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[24-10:35] c6c44, Lotesse : Ah... the owners?... I have yet to find either of them....
[24-10:36] bcf17, Galean Arrowan : hmm... odd... they are usually always there...
[24-10:36] c6c44, Illisse Brilthor : *chuckling, then stopping abruptly* Yes..only this time he's in trouble
[24-10:37] c6c97, Levald : what kind of trouble?
[24-10:38] c6c44, Illisse Brilthor : He's been acting very strangely.... *waving her hand towards the road* This is only more proof of it.... If he were thinking clearly.. we would have been much farther from here
[24-10:40] c6c97, Levald : i see. Do you have any plans?
[24-10:40] c6c44, Lotesse : To be honest... I really havent tried very hard either
[24-10:41] bcf17, Galean Arrowan : perhaps that is why you haven't found them yet...
[24-10:41] c6c44, Illisse Brilthor : Food first....Val took every thing we had when he disappeared.
[24-10:42] c6c97, Levald : He what?
[24-10:43] c6c44, Lotesse : I havent been there much...mostly ive been searching thru the city for them...I will ttry to find the owners when i return later
[24-10:44] c6c44, Illisse Brilthor : He disappeared.... when i woke up yesterday morning...he was gone
[24-10:44] bcf17, Galean Arrowan : *nods, and takes another bite of the fruit*
[24-10:47] c6c44, Lotesse : *standing up, brushing the bit of stray hair from her face* I must keep looking....*pausing* What is your name?
[24-10:48] c6c97, Levald : Well i guess its a good thing i came. *reaches into his pack hanging on Jessups saddle and pulls out a Biscuit* here.*hands it to her*
[24-10:49] MSG: Mab sent a message to Kali.
[24-10:49] c6c44, Illisse Brilthor : Yes it is..*taking the biscuit from him he'd probably hear her stomach growling*
[24-10:50] bcf17, Galean Arrowan : Galean... Galean Arrowan... and yours? *he takes another bite*
[24-10:50] MSG: Luke sent a message to Mab.
[24-10:51] MSG: Mab sent a message to Luke.
[24-10:51] c6c97, Levald : So......I hear your a bit more than just a healer.
[24-10:52] MSG: Luke sent a message to Mab.
[24-10:53] MSG: Kali sent a message to Mab.
[24-10:54] c6c44, Illisse Brilthor : *looking confusedly at him* what are you talking about?
[24-10:55] MSG: Luke sent a message to Mab.
[24-10:59] c6c97, Levald : heard your someones foster daughter.
[24-11:00] MSG: Mab sent a message to Luke.
[24-11:00] c6c44, Illisse Brilthor : Caradhras?... who told you about him?
[24-11:01] MSG: Luke sent a message to Mab.
[24-11:01] c6c97, Levald : A customer that was looking for you.
[24-11:01] c6c44, Lotesse : *points Galean waaaay down the page*
[24-11:02] bcf17, Luke: oops...
[24-11:02] bcf17, Luke: *might need sleep* sorry Kali
[24-11:02] c6c44, Illisse Brilthor : Who here would know that?... who was it?
[24-11:02] bcf17, Luke: *does moderative things, and nixes the question from Galean's post*
[24-11:03] c6c97, Levald : An elf named Lotesse (gtg)
[24-11:03] c6c44, Kali: go to bed Luke...
[24-11:03] c6c44, Kali: bye lev
[24-11:04] bcf17, Galean Arrowan : ((*isn't going to bed*))
[24-11:04] c6c97, Levald : *pause*
[24-11:07] c6c44, Lotesse : Well Galean Arrowan.. Aaye, melloneamin...if i may call you one....I have a feeling that I will need all the friends i can get..I have been looking for them for two months...I am getting a bit desperate...
[24-11:09] c6c44, Lotesse : ((she is offering him a more formal greeting ))
[24-11:10] bcf17, Galean Arrowan : *he smiles lightly at the companion comment (or at least I think it was)* you may call me that... friends are hard to come by in certain times
[24-11:12] c6c44, Lotesse : ((greeting my friend)) Friends are hard to come by in all times...thank you
[24-11:12] bcf17, Galean Arrowan : ((this is what it came up as for me: Hail, companions!))
[24-11:13] c6c44, Lotesse : ((hmm... what translator are you using?))
[24-11:13] c6c44, Lotesse : ((before i say something that might not translate as well))
[24-11:14] bcf17, Galean Arrowan : (( the simplest one I could find... I don't have the time to go through and read all the language crap stuff))
[24-11:15] MSG: Mab sent a message to Kali.
[24-11:15] c6c44, Lotesse : ((hehe... that explains it...that ones a combination of quenya and sindarin.......ok... I wont use elvish with you anymore))
[24-11:16] c6c44, Kali: oh and Mab... i sent in the reg for the fairy...
[24-11:17] 0fa0b, Mab : Okeyday
[24-11:18] bcf17, Galean Arrowan : ((alright then... I also don't have the attention span to read through all of it))
[24-11:18] bcf17, Galean Arrowan : you're welcome... *he takes another bite of the fruit, finishing it off* would you like to go to Trendlekim's now, to see if they are there?
[24-11:19] c6c44, Lotesse : ((I bore easily... so *shrugs* I dont speak as well as Z but...its another thing to keep me out of trouble))
[24-11:20] c6c44, Lotesse : That might be a good idea....maybe if you are with me someone might actually be there....
[24-11:21] bcf17, Galean Arrowan : *nods lightly* there is always that chance...
[24-11:22] c6c44, Lotesse : ((cool thanks Mab..I'll let you know))
[24-11:24] 0fa0b, Mab : *toodles off to work again unless anyone needs her for any last minute matters before she toodles off*
[24-11:25] bcf17, Galean Arrowan : ((we might need you in a sec for a bit of Trendlekim action))
[24-11:26] bcf17, Galean Arrowan : ((...just a couple of posts, if you have the time))
[24-11:26] 0fa0b, Mab : Oh? I don't really have time to RP right now. Just admin stuff.
[24-11:26] 0fa0b, Mab : Oh, a couple posts? Okay, lemme know when.
[24-11:27] c6c44, Lotesse : *dusting her hands off, she waits for Galean *
[24-11:29] bcf17, Galean Arrowan : *he stands up, throwing the core of the fruit into the nearest bin, and he heads off with her... he gets out another bit of fruit, native to Acendawan... he offers it to her... it would be similar to an apple, but it is a little bigger... the taste is different as well... it tastes almost like an orange, but still has the bite of an apple... unique fruit indeed... the apple-type fruit is a mixture of purple and green, a nice blend of colours*
[24-11:32] 0fa0b, Mab : It's poisoned!!!!
[24-11:32] c6c44, Lotesse : *she takes the offered fruit.looking at it curiously* I have heard of this fruit...but ive never even seen one...*taking a bite...covering her mouth with her hand..* mmm delicious... (blasted evil stepmother...*dies*))
[24-11:34] bcf17, Galean Arrowan : *he smiles lightly* it's from the inner forests of Acendawan... the fruit grows like a plague in a small spot... it's well worth the hike to get it...
[24-11:35] ab6ae, Sileen: Don't eat it! You're gonna die!
[24-11:36] c6c44, Lotesse : ((too late..*is already dead*))
[24-11:37] c6c44, Lotesse : I would say so...*taking another bite...continuing to walk towards the Inn*
[24-11:37] ab6ae, Sileen: Doh
[24-11:40] bcf17, Galean Arrowan : *he walks with her, getting out some of the fruit, same kind as hers... he takes a bite of his as he walks*
[24-11:40] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[24-11:46] c6c44, Lotesse : *nearing the Inn she starts to wonder if there actually is an owner of the Inn... or if Galean is just teasing her*
[24-11:46] 0fa0b, Mab : Oh, great, Galean is gonna die now too.
[24-11:47] bcf17, Galean Arrowan : *oh, there is... has met Trendlekim* *a few minutes later, they enter the Inn* ((*is immune to the toxins in the fruit*))
[24-11:49] c6c44, Lotesse : *looking around the room*...Okay...where might this mystery owner be?...*sees no one that could remotely be the owner*
[24-11:50] 0fa0b, Mr. Trendlekim : ((HERE I AM!!!!))
[24-11:50] bcf17, Galean Arrowan : he should be in the kitchen... either that, or he and his wife have gone to bed... *he heads to the bar* Mr Trendlekim sir?
[24-11:51] c6c44, Lotesse : ((hehe))
[24-11:51] c6c44, Lotesse : Bed? at this hour?..... l*blushes* emm forget i said that.
[24-11:52] 0fa0b, Mr. Trendlekim : *pops up from bending down to get something from under the bar or put something back, who knows? Just seems to appear out of no where from crouching behind the bar* Yes?
[24-11:54] bcf17, Galean Arrowan : *he looks back to Lotesse* you never know... naps are common here... *he hears Trendlekim* ah, yes... good day sir... I am inquiring to see if you have seen a healer my friend is looking for...
[24-11:54] 0fa0b, Mr. Trendlekim : A particular healer? I know many.
[24-11:55] c6c44, Lotesse : Her name is Illisse Brilthor..
[24-11:56] bcf17, Galean Arrowan : *was about to say that... he takes another bite of his fruit, and lets Lotesse do the talking*
[24-11:58] c6c44, Lotesse : She travels with an elven male...Valandil you know of them?
[24-12:02] 0fa0b, Mr. Trendlekim : I think they passed through here recently. *scratches his chin*
[24-12:03] c6c44, Lotesse : Do you know when they left?...
[24-12:05] 0fa0b, Mr. Trendlekim : ((When did they leave?))
[24-12:06] c6c44, Lotesse : ((two weeks ago...south out of town))
[24-12:10] 0fa0b, Mr. Trendlekim : I think they left about two weeks ago. *bends down and retrieves something from under the counder and brings it up. If someone were to walk behind the counter and look at the shelves and cabinets, they would be empty* This might help. *he sets down a spherical object of curious workmanship, with a compass looking dial inside it and and a map of Bettenchi on its outer side in a filigre (spell?) outline of the lands and terrain, not solid so that one can see the every direction spindle inside on its suspended ball axis*
[24-12:11] bcf17, Galean Arrowan : *he looks at the sphere, as he takes another bite of the fruit* this will be very useful to us, I believe...
[24-12:12] c6c44, Lotesse : *looking at the sphere also* what is it?
[24-12:17] 0fa0b, Mr. Trendlekim : *smirks @ Galean's remark* You give me great credit before knowing what you see. *then to Lotesse* It is a seeker ball. There are only 3 left in the world. I own three of them. *lopsided grin, eyes twinkling mischievously, his healthy, very peach colored, wrinkled face showing that smiling is the expression he wears most, his white hair wisping out sideways from his head like two great feathery ears*
[24-12:19] bcf17, Galean Arrowan : I give you credit, because of what I observe, Master Trendlekim... I also know you are very wise as well... also, you cook a nice steak as well...
[24-12:21] 0fa0b, Mr. Trendlekim : *grins wider, showing his perfect teeth*
[24-12:23] 9890b, Roki: *throws rocks at Trendlekim's mouth*
[24-12:24] 0fa0b, Mr. Trendlekim : ((*chomps rocks like they were grapenuts cereal and grins wider, teeth still perfect*))
[24-12:25] c6c44, Lotesse : A seeker ball? how will that help me?
[24-12:27] bcf17, Galean Arrowan : *he watches both of them as they talk, still eating the fruit*
[24-12:27] 0fa0b, Mr. Trendlekim : *smirks, raising a brow* As its name suggests, it seeks, it finds what you're looking for, at least most of the time. It can't find dragons or any of the more magical items of legend. They sually have wards prevending their being located by those means. *he spins the ball on the end of this finger after rolling it down the back of his hand in a fluid motion*
[24-12:28] JOIN: Sorcha Lidil has entered.
[24-12:29] ea53d, Sorcha Lidil: *She pushes the door to the tavern open and walks in pushing back dark curls from her face*
[24-12:30] 0fa0b, Mr. Trendlekim : sually = usually those = these
[24-12:31] bcf17, Galean Arrowan : *he glances over when he hears the doors open, and he smiles lightly when he sees who it is*
[24-12:32] ea53d, Sorcha Lidil: *She glances around and smiles at Galean and slowly walks over to the bar*
[24-12:33] c6c44, Lotesse : Ho do I use it? (has about 10 min))
[24-12:33] JOIN: luthien has entered.
[24-12:33] c6c44, Lotesse : how even
[24-12:35] 0fa0b, Mr. Trendlekim : It is one of the simpler devices I've come across. *hands it to her* Hold it before your eyes and name who or what it is you seek and watch what happens.
[24-12:35] bcf17, Galean Arrowan : *he looks to Lotesse for a moment* excuse me for a moment... *he moves over to Sorcha, who's a few metres over* hello Sorcha...
[24-12:36] e3154, luthien: ((hi mab its luthien here as i did not receive the mail perhaps you should try
[24-12:36] c6c44, Lotesse : *taking it in her hands..a bit unsure* Illisse Brilthor.....*waits and watches*
[24-12:37] ea53d, Sorcha Lidil: Gretings Galean, how are you doing? your order is ready*she smiles warmly and when ready she orders a small wine *
[24-12:38] bcf17, Galean Arrowan : *nods* thankyou... when would you like me to pick the shirts up by?
[24-12:40] ea53d, Sorcha Lidil: Oh just when you are ready don't want to rush you really
[24-12:40] 0fa0b, Mr. Trendlekim : *the compassy type spindal in the middle starts spinning around in erractic direction too fast to see it and then stops and starts tracing a glowing line along the surface of the ball, starting from where Lotesse is and tracing the best course to where Illisse is on the outer map.*
[24-12:41] bcf17, Galean Arrowan : *nods* alright... thankyou... I'll pay you when I pick them up... *he nods to her, then goes back to Trendlekim and Lotesse*
[24-12:42] e3154, luthien: ((hi mab hope you got that?))
[24-12:42] ea53d, Sorcha Lidil: *She nods and watches him walk away*
[24-12:42] c6c44, Lotesse : *watching the line trace along the surface, she realizes that Illisse isnt that far from here... 2 days travel at the very most.*(would it show Illisse? or just her location?))
[24-12:43] 0fa0b, Mab : Hey, Luthien, the character name regged is "Luthien Galanodel" and the temporary password is 'defpass'. You'll need to change that after signing in, of course.
[24-12:44] bcf17, Galean Arrowan : *he watches the line closely when he moves back to Lotesse*
[24-12:44] e3154, luthien: ((thanks))
[24-12:44] EXIT: luthien has left the chat ( 1:44pm, June 24 (CDT) ).
[24-12:45] 0fa0b, Mr. Trendlekim : ((Just her location, but very accurately. The closer you look, the more magnified it appears. It's magic that way))
[24-12:45] JOIN: luthien galanodel has entered.
[24-12:45] ea53d, Sorcha Lidil: *She pays for her ordered drink when it arrives from a bar maid and she watches the others*
[24-12:46] 600f0, Lotesse : ((hmm ok... cause I need to find Val also... but not today.
[24-12:46] 0fa0b, Mr. Trendlekim : ((BTW, you would of course not be able to use this thing to find powerful beings like the Ruinous or level 4 wizards or higher. That's where it reaches its limits))
[24-12:48] 600f0, Lotesse : *looking back up at Mr. Trendlekim* thank you for this.... I will be needing supplies for a few days... hopefully I can catch up with them....
[24-12:50] 600f0, Lotesse : ((thanks... gtg now...bbl hopefully with fish))
[24-12:50] EXIT: Lotesse has left the chat ( 1:50pm, June 24 (CDT) ).
[24-12:51] bcf17, Galean Arrowan : ((with fish? hmm...))
[24-12:51] ea53d, Sorcha Lidil: *She takes a seat and sips her drink glancing around*
[24-12:52] 0fa0b, Mr. Trendlekim : *nods as watches as she departs to wherever it is she is going. Most that know Mr. Trendlekim know that when he pulls out a special item it is as a gift to the person he pulls it out for. He meanders back into the kitchen* *GONE*
[24-12:54] bcf17, Galean Arrowan : *he figures Lotesse will have to come back with supplies later, so he stays here... he heads back over to Sorcha*
[24-12:55] ea53d, Sorcha Lidil: *She glances up and to him* hello again..
[24-12:56] bcf17, Galean Arrowan : hello *chuckles lightly* I am sorry about before... I was helping someone with a problem and... yes... sorry *he takes a bite of the purple and green fruit again*
[24-12:58] ea53d, Sorcha Lidil: Oh its okay no worries*she smiles warmly* i can't and won't expect you to drop everything and talk to me im just a simple shop owner
[24-12:58] bcf17, Galean Arrowan : simple? most shop owners are very complex, and they need to be...
[24-12:59] ea53d, Sorcha Lidil: *She smiles* i doubt iam...drop in when you want..its fine trust me
[24-13:00] bcf17, Galean Arrowan : *nods* alright then... I'll probably be around sometime tomorrow...
[24-13:00] ea53d, Sorcha Lidil: *She smiles nodding* Alright then i hope there okay for you..
[24-13:02] bcf17, Galean Arrowan : I'm sure they will be... *he takes another bite of the fruit, almost finished it by now*
[24-13:02] ea53d, Sorcha Lidil: *She looks at the fruit as she takes a sip then looks to him* not that many orders this week so they've not been a problem
[24-13:05] bcf17, Galean Arrowan : *nods lightly... he sees her looking at the fruit* you want some?
[24-13:05] ea53d, Sorcha Lidil: Oh no thank you just curious*she smiles warmly*
[24-13:06] bcf17, Galean Arrowan : a slice even?
[24-13:07] ea53d, Sorcha Lidil: *she shakes her head* i had enough when i was at the shop
[24-13:08] bcf17, Galean Arrowan : you sure? you've never tried this before...
