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[06-17:52] 97969, Llano Alanastrina : *She sits down at the bar, waving away the tender as she gazes around the room her gaze quickly settling on Koals. Why was he staring at her? A bounty hunter perhaps having finally caught the Drow?*
[06-17:54] 97969, Llano Alanastrina : (I would really like to know why there are so many different kind of elves where there is only one kind of Dwarf, and no Gnomes!)
[06-17:55] 6d59a, Koal Oneri: **He wasnt a bounty hunter, just merely wanting to talk with someone. Silence on his part was maddening. He slowly stood and walked to her, bowing, his pendant now glowing slightly**"Hello, May I enquire as to what in the hell is going on in this place?"**This seemed to be him main question**
[06-17:55] c22f2, Ankalima Morwen : *Llano might have noticed a half elf female sitting in a booth as she looks around the room*...(is there more than one kind of dwarf?)
[06-17:56] c22f2, Ankalima Morwen : (*tries on icon*)
[06-17:57] 6d59a, Koal Oneri: (( Llano, ask him what he is. I want him to have a reason to transform into a tiger, so he can be lovable and get petted and such ))
[06-17:57] 372fd, Rhaz Malek: Maybe later on you can show me your trick for fighting. Sounds pretty interesting, and magic usually something nice to behold, so long as nobody's hurling fireballs in my general direction.
[06-17:58] 97969, Llano Alanastrina : *She tilted her head slightly, her face remaining expressionless. Then she waves her hand around the room,* Patrons are enjoying a drink or two. Is that a problem? *she stared at him, her eyes not straying from his. She was testing him, just as she suspected he was testing her.* (Um... Llano is evil...)
[06-17:58] 372fd, Rhaz Malek: is*
[06-18:00] 97969, Llano Alanastrina : (Um, theres a few kind of dwarves. Hill dwarves, tthey actually live outside there arnt many of these. and there was another kind of dwarf I had in mind... And what about halflings/hobbits?)
[06-18:00] 97969, Llano Alanastrina : (it just seems likethey're emphasizing a lot on elves...)
[06-18:01] 97969, Llano Alanastrina : (Oh, and Duergar, they're like the Drow of Dwarves... except they're grey.. not black...)
[06-18:01] 97969, Llano Alanastrina : (brb)
[06-18:01] 5a5ba, Mrs. Trendlekim : *she dips the rag and begins wiping down the little dresser table, lifting the pitcher and washer bowl to wipe under them. She wipes down the frame of the bed and above the pictures on the wall and above the window from and gets up on a chair and wipes off the tops of the rafters, there being no dust, this is just for good measure. She finishes by wiping over the mantle of the fireplace just as the puppet is finishing it's work and rushing off back to it's little room to await its next job. It amazingly does not leave sooty tracks or anything. She throws the rag on the floor and watches as it does a quick and rapid job of mopping over the floor. She then picks up the bucket and rag and carries it back to the wash room for the poor washer girl to take care of as well. She tosses the rag in a different bin for rags in the washer room and sets down the bucket in its designated spot and then turns and heads back to room 12. The last thing she does for the room is to go and collect the washer bowl and pitcher and carry it to a different washer room where another girl works. She picks up a fresh one there and carries it back to the room. The potty buckets of the various rooms, luckily, clean themselves magically, automatically. Having placed the fresh picture and washbowl on its stand. She walks over to the balcony and closes the door. She then walks over to the window and closes it as well, drawing the nice curtains closed. She crosses the room to the door and closes it and pulls out her key ring and locks it. Another room ready to go. She proceeds to the next recently occupied room where the guests of checked out and repeats the whole process all over again. Fade out* ((Okay, I could have gone into more idiotic detail, but I think I did pretty well, don't you?))
[06-18:01] c22f2, Kali: Bye Mab..
[06-18:02] c22f2, Kali: ummm yes you did a great job.... *loves it*
[06-18:02] 5a5ba, Mrs. Trendlekim : ((Well, now everyone has an idea of how well Trendlekim's rooms are kept up and how. ))
[06-18:03] 6d59a, Koal Oneri: **He turned back to Rhaz and chuckled. Finally someone asked! He too a breath and his pendant glew brightly. His body followed suit as it distored into that of a tiger. The light faded and a large white tiger is what was to be seen. The tiger let out a roar as he tried to speak within the mans mind, something he was trying to practice though wasnt very good at yet**~This~**Was all he could get out before he returned to his human form**"I cant talk very well like that"**He chuckled**"My mind talk leaves much to be desired"**He chuckled more hating not mastering a skill quickly though some things took time to learn**
[06-18:03] 5a5ba, Mrs. Trendlekim : (( Thanks))
[06-18:03] 97969, Llano Alanastrina : (back, was she refering to her post or my ranting about dwarves and elves and stuff...)
[06-18:04] c22f2, Kali: I'll be back later .... maybe there will be rp for me then... I was refering to Mrs T's post...
[06-18:04] b4692, Mrs. Trendlekim : ((*toodles back to RL work again* That was fun. hehe))
[06-18:05] 372fd, Rhaz Malek: *Eyes widen slightly with awe* Wow, that's a neat trick. I half-expected you to bite my head off or something.
[06-18:05] 97969, Llano Alanastrina : *She watches Koal and upon his transformation scowls. No bounty hunter in llanos mind would be so irresponcible and draw so much unneeded attention to themselves. (Actually Kali I was reffering to the end of Mrs Ts post)
[06-18:05] b4692, Mrs. Trendlekim : *oh, and she set her broom in a broom closet at some point too. Forgot to mention that. Oops))
[06-18:05] EXIT: Kali has left the chat ( 7:04pm, July 06 (CDT) ).
[06-18:05] EXIT: Mrs. Trendlekim has left the chat ( 7:05pm, July 06 (CDT) ).
[06-18:08] 6d59a, Koal Oneri: **He chuckled**"No, I dont like to hurt people that I could call friend later on. As well as someone who could call me friend as well. I can sustain that as long as i need, usually anymore, I do it when I am shy. It gets people used to me"**He chuckled**
[06-18:10] 97969, Llano Alanastrina : *She nearly scoffed, having overheard the conversation between Koal and Rhaz as they weren't that far away. Fools... she thought. Driven by such trivial matters. Suddenly a nagging entered her mind and she nearly growled at it, knowing that Lelvin'd'Arciin was no longer under her power.*
[06-18:13] 372fd, Rhaz Malek: ((Back, sorreh)) *He pops another dried apricot into his mouth, hoping to ease his headache. At least his chronic nosebleeds were fairly under control for now...though the more he used the Illithids' gifts, the more he bled, and the more powerful they became. It was simultaneously a blessing and a curse* Do you know Sorcha at all? I think I saw you talking with her the other day, though I could be mistaken.
[06-18:15] 6d59a, Koal Oneri: **He looked at him**"The woman earlier? I dont know her, I have said hi to her and I watched as she got bullied by that really really evil dude who said something about controlling a zombie or goul or something bad army"
[06-18:15] f2987, Llano Alanastrina : *At the mention of Sorcha her ears perk up slightly. Eradrae was with a Sorcha, that was what Darrius had told her was it not? Perhaps this would lead her to him...*
[06-18:15] f2987, Llano Alanastrina : (Illithids are awesome...)
[06-18:17] f2987, Llano Alanastrina : *She smirked, assuming 'that really evil dude' had been Darrius.*
[06-18:18] 372fd, Rhaz Malek: Yeah, he didn't seem all that friendly. There's a lot of bad blood between he and Sorcha. I just don't get why in the hell anyone would want to be so damned reckless and cruel. There's enough bad in this world already, people don't need to be adding to it.
[06-18:18] JOIN: Travis has entered.
[06-18:18] 261c4, Guien Ventorrell : (( I am not darrius ))
[06-18:18] JOIN: Darrius Lokken has entered.
[06-18:19] 6d59a, Koal Oneri: **He nodded in agreement**"I agree, Especially because I can somewhat feel it, being a cat and in tune with such things to an extent.**" I really makes me feel weird when someone who is leaking with evil walks in. It makes me want to throw up"
[06-18:19] 261c4, Guien Ventorrell : (( speak of the devil ))
[06-18:19] f2987, Llano Alanastrina : (hi darrius)
[06-18:19] 6d59a, Koal Oneri: (( Wow. Hello ))
[06-18:20] f2987, Llano Alanastrina : (Guien at one point Sorcha and Darrius did have a confrontation, actually twice I believe, once when Darrius was trying to get Eradrae to join his cause and once when Darrius wanted Sorcha to make him something.)
[06-18:21] 8df6e, Darrius Lokken : ((Hi, am I a topic of conversation or something now? **laughs**))
[06-18:21] 6d59a, Koal Oneri: (( It was a shirt...a Maroon shirt! hehe ))
[06-18:21] f2987, Llano Alanastrina : (, )
[06-18:21] 6d59a, Koal Oneri: (( Yes, you are ))
[06-18:22] 8df6e, Darrius Lokken : ((Hey! And a jacket, and boots, and pants... and why did you remember that **is creeped out**))
[06-18:23] 6d59a, Koal Oneri: (( Cause Koal didnt know what maroon was and I remember almost everything except names and numbers ))
[06-18:23] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[06-18:23] 97969, Llano Alanastrina : (,)
[06-18:23] fc091, Will-o'-the-wisp: you have a stalker!
[06-18:24] EXIT: Travis has left the chat ( 7:18pm, July 06 (CDT) ).
[06-18:24] 8df6e, Darrius Lokken : ((Apparently, where'd guien go?))
[06-18:25] 97969, Llano Alanastrina : (There was mention of Sorcha IC and somehow they started talking about You...)
[06-18:25] 372fd, Rhaz Malek: ((Sorreh, gotta poof ))
[06-18:26] 97969, Llano Alanastrina : (btw Rhaz u seem to mention Sorcha excessively in RP is ur C in love with her or something?)
[06-18:26] 6d59a, Koal Oneri: (( Bye ))
[06-18:26] JOIN: Vesarn has entered.
[06-18:27] fa914, Guien Ventorrell : ** walks along the streets, looking at each human he pass. comes along one fat one, stop in his track. humans are bad enough but a fat one that wastes Bettenchis resources...walks up to the fat human, pulls back a balled fist, slams into the mans stomach hard enough to it blows out his interals, the man starts to bleed from his nose**
[06-18:27] 97969, Llano Alanastrina : (Guess he's gone...)
[06-18:28] 97969, Llano Alanastrina : *Still sitting at the bar, deep in thought.*
[06-18:29] 8df6e, Darrius Lokken : **Is busy walking through the streets of rua, the people left filling the streets are being cut down by Darrius' sickles. This is really amusing, they're too tired from running from ghouls to run from him. He's moving towards Guien**
[06-18:30] fa914, Guien Ventorrell : ** walks on through the streets feeling abit more happy. one more down**
[06-18:33] 8df6e, Darrius Lokken : **does a spin, burying one sickle in a humans chin, and leaving one in anothers back, splitting the spine in half. He spots the demon moving towards him, but has smelled him coming for awhile**
[06-18:35] 97969, Llano Alanastrina : *She'd killed more people today. Darrius would tell her of Eradraes dreams now... Oh how she'd enjoy tormenting him... but there was always that nagging in the back of her head, perhaps it was her sword, Lelvin'd'Arciin, perhaps it was what little was left of her contiounce (Sp?). She was a creature of good how could she murder so easily? They were human! They had all sinned, each and everyone of them! And she was doing it in the name of good was she not? She was killing them so that a greater evil would suffer before dieing. That was righteous was it not?*
[06-18:35] fa914, Guien Ventorrell : ** stops as he see's another figure killing all he wishs to. Guien pulls both swords from his back, he begins to spins the about lobbing of random humans heads, cutting off limbs of other, but most just get cut in half. now about 50 yards from darrius**
[06-18:37] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[06-18:37] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 7:37pm, July 06 (CDT) ).
[06-18:38] 97969, Llano Alanastrina : *And what of her aligning herself with Darrius, that abyssal creature? Was that evil? Was she violating her own code of cnduct by simply allying herself with him? Surely not because of their alliance a greater evil then he would suffer, and greatly so! She was following her deities will! And no matter what Lelvin'd'Arciin tried to tell her, nothing would change that.*
[06-18:41] 8df6e, Darrius Lokken : **Stares at the demon a moent, laughing insanely** Competition, delightful! **He throws his arms to either sides, two six inche blades sliding from his sleeves. With this he Jumps into the air, kicking one human in the jaw, stabbing him in the heart. He then flies into the air, coming down with great force and speed with a boot to the top of another humans skull, bringing his head through his pelvis. He then grabs another humans adams apple, ripping it from his throat, and then enjoys gouging a few eyes.**
[06-18:42] fa914, Guien Ventorrell : ** looks at the nightmare, thinks back a moment** Hello, Darrius.
[06-18:44] 97969, Llano Alanastrina : (Hmm... I need a way to have the magic in Lelvin'd'Arciin mess up... any ideas??)
[06-18:45] fa914, Guien Ventorrell : I want to join your campain. ** holds out both arms,sword in both hand. a large group of dead left by , darrius and himself surround then** I want to help you do this to the filthy humans.
[06-18:46] 3a8a8, Roki: filthy little humanses.. yes.... mmmyyyyy p- .... ya'll know the rest
[06-18:47] EXIT: Koal Oneri has left the chat ( 7:26pm, July 06 (CDT) ).
[06-18:47] JOIN: KoalOneri has entered.
[06-18:47] 6d59a, KoalOneri: (( bye hehe ill be back tomarrow ))
[06-18:47] EXIT: KoalOneri has left the chat ( 7:47pm, July 06 (CDT) ).
[06-18:47] 97969, Llano Alanastrina : (... is Llano the only one in the room that doesn't want to kill every human being in existence..? Mind you... she is hell bent on killing Eradrae....)
[06-18:48] fa914, Guien Ventorrell : (( evil seem to be the thing to be right now))
[06-18:48] 8df6e, Darrius Lokken : ((Then why are you in the advocates))
[06-18:49] 3a8a8, Roki: my char Morgul doesnt want to kill every human... he wants to kill EVERYTHING
[06-18:49] 8df6e, Darrius Lokken : ((Really, I have a faction called advocates of death with the goal of destroying all life
[06-18:50] 8df6e, Darrius Lokken : ((all of it, interested))
[06-18:50] fa914, Guien Ventorrell : (( RP!))
[06-18:50] 97969, Llano Alanastrina : (Llano is in it because she knows Darrius can help her torment Eradrae, she is however taking her tole on the humans though... so it is in Darrius's favor to keep her around.. In any case when darrius and her met she said nothing about killing every human being in existence.)
[06-18:51] 8df6e, Darrius Lokken : **Laughs maddly** Guien? Oh, perfect... I thought i recognized the scent, you do realize we'll be killing more than just humans, correct?
[06-18:51] 8df6e, Darrius Lokken : ((?))
[06-18:51] 8df6e, Darrius Lokken : ((All life, not every human, humans aint the problem))
[06-18:52] 97969, Llano Alanastrina : (what do you mean '?' ?)
[06-18:52] 97969, Llano Alanastrina : (meh, same thing!)
[06-18:52] fa914, Guien Ventorrell : I don't care, as long as i get to kill mostly Humans. ** shrugs, looking blood covered swords, leans over wiping them off on a beheaded human**
[06-18:53] 8df6e, Darrius Lokken : ( imeant, to Roki, interested in joining?))
[06-18:53] JOIN: xyva has entered.
[06-18:53] c6c97, xyva: LAI'DOR
[06-18:54] 3a8a8, Roki: i'll consider it. kinda busy atm
[06-18:54] 5e834, Aralore : ((Jesus, that's obnoxious..))
[06-18:55] 8df6e, Darrius Lokken : **Picks up his sicklles, turning and throwing one, hitting a fleeing human in the head** It'll do... I always need new blood... strnagely, I have a high elf working for me...
[06-18:55] 3a8a8, Roki: just what the hell is that supposed to mean
[06-18:56] JOIN: Caradonia has entered.
[06-18:57] fa914, Guien Ventorrell : **knits his eye brows** High elf? ** swings both his sword around, they coming inchs from darrius's face, stops the swords as the tips hit the opening of the sheaths on his back, slides them home** How interesting.
[06-18:58] 5e834, Aralore : ((xyva, what other words are multi-coloured like that?))
[06-18:59] c6c97, xyva: look at the filter
[06-18:59] 5e834, Aralore : ((That'll be a hassle. Yick.))
[06-19:00] b5002, Caradonia: *With her bare feet submerged in the cool water of a small forest pond she studies the scrolls that we given to her to learn from. She tries to make sense from the first one..trying to make that understanding click inside her mind. Has been at this for a few hours now and yet..nothing...damnitt*
[06-19:00] 8df6e, Darrius Lokken : **Looks at his other sycle, smiling darkly at the demon... He then swings the weapon straight at Guiens arm, not stopping, so it will probably stab him, unless he decides its worth moving.** Interesting isnt the word I was thinking... more like off-putting. Oh well, she'll die eventually (bum bum bum))
[06-19:01] f2987, Llano Alanastrina : (, eventually then she'll be brought back as a Ghast!)
[06-19:01] f2987, Llano Alanastrina : (brb)
[06-19:02] fa914, Guien Ventorrell : ** doesnt move, the sickle going into his arm. he looks down the reachs over grabbing onto the sickles handle. pulls it out with a grunt** Why did you do that?
[06-19:04] 8df6e, Darrius Lokken : Because its funny
[06-19:05] b5002, Caradonia: *She wiggels her toes at the insistent nibbling of a few minnow.s SHe looks over her paper and down into the water with a smile* othersome little things*But leaves her feet in the water...will tolerate being's hot out*
[06-19:08] fa914, Guien Ventorrell : ** shakes his head abit ** No it ain't. Let's go some where less enhabited by humans. ** opens a portal to the outside of the city, holds an open hand gesturing to the portal**
[06-19:10] c6c97, xyva: Nirawyr, NIRAWYR, ACENDAWAN, QUMAN, , , , , , , , , , , and .
[06-19:10] 8df6e, Darrius Lokken : **As the prtal opens, darrius looks up at Guien as he begins to step in** Have you heard of the ghouls in rua? **voice fades as he enters, fade out on darrius for now** ((later on everybody, Guien, finish this later...))
[06-19:11] fa914, Guien Ventorrell : **fallows darrius through and also fades till later**
[06-19:12] b5002, Caradonia: *The growling of her stomach pulls her away from her reading. She sighs and lays the scrolls down a decent distance away from the the water. She crawls back to where her cloak certian that she has an apple in there*
[06-19:17] JOIN: Kali has entered.
