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[07-21:19] d7b7c, Palladia Mors : *will kill the pointeh eared menace*
[07-21:19] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : ((The elves?))
[07-21:19] dfe22, Dri: omg there was this guy and he came over and I was like Weeeeeeeeee!
[07-21:20] JOIN: Liz has entered.
[07-21:20] d7b7c, Palladia Mors : OMG I ran into this thug gangsta and I was like YO MUTHAF&$@A!! Weeeeeeee!!
[07-21:21] 92794, Squirrel : Get me the link to that I gotta show my room mate
[07-21:21] dfe22, Dri: hehe
[07-21:21] c5259, Lafiel : *her white mane and tail streams behind her like some rapidly moving flag of truce*
[07-21:22] 5d609, Cookie Monster: I fought the law and.. I WON I fought the law and I WON...
[07-21:23] d7b7c, Palladia Mors : "I love my subjects...each and every one of them...PULL!! *shoots an arrow through the launched peasant*" - Arutha
[07-21:23] 94c70, Z:
[07-21:24] 5d609, Cookie Monster: So is there realy a cap on any more races?
[07-21:24] d7b7c, Palladia Mors : I dont see a reason to make more races.
[07-21:25] dfe22, Dri: too cute. my son is captivated/smiling everytime they say weee
[07-21:25] 92794, Squirrel : I bust into laughter
[07-21:26] 94c70, Z: *agrees with Mors* There's a lot of races already that don't get used.
[07-21:26] 92794, Squirrel : *Puts in a rec. form for Blackhawk helicopters* Common boss, pleeeeeeaaaaaaaase
[07-21:27] 92794, Squirrel : er req
[07-21:27] 92794, Squirrel : Oh wait *adds in a few tactical nukes*
[07-21:27] d7b7c, Palladia Mors : *eyes Squirrel* Dont make me feed you to the Dreaded Woe Kitten.
[07-21:27] dfe22, Dri: then maybe those races should be replaced?
[07-21:28] 5d609, Cookie Monster: *sighs* I always enjoyed the idea of a few main races that dominate the land and a slew of very minor ones that eak out existance on the periphery or live in the main races borders, sometimes rarely seeing another of their kind?
[07-21:29] 92794, Squirrel : Dreaded Woe Kitten....pffffffffffffttt Ya know you want too
[07-21:29] d7b7c, Palladia Mors : *baps Squirrel on the head with a billy club and then feeds him to his cat Trotsky...aka The Dreaded Woe Kitten*
[07-21:29] 5d609, Cookie Monster: Its so cuuuuuuu*horrible slaughter noises* AAAAGGGHHHH!!!!
[07-21:30] 92794, Squirrel : Gonads in the lightning! *last words*
[07-21:32] JOIN: Karn Vailner has entered.
[07-21:32] c5259, Lafiel : (( W! ))
[07-21:33] d7b7c, Palladia Mors : Oo
[07-21:33] 791df, W: Some one I don't know!
[07-21:33] 92794, Squirrel : *Hums what he can remember of "Last goodbye"* In our headlights...starin blank...
[07-21:33] 92794, Squirrel : er bleak
[07-21:33] dfe22, Dri: Liz
[07-21:33] c5259, Lafiel : (( Do, too! *is Liz* IM me ))
[07-21:34] 5d609, Cookie Monster: ((hiya))
[07-21:34] MSG: Dri sent a message to Cookie Monster.
[07-21:35] 5d609, Cookie Monster: *ponders how the hell Dri is able to do MSGing without being regged*
[07-21:35] 791df, W: Hmm.. AIM is being stupid.... Gimme a few
[07-21:35] dfe22, Dri: I dunno I foudn out the hard way unregs can msg regs but not vice-versa
[07-21:36] dfe22, Dri: do you have AIM?
[07-21:37] 5d609, Cookie Monster: *shall now MSG Dri to drill it into her mind that she's not reggistered while Cookie is*
[07-21:37] MSG: Cookie Monster sent a message to Adriangoldenmoon.
[07-21:37] 5d609, Cookie Monster: What the hey who?
[07-21:39] 5d609, Cookie Monster: *is quite certain that the msg system of pjj is WHACK
[07-21:40] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[07-21:40] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 10:40pm, February 07 (CST) ).
[07-21:41] 5d609, Cookie Monster: ((i have Yahoo IM))
[07-21:41] JOIN: Karn Vailner has entered.
