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[11-20:38] 464bf, Darrius Lokken : **Remaining in human form, he is undeniably beautiful, with messy, long jet-black hair, that partially covers his crimson red eyes. He is frightfully pale and seems to comunicate a sence of fear.**
[11-20:39] 69d55, Tarnis Catadon : **takes a step back from the swinging claws but the roof isnt there tarnis begins to fall backward but turns his fall into a flip landing on the ground then pivots begining to run from the demon**
[11-20:39] JOIN: Gwen has entered.
[11-20:40] 464bf, Darrius Lokken : **Looks back up to the roofs, considering killing the demon... but then Tarnis might attack him, and killing his own servant would be less than productive. He figures Tarnis can handle himself.**
[11-20:41] JOIN: Gwen has entered.
[11-20:41] 464bf, Darrius Lokken : (And I'll guess delotha is gone?))
[11-20:41] d97a9, Axis : *leaps off the roof in a powerfull leap just behind tanris slicing down with his dagger at his spine aiming to sever it* Give up...
[11-20:41] 94c70, Swordmaster Fannon: Yes yes.. *He mumbles as he moves off to help with the moving of what supplies they have.* Gods help us all.
[11-20:41]       Gwen blinks her eyes at the Beautiful boy standing at the ground her wine color eyes widen as she saw he was half demon like her
[11-20:42] d97a9, Axis : ((Gwen if you speak of Lokken he is a nightmare.))
[11-20:43]       Gwen lays low on the roof, not really wanting to fight she watchs how good the men fight,she grins as she sees how they fight
[11-20:43] 464bf, Darrius Lokken : ((Where exactly are you Gwen?))
[11-20:43] 69d55, Tarnis Catadon : **would be running by the time axis would be able to get his spine tarnis is running at an inhuman speed from the man whome is more then so**
[11-20:44] 15c93, Gwen: ((up on a roof top really close to where you guys are fighting))
[11-20:44] 1d667, Pug Duthain: *Shakes his head.* Thanks for the support. I really needed that. *NOT!* *Picks a spot upon the ground, removes his pack, digs around inside it for his grimore. Once locating it he takes a seat upon said ground and prepares to study it.*
[11-20:44] 94c70, Muna : Yes. I wish for you to work for me.
[11-20:45] d97a9, Axis : *darts after Tarnis easily keeping up with him and making cuts ahis legs and back aiming to wound or hamstring him*
[11-20:45] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : ((Eh... I zoned off. Sorry))
[11-20:45] 94c70, Swordmaster Fannon: Bah. You know full well that I would take a good sword over a wizard's pointy hat any day.
[11-20:46]       Gwen sniffs the air her red wine color eyes are covered by her cinder hair
[11-20:47] 7725b, King Narmotur : *Chuckles a bit* Work for you? Pardon me?
[11-20:47] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : *and from the rooftop an amazingly beautiful man has leapt... hovered, and finally landed on the ground. Her eyes narrow as she regards him. Oh yes... she's seen one like him before, and that floating trip, and those firey red eyes are rather distinctive*
[11-20:47] JOIN: Rav has entered.
[11-20:47]       Gwen feels an uneasy feeling as she watchs a shadow move towards her she forms a ball of fire between her hands
[11-20:48] 15c93, Gwen: Show your self!
[11-20:48] 464bf, Darrius Lokken : **Flies upward, over the roof tops, Watching as Axis continues his pursuit on Tarnis. He also notices the new girl Gwen, he hasnt seen her yet, but might be used to his advantage. He smiles at the girl, winks and blows a kiss. He then flies down to the street on which the men are running, transforms to his equine form of a large, black horse, with fire at the mane, tail, eyes, and nostrils. He takes off in pursuit of Axis**
[11-20:48] 69d55, Tarnis Catadon : ** stumbs a step as one of the claws axis is using nicks the back of his thigh. turns down another ally quickly spinning on heel kneeling down holding his sword at an angle if axis isnt caredfule he would be hit**
[11-20:49]       Gwen sees a figure run towards the men that are fighting she throws the fire and the man as he burns up, she blushs at Lokken
[11-20:49] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : *.. and he just took off. She considers a long moment as he floats away, then with a rather feral grin... she moves after him. He was, after all, close enough to a demon to be worth hunting.. Even if he was obnoxiously beautiful as a human.*
[11-20:50]       Gwen whispers something under her breath and a blade of fire formed in her hand
[11-20:50] JOIN: Polaris13 has entered.
[11-20:50] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : *Not that she'd ever admit she found that attractive, heck, she'd still not admit that she cared for Aralore, before he ditched her*
[11-20:50] 1d667, Pug Duthain: And you know I'd take my wizardly skills over a sword. I still recall the last time I drew a sword. It wasn't a pretty sight. However it's not my powers I'm worried about. They're up to the task. Whatever that may be. However, I'm no King.
[11-20:50] 6c848, Polaris13: *walks intot he town*
[11-20:51] 464bf, Darrius Lokken : ((Sorry Del, in my species description))
[11-20:51] 15c93, Gwen: crap my computer shuting me off damn it its doing it again sorry guys i've g2g and try to fix it
[11-20:51] EXIT: Gwen has left the chat ( 9:51pm, February 11 (CST) ).
[11-20:52] 6c848, Polaris13: *watches Axis battle with Tarnis*
[11-20:52] 6c848, Polaris13: *walks toward the Glimmering Inn*
[11-20:53] 464bf, Darrius Lokken : **Gallops faster, his eyes flaring angrily, baring his jagged teeth in what might almost pass as a smile**
[11-20:53] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[11-20:53] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[11-20:53] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 9:53pm, February 11 (CST) ).
[11-20:54] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 9:53pm, February 11 (CST) ).
[11-20:54] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[11-20:54] JOIN: Kroger has entered.
[11-20:54] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 9:54pm, February 11 (CST) ).
[11-20:54] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : *and she takes off into a quick sprint, bolting after the nightm... night stallion**
[11-20:54] 96c07, Roki: whoa willy whoa...
[11-20:55] JOIN: Axis has entered.
[11-20:55] 7725b, King Narmotur : You must be jesting..
[11-20:55] 3ca4e, Kroger: ((hey all, is Rav around?))
[11-20:55] 4f763, Axis : ((Soory comp acted up))
[11-20:55] 69d55, Tarnis Catadon : ((axis?))
[11-20:55] 69d55, Tarnis Catadon : ((ah))
[11-20:56] 464bf, Darrius Lokken : ((No problem, but my guys closing in on yours, careful))
[11-20:56] JOIN: Dri has entered.
[11-20:56] 6c848, Polaris13: (Welcome? Axis? O.o; )
[11-20:56] ab564, Rav : I am here Kroger
[11-20:56] 4f763, Axis : ((your chasing me right Lokken?))
[11-20:57] ab564, Rav : Hey polaris did you really want the 13 on the end of your name?
[11-20:57] 464bf, Darrius Lokken : ((Yep))
[11-20:57] 6c848, Polaris13: (Yeah, why, Rav?)
[11-20:58] 6c848, Polaris13: (I wasn't sure whether someone else had it or I like 13..)
[11-20:58] ab564, Rav : Just wondering so that I could Regg you.
[11-20:58] 3ca4e, Kroger: ((I wanted to go over registering my character. You answered me before, day before yesterday.))
[11-20:58] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : ((Lokken's chasing you, I'm chasing Lokken... ... *looks behind her suspiciously*))
[11-20:58] 69d55, Tarnis Catadon : ((axis shuold i re-post))
[11-20:58] ab564, Rav : Ok , *shrugs* your wish is my comand.
[11-20:59] ab564, Rav : um get me over AIM.
[11-20:59] 6c848, Polaris13: (Er...oo; Ok, Rav. hehe)
[11-20:59] 4f763, Axis : *stops just before turning the corner hearing the nightmare coming he quickly forms a portal and steps through it ending up in the alley behind Tanris the portal closing behind him compleltyl silent*
[11-20:59] 3ca4e, Kroger: ((My AIM sn is RedIce611))
[11-21:00] ab564, Rav : I gotcha
[11-21:00] 69d55, Tarnis Catadon : ** as axis doesnt turn the corner tarnis steps out to see a massive black horse with flames ....obviously he turns and runs**
[11-21:01] 464bf, Darrius Lokken : **Stops short, his eyes flaring more an more as his anger increases... Hates those portals. His sniffs the air, trying to trace the demon.**
[11-21:01] EXIT: Liz has left the chat ( 9:34pm, February 11 (CST) ).
[11-21:02] 4f763, Axis : *he'd run straight into the powerfull blow of the poisened dagger being very hard to avoid becasue of the range and both of their speeds. If that blow is succsesful the claws that tip his fingers would go across Tanrises face*
[11-21:03] 6c848, Polaris13: *sits on a bar stool at the bar*
[11-21:03] 69d55, Tarnis Catadon : ((your behind me axis how you get my face?))
[11-21:04] JOIN: Karlita has entered.
[11-21:05] 4f763, Axis : ( I assumed you turned as you ran))
[11-21:05] JOIN: Umeane has entered.
[11-21:05] 2d340, Umeane : ((hi all))
[11-21:05] c2ad3, Karlita : (( * enters* hewwo ^^ ))
[11-21:05] 69d55, Tarnis Catadon : ((hmm well not back to you..down the street but ill work with it...))
[11-21:06] 464bf, Darrius Lokken : **Sneers angrily as he transforms back to his human self, now, his eyes virtually engulfed in flame. He wants that demon**
[11-21:06] 2d340, Umeane : ((*pokess the royal person*))
[11-21:07] c2ad3, Karlita : (( ))
[11-21:07] 69d55, Tarnis Catadon : **as he turns he spots the dagger juking, he jumps to the side stumbles then swings his sword at the hand holding the knife**
[11-21:07] 6c848, Will-o'-the-wisp: (darrnit, I have to go...bye all)
[11-21:07] 96c07, Roki: *on a couch!*
[11-21:07] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 10:07pm, February 11 (CST) ).
[11-21:08] c2ad3, Karlita : (( * fwaps Umeane with her royal staff * ))
[11-21:08] 464bf, Darrius Lokken : **Flies upward again, overlooking the buildings, searching the alleys. Couldnt have gone to far... (apparently Del is no longer after him). He spots them, a few alleys away.
[11-21:08] 4f763, Axis : *flicks to the side stabbing at his belly with his dagger* Why do still fight?
[11-21:09] 2d340, Umeane : ((*whimpers* dorws always get hit...))
[11-21:09] 2d340, Umeane : ((and slaves... damn I got both those thigns against me..))
[11-21:09] 4f763, Axis : ((do you still fight I mean)))
[11-21:10] EXIT: Dri has left the chat ( 9:56pm, February 11 (CST) ).
[11-21:10] JOIN: AdrianGoldenmoon has entered.
[11-21:10] 464bf, Darrius Lokken : **Yells loud enough for both Tarnis and Axis to hear** He needs not! I'll fight for him!
[11-21:11] 69d55, Tarnis Catadon : **is swords length away...about 5' so the dagger would not reach...tarnis puts out a hand so he doesnt fall then pushs himself back up facing axis** I fight because if I don't I will be made a a slave!
[11-21:12] 464bf, Darrius Lokken : **Still in mid-air, he comes toward the demons, or, demon and half demon, as if he were walking down a flight of stairs getting closer and closer, still decending**
[11-21:12] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : *Who says she ain't? But she can't get him in the air now can she?* *... And now he's babbling on to someone. Again, quirky folks*
[11-21:12] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : *no no, is the half of a demon, he's just your regular demon*
[11-21:13] 2d340, Umeane : ((*pokes Karlita again*))
[11-21:13] 4f763, Axis : *ignores lokken* You? Ha! Your to tough too be made a slave. ((I assumed we were closer))
[11-21:13] 69d55, Tarnis Catadon : **eyes go to the floating man for a slit second then back to the man chasing him**
[11-21:13] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( meh.. )
[11-21:13] EXIT: Kroger has left the chat ( 9:59pm, February 11 (CST) ).
[11-21:14] JOIN: Kroger has entered.
[11-21:14] c2ad3, Karlita : * rides into town, wearing her dark blue gown taody, a large sapphire pendant around her slender neck. Fiona trots as they go over the cobblestones.. she sighs as she sees the same buildings abnd such.. she needed a vacation.. * (( gah !! * throws Umeane in a gay prison* ))
[11-21:14] 69d55, Tarnis Catadon : **now angered yells** Well I was! I could be again! **wakes his sword in small circles wating for an attack**
[11-21:15] 2d340, Umeane : ((*pokes everone in the prison. then walks out* thanks that was fun, can I have another.))
[11-21:15] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : *.. and now there's folks babbling about slaves and... Ah HA! Now who was this? She eyes Axis a moment as she comes into view of them, but most of her attention is on the flaming horse in the air*
[11-21:16] 69d55, Tarnis Catadon : ((**dry humps Umeane**))
[11-21:16] 464bf, Darrius Lokken : **Just is he is ready to attack, he notices the actions of Tarnis... He still has fight in him. He decides that Tarnis does not yet need help. Turns his attention to delotha and decends quickly, landing in front of her** Hello Miss.
[11-21:16] 4f763, Axis : Are you really so weak? *knows that Lokken is closing* Pathetic......
[11-21:16] 464bf, Darrius Lokken : ((Im human again, no more horse))
[11-21:17] 2d340, Umeane : ((i said another.. Not something new.. ifI was in a gay prison... that means other girls :-P))
[11-21:17] 4f763, Axis : *Delothat would notice since his hood fell off that he has silver hair and golden cat eyes. He other wise looks as a handsome elf. he also has golden hooked claws on his finger tips*
[11-21:18] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : :: Adrian strolls quietly through the forest, absently passing his slender fingers over the palm of his opposite hand.. his emerald gaze meandering over the foliage.. it was a much-needed break from his work::
[11-21:18] 69d55, Tarnis Catadon : I am not weak. **eyes skips to Darrius again then back to Axis** What do you chase me for!
[11-21:19] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[11-21:19] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 10:19pm, February 11 (CST) ).
[11-21:19] 4f763, Axis : You kill innocents. you shed blood needlessly weakling...
[11-21:19] 69d55, Tarnis Catadon : ?
[11-21:19] c2ad3, Karlita : * trots past the heavily populated as to which everyone is on at the moment. she then stops Fiona and retraces her steps. stopping at the front of the road, looking at the brawl between Tarnis and another..RaE *
[11-21:19] 464bf, Darrius Lokken : **Looks worried a moment, then says to Delotha** Excuse me for a moment ** Turns his head, yelling loudly** Do not listen to him Tarnis!! He wants nothing more than you to be in captivity!!! Trust no one!
[11-21:20] 464bf, Darrius Lokken : kill him!!
[11-21:21] 4f763, Axis : oh so is he your master is he the one you are enslaved to?
[11-21:21] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : *Erp, human. My bad* *Looks as an elf... but with odd traits... hm... questionable, but he might not be a demon, or at least not a full one* *blinks as Darrius lands before her... then as he shouts back. What the heck?* *calls out* Tarnis, eh? I'd not listen to either of these crackers if I were you, listen first to yourself.
[11-21:21] 69d55, Tarnis Catadon : They wish to enslave me! Would't you kill those who wish to chain you up** takes a step forard thrusting his sword for the mans heart quickly withdrawing his sword to defend any attack**
[11-21:22] 464bf, Darrius Lokken : **Laughs** Shut you mouth demon! Im no more trust worthy to him then you! Im meerly trying to protect my friend!
[11-21:23] ab564, Rav : Ok, did anyone else need anything Registation wise?
[11-21:23] 4f763, Axis : *darts to the side of the wild attack and is a demon* They were people on the street. *snarls* You are the one who would enslave a murder inocents oh and he turns into a flaming horse. *pointing at lokken*
[11-21:24] 464bf, Darrius Lokken : **Mutters angrily is his crimson eyes burst into flame** thats it!! **meerly grunts at Del, turns and walks towards Tarnis and axis, pointing** Your dead demon! I've killed you kind before!!
[11-21:24] c2ad3, Karlita : (( * applauds Darrius for giving Tarnis that kind nightmare ..heh ..))
[11-21:24] 69d55, Tarnis Catadon : ((Rav, I was wondering if you got my char form for the necromancer?))
[11-21:24] ab564, Rav : yeah acctualy I did contact me over AIM
[11-21:25] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : *An elven made with questionable traits, a, what she suspects, is a nightmare... and a man that's obviously not fully there in the head. She certainly knows how to pick them, doesn't she?* *stands there, looking a bit bemused, as Darrius storms away from her... then aruptly, puts a hand to her forehead, and just starts laughing hysterically at the three of them*
[11-21:25] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : ((elven made=elven man))
[11-21:25] 69d55, Tarnis Catadon : **steps away from the demon now trying to keep an eye on both of the odd men**
[11-21:26] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[11-21:26] 464bf, Darrius Lokken : **Growls dangerously at Axis** And what do you care for humans? your a demon!! Start acting like one!
[11-21:26] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 10:26pm, February 11 (CST) ).
[11-21:26] c2ad3, Karlita : * * is still at the head of the road..watching...woindering what was wrong with Tarnis ..her horses winnies *
[11-21:26] 464bf, Darrius Lokken : ((Bows to Karlita "Ya know, I wanna thank the academy))
[11-21:27] JOIN: Z has entered.
[11-21:27] 94c70, Swordmaster Fannon: That's right.
[11-21:27] c2ad3, Karlita : ((*giggles* ))
[11-21:27] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : Actually... All demons acting in a... well... demon manner is a common misconception. There are demons out there with intentions as pure as any saint, even though they are far and few between *quirky grin*
[11-21:27] 4f763, Axis : Start acting like one *he mocks Lokken then calls over to Del* Hey how about I buy you a drink eh?*obviously mocking Lokken more*
[11-21:27] 94c70, Muna : Is it that difficult for you to understand?