[24-13:09] ea53d, Sorcha Lidil: im not hungry Galean but thankyou anywau*she smiles warmly*
[24-13:09] bcf17, Galean Arrowan : it's only a little slice *chuckles... is persistent*
[24-13:10] ea53d, Sorcha Lidil: *she giggles* oh alright then
[24-13:11] bcf17, Galean Arrowan : *he smiles, and slices off a small piece in a sector shape... he hands it to her* enjoy...
[24-13:11] ea53d, Sorcha Lidil: *She takes it smiling* thankyou*she then goes on to taste it and she takes a little taste then eats it smiling after shes done* thats very nice
[24-13:12] bcf17, Galean Arrowan : *smiles* no one has ever disliked it... *he takes another bite of it* more?
[24-13:12] ea53d, Sorcha Lidil: Oh no thankyou*she smiles* but thanks for letting me try
[24-13:13] bcf17, Galean Arrowan : *nods... and since he is stubborn, he reaches into his pocket and pulls out a whole one, and hands it to her... it's perfectly ripe* save this one for later...
[24-13:14] ea53d, Sorcha Lidil: *She smiles* wow thankyou so much Galean you don't have to...
[24-13:16] bcf17, Galean Arrowan : I know I don't have to... think of it as a bonus for making the shirts so quickly for me
[24-13:16] ea53d, Sorcha Lidil: *she smiles* thankyou *she slowly stands* i will eat it for my supper later
[24-13:17] bcf17, Galean Arrowan : save it for desert... you will enjoy it much better
[24-13:18] ea53d, Sorcha Lidil: *She laughs* maybe i will, so you said tomorrow you will be in? i will see you then*she smiles and heads out8
[24-13:18] EXIT: Sorcha Lidil has left the chat ( 2:18pm, June 24 (CDT) ).
[24-13:19] bcf17, Galean Arrowan : *he nods to her as she exits, then heads to his room in Trendlekims* *GONE*
[24-13:19] EXIT: Galean Arrowan has left the chat ( 2:19pm, June 24 (CDT) ).
[24-14:26] JOIN: Anastra Sylune has entered.
[24-14:29] 9890b, Roki:
[24-15:15] JOIN: Anastra Sylune has entered.
[24-15:36] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[24-16:43] JOIN: Kali has entered.
[24-16:53] ba19f, Kali: hmmm.. figures... I get back and everyones gone
[24-18:15] ba19f, Kaya : *pic test*
[24-18:16] ba19f, Kaya : *color*
[24-18:16] 0fa0b, Pendy Fleece : *she hums and rocks, clutching her knees close to her. The wolf is outside the door and she isn't going anywhere. Maybe the wolf will go to sleep. She feels she's making headway in befriending the wolf. Her leg aches. Sure, it's well and truly disinfected and bandaged, but that doesn't make it stop hurting.**end cameo*
[24-18:17] ba19f, Kaya : hrm....
[24-18:18] ba19f, Kaya : ahh... better..
[24-18:21] 0fa0b, Triton : *sits on his throne deep beneath the waves. It's a lot like Triton's throne in Disney's "Little Mermaid" Heck, he looks a lot like the Triton in that movie, only not so cartoony. His throne is at the end of a long hall of columns that look a mix of marble and coral. He is growing impatient. Man is starting to forget to respect the sea. They are forgetting to pay respect and tribute. He is very displeased* *end cameo*
[24-18:21] 0fa0b, Triton : ((That is a cute fairy pic, yup yup))
[24-18:24] ba19f, Kaya : ((thank you...))
[24-18:26] ba19f, Kaya : (now to work on profile))
[24-18:28] 0fa0b, Acorna : *she steps up to the portal of the fae, by the ruins of Ferialii. The guards there bow their heads in respect to her as she enters the mushroom circle. She is in equine form and therefore has no need to say the words. These are smart portals afterall. She finds herself outside Trendlekim's. Her leather bag slung over her back is of a pale, white quilted silk. She heads into the tavern, still in equine form. Mr. Trendlekim smiles and nods to her and gestures to the stairs. How does he always seem to know just what a customer wants without them really having to ask? She clippity clops up the stairs and to a room that has a housekeeping maid standing by the door and holding it open.*
[24-18:29] 0fa0b, Acorna : ((LOL Her leather bag is of a pale, white quilted silk?))
[24-18:30] ba19f, Kaya : *snicker*
[24-18:30] 0fa0b, Acorna : ((That should read: "Her bag is of a pale, white, quilted silk." Cuz unicorns don't use leather))
[24-18:30] 0fa0b, Acorna : (())
[24-18:31] 0fa0b, Acorna : *she nods her head to the maid and then enters the room, the maid closing the door behind her. She transforms and then sets about settling in. She is here to find her sister. Is getting concerned about her sister and so decided to come look for her* *end cameo*
[24-18:32] ba19f, Kaya : ((nother pic test))
[24-18:33] ba19f, Kaya : ((*pic test*))
[24-18:33] 0fa0b, Acorna : ((OOooooo! I like that pic better))
[24-18:34] ba19f, Kaya : ((i think i do too... *keeps*))
[24-18:34] 0fa0b, Acorna : (())
[24-18:34] 0fa0b, Acorna : ((BBIAB Gotta go cuddle with my honey so he can sleep better))
[24-18:35] ba19f, Kaya : ((OOOhhhhh))
[24-18:42] JOIN: Kali has entered.
[24-18:43] ba19f, Kaya : *swats refresh*
[24-19:51] JOIN: Phoenix has entered.
[24-19:52] JOIN: Z has entered.
[24-19:52] ba19f, Kaya : aaye Z and Phoenix..
[24-19:53] 94c70, Z: Heya.
[24-19:53] 3a8a8, Roki: AAAAAYYYYEEEEEEEAAA !! *KARATE CHOP !*
[24-19:54] ba19f, Kaya : *zips out of the way*weeeeee
[24-19:58] ba19f, Kaya : *zips her way to watch a movie*... bbl
[24-19:59] EXIT: Kaya has left the chat ( 8:58pm, June 24 (CDT) ).
[24-20:44] JOIN: Whee has entered.
[24-20:44] 944ee, Whee: roar
[24-21:00] JOIN: Anastra Sylune has entered.
[24-21:03] JOIN: Luke has entered.
[24-21:06] 944ee, Whee: hi
[24-21:07] bcf17, Luke: hey
[24-21:11] 944ee, Whee: how you?
[24-21:15] bcf17, Luke: not bad
[24-21:15] 944ee, Whee: tha'ts good
[24-21:17] bcf17, Luke: yeah... my flu's starting to come back though, which sucks
[24-21:21] 944ee, Whee: yeah. I think I caught a sore throat while in california
[24-21:21] bcf17, Luke: bugger
[24-21:32] 3a8a8, Roki: ...
[24-21:35] JOIN: Aegnor has entered.
[24-21:36] 944ee, Whee: *ponders RP*
[24-21:38] JOIN: Puwia has entered.
[24-21:38] 944ee, Puwia: *wakes up the next day in Terra's little hut, stiff, cold and hungry. Her treehouse burned down the other day and she had only the clothes on her back. The little Elf climbs out and looks around, before starting to march towards Raupenchi*
[24-21:50] ab6ae, Aegnor: *The shadows near the local tavern are suddenly alive with substance, where there once was nothing, only a hollow darkness, there now is a crimson sustanance. A cowled being advances from the concealing black not at all, but simply watches the traffic for a few long moments.*
[24-21:51] 944ee, Puwia: *makes her way into the city, looking around, rahter helpless. She recognises the tavern and moves to step in... a rather thin, dark haired elf girl (Looking teenagish) with only a scabbard and sword and her clothes. How odd.*
[24-21:54] 74d1f, Anastra Sylune : *Awake. Again, finally, when she need to be. At night. She's just finished bathing and dressing, and leaves her room to head down to the tavern. She is swathed in soft leather trousers and a billowing white shirt, tied off at the waist. A short sword dangles in its sheath at her side. Her raven hair is draw away from her face and onto the near-top of her head in a unfashionable but practical ponytail. She reaches a landing, looking down over the innards of the Inn. She pauses, turns... she Silent Bobs her head to one side, listening. She then moves right down into the tavern and through, headed straight out the door. She exits, and thereupon her silver eyes alight upon the figure that has just been roused in the shadows not too far away.*
[24-22:00] ab6ae, Aegnor: *Advances from the shadows. A scabbard clicks against a metalic portion of armor somewhere on his person. In recognition of the person at the door, Aegnor merely smirks. A few spells ready on his lips immediatly, but to the eye, he would look merely as chilled as her worst spell, and just as indifferent as the ice in her eyes. He moves towards the door to the tavern.*
[24-22:02] 944ee, Puwia: ((err, is this a private scene?))
[24-22:02] 74d1f, Anastra Sylune : *Her eyes stray to the "child" as she passes before turning to the shadow just as it begins its approach. She lingers in the doorway of the tavern, as if she would protect those inside from whatever monster approaches. A feeble effort, and she knows it. Still, she does not move aside to allow him to pass. Her chin lifts. Defiance.*
[24-22:02] JOIN: Z has entered.
[24-22:04] ab6ae, Aegnor: ((Not at all.))
[24-22:05] 944ee, Puwia: ((gu8ess not...*)) *erks and actually steps back out of the tavern and to one side to let Anastra step out, staring at the other 'elf' a long moment, her pale features notable in the moonlight as she finally notes the other figure and her eyes widen a tad, not sure what to think of this * Uhm... excuse me... *she murmersto look at Anastra to try and pass again*
[24-22:06] ab6ae, Aegnor: And me. *He smirks down on both of them.*
[24-22:06] JOIN: Kali has entered.
[24-22:07] 74d1f, Anastra Sylune : *She moves from the doorway, approaching and passing the girl. Placing herself between the girl (and the Inn), and Aegnor. Silent.*
[24-22:08] 94c70, Z: *ponders dropping in...*
[24-22:10] 944ee, Puwia: *stares at Egnor and steps back into the inn carefully, not moving too fast, like one would around a wild animal.* Uhm....
[24-22:12] ab6ae, Aegnor: *Would be offended by Puwia and her spelling of his name had he known. But he doesn't. Slides inside as well, giving Anastra little choice.*
[24-22:12] 944ee, Puwia: ((It was a player error anyways.))
[24-22:13] 74d1f, Anastra Sylune : *If he tries to pass, she'd put her arms out to make the door blocked. If he wants to do that (force himself in), he'll create quite a spectacle.*
[24-22:17] ab6ae, Aegnor: ((I know. I was making fun))
[24-22:19] ab6ae, Aegnor: I wasn't aware this door had a toll. I hope you realize what your asking from me... and how dearly others may pay for it. Especially you.
[24-22:19] 944ee, Puwia: *slinks back into the bar, but watches, just in case she needs to well, hide or something*
[24-22:19] JOIN: Daravon has entered.
[24-22:21] ba19f, Kaya : *spends her evening just flitting about...for some reason... enjoying the fresh night air*Wheee...
[24-22:21] 74d1f, Anastra Sylune : *Despite the obviously threat, her voice is firm when she speaks. She does not waiver.* I merely ask for a moment of your time. Surely this isn't too much - you have enough of it.
[24-22:22] 74d1f, Anastra Sylune : ((obvious, -ly))
[24-22:22] ab6ae, Aegnor: Then a moment you shall have. *He holds up a finger.* A moment - inside.
[24-22:23] 74d1f, Anastra Sylune : With all your weight in years I should think you'd have grown more smarts than that. *She allows ice to taint her voice. Deliberately.*
[24-22:24] 74d1f, Anastra Sylune : *In fact, if one looks closely enough, one might be able to see her breath.*
[24-22:26] 94c70, Muna : *Again she had returned to . The take over of the Kingdom of the Paladins was for the least complete and Krondor was falling again. This was her time, she would rule the Kingdoms. A chilled breeze wafts down through the streets and walkways of almost as if they were announcing her presence. With her hood drawn up, she may not be recognizeable by any that have seen her, others would of course not. The only part of her that was not covered or shadowed was the pale hand that held the shaft of a sturdy staff. Inlayed at its top a series of runed jewels. The dirt beneath her feet crunches softly as she walks towards the Glimmering Inn.* ...
[24-22:28] ab6ae, Aegnor: Aye, the walls may have ears. But I know a wall will not plant a blade between my sca..shoulders. *With a mind to the breeze, and a careful thought... he hesitates but a moment.* Lead.
[24-22:30] 74d1f, Anastra Sylune : *She narrows her silver cateyes at him momentarily before stepping from the entrance of the Inn and moving away. She keeps a keen ear out for any treachery, lest he be the one slipping a blade between shoulderblades. She'll take them away from the Inn, through back alleyways. Shadows, pillbox spaces an average-sized human might have difficulty slipping through.*
[24-22:34] ab6ae, Aegnor: *Has difficulty slipping through, then. But only middling. He isn't over-sized. He gives her nothing to hear, merely his footsteps echoing hers.*
[24-22:35] 944ee, Puwia: *continues to watch rather rudely staring*
[24-22:35] 944ee, Puwia: *as they walk away, she turns and heads further into the Glimmering Inn, looking around hopefully*
[24-22:36] 74d1f, Anastra Sylune : *She leaves the city proper behind, headed toward the gates. Toward the location of their first meeting. Her intentions are uncertain, even to herself. Although she has some idea why she's requested this, she's flying blind... to use an old addage of her mentor's. Her pale fingers never relinguish their secure grasp upon the sword dangling at her side. Her mouth is set in a grim line. Her teeth are clenched, and she remains silent. Concentrating, perhaps, on where they are going.*
[24-22:40] ab6ae, Aegnor: *Places his concentration upon her, but also on their surroundings. His fists are nearly clenched as they walk.*
[24-22:42] 74d1f, Anastra Sylune : *She doesn't hesitate at the gates, instead walking straight through and into the outer area just past them. Still she walks, her steps slowing. Soon, once the edge of the forest begins to rise before them and nearly blot out the stars high above, she stops. She turns, her eyes glinting in the moonlight-and-shadowplay that is especially stark in this location. They look more like cat eyes now, their narrow slit almost visible.*
[24-22:43] ba19f, Kaya : *the starlight night just too beautiful to stay inside.....she flits from mushroom to mushroom...skimming just above the ground*
[24-22:45] ab6ae, Aegnor: *He moves past her just enough to lay a hand upon one of the trees. Looking deep within the forest, then back around towards the city and plains. He is silent, she will speak when she's ready.*
[24-22:47] 74d1f, Anastra Sylune : *She turns to keep him in her line of sight. Her eyes then narrow and she moves after him. She turns and leans back against the tree in front of him. She folds her arms, tilts her head back. Regards him with a cool, even gaze.* The way I see it, you have an important choice to make.
[24-22:53] JOIN: Tarnis Catadon has entered.
[24-22:55] eeb34, Tarnis Catadon : * wakes up in the forest not far from , he slowly stands up dusting himself up then leans over sntaching up his heavy leather cloak. He begins his short walk back to the city his red eyes searching the night, he has sort of a nightvision**
[24-22:57] ab6ae, Aegnor: That being...?
[24-22:58] 74d1f, Anastra Sylune : *She tilts her head slightly to one side, away from his resting hand.* Come closer.
[24-23:01] ab6ae, Aegnor: Would you like to tell me why?
[24-23:01] ba19f, Ankalima Morwen : *coming down the stairs from her room, she heads towards the bar....taking a seat...waiting for the tender to notice her*
[24-23:01] eeb34, Tarnis Catadon : ** enters the city limits stoping a moment he holds his arm out at his side paralel to the ground then turns the inside of his arms up tensing his whole body, cracking his back and other joints loudly. when all is done he drops his arm to his side then continues walking
[24-23:02] 74d1f, Anastra Sylune : So that I might speak directly into your ear. *She lowers her voice.* Softly. You never know what might have ears.
[24-23:02] 944ee, Puwia: *steps out of the Glimmering INn again, looking irritated and dissapointed.*
[24-23:02] eeb34, Tarnis Catadon : **
[24-23:04] ab6ae, Aegnor: *He looks upwards towards the stars, veiled in a thin layer of moonlit cloud. Creaks an ear towards the distant pops.* It might even be wiser to not speak here at all. *Looking off in the direction it originated.*
[24-23:04] eeb34, Tarnis Catadon : **weaves through random streets heading toward the glimmering inn his heavy leather cloak held carelessly in his left hand his other hands thumb is hooked in his belt, his foot steps echo in the sleeping city**
[24-23:05] eeb34, Tarnis Catadon : (( sorry ...i need dif color))
[24-23:05] 74d1f, Anastra Sylune : Then where should we speak? *She arches one delicate brow in question.*
[24-23:05] eeb34, Tarnis Catadon : (( color ))
[24-23:07] ab6ae, Aegnor: *He waits a moment longer before replying.* Here will do. *He does draw a bit closer, but not near enough for her to easily strike without his knowing.* You'd best have a superb reason for this.
[24-23:07] ba19f, Ankalima Morwen : ((Tarnis... Just for fun... try your IP # it makes for interesting colors sometimes...*points to Kaya's oh so brilliant purple*... ok so Im bored...))
[24-23:09] eeb34, Tarnis Catadon : **reachs the from doors of the glimmering inn, he leans into them swinging them aside, in steps a 7' tall man with a bald blue tattooed head of patterns a symbols. a bearbed face with four deep scars in his cheak now green eyes look around tavern. moves to a corner table sitting with his back to the wall so he may see the whole room**
[24-23:10] 74d1f, Anastra Sylune : *One corner of her mouth twitches upward in a sardonic smirk.* Closer. *She folds both her hands behind her, against the tree with her palms down. Makes a show of doing this. She then leans back. Now it would take more effort on her part to attack.*
[24-23:13] ab6ae, Aegnor: *Draws closer yet. To where they are nearly touching. And waits. Fully alert from all around.*
[24-23:14] ba19f, Ankalima Morwen : *she turns to look as the door of the Inn is opened.... her eyes widening as she sees Tarnis come in... whispering to herself* definitely unusual
[24-23:14] eeb34, Tarnis Catadon : ** gets up and walking out into the night** ((ooga boogaing ignorent father telling me on have been on all day, i have been on for a total of ten mins today damnit...later happy rping))
[24-23:15] ba19f, Ankalima Morwen : ((*sighs* bye))
[24-23:16] eeb34, Tarnis Catadon : (( ill try to come back in when the f u c k e r is asleep...dang the sensors in here))
[24-23:17] 74d1f, Anastra Sylune : *She lifts her lips so that they are very nearly touching his ear. She speaks in draconic, softly... a mere whisper of sound. Her breath is cool, surprisingly. Not too much. Just enough to be dangerous, but not harmful. The sort of danger (and excitement) one gets when experimenting with drugs for the first time. That element of being caught doing something fundamentally and morally wrong.* You can choose... *A deliberate pause. Anticipation?* make me your enemy... or to make me your ally.
