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[27-23:46] ceea7, Sothicus Aurelius : (Your post Drow-boy)
[27-23:46] cebbf, Jagged Farrell: ((*waits*))
[27-23:48] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[27-23:49] cebbf, Jagged Farrell: ((*takes a bow*))
[27-23:51] cebbf, Jagged Farrell: *he lowers his form as the undead warrior strikes the curved blade of his sword, the loud striking of metal against metal resonates in the chamber as his wrist snaps back at the force, spinning the blade backwards with the momentum of its strike, bringing the butt of the pommel up against the others armored wrist, knocking it upwards with its own force as he slides beneath its form, its second blade striking at an upward angle at the hinge of the armor beneath its armpit*
[27-23:53] ceea7, Sothicus Aurelius : *the creature however lets his arm get knocked over the Drow's head and instead of standing there to allow his armpit get pierced it suddenly lunges forward hoping to drive its shoulder into the Drow's body to send him stumbling back*
[27-23:56] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[27-23:57] cebbf, Jagged Farrell: *the drow, slightly suprised at the suddan lunge, his movements as fluid and chaotic as a rushing river, taking a path of least resistance as soon as the creature drops his shoulder he does a quick back spin, the elbow striking the curve of his back, continuing with the movement as he kicks his feet up and rolls over the dark soldiers shoulder, landing behind it to quickly jab both of his rapiers up again at the shoulder hinges of the armor, from behind*
[28-00:00] ceea7, Sothicus Aurelius : *and so the rapiers strike home...but there is no sound of pain from the creature as it suddenly spins, enough that if Jagged doesnt move with would tear the rapiers from his hands...the other two soldiers continue to advance..their footfalls are like steel upon marble*
[28-00:04] cebbf, Jagged Farrell: *and like any good combat training, hes learned to rapidly retract his shots, never leave a limb extended, very dangerous, but he catches a bit of the quick spin of the undead and follows it leaping to its side, preferably the weaponless one, quickly taking another strike at its neck, this one intended to lop its head off, the other rapier poised to block*
[28-06:00] JOIN: Zaeth has entered.
[28-06:18] JOIN: Zaeth has entered.
[28-06:18] 886f3, Zaeth : grrr*hits pc*
[28-06:19] EXIT: Zaeth has left the chat ( 7:18am, April 28 (CDT) ).
[28-08:18] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[28-08:21] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[28-08:29] JOIN: Zaeth has entered.
[28-08:30] cd8be, Zaeth : ggod morning Cara
[28-08:31] cd8be, Zaeth : make that good
[28-08:34] cd8be, Zaeth : grr aim is being stubborn
[28-08:36] JOIN: Shifty has entered.
[28-08:37] cd8be, Zaeth : here?
[28-08:37] cd8be, Zaeth : g'morn shifty
[28-08:38] 19e7e, Shifty: Morning.
[28-08:39] 34b54, Roki: roki's always here
[28-08:40] cd8be, Zaeth : still slow ..aim isnt working either..
[28-08:41] 19e7e, Shifty: *beats Zaeths comp*
[28-08:43] 34b54, Roki: *works on webpage for the room*
[28-08:51] JOIN: Zaeth has entered.
[28-08:52] 9053f, Zaeth : grrr this darn thing
[28-08:52] 9053f, Zaeth : anyway...package is on its way
[28-08:52] 19e7e, Shifty: hehe....*beats her comp again*
[28-08:53] JOIN: Cara has entered.
[28-08:53] 9053f, Zaeth : i have my choice i can stay here or have aim . cant run both
[28-08:53] f96be, Cara: *flicks tail*'s 10 in the morning and I've already yelled at someone....Go me!
[28-08:54] 19e7e, Shifty: your a hour ahead of me then Cara.
[28-08:54] 9053f, Zaeth : yea !!!!
[28-08:54] 9053f, Zaeth : and me
[28-08:55] f96be, Cara: *Sharpens her claws on someone's discared hope of having a good day*
[28-08:55] f96be, Cara: I have over-acheiver tendacies*not reallY*
[28-08:55] 9053f, Zaeth :
[28-08:57] f96be, Cara: I need a nap*ears go flat*
[28-08:59] f96be, Cara: Seriously, do i smell bad because that would explian while people dont talk around me*pondering*
[28-09:05] 9053f, Zaeth : sorry cara *takes big stick to pc* stupid thing
[28-09:05] f96be, Cara: *Threatens Illisse's computer by shaking her mighty fist*
[28-09:06] 9053f, Zaeth : ive done everything to this comp except drop it..and that may be my next option.....right out the window
[28-09:06] f96be, Cara: And giggle with it smashes to the ground
[28-09:07] 19e7e, Shifty: But I havent attacked it yet. *big grin*
[28-09:08] f96be, Cara: yet....*curling up in armchair*
[28-09:08] 9053f, Zaeth : *mad scientist cackle*
[28-09:08] f96be, Cara: so, did my tail tan?
[28-09:08] 9053f, Zaeth : yes its a lovely shade of brown w/ a slight sunburn
[28-09:09] f96be, Cara: yay!!
[28-09:09] f96be, Cara: we wont match. I as white as the driven snow
[28-09:10] 9053f, Zaeth : grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr delays delays where is my supply of alludium q phospate?
[28-09:11] f96be, Cara: No clue
[28-09:12] 19e7e, Shifty: Dont you mean alludium q 38 explosive space modulator?
[28-09:12] 34b54, Roki: *has a BFG*
[28-09:13] f96be, Cara: why do you have a BFG Rokie?
[28-09:13] f96be, Cara: *waves at the Linux Penguin*
[28-09:13] 9053f, Zaeth : sorry bad cartoon flashback
[28-09:14] f96be, Cara: Martian the martian?
[28-09:14] 34b54, Roki: 'cuz ...
[28-09:14] 34b54, Roki: Martin the Martian...
[28-09:14] 34b54, Roki: get it right *waves the BFG around*
[28-09:14] 19e7e, Shifty: aye.
[28-09:14] f96be, Cara: I'm allowed typos
[28-09:15] 19e7e, Shifty: *can do a voice that is a mix between Martin the Martian and Thirstin Howell the third*
[28-09:16] JOIN: Zaeth has entered.
[28-09:16] f96be, Cara: Thats...frightining
[28-09:17] 34b54, Roki: *can do a perfect impersonation of Simon*
[28-09:18] 19e7e, Shifty: *laughs* If that scares you then you dont wanna know the other voices I can do.
[28-09:18] f96be, Cara: Oh but now you have me curious
[28-09:22] 19e7e, Shifty: hehe
[28-09:22] f96be, Cara: Spill it
[28-09:23] JOIN: The Incredible Vince has entered.
[28-09:25] c6eac, The Incredible Vince: Guys rules for Girls
[28-09:27] 19e7e, Shifty: well I am known as the man of 500 faces and 500 voices to my friends.
[28-09:28] f96be, Cara: Is that a name well deserved?
[28-09:29] 19e7e, Shifty: *chuckles* Aye...that it be las...that it be.
[28-09:31] f96be, Cara: *quirks the brow* oh stop with the Brogue *L*
[28-09:32] 19e7e, Shifty: Brogue? What be that?
[28-09:33] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[28-09:34] f96be, Cara: I think I spelled it wrong. Acutally..i'm very sure that I did. No matta
[28-09:34] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[28-09:35] c6eac, Will-o'-the-wisp: heh
[28-09:36] 19e7e, Shifty: hehe.
[28-09:36] f96be, Cara: *glower*
[28-09:38] 19e7e, Shifty: Is that anything related to a shower? hehe
[28-09:38] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 10:35am, April 28 (CDT) ).
[28-09:39] JOIN: Vince has entered.
[28-09:39] c6eac, Vince: *has compiled his works*You need to be clear Cara, we are men hints dont work.
[28-09:42] f96be, Cara: Nothing whatever ever except that they rhyme
[28-09:42] 19e7e, Shifty: *chuckles*
[28-09:42] f96be, Cara: whatever? Nothing what-so-ever
[28-09:43] c6eac, Vince: if you look here you will see I have taken the time to show you all how men think when it comes to women.
[28-09:44] f96be, Cara: Acutally, I've read this before.
[28-09:44] 34b54, Roki: quit trying to lay claim to the Rules vince *l* i've read that e-mail a hundred times
[28-09:45] c6eac, Vince: I didnt lay claim to it....I just complied it.
[28-09:45] c6eac, Vince: nothing better to do....Galaxies is down!*grumble*
[28-09:45] f96be, Cara: *chuckles* It's Like Camping!!! Yay!
[28-09:46] JOIN: Zaeth has entered.
[28-09:46] c6eac, Vince: *grumbles*We have PT tommorrow and I havent run in like....a few months....ugg..I will be hurting if it is anymore then 2 miles.
[28-09:47] 19e7e, Shifty: *laughs* I like that.
[28-09:48] c6eac, Vince: hehehehe.
[28-09:48] 4bc82, Zaeth : well i madeit back again...lets see if i can stay this time
[28-09:48] f96be, Cara: Wow..I just finished my paper*is so happy she could weep*
[28-09:48] c6eac, Vince: *shakes shifter*5 days until I go home to America!!!WHOOOOOOO!!!!Native soil!
[28-09:48] f96be, Cara: The camping comment tickeled me. I do not know why
[28-09:49] f96be, Cara: Where are you staying?
[28-09:49] c6eac, Vince: Germany.....Fort McCully Barracks, Wackerhiem.
[28-09:50] 19e7e, Shifty: *when shakein his head bobs around like a bobble doll*
[28-09:51] f96be, Cara: Germany. My uncle was stationed there when he was in the army.
[28-09:51] c6eac, Vince: Actually....I am in Mianz right now....chilling in the city with nothing to do.Oooo....what unit?
[28-09:52] f96be, Cara: Hell if I know. All he told me is that he was in the army and that he was stationed there for about 15 years or so. He's kinda closed mouth about his years in the military
[28-09:53] 4bc82, Zaeth : where will home be when you get back,?
[28-09:54] c6eac, Vince: 15 years?Holy mother of....I have been in for 2 and some change and already am fed up with it.Hmm.....home will be in Oregon where I was born...
[28-09:55] 4bc82, Zaeth : beautiful area
[28-09:56] f96be, Cara: Yeah. He met his wife there and my cousin courtney lived there until she was 5
[28-09:56] c6eac, Vince: It is indeed....we just need to push all the tree huggers out...*nod nod*
[28-09:56] f96be, Cara: and time to turn this bad boy of a paper in
[28-09:57] c6eac, Vince: bad boy of a paper?
[28-09:57] 4bc82, Zaeth : hey! *is*
[28-09:57] f96be, Cara: it's 35 pages
[28-09:58] c6eac, Vince: your a tree hugger?.....heh.....That can mean so many things...*points to the 12th rules of guys*
[28-09:59] 4bc82, Zaeth : not looking at 'guy' rules...probably not worh a sheezy anyway....
[28-10:00] 57823, Roki: tree huggers.... i shoot tree huggers...
[28-10:01] 57823, Roki: and vince... i didnt say you could use my color
[28-10:01] c6eac, Vince: Tree huggers are just....yes.What Roki said.
[28-10:01] c6eac, Vince: I always use this color....mine is darker then yours anyways
[28-10:01] 4bc82, Zaeth : *heads back to post office*
[28-10:02] c6eac, Vince: Ahh....we are just playin Zaeth
[28-10:02] c6eac, Vince: I dont mind tree huggers unless they do stupid sheezy like chaining themselves to trees...
[28-10:02] 4bc82, Zaeth : and i did read your 'rules' you are wrong on #15....he got lost
[28-10:03] 4bc82, Zaeth : not that stupid....just more of a back to nature kinda girl
[28-10:03] c6eac, Vince: well....he got fame didnt he?
[28-10:03] c6eac, Vince: so he found what he was looking for!Ah!!!Ya see?A twist to the meaning.
[28-10:04] 4bc82, Zaeth : *smirk* guys...
[28-10:04] c6eac, Vince: *wink*
[28-10:05] 4bc82, Illisse Brilthor : vince dont try to argue with'll lose
[28-10:06] c6eac, Vince: I might!!!But I will make a ass of myself doing so!*nod*....wait
[28-10:07] 4bc82, Illisse Brilthor : and i'm really not in the mood to argue....having enough of a fight with this comp anyway
[28-10:08] c6eac, Vince: heh
[28-10:09] c6eac, Vince: I am teasing...geez
[28-10:09] 4bc82, Illisse Brilthor : i know....just having a bad morning
[28-10:10] f96be, Cara: I'm back! No need to mourn my absence any longer!
[28-10:10] 4bc82, Illisse Brilthor : didnt
[28-10:10] f96be, Cara: damn..oh well..-almost- felt loved
[28-10:10] 4bc82, Illisse Brilthor : ate chocolate to make up for it
[28-10:11] 19e7e, Shifty: *just lays in his recliner*
[28-10:12] f96be, Cara: ah..I see*on the verge of tears*
[28-10:12] 4bc82, Illisse Brilthor : *flips recliner*
[28-10:12] 4bc82, Illisse Brilthor : *hugs cara*
[28-10:12] f96be, Cara: *was acutally thinking of doing just can only cackel*
[28-10:13] f96be, Cara: *is hugged....becomes happy*I
[28-10:14] 19e7e, Shifty: *was fliped with his recliner* Hey...*sniff* What I ever do to you?
[28-10:14] f96be, Cara: Roki...why do my Mayo Jars belong to you?
[28-10:14] 4bc82, Illisse Brilthor : *is kinda upset* i missed oyrin on the radio last night....
[28-10:15] 4bc82, Illisse Brilthor : *picks shifty up* *hugs* sorry...
[28-10:15] f96be, Cara: Huzzwhat?
[28-10:16] 19e7e, Shifty: *hugs back* Me fogive.
[28-10:16] 4bc82, Illisse Brilthor : dwarf friend here dj on radio...they dont have net radio service....grrrrrr
[28-10:16] f96be, Cara: Oh! he's on the radio? cool
[28-10:17] 4bc82, Illisse Brilthor : *nod nod* very
[28-10:18] f96be, Cara: I was on the radio once...I was 9
[28-10:19] 4bc82, Illisse Brilthor : i dont know why mayo jars belonga roki...i gave him my empty....i REALLY dont want it back when he's done ....
[28-10:20] 4bc82, Illisse Brilthor : still here? aim
[28-10:20] f96be, Cara: Probably just to store his urine
[28-10:21] 4bc82, Illisse Brilthor : now i REALLY REALLY dont want it back
[28-10:23] JOIN: Valandil Elladan has entered.
[28-10:24] 4bc82, Illisse Brilthor : *tackles* hey
[28-10:26] e3038, Valandil Elladan : *tackled, rolls*
[28-10:26] e3038, Valandil Elladan : Hey!
[28-10:26] e3038, Garet Jax: (( image test ))
[28-10:26] 4bc82, Illisse Brilthor : *grins*
[28-10:27] e3038, Garet Jax: (( OH YEAH! ))
[28-10:27] e3038, Valandil Elladan : *grins back*
[28-10:27] 4bc82, Illisse Brilthor : hehe i changed brin thanks... ooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhh
[28-10:28] e3038, Valandil Elladan : Your welcome... I did intensive google image searching...
[28-10:29] 4bc82, Illisse Brilthor : hey i'm going to S i can only run 1 window or this thing freezes....see ya there
[28-10:34] e3038, Valandil Elladan : k
[28-10:43] f96be, Cara: *Flexes*
[28-10:48] 19e7e, Shifty: *am back*
[28-10:48] f96be, Cara: you left?*chuckle*
[28-10:50] 19e7e, Shifty: aye...went to help a fellow class mate try and fix a problem. He was useing 2D lines instead of 3D solids to do it.
[28-10:51] f96be, Cara: Ah. well, i went to lunch
[28-10:53] f96be, Cara: and that was kind of you
[28-10:54] 19e7e, Shifty: Im eating lunch in a few. And thank ya for saying so. Its 3D/solids are easy for me cause i have been mostly trained in that. Its the architecture and stuff that Im still learning.
[28-10:56] f96be, Cara: What class is this for?
[28-10:57] 19e7e, Shifty: from 8-2:30 is drafting.
[28-10:58] f96be, Cara: I need have classes today*happy streach*
[28-10:59] f96be, Cara: need=didnt
[28-10:59] f96be, Cara: I'm not illiterate I swear
[28-11:01] 19e7e, Shifty: Dont worry....were in the same boat.
[28-11:01] f96be, Cara: Hmmm...lets hope the, that it's not one that is sinking
[28-11:03] 57823, Roki: anybody wanna see anything specific on the chats website ?
[28-11:04] 19e7e, Shifty: *laughs* I i was you I would be more concerned about the crazy person in it with you. *Curly grin as he points to himself*
[28-11:05] f96be, Cara: Crazy is as Crazy does and how do you know that I'm not the nuttier of the two?*Chesire smile*
[28-11:05] f96be, Cara: MMm i cant think of anythihg
[28-11:07] 19e7e, Shifty: *grins* Me just know.
[28-11:07] 57823, Roki: ok..
[28-11:08] 19e7e, Shifty: and me cant think of anything if I think already.
[28-11:08] f96be, Cara: Well, I wont argue about it with you but just so you know..when we run out of food on this cruiseline for the nutties, I refuse to be anyone's brunch*flicks tail*
[28-11:09] JOIN: Liz has entered.
[28-11:09] 57823, Roki: thats ok... i dont like fish... *hides*
[28-11:09] JOIN: Joey has entered.
[28-11:09] 58e0f, Joey: hum didigdy
[28-11:10] 168f8, Averey Lithle : (( *ponders making Averey feel like crap, too* ))
[28-11:10] f96be, Cara: 'Ello
[28-11:10] 19e7e, Shifty: Yeah...thats can always be breakfest or lunch or supper.
[28-11:11] f96be, Cara: Let me restate that. I refuse to be a meal...ANY meal and this includes snacks
[28-11:11] 58e0f, Curst Diablos : (( Ponders killing off averyss friends ))
[28-11:13] 3ab61, Averey Lithle : (( None of them are on right now *sticks out her tongue* Just her )) *yawns and kneels next to the river, far away enough from the gargoyle army to have some privacy*
[28-11:17] 19e7e, Shifty: ((how about a appitizer?))
[28-11:18] f96be, Cara: ((*glower*))
[28-11:18] 58e0f, Curst Diablos : *his body appears on the other side of the river. he stiars out at her,. red eyes buring in like hot steel from under his cloak. he also stands at full height* ~Averey your alone. no one to help you now ... how dose it feel?~
[28-11:20] ebddc, Averey Lithle : *she straightens* I have an army at my back.
[28-11:21] ebddc, Averey Lithle : *she stiffens a bit, then straightens* You're wrong, Demon. I am not alone. I have a army at my back.
[28-11:22] 19e7e, Shifty: ((*hokey pokeys*))
[28-11:23] e3038, Garet Jax: *appears*
[28-11:23] e3038, Garet Jax: *if she is in the forest... hmmm...*
[28-11:24] 58e0f, Curst Diablos : ~an army you do not control elf. or if they are there bring them to your side to kill me. if that is what it takes~ *he watcher her from accrose the river. while he is looking as are also on the book of maps. showing who is around him and where they are at. *
[28-11:27] 168f8, Averey Lithle : (( She is...when is she not? But I have an hour only )) They are not mine, but they have sworn to protect me.
[28-11:32] 57823, Roki: so her army is like microsoft...
[28-11:32] f96be, Cara: *L*
[28-11:32] e3038, Garet Jax: (( LOL ))
[28-11:34] 58e0f, Curst Diablos : ~they wont know you have even left~ *a small hand appears from under the claok and seems to open on of his red portals. the other is on the other side of the river and steps out keeping the portal open* i can travel up to 100 miles through these. im sure the army wont be able to keep up
[28-11:35] e3038, Garet Jax: *steps out from the trees behind Averey* Having trouble, Averey? *she would be surprised, not hearing him coming*
[28-11:36] 52896, Averey Lithle : *backs up a step* Don't you dare. *jumps, startled by the sudden appearance of Garet* Just being pestered.
[28-11:39] 58e0f, Curst Diablos : *he knew garet was there. no surprise to him* Garet. id advise staying out of this if you want to keep your status as ledgen* he begins to walk towards averey his eyes aglow* i would dare and i dare now my little elf*
[28-11:40] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[28-11:41] ebddc, Averey Lithle : Stay where you are! *draws her short sword with a trembling hand, backing towards Garet*
[28-11:44] 58e0f, Curst Diablos : *he holds up one of his massive 6 foot arms and showing the tips of his fingers. 8 inch claws extend from the tips razor sharp and strong as steel* your peuny sword against my body
[28-11:45] 8ea97, Averey Lithle : I may not win, but I'd sure as hell hurt you
[28-11:45] 8ea97, Averey Lithle : I may not win, but I'd sure as hell hurt you before I died.
[28-11:48] 58e0f, Curst Diablos : you are not going to die. i have plans for you. a loner elf that no one remembers. they will remeber you as the barer of my children. and our children will bring this world into a whole new era
[28-11:50] e3038, Garet Jax: If she does not wish to be with you, find another.
[28-11:50] ebddc, Averey Lithle : *shudders, her face paling* I would rather die.