[07-21:42] 92794, Squirrel : .....................................................
[07-21:42] 92794, Squirrel : Te he he
[07-21:44] 92794, Squirrel : Hmm Red
[07-21:44] 92794, Squirrel :'s all...purty
[07-21:44] 92794, Squirrel : SilveR?
[07-21:44] 5d609, Cookie Monster : Silver
[07-21:44] 92794, Squirrel : Like fish scales....
[07-21:44] 5d609, Cookie Monster : *remebers where he's seen these armors before!*
[07-21:45] 92794, Squirrel : Gold, yes, much better
[07-21:45] 5d609, Cookie Monster : These were taken from masters of magic, the best fantasy world conquest game evar!
[07-21:45] 791df, W : *uses silver*
[07-21:45] JOIN: AdrianGoldenmoon has entered.
[07-21:46] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon: makin me work to get it.. ::grumble..::
[07-21:47] 5d609, Cookie Monster : what?
[07-21:47] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon: Adrian.. Dri.. ADRIan..
[07-21:47] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon: sent it to me.
[07-21:48] 92794, Squirrel : Shouldn't have such a long friggin name....*is one to talk...Ravaella Glimmergaunt*
[07-21:48] dfe22, Dri: ip scramble :oint:: wasnt this the reason for it
[07-21:48] 5d609, Cookie Monster : odd. But that doesn't explain why it didn't sent it to a name that starts with D.
[07-21:49] dfe22, Dri: "to make impersonation more difficult".. I thought you people knew it was me
[07-21:49] dfe22, Dri: I dunno
[07-21:49] 92794, Squirrel : :oints out a good reason to use * ::
[07-21:50] dfe22, Dri: :oints out my uniqueness bc Im the only person who screws up like this:: XD
[07-21:51] 92794, Squirrel : *ROFLMAO*
[07-22:00] EXIT: Lafiel has left the chat ( 10:33pm, February 07 (CST) ).
[07-22:01] dfe22, Dri: eh-nee-way
[07-22:03] 5d609, Cookie Monster : Dri, did you want an IM SN from me?
[07-22:03] dfe22, Dri: ehh i gotta get on yahoo first ^^
[07-22:04] 5d609, Cookie Monster : kay
[07-22:06] MSG: Dri sent a message to Cookie Monster.
[07-22:20] EXIT: Squirrel has left the chat ( 10:51pm, February 07 (CST) ).
[07-22:20] EXIT: Squirrel has left the chat ( 10:51pm, February 07 (CST) ).
[07-22:21] dfe22, Dri: *honk* for good measure ^^
[07-22:21] 5d609, Cookie Monster : ((wow.))
[07-22:27] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : *is casualy riding through the forest outside on his large wolf, enjoying the night air*
[07-22:37] dfe22, Dri: ( ::honk:: put it back )
[07-22:38] 94c70, Z : *bounces*
[07-22:40] dfe22, Dri: (hmmm... ::goes to fill out a reg form:: )
[07-22:41] JOIN: Dri has entered.
[07-22:41] dfe22, Dri: ( hmph. )
[07-22:44] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : hmph?
[07-22:44] dfe22, Dri: ( I said that and it booted me from the window )
[07-22:57] JOIN: Liz has entered.
[07-22:58] 382cd, Roki: Mooo
[07-22:58] 382cd, Roki: oo.. cool
[07-22:58] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : ((RRROooooooooooooOOOOOKKIIIIIII!!!!!!)))
[07-23:01] 382cd, Roki: COOooooooooooooCIIIIIIeeeeeee !!!!!!
[07-23:01] JOIN: Oyrin Darkune has entered.
[07-23:02] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : ((heh. forgot the K. You need to see Dragon half. Then you shall understand why I MUST yell your name upon you entering.))
[07-23:02] eebf8, Oyrin Darkune : *Mountain King! Bowdown!*
[07-23:03] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : *Goblin king! go w00t!*
[07-23:05] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : *is casualy riding through the forest outside on his large wolf, enjoying the night air*
[07-23:08] eebf8, Oyrin Darkune : *Destroys Goblin king!*
[07-23:08] e663b, Morgul the Lich King: *Lich King, 0wns all*
[07-23:09] eebf8, Oyrin Darkune : *Owns better.*
[07-23:09] c5259, Lafiel : *he and his wolf would be able to hear the drumming of hooves on the forest floor*
[07-23:10] e663b, Morgul the Lich King: *has been owning longer*
[07-23:10] eebf8, Oyrin Darkune : *Yeah. Riding throught the woods on a forest path on his pony drawn cart. Armed to the bone because these woods are perilous.*
[07-23:13] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : *the wolf catches the sound of wings first and perks up. He hears it too and urges his mount to go find out what it is.*
[07-23:13] e663b, Morgul the Lich King: *dares people to come to him and read his book*
[07-23:13] c5259, Lafiel : (( No wings..she's not flying ))
[07-23:15] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : ((*switches wings with hooves* How did I miss that?))
