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[16-18:21] ab6ae, Aegnora : ((*likes her description better* ))
[16-18:23] ab6ae, Aegnor: She is correct... The Nightmare. There is indeed something very... special about this place. It is where a pact shall be forged. Is that not so?
[16-18:25] f8bb6, Bartuc : I am not sure. Perhaps introductions are in order? I am Bartuc Lord Dragon.
[16-18:31] ab6ae, Aegnora : *smirks*
[16-18:31] ab6ae, Aegnor: And you are a King of Men and Marshall of its army.
[16-18:32] f8bb6, Bartuc : Indeed. And you are? Beyond a draog nof great Age, that is. *seems respectfull as of an elder person, but not fearfull*
[16-18:36] ab6ae, Aegnor: In your tongue, Nocturne will do, Bartuc. *There is another shift in the shadows, and another cascade of pebbles.*
[16-18:38] f8bb6, Bartuc : Nocturne...very well.
[16-18:40] c6c97, Xyva: *looks 4 mab*
[16-18:43] JOIN: Kali has entered.
[16-18:43] ab6ae, Aegnora : *glances to the dragon, then eases towards Bartuc, whispering very softly* Be very careful of your words.. he's not eaten in awhile *glances to Aegnor, and mutters, still softly* He will kill you if you fail to show respect, and will kill you if you quiver in fear.. find a balance, and stick to it. *slightly louder* ... and then your men... and then the tents... *wasn't giving advice.. nooo...*
[16-18:44] ab6ae, Aegnora : *oh yeah, Aegnora walks carefully around the dragon. Nightmare or not.. he's a dragon ... and he's got that dang aura of fear >_< *
[16-18:46] f8bb6, Bartuc : *whispers to her in the same tone. Like a larger version of En'Tai. At least he won't rape the women. *he turns back to him. with the same attitude as before. Respect...but no fear*
[16-18:46] ab6ae, Aegnor: *One might not guess, but Aegnora clearly has no respect for the hearing of Dragon. Does she?* Dear Nightmare... Will you not tell this man why you have brought him here? *There is a slight narrowing of his eyes at her.*
[16-18:48] ab6ae, Aegnora : *mutters an incompresensible apology, as she moves back towards the wall, leaning back against the wall*
[16-18:50] f8bb6, Bartuc : Why am I here? *he says this to either of them or both of them*
[16-18:52] ab6ae, Aegnor: Aegnora.
[16-18:52] ab6ae, Aegnora : You are here... because I kidnapped you first off *smirks* You are a bit gullible, I must say.. And you are the leader of an army. A decent sized one at that.. and we might have use for such an army at a later date.
[16-18:55] f8bb6, Bartuc : *RaE's* If you are hhopign to use me to control That patrol you are sadly mistaken.
[16-18:56] ab6ae, Aegnor: Aegnora, are we mistaken? ...If so, it would be a grave problem for you, dear Bartuc...
[16-18:58] f8bb6, Bartuc : My people do not negotiate for hostages. *his voice has steel in it* We rescue them...or bury them.
[16-18:59] ab6ae, Aegnora : Who said anything about hostages? *tilts her head slightly*
[16-18:59] ab6ae, Aegnor: If you turn down this deal, there will be nothing of you to bury. Not even a pile of ash. And make no mistake, you are neither a hostage, nor a prisoner. You are an ambassador.
[16-19:00] f8bb6, Bartuc : Then what is it you desire. I do not fear death and you will not control my people. State your deal.
[16-19:06] ab6ae, Aegnor: Oh, it is not death you should fear, human. It is the agony that preceeds it. Death is a mercy you would long to enjoy. *Another shift.* Aegnora, if you would please.
[16-19:12] ab6ae, Aegnora : *mutters something about doing all the talking* The deal is merely we do you a favor now, by letting you leave and return to your people.. along with the occasional flashy nightmare ride should you wish it... and if we ever have need of you and your's, we will come with a request that you aid us in what we need.
[16-19:13] f8bb6, Bartuc : ((*poke* still here?))
[16-19:15] f8bb6, Bartuc : I don't see how nomads could be usefull to you. However and this you should understand. I do what is best for my people. If I aid you will you aid us? (cna we hurry this along?))
[16-19:17] f8bb6, Bartuc : (ih ave to go here))
[16-19:17] ab6ae, Aegnora : You would be a boon to keep around, should you choose to give your word to aid when we come calling. Do you think you would be left to lose valuable numbers, could it be prevented?
[16-19:19] f8bb6, Bartuc : If it is not suiced I will aid you. A mutally benifital agreement. WE help each other. I agree.
[16-19:19] ab6ae, Aegnora : ((Meep! Delay? ))
[16-19:19] ab6ae, Aegnora : *looks to Aegnor*
[16-19:19] f8bb6, Bartuc : ((*shoos her along* don't delay.....type!))
[16-19:20] ab6ae, Aegnor: *The Dragon goes silent, and there is a shift among the rubble for several long moments.* How ironic. Do you know what you ask?
[16-19:20] ab6ae, Aegnora : ((Meep!))
[16-19:21] f8bb6, Bartuc : As I see it I do.
[16-19:24] ab6ae, Aegnor: Before you accept, know the terms of disloyalty. Forget or betray this accord, and I will see to it that your people burn before your eyes. I have seen the treachery of man, and I have absolutely no tolerance for it.
[16-19:26] f8bb6, Bartuc : *he grins. the grin of a confident vetren* Belive me. I do not foget and I am a good man. As long as your end is held up we shall hold ours. Eventually perhaps there shall even be trust between us. I have heard of the honor of dragons.
[16-19:27] f8bb6, Bartuc : ((that about wrap this up.))
[16-19:28] f8bb6, Bartuc : ((cuase I got to go))
[16-19:28] EXIT: Bartuc has left the chat ( 8:28pm, June 16 (CDT) ).
[16-19:28] JOIN: Bartuc has entered.
[16-19:29] f8bb6, Bartuc : ((puase or done which ever is better!))
[16-19:29] EXIT: Bartuc has left the chat ( 8:29pm, June 16 (CDT) ).
[16-19:29] ab6ae, Aegnora : *As he's accepted, could easily take him back now* *wee*
[16-19:32] ab6ae, Aegnor: *Aegnor turns his eyes upon the both of them. Turning things over...* Call when you have need, Bartuc, as we shall do the same. Now, go back to your men. *There is a shower of debris as he slips deeper into the bowels of the chamber.*
[16-19:32] ab6ae, Aegnor: *Gone.*
[16-19:34] c6c97, Xyva: *looks 4 mab*
[16-20:00] ab6ae, Aegnor: ((*Looks for sanity*))
[16-20:04] 0a8ba, Kali: you wont find that here
[16-20:11] ab6ae, Aegnor: ((Heh))
[16-20:15] 0a8ba, Kali: was hoping to get some good rp in before shutdown...but it doesnt look like it....*sighs* ill have to find something else to do late night
[16-20:20] ab6ae, Aegnor: ((Its the 16th))
[16-20:21] 3a8a8, Roki: *smacks Aegnor with a baseball bat*
[16-20:21] 0a8ba, Kali: huh? shut down is at midnight...
[16-20:21] 0a8ba, Kali: or thats what link said earllier
[16-20:24] 0a8ba, Kali: yup midnight to six..a.m. I' gonna be so bored....
[16-20:24] c6c97, Xyva: 4:45 am
[16-20:25] c6c97, Xyva: is shut down
[16-20:25] 0a8ba, Kali: read the time zone....lj
[16-20:25] c6c97, Xyva: ah
[16-20:25] c6c97, Xyva: oops
[16-20:26] ab6ae, Aegnor: ((*Eats said bat.*))
[16-20:26] ab6ae, Aegnor: ((*Wanders off for now.*))
[16-20:28] c6c97, Radagast Aurelius : *profile test*
[16-20:32] ab6ae, Sileen: Ooo.. new knight order
[16-20:32] ceea7, Steve : Way to rock da pic Rad.. I approove
[16-20:33] c6c97, Radagast Aurelius : (*grin* thanks)
[16-20:34] ceea7, Sothicus Aurelius : Kinda reminds me of....Me...
[16-20:34] ab6ae, Sileen: ... Is he single? <.< >.>
[16-20:35] ab6ae, Sileen: I'm sorry Soth... but as he's still alive and such, I'm going to say he's a lot sexier then you
[16-20:35] c6c97, Radagast Aurelius : ( ya hes single)
[16-20:35] ceea7, Sothicus Aurelius : *eyes Sileen* Dont make me go all old school on you.
[16-20:37] 3a8a8, Roki: *is the sexiest*
[16-20:37] c6c97, Radagast Aurelius : hmm now if kross would just get the faction turned in
[16-20:38] ceea7, Sothicus Aurelius : If Kross would get back to me on the faction..
[16-20:38] 0a8ba, Kali: *shifty eyes* whoot...3 ....hmmm.. *knocks sileen to the ground* mine mine mine cant have them
[16-20:40] ab6ae, Sileen: *knocked* Gah! *tackles Kali!*
[16-20:40] ceea7, Aleinn Duinn : *is the sexiest bad guy*
[16-20:41] 0a8ba, Kali: *pulls sileens hair* I wont share....
[16-20:41] c6c97, Radagast Aurelius : woohoo! *sits to watch the girls wrestle*
[16-20:41] ceea7, Aleinn Duinn : *shares popcorn with Rad*
[16-20:41] 1212e, Chewie: *Lurks.*
[16-20:41] ceea7, Aleinn Duinn : Yanno what would make this better...if they were wrestling in Jell-O
[16-20:42] ab6ae, Sileen: *chomps down on Kali's shoulder* MOINE!
[16-20:42] ab6ae, Sileen: Mine too!
[16-20:43] ceea7, Aleinn Duinn : Sileen's British!!
[16-20:44] ceea7, Sothicus Aurelius : *Riverdances*
[16-20:44] 0a8ba, Kali: *noticing that a fourth georgeous hunk has entered the room....she jerks her arm away from sileen..elbowing her * not either ...*just before dyiing at soths riverdance*
[16-20:46] ab6ae, Sileen: *LOL*
[16-20:46] 3a8a8, Roki: * shifty eyes*
[16-20:47] ceea7, Aleinn Duinn : *beats Soth for interrutping the wrestling women*
[16-20:47] ab6ae, Sileen: Okay... how about his. Let's split them up.
[16-20:48] 0a8ba, Kali: *checks out the men carefully* Hmmmm picks first?
[16-20:49] c6c97, Radagast Aurelius : *calls the jello factory ordering 50 gallons to be delivered in 2 min.*
[16-20:49] c6c97, Radagast Aurelius : the winner of the wrestling match*calls out*
[16-20:49] ceea7, Aleinn Duinn : o/!
[16-20:50] ceea7, Aleinn Duinn : I get to be ref! *puts on a black and white striped shirt and climbs into the ring*
[16-20:50] ab6ae, Sileen: *eyes the guys* Hm... tough call... Alright, I'll take these four, and you can have the next four hunky guys
[16-20:51] c6c97, Radagast Aurelius : *jell-o arrives and is placed*
[16-20:52] 0a8ba, Kali: Nuhuh no deal there sister.....*squints an eye at her*
[16-20:52] ceea7, Aleinn Duinn : Just get in here and wrestle..winner gets first pic
[16-20:52] ceea7, Aleinn Duinn : k
[16-20:53] c6c97, Radagast Aurelius : *takes a seat to watch*
[16-20:56] ab6ae, Sileen:
[16-20:59] 0a8ba, Kali: *looks back at the men.**whispers to Sileen* how about I take the older two and you can have the younger ones..
[16-20:59] ab6ae, Sileen: Pshaw! Older have more experience
[16-21:00] 0a8ba, Kali: my point exactly........ dont want to kill the young.
[16-21:01] MSG: Sothicus Aurelius sent a message to Sileen.
[16-21:01] ab6ae, Sileen:
[16-21:02] ab6ae, Sileen: Sicne you're scaring me.. I think I'll take them all and save them from you
[16-21:02] ceea7, Sothicus Aurelius : *eyes Radagast* Bah..Youth is wasted on the young...
[16-21:02] ceea7, Steve : *scoffs and chains both Sileen and Kali to his throne as pets*
[16-21:03] 0a8ba, Kali: hmmm... we have to be fair about this.......somehow...
[16-21:03] 0a8ba, Kali: you , steve have no throne....
[16-21:04] JOIN: Aegnor has entered.
[16-21:04] ceea7, Aleinn Duinn : Wrestling match... *nods sagely*
[16-21:04] c6c97, Radagast Aurelius : hello wrestle
[16-21:04] ceea7, Steve : Yes I do *points to the huge, evil looking throne hovering a foot above the ground*
[16-21:05] 0a8ba, Kali: illusion....
[16-21:08] ceea7, Ember : Heh..Aegnor thinks he's better than me...*smirks and preens his gold scales*
[16-21:09] ab6ae, Amber : I dunno, Aegnor's kinda sexy... .. partially due to him being the only fire dragon not related to me in the chat currently, but who's keeping track?
[16-21:09] ab6ae, Sileen: Alright... how about we take turns with each of them?
[16-21:10] ab6ae, Aegnor: ((Thinking requires effort. Effort assumes one requires change. No, I simply am better than you. You'll have to get used to it.))
[16-21:10] 0a8ba, Kali: WEEEE!!!!!...
[16-21:10] ceea7, Ember : *sighs and eyes his sister* Always thinking with your reproductive tract....*mutters* and you wonder why Father left me in charge...
[16-21:10] c6c97, Drako : couldnt be he aint got a sidekick like you*is not related to amber and is a fire dragon*
[16-21:10] ab6ae, Aegnor: ((In any case, Aegnor isn't up for grabs (character or player.)))
[16-21:11] ab6ae, Amber : *pokes at Drako* How long you been around?
[16-21:11] MSG: Ember sent a message to Aegnor.
[16-21:11] ab6ae, Amber : Pffft!
[16-21:11] MSG: Ember sent a message to Aegnor.
[16-21:12] c6c97, Drako : since i got reged
[16-21:12] MSG: Aegnor sent a message to Amber.
[16-21:12] c6c97, Drako : *is only 274 years old*
[16-21:12] ceea7, Ember : Wrong one Chico
[16-21:12] 0a8ba, Kali: *ponders....walking slowly around each man...tapping a slender finger tip against her chin* Hmm.. which one..
[16-21:14] MSG: Aegnor sent a message to Ember.
[16-21:14] MSG: Ember sent a message to Aegnor.
[16-21:15] ab6ae, Amber : Just a youngin' then
[16-21:15] ceea7, Ember : Yeah..he can barely breath...
[16-21:15] MSG: Aegnor sent a message to Amber.
[16-21:15] ab6ae, Aegnor: ((((Sigh))))
[16-21:16] MSG: Aegnor sent a message to Ember.
[16-21:16] MSG: Ember sent a message to Aegnor.
[16-21:17] MSG: Aegnor sent a message to Ember.
[16-21:17] c6c97, Drako : see what i get for not speaking dragon tongue
[16-21:19] c6c97, Drako : i got something you aint got
[16-21:19] MSG: Ember sent a message to Aegnor.
[16-21:19] ceea7, Ember : A short lifespan?
[16-21:19] ceea7, Ember : An unoriginal, derrogatory name?
[16-21:20] ab6ae, Amber : *L*
[16-21:20] 0a8ba, Kali: *fusses* Blasted dragons...get out of my slave market.....
[16-21:20] c6c97, Drako : umm
[16-21:20] ceea7, Ember : *whaps Kali with his tail*
[16-21:21] c6c97, Drako : i was thinking along the the lines of a whole heart
[16-21:21] c6c97, Drako : brb
[16-21:21] ceea7, Ember : Who says I gave up half of mine?
[16-21:22] c6c97, Drako : w/e
[16-21:22] 0a8ba, Kali: *is wapped... briefly considers removing all of Embers heart*
[16-21:22] ab6ae, Aegnor: In the history, it does say "all dragons" but that could just be over-generalized. Likewise, Aegnor has his whole (black) heart.
