These logs are no longer being updated. Use DB Logs to see recent lines.

[31-20:40] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 9:40pm, March 31 (CST) ).
[31-20:40] ee11d, Axis : *steps out a shimmering portal in the rua forest moving soundlessly his cowl thrown up so his face is covered by shadow*
[31-20:41] c6c97, Levald: (who u be? will-o')
[31-20:42] c6c97, Levald: (val u got aim?)
[31-20:44] 125f3, Valandil Elladan : (( Unfortunately no... I don't have any messaging services except e-mail... ))
[31-20:45] c6c97, Levald: *Finnished withed the roast beer and whiskey he calls over the server.*
[31-20:45] c6c97, Levald: why dont you get it its free)
[31-20:46] ee11d, Axis : *he glides through the forest occasinally stooping to examine somehting but then moving on*
[31-20:47] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[31-20:47] c6c97, Levald: *When she arrives he asks her to clear the table and pays for his meal.*
[31-20:49] JOIN: Valandil Elladan has entered.
[31-20:49] 125f3, Valandil Elladan : (( I don't have it cuz my comp doesn't like it... ))
[31-20:50] c6c97, Levald: (Oh)
[31-20:50] c6c97, Levald: (take it off the start up)
[31-20:51] c6c97, Levald: (and only keep your b-list up after you load it)
[31-20:51] 125f3, Valandil Elladan : (( No, I mean my comp locks up every time I try to use it...))
[31-20:52] c6c97, Levald: (that sux)
[31-20:52] 125f3, Valandil Elladan : (( Yah... ))
[31-20:52] c6c97, Levald: (you got windows?)
[31-20:54] 125f3, Valandil Elladan : (( Windows WHAT??? ))
[31-20:54] 125f3, Valandil Elladan : (( messenger? ))
[31-20:55] ee11d, Axis : ((like xp '98 you gonna post?))
[31-20:57] 125f3, Valandil Elladan : (( XP )) *senses another being in the general area, but it is too far off for him to know much else than it is humanoid, and he sits still for a moment*
[31-20:58] c6c97, Levald: (XP pro?)
[31-20:58] ee11d, Axis : *trots through the forest and soon comes upon val and walks slowley up making no sound until...* greetings
[31-21:00] 125f3, Valandil Elladan : *would feel Axis' presence from about 100 meters away, and would know where he was at 20 meters... Would walk out of the camp to greet the stranger, unarmed*
[31-21:01] 125f3, Valandil Elladan : Greetings...
[31-21:01] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[31-21:03] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 10:01pm, March 31 (CST) ).
[31-21:03] JOIN: Axis has entered.
[31-21:04] ee11d, Axis : Not often one sees elves in theses woods
[31-21:04] 125f3, Valandil Elladan : Maybe not... May I ask, who are you?
[31-21:05] ee11d, Axis : My name is axis. And you are?
[31-21:06] ee11d, Axis : My name is axis. And you are?
[31-21:07] 125f3, Valandil Elladan : I am Valandil. *looks at the being closely* I have a camp close by...
[31-21:10] 125f3, Valandil Elladan : *Axis would notice he is unarmed*
[31-21:10] ee11d, Axis : I am merely passing through I am a wanderer and the night is the best time for such. ((were you wanting to go to rua?))
[31-21:13] JOIN: Karlita has entered.
[31-21:14] 691bc, Karlita : ((*peeks* Bonjour` ^-^ ))
[31-21:14] 125f3, Valandil Elladan : (( Well, I kinda just left the Glimmering Inn with Illisse... )) Yes, night is a good time, especially if you do not wish to be noticed...
[31-21:14] 125f3, Valandil Elladan : (( EEP! A FRENCHIE!!! Como tale vou?
[31-21:15] 125f3, Valandil Elladan : (( j/k ))
[31-21:15] 691bc, Karlita : ((*giggles* Ca va ? ))
[31-21:16] 125f3, Valandil Elladan : (( Hey!!! You're a priincess!!! I am a prince!!! )
[31-21:16] ee11d, Axis : *points at a gap in the trees* or if you follow the paths of the stars.
[31-21:17] 125f3, Valandil Elladan : Very true... You are very wise, Axis...
[31-21:17] 125f3, Valandil Elladan : But it is fairly hard to follow the stars under a roof of leaves...
[31-21:18] JOIN: Karlita has entered.
[31-21:18] 125f3, Valandil Elladan : (( I dont reaaly speak french... thats all I know <_< >_> ))
[31-21:18] 691bc, Karlita: (( * Kabonks her comp* heh, yes i am ! * curtsies* ))
[31-21:18] 691bc, Karlita: ((hehe))
[31-21:18] ee11d, Axis : *rasies and eyebrow unseen under his cowl* As you say.but there are clearings...
[31-21:18] 125f3, Valandil Elladan : (( *bows* ))
[31-21:19] 125f3, Valandil Elladan : Some, but they can be few and far between in many places...
[31-21:20] 125f3, Valandil Elladan : (( heheh... *likes his avatar* ))
[31-21:21] 691bc, Karlita: * the wind tosses her curlsy dark locks back as she rides into from her castle, on her white steed, Coraline... she is clad in a cream colored gown, with smal pearls dotted around her large bosom *
[31-21:21] ee11d, Axis : Again as you say. But there are many ways of seeing and many ways of travel ((Hey I have to go soon))
[31-21:21] 125f3, Valandil Elladan : *is in the forest...*
[31-21:22] a929f, Roki: le mooooooooooo
[31-21:22] 125f3, Valandil Elladan : (( same here... ))
[31-21:22] 125f3, Valandil Elladan : (( AAHHHHH!!! It's Roki!!!
[31-21:24] 691bc, Karlita: ((hehe * pets Roki's penguin* ^^ ))
[31-21:24] a929f, Roki: feckin right its roki..... ph34r
[31-21:25] 125f3, Valandil Elladan : There are many ways of travel, and if you have an errand or such to run, I will not impede you...
[31-21:25] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[31-21:26] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 10:25pm, March 31 (CST) ).
[31-21:26] 125f3, Valandil Elladan : (( It's a dance party!!! ))
[31-21:26] JOIN: Axis has entered.
[31-21:27] ee11d, Axis : *turns* perhaps we will meet again *and walks around the tree nvanishing form vals senses as he does and from sight*
[31-21:27] EXIT: Axis has left the chat ( 10:27pm, March 31 (CST) ).
[31-21:28] 125f3, Valandil Elladan : *blinks for a sec at the sudden disappearance* Hmmm... a portalcrafter...
[31-21:28] 691bc, Karlita: (( *L*))
[31-21:29] 125f3, Valandil Elladan : (( I have to go now, but I will try to be on later or tomorrow...))
[31-21:29] 691bc, Karlita: * after hopping off of her horse with ease, she ties it to a pt near the forest, and walks in..silence surrounding her thin form..*
[31-21:30] EXIT: Valandil Elladan has left the chat ( *curtsies* er, uh, I mean... *bows* ).
[31-21:31] 691bc, Karlita: ((hehe))
[31-21:32] 691bc, Karlita: ((err. is anybody else in here !? ))
[31-21:33] 691bc, Karlita: (( uggh!!! ill b on tommrow night...bye ))
[31-21:47] a929f, Roki: kids.. **
[31-21:47] c6c97, Levald: (have any of you seen those stick death sceans?)
[31-21:49] a929f, Roki: yeah....
[31-21:50] c6c97, Levald: (well i just went on paint and made one. it was kinda easy even though ist so low tech)
[31-21:54] c6c97, Levald: (looks like i killed the chat)
[31-21:55] c6c97, Levald: (never mind they were already gonna leave)
[31-22:01] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[31-22:01] JOIN: Dri has entered.
[31-22:01] d3a2d, Liz: Hello?
[31-22:05] 8a04c, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( Hm. )
[31-22:06] d3a2d, Liz: Do you still hate me?
[31-22:10] 8a04c, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( I don't hate anybody. )
[31-22:11] d3a2d, Liz: Then what do you call it?
[31-22:13] 8a04c, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( I don't call it anything. I don't really feel either way about you )
[31-22:15] d3a2d, Liz: Ahh. Good.
[31-22:19] d3a2d, Liz: Your new pic looks like a stoner.
[31-22:19] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[31-22:21] 8a04c, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( it's not really new anymore, and that's a stellar way to kick things off again )
[31-22:21] d3a2d, Liz: *shrugs* I never said I was trying to kick things off.
[31-22:23] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[31-22:24] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 11:23pm, March 31 (CST) ).
[31-22:24] d3a2d, Liz: I did care about it at first. But now..
[31-22:25] 8a04c, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( that's all you then. I don't feel either way about it )
[31-22:27] d3a2d, Liz: I know. *shakes her head* You never did care.
[31-22:27] JOIN: Illisse Brilthor has entered.
[31-22:28] 8a04c, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( drama drama etc. Hi Illisse )
[31-22:29] d3a2d, Liz: *tackles Illise* Hey!
[31-22:30] d3a2d, Liz: *leaves a cherry sucker where Adrian can find it*
[31-22:34] e4f3c, Illisse Brilthor : hey liz
[31-22:36] e4f3c, Illisse Brilthor : looks like we're havin a pity party tonight
[31-22:38] d3a2d, Liz: Not me *shows her black pearl polished nails* Like dark chrome
[31-22:39] e4f3c, Illisse Brilthor : ok i guess *shows her blood red polished nails, waiving them in the air*
[31-22:40] d3a2d, Liz: I tried blue...but the shade does'nt look good on me
[31-22:41] e4f3c, Illisse Brilthor : * in a california 'whatever' kind of motion* blood red works great with the tan
[31-22:42] d3a2d, Liz: I find it so hard to tan...
[31-22:42] d3a2d, Liz: I basically have to get a bad sunburn just to get a tan that lasts a few weeks
[31-22:43] e4f3c, Illisse Brilthor : i spend much of my day outside so i am tan alll year round
[31-22:44] e4f3c, Illisse Brilthor : only problem is i have 'farmers tan' so i have to work on the rest of it
[31-22:45] d3a2d, Liz: Ahhh
[31-22:46] e4f3c, Illisse Brilthor : i live in the country have goats , garden keeps me busy
[31-22:47] d3a2d, Liz: Any horses?
[31-22:47] e4f3c, Illisse Brilthor : nope too expensive for me...
[31-22:48] d3a2d, Liz: Cats?
[31-22:48] e4f3c, Illisse Brilthor : cats, dog, goats, chickens, rabbits, the occasional skunk oh and a gerbil
[31-22:49] d3a2d, Liz: Aww...wanna trade homes?
[31-22:50] e4f3c, Illisse Brilthor : not for the world...
[31-22:50] e4f3c, Illisse Brilthor :
[31-22:50] d3a2d, Liz: *whimpers*
[31-22:51] e4f3c, Illisse Brilthor : what? are you a city girl?
[31-22:52] d3a2d, Liz: Yeah...but I would give my left arm to live on a farm...the animals..the work....
[31-22:53] e4f3c, Illisse Brilthor : gettin up at 5 to feed the animals...those 2 am. kidding sprees when every goat you got decides to give birth at the same time.......milking...gathering eggs.....oh yeah
[31-22:54] d3a2d, Liz: Maybe I'm insane...but that sounds like fun
[31-22:55] e4f3c, Illisse Brilthor : oh it is i love it... ive done the 9-5 i llike this much more but it doesn't pay the bills...just keeps me in free food
[31-22:56] d3a2d, Liz: Hhee
[31-22:58] e4f3c, Illisse Brilthor : *omits the disgusting parts of farm life*
[31-22:58] d3a2d, Liz: *l*
[31-23:00] a929f, Roki: give me a farm life during the spring, summer, and fall... winter... blech... screw that *l*
[31-23:00] a929f, Roki: ever been to a farm, Liz .. or are you a true and through city slicker ?
[31-23:01] e4f3c, Illisse Brilthor : *laughs* yeah sometimes i feel that way esp in spring when there are tornados here
[31-23:02] c6c97, Levald: *rises frome the table and goes out for a walk around the outside of the inn*
[31-23:02] d3a2d, Liz: I've been to a farm...a goat farm, actually
[31-23:03] a929f, Roki: ok.. youve been to a farm... for how long ?
[31-23:03] d3a2d, Liz: A few hours
[31-23:04] a929f, Roki: pfft
[31-23:04] e4f3c, Illisse Brilthor : *snickers*
[31-23:04] a929f, Roki: try pulling tit for 4 years
[31-23:04] a929f, Roki: then come talk to me about being on a farm for a while
[31-23:04] d3a2d, Liz: If I could, I would
[31-23:05] a929f, Roki: i highly doubt that one.
[31-23:05] a929f, Roki: it would take you weeks just to get used to the smell.
[31-23:05] e4f3c, Illisse Brilthor : awww Roki...
[31-23:05] a929f, Roki: then a while longer to get used to the fact that you're pulling on a mammary gland.
[31-23:06] d3a2d, Liz: *hums*
[31-23:06] a929f, Roki: dont get me wrong.. now i welcome the smell of a farm...any farm.. except for a Turkey farm.. those are just plain old odiferous
[31-23:07] e4f3c, Illisse Brilthor : or chicken farm..... but i love it when the farmers plow the fields.....smell s like heaven
[31-23:08] a929f, Roki: and that peculiar smell that comes with rotting corn... especialy when you're shovelilng it out of the bottom of a bin.
[31-23:08] e4f3c, Illisse Brilthor : thank heavens i have never done that
[31-23:09] e4f3c, Illisse Brilthor : although i do know the smell
[31-23:09] a929f, Roki: the smell isnt that bad actually.
[31-23:09] a929f, Roki: i've grown quite used to it.
[31-23:09] a929f, Roki: ever shoveled sh!it out of the back of a maneur spreader that got jammed up ?
[31-23:09] e4f3c, Illisse Brilthor : nah it just killed your sense of smell
[31-23:10] e4f3c, Illisse Brilthor : shovel it out of the barn everyday
[31-23:11] JOIN: Sorcha Lidil has entered.
[31-23:12] e4f3c, Illisse Brilthor : hmmm I think we lost Liz
[31-23:12] d3a2d, Liz: Naw.......just reading a nothing to add
[31-23:14] 7bbb7, Sorcha Lidil: *She stands in the market calling out to the crowd of people to at least have a look at her hand made garments which she spends hours making. Her raven coloured hair curls about her face sometimes getting in the way of the forest green eyes as her voice struggles to be heard*
[31-23:16] e4f3c, Illisse Brilthor : ((*heads into lurkdom*im still watchin))
[31-23:16] a929f, Roki: *is too... is always watching.... always....* yes.. always..
[31-23:17] d3a2d, Liz: That's creepy, Roki
[31-23:17] e4f3c, Illisse Brilthor : ((* is now back* i hate server maint.))
[31-23:19] 94c70, Z: *sneak sneak*
[31-23:19] e4f3c, Illisse Brilthor : *will hear that voice in her head the rest of the night*
[31-23:20] e4f3c, Illisse Brilthor : Thanks Roki
[31-23:23] 94c70, Z: *sits on Liz*
[31-23:23] e4f3c, Illisse Brilthor : *hugs Z* sorry i missed you ....
[31-23:23] d3a2d, Liz: Eeek! *nips Z*
[31-23:23] 94c70, Z: *hugs Illisse* It's alright
[31-23:26] 7bbb7, Sorcha Lidil: *She watches as a few of the people glance into her direction and carry on to other stalls. Maybe she is just a child in their eyes. she sighs as she watches them walk by*please*she whispers*
[31-23:29] EXIT: Liz has left the chat ( 12:23am, April 01 (CST) ).
[31-23:30] JOIN: Dri has entered.
[31-23:30] 8a04c, AdrianGoldenmoon : (*)
[31-23:32] 94c70, Z: (*).(*)
[31-23:32] 7bbb7, Sorcha Lidil: (*waves*)
[31-23:34] 8a04c, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( Z ::waves:: )
[31-23:39] 94c70, Z: Hey Adrian.
[31-23:40] e4f3c, Illisse Brilthor : ((*beauty queen waves to all* good night and thanks again Roki for the nightmares))
[31-23:41] 7bbb7, Sorcha Lidil: *She sighs again and admits defeat as she puts her things away as she is ignored*
[31-23:42] EXIT: Illisse Brilthor has left the chat ( 12:40am, April 01 (CST) ).
[31-23:47] 7bbb7, Sorcha Lidil: *she heads back to the inn with her things and heads to her room where she puts the things on the floor beside the bed and she lies down closing her eyes trying to not think about another wasted day*
[31-23:48] 8a04c, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( hi Z )
[31-23:54] 7bbb7, Sorcha Lidil: (*waves and miserably vanishes to college*)
[31-23:54] EXIT: Sorcha Lidil has left the chat ( 12:54am, April 01 (CST) ).
