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[06-16:02] 9d256, Merwyn: (a really big, weird, chaotic frying pan)
[06-16:03] cfaae, Strahd VonZarovich : ((heeeeeyyyy!!! that's my breakfast))
[06-16:03] 9d256, Merwyn: (*whines* I wanna be a succubus................................. heh)
[06-16:03] 9d256, Merwyn: (Time for me ta go *waves*)
[06-16:04] 6f997, Zeekan Tovich : *sitting at one of the many table at the glimmering inn. he has a bottle of dwarven ale in his hands. only the top part of his head shows as the bottom is covered in a scarf. his chest is open for all to see the runes inscribed on his skin. he lifts the mug and pushes the scarf up . letting the liquid flow down into his stomach. green eyes scan the room *
[06-16:06] 6f997, Zeekan Tovich : (( color change ))
[06-16:06] 9d256, Merwyn: (well.. actually.. I could stay another half hour... buuutttttt...... I shouldnt :-P.... so... *thinks*... no *Waves* Bye bye)
[06-16:07] bd10e, Garet Jax: *cold, flint grey eyes glance at him from under a black cloak*
[06-16:07] 6f997, Zeekan Tovich : (( zeekan is fun cuase he is over confadent. and that can cause bezerker in him ))
[06-16:07] 6f997, Zeekan Tovich : (( garet .. who you glancing at ))
[06-16:08] bd10e, Garet Jax: ( Zeek ))
[06-16:09] 9d256, Merwyn: (jus a wuick pic test then I gone!!)
[06-16:10] 9d256, Merwyn: (*kicks everyone for not saying bye, and runs off*)
[06-16:10] EXIT: Merwyn has left the chat ( *kick kick kick kick* ).
[06-16:11] 6f997, Zeekan Tovich : *he isnt a legend. nope though he dose have the title . monk of destruction. but for now he seems ok . the mug continues to be raised under the scarf. the other meaty hand rests upon the table. Zeekan dosent seem to be carring any type of weapons on him at all just looks sorta like a regualr joe accept the runes on his chest *
[06-16:13] 6f997, Zeekan Tovich : ((garet do you have aim? ))
[06-16:15] bd10e, Garet Jax: (( unfortunately, no... just priv. message me... ))
[06-16:16] MSG: Zeekan Tovich sent a message to Garet Jax.
[06-16:18] bd10e, Garet Jax: (( How so?
[06-16:18] 6f997, Zeekan Tovich : (( read his profile ... heh ))
[06-16:21] 6f997, Zeekan Tovich : *he continues his drinking . but soon puts down a empty mug his emerald eyes light up as he looks around then leans back in the wooden chair getting relaxed. there isnt much to do on days like this it seems*
[06-16:21] bd10e, Garet Jax: (( Interesting... ))
[06-16:25] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[06-16:25] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 5:25pm, May 06 (CDT) ).
[06-16:25] JOIN: Joey has entered.
[06-16:25] bd10e, Garet Jax: *walks over to Zeekan* Mind if I join you?
[06-16:25] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[06-16:29] d7a4f, Zeekan Tovich : *he looks up at the man. his green eyes light up as well company has wlaked his way* i dont mind one bit * his voice seems to be normal pitch.*
[06-16:34] bd10e, Garet Jax: *hsi voice is soft* Thanks... company in hard times is good...
[06-16:36] d7a4f, Zeekan Tovich : *he blinks and waits there* hows about getting us some drinks *his eyes squit slightly indicating he is smiling under the scarf*
[06-16:37] bd10e, Garet Jax: Sure... Waht do you want?
[06-16:40] d7a4f, Zeekan Tovich : any kind of ale dosent matter to me. * he seems to keep his eyes emotionless. but the facial lines show he is in a cheary mood* but its true company is good
[06-16:48] d7a4f, Zeekan Tovich : (( you there? ))
[06-16:53] d7a4f, Zeekan Tovich : (( ... i guess not ... BAH ... gone ))
[06-16:56] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[06-16:56] bd10e, Garet Jax: (( Ak... I gotta go... ))
[06-17:03] EXIT: Garet Jax has left the chat ( 5:56pm, May 06 (CDT) ).
[06-18:04] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[06-18:27] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[06-18:28] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 7:27pm, May 06 (CDT) ).
[06-18:28] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[06-18:28] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[06-18:54] JOIN: Strahd VonZarovich has entered.
[06-20:44] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[06-20:50] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[06-21:27] JOIN: Cookie Monster has entered.
[06-21:27] 5d609, Cookie Monster: It's all... quiet...
[06-21:30] ceea7, Palladia Mors : *stabs cookie*
[06-21:32] 94c70, Z: *eats Mors*
[06-21:32] 5d609, Cookie Monster: OW! IT REALY STINGSSSS!!!
[06-21:34] ceea7, Palladia Mors : Good..*bursts from Z's stomach*
[06-21:35] 94c70, Z: rawr
[06-21:35] 5d609, Cookie Monster: You missed out Mors. But not too much though, cause lots of people just VANISHED durring play.
[06-21:37] ceea7, Palladia Mors : Yes I know...because my comp decided to be freakin stupid
[06-21:39] ceea7, Palladia Mors : *eats chat*
[06-21:41] 5d609, Cookie Monster: If you want, we can RP Jerren and Arutha finaly meeting face to face.
[06-21:41] JOIN: Ryden has entered.
[06-21:42] 8eb5a, Ryden: ((*le peek*))
[06-21:42] ceea7, Palladia Mors : Sure
[06-21:42] ceea7, Arutha Duthain : (*puts on the Arutha suit*)
[06-21:44] 5d609, Cookie Monster: Just to let you know, Mab NPCed your char saying "WHaaaaaaAAATTT????" when she announced that there not only were goblins present at the gathering but they were working out an alliance. She then had Arutha need to speak to Mab later. Shall we thus start off after Mab finishes her speach?
[06-21:44] ceea7, Arutha Duthain : (*kicks chat for not refreshing*)
[06-21:45] ceea7, Arutha Duthain : (Sure Ting Mon)
[06-21:47] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : *is talking with his two aids, who have revealed themselves to be goblins, one an old, bitter looking hag of a goblin woman, and the other, a much younger male goblin with a mad glint in his eyes*
[06-21:48] ceea7, Arutha Duthain : *is fuming at the prospect of Goblins being added to this merry little gathering...ugly little toad breeding bastages... some of his hair has fallen free of the elegant braid he had pulled it back into, he runs his hand over the neatly trimmed goatee that covers his chin as he eyes Jerren*
[06-21:50] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : *the mad one points to Arutha and says something. Obviously this one has little concern for subtlety. Jerren nods to his companion then smiles to Arutha with his slightly yellowed teeth* You Krondor king. You're neighbors wish you still around.
[06-21:52] ceea7, Arutha Duthain : *hides his disgust well, his voice taking a neutral...if not diplomatic tone as he nods slightly towards Jerren* The feeling is definatly mutual...
[06-21:53] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : Come, you sit and talk with us. If Orcs removed, space once Krondor opened again. Rather people know take back then new ones enter.
[06-21:55] ceea7, Arutha Duthain : *a gloved hand rests idly upon the hilt of the ornate rapier at his side as he eyes Jerren a moment, a heavy sigh escaping his mind, though not his lips as he gestures for him to lead the way to wherever he wants to talk*
[06-21:55] JOIN: Z has entered.
[06-21:57] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : *indicates a chair beside the young male Goblin*
[06-22:00] ceea7, Arutha Duthain : *steels his jaw against a look of disgust...honestly...the King of Krondor sitting with Goblins...ugh....* *he takes the seat, though he draws it further away from the male goblin out of habit*
[06-22:04] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : From bottom of heart, I, Jerren Skulldeep, King of Goblin Kingdom, thank Krondor.
[06-22:04] 94c70, Z: *wants to RP*
[06-22:04] ceea7, Arutha Duthain : (Join in Z) For what?
[06-22:05] 94c70, Z: you guys are in Rua still?
[06-22:06] JOIN: Zaeth has entered.
[06-22:07] ceea7, Arutha Duthain : (Yes)
[06-22:07] ceea7, Arutha Duthain : ( )
[06-22:09] bd170, Zaeth: (well,,, grrr...darn aim...again... Hey alll)
[06-22:10] ceea7, Arutha Duthain : ( Kills spiders dead)
[06-22:11] ceea7, Arutha Duthain : (REFRESH DAMN YOU)
[06-22:11] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : In begining, Goblin Kingdom loose group of tribes hding in Dark Forest. Krondor have money, have goods, have steel. Raid from you for 15 years. Now can make own swords, own goods, have own gold.
[06-22:12] ceea7, Arutha Duthain : *those soulful brown eyes of his flash with an inner fire, betryaying an inner anger at this* And in the process you claimed the lives of both my older brother, and my father...
[06-22:15] 94c70, Aisha: *For a moment, she stands in front of the doors to the Glimmering Inn. The gathering of people the previous night had brought much to think about. Putting one hand out, she pushes the door open and enters.*
[06-22:16] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : ((The goblins did that?)) Realy? Not know. Mostly keep away from your Cavalry. Goblins make good raiders, but not stand one to one against heavy armored horses.
[06-22:19] ceea7, Arutha Duthain : ((Yeah...friggen gooblins)) Instead of bartering for what you decided to take it in raids...that not only claimed the lives of some of my family..but women and children as well...and you..thank me?
[06-22:22] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : *reviews all this in his head for a moment* Yes.
[06-22:23] 94c70, Aisha: *Pauses for a moment as she hears Arutha's voice. Her grey eyes passing over him and Jerren for a brief moment.* Hm. *She then approaches the bar, and the tender taking care of it, to order herself a bit of wine.*
[06-22:25] ceea7, Arutha Duthain : *it takes every bit of his self restraint not to pound Jerren in the head for this...he narrows his eyes a moment...not answering*
[06-22:27] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : You angry. Why?
[06-22:31] ceea7, Arutha Duthain : Why? *his voice takes on a bit of the angered tone* Why?!...*he forces his tone back to that diplomatic note that he started out with* Because of your raids, I had children without parents, families broken and would you have liked it if some [i[barbarian[/i] rode through your country side and killed your people for something that would have been bartered for?
[06-22:32] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : Had nothing to barter with. Had to make economy. Not simply appear from dirt and trees.
[06-22:35] ceea7, Arutha Duthain : That's the isnt. Those people worked hard for what you stole...*his voice is that of a judge...sitting in presidence over a flagrant murderer*
[06-22:36] 94c70, Aisha: *SHe has a brief, polite talk with the barkeep as he gives her order of wine and she in exchange gives him proper pay.*
[06-22:38] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : Know this. Now Cobbler tribe work hard to make own.
[06-22:39] ceea7, Arutha Duthain : You will not profit from what you took from Krondorian citizens...*his tone is almost cold, that temper and arrogance of a Krondorian all too present in him*
[06-22:42] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : Have allready. Now have army strong enough to fight off orcs.
[06-22:43] ceea7, Arutha Duthain : If my armed forces were not enough to hold back that tide, what makes you think that your disorganized band of ruffians will?
[06-22:44] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : Have all Dark Forest to fall back in. Have fought months where Krondor had hours.
[06-22:44] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[06-22:45] ceea7, Arutha Duthain : Nor have they sent their full strength upon you....*his eyes narrows*
[06-22:47] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : We both luck orcs not bright.
[06-22:47] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : luck=lucky
[06-22:49] ceea7, Arutha Duthain : I dont see why that would make me lucky...
[06-22:51] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : Orcs not hunt down leader of deposed country, orcs not focus power. While unfocused can hurt more than if put all energy in one spot.
[06-22:54] 94c70, Aisha: *Listens mildly to their conversation, at times it being near impossible to not catch parts of what is said when a voice is raised in controlled anger.*
[06-22:54] 34b54, Roki: I HAVE MASSIVE HOOTERS !
[06-22:54] ceea7, Arutha Duthain : *makes a light scoffing noise before turning back towards Trendlekim and motions for a glass of wine*
[06-22:55] ceea7, Arutha Duthain : (We dont care about your giant owls Roki)
[06-22:56] 34b54, Roki: <_< >_> *blames it on the Turrets Syndrome*
[06-22:57] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : ((o/)) Snear and scowl at us. We only ones in Krondor area now. You ours if want kingdom back.
[06-22:57] ceea7, Arutha Duthain : (*L*)
[06-22:58] ceea7, Arutha Duthain : a problem easily rectified...*his voice takes a dangerous note as he narrows those soulful brown eyes*
[06-22:58] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : Oh?
[06-23:02] ceea7, Arutha Duthain : *leaves it at that...and when his wine comes, he drains the glass in a quick, but controlled manner*
[06-23:03] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : Bah. Try and talk King with King, all get is scoff and derision.
[06-23:05] ceea7, Arutha Duthain : All you are king of is a disorganized tribe of brigands, rapists and thieves...
[06-23:06] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : Rapists? Why goblins would rape humans?
[06-23:07] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : (("why you scruffy looking, half witted... NERF HERDER!" "who says I'm scruffy?"))
[06-23:09] ceea7, Arutha Duthain : ((Its "who are you calling scruffy looking"))
[06-23:11] ceea7, Arutha Duthain : Why would I know? You're supposed to be their King...why dont you know?
[06-23:11] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : ((thank you. Its been... damn... years since I've seen it))
[06-23:11] JOIN: Miyavi has entered.
[06-23:12] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : Never heard or seen.
[06-23:14] ceea7, Arutha Duthain : *gives a faint scowl and a scoff before he makes some veiled pleasantry and leaves*
[06-23:15] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : ((The Goblins would have to be REALY REALY hard up to want to rape a human... we're as ugly to them as they are to us))
[06-23:17] c266f, Miyavi: (I need a better name.......)
[06-23:17] ceea7, Arutha Duthain : ((Why not...war does strange things to ppl))
[06-23:22] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : ((eh, but the Goblins are just doing casual raiding. They get to go home at the end of the day.))
[06-23:23] c266f, Miyavi: (*waves* Hi)
[06-23:24] bd170, Zaeth : (*waves to Miyavi* whats wrong with your name? i like it)
[06-23:24] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : ((hiya))
[06-23:24] c266f, Miyavi: (It's a japanese rock star :- )
[06-23:25] JOIN: Miyavi has entered.
[06-23:31] JOIN: Strahd VonZarovich has entered.
[06-23:33] c266f, Miyavi: (*waves* hi )
[06-23:33] 077aa, Strahd VonZarovich: ((*waves* hello))
[06-23:34] c266f, Miyavi: ( ^^ Hi... I need a new name)
[06-23:35] 077aa, Strahd VonZarovich: ((i see that... why not just keep it the way it is?))
[06-23:36] c266f, Miyavi: (Cause.. I'd rather have something original and not stollen off a totaly cute japanese rockstar ^^ )
[06-23:37] 077aa, Strahd VonZarovich: ((*L* well then... think of something *just has all the right answers.. laughs*))
[06-23:38] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[06-23:38] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 12:38am, May 07 (CDT) ).
[06-23:38] JOIN: Joey has entered.
[06-23:38] c266f, Miyavi: ( :-P I can't, all my good names I've used already, heheh... apparantly, I have 96 characters that I can remember, and that doesnt help me think of new names)
[06-23:38] 5c83c, Zeekan Tovich : (( YO ))
[06-23:39] c266f, Miyavi: (Thats a horrid name *nod*)
[06-23:39] 5c83c, Zeekan Tovich : (( mine? yea sooo ))
[06-23:40] 077aa, Strahd VonZarovich: ((how about yo yo then? *eyeballs*))
[06-23:40] c266f, Miyavi: (no... Yo.. thats a bad name )
[06-23:40] 34b54, Roki: YoYo Ma
[06-23:41] bd170, Zaeth : ((test))
[06-23:41] c266f, Miyavi: (Hmm...... B+ )
[06-23:41] 5c83c, Zeekan Tovich : (( that was my way of saying hi ))
[06-23:42] c266f, Miyavi: (oooohhhh... n/m then ^^ )
[06-23:43] 5c83c, Zeekan Tovich : (( sooo whos up for some rping? ))
[06-23:43] c266f, Miyavi: (can't RP, need new name.. then RP)
[06-23:44] 077aa, Strahd VonZarovich: ((Muchooguypan))
[06-23:44] 5c83c, Zeekan Tovich : (( what kind of char is it gonna be? ))
[06-23:45] c266f, Miyavi: (Pegasi ^^ unless by some miracle I can be a male succubus within the next several minutes)
[06-23:46] 077aa, Strahd VonZarovich: ((*wiggles fingers then shakes head* doesn't look as thought it's going to happen))
[06-23:47] c266f, Miyavi: (Ya supposed to wiggle yer nose...... or.. uh... cross yer arms and nod)
[06-23:47] 5c83c, Zeekan Tovich : (( hmmm ... i some how make my chars twisted in som eway ... i dont have one good char ... Zeekan is the closet to good and he is chaotic nutural ... but can swith to chaotic evil if he bezerkes ))
[06-23:48] bd170, Illisse Brilthor : ((and say yapple dapple))
[06-23:50] c266f, Miyavi: (*crosses arms, wiggles nose, nods* Yapple dapple, I am male succubus)
[06-23:51] bd170, Illisse Brilthor : ((*looks closely* hrm...nope didnt work))
[06-23:52] 5c83c, Zeekan Tovich : ((*hum de dum* ))
[06-23:52] 34b54, Roki: we dont have any Succubi in the room.. nor do we have a speciese writeup on'em...
[06-23:53] c266f, Miyavi: (I know... thats why I have Pegasi as the.. sorta.. main thing ^^ cause I dunno if Succubi are aloud ^^)
[06-23:54] 34b54, Roki: *finding out*
[06-23:55] 34b54, Roki: aaannnd no on the Succubi
[06-23:55] 34b54, Roki: and fyi.. a male succubi is an Incubus
[06-23:57] c266f, Miyavi: (Isn't that a band?? ^^ )
[06-23:57] 34b54, Roki: .. yeah
[06-23:57] c266f, Miyavi: (Can I be an incubus? ^^ )
[06-23:59] 34b54, Roki: No
[06-23:59] c266f, Miyavi: (*pouts* K )
[07-00:00] 5c83c, Zeekan Tovich : hum de dum
[07-00:03] c266f, Miyavi: (*roams the boards in search of something similiar to incubus... while currently claiming pegasi*)
[07-00:04] 5c83c, Zeekan Tovich : heh well im just gonna sit here and wait for arp ... if it starts
[07-00:04] 077aa, Strahd VonZarovich: ((*ponders rp*))
[07-00:05] c266f, Miyavi: (If ya post IC I might just give up search and follow :-P)
[07-00:06] c266f, Miyavi: (heheh, I can name me Yue... when people ask for the name, I say "I am Yue" :-P)
[07-00:06] EXIT: Miyavi has left the chat ( 1:06am, May 07 (CDT) ).