[07-23:15] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : *is illiterate in common so HAH!*
[07-23:17] c5259, Lafiel : *keeps her wings folded tightly to her sides, weaving easily in between the trees*
[07-23:20] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : *silently communicates telepathicaly with his Gakasha, his mount, and notices something by scent of the wolf a man would not be able to... that the beast they hear is a horse... yet more than a horse. He urges Gakasha to move closer, slinking silently*
[07-23:22] c5259, Lafiel : *pauses near a spring fed pool and lowers her head to drink, thirsty. Her wings shift slightly and a old feather falls out*
[07-23:23] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : *comes just near the clearing of the pool and looks out at the Horse creature. And for one of the few times in his life he is truely stunned by beauty.*
[07-23:27] c5259, Lafiel : *her head suddenly jerks up as she catches the scent of a man and a wolf*
[07-23:30] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : *slides off Gakasha and walks slowly to the pool, not wanting to frighten the beast*
[07-23:33] dfe22, Dri: ( ::honk:: )
[07-23:34] c5259, Lafiel : *siddles a bit, more alarmed by the large wolf than the man who was riding it. There's a bag hung over her neck, but it's closed so you can't see what's in*
[07-23:34] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : ((*honks Dri back*))
[07-23:36] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : *doesn't know much about horses, despite his Krondorian herritage so trys to get it to accept his closness like he would a piglet that had escaped from its pen*
[07-23:36] dfe22, Dri: ( ^^; )
[07-23:37] c5259, Lafiel : *eyes them both, but relaxes ever so slightly when nothing happens*
[07-23:41] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : *notices the bag and speaks soothingly in Goblin... which is rather odd since it is normaly spoken as high pitched barks and growls* <Be calm horse... be calm... I just want to see what you are. Thats a good horse...>
[07-23:42] dfe22, Dri: (all done )
[07-23:43] c5259, Lafiel : *well, judging from the tone of his voice, he means her no harm, though he does speak in a strange language*
[07-23:45] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : *moves up slowly and pets the side of her neck* <Good horse... good... what creature are you?> *feels curious about the backs at her neck and attempts to open one*
[07-23:46] JOIN: Tarnis Catadon has entered.
[07-23:47] c5259, Lafiel : (( Backs at her neck? ))
[07-23:48] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : ((bag on her neck rather. Bah))
[07-23:54] c5259, Lafiel : *lets him pat her, but having been watching him closely, she moves away when he reaches for her bag*
[07-23:56] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : *lets her move away... not sure if she's trained to gaurd the bag or if she's trying to keep it away. Looks at her wings for a long moment* <just what are you?
[08-00:03] dfe22, Dri: ( ::honk:: )
[08-00:05] JOIN: Liz has entered.
[08-00:06] c5259, Lafiel : *eyes him reproachfully with sky blue eyes*
[08-00:08] dfe22, Dri: ( losted the pic.. )
[08-00:08] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : *perhaps its his telepathy, perhaps its something about her eyes... but something tells him she's sentient... tries switching to common... why not?* Am Jerren. What is your name?
[08-00:08] dfe22, Dri: ( ::re-honk:: )
[08-00:09] JOIN: Penniavas has entered.
[08-00:09] 949ad, Penniavas: ((hi))
[08-00:10] dfe22, Dri: ( hi )
[08-00:10] c5259, Lafiel : *whinnies something, but of course she can't answer...horses can't talk*
[08-00:11] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : ((hey))
[08-00:11] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : *rae's at that... odd...* Can understand what saying? *Most people that speak common have a hard time doing so but hey...*
[08-00:13] c5259, Lafiel : *bobs her head in something that can't be taken for anything but a nod*
[08-00:15] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : *half sits, so he's sitting on his heels and the part of feet that are on teh ground are his toes with his knees supporting his arms* What you?