[28-11:52] 58e0f, Curst Diablos : garet i will not listen to you . so do not speek your idle words to me * he is now within reach* you will come with me. by force if it needs to be
[28-11:54] e3038, Garet Jax: And Curst, I will not listen to you either
[28-11:55] ebddc, Averey Lithle : *brings up her sword so that it's between her and the demon* Begone, Curst.
[28-11:57] e3038, Garet Jax: *stands beside Averey, reaching for his longsword*
[28-11:59] 58e0f, Curst Diablos : *tosses off the cloak. stands at full height* i will begone but you will follow. *he continues to advance when he is 7 feet away from the duo he smiles* aww 2 humans wishing to save them selfs
[28-12:00] e3038, Garet Jax: *smiles coldly* So you think.
[28-12:00] JOIN: Z has entered.
[28-12:00] ebddc, Averey Lithle : *does'nt say anything, tensing as he draws nearer..waiting*
[28-12:01] e3038, Garet Jax: I have to go... grrr
[28-12:01] EXIT: Garet Jax has left the chat ( 1:01pm, April 28 (CDT) ).
[28-12:02] 94c70, Z: *sneaky sneaky*
[28-12:02] 58e0f, Curst Diablos : aww your little friend had to go . proving you have no friends if they will ab in a time of need
[28-12:02] ebddc, Averey Lithle : (( oi... ))
[28-12:04] 8ea97, Averey Lithle : He will be back. With others. And we will cut you down to size.
[28-12:06] 58e0f, Curst Diablos : to bad it will take to long * he lunges at her. moving with supernatural speed right at the dagger of a sword. his small hands stand ready*
[28-12:08] 8ea97, Averey Lithle : *gasps at his sudden speed, but slashes at his hands with the speed of an elf, backing away*
[28-12:08] 94c70, Z: oi? *can't sneak?*
[28-12:09] 58e0f, Curst Diablos : *the slash is deflected by one of the smaller arms as the sword is pushed away he makes his way to wrap his arms around her like a snake*
[28-12:11] ebddc, Averey Lithle : *tries to run as he does that, screaming for the gargoyles*
[28-12:13] 58e0f, Curst Diablos : *uses a little more busrt of speed and dashes as he wras his arms around her. unless she can dodge 2 6 foot arms they will pull her in and the smaler hands will cover her mouth*
[28-12:15] 94c70, Z: Where are you guys at?
[28-12:16] ebddc, Averey Lithle : (( I have ten minutes ))
[28-12:16] 58e0f, Curst Diablos : (forest)
[28-12:17] ebddc, Averey Lithle : *struggles to break free of the two massive arms, biting into the hand that covers her mouth with good, strong teeth*
[28-12:22] 58e0f, Curst Diablos : *the hand retracts only to be replaced by another one. the free small hand jets out and opens a portal as he walks through it into a cave under the earth ... his home*
[28-12:22] 58e0f, Curst Diablos : )(*pause *)(
[28-12:22] 9bd96, Averey Lithle : ***Pause***
[28-12:22] 94c70, Z: ow that was cheap.
[28-12:22] EXIT: Averey Lithle has left the chat ( 1:22pm, April 28 (CDT) ).
[28-12:40] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[28-13:00] JOIN: Zaeth has entered.
[28-13:06] JOIN: Zaeth has entered.
[28-13:31] JOIN: Strahd VonZarovich has entered.
[28-13:37] 34b54, Roki:
[28-13:44] 2c632, Strahd VonZarovich : oh.. hey... what's up?
[28-13:47] 34b54, Roki: nada
[28-13:48] 2c632, Strahd VonZarovich : sounds like a load fun
[28-13:52] 2c632, Strahd VonZarovich : pictest
[28-13:54] 34b54, Roki: nada bad
[28-13:55] 2c632, Strahd VonZarovich : so what have i missed around here?
[28-13:56] 34b54, Roki: nothin much
[28-13:57] 2c632, Strahd VonZarovich : it kinda looks that way... not much going on right atm
[28-14:09] 34b54, Roki: that'll change soon enough
[28-14:20] JOIN: Zaeth has entered.
[28-14:21] 4c4f9, Zaeth : hey roki
[28-14:22] 34b54, Roki: yo
[28-14:23] 4c4f9, Zaeth : got kinda quiet dinnit?
[28-14:26] 34b54, Roki: mmhmm
[28-14:27] 4c4f9, Zaeth : hows the site going?
[28-14:29] 34b54, Roki: not workin on it at the moment
[28-14:42] JOIN: Zaeth has entered.
[28-14:47] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[28-15:44] JOIN: Zaeth has entered.
[28-15:49] JOIN: Strahd VonZarovich has entered.
[28-15:49] 50a36, Strahd VonZarovich: *peeks in again*
[28-15:51] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[28-15:51] 095d3, Zaeth : Val I am trying to get to shannara if you get here
[28-15:52] JOIN: Levald has entered.
[28-15:52] 095d3, Zaeth : pages keep freezing up
[28-15:53] c6c97, Levald: hmmm
[28-15:53] 095d3, Zaeth : lev aim isnt working....
[28-15:54] c6c97, Levald : *stretches arms* i know you told me at ff
[28-15:56] c6c97, Levald : is it just aim??
[28-15:57] JOIN: Valandil Elladan has entered.
[28-15:57] 89043, Valandil Elladan : New pic
[28-15:57] c6c97, Levald : hmm
[28-15:58] c6c97, Levald : i c
[28-15:59] 50a36, Strahd VonZarovich: *will just watch for now*
[28-16:09] 50a36, Strahd VonZarovich: *annnnnnd has killed the room*
[28-16:14] JOIN: zaeth has entered.
[28-16:14] b5529, zaeth: lev
[28-16:15] b5529, zaeth: hey you guys here?
[28-16:15] b5529, zaeth: grrr..
[28-16:15] c6c97, Levald : here
[28-16:15] c6c97, Levald : its hard to chase u around pjj
[28-16:16] b5529, zaeth: im at the library
[28-16:16] b5529, zaeth: didnt mean for you to go chasing after me...
[28-16:16] c6c97, Levald : ah
[28-16:16] b5529, zaeth: cn you find val?
[28-16:16] c6c97, Levald : express?
[28-16:17] c6c97, Levald : dont know where he went
[28-16:17] b5529, zaeth: not yet
[28-16:17] b5529, zaeth: look at shannara
[28-16:18] c6c97, Levald : im at mtg shannara ffarm and btt
[28-16:18] b5529, zaeth: grrrr
[28-16:18] b5529, zaeth: trying to get express working
[28-16:19] c6c97, Levald : did it
[28-16:19] c6c97, Levald : says ur on
[28-16:19] b5529, zaeth: what gave you the first clue?
[28-16:21] c6c97, Levald : when i logged on it said u logged on
[28-16:21] b5529, zaeth: hehe look again
[28-16:21] c6c97, Levald : so is aim working?
[28-16:22] b5529, zaeth: yes it is
[28-16:22] c6c97, Levald : ?
[28-16:22] b5529, zaeth: arent you getting msgs?
[28-16:22] c6c97, Levald : so are u getting my ims?
[28-16:22] c6c97, Levald : no
[28-16:22] b5529, zaeth: last i saw was jeopardy
[28-16:23] b5529, zaeth: ok i give up just talk here
[28-16:24] c6c97, Levald : grr
[28-16:24] c6c97, Levald : aim sux
[28-16:24] b5529, zaeth: lev...they are showing up in my window
[28-16:24] b5529, zaeth: just forget the darn thing
[28-16:25] b5529, zaeth: im going to try to get to s again
[28-16:25] c6c97, Levald : hmm
[28-16:25] c6c97, Levald : u hitting send or enter?
[28-16:26] b5529, zaeth: send
[28-16:26] c6c97, Levald : imma go crazy
[28-16:26] c6c97, Levald : grrr
[28-16:27] b5529, zaeth: Roki?
[28-16:27] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[28-16:28] 34b54, Roki: a who what ?
[28-16:29] b5529, zaeth: i am trying to aim express did youget my msg?
[28-16:29] b5529, zaeth: had to move to the library
[28-16:29] 34b54, Roki: no
[28-16:29] 34b54, Roki: aim express works just like aim. heh.
[28-16:30] b5529, zaeth: not this stupid piece of work...i can see your msg but no one else can see mine
[28-16:31] 34b54, Roki: ahh
[28-16:32] b5529, zaeth: i just love today...
[28-16:32] b5529, zaeth: now i have to get pc fixed....
[28-16:34] b5529, zaeth: lev? can you see it now?
[28-16:35] b5529, zaeth: oh for get it..i dont have much time..
[28-16:37] b5529, zaeth: you cant do that with express
[28-16:38] b5529, zaeth: quit going crazy and just talk to me here
[28-16:39] b5529, zaeth: roki would you aim lev and tell him to get back here please?
[28-16:39] b5529, zaeth: oh never mind he had to go.
[28-16:39] JOIN: Brimstone has entered.
[28-16:39] b5529, zaeth: brat
[28-16:40] b5529, zaeth: oh sorry Brim not you
[28-16:40] beb1a, Brimstone : (Yeah...)
[28-16:41] b5529, zaeth: *hates one sides conversations*
[28-16:44] b5529, zaeth: *has to leave now.* i will be back in about 20 for a while
[28-16:44] EXIT: zaeth has left the chat ( 5:44pm, April 28 (CDT) ).
[28-17:01] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[28-17:01] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 6:01pm, April 28 (CDT) ).
[28-17:02] JOIN: zaeth has entered.
[28-17:02] JOIN: Levald has entered.
[28-17:02] b5529, zaeth: Brim?
[28-17:03] b5529, zaeth: hey lev
[28-17:03] c6c97, Levald : u still here??
[28-17:03] c6c97, Levald : hey
[28-17:03] b5529, zaeth: jut got back
[28-17:03] c6c97, Levald : hmm
[28-17:03] b5529, zaeth: had to go for a few
[28-17:03] c6c97, Levald : well i just got here
[28-17:04] b5529, zaeth: i see that
[28-17:04] c6c97, Levald : try aim again?
[28-17:04] b5529, zaeth: god i love these library pc's.....absolutely not
[28-17:05] b5529, zaeth: ive only got 30 min and i dont wan t to waste it on that
[28-17:05] c6c97, Levald : hso where r we?
[28-17:06] c6c97, Levald : so*
[28-17:06] b5529, zaeth: um...stil walking back to rua
[28-17:07] b5529, zaeth: ((we need val though grr i wish he was still here)
[28-17:07] JOIN: Ava Tinuviel has entered.
[28-17:07] c6c97, Levald : grr backspace isnt working
[28-17:07] b5529, zaeth:
[28-17:08] b5529, zaeth: hey is palladia on?
[28-17:08] 45096, Ava Tinuviel: ~The petite elven woman entered the realm, bright eyes looking over the landscape as she walked .~
[28-17:08] c6c97, Levald : y?
[28-17:08] c6c97, Levald : ff
[28-17:09] b5529, zaeth: just wondered...if he made it back..pjj died on him earlier
[28-17:09] c6c97, Levald : hmm
[28-17:09] c6c97, Levald : not on aim
[28-17:11] EXIT: Ava Tinuviel has left the chat ( 6:08pm, April 28 (CDT) ).
[28-17:11] JOIN: Ava has entered.
[28-17:12] EXIT: zaeth has left the chat ( 6:09pm, April 28 (CDT) ).
[28-17:12] 45096, Ava: ooc: Mind if I ask a question?
[28-17:13] c6c97, Levald : not at all
[28-17:14] 45096, Ava: Where does one go to host images for this chat?
[28-17:14] c6c97, Levald : 1 sec
[28-17:15] 45096, Ava: Alrighty
[28-17:15] c6c97, Levald : got aim?
[28-17:16] 45096, Ava: AOL, YIM,MSN
[28-17:16] c6c97, Levald :
[28-17:17] c6c97, Levald : aol sn?
[28-17:18] 45096, Ava: NinBainRin
[28-17:18] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[28-17:18] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 6:18pm, April 28 (CDT) ).
[28-17:18] 45096, Ava: hmm..says cannot find server..
[28-17:18] JOIN: Cara has entered.
[28-17:18] f96be, Cara: Yo
[28-17:19] 45096, Ava: Greetings to you
[28-17:20] f96be, Cara: Greetings
[28-17:20] 45096, Ava: How are you this eve, m'lady?
[28-17:21] f96be, Cara: I am just fine
[28-17:22] JOIN: Zaeth has entered.
[28-17:22] b5529, Zaeth: hey cara
[28-17:23] b5529, Zaeth: yeah pjj has had trouble today
[28-17:23] f96be, Cara: HOw are you?
[28-17:23] JOIN: Obsidian has entered.
[28-17:23] c4c38, Obsidian: ((Grr... cannot copy and paste!))
[28-17:24] f96be, Cara: REally?
[28-17:24] 45096, Ava: ~She smiles gently, elven features relaxing~ I am well, though weary from a long journey..
[28-17:24] c4c38, Obsidian : ((really really))
[28-17:25] EXIT: Ava has left the chat ( 6:24pm, April 28 (CDT) ).
[28-17:25] f96be, Cara: Well, thats just plain awful
[28-17:25] JOIN: Ava has entered.
[28-17:25] c4c38, Obsidian : ((it is.. I hate typing out URLS))
[28-17:25] EXIT: Ava has left the chat ( 6:25pm, April 28 (CDT) ).
[28-17:26] b5529, Zaeth: ((i'm going to have to go again Cara.. times up at the pc bit the dust...haveing someone fix it tonight i hope))
[28-17:26] JOIN: Ava Tinuviel has entered.
[28-17:26] f96be, Cara: Computers suck ass
[28-17:26] c6c97, Levald : bye
[28-17:27] b5529, Zaeth: lev go to ff a min
[28-17:27] EXIT: Zaeth has left the chat ( 6:27pm, April 28 (CDT) ).
[28-17:27] c4c38, Obsidian : ((They really can))
[28-17:28] f96be, Cara: wait....can you not copy and paste on a messenger?
[28-17:28] c4c38, Obsidian : ((Yeah. just not here))
[28-17:29] f96be, Cara: I can copy and paste here.....try Ctl V
[28-17:31] c4c38, Obsidian : ((I did. It hates me. It's done this to me before))
[28-17:32] f96be, Cara: hmm...well that REALLY sucks
[28-17:32] f96be, Cara: I'll be back in a bit...need to contort my limbs into painful shapes
[28-17:32] c4c38, Obsidian : ((It does.. Oh it so does))
[28-17:32] EXIT: Ava Tinuviel has left the chat ( 6:26pm, April 28 (CDT) ).
[28-17:33] c4c38, Obsidian : ((alright.. have fun with that))
[28-17:33] JOIN: Ava Tinuviel has entered.
[28-17:35] c4c38, Obsidian : ((well.. too many windows open.. gonna close this one. Latez!))
[28-17:36] c6c97, Levald : (test)
[28-17:38] 45096, Ava Tinuviel: test
[28-17:39] 45096, Ava Tinuviel: oocly celebrates and thanks Lev
[28-17:40] JOIN: Levald has entered.
[28-17:48] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[28-17:48] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 6:48pm, April 28 (CDT) ).
[28-17:49] JOIN: Axis has entered.
[28-17:50] 45096, Ava Tinuviel: Greetings to you both
[28-17:51] 8e84d, Axis : ((both of me say greeting s as wel...))
[28-17:52] 45096, Ava Tinuviel: ((grins))
[28-17:59] 8e84d, Axis : ((a trifel quiet in here))
[28-18:02] 45096, Ava Tinuviel: ((Ahh..sorry..just getting registered..))
[28-18:02] JOIN: Liz has entered.
[28-18:03] f96be, Cara: *returns* my tape broke!
[28-18:03] ebddc, Liz: 'Lo?
[28-18:04] 8e84d, Axis : ((hello and welcoem to bored world!))
[28-18:05] f96be, Cara: I'm not bored..i'm sore
[28-18:05] f96be, Cara: Axis, I'll role play if ya wanna
[28-18:05] 8ea97, Liz: No, Illisse and I had already decided it was the home of the insane. Insane World.
[28-18:06] f96be, Cara: Hmmm..sound good*nodding* Catchy but yet it holds a ring of truth
[28-18:07] 3ab61, Liz: Who's?
[28-18:07] 8e84d, Axis : ((if anyone wants to and can I'll join wiht one char or another....jsut give a palce and get it rolling))
[28-18:08] f96be, Cara: ((Uh...the town of Rupen))
[28-18:08] EXIT: Cara has left the chat ( 7:08pm, April 28 (CDT) ).
[28-18:09] JOIN: Caradonia has entered.
[28-18:10] f96be, Caradonia: *She hasnt been back to the inn since she kipped out on paying, shame on her. She's been hanging out in this alley. It's quiet here, no one has disturbed her which is good, she needs time to ponder on her current situation*
[28-18:11] f96be, Caradonia: ((skipped))
[28-18:11] 8e84d, Axis : *is wandering the back alleys liek a shadow new magic surging in his mind*
[28-18:13] f96be, Caradonia: I need money*turning her eyes to speak to a rat that is currently dinning on a peice of old bread. She too is dinning on bread except hers is in far better shape and has cheese baked into it**At a moment of weakness she tears off a corner and tosses it at the rat* Any ideas?
[28-18:15] 8e84d, Axis : ((the rat turns int oa ragign demon grah!))
[28-18:16] 8e84d, Axis : ((a raging demon))
[28-18:16] f96be, Caradonia: ((*L*))
[28-18:16] 8e84d, Axis : *hops up onto a roof top and hearing cara talking to herself peeks over the edge*
[28-18:17] 45096, Ava Tinuviel: The Elf made her way into the new realm, small boots scraping lightly on stone as she walked. Her blonde hair was softly tucked under her hood of deep green, the ffabric held fast by a pin decorated in white, enameled leaves.~
[28-18:18] f96be, Caradonia: Prostution is out of the question*still chewing as she speaks to herself and the uninterested rat* Picking pockets would word if people carried money..*more thinking, her voice mocking the silence*And no one will hire me*throws another corner of bread at the rat*
[28-18:19] f96be, Caradonia: ((work))
[28-18:20] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[28-18:20] 45096, Ava Tinuviel: *On her shoulder a satchel hung, carrying in it the tools of her trade. Weary eyes glanced around as a sharp mind went over the reason for this seek those like her, and bring them the tidings of the guild*
[28-18:20] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 7:20pm, April 28 (CDT) ).
[28-18:21] JOIN: Axis has entered.
[28-18:23] 8e84d, Axis : *comes up with a new game...backing up out of view he flicks a coin over the edge so it would land directly on caras head*
[28-18:25] f96be, Caradonia: Ow! What tha*she rubs at her head and looks down at the shiney, round peice of metal. She picks it up, studies it and looks upword, her expression puzzled* Hmm*doubts it's raining money* Hello?
[28-18:26] 8e84d, Axis : *stays on hte roof out of sight and silent*
[28-18:27] 45096, Ava Tinuviel: *Slowly making her way down cobblestone streets, passing boothes and shops, the Elf watches, silen, shy and somewhat timid..* Now, Ava, where to start?
[28-18:27] f96be, Caradonia: *She waits for a moment listning in the alleyway silence, trying to find any noise out of place of the roar of noise that filters in from the busy street. Nothing, she's only human so what did she expect* Thank you!*she pockets it and takes another hunk off her bread*
[28-18:29] f96be, Caradonia: ((of=over))
[28-18:30] 8e84d, Axis : *decides that he is bored now and slips down silently off the building noticing ava*
[28-18:33] 45096, Ava Tinuviel: ~She pauses, seeing the man before her..his elven features are lovely to look upon...but..something seems off..unusual..~ Good eve to ye, sir..
[28-18:35] 8e84d, Axis : *nods to her..its prolly the golden eyes and sliver hair that seems off* Good evening to you. *his voice is low and melodic even more so that usual*
[28-18:36] 45096, Ava Tinuviel: Thank you, might I beg assistance from you?~Large orbs of cerellion blue focus on Axis, noting his appearance, hie demeanor.~
[28-18:37] 8e84d, Axis : Mayhaps *as he walks closer she might notice his eyes are cat-eyes*
[28-18:38] EXIT: Liz has left the chat ( 7:07pm, April 28 (CDT) ).
[28-18:39] 45096, Ava Tinuviel: I am a traveller here in this, thy realm..and have come from a fair distance..Would you be so kind as to tell me, are there any healer's that practice in this place?
[28-18:41] 8e84d, Axis : *chuckles, a musical sound.* Well this is hardly my realm. I am soemthing of a traveler myself. But here in ? I'm not sure.
[28-18:43] 45096, Ava Tinuviel: ? That is the name of this area? ~ She smiled softly, enjoying his reminded her of home..~
[28-18:45] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[28-18:46] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 7:45pm, April 28 (CDT) ).
[28-18:46] JOIN: Axis has entered.
[28-18:48] 8e84d, Axis : *smiles slightly* That is the name of this city specifically. May I ask your name?