[24-23:20] ab6ae, Aegnor: If you were to choose, what would it be? You have an equal say in the matter upon which role you choose. *He speaks in the same matter. His breath... warm.*
[24-23:21] 74d1f, Anastra Sylune : If I were to choose, I would choose to be your ally... I have too many enemies.
[24-23:24] ab6ae, Aegnor: Your thoughts mirror mine. But I wonder... if that is all you seek.
[24-23:26] 74d1f, Anastra Sylune : I seek many things... treasure, as is my nature. Jewels to hoard. Gold to glitter throughout the night. *She makes no move to end the closeness between them, although surely at the back of her mind - at the back of both their minds - there is the klaxxon screaming out its warning.*
[24-23:39] ab6ae, Aegnor: As long as you do not seek to make the wrong sort of deposits to your horde... I'd prefer you to be an ally. An onslought is coming that might shatter all, should we not band together. To choose otherwise, is to choose obliteration.
[24-23:42] 74d1f, Anastra Sylune : *To that, she is silent for a time. The images conjuried by his words invade her mind, flashes of nightmare. Death and destruction. Failure. A shiver, quite possible imperceptible, courses over her body for a moment. Her eyes fix steadfastly upon the stars far above.* I should sooner live in splendour as a winner than see the wrong side victorious. *She continues to speak softly.*
[24-23:43] JOIN: Kali has entered.
[24-23:47] 944ee, Puwia: *wanders looking for Oryin*
[24-23:49] ab6ae, Aegnor: Indeed. Very well. An alliance that cannot be unbroken has been forged between us. It would be wise to rally more of a like mind to our cause. The king of must be the next. I know some that might have... influence over him. I will see what I can find. You do the same.
[24-23:50] bcf17, Luke: *forgot I was in here...*
[24-23:51] 74d1f, Anastra Sylune : The King? *Her voice remains cool. Carefully schooled. Emotionless.*
[24-23:52] 5296a, Kali: *LOL@Luke*
[24-23:53] ab6ae, Aegnor: Or... at the very least, some of his counsel. *Glancing off to the side.* We have a small force already loyal, but only by fear. That bond is temperary. We must cement better alliances among these kingdoms and retain a loyal army. *His voice is soft, but somewhat fervant. How odd for one of their kind.*
[24-23:54] 5296a, Kali: hmmm thats not the right pic...*blinks*
[24-23:54] 74d1f, Anastra Sylune : What do you intend to have done with him? Shall you... encourage his acquiesence?
[24-23:58] ab6ae, Aegnor: It would be better not to. We will require loyalty by choice, not by force. That is a much stronger bond, I think. Should he not bend with reason, however... *Aegnor trails off.*
[24-23:59] EXIT: Kali has left the chat ( 12:54am, June 25 (CDT) ).
[24-23:59] JOIN: Tarnis Catadon has entered.
[25-00:00] 74d1f, Anastra Sylune : What would you do? *Her eyes lower from the stars to fix upon his shadowed face. Her voice unchanging in volume.*
[25-00:02] 09192, Tarnis Catadon : (( ok then )) **walks back into the glimming inn, in the same fashion as before. this time stays in...his back in a corner so he can see the whole room**
[25-00:03] ab6ae, Aegnor: Nothing that is not necessary. Rulers without sense... Rulers that would sooner see their lands destroyed, and their people broken are not rulers at all to my eyes. *His voice is hard.*
[25-00:06] JOIN: Sorcha Lidil has entered.
[25-00:08] 09192, Tarnis Catadon : **orders some food and wine for himself his green eyes keeping the entire room in check his right hand under the table on the hilt of a dagger his left resting on the table fingles rolling on the table**
[25-00:08] bcf17, Galean Arrowan : *he makes his way down the street, heading for Sorcha's shop*
[25-00:08] 74d1f, Anastra Sylune : *Her expression changes subtly. No... no, not her expression exactly, but her eyes. A brightness that was not there previously comes alive, perhaps conviction. Perhaps uncertainty. It's as though she's been looking upon a multifaceted gem and, until now, has only seen one side of it.* I see. *The words, spoken lightly, suggest that she's watching her tone.*
[25-00:10] ea53d, Sorcha Lidil: *she sits at the table in her shop working on some other project now, Galean.s shirts sit neatly folded on the edge of the table, the door to the shop is also open*
[25-00:10] ab6ae, Aegnor: Speak freely, friend. I will not see all of us doomed because you did not speak your mind, and saw a better way.
[25-00:11] bcf17, Galean Arrowan : *he walks in, eating some more of the fruit he had last night... he smiles lightly* hello, Sorcha... *sees her at the table*
[25-00:12] 09192, Tarnis Catadon : **before his food can arrive he stands up walking from the tavern and out into the sleeping cities streets. his eyes fade from green to red. he stops on the steps of the building a moment letting his vision adjust to the night. take off into the night. maby this night will be as interesting as the last**
[25-00:13] JOIN: Sorcha Lidil has entered.
[25-00:13] ea53d, Sorcha Lidil: *She glances up at him* Hello Galean*she smiles warmly and motions to his shirts* there all ready for you
[25-00:14] bcf17, Galean Arrowan : *he nods lightly* very good... *he gets out the payment for the shirts and hands it to her*
[25-00:15] ea53d, Sorcha Lidil: *She smiles doesn't even check it knows he won't short change her or anything* Everything alright?
[25-00:15] 09192, Tarnis Catadon : **walks by the randon insomniacs walking the streets. looks around from another random person to meet so he may take 3 hour from their life**
[25-00:15] 74d1f, Anastra Sylune : *For a moment she is quiet. She lowers her eyes, hoping that it will be assumed that she considering her words and how to speak forth her thoughts.* Misdirection...
[25-00:15] bcf17, Galean Arrowan : yes... *smiles more* how was the fruit?
[25-00:16] 09192, Tarnis Catadon : **walks by the randon insomniacs walking the streets. looks around from another random person to meet so he may take 3 hour from their life**
[25-00:16] ab6ae, Aegnor: Do elaborate.
[25-00:17] ea53d, Sorcha Lidil: *She smiles* wonderful thankyou, quite different then anything i've had before. So anything else you want me to make while im here*she smiles and stands from behind her table*
[25-00:18] 74d1f, Anastra Sylune : Intrigue, Aegnor... *Her eyes lift again, to penetrate the darkness concealing his face and meet his own gaze.* We can make the King believe he does not serve us at all... while we tighten the leash about his throat.
[25-00:19] bcf17, Galean Arrowan : nothing that I could think of at the moment... *he thinks for a moment* can you embroid?
[25-00:21] ea53d, Sorcha Lidil: *she looks at him like hes a little slow and she moves from around her desk takes his hand and shows him to some of the things in the window, she plucks out a shirt and shows him, its carefully embroided the back is covered in a intricate delecate pattern*
[25-00:23] bcf17, Galean Arrowan : it was a valid question... *he narrows his eyes at her slightly* would you be able to embroid something for me, on the shirts?
[25-00:24] ea53d, Sorcha Lidil: Sure, you should have said something, or maybe i should have tried to sell it to you *she smiles a bit and puts the shirt back* what would you like?
[25-00:24] ab6ae, Aegnor: I do not like such deception unless it proves necessary. Nonetheless, you may be right. The correct method will be decided after we have the opportunity gather more information.
[25-00:25] bcf17, Galean Arrowan : *he points to the crest that is on the corner of his cloak, the crest of the moon elf royal family, and another crest on the other side, one resembling the fae* those two, if you could...
[25-00:25] bcf17, Galean Arrowan : one on each sleeve if possible...
[25-00:26] 09192, Nefiset Da'emorentis : (( test ))
[25-00:26] ea53d, Sorcha Lidil: *She looks at the design and reaches back over her desk to grab some parchment and quickly draws the two* on all the sleves?
[25-00:27] 74d1f, Anastra Sylune : Deception is often much more effective a weapon then magic or steel...
[25-00:27] bcf17, Galean Arrowan : *nods lightly* yes.. one on each sleeve if possible...
[25-00:28] 74d1f, Anastra Sylune : ((than rather))
[25-00:28] ea53d, Sorcha Lidil: *She nods a little* yes it is possible, couple of days perhaps i don't want to get anything wrong*she places the parchment down* anything else?
[25-00:30] ab6ae, Aegnor: If desception is called for, you may orchestrate this alliance. But Illyria, keep my informed.
[25-00:31] 09192, Dekan Elsin Nahkal : (( test ))
[25-00:31] 74d1f, Anastra Sylune : You will know what you need to know when you need to know it. *That's her round-about way of saying, 'Sure thing, boss.'*
[25-00:33] ab6ae, Aegnor: ((My = me obviously))
[25-00:34] ab6ae, Aegnor: You will. I have no doubt.
[25-00:35] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[25-00:35] bcf17, Galean Arrowan : no, that is all... thankyou Sorcha
[25-00:36] 09192, Tarnis Catadon : **walks walks walks...bored**
[25-00:36] bcf17, Galean Arrowan : ((brb))
[25-00:36] ea53d, Sorcha Lidil: *she nods and she places the parchement on top of the shirts and she pirches herself on her table*
[25-00:38] 74d1f, Anastra Sylune : *It is on the tip of her tongue to say, "You should." But she does not. Instead she nods. Her eyes have yet to stray. She remains unmoving. Between them there is, she feels, a magnetic field. At times it repels, as it is doing now. Other times... it does not. It is a pull that will not be ignored, but she attempts to do just that. She dares not break the silence.*
[25-00:42] ab6ae, Aegnor: *Lets the silence linger for a few moments before drawing away. Moving to her side, placing his back to the tree.* We may have lingered too long.
[25-00:43] EXIT: Tarnis Catadon has left the chat ( 1:36am, June 25 (CDT) ).
[25-00:43] 74d1f, Anastra Sylune : Perhaps we have not lingered long enough.
[25-00:47] ab6ae, Aegnor: *Aegnor smirks. She is having second thoughts, to his mind. He watches the wood...needing only a whisper of movement to prompt the drawing of a blade.*
[25-00:49] 74d1f, Anastra Sylune : *She does move. She removes her hands from behind her back, which may or may not contain a weapon. She does so abruptly, quite on purpose.*
[25-00:52] ab6ae, Aegnor: *Did not mean from her. Although he is conscious of her movement, he isn't disturbed by it. No, unless she takes a direct action against him, he won't give her cramps.* It is time to go.
[25-00:53] 74d1f, Anastra Sylune : *She pushes away from the tree, turning to regard him. Sleet has returned to her cat-like eyes, turning them hard.* Where?
[25-00:55] ea53d, Sorcha Lidil: (*waits*)
[25-00:56] ab6ae, Aegnor: Where you must. Find out what you can.... I will find you. *He slips around the other side of the tree, moving deeper into the forest.*
[25-00:58] 74d1f, Anastra Sylune : *She watches him retreat, resisting the urge to prevent him leaving... for several reasons. She doesn't know whether she wants to destroy him... or not. To call his attention to her indecision would be the worst thing she could do. It would be a weakness. It would give him ammunition. And she is the one who requires weapons, not he. She does not, however, move away.*
[25-01:07] ab6ae, Aegnor: *Several minutes later, a large shadow departs from the deeper black ofhte forrest, climbing into the night sky. And swiftly into the clouds. Gone.*
[25-01:09] 74d1f, Anastra Sylune : *She watches this, the image burning itself into her mind. To no doubt wreak havoc in her dreams. In her nightmares. She turns, once he is far out of sight, and heads back to . Back to the Glimmering Inn. Back to the sanctity and false protection of her room.* *Gone.*
[25-01:10] EXIT: Anastra Sylune has left the chat ( 2:09am, June 25 (CDT) ).
[25-01:11] JOIN: Kali has entered.
[25-01:12] 5296a, Kali: *peeks*
[25-01:12] ea53d, Sorcha Lidil: *peeks back*)
[25-01:13] 5296a, Kali: hey sorcha....
[25-01:13] JOIN: Tarnis Catadon has entered.
[25-01:14] 5296a, Kali: just wanted to see what was going on tonight.... and now Im going to bed....
[25-01:14] ea53d, Sorcha Lidil: (hiya)
[25-01:14] ea53d, Sorcha Lidil: (bye)
[25-01:14] 5296a, Kali: nite
[25-01:14] EXIT: Kali has left the chat ( 2:14am, June 25 (CDT) ).
[25-01:17] ea53d, Sorcha Lidil: *seeing as its night? she lights lamps around her shop to show she is still open and things*
[25-01:22] ea53d, Sorcha Lidil: (*waits for luke or someone to rp*)
[25-01:25] 09192, Tarnis Catadon : ** still walking about to no where important **
[25-01:26] JOIN: Sorcha Lidil has entered.
[25-01:27] ab6ae, Aegnor: ((*ambles off to read and then sleep*))
[25-01:27] ea53d, Sorcha Lidil: *she places a lamp in the window and gazes out the dark street looking around*
[25-01:32] 09192, Tarnis Catadon : (( wow very empty this night...**wounders off to sleep** night all ))
[25-01:32] ea53d, Sorcha Lidil: (what all theres only me left)
[25-01:46] ea53d, Sorcha Lidil: (*waits*)
[25-01:48] bcf17, Galean Arrowan : ((*yawns*))
[25-01:50] bcf17, Galean Arrowan : *he yawns lightly* would you like to go get something to eat, Sorcha?
[25-01:51] ea53d, Sorcha Lidil: **She looks to him as he yawns* Alright then... might as well *she extinguishes the lamps then and heads out picking up her cloak by the door which is full of embrodery*
[25-01:55] 09192, Tarnis Catadon : (( weee set up my kingdoms armys what fun))
[25-01:58] EXIT: Tarnis Catadon has left the chat ( 2:55am, June 25 (CDT) ).
[25-02:01] bcf17, Galean Arrowan : *he heads out with her* now, do you know of any good places, besides Trendlekim's?
[25-02:02] ea53d, Sorcha Lidil: *She looks at him as she walks* well no not really i only lived off Trendlekims for a while then i cooked my won
[25-02:02] ea53d, Sorcha Lidil: own
[25-02:06] bcf17, Galean Arrowan : *nods* alright then... we'll go there then?
[25-02:08] ea53d, Sorcha Lidil: *She nods and smiles* alright then*she starts to head towards the tavern* so hows things?
[25-02:11] bcf17, Galean Arrowan : things are alright at the moment... *finishes off the fruit*
[25-02:12] ea53d, Sorcha Lidil: *she smiles* thats good to hear*when they get to the tavern she pushes the door open*
[25-02:17] JOIN: Daravon has entered.
[25-02:25] bcf17, Galean Arrowan : *he walks in after her, and heads to the bar*
[25-02:26] ea53d, Sorcha Lidil: *she looks to him and follows towards the bar*
[25-02:27] bcf17, Galean Arrowan : *when he gets there, he orders an ale, a steak, and some eggs*
[25-02:29] ea53d, Sorcha Lidil: *She herself just orderes some fruit and looks to him as she stretches* how long are you staying in the town for?
[25-02:30] bcf17, Galean Arrowan : a few more days... I come and go regularly though...
[25-02:31] ea53d, Sorcha Lidil: So do you want the shirts before you go?
[25-02:32] bcf17, Galean Arrowan : *nods* yes please... *he sits down at a table and waits for the food to be delivered*
[25-02:33] ea53d, Sorcha Lidil: *she orders herself some wine then follows him* do you like the shirts though?
[25-02:36] bcf17, Galean Arrowan : I do... they were exactly what I wanted. thankyou
[25-02:37] ea53d, Sorcha Lidil: *she smiles warmly* well no they weren't you want a design on them, but i will work as quickly as possible..
[25-02:39] bcf17, Galean Arrowan : I never told you about the design, and I hadn't thought about it until tonight, so at the time it was exactly what I wanted
[25-02:40] ea53d, Sorcha Lidil: *she giggles a little* perhaps but yes i do all such things as that, i take great pride in my talent
[25-02:42] bcf17, Galean Arrowan : as all craftspeople do... *nods lightly, and the food is brought out to them, as are their drinks*
[25-02:43] ea53d, Sorcha Lidil: *she pays for hers and thanks the person and takes a sip of her drink*
[25-02:44] bcf17, Galean Arrowan : *pays for his as well, and takes a mouthful of the steak*
[25-02:46] ea53d, Sorcha Lidil: *she watches him as she picks up some fruit and eats it*
[25-02:49] bcf17, Galean Arrowan : *he watches her as he eats* everything alright?
[25-02:50] ea53d, Sorcha Lidil: Oh yes fine, just thinking about things can't say i've had someone to talk to for a whi;e
[25-02:51] ea53d, Sorcha Lidil: while
[25-02:51] bcf17, Galean Arrowan : *nods lightly* I see... *he takes a sip of the ale, then has another bite of the steak and some of the eggs*
[25-02:53] ea53d, Sorcha Lidil: *she looks away and eats some of her fruit best not to dwell on things she thought to herself*
[25-03:04] bcf17, Galean Arrowan : *after a little bit, he finishes eating the eggs, and continues on the steak*
[25-03:05] ea53d, Sorcha Lidil: why do you come here?
[25-03:10] bcf17, Galean Arrowan : because, I'm familiar with this place, to a certain extent...
[25-03:11] ea53d, Sorcha Lidil: Do you often come here when you arn't working?