[01-00:01] 8a04c, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( hmm >.> )
[01-01:57] 8a04c, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( this is exciting )
[01-02:17] EXIT: AdrianGoldenmoon has left the chat ( 2:57am, April 01 (CST) ).
[01-06:35] JOIN: Illisse Brilthor has entered.
[01-06:36] 8adf8, Illisse Brilthor : *chuckles at adrian* bout like watchin grass grow
[01-06:36] EXIT: Illisse Brilthor has left the chat ( 7:36am, April 01 (CST) ).
[01-08:24] JOIN: Zevald has entered.
[01-08:33] EXIT: Zevald has left the chat ( 9:24am, April 01 (CST) ).
[01-08:35] JOIN: Levald has entered.
[01-08:41] c6c97, Levald: *wakes up. Realizing he unintentioally fell asleep at the table he checks his stuff to be sure he wasnt robed. He wasnt.*
[01-08:42] c6c97, Levald: *gathering his things heheads up stairs for a quick nap*
[01-08:50] JOIN: Illisse Brilthor has entered.
[01-08:51] 1839e, Illisse Brilthor : ((robed? you werent dressed?))
[01-08:53] c6c97, Levald: (oops)
[01-08:53] c6c97, Levald: (robbed)
[01-08:54] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[01-08:54] 1839e, Illisse Brilthor :
[01-08:54] 1839e, Illisse Brilthor : ((sorry I just couldn't help myself))
[01-08:55] c6c97, Levald: (not aproblemi was open for it)
[01-08:56] c6c97, Levald: (problemi=problem i)
[01-08:58] 1839e, Illisse Brilthor : hey did you look at the log out time? you left 30 min from now hehe
[01-08:58] c6c97, Levald: (its on east time)
[01-08:59] 1839e, Illisse Brilthor : akk hever mind.....brain quit
[01-08:59] c6c97, Levald: ()
[01-09:01] 1839e, Illisse Brilthor : ((jace, are you hidin out? need to talk))
[01-09:04] c6c97, Levald: (guess nt)
[01-09:04] c6c97, Levald: (nt=not)
[01-09:09] 1839e, Illisse Brilthor : ((i'll catch him sometime today just check aim ok? jace))
[01-09:10] 1839e, Illisse Brilthor : ((lurkdom......))
[01-10:08] JOIN: Illisse Brilthor has entered.
[01-10:10] c6c97, Levald: (hey)
[01-10:10] c6c97, Levald: (seen jace?)
[01-10:13] 1103d, Illisse Brilthor : no just a power blip
[01-10:14] c6c97, Levald: (that sux)
[01-10:14] c6c97, Levald: (im reading the species board)
[01-10:15] 1103d, Illisse Brilthor : yeah... anything interesting?
[01-10:15] c6c97, Levald: (not even 1/2 way)
[01-10:16] c6c97, Levald: (its cool)
[01-10:16] c6c97, Levald: (hey brb afk mom needs pc)
[01-10:17] 1103d, Illisse Brilthor : k
[01-10:35] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[01-10:35] c6c97, Levald: (Back)
[01-10:37] 1103d, Illisse Brilthor : hey
[01-10:37] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[01-10:37] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 11:37am, April 01 (CST) ).
[01-10:38] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[01-10:38] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 11:38am, April 01 (CST) ).
[01-10:39] JOIN: Illisse Brilthor has entered.
[01-10:39] 1103d, Illisse Brilthor : wispy
[01-10:40] 1103d, Illisse Brilthor : hmmm quiet mornin.....gone back to lurk
[01-10:40] c6c97, Levald: (the armor makes my head look small)
[01-10:43] 1103d, Illisse Brilthor : i would undo that one you are open for another bad joke
[01-10:45] c6c97, Levald: (tht would be your mind in the gutter.)
[01-10:46] 1103d, Illisse Brilthor : *places hand over mouth* no no no pinhead
[01-10:48] c6c97, Levald: (than what did you mean)
[01-10:50] 1103d, Illisse Brilthor : very small head
[01-10:50] 1103d, Illisse Brilthor : mind is not in gutter just bad joke day
[01-10:51] c6c97, Levald: (that not that bad)
[01-10:51] c6c97, Levald: (i thot you mean oth head)
[01-10:51] c6c97, Levald: (oth=other)
[01-10:51] JOIN: Jace has entered.
[01-10:52] 65939, Jace: ohhhh the armor makes his head look smile *claps his hands joyously* ever thought of stuffing?
[01-10:52] c6c97, Levald: (mean=ment)
[01-10:53] 1103d, Illisse Brilthor : *begins to cackle* hahahahaha
[01-10:53] 65939, Jace: *is eeeeeeeeeeeeevil*
[01-10:54] 65939, Jace: alrighty Levald, tell me more about this element manipulation bro
[01-10:55] c6c97, Levald: (jace did you getmy e-mail)
[01-10:55] c6c97, Levald: (k)
[01-10:56] c6c97, Levald: (Aim or here?)
[01-10:56] c6c97, Levald: (brb)
[01-10:56] 65939, Jace: go ahead and do it here
[01-10:58] 1103d, Illisse Brilthor : ((you know.....not gonna say it.. that really sounds funny))
[01-10:58] 65939, Jace: oh, by the way. "Often goes looking for an adventure and finds trouble" Isnt a weakness/limitation
[01-10:59] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[01-10:59] 65939, Jace: "he has a chicken growing out of his belly button" THATS a limitation
[01-10:59] ce05a, Will-o'-the-wisp: I apologize for the inconvenience but when a University wants a Biographical Information. What does that mean?
[01-11:00] 65939, Jace: or "hes deathly scared of goblin reproduction organs" That could be a weakness, ya know
[01-11:01] 65939, Jace: Biographical Information is mostly looking for stats on a person. Name, where they came from, how old they are, what they do, depending on the project they may want a breif history, or even an extensive history on their life as well
[01-11:01] 65939, Jace: like you know.... a biography
[01-11:02] ce05a, Will-o'-the-wisp: Thanks Jace.
[01-11:03] 65939, Jace: no problem
[01-11:04] c6c97, Levald: (k make it he cationally gets himself injered looking for aventure.)
[01-11:04] c6c97, Levald: (you know what ieant)
[01-11:04] c6c97, Levald: (you know what ieant)
[01-11:04] c6c97, Levald: (ment)
[01-11:08] 65939, Jace: ((brb))
[01-11:09] c6c97, Levald: (or is subject to pass gas which occationaly knocks him out)
[01-11:09] c6c97, Levald: i like that one)
[01-11:11] 65939, Jace: *laughs*
[01-11:11] 65939, Jace: well I tell you what Levald... its an intresting character. but let me tell you a few things
[01-11:12] 65939, Jace: when a mage wears armor, it normally makes it so he cant really cast magic very well, he needs to wear clothes or robes to maintain a closeness to the life around him, or some mumbojumbo like that
[01-11:12] 65939, Jace: So if you wanted an armored character proficient in weapons fighting, especially after what I read about Levald, Id recomend going with either a Paladin, or a BattleMage
[01-11:13] c6c97, Levald: (battle mage unds good)
[01-11:14] c6c97, Levald: (i was thinkng about turning him ito some what of a blacksmith)
[01-11:17] 65939, Jace: so if hes going to have magic, and weapons skills, why be a blacksmith?
[01-11:18] 65939, Jace: you could be a bad ass blacksmith, with just the power to imbue weapons with magic, and maybe heal, and than be bad ass at combat, with your magically enhanced weapons. thatd actually be a great idea
[01-11:18] 65939, Jace: and totally belivable
[01-11:18] 65939, Jace: I know Id try to buy weapons from ya
[01-11:19] 65939, Jace: make him like an "arcane blacksmith"
[01-11:19] c6c97, Levald: (well if hes gonna be any good as a smith he should know how to use the wepons he makes)
[01-11:20] 1103d, Illisse Brilthor : hmmm..magic weapons...I know several who would like that
[01-11:20] 65939, Jace: isnt that what I just said bucko?
[01-11:20] c6c97, Levald: (and the mag was to make him good at his trade)
[01-11:20] 1103d, Illisse Brilthor : and we can alwayys use another healer (being one herself)
[01-11:21] 65939, Jace: and since he pounds out weapons and armor with a hammer and such all day long, hed have a naturally high strength, which means his sword swings would technically do more damage
[01-11:21] 65939, Jace: well I tell you what, Ill register your character on these conditions:
[01-11:21] 65939, Jace: actually, nm, let me retype up your character sheet, send it to you, and you tell me what you think
[01-11:21] c6c97, Levald: (well ts what you asked isnt it, why does heneed to be good with weapon)
[01-11:22] c6c97, Levald: (k)
[01-11:23] c6c97, Levald: (hey i forgot to put dwn that the Wizards rock can shrink down to the size of an reo for easy transport)
[01-11:23] 65939, Jace: *workin on it*
[01-11:24] 65939, Jace: af a reo?
[01-11:24] c6c97, Levald: (reo=oreo)
[01-11:24] 65939, Jace: I might change around the properties of the wizard rock though... but youll like it
[01-11:24] 1103d, Illisse Brilthor : got milk?
[01-11:24] c6c97, Levald: (k)
[01-11:24] c6c97, Levald:
[01-11:28] c6c97, Levald: (hey the element manipulation was Changing common elements into other commen elements the specified size. nd mabey altering there appearence)
[01-11:29] 65939, Jace: hmmmm *trying to think of a good weakness*
[01-11:29] c6c97, Levald: (use gas weakness
[01-11:30] c6c97, Levald:
[01-11:30] c6c97, Levald: (i like it)
[01-11:30] c6c97, Levald:
[01-11:30] 65939, Jace: , no
[01-11:31] c6c97, Levald: (aw shucks)
[01-11:33] 1103d, Illisse Brilthor : *giggles* afraid of fire
[01-11:35] c6c97, Levald: (na lacks oxygen)
[01-11:36] 65939, Jace: oh, and full plate cant really be lightweight buddy
[01-11:39] JOIN: Levald has entered.
[01-11:39] c6c97, Levald: (make it light plate)
[01-11:39] 65939, Jace: Check your email man
[01-11:40] 65939, Jace: ahh, I already put full plate, but we can say its light, its probley better
[01-11:40] c6c97, Levald: (k)
[01-11:41] 1103d, Illisse Brilthor : levald is human right?
[01-11:41] c6c97, Levald: (ya)
[01-11:43] 65939, Jace: yup
[01-11:43] 65939, Jace: read email!
[01-11:46] 65939, Jace: *waits around*
[01-11:47] c6c97, Levald: (its great)
[01-11:48] 65939, Jace: like the hammer idea?
[01-11:48] c6c97, Levald: (but no alter elements)
[01-11:48] c6c97, Levald: (ya)
[01-11:48] 65939, Jace: nope, I took that out in liu of you being such a good blacksmith, and your abilities
[01-11:48] 65939, Jace: you should think of a badass name for your hammer by the way, but yeah
[01-11:50] c6c97, Levald: (so i can imbue spells i know into weapons?)
[01-11:50] c6c97, Levald: (what spells do i know how to imbue?)
[01-11:50] 65939, Jace: well heres how that works. dont just like, always make weapons, wait until someone hires you for specifics. do custom orders if you can. they shouldnt be cheap, because high quality weapons arent cheap
[01-11:51] 65939, Jace: lets see, you can add elemental damage to them
[01-11:51] c6c97, Levald: (i know)
[01-11:51] 65939, Jace: with the help of a paladin, cleric, or preist, you could embue a weapon with holy energy
[01-11:51] 65939, Jace: with a necromancer, you might be able to imbue it with a a life drain capability
[01-11:52] c6c97, Levald: (so i need some others to supply the spell?)
[01-11:53] 65939, Jace: it isnt supplying spells, as much as its like... coaxing capabilities out of the steel of the weapon. like, you have to gather ingredients. plants, stones, a dragons tooth, a pegasus feather, a zombies bone, who knows, make up some crazy stuff
[01-11:53] 65939, Jace: diffrent ingrediants for diffrent things you want, you can buy things from regent collectors, or collect your own, have a supply in a napsack or something
[01-11:53] 65939, Jace: than mix it in with the steel folding process
[01-11:53] 57823, Roki: *beats Jace with his own cardboard tube*
[01-11:53] 65939, Jace: make it complicated, not just like, praying over a weapon and suprise! magic!
[01-11:54] 65939, Jace: *cries*
[01-11:54] c6c97, Levald: (ahh so im not limited to the spell)
[01-11:54] 57823, Roki: *cackles and beats him up with it.. Stick Figure Ninja style*
[01-11:54] 1103d, Illisse Brilthor : *thanks Roki for keepin her up half the night*
[01-11:55] 65939, Jace: No, see, you can add fire damage to a weapon, but you cant cast a fire spell. its diffrent
[01-11:55] 65939, Jace: *dies*
[01-11:56] c6c97, Levald: (but can i make a weapon capable of casting a fire spell?)
[01-11:56] 1103d, Illisse Brilthor : *resurrects Jace*
[01-11:56] 65939, Jace: hmmm, that isnt necesary your realm of expertese
[01-11:57] 57823, Roki: such as ?
[01-11:57] 65939, Jace: I just registered your character Levald
[01-11:57] 65939, Jace: AIM me for your password
[01-11:58] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 12:56pm, April 01 (CST) ).
[01-11:58] JOIN: Levald has entered.
[01-11:59] 65939, Jace: you could have a sword that can light itself on flames, or maybe a hammer that cackles with electricity
[01-11:59] c6c97, Levald: (no registered icon?)
[01-11:59] 65939, Jace: an armor that reflects ice damage back at the person who cast it, things like that
[01-11:59] 65939, Jace: yup, see, you got it
[01-11:59] 57823, Roki: but if you want a sword that can.. say.. cast Fireball on contact with somethin... thats requires the sword to be imbued with a spell.
[01-12:00] 65939, Jace: which isnt what you do
[01-12:00] 65939, Jace: you imbue it with enhancements
[01-12:00] c6c97, Levald: ( arrow heads)
[01-12:00] 65939, Jace: a sword that allows the user to cast fireball would be... retarded. why would a warrior want to cast a fireball, when he has a flaming sword to shove in a zombies chest, right?
[01-12:01] 65939, Jace: alright, now I make a special request for you. I cant for you to do it, but I think itd be better
[01-12:01] c6c97, Levald: (?)
[01-12:02] 65939, Jace: I dont think arrowhead making is no where as cool as full out weapons. but if you really want to make magical arrowheads, at least make them like, twice as hard to make as regular weapons, you need to have double the supplies, spend double the length, because they'll probley end up being more potent
[01-12:02] 65939, Jace: make them something dangerous to make, like if you make the wrong move, or put a little too much of one ingrediant in, it could explode in your face, or something like that.... thatd be cool
[01-12:03] c6c97, Levald: (not just arrow heads just a happy thot)
[01-12:03] 65939, Jace: alrighty man, you have your first registered character, you a happy guy now?
[01-12:04] c6c97, Levald: (ill have to study more)
[01-12:04] c6c97, Levald: (ya)
[01-12:04] c6c97, Levald: (thanks)
[01-12:04] c6c97, Levald: *wakes up from his nap*
[01-12:04] 65939, Jace: oh, one more thing... if anyone wants you to make them something, pass the idea by me first, we dont want everyone running around with magic weapons, you have to remember, 80% of the players here, cant afford it
[01-12:05] c6c97, Levald: (k)
[01-12:05] c6c97, Levald: (it'll cots them sevatude
[01-12:06] 65939, Jace: plus, it could take weeks, or months to make a really good weapon. you know, take your time, have fun with the character, dont just pop out a sword every other day
[01-12:06] c6c97, Levald: (servatude)
[01-12:07] c6c97, Levald: (time to name my hammer)
[01-12:08] 57823, Roki: Thor !
[01-12:10] 1103d, Illisse Brilthor : ((no....stop me again please........bad joke .......welll it hurts......sorry its just thatkind of day))
[01-12:11] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[01-12:11] 57823, Roki: *was being serious :-( *
[01-12:12] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 1:11pm, April 01 (CST) ).
[01-12:12] JOIN: Illisse Brilthor has entered.
[01-12:12] 1103d, Illisse Brilthor : sorry Roki its just april 1 always does this to me i will get over it soon
[01-12:12] c6c97, Levald : (na)
[01-12:13] 65939, Jace: *helping think of a name*
[01-12:13] c6c97, Levald : (somthing original)
[01-12:16] 65939, Jace: Hordin-Forge
[01-12:17] 65939, Jace: Emberstrike
[01-12:19] c6c97, Levald : ((hmm)
[01-12:19] 1103d, Illisse Brilthor : are you open to elvish?
[01-12:19] JOIN: Shifty has entered.