[06-19:22] 283eb, Kazia Del'Mara : *the servant arriving to tell her that Lord Aegnor had left was just about shaking as he related the news... as if she would be mad at that man finally leaving her home..* Find the king and telll him please.. and that i wish to see him as soon as possible...*turning away from the servant she goes into her dressing room, changing back into the darker warrior clothing she preferred*
[06-19:23] b5002, Caradonia: (*(GOona go fix dinner*
[06-19:24] 283eb, Kaya : (have fun.... i';ll just rp alone again)
[06-19:28] 283eb, Kaya : *flying back to her home, she soon becomes that small streak of white light up a small path as she goes....if one were to listen, they might hear what could be singing coming from the light.... feeling suddenly free at the thought of actually getting to meet other species... not something she's done before*Lalalala weeee!
[06-19:33] JOIN: HulkDogs has entered.
[06-19:33] c6c97, Elias Zorander : *walks around the tower's library picking out books and scrols he wants to copy for his office at the academy*
[06-19:34] c6c97, Elias Zorander : (scrolls*)
[06-19:34] 283eb, Kali: (i hate that purple...)
[06-19:35] c6c97, Elias Zorander : (what purple?)
[06-19:35] 283eb, Kali: kaya's ... i need to change it
[06-19:36] c6c97, Xyva: what is it?
[06-19:36] c6c97, Xyva: its code
[06-19:45] 283eb, Kaya : *test*
[06-19:47] 283eb, Kaya : (hmm.... no ))
[06-19:48] fa914, HulkDogs : try D02090
[06-19:49] fa914, HulkDogs : here
[06-19:49] fa914, HulkDogs : wow close to that one
[06-19:49] fa914, HulkDogs : ** trying random colors outa boredum**
[06-19:50] fa914, HulkDogs: ** again**
[06-19:50] fa914, HulkDogs: 8B008B
[06-19:51] fa914, HulkDogs: FF83FA
[06-19:51] fa914, HulkDogs: CD3278
[06-19:52] fa914, HulkDogs: FF34B3 okay ill stop now
[06-19:52] 283eb, Kaya : *test*
[06-19:52] 283eb, Kaya : hmmm
[06-19:52] fa914, HulkDogs: So how is everyone even tho there is noone
[06-19:53] fa914, HulkDogs: except Kaya
[06-19:53] 283eb, Kaya : *takes offence*
[06-19:53] 283eb, Kaya : that better
[06-19:53] fa914, HulkDogs: EE82EE okay last time i ment there is noone in here except you
[06-19:54] 283eb, Kaya : *grins*
[06-19:54] fa914, HulkDogs: wow is that the code you using for color?
[06-19:54] 283eb, Kaya : no
[06-19:54] fa914, HulkDogs: so where this char?
[06-19:54] 283eb, Kaya : f078f0 i think
[06-19:55] 283eb, Kaya : Kaya is in Fae... but i have several others that are just about everywhere
[06-19:56] fa914, HulkDogs: i got a char in fae
[06-19:56] 283eb, Kaya : (who?)
[06-19:56] fa914, HulkDogs: Um, lando trosni a garoyle
[06-19:57] 283eb, Kaya : (and he's in Fae?)
[06-19:57] 283eb, Kaya : (um not this color)
[06-19:58] 283eb, Kaya : (whats he doing there?)
[06-19:58] fa914, HulkDogs: He is in the forest outside of fae
[06-19:58] fa914, HulkDogs: he was flying over with a bounty and landed to rest
[06-19:59] 283eb, Kaya : ( or LAI'DOR ))
[06-19:59] fa914, HulkDogs: Huh?
[06-19:59] b4692, Mab: Huh?
[06-19:59] 283eb, Kaya : (is he in the land of Fae or outside of it?)
[06-20:00] b4692, Mab: Hee Ho, Fee Fi Foh.
[06-20:00] fa914, HulkDogs: in the land but not in any cities
[06-20:00] fa914, HulkDogs: Rainbow
[06-20:00] b4692, Mab: I thought he was inside the lands of the Fae. Yeah, what he just said.
[06-20:01] 283eb, Kaya : (hmm... ok... *ponders*)
[06-20:01] fa914, HulkDogs: all the colors are kool
[06-20:02] fa914, HulkDogs: I got three chars in and one two in
[06-20:02] c6c97, Xyva: <_<>_>
[06-20:02] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[06-20:02] fa914, HulkDogs: ok ** trying what mab suggested
[06-20:02] fa914, HulkDogs: **
[06-20:03] fa914, HulkDogs: AH kool
[06-20:03] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 9:02pm, July 06 (CDT) ).
[06-20:03] 283eb, Kaya : ( just wait until you get to the darker ones...... )
[06-20:03] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[06-20:03] JOIN: Llano Alanastrina has entered.
[06-20:03] fa914, HulkDogs: ** talks just so colors will change** um there should be a hulkburger
[06-20:03] fa914, HulkDogs: change
[06-20:04] 283eb, Kaya : (who do you have in Rua? )
[06-20:04] fa914, HulkDogs: ** stops now**
[06-20:05] 97969, Llano Alanastrina : (hello)
[06-20:05] fa914, HulkDogs: Um i got Tarnis Catadon.....Guien Ventorrell uh Nefiset Da'emorentis
[06-20:06] fa914, HulkDogs: the last two are evil and insane like
[06-20:06] 283eb, Kaya : (i think the fae... ))
[06-20:06] 97969, Llano Alanastrina : (hulk dogs, Guien and Nefiset are your characters?)
[06-20:07] fa914, HulkDogs: Yes
[06-20:07] 97969, Llano Alanastrina : (whoa, didn't ave a clue.)
[06-20:08] fa914, HulkDogs: ** wonders if randow does black color**
[06-20:08] b4692, Mab: *has such a headache today for some reason. not fun*
[06-20:08] 86921, Caradonia: ((wheee..dinner is done!))
[06-20:08] fa914, HulkDogs: well i try to make each char different in every way...except those two like to kill things
[06-20:08] 283eb, Kaya : (LOL I have 9 active.... join the club Mab.... *shares excedrin*)
[06-20:08] fa914, HulkDogs: i always get headaches when it rains
[06-20:09] c6c97, Xyva: yes
[06-20:09] b4692, Mab: hehe
[06-20:10] fa914, HulkDogs: i will be back in like 10 -15 mins i gotta go do alittle work outside
[06-20:10] 97969, Llano Alanastrina : (hmm, I like to have my characters with a darker side and all be different and all have intertwining storylines... it seems Dane will be quite far from the norm for me... speaking of which I believe I owe u people the amusemant of watching Dane break into the Mage tower dont I.... it wnt be as amusing without that mage person arund but...)
[06-20:12] 97969, Llano Alanastrina : (brb)
[06-20:12] 283eb, Kali: Ive got to go... see you later
[06-20:12] c6c97, Xyva: *leaving the tower with the copies he requested he makes his way back to the Inn*
[06-20:13] EXIT: Kali has left the chat ( 9:12pm, July 06 (CDT) ).
[06-20:14] c6c97, Xyva: (hmm......Nix that last post)
[06-20:17] c6c97, Elias Zorander : *is in the Mage tower picking out books and scrolls he wants to copy and bring back to the academy*
[06-20:23] fa914, HulkDogs: ok back
[06-20:24] fa914, HulkDogs: /masg Elias Zorander do you have like lil mage students yet or do you need a few?
[06-20:24] fa914, HulkDogs: ok so there it is
[06-20:24] fa914, HulkDogs: try that again
[06-20:25] MSG: HulkDogs sent a message to Elias Zorander.
[06-20:25] fa914, HulkDogs: there
[06-20:25] b4692, Tandy : *she scurries by the Mage tower scroll room, having been out when she wasn't supposed to be. He hopes no one sees her or she is in big trouble. She notes someone in the library. She stops and ducks behind a hanging tapestry*
[06-20:26] c6c97, Elias Zorander : (try what?)
[06-20:26] fa914, HulkDogs: sending a message to you
[06-20:27] 86921, Caradonia: (('s storming))
[06-20:28] fa914, HulkDogs: there is one
[06-20:28] fa914, HulkDogs: its stormin here too
[06-20:31] b4692, Tandy : ((Hmm, guess Elias left?))
[06-20:31] c6c97, Elias Zorander : *Ignores the Young Mage for now knowing Planning to deal with her after he finds the book he is looking for.*
[06-20:32] c6c97, Elias Zorander : ( take out knowing)
[06-20:32] fa914, HulkDogs : there he is
[06-20:33] 86921, Caradonia: *She's given up on the studying in opt for swimming in the pond. Her clothes lie scattered on the dry ground next to the scrolls. She isnt exactly making alot of noise by splashing around, is just sort of floating around*
[06-20:33] fa914, HulkDogs :
[06-20:33] fa914, HulkDogs : ** stops doing stuff ooc **
[06-20:35] MSG: Elias Zorander sent a message to Hulkdogs.
[06-20:38] MSG: HulkDogs sent a message to Elias Zorander.
[06-20:38] b4692, Tandy : *moves quietly behind the tapestry to the other side, it's hanging fringe only barely hiding her feet moving by, except that her toes are sticking out from under it. She conforms to the wall, sliding along it.*
[06-20:39] fa914, Tarnis Catadon : ** walks about in the wood, he is sure that cara is out here somewhere. Wonders if she has been studtying the scrolls he made for her. his eyes are green in the moonlight of the night**
[06-20:39] JOIN: HulkDogs has entered.
[06-20:39] EXIT: HulkDogs has left the chat ( 9:39pm, July 06 (CDT) ).
[06-20:41] MSG: Elias Zorander sent a message to Hulkdogs.
[06-20:41] 86921, Caradonia: *She wades where the water is deep, looking around her, eyes wide and bright as her gaze shifts to the shadowed area between trees...she frowns and dunks herself under*
[06-20:41] MSG: Tarnis Catadon sent a message to Elias Zorander.
[06-20:45] fa914, Tarnis Catadon : ** still moving along the forest his steps are slow and silent, he is in no hurry. passes under a tree his eyes momentarly go red. once abck in the moon light they are again green**
[06-20:46] 86921, Caradonia: *When she surfaces she raises her hands to wipe the wet hair from her eyes. Her brow furrowed she ventures out a timid* Hello?
[06-20:46] c6c97, Elias Zorander : *pulls a book off the shelf and starts turning the pages to conferm it is the one he is looking for*
[06-20:48] fa914, Tarnis Catadon : ** hears disterbance in the water to his right. turns walking silently towards the noise**
[06-20:50] b4692, Tandy : *was coming to the library to look some things up herself, but she wasn't supposed to be. They were things that were supposed to be beyond her level that she wanted to try and learn. Naturally, they were in a part of the library she wasn't supposed to go, a part that had wards to keep her out, but she through sneaky observation, had learned the ways*
[06-20:51] 86921, Caradonia: **She waits..looking, trying to see if anything, other than squirrels and deer, is approaching. She feels only in the thin shift that she swims and bathes in..all her clothes are on the bank...she grits her teeth in her own ignorance*
[06-20:53] fa914, Tarnis Catadon : ** sits in the shadow looking at the figure in the shadows within the water. notices clothing and scrolls up on the ground by the water. he figures out that its cara. grin and just sits there**
[06-20:53] 86921, Caradonia: ((in=at))
[06-20:55] c6c97, Elias Zorander : Who is supposed to be keeping track of you? *he says without looking up from his book*
[06-20:55] fa914, Tarnis Catadon : (( pic test ))
[06-20:56] 86921, Caradonia: *She scwls and sweeps her arm through the water, sending a large spray of tpond water in his direction* Oh it's you*Looks angry enough to spit nails..though she's upset with herself*
[06-20:57] b4692, Tandy : *quick inhale of breath and freezes. busted. she slides to one side of the tapestry and peeks around it with just her head, just to be sure it is really her he is talking to*
[06-20:58] fa914, Tarnis Catadon : ** trys to move from the water spash but waited to long, getting abit wet. ** Yeah, just me.
[06-21:00] c6c97, Elias Zorander : *closes the book and looks up at her, waiting for her answer* Yes you.
[06-21:00] JOIN: Darrius Lokken has entered.
[06-21:03] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[06-21:04] fa914, Tarnis Catadon : (( pic test ))
[06-21:04] 86921, Caradonia: *Smirks when her aim of getting him wet follows through* Could be worse*lowering in the water so only her neck, face, and her moving arms can be vidisble as she wades*
[06-21:06] fa914, Tarnis Catadon : How I am a dangerous man don't ya know? ** smirks alittle, it soon goes away remembering thing he has done to the innoccent**
[06-21:07] fa914, Tarnis Catadon : (( try this again ))
[06-21:08] fa914, Tarnis Catadon : (( how? *))
[06-21:08] b4692, Tandy : Oh, I'm just.....*comes out from behind the tapestry* I'm just High Mage Tandy. Nice tapestry here, isn't it? I was just examining how it is woven. It's enchanted, you know. *totally lying, especially about her being a high mage. Nor does she look old enough to be one. Nor would she have a clue if the tapestry was enchanted or not, even though it is. She gives him a winning smile and pats the tapestry appreciatively, trying to play it off. She is most certainly not supposed to be here*
[06-21:09] 86921, Caradonia: No, I didn't know that. but i will take note and remeber*Smiles and rolls her eyes* What brings you out here?*making sure she's well covered. Is clothed..but get the point*
[06-21:09] c6c97, Elias Zorander : *smiles at her lie* Do you know who I am?
[06-21:10] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[06-21:11] fa914, Tarnis Catadon : The samething that draws me out here every night.
[06-21:11] b4692, Tandy : I don't believe I've had the pleasure. *still running her hand appreciatively over the tapestry like that is her main reason for being here. Suddenly she finds her hand stuck to the tapestry and she grins at him with that fake "hand in the cookie jar" kind of smile as she subtly tries to pull her hand from the tapestry whenever he looks away*
[06-21:14] 86921, Caradonia: The quiet santuctuary of this forest? The beautiful scenery? The wildlife?*Flicks a little bit more water his way. The swim has put her in a good mood*
[06-21:16] fa914, Tarnis Catadon : All of those I guess. ** sits on his rump instead of kneeling. leans back looking through the trees to the moon. his hands linked over his stomach**
[06-21:16] c6c97, Elias Zorander : *places the book on his small stack* Do you have any idea as to who I am?
[06-21:18] 86921, Caradonia: Um, could you do me a itty bitty favor*her voice purring out in a wheedling tone..*Please?*Big smile*
[06-21:19] fa914, Tarnis Catadon : ** knit his brows not liking mystory ** What would you like?
[06-21:19] b4692, Tandy : Umm, no. Should I. I really don't get back here much, always traveling, doing big sorceress things, you know, all that stuff. Boy, this is a nice tapestry, isn't it? *hand still stuck and her trying to play it off like she just feels like leaving her hand in that spot. If she was a level 3 mage or higher, she'd be able to dispell the tapestries flypaper magic, which is a dead giveaway that she is positively not supposed to be in here. Ooooh, big twubble, big big twubble*
[06-21:20] fa914, Tarnis Catadon : mystery*)
[06-21:20] 86921, Caradonia: Throw me my clothing and close your eyes while I dress. I"m not....decent*she treads water while she waits for his anwser, the water is deliciously deep here*
[06-21:21] c6c97, Elias Zorander : How old are you? *smiling as she digs deeper into her trap of lies*
[06-21:21] fa914, Tarnis Catadon : ** looks at her clothing** If I through them to you they would get wet in the water..
[06-21:23] 86921, Caradonia: You could put them close by..where I could reach them without having to get out. *points to a rock that is half submered in the pond* That would do nicely...
[06-21:24] fa914, Tarnis Catadon : ** walks over the her clothes and balls them up before throwing the to the boulder sticking out in the water** There. ** stands there a few moments the moves back to where he was sitting**
[06-21:26] b4692, Tandy : Oh, uh, let me see, my how the years have flown. I believe I'm 50 already, would you believe how the years have flown? *if she wasn't over acting so badly, she'd be more convincing*
[06-21:29] c6c97, Elias Zorander : Yes the years have flown, It seems like only last week I turned 800
[06-21:29] MSG: Tarnis Catadon sent a message to Elias Zorander.
[06-21:30] 86921, Caradonia: Thanks*and like that she grabs ahold of her clothes and climbs out of the water, and while driping wet, runs behind a tree*
[06-21:31] 3a8a8, Roki: *sneak sneak...*
[06-21:31] fa914, Tarnis Catadon : ** catchs a shadowed glimps of her runner but see next to nothing but who wouldnt look?** No problem.
[06-21:32] 13485, Darrius Lokken : ((Know what morgul should do? Join Darrius))
[06-21:32] b4692, Tandy : 800. Wow, well, happy belated birthday to you. *turns to look at the tapestry* I just can't get over this tapestry, such exquisite craftmenship, don't you agree? *her hand still stuck to it.*
[06-21:32] b4692, Tandy : ((LOL, I think it would be the other way around, Darrius))
[06-21:35] 86921, Caradonia: *Skins herself free of the wet shift and then puts on dry clothes, shivering out in the cool night air* So why are you really out here..*cold, pruny fingers fumbling with the buttons on her shirt. Dressed and still a little damp she steps out from behind her tree*
[06-21:36] c6c97, Elias Zorander : Yes it is a nice tapestry, but im afraid its been 2447 years since I was 800.
[06-21:37] fa914, Tarnis Catadon : Looking for you ** spots her coming out from behind her tree** See how you are doing out here. See how your studys are going.
[06-21:38] JOIN: Liz has entered.
[06-21:38] 6df9d, Liz: Mab? Are you around?
[06-21:38] fa914, Tarnis Catadon : (( test ))
[06-21:39] b4692, Tandy : Oh, I see, you were being, ironic. Well, you must have seen much then. Me, heh, only 50, I'm a baby to you, huh? *she sort of poses in front of the tapestry, trying to look natural, even though her hand is decidedly stuck* ((Mab is around))
[06-21:39] 3a8a8, Roki: and for the record.. Morgul doesnt join anybody... they join him.. its the whole pride thang...
