These logs are no longer being updated. Use DB Logs to see recent lines.

[12-03:40] e64bd, Illisse Brilthor : ((what time?))
[12-03:41] 8a04c, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( Z )
[12-03:44] e64bd, Illisse Brilthor : ((*yawns* good night ......*stretch* Val, read one before you log offf))
[12-03:46] EXIT: Illisse Brilthor has left the chat ( 4:44am, March 12 (CST) ).
[12-03:46] 125f3, Valandil Elladan : (( About 8:00 AM my time... Ok... I will... and sleep well))
[12-03:50] 94c70, Z: Me?
[12-03:51] 8a04c, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( well who else is Z in here )
[12-03:51] 94c70, Z: *eyeshift*
[12-03:52] MSG: AdrianGoldenmoon sent a message to Z.
[12-03:57] MSG: Z sent a message to Adriangoldenmoon.
[12-04:01] 8a04c, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( >< all this ::gestures to last few minutes maybe hours of chat:: yeesh. )
[12-04:03] 94c70, Z: Mab's got image problems it seems.
[12-04:04] 94c70, Z: Night.
[12-04:06] 8a04c, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( ::sigh:: night. )
[12-04:06] EXIT: AdrianGoldenmoon has left the chat ( 5:06am, March 12 (CST) ).
[12-04:41] JOIN: Sorcha Lidil has entered.
[12-04:46] 7bbb7, Sorcha Lidil: (dead ness)
[12-05:02] EXIT: Sorcha Lidil has left the chat ( 5:46am, March 12 (CST) ).
[12-05:36] JOIN: Illisse Brilthor has entered.
[12-07:14] JOIN: Sorcha Lidil has entered.
[12-08:20] JOIN: Illisse Brilthor has entered.
[12-09:48] JOIN: Illisse Brilthor has entered.
[12-09:53] f5e1a, Illisse Brilthor : * the fair elf comes down the stairs, gets a cup of tea and sits by the fire*
[12-09:59] f5e1a, Illisse Brilthor : *her feet curled up beneath her she stares into the flames*
[12-10:18] JOIN: Valandil Elladan has entered.
[12-10:18] JOIN: Valandil Elladan has entered.
[12-10:18] ed881, Valandil Elladan : there... better...
[12-10:19] ed881, Valandil Elladan : *sits down next to her, and touches her cheek* Hey there...
[12-10:20] f5e1a, Illisse Brilthor : mmmm Good morning
[12-10:22] ed881, Valandil Elladan : Yes, it is...
[12-10:23] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[12-10:24] f5e1a, Will-o'-the-wisp: aakkk
[12-10:24] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 11:23am, March 12 (CST) ).
[12-10:24] ed881, Valandil Elladan : Wisp... oooohhh!
[12-10:25] JOIN: Illisse Brilthor has entered.
[12-10:26] f5e1a, Illisse Brilthor : It was a good night too. or was it a very early morning?
[12-10:26] f5e1a, Illisse Brilthor : *blushes*
[12-10:32] f5e1a, Illisse Brilthor : *leans her head on his shoulder*
[12-10:41] f5e1a, Illisse Brilthor : (( argh. brb getting food))
[12-10:47] f5e1a, Illisse Brilthor : ((hey, you know my cat thinks I'm crazy sitting at pc doing nothing))
[12-10:47] JOIN: Shifty has entered.
[12-10:50] 19e7e, Shifty: hello?
[12-10:50] f5e1a, Illisse Brilthor : ((Hey Shifty))
[12-10:54] 19e7e, Shifty: howdy. how ya be?
[12-10:56] f5e1a, Illisse Brilthor : ((good. At least not chasing dog today ))
[12-10:57] ed881, Valandil Elladan : (( back...))
[12-10:58] 19e7e, Shifty: hehe...true.
[12-10:58] f5e1a, Illisse Brilthor : ((good. I always miss you when you do that))
[12-11:01] ed881, Valandil Elladan : (( Ack... I'll be back in 5 min... phone))
[12-11:02] f5e1a, Illisse Brilthor : ((OK))
[12-11:03] f5e1a, Illisse Brilthor : ((Z?))
[12-11:04] f5e1a, Illisse Brilthor : ((so shifty, what are you up to today?))
[12-11:06] 19e7e, Shifty: nothing...just bored.
[12-11:07] f5e1a, Illisse Brilthor : ((could put you to work. I've got a barn that need mucking out))
[12-11:09] 19e7e, Shifty: Sorry but im alergic to a thing called work. hehe
[12-11:10] ed881, Valandil Elladan : ((back... again))
[12-11:10] f5e1a, Illisse Brilthor : ((hey that was 5))
[12-11:12] ed881, Valandil Elladan : (( I was ON TIME?!?))
[12-11:13] f5e1a, Illisse Brilthor : ((WOW)
[12-11:13] ed881, Valandil Elladan : (( RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!!! IT"S THE END OF LIFE AS WE KNOW IT!!! *runs around in circles in a hysteric panic*))
[12-11:14] f5e1a, Illisse Brilthor : ((just don't let it happen again OK?))
[12-11:20] ed881, Valandil Elladan : (( ok ))
[12-11:21] f5e1a, Illisse Brilthor : ((*considers hitting paniced elf but after last time she decides not to*))
[12-11:22] ed881, Valandil Elladan : ((*stops running around and looks for a place to hide...*))
[12-11:23] f5e1a, Illisse Brilthor : ((i said I wouldn't do it. *kisses him instead*))
[12-11:24] ed881, Valandil Elladan : (( *finds a place to hide in her arms...*
[12-11:25] f5e1a, Illisse Brilthor : ((besides my hand still hurts))
[12-11:25] f5e1a, Illisse Brilthor : ((that's a very good place to be. ))
[12-11:30] ed881, Valandil Elladan : (( Yes, I thought so))
[12-11:31] f5e1a, Illisse Brilthor : ((*caresses his ear RE: email just don't read it at work))
[12-11:34] ed881, Valandil Elladan : ((Ok...))
[12-11:35] f5e1a, Illisse Brilthor : ((you did didn't you?))
[12-11:42] 19e7e, Shifty: *blinks* Oh brother.
[12-11:44] ed881, Valandil Elladan : (( Nope... Not at work yet... ))
[12-11:44] f5e1a, Illisse Brilthor : ((then you can read it))
[12-11:46] ed881, Valandil Elladan : (( Ok ))
[12-11:47] f5e1a, Illisse Brilthor : ((then we can get back to where we were))
[12-11:56] ed881, Valandil Elladan : (( Heh... That is GOOD!))
[12-11:57] f5e1a, Illisse Brilthor : (( i thought you would like that *repeats action*))
[12-11:59] ed881, Valandil Elladan : Ohh... *smiles* I'll watch for the signs in the future...
[12-12:00] f5e1a, Illisse Brilthor : ((I'll try not to do any of them *fingers crossed*))
[12-12:01] 19e7e, Shifty: *doesent even want to know whats going on*
[12-12:02] f5e1a, Illisse Brilthor : ((good, you're probably too young anyway))
[12-12:02] ed881, Valandil Elladan : (( Ok... ))
[12-12:03] 19e7e, Shifty: sure?
[12-12:04] 19e7e, Shifty: in
[12-12:05] 19e7e, Shifty: im 21 in age but alot yonger at heart.
[12-12:05] f5e1a, Illisse Brilthor : ((which did you like more the top or the bottom oh wait .... that didn't come out paragraph ))
[12-12:07] ed881, Valandil Elladan : (( Ummm... Oh, the paragraphs? ))
[12-12:08] f5e1a, Illisse Brilthor : ((which email did you read?)) should have been I lost it))
[12-12:09] ed881, Valandil Elladan : Ummm... Hold on...
[12-12:10] ed881, Valandil Elladan : I think... the top...
[12-12:11] f5e1a, Illisse Brilthor : ((now *repeats action*))
[12-12:12] ed881, Valandil Elladan : (( I gotta go soon... I'll gotta go to work in a couple o minutes, but I will keep checking e-mail, and respond if possible...))
[12-12:13] ed881, Valandil Elladan : *kisses her for a long time* Until later...?
[12-12:13] f5e1a, Illisse Brilthor : (( will check e-mail off and on don't know about later))
[12-12:13] ed881, Valandil Elladan : (( We can pause this until later if you want...))
[12-12:14] ed881, Valandil Elladan : ((ok... hope to catch you later... not late tonight... I might actually sleep for once...))
[12-12:14] f5e1a, Illisse Brilthor : ((definitly and I speled it rite two))
[12-12:15] f5e1a, Illisse Brilthor : amin mela lle
[12-12:15] ed881, Valandil Elladan : Amin mela lle, melamin...
[12-12:16] EXIT: Valandil Elladan has left the chat ( THAT was repetitive... ).
[12-12:17] f5e1a, Illisse Brilthor : *laughs till she cries*
[12-12:17] EXIT: Illisse Brilthor has left the chat ( 1:17pm, March 12 (CST) ).
[12-14:08] JOIN: Illisse Brilthor has entered.
[12-14:18] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[12-14:23] ceea7, Palladia Mors : *pokes about*
[12-14:24] 94c70, Z: *sits on Mors*
[12-14:24] ceea7, Palladia Mors : *barbacues Z and eats her*
[12-14:25] 867a2, Sileen: ... .... My baby is broke...
[12-14:26] 867a2, Sileen: My precious... my computer... my lifeline... it's... dead...
[12-14:28] 867a2, Sileen: And where'd everyone go?!
[12-14:29] 94c70, Z: *hugs SIleen*
[12-14:29] 867a2, Sileen: *zaps peoples* Dang it, I'm actually here, someone had better acknowledge me!
[12-14:29] 867a2, Sileen: *hugs back*
[12-14:29] 867a2, Sileen:
[12-14:30] 94c70, Z: Did I get zapped? o_o
[12-14:30] 867a2, Sileen: Nah
[12-14:31] 94c70, Z: Okay good cuz that'd hurt
[12-14:33] 867a2, Sileen: I am in such an odd mood right now... and I so miss AIM.... Stupid friggen people only have Yahoo messanger installed, so there's no one to talk to. I'm going to go insane.
[12-14:33] 94c70, Z: Go use AIM Express
[12-14:33] 94c70, Z: it's a Java applet
[12-14:34] 867a2, Sileen: Can't.
[12-14:34] 94c70, Z: Why not?
[12-14:36] 867a2, Sileen: Because this stupid carboard box with flashy lights won't let me
[12-14:40] 867a2, Sileen: bbl
[12-14:40] 867a2, Sileen: ...... Maybe.
[12-14:40] 867a2, Sileen: Bye. Tell da Mors I said hello.
[12-15:00] ceea7, Palladia Mors : Grrr I missed the Silly-leen
[12-15:49] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[12-15:51] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 4:49pm, March 12 (CST) ).
[12-15:51] JOIN: Lok has entered.
[12-15:51] 82149, Lok: ((hey kids))
[12-18:51] JOIN: Illisse Brilthor has entered.
[12-18:51] 9f36f, Illisse Brilthor : ((hey Lok))
[12-19:01] 9f36f, Illisse Brilthor : ((the silence in here is deafening. ))
[12-19:04] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[12-19:04] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 8:04pm, March 12 (CST) ).
[12-19:04] JOIN: Lok has entered.
[12-19:12] 6eeee, Lok: ((hmmm))
[12-19:13] 9f36f, Illisse Brilthor : ((still silent))
[12-19:15] 9f36f, Illisse Brilthor : ((o.k. *does a bad ahnold imitation* I'll be baak .Yes I know bad joke. ))
[12-19:15] EXIT: Illisse Brilthor has left the chat ( 8:15pm, March 12 (CST) ).
[12-19:16] 6eeee, Lok: ((less so know))
[12-19:50] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[12-19:50] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 8:50pm, March 12 (CST) ).
[12-19:52] JOIN: Illisse Brilthor has entered.
[12-19:54] JOIN: Lok has entered.
[12-19:56] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[12-19:56] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 8:56pm, March 12 (CST) ).
[12-19:57] 6eeee, Lok: ((la la la))
[12-19:57] JOIN: Illisse Brilthor has entered.
[12-19:58] 9f36f, Illisse Brilthor : good grief it's a wispy explosion
[12-20:01] 6eeee, Lok: (( is))
[12-20:02] 9f36f, Illisse Brilthor : join me for a drink? i'ts been a bad evening.
[12-20:04] 6eeee, Lok: ((sure *walks ove to the bar* Elven wine for you>)
[12-20:04] JOIN: AdrianGoldenmoon has entered.
[12-20:04] 9f36f, Illisse Brilthor : as always. It is my favorite
[12-20:05] 9f36f, Illisse Brilthor : ((hey Adrian)
[12-20:05] 8a04c, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( hi )
[12-20:06] 9f36f, Illisse Brilthor : ((care to join us for a while? I'm in the mood to drink the night away.))
[12-20:07] 8a04c, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( ? I dont rp ooc )
[12-20:07] 9f36f, Illisse Brilthor : *drinks the first glass in one swift motion*
[12-20:08] 9f36f, Illisse Brilthor : sorry won't bother you
[12-20:10] 9f36f, Illisse Brilthor : *flees the Inn in a very bad mood* (sorry Lok)
[12-20:10] EXIT: Illisse Brilthor has left the chat ( 9:10pm, March 12 (CST) ).
[12-20:10] 6eeee, Lok: (*swichs their glasses when she isn't looking*))
[12-20:11] JOIN: Illisse Brilthor has entered.
[12-20:11] 9f36f, Illisse Brilthor : (*decides to come back as she really needs a drinking night*))
[12-20:12] 8a04c, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( ::confused:: )
[12-20:13] 9f36f, Illisse Brilthor : (*looks at her glass* I thought I drank that * finishes it too*))
[12-20:14] 94c70, Z: *rules the shadows*
[12-20:15] 6eeee, Lok: ((*confused as well but keeps ordering and swithing drinks*))
[12-20:15] 9f36f, Illisse Brilthor : ((sorry Adrian, I've just had a bad night and wanted to have some fun ic or ooc))
[12-20:16] 8a04c, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( where's Val? )
[12-20:16] 8a04c, AdrianGoldenmoon : (this is all his fault )
[12-20:17] 6eeee, Lok: (hey Lady Z))
[12-20:17] 9f36f, Illisse Brilthor : (don't know. i was supposed to be here later but decided I needed ... i don't know what)
[12-20:18] 9f36f, Illisse Brilthor : (not Val's fault)
[12-20:18] 8a04c, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( of course it is )
[12-20:19] 9f36f, Illisse Brilthor : (no just rl getting to me. though I wish he was here)
[12-20:22] MSG: AdrianGoldenmoon sent a message to Illisse Brilthor.
[12-20:22] 94c70, Z: Hey Lok
[12-20:24] MSG: Illisse Brilthor sent a message to Adriangoldenmoon.
[12-20:25] 94c70, Z: *pokes Adrian*
[12-20:25] 6eeee, Lok: ((Hrmm Thsi is a happy bunch))
[12-20:27] 8a04c, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( yes Z )
[12-20:28] MSG: AdrianGoldenmoon tried to message Illise Brilthor (not registered).
[12-20:28] 8a04c, AdrianGoldenmoon : (oops two s's. )
[12-20:28] MSG: AdrianGoldenmoon sent a message to Illisse Brilthor.
[12-20:29] 94c70, Z: How ya doing, Adrian?
[12-20:30] 8a04c, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( kind of stuck between Crappyville and Suckytown, but I'll get around it )
[12-20:30] MSG: Illisse Brilthor sent a message to Adriangoldenmoon.
[12-20:32] MSG: AdrianGoldenmoon sent a message to Illisse Brilthor.
[12-20:32] 8a04c, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( how about you? )
[12-20:34] MSG: Illisse Brilthor sent a message to Adriangoldenmoon.
[12-20:35] MSG: AdrianGoldenmoon sent a message to Illisse Brilthor.
[12-20:38] MSG: Illisse Brilthor sent a message to Adriangoldenmoon.
[12-20:41] MSG: AdrianGoldenmoon tried to message Illise Brilthor (not registered).
[12-20:41] 8a04c, AdrianGoldenmoon : (always with the s. )
[12-20:43] MSG: AdrianGoldenmoon sent a message to Illisse Brilthor.
[12-20:45] MSG: Illisse Brilthor sent a message to Adriangoldenmoon.
[12-20:47] 8a04c, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( :: pokes Z:: )
[12-20:47] 94c70, Z: I'm doing good.
[12-20:48] 8a04c, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( It's a Lenten Friday, those are always crummy anyway but yay, you're good ^^)
[12-20:51] 94c70, Z:
[12-20:54] 8a04c, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( g2g for now, bbl )
[12-20:54] EXIT: AdrianGoldenmoon has left the chat ( 9:54pm, March 12 (CST) ).
[12-20:55] 9f36f, Illisse Brilthor : (Z... why do we keep them around?)
[12-20:58] 9f36f, Illisse Brilthor : (they always seem to leave at the wrong time)
[12-21:26] JOIN: Z has entered.
[12-21:26] 94c70, Z: Keep what around?
[12-21:27] 9f36f, Illisse Brilthor : males of any species
[12-21:55] JOIN: Z has entered.
[12-22:00] JOIN: Karieay has entered.
[12-22:02] 5d1c9, Karieay : its quiet
[12-22:02] a929f, Roki: <_< >_>
[12-22:03] 94c70, Z: It's Roki!!
[12-22:05] 5d1c9, Karieay : theyre restless
[12-22:06] 5d1c9, Karieay : hello Roki *shakes hand*
[12-22:07] EXIT: Karieay has left the chat ( 11:06pm, March 12 (CST) ).
[12-22:38] JOIN: AdrianGoldenmoon has entered.
[12-22:39] 8a04c, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( ;; )
[12-22:41] 8a04c, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( ::is not male OOC:: )
[12-22:42] 9f36f, Illisse Brilthor : (can't help it will be right back and explain)
[12-22:43] 8a04c, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( it's been quiet for like.. a week. )
[12-22:44] 9f36f, Illisse Brilthor : (sorry Adrian things went to &^^$%% again)
[12-22:44] MSG: AdrianGoldenmoon sent a message to Illisse Brilthor.
[12-22:46] MSG: Illisse Brilthor sent a message to Adriangoldenmoon.
[12-22:47] 8a04c, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( okay ::waits:: )
[12-22:54] MSG: Illisse Brilthor sent a message to Adriangoldenmoon.
[12-22:58] MSG: AdrianGoldenmoon sent a message to Illisse Brilthor.
[12-23:02] MSG: Illisse Brilthor sent a message to Adriangoldenmoon.
[12-23:03] MSG: AdrianGoldenmoon sent a message to Illisse Brilthor.
[12-23:05] MSG: Illisse Brilthor sent a message to Adriangoldenmoon.
[12-23:09] MSG: AdrianGoldenmoon sent a message to Illisse Brilthor.
[12-23:12] MSG: Illisse Brilthor sent a message to Adriangoldenmoon.
[12-23:16] MSG: AdrianGoldenmoon sent a message to Illisse Brilthor.
[12-23:16] 9f36f, Illisse Brilthor : *giggles at log*(I can't imagine what Val will say when he sees this. actually I can)
[12-23:17] 8a04c, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( all those evil dirty things-- they're all true! )
[12-23:18] 9f36f, Illisse Brilthor : (sssshhhhhh!!! I won't say a word!)
[12-23:22] 8a04c, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( )
[12-23:22] 8a04c, AdrianGoldenmoon : (brb )
[12-23:23] 9f36f, Illisse Brilthor : (OK)
[12-23:29] 8a04c, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( ok )
[12-23:30] JOIN: Cookie Monster has entered.