[08-00:15] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : ((what you be rather))
[08-00:15] 791df, W : *returns*
[08-00:16] c5259, Lafiel : *spreads her wings, as if that would answer it*
[08-00:17] MSG: Roki sent a message to Jerren Skulldeep.
[08-00:17] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : *is on his feet, taking a step back, seeing that as a sign of anger or attempt to scare him*
[08-00:18] MSG: Jerren Skulldeep sent a message to Roki.
[08-00:18] c5259, Lafiel : *beats her wings a bit and whinnies, then settles down again*
[08-00:19] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : Jumpy, yes?
[08-00:19] MSG: Roki sent a message to Jerren Skulldeep.
[08-00:21] MSG: Jerren Skulldeep sent a message to Roki.
[08-00:22] c5259, Lafiel : *shakes her head*
[08-00:23] MSG: Roki sent a message to Jerren Skulldeep.
[08-00:24] dfe22, Dri: ( ::feels blinded by the light in Roki's imperial symbol thing:: )
[08-00:26] MSG: Jerren Skulldeep sent a message to Roki.
[08-00:26] 949ad, Penniavas: ((I forgot who my owner is))
[08-00:26] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : *sits quietly for a moment* guaging me as I guage you.
[08-00:27] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : ((who are you? *will take up as many slaves as he can get*))
[08-00:27] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : ((wait... are you teh guy that wanted an abusive owner?))
[08-00:29] dfe22, Dri: ( >.>; )
[08-00:29] c5259, Lafiel : *seems to make a decision and starts turning in circles, hopefully getting through to him that she wants him to turn around*
[08-00:31] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : *watches this for a while... not sure what to make of this until something finaly comes to his mind and turns about, looking at his wolf*
[08-00:38] MSG: Jerren Skulldeep sent a message to Roki.
[08-00:38] c5259, Lafiel : *a shimmering covers her for a moment before fading, leaving a naked woman where the pegasi was. She reaches into her bag and pulls on a rather simple blue dress with slits in the back for her wings. She's got long white blond hair and those sky blue eyes* can turn around..*her voice is soft and smooth like silk*
[08-00:39] c5259, Lafiel : (( test ))
[08-00:40] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : *turns to her and blinks* You go from winged horse to winged human?
[08-00:41] 382cd, Roki : not at the moment dude.
[08-00:41] c5259, Lafiel : I am a's what I do
[08-00:42] dfe22, Dri: :: She skittered along frantically, tripping more often than she ought to.. but days had gone by since she had broken free and she refused ot be caught again... her half-humanoid figure was exhausted, and her bushy tail and ears dropped with fatigue.. she wheezed, grabbing angrily at the chain attached to her collar that slowed her progress, and collapsed in a heap of exhaustion there in the woods::
[08-00:42] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : ((Good enough explaination for you?))
[08-00:48] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : Pegasi?
[08-00:49] c5259, Lafiel : Winged horse people
[08-00:50] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : Differant horse people from... *searches for the word* centaurs?
[08-00:50] 382cd, Roki : yeah
[08-00:51] c5259, Lafiel : *nods* Yes
[08-00:52] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : You are beautiful.
[08-00:54] dfe22, Dri: ::she stared hatefully at the chain where it lay before her on the ground, knowing she couldn't get it off herself.. she had tried, after all, many times.. she curled up into a ball, using her tail to keep her as warm as she could, shivering.. occasionally bonking her nose to hear it honk out loud, to feel better::
[08-00:54] c5259, Lafiel : *blushes* Thank you
[08-00:55] JOIN: Durin has entered.
[08-00:55] 382cd, Roki : *is also beautiful*
[08-00:56] 5d609, Cookie Monster : *is pretty!*
[08-00:56] 04c57, Durin : (( Is....interesting-looking?*))
[08-00:57] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : *isn't sure what to say for a moment* You surprised me.
[08-00:57] dfe22, Dri: ( ::is an ugly duckling:: )
[08-00:59] 94c70, Z : *ponders RP*
[08-00:59] c5259, Lafiel : I did? *tilts her head slightly* How so?
[08-01:01] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : ((don't do it you fool!)) Did not expect a smart horse. Did not expect pretty horse.
[08-01:04] dfe22, Dri: ::rolls onto her back, pouting... ina fit of total boredom she kicks her short legs in the air, the fuzzballs on her slippers jingling..her ears twitching slightly at the sound::
[08-01:06] JOIN: Sarelth has entered.