[06-21:39] 13485, Darrius Lokken : ((Not necesarily Tandy, considering theres nobody more in control then the other in a partnership, it depends mostly on the one who already has the movement, and Darrius has already started the movement and has a faction for it, so, meh))
[06-21:40] 13485, Darrius Lokken : ((Same with Darrius, specialy cus he leads the faction.... it could be a mutual thing, or I could recruit him))
[06-21:40] 3a8a8, Morgul the Lich King: *has a big armeh... among other things*
[06-21:41] 13485, Darrius Lokken : ((by him I mean morgul))
[06-21:41] 86921, Caradonia: *She smiles, it's a slow shy thing* I"m fine, can take care of myself quite well. But, as for the scrolls...i'm having a little bit of trouble..nothing huge though*She brushes back her hair that hangs long and wet down her back*
[06-21:41] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[06-21:42] JOIN: Jagged Farrell has entered.
[06-21:42] fa914, Tarnis Catadon : Hm, well you probly wont even be close for a couple weeks. ** shrugs** I picked up on that spell quick for some reason.
[06-21:42] e6c7a, Jagged Farrell: ((hmmm.... smells like fun.... ))
[06-21:42] MSG: Darrius Lokken sent a message to Jesus Christ.
[06-21:43] 13485, Darrius Lokken : ((what?))
[06-21:43] 3a8a8, Roki: what you smell is in your pants, Jace.
[06-21:44] e6c7a, Jagged Farrell: (( Irish Sausage? ))
[06-21:44] JOIN: Garet Jax has entered.
[06-21:45] MSG: Darrius Lokken sent a message to Roki.
[06-21:45] 3a8a8, Roki: last nights
[06-21:45] 6df9d, Liz: Mab..please IM me.
[06-21:45] c6c97, Elias Zorander : *smiles* Yes you could say Ive seen alot. Infact come here and look at this book, it has one of my favorite spells in it *turning to the book he had placed on the stack and truning to the third page*
[06-21:45] e6c7a, Jagged Farrell: ((still lookin for the ))
[06-21:46] ac3de, Garet Jax: Liz!
[06-21:46] 13485, Darrius Lokken : ((anywhere I want, went into some portal earlier))
[06-21:47] MSG: Roki sent a message to Darrius Lokken.
[06-21:47] b4692, Tandy : Don't you think the lighting for book reading is better over here?
[06-21:47] 3a8a8, Roki: Location = HELL
[06-21:47] JOIN: HulkDogs has entered.
[06-21:47] 6df9d, Liz: *same*
[06-21:48] e6c7a, Jagged Farrell: ((hmmm, a sword master after seven years? wow... Nin-po only increases one belt rank in the first seven years.... intrestin))
[06-21:48] b4692, Tandy : ((High Mage Tower in ))
[06-21:48] 86921, Caradonia: I didnt think that it would come to me quick or anything. It's just it's frustrating*Sighs and shrugs*((eh...forest outside of Bettenchi))
[06-21:48] ac3de, Lan: Hi Liz!
[06-21:49] fa914, Tarnis Catadon : (( rua, forest ))
[06-21:49] ac3de, Lan: (( I have 8 min... ))
[06-21:50] e6c7a, Jagged Farrell: *his silouette lowered he stalks predatorily through the grasping umbra of the forests shadows, clinging from one to another as he drow eyes peirce the jigsawed foliage*
[06-21:50] MSG: Darrius Lokken sent a message to Roki.
[06-21:51] fa914, Tarnis Catadon : Well keep with it. ** offers a smile** You will get it eventually.
[06-21:51] e6c7a, Jagged Farrell: ((he - his ))
[06-21:52] 6df9d, Liz: You always seem to come on when you have no time. Why bother?
[06-21:52] c6c97, Elias Zorander : Shirak *he says in a level tone, the room filling with light after he does* not any more.
[06-21:53] e6c7a, Jagged Farrell: *he pauses in the comfort of darkness to softly whisper a cantrip, any scent clinging to the elf disapates instantly, a small smirk curling at the corner of his darkened lips, his movements the epitome of silence*
[06-21:53] MSG: Roki sent a message to Darrius Lokken.
[06-21:54] ac3de, Lan: *tear* Jeez... At least I can check in... Tomorrow I will have about an hour... We have been having blackouts in my area, so I am turning the comp off in a minute for the night...
[06-21:54] b4692, Tandy : Oh, well, sure, if you want to cheat like that. *she very tentatively takes a step toward Elias thinking toward the tapestry "pleas let go, please let go, please let go" but alas it does not and she starts to pull it a little with her until she reaches as far as she can walk* Oh, eheh, I think the tapestry likes me as much as I like it. *shifty eyes*
[06-21:54] MSG: Darrius Lokken tried to message If (not registered).
[06-21:55] MSG: Darrius Lokken sent a message to Roki.
[06-21:55] 6df9d, Liz: Ahhh
[06-21:56] ac3de, Lan: So will I see you tomorrow? around 7 pm (chat time) ?
[06-21:56] 86921, Caradonia: Maybe*says somthing rough and growly underneath her breath, the lanauge isnt spoken in common. She says this while she travels over to where her bags are laying..the scrolls within.* I think it required patience that I just dont have...*she settels down into the grass,pulling out the first scroll*
[06-21:56] c6c97, Elias Zorander : Well send it on its way and come here, unless ofcorse you would rather I show you an example *smiles*
[06-21:56] MSG: Roki sent a message to Darrius Lokken.
[06-21:57] 6df9d, Liz: Maybe.
[06-21:58] ac3de, Lan: I have a feeling that you are mad at me... if you miss me tomorrow, its not my fault... Until then...
[06-21:59] 6df9d, Liz: I'm not mad at you. I'm hurting very badly, right now.
[06-21:59] e6c7a, Jagged Farrell: *he slowly falls to a crouch, leaping to grasp a branch, nimbly pulling himself atop the thickened limb, using the bueancy of the supple wood to fling him to a nearby tree, the perfection of his mastered movements make no more noise than the wind whispering through the branches, barefeet molding to form to the undertrodden bark with each fluid movement*
[06-21:59] EXIT: Lan has left the chat ( *hugs Liz, hoping she's not too mad, then flees, going back to practicing his swordsmanship for the night* ).
[06-22:00] b4692, Tandy : Oh, an example might be nice to see. It's always so much better to learn by example, don't you think? I remember when I was a student. I was learning by example all the time. *deeper deeper, shovel shovel*
[06-22:00] fa914, Tarnis Catadon : Well you haved to have patients to learn spells of anykind. ** knits brows when she speaks in a odd toune**
[06-22:02] JOIN: Kali has entered.
[06-22:02] MSG: Roki tried to message Darrius Lokkan (not registered).
[06-22:03] c6c97, Elias Zorander : ok, an example it is...... Diaskorpizo *he says as the tapestry falls flat against the wall* How was that one?
[06-22:03] MSG: Roki sent a message to Darrius Lokken.
[06-22:03] e6c7a, Jagged Farrell: *he clings to a nearby tree, lowering his form to meld with that of the tree, his ears perking slightly as his enhanced vision peirces the greenary, peering down at Tarnis and Caradonia*
[06-22:03] c3ce9, Ashe : ((*PWNS!1!!!1 everyone*))
[06-22:05] 86921, Caradonia: You are to blame for my frustration*looks up at him, yellow eyes holding within them a friendly only teasing*You made it look easy
[06-22:07] fa914, Tarnis Catadon : Well I could always give those scrolls to someone who wants them? ** Is also teasing her** And it's easy for me because I learned it long ago.
[06-22:08] e6c7a, Jagged Farrell: *his eyes narrow slightly in recognition of Cardonia, than raising a silver streaked eyebrow as his gaze moves to Tarnis, how... intresting*
[06-22:09] b4692, Tandy : *she gets pulled against the wall with the tapestry and ends up getting the whole front of her stuck to the tapestry* Oh....uh, that was really clever. Yes, I'll have to remember that one. Mann, I love this tapestry. *with inflection at the end that sounds high pitched artificial as she strains to keep up the act. She is now nicely plastered to the tapestry with her back to him*
[06-22:10] 86921, Caradonia: *Looks up from the now open scroll, a brow raised to conflict with the casual tone to her voice* Try it and I'll slice off your fingres
[06-22:11] cd5ab, Tarnis Catadon : ** laughs at her gently** Try that and I'll have to slice off your head.
[06-22:12] e6c7a, Jagged Farrell: *he drops to the ground within the slight clearing, still making a reletive absence of noise, but no longer trying to hide his presence, standing from a slight crouch, knees still bent, watching the two silently*
[06-22:15] 6df9d, Liz: Anyone free?
[06-22:15] 86921, Caradonia: No you wont...i'll just move...I'm fast..remeber?*Looks a little distracted, is focused on the scro. Other than distracted her body language is relaxed, at ease. Tll
[06-22:16] cd5ab, Tarnis Catadon : (( i got some chars free. liz))
[06-22:17] 86921, Caradonia: *adds while frowning**somewhat trusts Tarnis evident in the way of their verbal banter((Good Omnipotent Being i'm going to kill this computer..))
[06-22:18] c6c97, Elias Zorander : *chuckles a little knowing shes stuck as he replaces the book and picks up his now complete stack* It was nice talking to you but I think I need to be getting back to the academy. I hope you can visit some time. *starts walking toward the door* (I have like 2 more min. before my bro forces me off)
[06-22:18] cd5ab, Tarnis Catadon : ** stops speaking for a moment listening, when no noise fallows what he thought he heard he continues on. ** Then I shoot fire balls at, I'll get you one way or another.
[06-22:19] cd5ab, Tarnis Catadon : (( at you*))
[06-22:21] b4692, Tandy : Umm, eheh....a little help here? *looks at him sideways pleadingly as he is walking by her*
[06-22:22] e6c7a, Jagged Farrell: tsk tsk tsk... now now, didnt your mother tell you to not make empty promises? *stepping from the shadows, that liquid smooth predatorital gate perfect in his movements, his presence filling the area, neigh suffocating in its palible density*
[06-22:22] 86921, Caradonia: See, that's not really that fair. THrowing a fire ball at someone who dosent know the spell yet*Her voice has a chiding tone to it which fades as she leans forward, nose almost close to the scroll, try to make out a bit of lettering*
[06-22:23] c6c97, Elias Zorander : What exactly do you need my help doing?
[06-22:25] b4692, Tandy : I've ummmmm, never encountered this tapestries particular variety of magic, admittedly, and I was wondering if you could tell me how to get unstuck? I'd be much obliged. *trying to play it off like her being away a lot could feasibly make her unfamiliar with this tapestry's very simple enchantment*
[06-22:25] cd5ab, Tarnis Catadon : ** turns around spotting the source of the noise thought he heard. knit his brows in confusion** What are you talking about? ** speaks to man before him. he heard cara but fails to respond**
[06-22:26] c6c97, Elias Zorander : Its easy, just dispel it.
[06-22:26] b4692, Tandy : Oh, that simple, huh? Any particular method? Perhaps if you show me? *gotta admit she's creative in her lies*
[06-22:28] 86921, Caradonia: *At the tone of a unexpected voice she drops the scroll and reaches for her knives in the bag on the ground next to her. The hand falters and she's torn between leaping up and greeting and assuring that Tarnis means no harm. She ops for a little of both. She stands, the movement smooth and graceful* He didnt mean it...Hello*the corners of her lips tilt up in a smile..a shy one*
[06-22:28] e6c7a, Jagged Farrell: *he moves without the lightest hint of sound, the shadows seeming to almost wrap around him as he moves. His eyes, twin images of the full moon fall over Caradonia, a silence hovering over him for a moment as it traces its path to Tarnis* Scrolls? how cute...
[06-22:29] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[06-22:29] c6c97, Elias Zorander : No there's nothing specific to do other than simple dispelling it. and I could show you but what would be the fun in that *planning on leaving if she doesnt crack soon*
[06-22:30] 94c70, Z: *poofs*
[06-22:30] JOIN: Jagged Farrell has entered.
[06-22:31] JOIN: HulkDogs has entered.
[06-22:31] cd5ab, Tarnis Catadon : ** steps back from what ever come up to him** Who are you? ** raises an eyebrow at this strange man**
[06-22:31] e6c7a, Jagged Farrell: *the soft pinkish hue of his tounge glides across his lips as he gives her a silent nod* Good Evening Caradonia...
[06-22:32] e6c7a, Jagged Farrell: *the soft pinkish hue of his tounge glides across his lips as he gives her a silent nod* Good Evening Caradonia...
[06-22:33] e6c7a, Jagged Farrell: *the soft pinkish hue of his tounge glides across his lips as he gives her a silent nod* Good Evening Caradonia...
[06-22:33] cd5ab, Dekan Elsin Nahkal : ** walks along silently, in the streets of , almost completely silent his blue eyes looking through all the shadows as he goes.**
[06-22:34] 86921, Caradonia: *Returns the nod and that's all she does....aside from stoop, roll up the scroll she was reading and tucks it into her bag. Then she taks the bag..and slings it up onto her shoulders*I havent seen you around in quite a while*Finally talking, her voice picking up some strength...surprised, really was*
[06-22:36] 6df9d, Lafiel : *speaking of shadows, the large shadow cast by something coasting by would cover Dekan for a second before moving on down the road. The shadow and the faint rustle of feathers would be the only sign that someone not looking up would know she's there*
[06-22:37] e6c7a, Jagged Farrell: *he studies Tarnis for a moment, his nostrils curling as he catches the half man, half demons sent, a smirk crawling across his iips before taking a few steps towards Caradonia, ignoring Tarnis' questions* There were matters that had to be taken care of... I intend to stay for a while now...
[06-22:37] 0088d, Tarnis Catadon : **looks at cara abit supprise** Who is this. ** motions toward the man infront of them**
[06-22:39] e6c7a, Jagged Farrell: ((scent))
[06-22:40] b4692, Tandy : because, well, you see, I have this cold that is really messing up my concentration these last few days. *totally fake coughs to emphasize the point*
[06-22:42] 86921, Caradonia: *Nods* Things happen, but I'm glad your back*She looks at Tarnis and raks a hand through her still damp hair* Forgive me, I'm rude. This is Jagged
[06-22:42] e6c7a, Jagged Farrell: *raises a brow in silence*
[06-22:43] 037f3, Dekan Elsin Nahkal : ** looks up to see whats flying over, and is abit supprised. had seem nothing like that before**
[06-22:43] JOIN: Eradrae Baenra has entered.
[06-22:44] c6c97, Elias Zorander : I see, well you'll have to try because I need to get back *winks at her as he disapears reapearing just beyond the door out of her sight, he continues his on his way back to the Inn so he can return to the academy*
[06-22:44] 037f3, Tarnis Catadon : ** looks at the mans a moment then speaks** Hello, I am Tarnis.
[06-22:45] 86921, Caradonia: *Is feeling incrediably uncomfortable..shifts from one the other. Wanting more than anything to hide in the trees*
[06-22:45] 6df9d, Lafiel : *the pegasi seems to be heading for the Inn, which, hopefully, remains more or less safe for now*
[06-22:46] 037f3, Dekan Elsin Nahkal : ** seeing that the flying horse is going towards the inn, he picks up he pace to get there. he wants to know what this flying horse is**
[06-22:46] e6c7a, Jagged Farrell: *smirks slightly as he takes a small step back, bowing shallowly, his eyes remaining on Tarnis* Jagged Farrell... what is it you do Tarnis?
[06-22:47] JOIN: R has entered.
[06-22:47] 2b286, R : hmmm
[06-22:48] 6df9d, Lafiel : R!! IM me
[06-22:48] 6df9d, Liz: R!! IM me!
[06-22:48] 037f3, Dekan Elsin Nahkal : (( he - the))
[06-22:49] b4692, Tandy : No, wait, you can't leave me like this, a fellow wizard!!! *a little panicked as he leaves*
[06-22:49] 6df9d, Lafiel : *as she comes in lower to land in the courtyard, it might become apparent that there's a bag slung loosely over it's neck*
[06-22:52] e0a3c, Tarnis Catadon : I am second in command to the armys of, -Feinie. ** crosses his arms over his chest**
[06-22:52] c6c97, Elias Zorander : *walking out of the tower he knows she'll be found by one of the other Mages, also confident the longer it takes them, the stronger her lesson on not lying will be*
[06-22:52] c6c97, Elias Zorander : *gone*
[06-22:53] e0a3c, Dekan Elsin Nahkal : ** stops about one hundred yards away from the winged horse. is stunned and confused. what is this creature?**
[06-22:53] 94c70, Z: *oooo's at the big shiny in Tarius' post*
[06-22:53] c6c97, Elias Zorander : (well c yall later, I gotta go)
[06-22:54] b4692, Tandy : (( See ya Elias)) *for now, she remains stuck to the tapestry* *gone for now*
[06-22:55] 6df9d, Lafiel : *As she lands, her hooves make a soft thud as they hit the ground. Folding her wings, she heads into the stables for a bit of privacy*
[06-22:55] e6c7a, Jagged Farrell: *laughs faintly, his voice seductive, disarming, almost as if every word he speaks is vital truth* second in command... how cute *talons extending from his toes seem to dig into the soft soil of the earth beneath as he stretches up to the balls of his feet than back down, a simple calf stretch* I hope thats working well for you Tarnis...
[06-22:56] e0a3c, Tarnis Catadon : ** ignores the how cute remark** I am doing fine.
[06-22:57] e0a3c, Dekan Elsin Nahkal : ** fallows from a distance trying to keep the horse in his view**
[06-22:57] e6c7a, Jagged Farrell: fantastic... *slowly folding his arms across his chest as he looks to the both of them* I didnt mean to interupt your little.... party
[06-22:58] 6df9d, Lafiel : *almost as soon as it enters the stables, it slips off the bag and begins to softly shimmer*
[06-22:58] e0a3c, Tarnis Catadon : (( test ))
[06-22:59] e0a3c, Dekan Elsin Nahkal : ** onces the horse enters the stable he stops, waiting a moment to see if it will exit. **
[06-23:00] e0a3c, Tarnis Catadon : (( where is my pic,...where is my name on the atavtar thinger?))
[06-23:02] 6df9d, Lafiel : *a few moments later, a young woman with pale blond hair and blue eyes walks out. She's wearing a light blue slip-on dress with slits in the back that allow for the pair of large white wings that sprout out of her back. That very same bag is now slung across her right shoulder*'
[06-23:03] 86921, Caradonia: *During this exchange she's wandered over to a rock and it perched upon it with a rather perturbed expression. Looks like a cath that's one stroke away from clawing the flesh off the bone.* You didnt interupt anything*Golden eyes meet Jaggad's while her voice ebs out like honey*
[06-23:05] e0a3c, Dekan Elsin Nahkal : ** is very confused by this. goes in a horse with wings. comes out a beautiful women with wings. Stutters** How did you do that. ** spoken the the now winged women**
[06-23:06] e6c7a, Jagged Farrell : *he pivots smoothly upon his heels, walking towards Caradonia with that practiced fluidity as he crouches beside her* Ive missed you Caradonia *his eyes looking to hers for a moment, a familiar flash of warmth radiating from within his eyes before he stands again, begining to continue his way towards the edge of the clearing, the shadows once again reaching out to embrace him*
[06-23:06] e0a3c, Tarnis Catadon : (( to the ))
[06-23:07] 6df9d, Lafiel : *blinks and looks at him* Do what?