[01-12:19] c6c97, Levald : (i like Emberstrike)
[01-12:20] 8b324, Shifty: *hokey pokeys in*
[01-12:20] c6c97, Levald : (ill go with that)
[01-12:20] 1103d, Illisse Brilthor : hey shifty!
[01-12:20] c6c97, Levald : (ya)
[01-12:20] 65939, Jace: coolness
[01-12:20] 65939, Jace: *made someone happy today, smiles*
[01-12:21] c6c97, Levald : (for elvish)
[01-12:23] c6c97, Levald : (*is happy*)
[01-12:23] 8b324, Shifty: hey Levald...can ya give me the link to the site you got that pic from again please?
[01-12:24] c6c97, Levald :
[01-12:26] 8b324, Shifty: thank ya laddie. *pokes Illisse for good measure* hehe
[01-12:27] 1103d, Illisse Brilthor : hmmph*turns herhead away*
[01-12:27] 65939, Jace: lest keffal vel'noa loff'ta dos phuul vel'drav Usstan slowly katrill riluss
[01-12:28] 57823, Horatio the Bard : ((kazuntheit))
[01-12:29] 8b324, Shifty: Me was playing.
[01-12:29] c6c97, Levald : (grr)
[01-12:29] 65939, Jace: what
[01-12:30] 1103d, Illisse Brilthor : you're forgiven
[01-12:30] c6c97, Levald : (cant read that)
[01-12:31] 8b324, Shifty: Cool. *hugs*
[01-12:32] 1103d, Illisse Brilthor : *hugs back* where you been all morn? my plans got cancelled
[01-12:32] 65939, Jace: thats the point *smirks*
[01-12:33] c6c97, Levald : (ill learn it)
[01-12:33] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[01-12:34] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 1:33pm, April 01 (CST) ).
[01-12:34] JOIN: Illisse Brilthor has entered.
[01-12:34] 1103d, Illisse Brilthor : and i really wanted to go to the qualifiers too *pouts severly*
[01-12:34] 8b324, Shifty: Me am off college for the rest of the day and tomorrow so my mom had me doing some work outside.
[01-12:34] 65939, Jace: *chuckles* If you think you can man
[01-12:35] 65939, Jace: Ka dos zhaun ulu talin lil ilythiiri tounge, Usstan xal tlu forced ulu drewst dosst
[01-12:37] 57823, Horatio the Bard : so thats what you didi with your spare time Jace....
[01-12:37] c6c97, Levald : (is it elvish?)
[01-12:37] 65939, Jace: *shrugs*
[01-12:38] 65939, Jace: *laughs* and what is that Roki?
[01-12:38] 57823, Roki: taught yourself Elvish
[01-12:38] 8b324, Shifty: *lays in his recliner*
[01-12:38] 57823, Roki: Quenyan ?
[01-12:39] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[01-12:39] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 1:39pm, April 01 (CST) ).
[01-12:39] JOIN: Illisse Brilthor has entered.
[01-12:39] 1103d, Illisse Brilthor : not even close
[01-12:39] c6c97, Levald : (my friend has burned it on a cd)
[01-12:40] c6c97, Levald : (ill get a copy)
[01-12:41] 1103d, Illisse Brilthor : I don't know any human that has learned our language although several of us do speak common
[01-12:43] 65939, Jace: *laughs* Well I gotta run
[01-12:45] 1103d, Illisse Brilthor : namarie Jace
[01-12:46] 65939, Jace: *poofs*
[01-12:47] 1103d, Illisse Brilthor : heavens what a mornin....shifty you be here a while?
[01-12:48] 8b324, Shifty: Yes...or atleast planning on it.
[01-12:49] 1103d, Illisse Brilthor : ok I'll stick around too.. was gonna go sit in the sun
[01-12:50] c6c97, Levald : (any one free to RP?)
[01-12:51] 8b324, Shifty: *grins* Will I hope you dont plan on staying in the sun for long. Ya might burn up.
[01-12:51] 1103d, Illisse Brilthor : ((am sitting in the forest east of Rua waitin for Val to get back from Glimmering Inn when he does i might add i will kick his **** for flirting ))
[01-12:52] 1103d, Illisse Brilthor : ((haven't had sun burn in long time.....too tanned for that))
[01-12:52] 8b324, Shifty: ((*laughs* Someones in trouble. hehe))
[01-12:53] c6c97, Levald : (*is upstairs in the glimmering inn*)
[01-12:54] 1103d, Illisse Brilthor : ((he forgets that I read the logs))
[01-12:55] 1103d, Illisse Brilthor : ((well levald unless shifty does there aint a soul that can help ya today))
[01-12:56] 8b324, Shifty: ((Who? What? When? Where? Why? How?))
[01-12:57] 1103d, Illisse Brilthor : (( inn..cause....dont know))
[01-12:58] c6c97, Levald : (*has horse will ride*)
[01-12:59] 8b324, Shifty: ((*sits in his recliner just relaxing and likeing his day off*))
[01-13:00] 1103d, Illisse Brilthor : ((sorry levald no help today))
[01-13:01] 1103d, Illisse Brilthor : ((*misses Val, she needs to rp too*))
[01-13:01] c6c97, Levald : (k)
[01-13:02] 1103d, Illisse Brilthor : ((hey sorry I gotta go bbl))
[01-13:02] 1103d, Illisse Brilthor : ((darnnnn new neighbors....getting to close for comfort roundhere))
[01-13:03] 8b324, Shifty: (besides...dont even know where my char is ICly. Bye...take care.))
[01-13:18] 57823, Morgul the Lich King: *for players lack of anything else to do.. Morgul has returned to the Dead Mountain deep within the dead lands... his magicaly cloaked skeletal form moves about his inner chambers, mind whirring around with possibilities... Khalek has stalled out in his invasion .. leaving him with ample opportunities... En'Tai is still an option.. a very viable option, as they are a considerable threat if they were to be roused.... best to kill the dragon while it sleeps then reap its treasure and rape the land and resources, and in a land this old.. it has much of what Morgul prizes... the dead.. indeed... there is much preperation to be done*
[01-13:46] c6c97, Levald : (test)
[01-13:46] EXIT: Levald has left the chat ( 2:46pm, April 01 (CST) ).
[01-13:47] JOIN: Levald has entered.
[01-13:48] 57823, Morgul the Lich King: (( ))
[01-13:49] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[01-13:49] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[01-13:49] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[01-13:49] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 2:49pm, April 01 (CST) ).
[01-13:50] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[01-13:50] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 2:50pm, April 01 (CST) ).
[01-13:50] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[01-13:51] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 2:50pm, April 01 (CST) ).
[01-13:51] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[01-13:53] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 2:51pm, April 01 (CST) ).
[01-13:54] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[01-13:54] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 2:54pm, April 01 (CST) ).
[01-13:54] 57823, Roki: problems ?
[01-13:55] JOIN: Xyva has entered.
[01-13:55] c6c97, Xyva: ya
[01-13:55] c6c97, Xyva: password wont work
[01-13:56] 57823, Roki: didja change it ?
[01-13:57] c6c97, Xyva: ya
[01-13:57] c6c97, Xyva: when i logged back in it didnt work though
[01-13:57] 57823, Roki: try using the orignal password
[01-13:58] c6c97, Xyva: it dont work either
[01-14:02] EXIT: Xyva has left the chat ( 2:58pm, April 01 (CST) ).
[01-14:03] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[01-14:03] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[01-14:03] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 3:03pm, April 01 (CST) ).
[01-14:04] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[01-14:04] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 3:04pm, April 01 (CST) ).
[01-14:05] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[01-14:06] c6c97, Will-o'-the-wisp: grrrrrrrrr
[01-14:09] JOIN: Jace has entered.
[01-14:10] c6c97, Will-o'-the-wisp: help
[01-14:10] e62d1, Jace: what
[01-14:10] c6c97, Will-o'-the-wisp: it wont let me get back on levald
[01-14:11] e62d1, Jace: hmm...
[01-14:11] e62d1, Jace: did you capitolize the same thing you did when you first entered the new password?
[01-14:11] c6c97, Will-o'-the-wisp: huh?
[01-14:12] c6c97, Will-o'-the-wisp: Levald?
[01-14:12] e62d1, Jace: password changed to defpass
[01-14:13] e62d1, Jace: make sure you change it again, and this time it works
[01-14:13] c6c97, Will-o'-the-wisp: K
[01-14:13] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 3:13pm, April 01 (CST) ).
[01-14:13] JOIN: Levald has entered.
[01-14:14] c6c97, Levald : how
[01-14:16] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 3:15pm, April 01 (CST) ).
[01-14:17] JOIN: Levald has entered.
[01-14:17] c6c97, Levald : (thx)
[01-14:18] c6c97, Levald : (how would i go about setting up a smith shop near the glimmering inn?)
[01-14:18] e62d1, Jace: hmm... *ponders*
[01-14:19] 57823, Roki: how would anybody go about setting up a business ?
[01-14:19] e62d1, Jace: shouldnt be a problem
[01-14:19] c6c97, Levald : (k)
[01-14:19] e62d1, Jace: What I was thinking, with Levald though, is that even though hes a bad ass blacksmith, he also has like, that crazy hunger for adventurer, to where its almost like blacksmithing is his second job... know what I mean?
[01-14:19] c6c97, Levald : (just RP it?
[01-14:20] c6c97, Levald : (ya)
[01-14:20] e62d1, Jace: yuppers
[01-14:20] c6c97, Levald : (smith shop would be a home base though ya know)
[01-14:21] e62d1, Jace: mhmm
[01-14:23] c6c97, Levald : (hey i can imbue passive magic also right?)
[01-14:23] 57823, Roki: such as ?
[01-14:24] c6c97, Levald : (air magic into horseshoes)
[01-14:24] 57823, Roki: mmmm
[01-14:25] 57823, Roki: you're not about to make horses fly on me are you ?
[01-14:26] c6c97, Levald : (allowing the horse to travel without catching the strain from the ground)
[01-14:26] JOIN: Illisse Brilthor has entered.
[01-14:26] c6c97, Levald : (not fly just travel lighter)
[01-14:27] 57823, Roki: adding a little resiliance. i'll allow that one.
[01-14:27] aa2cc, Illisse Brilthor : *peaks in*
[01-14:29] aa2cc, Illisse Brilthor : *sneaks out the way she came in*
[01-14:29] EXIT: Illisse Brilthor has left the chat ( 3:29pm, April 01 (CST) ).
[01-14:30] e62d1, Jace: *thumbs up* good call Roki
[01-14:32] 57823, Roki: contarary to popular beliefe.. i'm not toaly incompetant
[01-14:33] c6c97, Levald :
[01-14:34] c6c97, Levald : (can i imbue gold teeth with fire magic to cook food as its eaten?)
[01-14:34] c6c97, Levald :
[01-14:35] 57823, Roki:
[01-14:35] 57823, Roki: what if its food that should be eaten raw..
[01-14:35] 57823, Roki: like fruits.. veggies...
[01-14:35] MSG: Jace sent a message to Roki.
[01-14:36] 57823, Roki: sushi...
[01-14:36] MSG: Jace sent a message to Roki.
[01-14:36] MSG: Roki sent a message to Jace.
[01-14:36] 57823, Roki: wtf...
[01-14:36] 57823, Roki: narf Anime
[01-14:36] MSG: Jace sent a message to Roki.
[01-14:37] c6c97, Levald : (Hey jace the motd is a joke right?)
[01-14:37] 57823, Roki: unfortunatly it isnt
[01-14:37] e62d1, Jace: nah man, its something a couple of the admins have been talking about for a little while
[01-14:38] e62d1, Jace: it kind of sucks. but I think we'll be able to keep it as close to the same as it is now, but with like, some technology changes or something like that
[01-14:38] e62d1, Jace: *laughs* we should bring in Chocobos Roki
[01-14:38] 57823, Roki: screw that... i'm hauling in Deathscythe
[01-14:39] 57823, Roki: and Epyon... Hail Gundam Wing !
[01-14:39] e62d1, Jace: *laughs* oh dear...
[01-14:39] 57823, Roki: Epyon vs Vegeta
[01-14:39] 57823, Roki: who would win ?
[01-14:40] e62d1, Jace: ummmm I like both of them damn it.... Vegeta, cause hes an There's Treachery afoot!!
[01-14:40] c6c97, Levald : (i call dibbs on fussion ligar zero)
[01-14:40] e62d1, Jace: and he can ape out
[01-14:41] MSG: Roki sent a message to Jace.
[01-14:41] 57823, Roki: yeah... but...
[01-14:42] MSG: Levald sent a message to Jace.
[01-14:42] MSG: Jace sent a message to Roki.
[01-14:46] c6c97, Levald : (o well if its true it sucks but things happen)
[01-14:47] c6c97, Levald : (does mab know the chat is changing?)
[01-14:47] 57823, Roki: mmhmm
[01-14:47] 57823, Roki: she IS the chatmaster
[01-14:49] c6c97, Levald : (just wondering cause shes been working on those new avatars ya know)
[01-14:49] MSG: Jace sent a message to Roki.
[01-14:49] e62d1, Jace: yeah, but if you notice, they're very cartoonish
[01-14:50] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[01-14:50] 57823, Roki: notice the ears and eyes...
[01-14:50] c6c97, Levald : (i know of no anime whith pixies)
[01-14:51] 57823, Roki:
[01-14:51] c6c97, Levald : (also ill belive it when it happens)
[01-14:52] c6c97, Levald : (to day is april fools)
[01-14:52] c6c97, Levald : (*almost forgot*)
[01-14:52] 57823, Roki: point being ?
[01-14:52] e62d1, Jace: ok, I just changed like, all the filters
[01-14:53] c6c97, Levald :
[01-14:53] e62d1, Jace: so? bad timing, jeeze man, why are you making such a big fricken deal out of nothing. roleplay is still going to go on
[01-14:54] JOIN: Darrius Lokken has entered.
[01-14:54] 57823, Roki: fukc fukc fukc fukc
[01-14:54] 57823, Roki: nice
[01-14:54] c6c97, Levald : (i dont really care just would prefer fantasy chat)
[01-14:55] e62d1, Jace: yeah, I know what you mean. sheezy that sucks
[01-14:56] e62d1, Jace: Roki, your such a 'by bitch I mean I love you'
[01-14:56] 57823, Roki: i love you too Jace
[01-14:56] e62d1, Jace: yeah, too bad I havnt had any female bathing suit area in a while
[01-14:56] c6c97, Levald : (o well)
[01-14:56] EXIT: Levald has left the chat ( 3:56pm, April 01 (CST) ).
[01-14:57] 57823, Roki: Jace loves the cock
[01-14:57] e62d1, Jace: theres just no fukcing way, I cant get lucky
[01-14:57] e62d1, Jace: ohh, I should make one for that
[01-14:57] 57823, Roki: i wouldnt
[01-14:57] 57823, Roki: its a double meaning word
[01-14:57] 57823, Roki: Cock is also a male rooster
[01-14:57] 57823, Roki: er.. male chicken.. rooster... saaaaaame thing
[01-14:58] e62d1, Jace: alright, I changed it
[01-14:58] 57823, Roki: meanie pants
[01-14:58] 57823, Roki: to what i wonder.... coc
[01-14:58] 57823, Roki: *Silent Bob
[01-14:58] 57823, Roki: **
[01-14:59] e62d1, Jace: I should put a filter in for Roki *cackles*
[01-15:00] e62d1, Jace: ohhhh
[01-15:01] e62d1, Jace: I need to find some funny icons to filter certain admin names...
[01-15:01] 57823, Roki: hardy har fackin har
[01-15:01] e62d1, Jace:
[01-15:01] e62d1, Jace: I think you can still say fukcin not sure
[01-15:01] e62d1, Jace: ahh, guess not
[01-15:02] e62d1, Jace: ha, I have a filter for my own name now *flexes*
[01-15:02] e62d1, Jace: Im having too much fun with this
[01-15:02] MSG: Jace sent a message to Jace.
[01-15:03] e62d1, Jace: Mabs gonna be pissssed
[01-15:04] e62d1, Jace: nah *chuckles*
[01-15:13] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[01-15:14] c6c97, Will-o'-the-wisp: anime what
[01-15:14] c6c97, Will-o'-the-wisp: u gotta be kidding
[01-15:15] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 4:14pm, April 01 (CST) ).
[01-15:16] e62d1, Jace: sucks...
[01-15:21] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[01-15:22] c6c97, Will-o'-the-wisp: y change the chat y not just make a new one there free
[01-15:26] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 4:25pm, April 01 (CST) ).
[01-15:44] JOIN: Levald has entered.
[01-16:04] c6c97, Levald : *heads down stairs*
[01-16:09] c6c97, Levald : *Thinking about having fallen asleep at the table last night and not getting robbed he realizes the area is a good place for business.*
[01-16:10] c6c97, Levald : *he has an idea*
[01-16:11] c6c97, Levald : *heads out side toward the building across the street.)