[11-21:28] 3ca4e, Kroger: ::Kroger walks into town, hauling a fur over his shoulder heading to the merchant shops::
[11-21:28] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : *.. quirky grin that flashes her sharply pointed canines (top and bottom sharp, not vampire fangies)*
[11-21:28] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( oh no the Black Moon series strikes back! )
[11-21:28] 7725b, King Narmotur : No, simply amusing.
[11-21:29] 464bf, Darrius Lokken : **As he passes Tarnis, he speaks softly in the voice he used in the nightmare** Tarnis, of all your enemies... **points to Karlita at the head of the road** royalty is the worst. **Continues towards Axis, and throws a quick and powerful fist at his jaw**
[11-21:29] 69d55, Tarnis Catadon : **while the nightmare and demon are conversing he slowly backs away**
[11-21:29] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : :: He pauses in his step, softly patting around his pockets until Spark skitters out from his napping place, chattering angrily as only tiny spastic squirrels could do..:: Eh.. sorry pal.
[11-21:30] 1d667, Pug Duthain: I wasn't born in that line, so I found something else to do. It's not my fault that I began to learn magic as a young child.
[11-21:30] 4f763, Axis : *anticipates the blow and ducks under slashing at his gut* How about it miss??
[11-21:30] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : Hm... tempting. But I don't go on dates with strange men I just met, especially since it's being broadcasted you are a demon. *slides her gaze towards Tarnis*
[11-21:30] 3ca4e, Kroger: ::he exchanges the pelt of some coin and bids the merchant good day. He walks towards the inn, remembering yesterday's events and the man in the jail cell:: ... I wonder what ever happened to that bloke.
[11-21:31] 5d609, Cookie Monster: *reawakens from his reverance*
[11-21:32] 94c70, Muna : *smirks at him.*
[11-21:32] 464bf, Darrius Lokken : **accepts the cut across his gut, with no attempt to block, he smiles, and throws a fist down towards the back of Axis neck**
[11-21:32] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : *as Kroger speaks, Jerren has made it to the southern tip of the Dark Forest*
[11-21:32] c2ad3, Karlita : (( * stabs Darrius* ))
[11-21:32] 94c70, Swordmaster Fannon: That's because you didn't live around me. Hmph.
[11-21:33] 3ca4e, Kroger: ((haha))
[11-21:33] 7725b, King Narmotur : I'm curious, please continue.
[11-21:33] 1d667, Pug Duthain: You were busy teaching Arutha.
[11-21:33] 69d55, Tarnis Catadon : **turns spotting the fimiliar karlita he begins to walk toward her at a quick pace**
[11-21:33] 4f763, Axis : *manages to shift so the blow knocks him away instead of killing him* hmm not bad. *he mutters to himself seemilngly distracted* so familier so I am a demon after all....odd...
[11-21:34] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : *and why the hell he has been able to get that far on wolfback over hundreds of miles... why Deus Mechana of course*
[11-21:34] 3ca4e, Kroger: :ushing in on the door to the inn, Kroger steps inside, looking to the bar, the familiar face of the bartender right where he expected it to be. Looking around he wondered if he'd recognize anyone else::
[11-21:34] 92794, Squirrel : ::Laughs:: :oints::
[11-21:34] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : ((deus ex mechana rather))
[11-21:35] 94c70, Swordmaster Fannon: He is the king. How else is he to defend his people? It was my duty.
[11-21:35] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : *folds her arms, shifting to lean against the wall of the nearest building, as she watches the fight between them*
[11-21:35] 69d55, Tarnis Catadon : ((is roki around?))
[11-21:35] 464bf, Darrius Lokken : **Turns, bringing a knee towards Axis temple**
[11-21:35] 3ca4e, Kroger: *pushing
[11-21:35] 94c70, Muna : *Steps towards Narmotur, silent.*
[11-21:35] 7725b, King Narmotur : *Watches.*
[11-21:35] JOIN: Dri has entered.
[11-21:35] 1d667, Pug Duthain: And I because the kingdom's head wizard. What's wrong with that?
[11-21:36] 4f763, Axis : *notices just and time and gets fore arm up to block staggering a step then lashing out with talons at Lokkens face*
[11-21:36] 4eb1e, Mab Fairy Queen :
[11-21:36] c2ad3, Karlita : * watches Tarnis, staying put on top of Fiona *
[11-21:37] 69d55, Tarnis Catadon : ** is in some ally in ruapnchi**
[11-21:37] dfe22, Dri: :: Dri is sound asleep at his back by now, her breath a small warm spot at his back each time she exhaled::
[11-21:37] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : *southern tip of the Dark Forest*
[11-21:38] 464bf, Darrius Lokken : **Puts him arm up, pulling his face back, hoping to colide his hand with Axis wrist, and hold his arm there**
[11-21:38] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : :: Walking through the woods outside of raupenchi ::
[11-21:39] c2ad3, Karlita : (( ally in ))
[11-21:39] 69d55, Tarnis Catadon : **as he stop infront of the horse karlita is upon he speaks so very softly** You wish to enslave me. Why would you do that? I was nothing but good to you. **raise his bloodied sword to the chest of karlitas mount his metalic green eyes starring into karlitas**
[11-21:39] 464bf, Darrius Lokken : **In same alley as tarnis**
[11-21:39] 3ca4e, Kroger: (( have no idea... trendlekim I think))
[11-21:40] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : *as he enters past the trees that make up the forest he lets Gakasha slow down to a trot. Gakasha would be jubilant at this reprieve, but its bone tired. Jerren is nearly as tired, though less physicaly than mentaly, having been trying to coordinate his entire kingdom for whatever comes next with Khalek's forces. Silently he picks up Dri from behind him and places her in front of himself on Gakasha's back, so she won't be falling off*
[11-21:40] 4f763, Axis : *his wrist is grabbed but he brings the other hand, holding the poisened dagger up into a stab that would puncture his diaphram if it connected*
[11-21:41] c2ad3, Karlita : * her dark eyes widen, looking into his * Tarnis.. lower your sword.. i dont want to enslave you.. you are my friend* wonders what the hell is wrong with him *
[11-21:41] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : ((*in same alley as Axis, Tarnis, Darrius... etc....))
[11-21:41] JOIN: Rav has entered.
[11-21:41] 4f763, Axis : ((not holding bringing))
[11-21:42] ab564, Rav : Ok AIM all better.
[11-21:42] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : *glances towards Tarnis and Karlita... an eyebrow arching slightly*
[11-21:42] 94c70, Muna : (( *is in Narmotur's castle, mwahaha* ))
[11-21:43] 94c70, Swordmaster Fannon: (( *somewhere off of Krondor hiding out with Pug* ))
[11-21:43] 3ca4e, Kroger: :icking a stool by the bar, he orders himself a mug of ale::
[11-21:43] 94c70, Swordmaster Fannon: *Chuckles at Pug.* Nothing, nothing at all.
[11-21:43] 94c70, Muna : Why do you rule this Kingdom?
[11-21:43] 69d55, Tarnis Catadon : **keeps his sword held into the horses chest taking a step forward ..the horse would step back** You only pretend so you can catch me off gaurd. ** his eyes still locked on hers his face is stone cold showing no emotion. his head still bald, blue tattoos of ruins and patterns cover it marking his former slavesness**
[11-21:44] 464bf, Darrius Lokken : **Maintains hold of the wrist, but shifts his body to the direct opposite side of the blade, making axis miss, and bringing his free (one not holding wrist) arm around at the elbow of the controlled hand, hoping to fracture it.**
[11-21:44] MSG: Jerren Skulldeep sent a message to Swordmaster Fannon.
[11-21:45] 7725b, King Narmotur : It is mine to rule.
[11-21:45] 1d667, Pug Duthain: Right. *Has made little headway in studying his grimore. It wouldn't make much of a difference anyway as they'd still be in the cave atleast another half a day or so.*
[11-21:45] 4f763, Axis : *bends his elbow moving hois body as it does so the blow only stings instead of doing damage he brings his dagger in again in a stab at lokkens torso , the side that has the holding arm*
[11-21:46] c2ad3, Karlita : * keeps her face stern, but is scared for him inside* i have only ever cared for you.. but i will leave if you wish Tarnis.. * she rides off, her horse just a bit crazed from his sword* // ( i g2g bye ^^ ))
[11-21:46] JOIN: Umeane has entered.
[11-21:46] 4f763, Axis : (( I have around 15 minutes))
[11-21:47] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : *watches Tarnis thoughtfully... now there was a puzzle*
[11-21:47] 464bf, Darrius Lokken : **Puts up his boot, which would hit Axis forearm, stopping the stabbing motion in its path.** ((Axis we have to end this soon, I have about the same time period))
[11-21:47] 69d55, Tarnis Catadon : **lets his sword lower his spins on heel headin back to the man who was chasing him...stops about 10 feet away watchingto two**
[11-21:49] 94c70, Muna : But why? What does it give you?
[11-21:49] 3ca4e, Kroger: *Bored with the quietness of the bar, he decides to have a walk outside, while there was time. Paying the bartender for the drink he had, he heads for the inn exit*
[11-21:49] 7725b, King Narmotur : Power, wealth, security in life?
[11-21:50] 464bf, Darrius Lokken : **Throws his other hand down to catch the hand holding the blade, meanwhile, squeezes the arm he controls very hard**
[11-21:50] 94c70, Swordmaster Fannon: *While Pug does his magic study, he busies himself with cleaning up and sorting the good weapons and armor from the bad, now useless stuff.*
[11-21:51] 4f763, Axis : ((I have an idea)) *Smashes his head forward in a head but hopeing to force lokken to realese him. I f He does get free he will spin away cry*Another day my friend. You have helped me this day I feel some of my lost memories returning *then would create a gate and jump thorugh it*
[11-21:51] dfe22, Dri: :: Falls limp at first like a ragdoll, and disturbed by the sudden movement of her own doing, flinches and cracks her eyes open halfway:: Whaa..
[11-21:51] 94c70, Muna : What if I could give you more...
[11-21:52] 1d667, Pug Duthain: *Yes had to end the conversation so that he could study and prepare the spells he'd need. Will take him about an hour to do so.*
[11-21:52] 464bf, Darrius Lokken : **ducks the head butt, but releases the demon regardless. (as long as I hurt your arm))**
[11-21:52] 7725b, King Narmotur : I somehow doubt you can deliver the world.. *chuckles*
[11-21:52] 4f763, Axis : ((It stung like hell))
[11-21:53] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : ((Fannon? you have a message)) Not want you fall off.
[11-21:53] 4f763, Axis : ((Thanks lokken cya folks later))
[11-21:53] EXIT: Axis has left the chat ( 10:53pm, February 11 (CST) ).
[11-21:53] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : *waits until after the portal has closed behind the demon, then looks back to Darrius* ... Not bad... not bad at all. I really must spar with you sometime
[11-21:54] 464bf, Darrius Lokken : **Laughs darkly to himself as he flies up over the top of the buildings** Glad to have helped demon **muttering this** remember... ill be watching** ((Is outta here))
[11-21:55] 464bf, Darrius Lokken : **Looks back to Delotha** I dont spar, I murder... Im just having an off week.
[11-21:55] MSG: Swordmaster Fannon sent a message to Jerren Skulldeep.
[11-21:55] 464bf, Darrius Lokken : ((Really gone now))
[11-21:55] 94c70, Muna : What if I could?
[11-21:56] 69d55, Tarnis Catadon : **walks away form all the carnage into an ally and seemingly into thin air** **GONE, YO**
[11-21:56] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : ... Then it would be amusing to see your pathetic attempts to murder me, Nightmare *waits until he's out of sight, then turns slightly, staring towards Tarnis if he's still there*
[11-21:56] MSG: Jerren Skulldeep sent a message to Swordmaster Fannon.
[11-21:56] 7725b, King Narmotur : Oh please humor me.
[11-21:56] 3ca4e, Kroger: ::Kroger reaches an alley with a path leading outside of town. He reminded of the trail he followed out to find Adrian.*
[11-21:56] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : *.. who just walked off as well* *unfolds her arms as she pushes off the wall she was leaning against, and meanders off herself*
[11-21:57] dfe22, Dri: Okie Food Man... :: She blinks drowsily, leaning her head against him, her short red hair obscuring half of her face:: What'ya name, Food Man..
[11-21:57] 69d55, Tarnis Catadon : ((nightmares dont die delatha i doubt a 1/2 demon could put up a decent fight))
[11-21:57] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : In human tongue or in goblin?
[11-21:57] 69d55, Tarnis Catadon : (( and by dont die i mean its very very very hard to kill them
[11-21:57] 69d55, Tarnis Catadon : ))
[11-21:59] 3ca4e, Kroger: *It had been a while ago, but maybe he would find him again. He made a mental note of the alley and walked to a general store to get a few things*
[11-22:00] dfe22, Dri: Gotsa human tongue? Eww.. ::Scrunches up her face::
[11-22:00] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : ((I know the nightmare's abilities and stuff, considering I was the one who made them for this chat. *eyes* Nightmares are tough little creatures, between being naturally hard to stabbity, and immune to magic, but they are not invincible... especially while in human form))
[11-22:00] MSG: Swordmaster Fannon sent a message to Jerren Skulldeep.
[11-22:01] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : ((*snickers at Kroger going to a general store... but only a person thats lived in Texas would understand* Words of name differant with Humans and Goblins.
[11-22:04] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[11-22:04] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[11-22:04] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[11-22:04] 1d667, Pug Duthain: ((*Would beg to differ with that assesment. Knows of Kroger and hasn't lived in Texas. Well not long enough to call it lived.*))
[11-22:05] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 11:04pm, February 11 (CST) ).
[11-22:05] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 11:04pm, February 11 (CST) ).
[11-22:05] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 11:04pm, February 11 (CST) ).
[11-22:05] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 11:04pm, February 11 (CST) ).
[11-22:05] 3ca4e, Kroger: ((I know very well that Kroger is a retail grocery chain, why must you make the same crusty joke each and every night?))
[11-22:05] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : ((Ah! but you've been there))
[11-22:05] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : ((because I suck))
[11-22:06] 94c70, Muna : *chuckles.* Such little faith.
[11-22:06] 1d667, Pug Duthain: ((For two whole weeks as a kid. However, I did not know Kroger was there. Kroger used to be here where I live. ))
[11-22:06] dfe22, Dri: ( maybe its "croh jer " )
[11-22:06] 3ca4e, Kroger: ((No, doesn't mean I don't know of it))
[11-22:06] dfe22, Dri: ( )
[11-22:06] 2d340, Umeane : (())
[11-22:06] 3ca4e, Kroger: ((I've heard better excuses))
[11-22:07] dfe22, Dri: :: Tilts her head back some, losing her sense of sleepyness from the dragged-out question:: Justa name.
[11-22:07] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : ((its more true than an excuse... ( ))
[11-22:08] 7725b, King Narmotur : Many people come here promising much or out right lying, You'll understand my lack in faith.
[11-22:08] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : Am Jerren Skulldeep, King of Goblins.
[11-22:09] ab564, Rav : I work for Kroger and have for five years now. Yay me.
[11-22:10] 3ca4e, Kroger: ((You get Kudos points from me man))
[11-22:11] ab564, Rav : They are a pain to work for I am in the midwest division with a store called Dillons and they give me a headake
[11-22:11] JOIN: Karn Vailner has entered.
[11-22:12] dfe22, Dri: 'Okie, Jerr'n.. :: She pokes at her own cheek, grinning lightly:: Dri.
[11-22:12] 791df, W : *wants his pay!*
[11-22:12] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : You not human, yes?
[11-22:13] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[11-22:13] dfe22, Dri: No.. ::Blinks, suddenly confused:: Yes. Whaa? ::She scratched st her head absently, not sure which answer was the true one:: I not human.
[11-22:14] 3ca4e, Kroger: **The soldier walks out of the store, three parcels in hand and makes his way to the alley where he had committed the trail to mind.**
[11-22:15] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : What you be then?
[11-22:16] dfe22, Dri: Dri. ::Smiles sweetly, feigning innocence::
[11-22:16] 3ca4e, Kroger: *stepping onto the trail he heads off into the woods*
[11-22:16] EXIT: Kroger has left the chat ( 11:16pm, February 11 (CST) ).
[11-22:19] 94c70, Muna : Then let me teach it to you again... *Her hand reaches to the hilt of the sword at her side. The blade is drawn with an eerie sound of metal on metal.*
[11-22:21] 7725b, King Narmotur : No.. *his eyes narrow, still not impressed.* I will not tolerate threats, If you have legitimate business here, state your case.. if not.
[11-22:23] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : You not have answer?
[11-22:25] 94c70, Muna : *She utters a few words, paying no attention to Narmotur. Once she is done speaking the blade of the sword seems to glitter with sparks of light. Her other hand then thrusts into the air. As this happens a stream of lightning crashes into the ceiling above Narmotur's head. It ends as quickly as it started. Lowering her arm, she looks to Narmotur.*
[11-22:25] d7b7c, Will-o'-the-wisp: What would you DOOOOOO for a Klondike Bar?
[11-22:26] 4eb1e, Mab OOC : Well, I'd smite a will-o'-the-wisp.
[11-22:26] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : ((and Jerren was locked up by the King's guards for trying to stop Muna... how the tables have turned... mahahahaha))
[11-22:27] 791df, W : *aids Mab?*
[11-22:27] d7b7c, Will-o'-the-wisp: But would you do it...even if it meant possibly smiting one of your own?
[11-22:27] 7725b, King Narmotur : *twitches slightly at the sudden show, but with a deep breath he regains his composure.* A conjurer of magic and tricks then..
[11-22:29] 94c70, Muna : It is much more than that.
[11-22:30] dfe22, Dri: :: She hadn't really wanted to tell anyone if they couldn't figure it out themselves... but Jerren was different, he *did* set her free after all..:: Kitsune. ::Blinks her large glassy eyes at him, absently biting on her lower lip::
[11-22:31] 7725b, King Narmotur : *shrugs slightly, as if not impressed* What do you propose.