[12-23:31] 8a04c, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( he should be jealous, Im the handsome man from across the bar wahahaa )
[12-23:33] 9f36f, Illisse Brilthor : (he should be here soon he just e-mailed me I told him to get his backside here. and he can be jealous all he wants )
[12-23:34] 8a04c, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( )
[12-23:36] 5d609, Cookie Monster: *scratches head at what you two are up to*
[12-23:37] 9f36f, Illisse Brilthor : *giggles at cookie's expression*
[12-23:38] 5d609, Cookie Monster: *rolls his googly eyes around and devours Illisse*
[12-23:39] 8a04c, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( ::grabs laxative and garden hose:: Pick an end, but give her up )
[12-23:47] 9f36f, Illisse Brilthor : glurgle hwellllpp
[12-23:48] 9f36f, Illisse Brilthor : ((ooc val can't make it he has the witch doctor over chanting over his pc))
[12-23:49] 8a04c, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( he needs shaman magic.. )
[12-23:50] 9f36f, Illisse Brilthor : (said he might be here later if it works)
[12-23:51] 9f36f, Illisse Brilthor : (I offfered to sacrifice a chicken for him last week. He said not to. And this is what he gets )
[12-23:54] 8a04c, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( yep *tsk* )
[12-23:55] 9f36f, Illisse Brilthor : (one day he will learn to listen to me)
[13-00:02] 9f36f, Illisse Brilthor : (I need to take a shower and clean off this cookie mess. yuck. I will try to be here tomorrow night around 9 or 10 cst *kisses adrian for all his help*
[13-00:03] 8a04c, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( ::is a girl:: )
[13-00:03] 8a04c, AdrianGoldenmoon : (::but ty :: )
[13-00:04] 9f36f, Illisse Brilthor : *kisses IC hugs OOC*
[13-00:07] 8a04c, AdrianGoldenmoon : (okay ^^ hehe night )
[13-00:07] EXIT: Illisse Brilthor has left the chat ( 1:04am, March 13 (CST) ).
[13-01:18] JOIN: Sorcha Lidil has entered.
[13-01:22] JOIN: AmirIkstchibaud has entered.
[13-01:23] 7bbb7, Sorcha Lidil: (*waves*)
[13-01:24] 8a04c, AmirIkstchibaud: ( hi ^^ )
[13-01:25] 7bbb7, Sorcha Lidil: (feeling better today?)
[13-01:25] 8a04c, AmirIkstchibaud: :: He sat at the bar, idly turning an empty glass as he smiled slightly to himself.. daydreaming ti seems..::
[13-01:25] 8a04c, AmirIkstchibaud: ( Im okay )
[13-01:28] 7bbb7, Sorcha Lidil: *She walks casually through the entrance of the inn her dark hair sweeping behind her as she stops to take a look round. She is wearing what seems to be some of her designs a long skirt with what would best be desgribed as celtic designs as well as a small short like top which is the same in design and colour, which is a light green ish*
[13-01:30] 7bbb7, Sorcha Lidil: short=shirt
[13-01:38] 7bbb7, Sorcha Lidil: *She walked slowly to the bar and took a seat, ordering herself a drink*
[13-01:39] 8a04c, AmirIkstchibaud: ::He peered over his shoulder.. always feeling the breeze when the door open with his lack of shirt.. arching a slim brow at the sight of her.. a catcall in the form of a whistle, a joke to be had in a crowded room of drunkards::
[13-01:41] 7bbb7, Sorcha Lidil: *she hears of course she pays no heed though, but it shows as a blush rises to her cheeks. she glances to Amir and smiles slightly maybe a little embarashed?*
[13-01:45] 8a04c, AmirIkstchibaud: ::He chuckled softly, a grin formed on shimmering lips..:: What's the occasion, Miss Sorcha?
[13-01:46] 7bbb7, Sorcha Lidil: *she smiles a bit more* well firstly its promoting my work and the fact that i got good trade today*smiles and pays for her wine and takes a sip of it*
[13-01:51] 8a04c, AmirIkstchibaud: Really? Well congratulations. ::He smiled, abandoning his glass games.. :: You look very nice.
[13-01:53] 7bbb7, Sorcha Lidil: *she smiles warmly at him that blush just deepening a little more* Thank for a drink ?
[13-01:58] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[13-01:59] 8a04c, AmirIkstchibaud: Caught me a little late.. ::He slid the empty glass towards her, winking an ashen lid..:: But thank you, just the same..
[13-02:01] 7bbb7, Sorcha Lidil: Its only polite to ask*she smiles and sips some more of her wine watching him with a smile* not wish for another seeing as you had one?*said after she took a sip of her drink*
[13-02:03] 8a04c, AmirIkstchibaud: I'm not much for drinking.. ::He glanced at the empty glass, as if it were more than just an object.. but quickly abandoned it to give his attention to her as he turned in his seat to face her:: I suppose a bar isn't much of a place to be for people like that, hm?
[13-02:06] 7bbb7, Sorcha Lidil: *she shakes her head a little laughing* not really but its not really all drinking people come in here to meet others don't they. i just grab a drink because i fancy some, but i know when to stop. *she lances to the glass also for a moment before looking to him still smiling* so how did the day treat you Amir?
[13-02:11] 8a04c, AmirIkstchibaud: Eh, uneventful.. as usual.. ::He wrinkled his nose slightly at the thought of it..:: One of these days I would hope it would pick up.
[13-02:12] 7bbb7, Sorcha Lidil: Im sure it will we just have to wait...*she takes another sip of her wine* Good news is...i don't have to leave yet *she grins a little*
[13-02:17] 8a04c, AmirIkstchibaud: Good news, indeed. ::He chuckled softly, lifting a slender sunkissed hand to poke the tip of her nose:: I would miss all these smiles.
[13-02:21] 7bbb7, Sorcha Lidil: *she giggles a little lookind down* im sure you would find someone else to smile at *she looks at him out the corner of her eye her head down seemingly fascinated with her glass*
[13-02:22] 8a04c, AmirIkstchibaud: Oh no, not my smiles.. yours. ::He tilted his head slightly, blue-stained raven strands swaying slightly witht he movement.. is honey-flecked hazel orbs watching her curiously::
[13-02:24] 7bbb7, Sorcha Lidil: Then someone else to smile at you? *she smiles a little she is playing seeing what he says*
[13-02:29] 8a04c, AmirIkstchibaud: :: He waved his hand dismissively, shaking his head:: Nah.. no one smiles as much as you do..
[13-02:31] 7bbb7, Sorcha Lidil: Thats a good thing*she smiles more lifting her head a little to watch him*
[13-02:38] 8a04c, AmirIkstchibaud: It is. ::He grinned lightly, ivory teeth framed by his glossed lips:: It's not easy to find someone so.. optimistic, I suppose.. anymore.
[13-02:40] 7bbb7, Sorcha Lidil: It helps to have to right people around, im sure i wouldn't smile as much if i didn't have you to talk to
[13-02:43] 8a04c, AmirIkstchibaud: Perhaps.. although I don't think I've ever said anything all too profound? :: He brused stray wisps of hair from his face to keep his view of her from being obscured::
[13-02:45] 7bbb7, Sorcha Lidil: Your good company Amir, i know id rather talk to you then most others in here...*the blush rises again as she smiles*
[13-02:48] 8a04c, AmirIkstchibaud: What? ::He grinned, amused and curious as he folded his tightly bound arms over his chest, as if there was some joke he wasn't in on..:: What is all that for? ::He gestured vaguely to her reddened cheeks::
[13-02:49] 7bbb7, Sorcha Lidil: *she shakes her head looking away shy suddenly*
[13-02:53] 8a04c, AmirIkstchibaud: ::He chuckled softly, watching her, but said nothing.. only smiling::
[13-02:55] 7bbb7, Sorcha Lidil: *she sips her wine a little before looking back to him, brushing hair from her eyes*
[13-03:01] 8a04c, AmirIkstchibaud: Scientifically... that stuff won't make the flush go away.. you'll just get worse.. ::He touched a hand to his cheek in mock-dismay, sighing:: You'll just be a lovely smiling lobster then.
[13-03:02] 7bbb7, Sorcha Lidil: *she giggles putting the glass down* a lovely smiling lobster? thats something i've never heard before...*she giggles more shaking her head a little*
[13-03:07] 8a04c, AmirIkstchibaud: I'm not sure I have either.. never asked a lobster to smile for me.. but then, I shouldn't be talking to lobsters, eh?
[13-03:08] 7bbb7, Sorcha Lidil: *she shakes her head giggling some more* no not really might be known as a mad man
[13-03:16] 8a04c, AmirIkstchibaud: I think I have enough obvious things working against me without talking to lobsters.. ::He tapped a glossy lip lightly::
[13-03:18] 7bbb7, Sorcha Lidil: *she smiles at him* i don't think your mad...
[13-03:24] 8a04c, AmirIkstchibaud: No? ::He raised a thin brow, curious..:: What do you think of this then?
[13-03:25] 7bbb7, Sorcha Lidil: Its what you like why should i question it? You are you. thats what makes you special...anyone for that matter. i think its interesting and rather like it but thats me
[13-03:28] 8a04c, AmirIkstchibaud: I'm glad you feel that way.. ::He laughed softly, rubbing the back of his neck seeingly a little embarassed:: It's kind of awkward sometimes wondering what people are thinking.
[13-03:30] 7bbb7, Sorcha Lidil: *she smiles her hands linking together on the bar top* well you know what im thinking now.
[13-03:37] 8a04c, AmirIkstchibaud: ::He nodded lightly, smiling a bit to himself:: As long as I keep wearing pants and other such manly clothes, I think I'll be alright with all the cosmetic..
[13-03:38] 7bbb7, Sorcha Lidil: *she giggles* well unless you want to dress like a women i'll lend you some of the clothes i make*she grins at him playfully and giggles* Do what you want Amir
[13-03:40] 8a04c, AmirIkstchibaud: That's a little too much for me, thanks.. ::He laughed, shaking his head..:: Besides.. I don't need to be prettier than the women around here, and the gloss is better for kisses.
[13-03:40] 7bbb7, Sorcha Lidil: unless=when
[13-03:41] 7bbb7, Sorcha Lidil: *she giggles* oh really have you kissed many women in here? *she grins playfully still*
[13-03:43] 8a04c, AmirIkstchibaud: No.. no one here.. I don't think I've been around enough ::He rubbed his chin lightly::
[13-03:45] 7bbb7, Sorcha Lidil: *she brushes her hair behind her ear as she watches him* Then it might not work on them around here
[13-03:48] 8a04c, AmirIkstchibaud: But if they haven't kissed me, I don't know yet..
[13-03:49] 7bbb7, Sorcha Lidil: *she giggles shaking her head* exactly...oh we're confusing
[13-03:52] 8a04c, AmirIkstchibaud: The process of getting a kiss, and kissing a girl.. ::He shook his head quickly, laughing:: Vastly different.
[13-03:57] JOIN: AmirIkstchibaud has entered.
[13-03:58] 7bbb7, Sorcha Lidil: *she looks at him carefully* really? never kissed a girl wouldn't know*she giggles*
[13-04:03] 8a04c, AmirIkstchibaud: You've never kissed a girl? :: Look of mock-pity:: You poor dear, you're missing out..
[13-04:04] 7bbb7, Sorcha Lidil: *she giggles* im not into kissing rather kiss a guy...*she smiles and sips her wine*
[13-04:04] JOIN: Z has entered.
[13-04:05] 94c70, Z: Now that's an interesting post to walk in on
[13-04:06] 7bbb7, Sorcha Lidil: (hehehe)
[13-04:08] 94c70, Z: Hi and bye to you both though
[13-04:08] 94c70, Z: *hugs, poof*
[13-04:09] 7bbb7, Sorcha Lidil: (*waves*)
[13-04:09] 8a04c, AmirIkstchibaud: ( hehe hi/bye :oofed on:: )
[13-04:10] 8a04c, AmirIkstchibaud: ::He nodded lightly, pawing those peskt black strands away from his face in annoyance:: All well and good.
[13-04:12] 7bbb7, Sorcha Lidil: *she smiles at him watching him* well i always think its best to kiss someone you like no point if you don't...
[13-04:15] 8a04c, AmirIkstchibaud: No point what? ::He tore his caramel orbs away from the lingering strands, looking to her curiously::
[13-04:16] 7bbb7, Sorcha Lidil: *she shakes her head and looks away from him again* never mind im just ramberling
[13-04:20] 8a04c, AmirIkstchibaud: No, I just don't think I understood.. ::He leaned forward slightly, watching her expectantly:: No point in what?
[13-04:22] 7bbb7, Sorcha Lidil: *she looks at him* theres no point kissing someone if you don't like them is there, well thats what i think anyway. Its like showing feelings you don't have*her dark green eyes look into his caramel eyes wondering what he will say*
[13-04:29] 8a04c, AmirIkstchibaud: ::He smiled gently after watching her for a moment in silence.. unfolding his slender arms, he leaned forward and placed a soft, chaste kiss on her lips.. leaving behind a glossy residue flavored of vanilla and mint.. his voice quieted as he sat back in his chair:: I suppose you're right.
[13-04:33] 7bbb7, Sorcha Lidil: *The blush comes back with avengance her cheeks scarlet she doesn't know what to say she looks at him carefuly lost for words, her eyes search his as she is lost, she looks down silent shy shocked...*
[13-04:36] 8a04c, AmirIkstchibaud: ::He drew one foot up onto the lower rung of his barstool, leaning an arm on the counter as he glanced about the room quietly, briefly.. not wanting to push her reaction::
[13-04:40] 7bbb7, Sorcha Lidil: *She looks to him watching him and she slowly puts her hand on his which is on the bar* Amir...
[13-04:43] 8a04c, AmirIkstchibaud: Hmm? ::His hazel orbs shifted to her, the sunkissed colour of his skin accenting the golden flecks within his irises::
[13-04:46] 7bbb7, Sorcha Lidil: *she smiles again watching him carefully* do you think they way i do or did you just want a kiss*she grinned playfuly*
[13-04:48] 8a04c, AmirIkstchibaud: Even if I just wanted a kiss, I wouldn't say so because that seems shallow.. ::He grinned lightly, shaking his head slowly:: Just bein observant.
[13-04:50] 7bbb7, Sorcha Lidil: Observant? of what...i don't understand Amir.... i don't know if you just wanted to kiss me because of what i said or am i just being silly and over reading this or something
[13-04:53] 8a04c, AmirIkstchibaud: I don't think it really matters why I kissed you, Sorcha.. ::He glanced to her expectantly, smiling a bit:: Only that I did.
[13-04:56] 7bbb7, Sorcha Lidil: *she smiles at him and she slowly leans forward and kisses his lips softly returning the kiss and then she slowly sits back in her seat*
[13-05:02] 8a04c, AmirIkstchibaud: ::He glanced down briefly, smiling in turn.. even chuckling softly a moment before lifting his glance to her:: Thank you.
[13-05:05] 7bbb7, Sorcha Lidil: *she looks at him smiling* Your welcome...but i should be thanking you.
[13-05:07] 8a04c, AmirIkstchibaud: Nah.. ::He lifted a slender hand, smoothing back his blue and raven locks::
[13-05:10] 7bbb7, Sorcha Lidil: *she watches him not really sure of what to say then she slowly stands* I'll retire for the night unless you wish me to stay?
[13-05:12] 8a04c, AmirIkstchibaud: ::He glanced up at her, smiling gently:: I wouldn't want to keep you from your rest..
[13-05:15] 7bbb7, Sorcha Lidil: *she smiles and she stands in front of him for a moment smilingg* good night Amir. Sleep well.
[13-05:16] 8a04c, AmirIkstchibaud: Sweet dreams, Sorcha.. ::He took her hand gently, kissing its back softly before releasing his hold::
[13-05:19] 7bbb7, Sorcha Lidil: *she smiles and she gently brushes back some of his raven locks from his eyes before she slowly retires to her room*
[13-05:22] 8a04c, AmirIkstchibaud: ::He watched her disappear up the stairs, smiling faintly as he idly traced a slender finger over his upper lip..:: Hm.. ::Sliding from his seat he quietly slipped out the back door of the inn::
[13-05:23] 7bbb7, Sorcha Lidil: (nigh or morning)
[13-05:24] 7bbb7, Sorcha Lidil: (*waves and vanishes*)
[13-05:24] EXIT: Sorcha Lidil has left the chat ( 6:24am, March 13 (CST) ).
[13-05:28] EXIT: AmirIkstchibaud has left the chat ( 6:22am, March 13 (CST) ).
[13-08:25] JOIN: Illisse Brilthor has entered.
[13-09:04] JOIN: Illisse Brilthor has entered.
[13-09:07] JOIN: Oyrin Darkune has entered.
[13-09:07] 70eab, Oyrin Darkune : Oh yeah! *Flex*
[13-09:13] a1ff7, Illisse Brilthor : * the slender elf stretches awake*
[13-09:13] a1ff7, Illisse Brilthor : *looks at the morning sky and decides to go back to sleep as it is very wet outside*
[13-09:15] EXIT: Illisse Brilthor has left the chat ( 10:13am, March 13 (CST) ).
[13-10:34] JOIN: Illisse Brilthor has entered.
[13-10:35] b5529, Illisse Brilthor : all alone again
[13-10:36] EXIT: Illisse Brilthor has left the chat ( 11:35am, March 13 (CST) ).
[13-11:18] JOIN: O.R. has entered.
[13-11:19] c3506, Valin Darkguard: ((*Gets picture*))
[13-13:27] JOIN: Illisse Brilthor has entered.
[13-13:28] ea380, Illisse Brilthor : ((good grief I hope people will be here tonight this is lonely)
[13-13:28] EXIT: Illisse Brilthor has left the chat ( 2:28pm, March 13 (CST) ).
[13-14:57] JOIN: Illisse Brilthor has entered.
[13-14:58] c16a2, Illisse Brilthor : *shaking her head, the silver haired elf begins to wonder if there are actually others in this world or if she is all alone in some kind of nightmare*
[13-15:05] EXIT: Illisse Brilthor has left the chat ( 3:58pm, March 13 (CST) ).
[13-17:08] JOIN: Valandil Elladan has entered.
[13-17:29] EXIT: Valandil Elladan has left the chat ( 6:08pm, March 13 (CST) ).
[13-17:47] JOIN: Illisse Brilthor has entered.
[13-17:48] 04ec2, Illisse Brilthor : ((hey would you stand still for a minute please?))
[13-17:54] EXIT: Illisse Brilthor has left the chat ( 6:48pm, March 13 (CST) ).
[13-17:55] JOIN: Illisse Brilthor has entered.
[13-18:00] JOIN: Kroger Gravesend has entered.
[13-18:00] JOIN: Valandil Elladan has entered.
[13-18:00] fdcad, Kroger Gravesend: ((This hand of mine glows with an AWESOME POWER!!))
[13-18:01] fdcad, Kroger Gravesend: ((*sniffcough*))
[13-18:01] 04ec2, Illisse Brilthor : ((hi.Val))
[13-18:02] 125f3, Valandil Elladan : (( Hey Illisse, I can't stay long... LOTS of yard work to do... ugh... *groans at the thought of digging holes...*))
[13-18:02] fdcad, Kroger Gravesend: ((Jim... I'm getting a reading... there is a life form here.. 2..))
[13-18:02] 04ec2, Illisse Brilthor : ((thats ok. Can we talk later?))
[13-18:05] 125f3, Valandil Elladan : ((Yes, I think so...))
[13-18:05] 04ec2, Illisse Brilthor : ((*giggles at Kroger* Thank Goodness for that I was getting worried))
[13-18:06] 04ec2, Illisse Brilthor : (9when?))