[08-01:07] d7c72, Sarelth: *Walks up to Roki and Shakes his hand* COngrats on the promotion.
[08-01:09] 382cd, Roki : *shakes hands* yes.. yes.. nothings realy changed.. i just got a fanceh new icon *shrugs*
[08-01:09] d7c72, Sarelth: But that Icon looks so cool.
[08-01:10] 382cd, Roki : *l*
[08-01:10] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : ((Save us Sarelth! you're our only hope!))
[08-01:10] 382cd, Roki : *throws Milk at Cookie*
[08-01:11] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : ((ieee!!! I am abused!))
[08-01:14] JOIN: Liz has entered.
[08-01:15] c5259, Lafiel : What did you expect>?
[08-01:16] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : Most horses I know is stupid and ugly.
[08-01:16] dfe22, Dri: ::her irises slide to the corners of her eyes, staring at the immobile chain.... in an instant, she snapped and grabbed at it, shaking it this way and that, inadvertently tugging on her own neck, screeching angrily at it::
[08-01:17] c5259, Lafiel : Well...I'm not a horse
[08-01:17] d7c72, Sarelth: Ugly horses? I think horses are rather good looking animals myself. Especially the winged ones.
[08-01:17] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : you horse person.
[08-01:18] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : ((jerren thinks she looks good but thinks other horses look stupid. Of couse, he thinks wolves are good mounts.))
[08-01:18] d7c72, Sarelth: Well, they are lovely animals. Mules on the other hand, those are ugly.
[08-01:19] 382cd, Roki : i've seen wolves mounted..
[08-01:19] 382cd, Roki : my uncle has a picture of one above someonen's fireplace
[08-01:20] c5259, Lafiel : I am..
[08-01:20] d7c72, Sarelth: Well, night all. Just thought I would see what was happening and congradulate Roki on winning the Mod status. I think wolves are much more beautiful then horses, but horses are far from ugly.
[08-01:20] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : ((as in rides. And I can't understand the facination with horses myself.))
[08-01:21] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : Horse shape better than true horses.
[08-01:21] c5259, Lafiel : Better?
[08-01:21] EXIT: Sarelth has left the chat ( 2:20am, February 08 (CST) ).
[08-01:23] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : *nods*
[08-01:23] JOIN: Durin has entered.
[08-01:23] c5259, Lafiel : How so?
[08-01:25] 04c57, Durin : * Durin and a number of his kin are working hard in their shop on the North End of town, creating swords, spears, and daggers...Many of them....*
[08-01:25] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : Look... *searches for a word that isn't translatable directly from Goblin to human* Regal?
[08-01:26] dfe22, Dri: :: giving up once more, she rolled over and crawled into the bsuhes nearby, hoping to sleep undisturbed::
[08-01:27] EXIT: Dri has left the chat ( 2:26am, February 08 (CST) ).
[08-01:27] c5259, Lafiel : *smiles, the smile reaching her eyes* Thank you
[08-01:27] JOIN: AdrianGoldenmoon has entered.
[08-01:28] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon: grr.
[08-01:28] EXIT: AdrianGoldenmoon has left the chat ( 2:28am, February 08 (CST) ).
[08-01:28] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : What your name?
[08-01:29] 94c70, Chima: *Has located the Northern parts of town after securing what was hers with a couple others that had come with her. Moving in silence along the walkways, she searches for the Dwarf's place that was previoulsy mentioned.*
[08-01:29] c5259, Lafiel : Lafiel...*looks beyond him at the wolf for a moment, then back again* And yours, Wolf Rider?
[08-01:31] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : As said, am Jerren. *indicates to his wolf* Is Gakasha. *the wolf takes it as a sign it can come foreward and does so*
[08-01:31] 04c57, Durin : * Durin has been working for hours without rest, and he takes one now, letting the others continue as he steps outside the shop, wiping at his brow....He takes a seat on a stool just to the left of the doorway*
[08-01:31] c5259, Lafiel : *stiffens a bit in alarm as it does so*
[08-01:33] 94c70, Chima: *After corssing a small bridge and turning a corner, she sees in the distance a short stalky man sit down. She only assumed that this was the Dwarf as she has seen no other men as short. Her approach continues.*
[08-01:34] MSG: Chima sent a message to Durin.