[11-22:33] 4eb1e, Mab OOC : Possibly
[11-22:33] 94c70, Muna : You serve me and I can ensure your rule over this kingdom... as well as others.
[11-22:33] EXIT: Squirrel has left the chat ( 10:34pm, February 11 (CST) ).
[11-22:34] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : Not heard of. You are minor race, yes?
[11-22:35] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[11-22:35] 7725b, King Narmotur : *Shifts slightly, somehow he had a feeling of what she wanted.* Ah yes, I rule over these kingdoms while you rule over I and all?
[11-22:37] dfe22, Dri: Yah.. ::Moves her small feet back and forth, jingling the bells in her slippers lightly:: Why?
[11-22:38] d7b7c, Will-o'-the-wisp: *feels unloved*
[11-22:39] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : Am interested in races. All have stengths. Mix them, use best strengths of each, have stronger hole.
[11-22:39] 94c70, Muna : You get what you want, don't you?
[11-22:40] 7725b, King Narmotur : That depends, Nothing stops you from discarding me when i've 'served' my usefullness
[11-22:42] dfe22, Dri: What'ya need holes for? Just dig. ::Can't really fathom the idea of a strong hole anyway.. maybe a big or deep one... puzzlement crosses her features..::
[11-22:43] 1d667, Pug Duthain: *Once finished he closes the book and replaces it in his pack. Pug gathers the group together in the center of the cavern. He asked that a couple of the men keep an eye out for anything that may enter or interfere with his casting. Once all is set, he begins to cast the spell. They're generally quick to cast, however with a party larger than most, Pug takes the extra time to ensure all parts are completed correctly.*
[11-22:44] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : Stonger group.
[11-22:46] 94c70, Swordmaster Fannon: *Mostly uninjured, he helps with the watch.*
[11-22:47] 94c70, Muna : You will have free reign. *Of course, he is mortal and will die much sooner than she.*
[11-22:47] dfe22, Dri: Must be King-y thing. ::Shrugs her petite shoulders, peering about:: Where at?
[11-22:50] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : We in Dark Forest. Is dangerous place to those not know it. Is dangerous place to those that do. Is dangerous place. Know it though.
[11-22:51] 7725b, King Narmotur : *shakes his head* You are obviously a powerful being, why do you require me? are you simply looking for a Kingdom you can control through a puppet ruler?
[11-22:51] 1d667, Pug Duthain: *After a couple of minutes the casting is finished.* All should be well enough to travel by first light. Maybe a little later. *He looks to Fannon.* Once they're ready what's the plan?
[11-22:54] JOIN: Karn Vailner has entered.
[11-22:54] 94c70, Muna : What I need is not important.
[11-22:57] 7725b, King Narmotur : If we're to work together, I think it might be.
[11-22:57] 94c70, Swordmaster Fannon: *Glances back at Pug and the possibly dozen other people.* Huh, leave of course. If we stay here, they'll eventually find us.
[11-22:57] 94c70, Muna : Men.
[11-22:57] dfe22, Dri: Okay.. ::Reaches a tiny hand upward and pokes at the beads tangled in his hair:: Ooo..
[11-22:58] 94c70, Muna : (( *should pay Jerren a visit again.* ))
[11-22:59] JOIN: Durin has entered.
[11-22:59] 1d667, Pug Duthain: Well no kidding. There's only one place I can think of that'll be safe. Though I'm not certain how they'll react when the group of us step out of the portal. However like you said, we stay here, we're in for it. Quinnel should be our destination.
[11-23:00] 4eb1e, Khavi : (())
[11-23:01] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : ((Jerren's gonna be in the Dark Forest, good luck in finding him)) *smirks* Beads are power. Is magic made by Goblins. Make me strong.
[11-23:01] 7725b, King Narmotur : *Arches a brow.*
[11-23:02] 11e8f, Durin : * Where was I? Ah, yes.....Clang!Clang!Clang!*
[11-23:03] 94c70, Muna : (( *has the ability to find him* ))
[11-23:04] 94c70, Muna : Your Kingdom, it is capable of fighting, defending itself, yes?
[11-23:05] 94c70, Swordmaster Fannon: Quinell? Why go to the Elves?
[11-23:05] dfe22, Dri: So... cut hair and die? ::Recoils her hand some, a little afraid of knocking them out, even if it was hardly possible with just touching them..:: Need food for strong. Jerr'n eats.. ::Eyes him in a scolding manner, because he refused her food::
[11-23:05] 7725b, King Narmotur : Of course.
[11-23:07] 1d667, Pug Duthain: Have another place in mind? And they're more likely to give us santuary until something can be done about Krondor.
[11-23:07] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : ((Quinnel's pretty far. The Goblins are just to the south. )) Am strong without beads. Beads just make strong enough to face demons.
[11-23:09] 867a2, Naurlote : ((Hm))
[11-23:09] dfe22, Dri: :: A look of alarm passed over her face, and she cringed, looking as though she could and would readily fold into herself.. her voice meek:: demon..?..
[11-23:11] 94c70, Swordmaster Fannon: Hm. I suppose you're right. *Scratches at his beard for a moment.*
[11-23:11] 94c70, Muna : We will share then.
[11-23:11] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : Forest has demons. Has monsters. Has goblins not see me as king. All dangerous. I smash them for my people.
[11-23:11] 11e8f, Durin : *Clang!Clang!*
[11-23:13] 7725b, King Narmotur : hmm..... I don't even know of yout name.. *eyes*
[11-23:13] dfe22, Dri: Dri do anything for Jerr'n.. but no demon. ::Folds her arms, in a sort of self-hug, shivering at the thought.. a whimper caught in her throat.. she could still see his face.. hear his voice..::
[11-23:14] 94c70, Muna : Give me your decision.
[11-23:14] 1d667, Pug Duthain: *Nods.* We may even find Arutha there.
[11-23:14] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : Never say you are.
[11-23:14] 7725b, King Narmotur : Give me your name, and I'll give you my decision.
[11-23:17] 94c70, Muna : *Stares at him silently. It mattered not to her. She could take it from him.*
[11-23:17] dfe22, Dri: Are what? ::Stares blankly ahead.. or so it seemed::
[11-23:22] 7725b, King Narmotur : I do not make deals with strangers. *eyes*
[11-23:23] 94c70, Muna : And I do not make deals with men who can't make a decision.
[11-23:24] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : ((Hmm... with submiting to demons, this means there are no European Human kingdoms that aren't evil))
[11-23:24] 7725b, King Narmotur : My decision has already been made, but it hinges on one detail.
[11-23:25] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : ((Hmm... with submiting to demons, this means there are no European Human kingdoms that aren't evil))
[11-23:26] 94c70, Chima: (( *isnt Evil* ))
[11-23:27] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : ((thats right! Sorry, forgot! *bows to Chima*))
[11-23:27] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : Demons not so scary when have pack to fight beside.
[11-23:27] 94c70, Swordmaster Fannon: Yes... yes you may be right.
[11-23:28] 7725b, King Narmotur : ((Since when was good? ))
[11-23:28] JOIN: Durin has entered.
[11-23:28] 94c70, Muna : *Waits for him to continue, almos timpatiently.*
[11-23:29] 94c70, Chima: (( I am not sure Jerren or his goblins would want to visit though ))
[11-23:29] 1d667, Pug Duthain: I know Arutha's been there.
[11-23:29] dfe22, Dri: *You* think.. ::Glances about a bit anxiously, worried.. wat if she had backtracked her steps by coming here? She couldn't be found out now.. after all that work..::
[11-23:29] 7725b, King Narmotur : ((*hates everyone* eg))
[11-23:29] dfe22, Dri: ( ::got that same excuse from Chima with Adrian:: )
[11-23:30] dfe22, Dri: ( ::dramatically:: You must cross many lands and deserts and theres this woman thing that will stand in your way and you could risk eternal damnation and ahhh! something like that ::blood spurts from random places in the backround:: )
[11-23:31] 7725b, King Narmotur : *crosses one leg over the other.* I'll join you if you do give those few things.
[11-23:31] 94c70, Chima: (( It's only an IC fact Dri. *shrugs* Not everyone is all warm and fuzzy to everyone else ))
[11-23:31] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : ((hey, he can send female representatives.))
[11-23:32] dfe22, Dri: ( I know )
[11-23:32] 94c70, Muna : What few things?
[11-23:34] 7725b, King Narmotur : For one I demand your name, second... You will give me proper respect, I'm powerful in my own right and have many resources you may find useful.
[11-23:34] 94c70, Swordmaster Fannon: Yes, he has. He said they wre allies.
[11-23:35] 94c70, Muna : Of course...
[11-23:35] JOIN: Penniavas has entered.
[11-23:36] JOIN: Theodore MacPherson has entered.
[11-23:36] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : *chuckles, glad for this distraction... is deeply worried about his people and the forest. He is sure he could wage a guerrilla campaign against the Orcs for a while, but he's going to need an alliance with SOMEBODY to be able to get the orc horde away... after all, if Krondor fell, what's its smaller neighbor?
[11-23:36] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : *
[11-23:37] 7725b, King Narmotur : *eyes her, awaiting the first thing.*
[11-23:38] 94c70, Muna : You can call me, Muna.
[11-23:38] 1d667, Pug Duthain: Yes, I believe I recall him mentioning that as well. And if nothing else, they can provide horses and supplies so we can go in search of Arutha.
[11-23:38] 949ad, Theodore MacPherson: ((hey Jerren)
[11-23:39] 7725b, King Narmotur : It is a pleasure then..
[11-23:39] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : ((yes?))
[11-23:39] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 12:38am, February 12 (CST) ).
[11-23:40] dfe22, Dri: ::Attempts to climb out of his arms to get down, dangling her short leg over the wolf's side without anticipating just how far it was until he keeled over onto the ground with a *thunk*.. her slippered feet up in the air, hanging ominously over her head with her back arched, stuck against the side of the wolf's furry body.. stuck on her upper back, looking a bit disoriented from the fall::
[11-23:40] JOIN: Penniavas has entered.
[11-23:40] 94c70, Swordmaster Fannon: *Shakes his head with an audible sigh.* If he is still alive, he could be anywhere.
[11-23:40] 949ad, Penniavas: ((Sorry wrong char))
[11-23:40] 6a9aa, Durin : *Clang! Oh, clang!*
[11-23:41] 1d667, Pug Duthain: He's alive. And we have to hope to whatever gods we believe in that he's going to Quinell.
[11-23:42] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : ((good news.... or maybe not. Krondor got attacked so Jerren left in a flash. Gakasha bolted out of its stable and they left town. Penniavas is essentaily free and if he knows where Jerren kept his stuff, he'll find a small fortune worth of crafted items of various stuff*
[11-23:42] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : ))
[11-23:43] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : *stops Gakasha and looks down* You go?
[11-23:45] dfe22, Dri: ::Squeals in a most upsetted tone of voice:: Hungry..
[11-23:47] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : Have rations. Not good as Inn food, but tide over. Can look for berries. South forest have lots.
[11-23:49] ab564, Rav :
[11-23:50] 94c70, Muna : I will be in touch. *She turns to go, putting the sword away.*
[11-23:50] dfe22, Dri: Rashes? ::Rolls over onto her hands and knees:: Dun' needa know.
[11-23:50] dfe22, Dri: ( Ooh thats sexy Rav )
[11-23:50] 7725b, King Narmotur : Very well.
[11-23:51] 949ad, Penniavas: ((... uhm, if I survived the attack that is))
[11-23:51] 94c70, Muna : *Leaves by the way she came.*
[11-23:51] 94c70, Swordmaster Fannon: *Nods.*
[11-23:51] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : ((attack?))
[11-23:52] 949ad, Penniavas: ((on Krondor))
[11-23:52] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : *opens up a pouch and pulls out some scones* Rations. *holds them out to her* Fox girl eat?
[11-23:53] 1d667, Pug Duthain: Besides we agreed earlier that he wouldn't leave the kingdom in my hands.
[11-23:53] 949ad, Penniavas: ((Do the orcs have a PC captain?))
[11-23:54] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : ((I thought Jerren bout Penn in ?))
[11-23:55] 1d667, Pug Duthain: Perhaps we should get some rest. We're going to need it if Arutha's not at Quinell. *He then walks off to where he'd placed his bag. It wasn't a bed, wasn't even a bedroll, however it'd make a decent pillow while he used his cloak to cover himself up.*
[11-23:57] dfe22, Dri: Not Fox Girl, *Food Man*. ::glances at him pointedly, creeping closer and swiping the scone:: Am Dri. ::turns it over in her hands, never having seen such a thing before.. experimentally bites on it to test it's hardness::
[11-23:58] 949ad, Penniavas: ((Oh... so that's near Kron? Eh, it works))
[12-00:00] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : (( is in Italy. Krondor is the very northern part of Germany. Jerren's made exelent time by gettting to the souther part of germany in one day))
[12-00:00] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : *chuckles and the scone is a little dry but isn't too hard to chew*
[12-00:01] dfe22, Dri: ::After gnawing at it a little, she popped one end of it in her mouth and salivated for a little bit to try and counter the dryness in a really cheap way.. unable to speak, she looks to Jerren and honks her nose::
[12-00:03] 1d667, Pug Duthain: ((Night all))
[12-00:04] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : Hop back on. Have long way to go.
[12-00:08] MSG: Durin sent a message to Jerren Skulldeep.
[12-00:09] dfe22, Dri: ::Steps up beside the wolf.. beginning to move, and quickly changing he rmind.. unsure of how to climb on without offending him.. and after a few moments of self-inflicted failure, she stared at Jerren and held her gloved arms up, in turn drawing up the bottom of her shimmering crimson shirt, revealing a few of the lower lacings of her bodice, and the peach skin trapped behind them::
[12-00:10] MSG: Jerren Skulldeep sent a message to Durin.
[12-00:12] MSG: Durin sent a message to Jerren Skulldeep.
[12-00:12] MSG: Dri sent a message to Dri.
[12-00:13] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : *leans to the side, taking her by her hips and helps her up... and holds onto her hips for a second longer than he realy needs to when he sets her on Gakasha's back again*
[12-00:13] MSG: Jerren Skulldeep sent a message to Durin.
[12-00:14] dfe22, Dri: :: Peers up at Jerren, pulling the scone from her mouth, licking at her lips for the crumbs:: Goblins tall like wolf?
[12-00:15] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : Most a little bigger than you. A little shorter than me.
[12-00:18] MSG: Durin sent a message to Jerren Skulldeep.
[12-00:19] dfe22, Dri: Murrgh. ::Takes abit of the scone.. figuring she would still be dwarfed like that..::
[12-00:19] dfe22, Dri: (*bite)
[12-00:21] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : You can see all eyes, not like big humans in human city. *Gakasha begins trotting along again*
[12-00:22] MSG: Jerren Skulldeep sent a message to Durin.
[12-00:23] dfe22, Dri: Just dun' want everythin' big. ::Munches hungrily.. thinking if he had waited another day this thing might be stale..:: Too big for Dri.
[12-00:25] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : Doubt that be problem. *Gakasha's head raises, picking up the scent of something and Jerren is suddenly alert to the danger, the message from Gakasha to Jerren of what it is instant*
[12-00:26] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : ((*tacks on an "in an" between Is and instant*))
[12-00:27] dfe22, Dri: :: Picks at the scone unaware.. leaning back comfortably against Jerren, plucking off pieces of her food with her claws::
[12-00:28] JOIN: Forest Beast has entered.
[12-00:29] 5d609, Forest Beast: *there is a rustling to the left of the three*
[12-00:34] dfe22, Dri: Why Jerr'n live here if danger... ::Ears twicth at the sound, her round eyes cautiously searching the foliage::
[12-00:34] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : Shh... monster. *he wraps his arm over her body to pull his mace from his belt*
[12-00:40] dfe22, Dri: :: Shoves the remainder of the scone into her mouth, her cheeks puffing out trying to hold it all in.. leaning back against him as if she could really blend in... heh, well, she might have used an illusion but she preferred to conserve her energy.. but she considered her meager letter opener..::
[12-00:41] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : Hold onto Gakasha. Not let go. If Gakasha and I die...
[12-00:43] dfe22, Dri: Not die.. ::Slips on of her hands beneath her shirt, the other hand grasping a handful of Gakasha's fur as she sat silently, alert::
[12-00:43] 5d609, Forest Beast: *suddenly the beast bursts forth from behind the shubs and dark trees. It is a 7 foot tall bipedal thing, hair running down its entire body , only its eyes and its maw are visible from under its grey, scraggly hair* GAWAARRRRRRRRAAARRGGG!!!
[12-00:43] dfe22, Dri: (*one)
[12-00:44] dfe22, Dri: ( hey I rhymed ^^ )
[12-00:47] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : ((*claps for the poet*
[12-00:47] 949ad, Penniavas: ((hmmm.))
[12-00:48] dfe22, Dri: oh is that all ( :nly supposed to rhyme as Adrian, oops.:: )
[12-00:48] dfe22, Dri: (er. *(( )
[12-00:49] dfe22, Dri: WHAAAAAAAAAAAA! ::screeches back at it instinctively, but hasn't exactly moved.. heh. ::
[12-00:50] 949ad, Penniavas: ((jerren ca you IM me?))
[12-00:51] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : KYAAAAAA!!! *Gakasha spins about to face the monster as Jerren puls his arm back then down to smash against the monster's wooly face*
[12-00:53] 949ad, Penniavas: ((is Khalek's player in?))
[12-00:53] dfe22, Dri: :: Pulls out the letter opener from beneath her shirt, holding one end of it with both hands, pointing the other end at the beast.. her head turned away and her eyes closed; pearly teeth clenched::
[12-00:54] 5d609, Forest Beast: *the creature rolls back in angry from teh blow, black blood flying from its face. It makes a swipe with 9 inch long talons, slashing over Dri and cuting Jerren's side*
[12-00:55] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : ((just the three of us)) GAh! *Gakasha suddenly chargets foreward, with Jerren swiping a second blow to the beasts chest, but the hair absorbs most of the blow as he rides past. Gakasha makes a mad dash through the forest*
[12-00:56] 5d609, Forest Beast: *runs after them, its long legs move with amazing speed, and begins to catch up with the tired wolf and its passengers*
[12-00:59] 949ad, Penniavas: ((Is that a yes or no?))