[13-18:06] 125f3, Valandil Elladan : (( Talk later then... e-mail... internet is working better, but all better... so chat is still iffy...))
[13-18:07] 125f3, Valandil Elladan : (( Whoohoo! I've evolved into a life form?!?))
[13-18:07] 04ec2, Illisse Brilthor : ((ok Just delete most of those . Like I said it has been a bad day))
[13-18:08] 04ec2, Illisse Brilthor : ((doesn't want to know what he was before))
[13-18:08] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[13-18:09] 04ec2, Illisse Brilthor : ((hey Ive got to feed the kids I hope you are still here in a few.))
[13-18:09] fdcad, Kroger Gravesend: ((((be back later))))
[13-18:09] EXIT: Kroger Gravesend has left the chat ( 7:09pm, March 13 (CST) ).
[13-18:13] 125f3, Valandil Elladan : (( Ok... I'm sorry bout he bad day...))
[13-18:14] EXIT: Valandil Elladan has left the chat ( I will be back fo you, my love... ).
[13-18:14] 04ec2, Illisse Brilthor : ((brb i hope you are still here ))
[13-18:15] 04ec2, Illisse Brilthor : amin mela lle, melamin *smiles softly*
[13-18:45] JOIN: Illisse Brilthor has entered.
[13-19:01] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[13-19:01] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 8:01pm, March 13 (CST) ).
[13-19:02] JOIN: Illisse Brilthor has entered.
[13-19:17] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[13-19:20] JOIN: Valandil Elladan has entered.
[13-19:20] 125f3, Valandil Elladan :
[13-19:21] 125f3, Valandil Elladan : Dance Party!
[13-19:24] 125f3, Valandil Elladan :
[13-19:25] 125f3, Valandil Elladan : Whoa...
[13-19:25] 04ec2, Illisse Brilthor : you are a nut
[13-19:25] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[13-19:26] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 8:25pm, March 13 (CST) ).
[13-19:26] 04ec2, Illisse Brilthor : Hey I was about to tell you I would be back after 10 but are you here now?
[13-19:26] 125f3, Valandil Elladan : *Snickers* Hehehehe... Just figure that out? *kisses her* Well, at least I'm YOUR nut...
[13-19:26] JOIN: Lok has entered.
[13-19:27] 125f3, Valandil Elladan : For a couple of minutes...
[13-19:27] 21b83, Lok: ((hmmmm))
[13-19:27] 04ec2, Illisse Brilthor : what did you do to the screen? I know you did it
[13-19:28] 125f3, Valandil Elladan : I have NO idea...
[13-19:28] 21b83, Lok: ((he streched it becasue of the dance things))
[13-19:29] 04ec2, Illisse Brilthor : Z's gonna do you in.
[13-19:29] 125f3, Valandil Elladan :
[13-19:30] 125f3, Valandil Elladan : I didn't mean to! *pouts*
[13-19:30] 21b83, Lok: ((we just have to post until that goes away))
[13-19:30] 125f3, Valandil Elladan : there...
[13-19:31] 125f3, Valandil Elladan : better?
[13-19:31] 04ec2, Illisse Brilthor : Hey that is much better
[13-19:31] 125f3, Valandil Elladan : I AM THE FIX-IT MAN !!!!
[13-19:31] 21b83, Lok: ((yeah))
[13-19:32] 04ec2, Illisse Brilthor : Well.......
[13-19:32] 04ec2, Illisse Brilthor : you fixed me
[13-19:32] 125f3, Valandil Elladan : You wanted to talk to me, Illisse?
[13-19:32] 125f3, Valandil Elladan : Oh!
[13-19:33] MSG: Illisse Brilthor sent a message to Valandil Elladan.
[13-19:35] MSG: Valandil Elladan sent a message to Illisse Brilthor.
[13-19:39] 21b83, Lok: ((I wonder If I will be able to rp tongiht...))
[13-19:39] 125f3, Valandil Elladan : (( What time...? ))
[13-19:39] MSG: Illisse Brilthor sent a message to Valandil Elladan.
[13-19:40] 21b83, Lok: ((Hmm? talking to me? or to Illise still?))
[13-19:45] MSG: Valandil Elladan sent a message to Illisse Brilthor.
[13-19:45] 125f3, Valandil Elladan : (( Stupid gargoyle.... I was talking to you...))
[13-19:46] 04ec2, Illisse Brilthor : amin mela lle, melamin. diola lle
[13-19:47] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[13-19:47] 125f3, Valandil Elladan : Lle creoso, melamin. I hope all goes well...
[13-19:47] EXIT: Valandil Elladan has left the chat ( 8:47pm, March 13 (CST) ).
[13-19:48] 21b83, Lok: ((dumb elf. I wasn't sure if you were saying that inresponse to Illisse. Anyway any time pretty much))
[13-19:50] 04ec2, Illisse Brilthor : ((he better not call me a stupid gargoyle)
[13-19:51] 21b83, Lok: ((ehehheheehheh))
[13-19:54] 04ec2, Illisse Brilthor : *sits in the cornor crying* God Val, I didn't mean to hurt you.
[13-19:56] 21b83, Lok: ((*looks around wildly*))
[13-19:57] 04ec2, Illisse Brilthor : ((I'm sorry Lok, I said something to him that made him run. I hope he comes back to rp with you. He probably won't talk to me again))
[13-20:01] 21b83, Lok: ((not meaning to prybut....what did you say?
[13-20:02] MSG: Illisse Brilthor sent a message to Lok.
[13-20:04] MSG: Lok sent a message to Illisse Brilthor.
[13-20:07] MSG: Illisse Brilthor sent a message to Lok.
[13-20:08] JOIN: AdrianGoldenmoon has entered.
[13-20:10] MSG: Illisse Brilthor sent a message to Adriangoldenmoon.
[13-20:10] MSG: AdrianGoldenmoon sent a message to Illisse Brilthor.
[13-20:11] JOIN: Jagged Farrell has entered.
[13-20:11] f20b1, Jagged Farrell: ((its so quiet))
[13-20:12] MSG: Lok sent a message to Illisse Brilthor.
[13-20:13] MSG: Illisse Brilthor sent a message to Adriangoldenmoon.
[13-20:13] JOIN: Cookie Monster has entered.
[13-20:13] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 9:11pm, March 13 (CST) ).
[13-20:13] 21b83, Lok: ((it isn't it))
[13-20:13] MSG: Cookie Monster sent a message to Cookie Monster.
[13-20:13] JOIN: Jagged Farrell has entered.
[13-20:13] f20b1, Jagged Farrell: ((*sniffs*))
[13-20:13] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 9:13pm, March 13 (CST) ).
[13-20:14] JOIN: Jagged Farrell has entered.
[13-20:14] 21b83, Lok: ((hey monster whats up?))
[13-20:14] MSG: AdrianGoldenmoon sent a message to Illisse Brilthor.
[13-20:14] f20b1, Jagged Farrell : ((ahh better))
[13-20:14] MSG: AdrianGoldenmoon sent a message to Cookie Monster.
[13-20:14] 5d609, Cookie Monster: ((nuttin much
[13-20:15] 04ec2, Illisse Brilthor : ((be careful Lok I still have cookie in my hair))
[13-20:16] MSG: Illisse Brilthor sent a message to Adriangoldenmoon.
[13-20:17] 5d609, Cookie Monster: *devours Illise's hair*
[13-20:17] 21b83, Lok: ((. Ahh. amy body have rpabilty tonight?))
[13-20:17] f20b1, Jagged Farrell :
[13-20:17] 04ec2, Illisse Brilthor : now I have to wash it again geez. I am going thru the shampoo
[13-20:18] MSG: AdrianGoldenmoon sent a message to Illisse Brilthor.
[13-20:18] 8a04c, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( I do.. but I'm not gonna at the moment.. )
[13-20:18] c7147, Meg Alayas : *exits the portal into , just behind Trendlekims.*
[13-20:19] 21b83, Lok: *a grou[ of human men and women are piling up orcen corpses far from th camp after a viscous fight*
[13-20:21] c7147, Meg Alayas : *today she sports raven black hair and pale skin with lavender eyes. She wears a blue dress and has her otherworldy beauty magically diminished to appear just an attractive human*
[13-20:22] 5d609, Skarling Ironhand : *sits in the corner of Trendlekims, talking with a few other warriors*
[13-20:22] MSG: Illisse Brilthor sent a message to Adriangoldenmoon.
[13-20:23] f20b1, Jagged Farrell : *slips silently into Trendlekims, his dark grey eyes searching across the room swiftly before venturing forward*
[13-20:26] c7147, Meg Alayas : *enters Trendlekims through the back door. She drifts to a table near the corner stage*
[13-20:26] MSG: AdrianGoldenmoon sent a message to Illisse Brilthor.
[13-20:26] 8a04c, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( ::watches Ferrell's eyes venture..:: )
[13-20:27] f20b1, Jagged Farrell : ((*chuckles*))
[13-20:27] f20b1, Jagged Farrell : *he grits his teeth silently as he moves through various tables and chairs, stepping up to the bar before sliding into a seat*
[13-20:29] 5d609, Skarling Ironhand : *turns his eyes to casualy obsserve the new patrons, taking in their look and guessing at their lifestyle*
[13-20:30] 21b83, Lok: *lok over sees the disposal of the bodies. There was alot of them. Several humans had been injured but none killed*
[13-20:32] c7147, Meg Alayas : *her garb is simple, but neat, middle class one might guess. She also looks around the tavern to see what characters are about*
[13-20:33] MSG: Illisse Brilthor sent a message to Adriangoldenmoon.
[13-20:34] 04ec2, Illisse Brilthor : ((Adrian, I will be back after 10 cst hopefully things will have changed ))
[13-20:34] 8a04c, AdrianGoldenmoon : ::The heels of his boots knocked softly against the wooden stairs that led to the Inn's rooms as he descended, smoothing his silver locks away from his pale face, binding them together with a thin black ribbon.. his emerald orbs flickered briefly over the crowd as he crept to an empty table to sit, adjusting the cuffs of his sleeves absent-mindedly.. his tongue passing briefly along his cupid's bow-shape dlips to moisten them::
[13-20:34] MSG: AdrianGoldenmoon sent a message to Illisse Brilthor.
[13-20:36] JOIN: Mariasha has entered.
[13-20:36] f20b1, Jagged Farrell : ((emerald orbs.... hmm))
[13-20:36] JOIN: Mariasha has entered.
[13-20:37] f20b1, Jagged Farrell : *he raises his arm smoothly, adjusting one of the straps that holds the black leather armor to his form, his tounge flicking across a slightly sharpened insisor absently as the bar wench presents herself before him* Ale...
[13-20:37] EXIT: Illisse Brilthor has left the chat ( 9:34pm, March 13 (CST) ).
[13-20:38] 5d609, Skarling Ironhand : *Skarling is a storngly built man dressed in very finely made clothing, which contrasts with his equaly well built but less well dressed drinking partners*
[13-20:38] d2be5, Mariasha : *all but tackles Dri the moment he see's him, ahving been sneakily sitting in the Inn without noone knowing, and noticing him come down the stairs, yes*
[13-20:40] c7147, Meg Alayas : *she waves a buxom tavern maid over to her to order a drink, not that she notices the appearance of the barmaid, but they're all a bunch of cuties at Trendlekim's.* A Shimmer Cloud please. *in a soft lilting voice, almost tinkling and chimey, yet smooth at the same time*
[13-20:40] f20b1, Jagged Farrell : *he looks quickly over his shoulder to Mariasha, his eyes sharpening spectacularly, a lethal edge glinting beneath its sheen*
[13-20:40] 21b83, Lok: ((later all))
[13-20:40] EXIT: Lok has left the chat ( 9:40pm, March 13 (CST) ).
[13-20:42] 8a04c, AdrianGoldenmoon : :: His thin brows rose slightly in alarm at Mari's sudden presence, instinctively leaning away from him for a moment.. until his expression twinged into vague annoyance:: Are you trying to give me a heart attack?! Goddess.. ::A slender porcelain-white hand gestured vaguely to the seat across from him:: Join me, please, but don't do that..
[13-20:44] d2be5, Mariasha : I sit in you lap, like lover do?
[13-20:45] c7147, Meg Alayas : *smirks at Mari and Dri. Gives Jagged a wary look. Fae and Drow aren't exactly in good with one another, afterall*
[13-20:46] d2be5, Mariasha : *suuuure, looks Drow and all, but thats just cause his daddy were drow*
[13-20:46] d2be5, Mariasha : *heh*
[13-20:47] 8a04c, AdrianGoldenmoon : :: He blinked, staring at him a moment, although he shouldn't really have been surprised at the question.. withdrawing his poised hand, he nodded wordlessly::
[13-20:48] c7147, Meg Alayas : *receives her drink and lightly blows off the shimmering cloud of vapor that gives it its name before taking a sip*
[13-20:48] d2be5, Mariasha : *clambers into Dri's lap and hugs him tightly* Where you be? I miss you.
[13-20:51] f20b1, Jagged Farrell : *tilts his head to the side his hand moving to within Mariashas view, quickly signaling in the secret drow "finger code" language, something she should know if she was raised by any form of drow culture* ~what the hell are you doing!~
[13-20:52] 8a04c, AdrianGoldenmoon : :: It was time like these the halfling reminded him of a little monkey.. still.. they had apparently been friends before, whether he recalled or not.. he touched one slim hand to the creature's back, smiling slightly:: I've been here mostly.. I did leave for a week, but I've been here recently..
[13-20:53] f20b1, Jagged Farrell : ((I ment he, not she))
[13-20:55] d2be5, Mariasha : *blinks at Jagged...... then at Dri* I miss you. You gone too long... I kiss you? *said with a pleading look*
[13-20:56] f20b1, Jagged Farrell : *smirks slightly, hes no fool, but he'll take care of him soon enough, turning to his drink, raising it to his lips for a sip*
[13-20:58] c7147, Meg Alayas : *On the stage the musicians come from somewhere behind the curtain and begin to play a fast beat Italian like tune with the clapping and clicking sounds the make many want to get up and dance*
[13-21:00] 94c70, Z: *points at Meg and gasps*
[13-21:00] 8a04c, AdrianGoldenmoon : ::He chuckled softly, a smirk tugging at the corners of his mouth:: You've been gone too.. it's not just my fault.. :: Touching his fingertips to Mari's jawline, he leaned in and guided the other's face towards him, brushing his soft lips across Mari's::
[13-21:01] d2be5, Mariasha : *wants to dance with dri, just not the kind of dancing done in a crowded room (*giggles*)*
[13-21:02] c7147, Meg Alayas : ((hehe. I'm an imposter. It's not really Meg. *shifty eyes*))
[13-21:02] f20b1, Jagged Farrell : ((great, so now we have kissing guys....))
[13-21:03] 8a04c, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( Not the first time )
[13-21:04] c7147, Meg Alayas : ((*adjusts her kimono and continues to RP*))
[13-21:04] f20b1, Jagged Farrell : ((Eh, Ill take care of it))
[13-21:04] d2be5, Mariasha : *blinks, was expecting a no.. springs on him, wrappin arms about Dri's head... dun care about soft and romantic, he just wants long, deep and messy :-P*
[13-21:04] c7147, Mab: *sighs*
[13-21:05] 5d609, Skarling Ironhand : ((*points* Its the mab! *tackle hugs!*))
[13-21:05] 5d609, Skarling Ironhand : ((*points* Its the mab! *tackle hugs!*))
[13-21:05] d2be5, Mariasha : (arg...... um..... *eyes that 'long deep and messy''*.. dont go thinking too deeply on that >.< |)
[13-21:06] c7147, Mab: Gah! *tackle hugged* Hi!
[13-21:06] EXIT: Mariasha has left the chat ( 10:05pm, March 13 (CST) ).
[13-21:06] f20b1, Jagged Farrell : *sneers slightly, looking fully to his drink, Meg catching the corner of his eye, out of habbit he guestimates aproximatly how many steps it would take to get close enough to slide his dagger into her rib cage... than mentally chides himself for the act, pushing it out of his mind*
[13-21:06] JOIN: Mariasha has entered.
[13-21:07] MSG: Jerren Skulldeep sent a message to Mab.
[13-21:08] c7147, Meg Alayas : *eyes narrow at Jagged, almost as though she could read his mind, not saying she can. She has certainly been around long enough to read people though. She is ancient*
[13-21:09] MSG: Mab sent a message to Jerren Skulldeep.
[13-21:09] 8a04c, AdrianGoldenmoon : :: Usually would have declined, but since bard's work isn't really bringing him the money he needs, he's pursuing other employment... he gently pulled Mari's arms down at least to his neck, feeling a bit suffocated around his head..::
[13-21:10] MSG: Jerren Skulldeep sent a message to Mab.
[13-21:10] f20b1, Jagged Farrell : *shakes his head, finishing the Ale as he stands to his feet, slowly turning towards the door, catching eye contact with Meg, almost forcing that peircing ripping quality of his gaze on her before walking off towards the door*
[13-21:11] 5ac7c, Mariasha : *happily obliges, so long as he still gets to kiss his so often stalked Dri*
[13-21:13] c7147, Mab: *watches Jagged depart cautiously and then takes another sip of her drink*
[13-21:13] 8a04c, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( as squirrel would say.. yoink! ^^ )
[13-21:14] MSG: Mab sent a message to Jerren Skulldeep.
[13-21:14] c7147, Meg Alayas : *watches Jagged depart cautiously and then takes another sip of her drink*
[13-21:14] 5ac7c, Mariasha : (thats what snake says on the simpsons )
[13-21:15] EXIT: Jagged Farrell has left the chat ( 10:10pm, March 13 (CST) ).
[13-21:15] MSG: Jerren Skulldeep sent a message to Mab.
[13-21:16] 8a04c, AdrianGoldenmoon : :: He gently broke the kiss, turning his face towards his shoulder, but his tiger-like eyes remained on Mariasha:: So where have you been? It seems after that night wit you and Kroger, you went missing..
[13-21:18] 5ac7c, Mariasha : *despite him turning his face, continues kissing on Dri's cheek, like nothing chnaged, until he talks, then he sits back, blinking* Me?... I just sort of... ran off. I got held up somewhere *nods (yeah, that works ^^)*
[13-21:19] 8a04c, AdrianGoldenmoon : 'Held up'? ::A slim brow rose curiously, although he was a bit puzzled, not very familair with common phrases like that..:: How is that?
[13-21:20] 5ac7c, Mariasha : Not see trap, step in rope, fwoosh *sound effects ^^* Held up by ankle from branch
[13-21:23] 8a04c, AdrianGoldenmoon : Oh.. I see.. :: A grin settled onto his pale lips, not really wanting to laugh at the other's misfortune, but the image was definitely an easy one to picture..:: Sounds interesting.
[13-21:24] MSG: Jerren Skulldeep sent a message to Mab.
[13-21:24] 5ac7c, Mariasha : *nod* Injured ankle. Come to you, so you can make better.
[13-21:25] MSG: Mab sent a message to Jerren Skulldeep.
[13-21:25] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[13-21:25] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 10:25pm, March 13 (CST) ).
[13-21:26] 8a04c, AdrianGoldenmoon : But I'm not a healer.. I have no magical abilities, or any herbal remedies..