[28-18:49] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[28-18:49] 45096, Ava Tinuviel: Aye, that you may..i am Alateriel Tinuviel, master healer and dear friends call me Ava, good sir.~She nodded slowly, dropping into light curtsey~
[28-18:52] 9f629, Axis : *bows with a sweep of his cloak* I am Axis m'lady Alateriel. *chuckles again* Honored to meet you.
[28-18:53] 45096, Ava Tinuviel: Honored to make thy aqauintaince as well, Sir Axis..~She grinned at his gallant welcome, pink lips curving in pleasure.~
[28-18:55] 9f629, Axis : If you have no place to stay for the night might I suggest the glimmering inn? A decent enough place. I often stay there...
[28-18:56] 45096, Ava Tinuviel: Aye, thank you, Sir Inn would be welcome..tell me, is it far from here?
[28-18:58] 9f629, Axis : Not far at all. Would yo ucare for an escort?
[28-18:59] 45096, Ava Tinuviel: Yes, please..~She sighed gratefully, tired from her trek here..she had not been alone, during the long journey, but the other was now scouting..and she was in charge of looking over the city~
[28-19:00] c6c97, Levald : (hey im me again)
[28-19:02] c6c97, Levald : (continue rp)
[28-19:03] 9f629, Axis : *so as they would begins to walk* Do you have any companions? Or did you come alone? It is dangerous to travel alone these days
[28-19:03] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[28-19:05] 45096, Ava Tinuviel: I have one other with me..though as a Healer, I have found that one is rarely attacked on the open road...most are pleased to see those that follow the path of healing, and generally let me be..
[28-19:07] 9f629, Axis : True enough. And it is never good to have a healer angry with you. *smiles again*
[28-19:08] 45096, Ava Tinuviel: ~She laughed, the sound rising like soft shimmers in the setting light.~ Nae..I suppose it does nae make sense to anger one who knows the secrets of how to offer bottled misery, herbal style..
[28-19:12] 9f629, Axis : *laughes as well.* Indeed indeed. Ah here we are. *the yarrive in the glimmering inn a fairly nice place*
[28-19:15] 45096, Ava Tinuviel: ~She looked up. taking in the gentle appearance of the establishment...light streamed from its windows, welcoming the weary traveler.~ This shall do nicely..~With a press to the door, she let it swing open, and stepped inside.~
[28-19:17] 9f629, Axis : *steps inside after her* You said you are a Healer? what are you doing wandering? most healers settle somewhere...
[28-19:18] JOIN: Strahd VonZarovich has entered.
[28-19:19] 45096, Ava Tinuviel: I am nae like most Healers, i suppose..~`She glanced up to him, blue eyes smiling in the firelight.~ I am a guild mistress, in my kingdom, for what is known as The Circle..
[28-19:21] 9f629, Axis : Ah that explains it. Rather it explains the scent of healing and aura of healthiness about you. What realm are yo ufrom?
[28-19:23] 45096, Ava Tinuviel: I come from Enchantica, and am one of two Master Healer's that practice there. It is a large kingdom, ruled now by King Fargo, and his Queen, the fair Camaro.
[28-19:27] ac1ee, Strahd VonZarovich: *his pointed ears perk at the sound of people talking... those dark chrome like eyes shifting to settle upon the handsome Axis and the dazzling Ava... that charming smile spreading over those pale lips of his as his gauntleted hand rises to scratch at the stuble upon his chin... those long white locks gently nestled against his armored chest.... those eyes seem to cast an eriee glow from within the shadows of his table area.... if one were to gaze upon him they would feel almost drawn to him in a way but this feeling is rather easy to fend off... his broad shoulders are draped in a fine black silk battle like cloak... the large armor he wears seems to be well polished and almost fit for a king... he simply watches the two for now as he raises two fingers to wave off the tender as she comes near*
[28-19:27] 9f629, Axis : hmm *thinks for a moment* Not a land I have been to before.
[28-19:30] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 8:03pm, April 28 (CDT) ).
[28-19:30] 45096, Ava Tinuviel: Truely, tis worth a visit, Sir Axis..It is a fine land, and though not the place of my birth, it has become home.~She glanced around the dimly lit room, keen elven sight unhindered by the smokey, crimson, deepness of the shadows. With a gentle nod, she acknowledged the presence of a well armoured man, noting the deep luster of his armor.~
[28-19:31] JOIN: Caradonia has entered.
[28-19:31] f96be, Caradonia: (( i hate telephones))
[28-19:32] 45096, Ava Tinuviel: ((wb Cardonia))
[28-19:33] f96be, Caradonia: *With the setting of the sun she rises and dusts off her cloak. Perhaps she can find something to do that dosent involve going back to the tavern. With Tounge in cheek and hips curving in a feline sway she steps out of the alley. She finds herself a crowd to mesh into and she meshes*
[28-19:33] f96be, Caradonia: ((thank you))
[28-19:34] 9f629, Axis : A home...there is nothing of greater value. *notes and dismisses Strahd* Do you wish for somethign to eat?
[28-19:34] f96be, Caradonia: ((bbiab))
[28-19:35] 45096, Ava Tinuviel: Yes, very much so..I have a rather..unfeminine appetite I am afraid..and I have walked a good ways. Is there a dish that this place speacilaizes in? Something you could recommend?
[28-19:37] ac1ee, Strahd VonZarovich: *taking note as name is said... he gives a gentle nod towards Ava in turn... crossing his large arms over his chest.. merely watching the two for the moment... his ears perking ever so slightly as he listens to their conversation... those chrome like eyes seem to flicker ever so slightly... that dark silken voice sounding out in a hushed tone as he speaks to the tender before she passes by*~give the gentlmen and the lady a round of drinks of me..~ *and as he speaks he passes a few otherwordly bills across the table top towards her... noting the dismissle from Axis but letting it simply bounce off his shoulders like road kill from a charging steed... the corners of his lips twisting into a small smirk as he nods to the tender*
[28-19:37] 9f629, Axis : *chuckles wryly* I'm afraid that I eat whatever is in front of me. Stew is always good thogh. Wine?
[28-19:40] JOIN: Polaris13 has entered.
[28-19:40] JOIN: Zaeth has entered.
[28-19:41] 3605e, Polaris13: *walks out of the woods and through the town's gates*...
[28-19:41] 3605e, Polaris13: ((wrong color..test)
[28-19:42] 3605e, Polaris13: ((damn...x.x)
[28-19:42] 45096, Ava Tinuviel: Nae, I do nae take wine..cider will do, thank you..Tis very bad to have a drunken healer holding the knife, aye?~She smiled up at the tender as she drew near~ I am here, though, seeking healer' ye know of any?
[28-19:42] 3605e, Polaris13: ((HA! This hsata be right...)
[28-19:42] 3605e, Polaris13: ((BUWAHAHA. Got it.))
[28-19:45] 9f629, Axis : I have heard of one...illise Ibelive is her name. I am nto sure as to her whereabout though *orders their meals and when Strahds drinks arrive he glances at him and gives him a small nod then turns back*
[28-19:45] 3605e, Polaris13: *walking to the tavern, enters and sits down at a table*
[28-19:48] 45096, Ava Tinuviel: Illise? Lovely name...I shall hopefully meet her..~She nods thankfully as he handles the ordering, then turns to Strahd, as the drinks arrive. Rising slowly, she touches her brow with delicate elven fingers, then places her hand over her heart...a formal greeting , usually reserved for fellow Master's of the Leaf and Root, she shows him respect and gratitude~
[28-19:48] e3376, Illisse Brilthor : *sitting at her table near the fire, the elven woman finishes her dinner and looks toward the door, sipping the last of her fae wine, wondering where her companions are*
[28-19:50] 3605e, Polaris13 : *glancs around her, watching the goings on*...
[28-19:51] 9f629, Axis : *orders Strahd a drink just becasue he can and has the server bring it to him*
[28-19:51] ac1ee, Strahd VonZarovich: *he slowly rises from the stool he sits atop... long black cloak gently flapping down behind him as he rises to his full six foot six stature... giving Axis a polite nod in return as he moves further into the room... claiming a seat deeper in the shadows... the dark shadows seem to ache in protest as he penetrates them... those dark chrome like eyes would flash once again seeing how Ava reacts... he indeed shows her the same respect but with a small half bow... smiling a bit as he turns to the tender to claim his order.. he simply orders the finest of wines then nods to her as she goes off to fetch his order*
[28-19:53] 3605e, Polaris13 : *glances over at Strahd, sort of in a state of wonder, not really showing it, though*
[28-19:53] JOIN: Zaeth has entered.
[28-19:53] ac1ee, Strahd VonZarovich: *he gives a simple raise of his brow as a drink is brought to him... he gives a small nod before turning his gaze to Axis giving him the same half bow as he did Ava.. showing him a bit of respect... placing the large sword from his hip onto the table top next to him he takes a sip of the drink orderd for him.. and with a smile he sets the cup back atop the table*
[28-19:54] 9f629, Axis : *grins slightly* Rarely boring in the Glimmering inn.
[28-19:55] 45096, Ava Tinuviel: ~She glanced arund the room, peering through deepening shadows as the sun surrenders o the seduction of the night's silver mistress.~ Who is the man, that sent us the drinks? Know ye his name?
[28-19:56] 9f629, Axis : ((very poetic)) I have never seen him before. Fascinating.
[28-19:57] 3605e, Polaris13 : *standing up, walks into another part of the tavern, seeing Axis in that part, walks over to his table*...hello, Axis...
[28-19:58] 45096, Ava Tinuviel: Nor have I..intriguing, that he so honors us with coin. perhaps he wishes to join us? Shall I invite him over?~She pressed her index finger in a light tap to her lower lip as she thought, small tipped ears listening to the voice of the one greeting her new companion.~
[28-19:59] 9f629, Axis : *nods to her* greetings...Its getting crowded in here.
[28-20:00] 9f629, Axis : perhaps you should go talk to him mayhpas he would know something.
[28-20:00] 3605e, Polaris13 : *looks lightly to Ava* Hello...
[28-20:00] 3605e, Polaris13 : *bows a little*
[28-20:01] ac1ee, Strahd VonZarovich: *his lips pull into a small smirk upon feeling the eyes of Polaris even if it was just for a breif moment.. he watches this being move over towards the table of Axis and Ava.. raising the cup of ale to his lips once more he claims a small sip from it before finally setting it back atop the splinterd wood of the table top...he then crosses his arms over his chest once more as he allows that metallic gaze to travel over the patrons of the bar... not really paying attention to anyone of them at the moment just merely glancing over them as if he were shopping within the market*
[28-20:03] 3605e, Polaris13 : *glances back at Strahd again*...yeah it is, Axis. Better than having no one here...
[28-20:03] 3605e, Polaris13 : *pulls down her hood revealing her yellow eyes and bright neon-pink colored hair*
[28-20:04] 45096, Ava Tinuviel: Greetings..a pleasure to make your aquaintance.~blue eyes smile in welcome to Polaris~ Aya, Axis..i shall talk to our benefactor, I believe..please, excuse me, I shall return in a moment..
[28-20:05] 3605e, Polaris13 : *smiles aa little, eeys turning a mellow shade of blue*
[28-20:05] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[28-20:06] 34b54, Roki: *points at the motd* whistles*
[28-20:07] 45096, Ava Tinuviel: ~She stood and made her way past the patron's of the Inn to the man that had bowed to her.~I offer my thanks to ye sir..and ask, would you care to join us, at our table?
[28-20:07] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 9:05pm, April 28 (CDT) ).
[28-20:08] JOIN: Axis has entered.
[28-20:09] 9f629, Axis : *sits calmy and finishes his meal* Been a wile polaris.
[28-20:11] 9f629, Axis : ((I have an Idea. Beat jace with a stick until he gioves me approval for my spell.))
[28-20:11] 3605e, Polaris13 : I know...
[28-20:11] 3605e, Polaris13 : Too long...
[28-20:11] 3605e, Polaris13 : ((ok wb, btw))
[28-20:11] 34b54, Roki: uhh...Jace doesnt handle spells... he has not the authority to approve them.. only I do
[28-20:12] JOIN: Oyrin Darkune has entered.
[28-20:12] 34b54, Roki: *wedgies the J before he can protest*
[28-20:12] 9e601, Oyrin Darkune : Yo yo yo my biotches!
[28-20:12] 9f629, Axis : ((whaaaaaaaat?? grr. jace told me he had to approve the 3 level spell I want to have. okay...))
[28-20:13] 9e601, Oyrin Darkune : Goddamnit!
[28-20:13] ac1ee, Strahd VonZarovich: *he allows that gaze to settle upon the cup of ale infront of him once more... reaching out he claims the cup within his hand bringing it up to his lips he downs it with a small gulp before setting it directly back down.... lifting his chromed over gaze to Ava as she adresses him.. he nods ever so slightly once more as that deep silken tone sounds out once again* there is no need for thanks m'lady.. and i wouldn't wish to burdon you with my presence.. *he gives a gentle smile*
[28-20:13] 9f629, Axis : ((I should bite him!!))
[28-20:13] 34b54, Roki: uh no. I'm the magic mod. I'm the only one who can aprove spells. Jace has been trying to muscle in on my shiznit lately.. i'm not going to put up with it
[28-20:14] ac1ee, Strahd VonZarovich: *he allows that gaze to settle upon the cup of ale infront of him once more... reaching out he claims the cup within his hand bringing it up to his lips he downs it with a small gulp before setting it directly back down.... lifting his chromed over gaze to Ava as she adresses him.. he nods ever so slightly once more as that deep silken tone sounds out once again* there is no need for thanks m'lady.. and i wouldn't wish to burdon you with my presence.. *he gives a gentle smile*
[28-20:14] 9f629, Axis : ((*grumbles* well then. I earned a thrid level spell. and I want a certain one. DO I have to tell you what it is then yo utell me I can/can't have it?))
[28-20:15] 34b54, Roki: mmhmm.
[28-20:16] 45096, Ava Tinuviel: Burden? I do nae understand..what could there be about you, sir..that would burden me?
[28-20:16] 3605e, Polaris13 : ((GROWL! OVo brb))
[28-20:16] 9f629, Axis : ((oaky the spell I chose was Alphas Blue Blaze. nice spell. Can I have it? pwease?))
[28-20:17] 34b54, Roki: is that one i've already tossed up on the board ? *canna remember*
[28-20:18] 9f629, Axis : ((yeah.))
[28-20:18] 34b54, Roki: yes it is... and you're totaly aproved to be lvl 3, yes ?
[28-20:18] 9f629, Axis : ((yes))
[28-20:18] MSG: Roki sent a message to Axis.
[28-20:19] 34b54, Roki: then ye can have eet.
[28-20:20] MSG: Axis sent a message to Roki.
[28-20:21] 9f629, Axis : ((thanks....wheeee))
[28-20:21] 3605e, Polaris13 : ((rar too many people...other chat...x.x)
[28-20:21] 3605e, Polaris13 : ((I have a Frosty!!))
[28-20:22] ac1ee, Strahd VonZarovich: *his gaze flickers ever so gently as he looks over her stature with a small smile* well M'lady... you are a healer no.... i am far from... just by touching me you could feel my past... i would rather not put you nor your companions through such stress .. *he nods to the tender as she takes the cup from his table as he rises from his seat* now i must go... but maybe another time i will join you and your fellow friends
[28-20:22] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[28-20:22] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 9:22pm, April 28 (CDT) ).
[28-20:22] JOIN: Eleor has entered.
[28-20:23] 45096, Ava Tinuviel: ~She nods in acceptance~... fare thee well, sir..and may thy journey be a safe and gentle one..
[28-20:24] 5244b, Eleor: ((Test))
[28-20:24] JOIN: Axis has entered.
[28-20:25] EXIT: Eleor has left the chat ( 9:24pm, April 28 (CDT) ).
[28-20:26] JOIN: Eleor has entered.
[28-20:26] 3605e, Polaris13 : ((I think I'm gonna leave...later, all.))
[28-20:26] EXIT: Polaris13 has left the chat ( 9:26pm, April 28 (CDT) ).
[28-20:26] 9f629, Axis : ((later))
[28-20:27] ac1ee, Strahd VonZarovich: *he nods to her aswell before taking her hand a leaving a gentle kiss atop it* i am Strahd VonZarovich... never forget my name and we will meet again.. *he lets her hand go as he turns from her... his footfalls making no noise as he crosses the tavern floor... placing his large hand upon the door he gives a gentle push only to exit through the area given... weaving his way through the sea of people until his features are nothing more then a mere blur of exsistence*
[28-20:28] 9f629, Axis : fascinating man.
[28-20:28] ac1ee, Strahd VonZarovich: ((*waves* goodbye all))
[28-20:28] 45096, Ava Tinuviel: ~With puzzled expression she watched the kind stranger leave, her hand hoovering in the warm stale air on the Inn. Such a sadness that lingered with him..~
[28-20:29] 5244b, Eleor: *The before the door closed behind Strahd, and tall Elf stepped in with the cool draft from the dark night outside. The long, dark blue cloak fluttered about his form as he looked about the tavern. Leaning slightly on the staff he carried, deep cobolt eyes surveyed the room and those within it.*
[28-20:30] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[28-20:30] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 9:30pm, April 28 (CDT) ).
[28-20:31] JOIN: Axis has entered.
[28-20:31] 9f629, Axis : *notes Eleor enter*
[28-20:31] EXIT: Strahd VonZarovich has left the chat ( 9:28pm, April 28 (CDT) ).
[28-20:32] 5244b, Eleor: ((Thanks to whoever fixed my picture.))
[28-20:33] 45096, Ava Tinuviel: ~She turned as the door opened, allowing the tall Elf to be clearly seen. Her lips curved in an irrepressable smile of delight as she saw him.~
[28-20:38] 5244b, Eleor : *His smile matched Ava's as his slowly moving gaze took in the room, but he did not greet her until his quiet survey had been completed. Slipping through the crowd like a fish through a stream, mostly unnoticed and completely unhindered, he made his way to the smiling Elven Lady, whispering his words to her.* "Good evening my dear one.. what have you found?"
[28-20:40] JOIN: O.R. has entered.
[28-20:40] 9f629, Axis : *watches them both through his golden cat-eyes*
[28-20:41] 45096, Ava Tinuviel: ~She touched his cheek in quiet greeting, tilting her head up to meet his gentle gaze. ~I am glad you found me...I have made an aqauintance..Axis..he was the one to show me to this Inn..please..come meet him?~Only after she finished speaking was her hand slowly taken from his cool skin, warm fingers lightly tracing as they pulled back.~
[28-20:42] JOIN: O.R. has entered.
[28-20:43] d25c5, O.R.: *Oh yes. Gets jiggy with it.*
[28-20:44] 5244b, Eleor : *The cool fabric of his sleeve slid back slightly as his slender arm raised, his hand grasping hers gently. A soft squeeze and a nod from him.* Of course.
[28-20:44] 34b54, Roki: Ava, Eleor... wanna get colors please ? *l* hard to tell you twos appart
[28-20:45] 9f629, Axis : *as the yapproach he would rise and bows once again* Greetings.
[28-20:46] 45096, Ava Tinuviel: ooc: Sure, where do I assign HTML colors here?
[28-20:46] 5244b, Eleor : ((*Laughs softly* Roki, I would be most glad to change my text color, but I am afraid I do not know how.))]
[28-20:47] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[28-20:47] JOIN: Karlita has entered.
[28-20:48] d25c5, O.R.: There's a spiffy little box under the one you type in, just to the left of where you select your icon. Stick one in there. I believe simple one's like red, green, black, blue, all work, but for more 'complex' colors you need HEX codes.
[28-20:49] d25c5, O.R.: Right above the 'Say it' button by the way.
[28-20:49] 45096, Ava Tinuviel: ((test))
[28-20:49] 7edaf, Karlita : (( * peeks* heya ^^ ))
[28-20:49] 45096, Ava Tinuviel: test
[28-20:50] d25c5, O.R.: Bright green I believe.
[28-20:50] 5244b, Eleor : ((Test))
[28-20:50] 7edaf, Karlita : (( here Ava try ffcccc or cc99cc ))
[28-20:50] d25c5, O.R.: *Shudders. Hates such bright colors this late at night.*
[28-20:51] 45096, Ava Tinuviel: test
[28-20:51] 7edaf, Karlita : (( haha OR its not thaqt least where i an..))
[28-20:51] d25c5, O.R.:
[28-20:52] 7edaf, Karlita : that * am* (( oops))
[28-20:53] d25c5, O.R.: It is where I am. It's dark out. That's enough for me.
[28-20:53] 45096, Ava Tinuviel: Axis, please, I should like to introduce you to Eleor. ~She nodded to her new friend, then turned to motion to her protector.~ He has seen me safely from Enchantica..
[28-20:53] 5244b, Eleor : ((Test again))
[28-20:53] 7edaf, Karlita : (( *L* i see... im bored, anyone up for an RP ? ))
[28-20:53] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[28-20:54] 5244b, Eleor : *Eleor makes a short bow to the one he is introduced to. His ever calm eyes look the man over once, not in an appraising or judgemental manner, mererly in observation.* Good evening.
[28-20:54] 45096, Ava Tinuviel: ((Karlita..Eleor, Axis and I are are most welcome to join us))
[28-20:55] d25c5, O.R.: Er, Locations?
