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[07-18:24] 95fa8, Illisse Brilthor : ((Geez even Oyrin hasn't been in in 2 weeks and sayin I miss him is .... ))
[07-18:24] EXIT: Karlita has left the chat ( 7:24pm, April 07 (CDT) ).
[07-18:24] 95fa8, Illisse Brilthor : bye
[07-18:29] 95fa8, Illisse Brilthor : ((absolute utter boredom....))
[07-18:35] JOIN: Jagged Farrell has entered.
[07-18:35] 8349f, Jagged Farrell: *yaaaaaaaaawns*
[07-18:36] 95fa8, Illisse Brilthor : ((meee Toooo))
[07-18:37] 8349f, Jagged Farrell: ((whats up))
[07-18:38] 95fa8, Illisse Brilthor : ((nothin...just hidin out ...))
[07-18:40] 8349f, Jace: ((hiding from what?))
[07-18:41] 95fa8, Illisse Brilthor : ((life...nah...just waitin for pdf to load....taking forever....))
[07-18:41] 8349f, Jace: pdf of what
[07-18:42] 95fa8, Illisse Brilthor : was supposed to be spells.. but all i got was a blank page... took 5 min for that damn
[07-18:43] 8349f, Jace: make sure you check all the pages
[07-18:43] 8349f, Jace: brb...
[07-18:49] 95fa8, Illisse Brilthor : huh I'd love to but now the page froze...and Im not gonna reboot right now.
[07-18:54] 95fa8, Illisse Brilthor : ahhh brb gonna do it anyway...
[07-19:01] JOIN: Illisse Brilthor has entered.
[07-19:02] JOIN: Jace has entered.
[07-19:02] 8349f, Jace: aaaaaand, Ill be back in just 2 seconds, no lie
[07-19:03] 7c0f5, Illisse Brilthor : yeahh suuure
[07-19:07] 7c0f5, Illisse Brilthor : tick tick tick
[07-19:09] JOIN: Jace has entered.
[07-19:10] 3aef9, Jace: *laughs* I just got permabanned from a chat room
[07-19:10] 7c0f5, Illisse Brilthor : ooohh
[07-19:12] 7c0f5, Illisse Brilthor : not even gonna ask whatcha did
[07-19:12] 3aef9, Jace: oh well I logged out of AOL and logged back in, so it changed my IP, i got right back in
[07-19:12] 3aef9, Jace: I pulled the chat masters punk card
[07-19:14] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[07-19:14] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 8:14pm, April 07 (CDT) ).
[07-19:14] 3aef9, Jace: It was grand fun
[07-19:14] JOIN: Illisse Brilthor has entered.
[07-19:15] 3aef9, Jace: You know if you go whispy, you need to just click the back button a couple times, and you auto go back, without having to sign back in
[07-19:15] 7c0f5, Illisse Brilthor : damn wispy sorry you lost me on that gotta remember that I'm relatively new to this
[07-19:16] 7c0f5, Illisse Brilthor : huh last time i did that I went wayyyyyyyback
[07-19:16] 3aef9, Jace: brb, phone
[07-19:33] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[07-19:34] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[07-19:34] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 8:34pm, April 07 (CDT) ).
[07-19:35] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[07-19:36] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 8:35pm, April 07 (CDT) ).
[07-19:36] 7c0f5, Illisse Brilthor : there is no body home...
[07-19:37] JOIN: Lok has entered.
[07-19:37] JOIN: Illisse Brilthor has entered.
[07-19:37] fb887, Lok : ((hey all))
[07-19:37] 7c0f5, Illisse Brilthor : hey Lok....gotta pic for you
[07-19:38] fb887, Lok : ((oh?))
[07-19:40] 7c0f5, Illisse Brilthor :
[07-19:41] 7c0f5, Illisse Brilthor : *laughs* dont know if you'll like it...took me long time to find one that wasnt tv cartoon
[07-19:43] fb887, Lok : ((interesting...))
[07-19:46] 7c0f5, Illisse Brilthor : (da.. just kicked the cat...she thinks she's a foot warmer and everytime I move I toss her .....
[07-19:49] fb887, Lok : ((heh heh all kats a re like that
[07-19:49] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[07-19:51] 7c0f5, Illisse Brilthor : usually she thinks she more like snoopy you know vulture pose always on my shoulder
[07-19:51] fb887, Lok : (())
[07-19:55] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[07-19:58] 3aef9, Jace: aaaaaaaaaaand Im back
[07-19:59] fb887, Lok : ((welcome back ))
[07-19:59] JOIN: Valandil Elladan has entered.
[07-19:59] 125f3, Valandil Elladan : HI!!!
[07-19:59] 3aef9, Jace: heeeeeeey
[07-20:01] 7c0f5, Illisse Brilthor : oh wow...
[07-20:01] fb887, Lok : ((anyone up to rp?))
[07-20:02] 3aef9, Jace: sure, I guss
[07-20:02] 7c0f5, Illisse Brilthor : boy you have perfect timing....I have to go in a few
[07-20:03] MSG: Illisse Brilthor sent a message to Valandil Elladan.
[07-20:04] 125f3, Valandil Elladan :
[07-20:05] 125f3, Valandil Elladan : I'm sorry... I might be on later... not sure...
[07-20:05] 7c0f5, Illisse Brilthor : I will be here after 10 my time....
[07-20:06] fb887, Lok : ((I'll be on until 11:00 according to the side bar clock))
[07-20:06] MSG: Illisse Brilthor sent a message to Valandil Elladan.
[07-20:07] 7c0f5, Illisse Brilthor : what time is it now Lok?
[07-20:07] fb887, Lok : ((the side bar thingie says 9:07:19))
[07-20:08] 7c0f5, Illisse Brilthor : oh then you will be gone when i get back
[07-20:09] 7c0f5, Illisse Brilthor : aarrgg gotta go amin mela lle Val
[07-20:09] MSG: Valandil Elladan sent a message to Illisse Brilthor.
[07-20:09] 125f3, Valandil Elladan : amin mela lle...
[07-20:10] fb887, Lok : *an orc wandering through the forest having been seperated from it's patrol suddenly is pinned to a tree through the throat by a massive arrow shaft*
[07-20:10] 3aef9, Jace: hmmmmm
[07-20:10] MSG: Illisse Brilthor sent a message to Valandil Elladan.
[07-20:10] fb887, Lok : ((I love saying things like that))
[07-20:11] 7c0f5, Illisse Brilthor : bye see ya'lll later
[07-20:11] f96be, Will-o'-the-wisp: Now jace, you should use parent *wagging finger*
[07-20:11] EXIT: Illisse Brilthor has left the chat ( 9:11pm, April 07 (CDT) ).
[07-20:11] fb887, Lok : ((later Illisse))
[07-20:16] 3aef9, Jace: *arches a brow*
[07-20:16] JOIN: Levald has entered.
[07-20:17] fb887, Lok : *a pair of massive shadows glide over and rip the shaft form the orcs throat cleaning it off and then the rush back to cover*
[07-20:18] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[07-20:19] c6c97, Levald : (FINISH HIM)
[07-20:21] fb887, Lok : ((finish who? the dead orc?))
[07-20:21] 125f3, Valandil Elladan : brb
[07-20:21] EXIT: Valandil Elladan has left the chat ( 9:21pm, April 07 (CDT) ).
[07-20:23] JOIN: Cookie Monster has entered.
[07-20:23] c6c97, Levald : (too much mortal kombat)
[07-20:23] c6c97, Levald : (sry)
[07-20:23] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[07-20:23] 5d609, Cookie Monster: I'mmmm dreaming of a BLUEEEE Omnipotencemasss.. just like the one I used to know...
[07-20:24] MSG: Cookie Monster tried to message Loc (not registered).
[07-20:24] MSG: Cookie Monster sent a message to Lok.
[07-20:24] 5d609, Cookie Monster: d'oh
[07-20:24] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[07-20:25] 3aef9, Jace: *blinks*
[07-20:25] JOIN: Lok has entered.
[07-20:25] 3aef9, Jace: *yaaaaaaaawns*
[07-20:26] MSG: Lok tried to message Uhohwas (not registered).
[07-20:27] 5d609, Cookie Monster: *could have sword that Uhohwas was registered*
[07-20:27] JOIN: Vix has entered.
[07-20:27] 1ae02, Vix: Hello.
[07-20:27] MSG: Lok sent a message to Cookie Monster.
[07-20:28] 1ae02, Vix: Hello, rather.
[07-20:28] 5d609, Cookie Monster: hello there. You're pic's broken.
[07-20:28] 3aef9, Jace: Hmmmm hey Vix
[07-20:28] 3aef9, Jace: no MSN?
[07-20:29] 1ae02, Vix: MSN was causing problems so I deleted it. I'll re-install it soon.
[07-20:29] JOIN: Valandil Elladan has entered.
[07-20:29] MSG: Cookie Monster sent a message to Jace.
[07-20:29] fb887, Lok : *speaking of that patrolthey are also having troubles with a couple dozen arrows flying at the m from multiple directions*
[07-20:30] 5d609, Cookie Monster: Why is the whale exploding?
[07-20:30] 3aef9, Jace: Mhmm.... nifty
[07-20:31] 1ae02, Vix: Because he never did anything for me.
[07-20:32] MSG: Cookie Monster tried to message Which (not registered).
[07-20:32] fb887, Lok : *soon the ground is littered with dead orcs*
[07-20:32] MSG: Cookie Monster sent a message to Jace.
[07-20:34] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[07-20:34] 3aef9, Jace: *handcuffs Vix to a stripper pole*
[07-20:36] 3aef9, Jace: Goblins = suxorz
[07-20:36] fb887, Lok : ((okay since the leader of our only real enimy in this chat is gone...what now?)))
[07-20:36] 1ae02, Vix: *Is handcuffed*
[07-20:36] 1ae02, Vix: Hey, not a bad idea for a new act, Jace.
[07-20:37] 3aef9, Jace: *sprawls out on the floor and um, sleeps and stuff*
[07-20:37] 5d609, Cookie Monster: Goblins = sux0r only in small numbers
[07-20:38] 3aef9, Jace: Nah, the ewok effect doesnt go for goblins
[07-20:39] 3aef9, Jace: *super glues Vixs hands to the install button on msn*
[07-20:40] 5d609, Cookie Monster: Goblins would own the ewoks.
[07-20:40] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[07-20:40] 3aef9, Jace: youre kidding, right?
[07-20:41] fb887, Lok : ((ewoks could destroy the goblins easy))
[07-20:41] 3aef9, Jace: they would strike with their all mighty yub-yub'edness
[07-20:42] fb887, Lok : ((and smite the goblins!))
[07-20:42] 5d609, Cookie Monster: ((we shall see...))
[07-20:43] 3aef9, Jace: *laughs* If any full army went against an army of goblins, the goblins would be destroyed. complete genocide
[07-20:44] fb887, Lok : ((unless the number of goblins was completely over whelming))
[07-20:45] 3aef9, Jace: no, even than, theres a more probable chance that the goblins would still lose
[07-20:47] fb887, Lok : ((very likely))
[07-20:49] 5d609, Cookie Monster: Using linear tactics yes. But who said the goblins used linear tactics?
[07-20:49] fb887, Lok : ((so I guess we need a new story line and need to dump the orcs...))
[07-20:50] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[07-20:51] EXIT: Vix has left the chat ( 9:36pm, April 07 (CDT) ).
[07-20:51] 5d609, Cookie Monster: I think the orcs just need to be taken over by somebody else.
[07-20:51] JOIN: Veronica Kaelir has entered.
[07-20:51] 3aef9, Jace: who says the ewoks would?
[07-20:52] 1ae02, Veronica Kaelir: *Off providing special favors for money, no doubt*
[07-20:52] 1ae02, Veronica Kaelir: *Off providing special favors for money, no doubt*
[07-20:52] 3aef9, Jace: well no fukcin sheezy
[07-20:53] fb887, Lok : ((the most likely way to do that is either get his chars or a Ne'Kriss))
[07-20:53] EXIT: Veronica Kaelir has left the chat ( 9:52pm, April 07 (CDT) ).
[07-20:53] MSG: Jace sent a message to Veronica Kaelir.
[07-20:53] 3aef9, Jace: Ne'Kriss, cause that isnt over fukcing done
[07-20:53] JOIN: Veronica Kaelir has entered.
[07-20:54] 3aef9, Jace: *grumbles*
[07-20:54] MSG: Veronica Kaelir sent a message to Jace.
[07-20:54] fb887, Lok : ((sorry))
[07-20:55] 5d609, Skarling Ironhand : *is sitting in the in, examining his dagger while he waits for a meal*
[07-20:55] MSG: Jace sent a message to Veronica Kaelir.
[07-20:56] MSG: Veronica Kaelir sent a message to Jace.
[07-20:56] 3aef9, Jace: I want to rp, but its been getting so damn dull
[07-20:57] MSG: Jace sent a message to Veronica Kaelir.
[07-20:57] fb887, Lok : ((there is nothing new to do.))
[07-20:58] c6c97, Levald : (well whens the war gonna start
[07-20:58] 3aef9, Jace: theres always something new to do, but no one ever takes the initiative
[07-20:58] 5d609, Skarling Ironhand : The war started months ago.. Nobody came to it.
[07-20:59] c6c97, Levald :
[07-20:59] 1ae02, Veronica Kaelir: I could always do another lame mini-quest with Rhaz, or I could bring Raele in.
[07-20:59] 1ae02, Veronica Kaelir: I always feel like I'm boring people whenever I do a quest like that though, heh.
[07-21:00] 5d609, Skarling Ironhand : ((*puts his last post in parantheses*))
[07-21:00] 5d609, Skarling Ironhand : ((*wants to RP*))
[07-21:00] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[07-21:00] 3aef9, Jace: *ponder ponder ponder* We could work on our little evil drow plot...
[07-21:01] 1ae02, Veronica Kaelir: (What kind of character is Skarling?)
[07-21:02] fb887, Lok : ((mayhaps with a smigen of demon? ))
[07-21:02] MSG: Jace sent a message to Veronica Kaelir.
[07-21:02] c6c97, Levald : (I need Xyvera to come back so i can leave the forest
[07-21:03] MSG: Veronica Kaelir sent a message to Jace.
[07-21:03] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[07-21:03] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 10:03pm, April 07 (CDT) ).
[07-21:03] MSG: Jace sent a message to Veronica Kaelir.
[07-21:04] JOIN: Veronica Kaelir has entered.
[07-21:04] JOIN: Axis has entered.
[07-21:04] MSG: Axis tried to message Msg God (not registered).
[07-21:05] 3aef9, Jace: God isnt registered? I should fix that...
[07-21:05] 5d609, Skarling Ironhand : ((*wants to know what people are saying to eachother*))
[07-21:05] 3aef9, Jace: We're talking about you behind your back
[07-21:06] c6c97, Levald : ya get used to it
[07-21:06] c6c97, Levald :
[07-21:06] 5d609, Skarling Ironhand : good to know.
[07-21:06] 3aef9, Jace: we're also lauging at Levalds newbishness
[07-21:07] c6c97, Levald :
[07-21:07] 1ae02, Veronica Kaelir: (I'll see if I can re-install MSN now or something)
[07-21:08] 3aef9, Jace: okiedoke
[07-21:08] fb887, Axis : ((*Causes Chaos and destruction.....wjile sleep walking*))
[07-21:09] 3aef9, Jace: *pours sat on Axis head..... cursed salt*
[07-21:11] fb887, Axis : *sits bolt upright in his bed in the glimmering panting...he had been having a nightmare...or was it a memoery?...either way the odd tatto on his back was pulsing. Glancing over his shouilder he saw in a mirror i nthe wwall caused his breathe to still. The half visible faces in the middle of the swirling tatto on his back were pulsing anlomst seeming to glare at him*
[07-21:11] fb887, Axis : (whats he saw...damn bad spelling))
[07-21:14] 3aef9, Jace: its ok, we forgive you
[07-21:16] fb887, Axis : *he blinks and shakes his head. When he looks back the image was as normal as it had ever been. He dresses swiftly and leaves the room and out of the inn striding through the streets of rua*
[07-21:17] JOIN: Veronica Kaelir has entered.
[07-21:17] 1ae02, Veronica Kaelir: (Blargh, multitasked. On the phone, etc...I'm gonna fattify my avatar, check it out)
[07-21:17] 1ae02, Veronica Kaelir: (FAT)
[07-21:18] MSG: Cookie Monster sent a message to Veronica Kaelir.
[07-21:18] 1ae02, Veronica Kaelir: (Damnit!, it's not fat...)
[07-21:18] MSG: Veronica Kaelir sent a message to Cookie Monster.
[07-21:19] 3aef9, Jace: hmmmm
[07-21:19] fb887, Axis : *as he walks he realizes he tastes blood in his mouth..human blood. and it tasted...good*
[07-21:21] 3aef9, Jace: *claps his hands* awesome!
[07-21:21] 1ae02, Veronica Kaelir: (Fat test)
[07-21:22] fb887, Axis : *he stops and his eyes widen as he realizes he is coated in it..the gore is especailly thick around his hands and when he removes his gloves...his claws are caked in gore.*
[07-21:24] 3aef9, Jace: *eating popcorn*
[07-21:25] 3aef9, Jace: hmmmmmmm ok doke, I think we lost Vix
[07-21:26] fb887, Axis : *he backs into an alley and mutters a few quick cantrips to clean himself completley and he slumps agaisnt the wall trying to remember...but all he could remember were screams and fire and blood*
[07-21:26] 3aef9, Jace: ohhh... and Cookie Monstor
[07-21:26] 3aef9, Jace: and Levald.... and Monster, not Monstor, my bad
[07-21:27] c6c97, Levald : im here
[07-21:27] 5d609, Cookie Monster: yesh?
[07-21:28] fb887, Axis : *shaking his head he walks on*
[07-21:28] 3aef9, Jagged Farrell: *his voice comes as a gentle purr from the darkness of the alley* tsk tsk Axis... quite a mess you made
[07-21:29] fb887, Axis : *chuckles*I must have *his tattoe was pulsing agian but he ignored it*
[07-21:30] 3aef9, Jagged Farrell: *he appears from the shadows, his movements lithe, cat like as he examines the demons form, arching a silver streaked eyebrow slightly* Bad dreams?
[07-21:31] fb887, Axis : Evidenlty more than just a dream....
[07-21:31] 3aef9, Jagged Farrell: I saw... though you did a nice job cleaning up *his brow furrowing slightly as he takes a few steps closer* What do you remember?
[07-21:33] fb887, Axis : *closes his eyes and rubs his forhead with a knuckle* blood. Lots of blood.