[13-21:27] c7147, Meg Alayas : *and she departs the Tavern after finishing her drink and steps up to the portal, placing her key.* Know the right channels. Where fae do light the way. *and she steps through to return to the kingdom of the fae.*
[13-21:27] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep: *a goblin riding a boar enters into what's considered Fairy lands, making a bee line for the Fairy Wall*
[13-21:28] 5ac7c, Mariasha : Not make ankle better, cure mind and soul with physical action *wink*
[13-21:28] c7147, Mab Fairy Queen : *at the wall are pixies and tree ents patrolling, although the ents are much more greatly spaced apart*
[13-21:29] c7147, Pesky Pixie : *sits on a vine, between the spikes, looking out one of the several little openings only big enough for a pesky pixie to move through and sees the goblin approaching*
[13-21:30] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep: *the goblin rides up to it, headless of any danger that would be present in coming up to one of the more mysterious and highly magical places of Bettenchi* HEELLLOOOOO!!!
[13-21:32] 8a04c, AdrianGoldenmoon : Ah.. well that's different... :: Once more a slender brow rose, his expression a mixture of curiousity and skepticality:: But there is a price as with any other kind of healer.. I'd be happy to help you in that case.
[13-21:33] 5ac7c, Mariasha : *blinks*..... since when I have to pay?
[13-21:34] c7147, Pesky Pixie : *He makes a shrill sound that sounds like a cross between a hiss, and wail, and a evil chuckle, with an echoing quality to it, a very unnerving sound*
[13-21:34] JOIN: Squirrel has entered.
[13-21:35] 142e9, Squirrel : *Mans AA gun, aims at pixie*
[13-21:35] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep: *is not the least bit afraid, despite having every right to do so* AMMMM SAAAAAYYIIINGGg HEEEELLOOOOO!!! WAATINGING TO SPEAK WITH FAIRIES!
[13-21:36] 8a04c, AdrianGoldenmoon : Since when have you ever been receiving my services? :: He wouldn't remember that long ago now, courtesy of Muna..:: Tough times for a bard.. just doesn't cut it anymore, y'know?
[13-21:36] 8a04c, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( brb in 30 to an hr.. )
[13-21:37] c7147, Pesky Pixie : BREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEDEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!! *in that same kind of shrill unnerving way as he flies straight at Jerren, down from his perch on the wall, with thorns for weapons held tightly in each hand*
[13-21:38] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep: ((its a goblin representative rather than Jerren himself... I can switch to "Goblin Messenger" if that will help to avoid confusion?
[13-21:39] c7147, Pesky Pixie : *okay, flies straight at the representative then*
[13-21:40] NICK: Jerren Skulldeep changed nick to Goblin Messenger.
[13-21:41] 5d609, Goblin Messenger: *looks up and doesn't move his hands to defend himself, indeed, the goblin is actualy smiling* AH! YOU THERE!
[13-21:42] c7147, Pesky Pixie : GRRRRAAAAAHHHHH!!! *is a little bit TOO vigorous with his job and is taking a little TOO much anitiative. Goes to scratch the messenger's face with his spikey thorns*
[13-21:42] c7147, Pesky Pixie : anitiative = initiative
[13-21:44] JOIN: Goblin Messenger has entered.
[13-21:46] 5d609, Goblin Messenger: *little bits of blood falls from the Goblins head but he giggles uproarously* AhahahaAAAAAA! Am Gishgar Mazdak! Am INVINCABLE!
[13-21:51] c7147, Pesky Pixie : *Pixies don't say much, but they can talk, if they really want to, but it's usually one or two words, if that. Rare is the pixie who says a whole sentence, although pixie scholars do exist, rare as they are. Most are just simple* Business state! State business! *hisses as he swoops around Gishgar's head in dizzying circles*
[13-21:54] 5d609, Goblin Messenger: Message! Got message for Queen of Fairies!
[13-21:56] c7147, Pesky Pixie : Message? *said suspiciously in a drawn out way as he continues to circle in confusing ways*
[13-21:56] 5d609, Goblin Messenger: Message! Message for Queen of Fairies from Jarra, Goblin King!
[13-21:58] c7147, Pesky Pixie : MEEESSAAAGE MEEEESSAAAGE!!! *he abruptly flies toward the wall and his little tiny entrance tunnel through it, zipping through to the other side* MEEESSSAAAGEE!!
[13-22:00] 5d609, Goblin Messenger: *watches as it flys away*
[13-22:02] JOIN: Illisse Brilthor has entered.
[13-22:05] c7147, Mab Fairy Queen : *a little later an ent is seen peeking his huge tree like head over the top of the wall, high above* Who goooees there? *in that hoarse, slow ent way*
[13-22:07] 5d609, Goblin Messenger: Am Gishgar Mazdak of Cobbler tribe and Mindspeaker for Jerren Skulldeep!
[13-22:13] c7147, Mab Fairy Queen : Whaaat praay tell is a miind speaker? *his voice is soo drab it would render a man unconscious, well, not literally*
[13-22:14] 5d609, Goblin Messenger: Goblin King mind speak to mindspeaker, mindspeaker speak to those not can mind speak with goblin king
[13-22:15] 5d609, Goblin Messenger: NOW LET IS SO CAN SPEAK AT QUEEN!
[13-22:16] 94c70, Z: *thinks goblin is very confusing*
[13-22:16] 5d609, Goblin Messenger: ((Is=In))
[13-22:16] 5d609, Goblin Messenger: ((they make more sense in their own tongue... and this one is just insane))
[13-22:16] MSG: Z sent a message to Mab.
[13-22:16] 94c70, Z: Yeah, but cookie, you give me the urge to speak like Yoda.
[13-22:16] 142e9, Squirrel : zzzz
[13-22:17] 5d609, Goblin Messenger: ((Yoda's got a nice calm voice. This is yelling wildly like the goblins in Warcraft))
[13-22:18] c7147, Mab Fairy Queen : Hrrmmmm, very well, I will inform her majesty. *his great head slowly lowers out of sight and he is heard tromping away toward the mountains. It is a long time that the Goblin Messenger has to wait, but for the sake of RP, he eventually returns, maybe several hours later, and peeks again over the top of the wall* She says she will see you.
[13-22:18] 142e9, Squirrel : No! Make him wait!
[13-22:19] MSG: Mab sent a message to Z.
[13-22:19] 5d609, Goblin Messenger: *looks up at the Ent, dropping his food and jumps about a bit, like a six year old ADD child on twenty pixy sticks and three cups of coffee* FIIIIIINNNAAALLY!!! Treething take long time! *looks about* Where get in?
[13-22:21] c7147, Mab Fairy Queen : You gets in therrrrrrrrrrre. *points down at the wall that looks the same impenatrable like as ever*
[13-22:21] 94c70, Z: I mean the messed up speech Cookie
[13-22:22] 5d609, Goblin Messenger: *hops on his boar and rides right at the wall, regardless of any pointy needles. The goblin doesn't seem to worry too much and the boar just takes its cue from its rider*
[13-22:23] 5d609, Goblin Messenger: (())
[13-22:28] c7147, Mab Fairy Queen : *Luckily for the impatient goblin, the vines start to writhe and move so that he will likely get scratches greatly for his impatience if he continues to ride right at the wall too quickly, before the wall can open*
[13-22:31] JOIN: Illisse Brilthor has entered.
[13-22:32] 8a04c, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( okay )
[13-22:33] 5ac7c, Mariasha : *raises a brow... yeah, his turn* You never make me pay before. I thought you love me...
[13-22:33] MSG: Illisse Brilthor sent a message to Adriangoldenmoon.
[13-22:33] 5d609, Goblin Messenger: *slows down a little, but still gets lots of scratches. He doesn't seem to mind though and follows it to the eventual opening*
[13-22:34] MSG: AdrianGoldenmoon sent a message to Illisse Brilthor.
[13-22:37] MSG: Illisse Brilthor sent a message to Adriangoldenmoon.
[13-22:38] 8a04c, AdrianGoldenmoon : I don't remember you before that time you and Kroger spoke to me shortly after my return to the city.. ::He eyed the hallf-drow warily..:: As for love.. well.. if there was one I could be in love with, I might not be working this kind of occupation..
[13-22:38] c7147, Mab Fairy Queen : *and the wall opens all the way eventually, but by the time the goblin is halfway through the tunnel created, the place he entered is almost closed again as the opening other side is almost opened. So for a bit, the goblin might fear he's going to be encased in the wall. hehe. But it does open on the other end for him to enter the kingdom of the fae*
[13-22:38] MSG: AdrianGoldenmoon sent a message to Illisse Brilthor.
[13-22:39] 5d609, Goblin Messenger: *looks about his new surroundings and marches his boar foreward, as if he owned the place*
[13-22:40] MSG: Illisse Brilthor sent a message to Adriangoldenmoon.
[13-22:40] MSG: AdrianGoldenmoon sent a message to Illisse Brilthor.
[13-22:41] 5ac7c, Mariasha : You not always do this, only recently
[13-22:41] 8a04c, AdrianGoldenmoon : Not always do what?
[13-22:41] MSG: Illisse Brilthor sent a message to Adriangoldenmoon.
[13-22:42] c7147, Mab Fairy Queen : *the ent says in his slow way* Riight this waaay. * and marches slowly toward the lofty mountain peaks. He may watch slow, but his size causes him to cover a lot of ground fast and the goblin might find it difficult to keep up*
[13-22:43] 5ac7c, Mariasha : Try and sell yourself. You used to lvoe me, give me free. Now you come back, try make me pay?
[13-22:43] MSG: AdrianGoldenmoon sent a message to Illisse Brilthor.
[13-22:43] 5d609, Goblin Messenger: *kicks the boar into a trot and keeps up with the ent moderately well*
[13-22:45] MSG: Illisse Brilthor sent a message to Adriangoldenmoon.
[13-22:45] 8a04c, AdrianGoldenmoon : I've always been.. :ause..:: available.. to the public. But now I need the money.. ::He shook his head lightly, turning his face to Mari:: And I told you, I don't remember you.. I have never loved anyone.
[13-22:47] c7147, Mab Fairy Queen : *eventually, the ent leads him to a cave opening that appears dark and sinister and ominous, with spikey down jagged rocks around the opening, etc*
[13-22:48] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[13-22:48] 5d609, Goblin Messenger: What this place?
[13-22:51] c7147, Mab Fairy Queen : In there is the queen you seek. *points into the dark, dark cave*
[13-22:52] 5ac7c, Mariasha : ...... you don't seem to remember alot........ why you cant accept you love me but not remember? you not remember other guy *yeah, had him in a bottle but, pfft, isnt gunna remmeber him no more*
[13-22:53] 5d609, Goblin Messenger: *walks up to the cave's mouth* HELLO QUEEN!
[13-22:55] 8a04c, AdrianGoldenmoon : I may not remember people.. but I still know my feelings. I would know it if I truly loved someone, I would feel it pulling at my soul. Even if I had forgotten them, I would remember witht hat feeling, I could trust it.
[13-22:56] c7147, Mab Fairy Queen : *the ent tromps away to leave the goblin to his own devices. Silence answers the goblin from the cave mouth*
[13-22:57] 5ac7c, Mariasha : .... *suddenly seems really sad like* Then why do you not remember me? You should, you loved me.
[13-22:58] 5d609, Goblin Messenger: *walks into the cave, looking about*
[13-23:00] c7147, Mab Fairy Queen : *the cave is pitch black and turns into a tunnel for a goodly ways into the mountainside*
[13-23:00] 8a04c, AdrianGoldenmoon : I'm sorry that I don't remember if I ever knew you.. but I would know if I had ever loved you--,.. ::He would have said the other's name, but he drew a blank.. having only been introduced once by Kroger, and not seeing the halfling since..:: Perhaps you thought I did, but I know my own heart.
[13-23:03] 5d609, Goblin Messenger: *walks on bravely, occasionaly calling out to the queen*
[13-23:05] 5ac7c, Mariasha : ... Perhaps *wipes an eye with his hand* you misled me
[13-23:06] 8a04c, AdrianGoldenmoon : Now, or then? ::He slipped his other arm around Mari, bright green hues watching him patiently..::
[13-23:06] c7147, Mab Fairy Queen : *Suddenly the halls light up and reveal not rough huin (spell?) walls of rock, but crystaline walls sparkling and iridescent and everything gets rather bright very quickly, all white and lit. Sitting at a crystal like table on a crystal like stool is Mab and she looks over at the goblin* You have a message for me?
[13-23:07] 5ac7c, Mariasha : Then *sniffles*
[13-23:08] MSG: Mab Fairy Queen sent a message to Jerren Skulldeep.
[13-23:08] NICK: Goblin Messenger changed nick to Jerren Skulldeep.
[13-23:09] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep: .
[13-23:09] NICK: Jerren Skulldeep changed nick to Goblin Messenger.
[13-23:09] 5d609, Goblin Messenger: You Fairy Queen? *it might be obvious to a human, but this is a Goblin, to which things must be made certain*
[13-23:11] c7147, Mab Fairy Queen : That I am. *She is pure white, without color, her eyes silver and skin w/o pigment, hair like white glass and wings clear and iridescent*
[13-23:13] 5d609, Goblin Messenger: Is good! *the goblin rolls back its eyes and staggers for a moment, a little to the left a little to the right, then suddenly straightens up and jumps about* AAAAGGGHHH!!! HEE'sssSSS IN MY HEAD HE'S IN MY... yes? No yelling? *looks sullen, talking to somebody* What mean not speak words? *waits a moment* ooooohhh... *looks the queen again* Jerren Skulldeep say greetings!
[13-23:14] 8a04c, AdrianGoldenmoon : My apologies... I cannot change what I have already done.
[13-23:14] c7147, Mab Fairy Queen : I see. Greetings. What is the message you bring?
[13-23:15] c7147, Mab Fairy Queen : *seems unmoved by his antics*
[13-23:15] 5ac7c, Mariasha : You could love me now?
[13-23:16] 5d609, Goblin Messenger: Not know. *rolls back eyes again for a moment* Ah, yes! Jerren Skulldeep, King of Kingdom of Goblins say wish make treaty with Queen of Faries.
[13-23:19] c7147, Mab Fairy Queen : Treaty? What events would bring on this desire for a treaty?
[13-23:21] 8a04c, AdrianGoldenmoon : My heart belongs to no one.. ::He shook his head slowly..gesturing vaguely between them:: That's not what this is about
[13-23:21] 5d609, Goblin Messenger: Uhh... *rolls back eyes some more, waits a while this time then looks to Mab* Orcs and bad magic men destroy Krondor. Now they attacking Goblins and Dark Forest. Need gather all of races to stomp orcs
[13-23:22] 5ac7c, Mariasha : I want you mine. You love me, you not have work. I let you retire. I make money for you, you live like a king
[13-23:23] c7147, Mab Fairy Queen : I see. *Knew about Krondor and guessed as much* What would be the conditions of this treaty....and the expectations?
[13-23:26] 5d609, Goblin Messenger: One: That Fairies help fight orcs, stand beside goblins and work togather. Two: That goblins open Dark Forest to Fairies Three: that Fairies help in finding more to fight orcs, as orcs not able to be destroyed with only Goblins and kingdoms alone. Four: Goblins and Faries try and make new work togather past when war is over.
[13-23:27] c7147, Mab Fairy Queen : *gets the gist.* Sounds intriguing. I will think about it and send a representative to your people with my answer soon.
[13-23:29] 5d609, Goblin Messenger: *grins widely, almost from ear to ear as isn't confined by human facial structure* And not try and destroy Gishgar?
[13-23:31] c7147, Mab Fairy Queen : *smirks* I wouldn't dream of it.
[13-23:33] 8a04c, AdrianGoldenmoon : I don't need to live like a king.. ::He smiled lightly.. there was more than just one reason taken into account for his change..:: I appreciate the offer though
[13-23:33] JOIN: Jagged Farrell has entered.
[13-23:33] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[13-23:34] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 12:33am, March 14 (CST) ).
[13-23:34] f20b1, Jagged Farrell : ((hmm...))
[13-23:34] 5d609, Goblin Messenger: *dances back and forth* Even gooder! *suddenly presses his figners to his temples and closes his eyes realy hard. Then opens them again* Is good! Jerren say he await!
[13-23:34] 5ac7c, Mariasha : Please?! *wraps his arms about Dri again, clinging onto him* Just love me, please
[13-23:36] c7147, Mab Fairy Queen : Very well. Send him my best wishes. *smiles lightly*
[13-23:37] 5d609, Goblin Messenger: *squints again then nods* Hey say troops better than wishes, but thanks
[13-23:39] f20b1, Jagged Farrell : *sits crouched upon the roof of Trendlekins, spinning a blade smoothly between his fingertips as he looks upwards to the moon*
[13-23:39] 8a04c, AdrianGoldenmoon : :: He blinked at him.. beginning to get a little confused.:: Love you how?
[13-23:40] c7147, Mab Fairy Queen : *chuckles* He'll be hearing from me shortly.
[13-23:40] 5ac7c, Mariasha : I not mind you work, not mind you with others, just want you love me like I love you *meaning... physically and spiritual/mental-ly...... msotly physicaly though *
[13-23:43] 8a04c, AdrianGoldenmoon : :: Isn't always sure with Mariasha-speak what words can mean..:: I can't give my heart to anyone..
[13-23:44] f20b1, Jagged Farrell : *with a flick of his wrist he tosses the dagger downwards, catching it neatly in the sheath at his boot as he stands*
[13-23:45] 5ac7c, Mariasha : .... why no?
[13-23:48] 5d609, Goblin Messenger: *with that the goblin bows, almost putting his face to the ground and scampers off up the cave*
[13-23:49] c7147, Mab Fairy Queen : *watches as he departs. An ent would be at the mouth of the cave to escort him back to the wall, which would open again for him in like manner, closing behind him and all that* *GONE*
[13-23:49] JOIN: Rav has entered.
[13-23:49] f20b1, Jagged Farrell : *drops his shoulders, lowering his form before leaping to the ground without the slightest of noises*
[13-23:51] d17fb, Rav : Hey all
[13-23:51] f20b1, Jagged Farrell : ((damn it, was kinda wantin a fight tonight))
[13-23:52] c7147, Mab Fairy Queen : ((Hey Rav. Night Night everybody))
[13-23:53] EXIT: Mab Fairy Queen has left the chat ( 12:52am, March 14 (CST) ).
[13-23:53] b244e, Illisse Brilthor : ((Hey Rav))
[13-23:53] 8a04c, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( hello g.o.d. )
[13-23:54] 5ac7c, Mariasha : (Are you there god? it's me, Mar-iasha)
[13-23:54] 8a04c, AdrianGoldenmoon : ::He shook his head lightly.. very businesslike in his tone..:: I can't offer both. It wouldn't be wise.
[13-23:55] JOIN: Z has entered.
[13-23:55] d17fb, Rav : *ponders ICness.*
[13-23:56] d17fb, Rav : *pounces Z*
[13-23:56] f20b1, Jagged Farrell : *his feed pad softly against the ground as he enters trendlekins, his jaw set firmly*
[13-23:56] b244e, Illisse Brilthor : ((hey, at least it isn't as bad as last nite))
[13-23:57] 5ac7c, Mariasha : I do not mind you work.
[13-23:59] d17fb, Talis : *He steps into Trendlekin's Inn useing the back entrance takeing a seat at the bar. He smiles at one of the barmaids as she walks up to him to take his order. He orders abit of food and drink then turns to watch the rest of the Inn.*
[13-23:59] 8a04c, AdrianGoldenmoon : I know that.. but I couldn't.. and I don't know how to explain it to you, but just know that I cannot.
[14-00:00] d17fb, Rav : Hey Illisse is your pic not working again?
[14-00:00] f20b1, Jagged Farrell : *his fingers drop to a pouch at his belt, pulling a few coins out and flipping them to a bar wench* Anything strong would sufice...
[14-00:00] 5ac7c, Mariasha : ..... *burries his face in Dri's chest*
[14-00:01] b244e, Illisse Brilthor : ((went poof. didn't fix it tonight. Just wasn't in the mood. ))
[14-00:02] d17fb, Rav : ok, just wondering.
