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[13-11:32] 57823, Roki: No. Your plan doesnt rule. You.. are an idiot. Mab made her ruling. she is the CHAT MASTER.. live with her ruling
[13-11:32] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[13-11:32] JOIN: Deke Menion has entered.
[13-11:33] MSG: Alec Avery sent a message to Illisse Brilthor.
[13-11:34] 83c89, Will-o'-the-wisp: *sees Mab as the mother, and Palladia Mors as the father...and one needs to dish out a spanking.* Heh.
[13-11:34] MSG: Illisse Brilthor sent a message to Alec Avery.
[13-11:35] MSG: Alec Avery sent a message to Illisse Brilthor.
[13-11:36] b8a89, Lt.Hagget : ((Ah, fukc it, sorry Alec, I'm not really down with this room.))
[13-11:36] EXIT: Lt.Hagget has left the chat ( 12:36pm, April 13 (CDT) ).
[13-11:36] MSG: Illisse Brilthor sent a message to Alec Avery.
[13-11:36] b5167, Mab : Go with the ruling, Vince. You can always make a new character.
[13-11:37] a6f5c, Alec Avery : ((Aight, bro...shall we roll out?*chuckle*give me a second.I wish to get myself banned))
[13-11:37] MSG: Mab sent a message to Alec Avery.
[13-11:37] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[13-11:38] MSG: Illisse Brilthor sent a message to Alec Avery.
[13-11:39] a6f5c, Alec Avery : ((Ahem.....let the banning begin.....BAN ME MOTHER SUCKERS!))
[13-11:40] 57823, Roki: *sigh*
[13-11:40] b5167, Mab : For what?
[13-11:41] a6f5c, Alec Avery : ((I demand such.....BAN BAN BAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!))
[13-11:41] 83c89, Will-o'-the-wisp:
[13-11:41] 57823, Roki: *trigger finger itches*
[13-11:41] ceea7, Palladia Mors : Poor little lad...the Army removed what was left of his intelligence
[13-11:41] 83c89, Will-o'-the-wisp: *can't help but laugh at the 'Mother Suckers'*
[13-11:42] 57823, Roki: Army is a bunch of wimps anyway.. Marines are the way to go
[13-11:42] 57823, Roki: Aint Ready to be a Marine Yet :-D
[13-11:42] 1fb43, Illisse Brilthor : alec.......IM please?
[13-11:42] ceea7, Palladia Mors : Damn skippy
[13-11:42] 83c89, Will-o'-the-wisp: *nods fully to Roki, but then smacks the sheezy outta her for having the Nazi symbol as her icon.* What the hell?
[13-11:43] 57823, Roki: *isnt a her*
[13-11:43] ceea7, Palladia Mors : *L* You called Roki a she
[13-11:43] ceea7, Palladia Mors : Roki is an amorphous blob of Nazi-ness
[13-11:43] 83c89, Will-o'-the-wisp: Him, bad, heh.
[13-11:43] 57823, Roki: i should go all SEIG HIEL on you fer that one
[13-11:43] 57823, Roki: *marches around and burns books*
[13-11:43] b5167, Mab : *L*
[13-11:43] a6f5c, Alec Avery : ((*smirks at Will-o*Indeed the army took all intelligence...I live to fight and die but back to subject.Steve is a net freak that cant hold a relationship to save his life and Roki lives in fantasy only because his life holds no other purpose))
[13-11:44] 83c89, Will-o'-the-wisp: Damn...I'm half hating you...if I were Polish, AND jewish...that woulda been it.
[13-11:44] 1d667, Chewie: Mors I don't think the army had anything to do with that. He lost it before then.
[13-11:44] ceea7, Palladia Mors : I'm Russian and Jewish..but then again...I am also German
[13-11:44] 57823, Roki: Roki has more of a life than Vince does. no questions asked.
[13-11:44] 83c89, Will-o'-the-wisp: Damn...Alec just got personal..
[13-11:45] 57823, Roki: and if i live in fantasy 'cuz my life has no other purpose.. then why are you here ?
[13-11:45] 83c89, Will-o'-the-wisp: Damn you Mors! *flicks off all nazi's, but alas, he is polish and german.* Gah..I can't win...
[13-11:45] ceea7, Palladia Mors : He's trying to get banned
[13-11:45] ceea7, Palladia Mors : I'm also Irish/Scotch/Italian and Cherokee
[13-11:46] a6f5c, Alec Avery : ((Oh yeah?Which one of us is in the army?Fighting a war...oh yeah me!you just live online....))
[13-11:46] 83c89, Will-o'-the-wisp: Well thats almost sounds like hes hiding behind something..
[13-11:46] ceea7, Palladia Mors : Thats because we were smart enough to let some dumb grunt do our fighting for us
[13-11:46] 57823, Roki: you Joined the army 'cuz you figured it would be a free ride. you've done nothing but 'by bitch I mean I love you'ed at the fact you got sent to the Mid-East.
[13-11:46] a6f5c, Alec Avery : ((Me?Nothing better to at the time since I am stuck on a sheezy ass base waiting for a flight to Germany))
[13-11:47] 57823, Roki: yes.. he's hiding behind the fact that he was online more than I am before he got sent.
[13-11:48] 83c89, Will-o'-the-wisp: Would someone just ban him before he makes anymore of an ass out of himself?
[13-11:48] a6f5c, Alec Avery : ((Why is that Roki?Because I lived and you didn't?Yes...I was stationed on B.I.A.P.......Just because you cant soldier dont get mad at me))
[13-11:48] ceea7, Palladia Mors : But then we'd lose our village idiot
[13-11:49] 83c89, Will-o'-the-wisp: Anyone can be a Soldier Alec...just because you are, doesn't make you any better...we all chose our lives.
[13-11:49] a6f5c, Alec Avery : ((I have not yet begone to ass myself....this is mild))
[13-11:49] 57823, Roki: i'm not getting mad. and if i wanted to Soldier i would join up. but alas.. i dont feel like joining the military. I've better things to do
[13-11:49] ceea7, Palladia Mors : Sad part is..he's right...he cant have his he makes an ass out of himself to get banned
[13-11:50] a6f5c, Alec Avery : ((Actually no....many people cant, those people get kicked out of basic training under a "Failure to reform" ))
[13-11:50] JOIN: Liz has entered.
[13-11:50] 57823, Roki: many ? hardly.
[13-11:50] 83c89, Will-o'-the-wisp: Its actually a psychiatric situation...he can't be happy, therefore he sabotages everything around him.
[13-11:50] 57823, Roki: and Vince.. within 6 months i might have a higher security clearance than you'll ever hope to have. kthxbye
[13-11:51] b5167, Mab : Failure to Adapt is the term.
[13-11:51] ceea7, Palladia Mors : And jsut to let you know..the Army has the lowest minium score for the ASVAB..any Tom, Dick or Vince can get in
[13-11:51] a6f5c, Alec Avery : Yes A.I.T. I was in a class of 30 and only 8 of us graduated.
[13-11:52] 57823, Roki: AIT..slightly different than BASIC TRAINING
[13-11:52] 1d667, Chewie: That's because they need idiots to be the grunts Mors.
[13-11:52] a6f5c, Alec Avery : Except you, tubby*smirks at Steve*You must be able to do 2 miles in a minimum of 16:30 seconds 35 push ups and 47 sit ups in 2 minutes.
[13-11:53] a6f5c, Alec Avery : ((All the same to me....AIT has Drill Sergeant also.
[13-11:53] b5167, Mab : I was having a bad day and just scored horrible on the asvab with really stupid mistakes that I certainly knew better on and I got in. Wheee!
[13-11:53] ceea7, Palladia Mors : That's right.. I am tubby.. I am 6'3 and 320 lbs....big flarkin deal...I still get laid more than you can ever hope to
[13-11:54] 83c89, Will-o'-the-wisp: LOL@Mors
[13-11:54] 57823, Roki: Men dont count Steve *smirk*
[13-11:54] 83c89, Will-o'-the-wisp: Well now if this is a laying contest, don't get me started..
[13-11:54] a6f5c, Alec Avery : Actually no....1 I have a uniform and 2 I am stationed in Germany for Garrison....need I say more?
[13-11:54] 83c89, Will-o'-the-wisp: LOL!!!@Roki...daaaaamn
[13-11:54] ceea7, Palladia Mors : Damn... and here I was thinkin I was da pimp daddy supreme
[13-11:54] 57823, Roki: Garrison duty in Germany... *rotflmao*
[13-11:54] 1d667, Chewie: Oh yes we all know the women love men in uniform.... NOT!
[13-11:55] b5167, Mab : *dies*
[13-11:55] a6f5c, Alec Avery : Even Mab couldn't cut the military life...she never even finished a full contract..Oooo
[13-11:55] 83c89, Will-o'-the-wisp: *pets Mab*
[13-11:55] 83c89, Will-o'-the-wisp: Ouch...
[13-11:55] 57823, Roki: did she ever have to ? No
[13-11:55] 1d667, Chewie: *Hugs Mab.*
[13-11:55] b5167, Mab : *petted*
[13-11:56] b5167, Mab : *hugged*
[13-11:56] a6f5c, Alec Avery : It's sad when a person gives thier word for thier country and backs out...
[13-11:56] 83c89, Will-o'-the-wisp: Dude, just put your flaming ass out and leave.
[13-11:56] b5167, Mab : *purrs and makes cute delighted squeaky sounds*
[13-11:56] 83c89, Will-o'-the-wisp: Its sad when people like you are in the military...makes me worry...
[13-11:56] 57823, Roki: Its sad when they military chooses a person like Vince to represent them as one of the ''finest examples America has to offer''
[13-11:57] d3a2d, Liz: Hey, Mab...ltns. *hugs tightly* You been ok?
[13-11:57] ceea7, Palladia Mors : *scritches da Mab*
[13-11:57] 1d667, Chewie: Vince not everyone is cut out for the military. Unlike other countries we're given a choice. We're better off for it, except for when people like you join up. NObody's who couldn't find their shoes on a bad day.
[13-11:57] ceea7, Palladia Mors : *and Da liz*
[13-11:58] a6f5c, Alec Avery : Just because you havent the guts to kill or be killed doesn't give you the right to speak, Roki.In fact...none of you have done service, why should I care what you all think?
[13-11:58] b5167, Mab : I got out of the military not because I couldn't cut it, but because I got married and my sergeant suggest the only ways I could get out, because joint domicile that the military claims to support is a joke. I could be stationed a whole state away from my husband and they'd consider that joint domicile. Don't speak of things you know nothing about, Vince.
[13-11:58] 57823, Roki: Because we pay your salary
[13-11:58] JOIN: N has entered.
[13-11:59] a6f5c, Alec Avery : *LOL!!*This from civilains?*LOL!!!* all couldn't have the sheezy I got do pyshical or mental.
[13-11:59] ceea7, Palladia Mors : *gives Mab a cookie for a well thought out argument*
[13-11:59] 57823, Roki: I'm sure i could. I just dont want to.
[13-11:59] a6f5c, Alec Avery : damn filter.
[13-11:59] 83c89, Will-o'-the-wisp: Physical, I don't know about...Mental? It already sounds like you're broken pal...
[13-11:59] 57823, Roki: Army basic is pussy boy basic from what i understand.
[13-11:59] ceea7, Palladia Mors : Wrong Vince.. I spent most of my childhood in military I put up wiht more than you can think
[13-11:59] 1d667, Chewie: I could too.
[13-11:59] 57823, Roki: if you want a real soldier... Marines. heh.
[13-12:00] 83c89, Will-o'-the-wisp: You shouldn't assume just because you're a soldier that you're better physically and mentally than someone..
[13-12:00] a6f5c, Alec Avery : Exactly....from what you heard, Roki. you never did it....I rest my case and Steve, military academy is pussy the real army people have complete and aboslute control over you.
[13-12:00] d3a2d, Liz: *wants a cookie..*eyes Mabs* Naw...there's a headless bunny..
[13-12:01] 4781c, N: actually, the NAVY seals training is a bit more extensive than marines
[13-12:01] ceea7, Palladia Mors : *gives Lizzy a cookie too*
[13-12:01] 57823, Roki: not doubting that.
[13-12:01] 83c89, Will-o'-the-wisp: *would agree with N*
[13-12:01] ceea7, Palladia Mors : And the sad part Vince is that I could still probably shoot better than you
[13-12:01] 57823, Roki: and the Marine Snipers have more extensive traning than that.
[13-12:02] a6f5c, Alec Avery : *LMFAO*I have a expert marksman badge ,yo.40 out of 40 but good luck.
[13-12:02] a6f5c, Alec Avery : besides shooting is timed and you have to shoot in different postitions not just stand and shoot.
[13-12:02] ceea7, Palladia Mors : Point blank doesnt count Vince
[13-12:02] 4781c, N: but it's not specialized, really, the way marines are... Marines know ground combat, the seals come from an amphibious type of training... insurgence
[13-12:02] 57823, Roki: doesnt make you fit for sniper duty
[13-12:03] 57823, Roki: lets see you get 40 out of 40 at a range of a mile
[13-12:03] a6f5c, Alec Avery : Navy Seals are crazy I have only met one...he stoped by to get a bottle of water from us on a 10 mile run....ugg
[13-12:03] 4781c, N: they were originally just underwater demolitionists
[13-12:03] a6f5c, Alec Avery : *rolls eyes at Steve*Not even worth of a coment.
[13-12:03] ceea7, Palladia Mors : No you're not but we humor you anyway
[13-12:04] 4781c, N: sniping is more physics and memory than actual shooting
[13-12:04] 4781c, N: and one of the two men doesn't even carry a rifle
[13-12:04] MSG: Alec Avery sent a message to Mab.
[13-12:04] 4781c, N: the training is not just shooting, you get marched for an hour around a field of small piles of litter
[13-12:05] a6f5c, Alec Avery : Dont believe everything you read, Nay.
[13-12:05] 4781c, N: and then you get tested on things such as how far apart stuff was, which way the wind was blowing, how big the objects themself actually were
[13-12:05] 4781c, N: and I did not read this
[13-12:05] ceea7, Palladia Mors : Then we shouldnt beleive your previous comment about being in the military is rigourous ok Vince we'll take your advice
[13-12:06] 4781c, N: my cousin failed the tests for what was called "lack of accurate depth perception"
[13-12:06] a6f5c, Alec Avery : The Marines didn't do anything when I was in Iraq..well they took up space in the chow hall.....buts thats about it.
[13-12:06] a6f5c, Alec Avery : Oh steve, your still here?I had forgot all about you.*waves him away*You may go now.
[13-12:07] 83c89, Will-o'-the-wisp: Someone just ban him already...
[13-12:07] ceea7, Palladia Mors : But then again Vince..tehy were the first ones in Iraq. There is a reason why one of their mottoes are "First To Go Last To Know"
[13-12:07] a6f5c, Alec Avery : No they were not.....4/5 was the first to touch ground.
[13-12:08] 83c89, Will-o'-the-wisp: *agrees with Palladia.* The Marines are the first to tackle the situation, however dangerous it may be...then the army come strolling in..
[13-12:08] 57823, Roki: It's part of his innate learning as a soldier to think that he is holyer than everyone else. But how does driving a tank equate to any job outside the military...not too mention, what kind of wage will he be making after his service time
[13-12:08] 83c89, Will-o'-the-wisp: *comes
[13-12:09] 57823, Roki: a good friend of mine. a Civilian no less Vince... has a bunch of retired E9's and O5'/6's kissing his ass
[13-12:09] 4781c, N: I recall the motto of the army reading "be all that you can be" not "tell us what a bad motherfucker you are"
[13-12:09] ceea7, Palladia Mors : Army= Mop up crew for the Marines
[13-12:09] a6f5c, Alec Avery : I dont drive a tank....I am infantry with a missle.
[13-12:10] 4781c, N: and sorry administration, I had to show that no filter can contain the might of N :-D
[13-12:10] 83c89, Will-o'-the-wisp: @N
[13-12:10] 4781c, N: I can be a diety, even if only online :-P
[13-12:10] b5167, Mab : LOL
[13-12:11] 83c89, Will-o'-the-wisp: It was for a good cause, N. *pats*
[13-12:11] a6f5c, Alec Avery : 05's and 06's? Do you realize what ranks you just mentioned?And E-9 is the Sergeant Major of the army.
[13-12:11] 57823, Roki: that makes you even more useless i n the real world then Vince
[13-12:12] a6f5c, Alec Avery : This from Roki?*chuckle*
[13-12:12] ceea7, Palladia Mors : We will forgive you Nay..
[13-12:12] b5167, Mab : Me, I like the MI, even if some think it an oxymoron.
[13-12:12] a6f5c, Alec Avery : and Will-o is'nt even brave enough to grace us with a name, he or she must hide anonoymous like and crack
[13-12:12] 57823, Roki: *smirk* I'm already being considered for multiple management jobs Vince... and when you get out.. you'll have to struggle to find a job at a gas station
[13-12:12] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 1:11pm, April 13 (CDT) ).
[13-12:13] JOIN: Damien has entered.
[13-12:13] 4781c, N: every soldier I have met personally in my life(to date) except Vince has learned one lesson implied but not directly taught
[13-12:13] 83c89, Damien: There ya go, woman. My real name.