[07-00:06] JOIN: yue has entered.
[07-00:06] bd170, Illisse Brilthor : ((this is bad ..... a room full of people with nothing to do....))
[07-00:06] c266f, yue: ( ^^ )
[07-00:09] NICK: yue changed nick to Yue.
[07-00:09] 5c83c, Zeekan Tovich : *continues to sit at the table he was at. after being botherd by garet he himself orders another drink as he waits his mind drifts from subject to subject. and from the current issues that are being rumored through the underworld about some sorta undead army of sorts. but he himself dosent know of anything atm just gossip and rumors * humph * even his sounds are muffeled by the scarf that surounds his neck*
[07-00:11] c266f, Yue: (glimmering inn, yes??)
[07-00:12] 5c83c, Zeekan Tovich : (( yes))
[07-00:12] NICK: Illisse Brilthor changed nick to Skye.
[07-00:13] c266f, Yue: (yes )
[07-00:14] 077aa, Strahd VonZarovich: *a large gauntleted hand can been seen pushing against the door to the tavern before the large figure enters the room... a dark hood resting over his head masking his features in the forever shadow that plagues his ice like heart... those dark chromed over eyes shift over the room and it's patrons.. his eyes seem to flare with life as the light hits it just right... moving to claim a seat nearer the shadows he growls slightly as few men bump into him.... pushing one of them aside like a ragdoll he claims his seat and nods to the tender who takes his order.. he allows that gaze to travel over the room once more taking in it's occupants and their features... and with a small charming smirk he turns his gaze away with a slight shake of his head*
[07-00:14] bd170, Skye: * sontinues to travel the road to Rua...checking over her shoulder every few minutes to see if she is being followed....*
[07-00:16] c266f, Yue: *has finaly wandered into a town, dressed in thin, solf, silken white robes. is currently moneyless, though heads for the nearest inn anyway, in hopes of graceful charity, or an offer to trade labour and work for temporary room and drink*
[07-00:18] 5c83c, Zeekan Tovich : *the second Strahd walked into the room. zeekan dident like him. his features are hidden and he brings a cold aura towards him. as the ale reaches his table he smiles to the barmaid pays her and as she turns he looks at her ass. and smiles perverted daydreams pass through his head. but is soon shaken free when he contnue to feel some coldness grab and tingle at his skin. green eyes continue to look at strahd*
[07-00:21] 077aa, Strahd VonZarovich: *his ears perk at the sound of a new arrival.. he turns his gaze to Yue as she enters... his nostrils flaring faintly before he smirks once again and turns his gaze away... nodding slightly to the tender as he comes back with the new drink only to set it down infront of him... pulling a small bag of golden coins from a pouch at his side he tosses it to the man before reaching out to claim his drink... he lifts it up towards his lips to take a sip but stops as he feels another gaze upon him... his eyes seem to flicker as he shifts his gaze ever so gently to look over towards Zeekan.... and with a small effortless smirk he takes a sip from his drink and sets it back down*
[07-00:22] JOIN: Strahd VonZarovich has entered.
[07-00:24] c266f, Yue: *enters the inn a few short moments after Strahd, one wing folded up and pressed against his back, the other one wrapped about to the front and being hugged/comforted. A few red spots may be noticed on the hugged wing, spattered here and there though some spots pale as though someone had attempted to cleani t all away*
[07-00:25] 077aa, Strahd VonZarovich: ((*kills the s on he*))
[07-00:26] 5c83c, Zeekan Tovich : *he grunts befor taking a sip of his ale. though every new patron brings his attetion to them. but soon he looses intrest and continues his little beer drinking. adventures slurping down ale. his gaze bounces over the room from area to area*
[07-00:27] 5c83c, Zeekan Tovich : (( i might have to pause for a bit cuase i have to beat my frined in a 3 peak race in ssx3 ))
[07-00:28] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 1:28am, May 07 (CDT) ).
[07-00:29] JOIN: Illisse Brilthor has entered.
[07-00:29] 5c83c, Zeekan Tovich : (( ok pauses ))
[07-00:31] JOIN: yue has entered.
[07-00:31] c266f, yue: (*beats up IE*)
[07-00:35] 077aa, Strahd VonZarovich: ((that's cool))*he raises the glass to his pale lips once more as he claims yet another sip from it before setting it gently back upon the table top... he growls towards the tender as he comes to gather things around him... never liking anyone to get to close to him that he does not know... he hand going to his dagger only to have it out and at the man's throat as he slams the man down on his table... digging the blade in ever so slightly as he stares into the tender's frightend eyes... that sadistic smile spreading over his lips as he pushes it further into the man's neck just enough to make him quiet those screams of pain.... his closes his eyes as the silence is like music to his ears then he opens eyes once again only to cut them to the side and behind the take a glance towards Yue for a brief moment.... that smirk replacing the smile upon his lips as he jams the dagger in the man's neck only to pull it out a few moments later... grabbing the man by the wound made.. digging his fingers into the hole and twisting them a bit before picking him up with those same fingers and tossing him to the floor... he then turns his gaze back to Yue.. that dark smile coming to claim his lips once again*
[07-00:37] c266f, yue: *He smiled to Strahd, the only othe person I see IC* Hello *keeping a distance though, knows nothing of him. Offers a short bow*
[07-00:37] c266f, yue: (or not??)
[07-00:38] 077aa, Strahd VonZarovich: ((that's cool))*he raises the glass to his pale lips once more as he claims yet another sip from it before setting it gently back upon the table top... he growls towards the tender as he comes to gather things around him... never liking anyone to get to close to him that he does not know... his hand going to his dagger only to have it out and at the man's throat as he slams the man down on his table... digging the blade in ever so slightly as he stares into the tender's frightend eyes... that sadistic smile spreading over his lips as he pushes it further into the man's neck just enough to make him quiet those screams of pain.... he closes his eyes as the silence is like music to his ears then he opens eyes once again only to cut them to the side and behind to take a glance towards Yue for a brief moment.... that smirk replacing the smile upon his lips as he jams the dagger in the man's neck only to pull it out a few moments later... grabbing the man by the wound made.. digging his fingers into the hole and twisting them a bit before picking him up with those same fingers and tossing him to the floor... he then turns his gaze back to Yue.. that dark smile coming to claim his lips once again*
[07-00:39] 077aa, Strahd VonZarovich: ((sorry.. to many typos))
[07-00:40] c266f, yue: (Id dint notice any :-P )
[07-00:40] 077aa, Strahd VonZarovich: ((see... i'm not evil though *eg*))
[07-00:40] bd170, Illisse Brilthor : ((*yawns* good night all))
[07-00:40] EXIT: Illisse Brilthor has left the chat ( 1:40am, May 07 (CDT) ).
[07-00:41] 077aa, Strahd VonZarovich: ((*waves* night night Ill))
[07-00:41] c266f, yue: (oh, phew... I read 'night night all' not night night ill :-P tought everyone was leavin me ^^ )
[07-00:44] 077aa, Strahd VonZarovich: ((*shakes head* nope.. i'm here for a bit longer))
[07-00:52] c266f, yue: (eek!! SORRRYYY!!! If orgot I was here!!..... though... dun look like I missed much :-P)
[07-00:52] 077aa, Strahd VonZarovich: ((nope just waiting on a return post))
[07-00:53] 077aa, Strahd VonZarovich: ((well i need sleep anyway.. *waves and poofs*))
[07-00:53] EXIT: Strahd VonZarovich has left the chat ( 1:53am, May 07 (CDT) ).
[07-00:53] c266f, yue: (*was too :-P, said hullo... and that was supposed to be posted after yer post but you erased yer post and reposted it*)
[07-00:56] c266f, yue: (*sigh*)
[07-00:56] EXIT: yue has left the chat ( 1:56am, May 07 (CDT) ).
[07-01:00] 5c83c, Zeekan Tovich : (( ok back but everyone is gone ))
[07-01:13] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[07-01:15] 94c70, Aisha: (( *is here* ))
[07-02:48] JOIN: yue has entered.
[07-02:48] c266f, yue: (Ahh!! are you still here?!?!)
[07-02:51] c266f, yue: (gues snot )
[07-02:51] EXIT: yue has left the chat ( 3:51am, May 07 (CDT) ).
[07-07:16] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[07-10:57] JOIN: Z has entered.
[07-11:00] ceea7, Palladia Mors : *eats Z*
[07-11:09] 94c70, Artanis : *The mid-day sun above, she walks along with the others, leading the way slightly. It wouldn't be much longer before they would reach the next large village, sometime towards the end of the day. For the moment, she was silent.*
[07-11:12] ceea7, Castel Santos : *he comes up beside her, his thick black Nish'apur hair falling down the back of the breastplate of his plate armor, his dark almost smoldering eyes looking over at her for a long moment, likewise silent*
[07-11:16] 94c70, Artanis : *Glances over at Castel.* How long do you think you'll be travelling with us?
[07-11:19] ceea7, Castel Santos : *his head raises a bit as he had been focusing on the path before them, those near smoldering black eyes focusing a bit on Artanis a moment before his lips almost part into a sort of half smile* So long as I am welcome, Senorita
[07-11:22] 94c70, Artanis : *Nods slightly to him.* What of your Kingdom?
[07-11:23] ceea7, Castel Santos : I long turned my back on that evil land...*speaks these words with no small ammount of pain...but still they come out in that rolling dialect his native language took on Common
[07-11:35] 94c70, Artanis : You've no hope of taking it back, making it better?
[07-11:58] ceea7, Castel Santos : No..they are too rooted in the belief of Zin...
[07-12:01] 94c70, Artanis : *Nods slightly.* I'm sorry. *Looking away, she watches forward again as they walk.*
[07-12:06] ceea7, Castel Santos : *he silently walks on, giving a faint dismissive gesture as they continue on*
[07-12:19] 94c70, Artanis : *THey walk on for sometime, silent. Eventually, though, she speaks up again.* That flower was very kind of you.
[07-12:20] ceea7, Castel Santos : *arches a thick Nish'apur brow, as he fights to keep a slight smile from his face as she speaks* You're very welcome... *doesnt even bother hiding the fact that it was him*
[07-12:22] 94c70, Artanis : *Is a woman, would know if he was lying anyway. She smiles slightly though as he seemed a bit surprised that she had caught onto him.*
[07-12:24] ceea7, Castel Santos : You have a very enrapturing smike, Senorita *his words are a bit hushed, as if he didnt want the others to hear*
[07-12:25] 94c70, Artanis : *Glances at him for a moment.* Thank you, Sir.
[07-12:27] ceea7, Castel Santos : *nods slightly as his lips curl slightly into a smile...or what could be interpreted as a smile* De Nada
[07-12:37] 94c70, Artanis : *She glances back for a moment to ensure that everyone else was still present and that nothing was amiss. Still continueing on.*
[07-12:40] ceea7, Castel Santos : Do you have no one, Senorita?
[07-12:45] 94c70, Artanis : *Raises a brow slightly at his question not sure what it was he was asking.* What do you mean by noone?
[07-12:50] ceea7, Castel Santos : No one to comfort you..* is meaning a lover of course...he has observed the newfound companions...and none seem too..enamoured wiht her*
[07-13:03] 94c70, Artanis : *Shakes her head.* If you mean a husband, no.
[07-13:07] ceea7, Castel Santos : Why not...if you dont mind me asking....*he looks at her a moment* You are a very beautiful woman...there must've been
[07-13:16] 94c70, Artanis : No. There's never been anyone. I lost my home and my father many years ago, and then my mother shortly after. I've been on my own since.
[07-13:30] ceea7, Castel Santos : (Refresh!!)
[07-13:31] ceea7, Castel Santos : Very sad... *nods slowly but offers a comforting pat on her shoulder from his metal encased hand* I would say I understand...but..I do not..
[07-13:32] ceea7, Castel Santos : (refresh dammit!)
[07-16:06] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[07-16:06] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[07-16:09] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 5:06pm, May 07 (CDT) ).
[07-16:10] JOIN: Axis has entered.
[07-16:10] 00306, Axis : ((anyone aboot?))
[07-16:13] 8f2d7, Will-o'-the-wisp: somewhat
[07-16:13] 00306, Axis : ((somewhat?))
[07-16:14] 8f2d7, Will-o'-the-wisp: yeah...only somewhat.....watching teaving and eating a fried apple pie. Muy yummie
[07-16:15] 8f2d7, Will-o'-the-wisp: teaving=T.V.......
[07-16:15] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[07-16:16] NICK: Will-o'-the-wisp changed nick to Strahd.
[07-16:17] 8f2d7, Will-o'-the-wisp: Greetings
[07-16:17] 8f2d7, Will-o'-the-wisp: *gets a color*
[07-16:19] 00306, Axis : ((*yanw* I'm bored...but sounds good))
[07-16:19] 8f2d7, Will-o'-the-wisp: I'm bored too.....extreamly
[07-16:23] 00306, Axis : ((whee. boredom club))
[07-16:24] 8f2d7, Will-o'-the-wisp: we have our own secret password and everything
[07-16:25] 00306, Axis : ((*hands out memebership cards*))
[07-16:25] dd1a0, Strahd: can i join the boredom club?
[07-16:26] 00306, Axis : ((sure come on in))
[07-16:27] 8f2d7, Will-o'-the-wisp: Of course!!
[07-16:27] dd1a0, Strahd: *joins.. brings the chips and dip*
[07-16:29] 8f2d7, Will-o'-the-wisp: *Makes Strahd the club treasure and keeper of chips and dip..yummie**Helps self*
[07-16:30] JOIN: Z has entered.
[07-16:31] 00306, Axis : ((*gives strahd a member ship card*...also gives you 30% off at your local brothel....))
[07-16:32] 8f2d7, Will-o'-the-wisp: Can I get 30% off of my local brothel? I have needs too*sniffs*
[07-16:32] dd1a0, Strahd: *smiles and pockets the card... is important now*
[07-16:35] 00306, Axis : ((all the cards do that...whee))
[07-16:35] 8f2d7, Will-o'-the-wisp: Yay!!!
[07-16:36] 00306, Axis : ((muahahahaha))
[07-16:36] 8f2d7, Will-o'-the-wisp: It's too hot*shoots the sun*
[07-16:37] 00306, Axis : ((*the sun supernovas and wipes out he solarsystem))
[07-16:37] 8f2d7, Will-o'-the-wisp: *Doesent object*
[07-16:39] 00306, Axis : ((*still has 30% off the Alpha Centari brothel))
[07-16:40] 8f2d7, Will-o'-the-wisp: mmmmm..Alien babes *wrinkels nose*
[07-16:41] 00306, Axis : ((not to bad actually...
[07-16:43] 8f2d7, Will-o'-the-wisp: I really dont want that picture in my head*covers ears*
[07-16:44] 00306, Axis : ((wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee they can bend...))
[07-16:45] 8f2d7, Will-o'-the-wisp: La la la la la la la la la
[07-16:46] 00306, Axis : ((it is very entertaining))
[07-16:47] 8f2d7, Will-o'-the-wisp: quiet you
[07-16:47] JOIN: Cookie Monster has entered.
[07-16:48] 5d609, Cookie Monster: Right... who just ruined the sun?
[07-16:48] 00306, Axis : (MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA))
[07-16:48] dd1a0, Strahd: bendy bendy
[07-16:49] 8f2d7, Will-o'-the-wisp: God did*and hides behind something*
[07-16:50] 5d609, Cookie Monster: Darn it God! You told me three more months! *Shakes fist and puts on some warm clothes*
[07-16:51] 8f2d7, Will-o'-the-wisp: *Enjoys being thrusted into eternal winter. Throws out her busted window air conditior without a thought* Thank you God!
[07-16:52] dd1a0, Strahd: *points to Will-o'*
[07-16:52] 8f2d7, Will-o'-the-wisp: *puts on her innocent eyes*
[07-16:53] 5d609, Cookie Monster: Well shoot. *was so close to getting the genetic material for every species on earth for genetic engineering purposes...*
[07-16:55] 00306, Axis : (*actually enjoys the eternal winter as well...if it hadn't supernovad and destryoed the earth))
[07-16:55] 8f2d7, Will-o'-the-wisp: *The earth was saved...imagine that*
[07-16:56] dd1a0, Strahd: *doesn't live on earth so is safe*
[07-16:57] 5d609, Cookie Monster: how did it get saved? I didn't mind it being destroyed, I just wanted all that nifty premade genetic material.
[07-16:57] dd1a0, Strahd: *doesn't live on earth.. lives in South America*
[07-16:58] 8f2d7, Will-o'-the-wisp: Venus got in the way...I think
[07-17:00] dd1a0, Strahd: *doesn't really live there.... just wanted to feel specail*
[07-17:00] dd1a0, Strahd: *heh special to*
[07-17:00] 8f2d7, Will-o'-the-wisp: *gives Strahd a cookie because he's so special*
[07-17:01] 00306, Axis : ((hmm ah well...has alpha centari brothels all to himself then*))
[07-17:01] dd1a0, Strahd: *drools and wobbles off after taking his cookie... comes back and gives it back all wer with drool*
[07-17:02] 8f2d7, Will-o'-the-wisp: *steps back* Your supposed to eat it..not lick it..
[07-17:03] dd1a0, Strahd: oh.. sowwy.. *chews it up then gives it back*
[07-17:04] 8f2d7, Will-o'-the-wisp: ugh..swallow!!!!
[07-17:05] 00306, Axis : ((lmfao))
[07-17:05] dd1a0, Strahd: *L* no!! *runs off.. trips... cries*
[07-17:06] 5d609, Cookie Monster: *kicks Strahd while he's down*
[07-17:07] 8f2d7, Will-o'-the-wisp: *whipes the chewed cookie mess off of her hand and onto the prone Strahd
[07-17:07] dd1a0, Strahd: anyway.. i'm outtie *limps off cause he was kicked*
[07-17:07] 00306, Axis : ((*sets them all on fire*))
[07-17:08] 8f2d7, Will-o'-the-wisp: /Awwww...dont leave*clings to Strahd*
[07-17:08] 5d609, Cookie Monster: *burns... doesn't seem to feel it, but certainly burns*
[07-17:09] 8f2d7, Will-o'-the-wisp: *Is hot*
[07-17:09] 8f2d7, Will-o'-the-wisp: *Like yeah baby*
[07-17:12] 00306, Axis : ((*hrmm sets himself on fire and dances*))
[07-17:13] 8f2d7, Will-o'-the-wisp: *thinks about crawling back into bed*
[07-17:25] 867a2, Sileen: Bed? What's... "bed"?
[07-17:25] 867a2, Sileen: ... She said 12 minutes afterwards...
[07-17:26] 00306, Axis : ((*yawn*))
[07-17:27] 867a2, Sileen: *covers his mouth*
[07-17:29] 00306, Axis : (*eats her hand*))
[07-17:31] 867a2, Sileen: *regrows a new one* ... You jerk
[07-17:33] 00306, Axis : ((*sad now*))
[07-17:34] 867a2, Sileen: You bit my hand off! Why are YOU sad?!