[06-23:07] e0a3c, Dekan Elsin Nahkal : (( to - the ))
[06-23:08] e0a3c, Tarnis Catadon : ** just stands there looking at the man who moves to gracefull over to cara. thinking, this must be some sort of a reunion even though cara seem abit uneasy**
[06-23:09] 86921, Caradonia: *She grabs for his wrist and nearly tumbles off her perch* Hey! wait!*Felt that warmth. She tenses...preparing to follow if he keeps walking away*
[06-23:09] e0a3c, Dekan Elsin Nahkal : ** thinks a moment to make sure he is not insane** Change. from a winged horse, to.. ** holds out a hand gesturing to her**
[06-23:11] 6df9d, Lafiel : *shrugs* I'm not sure..I've always been able to. It's our way.
[06-23:11] e6c7a, Jagged Farrell : *as she reaches for his wrist his hand shifts, catching her fingertips to help Caradonia to her feet with a carried grace, turning slowly to meet her gaze* yes?
[06-23:13] e0a3c, Dekan Elsin Nahkal : Our way? Who is, our?** is really ignorant with this sort of thing** What are you. ** trying not to be rude**
[06-23:14] 6df9d, Lafiel : *blinks and tilts her head* You really don't know?
[06-23:17] e0a3c, Tarnis Catadon : ** feeling that there is more here then meets the eyes, he turns walking through the shadows back towards **
[06-23:17] 6df9d, Lafiel : **pause**
[06-23:17] e0a3c, Dekan Elsin Nahkal : ** pause **
[06-23:22] 86921, Caradonia: *Damn right she's uneasy! Any other situation and she would be presenting herself with ease. This however, is not one of those times*Where are you going*Her eyes catch the figure of Tarnis just as he leaves. She feels a bit badly so she gives him a smile in farewell..
[06-23:25] e6c7a, Jagged Farrell : *his eyes move towards the departing Tarnis for the breifest of moments before returning to her* No where in particular...
[06-23:27] EXIT: Liz has left the chat ( 12:20am, July 07 (CDT) ).
[06-23:29] 86921, Caradonia: *She sighs and watches his eyes follow her friend on his departure*Oh...*Is feeling uneasy again, noted by the shifting of her feet. She dosent move her hand from his nor does she alow her gaze to leave his. I s unsure of how to ask him to stay*
[06-23:31] e6c7a, Jagged Farrell : *he takes the smallest step forward as his hand moves to cover hers, grasping it loosely, letting the warmth from his hand travel to hers* What do you want Caradonia? *spoken softly, inquisitivly, his eyes searching hers*
[06-23:36] 86921, Caradonia: *She takes a deep breath and then just kinda says it* I would like for you to stay with me..for just a little while...*pauses and adds a little carefully* That is..if you dont have anywhere else to be..*her eyes glance down to their hands and then to the grass they are standing on*
[06-23:38] e6c7a, Jagged Farrell : *his other hand moves to take her free one, now gently cradeling both within his grasp, his voice maintaining its low timbre, a smokey thickness to it* Caradonia... there is nothing I would rather do right now, than to spend these moments with you...
[06-23:47] 86921, Caradonia: *her mouth smiles in blissful releif and she loosesn her hands to lift her arms and wrap them around his neck in a unexpected hug*
[06-23:47] e6c7a, Jagged Farrell : *with the release of his hands he moves them about her hips, pulling her closer to him as he returns her hug, his cheek brushing against hers*
[06-23:55] 86921, Caradonia: *Lifts a hand to touch his face before pulling back but not away.* I am so pleased to see you*The hand on his face curves, the thumbsliding along the bottem of his jaw*
[06-23:57] JOIN: Anastra Sylune has entered.
[06-23:57] e6c7a, Jagged Farrell : *his jaw tenses slightly beneath her touch, flexing as his gaze searches her, cheek turning to her caress, the slightest twitch at the corner of his lips belies his smile as he tilts his head downwards, towards her slightly* and I the same...
[07-00:05] 86921, Caradonia: I wandered what had happened to you*Her odd eyes meet his, the warmth of her confcern reflects there and in her hands. Her touch very light, very gentle as it travels down his neck*
[07-00:07] e6c7a, Jagged Farrell : *he nods gently, forehead resting against hers with the softest touch* At least it seems the times have found you healthy *smiling the slightest bit as he returns that gaze* You shouldnt worry about me... I do ok
[07-00:10] JOIN: HulkDogs has entered.
[07-00:14] EXIT: HulkDogs has left the chat ( 1:10am, July 07 (CDT) ).
[07-00:15] 86921, Caradonia: I'm a's in my nature to stive for self preservation*Her brows lift suddenly, the wrinkling of her brow clueing him in of this* I'm still going to worry about you..*And she smiles the kind of smile that could charm the devil*
[07-00:16] e6c7a, Jagged Farrell : So says the gypsy *smirking sharply as he matches her smile, his hands circling her hips slightly tighter as he tugs her closer*
[07-00:16] 94c70, Artanis : *Around her and Fahrena is silence, but a natural silence. There was still the distant sounds of animals and the sound of running water. While Fehrena slept, she had gone out again, for a longer time. After a couple hours had passed, she had again returned with a bundle of fish that she was now cooking. The breeze outside whispered softly throughout the small cave as it passed over the opening, providing a gentle circulation of air around them.*
[07-00:17] JOIN: HulkDogs has entered.
[07-00:19] 6a471, Lando Trosni : ** sits in a tree probably 200 yards away from the two women in the forest. still very displeased with the last couple days event**
[07-00:19] 6a471, Lando Trosni : ** the two women being, artanis and fahrena **
[07-00:20] MSG: Artanis sent a message to Lando Trosni.
[07-00:22] MSG: Lando Trosni sent a message to Artanis.
[07-00:23] MSG: Artanis sent a message to Lando Trosni.
[07-00:23] 86921, Caradonia: *Laughs quietly* well, we gypsies have greast wisdom..*She pauses and lifts her lips to his ear..whispering* You would do well to remeber that*pulls away to grin up at him*
[07-00:25] e6c7a, Jagged Farrell : *smirks* I will... *gracing her cheek with a small kiss as he pulls away the slightest bit* I do need to be leaving though Caradonia... I promise to keep in touch though
[07-00:25] MSG: Lando Trosni sent a message to Artanis.
[07-00:30] 94c70, Artanis : *Her modified bow lay off to one side, not too far to get to if a threat made itself known. The cave like place they were in provided them cover on all sides except for the opening. But that was to their advantage, there was only one front to defend. Also to the side was her longsword. In her hand was the dagger she was using to clean and cook the fish that she had caught earlier. She hums a soft tune to herself as she goes about this routine task.*
[07-00:31] JOIN: Sorcha Lidil has entered.
[07-00:33] b4692, Fahrena : *wakes to find herself bandaged nicely from whatever Artanis found available and with Artanis' cloak over her and to the smell of cooking fish. Her stomach growls in response*
[07-00:33] 283eb, Kali: Hi Sorcha
[07-00:34] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: (hiya)
[07-00:35] 6a471, Lando Trosni : **emits a low growl seeing the two sitting in the cave. he adverts is eyes to the sky as he feels some rain drops hitting him on his bare back. this fuels his anger**
[07-00:36] 6a471, Lando Trosni : (( is-his))
[07-00:36] 94c70, Artanis : (( *waves to Sorcha and Kali* ))
[07-00:36] JOIN: Lan has entered.
[07-00:36] 125f3, Lan: (( *ROAR!!!* @ Kali ))
[07-00:37] 283eb, Kali: hey
[07-00:38] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: (*waves*)
[07-00:38] 94c70, Artanis : Fehrena may hear her humming as well. HOwever, she doesn't notice yet that Fehrena is awake as the Elven woman hasn't said anything or made much movement.*
[07-00:39] 125f3, Lan: I have a little while... not too long, and I can only keep one window open at a time...
[07-00:39] 283eb, Kali: grrr
[07-00:39] 283eb, Kali: then go s
[07-00:39] 125f3, Garet Jax: (( Hey, Fahrena... er, Mab, ummmm... ))
[07-00:40] 74d1f, Anastra Sylune : ((Oi))
[07-00:42] b4692, Fahrena : *she does finally stir and tries to sit up, and groans as she finally manages to do so. Her chest hurts and she remembers that she got punched their hard yesterday*
[07-00:43] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: *She sits in the tavern sat where shes usual sat with the mound of fabric again, she doesn't look as tired as before but a new thing clouds her vision and makes her seem distant..*
[07-00:44] b4692, Fahrena : ((Hi Garet))
[07-00:44] b4692, Fahrena : ((*points to ~Read~ link at top of chat there*))
[07-00:45] b4692, Fahrena : ((*points to it as a general, "hey everybody be advised " thing*))
[07-00:46] b4692, Fahrena : their = there
[07-00:50] 283eb, Kali: ok... who usurped mithrimberg?
[07-00:50] 94c70, Artanis : *Her humming comes to a stop as she hears Fahrena stirl. Her gaze shifts from what she is doing to the Elf before returning to the last bit of her cooking.* Take it easy. You can still aggrivate some of your injuries.
[07-00:51] 6a471, Lando Trosni : ** the rain slowly becomes heavier and heavier he hops from one tree to another with more of a canapy(sp)**
[07-00:53] 94c70, Alanna Morie: *The doors open to admit her thin figure. She pushes back her hood after entering, in her other hand is her usual basket of stuff. Her brown eyes look about the room looking for a peaceful place to sit.*
[07-00:55] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: *she stitchesa meterial into a long black cloak taking her gentle time seeing as she looks like shes going to fall asleep again sadness etched onto her young features*
[07-00:57] b4692, Fahrena : *looks at Artanis, blinking* Why did you go out of your way to help me....human? *shifts carefully to sitting up, leaning against the cave wall. Listens to the soothing patter of rain.*
[07-00:59] b4692, Fahrena : ((*points to ~Announcements~ link at top there now. Important things to keep in mind there, yup yup))
[07-01:00] 94c70, Artanis : *Pouring a dark, semi-thick liquid into what looks like a bowl, she glances at Fahrena.* You have a reason that I shouldn't have?
[07-01:01] 6a471, Lando Trosni : (( goes to investigate ))
[07-01:01] 6a471, Lando Trosni : (( uh that was an action ))
[07-01:03] b4692, Fahrena : It is.....unexpected. *grasps her bandaged right arm and winces at the pain there. Mann, she is in sad shape right now. Also, she is talking kind of funny, her tongue quite swollen from its injury*
[07-01:04] 94c70, Alanna Morie: *With her hood down, her worn features give way to her age. Though there is still somehow a youthful warmth that resides in her eyes. Her brown hair gently highlighted with gray is pulled back and held gently with a tie. Alanna carefully moves around and through the crowd eventually finding herself stopping short of Sorcha.* Pardon Miss... do you mind if I sit?
[07-01:05] 283eb, Kali: LOL@Fahrena.... thanks... *plots ways to rule the world.* with Palladia's help of course...
[07-01:05] 6a471, Lando Trosni : ** moves his injured shoulder around as well as his tattered wing. In a few days he should be able to take flight again. hand moves to his stomach which still hasnt healed, blood slowly drips down his abdamen(sp) staining his trousers****
[07-01:06] b4692, Fahrena : ((hehe))
[07-01:07] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: *she glances up and smiles weakly moving some of her things, such an untidy thing she is hehe,* Go ahead no one is sat there*her long dark curls move in and out of her line of vision as she moves her head looking back at her work today she is wearing some more of her handy work, though today its a two peice set a long skirt and a sort of blouse both dark green to match her eyes and both with embrodiery on them*
[07-01:09] 94c70, Artanis : *Hrmphs at that a little.* Sometimes you have to learn to expect a little bit of the unexpected. *Though this was merely something she has learned from her own experience. ONce she is finished dividing up the small amount of food, she picks up the first bowl and moves the couple of steps to Fahrena.* Here. It's not Elven food, but it won't kill you. *She had turned the cooked fish into a sort of easy to eat stew so that Fahrena's swollen tongue wouldn't be a serious problem with her eating.*
[07-01:11] 94c70, Alanna Morie: Thank you, Miss. *Setting the small basket down on the table in front of the chair, she sits down slowly.* Old bones need to rest after a long day.
[07-01:11] 6a471, Lando Trosni : **turns himself into stone** ** eh gone **
[07-01:12] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: So do young bones in these times of need*she says quietly but with a soft smile*
[07-01:12] 94c70, Alanna Morie: (( Night Lando! ))
[07-01:12] b4692, Fahrena : Thank you. *takes the bowl, her thank you to more than just the food. She drinks it down greedily, quite famished and sets the bowl aside* Tha wath delithsus. Thank you. *okay, player having fun with the swollen tongue talk now*
[07-01:13] 6a471, Lando Trosni : (( uh, night alanna. night all))
[07-01:13] 6a471, Lando Trosni : (( even though i am not off for the night...yet ))
[07-01:14] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: (night)
[07-01:14] 94c70, Alanna Morie: *Returns the smile just as kindly. She then takes a few moments to fuss over her basket, ensuring that everything was still there. You could never trust thieves these days to not sneak up and take something even while you were looking.*
[07-01:15] MSG: Lando Trosni sent a message to Alanna Morie.
[07-01:15] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: *She glances to her as she looks through her basket* is everything alright miss?
[07-01:16] MSG: Alanna Morie sent a message to Lando Trosni.
[07-01:16] 6a471, Lando Trosni : (( ))
[07-01:18] MSG: Lando Trosni sent a message to Alanna Morie.
[07-01:18] JOIN: Kali has entered.
[07-01:19] 94c70, Artanis : *After Fahrena took the bowl, she set a small skin down next to her as well that she had filled with water from the stream outside. She had then moved back to where she had been sitting and had left her own food. Pausing in the midst of eating her food when Fahrena finishes, she nods.* I imagine you were pretty hungry. *She had of course given Fahrena a larger portion for that reason.*
[07-01:19] 2ce65, Kali: oh fun... pjj's at me again....g'night all
[07-01:20] 94c70, Alanna Morie: Yes, oh yes dear.. *She looks at Sorcha.* This city was once a beautiful, peaceful place. Now it's dark and crawling with thieves and other such evil things.
[07-01:21] EXIT: Kali has left the chat ( 2:19am, July 07 (CDT) ).
[07-01:22] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: Yes unfortunatly it can't turst many people these days
[07-01:24] b4692, Fahrena : *didn't realize she was given the larger portion, but would thank all the more if she realized. She takes the water skin and drinks the whole thing down pratically in one setting, mostly for the soothing feeling of it washing over her tongue. Sets it down* Probwem with drinking wather ith you then hath to pee. *shifts and moves with the intention to go do just that*
[07-01:25] JOIN: Garet Jax has entered.
[07-01:26] 125f3, Garet Jax: (( Hey... -_-' ))
[07-01:26] JOIN: Kali has entered.
[07-01:27] 2ce65, Kali: you sneak..
[07-01:27] b4692, Fahrena : ((Hi Garet))
[07-01:27] 94c70, Alanna Morie: No, no you can't. *sighs*
[07-01:28] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: (hi)
[07-01:28] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: *she sighs a little and glances around the room as she picks up her glass and sips it*
[07-01:29] 125f3, Garet Jax: Nope, warning went off.
[07-01:30] 125f3, Garet Jax: (( Gah, I have to get a sack... be back in 10 minutes ))
[07-01:30] 125f3, Garet Jax: (( sack = snack* ))
[07-01:30] 94c70, Artanis : You may want to go back there. *Nodding her head towards the back of the gave.* We didn't move far and I suspect your gargoyle friend is not too far away out there. *Meaning outside the cave.*
[07-01:30] 125f3, Garet Jax: <AFK>
[07-01:30] 2ce65, Kali: *growls*
[07-01:33] 94c70, Alanna Morie: *Hmms.* It sounds like more than the state of the city is on your mind.
[07-01:34] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: Yes i have a lot on my mind...its complicated...
[07-01:35] 94c70, Alanna Morie: *smiles a little* Life is complicated.
[07-01:35] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: *she laughs a little* i know its just i have a few problems but then who doesn't
[07-01:36] 94c70, Alanna Morie: Children.
[07-01:38] b4692, Fahrena : I don wanth du thoil our Themporawy dwewing. *
[07-01:39] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: *She looks to her* children?
[07-01:42] b4692, Tandy : *she remains stuck to the tapestry in the off limits to alcolytes (spell?) library, just waiting to get caught in the act of being where she is not supposed to be. She frets and worries to the extreme, her heart racing every time she hears a noise of any kind. She wants to be found and she doesn't want to be found. She dreads being found*
[07-01:44] JOIN: Lan has entered.
[07-01:45] 125f3, Garet Jax: (( Ok, so mab, did fahrena's RP with Garet dissolve? ))
[07-01:45] 94c70, Alanna Morie: Yes, they have so little problems when they run and play.
[07-01:46] b4692, Tandy : ((We faded out so that Fahrena wouldn't be stuck, remember?))
[07-01:46] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: In this day i would not let any child of mine run around freely
[07-01:46] 94c70, Artanis : *Runs a hand briefly over the mossy vegetation.* Somehow, in this land, I doubt you can make anything foul.
[07-01:47] 125f3, Garet Jax: (( Ah, yes. I remember... thanks for reminding me... I forgot. ))
[07-01:48] b4692, Tandy : (( She was going there to take lessons, but she wasn't living there. Whenever she gets back, she'll hope to resume))
[07-01:48] b4692, Tandy : ((She got caught by a bounty hunter is what happened after that))
[07-01:48] JOIN: Vesarn has entered.