[13-12:13] a6f5c, Alec Avery : With a honorable discharge?Heh....straight police force which is what I was after anyways.
[13-12:14] 4781c, N: humility .... something a "devout Omnipotenceian" should know even before armed services
[13-12:14] 57823, Roki: OH, I'm sorry! Pardon the mistake....because every household has missle systems to work on! Once again, he's re-emphasising the fact that he has no tangible skills that equate to the civilian community. OH infintry, he could be a cop! That's something to aspire to be!
[13-12:14] 4781c, N: the word christian is filtered? is this for real?
[13-12:14] 57823, Roki: $12 an hour with sheezyty work hours.....hmmmmm That's the life I want!!!
[13-12:15] 83c89, Damien: Lol@N
[13-12:15] ceea7, Palladia Mors : You too can join the army to become a donut jockey
[13-12:15] a6f5c, Alec Avery : Its what I always wanted to be, I don't care for the money I choose it so that I can serve.
[13-12:15] a6f5c, Alec Avery : Omnipotenceian?...the hell?
[13-12:16] ceea7, Palladia Mors : And just think matter what you do in will always be paid by me...
[13-12:16] 4781c, N: christian, you dick, I corrected the pg filter
[13-12:16] a6f5c, Alec Avery : Yeah...once your lazy ass gets a job, steve.
[13-12:17] a6f5c, Alec Avery : Omnipotenceian
[13-12:17] ceea7, Palladia Mors : Excuse me? I am going through college..something you didnt have the intelligence to consider..
[13-12:17] b5167, Mab : Yeah, the military sure doesn't pay well for the stuff they put a person through.
[13-12:17] JOIN: Luke has entered.
[13-12:17] 4781c, N: I have no job at the moment either
[13-12:17] 83c89, Damien: Omnipotenceian?
[13-12:17] 83c89, Damien: Gah, damn it all!
[13-12:17] 4781c, N: I must be lazy as well
[13-12:17] 57823, Roki: *has a job* OH MY DEAR GOD
[13-12:17] a6f5c, Alec Avery : Actually...I was in college before I enlisted, OH! nice try steve.
[13-12:18] a6f5c, Alec Avery : actually try, Nay.
[13-12:18] 57823, Roki: ood, we need people to be cops....better him than us! Personally, it's hard to imagine owning a 6 bedroom mansion and 2 Porches on what cops make these days. ALthough an honorable job...not the life I want!
[13-12:19] b5167, Mab : and I'm not talking the shooting and almost getting killed stuff, I'm talking the day to day nonscense that one has to endure, walking around picking up cigarette butts and other such duties that have nothing to do with the job you enlisted for.
[13-12:19] ceea7, Palladia Mors : Community college doesnt count, Vince to quote Chris Rock "Community College is like a disco with's 10 dollahs...lemme get my learn on"
[13-12:19] d3a2d, Liz: Well, there goes my hopes for an rp....*eyes the feet of her bunny*
[13-12:19] a6f5c, Alec Avery : I dont care about money......I only wish to do as my father did.....he faught a war in his time also and was a cop.
[13-12:19] bb70d, Luke: *yawns* is this s-to-the-hit still going on?
[13-12:19] 57823, Roki: Hard to retire comfortably on that kind of pay. While I am retired at 45 and living it up, he'll be pounding the street, living paycheck to paycheck, wondering how he's going to pay for his kids braces/college
[13-12:19] a6f5c, Alec Avery : OSU stupid ass.
[13-12:20] JOIN: Darian Mathews has entered.
[13-12:20] a6f5c, Alec Avery : Or building fighting points in full battle gear when it is 130 degrees outside.Guard duty is a 'by bitch I mean I love you' also.
[13-12:20] b5167, Mab : I see LUKE!!! HI LUKE!!!
[13-12:20] 4781c, N: right now I am ranking myself as a failure
[13-12:20] b5167, Mab : *waves*
[13-12:20] MSG: Palladia Mors sent a message to Luke.
[13-12:21] 83c89, Damien: 'ey...I was wondering what filter that was...
[13-12:21] 83c89, Damien: 'by bitch I mean I love you'
[13-12:21] 4781c, N: I tried to teach only one thing and every time Vince goes on an ego trip I realize I did not succeed
[13-12:21] bb70d, Luke: *sits by Mab on a couch, eating popcorn*
[13-12:21] 83c89, Damien: Heh heh heh...*chuckles like Homer.*
[13-12:21] JOIN: Big Kahuna has entered.
[13-12:21] a6f5c, Alec Avery : Yeah....but at least I will know I earned every dollar I make.
[13-12:21] 83c89, Damien: *pats N* S'ok bud...maybe one day he'll understand.
[13-12:22] 57823, Roki: that serves... what purpose in civilian life again Vince ? None ? though so..
[13-12:22] ceea7, Palladia Mors : And 2 years I will be making more than you will Vince..because I have a wonderful thing called a degree...
[13-12:22] MSG: Luke sent a message to Palladia Mors.
[13-12:22] a6f5c, Alec Avery : Ok....this filters is annoyinh
[13-12:22] 4781c, N: but will I live to that day?
[13-12:22] bb70d, Luke: *waves back to Mab*
[13-12:22] b5167, Mab : Yeah, this crap is still going on, Luke, but we're having fun!! *L*
[13-12:22] 206fc, Darian Mathews: Again with the army stuff, Vince? We've heard it a billion and three times now...
[13-12:22] a6f5c, Alec Avery : Ok....this filters is annoying
[13-12:22] 4781c, N: I am, afterall, older than him
[13-12:22] 83c89, Damien: @N...Probably not.
[13-12:22] ceea7, Palladia Mors : Yes will live to see that day...I have decreed it
[13-12:22] d3a2d, Liz: Mab?
[13-12:23] 83c89, Damien: *is 22 in this piece! Represent!* heh
[13-12:23] b5167, Mab : *hugs Luke and then goes and hugs everyone else in the room for good measure too*
[13-12:23] ceea7, Palladia Mors : *bear huggles Mab*
[13-12:24] 57823, Roki: C'mon Vince.. what other sheet do you have to sling our way ?
[13-12:24] bb70d, Luke: *hugs Mab back*
[13-12:24] ceea7, Palladia Mors : *is 21 up in heah*
[13-12:24] 83c89, Damien: *saves the hug for when he can actually enjoy it.*
[13-12:24] 57823, Roki: *is 19, and about 18 years more mature than Vince*
[13-12:24] ceea7, Palladia Mors : I know Roki...he's just waiting to unload such gems like "You're a doody-head"
[13-12:24] bb70d, Luke: *feels young, being 18... but will be 19 in around a month*
[13-12:24] b5167, Mab : *ponders how to make the filter more annoying for Vince, just because it would be fun, not other reason. Is feeling impish*
[13-12:25] bb70d, Luke: *LOL*
[13-12:25] 4781c, N: not that I'm terribly humble myself.... heh, but at least I TRY to hide my arrogance :-D
[13-12:25] bb70d, Luke: doody head...
[13-12:25] 206fc, Darian Mathews: *will be 20 sooner or later*
[13-12:25] 83c89, Damien: Lol...*likes the word 'impish'...sounds cool* I think I'm feeling impish too... ^_^
[13-12:25] 4781c, N: so I suppose I was trying to teach more restraint, really, than humility
[13-12:25] a6f5c, Alec Avery : christian fuck *smites the filter*
[13-12:26] d3a2d, Liz: *is 22, but after turning 18, birthdays don't mean much*
[13-12:26] 83c89, Damien:'d he do that?
[13-12:26] MSG: Luke sent a message to Mab.
[13-12:26] 206fc, Darian Mathews: Oh, but 21 means a whole lot.
[13-12:27] 4781c, N: copypasting me?
[13-12:27] MSG: Mab sent a message to Alec Avery.
[13-12:27] a6f5c, Alec Avery : Whoo.
[13-12:27] 83c89, Damien: *nods in agreement with Darian.*
[13-12:27] 206fc, Darian Mathews: Particularly if you're fond of alcohol such as myself, and most of your friends are already past that point.
[13-12:27] MSG: Mab sent a message to Luke.
[13-12:27] d3a2d, Liz: Not in Canada. We can drink at 18, so 21 is just another year.
[13-12:27] MSG: Alec Avery sent a message to Mab.
[13-12:28] ceea7, Palladia Mors : Well here in the states...its 21...*loves da liquor*
[13-12:28] MSG: Luke sent a message to Mab.
[13-12:28] b5167, Mab : *is older than all ya'll, but acts younger. :-D ))
[13-12:28] a6f5c, Alec Avery : You do have a point seems you are the little voice inside of me that says"Stop being arrogant"
[13-12:28] ceea7, Palladia Mors : *puts Mab in a retirement home and rules with authority*
[13-12:28] MSG: Liz sent a message to Mab.
[13-12:29] 83c89, Damien: Thats ok have a bangin' body.
[13-12:29] b5167, Mab : *is older than all ya'll, but acts younger. * *fixes post*
[13-12:29] bb70d, Luke: *can already get pissed... age limit for buying cigarettes and alcohol is 18... age limit for buying illegal drugs is non-existent, as long as you don't get caught*
[13-12:29] 4781c, N: then listen to the voice, Dumbass
[13-12:29] 57823, Roki: *humps Mab's leg*
[13-12:29] 83c89, Damien: Bangin' is a good thing, btw...LOL
[13-12:29] 206fc, Darian Mathews: Oh Canada, how you're the country I wish I was from.
[13-12:29] 4781c, N: *halo*
[13-12:30] bb70d, Luke: N, I think this is what you're looking for:
[13-12:30] 4781c, N: eh, whatever, don't have the energy to look up the smilies in the filter
[13-12:30] a6f5c, Alec Avery : Go to Germany, can do anything at age 16....heh....
[13-12:31] d3a2d, Liz: Where are you from, Darian.
[13-12:31] b5167, Mab : Thanks Damian *delayed reaction. is slow typist*
[13-12:31] a6f5c, Alec Avery : You never answered, Mab.Cat got your tounge?
[13-12:31] bb70d, Luke: well I'm older than 16, so why should I bother about going to a place where I can't speak the language?
[13-12:31] d3a2d, Liz: Did you forget about the curfew, Vince. If you're 16 and under, you have to be home by 10 pm.
[13-12:31] 83c89, Damien: Lol...I was waiting for you to smite me for some reason..
[13-12:31] 206fc, Darian Mathews: America. *bonks liz* It's Smurf.
[13-12:31] ceea7, Palladia Mors : No...she's in a retirement home *smirk*
[13-12:32] a6f5c, Alec Avery : Noone follows that, Liz.
[13-12:32] d3a2d, Liz: Papa Smurf! *tackles*
[13-12:32] bb70d, Luke: I'm quite happy here *won't be doing any travelling anytime soon*
[13-12:32] 4781c, N: I have no curfew o/
[13-12:33] 4781c, N: I don't have to go home, even after the cops beat me for loitering, I can still stay outside o/
[13-12:33] 4781c, N:
[13-12:33] 57823, Roki: *has never had a curfew*
[13-12:33] bb70d, Luke: brb
[13-12:34] 206fc, Darian Mathews: *tackled*
[13-12:34] d3a2d, Liz: I've never had a curfew, but then I never go
[13-12:34] MSG: Mab sent a message to Liz.
[13-12:34] d3a2d, Liz: Is the fight over? *has to make breakfast*
[13-12:35] 57823, Roki: Vince.. get the hint...GET OUT OF THIS ROOM
[13-12:35] bb70d, Luke: back
[13-12:35] b5167, Mab : Actually, I got kicked off pjj for a bit there, but I have stealth on so you never knew I left.
[13-12:35] 206fc, Darian Mathews: *Never had a cerfew either*
[13-12:35] a6f5c, Alec Avery : maybe thats why you have no discipline, Roki.
[13-12:36] JOIN: Big Kahuna has entered.
[13-12:36] ceea7, Palladia Mors : *had a curfew...when he was 5*
[13-12:36] bb70d, Luke: *thinks the 'Weakest Link' line should come out soon*
[13-12:36] 57823, Roki: how does that comment reflect on dicipline ? It doesnt... if anybodys lacking dicipline here its you
[13-12:36] ceea7, Palladia Mors : to quote Donald Trump Vince... You're Fired.
[13-12:36] 57823, Roki: ... Vince.. you are the weakest link.. Goodbye
[13-12:36] 9890b, Big Kahuna: I've been called on to heckle and get some jack ass out of this room!
[13-12:36] MSG: Liz sent a message to Mab.
[13-12:37] 9890b, Big Kahuna: So, Roki....who's the jackass that needs some good ribbin?
[13-12:37] 57823, Roki: Alec
[13-12:37] b5167, Mab : *L*
[13-12:37] a6f5c, Alec Avery : This from you?Sheezy.....*L*.
[13-12:37] bb70d, Luke: *comes up with another one, just for the hell of it...* Vince, the tribe has spoken... *snuffs out his torch*
[13-12:38] 83c89, Damien: Lol
[13-12:38] 206fc, Darian Mathews: o.O
[13-12:38] MSG: Mab sent a message to Liz.
[13-12:39] ceea7, Palladia Mors : ol
[13-12:39] 4781c, N: Big Kahuna..... a Hawaiian surfer in a fantasy chat?
[13-12:39] 9890b, Big Kahuna: So Alec...if you're not welcome here, what keeps you around?
[13-12:40] 9890b, Big Kahuna: Just curious
[13-12:40] 206fc, Darian Mathews: *wanders off for a moment to go shut down a projector in some classroom*
[13-12:40] 4781c, N: it's the attention he's getting *sagely nod*
[13-12:40] EXIT: Liz has left the chat ( 1:36pm, April 13 (CDT) ).
[13-12:41] EXIT: Damien has left the chat ( 1:38pm, April 13 (CDT) ).
[13-12:41] 4781c, N: a room that covers the globe o/
[13-12:41] a6f5c, Alec Avery : Big Kahuna? fuck off
[13-12:41] 9890b, Big Kahuna: Ahhhh....I see. Well, perhaps because his pappy was "fighting wars" he didn't recieve the nurturing that he needed as a youth
[13-12:42] ceea7, Palladia Mors : *listens to Castlevania music*
[13-12:42] 9890b, Big Kahuna: No need for the vulgarity
[13-12:42] 9890b, Big Kahuna: Someone of your intelect should be able to tell me off much bette than that
[13-12:43] 9890b, Big Kahuna: I remember telling people to fukc off when I was about 15 or so
[13-12:43] 4781c, N: though noone can tear a person a new asshole than me o/
[13-12:43] 4781c, N: better than me, too
[13-12:44] 4781c, N: o/
[13-12:44] 4781c, N: *doesn't typo, just forgets full words*
[13-12:45] a6f5c, Alec Avery : Curious question BK, what is 6x6 you have 2 minutes to answer.
[13-12:45] 4781c, N: a measurement :-P
[13-12:45] 206fc, Darian Mathews: O.o
[13-12:45] ceea7, Palladia Mors : A longer way of typing out 6 squared
[13-12:46] 9890b, Big Kahuna: Hmmmmm, 36
[13-12:46] a6f5c, Alec Avery : *chuckle*
[13-12:46] 9890b, Big Kahuna: And if you divide it by 6 the answer is 6
[13-12:46] 9890b, Big Kahuna: But if you divide it by 2 then the answer is 18
[13-12:47] 9890b, Big Kahuna: However if you divide it by 3 then the answer is 12
[13-12:47] 4781c, N: the correct smartass reply would have actually been "a math equation, stupid" ... you all fail
[13-12:47] 206fc, Darian Mathews: I really hate math.
[13-12:47] b5167, Mab : 6x6 is 6x6. It's also 6x6. You can turn it around and it still amounts to the same.
[13-12:47] a6f5c, Alec Avery : Funny....I thought you were asking the questions, BK.Why are you know answering pointless ones?
[13-12:47] 206fc, Darian Mathews: Ah, but if you turn it upside down, then it's 9x9.
[13-12:49] ceea7, Palladia Mors : Vince..I would expect my retarded sister to come up with something like interesting. You have the metal capacity of a 17 year old girl with severe brain damage
[13-12:49] 9890b, Big Kahuna: Well, hell, I'm just trying to make conversation.
[13-12:49] b5167, Mab : Why are you putting a 'k' in front of 'now', Vince?
[13-12:50] 9890b, Big Kahuna: It seemed to me that you had a wealth of truth that you were droppin on my people. Just trying to catch some knowledge
[13-12:50] a6f5c, Alec Avery : *shakes his head at Steve*Always slow to reply and slow to think.No wonder every girl you meet dumps you....
[13-12:50] b5167, Mab : Cheap, Vince, pointless and cheap.
[13-12:51] a6f5c, Alec Avery : Oh but I am sorry, steve!You get girls online while I settle for real bad shit
[13-12:51] ceea7, Palladia Mors : You're right Vince..every online girl I meet dumps me..thats why I went and got one IRL
[13-12:51] bb70d, Luke: that's an insult to the 17 year old girl, Mors
[13-12:51] bb70d, Luke: *kicks late post*
[13-12:51] 206fc, Darian Mathews: Wait, wait.