[07-17:36] 00306, Axis : ((you called me a jerk....if you didn't want me to eat it was was it in fornt of my mouth?))
[07-17:37] 867a2, Sileen: It's polite to cover your mouth when you yawn
[07-17:42] 00306, Axis : ((oh...okay!)
[07-17:42] 867a2, Sileen: *mumble*
[07-19:14] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[07-19:19] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[07-20:24] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[07-20:42] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[07-20:48] JOIN: Illisse Brilthor has entered.
[07-20:52] 59b01, Illisse Brilthor : *looks around....and sees......noone*
[07-21:14] JOIN: Levald has entered.
[07-21:15] 59b01, Illisse Brilthor : *dances* Hey!
[07-21:16] 59b01, Illisse Brilthor : ok...where did you go?
[07-21:17] 59b01, Illisse Brilthor : AIM>>>>
[07-21:21] 59b01, Illisse Brilthor : oh forget it...downloading it again..
[07-21:37] 59b01, Illisse Brilthor : Lev???
[07-21:54] JOIN: Levald has entered.
[07-21:55] c6c97, Levald : hey
[07-22:10] 867a2, Sileen: Just when you thought it was safe....... Dunnun.... dunnun.... dunnun nunnun nun.... SILEEN ATTACK! *leaps at... hm... Lev!*
[07-22:10] 867a2, Sileen: Well, if they are still here
[07-22:11] 59b01, Illisse Brilthor : *stands in front of Lev*
[07-22:11] 59b01, Illisse Brilthor : probably not the best idea ive ever had
[07-22:11] 867a2, Sileen: Ha HA! *tackles Illisse*
[07-22:11] c6c97, Levald : *falls over under sileen and illisse*
[07-22:12] 867a2, Sileen: Dog pile! :-D
[07-22:12] 867a2, Sileen:
[07-22:13] 867a2, Sileen: Yes... the Sileen is hyper. Or, well, silly tired at least. Bwahaha.
[07-22:13] 59b01, Illisse Brilthor : *is squished*
[07-22:14] 867a2, Sileen: Mwe hehehehe
[07-22:14] 59b01, Illisse Brilthor : hey I'm glad you are here....i wanted to talk to you about writing some about the elves history to post on the fan board..
[07-22:15] 867a2, Sileen:
[07-22:16] 59b01, Illisse Brilthor : Roki said that you are the person to talk to about that
[07-22:16] 867a2, Sileen: *slinks around* .. Maybe...
[07-22:17] 59b01, Illisse Brilthor : hmmm...okay... you have aim?
[07-22:18] 867a2, Sileen: ... Maybe <.< >.>
[07-22:18] 867a2, Sileen: AIM SN- Sileen Tenlae
[07-22:18] 867a2, Sileen: <_< >_>
[07-22:18] 867a2, Sileen:
[07-22:22] JOIN: Brimstone has entered.
[07-22:22] 59b01, Illisse Brilthor : (hey Brim)
[07-22:23] beb1a, Brimstone : ('Ello.)
[07-22:27] 867a2, Sileen: I love chicken, I love liver.....
[07-22:27] beb1a, Brimstone : (Liver?? Blarge.)
[07-22:28] beb1a, Brimstone : (Only thing livers are good for, is filtering alcohol.)
[07-22:29] 867a2, Sileen: Yeah, I dun really like liver... but dang it! It's how the song goes
[07-22:30] beb1a, Brimstone : (OooO.. whoops.)
[07-22:31] 867a2, Sileen:
[07-22:33] 59b01, Illisse Brilthor : (oy...i missed this.....*is so glad to have pc back* )
[07-22:33] c6c97, Levald : (meow mix meow mix please deliver)
[07-22:34] 867a2, Sileen: You too, eh Illisse? *loves her new computer*
[07-22:34] 867a2, Sileen: o/
[07-22:35] 59b01, Illisse Brilthor : been with out mine not as long as you....but i've been going crazy with out it
[07-22:36] 867a2, Sileen: I feel for you
[07-22:37] c6c97, Levald : hehehe o/ looks like those ships in starwars videogame
[07-22:38] 867a2, Sileen: [-o-]
[07-22:38] 59b01, Illisse Brilthor : *holds head* ohhh Lev...
[07-22:38] 867a2, Sileen: [-o-] (-o-) [-o-]
[07-22:39] c6c97, Levald : no the hell cats or whatever they're called
[07-22:40] c6c97, Levald : from clone wars
[07-22:42] 867a2, Sileen: Mew?
[07-22:44] 867a2, Sileen: V / V / V / V / V /
[07-22:45] 867a2, Sileen: ... okay... I'm bored...
[07-22:47] 59b01, Illisse Brilthor : sorry....we all need to rp...
[07-22:47] beb1a, Brimstone : (Word.)
[07-22:47] 59b01, Illisse Brilthor : but for the life of me..i just cant figure a way we can all get togethere
[07-22:47] 867a2, Sileen: Pick a character, throw it out somewhere, and I will find some reason for one of mine to run into them
[07-22:48] 867a2, Sileen: If nothing else, my half demon ends up everywhere , and my dragon does get around
[07-22:50] 867a2, Sileen: ... and Brimstone's avatar image rocks...
[07-22:52] 867a2, Sileen: ...TALK TO MEEE!!!!! Don't go all silent! NOOOO!!!!
[07-22:53] 59b01, Zaeth : *finding herself unchained ..she begins to wander around...finding a small door that opens to the forest outside ..she looks out and enjoys the sunshine for the first time in weeks*
[07-22:54] 867a2, Sileen: ... Chained?
[07-22:54] 59b01, Zaeth : (she is Palladia's slave)
[07-22:54] 867a2, Sileen: Did she just get away?
[07-22:55] beb1a, Brimstone : *he walked through the forest for something to momentraily quell his hunger .. black leather boots fall repeatly silent against the earth - his olfactory, auditory and vision heightened to a dragonic acuteness*..
[07-22:55] 59b01, Zaeth : ((LOL she was given a day pass for being good...*laughs*)
[07-23:00] 59b01, Zaeth : *Taking a step outside the door ...she breaths deeply of the fresh..sunwarmed air*
[07-23:00] effc1, Jace: *stretch*
[07-23:01] 867a2, Sileen: Where abouts is she?
[07-23:02] beb1a, Brimstone : *rubbing pale, bare hands together in anticipation, creeping onward, moving around trees and other greens as required .. his pupils raptilian, bottomless black surrounded in a crystalline blue - peering through a shifting white curtain of hair, searching*..
[07-23:04] 59b01, Zaeth : ((hehe he says Hell)
[07-23:05] 867a2, Sileen: *scratches head* Mmmkay... that one's a bit tough for me to get to
[07-23:06] 59b01, Zaeth : (she is on the surface just now ..hrm... put her in the forest outside Rua)
[07-23:06] 867a2, Sileen: .. Get her, Brim!
[07-23:07] beb1a, Brimstone : (Heh-heh.)
[07-23:09] beb1a, Brimstone : *he takes a deep breathe of the woodsy air, abnormal eyes squint .. glancing over to his left, then turning to stare at the right, his body following in motion, continuing that way - hands lower to his sides, fingers shifting*..
[07-23:09] 59b01, Zaeth : ((*ducks and calls for reinforcements*)
[07-23:10] NICK: Levald changed nick to Sedrik.
[07-23:11] c6c97, Will-o'-the-wisp: *leaving the inn he heads towards the stables to retrieve Harald, his horse.*
[07-23:12] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 12:11am, May 08 (CDT) ).
[07-23:13] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[07-23:14] beb1a, Brimstone : *tongue tip slips across his bottom lip, the Draconian able to smell anything around him, avoiding the oder of smaller, stringy animals to take part of the bigger, meater ones he desires .. a bear, black no doubt, thought he's no where near yet - majorly tracking with his sense of smell, the other two potent senses keep tabs on the immediate area around him*..
[07-23:15] c6c97, Will-o'-the-wisp: Sedrik.
[07-23:15] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[07-23:18] 59b01, Zaeth : *her bare feet making almost no noise as she walked, she enjoys the sight and sounds of the forest around her...seeing a large boulder near a stream she decides that it is a good place to just sit and do nothing for a while*
[07-23:21] JOIN: Sedric has entered.
[07-23:24] c6c97, Sedric: *after reaching harald he begins harnesing his saddle*
[07-23:25] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[07-23:25] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 12:25am, May 08 (CDT) ).
[07-23:26] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[07-23:31] 59b01, Zaeth : (*has been abandoned*)
[07-23:32] 59b01, Zaeth : (oops no....i killed it again)
[07-23:34] JOIN: Brimstone has entered.
[07-23:34] beb1a, Brimstone : (Damnation.)
[07-23:35] 59b01, Zaeth : (heh welcome back....stranger)
[07-23:36] beb1a, Brimstone : (Computer decided to crap out on me for whatever reason.)
[07-23:36] 59b01, Zaeth : (ohoh...*knows how that feels* mine had lovely virus)
[07-23:38] 59b01, Zaeth : ((*giggles* gee thanks it looks like i've been talking to myself)
[07-23:38] beb1a, Brimstone : (Use undo? = P)
[07-23:39] 59b01, Zaeth : (nah...its too much fun this way)
[07-23:40] 867a2, Sileen: Hm... Zaeth must be talking to herself
[07-23:41] 59b01, Zaeth : (LOL yes i am)
[07-23:42] 59b01, Zaeth : and i have to be the ultimate in bored to do that
[07-23:44] beb1a, Brimstone : *he stalks after the obvious oder of the animal, clearing over any fallen debris or akward terran in his way .. hands often balling and opening at his sides as he moves on, constantly collecting new wafts of other beings, regardless, he keeps his mind focused on the task hand - scanning the scenery before him repeatedly*..
[07-23:48] 59b01, Zaeth : *she sits and watches the water flowing by...listening to the tinkling sound it makes as it slowly passes by.*
[07-23:54] beb1a, Brimstone : *he pauses briefly, nostrils flaring against the air*.. Hm. *checking around quickly, he finds a easily climbable tree and scales up to a suitable branch with a view .. arms still at his sides, he walks forward, heel against toe - observing over the area, staring in one particular direction, muttering under his breath*.. A cursed land. Must be.
[07-23:58] 59b01, Zaeth : *glancing at the sun..she has no idea how long she has been sitting there...although she knew it would soon be time for her to return....Her master would be needing her ....she rises to her feet , goes to the waters edge ..intent on getting atleast one drink of the cool water*
[08-00:01] beb1a, Brimstone : *drops from the branch and lands in a short crouch, walking onward toward where the bear's scent .. unfastening a few platinum buttons of his coat along the way, sneaking his waterskin out as he nears the stream a few yards off*..
[08-00:09] 59b01, Zaeth : *reaching the waters edge, she kneels...carefully leaning over to reach her hand into the cool water ..bringing it up to her mouth ..sipping in the wonderful coolness of it....she had not remembered such things existed*
[08-00:12] JOIN: Brimstone has entered.
[08-00:12] beb1a, Brimstone : (Just for reference, is she wearing typical slave clothes, rags and such? Or what?)
[08-00:15] 59b01, Zaeth : (no she is not a typical slave...she was a noble high elf that was kidnapped and given to Palladia...she wears a fine linen dress...dark green...if somewhat tattered around the edges
[08-00:15] beb1a, Brimstone : (Alright.)
[08-00:18] beb1a, Brimstone : *crouching by the same clear stream, he stared down at the calm waters .. uncapping his skin, he lowered under the cold liquid - a blink all the time he needs to alter his eyes back to their natural state, casting a look down-stream toward the woman in the distance*..
[08-00:24] 59b01, Zaeth : *enjoying the feel of the cold water on her hand..she stands ...placing a foot carefully into the water..shivering slightly, but enjoying the feel none the less.....She hadnt realized until this moment just how...warm....Hell was*.
[08-00:26] beb1a, Brimstone : *standing, he glanced over at the area his bear no likely resided in .. giving a quite sigh, his attention turned back toward the Elven woman, body shifting, taking a few steps down along the stream - waterkin lifted to his lips for a drink*..
[08-00:32] 59b01, Zaeth : *taking a few more steps farther into the stream..she reaches up to undo the ties in her hair....imagining how it would feel to live in*
[08-00:36] beb1a, Brimstone : *closes and pockets the drinking instrument, buttoning his longcoat up again .. a number of additional steps taken onward to the woman, hands folding behind his back, eyes stray occasionally to cut across the forested area, espeically around treetops - he clears his throat to speak, but declines, simply moving on, loose rocks shifting audibly under his boots as he advances to the elf*..
[08-00:42] 59b01, Zaeth : *her hearing ...though not what it once was..picked up a familiar sound.. Turning around she is startled to see a man walking towards her*
[08-00:47] JOIN: Zaeth has entered.
[08-00:50] beb1a, Brimstone : *he nods, giving a partial bow as well, arm across his stomach as he does .. hands return to his sides, metallic blue hues course over her - standing at his full height, a man with uncommonly white hair for a human, and much tallen than any Dark Elf*.. Salutations. *light smile sets into his lips, adding to his friendly and charismatic appearance*..
[08-00:50] JOIN: Zaeth has entered.
[08-00:51] 59b01, Zaeth : (grrr whats with this damn thing?)
[08-00:55] 59b01, Zaeth : (how tall?)
[08-01:12] JOIN: Zaeth has entered.
[08-01:13] 59b01, Zaeth : ok..Brim...this thing is just too nuts to work tonight....I'm giving up on it..see you later...
[08-01:14] 59b01, Zaeth : ok..Brim...this thing is just too nuts to work tonight....I'm giving up on it..see you later...
[08-01:14] EXIT: Zaeth has left the chat ( 2:14am, May 08 (CDT) ).
[08-01:24] JOIN: Brimstone has entered.
[08-01:25] beb1a, Brimstone : (Fu.cuking computer..)
[08-02:29] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[08-08:42] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[08-09:14] 5a5ec, Will-o'-the-wisp: *prods about* Helloooo???
[08-09:15] 5a5ec, Will-o'-the-wisp: *gets some tone to her skin*
[08-14:17] 90fab, Jace: *yawns*
[08-14:18] 867a2, Sileen: Hi!
[08-14:21] 90fab, Jace: Well Met, Sileen
[08-14:21] 867a2, Sileen: How are you this fine day?
[08-14:23] 90fab, Jace: The day finds me at an acceptable juncture, yourself?
[08-14:23] 867a2, Sileen: Just peachy
[08-14:24] 90fab, Jace: I see....
[08-14:26] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[08-14:30] 90fab, Will-o'-the-wisp: *arches a brow slightly* got real quiet in here....
[08-14:31] 867a2, Sileen: My "just peachy" throws everyone for a loop
[08-14:31] 90fab, Jace: *blinks* Hardly thrown for a loop darling *shaking his head*
[08-14:32] 867a2, Sileen: Mew mrow
[08-14:33] 90fab, Jace: *heres a cat, grabs his shot gun*
[08-14:34] 867a2, Sileen:
[08-14:34] 90fab, Jace: *smirks, a delicious emotion of evil*
[08-14:35] 867a2, Sileen: No shooting kitties!
[08-14:35] 90fab, Jace: *shrugs, than reaches for his weedwacker* if you say so
[08-14:37] 867a2, Sileen:
[08-14:37] 867a2, Sileen: I hate you..
[08-14:39] 90fab, Jace: No, I dont think you do *narrowing his eyes the slightest bit, than giving a quick wink*
[08-14:41] 867a2, Sileen: Not yet.
[08-14:41] 867a2, Sileen: Start killing kitties, then I will
[08-14:42] 90fab, Jace: Perhaps, but I still doubt it *giving a small shrug, stashing the weed whacker*
[08-14:43] 867a2, Sileen: Mew
[08-14:45] 90fab, Jace: bleh, I feel like roleplayin....
[08-14:46] 867a2, Sileen: Okay
[08-14:47] 90fab, Jace: *chuckles*
[08-14:50] 90fab, Jagged Farrell: *he stands overlooking a cliff that raises above the dark forest, watching how the leaves of the dense forest seem to absorb the light as an inpenetrable wall, a black hole, he slowly crosses his arms across his chest as he feels the breeze pull at his hair, whipping it about his features*
[08-14:50] JOIN: Brimstone has entered.
[08-14:56] 90fab, Jagged Farrell: *he slowly walks along the edge of the cliff, each step threatening to throw him over the side as he examines the rocky depths, ending at that lush depth of dark woods*
[08-14:56] 867a2, Sileen: Hm..
[08-15:03] 90fab, Jagged Farrell: *he turns his back to the cliff, looking over the plot of land that sits at the top of this steep cliff, like a mesa, judding from the edge of the mountains, neigh impossible to merely climb*
[08-15:04] 867a2, Aegnora : *... and as he turns, there standing a ways behind him, is a woman dressed in black...* See anything interesting?
[08-15:06] 867a2, Aegnora : *well, standing in front of him now*
[08-15:07] 90fab, Jagged Farrell: *a glint of pearled white shines between slightly parted lips as his smirks maliciously at the Nightmare* Aegnora.... a pleasent suprise
[08-15:09] 867a2, Aegnora : A pleasure to see you as well, I am sure. *she casually walks towards him*
[08-15:11] 90fab, Jagged Farrell: *he unfolds his arms, his broad shoulders stifening within the thin layer of ancient metal that clads his form* And how successful have you been with our dear historian?
[08-15:13] 867a2, Aegnora : Not too sucessful I'm afraid. *shrugs idly* I will get to it
[08-15:14] 90fab, Jagged Farrell: *he stops, eyes narrowing slightly as he examines the female* not to sucessful.... you will get to it.... *arching a silver streaked eyebrow lightly* what is it youve been doing this last week, nightmare?
[08-15:16] 867a2, Aegnora : *smirks* My job.
[08-15:17] 90fab, Jagged Farrell: Your job..... *nods slowly as he approches her* that illusive, are we?
[08-15:18] 867a2, Aegnora : You wish step by step to know all that I have been up to? *arches a brow*
[08-15:20] 90fab, Jagged Farrell: I need not be troubled my such specifics, but a general curiosity wonders what a breif discription would be...
[08-15:20] 867a2, Aegnora : I am a nightmare ... what do you think my job is?
[08-15:20] beb1a, Brimstone : *he stared out the small mouth of his cave, jagged, thick icicles hung from above, along with stalagmites reaching down like crude fangs inside .. most broken flat at the ends to allow his room in his natural form - he turned away from the snowy exit, steel-blue eyes trail across a flat-cut side, lined with bookshelves*..
[08-15:21] 90fab, Jagged Farrell: ((ah someone else steals my steel blue eyes, Im popular!))