[28-20:55] 7edaf, Karlita : (( oh alright, thanks..where are ya ? ))
[28-20:56] 45096, Ava Tinuviel: ((The Glimmering Inn))
[28-20:56] 9f629, Axis : Greetings Lord Eleor. *his silver hair spills over his golden cat-eyes* It is an honor to meet you. I am Axis.
[28-20:56] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 9:53pm, April 28 (CDT) ).
[28-20:57] d25c5, Bernard: ((Then it is time to re-introduce Ruepenchi's finest tender!))
[28-20:58] 7edaf, Karlita : ((*L* you are ALWAYS the tender in the chats i go in Bernard..heh ..))
[28-20:58] 5244b, Eleor : "Tis a pleasure to meet thee as well Sir Axis."
[28-21:00] 7edaf, Karlita : * Sighs as she exits thr large oak doors of Glensheen Castle, her castle.. she heads to the stables and mounts her pure white steed, Fiona... She rides through the gates and heads down the small road that leads to ..shes clad in a black billowing travelers claok, over a Rose colored gown with a white kirtle. *
[28-21:00] 9f629, Axis : sit if you wish. Good compny is always welcome
[28-21:01] 45096, Ava Tinuviel: ~She took a seat in the chair opposite Axis, their food now arrived. She motioned to a chair beside her, blue eyes looking to her Elf in silent query.~
[28-21:03] 7edaf, Karlita : * upon reaching the city a few minutes later, she slows to a trot, and heads through the almost empty streets.. ponders, then heads over to the Glimmering Inn, and parks her horse outside the doo.. two gurads follow suite as they had followed her..*
[28-21:03] d25c5, Bernard: *A slight creak can be heard through the open kitchen door as someone enters the Inn through the back kitchen door. As the person enters, there is more creaking, this time orginating from the floorboards. As what sounds to be quite a large man walks within the kitchen, the light creak follows him or her everywhere. The source to the creaking becomes apparent as a large figure steps through the kitchen/bar door. The figure almost completely fills out the entire door frame, including ducking his head a bit. If you didn't know Bernard, one would be absolutly positive he had some sort of Giant's blood coursing through his veins, when in fact he does not. He is just one giant hulk of a man. But not a fat one mind you, not at all, in fact he's quite handsome. And he definitely looks to be one of the jolliest people you've ever seen. As he walks from the kitchen/bar door to behind the door, he carries a certain air about him that just puts you into a hearty mood. He wears a giant smile upon his face, as if happy to help serve the people that come to the place.*
[28-21:03] 5244b, Eleor : *The satchel slung around his shoulders was gently lifted off to be placed by the foot of the table. The staff too found a resting place against the wooden furniture as the Elf took a seat beside his companion. A slow gaze once more made its way across the tavern, across the patrons and the door, before returning to those he sat with.*
[28-21:05] d25c5, Bernard: ((*Yes, is the best damn bar tender.*))
[28-21:06] 45096, Ava Tinuviel: ~At the creaking noises, slender brows had risen slightly, and at the appearance of the large man, she had begun to smile in sweet delight. Always and ever friendly, the petite elf waved in happy fun to the giant of a man, sensing in him no threat..but rather the gentle potential for frienship and a few good tales~
[28-21:07] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[28-21:07] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[28-21:08] 9e601, Oyrin Darkune : *Boom!! The front door to the glittering Inn gets kicked open and in stalks a very short, very grumpy dwarf who wants a very big mug of beer.*
[28-21:08] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 10:07pm, April 28 (CDT) ).
[28-21:08] JOIN: Axis has entered.
[28-21:09] 7edaf, Karlita : * pushes open the short , creaky door off the Inn.. slips back the hood of her cloak, her dark chocolate colored curls bounce and frame her flawless face. Light from the table candles would reflect off of a large diamond pendent around her neck, hanging over her large bosom. Smiles as she walks over to a table, a few people bowing, and her guards station themselves at the door *
[28-21:10] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[28-21:10] 9e601, Oyrin Darkune : *Snorts as he spots...what's this guards? Ha. Never had guards.*
[28-21:10] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 10:10pm, April 28 (CDT) ).
[28-21:11] JOIN: Axis has entered.
[28-21:11] 47073, Axis : *glances at the woman and rasies an eyebrow. glances at the dwarf too*
[28-21:12] d25c5, Bernard: *He waves a massive hand and returns the wave, before tucking it to him stomach and preforming a light bow. Grinning of course he nods, before tilting his head towards the door. Even before the door can be fully opened, there is a big ol' mug, filled to the top and overflowing with foam in the perfect way, right on the bartop. Nothing said 'A mug of beer quick!' like a dwarf burstin' through the door.*
[28-21:12] 9e601, Oyrin Darkune : *pounds his fist on the bartop and bellows* Malt beer!
[28-21:12] d25c5, Bernard: ((Hold yer horses my good man! *L*))
[28-21:13] 9e601, Oyrin Darkune : ((He's a grumpy dwarf.))
[28-21:13] 47073, Axis : ((damn...yo uare good))
[28-21:13] 7edaf, Karlita : * selects a large wooden chair and sits litghly, letting her sloak slip and fall to the floor next to her..her dark glittering eyes look around at the other patrons..*
[28-21:14] 5244b, Eleor : *As the several new figures enter, Eleor quietly looks over each. The one Ava had waved too seemed to his mind just as she had thought of the man. And the fact that he had entered from the kitchen door made it likey that he was a bartender of some sort. As the loud 'smack' of the door flying open reached his keen ears, the Elf turned with a bit more calm than those that had spilled their drinks on themselves at the noise. Four figures met his deep blue eyes, three of which seemed to keep to themselves. The manner of their entrance, and of some of those reacting to them, suggested a well known and well respected figure. The dwarf however, just seemed grumpy.*
[28-21:14] 47073, Axis : *mutters in an under tone* typical dwarf.
[28-21:15] 45096, Ava Tinuviel: Glancing to her Eleor, she leaned closer to him, whispering in the close crimson lit shadows~ So, what do ye think of this place? I for one, an enchanted...~She grinned at the barkeep, and chuckled at the dwarf. He reminded her of another dwarf..her dear friend Draykyn,,He'd spent hours teaching her how to properly hunt orc. A fun time, was that.~
[28-21:15] d25c5, Bernard: *Did all that before the Dwarf could open his mouth.*
[28-21:17] 5244b, Eleor : *Pulling his eyes from the figures he inspected, he nodded to Ava as he formed his answer.* "Both good and bad aspects has this place.."
[28-21:17] 9e601, Oyrin Darkune : Oh...heh. Good. Yes, good and fast. *Grabs mug of beer and downs half of it in nearly two gulps. Wipes a glove covered hand across his beard then lets out a loud belch. Royalty in the room or not, he dosent care.*
[28-21:18] 7edaf, Karlita : * raises a small soft hand, to catch the Tendors attention...he seemed nice..smiles kindly at him*
[28-21:18] 47073, Axis : As in all places
[28-21:20] d25c5, Bernard: *He chuckles heartily. He always liked Dwarven attitude. Easy going at least.* Well, know that ye' got yer throat nice an' wet, what can I get ye' to quench the thirst? *He winked and grinned a merry grin. Technically speaking he shouldn't have noticed Karlita raise her hand, but through some feat, he did. Turning to her he nods and makes a motion, telling her he'll be with her in a moment.*
[28-21:20] 45096, Ava Tinuviel: ~She nodded to Eleor, amused and wide eyed as she looked over the room. One hundred and eighty nine years old, and unjaded yet..~ Aye, every place has its ups and downs..but..there is such life and spark here!
[28-21:21] 7edaf, Karlita : *nods*
[28-21:21] 5244b, Eleor : "Aye, as in all places. I am hesitant to judge more of this realm that merely that. *He nodded to Axis, then looked between him and Ava as the other spoke.* "Yes, I have seen more activity here than in many places."
[28-21:23] 47073, Axis : *sips form a glass of wine*
[28-21:25] 7edaf, Karlita : * gets a little impatient.. wants a drink.. watches Axis Ava and Eleor.. wishes she had somebody to talk to..*
[28-21:26] d25c5, Bernard: ((Hold on! No one would be impatiant in actual's just that it's taking player a bit to respond.))
[28-21:27] 7edaf, Karlita : (( hehe oh well..shrs royalty..impatient sometimes ^^ ))
[28-21:28] 7edaf, Karlita : shes*
[28-21:28] 45096, Ava Tinuviel: ~She tore off a chunk of hot bread from the small loaf on her wooden trencher, offering the rest to Eleor. They had lived well, on the trail, but it had been cold food, no fires lit as they hurried from their realm to this place...haste over comfort being the focus.. As she munched happily, she noticed a striking young woman..dark hair and sweet smile..very lovely combination..~Hello to join us?
[28-21:29] 47073, Axis : *stands up.* I'm afraid I must take my leave of you...
[28-21:29] d25c5, Bernard: *In two seconds flat, another mug of beer is placed in front of the Dwarf. He grins again, motioning to it* 'ere. You make up yer mind whilest I tend t'the other customors. *And with that he slides down the bar towards where Karlita is. If she's more into the room then at the bar, he leans his massive frame over the bar a bit, if not, he stands regularly.* What can I do fer ye' miss? We got just 'bout anythin' you could want.
[28-21:30] 45096, Ava Tinuviel: Axis..thank you so much for seeing me safely here..I shall not forget your kindness.
[28-21:30] 7edaf, Karlita : * looks up from the table* yes, i would like a honey wime please..*nods and smiles, then hears Ava and turns to her* me ?
[28-21:31] 47073, Axis : It was my pleasure
[28-21:31] 7edaf, Karlita : wine * (bah)
[28-21:31] 5244b, Eleor : -Eleor nodded in thanks to Ava for the bread, partaking a small piece. Indeed it had been a few weeks since he last had warm food, and so for the bread he was grateful. As Axis rose, he nodded to the man, taking another look into his strange glittering eyes.* "Fare thee well Sir."
[28-21:31] f96be, Caradonia: *A couple of hours later she resurfaces with a naughty grin on her face and gold in her pocket. A fine turn of events indeed. She approaches the Glimmering Inn with a sway to her hips and a bounce in her walk. Will feast tonight*
[28-21:32] 47073, Axis : *he moves out the door after another bow and vanishes*
[28-21:32] 45096, Ava Tinuviel: And it was my good fortune..~She offered a slender hand to Axis~ Fare thee well, and may thy travels be safe..
[28-21:33] 47073, Axis : *takes her nad and kisses the bac of it before leaving*
[28-21:33] 47073, Axis : ((her hand))
[28-21:33] JOIN: Strahd VonZarovich has entered.
[28-21:34] EXIT: Axis has left the chat ( 10:33pm, April 28 (CDT) ).
[28-21:34] f96be, Caradonia: *She approaches the building that bursts with positive energy and she checks her pockets once again, still there. Fantastic. She shoulders the door open and steps inside to warmth, the sound of voices and the smell of food*
[28-21:34] JOIN: Liz has entered.
[28-21:34] 45096, Ava Tinuviel: Aye, miss..~She nodded to Karlita~ you are welcome to join us..we have chairs a plenty..and food..should you care for some.~She smiled warmly~ That is, if ye do nae mind sitting with Elves..
[28-21:34] d25c5, Bernard: *He nods and bows before her before getting to work. A couple glass flips and a few cool moves later, she has a wine glass sitting infront of her in a crystal clear glass.*
[28-21:35] d25c5, Bernard: *wine glass anyway*
[28-21:36] 7edaf, Karlita : * thanks bernard, and pays him with 8 gold coins from her small pocket.. stands and heads over, sitting at Ava's table, her large natural red lips pulling into a smile* hullo..I dont mind elves ..*smirks*
[28-21:37] f96be, Caradonia: *She nudges the door to a close with the heel of her boot and she looks for someone, someone who perhaps can inform her of renting a room. Her golden eyes gleam with a almost animal light as she allows them to tumble about the room in rappid glances*
[28-21:39] 45096, Ava Tinuviel: ~Silently slipping a bowl of stew and a plate of cheese to Eleor, she smiled to the young woman at the table~I am called Ava, a healer from Enchantica..
[28-21:39] 5244b, Eleor : *The quiet Elf beside Ava nodded to Karlita as the woman sat at their table. Now that she was closer, he could see better the expensive clothes and jewels that she wore, reaffirming his prior assessment of her. The sound of the door closing drew his attention once more from his companions, his eyes drawing across the room to look to Caradonia. Not recognizing the woman, he made note of a few significant features of her, in case they should become valuable later.*
[28-21:41] 291e9, Strahd VonZarovich: *the door slips open once again as a large armored figure enters through the opening... the long black silk cloak flapping delishly behind him as he moves towards the edge of the bar... his footfalls are as silent as the grave.. dark chrome colored eyes shifting over the few patrons as he claims a seat on a stool nearer the shadows... he watches Bernard carefully before gently tapping on the bartop to try and get his attention.. placing a large bag of golden coins infront of him as he awaits bernard to come and take his order*
[28-21:41] d25c5, Bernard: *He only takes a single gold piece from her. He will take nothing more then that. If she refuses and gives it to him, he bows, and plops seven of the coins in a sort of 'charity box' they keep behind the counter. Well, Bernard keeps. It's where he pockets anything more then one the drink costs. That way he can afford to give out free drinks. That's Bernard for you. Taking nothing for himself. How...unhuman. By the by, Bernard is a bartender, so he probably has information on renting a room. another side note: All people that are not stationed at the bar will be attended to by several NPC barmaids with equel promptness. Unless the tender is specifically summoned.*
[28-21:41] 7edaf, Karlita : *smiles to her, then the quiet form of Eleor* I am Karlita... a princess.*smirks*
[28-21:42] f96be, Caradonia: *Her eyes are the most astonishing feature, the rest of her face is well constructed but the eye color is a deep yellow, almost gold. The sensation of eyes interruptes her observation and she searches for the onlooker, eyes falling at last to rest on Eleor. She nods once and pushes away from the door, moving with steps so light that leaves wouldn't crackle beneath her feet. She's moving towards Bernard* Excuse me?*Calling out with her low,harmonious voice*
[28-21:42] 7edaf, Karlita : * looks over as Strahd enters.. her Guards posted at the door shift around as he enters..*
[28-21:43] 5244b, Eleor : *Her introduction certainly explained her attire, and the presence of her guards.* "Good evening Miss Karlita. I am Eleor, a wanderer.
[28-21:44] d25c5, Bernard: *Bah, player can't move fast enough. Stahd would have no need to tap on the bar, as the second he's done with Karlita, he has already moved down the bar to tend to the rest of the patrons. Strahd being the next in line. Then Caradonia. He smiles merrily at Strahd, more then likely looming quite a bit above him.* An' what can I do fer you my good man?
[28-21:45] 45096, Ava Tinuviel: Pleasure to meet you, you prefer your title, or to simply be called by your name?~Honest blue eyes met Karlita's as the Elf quietly watched the room. Sensing Strahd's return she shifted, smiling to him.~
[28-21:45] 7edaf, Karlita : *nods to Eleor* a wanderer.. i wish i was a wonderer.. i could go wherever i wanted too, travel, not have any rules. or guards* jerks her finger back to Garetth and Moby, looks dreamy as she says this..smiling*
[28-21:48] 7edaf, Karlita : *looks at Ava, her dark eyes meeting Ava's light ones* Karlita please..i hate my title..*shrugs*
[28-21:49] 291e9, Strahd VonZarovich: *the air about him is quite cold even in the warm room... he gives a small smirk as he slides the bag of gold coins across towards him... that deep silken voice sounding out as he opens his mouth to speak* a glass of your finest wine... the rest is yours to keep.. *he turns those chromed eyes away from bernard towards the rest of the room only to give a gentle nod to Ava in turn... he smiles ever so slightly as the shadows seem to creep up and around him like a soft blanket on a cold winters night*
[28-21:50] 7edaf, Karlita : * turns a little, watching Strahd again, her large diamonf pendent shifting on her chest*
[28-21:50] 34b54, Roki: ... Moby ? *falls over*
[28-21:50] 7edaf, Karlita : diamond*
[28-21:50] 45096, Ava Tinuviel: ~At Karlita's words the Elf smiled, deep affection shining in her pale countanance.. murmuring under her breath~ Unless you are guarded by a wanderer..And guarded so to never know fear..~her gaze lightly danced over the man at her side, a smile of sweet and pure thankfulness on pink lips that spoke only the words of her personal truth.~
[28-21:51] 5244b, Eleor : *He smiles slightly, nodding in understanding. He too would loathe being held under watch and rule as many royalty were. The new figure at the bar now drew his attention, and he looked curiously over the man as he had not heard another approach. The shifting of lighting about Strahd was not missed to Eleor's eyes, and his curiosity grew slightly at this one around whom shadows assembled.*
[28-21:51] 7edaf, Karlita : (( haha yes Moby))
[28-21:52] 34b54, Roki: is his last name Richard ?
[28-21:53] 3ab61, Keera: *she's been walking for hours and now the sun's gone down, making it harder to see. She's chilled, having nothing more than the clothes on her back*
[28-21:53] d25c5, Bernard: *If Bernard felt the cold gloominess that Strahd seemed to be emiting, he didn't show it, for his merry features never faltered. He chuckled slightly, and passed his hand slowly over the bag. All in the one passing, he undid the bag and plucked out a single gold coin.* I'll be right back with yer order. *And with that, he disappeared into the kitchen to retrieve the wine, leaving the rest of the gold with Stragd.*
[28-21:53] 45096, Ava Tinuviel: ((giggles))
[28-21:53] 7edaf, Karlita : (( nope nope.. haha hey Kerra, my sister is named Kyra, spelled k-y-r-a..*nodnod* haha))
[28-21:55] f96be, Caradonia: *And she waits with a praticed patience, those odd eyes of her dashing about, curiosity at it's best. She rests with her arms folded atop the bar, the rest of her body held at a Silent Bobed stance*
[28-21:55] 7edaf, Karlita : Keera*
[28-21:56] 34b54, Roki: ok.. so we've got Moby.. and Silent Bob... and J is around someplace.. or was..
[28-21:56] 922b7, Keera: *walks into the Inn, blinking slightly at the light change, and looks around. She might be recognizable as the Baker's Wife, who recently lost her husband who was murdered*
[28-21:58] 7edaf, Karlita : ((*L*))
[28-21:59] d25c5, Bernard: *Sheezy. This is bad form for Bernard, but player has to go. Bernard would return to Strahd with his wine, the finest, just as he requested. An NPC bartender would suddenly come through the door, Bernard looking suprised at how late it is already. Not wanting to keep waiting the people he already had, he had a word to the new tender about Caradonia and her need of attention. He then bows to the room and exits. Adios*
[28-22:01] 291e9, Strahd VonZarovich: *feeling the eyes of the elven man resting upon him he turns that metallic gaze to settle on Eleor.. that charming smile never once leaving his stone like features... his gauntleted hands seem to cross over his large armored chest.. the design of the armor would be well visable to the elven people considering they are the one's who made conjured it for him from his own blood.. he nods to Bernard as he heads off.. taking the glass of wine only to claim the smallest of sips from it... setting it back atop the bar he turns away from the room*
[28-22:01] f96be, Caradonia: *She looks up with surprise to the gentle tap at her shoulder she turns and finds herself gazing at the NPC tender. As his curt questioning of what it is that she desires she responds* Do you have rooms that you rent out for the night?
[28-22:01] d25c5, Bernard: ((My apolgoies for the crappy, hasty exit. But I gotta go.))
[28-22:02] 5244b, Eleor : ((We've all had to make such exits Bernad. Enjoy your evening.))
[28-22:02] 8ea97, Keera: *her blue eyed gaze rests on Strahd for a moment. She has mixed feeling about this one. She fears him, yet she's gratefull for what he's done for her, at the same time*
[28-22:03] EXIT: Bernard has left the chat ( And then there was glorious light and wihin it there was a heaviny host welcoming me after my long journey! ''Dude...I opened the fridge door and you had only walked from the couch to the kitchen'' I stand by previous said statement.)) ).
[28-22:04] 7edaf, Karlita : I have to go , i am sorry.. *she stands heading for the door, her guards following suite* untill another Day Eleor, and Ava..*smiles and leaves*
[28-22:04] EXIT: Karlita has left the chat ( 11:04pm, April 28 (CDT) ).
[28-22:04] 291e9, Strahd VonZarovich: *feeling the eyes of the elven man resting upon him he turns that metallic gaze to settle on Eleor.. that charming smile never once leaving his stone like features... his gauntleted hands seem to cross over his large armored chest.. the design of the armor would be well visable to the elven people considering they are the one's whom conjured it from his own blood.. he nods to Bernard as he heads off.. taking the glass of wine only to claim the smallest of sips from it... setting it back atop the bar he turns away from the room.. those chrome like eyes flickering ever so gently.. feeling the presence of another enter the sides of his lips tug into a small devious smile.... he simply stares off behind the bar raising the glass to his lips only once more*
[28-22:05] 45096, Ava Tinuviel: ~So much to take in..The elven Healer slipped her hand across the table, resting delicate fingers on Eleor's arm in quiet familiarity. ~
[28-22:06] f96be, Caradonia: *She nods when she gets the response that she desire* Excellent, and what is the price of your cheapest room?*her tone is one of No Nonesense and the like. She's doing's what she is god at*
[28-22:07] ebddc, Keera: *turning her attention away from him, she heads over to a free table near the fire and orders a simple meal from the bar maid who comes*
[28-22:08] f96be, Caradonia: Excellent*And after a moments search in the pouch that she has hidden beneath her cloak she produces the required price* Here ya go*the coins clink together as they fall within his hand*
[28-22:12] 5244b, Eleor : *The design upon Strahd's armor he did not recognize, but the style he certainly did. His mind wondered over the possible histories that might have joined this man with such armour. Though a smile the man wore, his manner and his presence did not match the expression quite right. But he made no mention to Strahd of his wonderings, merely made note to himself of the unusal features, for later use.*
[28-22:13] f96be, Caradonia: Oh, before you go? A glass of wine, red and cheap*smiling she hops onto a seat with a nimble little leap and she makes herself at home*
[28-22:15] JOIN: W has entered.