[07-21:33] 3aef9, Jagged Farrell: *he nods slowly, ears perking the slightest bit* We'll have to keep our ears and eyes open... see if we can find out just who it was you ravaged
[07-21:35] fb887, Axis : Ntohing in rua I think....probably was a large fire there. *rubs his back..the tattoe was pulsing almost painfully*
[07-21:36] 3aef9, Jagged Farrell: ((tattoo))
[07-21:37] fb887, Axis : ((thank you))
[07-21:37] 3aef9, Jagged Farrell: It seems your memories are starting to re awaken more and more.... this is *smirking softly* intresting
[07-21:38] fb887, Axis : indeed it is. My powers are returning it seems. My magic as well
[07-21:40] fb887, Axis : You have heard of the maelstrom yes?
[07-21:43] 3aef9, Jagged Farrell: the maelstrom.... why dont you explain this to me?
[07-21:45] JOIN: roz has entered.
[07-21:46] fb887, Axis : It is...a palce where oblivion meets reality..a place of swirling clouds and lighting where the dark gods dwell
[07-21:48] 3aef9, Jagged Farrell: Ahh..... Ive head of such places, though we call it the maral
[07-21:48] EXIT: roz has left the chat ( 10:45pm, April 07 (CDT) ).
[07-21:50] fb887, Axis : And it is on the edge of this the most evil of places I awoke with no memories...for some reason I think I was in there...and met the ruinous powers...the three dark gods
[07-21:52] 3aef9, Jagged Farrell: *nods slowly* Im listening
[07-21:54] fb887, Axis : I cannot remember what happend there...and that may be for the best. And I remeber only very very little before that now. I awaoke without memories and with a strange tattoo that I somehow know was not there before
[07-21:56] 3aef9, Jagged Farrell: And you havnt tried any means to restore your past memories?
[07-21:57] fb887, Axis : I have tried means both medical and magical. I get flickers and breif images....but no more
[07-21:57] 3aef9, Jagged Farrell: I see.... and what do you think of this.... blood that covered only moments before
[07-21:58] fb887, Axis : either I slaughtered many many people...or some mage is playing with my mind
[07-21:59] 3aef9, Jagged Farrell: and what do you think of the idea of the slaughter
[07-22:00] fb887, Axis : *grins a little* whatever happened...happened.
[07-22:01] fb887, Axis : *shakes his head for a minute* odd...I don't usually think like this...
[07-22:01] c6c97, Levald : (i gtg)
[07-22:01] 3aef9, Jagged Farrell: But you dont think its wrong... do you?
[07-22:01] c6c97, Levald : (c ya)
[07-22:01] 3aef9, Jagged Farrell: ((Ciao Arcane Newbie))
[07-22:02] EXIT: Levald has left the chat ( 11:01pm, April 07 (CDT) ).
[07-22:02] fb887, Axis : not know.
[07-22:02] fb887, Axis : ((I have to go here))
[07-22:05] fb887, Axis : *turns and walks into the shadows* Things are changing
[07-22:05] EXIT: Axis has left the chat ( 11:05pm, April 07 (CDT) ).
[07-22:06] 5d609, Cookie Monster: *lurk lurk lurk*
[07-22:06] 3aef9, Jagged Farrell: *smirks silently* ke nind phuul *returning to the shadows*
[07-22:08] 3aef9, Jagged Farrell: ((*smites smites smites*))
[07-22:10] 5d609, Cookie Monster: *watches as everything around him is smited, but either Jace favors the might Cookie, or is just a realy bad shot cause nothing harms me!*
[07-22:11] 3aef9, Jace: *pats Cookie* you know your my boy blue!
[07-22:12] 5d609, Cookie Monster: o/
[07-22:14] 3aef9, Jace: *gives him a cookie*
[07-22:14] 5d609, Cookie Monster: *happily and quite messily devours it*
[07-22:15] 3aef9, Jace: go you googily eyed cookie vacuum*
[07-22:15] 3aef9, Jace: *-!
[07-22:16] 5d609, Cookie Monster: *stares up at jace with big googly puppy eyes, which is quite disturbing if one thinks about it*
[07-22:17] 3aef9, Jace: *gives him a hair pick for all that blue shag*
[07-22:17] JOIN: Illisse Brilthor has entered.
[07-22:18] 5d609, Cookie Monster: *Waves to Illisse*
[07-22:19] e4f44, Illisse Brilthor : *waves a very sleepy hand back *
[07-22:21] JOIN: Brimstone has entered.
[07-22:22] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[07-22:22] beb1a, Brimstone : (HA! Penny Arcade rules.)
[07-22:22] e4f44, Illisse Brilthor : *hugs cookie and sticks her tongue out at jace* You leave him alone!
[07-22:23] 5d609, Cookie Monster: Megatokyo is, however, more l33t
[07-22:24] 5d609, Cookie Monster: o/ *gets hugs and returns them*
[07-22:27] 3aef9, Jace: *yaaaaaaaaaaaaaawns* hey, Cookies my minion, Ive known him alot longer than you
[07-22:27] e4f44, Illisse Brilthor : *hugs Jace too*
[07-22:28] e4f44, Illisse Brilthor : so there!
[07-22:28] 3aef9, Jace: Im currently reading Penny Arcade, 8-bit Theater, RPG World Comic, Elf Only Inn, and Generika
[07-22:29] beb1a, Brimstone : (Good stuff.)
[07-22:29] 3aef9, Jace: Elf Only Inn is fukcing hillarious, its basically about the diffrent things that go on in fantasy chat rooms, everyone from newbies, to typo weirdos, to goths, to everything
[07-22:30] JOIN: C has entered.
[07-22:30] 3aef9, Jace: I dont read Megatokyo, never really got into it
[07-22:31] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[07-22:31] 3aef9, Jace: *rapes C*
[07-22:31] 5d609, Cookie Monster:
[07-22:32] 72092, C: *blink, looks around*..... *backs out slowly*
[07-22:32] e4f44, Illisse Brilthor : *takes a stick and beats the ever lovin &^%&& outta Jace*
[07-22:33] beb1a, Brimstone : (Too much love up in here for me. :uttie:
[07-22:34] e4f44, Illisse Brilthor : *laughs*
[07-22:35] 3aef9, Jace: *keeps his pimp hand strong, and backhands the fukc out of Illisse*
[07-22:36] 3aef9, Jace: ahem *than promptly crawls after C on his hands and knees* take me baaaaaack!
[07-22:36] e4f44, Illisse Brilthor : It'd be the last thing you's ever do BOY
[07-22:37] JOIN: Dri has entered.
[07-22:37] 3aef9, Jace: um..... sure
[07-22:39] 72092, C: *considers, and drags Jace off into a dark corner to do.....stuff*
[07-22:40] 3aef9, Jace: *does stuff with a mighty passion and great vigor, multiple times*
[07-22:40] 5d609, Cookie Monster: ...
[07-22:42] 8a04c, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( )
[07-22:42] 3aef9, Jace: rawr
[07-22:45] 3aef9, Jace: eventually we'll have to roleplay
[07-22:45] EXIT: AdrianGoldenmoon has left the chat ( 11:42pm, April 07 (CDT) ).
[07-22:45] 5d609, Cookie Monster: *has been sitting here for a couple hours waiting for a game*
[07-22:47] 3aef9, Jace: well no one really wants to rp
[07-22:47] e4f44, Illisse Brilthor : ((*is still in the forest east of Rua with Val . just about on our way back there*))
[07-22:48] 5d609, Cookie Monster: *WANTS TO RP!!!*
[07-22:49] 72092, C: The "rawr" made me laugh *smiles and shuts up*
[07-22:49] 3aef9, Jace: well besides my faithful minion, Cookie Monster.... and Illisse refuses to rp without Val
[07-22:52] e4f44, Illisse Brilthor : ((no I've rp'd without him....))
[07-22:53] 3aef9, Jace: rarely
[07-22:54] e4f44, Illisse Brilthor : ((its just that I prefer doing it with him...oops *blushes* ))
[07-22:55] 3aef9, Jace: jeeze, and your mind is dirtier than any 12 year old boy Ive ever met
[07-22:56] e4f44, Illisse Brilthor : (at least Im not a 12 year old boy and what do you want to rp? )
[07-22:56] 5d609, Cookie Monster: *has about five lines for what jace just said, all very bad*
[07-22:57] 3aef9, Jace: I have absolutly no idea... and shush minion *gives him a cookie*
[07-22:58] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[07-22:58] 3aef9, Jace: I need to get to bed anyway...
[07-22:59] e4f44, Illisse Brilthor :'s all of what 9:00there?
[07-23:00] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[07-23:01] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 11:58pm, April 07 (CDT) ).
[07-23:01] 3aef9, Jace: yeah, but Ive only gotten about four hours of sleep in the last 48 hours
[07-23:02] e4f44, Illisse Brilthor : too
[07-23:03] EXIT: Jace has left the chat ( 12:01am, April 08 (CDT) ).
[07-23:05] JOIN: Dri has entered.
[07-23:06] e4f44, Illisse Brilthor : ho hum silence has struck
[07-23:06] 8a04c, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( better than listening to that.. )
[07-23:06] 5d609, Cookie Monster: BOOOM!
[07-23:07] e4f44, Illisse Brilthor : *laughs also had her fingers in her ears cuz' she knew that was comin*
[07-23:08] 5d609, Cookie Monster: o/ for predictability!
[07-23:09] e4f44, Illisse Brilthor : Cookie you know I love you.....*smiles* you're too easy
[07-23:11] 5d609, Cookie Monster: o/
[07-23:13] e4f44, Illisse Brilthor : well ........ so much for rp anywhere.....
[07-23:14] 8a04c, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( my mood to play has been ruined. )
[07-23:15] 5d609, Cookie Monster: yeah.
[07-23:16] e4f44, Illisse Brilthor : well I cant rp with adrian....he just left
[07-23:16] e4f44, Illisse Brilthor : and i don't know if val will even be here....if he is it wont be for a while yet...
[07-23:17] EXIT: Cookie Monster has left the chat ( 12:15am, April 08 (CDT) ).
[07-23:18] e4f44, Illisse Brilthor : well...I guess I can clear a room.....*shrugs*
[07-23:20] 8a04c, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( ::Shrug:: )
[07-23:22] e4f44, Illisse Brilthor : looks like its you and me again.....brim was here somewhere
[07-23:30] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[07-23:31] e4f44, Illisse Brilthor : *lurks*
[07-23:50] JOIN: Rav has entered.
[07-23:52] d1144, Rav : Rav is back and there is noone else here
[07-23:53] JOIN: Illisse Brilthor has entered.
[07-23:53] e4f44, Illisse Brilthor : yes I am
[07-23:54] e4f44, Illisse Brilthor : *hugs Rav* welcome back
[07-23:54] d1144, Rav : *hugs* thanks
[07-23:55] e4f44, Illisse Brilthor : It's been really quiet for the last 2 weeks
[07-23:56] d1144, Rav : hmm well, what can we do about that
[07-23:57] e4f44, Illisse Brilthor : haven't a clue....spring break fever i guess....
[07-23:57] d1144, Rav : Well, lets see here
[07-23:57] d1144, Rav : we have to come up with a hook that will bring people back to the chat
[07-23:59] e4f44, Illisse Brilthor : we've had a couple of newbies but .....
[07-23:59] d1144, Rav : hmmm
[08-00:00] d1144, Rav : do you have any ideas on a good plot hook
[08-00:01] e4f44, Illisse Brilthor : hmmm thinking hmmmm
[08-00:02] e4f44, Illisse Brilthor : I'll have to read the logs...someone was talking about the maelstrom one has mentioned that since I've been here
[08-00:02] d1144, Rav : hmmm
[08-00:03] d1144, Rav : Well, what ever happened with the whole war thing that was suposed to happen
[08-00:03] e4f44, Illisse Brilthor : nothin really but small time rp...
[08-00:04] e4f44, Illisse Brilthor : we need the ruling class back... no leaders here..just a bunch of indians
[08-00:05] d1144, Rav : hmmm well, I am going to try and be around more. but life seems to get in the way
[08-00:06] e4f44, Illisse Brilthor : yeah for the lucky ones....
[08-00:07] d1144, Rav : I hate my life though, I enjoied RPing here alot
[08-00:07] e4f44, Illisse Brilthor : me? I live here
[08-00:18] e4f44, Illisse Brilthor : why do you hate your life? now I have a reason to do that
[08-00:54] JOIN: Rav has entered.
[08-00:55] e4f44, Illisse Brilthor : haha still just me.....
[08-00:56] d1144, Rav : *shrugs*
[08-00:56] e4f44, Illisse Brilthor : oh well...there will be some in here in a while....
[08-00:59] JOIN: Dri has entered.
[08-00:59] d1144, Rav : cool
[08-01:06] 8a04c, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( ew. I have NickJr music stuck in my head... it's been how many hours? x.x )
[08-01:07] e4f44, Illisse Brilthor : ouch....would you rathr have teletubbies?
[08-01:09] 8a04c, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( no.. >> ::didn't realize they had music?..:: )
[08-01:10] e4f44, Illisse Brilthor : GEEE thanks what am i gonna do?
[08-01:10] e4f44, Illisse Brilthor : time for tubby bye bye...
[08-01:13] 8a04c, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( ??? )
[08-01:13] e4f44, Illisse Brilthor : never mind...supreme channel surfer here
[08-01:14] 8a04c, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( okay.. )
[08-01:15] e4f44, Illisse Brilthor : hmph also it appears that i am becoming a clock watcher too
[08-01:18] 8a04c, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( well when someone is constantly not here on time..)
[08-01:18] 8a04c, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( hmm )
[08-01:19] e4f44, Illisse Brilthor : well i 'm not sure he will even be here we didn't get much time to talk earlier
[08-01:20] e4f44, Illisse Brilthor : just don't want to miss him again today
[08-01:20] JOIN: Sorcha Lidil has entered.
[08-01:23] 5a950, Sorcha Lidil: (hey)
[08-01:23] e4f44, Illisse Brilthor : (hey)
[08-01:24] 8a04c, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( hey )
[08-01:25] 5a950, Sorcha Lidil: (How's everyone?)
[08-01:25] e4f44, Illisse Brilthor : (don't ask its been one of those days)
[08-01:26] 5a950, Sorcha Lidil: (oh...sorry to hear that)
[08-01:27] e4f44, Illisse Brilthor : (long....boring.......lonely.....and about to end)
[08-01:31] 8a04c, AmirIkstchibaud: ( alas. )
[08-01:31] JOIN: Valandil Elladan has entered.
[08-01:32] 125f3, Valandil Elladan : (( Ahoy! ))
[08-01:32] 5a950, Sorcha Lidil: (i can't complain bout mine i went shopping)
[08-01:32] e4f44, Illisse Brilthor : ((hey))
[08-01:34] 8a04c, AmirIkstchibaud: ( heh )
[08-01:34] MSG: Illisse Brilthor sent a message to Valandil Elladan.
[08-01:34] 125f3, Valandil Elladan : (( *runs and hugs Illisse* ))
[08-01:35] MSG: Valandil Elladan sent a message to Illisse Brilthor.
[08-01:35] e4f44, Illisse Brilthor : ((*hugs him back* ))
[08-01:38] MSG: Illisse Brilthor sent a message to Valandil Elladan.
[08-01:39] 8a04c, AmirIkstchibaud: :: Gently breaking the kiss, he slowly drew his lips from hers, his dark lashes rising to allow honey-flecked chesnut orbs to look at her.. some mixed breed of curiosity and flattery.. perhaps surprise..::
[08-01:41] 5a950, Sorcha Lidil: *She slowly opens her gentle forest eyes looking up into his eyes with a smile and she slowly reaches a hand up to brush his hair back and she whispers* don't look so surprised Amir
[08-01:43] 8a04c, AmirIkstchibaud: :: A subtle wave of realization washed over his tanned feautres before a bashful grin drew onto his glossed lips, a slight chuckle escaping:: Why wouldn't I be..
[08-01:46] 5a950, Sorcha Lidil: *A grin breaks into her smiling features as she looks up at him*Why are you surprised? ...have i done somethin unexpected? *she glances down at herself smoothing out the soft fabric of her skirt before she looks back up at him*
[08-01:48] 8a04c, AmirIkstchibaud: Unexpected, yes... but I guess that goes to show what little I know. :: He watched the idle gesture, trying not to be too painfully obvious about it, or even too focused on it::
[08-01:50] 5a950, Sorcha Lidil: *She looks into his eyes after she stopped fiddling with her skirt* unexpected that i let our kiss linger? If i had the chance i would let others linger*she giggles a little smiling warmly*
[08-01:57] 8a04c, AmirIkstchibaud: Others? :: He furrowed his brow in puzzlement, finding this a bit out of her nature..:: I don't think anyone else needs to see..
[08-01:58] e4f44, Illisse Brilthor : ((well......... gone again ))
[08-01:58] 5a950, Sorcha Lidil: *she shakes her head yes it is a bit out of her nature only a bit though and again she runs her hand over his cheek* other kisses silly
[08-02:00] 5a950, Sorcha Lidil: (need to chain him down?)
[08-02:01] e4f44, Illisse Brilthor : (staple his ass to the floor)
[08-02:01] 8a04c, AmirIkstchibaud: ( woohoo ::grabs stapler:: )
[08-02:04] 8a04c, AmirIkstchibaud: Oh. :: Eyes widen briefly in a no-duh moment before returning to normal, pressing his lips together and smoothing them across each other in a brief patch-up..:: Well that could only lead to trouble.. ::He laughed softly, shaking his head lightly:: I'm never certain what I can expect from you. It amuses me when you say you think you'd hold me back and whatnot.
[08-02:07] 5a950, Sorcha Lidil: *she slightly tilts her head as she watches his expressions then she slowly looks away down at her skirt trying to wipe away something which isn't there* thats before i really knew how you felt....i didn't know you cared for me as much as i for you...and something unknown is good for you
[08-02:11] 8a04c, AmirIkstchibaud: Of course it is.. that's what I set out to do.. seek out the unknown. :: He smiled faintly, poking at her side::
[08-02:12] 5a950, Sorcha Lidil: *she jumps ever so slightly and looks to him slowly, she playfully sticks her tongue out at him* i guess im unknown enough for now eh?*she giggles a little*
[08-02:14] 8a04c, AmirIkstchibaud: That's the funny thing with people.. you never can really know everything. :: He lightly brushed a few stray curls from her face:: No matter how much you think they've told you, there's always something you haven't learned yet.