[08-15:22] 90fab, Jagged Farrell: Ah... but dont you get bored, haunting others dreams night after night *quirking a brow slightly, as he turns again, slowly looking out at the cliffs over view once more* I would think there would have to be a form of variety to your life
[08-15:22] 867a2, Aegnora : ((Steel blue eyes is a common description))
[08-15:23] beb1a, Brimstone : (*hands them back* I'll go with 'metallic' from now on then. *grins*)
[08-15:25] 867a2, Aegnora : Yes. And you have asked that I do more of the same... Which, I might add, I am. Deke will have nightmares, or his dreams will be spied upon... Unless you want to ask something different now?
[08-15:25] 90fab, Jagged Farrell: ((oh shush you! *stabs Sileen*))
[08-15:26] beb1a, Brimstone : *stepping across the hard, icy surface of his lair, advancing towards the books .. glancing over the backs, collecting titles, searching - a bare, pale hand rubs his chin gently, considering*..
[08-15:27] 90fab, Jagged Farrell: ((you would think an ice dragon would have ice blue eyes ))
[08-15:29] 90fab, Jagged Farrell: *the drow stops, athletic arms moving to be placed upon his hips, a master surveying his land so to speak* Things are too calm here.... to predictable *shaking his head slightly* the lesser races have become to accustomed to a life of safety... this is a shame
[08-15:29] beb1a, Brimstone : (Valid point, heh. *crosses out steely, writes in "^Icy"* All proper now.)
[08-15:29] 867a2, Aegnora : ((Is he looking at Aegnora like a master surveying land?))
[08-15:30] 90fab, Jagged Farrell: ((no, hes facing away from Aegnora, looking over the cliff again.... though the prospect is intresting...))
[08-15:31] 867a2, Aegnora : (('Cause if he was, she was gonna be difficult)) It is as that... *eyes him*
[08-15:34] 90fab, Jagged Farrell: ((difficult.... )) *he slowly turns towards Aegnora once again, the cold moonlight reflective gaze of his cold eyes penetrating to the woman* And do you have any ideas on how to... remedy the situation?
[08-15:34] beb1a, Brimstone : *stops directly before one of the five bookcases, the one most to the left .. a hand extends to the row second from the top, index finger sliding across the backs of the tombs, pausing on one, head tilting to read the words across the spine*.. Hm.
[08-15:37] 867a2, Aegnora : *smirks* Well, randomly running through terrorizing tends to work... however, then you get heros chasing after you, and have to either kill person after person hunting you, or lie low until you are forgotten
[08-15:38] 90fab, Jagged Farrell: *laughs faintly, shaking his head as he walks to a rock towards the precepits edge, sitting upon it* foolish women....
[08-15:39] beb1a, Brimstone : *finger and thumb push between the books on the side, clutching against the one he wants and pulls it out .. turning toward the center of his abode, he walks over toward the absolutely enormous pile of countless platinum pieces, a gigantic dip in the middle - opening the book in one hand, he pages through it*..
[08-15:42] 867a2, Aegnora : *eyes narrow ever so slightly* And what would you do?
[08-15:44] 90fab, Jagged Farrell: *the drow shakes his head thoughtfully* is the denziens of the underdark, the drow, my people whom by their own deciet chased me from their malicious caverns really that much more enginius upon their tactical manipulations of life? dwellers of the surface have much to learn.... and they will be taught, and their payment shall be plentiful in fear, and spilt blood
[08-15:45] beb1a, Brimstone : *before reading the bed of metal, he tosses the book into the huge dip, traveling around the arch of coins .. intelligent blue hues cutting to a half-devoured, dead black bear -brief licking of the lips as he nears - the animal soild from the unlivable elements*..
[08-15:49] 867a2, Aegnora : *says nothing in response to this, just smiles in vague amusement*
[08-15:51] beb1a, Brimstone : *sitting on it's side, the lower half has been bitten and torn away, once warm innards now sit frozen against the ground, part of a busted spine and a few ribs protrude from the opened half .. he kneels toward the front, taking one of the stiff animals legs in both hands, gripping it exactly where he needs to - a loud, icy crack echos within the cold walls as he snaps the limb off*..
[08-15:51] 90fab, Jagged Farrell: *he glances over his shoulder to the nightmare, his slightly pointed teeth pulling at his bottom lip in thought before straightening his posture* Aegnora, come to me...
[08-15:52] 867a2, Aegnora : Say please *grins*
[08-15:55] 90fab, Jagged Farrell: Must you resort to such childishness, female?
[08-15:55] beb1a, Brimstone : *stands and turns on a thick-heeled boot, walking back to the bed of metallic currency .. he holds the front limb by the foot at his side - altering his body, his lips widen and take a blue tone as if frost bitten, teeth inside lengthen and sharpen as they morph to fangs*..
[08-15:56] 867a2, Aegnora : I have not yet heard a please...
[08-15:56] 90fab, Jagged Farrell: I have yet to say one *his eyes narrowing slightly, a tendrils of electricity lancing through his eyes for a breif moment*
[08-15:57] beb1a, Brimstone : *stepping up a slope of coins, a nearly musical ringing fills the cave as they brush and click together in his movement .. stepping down into the giant dip, he seats himself next to the book he had left there, legs clad in loose black leather stretched before him - reaching, he snags the book and sets it into his lap*..
[08-15:57] 867a2, Aegnora : *shrugs* Then you can come to me.. *her eyes narrow* I said I would aid you... I am not a servant to be ordered around. If you cannot be at least moderately polite... then I shall not listen
[08-16:00] 90fab, Jagged Farrell: *he grimaces slightly as he stands from his seat, stalking towards Aegnora, a murderous rage burning within his eyes* There is a diffrence between doing what is asked, and following an order, between accomplysas, and from master to slave, there are miles of diffrence, It will pay you will to heed to that advice, and learn how to differentiate the two *his teeth grit together harshly, nose slightly wrinkled*
[08-16:02] 867a2, Aegnora : Will it now? *narrows her eyes* If it is asked , I may comply. "Come to me" is an order, it is not a request.
[08-16:03] beb1a, Brimstone : *jaws open freakishly wide, white points coming down to rend a large, cold section of meat off the bear's leg, skin, fur and all .. drops it down, chewing the frost-ridden delight, hands part the top-half of his longcoat as they undo platinum buttons - the tomb opened, flipping through pages, knowing which one he wants is, he quickly comes to it, staring at the well-inked picture of the dragon..*
[08-16:05] 90fab, Jagged Farrell: *his eyes look over her features, narrow cheek bones, dark ebon hair, and a thought of destruction flits through his mind, a desire to crush the womans body, to erradicate its delicateness in her defiance to him* Yet even through your thoughts of chaos, gallivanting throughout the city to be chased off by..... heros.... *the drow shakes his head* and your reactions right now, only proves that you are no where close to where you need to be... what you need to know. You must be trained Aegnora, you have libraries to learn
[08-16:09] beb1a, Brimstone : *from inside his coat he pulls his waterskin, uncapping and taking a drink, then laying it at his side .. one hand collects the animal's forelimb again for another hard bite down as he swallows the previous - other drags an index finger over the text, reading, already aware the passages, but reading none-the-less*..
[08-16:10] 867a2, Aegnora : *sneers* Do I? Do I really...? Have you any idea what I know? *her eyes flare, glowing like the pits of hell* And aren't you just a shining example! What have you done? Terrorized a few trees? I am really shaking... *she begins stalking around him, giving a snort of disgust* You are rather.. high on your supposed power little drow, but I have seen no action to back your words. *she stops, facing him dead on* And do not think to command me... I obey who I will, when I will. If I have a quirky nature that demands allies be polite when speaking to me, then you can deal with that, or seach allies elsewhere.
[08-16:13] 90fab, Jagged Farrell: *smirks slightly, finding the whole situation rather a joke* It is better to remain silent, and to be thought the fool. Than to open your mouth, and let your words remove all doubt..... You speak too much Aegnora
[08-16:14] 867a2, Aegnora : ... Our dealings are done. *she turns, and begins to walk away..*
[08-16:14] 90fab, Jagged Farrell: *his arm moves out in a flash, latching to her wrist, returning her before him*
[08-16:15] 867a2, Aegnora : ... I suppose you are deaf now? *curls back her lip in a snarl* Release me
[08-16:16] beb1a, Brimstone : *brow lowers as his icy hues narrow as he continues to take in the already well-known words .. he takes a final, huge bite of the limb and heaves it toward the enterance .. chewing rapidly, downed with chilled water from his skin, which is soon capped and set inside his coat again - his mood quickly grows sour, closing the book and hurling it at the wall, standing with low, guttural cursing in the dragonic language*..
[08-16:17] 90fab, Jagged Farrell: *he does not, his iron grip only increasing its clasp about her arm*
[08-16:19] 867a2, Aegnora : ... That does it... *her eyes flare once more, as a shadow seems to spread over her body.. her human form beginning to shift...*
[08-16:20] beb1a, Brimstone : *marches off the pile of coin, hard steps, moving toward the enterance of his home .. a quick lean forward to collect the half-eaten leg along the way, stalking straight out into the snowy environment - his body sinks, as always, into several feet of snow, a cover for countless bones no doubt. he turns, facing the mouth of his haven*..
[08-16:21] 90fab, Jagged Farrell: *laughs faintly, and that fast an orb of darkness surrounds them, swollowing all forms of light within its depths, leaving her effectivly blind*
[08-16:23] beb1a, Brimstone : *his hands open, palms out from his sides, glaring at the open doorway .. he begins to chant a magical, arcane spell, arm slowly raise from his sides, a wall of ice becomes erect inside the enterance, followed with another - steps taken away, he turns and works to calm himself in the heavy downfall of frozen flakes*.. Unappreciated... *muttered, to himself .. head tips back, eyes wide to the strom above*..
[08-16:27] 867a2, Aegnora : *.. she arches forward as her skin darkens into blackness, her face lengthening as sharp canines begin to form in her mouth.. the jet black hair flares back, as flames crackle down the length... long story short, in a matter of seconds, the woman is gone. In her place, is a monster of ebony and fire... As for the darkness, the magic does not touch her, due to the nullifying traits of her kind. Immediantly surrounding her, is an oval where she can see just fine.* ((He let go of her, correct?))
[08-16:28] 867a2, Aegnora : ((Are they bad mouthing dragons? Pfft. Bloody humans, I tell ya))
[08-16:29] beb1a, Brimstone : *his brilliant orbs close, hands held wide at his sides, legs together .. his body shoots up, changing immediately, clothing vanishes as he assumes his dragon form - every color of blue that exists is held within his body, a majory of his seems to be of ice itself, yet as flexable as flesh. his massive jaws part, a cold mist trickles from his lips, crystalline eyes turn on the blocked opening to the cave*..
[08-16:30] 90fab, Jagged Farrell: ((nope, and the orb of darkness can not be nullified, it isnt magical, its an innate ability, neato isnt it?)) *using the leverage of her shift to the equinine form he slides under her only to appear again at her side, sharpened talons plunging at her side to peirce that blackened flesh, his form begining to race with snaking sparks of electricity, charging to his fingertips, a warning jolt, but it would be enough to make her heart do more than skip a beat*
[08-16:32] EXIT: Aegnora has left the chat ( 5:28pm, May 08 (CDT) ).
[08-16:33] JOIN: Zaeth has entered.
[08-16:33] beb1a, Brimstone : *mouth opens, so significantly larger than the already shielded enterance .. a incredibly powerful blast of ice plows to re-reenforce the opening - his long head turns to the skies, colossal wings thust to take him up past the blizzard, beyond the storm overhead*..
[08-16:34] EXIT: Brimstone has left the chat ( 5:33pm, May 08 (CDT) ).
[08-16:35] JOIN: Brimstone has entered.
[08-16:38] f13c8, Illisse Brilthor : (hey Brim...sorry bout last night)
[08-16:39] beb1a, Brimstone : *snow and clouds shatter around his speed ahead, soon breaking past them, crystalline wings flap repeatedly to keep himself airborne, as natural as breathing .. his monumental body twists and soars forward, unwanted loathing brews in his heart*..
[08-16:39] beb1a, Brimstone : (PJJ was having some problems, and I had difficulty getting the room to agree with me too. No worries. = ) )
[08-16:42] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[08-16:44] beb1a, Brimstone : (*lurkage*)
[08-16:46] 867a2, Aegnora : *lets out an eerie scream as the claws dig in, and the sparks fly... however, with his touching her, the flames around her flare up, catching any cloth on his arms aflame, and searing bare skin... meanwhile, she rears back, making a small hop with her back legs, and brings her front hooves down with enough force to smoosh whatever she hits, unless he moves out from under her reeeaaaal quick*
[08-16:46] f13c8, Illisse Brilthor : *haunts* *well known chat ghost*
[08-16:58] beb1a, Brimstone : (Hm.)
[08-17:00] f13c8, Illisse Brilthor : (Ohh..thats NICE Brim)
[08-17:01] beb1a, Brimstone : (Eh?)
[08-17:01] f13c8, Illisse Brilthor : the avatar....
[08-17:02] beb1a, Brimstone : (OoO.. thanks, heh.)
[08-17:09] 90fab, Jagged Farrell: *as said, is at her side, not under her, taking another step back to help create a thicker buffer between the two of them as he pulls his hands from her, his hands darkened slightly at the licking flames of her side, but he oh so loves that feeling of pain, in his twisted and demented mind* Stop this.... we dont need to fight
[08-17:12] 867a2, Aegnora : *snorts out twin plumes of fire as she glowers at him... oh yes, there's shredded clothing on the ground beneath her, forgot that tidbit*
[08-17:14] 90fab, Jagged Farrell: *a flash of metal, a blur of movement, a sharp tip of bladed fury as his movements swiftly draw a blade, placing the tip to the horses throat* I dont have time for games Aegnora, as I doubt you truly do as well, my menstrations are forced towards those of right now, killing you would be a waste of my time
[08-17:15] 90fab, Jagged Farrell: *narrows his eyes slightly* and to dare to stiffen your ego, it would also deny me of a possibly great asset
[08-17:19] 867a2, Aegnora : *she rears back as the blade flies in towards her throat, spinning about to land with her side facing him, her head turning to glower again at him... she snorts again, smoke wisping from her nostrils* ~I am not playing, my dear Jagged... and as I said, our dealings are over. I am no longer an "asset"~ *hell hath no fury like a woman scorned they say....*
[08-17:20] 867a2, Aegnora : *her words are there... but her lips.. muzzle... whatever do not move*
[08-17:22] 90fab, Jagged Farrell: *he slowly walks in a half circle to the front of the nightmare, the rapier still aimed at her throat, his eyes making that soul peircing lock to her own eyes* You do not yet know the wrath of Jagged Farrell... the Maral Avuna... now must we continue this foreplay, or will you return to your humanoid form
[08-17:24] 867a2, Aegnora : ~ I am leaving. You can do as you wish, drow ~ *she pauses, her fire wreathed head lowering slightly to be at his level* ~Unless you wish to apologize for being rude...~
[08-17:28] 90fab, Jagged Farrell: *his eyes fall to the ground for a moment, a small grin pulling at his lips for the breifest moments before fading away, looking back to the nightmare with a sincere gaze* I offer you my appologies Aegnora, I was rude, and there was no calling for it... will you accept and give me your forgivness?
[08-17:30] 867a2, Aegnora : *blinks... it's hard to tell, but is she taken aback that he actually apologized?* ~... Fine. However, as I am not going to appear before you nude... I will remain in this form for now~
[08-17:32] 90fab, Jagged Farrell: a dark steed modest of its apperance? *chuckles softly* I would not think youd have such morals.... if it makes you happy, I have some sets of clothing at my lair not to far off from there, I will lead you to it and stand guard outside with my back to the opening to make sure no wandering eyes find you changing there
[08-17:33] JOIN: Illisse Brilthor has entered.
[08-17:34] 867a2, Aegnora : ~I am no steed...~ *lips curl back briefly, flashing her fangs* ~Your offer is appreciated, but I am fine~
[08-17:35] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[08-17:36] 90fab, Jagged Farrell: *nods slowly* I will admit, it is rather... unbalancing to be speaking to you in a horses form *shaking his head faintly* is there nothing I could do to help assure your modesty, so that we can speak on more even terms?
[08-17:37] beb1a, Brimstone : *gigantic ice-like wings spread wide as he glides toward the forest, the clouds tear around his magnificent body as he cuts through lower, and quickly enough, up into them - all the time he needs to occasionally peer down for a cattle farm to prey on*..
[08-17:38] 867a2, Aegnora : *mentally, she smirks* ~You are a brave drow.. I am sure you can deal for now~
[08-17:38] 867a2, Amber : ((In the mood for some RP, Brim?))
[08-17:39] beb1a, Brimstone : (Yes I am.)
[08-17:40] 867a2, Amber : *sunlight reflects off a flash of gold in the distance....*
[08-17:40] 90fab, Jagged Farrell: I take that as a compliment, most drow are not, though they hide behind falsaties of confidence to make them seem resiliant, but even they themselves know they are cowards, striking from the shadowed corner at their advesaries back *shaking his head* that is no way to live
[08-17:42] 867a2, Aegnora : *her lips part as she makes a creepy noise that sounds vaguely like laughter* ~.. Lead me to this cave, drow~
[08-17:44] beb1a, Brimstone : *large, crystalline-blue eyes squint briefly at the distraction, his body jerks to a stop, hind legs and tail cut forward into fluffy, white clouds .. wings loudly thrust as they keep him afloat - a gravely rumble turns in his hard, scaled throat, a blue smoke wafting about his jaws*..
[08-17:44] 90fab, Jagged Farrell: *nods as he gives his rapier a small spin arm extending for the blade to find its sheath, quickly sliding it into its holster on his belt as he turns to walk towards the edge of the cliff, simply stepping off of its edge,falling swiftly downwards*
[08-17:45] 867a2, Amber : *that brief flash of gold... then... nothing*
[08-17:46] 867a2, Aegnora : *she moves to the edge, looking down after the plummeting drow.. *
[08-17:47] EXIT: Illisse Brilthor has left the chat ( 6:33pm, May 08 (CDT) ).
[08-17:48] 90fab, Jagged Farrell: *using that innate levitation ability, he slows himself, landing on a rocky perch about a quarter of the way down the cliffs face, landing softly against the carved stone*
[08-17:49] beb1a, Brimstone : *he exhales a cold mist that curls no more than a few feet from his snout, body repositions and resumes flight .. diving down through the clouds again, now soaring over the forest, turning to cut back into the white above - no use to dwell over the area, his mammoth form turns toward the outskirts of the town, assuming farmland will reside there*..
