hilts of her blades.*
[08-21:09] 94295, Miakuti: *scrambles of the nearly smooth walls of Mandragon's castle the way only she seems to be able to do, the little urchin is relentless in her climbing*
[08-21:10] c3787, Darrius Lokken : Lets make sure **steps up to The glimmering inn's public portal, ennunciating very clearly** I regret to leave this fair city! **and then speaks the destination**
[08-21:10] 81325, Ashe : *shrugs* All right, well if you don't want my help then...*he turns and begins walking off, stuffing his hands into the pockets of his pants*
[08-21:11] c3787, Darrius Lokken : ((Oops, scratch creon, ment to say Belkin))
[08-21:11] 94295, Miakuti: ((Bah! *goes to change the portal writeup for to have it's title actually be "" since that's confusing people))
[08-21:12] 94c70, Ivirel Arrowan : What about my horse?
[08-21:12] 74d1f, Anastra Sylune : ((*Spots movement nearby and, spurred by curiosity, heads in that direction.*))
[08-21:12] 74d1f, Anastra Sylune : ((*knew that was going to happen*)) *Spots movement nearby and, spurred by curiosity, heads in that direction.*
[08-21:13] 23e00, Guien Ventorrell : ** well anyway...the portal activates he then looks to darrius** Ready?
[08-21:13] 94295, Miakuti: *she gets to the window she was heading for with an eager, gleeful expression.* Miakuti sneaks. *whispers smugly to herself*
[08-21:14] 81325, Ashe : *turns back* Your horse'll be fine. Don't worry.
[08-21:14] c3787, Darrius Lokken : **Ponders a moment** After you
[08-21:15] 23e00, Guien Ventorrell : ** walks through
[08-21:15] 23e00, Guien Ventorrell : **
[08-21:16] c3787, Darrius Lokken : **Follows in close suit of the demon**
[08-21:16] 74d1f, Anastra Sylune : ((*thought she was outside for some reason, but she isn't*)) *She ignores the elaborate artwork on the walls, stepping casually up to the closest window. Once she's there, she glances casually out onto the garden. The shadow of Miakuti catches her attention out of the corner of her eye, and she looks in that direction.*
[08-21:17] 94295, Miakuti: Sneaky sneaky sneaky. *in a deviously maniacal and giddy voice as she comes in the window of the castle in *
[08-21:17] 94295, Miakuti: ((Just felt like typing "" to see the shiney letters. ))
[08-21:18] 94c70, Ivirel Arrowan : *She simply stands there. Walking would take her several more days, but the horse could be anywhere in the forest right now. She was at a loss.*
[08-21:18] 74d1f, Anastra Sylune : *Dips back inside as the shadow disappears through another window. Anastra turns and heads toward that window, which may or may not be a bedroom window. It's really up to Miakuti's player.*
[08-21:18] a9340, Llano Alanastrina : *A voice calls out to her from the shadows, speaking in elvish, the voice, which belongs to a male elf, says* You have faultered Llanoleianas. I am here to bring you home. *Llano stops moving, hands resting on her hips.* Show yourself! *At her comman a lithe elf, cloaked in green steps out into the street stopping in front of her. She could tell he had a pair of knifes concealed within his sleeves.*
[08-21:19] 81325, Ashe : *and there he stands, seeming to be her only hope as he can carry her no problem and move as fast, if not faster than the horse, as well as his ability to leap over the trees* What's it gonna be little duck? Should I be on my merry way?
[08-21:21] 94295, Miakuti: *it's a sitting room window, next to a bedroom and she goes to the adjacent bedroom door to open it instead of heading to the hallway. The door is locked and so she starts tugging at it and grunting, like that is going to open it* Come on, stupid door. *grunts and pulls*
[08-21:21] 23e00, Guien Ventorrell : ** looks around ** I don't think we are in, .
[08-21:21] 23e00, Guien Ventorrell : (( more shiney letters for ya.))
[08-21:23] 74d1f, Anastra Sylune : *She cants her head to one side, listening. She hesitates outside the door behind which she's fairly certain the "burglar" currently hides. She rests her hand on the door handle before giving it an abrupt turn and bursting into the room.*
[08-21:23] c3787, Darrius Lokken : **Growls angrily** Nor do I... remind me to slaughter that man, as soon as we get back **turns to re-enter the portal, but its now gone, he scowls**
[08-21:25] 94295, Miakuti : *she looks over and sees Anastra* Eee! *and starts tugging at the door faster* Open open open!! *tug tug tug, just all going nuts on that door and it not budging*
[08-21:25] 94c70, Ivirel Arrowan : How do I know you are not lying?