[01-16:11] c6c97, Levald : *heads out side toward the building across the street.*
[01-16:19] c6c97, Levald : *after entering what appears to be an out dated mill. he begins liiking for the owner.*
[01-16:19] c6c97, Levald : (liiking=looking)
[01-16:21] c6c97, Levald : (finding the owner asleep in the back, he nudges him awake.*
[01-16:21] c6c97, Levald : *finding the owner asleep in the back, he nudges him awake.*
[01-16:22] c6c97, Levald : I'll buy it.*he says in a flat tone*
[01-16:23] c6c97, Levald : Excuse me?*the owner asks with a dazed expression*
[01-16:24] c6c97, Levald : I'll buy it*he repeats*
[01-16:25] c6c97, Levald : You'll buy what?*the owner asks*
[01-16:26] c6c97, Levald : The building, I'll buy it.*he answers*
[01-16:28] c6c97, Levald : Why would you want to buy this dump. Its no longer functional.*the owner questions.*
[01-16:29] c6c97, Levald : Then ill buy it for less if thats what you mean* he answers*
[01-16:30] c6c97, Levald : no,no how much are you offering?
[01-16:31] c6c97, Levald : How much are you selling it for?
[01-16:31] c6c97, Levald : How much do you have?
[01-16:33] c6c97, Levald : Enough to reach my limit.*he says ending the battle of questioning*
[01-16:34] c6c97, Levald : I'll sell it for a hundred gold*the owner finally decides*
[01-16:34] c6c97, Levald : But its no longer functional*he reasons*
[01-16:35] c6c97, Levald : Fine seventy five but no less*he Demands*
[01-16:36] c6c97, Levald : Deal*he says going in to his pack and pulling out the gold*
[01-16:37] c6c97, Levald : ~this is gonna take a lot of work~*he thinks to himself*
[01-16:37] JOIN: Valandil Elladan has entered.
[01-16:38] JOIN: Illisse Brilthor has entered.
[01-16:38] 9b753, Valandil Elladan : Wheee!! HI!!! *tacklepouncehugs*
[01-16:38] ad1ff, Illisse Brilthor : caught ya
[01-16:39] ad1ff, Illisse Brilthor : *is tackled and hugged*
[01-16:39] c6c97, Levald : (*points to board*)
[01-16:39] c6c97, Levald : (^)
[01-16:40] ad1ff, Illisse Brilthor : *reads board* now where do we go?
[01-16:40] c6c97, Levald : (*thinks it an april fools*)
[01-16:41] ad1ff, Illisse Brilthor : *hunts down Master Jace and roki * this has to be their idea
[01-16:41] 9b753, Valandil Elladan : *eats board*
[01-16:42] c6c97, Levald :
[01-16:42] ad1ff, Illisse Brilthor : yup its their idea try typing j.a.c.e.with out the dots
[01-16:42] ad1ff, Illisse Brilthor : and Master Jace you are still a brat
[01-16:42] c6c97, Levald : jaCe
[01-16:43] ad1ff, Illisse Brilthor : ((anyway...glad you liked it..and what about story?))
[01-16:45] c6c97, Levald : *hands the gold over to the owner and has him sign over ownership to the building*
[01-16:45] MSG: Illisse Brilthor sent a message to Valandil Elladan.
[01-16:46] ad1ff, Illisse Brilthor : ((hey brb dont go away))
[01-16:47] c6c97, Levald : *begins cleaning out the disfuctional mill*
[01-16:50] MSG: Valandil Elladan sent a message to Illisse Brilthor.
[01-16:52] c6c97, Levald : (check out my profile)
[01-16:52] MSG: Illisse Brilthor sent a message to Valandil Elladan.
[01-16:54] 9b753, Valandil Elladan : (( Heh... Valandil and he would get along quite well... ))
[01-16:54] 9b753, Valandil Elladan : (( Illisse, I saw... ))
[01-16:54] JOIN: Cookie Monster has entered.
[01-16:54] 5d609, Cookie Monster: ((*pops head in*))
[01-16:55] 9b753, Valandil Elladan : EEP!!! *whacks with old newspaper*
[01-16:56] 5d609, Cookie Monster: *parries with old Popular science*
[01-16:56] ad1ff, Illisse Brilthor : *hides behind Val*
[01-16:57] ad1ff, Illisse Brilthor : wait a minute...Cookie hit him again....big flirt
[01-16:58] 9b753, Valandil Elladan : *is valiantly parried, then brings out the oven* Cookie!!!!
[01-16:58] 5d609, Cookie Monster: I didn't hit him... I parried his attack.
[01-16:59] 9b753, Valandil Elladan : Gah... I have to go for a min... I'll be back... I hope... If not, I will e-mail later, with the 2-3 min I'll have...
[01-16:59] ad1ff, Illisse Brilthor : well then hit him
[01-16:59] 9b753, Valandil Elladan : *while Cookie is distracted, Val pokes him with newspaper*
[01-17:00] 5d609, Cookie Monster: *bats your news paper away* Stop that.
[01-17:00] 9b753, Valandil Elladan : *tear*
[01-17:00] 9b753, Valandil Elladan : BBS... I hope...
[01-17:00] EXIT: Valandil Elladan has left the chat ( 6:00pm, April 01 (CST) ).
[01-17:01] c6c97, Levald : (*slams Emberstrike down between them*)
[01-17:01] 5d609, Cookie Monster: Thats it... now cookie is ENRAGED! roll for initiative!
[01-17:04] 5d609, Cookie Monster: hmm... killed the chat.
[01-17:05] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[01-17:05] ad1ff, Will-o'-the-wisp: wispy!!!
[01-17:05] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 6:05pm, April 01 (CST) ).
[01-17:05] JOIN: Illisse Brilthor has entered.
[01-17:06] ad1ff, Illisse Brilthor : *hides behind doo rwith can of silly string*
[01-17:07] 5d609, Cookie Monster: *opens door and devours Illisse*
[01-17:08] ad1ff, Illisse Brilthor : *can of silly string explodes inside cookie* yuch!!!!!
[01-17:09] 5d609, Cookie Monster: *digests the silly string along with everything else*
[01-17:10] JOIN: Valandil Elladan has entered.
[01-17:10] b2d61, Valandil Elladan : RAWR!!! Back for about 20 min...
[01-17:10] ad1ff, Illisse Brilthor : *fights back* hey spit me out....
[01-17:11] 5d609, Cookie Monster: *digests Illisse over the next thousand years*
[01-17:11] JOIN: Jace has entered.
[01-17:11] e62d1, Jace: woah woah woah, Im still a brat?
[01-17:11] ad1ff, Illisse Brilthor : *would hug Val but am inside cookie * hey get me out!!!!!
[01-17:12] ad1ff, Illisse Brilthor : ((like the joke))
[01-17:12] b2d61, Valandil Elladan : *hits Cookie in the gut* Spit her out before I cut you open!!!
[01-17:12] DICE: Valandil Elladan rolls 2 = 2 on a 1d20.
[01-17:12] 5d609, Cookie Monster: ... how bout this... *devours Valandil as well*
[01-17:13] b2d61, Valandil Elladan : (( OOPS... on your part...))
[01-17:13] b2d61, Valandil Elladan : *calls his sword to his hand, and cuts his way out of Cookie*
[01-17:14] e62d1, Jace: ok, enough eating Valandil ok?
[01-17:14] ad1ff, Illisse Brilthor : ((ok i take the brat back gets on knees and begs* forgive me?))
[01-17:14] e62d1, Jace: this is a family chat room
[01-17:14] b2d61, Valandil Elladan : (( The sword can cut thru anyting *smile* ))
[01-17:14] e62d1, Jace: *quirks a brow*
[01-17:14] b2d61, Valandil Elladan :
[01-17:14] e62d1, Jace: suuuure it can Valandil
[01-17:14] b2d61, Valandil Elladan : (( dangerous... ))
[01-17:15] 5d609, Cookie Monster: *the innards of Cookie's gut is an expansive, lightless nothingness. Trying to hack at his gut is like trying to swipe at the air and expect it to rip*
[01-17:16] ad1ff, Illisse Brilthor : *looks for a comfortable spot inside cookie to spend eternity*
[01-17:16] b2d61, Valandil Elladan : (( Yah, it can... at least almost anything... it was made by the best magic smithies of old...))
[01-17:17] e62d1, Jace: uh huh, suuuuuuuure
[01-17:17] 5d609, Cookie Monster: Not eternity... the next thousand years. AFter that you'll have been fully digested.
[01-17:17] b2d61, Valandil Elladan : *raises his hand and shouts* LUMEN!!! *the darkness would peel back in the face of the bright light exploding from his hand*
[01-17:18] 5d609, Cookie Monster: *the darkness pealing back would only reveal more darkness. And Valandil having a bright shiney head*
[01-17:18] ad1ff, Illisse Brilthor : might as well'll take them that long to get me out in the first place
[01-17:19] e62d1, Jace: yeah, Cooks kinda like a sarlacc, like that
[01-17:19] 5d609, Cookie Monster: ... ponders devouring Master Jace too... but then realizes doesn't even have mod status in this chat, therefore he's just too damn big for devouring*
[01-17:20] b2d61, Valandil Elladan : *is damn royalty*
[01-17:20] b2d61, Valandil Elladan : Master Jace... I would like a an OOC handle...
[01-17:20] NICK: Valandil Elladan changed nick to The Fuzzy.
[01-17:21] e62d1, Jace: *laughs* oh really?
[01-17:21] b2d61, The Fuzzy: I would like this to be it, if it's ok...
[01-17:22] MSG: Jace sent a message to Valandil Elladan.
[01-17:22] e62d1, Jace: well your Val account has your password
[01-17:22] NICK: Will-o'-the-wisp changed nick to Valandil Elladan.
[01-17:22] ad1ff, Illisse Brilthor : *is not living with Fuzzy and probably wont even speak to him*
[01-17:22] b2d61, Valandil Elladan: ok...
[01-17:23] b2d61, Valandil Elladan: But, but... *pouts*
[01-17:23] e62d1, Jace: *rolls his eyes* obviously Illisse doesnt respect you for who you are... just your name
[01-17:24] ad1ff, Illisse Brilthor : *is a smart elf...prefers royalty*
[01-17:24] 5d609, Cookie Monster: *shifts Illisse to another area of his gut so she won't have to deal with Fuzzy*
[01-17:25] e62d1, Jace: and by that, she means shes a gold digger
[01-17:26] ad1ff, Illisse Brilthor : and all the benefits that go with it
[01-17:26] e62d1, Jace: there I deleted him
[01-17:26] e62d1, Jace: er... unless Val wants to get some balls and tell me he still wants the sn registered even without Illisse's "special permission"
[01-17:27] 5d609, Cookie Monster: *blinks* deleted who?
[01-17:27] b2d61, Valandil Elladan: Nooooo!!!!
[01-17:27] e62d1, Jace: ok, hes back... *smirks* er, same password as before
[01-17:27] e62d1, Jace: make up your damn minds!
[01-17:27] MSG: Valandil Elladan sent a message to Illisse Brilthor.
[01-17:28] ad1ff, Illisse Brilthor : he doesn't need permission just should know where i stand
[01-17:28] e62d1, Jace: hmm, I should think up an OOC handle for Illisse
[01-17:28] e62d1, Jace: boobies probley wouldnt be a good one... *ponders*
[01-17:28] b2d61, Valandil Elladan: ... If illisse doen't like 'the fuzzy' then maybe another name...?
[01-17:28] ad1ff, Illisse Brilthor : yes
[01-17:28] 5d609, Cookie Monster: he never said he wanted it removed...
[01-17:28] c6c97, Levald : (*is better smith than the smiths of old*)
[01-17:29] e62d1, Jace: nah, dont be such a suck up Val. do your thang. male rights and all that sheezy
[01-17:29] e62d1, Jace: I could register "Miss Hoity Toity" for Illisse....
[01-17:29] b2d61, Valandil Elladan: Ok... I got one... Aardvark... always liked that word...
[01-17:29] 5d609, Cookie Monster: *thinks Phoenix is a better smith than Levald*
[01-17:30] e62d1, Jace: I dont know, Phoenix and Levald have about the same level of grammer usage
[01-17:30] e62d1, Jace: and atlest Levald is admin approved. that, and Phoenix's little shop....... sucked
[01-17:30] ad1ff, Illisse Brilthor : *dies laughing*
[01-17:31] e62d1, Jace: well... the arrows were ok I guess
[01-17:31] 5d609, Cookie Monster: how so?
[01-17:31] e62d1, Jace: but Phoenix doesnt really come anymore
[01-17:32] e62d1, Jace: Plus, Phoenix was a regular blacksmith, Levald is an Arcane Blacksmith, he magically imbues his weapons
[01-17:32] e62d1, Jace: he works with specialty orders... see Levald, Im sticking up for you *thumbs up* my check better be in the mail
[01-17:32] 5d609, Cookie Monster: Phoenix was able to magicaly imbue his weapons.
[01-17:32] NICK: Valandil Elladan changed nick to Aarvark.
[01-17:33] ad1ff, Illisse Brilthor : levald may not have the money Master Jace...hes been buyin and fixin this afternoon
[01-17:33] b2d61, Aarvark: Well? *smile* Tries it on for size*
[01-17:33] ad1ff, Illisse Brilthor : Master Jace Master Jace Master Jace
[01-17:33] e62d1, Jace: *chuckles* dont worry about it... and still, Phoenix doesnt really come around anymore
[01-17:34] e62d1, Jace: if you wanted to spell it right, itd be Aardvark
[01-17:34] ad1ff, Illisse Brilthor : new avatar too?
[01-17:34] e62d1, Jace: er.... Im pretty sure at least *scratches head*
[01-17:35] c6c97, Levald : (well i require a small down payment)
[01-17:35] 5d609, Cookie Monster: In any case, I'm gonna go get some exercise now. I'll be back later on.
[01-17:35] ad1ff, Illisse Brilthor : hmmm that might be hard to deal with....he'd better be atleast as gorgeous
[01-17:35] e62d1, Jace: hey Cook, run for the good of the highlands... or something
[01-17:36] b2d61, Aarvark: (( Whoops, I DID spell it wrong... ))
[01-17:36] NICK: Aarvark changed nick to Aardvark.
[01-17:36] 57823, Roki: *dons his Kilt and Bagpipes.. and runs after Cookie*
[01-17:36] b2d61, Aardvark: LOL
[01-17:37] ad1ff, Illisse Brilthor : hey brb in 1 min
[01-17:37] b2d61, Aardvark: ok...
[01-17:37] e62d1, Jace: *timing*
[01-17:38] c6c97, Levald : (afk dishes)
[01-17:38] ad1ff, Illisse Brilthor : back
[01-17:38] e62d1, Jace: you where gone exactly 3 seconds late
[01-17:39] b2d61, Aardvark: yay!
[01-17:39] b2d61, Aardvark:
[01-17:39] b2d61, Aardvark: *looks at Master Jace* So do you approve...?
[01-17:39] ad1ff, Illisse Brilthor : Master Jace is a smart***
[01-17:39] e62d1, Jace: do I need to delete the fuzzy one than?
[01-17:40] e62d1, Jace: Im the ultimate smartass
[01-17:40] ad1ff, Illisse Brilthor : and I even stuck up for you
[01-17:41] EXIT: Cookie Monster has left the chat ( 6:35pm, April 01 (CST) ).
[01-17:41] e62d1, Jace: thats a good thing
[01-17:41] JOIN: Z has entered.
[01-17:42] e62d1, Jace: alright... deleted fuzzy
[01-17:42] ad1ff, Illisse Brilthor : *hugs Z*
[01-17:42] MSG: Roki sent a message to Jace.
[01-17:43] MSG: Jace sent a message to Valandil Elladan.
[01-17:43] b2d61, Will-o'-the-wisp: IT'S Z!!!
[01-17:43] MSG: Jace sent a message to Roki.
[01-17:43] 94c70, Z: ANIME???
[01-17:43] MSG: Roki sent a message to Jace.
[01-17:43] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 6:43pm, April 01 (CST) ).
[01-17:43] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[01-17:44] ad1ff, Illisse Brilthor : *is feeling completly ignored*
[01-17:44] JOIN: Valandil Elladan has entered.
[01-17:44] b2d61, Valandil Elladan: *hugs Illisse*
[01-17:44] e62d1, Jace: *puts a mouse in Illisse's panties... for that "not so ignored" feeling*
[01-17:46] 94c70, Z: *sighs* well that kind of stinks.
[01-17:46] e62d1, Jace: mice in the panties... yeah, it gets a little smelly Id think
[01-17:46] MSG: Roki sent a message to Jace.
[01-17:47] MSG: Jace sent a message to Roki.
[01-17:47] EXIT: Valandil Elladan has left the chat ( 6:46pm, April 01 (CST) ).