[08-02:17] 5a950, Sorcha Lidil: *she leans close to him so that in essence her nose is touching his* you know the important things about me, you know i care, you know my name and some of my background, you know what i do, you know my personality...on the whole anyway
[08-02:20] e4f44, Illisse Brilthor : (well.....I'm going to bed....see you all tomorrow.......damn elf...... If he comes back tell him to read this.......tomorrow usual ....or damn good excuse ))
[08-02:21] 5a950, Sorcha Lidil: (night night)
[08-02:22] 8a04c, AmirIkstchibaud: Maybe....but it doesn't feel like it. :: He blinked at her close proximity::
[08-02:23] 5a950, Sorcha Lidil: i just have days when im different..i'll go back to being all secluded and quiet...if that will make you comfortable*she grins a little wonders what he would prefer her more open or the quiet version of herself*
[08-02:28] 8a04c, AmirIkstchibaud: No, that's not what I mean.. I'm saying that I may know those things but.. I don't feel like I really know you. :: A perplexed expression overtaking his features::
[08-02:30] 5a950, Sorcha Lidil: *she blinks and she pulls back a little looking at him more clearly* i feel like i know you...and you know more bout me then i you....*her time to look confused *
[08-02:32] 8a04c, AmirIkstchibaud: :: He shrugged lightly, looking as though someone else were to blame for their confusion..:: It just feels that way.. and really, there's not much to me or my life.
[08-02:34] 5a950, Sorcha Lidil: *she shakes her head a little and brushes his raven hair from his face and leans in to give him a quick kiss* and i like you for not being so complicated*she giggles a little*
[08-02:37] 8a04c, AmirIkstchibaud: :: He absently scratched at a spot behind his ear with a puzzled look.. not really sure how he felt about that..::
[08-02:38] 5a950, Sorcha Lidil: your confused right? because i always seem to be ...your not you don't complicate me.*she slowly stands from his lap and then holds her hands out to him*
[08-02:39] 8a04c, AmirIkstchibaud: ::He looked up at her warily, his hands resting in his lap.:: I don't understand what you mean by that..
[08-02:41] 5a950, Sorcha Lidil: *she lets her hands fall to her sides and looks to him* ...i always seem to confuse you don't i?
[08-02:42] 8a04c, AmirIkstchibaud: I just don't understand your meaning about certain things..
[08-02:46] 5a950, Sorcha Lidil: *she rubs her eyes as she looks at him sighing a little* maybe just a simple merchants rambelings
[08-02:48] 8a04c, AmirIkstchibaud: :: Idly folded his hands in his lap, not satisfied with that answer..:: How am I.. not complicated?
[08-02:50] 5a950, Sorcha Lidil: You don't confuse me, you don't change your attitude towards things you are just you...thats what i love about you *she blushes a bit and looks away*
[08-02:53] 8a04c, AmirIkstchibaud: I change.. ::He shook his head slowly.. still not clear on everything..:: Maybe I'm reading too much into it.
[08-02:56] 5a950, Sorcha Lidil: You don't seem to change...and maybe you are, im not saying your simple or anything Amir*she moves forward to him looking at him carefully* i guess i killed the mood in her
[08-02:57] 8a04c, AmirIkstchibaud: Alright.. was just me. :: He shrugged his shoulders lightly, watching her curiously:: What mood?
[08-02:59] 5a950, Sorcha Lidil: Our nice little cuddling mood*she blushes looking down at her hands as she stands in front of him*
[08-03:02] 8a04c, AmirIkstchibaud: Ahh. :: He waved his hand dismissively, in a 'nyeehhh' kind of way.:: No big deal... it's not like those things are planned.
[08-03:03] JOIN: Rav has entered.
[08-03:03] d1144, Rav : Well, so now there are people about
[08-03:03] d1144, Rav : hello all
[08-03:03] 5a950, Sorcha Lidil: (hey rav!*waves*)
[08-03:03] 8a04c, AmirIkstchibaud: ( I traded Illisse for Sorcha )
[08-03:04] 5a950, Sorcha Lidil: *she slowly grabs a seat and sits in front of him* but they are nice
[08-03:04] 8a04c, AmirIkstchibaud: ( soon I will become a bettenchimon master-- er.. ; I didnt say that )
[08-03:05] 5a950, Sorcha Lidil: ()
[08-03:05] 8a04c, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( hello g.o.d. ::wouldnt have felt the same without saying it:: )
[08-03:05] d1144, Rav : *L*
[08-03:07] 5a950, Sorcha Lidil: (How's it going Rav?)
[08-03:10] 8a04c, AmirIkstchibaud: Sure they are... just not planned. ::He leaned sideways against the edge of the table, smiling slightly:: Besides.. what were you expecting from it?.. Our relationship is fairly.. innocent.
[08-03:11] 5a950, Sorcha Lidil: *she looks to him blushing deeply* i didn't mean anything like that Amir...i was just saying i like it like that...
[08-03:11] d1144, Rav : oh not too bad. I have been busy. But don't let me interupt a good RP
[08-03:12] 8a04c, AmirIkstchibaud: ( this is a daily thing, and we're alone. alooone. weep. I dont mind, personally >_>; )
[08-03:12] d1144, Rav : hehe!
[08-03:15] d1144, Talis : *Steps into the Inn after a long days work. His hair tied back by a leather throng, his short sword still hung at his side as it always does. He steps up to the bar with out as much as a word and sits down. He looks around to see if anyone is still up as one of the maids brings him a warm mug of spiced wine.*
[08-03:16] 8a04c, AmirIkstchibaud: ( ::thought that said thong lmao:: )
[08-03:17] d1144, Talis : ((I am sure you did. lmao))
[08-03:17] 5a950, Sorcha Lidil: *She glances up as she notices Talis remebers she has the clothes he asked for ready , she looks back to Amir the blush still very evident on her cheeks*
[08-03:18] 8a04c, AmirIkstchibaud: See that's why I never know about you.. :: He grinned lightly, vaguely gesturing to her flushed face before relieving her of the attention that must have been overwhelming at the time.. noting Talis' presence, recognizing his face, but not as quick to put his finger on just where he'd seen him.::
[08-03:20] d1144, Talis : *He nods to Sorcha and Amir but makes no move other wise. As if knowing that the wine was there by normality he reaches back with out looking and picks up the mug. He brings it to his lips diligently and takes a ever so small taste. He nods in satisfaction then places the mug on the counter behind him.*
[08-03:21] 5a950, Sorcha Lidil: *She sighs a little looking away till the blush starts to fade* im not like that and you know it...i just like the close ness...
[08-03:23] 8a04c, AmirIkstchibaud: I know, dear. :: He smiled closed-lipped, nudging her gently with his booted foot:: Maybe you should buy some of that poison of yours and relax.. ::He winked an ashen lid at her.. only sarcasm::
[08-03:25] 5a950, Sorcha Lidil: Maybe i will*she slowly stands and runs a hand gently along his cheek and walks towards the bar*
[08-03:27] d1144, Talis : *He continues to look around the room then turns back to the bar. Takeing his drink once again in his hands he takes another sip.*
[08-03:33] d1144, Talis : ((ummm did the room just die
[08-03:33] d1144, Talis : ))
[08-03:33] 5a950, Sorcha Lidil: *she stands at the bar ordering her drink of wine or her poison as its new nick name she glances to Talis and smiles* Hey.... i have your things ready for you
[08-03:33] 5a950, Sorcha Lidil: (nope still alive)
[08-03:34] 8a04c, AmirIkstchibaud: ( you and your death drinking.. )
[08-03:35] JOIN: Sorcha Lidil has entered.
[08-03:39] d1144, Talis : *he looks at Sorcha and nods* Good, then as soon as you can deliver them I shall be ready. *he smiles and pulls a small coin purse from hsi belt and hands it to her.*
[08-03:40] 5a950, Sorcha Lidil: *she smiles* well i could go and get them right now or do you want me to deliver them to the stables?
[08-03:42] d1144, Talis : *he shrugs* Either is fine. *continues to hold the coins out to her.*
[08-03:44] 5a950, Sorcha Lidil: *she smiles* well wait here i'll go and get them then you can see if their worth payment or not*she glances back to Amir then she goes up the stairs to her room collecting the things*
[08-03:44] 8a04c, AmirIkstchibaud: :: Lounged comfortably in his chair.. he wasn't simple.. just a little slower and easily distracted... erm..::
[08-03:47] 5a950, Sorcha Lidil: *she then comes back down carrying the clothes neatly in her arms. she holds them out to Talis when she comes back everything that he asked for leather pants, blue cotton shirt.*
[08-03:49] d1144, Talis : *he sets the coins on the counter easily in her reach and takes the clothing. He gives each of them a good once over then nods in satisfaction.* Very good...I'll take them. *He smiles at her.* thank you.
[08-03:50] 5a950, Sorcha Lidil: *she nods slowly* your very welcome nice to have some trade*she picks up the coins, gets herself a drink and goes back to Amir*
[08-03:52] d1144, Talis : *he folds the clothing neatly and sets them in his lap then goes back to his drink.8
[08-03:53] 5a950, Sorcha Lidil: *she comes back and looks to Amir...she finds she isn't really thirsty or in the mood for poison and sets the drink down on the table.* i think im going to head off for the night*she leans down and kisses his cheek gently* good night Amir
[08-03:54] 8a04c, AmirIkstchibaud: Good night.. :: He smiles warmly to her before adding:: But I'm not drinking that.
[08-03:55] 5a950, Sorcha Lidil: i don't expect you to...give it to some drunk or pour it away... don't fancy it now i bought it*she smiles brushing his raven locks and nodding to Talis she heads up the stairs and is gone for the night*
[08-03:55] 5a950, Sorcha Lidil: (bye peeps seeya soon)
[08-03:55] EXIT: Sorcha Lidil has left the chat ( 4:55am, April 08 (CDT) ).
[08-03:57] d1144, Talis : *He returns the nod then takes a sip of his drink.*
[08-03:59] 8a04c, AmirIkstchibaud: :: He watched her depart, scratching the back of his raven-crowned head absently..:: pour it away? what a waste.. :: Glancing briefly in the direction of the bar, he scooped the glass up in his tanned hand and stood, approaching Talis in a very obvious way.. not one for stealth or even subtlety at times:: Hello, sir.
[08-04:03] d1144, Talis : *he turns so slightly so as to see whom is speaking. His eyes meet with Aimr's.* Hello to yourself. *he bows his head in respect.*
[08-04:06] 8a04c, AmirIkstchibaud: :: A little confused by the bow, but just as equally relieved he didn't offer the wrong hand as so many others did.. smiling faintly, he returned the gesture, figuring that was this man's custom..:: I was wondering if you wanted this.. :: He set the glass down on the counter beside himself..:: I don't know why she bought it if she wasn't going to drink it.. but I don't believe in wasting things, particularly of luxury.
[08-04:07] d1144, Talis : *He smiles* Nor, do I. But, I am sure someone will drink it. *He nods to one of the maids and she comes over and takes the drink.*
[08-04:10] 8a04c, AmirIkstchibaud: :: He shrugged lightly, thanking the maid as she took the glass from him..:: I figured since you were already, you might.. but it's just as well. As long as someone has it.
[08-04:13] d1144, Talis : It was a nice gesture but I like warm wines. *he smiles.* By the way I am Talis. I am the Stable hand here at the Inn.
[08-04:16] 8a04c, AmirIkstchibaud: Thought I'd seen your face before, but I wasn't sure.. :: He grinned a bit:: I'm Amir. I nothing. ::He chuckled softly, looking as though it had just happened to him and he hardly saw it coming:: Well met, Talis.
[08-04:17] d1144, Talis : Well, Amir what brings you to ?
[08-04:17] 8a04c, AmirIkstchibaud: ( shiny... *_* )
[08-04:19] 8a04c, AmirIkstchibaud: Nothing in particular.. I don't have a set destination.. I'm just out to see what there is, and I happen to be here right now. :: He tilted his head slightly to one side, his ever-curious expression well intact:: I can't imagine a stable hand is your lifelong dream..
[08-04:21] d1144, Talis : I am not sure what my life long dream is
[08-04:22] JOIN: Dri has entered.
[08-04:22] d1144, Talis : I am not sure what my life long dream is. *he takes another sip of his wine.* But, its work and it pays well enough. *
[08-04:28] 8a04c, AmirIkstchibaud: True enough. :: He idly scratched at his forearm, peering behind the bar counter..:: I was supposed to work with Sorcha but.. she's mor eon top of things than I'll ever be. So I guess we'll see what happens when I start to starve.. :: He smiled, although the idea of it wasn't funny, he knew he wouldn't let it get that bad without looking for help::
[08-04:29] d1144, Talis : Yes, she does really good work. *he makes a gesture to the clothing sitting in his lap.*
[08-04:34] 8a04c, AmirIkstchibaud: :: He nodded in agreement, glancing at the clothing:: She does. She doesn't have enough confidence in herself about anything.. she's afraid of having to leave town from bad business.. :: He scoffed lightly, pretty skeptical that anyone could be that blind to her talent.. is a little biased though ::
[08-04:37] d1144, Talis : well, as long as she sticks to her guns then I think she'll do alright
[08-04:42] 8a04c, AmirIkstchibaud: Right. :: He nodded once more, although he ha dno idea what a gun was and if Sorcha had them..:: Well I won't disturb you any longer, I should get going. It was nice meeting you, Talis. I'm sure I'll see you around. :: Offered a friendly smile::
[08-04:44] d1144, Talis : ((dang it I wasn't even thining about that. crap.*L*))
[08-04:44] 8a04c, AmirIkstchibaud: ( yeah oops ^^ )
[08-04:45] d1144, Talis : Well, your more than welcome to stay if you wish. I don't talk to many people. *he returns the friendly smile.* It was nice to meet you as well. I hope next time we meet we'll have more time to talk.
[08-04:47] 8a04c, AmirIkstchibaud: Sure thing. :: He nodded to him and politely excused himself to leave::
[08-04:47] 8a04c, AmirIkstchibaud: ( sorry but I cant hang in there anymore, its been a long day and my eyes are gonna fall out )
[08-04:49] d1144, Talis : ((I understand I have had a long day as well. Good night.))
[08-04:49] 8a04c, AmirIkstchibaud: ( night ^^ glad to have you back )
[08-04:50] d1144, Talis : ((I am glade to be back))
[08-04:51] MSG: AdrianGoldenmoon sent a message to Valandil Elladan.
[08-04:51] EXIT: AdrianGoldenmoon has left the chat ( night ^^ ).
[08-04:52] d1144, Talis : *he stays at the bar until he has finished his drink then wonders off to his room and falls asleep.*
[08-04:53] EXIT: Talis has left the chat ( 5:52am, April 08 (CDT) ).
[08-05:08] JOIN: Illisse Brilthor has entered.
[08-05:31] 125f3, Valandil Elladan : hi
[08-05:32] 125f3, Valandil Elladan : Decided to stay up to see if you would come back... *blinks sleepily*
[08-05:35] 125f3, Valandil Elladan : ILLISSE!!!
[08-05:35] 125f3, Valandil Elladan : *grumbles... had gone to check e-mail*
[08-07:45] JOIN: Illisse Brilthor has entered.
[08-07:46] c9493, Illisse Brilthor : damn are you still here?
[08-07:49] c9493, Illisse Brilthor : *throws stupid alarm clock across the room*......
[08-07:52] MSG: Illisse Brilthor sent a message to Valandil Elladan.
[08-07:58] EXIT: Illisse Brilthor has left the chat ( 8:52am, April 08 (CDT) ).
[08-08:26] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[08-09:00] JOIN: Illisse Brilthor has entered.
[08-09:02] 4c4d8, Illisse Brilthor : *lurks*
[08-09:21] JOIN: Levald has entered.
[08-09:22] af4fb, Levald : u there??
[08-09:22] 4c4d8, Illisse Brilthor : yes
[08-09:22] af4fb, Levald : hey
[08-09:23] 4c4d8, Illisse Brilthor : havent seen you in a couple o days
[08-09:23] af4fb, Levald : ya
[08-09:24] 4c4d8, Illisse Brilthor : you at school now?
[08-09:24] af4fb, Levald : my dad sends me to bed at 11 my time
[08-09:24] af4fb, Levald : ya
[08-09:24] af4fb, Levald : lunch
[08-09:24] 4c4d8, Illisse Brilthor : oh then you are gone when I get here anyway
[08-09:25] af4fb, Levald : ya
[08-09:25] af4fb, Levald : ill be on tonight though
[08-09:25] 4c4d8, Illisse Brilthor : lunch? its what? 10:30?
[08-09:25] af4fb, Levald : 4 day weekend
[08-09:25] af4fb, Levald : ya
[08-09:26] af4fb, Levald : starts at 10:20 ends at 10:55
[08-09:26] 4c4d8, Illisse Brilthor : huh everyday's a weekend for me
[08-09:26] af4fb, Levald : lucky
[08-09:27] 4c4d8, Illisse Brilthor : nooo I need to find a job....need money...working from home doesnt pay the bills yet
[08-09:27] af4fb, Levald : oh
[08-09:27] af4fb, Levald : that sux
[08-09:28] 4c4d8, Illisse Brilthor : yeah welcome to the real world
[08-09:29] af4fb, Levald : ya i gotta get a job some time soon
[08-09:30] 4c4d8, Illisse Brilthor : seriously considering becoming a professional beach bum
[08-09:30] 4c4d8, Illisse Brilthor : course the closest beach is about 600 miles from here
[08-09:31] af4fb, Levald : bums can make around 60k a year if there good
[08-09:31] af4fb, Levald : wow
[08-09:32] af4fb, Levald : im like 8 miles from a beach right now
[08-09:32] 4c4d8, Illisse Brilthor : *gigles* yeah i havent wiggled my toes in the sand in about 2 years
[08-09:33] af4fb, Levald : well that kinda sux
[08-09:34] af4fb, Levald : i get dragged to the beach now
[08-09:35] af4fb, Levald : its fun while your there but after your burnt sticky and sandy it gets annoying
[08-09:35] 4c4d8, Illisse Brilthor : huh...I would kill to go
[08-09:36] 4c4d8, Illisse Brilthor : *holds out her hands* somebody drag me to the beach PLEASE
[08-09:36] af4fb, Levald :
[08-09:37] af4fb, Levald : i would
[08-09:38] 4c4d8, Illisse Brilthor : *laughs* yeah but you are on the wrong side of the country from where I want to be
[08-09:39] af4fb, Levald : Cal?
[08-09:39] 4c4d8, Illisse Brilthor : ho'd ya guess
[08-09:39] 4c4d8, Illisse Brilthor : how'd
[08-09:39] af4fb, Levald : no clue
[08-09:40] 4c4d8, Illisse Brilthor : been there once...didn't much care for the air...but I haven't been north...maybe its cleaner there.
[08-09:41] af4fb, Levald : siesta key beach is in the top ten in the country. thats like 10 miles from here
[08-09:42] 4c4d8, Illisse Brilthor : probably would consider fla for the beaches padre island is the beach closest to me
[08-09:45] 4c4d8, Illisse Brilthor : hey go to class!!!