[25-03:12] bcf17, Galean Arrowan : *nods* most of the time, yes
[25-03:14] ea53d, Sorcha Lidil: So do i but i find working takes up most of my time
[25-03:16] bcf17, Galean Arrowan : I know what you mean...
[25-03:18] ea53d, Sorcha Lidil: I've not had time to talk to anyone recently..and i've been away
[25-03:20] bcf17, Galean Arrowan : *nods lightly, and takes another bite from the steak, almost finished it*
[25-03:21] ea53d, Sorcha Lidil: *she looks down and eats her fruit slowly*
[25-03:22] JOIN: Strahd VonZarovich has entered.
[25-03:22] bcf17, Galean Arrowan : *he finishes his steak, and takes a sip of his ale*
[25-03:25] ea53d, Sorcha Lidil: not very talkative are you?
[25-03:25] bcf17, Galean Arrowan : not while I'm eating, no...
[25-03:29] ea53d, Sorcha Lidil: *she laughs and sips her wine* fair enough
[25-03:30] bcf17, Galean Arrowan : *smiles lightly, and finishes off his ale*
[25-03:31] bcf17, Galean Arrowan : *he looks to her, and stands* I think I might retire for the night... thankyou for the company, Sorcha...
[25-03:33] ea53d, Sorcha Lidil: *She nods* your welcome Galean i will get them shirts ready for you as soon as possible*she smiled warmly* sleep well
[25-03:35] bcf17, Galean Arrowan : I will... *he nods lightly to her* good night... *he smiles, and he heads to where the rooms are in the Glimmering Inn* *GONE* ((thanks for the RP Rachelle. see ya))
[25-03:36] EXIT: Galean Arrowan has left the chat ( 4:35am, June 25 (CDT) ).
[25-03:36] ea53d, Sorcha Lidil: (seya luke)
[25-03:37] ea53d, Sorcha Lidil: *She slowly stands once shes finished and looks around carefully*
[25-03:41] ea53d, Sorcha Lidil: *she pulls her cloak about herself and heads out*
[25-03:47] ea53d, Sorcha Lidil: *heads back to her home and is gone*
[25-03:47] EXIT: Sorcha Lidil has left the chat ( 4:47am, June 25 (CDT) ).
[25-06:04] JOIN: Kali has entered.
[25-07:14] 1cc53, Kali: dont shoot me....*pic test*
[25-07:15] 1cc53, Kali: hmm
[25-07:16] 1cc53, Kali: *test again*
[25-07:27] JOIN: luthien galanodel has entered.
[25-07:27] 3e274, luthien galanodel: ((hi its me ....ime back))
[25-07:28] 3e274, luthien galanodel: ((nice pic..where you get that one?))
[25-07:29] 1cc53, Kali: Xyva found it for me
[25-07:29] 1cc53, Kali: what do you think about this one?
[25-07:31] 3e274, luthien galanodel: wot girlie holding sword?s'ok
[25-07:31] 1cc53, Kali: no luthien... this one...
[25-07:32] 3e274, luthien galanodel: ((still no email!!))
[25-07:32] 1cc53, Kali: what do you need email for?
[25-07:32] 1cc53, Kali: reg? you're already reg'd you dont need one now
[25-07:33] 3e274, luthien galanodel: ((yowch!!!))((your lovely you are))
[25-07:33] 1cc53, Kali: hehe
[25-07:34] 1cc53, Kali: mebe...but i dont think I will be able to use her here.
[25-07:34] 3e274, luthien galanodel: ((ok but howd i get my profile that i sent in up??))
[25-07:35] 3e274, luthien galanodel: why not??
[25-07:35] 1cc53, Kali: you have to write that yourself... do you know html?
[25-07:35] 3e274, luthien galanodel: html??
[25-07:36] 1cc53, Kali: shie's a little too ....undressed
[25-07:36] 1cc53, Kali: comp code. for writing
[25-07:36] 3e274, luthien galanodel: surely not!!
[25-07:36] 3e274, luthien galanodel: no
[25-07:36] 1cc53, Kali: or do you have access to an editor?
[25-07:37] 3e274, luthien galanodel: pass
[25-07:37] 1cc53, Kali: hrm...
[25-07:37] 3e274, luthien galanodel: can i write it up in say...word and save it and send it to you as an attachment~??
[25-07:38] 3e274, luthien galanodel: ime a bit dense when it comes to the modern world...ime more of a hands on person
[25-07:39] 1cc53, Kali: i could.... im not that good at it... I have help myself... but sure.... I will need a pic address also if you are going to use one...
[25-07:40] 3e274, luthien galanodel: dont know how to do that..ive got some pics at home that i downloaded
[25-07:41] 1cc53, Kali: pick the one you want to use for Luthien..and send me the add when you send the profile
[25-07:41] 1cc53, Kali: *blinks* just send pic as attachment
[25-07:42] 1cc53, Kali: have you looked at any of the profiles here?"
[25-07:43] 3e274, luthien galanodel: going home now half day catch you later?
[25-07:44] 1cc53, Kali: I'll probably be here
[25-07:44] 3e274, luthien galanodel: yes
[25-07:44] 1cc53, Kali: *chuckles* oops
[25-07:45] 1cc53, Kali: *test*
[25-07:46] 1cc53, Kali: *goes to straighten out her avatar file*
[25-08:20] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[25-08:21] 1cc53, Kali: hello wispy
[25-08:46] JOIN: luthien galanodel has entered.
[25-08:53] 1cc53, Kali: hey Luthien
[25-09:13] 1cc53, Kaya : *profile test*
[25-09:25] JOIN: luthiengalanodel has entered.
[25-09:26] 1cc53, Kaya : *test again*
[25-09:26] b113f, luthiengalanodel: you mean your this one as well??
[25-09:27] 1cc53, Kaya : Ive got 9 chars here
[25-09:31] ceea7, Steve : *peeek*
[25-09:34] 1cc53, Kaya : *fixes pic*
[25-09:36] 1cc53, Kaya : *sighs*
[25-09:38] 1cc53, Kaya : *profile test*
[25-09:41] 1cc53, Kaya : *pic again*
[25-09:41] ceea7, Steve : I like dat one
[25-09:42] 1cc53, Kaya : thanks.... she's the one i'll use for ANOTHER new char...
[25-09:44] 1cc53, Kaya : now all i have to do is keep Sileen from seeing her...
[25-09:44] ceea7, Steve : Why?
[25-09:45] 1cc53, Kaya : cause she steals every one i put up for her collection
[25-10:01] ceea7, Steve :
[25-10:13] 1cc53, Kaya : *dances* yay...
[25-10:14] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[25-10:14] JOIN: Whee has entered.
[25-10:14] 944ee, Whee: rar
[25-10:15] 1cc53, Kaya : *flits around Whee*
[25-10:17] 944ee, Whee: not too close. I have a cold
[25-10:18] 1cc53, Kaya : *flees*... I dont need that.....
[25-10:19] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[25-10:19] 39410, Will-o'-the-wisp: computer is so much better than my mothers
[25-10:21] 944ee, Whee: heh
[25-10:23] 1cc53, Kaya : hmph... thats not hard to do... mine makes snail mail look like a car race..
[25-10:33] 1cc53, Kali: hrm... *killed chat*...
[25-10:36] 1cc53, Kali: ok whats with the avatars today.....
[25-10:39] EXIT: Whee has left the chat ( 11:21am, June 25 (CDT) ).
[25-10:39] JOIN: Whee has entered.
[25-10:39] 944ee, Whee: pic test
[25-10:42] 1cc53, Kali: hmmm
[25-10:43] 1cc53, Kali: no pic
[25-10:44] EXIT: Whee has left the chat ( 11:39am, June 25 (CDT) ).
[25-10:44] JOIN: Whee has entered.
[25-10:44] 944ee, Whee: test agian
[25-10:44] 944ee, Whee: ahah
[25-11:52] JOIN: Z has entered.
[25-11:52] 1cc53, Kali: hey Z
[25-11:53] 94c70, Z: Hey Kali
[25-12:06] 1cc53, Kali: how are you?.... sorry..working on setting up kingdom forces...
[25-12:13] 94c70, Z: I'm alright. Slow anyway since I'm getting ready for work.
[25-12:36] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[25-12:38] ab6ae, Sileen: *spins* Weee!
[25-12:39] 94c70, Z: *tickles Sileen, then hops off to work.*
[25-12:40] 1cc53, Kaya : *zips past Sileens head*....wheeeee.!!!!
[25-12:45] ab6ae, Sileen:
[25-12:47] 1cc53, Kaya : Hello
[25-13:04] JOIN: Kali has entered.
[25-13:33] JOIN: Kali has entered.
[25-18:08] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[25-18:08] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 7:08pm, June 25 (CDT) ).
[25-18:09] JOIN: Axis has entered.
[25-18:09] 8b5df, Mab :
[25-18:10] 468c8, Axis : ((I'm ack from vacation!))
[25-18:10] 8b5df, Mab : What did your vacation do to make you ack?
[25-18:10] 8b5df, Mab :
[25-18:11] 468c8, Axis : ((*tackles MAb* Back! ))
[25-18:12] 468c8, Axis : ((I miss anything important?))
[25-18:17] 8b5df, Mab : Nah, just the general decline of the chat and the planned renewal of the chat on the fourth of July.
[25-18:18] 468c8, Axis : (how do you mean?))
[25-18:20] 8b5df, Mab : Oh, just some little sabotage that went on before the decline and there needing to be a renewal anyway. It's time. Details are here
[25-18:24] 8b5df, Mab : People are still RPing, because of the way the renewal is going to work doesn't prevent them from doing so, but activity isn't what it used to be and some changes are needed to make this chat have better staying power.
[25-18:26] 468c8, Axis : ((ahh. That means I'll be able to tweak My gargoyles background to how it should be))
[25-18:27] 8b5df, Mab : Yup, it means that amoung other things. It's a second chance for some characters, a new start for others, or a continuence of the same thing for still others, depending on the character and the player's wishes.
[25-18:27] 468c8, Axis : ((this sounds good.))
[25-18:28] 468c8, Axis : ((maybe we will have more interaction between kingdoms now. hmm need to speak to lev and liz about our alliance))
[25-18:28] 8b5df, Mab : Yeah, I wish I could say I thought of this renewal idea, but I'm copying what another chat did that was similar. *L* We're keeping what worked and changing what didn't work so well.
[25-18:30] 8b5df, Mab : Yeah, I think I'm going to make it so that kingdom leaders have their leaders usurped automatically if they don't represent their kingdom for a given time, but I have to decide how long a kingdom should be allowed to be neglected by its leader before it gets usurped.
[25-18:30] 468c8, Axis : ((sounds good))
[25-18:30] JOIN: Kali has entered.
[25-18:31] 8b5df, Mab : That way major plots don't get hung up so much by a leader being gone for a long time, which has been a common, common problem in here.
[25-18:32] d8a2a, Kali: which is a very good thing......
[25-18:33] 8b5df, Mab : People get all excited about making a kingdom and then don't follow through with it. Yeah, I think it's gonna be a good new rule for kingdoms. If people really care about their kingdom, they'll have to represent it often enough to show that.
[25-18:33] d8a2a, Kali: *has definite plans to rule in person....not as an absentee ruler*
[25-18:34] 8b5df, Mab :
[25-18:34] 468c8, Axis : ((yeah...))
[25-18:34] 8b5df, Mab : Now, I just gotta figure out how long the grace period should be for that new rule.
[25-18:35] MSG: Kali sent a message to Mab.
[25-18:35] JOIN: Tarnis Catadon has entered.
[25-18:35] d8a2a, Kali: hmmm.. with the amount of people here... i dont think it should be very long... its just too hard to sit here waiting for someone else to show up to rp
[25-18:36] 468c8, Axis : ((I'm already working on plans to conquer the world...with my allies of course))
[25-18:36] MSG: Mab sent a message to Kali.
[25-18:36] 8b5df, Mab : *L*
[25-18:36] d8a2a, Kali: *cackles* no not quite that large....
[25-18:36] 8b5df, Mab : Yeah, I agree, Kali. I was thinking possibly a week? What do you all think?
[25-18:37] 04576, Tarnis Catadon : Yea about those neglectful people i would be one of them and I need the king for my kingdom so that i can include it in some rp
[25-18:37] MSG: Kali sent a message to Mab.
[25-18:37] 8b5df, Mab : Of course, if someone has to go out of town and gives notice, that's another matter, but that doesn't happen THAT often.
[25-18:38] d8a2a, Kali: a week would be good.... atleast that way we could actually get somewhere...
[25-18:38] 8b5df, Mab : Have you sent in a reg form for the king, Tarnis?
[25-18:38] 468c8, Axis : ((yeah.))
[25-18:38] d8a2a, Kali: Ive been here for about 4 months and we havent moved forward very much at all
[25-18:38] 8b5df, Mab : Yeah, okay, a week it is then, unless they give advanced notice with a darned good excuse.
[25-18:39] 468c8, Axis : ((*huggles his king*))
[25-18:40] d8a2a, Kali: well I will have reg form for queen as soon as i get with Sarelth about handing over his kingdom
[25-18:40] 468c8, Axis : ((don't take ita away permantly unless it happens more than once))
[25-18:40] JOIN: Tarnis Catadon has entered.
[25-18:41] d8a2a, Kali: hmmm actually I need to send it now....
[25-18:42] 8b5df, Mab : I've been doing okay about representing the kingdom of the fae, but I'll have to watch myself so I don't become a hypocrite. *L* Well, the kingdoms don't ever have to be taken away permanently, they just have a usurper coincidently take over and then the original leader has to fight his/her way back to the throne, killing the usurper. If it's an NPC usurper, that won't be so difficult, but whatever happens to the kingdom while the usurper has the throne, the original leaders have to live with.
[25-18:43] d8a2a, Kali: oh and Mab...what about the levels?
[25-18:43] 8b5df, Mab : What about them?
[25-18:43] 04576, Tarnis Catadon: I sent in a form for this king when i made the kingdom and i sent in another last night when i figured out the my army with that kool new system..who thought of it i commend the
[25-18:44] 468c8, Axis : ((BEWARE EUNCHES!!!!!))
[25-18:44] 8b5df, Mab : Which kingdom was this?
[25-18:44] 04576, Tarnis Catadon: the-them
[25-18:44] d8a2a, Kali: will the new chars start at level 1 also.... i mean the rulers.... and how much longer are the ones frozen?
[25-18:45] 04576, Tarnis Catadon: Creon
[25-18:46] 8b5df, Mab : I can't remember if it was Steve or Roki that thought of the forces system or a combination of the two. One of them thought of it. I oversea. Most of the ideas are from others. I just collect them and enact them. *L*
[25-18:46] 468c8, Bartuc : ((*huggles char chain*))
[25-18:47] 8b5df, Mab : oversea = oversee
[25-18:48] 8b5df, Mab : What was the name of the king/leader, Tarnis? I'm looking into it right now.
[25-18:50] 04576, Tarnis Catadon: uh, oh...i cant remember the night i thought of i was very tired last night would my e-mail adress help? if so
[25-18:54] 04576, Tarnis Catadon: i am on a very slow computer so sorry if i am late in responce
[25-18:54] d8a2a, Kali: hrm....brb...
[25-18:54] MSG: Mab sent a message to Tarnis Catadon.
[25-18:56] 468c8, Bartuc : *riders rove over the plains rumbling on their horses*
[25-18:58] JOIN: Kali has entered.
[25-18:58] 04576, Tarnis Catadon: sorry i g2 brb switvching comps
[25-18:59] 8b5df, Mab : k
[25-19:00] 3a8a8, Roki: meh
[25-19:01] JOIN: Tarnis Catadon has entered.
[25-19:01] 38ab3, Tarnis Catadon : Ok better computer
[25-19:01] 468c8, Bartuc : ((blah))
[25-19:02] JOIN: Liz has entered.
[25-19:02] 8b5df, Khavi : *She has journeyed long and far and now finds herself in good ol *
[25-19:02] 6df9d, Liz: Mab!! *s*
[25-19:02] 8b5df, Khavi : (())
[25-19:03] MSG: Tarnis Catadon sent a message to Mab.
[25-19:03] 8b5df, Khavi : *she strides in past the gate guards that eye her cautiously.*
[25-19:03] 38ab3, Tarnis Catadon : Who made the map for kingdom location? very kool
[25-19:04] MSG: Mab sent a message to Kali.
[25-19:05] MSG: Mab sent a message to Tarnis Catadon.
[25-19:06] 8b5df, Mab : I did. Thanks. It's a work in progress.
[25-19:06] 8b5df, Mab : Oh *huggles Liz*
[25-19:06] MSG: Kali sent a message to Mab.
[25-19:07] 38ab3, Tarnis Catadon : Nice job since last time i was here you did alot to improve this place
[25-19:07] 6df9d, Liz: *huggles back*
[25-19:07] 8b5df, Mab : Thanks. We're always trying to improve this place. It's an ongoing thing, which I think/hope is the recipe for a lasting, successful chat.
[25-19:09] 468c8, Bartuc : *Bartuc rides through the city (sorta-)streets *
[25-19:09] MSG: Mab sent a message to Kali.
[25-19:09] 38ab3, Tarnis Catadon : **goes tro see if it has been updated**
[25-19:10] 9dd5d, Kali: *hugs Mab* thanks
[25-19:10] 8b5df, Khavi : *moves further into the city, walking with a disinterested, confident air.*
[25-19:11] 8b5df, Khavi : ((This is one of the few avatars I use that didn't originate from 3D. I did very, very, very heavily edit the pic, drawing her costume and hair in, etc. heh))
[25-19:11] cbb0c, Ashe : ((*waves*))
[25-19:13] 8b5df, Khavi : ((*waves back*))
[25-19:13] 9dd5d, Kaya : *flits here and there....having just too much fun.....the rain has gone and the sun is everything that sweet fresh smell* weee!!