[08-17:49] 867a2, Aegnora : *she stares down after him a moment, then launches herself over the edge of the cliff, dropping rapidly towards the ground..*
[08-17:50] 90fab, Jagged Farrell: *he stands from his slight crouch, stepping towards the concealed doorway within the cliff face as he looks up at the dropping nightmare*
[08-17:52] 867a2, Amber : *.. and below, where there was the flash of gold, a golden amber form gracefully shoots up into the sky, a dark against the golden body indicating where something is held in it's claws..*
[08-17:52] 867a2, Amber : ((dark spot))
[08-17:53] 867a2, Aegnora : *she slows slightly.. but still lands with what would be enough force to snap the legs of a normal horse*
[08-17:57] 90fab, Jagged Farrell: *smirks slightly* and this is home
[08-17:57] beb1a, Brimstone : *again, the ice dragon halts, body twisting into an up-right position, and again his attention his caught at the movement .. eyes wide, pupils of pitch-black expanding in their limits - he bellows out lusty that echos on the wind for miles - watching the golden dragon, fully aware of who it is, unsettled regardless*..
[08-17:57] beb1a, Brimstone : (lusty scream.)
[08-17:59] 867a2, Amber : *those amber, delicate seeming wings snap out, pumping at the air to hold in her in place, as her head twist about to look towards the source of the scream...*
[08-17:59] 867a2, Aegnora : ~Interesting...~ *she moves inside*
[08-18:00] 90fab, Jagged Farrell: *nods, stepping into the concealed cave entrance, darkness swiftly overtaking them, a small flickering light seen deep within the cave, a light that they slowly approach*
[08-18:01] 867a2, Aegnora : *creates her own light by the fires that flow over her, licking the back of her neck, and the cieling of the cave above*
[08-18:02] beb1a, Brimstone : *the growl remains shifting in the thick of his throat, breaking past the clouds again, finding a number of cows grazing on the field .. his body, regardless of size, is unnaturally quick, swerving against the wind that favors him, down toward the flock*..
[08-18:03] 867a2, Amber : *... iiiinteresting....* *she drops towards the trees, wings tipping so that she glides above them, smoothly floating after him...*
[08-18:05] 90fab, Jagged Farrell: *points down towards the light* there should be a set of clothing on the bed *slowly turning to head back towards the caves entrance*
[08-18:08] beb1a, Brimstone : *swooping, body arched, he comes to a heavy, and hard landing near the pasture the animals eat from .. any humans around flee back to their house, leaving him to his meal - his jaws filled with giant, blue-rooted fangs part wide, unleashing a dragonic yell to shake the very air itself, cows bolting toward the nearest barn of safe haven*..
[08-18:09] 867a2, Aegnora : *quells the sudden urge to set all his belongings aflame... * *a little while later, and after some sleeve and leg rolling, she moves out to where he stands..*
[08-18:10] 867a2, Amber : *her eyes flash in anger.... oooh he's in for it... she flies over him, then immediantly swerves around, dive bombing down towards the ground in front of him... further setting the cows to panicing*
[08-18:11] 90fab, Jagged Farrell: *he hears her approach, slowly turning to see her before him, wearing a pair of his own leather clothes, a brow raising slightly at the almost simplefullness of his clothing only enhances her natural beauty, his tounge slowly sliding against suddanly dry lips, re-moistening them*
[08-18:12] 867a2, Aegnora : ... Am I easily to look at now?
[08-18:12] 867a2, Aegnora : ((easier))
[08-18:13] 90fab, Jagged Farrell: *he gives a small nod, the wind flowing two and from the cave, pulling at his silvered locks of hair*
[08-18:14] 867a2, Aegnora : *smirks* Good to know... *she starts to move past him, outside the cave*
[08-18:14] beb1a, Brimstone : *he stands on all fours, every nail that digs into the earth is veined with dark strains .. long neck twists, turning toward the on-coming dragon, his mouth parted as wide as possible, letting another roar ripple out, one clearly of warning - his eyes narrow, blueish scaled lids. immense wings folded along his back*..
[08-18:15] 90fab, Jagged Farrell: *he looks to the depths of his cave before slowly turning, walking behind the nightmare, pausing outside the cave, sitting at a natural stone bench thats carved in a giant rock outcropping that helps hide the caves entrance from normal viewing*
[08-18:17] 867a2, Amber : *she apparently ignores the warning... wings snapping out with a crack like thunder, as she beats them furiously, throwing up dirt, grass, rocks, etc. as she halts her mad dive... taloned feet touching down on the ground about 30 feet before him* ... [i]What do you think you are doing?!
[08-18:18] 867a2, Aegnora : *she spins around once outside to face him* Now then... I suppose you still want me to play spy against Deke Menion?
[08-18:19] 90fab, Jagged Farrell: *nods* As a start yes, other things may come into play as time goes on
[08-18:20] beb1a, Brimstone : I hunger. *his voice very similar to her own in depth, but more aggressive .. he lifts and plants his front paws forward, oblitering the fence that held the cattle - blue lips peeled back, brilliant whites exposed to the air*..
[08-18:21] 867a2, Aegnora : How very dull... *absently tugs on the sleeve of the too-large shirt* Very well.
[08-18:22] 90fab, Jagged Farrell: *he slowly stands, walking towards her* Most things must start as such.... you will get your exitement soon enough Aegnora, I promise it
[08-18:23] 867a2, Amber : *lets out a roar as she lifts a foreleg, hurling the buck she previously caught at him* [b]Then go hunt! Leave the humans and their animals be!
[08-18:23] 867a2, Amber : *lets out a roar as she lifts a foreleg, hurling the buck she previously caught at him* Then go hunt! Leave the humans and their animals be!
[08-18:26] 867a2, Aegnora : We will see.
[08-18:27] 90fab, Jagged Farrell: *he steps closer, narrowing the distance between them greatly, a few inches of air flowing between the two of them as he looks to her eyes, giving her a barely perceptible nod* Yes... we shall
[08-18:28] 867a2, Aegnora : *raises her red eyes to stare intently at his, as a very faint frown touches her crimson lips..*
[08-18:28] beb1a, Brimstone : I am hunting...! *out of reflex, he claws at the buck and forces it to the ground, huge fingers curl around the body, taking it in one hand .. his attention shifts between the now-absent cattle, and the dragon - a quick motion to toss the animal in his claws, up into his mouth*..
[08-18:29] 90fab, Jagged Farrell: *his cold stone coloured eyes narrow a hint as he observes her facial shift* Why frown Aegnora?
[08-18:31] 867a2, Amber : *her lips curl back, flashing sharp teeth* Hunt elsewhere. Quit scaring the humans!
[08-18:31] beb1a, Brimstone : (Whoops.)
[08-18:32] 867a2, Amber : ((Mew?))
[08-18:32] beb1a, Brimstone : (Accidently undid the last post.)
[08-18:32] 867a2, Aegnora : *the frown vanishes, replaced by a smirk* Nothing you *raises a hand as she speaks, trailing a finger down his cheek* need to worry about
[08-18:34] 90fab, Jagged Farrell: *his eyes narrow further at the touch on his cheek, jaw clentching tightly for a moment, as he slides that much closer forward, his eyes narrow leaving hers, his nose nearly touching herse* Is that right, Aegnora?
[08-18:34] beb1a, Brimstone : *a bite or two, and the animal is swallowed .. he taunts the golden dragon, pushing himself forward toward the farm, the building the cows sit uneasily - keeping clear watch on her, body turning, tail and weight crushing through even more fencing*.. Humanity will never except us! My action is as natural as any other to them.
[08-18:35] 867a2, Aegnora : That's right, Jagged. *her smirk widens*
[08-18:36] 867a2, Amber : It is those like you who spoil any chance of humanity accepting us! *begins to advance on him* Now leave the humans be, or I will force you to!
[08-18:37] 90fab, Jagged Farrell: *he slowly loosens the fist at his side, reaching to slowly trace a sharpened fingertip down her stomach, running the fabric of the shirt against her flesh* That remains to be seen
[08-18:40] 867a2, Aegnora : *chuckles* What's wrong, Jagged? Do you not trust me still?
[08-18:41] 90fab, Jagged Farrell: *his eyes widen the smallest bit, a silver streaked brow raising* do you trust me?
[08-18:42] beb1a, Brimstone : *he spins around, tail taking out even more, tearing into the back of the barn .. the cattle cuddled into the opposite end, the ice dragon facing the fire - he settles on all fours, lengthy neck twists as his wide eyes examine her*.. Excepting you Dragon! You! *massive jaws unmoving as he speaks, head facing her always*.. Species hold enough trouble trying to mindle with one another... we are simple an extended branch on the chain. They will never accept us!
[08-18:43] 867a2, Aegnora : Not really *grins*
[08-18:44] beb1a, Brimstone : *he spins around, tail taking out even more, tearing into the back of the barn .. the cattle cuddled into the opposite end, the ice dragon facing the fire - he settles on all fours, lengthy neck twists as his wide eyes examine her*.. Excepting you Dragon! You! *massive jaws unmoving as he speaks, head facing her always*.. Species hold enough trouble trying to mingle with one another... we are simply an extended branch on the chain. They will never accept us!
[08-18:45] 90fab, Jagged Farrell: perfect... *tilting his head forward slightly, catching her bottom lip in a small, kiss, and though simple, the natural attractive aura of the drow seems to shine through radiating its simplicity into a nova of surging passion*
[08-18:48] 867a2, Amber : *continues to advance on him, growling low* I have already found humans who have learned to once again accept us ! *puts added emphasis on the "us"* They can learn, but not if you, and others like you, terrorize them! Back down. I have no wish to fight one of my kin!
[08-18:49] 867a2, Aegnora : *expected the kiss... didn't expect her inner reaction to it... * *she kisses him back feather light, fingers lightly trail down his neck to rest lightly on his shoulder*
[08-18:50] 867a2, Aegnora : ((*sticks an "as" in there*))
[08-18:53] 90fab, Jagged Farrell: *he moves a hand slowly upwards beneath the chin of the nightmare, sliding a curved finger against the skin there, as if drawing her deeper into the kiss, maybe he wont have to enslave her, emotional alligance is always more powerful than forced obediance, his opposite hand moving to the swell of her hip, slowly pulling her tighter against him as he tilts his head the slightest bit to the side, the kiss growing deeper in and of itself*
[08-18:54] beb1a, Brimstone : *a low snarl curls from his lips, steps taken away from the farm house, only to distroy more property .. his clear eyes locked to her's, body positioned low as he backs away*.. Your quest is fruitless, Dragon... *huffs, a blueish smoke travels around his lips again*..
[08-18:57] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[08-18:57] 867a2, Amber : *grins fiercely* All wounds heal with time.. and time is all I have left. I will wait for the rest to learn what a minority already has.
[08-18:58] 867a2, Aegnora : *she holds the kiss a few moments longer.. then slowly breaks away* ... I will give you one thing... You are a surprisingly good kisser...
[08-18:59] 90fab, Jagged Farrell: *he smiles evenly as he gives a small nod, his hair brushing against her cheeks as he does so* amongst other things..... you do well yourself Aegnora *that roguish smile tugging at the corner of his lips*
[08-19:01] beb1a, Brimstone : Than you had better live forever... *propping himself on his thick hind legs, is wings arch and thrust to take him toward the sky*..
[08-19:02] 867a2, Aegnora : *gives a soft chuckle as she slowly pulls back from him* I try
[08-19:03] 90fab, Jagged Farrell: your effort is noted *grinning a bit wider as he takes a small step back as well* Keep an eye out for Deke... he could become a problem
[08-19:03] 867a2, Amber : *waits to make sure he doesn't randomly decide to swing back around.. then slips off a couple "rings", necklaces to humans, and lets them drop down by the damaged property. Payment for the damages.*
[08-19:03] 867a2, Aegnora : He worries you that much does he? He didn't strike me as overly dangerous..
[08-19:04] beb1a, Brimstone : *he takes off to the sky, body curving backward to head towards his abode .. cutting through the clouds again, heading home-*..
[08-19:05] 90fab, Jagged Farrell: *smirks* it is never the giant stone that trips the traveller, yet the smallest unearthed root... danger comes from the smallest of places
[08-19:05] beb1a, Brimstone : *gone*..
[08-19:05] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[08-19:08] 867a2, Amber : *launches into the air once he is out of sight, wings flapping furiously to raise her from the earth... once airborn, she glides over the trees once more... She gave up dinner to Brimstone, so now she must find another beast*
[08-19:08] 867a2, Aegnora : *waves her hand idly* Very well, very well
[08-19:09] 90fab, Jagged Farrell: *chuckles slightly* You know much about many things Aegnora... but there are still things you have yet to learn
[08-19:10] 867a2, Aegnora : Perhaps...
[08-19:11] 3a162, Will-o'-the-wisp: *sneak*
[08-19:12] 3a162, Will-o'-the-wisp: as a matter of fact i haven't seen van helsing.
[08-19:12] 90fab, Jagged Farrell: *nods* and you shall *smiling again lightly as he takes a few steps towards his cave*
[08-19:16] 867a2, Aegnora : *watches him as he starts to meander off* .. I will find you later... *with that, she turns, and begins to walk away*
[08-19:17] 90fab, Jagged Farrell: *smirks silently as he continues his path* I look forward to it...
[08-19:17] 3a162, Myrissa: ((*test*))
[08-19:18] 3a162, Czina Kierot: ((*one more test*))
[08-19:19] 867a2, Aegnora : *takes off* *gone*
[08-19:21] 90fab, Jagged Farrell: *and as neigh always, disapears into the shadows*
[08-19:21] EXIT: Jagged Farrell has left the chat ( 8:21pm, May 08 (CDT) ).
[08-19:27] 867a2, Sileen: Dun dun duuuuun
[08-19:29] 3a162, Czina Kierot:
[08-19:30] 3a162, Aynuk Khieva: ((Iiiii'm aloooot like you so please .....))
[08-19:31] 867a2, Sileen: ... mew?
[08-19:32] 3a162, Aynuk Khieva: ((wuff))
[08-19:35] 3a162, Aynuk Khieva: ((can i have a dragon?))
[08-19:36] 3a162, Aynuk Khieva:
[08-19:50] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[08-19:51] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 8:50pm, May 08 (CDT) ).
[08-19:53] JOIN: Axis has entered.
[08-19:54] 44525, Axis : ((anyone here?
[08-19:59] 3a162, Aynuk Khieva : ((yes))
[08-20:02] 44525, Axis : ((ahh. hello))
[08-20:04] 3a162, Aynuk Khieva : (('allo))
[08-20:08] 44525, Axis : ((whats up?))
[08-20:13] 3a162, Aynuk Khieva : ((ummm....nothing. *nod*))
[08-20:13] 90fab, Jace: *smirks slightly*
[08-20:14] 44525, Axis : ((*yawn))
[08-20:16] 3a162, Aynuk Khieva : ((*flings s'mores cereal at jace*))
[08-20:17] 3a162, Will-o'-the-wisp: ...anyway.
[08-20:18] 90fab, Jace: *catches it in his mouth* yum....
[08-20:19] 3a162, Will-o'-the-wisp: damn. was aiming for your EYE
[08-20:20] 90fab, Jace: *blinks*
[08-20:20] 90fab, Jace: brb
[08-20:21] 3a162, Will-o'-the-wisp: exactly.
[08-20:31] 90fab, Jace: back....
[08-20:32] 3a162, Will-o'-the-wisp: wb
[08-20:33] 90fab, Jace: Thank you..... *slowly tapping his fingertips together* hmmm what to do....
[08-20:33] 44525, Axis : ((hm))
[08-20:36] 90fab, Jace: *ponders*
[08-20:38] 90fab, Jace: what to do next.....
[08-20:39] 44525, Axis : ((*ponders also*))
[08-20:40] 90fab, Jace: *destroys Axis, erroding him from the inside out*
[08-20:42] 3a162, Will-o'-the-wisp: i didn't think that was possible unless he'd eaten something...
[08-20:43] 90fab, Jace: Its possible, because my ego says so
[08-20:45] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[08-20:46] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[08-20:46] 3a162, Will-o'-the-wisp: your ego isn't always right.
[08-20:48] 90fab, Jace: *smirks* are you so sure?
[08-20:48] JOIN: Dre'makius has entered.
[08-20:50] 0210e, Dre'makius : *strolls through , twirling a gate key in her hand, thinking about where she wants to go as she heads towards the theives guild*
[08-20:52] 0210e, Dre'makius : *whisltes nonchalantly, pushing the fedora up higher onher brow, it tilted back on her head**seems rather happy for someone who looks as if they've eaten nothing all day*
[08-20:55] 90fab, Jace: *yawns and stuff*
[08-20:55] 90fab, Jace: hmmmm
[08-20:57] 0210e, Dre'makius : Oh the ship came back on a furrowed veil of barley, ops and yeast. She had gone far west to the devils cave then turned her keel back east. For the dragons roared and the eagles soared across the barren lake. So the captain seemed it good indeed to come on sailing back!*clicks her heels and continues to walk*I'm a grand ol' theif of 'morrow! I'm a dirty rankly scag! I'll drink you till you're blue and I'll drink until yer dead. I be the mighty pirotess that sailed the seven seas! Then I returned together with me mates...... to the sandy shorey trees!
[08-21:04] 0210e, Dre'makius : *skips once again, humming the tune to herself*
[08-21:07] JOIN: Illisse Brilthor has entered.
[08-21:12] 0210e, Dre'makius : *looks at the gate key, wondering what she should do.. where she should go*
[08-21:13] JOIN: Illisse Brilthor has entered.
[08-21:14] 0210e, Dre'makius : Krondor.... I could stay here.... I could go across the lands... I wonder... I wonder what might happen if I end up in a forbidden gate... hmm
[08-21:20] 0210e, Dre'makius : *would enter the theives guild, and is GONE*
[08-21:20] EXIT: Dre'makius has left the chat ( 10:20pm, May 08 (CDT) ).
[08-21:29] 2842d, Illisse Brilthor : *haunts*
[08-21:30] 867a2, Sileen: *pulls out the Ghost Buster gun*
[08-21:31] 2842d, Illisse Brilthor : * hides in Sileens pc*
[08-21:31] 867a2, Sileen: NOOOO!!! Get out of my computer!
[08-21:32] 2842d, Illisse Brilthor : Mwahahahaha ....its the safest place in town....
[08-21:36] 2842d, Illisse Brilthor : okok i give up.....*leaves pc*
[08-21:36] 867a2, Sileen: Grrr!
[08-21:36] 867a2, Sileen: Yay! *hugs her computer*
[08-21:38] 2842d, Illisse Brilthor : *looks for cookie jar to hide in.* yummmm
[08-21:42] ceea7, Palladia Mors : *sings* Why am I...the Phantom Opera Ghost.....You'll never see...What's behind the mask....NO!
[08-21:43] 867a2, Sileen: Mew?
[08-21:44] 867a2, Sileen: *peeks into the cookie jar, and whispers* He's crazy... *puts the lid back on* *"he's crazy" coming from the one who looks like she's talking to cookies*
[08-21:44] 2842d, Zaeth : *knows he's crazy....*Shhh So are we....
[08-21:45] 867a2, Sileen: .. Oooh yeah!