[16-21:22] ceea7, Ember : *whaps Drako upside the head*
[16-21:23] ceea7, Ember : *is the oldest of the Dragons...along with sis Amber*
[16-21:23] MSG: Aegnor sent a message to Ember.
[16-21:23] ab6ae, Amber : Who says mine is gone as well? And all dragons who were ALIVE. Babies didn't have to give hearts!
[16-21:23] MSG: Ember sent a message to Aegnor.
[16-21:24] ceea7, Ember : *tailwhips everyone into IC*
[16-21:24] 3a1bb, Mab : *wonders about the secret messages*
[16-21:25] ceea7, Ember : *is plotting to overthrow Mab with a horde of Dragons*
[16-21:26] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[16-21:27] 3a1bb, Mab : hehe
[16-21:28] ab6ae, Aegnora : *Already has Mab captive*
[16-21:28] ceea7, Ember : *gives Aegnora a cookie..and overthrows the Fae Kingdom...leaving it in ashes*
[16-21:28] MSG: Will-o'-the-wisp sent a message to Mab.
[16-21:28] ab6ae, Aegnora : *Speaking of which.. she lightly pokes the bag our fairy queen is in, with a smirk* You awake in there?
[16-21:29] 0a8ba, Kali: *ignores Embers tailwhip into IC* sorry might have to disappear
[16-21:29] 3a1bb, Mab Fairy Queen : Mmm? *in that startled awake way*
[16-21:31] ab6ae, Aegnora : How is our sleepy fairy slave today? *smirks*
[16-21:32] 3a1bb, Mab Fairy Queen : *blinks and feels around the bag to recall where she is* What? No. You need to let me go.
[16-21:33] ab6ae, Aegnora : Why do I need to do that?
[16-21:33] ceea7, Ember : Ooooo...Ember snacks..*eyes Mab..licks chops*
[16-21:34] ab6ae, Aegnor: Our little eves-dropper... Whatever were you doing.
[16-21:34] ab6ae, Aegnora : *glances to Aegnor, smirking
[16-21:34] ab6ae, Aegnora : (
[16-21:34] ab6ae, Aegnora : *
[16-21:34] 3a1bb, Mab Fairy Queen : Because, this isn't right. I have matters to attend. *freezes as she hears a second voice*
[16-21:35] ab6ae, Aegnora : Perhaps you should have thought of that before spying on us?
[16-21:36] ceea7, Ember : Lets pull of her wings...
[16-21:37] 3a1bb, Mab Fairy Queen : I didn't come to spy. *says in a slightly distracted way as she frantically looks for a mundane way out of this sack, her powers being oddly useless for escape. Tis the fae curse in situations like this*
[16-21:37] ab6ae, Aegnora : ((*baps Ember, then boots him IC*))
[16-21:38] EXIT: Kali has left the chat ( 10:29pm, June 16 (CDT) ).
[16-21:38] ceea7, Ember : ((*is IC now*)) *having grown tired of Quinnell for a bit...he is flying about and decides to make a landing near a clear brook of water to get something to drink*
[16-21:38] ab6ae, Aegnora : What did you come to do then?
[16-21:39] ab6ae, Aegnor: What is your name, and status among the fae?
[16-21:40] ceea7, Ember : I am Arthur...King of the Britians..
[16-21:40] ab6ae, Aegnora : ((*LOL*))
[16-21:41] 3a8a8, Roki: Who's Castle is this ?
[16-21:41] c6c97, Drako : what are the britians?
[16-21:41] ab6ae, Aegnor: ((Vile tea-drinkers. Don't cross them, or they'll bite their thumbs.))
[16-21:42] ab6ae, Aegnora : ((*LOL*))
[16-21:42] c6c97, Xyva:
[16-21:42] ceea7, Ember : *bites his thumb at Aegnor*
[16-21:42] ab6ae, Aegnor: ((Do you bite your thumb at me?))
[16-21:43] 3a8a8, Roki: *... farts in Aegnor's general direction*
[16-21:43] ab6ae, Aegnora : ((*bites Ember's thumb too* Rrr!))
[16-21:44] ab6ae, Aegnor: ((*Fireballs at Roki, igniting his fart and setting him aflame*))
[16-21:44] c6c97, Radagast Aurelius : *sits watching 50 gallons of jell-o melt*
[16-21:44] ceea7, Ember : ...always knew Roki was flaming...
[16-21:45] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 10:28pm, June 16 (CDT) ).
[16-21:45] ab6ae, Aegnora : ((Hm.. jello... *starts scooping up handfulls and throwing them at Rad*))
[16-21:45] 3a1bb, Mab Fairy Queen : I am a gardener. I was just meeting a friend out here for some privacy.
[16-21:47] ab6ae, Aegnor: Pseftis. *Spoken more as a whisper.* Your words begin to rank of lies to me... Why not elaborate.
[16-21:47] ceea7, Ember : Yes. They were making Elf-Porn...
[16-21:47] JOIN: Darrius Lokken has entered.
[16-21:48] 3a1bb, Mab Fairy Queen : *of course, she doesn't know where here presently is. She meant where they were before she fell unconscious from near esphicsiation (soo spelled wrong)*
[16-21:48] ab6ae, Aegnor: ((asphyxiation))
[16-21:48] 3a1bb, Mab Fairy Queen : ((thanks))
[16-21:49] ab6ae, Aegnora : And what was your interest in us?
[16-21:49] ceea7, Ember : Stars in her new movie. *nods sagely*
[16-21:49] ceea7, Steve : *drops to Mod smartassed lurkdom*
[16-21:49] 3a1bb, Mab Fairy Queen : It's plain you will know if I lie. *is not a fool, afterall* but if you wish for me to elaborate on them.
[16-21:50] MSG: Darrius Lokken sent a message to Steve.
[16-21:51] ab6ae, Aegnora : ((We need to go..))
[16-21:51] 3a1bb, Mab Fairy Queen : ((Np, we can corny later))
[16-21:52] ab6ae, Aegnora : (( ))
[16-21:52] ab6ae, Aegnora : ((*charges off to play Halo*))
[16-21:53] MSG: Steve sent a message to Darrius Lokken.
[16-21:53] ab6ae, Aegnor: *Pause.* ((*goes to own*))
[16-21:53] 3a1bb, Mab Fairy Queen : ((That's your big important reason for going?))
[16-21:53] ab6ae, Aegnora : ((Expect me to be jittery when I get back...))
[16-21:53] 3a1bb, Mab Fairy Queen : (())
[16-21:54] ab6ae, Aegnora : ((Actually, big important reason was Goober invited peeps over tonight for a big Halo thing. So since they are my company too, I have to go -_-' ))
[16-21:54] ab6ae, Aegnora : ((BYE!))
[16-21:54] EXIT: Aegnora has left the chat ( 10:54pm, June 16 (CDT) ).
[16-21:54] ceea7, Steve : COVENANT!
[16-21:54] 3a1bb, Mab Fairy Queen : ((*L* ))
[16-21:54] EXIT: Mab Fairy Queen has left the chat ( 10:54pm, June 16 (CDT) ).
[16-21:55] c6c97, Xyva: mab u still here?
[16-21:55] c6c97, Xyva: bleh
[16-21:57] c6c97, Xyva: *sits waiting incase she returns*
[16-21:57] ceea7, Steve : Whatcha need?
[16-21:58] c6c97, Xyva: she told me to talk to her when i wanted to create the headmaster
[16-21:58] e0b28, Darrius Lokken : ((Whatever happened to Khalek waging war on everybody?))
[16-22:00] 404ef, Ashe: ((Zoidberg!! Whoobwhoobwhoobwhoob!!))
[16-22:01] ceea7, Steve : Khalek was replaced as he didnt show up for a long time and was replaced with Sothicus Aurelius..who is now raging through Winyacadia.
[16-22:01] ceea7, Steve : *does the sideways crab walk*
[16-22:02] 404ef, Ashe: ((Zoidberg's the crab man))
[16-22:03] ceea7, Steve : Hooray! People are giving me compliments! *clicks claws together*
[16-22:04] 404ef, Ashe: ((I know, have an ink bladder put in you to escape from your enemies))
[16-22:05] ceea7, Steve : Hooray!
[16-22:07] 404ef, Ashe: ((Come D'Artagnan, we're trying to save the king!))
[16-22:08] ceea7, Steve : YES!
[16-22:08] ceea7, Steve : DOOOOOD! Someone Cosplayed Dr. Zoidberg!
[16-22:09] 404ef, Ashe: dude!! you must show me
[16-22:10] ceea7, Steve :
[16-22:11] 404ef, Ashe: *darth voice* You must show me, it is your destiny.
[16-22:11] 404ef, Ashe: That is friggin awesome
[16-22:14] ceea7, Steve : Aint it?
[16-22:14] 404ef, Ashe: wait wait, gotta fix that, *carl voice* That's friggin awesome.
[16-22:15] ceea7, Steve : Hehehe
[16-22:17] 404ef, Ashe: YEAH!
[16-22:22] 404ef, Ashe: everyone's gone
[16-22:22] ceea7, Steve : Just us
[16-22:23] ceea7, Steve : *Joe from family guy voice* YEAH!! AWWWRRRROIIIIGHT!!
[16-22:25] 404ef, Ashe: BRING IT OOON!!
[16-22:26] JOIN: V has entered.
[16-22:26] ceea7, Steve : ol
[16-22:26] e0b28, Darrius Lokken : ((nope, Im still here... but Im waiting for more people so I can go IC))
[16-22:26] de0ad, V: Soth replacing Khalek as a war raging thing also helps Khalek
[16-22:27] 404ef, Ashe: BRING IT OOOOON!! YEAH!!
[16-22:27] ceea7, Steve : Heh
[16-22:27] 3a8a8, Roki: i dont think so V
[16-22:27] 404ef, Ashe: sorry...Patrick's jot got a cool voice especially when he did Joe's voice heh
[16-22:28] 404ef, Ashe: aaah, why did the Tick get shut down so fast....oh yeah it was on fox
[16-22:28] 3a8a8, Roki: I've thrown Morgul's weight behind Soth... not you...
[16-22:28] 404ef, Ashe: The two headed cobra of justice.
[16-22:28] ceea7, Steve : too bad Morgul only weighns 90 lbs
[16-22:29] de0ad, V: Roki - and?
[16-22:32] MSG: Ashe sent a message to Roki.
[16-22:32] MSG: Roki sent a message to Ashe.
[16-22:33] e0b28, Darrius Lokken : ((I need to get into an army... I mean, come on, I kill things! Im evil! What more do that want out of me))
[16-22:33] ceea7, Steve : Skill.
[16-22:34] e0b28, Darrius Lokken : ((eh, skills over-rated))
[16-22:34] MSG: Ashe sent a message to Roki.
[16-22:34] 404ef, Ashe: You're not evil, you have to brag about it
[16-22:35] ceea7, Steve : No it isnt.
[16-22:37] e0b28, Darrius Lokken : ((And why do you assume Im unskilled?))
[16-22:37] 404ef, Ashe: because you are
[16-22:38] ceea7, Steve : Yeah..what Ashe said.. *could whoop up on Darrius*
[16-22:38] e0b28, Darrius Lokken : ((....... oh yeah))
[16-22:39] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[16-22:39] e0b28, Darrius Lokken : ((**would prefer steve didn't**))
[16-22:41] e0b28, Darrius Lokken : ((But, remember, your an admins, and I've only been here a year, I have neither the experience or social allowance to beat you.))
[16-22:42] 404ef, Ashe: No actually you just have no allowance to beat him period....cause you're unskilled :-d
[16-22:42] 404ef, Ashe:
[16-22:44] e0b28, Darrius Lokken : ((**Pegs ashe Le Finger in a very childish sort of way**))
[16-22:45] 404ef, Ashe: Arise Chicken. *Ultra Chicken of Doom falls from the sky on Darrius*
[16-22:47] e0b28, Darrius Lokken : ((**Waves his hands** Arise Colenel **Giant Colonel Sanders attacks Chicken with a rather large Cleaver**))
[16-22:48] 404ef, Ashe: *the chicken enacts revenge for the millions of chickens KFC serves every week* SMITE HIM! Smite him with, DOOOOOM!
[16-22:50] e0b28, Darrius Lokken : ((**Colonel screams something indesipherable in ancient southern and swings wildly at said chicken of doom with a banjo of plite**))
[16-22:51] 404ef, Ashe: *being he's from the south, controll the Ultra Chicken of Doom he commands the Colonel to stand down waving his badges that say he's a general so he outranks the Colonel* MWHAHAHAHA!!
[16-22:52] 404ef, Ashe: controlling*
[16-22:55] e0b28, Darrius Lokken : **The colonel drops to his kneees, his head exploding sending fry batter all over the place... Darrius jumps up, screams and expletive and runs behind the corner**
[16-22:56] 404ef, Ashe: Arise Chicken.
[16-22:57] 404ef, Ashe: where'd Roki go?
[16-22:58] 3a8a8, Roki: i'm right fucking here
[16-22:59] 404ef, Ashe: was wondering, you never replied to my last message
[16-23:01] 3a8a8, Roki: very bad time...
[16-23:02] 404ef, Ashe: yeah I just heard
[16-23:02] 3a8a8, Roki: nix part B of that... and i'll allow it. with some restrictions.. i'll come up with them later.
[16-23:03] 404ef, Ashe: yay! *begins casting Arise Chicken on his doomed foes*
[16-23:07] JOIN: Kali has entered.
[16-23:08] 404ef, Ashe: Arise chicken...*ultra chicken begins attacking Kali* MWHAHAHAHA!
[16-23:11] 09c41, Kali: *wrings chickens neck and cooks it for neighbor hood bbq
[16-23:13] 404ef, Ashe : *you cannot defeat Ultra's 2 stories tall anyways*
[16-23:13] JOIN: Cookie Monster has entered.
[16-23:13] ceea7, Steve : *eats Ultra Chicken*
[16-23:13] 09c41, Kali: *lives in with giant chickens on a daily basis*
[16-23:15] 404ef, Ashe : Arise Ultra Chicken of Doom!
[16-23:15] 3a8a8, Roki: oh yes.. everything in Texas is bigger.... except one thing.. *pats his shotgun... his protection from a certain critter*
[16-23:15] 54891, Cookie Monster: I demand RP.
[16-23:15] 54891, Cookie Monster: Texas sized, eh? You mean its only the SECOND biggest? AHAHAHAHAHA.
[16-23:16] 404ef, Ashe : *whips out his double barrel shotgun* Mwhahahaha. *Ultra chicken pulls out its own Ultra Chicken sized double barrel*
[16-23:16] 09c41, Ankalima Morwen : gives in to Cookie's demands*.... eehhhh *changes mind* will however rp ))
[16-23:16] 404ef, Ashe : I live in Alabama, and in AL and Texas, you're required to own a gun.
[16-23:16] ceea7, Steve : *tatically nukes everyone*
[16-23:18] 404ef, Ashe : Tacticillies nukem
[16-23:18] 54891, Cookie Monster: *bothers Steve with a pea shooter*
[16-23:19] 09c41, Kali: *doesnt need a extremely proficent with her favorite knife*....
[16-23:20] ceea7, Steve : BOOT TO THE HEAD! *a boot shoots out and hits cookie in the jaw*
[16-23:20] 404ef, Ashe : o/ BOOT TO THE HEAD!
[16-23:21] JOIN: Jericho has entered.
[16-23:21] 54891, Cookie Monster: *snaps jaw back into place with sickening wet pop*
[16-23:21] 54891, Cookie Monster: Anyway, who's up for RP?
[16-23:22] 86845, Jericho: *walks in fully cloaked in a black robe*
[16-23:22] 404ef, Ashe : I would be I need to go in a bit
[16-23:24] 54891, Cookie Monster: damn
[16-23:24] 54891, Cookie Monster: Jericho? Where's your char walking into?