[25-19:13] 1212e, Chewie: dododo
[25-19:15] 468c8, Bartuc : *suddenly a group of men run up. in the old part of the city and odd ring had been discovered. He sets off at a canter until he reaches it...a massive stone ring.....interesting*
[25-19:15] 8b5df, Khavi : ((I actually have a better, even crisper and more detailed map in the works, but it'll be a while. Until then, the one we have will serve just fine. ))
[25-19:15] 8b5df, Khavi :
[25-19:15] 6df9d, Shanira Treyan : *stands at one of the many balconies of her palace, overlooking the grounds. Coincidently, this balcony happens to be above and with view of the gate. Though the gate is on palace grounds, it's open to the public, which would explain the quartet of elite guards guarding the entranceway* (( Mannossa ))
[25-19:16] 9dd5d, Kaya : ((Fae Kingdom))
[25-19:17] 9dd5d, Kaya : ((*ponders cameos*))
[25-19:17] 468c8, Bartuc : *one of his mages walks up* This is a gate m'lord. very anceint
[25-19:18] cbb0c, Ashe : ((*looks around* hmm, not much in the doin tonight for da kitsune))
[25-19:18] 8b5df, Khavi : ((BTW, people can start making any changes they want with their character histories and such now. July 4th is just the cut off for changes, from then on out, RP after the 4th is set in stone See this board post for details
[25-19:18] 468c8, Bartuc : Indeed. Does it work?
[25-19:19] 8b5df, Khavi : ((Is this portal on the board yet, Bartuc? I'm so scatter brained, I can't remember))
[25-19:20] 6df9d, Shanira Treyan : *leans against the balcony railing, smiling as she watches two little girls play a game of tag inside the gate courtyard. She recognizes them, of course, as the daughters of her head cook*
[25-19:21] 468c8, Bartuc : ((yeah...It is))
[25-19:21] 6df9d, Shanira Treyan : (( Mab..can I talk to you? ))
[25-19:23] 468c8, Bartuc : Activate it. Send a team through. Send one of the more diplomatic mages through. (mage) yes m'lord. Alos it seems to be linked soemwhere already...
[25-19:23] MSG: Tarnis Catadon sent a message to Mab.
[25-19:24] 9dd5d, Lotesse : *standing in her room... having gotten everything she needs to leave on her search for Illisse, she stands there holding the seeking ball that Mr. Trendlekim had given her...tracing that path with her fingertips.. hoping that she would finally catch up with them*
[25-19:24] cbb0c, Ashe : ((well alright, let's see what the fox can get into ))
[25-19:26] cbb0c, Ashe : *enters the glimmering inn, ready to have a nice night of drinking, singing, and obnoxiousness*
[25-19:28] 38ab3, Tarnis Catadon : (( hey Khavi do you have your map online so i may look at it?))
[25-19:28] MSG: Mab sent a message to Tarnis Catadon.
[25-19:29] 8b5df, Mab : I'm Khavi, Tarnis. *L* The one I have in the works isn't near ready to be posted, no where near. The one we have now isn't too bad though in the mean time.
[25-19:30] 468c8, Bartuc : Alright send the team through. *and so a team of five warriors and a diplomat all mounted go through the gate*
[25-19:31] MSG: Tarnis Catadon sent a message to Mab.
[25-19:31] 38ab3, Tarnis Catadon : ((Oh. Well then))
[25-19:32] 6df9d, Shanira Treyan : *the two little girls give shreiks of fright at the sight of the strange men riding through the gate. Her attention having wandered, Shanira looks back and frowns at the sight. The leader of the four guards steps forward* State your business in Mannossa.
[25-19:34] 6df9d, Shanira Treyan : *the two little girls give shreiks of fright at the sight of the strange men riding through the gate. Her attention having wandered, Shanira looks back and frowns at the sight and watches to see what they'll do. They have the look of an envoy, but they're of a people she's never seen before*
[25-19:35] 468c8, Bartuc : *they might notice the quality horses the men ride.* We Of Quman *he says in the common tounge* Recently discovered a gate. It had a setting leading to this place. King Bartuc sent us here to investigate
[25-19:35] cbb0c, Ashe : *hops up on a bar stool and orders a meal of sausage, some fruit and a small potato as well as a pitcher of ale and a cup*
[25-19:37] 468c8, Bartuc : ((undo undo))
[25-19:38] 468c8, Bartuc : *the men...riding excellent horses...some how ugly and glorios at once. They look around for guards or people*
[25-19:39] 9dd5d, Lotesse : *shouldering her pack, adjusting the quiver and ash bow, she tucks the ball into a deep pocket and leaves the room...walking down the stairs and into the bar...*
[25-19:39] 8b5df, Mab : LOL, Bartuc, your guys are going through the gate w/o naming a destination? You know where they're gonna end up if they do that?
[25-19:40] 6df9d, Shanira Treyan : *stands at one of the many balconies of her palace, overlooking the grounds. She smiles as she watches a couple of palace children play tag in one of the gardens*
[25-19:40] 468c8, Bartuc : ((this gate at this point was pre-set. some how))
[25-19:41] 468c8, Bartuc : ((work with me PLEASE))
[25-19:41] 468c8, Bartuc : ((*begs*))
[25-19:42] cbb0c, Ashe : *whiggles his now 4 tails as 3 days ago his forth tail sprouted, he sits enjoying his meal, dressed in his usual white tunic, hair tied back out of his face*
[25-19:42] 6df9d, Shanira Treyan : **pause** (( Food!! ))
[25-19:43] 8b5df, Mab : Okay, Bartuc, just this once. LOL
[25-19:44] 468c8, Bartuc : ((and now she is gone.....bah))
[25-19:44] cbb0c, Ashe : ((*watches as Bartuc offers burnt offerings to Mab* And lo on the 6th day she did not smite him))
[25-19:45] 8b5df, Mab : Awww *pats*
[25-19:45] 468c8, Bartuc : ((it was just discovered weird stuff ect....))
[25-19:45] cbb0c, Ashe : spooky
[25-19:46] 9dd5d, Lotesse : *walking up to the bar...peering over the edge..checking to see if Mr Trendlekim was hiding there.....taking a seat to wait for the tender to take her order....might as well leave on a full stomach ya know*
[25-19:46] cbb0c, Ashe : ((spooooky))
[25-19:47] 8b5df, Khavi : *so, anyways, is approaching Trendlekim's. She actually only knows of portals as legend and doesn't know that they really exist. Otherwise, she'd probably have made use of them before now*
[25-19:49] cbb0c, Ashe : *catches the elf's scent and looks over at her, noting her gear, shrugs and returns to his food*
[25-19:52] 9dd5d, Lotesse : *hasnt yet looked around the Inn...her mind still on finding the healer*
[25-19:53] cbb0c, Ashe : *finishes his food, and his ale and pours some more ale*
[25-19:55] cbb0c, Ashe : *looks around* Man, where's my brother? For that matter where are some partiers? *sighs and downs some ales*
[25-19:56] 8b5df, Khavi : *walks up to the inn door and pulls it open, stepping into the many torch and candle lit interior. Her eyes are drawn to the thick and sturdy rafters before looking around the establishment*
[25-19:57] cbb0c, Ashe : *Khavi would see a four tailed, fox eared kitsune in a white tunic at the bar enjoying some ale*
[25-19:58] 9dd5d, Lotesse : *and just down from him is an armed elven woman*
[25-19:58] 8b5df, Khavi : *she sees a scatter of human patrons and pauses as she notes also the elf and the kitsune.* Hmm, interesting place, this city.
[25-19:59] 9dd5d, Lotesse : *the tender finally appearing, she asks him to bring her something to eat and a glass of she doesnt drink*
[25-19:59] cbb0c, Ashe : *his ears twitch as a new scent enters his nose, he takes note of Khavi and goes back to his ale, c'mon buzz!*
[25-20:04] 8b5df, Khavi : *she moves to the bar and takes a stool between the kitsune and the elf. says to the tender* An ale, please.
[25-20:06] cbb0c, Ashe : *decides to hit the drinks a lil harder and finishes off his glass with a satisfying "Ah!" and then pours another*
[25-20:07] 9dd5d, Lotesse : *looking toward the new woman, she nods to her...noticing the Kitsune for the first time*
[25-20:09] cbb0c, Ashe : *swings his cup like a big kid, very playful and restless mood tonight* Hey! Who wants to start a drinkin song?
[25-20:09] 8b5df, Khavi : *nods back slightly and then notices Lotesse noticing the kitsune on the other side of her and she instinctively glances back over to him. She then turns with a wry grin to Lotesse* Shall we each hang on one of his arms? I wonder if he'd like that.
[25-20:10] JOIN: Tarnis Catadon has entered.
[25-20:10] 8b5df, Khavi : ((*puts last post before Ashe's last post*))
[25-20:10] JOIN: Anastra Sylune has entered.
[25-20:12] EXIT: Tarnis Catadon has left the chat ( 9:10pm, June 25 (CDT) ).
[25-20:13] cbb0c, Ashe : *winks at Khavi* C'mon ladies, there's plenty of Hiten to go around. *Smirks*
[25-20:14] cbb0c, Ashe : *begins singin* We don’t care for tea and loibl, All we want is ale, We’ll drink and drink and eat and eat, And again until we’re pale!
[25-20:15] 9dd5d, Lotesse : *smiling at Khavi* You can try.... I think I will watch from here.... safer that way
[25-20:16] 8b5df, Mab : *chuckles wryly. is in a wry mood or something, looking back over at Lotesse with a quick raise of her eyebrows in that, "shall we take him up on it?" expression/gesture. Then grins at what Lotesse then says.* Safety has its place, but rarely in a tavern.
[25-20:17] 8b5df, Khavi : *chuckles wryly. is in a wry mood or something, looking back over at Lotesse with a quick raise of her eyebrows in that, "shall we take him up on it?" expression/gesture. Then grins at what Lotesse then says.* Safety has its place, but rarely in a tavern.
[25-20:19] cbb0c, Ashe : *continues in his song* O, the skies are good for flyin’, The fields are good for lyin’, But as we well know, the rest is just for show, We’re drinkin’ till we’re dyin’, As we well know, the rest is just for show, But we're quaffing, till we go - ho!
[25-20:20] 8b5df, Khavi : *chuckles again at Ashe's singing. How much merrier this is then from where she has recently come*
[25-20:21] 9dd5d, Lotesse : Hmm *doesnt drink*...You may have a point.....*has sudden change of attitude* yes we should
[25-20:22] cbb0c, Ashe : *pours himself another glass of ale after finishing the current, tryin to think of a new tune* C'mon ladies, I need a new tune to sing.'
[25-20:23] 8b5df, Khavi : *to Lotesse* Well then, which arm do you want to decorate? *grins at Lotesse. She then looks at Ashe* Oh, I'm afraid I don't know any drinking songs.
[25-20:24] cbb0c, Ashe : *blinks, almost sobering up some* Know any? Just make 'em up my dear haha! *downs some more ale, things are pickin up now, if his brother were here it'd be all the more fun*
[25-20:25] 9dd5d, Lotesse : Lets let him decide... and i do know one
[25-20:27] cbb0c, Ashe : Well c'mon lasses, pick an arm, don't be shy, grab an ale and let's fly! ((haha, I just made that up))
[25-20:27] 9dd5d, Lotesse : *swats the undo button*
[25-20:30] 8b5df, Khavi : *smirks and moves to Ashe's other side, taking his left arm, scooting her stool close enough to him and leaning forward and looking past him to see if Lotesse is coming, smiling in that "you coming?" way*
[25-20:30] 9dd5d, Lotesse : *decidely not the shy person she normally is, she moves to take his right arm as Khavi takes his left*
[25-20:31] 8b5df, Khavi : I'm not much for making up songs either, but I enjoy listening.
[25-20:31] cbb0c, Ashe : New song ladies! Oooooh, A singing song, A mourning song, A dancing song, A holy song. A drinking song, A drinking song I sing. *smiles at Khavi and Lotesse*
[25-20:33] cbb0c, Ashe : A singing song’s too sweet, A mourning song you ne’er want to meet, And a dancing song’s only got two left feet.
[25-20:33] 3a8a8, Roki: woof
[25-20:33] cbb0c, Ashe : A holy song’s nuttin but a holy bleat, A drinking song, now that’s got some meat. A drinking song I sing to give me heart some heat.
[25-20:34] cbb0c, Ashe : Pass the ale around, Till we stumble bout the town. Oh aye, stumbling lasses! *laughs, takin a hit of his ale* Pass the mead to me, To make my troubles flee.
[25-20:35] 8b5df, Khavi : *laughs and takes a drink of her ale*
[25-20:36] 9dd5d, Lotesse : *laughs with Khavi....drinking her water.... or is it?..there must be some reason she's acting like this*
[25-20:37] 8b5df, Khavi : I should know better than to caution forgetter, but is it really a sin, throwing caution to the wind? *her feeble attempt at adding a verse. At least is sort of rhymed*
[25-20:38] cbb0c, Ashe : Caution to the wind, come with me and take a spin. Grab an ale, tell a tale, drink them troubles away, heya! *tryin to match Khavi's verse*
[25-20:40] JOIN: Tarnis Catadon has entered.
[25-20:41] 9dd5d, Lotesse : Tell a tale? or tail....*laughing ,,having just noticed that he has 4 tails..*
[25-20:42] EXIT: Tarnis Catadon has left the chat ( 9:40pm, June 25 (CDT) ).
[25-20:42] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[25-20:42] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 9:42pm, June 25 (CDT) ).
[25-20:43] JOIN: Khiumil Arisol has entered.
[25-20:43] EXIT: Shanira Treyan has left the chat ( 8:42pm, June 25 (CDT) ).
[25-20:43] JOIN: Tarnis Catadon has entered.
[25-20:43] cbb0c, Ashe : *laughs* A tail is a good tale, at least when it comes to my tails, but don't tell anyone a bad tale or they might hurt yur tail! *a yup, he's got a strong buzz goin, he's feelin good*
[25-20:44] 8b5df, Khavi : How about a tale of woe, with a brand on my foot as I go. On escape I did embark, but I still bare the mark, it's the way life goes sometimes. *has a pleasantly husky voice, not gravely or unfemine, and apparantly can carry a tune alright*
[25-20:46] 9dd5d, Lotesse : *cant carry a tune in a doesnt even try....laughing at the others though*
[25-20:49] cbb0c, Ashe : A tale of woe is no way to go, but a cup of ale will fix ya well and make ya feel mighty fine! *laughs, downing some more ale with the two lovelies on his arms*
[25-20:50] JOIN: Tarnis Catadon has entered.
[25-20:53] 3a8a8, Meurra Ohtar: ((*ponders*))
[25-20:53] cbb0c, Ashe : *carries a tune just fine thanks, what do you expect from someone who's looks are so enchanting? he nudges Lotesse* C'mon lass, throw in a verse, not like it's gonna slap ya a curse!
[25-20:53] 8b5df, Khavi : *grins and follows suit, downing her own ale and tapping it on the bar for a refill* Can't argue that *referring to his verse that followed hers*
[25-20:54] f2d2f, Guien Ventorrell : (( test ))
[25-20:55] JOIN: Caradonia has entered.
[25-20:55] cbb0c, Ashe : Ah me ale, ah me ale, golden goodness down me throat, ah me ale, ah me ale, burnin goodness in my gut, ah me ale, ah me ale, singin in bar!
[25-20:55] 9dd5d, Lotesse : *finishing her glass and motioning for another...*...I'll leave the singing to you...
[25-20:56] f2d2f, Tarnis Catadon : (( Hello, Caradonia ))
[25-20:56] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 9:55pm, June 25 (CDT) ).
[25-20:56] 74d1f, Anastra Sylune : *The King? Two words, monosyllabled, meaningless... and yet they haunt her dreams like spirits. Undead, eternal, inescapable. She lay motionless in her bed, frozen. Although, this time, her nightmares aren't so nightmarish. What used to be black and white is mellowing into several shades of grey. The process is not quick, but painstakingly slow... as if she could take a paint brush and stroke away the melding colors, leaving only black. Or white. Either would suffice. Confusion permeates her entire being until it finally forces her awake with a jerk.*
[25-20:56] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[25-20:57] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[25-20:57] 35dc7, Caradonia: *Sits up high in a tree, relaxed on a branch so that one leg dangels off to make the wind current around her. She has a fire burning down's the low smoldering type...the kind that provides a light...a oasis in the dark*
[25-20:57] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 9:57pm, June 25 (CDT) ).
[25-20:57] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[25-20:57] 35dc7, Caradonia: ((greetings))
[25-21:00] f2d2f, Tarnis Catadon : ** walks along the outskirts of the sleeping city heading for the forest, cloaked in heavy leather. this night he leaves the hood off showing his blue tattooed head out**
[25-21:00] 8b5df, Khavi : I missed being free, so I pilfered the key, took my destiny back, and I won't take no flack, for I belong to meeeeeeeeeeeeee. *holds her glass up on the last note before downing her refill*
[25-21:01] JOIN: Khiumil Arisol has entered.
[25-21:01] cbb0c, Ashe : *meets the glass and downing* Ah the freedom, freedom of ale, ah the ale, the ale is freedom!
[25-21:01] 74d1f, Anastra Sylune : *Her eyes snap open in the darkness, glinting like quicksilver in the moonlight. She notices first that she's covered in sweat. She must be, for the warm air on her skin feels cold. Cold, of course, to her is welcoming. But not in this body. Not all the time. She slowly regains some modicum of control before pushing herself into a sitting position. She doesn't bother to look around, being fully aware of her location. After a moment, she departs the bed and prepares for the day... rather, night.*
[25-21:02] f2d2f, Tarnis Catadon : ** breaks the tree line of the forest looking for the women he met before, thinking perhaps she was still in the forest**
[25-21:03] 8b5df, Khavi : Be careful, or that freedom ale will go to your head. Then you'll be ripe for the picking. *downs another, not taking her own advice*
[25-21:03] 35dc7, Caradonia: *She gnaws at a rabbit leg, probably cooked on the fire below, no matter, it's a tasty peice of meat and she's disaponted when all that is left in a bone and a few scraps of meat..She places the bone on the branch and licks her fingers with a contemplative expression*
[25-21:04] 9dd5d, Lotesse : ((*player fades for a bit*))
[25-21:05] cbb0c, Ashe : A be ripe for the picking, might get a bump on the head. And sir or madam then you just might be dead! *takes the tone down for a moment* Aaaaa dead....a dead you might be, lyin on the cold cold ground, still as can be. But if there be life in ye-*picks the tone back up*-then get some ale and a freedom ye shall be!