[08-21:46] ceea7, Palladia Mors : It is I who am not crazy...It is I who am MAD!
[08-21:46] 867a2, Sileen: He's so craaaazzy
[08-21:46] 2842d, Zaeth : least we are only crazy...
[08-21:47] ceea7, Palladia Mors : How dare you turn your tide!! *flogs the ocean*
[08-21:48] 867a2, Sileen: *peers at Mors, then back at Zaerth* Thankfully
[08-21:50] JOIN: Karlita has entered.
[08-21:50] 3bca9, Karlita : ((*peeks* Bonjour!! ^^))
[08-21:51] 2842d, Zaeth : *whispers to Sileen* Look....theres another one...
[08-21:52] 3bca9, Karlita : ( <.< >.> another what??))
[08-21:52] 2842d, Zaeth : crazy person
[08-21:53] 867a2, Sileen: They are coming out of the walls!
[08-21:53] ceea7, Palladia Mors : FRENCH! *invades Karlita's country*
[08-21:53] 3bca9, Karlita : (( meow))
[08-21:54] 3bca9, Karlita : (( ACK!! im NOT French, i wish i was, i just love the french culture, and i have been there so..yeahh))
[08-21:55] 2842d, Zaeth : See...I told you she was crazy
[08-21:55] ceea7, Palladia Mors : Why would anyone want to be French?
[08-21:55] 3bca9, Karlita : (( heh..))
[08-21:55] 3bca9, Karlita : (( lemme guess Pall .. you are Republican ?? ))
[08-21:56] ceea7, Palladia Mors : No. And I'm not a Democrat either. I am of German descent.
[08-21:57] ceea7, Palladia Mors : *sings to the tune of "Lets Dance" by David Bowie* God gave the French their feet....for surrender and retreat...those freakin Frogs..were inheriently born without...BALLS
[08-21:57] 3bca9, Karlita : (( the French people are smart..they stayed out of a war that should not have happend in the first place..))
[08-21:59] 2842d, Zaeth : No politics.......
[08-21:59] 3bca9, Karlita : (( People give the French people a bad Rep. I have been there, in 9 days i only met one crabby/radient angely French person. the rest were all helpfull ..))
[08-22:00] ceea7, Palladia Mors : And yet...every French person I've met...well...lets just say some people are alive only because it is illegal for me to kill them
[08-22:00] 2842d, Zaeth : Thank God I'm only an Elf......
[08-22:01] 3bca9, Karlita : (( i see..did you ever think you could have provoked them to do this to you ??...heh L@Za ))
[08-22:03] ceea7, Palladia Mors : Oh be quiet before I invade and conquer you again Karlita *G*
[08-22:09] ceea7, Palladia Mors : *killed the chat* o/
[08-22:09] 2842d, Zaeth : Hmmm my master...
[08-22:10] 2842d, Zaeth : i do believe you did
[08-22:10] 867a2, Sileen: CLEAR! *zaps it*
[08-22:10] ceea7, Palladia Mors : *hands his sword over to Zaeth* Clean it
[08-22:10] 867a2, Sileen: ... *zaps Mors* No killing chat!
[08-22:11] 2842d, Zaeth : *wipes the sword clean....hands it back *
[08-22:12] 3bca9, Karlita : (9heh.. well i g2gm BYE ))
[08-22:12] EXIT: Karlita has left the chat ( 11:12pm, May 08 (CDT) ).
[08-22:12] ceea7, Palladia Mors : *holds up a mirror so Sileen zaps herself*
[08-22:12] 867a2, Sileen: YEE!
[08-22:12] ceea7, Palladia Mors : *takes sword, sheathes it and pets Zaeth*
[08-22:13] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[08-22:13] 2842d, Zaeth : *sits back at his feet...watching the unusual battle taking place*
[08-22:13] 867a2, Sileen: *tries to get her hair to stop sticking up*
[08-22:14] b2e09, Will-o'-the-wisp: o_o
[08-22:14] b2e09, Will-o'-the-wisp: gel.
[08-22:14] ceea7, Palladia Mors : *grooms self*
[08-22:14] 2842d, Zaeth : (*laughs @ wispy*)
[08-22:18] ceea7, Palladia Mors : *kills chat again*
[08-22:18] 2842d, Zaeth : My master...that is my job...*casts small groom spell*
[08-22:19] ceea7, Palladia Mors : *is so bad ass...he's getting groomed while killing things*
[08-22:19] 2842d, Zaeth : (well you must always look your matter what you are doing)
[08-22:20] b2e09, Will-o'-the-wisp: most groom after killing.
[08-22:20] ceea7, Palladia Mors : (Damn skippy....)
[08-22:20] 2842d, Zaeth : (well he posted before i could)
[08-22:21] ceea7, Palladia Mors : Yes well I am especially vain
[08-22:21] b2e09, Will-o'-the-wisp: *eyes IC*
[08-22:25] 2842d, Zaeth : (well...thats possible.)
[08-22:25] 2842d, Zaeth : (em...depending on who you are)
[08-22:26] b2e09, Will-o'-the-wisp: lurky jen
[08-22:27] 2842d, Zaeth : (char?)
[08-22:28] ceea7, Palladia Mors : *chains the lurky Jen to his throne*
[08-22:28] b2e09, Will-o'-the-wisp: of ---->aynuk(nightmare), myrissa(dwarf), czina(fae)...
[08-22:28] 2842d, Zaeth : Hey...
[08-22:29] b2e09, Will-o'-the-wisp: *curls up to throne*
[08-22:31] ceea7, Palladia Mors : I get to get up earleh tomorrow...gotta poiso-err I mean...Cook my mother's food
[08-22:31] b2e09, Will-o'-the-wisp: *peers@zaeth* hey wot?
[08-22:31] b2e09, Will-o'-the-wisp: ...i don' have to do anything special tomorrow. just wake up.
[08-22:31] 2842d, Zaeth : *is chained to throne and doesnt like strangers much*
[08-22:32] b2e09, Will-o'-the-wisp: *is curled up. isn't going to bother anyone.*
[08-22:33] 2842d, Zaeth : *hasa to guard her master.* you can never be sure of anything.
[08-22:34] b2e09, Will-o'-the-wisp: well i could just go away.
[08-22:34] ceea7, Palladia Mors : *is da demonic peeemp*
[08-22:35] b2e09, Will-o'-the-wisp: ....yeah....*fades into floor*
[08-22:38] 2842d, Zaeth : *laughs* did it again...
[08-22:40] ceea7, Palladia Mors : *shrugs* ah well
[08-22:40] b2e09, Will-o'-the-wisp: did what ?
[08-22:40] 2842d, Zaeth : Killed chat
[08-22:41] 2842d, Zaeth : He's getting very good at it now
[08-22:41] b2e09, Will-o'-the-wisp: doesn't look dead. *checks pulse* no not quite. it's limping around.
[08-22:43] 2842d, Zaeth : *considers the possibility that the chat is really undead*
[08-22:44] ceea7, Palladia Mors : *gets out bigass gaudy gold cross* Thuggin n Buggin!
[08-22:46] b2e09, Will-o'-the-wisp: *...crawls up onto rim of glass..peers in to find out what's in it*
[08-22:46] b2e09, Will-o'-the-wisp: did i get 'glass' out of that....*confused*
[08-22:51] ceea7, Palladia Mors : *kills the chat again*
[08-22:51] 2842d, Zaeth : see i said you were getting better at it
[08-22:51] 2842d, Zaeth : how many times does this make?
[08-22:52] ceea7, Palladia Mors : *shrug* It happens... I think 5 tonight
[08-22:53] b2e09, Will-o'-the-wisp: *sniffs Mors* well it's not that ...*ponder*
[08-22:54] 2842d, Zaeth : Hey dont look at me.....I just got outta the shower
[08-22:55] ceea7, Palladia Mors : *smells like Irish spring and coconuts*
[08-22:58] b2e09, Will-o'-the-wisp: *smells like orange*
[08-22:58] 2842d, Zaeth : *herbal esssence*
[08-22:59] ceea7, Palladia Mors : The Orgasmic Shampoo
[08-23:00] 2842d, Zaeth : *shakes head* *laughs*
[08-23:05] b2e09, Will-o'-the-wisp: *flee*
[08-23:05] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 12:05am, May 09 (CDT) ).
[08-23:05] ceea7, Palladia Mors :
[08-23:09] 2842d, Zaeth : *watches clock* hmm time of death........
[08-23:20] 2842d, Zaeth : *haunts*
[09-00:07] EXIT: Zaeth has left the chat ( good night , good night......... ).
[09-00:42] JOIN: Treygor has entered.
[09-00:42] 3e045, Treygor : ((hello...))
[09-00:46] JOIN: Liz has entered.
[09-00:47] 8ea97, Liz: Hello?
[09-00:47] 3e045, Treygor : ((*is all alone, a cold breeze*))
[09-00:47] 3e045, Treygor : ((omg, life *tries to establish contact*))
[09-00:48] 8ea97, Liz: Where?! *looks*
[09-00:49] 3e045, Treygor : ((. Is this place ne good? I wanna rp...r u an admin?))
[09-00:51] 3ab61, Liz: Yes! Cool, so do I. No.
[09-00:52] 3e045, Treygor : ((hmm...I don't know the icons on this pjj...who handles the regges?))
[09-00:52] 8ea97, Liz: Any of the admins. Unfortunately, none of them are on
[09-00:53] 3e045, Treygor : ((grr, is it okay if I just go ahead then? or will my head be taken in collection?))
[09-00:54] 2ab3f, Liz: It's fine...pjj is cool like that
[09-00:54] 3e045, Treygor : ((oh, i know...I'm in the Matrix chat. Uh...location?))
[09-00:56] 07428, Liz: None, yet...What's your char like?
[09-00:57] 3e045, Treygor : (( He is an ex-soldier who is on a life mission to kill his king. he is strong, big and steadfast...blah blah. you?))
[09-01:00] 8ea97, Liz: Where will you bring him in? City or Woods?
[09-01:01] 3e045, Treygor : ((tavern maybe...what's yor char like?)) *Treygor sits at a table in a small inn, with an empty glass in front of him, a stoic countenance*
[09-01:03] 3ab61, Liz: I have two free. The one in the city is a nice enough woman. She runs a bakery that used to be her late husband's. And, for a hobby, she kills people.
[09-01:04] 3e045, Treygor : ((...))
[09-01:05] 3ab61, Liz: *L*
[09-01:05] 3ab61, Liz: *L*
[09-01:06] 3e045, Treygor : ((bring 'er in!))
[09-01:08] 3ab61, Keera: (( The main setting is the Glimmering Inn, in ))
[09-01:10] JOIN: Sigura has entered.
[09-01:11] 3e045, Treygor : ((*poke prod* your turn...mwa ha ha)) *Treygor looks around and takes in his surroudnings*
[09-01:12] 3ab61, Keera: *steps inside the Inn and looks around. She's a slim young woman with light brown hair and blue eyes*
[09-01:13] cdb77, Sigura: [potatoe, I have no idea...what I am doing here...sorry]
[09-01:15] 3e045, Treygor : *Treygor see a pretty woman walk in, then looks at his empty glass*
[09-01:15] JOIN: Oyrin Darkune has entered.
[09-01:16] 90293, Oyrin Darkune : ((*peeks*))
[09-01:16] cdb77, Sigura: [
[09-01:18] ebddc, Keera: *heads for a table in the corner near the fire and sits down*
[09-01:19] 3e045, Treygor : *watches woman move, hopefully without her noticin. It's not in a bad or sexual way, just curious. Treygor's always looking around* Hmm.
[09-01:19] 90293, Oyrin Darkune : *BOOM!**The door to the glimmering inn bursts open and in storms a dwarf, bowling over two hobbits on his way to the bar. His Iron clad boots making a dull thud everytime they connect with the floor.*
[09-01:20] cdb77, Sigura: *Wakes with a start from his drunken slumber knocking over an empty mug and breaking a bottle* Eh!
[09-01:21] 3e045, Treygor : *Treygor is neither startled nor flinches at the sound. he merely watches as the dwarf passes. Lifts his glass toward bartender to signal lmore drink*
[09-01:22] 3e045, Treygor : ((*claws Sigura for having same color*))
[09-01:22] ebddc, Keera: *smiles as she watches the dwarf enter, in no hurry to get her order taken, unlike some people*
[09-01:22] 90293, Oyrin Darkune : *He stands a little more than a head over the bar, reaching up, he pounds a leatherclad glove upon it, a cloud of dust billows up from his gloves due to mining and travel.*
[09-01:22] cdb77, Sigura: [*bites* then give me the # code for Red]
[09-01:22] 90293, Oyrin Darkune : Malt beer! *Bellows to the tender.*
[09-01:24] 3e045, Treygor : ((used to know it...try 'brown')) *nonchalantly, without looking up from his glass...deep voiced* There's no rush, now is there, master dwarf?
[09-01:24] cdb77, Sigura: [
[09-01:24] cdb77, Sigura: [ty]
[09-01:24] 3e045, Treygor : ((mwa ha ha, i still got it))
[09-01:25] 3ab61, Keera: For a dwarf and his drink, there is always a rush. *her voice is light, with a soft lilt to it*
[09-01:25] 90293, Oyrin Darkune : For this beer, aye. There's a rush, Ah've a barrel to finish off before last call. *Grunts in response to what Keera says.* The lass has it right.
[09-01:26] cdb77, Sigura: *hears her comment* rush? does nothing but make me sleep...
[09-01:27] 3e045, Treygor : *looks back at woman, wasn't expecting to hear her voice. Then looks back to the dwarf* Ah, I am sorry. I am...unfamiliar with the customs of dwarves. Truth be told, I haven't met many in my extensive travels. I am sorry if I've offended you. *the server fills his glass*
[09-01:28] 90293, Oyrin Darkune : If you offended me. You'd know it. *Serious look for several moments then cracks a grin and chuckles.* Ah! Beer! *Grabs the mug that is placed infront of him taking a mighty swig he slams the mug back down on the countertop and belches.*
[09-01:28] 3e045, Treygor : *Looks at woman again*
[09-01:29] a3c96, Keera: *rolls her eyes and finally orders a light meal* Men
[09-01:29] cdb77, Sigura: What of them...they live and die...what else...
[09-01:30] 3e045, Treygor : *snickers, raises his voice so she can hear all friendly-like* I don't want to offend you either. My luck seems to be taking a turn for the worse today.
[09-01:30] 3e045, Treygor : Master Dwarf, what is your name?
[09-01:31] a3c96, Keera: *glances at Sigura* Yes..they die.
[09-01:31] 90293, Oyrin Darkune : Everyone has a bad day or two. *Pulling a pipe from a pouch on his belt and a small wad of leaves, stuffs the pipe and lights it. Blows out a smoke ring before heading to a nice Dwarf sized chair to relax with his beer.*
[09-01:32] 90293, Oyrin Darkune : I am Oyrin Darkune, and you?
[09-01:32] cdb77, Sigura: *Decides to walk over to the bar, some light jingling under the dark brown robes he wears, his trip isn't flawless as he nearly trips over a stool but soon recovers*
[09-01:32] 3e045, Treygor : My name is Treygor *makes sure woman hears name* Care to join me for a moment? *offers chair across table*
[09-01:33] 90293, Oyrin Darkune : Aye. Indeed. *Sets his mug down on the table top, then sits in the chair.* Its good to meet you. *Extends a leather gloved hand.*
[09-01:35] 90293, Oyrin Darkune : ((brb. gotta go on air for a moment.))
[09-01:35] 3e045, Treygor : *extends his gauntleted hand to meet Oyrin's* Yes, it is a pleasure. What land do you hail from?
[09-01:35] 8ea97, Keera: *watches them, waiting for her food*
[09-01:35] 3e045, Treygor : ((radio free dwarvish!!))
[09-01:36] 90293, Oyrin Darkune : ((...messed that one up. Oh well.))
[09-01:37] cdb77, Sigura: *looks to Treygor* hey...could I get some ...*seems to think a moment....* water please
[09-01:37] 90293, Oyrin Darkune : I hail from under Mithrenburg, once home to the mighty Dwarve kingdom.
[09-01:37] 90293, Oyrin Darkune : And you?
[09-01:37] 3e045, Treygor : ((what air do you hail from?))
[09-01:38] 90293, Oyrin Darkune : ((105.9 KLAZ. AR station.))
[09-01:39] 3e045, Treygor : *is silent for a second* I come from the land of Halasthas. But I left and have not been back in ten years. ((who was that to, Sigura?))
[09-01:39] cdb77, Sigura: ((anyone who could offer the water, it matters little as to who))
[09-01:40] 90293, Oyrin Darkune : *Eyes Keera's food if and when it arrives.* You should try the lamb and potatoes. *Gives her a nod before taking a drink of his beer.*
[09-01:41] 3e045, Treygor : *nurses drink*
[09-01:41] ebddc, Keera: *shakes her head* Maybe when I can afford it.
[09-01:42] cdb77, Sigura: what time of day is it? ...I can't tell how long I've slept...
[09-01:43] 3e045, Treygor : *to Sig* It is a little bit after noon. *stands and goes to keera*
[09-01:44] cdb77, Sigura: *rubs his head with the back of his fist*...
[09-01:45] 90293, Oyrin Darkune : Had a bit too much of the drink eh? *Grins at Sigura*
[09-01:46] 3e045, Treygor : *stands next to Keera* I'm Treygor.
[09-01:46] cdb77, Sigura: you could say that...but it does wonders for forgetting things
[09-01:46] 3e045, Treygor : *he reaches into a leather pouch in his armor and takes out a few coins and places them in front of her* Will this cover it? *should be enough*
[09-01:48] 90293, Oyrin Darkune : Aye. I've been down that road many times. *Takes a swig of his beer before taking a drag from his pipe.*
[09-01:48] 3e045, Treygor : ((*prods Keera*))
[09-01:49] cdb77, Sigura: Is that so? ...I would've never guessed a dwarf would enjoy tell me ...why to forget?
[09-01:49] 90293, Oyrin Darkune : ((*Clears his throat* OKAAAAY! *cough* Sorry. Had to get that out.))
[09-01:49] ebddc, Keera: *blinks and shakes her head* I could'nt accept this, Treygor.
[09-01:51] 3e045, Treygor : (()) It's all right, I have plenty. I would just like to see someone enjoy a decent meal, when they haven't had one in a while. Let me be my chivalrous way. Accept it, please. *leaves the money and sits back down, sipping*
[09-01:51] 90293, Oyrin Darkune : I suppose you've never heard of the one time immeasurable wealth of the Dwarves. Gold and Mythril flowed to and from the 'burg...before the orcs took her. Almost all of the leaders were slaughtered leaving her people a leaderless homeless race. I barely escaped the battle with my life.