[28-22:16] 34b54, Roki: *pounces teh W*
[28-22:16] 291e9, Strahd VonZarovich: *giving that Eleor is an Elf he chooses not to search the elven man's thoughts out of respect for his kind... he takes yet another sip from the glass and in moments the drink is gone... he turns to rise from his stool moving over towards Eleor and Ava... extending that large gauntleted hand to motion towards a seat at their table... that deep silk like voice sounding out once more* might i calim a seat with you two? *those long white locks drape helplessly over his shoulders and down his chest and back.. the shadows seem to peel from his form as he comes to the elven people... those dark metallic eyes searching over them as very few thoughts pass through his puzzle like mind*
[28-22:16] JOIN: Daffyd apBeynon has entered.
[28-22:17] 87033, W: *oofs* Howdy
[28-22:18] JOIN: Rav has entered.
[28-22:18] 26e7c, Rav : Hey all!!! long time no see.
[28-22:18] 9bd96, Keera: (( MONKEYS! ))
[28-22:19] f96be, Caradonia: *She shrugs herself free of the heavy woolen cloak and breathes out a satisfied sigh as fresh air brushes across her skin, not that much is showing. Her figure, young and graces with generous curves is wrapped in leather, ever her hands are cloaked in the cow hide*
[28-22:19] 34b54, Roki: holey moley ravioli...
[28-22:20] 45096, Ava Tinuviel: ~With a secretive smile, she lent her gaze to the large window across the room, bright elven eyes soaked in the silver gossamer of the pale orb that ruled the eve. Moonlit strands danced upon the window pane, barely penetrating the warm red glow of firelight and candleshine. Hearing a voice, she tore her thoughts away from the loveliness of the moon, and nodded to Strahd~ may..
[28-22:20] f96be, Caradonia: ((graced))
[28-22:21] ebddc, Keera: *the newly widowed baker's wife is actually quite pretty, with her long dirty blond hair and blue eyes. She skin is unmarred and is a creamy complexion. She moves with the natural grace of one who should've been a dancer. She leans back in her chair, watching Strahd* ~Strange, dangerous man..~
[28-22:24] 5244b, Eleor : *Eleor's nod joins Ava's invitation to the armour clad man that stood before them. Awaiting Strahd to take a seat, Eleor takes a moment to look around the tavern once more, noting a few new figures within. A few groups leaving and entering quietly, one or two seated and watching those around his own table, others merely attending to their own affairs. None did his glance linger on for more than any other, as nothing unusual showed itself to his sight.*
[28-22:26] 26e7c, Rav : Yes, I have made an appearence so as to greace you all
[28-22:26] f6ba3, Daffyd apBeynon : :ushes the door of the little inn open and hurries to have a word with the inkeeper. His clothes are nice, perhaps those of an up-and-coming merchant, and he holds a scented handkerchief to his nose as he speaks with the woman::
[28-22:26] f6ba3, Daffyd apBeynon : ((... bloody smilies... ))
[28-22:30] 3ab61, Keera: *slowly eats her meal, enjoying every bite*
[28-22:30] 291e9, Strahd VonZarovich: * feeling that gaze and hearing her thoughts he sends a soft greeting to her.. his own thoughts mending with her's*~Indeed i am dear child.... indeed i am... but you've only had a mere taste.~.. *he claims a seat across from the two and with the smallest of smiles he speaks to them* i have been watching you for quite some time... *pulling a dagger from the back of his armored boot he sets it within the middle of the table top* and i wish to pledge my alligance to you and your kind... you my aid when needed... and to show you great respect i give you this gift.. *he removes his hand from the dagger to reveal the hand chissled designs... in elven the words are written* ~The darkness binds has been broken and will remain~
[28-22:30] 45096, Ava Tinuviel: ((Da hwrol, Daffyd ap Beynon.~s~))
[28-22:31] 45096, Ava Tinuviel: ((Da hwyrol, too..))
[28-22:32] 8ea97, Keera: *shakes her head* ~Aye, I have,. I don't intend on seeing more.~
[28-22:33] f6ba3, Daffyd apBeynon : (( I only know some of the language. Love to learn more. ))
[28-22:33] f6ba3, Daffyd apBeynon : :: finds a seat, crowded between an excessively large farmer and a less-than-reputable looking man. He looks decidedly uncomfortable about nis newfound neighbors::
[28-22:33] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[28-22:34] 45096, Ava Tinuviel: ~At the appearance of the dagger..and the words of the pledge..she pauses..looking slowly to her companion.~ ((I said Good evening to ya, David, son of Beynon..))
[28-22:34] 3ab61, Keera: *watches the newcomer with obvious amusent*
[28-22:36] f6ba3, Daffyd apBeynon : ((ah. Da hwyrol to you, too. )) ::bites his lip and raises a hand to desperately flag down a wench:: I'm going to need something to drink.. ::eyes his neighbors:: and a lot of it,
[28-22:37] 3ab61, Keera: *shakes her head and speaks just loud enough for him to hear her* Are you sure you want to be doing that, friend?
[28-22:39] 5244b, Eleor : *Eleor's eyes moved slowly from the man to the dagger on the table before him. His eyes moved over the flowing elven script that etched their words into the hilt. Carefully he mused over the man's words. Wary he was, for he had naught before met this one, and knew not his manner or motives. But neither would he be rude and reject an offer that might be honorable.* "Might I ask Sir, why it is that you wish to give your allegience to myself, my companion, and those of our kind?"
[28-22:39] f6ba3, Daffyd apBeynon : ::blinks at Keera:: Uh, why... why don't I want to be doing that?
[28-22:41] 8ea97, Keera: Dressed like that, getting yourself drunk would be just begging someone to come and releive you of your possessions..and perhaps your life.
[28-22:42] f6ba3, Daffyd apBeynon : ::tries to lean away from the men to either side of him, though it doesn't work:: I... uh... I will be fine.
[28-22:44] ebddc, Keera: Right *rolls her eyes and contemplates doing it herself. She could use the income now that her dear abusive cheating husband is dead*
[28-22:44] 291e9, Strahd VonZarovich: *he smiles at the elven man's words then he gives gentle nod in return before speaking once again* because your kind has aided me many times in the past i would be honored to return said aid.. *simply put.. he gently crosses his arms over his armored chest as he sits back into the seat more... his back sitting straight up... his eyes glistening like a farmer sweating on a hot summer's day.. he watches the two rather closely... just simply watching for their reactions... studying them in a way*
[28-22:44] f6ba3, Daffyd apBeynon : ::takes a cup from the wench, and watches her over the rim::
[28-22:45] 8ea97, Keera: *smiles innocently as she finishes her meal*
[28-22:46] f6ba3, Daffyd apBeynon : ::tilts his head back to drain the weak wine from the cup::
[28-22:47] ceea7, Aleinn Duinn : (*stretch*)
[28-22:48] ebddc, Keera: *sits back in her chair to wait. He has to leave sooner or later*
[28-22:48] 45096, Ava Tinuviel: I am glad to meet one that has delt with Tel'Quessir..the elven favorably ..And I thank you for the kind offer, Sir Strahd honor us, with your words, and your gift..~She bit her lower lip as she thought, unsure how to proceed..with a soft smile she slowly nodded , gracious and graceful in her contemplation...a friend was always welcome, and yet, as one who was hunted, she had to be wary.~
[28-22:49] f6ba3, Daffyd apBeynon : ::nearly leaps to his feet when one of the inn's girls comes to let him know his room is ready::
[28-22:50] ebddc, Keera: *she rises as well, seemingly heading for a room herself*
[28-22:50] ceea7, Aleinn Duinn : *strides through the doors of Trendlekim's wrapped in a heavy dark green hooded cloak, the hood of which is drawn over his head...from what can be seen upon him, he is heavily armored, the designs upon his armor being clearly High Elven in make and model....his gait is measured, sharp, and direct...he casts his smoldering burgandy eyes around the room...a gift from his mother's people...but none too welcomed in most parts...yes...he strides towards the inkeeper with that measured, sharp pace that screams of military training, two swords perched upon his hips as if they just naturally belonged there*
[28-22:52] f6ba3, Daffyd apBeynon : ::slips into his room, failing to lock the door behind him, and slips out of his lacey coat::
[28-22:54] 3ab61, Keera: *waits outside of his door, listening*
[28-22:54] f6ba3, Daffyd apBeynon : ::lies down on the lumpy bed and sighs::
[28-22:55] 3ab61, Keera: *smiles*
[28-22:56] 5244b, Eleor : *Eleor's expression would be calm, reflecting the quiet analyzation that took place behind his cold eyes. He had no fear of the man, nor of his intentions, though he was ever cautious. Hearing no objection from Ava, he rose and made a short bow to the man. Deciding to take Strahd at his word, his hands carefully lifted the dagger. Unseen to those around him, Eleor quickly extended his power to observe the threads of energy within the dagger, and would not touch it should he find any sign of dangerous enchanment.* "I too thank you Sir. Though to myself you owe naught, I thank ye for thy offer of aid, and this gift."
[28-22:58] ceea7, Aleinn Duinn : *his baritone voice echoes from under the shade of the deep hood* Red wine...Krondorian if you have any left...*the old man behind the bar looks about and nods and pours him a glass, which he puts down two gold pieces for, more than twice the cost of the glass itself and takes up the glass in his gauntleted hand, swirling its contents a bit around in the crystal chalice before rasing the lip of it to rest between his own pale lips, draining some of the contents from it with a short pull...before nodding in satisfaction...he then makes a sharp turn to the right and claims a table as his..before settling into the chair watching the assortment of people in the room*
[28-22:59] f6ba3, Daffyd apBeynon : ::turns over and pulls the thin sheet over his shoulders, not even bothering to undress or take off his boots::
[28-22:59] JOIN: Eleor has entered.
[28-23:00] 52896, Keera: *slowly opens the door, reaching inside her skirt to take out a small dagger*
[28-23:01] 45096, Ava Tinuviel: ~Her own focus dwells on the dagger, her perception lesser than that of Eleor's. She was younger than he, and less familier with the ways of magic. Her attention was caught though, by the swirl of a green cloak as a man joined the Inn's patrons. Nodding to Aleinn, she studied him briefly...curious..~
[28-23:01] 291e9, Strahd VonZarovich: *he rises from his seat with a small half bow* if you two will excuse me i must take my leave.. *his hand goes to the hilt of the blade that rests at his hip... Eleor would see nothing of danger to him only to the foe he chooses to weild it upon... he turns away from them but stops to look over his shoulder towards them* just say my name and i will be there.. *dark coal colored mists would pour out from within the shadows creeping up his legs to wrap around his armored body and claim it as their own... and after few moments pass the mists would be pulled away leaving nothing but a small black rose in the seat he claimed*
[28-23:02] f6ba3, Daffyd apBeynon : ::he doesn't move, his breathing slow and even::
[28-23:03] ceea7, Aleinn Duinn : *upon recieving the nod from Ava...he scans over the woman with an intense, almost tangible scrutiny from his hidden burgandy eyes...though...his head does lower and raise slightly in return of that singular gesture of a nod....perhaps even a pale lock or two of his snowy white hair daring to bare itself to the world before if absently swatting a fly, brushes it back under the hood*
[28-23:03] a3c96, Keera: *she takes a step into the room and stops, listening so very carefully*
[28-23:04] f6ba3, Daffyd apBeynon : ::turns suddenly, rolling onto his side::
[28-23:05] ebddc, Keera: *holds her breath, hoping he'll take her as just another shadow*
[28-23:06] 26e7c, Rav : Ok, is there anything anyone wants me to look at before I vanish agaain?
[28-23:06] ceea7, Aleinn Duinn : (Yes I have an application for Godhood...)
[28-23:06] f6ba3, Daffyd apBeynon : ::adjusts the sheet and yawns a little::
[28-23:07] ebddc, Keera: *waits*
[28-23:07] 45096, Ava Tinuviel: ~Most curious...the man was not unlike her tormentor..Umbra..he too could dissolve into shadow. Struck by the similarity, she shuddered once, violently..small frame helpless to resist the cold visceral reaction. In her wide eyed shock, she registered Alienn's nod, but could not respond..only able to stare at the empty place where shadows claimed flesh.~
[28-23:07] MSG: Aleinn Duinn sent a message to Rav.
[28-23:07] f6ba3, Daffyd apBeynon : ::he is still again, his breathing doesn't change::
[28-23:07] 26e7c, Rav : ummmm how about a big no on that one. Unless your sirious then direct any questions and whatnot to Mab
[28-23:07] 9bd96, Keera: *takes another step and another*
[28-23:08] ceea7, Aleinn Duinn : (I meant OOC Godhood not IC Godhood...)
[28-23:08] 5244b, Eleor : *Taking up the dagger and the man's promise, he made another note to himself to discover more on Strahd's history and backround. After the unusual exit, Eleor studied the dagger further, testing its lightness and examining its skilled make. Setting the gift on the wooden table once more, the Elf glances over in the direction of Ava's gaze, his cold eyes looking over the features of Aleinn. But once more his gaze was drawn for observation to concern at another event. Ava's shuddering drew his immediate attention and concern, shifting to look to her from where he sat.* "Ava?"
[28-23:08] MSG: Rav sent a message to Aleinn Duinn.
[28-23:08] MSG: Aleinn Duinn sent a message to Rav.
[28-23:09] 26e7c, Rav : Well, if its OOC then I am sure I can us another god. *L*
[28-23:10] MSG: Rav sent a message to Aleinn Duinn.
[28-23:11] ceea7, Aleinn Duinn : *he sits...reclining in that military gait into his chair, his head bowed against the cold steel of his breastplate, his features covered and hidden by that dark green hood drawn close over his head, his smoldering burgandy eyes falling from Avan to rest upon Eleor with the same scrutiny he used upon Ava, almost as if disecting him bit by bit...casually disguising this stare with a raise of his glass to where his lips would be under that hood, again draining the glass of some more of its contents before setting it down*
[28-23:11] MSG: Aleinn Duinn sent a message to Rav.
[28-23:11] MSG: Rav sent a message to Aleinn Duinn.
[28-23:11] 45096, Ava Tinuviel: Does that...not remind you of another? The shadows..bent to his will?~She looked to the Elf with eyes filled with trembling liquid dispair, silver-clear shock made real.~
[28-23:11] MSG: Aleinn Duinn sent a message to Rav.
[28-23:11] f6ba3, Daffyd apBeynon : ::Lies there. Yep.::
[28-23:12] MSG: Rav sent a message to Aleinn Duinn.
[28-23:13] MSG: Aleinn Duinn sent a message to Rav.
[28-23:15] MSG: Rav sent a message to Aleinn Duinn.
[28-23:16] 5244b, Eleor : "Aye, it does. But it is not him." *The ever present calm within him continued as he layed a gently reassuring hand on Ava's shoulder.*
[28-23:17] MSG: Aleinn Duinn sent a message to Rav.
[28-23:19] 3ab61, Keera: *draws closer, the dagger's blade gleaming in the moonlight as she poises to strike*
[28-23:20] 45096, Ava Tinuviel: ~A slightly rough hand, toughened by time spent in the Healer's trade, reached to touch his hand.~ I know..I do..but, it was not what i thought to see..I was caught by surprise..~Feeling the weight of a stare upon them, she turned, scanning he room for whomever might be watching. She was wary, not by nature, but by need. hey were hunted, and ever was his safety on her mind. Eleor was more than capable, but then, one guarded closely what was irreplacable, regardless of its vulnerability.~
[28-23:20] ceea7, Aleinn Duinn : *watches the two the male comforts the him pause to let his thoughts drift back somewhat to Naurlote...ah yes...she always did put a rare smile on his the smile does not spread across his elven features....his face set into a neutral mask of marble resolve, eaves dropping upon their conversation*
[28-23:20] MSG: Rav sent a message to Aleinn Duinn.
[28-23:21] 26e7c, Rav : Seeeya all laters. *Ninja vanishes into the darkness.*
[28-23:21] f6ba3, Daffyd apBeynon : ::throws the sheet at her::
[28-23:21] ceea7, Aleinn Duinn : (Later homie G Dawg Funk)
[28-23:22] 922b7, Keera: *swears and struggles to get the sheet off of her as soon as possible*
[28-23:23] f6ba3, Daffyd apBeynon : ::draws his dagger from his boot and stands up::
[28-23:24] 8ea97, Keera: *glares at him* That was'nt very nice
[28-23:25] f6ba3, Daffyd apBeynon : Neither is sneaking into someone's room to murder them.
[28-23:26] 5244b, Eleor : *His words ceased into his usual quiet nature, his tender hold on her hand steady and warm. He knew the reason for her glances, but he kept his eyes on her, watching the fear that had been produced by the shadow forms.*
[28-23:27] 3ab61, Keera: *shrugs* It's not as if you did'nt expect this
[28-23:28] f6ba3, Daffyd apBeynon : If you didn't think I'd know you would come up here, you're not as cunning as people make you out to be.
[28-23:29] ceea7, Aleinn Duinn : *how sweet...there seems to be some sort of affection between the two he observes...its almost sickening...meh...rivvin always did disgust him...and yet...he too is rivvin...the worst kind of rivvin to his nature....those of the High Elves...but...he also was something far more sinister...a parodox in terms*
[28-23:31] 3ab61, Keera: Make me out to be?
[28-23:33] f6ba3, Daffyd apBeynon : ::smirks:: You don't know about the rumors?
[28-23:33] 45096, Ava Tinuviel: ~The fingers so closley entertwined with his would flinch slightly as her gaze fell across the cloaked one, the one sipping wine and observing all. She slowly looked away, and up into the eyes of her protector. She was safe here, and that had been proven on countless battlefields..where the enchanter stood, the Healer remained safe.~
[28-23:34] 3ab61, Keera: *taps her dagger against her thigh* No. What rumours?
[28-23:35] ceea7, Aleinn Duinn : *smirks at this...his marble mask of neutrality being broken at the woman's seeming disquiet at his presence...he has that effect a lot of the time..for he is rather imposing for an elf...being both broad of shoulder and strong of body...he again grabs the glass within his gauntleted grip and finishes off the glass's contents, staring holes into the woman, disecting her mentally with his eyes*
[28-23:36] f6ba3, Daffyd apBeynon : That you're a murderer, the guards just can't prove it.
[28-23:36] 5244b, Eleor : *He did not turn to face Aleinn, the direction Ava's gaze had lingered upon. She had not reacted adversely to what she had seen, and so he trusted that there was no threat. Reaching carefully around the staff that leaned against the table, he pulled over the cup of water to take a slow sip, afterwards offering the liquid to Ava.*
[28-23:36] ebddc, Keera: I am hardly a murderer.
[28-23:37] f6ba3, Daffyd apBeynon : I didn't say it.
[28-23:38] 922b7, Keera: *shakes her head* Not only are you a fool, you're also a mad man. No...I think I'll leave, let someone else get rid of you.
[28-23:38] f6ba3, Daffyd apBeynon : No, I don't think you will.
[28-23:39] 3ab61, Keera: Right. *takes a step backwards, two away from the door*
[28-23:42] 45096, Ava Tinuviel: Thank you..~She gratefully drank that which he offered, the water slowly cooling her body. The Inn itself was warm, by any standards, the press of live, warm bodies and the need for light insuring heat .~ Thank you, my dear are most kind..~The staring and eye-work by the cloaked one was not unnoticed, but merely disregarded...some people were rude, simple fact of life.~
[28-23:42] f6ba3, Daffyd apBeynon : ::raises a hand to getsure, slamming the door shut::
[28-23:45] 8ea97, Keera: Sheezy. Look, I have'nt done anything to you so just be nice and let me go.
[28-23:45] ceea7, Aleinn Duinn : *it wasnt in a rude manner he observes a more militaristic..managerial manner...after all...he does carry himself like he could be a damn fine military officer...his deep baritone voice gives way to very light humming in an ancient song he used to hear as a child from his father*
[28-23:45] f6ba3, Daffyd apBeynon : Give me your money.
[28-23:48] 8ea97, Keera: *laughs* Right...if I had some on me, would I be running a tab?
[28-23:49] f6ba3, Daffyd apBeynon : How do I know you're running a tab?