[12-00:59] dfe22, Dri: ::Realizes she holding the wrong end of the opener, cutting in her hands, and in a panic turns it around.. looking at Jerren after hearing the * whoosh* over her head.. and peeking under his arm, she took the opener in one hand, and climbed up to his shoulder with the aid of the other... letting out a shrill shriek, she sprung from Jerren's shoulder, flying at the beast as it approached, clasping both little hands on the handle of the opener, aiming blindly at it's rapidly nearing face::
[12-00:59] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : ((thats a no))
[12-00:59] dfe22, Dri: ( ish a no, sorry ^^ )
[12-01:01] 5d609, Forest Beast: *is surpised by this and is unable to block her. The blade strikes true, stabing right through its eye and causing her to be dangling right over the monsters frothing mouth.* BRRRRRRAAAAAAAAARRRRRGGG!!!
[12-01:02] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : Told to stay on... *stands up on the running wolf and leaps backwards, his heels backwards even as he runs foreward due to his momentum*
[12-01:06] dfe22, Dri: ::Squeals, kicking her feet in panic, desperately trying to move out of his fog of bad breath...::
[12-01:07] 5d609, Forest Beast: *takes several bites at her, though all miss her only by vitue of her dangling foreward whenver it bites at her. Finaly it grabs her with its enormous hand and tosses her away*
[12-01:10] dfe22, Dri: KEKEKEEEEE! ::hurtling through the air, weightless in comparison to the hulking creature.. with a loud rustle she became lodged in the bushed a good few feet away::
[12-01:10] dfe22, Dri: (*busheZ. )
[12-01:12] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : *comes charging at the beast now* KIIIIIIAAAAAAYYYYYY!!!! *ducks and rolls under in one of those brilliant HERO moves in adventure movies just as the creatures claws sweep at where his body should have been to eviscerate him. He springs up from his roll, right in front of the creature and smashes his club into the thing's knee and leaping down under its legs*
[12-01:12] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : ((under and past))
[12-01:13] 5d609, Forest Beast: Gah... GAAAAAAAHH!!! *looks shocked as its body collapses to the side, with its leg shattered and unable to support its massive frame*
[12-01:15] dfe22, Dri: :: Stumbles out from the shrubbery, wavering back and forth.. wiping at her face with he rhands, inadvertently smearing her blood across her cheek..:: Maiiii..
[12-01:16] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : *moves behind the creatures back and slams his mace down right on its furry head again and again with strength beyond that of a normal human*
[12-01:22] JOIN: Theodore MacPherson has entered.
[12-01:24] dfe22, Dri: :: Stares at the furry beastie, tugging at a large stick that had skewered her shirt, but not her body.. kicks at him with a grunt.. a meager act of violence if one would call it that::
[12-01:25] 5d609, Forest Beast: *the skull finaly cracks, after many severe blows and brains seeps from the monsters head. Its entire body relaxes, dead.* x_X
[12-01:27] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : *raises his bloodied mace to the tree covered sky and lets out a cry of triumph* GGGIIIIIIIIAAAAAAAAAA!!!! *He then sets it back to his belt and rushes over to Dri, lifting her up into the air and swinging her about in Jubilation*
[12-01:31] dfe22, Dri: :: At first is all too dizzy from hurtling through space, but after holding tightly to his wrists to regain her sense of motion, she yanked the stick out and accidentally sends it flying backwards over her head.. with a rather large chunk of her red shirt.. blinking, realizing they had made it, she honked at her nose excitedly, grinning and clapping::
[12-01:33] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : *hugs her and sets her down* You show no fear! Is good.
[12-01:38] dfe22, Dri: "No Fear"? ::stares up at him:: More like Crazy! ::waves her arms emphatically at this point::
[12-01:41] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : One mix with other easy. You do well though. *steps over to the busted skull of hte beast, examining the eye with the letter opener in it. Gakasha trots up beside him. He opens a pouch attatched to Gakasha and pulls out a large knife. He then proceeds to decapitate the monster and wipe the blakc ichor of blood off on the beasts furry chest.*
[12-01:42] dfe22, Dri: :: Watches him curiosuly.. although she's not quite sure just how badly she wanted the letter opener back:: What'ya doin'..
[12-01:44] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : *glances over at her, checking the knife to see its clean* Taking head. Will put on pole outside village. Show you are warrior to be feared. *smiles and hands the knife to her, handle out* Warrior deserve real weapon.
[12-01:46] dfe22, Dri: Whaa... ::Blinks at the knife, reaching with both hands.. a little thrown off by the significant change in weight, but able to hold it alright..:: Fear Dri? Too little..
[12-01:49] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : Enemies see what you kill, not what you are. They stay away from villages with lots of heads on poles.
[12-01:52] dfe22, Dri: Okie.. :: Staring at the knife, holding it a little awkwardly.. lifts one hand away to look at her cut, and staggers a little as the blade weighs down on her other hand:: Muurgh..
[12-01:54] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : Will train you. or maybe find you a smaller knife. But later. Now, we should rest. *finds himself starring at her bodice*
[12-01:56] dfe22, Dri: Maybe. ::Sets the knife down, looking forlornly at her hands before licking at the wounds:: Jerr'n okay?
[12-01:58] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : *looks down at hs wounds and feels them... surprised at how deep they are. Smiles and nods* Will be fine soon. Beads help. *opens up the pouch on Gakasha again, this time pulling out a small bottle with what looks like water* Put this on wounds. Makes heal faster. Is made my goblin alchemists.
[12-02:03] dfe22, Dri: Goblins make water? ::Eyes the bottle briefly, more comfortable with her own saliva..::
[12-02:04] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : goblins make healing water.
[12-02:08] dfe22, Dri: Is okie. Dri fine. ::lightly presses her small hands together, smushing her saliva-coated palms together..::
[12-02:11] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : You sure? *Gakasha lays down and yawns, begining to sleep almost immediatly. Jerren sits down and lays his back on Gakasha's side*
[12-02:13] dfe22, Dri: Yah. ::Closes her hands into loose fists.. kitsune magic gave her rapid regeneration from such wounds.. but she did not want to advertise such a gift.. her bright green eyes peered over the bushes, creeping closer to them to find a place to sleep::
[12-02:15] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : You not sleep by me and Gakasha?
[12-02:16] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : *isn't quite sure he wants her to leave him, for more than just protective reasons*
[12-02:21] dfe22, Dri: ::Looks between him and the dead beast:: Dri crazy. Not dumb. No sleep by dead body. ::Folds her small hands behind her back, raising a red brow:: Animals come eat it, *not Dri*, in night.
[12-02:24] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : Smell air. Monster blood differant from normal blood. Hunt animals not want to eat. Only crows eat monster in Dark Forest.
[12-02:26] dfe22, Dri: Well no crows gonn' poo on Dri neither. :: pokes her tongue out at him indignantly::
[12-02:28] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : *rae's* As you say. Sleep well. *begins to rub some of the goblin water onto his wounds*
[12-02:33] dfe22, Dri: 'sleep well'.. af'er big beastie tryin' eat me.. ::grumbling, picking at the bushes, wrapping her tail around her leg, kinda cold:: Not a'possed to. ::Crouches down, peeking through at the ground below the bushes, grunting at the lack of space::
[12-02:34] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : *leans back against Gakasha and falls asleep*
[12-02:39] dfe22, Dri: ::Sighs, knowing she won't be able to fit.. only did the first time from being thrown into it.. without her shirt she'd get scratched up, and she really didn't want to waste any more energy healing than she had to.. glances over at Jerren and his wolf, who have passed out already:: Whaa.. ::Eyeing the dead monster's body warily, she crawled past it and closer to Jerren.. staring at him as though she was sure he was faking it at first.. but shivering, her crept closer and curled up at his side, using her --
[12-02:40] dfe22, Dri: --bushy tail to cover up as best she could::
[12-02:40] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : ((you having yahoo troubles too?))
[12-02:40] dfe22, Dri: ( no )
[12-02:40] dfe22, Dri: ( m'speshill I guess )
[12-02:42] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : *is half awake... smirks and moves closer to her to share bodywarmth*
[12-02:48] dfe22, Dri: ::cringes slightly, thinking he's going to fall over on her.. lifts her healed hands, holding the sides of her head protectively::
[12-02:56] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : *finaly rolls over slightly and wraps his arm over her. After all, he's not THAT big*
[12-02:56] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : ((sorry, connection got all weird))
[12-02:56] dfe22, Dri: ( np.. I was flossing )
[12-03:00] dfe22, Dri: :: Tenses at first, not expecting any contact.. large emerald hues glanced about briefly, a quiet squeak sneaking past her lips.. but as his heat began to warm her skin, the tension slowly left her body::
[12-03:01] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : *drifts off to a full sleep again. What more could a guy want? A girl, a wolf, and a dead monster at your feet*
[12-03:03] dfe22, Dri: ::closes her eyes, waiting for the warmth to catch up to her, to fall asleep:: (:::gone::: )
[12-03:03] EXIT: Dri has left the chat ( 4:03am, February 12 (CST) ).
[12-03:04] EXIT: Jerren Skulldeep has left the chat ( 4:01am, February 12 (CST) ).
[12-08:33] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[12-09:48] 94c70, Z: hmm
[12-10:13] JOIN: Sarelth has entered.
[12-10:13] 94c70, Z: *waves*
[12-10:14] 2aeaa, Sarelth: Hoi, Z
[12-10:14] 94c70, Z: Hey Sarelth.
[12-10:14] 2aeaa, Sarelth: Looks a little dead in here, though livelier than my chat room.
[12-10:15] 94c70, Z: It's the morning... it's always dead. I sit in here all bored-ish like.
[12-10:16] 2aeaa, Sarelth: Well, I can see that much.
[12-10:17] JOIN: R has entered.
[12-10:17] 7725b, R : *peeks*
[12-10:18] 2aeaa, Sarelth: ((Image Test))
[12-10:18] 2aeaa, Sarelth: *Shudders at the pic*
[12-10:18] 94c70, Z: *blinks at pic*
[12-10:22] 2aeaa, Sarelth: It is hard to believe I had my hair that color once.
[12-10:22] 94c70, Z: Why?
[12-10:23] 2aeaa, Sarelth: It was supposed to be blonde, but it went that color instead.
[12-10:24] 94c70, Z:
[12-10:25] 2aeaa, Sarelth: (different image)
[12-10:28] 2aeaa, Sarelth: Hmm, which looks better?
[12-10:33] JOIN: Shifty has entered.
[12-10:34] 19e7e, Shifty: howdy
[12-10:37] EXIT: Shifty has left the chat ( 11:34am, February 12 (CST) ).
[12-10:42] 2aeaa, Sarelth: Toodles, gotta get to class...
[12-10:42] EXIT: Sarelth has left the chat ( 11:42am, February 12 (CST) ).
[12-11:23] 8e4ea, Mab Moderator : *tests new Ruinous icon* I think V said he didn't like yellow. The only problem is that to make it red the way he wants, everything, even his eye of Sauron idea looks like female genitalia.
[12-11:35] 94c70, Z: LOL
[12-11:35] 94c70, Z: Maybe that's why he likes it
[12-13:05] 57823, Morgul the Lich King: no new spells will be added for a while. i'm devoting my energies to getting the database up and running. so if anybody wants something specific... i MIGHT consider doing somethin for ya... 'till i'm done. talk with Cookie or Sarelth about spells.
[12-13:05] 57823, Roki: : no new spells will be added for a while. i'm devoting my energies to getting the database up and running. so if anybody wants something specific... i MIGHT consider doing somethin for ya... 'till i'm done. talk with Cookie or Sarelth about spells.
[12-13:32] 94c70, Z: *lights matches.*
[12-13:44] JOIN: Arutha Duthain has entered.
[12-13:49] 94c70, Artanis : *In Quinell for her first time, she stands outside of the temporary room she was given looking out over the scene before her. Her eblows resting on an a railing decorated with simple but elaborate carvings. Oddly enough, she was watching off in a Northern direction.*
[12-13:53] 94c70, Swordmaster Fannon: *Paces a few steps, eyes the sleeping Pug, then paces a few more steps. It was some time that he'd been waiting for the boy to wake up.* Well hell. *He walks over and nudges Pug with the toe of his boot.* Come on get up boy! No time to be sleeping all day.
[12-13:53] d7b7c, Arutha Duthain : *was bathing....yeah...he needed one..was all covered in dried and crusted over blood and such...wasnt a pretty sight...but is done and dressed now, was given clothes and such to wear while his were being washed* *leaves his room which isnt too far from Artanis's, his hair still quite damp, but pulled back into a ponytail from his face with an elaborate clasp*
[12-13:55] 94c70, Artanis : *Her attention distracted as she hears a door open. Looking over she sees a cleaned up Arutha step outside.* You're looking much better.
[12-13:55] 1d667, Pug Duthain: *Groans as he's nudged. Stirs and eventually opens his eyes.* Yes?
[12-13:57] 94c70, Swordmaster Fannon: C'mon lazy bones, get up. You might attract those orcs with that snoring of yours. *grins a little, then turns away to help with gathering things up.*
[12-13:59] 1d667, Pug Duthain: Snoring!? I don't snore. And lets see you cast spells and not need some rest afterwards. Slowly gets to his feet, shaking the dust off his cloak and clothes.*
[12-13:59] d7b7c, Arutha Duthain : And feeling likewise...*shakes his head a bit those soulful brown eyes of his darkening, lines of worry become more apparent as he for a moment looks older than he really is* I just hope there were more survivors than just myself.
[12-14:01] 94c70, Artanis : I watched it happen. If anything survived that, it's a miracle.
[12-14:02] d7b7c, Arutha Duthain : *a discernable frown marrs his features* Selene...
[12-14:04] 94c70, Swordmaster Fannon: *Merely chuckles.* We should be moving soon, in groups. Don't want to give ourselves away.
[12-14:04] 94c70, Artanis : *Raises a brow slightly* Selene?
[12-14:05] d7b7c, Arutha Duthain : I was going to ask her to be my bride..*says this with almost a faint smile on his face at jsut the thought of her*
[12-14:07] 1d667, Pug Duthain: No, but we'll probably do that anyway the moment, we activate the portal.
[12-14:08] 94c70, Artanis : I'm sorry for your loss.
[12-14:08] d7b7c, Arutha Duthain : I dont even know if she has died...
[12-14:10] 94c70, Swordmaster Fannon: Well, you got any better idea hm?
[12-14:11] 94c70, Artanis : It doesn't bode well for her. *She sighs a little.* And going back would be suicide.
[12-14:13] 1d667, Pug Duthain: Other than move quickly or spend weeks walking there, no. It'd probably be best if we all went at one time and got it over with.
[12-14:13] d7b7c, Arutha Duthain : But more than worth the risk to know.
[12-14:16] 94c70, Artanis : I'd ask if there was anything I could do, but you didn't seem fond with my help before. *grins some.*
[12-14:17] 94c70, Swordmaster Fannon: *grunts.* You lead the way then. I'll stay behind and make sure nothing sneaks up this crazy idea.
[12-14:20] d7b7c, Arutha Duthain : I'm not fond of many people's not take offense to it.
[12-14:21] 94c70, Artanis : No offense is taken.
[12-14:21] 1d667, Pug Duthain: *Shakes his head.* What other choice do we have? *Picks up his pack and puts it on his back.* Everything ready to go?
[12-14:23] d7b7c, Arutha Duthain : *runs a hand over his stubbly chin in thought, in the days of being in a fight for his very survival, and the days of travelling, he has grown quite scruffy*
[12-14:24] 94c70, Swordmaster Fannon: Yeah, everything's ready.
[12-14:24] 94c70, Artanis : *Looks away to face forward again.* I was actually on my way to Krondor.
[12-14:24] 1d667, Pug Duthain: Well then there's no reason to sit around and wait. Lets get moving.
[12-14:25] d7b7c, Arutha Duthain : Were you?
[12-14:27] 94c70, Artanis : Yes, we were going to meet up with a friend there. I'm not sure when, or if we'll see him again now.
[12-14:27] 94c70, Swordmaster Fannon: Pick up your feet then. *Gestures for the rest to do the same as well.*
[12-14:28] d7b7c, Arutha Duthain : *ponders* Then would you do me a favor?
[12-14:29] 94c70, Artanis : *Looks at him again.* I can try.
[12-14:31] 1d667, Pug Duthain: Yea yea. *Heads for the exit of the cave.*
[12-14:31] d7b7c, Arutha Duthain : *reaches around his neck and unclasps a small platinum eagle pendant and hands it to her along with a descrption of Selene* If you see her...give this to her.
[12-14:33] 94c70, Artanis : *Reaches a hand out to take the pendant.* I can't make any promises to you.
[12-14:34] d7b7c, Arutha Duthain : I know...
[12-14:38] 94c70, Swordmaster Fannon: *Follows along after everyone else has filed on ahead.*
[12-14:39] 94c70, Artanis : Perhaps you'll be fortunate.
[12-14:40] d7b7c, Arutha Duthain : Gods willing.
[12-14:40] 1d667, Pug Duthain: *Glances back on occasion making sure all are behind him.*
[12-14:44] 94c70, Artanis : *She looks at the pendant for a moment before slipping it away.* May I ask for a favor in return?
[12-14:44] JOIN: R has entered.
[12-14:45] d7b7c, Arutha Duthain : Of course... *folds his arms against his chest a moment, the loose white tunic hangs from his frame as he shifts*
[12-14:45] 94c70, Artanis : You will be staying here for a while yes?
[12-14:46] d7b7c, Arutha Duthain : *nods in the affirmative*
[12-14:48] 94c70, Artanis : My friend, the young girl.. *Referring to Mierka.* would you look out for her while I am gone? I have no other way to contact my friend than going back and leaving him some kind of sign that we are alive. But it'll be dangerous and she's not very practiced with a sword yet. I'll have to go alone.