[13-12:51] b5167, Mab : Is that the best comeback you could think to throw at him? You keep using the same lame one. Can't you be more creative?
[13-12:51] 206fc, Darian Mathews: Are you saying the chicas that we meet online, such as Mab or any of the other countless women that we talk to are not real, Vince?
[13-12:52] 206fc, Darian Mathews: Because I'm sure they'll be inclined to disagree with ya.
[13-12:52] 9890b, Big Kahuna: Handing out candy at an Easter parade doesn't count as scoring with the ladies, Vince
[13-12:52] a6f5c, Alec Avery : More creative?Like making christian a banned word?Heh....get a life, Mab.
[13-12:53] MSG: Alec Avery sent a message to Mab.
[13-12:53] 57823, Roki: could it be that its offensive to her Vince ? Different religous denominations and all
[13-12:53] b5167, Mab : Actually, it's only part of that word that is filtered and I have my personal reasons for that. It's my chat and I can take that one liberty if I choose.
[13-12:54] bb70d, Luke: don't think he thought of that Mab
[13-12:55] JOIN: Vix has entered.
[13-12:55] 4781c, N: my real name could be Jesus (hey-zeus) ... I feel oppressed
[13-12:56] a6f5c, Alec Avery : *shrugs*It seems I live outside the rules anyways.....fuck filter must be broken..*chuckle*
[13-12:56] 206fc, Darian Mathews: *chuckles at Nay*
[13-12:56] a6f5c, Alec Avery : could be Nay....or God
[13-12:56] b5167, Mab : Too bad, Nay. Sorry. It's a minor thing that I don't think people will die from if I prefer to protect those names as best I can from abuse.
[13-12:57] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[13-12:57] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 1:57pm, April 13 (CDT) ).
[13-12:57] 4781c, N: I am refused my own name...... I will go cry now
[13-12:58] 57823, Roki: Nay... your real name is Lunchbox
[13-12:58] 4781c, N: because we all know that N or Nay is short for Jesus.... right?
[13-12:58] 4781c, N: I guess I could always use the shortened form 'zeus
[13-12:58] 95779, Vix: You people get so offended over the simplest things, I swear. It's not really so much that you think it shouldn't be censored, but that you feel threatened and territorial since someone legitimately expresses a rule system on their own beliefs in a chat that they themselves created. Gosh, *James brown voice* Can't we all just get along?
[13-12:59] a6f5c, Alec Avery : No matter Vix....the filter is this fuck
[13-13:00] 57823, Roki: no Kay.. no.
[13-13:00] 95779, Vix: Bravo...I'm charmed by your overwhelming maturity and prodigious intellect.
[13-13:00] 4781c, N: um Vix, and others that cannot guess at it, I am merely joking around
[13-13:00] 206fc, Darian Mathews: *likes Vix. Alot* o/
[13-13:01] 95779, Vix: Roki's right *Shuts up*
[13-13:01] b5167, Mab : The filter is weak to you, only because you do not share my belief's, Vince and you're only attacking it, because your attempts to attack other things have failed.
[13-13:01] ceea7, Palladia Mors : *gives Vix a cookie*
[13-13:01] 95779, Vix: *Accepts cookie, devours with a ravenous hunger*
[13-13:02] a6f5c, Alec Avery : I would attack you, Mab but my soldier training teaches me not to shoot the weak and helpless.
[13-13:02] b5167, Mab : ROFL
[13-13:02] 206fc, Darian Mathews: For the love of all that's good and rightious STOP WITH THE SOLDIER LA-DEE DAA CRAP!
[13-13:02] 57823, Roki: so just shoot yourself and save me the trouble
[13-13:03] bb70d, Luke: alright, first warning...
[13-13:03] 4781c, N: they taught that to stop him from killing himself *whisper*
[13-13:04] 57823, Roki: screw that .. FINAL warning
[13-13:04] ceea7, Palladia Mors : *gives N a whole batch of cookies*
[13-13:04] a6f5c, Alec Avery : Why are you here, Jon?Your like a fukcing lacky...always joining in on what other people are doing even when it doesn't concern you.And when your not doing that you are cheating on your girlfriends.Shouldn't you be being unfaithful about now?
[13-13:05] bb70d, Luke: *chuckles* the filter worked
[13-13:05] 206fc, Darian Mathews: ...What did you just say a-hole?
[13-13:06] a6f5c, Alec Avery : fucking happy?
[13-13:06] 4781c, N: in all of that, I can only wonder what it had to do with him talking about how he is a solder and we are not *shrugs*
[13-13:06] 206fc, Darian Mathews: Because I swear to go you ever, ever, ever bring that up again. I will hunt you down.
[13-13:06] bb70d, Luke: not particularly, no...
[13-13:06] 206fc, Darian Mathews: I will hunt you down, and I will shove all your beliefs and all your little soldier instinct down your throat.
[13-13:06] a6f5c, Alec Avery : You heard me, Jon?Did I studder?Go do to your girlfriend what you did to Katie,Kelly and a few others I don't wish to type out.
[13-13:07] MSG: Palladia Mors sent a message to Darian Mathews.
[13-13:07] bb70d, Luke: stutter, Vince...
[13-13:08] ceea7, Palladia Mors : And what does that make you Vince since you're flirting with my leftovers...yeah... I still talk to my ex Dana...comin up behind me in last place as usual
[13-13:08] a6f5c, Alec Avery : Studder is the slang....
[13-13:08] 95779, Vix: Like sands through the hourglass, are so the da-...oh wait.
[13-13:08] a6f5c, Alec Avery : I believe I turned her down, Steve.I would never tred where you have been.
[13-13:08] bb70d, Luke: what slang? oh don't tell me, the's slang?
[13-13:09] ceea7, Palladia Mors : Not caring with my current girlfriend
[13-13:09] 206fc, Darian Mathews: Come to think of it.
[13-13:10] 206fc, Darian Mathews: I've got nothing to prove to you. I've bettered myself. Something you obviously have yet to do.
[13-13:10] 206fc, Darian Mathews: Now, I've got a job to do. *will return later*
[13-13:10] a6f5c, Alec Avery : Look here, Aussie.Why dont you go earn some money to prevent your internet from being shut off fucking bum.
[13-13:10] EXIT: Darian Mathews has left the chat ( 2:10pm, April 13 (CDT) ).
[13-13:11] bb70d, Luke: *LOL* oooh, cheap shot number..... sheezy, lost count...
[13-13:11] ceea7, Palladia Mors : Of course he takes cheap shots Luke...its all his sheezyty Army pay will allow him to afford
[13-13:12] a6f5c, Alec Avery : *raises a brow at Steve*If I give you donut will you go away?
[13-13:12] b5167, Mab : That's all he can think to do, Luke. We've been waiting for something eloquent and full of wit, but alas, we're still waiting on him.
[13-13:12] a6f5c, Alec Avery : As for you Mab.They sell common sense at the PX get yourself some.
[13-13:12] bb70d, Luke: I'm getting a full time education... when the opportunity comes for me to become a bludger working at Blockbuster, then I'll take it... but for now, I'll bide my time
[13-13:13] bb70d, Luke: shame you didn't pick any up before you joined the army, Vince
[13-13:13] b5167, Mab : See, now that had no context to the situation, Vince. Can't you do better than that?
[13-13:13] ceea7, Palladia Mors : Resorting to fat jokes are we Vince?
[13-13:13] MSG: Vix sent a message to Mab.
[13-13:15] a6f5c, Alec Avery : I would insult you brains, steve but it would be beating a dead horse.Mab dear sweet wash out Mab.Dont you have a husband to be with?Thats right...internet is more to you then family...and you ask me if I can do better?Well..I have a life you do better.
[13-13:15] 95779, Vix: (Let me get on a registerred account, hold on))
[13-13:15] EXIT: Vix has left the chat ( 2:15pm, April 13 (CDT) ).
[13-13:15] MSG: Mab tried to message Vix (not registered).
[13-13:15] JOIN: Veronica Kaelir has entered.
[13-13:15] 95779, Veronica Kaelir: (There we go, Mab)
[13-13:16] 95779, Veronica Kaelir: ((Sorry about that, my mistake))
[13-13:16] ceea7, Palladia Mors : instead of going with one overly used road of insult, you go to an even more, less original form of clever
[13-13:16] 95779, Veronica Kaelir: ((I'm Vix))
[13-13:16] b5167, Mab : Oh, oops. didn't see you weren't registered in that handle. hehe. Is that an IC character, Vix, or would you like that as an OOC handle?
[13-13:16] bb70d, Luke: those are metaphors, Vince... similes would fit better there...
[13-13:17] bb70d, Luke: *ponders* Mab, do you think those two words are too big for the little grunt?
[13-13:17] a6f5c, Alec Avery : You know Steve, if you would take everyones dick out of your mouth I could probably understand you better.
[13-13:17] 95779, Veronica Kaelir: How would some of you like it if some acquaintances of yours came over to your house only to argue vehemently about inane and childish things while simultaneously criticizing the way your furniture is arranged and how you happen to raise your children. And I'd like Vix to be an ooc handle If that's ok.
[13-13:18] b5167, Mab : msg/ Veronica_Kaelir The only thing I can think of is I do 3D animation type graphic work. Been around any 3D sites recently?
[13-13:18] ceea7, Palladia Mors : Homosexuality jokes...even more original.. I am so proud of you have expanded your vocabulary from 2 words.
[13-13:18] JOIN: Brimstone has entered.
[13-13:18] a6f5c, Alec Avery : Funny how Luke can only make coments in the shadow of other people....
[13-13:18] b5167, Mab : Oops, messed that message up. Ah well. *L*
[13-13:19] a6f5c, Alec Avery : It was a ass kissing joke, you ignoramous.
[13-13:19] 57823, Roki: Funny how stupid Vince realy is. Resulting to gay jokes... fat jokes.. yo mamma jokes..
[13-13:19] 95779, Veronica Kaelir: At least I got the message this time, heh.
[13-13:19] beb1a, Brimstone : (What, the, hell...)
[13-13:19] a6f5c, Alec Avery : Heh...Mab gets offline long enough for yearly love making then gets back on..*L*Cooks cleans and gives all head but no lip.
[13-13:20] b5167, Mab : Funny how Vince can't make any worthwhile comments right now at all.
[13-13:20] ceea7, Palladia Mors : How does having dicks in my mouth correlate to ass kissing? Dumbfukc...
[13-13:20] JOIN: N has entered.
[13-13:20] a6f5c, Alec Avery : *eye roll*
[13-13:20] bb70d, Luke: I choose my times of opportunity wisely Vince... and it's an ass kissing joke, not a ass kissing joke... and one more thing... if you can tell me the meaning of ignoramous, I'll give you a cookie
[13-13:20] MSG: Veronica Kaelir sent a message to Mab.
[13-13:21] 95779, Veronica Kaelir: I think my analogy went right over all of your heads.
[13-13:21] ceea7, Palladia Mors : Snappy comments arent your thing Vince..stick to simpler puppies...and the alphabet
[13-13:21] b5167, Mab : I got it, Vix.
[13-13:21] a6f5c, Alec Avery : if you can tell me the meaning of Australia I'll give you respect.
[13-13:22] 95779, Veronica Kaelir: Heh, figured you would Mab. I think I'll just dumb it down a bit and put it in simpler terms.
[13-13:22] a6f5c, Alec Avery : Just like a life is not your thing, stay fat, pretend to be a romeo online and hide from life. goodnight gracie
[13-13:22] 95779, Veronica Kaelir: I will wear all of your rectum bands as anklets.
[13-13:22] bb70d, Luke: looks like you don't get your cookie... *gives it to Mab*
[13-13:23] beb1a, Brimstone : Why the hell do all the rooms on pjj always seem to gradually spiral down into sheezy like this? Damnation.
[13-13:23] bb70d, Luke: *was hoping to hear "Good night Irene"*
[13-13:23] bb70d, Luke: Brim, blame soldier boy over there...
[13-13:23] MSG: Mab sent a message to Veronica Kaelir.
[13-13:23] bb70d, Luke: he moded, got caught, then couldn't hack it... not our fault he can't RP for sheezy
[13-13:24] MSG: Veronica Kaelir sent a message to Mab.
[13-13:24] ceea7, Palladia Mors : that the most intelligent thing you can say, Vince..more comments about my weight? And to think idiots like you are defending my wonder 9-11 happened
[13-13:24] a6f5c, Alec Avery : Leave it for Luke to add his two cents....even though he is broke when it comes to thinking.
[13-13:25] a6f5c, Alec Avery : Exactly.....people like you couldn't hobble thier rolls fast enought to get weapons*pats*Just keep on typing and have a cookie.
[13-13:25] b5167, Mab : Well, this has been fun, actually I had a good time, but I gotta go for a while now. See ya'll later.
[13-13:26] beb1a, Brimstone : Ugh.. the most people I've seen here in a while, and they're all 'by bitch I mean I love you'ing at eachother. This is a whole lot'a suck.
[13-13:26] bb70d, Luke: oh and Vince, here is the meaning of Australia: A commonwealth comprising the continent of Australia, the island state of Tasmania, two external territories, and several dependencies. The first British settlement, a penal colony at Fort Jackson (now part of Sydney), was established in 1788. The present-day states grew as separate colonies; six of them formed a federation in 1901. In 1911 Northern Territory joined the commonwealth and the Capital Territory, site of Canberra, was created. Canberra is the capital and Sydney is the largest city.
[13-13:27] ceea7, Palladia Mors : Ah...more gems of intelligence from the man who couldnt fire his synapses with a jumpstart from his Hum-Vee
[13-13:27] a6f5c, Alec Avery : Stop looking sheezy up so you can seem smart online while you are really nothing in real life.
[13-13:28] 57823, Roki: Enough....
[13-13:28] 57823, Roki: who votes to end this and ban vince ?
[13-13:28] a6f5c, Alec Avery : Least I can fit in the hum-vee, fatty.
[13-13:28] a6f5c, Alec Avery : *raises his hand*I do.
[13-13:28] MSG: Palladia Mors sent a message to Roki.
[13-13:28] MSG: Palladia Mors sent a message to Luke.
[13-13:28] bb70d, Luke: you can't really talk... you tried hitting on my sister over the net, and even she turned you down... you're pathetic, Cantrell... and you know it
[13-13:28] beb1a, Brimstone : Or just end it..
[13-13:29] ceea7, Palladia Mors : At least I got padding enough to snuggle with something other than a cold piece of metal
[13-13:29] MSG: Luke sent a message to Palladia Mors.
[13-13:29] a6f5c, Alec Avery : *L*I just did that to bug you, Aussie.Now go back to your web search and find something nice to make you appear smart.
[13-13:29] 57823, Roki: since Vince raised his hand first. the vote is moot. TOUGH SHIZZLE MY NIZZLE
[13-13:30] MSG: Palladia Mors sent a message to Luke.
[13-13:30] a6f5c, Alec Avery : Well....a fork is a cold piece of metal, steve.Go put it back.
[13-13:30] bb70d, Luke: I don't need a web search to make me 'appear' smart... I got you right here to do that job for me
[13-13:31] a6f5c, Alec Avery : Roki stop trying to seem all powerful and do something online you could never hope for in real life...
[13-13:31] MSG: Mab sent a message to Palladia Mors.
[13-13:31] bb70d, Luke: Vince is getting a brain freeze... can't think of anything else, so he's going back to the old insults...
[13-13:31] MSG: Palladia Mors sent a message to Roki.
[13-13:32] MSG: Palladia Mors sent a message to Luke.
[13-13:32] MSG: Mab sent a message to Veronica Kaelir.
[13-13:32] MSG: Luke sent a message to Palladia Mors.
[13-13:33] a6f5c, Alec Avery : fu[i][i/i]ck takes 4 of you to ban someone?God forbid you should all try something useful.
[13-13:33] MSG: Brimstone tried to message Msg Damnit (not registered).
[13-13:33] MSG: Palladia Mors sent a message to Luke.
[13-13:33] a6f5c, Alec Avery : fuck...
[13-13:34] a6f5c, Alec Avery : Fcuk.....tired to underline my words...
[13-13:34] MSG: Luke sent a message to Palladia Mors.
[13-13:34] a6f5c, Alec Avery : Fucking filter....gets me sometimes.
[13-13:34] 95779, Veronica Kaelir: *Slides into the stylish, formfitting contour of a Kevlar: Second Chance bulletproof vest (They're all the rage this summer in Iraq) before donning a Tactical Level IV S.P.I.D.E.R. torso protecting body armor vest as well. On come the level IV pauldrons and leggings as well, heavy, but durable, protected further by a layer of fibrous pinned net supersilk. Completing the ensemble is the oh-so-endearing 5' SWAT reinforced retractable bullet shield with a cute little pink window through which small arms fire can be directed. No helmet for this gal, no way, they went out of season two years ago. For sweet springtime fashion offense, she sports a sleek black polymer Walther P99, trimmed and well cared for*
[13-13:34] MSG: Palladia Mors sent a message to Luke.
[13-13:35] MSG: Luke sent a message to Mab.
[13-13:35] a6f5c, Alec Avery : *blink*
[13-13:36] MSG: Luke sent a message to Palladia Mors.
[13-13:36] beb1a, Brimstone : Haha.