[28-23:52] 5244b, Eleor : "Always welcome nin bainrin." *The Elf leaned back slightly in his chair, crossing his arms before him. The fold of the long cloak he wore shifted with his movement, the dark blue fabric sliding along his form. Once again his head slowly turned to take in the patrons of the Inn, calm eyes observing and analyzing what he saw. As his eyes met the one that viewed himself and his Ava, he nodded slightly in acknowledgment, before returning his gaze to the activity around him.*
[28-23:54] ceea7, Aleinn Duinn : *he again gives acknowledgement of the nod with one of his own, another lock of snowy white falling from under his hood into plain he...with a magician's fluidity, makes it disappear with a simple gesture...back under the hood it goes...before gesturing for another glass of wine*
[28-23:54] 3ab61, Keera: You did'nt think to ask, did you?
[28-23:57] 45096, Ava Tinuviel: That song, that he hums..I know that from somewhere, melamian..~Softly whispered to her Elf, word barely heard by her own ears, pressed lightly to his.~ Do you recognize it? ~Soft blonde hair brushed across her shoulder to fall across her face, pale skin made flushed by the amber glow of the candlelight~
[28-23:58] ceea7, Aleinn Duinn : *being that he is half Drow...his ears are sharp...even for elven he picks up this elven if he needed assistance in telling him who they were... he relaxes as his hummin ceases...awaiting a second chalice of red wine to be brought to his table*
[29-00:02] 5244b, Eleor : *At her mention of recognition of the song, he tuned his ears to the melody being strung out behind him. Yet just as he did, it cut off, nearly simultaneous with Ava's mention of it, alerting him to the fact that their words were heard. Before his chest, hidden from the sight of those behind him, he raised two fingers slowly as he turned slightly to face Ava.* "Nae, I recognize it not."
[29-00:04] ceea7, Aleinn Duinn : *or perhaps merely that it was the end of the song...either way...the melodic baritone notes have ended and he is recieving his second glass of wine, which he nods his thanks and takes the glass into his hand, apparently something about his face causes the young woman serving him to blush and quickly walk away*
[29-00:04] JOIN: Eleor has entered.
[29-00:06] 45096, Ava Tinuviel: ~Her reaction was merely to smile, the only sign given that she knew what he was telling her. They had been together so long, moving in quiet unity, that little passed between them, yet whole conversations occured.~ So...~She nodded to the nearly empty plates of fruit and cheese before them, softly humming the same tune hat had so quickly vanished.~
[29-00:07] ceea7, Aleinn Duinn : (*headbangs to Metallica*)
[29-00:10] 5244b, Eleor : *He was naturally cautious of events around him, and whether or not his assessment was correct, no ill would come from assuming that he was. Smiling slightly at her gesture, the signalling hand reaching forward to draw the plate towards them.*
[29-00:12] EXIT: Keera has left the chat ( 12:54am, April 29 (CDT) ).
[29-00:15] 45096, Ava Tinuviel: ~She embelished the tune slightly, playing with the melody and smiling at the results. Her voice was clear, very elven in that regard. She was sure the cloaked man would hear her, but she did nae care if he did. Curiousity was in her, and she was interested to see what the stranger thought.~
[29-00:26] 45096, Ava Tinuviel: ~She let her voice trail off, resting her head lightly against the Elf's shoulder~ So...shall we rest?
[29-00:29] 5244b, Eleor : *He smiles slightly at the peaceful melody of her voice. One arm reached around her, pulling her to him gently.* "Aye, I believe so. Has been a pleasant evening though."
[29-00:32] 45096, Ava Tinuviel: An evening in your company always is..~She wrapped an arm around him as they stood, her free hand slinging her healer's satchel over her shoulder. The Staff she reached for next, the wooden weapon taller than she, yet surprisingly not hard to weild.~ Would you care to sleep here? or shall we find a nice tree and settle in there for the eve?
[29-00:46] 5244b, Eleor : "I believe we could find a room here?" *His request was answered by a nod from a nearby tender. A gold piece paid the cost of a two bed room for them both, and close they would rest, their proximity quite peaceful to him and his heart.*
[29-00:49] 45096, Ava Tinuviel: ~With a happy step, she led Eleor to the room, where with quiet peace, they locked the door on the rest of the world, leaving it's passions and concerns outside...allowing only serenity and their love to remain under the watchful glow of the night's silver mistress.~
[29-00:52] EXIT: Eleor has left the chat ( 1:46am, April 29 (CDT) ).
[29-00:53] EXIT: Ava Tinuviel has left the chat ( 1:49am, April 29 (CDT) ).
[29-01:02] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[29-06:53] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[29-07:20] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[29-07:29] f96be, Will-o'-the-wisp: Meow
[29-07:35] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[29-07:35] JOIN: Rhazalael has entered.
[29-07:36] c7607, Rhazalael : Woof.
[29-07:36] 34b54, Roki: moo
[29-07:37] c7607, Rhazalael : Damnit. Why couldn't I have taken 'Moo'?
[29-07:37] 34b54, Roki: *smirk*
[29-07:38] MSG: Rhazalael sent a message to Roki.
[29-07:39] MSG: Rhazalael sent a message to Roki.
[29-07:56] f96be, Will-o'-the-wisp: Hiss*claws at something, a handle perhaps*
[29-07:56] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 8:56am, April 29 (CDT) ).
[29-07:57] JOIN: Cara has entered.
[29-08:02] c7607, Rhazalael : (Back)
[29-08:03] f96be, Cara: Hola!
[29-08:04] c7607, Rhazalael : (Hey there)
[29-08:05] f96be, Cara: Damn. One cup of coffee and I'm already perky
[29-08:13] JOIN: Rhazalael has entered.
[29-08:14] f96be, Cara: *Bounces about sporatically*
[29-08:33] 80203, Rhazalael : ((yay, profile updated and all finished))
[29-08:33] 80203, Rhazalael : ((Maybe I should stick an image in there))
[29-08:35] f96be, Cara: Coooolllll
[29-08:43] f96be, Cara: My computer desk is a mess...*hands on hips*
[29-08:46] 80203, Rhazalael : For once, mine is actually neat. Gimme a week or so and I'll fix it.
[29-08:46] 80203, Rhazalael : Heh. And oh, I put the image in the profile. It's a larger version. I wanted to put the non-cropped version in, but JJ said 'Too big! Go away'!
[29-08:47] f96be, Cara: Oh that is VERY cool
[29-08:47] f96be, Cara: Mine will never be neat. I'm cursed*sigh*
[29-08:47] 80203, Rhazalael : He's so ugly in a handsome kind of way
[29-08:47] f96be, Cara: *L* yeah. I understand what you mean
[29-08:48] f96be, Cara: He has...charisma
[29-08:49] 80203, Rhazalael : I centered the text, so it looks more official. *Is about the only person who gives a crap, . Wishes she knew more HTML so she could put up a more interesting profile*
[29-08:50] f96be, Cara: It's a good profile!
[29-08:50] JOIN: Rhazalael has entered.
[29-08:51] 80203, Rhazalael : It's just that some of my spell descriptions were iffy, and needed some clarification.
[29-08:51] 80203, Rhazalael : And thank you very much
[29-08:51] f96be, Cara: Which on?
[29-08:52] f96be, Cara: And your very welcome
[29-08:53] 80203, Rhazalael : Mainly the Animate Dead one.
[29-08:54] f96be, Cara: Ah. *gives it another look though knows Zilch about Necro spells*
[29-08:55] f96be, Cara: Defiantly clarified
[29-08:57] f96be, Cara: I suppose I should do something like that but I've never really gave it much fault. Would be useful*stroking faux beard*
[29-08:59] 80203, Rhazalael : I like your profile. Your character is awesome enough though to the point where you don't exactly need a flashy profile. Unlike me.
[29-09:01] JOIN: Cara has entered.
[29-09:02] f96be, Cara: Well thank you! but my newer character*points at Cara* Does need one. She has a magical weapon so yeah *L* I need to register too
[29-09:11] 80203, Rhazalael : <---- Scariest thing in the universe
[29-09:12] f96be, Cara: *giggle*
[29-09:22] JOIN: Shifty has entered.
[29-09:23] 19e7e, Shifty: howdy
[29-09:24] JOIN: Cara has entered.
[29-09:24] f96be, Cara: Yo!
[29-09:24] 19e7e, Shifty: How ya is?
[29-09:26] f96be, Cara: Pretty good. Y tu?
[29-09:27] 80203, Rhazalael : (Back)
[29-09:28] 19e7e, Shifty: I be good.
[29-09:29] 19e7e, Shifty: I be good.
[29-09:30] f96be, Cara: *Throws confetti*
[29-09:30] 19e7e, Shifty: *pjj is messing up on him*
[29-09:30] f96be, Cara: *Throws confetti*
[29-09:30] f96be, Cara: *messing up on her too* *'by bitch I mean I love you' slaps it*
[29-09:31] JOIN: Shifty has entered.
[29-09:33] 19e7e, Shifty: *growls and wack pjj* Play nice!!!!
[29-09:33] f96be, Cara: *hisses*
[29-09:37] 19e7e, Shifty: hehe
[29-09:37] f96be, Cara:'s working now*flex*
[29-09:38] 19e7e, Shifty: it is for me too. hehe
[29-09:39] f96be, Cara: yay!!
[29-09:41] 80203, Rhazalael : =) Roki just helped me to re-vamp the profile entirely. Kudos to the Moo-man!
[29-09:42] f96be, Cara: Go Rokie!
[29-09:42] f96be, Cara: E
[29-09:48] 19e7e, Shifty: *lays in his recliner*
[29-09:48] f96be, Cara: *curls in arm chair, cutting paper*
[29-09:49] 19e7e, Shifty: Why you cut paper?
[29-09:49] f96be, Cara: It's a project due in a bit
[29-09:51] 19e7e, Shifty: Me am done with all that for this semister...all me got is finals. Well at one college atleast.
[29-09:51] f96be, Cara: I"m in finals right now. The project IS a final
[29-09:52] 19e7e, Shifty: eeep!!! Good luck
[29-09:54] f96be, Cara: *L* thanks
[29-09:56] 19e7e, Shifty: sure
[29-09:57] f96be, Cara: I'm the queen of stressful situations though...I thrive on it
[29-09:57] f96be, Cara: Either that or I'm self destructive
[29-09:58] 19e7e, Shifty: *chuckles* No comment. hehe
[29-09:59] f96be, Cara: Pardo'n?
[29-10:00] 19e7e, Shifty: jokeing around is all.
[29-10:00] f96be, Cara: Uhhh huhhh*smile*
[29-10:03] JOIN: Liz has entered.
[29-10:04] 3ab61, Liz: It's your fault, Cara
[29-10:04] f96be, Cara: SO what are you up to? aside from relaxing in said recliner/
[29-10:04] f96be, Cara: What's my fault?
[29-10:04] 19e7e, Shifty: Nothing..*chuckles and hugs Liz* Yep...what ever it was, Cara did it.
[29-10:05] f96be, Cara: I'm the defintion of "patsy"
[29-10:05] 168f8, Liz: Your char's name..Caradonia. Sounds like a place. I kept on dreaming about a place called that.
[29-10:05] f96be, Cara: *L* That's neat!
[29-10:08] f96be, Cara: I suppose I should say that I'm sorry..but I just can't. It's too nifty
[29-10:08] ebddc, Liz: Are you who are you, anyways?
[29-10:08] f96be, Cara: I do play caradonia..yes
[29-10:09] 8ea97, Liz: Are you Illisse?
[29-10:10] f96be, Cara: No I'm not Illisse but I do know who she is. Her computer is busted
[29-10:11] ebddc, Liz: Aww....I miss her
[29-10:12] f96be, Cara: She'll be around soon. She mentioned that someone was comming up to fix her computer
[29-10:13] ebddc, Liz: Cool
[29-10:13] 19e7e, Shifty: I guess I scared her comp to death.
[29-10:13] f96be, Cara: Mmhmm
[29-10:13] f96be, Cara: Yeah....shame on you. It your fault
[29-10:14] JOIN: zaeth has entered.
[29-10:14] b5529, zaeth: hey i made it
[29-10:14] b5529, zaeth: had to go to library to use theres
[29-10:14] 19e7e, Shifty: *laughs* Guess I didnt scare it to death good enough.
[29-10:14] f96be, Cara: hey!
[29-10:15] 19e7e, Shifty: *plots to scare the libraries comp to death then*
[29-10:15] b5529, zaeth: haha yes you did
[29-10:15] b5529, zaeth: noonono
[29-10:15] 3ab61, Liz: *tackles Zaeth*
[29-10:16] b5529, zaeth: hey Liz
[29-10:16] b5529, zaeth: you're going to have to put up with zaeth today..not changing chars...on this pc....
[29-10:17] b5529, zaeth: cant use aim either....i can see what people post but they cant see what i pooh on AIM
[29-10:18] b5529, zaeth : hello shifty and Cara .....anybody got food?
[29-10:18] f96be, Cara: I ate it all
[29-10:19] b5529, zaeth : grrrr
[29-10:19] b5529, zaeth : ah well cant eat in the library anyway
[29-10:19] f96be, Cara: I can..but that's because I'm sneaky
[29-10:19] f96be, Cara: but i'm in my room so it dosent matter
[29-10:20] 19e7e, Shifty: no food.
[29-10:20] b5529, zaeth :
[29-10:20] b5529, zaeth :
[29-10:20] b5529, zaeth : has roki been around this morning?
[29-10:20] f96be, Cara: mmmm....I've seen him around
[29-10:21] 34b54, Roki: *listening to Der Koniggratzer*
[29-10:22] f96be, Cara: *Listening to Depeche Mode*
[29-10:22] 34b54, Roki: pfft... Der Koniggratzer is basicly the marcing song of the Nazi Party
[29-10:22] b5529, zaeth : ahh hey i forgot..if it doesnt fit let me know i'll get anotherone *listens to silence*
[29-10:23] 3ab61, Liz: *is listening to her dad do the dishes*
[29-10:23] 34b54, Roki: it'll be some time before i get home again *l* probably next week sometime.
[29-10:23] f96be, Cara: Thats some cheerful stuff
[29-10:23] b5529, zaeth : ok
[29-10:24] b5529, zaeth : hopefully i will have my pc back tonight or tomorrow
[29-10:24] b5529, zaeth : *dies without it*
[29-10:24] 34b54, Roki: *patpat*
[29-10:25] f96be, Cara: GOd I'm good at this
[29-10:25] b5529, zaeth : its so bad...i'm going thru withdrawl.......
[29-10:25] b5529, zaeth : good at what?
[29-10:26] f96be, Cara: getting a lot of stuff done in a short amount of time
[29-10:27] JOIN: Rhazalael has entered.
[29-10:28] efe2e, Rhazalael : Er, I guess I should switch my text color?
[29-10:28] b5529, zaeth : hm
[29-10:28] b5529, zaeth : i will rhaz
[29-10:28] b5529, zaeth : ((test))
[29-10:28] b5529, zaeth : ah there
[29-10:29] f96be, Cara: *flex*
[29-10:30] b5529, zaeth : oh Roki I have some idears for the site but i will have to send them to you when i get pc back...they are all on it....*hunts for pencil and paper*
[29-10:31] efe2e, Rhazalael : Lovin' the new profile, Roki. Thank you very much for the help.
[29-10:32] 34b54, Roki: np
[29-10:32] b5529, zaeth : geez louise wow
[29-10:32] b5529, zaeth : *starts to work on hers*
[29-10:32] f96be, Cara: Very cool
[29-10:35] b5529, zaeth : akkkk forgot i cant even do that
[29-10:42] b5529, zaeth : *killed chat*
[29-10:45] 922b7, Liz: *haunts*
[29-10:48] b5529, zaeth : Liiiizzz *whines*
[29-10:50] ebddc, Liz: What?
[29-10:50] b5529, zaeth : no aim...
[29-10:51] 3ab61, Liz: Aww
[29-10:51] JOIN: Zaeth has entered.
[29-10:52] b5529, Zaeth: grrr i hate this...
[29-10:52] b5529, Zaeth: gonna try express again...maybe this time it will work
[29-11:02] f96be, Cara: .
[29-11:02] f96be, Cara: ..................
[29-11:03] b5529, Zaeth: what?
[29-11:04] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[29-11:04] f96be, Cara: that acutally wasnt intentional
[29-11:05] b5529, Zaeth: hmmm
[29-11:06] f96be, Cara: Leaned on the keyboard
[29-11:07] b5529, Zaeth: whatcha doin that fer?
[29-11:08] f96be, Cara: no clue
[29-11:09] b5529, Zaeth: hehe sounds like you're going to sleep there
[29-11:10] f96be, Cara: pfft..nevah..just writing
[29-11:13] b5529, Zaeth: ah seems like thats all we do...write write write...*pouts* i'm having to use pen and paper...and all my notes are on pc
[29-11:14] 52896, Liz: Aww..*hugs*
[29-11:16] EXIT: Liz has left the chat ( 12:14pm, April 29 (CDT) ).
[29-11:19] b5529, Zaeth: hmmm bye liz...
[29-11:28] JOIN: Garet Jax has entered.
[29-11:29] b5529, Zaeth: hey
[29-11:29] c8be1, Garet Jax: 'Ello!
[29-11:30] b5529, Zaeth: wondered if you'd make it today
[29-11:31] b5529, Zaeth: *going to s*
[29-11:45] c8be1, Garet Jax: Hm
[29-11:47] b5529, Zaeth: what?
[29-12:13] b5529, Zaeth: hey anyone around?
[29-12:16] b5529, Zaeth: ***gone***
[29-12:16] EXIT: Zaeth has left the chat ( 1:16pm, April 29 (CDT) ).
[29-13:05] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[29-13:06] 45096, Will-o'-the-wisp: (anyone here?)
[29-13:18] JOIN: Mur King has entered.
[29-13:25] 59354, Mur King: No more Phoenix Icon eh map?
[29-13:26] 45096, Will-o'-the-wisp: hello?
[29-13:26] EXIT: Mur King has left the chat ( 2:26pm, April 29 (CDT) ).
[29-13:26] JOIN: Phoenix has entered.
[29-13:26] 59354, Phoenix: *waves*
[29-13:26] 59354, Phoenix : Nope Phoenix is here
[29-13:26] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 2:26pm, April 29 (CDT) ).
[29-13:27] JOIN: Ava Tinuviel has entered.
[29-13:27] 45096, Ava Tinuviel : Hello
[29-13:27] 59354, Phoenix : Poor MAb This chat seems lonely..
[29-13:27] 59354, Phoenix : Bonjour.
[29-13:28] 45096, Ava Tinuviel : (Oh no...last night it was really busy)
[29-13:28] 59354, Phoenix : ((Are you planing on Rping now?))
[29-13:29] 45096, Ava Tinuviel : (I can..if you'd like to)~S~
[29-13:30] 59354, Phoenix : *wanders through the now vacant streets of Raupenchi* I must have missed some party...
[29-13:32] 45096, Ava Tinuviel : ~The elf stretched and rolled over in her bed..the room at the Glimmering Inn had proved quiet and restful...very restful..with a muffled chuckle, she glanced over to her companion, still asleep in the next bed. not wanting to disturb Eleor's sleep, she slowly, silently got dressed, then headed downstairs.~
[29-13:33] 59354, Phoenix : Why not a drink.. Perhaps the inn keeper can fill me in on what I ahve missed during my leave. *treads through the streets to the beautiful Glimmering inn*
[29-13:35] 45096, Ava Tinuviel : ~She scampered down the steps, hopping into her boots as she barely managed to avoid tumbling down the steps of the Inn. And thus it was that the small elven healer burst into the main room of the inn....smiliong, disheaveled and cute as a button~
[29-13:36] 59354, Phoenix : *The doors seemed lighter then they did before he left and he pushed them open slowly hoping to not hit anyone whom may be standing about them, he peered around the room looking for The tender*
[29-13:38] 45096, Ava Tinuviel : ~The tender was laughing at the elf, and her entrance. With a sly grin she nodded to him~ Cider please..and I meant to do all that..
[29-13:39] 59354, Phoenix : *A slight chuckle leaves his lips, having not seen any elevs on his journey he had forgotten there fun nature*
[29-13:41] 45096, Ava Tinuviel : ~She turned to the sound of laughter, slowly appraising the name before her. Ever friendly, and always a bit curious, the Healer smiled to him..and extended her hand~ Hello good fare's the day for thy house?
[29-13:43] 59354, Phoenix : Fine *he extends his own hand slightly rough from his work as a smith, he embraces her hand softly but gives ita firm shake.* and your self?
[29-13:45] 45096, Ava Tinuviel : ~She squeezed his hand gently before releasing it.~ Myself is well, this day...I have nae any complaints, save one...~She nodded firmly~ I am new here..and could use some advice, on where to go, and those places best avoided.
[29-13:46] JOIN: Garet Jax has entered.
[29-13:46] dea2b, Garet Jax: (( Hello ))
[29-13:47] 59354, Phoenix : Hmm, In a sense I too am new though I have lived here for severel months this place is constantly changing.... Avoid the goblins and those whom think they can rule over you and you'll be fine ((hi) *Waves to the tender* An ale please for me..
[29-13:47] 45096, Ava Tinuviel : ((hello there!))
[29-13:48] 45096, Ava Tinuviel : Eh...goblins are a pain...~With a sigh she took a seat at the bar, small chin resting on her cupped palm~
[29-13:49] 59354, Phoenix : ((My dear I may have to go but can return for a few moments after I am done doing what I have to...)) Indeed.. So why are you here?