[08-21:26] 81325, Ashe : Guess you'll just have to trust me. *grins*
[08-21:26] a9340, Llano Alanastrina : Llano: And what of the Drow? Will we simply allow him to live? *she tilts her head. The male takes a few steps toward her.* Man: He is to be watched closely, one act of evil and he will be cut down. You must come home Llano, we will help you! *Llano scoffed arrogantly.* Llano: I am in need of help? *Behind her, she hears the faintest noise, a blade being drawn. Her blades are out in an instant and acting purely on instinct, the elf behind her is disarmed, his dagger lieing on the ground. Spinning around she whirls her long sword and short sword about, each in a circle deflecting three throwing daggers. Then turning again she is on time to fend off the other elfs twin scimitars. The other elf however was not nearly as skilled as Llano, and the battle was one sided. Llano however, couldn't take advantage as the other elf closed in behind her, a pair of short swords in his hands. It was about to get very interesting. Very interesting indeed...*
[08-21:27] 74d1f, Anastra Sylune : *She steps further into the room, folding her arms lightly. Amusement takes some of the natural intensity from her silver eyes.* I don't think that's going to work, Little One.
[08-21:27] 94c70, Ivirel Arrowan : *Frowns a little again.*
[08-21:28] JOIN: Hulkdogs has entered.
[08-21:29] 23e00, Guien Ventorrell : Will, do. ** looks around abit** So where are we?
[08-21:30] 94295, Miakuti : Mmmph? *pauses in her jerking to look at Anastra and then turns back and yanks on the door some more, getting her feet all onto the door and pulling on the handle. She then scrabbles up the wall, her trained and dextrous fingers, finding the darndest things to grab onto the most would never dream could carry ever her slight, very waify weight. She ends up on some decoration above the fireplace and looks down at Anastra, scowling* Go away!
[08-21:31] c3787, Darrius Lokken : **Looks around, currently in a dark tunnel** Not certain, but wherever we are, its not where we want to be, I should have known that bastard old man would have done this...
[08-21:31] 94295, Miakuti : ((ehem, that should read "....her trained and dextrous fingers finding the darndest things to grab onto that most would never dream could carry ....."))
[08-21:31] 74d1f, Anastra Sylune : *She quirks a brow, kicking the door closed behind her.* Go away? *Steps farther into the room, ideally to place herself strategically between Miakuti and any quick escape route.* I'm a guest here. Are you?
[08-21:35] 94295, Miakuti : Ummmm *looks like she is considering very hard* Yes, yes a guest. *nods rapidly. She looks to be about 12 to 13, but is actually 14 to 15, her frame stunted from years of living on the streets and food deprevation, and she is obviously not all there in the head. Her eyes are a little hollowed and she looks a little on the skeletal side. She stays up on the wall, like a spider, her toes also able to grab at the smallest purchases*
[08-21:35] 94c70, Ivirel Arrowan : *sighs a little.* Alright.
[08-21:35] EXIT: Llano Alanastrina has left the chat ( 10:26pm, July 08 (CDT) ).
[08-21:35] 81325, Ashe : *steps forward again and smiles* Well alright, hop on.
[08-21:36] 23e00, Arbtian Resderian : ** sits in his cave looking at his slave busy about, cleaning cooking and what not**
[08-21:36] 74d1f, Anastra Sylune : Really? *Takes a step toward her, her tone betraying disbelief.*
[08-21:36] 23e00, Arbtian Resderian : (( slave- slaves))
[08-21:38] 94295, Miakuti : Ummmm. *looks like she is considering all over again, looking about in her thoughts that eye shifting way* Yes, yes definitely. *she shifts higher onto the wall a little as Anastra steps closer*
[08-21:39] 74d1f, Anastra Sylune : Is this your room, then?
[08-21:39] c3787, Darrius Lokken : ((fade out for now on Darrius, pause for now Guien?))
[08-21:39] 94295, Miakuti : Mmmmhmmmmmmmmmmmmm. *draws out her affirmative way too long and it sounds anything but affirmative in tone*
[08-21:39] 23e00, Guien Ventorrell : (( yes ))
[08-21:40] 94c70, Ivirel Arrowan : *Hesitantly climbs onto him.*
[08-21:40] 74d1f, Anastra Sylune : It's a much nicer room than mine is. I'm jealous. *Her tone is carefully modulated, and after the intial step forward she doesn't take any more.*
[08-21:41] 81325, Ashe : ((whoo, picture InuYasha carrying Kogome)) *he secures her legs with his arms and takes off quickly in the direction she gives, moving quicker than she was on the horse*
[08-21:42] 94c70, Ivirel Arrowan : *Would have indicated to him the direction of the Fae Kingdom. She holds onto him tightly, her eyes closed. If this was a trick or some other dragon was going to pop out, she didn't really want to see it.*
[08-21:42] 94295, Miakuti : You have shiney things in your room? *cranes her neck closer toward Anastra inquisitively, eager for the information, her movements like a little lizard or spider. It's clear she has had anything but a normal upbringing*
[08-21:43] 23e00, Arbtian Resderian : ** stands stretching, he moves from his cave out into the open moves towards . has his one prized slave on a leash, they both wear rich read colors made of mine silks, Arbtian his furs that line the collor of his tunic. has both of his maces hanging from his belt at his waist.**
[08-21:43] 74d1f, Anastra Sylune : A few shiney things, yes. Would you like to see them?