[13-13:36] a6f5c, Alec Avery : *eyes brimestone*Hmmm...
[13-13:37] beb1a, Brimstone : What. It was funny.
[13-13:37] 95779, Veronica Kaelir: *Chunks up to Alec and pistolwhips him with enough force to shatter a rhyno's cerebral cortex* omg loozer haha thta was so fnuny haha omg i fyght ua nd u looze like a loozer haha!!1!!1!one!!1!Eleven
[13-13:37] MSG: Palladia Mors sent a message to Luke.
[13-13:38] beb1a, Brimstone : Hahaha!
[13-13:38] a6f5c, Alec Avery : it got quite all of a sudden.....Steve?Your stubby hands getting in the way?
[13-13:39] 95779, Veronica Kaelir: My pwr lvl is 916269387162ka6981723 u cna't beat me i am supersajjiyan six. *That, is the definition of inane*
[13-13:39] beb1a, Brimstone : See, you people need to quit the 'by bitch I mean I love you'in', and make with listening to some good music and having a few laughs before you give yourselves aneurysms.
[13-13:40] 95779, Veronica Kaelir: *Marries Brimstone, rides off naked into the sunset on a white clidesdale with him for a raunchy honeymoon*
[13-13:40] a6f5c, Alec Avery : Come on Luke....afraid to go solo?What roki?at a loss for words for once in you arrogant better then thou know it all life?Whats up mab?Look out the window and realize you havent seen the sun in three days?
[13-13:41] a6f5c, Alec Avery : 'by bitch I mean I love you'ing you mean?
[13-13:41] a6f5c, Alec Avery : bitching you mean?
[13-13:41] 95779, Veronica Kaelir: omg u cna't talk i pistulwhupped u so be qwiet its not fare u can"t talk.
[13-13:41] beb1a, Brimstone : Yeah, the filter caught that one.
[13-13:41] JOIN: Isamu has entered.
[13-13:42] JOIN: Sphere has entered.
[13-13:42] a6f5c, Alec Avery : heh
[13-13:43] a6f5c, Alec Avery : Well look.....Run around Jon is back.
[13-13:44] beb1a, Brimstone : No one's firing off anyone, so let it diiiiiieee. Please. I'd like to get my roleplay on, 'n' I don't need it cluddered up with people tossing worthless comments back and forth like a hot potatoe.
[13-13:44] MSG: Palladia Mors tried to message Isamu (not registered).
[13-13:44] a6f5c, Alec Avery : yeah....the filter is fucking gay
[13-13:44] a6f5c, Alec Avery : You got a point....sorry.
[13-13:44] beb1a, Brimstone : Gay.... Right.
[13-13:45] 206fc, Isamu: Vince, shut up. Not here to listen to you anymore.
[13-13:45] 95779, Veronica Kaelir: Ever seen the miniseries Merlin, (With Sam Neil, who is a god of some kind, I am positive) where at the end they all simply ignore the antagonist and she slowly withers away? A valuable tactic.
[13-13:45] EXIT: Isamu has left the chat ( 2:45pm, April 13 (CDT) ).
[13-13:45] JOIN: Darian Mathews has entered.
[13-13:45] dac58, Sphere : that's hot!
[13-13:45] a6f5c, Alec Avery : Jon, dear sweet unfaithful Jon...heh....
[13-13:46] beb1a, Brimstone : Heh-heh. Sounds like'a plan.
[13-13:46] MSG: Luke sent a message to Veronica Kaelir.
[13-13:47] a6f5c, Alec Avery : *eyes*Are you a blacksmith ic, Brimstone?
[13-13:47] dac58, Sphere : *goes shoosh to everyone cause wants to see rp demmit*
[13-13:47] MSG: Darian Mathews sent a message to Palladia Mors.
[13-13:47] beb1a, Brimstone : No.
[13-13:49] a6f5c, Alec Avery : What are you?
[13-13:50] EXIT: Sphere has left the chat ( 2:47pm, April 13 (CDT) ).
[13-13:50] MSG: Palladia Mors sent a message to Darian Mathews.
[13-13:50] beb1a, Brimstone : The link on the avatar should explain enough. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm gonna grab a pack of smokes, pour myself a drink, and eventually get in character. Everyone should do the same, at least that last part. It's hip and new, everyone's doing it these days. ; )
[13-13:51] a6f5c, Alec Avery : *L*Indeed
[13-14:00] JOIN: Illisse Brilthor has entered.
[13-14:05] MSG: Darian Mathews sent a message to Palladia Mors.
[13-14:05] MSG: Palladia Mors sent a message to Darian Mathews.
[13-14:12] MSG: Darian Mathews sent a message to Palladia Mors.
[13-14:13] MSG: Palladia Mors sent a message to Darian Mathews.
[13-14:17] EXIT: Brimstone has left the chat ( 2:50pm, April 13 (CDT) ).
[13-14:18] MSG: Darian Mathews sent a message to Palladia Mors.
[13-14:18] JOIN: Fangs has entered.
[13-14:19] 7edc6, Fangs: hello....I'm new here...
[13-14:19] MSG: Palladia Mors sent a message to Darian Mathews.
[13-14:19] ceea7, Palladia Mors : Hello Fangs
[13-14:20] 7edc6, Fangs: I really don't know what to do ....
[13-14:21] 7edc6, Fangs: *HELP*
[13-14:23] 7edc6, Fangs: Hello?
[13-14:35] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[13-15:09] JOIN: Liz has entered.
[13-15:09] d3a2d, Liz: Hello? Anyone around?
[13-15:10] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[13-15:10] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 4:10pm, April 13 (CDT) ).
[13-15:12] d3a2d, Liz: Bah..
[13-15:13] JOIN: Ryden has entered.
[13-15:17] JOIN: Lugana has entered.
[13-15:18] f96be, Ryden: *Thunder rolls just as her arrow hits it mark. She almost rears back in surprise but age has curbed her fear of storms so instead of going wild she stands motionless, her face lfited to the sky*
[13-15:20] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[13-15:23] d3a2d, Liz: Where are you?
[13-15:24] f96be, Ryden: ((Rupe forest))
[13-15:24] f96be, Ryden: ((well, the forest surrounding))
[13-15:25] d3a2d, Liz: Hmmm
[13-15:28] f96be, Ryden: *Rain comes in a sudden torrent and she closes her eyes against the pelting drops her chest expanding, taking in a deep breath of the scent of fresh rain*
[13-15:34] d3a2d, Lafiel : *whickers softly as rain streams over her back, her hoofs thudding softly in the muddy forest floor*
[13-15:38] f96be, Ryden: *Her mouth turns up into a wide smile, it lending a soft look to her face. She lifts her arms, palms up, towards the sky, letting the rain pool in her cupped hands*
[13-15:39] d3a2d, Lafiel : *she gives a mighty shake, water droplets flying everywhere*
[13-15:43] b5167, Mab : *smirks with her private little joke that she's busting to blab to people and be all smug, but won't.* mweeheheheheheh!!!
[13-15:44] f96be, Ryden: *Her eyes open and she shakes the water off her face and body, hooved feet tamping at the now muddy earth. She stoops in a clean motion and grabs up her bow and starts at a gallop through the trees, the run a leisurly one, isnt riding hell bent for leather*
[13-15:44] f96be, Ryden: ((*raises a brow* le what?))
[13-15:45] b5167, Mab : Oh, nothing. Don't mind me in my silly little private revelry. It has nothing to do with anyone presently in the room, not to fear.
[13-15:46] f96be, Ryden: ((*L* well then, your just being a tease ))
[13-15:47] d3a2d, Lafiel : (( Alright.. *eyes* Good thing about you being busy...Lafiel's safe )) *continues to walk through the forest, weaving her way around trees. In the rain, her pure white coat seems to shine with an inner light*
[13-15:49] f96be, Ryden: *She sees a few fallen trees in the distance and with a kicking up of her heels she digs into the wet ground for speed, racing toward the nature made hurdles and with a spring that is born from her back legs she jumps, back legs tucked in, upper body leaned back and the solid thump of success*
[13-15:49] b5167, Mab : Yes, she is safe...........................for now...dun dun dunnnnnnnnn!
[13-15:50] b5167, Mab : Guh, I'm trying to remember how to delete handles. *ponders and ponders more*
[13-15:51] d3a2d, Lafiel : *she soon comes to a clearing through which a stream runs*
[13-15:52] f96be, Ryden: *She lets her laughter rumble through the rain kissed forest, the sound is that of a happy woman. And with a hum touching her lips she starts back towards camp, which is near a stream...gasp!*
[13-15:54] d3a2d, Lafiel : *she completely ignores the camp that's been set up there. Why would'nt she? There's noone around and there's nothing of interest*
[13-15:57] b5167, Mab : *meanders off back guessed*
[13-16:04] f96be, Ryden: *It's not that obvious of a camp there isnt a tent or anything but there is a place dug out for a fire and there are bags lying about. With bow in hand she weaves out a path through the tree trunks stopping when she sees a equine shape*
[13-16:05] d3a2d, Lafiel : *dips her head down to drink from the stream, her wings fliping on her back, shaking water out of the feathers*
[13-16:06] f96be, Ryden: Hello*said in a low even voice. Has encounteed Pegasi before so she isnt off put by the creature drinking from the rain freshened stream*
[13-16:10] d3a2d, Lafiel : *looks at her with clear blue eyes..and stares. She's never seen a centaur before*
[13-16:13] f96be, Ryden: Dont mind me*Speaks once again in that soft voice. She takes careful steps across the wet gress, the grade is a bit uneven and she dosent want to fall. She's moving towards the stacks of bags nestles against an aged oak. On a much dryer day she would certainly make a picture of a healthy youth but her hair and her hide are both drenched with rain*
[13-16:16] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[13-16:16] d3a2d, Lafiel : *snorts and begins to shimmer*
[13-16:33] d3a2d, Liz: Gone...grr
[13-16:36] f96be, Ryden: ((damnitt))
[13-16:37] f96be, Ryden: *She picks an apple from her bag and pauses mid bite to gaze at the shimmering Pegasus. Never saw one do that before*
[13-16:40] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[13-16:40] f96be, Ryden: ((I really dislike fire alarms))
[13-16:42] d3a2d, Lafiel : *the shimmering would last a few moments before fading, revealing a young woman with long blond hair, nude* (( And I hate getting Wisped.. ))
[13-16:44] f96be, Ryden: *She stops staring and finishes her bite, chewing tha peice of apple very slowly* Hmm*swallows and ruffels in a bag for a cloak, finding one she holds it out to the girl* Here
[13-16:45] d3a2d, Lafiel : *takes it with a smile* My thanks..I am Lafiel
[13-16:48] JOIN: Jace has entered.
[13-16:50] JOIN: Illisse Brilthor has entered.
[13-16:50] 8bfa9, Jace: *was told he needs to read the logs, so does so*
[13-16:51] f96be, Ryden: You are welcome Lafiel *she gives the girl a smile, kind and free of apple* I'm Ryden
[13-16:54] d3a2d, Lafiel : You are a centaur, right?
[13-16:55] f96be, Ryden: Yes, I am a centaur. But are you a pegasi or human*head tilting to the side as she takes another bite of apple*
[13-16:57] 8bfa9, Jace: Dear lord.... Alec needs to be..... nah, Ill just shut up, Vince has issues
[13-16:57] d3a2d, Lafiel : Pegasi...we have two forms
[13-16:58] d3a2d, Lafiel : (( *snickers* ))
[13-16:58] f96be, Ryden: Ah, I never knew that*she nods towards the apple that she's holding* I have more in my bag if your hungry
[13-17:00] d3a2d, Lafiel : *nods* If you don't mind
[13-17:01] f96be, Ryden: No, your welcome to them. They are fresh, from the market*and she takes a BIG bite out of the one she is holding while the rest of her slowly settels into the cool grass*
[13-17:02] d3a2d, Lafiel : *takes one and bites into it* Mmm
[13-17:03] f96be, Ryden: *She fixes Lafiel with a very serious look*How long have you been here*speaking of the forest. Her words are a little muffled, hard to talk around apple but she's hungry and when one is hungry manners are cast aside*
[13-17:03] d3a2d, Lafiel : *shrugs* A few months. Why
[13-17:03] d3a2d, Lafiel : ?
[13-17:04] 8bfa9, Jace: *flexes for the ladiesA*
[13-17:04] 8bfa9, Jace: *flexes for the ladies*
[13-17:05] f96be, Ryden: ((*stares in awe*))
[13-17:05] f96be, Ryden: Where you in this part of the wood yesterday?*another bite from the quickly vanishing apple, her topaz eyes are quietly curious*
[13-17:06] d3a2d, Lafiel : (( *yawns* ))
[13-17:06] d3a2d, Lafiel : *looks at her* Why?
[13-17:07] 8bfa9, Jace: ohhhhh I really wish I was in here when Vince was all proclaiming the amazingness of the Army, yall dont know how to deal with military smack talk, Id bend him over my knee, find a long smooth object, and make him my 'by bitch I mean I love you'
[13-17:07] f96be, Ryden: *gives a idle shrug, her eyes shifting to the distance* Something big and hungry came crashing this way. Was wondering if you saw it
[13-17:09] d3a2d, Lafiel : (( *LOL* Illise and I were actually saying that we wished you had been would've been so good *grins and worships* ))
[13-17:10] d3a2d, Lafiel : *shakes her head* No....but then, there are many big and hungry things living here.
[13-17:12] f96be, Ryden: This was bigger than most, I barely outran it*And tears away another bite, strong teeth crunching at the apple meat* But it's no matter. It's probably gone.
[13-17:12] 8bfa9, Jace: *smirks*
[13-17:12] e7d50, Illisse Brilthor : ((much more funny is what I meant )
[13-17:13] d3a2d, Lafiel : Was it fiery?
[13-17:14] f96be, Ryden: *her head tilts to the side in thought* No, not really. *her brows lift with a sudden question* Say, have you seen a friend of mine?
[13-17:17] d3a2d, Lafiel : Depends
[13-17:18] f96be, Ryden: On what?*An amused tone slips into her voice, glad to talk to someone who isnt mindless*
[13-17:19] d3a2d, Lafiel : On if I've seen this person. I've seen many things around here lately.
[13-17:19] 8bfa9, Jace: *shakes his head slowly*
[13-17:20] f96be, Ryden: ((Just stop reading the Logs man))
[13-17:20] d3a2d, Lafiel : (( what? ))
[13-17:22] f96be, Ryden: Well you might have. He is a necromancer of some sorts. His name is Rhazalael. He lives near these parts and I havent seen him around.
[13-17:24] d3a2d, Lafiel : *smiles fondly* I have seen him.
[13-17:24] f96be, Ryden: *Her mouth curls into a wide, delighted smile* Recently?
[13-17:26] d3a2d, Lafiel : *nods* He's looking for a friend..
[13-17:27] f96be, Ryden: Ah, that would explain why he is difficult to locate*she finishes up her apple and reaches for another*
[13-17:28] d3a2d, Lafiel : You're that friend...*smiles*
[13-17:29] f96be, Ryden: *Pauses mid reach and straightens, a golden brow eyebrow raising* I am?*she sound worried* is everything alright?
[13-17:30] 8bfa9, Jace: Its like a train wreck, its so horrible, but I cant stop reading
[13-17:30] f96be, Ryden: ((neither could I))
[13-17:31] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[13-17:32] d3a2d, Lafiel : (( I hate big sisters. ))
[13-17:33] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[13-17:34] d3a2d, Lafiel : (( How many fukcing times is itn going to do that to me?! )) Why would'nt it be?
[13-17:36] f96be, Ryden: I have no clue why things wouldnt be alright, which, is why i'm asking*her voice and her face express her concern*
[13-17:41] d3a2d, Lafiel : *shakes her head* You're weird.
[13-17:42] f96be, Ryden: *And she outright laughs, the sound sweet* Did he mention to you why he was looking for you*said as he laughter settels down*
[13-17:43] d3a2d, Lafiel : Me? He's not. He's looking for you.
[13-17:49] d3a2d, Lafiel : (( Hello? ))
[13-17:55] f96be, Ryden: ((sorry..someone was at the door))
[13-17:55] f96be, Ryden: ((and you=me..i totally screwed that up))
[13-17:56] d3a2d, Lafiel : *shakes her head* No, he did'nt.
[13-17:58] f96be, Ryden: Hmm...wonder what it is then*and in one smooth motion she stands and walks towards the stream, equine body moving in careful shifts of muscle*
[13-18:02] d3a2d, Lafiel : I should head back...he's letting me hide in his crypt
[13-18:03] f96be, Ryden: If you see him, tell him I said hello*she tosses the girl another apple and gives her another smile* take care
[13-18:04] d3a2d, Lafiel : He's headed your way, so you'll see him before I do
[13-18:05] f96be, Ryden: lets hope*and with a nod and another smile she trots off into some shadow region of the forest, her bow in her hand*
[13-18:07] d3a2d, Lafiel : *cloak and apple in hand, she heads in the other direction*
[13-18:07] d3a2d, Lafiel : ***Gone***
[13-18:07] EXIT: Lafiel has left the chat ( 7:07pm, April 13 (CDT) ).