[01-17:47] 94c70, Z: I mean the chat being taken over by anime I don't know anything about it.
[01-17:47] MSG: Roki sent a message to Jace.
[01-17:47] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[01-17:48] ad1ff, Illisse Brilthor : now see what you did Master Jace
[01-17:48] JOIN: Aardvark has entered.
[01-17:48] b2d61, Aardvark: I know stuff about anime!!!!
[01-17:48] b2d61, Aardvark:
[01-17:48] e62d1, Jace: I dont think its going to be a big change Z
[01-17:48] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[01-17:49] e62d1, Jace: just expanding to enclude other things, like pirates, maybe some low level technology, broader bands of magic, and ninja! ninja rawk
[01-17:49] ad1ff, Illisse Brilthor : *still considers april fools joke*
[01-17:49] MSG: Jace sent a message to Illisse Brilthor.
[01-17:49] 57823, Roki: low lvl technology... then Roki-san comes strolling up in the Winged Zero and wages war against the whole room
[01-17:49] JOIN: Karlita has entered.
[01-17:49] 94c70, Z: it makes our characters obsolete doesn't it? I mean it's no longer fantasy and all that. Or does it just mean that we all have really big eyes
[01-17:50] MSG: Jace sent a message to Illisse Brilthor.
[01-17:50] 68432, Karlita : ((*peeks* Bonjour ` ^-^ ))
[01-17:50] e62d1, Jace: Im hoping the really big eyes, Jagged would look all kitten like with them, and than I could score more chickies
[01-17:50] 94c70, Z: Yeah.. you'll have people comeing in here wanting those Robot suits with the big guns
[01-17:51] b2d61, Aardvark: And Valandil, the Ronin samurai would valiantly stand against all oppressors*
[01-17:51] 57823, Roki: theres nothing wrong with robot suits and big guns >_<
[01-17:51] e62d1, Jace: Well Im going to try to find out for sure whats going on... maybe we can petition it, I dunno...
[01-17:51] b2d61, Aardvark: @ Master Jace
[01-17:51] 68432, Karlita : ((*L*))
[01-17:51] e62d1, Jace: no no no, you see, Im the original Ronin Samurai, you dont know sheezy about this game
[01-17:51] ad1ff, Illisse Brilthor : sorry Master Jace *again begging on her knees*
[01-17:52] JOIN: Sphere has entered.
[01-17:52] e62d1, Jace: I should fix the filter to say "King Master Jace, live forever"
[01-17:52] c6c97, Levald : (*cant we ignore the change?*)
[01-17:52] e62d1, Jace: perhaps...
[01-17:52] e62d1, Jace: er, minus the Master
[01-17:53] 39fe6, Sphere : damn so the rules are changing
[01-17:53] ad1ff, Illisse Brilthor : can you change it to brat master?
[01-17:53] 57823, Roki: yes.. now whenever we do a cool action the fancy graphics play right behind us...
[01-17:54] c6c97, Levald : (could we fill the logs and board with complaints about changing??)
[01-17:54] 68432, Karlita : ((tehehe ))
[01-17:54] 57823, Roki: go right ahead
[01-17:55] b2d61, Aardvark: but I am the coolest, most awesome Ronin Samurai...
[01-17:55] 39fe6, Sphere : *will do just that*
[01-17:56] 94c70, Z: Master Jace, I think the RP interest in here could pick up again with a new story... V skipping out really halted a lot of storylines with people's chars
[01-17:56] c6c97, Levald : (*is woried about being replaced by enchanted machines*)
[01-17:56] 39fe6, Sphere : *oh and goes boo cause he hasn't done it yet*
[01-17:57] c6c97, Levald : (also other people could be on vacation)
[01-17:58] 94c70, Z: Levald. I'm more worried about Vampires taking over the chat.
[01-17:58] c6c97, Levald : (im on spring break but im at home)
[01-17:58] MSG: Illisse Brilthor sent a message to Aardvark.
[01-17:58] c6c97, Levald : (*shivers*)
[01-17:58] 94c70, Z: Levald, most people who're in school are in midterm season.
[01-17:58] 68432, Karlita : (( oh crap.. i LUV this caht.. i dun want another Anime chat.. ugggh! ))
[01-17:59] 68432, Karlita : chat *
[01-18:00] c6c97, Levald : (then they could be studying)
[01-18:00] MSG: Aardvark sent a message to Illisse Brilthor.
[01-18:01] e62d1, Jace: Actually, Raele and I had a story that was about to pick up real soon
[01-18:01] MSG: Illisse Brilthor sent a message to Aardvark.
[01-18:02] e62d1, Jace: Ill see what I can do about prolonging the whole situation... maybe it'll turn out ok
[01-18:02] 94c70, Z: And me, I've been trying to catch up on work that I've been procrastinating on for too long.
[01-18:02] 68432, Karlita : * can be seen walking through , surrounded by 6 guards.. shes clad in a soft rose colored gown... peasents cry to her for money..*
[01-18:02] 68432, Karlita : ((hehe))
[01-18:03] e62d1, Jace: well your always in here OOC anyway Z, I never see you rp
[01-18:03] 68432, Karlita : (test)
[01-18:04] e62d1, Jace: holy sheezy, Karlitas a little hottie
[01-18:04] MSG: Aardvark sent a message to Illisse Brilthor.
[01-18:04] MSG: Illisse Brilthor sent a message to Jace.
[01-18:04] e62d1, Jace: *works on making a suave demure character to sweep Karlita off her purdy lil feet*
[01-18:05] MSG: Jace sent a message to Illisse Brilthor.
[01-18:05] 94c70, Z: Master Jace, not all the time. And it's usually only for a few minutes. I only came in here this time cuz Roki said I'd want to.
[01-18:05] 68432, Karlita : (( what!!? oh, heh, thanks ^^ ))
[01-18:06] e62d1, Jace: so why dont you roleplay in here Z?
[01-18:06] MSG: Illisse Brilthor sent a message to Aardvark.
[01-18:06] e62d1, Jace: Noooo Karlita changed her pic *cries* wait a sec... who is Karlita anyway
[01-18:06] 94c70, Z: And maybe I'd RP if people who were around during the day asked me to, Master Jace I've not been on at the same time as the people I need for one thing.
[01-18:07] e62d1, Jace: you dont need anyone, rp with everyone thats the point of these places
[01-18:07] 68432, Karlita : ((*mumbles about stupid pics* what, oh .. well im known as Nakita in some chats, err. yeah i RP under a lot of names * nod nod * ))
[01-18:07] MSG: Illisse Brilthor sent a message to Jace.
[01-18:08] e62d1, Jace: ahhh, Nakita *bites his tounge*
[01-18:08] MSG: Jace sent a message to Illisse Brilthor.
[01-18:09] 68432, Karlita : (( what ? *bites lower lip* yeah i guess im just that bad..))
[01-18:09] 94c70, Z: Uhm.. Master Jace... for one of my characters I do for a storyline...
[01-18:09] MSG: Aardvark sent a message to Illisse Brilthor.
[01-18:09] e62d1, Jace: Nah, just not that your that bad, but I know who you are *smirks* dont worry about it, enjoy your roleplayin here
[01-18:09] e62d1, Jace: well V doesnt come here anymore Z, most of the storylines are gone. freeform is what makes a chat room, not a specific story that you "act out"
[01-18:10] 94c70, Z: What's with the "Master' thing?
[01-18:10] 68432, Karlita : ((um, ok ? heh ))
[01-18:10] b2d61, Aardvark: Karlita/Nakita... Waht other chats do you RP in?
[01-18:10] MSG: Illisse Brilthor sent a message to Jace.
[01-18:10] e62d1, Jace: plus, if everything goes well, theres going to be some definate missions for people to go on soon
[01-18:10] e62d1, Jace: Welp, I gotta get goin, things to do, places to be, stuff and things
[01-18:10] EXIT: Jace has left the chat ( 7:10pm, April 01 (CST) ).
[01-18:11] b2d61, Aardvark: k... see ya .Master Jace...
[01-18:11] 94c70, Z: *sigh* Yeah, thanks for the criticism...
[01-18:11] MSG: Illisse Brilthor sent a message to Aardvark.
[01-18:11] 68432, Karlita : (( oh umm, X und, anime juice bar, Marvel DC sometimes, here, and sometimes X gene ))
[01-18:12] b2d61, Aardvark: Ah... I just discovered anime juice bar 2-3 min. ago...
[01-18:13] MSG: Aardvark sent a message to Illisse Brilthor.
[01-18:14] JOIN: R has entered.
[01-18:14] b2d61, Aardvark: *bonks Z*
[01-18:14] MSG: Illisse Brilthor sent a message to Aardvark.
[01-18:14] 68432, Karlita : ( haha yeah i have only just started to RP in there ))
[01-18:15] 2b286, Bowdyn : What the fukc?
[01-18:15] b2d61, Aardvark:
[01-18:15] 2b286, R : What in the bloody hell?
[01-18:16] 68432, Karlita : * after dispersing her change to the peasents,she heads into the Glimmering Inn, followed by her possi * ((heh))
[01-18:16] b2d61, Aardvark: hehehe
[01-18:17] 2b286, R : Well there goes the RP, I'm glad the admins tried to talk to all of us about it.
[01-18:17] b2d61, Aardvark:
[01-18:18] 2b286, R : yeah, and I'd like to deliver a kick in the ass to Master Jace too... pleh.
[01-18:18] c6c97, Levald : (*still considers it to be an april fools joke*)
[01-18:18] 68432, Karlita : (( oh could be..hmm..))
[01-18:19] NICK: Aardvark changed nick to Valandil Elladan.
[01-18:19] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 7:19pm, April 01 (CST) ).
[01-18:19] JOIN: Valandil Elladan has entered.
[01-18:19] MSG: Illisse Brilthor sent a message to Aardvark.
[01-18:20] b2d61, Valandil Elladan: ok...
[01-18:20] ad1ff, Illisse Brilthor : ((sorry ))
[01-18:20] 94c70, Z: *bonks the Aardvark*
[01-18:20] ad1ff, Illisse Brilthor : ((stay here))
[01-18:21] b2d61, Valandil Elladan: *is Aarvark *
[01-18:21] 94c70, Z: Oh wait, I just realized he was wrong.. I was IC in here like.. 2 days ago
[01-18:21] EXIT: Valandil Elladan has left the chat ( 7:21pm, April 01 (CST) ).
[01-18:21] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[01-18:21] 68432, Karlita : * after seating herself by the bar, her guards, well guard the doorway. a small waiter bustels over to her, bowing, and offering her a drink on the house. she refuses and irders a honey wine.*
[01-18:21] 2b286, R : same here
[01-18:21] MSG: Illisse Brilthor sent a message to Valandil Elladan.
[01-18:21] JOIN: Aardvark has entered.
[01-18:22] b2d61, Aardvark: Ack!!! Same msg?
[01-18:22] ad1ff, Illisse Brilthor : *dies laughing* almost
[01-18:22] b2d61, Aardvark: Check Val?
[01-18:23] ad1ff, Illisse Brilthor : yes
[01-18:24] 94c70, Z: Oh well... I'll be back tomarrow, and IC too if I can get any sleep.
[01-18:24] 68432, Karlita : * shes takes to glancing at the other patrons, while she waits for her drink, most of whom are staring back at her; a common thing *
[01-18:24] ad1ff, Illisse Brilthor : hey Z i'll be here in am if you want to rp...
[01-18:25] ad1ff, Illisse Brilthor : usually here after 8 tx time
[01-18:25] 68432, Karlita : ((bye)
[01-18:25] b2d61, Aardvark: I'll be here am... I hope...
[01-18:26] b2d61, Aardvark: bye z...
[01-18:26] JOIN: Squirrel has entered.
[01-18:26] b2d61, Aardvark: Hi SquirreL!!!
[01-18:27] 92794, Squirrel : Oh yeah, an Anime chat...That will bring the RP back. Great idea, Mab. *Filled with sarcasm* And Val, no.
[01-18:27] EXIT: Squirrel has left the chat ( 7:27pm, April 01 (CST) ).
[01-18:27] 68432, Karlita : * her soft pale hands comes up to her neck, and fiddels with the small silver pendent hanging there *
[01-18:27] b2d61, Aardvark:
[01-18:28] EXIT: Aardvark has left the chat ( 7:27pm, April 01 (CST) ).
[01-18:28] 2b286, R : *pokes Squirrel*
[01-18:28] JOIN: Valandil Elladan has entered.
[01-18:29] JOIN: Dri has entered.
[01-18:30] ad1ff, Illisse Brilthor : *considers superglueing val and aardvark together*
[01-18:30] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[01-18:30] 8a04c, Will-o'-the-wisp: ( dewkqhrfi3uq2yr8723y4 vrr )
[01-18:30] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 7:30pm, April 01 (CST) ).
[01-18:30] JOIN: Dri has entered.
[01-18:30] 8a04c, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( arg. )
[01-18:31] 68432, Karlita : ((tehehe))
[01-18:31] 8a04c, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( and I'm missing.. what, Illisse? >.> )
[01-18:31] JOIN: MidgetLover X has entered.
[01-18:32] 68432, Karlita : ((*pokes Adrian* ^-^))
[01-18:32] f2a0b, MidgetLover X: Grins and greetings from the dwarfdiddler
[01-18:32] 8a04c, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( thats just an april fools joke, squirrel :: poke:: )
[01-18:33] 8a04c, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( :: poke also, Karlita:: )
[01-18:33] MSG: Illisse Brilthor sent a message to Valandil Elladan.
[01-18:34] 68432, Karlita : (( * bonks MidgetLover X* heh! .. wait..what.. its just an April fools joke!?!?! gah i was so worried! ))
[01-18:35] f2a0b, MidgetLover X: *Raises an eyebrow and strokes his pants slowly*
[01-18:35] 8a04c, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( man you guys.. )
[01-18:35] f2a0b, MidgetLover X: How tall are you?
[01-18:35] MSG: Roki sent a message to Jace.
[01-18:36] b2d61, Valandil Elladan: I AM HERE!!!
[01-18:36] 68432, Karlita : ((*L*))
[01-18:36] 8a04c, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( go away, ew )
[01-18:36] 68432, Karlita : (( errmm.. im like 5'4" ))
[01-18:36] 68432, Karlita : (( i wanna RP !!!! bah ))
[01-18:37] ad1ff, Illisse Brilthor : (( any one going to rp tonight?))
[01-18:37] c6c97, Levald : (val hit file new window and log in as both)
[01-18:37] b2d61, Valandil Elladan:
[01-18:37] f2a0b, MidgetLover X: ok *casts his furtive gaze about for any diminutive in stature as a strange bulge forms enigmatically in his majickal trousers*
[01-18:38] 68432, Karlita : (( * pets Val * ^^ ))
[01-18:38] MSG: Z sent a message to Adriangoldenmoon.
[01-18:38] JOIN: Aadrvark has entered.
[01-18:38] c6c97, Levald : *finnishes cleaning out the building*
[01-18:38] 68432, Karlita : (( wtf ????? *L*))
[01-18:39] f2a0b, MidgetLover X: *carries on stroking the majickal velvet strides as the cryptic bulge grows evr more voluminous*
[01-18:39] MSG: AdrianGoldenmoon sent a message to Z.
[01-18:39] ad1ff, Illisse Brilthor : ((*glares at Karlita*))
[01-18:39] 8a04c, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( or just use the character chain >.> )
[01-18:39] b2d61, Valandil Elladan: (( *is petted?* Uh oh... ))
[01-18:40] 8a04c, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( :: pets Karlita:: )
[01-18:40] b2d61, Valandil Elladan: (( Dont know how to use character chain...
[01-18:40] JOIN: Jace has entered.
[01-18:40] 65939, Jace: And for the curious ones... I dont think its an april fools joke, this is something a couple of the admins have been discussing for a while.. but Im going to try to find out whats going on
[01-18:41] f2a0b, MidgetLover X: *pets himself*
[01-18:41] MSG: Jace sent a message to Roki.
[01-18:41] MSG: Z sent a message to Adriangoldenmoon.
[01-18:41] 68432, Karlita : (( hehe *purrs, and pets Val more, sticks tounge out at Illise* heh!!))
[01-18:41] f2a0b, MidgetLover X: *continues to pet self,harder and firmer as he grimaces in delight*
[01-18:41] b2d61, Aadrvark: Master Jace... I gave a couple o suggestions on the jobs...))
[01-18:42] 68432, Karlita : (( * fwaps Midget* get a hold of yourself!! and i dont mean that litterally !!!! ))
[01-18:42] 65939, Jace: just continue to rp, and see if I can get it changed around. if rp starts going well, I dont see why we shouldnt stay they way they are
[01-18:42] ad1ff, Illisse Brilthor : ((guess he forgot to mention me huh?))
[01-18:42] MSG: AdrianGoldenmoon sent a message to Z.