[07-01:49] 125f3, Garet Jax: (( Ok... locations? ))
[07-01:49] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: (glimmering inn)
[07-01:49] 94c70, Artanis : (( *is in a Fae forest in a cave by a stream.* ))
[07-01:50] 94c70, Alanna Morie: (( *with Sorcha* Where are you at, Garet? I may have someone you can interact with. ))
[07-01:50] b4692, Fahrena : ((Is where Artanis said*))
[07-01:51] b4692, Tandy : ((stuck to a magic flypaper like tapestry in the tower of mage's library for higher mages, where she's not supposed to be))
[07-01:51] 94c70, Alanna Morie: Indeed, but they are still happy so long as they have a ball or a doll to play with.
[07-01:52] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: *she nods slowly* oh to be a small child again
[07-01:52] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: (brb)
[07-01:53] 125f3, Garet Jax: (( Well, I have a crazy wandering prince who could be wherever, I have someone in malkier, and Garet is in )
[07-01:54] 94c70, Alanna Morie: *smiles a wee bit at Sorcha.*
[07-01:54] 94c70, Alanna Morie: (( I have a kazillion chars so.. hehe. ))
[07-01:54] 2ce65, Kazia: Said crazed wanderer is lost south and west of .....
[07-01:55] 6a471, HulkDogs : its impossible to find good pics ** has been searching for a good mage pic for 3 hours**
[07-01:55] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: *She smiles a little not so sad any more*
[07-01:56] 125f3, Garet Jax: (( I'll be in as Lan... ))
[07-01:57] 94c70, Z: *is the pic master, flexes.*
[07-01:57] 94c70, Z: Where's at?
[07-01:57] 94c70, Z: *oogles at the shiny*
[07-01:57] 6a471, HulkDogs : shush, z
[07-01:57] 125f3, Lan Mandragoran : (( *pounces on Z* Rawr! It's me again... ))
[07-01:58] 94c70, Z: AH!!! *splats.*
[07-01:58] 2ce65, Kazia Del'Mara : ( is where the great lakes are wise)
[07-01:59] 125f3, Lan Mandragoran : (( Think the Great lakes / Michigan/Missouri area... *helps Z back up from said splattiness,grins* ))
[07-01:59] 94c70, Z: Ooh. Coolness.
[07-02:01] 125f3, Lan Mandragoran : (( You should put a character in there. ))
[07-02:01] 94c70, Z: *is working on it.*
[07-02:01] JOIN: R has entered.
[07-02:02] 125f3, Lan Mandragoran : (( *grin* Coolness... ))
[07-02:03] 2b286, Galaldur : ((hm))
[07-02:04] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: (can we get back to the rp?)
[07-02:06] 125f3, Lan Mandragoran : (( Sure )) *sitting in his waiting room, he waits for word of the Lady Anastra*
[07-02:07] 94c70, Ryavel : *It often got her into trouble, but she had wandered on ahead of Galaldur as they got closer to . Her curiousity having gotten the better of her again. The hood of her cloak is drawn up to conceal her elven ears, though her facial features would still look much like that of a High Elf.*
[07-02:08] b4692, Tandy : *at last she hears footsteps. Her heart hammers and she watches as a middle aged high mage enters the library, walking by her. He doesn't see her at first, but does a double take after passing her* [What is this? You're not supposed to be in here! Looks like the tapestry caught you in the act.] P..please, can you get me down? *she's been hanging here a goodly while* [Oh, just like that? I get you down and send you on your way, no harm done? I think not. You've committed a grave offense young lady. Now, let me see......Ah!] *he sounds to have an idea and she trembles with anticipation as to what he's thinking and deciding to do.* [Allow me to introduce you to a friend of mine. Say hello to Mr. Spoon] *a large wooden spoon appears in his hand. She tries to look around to him behind her as he is, but with her front plastered to the tapestry,including her arms, she can't really look around far enough. She makes a nervous sound of dread* [You my dear, have won the enjoyable company of Mr. Spoon. He will keep you entertained while I go about my business here. Then we'll see about getting you down as you request.] *with that the spoon flies from his hand and positions itself in the air close to her butt. it waves back and with a loud whack strikes her buttocks hard. She cries out in startled alarm and it pauses and does it again and again, her crying and bawling as it does so, while the wizard calmly goes about his business. He finally lets her down after about a half hour of this and the spoon trails her, whacking her on the butt all the way to her little dorm cottage in the yard. She of course, runs, yelping every time the spoon catches her. She only finally escapes it by rushing in her dorm cottage door and slamming it behind her before it can pursue. Needless to say, she will not be doing much sitting for a while* *GONE*
[07-02:08] 94c70, Alanna Morie: If you need an ear, young Miss, I would lend you mine.
[07-02:09] 6a471, HulkDogs : ** tired of looking for a pic** I am off to bed. Good night and happy rping to all!
[07-02:10] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: *she smiles* its hard to explain miss, im in love with someone that i can't be in love with because it would be wrong for being told to leave but i don't want to
[07-02:10] 94c70, Alanna Morie: (( *changes color to not be duplicating that of one of her own chars.* ))
[07-02:11] 2b286, Galaldur : *Sometimes Ryavel could be so annoying with her curiosity but she was young, and it was expected however Galaldur had to wonder if it'd get her into trouble someday. He was playing catch up now, carrying quite a bit of their gear and he to was wearing hi cloak up over his head.*
[07-02:11] 94c70, Alanna Morie: And what is it that keeps you apart?
[07-02:12] 2ce65, Kazia Del'Mara : *there would soon be a servant bringing news of Lord Aegnor's leaving and that he had left Anastra here to keep the meeting for him... and that Queen Kazia wanted to see him *
[07-02:13] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: He is something that people would hate if they knew...if they knew what he was he would be shunned and so would i...
[07-02:16] 125f3, Lan Mandragoran : *sighs and thanks the servant, telling him he did well to hurry. He then rises and head to the rooms*
[07-02:18] EXIT: HulkDogs has left the chat ( 3:09am, July 07 (CDT) ).
[07-02:18] 94c70, Alanna Morie: *Cants her head to one side.*
[07-02:20] b4692, Fahrena : Awrigth then. *she carefully crawls to the back of the cave and does her business and then moves back to the front of the cave* Thath feews bether.
[07-02:21] 2ce65, Kazia Del'Mara : *is standing out onthe balcony... almost hidden in the night, by the dark green color of her dress*
[07-02:22] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: *she sighs*i cannot say it sounds to strange
[07-02:22] 94c70, Ryavel : *It would not take her very long to move into the main city. She was far from home, her home laying on the eastern side of the continent that was on the other side of the world. Everything here was new, different and exciting.*
[07-02:25] 94c70, Alanna Morie: Come now, it can't be that bad, not if you love him.
[07-02:25] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: He is a drow elf*she mutters quietly*
[07-02:25] 125f3, Lan Mandragoran : *arriving on the balcony, Lan steals up behind her and lays a hand on her shoulder* You wished to speak with me...?
[07-02:27] 94c70, Artanis : *Smiles a bit at Fahrena, she then turns her attention to the blades made onto the ends of her bow. While Fahrena had gone off to do her business, she had taken to cleaning Lando's blood from her weapon.*
[07-02:28] 94c70, Alanna Morie: Hmm. Not many of them come up here.
[07-02:29] 2ce65, Kazia Del'Mara : *not even flinching at his hand on her shoulder* You might as well give that up you know... you will never be able to sneak up on me...*smiling as she turns to him*
[07-02:29] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: He's not evil..
[07-02:30] 94c70, Alanna Morie: Of course not, you can't have evil without good.
[07-02:30] 125f3, Lan Mandragoran : *smiling back* I gave up a long time ago, dear... I merely wished to let you know I was here. I was just thinking that perhaps I would go for a walk...
[07-02:31] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: I love him so ...but if people knew...
[07-02:31] 2b286, Galaldur : *Galaldur contines on, slowly catching up to his lost partner, He soon enters the city as well.*
[07-02:32] 94c70, Alanna Morie: People have their own thoughts, always have always will. But trust me, it doesn't stop love. Not much does.
[07-02:32] 2ce65, Kazia Del'Mara : Would you like some company?
[07-02:33] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: Hes afraid that i will get hurt if people knew
[07-02:33] 94c70, Ryavel : *She stands within the middle of one of the main streets of , just taking it all in, the sounds, smells, and sights. But she eventually turns back expecting Galaldur to be there.*
[07-02:33] 125f3, Lan Mandragoran : Sure, but you cannot go like that... *looks at her dress sideways* It wouldn't fit in.
[07-02:34] 2b286, Galaldur : *And yes he had finally caught up to her, he was glad to have found her safe and sound but he clearly didn't show it, instead he glares at her slightly.*
[07-02:34] 94c70, Alanna Morie: You can be hurt by not having love as easily as you can be hurt having it.
[07-02:35] 94c70, Ryavel : *Tilts her head to one side a little as she notices Galaldur's glare.* Is something wrong?
[07-02:36] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: *she nods* i understand its him...hes afraid
[07-02:37] 2b286, Galaldur : I wish you'd stop wandering off like that Ryavel..
[07-02:38] 94c70, Ryavel : I did not wander. I knew where I was going.
[07-02:38] 2ce65, Kazia Del'Mara : ahh..*getting the idea* If you will help get this dress undone, I will be ready in a couple of minutes*is so thankful that she had left the dark clothing from earlier inthe day, lying on a chair in her dressing room*
[07-02:39] 2b286, Galaldur : No, you wandered off from me.
[07-02:40] 94c70, Alanna Morie: He will learn too.
[07-02:40] 125f3, Lan Mandragoran : *helping her with the clasps, he whispers* Yep. Incognito. That outfit on the chair should do nicely..
[07-02:41] 94c70, Ryavel : *Looks away from him a little.*
[07-02:41] b4692, Fahrena : I neeth thu geth thomewhere thafer than thith with the gawgoywe outh there and you dthu thu for hewping me.
[07-02:43] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: *she sighs* sorry maybe we should talk about you...i hate being self concerned
[07-02:44] 94c70, Artanis : We're safer here until you can travel better, unless you have a horse stashed somewhere.
[07-02:45] 94c70, Alanna Morie: There is nothing about me to speak of. *She chuckles lightly.* I'm just an old woman.
[07-02:45] 2ce65, Kazia Del'Mara : *grinning at him, she tosses the dress on the floor, and the several underskirts along with it... quickly donning the outfit.. something he should have recognized from their earlier years as warriors.... before he took the throne.*
[07-02:46] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: I'm sure you have stories to tell*she says warmly*
[07-02:46] b4692, Fahrena : No, no horth. The gawgoywe fwew with me, dwopped me thu fow the fun of ith.
[07-02:48] 94c70, Alanna Morie: *chuckles again.* Mayhaps.
[07-02:49] 2b286, Galaldur : *sighs softly.* Don't do it again, Please.
[07-02:50] 125f3, Lan Mandragoran : *RaE* Well, it still fits... *smiles wryly* Not surprised though... *already in rough clothes* Are you ready?
[07-02:50] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: *she laughs a little*
[07-02:51] 94c70, Artanis : *Nods.* You need more time to recover. Once we get to the portal, then he won't be able to track us.
[07-02:52] 94c70, Ryavel : *Nods once.* Yes, Galaldur. *Of course they have likely had this conversation a number of times before.*
[07-02:53] b4692, Fahrena : I'm noth thuwe whewe we awe. Awe we newe a powthol?
[07-02:54] 2b286, Galaldur : *Of course they have, he shakes his head, mumbling a little before going silent again for a moment.* have you found anything interesting from your curiosity?
[07-02:55] 2ce65, Kazia Del'Mara : *smiling at the compliment* In a minute...*taking a black scarf and covering her head with it* Now I am.
[07-02:56] 94c70, Ryavel : *Frowns a little, but then perks up again as he changes the subject.* Everything. It's all different here.
[07-02:57] 94c70, Alanna Morie: What is it you'd want to hear?
[07-02:57] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: Anything i've talked your ear off
[07-02:58] 94c70, Artanis : THere is one a few hours walk from here.
[07-02:58] 125f3, Lan Mandragoran : Then come... *swiftly turns and walks out of the room* Meet me at the front gates... *would swiftly head out of the castle*
[07-03:01] 2b286, Galaldur : As it usually is with new foreign cultures.. * Shall we exploere then hm?
[07-03:01] 94c70, Alanna Morie: *smiles* My ears are still there.
[07-03:01] b4692, Fahrena : We thould go then. Ith noth ath thafe hewe ath you thay I'm thure. *moves to get up, using the cave wall as a brace to slide up, favoring her right leg and left arm, even though it hurts her punctured left shoulder to do so. Damage to her right arm is a bit worse, plus her right hand* Thupid gawgoywe. *mutters*
[07-03:02] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: *she shakes her head* an expression
[07-03:02] 2ce65, Kazia Del'Mara : *chuckles.... meet him... not following him, she disappears into a hidden passage.. one that leads out into the gardens...moving swiftly thru them..and out another gate... intent on beating him there*
[07-03:03] 94c70, Alanna Morie: I know, dear. I would start with my name then. I'm Alanna Morie.
[07-03:04] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: Oh im terrribly sorry how rude of me...I'm Sorcha Lidil, its a pleasure to mee you Alanna
[07-03:05] 125f3, Lan Mandragoran : *also moving swiftly through another secret passage, he would arrive at precisely the same time as her, but was hardly moving fast* ::in a good commoner voice:: Well, into the town then... *sets off down the road, where two figures happen to be standing in the middle of the road... at night...*
[07-03:06] 94c70, Artanis : *Raises a brow slightly, though she was honestly not surprised by the distrust. It was a common trait in Elves to not trust other races to varying degrees.* You would hurt yourself further before you made it.
[07-03:07] 94c70, Ryavel : Can we?
[07-03:07] 2b286, Galaldur : Of course, but we'll remain together.. *eyes her.*
[07-03:08] 2ce65, Kazia Del'Mara : *wisely keeps her mouth shut... better to not be identified as a the dark at least..... she walks with him*
[07-03:08] 125f3, Lan Mandragoran : (( If you guys are elves, you might hear two peple walking down the street ))
[07-03:10] 125f3, Lan Mandragoran : *approches the two figures talking amongst themselves, hoods up* Ho, there! Good ev'ning.
[07-03:10] JOIN: Luke has entered.
[07-03:10] b4692, Fahrena : Ith migth be nethethawy. I canth leth the gawgoywe have a chanthe tho geth me again. *takes a step, bracing herself along the wall of the cave to see if she actually can step* I need a thaff fow wawking.
[07-03:12] 94c70, Ryavel : *Does hear, but she bites back her curiousity having just gotten mildly scolded for it. Also, her and Galaldur's speaking would noteably have not been in Common if any of it was heard. But she can't resist it anymore when it is clear that they are being called to. She turns from Galaldur to look in Lan and Kazia's direction.*
[07-03:13] 94c70, Alanna Morie: The pleasure is mine, Sorcha.
[07-03:13] 2b286, Galaldur : *Arches a slight brow as he too hears the approaching beings. Now ithey'd discover if the locals were friendly or not.* Perhaps its time to greet the locals hm?
[07-03:14] 94c70, Artanis : *Watches her carefully.* He won't come in here.
[07-03:15] b18e0, Luke: hey all
[07-03:15] 125f3, Lan Mandragoran : *arches an eyebrow as he recognizes the language, but says nothing about it* Fine evenin' for a stroll, isnt it? Are you new here?
[07-03:16] 125f3, Lan Mandragoran : (( Hey luke... long time no see... ))
[07-03:16] 94c70, Ryavel : *Nods, but she falls silent. She knew well enough to let Galaldur do the talking as he was more accustom to speaking the Common tongue than she was.*
[07-03:17] 94c70, Z: *Sits on Luke.*
[07-03:17] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: *She smiles warmly*
[07-03:17] 2ce65, Kazia Del'Mara : (Hi Luke...*leaves Z sitting there*)
[07-03:18] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: (*waves to luke*)
[07-03:18] b4692, Fahrena : He couwth. He ith perthithanth. ((Hi Luke))
[07-03:19] JOIN: Kali has entered.
[07-03:20] JOIN: Kali has entered.
[07-03:20] 2b286, Galaldur : Hail. *bows slightly, then nods in agreement with his first question.* Indeed it is, and yes.. we just arrived a few moments ago in fact..
[07-03:20] b18e0, Luke: *eats dinner*
[07-03:21] MSG: Luke sent a message to Fahrena.
[07-03:21] 125f3, Lan Mandragoran : Really? Then you will need somewhere to stay, yes?
[07-03:22] JOIN: Kali has entered.
[07-03:22] 94c70, Artanis : So is my blade. *This is said somewhat matter of factly.*
[07-03:22] 2ce65, Kazia Del'Mara : (*growls* stop that!))
[07-03:24] 94c70, Ryavel : *Watches both Lan and Kazia in silence. It was much easier for her to listen and understand than it was to actually use the words herself. Speaking the common tongue was not something she kept up with very well, it was not as exciting as exploring somewhere.*
[07-03:25] 2b286, Galaldur : *Shifts a glance to Ryavel for a moment before nodding,* That or we'll have to make camp outside of town.
[07-03:25] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: *she sips her drink slowly and looks at the pile of work*
[07-03:25] 94c70, Alanna Morie: Is this your work? *Referring to the pile of cloth.*
[07-03:26] b4692, Fahrena : ((*is hungry, goes for food*)) *moves a certain way that sends a sharp pain through her chest and she doubles over and crumples* aaah, thath huwth tho bad. Mmmh. He migth hath kiwwed me.
[07-03:27] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: *she nods* my lifes work so far*she smiles
[07-03:27] 125f3, Lan Mandragoran : *nods slowly, thinking* ::then, in their language, Elven, he says softly:: Come with me. (( Even Kazia would be surprised, as he never let on his skill with languages))
[07-03:28] 94c70, Alanna Morie: You do good work.
[07-03:28] b18e0, Luke: *is eating food* Mab, you get the message?
[07-03:29] 2ce65, Kazia Del'Mara : *keeps her silence.. watching the two strangers ....blinking at Lans use of Elvish.... but showing no emotion beyond that*
[07-03:29] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: *She smiles* thankyou i do try y best
[07-03:29] b4692, Fahrena : ((What message?))
[07-03:29] 94c70, Ryavel : *Quirks a brow slightly. Her gaze then shifts to Galaldur half expecting that to be her fault too, speaking too loudly or something.*
[07-03:29] b18e0, Luke: I sent you a private message...
[07-03:30] b18e0, Luke: it should be on that handle
[07-03:30] b4692, Mab: ((To which handle?))
[07-03:30] 2b286, Galaldur : *Galaldur tilts his head to one side, A little surprised to say the least but he also takes a moment to fuly understand him, as the dialect was slightly different.* Thank you. *He shifts his gaze to Ryavel and nods to her. Speaking to her in Elven.* Come.