[13-18:08] EXIT: Illisse Brilthor has left the chat ( 6:12pm, April 13 (CDT) ).
[13-18:20] f96be, Ryden: ((do de doo))
[13-19:29] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[13-19:29] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[13-20:07] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[13-20:08] JOIN: Liz has entered.
[13-20:08] d3a2d, Liz: I'm going to have kittens.
[13-20:08] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 9:07pm, April 13 (CDT) ).
[13-20:09] ceea7, Palladia Mors : They arent mine are they?
[13-20:09] d3a2d, Liz: No. My cat's pregnant.
[13-20:11] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[13-20:11] f96be, Will-o'-the-wisp: roar
[13-20:11] f96be, Will-o'-the-wisp: I mean...Roar!
[13-20:13] JOIN: Knees has entered.
[13-20:14] ceea7, Palladia Mors : *turns up Bloody Tears*
[13-20:14] f96be, Will-o'-the-wisp: *coughs*
[13-20:14] d3a2d, Liz: *eyes her Korn*
[13-20:14] b27f2, Knees: Hi, all. *wave*
[13-20:14] f96be, Will-o'-the-wisp: "ello
[13-20:15] ceea7, Palladia Mors : *nods to Knees* Never thought I'd see you in one of my chats *is Liam*
[13-20:15] d3a2d, Liz: Knees...from *place chat name here* I actually missed you, though we never speak.
[13-20:16] b27f2, Knees: Awh.
[13-20:16] b27f2, Knees: Why do you think I'd never show up in one of your chats, Liam?
[13-20:16] d3a2d, Liz: Want to know something weird, though?
[13-20:17] b27f2, Knees: Okay.
[13-20:17] ceea7, Palladia Mors : Just do..dunno why
[13-20:17] b27f2, Knees: I have a character in here. ^_^ Though I've never brought her in...
[13-20:17] d3a2d, Liz: I missed Justin, too. Untill I talked to him again. *flinches* Oi, that was'nt smart.
[13-20:18] b27f2, Knees: Ew, Justin.
[13-20:18] b27f2, Knees: I dislike him, and he certainly dislikes me, but I try to be civil to him.
[13-20:19] d3a2d, Liz: We have one here, too, unfortunately.
[13-20:19] b27f2, Knees: Uh oh?
[13-20:19] EXIT: Knees has left the chat ( 9:19pm, April 13 (CDT) ).
[13-20:20] JOIN: Aryn Tyrell has entered.
[13-20:20] b27f2, Aryn Tyrell: This is better.
[13-20:21] d3a2d, Liz: He's a admin, so I can't name names...but it's not hard to spot
[13-20:21] b27f2, Aryn Tyrell: Now I'm curious.
[13-20:22] MSG: Liz sent a message to Aryn Tyrell.
[13-20:24] 57823, Roki: blah
[13-20:24] b27f2, Aryn Tyrell: hehe, I believe it.
[13-20:24] d3a2d, Liz: Can't beleive it?
[13-20:24] d3a2d, Liz: Can't beleive what?
[13-20:24] b27f2, Aryn Tyrell: I believe it.
[13-20:25] d3a2d, Liz: Ahh..*gags*
[13-20:26] d3a2d, Liz: BBS
[13-20:26] b27f2, Aryn Tyrell: Bye, Liz.
[13-20:28] JOIN: O.R. has entered.
[13-20:35] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[13-20:36] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 9:35pm, April 13 (CDT) ).
[13-20:37] ceea7, Palladia Mors : *ponders IC to clear mind*
[13-20:38] JOIN: Axis has entered.
[13-20:39] 51b7e, Axis : ((hey all.))
[13-20:40] f96be, Will-o'-the-wisp: ello
[13-20:40] ceea7, Palladia Mors : Grekdas
[13-20:41] 51b7e, Axis : ((anything interesting going on?))
[13-20:43] ceea7, Palladia Mors : Alec Avery was killed by the Death Knight Sothicus Aurelius
[13-20:45] 51b7e, Axis : ((today?))
[13-20:46] ceea7, Palladia Mors : Yesterday officially
[13-20:46] d3a2d, Liz: Well..I did'nt miss a lot
[13-20:46] MSG: Mab sent a message to Palladia Mors.
[13-20:46] f96be, Will-o'-the-wisp: That was a mess
[13-20:47] MSG: Palladia Mors sent a message to Mab.
[13-20:47] 51b7e, Axis : ((ahh. I miss all the fun))
[13-20:47] d3a2d, Liz: Guess what?!
[13-20:48] 51b7e, Axis : ((hmm?))
[13-20:48] d3a2d, Liz: I got my first "Call me".
[13-20:48] ceea7, Palladia Mors : Cool
[13-20:49] 51b7e, Axis : ((what?))
[13-20:49] ceea7, Palladia Mors : *eyes IC warily*
[13-20:49] d3a2d, Liz: From Justin, at the gas station..*smiles*
[13-20:50] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 9:46pm, April 13 (CDT) ).
[13-20:50] 57823, Roki: .... Justin ?
[13-20:50] 57823, Roki: which Justin...
[13-20:50] d3a2d, Liz: Not Sane!! *shudders* Eww
[13-20:50] JOIN: Ryden has entered.
[13-20:50] b27f2, Aryn Tyrell: *wrinkles nose*
[13-20:50] f96be, Ryden: ((*says fukc it and gets IC*))
[13-20:51] ceea7, JeKieth : ((*does to*))
[13-20:51] d3a2d, Liz: Anyone deep within the forest?
[13-20:52] JOIN: Karlita has entered.
[13-20:52] ceea7, JeKieth : ((*raises hand* *lost his forge*))
[13-20:53] 75216, Karlita : (( Bonjour Tollum-au .... hehe ^-^))
[13-20:53] d3a2d, Liz: And I meen she's really deep
[13-20:53] MSG: Mab sent a message to Palladia Mors.
[13-20:53] 51b7e, Axis : ((rua or dark?))
[13-20:54] d3a2d, Liz: Rua forest. I'm talking about Averey.
[13-20:54] f96be, Ryden: *With tired steps she drifts towards her camp in the green depths of the forest. She has her bow with an arrow fitted against a taunt string. Has spent the evening hunting and so far, has seen nothing but squirrels*
[13-20:54] 57823, Roki: *exists*
[13-20:54] 51b7e, Axis : ((*sigh* jace needs to gfet back to me about that special char))
[13-20:54] f96be, Ryden: ((*raises her hand as well*))
[13-20:54] MSG: Palladia Mors sent a message to Mab.
[13-20:55] 75216, Karlita : (( boredness.... hey, my char is in Rua forest...))
[13-20:55] JOIN: Jace has entered.
[13-20:55] 8bfa9, Jace: Which character Axis?
[13-20:55] f96be, Ryden: ((has her bow out))
[13-20:56] 51b7e, Axis : ((that pheonix))
[13-20:56] d3a2d, Liz: Anyone want to follow a stream or just happen upon a clearing?
[13-20:56] 8bfa9, Jace: Well dont leave it up to me, I dont mean sheezy to anyone anymore
[13-20:57] 8bfa9, Jace: Go bug one of the "important" admins, sorry I cant help you out
[13-20:58] 51b7e, Axis : ((perhaps another one of our mighty admins can help then. no problem jace thanks anyway))
[13-20:58] MSG: JeKieth sent a message to Axis.
[13-21:00] 75216, Karlita : * another day of dis-honor towards her decased father... how could she have thrown such a fit when the Courtier came to the palace ?? sighs...she sits atop Fiona, her pure white Mare...shes clad in a navy blue gown, with a black travelers's cloak on, the hood over part of her flawless face...she rides quietly through the woods ..*
[13-21:00] 8bfa9, Jace: maybe, some day, when Im important enough to do jack sheezy, Ill be able to help someone out, you know, when I rate it
[13-21:00] ceea7, JeKieth : *canters along the bank of a stream, having lost his forge in a skirmish, and he was forced to abandon it...rather depressing really..he was rather fond of his small shop..he tosses his head back a moment, sending the golden brown hair that looks like a mane flying around his head and shoulders and neck, a bow hanging from his shoulders as is a quiver of arrows, his golden brown coat shining a bit in the sun*
[13-21:01] 51b7e, Axis : ((whats the problem?))
[13-21:01] 75216, Karlita : (( Sun ?? isnt it night time ? heh ))
[13-21:02] d3a2d, Averey Lithle : *sits along the bank of that very same stream, some ways up, waiting patiently for a nibble on her line. Behind her, the canvas of her small tentlike structure rustles in the breeze*
[13-21:02] 57823, Roki: then just go away Jace. heh. i dont think people want to hear yer 'by bitch I mean I love you'ing.
[13-21:02] 8bfa9, Jace: i dont know, ask the almighty important ones
[13-21:03] ceea7, JeKieth : ((Jace..stop you're disrupting an RP in progress with your bellyaching))
[13-21:03] d3a2d, Averey Lithle : (( Is it possible for a guy to have pms? ))
[13-21:03] 8bfa9, Jace: If you try really hard
[13-21:03] f96be, Ryden: *Her hoof falls are a firm rhtym against the forest floor. Her stomach is rolling with hunger and all she can think of are the bag of apples that she left at her camp. She quickens her pace so that she's moving at a canter, hooves kicking up loose dirt as she goes*
[13-21:03] MSG: Mab sent a message to Palladia Mors.
[13-21:04] ceea7, JeKieth : *lets his eyes cast about him as he continues cantering down the bank streem keeping an eye out for trouble along the way, his golden brown tail twitching back and forth, swatting at flies*
[13-21:04] MSG: Mab sent a message to Roki.
[13-21:04] MSG: Palladia Mors sent a message to Mab.
[13-21:05] d3a2d, Averey Lithle : *sighs and brushes the strands of red hair that have fallen into her face back* Come on..I'd like to eat sometime..
[13-21:06] 75216, Karlita : * comes to a stream, her horse leans down to drink..*
[13-21:07] MSG: Mab sent a message to Jace.
[13-21:07] d3a2d, Averey Lithle : (( Ok..we have two camps along the same stream...can you travelers please indicate which you're headed for? Averey's and Ryden's are out of sight and hearing range of eachother. ))
[13-21:08] 8bfa9, Jace: and just for the sake of mentioning it. Im not 'by bitch I mean I love you'ing, Im rubbing your fukcing bullsheezy in your own faces, in front of everyone... I hate hiding things from the general public
[13-21:08] ceea7, JeKieth : *the sound of his hoofbeats would be audible the closer and closer he draws towards Averey, as he does spot the small spattering of inhabitance and arches a brow, but unslings his bow should it be needed a heavy baritone and rumbling* ((neither really..prolly more towards Averey))
[13-21:09] 75216, Karlita : * is near Rydens Camp.. not knowing this of course...she crys dosftly as her horse stops drinking the cool water..*
[13-21:09] f96be, Ryden: *She's nearing the place where her camp is, reconizes these trees and the scattering of rock. She quickens her pace and hurries forward in a movements that are a mixture of a canter and a gallop. Home, even when it's under a oak, is still home and she's eager to get there.*
[13-21:09] d3a2d, Averey Lithle : (( Is he in the water? ))
[13-21:10] ceea7, JeKieth : ((Along the bank))
[13-21:10] f96be, Ryden: *Adds!** as she approaches, if Karlita is listning carefully she can hear the approaching patter of hoofbeats*
[13-21:10] d3a2d, Averey Lithle : *she looks up at the vibration of hoofbeats through the ground*
[13-21:12] 75216, Karlita : * Fionas ears perk, and Karlita hears as well..hoofbeats.. she turns her horse and backs up into some trees..watching *
[13-21:12] ceea7, JeKieth : *would appear as probably a rider and horse in the distance, though that would change all too quickly, the closer he gets to her position...he is rather tall, powerfully built as are most of the males of his species, his coat and human hair being the same golden brown, though his goatee has a hint of gray in it, his tail swishes back and forth as if swatting at some annoyance*
[13-21:13] d3a2d, Averey Lithle : *watches as he draws nearer to her position and studies him* Greetings
[13-21:15] ceea7, JeKieth : *examines the woman as she speaks to him before coming to a stop and then slinging the powerful looking bow he had at the ready before nodding towards her, his foreleg kicking up as most horses do..though this is an unconcious movement* Greetings..
[13-21:15] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[13-21:16] f96be, Ryden: *It's still somewhat light out so Karlita should really have no trouble getting an idea who or what she is looking at. A female centaur with a reddish blonde coat and hair. She carries a bow in one hand, the string is lax and no arrow is poised for aim. She heads towards a bundle of sacks, her movements now quiet and leisurly*
[13-21:16] d3a2d, Averey Lithle : *stands slowly* And what brings you this deep, traveler?
[13-21:17] ceea7, JeKieth : Following a game by chance havent seen a buck run by I take it
[13-21:18] d3a2d, Averey Lithle : *shakes her head* I'm afraid not..if I had, I would'nt be fishing tonight..
[13-21:18] 75216, Karlita : * watches the pretty creatue..thinks back.. and remembers meeting her and a human a few days before..steps out of the dim shadows* Hullo..
[13-21:20] ceea7, JeKieth : *frowns slightly and shakes his head* Damn...*his foreleg again kicks up before coming to rest, his tail swishing back and forth snapping itself at they real or would be a rare thing to see a Centaur this far they are usually a people of the steppes to the east, as for any sort of formal clothing, he wears only a black leather vest but slung around where his human waist tapers off into his equinine body, there is a massive hammer*
[13-21:21] d3a2d, Averey Lithle : Though, if I catch some fish, you're more then welcome to join me at my fire, Centaur.
[13-21:21] JOIN: Brimstone has entered.
[13-21:22] f96be, Ryden: *Her head jerks up and her forelegs lift a few inches off the ground, slamming back onto the earth with a resounding thud, her body stiff with surprise. She dosent draw her bow however, is observant enough to see that a woman on horse is what startled her so. With a hand to her chest she breathes out a shaky laugh* Oh, hello*her voice that rich smoothness that eases along the ears*
[13-21:24] ceea7, JeKieth : *nods* Thank of luck on your fishing then.. I will see if I cant at least find something edible in the surrounding area I can bring back to share...*moves off at a slow canter, keeping a tight reign on his energy expenditure should he need to sprint*
[13-21:25] 75216, Karlita : sorry.. if I startled you miss... Ryden was it ? *tosses back her black hood..her chocate colored curls falling in place around her featured face8
[13-21:25] 75216, Karlita : *
[13-21:26] d3a2d, Averey Lithle : *nods and sits back down, wondering. What is a centaur doing far west? Is there trouble coming? She shrugs. After all, it would'nt be her problem*
[13-21:27] f96be, Ryden: Quite alright*She offers the woman a friendly smile, the corners of her mouth curling up in a comforting manner* Yes, Ryden it is but I'm afraid that I cant remeber your name*her brows furrowing* Though I do remeber you*Is standing off to the side at this exhange, her equine body resting against the trunk of her oak tree*
[13-21:27] 75216, Karlita : chocolate *
[13-21:28] ceea7, JeKieth : *a distance away, he spots his elusive buck and nocks an arrow to the bowstring and draws back tightly before letting the arrow fly it missing the buck by only a small margine, startling the beast as it scampers off...he curses and lurches into a full gallop after the beast and nocks another bow before taking aim*
[13-21:28] 75216, Karlita : ah.. I am Karlita..*nods, coming closer*
[13-21:28] JOIN: Brimstone has entered.
[13-21:29] d3a2d, Averey Lithle : *blinks, then smiles as she feels a nibble on her line* Ahh...
[13-21:29] f96be, Ryden: Ah yes, I remeber now. You are royal arent you?*Questioned as she kneels in a smooth motion to draw an apple from one of the sacks*
[13-21:30] beb1a, Brimstone : *puffing off his attractive pipe, pausing between a few trees in the forest .. his meaning for being in the woods much different now - though he heard no music, only the russle of leaves an noises of animals*..
[13-21:31] ceea7, JeKieth : *releases the bowstring, sending the arrow speeding towards his target, and catches the beast through its throat, piercing its trachea, which sends the beast sprawling to the ground and so he canters over to it, stopping to retrieve the arrow that missed and slipping it back into his quiver before dragging the beast back towards where he had left Averey*
[13-21:31] 75216, Karlita : well..*sighs* yes.. * hops off of her horse*
[13-21:32] d3a2d, Averey Lithle : *with a quick flick of her wrist, she brings in a rather large fish*
[13-21:32] f96be, Ryden: You appear to be burdened by that fact*she settels herself down in the grass by her sack of provisions and after a moment she lifts an apple and offers it to the girl* would you like one?
[13-21:34] 75216, Karlita : *sighs, then smiels and nods* sure..*sits donw..Fiona stays planted in one spot * yes..being royal isnt much to brag about..
[13-21:35] EXIT: Brimstone has left the chat ( 10:35pm, April 13 (CDT) ).