[08-09:46] af4fb, Levald : im in the class room
[08-09:46] af4fb, Levald : next is history so ill still be on during class
[08-09:46] 4c4d8, Illisse Brilthor : okay
[08-09:47] 4c4d8, Illisse Brilthor : have given up trying to get you to learn in class
[08-09:49] 4c4d8, Illisse Brilthor : brb gotta get my dinner in the oven
[08-09:50] af4fb, Levald : k
[08-09:57] af4fb, Levald : man my teacher is making me get off
[08-09:57] af4fb, Levald : c ya
[08-09:58] 4c4d8, Illisse Brilthor : akk whiteout
[08-10:07] 4c4d8, Illisse Brilthor : *lurks waiting for Val so she can use the silly string can hiding behind her back*
[08-10:13] JOIN: Valandil Elladan has entered.
[08-10:13] 9b753, Valandil Elladan : *makes his timely entry*
[08-10:14] 9b753, Valandil Elladan : (( *got less than an hour of sleep last night / this morning* ))
[08-10:16] 4c4d8, Illisse Brilthor : well good neither did I
[08-10:17] 9b753, Valandil Elladan : Whew... *doesn't know 'bout silly sting can... yet*
[08-10:18] 4c4d8, Illisse Brilthor : *decides not to use the silly string...flings her arms around him and kisses him instead*
[08-10:19] 4c4d8, Illisse Brilthor : *and begins to look for the stapler that Adrian left somewhere around*
[08-10:20] 9b753, Valandil Elladan : (( Uh oh... )) *kisses her back, oblivious to the world around him as he enfolds himself within her presence*
[08-10:22] 4c4d8, Illisse Brilthor : ((whee))*is totaly content to stay right where she in..the world having disappeared around her*
[08-10:23] 4c4d8, Illisse Brilthor : in-is
[08-10:24] 9b753, Valandil Elladan : (( Whee...? Double uh oh... ))
[08-10:25] 4c4d8, Illisse Brilthor : ((that was for the post the stapler is to keep you here for more than 5 minutes..I'm not even going to ask you to check your mail .......this time))
[08-10:26] MSG: Illisse Brilthor sent a message to Valandil Elladan.
[08-10:26] 9b753, Valandil Elladan : (( *already did* Be back in 5 - 10 min... phone ))
[08-10:27] 4c4d8, Illisse Brilthor : *stomps on ALL phones))
[08-10:31] 4c4d8, Illisse Brilthor : *considers IM'ng Adrian to find out where she left the stapler*
[08-10:40] 9b753, Valandil Elladan : *back*
[08-10:41] 4c4d8, Illisse Brilthor : huh? *as she snaps out of a nap*
[08-10:42] MSG: Illisse Brilthor sent a message to Valandil Elladan.
[08-10:44] MSG: Valandil Elladan sent a message to Illisse Brilthor.
[08-10:45] 4c4d8, Illisse Brilthor : ummm yeah.....i think
[08-10:49] 9b753, Valandil Elladan : You think? Well, I just created a chat...
[08-10:50] 4c4d8, Illisse Brilthor : yeah i can think every now and them
[08-10:50] 4c4d8, Illisse Brilthor : then
[08-10:50] 4c4d8, Illisse Brilthor : cant spell though
[08-10:52] 9b753, Valandil Elladan :
[08-10:52] 9b753, Valandil Elladan : I am going to configure my chat... brb
[08-10:53] 4c4d8, Illisse Brilthor : k
[08-10:58] 4c4d8, Illisse Brilthor : Urza?
[08-10:58] 9b753, Valandil Elladan : Yep
[08-10:58] 4c4d8, Illisse Brilthor : yes I cheated
[08-10:59] 9b753, Valandil Elladan : Basically a god in the stories... He is almost omnipotenent...
[08-10:59] 4c4d8, Illisse Brilthor : hmmmsounds familiar
[08-11:00] 9b753, Valandil Elladan : I think I might make it a RP chat, but I am open to suggestions... (( Wow... admins have power... never realized how much...))
[08-11:01] 4c4d8, Illisse Brilthor : leaves for there thinking of name
[08-11:02] 4c4d8, Illisse Brilthor : hey password
[08-11:03] 4c4d8, Illisse Brilthor : hey no reg page
[08-11:05] 9b753, Valandil Elladan : Not yet... workin on it... send e-mail for now... please...
[08-11:05] 4c4d8, Illisse Brilthor : huh? emailwhat
[08-11:09] 9b753, Valandil Elladan : Never mind...
[08-11:10] 9b753, Valandil Elladan : So... Kaya?
[08-11:10] 4c4d8, Illisse Brilthor : yes?
[08-11:10] 9b753, Valandil Elladan : Ok...
[08-11:11] 4c4d8, Illisse Brilthor : you got a better one?
[08-11:12] 9b753, Valandil Elladan : Not necessarily... justt double checkin it was you...
[08-11:12] MSG: Illisse Brilthor sent a message to Valandil Elladan.
[08-11:20] 9b753, Valandil Elladan :
[08-11:22] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[08-12:00] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[08-12:00] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 1:00pm, April 08 (CDT) ).
[08-12:00] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[08-12:01] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 1:00pm, April 08 (CDT) ).
[08-13:52] JOIN: Illisse Brilthor has entered.
[08-14:16] JOIN: Illisse Brilthor has entered.
[08-14:24] JOIN: Jace has entered.
[08-14:24] 17d8f, Illisse Brilthor : hey
[08-14:26] JOIN: Shifty has entered.
[08-14:26] 5a3f5, Jace: yo
[08-14:26] 17d8f, Illisse Brilthor : hey shifty
[08-14:27] 17d8f, Illisse Brilthor : *smirks* new toy....
[08-14:28] eaa4d, Shifty: howdy...*looks around* New toy?
[08-14:28] 17d8f, Illisse Brilthor : look up
[08-14:29] 5a3f5, Jace:
[08-14:30] eaa4d, Shifty: no like.
[08-14:30] 17d8f, Illisse Brilthor : new color...type in 'random' in your color line
[08-14:31] 17d8f, Illisse Brilthor : It will definitly make it harder to follow rp..and when it posts in black
[08-14:31] 5a3f5, Jace: ah.... but no ones using it
[08-14:32] 17d8f, Illisse Brilthor : no I have tried it and I don't like it
[08-14:32] 17d8f, Illisse Brilthor : see what it does?
[08-14:33] 17d8f, Illisse Brilthor : you will get lost if you try to follow rp colors with this
[08-14:34] 5a3f5, Jace: eh, who cares
[08-14:34] 5a3f5, Jace: not really, as long as you read the names in front of it
[08-14:35] 17d8f, Illisse Brilthor : well for the lazy people like me then...
[08-14:35] eaa4d, Shifty: But its still harder.
[08-14:36] 17d8f, Illisse Brilthor : yeah cause you get used to someone having a certain color
[08-14:40] 5a3f5, Jace: *shrugs*
[08-14:41] eaa4d, Shifty: *lays in his recliner*
[08-14:44] 17d8f, Illisse Brilthor : *leaves* bye shifty see ya next week
[08-14:44] JOIN: Shifty has entered.
[08-14:45] eaa4d, Shifty: bye....take care.
[08-14:45] EXIT: Illisse Brilthor has left the chat ( 3:44pm, April 08 (CDT) ).
[08-14:46] 5a3f5, Jace: *yawns* so whats up Shifty
[08-14:47] eaa4d, Shifty: nothing really. I was out of one college today and will be tomorrow and the rest of next week
[08-14:48] 5a3f5, Jace: im on a four day weekend now yay
[08-14:49] eaa4d, Shifty: very cool.
[08-14:50] 5a3f5, Jace: yeah.... I dont really ever see you rping around here
[08-14:51] eaa4d, Shifty: only rped here once. I just stay OOC in here.
[08-14:53] 5a3f5, Jace: whys that?
[08-14:56] JOIN: Shifty has entered.
[08-14:56] eaa4d, Shifty: *wacks comp*
[08-14:57] 5a3f5, Jace: heh
[08-14:59] eaa4d, Shifty: I done forgot.
[08-14:59] 5a3f5, Jace: hmmmm got quiet
[08-14:59] 5a3f5, Jace: you should roleplay man, its a fun place
[08-15:00] eaa4d, Shifty: I rp...just not here.
[08-15:01] 5a3f5, Jace: is there something wrong with here?
[08-15:04] eaa4d, Shifty: I think when I read the rules they confuse me. I mean when it comes to the levels and everything.
[08-15:25] 5a3f5, Jace: damn laptop messed up on me....
[08-15:25] 5a3f5, Jace: *growls* missed him
[08-15:36] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[08-15:36] ba903, Will-o'-the-wisp: w00t!!! A Magic: The Gathering chat is up!!!
[08-16:14] JOIN: Jace has entered.
[08-16:14] a295f, Jace: damn advertisers....
[08-16:44] a295f, Jace: *yawns*
[08-17:04] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[08-17:04] 867a2, Will-o'-the-wisp: Mew
[08-17:04] 867a2, Will-o'-the-wisp: Mew
[08-17:04] 867a2, Will-o'-the-wisp: I'm a kitty
[08-17:04] 867a2, Will-o'-the-wisp: Hehe
[08-17:04] 867a2, Will-o'-the-wisp: Yeah for random
[08-17:04] 867a2, Will-o'-the-wisp: Yeah=Yay
[08-17:06] 867a2, Will-o'-the-wisp: I wonder how many diferent colors it does
[08-17:06] 867a2, Will-o'-the-wisp: Ooo.. last one was nice
[08-17:07] 867a2, Will-o'-the-wisp: Rainbow!
[08-17:07] a295f, Jace: um... hi kitty
[08-17:07] 867a2, Will-o'-the-wisp: Hi Jace!
[08-17:08] a295f, Jace: *blinks*
[08-17:08] 867a2, Sileen: How are you?
[08-17:09] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : .
[08-17:09] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : Hmm
[08-17:09] a295f, Jace: do I know you, Delotha?
[08-17:09] 867a2, Aegnora : Test
[08-17:09] 867a2, Sileen: Do you?
[08-17:10] a295f, Jace: err, or Aegnora..
[08-17:10] 867a2, Sileen: You may know me. You may not. Who really knows?
[08-17:11] a295f, Jace: well holy sheezy balls *throws a koosh at her*
[08-17:11] 867a2, Sileen: Mweheh-*kooshed* Mew!
[08-17:11] 867a2, Sileen: And ofcourse you know me, everyone knoes me
[08-17:11] 867a2, Sileen: knows
[08-17:12] a295f, Jace: you got a computer yet?
[08-17:13] 867a2, Sileen: Fraid not. I'm using someone else's to sneak on
[08-17:13] a295f, Jace: how long can you stay?
[08-17:13] 867a2, Sileen: I've got a hour and a half before I have to go again
[08-17:14] a295f, Jace: ah.... you wanting to roleplay?
[08-17:15] 867a2, Sileen: *taps chin* ... Yes. Yes I do
[08-17:15] a295f, Jagged Farrell: ((Well I have my dandy lil dark elf character...))
[08-17:16] 867a2, Sileen: Nightmare or unicorn?
[08-17:17] a295f, Jagged Farrell: ((aww, you dont have any elves? *whimpers* I dont wanna rp with horses))
[08-17:17] 867a2, Sileen: I have a demon/elf cross breed!
[08-17:17] 867a2, Sileen: And the Elven Queen
[08-17:18] a295f, Jagged Farrell: ((what about your high elves?))
[08-17:18] 867a2, Sileen: The Elven Queen. I'm afraid I'm not pulling her out this time around.
[08-17:20] a295f, Jagged Farrell: ((awwwww))
[08-17:21] JOIN: Veronica Kaelir has entered.
[08-17:22] a295f, Jagged Farrell: ((sup vix))
[08-17:22] 867a2, Sileen: So... you want one of my other chars? *peer*
[08-17:22] e2123, Veronica Kaelir: (Hey)
[08-17:22] a295f, Jagged Farrell: ((bring in whoever, it doesnt matter))
[08-17:23] a295f, Jagged Farrell: ((still no msn?))
[08-17:23] 867a2, Sileen: You start first
[08-17:23] e2123, Veronica Kaelir: (Tried installing yesterday, computer blew up)
[08-17:24] EXIT: Veronica Kaelir has left the chat ( 6:23pm, April 08 (CDT) ).
[08-17:24] JOIN: Raele Dalael has entered.
[08-17:24] e2123, Raele Dalael: (Yar)
[08-17:24] a295f, Jagged Farrell: *his hands slowly spread along the roughened bark of tree branch he crouches over, slipping off to the side and dropping silently to the forest floor, his moon coloured eyes narrowing as his drow eyes peirce the darkness*
[08-17:27] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : *It was soft, but she swore she heard the crunch of feet hitting the forest floor... Ah ha, she wasn't alone out here after all* *she shifts position slightly, slowly easing herself down from the branch she was perching on, to a lower branch with a clearer view. Bloody spring... leaves kept blocking her view.*
[08-17:28] a295f, Jagged Farrell: ((Rawr))
[08-17:30] a295f, Jagged Farrell: *he salavates, pulse quickened slightly as he whispers a swift cantrip, completely elliminating any scent he gives off, making him for all intensive purposes invisible, he makes no sound as he stalks along the forest floor, always keeping his dark form shrouded in some form of natural shadow*
[08-17:32] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : *Hm.. that was odd. She swore she had heard something, but neither scent, sound, nor sight gave any... Wait, was that movement in those shadows? She narrows her eyes, staring down into a pocket of shadow. If it was some blasted demon playing tricks on her... ... ...*
[08-17:33] JOIN: Levald has entered.
[08-17:33] c6c97, Levald : (sup all)
[08-17:33] c6c97, Levald : (cool toy)
[08-17:34] c6c97, Levald : (haha)
[08-17:34] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : ((Hi! :-D ))
[08-17:34] e2123, Raele Dalael: *Standing not far off from Jagged in the upper boughs of a tree, swaying gently from left to right with the wind and peering down into the tangled mass of shrubs and thick undergrowth. She lays herself out on the limb, one leg dangling over the side. Whatever Jagged had in mind, was his business and hardly hers*
[08-17:34] a295f, Jagged Farrell: *his fluid movements halt as he lowers his shillouette, eyes searching the foliage, his ears perk slightly hearing the rustling caused by her switching positions, fingers laying slightly bent against the ground, his overly sensitive sense of touch feeling the slight vibrations caused by Delothas every move*
[08-17:35] c6c97, Levald : (well im off to work on my site)
[08-17:35] c6c97, Levald : (c ya)
[08-17:35] a295f, Jagged Farrell: ((k))
[08-17:36] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : *she freezes now, staring into the shadows. She briefly pondered summoning up light... those shadow hiding types hated that*
[08-17:37] a295f, Jagged Farrell: *whispering softly in time to the wind, the breeze disgusing his voice as an orb of the deepest black surrounds Delotha in a 20 feet wide sphere, all light within being absorbed, the darkness having a smothering affect to it*
[08-17:37] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : ((Buh bye, Lev))
[08-17:40] e2123, Raele Dalael: *Rolls onto her side along the branch, twitching slightly. The ground below was now bathed in obscurous black* That isn't very polite, Jagged.
[08-17:41] a295f, Jagged Farrell: *he smirks slightly, looking back over his shoulder at Raele* Vel'drav Usstan daewl whol dossta opinion, Usstan orn joros whol ol*
[08-17:41] e2123, Raele Dalael: *Her tones shift to the velvetty and guttural syllables of drowspeak* Vel'bol xun dos ssinssrin xuil ilta sefal?
[08-17:41] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : *... What... the... hell... * *she scowls slightly as she is abruptly enveloped in complete shadow. Obviously now she wasn't alone, and they apparently knew where she was* *her head tilts slightly, pinpointing the voice from above, and listening for any answer from, what she guessed, would be below*
[08-17:42] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : ((What language was that?))
[08-17:42] e2123, Raele Dalael: *Sniffs and falls silent at this, laying herself once more on her back to stare up at the shadowed forest canopy*
[08-17:42] JOIN: C has entered.
[08-17:43] a295f, Jagged Farrell: *he rolls off to the side, looking up at the dark sphere, standing at its edge* Natha jivven bol? folbol ulu dol'ruth lil draeval?
[08-17:43] a295f, Jagged Farrell: ((ohhhh its a secret ))
[08-17:44] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : ((Just checking to make sure it wasn't elvish, or demon. If it was, then Delotha'd know it))
[08-17:44] e2123, Raele Dalael: Fridj morfeth zhaunus nindel lil risks dos plynn phuul naut waela ones. Lueth, Usstan could zuch xxizz dos ulu dol'ruth lil draeval ka ol came harl ulu nindel. *Shifts over onto her side, closing her eyes and twitching periodically*
[08-17:45] a295f, Jagged Farrell: ((she wouldnt ))
[08-17:45] JOIN: Squirrel has entered.
[08-17:46] MSG: Squirrel sent a message to Raele Dalael.
[08-17:46] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : *she croutched slightly.. the dark was disorienting, however memory served just fine, she knew where the ground was... and with a leap, she swan dives down towards the ground, flipping while in the air to land feet first with a soft thud*
[08-17:46] MSG: Raele Dalael sent a message to Squirrel.
[08-17:47] a295f, Jagged Farrell: *and that soft thud is exactly what he was waiting for, disolving the orb of darkness, leaping towards the landing Delotha, hopefully the sudden reappearance of light disorientating her as he makes a sweeping kick at her legs*
[08-17:48] MSG: Jagged Farrell sent a message to Raele Dalael.
[08-17:48] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : ((What level of spell was that globe of darkness?))
[08-17:49] a295f, Jagged Farrell: ((it isnt a level spell, its a natural drow ability))
[08-17:49] a295f, Jagged Farrell: ((its a "spell like ability" cant be dispelled))
[08-17:49] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : ((Dude! They got the stats for drow up? Yes!))
[08-17:49] MSG: Squirrel sent a message to Raele Dalael.