[12-14:49] 94c70, Swordmaster Fannon: *Keeps a surprisingly sharp eye out on everyone and everything.*
[12-14:50] d7b7c, Arutha Duthain : *nods a bit solemnly* Of course...she'll come to no harm so long as I can prevent it.
[12-14:50] d7b7c, Arutha Duthain : ((ye old bastard *slugs Fannon*))
[12-14:50] 1d667, Pug Duthain: *After a short walk, they arrive at the portal. Pug utters the words to activate it and states their destination.* Quickly everyone through. We don't want to wait here long. *He then steps through first, so that if they come upon anyone on the other side, he'll be the first they encounter.*
[12-14:52] 94c70, Swordmaster Fannon: (( *whaps Arutha.* ))
[12-14:53] d7b7c, Arutha Duthain : ((*dodge and counterwhap*))
[12-14:53] 94c70, Artanis : Thank you. I'll look for your Selene while I am there. *she pauses for a moment.* If she did get away, is there anywhere she would have gone?
[12-14:56] 57823, Roki: *whaps them both*
[12-14:56] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[12-14:56] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 3:56pm, February 12 (CST) ).
[12-14:56] 94c70, Swordmaster Fannon: (( *stabs Roki* You leave him alone. ))
[12-14:58] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[12-14:58] d7b7c, Arutha Duthain : There were tunnels that lead from the underground passages...the women and children would have escaped through there.
[12-14:58] 94c70, Swordmaster Fannon: *Would also step through, after everyone else has.*
[12-14:58] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 3:58pm, February 12 (CST) ).
[12-14:58] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[12-14:59] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 3:58pm, February 12 (CST) ).
[12-14:59] JOIN: Lok has entered.
[12-14:59] 16ab8, Lok: ((location))
[12-15:00] 16ab8, Lok: ((?))
[12-15:00] d7b7c, Arutha Duthain : ((QUinnel))
[12-15:01] JOIN: Aleinn Duinn has entered.
[12-15:01] MSG: R sent a message to Arutha Duthain.
[12-15:01] d7b7c, Aleinn Duinn : ((Quinnel))
[12-15:01] 94c70, Artanis : (( Quinell ))
[12-15:01] 16ab8, Lok: ((Near where you were yesterday?)
[12-15:02] d7b7c, Aleinn Duinn : *is on the other side of the Portal, having seen it come alive with leading the detail guarding the portal at the moment*
[12-15:02] 94c70, Artanis : (( nope ))
[12-15:02] JOIN: Squirrel has entered.
[12-15:02] 1d667, Pug Duthain: ((Just stepping through the portal at Quinell.))
[12-15:02] 92794, Squirrel : *Lurks in OOCness*
[12-15:02] 1d667, Pug Duthain: *He steps through and is greeted by elves.*
[12-15:03] 16ab8, Lok: *watches as the last of them goes through the portal*
[12-15:04] d7b7c, Aleinn Duinn : *or elf...he is tall and broad of shoulder, clad in his armor, and a cloak the color of pooled blood, his shockingly white hair and smoldering burgandy eyes might give a hint to his heritage...or rather...half of his heritage, at his sides are two swords* State your name and reason for coming here...*his tone is cold...he is not overly fond of humans...*
[12-15:05] 94c70, Swordmaster Fannon: *Is the last to step through, grumbling about traveling with magic and preferring a horse.*
[12-15:06] MSG: R sent a message to Arutha Duthain.
[12-15:06] 1d667, Pug Duthain: Pug Duthain, and we come seeking santuary from the destroyed Krondor. Is Arutha here? *Hates the portals too, one never knows what's on the other side. But deals with them.*
[12-15:07] MSG: Arutha Duthain sent a message to R.
[12-15:08] JOIN: R has entered.
[12-15:08] d7b7c, Aleinn Duinn : *nods* He is. He is resting in the castle...I will have an escort take you to him.
[12-15:09] 1d667, Pug Duthain: *Looks to Fannon.* I told you he would be. *Returns his attention to Aleinn.* Great. I need to see him as soon as possible. Now would be best.
[12-15:10] 16ab8, Lok: *hears a growling behind him and quickly turns to see what it is. Seeing a large group of orcs wdeing theought the brush he quickly glances at the portal to see if it is still open*
[12-15:11] d7b7c, Aleinn Duinn : *turns and begins giving a few commands in Elven a group of 5 soldiers come and begin to lead them through the city...and no...the portal would have closed after the very last person entered*
[12-15:11] 94c70, Swordmaster Fannon: Hrmph, you didn't tell me a thing. I know he's too stubborn to get killed. *thinks that hte portal would have closed after the last person stepped through.*
[12-15:13] 16ab8, Lok: *curses portals mages and magic in general and quickly ducks behind a nearby tree to aviod the cross bow bolts that begin whizzing through the trees*
[12-15:13] 1d667, Pug Duthain: *Is lead through the city.*Only after I reminded you that he's too stuubborn to die. *HEY! Mages are good damnit! Don't make me smite you. *
[12-15:15] 94c70, Swordmaster Fannon: *Grunts. He follows along with the guards leading them.*
[12-15:15] d7b7c, Aleinn Duinn : *goes back to his duties la la la...gets distracted for just a moment with a thought of Naurlote*
[12-15:15] JOIN: Beornia has entered.
[12-15:16] EXIT: Aleinn Duinn has left the chat ( None shall pass...(What?!) None. Shall. Pass. ).
[12-15:16] 94c70, Artanis : (( *kicks JJ for eating her post.*)) Tunnels, hmm...
[12-15:16] d7b7c, Arutha Duthain : They would lead into the forests...
[12-15:17] 16ab8, Lok: *hunkers way down in the shadowy hollow in the bushes and tries not to laugh at the stupid orcs bumbling around in the forest*
[12-15:17] 94c70, Artanis : *Nods* I will likely leave later before night falls.
[12-15:18] d7b7c, Arutha Duthain : Good...
[12-15:18] EXIT: Squirrel has left the chat ( 4:02pm, February 12 (CST) ).
[12-15:21] 94c70, Swordmaster Fannon: *Moves past Pug when Arutha comes into sight.* Arutha! You stubborn little...
[12-15:21] 7725b, Beornia : *Is one of the last of the company to go through the portal, ever since the battle of Krondor she had keeping her identity secret, There were no women allowed to fight, most were either evacuated or told to hide out and pray for the best, but no this wasn't for Beorina, during the hieght of the battle as forces struggled to keep the invaders at bay, she'd managed to slip into the armory in the confusion and dress in a set of armor that'd help concel her true gender, Having learned some combat skills from-
[12-15:21] 7725b, Beornia : -her brother who was currently fighting, she took to the field of combat and fought with the others long and hard, eventually ending up with the group of soldiers who'd managed to escape and from then on she'd kept her secret, unsure of how to bring such a sensitive matter up, she'd proved herself in combat but not to these.. men and she refused to be sidelined, not after what happened to her home Kingdom.*
[12-15:22] 16ab8, Lok: *stays hidden in the forest and wonders where to do next*
[12-15:23] 1d667, Pug Duthain: *Shakes his head.* Why did you leave the old man as the messenger, Arutha?
[12-15:23] d7b7c, Arutha Duthain : *a genuine smile touches his features as he hears Fannon calling at him and moves to embrace the older man much like a son to his father* Fannon, you ancient cur...I thought I would be finally rid of you.
[12-15:23] JOIN: R has entered.
[12-15:23] MSG: R sent a message to Arutha Duthain.
[12-15:24] 94c70, Swordmaster Fannon: *Returns the embrace likewise.* Ha! You really think it'd be that easy? Where do you think you got your thick head from hm?
[12-15:25] d7b7c, Arutha Duthain : My father. *smirks smartassedly...a spitting image of his father before turning to Pug* because I knew you'd have your nose so deep in your books you'd miss a dragon flying right before you...
[12-15:25] MSG: Arutha Duthain sent a message to R.
[12-15:26] 7725b, Beornia : *Would be one of the last of the company to go through the portal, ever since the battle of Krondor she had keeping her identity secret, There were no women allowed to fight, most were either evacuated or told to hide out and pray for the best, but no this wasn't for Beorina, during the hieght of the battle as forces struggled to keep the invaders at bay, she'd managed to slip into the armory in the confusion and dress in a set of armor that'd help concel her true gender, Having learned some combat
[12-15:26] 7725b, Beornia : -skills from her brother who was currently fighting, she took to the field of combat and fought with the others long and hard, eventually ending up with the group of soldiers who'd managed to escape and from then on she'd kept her secret, unsure of how to bring such a sensitive matter up, she'd proved herself in combat but not to these.. men and she refused to be sidelined, not after what happened to her home Kingdom.*
[12-15:27] 94c70, Artanis : *Stands back watching silently, glancing over the gathered people.*
[12-15:27] 1d667, Pug Duthain: Now how do you figure that? I step out of the portal to find things amiss and you think I'd have my nose in my grimores? Highly unlikely.
[12-15:28] 94c70, Swordmaster Fannon: He snored the whole night and morning.
[12-15:28] 1d667, Pug Duthain: I did not!
[12-15:29] 7725b, Beornia : *Keeps her head down most of the time, simply trying to blend in with the others, luckily for her she wasn't that short, standing at 5'8 and her hair had been carefull concealed under the helm she wore, but she knew her secret would come out sooner or later.*
[12-15:29] d7b7c, Arutha Duthain : *laughs...honest to the gods laughs*
[12-15:31] 16ab8, Lok: *when the orcs move on he slips steathily through the trees wondering where to go*
[12-15:31] 1d667, Pug Duthain: Glad you're getting a kick out of this Arutha.
[12-15:31] d7b7c, Arutha Duthain : ((You mean she's not taking the usual female warrior approach and wearing bikini style armor?))
[12-15:32] d7b7c, Arutha Duthain : Anytime when you look like an ass is definatly a time to laugh, Pug...*face turns serious* and if you ever...EVER pull another stunt like you did at the ball I will seriously have you hanged...
[12-15:32] 7725b, Beornia : ((No, and noone better make any wise cracks IC or they'll discover what it feels like to get a sword stuck up their....))
[12-15:32] d7b7c, Arutha Duthain : *is only joking as usual*
[12-15:32] d7b7c, Arutha Duthain : ((*snickers*))
[12-15:32] 94c70, Swordmaster Fannon: *grins.* How'd you managed to get here?
[12-15:33] 7725b, Beornia : ((*eyes* No exceptions will be made.))
[12-15:33] 1d667, Pug Duthain: Hey, you a good laugh when made an ass too. Like I did at the ball? What'd I do?
[12-15:34] d7b7c, Arutha Duthain : The whole ball...*narrows his eyes* *to Fannon* On foot...*turns to Artanis* this woman was kind enough to assist me.
[12-15:36] 1d667, Pug Duthain: LIke I said before, you need a wife and kids. Unless you want to end up like the old man here. Alone and teaching boys to fight with swords.
[12-15:37] 16ab8, Lok: *takes to the air propelling himself along with powerfull beats of his wings*
[12-15:37] 94c70, Swordmaster Fannon: A woman huh? *Eyes Artanis carefully.*
[12-15:38] 94c70, Swordmaster Fannon: Hey, watch your tognue. *Gives Pug a bit of a glare.*
[12-15:39] 7725b, Beornia : *Attempts to keep to herself mainly but she was a bit unsure of what to do now.*
[12-15:39] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[12-15:39] 1d667, Pug Duthain: Or what you're going to chop me into pieces with your sword? *He says only jokingly.*
[12-15:40] 94c70, Artanis : *Lifts a brow at Fannon's tone at the mention of her.*
[12-15:40] JOIN: Cynthia Corcus has entered.
[12-15:40] 94c70, Swordmaster Fannon: I just might. I ain't had breakfast yet. *grins.*
[12-15:41] d7b7c, Arutha Duthain : Yeah Fannon...a woman...shocking isnt it?
[12-15:41] 1d667, Pug Duthain: You can try. I think my magic would hinder you more than you think.
[12-15:41] d7b7c, Arutha Duthain : *his voice is thick with sarcasm before he turns to Artanis* Allow me to introduce my cousin*gestures to Pug* Pug...and my old teacher Fannon *gestures towards the old man*
[12-15:42] 94c70, Swordmaster Fannon: I'm surprised you went along with it. *Nods to Artanis with the introduction.*
[12-15:43] 94c70, Artanis : Mhmm.. *Nods to both* Nice to meet you.
[12-15:43] 1d667, Pug Duthain: That's just it, he didn't.
[12-15:43] 1d667, Pug Duthain: *Nods back to Artanis.*
[12-15:44] 1d667, Pug Duthain: *Nods back to Artanis.*
[12-15:45] d7b7c, Arutha Duthain : ((*disciplines his keyboard*)) Are there no others who escaped Krondor other than you two rogues?
[12-15:46] 1d667, Pug Duthain: I am not a rogue.
[12-15:46] 94c70, Swordmaster Fannon: There's a dozen of us. I couldn't find any others. It was hard to search between the patrols.
[12-15:47] d7b7c, Arutha Duthain : *nods* Any civilians?
[12-15:47] 94c70, Artanis : I should take my leave and let you get caught. *Speaking to Arutha.* I need to get ready for the long trip ahead.
[12-15:48] 94c70, Swordmaster Fannon: No... *THe tone of his voice changes, visibly softening.* I'm sorry.
[12-15:50] d7b7c, Arutha Duthain : *frowns visibly at this before forcing himself to appear impassive as he turns and nods to Artanis* Godspeed....
[12-15:51] 1d667, Pug Duthain: I should have been there, Arutha. Sending me off wasn't a good idea.
[12-15:53] d7b7c, Arutha Duthain : There is no way to have known that we would have been the first ones would have mattered little...there were just simply too many of them.
[12-15:53] 94c70, Swordmaster Fannon: *Rests a hand on Arutha's shoulder for a moment. He knows why Arutha asked this. His gaze shifting to Pug.* And that one *pointing at Pug* Doesn't believe that he'd have been cooked like the rest of the mages.
[12-15:53] 94c70, Artanis : *Gives a silent nod, then moves off from the group.*
[12-15:55] d7b7c, Arutha Duthain : He is an arrogant son of an Orc...isnt he...*eyes Pug a bit disdainfully*
[12-15:55] 16ab8, Lok: ((cya folks later))
[12-15:55] EXIT: Lok has left the chat ( 4:55pm, February 12 (CST) ).
[12-15:56] 1d667, Pug Duthain: And you're not?
[12-15:57] 94c70, Swordmaster Fannon: The lad certainly doesn't have my charming qualities in him, no. *Is of course just playing along.*
[12-15:57] d7b7c, Arutha Duthain : mother was human. *smirks*
[12-15:58] 1d667, Pug Duthain: Hey! My mother was your aunt, if you do recall.
[12-16:01] d7b7c, Arutha Duthain : And she had the temperment of a wounded orc...
[12-16:05] 1d667, Pug Duthain: God damnit Arutha. If you don't want me around, then just banish me from Krondor. *Shakes his head, and looks to the ground.*
[12-16:06] 94c70, Swordmaster Fannon: *Grunts out a chuckle.* You'd think you two brats were brothers they way you bicker.
[12-16:07] 1d667, Pug Duthain: Bah!
[12-16:08] d7b7c, Arutha Duthain : Near enough no? *smirks*
[12-16:10] 94c70, Swordmaster Fannon: Aye, except that one *Referring to Pug* always had his nose in a book.
[12-16:11] 1d667, Pug Duthain: Better than always having a sword by my side at the ready on a moments notice.
[12-16:24] JOIN: Liz has entered.
[12-16:25] JOIN: Maiougi Hitosashi has entered.
[12-16:26] d3a2d, Liz: Hey
[12-16:26] bbfc4, Maiougi Hitosashi: ((loactions, yo))
[12-16:26] 94c70, Z: *pounces Liz*
[12-16:26] bbfc4, Maiougi Hitosashi: *locations, even
[12-16:26] JOIN: Squirrel has entered.
[12-16:27] 92794, Cruward Hawklight : ((*Is somewhere*))
[12-16:27] d3a2d, Liz: Eee! *hugs*
[12-16:27] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[12-16:28] 94c70, Artanis : (( Quinell ))
[12-16:31] d3a2d, Liz: Ack! I was wisped!
[12-16:32] 94c70, Artanis : *Having left Arutha with his own people, she moves silently along towards the room that Mierka had been given. Not really sure if Mierka was there or not, she knocks on the door.*
[12-16:34] 92794, Cruward Hawklight : *Can be anywhere really*
[12-16:34] 7725b, Beornia : *Lurks about in Quinell yep.*
[12-16:34] d3a2d, Mierka: It's open..*she's standing at the window to her room, looking out over the city*
[12-16:36] d3a2d, Mierka: (( anywhwere ? ))
[12-16:37] 92794, Cruward Hawklight : *Not anywhere, but yeah*
[12-16:38] bbfc4, Maiougi Hitosashi: ((*blinks* Quinell?))
[12-16:38] d3a2d, Mierka: (( How about halfway between Rua and Arcadia? ))
[12-16:38] 94c70, Artanis : (( High Elf city ))
[12-16:39] bbfc4, Maiougi Hitosashi: ((Is this town on the ocean/sea (i.e. Mediterranian?))
[12-16:39] 94c70, Artanis : *Steps into the room.* Mierka?
[12-16:39] 94c70, Artanis : (( no ))
[12-16:40] d3a2d, Mierka: *does'nt turn to face her yet* You know..*speaks softly* I still expect there to be bars on the feels weird not to see any. *speaks softly*
[12-16:40] 94c70, Muna : (( *ponders visiting someone.* ))
[12-16:41] 92794, Panian Urthadar: ((Someone?))
[12-16:41] 94c70, Artanis : *Walks over to stand next to her, gently resting a hand on her shoulder.* That time is over now.