[13-21:35] ceea7, JeKieth : *comes back to Averey's campsite and plops down the mid-sized buck with a heavy heave of his muscled frame before ripping the arrow out of its neck, a brief gasp of air escaping the dead creature's throat at the new aeration created in it...he canters casually over towards the stream and washes off the arrow before slipping it back into his quiver*
[13-21:36] d3a2d, Averey Lithle : *smiles up at him as she finishes gutting the fish* Nice catch
[13-21:36] f96be, Ryden: Tell me then, what is so horrid about being of royal birth*and her teeth slip into the skin of the apple for a large, loud and satisfying bite*
[13-21:37] ceea7, JeKieth : Lucky shot too...* feels about his belt for his skinning knife and no longer has it..he frowns* Well Damn...
[13-21:37] d3a2d, Averey Lithle : Here..*ducks into her tent long enough to get a larger skinning knife* Use this
[13-21:38] 75216, Karlita : (( i g2g )) * stands quick, hearing someone call her name* sorry i have to go !! * flees*
[13-21:38] EXIT: Karlita has left the chat ( 10:38pm, April 13 (CDT) ).
[13-21:39] ceea7, JeKieth : *takes it* Thanks..*begins to dress the buck, skinning it, removing its organs and all that loverly stuff*
[13-21:40] d3a2d, Averey Lithle : *begins rubbing herbs into her fish*
[13-21:40] f96be, Ryden: *She stares off at the girl as she retreats into the forest, her teeth working over the apple in her mouth. She swallows and nestles back into a quiet shadow a little hum slipping pasted her apple scented lips*
[13-21:41] ceea7, JeKieth : *is still skinning and dressing the buck, letting it hang upside down so the blood can drip out*
[13-21:42] d3a2d, Averey Lithle : *watches him as she continues to herb it*
[13-21:43] ceea7, JeKieth : *goes to wash off her knife before handing it back to her before removing the leather belt which contains his massive hammer that looks like it could be used either as a warhammer or a smithing hammer*
[13-21:43] f96be, Ryden: *the tone of the hum is low and rumbily, something that isnt appealing to her right now. Then with a sigh and a slanted look to one of the bags she leans over and digs out her pipes.*
[13-21:44] d3a2d, Averey Lithle : So..will you stay?
[13-21:45] ceea7, JeKieth : At least fo the night...I'm done in until I get some sleep...
[13-21:45] d3a2d, Averey Lithle : *nods* You might want to hang up that deer...there'll be scavengers
[13-21:46] ceea7, JeKieth : I'm waiting for it to finish bleeding out...the meat will be more tender that way
[13-21:46] f96be, Ryden: *She takes a deep breath, filling up her lungs with air and then she breaths into the wooden pipes, the first note high, sweet and long*
[13-21:47] d3a2d, Averey Lithle : Ahhh..I see
[13-21:49] ceea7, JeKieth : *it isnt long before he is hanging the deer's carcass from the nearest branch, securing it there rather tightly before cantering about the camp a bit*
[13-21:50] d3a2d, Averey Lithle : This fish should be enough for both of us. *wraps it up in a large leaf and puts it on the coals to bake*
[13-21:51] f96be, Ryden: *It echos like a bird cry and would almost seem to be if it wasnt for the succession of notes after words, their tone quick and bright like a bubbling stream*
[13-21:53] ceea7, JeKieth : *nods* Should be
[13-21:54] d3a2d, Averey Lithle : *washes off her hands* I am Averey
[13-21:55] ceea7, JeKieth : JeKieth...
[13-21:55] d3a2d, Averey Lithle : *bows slightly*
[13-21:57] ceea7, JeKieth : *inclines his head, he cant bow being a centaur and all...he moves a bit closer towards the coals for warmth as a sudden chill wind blows past the site*
[13-21:57] d3a2d, Averey Lithle : What news of the world outside these woods?
[13-21:58] f96be, Ryden: *She intends on playing herself to sleep, she has most nights and the tone of the pipes soften to a slow, soft streaming of music, it very similar to a lullibye*
[13-22:02] ceea7, JeKieth : I am sure you know of what happened to Krondor...
[13-22:03] d3a2d, Averey Lithle : *nods*
[13-22:06] JOIN: Illisse Brilthor has entered.
[13-22:08] ceea7, JeKieth : Then..not that I know of
[13-22:09] d3a2d, Averey Lithle : the world goes on
[13-22:11] ceea7, JeKieth : SO it seems...
[13-22:12] f96be, Ryden: ((*pauses for a little while*))
[13-22:14] d3a2d, Averey Lithle : *sighs* Not surprised
[13-22:15] ceea7, JeKieth : *shrugs and flips over the fish hearing it hiss as it cooks*
[13-22:18] d3a2d, Averey Lithle : *watches him*
[13-22:18] ceea7, JeKieth : *he canters in a circle before slowly lowering his frame down, bending at the knees to lie down*
[13-22:22] d3a2d, Averey Lithle : *smiles faintly*
[13-22:24] ceea7, JeKieth : *examines his shoes and frowns* My kingdom for a forge...
[13-22:27] JOIN: Ramzix has entered.
[13-22:28] c01fa, Illisse Brilthor : (*needs rp* location?)
[13-22:29] d3a2d, Averey Lithle : A forge?
[13-22:29] ceea7, JeKieth : *nods* I need to reshoe myself...
[13-22:35] d3a2d, Averey Lithle : Oh...there's one in the city
[13-22:35] EXIT: Illisse Brilthor has left the chat ( *goes to find someone to play with* ).
[13-22:36] ceea7, JeKieth : How far is the city?
[13-22:37] d3a2d, Averey Lithle : About a day
[13-22:40] ceea7, JeKieth : *nods* Good...not too far then...
[13-22:40] d3a2d, Averey Lithle : Not far at all. Far enough to be gone, but not too far
[13-22:43] ceea7, JeKieth : Excellent
[13-22:44] d3a2d, Averey Lithle : *nods and grabs a plate* It should be ready
[13-22:46] ceea7, JeKieth : *nods and grabs the fish and tosses it upon the plate, used to handling such hot things from the fact that he ran a forge*
[13-22:48] JOIN: Illisse Brilthor has entered.
[13-22:49] EXIT: Illisse Brilthor has left the chat ( 11:48pm, April 13 (CDT) ).
[13-22:50] d3a2d, Averey Lithle : *takes out a clean knife to cut it in half*
[13-22:51] ceea7, JeKieth : *waits to be given his half before eating*
[13-22:52] d3a2d, Averey Lithle : *gives him his half, studying him* Far from home
[13-22:57] ceea7, JeKieth : Quite...*eats his half of the fish*
[13-22:59] d3a2d, Averey Lithle : *shakes her head head savours her fish*
[13-23:01] ceea7, JeKieth : *as does he though he looks about for some oats or something...maybe some fruit*
[13-23:02] d3a2d, Averey Lithle : No fruite or anything
[13-23:05] ceea7, JeKieth : Curses
[13-23:08] d3a2d, Averey Lithle : ***Pause***
[13-23:08] EXIT: Averey Lithle has left the chat ( 12:08am, April 14 (CDT) ).
[13-23:17] f96be, Ryden: ((back))
[13-23:19] f96be, Ryden: *She can play for hours and hours are what she strives for. Brimstone was correct about one thing, she does know what she is playing, she's playing her memeories. The one of the fluter reaches up into the wind and calls out in sweet notes*
[13-23:22] f96be, Ryden: ((one=song))
[13-23:28] f96be, Ryden: ((are=and...and I'm really fukcing tired..oy))
[13-23:29] JOIN: Brimstone has entered.
[13-23:29] beb1a, Brimstone : (Hmm.)
[13-23:33] f96be, Ryden: *It lowers into a softer fluttering and the music becomes sparse in the breeze. She suddenly stops her playing to listen to something in the wind. This was always a habbit for her back home, on the plains, except it is different here. When the wind blows the leaves shiver and it's a dimunitive sound compared to the great winds that would sweep over the tall grasses*
[13-23:36] beb1a, Brimstone : *tracking the music again, very close by, having been keeping to the shadows, silent up till this point .. he pauses at the music stops, standing near a tree, a gloved hand pressed firmly against it*..
[13-23:38] f96be, Ryden: *She licks the taste of apple from her lips and takes in another deep breath, fingers positioning themselves where she needs them and then she blows in, her exhale a ripple of bell like notes*
[13-23:41] beb1a, Brimstone : *a sharp, single note whistled out from somewhere behind her in the darkness .. leaning forward slowly, trying to peer through the dim lighting, his human eyes are supernatrually acute, but too much sit between him and her*..
[13-23:45] f96be, Ryden: *She stops and turns to listen, her ears pressing back against the sides of her skull, her breathing paused for a moment, waiting for another note. When another one dosent come she lifts her instrument back to her lips for another, breif, rippling of sound*
[13-23:48] beb1a, Brimstone : *his vocal tunes match her own instrumental output .. stepping out from behind the tree, facing the direction he hears the music from - hands fold behind his back, taking a few steps forward*..
[13-23:51] f96be, Ryden: *A smile forms in the cornerns of her pursed mouth and she increases the complexity of her notes, possibly opening a challenge to the mimic that echoes her not too far off*
[13-23:55] beb1a, Brimstone : *he cuts off momentarily, hearing her sudden quickening in her tones .. mind turns the notes over in his head, lips pursed and he starts up again, this time his altering notes fall between her own, supporting them - he continues forward, brushing of leaves audible*..
[13-23:58] f96be, Ryden: *Music is breathed out with the sudden clairty and suppleness of laughter. They are upbeat and quick, their rhytm could flow with the rappid dancing of feet*
[14-00:00] f96be, Ryden: *adds**she looks up towards the noticable sound of rusting leaves and she dosent miss a note*
[14-00:05] beb1a, Brimstone : *walking through the greens of the forest, she finally comes in clear sight of him .. his whistling a pleasant lower depth than her notes, furthest from sad, merely complementing her own - his hands unfold, curling into coat pockets as he nears*..
[14-00:09] f96be, Ryden: *Her head tilts to the side for a momment and with a nod in welcoming to him she makes the notes shift to a song that is lower, slower, like wind moving over her prarie grass. This song is far from sad, in between these long notes there are little flitters of higher, sweeter notes*
[14-00:12] beb1a, Brimstone : *he nods in return, respectfully .. lips calm, slipping shut as his end of the song dies .. stopping a good ten feet from her, silky voice heightened to drift over her notes*.. Greetings.
[14-00:14] f96be, Ryden: *And the pipe quietens and her notes are carried away by the wind. She lays the instrument down in the grass beside her before looking up* Good evening..
[14-00:18] beb1a, Brimstone : *hands slide out of his pockets and hold one over the other near his waist .. a few steps taken forward toward her*.. I just wished to express my deepest apology for the prior night. *eyes close briefly as he nods low at her*..
[14-00:22] f96be, Ryden: *A brow lifts in question and carefully, her voice soft, she inquires What are you apologizing for*Player isnt sure if her Character would be aware that he was the creature that gave her the race of her life*
[14-00:27] beb1a, Brimstone : *glances over his shoulder in the basic direction it happened, a gloved hand also lifts, motioning*.. I lose discipline periodically, and last night's events were the result of that. *he takes a step back, attention drawn to her again .. unaware of what she'll do, hostility not high on his hopes*..
[14-00:34] f96be, Ryden: *Well, she is quiet for a moment. Instead of giving off open hositily she gives off the feeling that she thinking and indeed she is. She's still for a moment or two and then her eyes clear and she looks to Brimstone, her expression unreadlabe* I had my suspicions but no basis to prove them. *she sighs and stands, not able to bear sitting like this for long* but your apology is more than accepted.
[14-00:40] beb1a, Brimstone : Excellent. It's appreciated. *an appreciative, slim smile forms across his lips .. relaxing as he sees to revenge of any type is in order*.. Perhaps some compensation for the distasteful occurrence? *leans forward slightly, a white brow arching*..
[14-00:46] f96be, Ryden: Compensation? *she gives her head a toss, her mane of hair flying over her shoulders. Of all things that she imagined she never expected this* I require nothing expect an apology and you already gave me that so I can think of nothing. *she offers him a shy smile*
[14-00:49] beb1a, Brimstone : *nods low again*.. Very well. *hands behind his back once more, standing at his full height - manners almost nearly forgotten in his propsition to her, he steps forward, extending a hand*.. I am Brimstone.
[14-00:53] f96be, Ryden: It is a pleasure to meet your acquaintance Brimstone*she does a sort of half bow, centuars dont bow, it's pretty much impossible and then she takes his hand, her grip warm and strong, the hand of a hunter* And I am Ryden
[14-00:58] beb1a, Brimstone : *issues her a firm, respectable handshake*.. As it is yours, Ryden. Quite a suitable name for a Centaur. *releases her hand, his glove blocked the cool sensation his skin would hold .. taking a step back*.. A hunter, aye? *her attire speaks for itself, not to mention weaponry*..
[14-01:02] f96be, Ryden: Thank you, my mother is to thank for my name*appreciates a good handshake and her opinion of him went up a notch or two. At his observation of her being a hunter she nods* Yes, a hunter, indeed I am
[14-01:04] beb1a, Brimstone : *a pressing matter on his mind, but another question slips between his lips*.. What matter of beasts do you hunt? *he undoes a few longcoat buttons, a hand sliding inside*..
[14-01:08] f96be, Ryden: *She watches the hand and for the sake of habbit, she takes a timid step back* In my community it is not common to hunt for sport, we hunt for food. I've mostly killed deer, birds, rabbits.
[14-01:12] beb1a, Brimstone : *draws out his waterskin, noticing her movment, but says nothing .. he uncaps it*.. Mmm. *he nods, then lifts the opening of the skin to his lips for a drink - a pause before speaking again, needing to get it out*.. There is a matter of sever importance I wish to discuss with you... *voice clearly toned to emphasis how he values what he's about to say*..
[14-01:15] f96be, Ryden: *If she's releived that it's only a waterskin then you couldnt tell it**She listens to what he has to say, he has her attention so lets see what becomes of it*Yes?*questioning and curious*
[14-01:24] beb1a, Brimstone : By my knowledge... *caps and pockets the waterskin*.. In this region, you are presently, solely, the only being aware of my true self. *he takes a long, deep breath, exhaling slowly, probably a length sigh*.. This the aftermath of my corrupt transgression prior night... *does up the platinum fastens of his longcoat*.. You mustn't breathe a word of this, to anyone.
[14-01:28] f96be, Ryden: *She takes a moment to adjust her upper armband, the golden circlet had begun to slip off. Then she gives him her full attention, topaz eyes almost boring into his* Your secret is safe with me
[14-01:32] JOIN: Sorcha Lidil has entered.
[14-01:32] beb1a, Brimstone : *he also staring pointedly into her eyes, very serious expression, not to a theatening level, much more of worry*.. As it must, my life depends on it. *he extends his hand again*.. Your word then?
[14-01:35] f96be, Ryden: *Her fingers clasp around his in that firm grip, once again.* You have my word that I will not betray your secret*Her eyes carry a almost touching level of sincerity, she is indeed young*
[14-01:40] beb1a, Brimstone : You have my utmost mustn't then. *the shake becomes quite strong, just briefly, body expressing it's extreme thanks before releasing .. his hand returns to his side, a soft, low sigh escapes his lips - adding*.. Ever find yourself requiring anything, my resources are open to you. Anything.
[14-01:43] f96be, Ryden: You wont regret it *and hand falls into a grasp with it's mate* The only thing that I require is that you dont worry. *she smiles* as for everything else..well..i'm very self-sufficant
[14-01:51] beb1a, Brimstone : *body pivots, a side facing her, he takes a few steps forward*.. You are very commendable, Ryden. *glances at her over a leathered shoulder, then turns around, walking forward .. pacing slowly infront of her - often watching her, impressed expression across his visage*.. You parents raised an astonishing daughter. I hold you in high regards, and respect you a great deal. *speaking as if that should matter, almost snooty about it .. just another flaw that runs in his dragonic blood*..
[14-01:59] f96be, Ryden: She watches his sudden dance, her eyes following his rappid pacing while being flattered and amused by his words but she really dosent allow much of the amusement to show through, she dosent want to insult her new friend* It is a honor to have myself considered in such high reguard by you and my family would be delighted by your words*Has manners, imagine that. As for the sootiness, she lets it just roll of of her. One could say that she is used to such things*
[14-02:04] beb1a, Brimstone : *stops, turning to face her, a slightly smile tugging at his lips at her comments*.. Pardon my inquiring, but why do you reside here instead the territory your family, and many others of your breed too I imagine. Not too offend, but you are one of very few who I've witnessed in his area.
[14-02:09] f96be, Ryden: No, you are correct there. I have only encountered one like myself and that was a very long time ago. As for my presence here..well*and she stops here, giving out a very long sigh, her expression pained* It's complicated acutally, but it is by choice that I am here.
[14-02:10] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[14-02:11] JOIN: Deke Menion has entered.
[14-02:15] beb1a, Brimstone : *the smile fades, brow lowers lightly .. not wishing to hit a nerve - he nods, speaking quitely*.. My apologies. I did not intend to emerge toublesome history. *eyes bare sympathy toward her, head bowed half-way*..
[14-02:18] ea53d, Sorcha Lidil: *She stands silently outside an empty shop window gazing in, her dark curls flutter in and out of her vision as she looks at the outside of this shop nodding slowly to herself as if coming to a decision*
[14-02:20] f96be, Ryden: Your apology is appreciated as is your understanding*and she gives him a apologetic smile*
[14-02:20] JOIN: Deke Menion has entered.