[14-00:03] 8a04c, AdrianGoldenmoon : ::He sighed softly, briefly peering about the tavern at the other patrons::
[14-00:03] b244e, Illisse Brilthor : ((actually I am just being lazy. Took a nice girly day off))
[14-00:04] d17fb, Talis : *Looking around the room his eyes stop on Farrell. Looking the man over for just a second then turning back to the bar. The maid brings him hsi meal as he slides some coins to her.*
[14-00:04] f20b1, Jagged Farrell : ((You think youre being lazy? psshht, you cant hope to match my level of laziness for the next three weeks))
[14-00:04] f20b1, Jagged Farrell : ((I just got back from overseas, I aint doing shizzelbingers on leave))
[14-00:04] d17fb, Rav : Thats cool.
[14-00:04] 8a04c, AdrianGoldenmoon : :: Was kinda wondering what happened to that cute little elf that doofy Prince was hanging all over the other night ::
[14-00:05] b244e, Illisse Brilthor : she had her hair and nails done
[14-00:06] f20b1, Jagged Farrell : ((I um... flew home, got a cinnabon, and played cards with my brother))
[14-00:06] 5ac7c, Mariasha : *clings to him tightly* Love me one night? ( )
[14-00:07] b244e, Illisse Brilthor : ((ooc I don't know how the goats will like the french tips when it comes to milking itme LOL))
[14-00:07] d17fb, Rav : *looks at Adrian* love me every night.
[14-00:09] d17fb, Talis : *He begins to eat his food and sip his drink with out a word. Looking around the Inn every once in awhile.*
[14-00:09] 8a04c, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( ::so torn ack:: )
[14-00:09] 8a04c, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( )
[14-00:10] f20b1, Jagged Farrell : *his fingertips grasp the tankard, fingernails slightly sharpened like talons, digging into its side as he raises it to his lips, the cold black/blue flesh melding with the container as the fluid flows freely into his mouth*
[14-00:12] d17fb, Rav : *pets his Adrian.* You know....
[14-00:12] 94c70, Z: *ponders RP*
[14-00:12] 5ac7c, Mariasha : (*fends off any other dri lovers, is dri obsessor, beats all*)
[14-00:13] 5ac7c, Mariasha : (brb)
[14-00:13] b244e, Illisse Brilthor : /
[14-00:13] d17fb, Rav : Sorry Adrian I am leaveing you for another.... *pounces Z*
[14-00:13] b244e, Illisse Brilthor : ((sorry fingers quit))
[14-00:13] EXIT: Illisse Brilthor has left the chat ( 1:13am, March 14 (CST) ).
[14-00:14] EXIT: Illisse Brilthor has left the chat ( 1:13am, March 14 (CST) ).
[14-00:14] f20b1, Jagged Farrell : ((*grasps Z and sucks her into happy happy RP land*))
[14-00:14] JOIN: Illisse Brilthor has entered.
[14-00:15] b244e, Illisse Brilthor : ((cats gotta hate em'))
[14-00:16] 8a04c, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( @_@ ::disoriented and confused:: )
[14-00:16] f20b1, Jagged Farrell : ((Nah, I like cats, they make great stew))
[14-00:17] 8a04c, AdrianGoldenmoon : If you can afford to, I will for one night.. ::Really can't be all that caught up in things.. it *was* business now after all::
[14-00:17] b244e, Illisse Brilthor : ((Rav, tried to fix pic when cat landed. Cat jumped on keyboard dug in claws and I went bye bye))
[14-00:17] d17fb, Rav : thats ok.
[14-00:18] 5ac7c, Mariasha : (back)
[14-00:18] 5ac7c, Mariasha : ... I.. give you ring? *holds out his hand, a ring on every finger *
[14-00:19] d17fb, Rav : *is ignored by Z*
[14-00:20] 8a04c, AdrianGoldenmoon : ::He laughed, sighing, but in amusement..:: I thoguht you were a sneak, how could you be broke?
[14-00:20] f20b1, Jagged Farrell : *arches a brow slightly, letting his gaze shift towards Talis, pausing for a moment before looking onwards*
[14-00:20] d17fb, Talis : *he finishes his food and drink and heads out to the stables to finish the days work.*
[14-00:21] JOIN: Sorcha Lidil has entered.
[14-00:21] d17fb, Talis : *looks at Farrell for a moment then goes back to finishing up his food.*
[14-00:22] JOIN: Jagged Farrell has entered.
[14-00:22] JOIN: AmirIkstchibaud has entered.
[14-00:22] 5ac7c, Mariasha : I have what I need when I need.
[14-00:23] 7bbb7, Sorcha Lidil: *She walks through the entrance of the inn, her long hair sweeping in her face as she slowly stops to look around*
[14-00:23] f20b1, Jagged Farrell : *he sets the tankard down, fingernail trailing down the side of his thumb as he instinctivly places the butt of his palm against one of the short swords at his hip*
[14-00:23] 94c70, Z: Nooo!! *pounces Rav*
[14-00:24] 8a04c, AmirIkstchibaud: :: Sleeps fairly quietly in the corner, one slender arms drawn up and draped over his head, his glossed lips parted ever so slightly::
[14-00:26] JOIN: Kroger Gravesend has entered.
[14-00:26] 7bbb7, Sorcha Lidil: *she smiles softly as she see Amir but she chooses not to disturb and goes and takes a seat at a table*
[14-00:26] d17fb, Talis : * He looks at Sorcha as she enters the Inn casting a quick glance at Farrell.*
[14-00:27] 8a04c, AdrianGoldenmoon : Is that true of this moment then? ::He smirked lightly, peering over the bare tabletop.. feeling as though he was wasting his time now::
[14-00:29] 7bbb7, Sorcha Lidil: *She catches Talis' glance and nods to him with a friendly smile*
[14-00:29] 8a04c, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( dirty Link >> <<;; )
[14-00:29] 5ac7c, Mariasha : If not have heart, least have body.. *smiles, slipping off a random ring and offering it to him*
[14-00:30] f20b1, Jagged Farrell: *slightly sharpened teeth tug at his bottom lip as the glinting silver colour of his eyes catch Sorcha for only a moment, the knuckles of his hands flexing the slightest bit, fighting instinct*
[14-00:31] ca10a, Kroger Gravesend: ::Kroger tried to turn and adjust himself better, what little sleep he could get disturbed as the leather straps holding him in place burned at his wrists, crimson blood and deep welts marring his otherwise pale skin. The days in this place witout nutrition had taken their toll on him. His body had resorted to working on the muscle in his body, giving him a wasting appearance. He coughed deeply as the chill and dust in the dank room had caused him to get sick::
[14-00:32] d17fb, Talis : *He returns the friendly nod and smile. More looking her over than anything but goes back to his meal. keeping an eye on Farrell for any movemant that would suggest danger besides his hand on hsi blade.*
[14-00:34] 7bbb7, Sorcha Lidil: *she slowly stands and walks to the bar deciding to walk to order her drink then just let someone else walk over to get it. She stands at the bar her eyes casting back over the room resting on Amir for a moment before she orders her drink of the local wine*
[14-00:35] JOIN: R has entered.
[14-00:35] 2b286, R : hmm.
[14-00:36] 2b286, King Narmotur : *ponders bugging Kroger*
[14-00:37] f20b1, Jagged Farrell: *his eyes sharpen slightly as his gaze bores a hole into his glass, metaphorically of course, what brings him to this place of.... inferiors, why does he live on the vile surface, the call of the underdark tugging at his soul*
[14-00:37] ca10a, Kroger Gravesend: ::the torture room had become his home, the walls his companions, the smell of death and disease that permeated every cubic inch the very stench that permeated his very being.::
[14-00:37] 2b286, King Narmotur : *Kroger would soon hear the footsteps of a number of guards coming down the hallway towards the interrogation room which he was being held.*
[14-00:38] 8a04c, AmirIkstchibaud: :: One ashen lid rose halfway, his hazel eye peering about his immediate vicinity before opening the other eye sleepily, sitting forward in his chair and rubbing his face with both hands.. how long had it been..::
[14-00:38] ca10a, Kroger Gravesend: ((oh noo...))
[14-00:39] ca10a, Kroger Gravesend: ::The footsteps sounded so far away, that he thought it must be a drip somewhere, or a hallucination::
[14-00:39] f20b1, Jagged Farrell: *catches Sorcha approach the bar at the corner of his vision, the looming viseage of his glass blocking her form out as he takes another drink, setting the tankard down* I dont really see why people come here...
[14-00:40] 5ac7c, Mariasha : *still holding ring to Dri*
[14-00:40] 2b286, King Narmotur : *The old door would slowly swing open and King Narmotur himself appears through the doorway, with guards following him in.* Well well, we meet at last.
[14-00:40] d17fb, Talis : *He takes a sip of his drink as Sorcha approches the bar. Ignoring Farrell's words for the moment.*
[14-00:41] f20b1, Jagged Farrell: *laughs futily, his every fiber wanting so blissfully to eviscarate anyone that comes near him, yet he keeps the calmest demeanor.... controlling the beast may be harder than first though*
[14-00:41] f20b1, Jagged Farrell: ((thought))
[14-00:42] 7bbb7, Sorcha Lidil: *As she stands waiting for her drink her eyes just slowly glance to Farrell as she hears him speak. This is as she sets some money for her drink on the bar, she is also wearing again clothes she made with fine intricate designs on the skirt, and shirt like top*
[14-00:43] ca10a, Kroger Gravesend: ::Before the King lies a shell of a man, worn and thin, his bloodied wrists and ankles holding him strapped to the Rack, nothing but turn breeches clothing him. On his leg is a festering maggot filled wound, about the size of a fist and beside it a metal item used for torture. Kroger's eyes are shut as he turns his head away from the noise::
[14-00:44] 2b286, King Narmotur : *chuckles a bit, seeing that his loyal minons had done as he ordered.* You've remained here long enough.
[14-00:44] 8a04c, AdrianGoldenmoon : ::He peered closely at the ring, gingerly plucking it from Mari's hand to examine it.. his feline eyes rising to the other's face as his slender fingers closed over it:: Sounds good to me.
[14-00:46] d17fb, Talis : *looking Sorcha over again as he watches Farrell.*
[14-00:46] 5ac7c, Mariasha : *smiles happily, and then starts at removing his own shirt, all but forgetting that they're still downstairs in public.... oh, the power of Dri *
[14-00:46] f20b1, Jagged Farrell: *he does alright though, and slowly lets out a breath, releasing the very edge of his blood lust, knowing that with each passing moment, his control becomes that much better, the ebony sheen of his flesh seeming to absorb the light around it as he sits up a bit further in the seat, the pinkish hue of his tounge flicking out to slowly coat his dried lips, out of ambient curiosity he finds himself lookint to Lidil once again, making eye contact for a brief moment, than watching her transaction for the drink... what should one say in such a situation, he has no experiance on the surface...* Good Evening...
[14-00:47] 8a04c, AmirIkstchibaud: :: Raises a dark brow to the two men nearby, and slinks out of his seat.. his leg muscles a little stiff, but it was in his interest to move out.. he peeks around briefly for somewhere else to lounge, spying Sorcha.. but he hesitated at the sight of the other who seemed to be talking to her::
[14-00:48] ca10a, Kroger Gravesend: ::there was no response from the soldier, his breath coming ragged::
[14-00:49] 7bbb7, Sorcha Lidil: *As she catches his eye and he greets her she nods slowly to him* Good evening *she takes her drink and takes a sip as she looks around the room and she sees Amir, awake and smiles at him*
[14-00:49] JOIN: Z has entered.
[14-00:50] f20b1, Jagged Farrell: *smirks slightly, see, not so hard, sliding from his stool and walking away from the bar, carrying his drink with him, it had been weeks since he spoke with a surface dweller....*
[14-00:50] f20b1, Jagged Farrell: ((*bites Z*))
[14-00:50] 2b286, King Narmotur : *waves a hand towards him.* begin preperations and take him to the dock. *without another word, he turns and disappears back through the door, leaving the guards to do his bidding, they first bring in a stretcher of sorts and set it down on the ground, the guards begin to remove Krogers restraints, The Guards take careful precautions incase, in some way the prisoner manages to put up a fight of any sort, if he even twitched, he'd likely get a pike in his back., there was a good 12 men now in the room.*
[14-00:52] ca10a, Kroger Gravesend: ::the soldier looks more like a wasted anemic patient in need of critical medical attention than someone who can put up a fight, not that the soldier's could tell of course, they had never seen something as horrific as this before::
[14-00:53] d17fb, Talis : *He goes back to whats left of his meal and finishing it off. He then looks about the room once more.*
[14-00:53] a929f, Roki:
[14-00:53] ca10a, Kroger Gravesend: *they had probably never seen something as horrific as this before::
[14-00:53] 8a04c, AmirIkstchibaud: :: Returns a warm smile to her, but moves to a new table to let her speak with the stranger for now:: (( gotta disappear for a bit but Ill bbs ))
[14-00:53] ca10a, Kroger Gravesend: ((don't want to get hung for not adding a shouldn't or probably in there))
[14-00:53] 94c70, Z: *bites Jagged*
[14-00:54] a929f, Roki: *... hung*
[14-00:54] f20b1, Jagged Farrell: ((rawr! *winks*))
[14-00:54] 8a04c, AdrianGoldenmoon : :: He laughed at Amri, shaking his head, and tilted his head in the direction of the stairs..:: I have a room.. ::Gently pushing the halfling from his lap, he led the way upstairs:: (( and yeah bbs. ))
[14-00:54] JOIN: Kroger Gravesend has entered.
[14-00:54] 8a04c, AdrianGoldenmoon : (*Mari )
[14-00:54] d17fb, Talis : ((*hangs Kroger for amusement.*))
[14-00:55] EXIT: AmirIkstchibaud has left the chat ( 1:53am, March 14 (CST) ).
[14-00:55] ca10a, Kroger Gravesend: ((I can really feel the love tonight, can't you??))
[14-00:55] 7bbb7, Sorcha Lidil: *she slowly takes a seat at the bar sipping her drink as she notes his distance she will go a bit*
[14-00:55] 5ac7c, Mariasha : Oh... right *stops with his shirt and follows*
[14-00:56] 2b286, King Narmotur : *Thinks Kroger really is having Delusions now poor man is damn lucky. At any rate they place him on the stretcher, securing a leather strap around his waist first, then his wrists to the stretcher, unless he tried something of course, they desired to fully restrain him*
[14-00:56] 5ac7c, Mariasha : (I cant yet... but, will in a moment :-P )
[14-00:56] 94c70, Z:
[14-00:56] d17fb, Talis : ((Well, love is in the air. it is almost spring you know.))
[14-00:57] ca10a, Kroger Gravesend: ((Ha! I beg to differ... but w/e))
[14-00:57] 2b286, King Narmotur : ((be happy I didn't cut one of your arms off and beat you silly with it ))
[14-00:58] f20b1, Jagged Farrell: ((*throws Z over his shoulder and takes her off to his "love cave" Jace smash pretty lady, Jace take lady to home, Jace cook lady rock stew, and if lady not like, Jace smash lady!))
[14-00:58] ca10a, Kroger Gravesend: ((actually, I am trying to see if the leg can be removed... but don't know what to do afterwards))
[14-00:58] ca10a, Kroger Gravesend: ((I have this great book on demonic grafts....))
[14-00:58] 2b286, King Narmotur : ((*whistles*))
[14-00:59] 2b286, King Narmotur : ((We'll see after the RP this night *EG*))
[14-00:59] 94c70, Z: *eyeshifts*
[14-01:00] f20b1, Jagged Farrell: ((bleh, Im tired))
[14-01:00] d17fb, Talis : *a sigh of bordom leaves his lips as he leans back a little in his chair.*
[14-01:01] ca10a, Kroger Gravesend: ((sweeeeet, I can scan it if you like))
[14-01:01] 7bbb7, Sorcha Lidil: *she glances to Talis and she gets up and goes over* hi there
[14-01:01] d17fb, Talis : ((Wow, jace that was fast. I heard of minutemen but man.))
[14-01:01] 2b286, King Narmotur : ((nah thats ok))
[14-01:01] d17fb, Talis : ((just j/k sorry))
[14-01:02] ca10a, Kroger Gravesend: ((oh))
[14-01:02] d17fb, Talis : *His gaze shifts to Sorcha.* Hello.
[14-01:02] 2b286, King Narmotur : ((you'll see))
[14-01:02] f20b1, Jagged Farrell: ((yeah man, thats what happens when youre deployed overseas for seven months, you come back and it takes a little while to get the ole man runnin on the treadmill properly, if ya know what I mean))
[14-01:03] d17fb, Talis : ((*L* I can understand.))
[14-01:03] f20b1, Jagged Farrell: ((*gives himself award for most obscure comment*))
[14-01:05] 7bbb7, Sorcha Lidil: Mind if i talk with you for a bit or shall i go away again?
[14-01:05] ca10a, Kroger Gravesend: ::Kroger squeezes his eyes shut, the jerking by the men causing him intense pain, his body feeling frail and the noise all causing him physical pain. To him his arms were leadened and to move a finger was a trail in and of itself. But to the men, the soldier probably weighed no more than 150 pounds, far from the weight he had when he first arrived in ::
[14-01:05] ca10a, Kroger Gravesend: ((oooo, shi... *shudder* I will not!))
[14-01:06] f20b1, Jagged Farrell: *slips down into a chair at a table, drawing his dagger from its boot sheath, spinning it absently within his fingers*
[14-01:06] ca10a, Kroger Gravesend: ((sorry if I repeat myself, I keep switching between windowss))
[14-01:06] d17fb, Talis : No, please have a seat. *He gestures to an empty bar stool next to him.*
[14-01:08] 7bbb7, Sorcha Lidil: *She smiles and takes a seat then sips her drink* thanks
[14-01:09] 2b286, King Narmotur : *Once they have him fully secure, they begin to transport him up through the levels to the surface, eventually they pass through the Castles maingate, and from there they parade him through the city towards the docks for all to see, Captain Conall leads, speaking loudly about the fate traitors would suffer in this kingdom from now on. They soon reach the docks where the King himself, Members of the hyrdræden are standing with him, A wooden boat is in view.. They bring Kroger forth and set him and the wooden stretcher down into the boat.*
[14-01:09] d17fb, Talis : Your welcome. I am Talis I work the stables her at the Inn. What can I do for you?. *He smiles at her then takes a sip of his own drink.*
[14-01:09] d17fb, Talis : *her=here8
[14-01:11] 7bbb7, Sorcha Lidil: I'm Sorcha...i just thought it would be could to talk to someone who looked more or less my age...
[14-01:11] ca10a, Kroger Gravesend: ::too weak to do anything he merely shuts his eyes against the light. various women hold their hand to their mouths a the inhumanity of it all::
[14-01:13] d17fb, Talis : *he nods in aprovel.* Yeah not too many around here our age. Its always good to talk to someone whom you can relate too. *He smiles.*
[14-01:14] 7bbb7, Sorcha Lidil: *she takes a sip of her drink* yeah it is always know you said you work at the stables? they don't sell horses do they do you know? or do you know anyone who does?
[14-01:14] 2b286, King Narmotur : *Though, this would be just another example to teach them to not screw around.* Fair people of hear me now, The days of free reign for those who would betray you and your king are now over.. Never again will we tolerate them, trying to weaken this grand Kingdom so it can fall prey to those would would enslave you all. The methods we use are brutal but they serve a point and will hopefully discourage such behavior in the future.. *as he speaks, a Soldier climbs into the small boat, and uses a hammer to drive a oversized nail through each of Krogers thighs, promply securing him to the bottom of the raft*
[14-01:15] JOIN: Valandil Elladan has entered.