[08-17:50] a295f, Jagged Farrell: ((nope, gotta write 'em up *smirks* and alot of others... damnit))
[08-17:51] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : *bloody...!* *She is disoriented for a moment, but she still has keen enough hearing to hear him as he lands to make that sweeping kick. She launches back as the leg flies out, flipping back to land on her hands, and from there flipping back to her feet to land in a croutch*
[08-17:52] a295f, Jagged Farrell: *and since she launched back and landed beneath his sweeping leg, he simply reverses the kick, driving his heel into her landing face*
[08-17:52] e2123, Raele Dalael: Save some for me, Abbil. *Said sleepily, one leg draped over the side of the branch, and the other held straight. She closes her eyes, dressed scantily in provocative light silver plates that afford little protection, and a dark grey hooded cloak. Something appears wrong with her, as though she suffers from partial paralysis of some sort that comes and goes with painful infrequency. Her left side twitches every duo of minutes or so, and there are a number of minor flaws that suggest a grave, crippling wound. She may even suffer from minor seizures, but at the moment, she is quite an alluring beauty with endearing charm and a fierce air of reclusive tendencies*
[08-17:53] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : ((Hm? He moved forward to kick her again? Okay..)) *as he moves towards her, sending his foot out to try and nail her face, one hand comes up, moving to catch the offending foot*
[08-17:55] a295f, Jagged Farrell: ((No, he was crouched as he swept his leg out to sweep her legs out from under her from behind, she handspringed behind his leg and landed in his crouch, so instead of kicking his leg forward, which he just did, he sweeps it back, raising the leg to drive the heel in her face as she crouches))
[08-17:55] a295f, Jagged Farrell: *the hand catches the heel, but the driving force behind the kick would only serve to smash her own hand into her face, preferably breaking the nose*
[08-17:56] 49689, Raele Dalael: *Her left hand extends, dotting the landscape below with writhing walls of undulating faerie fire. She blocks every obvious escape with it, encircling the two in a loosely set circle of magical flame*
[08-17:56] a295f, Jagged Farrell: Honglath harl Raele, dos could zuch reanimate ilta
[08-17:58] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[08-17:58] MSG: Jagged Farrell sent a message to Raele Dalael.
[08-17:59] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : *Maybe... but the nice thing about that demon blood. It does make her a bit stronger then expected. The force does indeed drive her back some, and she has to hastily slide a foot back to keep from falling over, as her hand tightens around the foot, sharp claws digging through the cloth of her gloves to peice into his boots* *as the fire flares up, she gives a sudden grin* Oh ho... we like fire , do we? *she begins muttering, eyes flashing as she words out something in a harsh, dark tounge*
[08-17:59] MSG: Raele Dalael sent a message to Jagged Farrell.
[08-17:59] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : ((pierce))
[08-18:00] MSG: Jagged Farrell sent a message to Raele Dalael.
[08-18:00] MSG: Squirrel sent a message to Raele Dalael.
[08-18:00] MSG: Raele Dalael sent a message to Jagged Farrell.
[08-18:01] MSG: Raele Dalael sent a message to Jagged Farrell.
[08-18:02] a295f, Jagged Farrell: *and as shes preoccupied by the fire he quickly flings his arm towards her, two throwing daggers, dipped in drow knock out poison fly at her form, her nails biting into the leather coating the mithril within his boot, not penetrating*
[08-18:02] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[08-18:02] MSG: Jagged Farrell sent a message to Raele Dalael.
[08-18:04] MSG: Raele Dalael sent a message to Jagged Farrell.
[08-18:05] MSG: Jagged Farrell sent a message to Raele Dalael.
[08-18:05] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : *as he arm flails up, she gives a sideways snap of his leg, trying to send him falling to the side to throw off whatever he's doing.. as well as fling him into the fire circle*
[08-18:05] 49689, Raele Dalael: Don't kill or foul her up too much. It'll ruin the fun for later. Just be sure and share her when the time comes, I have a few things in mind.
[08-18:06] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : *.. without ceasing her little chant mind*
[08-18:06] JOIN: Jace has entered.
[08-18:06] a295f, Jagged Farrell: ((stupid computer))
[08-18:07] 92794, Squirrel : Veronica, if you're to busy with RPing then we can just play e-mail tag if you prefer.
[08-18:07] MSG: Raele Dalael sent a message to Jagged Farrell.
[08-18:08] 49689, Raele Dalael: (I'll have MSN back up in a little while as soon as I figure out the problem)
[08-18:08] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[08-18:08] a295f, Jagged Farrell: *smirks, distraction being the forte of his being, placing himself flat against the ground, barely missing the kick, but his lower arm already thrusting out, flinging another dagger at her exposed stomach*
[08-18:08] 92794, Squirrel : Okay.
[08-18:11] JOIN: Illisse Brilthor has entered.
[08-18:15] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : *using her momentum from hurling him, she continues on, more or less throwing herself to the side as the dagger, instead of plunging into her, merely scrapes along her side... and as she falls, she speaks the last words needed* Krstnssh utyk .. Fyreball! *originating from near her, a wave of fire roars to life and flares out, catching grass, trees, and any hapless drow currently on the ground, or not over 20 feet above her, followed immediantly by a more firece second, and finally a third. And grass, or undergrowth in the area is gone, the leaves in reach would be completely seared off, branches would be half gone, trunks badly seared.. and skin... well....* *oddly, though she's in the middle of the flare, she'd be untouched*
[08-18:16] 49689, Raele Dalael: *The flames lick their way up tree trunks and through crowded bushels of forest leaves. Twigs erupt with them, and fallen logs burst into brilliance. Though the fire spreads from medium to medium, one constant can be detected. Nothing is actually burning. Though on fire, none of the trees, leaves, twigs, or logs blacken or change. None of them become cinders, or even darken in color. The scent and heat from the flames feels deceptively real, however. The massive explosion from down below shakes the tree in which Raele rests, but she keeps aloft, climbing down a few short seconds later to stand in the sundered, ashen clearing*
[08-18:17] MSG: Raele Dalael sent a message to Jagged Farrell.
[08-18:17] 49689, Raele Dalael: (I was describing my Faerie Fire)
[08-18:18] a295f, Jagged Farrell: *was never actually hurled, but thats ok as he flings his gauntlet infront of him, the fire sweeping over him harmlessly a small bubble seen protecting his form, after the flames roll over him he slowly stands, drawing both of his rapiers, his eyes glinting maliciously, the drow has a constant inner struggle with what to do with the girl, but every few seconds shes making the choice easier and easier, that dagger scraping along her side was all it took, and that poison should already be penetrating her immune system, seizing up her body, and putting her to sleep*
[08-18:20] 49689, Raele Dalael: *Glances about at the destruction* I can't stand those who waste their resources. *Lowers her center of gravity, mimicking Delotha's pose precisely, ready to counter any more spells and render them useless*
[08-18:21] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : *stumbles slightly* ... Oh you little orqu... ((Really sorry for the lame exit, however, I said an hour and a half, I know, so I should have 10 more minutes, but my ride's here a bit early)) I am SO going to kick your... your... *winces, as she looks to her left. A portal, HER spell like ability, opens up beside her.. and she just kinda falls through it, the portal closing behind her*
[08-18:23] a295f, Jagged Farrell: *he grumbles, features flickering shadows across his form from the mix of fae and actual fire, giving his rapiers a small spin, sheathing them both* elg'caress
[08-18:23] 49689, Raele Dalael: *Resumes her normal stance, exhaling slowly*
[08-18:24] 49689, Raele Dalael: Usstan orn drada nindel.
[08-18:24] 867a2, Sileen: Bye! *passes around hugs*
[08-18:24] 49689, Raele Dalael: ((See you!))
[08-18:30] EXIT: Raele Dalael has left the chat ( 7:24pm, April 08 (CDT) ).
[08-18:30] a295f, Jagged Farrell: *chuckles softly, slowly turning, his silver locks of hair obsurcing his vision slightly as he peers up into the tree line* It is nice to see your comfortable *reaching to his lip, whiping a small trail of blood from his lip*
[08-18:30] JOIN: Veronica Kaelir has entered.
[08-18:30] a295f, Jagged Farrell: ((ohhhh and she left))
[08-18:30] a295f, Jagged Farrell: ((ummm okay... *blinks*))
[08-18:31] 49689, Veronica Kaelir: (Bah, didn't think you were still going to RP)
[08-18:31] EXIT: Veronica Kaelir has left the chat ( 7:31pm, April 08 (CDT) ).
[08-18:31] 92794, Squirrel : Whoah! Nice pic!
[08-18:31] a295f, Jagged Farrell: ((aww, she doesnt want to rp with me anymore))
[08-18:31] JOIN: Raele Dalael has entered.
[08-18:32] 49689, Raele Dalael: (Oh shaddap, you know it isn't true Jagged. And thank you, Squirrel)
[08-18:32] 49689, Raele Dalael: Are you injured at all?
[08-18:33] MSG: Raele Dalael sent a message to Squirrel.
[08-18:34] a295f, Jagged Farrell: Nothing beyond foreplay *his tongue gently sliding across his lips, removing the last bit of blood, a twisted smirk tugging at his lips*
[08-18:34] MSG: Jagged Farrell sent a message to Raele Dalael.
[08-18:35] MSG: Raele Dalael sent a message to Jagged Farrell.
[08-18:35] MSG: Squirrel sent a message to Raele Dalael.
[08-18:35] 49689, Raele Dalael: *Glances about at the ashen destruction* She certainly did make a mess of this place. Where should we go next?
[08-18:36] MSG: Raele Dalael sent a message to Squirrel.
[08-18:36] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[08-18:37] MSG: Squirrel sent a message to Raele Dalael.
[08-18:37] a295f, Jagged Farrell: It doesnt matter, slowly sliding his arms upwards, streching as his mouth opens, slightly pointed teeth open in a cat-like yawn, returning to his normal stance, shoulders rolled back slightly, an almost natural regalness to the man, intimidation comming natural* prefrence?
[08-18:38] MSG: Jagged Farrell sent a message to Raele Dalael.
[08-18:39] 49689, Raele Dalael: *Leans back against the smouldering hulk of a blackened tree, hooking one leg in front of the other at the ankle and folding both arms across the swell of her chest* It makes no difference to me. I was planning on taking the next year or so as a vacation...Never did I expect to actually adventure again. Especially with a youngblooded buck like yourself. *Affords him a glance of appraisal* How about you and I stake out our own section of land...a place to call our own.
[08-18:40] MSG: Raele Dalael sent a message to Jagged Farrell.
[08-18:45] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[08-18:45] JOIN: Jace has entered.
[08-18:45] 5a939, Jagged Farrell: youngblooded *laughs* you couldnt rightfully call yourself old, alot more life left to you *his eyes narrowing his eyes slightly as he aims his arm at the drow, motioning for her to come down to him*
[08-18:57] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[08-18:57] 5a939, Jagged Farrell: ((*boogies*))
[08-18:58] 5a939, Jagged Farrell: ((*has patience.... and stuff*))
[08-19:00] 92794, Squirrel : Patient you must be, so says Yoda *grunts* Mmm yes, much anger you have inside you mmhmm *Nods*
[08-19:02] 5a939, Jagged Farrell: ((Ahh, but anger fuels fantastic character development))
[08-19:03] 92794, Squirrel : Yeah, it does. Have to admit you're right there.
[08-19:03] 5a939, Jagged Farrell: ((I normally am))
[08-19:04] 92794, Squirrel : Don't get to Silent Boby.
[08-19:04] 92794, Squirrel : Don't get to c*cky
[08-19:05] 5a939, Jagged Farrell: ((nothing wrong with that))
[08-19:06] 92794, Squirrel : Plenty wrong with it.
[08-19:07] 5a939, Jagged Farrell: ((like what))
[08-19:09] 92794, Squirrel : Like assuming, running headlong into a trap, general a$$holeishness, the like.
[08-19:09] 5a939, Jagged Farrell: ((Hasnt failed me yet))
[08-19:11] 92794, Squirrel : Right, good luck with that.
[08-19:12] 5a939, Jagged Farrell: ((I dont belive in luck))
[08-19:13] 92794, Squirrel : Well whatever you do belive in, good luck with that.
[08-19:13] 5a939, Jagged Farrell: ((you have some problems there buddy))
[08-19:15] 92794, Squirrel : Yes, I know. We all have problems.
[08-19:15] 5a939, Jagged Farrell: ((mhmm, but some are more obvious than others))
[08-19:16] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[08-19:16] 92794, Squirrel : Yes, that's true. Sometime it takes other people to point out those problems.
[08-19:16] 5a939, Jagged Farrell: switch nicks until Vix gets back so I dont have to paren everything
[08-19:16] 5a939, Jagged Farrell: Sometimes, yes, but not everyones views on others are always accurate
[08-19:17] 5a939, Jace: bleh, there we go
[08-19:18] 92794, Squirrel : No, but sometimes the input of others helps those people to become better if they take that advice seriously.
[08-19:20] 5a939, Jace: *smirks slightly* how old are you Squirrel?
[08-19:20] 92794, Squirrel : 19
[08-19:21] 5a939, Jace: *smirks slightly* alright there buddy
[08-19:23] 5a939, Jace: I hear what your saying though
[08-19:24] 92794, Squirrel : *Nods*
[08-19:26] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[08-19:26] 5a939, Jace: how long you been roleplaying
[08-19:27] 92794, Squirrel : Few years, 2 maybe...could be three, can't remember exactly.
[08-19:28] 5a939, Jace: I see.... and do you have a job, Squirrel?
[08-19:30] 92794, Squirrel : No, parents pay stuff since I'm in college and all that, but I do have to get one as soon as I am out of school for the summer.
[08-19:43] JOIN: Jace has entered.
[08-19:43] 13c25, Jace: Sorry computer weirded out...
[08-19:44] 13c25, Jace: It must be nice to not have to pay for anything you want
[08-19:47] 92794, Squirrel : They din't pay for *everything*. I still buy a lot of my own things. They pay for insurance on my car and gas, schooling, and help pay for my tutoring. Even with that I still spend *a lot* of my own personal money on things.
[08-19:47] 13c25, Jace: where do you get the money to pay for the things
[08-19:48] JOIN: Valandil Elladan has entered.
[08-19:48] 13c25, Jace: I gotta go for a lil while, Ill be back later though
[08-19:50] EXIT: Jace has left the chat ( 8:48pm, April 08 (CDT) ).
[08-19:51] JOIN: Levald has entered.
[08-19:51] c6c97, Levald : (hey)
[08-19:52] 92794, Squirrel : Hi
[08-19:52] c6c97, Levald : (Check out the board)
[08-19:54] EXIT: Squirrel has left the chat ( 8:52pm, April 08 (CDT) ).
[08-19:54] c6c97, Levald : (val u there?
[08-19:54] c6c97, Levald : )
[08-19:56] c6c97, Levald : (well im out for a wile)
[08-22:07] JOIN: Dri has entered.
[08-22:08] 8a04c, AdrianGoldenmoon : (*)
[08-22:08] JOIN: Illisse Brilthor has entered.
[08-22:12] b0c3a, Illisse Brilthor : Lev you still here?
[08-22:16] b0c3a, Illisse Brilthor : *after they had finished eating they cleaned up the dishes, packed them away and began their journey back to Rua . They had explored the area enough to suit Val*
[08-22:17] 8a04c, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( haha XD )
[08-22:19] b0c3a, Illisse Brilthor : ((WHA??? I didnt do it!!!))
[08-22:19] 8a04c, AdrianGoldenmoon : :: Adrian emerged from his room, his cloak about his shoulders, closed.. there was a significant amount of tension in his features, and obviously had been upset shortly before.. he crept quietly down the stairs to Trendlekim's, wincing with subtlety every now and then.. he waited for another patron to enter to step outside, unable to grasp the door..::
[08-22:27] b0c3a, Illisse Brilthor : *they had been walking in silence for quite a while...Val deep in thought. as they neared Rua . she pointed out that she was getting hungry and wanted to go to the Glimmering in . so they headed towards it*
[08-22:29] JOIN: Levald has entered.
[08-22:29] b0c3a, Illisse Brilthor : ((white out again))
[08-22:30] 8a04c, AdrianGoldenmoon : :: He shivered slightly as he walked, glancing about anxiously.. not so much cold... but he was certainly hypervigilant, his pained feline orbs spotting two familiar faces in the crowd.. with much reluctance, he sifted through the crowd, moving towards Val and Illisse::
[08-22:30] c6c97, Levald : (so did ya check out this new toy)
[08-22:30] c6c97, Levald : (its kinda fun)
[08-22:30] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[08-22:31] c6c97, Levald : (see)
[08-22:31] b0c3a, Will-o'-the-wisp: ((absolutely hate it thanks))
[08-22:31] c6c97, Levald : (well that was gay)
[08-22:31] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 11:31pm, April 08 (CDT) ).
[08-22:31] JOIN: Kaya has entered.
[08-22:31] EXIT: Kaya has left the chat ( 11:31pm, April 08 (CDT) ).
[08-22:32] JOIN: Illisse Brilthor has entered.
[08-22:34] JOIN: Cookie Monster has entered.
[08-22:34] 8a04c, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( it was so not gay, it was hetero. )
[08-22:34] c6c97, Levald : (well i posted my some what functional website on the board. though its not totaly finnished)
[08-22:35] b0c3a, Illisse Brilthor : *wending their way through the cowd toward the Inn, Illissse saw a familiar figure slowly coming towards them. Illisse could see the slight expresion of pain on his face(being a healer she could see what others cannot)*
[08-22:35] c6c97, Levald : (i ment the double pink)
[08-22:35] b0c3a, Illisse Brilthor : ((Lev...go to sleep you arent even funy tonight))
[08-22:35] 5d609, Cookie Monster: *falls in*
[08-22:36] b0c3a, Illisse Brilthor : *catches cookie before he falls on his face*
[08-22:37] c6c97, Levald : (sorry just bored)
[08-22:37] b0c3a, Illisse Brilthor : ((ok where did the avatars go?))
[08-22:38] c6c97, Levald : (i can see them)
[08-22:38] 5d609, Cookie Monster: <.< >.>
[08-22:38] b0c3a, Illisse Brilthor : ((I get action canceled ..white out ya know?))
[08-22:39] 8a04c, AdrianGoldenmoon : :: He smiled faintly to them as he neared, nodding his head in greeting..:: Evenin'..
[08-22:39] c6c97, Levald : (hit userlist button)
[08-22:40] b0c3a, Illisse Brilthor : ((came and went oh well ))
[08-22:41] MSG: Cookie Monster tried to message Adrain (not registered).
[08-22:41] c6c97, Levald : (just keep trying till it sticks)
[08-22:41] MSG: Cookie Monster sent a message to Adriangoldenmoon.
[08-22:43] b0c3a, Illisse Brilthor : *softly* Good evening, Adrian..*she begins to hold out her hand in greeting*
[08-22:44] MSG: AdrianGoldenmoon sent a message to Cookie Monster.
[08-22:46] 8a04c, AdrianGoldenmoon : :: He glanced down at the offered hand nervously, lifting his glance briefly to Val, then Illisse..:: ..would you mind if I could speak with you?.. erm.. privately...
[08-22:47] MSG: Cookie Monster sent a message to Adriangoldenmoon.
[08-22:50] b0c3a, Illisse Brilthor : *looking at Val for a second, she tilts her head in a small nod, slightly curious * yes...where would you like to go?