[16-23:25] 404ef, Ashe : *disappears, Ultra Chicken in tow* DOOOOM!! **GONE**
[16-23:25] 09c41, Ankalima Morwen : she't sitting at the bar as usual..having a glass of honey wine...dressed this evening in a deep blue velvet dress....after the day she's had..its time for a bit of pampering...lightly swinging a foot back and forth making the edge of her dress move with it*
[16-23:27] 86845, Jericho: (color check)
[16-23:27] EXIT: Jericho has left the chat ( 12:27am, June 17 (CDT) ).
[16-23:28] BAN: The Steve-Dragon has eaten ceea7 and chews for 10 BOOT TO THE HEAD seconds.
[16-23:31] 09c41, Ankalima Morwen : ((bored are we steve?))
[16-23:32] ceea7, Steve : No
[16-23:33] 54891, Cookie Monster: *pats Steve on the shoulder* Its okay to admit bordom Steve. Its not the social stigma it once was.
[16-23:33] 09c41, Ankalima Morwen : ((hmph coulda fooled me....))
[16-23:34] 09c41, Kali: *gives up on rp...* we're gone in 25 anyway
[16-23:35] ceea7, Steve : No! I am not broed!
[16-23:38] 54891, Cookie Monster:
[16-23:38] 09c41, Kali: *hugs Steve* It'll be ok....
[16-23:40] ceea7, Steve : bored either! *refuses to admit ti dammit*
[16-23:40] 54891, Cookie Monster: Steve! I demand a list of your chars!
[16-23:43] 09c41, Kali: *chuckles* that will take a while
[17-00:38] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[17-00:39] ab6ae, Sileen: Ducks!
[17-00:41] JOIN: Caradonia has entered.
[17-00:42] ab6ae, Sileen: I remember how much of a pain it was to edit that pic
[17-00:43] 0d87a, Caradonia: (( I miss winter))
[17-00:44] ab6ae, Sileen: Winter? Person, or the season?
[17-00:44] 0d87a, Caradonia: ((what picture?))
[17-00:45] 0d87a, Caradonia: ((The be more precise...I miss cold weather))
[17-00:47] ab6ae, Sileen: One you're using. The original was more impressive, but since it was witchblade, the witchblade organic stuff got in the way of it being used as a character avatar. *ponder* Come to think of it, it's been a long time... I can't even remember which character that was
[17-00:47] ab6ae, Sileen: I do a lot of outside stuff, so I miss spring and fall
[17-00:47] ab6ae, Sileen: Summer kills me
[17-00:48] 0d87a, Caradonia: ((Oh! I figured that it was edited..there were so many copies of it on the image archive. You did a great job though ))
[17-00:49] 0d87a, Caradonia: ((Summer is the epitome of Hell))
[17-00:52] ab6ae, Sileen: Thanks
[17-00:54] 0d87a, Caradonia: ((De nada...and now i'm going to bed)))
[17-00:54] ab6ae, Sileen: Night night
[17-02:11] JOIN: rEdFlarishion has entered.
[17-02:11] 7d668, rEdFlarishion: grettings..
[17-02:11] 7d668, rEdFlarishion: *greetings*..
[17-02:15] 7d668, rEdFlarishion: bye
[17-02:59] JOIN: Z has entered.
[17-03:26] JOIN: Z has entered.
[17-05:52] JOIN: Kali has entered.
[17-06:10] JOIN: Oyrin Darkune has entered.
[17-06:10] ad222, Oyrin Darkune : Time to bring in the morning crowd. *Stretches, puts on a cup of coffee*
[17-06:11] 2e97f, Kali: bah on coffee....
[17-06:12] ad222, Oyrin Darkune : See. *Pours a cup, two sugars and a yay, wow, crapload of cream.* Works like a charm. *sip*
[17-06:12] ad222, Oyrin Darkune : S.H.I.TLOAD
[17-06:12] ad222, Oyrin Darkune : *Dislikes being Censored*
[17-06:13] 2e97f, Kali: bleh..... *leaves the coffee for Oyrin....goes for hot tea*
[17-06:14] ad222, Oyrin Darkune : *Sip, grabs a paper and reads* So how are you?
[17-06:14] 2e97f, Kali: ummm....barely awake
[17-06:15] ad222, Oyrin Darkune : Really? *Onceagain. Another sleepless night*
[17-06:16] 2e97f, Kali: this is unusual for me......did you sleep at all yesterday?
[17-06:19] ad222, Oyrin Darkune : About two hours.
[17-06:22] 2e97f, Kali: well atleast thats some......thats closer to what i usually get......amazingly i slept for almost 5.........i guess it must have been because of the shutdown last night...i didnt stay up but about an hour after that....
[17-06:23] ad222, Oyrin Darkune : Shutdown? *sip*
[17-06:25] 2e97f, Kali: yeah pjj had work done in san antonio ..they shut down at midnight...not sure when it came back up
[17-06:26] ad222, Oyrin Darkune : *Blinks* I must have been working on those music videos. I didnt even know they had a shut down.
[17-06:27] 2e97f, Kali: hehe must have been.....
[17-06:28] 2e97f, Kali: hmm i think i need a new link..... *ponders*
[17-06:29] ad222, Oyrin Darkune : *I dont use a link. *Stifles a yawn.* I'm watching fight club again.
[17-06:30] 2e97f, Kali: *doesnt stiffle a yawn* would you quit doing that? I'm going to be yawning all day now...
[17-06:31] ad222, Oyrin Darkune : *looks at her. yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawns*
[17-06:33] 2e97f, Kali: gggrrrr...*takes your coffee away*
[17-06:35] ad222, Oyrin Darkune : *needs that!*
[17-06:36] 2e97f, Kali: hmph.....
[17-06:36] ad222, Oyrin Darkune : *steals his coffee back. siiiiiip*
[17-06:39] 2e97f, Kali: *lets him have it back* im too sleepy to fight over it.....*yawns* *eyes water* thanks a whoooooole lot...
[17-06:39] 3a8a8, Roki: *humps Kali's leg .. then Oyrins... then flees to get dressed and such*
[17-06:41] 2e97f, Kali: Hey!!!! you could atleast wait til I'm awake for that.........blasted penguin......
[17-06:43] ad222, Oyrin Darkune : Mmm...nothing like getting my leg humped by a dude in the morning. *siiiiiiiip*
[17-06:46] 2e97f, Kali: starts this day off in an interesting mood ......
[17-06:46] ad222, Oyrin Darkune : *Lights a cigarette too, yeah dosent smoke all the time..but feels like it this morning*
[17-06:47] 2e97f, Kali: *L*
[17-06:48] ad222, Oyrin Darkune : *Sits back in his chair, props his feet up and stretches*
[17-06:52] 2e97f, Kali: Ahh tea's done.....*fixes a cup, possibly flipping oyrins chair on her way back *
[17-06:54] ad222, Oyrin Darkune : *Would drag you down too. *eyes* I wonder...hmmm...Tea...
[17-06:55] 2e97f, Kali: get you're eyes off my tea.....
[17-06:57] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[17-06:57] ad222, Oyrin Darkune : Tea. Yeah. *Drags eyes upwards* <_< >_> *innocent whistle*
[17-06:57] 2e97f, Kali: you probably wouldnt want it's mint....from my garden
[17-07:00] ad222, Oyrin Darkune : *shakes his head* I stick with whatever blend Lipton has.
[17-07:02] 2e97f, Kali: store bought tea..*swats* chemicals
[17-07:02] ad222, Oyrin Darkune : No chemicals? That sucks! *Hooks his teakettle up to a bottle of bleach and some gasoline*
[17-07:03] ad222, Oyrin Darkune : Mmm..give me them toxins.
[17-07:06] 2e97f, Kali: *shivers* yikes.. *inhale* AAhhhhh
[17-07:06] ad222, Oyrin Darkune : *laughing at the morning show.*
[17-07:06] ad222, Oyrin Darkune :
[17-07:08] ad222, Oyrin Darkune : *amused chuckle*
[17-07:08] 2e97f, Kali: *waits 6 months for page to load*
[17-07:09] ad222, Oyrin Darkune : Listen to it live. They're funny. My Idols.
[17-07:12] 2e97f, Kali: *whistles Jeopardy* c'monnnnnn
[17-07:14] ad222, Oyrin Darkune : Is it still loading the main page?
[17-07:15] 2e97f, Kali: finally...
[17-07:16] 2e97f, Kali: hmm *sighs* my connection is just too slow to breaks up too much
[17-07:17] ad222, Oyrin Darkune : aww. *hug*
[17-07:18] 2e97f, Kali: *hugs back* dial up..bites oh wow...i'm running at a lightening speed of 24K
[17-07:18] ad222, Oyrin Darkune : *Is running on coporate style cable internet*
[17-07:20] ad222, Oyrin Darkune : *another amused chuckle*
[17-07:20] JOIN: luthien has entered.
[17-07:20] b7149, luthien: ((greetings unto you brin))
[17-07:21] ad222, Oyrin Darkune : *Waves*
[17-07:21] 2e97f, Kali: good morning Luthien....*puts in Rammstein since she cant listen to show*
[17-07:21] b7149, luthien: ((du hast))
[17-07:21] ad222, Oyrin Darkune : That German crap? This early in the morning!
[17-07:22] 2e97f, Kali: yes this early....gotta wake up...
[17-07:22] a0002, luthien: ((afternoon))
[17-07:22] 2e97f, Kali: LOL yes afternoon....
[17-07:23] ad222, Oyrin Darkune : *laughs*
[17-07:24] 2e97f, Kali: Luthien is in england is afternoon there
[17-07:26] 2e97f, Kali: I just wish i could turn it up louder....LOL the goats dont appreciate it sends them running for the barn
[17-07:28] ad222, Oyrin Darkune : I wasnt laughing at Luthien. I was laughing at Corey and Jay.
[17-07:28] 2e97f, Kali: ahh...ok
[17-07:28] ad222, Oyrin Darkune : *Met some people from London a couple of weeks ago.* They were on Vacation and had taken their son to see Harry Potter
[17-07:30] 2e97f, Kali: gotta love those rolling rrrrrrr
[17-07:31] 2e97f, Kali: *nudges Luthien* where'd ya go?
[17-07:32] b7149, luthien: *wakes up hours later*must have fallen asleep?*looks at skies, dark clouds wallow overhead heaped up like huge wool packs.*might rain ,must find some cover and quickly.
[17-07:33] b7149, luthien: ((no where why?? any news on my form yet//))
[17-07:34] ad222, Oyrin Darkune : Meh.
[17-07:34] 2e97f, Kali: didnt see Rav yesterday and Mab just for a min or two......
[17-07:35] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[17-07:35] b7149, luthien: ((blah rant rave ,its easier to get in to iraq than this place!!!))
[17-07:35] a0002, luthien: ((hi buffy hows willow??))
[17-07:36] 2e97f, Kali: rain....... no more rain....not this week please......lakes are up over 4 feet.....where i usually fish is up over 8 feet..........*hugs Luthien*
[17-07:37] a0002, luthien: ((hey i told you ide make it up as i went))
[17-07:38] 2e97f, Kali: s'k I'll dry out soon....
[17-07:38] b7149, luthien: ((thats the good thing about not interacting with anyone, you can practically do what you like as long as you dont break the rules!!))
[17-07:39] 2e97f, Kali: hehe and we have a couple that do it too mostly....
[17-07:39] a0002, luthien: ((besides ime out side the fae wall,your miles away!!))
[17-07:40] b7149, luthien: ((you shouldnt get that wet))
[17-07:40] 2e97f, Kali: LOL irl...rain...
[17-07:43] b7149, luthien: ((hope it does'nt have a virus))
[17-07:43] 2e97f, Kali: *goes for second cup of tea* ...*lost* what?
[17-07:44] ad222, Oyrin Darkune : *addicted to one of those fun flash shoot bin laden games*
[17-07:44] a0002, luthien: ((irl rain--virus??))
[17-07:45] 2e97f, Kali: in real life...we've gotten over a foot of rain in the last 2 weeks
[17-07:45] a0002, luthien: ((yikes)
[17-07:45] 2e97f, Kali: *L@Oyrin* go get'em
[17-07:46] b7149, luthien: ((its been in the mid to high 80's here!!thats like.....spectacular))
[17-07:47] 2e97f, Kali: D said its been hot over there for weeks...but hes an hour east of you...i think
[17-07:47] b7149, luthien: ((uhh))?
[17-07:47] a0002, luthien: ((where is he ??))
[17-07:48] 2e97f, Kali: not sure...i just know his times that much different than yours
[17-07:48] a0002, luthien: ((Ok))
[17-07:49] 2e97f, Kali: *blinks* hmm hour time zone different...gaah *needs more tea*
[17-07:50] a0002, luthien: *picks up his bow,heads for the cover of the trees staying just inside the forest edge and sheltering near some birch*
[17-07:52] a0002, luthien: ((buggery bo**ocks the bells just gone .got about five mins))
[17-07:53] 2e97f, Kali: luthien......*L* ..interesting phrase
[17-07:54] b7149, luthien: ((why thank you))
[17-07:55] ad222, Oyrin Darkune : *FLEX!*
[17-07:56] b7149, luthien: ((gotta go now byee!!flexi?))
[17-07:56] a0002, luthien: ((oh flex not flexi))
[17-07:57] ad222, Oyrin Darkune : Word b.
[17-07:57] ad222, Oyrin Darkune : Anyway chitlins. I'm ahit the sack for a few.
[17-07:57] 2e97f, Kali: Yas!!!! nite
[17-08:11] JOIN: Lady Night has entered.
[17-08:12] 2e97f, Kali: hello Lady...
[17-08:12] 762b8, Lady Night: Silent Bob a doodle doo give me some Silent Bob
[17-08:13] 762b8, Lady Night: c*ck
[17-08:14] 762b8, Lady Night: I'm so horny
[17-08:15] 762b8, Lady Night: I'm going c*ck hunting bye
[17-08:16] cc4b3, Mab : Enjoy
[17-08:17] 2e97f, Kali: yikes..
[17-08:17] cc4b3, Mab : *exits again*
[17-08:17] JOIN: xyva has entered.
[17-08:17] c6c97, xyva: noo
[17-08:18] 2e97f, Kali: Mab?
[17-08:18] cc4b3, Mab : *ooooor doesn't, maybe stays.*
[17-08:18] cc4b3, Mab : Yeeeeeeeees?
[17-08:18] c6c97, xyva: *grin* hey
[17-08:18] 2e97f, Kali: you first X
[17-08:19] c6c97, xyva: i got the portal info done and a name for the haedmaster
[17-08:19] cc4b3, Mab : I feel like getting more characters taking captive. Being captive isn't as much fun, but getting taken captive is FUN! Escaping is even FUNNER! *L*
[17-08:20] cc4b3, Mab : Ah, cool! Post the portal info to the portal thread with my permission and I'll look it over. Make sure to use the same portal format.
[17-08:20] 2e97f, Kali: Hmm.. Ill have to read the logs from yesterday.....waaayyy earlier in the evening...
[17-08:20] c6c97, xyva: k
[17-08:20] c6c97, xyva: aim?
[17-08:21] cc4b3, Mab : taking = taken *delayed correction*
[17-08:22] cc4b3, Mab : Hmmm, What's your AIM Xyva? I dunna wanna turn on the full blown AIM buddy list, cuz every time I do, I get nothing else done. hehe
[17-08:23] c6c97, xyva: Xyva424
[17-08:23] cc4b3, Mab : k
[17-08:34] JOIN: Luke has entered.
[17-08:35] 2e97f, Kali: hey Luke
[17-08:36] e61ef, Luke: *gets up on the table, with the Burger King paper crown on his head* MY PEOPLE!
[17-08:36] ceea7, Steve : *sniffles soft heartedly* I love my people...I really do... PULL!! *launches a random peasant into the air and plugs them with an arrow*
[17-08:41] ceea7, Steve : *meanwhile works on his Hadati*
[17-08:42] e61ef, Luke: *loves that skit when Anthony Clark does it...*
[17-08:43] ceea7, Steve : "Look..if I went around...saying I was an Emperor..just because some watery tart lobbed a scimitar at me..they'd put me away"
[17-08:47] 2e97f, Kali: *shakes her head*....tsk tsk...
[17-08:48] JOIN: Lady Night has entered.