[12-16:42] 94c70, Muna : (( *peers at Panian.* ))
[12-16:42] 92794, Panian Urthadar : ((icon))
[12-16:42] 92794, Panian Urthadar : ((*peers right back*))
[12-16:43] d3a2d, Mierka: *shakes her head* Untill my scars won't be, for me.
[12-16:43] JOIN: Squirrel has entered.
[12-16:43] bbfc4, Maiougi Hitosashi: ((Nevermind, answered mah question ^_^))
[12-16:43] 92794, Cruward Hawklight : *Hmm, where to put Cruward*
[12-16:44] bbfc4, Maiougi Hitosashi: *is at the docks, at the fish market, scanning the merchandise*
[12-16:46] 92794, Cruward Hawklight : *Ze docks? Hmm, well then she might stand out from the others gathered there...definetly if she has her tails out and such. Cruward is just meandering along through the market, pondering purchasing a pickled pepper....ok not that, but he IS pondering purchasing a pound of pickled fish*
[12-16:47] 94c70, Artanis : *Gives her shoulder a gentle squeeze.* You'll be alright.
[12-16:48] 7725b, Beornia : *Attempts carefully to try and ask one of the Elves, if there was some place where she could 'freshen' up, It'd been a number of days since she'd been out of thse clothes and had a bath.*
[12-16:48] d3a2d, Mierka: *looks at her* I hope so...I really do.
[12-16:51] bbfc4, Maiougi Hitosashi: *Of course she does stand out, with 3 long tails and ears, but most would assume her to be a Ghidra servant or the like. She could hide her tails, should she choose, but there really isn't a reason until someone gets fancy. She carries a basket over her arm already filled with a few items*
[12-16:52] 94c70, Artanis : You will be. *smiles a bit.* There's something I need to talk to you about.
[12-16:53] d3a2d, Mierka: What about?
[12-16:54] 92794, Cruward Hawklight : *Stops as something catches his eye...a slight swishing movement. Wait? Is that? Hmm, suddenly becomes disinterested in what the vender's offer is and starts following Maiougi..those tails looked a bit familiar*
[12-16:56] 94c70, Artanis : I'm going to be leaving later tonight. I'll be back in a few days.
[12-16:57] bbfc4, Maiougi Hitosashi: *Her ears twich at the sensation of being followed, and she casts and unnoticed glance over her shoulder, smiling a self-relying smile to herself. She feigns ignorance and inquires to one of the fish mongers about the price of sea clams*
[12-16:57] d3a2d, Mierka: Leaving? Why?
[12-16:58] 94c70, Artanis : I'm going to go back to Krondor. Try to find a way to let Gorthius know we're alive and where he can find us.
[12-16:59] d3a2d, Mierka: When do we leave?
[12-17:00] 94c70, Artanis : I'm asking that you stay here and wait for me.
[12-17:01] 92794, Cruward Hawklight : *Trys to look as inconspicuous as possible, not trailing to close to her, but not far enough to lose her in the crowd. Keeping her in sight, stops off at a vendor a couple stalls down, casting a glance over at her every so often, completly ignoring wha the vendor has to say about his pun intended*
[12-17:02] d3a2d, Mierka: Stay here..? Alone? No.
[12-17:03] 94c70, Artanis : It's too dangerous for both of us.
[12-17:03] bbfc4, Maiougi Hitosashi: ((*giggles*)) *Suddenly she dissapears around a corner, with foxlike ability*...
[12-17:04] d3a2d, Mierka: I won't be left alone..
[12-17:06] 92794, Cruward Hawklight : *Takes another casual glance back to where he thought he saw her last and finds she's disappeared...takes off around that corner,looking for her*
[12-17:09] bbfc4, Maiougi Hitosashi: *Casts the illusion to hide her distiguishing marks, and works her way back out, keeping thickly into the crowd. Pauses at a vendor, waiting*
[12-17:10] 94c70, Artanis : *sighs softly.* You won't be alone.
[12-17:10] d3a2d, Mierka: Who's going to be here with me?
[12-17:12] 94c70, Artanis : Arutha, he said he would be here for you.
[12-17:13] d3a2d, Mierka: *narrows her eyes* Arutha.
[12-17:13] 92794, Cruward Hawklight : *Runs out of the alley after her...not seeing the swish of foxtails...frowns and starts searching through the crowd, wanting to find her*
[12-17:14] 94c70, Artanis : He's good, Mierka. A bit stubborn, but I believe him to be good.
[12-17:15] d3a2d, Mierka: That's what I beleived of Conall
[12-17:17] bbfc4, Maiougi Hitosashi: *she watches him carefully, having turned the game. It's her turn to do the following, but she'll be even more than discreet; she'll stay out of sight*
[12-17:18] 94c70, Artanis : It will just be a few days, I promise that. *Sighs softly.* I think he could use friends as much as we could. He was to be married, you know. It's a good possibility she didn't survive the attack.
[12-17:20] 57823, Roki: his pretty face didnt survive the attack *cackle*
[12-17:22] 92794, Cruward Hawklight : *Sighs once he can't find her, having gone through most of the crowd, may have even passed her up in his search though. Disheartedly makes his way back to the fish vendor he was at before and purchases the fish he was looking at then sighs and makes his way back to his ship. The one with no name*
[12-17:23] d3a2d, Mierka: *nods* Time will tell..
[12-17:25] bbfc4, Maiougi Hitosashi: ((brb, dinner))
[12-17:25] 94c70, Artanis : *Takes her into a gentle embrace.* You'll be safe here Mierka and I'll be back soon, I promise.
[12-17:26] 92794, Cruward Hawklight : ((ok))
[12-17:27] d3a2d, Mierka: *hugs her tightly* And if you're not?
[12-17:30] 94c70, Artanis : Let's not think about that as a possibility alright? Because I will come back.
[12-17:31] d3a2d, Mierka: What am I supposed to do while you're gone?
[12-17:32] 94c70, Artanis : Relax, enjoy yourself. I'm told that they have the most beautiful gardens here in all the world.
[12-17:35] d3a2d, Mierka: *smiles* Alright...I'll try
[12-17:37] 94c70, Artanis : Then, you'll have to give me the full tour when I get back.
[12-17:39] d3a2d, Mierka: It'll cost you
[12-17:40] 57823, Roki: .. it'll cost her... her... SOUL ! *cackle*... aahem..
[12-17:42] 94c70, Artanis : Oh? What cost is that?
[12-17:43] 94c70, Artanis : (( *shoots Roki with peanuts* ))
[12-17:43] 57823, Roki: *Eats peanuts*
[12-17:43] d3a2d, Mierka: *smiles* I'll think of something
[12-17:45] bbfc4, Maiougi Hitosashi: ((back))
[12-17:45] 92794, Cruward Hawklight : ((o/))
[12-17:46] bbfc4, Maiougi Hitosashi: ((Where were we? Oh yes...))
[12-17:46] 94c70, Artanis : *smiles a bit.* You do that then. I'll see you in a few days, alright?
[12-17:46] bbfc4, Maiougi Hitosashi: *follows him all the way to his ship, waiting for him to board*...
[12-17:47] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[12-17:47] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 6:47pm, February 12 (CST) ).
[12-17:47] 92794, Cruward Hawklight : *And does, walking up the gangplank*
[12-17:48] JOIN: Lok has entered.
[12-17:48] d3a2d, Mierka: When are you leaving?
[12-17:49] 16ab8, Lok: *is still in the air looking around*
[12-17:49] 94c70, Artanis : Soon. I just have to get my things and ready the horse.
[12-17:49] bbfc4, Maiougi Hitosashi: *waits untill she feels she can board after him unnoticed, and then does so*
[12-17:50] d3a2d, Mierka: *sighs and nods* Take care of yourself..
[12-17:52] 94c70, Artanis : Here... *Removes her crest pendant from around her neck and places it in Mierka's hand.* keep this safe for moe, alright? *offers her a smile.*
[12-17:54] 92794, Cruward Hawklight : *Hands off the fresh fish to some crewmembers, giving them orders to preserve it. Then goes about doing his other things, giving orders, chatting, being a nice captain and all that. Then returns to his cabin, leaving the door unlocked in case anyone might need him. Goes ahead and takes a seat at his desk, going over some things, captain stuff*
[12-17:57] bbfc4, Maiougi Hitosashi: *She follows, still with the basket over an arm. Some of the crew would notice her most likely, but then she does have a way of staying unseen. Call it Kitsune thing...She slips through door to the captain cabin, nearly silent*
[12-17:57] d3a2d, Mierka: *closes her hand around it and nods* I will
[12-17:58] 92794, Cruward Hawklight : *Sighs, dipping a quill into an inkwell and begins jotting some things down, not noticing anything*
[12-17:59] bbfc4, Maiougi Hitosashi: *She pads over to him, standing behind, and learns precariously over his shoulder, reading*
[12-18:00] 94c70, Artanis : *GIves her hand a squeeze, then steps back.* I'll see you soon, Mierka. Take care of yourself. *She takes another step back before turning to go.*
[12-18:02] 92794, Cruward Hawklight : *It's not much. Just some reports on the crew, still no sign of Dre'makius, dividing up loot equally, ship repairs, costs, all that good stuff. He looks up for a moment, getting the feeling he's being watched*
[12-18:02] d3a2d, Mierka: *watches her*
[12-18:03] bbfc4, Maiougi Hitosashi: *she drops her covering illusion and allows the white tip of one of her silky tails brush his cheek*...
[12-18:04] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[12-18:04] 94c70, Artanis : *She moves away, eventually exiting the room again. She felt bad about leaving her here, but she also knew that with as many orcs that would be around Krondor it wouldn't be safe. From there, she gathers her things and then heads off.*
[12-18:04] 6c848, Will-o'-the-wisp: (GRRRRRR!)
[12-18:05] 6c848, Will-o'-the-wisp: (I'M NOT WILL-O'-THE-WISP!!!)
[12-18:05] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[12-18:05] 92794, Cruward Hawklight : *Eyes widen and he catches sight of her tail, spinning around in his chair (swivel kind..weeeeeeee!) and looks at her* How did you...When did...What?
[12-18:06] 6c848, Will-o'-the-wisp: (T.T Why does this place do this? This is Polaris. Why am I showing up as Will-o'-the-Whisp?)
[12-18:07] d7b7c, Palladia Mors : Beh
[12-18:08] 6c848, Will-o'-the-wisp: (O.o Neh?)
[12-18:08] d7b7c, Anarath : (test)
[12-18:08] d3a2d, Mierka: *turns back to the window*
[12-18:08] d3a2d, Mierka: ***Gone***
[12-18:08] d3a2d, Mierka: Sure
[12-18:08] 6c848, Will-o'-the-wisp: (I'm logging back in...--; )
[12-18:08] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 7:08pm, February 12 (CST) ).
[12-18:08] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[12-18:09] 6c848, Will-o'-the-wisp: (oh nevermind..)
[12-18:09] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 7:09pm, February 12 (CST) ).
[12-18:09] JOIN: Polaris13 has entered.
[12-18:10] 6c848, Polaris13: (AHAHHAHA! Ok, sorry, I'm good.)
[12-18:10] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[12-18:10] 6c848, Polaris13: *walks into the town through its gates*
[12-18:10] bbfc4, Maiougi Hitosashi: *tosses her head back and laughs hautily, her yip-like cackle* *sombers* You know...*chuckle* for a pirate you are not most observant ^_^ *she's gathered his profession from everything she's seen already, odds are his ship isn't like your garden variety merchant or military boat*
[12-18:10] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 7:10pm, February 12 (CST) ).
[12-18:11] JOIN: Axis has entered.
[12-18:11] 92794, Cruward Hawklight : *Smirks* Usually I did you get past my crew though? One of them would have had to see you
[12-18:12] d7b7c, Anarath : (Pic test)
[12-18:12] 16ab8, Axis : **is sitting at his table eyes colsed meditating. The fight with the nightmare had stirred up his lost memories*
[12-18:12] bbfc4, Maiougi Hitosashi: *grins* I'm sure a few of them did. But I'm an easy going kind-of gal...*winks* I don't cause much of a stir.
[12-18:12] 6c848, Polaris13 : (retty, Anarath)
[12-18:13] 6c848, Polaris13 : (welcome, Axis)
[12-18:13] d3a2d, Lafiel : (( Nice one, is'nt it? ))
[12-18:13] d7b7c, Anarath : ((Well damn...Lemme go with my second choice
[12-18:13] 16ab8, Lok: (hey polaris))
[12-18:14] d7b7c, Anarath : ((test))
[12-18:14] 6c848, Polaris13 : (Hey Lok. Did the sun go down yesterday? ^_^)
[12-18:14] 6c848, Polaris13 : (Sorry...spacing out...x.x)
[12-18:15] 92794, Cruward Hawklight : *Chuckles* I should say so...*looks to her tails* Especially with those *nods to them*
[12-18:15] 16ab8, Axis : ((Well since I didn't turn to stone when I threw off my cloak I think so)
[12-18:15] d3a2d, Lafiel : *rides the high air currants, the wind rushing against her pinnions, somewhere in the sky between Arcadia and Rua*
[12-18:16] d7b7c, Anarath : *is in the forests near , his coal eyes unblinking as he canters towards a glade, with a small stream running through it...obviously in his equinine form...he leans his head down and laps at the water running through the stream*
[12-18:16] 6c848, Polaris13 : ()
[12-18:16] 16ab8, Lok: ((I belive it did))
[12-18:17] 6c848, Polaris13 : *sees the Axis's farmiliar-to-her face*...
[12-18:17] 6c848, Polaris13 : (Wordified, Lok..)
[12-18:17] d3a2d, Lafiel : *not at all concerned with the wars of men, she lets out a whinny of happiness, wrapped up in the joy of flight*
[12-18:17] 16ab8, Lok: *also high in the air using powerful wng beats to keep in the air*
[12-18:18] 16ab8, Axis : *A sudden flash of something terrible in his mind, Just befire he had awoken outside the maelstrom without memories*
[12-18:19] 6c848, Polaris13 : *watches all of them flying through the air*
[12-18:19] d7b7c, Anarath : *hears the whinny...and his ears twitch as he raises his head towards the skies and catches sight...and scent of Lafiel...were he in humanoid form a faint smirk would touch his lips...but he cant heh...he leaps up and begins flapping his wings to gain lift and airspeed to come and catch up with her*
[12-18:20] 6c848, Polaris13 : (It's way too cold in my house. Of course my hair is wet, but still...)
[12-18:20] d3a2d, Lafiel : *though she is not on the ground, her hooves strike the air as she runs, beating her wings in long gracefully strokes*
[12-18:20] d3a2d, Lafiel : (( gracefull ))
[12-18:20] 16ab8, Lok: *haven long since flown from Krondor spots Lafiel in the distance with his keen eyes*
[12-18:21] bbfc4, Maiougi Hitosashi: *grins and flicks them about* Nobody seems to notice's odd...
[12-18:21] 16ab8, Axis : *the brief flash brings him out of his trance with a gasp*
[12-18:21] 92794, Cruward Hawklight : *Watches them almost hypnotized* Hmm, that is odd...I wonder why
[12-18:22] d7b7c, Anarath : *if he spotted Lafiel, he'd spot him gaining on her quickly, his strong wings stroking over the air currents, as he is pushing himself to catch up to her, his black eyes focused on the mare in front of him*
[12-18:22] 6c848, Polaris13 : *blinking, standsing next to him now, puts her hand on Axis's shoulder* Are you alright...?
[12-18:23] 6c848, Polaris13 : (The pic in your profile is so cute, Maiougi...)
[12-18:23] 16ab8, Axis : *he starts around* I'm not sure...that fight yesterday stirred up some of the memories I thought lost. That and the magical studying I've been doing...
[12-18:24] 6c848, Polaris13 : I see...
[12-18:24] 16ab8, Lok: *does indeed spot him and flies that way curios*
[12-18:25] 6c848, Polaris13 : Like a nightmare?
[12-18:25] bbfc4, Maiougi Hitosashi: *shrugs* So...what's it like, being a pirate?
[12-18:26] 92794, Cruward Hawklight : *Brings his attention from her tails and up to her face, smiling* It's fun sometimes, thrilling, though it has it's troubles
[12-18:26] 16ab8, Axis : Like a nightmare...thinks of the brief flash that he had had...It's platable evil left a funny taste in his mouth and a lightheaded feeling* was a memory of the purest evil....
[12-18:27] 92794, Cruward Hawklight : ((BRB))
[12-18:27] 6c848, Polaris13 : I'm sorry.
[12-18:27] bbfc4, Maiougi Hitosashi: *Amber eyes blink thoughtfully* I'd imagine so. *The faintest of a charming smile tugs at her lips* ((k))
[12-18:28] 16ab8, Axis : *he gives himnself a slight shake* Don't worry about it...
[12-18:28] 6c848, Polaris13 : *eyes an almost pining rose color, thinking about what happened back where she used to live*...
[12-18:28] d3a2d, Lafiel : *suddenly catches the scent of another pegasi, quite close and quite male. She looks around and spots him, her blue eyes widening*
[12-18:29] d7b7c, Anarath : *again...would smile, were he in humanoid form...but isnt so cant...instead he dips his head towards hers and paws at the air with one of his forehooves, his black eyes shining a bit with the ambient light around them*
[12-18:30] 16ab8, Lok: *keeps his wings beating moving at a fast rate towards them...a single peagusus was unusual but two....*
[12-18:31] d3a2d, Lafiel : (( what are you, Lok? )) *snorts and backs away, wary of him. It's been a few years since she last saw one of her kind*
[12-18:32] 6c848, Polaris13 : Alright. I won't.
[12-18:32] 16ab8, Lok: ((I am a gargoyle))
[12-18:32] d7b7c, Anarath : *as if to show her whom he is he flies closer towards her and checks her, muzzle coming within a hair of her right ear before he drops back a bit*
[12-18:32] d3a2d, Lafiel : (( Ahh ))
[12-18:34] 16ab8, Axis : *motions for her to sit* how have you been my freind?