[08-22:55] 8a04c, AdrianGoldenmoon : Just-.. er... :: He glanced about briefly, tilting his head in the direction of an alleyway close by.:: If you don't mind.. :: before anyone, namely val, could protest, he stepped past them and disappeared into the alley::
[08-22:58] b0c3a, Illisse Brilthor : *giving Val a quiet look that told him she would be alright, she turned and followed adrian into the allley*
[08-23:00] JOIN: Dri has entered.
[08-23:03] 8a04c, AdrianGoldenmoon : :: He waited anxiously for her, distress apparent in his features.. his voice hushed:: I need your help.. :: He drew back his cloak to show her his arms.. one covered from his wrist to middle forearm with a soaked handkerchief, the other freely bleeding over it, but he must have been using it to hold the cloth in place on the other..::
[08-23:12] b0c3a, Illisse Brilthor : *a small look of shock crossed her face. she quickly reached into her pack , brought out a clean cloth , pressing it against the wound on the arm he was using to hold the soaked handkerchief on with. She looked itno his face, her violet eyes searching his* Adrian *she whispered* How did this happen?
[08-23:17] 8a04c, AdrianGoldenmoon : I didn't realize I had nothing to bandage it with.. :: He shook his head slowly, his hands trembling slightly.. he was already too pale for the color to be noticeable, but the blood was a bold contrast to his pale skin..::
[08-23:21] b0c3a, Illisse Brilthor : *takaing his hand in hers , he could feel the warmth in it* we need to go somewhere that I can work properly, adrian. this isn't a good place to help you.
[08-23:27] 8a04c, AdrianGoldenmoon : Alright... :: He cast a worried glance to the entrance of the alleyway..:: Where then..
[08-23:30] b0c3a, Illisse Brilthor : *seeing the look on his face , she pulls his cloak up around him, carefully hiding his identity* Come, we will go to the Inn. Val will have gotten us a room and he will leave us in peace.
[08-23:34] JOIN: Brimstone has entered.
[08-23:36] b0c3a, Illisse Brilthor : ((hey Brim))
[08-23:36] 5d609, Cookie Monster: Brimstone was just an ordinary RPer, going about his normal life... until he entered into Bettenchi, thinking he migh have an RP... only to be sideswiped by a drunk at the wheels Cookie Monster. His life was ruined forever. Don't Drink and RP at the same time. National Ad Council*
[08-23:36] beb1a, Brimstone : (Greetings.)
[08-23:36] 8a04c, AdrianGoldenmoon : No, no.. :: He shook his head quickly, staring anxiously at the passing crowd..:: He'll want to know what's going on.. ::He returned his emerald gaze to her, his thick lashes still moist from the previous upset..:: Are you sure you can't do it here..
[08-23:37] beb1a, Brimstone : (Talk about ironic, heh..)
[08-23:38] JOIN: Squirrel has entered.
[08-23:39] 92794, Squirrel : .
[08-23:45] c6c97, Levald : (yawwwn
[08-23:45] c6c97, Levald : (yawwwn
[08-23:45] c6c97, Levald : )
[08-23:46] EXIT: Brimstone has left the chat ( 12:37am, April 09 (CDT) ).
[08-23:47] b0c3a, Illisse Brilthor : *taking in the signs of tears and the ....almost.....fear in his eyes, she agrees to work on him in the alley. * Adrian. *she begins to guide him to a spot that is not as dirty as the rest of the space* You must sit quietly for this to work. It is a small spell that will help you.
[08-23:48] b0c3a, Illisse Brilthor : ((Geez cookie, ya killed him...Hey lev))
[08-23:48] 5d609, Cookie Monster: <.< >.> o?
[08-23:50] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[08-23:50] b0c3a, Illisse Brilthor : ((or at least sent him to the hospital...and chased him out of the room ))
[08-23:51] b0c3a, Illisse Brilthor : ((bad cookie... a girl cant have too many good looking guys to stare at ya know))
[08-23:52] c6c97, Levald : (hey)
[08-23:52] b0c3a, Illisse Brilthor : ((you dont count...))
[08-23:54] 5d609, Cookie Monster: *combs his fur to a spit shine*
[08-23:55] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[08-23:55] b0c3a, Illisse Brilthor : ((*laughs and hugs cookie*))
[08-23:57] 5d609, Cookie Monster: *hugs back, cause Cookie likes hugs and also finds it easy to devour people when they are giving hugs. As he does with Illisse*
[08-23:58] b0c3a, Illisse Brilthor : *settles in for another long night in cookies stomach...waiting for someone to get her out again*
[09-00:00] 5d609, Cookie Monster: Who let you out last time?
[09-00:00] c6c97, Levald : (*threatens to use hammer on cookies hoho if he doesnt spit her out*)
[09-00:00] b0c3a, Illisse Brilthor : hmmm not sure maybe im still in here
[09-00:01] b0c3a, Illisse Brilthor : but ya know its kinda hard to rp from inside
[09-00:01] 5d609, Cookie Monster: *hugs Illisse with his stomache muscles*
[09-00:01] b0c3a, Illisse Brilthor : eewwww
[09-00:01] c6c97, Levald : (well he could eat Bettenchi)
[09-00:02] b0c3a, Illisse Brilthor : yeich
[09-00:03] b0c3a, Illisse Brilthor : *is reminded of MIB *
[09-00:03] 5d609, Cookie Monster: ... *devours Levald to keep Illisse company*
[09-00:03] JOIN: Dri has entered.
[09-00:04] 8a04c, AdrianGoldenmoon : (*)
[09-00:04] c6c97, Levald : (grr)
[09-00:05] 8a04c, AdrianGoldenmoon : :: Adrian nodded slowly to her, trying to suppress his anxiety as he lowered his emerald glance to his wounds::
[09-00:05] c6c97, Levald : (*begins imbueing fire magic into cookies stomach to cause indigestion*)
[09-00:06] 5d609, Cookie Monster: *Sucks down the nummy pink stuff like no tomarow*
[09-00:07] c6c97, Levald : (*Continues*)
[09-00:08] 5d609, Cookie Monster: *enjoys the happy warm feeling in his stomach*
[09-00:10] c6c97, Levald : (*starts on eusofugus(S)*)
[09-00:10] 5d609, Cookie Monster: esophagous.
[09-00:10] 8a04c, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( esophagus.. )
[09-00:10] 8a04c, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( wow. )
[09-00:11] 5d609, Cookie Monster: damn!
[09-00:13] b0c3a, Illisse Brilthor : *she makes him sit near the wall if for no other reason than to keep him still while she works. pulling off the bloody cloth she places one hand slightly above the wound , repeating the spell. Adrian would feel a slight tingling on his arm under her hand* tanka harwar.....*she says softly. the small wound beginning to heal itself*
[09-00:14] b0c3a, Illisse Brilthor : ((*begins to fan her face* Hey its gettin warm and pink in here))
[09-00:16] 8a04c, AdrianGoldenmoon : :: He remained as still as possible, quietly watching her work.. the tingling hardly a bother in comparison to the sting of the slices..::
[09-00:16] c6c97, Levald : (*begins using spike on opposite side of hammer*)
[09-00:17] 5d609, Cookie Monster: *disolves hammer with stomach acid*
[09-00:18] c6c97, Levald : (*pulls sword*)
[09-00:18] c6c97, Levald : (*starts to hack*)
[09-00:18] 5d609, Cookie Monster: *disolves that too*
[09-00:18] 5d609, Cookie Monster: mmmm nummy magic weapons...
[09-00:19] 8a04c, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( XD )
[09-00:20] c6c97, Levald : (*pulls bow*)
[09-00:20] b0c3a, Illisse Brilthor : *holding his arm as carefully as possible, she continues to work, moving slowly from one cut to the next.....gradually she begins to notice sounds in the alley getting louder..Trying to ignore them, she moves to the larger of the cuts watching as it slowly begins to heal*
[09-00:21] b0c3a, Illisse Brilthor : ((yikes...If that will dissolve a sword what 's it doing to my hair?*she asks in a typical girly fashion*))
[09-00:22] 5d609, Cookie Monster: Its being disolved slowly and painfully with the rest of you over the next thousand years. Don't worry, its still gonna be good for a few more decades.
[09-00:22] c6c97, Levald : (*begins shooting arrows up cookies throut into the roof of his mouth*)
[09-00:23] JOIN: Rhazalael has entered.
[09-00:23] 5d609, Cookie Monster: *swallows the arrows right back down again*
[09-00:23] JOIN: Squirrel has entered.
[09-00:24] 5d609, Cookie Monster: *waves to Rhaz*
[09-00:24] c6c97, Levald : (*pulls out stone of sarta*)
[09-00:24] f0741, Rhazalael: (Waves back, hi hi)
[09-00:24] 5d609, Cookie Monster: *disolves off Levald's hands*
[09-00:24] b0c3a, Illisse Brilthor : ((Hey...I need someone to interupt me in the rp...)
[09-00:25] 5d609, Cookie Monster: *wants more RPing and less OOC abuse of other players*
[09-00:25] c6c97, Levald : (*heals his hands before they're fully dissolved*)
[09-00:25] 92794, Squirrel : ...
[09-00:26] b0c3a, Illisse Brilthor : ((*thinks she has a way out of cookie* * the taste of her newly dyed hair begins to interupt the effects of the stomach acid*))
[09-00:26] b0c3a, Illisse Brilthor : ((and I am rp'ing...need help please))
[09-00:27] f0741, Rhazalael: *Wearing a dark grey cloak and riding a black mare, he passes by Illise on his way through a shortcut. He is followed by a slender figure draped and shrouded by lengthy tattered form-concealing black rags. Most might think it a leper or simple servant, and they wouldn't be far from the truth*
[09-00:27] f0741, Rhazalael: (Rhaz to the rescue! *Cheesy superhero music played by a band of snails*)
[09-00:27] 92794, Squirrel : band of snails..that's a new one.
[09-00:28] 8a04c, AdrianGoldenmoon : :: He stared down at the slowly mending wounds, sighing softly.. it felt familiar, alright.. it was almost comforting.. anything to hold onto::
[09-00:28] 8a04c, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( DOra the Explorer has aband of snails/bugs )
[09-00:29] c6c97, Levald : (*pulls knives and begins climbing cookies throut*)
[09-00:30] 92794, Squirrel : Huh...
[09-00:30] 8a04c, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( they celebrate all her victories.. you dont watch NickJr YET muaha. )
[09-00:31] 5d609, Skarling Ironhand : *disolves the knives as soon as they stab into the inner linings!*
[09-00:31] c6c97, Levald : (dora, dora, dora the explorer)
[09-00:31] f0741, Rhazalael: (That was the joke, hehe) *Tugs at the reigns of his horse, armored hands poking out from the cover of his cloak to reveal a set of spiked knuckles and clawed fingerguards. His hood is down, revealing a man in his mid-thirties with wild, unkempt black hair and a stern but somehow starved expression. His eyes are an intriguing hue of pale grey* Excuse me, is there trouble here? *His voice is a low, soothing, bass rumble. Softspoken, and pleasant*
[09-00:31] b0c3a, Illisse Brilthor : *the appearance of the horseman disturbed her consentration breaking the thread of her spell. Sighing she looks at adrian. brushing the strands of silver hair out of her face* ..I am sorry , my friend..thst is the best I can do here...It is hard to complete this with the interuptions
[09-00:32] 92794, Squirrel : ...nope, though....I'm a little ashamed to admit it...I watched a few episodes of Blue's Clues last summer..on the occasions that I woke up sometime before Noon.
[09-00:33] 5d609, Cookie Monster: So there actualy IS a time before noon durring summer? Not counting when you stay up till 7 am?
[09-00:34] c6c97, Levald : (the latested i've ever stayed up is 10pm)
[09-00:35] 92794, Squirrel : Yeah, it's am amazing time....TV is kinf of innocent before Noon, then it get's into the Soap opera stuff and the regualr programming.
[09-00:35] c6c97, Levald : (Soaps suck)
[09-00:36] 8a04c, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( yeah but Joe sucks, I want Steve back.. and now Blues Clues lets Blue become a puppet and talk.. and thats disgusting )
[09-00:37] c6c97, Levald : (WHAT??)
[09-00:37] 92794, Squirrel : Latest I ever stayed up was...oh..2AM...when I woke up...uhhh at 8AM...I think...and that was the day before the 2 AM.
[09-00:37] b0c3a, Illisse Brilthor : ((just dont watch the wiggles....YIKES))
[09-00:38] 8a04c, AdrianGoldenmoon : :: He lifted his feline gaze to her, nodding lightly.. his voice quiet in the presence of the stranger, perhaps a little too quiet, but he knew Illisse's delicate ears would pick it up:: I appreciate it.. what do I owe you?
[09-00:38] 8a04c, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( oh yeah, thats creepy. thats like gay star trek. )
[09-00:39] 92794, Squirrel : Gay Star Trek..what?
[09-00:40] b0c3a, Illisse Brilthor : ((falls on floor laughing** OMG!!!))
[09-00:40] 8a04c, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( the wiggles = gay star trek )
[09-00:40] f0741, Rhazalael: *The solemn figure standing behind the mare with it's hood raised remains eerily still* He appears hurt. I am a doctor...If there is any way I can help... *Trails off, glancing at them sidelong, his head canted to one side*
[09-00:41] 5d609, Cookie Monster: Okay peoples... I think Mab would have asked us to shut up by now.
[09-00:41] 92794, Squirrel : *Salutes Cookie*
[09-00:42] 8a04c, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( you mena Jace. )
[09-00:43] 8a04c, AdrianGoldenmoon : :: He tugged down the cuffs of his sleeves to conceal the marks, glancing warily at the stranger.. but says nothing, listening for Illisse's response.::
[09-00:43] 5d609, Cookie Monster: No, jace would have put in lots of dirty words and made the sittuation worse. Mab would have said "okay, do some roleplaying"
[09-00:44] MSG: Squirrel sent a message to Rhazalael.
[09-00:45] f0741, Rhazalael: ((*Finishes the 'MABAR' Golem (Mobile Automatic Bettenchi Admin Regulator) and flicks the activation switch. It promptly walks out into the center of the chat, and utters: "Okay, do some roleplaying")
[09-00:46] MSG: Rhazalael sent a message to Squirrel.
[09-00:47] b0c3a, Illisse Brilthor : *taking a swift look at the stranger she replies softly* Thank you for your offer but , he is fine...It was a small accident only...I have taken care of it...*Glancing back at Adrian she gives him an almost imperceptible nod* It is fine...dont worry about paying me ...It is what I do
[09-00:48] f0741, Rhazalael: *Quirking an eyebrow, he glances at Illisse quietly. His gaze is speculative, as though he might have recognized her from somewhere* Are you a fae?
[09-00:48] MSG: Squirrel sent a message to Rhazalael.
[09-00:50] 8a04c, AdrianGoldenmoon : :: He patted his [ockets lightly for his flask, and sighed, realizing he had left it back in his room.. just as well.. enough of a mess already, he didn't need another bad drinking experience.. he turned his face away from them both, ashamed but uncomfortable with the stranger's intrusion..::
[09-00:50] MSG: Cookie Monster sent a message to Rhazalael.
[09-00:51] 8a04c, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( * pockets )
[09-00:53] b0c3a, Illisse Brilthor : *tucking a stray lock of silver hair behind her pointed ear, he can see that she is a high elf* no, I am no fairy. *standing up* My name is Illisse. What is your name, If I may ask?
[09-00:56] f0741, Rhazalael: My name is Rhazalael. I am a simple doctor, and little more. If I am not needed here, I'll be on my way...I simply thought that he may have needed help. *Gestures to Adrian, his mare keeping still and obedient*
[09-00:58] 8a04c, AdrianGoldenmoon : There is no help for someone like me. :: He tilted his head back, resting it against the wall behind him, staring blankly ahead of him with a quiet sigh::
[09-00:58] b0c3a, Illisse Brilthor : ((Rhaz what species are you?))
[09-00:58] f0741, Rhazalael: ((Human))
[09-00:59] b0c3a, Illisse Brilthor : ((ok need icon ))
[09-01:00] f0741, Rhazalael : (Oki)
[09-01:01] b0c3a, Illisse Brilthor : *she takes a second glance at the man..slightly curious...she had never seen a human 'doctor' before* I thank you for your concern. I am a healer.
[09-01:03] JOIN: Illisse Brilthor has entered.
[09-01:06] f0741, Rhazalael : Magical, or herbal? My healing talents come from a knowledge of anatomy and flora. I'm not quite as intricate as some of the more arcane doctors, but I do what I can.
[09-01:06] 3e7d1, Illisse Brilthor : ((I'm going to have to go in few))
[09-01:06] f0741, Rhazalael : ((Righty-o))
[09-01:06] 5d609, Cookie Monster: *needs to sleep now* Rhaz, you going to be RPing here more? I'm quite pleased with what I see from you.
[09-01:08] 8a04c, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( you dope, thats Veronica )
[09-01:08] 92794, Squirrel : Hehe
[09-01:08] f0741, Rhazalael : ((Oh, of course yeah. I also play Veronica Kaelir, Raele Dalael, Rockelle Kista and...I think that's it))
[09-01:09] 5d609, Cookie Monster: even betterer!
[09-01:10] 8a04c, AdrianGoldenmoon : :: He rose from his seat and walked away from them withotu a word.. having wanted to speak with Illisse, but obviously wasn't going to have the chance.. he folded his arms over his chest as he drifted through the crowd.. thinking perhaps some time in the forest would be better for him::
[09-01:11] 3e7d1, Illisse Brilthor : *she gives him a small smile* I am an elven healer.. my abilities cover both magic and herbals. perhaps we may meet again...I would like to learn some of the human ways of healing....
[09-01:12] f0741, Rhazalael : If we have the good fortune to meet again, I'll share what knowledge I have with you gladly. *Slowly spurs his horse forward at a slow gait. The still, shrouded figure following him begins to move as well, taking shuffled steps. A glint of white bone can be seen for an instant as the wind whips through the alley, lifting up it's garments slightly*
[09-01:12] 3e7d1, Illisse Brilthor : *her eyes follow Adrian as he disapears into the crowd. his disapointment showing in the way he moved*
[09-01:12] EXIT: Cookie Monster has left the chat ( 2:09am, April 09 (CDT) ).
[09-01:13] 3e7d1, Illisse Brilthor : ((well good night all see you later))
[09-01:15] 3e7d1, Illisse Brilthor : ((oh and Happy Easter since I wont be back until sunday nite))
[09-01:15] EXIT: Illisse Brilthor has left the chat ( 2:15am, April 09 (CDT) ).
[09-01:15] f0741, Rhazalael : ((See you, was nice RP'ing with you))
[09-01:18] JOIN: Sorcha Lidil has entered.