[17-08:48] 83ef3, Lady Night: This is the real Lady Night, and I don't know who was using my name.but sorry-I would never do that.
[17-08:50] ceea7, Steve : Well..seeing that I never saw the incident in're forgiven..and we'll forego the usual repentance..*waves dismissively*
[17-08:51] MSG: Lady Night sent a message to Mab.
[17-08:51] e61ef, Luke: Anthony Clark's routine at the Just For Laughs comedy festival, to memory: "I try not to start any trouble, but I can't help it... Have you ever walked into Burger King and accidentally asked for chicken mcnuggets? They're like 'We don't serve chicken mcnuggets... we serve chicken tenders... yeah, chicken tenders, that's what we call them.... say it... no, you say it...' 'Well whatever you wanna call 'em, counter help! Alright, I'll have the chicken tenders, and a big mac!' 'WHOPPER! WHOPPER! YOU SEE IT! Say it, you better say it...' 'Alright, can I speak to your mcmanager here?' You do your best to make them have an aneurysm before you leave..... The other day, I walked into Burger King wearing the paper crown. I got up on one of the tables, and yelled at the top of my voice "MY PEOPLE!!". The manager walks out. "Sir, take it off... take off the paper crown... Do we have to go through this again? If you wear the paper crown, this gentleman here is going to want to wear the paper crown. I am not the bad guy here. I work for burger king. If you come here and... If you go do... If...." *brain explodes* "
[17-08:52] ceea7, Steve : *L*
[17-08:54] e69cf, Mab : Okeydokey Lady Night. Would you like your handle regged so that people can't impersonate you here?
[17-08:54] e61ef, Luke: Another bit from the same routine... "I arrived to my home town, and everybody there is so damn ugly... I felt like saying 'Mom, get down to the store now, and go put some products on your face!' The town held a beauty pageant... 20 contestants... Nobody won!"
[17-08:54] ceea7, Steve : ...and now for something completely different
[17-08:54] ceea7, Steve : ..damn
[17-08:54] e61ef, Luke: let me guess... RP?
[17-08:55] ceea7, Steve : Yes!
[17-08:55] ceea7, Steve : ...but with who?
[17-08:55] e61ef, Luke: bingo
[17-08:55] 83ef3, Lady Night: Yes please! mab are u on aim?
[17-08:56] e61ef, Luke: *shrugs*
[17-08:56] 2e97f, Kali: *smacks refresh again* blasted thing...
[17-08:58] 2e97f, Kali: hrmmmm... who's free.....*checks chain*
[17-09:00] MSG: Lady Night sent a message to Mab.
[17-09:00] e69cf, Mab : I'm not on AIM at the moment, but if you PM me here what you'd like the password to be, I'll add ya.
[17-09:01] 2e97f, Kali: in rua...kali, lotesse, quinell Ilia....everybody else is busy.....]
[17-09:02] e69cf, Pendy Fleece: ((test))
[17-09:02] e69cf, Pendy Fleece: ((test))
[17-09:02] c6c97, xyva: whats terra doing ?
[17-09:03] 2e97f, Kali: ahh.. she's in Rua Forest
[17-09:05] e69cf, Pendy Fleece: *She walks in the late morning through the market square in , looking for a morsel to steal and any other trinkets that might fetch a price*
[17-09:05] ceea7, Steve : Lighten the color Mabbeh
[17-09:06] ceea7, Randen Farr : *he is lurking hither and the shadows...having gotten word that there be a free booter about....hates freebooters dammit...they take all his lurvely profits...*
[17-09:07] 2e97f, Terra: *sitting at the edge of a clearing, she blends into the scenery....the only sign that she's there is the movement of her eyes as she watches the forest...listening to the sounds of her home*
[17-09:07] 83ef3, Lady Night: ok- u got it?
[17-09:10] 2e97f, Ankalima Morwen : *sitting in her booth at the Inn, she is still lightly rubbing her adjusting the sheath that lies there*
[17-09:11] c6c97, xyva: *my new avatar*
[17-09:11] e61ef, Luke: brb
[17-09:11] ceea7, Randen Farr : ((*still has the best avatar*))
[17-09:12] 2e97f, Ankalima Morwen : ((you always have the best *wink* but we wont get started on that again))
[17-09:12] ceea7, Randen Farr : ((I cant help I'm a sexy beast..))
[17-09:13] c6c97, Radagast Aurelius : (hmm)
[17-09:13] e69cf, Pendy Fleece: *she walks through so casually, she is a natural, a petite little natural. She sees a nice coin purse screaming to her to cut it off its owner's belt and she walks past him and then stops abruptly in front of him and then looks as if she is lost and reconsidering her direction as she backs right into the man.* Oh! I'm so sorry. I guess I should really look where I'm going. *the man scowls and demands* [Yes you should, now off with ya!] *she thinks he's rude and so doesn't feel any qualms with relieving him of his purse as she again walks by him. Unfortunately, he goes to buy something a little more quickly after their encounter than she'd have liked and she hears from a ways behind her* [Thief!! Thief!! There, she stole my coins!!] *to which she starts running, but as bad luck would have it she runs straight into a guard. As she is backing away from that guard hastily, one comes from behind and grabs her under her arms. She shoots her arms straight up and quickly shimmies down from out of his grasp and scrabbles past the guard that was in front of her and shoots down an alleyway. She swings onto and overhang so lithely and quick that the guards run on by. She sighs with relief as she smiles to herself, sitting there and feeling clever*
[17-09:14] e69cf, Pendy Fleece: *
[17-09:16] e69cf, Mab : Did you include the password you'd like in that message, Lady Night? I don't really wanna charge up AIM right now. I'm multitasking and if I turn it on, I'll get messaged by a bunch of people and won't get anything done.
[17-09:17] ceea7, Randen Farr : *and now is the time that he chooses to move from the shadows, hooded and cloaked and with that elven like grace he possesses...he drapes one arm tightly around her waist, the other around her throat, with a hand covering her mouth and then pulls her back into the shadows, his voice hissing forth almost serpent like* Well...well well...what have we here? A free booter it seems....
[17-09:20] e69cf, Pendy Fleece: *he's on the overhang that she's up on? Guess he could have easily gotten there in a nice silent fashion. She stiffens and gulps* I....I don't know what you mean?
[17-09:21] c6c97, Aldrik : Good morning*he says to kali as he approached their usual booth*
[17-09:22] e69cf, Mab : *I guess she was dragged backwards to her feet as well*
[17-09:22] e69cf, Pendy Fleece: *I guess she was dragged backwards to her feet as well*
[17-09:22] 2e97f, Ankalima Morwen : *catching herself, she stops her hand, letting it lay still against her leg as she looks up at Aldrik* G'mornin
[17-09:23] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[17-09:23] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 10:23am, June 17 (CDT) ).
[17-09:24] c6c97, Aldrik : *sits down across from her* So when are we going to talk about whatever it is you have straped to your thigh?
[17-09:24] JOIN: Axis has entered.
[17-09:24] ceea7, Randen Farr : *is the head thief for thhe damneded Black Hand...that and player wasnt overly specific where he was..just that he was in the shadows...but there all nice and sneaky like, he continues to hiss out a whisper* Yes...yes you do...I was watching you...rather clumsy if you ask me... *his voice has that familiar serpentine hiss to the one rumours say that a ruthless thief known as Renal Bloodscalp has...*
[17-09:25] e61ef, Galean Arrowan : *he sits quietly in the Ferialii ruins, just thinking about what he's going to do about the Queen... has no leads into where she is, and only has the rag from the nightmare's shredded clothing on him*
[17-09:26] 95e05, Axis : ((location?))
[17-09:26] 2e97f, Ankalima Morwen : *arching an eyebrow at him* you want to talk about my dagger? *doesnt like lying to him..but for now she has too*
[17-09:26] 2e97f, Ankalima Morwen : ((glimmering inn booth))
[17-09:26] ceea7, Randen Farr : ((Overhang in the shadows))
[17-09:26] e69cf, Pendy Fleece: Watching me? *pants, looking down at an extreme angle to barely see the knife at her throat.*
[17-09:27] 95e05, Axis : *glides through the streets of rua*
[17-09:28] c6c97, Aldrik : *looks her in the eyes* no, whatever else you have straped there.
[17-09:28] e69cf, Fae Council: *some guards approach Galean's room and rap on the bedraggled door that has the look that such rapping would cause the wood to disintegrate*
[17-09:29] ceea7, Randen Farr : *she would catch a metallic glint of one of his many daggers yes...he even drags it very lightly across her pretty skin, leaving a small line of blood to drip down her neck*Careful now luv..we dont want to spill your pretty blood all over the streets... *he continues that hissing getting tired of all these damned freebooters in his territory* Do you know where you are luv? You're in ...and Black Hand territory...
[17-09:29] e61ef, Galean Arrowan : *he glances to the door* come...
[17-09:29] e69cf, Fae Council: *
[17-09:29] 95e05, Axis : ((I wonder when rython is on...))
[17-09:30] e69cf, Fae Council: *they enter and salute to Galean* We bring word from the council. They would inquire if you know the whereabout of the queen.
[17-09:30] ceea7, Randen Farr : ((He's got her locked in the basement of his house...he's making dirty porn moives on some seeing stones!))
[17-09:31] 2e97f, Ankalima Morwen : *that brow raises higher*there is nothing there but my dagger.....take my word for it...
[17-09:31] ceea7, Randen Farr : ((Bow chikka bow bow...))
[17-09:31] e69cf, Pendy Fleece: I...I didn't know the black hand was real! *leans back into him heavily with a gasp to pull her neck as far from the blade as she can*
[17-09:32] 95e05, Axis : *sniffs...blood?* hrmmm
[17-09:32] e61ef, Galean Arrowan : *he nods* I wish I could answer that... I think it would be best that I have word with the council myself...
[17-09:32] e69cf, Pendy Fleece : ((*throws on proper icon))
[17-09:32] e61ef, Galean Arrowan : ((*LOL*))
[17-09:33] c6c97, Aldrik : Then we'll talk about what was strapped to it yesturday.
[17-09:34] e69cf, Fae Council : They thought so too and await your arrival. *the guard says and abruptly turns and exits the room, but he and his companions wait outside the ruined dwelling*
[17-09:34] ceea7, Randen Farr : *he skillfully keeps the blade to her throat, almost close enough to cut her again as he chuckles like a snake* Ignorance is no should have known better *he drags her further into the shadows...maybe he's kidnapping her to the guild*Close your eyes...and if you open them before I say so...the last thing you will see will be the worms gorging on your festering corpse on your way into the Abyss... *isnt very nice now is he*
[17-09:35] 2e97f, Ankalima Morwen : *sighs* Aldrik,.... there is nothing there, there was nothing there and there will be nothing there except my dagger...*thanking the gods that she'd moved it from that leg so she really wasnt lying to him*
[17-09:36] 95e05, Axis : *he begisnclosing in on randen and pendy half by accident, a cloaked and cowled figure*
[17-09:36] c6c97, Aldrik : There <i>was</i> somwthing there yesturday, so dont lie to me.
[17-09:36] e61ef, Galean Arrowan : *he rubs his forehead lightly, and gets up, leaving his weaponry in the room... he makes sure he has the sash with him, and he heads out of the room, looking to the guards* lead the way...
[17-09:37] c6c97, Aldrik : There was somwthing there yesturday, so dont lie to me.
[17-09:37] c6c97, Aldrik : (something**)
[17-09:37] e69cf, Fae Council : *the leader salutes and heads off, leading Galean in through a nearby tunnel into the mountains, heading for the council chamber*
[17-09:38] e69cf, Pendy Fleece : *gulps and whimpers and closes her eyes tight* Please don't kill me. I meant no harm.
[17-09:39] 2e97f, Ankalima Morwen : *cursing under her breath at him* why cant you just let things be?....Am I not allowed to have a secret or two from you?
[17-09:40] ceea7, Randen Farr : *he hisses to her in a meaner, baser voice*Silence! Your please will not curry you any favor with me...or the Upright Man...for it is he who decides if you live..or feed his pets *contiunues dragging her away*
[17-09:40] c6c97, Aldrik : You can, but dont lie to me that it's a secret.
[17-09:41] e61ef, Galean Arrowan : *he follows in between them, holding the sash in his hands*
[17-09:42] 2e97f, Ankalima Morwen : Then let it be...I cannot tell you what was there...*there...see someting was there yesterday...but not now nope...*
[17-09:43] c6c97, Aldrik : One question?
[17-09:43] e69cf, Fae Council : *the lead him into the grandiose, circular council chamber. The throne directly ahead on a 3 tiered dias is empty, but all the council seats in the lofts surrounding are full and all is silent so that only their footsteps are heard on the smooth marble floor*
[17-09:43] 2e97f, Ankalima Morwen : If I can answer it ...yes
[17-09:44] 95e05, Axis : *comes closer to them..maybe visible?*
[17-09:44] e61ef, Galean Arrowan : *he is directed into the centre of the chamber, and he looks up to the head of the council*
[17-09:45] c6c97, Aldrik : Why Would you need to keep a secret from me and lie about it?
[17-09:45] e69cf, Pendy Fleece : *stumbles and holds tight to his arm so that her neck stays securely away from his blade while she's stumbling with her feet. whimpers. If Axis were visible, she could not see him, for she has her eyes tightly closed as was Randen's command*
[17-09:45] e69cf, Fae Council : *head of the council* Where is our Queen?
[17-09:46] 2e97f, Ankalima Morwen : hmph.... The one question I cant answer..and you had to ask it......
[17-09:48] c6c97, Aldrik : Why cant you answer it? Obviously you know the answer.
[17-09:49] ceea7, Randen Farr : *He would see Axis...but Axis wouldnt see them...they are too far into the thick ominous shadows that magically (Yes..we have guild wizards) surround the entrances to the guildhouse here in FABulous ...and once inside...the opening shuts and locks once again*
[17-09:49] e61ef, Galean Arrowan : Council members, and head of the council... *he nods to them* Several hours ago, I believe the queen ventured out of the city via the portal. She told me where she was going to be, incase she was needed. Around 30 minutes after she left, I went to go see her... When I arrived in Rua Forest, I saw her in a miniature form, glowing... I believe she was spying on someone, listening in on their conversation... I cannot be certain of this...
[17-09:51] 2e97f, Ankalima Morwen : *almost whispering* dont make me answer that....isnt it enough that i risk my own life?
[17-09:51] ceea7, Randen Farr : ((because she's a bloody assassin...*stabs Aldrik in the eye*))
[17-09:52] 43e4a, Pendy Fleece : *keeps her eyes closed tight, squinting closed and pants and stuff. Knows better than to resist with a knife at her throat. That's what she gets for getting c*cky*
[17-09:52] e61ef, Galean Arrowan : ((*changes "head of the council" to "Supreme Council Speaker"*))
[17-09:53] c6c97, Aldrik : *the last part catches his attention* Risk your life? Your risking your life and hiding it from me?Why?
[17-09:54] 95e05, Axis : *senses the magic and peers around fro the source. soo nhe shrugs and walks off though*
[17-09:55] 43e4a, Fae Council : Our Queen?!? Spy?!? She would not go to do that herself. She would send scouts! What proposterous story is this? Why was she venturing out alone without informing her council or anyone where she was going but you? Why did you not accompany her on her mission in the first place? This does not bode well for you elf ! *elf said almost derrogatory*
[17-09:55] 2e97f, Ankalima Morwen : I risk my life every day.....have i ever hidden that from you?...You know what I I''ve made my living for a long time...
[17-09:57] ceea7, Randen Farr : *soon the knife would be removed from her throat and she would be shoved into a room...its cold...kinda dusty..and unpleasant...a metal clanging sounds as the door to this room closes...a cell* You can open your eyes now...
[17-09:57] c6c97, Aldrik : Yes i know what you are and how you risk your life but we were talking about your secret and it happened to include you risking your life.
[17-09:57] e61ef, Galean Arrowan : *he narrows his eyes at the SCS, at the tone that 'elf' was said* It is no proposterous story, it is the truth... and if you would be so kind as to let me finish, I would highly appreciate it...