[07-03:31] 94c70, Artanis : *Sets the bow aside to get up and go to Fahrena.* You're right, he could have. So, it might be a good idea if you listen.
[07-03:31] MSG: Fahrena sent a message to Luke.
[07-03:33] b18e0, Luke: yeah, that one *chuckles*
[07-03:33] 94c70, Ryavel : *Nods once to Galaldur. As she glances at the two strangers she moves to follow where ever Galaldur goes.*
[07-03:33] MSG: Luke sent a message to Fahrena.
[07-03:33] 125f3, Lan Mandragoran : *nods silently, then whispers to Kazia very quietly, knowing the sensitivity of elven ears* I think I shall bring them back to the castle. Slip off and prepare to greet them when we near the castle.
[07-03:33] b4692, Fahrena : I am withening. I'm juth thcawed. *resettles herself, putting pressure on her thigh wound. Good grief she's got a lott of injuries for this player to remember and take into account*
[07-03:35] MSG: Fahrena sent a message to Luke.
[07-03:36] 94c70, Artanis : *She crouches down at Fahrena's side to help her.* I won't let him bring further harm to you.
[07-03:37] 2b286, Galaldur : *Falls into step behind Lan, siently listening to them.*
[07-03:39] 2ce65, Kazia Del'Mara : *nearing the castle, she silently , unnoticed, fades into the darkness**player fades also...before she falls asleep*
[07-03:40] 125f3, Lan Mandragoran : *leads them up the road toward the castle at a somewhat brisk pace, offering to carry some of the things that Galaldur is currently carrying* That looks like a heavy load... may I share some of it?
[07-03:41] b4692, Fahrena : You awn'th in weage with him awe you? Pewhapth, you wewe thopping him fwom a thanthwum in owdew tho pwothecth youw invethmenth knowing he wath moody. *is a little on the suspicious side with everyone, because of what her ex-husband did to her, how well he fooled her, how much she had loved him, how kind she had thought he was*
[07-03:42] 2b286, Galaldur : *smiles faintly but shakes his head.* No, I'm quite fine but thank you much. *It was also obvious that they were armed as well, Galaldur atleast carrying a bow, arrows and his longsword*
[07-03:43] b4692, Fahrena : Pewhapth you awe keeping me hewe unthiw I heaw enough fow thaking me the reth of the way.
[07-03:43] 125f3, Lan Mandragoran : *nods* As you wish it. What are your names?
[07-03:45] 94c70, Artanis : *Still crouched, she lets her arms rest on her knees as she watches Fahrena.* If I were going to do that, I would just have carried you the rest of the way. *She pauses for a moment realizing she didn't know where it was Lando was taking her.* WHere was he taking you?
[07-03:47] b4692, Fahrena : Back thu Wai'dow (LAI'DOR) thu anthew fow my cwimeth. *doesn't bother trying to claim she was framed.*
[07-03:48] 94c70, Ryavel : *She remains silent still. Like Galaldur, she was travelling light. Though, she was armed somewhat differently. She had the same bow and arrow. However, she carried no sword. Instead she had with her a set of Elven daggers she had crafted herself.*
[07-03:50] 94c70, Artanis : Crimes, hmm? *She considers this for a few moments. It was easy enough to gather what Lando was now.* I don't beat people to death for coins.
[07-03:51] 2b286, Galaldur : I am Galaldur and this.. *gestures to Ryavel.* is Ryavel.
[07-03:52] b4692, Fahrena : He wath mad, becauthe I kepth twying thu ethcape and gething clothe thu thucceeding eash thime.
[07-03:52] 125f3, Lan Mandragoran : Ah. I am Lan. *he then falls silent until he reaches the gates, whereupon he moves to the side where there is another door* Through here.
[07-03:52] JOIN: Sphere has entered.
[07-03:53] 94c70, Artanis : Hmph. You can leave if you want. *She shrugs lightly.* I just wouldn't advise it yet.
[07-03:53] b4692, Fahrena : ((*suddenly gets tempted to make a handle called "Cube"*))
[07-03:54] 125f3, Lan Mandragoran : (( ))
[07-03:54] 125f3, Lan Mandragoran : (( "Tetrahedron"? ))
[07-03:54] 94c70, Z: *calls dibs on Cylinder!*
[07-03:55] 3df69, Sphere : ((*eyes*))
[07-03:55] 125f3, Lan Mandragoran : (( CONE! ))
[07-03:55] b4692, Fahrena : ((*pats Sphere* We're just funnin ya))
[07-03:55] 3df69, Sphere : ((my kin **))
[07-03:55] 94c70, Z: I knew it! Lan is a Conehead!
[07-03:56] 125f3, Lan Mandragoran : (( Oh, yeah... RP... *goes IC again* Sorry for my OOC relapse... looks like rehab again for me... *grin* ))
[07-03:56] 94c70, Z: Sphere, Cone, and Cylinder... I guess that makes us a family since we can all be measured by Pi
[07-03:57] 125f3, Lan Mandragoran :
[07-03:57] 3df69, Sphere : ((*nods* we are the shape brady bunch))
[07-03:57] JOIN: Luke has entered.
[07-03:57] b18e0, Luke: *taxes "Dodecahedron"*
[07-04:00] b4692, Fahrena : You thaved me. I wanth thu thwuth you, buth ith ith difficulth thu give inthu thwuth fow me thethe dayth. *Settles back down, sitting against the wall of the cave*
[07-04:01] 2b286, Galaldur : Thank you. *he nods to Lan slightly before passing through*
[07-04:01] 125f3, Lan Mandragoran : Follow me... *points to side door* You are staying here tonight... if you wish. *has dropped the commoner accent.*
[07-04:02] 94c70, Artanis : It's hard for everyone.
[07-04:03] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: *she continues making the clothes she has to on the order*
[07-04:04] b4692, Fahrena : I wuved him. I weawy wuved him. Ith huwth wuwth when you wuved.
[07-04:04] 94c70, Ryavel : *She follows Galaldur closely, but cautiously. She still held much of the same distrust of humans that the rest of her people did, and perhaps more so than Galaldur.*
[07-04:05] 125f3, Lan Mandragoran : *they would find themselves in the castle courtyard gardens* There is a door this way. *leads them to a door in the side of the castle, and opens it for them, revealing a royal sitting room.* In here.
[07-04:06] 125f3, Lan: Hey, Mab... So 'Apur is ripe for taking/conquering...?
[07-04:08] 2b286, Galaldur : *Pauses for a moment as he looks into the room, then back to Lan.*
[07-04:09] 94c70, Artanis : *She remains silent for a long moment to let her continue talking. But also because it was sometimes a little difficult to make out what she was saying.*
[07-04:11] 125f3, Lan: *smiles a bit* Have no worries. You shall be safe in this place. I am king Lan Mandragoran, and these are my quarters. Please come in. *yes, the king is dressed like a peasant... might make it seem unbelievable, but hey, it was a nighttime stroll...*
[07-04:11] 125f3, Lan Mandragoran : *smiles a bit* Have no worries. You shall be safe in this place. I am king Lan Mandragoran, and these are my quarters. Please come in. *yes, the king is dressed like a peasant... might make it seem unbelievable, but hey, it was a nighttime stroll...*
[07-04:11] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: *she finishes the cloak and holds it up in front of her, one down...several ther things to go*
[07-04:12] b4692, Fahrena : Have you wuved thomeone befowe?
[07-04:12] 94c70, Alanna Morie: *Silently watches Sorcha sew as she sips away at a cup of tea.*
[07-04:13] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[07-04:13] JOIN: R has entered.
[07-04:14] 94c70, Artanis : No, I haven't. I haven't loved anyone in a very long time. *It had actually been so long ago that her mother was the last person she loved. But that is something she doesn't voice.*
[07-04:15] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: *she glances to Alanna and smiles* i've only managed to do one thing in a couple of days...thats bad for me
[07-04:15] 94c70, Ryavel : *She gives Galaldur a faint shrug. This was all contrary to what was viewed as the norm and it made her somewhat suspicious.*
[07-04:15] 2b286, Galaldur : *Cautiously steps inside, slowly having a look over of the room.* I must thank you King Mandragoran, We owe you a debt for this hospitality.
[07-04:16] 2b286, Galaldur : *Cautiously steps inside, slowly having a look over of the room.* I must thank you King Mandragoran, We owe you a debt for this hospitality. *And as for his feelings about Humans? either way, he still had to be polite.*
[07-04:16] 94c70, Alanna Morie: You'll get better again when your mind is clear.
[07-04:20] 125f3, Lan Mandragoran : *follows them in, shutting the door behind him. He begins speaking in fluent elven again, a slightly altered dialect to match theirs* You may believe this all a hoax, or a trick of some sort, but I assure you it is not. I can see that you distrust me because I am human, but whatever experience you had that caused your jaded view, let it be forgotten here, and begin anew.
[07-04:22] 3df69, Sphere : ((locations?))
[07-04:22] 94c70, Alanna Morie: (( Rua ))
[07-04:22] 125f3, Lan Mandragoran : (( ))
[07-04:23] 94c70, Artanis : (( Fae-land somwhere ))
[07-04:23] 94c70, Ryavel : (( ))
[07-04:25] JOIN: Sorcha Lidil has entered.
[07-04:25] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: (glimmering inn) *she smiles* yes i will get back to normal sooner or later
[07-04:25] MSG: Ryavel sent a message to Lan Mandragoran.
[07-04:27] 94c70, Ryavel : *Her silence is still wary. However, she does pay attention to many details of the area around them. Her gaze eventually returning to Galaldur.*
[07-04:27] b18e0, Galean Arrowan : ((ACENDAWAN, still))
[07-04:27] b4692, Fahrena : Then you couwdn'th weawy untherthand. *dismissing her perhaps too easily as a confidant.* I need thu thleep now, I think. Thank you again fow thaving me. *she carefully lays down, wincing as she goes*
[07-04:28] MSG: Lan Mandragoran sent a message to Ryavel.
[07-04:29] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: *she picks up some yellow silk and trails a line down it with a sharp point*
[07-04:29] JOIN: R has entered.
[07-04:30] 2b286, Galaldur : yes, some of the cultures of man in other reigons of the world have become quite corrupted and weak.. We're always interested in forging friendships with new cultures who've not repeated the mistakes of others.
[07-04:31] 94c70, Artanis : *Nods slightly as she stays there for a brief moment, but she soon stands to move back to her own spot.* Sleep well.
[07-04:31] 2b286, King Narmotur : *makes a note to send his riders for Galaldur.. needs a good pair of elf-hide boots.*
[07-04:33] b4692, Fahrena : You thoo *as though Artanis really needs to sleep as much as Fahrena does, when Fahrena is only tired from her injuries. heh* *Fade out*
[07-04:33] 125f3, Lan: Good. *offers his hand first to Galaldur, then to Ryavel* To new beginnings, and friendships...
[07-04:33] EXIT: Fahrena has left the chat ( 5:33am, July 07 (CDT) ).
[07-04:33] 125f3, Lan Mandragoran : Good. *offers his hand first to Galaldur, then to Ryavel* To new beginnings, and friendships...
[07-04:35] MSG: Ryavel sent a message to Lan Mandragoran.
[07-04:36] 2b286, Galaldur : *Eyes the Kings hand cautiously for a moment before accepting it.*
[07-04:37] 94c70, Ryavel : *Is more than cautious, she is hesitant to take his hand.*
[07-04:37] MSG: Lan Mandragoran sent a message to Ryavel.
[07-04:39] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: *she would then continue to work on it*
[07-04:40] 125f3, Lan Mandragoran : *nods and smiles at Galaldur as he accepts, and raises an eyebrow at Ryavel as she does not, and slowly lowers his hand, nodding* As you wish it, my lady. Perhaps in time you will come to trust me...
[07-04:41] MSG: Ryavel sent a message to Lan.
[07-04:41] 94c70, Ryavel : (( bugger.. ))
[07-04:41] 2b286, Galaldur : Please do excuse her, This is her first time in the company of man and she can be a little shy at times. *smiles faintly as he shifts his gaze from lan to Ryavel.*
[07-04:42] 125f3, Lan Mandragoran : (( Dont worry, I got the message ))
[07-04:43] MSG: Sphere sent a message to Sphere.
[07-04:43] 3df69, Sphere : ((heh.. see i got a message too))
[07-04:43] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: *she yawns and looks around*
[07-04:44] 94c70, Ryavel : *Shifts her stance slightly. She knew from his gaze that she would likely recieve another lecture.*
[07-04:44] 94c70, Ryavel : (( I'm falling asleep guys ))
[07-04:45] 125f3, Lan Mandragoran : Do not worry. It is one's choice to trust, and she will choose as she will. If you wish, I can post a guard at the door... you are my guests, and an assault on the king's guests is as an assault on the king himself. I can also have food brought to you, if you wish...
[07-04:46] 125f3, Lan Mandragoran : (( Stay with us... Come on, snap out of it! Don't leave me now!!! ))
[07-04:46] 2b286, Galaldur : No, That'll be quite alright, we'll be fine for now.
[07-04:46] 2b286, Galaldur : ((*is too *))
[07-04:48] 125f3, Lan Mandragoran : *nods* Then I shall leave you be. Be restful here, and if you wish to continue your journey tomorrow, or if you choose to stay in , no one will stop you from entering or leaving the castle, and should you choose to leave, so be it.
[07-04:49] 2b286, Galaldur : THank you very much. *bows.* Be well.
[07-04:49] 125f3, Lan Mandragoran : Now, I shall bid you a good night, and I hope to see you in the morn.
[07-04:50] 125f3, Lan Mandragoran : Be well, and rest under the shade of my roof. *returns the bow, and exits the room*
[07-04:50] 2b286, Galaldur : Good night Lord Mandragoran.
[07-04:53] 94c70, Alanna Morie: *Finishing the tea, she stands.* It was wonderful to meet you, Sorcha. But it's time for these old bones to return home. *smiles*
[07-04:53] 125f3, Lan Mandragoran : *heads down to his study* Hmmm... The nation to the south, , is leaderless. Perhaps I shall send a delegation to them.
[07-04:54] 125f3, Lan Mandragoran : *writes out a document making the delegation official, and signs it with his signet ring*
[07-04:57] 94c70, Alanna Morie: *Pulling her hood up, she picks up the basket again. She gives Sorcha a last smile and farewell before silently taking her leave.*
[07-04:58] JOIN: Vesarn has entered.
[07-04:58] 125f3, Lan Mandragoran : Perhaps I can help bring law back to the land. If their current state continues, half the population will starve... I must help them. *sets the decree on his desk and stands up, and begins pcing*
[07-04:58] 125f3, Lan Mandragoran : (( Hey... ))
[07-04:59] 94c70, Z: Night peeps, thanks for the RPs. *was an RP hog tonight.*
[07-04:59] 2b286, Galaldur : *and procedes to set down their various supplies and gear in some corner and so on.. fades out for now*
[07-04:59] EXIT: Galaldur has left the chat ( 5:59am, July 07 (CDT) ).
[07-05:00] 125f3, Lan Mandragoran : (( G'nite Z! ))
[07-05:00] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: *she smiles and nods* thankyou
[07-05:00] JOIN: luthien galanodel has entered.
[07-05:01] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: *she continues with her work*
[07-05:03] a0002, luthien galanodel: *gives up waiting and walks outside pass the ents and walks through the city of the fae,passing creatures of faerrie all around*
[07-05:05] 125f3, Lan Mandragoran : *finally decides to get some rest, and heads to the spare chambers, falling asleep on the bed* **fade for now**
[07-05:05] 125f3, Lan: Ok... I need to sllep, so I will be back tomorrow...
[07-05:06] a0002, luthien galanodel: (bye)
[07-05:06] 125f3, Lan: *waves to everyone* G'nite!
[07-05:06] EXIT: Lan has left the chat ( 6:06am, July 07 (CDT) ).
[07-05:07] a0002, luthien galanodel: catch ya l8r ime outer here 2
[07-05:07] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: (bye)
[07-05:07] EXIT: luthien galanodel has left the chat ( 6:07am, July 07 (CDT) ).
[07-05:08] 3df69, Sphere : ((*waves to them all*))
[07-05:08] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: (...all gone)
[07-05:13] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: (anyone left?)
[07-05:14] 3df69, Sphere : ((*is*))
[07-05:14] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: ( you want to rp?)
[07-05:15] 3df69, Sphere : ((isn't your character held up?))
[07-05:16] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: (*peers at her char* no shes just working in the tavern)
[07-05:16] 3df69, Sphere : ((ahh alright then.. i shall be in))
[07-05:17] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: (heh thanks)
[07-05:22] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: *She sits silently in her little corner placing down the material she stands and stretches her small form and walks to the bar*
[07-05:24] JOIN: Vesarn has entered.
[07-05:24] EXIT: Vesarn has left the chat ( 6:24am, July 07 (CDT) ).
[07-05:24] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[07-05:24] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[07-05:25] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 6:24am, July 07 (CDT) ).
[07-05:25] JOIN: Haesanga has entered.
[07-05:25] 3df69, Sphere : *a faint crackle sound can be heard as the air slowly begins to grow thick.. the shadows whisping about in odd fashions.. growling and snapping as if some unseen force were toying with them... slowly the door to the lounge creeps open.. a pair of silverish blue eyes staring from within that dark shadow masking his features from sight.. slowly he moves into the darkend room.. that pale like gaze shifting over his surroundings and the room's occupants.. a small faint smile slipping over to take hold over his facial features.. that dark silken toned voice sounding out in a hushed whisper as he speaks to a waitress passing by* a simple glass of wine will do.. *a small nod passes*
[07-05:26] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: *She glances around hearing the crackle as she orders her drink simply just a soft wine also keep her alert, she pushes her dark curls behind her ear and glances around* strange*she muttered*
[07-05:28] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: (have i read that right?)
[07-05:33] 3df69, Sphere : ((yes you did))
[07-05:34] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: (k)
[07-05:41] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: *she places a few coins for her drink on the counter as her drink arrived, she slowly closed her eyes so much sadness clouded her mind...she needed to unclear it*
[07-05:48] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: (...everyone died?)
[07-05:53] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: (...wonderful)
[07-06:00] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: *she has her drink and such and heads to bed with her things resting in her room for the night*
[07-06:01] EXIT: Sorcha Lidil has left the chat ( 7:00am, July 07 (CDT) ).
[07-07:43] JOIN: Sorcha Lidil has entered.