[14-02:20] f96be, Ryden: ((God, the world is spinning. I'm needing to goto bed soon I think))
[14-02:20] beb1a, Brimstone : (Heh, alright.)
[14-02:21] a6f5c, Deke Menion: ((God the world is spining?))
[14-02:21] beb1a, Brimstone : Though I dislike taking my leave on such a note, I fear I must. *he nods to her, the smile returns*.. Be well, Ryden.
[14-02:22] f96be, Ryden: ((something like that. Look, I've been awake for 26 hours and I think my brain is starting to shut down*))
[14-02:23] f96be, Ryden: We all have things that we need to do*and she betrays a yawn and showns no embarrassment after it passes* Thank you Brimstone. Walk Strong and tall
[14-02:24] beb1a, Brimstone : Farewell. *he turns and walks off into the darkness for a late snack*..
[14-02:25] f96be, Ryden: *And sleeps the night away*
[14-02:25] f96be, Ryden: ((Thanks for the play. Again, sorry for cutting this short but *long yawn* I'm really sleepy__
[14-02:25] f96be, Ryden: ))
[14-02:27] beb1a, Brimstone : (That's fine. Sleep's a wonderful thing. Think I'll get some soon myself. )
[14-02:27] f96be, Ryden: ((Indeed it is. Well, have a goodnight*scurries off to bed*))
[14-02:28] beb1a, Brimstone : (You too. :uttie:
[14-02:28] beb1a, Brimstone : (Heh, that almost worked. *gone*)
[14-02:28] EXIT: Brimstone has left the chat ( 3:28am, April 14 (CDT) ).
[14-02:28] ea53d, Sorcha Lidil: *she looks carefully around before she steps away from the shop and heads to the glimmering inn slowly her mind else where*
[14-02:32] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[14-02:32] a6f5c, Will-o'-the-wisp: heh
[14-02:32] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 3:32am, April 14 (CDT) ).
[14-02:32] JOIN: Deke Menion has entered.
[14-02:33] a6f5c, Deke Menion : ((test))
[14-02:39] ea53d, Sorcha Lidil: (silence)
[14-02:53] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[14-05:39] JOIN: Illisse Brilthor has entered.
[14-07:20] JOIN: Levald has entered.
[14-07:20] af4fb, Levald: u there??
[14-07:21] EXIT: Levald has left the chat ( 8:20am, April 14 (CDT) ).
[14-07:21] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[14-07:22] af4fb, Will-o'-the-wisp: eat sheezy and die, niggers
[14-08:07] JOIN: Illisse Brilthor has entered.
[14-08:14] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[14-08:15] 83c89, Will-o'-the-wisp: Woah...someone has a racial issue...
[14-08:18] 0c455, Illisse Brilthor : yeah and a big mouth
[14-08:20] 83c89, Will-o'-the-wisp: *nodnods* And if he was trying to be ghetto, its 'Nigga' ...the er and a ending make alllll the difference...heh.
[14-08:21] 0c455, Illisse Brilthor : mmhmm
[14-08:22] 83c89, Will-o'-the-wisp: Whoo..I'm addicted...not even 20 minutes here, and I'm already in the chats..heh.
[14-08:23] 83c89, Will-o'-the-wisp: By here, I meant work.
[14-08:23] 0c455, Illisse Brilthor : *L*
[14-08:25] 83c89, Will-o'-the-wisp: So, where are you from?
[14-08:25] 0c455, Illisse Brilthor : ? home
[14-08:26] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[14-08:26] 83c89, Will-o'-the-wisp: Home? I meant, like...what country if not from the US, or what state if from the US...
[14-08:27] 0c455, Illisse Brilthor : *L* texas
[14-08:28] 0c455, Illisse Brilthor : U?
[14-08:28] 0c455, Illisse Brilthor : hey you know youcan put in a user name even if you arent reg"d
[14-08:29] 83c89, Will-o'-the-wisp: Virginia...Northern, like 30 minutes from DC. Everytime I say Virgina, people are thinking.."Wow, redneck.."
[14-08:29] 83c89, Will-o'-the-wisp: Yeah, I know...I'm being lazy..
[14-08:29] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 9:29am, April 14 (CDT) ).
[14-08:29] JOIN: Damien has entered.
[14-08:29] 83c89, Damien: Not lazy now...heh
[14-08:30] 0c455, Illisse Brilthor : its just that I hate talking to wispy
[14-08:30] 83c89, Damien: Ah.
[14-08:31] 0c455, Illisse Brilthor : I actually know someone from VA and she is definitly NOT a redneck
[14-08:32] 83c89, Damien: *nodnods* Virginia...not just for rednecks anymore damnit! >_< heh
[14-08:33] 0c455, Illisse Brilthor : I alway thought of them as more like genteel southerners
[14-08:33] f96be, Will-o'-the-wisp: I'm from Virginia
[14-08:34] 0c455, Illisse Brilthor : akk another wispy!
[14-08:35] f96be, Will-o'-the-wisp: Yes, another wispy. I dont feel like getting a name though. No point, I"m getting ready to goto class
[14-08:35] 0c455, Illisse Brilthor : *L* huh well i'm one to talk...I spend more time as wispy than just about anyone
[14-08:36] f96be, Will-o'-the-wisp: It required great skill*flexes*
[14-08:36] f96be, Will-o'-the-wisp: I"m going to class..the sooner I get there the sooner I can leave
[14-08:36] 0c455, Illisse Brilthor : *L*
[14-08:36] 0c455, Illisse Brilthor : *waves bye to wispy*
[14-08:37] 83c89, Damien: *had gotten some work there for a second.* Whew, scared me...thought I was actually going to 'work' for my paycheck today..
[14-08:38] 0c455, Illisse Brilthor : Oh no ! dont do that!
[14-08:38] 83c89, Damien: Lol Hells no...why would anyone wanna do that?! *quote from Liar Liar, accidentally.*
[14-08:39] 0c455, Illisse Brilthor : *doesnt get a paycheck. therefore she doesnt have to work*
[14-08:40] 83c89, Damien: That sucks paycheck, no money...unless you're offering 'other' services...heheh.
[14-08:41] 0c455, Illisse Brilthor : not likely...actually i do work...custom sewing for Ren Faires
[14-08:41] 0c455, Illisse Brilthor : just work from home
[14-08:42] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[14-08:43] 83c89, Damien: Ah, I see...*has no idea who or what Ren Faires is, but nods politely.* Heh.
[14-08:43] 0c455, Illisse Brilthor : renaissance faires
[14-08:43] 0c455, Illisse Brilthor : you know like medieval
[14-08:44] 0c455, Illisse Brilthor : hmm its kinda like a cross between reinactment and state fair...sorta
[14-08:45] 83c89, Damien: Ohhhhh...I thought Ren Faires was a company name or something..Lol...its too early for me.
[14-08:45] 83c89, Damien: I definitely love the Ren Faires...especially the archery and the mud wrestling.
[14-08:45] 0c455, Illisse Brilthor : *L*
[14-08:45] 83c89, Damien: Oh, and the glass sculpture making thing is pretty sweet too.
[14-08:46] 0c455, Illisse Brilthor : our big one just started this my bus. has slowed down....loves the glass blowers i ould like to learn how to do that...
[14-08:47] 0c455, Illisse Brilthor : would-ould
[14-08:48] 83c89, Damien: I would learn that stuff too, but I know it takes patience...something I don't have an affinity for..
[14-08:49] 0c455, Illisse Brilthor : me either and i dont like the heat...thats why i live in texas hehe
[14-08:50] 83c89, Damien: You don't like the heat, thats why you live in Texas? So you don't like Texas?
[14-08:51] 0c455, Illisse Brilthor : Love it...was joking....
[14-08:51] 83c89, Damien: I said, it may be too early for me to catch anything..Lol..
[14-08:51] 0c455, Illisse Brilthor : texas is HOT
[14-08:52] 83c89, Damien: I bet...I always see on the Weather channel that you guys get the high ass temps.
[14-08:53] 0c455, Illisse Brilthor : yeah....air conditioning rocks
[14-08:54] 83c89, Damien: Lol yeah, I can agree with that, even over here...I think the hottest its gotten here since I've lived here as been like in the 100's...they made everyone stay inside...outside jobs were cancelled for the was awesome.
[14-08:54] 0c455, Illisse Brilthor : just not this week . last week it was almost 80..then we had a cold frront it was 40 this morning
[14-08:55] 83c89, Damien: LOL...thats funny as hell
[14-08:55] 83c89, Damien: I couldn't handle that body would be all outta whack.
[14-08:55] 0c455, Illisse Brilthor : huh when it gets to 100 here they start having bbq's.....
[14-08:56] 83c89, Damien: Thats just sick...
[14-08:57] 83c89, Damien: Sure, I'd eat the bbq...grab it then run inside my house..
[14-08:57] 0c455, Illisse Brilthor : its some strange texan cant cook outside til then
[14-08:58] 83c89, Damien: Yeah, by then you don't need fire...just slap something on the grill and it'll cook itself.
[14-08:58] 0c455, Illisse Brilthor : Ive lived here so long that 100 doesnt bother me...its when its 110 that I complain
[14-08:58] 0c455, Illisse Brilthor : *L*
[14-08:59] 34b54, Roki: try 90 with 99% humidity
[14-08:59] 83c89, Damien: *nods* Yeah, Florida's humidity will kill you...its like 80 degrees out, and you're sweating like a mother.
[14-08:59] 0c455, Illisse Brilthor : hey youre still up? when DO you sleep
[14-09:00] 83c89, Damien: Roki...shes a great girl.
[14-09:00] 83c89, Damien: LOL jk
[14-09:00] 83c89, Damien: I can't believe I thought you were a girl...iunno why...weird.
[14-09:00] 34b54, Roki: i woke up 2 hours ago
[14-09:00] 34b54, Roki: !
[14-09:00] 34b54, Roki: dont make me keel haul you
[14-09:01] 0c455, Illisse Brilthor : hmmm you musta fell asleep logged on saw you abut 4 hours ago
[14-09:01] 83c89, Damien: *chuckles evily.*
[14-09:01] 34b54, Roki: i leav my AIM running all the time. heh.
[14-09:02] 0c455, Illisse Brilthor : *hugs Roki*
[14-09:02] 34b54, Roki: *hugged..dies*
[14-09:02] 0c455, Illisse Brilthor : must be nice...have dialup
[14-09:02] 0c455, Illisse Brilthor : NO!!
[14-09:02] 34b54, Roki: i've got cable
[14-09:02] 34b54, Roki: *runs off to campus*
[14-09:02] 83c89, Damien: You have dial-up? Omnipotence...I wouldn't be able to handle that.
[14-09:03] 83c89, Damien: *kills the filter!*
[14-09:03] 0c455, Illisse Brilthor : *lives in BFE* there aint nuthin but nuthin here
[14-09:04] 0c455, Illisse Brilthor : we might actually get dsl in the next milleniun
[14-09:07] 83c89, Damien: bbl, got some work to take care of.
[14-09:07] 83c89, Damien: *poofs for a little.*
[14-09:07] 0c455, Illisse Brilthor : millenium
[14-09:07] 0c455, Illisse Brilthor : bye
[14-09:09] 0c455, Illisse Brilthor : *lurks*
[14-09:10] JOIN: Oyrin Darkune has entered.
[14-09:10] 9e601, Oyrin Darkune : Not like you killed someone! Its not liek you drove a spitefull spear into his to jesus Omnipotence as if he knows the reasons why, he did it all for you.
[14-09:11] 0c455, Illisse Brilthor : *hugs Oyrin* hey long time no see
[14-09:14] 9e601, Oyrin Darkune : Hells yeah. How are things?
[14-09:15] 0c455, Illisse Brilthor : hmm not good
[14-09:16] 57823, Roki: <_< >_>
[14-09:16] 9e601, Oyrin Darkune : Story of my life.
[14-09:16] 0c455, Illisse Brilthor : *L*
[14-09:18] 0c455, Illisse Brilthor : its been almost boring..there hasnt been many people in to rp with
[14-09:19] 9e601, Oyrin Darkune : Yeah. Reallife has bitten my in the ass, hence the not online alot.
[14-09:20] 0c455, Illisse Brilthor : seems to be doing that to a lot of people lately
[14-09:21] 9e601, Oyrin Darkune : word. Hopefully summer will be better
[14-09:21] 57823, Roki: doubt it
[14-09:21] 57823, Roki: i think everybodys starting to realize theres LIFE out there.. somewhere.. may not be intelligent.. but its life
[14-09:21] 0c455, Illisse Brilthor : *looking for a job as beach bum*
[14-09:24] 9e601, Oyrin Darkune : as in going outside? horrid.
[14-09:25] 0c455, Illisse Brilthor : hehe like it outside just wish could take pc out id spend all day in the sun
[14-09:25] 9e601, Oyrin Darkune : *readhair, fair skin.* I prefer to go out at night...
[14-09:26] 0c455, Illisse Brilthor : *red hair (this week) nice tan...nights I spend here
[14-09:29] 9e601, Oyrin Darkune : Boo to tans! It means when your thirty, yer gonna have the skin of a gator!
[14-09:29] 0c455, Illisse Brilthor : not a bother
[14-09:33] 9e601, Oyrin Darkune : You say that now...but what about when your all like sliding through a swamp and people start calling you The Crocodile lady?
[14-09:41] 0c455, Illisse Brilthor : hehe and who'd dare do that?
[14-09:42] 9e601, Oyrin Darkune : *shifty eyes* I WOULD! *Clears throat* Crocodile lady. *nod*
[14-09:43] 0c455, Illisse Brilthor : *takes Oyrins war hammer and hits him with it*
[14-09:44] 9e601, Oyrin Darkune : oww. Meh head *holds head. Tear*
[14-09:44] 0c455, Illisse Brilthor : behave yourself dont call ladies names
[14-09:45] 9e601, Oyrin Darkune : psh. I called no names.
[14-09:46] 0c455, Illisse Brilthor : OH?
[14-09:46] 9e601, Oyrin Darkune : Yesh. *pokes!*
[14-09:48] 0c455, Illisse Brilthor : need another word for 'scent' *pokes back*
[14-09:48] 9e601, Oyrin Darkune : Smell. *Whacks with hammer*
[14-09:49] 0c455, Illisse Brilthor : wount work translating into elvish and we dont really have a word for that so i need another one
[14-09:50] 9e601, Oyrin Darkune : I don't speak's nancy.
[14-09:50] 0c455, Illisse Brilthor : dont need the elvish word just english
[14-09:55] 0c455, Illisse Brilthor : *screams cuz she cant think*
[14-09:55] 83c89, Damien: odor?
[14-09:55] 0c455, Illisse Brilthor : yea!!!! thank you
[14-09:56] 83c89, Damien: fragrance?
[14-09:56] 83c89, Damien: No prob ^_^
[14-09:56] 9e601, Oyrin Darkune : *Whacks Damien* Hush your big words.
[14-09:56] 0c455, Illisse Brilthor : no odor worked perfectly
[14-09:57] 83c89, Damien: Lol...big words...
[14-09:58] JOIN: Levald has entered.
[14-09:58] 0c455, Illisse Brilthor : hey lev
[14-09:58] af4fb, Levald: hey
[14-09:58] 9e601, Oyrin Darkune : Man...I think I'll take my shirt off. Hey hey. It's the plumber. I heard someone has leaky pipes?
[14-09:59] 9e601, Oyrin Darkune : *Porno music*
[14-09:59] af4fb, Levald : all but my pic
[14-09:59] 83c89, Damien:
[14-10:00] 0c455, Illisse Brilthor : mayabe i should try this one on him ainulindale is that short enough?
[14-10:00] af4fb, Levald : the school pc dont reload the info
[14-10:00] 0c455, Illisse Brilthor : awww
[14-10:01] af4fb, Levald : ya
[14-10:01] 9e601, Oyrin Darkune : aaaaaaaaaaaah! The bigness of the word. My brain is exploding!
[14-10:01] 0c455, Illisse Brilthor : haha
[14-10:02] 83c89, Damien: ainulindale? Never heard that word...are you sure you just didn't start hitting the keyboard and thats what came out of it?
[14-10:02] 0c455, Illisse Brilthor : means the music of the Ainur
[14-10:02] 9e601, Oyrin Darkune : You pulled it out of your ass! The word never exists!
[14-10:02] af4fb, Levald : antidisestablishmentarianism
[14-10:02] 83c89, Damien: Ah...well I guess thats ok..
[14-10:03] 0c455, Illisse Brilthor : or houw about tindomerel
[14-10:03] 83c89, Damien: use that in a sentence...
[14-10:03] 0c455, Illisse Brilthor : show off
[14-10:03] 0c455, Illisse Brilthor : oh dont ask him to do that....he will
[14-10:03] 9e601, Oyrin Darkune : Diorybonicnucleaicacid. That's my fav.
[14-10:03] 9e601, Oyrin Darkune : DNA for short.
[14-10:04] 83c89, Damien: LOL Is that on the ingredients for a twinkie?