[29-13:51] 45096, Ava Tinuviel : ((~S~ I understand..rl happens..)) I am on a quest, from another realm..foe the Order of the Circle of the Leaf..
[29-13:51] 59354, Phoenix : ((BrB))
[29-13:52] JOIN: Garet Jax has entered.
[29-13:55] dea2b, Garet Jax: (( locations?))
[29-13:55] 45096, Ava Tinuviel : ((Glimmering Inn))
[29-13:56] dea2b, Garet Jax: I see.
[29-13:57] 45096, Ava Tinuviel : ((want to rp?))
[29-13:58] ceea7, Palladia Mors : *ponders IC himself*
[29-13:59] 45096, Ava Tinuviel : (~smiles and looks cute~ Aww...come on..IC is what we are here for.~nod nod~
[29-14:00] dea2b, Garet Jax: (( sure)) *a man, cloaked all in black, walks through the door of the Glimmering inn, obviously armed to the teeth*
[29-14:01] dea2b, Garet Jax: *He walks to the bar, and in a soft voice asks for an ale*
[29-14:02] JOIN: Phoenix has entered.
[29-14:02] 45096, Ava Tinuviel : ~Cerellion blue eyes scan the newcomer in calm observance. She nods gently in greetings.~
[29-14:02] 59354, Phoenix: ((poop I must go family reasons... Sorry have fun together..))
[29-14:03] ceea7, Palladia Mors : *ponders a skin*
[29-14:03] 59354, Phoenix: *Runs back home* **gone***
[29-14:04] dea2b, Garet Jax: *his flint grey eyes turn and meet the cerulean blue eyes, and he nods back, then takes a seat at a table and sips his ale*
[29-14:06] 45096, Ava Tinuviel : ~She slowly sips her cider, the satchel on her shoulder she slowly removed and set on her knees. It was filled with the tools of her trade, and she was never without it.~
[29-14:06] ceea7, Ember : *soon after Garet Jax walks in, a large, hulking figure walks in as well...his skin is deeply tanned, his hair a dark form of red that hangs down his back in neat, thick and almsot silken waves, his eyes are a dark and enrapturing emerald...he is very broad shouldered and powerfully built, wrapped in a light blue cotton tunic, black leggings and brown soft riding boots...over the tunic, there is a fine suit of elven chain...and at his left hip hangs a ceremonial looking bastardsword*
[29-14:07] ceea7, Ember : (*loves his MOTD*)
[29-14:07] dea2b, Garet Jax: (( The MOTD )
[29-14:08] 45096, Ava Tinuviel : ((Forgive my total newbishness..what is a MOTD?)
[29-14:08] dea2b, Garet Jax: *his eyes flick towards the newcomer, and look of interest in his eyes*
[29-14:09] dea2b, Garet Jax: (( Message of the day ))
[29-14:09] ceea7, Ember : ((Message of the day))
[29-14:09] dea2b, Garet Jax: (( HAH! Got it before you!!! ))
[29-14:09] ceea7, Ember : ((*is admin..never loses*)
[29-14:10] dea2b, Garet Jax: (( Uh... Dang! ))
[29-14:10] 45096, Ava Tinuviel : ((ooooh..hehe..thankies!!..and can I ask one more question? Is it possible to whisper or send PM's here?))
[29-14:11] ceea7, Ember : ((Yes...but you can only recieve if you're regged))
[29-14:11] dea2b, Garet Jax: Yep... type /msg then whoever you want to message and then the message
[29-14:13] 45096, Ava Tinuviel : ((Sent in registration yesterday, but have not heard back yet. ))
[29-14:13] ceea7, Ember : *he moves to the bar with a commanding he is half a foot over 6 feet...and in this day and age...that's monsterous...he moves to the bartender and and smiles gently towards the older man* A bottle of Dwarven spirits if you please...*the old man produces the bottle as asked...and he reachs into his pouch, producing the nessecary ammount of gold*
[29-14:15] dea2b, Garet Jax: *watches the large man*
[29-14:15] 45096, Ava Tinuviel : ~Monsterous indeed..the 5'4'' elf looks up..way up...and cooly assesses the new man in the Inn~ Greetings, sir...
[29-14:16] dea2b, Garet Jax: *nods toward the man*
[29-14:16] dea2b, Garet Jax: (( in greeting))
[29-14:17] ceea7, Ember : *his eyes reguard the small elven woman and the silverhaird man before nodding to them both, returning the greetings...his thick accented voice booms forth* Good day to you both...*he adds a bit as he turns his emerald eyes towards the woman* ..Arwen en Amin...
[29-14:19] dea2b, Garet Jax: *smiles wryly* Saesa omentien lle...
[29-14:20] dea2b, Garet Jax: Beleger...
[29-14:21] 45096, Ava Tinuviel : Aiya..llie ilya sint i' lambe en' Tel Quessir? (Oh..Do you all know the tongue of Elvin kind?)
[29-14:21] ceea7, Ember : (*admits his Elvish is rusty*)
[29-14:22] 45096, Ava Tinuviel :
[29-14:22] dea2b, Garet Jax: (( Same, but I'm brushing up... ))
[29-14:23] dea2b, Garet Jax: *is human, yet still knows Elven*
[29-14:23] dea2b, Garet Jax: (( I have to go in a minute or two...))
[29-14:24] 45096, Ava Tinuviel : ((was very nice to meet you, thank you kindly for the help.~smiles warmly~))
[29-14:26] ceea7, Ember : Elle... * the smile grows a bit as he sets down the bottle of dwarven spirits before settling himself in a chair* It has been many years since I have walked those green woods...*and yet..he appears to be no older than 30*
[29-14:27] 45096, Ava Tinuviel : And what woods would those be, good sir?~She smiled , face flushed ever so slightly with excitement. It had been a long while since she had met others who spoke her language.~
[29-14:29] ceea7, Ember : *his own skin is the color of if he had been exposed to the elements for so long..he notes her smile...elven smiles always did seem the prettiest in this form...* Quinnel to be specific, Arwen en amin.. *and he is obviously human...and humans very very rarely ever go into the High Elf capitol*
[29-14:29] dea2b, Garet Jax: (( I'll be bac in 2 - 3 hours... )) **gone**
[29-14:30] EXIT: Garet Jax has left the chat ( 3:29pm, April 29 (CDT) ).
[29-14:33] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[29-14:34] f96be, Will-o'-the-wisp: *hides her horse from ember*
[29-14:34] 45096, Ava Tinuviel : So, you know my kind well...I have nae ever been to the capitol..I am from a far region, another realm. The life of a wandering herbalist and healer is myne. ~She reached to the clasp of her cloak, fingering the green and white enamel pin held there...inscribed with two Oak leaves in a circle. It was more than decoration, the pin very rarely left her was no minor symbol.~
[29-14:35] ceea7, Ember : *nods slightly* I used to traverse those lands many years ago....Perhaps it has been too long...*seems to ponder this as he pours himself a glass of the distilled mushrooms*
[29-14:36] 57823, Roki: *burninates Ember*
[29-14:37] ceea7, Ember : (*is a fire immune to such patheric attempts at burnination*)
[29-14:37] 57823, Roki: fine then.... FANTA SHOKATTA !
[29-14:38] 45096, Ava Tinuviel : Too long? Too long for what? ~ A gentle inquirey she made, her small fingers patting his arm lightly in concern. Blue eyes shone in soft curiousity..she was a healer, and empathy was her strong suit.~
[29-14:38] ceea7, Ember : (*counter-spells a lvl 4 caster BWAH!*)
[29-14:38] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[29-14:38] JOIN: drako has entered.
[29-14:39] 45096, Ava Tinuviel : (~giggles and crawls under nearby table, as is a lvl nutthin caster)
[29-14:39] 57823, Roki: do i have to haul out the lvl 5s ?
[29-14:40] ceea7, Ember : *his arm feels cold and metallic from the chainmail that he wears, obviously elven in make..a gift not given to every Tom, Dick, and Sothicus....* I just havent been there in so long...I miss the beauty of the capitol...*he seems a bit wistful in these words but he shakes his head, sending a lock or two of his fiery red hair into his face*
[29-14:40] ceea7, Ember : (*drops the false form and steps on Roki* *wins*)
[29-14:40] c6c97, drako: *Soring in the air he searches for the dragon he had been chasing*
[29-14:41] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 3:38pm, April 29 (CDT) ).
[29-14:41] 45096, Ava Tinuviel : ~The softly clinking metal slides under her fingertips as she continues to pat.~ Then why do you nae return...for it has obviously affected you?
[29-14:42] JOIN: Caradonia has entered.
[29-14:43] ceea7, Ember : A long story... *he offers her a faint smile as he raises the glass of Dwarven spirits and takes a slow, controlled pull of the contents from the glass...the ammount drank in that one pull would be enough to rival most dwarves in their love of the stuff*
[29-14:43] f96be, Caradonia: *She awakes with a start, her slender form bolts upright in the bed, the covers falling off of her. Her face is draped in opaque bead of sweat and her eyes are wide with terror. She rubs sleep and the dream from her eyes then climbs out of bed*
[29-14:45] c6c97, drako: (location?)
[29-14:45] 45096, Ava Tinuviel : ~She nodded, wincing slightly...the amount drank in his one pull would have put her out cold for a week.~ It sounds perhaps...unsophisticated..but..I should be happy to hear your tale, sir..~Her thoughts continued..happy to hear your tale, provided you do nae faint in a drunken stupor.~`
[29-14:45] ceea7, Ember : ( Ninth Concentric Circle of Hell)
[29-14:45] 45096, Ava Tinuviel : ((Glimmering Inn))
[29-14:46] c6c97, drako: (passes through the nine gates)
[29-14:47] ceea7, Ember : *he smiles faintly, his hand patting hers lighty...or lightly as one could with a dragon's strength in a human body* I have put many bards under the table, whimpering like a scared child with my tale is rather long...
[29-14:48] f96be, Caradonia: *She pauses and looks at her reflection in the mirror. Her face, though pale, has two dots of high color. She sighs and pads over to the water bowel, the tattered ends of her night gown swirl at her feet*
[29-14:49] c6c97, drako: *begins circling high over rua*
[29-14:50] 45096, Ava Tinuviel : ~Eyes widen at the mild hand pummeling~ Eh, I was once a bard..when I was in hiding..~She lays her other hand on top of his, stilling the patting.~ Now..should ye wish to share, i'll listen to the tale..if ye do not, I'll tall you one of my own.
[29-14:50] f96be, Caradonia: ((*People begin to panic* *L))
[29-14:51] f96be, Caradonia: ((*snort* Bowel....Bowl))
[29-14:51] 45096, Ava Tinuviel : test
[29-14:51] 45096, Ava Tinuviel : test
[29-14:52] ceea7, Ember : I have always been a firm believer in the "ladies first" rule...*gently retracts her hand before taking another long, slow pull from his glass, setting the now empty container upon the table with a soundless gesture*
[29-14:52] ceea7, Ember : ((*lays waste to Rua*))
[29-14:53] 45096, Ava Tinuviel : Oh, very well..let me see..should you like a tale of happiness..or one..not so pleasant?
[29-14:54] ceea7, Ember : It matters not to me..I have seen enough of both to fill many bard's repitoires with epic stories...*gestures idly...seems far older than he looks...*
[29-14:56] f96be, Caradonia: *She washes up and gets dressed, wearing not the leathers that she plays her games in but In a simple cotten dress, the cloak thrown over top of it. After running a comb through her hair she opens the door, key in her pocket and walks downstairs, her stomach quietly growling*
[29-14:57] 45096, Ava Tinuviel : ~With a gentle tilt of her head, she began her tale..sweet voice lowered in concentration.~ I shall tell you of a man name Geldrudden..and his children. Now mind you, they were never really his, he had promised their parents he would see them educated, and cared for, if the boys were to come live with Geldrudden...he owned a high fortress, deep in the cold mountains. Many parents believed him, and thus, 12 "sons" he did acquire in short time..
[29-15:00] 45096, Ava Tinuviel : And he was true to his word, if one does not factor in that the spirit of his promise was never divulged fully. Each boy he taught with such determination..and when they did not accomplish enough, he 'modified ' them..gave each boy a gift..there was Malleus, the Hammer...Contego, the shield...Vox, the Voice..Umbra, the shadows...each boy possesing a gift of Geltrudden's making.
[29-15:01] f96be, Caradonia: *She notices two things. The first being the soft noise of people talking. The other thing that she notices is the smell of food. This holds her interest. With a hopeful look towards the kitchen she makes her way to a small table, close to a window*
[29-15:02] 45096, Ava Tinuviel : And that which they possesed..began to possess them..each boy growing into manhood, and out of humanity. The gifts ate at the owner, a parasite feeding and leaching away the soft and shy parts, consuming and devouring mercy and gentleness.
[29-15:03] ceea7, Ember : *listens with great interest, refilling his cup a moment, and nodding in his interest as he singals for some spiced potatoes to be brought to the table..a rather copious case the young bard/healer would want some too*
[29-15:05] f96be, Caradonia: *Spiced potatoes, sounds good, as does ham and everything else. She makes herself comfortable and and speaks out her order to the barmaid, her voice a low hum, almost demure if it wasnt for the glitter in her catlike eyes*
[29-15:05] ceea7, Ember : (*eats Caradonia and her horse*)
[29-15:05] 45096, Ava Tinuviel : And now, these "gifted" men..mighty mages all...walk the lands, a blight and a terror..the 8 that remain are nae more than scourges ...resorting to all forms of evil. And Geltrudden follows them, watching his experiment in education gone all awry..helpless to turn the tidal wave of malice that he has let loose..
[29-15:05] f96be, Caradonia: ((Gosh darnitt eat your potatoes!!))
[29-15:07] ceea7, Ember : That is quite sad indeed...*nods sagely...his eyes seem to carry the knowledge and wisdom that comes with living for still appears to be no older than thirty by the look of him...* ((But you need meat with taters...))
[29-15:08] f96be, Caradonia: ((Ever hear of cattle? they are GREAT with potatoes ))
[29-15:08] f96be, Caradonia: *She only caught the tail end of the tale but thats enough to awaken her curiosity. She looks towards their table while brushes back a heavy lock of hair*
[29-15:09] 45096, Ava Tinuviel : It will be far less sad when I finish killing the remaining eight..~She nibbled a potato and nodded solemnly~
[29-15:10] f96be, Caradonia: ((brushing....God..I dont know why I bother ..ugh))
[29-15:11] ceea7, Ember : *nods as he begins eating a forkfull of the precut spicy potatoe cubes from the platter set before him* This the best place to get these spiced potatoes...*adds in idly before turning his eyes upon her* Have you ever heard the legend...or rather..the true tale of Sothicus Aurelius?
[29-15:12] 45096, Ava Tinuviel : Nae, I have not...but I should like to hear it.
[29-15:13] f96be, Caradonia: *Indeed and she gets her own plate with the potatoes and the ham and Oooh! mushrooms fried in butter(I'm extreamly hungry) She gets this almost feral look on her face, look ready to chase after the meal instead of sitting like a lady. She dosent though. She asks for a mug of milk and begins digging in*
[29-15:13] f96be, Caradonia: ((looking)
[29-15:18] ceea7, Ember : *is rather shocked at this and it even those of Elven blood know the fall of Sothicus Aurelius...* He was a knight many many years of the most recognized members of the famed Order of the Rose. He had a mighty keep and his own lands off in the east...and everywhere evil had dared to plan an would be met with the swift hand of divine justice ingrown in him...well...*his eyes get a really far off he had lived during this time..and knows the story well* The night it happened...was a very bleak one indeed...a fell storm seemed to rage and hate its way over the lands surrounding the fortress of Aurelesium..and he was returning from putting down a goblin uprising near what is now Krondor....he had been away for almost 3 quarters of a year...and he was all too happy to be home.. He had a beautiful elven priestess...and she had bore him a son in his his absence...his wife's former handmaiden whispered evil things in his mind...and poisoned it..leading him to believe that his wife...his love...had been unfaithful to him...
[29-15:22] 45096, Ava Tinuviel : ~She nodded, listening in soft silence. The tale she knew not..had never heard it within the walls of Enchantica.~
[29-15:26] ceea7, Ember : This burned in his mind...for..he being the man he was..betrayal was the most unforgiveable of any sin mortals could commit...when he had arrived home..and crossed the drawbridge of the keep...his wife was waiting for him she always did when he returned from being away for so long. She smiled, and embraced him, and he did the same to her. It was a most happy homecoming. His beloved wife, Eseria was her name, took his hand and led him back to the nursery, where his seed...his heir lay sleeping in a bassinet. Sothicus looked upon his son, and denied his paternity, to him, the sleeping babe looked so unlike him it must've been someone elses... and he stormed off in a fury the likes of which have never been seen upon Bettenchi before or since then. Eseria, devastated that her husband would deny his own flesh and blood, followed him, pleading for him to take another look...the babe's face was that of his own when he was but a child...she was certain of it... He condemned her for her lies...and struck..his sword cleared its sheath and screamed through the air as it bit into her chest, impaling her heart and killing her. As her blood stained the pristine marble floor of the keep...the heavens -raged-...the ground split and cracked as if wracked by a massive earthquake...and he, his personal guard, and the entire keep were consumed in abysmal fires... The ruined keep of Aurelesium still stands today...surrounded by a wasteland of ice and bitter hateful cold. does the Lord of the Keep...cursed into his armor...which still bears the mark of the Rose, though now it is blackened beyond all belief...thus...he became Knight of the Black Rose...a creature of unspeakable damnation...cursed to live for one year for each day he stole from his beloved wife's life.
[29-15:30] 45096, Ava Tinuviel : And what of the babe? What of he?~She leaned closer, being a mother herself, it is where her thoughts had instantly lept.~
[29-15:31] ceea7, Ember : It died in the inferno that consumed the keep.
[29-15:32] ceea7, Ember : *he begins eating more of the spicy potatoes, savoring their taste even as they burn the senstive skin of his human tongue...a curse of being in this form...but...the advantages far outweigh the drawbacks for the moment...he the reachs for his cup and drains the cup completely*
[29-15:35] 45096, Ava Tinuviel : ..Horrible...But, if all is it you know the tale, sir?
[29-15:37] ceea7, Ember : *smiles and shakes his head as he swallows a mouthful of spiced potatoes* Forgive me Arwen en Amin...but we all have our secrets...
[29-15:38] 45096, Ava Tinuviel : Forgiven..of course..~She leans back, softly exhaling the pent up stress that had burdened her small form.~
[29-15:42] ceea7, Ember : *he offers her the rest of the platter of spiced potatoes...he had eaten 3/4s of it and seems currently sated...he must have the appetite of a dragon*
[29-15:44] 45096, Ava Tinuviel : Thank you..~She daintily ate from the platter, occationally glancing up to him~ So, where do ye hail from?
[29-15:45] ceea7, Ember : I have no set home..I suffer from a case of Omnipresence...*smiles faintly...he is a wander in otherwords...but he must've done something worth while for the Elves to gift him such a fine suit of armor*
[29-15:48] 45096, Ava Tinuviel : A fellow nomad, then? My Eleor and i are also suffering from that condition...~She looked him over once more, not wishing to pry..but..decided to ask anyway~ You claim to have spent time with the elves..tell me..have ye heard of the Danneskjolds?
[29-15:49] ceea7, Ember : It sounds familiar...but it has been a great many years.,..
[29-15:50] 45096, Ava Tinuviel : Ahh, they were a small family of elven enchanters..I thought perhaps ye might have known them..~She shook her head lightly~ Have you ever seen Enchantica, then, ruled by King Fargo it is..a lovely land.
[29-15:51] ceea7, Ember : Sadly no. Most of my travles in elven woods were restricted to Quinnel.
[29-15:53] 45096, Ava Tinuviel : Ah, Enchantica is nae elven...tis home to all..sadly..that means a fair number of the world's idiots claim it as their home..
[29-15:54] ceea7, Ember : How sad indeed...
[29-15:55] 45096, Ava Tinuviel : ~She chuckled and punched him lightly in a good natured gesture.~ Ahh..tis nae so bad...village fools can be fun!
[29-15:57] ceea7, Ember : *wouldnt normally allow such contact with him...but he allows it this once...* And an annoyance...more often an annoyance.
[29-15:59] 45096, Ava Tinuviel : Well true..but for me to say that would only reinforce the belief that all elves think themselves superior..
[29-16:00] ceea7, Ember : is the general stereotype...
[29-16:03] 45096, Ava Tinuviel : but a well nurtured one, I believe..sad to say..
[29-16:04] ceea7, Ember : *chuckles is a booming, rumbling chuckle that seems to shake ribcages with its sound*
[29-16:06] 45096, Ava Tinuviel : ~She jumped slightly, the laugh startling her somewhat.~ I am glad to have talked with you...but it grows late..and I must seek out my Eleor.
[29-16:08] ceea7, Ember : *nods* But of course...Tenna' ento lye omenta
[29-16:09] 45096, Ava Tinuviel : ~She stood, whispering a healers blessing over him.~ May thy journey be safe, swift and have love to greet you at the end of each day..