[14-01:15] f20b1, Jagged Farrell: *gives the knife a little spin and sheaths it, leaving from the inn before anyone even realizes it*
[14-01:15] b244e, Illisse Brilthor : *the elven healer blends into the shadows of the corner where she sits in an effort to hide herself from the Prince that just walked thru the door, frightened of what he will say if he sees her. After all, she had tried to kill him again*
[14-01:16] JOIN: Valandil Elladan has entered.
[14-01:17] ca10a, Kroger Gravesend: ::The pain of the nails is just another amongst many, while perceptible, still just one more to remind him he was still alive. The grand speech is lost to him, as tears well in his eyes::
[14-01:17] ca10a, Kroger Gravesend: ::unable to blink them back, he merely looks on as the guard continues his work::
[14-01:17] d17fb, Talis : Well, I am the only one who takes care of the stables. All of the horses here belong to someone staying here at the Inn or near here. So, we don't sell any as of yet. And I am sorry I don't know of anyone who is selling thier horse. is a big place so if you ask around I am sure you'll find someone who is willing to sell.
[14-01:18] 7bbb7, Sorcha Lidil: *she nods slowly* thanks, least i know i got to look further. You lived here long then?
[14-01:20] 96554, Valandil Elladan : *spots her in the shadows, walks up to her, and kisses her* You will not abandon me so quickly, will you?
[14-01:21] d17fb, Talis : No, I just came here about a month or so ago. I stay busy with my duties at the stables so I don't really know much about whats going on in the surounding area. I have not even really had a chance to fully explore the city. *He finishes his drink and sets it on the counter.*
[14-01:21] 2b286, King Narmotur : This traitorous scum will be given to the ocean and fate will deal him the end he deserves.. *With that, Two officers of the hyrdræden step foward, dressed in their usual black robes, one places a broom into the boat, the other one places the head of a dog in the boat, They were both symbols one representing the 'sweeping away' of traitors, and the other 'snapping at the heels' of their enemies.* Be gone from these lands... Traitor... *and with that, a group of men lift the boat up slightly and move it over to the edge of the dock until a point where they can drop it into the water and allow it to drift into the strong current of a out going river that'd take him out to sea...*
[14-01:22] b244e, Illisse Brilthor : I would hate me for trying to kill you. I should not have tried it. I only hurt myself
[14-01:22] 94c70, Z:
[14-01:22] EXIT: Jagged Farrell has left the chat ( 2:15am, March 14 (CST) ).
[14-01:22] 2b286, King Narmotur : *The currents could carry him back to land, but hopefulyl far away, or it could carry him out to sea, but he would need someone to find and free him either way.*
[14-01:22] 96554, Valandil Elladan : Then let me heal those hurts... *kisses her again*
[14-01:23] 7bbb7, Sorcha Lidil: Oh very similar to me then...i have not been here long
[14-01:23] ca10a, Kroger Gravesend: ((nice save Kingy))
[14-01:23] 2b286, King Narmotur : ((*waves* but it all sucks ))
[14-01:24] b244e, Illisse Brilthor : *trembles in his arms, tears running down her cheek*amin mela lle
[14-01:24] d17fb, Talis : *He smiles and nods* So, besides buying a horse what brought you to Ruepenchi?
[14-01:25] 7bbb7, Sorcha Lidil: The a merchant...i heard theres good trade here so i came
[14-01:26] d17fb, Talis : *He nods* Well, we stay busy here so I would guess trade is good here.
[14-01:26] ca10a, Kroger Gravesend: ((yep))
[14-01:27] 7bbb7, Sorcha Lidil: It's picked up a little so im happy at least* smiles*
[14-01:28] 96554, Valandil Elladan : Melamin...
[14-01:29] b244e, Illisse Brilthor : please forgive me *looking up at him*
[14-01:30] 96554, Valandil Elladan : Always.
[14-01:30] d17fb, Talis : Thats good. *He returns the smile* So what do you trade?
[14-01:31] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[14-01:31] b244e, Will-o'-the-wisp: ((akkk wispiness again))
[14-01:31] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 2:31am, March 14 (CST) ).
[14-01:31] 7bbb7, Sorcha Lidil: *she takes a sip casting her eyes round the room for a moment then back to him* clothes i make such as these*she indicates what she is wearing* and inks with partchment not much but better then nothing
[14-01:32] JOIN: Illisse Brilthor has entered.
[14-01:32] b244e, Illisse Brilthor : *reaches up to softly kiss him*
[14-01:34] d17fb, Talis : Those are very nice. *he nods his approvel.* These are all I own. *He gestures to the ratty clothing that he is wearing.*
[14-01:34] 96554, Valandil Elladan : *accepts the kiss* Gentle love... Know you fill my heart.
[14-01:35] 7bbb7, Sorcha Lidil: i could make you some if you would like? i don't just make womens clothing.. only if you want
[14-01:36] d17fb, Talis : Well, I don't have much coin but I do have alittle. *He smiles.*
[14-01:37] d17fb, Talis : New clothes would be good to have.
[14-01:37] JOIN: AmirIkstchibaud has entered.
[14-01:37] b244e, Illisse Brilthor : Val, we have belonged together since the first time I saw you.
[14-01:37] 7bbb7, Sorcha Lidil: You could trade if you have anything to Trade doesn't have to be coin...
[14-01:39] 8a04c, AmirIkstchibaud: (*)
[14-01:40] 96554, Valandil Elladan : This is true, and I know not why you ran and hid from me... don't do it again, you scared me... I thought I lost you... *holds her tightly, on the verge of tears*
[14-01:40] cadfa, Mariasha : (mmmm, Amir)
[14-01:40] 8a04c, AmirIkstchibaud: ::He turned away from the stranger who had drawn his attention, muttering under his breath.::
[14-01:41] d17fb, Talis : *He shakes his head.* All you see is all I have. *among his clothes there is also a simple looking short sword at his waist.*
[14-01:41] 8a04c, AmirIkstchibaud: ( hey you have Dri right now , you glutton. )
[14-01:42] b244e, Illisse Brilthor : *holding him close* I was afraid and hurt. so I ran
[14-01:42] cadfa, Mariasha : (Sssoooo... I may have ordered already but I can still look at the menu )
[14-01:42] 7bbb7, Sorcha Lidil: Alright how about i make you the clothes and you like pay me when you can?
[14-01:43] 96554, Valandil Elladan : Please don't again...
[14-01:43] d17fb, Talis : *He shakes his head* How much do you normaly charge for clothing?
[14-01:43] 96554, Valandil Elladan : ((what's this about people owning people or something...))
[14-01:44] 7bbb7, Sorcha Lidil: *her eyes glance over to Amir as she sips her drink before looking to Talis* it depends on the quality that i made this with the desgins would be a few coins or more it really depends
[14-01:45] b244e, Illisse Brilthor : ((what people?))
[14-01:46] d17fb, Talis : Well, I really don't need designs just something simple.
[14-01:47] 96554, Valandil Elladan : (( Mari / Amir / Dri... I think...))
[14-01:47] 7bbb7, Sorcha Lidil: a couple of coins then?
[14-01:48] b244e, Illisse Brilthor : I will not do it again. Lle naa cormamin.
[14-01:48] d17fb, Talis : What kind of coin? Copper, silver or gold?
[14-01:48] 96554, Valandil Elladan : Amin mela lle...
[14-01:48] 8a04c, AmirIkstchibaud: ( no one owns them )
[14-01:49] 7bbb7, Sorcha Lidil: A peiece of Silver do you?
[14-01:49] b244e, Illisse Brilthor : ((services provided transaction))
[14-01:50] cadfa, Mariasha : (ah. Mari half owns Dri for the ngiht :-P )
[14-01:50] cadfa, Mariasha : (so to speak, heh)
[14-01:50] 96554, Valandil Elladan : (( Eh? Services?))
[14-01:50] b244e, Illisse Brilthor : ((dri/ not me))
[14-01:50] cadfa, Mariasha : (anyway. Nighty night time)
[14-01:51] 96554, Valandil Elladan : (( Uber-confused...))
[14-01:51] 96554, Valandil Elladan : (( 'night))
[14-01:51] b244e, Illisse Brilthor : ((hhmmmhhhmmm *whispers* services you know?))
[14-01:52] 8a04c, AmirIkstchibaud: ( val.. )
[14-01:52] cadfa, Mariasha : (Dri and Mari, laying upstairs in bed... D-O-I-N-the-naugh-ty... )
[14-01:52] d17fb, Talis : A silver? Thats rather expensive. I will have to think about it.
[14-01:53] 96554, Valandil Elladan : (( OOOOOhhhhhh.... heheh... I was COMPLETELY oblivious... *grins, now getting the idea...* ))
[14-01:53] 7bbb7, Sorcha Lidil: a few copper then?
[14-01:53] 8a04c, AmirIkstchibaud: ::He had lost Sorcha during that conversation, finding her previous seat empty.. blinking, his chestnut orbs searched for her once more, hoping she hadn't left..::
[14-01:53] b244e, Illisse Brilthor : ((darn elf he should know this one!))
[14-01:53] cadfa, Mariasha : (*waves to all, hugs to some, ksises to few, and poof*)
[14-01:53] EXIT: Mariasha has left the chat ( 2:53am, March 14 (CST) ).
[14-01:54] 7bbb7, Sorcha Lidil: *She had moved a few down talking to Talis sipping her drink as she lets him think about her offer*
[14-01:54] MSG: AmirIkstchibaud sent a message to Z.
[14-01:54] d17fb, Talis : Well, you set a price, tell me this price and I'll give you my responce. *He smiles at her.*
[14-01:54] 96554, Valandil Elladan : (( Heheheh... You up for services...? *grins, and recoils, expecting to get smacked*))
[14-01:54] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[14-01:55] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 2:54am, March 14 (CST) ).
[14-01:55] b244e, Illisse Brilthor : ((*SMACK*))
[14-01:55] 7bbb7, Sorcha Lidil: *she laughs a little* right for you a few copper pecies...
[14-01:55] JOIN: AdrianGoldenmoon has entered.
[14-01:55] d17fb, Talis : (( I am Val *smiles with an eyebrow wigle.*))
[14-01:56] 96554, Valandil Elladan : (( *goes reeling* Ufff...))
[14-01:56] 8a04c, AmirIkstchibaud: ( woohoo! )
[14-01:56] d17fb, Talis : Well, how many? *He chuckles wondering if she as ever conducted this type of busness before.*
[14-01:56] 96554, Valandil Elladan : (( What?!? An impersonater? HEY!))
[14-01:56] b244e, Illisse Brilthor : ((I am NOT waking your sorry.....up this time))
[14-01:57] 96554, Valandil Elladan : (( That's not very nice...))
[14-01:57] 8a04c, AmirIkstchibaud: ( no no hes ready for your services )
[14-01:57] 7bbb7, Sorcha Lidil: 4 sound alright to you?*of course she has doesn't normally have to go into so hassle over a price*
[14-01:57] b244e, Illisse Brilthor : ((can't make me be nice))
[14-01:58] 96554, Valandil Elladan : (( *kisses her sweetly* You sure? ))
[14-01:59] d17fb, Talis : What kind of cloth would be used? *can barrgin.*
[14-01:59] 96554, Valandil Elladan : (( Who's ready for who's services, Amir?))
[14-01:59] b244e, Illisse Brilthor : ((do better than that and I will think about it/))
[14-02:00] d17fb, Talis : ((He is clueless Amir don't try to explain. *L*))
[14-02:00] 7bbb7, Sorcha Lidil: Whatever you want *she grins slightly*
[14-02:01] d17fb, Talis : Well, what do you have cloth wise and I'll give you an amount that I think is fair. *He smiles*
[14-02:02] 7bbb7, Sorcha Lidil: *she glances to Amir who she can see looking around and she does a little wave to try and get his attention before looking to Talis* cotton, silk, leather, wool..i have alot of material
[14-02:03] 96554, Valandil Elladan : (( *kisses her with such passion, it is awe-inspiring. He pulls her close to him, pressing his body up to hers, and rubs his hands slowly on her back*))
[14-02:04] d17fb, Talis : hmm a cotton shirt for two copper and leather pants for six copper. How does that sound?
[14-02:04] 8a04c, AmirIkstchibaud: :: It seemed he'd been looking too hard, for blatantly missing her.. he saw the flutter of her hand from the corner of his eye and rose to his feet.. approaching them quietly::
[14-02:05] b244e, Illisse Brilthor : *returns his kiss slowly licking his lower lip * are you sure you want nice?
[14-02:05] 7bbb7, Sorcha Lidil: 3 for the cotton shirt and i will make it any colour*she says looking at him carefully*
[14-02:06] MSG: AdrianGoldenmoon sent a message to Valandil Elladan.
[14-02:06] 96554, Valandil Elladan : *presses his cheek to hers, whispering in her ear* Naughty could do just fine...
[14-02:06] d17fb, Talis : Ok, I'll need a light blue shirt. and the pants?
[14-02:07] 7bbb7, Sorcha Lidil: Well make it 7 and i'll do what you want? does that sound fair?
[14-02:09] b244e, Illisse Brilthor : *begins to kiss him again then blushes as she realizes they are surrounded by others*
[14-02:09] d17fb, Talis : Well, there is not much you can do with pants. *he smiles* But fair enough I guess. *then he chuckles shakeing his head.*
[14-02:11] 7bbb7, Sorcha Lidil: *she grins a little* don't tempt me*she takes a sip of her drink and as she looks around for Amir she sees him approach and smiles*
[14-02:12] d17fb, Talis : Well, then its a deal? *He smiles*
[14-02:12] 8a04c, AmirIkstchibaud: ::He smiled slightly, pressing his shimmering glossed lips together briefly.. not wanting to interfere in their conversation::
[14-02:13] 7bbb7, Sorcha Lidil: sure it*she extends her hand to him in offer to make the deal final*
[14-02:13] 7bbb7, Sorcha Lidil: it=is
[14-02:13] d17fb, Talis : *He takes her hand.* Good, do you need any sizes?
[14-02:15] 96554, Valandil Elladan : *smiles, and kisses her shamelessly*
[14-02:17] 7bbb7, Sorcha Lidil: I'll get them in a moment don't go anywhere*she slowly stands smiling at Amir, she brushes her hand along one of his as she slips quickly up the stairs getting what she needs from her room*
[14-02:17] b244e, Illisse Brilthor : *lost in his kiss she becomes oblivious to anything around them*
[14-02:18] 7bbb7, Sorcha Lidil: *also notes that she shoke talis' hand then let go*
[14-02:18] d17fb, Talis : Ok *He smiles and watches her go up the stairs.*
[14-02:19] 8a04c, AmirIkstchibaud: :: His chin tucked closer to his shoulder as she walked by, but he did not turn to watch her.. smiling slightly before drawing up an empty stool at the bar::
[14-02:21] 7bbb7, Sorcha Lidil: *She tkaes a moment in her room getting a tape measure of sorts and comes back down her hair sweeping behind her as she comes back*
[14-02:21] d17fb, Talis : *Nods to Amir*
[14-02:21] 7bbb7, Sorcha Lidil: *kills mistakes*
[14-02:22] 7bbb7, Sorcha Lidil: (())
[14-02:23] 8a04c, AmirIkstchibaud: ::He glanced briefly to Talis, nodding in return with a friendly smile.. keeping to himself for now::
[14-02:23] 94c70, Z: *bored*
[14-02:24] MSG: Illisse Brilthor sent a message to Valandil Elladan.
[14-02:25] ca10a, Kroger Gravesend: ((hey Z, wanna pull me out of the sea?))
[14-02:26] JOIN: Talis has entered.
[14-02:26] d17fb, Talis : *Looks to Sorcha and smiles.* Would it be better to do this another time? *figureing that the fellow that had approched was with her.*
[14-02:27] JOIN: Cion has entered.
[14-02:27] 7bbb7, Sorcha Lidil: It won't take a moment i promise now stand*she indicates with her hands smiling at Amir he can wait a moment longer*
[14-02:27] EXIT: Illisse Brilthor has left the chat ( 3:24am, March 14 (CST) ).
[14-02:27] 94c70, Z: Hmm... I don't know who I have that would be around the sea to fish you out o_o
[14-02:28] 8a04c, AmirIkstchibaud: ( I dont know anyone who would be o.O)
[14-02:28] ca10a, Kroger Gravesend: ((lovely... anyone know any sailors???))
[14-02:28] d17fb, Talis : *He shrugs and stands as he is told to.*
[14-02:28] 8a04c, AmirIkstchibaud: :: Is very patient and much prettier ::
[14-02:29] 7bbb7, Sorcha Lidil: (*
[14-02:30] 94c70, Z: Cruward and his hearty pirates
[14-02:30] 94c70, Z: *is the prettiest*
[14-02:30] JOIN: Jaws has entered.
[14-02:31] 2b286, Jaws: *Dum dum... dum dum... eyes Kroger*
[14-02:32] ca10a, Kroger Gravesend: ((wonderful... had to pick the movie I didn't even like as a kid))
[14-02:32] 142e9, Cruward Hawklight : (( I am wanted? ))
[14-02:32] 7bbb7, Sorcha Lidil: *she smiles and she unravels the measure and wraps it round the lads waist making a mental note, has a good memory. She lifts his arm to the side and measures, Then his shoulder length, Back length. She then keels and measures his outer leg then taps his leg so he moves a bit so she can measure his inside leg then she would finish*
[14-02:33] 2b286, Jaws: *circles Krogers raft too!*
[14-02:33] 94c70, Z: Yeah.. someone needs a fishing net *points at Kroger*
[14-02:33] 142e9, Cruward Hawklight : (( ))
[14-02:33] ca10a, Kroger Gravesend: ((*cb radio noise* bogey launched into the high seas... over *noise cuts off*))
[14-02:34] JOIN: R has entered.
[14-02:34] 2b286, R : ((Krogers gonna need a bigger boat!!))
[14-02:34] 8a04c, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( of course Z is the prettiest <3 )
[14-02:35] ca10a, Kroger Gravesend: ((eep))
[14-02:36] 2b286, Jaws: *chomp chomp*
[14-02:36] 142e9, Cruward Hawklight : *Awoken in the middle of the night by one of his men, something in the water?!* Bloody hell, what is it? ....A raft? So? *glares at the sailor* Oh...human in it, eh? Well then..*hops out of bed and puts his clothes on* Let's go save the lad! *Rushes out onto the deck, grabbing ropes and net, stepping up onto the bow and peering into the darkness*
[14-02:36] ca10a, Kroger Gravesend: ::KRoger rocks listlessly as the ripples caused by the predator lap against the hull of the dingy::
[14-02:36] d17fb, Talis : *Just does as he is instruced to do untill she is finished.*
[14-02:37] 7bbb7, Sorcha Lidil: *She smiles standing brushing her skirt off she ravels the measure back up* i'll come to you when i finsh okay?