[09-01:52] cdb77, Sigura: I retaliation? I'd have figured you would have struck back
[09-01:52] 8ea97, Keera: *eyes him and sighs*
[09-01:52] 3e045, Treygor : *Treygor falls deathly silent and sits, staring blankly holding his mug after hearing Oyrin's account. There is obviously something bothering him*
[09-01:54] 90293, Oyrin Darkune : ((brb. Need to go check the other stations real quick.))
[09-01:54] 3e045, Treygor : ((radio free dwarvish!!!! long live rfd!))
[09-01:55] cdb77, Sigura: ((Wrfd))
[09-01:55] 2ab3f, Keera: And yet you survived. Surely that counts for something.
[09-01:55] 3e045, Treygor : (("W"?))
[09-01:56] cdb77, Sigura: ((yeah, so it can have rfd as a radio callsign...WRFD 104.7 or something...uh...nevermind...))
[09-01:57] 90293, Oyrin Darkune : We tried...many times...but as I said we were scattered like grass in the wind. I did survive...but many of my friends, my family didnt.
[09-01:57] 90293, Oyrin Darkune : ((Most of the time its now a "K"))
[09-01:57] 3e045, Treygor : ((ah, no i get it)) *Treygor lets his mug fall to the table, miraculously, it doesn't tip*
[09-01:57] 3ab61, Keera: I am sorry.
[09-01:58] cdb77, Sigura: I appologies...but perhaps it is an excuse to have another drink...
[09-01:59] 90293, Oyrin Darkune : Indeed. *Offers a sad smile, obviously leaving out an important detail..but hey, he never speaks of it.* Another drink indeed. *Downs what's left of his beer then bellows for another.*
[09-02:01] cdb77, Sigura: Since I caused the sad look on your face...I shall pay for your next one...its only fair *reaches into his robes*
[09-02:02] 3ab61, Keera: *her simple meal arrives, the money that Treygor left still being untouched, and she begins to eat*
[09-02:02] 90293, Oyrin Darkune : Nah. *Winks* I have a tab. Enough of this sad talk! We drink! *Grabs his beer, taking a swig he just kinda bursts into an off tune drinking song. Beer makes him happeh.*
[09-02:03] 90293, Oyrin Darkune : ((going on air. brb))
[09-02:03] cdb77, Sigura: *smirks* so be it...One Question though about...your home....where is it? how far?
[09-02:05] 90293, Oyrin Darkune : Miles from here...near the dark mountains.
[09-02:06] 90293, Oyrin Darkune : Or it was. Now its just a room above one of the blacksmith shops.
[09-02:07] cdb77, Sigura: I many of them were there last you knew?
[09-02:08] 90293, Oyrin Darkune : I cannot recall honestly. *Takes a drag from his pipe.*
[09-02:09] cdb77, Sigura: would you say hundreds? even Legion?
[09-02:10] 90293, Oyrin Darkune : Aye. A legion if not more.
[09-02:11] 8ea97, Keera: *shivers*
[09-02:11] cdb77, Sigura: *nods* sounds about right, Orcs...never could fight fair...but still mortal is mortal...flesh dies
[09-02:13] cdb77, Sigura: *looks to the barkeep and requests a plate of potatoes*
[09-02:17] ebddc, Keera: *finishes her meal and stands, their talk unsettling her*
[09-02:17] 90293, Oyrin Darkune : *Arches a brow a Keera* Forgive us if talk of these..matters is unsettling. *More pipe smokin.*
[09-02:18] cdb77, Sigura: *upon receiving the food tosses several strange looking coins on the counter as payment*
[09-02:21] 3ab61, Keera: *shakes her head* It's alright, Master Dwarf. The hour grows late and I must return home.
[09-02:21] JOIN: Merwyn has entered.
[09-02:22] cdb77, Sigura: *streches and begins to eat, the barkeep leaves the coin where they are for the time being*
[09-02:23] d0b8c, Merwyn: (*waves to random people*)
[09-02:23] 90293, Oyrin Darkune : Of course.
[09-02:23] 90293, Oyrin Darkune : ((*waves*))
[09-02:24] cdb77, Sigura: ...This will probably sound foolish...but, where am I? I don't really know these lands too well
[09-02:24] d0b8c, Merwyn: ( ^^ Hi)
[09-02:24] 90293, Oyrin Darkune : ((You gotta git..dat..dirt off ya shoulda's *raps*))
[09-02:24] 90293, Oyrin Darkune : You my friend are in the town of .
[09-02:25] 8ea97, Keera: *heads for the door*
[09-02:25] cdb77, Sigura: My my...such a long way from home...
[09-02:25] d0b8c, Merwyn: (Locations?)
[09-02:26] 90293, Oyrin Darkune : ((Glittering Inn))
[09-02:27] cdb77, Sigura: ((same))
[09-02:27] a3c96, Keera: (( On my way out ))
[09-02:28] d0b8c, Merwyn: (Kay ^^ Thanks)
[09-02:28] 8ea97, Keera: *steps out of the Inn and onto the street, heading home*
[09-02:29] cdb77, Sigura: *finishes his food and begins to argue with the barkeep over the value of the strange coins* What? my gold is no good? Gold is Gold no matter the marks...have them melted down...its still good
[09-02:29] 90293, Oyrin Darkune : ((brb. on air.))
[09-02:30] 3ab61, Keera: ***Gone***
[09-02:30] EXIT: Keera has left the chat ( 3:30am, May 09 (CDT) ).
[09-02:31] d0b8c, Merwyn: (On air??)
[09-02:31] cdb77, Sigura: ((he does Radio))
[09-02:32] d0b8c, Merwyn: (oh okay)
[09-02:32] 90293, Oyrin Darkune : ((Back.))
[09-02:32] cdb77, Sigura: *continues to argue his point* look, I've come a long way, its gold...I have no other pay...
[09-02:32] cdb77, Sigura: ((WB))
[09-02:34] 90293, Oyrin Darkune : *Looks at the barkeep, then pulls some coins from his pouch* I'll cover the meal.
[09-02:34] 90293, Oyrin Darkune : *Gives the barkeep a look* And don't be so picky.
[09-02:35] cdb77, Sigura: *Looks to the dwarf* look....perhaps you can take the coins and make use of them...I don't like owing debts
[09-02:35] d0b8c, Merwyn: (WB )
[09-02:37] d0b8c, Merwyn: *Yawns quietly, stretching out, pale, thin arms reaching up from under the bed sheets. Covers up anotehr yawn with the back of a hand, peeking over at the larger man in the bed. Many others would have left by now... but... Merwyn needed aplace to sleep*
[09-02:38] cdb77, Sigura: (( umm...what are you just curious...))
[09-02:38] 90293, Oyrin Darkune : Of course. I can make a necklace..or perhaps a ring from em.
[09-02:39] d0b8c, Merwyn: (what AM I?...... um... Elf?)
[09-02:39] cdb77, Sigura: *Nods* Thank you name is Sigura, everyone who knows me well enough for comfort calls me may do so if you wish
[09-02:40] cdb77, Sigura: ((Cool))
[09-02:40] 90293, Oyrin Darkune : ((*Regrets wearing shorts.* I swear to god its like fourty degree's in the studio.))
[09-02:40] d0b8c, Merwyn: ( ^^ )
[09-02:40] 90293, Oyrin Darkune : Well then...Sig. You can call me Oyrin.
[09-02:41] cdb77, Sigura: ((I'm crazy...that would feel great))
[09-02:41] cdb77, Sigura: Its an honor.
[09-02:42] 90293, Oyrin Darkune : ((anyother time yes. But for somereason, its cold tonite.))
[09-02:46]       Merwyn quietly sits up, turning in the process expose long pale legs from under the sheets. Despite the visual longitivity, they are still short and don't quite reach the floor. Merwyn slips off the bed, taking up the other mans shirt and pulling it on. Quietly take sup the other clothes, fishing out a small wallet of coins before tossing it all (aside from a small silken outfit, to which Merwyn owns) out the window. Proceeds to the door, leaving the room.
[09-02:47] cdb77, Sigura: ((kinky))
[09-02:47] d0b8c, Merwyn: (I'm that way too usually, I love the cold, but sometiems theres that cold cold.. it's not really cold, warmer then usual, but you'r still shivvering)
[09-02:48] 90293, Oyrin Darkune : So what kind of weapon do you use?
[09-02:48] cdb77, Sigura: I am a swordsman.
[09-02:49] JOIN: Jagged Farrell has entered.
[09-02:50] 90fab, Jagged Farrell: ((hmmm.... what tah do...))
[09-02:50] 90293, Oyrin Darkune : Ah! The sword. *Grins and takes a drink* A wonderful weapon...never been able to handle it quite right but *shrugs* Comes with the territory *Noting that he is a dwarf and swords..well suck for them.* I've always prefered an axe...or warhammer m'self.
[09-02:50]       Merwyn heads down the staires of the glimmering inn, quietly and tiredly, half stummbling, half... stumbling. Arrives at the bottom steps in only a few moments, rubbing tired eyes, pale skinny legs exposed from mid thigh down.
[09-02:51] cdb77, Sigura: Yes well, I can understand, your shape and size would prefer a weapon to simply bring down upon someone, none the less it is lethal....
[09-02:51] cdb77, Sigura: *looks at Merwyn from the corner of his eye*
[09-02:52] d0b8c, Merwyn: (how tall is 160 cm??)
[09-02:52] 90fab, Jagged Farrell: *strands of silver hair shine through the shadowed depths of his hood as he approches the Glimmering Inn, the drow deciding to mingle with the townsfolk for various reasons*
[09-02:52] 90fab, Jagged Farrell: ((er... 1.6 meters))
[09-02:53] 90293, Oyrin Darkune : *Kinda leans around Sigura to glance at Merwyn.**mumbles something along the lines of "I'll never understand human fashion."*
[09-02:53] d0b8c, Merwyn: (and thats.... um....... no, i'm thinking of a yard.... :- )
[09-02:53] cdb77, Sigura: *mutters to the dwarf* I don't think
[09-02:54]       Merwyn 'tis elven. Pretty, young, silvan elfy
[09-02:54] cdb77, Sigura: (1 meter is almost the same as a yard)
[09-02:55] d0b8c, Merwyn: (ssoooooo......... around 4ft something?)
[09-02:55] 90fab, Jagged Farrell: *he steps into Trendlekims, smoothly sliding his hood back, resting its dark fabric against his broadened shoulders, his peircing stone grey eyes slowly viewing across the inhabitants of the room, he knows the stigma that follows his race, and yet it doesnt seem to bother him much, his cat like saunter carries him at a predators step towards the bar*
[09-02:55] cdb77, Sigura: (yeah about-ish)
[09-02:56] d0b8c, Merwyn: (Hmm... seems to short for me.. heh... *goes witht he height of Hiei, 4'10"* heh :-P )
[09-02:56] cdb77, Sigura: *see's the dark elf* Greetings
[09-02:57]       Merwyn stretches once more, arms heigh over head, exposing more leg in the process though only for a short moment. Continues on, through the room towords a random table, intending to have an early breakfast*
[09-02:58] 90293, Oyrin Darkune : *Then notices the Drow...either way, its an elf and he dosent like elves.* **Though Merwyn was human. Now that he knows she isnt. Gives her a frown.*
[09-02:59] 90fab, Jagged Farrell: ((damn, thats still short for an elf, they normally average around 5 - 5 and a half feet tall, some times as tall as like, six foot or a little over))
[09-02:59] 90fab, Jagged Farrell: *the drow narrows his eyes, silver streaked brow furrowing slightly as he looks to Sigura* Well Met....
[09-03:00] cdb77, Sigura: *speaks aloud his thoughts* never could go to bed with an elf...they always make me feel like I'm sleeping with a child... *realizes he said it aloud and slaps himself*
[09-03:01] 90293, Oyrin Darkune : *Arches a brow and somewhat cracks a side grin.*
[09-03:01] d0b8c, Merwyn: (Just as humans, yes? ^^ keeping in mind that's average height for humans yet theres still those who are much shorter)
[09-03:03]       Merwyn orders a small breakfast from whoever takes food orders. Nothing vast or expensive... needs to keep a slender figure. Sets the few items taken with on the table. Removes a small leather pouch from the silk outfit, moving it closer to the pouch from the man upstairs before opening both and dumping the second one into the first
[09-03:03] 90fab, Jagged Farrell: *arches a brow in contempt, his hands going to one of the short sword hilts on his belt, and to the closest observation, one may see a small tendril of electricity race across his iris before he blinks it away, turning towards the bar, claiming a seat*
[09-03:05] 90293, Oyrin Darkune : *Snorts.**To Sig.* To be honest. Could never stand being in the same room with one.
[09-03:06] cdb77, Sigura: They aren't so bad company...I just...can't see myself mated off to one...
[09-03:08] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[09-03:08] cdb77, Sigura: ((Kill the 0/1 hurry! it flies AND regenerates!!!)) ((sorry I had too))
[09-03:09]       Merwyn smiles and pays, with a gernous tip, as the food arrives. Sits up, leaning towords the table to eat.
[09-03:09] 90293, Oyrin Darkune : *Once again, the mention of doing the nasty with an elf. Smirks and eyes Sig's drink.* I think it's starting to go to your head.
[09-03:09] a0b58, Merwyn: (sorry, I got booted)
[09-03:10] a0b58, Merwyn: (oh! and I forgot to mention.. if I dont respond immediatly, dun worry.. I'm jsut busy printing manga)
[09-03:10] 90fab, Jagged Farrell: *his cold gaze falls upon Merwyn meticulously, studying her for a moment as a small smirk tugs at the corner of his full lips, his attention quickly being dragged away by a bar wench* An Ale if you would.... *his voice smooth as silk, alluring like the deep rumbling of a cats purr, the mere sound of his voice attractive to the ears*
[09-03:11] cdb77, Sigura: bah, I'm not that drunk...I'm just too open when I am in the short place between sober and drunken
[09-03:12] cdb77, Sigura: ((which manga?))
[09-03:13] 90293, Oyrin Darkune : So kinda like Sronken. *Just pulls a word out of his ass.*
[09-03:14]       Merwyn 's ears twitch, hearing a pleasing voice. Has not heard one of those in a while... only the deep, gritty voices of random people. Peeks towords the bar... smiles... the smile inteded to be for jagged, though Merwyn doesn't shift more then the green eyes away from the food (Kaze to Ki no Uta It's an old 70's shounen ai)
[09-03:14] cdb77, Sigura: *smiles* yes, that would be about how I would describe it
[09-03:15] cdb77, Sigura: ((cool, hey if you don't mind IM me if you have AIM))
[09-03:16] a0b58, Merwyn: (SN?)
[09-03:16] cdb77, Sigura: ((Wulffurry))
[09-03:16] 90fab, Jagged Farrell: ((whats yours Merwyn?))
[09-03:17] 90293, Oyrin Darkune : *laughs, goes to take a drink out of his mug only to find it bone dry. Mutters then bellows out in his deep gruff dwarf voice* Malt Beer! *Slamming his mug down upon the table.*
[09-03:17] a0b58, Merwyn: (classified ^^)
[09-03:18] 90fab, Jagged Farrell: *his ears perk the slightest bit, shown faintly through his silver locks of hair as he takes his ale, his eyes meet Merwyns for a moment as that eyebrow raises slightly, his gaze peircing, almost as if it rips past all but the strongest of guards, looking directly at the naked soul*
[09-03:18] 90fab, Jagged Farrell: ((ah... classified... its great to feel so important))
[09-03:20]       Merwyn feels naked :-P. Shifts back tot he food to resume eating quietly, occasionaly glancing back towords Jagged.
[09-03:20] a0b58, Merwyn: (heh, sorry.. but gimme yours and I'll IM ya)
[09-03:21] 90fab, Jagged Farrell: ((sure you will its Aiyakaiya ))
[09-03:22] 90fab, Jagged Farrell: *he slowly raises his pewter tankard to his lips, drinking the ale smoothly before setting it back down, his chest raising and lowering with each even taken breath*
[09-03:25] cdb77, Sigura: Have you ever been drinking, had a glass of water there and been reading or paying to much attention to something else, then go to drink the ale and spit it out instantly because it was the water and you thoght it was the ale but the ale tasted wrong?
[09-03:26] 90293, Oyrin Darkune : ((I just found a Lil Jon soundboard. I'm about to have some fun with this on air.
[09-03:27]       Merwyn pauses for a moment, a loud cursing coming from upstaires. Merwyn peeks up at the ceiling, from where the cursing comes, accomponied now by stomping and rushing... apparantly, the guy woke up early, and isn't in a great mood.
[09-03:28] 90fab, Jagged Farrell: *shakes his head slightly, letting his eyes fall half closed, no wonder he despises this place so much*
[09-03:29] cdb77, Sigura: *hears the noise as well and retracts his arms in his robes*
[09-03:30] 90293, Oyrin Darkune : *Arches a brow at said stomping and cursing...will the Dwarf have to smack someone a couple of times?*
[09-03:30] 90293, Oyrin Darkune : ((omg. HAHAHA I wish I had that recorded. Man that lil jon thing was priceless.))
[09-03:31] 90fab, Jagged Farrell: *he seems to be the only one unruffled, taking another drink smoothly from the tankard, ah the bliss of blood shed, how he desires it*
[09-03:32]       Merwyn resumes eating as the noise stops for a moment... only gets a few bites before a door slams and heavy footsteps come in a hurry down the staires.
[09-03:34] 90fab, Jagged Farrell: *smirks slightly, maybe hell have his chance*
[09-03:34] cdb77, Sigura: ah was so peaceful...ruffians...
[09-03:37]       Merwyn stands, stille ating, though quicker, not wishing to waste food. Finishes the plate, snatching up the outfit and leather pouch on the table, turning and hurrying for the door.
[09-03:38] 90fab, Jagged Farrell: *sighs faintly, maybe not....*
[09-03:38] cdb77, Sigura: *watches her...for only a moment*
[09-03:42] 90293, Oyrin Darkune : *Arches a brow. We gonna have a throw down or what?*
[09-03:42]       Merwyn reaches the door, practically running into it, coming to a sudden stop, hands braced agaisnt the wall to help, though the man takes that moment to come down. He's a large man, many muscles (pronounces mus-kulls... popeye style), completely nude except for the bed sheets about his waist. He yells across the room, many curses.
[09-03:43] cdb77, Sigura: *can't help but crack a smile letting his arms back out of his robes* hehe...nevermind
[09-03:44] a0b58, Merwyn: (sorry... Like I said, i'm printing mangas... it makes my computer go rather slow, and I have to continually flip the pages tor eprint)
[09-03:44] 90fab, Jagged Farrell: *chuckles faintly, shaking his head the slightest bit*
[09-03:45] 90293, Oyrin Darkune : *Takes a swig of beer, then yells at the man* SHUT UP!