[25-21:08] f2d2f, Tarnis Catadon : **walks up on the smoldering remains of a fire. pauses a moment looking around himm, walks around the fire a few times**
[25-21:09] 8b5df, Khavi : Perhaps to a stupor you'll drink yourself. Then you'll fall into the hands of myself and the elf. *chuckles*
[25-21:09] cbb0c, Ashe : ((*kicks on some drinking songs on kazaa* Who's up for some Drunken Lullabies!))
[25-21:10] cbb0c, Ashe : As bold you be my dear, wrong you be, for says I the drinks are mine! Kiss the cup, kiss the kit, and join the fun, enjoy the life, fill up on that ale!
[25-21:11] 35dc7, Caradonia: *Amused at this she streaches out on the branch and watches, counting each complete circle that Tarnis makes* Looking for someone?*shouting down at him from her very lofty perch*
[25-21:12] 8b5df, Khavi : I'll kiss the kit if the kit kiss true. I wonder how good a kisser be you. *her rhymes aren't the best, but they're getting better*
[25-21:14] cbb0c, Ashe : *throws an arm around Khavi* Ooooooh my dear, kiss and don't fear, befre this ol' kitsune gets a big kick in the rear!
[25-21:15] f2d2f, Tarnis Catadon : **stops on his third rotation looking at the attractive cat through red eyes** Why, yes I am.
[25-21:15] 74d1f, Anastra Sylune : *Once she's ready to depart the room, she draws a shimmerling, opalescent shawl around her shoulders. She then leaves and heads down to the tavern below. She isn't in much of a hurry.*
[25-21:15] 35dc7, Caradonia: ((and goota*wiggles*))
[25-21:16] f2d2f, Tarnis Catadon : (( yarg ... ok latrer then
[25-21:20] 8b5df, Khavi : *grins and pulls him into a deep kiss. I'd say passionate, but she's in too light a mood for anything passionate*
[25-21:22] cbb0c, Ashe : *his tails whag big time and after the kiss he stands up on his stool and howls before hoppin back down for another verse* And that's what it's all about me lads, drinkin drinkin drinkin drinkin drinkin, kissin kissin kissin kissin kissin, now go out and find a wench and drink and drink and drink and hey!
[25-21:23] cbb0c, Ashe : Drink and drink and drink and drink and drink and hey! And if I see a pretty girl I'll sleep with her tonight!
[25-21:25] f2d2f, Tarnis Catadon : (( REFRESH dernit arg))
[25-21:26] EXIT: Illisse Brilthor has left the chat ( 10:08pm, June 25 (CDT) ).
[25-21:26] cbb0c, Ashe : ((aaah, is the party dyin down?))
[25-21:27] 8b5df, Khavi : Let me know if you see one, perhaps I thought to be one. *snickers*
[25-21:29] cbb0c, Ashe : Aye me lass, a pretty girl you be, a fun you be, now c'mon let's see some liquor, make it quicker, I want it to be oh so slicker!!
[25-21:30] 8b5df, Khavi : Very well, let's avoid any hell and make like a bell ringing, let our hears swell singing. *drinks down another ale*
[25-21:30] 8b5df, Khavi : hears = hearts
[25-21:32] cbb0c, Ashe : *downs his ale as well and slams the cup down* Ah me ale, ah me ale, gods of ale bless this hall!
[25-21:33] f2d2f, Will-o'-the-wisp: **sits in a beautiful on a terrace over looking the main city, Belkin of his kingdom, Creaon. A servent walks from in the castle giving news to him of an uprising at the mines** Well then use some of the Infantry to put it down. Can't some of you people think of this on your own!. **knows that they would not make a disision with out asking him for fear of death. on the outside, to the common people he is the glarious king that want. in truth he is using the very people who trust him in his mines, to gain his wealth. how corrupt**
[25-21:34] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 10:34pm, June 25 (CDT) ).
[25-21:34] f2d2f, Khiumil Arisol: **sits in a beautiful on a terrace over looking the main city, Belkin of his kingdom, Creaon. A servent walks from in the castle giving news to him of an uprising at the mines** Well then use some of the Infantry to put it down. Can't some of you people think of this on your own!. **knows that they would not make a disision with out asking him for fear of death. on the outside, to the common people he is the glarious king that want. in truth he is using the very people who trust him in his mines, to gain his wealth. how corrupt**
[25-21:36] 8b5df, Khavi : I'm afraid now I must retire, so if my company is to what you espire, then seek my out in my room one floor higher, the offer tonight won't expire. *she tosses a bar made the money to arrange her a room*
[25-21:36] f2d2f, Khiumil Arisol: ((erg color))
[25-21:37] 8b5df, Khavi : seek my = seek me
[25-21:39] 8b5df, Khavi : bar made = bar maid
[25-21:39] 8b5df, Khavi : ((*is typing tired*))
[25-21:39] cbb0c, Ashe : Stay me lass, the fun's just beginnin, don't be runnin' ag'in. Fill this room with sweet ale, so in the morning we feel like hell, oh sweet ale, do it again.
[25-21:42] 8b5df, Khavi : I would, but I fear I'll be sleeping when my company you come to seeking, instead of a greeting so warming, you'll come upon me snoring if another drink I take, and another song I make.
[25-21:43] f2d2f, Khiumil Arisol : **stands up from his chair walking down marble stairs to the garden below. several gaurds line the garden all bowing as he passes. a single great fountian placed in the middle of the garden where Khiumil stops admiring the flowing water**
[25-21:44] cbb0c, Ashe : Ah m'lady be off then, and I'll come a knockin, then I think we'll start aaaaa...rockin the ale
[25-21:48] 8b5df, Khavi : *Laughs* The night could be long I am thinking, more enjoyable than merely drinking. *she slides from her stool, disentangling her arm from his as she does so, winking at Lotesse who has prolly gotten distracted or something and walks with a slight exaggeration to the sway of her hips, heading toward the stairs with the room key the bar maid handed her*
[25-21:49] f2d2f, Khiumil Arisol : **looks at himself in the reflection of the water, wearing glorius red silks and a cape also red with gold trim and white lining a plated belt with 6 hidden daggers in it. one visable dagger with a zig zaggy blade with a steel sheath covered in jews and diamonds**
[25-21:51] cbb0c, Ashe : *his ears twitch at those hips and his says a verse to himself* Ah those hips they calls to me, they's quite a lovely sight. And when I go upstairs it won't be to fight. *downs more ale*
[25-21:52] 8b5df, Khavi : *heads up the stairs and too her room. Will be there when later Ashe might come. Player has to go now, so this character fades out*
[25-21:52] 8b5df, Khavi : too = to
[25-21:53] cbb0c, Ashe : ((hehe, later mabbish, twas quite the fun))
[25-21:53] 8b5df, Khavi : ((Night night))
[25-21:53] 8b5df, Khavi : ((Yeah, it was a fun little game of words. ))
[25-21:53] 8b5df, Khavi : ((Night))
[25-21:53] EXIT: Khavi has left the chat ( 10:53pm, June 25 (CDT) ).
[25-21:54] cbb0c, Ashe : ((o/ drinking songs rule))
[25-21:56] ceea7, Sinder : *and guess who comes through the door...other than everyone's favoirte now 3 tailed Kitsune...though contrary to the revelry in the room..he doesnt look much happy*
[25-21:58] cbb0c, Ashe : *his big bro, 4 tails in tow now, would've gotten everyone in the inn singing songs and havin some ale by now, he's sitting on the bar now, his lady friend gone, conducting everyone, downing ale as he does so*
[25-21:59] JOIN: Liz has entered.
[25-22:02] cbb0c, Ashe : ((Freakin drinking songs rule))
[25-22:03] ceea7, Sinder : *shakes his head as he moves in and nudges his drunkard brother* Leave it to you Hiten to start a drunken round of singing.
[25-22:05] cbb0c, Ashe : *pats his brother's shoulder, taking a drink* C'mon Maten, join in. *hops down and turns his brother around for all to see* Tis my brother before ye now, he seems sad and how? A testament to ale, it'll perk up those tails and he'll be singing-*holds the note*-free!
[25-22:07] ceea7, Sinder : *eyes him as he starts singing...only to hang and shake his head* I am not quite drunk enough for that...*he takes a seat upon the barstool and orders a rather potent drink*
[25-22:07] 6df9d, Liz: *ponders ICness*
[25-22:08] cbb0c, Ashe : *continues with various other patrons, a human, a dwarf, ah the glorious drunken singing*
[25-22:08] cbb0c, Ashe : ((*yoinks Liz IC* C'mon now!!))
[25-22:10] ceea7, Sinder : *is acting quite a bit more reserved than his older brother...a rare time indeed...he just sits there...drinking his drink..savoring the taste*
[25-22:10] 6df9d, Liz: But I lost her pick...
[25-22:10] 6df9d, Liz: But I lost her pic
[25-22:11] cbb0c, Ashe : *lots of reversed positions tonight...well at least there will be later with his lady friend * ((I'm so bad))
[25-22:11] cbb0c, Ashe : ((oh well, we'll make due))
[25-22:12] JOIN: Khiumil Arisol has entered.
[25-22:12] JOIN: Khiumil Arisol has entered.
[25-22:13] 6df9d, Liz: What are we called again? *goes on a quick hunt*
[25-22:13] ceea7, Sinder : ((*Thunks Ashe InuYasha style*))
[25-22:14] ceea7, Sinder : *drink drink drink drink drink drink drink*
[25-22:15] cbb0c, Ashe : *slows the pace down* Now everyone, here's a verse for my dear brother. Aaaaah, we drink and drink and drink and drink and fight hey! Drink and drink and drink and drink and fight hey! Yeah if I see a pretty girl I'll sleep with her tonigth! We drink and drink and drink and drink and drink and fight hey!
[25-22:16] 6df9d, Liz: Hey, I'm sleepy..gimme a break
[25-22:19] JOIN: DarkClaw has entered.
[25-22:20] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[25-22:20] ceea7, Sinder : *raises his glass for the song and partakes* And Mary MacGregor...she was quite a whore...she'd always greet you with a smile and never lock her door...but on the day she died...all the men in town did weep...for Mary MacGregor finally got some sleep
[25-22:20] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 11:20pm, June 25 (CDT) ).
[25-22:21] cbb0c, Ashe : *laughs* Aha, he joins. And we drink and drink and drink and drink and drink and fight hey! Drink and drink and drink and drink and fight hey! Yeah if I see a pretty girl I'll sleep with her tonigth! We drink and drink and drink and drink and drink and fight hey!
[25-22:23] JOIN: Khiumil Arisol has entered.
[25-22:23] ceea7, Sinder : Well I stumbled in at 2 am drunk and full of wife said "I've had enough that's it I'm sick...get out!" So I stumbled down the street to the Glimmerin' Inn and I told the boys me story..and we had another round!
[25-22:25] cbb0c, Ashe : And we drink and drink and drink and drink and drink and fight hey! Drink and drink and drink and drink and fight hey! Yeah if I see a pretty girl I'll sleep with her tonigth! We drink and drink and drink and drink and drink and fight hey!
[25-22:27] ceea7, Sinder : *he downs the last of his drink before ordering another and standing up on his stool*Well...I once loved a girl...a child I'm told...I gave her my heart...*shakes his head* and she gave me a now I sit standin th'pourin rain..I guess I'll stumble back to th' Glimmerin' Inn...and cry away me pain
[25-22:28] 6df9d, Liz: *sighs*
[25-22:28] cbb0c, Ashe : And we drink and drink and drink and drink and drink and fight hey! Drink and drink and drink and drink and fight hey! Yeah if I see a pretty girl I'll sleep with her tonigth! We drink and drink and drink and drink and drink and fight hey!
[25-22:29] cbb0c, Ashe : *much ale is drank, and much fun is had, and later on, much love will be tee hee*
[25-22:30] 6df9d, Liz: I'm sorry, guys..
[25-22:32] ceea7, Sinder : *randomly sings* Come back proud Krondorians...before they had that wine berries in the fields...there was no KRC... *hears a random person scream "Oh My God"* There once was a man named Goodberry...and many things he did make...but the one thing that he never did avoid..was that blasted snake!
[25-22:33] 944ee, Whee: *flop*
[25-22:33] f2d2f, Khiumil Arisol: (( does anyone know if with those army points that if they can if your some of your army get killed can you points go up by a certian number a week or something?))
[25-22:33] 6df9d, Liz: *settles back and half dozes, watching untill it's late enough to go to bed*
[25-22:34] MSG: Sinder sent a message to Khiumil Arisol.
[25-22:35] cbb0c, Ashe : *dances with one of the bar maids*
[25-22:37] ceea7, Sinder : Well that snake was no ordinary snake..for it swam across a large lake...but when Good ol Baron Goodberry saw it..he mistook it for a rake!
[25-22:39] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[25-22:42] cbb0c, Ashe : Ooooooh, what is the malt and liquor?
[25-22:43] MSG: Khiumil Arisol sent a message to Sinder.
[25-22:44] ceea7, Sinder : ((NP))
[25-22:44] ceea7, Sinder : *wraps an arm around his brother and grins* What gets you drunker quicker...what comes in bottles or in mugs?
[25-22:45] cbb0c, Ashe : *puts his arm around his brother too* Can't get enough of it, How we really love it, Makes me think I'm a man!
[25-22:46] ceea7, Sinder : I could kiss and hug it...but I'd rather chug mah belleh out to heeeeeere*holds the note as he holds his free arm in front of him*
[25-22:47] 6df9d, Liz: I need help. Serious help. *just raced her cat's week and a half kittens*
[25-22:48] cbb0c, Ashe : I could not refuse a, I could really use an ale, ale, ale, ale...*at this he gets a chant going*
[25-22:50] ceea7, Sinder : *releases his brother and steps forward and as coherently as possible he starts again* I cant remember how much I went through...I drank a 12-set..with my bro...*grins and motions to his bro*
[25-22:51] cbb0c, Ashe : *takes his cue* That's my bro the drunken manly stud, I'm proud to be his buuuuuud!
[25-22:52] ceea7, Sinder : *takes some kind of bread* Heeeere have some sweetbread...*grins*
[25-22:53] cbb0c, Ashe : No, I'll call it quits, Those things give me the shlits. *laughs before the song starts up again*
[25-22:55] ceea7, Sinder : *grins and starts up with bravado* Drink with your family Drink it with your friends Drink till you're fat, stomach distends Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaale is liquid bread, it's good for you We like to drink till we spew! Ew!
[25-22:55] cbb0c, Ashe : Who cares if we get fat? I'll drink to that! *takes a swig of his ale* As we sing again!
[25-22:57] ceea7, Sinder : What is the malt and liquor? What gets you drunken quicker? What comes in bottles or in mugs? Can't get enough of it How we really love it Makes me think I'm a man!
[25-22:58] cbb0c, Ashe : How we really love it, Makes me think I'm a man, I could kiss and hug it, But I'd rather chug it!
[25-22:58] cbb0c, Ashe : I could kiss and hug it, But I'd rather chug it! Got my belly up to here, Golly, I adore it!
[25-23:00] ceea7, Sinder : Come on dammit, pour it! *speeds up his singing quite a bit* Do it for me, brew it for me Feed it to me, speed it to me *with bravado and loudness*The most wonderful drink in the world HOORAY!!! *lets out a rather loud burp*
[25-23:01] cbb0c, Ashe : YAY! *begins laughing*
[25-23:01] ceea7, Sinder : *and with that...lil bro gets more to drink and goes NPC as player hasta go*
[25-23:02] ceea7, Sinder : ((Night dude.. *bear hugs his lil bro before poofin*))
[25-23:02] cbb0c, Ashe : *the party continues down stairs as he heads upstairs to Khavi's room, knocking on the door, she opens, he enters* **GONE**
[25-23:04] EXIT: Liz has left the chat ( 11:47pm, June 25 (CDT) ).
[25-23:15] JOIN: Cookie Monster has entered.
[25-23:15] 54891, Cookie Monster: *shinobi slinks*
[25-23:30] JOIN: Kali has entered.
[25-23:30] 54891, Cookie Monster: *waves*
[25-23:30] JOIN: Phoenix has entered.
[25-23:30] 9dd5d, Kali: hello Cookie
[25-23:31] JOIN: xyva has entered.
[25-23:32] c6c97, xyva: hey
[25-23:32] 9dd5d, Kali: looks like i missed the party.....
[25-23:32] 54891, Cookie Monster: Hiya!
[25-23:32] 9dd5d, Kali: *beats the refresh to death*
[25-23:32] 54891, Cookie Monster: You seem to be in time for the new one.
[25-23:33] 9dd5d, Kali: *dances*...
[25-23:34] c6c97, xyva: *joins*
[25-23:36] 9dd5d, Kali: who brought the food?
[25-23:38] c6c97, xyva: <_<>_>
[25-23:43] 54891, Cookie Monster: By food do you mean Booze?
[25-23:46] 9dd5d, Kali: YES!!!
[25-23:55] 54891, Cookie Monster: Then we will feed well tonight.
[26-00:04] 9dd5d, Kali: perfect
[26-00:20] JOIN: Kali has entered.
[26-00:46] c8cf0, Kali: *leaves the party... apparently the last one standiing*
[26-00:46] EXIT: Kali has left the chat ( 1:46am, June 26 (CDT) ).
[26-02:38] JOIN: Sorcha Lidil has entered.
[26-02:48] EXIT: Sorcha Lidil has left the chat ( 3:38am, June 26 (CDT) ).