[09-01:22] b8136, Sorcha Lidil: *The soft footsteps of the merchant might be heard comming down the stairs in the inn, having fallen asleep after comming from the market. The scent of rose oil and lavender cling to her as she stops at the bottom of the stairs glancing around*
[09-01:24] 8a04c, AmirIkstchibaud: :: Seated quietly at the bar, his tightly-encased arms folded over his broad chest as he gazed idly down at the other drunkards perched on the stools.. his glossed lips pursed slightly in thought, his pierced tongue tracing along the back of his teeth within his closed mouth.. honey-flecked hazel orbs averting at the sound of footsteps on the stairs yet again.. a horrible game he'd been playing all night::
[09-01:26] f0741, Rhazalael : *Dismounts sometime later, tethering his mare to a post outside of the Inn. He steps inside without discarding his shawl of a dark grey hooded cloak. Instantly, his eyes settle over AmirIkstchibaud with quiet curiosity and interest. The shambling figure follows behind him wordlessly, keeping a distance of several paces*
[09-01:27] b8136, Sorcha Lidil: *Her eyes fall to Amir who is perched at the bar and she slowly walks over to him, even if he doesn't see her, he would be able to catch her smell which he would be farmiliar to. She gently puts her hands on his shoulders smiling warmly* hey there
[09-01:28] f0741, Rhazalael : *He turns to it, whispering a soft command across the cavernous din of the tavern* Mal ikth natier rekotho. *The figure picks out a booth near the eastern wall and sits itself down quietly, staring straightforward*
[09-01:31] 8a04c, AmirIkstchibaud: :: He smiled warmly to her, relieved by her presence.. poking lightly at the tip of her nose:: How are you, lovely? Waster of Poison.
[09-01:32] c6c97, Levald : (night yall)
[09-01:32] EXIT: Levald has left the chat ( 2:32am, April 09 (CDT) ).
[09-01:33] f0741, Rhazalael : ((Nighty))
[09-01:35] b8136, Sorcha Lidil: *she giggles smiling at him* iam quiet fine...and im sure if i drank it you would be displeased...
[09-01:37] 8a04c, AmirIkstchibaud: I already told you, I don't mind you poisoning yourself.. that's your business, isn't it? :: A flash of pearly whites with that grin.. an interesting accomplishment considering his own personal addiction, one that he was apparently getting away with, and with uttter ease..::
[09-01:38] f0741, Rhazalael : *Takes a seat two stools down from Amir and his companion, ordering a glass of water for himself*
[09-01:40] b8136, Sorcha Lidil: *she nods* yes it is but you wouldn't like it, just like i wouldn't want you to posion yourself with silly little things such as drink or smoking*she looks at him carefully still with a smile her hands still on his shoulders*
[09-01:43] 8a04c, AmirIkstchibaud: Well. If you drink, telling em not to would look mighty silly, wouldn't it? Do as I say, not as I do. :: He turned in his seat and bent to kiss her cheek, leaving behind a thin print of gloss on her skin.:: You have your foils, and I have mine.
[09-01:45] b8136, Sorcha Lidil: i know Amir im not going to stop you doing anything don't worry. *she smiles as he kisses her cheek and she smoothly brushes his hair*
[09-01:50] 8a04c, AmirIkstchibaud: :: He eyed the newcomer briefly before gesturing to the stool beside him, ash-framed lids returning to the lovely merchant:: Join me?
[09-01:52] f0741, Rhazalael : *His glass is filled and given, and he takes a slow sip. It serves as a reminder of his own mortality, and a sudden wave of hunger hits him like a sack of stone blocks. He orders a loaf of bread as well, laying several more coppers onto the glossed wooden counter's finish*
[09-01:52] b8136, Sorcha Lidil: *she smiles and she slowly takes the seat beside him* i wouldn't say no*she smiles warmly and she also glances to the newcomer before looking back to Amir and she slowly puts a gentle hand on top of his*
[09-01:55] 8a04c, AmirIkstchibaud: I pity these others walking about.. :: His caramel orbs passed over the room of patrons thoughtfully, speaking as though he were serious, his voice quiet and trailing off:: Not as pretty as myself..
[09-01:59] b8136, Sorcha Lidil: *she laughs a little* Amir make sure you can actaully walk out of this place after such head might be to big with that ego...
[09-02:00] 8a04c, AmirIkstchibaud: You don't know anything about that. :: He glanced to her in mild shock, covering over his lap with a tanned hand:: My goodness.
[09-02:01] b8136, Sorcha Lidil: *she shakes her head looking at him* What do you mean by that?
[09-02:01] f0741, Rhazalael : *Tears off a moist chunk of fresh, golden, steaming bread once it arrives, consuming it slowly. His stomach gives a viscerally fierce growl, and he closes his eyes, his hunger sated after nearly half the loaf had been eaten. He is an average looking man in his mid-thirties, dishevelled, and potentially attractive if it weren't for the grim, solemn look of his sharp, defined expressions. He looks starved almost, as though he hasn't eaten in several days. His garb is scanty along the torso and rugged, but well cared for*
[09-02:03] 8a04c, AmirIkstchibaud: :: His eyes widened slightly at her, shaking his head:: No, no. You started that conversation. I'll not keep on with it, dirty bird. :: He leaned against the bar counter, drawing up his crooked arm to rest on its surface::
[09-02:05] b8136, Sorcha Lidil: *she blinks looking at him the penny dropping into place she blushes severly and looks away* I didn't mean it like that!*she whispers harshly*
[09-02:07] 8a04c, AmirIkstchibaud: :: He laughed lightly, grinning as he shook his head at her::.. Ah, too cute.
[09-02:09] b8136, Sorcha Lidil: *she looks to him the blush still severly darkening her cheeks* you knew i didn't mean it like that
[09-02:14] 8a04c, AmirIkstchibaud: :: Shrugging his shoulders lightly, he resumed his former relaxed posture, watching he rwith supressed amusement:: Ah well.
[09-02:15] b8136, Sorcha Lidil: *she looks at him the blush dying down now she reaches a hand to touch his cheek* i'll get my own back just you wait
[09-02:23] 8a04c, AmirIkstchibaud: Get your own what back? :: He arched a slim brow, curious, not quite sure what she meant..::
[09-02:26] b8136, Sorcha Lidil: Yeah *she smiles speaking no more of it she looks around again at the new patron at the bar curiously before she looks to Amir she smiles warmly*
[09-02:27] 8a04c, AmirIkstchibaud: :: He dealt out nothing more than a look of skepticism, but didn't think too much more of it:: Alright then.
[09-02:31] b8136, Sorcha Lidil: *she smiles warmly* so what did you do today darling? anything interesting?
[09-02:33] 8a04c, AmirIkstchibaud: Nah.. :: He drummed his fingers idly on the counter top, pondering over the day..:: Wandered about some, but not much else.
[09-02:34] b8136, Sorcha Lidil: i had some more sales today...some want clothes in the same material i had on yesterday...remeber that silky one?
[09-02:35] 8a04c, AmirIkstchibaud: :: He tilted his head slightly to one side, pretending to be thinking about it as though he'd already forgotten.. but of course he couldn't forget it to save his life.:: Hm. I think so. What about it?
[09-02:37] f0741, Rhazalael : *His belly full, he feels a lulling draw of exhaustion pulling at his eyelids. He didn't particularly want to spend the night in town, but he would probably have to. Wearily, he rises to his feet, posture firm and strong, belying his beleagured senses. Turning to leave, he loosens his cloak, surprised as it's tail catches onto the base of Amir's stool in passing. A slight tear in the fabric follows a sharp tug*
[09-02:39] b8136, Sorcha Lidil: *she smiles as she watches him think* well its expensive i can make alot of money from it. I will be able to make alot of sales if the people like it. *She glances to Rhazalael as he passes*
[09-02:39] f0741, Rhazalael : *He turns, falling still and turning to Amir, his tone apologetic and succinct* My mistake.
[09-02:41] 8a04c, AmirIkstchibaud: :: Leaning slightly over in his seat, he peered down at the torn bit of fsbric trapped under one of the legs of the barstool.. he blinked, shifting a bit in his seat to see if the chair wobbled, wondering how that had happened.. his hazel orbs rose to the stranger, wide and curious, his lids traced over with an ashen shadow that was certainly not caused by natural light..:: How so? I didn't see you dive under me or this apparently hungry monster of a chair.
[09-02:43] f0741, Rhazalael : I'm guessing that it was an act of mischief. Probably some arcane or psionic prankster nearby...Nothing too devious. The cloak is inexpensive, I'll just purchase a new one tomorrow.
[09-02:44] b8136, Sorcha Lidil: *she looks down as Amir did and then looks up* never knew the chairs needed feeding....*she comments lightly as she looks at them both*...i could fix it if you like sir...*she says looking at Rhazalael*
[09-02:45] 8a04c, AmirIkstchibaud: :: He glanced to Sorcha, feeling a bit foolish for not making that kind of connection..:: That's true. :: His glance slipped back to the stranger as he nodded in agreement with her:: She's very skilled.
[09-02:47] f0741, Rhazalael : I would be very grateful if you could, actually. *Unclasps the broach and removes his cloak, revealing a scanty black torso cloth over a kilt-like black leather skirt and heavy trousers. A shrunken goblin head is clipped to his belt by the hair, and a curved kris dagger is sheathed at his right thigh*
[09-02:48] f0741, Rhazalael : It would save me a few coppers and some valuable time spent in the market district. Tomorrow is going to be a busy day for me.
[09-02:48] b8136, Sorcha Lidil: *she holds her hand out for the cloak* when would you like it for?
[09-02:49] f0741, Rhazalael : I'll be staying here for the night. If you could have it done by tomorrow morning, I'd be very grateful. How much would I owe you for the service?
[09-02:50] f0741, Rhazalael : *Hands her the cloak*
[09-02:51] b8136, Sorcha Lidil: *she looks at the torn fabric just looking it over a little and looks to him* can't ask much its only a simple mend...1-2 coppers?
[09-02:53] f0741, Rhazalael : *Nods* I'll have them for you tomorrow. Thank you, I've had that cloak for a while. It's durable and great for the rainy seasons, seems to have a weakness when it comes to stools.
[09-02:53] f0741, Rhazalael : Or chairs. This isn't the first time It's been caught up.
[09-02:54] b8136, Sorcha Lidil: I will see what i can do and if i don't see you i will ask the keeper to hold it for you*she gently olds the cloak and places it beside her*
[09-02:55] f0741, Rhazalael : *Bows shallowly before purchasing a room for the night. He heads for the stairs, followed closely by what appears to be a leper, shrouded completely in a dark hooded cloak from head to toe*
[09-02:56] b8136, Sorcha Lidil: *she shakes her head and looks to Amir* well that was different...
[09-02:57] f0741, Rhazalael : *The shrouded figure remains in the hallway, standing sentry for the night while Rhazalael wanders inside, plopping down onto the bedspread fully clothed. He almost instantly falls asleep*
[09-02:57] 8a04c, AmirIkstchibaud: :: He shrugged lightly, fairly indifferent to business transactions and common pleasantires..::
[09-02:57] 8a04c, AmirIkstchibaud: ( *pleasantries )
[09-02:59] f0741, Rhazalael : (G'night I'll see you tomorrow hopefully)
[09-02:59] b8136, Sorcha Lidil: *she smiles*so anyway...if more people are wanting the silk i can earn more money...
[09-02:59] b8136, Sorcha Lidil: (night)
[09-03:05] 8a04c, AmirIkstchibaud: ( sorry )
[09-03:06] b8136, Sorcha Lidil: (for?)
[09-03:06] 8a04c, AmirIkstchibaud: That's good.. :: he smiled lightly, folding his sun-kissed hands in his lap:: I'm sure you'll do well.
[09-03:07] b8136, Sorcha Lidil: i hope i can do well...then i might be able to get that shop..that would be good wouldn't it? i could earn sort of excited
[09-03:10] 8a04c, AmirIkstchibaud: Of course it would. Although you could probably afford a small place now.. nothing all that fancy. Easier to start small, isn't it?
[09-03:11] b8136, Sorcha Lidil: *she nods* that i could, its a better idea to start small and work my way up
[09-03:16] 8a04c, AmirIkstchibaud: And then if things didn't work out like you wanted.. it wouldn't be a major financial loss..
[09-03:16] b8136, Sorcha Lidil: No, and then i would move on...*she slowly takes his hand in her looking at him carefully*
[09-03:20] 8a04c, AmirIkstchibaud: ::He smiled faintly, giving her hand a gentle squeeze:: I doubt that will happen though..
[09-03:21] b8136, Sorcha Lidil: *she smiles and leans forward to kiss his cheek* i best get mending this cloak...i will see you later...sleep well Amir.
[09-03:25] 8a04c, AmirIkstchibaud: Good night, Sorcha. ::He smiled softly, relaxed where he sat.. he would probably stay a bit longer there before heading out for the night::
[09-03:25] b8136, Sorcha Lidil: *she stands and leaves him where he is taking the cloak and she heads up stairs and is gone*
[09-03:25] EXIT: Sorcha Lidil has left the chat ( 4:25am, April 09 (CDT) ).
[09-03:35] EXIT: AmirIkstchibaud has left the chat ( 4:25am, April 09 (CDT) ).
[09-05:22] JOIN: Illisse Brilthor has entered.
[09-09:38] JOIN: Illisse Brilthor has entered.
[09-10:25] EXIT: Illisse Brilthor has left the chat ( 10:38am, April 09 (CDT) ).
[09-11:17] JOIN: Valandil Elladan has entered.
[09-11:49] JOIN: Illisse Brilthor has entered.
[09-11:50] 21e15, Illisse Brilthor : like search and rescue....found yo
[09-11:52] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[09-11:52] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 12:52pm, April 09 (CDT) ).
[09-11:55] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[09-11:57] JOIN: Illisse Brilthor has entered.
[09-11:58] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 12:55pm, April 09 (CDT) ).
[09-11:58] JOIN: Axis has entered.
[09-12:02] 79d37, Axis : ((hello?))
[09-12:03] 21e15, Illisse Brilthor : hey
[09-12:04] 79d37, Axis : ((whats up?))
[09-12:05] 21e15, Illisse Brilthor : nothin much
[09-12:06] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[09-12:07] 21e15, Illisse Brilthor : just got car fixed so I can go places now
[09-12:13] 79d37, Axis : ((thats good))
[09-12:15] 79d37, Axis : ((*sets a fire and walks away whistling*))
[09-12:15] 21e15, Illisse Brilthor : (9yeah I'm just about on my way to my moms for the weekend... *looks at clock* actually I need to go's a 3 hour drive......see ya))
[09-12:16] EXIT: Illisse Brilthor has left the chat ( 1:15pm, April 09 (CDT) ).
[09-12:17] 79d37, Axis : ((later))
[09-12:24] 79d37, Axis : *stands just outside at the burned out ruins of a rather large farm. Anything and everything that could have been was burned. Even the bodies of the large extenede family and all of the living things on or around the property. A small pond nearby was red with spilled blood and and the scent of bunred flesh hung heavy i nthe air*
[09-12:28] 79d37, Axis : *as he walks among the ruins he stoops and examines a relativly intact body. There was four curving cuts running across the old womans throat. Looking over to the side he noticed something appeared the fields had been salted after the were burned*
[09-12:35] JOIN: Avalon has entered.
[09-12:37] 68b74, Avalon: (( anyone about? ))
[09-12:37] 68b74, Avalon: (( anyone about? ))
[09-12:39] 79d37, Axis : ((beyond me?))
[09-12:40] 68b74, Avalon: (( nope was iffy on the chance you were still here so i asked ...sorry ))
[09-12:41] 79d37, Axis : ((no worries)) *This whole scene seemed disturbingly familier to him as he examined the scene*
[09-12:46] 68b74, Avalon: (( *settles off screen to watch*))
[09-12:51] 79d37, Axis : *not a spot of grass was to be seen so through was the burning*
[09-12:52] 79d37, Axis : *not a spot of grass was to be seen so through was the burning*
[09-13:07] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[09-13:07] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 2:07pm, April 09 (CDT) ).
[09-13:11] 79d37, Axis : ((if some one wants me just say soemthing I'll prolly be here))
[09-13:43] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[09-13:44] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 2:43pm, April 09 (CDT) ).
[09-13:44] JOIN: Axis has entered.
[09-15:47] JOIN: Ryden has entered.
[09-19:08] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[09-19:08] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 8:08pm, April 09 (CDT) ).
[09-19:09] JOIN: Axis has entered.
[09-20:13] JOIN: Cookie Monster has entered.
[09-20:13] 5d609, Cookie Monster: Axis! Fight me!
[09-20:14] 30bf7, Axis : ((eh?))
[09-20:14] 30bf7, Axis : ((which char?))
[09-20:14] 5d609, Cookie Monster: no char! We battle to the death ooc!
[09-20:16] 30bf7, Axis : ((*RaE*))
[09-20:17] 5d609, Cookie Monster: or... you could give me that look.
[09-20:19] 30bf7, Axis : ((anyway......))
[09-20:20] 5d609, Cookie Monster: which chars you have again?
[09-20:20] 30bf7, Axis : ((Lok the gargoyle and axis the demon))
[09-20:26] 30bf7, Axis : ((Lok is in the darkforest axis's location is described below))
[09-20:28] 5d609, Cookie Monster: *nod nod*
[09-20:38] 30bf7, Axis : ((*yawn*))
[09-20:43] 5d609, Cookie Monster: whats the phrasing for doing a color for text in html? Is it <text color='000000'> or something elose?
[09-20:46] 30bf7, Axis : ((you just change those "0 's " to the code you need))
[09-20:48] 5d609, Cookie Monster: nope, doesn't seem to work
[09-20:49] 5d609, Cookie Monster: damn... I figure it out later.
[09-20:49] 5d609, Cookie Monster: But now I have a profile!
[09-20:50] 30bf7, Axis : ((for an ooc char?))
[09-20:53] 5d609, Cookie Monster: I'm not a char. I'm a person.
[09-20:54] 5d609, Cookie Monster: *thats the claim anyway*
[09-20:55] 30bf7, Axis : ((yeah...right))
[09-20:56] 5d609, Cookie Monster:
[09-20:58] 30bf7, Axis : ((*sets cookie on fire*))
[09-20:58] 5d609, Cookie Monster: mmmm... warm... wait.. hot... VERY hot!!! oow ow ow ow ow!!!
[09-20:59] 30bf7, Axis : ((*tosses some napalm on the flames*))
[09-21:01] 5d609, Cookie Monster: aaaaagggghhhhh!!! it stiiiiings!