[17-09:58] e61ef, Galean Arrowan : I do not believe this was a mission, but a case of bad timing... I think it was coincidence that she was there at the same time as these two people, and I believe she was in the wrong place at the wrong time...
[17-09:58] 2e97f, Ankalima Morwen : *getting a bit angry* Dammit!..My life is a secret... one giant secret after another...and they all risk my life..every last one of them
[17-10:00] 43e4a, Fae Council : Why was she there at all without escort or telling us? You knew she was there? Why did you not go to guard her? Why did she leave word with you and you not inform us straight away? This sounds very suspicious.
[17-10:00] c6c97, Aldrik : Straping something to you leg isnt an assassination.
[17-10:02] 43e4a, Pendy Fleece : *she opens her eyes and sees the room and looks around frantically, having fallen onto her hands and knees and rising up to her knees. After a bit she starts to cry. It's not that she's a wimp, but she is scared and this is unknown. She doesn't wail or anything, just soft sniffles and heavy shuddering*
[17-10:02] e61ef, Galean Arrowan : Again, let me finish! When I was making my approach to the queen, I noticed one of the people swiping at her majesty, and capturing her in a bag of some sorts... I approached as quickly and as quietly as I could, but I was still spotted. The person forced me into a situation where I either let the queen go with her, or else she would kill the queen instantly. I think the queen overheard something she was not supposed to hear, and the person was covering their tracks... I could not risk the person killing her majesty, so I was forced to make the hard choice of letting her go... When I gave chase though, there was nothing left but shredded clothing... *he hands a piece of the clothing to one of the nearby guards, to take up to the SCS*
[17-10:04] 43e4a, Fae Council : *the SCD looks at the clothing* This means nothing! If you had been with her majesty instead of following behind, she would not have been captured. You should not have let her go alone and you have not told us why she went.
[17-10:06] e61ef, Galean Arrowan : She did not tell me why she went. My only guess was for some time away from everyone. Some time to herself, perhaps...
[17-10:06] 2e97f, Ankalima Morwen : Ah but it is my secret...and that risks my life....assassination or no...I do have another job you know......
[17-10:07] c6c97, Aldrik : SO it came from skarling?
[17-10:08] 4f97c, Fae Council : She knows better than to take off alone like that! She always has a reason! You had an obligation to protect her. Do you deny it? Do you deny that you have failed in that obligation?
[17-10:09] e61ef, Galean Arrowan : No.... no I do not...
[17-10:10] 4f97c, Fae Council : And what do you think we should do to someone who has failed so grievously by his own bad choices?
[17-10:11] e61ef, Galean Arrowan : It is not my place to say...
[17-10:11] 2e97f, Ankalima Morwen : *getting absolutely furious that he couldnt just leave well enough alone, she moves with an almost lightening speed..pinning the sleeve of his shirt to the table with a dagger* You just cant stop can you? sound like a wife....*sighing and leaning back against the booth..leaving the dagger stuck in the table..the handle still shaking from her motion*
[17-10:14] 4f97c, Fae Council : You are correct. It is my place. *he mumbles some stuff to the council members next to him and they mumble some stuff back* If anything happens to her, your life is forfeit. In the mean time, we mush show you the error of your ways so that you remember them accutely as you go to find her.
[17-10:14] 4f97c, Pendy Fleece : ((Did I lose Randen?))
[17-10:15] e61ef, Galean Arrowan : *nods* understood... ((all cause the queen had to get nosy... *sticks his tongue out to Mab*))
[17-10:17] JOIN: Caradonia has entered.
[17-10:18] ceea7, Randen Farr : *a few moments later...a cloked, cowled figure steps into the room, petting a large wolf...the wolf looks at Pendy and licks its chops hungrily*
[17-10:18] 4f97c, Fae Council : *to the guards* Escort him to the 'chamber of rememberance' *the guard salutes the council man and turns and moves to escort Galean*
[17-10:19] c6c97, Aldrik : Fine*he pulls the dagger loose throwing it back on the table as he gets up and walks off out of the inn.*
[17-10:19] 4f97c, Pendy Fleece : *she backs away against the back wall, wiping her eyes hastily, a look of extreme fear on her face*
[17-10:20] ceea7, Randen Farr : *the cloaked figure smiles...though it cannot be seen...he reins in the wolf as it tries to go for the door to her cell and he eyes her, his voice not a hiss..but a baritone emotionless rumble* Your name...
[17-10:20] 48ff9, Caradonia: *She's roamed these alley ways for days, restless, unable to catch a good nights rest. Worries about the dreams that await upon her on her dreaming. He yellow eyes bright with fevorish concern she strolls with her cloak wrapped tightly about her*
[17-10:21] e61ef, Galean Arrowan : *he moves along with the guards... has heard about the stuff that happens here, and he tries to set his mind for what he is about to face*
[17-10:21] 95e05, Axis : *still wandering*
[17-10:22] 2e97f, Ankalima Morwen : *picking the dagger from where it stopped, she slides it carefully back into its sheath...nicely hidden thru a slit in the upper sleeve of her dress....watching him walk out the door...knowing he'd come back...he always did....*
[17-10:23] c6c97, Aldrik : *makes his way up onto the roof of levalds shop*
[17-10:23] 4f97c, Pendy Fleece : P..P..Pendy...*swallows hard* Pendy Fleece. *her family were shepherds, but her name applies well to her chosen profession as well. She is back against the back wall like she's trying to become one with hit. She eyes the wolf nervously*
[17-10:25] 2e97f, Ankalima Morwen : *getting up from the table, she walks to the bar..handing the tender yet another piece of gold..paying for yet another knife mark she'd left....before walking out the door of the Inn herself..heading for the marketplace*
[17-10:26] ceea7, Randen Farr : *smirks as she continually eyes the wolf* Marvelous isnt he? *leans a gloved hand down and grabs the wolf's thick fur, petting it deeply...the wolf leans into the petting eagerly* This is Exile...I've raised him from a cub...
[17-10:27] 4f97c, Fae Council : *they escort him to a relatively small circular room with two pillars and chains and shackles attached to the pillars. It is obvious what this room is used for and it is equally obvious that this room hasn't been used in a very long time by the dust film that covers the floor and the unmistakeable footprints left behind by the guards who prepare the shackles. One guard to Galean* If you would please step up? *They expect Galean to take it like a man and stuff. heh*
[17-10:27] 95e05, Axis : ((pup youmean?))
[17-10:28] ceea7, Randen Farr : ((Always knew Mab had Galean whipped...*whistles*))
[17-10:28] ceea7, Randen Farr : ((No..they are wolf cubs not wolf pups))
[17-10:28] 48ff9, Caradonia: *She stops in front of the tavern that she has a room in, but she shakes herself from her thoughts and ventures on...eyes roaming abut..looking.....hates the city*
[17-10:28] 4f97c, Pendy Fleece : ((*kicks redundant word "well" in last post*)) I..Is he tame? *still glued to the back wall, trying to shrink into it*
[17-10:29] e61ef, Galean Arrowan : *he steps up, placing his hands up to where the shackles are*
[17-10:29] c6c97, Aldrik : *starts throwing his daggers at a post as he thinks things through*
[17-10:29] ceea7, Randen Farr : You cannot tame a is too pure..too wild..*smirks at her, letting Exile get real close to the door...the cell is very very small*
[17-10:31] 4f97c, Fae Council : *and the guards shackle him* Now, may you remember well. *the guard says and Galean would feel a sharp and horrible, stabbing pain across his back, but it was not from a whip. That's too cliche. It's from something more like those Klingon pain sticks only magical devices*
[17-10:32] ceea7, Randen Farr : ((Ooo Can I have a Pain stick?))
[17-10:32] 4f97c, Pendy Fleece : Mmmm *a nervous whimper* do you befriend one? *gulps, scratching at the wall behind her with her arms outstretches as though she is holding the wall back from crumbling*
[17-10:33] 4f97c, Pendy Fleece : ((Sure, you can have a pain stick and a lipop too))
[17-10:33] 4f97c, Pendy Fleece : (( @ filter))
[17-10:33] e61ef, Galean Arrowan : *he grits his teeth as he feels the sharp stabbing pain running across his back*
[17-10:33] 2e97f, Ankalima Morwen : *her steps slowing down as she reaches the market, she wanders from stall to stall...her fingers tracing over silken scarves, giving in and buying one..for a change....watching as overly dressed travelers pushed their way thru the market..becoming sorely tempted to relieve them of a bit of change*
[17-10:34] 4f97c, Fae Council : *he would be given just enough time for that pain to subside into a throb before it could come again at a different part of his back, more intense the second time*
[17-10:34] 4f97c, Fae Council : could = would
[17-10:35] e61ef, Galean Arrowan : *he closes his eyes tightly, thinking of the queen to try and dullen the pain...*
[17-10:35] ceea7, Randen Farr : *he smirks again, sinking his gloved fingers into that soft wolf fur when Exile comes back to him* Now my dear Pendy...if I told you that...everyone'd have their own pet wolf..
[17-10:36] e61ef, Galean Arrowan : *...of course, that thought quickly turns into one of agony as he is hit again*
[17-10:39] c6c97, Aldrik : *he continues throwing and retrieving his daggers for several hours*
[17-10:40] 4f97c, Fae Council : *the repeat it again, and again, taking breaks between just long enough to make the next that much worse and each blow that much worse*
[17-10:40] 48ff9, Caradonia: *Her stomach growls in hunger, waking her from her thoughts. With a sigh she turns back towards the inn, perhaps they will serve her some food to feed her gnawing tummy*
[17-10:41] 4f97c, Pendy Fleece : Please don't hurt me? *in a faint kind of pleading squeel*
[17-10:41] e61ef, Galean Arrowan : *he struggles to keep himself awake through all this, the pain becomming more intense with each blow*
[17-10:41] 4f97c, Pendy Fleece : ((*kicks '?' off the end of there*))
[17-10:42] 4f97c, Pendy Fleece : *they give him some time to recoup, leaving the room for a few minutes*
[17-10:42] 4f97c, Fae Council : *they give him some time to recoup, leaving the room for a few minutes*
[17-10:42] 2e97f, Ankalima Morwen : *buying some food from one of the stalls, she sits on the edge of the fountain, eating and watching the people going by...thoughts of those small bottles running thru her head*
[17-10:44] ceea7, Randen Farr : And why should I let you go my dear Pendy? *he continues petting the wolf...much to the wolf's enjoyment*
[17-10:45] e61ef, Galean Arrowan : *he slowly begins to whisper to himself* Tanka Harwar... *he waits 4 seconds exactly before repeating this* Tanka Harwar... *everytime he says this, his back begins to very slowly heal itself... the healing of any cuts there wouldn't appear, but the pain would be going down significantly*
[17-10:46] 4f97c, Pendy Fleece : Because it is the kind thing to do? *brows arched in that worry arch that suggests she knows her suggestion isn't going to fly, her tone has that feel to it too*
[17-10:47] 4f97c, Fae Council : *they return after a bit and a guard circles around to the front of him and abruptly socks him across the face*
[17-10:48] ceea7, Randen Farr : *chuckles darkly that kind of hallow chuckle that might send shivers up someone's spine* But then that would make me look weak....
[17-10:48] e61ef, Galean Arrowan : *he gets smashed in the face by one of the guards... a cut quickly opens up just above his eyebrow, and he begins to start bleeding*
[17-10:49] 4f97c, Pendy Fleece : *lip and chin quivers with fear* I..I don't think you're weak.
[17-10:50] ceea7, Randen Farr : Of course you dont..and there is a reason for it my dear....*he opens the cell door and motions for Exile to sit...he does...but he watches Pendy closely*
[17-10:50] 4f97c, Fae Council : ((He's not quite bleeding yet. He's only beginning to start. Just teasing you. Sounds like one of my posts.)) *The guard proceeds to sock him hard in the gutt so he'd likely double over if he wasn't chained up*
[17-10:51] 4f97c, Pendy Fleece : *gasps as he opens the door, but settles to nervous panting as the wolf sits. She looks frantically from Randen to the wolf and back to Randen again* W..what reason is that?
[17-10:52] e61ef, Galean Arrowan : ((aww! but he'll be bleeding soon, right?)) *he spits out as he's punched in the gut... the spit accidentally landing on the guard that punched him*
[17-10:53] ceea7, Randen Farr : *he takes slow, ominous paces towards her...fear is such a wonderful instructing tool isnt it?* Because my pretty Pendy...*he brings a gloved hand to toy with a lock of her hair before patting her cheek* I have never let a freebooter live once caught..
[17-10:53] c6c97, Aldrik : *thinking hes figued things out he heads back to the inn.*
[17-10:53] 2e97f, Ankalima Morwen : ((*begs to differ* there is one he's let live))
[17-10:53] 4f97c, Fae Council : *snarls at Galean* Insolence! *punches him in the gutt again. Might crack a rib*
[17-10:54] c6c97, Aldrik : (who?)
[17-10:55] c6c97, Aldrik : (if ur tlking bout us thats 2)
[17-10:57] ceea7, Randen Farr : ((That was Randen..not the Upright Man))
[17-10:57] e61ef, Galean Arrowan : *he grits his teeth again, spitting out some more accidentally* I could... *cough* I could take this all day...
[17-10:57] 4f97c, Pendy Fleece : *Chin quivers some more and she shudders as he handles the lock of her hair. She looks at him stunned with his words and then shakes her head frantically and then lets out a sobbing beg* Nooo! Please! *sinks to sitting and looks at the wolf frantically, can she dash by the wolf and Randen before he can do anything to her? She considers her options*
[17-10:58] 2e97f, Ankalima Morwen : ((and just where did UM come from? I missed that one.))
[17-10:59] ceea7, Randen Farr : ((That's always been one of his many personas))
[17-10:59] 4f97c, Fae Council : Sure you could. Don't get arrogant or I might accidently render you more useless to the queen than you already are. *punches him again so that either more ribs would crack or they'd crack worse*
[17-11:00] ceea7, Randen Farr : Why should you be any differen than the others my pet? I have sentenced far more talented thieves than you to become kibble for Exile...why should I spare you and not them? *he eyes her a moment...loves causing terror in freebooters*
[17-11:01] e61ef, Galean Arrowan : *his rib cracks loudly, and he winces* you should go back to your other form of pain... that worked better than now...
[17-11:03] 2e97f, Ankalima Morwen : *the market clearing out a bit in the mid day heat, she decides that its time to get back....maybe take a nap....fanning her was kinda warm....she let her steps take her back to the Inn.. not really watching where she's going*
[17-11:04] 4f97c, Pendy Fleece : Can you give me a hint? *She then suddenly rolls to the side and then leaps and rolls out the door of the cell and will attempt to kick the door closed before man or wolf comes after her, from her semi fallen back position that she rolls up to. This is all done super fast. Now, what does she hope to accomplish by doing this when she has not the keys to lock the door and hold them in and does not know the way out of here? She doesn't know. She's acting partially from terror and instinct, but ya gotta admit it's a clever move.*
[17-11:05] c6c97, Aldrik : *back inside the inn he takes a seat at his booth and slids into the shadows. revealing the ammulet around his neck and becoming even more hidden*
[17-11:06] 4f97c, Fae Council : I'm sure it was more painful, but it doesn't do the kind of damage I'm in the mood to hear. *speaking of the cracking sound* YOU LOST OUR QUEEN!! *and with that bashes Galean upside the head with his fist. After this he'd pace away and other guards would come in and unlock the shackles letting Galean fall*
[17-11:07] ceea7, Randen Farr : *as the wolf was OUTSIDE the cell (never posted the wolf going in..) he leaps after her, biting for her achillies tendon to disable rather than kill was a clever move...but not one that hasnt been attempted time and again*
[17-11:07] e61ef, Galean Arrowan : *the fist connects (obviously), and a cut opens as he blacks out momentarily* if you were doing your job by guarding the portal, you would've known where she was in the first place... it is your job to watch her, not mine... you should be the one in this position...