[14-02:38] 2b286, Jaws: **breaks a tooth, damn*
[14-02:39] 7bbb7, Sorcha Lidil: (*points out that sharks have like 300 teeth so breaking one wouldn't be a problem)
[14-02:40] 142e9, Cruward Hawklight : Alright, there he is....he's got a little friend too *chuckles a little, knotting the rope and tying it to the net, casting it out to Kroger's dingy (*snickers*)*
[14-02:41] 2b286, Jaws: *is being sarcastic* ())
[14-02:41] d17fb, Talis : Ok *He smiles* Well, it was nice to meet you but I have some work to finish in the stables. *He nods to Amir again then back to Sorcha.*
[14-02:41] 2b286, Jaws: ((And they lose many, many teeth over a lifetime, ones steadly move into take the place of the lost one))
[14-02:41] 7bbb7, Sorcha Lidil: (*is being a know it all even though isn't very correct :-p)
[14-02:42] 2b286, Jaws: ((*bites Sorcha*- ))
[14-02:42] 7bbb7, Sorcha Lidil: ()
[14-02:42] ca10a, Kroger Gravesend: ::within the dingy is a broken human of a man, his legs nailed to the bottom of the boat, a gruesome hole the size of a fist in his right leg, his skin is pale and he looks up out of the boat without blinking::
[14-02:42] 8a04c, AmirIkstchibaud: :: He lifted a tanned hand to his forehead, giving some half-assed salute to him.. thinking he does enough of the smiling bit between him and Sorcha to just paint one on anyhow..:: Night.
[14-02:43] ca10a, Kroger Gravesend: ((I wish I could grow teeth like that... worst thing I can imagine is losing all my teeth... I have nightmares about it... supposed to be good to dream that tho, I think))
[14-02:43] 7bbb7, Sorcha Lidil: (meep *pouts* )
[14-02:44] 7bbb7, Sorcha Lidil: *she smiles* good night Talis *she takes a seat next to Amir getting her drink*
[14-02:44] 2b286, Jaws: ((don't we all wish that? ))
[14-02:44]       Jaws goes off as he was just being silly
[14-02:44] 2b286, Jaws: /qui
[14-02:44] d17fb, Talis : Have a good night and sleep well. *He then turns to the back door and exits heading back to the stables*
[14-02:44] EXIT: Jaws has left the chat ( 3:44am, March 14 (CST) ).
[14-02:47] 142e9, Cruward Hawklight : *Uhm...gets the net hooked onto the boat and pulls it in. Next getting some type of pully system rigged and hoisting the boat up, out of the water. Once that is done, Kroger is taken with care to a room and the medics of the ship tend to his wounds. Cruward watches from a distance, letting the healers do their work with herbal medicines and the like, removing the maggots and cleaning that wound especially well*
[14-02:47] 7bbb7, Sorcha Lidil: *she smiles watching him go before she puts all her attention on Amir smiling warmly at him*
[14-02:49] 8a04c, AmirIkstchibaud: ::He blinked at her, his hazel orbs curious as always..:: Hello. :: He grinned in a rather cheesy, full-faced manner..::
[14-02:49] d17fb, Rav : goodnight all sleep well when you do.
[14-02:50] 8a04c, AmirIkstchibaud: ( goodnight g.o.d. )
[14-02:50] 7bbb7, Sorcha Lidil: okay?* wonders what the cheesy grin is for*
[14-02:56] 142e9, Cruward Hawklight : (( *lost Kroger* ))
[14-02:57] 142e9, Cruward Hawklight : *And that is all...fade*
[14-02:57] ca10a, Kroger Gravesend: ::The only thing Kroger registers is the glow of the lights below decks. Unlike the lights in the torture room these actually gave off warmth. He would not have noticed, the soothing sounds of the lapping waves offering him respite from his tortured existence.:: ((sorry, back... gonna take a break soon))
[14-02:57] ca10a, Kroger Gravesend: ((thankye much Matey))
[14-02:57] 142e9, Cruward Hawklight : (( NP ))
[14-02:58] 142e9, Cruward Hawklight : *And that is all, gone*
[14-02:58] JOIN: AmirIkstchibaud has entered.
[14-03:00] 8a04c, AmirIkstchibaud: Yes, of course. ::He resumed his usual expression, folding his hands in his lap before him:: Why? What do you need?
[14-03:01] 7bbb7, Sorcha Lidil: What do you mean what do i need? Can't i talk to you? *she tilts her head a little looking at him curiously*
[14-03:02] ca10a, Kroger Gravesend: ::His pain lessens somewhat, and the fabric of the cot yielded to his weight. The rocking of the ship gave him a weightless feel convincing him that maybe he was floating away. The voices that worked over him intrigued him, wondering if they could save him. His lips moved imperceptively, as he laughed in his mind not knowing he was actually being saved.::
[14-03:03] 8a04c, AmirIkstchibaud: You can talk to me.. aren't you right now? ::He tilted his head to match her, grinning lightly::
[14-03:04] 7bbb7, Sorcha Lidil: *she shakes her head and pokes his nose gently looking into his eyes* playing games with me arn't you
[14-03:05] 8a04c, AmirIkstchibaud: Just asking questions.. ::He chuckled softly, a slight twitch from the nose poke:: Business isn't so bad now hmm?
[14-03:07] ca10a, Kroger Gravesend: ::The gentle rocking of the ship slowly ease the weary soldier to sleep, his thoughts peaceful for the time being::
[14-03:07] 7bbb7, Sorcha Lidil: No it isn't to bad*she grins slightly* is it because i was showing the lad some attention? *she says still grinning leaning forwards a little to him playing*
[14-03:09] JOIN: Sorcha Lidil has entered.
[14-03:10] EXIT: Cruward Hawklight has left the chat ( 3:58am, March 14 (CST) ).
[14-03:10] ca10a, Kroger Gravesend: ((I'm outtie, peaces people))
[14-03:10] EXIT: Kroger Gravesend has left the chat ( 4:10am, March 14 (CST) ).
[14-03:12] 8a04c, AmirIkstchibaud: I don't know, is it? I'm not much of a salesman.. ::Tilts his head upright once more, watching her expectantly::
[14-03:13] 7bbb7, Sorcha Lidil: I meant the way your acting you seem different*she leans her head on her hand on the edge of the bar top her dark forest green eyes searching his caramel eyes*
[14-03:13] JOIN: Valandil Elladan has entered.
[14-03:16] 8a04c, AmirIkstchibaud: ::He smiled, blinking slowly..:: Just didn't want to be in the way.. ::He idly poked his tongue out, catching his piercing between his teeth.. an habit of tediousness::
[14-03:17] 7bbb7, Sorcha Lidil: *she sticks her tongue out playfully trying to make him smile and she slowly reaches a hand out and brushes his hair from his eyes* you wouldn't be in the way even if you tried
[14-03:18] 8a04c, AmirIkstchibaud: ::He laughed softly, smiling at her touch..:: Are you saying you'd just ignore me?
[14-03:20] 7bbb7, Sorcha Lidil: No i meant that even if you tried to be in the way you wouldn't be because i like you near *she smiles and brushes his sun kissed skin before she lowers her hand*
[14-03:23] 8a04c, AmirIkstchibaud: How near? :: He scooted is chair a bit closer:: How about here? ::Leans in a bit:: Or maybe this? ::Sitting up, he turned in his seat with his back to her, and laid back acorss her lap:: How about this?
[14-03:26] 7bbb7, Sorcha Lidil: *she giggles and brushes his hair from his eyes and face* well this is nice*she says smiling down at him*
[14-03:30] 8a04c, AmirIkstchibaud: Good.. I might fall if I tried to get up now. ::He laughed softly, his honey-flecked orbs watching her.. it seemed as though his smile reached his eyes.:: You're not going to try and fix my clothes are you? ::Suspicion in his tone, one slender hand self-consciously covering the torn material draping over his sunkissed midriff::
[14-03:33] 7bbb7, Sorcha Lidil: *she smiles down at him and she continues to brush his hair away* only if you wanted me to...if you didn't want me to i wouldn't. *she leans down and kisses his forehead softly*
[14-03:34] 8a04c, AmirIkstchibaud: I'm broke anyway.. ::He chuckled softly, reaching his other hand up to trace his fingertips over her cheek::
[14-03:39] 7bbb7, Sorcha Lidil: maybe i would do if for free for you*she says leaning gently to his touch looking down at him*
[14-03:43] JOIN: AmirIkstchibaud has entered.
[14-03:44] 8a04c, AmirIkstchibaud: Maybe. Although Spring is coming, I shouldn't be too cold much longer.. ::His hands sought hers, holding them together and resting them on his chest:: Perhaps that is why business is picking up again? A new season?
[14-03:45] 7bbb7, Sorcha Lidil: *she nods slowly* maybe that is it*her hands let his find em and gently lays them on his chest looking down at him* but i don't want you to be cold Amir
[14-03:47] 8a04c, AmirIkstchibaud: I'll survive. I've braved the cold desert nights.. This... this is a little nippy in comparison.. ::Smirks lightly, drawing her warm hands to his lips to kiss them::
[14-03:49] 7bbb7, Sorcha Lidil: you surely cannot be comfortable like that*she says still looking down at him she smiles as he kisses her hands a a slight blush rises to her cheeks as she smiles warmly*
[14-03:51] 8a04c, AmirIkstchibaud: Why not? Better than being stark naked. ::Winks jokingly at her..:: *That* cannot be comfortable.
[14-03:58] JOIN: Sorcha Lidil has entered.
[14-03:59] 7bbb7, Sorcha Lidil: i meant in that position*she says sticking her tongue out playfully at him*
[14-04:02] 8a04c, AmirIkstchibaud: Oh.. ::He averted his glance in embarassment, smiling bashfully:: Not ideal, but I'm okay..
[14-04:03] 7bbb7, Sorcha Lidil: *she giggles and leans down kissing his lips softly and slowly helps him sit up him still holding her hands mind you and she lets him lean back just against her so that her head is on his shoulder now* thats better
[14-04:07] 8a04c, AmirIkstchibaud: Why, thank you. ::He fluttered his dark lashes at her, smiling:: My hero..ine.
[14-04:07] 7bbb7, Sorcha Lidil: *she giggles and gently puts her arms round him well over his shoulders* welcome hope thats more comfortable
[14-04:11] 8a04c, AmirIkstchibaud: Yes. And more vertical. :: He leaned his face in close, pressing his forehead against hers, staring into her eyes at this close range until his glossed lips puckered to kiss her quickly.. a smile then, which she could not see of itself, but the way his eyes shone gave him away::
[14-04:12] 8a04c, AmirIkstchibaud: ( just sent in his reg form ^~ )
[14-04:12] 7bbb7, Sorcha Lidil: *she can't help but smile as he does seeing it in his eyes and she kisses him gently back keeping her forehead against his.* (coolies)
[14-04:14] 8a04c, AmirIkstchibaud: I wish there was something I could tell you about me.. you're so interesting and I'm so... not. ::He leaned his head back slightly to look at her at a more normal distance::
[14-04:15] 8a04c, AmirIkstchibaud: ( feltlike sucha waste though bc hes so average )
[14-04:15] 7bbb7, Sorcha Lidil: How am i intersting?!*she says a little shocked* if you want to tell me something tell me where you got that tongue pericing from, or where you were before you came here? *she smiles looking at him and running her hand through his raven locks of hair*
[14-04:16] 7bbb7, Sorcha Lidil: (better registered then not)
[14-04:23] 8a04c, AmirIkstchibaud: Well being a merchant has to be interesting.. you meet all kinds of people and go everywhere.. ::He glanced to her hand briefly, watching her fingers sift through his dark locks..:: I'm from the desert, middle of nowhere and nothing, I'll tell ya. Which is where I had the piercing..
[14-04:24] 7bbb7, Sorcha Lidil: i guess but sometimes id rather be someone different like did you live in the desert*she says resting her hand on his cheek softly*
[14-04:29] 8a04c, AmirIkstchibaud: ::He smiled softly, touching her hand with one of his:: I had my family.. we survived just as anyone else does in the desert. Nothing terribly exciting
[14-04:31] 7bbb7, Sorcha Lidil: *she looks into his eyes and sighs softly* as much as i would hate to i need to retire...are you going to be okay?
[14-04:33] 8a04c, AmirIkstchibaud: Of course, aren't I always? ::He smiles faintly..:: Think of it this way.. It is not so terrible to leave me when there is a tomorrow coming quickly.
[14-04:34] 7bbb7, Sorcha Lidil: *she smiles softly* that is something at least*she leans forward and kisses his lips before she slips out of her seat making sure firstly he doesn't fall backwards*
[14-04:36] 8a04c, AmirIkstchibaud: ::He gets to his feet to prevent a humiliating problem.. juuust in case. He moved for the front door, turning and stepping backwards as he blew her a kiss:: Sweet dreams, Sorcha. ::He then turned to face forward once more, reaching for the door to step out::
[14-04:37] 7bbb7, Sorcha Lidil: sweet dreams Amir*she says softly before she turns and heads up the stairs to her room*
[14-04:37] EXIT: Sorcha Lidil has left the chat ( 5:37am, March 14 (CST) ).
[14-04:38] EXIT: AmirIkstchibaud has left the chat ( 5:36am, March 14 (CST) ).
[14-05:11] JOIN: Illisse Brilthor has entered.
[14-05:12] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[14-05:14] EXIT: Illisse Brilthor has left the chat ( 6:11am, March 14 (CST) ).
[14-07:55] JOIN: Valandil Elladan has entered.
[14-07:55] JOIN: Valandil Elladan has entered.
[14-08:58] JOIN: Illisse Brilthor has entered.
[14-08:59] b610a, Illisse Brilthor : hey are you here?
[14-09:01] b610a, Illisse Brilthor : VAL!!! WAKE UP!!!
[14-09:09] EXIT: Illisse Brilthor has left the chat ( 10:01am, March 14 (CST) ).
[14-09:54] JOIN: Illisse Brilthor has entered.
[14-10:12] 01c9a, Illisse Brilthor : *giggles at the game of prairie dog tag that has begun* amin mela lle.
[14-10:14] EXIT: Illisse Brilthor has left the chat ( 11:12am, March 14 (CST) ).
[14-11:02] JOIN: Illisse Brilthor has entered.
[14-11:02] EXIT: Illisse Brilthor has left the chat ( 12:02pm, March 14 (CST) ).
[14-12:17] JOIN: Illisse Brilthor has entered.
[14-12:18] 7f5f0, Illisse Brilthor : ((grief isn't there anyone around today?))
[14-12:21] 7f5f0, Illisse Brilthor : *the silver haired elf paces in her room like a caged animal. She keeps hearing voices but when she looks around there is no one there. *
[14-12:22] EXIT: Illisse Brilthor has left the chat ( 1:21pm, March 14 (CST) ).
[14-13:21] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[14-13:21] f20b1, Will-o'-the-wisp: hmmm, someone needs to show up
[14-13:21] f20b1, Will-o'-the-wisp: Ill check back in a lil bit, and there better be someone here, grrrrrwaaarrr!
[14-13:42] JOIN: Jace has entered.
[14-13:42] f20b1, Jace: *yawns*
[14-13:57] c7147, Mab: Good grief. I have no idea who anyone is anymore. *L* *reads logs and doesn't recognize any of the characters* That's what happens when I have to be away for just a couple weeks. hehe
[14-14:00] f20b1, Jace: ha!
[14-14:01] f20b1, Jace: bleh, Im so sleeeeepy
[14-14:02] 94c70, Z: o_o
[14-14:03] f20b1, Jace: *waves to Z*
[14-14:04] 94c70, Z: *just noticed Jace was an admin.*
[14-14:04] 94c70, Z: *eyes the underscore thing.*
[14-14:04] f20b1, Jace: *cackles all darkly*
[14-14:05] f20b1, Jace: well Im back in the states now, so I can take my rightful seat upon my throne... or somethin
[14-14:05] 94c70, Z: heh
[14-14:06] f20b1, Jace: bleh, Im such a sexy beast *flexes* I feel like RPin
[14-14:06] 94c70, Z: If you think so.
[14-14:07] f20b1, Jace: Anyone who doesnt think so is wrong *nods*
[14-14:07] EXIT: Jace has left the chat ( 3:07pm, March 14 (CST) ).
[14-14:07] JOIN: Jace has entered.
[14-14:07] f20b1, Jace: and my computer is retarded
[14-14:09] 94c70, Z: *doesn't really have a whole lot to RP in here anymore.*
[14-14:09] f20b1, Jace: whys that?
[14-14:09] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[14-14:12] f20b1, Jace: *grumbles* ya need to damn talk faster
[14-14:14] 94c70, Z: Sorry, in four rooms and doing some programming.
[14-14:15] 94c70, Z: Because things have just died that much lately.
[14-14:15] 94c70, Z: Then there's this stupid pissing contest going on with SoD and what not, really takes the flavor out of RPing.
[14-14:16] 94c70, Z: ah... Mab changed the message again. *needs to teach that girl how to close her tags*
[14-14:17] f20b1, Jace: went afk for a sec
[14-14:18] f20b1, Jace: *pokes Z* get IC
[14-14:18] EXIT: Jace has left the chat ( 3:18pm, March 14 (CST) ).
[14-14:18] 94c70, Z: *doesn't know who to play*
[14-14:19] JOIN: Jagged Farrell has entered.
[14-14:22] c7147, Mab: *doesn't either, but is bringing in Meg anyway*
[14-14:23] f20b1, Jagged Farrell: *He walks along the shadows as best as possible, parts of him cursing the bright light the surface brings, yet knowing its something he must accustom himself to, his general direction making its way towards Trendlekins*
[14-14:23] f20b1, Jagged Farrell: ((bleh, anyone, I just feel like RPin))
[14-14:23] c7147, Meg Alayas : *the human looking Meg, much as she was described yesterday, steps out of the portal behind Trendlekim's*
[14-14:26] c7147, Meg Alayas : ((I didn't add the part that reads "Another admin M.I.A!!" someone else did that.))
[14-14:26] 94c70, Z: Yeah, there you go.. you got someone to RP with now
[14-14:26] f20b1, Jagged Farrell: ((*still drags Z IC*))
[14-14:26] 94c70, Z: the underscore on the top line of chat text shouldn't be there though
[14-14:27] c7147, Meg Alayas : ((I don't see an underscore. Where are you talking about))
[14-14:28] f20b1, Jagged Farrell: ((I dont see one either))
[14-14:31] c7147, Meg Alayas : ((*posted* Z, you coming in?))
[14-14:33] 94c70, Z: On the mask Ident thingee by people's name. THe top one has an underscore.
[14-14:33] f20b1, Jagged Farrell: *he turns to go within trendlekims, noticing the emptiness of the place, a part of him wondering how the place stays open*
[14-14:33] 94c70, Z: *doesn't really have anyone to come in with since the center of the story was a war that's not really happened in a long time.*
[14-14:34] f20b1, Jace: ((oh wah, how are we going to have anything to start, if no one comes in and RPs, comeon, work with me here and quit crying))
[14-14:36] 94c70, Z: *rae* I'm not crying.
[14-14:36] f20b1, Jace: *he fishes a few peices of silver from his belt pouch, flipping them to a bar wench as he slides upon a stool* A steak would be fantastic...
[14-14:36] f20b1, Jace: ((crying in the whiney complainey sense of the word, not in the literal))
[14-14:36] c7147, Meg Alayas : *she quietly slips in through the back, but does not miss the presense of a Drow.*
[14-14:37] 94c70, Z: I'm not doing that either Jace. *rae* I have noone in the city.
[14-14:37] 94c70, Z: However, if you're just going to insult me and clearly it's alright with Mab. Then no I'm not going to RP with either of you at the moment.
[14-14:38] f20b1, Jace: *his features remain the upmost of calm, though the scent that fills his nostrils is more than enough to tell exactly who just entered the room, and he feels a tightness clutch at his chest*
[14-14:38] f20b1, Jace: ((its not insulting, and you need to not take things so personally))
[14-14:39] f20b1, Jace: ((you took a jab at the quality of roleplaying within the room, and I was trying to explain that all rooms go through slow times, and maybe you should suck it up and help push a plot along to where it can get back to the way it should be. plus, when you arent fighting, your doing character development, and vise versa))
[14-14:39] c7147, Meg Alayas : ((Er, I shouldn't have to stand up and play champion if two players have a disagreement that isn't in violation of chat rules. Don't drag me into this, Z, or try to ACCUSE me of crap again. I'm not in the mood.))