[08-01:34] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : *stops just before its head reaches his side and sits down on its haunches. Jerren is, after all, the alpha. Continues to watch Lafiel, though not in a preditory manner. Simply curious*
[08-01:36] c5259, Lafiel : What is a human doing with a wolf?
[08-01:36] MSG: Durin sent a message to Chima.
[08-01:37] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : Am being its rider.
[08-01:37] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : *intentionaly cryptic*
[08-01:37] MSG: Chima sent a message to Durin.
[08-01:38] 04c57, Durin : *By chance, he glances her way and spots her in the distance....To be honest, he'd been so involved in the work, he had completely forgotten about the payment...He raises a gauntleted arm and waves it to grab her attention*
[08-01:39] MSG: Durin sent a message to Jesus Christ.
[08-01:39] c5259, Lafiel : *rolls her eyes* That's obvious
[08-01:40] 04c57, Durin : (( Dude..I just sent a message to Omnipotence, then undid it....Am I going to hell?))
[08-01:41] 94c70, Z : wtf?
[08-01:42] 0cb19, Mab: LOL, well, I did something. Someone wanna figure out what I did the MotD?
[08-01:42] c5259, Lafiel : (( Damn..this is hard on the eyes.. ))
[08-01:42] 0cb19, Mab: OOPS!!!
[08-01:43] 94c70, Z : Doh... *pokes Mab and goes to look*
[08-01:44] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : Raised Gakasha. Sees as alpha.
[08-01:44] 0cb19, Mab: *in the mean time gets out magnifying glass*
[08-01:44] 94c70, Z : *tests*
[08-01:44] 94c70, Z : Ah well that wasn' t it.
[08-01:45] 0cb19, Mab: Let me try. I think I know what I did.
[08-01:45] c5259, Lafiel : Ahhhh...*nods*
[08-01:46] 0cb19, Mab: There, fixed it. Silly me.
[08-01:47] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : *scratches behind Gakashas ear affectionatly the looks back to Lafiel* You live in forest?
[08-01:47] 94c70, Z : o_o
[08-01:47] 0cb19, Mab: Okay, now what?
[08-01:47] 0cb19, Mab: Ummmm.
[08-01:48] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : what were you trying to do to the font?
[08-01:48] 94c70, Z : *hates reading code*
[08-01:48] c5259, Lafiel : *nods* For now, at least..
[08-01:49] 0cb19, Mab: Fixed it again. I don't know why the first time I fixed it the little </font> thing I added didn't stay put. When I looked again after fixing it and then it reverting back to messed up suddenly, it was like....gone.
[08-01:50] 0cb19, Mab: *wills the chat to stay fixed this time*
[08-01:51] 94c70, Z : *found a tag Mab typoed on*
[08-01:52] 0cb19, Mab: Mab is no html guru. *L*
[08-01:53] 94c70, Chima: *Does indeed see him do this. She, however, doesn't pick up her pace. But she does reach him eventually.* Good eve to you.
[08-01:56] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : *goes on pause*
[08-01:56] 04c57, Durin : * Didn't mind her taking her time...It gave him time to rest...He has not slept since he last saw Chima...He nods from his seat, not yet standing* Good eve, Queen...It's a nice nice for travel, with "The Shiner" in full bloom...*He glances up towards the huge full moon slowly rising*
[08-01:57] c5259, Lafiel : **Pause**
[08-01:57] EXIT: Lafiel has left the chat ( 2:57am, February 08 (CST) ).
[08-01:58] 94c70, Chima: Indeed. We're looked upon well this night. I have returned with what you asked of me.
[08-01:58] MSG: Jerren Skulldeep sent a message to Durin.
[08-02:00] MSG: Durin tried to message If (not registered).
[08-02:03] 04c57, Durin : Ah, yes..Of course...*He stands then, opening the door and holding it....He gestures to an empty spot near the door* They can set it down there...*Inside buzzes a hive of Dwarven activity, with fires roaring and the heat almost overwhelming for a human...*
[08-02:04] MSG: Durin sent a message to Jerren Skulldeep.
[08-02:08] 94c70, Chima: I will inform them. I didn't feel it safe to travel through the city with it. But now that I know where you are it shall be easy.
[08-02:11] 04c57, Durin : *Smiles slightly behind his beard, now shutting the door again* Understandable, Your Highness....
[08-02:14] MSG: Durin sent a message to Jerren Skulldeep.