[17-11:08] 4f97c, Pendy Fleece : ((I thought he had entered. Darn. I'd have had her do something else otherwise)) Aaaaah!! *she screams* Call him off!! Call him off! Please! *tries to pull her leg away from the wolf*
[17-11:10] ceea7, Randen Farr : *he easily opens the door and steps out as the wolf continues to try and maul that tendon..until he makes a shrill haunting whistle...Exile then reluctantly..but obediantly sits and doesnt move save to pant and lick his chops...he steps forward and again takes the wolf's head in his gloved fingers, petting it deeply* Not a smart move my pretty Pendy...not a smart move at all..
[17-11:10] e61ef, Galean Arrowan : manka ta nae n' nesh amin, re naaya valin moro sii'
[17-11:12] 2e97f, Ankalima Morwen : *opening the door, standing there a moment letting her eyes adjust to the dimness, she slowly walks across the room looking at every table to see if he'd come back yet... not finding him, she stops at the bar briefly, getting a bottle of fae wine before heading up to her room*
[17-11:13] ceea7, Randen Farr : ((*tickles Kali's sides*))
[17-11:14] 2e97f, Ankalima Morwen : ((*stabs* quit that))
[17-11:14] ceea7, Randen Farr : ((*stabbed* Hey! *feeds her to his wolf*))
[17-11:14] 4f97c, Pendy Fleece : *drags herself to leaning against the wall of the hallway, sobbing and shaking with terror, looking at Randen with that same terror* You're planning to kill me. What else should I have done? *tears streaming down her face.* I want to live. *the last in a faint whisper, yet very audible*
[17-11:14] JOIN: Luke has entered.
[17-11:15] 2e97f, Ankalima Morwen : ((*casts charm on the wolf making him hers*))
[17-11:16] c6c97, Aldrik : *cooks and eats the wolf *
[17-11:16] ceea7, Randen Farr : I never specifically said I was going to kill you.. I was asking for your rationale as why I should spare you...when so many of your betters were killed by my own hand..*shrugs lightly* but now...I see no reason to keep you alive.. *to the guards that come down almost as if on command* Lock her away until I am ready for her...
[17-11:16] ceea7, Randen Farr : ((*signs death warrants on Kali and Aldrik*))
[17-11:16] 4f97c, Fae Council : ((She does that after the wolf eats her and now the wolf is truly ruled by his stomach, that is before he too is eaten*
[17-11:16] 4f97c, Fae Council : * = ))
[17-11:16] c6c97, Aldrik : (puts () around last post)
[17-11:17] 2e97f, Ankalima Morwen : ((LOL))
[17-11:18] 4f97c, Pendy Fleece : Noooo! Please! What do you want? *cries out to him in desperate frustration as the guards near her*
[17-11:18] c6c97, Aldrik : *sits in the booth waiting for kali to return knowing she will*
[17-11:19] 2e97f, Ankalima Morwen : ((*Pokes* she's gone up to her room))
[17-11:19] 4f97c, Fae Council : If you do not find her, it is you who will die for it, not I. *growls at Galean as he departs, leaving Galean to leave as he chooses and as he is able. The room has no door, just an opening.*
[17-11:20] ceea7, Randen Farr : You should have remembered your manners my dear pretty I am afraid I must bid you adieu...*makes a dismissive gesture as the guards grab her and start dragging her off* Fare well my sweet...make peace with what gods you may...hopefully they will favor you in your next life..
[17-11:20] c6c97, Aldrik : (returns to the booth *double pokes*)
[17-11:22] e61ef, Galean Arrowan : when I do find her, it will be you who dies for this... not I... *he struggles to get off the ground, but collapses and just lays there*
[17-11:22] 4f97c, Pendy Fleece : Noo! Nooo! *struggles against the guards as they lift her under her arms, but her ankle/leg is wounded and she can't put her weight on it to run. Didn't quite snap the tendon, thankfully, but damaged it quite enough to render her imobile*
[17-11:23] e61ef, Galean Arrowan : ((*kicks "valin" out of the Elvish post*))
[17-11:24] 4f97c, Fae Council : We shall see. *the guard leaves him there to go where he will. Galean is conditionally free for now. They expect him to rescue the queen, afterall. If he doesn't return, they will consider him fugitive if the queen is not returned and he better not return w/o her. Of course, Galean should/would know all this*
[17-11:24] ceea7, Randen Farr : *which is exactly what he wanted his beloved wolf to do...he moves over towards a small compartment in the jailing area and gives his wolf a special treat which it gobbles up immediatly...the guards take Pendy and put her in another, more desolate room*
[17-11:25] e61ef, Galean Arrowan : ((*should sick 500 elvish archers on that one guard*))
[17-11:26] 2e97f, Ankalima Morwen : *unlacing her corset, sighing in relief, she drops it on the chair..Opening the bottle, she realizes that the only glass she has in the room is one she would never dare to drink from..she thinks about going back down stairs for a glass...just hoping that no one thinks anything about her going down there dressed as she is....walking quickly down the stairs she heads for the bar once again*
[17-11:26] ceea7, Randen Farr : ((Give him to me to torture Galean..we all know thieves are nasty buggers..*EG*))
[17-11:27] 4f97c, Pendy Fleece : *she curls into a tight ball on the floor of the desolate chamber and shakes with sobs and pain and fear. One hand clutches at her ankle/leg to put pressure on it in a way that kind of numbs the pain a little, but not enough to really make it tolerable* I don't want to die. *she sobs to herself mostly, not really intending anyone to hear*
[17-11:28] ceea7, Randen Farr : *there would be the sound of heavy heavy locks being added to the door so she cannot windows...only one door and that's locked from the outside and a small little sliding door to give her food water and air*
[17-11:29] c6c97, Aldrik : *he sees her when she walks over to the bar and decides if she doesnt come over to the booth he'll follow her*
[17-11:29] 4f97c, Pendy Fleece : *stays in that tight ball for a long time before giving way to exhaution from the stress and falling asleep, still curled in a looser ball*
[17-11:30] e61ef, Galean Arrowan : *he just lays there, and he begins chanting* fallan sina harw *waits 4 seconds...* fallan sina harw *waits another 4 seconds, and so on... the chanting very slowly begins healing the cracked ribs, moving them back in the place that they're supposed to be in, and healing them*
[17-11:32] 4f97c, Fae Council : *when he finally finishes, Galean would find a pack of provisions in the doorway of the room he's in. A not very subtle hint that he best be on his way. hehe*
[17-11:33] 2e97f, Ankalima Morwen : *talking to the tender for just a minute..she takes the glass he's offered her...thankful that its a normal glass.....turning around to check the room once again, she notices that the booth she usually sits in is darker than the others....smiling to herself.. got him....she continues her way back up to her room*
[17-11:34] c6c97, Aldrik : *seeing her smile he puts away the ammulet and follows her.*
[17-11:34] e61ef, Galean Arrowan : *it takes him about an hour to heal his ribs... it's enough so he can walk... the head wound and the back can wait... he stands up, and heads over to the door... he finds the provisions and takes them, then heads back to his room in the ruins*
[17-11:37] ceea7, Sothicus Aurelius : *decides to do a raping and pillaging Winyacadia with little to no resistance as the armies of Winyacadia flee before his uber baddy armeh*
[17-11:37] e61ef, Galean Arrowan : *when he's back in the ruins, he takes off the shirt, and puts on the Aceilin chainmail armour... he then puts on a longsleeved shirt over the top, followed by his elven cloak*
[17-11:40] e61ef, Galean Arrowan : *he gets all of his weaponry (the elvish longbow + quiver full of arrows, the two 60cm blades, and the orc dagger he collected a while ago), placing the longbow + quiver on his back, the two blades in their sheaths on his back also, and the orc dagger on his belt* *he makes sure he has the mushroom pendant around his neck, cleans up the wounds on his head as much as possible, then heads out of them, on his way to the portal...*
[17-11:42] EXIT: Pendy Fleece has left the chat ( 12:42pm, June 17 (CDT) ).
[17-11:43] e61ef, Galean Arrowan : *he reaches the portal* "Just one little light in the darkness" *it activates* "Glimmering Inn" *he is teleported to the gazebo out the back of Trendlekims, and he heads in the back entrance of the Glimmering Inn*
[17-11:45] e61ef, Galean Arrowan : *he asks whoever for a room, and he is given the keys to one of the rooms... he also pays upfront a small fee for the room, and he makes his way up there, closing the door as soon as he gets into the room... he unloads all of his stuff, then lies down on the bed and slowly drifts off to sleep, the pain coming from his forehead is the only thing he can think of* *GONE*
[17-11:45] EXIT: Galean Arrowan has left the chat ( 12:45pm, June 17 (CDT) ).
[17-11:48] JOIN: Z has entered.
[17-11:49] ceea7, Sothicus Aurelius : *pwns Z's soul*
[17-11:50] 94c70, Z: *bites Soth*
[17-11:50] 94c70, Z: You taste a little burnt.
[17-11:51] ceea7, Sothicus Aurelius : *spanks Z*
[17-11:51] 94c70, Z:
[17-11:54] ceea7, Sothicus Aurelius : *EG*
[17-11:54] ceea7, Steve : *hoses Soth down* Down Boba!
[17-12:02] c6c97, Aldrik : (hmm *pokes*)
[17-12:04] ceea7, Steve : *stabs Aldrik for poking*
[17-12:05] c6c97, Aldrik : (*cloak takes it* hey i didnt poke you)
[17-12:06] ceea7, Steve : I dont care.. *admin stabs Aldrik for twinking out of his previous stab*
[17-12:08] c6c97, Radagast Aurelius : (aldriks not here)
[17-12:09] ceea7, Steve : *stabs the one with the c6c97 indent*
[17-12:10] c6c97, Xyva: *dictates the stabing be undone*
[17-12:11] ceea7, Steve : *is the Admin...cannot be overruled*
[17-12:11] c6c97, Xyva: *is supreme dictator of the multiverse and overrules all*
[17-12:12] c6c97, Xyva:
[17-12:13] 2e97f, Kali: *is woman....rules you all*
[17-12:13] c6c97, Xyva: *pokes*
[17-12:14] ceea7, Steve : I cannot be ruled...*Lords over them all*
[17-12:14] c6c97, Xyva: *dictates steve be unmade*
[17-12:16] ceea7, Steve : *cannot be unmade either*
[17-12:18] c6c97, Xyva: *decides steve is not of the multiverse and so is out of his controle*
[17-12:21] ceea7, Steve : *is the Evil Tikki God of War, Metal, and Randomness...Master of YOUR Universe*
[17-12:22] c6c97, Xyva: *has no specific universe but controles the multi verse and so controles all universes*
[17-12:28] ceea7, Steve : *which could be argued to be Xyva's universe which is under the control of STeve...for he has a theme song*
[17-12:28] c6c97, Xyva: *glues steves fingers to the home keys*
[17-12:30] ceea7, Steve : *needs not these home keys*
[17-12:31] c6c97, Xyva: *steve wouldnt be able to type with his fingers glued*
[17-12:32] ceea7, Steve : *is immune to glue*
[17-12:34] c6c97, Xyva: *cuts cable connecting steves keyboard to his pc*
[17-12:36] ceea7, Steve : *has no wire for his keyboard*
[17-12:37] c6c97, Xyva: *looses*
[17-12:38] ceea7, Steve : the joys of laptops
[17-13:18] JOIN: Celur has entered.
[17-13:23] 94c70, Z: *creeeeep*
[17-13:23] 69ee3, Will-o'-the-wisp: (wooo!)
[17-13:24] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 2:23pm, June 17 (CDT) ).
[17-13:24] JOIN: Celur has entered.
[17-13:24] 69ee3, Celur: (mooo!)
[17-13:31] JOIN: luthien has entered.
[17-13:33] JOIN: luthien has entered.
[17-13:34] 455e1, luthien: **sits under the birches and watches the persisting rain as dusk approaches*
[17-13:36] JOIN: luthien has entered.
[17-13:45] JOIN: Celur has entered.
[17-13:45] caf78, Celur: (hi)
[17-13:50] JOIN: luthien has entered.
[17-13:50] 455e1, luthien: (hi)
[17-13:54] caf78, Celur : (Sup?_
[17-13:56] caf78, Celur : Pic test
[17-14:06] JOIN: Kali has entered.
[17-14:06] b5529, Kali: Luthien? youhere?
[17-14:07] caf78, Celur : (*pokes de Kali*)
[17-14:07] b5529, Kali: Hello
[17-14:08] b5529, Kali: *pokes back* who be you?
[17-14:10] caf78, Celur : (A N00b)
[17-14:10] caf78, Celur : (a N00b thats looking for a pic that doesnt suck)
[17-14:11] b5529, Kali: and what are you supposed to be? what species i mean
[17-14:12] caf78, Celur : (High Elf)
[17-14:12] caf78, Celur : (thats a bit of a Rouge)
[17-14:12] b5529, Kali: hrm....
[17-14:13] b5529, Kali: have you looked at elfwood?
[17-14:13] caf78, Celur : (*looking for a pic of an Elf that doesnt have huge mamms or one that aint nekkid*)
[17-14:13] b5529, Kali: LOL...male or female?
[17-14:14] caf78, Celur : Male
[17-14:14] caf78, Celur : Google really isnt helping me
[17-14:14] b5529, Kali: hmm.. give me a min.. im not at my pc so it will take a few to find some
[17-14:16] caf78, Celur : Google is apparently very pornographic.....*has the safe search on, too and his google window is flooded with breasts and genitalia*
[17-14:17] b5529, Kali:
[17-14:18] b5529, Kali: use find stuff they have a google search engine just for that site
[17-14:20] caf78, Celur : (search is down)
[17-14:22] b5529, Kali: no.. Im using it right now
[17-14:23] caf78, Celur : (Ahh the google search is workin)
[17-14:23] b5529, Kali: hmmm anime elf... interesting...
[17-14:23] caf78, Celur : (*talkin bout the other one*)
[17-14:23] b5529, Kali:
[17-14:26] caf78, Celur : Nice
[17-14:27] b5529, Kali: some are real good but then some... i can do better..and i cant draw
[17-14:28] caf78, Celur : Lol
[17-14:29] caf78, Celur : Test
[17-14:31] b5529, Kali: hmmm
[17-14:31] b5529, Kali: are you using elfwood add?
[17-14:32] caf78, Celur : No, i uploaded it
[17-14:32] b5529, Kali: ah
[17-14:33] caf78, Celur : *does the Robot*
[17-14:33] 5e834, Aralore : ((Because it's myyyy way! On the old space hiiiiighway! All across creaaaaation...))
[17-14:34] b5529, Kali: hello Aralore
[17-14:34] caf78, Celur : (*smacks Aralore*)
[17-14:36] b5529, Kali:
[17-14:36] 5e834, Aralore : ((Hi Kali.))
[17-14:37] b5529, Kali: that ones not bad... not perfect but not bad
[17-14:40] caf78, Celur : (i like that one better)
[17-14:48] b5529, Kali: it is one of the better ones ive seen so far today
[17-14:49] caf78, Celur : but google wont upload it
[17-14:56] b5529, Kali: hmm what size is it?
[17-14:56] b5529, Kali: if its larger than 100 pjj wont load it...but youcan save as..and alter it then upload .
[17-14:57] caf78, Celur : Ok
[17-14:58] caf78, Celur : i'll just stick with this one
[17-14:58] b5529, Kali: Im on my way home so i may be back in a bit....
[17-14:59] 5e834, Aralore : ((Use this pic ))
[17-14:59] EXIT: Kali has left the chat ( 3:58pm, June 17 (CDT) ).
[17-15:00] caf78, Celur : (Roflmao no..
[17-17:03] JOIN: Kali has entered.
[17-17:07] JOIN: Aegnor has entered.
[17-17:08] e0793, Kali: hey Aegnor
[17-17:08] ab6ae, Aegnor: ((Greetings from Hades))
[17-17:09] e0793, Kali: heat getting to ya?
[17-17:11] ab6ae, Aegnor: ((Just returned from working out.))
[17-17:11] e0793, Kali: ahh...
[17-17:15] ab6ae, Aegnor: ((Yep. I feel... tired.))