[07-07:46] JOIN: luyhien galanodel has entered.
[07-07:46] EXIT: luyhien galanodel has left the chat ( 8:46am, July 07 (CDT) ).
[07-07:46] JOIN: luthien galanodel has entered.
[07-07:49] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[07-07:49] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 8:49am, July 07 (CDT) ).
[07-07:50] JOIN: luthien galanodel has entered.
[07-07:50] EXIT: luthien galanodel has left the chat ( 8:50am, July 07 (CDT) ).
[07-07:50] JOIN: luthien galanodel has entered.
[07-07:50] 6d547, luthien galanodel: (hi sorcha)
[07-07:56] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: (hi)
[07-08:07] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: (....)
[07-08:28] EXIT: Sorcha Lidil has left the chat ( 9:14am, July 07 (CDT) ).
[07-09:02] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[07-09:02] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[07-09:03] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 10:02am, July 07 (CDT) ).
[07-09:03] b18e0, Luke: ...
[07-09:03] JOIN: Eradrae Baenre has entered.
[07-09:03] f2987, Eradrae Baenre : (Umm... hi...)
[07-09:04] b18e0, Luke: hey
[07-09:04] f2987, Eradrae Baenre : (how r u?)
[07-09:04] b18e0, Luke: not too bad
[07-09:05] b18e0, Luke: brb
[07-09:05] f2987, Eradrae Baenre : (Good, good.)
[07-09:07] b18e0, Luke: back
[07-09:07] 1212e, Chewie: *Peeks*
[07-09:08] f2987, Eradrae Baenre : (*bored already.*)
[07-09:09] 1212e, Chewie: Yes boredom sucks.
[07-09:10] b18e0, Luke: *chuckles*
[07-09:11] f2987, Eradrae Baenre : (quite...)
[07-09:11] 1212e, Chewie: What's so funny Luke?
[07-09:13] b18e0, Luke: just Drae's instant boredom shift...
[07-09:14] 1212e, Chewie: Ah
[07-09:15] f2987, Eradrae Baenre : (, it is pretty sad.. Meh, I'm on now so I'll last till whenever sorcha or one of my other RP partners get back on.)
[07-09:15] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[07-09:15] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 10:15am, July 07 (CDT) ).
[07-09:16] JOIN: KoalOneri has entered.
[07-09:16] 1212e, Chewie: Heh. I'm always bored. And never have rp partners anymore.
[07-09:16] ae11a, KoalOneri: (( Hello ))
[07-09:16] f2987, Eradrae Baenre : (aw, that sucks. It ussually doesn't take me long to find one with a new char.)
[07-09:16] b18e0, Luke: my main RP partner in here is Mab, and she's usually busy RPing with everyone else, or her work
[07-09:17] 1212e, Chewie: I'm not around enough anymore to rp. Not that I don't have any.
[07-09:19] f2987, Eradrae Baenre : (, that sux... I'm actually quite surprised I've been able to find so much time for Rp the past few days, this summer has been quite busy, but all of the sudden everything sorta stopped.)
[07-09:20] 1212e, Chewie: Yea that happens.
[07-09:21] ae11a, KoalOneri: (( My summer was never busy
[07-09:21] ae11a, KoalOneri: ))
[07-09:22] f2987, Eradrae Baenre : (Meh, I don't mind, RP is good. I'm sure my friends would try to hurt me if they knew I did RP but I'm the biggest one... Its actually kind of funny now that i think about it.)
[07-09:24] f2987, Eradrae Baenre : (How old are you Koal?)
[07-09:26] 1212e, Chewie: My summer is busy because I started school and work full time.
[07-09:26] ae11a, KoalOneri: (( Im 15 and you can call me Chris ))
[07-09:27] f2987, Eradrae Baenre : (Ouch... , I was supposed to get a job this year - my first real job- but I figured I'd do it next year cause I was late and all the jobs were taken and I was busy already anyway. Oh kool, I'm 15 too.)
[07-09:28] ae11a, KoalOneri: (( hehe finally someone my age, everyone is always older than me hehe ))
[07-09:29] 1212e, Chewie: I'm beyond 15.
[07-09:29] b18e0, Luke: *ponders food*
[07-09:29] b18e0, Luke: *is also beyond 15*
[07-09:29] JOIN: Luke has entered.
[07-09:30] f2987, Eradrae Baenre : (Lol, yeah it seems that way for RP sites, most of them are really good with description and stuff, I mean I'm fairly good to but I'm not really all that good at incorperating it into RP. Really only with stories can I get the mix of Character developement and description right)
[07-09:30] b18e0, Luke: *kicks avatar*
[07-09:30] 1212e, Chewie: It takes some pratice.
[07-09:32] b18e0, Luke: I just pop whatever comes into my head, with using other materials for reference...
[07-09:32] f2987, Eradrae Baenre : (yeah, in any case, I don't think most people mind all that much, I tell them what they need to know and keep it interesting with complicated plot twists and stuff... I like to torment my characters you see...)
[07-09:32] f2987, Eradrae Baenre : (actually... its almost sadistic how much I enjoy it...)
[07-09:32] ae11a, KoalOneri: (( hehe Ill be RPing one of my characters that ive had for 11 years, Romgie, (I stole him from my dads D&D char sheets), and modified him, they cant believe im only 15 its really funny ))
[07-09:33] f2987, Eradrae Baenre : (who's "they"? Your parents???)
[07-09:34] ae11a, KoalOneri: (( Noooo people in other RP rooms. My mom and dad know im 15 ))
[07-09:37] f2987, Eradrae Baenre : (, yeah i would hope your parents would know that. I've never really bother to ask ppl in other rooms how old they thought I was...)
[07-09:38] 1212e, Chewie: Honestly age doesn't matter.
[07-09:38] f2987, Eradrae Baenre : (Not a whole lot, I think we're really only talking about that for a lack of something else to talk about...)
[07-09:39] 1212e, Chewie: True
[07-09:39] ae11a, KoalOneri: (( I have three time the rest someone will ask me and then everyone else will go 'huh'? like the didnt know. I agree on that. Age doesnt matter. I started RPing at age 5 and by age 7 I was really good for a seven year old. I could do everything i can do now ))
[07-09:41] ae11a, KoalOneri: (( Does anyone else RP on IRC servers? ))
[07-09:43] b18e0, Luke: *can't stand IRC RPing*
[07-09:43] f2987, Eradrae Baenre : (Hmm, I only started around the age of 13 or 14... I was always decent, even if I didn't understand what RP was at first and everyone suddenly hated me. (It took about a day and a half to change their minds...) but.... Meh... I used to RP at Mystic Tavern on Lycos. and in some of the Yahoo chats which weren't nearly as good. I thought Lycos was the best RP chat out there, then it closed down and I gave up on RP for about half a year before bothering to look for a new place and I coincidentally stumbled across Bettenchi, possibly even better then Lycos.)
[07-09:43] 1212e, Chewie: I do in one place only. It's a pretty good group.
[07-09:43] f2987, Eradrae Baenre : (Note: its the PPL RPing that make it good or bad.)
[07-09:44] 1212e, Chewie: I avoided yahoo and others. I started out in a treker chat.
[07-09:45] ae11a, KoalOneri: (( I moderate the RDI, and no not Pronoxis. He gave up on us and came here trying to restart it after seeing how good we were doing, but anyway, There are 5 good RPists that I know there and. Everyone i know here is good. Me thinks if i ever quite RDI this and Cyno will be my new place just cause people are so good ))
[07-09:46] b18e0, Luke: *started out in Wildman's, and the VS chat on Beseen, then moved to Star-Network around 6 months later*
[07-09:47] ae11a, KoalOneri: (( what is beseen? What happened to it? Ive looked for it all over the internet and cant find it ))
[07-09:47] b18e0, Luke: *has been RPing for around 7 and a half years*
[07-09:47] f2987, Eradrae Baenre : (Guess I must have been 13 when I first started cause I spent just over a year at Lycos on and off before it shut down, then eventually found my way here.... I really like how they did it here...)
[07-09:47] b18e0, Luke: Beseen was an entire chat network... they closed it down like last year or something... can't remember why exactly... I think it was last year that it closed
[07-09:48] 1212e, Chewie: I stayed with the Trekker group til the chat server folded, bounced around with the group, got drug off to the Holocron now called gal-con, and then beseen and here.
[07-09:49] f2987, Eradrae Baenre : (Hmm... I've always just done Fantasy style RP...)
[07-09:49] 1212e, Chewie: And I've been rping for 7 years as well.
[07-09:50] ae11a, KoalOneri: ((I tried to RP at yahoo, and everyone was doing these like 2 wordded things, and I just got into typing and got this big long post and then posted it and everyone left. I was really embarrased ))))
[07-09:51] b18e0, Luke: *started out in Star Wars chats...* as you can see by my pic, I am a fan of the crap, so... *L* 10 months until Episode III is released! *shuts up now*
[07-09:51] 1212e, Chewie: Yes Luke. Star Wars got a strong hold on me. After the Trekker group split up.
[07-09:51] f2987, Eradrae Baenre : (, yeah I didn't stay at Yahoo for long. Hmm, I'm a fan but I don't care to keep track of that stuff or RP with it, I will be going to see EP III tho.)
[07-09:53] ae11a, KoalOneri: ((My dad likes all that stuff, I just go because my mom says we need to 'bond' and she also says 'Yelling like you hate each other aint boning' so ya know, free movie ))
[07-09:54] b18e0, Luke: *got an email last night, saying 10 months to go... JOIN HYPERSPACE!!!*
[07-09:54] ae11a, KoalOneri: ((I dont think i know what that it))
[07-09:54] ae11a, KoalOneri: ((*is))
[07-09:56] f2987, Eradrae Baenre : (... Don't know why i find that funny koal. My dads into that stuff too but I guess we're not exactly best friends...)
[07-09:56] b18e0, Luke: Hyperspace is a club you can join, to get constant updates on what's happening on set of Episode III... I couldn't be bothered to be honest
[07-09:56] f2987, Eradrae Baenre : (me neither)
[07-09:57] ae11a, KoalOneri: ((i Its all really cool but ive been getting enough junk e-mail every day, over 300 bulks and 50 regs. its hard to keep up XD))
[07-09:58] f2987, Eradrae Baenre : (,)
[07-09:59] f2987, Eradrae Baenre : (really, I'd rather wait to watch the movie. I don't want them spoiling it by telling me about the special effect cause then they'll let something slip about a kool scene or the plot.)
[07-10:00] b18e0, Luke: they showed the training of Ewan McGregor and Hayden Omnipotenceensen for the massive lightsaber duel... they bloody go 100 miles an hour! if the training was that good, I can't wait for the duel itself!
[07-10:01] f2987, Eradrae Baenre : (wicked, I don't know who those ppl are but it sounds kool)
[07-10:01] b18e0, Luke: Mab really has to fix the C.h.r.i.s.t.i.a.n filter...
[07-10:01] 1212e, Chewie: *L*
[07-10:02] f2987, Eradrae Baenre : ()
[07-10:02] ae11a, KoalOneri: (((( the what? ))))
[07-10:02] b18e0, Luke: I heard that the thing goes for something like 12 minutes screentime... I hope it's longer to be honest, but I'll be satisfied with 12 minutes
[07-10:03] 1212e, Chewie: hehe
[07-10:03] f2987, Eradrae Baenre : (well, if its 12 minutes like you described it will be plenty long enough... )
[07-10:04] ae11a, KoalOneri: ((im not used to filters i guess i was raised on IRC hehe bad people there *L*))
[07-10:07] f2987, Eradrae Baenre : (So talkative all of a sudden....)
[07-10:08] f2987, Eradrae Baenre : (So, anyone into magic cards or is it just me thats decided to hop on the bus to geekdom?)
[07-10:08] b18e0, Luke: *chuckles*
[07-10:09] b18e0, Luke: I don't own the cards myself, but I do enjoy the game on the PC... I'd love to get myself a deck
[07-10:09] b18e0, Luke: or two, or three...
[07-10:10] f2987, Eradrae Baenre : (, kool, I have Magic online as well,t ho its on the computer aat my other house, we'll have to play a game sometime. I'm actually in the middle of deciding on cards to make a deck out of...)
[07-10:11] ae11a, KoalOneri: ((I used to, I dont really do cards, except for 5 card draw and bullyay, wow, crap those are my two favorite games))
[07-10:12] f2987, Eradrae Baenre : (.)
[07-10:12] b18e0, Luke: *chuckles* the bloody game doesn't work on XP, so I can't play it... it yay, wow, craps me as well, cause it was a good game
[07-10:12] 1212e, Chewie: I never got into Magic. I'm too much of a space case.
[07-10:13] f2987, Eradrae Baenre : ()
[07-10:14] ae11a, KoalOneri: ((I know that i dont like filters now, I dont even remember what i said cause of that))
[07-10:14] f2987, Eradrae Baenre : (lmao)
[07-10:14] f2987, Eradrae Baenre : (probably retard.)
[07-10:14] b18e0, Luke: you said s.h.i.t
[07-10:15] b18e0, Luke: yay, wow, crap
[07-10:15] f2987, Eradrae Baenre : (nm)
[07-10:15] b18e0, Luke:
[07-10:15] f2987, Eradrae Baenre : (I find it og that they censor out g.o.d. but not bastard or damn.)
[07-10:16] 1212e, Chewie: Yes the filters suck sometimes.
[07-10:19] f2987, Eradrae Baenre : (*Ponders bringing his Kender on*)
[07-10:20] ae11a, KoalOneri: ((they block god out?))
[07-10:21] ae11a, KoalOneri: ((brb gotta wash hair ))
[07-10:21] f2987, Eradrae Baenre : (Hmmm? They had it locked yesterday)
[07-10:21] f2987, Eradrae Baenre : (when I tried to say 'Omnipotent Being I'm bored' it said "omnipotent being I'm bored')
[07-10:24] 1212e, Chewie: Gotta love filters. hehe
[07-10:25] f2987, Eradrae Baenre : (DAMN!!!)
[07-10:25] f2987, Eradrae Baenre : (god)
[07-10:25] f2987, Eradrae Baenre : (WHAT THE HELL!)
[07-10:26] f2987, Eradrae Baenre : (Omnipotent Being)
[07-10:26] b18e0, Luke: it's the capital G
[07-10:26] f2987, Eradrae Baenre : (Aha! its only when you use it as a name! it needs a capital to be filtered!)
[07-10:26] f2987, Eradrae Baenre : (anyway. brb)
[07-10:26] ae11a, KoalOneri: ((back))
[07-10:29] b18e0, Luke: wb
[07-10:38] b18e0, Luke: *goes to get food* brb
[07-10:38] JOIN: Kali has entered.
[07-10:41] 1212e, Chewie: Food? What's that?
[07-10:41] 20017, Kali: ummm.. not quite sure..
[07-10:44] 20017, Kali: whate ever it is...I hope its not contageous
[07-10:44] 1212e, Chewie: heh
[07-10:48] 20017, Kali: ok... its a strange morning... and im just about gone for the day....
[07-10:49] b18e0, Luke: back
[07-10:49] 1212e, Chewie: Same here. I've got an hour.
[07-10:50] 20017, Kali: bout 20 minutes... then i head for the lake until sometime tomorrow
[07-10:51] 1212e, Chewie: I'll be off to school for 6 hours.
[07-10:52] 20017, Kali: *pats*... I'll have fun for you.....lay on teh beach.... fish a a lot....use a whole can of bug spray...
[07-10:55] b18e0, Luke: *chuckles*
[07-10:56] 20017, Kali: anyway...Im off.... yes.. go ahead and say it.... see ya
[07-10:58] b18e0, Luke: farewell, and goodbye
[07-10:59] ae11a, KoalOneri: ((back))
[07-10:59] 20017, Terra: *continuing her journey thru the lands of , she nears the border to ... traveling faster now that she's heard every thing about the take over...... she thinks anyway*
[07-10:59] ae11a, KoalOneri: ((my mom took over the compy))
[07-10:59] EXIT: Terra has left the chat ( 11:59am, July 07 (CDT) ).
[07-11:01] b18e0, Luke: welcome back
[07-11:05] ae11a, KoalOneri: ((ty))
[07-11:09] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[07-11:13] ae11a, KoalOneri: ((Ill bbl sorry. See ya))
[07-11:13] EXIT: KoalOneri has left the chat ( 12:13pm, July 07 (CDT) ).
[07-11:14] b18e0, Luke: later...
[07-11:27] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[07-11:27] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 12:27pm, July 07 (CDT) ).
[07-11:28] JOIN: Eradrae Baenre has entered.
[07-11:28] f2987, Eradrae Baenre : (hello all, I'm back)
[07-11:30] 1212e, Chewie: WB
[07-11:30] f2987, Eradrae Baenre : (Such lively convo today...)
[07-11:31] f2987, Eradrae Baenre : (ty, chewie)
[07-11:32] 1212e, Chewie: yw
[07-11:32] 1212e, Chewie: Yep. Dead as usual.
[07-11:33] f2987, Eradrae Baenre : (Hmm, I have to go, I'll be back in 10 or fifteen tho, so if Sorcha comes on make sure to tell her Eradrae will be on soon.)
[07-11:33] EXIT: Eradrae Baenre has left the chat ( 12:33pm, July 07 (CDT) ).
[07-11:34] 1212e, Chewie: I probably won't be around.
[07-11:40] JOIN: Sorcha Lidil has entered.
[07-11:41] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: (hello)
[07-11:42] b18e0, Luke: hey Rachelle
[07-11:42] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: (Hey Luke)
[07-11:47] b18e0, Luke: *yawns*
[07-11:47] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: (*pats*)
[07-11:49] b18e0, Luke: *ponders as he is patted*
[07-11:50] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: (what are you pondering?)
[07-11:54] b18e0, Luke: dunno, really
[07-11:55] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: (hehehe silly luke, *ponders too*)
[07-12:03] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: (meep)
[07-12:07] JOIN: Eradrae Baenre has entered.
[07-12:07] a9340, Eradrae Baenre : ('ello)
[07-12:08] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: (hey)
[07-12:08] a9340, Eradrae Baenre : (hor r u?
[07-12:08] a9340, Eradrae Baenre : )
[07-12:10] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: (fine and you?)
[07-12:11] a9340, Eradrae Baenre : (quite good, quite good. Shall we continue?)