[26-10:38] 3a8a8, Meurra Ohtar: *would rp.. but theres nobody to rp wif*
[26-11:05] 94c70, Z: *lurk*
[26-11:17] JOIN: Kali has entered.
[26-11:18] b30c4, Kali: *joins Z in Lurkdom*
[26-11:25] 94c70, Z: Heya Kali
[26-11:31] b30c4, Kali: hey
[26-11:42] JOIN: Luke has entered.
[26-11:46] b30c4, Kali: hey Luke
[26-11:48] bcf17, Luke: hey Kali
[26-11:48] b30c4, Kali: how goes?
[26-11:49] bcf17, Luke: not too bad
[26-11:49] b30c4, Kali: thats good.
[26-11:50] bcf17, Luke: yes, you're a smart one *L*
[26-11:50] b30c4, Kali: ?
[26-11:52] bcf17, Luke: you are good at figuring out things... I said I wasn't bad, so naturally, it must mean that I'm good... you worked that out, so you get a cookie *gives Kali a cookie*
[26-11:52] b30c4, Kali: oy
[26-11:55] JOIN: Mazz has entered.
[26-11:55] ef431, Mazz: Not necessarily.
[26-11:56] ef431, Mazz: You could be neutral, neither good nor bad.
[26-11:56] 3a8a8, Meurra Ohtar: oh great
[26-11:56] 3a8a8, Meurra Ohtar: now i have to get out the air fresheners
[26-11:57] ef431, Mazz: Did you poo yourself?
[26-11:58] 3a8a8, Meurra Ohtar: no, you're here
[26-12:00] ef431, Mazz: Ah
[26-12:01] ef431, Mazz: Well, not for long
[26-12:01] ef431, Mazz: I just popped in to point out a fallacy
[26-12:01] ef431, Mazz: So ta
[26-12:03] bcf17, Luke: *waits for Mazzik to leave*
[26-12:06] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[26-12:06] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 1:06pm, June 26 (CDT) ).
[26-12:07] JOIN: Axis has entered.
[26-12:08] 3c4bf, Axis : ((heyllo))
[26-12:08] bcf17, Luke: hey Axis
[26-12:08] b30c4, Kali: hey Axis
[26-12:09] 3c4bf, Axis : (whats up?))
[26-12:09] bcf17, Luke: not much, as you can see
[26-12:10] b30c4, Kali: ah.. not much.... working on kingdom stuff
[26-12:12] 3c4bf, Axis : ((ahh))
[26-12:14] b30c4, Kali: *also ponders a series of cameos*
[26-12:16] 3c4bf, Axis : ((*ponders something unspeakabley evil*))
[26-12:17] bcf17, Luke: *ponders a new chat creation*
[26-12:17] 94c70, Z: *sits on Luke.*
[26-12:19] b30c4, Kali: *hangs Luke by his ...* NO!
[26-12:22] b30c4, Kali: ok question.....what is David Bowie king of in Labyrinth?
[26-12:22] b30c4, Kali: my brain has just shut down...
[26-12:24] 3c4bf, Axis : ((goblins or somehting))
[26-12:24] b30c4, Kali: yay!!! *hugs Axis*
[26-12:26] 3c4bf, Axis : ((heheheh ))
[26-12:26] bcf17, Luke: yeah, he's the goblin king
[26-12:27] bcf17, Luke: the new chat thing is a limited time RP thing
[26-12:27] bcf17, Luke: I've had the idea for ages
[26-12:28] b30c4, Kali: I just couldnt remember.... its like you know a word... but you just cant get it out.......
[26-12:29] 3c4bf, Axis : ((yeah))
[26-12:31] bcf17, Luke: I wanna see the second one when it's made
[26-12:31] bcf17, Luke: *has heard it was gonna be made or something*
[26-12:34] b30c4, Kali: hmmmm
[26-12:34] 3c4bf, Axis : *stands atop a building watching the city*
[26-12:36] bcf17, Luke: I heard the leading roles were gonna be played by Jennifer Connelly (Sarah), Angelica Houston (the goblin queen), David Bowie (the goblin king), and Emma Watson (Sarah's daughter, Jenna... is also Hermoine in Harry Potter)
[26-12:38] bcf17, Luke: *mutters and throws crap across the room* it was just a hoax
[26-12:39] b30c4, Illisse Brilthor : *sitting on the fallen log again, she finishes the biscuit that Levald had given her... telling him about Val and what might be wrong with him*
[26-12:42] b30c4, Belthil : *turning her back to the balcony...she would stand there all day if she allowed herself...she walks back into her bedroom, trailing a fingertip along a table top that held bits and pieces of her past...picking up a small piece, she lets her mind travel back in time*
[26-12:42] JOIN: luthien has entered.
[26-12:42] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[26-12:44] 3c4bf, Bartuc : *he is currying his favorite horse, Hellsbane humming to himself*
[26-12:46] b30c4, Lotesse : *waking up, her head lying on the bar..she shakes herself..wondering just what the tender had served her last night... remembering only the Kitsune, the woman and singing some rather bizarre songs..... she really needed to get on the road toward Illisse....taking out the seeking ball, she says the name and watches ...seeing that the path has not moved*
[26-12:48] 3c4bf, Lok : *he sits in a tree idly munching and enjoying the scent of growing things happy here in hte forest*
[26-12:48] 6ec98, luthien: *birdsong awakes him, early dawn.looks up at the trees the rain has subsided.sits up and ruffles his hair,looks around and stretches his arms.stands up and walks about stretching his tired damp legs.without any thought towards breakfast packs up his gear and gathers his bow and quiver and heads off back into the plain following the wall of the fae kingdom*
[26-12:50] b30c4, Zaeth : *No longer content to just sit by his throne, she begins to look for something to undo the lock of her chains*
[26-12:51] b30c4, Terra: Loc
[26-12:51] b30c4, Terra: *smacks typos*
[26-12:52] 3c4bf, Lok : ((Quman, Dark Forest Rua. choose and I havea char there))
[26-12:55] b30c4, Terra: (hrmmm...DF i think)
[26-12:56] 3c4bf, Lok : ((then lok here is there))
[26-12:56] b30c4, Terra: ((thats Lok right?))
[26-12:59] 6ec98, luthien: *whilst walking along the boundary of the wall about a hundred yards out prays to Ehlonna for a sign or guidance*
[26-12:59] b30c4, Terra: *as Lok is enjoying the scents of the forest, he might begin to pick up the scent of freshly turned earth as the ground, not far from his tree, begins to sift...slowly revealing the small form of a woman that appears to be made of the ground she came from... about 4 ft tall... dirt colored skin, long green grass for her hair*
[26-13:01] 3c4bf, Lok : *peeks down. He was just outside the sentry ring* Excuse me...
[26-13:03] b30c4, Terra: *hearing a voice coming from above her, she looks up.. the tiger eye stone of her eyes glittering in the sunlight*... what do you need to be excused for?
[26-13:05] 6ec98, luthien: ((test))
[26-13:05] 3c4bf, Lok : *he is emerald eyes glitter with amusement.* For disturbing you. YOu might want to turn around here. There is a military encampment a little farther along. Unless you are lost?
[26-13:08] b30c4, Terra: I am never lost....*shifty eyed*..why would I want to turn around here?..Is there something behind me? *ok so she's in a bit of a mood*
[26-13:11] 3c4bf, Lok : *Blinks* I meant as in going the other way* one stone grey hand grips the branch below him*
[26-13:13] b30c4, Terra: The other way?..But I just got here.... and I came to see what was happening here... I've felt many people gathering here...
[26-13:15] 3c4bf, Lok : Many? hmm not that many...
[26-13:16] b30c4, Terra: More than are usual in this part of the forest...... Are you one of them?
[26-13:17] 3c4bf, Lok : yeah...
[26-13:18] b30c4, Kaya : *flitting along the wall surrounding the land of the Fae, she peeks out from a bit of clearing in the wall...seeing an elf outside*
[26-13:19] b30c4, Terra: why are you gathering here?
[26-13:20] 3c4bf, Lok : *his eyes widen* a war is going on....
[26-13:21] EXIT: luthien has left the chat ( 2:05pm, June 26 (CDT) ).
[26-13:21] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[26-13:21] 3a8a8, Morgul the Lich King: (( There is no war.. its just a figment of all your imaginations..
[26-13:22] b30c4, Terra: What is that word....war?...*she's been living inside a mage..and finally free, she's just gettin to explore the world*
[26-13:22] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 2:21pm, June 26 (CDT) ).
[26-13:23] 3c4bf, Lok : War is usually when large groups of beings fight over somethign like land or power. Who are you?
[26-13:23] b30c4, Terra: ((*opens a hole under Morgul*))
[26-13:23] JOIN: Bartuc has entered.
[26-13:24] JOIN: Liz has entered.
[26-13:24] b30c4, Terra: I am called Terra... what is your name?
[26-13:26] b30c4, Terra: *thinking quietly over what he had said* Why would people fight over land?... is there not enough for everyone?
[26-13:27] 3c4bf, Lok : I agree there is. I am Lok. And the people Iam tryign to fight are evil creatures and I am trying to help those they would destry.
[26-13:27] 6df9d, Shanira Treyan : *bartuc's men, as they look around, would find themselves at the top of a small hill, in the center of a park. There's people, of course. Mothers with their children, the older by themselves, fathers on business. Etc*
[26-13:29] 3c4bf, Bartuc : *they confer agreeing that guards will prolly ome soon enough as you can't miss a half dozen armed men on horses by the portal*
[26-13:29] b30c4, Terra: There seems to be quite a few evil creatures in this world...Who do you fight?
[26-13:31] 3c4bf, Lok : Orcs. Led by the ruinous power Known as Khaes.
[26-13:32] 6df9d, Shanira Treyan : *a few minutes pass before, instead of guards, a portly man with a friendly smile steps from the Inn which sits across the street from the park, heading their way*
[26-13:34] b30c4, Terra: Ruinous power? I have heard mention of that one...and he leads Orcs?...*doesnt like them at all* Is there anything I can do to help?
[26-13:35] 3c4bf, Bartuc : *their leader dismounts to wait for him as the others eye him havin the hardened look of veteran fighters*
[26-13:36] 3c4bf, Lok : I'm not sure *the massive gargoyle leaps down*
[26-13:37] 6df9d, Shanira Treyan : *there's no sign of any threat from the man* Welcome! Welcome, strangers, to Mannossa.
[26-13:38] b30c4, Terra: *even though she's small compared to Lok, she isnt afraid of him.....watching him leap down from the tree...* what manner of creature are you?
[26-13:40] 3c4bf, Bartuc : *he nods* We are Emmisaries of Lord Bartuc of Quman. Who rules this land.
[26-13:40] 3c4bf, Lok : I am a gargoyle. And you are a.....?
[26-13:41] 3c4bf, Bartuc : ?
[26-13:42] 6df9d, Shanira Treyan : *the smile stays on his face even though he's never heard of the place they're from* Why, that would be Queen Treyan.
[26-13:43] b30c4, Terra: I am an elemental, made from the earth you stand on
[26-13:44] 3c4bf, Lok : Fascinating...I have never met any of your kind....except for one that crazed spell caster tried to set on me.
[26-13:45] 3c4bf, Bartuc : Hold on... *some one from ther group goes back through then returns. Our Lord would like to speak with her.
[26-13:46] b30c4, Terra: You have met one of my kind before?.. there are very few of us, so that is rare indeed.....who was she?
[26-13:48] 6df9d, Shanira Treyan : *nods* Bring your lord. I'll be right back
[26-13:48] 3c4bf, Lok : Hmm an elf...I didn't exactly get to speak with her....she was trying to roast me at the time.
[26-13:49] b30c4, Terra: *knows who he means* she no longer exists.... I do not know why I do.... the mage you speak of is dead
[26-13:49] 3c4bf, Bartuc : *anohter half dozen step through on their horses witha powerfull seeming man in their midst. He has the regal bearing of a lion and the hidden savagary of a wolf.
[26-13:50] 3c4bf, Lok : *Looks surprised* I did it happen?
[26-13:51] b30c4, Terra: That I do not know... although I wish i did... perhaps it would explain why I am still here...
[26-13:52] 6df9d, Shanira Treyan : *the Innkeeper walks off and out of sight. A few moments later, six city guard come up. The captain steps forward* We are here to escort you to the palace. I am Captain Harous.
[26-13:53] 3c4bf, Lok : Well terra I suppose it is a good thing that you still are here.
[26-13:54] 3c4bf, Bartuc : *the leader nods to him I am Bartuc of Quman. This is my Marshal and weaponsmaster Eldred. *he nods at the older man next to him*
[26-13:56] b30c4, Terra: For me, yes it is a good thing... others may not think so..
[26-13:57] 6df9d, Shanira Treyan : Harous: *bows midway at the waist, then turns and starts walking out of the park, two men with him and the other three falling in behind Bartuc's men to complete the vanguard*
[26-13:57] 3c4bf, Lok : I think it is a good thing. Other wise I would not have the privelage of speaking with you.
[26-13:59] 3c4bf, Bartuc : *the mounted warriors form up around him and they march with them*
[26-13:59] b30c4, Terra: *lowering her head slightly, she would blush if she were capable* I am honored to be able to speak with you also...I have not had the chance to talk to many people
[26-13:59] JOIN: luthien has entered.
[26-14:01] a5c0c, luthien: *notices something moving in the woods*
[26-14:02] a5c0c, luthien: *crouches on one knee*
[26-14:02] 3c4bf, Lok : Would you like to come to the encampment? You can get something to eat there....if yo uneed to that is
[26-14:02] b30c4, Kaya : * it certainly wouldnt be Kaya as she's all of 6 inches tall at the moment*
[26-14:05] a5c0c, luthien: ((you forget i have elven vision))
[26-14:05] b30c4, Terra: I would like to see this camp... I do not require food. but thank you for offering. *is actually impressed that he would one else she's met cared*
[26-14:05] a5c0c, luthien: ((ok it could be a bird))
[26-14:06] 3c4bf, Lok : *he smiles widly at her* This way *he twitches his wings and tail and sets off through the woods twice whistling like a bird*
[26-14:07] a5c0c, luthien: *stands up and carries on walking seeing no further movement*
[26-14:07] 6df9d, Shanira Treyan : *still leaning against the balcony, she sighs when there's a polite cough behind her. She turns and looks at the servant* What is it, Mariande? *the woman replies that it appears that a visiting King has come through the portal and that he's on his way. She nods and heads for her a small ante chamber and the throne room beyond it*
[26-14:08] a5c0c, luthien: ehlonna guide me
[26-14:09] 3c4bf, Bartuc : *eyes the city as he goes through. Hopign that their leader wasn as soft as these people appeared to be.*
[26-14:10] b30c4, Terra: *thinking that his whistle was just for pleasure, she pays no further attention to it....more curious about his wings....following him as he leads the way*
[26-14:11] a5c0c, luthien: *looks back at the woods*
[26-14:12] b30c4, Kaya : *she carefully begins to follow the elf's passing*
[26-14:12] 3c4bf, Lok : *his massive wings are the color of stone and are currently tucked around his back his long grey-white hair fowing down his neck*
[26-14:13] 6df9d, Shanira Treyan : *people pause in whatever they're doing, curious. As the group passes, the crowds begin murmuring. Silk seems to be a common thing worn by everyone, even by the guards*
[26-14:15] 3c4bf, Bartuc : *Thinks this is quite odd. People may notice the quality of the horses. the are powerfull looking and graceful. All have unusaly wide foreheads and are obviosly bred for war as are the men*
[26-14:16] 4c960, luthien: *after about a couple of hours stops and sits down and eats some food from his pack*
[26-14:19] 4c960, luthien: its almost like im'e being watched!
[26-14:20] 6df9d, Shanira Treyan : *indeed, there are very appreciative remarks about the horses. Another thing that might seem odd is that apparently only the wealthy have horses here, and even then the horses are long legged and sleek. For running*
[26-14:20] b30c4, Terra: *watching him carefully as she walks behind him...*
[26-14:22] 3c4bf, Lok : *soon they arrive. It is a small encampment on a hill. Mostly humans and gargoyles* this is it...
[26-14:22] b30c4, Kaya : *he had certainly walked a long time....flitting from spot to spot....taking in every little detail of the strange elf... she would tell the queen as soon as she had the chance*
[26-14:23] 3c4bf, Bartuc : *they whisper to each other. Few horses...and not for odd*
[26-14:24] 4c960, luthien: *calls out*hello is there anyone there
[26-14:25] b30c4, Terra: *looking at the camp* There are more of your kind here....*a bit in awe*.
[26-14:27] b30c4, Kaya : *there's NO WAY shes going to answer him....tucking herself behind a leaf*
[26-14:27] 3c4bf, Lok : only about a dozen *he keeps walking up the hill nodding to people as they pass*
[26-14:29] 6df9d, Shanira Treyan : *and yet, the guards have well kept swords and just something about the way they move tells that they can use them. Soon the palace would come into view, surrounded by a wall on which guards walk. At the gate, another six are waiting for them, but yet the difference in uniform marks them as elite. Again, the captain steps forward and bows deeply towards the strangers* Welcome. Her majesty is waiting. *the captain of the first group walks off, leaving them to the elites who, while pleasant, never take their eyes off of the strangers. Always ready*
[26-14:29] 4c960, luthien: hello?
[26-14:29] 3c4bf, Bartuc : *Bartuc looks every inch the savage king in his coat of scales his cold eyes and regal savage bearing.*
[26-14:30] 3c4bf, Bartuc : *he dismounts and follows them tellign his guards to stay togther bringin on ly the old man. The horses stand in place and are only handled by the other Quman fighters*
[26-14:31] b30c4, Terra: *as they walk up the hill, her eyes widen at the people passing by... she'd never been around more than one or two at a time*..That is more than i have ever seen...
[26-14:32] 6df9d, Shanira Treyan : *she reaches the antichamber and trades her light tiara for her heavier crown. She looks at herself in the mirror. Despite the lack of robes, she looks every inch the queen. Would, even without the crown. She then heads into the thrown room and sits down in her ornately carved wooden chair*
[26-14:32] 4c960, luthien: i know somethings out there*says to himself*
[26-14:32] 3c4bf, Lok : *raises an eyebrow* spent most of oyur time i nthe wilds?