[17-17:16] e0793, Kali: I can imagine
[17-17:16] 4f97c, Mab : Ooo! Working out! Always a good thing. BBIAB! *toodles off for about 15 minutes*
[17-17:19] ab6ae, Aegnor: ((Really? That can't be a good thing.))
[17-17:20] e0793, Kali: LOL yeah ive done that once or twice.....working around here keeps me in enough shape i dont have to work out
[17-17:22] ab6ae, Aegnor: ((Same here for the most part. Lots of walking, and Mondays and Fridays I usually end up carrying about 200 (friday), 600 (monday) cases which average 30 lbs each. So, y'know. But swimming, running, weight-lifting will help get me in shape for Colorado.))
[17-17:23] e0793, Kali: whats in colorado?
[17-17:25] ab6ae, Aegnor: ((The Rocky Mountains.))
[17-17:25] ab6ae, Aegnor: ((BRB - 10 mins or so))
[17-17:25] e0793, Kali: *chuckles* ok
[17-17:31] JOIN: Maiougi Hitosashi has entered.
[17-17:32] bbfc4, Maiougi Hitosashi : ((Hey! I have an icon, yay! ^_^))
[17-17:33] e0793, Kali: yay!
[17-17:36] 20c73, Ashe : booga booga!
[17-17:37] e0793, Kali : Hey Ashe
[17-17:38] 20c73, Ashe : whasup
[17-17:39] e0793, Kali : lookin at avatars
[17-17:40] 5e834, Aralore : ((BWAWONANANANANA))
[17-17:40] 20c73, Ashe : oooh
[17-17:40] 20c73, Ashe : and I see there's another kit in the house, whoo!
[17-17:42] ab6ae, Aegnor: (())
[17-17:42] e0793, Kali: grr who did that...??? blasted gnomes
[17-17:43] 5e834, Aralore : ((Doom.))
[17-17:43] 20c73, Ashe : Did someone say doom?
[17-17:43] 20c73, Ashe : *gets that doomy twitch*
[17-17:43] ab6ae, Aegnor: ((Damnation.))
[17-17:45] e0793, Kali: bah....~lumen~ *chases doom out of the room*
[17-17:46] 20c73, Ashe : .....arise chicken....*Ultra Chicken falls from the sky*
[17-17:46] 20c73, Ashe : DOOOOOOOM!!!
[17-17:46] bbfc4, Maiougi Hitosashi : ((*dance dance dance*))
[17-17:47] 20c73, Ashe : *waves to the other Kit*
[17-17:50] e0793, Kali: *shakes in terror* another kit......not sure if we can handle another crazed fox
[17-17:50] 20c73, Ashe : *laughs maniacly* Oh sure you can. Btw, so everyone knows, Ultra Chicken is now a registered spell for Ashe
[17-17:51] 20c73, Ashe : Blame Roki
[17-17:52] e0793, Kali: oh i will... i will
[17-17:52] 20c73, Ashe :
[17-17:53] ab6ae, Aegnor: ((That's fine. Just means its the right size for my meal.))
[17-17:53] 20c73, Ashe : but it's a magic chicken of doom
[17-17:54] 20c73, Ashe : you can't eat it
[17-17:54] e0793, Kali: *maniacal cackle*
[17-17:55] bbfc4, Maiougi Hitosashi : ((*blinks*))
[17-17:55] bbfc4, Maiougi Hitosashi : ((Mm, I'm glad people actually read all my Kitsune stuffage))
[17-17:55] 20c73, Ashe : so are you a new kit or an old kit?
[17-17:56] ab6ae, Aegnor: ((((I can try.))))
[17-17:56] 20c73, Ashe : I did
[17-17:56] 20c73, Ashe : :d
[17-17:56] 20c73, Ashe :
[17-17:57] bbfc4, Maiougi Hitosashi : ((I am the first Kit ^_^))
[17-17:57] bbfc4, Maiougi Hitosashi : ((I suggested the race, and the stuff on the board? That's mine ^_^))
[17-17:58] 20c73, Ashe : woot, how bout that, where ya been? Steve and I have been raisin hell without ya heh
[17-17:58] ab6ae, Aegnor: ((Bah. *Boots up Halo for lack of things to do*))
[17-17:59] bbfc4, Maiougi Hitosashi : ((*grins* I never seem to find time, I guess))
[17-18:00] 20c73, Ashe : well as much time as we spend in Rua we should've noticed you by now
[17-18:03] bbfc4, Maiougi Hitosashi : ((Proabably. I live in an apartment above the Blacksmith's ^_^))
[17-18:03] e0793, Kali: oh really? levalds?
[17-18:04] 20c73, Ashe : I read, I'll be right back, gotta run my baby sis to bible school
[17-18:04] bbfc4, Maiougi Hitosashi : ((Nah, Asashi's.))
[17-18:06] e0793, Kali: hmm where is that? and is it a player or npc?
[17-18:08] e0793, Kali: bah... I have to go... bbl..
[17-18:09] bbfc4, Maiougi Hitosashi : ((He nevers comes in either ^_^))
[17-18:09] bbfc4, Maiougi Hitosashi : ((See ya))
[17-18:18] ab6ae, Aegnor: ((Boredom.))
[17-18:24] JOIN: Celur has entered.
[17-18:25] 7f6be, Celur : (Hello?)
[17-18:28] 7f6be, Celur : (*pokes Aegnor*)
[17-18:30] 7f6be, Celur : :-)
[17-18:30] 5e834, Aralore : (( entire bag of chocolate chips.))
[17-18:30] 7f6be, Celur : *Attacks the Newcomer*
[17-18:43] ab6ae, Aegnor: ((Who dares poketh me?))
[17-18:44] 7f6be, Celur : Me
[17-18:44] 5e834, Aralore : ((*Huggles Aegnor*))
[17-18:47] 20c73, Ashe: RAWR!! DOOOOOOOM!!
[17-18:48] 4f97c, Mab : Where is Sileen?
[17-18:49] 20c73, Ashe: not online
[17-18:49] 5e834, Aralore : ((Sileen is Aegnor.))
[17-18:49] 5e834, Aralore : ((Or maybe not...hmmm..))
[17-18:50] 20c73, Ashe: Sileen is Aegnora
[17-18:52] 7f6be, Celur : *dies*
[17-18:52] 4f97c, Mab : Yeah, Sileen is Aegnora, Aegnor is nother player.
[17-18:53] 5e834, Aralore : ((Well, that's one for the books.))
[17-18:53] 20c73, Ashe: you huggled a dude
[17-18:54] 5e834, Aralore : ((I do it all the time. *kisses Aegnor too*))
[17-18:55] 20c73, Ashe: *twitches*
[17-18:55] 5e834, Aralore : ((I thought Sileen was acting a bit strange. Live and learn.))
[17-18:55] 7f6be, Celur : *feels like killing...glares at everyone*
[17-18:55] 7f6be, Celur : The elf dude for my icon sure has some gigantic ears *pulls out a pair of shears*
[17-18:56] 5e834, Aralore : ((Naw, that's his hat.))
[17-18:57] 7f6be, Celur : Those things projecting from his head right below the crown?
[17-18:57] 20c73, Ashe: *sicks the Badger of Doom on Celur* no killing
[17-18:57] 5e834, Aralore : (( :/ they're not so big.))
[17-18:59] 7f6be, Celur : *Sics the Twin Ferrets of Truth onto the Badger of Doom, and epic battle is wage, millions die*
[17-19:00] 20c73, Ashe: Don't forget about the crying babies.
[17-19:00] 4f97c, Mab : The ears are a bit exaggerated cuz it's an icon and the ears are their trademark. heh
[17-19:00] 20c73, Ashe: ....of doom
[17-19:01] 7f6be, Celur : Heck, when i think of elf ears, i think the LOTR movies, not Ross Perot
[17-19:02] 20c73, Ashe: Don't worry bout me, I've a trillion dollars sittin at home, I'll be fine.
[17-19:03] 20c73, Ashe: who else thinks Dana Carvey doing Perot and Bush ruled?
[17-19:04] 7f6be, Celur : Me!
[17-19:04] 7f6be, Celur : Who here thinks the Garfield movie will suck A$$?
[17-19:05] 7f6be, Celur : *doesnt know if cussin is prohibited here or not*
[17-19:05] 20c73, Ashe: I do, cause Odie's not animated for Garfield to torture.
[17-19:07] 7f6be, Celur : Atleast Garfield shall have Binkie....
[17-19:07] 7f6be, Celur : But i could begin making a drinking game out of it
[17-19:08] 20c73, Ashe: you can make a drinking game out of anything though
[17-19:08] 7f6be, Celur : 2 for everytime garfield scarrfs lasagna, and so on and so forth
[17-19:10] 7f6be, Celur : 4 for every time John acts like an ass
[17-19:11] 20c73, Ashe: what if you watched animal house and took a shot for everytime someone took a drink
[17-19:11] 20c73, Ashe: or everytime you saw boobs
[17-19:11] 4f97c, Mab : Hmmm, the 2 people I'd need to continue one RP, one isn't here. The one person I need to continue the other RP isn't here. Darnit!
[17-19:12] 4f97c, Mab : *throws everyone else IC, since she can't be IC right now*
[17-19:13] 5e834, Aralore : ((Lord ah was born a ramblin' man...doodoodoo..))
[17-19:14] 4f97c, Mab :
[17-19:14] 20c73, Ashe: *has nothing to do IC since no one he RPs with is here*
[17-19:16] 4f97c, Fahrena : *snuck out past her escort. She is worried and walks the streets of . Winyacadia has sent reports of being attacked and not withstanding said attack very well, due to the lack of organization that inner conflict has created*
[17-19:16] 7f6be, Celur : *needs RP, but has no idea where to drop his chars at*
[17-19:17] 20c73, Ashe: OBEY THE COW GOD!
[17-19:19] 4f97c, Fahrena : *She is a refined looking lady, her head adorned with a hennin hat (for those that don't know what that is, it's the classic pointy princes hat with the veil coming down from it) and she is dressed in black and white, mostly white with black accents. She rubs her arms against the unusually chill night for this time of year, wondering if the chill is just from her own feelings*
[17-19:21] 31dea, Fahrena : princes = princess
[17-19:22] 20c73, Ashe: ((looks like I got something to do torture the elf girl))
[17-19:25] 20c73, Ashe: *would be walking down a street adjacent to Fahrena, hands clasped behind his back, his 3 tails swishing with each step on the cold stones of Rua's streets, his hair tied back into a loose hold*
[17-19:31] 5e834, Aralore : ((Alllllll our times have come...bwawaaawwawa..))
[17-19:31] 20c73, Ashe: ((*cranks up "Welcome to the Jungle" by Guns-n-freaking-Roses*))
[17-19:32] 5e834, Aralore : ((BRB))
[17-19:32] 5e834, Aralore : ((Welcome to the Jungle!! That song is great.))
[17-19:32] 5e834, Aralore : ((BRB))
[17-19:33] 20c73, Ashe: ((*headbangs*))
[17-19:33] 31dea, Fahrena : *she sighs and continues walking, jumping as a cat comes out of an alleyway in front of her and darts almost toward her to pass behind her. Calico kitty, and she turns a little to watch where it went before continuing on*
[17-19:35] JOIN: Celur has entered.
[17-19:35] a5216, Celur : (Location Check?)
[17-19:35] 20c73, Ashe: *turns a corner heading towards Fahrena now, hands still clasped behind his back*
[17-19:35] 20c73, Ashe: ((Rua, heading for the elf girly ))
[17-19:36] 31dea, Fahrena : ((, walking amoungst its walkways along the channels))
[17-19:36] 31dea, Fahrena : *hears someone coming and pauses, looking in that direction to see who might be there*
[17-19:38] 20c73, Ashe: *her scent catches his nose, specifically her anxiety, it rolls off her in thick waves, he continues, wondering what this she-elf he smells is up to*
[17-19:39] 20c73, Ashe: ((*cranks Megadeth's "Peace Sells..."* Ah yeah))
[17-19:40] 31dea, Fahrena : *ah, her reason for being in this town is a mystery. Most of her anxiety right now is over the fact that she knows she is foolishly walking about at night in a city that has had a problem with ghouls and such in very recent days past*
[17-19:41] a5216, Celur : *Is out riding in the streets of on Ghost, a grey stallion. He is wearing a black tunic with matching leggings and boots. His elven broadsword is strapped to the saddle and his bow and quiver is on his back* (brb)
[17-19:42] 20c73, Ashe: ((Peace sells, but who's buyin? Peace sells, but who' BUYIN?!))
[17-19:43] 20c73, Ashe: *emerges infront of Fahrena turning to look at her, taking her her dainty image* So you're the one I'm smelling. *his ears twitch*
[17-19:45] 31dea, Fahrena : *leans back from Ashe in startlement, not that he's up in her face or anything, just that balking halt kind of leaning back* I beg your pardon? *smells nice. doesn't see Ashe for what he is right off the bat*
[17-19:50] 20c73, Ashe : ((*bashes the chat*))
[17-19:50] JOIN: Aegnor has entered.
[17-19:51] ab6ae, Aegnor: ((*Bashes IE. Goes with Firefox 0.9* Stupid freaking ads.))
[17-19:51] 20c73, Ashe : *steps closer, into clearer light, his ears twitching again, surely she would see them now, and the 3 tails swishing lightly behind him, the only other features on his person are his tunic and the brown leather whip at his right side*
[17-19:59] f160d, Fahrena : *eyes flutter*'re a...I didn't think your kind existed anymore. *kitsune numbers being what they are and all. She backs up a step, having heard stories of kitsune's erratic behaviour*
[17-19:59] a5216, Celur : *Comming towards Fahrena and Ashe, he nods* Good evening....
[17-20:00] 5e834, Aralore : ((Y'guys're daaaangerousss...))
[17-20:01] JOIN: Aegnor has entered.
[17-20:01] 5e834, Aralore : ((AEGNOR! *HUG*))
[17-20:01] 20c73, Ashe : *nods to Celur and laughs heartily* Aye, we still exist. Not as thriving as say you elves, but we're around.
[17-20:04] ab6ae, Aegnor: ((...ack... why am I being hugged? ))
[17-20:04] a5216, Celur : *Looking over at Ashe, he quirks a brow, hand gripping the reigns tightly* wahhh?
[17-20:04] f160d, Fahrena : *looks from elf to kitsune, giving a quick nod at elf before answering Ashe* Well, it was a pleasure meeting you. *does a polite bow of a lady and moves to pass around Ashe to head on her way, but the walkway along the channel here isn't very wide to allow her much room to be able to go around*
[17-20:04] 5e834, Aralore : ((For doom.))
[17-20:06] 20c73, Ashe : *steps in her way* And where would ya be goin? Somethin tells me you're not supposed to be out anyways. *gives her a knowing wink*
[17-20:06] 20c73, Ashe : ((*twitches* I heard doom!))
[17-20:07] ab6ae, Aegnor: ((How did i know that was coming.))
[17-20:08] 20c73, Ashe : DOOOOOOM!!
[17-20:08] 20c73, Ashe : ((DOOOOOOM!!))
[17-20:09] a5216, Celur : *Once far enough away, he'd turn the horse around. His eyes are fixated on Ashe as he just sits there*
[17-20:09] 20c73, Ashe : ((gee, yall act like I'm gonna slaughter you hehe))
[17-20:11] f160d, Fahrena : *shakes a little startled before answering, halted in her steps* Umm, I'm going that way, if you please. *trying to be firm, but polite* and it is not your concern whether I should be out or not. *barely manages to hide a scowl from forming on her face*
[17-20:12] 20c73, Ashe : *laughs outright at her* Sure sure, you want to go that way. Why don't you come with me to the Glimmering Inn and have a drink instead. *more of a statement than a question*
[17-20:12] a5216, Celur : (brb)
[17-20:17] f160d, Fahrena : *tilts her head to the side, considering him with a questioning raised brow, her veil on her hennin hat swaying to side her head is tilting*
[17-20:18] f160d, Fahrena : The Glimmering Inn?