[14-14:41] f20b1, Jace: ((ok ladies, settle down, um.... anyone up for watching The View?))
[14-14:43] c7147, Meg Alayas : *doubtful he could tell which fairy she was, only that she is a fairy. Her human guise and magic is very convincing though. She moves over to the same table by the stage that she took up the night before, keeping a cautious eye on the only other occupant in the tavern at this time*
[14-14:44] f20b1, Jace: *the bar wench sets a steak and drink down in front of him, reguardless of Megs disguise, its hard to fool the sensitive nose of a Drow, scent is still scent*
[14-14:46] c7147, Meg Alayas : *Oh, she might have a cantrip or two for disguising her scent, but she didn't think to use it. She was setting out to fool humans mostly. She waits to be served, glancing over at Jagged who is using the alias of Jace. (*snicker*)*
[14-14:46] 94c70, Z: Jace, FYI, I could do that. But I've been told to wait for V. *shrugs*
[14-14:46] 94c70, Z: In fact, I always have to wait for V heh.
[14-14:47] c7147, Meg Alayas : ((Who told you to wait for V? If you think I did, you got the wrong impression. If we wait for V, we'll be waiting a long time.))
[14-14:49] f20b1, Jagged Farrell: ((jeeze, how did that happen))
[14-14:49] f20b1, Jagged Farrell: ((yeah... anyone that does what V tells them to do is well.... anyway, change of subject))
[14-14:50] f20b1, Jagged Farrell: ((I love how Meg is a disguise for Mab, and that Megs last name is Alayas, as in Alias, bwaha, so clever!))
[14-14:51] c7147, Meg Alayas : ((hehe))
[14-14:51] f20b1, Jagged Farrell: *his talon sharp fingernails tap light marks into the bar top as he raises a fork to his mouth, eating the steak, thoughts running swiftly through his head, trying to figure out his next course of action, fae and drow have long been at war with each other, and he doesnt think any of them would quite trust any drow, no matter how much he has tried to change*
[14-14:53] c7147, Meg Alayas : *most certainly does not trust him, but is about to make a treaty with goblins, so who knows? She watches him warily as the barmaid approaches her*
[14-14:55] 94c70, Z: Mab, you asked me to wait until you could clear things with him o_o You don't want him feeling left out or something.
[14-14:55] f20b1, Jagged Farrell: *his eyes narrow slightly, maybe the fae kingdom had heard of him, maybe she was to hunt him down, perhaps..... no, he takes the knife, hiding it swiftly within his palm as he turns to face Meg, dark grey eyes glaring sharp pinpoints at the fae* What are you doing here...
[14-14:55] f20b1, Jagged Farrell: ((V has ADD he jumps from room to room to room, you cant wait on him))
[14-14:55] 94c70, Z: he's got SoD for now.
[14-14:56] ceea7, Palladia Mors : *devours eveyone's soul because he's the evil admin dammit*
[14-14:56] c7147, Meg Alayas : ((I have ADD for real, but I tend to stick with a room. V has RP ADD. *L*))
[14-14:58] 94c70, Z: But really Mab, you did say that. :/ You don't want him to have anything taken away without him knowing... I can't recall exactly what you said though.
[14-14:58] 94c70, Z: I'm Sorry, Jace, but honestly I don't have any chars in they never manage to stay there, none of them hehe.
[14-14:58] c7147, Meg Alayas : ((Well, he's outlasted the time of courtesy. We can feel free to proceed without him.))
[14-15:00] f20b1, Jagged Farrell: (they could go back)
[14-15:00] ceea7, Palladia Mors : I still ahve to wait for Vince to show his pretty face 'round here again before I attack Arcadia?
[14-15:01] MSG: Meg Alayas sent a message to Z.
[14-15:01] 94c70, Z: Heh, Arcadia is kinda screwed. Hagget quit
[14-15:01] 94c70, Z: Or so he says.. he got tired of waiting for Vince to be around. hehe
[14-15:01] 94c70, Z: Vince only comes on at 2-3 in the morning CST and sticks around for maybe 10 minutes at most :/
[14-15:02] ceea7, Palladia Mors : Convince Hagget to come back...I am gonna attack Arcadia and they need defenders.
[14-15:03] c7147, Meg Alayas : ((If it carries much longer, he too forfeits his claim as player representative of Arcadia. We can't have realistate tied up by lack of their governers participation))
[14-15:03] f20b1, Jagged Farrell: ((well respond there Mab))
[14-15:03] 94c70, Z: Okay... all I have to do is ask him if he wants a fight. He'll come fight.
[14-15:05] JOIN: Illisse Brilthor has entered.
[14-15:05] c7147, Meg Alayas : I'm about to order a drink. Why does it concern you? *Her shoulders move in a gearing up kind of way, subtly and the barmaid decides it is best to take Meg's order later and scuttles off* There, now you scared away the barmaid and I am thirsty.
[14-15:06] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[14-15:06] f20b1, Jagged Farrell: *smirks* you know what I ment.... what do you want
[14-15:07] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 4:06pm, March 14 (CST) ).
[14-15:08] c7147, Meg Alayas : Is it so hard to believe that a woman would come to a tavern for a drink? I know the fact that I don't travel with escort is a bit risque, but it's hardly cause to deem my presence is of a suspicious nature. *moves her hand as though she's about to use it to push off the table a little and stand, but remains sitting*
[14-15:08] EXIT: Illisse Brilthor has left the chat ( 4:05pm, March 14 (CST) ).
[14-15:09] f20b1, Jagged Farrell: *his palms rest gently against the seperate swords on his hips, watching her carefully* Who are you...
[14-15:10] 94c70, Z: *swats Jace with a wet noodle, then runs off for a little bit.*
[14-15:11] c7147, Meg Alayas : I am Meg. I keep a room here. *vague. She stands not slowly, but not suddenly either, gracefully, too gracefully for a human*
[14-15:12] f20b1, Jagged Farrell: ((*bites Z*))
[14-15:13] f20b1, Jagged Farrell: *he moves lithely from his stool, knees slightly bent, this drow obviously knows his trade, and what to do, the experiance seen burnt within his eyes* I dont buy it.... shouldnt you be packing a set of wings?
[14-15:13] 94c70, Z: woohoo! *bounds off for the shower*
[14-15:14] ceea7, Palladia Mors : *stabs Jace for bitng Z* Only I may do that!
[14-15:15] f20b1, Jagged Farrell: ((*stab proof* keep trying goofball))
[14-15:16] c7147, Meg Alayas : *waves her hand dismissively* You should know that wings can come and go. *Her stance is not battle ready, but terribly poised and confident in a kind of "I know something you don't know" way*
[14-15:17] ceea7, Palladia Mors : *overrides Jace's stab-proofness*
[14-15:18] f20b1, Jagged Farrell: *and hes killed enough fae to know what to expect... and if Meg knew whom he was, doubtless she would be acting a bit diffrent at the moment, his notirary is legendary, but that was a long time ago, a diffrent person ago...* I thought your type typically avoided lesser beings...
[14-15:18] c7147, Meg Alayas : I'm unique for my...
[14-15:19] f20b1, Jagged Farrell: ((*cant be over ridden, his ego doesnt allow it*))
[14-15:19] c7147, Meg Alayas : 'type'. *smirks slightly*
[14-15:19] c7147, Meg Alayas : ((stupid enter key))
[14-15:19] f20b1, Jagged Farrell: *than again, if he knew which fae he was talking to, hed probley be acting diffrent as well*
[14-15:20] f20b1, Jagged Farrell: *he lowers his form predatorily, instinctivly, prepared to pounce at a moments notice* You havnt seen any other Drow in this area.... have you?
[14-15:21] c7147, Meg Alayas : I have, from time to time. They were no trouble for me. *That last statement could mean a lot of things. mwehehehe*
[14-15:27] f20b1, Jagged Farrell: *he takes a few smooth, slow and calculating steps towards her* Are you trying to intimidate me?
[14-15:29] c7147, Meg Alayas : Are you intimidated? If you have to even ask, you must be a little, although, it was not part of my design. *moves her stands to be slighty angled away from him with her body, almost profile, but her face still very much facing him and watching him. it is a slightly more guarded stance*
[14-15:31] f20b1, Jagged Farrell: *smirks, catching it* No, in fact I find it laughable *stepping even closer, forcing his way into her comfort zone, barely an arms length away*
[14-15:33] c7147, Meg Alayas : It is laughable that you should think I need stoop to intimidation tactics. *looks him up and down and most especially at his proximity* I do doubt that what you are doing is meant as intimidation. I rather suspect you're ascerting for strategic advantage.
[14-15:35] f20b1, Jagged Farrell: *takes a larger step forward, his body touching hers barely, lips at her cheek as he looks slightly past her, so close to her* actually... Im studying your responses...
[14-15:35] a929f, Roki: <_< >_>
[14-15:39] c7147, Meg Alayas : *she remains still* Have I passed the test? *eyes narrow in that alluring, confident and determined way, that almost dazed looking, but actually more than alert eye narrowing as she looks sidelong at him with a faint, faint smirk*
[14-15:40] ceea7, Palladia Mors : *is here*
[14-15:41] f20b1, Jagged Farrell: *he turns his head to face hers, the tips of their noses touching, his eyes narrowing the slightest bit, a woman of her experiance should be able to see the depthless peircing quality, the intelligent chaos that explodes beneath his iris' and the demons that force them ways outwards through their only doorway as he makes that crucial eye contact, so hard for others to meet* You peek my intrest...
[14-15:44] c7147, Meg Alayas : That could be a good or bad thing, depending, usually bad. I will not go down to your underdark and become another servant to the Drow. *does not fear his eye contact. Returns it with her ancient gaze of equal swirling depth, but not chaotic, ordered, alarmingly so.*
[14-15:45] f20b1, Jagged Farrell: ((and thats peak, not peek))
[14-15:47] f20b1, Jagged Farrell: And who is to say wether you are to be my slave or not... certainly if that was to be my choice, youd already be there *smirks sharply, spinning that hidden steak knife into his grasp, not doing anything with it, just holding it, and since hes so close, and shes making eye contact, technically she should even notice its there*
[14-15:49] c7147, Meg Alayas : *would not notice, except she knows he's up to something, because she sees his slightest shoulder movements out of the corner of her gaze* Are you so sure about that?
[14-15:52] f20b1, Jagged Farrell: *smirks* would I lie to you? *the knife sweeping to her hip to cut shallowly, taking a minimum of movement, and not giving her too much time to block it, his left foot taking a half step back as his left arm swings back the slightest bit to counterbalance himself, the right arm with the knife still in mid swipe, all of this happening in fractions of a second*
[14-15:54] JOIN: Liz has entered.
[14-15:55] d3a2d, Liz: *flops*
[14-15:57] c7147, Meg Alayas : *reacts just a moment too late and moves to knock his right hand upward with her left hand and take a step back.* Ow. *says dispationately as reb blood seaps into her dress and then seems almost to turn to water a little after it seaps out, not normal for just any fae, only a fae with pigment changing abilities bleeds like that*
[14-15:57] c7147, Meg Alayas : reb = red
[14-16:02] JOIN: Jagged Farrell has entered.
[14-16:02] f20b1, Jagged Farrell: *but even as she knocks his hand away, the left hand is already comming forward, producing a hidden throwing knife that he had taken from his belt when he moved backwards in the last action, a distraction move, the dagger throwin fast enough to close the foot and a half gap between them almost instantly, she should be too distracted by blocking the first cut, and actually recieving the first cut to even see the tiny dagger comming, it wont do much of any damage though, it merely carries a drow knock-out poison, an extremly potent mixture that comes from the depths of the underdark, and acts almost instantly*
[14-16:06] d3a2d, Liz: Jace...don't I know you?
[14-16:07] f20b1, Jagged Farrell: ((I do belive you asked that last time I talked to you))
[14-16:08] c7147, Meg Alayas : *looks at him with at first stun which fades to a look of annoyance as her knees buckle and she collapses to the floor, the dagger hitting her in the lower abdomen. Just goes to show that being uber doesn't make up for underestimating an apponent. She falls in a sprawl, her raven hair cascading across the floor, but turning slowly to a clear white and her skin taking on that same lack of any coloring crystal white quality as well, and her subduing human guise completely vanished. No wings though, because they are truly an optional thing for her.*
[14-16:08] c7147, Meg Alayas : apponent = opponent
[14-16:09] f20b1, Jagged Farrell: *his dark pinkish tounge flicks across his lips swiftly as he retrieves the throwing dagger from her side, she should be perfectly concious again within the next six to eight hours, or if she has a great constitution maybe even four*
[14-16:11] d3a2d, Liz: Last time?
[14-16:11] f20b1, Jagged Farrell: *picks her fragile looking form in his arms, muscles taut like strands of toughened leather, and simply carries her out of the inn. His fingers form a complicated glyph movement as he walks around towards the back, and a giant snow night sabre cat swirls by his side, his personal animal, which lays Meg carefully ontop of, and wanders off out of the town, taking her off to his cave*
[14-16:12] f20b1, Jagged Farrell: ~disapears~
[14-16:15] c7147, Meg Alayas : *out for the count, bleeds crystaline blood, but it slowly stops after a while* *fade out gonish*
[14-16:31] d3a2d, Liz: All alone..
[14-16:31] d3a2d, Liz: *listens to "while my guitar gently weeps"*
[14-16:34] c7147, Mab: hehe, I'll be back a little later.
[14-16:39] d3a2d, Liz: In about an hour, right?
[14-16:41] EXIT: Liz has left the chat ( 5:39pm, March 14 (CST) ).
[14-17:34] c7147, Faltren : *enters, of all places, Trendlekim's. His wings about his shoulders like a feathered cloak and to the layman would appear to just be a fancy stylized cloak of some kind. His deep midnight blue eyes survey the establishment as he treads toward the bar. His attire is black with silver trim*
[14-17:34] JOIN: Liz has entered.
[14-17:36] d3a2d, Lafiel : *she sits at a corner table of that very same place, enjoying a light dinner of cheese, bread, and milk*
[14-17:38] c7147, Faltren : ((and he's back in play. stupid internet))
[14-17:39] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[14-17:39] c7147, Faltren : *spots Lafiel almost imedietely a a faint smirk takes his lips as he pretends not to notice she is there, taking a seat at the bar for now*
[14-17:40] c7147, Faltren : ((Grrr, I was whispified again. That wisp was me. Grrr grrr grrrrrrr))
[14-17:42] d3a2d, Lafiel : *apparently does'nt notice him either, her attention fixed on spreading butter on her bread*
[14-17:47] c7147, Faltren : *certainly hope Lafiel isn't dressed like her avatar, which is very pretty, btw, or Faltren might have a heart attack. He notes her seeming obliviousness and wonders how she has managed to evade him thus far. He slides off his stool easily, not being a shorty at all and moves stealthily, but in plain sight toward Lafiel's position*
[14-17:50] d3a2d, Lafiel : *still continues to "ignore" him, though she does subtly reposition the butter knife even as she keeps spreading the butter*
[14-17:54] c7147, Faltren : *Ooo, a butter knife. He's shaking in his boots. J/K. He slides in to the seat across from her* I would ask politely to join you like a gentleman, but you are no lady. *such is how their people view Lafiel right now, due to her "rebellious" ways*
[14-17:55] d3a2d, Lafiel : *pauses for just a second* And you are hardly a gentleman.
[14-17:57] c7147, Faltren : I am to a true lady. *eyes her with the faintest trace of an amused smirk only showing in his eyes, but not appearing altogether on his lips*
[14-17:58] d3a2d, Lafiel : And, to you, a true lady is someone who stays home as a brood mare. *snorts and takes a bite of her bread*
[14-18:01] c7147, Faltren : Partly. A woman's place is in the home. We all know this.
[14-18:02] d3a2d, Lafiel : *shakes her head* So sad and deluded you are
[14-18:05] c7147, Faltren : So full of anger and resentment are you. You should have been born a man, if you wished to gallavant around like one. *moves from his chair across from her to the one next to her as he speaks with seeming urnestness, which is more a tactic to keep her distracted from realizing his manuevering*
[14-18:07] d3a2d, Lafiel : *tenses slightly as he moves closer, gripping her knife a bit tighter* Well, I was unfortunate enough to be born a woman. *finishes her bread and starts on the cheese*
[14-18:12] c7147, Faltren : It is fortunate only if you accept that you are a woman and what it means to be one. Otherwise it is a tragedy. *moves to grab her by the back of the neck and push her down toward the table, while his other arm swoops to slide the food and such out of the way. His goal is to get her face almost kissing the table so he can detain her the rest of the way. That's what he's trying to do anyway*
[14-18:14] d3a2d, Lafiel : *stiffens as he grabs her neck and sweeps her food off the table, but as he tries to force her to kiss the table, she lashes out with a quick movement, that butter knife which she never put down heading for his neck/face area*
[14-18:17] c7147, Faltren : *snaps his food sweeping arm back forward to intercept the "knife"* If you're going to try and cut me, at least get a knife that cuts. You truly do yourself a disservice if you are out on your own without even possessing the knowledge that every house maiden knows about knives.
[14-18:19] d3a2d, Lafiel : *tries to surge forward enough to sink her teeth into his arm*
[14-18:21] c7147, Faltren : *snarls, but does not cry out as she succeeds and grabs her by the back of the neck all the tighter, taking hold of her soft hair in a good firm grip and trying to pull her head up just enough to get her teeth away from his arm*
[14-18:22] d3a2d, Lafiel : *growling with the pain of pulled hair, her head is forced up....with a good chunk of his arm in her moith, which she spits at him*
[14-18:24] c7147, Faltren : *well, wouldn't have forced her head up so hard as to encourage taking a chunk of his arm, but she broke skin and might have a small chunk. He goes to smack her with the back of his other hand.*
[14-18:26] d3a2d, Lafiel : *her hands dive under the table, one wrapping around the handle of her sword which was laying across her lap, hidden from view by table* Let go.
[14-18:27] JOIN: Jagged Farrell has entered.
[14-18:29] c7147, Faltren : Only after I've secured you in a better fashion and we may again return to our people and you learn to be proper.
[14-18:29] d3a2d, Lafiel : I will never return.
[14-18:31] c7147, Faltren : you will and you'll first be made an example of for the other ladies to see your folly and not follow in your footsteps and then you will learn to become a good member of the community. How painful that process it will depend on you. *moves to stand and pull her up with him by her hair.*
[14-18:32] JOIN: PHOENIX has entered.
[14-18:33] f20b1, Jagged Farrell: ((well look, its phoenix))
[14-18:33] JOIN: PHOENIX has entered.
[14-18:36] f20b1, Jagged Farrell: *and the scene opens in the dry blackness of his current cave dwelling, the depth of the darkness is so tangible it seems to grasp at you, though its just barely light enough for drow eyes to see perfectly, yet for others to be blinded*
[14-18:37] EXIT: PHOENIX has left the chat ( 7:34pm, March 14 (CST) ).
[14-18:38] c7147, Meg Alayas : *opens her eyes and moves to rub her temples* Mmmm
[14-18:38] f20b1, Jagged Farrell: *Jagged sits upon a smooth rock, looking a few feet away at Meg, her wrists bound behind her back, ankles cross and tied, she is sitting down, tied against a natural stone column formed in the cave, the eerie silence is perfect in its absence of sound*
[14-18:38] d3a2d, Lafiel : I would rather die *brings the hand bearing the sword up in a swing at his midsection*
[14-18:38] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[14-18:38] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 7:38pm, March 14 (CST) ).
[14-18:38] JOIN: Gaffer has entered.