[26-14:33] 4c960, luthien: *walks intowards the wall*
[26-14:33] 6df9d, Shanira Treyan : *the elites lead them into the palace, not commenting on this splitting of forces. The captain and two men take point while the other three take rear*
[26-14:33] 3c4bf, Bartuc : *the only thting that would mark him as king besides his bearing is the thin circlet of gold on his brow almost hidden by his black hair*
[26-14:34] b30c4, Terra: I did not exist in this manner until about 2 months ago.
[26-14:35] 3c4bf, Lok : I see....Well welcoem to my band..the Red Claw. *he smiles at her agian and rubs the red glyph by his eye*
[26-14:37] b30c4, Terra: *glancing sharply at him* Your band?... you... are their leader?
[26-14:38] 3c4bf, Bartuc : *the older man seems quite tough and capable as any one younger than him as they walk*
[26-14:38] 4c960, luthien: a kingdom with no way in?
[26-14:38] 3c4bf, Lok : oops...erm..yes.
[26-14:39] EXIT: luthien has left the chat ( 3:38pm, June 26 (CDT) ).
[26-14:40] b30c4, Terra: There is more to you than I see.......what else are you?
[26-14:41] 3c4bf, Lok : At this point I am merely the leader of this group. Nothign more.
[26-14:42] 6df9d, Shanira Treyan : *she sits waiting in the throne room, trying not to slouch and throw one leg over the arm, a position she's found comfortable. There're twelve men, three against each wall. The captain pauses while a servant announces them* Your majesty, King Bartuc of Quman. *he steps aside to let the captain lead the king and his men in, then disperse themselves about the walls, not leaving. The throne sits on a small daise in the middle of the room. It's made of a rich cherry wood (something very expensive, no matter where you're from) and cushioned on the seat with a deep purple pillow. Shanira, herself, sits comfortably. She's got long black hair and dark brown eyes. Her skin is fair..almost pale. If one were to look closely, one'd see scars on her bare forarms. And if one had really sharp eyes, they'd notice that the shadows under her throne seem a tiny bit darker than normal. She looks over them a moment before speaking* Welcome, King Bartuc, to Mannossa. *she might look like a soft and gentle woman, but something in her eyes hints at steel beneath the skin*
[26-14:43] b30c4, Terra: *crossing her arms..looking wayy up at him* Then you can answer my question.... what can be done to help?
[26-14:45] 3c4bf, Bartuc : Greetings.I apologize for the unexpectedness of our visit. *those watchign would get the distinct impression of a wolf disgused as a man*
[26-14:46] 6df9d, Shanira Treyan : Indeed. And what brings you to my door?
[26-14:46] 3c4bf, Lok : I do not know. We recetnly pulled back. Fighting is stalled. and I do not know what you are capable of. Thoug I belive your company may be enough.
[26-14:47] 3c4bf, Bartuc : We recently discovered a large gate in our land. We examined it and found it was already linked to your land. We came through to find out why and what was o nthe other side.
[26-14:47] b30c4, Terra: My company? how can that help?
[26-14:49] 3c4bf, Lok : Simply put..moral. Some one new and unique. And it seems, freindly. Though I have no doubt in a fight you cna handle yourself.
[26-14:49] 6df9d, Shanira Treyan : I see. I must admit I have never heard of your land or of your people. *smiles faintly* But as you can see, we're what's on the other side.
[26-14:51] b30c4, Terra: *she laughs at that...sounding like shifting sand* I am definitely new.....
[26-14:53] 3c4bf, Bartuc : Quite. And my people have not heard of you or yours.
[26-14:54] 3c4bf, Lok : *he chuckles* and defintly unique
[26-14:56] 6df9d, Shanira Treyan : *studies him* And now that you're here, what is it you want?
[26-14:59] 3c4bf, Bartuc : One purpose is to find out why that link was there. ans SInce I am here...perhaps trade.
[26-15:00] 6df9d, Shanira Treyan : Trade? *tilts her head slightly* And what have you that we would want?
[26-15:02] 3c4bf, Bartuc : Perhaps some of our horses. Not the finest of them true. But if what I saw coming in is true then the least cull is better than the finest of yours.
[26-15:03] b30c4, Terra: I guess so... .. but then to me... you are unique
[26-15:04] 6df9d, Shanira Treyan : *narrows her eyes slightly* In return for?
[26-15:05] 3c4bf, Bartuc : What do you have..that I would want?
[26-15:05] 6df9d, Shanira Treyan : Armor.
[26-15:05] 3c4bf, Lok : *chuckles* just so *she might notice several stone statues scattered around*
[26-15:06] 3c4bf, Bartuc : Armor?
[26-15:07] 6df9d, Shanira Treyan : *gestures at her men, all of which, including herself, seem to be wearing several layers*
[26-15:07] 3c4bf, Bartuc : Silk?
[26-15:09] b30c4, Terra: *her attention wandering from him to the camp around her, she notices some statues thru out the camp..walking up to one of them..she lightly starts to place her hand against one..admiring the detail of them*
[26-15:09] 6df9d, Shanira Treyan : Appearances can be decieving, Your Highness.
[26-15:11] 3c4bf, Bartuc : *he raises an eyebrow*
[26-15:11] 3c4bf, Lok : it seems to be a perfect replica of a gargoyle even seems slightly warm*
[26-15:12] 6df9d, Shanira Treyan : *she rises from her throne and steps down* Take out your knife and attack me.
[26-15:14] 3c4bf, Bartuc : *the other brow rasies with the first* indeed *his knife is out of the sheath and flying across the room in an instant at her chest*
[26-15:15] b30c4, Terra: *touching one, then pulling her hand back quickly...looking at Lok**quirking an eyebrow as she looks back from Lok to the 'statue'* Is this one of your kind also?
[26-15:16] 3c4bf, Lok : Indeed. Taking a nap...*chuckles* we turn to statues when we do.
[26-15:18] 6df9d, Shanira Treyan : *her men make no move to stop her, knowing very well what she's doing, and neither does she. Move that is. She takes a step back as the knife hits her, the force of it making her move. There's silence, then the sound of his knife hitting the floor. The only sign that there'd been an attack was a small rip in three of the several layers of silk. She shrugs and rubs the spot a second* You see? Armor.
[26-15:20] 3c4bf, Bartuc : Fascinating. And it is as light as normal silk?
[26-15:21] b30c4, Terra: statues.....hmm.. And you call me unique....
[26-15:22] 3c4bf, Lok : *chuckles* indeed
[26-15:24] 6df9d, Shanira Treyan : *nods*
[26-15:26] 3c4bf, Lok : ((gotta go here)
[26-15:26] b30c4, Terra: ((ok.. bye..))
[26-15:28] 3c4bf, Lok : ((poof))
[26-15:28] b30c4, Terra: *gone*
[26-15:29] 6df9d, Shanira Treyan : ***pause**
[26-15:29] 3c4bf, Bartuc : ((*pause*))
[26-15:30] EXIT: Shanira Treyan has left the chat ( 4:29pm, June 26 (CDT) ).
[26-15:46] EXIT: Kali has left the chat ( 4:28pm, June 26 (CDT) ).
[26-16:12] JOIN: Aralore has entered.
[26-16:12] 5e834, Aralore : ((Le doom.))
[26-16:14] ab6ae, Sileen: Le doom?
[26-16:24] 5e834, Aralore : ((Indubitably.))
[26-16:24] 5e834, Aralore : ((It's French doom?))
[26-16:31] ab6ae, Sileen: *POUNCE!*
[26-16:43] 5e834, Aralore : ((Yeep! *falls over*))
[26-16:45] ab6ae, Sileen: Bwahaha! *perches on his chest*
[26-16:52] 5e834, Aralore : ((*Grapples the percher*))
[26-16:52] ab6ae, Sileen: Yeeep!
[26-16:54] 5e834, Aralore : ((*Toss*))
[26-16:54] ab6ae, Sileen: *flies* Weee!
[26-16:56] 5e834, Aralore : ((Omnipotence, this summer is boring.))
[26-16:56] 5e834, Aralore : ((Jesus, this summer is boring.))
[26-17:01] ab6ae, Sileen: Weee! *spins on a rop*
[26-17:01] ab6ae, Sileen: rope
[26-17:02] 5e834, Aralore : ((Boring...and long...and hopeless.))
[26-17:04] ab6ae, Sileen: *hugs*
[26-17:06] 651ea, Mab : Doom and gloom, gloom and doom. Oh woh, woh, woh the gloom. Oh woh, woh, woh the doom. Gloomy and doomy. Doomy and gloomy. Goomditty gloom gloom doom.
[26-17:08] 5e834, Aralore : ((*Counterhugs*))
[26-17:08] 651ea, Fahrena : *and now to change this character a bit to make her a little more interesting in light of the chat renewal. Here is this player's change made.*
[26-17:15] 651ea, Fahrena : *She is still a tree elf from Winycadia. She is still a high lady. Her reasons for being here are not for her kingdom, but for herself, because player doesn't know what the fate of that kingdom will actually end up being now. She is escaping being framed. She let it happen. She trusted her husband. She thought she loved him, but he was just using her to gain power over her province. She was first tipped off when she caught him being unfaithful. After that, her distrust of him led her to discover how he'd tricked her and betrayed her. He claimed he was trying to take burden from her and she let him, relieved to have less worries. She was a fool. He systematically had shut her out of all the governing operations of her province and then when all was said and done and he sprung the final straw, she was left holding the bag. She discovered his treachery too late. He made his weakening and sabotage of her province look like her doing. It was part of his plan to get rid of her w/o looking like he was to blame. With her considered a criminal, he was able to anull their marriage while still taking over her province. He was seen as the victim.*
[26-17:16] 651ea, Fahrena : She thought she loved him = She thought he loved her (although it works the other way too)
[26-17:17] 5e834, Aralore : ((High lady. Rawr. Doob on.))
[26-17:20] JOIN: Cookie Monster has entered.
[26-17:20] 54891, Cookie Monster: *tackles Mab and steals the keys to the chat*
[26-17:23] 651ea, Fahrena : *That is what infuriates her the most, even now, that he was seen as the poor victim of her treachery when it was the other way around. They'd unceramoniously taken her from her halls, a rope around her neck and her hands bound, ripped off all but her intimate clothing in the public grove and then taken her by river barge to the tower prison. She'd been there for two months before one of her most loyal, one that knew she could not be guilty of what she was accused, managed to sneek in and provide her the means of escape, smuggling her out. He provided her decent clothing befitting her station and a carriage and she had departed to the neighboring . A small entourage of 4 who knew her to be innocent and remained loyal served and serve as her escort.* ((GAH!!! Give those back! You don't understand the power they hold!! ))
[26-17:26] 54891, Cookie Monster: Of course I do. I'm an admin in other chats. Now... what does THIS one do? *horrible crashing sounds*
[26-17:27] 54891, Jerren Skulldeep: *to join in Mab's story telling*
[26-17:28] 651ea, Fahrena : *Unfortunately, she has discovered that word of her escape and the false accusations against her have traveled to this neighboring kingdom as well. All of her costly apparel and supplies could very well give away who she is now and so she has packed them away, instructing her escort to find her more common traveling clothes that a tree elf would wear, a tree elf bard. She sits in her room in the Glimmering Inn awaiting those less conspicuous clothing* ((AAAHHH! What have you done?!? You've unlocked the realms of possibility!! That was never to be opened!!!!))
[26-17:30] 54891, Jerren Skulldeep: *Over the past month, with the disapearance of the orc hordes and the sudden vacume where Krondor once stood, the Goblins have been able to begin streaching their legs once again and taking firmer hold of their portion of the Dark Forest as well as expanding their territory further south into the forest. So, with this more relaxed state in his kingdom, Jerren has decided to take a break in and soak up fine craftsmenship to take back home for his Cobbler Goblins to duplicate*
[26-17:31] 54891, Jerren Skulldeep: ((Damn run ons and spelling problems. Well... the door DID have big shiny letters that said "Do not Open". What was I supposed to do? Not open it?
[26-17:31] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[26-17:31] 54891, Jerren Skulldeep: ))
[26-17:37] 651ea, Fahrena : *finally, one of her escort returns with the attire she needs. It's finely made, but not too elaborate, very typical of an elven garb, but not too stately. After the man leaves her room, she changes into the long tunic, trousers, and boots. Ah, a lyre for her instrument. She was hesitent, at first, to take the instrument she was known for playing so well as her bard disguise instrument, but then she realized that she couldn't very well take up an instrument that she was not profitient at and expect to be very convincing in the role. So, the lyre it is and hopefully two and two will not be put together. So far, the descriptions of her had implied she would look the part of a displaced high lady. No mention was made in the descriptions of what her abilities were and no suggestion that she'd be assuming any other role was made. She hopes her luck continues to hold out. With lyre in hand and a couple secluded daggers, she steps out of her room and heads for the stairs, waving her escort away, indicating for them not to follow her, because they too could give her away. They will watch her from a distance and only one or two at a time*
[26-17:39] JOIN: Phoenix has entered.
[26-17:40] 54891, Jerren Skulldeep: *So, after a hard day's shopping, Jerren sits in THE tavern of , drinking some wine and sending back images and mental notes to his far-away craftsmen in the Dark Forest with promises that yes, he will bring them back for them to tinker with*
[26-17:44] 651ea, Fahrena : *she makes her way down the stairs to the main tavern*
[26-17:46] 54891, Jerren Skulldeep: *Fahrena would see a short man with braided hair that twinkles from small bits of jewelry and beeds sitting at one of the tables with a number or randomly assorted items on his table*
[26-17:50] 651ea, Fahrena : *looks at him with some curiosity as she chooses a booth near his table*
[26-17:54] 54891, Jerren Skulldeep: *on sitting down, she would see under the table he's wearing a kilt of sorts over his pants made of hides of racoons. Jerren is currently staring at a very decoratively made sword with a couple of fingers placed at his temple*
[26-17:56] 651ea, Fahrena : *blinks at the curious man and settles into her seat, trying to look as inconspicuous as possible, which is not the general nature of a bard*
[26-18:01] 54891, Jerren Skulldeep: *suddenly the door to the inn bursts open and there a blur of green, orange, and blue, heading straight for Jerren. The blur stops about half way into the in though, as the poor goblin that was moving so speedily slips on some spilled beer and in trying to regain himself begins to trip over his own bagy clothes, which are apparently about three sizes too big. Finaly, the goblin falls straight on his face. Undetered, however, the goblin drags itself by the hands over to Jerren, who's looking at the poor thing like this is a common occurance*
[26-18:05] 651ea, Fahrena : *her brows twist in confusion at first of the blur of colors and then her mouth gapes a little and she gasps at seeing what it is. Her kind to not have high opinions of goblins. Her nose wrinkles in somewhat predudice distaste. Afterall, she only has the information she was brought up with to guide her opinions of goblins*
[26-18:08] 54891, Jerren Skulldeep: *in all likelyhood, and in truth, what she was brought up with may not be that far off. In any case, the Goblin makes it to Jerren and pulls himself up, grinning with lots of pointy teeth and holds out a very fine looking talisman with a large red semi-precious stone inside it. Despite speaking in Goblin, it's obviously quite proud of its aquisition. Surprisingly, Jerren smiles and responds in Goblin*
[26-18:12] 651ea, Fahrena : *tilts her head with furrowed brows. What the heck? She wonders that a goblin is even allowed to wander free in this city, let alone make aquisitions*
[26-18:14] 54891, Jerren Skulldeep: *Jerren takes the necklace and looks it over, then places his hand to his temple and furrows his brows. A moment later her gets an angry scowl and looks back to the goblin. Its apparent simply by tone of voice as well as by body language that something's not right about it. After Jerren informs the goblin of whatever it is, the goblin looks murderously angry*
[26-18:16] 651ea, Fahrena : *doesn't realize that she is staring at Jerren and the goblin very obviously as she watches what is going on*
[26-18:21] 54891, Jerren Skulldeep: *seemingly appearing from the shadows, a second goblin comes up beside Jerren. The new one is wearing dark clothing and somehow looks much more dangerous than the first, though they seem to be of about the same hight and size. Jerren says something further to the first goblin and it nods and grins again then walks out. This time he makes a large display of avoiding the puddle of booze, but in doing so he steps on his pants again and falls straight into it. After picking himself up and pulling his pants up past his navel, he exits the Tavern. Jerren looks over to the other one and gives a nod, to which it returns then leaves in a word that can best be described as "slinks"*
[26-18:26] 651ea, Fahrena : *represses a slight snicker at the departing goblin who again falls into the booze and looks with suspicion and a narrowing of her eyes at the goblin that slinks. She almost watches all of this as though it were on a magic mirror and she wasn't right there to be seen so obviously observing. She forgets herself as she blantantly observes their behavior, her general attitudes and opinions showing plainly on her face*
[26-18:29] 54891, Jerren Skulldeep: *Is completely oblivious to Fahrena, as he's watching the second one too. However, he seems to suddenly realize others are watching the goings on, specificaly Fahrena and he turns to look at her*
[26-18:31] 651ea, Fahrena : *eyes widen and she freezes a moment and then turns to look across the booth she is in at the empty seat across from her, basically doing that averting of her eyes to suggest she has seen nothing and is innocent of eavesdropping or showing interest, which is obviously the opposite of the truth*
[26-18:32] 54891, Jerren Skulldeep: *in rather broken common* Never seen goblin before?
[26-18:34] 651ea, Fahrena : *glances at him* No. *quickly looks away again, staring at the empty seat across from her as if there is someone there that she would be rude to ignore*
[26-18:35] 54891, Jerren Skulldeep: *chuckles* Is elf way of talking in other direction?
[26-18:37] 651ea, Fahrena : *blinks at him, not understanding what he is getting at* I don't understand what you're saying. *brows furrowed, as though he was being rude to her, when the opposite might be said about her*