[01-18:42] 65939, Jace: I saw that Val, Im gonna get on it as soon as Im back in Cali, probley the start of next week
[01-18:42] b2d61, Valandil Elladan: (( *cringes, not wanting to be caught between the two ladies*))
[01-18:42] f2a0b, MidgetLover X: *irked as karlita interrupts his rhythym*
[01-18:43] b2d61, Valandil Elladan: (( You're in Cali?!? ))
[01-18:43] 65939, Jace: well I gotta go again, have to meet my dad over at the church. Ciao
[01-18:43] ad1ff, Illisse Brilthor : ((then you had better make up your mind your highness))
[01-18:43] 65939, Jace: Yeah, Im a Marine, Im stationed at Camp Pendleton. Im just home on leave right now
[01-18:43] f2a0b, MidgetLover X: *Smiles insanely as He contemplates the powers he possesses with his mighty majickal trousers of disruption*
[01-18:44] 8a04c, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( yeah he'll grind your ass into paste Val, step off )
[01-18:44] b2d61, Valandil Elladan: (( pendleton... wheres that? ))
[01-18:44] 65939, Jace: about 45 minutes north of San Diego... hour south of LA
[01-18:44] f2a0b, MidgetLover X: *Glares at those who have shamed their rp heritage and fallen ooc*
[01-18:45] 65939, Jace: give or take fifteen minutes
[01-18:45] b2d61, Valandil Elladan: (( *rushes over to Illisse* NOOOO... ))
[01-18:45] c6c97, Levald : (celer morse)
[01-18:45] ad1ff, Illisse Brilthor : ((ive been there bad air))
[01-18:45] b2d61, Valandil Elladan: (( Ah... I'm in N. Cali...))
[01-18:45] 65939, Jace: ah, well Ill be back later tonight. Ciao
[01-18:45] EXIT: Jace has left the chat ( 7:45pm, April 01 (CST) ).
[01-18:46] ad1ff, Illisse Brilthor : ((*sticks tongue out at Karlita*)) darn straight
[01-18:46] 68432, Karlita : (( hehe.. *cries, she wants to pet Val* ))
[01-18:46] b2d61, Valandil Elladan: (( I have to go... ))
[01-18:46] 68432, Karlita : (( ugh i was just in France.. there form of grocery stoes are open markets with like dead whole lambs.. P.U.!! ))
[01-18:46] ad1ff, Illisse Brilthor : ((hey i need to know about story...))
[01-18:46] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[01-18:46] c6c97, Levald : (pats karlitas head)
[01-18:46] b2d61, Valandil Elladan: (( *frowns* I don't like to see people cry... ))
[01-18:46] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 7:46pm, April 01 (CST) ).
[01-18:47] JOIN: Dri has entered.
[01-18:47] 68432, Karlita : stores *
[01-18:47] b2d61, Valandil Elladan: (( The story was good... ))
[01-18:47] 8a04c, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( bye clone.. I mean aardvark )
[01-18:47] ad1ff, Illisse Brilthor : ((check email))
[01-18:47] 68432, Karlita : (( *smiles as she is patted* at least someone cares for me..))
[01-18:47] 68432, Karlita : ((heh))
[01-18:49] f2a0b, MidgetLover X: *reveals his mighty intergalactic penis*
[01-18:49] f2a0b, MidgetLover X: I can amputate your arms and replace them witha cybernetic shoehorn if you please
[01-18:50] 68432, Karlita : (( what!?!? *L*))
[01-18:50] c6c97, Levald : *begins washing the floor,walls, and other areas of the building*
[01-18:51] f2a0b, MidgetLover X: Cybernetic shoehorns ARE THE COOLEST!!
[01-18:52] MSG: Z sent a message to Adriangoldenmoon.
[01-18:52] b2d61, Valandil Elladan: *runs in circles*
[01-18:52] c6c97, Levald : (*takes Emberstrike and crushes midgetlover xs' penis*)
[01-18:52] 68432, Karlita : (( hey Levald, wanna RP ? ))
[01-18:52] 68432, Karlita : ((*giggles*))
[01-18:53] c6c97, Levald : (where u at?)
[01-18:53] 68432, Karlita : (( , Glimmering Inn))
[01-18:53] ad1ff, Illisse Brilthor : *grabs crazed elf* would you hold still for a minute?
[01-18:53] 68432, Karlita : ((hehe))
[01-18:54] f2a0b, MidgetLover X: *fals backwards mortally wounded as crimson stains flow from his decimated prong*
[01-18:54] f2a0b, MidgetLover X: Oh the humanity!!!! No cybernetic shoehorn attachments for you *puts on his jockstrap of liberty + 5"
[01-18:55] MSG: AdrianGoldenmoon sent a message to Z.
[01-18:56] c6c97, Levald : *finnishes washing building and heads back across the street to the inn.*
[01-18:56] b2d61, Valandil Elladan: Ok... *stops*
[01-18:56] c6c97, Levald : (dude ur crotch is burning)
[01-18:56] ad1ff, Illisse Brilthor : *begins to drag him back to their camp*
[01-18:57] f2a0b, MidgetLover X: *has anyone a magic tourniquet with which to staunch the bloodflow from my wounded groin/* ?? Tie it nice n tight..oh yes
[01-18:57] 8a04c, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( goin for now.. be back later.. ::Waves:: )
[01-18:57] EXIT: AdrianGoldenmoon has left the chat ( 7:57pm, April 01 (CST) ).
[01-18:57] b2d61, Aadrvark: *willingly goes, and will leave the rest up to Illisse...*
[01-18:57] c6c97, Levald : *after entering he takes a seat at an empty table*
[01-18:58] 68432, Karlita : ((*L*)) * after receiving the honey wime from the short waiter, she pays him full price plus a large tip.. he smiles kindly and bowas all the way back to the bar.*
[01-18:58] 68432, Karlita : ((bye))
[01-18:59] b2d61, Valandil Elladan: ((... Val and aardvark are one... j/k... that was val... I have to go now, but I will be on am... ))
[01-18:59] c6c97, Levald : (theyd have to put out the fire cause ur groin is burning)
[01-19:00] ad1ff, Illisse Brilthor : ((good cause i was gonna hurt aardvark i''ll be here after 8 my time))
[01-19:00] 68432, Karlita : (( hahaha!!!!!))
[01-19:00] f2a0b, MidgetLover X: *ahhh Fire?? *extinguishes blaze by dipping his penis in the honeywine*
[01-19:00] f2a0b, MidgetLover X: sorry karlita
[01-19:00] 68432, Karlita : ((*L@Lev*))
[01-19:00] f2a0b, MidgetLover X: I'll stir your drink for you
[01-19:00] c6c97, Levald : *looks aroun the inn noticing the queen*
[01-19:01] 68432, Karlita : ((* throws the cup at Midgets face* sick freak..heh))
[01-19:01] EXIT: Valandil Elladan has left the chat ( Queen??? She's a princess! ).
[01-19:01] c6c97, Levald : (the fire is magic wine wont work)
[01-19:02] 68432, Karlita : * she plays with a curl of her dark chocolate colored hair, as she sits, a bit bored *
[01-19:02] c6c97, Levald : (my mistake)
[01-19:02] f2a0b, MidgetLover X: Majick fire,majick penis
[01-19:03] 68432, Karlita : (( i think lev is saying your a fire crotch, in other words, red pubic hair..heh! ))
[01-19:03] 68432, Karlita : pubeic **
[01-19:04] c6c97, Levald : *stands to attack midgetlover x*
[01-19:04] ad1ff, Illisse Brilthor : ((and on that note I'm gone too nite all see some of you tomorrow . others i will just forget))
[01-19:04] f2a0b, MidgetLover X: *crouches in midgetbattle stance*
[01-19:04] EXIT: Illisse Brilthor has left the chat ( 8:04pm, April 01 (CST) ).
[01-19:04] 68432, Karlita : ((*L* bye ))
[01-19:04] f2a0b, MidgetLover X: dare you strike down the lord of dwarflickers?
[01-19:05] c6c97, Levald : (hammer is embued with fire magic)
[01-19:05] 68432, Karlita : (( umm.. im pretty sure Midget is not in the Inn.. or at least i hope not...))
[01-19:05] MSG: Z sent a message to Adriangoldenmoon.
[01-19:06] 68432, Karlita : *finishes her drink, setting down the empty wooden cup, and sighing...*
[01-19:07] f2a0b, MidgetLover X: Not only am i at the Inn,but my penis is in your drink
[01-19:07] c6c97, Levald : *quickly brings Emberstrike down over midgets head*
[01-19:07] c6c97, Levald : (he used ur drink to try and put out the fire)
[01-19:08] f2a0b, MidgetLover X: Emberstrike? Sounds like the name of a furry hentai fan fiction pseudonym,but is no match for my PURPLE HELMET +69
[01-19:08] 68432, Karlita : * only notices Midget and any of his actions AFTER she finishes her drink*
[01-19:08] c6c97, Levald : (fire embued war hammer)
[01-19:09] 68432, Karlita : * she RaE at the midget lover, thing, and makes a disgusted face.. her guards rush over and stands around her and her table *
[01-19:10] c6c97, Levald : *Emberstrike finnishing its path shatters midgets purple helmet*
[01-19:10] f2a0b, MidgetLover X: Owch
[01-19:12] f2a0b, MidgetLover X: *grabs his helmet jumping up and down in anguish whilst vowing revenge* But WAIT! you TRIGGERED MY TRAP CARD!!!!! "hairy sweaty Pit"
[01-19:12] c6c97, Levald : *reversing the swing Levald brings the hammer up toward midgets gut*
[01-19:13] f2a0b, MidgetLover X: *Marvels as Levald defies the laws of physics*
[01-19:13] f2a0b, MidgetLover X: Sorry but youre trapped in my snare of 'hairy sweaty pit"
[01-19:13] f2a0b, MidgetLover X: Its a lifesize hologram of randy jacksons scrotum
[01-19:13] c6c97, Levald : *Ember strike instead catching the trap card incinerates it*
[01-19:14] f2a0b, MidgetLover X: PULSATING with a strange majick aura
[01-19:14] f2a0b, MidgetLover X: This isnt exactly fair
[01-19:14] 57823, Roki: alright alright... cut down on the inuendos a bit guys...
[01-19:14] c6c97, Levald : (benifits of being registered)
[01-19:15] 68432, Karlita : * shakes her head as a strong looking man beats up a midget warlock*
[01-19:15] c6c97, Levald : *Levald again reversing the swing brings the hammer down over midgets head*
[01-19:16] JOIN: Withoutmypants has entered.
[01-19:17] JOIN: Withoutmypants has entered.
[01-19:17] 893a6, Withoutmypants: arr!
[01-19:18] f2a0b, MidgetLover X: Hang on a moment-Your 3rd reversal would aim the hammer at my feet if memory serves. Try and keep ttrack of your hammer willya? No matter-Your sheer mastery of prose and linguistics hath bested me
[01-19:18] 893a6, Withoutmypants: hairy physics!
[01-19:18] f2a0b, MidgetLover X: ARRR COMRADE!!!! Join me in smiting this foul Levald smalltodger
[01-19:18] 893a6, Withoutmypants: I rise on my mighty stool and salut you all
[01-19:19] 68432, Karlita : ((*changes color as not to be confused with the new retard in the chat ))
[01-19:19] c6c97, Levald : (it continued past the card its a hammer not a stick)
[01-19:19] 68432, Karlita : ((ug))
[01-19:20] 893a6, Withoutmypants: any relation to Carlotta?
[01-19:21] 68432, Karlita : * nods, and the guards surround her as she stands and headsout of the Inn *
[01-19:21] 893a6, Withoutmypants: Karlita: is that YOU in that picture!? WOW!~ That is so cool to see a real cool person on the internet!
[01-19:21] c6c97, Levald : *emberstrike compleating its path knocks midget unconcious*
[01-19:21] f2a0b, MidgetLover X: So-is it a BIG,HARD,PULSATING hammer?
[01-19:22] f2a0b, MidgetLover X: LMAO
[01-19:22] 68432, Karlita : (( umm..nope that isnt me.. that a pic of Kate Beckinsale..))
[01-19:22] 893a6, Withoutmypants: CYBERDONG ATTACK
[01-19:22] f2a0b, MidgetLover X: Yes Karlita! its great to see someone with enough esteem to post their real pic! i salute your bravery
[01-19:22] c6c97, Levald : (war hammer)
[01-19:22] 893a6, Withoutmypants: oh, how disappointing
[01-19:22] f2a0b, MidgetLover X: *summons scrotal rash attack*
[01-19:23] f2a0b, MidgetLover X: levald-teach me how to be so witty and verbose
[01-19:23] c6c97, Levald : (ur knoched out dude)
[01-19:23] 893a6, Withoutmypants: (death strike to all)
[01-19:23] 893a6, Withoutmypants:
[01-19:24] 68432, Karlita : (( uh .. ya.. April fools ? ))
[01-19:24] c6c97, Levald : (cant kill registered users w/o permission)
[01-19:25] f2a0b, MidgetLover X: My unconcious frame falls to the ground just as you all die painfully form the deathstrike
[01-19:25] 893a6, Withoutmypants: ha, just like life eh
[01-19:25] f2a0b, MidgetLover X: Sounds like a TOTALLY fair game
[01-19:25] f2a0b, MidgetLover X: what an amazing rp system. I'm in awe
[01-19:26] c6c97, Levald : (its in the rules)
[01-19:26] 68432, Karlita : ((well.. im gonna go now.. ill be back in like 2 hours, bye ))
[01-19:26] f2a0b, MidgetLover X: Levend-i bet you get all the hot chicks with your BIG OLE WARHAMMER? eh? *nudge nudge*
[01-19:26] c6c97, Levald : (read them)
[01-19:26] 893a6, Withoutmypants: what If I rolled a 69 on a 300 sided dice?
[01-19:26] EXIT: Karlita has left the chat ( 8:26pm, April 01 (CST) ).
[01-19:26] f2a0b, MidgetLover X: Wanna send any of the shorter chicks my way?
[01-19:27] 893a6, Withoutmypants: you've got 13 days before you all have to become anime anyway
[01-19:27] c6c97, Levald : (no dice)
[01-19:27] f2a0b, MidgetLover X: OUCH! i just sat on a D4. Thats worse than falling on your keys
[01-19:27] f2a0b, MidgetLover X: no dice? what about tazo's?
[01-19:27] f2a0b, MidgetLover X: or is it all done with string and sticky tape?
[01-19:28] 893a6, Withoutmypants: and paper cups!
[01-19:28] c6c97, Levald : (its done by out witting)
[01-19:29] 893a6, Withoutmypants: *wits you up the clapper*]
[01-19:29] f2a0b, MidgetLover X: OH i see! Well how on earth can we compete with the SHEER MAJESTIC WIT of *reverses hammer*???
[01-19:29] f2a0b, MidgetLover X: Fukc-you are a god of witty riposte'
[01-19:30] c6c97, Levald : (*pulls sword and chops off midgets head*)
[01-19:31] f2a0b, MidgetLover X: FUKC! more wit!!!!!! Sheer prosaic mastery!!! *prostrates himself humbly before the worlds greatest wit* Is that you LORD BYRON>??
[01-19:31] f2a0b, MidgetLover X: Is it possible to *duck hammer*? or is that against the rules?
[01-19:32] 893a6, Withoutmypants: brb
[01-19:32] c6c97, Levald : (was possable. too late now)
[01-19:33] f2a0b, MidgetLover X: You Neehd bettarh spellchecjkah!
[01-19:33] c6c97, Levald : (btw ur dead)
[01-19:34] f2a0b, MidgetLover X: So teach me of this fabled 'wit' of which you speak??? (btw i'm haunting you from beyond the grave)
[01-19:35] c6c97, Levald : (dont make me get Rhaz over here)
[01-19:35] c6c97, Levald : (hes a necromancer)
[01-19:36] 893a6, Withoutmypants: necro-romancer, fiddlin the stiffies
[01-19:37] f2a0b, MidgetLover X: OOh---So does he fist the dead,or just rim them?
[01-19:37] c6c97, Levald : (Necromancer)
[01-19:37] f2a0b, MidgetLover X: *searches frantically for fabled 'wit'*
[01-19:38] c6c97, Levald : (was lost with ur head)
[01-19:38] 893a6, Withoutmypants: I see more wit in a bag of Worthers Originals
[01-19:39] f2a0b, MidgetLover X: So levald-i noticed from your pic that your torso is massively deformed
[01-19:39] f2a0b, MidgetLover X: How does one walk with such a petite waistline?
[01-19:39] 893a6, Withoutmypants: and his cape is lopsided
[01-19:41] 893a6, Withoutmypants: *pulls sword*
[01-19:41] c6c97, Levald : (first the armor is slanted, second the Armor makes my upperbody look bigger)
[01-19:41] f2a0b, MidgetLover X: Does it make your penis look bigger?