[17-20:19] 20c73, Ashe : *he's not especially malicious or anything, just figures, why let the elf go about worrying, loosen up, have some fun, the Kitsune way afterall* Yes, the Glimmering Inn. I guess you're new to the area. It's about 6 streets over.
[17-20:22] f645a, Fahrena : Oh, well, I suppose. *said warily, hesitant*
[17-20:23] 20c73, Ashe : *and with that a big smile spreads across his face, joviality spilling forth from him* Well then c'mon lass, let's get goin, it's happy hour! Actually anytime I go there it's happy hour hehe. *leads her to the Inn*
[17-20:24] a5216, Celur : *He Switches his look from Fahreena, then to Ashe, then back to Fahrena as he stealthily follows them to the inn*
[17-20:25] f645a, Fahrena : *follows, wondering what she might have gotten herself into, but at least it wasn't a ghoul she ran into.*
[17-20:26] 20c73, Ashe : *stops a moment and sighs* Excuse me a moment. *takes off towards Celur, having caught his scent, spring up infront of him* Hey! If you wanna come drink with us so bad, c'mon! *and with that he heads back to his new "friend" and continues on their way to the Inn*
[17-20:28] f645a, Fahrena : *blinks as he takes off and barely has time to wonder what he's up to before he's returned again. nods politely and then continues to the inn with Ashe, glancing behind them to see if anyone is there*
[17-20:28] 20c73, Ashe : *begins whistling a happy tune, his tails wagging lightly* So what's your name girly?
[17-20:29] a5216, Celur : *Being completely surprised by Ashe, his right hand goes immediately to the hilt of his elven broadsword, but then relaxes a tiny bit at the invite* Why..thank you... *He spurs the horse and it comes galloping up next to Fahrena*
[17-20:32] f645a, Fahrena : *raises a brow at being called girly, she is distracted from answering the question right away as Celur comes riding up along side them. Well, this is unusual. Come back from her distraction and answers in a disoriented manner* I am Fahrena and kindly don't call me 'girly'. Might I have your name? *glances again at Celur, before turning to look at Ashe again*
[17-20:32] 20c73, Ashe : *making all kinds of friends tonight ain't he*
[17-20:33] 20c73, Ashe : Hiten. And what about him? He a friend of yours perhaps? *motions to Celur, basically ignoring the comment about her being called girly*
[17-20:34] a5216, Celur : *He glances at Fahrena, his voice low* Celur...*He stairs straight ahead, eyes narrowed as if in deep thought*
[17-20:35] a5216, Celur : (I got a question that always confused me when i read LOTR and saw the movies....Just wth is Gollum? is he a Hobbit? or, is he just some...thing?)
[17-20:35] 20c73, Ashe : *hops up on Celur's shoulders* Where we goin hoss?
[17-20:36] 20c73, Ashe : ((He was a river hobbit...sort of. He was part of a people who were very closely related to Hobbits, that's why Frodo says "Gandalf said at one time you weren't far from a hobbit."))
[17-20:36] 20c73, Ashe : ((or whatever it was he said))
[17-20:36] a5216, Celur : ...I thought you were leading us? *he looks up at him..*
[17-20:36] f645a, Fahrena : Hiten? Pleased to meet you. *said politely, but kinda lacking emotion* Celur, I've not met him before now. *not that she can consider this truly meeting either of them. She jumps in startlement as Ashe jumps up on Celur's shoulders*
[17-20:36] a5216, Celur : (Like, a race Pre-dating halflings?)
[17-20:37] 20c73, Ashe : ((um...I don't know about pre-dating, but more like cousins I think))
[17-20:37] 20c73, Ashe : *looks up* Oh yeah. *leaps off of Celur as they arrive at the Inn* I knew that.
[17-20:38] f645a, Fahrena : *sees the inn and looks from Celur to Ashe, rather puzzled*
[17-20:39] a5216, Celur : (like, Close enough to almost be considered the same species?)
[17-20:39] 20c73, Ashe : *opens the door for them* C'mon now, we can't be lettin everyone else be havin the fun. *is all smiles*
[17-20:39] 20c73, Ashe : ((pretty much yeah))
[17-20:40] JOIN: Phoenix has entered.
[17-20:40] a5216, Celur : *He climbs off his horse, and ties it down before strapping his sword to his belt and heading on in* Nice place...
[17-20:41] cd95b, Phoenix : ((*waves*))
[17-20:41] f645a, Fahrena : *enters before the other two, of course, just figuring that they have gentlemanly manners and all* ((*waves to Phoinix*))
[17-20:41] a5216, Celur : (*touches Phoenix*)
[17-20:42] 20c73, Ashe : ((*cranks "new World Order" by Megadeth and headbangs* yo)) That it is, great food, great drinks. *leads them in, finding his way to the bar*
[17-20:44] f645a, Fahrena : *takes a seat at the bar, looking about. She is not dressed as the sort to be hanging around a bar. Feels a little out of place*
[17-20:44] a5216, Celur : *He takes a seat at the bar, and orders up a pint of ale...* (I should make a Halfling char based off of Pippin....)
[17-20:44] a5216, Celur : (who'd have nothing better to do than steal crops and get wasted)
[17-20:44] cd95b, Phoenix : ((*Is touched*))
[17-20:45] 20c73, Ashe : ((Pippin owns you)) *pulls off Fahrena's hat and tosses it across the room* C'mon, let loose. *nudges her as he orders them some mead*
[17-20:47] a5216, Celur : (Quiet, before i begin sending you Frodo/Sam porn)
[17-20:47] f645a, Fahrena : *gasps and looks in mild shock as he throws off her hat, exposing her pointed ears. Not that she wasn't already a bit too beautiful to be ordinary human and her clothing a bit too elven refined, but she was at least trying to keep up a pretense* You threw my hat. *says in a tone of disbelief*
[17-20:48] 20c73, Ashe : ((You're a sick sick man))
[17-20:48] a5216, Celur : *When he recieves his pint, he'd take small sips of it little by little, occasionally stopping to look around*
[17-20:48] 20c73, Ashe : *smiles* Yes I did. *wags his tails, afterall what does she have to fear, he's a kitsune and a bit more exotic than she*
[17-20:48] cd95b, Phoenix : ((*watches*))
[17-20:50] a5216, Celur : (You know its out there)
[17-20:50] 20c73, Ashe : ((yeah, that's why you're sick))
[17-20:51] f645a, Fahrena : That was rude. *says in a mildly reprimanding way* It is no way to treat a lady.
[17-20:51] cd95b, Phoenix : (Honeslty the Lords of the G string is a soft core porno that has shown on Cinemax... *hides*))
[17-20:51] a5216, Celur : (Hey, i dont actually look it up, i just know its out there, along with *snicker* Legolas/ Gimli porn)
[17-20:52] 20c73, Ashe : ((silence mortal)) *shakes his head* Lighten up Fahrena, let loose, have some mead, be in the moment.
[17-20:53] 20c73, Ashe : Forget about being a lady and just have fun. *smiles*
[17-20:54] a5216, Celur : *He gulps down the rest of his Ale and orders another, for he is in for a long night* ( i got approx. 6 minutes)
[17-20:55] f645a, Fahrena : I cannot afford to forget my responsibilities and my station. I'm glad for you that you have no such concerns. *aside to the bar keep* an ale, please. *then back to ask, sparing a glance at Celur before looking back at Ashe* You're asking me to be something I am not.
[17-20:55] 20c73, Ashe : ((I got less than that, but if yall can wait I'll be back in 20 minutes tops))
[17-20:55] a5216, Celur : (g2g, sorry for the miscaculation, it was fun)
[17-20:56] 20c73, Ashe : ((Later)) No I'm not, I'm asking you to be something you don't know how to be.
[17-20:56] f645a, Fahrena : ((that or we can fade out and say they had a good time, or as good a time as Fahrena would allow herself, which isn't much))
[17-20:57] 20c73, Ashe : ((I wanna keep playin, I don't get to RP much lately, I'll be back *PAUSE*))
[17-20:57] f645a, Fahrena : Are you saying I don't know how to have fun? You know there are some thing more important* ((Pause))
[17-20:58] cd95b, Phoenix : ((im here....))
[17-20:59] f645a, Fahrena : ((*meanders off for 20 minutes or so too* Hi Phoenix. I'd try pulling out another character, but I don't have any others. ))
[17-20:59] f645a, Fahrena : ((BBL))
[17-20:59] cd95b, Phoenix : ((ha ha you have AIM?))
[17-21:09] 3a8a8, Roki: *is here...*
[17-21:13] cd95b, Phoenix : ((HI Roki))
[17-21:13] 3a8a8, Roki: hello....
[17-21:13] 3a8a8, Roki: there will be rp... yes... now....
[17-21:14] JOIN: Caradonia has entered.
[17-21:17] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[17-21:17] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 10:17pm, June 17 (CDT) ).
[17-21:18] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 10:17pm, June 17 (CDT) ).
[17-21:18] 2fa09, Caradonia: ((rawr))
[17-21:18] JOIN: Axis has entered.
[17-21:19] 95f80, Axis : ((hey))
[17-21:19] cd95b, Phoenix : ((I dunno *is lost*))
[17-21:20] 2fa09, Caradonia: ((*eyes Axis* I owe you*preparing to pounce*
[17-21:22] 3a8a8, Roki: *throws them all IC*
[17-21:23] cd95b, Phoenix : *His hammer heavey now he lays it to rest wishing to meet others he has yet to meet along his path* Hmm I should venture...
[17-21:23] 95f80, Axis : ((*pounces cara*))
[17-21:25] 2fa09, Caradonia: ((*scoots out of the way*))*She's found her way OUT of the city, at lest a little ways. SHe feels better, loves the cooling canopy of foliage hanging above her head*
[17-21:26] cd95b, Phoenix : ((I did it Rok,i now kick the others again))
[17-21:27] 95f80, Axis : *walks through rua*
[17-21:27] 2fa09, Caradonia: ((Hey! No kicking me! I posted in character mister *frown*))
[17-21:28] cd95b, Phoenix : ((Cept her))
[17-21:30] JOIN: Phoenix has entered.
[17-21:30] 2fa09, Caradonia: *Feels cold though, and lost hasnt felt this way in a long time. She's suddenly aware that she has no roots,-anywhere- has no family to speak of and the only way she gets money is if she cons it*
[17-21:31] cd95b, Phoenix : *Beign in a constant state of warmth the night means very little to him, in fact he barely notices the difference other then the lack of other people about..*
[17-21:32] 95f80, Axis : ((bah))
[17-21:32] 2fa09, Caradonia: *Not all ephiney's are good ephineies. With her pretty mouth shaped into a frown she nestled her back against the rough bark of a impressively large tree*
[17-21:34] 2fa09, Caradonia: ((God..the typos*hangs head in shame*))
[17-21:34] ceea7, Steve : *flaunts his evil*
[17-21:34] cd95b, Phoenix : *The open streets give him the Idea to runand leap, he has been couped up for a while and this would feel good on his legs, so thats what he does* ((Yeah its all good))
[17-21:34] JOIN: Darrius Lokken has entered.
[17-21:35] cd95b, Phoenix : ((slinky))
[17-21:35] ceea7, Steve : That's right...fear the slinky
[17-21:35] 2fa09, Caradonia: ((Oh stop flaunting your evil. The rest of us will want it))
[17-21:36] f645a, Mab : Oooo! Slinky
[17-21:36] ceea7, Steve : But its all the more fun when you cant have it
[17-21:37] 95f80, Axis : ((bah. *has his own evil*))
[17-21:37] JOIN: Jericho has entered.
[17-21:38] cd95b, Phoenix : *leaps about*
[17-21:38] 2fa09, Caradonia: *She's tired and this fact comes upon her in a sudden realization. She fights at a yawn and the desire to climb this giant of a tree. Letting her mind wander away from thoughts of sleep she tries to make plans for staying here, being the town...not the tree*
[17-21:39] 2fa09, Caradonia: ((*is obstinate* Nah...i dont want your silly old evil anyways))
[17-21:40] 216d7, Darrius Lokken : ((ooo, tired.... go to sleep!, that'll be fun))
[17-21:41] ceea7, Steve : *laughs at Axis's evil*
[17-21:41] 2fa09, Caradonia: ((I'm tempted but...*trails off and hums*))
[17-21:42] cd95b, Phoenix : ((*Decides rp is dead*)) *stands alone in the vaccant street*
[17-21:43] 3a8a8, Roki: meh
[17-21:43] ceea7, Steve : *eyes Char chain*
[17-21:45] 3605e, Jericho: *stands, leaning on a building in a relaxed state of mind*
[17-21:46] cd95b, Phoenix : *spots Jericho and notices his calm nature* hmm
[17-21:47] 2fa09, Caradonia: *A wind blows and with it's passing it carries the scents of summer, dry and sweet. She looks in the direction in which the wind flows and then stands, quickly, movements like silk*
[17-21:52] cd95b, Phoenix : *approaches slowly*
[17-21:52] MSG: Phoenix sent a message to Mab.
[17-21:53] 2fa09, Caradonia: *She peels off her cloak while hoping the wind keeps blowing, with it there is a ath that she can follow; weak as her human senses are. *
[17-21:54] ceea7, Steve : Mab's not about...whaddya need Phoenix?
[17-21:57] cd95b, Phoenix : ((Just a msg for her))
[17-21:59] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[17-21:59] MSG: Mab sent a message to Phoenix.
[17-22:00] JOIN: Jericho has entered.
[17-22:02] cd95b, Phoenix : ((Ha ha thanks MAb *sticks out tongue to Steve* I look forward to seeing you there....))
[17-22:03] ceea7, Steve : *slices Phoenix's tongue off with his claws*
[17-22:04] 216d7, Darrius Lokken : **Stands on top of a building in , standing right on a corner ledge, if it werent for his abiliity to fly... he'd fall. He is now without his usual confident grin, he stands still, his cape blowing in the draft. On his face is worn an expression of serious pondering. His arms folded in front of them he opens his crimson eyes slowly, scouring the streets below.**
[17-22:04] 2fa09, Caradonia: ((ewwww...vicious))
[17-22:04] 20c73, Ashe : *is back*
[17-22:04] cd95b, Phoenix : ((*grows another and sticks it out again*))
[17-22:05] ceea7, Steve : *cuts off Phoenix's head...suffers the Quickening*
[17-22:05] cd95b, Phoenix : *Senses a dark power about,, but he cannot place it as to whom or where..*
[17-22:05] cd95b, Phoenix : ((Bursts into flames and is reborn))
[17-22:06] 2fa09, Caradonia: *She's very human but she dosent move like one. She moves with a quiet grace, she brushes through low hanging climbs and bushes like their limbs are the hands of children, carefully, easily, her steps just as light*
[17-22:06] ceea7, Sinder : *is all may tremble in ph33r*
[17-22:07] 3605e, Jericho: *notices the interaction between Steve and Phoenix mumbling* What the hell...
[17-22:07] ceea7, Sinder : ((Err...Jericho..that was OOC man..Steve is my OOC admin handle.))
[17-22:08] cd95b, Phoenix : ((Thats occ))
[17-22:10] cd95b, Phoenix : *Ponders while walking over to Jericho ~is he the evil?~* GEts closer..
[17-22:10] 20c73, Ashe : ((*sighs* bah, well I guess I should finish up the RP I was in)) *he sits in the Inn alone, at the bar, Fahrena having left a while ago, not willing to let loose like he was*
[17-22:10] dd18c, Will-o'-the-wisp: Awesome pic Jericho! Love the knives!
[17-22:10] ceea7, Sinder : *sits as he normally does when he isnt up to something...on a tree branch, one leg hanging off of it...and one leg propped up, hugging a sword to his currently awaiting his older brother to get back...but eh...who cares..its not like it'd be any more amusing with his older brother here..*
[17-22:12] cd95b, Phoenix : *More evil suddenly comes to his senses*
[17-22:13] 2fa09, Caradonia: *The wind has stopped blowing by now and she feels at a loss, wants to find whatever it was that was smeling so sweet. With a sight she stops and looks around, getting a feel for her surroundings*