[07-12:11] b4692, Mab Fairy Queen : *It's Queen Mab errand day. She has been getting reports from pixie scouts all over of a "movement" in which concerns her greatly. She wishes to go and investigate it herself. She has black hair and pale skin today, in her usual Meg Alayas coloration. She wears a simple, middle class blue dress and has her beauty toned down to that of just a very attractive human. She can't do anything about the delicacy of the shape of her face, but she can put normal, subtle nuances on her face that humans have, like the odd tiny speckle mole here or there, etc. She walks to the portal by the Ruins of Ferialii. It is not the only portal in her kingdom, but it is the one closest to where she takes up usual residence. She first moves to look in on Galean's room to see if he is around. Last player heard, he was in ACENDAWAN. She knows it is dangerous to go out of her way to look in on him and ask him along all the time and so she has tried to avoid doing that so much, but Galean has been to of late and so would know better what to look out for.*
[07-12:11] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: (yep hehehe)
[07-12:12] a9340, Eradrae Baenre : (K, shall I start? Sorcha was sleeping If my meory serves me.)
[07-12:13] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: (hrmm...yeah sure if you want)
[07-12:13] a9340, Eradrae Baenre : (*memory)
[07-12:16] a9340, Eradrae Baenre : *After trying the door and having no success. He looks to the window, wandering if it was open, if not he'd simply have to break it... He slowly moved over to the window, and even in his emotional state he still moved without making a sound. He tries the window.* (Is it locked, Sorcha?)
[07-12:18] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: (nope)
[07-12:18] b18e0, Galean Arrowan : *he gets all of his stuff from his place in Nydirann, and he heads for the portal... word has gotten to him about what has happened in , since they are only across the sea... he reaches the portal* Harness the power of the moon... *it activates* Where fae do light the way... *he is teleported to the fae city*
[07-12:19] b4692, Meg Alayas : *she looks in and doesn't see Galean there. She then heads to the not too far off portal*
[07-12:19] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: *she continues to sleep wrapped up in her quilt fast asleep*
[07-12:20] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: (brb one minute)
[07-12:20] ceea7, Steve : *is still here dammit*
[07-12:24] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: (bk)
[07-12:24] a9340, Eradrae Baenre : *The window slides quietly open and he climbs through, his eyes scanning the dark room, though he could see in the dark better then he could see in the light of day. He quickly sees Sorcha curled up on the floor. He slowly takes his belt and armor off and walks over to her, though he moved with such grace one might think he was gliding. His eyes misty even then as he looked down at her he sat down beside her and took her in his arms. And then he held her sleeping form.*
[07-12:24] a9340, Eradrae Baenre : (WB)
[07-12:24] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[07-12:26] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: *she moves a little and murmers softly in her sleep leaning against him being none the wiser that at the moment hes actaully holding her*
[07-12:27] ceea7, Arutha Duthain : *is still in Quinnell, waiting for his forces from Mablung to come in so they can begin training..yes...enlisted the help of two dragons you see....but is that gonna be enough? He hopes so..he needs to retake the city/state of ..honestly he does...too long has he sat was the time to whip some ass*
[07-12:27] ceea7, Arutha Duthain : </cameo>
[07-12:29] a9340, Eradrae Baenre : *He trembled slightly, uncertain of himself. Had he not just a few hours ago told this woman that there could be nothing between them? He loved her.. He had loved her then and he was sure that he would always love her. But if it were as simple as that neither of them would be going through such pain. However, in that moment in time, alone in that room, Drae felt as though he and sorcha were the only people left in the world. For an fleeting instant, he felt as though nothing else mattered, that they could be together indefinately... Later he'd scold himself for such thoughts....*
[07-12:31] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: *She feels the warmth of his body against her and her eyes slowly flutter open and she looks up at him* Eradrae?*she whispers unsure*
[07-12:32] b4692, Meg Alayas : *so, you know, as previously posted. Post might have been missed? She is heading for the not to far off portal of the fae and gets there now*
[07-12:34] a9340, Eradrae Baenre : *His heart pounded uncontrollably. It felt so right, to hold her in his arms! But somewhere in the back of his mind was someone telling him that he couldn't. That it wasn't right. He continues to tremble slightly and doesn't answer for a long while.* Call me Drae... *Then he fell into silence, feeling that the silence spoke louder then any words every could.*
[07-12:34] ceea7, Sothicus Aurelius : *everyone is wondering what happened to the big bad guy of this world..well..he had jsut totally conquered Winyacadia..and now ..yes...Kronor was HIS to control bwahahahaha...he is sitting on the King's Throne poised like a monarch of brutal tyranny and dark designs....soon he would come upon the Elves like a firestorm of biblical proportions...yes indeed* </cameo>
[07-12:35] a9340, Eradrae Baenre : (wow... Bettenchi is in BAD shape. Between Soth and Ghouls and Darrius pretty soon theres not gonna be a whole lot of the free world left....)
[07-12:36] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: *she reaches a hand up and rests it on his shoulder* i know to call you that..*she leans her head against his chest feeling so warm in his arms, but she thought why after he said he couldn't, they could be like this?*
[07-12:37] b4692, Meg Alayas : ((*blinks* Luke?))
[07-12:38] b18e0, Galean Arrowan : ((sorry, was makin' a pic for Travis... he's already at the portal, arriving there when she was heading for the portal, so she should see him there))
[07-12:39] b4692, Meg Alayas : ((I figured that, but you weren't posting. K))
[07-12:39] ceea7, Sothicus Aurelius : (icon testing)
[07-12:39] b18e0, Galean Arrowan : ((sorry))
[07-12:40] ceea7, Sothicus Aurelius : ((Heh...I am the ORIGINAL threat...the Ghouls suck huge ammounts of booty and Darrius is a punk kid tryin to be hard))
[07-12:40] a9340, Eradrae Baenre : *Hit bit back his tears, leaning on her and pulling her closer to him. He was so confused. He wanted so bad to be able to be with Sorcha, but his heritage was an obstacle he knew they couldn't overcome... He knew his indecision was only hurting her, but no matter how hard he tried he couldn't rid himself of his feelings for either side of the argument.*
[07-12:40] ceea7, Sothicus Aurelius : </cameo>
[07-12:41] b4692, Meg Alayas : *She arrives at the portal only to see Galean appear there. Fae guards are nearby. Ah, she can play this one off easily enough* Oh, hello Galean. Just getting back from ACENDAWAN?
[07-12:41] b4692, Meg Alayas : ((3rd post in a row there, I believe it is most certainly your post, Luke))
[07-12:42] a9340, Eradrae Baenre : (, well the only reasons I coun't them as threats is because their power is growing quickly, my character has only ever really lived in one surface city; and ghouls is probably gonna sack it. And I have a character that is SORT OF in league with Darrius, I just heard about u this morning.)
[07-12:42] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: *she looked up at him he was right the longer he never said anything the more her feelings grew which in his eyes and proberly others would be forbidden but she doesn't help it. She was in deep emotional pain because she was waiting*
[07-12:45] b18e0, Galean Arrowan : *nods* yes... I needed to spent some time with my sister... have you heard about what has happened in ?
[07-12:45] JOIN: Hamish Canaris has entered.
[07-12:46] a9340, Eradrae Baenre : *Still trembling he pulls her just a little closer leaning forward to whisper in her ear. Even then he had trouble getting the words out, which was partially because he couldn't believe he was saying them, and partially because he was scared of the repurcussions.* I... Love you... *Hidden so perfectly in the side of the room that even Eradraes keen drow eyes had missed her, was Llano watching- waiting. Sh could have killed him so easy then, and she had to fight herself ever step of the way from doing just that, but he deserved to suffer, and oh how the corrupt high elf would make him suffer.*
[07-12:46] ceea7, Hamish Canaris: *is the head of the former ruling clan of Hadati...he has his own castle..isnt that spiffy?! Well...anyways..he and the other clan leaders are broiled in fierce debates over who has the legitmate succession rites...and who should be the next King of Hadati*
[07-12:47] a9340, Eradrae Baenre : (Llano is my other character but I can't be bother to bring her in for the small part she'll play at this time.)
[07-12:47] a9340, Eradrae Baenre : (**bothered)
[07-12:47] ceea7, Hamish Canaris : </cameo>
[07-12:48] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: *she leans up and kisses his lips softly not saying word hoping that would signify that she felt the same her arms gently draping around his shoulders no knowing theres someone else in the room, she only cares that hes here with her*
[07-12:50] a9340, Eradrae Baenre : *A single tear rolling down his ebony cheek he kisses her back, to emotionally distraught to even have noticed Llano had she been standing over himself and Sorcha.*
[07-12:52] a9340, Eradrae Baenre : (hmm... Strange coincidence. I was just listening to some music and Our lady peace came on, just realised the song was called "I loved you all along" Strangely fitting for the scene :/)
[07-12:53] b18e0, Luke: couldn't even hold out a week... *pokes at Rachelle*
[07-12:53] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: (gah! *narrows eyes at luke and throws something*)
[07-12:54] b4692, Meg Alayas : Of course I have. I was heading there now. Maybe you can introduce me to your tailor? *smiles*
[07-12:54] a9340, Eradrae Baenre : (*gets his by a microwave oven, having been hit by Sorchas thrown object he keels over*)
[07-12:54] b18e0, Luke: *ducks*
[07-12:55] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: *she places a hand on his cheek and wipes away the tear on his cheek she parts just a little looking at him*
[07-12:55] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: (*gasps...blinks..hides*)
[07-12:55] b18e0, Galean Arrowan : *nods lightly* alright... I just hope that she is alright, with everything that is happening there...
[07-12:56] a9340, Eradrae Baenre : (Sorcha, its nearly pitch black, the only reason Drae can see is cause he's drow, meh oh well.)
[07-12:57] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: (? and shes placing her hand on his cheek and can feel the tear so is pushing it way)
[07-12:58] b18e0, Luke: *ponders how long Mab and I waited, until Galean and the Queen hopped on the good foot and did the bad thing*
[07-12:58] a9340, Eradrae Baenre : *he looks at her, unsure of what he should do next. He honestly felt happy at that moment, no guilt, not sorrow, only the racing of his heart. He was so caught up with Sorcha that he didn't even notice Llano waltz out of the room.*
[07-12:58] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: (*pokes tongue out at luke* shush you)
[07-12:59] b18e0, Luke: *L*
[07-12:59] a9340, Eradrae Baenre : ()
[07-12:59] MSG: Sorcha Lidil sent a message to Eradrae Baenre.
[07-13:03] b4692, Meg Alayas : As do I. *she steps into the mushroom circle, expecting Galean to do likewises* Just one little light in the darkness. *and then the destination* Glimmering Inn. *and she disappears. Galean does too if he stepped onto it or he can shortly follow. She figures he's a big boy. She steps off the gazebo behind the Glimmering Inn, looking around warily. Everything has a slight air of gloom in this normally shining city. Only Trendlekim's, ever inviting, seems to be uneffected*
[07-13:04] MSG: Eradrae Baenre sent a message to Sorcha Lidil.
[07-13:06] b18e0, Luke: *never moved from the spot, so he is teleported with her* *he glances around for a moment, his moon elf eyes helping in the pitch black night*
[07-13:07] b4692, Meg Alayas : ((Hey now, Mab isn't in love with Luke. She 's in love with Galean. Get it right. ))
[07-13:07] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: *she doesn't move just keeps her arms around him couldn't now be happier in his arms her sadness gone*
[07-13:08] b4692, Meg Alayas : ((It's night? I thought it was mid afternoon.))
[07-13:10] a9340, Eradrae Baenre : *Still trembling he closed his eyes, trying hard to steady himself. His heart was pumping so fast he felt as though it would burst out of his chest. He never wanted to be without her, and every aspect of his mind and body seemed to be agreeing with him.*
[07-13:10] a9340, Eradrae Baenre : (Its the middle of the night. )
[07-13:11] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: (thats where we left our rp that is)
[07-13:12] a9340, Eradrae Baenre : (dunno why this just occured to me but my kender has a magical hat...)
[07-13:12] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: I thought you were sleeping*she whispered gently looking at him gently just curious*
[07-13:12] b18e0, Luke: crap...
[07-13:12] b18e0, Galean Arrowan : *never moved from the spot, so he is teleported with her* *he glances around for a moment, his moon elf eyes helping in the pitch black night*
[07-13:12] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: (okay..)
[07-13:13] b4692, Meg Alayas : ((Oh, okay, so it's night. Well, this is a weird and illogical time for Mab to decide to take a trip to . Oh well))
[07-13:14] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: (heheh)
[07-13:14] a9340, Eradrae Baenre : *He nodded, though she wouldn't be able to see him she could probably feel the motion because of their proximity.* I was sleeping... *he paused for a moment before continueing.* I'm sorry. *he pulls her into a hug.*
[07-13:14] b18e0, Galean Arrowan : ((it should be afternoon, since the time on the chat clock says 2:11pm))
[07-13:15] a9340, Eradrae Baenre : (Meh, I guess me and Sorcha could just be RPing a flash back or something...)
[07-13:15] b4692, Meg Alayas : ((Wish I'd realized that eariler. Now I gotta think up why in the heck she'd be going in the middle of the night. I guess we won't visit Galean's tailor? Dang. That was really the whole point of the trip. I don't wanna do a conversation not getting anything really done RP))
[07-13:16] a9340, Eradrae Baenre : (, I thought she was going to check out the strange activities in ? Being that their ghouls, night time is the only logical time to investigate.)
[07-13:17] b4692, Meg Alayas : ((That was her IC reason, but my OOC reason was to visit you all))
[07-13:18] JOIN: Sorcha Lidil has entered.
[07-13:18] b4692, Meg Alayas : *She almost immediately sees a ghoul in this dark night. Yes, she came at night in order to better see the ghoul's activity. That's it. She backs into Galean in startlement, even though the ghoul is a ways off*
[07-13:19] b4692, Meg Alayas : ghoul's = ghouls'
[07-13:19] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: *she hugs him gently*its glad your here
[07-13:19] a9340, Eradrae Baenre : (Wb)
[07-13:20] b18e0, Galean Arrowan : ((well, Sorcha's place of business (if it's been rebuilt) is also her home... she could also be at the inn as well... while I'm at it, )) *he glances to Meg as she looks back in startlement, swinging his bow off from his back*
[07-13:21] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: (in sorchas shop)
[07-13:21] b4692, Meg Alayas : *she places her hand on his bow to still it* From my reports, your bow won't be much help.
[07-13:22] a9340, Eradrae Baenre : *In all truth he was scared. Terrified. The only thing that seemed to make sense to him was Sorcha, and the usually Keen drow found that slightly disconcerting, however, he still enjoyed it. Soon enough his lips found sorchas, brushing hers in a brief kiss.*
[07-13:22] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: (her home isn't rebuilt yet her shop isn't that bad though)
[07-13:23] a9340, Eradrae Baenre : (It was really only the upstairs that got destroyed.. Which raises the question... Why WERE Eradrae and Sorcha staying at the inn instead of her shop?)
[07-13:23] b4692, Meg Alayas : ((It was cuz of smoke and ash damage, Eradrae, yeah, that's it, yeah))
[07-13:24] b18e0, Galean Arrowan : ((home = upstairs.... shop = downstairs))
[07-13:24] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: (cos the upstairs is her home)
[07-13:24] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: (thankyou luke)
[07-13:25] a9340, Eradrae Baenre : (Hmmm... U could have just said there was no furniture in the shop.)
[07-13:26] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: *her hands joined at the back of his neck kissing him softly closing her eyes not moving really*(there is only a table and a chair...everything else is fabric and clothes down stairs)
[07-13:27] JOIN: Haesanga has entered.
[07-13:28] b18e0, Galean Arrowan : *sighs lightly, but keeps the bow aimed at them anyway, just watching*
[07-13:29] b18e0, Galean Arrowan : *after a little while, he puts the bow back on his back, and unsheaths the two blades*
[07-13:29] a9340, Eradrae Baenre : *His arms tightening around her thin figure he kissed her back, all thoughts of their problems flown from him.*
[07-13:29] MSG: Eradrae Baenre sent a message to Sorcha Lidil.
[07-13:31] MSG: Sorcha Lidil sent a message to Eradrae Baenre.
[07-13:34] MSG: Eradrae Baenre sent a message to Sorcha Lidil.
[07-13:34] b4692, Meg Alayas : That might work better. *the ghoul spots them and heads there way* Oh, dear. I wasn't expecting confrontation this soon. Things have gotten bad here.
[07-13:34] MSG: Sorcha Lidil sent a message to Eradrae Baenre.
[07-13:35] b18e0, Galean Arrowan : I know... *he arms himself at the ready, waiting for their approach*
[07-13:37] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: *she slowly reaches her hand and strokes his cheek breaking the kiss she looks in his green eyes leaning up so she could see that is* im glad you came for me...but are you safe here? i don't want you getting found out...or caught...i really care so much that i don't want you to get caught just because you came to see me
[07-13:40] b4692, Meg Alayas : *10 ghouls start to approach them from all directions, surrounding them where they stand on the gazebo. Mann, I hate RPing my own dangers just to keep something from going all conversationy.*
[07-13:41] a9340, Eradrae Baenre : *he pulls away slightly, looking into her eyes.* Caught? This your shop and the upper part of the house is naugth but ashes. Who would concern themselves with it? I don't think I am and less safe here then I would be at the Glimmering in, but if you feel it is unsafe for me to be here, I will go.
[07-13:42] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: I don't want you to go im just concerned for your safety*her features are etched with worry and pain that have plagued her for the last couple days*
[07-13:44] b18e0, Galean Arrowan : watch out for their teeth... ((well I did it last time, so it's your turn)) *he looks to Meg for a moment* can you get on top of the gazebo?
[07-13:45] a9340, Eradrae Baenre : *he pulls away slightly more, taken aback by her expression.* There's something wrong... What have you heard...? What have you seen..?
[07-13:46] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: I've seen the wanted signs there looking for a drow elf here in the city there is a price on your head and im worried someone will see you*she looks away tears begining to run down her cheeks*
[07-13:47] b4692, Meg Alayas : ((We just need to start involving other RPers. hehe)) *she gives him a puzzled look* I can, but where will you be? *she knows they can't risk taking the portal and the ghouls hearing of the way to get to the land of the fae via portal*
[07-13:49] b18e0, Galean Arrowan : killing these one by one... they are stupid creatures... I need to figure out how to lure them into traps...
[07-13:50] b4692, Meg Alayas : ((Aaaaah, sunshine and rain combo. I love it when nature does that. *looks out window*)) They can't be killed, from what I've heard. They'll tear you apart. *she moves up one step of the gazebo as the ghouls close in closer*