[01-19:42] 893a6, Withoutmypants: and your neck much too long for your shoulders
[01-19:42] c6c97, Levald : (*Raises his elven bow*)
[01-19:42] f2a0b, MidgetLover X: Yeah fully-thats one ostich neck from hell. More room for all the hot 'by bitch I mean I love you'es to give him hickies though
[01-19:43] f2a0b, MidgetLover X: Irritable little sheezy aint ya?
[01-19:43] 893a6, Withoutmypants: so that's what you call it
[01-19:44] c6c97, Levald : (*shoots at withoutmypants*)
[01-19:44] f2a0b, MidgetLover X: I'm going for a ciggie
[01-19:44] f2a0b, MidgetLover X: brb
[01-19:45] 893a6, Withoutmypants: missed nazi
[01-19:46] c6c97, Levald : (gotta explain how first)
[01-19:47] 57823, Roki: i'm right here
[01-19:47] 893a6, Withoutmypants: I step forward, the rivers of dribble that gush from your direction makes me slip in my ever so comfy but slippery shoes, I land in a soft spot in the grass where I sit and wonder what will become of us, and why we're here
[01-19:49] c6c97, Levald : (*replaces his bow and pulls hissword again*)
[01-19:49] c6c97, Levald : (* Charges for withoutmypants*)
[01-19:51] 893a6, Withoutmypants: *trips you with tripwire*
[01-19:51] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[01-19:51] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[01-19:51] 893a6, Withoutmypants: throws faeces at your face, which you love
[01-19:52] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 8:51pm, April 01 (CST) ).
[01-19:52] c6c97, Levald : (*prepares to stab withoutmypants as he falls*)
[01-19:53] JOIN: Axis has entered.
[01-19:54] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[01-19:54] 893a6, Withoutmypants: you love the faeces, it makes you glow, you rub it into your pores
[01-19:55] c6c97, Levald : (*impails withoutmypants with his sword*)
[01-19:56] JOIN: MidgetLOver X has entered.
[01-19:58] f2a0b, MidgetLOver X: Strange how he seems to be able to avoid ALL ATTACKS ,yet is 100% accurate with any of his strikes...must be part of the 'TOTALLY FAIR" rules system
[01-19:58] f2a0b, MidgetLOver X: *slides in the dribble also wondering if he's wasting his life*
[01-19:59] 85322, Axis : ((*rolls his eyes at it all* hey levald wanna rp?))
[01-19:59] c6c97, Levald : (totally fair to registered users and ur still dead dude)
[01-19:59] c6c97, Levald : (K)
[01-20:00] f2a0b, MidgetLOver X: *in bettenchi-nobody can hear you scream "i'm surrounded by nerds*
[01-20:00] f2a0b, MidgetLOver X: ooh its lunchtime! think i've earned a break! *L*
[01-20:00] f2a0b, MidgetLOver X: Cant keep up this breakneck pace forever!
[01-20:00] c6c97, Levald : (*rises pulls sword killing withoutmypants and goes IC)
[01-20:00] 85322, Axis : ((where are you at lev?))
[01-20:01] f2a0b, MidgetLOver X: *Inserts his penis in levands mouth *
[01-20:01] 57823, Roki: hey no..
[01-20:01] 57823, Roki: *hey now
[01-20:01] 57823, Roki: i'm afraid i'll have to give a warning for that one Midget boy
[01-20:01] 893a6, Withoutmypants: lunch!
[01-20:02] c6c97, Levald : Roki that was little compared to the logs)
[01-20:02] 85322, Axis : ((your changing benntinchi? to an anime chat? but that ruins the point!))
[01-20:02] 57823, Roki: tough.
[01-20:03] 57823, Roki: i've been watching the whole time
[01-20:03] 57823, Roki: this room is PG-13
[01-20:03] c6c97, Levald : (*still thinks its an april fools joke*)
[01-20:03] 85322, Axis : ((I'm with roki on that it's annoying))
[01-20:04] c6c97, Levald : (then u saw earlier. thats all i ment)
[01-20:05] c6c97, Levald : (shoulda warned him a while ago)
[01-20:06] c6c97, Levald : (well unfortunatly my bro is taking over the pc so i gotta go)
[01-20:06] 57823, Roki: tough, he's being warned now.
[01-20:06] c6c97, Levald : (c ya)
[01-20:06] EXIT: Levald has left the chat ( 9:06pm, April 01 (CST) ).
[01-20:08] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[01-20:08] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[01-20:08] 22388, Will-o'-the-wisp: anime?!
[01-20:09] 22388, Will-o'-the-wisp: well fudge.
[01-20:09] JOIN: GodPants has entered.
[01-20:09] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 9:08pm, April 01 (CST) ).
[01-20:09] 893a6, GodPants: blarg
[01-20:09] JOIN: Axis has entered.
[01-20:10] 22388, Will-o'-the-wisp: thaaaaat BITES
[01-20:10] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 9:10pm, April 01 (CST) ).
[01-20:11] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[01-20:12] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 9:11pm, April 01 (CST) ).
[01-20:12] JOIN: Axis has entered.
[01-20:13] 85322, Axis : ((why bother? Anime chats are lousey))
[01-20:17] JOIN: Godspants has entered.
[01-20:25] 85322, Axis : ((*sigh*))
[01-20:29] 57823, Roki: ....
[01-20:31] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[01-20:32] ab692, Will-o'-the-wisp: they should just turn it into a hentai chat. then everyone will be here.
[01-20:34] 57823, Roki: i doubt that one
[01-20:34] 57823, Roki: i wouldnt be
[01-20:36] 85322, Axis : ((nor I))
[01-20:38] JOIN: Levald has entered.
[01-20:40] c6c97, Levald: (ha i got till arount 10 axis)
[01-20:41] EXIT: Levald has left the chat ( 9:40pm, April 01 (CST) ).
[01-20:41] JOIN: Levald has entered.
[01-20:41] 85322, Axis : ((oaky..not that any rping will matter anymore. It's gonna become an anime chat.))
[01-20:42] c6c97, Levald: (*still thinks its april fools*)
[01-20:43] 85322, Axis : (( If it is it is beaver damming stupid.))
[01-20:49] 85322, Axis : ((*pokes around*))
[01-20:49] c6c97, Levald : (TEST)
[01-20:50] c6c97, Levald :
[01-20:51] 85322, Axis : ((not a bad color)
[01-20:52] c6c97, Levald : (even if it does change we can ignor it and continue)
[01-20:52] c6c97, Levald : (i gtg at 10)
[01-20:53] JOIN: Karlita has entered.
[01-20:53] c6c97, Levald : (so far thats what most of us are planning i think)
[01-20:53] e4032, Karlita : (( Bonjour..))
[01-20:53] 85322, Axis : ((yeah..*sits on levalds head* hmm comy))
[01-20:54] c6c97, Levald : (hey i might be on l8er if my bro will let me. this is my moms pc)
[01-20:54] c6c97, Levald : (swipes at head)
[01-20:56] e4032, Karlita : (heh)
[01-20:59] c6c97, Levald : *heads back to Building across the street*
[01-20:59] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[01-21:00] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 9:59pm, April 01 (CST) ).
[01-21:01] JOIN: Dri has entered.
[01-21:01] JOIN: Axis has entered.
[01-21:01] 8a04c, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( its an APRIL FOOLS JOKE people.. jeez. )
[01-21:01] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[01-21:02] e4032, Karlita : (( i am utterly bored.....))
[01-21:03] 8a04c, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( what a gullible lot this is X_X )
[01-21:04] c6c97, Levald : (guess i might get to stay longer)
[01-21:04] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 10:01pm, April 01 (CST) ).
[01-21:05] JOIN: Axis has entered.
[01-21:06] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[01-21:08] 8a04c, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( I cant believe Rav regged you.. )
[01-21:08] 8a04c, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( what was the decision about Han or whateve rit was )
[01-21:09] c6c97, Levald : (this guy aint got it)
[01-21:09] c6c97, Levald : (and jaCe regestered me)
[01-21:10] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 10:06pm, April 01 (CST) ).
[01-21:10] c6c97, Levald : (*refuses to call jamaster*)
[01-21:10] 8a04c, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( I see. )
[01-21:10] JOIN: Axis has entered.
[01-21:10] c6c97, Levald : (*refuses to call jaCe master*)
[01-21:11] 8a04c, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( Yeha well you should, he's the only one crazy enough to reg you. )
[01-21:11] c6c97, Levald : (read my prfile)
[01-21:11] 85322, Axis: ((damn crappy server))
[01-21:12] 8a04c, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( What for? )
[01-21:13] JOIN: Mad Hatter has entered.
[01-21:14] 2166e, Mad Hatter: Tea Time
[01-21:14] 8a04c, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( A very merry unbirthday to you. )
[01-21:15] MSG: Levald sent a message to Axis.
[01-21:16] JOIN: Levald has entered.
[01-21:17] c6c97, Levald : (pic)
[01-21:17] 8a04c, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( what's that from.. spy kids? )
[01-21:17] MSG: Axis sent a message to Levald.
[01-21:18] JOIN: Captain Codpiece has entered.
[01-21:18] f2a0b, Captain Codpiece: Avast ye Mateys
[01-21:18] JOIN: Karlita has entered.
[01-21:18] JOIN: Levald has entered.
[01-21:18] f2a0b, Captain Codpiece: Arr! Yo ho ho and a bottle of rum
[01-21:19] e4032, Karlita: ( i g2g bye )
[01-21:19] f2a0b, Captain Codpiece: May i stir your drink milady?
[01-21:19] 8a04c, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( bye Karlita )
[01-21:19] JOIN: Brimstone has entered.
[01-21:20] c6c97, Levald : (hey)
[01-21:21] beb1a, Brimstone : (Yeah..)
[01-21:22] 8a04c, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( vomit. )
[01-21:22] f2a0b, Captain Codpiece: Watch out for levands hammer everybody-its uber-powerful. And he has a mouthful.
[01-21:22] c6c97, Levald : (only occ)
[01-21:23] beb1a, Brimstone : (Aw, this rooms going to an anime chat. How disappointing..)
[01-21:25] f2a0b, Captain Codpiece: Anime chat? Ok-who think that psyduck is sexy? know where i can find some jigglypuff hentai??
[01-21:25] 8a04c, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( ::slaps forehead:: I give up. )
[01-21:27] JOIN: Levald has entered.
[01-21:27] beb1a, Brimstone : (It's never too late for stupidity!)
[01-21:27] f2a0b, Captain Codpiece: *slaps salami* oh dont give up! soldier oN! FOR THE GLORY OF BETTENCHI!!!
[01-21:28] MSG: Levald sent a message to Axis.
[01-21:29] EXIT: Brimstone has left the chat ( 10:27pm, April 01 (CST) ).
[01-21:30] JOIN: Cott has entered.
[01-21:33] beb1a, Cott: Three cheers for idiocy! Hip-hip, fook off!
[01-21:33] beb1a, Cott: Yay.
[01-21:35] f2a0b, Captain Codpiece: hip hip
[01-21:35] f2a0b, Captain Codpiece: hooray!
[01-21:36] beb1a, Cott: Talk about belated.
[01-21:37] JOIN: Illisse Brilthor has entered.
[01-21:37] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[01-21:39] ad1ff, Illisse Brilthor : (hey adrian..looks like chat has gone to heck around here)
[01-21:40] beb1a, Cott: Well, it's going to be an anime chat, so character has nothing to do with anything, really.
[01-21:40] JOIN: Cookie Monster has entered.
[01-21:41] 8a04c, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( yeah I know. )
[01-21:41] 8a04c, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( it's not going to be an anime chat. )
[01-21:42] 5d609, Cookie Monster: *waves to all* Happy April Fools day. I will be quitting the entire chatroom scene as I'm shipping off for Iraq tomarow.
[01-21:42] ad1ff, Illisse Brilthor : *hides from cookie*
[01-21:43] beb1a, Cott: Yeah, guess it's an April fools thing, or just a really funny joke. One or the other.
[01-21:43] beb1a, Cott: Have fun in Iraq.
[01-21:44] 5d609, Cookie Monster: yay for my little bit of april fools.
[01-21:45] 8a04c, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( it's not all that funny >.> )
[01-21:45] beb1a, Cott: It's hilarious.
[01-21:46] 5d609, Cookie Monster: Nah, I guess not. But I couldn't come up with any better.
[01-21:47] MSG: Levald sent a message to Axis.
[01-21:47] JOIN: SirDeepRod has entered.
[01-21:47] MSG: Cott sent a message to Axis.
[01-21:48] 893a6, SirDeepRod: arr
[01-21:48] beb1a, Cott: Laa.
[01-21:49] 8a04c, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( not that. )
[01-21:49] 5d609, Cookie Monster: Right, so lets have some RPage. Who plays what?
[01-21:50] beb1a, Cott: Not that's a loaded question.
[01-21:50] ad1ff, Illisse Brilthor : (is in the forest east of rua)
[01-21:51] beb1a, Cott: NoWwWWw. Yes. The letter "t" switched with the letter "w" on that one. A shame.
[01-21:51] beb1a, Cott: Err, I mean.. lemme get in character.
[01-21:52] beb1a, Cott: But really, does anyone know for sure if this place is gonna become a hive for anime freaks, or is it a lame attempt at something that's supposed to be an April's fools joke?
[01-21:53] 5d609, Cookie Monster: ((this is an april fools joke, and though I cannot confirm based on any true facts, I will stake all of my characters on it.))
[01-21:53] beb1a, Cott: Damn.
[01-21:54] 5d609, Cookie Monster: Theres allready enough hives for said freaks as it is.
[01-21:55] MSG: Levald sent a message to Axis.
[01-21:56] beb1a, Cott: A shame, cause I had a good picture and handle for a character that would appear in looks and name, both female and male at the same time. That was the concept of the character. It was a hermaphrodite. Sigh...
[01-21:57] 8a04c, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( then use it in the existing anime chats. )
[01-21:58] 8a04c, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( and excuse me, but anime fans are no more FREAKS than friggin Star Wars fanatics. )
[01-21:58] beb1a, Cott: Yeah. Yeah, that's a good point. I should get on that.
[01-21:58] beb1a, Cott: Or, say, friggin' fantasy fans. I mean really. Lets be fair here.
[01-22:00] 5d609, Cookie Monster: I'm a Anime Freak, and I am proud of it.
[01-22:00] beb1a, Cott: I'm sorry to hear that.
[01-22:00] beb1a, Cott: I mean .. good, for you? Yay..ness.
[01-22:02] 8a04c, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( yeah but you're also a SW and fantasy freak, so you're all way out there in geekville )
[01-22:02] beb1a, Cott: What the hell is SW?
[01-22:03] 5d609, Cookie Monster: *is Geek and proud of it*
[01-22:03] beb1a, Cott: And if by "fantasy" you mean "Family Guy", then yes.
[01-22:04] 8a04c, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( SW= Star Wars.. >.> )
[01-22:04] ad1ff, Illisse Brilthor : *points to the fact that there actually hasn't been rp in several hours now can we? ))
[01-22:05] c6c97, Levald : (well that msg was probly ment to stir up trouble. and it did
[01-22:05] beb1a, Cott: Ahh, yes, Star Wars. I'm way into that. Light sabers, let me tell ya. The idea of light from a handle, but it only stops so far. Ingenious. Really.
[01-22:05] c6c97, Levald : *is across the street from glimmering inn*
[01-22:06] 5d609, Skarling Ironhand : *sits in the Inn, sipping some mead, talking with one of his Employees, Hida Al'Asid
[01-22:06] 5d609, Skarling Ironhand : *
[01-22:07] ad1ff, Illisse Brilthor : *is actually in front of Inn *
[01-22:07] c6c97, Levald : *heads back over to the innfor some food*
[01-22:07] c6c97, Levald : (i think im about to ve to go)
[01-22:08] c6c97, Levald : (yup bye)
[01-22:08] EXIT: Levald has left the chat ( 11:08pm, April 01 (CST) ).
[01-22:08] beb1a, Cott: I'm about to ve go myself.
[01-22:10] ad1ff, Illisse Brilthor : **opens door of the Glimmering Inn looking for Val, worried that he hasn't returned to camp. she decides that she is hungry and heads for a table looking for a barmaid to order some dinner and a nice fey wine*
[01-22:10] beb1a, Cott: Yep, bye. But with capitalization and punctuation.
[01-22:10] EXIT: Cott has left the chat ( 11:10pm, April 01 (CST) ).
[01-22:11] ad1ff, Illisse Brilthor : ((well thank heavens the children have gone!!))