[29-16:09] EXIT: Ava Tinuviel has left the chat ( 5:09pm, April 29 (CDT) ).
[29-16:11] f96be, Caradonia: ((*cracks neck*__
[29-16:38] JOIN: Finvolin has entered.
[29-16:58] JOIN: Zaeth has entered.
[29-16:58] b5529, Zaeth: cara
[29-17:04] b5529, Zaeth: grrr missed again....*haunts*
[29-17:07] JOIN: Liz has entered.
[29-17:07] ebddc, Liz: Hello, fello ghost
[29-17:07] ebddc, Liz: fellow
[29-17:09] b5529, Zaeth: hey liz
[29-17:10] b5529, Zaeth: grr did you get my im?
[29-17:12] b5529, Zaeth: *looks at motd* ewwwwwwww
[29-17:12] 3ab61, Liz: No
[29-17:12] b5529, Zaeth: how about now?
[29-17:15] b5529, Zaeth: who else is here?
[29-17:15] b5529, Zaeth: liz?
[29-17:18] b5529, Zaeth : *haunts again*
[29-17:18] 3ab61, Liz: Boo
[29-17:19] b5529, Zaeth : AAAkkkkkkk
[29-17:22] b5529, Zaeth : why'd ya do that?
[29-17:22] ebddc, Liz: I'm a ghost
[29-17:23] b5529, Illisse Brilthor : ok changed chars...
[29-17:23] b5529, Illisse Brilthor : oh great...*rattles chains*
[29-17:30] b5529, Illisse Brilthor : *knows there is lurkers* *makes spookiy noises*
[29-17:35] b5529, Illisse Brilthor : Liz....i cant stay and be chat ghost .....i need PEOPLE.....
[29-17:36] ebddc, Liz: So do I..
[29-17:36] b5529, Illisse Brilthor : *beats bushes to find some*
[29-17:37] 52896, Liz: *helps*
[29-17:38] 57823, Roki: can i beat on your bush now ? *whaps people with lead pipes*
[29-17:40] 3ab61, Liz: Clean thoughts!!!
[29-17:40] b5529, Illisse Brilthor : hey Roki...thought that'd bring you out of hiding
[29-17:42] b5529, Illisse Brilthor : why Liz...where ever is your mind today..????
[29-17:43] JOIN: Z has entered.
[29-17:45] 8ea97, Liz: You don't want to know
[29-17:45] b5529, Illisse Brilthor : i can probably door neighbor
[29-17:46] b5529, Illisse Brilthor : oh grrr ive only got a few more minutes...library closing
[29-17:46] ebddc, Liz: Hehe..
[29-17:48] b5529, Illisse Brilthor : hope pc gets back tomorrow..
[29-17:50] b5529, Illisse Brilthor : *hugs everyone and goes back to her lonely lonely house*
[29-17:50] EXIT: Illisse Brilthor has left the chat ( 6:50pm, April 29 (CDT) ).
[29-17:52] 94c70, Z: *pounces Liz*
[29-17:52] 8ea97, Liz: Eee!
[29-17:53] 94c70, Z: Mwah
[29-17:54] 168f8, Liz: *runs*
[29-17:55] 94c70, Z: *chases*
[29-17:56] 3ab61, Liz: Mommy!!!
[29-18:00] JOIN: Finvolin has entered.
[29-18:01] 44293, Finvolin : (Test)
[29-18:01] 44293, Finvolin : (Test)
[29-18:01] 44293, Finvolin : (Test)
[29-18:03] 44293, Finvolin : (And pic test)
[29-18:04] 44293, Finvolin : (And pic test)
[29-18:05] 8ea97, Liz: Cool
[29-18:06] 94c70, Z: *sleeps*
[29-18:07] 44293, Finvolin : (Eh.. pic test again)
[29-18:08] 94c70, Z: That one's already used by someone.
[29-18:10] JOIN: Finvolin has entered.
[29-18:11] JOIN: Cherrie StreamDancer has entered.
[29-18:11] 14411, Cherrie StreamDancer: *steps in, looking about. her eyes shinning in the light given off* Um.. hello?
[29-18:13] 14411, Cherrie StreamDancer: *stands still, looking about* Strange place...
[29-18:14] 44293, Finvolin : (Test)
[29-18:15] 44293, Finvolin : (There. BBL)
[29-18:15] EXIT: Finvolin has left the chat ( 7:15pm, April 29 (CDT) ).
[29-18:32] EXIT: Liz has left the chat ( 7:05pm, April 29 (CDT) ).
[29-19:38] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[29-19:38] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 8:38pm, April 29 (CDT) ).
[29-19:40] JOIN: Axis has entered.
[29-19:41] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[29-20:09] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[29-20:09] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 9:09pm, April 29 (CDT) ).
[29-20:10] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[29-20:10] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 9:10pm, April 29 (CDT) ).
[29-20:11] JOIN: Axis has entered.
[29-20:19] a26fa, Axis : ((*sigh*))
[29-20:34] JOIN: Polaris13 has entered.
[29-20:35] c88f9, Polaris13 : ((o.O No one's here.))
[29-20:35] c88f9, Polaris13 : ((Rar...))
[29-20:36] a26fa, Axis : ((beyond me you mean?))
[29-20:36] c88f9, Polaris13 : ((ORANGES!! "Man alive, I love me some high school girls...especially when they're in gym shorts!"~some guy in "AzuManga Daioh"))
[29-20:37] c88f9, Polaris13 : ((Woah, you disappeared from the names at the right on my computer.))
[29-20:37] c88f9, Polaris13 : ((Woah, you disappeared from the names at the right on my computer.))
[29-20:37] c88f9, Polaris13 : ((Woah, you disappeared from the names at the right on my computer.))
[29-20:37] c88f9, Polaris13 : ((Woah, you disappeared from the names at the right on my computer.))
[29-20:37] c88f9, Polaris13 : ((Woah, you disappeared from the names at the right on my computer.))
[29-20:37] c88f9, Polaris13 : ((Woah, you disappeared from the names at the right on my computer.))
[29-20:37] c88f9, Polaris13 : ((Woah, you disappeared from the names at the right on my computer.))
[29-20:37] c88f9, Polaris13 : ((WOah. oo; Um. Oops.))
[29-20:38] a26fa, Axis : ((*RaE*))
[29-20:39] c88f9, Polaris13 : ((huh? wow I tried typing something after I hit the post button after writing that and that happened.))
[29-20:40] c88f9, Polaris13 : ((*watching Titan AE*))
[29-20:41] a26fa, Axis : ((ah))
[29-20:43] c88f9, Polaris13 : ((I think I will it is late. Later.))
[29-20:43] c88f9, Polaris13 : ((plus I have another chat up.))
[29-20:44] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[29-20:45] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 9:44pm, April 29 (CDT) ).
[29-20:46] JOIN: Lok has entered.
[29-20:46] EXIT: Polaris13 has left the chat ( 9:43pm, April 29 (CDT) ).
[29-20:50] a26fa, Lok : ((humph))
[29-21:40] JOIN: Charis has entered.
[29-21:40] 14196, Charis: (Test)
[29-21:47] 14196, Charis: *The gentle salty breeze brushes past her shoulders, her locks dancing within the breeze. The feeling of the sand under her feet is as soft as walking on furs, but as warm as cooling down coals. Strange world that surrounds her, but she keeps padding along. The grass brushes against her toes and the dirt squishes inbetween them. Walking away from the ocean afar, and into the world to explore. She adorns a white makeshift skirt, that is torn around the edges and tied together with rope. It is of a wrecked ship sail, part of that ripped sail is tied around her breasts, in a makeshift tube type bra/shirt. She is slender, eerily bueatiful, and something is odd about her.*
[29-21:51] 14196, Charis: *Her hands clasped to the side in tight fists, her nails coming close to piercing her soft flesh inside her palms. Her eyes tell of a sad tale with a mixture of seething anger.* *Her soft pale painted lips pursed together in a lustful pout. She looks beyound the trees and sees the magnificent mountains, the darkening sky. It is getting late, night has fallen and the crickets sing their lullabies. She stops as she enters the wood, and shuts her aquamarine eyes, tilts her head to the side and listens to the crickets and locusts of the night, and the winds bueatiful melody*
[29-21:55] 14196, Charis: *The melody rushes through her ears, soothing her with its hypnotic verses. She opens her eyes, only to be stung with tears. She takes a deep breath, holding the rideing emotions that electricute her very soul.**She takes a step as her foot falls upon the soft grassy ground, and continues her journey to a destination unknown set before her*
[29-22:58] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[29-23:12] JOIN: Liz has entered.
[29-23:12] a3c96, Liz: Whoa..
[29-23:16] 34b54, Roki: wooo
[29-23:16] 52896, Liz: Roki! *tackles*
[29-23:17] 34b54, Roki: *tackled, rolls*
[29-23:17] ebddc, Liz: How are you?
[29-23:19] 34b54, Roki: *shrugs*
[29-23:19] 168f8, Liz: Same
[29-23:21] 34b54, Roki: seems to be the theme these days
[29-23:22] 168f8, Liz: Well, with all this excitement, how can it be anything else
[29-23:22] 168f8, Liz: ?
[29-23:25] 34b54, Roki: indeed
[29-23:36] ebddc, Liz: *reads*
[29-23:54] JOIN: Joey has entered.
[29-23:55] ebddc, Liz: *pounces*
[29-23:56] e286c, Joey: *molests*
[29-23:57] 3ab61, Liz: Ack
[30-00:08] 168f8, Averey Lithle : *struggles to break free of his hold, panic running through every muscle in her body*
[30-00:11] e286c, Curst Diablos : *his arms open up pushing her to the ground. The ground is moist with water. dripping can be seen from the cavern top. candles litter the areas where nothing drips. his red eyes blaze* dident i tell you . i would have you and who is here to save you? where is your gargoyal army?
[30-00:15] 8ea97, Averey Lithle : *whirls to face him, picking herself up* They will come. My friends will come and you'll pay.
[30-00:17] e286c, Curst Diablos : and how will they find you? your 30 feet under ground. the tunnel to get to this Cavern is around 5 miles long and a maze. it would take them days * he looks down at her as he takes off his cloak. big yellow fange protrude from his mouth as he looks at her. a twisted smile platered to his face*
[30-00:21] JOIN: Charis has entered.
[30-00:22] 3ab61, Averey Lithle : ***Pause***
[30-00:22] EXIT: Averey Lithle has left the chat ( 1:22am, April 30 (CDT) ).
[30-00:23] e286c, Joey: *hum de dum*
[30-00:25] 14196, Charis: *Has been walking for what seems hours in this night bitten forest. Her feet ache from the cuts that have torn her soft underbelly of her foot. Sticks, thorns, and little needle bugs she came across within her journey. Even her makeshift skirt has more snaggles then what it had before* *She grows wearier with hungry and fatigue, not used to the slow travels that the common folk of the land use. She decides to rest upon a rock, resting her hands across her bare midriff. She looks amongst the bushes, as she smells such a new smell, smell of fresh berries sprouting off a nearby leafy green bush* *She extends her hands and cups her fingers around the leaves, plucking one of the purplish red berries from the twig*
[30-00:27] 14196, Charis: *So small, but bursting with the juices it contains. He examines it as it lays betwixt index and thumb, squeezing it ever so gently as so it will not burst. She places it between her lips and draws in the berry into her mouth, and bites down softly. Her eyes go wide, and her lips pucker at the bittersweet taste that bursted into her mouth* *She swallows with a satisfied smile on her face, plucking yet another berry off the bush, eating it as well*
[30-00:28] e286c, Amroth : *is accualy very close to where Charis is. his body staying low within the trees for risk of being seen by humans. they hate our kind it seems these days. orange eyes stay closed for the most part. his scaled hide rips up the ground as he lays there. listing to her every move.*
[30-00:31] 14196, Charis: *She must of consumed a large amount of berries for her stomach was getting quite full and making her grow tired.* *She opens her mouth to yawn, as silent as a tree stump. No sound emits from this woman. Her body ripples on the inside, at the feeling of being watched. But what with being in the forest, it was almost expected.* *She looked around the area, the only light that allows her to see is her vision and the moon and starlight*
[30-00:33] e286c, Amroth : *he stays silent. for the most part though he dose breath and being a dragon its a deep rumbiling* *his orang eyes scan the area where he heard the bushes moving and the soft stepping of a biped*
[30-00:37] 14196, Charis: *She definatly heard that, close by breathing. Her chin lifts up, and her aquamarine gaze scans the woodland area. She rises on her bleeding and scabbed feet, her ears perked at the sound as if zoning in, she takes a few steps forward, brushing a tree limb out of her way* *The woman looks odd, not as a normal human would appear to be* *Her feet bare, her blondish-green tinted hair down towards the middle of her backside. She wears a strip of ripped white ship sail as a top just to cover her breasts, and a makeshift white sail skirt, tied with a rope, it slitted down hip to leg, exposing her bare legs. She, barely covered, but what that would matter to a dragon?**Just giving the visual!*
[30-00:43] e286c, Amroth : ** visual = good** *his eyes move quickly to take in her sight. as she would get closer the air temp would begin to fall. as he is a ice dragon. the orange eyes blink and he lets out a cold deep breath towards her *
[30-00:47] 14196, Charis: *Her skin prickles up into goosebumps as the chill hits her, but it doesn't bother her as much, has lived in quite cold "weather" herself**The breath of the dragon acts as wind and stirs her hair just a tad as if it was being rustled by a chill night breeze**She sees an orange eye blink, as she almost knocks right into it. She is taken aback, and takes a few steps backward. Hand automatically going to her chest, and mouth gaping just a tad, as if she was a maiden in distress. Her stomach flutters with the mixture of excitement, then sees the mighty dragon before her. A soft smile touches her pale painted lips, and a tilt of her head out of curiosity. She removes her hand off her chest, and outstretches her long fingers to the beast**For another visual inbetween her fingers is a bit more skin than a normal would have. As if webbing, lick a ducky!*
[30-00:47] 14196, Charis: (like not lick)
[30-00:53] e286c, Amroth : *he sits there breathing.. taking in all the deatails of her body he shuffels his head a little at the touch. the massive meaty tail moves about behind him wraping around his body and laying behind the woman. if she looked close at the tail it would be split but also bladed.* *the massive orange eye blinks again*
[30-00:55] 14196, Charis: *She dosn't budge as the beast moves, she feels a gust of wind from the thud of the tail, she looks over her shoulder to see the forked tail. She just overlooking this and looking back towards the main part of the beast. She gently rolls her fingers along the beast's cheek in a petting motion, not even registering she could be in the slightest of dangers**Has seen these beasts fly over her home, and thought they were the most magnificent. But to see the ones of the sky upclose...absolutly marvels her**She has a serene smile, but her movements are always those of seduction, not wanting to seduce the animal, just the way she and her kind are*
[30-00:58] e286c, Amroth : you are of the mer? *his deep voice rumbles from inside his chest. the words accualy blow towards her. a much stronger gust than of his breathing*
[30-00:59] e286c, Amroth : (( my posts are soo short compaired to yours ))
[30-01:00] 14196, Charis: (*laughs* its okay, im so awake at this late time, and im like..typing too fast..sorry! hehe..and how you guess her species so quickly! damn you hehe...she's still pending though, don't think the admins looked at my reg form yet..mrf)
[30-01:01] e286c, Amroth : (( the webbing. and plus dragon = creature of wisdom ))
[30-01:02] 14196, Charis: *She steps back, her foot grazing its tail, and she hisses at the stinging feeling her wounded feet bring her. She looks at the beast and nods her head very enthusiasticly. She bounces the best she can on her heels, without collapsing in pain. Her hands waving wildly with motions, attempting to communicate**She has yet to speak*
[30-01:04] e286c, Amroth : Why are you out of the oceans and away from the mer citys? *he russels his body about and pulling his mighty weight upon his 4 feet. spreading out his wings. as he streaches infront of of the mer*
[30-01:08] 14196, Charis: *She furrows her brow, and her aquamarine eyes line with tears. She looks back over her shoulder, where the ocean still can be heard from afar. Her hand reaching to her throat, grasping it, looking back to the dragon. How can she communicate without her bueatiful voice. She opens her mouth wide, pointing her finger towards her throat, then making a floating away motion with her hands. Trying to say she can not speak, or lost her voice.* *With each time he talks, the wind blows her hair around and she squints her eyes at the horrid breath. She huffs out a breath for a sigh, can't even do that..she kneels down into a crouch, pouting with her lustful lush lips and hugging her knees. *
[30-01:11] e286c, Amroth : hmmm. why dont you return? but im sorry to say i must take my leave for now * he turns his massive body and begins to take off into the forest* ((ill be back i need to go get food ))
[30-01:11] 14196, Charis: (okies, i should be on for a little bit more, getting tired)
[30-01:12] e286c, Amroth : (( what happen to your energy ?? ok ill be back ))
[30-01:12] 14196, Charis: *She looks up from her perch and rises to her feet, extending her hand shaking her head, the only thing she's communicated with since her start of her journey.* *She shaking her head, trying to emphasize 'No, don't leave' but her shoulders slump and she kicks a rock out of fustration* (Have no idea!)
[30-01:13] e286c, Amroth : (( BRB ))
[30-01:16] 14196, Charis: *She walks over to a nearby tree and slumps downwards untill her feet fall out from infront of her. Thud, she goes down on her bum, her feet oozing with dirt and blood. She brings her foot up, holding the ankle, and running her finger along the cuts, wincing. Curse these twiggy legs and feet! So much easier to manuever without them. She has no clue how those discusting land folk do it. She reaches back to the small of her back, and feels for her sharpened seashell that is fastened within the rope. She shimmies it free, and brings it around to her front. She takes the end of the sail, and tears off a chunk of cloth. Then shredding it into bandage strips*
[30-01:19] 14196, Charis: *She returns her seashell to the holding place she made for it, and fastens it behind her so she does not loose it. She then takes the white strips of cloth, and ties four pieces around each foot, and tieing them off as tight as she can, without cutting off circulation**After she does this, it begins to slowly soak through with blood, but to her, it feels a tad bit better.* *She then looks across to her to the other side of the wood, slumping her shoulders and arms inbetween her legs**What to do, and where to go*
[30-01:22] 14196, Charis: *Fatigue taking over, she gives up for the night, and listens to the creatures of the night, and the song of the winds, lull her to a dreamless sleep* (sorry, i got sucked from me quickly. Be on tommorrow!))
[30-01:24] 14196, Charis: ~*~ Do I look like the ugly seawitch to you?~*~
[30-01:24] EXIT: Charis has left the chat ( 2:24am, April 30 (CDT) ).
[30-01:43] JOIN: Joey has entered.
[30-02:25] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[30-02:27] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 3:25am, April 30 (CDT) ).
[30-07:32] JOIN: Axis has entered.
[30-07:32] cce63, Axis : ((any one about?))
[30-07:34] cce63, Axis : ((hmmm. It's during the day...and I'm at it figures I'm alone...bah))
[30-07:39] cce63, Axis : ((one of theses days I will kill every last one of you.))
[30-07:48] EXIT: Axis has left the chat ( 8:39am, April 30 (CDT) ).
[30-09:02] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[30-09:06] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[30-09:08] 34b54, Roki:
[30-09:14] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[30-09:14] f96be, Will-o'-the-wisp: roar
[30-10:14] JOIN: Zaeth has entered.
[30-10:14] b5529, Zaeth: good morning
[30-10:15] JOIN: Zaeth has entered.
[30-10:27] 34b54, Roki: *falls over*
[30-10:28] ceea7, Palladia Mors : *had pushed Roki over* o/
[30-10:28] b5529, Zaeth:
[30-10:29] b5529, Zaeth: *looks down at the floor* what are you doing down there?
[30-10:34] b5529, Zaeth: *shakes her head, looks around .......dies laughing*......motd
[30-10:38] b5529, Zaeth: *picks Roki up off the floor*
[30-10:50] b5529, Zaeth: *lurks*
[30-10:52] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[30-11:23] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[30-11:24] b5529, Zaeth: Cara you here?
[30-11:37] b5529, Zaeth: **gone**
[30-11:37] EXIT: Zaeth has left the chat ( 12:37pm, April 30 (CDT) ).
[30-11:40] JOIN: Charis has entered.
[30-11:44] JOIN: Garet Jax has entered.
[30-11:44] 5025e, Garet Jax: Hello...
[30-11:45] 213a3, Charis: ~*[Dream]*~ *It's a stormy night, the sea is thrashing and the air is filled with horrible chanting. Bueatiful music mixes through the air with the evil of the humans. ''Charis, Charis, get down!" the cries of the others beckon her to saftey but she does not hear their pleas. She opens her eyes to see a flash of light, searing pain from her chest up to her lips burn and tear her apart. The shrill ear piercing scream, that would even make a banshee quake rips through the sky and then....a flash of light!* ~*[Now to Reality]*~ *She opens her eyes only to be blinded by the sunlight and stumbles to her knees, her breathing ragid and her arms shaking with fear. It was just a dream, but a nightmare that will haunt her for eternity. She swallows, and lets out a breath of relief, and looks about to the forest before her* *Her feet burn as they heal the best they can, she comes to sit on her bum, and looks at her bandaged feet that have dirt and blood stains on them* (Ello!)