[12-18:34] 16ab8, Lok: ((My Icon is wip...whatever that means..))
[12-18:34] 6c848, Polaris13 : *sits down* Fine...
[12-18:36] 6c848, Polaris13 : Other than these...memories, what about you?
[12-18:36] 16ab8, Axis : I mean to find that nightmare...and kill him if I can.
[12-18:36] d3a2d, Lafiel : *whinnies shrilly in warning*
[12-18:36] 6c848, Polaris13 : Him?
[12-18:37] 16ab8, Axis : That black haired man that was watching you the other day...
[12-18:38] 6c848, Polaris13 : Which...Lokken? Or Tarnis..?
[12-18:38] 16ab8, Lok: *his flight slows as he nears not wanting to frighten them..besides he was a liitle lost*
[12-18:38] 6c848, Polaris13 : (not ure what Tarnis looks like x.x)
[12-18:39] d7b7c, Anarath : *snorts slightly in derision...she's forgotten his scent...he banks to the right again to pull back from her to give her space and eyes a glade below them as if asking her to land*
[12-18:39] 16ab8, Axis : ((Lokken we don't know his name))
[12-18:40] d3a2d, Lafiel : *eyes him, then heads down to the glade*
[12-18:40] 6c848, Polaris13 : (oh ok nvmd then)
[12-18:40] 6c848, Polaris13 : (I'll just say) Isee...(then =))
[12-18:40] 6c848, Polaris13 : *I see
[12-18:41] d7b7c, Anarath : *banks again to the right, staying banked as he is, slowly decending in wide, lazy circles towards the glade*
[12-18:41] 92794, Cruward Hawklight : ((Back))
[12-18:42] d3a2d, Lafiel : *lands lightly and watches him, thinking he's most likely being a show off*
[12-18:42] 16ab8, Lok: * is fairly close..but he smells...something odd somthign that doesn't was out of place very out of place...*
[12-18:42] 6c848, Polaris13 : ((wb Cruward)
[12-18:42] bbfc4, Maiougi Hitosashi: ((wb))
[12-18:42] 92794, Cruward Hawklight : Oh yes, many stories to have a lovely smile
[12-18:43] d3a2d, Lafiel : (( If you make something attack us I'll kill you. ))
[12-18:43] d7b7c, Anarath : *isnt yet...he lands not too far from her and canters up to her, letting her catch his scent again*
[12-18:43] 16ab8, Lok: ((don't worry.))
[12-18:43] 6c848, Polaris13 : (oo; )
[12-18:43] d7b7c, Anarath : ((*will adminsmite*))
[12-18:43] bbfc4, Maiougi Hitosashi: *it broadens* I like stories.
[12-18:44] d3a2d, Lafiel : *does and clearly does not recognize him*
[12-18:44] 92794, Cruward Hawklight : Oh? *smirks*
[12-18:45] 16ab8, Lok: *lands by a nearby stream trying to find the source of the smell distracted momentarily from the pagasi*
[12-18:45] 16ab8, Axis : indeed.....
[12-18:45] EXIT: Panian Urthadar has left the chat ( 6:07pm, February 12 (CST) ).
[12-18:45] d7b7c, Anarath : *snorts and paws at the ground with his hoof, his black eyes seeming luscent*
[12-18:46] 6c848, Polaris13 : *trails her finger around in a circle on the table*...
[12-18:47] bbfc4, Maiougi Hitosashi: *nods* I'd imagine swashbuckling tales of looting and pillaging would be quite interesting...*she looks about, her insatiable curiosity getting the best of her*
[12-18:47] d3a2d, Lafiel : *eyes him, clearly wanting to know what he wants. *tosses her mane, revealing a cream colored bag slung around her neck, large enough to hold clothes*
[12-18:47] 6c848, Polaris13 : *sighing* We still need members for our party.
[12-18:48] 16ab8, Axis : *begins wiping one of his blades with a odd sponge like cloth* hmmm this will help...
[12-18:48] 16ab8, Axis : you may be right...
[12-18:48] 6c848, Polaris13 : *acting a little preoccupied, keeps trailing her finger around*
[12-18:48] 92794, Cruward Hawklight : Oh yes they are very fun to tell and remember *Chuckles* I guess you'd like to hear one...
[12-18:49] bbfc4, Maiougi Hitosashi: *glances at him* If you'd like...though I would like to look about you ship. You haves names for them, don't you? Ships?
[12-18:49] bbfc4, Maiougi Hitosashi: *your
[12-18:49] d7b7c, Anarath : *looks towards a thicket at the edge of the glade before heading voer towards it...he doesnt have clothes with him*
[12-18:50] d3a2d, Lafiel : *stays where she is, as he's turnrd around, and begins to shimmer, it quickly obscuring her from view*
[12-18:50] 6c848, Polaris13 : (Stupid place...--; )
[12-18:51] 16ab8, Lok: *after a while the scent fades and he shrugs and stis by the stream staring down in*
[12-18:51] 6c848, Polaris13 : (not here, this other chatroom keeps kicking me out although I do nothing.)
[12-18:51] 92794, Cruward Hawklight : I'd be more than happy to take you on the tour *smiles and stands heading for the door* And yes we do have names for's just that I'm nameless right now...haven't found the right name to honor this ship with. The same goes for my crew
[12-18:51] d7b7c, Anarath : *notes the shimmer and dissappears behind the thicket before shimmering himself taking his angelic humanoid form though he doesnt look towards her until she says anything*
[12-18:51] JOIN: Umeane has entered.
[12-18:52] 2d340, Umeane : ((hello))
[12-18:52] 6c848, Polaris13 : (hey)
[12-18:52] 92794, Cruward Hawklight : ((Recognize the picture Umeane?))
[12-18:52] 6c848, Polaris13 : Nothing's been happening here much, today...
[12-18:53] d3a2d, Lafiel : *naked, she quickly slips a simple loose blue dress on and picks up the sword that's been bound to her, laying at her feet* What do you want? *in this form, she's got long white blond hair and those same blue eyes. And, of course, wings*
[12-18:53] 2d340, Umeane : ((yeah, ZIn. I reconized it last night too))
[12-18:54] 16ab8, Axis : It seems so. Neither of the fools have showed up recently..probably a good thing.
[12-18:54] 6c848, Polaris13 : Yeah.
[12-18:55] bbfc4, Maiougi Hitosashi: *nods, and goes to follow him but stops....she combats with herself wheter or not to use an illusion again, and decides not to. This should be interesting...*
[12-18:55] bbfc4, Maiougi Hitosashi: ((Cru, got AIM or anything?))
[12-18:55] d7b7c, Anarath : *his form comes up over the thicket, though he is squatted so that only his head and neck peeks over the brush, it can be told however he has no clothes* Lafiel...its you not recognise me?
[12-18:56] d3a2d, Lafiel : No. How do you know me, stranger?
[12-18:56] MSG: Cruward Hawklight sent a message to Maiougi Hitosashi.
[12-18:57] d7b7c, Anarath : Before you were promised to me...
[12-18:57] 16ab8, Lok: *hears the conversation but blocks it out since it is none of his business*
[12-18:57] 6c848, Polaris13 : You don't have ANY memories...?
[12-18:57] d3a2d, Lafiel : *shakes her head*
[12-18:58] 92794, Cruward Hawklight : *Oh it is. As soon as they step out a few crew members stop in their tracks, eyeing her and asking where she came from, but he simply waves them off saying it's alright and they move out onto the deck* Well...this is it...*smiles* Welcome aboard the...well, my ship...
[12-18:59] d7b7c, Anarath : *frowns slightly, his black eyes, sinking a bit, partially obscured by his blackish reddish brown hair*
[12-18:59] 16ab8, Axis : Not before I woke up i nthe northern waste just outside the maelstrom. I lost my past and much of the magical and natruel skill I may have once possesed. Until recently I didn't even know I was a demon
[12-18:59] 6c848, Polaris13 : I see...
[12-19:00] 6c848, Polaris13 : You don't know...did you have a family?
[12-19:00] bbfc4, Maiougi Hitosashi: *takes this as her invitation and begins a foxy inspection of -everything-* ^_^
[12-19:00] 92794, Cruward Hawklight : *Just laughs and lets her do so, no harm in letting her find everything out about his ship*
[12-19:00] d3a2d, Lafiel : Maybe so, but that does'nt matter to me. I have no intention on marrying you.
[12-19:01] 16ab8, Axis : *shrugs* do demons have families? I don't know.
[12-19:01] 6c848, Polaris13 : Maybe they do.
[12-19:02] d7b7c, Anarath : I have flown halfway around the world looking for you....and you dismiss me so non-chalantly....*his black eyes darken a bit more though he looks away from her*
[12-19:03] d3a2d, Lafiel : Don't act so surprised. Everyone in the clan knew how I felt.
[12-19:03] 16ab8, Axis : I don't know. It is lost to me now. Some memories have come back...memories of my abilites and powers mostly...but then it is only some I suspect.
[12-19:04] d7b7c, Anarath : Yes...I knew how you felt...I had just hoped that the years wandering would have helped you come to your senses...
[12-19:05] d3a2d, Lafiel : My senses? And what? That's I'd want to give up my life and this..*gestures to her sword* and settle down to rear children?
[12-19:06] bbfc4, Maiougi Hitosashi: *She looks at things, her ears twitching excitedly, even stops and begins climbing the rigging, to the crow's nest*
[12-19:06] 6c848, Polaris13 : I see.
[12-19:06] d7b7c, Anarath : Quite frankly...yes.
[12-19:06] 16ab8, Lok: *still blocking out the conversation*
[12-19:06] d3a2d, Lafiel : *laughs...and keeps laughing untill tears stream down her cheeks*
[12-19:07] d7b7c, Anarath : *his features, angelic in nature narrow sharply at her laughter*
[12-19:08] MSG: Cruward Hawklight sent a message to Maiougi Hitosashi.
[12-19:08] d3a2d, Lafiel : *finally calms down enough to wipe her eyes* Ho....noone's been able to make me laugh like that in a while.
[12-19:09] 8e4ea, Faltren : *the raven black steed flies over and then is gone.* *end cameo. heheheheheheheheheheheheheheheh*
[12-19:09] d7b7c, Anarath : *dryly* I'm so pleased you can laugh at my expense....*stands slowly, his wings folding across his back, the thicket still strategically positioned*
[12-19:09] 6c848, Polaris13 : (brb)
[12-19:09] EXIT: Polaris13 has left the chat ( 8:09pm, February 12 (CST) ).
[12-19:10] 92794, Cruward Hawklight : *Smiles and shakes his head, following her over and up. A few more cremembers eyeing them, but once again Cruward waves them off and tells them to go about their business*
[12-19:10] 16ab8, Axis : (k)
[12-19:11] d3a2d, Lafiel : After all these you think I'd have changed? I am free..and nothing, especially marriage, will clip my wings.
[12-19:11] JOIN: Polaris13 has entered.
[12-19:12] 6c848, Polaris13 : ((I'm betting this won't work))
[12-19:12] d7b7c, Anarath : That was the whole reason you got away...we figured in a few years you would have gotten this out of your system and come home...
[12-19:13] d3a2d, Lafiel : Thought this was just a phase I was going through? Surely you're not that stupid. *yep..had gotten bold, living on the outside*
[12-19:13] 6c848, Polaris13 : ((does a picture show up next to my name on the names side bar??))
[12-19:14] d7b7c, Anarath : *his eyes narrow again, sharply* That was the consensus of the clan. It is time for you to come home now Lafiel....
[12-19:14] 92794, Cruward Hawklight : ((Nope))
[12-19:15] d3a2d, Lafiel : I'm not going home.
[12-19:15] 6c848, Polaris13 : (CURSES! Oh well..)
[12-19:15] EXIT: Polaris13 has left the chat ( 8:15pm, February 12 (CST) ).
[12-19:15] JOIN: Polaris13 has entered.
[12-19:16] 6c848, Polaris13 : ((I shall go pictureless...u.u)
[12-19:16] d7b7c, Anarath : You will...or I will drag you kicking and screaming....your father wishes it...*lowers his tone a half measure, almost ready to step out of the thicket to grab her*
[12-19:16] bbfc4, Maiougi Hitosashi: *climbs in a bit ungracefully, but in a girlish manner. She turns her face to the horizon* It's fascinating...
[12-19:16] 6c848, Polaris13 : *eyes turning a soft baby pink color from rose and sighs*
[12-19:16] 16ab8, Lok: *his ears twitch*
[12-19:17] d3a2d, Lafiel : *her eyes narrow dangerously* I don't think so. My father can go to hell. *takes a step back, bringing her sword up*
[12-19:18] 16ab8, Axis : You should be gratefull for what you had.
[12-19:18] 92794, Cruward Hawklight : *Chuckles and leans on the edge of the crow's nest next to her*'s nice to come up here sometimes
[12-19:18] 6c848, Polaris13 : Im not so sure about that...
[12-19:19] d7b7c, Anarath : I do not wish to drag you please...come with me peacefully...we might plead your case there at least....they sent me in lieu of others far less caring than I...
[12-19:20] 16ab8, Axis : You remeber being a child? You remeber your familey you have a family and a past.
[12-19:20] 6c848, Polaris13 : I fought with my parents a lot of the time...mostly because of how I am. My mother sort of regrets me being her child, so I ran away.
[12-19:20] 6c848, Polaris13 : I suppose so.
[12-19:21] 16ab8, Axis : *shrugs* as you wish.
[12-19:21] d3a2d, Lafiel : My case would not be heard. And what others?
[12-19:22] 6c848, Polaris13 : I do get lonely sometime, though. I start to miss them.
[12-19:22] bbfc4, Maiougi Hitosashi: *nods and looks at him, inquisitive* What's you name?
[12-19:22] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[12-19:22] 92794, Cruward Hawklight : Cruward *returns her smile* May I have yours?
[12-19:22] 8e4ea, Faltren : *is far less caring, yup*
[12-19:24] bbfc4, Maiougi Hitosashi: Maiougi Hitosashi. You can call me "Miko" if that's easier. *scracthes behind an ear*
[12-19:24] d7b7c, Anarath : *goes into brief detail about the clan sending recovery parties of 2 or 3 larger pegasai to track down those wayward members of the clan*
[12-19:25] 6c848, Polaris13 : I'd imagine you might get lonely at times, too, though...
[12-19:25] d3a2d, Lafiel : *shakes her head* That is exactly why I left. No freedom.
[12-19:27] 16ab8, Axis : *shrugs*I've never known anything else but being alone. Even when others are around
[12-19:27] 8e4ea, Faltren : *is a good tracker too. yuuuuus!*
[12-19:27] 92794, Cruward Hawklight : Miko...*grins* Ah yes...a beautiful name...My full name is Cruward Hawklight, my men like to call me Hawk on occasion
[12-19:27] 6c848, Polaris13 : I see.
[12-19:28] 16ab8, Lok: *is sitting by the stream listening*
[12-19:28] d7b7c, Anarath : The elders are getting frightened though for us younger kin....and understandably so...the world is growing more and more violent...we need to stay with our families.
[12-19:28] 6c848, Polaris13 : I must sound like I'm really not listening, keeping saying "I see"...
[12-19:28] 16ab8, Lok: *is sitting by the stream listening*
[12-19:29] d3a2d, Lafiel : I am with my family. Myself.
[12-19:29] 16ab8, Axis : Don't worry about it.
[12-19:29] 8e4ea, Faltren : *not acceptable, nope. She's in for it. Yup*
[12-19:30] bbfc4, Maiougi Hitosashi: It suits you. *looks him over for the first time, really and smiles*
[12-19:31] d7b7c, Anarath : And what of your father and mother? Your clan?
[12-19:31] d7b7c, Anarath : *adds* Me?
[12-19:31] 92794, Cruward Hawklight : You think so?
[12-19:32] d3a2d, Lafiel : I made my choice. And so did you. I told all of you I would not be tied down.
[12-19:32] 6c848, Polaris13 : Alright.
[12-19:32] d7b7c, Anarath : I am not tied down...I choose to remain loyal to those who risked their lives raising and protecting me...
[12-19:32] 6c848, Polaris13 : *sighing, looks up and scans the bar*
[12-19:33] d3a2d, Lafiel : ...
[12-19:34] bbfc4, Maiougi Hitosashi: *nods and smiles* ((Cru, you got messangers of any sort? Like AIM?))
[12-19:34] 92794, Cruward Hawklight : ((Check your messages))
[12-19:35] bbfc4, Maiougi Hitosashi: ((*giggles* Silly me..))
[12-19:36] d7b7c, Anarath : I had hoped you would have been reasonable my love...*says this a bit sadly...but crouches down and closes his eyes as if preparing to change back into equinine form*
[12-19:36] 92794, Cruward Hawklight : Well...I guess my men know me better than I know myself...even a stranger..*shcukles*
[12-19:36] 92794, Cruward Hawklight : *chuckles*
[12-19:37] d3a2d, Lafiel : I am noone's love *shifts her wings, preparing to take off*
[12-19:37] 6c848, Polaris13 : It seems so empty here, tonight.
[12-19:38] 16ab8, Lok: *throws back his hood it was dark enough now letting his long white hair free around his horns*
[12-19:38] d7b7c, Anarath : No...I suppose not...*coldly...or as coldly as one who just had their life ripped from them can be...his form shrouded by shimmering light as he changes back to equinine form and canters off*
[12-19:38] 16ab8, Axis : There is war breaking out all over....
[12-19:38] bbfc4, Maiougi Hitosashi: I'm just observing. Do you dock here often?
[12-19:39] 6c848, Polaris13 : Yeah. I know. It's kind of horrible...
[12-19:40] 92794, Cruward Hawklight : Oh...often enough. I've been to many ports and lately, this one seems to hold my attention.