[09-21:02] 30bf7, Axis : ((*adds a twist of lemon*))
[09-21:03] 5d609, Cookie Monster: mm... lemony fresh PAAAAAIIIIN!!!!
[09-21:04] 30bf7, Axis : ((Yay! *for a final touch adds razor sharp paper umbrellas*))
[09-21:06] 5d609, Cookie Monster: *despite cookie's drinking habits, he is definatively NOT an alchaholic beverage*
[09-21:08] 30bf7, Axis : ((now you are flaming pain coktail!))
[09-21:10] 5d609, Cookie Monster: *isn't drinkable dagnabbit!*
[09-21:10] 30bf7, Axis : ((once the flames progress a little more you will be))
[09-21:14] 5d609, Cookie Monster: meeeeeeellllttttiiiiiiiiiiiiiiingg! MEEEELLLLTING!!! Oh the world!
[09-21:17] 30bf7, Axis : ((*pours the now liquidy cookie into a martini glass with approtrate decorations*))
[09-21:26] EXIT: Axis has left the chat ( 10:17pm, April 09 (CDT) ).
[09-21:27] EXIT: Cookie Monster has left the chat ( 10:14pm, April 09 (CDT) ).
[09-22:01] JOIN: Dri has entered.
[10-00:11] JOIN: Jace has entered.
[10-00:11] 065db, Jace: hmm
[10-01:11] JOIN: Dri has entered.
[10-01:21] 8a04c, AdrianGoldenmoon : (*)
[10-01:32] JOIN: Sorcha Lidil has entered.
[10-01:37] ea53d, Sorcha Lidil: *She walks silently through the entrance to the glimmering inn, her long raven coloured hair is let loose flowing behind her as she takes a look around. She is wearing a long silky type of dress which light shimmers off gently, this in turn clings gently to her skin as she walks slowly to the bar*
[10-01:41] JOIN: Liz has entered.
[10-01:41] 8a04c, AmirIkstchibaud: :: Leaning forward over the tabletop, he was beginning to drift in and out of consciousness as his face rested against his hand, propped up by the elbow.. but at the sound of the opening door, he lifted his head, leaning back a bit in his chair.. blinking slowly, he smiled at the sight of her::
[10-01:41] 8a04c, AmirIkstchibaud: (hey Liz )
[10-01:42] d3a2d, Liz: Hey, Dri'
[10-01:45] ea53d, Sorcha Lidil: *Her eyes sweep the room and she sees Amir a smile creeping onto her features as she slowly walks over to him, her mood brightening*
[10-01:45] MSG: AmirIkstchibaud sent a message to Liz.
[10-01:46] 8a04c, AmirIkstchibaud: Hello there.. :: He gestured vaguely to her with a bronzed hand, grinning broadly:: What's all this?
[10-01:46] MSG: Liz sent a message to Amirikstchibaud.
[10-01:48] MSG: AmirIkstchibaud sent a message to Liz.
[10-01:48] ea53d, Sorcha Lidil: *she glances down at herself then to him smiling* its a selling aide, people see what the finished clothes are like and they order one...and its to impress someone...*she grins a little*
[10-01:49] MSG: Liz sent a message to Amirikstchibaud.
[10-01:52] MSG: AmirIkstchibaud sent a message to Liz.
[10-01:53] MSG: Liz sent a message to Amirikstchibaud.
[10-01:53] 8a04c, AmirIkstchibaud: Oh really? I can't imagine who... :: He glanced about the room as if expecting to see the one she spoke of.. at last returning his hazel eyes to her with a smile:: You look wonderful.
[10-01:55] MSG: AmirIkstchibaud sent a message to Liz.
[10-01:55] MSG: Liz sent a message to Amirikstchibaud.
[10-01:56] ea53d, Sorcha Lidil: *A faint blush tinted her cheeks as she takes a seat next to him smiling* thank you glad you like it
[10-01:56] MSG: AmirIkstchibaud sent a message to Liz.
[10-01:59] 8a04c, AmirIkstchibaud: So do you think business is going better than it was? :: He watched her with his usual ever-curious expression, waiting patiently for her answer::
[10-01:59] d3a2d, Averey Lithle : *alone, deep within the woods, behind the small cottage in a clearin which she calls home, a young woman of elven blood sits alone in the moon light. Her vibrant green eyes are fixed upon the water of the small pond, her long rich red hair hairs about her shoulders like a silken cape*
[10-02:01] ea53d, Sorcha Lidil: *she looks and watches him carefully still smiling like she always does.* Yes a little better and since i have this new material to work with its much seems to work a treat for getting people to come and look.
[10-02:05] 8a04c, AdrianGoldenmoon : :: Although he knew there was a clearing nearby, he had stopped just before it and knelt in the darkness, his pale hands folded together and touched to his cupid's bow lips.. he had a wearied look to him as he sat there, very still apart from his uneven breaths, whispering quietly and quickly in the tongue native to him.. distressed in tone, but he was otherwise unmoved, his day-old wounds aching, but not enough to disrupt his focus::
[10-02:08] 8a04c, AmirIkstchibaud: Well it is a little shiny.. :: He glanced at the material.. perhaps zoning a little before lifting his gaze to her face once more:: I have a feeling that once the weather warms into Spring weather, you'll have even better luck.
[10-02:09] d3a2d, Averey Lithle : *her lips, red as the dew kissed rose, move silently, mouthing what seems to be "one..two..three", her hands clenching where they rest on her lap, seemingly around something. A sword handle, perhaps*
[10-02:09] ea53d, Sorcha Lidil: Yes, there will be much more need for soft and gently clothing that lets you breath.*she smiles and reaches a hand out to stroke his hair gently away from his face*
[10-02:13] 8a04c, AmirIkstchibaud: I guess so.. not what I was thinking though, I must admit. ::He smiled faintly at her touch, absently rubbing his exposed middle::
[10-02:14] ea53d, Sorcha Lidil: Well care to tell me what you were thinking in stead*she gazes down at his hand then back to his eyes still stroking his cheek gently after she moved his hair*
[10-02:15] 8a04c, AdrianGoldenmoon : :: After some time of this prayer, he lowered his hands from his face and drew back the cuff of one sleeve enough to see part of his wounds..:: Suppose I should clean that.. :: He slowly rose to his feet, emerald orbs looking to the thinning line of trees as he approached the clearing, reaching into his pocket for a ribbon to tie his hair with::
[10-02:16] d3a2d, Averey Lithle : *she looks up, eyes searching, as some small sound gives him away. Someone dares to enter her clearing..and at this time of night, no less*
[10-02:17] 8a04c, AmirIkstchibaud: I was thinking... warmer weather, scantier clothing.. :: He gave her a rather innocent puppy-like look, to offset the notion that he might be a little pervy.. not him, no never..::
[10-02:19] ea53d, Sorcha Lidil: *she giggles a little looking at his puppy -like look not being able to help smiling* Yes that to i will be able to do different styles of clothing, scantier as you say and i guess any new designs i have you'll see first*she grins a little watching him*
[10-02:19] 8a04c, AdrianGoldenmoon : :: His face lowered as he pulled the ribbon from his pocket, focused moreso on untangling a knot than where he was headed as he entered the clearing::
[10-02:21] d3a2d, Averey Lithle : *she slowly stands, reaching beside her as she does so and picks up a finely crafted elven bow and notches an arrow*
[10-02:22] 8a04c, AmirIkstchibaud: :: He nodded quickly, assuming a mock-serious face:: Oh yes, definitely. I don't think anything else would be wiser.
[10-02:25] ea53d, Sorcha Lidil: *she giggles shaking her head* Amir...*she just says his name for no reason really as she shakes her head, she again strokes his cheek gently softly.*
[10-02:25] 8a04c, AdrianGoldenmoon : :: With the knot lost, he drew his shimmering silver locks back and deftly tied the ribbon, lifting his tiger-like eyes from the ground at the final tug.. at the sight of the armed woman, he froze, the shock obvious in his finely chiseled features:: Whoa.. beg your pardon, m'lady.. I had no idea anyone was here..
[10-02:28] d3a2d, Averey Lithle : I should shoot you where you stand, Adrian.
[10-02:32] 8a04c, AdrianGoldenmoon : Yes, you should. :: He watched her quietly, his senses naturally on high alert, although he was not always compliant with his body's signals..:: why do you not?
[10-02:33] 8a04c, AmirIkstchibaud: What? :: He lifted his raven brows lightly, a guiltless look in his eyes.. he seemed to have very little shame about anything..::
[10-02:33] d3a2d, Averey Lithle : Your blood would draw scavengers.
[10-02:36] 8a04c, AdrianGoldenmoon : Not if you disposed of me soon after. A swift river, or a good fire. :: His glance shifted slightly as he peered about the small clearing, most of his movement restrcited to his eyes alone, some a slight turn of his head::
[10-02:38] ea53d, Sorcha Lidil: *she shakes her head and leans close to him gently kissing his cheek* got any more ideas for the clothes design?
[10-02:38] 8a04c, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( * restricted.. )
[10-02:39] 8a04c, AmirIkstchibaud: :: He smiled and shook his head, giving her a knowing look:: No, no.. I'm not interfering where it isn't needed..
[10-02:40] d3a2d, Averey Lithle : *she snorts in disgust* I would'nt want to contaminate any water with your filth and I hate the smell of burning flesh. *the clearing itself is open space surrounded by trees. There's a small pond behind a cottage that looks odd with one side obviously lovingly built with stone and wood, and the other half of mud and thatch which somehow gives off an aura of sadness. Also behind this cottage are some targets for bow practice and a stump obviously used for sparring*
[10-02:41] ea53d, Sorcha Lidil: But im asking for your oppinion darling*she says quietly still close to him looking in his hazel eyes*
[10-02:44] 8a04c, AdrianGoldenmoon : :: He listened, and absorbed what she said with downast eyes, silent.. not as disbelieving as he would have been before..:: I heard about the baby.. :: He lifted his glance slightly to her, swallowing.. a glassy sheen to his saddened eyes..:: I'm sorry.. I know it must pain you to live with every day..
[10-02:46] d3a2d, Averey Lithle : The baby is dead. As is the father. *her voice is cold and flat. It's as if, with the loss of the two, half of her soul was ripped from her. Even as she speaks, she never relaxes her guard for even a second*
[10-02:48] 8a04c, AmirIkstchibaud: Yes you are, but I'm not giving it where it isn't necessary.. ::He laughed softly, shaking his head at her, smoothing a few raven curls from her face::
[10-02:51] ea53d, Sorcha Lidil: *she smiles at him shaking her head a little* well maybe next time you will tell me more of whats in your head...for my business i would greatly appriciate it.
[10-02:51] 8a04c, AdrianGoldenmoon : :: He nodded slowly, lowering his emerald gaze from her once more.. understanding to the situation in that she would not be the same so soon after her loss..he remained unmoving apart from the slow rise and fall of his chest... lacking his former spirit as well, but taking a different path with it..::
[10-02:53] d3a2d, Averey Lithle : *Oh..she's going places with what's left of her spirit, what with being trained by a Drow and having a demon for a friend...but he won't know that* It's not as if you ever cared anyway. Go back to that pale faced whore from the bar.
[10-03:02] 8a04c, AmirIkstchibaud: Perhaps. :: He shrugged lightly, looking over the designs in her dress..:: I'm willing to help when you're stuck.. but this is your business, you should be ust fine with your own creativity..
[10-03:04] ea53d, Sorcha Lidil: I just like having your ideas, im not stuck....least i know you like most of what i wear*she smiles and kisses his lips softly*
[10-03:04] JOIN: Valandil Elladan has entered.
[10-03:05] 125f3, Valandil Elladan : (( Hello ))
[10-03:05] d3a2d, Averey Lithle : (( hey ))
[10-03:05] 8a04c, AdrianGoldenmoon : I can't. ::Spoken with some difficulty, his eyes slipped shut.. taking a moment to himself before answering again, with a steadier voice:: She has sent me away, as they all do. As it has been from the very beginning. :: He cleared his throat with a forced laugh, shaking his finger at the empty air:: I don't seem to know much of anything, but I'll never forget that. Never forget..
[10-03:05] 8a04c, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( hey Val.. )
[10-03:06] d3a2d, Averey Lithle : Good. You deserve it.
[10-03:08] ea53d, Sorcha Lidil: (bbs)
[10-03:08] 125f3, Valandil Elladan : (( Hmmm... can't figure out if I should RP or not... I just saw The Passion of the Omnipotence for the second time... so I am not feeling, well, as perky... ))
[10-03:10] d3a2d, Averey Lithle : (( I just saw ROTK and now I'm reading MAD, where they're making fun of it ))
[10-03:10] 8a04c, AmirIkstchibaud: ::aused:::
[10-03:10] 8a04c, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( then stop going to see it >.> )
[10-03:11] 8a04c, AdrianGoldenmoon : :: He shrugged his shoulders mirthlessly, not fighting the notion at all..:: I suppose so.
[10-03:12] 125f3, Valandil Elladan : (( No, I mean I went to see it with my parents, who invited me to join them... and they hadn't seen it... plus it was Good Friday...
[10-03:12] 8a04c, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( yeah but you had the option of saying 'no' >.> )
[10-03:12] d3a2d, Averey Lithle : *glares at him* What happened, anyway? She get tired of her toy?
[10-03:12] 8a04c, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( I figured you'd be sad Illisse was gone )
[10-03:14] 8a04c, AdrianGoldenmoon : No.. I refused her, and I complicated things between us. :: He reached for the cuff of his sleeve and tugged it down over the gash in his flesh, having forgotten previously..:: She just wanted me gone then.
[10-03:14] 125f3, Valandil Elladan : (( I AM sad Illisse is gone... *cries* ))
[10-03:14] 8a04c, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( she misses you too :at:: )
[10-03:15] 8a04c, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( argt hese smileys.. )
[10-03:15] d3a2d, Averey Lithle : Most women do not like to be refused. Or thrown away.
[10-03:18] 8a04c, AdrianGoldenmoon : Among other things, I was hideously hungover.. I don't think it would have gone well like that.. :: he folded his arms loosely over his chest as he glanced to her..:: I wasn't trying to throw her away.. she threw me out. Besides, she is in love with another woman.. there was not romance between us..
[10-03:20] d3a2d, Averey Lithle : *shakes her head* Just like there was never any between us.
[10-03:23] 8a04c, AdrianGoldenmoon : :: He blinked at her, a little frustrated, but not with much he could do..:: I know what you've said about us, but I really can't remember.. I'm not purposely trying to forget you.. there's a lot of things I don't remember, and it kills me.. :: He shook his head slowly.:: I don't have that many memories to cherish.. I don't understand it.
[10-03:24] 125f3, Valandil Elladan : (( Hey, if you need me, I'll be in my chat... k? ))
[10-03:24] 8a04c, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( dont know anything about your chat x.x except that you were working on it instead of talking to Illisse before she left.. )
[10-03:25] d3a2d, Averey Lithle : What do you remember?
[10-03:28] 125f3, Valandil Elladan : (( Oh... My chat is the Magic: The Gathering chat... NO I am not advertising, as some other people have claimed in a different chat when someone asked which chat was mine... ))
[10-03:29] 8a04c, AdrianGoldenmoon : I remember events, but not people.. I know my mother abandoned me because of my heart.. :: He shook his head slowly, searching his mind desperately..:: I know... I was someone's slave for a time.. and.. I've traveled extensively. ::He sighed softly, nothing in particular jumping out at him..:: I'm reminded of things in strange ways, but it isn't nearly enough in comparison.. I know Muna, and all those after her.. that much is very clear. I may as well be her slave with the way things have been..
[10-03:30] d3a2d, Averey Lithle : But nothing of me. Of this clearing. Of this house.
[10-03:30] ea53d, Sorcha Lidil: (bk)
[10-03:30] 8a04c, AdrianGoldenmoon : (wb )
[10-03:31] ea53d, Sorcha Lidil: (thanks)
[10-03:32] 8a04c, AdrianGoldenmoon : Not quite.. :: His tiger-like orbs drifted back towards the half-and-half house.. curious..:: Would you mind? ::He gestured vaguely towards it, and stepped closer, but maintained some distance from its walls in case she didn't allow it..:: Strangely built.. did a mason do that?
[10-03:33] d3a2d, Averey Lithle : No.
[10-03:35] 8a04c, AdrianGoldenmoon : I'd hope not.. looks a bit.. erm.. amateur.. :: He glanced over the stone wall, gingerly reaching to touch it.. a sudden overwhelming throw upon his senses and he quickly withdrew his hand, as if burned.. staring at it in accusation..::
[10-03:36] 8a04c, AmirIkstchibaud: Yes, I do like what you wear.. and no one's opinion matters more than mine. Not even yours.. :: He poked his pierced tongue out at her, amusement in his honey-flecked eyes::
[10-03:36] d3a2d, Averey Lithle : Be carefull. It does'nt like strangers.
[10-03:37] 125f3, Valandil Elladan : *is sitting at a table in the inn sipping quietly from a glass of mild wine... he looks to be deep in thought*
[10-03:38] ea53d, Sorcha Lidil: *she giggles and she pokes his nose lightly with a gentle finger tip* and i value your oppinion highly Amir..and you know it
[10-03:43] 8a04c, AdrianGoldenmoon : I don't think that's what it was.. ::His thin brows drew together as he squinted at a particular section of mortar between stones, tilting his head slightly.. seeing a reflection off a thin silver line embedded in the work.. puzzled, he set his fingertips against the stone surface, more prepared than the last time for the rush at his senses... his feline orbs drifting slightly, peering at the loose wisps of silver hanging before his face in realization....::
[10-03:44] 8a04c, AmirIkstchibaud: :: He nodded with a light grin.. noticing just past her shoulder someone seated at a nearby table..:: Hey.. it's him.
[10-03:45] d3a2d, Averey Lithle : *watches him, having a arrow aimed for the back of his head should he take even a small step towards the doorway*
[10-03:47] ea53d, Sorcha Lidil: him who?*she glances around and sees Val*...oh It's Val...looks a bit lost in thought
[10-03:47] 125f3, Valandil Elladan : *glances into his cup for a minute, frowns, and sits back, setting the cup back down on the table*
[10-03:47] 8a04c, AdrianGoldenmoon : That can't be right.. :: He murmured quietly as he took a step back from the stone wall, looking it over..:: I don't build things..
[10-03:48] 125f3, Valandil Elladan : (( Averey... who are you aiming at? ))
[10-03:48] 8a04c, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( me )
[10-03:48] 125f3, Valandil Elladan : (( Oh... are you in the inn? ))
[10-03:49] 8a04c, AmirIkstchibaud: Yeah kinda.. wonder where that woman of his went.. :: He looked to Sorcha expectantly, curious:: Should we ask him over?
[10-03:49] d3a2d, Averey Lithle : (( no ))