[09-03:45] cdb77, Sigura: personally now that I know whats going on...I'm on her side *smiles*
[09-03:47] a0b58, Merwyn: *the man yells something along the lines of 'f*cking little wench, where are my clothes!!" before chucking a dagger in Merwyns direction (and assuming nothing interferres it) of which goes straight into merwyns hand, pinning it to the door... of course.. this causes little Merwyn to cry out*
[09-03:48] cdb77, Sigura: *stands as he draws the dagger to throw it, and kicks the man in the back of the knee making him falter* no reason to use a weapon...mere clothes.
[09-03:52] a0b58, Merwyn: *the man's caught off guard, dropping to a knee, though he quickly rights himself, bringing the dagger up against Sigura, losing the sheets in the process* "and 32 gold coins!" *is his responce tot he clothes, aiming a rather slow slash at Sigura's hed*
[09-03:54] cdb77, Sigura: *pulls his head back from the slash and removes his robe showing the chain under neath, tossing the heavy rob on top of the him plenty of time to draw two curved swords one in each hand* Still...thats pocket change in comparison to what it will cost you to recover...
[09-03:54] 90293, Oyrin Darkune : *Still in the chair, he swings his iron clad boots into the man's knee caps while he's distracted with Sig.*
[09-03:58] JOIN: Merwyn has entered.
[09-03:59] 90293, Oyrin Darkune : ((brb. On air.))
[09-03:59] 90fab, Jagged Farrell: *smirks faintly, slowly turning to watch the fight*
[09-04:01]       Merwyn hurries out the front door, not wishing to remain, though waits not far off, intending to return for thanks whenit's over. The man curses more, dropping his dagger and fumbling with the robe, tossing it aside, and curses still more at noticing Merwyns disapearance. He proceeds to yell at Sigure, despite the lack of weaponry or defenses.
[09-04:03] 90fab, Jagged Farrell: *slowly slides from his seat, crossing his arms across his chest as he continues watching the fight*
[09-04:03] cdb77, Sigura: Hey...I only stopped you from hurting attacked either swallow whats left of your pride and get over it...or pick up your knife and die like a man.
[09-04:05] 90fab, Jagged Farrell: *the drow walks slowly towards the confrontation, his velvet kissed voice raising slightly as he speaks* Are you sure you are up to this.... if you want, I could easily remedy this situation
[09-04:06] a0b58, Merwyn: *the man frowns*"Her who?!"*raising an arm towords the door* "That was a little f*gg*t ( <.< >.> ) you dipsh*t!!!"
[09-04:07] cdb77, Sigura: *looks at the dark elf for a second, then back at the man hearing his claim* well...thats your went to bed with.he...him
[09-04:08] a0b58, Merwyn: "He stole my damn money!!" *spoken as he tries to shove his way through towords the door*
[09-04:09] 90fab, Jagged Farrell: *laughs* youre the naked fool.... I suppose that would make you the faggot? *raising a brow*
[09-04:09] 90293, Oyrin Darkune : *...this is Oyrin. This is oyrin shocked...HOLY YAY,WOW,CRAP!!!*
[09-04:09] cdb77, Sigura: *trips him...much on "accident"* oops...hey sorry...look sh...he's probably long gone by now...I'll pay you what he...owes you
[09-04:10] 90293, Oyrin Darkune : *Just sits there...with his beer...yes. This has suddenly become wierd...very wierd.*
[09-04:11] a0b58, Merwyn: *the man, of course, collapses., quickly returning to his feet*"... fine, whatever. I'd rather just get the h*ll out of this damn city"
[09-04:12] 90fab, Jagged Farrell: *a blur of movement from his belt, and a sharpened dagger flies like a gust of wind at the mans chest* I tire of his whining...
[09-04:12] cdb77, Sigura: Yeah I don't blame you after this fiasco *gives the man several strange gold coins*
[09-04:14] 90293, Oyrin Darkune : *Violent springer! Takes a drink of his beer as the knife flies and just simply belches at whatever happens.*
[09-04:15] cdb77, Sigura: ((...Springer meets Deathmatch))
[09-04:15] a0b58, Merwyn: *and sicne i horrible with fights, the man simply gets hit. He clutches at the dagger,s tummbling*
[09-04:16] a0b58, Merwyn: (was springer ever on deathmatch??? ya'd think he'd be a commentator)
[09-04:16] 90fab, Jagged Farrell: *the drow takes a few steps towards the man, heaving a boot at his stomach to knock him to the ground as he draws a rapier*
[09-04:17] cdb77, Sigura: *sheaths his blades* Well....nevermind...I have no more say in his fate now than the man who stole his clothes
[09-04:17] a0b58, Merwyn: *down the man goes, too in shock to do anything... knows it would never have happened if his belongings werent missing.. he'd kick arse*
[09-04:18] 90293, Oyrin Darkune : *Eyes Farrell.* Watch it elf. You don't want to anger the town constaple do you?
[09-04:18] 90fab, Jagged Farrell: *laughs, let the man think what he may, he is by far outmatched in nearly every conceivable way, though this is entirely too easy, but blood lust is blood lust as he drops his pointed knee into the mans gut, grabbing the back of his throwing dagger, slowly twisting it before pulling it out, reveling in the grotesque flashes of pain in the mans eyes*
[09-04:20] 90293, Oyrin Darkune : Knock it off...Drow. *His voice drops a tone, gaining some gruffness. Needless suffering is unwarrented.*
[09-04:20] a0b58, Merwyn: *the man has grotesque flashes of pain in his eyes, before dieing... ^^ *
[09-04:21] cdb77, Sigura: *looks to the elf for a moment, and turns and sits back on his stool as though he witnessed no more than someone putting an animal with disease to rest*
[09-04:21] 90293, Oyrin Darkune : ((brb. On air.))
[09-04:22]       Merwyn peeks back in, having been watching from the window. Wasn't too sure about entering... but, did drop a coin at the table.
[09-04:22] 90293, Oyrin Darkune : ((Nevermind. I'm a song ahead of myself.))
[09-04:23] 90fab, Jagged Farrell: *grins as he watches the internal and external bleeding extinguish the mans life, wiping the throwing knife clean upon the sheet dressing the mans waist, standing as he slides it back within his belt* And who are you to tell me what to do, kivv hargluk *taking a few steps towards the door*
[09-04:23] a0b58, Merwyn: (heheh.... there seem to be alot of RPers who work at radio stations)
[09-04:23] 90293, Oyrin Darkune : ((Really?))
[09-04:24] a0b58, Merwyn: (Yeh... i think i've ran into at least 2 before)
[09-04:24] 90293, Oyrin Darkune : A fearless Khazad, you mindless ruhk. *Eyes the elf moving toward the door.* Pray we don't meet again.
[09-04:25]       Merwyn squeaks quietly, feeling as though Jagged were only heading this way to take out the other half of the problem.
[09-04:27] 90fab, Jagged Farrell: *and perhaps he would, though he wouldnt too much exposure in , pausing in the doorway to view the dwarf* Fear not what you see hargluk, fear what you dont see....
[09-04:29]       Merwyn quickly steps aside into the shadows outside by the door... hoping the other elf passes without word.
[09-04:29] 90293, Oyrin Darkune : *Spits on the floor and watches Jagged in the doorway.*
[09-04:30] 90fab, Jagged Farrell: *laughs* I should cut your tounge from your bearded face for your insolence.... but youll find your time when it suits me *arching a brow slightly before side stepping out the door, only after out of view does he turn, heading down a sidepath*
[09-04:32]       Merwyn sighs quietly, happy Jagged did nothing. Leans towords the door, peeking back inside and towords the table... slips back inside.
[09-04:33] cdb77, Sigura: *sees him in the corner of his eye* next time be careful of your targets.
[09-04:34]       Merwyn pauses by the door as Sigura speaks. Hesitates a moment before repond. "He was drunk enough to sleep for a week" His voice matching his physicality, silken and sweet.
[09-04:35] 90293, Oyrin Darkune : *Turns his attention upon Merwyn now. Yep...didnt see that one coming.*
[09-04:36] a0b58, Merwyn: (and.. er.. femenine ^^ )
[09-04:36] cdb77, Sigura: *turns towards him* is that why you slept with him? because he was drunk and easy to get in with? or because it would be a free night rest in a bed?
[09-04:37] 90293, Oyrin Darkune : *Drinks his beer. Watching, interested in what the reason may be.*
[09-04:38] a0b58, Merwyn: He was not drunk when he paid for me. He jsut said it didn't feel right to *finger quotes* "bed a pretty little boy"*end finger quotes* without at least one date.
[09-04:39] cdb77, Sigura: *looks at the corpse* well...looks like the dating is over for him...I won't ask you anything else unless you want to talk...but I am not going to "pay" for your conversation
[09-04:41] 90293, Oyrin Darkune : ((*Currently playing APC The Outsider.*))
[09-04:42] 90293, Oyrin Darkune : *Arches a brow at Sigma...and finally starting to get drunk..but also starting to finish off the barrel.*
[09-04:43] cdb77, Sigura: *looks at the dwarf* don't even think it...I am open to all people...but as I said before...I won't sleep with elves...or men
[09-04:43] a0b58, Merwyn: ... He should have known better then to raise his voice at me anyway. *moves back to the table to retrieve the dropped gold coin... and.. seeing as his room for the night is now... dead... and it's freezing outside, decides to stay around and chat for a while*
[09-04:46] 90293, Oyrin Darkune : Me neither. *Begins to laugh, and then orders another beer.*
[09-04:47]       Merwyn sighs quietly, obviously not going to get any more business tonight
[09-04:48] cdb77, Sigura: Sorry, but its not my nature
[09-04:51] 90293, Oyrin Darkune : Heh. *Buys Sigura a beer, a good stout Dwarven beer.*
[09-04:52] cdb77, Sigura: be it
[09-04:54] a0b58, Merwyn: ... Ahem. *an obcious fake "cough", made for acquiring attention and signaling he's being left out*
[09-04:54] cdb77, Sigura: You want a drink too eh?
[09-04:55] a0b58, Merwyn: *smiles* it would be greatly appreciated. Nothing alcoholic though, please.
[09-04:56] cdb77, Sigura: *raises a brow* such as what?
[09-04:56] 90293, Oyrin Darkune : ((brb. Going onair.))
[09-04:56] a0b58, Merwyn: I don't know. I do not order for myself when in groups *grin* (miss you Oyrin ^^)
[09-04:58] cdb77, Sigura: O.o hmm ok, then just have some juice then *orders a plum juice for him*
[09-04:59] 90293, Oyrin Darkune : ((back.))
[09-04:59] a0b58, Merwyn: Thank you *spoken with a short bow. Returns to a straight standing position... jsut standing there, seeming to wait for something*
[09-05:00] 90293, Oyrin Darkune : *The Drinks arrive, he grabs his mug of beer and takes a mighty swig. Wiping the back of his hand across his beard he lets out a mighty belch* God that's good!
[09-05:01] cdb77, Sigura: *takes a gulp of the dwarvish brew* this stuff could kill a horse
[09-05:03] a0b58, Merwyn: Ahem? *once again, this time nudging the chair before him with a foot*
[09-05:03] 90293, Oyrin Darkune : It could kill a horse...but I likes it! *Yes. Drunk.*
[09-05:03] 90293, Oyrin Darkune : *Eyes the elf.* Sit down...or somethin.
[09-05:05] a0b58, Merwyn: *frowns slightly at Oyrin... shouldn't have expected propper manners from a dwarf anyway... maybe the other one will have some manners*
[09-05:06] cdb77, Sigura: *feels extremely akward, but pushes the chair out with his boot trying not to feel creeped out* uhm....there
[09-05:08]       Merwyn seems a bit disapointed... but sits anyway, with a quiet sigh. "Thank you"
[09-05:10] cdb77, Sigura: hey nothing personal...its just you know....uncomfortable...
[09-05:10] 90293, Oyrin Darkune : *chuckles*
[09-05:10]       Merwyn watches the floor "This always happens. I wish that drow had killed him earlier."
[09-05:12] 90293, Oyrin Darkune : *Arches a brow* What do you mean by that?
[09-05:12] cdb77, Sigura: Yeah well...sorry things didn't work out for you...but I was most likely not going to sleep with you anyhow...
[09-05:12] cdb77, Sigura: ((I think he is refering to the man he robbed))
[09-05:14] a0b58, Merwyn: no, but you would most likely be treating me differently then you are now, and I would not get those awkward stares. *eyes the dwarf* The Drow should have killed him before he could talk.
[09-05:15] cdb77, Sigura: yeah well...true I am treating you differently but if I had gotten as close a look as now I would have realized something was wrong
[09-05:15] 90293, Oyrin Darkune : Killed me? *Drunk. Confused* I'll have you know Mr. I used to be Lord under the mountain! No Drow is gonna kill me quickly.
[09-05:17] a0b58, Merwyn: You only say that because you know the truth behind the appearance already and you now see things you didn't earlier and wouldnt now if you didn't already... *blinks at the dwarf* know..... Um.... what?
[09-05:18] cdb77, Sigura: maybe maybe not...then again if you were female and I thought you to be as such I would be looking a lot harder too...
[09-05:19] a0b58, Merwyn: I thought you would not have slept with me either way?
[09-05:20] cdb77, Sigura: Sleeping with is an act requiring initiative...looking can be done even by accident
[09-05:21] a0b58, Merwyn: ... Male ore female, i am still a beauty and deserve to be admired.
[09-05:21] a0b58, Merwyn: *looks back to the Dwarf* do you have a room here?
[09-05:21] 90293, Oyrin Darkune : *Just kinda sits there...acts like he know's whats going on.*
[09-05:21] cdb77, Sigura: perhaps but either way I shall not fawn over you, my appologies
[09-05:22] 90293, Oyrin Darkune : ((brb on air.))
[09-05:23] a0b58, Merwyn: *shrugs at Sigura* You probably couldn't afford me anyway.
[09-05:23] cdb77, Sigura: probably true... *looks over his shoulder at the dead man* very true
[09-05:26] a0b58, Merwyn: ... *follows Sigura's gaze to the guy*.... that probably wouldn't have happened to you... he was bad tempered.
[09-05:27] cdb77, Sigura: well...I don't know how good my temper would be waking up with no clothes or money...
[09-05:28] 90293, Oyrin Darkune : *and on that note...his head nods...then thuds against the table and he is out and asleep.*
[09-05:28] 90293, Oyrin Darkune : ((Gotta jet. Morning station duties to attend too.))
[09-05:28] a0b58, Merwyn: (aww, bye bye Oy)
[09-05:29] a0b58, Merwyn: That would only happen if you were very poor in bed and passed out ontop of me.
[09-05:30] cdb77, Sigura: Well seeing as Ive never attempted it with the same gender I wouldn't imagine I would know what I was doing and thus...not to good at it
[09-05:32] a0b58, Merwyn: You would never know until you have tried. Some first timers are the best.
[09-05:32] cdb77, Sigura: I'll take your word for it...
[09-05:32] EXIT: Oyrin Darkune has left the chat ( I know the peices fit because I watched them fall away, no fault, none to blame strangled by our comforting, so point the finger blame the the temple topple over to bring the peices back together rediscover communication. ).
[09-05:33] a0b58, Merwyn: .... *frowns.... eyes the Dwarf*
[09-05:33] cdb77, Sigura: well...he seems...comfy
[09-05:34] a0b58, Merwyn: .... Maybe I should help him to bed.
[09-05:35] cdb77, Sigura: *shrugs* I don't care. Personally, I am going to have to be on my way here shortly anyhow.
[09-05:35] a0b58, Merwyn: ... you wouldnt happen to have any spare space in your room, would you?
[09-05:36] cdb77, Sigura: Tell you's the key...I've got places to go...
[09-05:37] a0b58, Merwyn: *smiles, taking the key, happy to get anything out of sigura* thank you.
[09-05:37] cdb77, Sigura: you're welcome to it.
[09-05:38] a0b58, Merwyn: Well *yawns quietly* I guess I should be off to bed now then
[09-05:38] cdb77, Sigura: farewell...
[09-05:38] EXIT: Sigura has left the chat ( 6:38am, May 09 (CDT) ).
[09-05:39] a0b58, Merwyn: *heads off to the room and sleeps comfortably in an empty bed, for the first time in quite a few days*
[09-05:39] EXIT: Merwyn has left the chat ( 6:39am, May 09 (CDT) ).
[09-09:11] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[09-09:46] JOIN: Illisse Brilthor has entered.
[09-10:19] c226d, Illisse Brilthor : *haunts*
[09-11:37] c226d, Illisse Brilthor : *still haunts* *rattles chains* *makes spooky noises* *is totally bored*
[09-12:35] JOIN: Illisse Brilthor has entered.
[09-13:24] JOIN: Illisse Brilthor has entered.
[09-13:29] JOIN: Merwyn has entered.
[09-13:29] c226d, Illisse Brilthor : hey
[09-13:29] fdc74, Merwyn: *is a better haunter*)
[09-13:29] c226d, Illisse Brilthor : real people
[09-13:30] fdc74, Merwyn: (Hi )
[09-13:31] c226d, Illisse Brilthor : I'm glad someone else showed was getting kinda lonely around here
[09-13:31] fdc74, Merwyn: (RP?)
[09-13:32] c226d, Illisse Brilthor : (where are you?)
[09-13:32] fdc74, Merwyn: ( ^^ glad I got here just on time then )
[09-13:33] fdc74, Merwyn: (Glimmerinf Inn)
[09-13:33] c226d, Illisse Brilthor : (hmm...ok....)
[09-13:35] c226d, Illisse Brilthor : *she turns away from the door...tired of waiting for her companions.....she gestures to the tender to brigng her another bottle of her fae wine as she returns to her seat by the fire*
[09-13:37] JOIN: Sigura has entered.
[09-13:38]       Merwyn crawls out of bed, or.. Sigura's bed rather... it is stillt echnically Sigura's room as he's the one paying for it. Slips in to the nearly translucent white, silk outfit (Umm.. *points at pic ^^*) before taking up the room key and the little leather pouch o' gold, and heading ot of the room.
[09-13:39] cdb77, Sigura: *slept at the bar again last night*
[09-13:41] c226d, Illisse Brilthor : *tucking her bare feet under the tattered edge of the green linen skirt..she watches the bar maid pour her some wine...taking a small sip she looks around the room taking in the current inhabitants*
[09-13:42] cdb77, Sigura: *wakes up slowly holding his head* Damn Dwarvish Brew...
[09-13:42] c226d, Illisse Brilthor : (hehe *kicks self for missing Oyrin last night*)
[09-13:43]       Merwyn squeaks, slipping at the bottom step and stuubbing a toe on the floor. Hops for a moment, holding an injured toe, then leans against the wall until it subsides. "Hmph" stand sstraight again, looking about.
[09-13:43] cdb77, Sigura: ((it was great))
[09-13:43] c226d, Illisse Brilthor : ((*read log* *pouts*)
[09-13:44] c226d, Illisse Brilthor : ((what is Merwyn?))