[12-19:40] d3a2d, Lafiel : *watches him go, then, changing her mind and slipping her dress off and back into the bag, she shimmers back*
[12-19:40] 16ab8, Axis : *shrugs*
[12-19:41] d7b7c, Anarath : *his canter is slow, almost defeated*
[12-19:43] 16ab8, Lok: *stands up and gives gimself a all over shake to settle his cloak away form his wingsand long tail.* It is most beatuif lhere
[12-19:43] bbfc4, Maiougi Hitosashi: This is a nice city. *it's kept her interest as well*
[12-19:44] d3a2d, Lafiel : *turns away and leaps into the air with a mighty beat of her wings*
[12-19:44] 92794, Cruward Hawklight : Aye it is....almost makes me want to always stay here
[12-19:45] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[12-19:45] 16ab8, Lok: *decides to follow the pagasus, as they were generally good beings and so he beats his heavy wings and takes off*
[12-19:45] d7b7c, Anarath : *they are going in different directions...yes...*
[12-19:46] bbfc4, Maiougi Hitosashi: *grins* Not you. I hear pirates are very unsettled...hard for them to stay in one spot even if they like it, that true?
[12-19:46] 6c848, Polaris13 : ((my foot's asleep...ow...)
[12-19:47] 92794, Cruward Hawklight : Well, yes...but if we find something to hold us to one place....something that we really like, well then...*trails off, looking to her with a smile*
[12-19:47] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[12-19:47] 16ab8, Lok: *follows the flying one....
[12-19:47] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 8:47pm, February 12 (CST) ).
[12-19:47] JOIN: joey has entered.
[12-19:48] bbfc4, Maiougi Hitosashi: *takes on an introspective look and sighs* Indeed...
[12-19:48] 6c848, Polaris13 : ('llo Joey)
[12-19:48] d3a2d, Lafiel : *angry, she flies fast*
[12-19:49] 8e4ea, Faltren : *but lo' who is this flying and sees the fast flying Lafiel?*
[12-19:50] d3a2d, Lafiel : (( *wonders who Faltren is* ))
[12-19:50] 6c848, Polaris13 : *after some silence* I suppose, war is just another everyday thing here, though...
[12-19:51] 16ab8, Axis : not every day. Just commen in the world
[12-19:51] 92794, Cruward Hawklight : *Goes back to looking at the horizon*
[12-19:51] 6c848, Polaris13 : Forgive me, if this sounds somewhat an odd question, but...can demons fall in love?
[12-19:52] JOIN: Brimstone has entered.
[12-19:52] 16ab8, Lok: ((is faltren nearby?))
[12-19:52] 16ab8, Axis : *shrugs* I don not know. I suppose they might.
[12-19:53] 8e4ea, Faltren : *Faltren is nearby Lafiel and anyone nearby her*
[12-19:53] 6c848, Polaris13 : ...Hmm.
[12-19:55] bbfc4, Maiougi Hitosashi: *sighs and peers into her basket* Oh! I almost forgot about this...I should probably put it away, huh?
[12-19:55] 16ab8, Lok: *he catches sight of faltren out of the corner of his eye*
[12-19:55] 8e4ea, Faltren : *notes that Lafiel is female and determines that she must be the lost one he seeks. Can't have their precious life bearers running around where they can get hurt.*
[12-19:55] d3a2d, Lafiel : (( you have IM? I have a question and I don't want to clutter up the chat with OOCness anymore than I have to ))
[12-19:56] 8e4ea, Faltren : ((What exactly is Lok? ))
[12-19:56] 92794, Cruward Hawklight : *Smiles* That might be a good idea
[12-19:56] 8e4ea, Faltren : ((I have IM, but I'm not signed on at this time))
[12-19:56] d3a2d, Lafiel : *is heading for a secluded grove, only accessible from above, as the trees are too tightly grown together for anything larger than a small child to pass through*
[12-19:56] 6c848, Polaris13 : Forgive me for asking such an odd question, so suddenly.
[12-19:57] 16ab8, Lok: ((Gargoyle....))
[12-19:57] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[12-19:57] d3a2d, Lafiel : (( Are you signed in anywhere? ))
[12-19:57] 8e4ea, Faltren : ((Ah, k))
[12-19:57] 8e4ea, Faltren : ((Nope, not signed in anywhere atm))
[12-19:58] 16ab8, Axis : Why do you ask? *slightly curious*
[12-19:58] d3a2d, Lafiel : (( Because I'll eventually have to go for supper (late one) and I'll probably not be back tonight ))
[12-19:59] MSG: Faltren sent a message to Lafiel.
[12-19:59] 6c848, Polaris13 : I'm not sure, exactly...
[12-19:59] 16ab8, Lok: *stays a distance away not intednding to intrude*
[12-19:59] 8e4ea, Faltren : ((That's okay))
[12-20:00] 6c848, Polaris13 : *eyes change to a turquoise color*
[12-20:00] 16ab8, Axis : ahh
[12-20:01] 8e4ea, Faltren : *follows to the secluded grove, watching her descend and descends shortly after, as soon as she is good and landed and can't readily take off before he could catch up with her*
[12-20:01] 6c848, Polaris13 : Just wondering. I suppose.
[12-20:01] MSG: Lafiel sent a message to Faltren.
[12-20:02] d3a2d, Lafiel : (( so she would see him? ))
[12-20:02] 16ab8, Lok: *is slightly out of Faltrens line of sight and narrows his eies suspicously*
[12-20:02] 16ab8, Axis : I see.
[12-20:02] beb1a, Brimstone : *he entered through the front doors of the inn, a beautifully decorated tome tucked between an arm and his side .. leather soles connect soundly against the ground, closing the door in his way - he navigated toward the bar, eyes forward*..
[12-20:03] bbfc4, Maiougi Hitosashi: *grins* I should go then. I'll see you around, I'm sure...
[12-20:03] 6c848, Polaris13 : *eyes grow brighter*...
[12-20:03] 92794, Cruward Hawklight : I hope so, Miko...good night
[12-20:03] JOIN: Brimstone has entered.
[12-20:04] MSG: Faltren sent a message to Lafiel.
[12-20:05] bbfc4, Maiougi Hitosashi: *bows and hops down, making her way back to her apartment*
[12-20:05] 92794, Cruward Hawklight : *And is Gone*
[12-20:05] 8e4ea, Faltren : *the raven black pegasus might look evil by his very coloring, but Pegasi are gentle and good by nature generally. He's only a tracker, because he has a slight ruthless edge and steeley cold nature, but is still a pegasus and still generally good*
[12-20:06] d3a2d, Lafiel : *lands and does'nt even have time to do anything before sees Faltren, snorting in alarm*
[12-20:07] 8e4ea, Faltren : *lands easily a few paces off prancing to a halt with an air of strength and power*
[12-20:07] 16ab8, Lok: *creeps around the trees and listens closley watching what he can throught the tight trees*
[12-20:07] MSG: Lafiel sent a message to Faltren.
[12-20:07] 6c848, Polaris13 : *trying to make conversation, in a way* Why would you think I might ask...?
[12-20:07] MSG: Faltren sent a message to Lafiel.
[12-20:08] bbfc4, Maiougi Hitosashi: *She makes her way up the narrow streets and up to her apartment where she stores the things she bought. She changes her shirt quickly and tucks some Cherry blossoms into her hair, then makes her way to the tavern*
[12-20:09] 16ab8, Axis : *raises a silver eyebrow*perhaps morbid curiosity...?
[12-20:09] d3a2d, Lafiel : *paws the ground warningly*
[12-20:09] beb1a, Brimstone : *seating himself on a stool, he orders a drink from the tender .. book placed down before him on the counter, an arm drapped over it - paying as needed from a little black, leather pouch*..
[12-20:09] 6c848, Polaris13 : *shrugs* Just wondering.
[12-20:10] 16ab8, Axis : *glances over at brimstone* I figured as much...
[12-20:11] 8e4ea, Faltren : *tosses his head, his midnight maine flying majestically about as he then looks at her dead on, glaring. His whole body language is that of an alpha male stud preparing to herd his followers, or in this case, follower*
[12-20:11] 16ab8, Lok: *RaE*
[12-20:12] 16ab8, Lok: ((horse like creatues don't have alpha males...thats canines))
[12-20:13] 8e4ea, Faltren : ((Whatever, they have leaders of the herds))
[12-20:13] 16ab8, Lok: ((heh))
[12-20:13] d3a2d, Lafiel : *whinnies in anger, shifting her hooves so that they're planted firmly, glaring right back, not about to be cowed by a strange stallion. Every inch of her screams defiance*
[12-20:14] bbfc4, Maiougi Hitosashi: *she flaunces into the Inn chanting to herself, her voice not all that displeasing. She spins in wide circles grinning, till she plops down next to Brimstone* Konichiwa, Aisu.
[12-20:14] 8e4ea, Faltren : ((Don't muck up my cool posts with picky details. *harumphs*))
[12-20:14] d3a2d, Lafiel : (( Right. The Stallion. There's also a lead mare, in most herds ))
[12-20:15] 6c848, Polaris13 : *glances over at Brimstone*
[12-20:16] 8e4ea, Faltren : *every inch of his declares dominance as he stalks forward as stalky as an equine can stalk*
[12-20:17] 16ab8, Lok: *watches them closley*
[12-20:17] d3a2d, Lafiel : *lowers her head and snaps at the empty air in front of him, holding her ground*
[12-20:17] beb1a, Brimstone : *facing the bar, ankles crossed and boots set on a rung .. eyes drift up from the bartop, over to the animalistic woman, brows lower some, gaze soon traveling elsewhere - he mouths a few words, staring off through pure white banes, eyes intellectual, now mildly aggravated*..
[12-20:18] 8e4ea, Faltren : *tosses his head in warning perturbedness with a chastising whinny that clearly says, "don't pull attitude with me if you know what is good for you"*
[12-20:18] 6c848, Polaris13 : *to Axis* You know him...?
[12-20:19] bbfc4, Maiougi Hitosashi: *she cocks her head to the side, questioningly, but shrugs and pulls ou a deck of Fortune cards. Her amber eyes grace him every so often, testing*...
[12-20:19] d3a2d, Lafiel : *tosses her head in return and snaps at him*
[12-20:19] 16ab8, Axis : no.
[12-20:20] 6c848, Polaris13 : ...
[12-20:21] 8e4ea, Faltren : *easily darts his head up and rears back in a threatening to land on her manner, a sign of dominance...a sign of other things to in some hem. but that isn't necessarily the case this time.*
[12-20:22] d3a2d, Lafiel : (( land on her manner? ))
[12-20:22] 16ab8, Lok: *watches this interesting scene*
[12-20:23] beb1a, Brimstone : *gloved fingers rap audibly against the severly elegant, multiple-blue cover of the book held under arm .. offering a quiet single word of appreciation when his drink arrives - he curls a index fnger around the neck of the glass, drawing it toward him*..
[12-20:23] 867a2, Sileen: ((Threatening to land on her... manner....))
[12-20:23] 867a2, Sileen: ((He's threatening to tackle basically))
[12-20:23] 6c848, Polaris13 : *still watches Brimstone slightly*
[12-20:23] 867a2, Sileen: And why am I using parenthesis?!
[12-20:23] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[12-20:24] 8e4ea, Faltren : ((Yeah, kind of like he would try to leap over her but not quite make it in order to tackle her manner....It could be turned into other kinds of landing on her if angled differently...heh))
[12-20:25] d3a2d, Lafiel : *turns around, snapping at him again, whinnying in anger*
[12-20:25] 16ab8, Lok: ((tackle her in a matter?))
[12-20:25] bbfc4, Maiougi Hitosashi: *With a small self-relying smile she sort the cards, doing a drawing of some sort. She looks up again, less discreet*
[12-20:25] 16ab8, Lok: *moves stealtily over the trees perching in one to watch easier*
[12-20:27] 94c70, Z: *peeks*
[12-20:27] 8e4ea, Faltren : *pivots on his hooves to avoid her completely out of line snapping. How dare she. She might have to be made an example of. This is more serious than he was told. This is horrifically scandalous of her. He then rears back, this time meaning to actually tackle her and is very fluid and skilled in his movements, quick. Isn't a tracker for nothing.*
[12-20:29] 16ab8, Lok: *watches planning to intervene on the white ones behalf if it was absoltuly necesarry. She was spunky. He liked that*
[12-20:29] d3a2d, Lafiel : *backs up with incredible speed, avoiding it. Attempts to leap into the air*
[12-20:29] beb1a, Brimstone : *the tapping slowly and eventually ends, glass lifted to his lips .. posture straight as a board, sharp steely-blue eyes peering to the side, at the cards - his appearance considerably handsome, an uneasy vibe to his expression*..
[12-20:30] d3a2d, Lafiel : (( slow posts because I'm making pizza pops ))
[12-20:31] 6c848, Polaris13 : ((PIZZA!))
[12-20:31] 6c848, Polaris13 : ((brb))
[12-20:32] bbfc4, Maiougi Hitosashi: *She sorts them into an order, her eyes slipping closed in concentration. The cards lie back-side up, she flips the middle-most one*
[12-20:32] 94c70, Z: *ponders on what to do ICly*
[12-20:33] 8e4ea, Faltren : *would easily adjust his tactics and attempt to leap in the air after her and hopefully over her, throwing her off, hopefully to go crashing to the ground, idealy.*
[12-20:33] 6c848, Polaris13 : ((back)
[12-20:34] d3a2d, Lafiel : *does go crashing into the ground, having not chance at shoving him out of the way*
[12-20:34] bbfc4, Maiougi Hitosashi: Two of swords...*The face of the card holds a picture of two crossed swords* And...*she flips the two on either side* Ah...*the left is a man nailed upside down on a cross, the right, a red-clad knight on horseback, the Knight of Disks. She scratches an ear*
[12-20:34] beb1a, Brimstone : *sets the glass back down before him, both hands lift briefly to curl his collar down .. forcing his wary gaze away from her, cut across a broad shoulder to quickly examine the remainder of the room and it's occupants - only to finally find his attention on her and her cards again, wondering what it is this time. sigh*..
[12-20:35] MSG: Lafiel sent a message to Faltren.
[12-20:36] 6c848, Polaris13 : *turns her eyes back to Axis, staying quiet*
[12-20:36] 8e4ea, Faltren : *kind of crashes with her a little, trying to land on top of her*
[12-20:36] 16ab8, Lok: *tenses carefully keeping bablnced so his brabch doesn't break under his huge wieght*
[12-20:36] bbfc4, Maiougi Hitosashi: *She murmurs to herself than turns to him* These...these are you. Peaceful, but not withouht the power to rectify *points to the swords* And rich *she grins, pointing to the night* But this...*motioning to the Hanged Man* This is strange...
[12-20:36] MSG: Faltren sent a message to Lafiel.
[12-20:36] bbfc4, Maiougi Hitosashi: *Knight
[12-20:37] d3a2d, Lafiel : *struggles to get up and away from him, kicking*
[12-20:37] 16ab8, Axis : *looks back at her and raises an eyebrow*
[12-20:38] 8e4ea, Faltren : *if he successfully has pinned her, he positions himself so that she could only get out from under her by transforming. Does she want to do that in front of him so he sees her naked? mehehehe!*
[12-20:38] 8e4ea, Faltren : *out from under him, that is..nns*
[12-20:38] beb1a, Brimstone : Surely that represents yourself. *a little smile of his own now, looking over the cards that supposedly define him .. strangely enough, they're quite accurate*..
[12-20:39] 6c848, Polaris13 : Tarot cards...*quietly*
[12-20:39] 6c848, Polaris13 : *sort of to Axis*
[12-20:39] beb1a, Brimstone : *naturally, his voice is kept to a comfortable volume .. as charasmatic as his appearance and equally attractive as his wear*..
[12-20:40] 16ab8, Axis : yes.....
[12-20:40] d3a2d, Lafiel : *glares, her blue eyes cold as ice, breathing heavily from anger, laying pinned*
[12-20:41] 6c848, Polaris13 : ((my dad found a friggin turkey call...x.x)
[12-20:41] 8e4ea, Faltren : ((nns = narf narf shizzelbingers = making fun of the filters))
[12-20:41] 16ab8, Lok: *blows out of the tree thorugh all 800lbs of tough skinned gargoyle at faltren from the side not using his cllaws i nany manner*
[12-20:42] 16ab8, Lok: ((trowing))
[12-20:42] bbfc4, Maiougi Hitosashi: It stands for self-sacrifice. I did these with you in my mind. Now...this card...this card can represent a time of limbo or a pause in life until something or perhaps someone is given up for greater gain. It can also represent ill health, stress and anxiety, this is a time for patience and not worry. But it also hold connotations of materialism, inflated ego, lack of willpower...*Amber eyes peer into his*
[12-20:42] JOIN: Z has entered.
[12-20:42] 6c848, Polaris13 : *looks out the window* I believe the sun is starting to go down...
[12-20:43] MSG: Lafiel sent a message to Faltren.
[12-20:43] 16ab8, Axis : Indeed.
[12-20:43] JOIN: Zaknafein has entered.
[12-20:44] 8e4ea, Faltren : *would have kept Lafiel pinned until she transformed so he could more easily catch her, but finds himself being attacked by a gargoyle and whinnies in alarm and bucks off of Lafiel in a hasty to get up manner, not sure if he'd accomplish this in time to avoid getting hit, but Lafiel might get hit too from his reaction*
[12-20:44] JOIN: AdrianGoldenmoon has entered.
[12-20:44] 16ab8, Lok: *would most likely slam shoulder first into faltrens shoulder*
[12-20:46] 8e4ea, Faltren : *if that is the case than he would most certainly bowl over Lafiel a little too. Poor Lafiel. He gets rammed in the shoulder and thrown the rest of the way off of poor Lafiel, neighing in angry protest*
[12-20:46] d3a2d, Lafiel : *whinnies and gets to her hooves, pissed as all hell, now*
[12-20:46] d3a2d, Lafiel : *snaps at them both and gets up as quickly as she can, as pissed as hell, now*
[12-20:47] 16ab8, Lok: *skids to a halt between lafeil and faltren*