[14-10:04] 83c89, Damien: *nods*
[14-10:04] 0c455, Illisse Brilthor : ah he just copied that off a sumpthin
[14-10:04] 9e601, Oyrin Darkune : The TWINKIE OF LIFE!
[14-10:05] 9e601, Oyrin Darkune : The hell I did. I like that word! *whacks gator-gal.*
[14-10:05] af4fb, Levald : Illise is part of a antidisestablishmentarianism practicing cult.
[14-10:05] af4fb, Levald : Illisse*
[14-10:05] af4fb, Levald : j/k
[14-10:05] 83c89, Damien: That would be weird...eating a twinkie, and the ingredients are like sugar, dextrose, and oh yeah, DNA!
[14-10:05] 0c455, Illisse Brilthor : see i told you not to ask him!!!!!
[14-10:06] af4fb, Levald : you forgot lard
[14-10:06] 83c89, Damien: Anti- and Dis-...don't they null each other out
[14-10:06] 9e601, Oyrin Darkune : Not never!
[14-10:06] af4fb, Levald : ya
[14-10:06] 9e601, Oyrin Darkune : Those two null eachother out.
[14-10:06] 83c89, Damien: Yeah
[14-10:06] af4fb, Levald : but not in its case
[14-10:06] 83c89, Damien: But I thought two negatives would null each other out...iunno.
[14-10:07] 83c89, Damien: Bah...useless word created by the MAN!
[14-10:07] af4fb, Levald : disestablishment
[14-10:07] 83c89, Damien: wait, nm.
[14-10:07] 83c89, Damien: Anti isn't a negative, just the opposite of whatever its on, or opposing rather.
[14-10:08] 83c89, Damien: 'Cause I could be Anti-Racist, which is a good thing.
[14-10:08] 83c89, Damien: Damn...its too early for this nonsense >_<
[14-10:08] 9e601, Oyrin Darkune : You know..that Man is an a-hole. We should stick it to him.
[14-10:08] 0c455, Illisse Brilthor : sooo if you broke it down...........hey....NO I'M NOT!!!!!!!!
[14-10:08] af4fb, Levald : dis and un would null eachother out
[14-10:09] 0c455, Illisse Brilthor : *needs a drink* it is definitly toooo early for this kind of converstation
[14-10:09] 83c89, Damien: Hey now...why're you thinking about sticking something in the man's a-hole? I swear, that boy just ain't right..
[14-10:09] 83c89, Damien:
[14-10:09] 9e601, Oyrin Darkune : Illisse. Are you saying that you're the man? Cause all this time I thought you were a girl..and if you are a girl and think you are the man..well your plumbing is all messed up is all I can say.
[14-10:09] 0c455, Illisse Brilthor : midnight friday would be good though
[14-10:10] af4fb, Levald : man ive been up for 6 hours
[14-10:10] 9e601, Oyrin Darkune : Yeah. a m-80 and a german grenade. *is kinky.*
[14-10:10] 83c89, Damien: Lol
[14-10:10] 0c455, Illisse Brilthor : well Ive been up for 5 but its still too early
[14-10:11] af4fb, Levald : my lunch period is already over
[14-10:11] 83c89, Damien: *has only been up for 3.* Suckers...
[14-10:11] 9e601, Oyrin Darkune : I've been up for two. Its my day off damnit. I'ma be lazy.
[14-10:11] af4fb, Levald : but its 11 here
[14-10:11] 9e601, Oyrin Darkune : So Damien. HA!
[14-10:11] 0c455, Illisse Brilthor : God Oyrin ask me again friday ok? maybe it'll make sense then
[14-10:12] 0c455, Illisse Brilthor : bye lev
[14-10:12] af4fb, Levald : ?
[14-10:12] 9e601, Oyrin Darkune : Come to think of it...I don't know what I was asking. OOOOO Kill bill. Commence watching.
[14-10:13] af4fb, Levald : im in history
[14-10:13] 83c89, Damien: Its your day off and you're up this early? Damn
[14-10:13] 0c455, Illisse Brilthor : you said lunch was over .,......oh yeah...forgot you have history next dontcha?
[14-10:13] af4fb, Levald : ya
[14-10:13] 0c455, Illisse Brilthor : depends on where he is it could be noon
[14-10:13] 9e601, Oyrin Darkune : Its what happens when you wake up everymorning at eight.
[14-10:14] 9e601, Oyrin Darkune : you automatically wake up.
[14-10:15] af4fb, Levald : Hey roki you in here??
[14-10:15] af4fb, Levald : hes on aim
[14-10:15] 0c455, Illisse Brilthor : in class
[14-10:16] af4fb, Levald : oh
[14-10:16] 9e601, Oyrin Darkune : Yep.
[14-10:17] af4fb, Levald : so Illisse how are those spells coming??
[14-10:17] 9e601, Oyrin Darkune : *hands Illisse a beer, hands Levald a beer and hands Damien a beer.*
[14-10:17] 9e601, Oyrin Darkune : *Stands in the alley.* Boy I tell ya what.
[14-10:17] 0c455, Illisse Brilthor : *takes beer form Levald * He's too young
[14-10:17] 0c455, Illisse Brilthor : slow.... keep talking and not working....
[14-10:17] 9e601, Oyrin Darkune : Let the boy experience life now! Give it back to him!
[14-10:18] JOIN: Levald has entered.
[14-10:18] af4fb, Levald :
[14-10:18] 0c455, Illisse Brilthor : *gi8ves it back* ahh he's probably had one anyway
[14-10:18] af4fb, Levald : i dont really like bear
[14-10:19] af4fb, Levald : ive had 151
[14-10:19] af4fb, Levald : if it matters
[14-10:19] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[14-10:19] 0c455, Illisse Brilthor : bear?? you eat bear?????
[14-10:19] 9e601, Oyrin Darkune : Ah yes.l Alcohol and I had a fun time at new years...then the bastard took me out on the porch and knocked my trashed self out.
[14-10:19] af4fb, Levald : beer***
[14-10:19] 9e601, Oyrin Darkune : Rum is nasty. Vodka is good.
[14-10:20] 9e601, Oyrin Darkune : Can't remember what Crown royal was like..but I know I had shots.
[14-10:20] af4fb, Levald : bakardy(s)
[14-10:20] 9e601, Oyrin Darkune : I think I had a margarita too...but mostly it was vodka shots. Lots of Vodka shots.
[14-10:20] 9e601, Oyrin Darkune : Bacardi
[14-10:20] 83c89, Damien: Sorry, spaced out...151? Thats some hardcore sheezy
[14-10:20] 0c455, Illisse Brilthor : tequila
[14-10:20] af4fb, Levald : k
[14-10:21] af4fb, Levald : i couldnt do tequila worms are grose
[14-10:21] 83c89, Damien: I love my mixed drinks...I don't care what people call 'em..fufu, girly, whatever...those mixed drinks are good, and they're potent.
[14-10:22] 0c455, Illisse Brilthor : you dont have to do them ya know.....they dont put them in shots
[14-10:22] af4fb, Levald :
[14-10:22] 0c455, Illisse Brilthor : hmm what kinda mixed?
[14-10:22] af4fb, Levald : ya i know but their in the bottle
[14-10:22] 83c89, Damien: Tequila is nasty...Rum is too...
[14-10:23] 83c89, Damien: Its called a Red Death...Kamikaze and an Alabama Slammer mixed.
[14-10:23] 9e601, Oyrin Darkune : I had Tequila. Don't remember the taste..but I know it was one of the last four of the night.
[14-10:23] 83c89, Damien: Then I drink a Whiskey Sour too.
[14-10:23] 0c455, Illisse Brilthor : *doesnt even bother with the salt and lime* hey Ive had a kamikaze
[14-10:24] 83c89, Damien: I'll pretty much drink any mixed drink thats got a bit of sweetness in it.
[14-10:24] 0c455, Illisse Brilthor : you ever had a barmat?
[14-10:24] 83c89, Damien: Kamikaze drink, or shot?
[14-10:24] 83c89, Damien: Nope.
[14-10:24] 83c89, Damien: Whats that?
[14-10:24] 9e601, Oyrin Darkune : I've never had a mixed drink. Everything I've had has been straight and it gets me drunk way to fast.
[14-10:24] 0c455, Illisse Brilthor : Its where the tender takes the bar mat and pours it in a glass
[14-10:25] 0c455, Illisse Brilthor : shots their more fun
[14-10:25] 9e601, Oyrin Darkune : o_o
[14-10:25] 9e601, Oyrin Darkune : Sweet Omnipotence
[14-10:25] 9e601, Oyrin Darkune : So you get vomit along with alcohol.
[14-10:25] 0c455, Illisse Brilthor : they are
[14-10:25] 0c455, Illisse Brilthor : noo ..
[14-10:26] 83c89, Damien: Thats nasty..that barmat..
[14-10:26] 9e601, Oyrin Darkune : *Grabs Illisse and dances*
[14-10:26] 0c455, Illisse Brilthor : depends on where the mat is....behind the bar...ok othr wise never mind!
[14-10:26] 83c89, Damien: *laughs when he sees the filter kick in for Omnipotence.*
[14-10:26] af4fb, Levald : ever had a suicide
[14-10:27] 9e601, Oyrin Darkune : Fukcing Silent Bob sucking son of a mother fukcing 'by bitch I mean I love you' female bathing suit area licking a-hole 'by bitch I mean I love you' filter
[14-10:27] af4fb, Levald : its a little of everything
[14-10:27] 9e601, Oyrin Darkune : Haha. The filter is gay.
[14-10:27] 83c89, Damien: How did you best the filter with Fukcing?
[14-10:27] 83c89, Damien: Oops...nevermind...LOL
[14-10:27] 83c89, Damien: Aww sheezy
[14-10:28] 9e601, Oyrin Darkune : woops. Typo
[14-10:28] 83c89, Damien: I spelled it wrong...Omnipotence Almighty..
[14-10:28] 9e601, Oyrin Darkune : Silent Bob SUCKER FUKCER
[14-10:28] 83c89, Damien: Fukcing
[14-10:28] 9e601, Oyrin Darkune : DAH!
[14-10:28] 83c89, Damien: LOL
[14-10:28] 9e601, Oyrin Darkune : It happened again!
[14-10:28] af4fb, Levald :
[14-10:28] 9e601, Oyrin Darkune : Fukcer
[14-10:28] 9e601, Oyrin Darkune : o_o
[14-10:28] 9e601, Oyrin Darkune : Its the filter
[14-10:28] 0c455, Illisse Brilthor : *dances around the room wit Oyrin trying to avoid his feet*
[14-10:28] 83c89, Damien: Damnit! Its purposely doing it! WTF
[14-10:28] 83c89, Damien: FUKCNUT
[14-10:28] 83c89, Damien: Gah!
[14-10:28] 83c89, Damien: female bathing suit areaSucker
[14-10:28] 9e601, Oyrin Darkune : *Dance dance dip!*
[14-10:28] 83c89, Damien: Ball Sucker
[14-10:28] 83c89, Damien: Muwahaha
[14-10:29] 83c89, Damien: Eat my Peeeeenis
[14-10:29] 83c89, Damien: LOL
[14-10:29] 0c455, Illisse Brilthor : god this thing need to refresh faster that last one had 15 lines in it
[14-10:30] af4fb, Levald : well im here till 12:15
[14-10:30] 83c89, Damien: Silent Bob 'by bitch I mean I love you' Ass Fukcer female bathing suit area
[14-10:30] 9e601, Oyrin Darkune : eat my penis is a filter?
[14-10:30] 0c455, Illisse Brilthor : yeah your time not mine
[14-10:30] 83c89, Damien: LOL *is having too much fun with this.*
[14-10:30] 83c89, Damien: Nope...I just typed it
[14-10:31] 9e601, Oyrin Darkune : ah heh.
[14-10:31] 0c455, Illisse Brilthor : we are bored arent we?
[14-10:31] 83c89, Damien: *nodnods*
[14-10:31] af4fb, Levald : well you could alwas look at all the filters
[14-10:32] af4fb, Levald : always***
[14-10:32] 9e601, Oyrin Darkune : word.
[14-10:32] 83c89, Damien: Hmm...true dat.
[14-10:33] 83c89, Damien: Lol...I know one phrase they haven't censored out.
[14-10:34] af4fb, Levald : what
[14-10:34] 0c455, Illisse Brilthor : *closes eyes*
[14-10:34] 83c89, Damien: Its kinda nasty though...should I go for it?
[14-10:34] 9e601, Oyrin Darkune : *raps*
[14-10:34] af4fb, Levald : sure
[14-10:34] 83c89, Damien: well actually, the first one isn't so bad
[14-10:34] 83c89, Damien: Cum Bubble
[14-10:34] 83c89, Damien:
[14-10:35] af4fb, Levald : and?
[14-10:35] 83c89, Damien: You blob of Vaginal Discharge!
[14-10:35] 83c89, Damien: LOL
[14-10:35] 9e601, Oyrin Darkune : o_o
[14-10:35] 9e601, Oyrin Darkune : Eew.
[14-10:36] 83c89, Damien: *grins uncontrollably for some reason.*
[14-10:36] 0c455, Illisse Brilthor : testosterone poisoning......
[14-10:36] 83c89, Damien:
[14-10:36] 9e601, Oyrin Darkune : Run Illisse. Run far before you grow a pair.
[14-10:37] af4fb, Levald :
[14-10:37] 83c89, Damien: Or before you see a pair...Lol jk
[14-10:37] 0c455, Illisse Brilthor : ahh well i'll stay everybody needs some sometime
[14-10:37] 0c455, Illisse Brilthor : could do with that now......
[14-10:37] 9e601, Oyrin Darkune : o_o
[14-10:38] 83c89, Damien: *laughs his ass off for some reason.*
[14-10:38] 83c89, Damien: I think I can see Oyrin actually making that face.
[14-10:38] 0c455, Illisse Brilthor : somebody pick his eyes up off the floor please
[14-10:39] 9e601, Oyrin Darkune : >_>
[14-10:39] 9e601, Oyrin Darkune : <_<
[14-10:39] 9e601, Oyrin Darkune : Those arent my eyes. Heh heh heh.
[14-10:39] 83c89, Damien: LOL
[14-10:40] 83c89, Damien: 8==D Are we gonna start with this stuff?
[14-10:40] 0c455, Illisse Brilthor : if they're not then you got problems pal
[14-10:40] 83c89, Damien: Lol Hes got a spacer between his o_o
[14-10:40] 0c455, Illisse Brilthor : no we're not subject.....???
[14-10:40] 9e601, Oyrin Darkune : Nonono. I at least am somewhat decent.
[14-10:41] af4fb, Levald : well his willy got stepped on in the dance
[14-10:41] 83c89, Damien:
[14-10:41] 0c455, Illisse Brilthor : and Levald don't you dare laugh in class.!!!
[14-10:42] af4fb, Levald : im in the pc lab
[14-10:42] af4fb, Levald : got a pass
[14-10:42] 0c455, Illisse Brilthor : cheater
[14-10:42] 9e601, Oyrin Darkune : Oh yeah. *Pushes Levald into the pool.*
[14-10:43] af4fb, Levald : pulls oyrin along
[14-10:44] 9e601, Oyrin Darkune : aaaaaah! *Grabs Illisse and pulls her in too*
[14-10:44] 0c455, Illisse Brilthor : now alls we need is for shifty to get back
[14-10:44] 0c455, Illisse Brilthor : *holds Oyrin and swims to the deep end before letting him go*
[14-10:45] af4fb, Levald : *gets out of pool*
[14-10:45] 9e601, Oyrin Darkune : *grabs ahold of legs. *
[14-10:45] af4fb, Levald : *pulls flush lever*
[14-10:46] 0c455, Illisse Brilthor : *snort* boy wachu thinkin we swimmin in?
[14-10:47] 9e601, Oyrin Darkune : Yeah. *gurglegurlge underwater talk* No toilet!
[14-10:48] af4fb, Levald : so i installed a flush lever
[14-10:49] af4fb, Levald : like cartoons
[14-10:49] 0c455, Illisse Brilthor : *holds breath, dives deeper gets oyrin caught in drain. kicks him and swims to the surface*
[14-10:49] af4fb, Levald : hello
[14-10:50] af4fb, Levald : *plugged pool overflows
[14-10:50] af4fb, Levald : *
[14-10:50] 9e601, Oyrin Darkune : *Builds up pressure and splawoooooooooooooosh!**shoots out of the water like a missle, flips and lands. Ninja style.**draws hammer* Soo....we meet again Levald. *Anime ninja music and sunbeam.*
[14-10:51] af4fb, Levald : *pulls Emberstrike*
[14-10:51] 0c455, Illisse Brilthor : LMAO
[14-10:51] ceea7, Palladia Mors : What in the blue cheese is goin on here?
[14-10:52] 0c455, Illisse Brilthor : too much free time
[14-10:52] 9e601, Oyrin Darkune : *Que funky anime techno music.* So it begns. *Charges!*
[14-10:53] 0c455, Illisse Brilthor : and none of us have char's any where near each other to rp
[14-10:53] af4fb, Levald : *steps aside having slightly more agility due to the hight advantage*
[14-10:53] af4fb, Levald : *laughs*
[14-10:55] ceea7, Palladia Mors : *blows up their tiny planet with a sneeze*