[01-22:12] 8a04c, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( whew )
[01-22:15] ad1ff, Illisse Brilthor : ((feel like i need to wash my eyes out after all that garbage))
[01-22:15] 8a04c, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( )
[01-22:15] 5d609, Skarling Ironhand : *glances over at Illisse, making an attempt to determine just what sort of person she might be based on her dress*
[01-22:16] ad1ff, Illisse Brilthor : ((yes adrian i know slacker....))
[01-22:18] ad1ff, Illisse Brilthor : *setting her pack containing her healing herbs on the floor she looks around the room waiting for her food*
[01-22:19] 8a04c, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( slacker what? )
[01-22:20] ad1ff, Illisse Brilthor : ((no profile....I write half of my day...just can't seem to get profile done tho))
[01-22:21] 8a04c, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( wow. yeah. )
[01-22:22] ad1ff, Illisse Brilthor : ((besides*she says with a quirky smile* if were going anime I'll just have to change it anyway ))
[01-22:23] 5d609, Skarling Ironhand : ((Illisse is the healer, right?))
[01-22:24] ad1ff, Illisse Brilthor : ((yes she is))
[01-22:25] 8a04c, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( one of you pick a different shade of red, I keep thinking Illisse is talking to herself )
[01-22:26] 5d609, Skarling Ironhand : ((she IS talking to herself. *is switching IP adresses and handles each post so it looks like I'm playing two differant people*))
[01-22:26] ad1ff, Illisse Brilthor : ((test))
[01-22:26] ad1ff, Illisse Brilthor : ((akk nooo too green))
[01-22:26] 5d609, Skarling Ironhand : *gets up and walks over to Illisse* You are a healer, are you not?
[01-22:27] ad1ff, Illisse Brilthor : *she looks upat the stranger* yes I am..
[01-22:27] JOIN: Jace has entered.
[01-22:27] 65939, Jace: For I am Master Jace
[01-22:28] 65939, Jace: *fireworks shoot off everywhere in a dramatic entrance*
[01-22:30] 5d609, Skarling Ironhand : ((*watches as the rain logged firewords sold Master Jace fizzle*)) I am Skarling of the Ironhand merchant family of Arcadia.
[01-22:31] 65939, Jace: *nothing of his ever fizzles... nothing, and perhaps youll find out sometime *
[01-22:33] ad1ff, Illisse Brilthor : :softly: I have heard of you. I am Ilisse will you join me? *offering his a seat at her table*
[01-22:33] 5d609, Skarling Ironhand : If you wouldn't mind. *gives her a frienly smile and takes a seat* From where do you hail?
[01-22:33] ad1ff, Illisse Brilthor : (his--him)
[01-22:34] 5d609, Skarling Ironhand : If you wouldn't mind. *gives her a friendly smile and takes a seat* What is your name?
[01-22:35] ad1ff, Illisse Brilthor : Illisse Brilthor . But you may call me Illisse
[01-22:36] 5d609, Skarling Ironhand : *smiles* Illisse. Its a nice name. Have you traveled much?
[01-22:37] ad1ff, Illisse Brilthor : I have travelled from very far to the east..My people live many months from here
[01-22:38] 5d609, Skarling Ironhand : Hmm. One of my men, Hida, is also from the east. Are you from the desert as he is?
[01-22:39] JOIN: C has entered.
[01-22:40] 65939, Jace: *pounces C*
[01-22:41] ad1ff, Illisse Brilthor : No, I am from farther than that...I am Tel'Emyndil (Hill lovers) we live on a mountainside that is lush and green and very quiet .
[01-22:41] 72092, C: *gasps*
[01-22:41] 65939, Jace: *wins*
[01-22:42] 5d609, Skarling Ironhand : It sounds very nice.
[01-22:42] ad1ff, Illisse Brilthor : ((Master Jace always wins))
[01-22:43] 72092, C: don't encourage him *g*
[01-22:43] ad1ff, Illisse Brilthor : It is..although I am begining to like the forests around here. sometimes they remind me of where I came from.....I hope to make my home here..I have no wish to return to that place
[01-22:44] 65939, Jace: *laughs* it isnt quite that simple C
[01-22:45] 72092, C: Oh really *raises an eyebrow*
[01-22:46] ad1ff, Illisse Brilthor : ((*bows to Master Jace* we are all fast becoming servants of the almighty filter
[01-22:46] 65939, Jace: Go ahead and ask Illisse about me, C
[01-22:47] 5d609, Skarling Ironhand : I see. So you would not be interested in employment that would take you from place to place?
[01-22:50] ad1ff, Illisse Brilthor : I have no need of employment...I am traveling with a companion * she looks down lightly blushing* I have only just found him again and we have not yet decided what we are going to do. right now we are exploring the area
[01-22:50] ad1ff, Illisse Brilthor : ((it is the unique randomness that is Master Jace))
[01-22:51] 5d609, Skarling Ironhand : This region is rather well explored.
[01-22:51] 5d609, Skarling Ironhand : ((allready well explored rather))
[01-22:52] 65939, Jace: *just lords over the roleplaying*
[01-22:52] ad1ff, Illisse Brilthor : yes I am sure it has, just not by us..we have not been in this area for long and are trying to familiarize ourself with it
[01-22:53] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[01-22:53] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 11:53pm, April 01 (CST) ).
[01-22:53] 72092, C: You could cut the ego in the room with a knife *smiles*
[01-22:53] JOIN: Illisse Brilthor has entered.
[01-22:54] ad1ff, Illisse Brilthor : ((who also hasn't rp'd in days and should get his backside busy))
[01-22:54] 65939, Jace: Is it my fault Im the master? *swings C back over his knee and gives her a great big kiss*
[01-22:56] 72092, C: *Doesn't protest, returns the kiss* Weirdo
[01-22:57] 5d609, Skarling Ironhand : I have a propasition for you, that I doubt you would be interested in, but I ask as there would be no harm. Would you be interested in healing the wounded of a small mercinary force?
[01-22:57] ad1ff, Illisse Brilthor : ((*laughs* sounds famliar))
[01-23:00] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[01-23:00] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 12:00am, April 02 (CST) ).
[01-23:00] JOIN: Illisse Brilthor has entered.
[01-23:00] ad1ff, Illisse Brilthor : *violet eyes begining to sparkle at the thought * small force? how far are they?
[01-23:01] ad1ff, Illisse Brilthor : ((wispiness ))
[01-23:01] 5d609, Skarling Ironhand : They are here in the city, though we are spread out for now. The king of this land is very inhospitable towards mercinaries.
[01-23:02] JOIN: Levald has entered.
[01-23:04] ad1ff, Illisse Brilthor : *as the barmaid brings her food, she offers Skarling a bit of wine* I would be willing to help you for a time. Quietly, I have no wish to draw attention to myself from this king.
[01-23:06] 5d609, Skarling Ironhand : Then staying here would not be a good idea. His eyes and ears are apparently everywhere. *waves off the offer of wine*
[01-23:06] c6c97, Levald : (Location?)
[01-23:07] JOIN: Dri has entered.
[01-23:07] ad1ff, Illisse Brilthor : *reaches for her pack* Then I will go with you now
[01-23:07] 8a04c, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( urrgh Illisse x.x )
[01-23:07] ad1ff, Illisse Brilthor : ((Glimmering Inn))
[01-23:07] JOIN: Sorcha Lidil has entered.
[01-23:08] ad1ff, Illisse Brilthor : ((what?))
[01-23:10] 7bbb7, Sorcha Lidil: *silently works in a corner of the glimmering inn drawing on parchment this time though perhaps more desgins*
[01-23:10] c6c97, Levald : (how would i go about advertizing i need hired help?)
[01-23:10] 5d609, Skarling Ironhand : I'm afraid we aren't leaving yet. Though war is imminent in the north, we've yet ot recieve an employer.
[01-23:11] JOIN: Jace has entered.
[01-23:11] 65939, Jace: hey Levald, Ive had a couple complaints that your acting well... retarded... stop it ok?
[01-23:11] c6c97, Levald : (Master Jace y arnt u stelthy?)
[01-23:12] 65939, Jace: cause I really dont give a fukc
[01-23:12] 65939, Jace: I like it when people know of my awesome presence
[01-23:12] c6c97, Levald : (i was joking around ooc earlier)
[01-23:13] ad1ff, Illisse Brilthor : do you not need a healer right now? or is this future employment?
[01-23:13] 65939, Jace: watch how you joke around, alright?
[01-23:14] c6c97, Levald : (k)
[01-23:14] 5d609, Skarling Ironhand : This is employment as soon as I have money to pay you with. I pay well, but I need others to pay me so I can pay my employees.
[01-23:17] 65939, Jace: hmm....
[01-23:17] 7bbb7, Sorcha Lidil: *she looks up from her work to look around the room eyes glancing over the different patrons, as she gently reaches a hand up to rub her tired eyes*
[01-23:18] 65939, Jace: well Im gonna go for now
[01-23:18] c6c97, Levald : (c ya)
[01-23:19] ad1ff, Illisse Brilthor : *she looks quietly at him* as a healer I ask no payment, but if you chose to do so I will accept . My friend and I will be around for a while....when you have need of me, I do not know how you will find me
[01-23:19] 5d609, Skarling Ironhand : Do you frequent this establishment?
[01-23:20] 65939, Jace: *poofs out*
[01-23:21] c6c97, Levald : *stands to leave the inn)
[01-23:21] ad1ff, Illisse Brilthor : I am here occasionally..not on a what you'd call regular basis
[01-23:21] c6c97, Levald : *stands to leave the inn*
[01-23:22] c6c97, Levald : *heads back to the building across the street*
[01-23:24] 7bbb7, Sorcha Lidil: *she looks down at her ink stained fingers hopes for a moment she didn't wipe it half way across her face. She gazes absently around again not particulary known to anyone here*
[01-23:25] 5d609, Skarling Ironhand : I will try to find you here then. Or I'll have one of my men look for you. *smiles* I'm sure they will appreciate having a healer enough to put effort into the search.
[01-23:28] ad1ff, Illisse Brilthor : *smiles back at him*most usually do...especially when they are hurt
[01-23:28] 8a04c, AmirIkstchibaud: :: Nudges the Inn's front door open, stepping inside with a light scratch at his chin, his glossed lips slightly pursed in thought at he wandered to an empty table, glancing about the place only after seating himself::
[01-23:29] ad1ff, Illisse Brilthor : hurt=hurting
[01-23:29] c6c97, Levald : *finding a long half wall coprised of dry fit bricks in the back he decides hes going to turn it into a furnace*
[01-23:29] 5d609, Skarling Ironhand : Getting hurt is rather common when you fight for a living.
[01-23:30] 65939, Jace: ok... so I havnt left yet... cause Im lazy... and than I notice Amir has glossed lips......................... ok, is that an April Fools joke, cause its sure as hell disturbing me
[01-23:31] 65939, Jace: F'sarn naut natha jatha'la fan d'gay nesstren
[01-23:31] 8a04c, AmirIkstchibaud: ( no he wears a balm over his lips, ash over his eyelids, and hasa tongue piercing )
[01-23:33] 7bbb7, Sorcha Lidil: *She glances to Amir as he walks in watching him move and sit down...her gaze gently watches him*
[01-23:34] 65939, Jace: wun byr words uk zhah confused bauth ukt sexuality
[01-23:34] ad1ff, Illisse Brilthor : I do not fight, but I have been in some before... dying is also common when you fight
[01-23:34] 8a04c, AmirIkstchibaud: ( Im not going to be offended if you think he looks flaming gay. he's heterosexual ^^ )
[01-23:34] 5d609, Skarling Ironhand : This is true. But thats part of the life of a warrior. Death is not nearly so great a fear as maiming.
[01-23:35] 65939, Jace: tlu jal nindel dos shlu'ta tlu, tlu natha lish nesst
[01-23:37] JOIN: Illisse Brilthor has entered.
[01-23:37] 65939, Jace: Jhal dos xal lar ussa Jabbuk Master Jace
[01-23:38] 8a04c, AmirIkstchibaud: :: His hazel glance caught Sorcha's fair face in passing, and settled upon her as a gentle smile tugged into place, waving a tanned hand to her discreetly::
[01-23:40] 7bbb7, Sorcha Lidil: *She smiles warmly having missed his company in the last few days/week. She slowly waves also with the ink stained fingers which she notices and moves after a moment of waving back*
[01-23:41] bc484, Illisse Brilthor : ((need to go )) I find that I do agree with you on that ...*finishing her wine* I am afraid that I must leave now. send for me when you need me. although it may take a day or two to find me..
[01-23:42] EXIT: Jace has left the chat ( 12:37am, April 02 (CST) ).
[01-23:42] 5d609, Skarling Ironhand : *nods* Until then. Good evening. ((laters))
[01-23:42] EXIT: Illisse Brilthor has left the chat ( 12:41am, April 02 (CST) ).
[01-23:46] c6c97, Levald : *dismantling the wall he dry sets the first layer of bricks detemining how large and where he wants the furnace to be*
[01-23:49] 8a04c, AmirIkstchibaud: :: He chuckled softly, lightly shaking his head at her.. not really concerned over such things.. he would have rather stayed there, but he realized it would be easier for him to go to her with all those things she perpetually hefted around with her.. and so he slid from his chair and approached her table::
[01-23:51] 7bbb7, Sorcha Lidil: *As she seems him approach her table she hastily moves all the things around neatly out of the way to make sure the is somewhere to put himself she smiles at him ever so slightly tilting her head to the side watching him*Hello good sir.
[01-23:52] c6c97, Levald : *changing his mind he decides to dryset the entire furnace, but morter the outward sides of it once he has buys the morter.*
[01-23:53] c6c97, Levald : ( - has)
[01-23:54] c6c97, Levald : *begins drysetting the rest of the furnace*
[01-23:56] c6c97, Levald : *once he finnishes building the base of the furnace he sees he will have to morter the upper half of the furnace aswell*
[01-23:57] 8a04c, AmirIkstchibaud: 'good sir', huh? ::He smirked faintly as he drew up a seat beside her, looking a bit skeptical:: Nothin good about me. ::He nudged her gently, a light smile on his shimmering lips:: How goes it?
[01-23:59] 7bbb7, Sorcha Lidil: *She smiles at him* its...not so good to be honest even though im smiling things aren't to well. *she slowly casts her eyes down from him*
[01-23:59] c6c97, Levald : *finnished working on the furnace he decides to get some sleep*
[02-00:00] c6c97, Levald : *he opens his pack and pulls out his bed role*
[02-00:02] c6c97, Levald : *lays down in his bedrole getting comfortable and reaches into his pack to retrieve the stone his grandfather gave him.*
[02-00:04] c6c97, Levald : *places the stone under the bundled up section of his bedrole he's useing as a pillow*
[02-00:05] c6c97, Levald : *lays his head down and falls to sleep*
[02-00:07] 8a04c, AmirIkstchibaud: What's the matter?.. :: He tilted his head slightly in curiosity, peering at her with honey-flecked chestnut orbs::
[02-00:09] 7bbb7, Sorcha Lidil: Not enough hardly passing by now with i don't know what to do*she glances back to him slowly*
[02-00:13] 8a04c, AmirIkstchibaud: Hmm. :: He folded his slender hands in his lap, his thin brows drawing together in concentration:: I don't know...
[02-00:13] 7bbb7, Sorcha Lidil: *She slowly stands placing a gentle hand on his shoulder* i will speak to you later Amir..i promise*she leans down and kisses his cheek before picking her things up and heading to her room*
[02-00:14] 7bbb7, Sorcha Lidil: (sorry little late gotta jet*waves*)
[02-00:14] 8a04c, AmirIkstchibaud: ( ::wave:: )
[02-00:33] 8a04c, AdrianGoldenmoon : (*)
[02-00:40] JOIN: evil pirotess has entered.
[02-00:40] 3bac0, evil pirotess : umm hi
[02-00:42] 3bac0, evil pirotess : ((im kinda know at all this im use to rping through aim would some one mind helping me))
[02-00:44] a4da6, Mab : but you said you were 'know' at all this. *chuckles*
[02-00:44] 5d609, Cookie Monster: Sure, whatcha need?
[02-00:45] 3bac0, evil pirotess : ((if some one could help me please im me my sn is evil pirotess ))
[02-00:45] 5d609, Cookie Monster: On AIM?
[02-00:46] 3bac0, evil pirotess : yea
[02-00:47] 5d609, Cookie Monster: Drat. Then I be of no help to ya.
[02-00:47] 3bac0, evil pirotess : is this an rp?
[02-00:48] 5d609, Cookie Monster: This is an RP chat, yes. All the chats in Project JJ are RP chats.
[02-00:49] a4da6, Mab : Well, almost all of them. heh
[02-00:49] 3bac0, evil pirotess : oh see my friend gave me this site and told me i could find more people for my rps and i really wanna learn how to rp on here like how to make a discription for my char and stuff like that
[02-00:50] 5d609, Cookie Monster: Well, what can we tell you?