[08-02:16] 94c70, Chima: If you wish, I can retrieve it now. Or I can take you to it.
[08-02:18] MSG: Jerren Skulldeep tried to message 1300 (not registered).
[08-02:19] MSG: Jerren Skulldeep sent a message to Durin.
[08-02:21] MSG: Durin sent a message to Jerren Skulldeep.
[08-02:29] 04c57, Durin : I'd prefer the latter, thank you...*Glances to the men that came with her, then back to her*
[08-02:40] EXIT: Durin has left the chat ( 3:29am, February 08 (CST) ).
[08-02:45] 94c70, Chima: *Nods once. And they would do just that.*
[08-04:13] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[08-05:36] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[08-08:00] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[08-08:59] e663b, Roki: *sheeefty eye*
[08-10:28] 382cd, Roki: *eyes list of stuff to do.. falls over* ugh...i'm going to go hide myself in a hole with all this stuff... i'll see ya'll in about 3 months *eyes it all.. then poofs to AIM*
[08-11:03] JOIN: Bakari has entered.
[08-11:03] 67d8f, Bakari: (*peeks*)
[08-11:07] EXIT: Bakari has left the chat ( 12:03pm, February 08 (CST) ).
[08-11:07] JOIN: Bakari has entered.
[08-11:08] 67d8f, Bakari: (Hm..)
[08-12:19] 94c70, Z : Hrm.
[08-12:20] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[08-12:20] fb215, Will-o'-the-wisp: (*pokes Z* ello?)
[08-12:21] 94c70, Z : *falls over*
[08-12:21] fb215, Will-o'-the-wisp: (Thinkin bout playin here..heh Bakari *points*)
[08-12:22] 94c70, Z : Oooh... *eyeshift* Does I know you?
[08-12:22] JOIN: Squirrel has entered.
[08-12:23] 92794, Squirrel : Hut hut hut hut hut hut hut hut...Go team Go!
[08-12:23] fb215, Will-o'-the-wisp: Um..I rp in other chats like I used to rp in Amar and MDC chat
[08-12:24] 94c70, Z : No, Squirrel it's 'hike' I don't watch football and I'm a girl and I know that much
[08-12:24] 94c70, Z : Ah, Wisp, I probably don't know you unless you play in ToW.
[08-12:24] 92794, Squirrel : Weeeeeeeee! for caffeine
[08-12:25] 94c70, Z : *Doesn't go to MDC, gags at Shaun.*
[08-12:25] JOIN: R has entered.
[08-12:25] fb215, Will-o'-the-wisp: ToW>
[08-12:27] fb215, Will-o'-the-wisp: *gasp* R! *pokes*
[08-12:27] 92794, Squirrel : Tides of War
[08-12:27] 7725b, R :
[08-12:28] 92794, Squirrel : .........Eat Snacky S'mores
[08-12:28] fb215, Will-o'-the-wisp: Tis me Bex!
[08-12:29] 7725b, R : *thinks someone has the wrong R, hehe*
[08-12:29] 92794, Squirrel : *Eyes Coca-Cola bottle*.......empty.....feck
[08-12:30] fb215, Will-o'-the-wisp: *blinks* eh mebe I do nevermind
[08-12:30] fb215, Will-o'-the-wisp: Awe but me likes Sam
[08-12:30] fb215, Will-o'-the-wisp: *Wants to play some yes..* I cant believe there's a cap on Elves..
[08-12:31] 92794, Squirrel : There's a cap on elves?
[08-12:31] 94c70, Z : *blink* There is?
[08-12:31] 94c70, Z : Where does it say that?
[08-12:31] 92794, Squirrel : Wot? When?
[08-12:32] fb215, Will-o'-the-wisp: So iv been told
[08-12:32] 92794, Squirrel : Pffffft your information is mistaken
[08-12:33] 92794, Squirrel : Unless I haven't been told something....and Mab decided not to tell anyone by not putting abything on the board.....which she would not do
[08-12:34] fb215, Will-o'-the-wisp: Hm..the one who told me was the Mod for Magic
[08-12:34] 92794, Squirrel : Roki?!?!?! WTF!!!
[08-12:35] 94c70, Z : Uhm....
[08-12:35] fb215, Will-o'-the-wisp: *shrugs* But its all good have another char ne way
[08-12:35] 94c70, Z : Heh... there's a reason he's a mod for magic and not a mod for races Anyway far as I know only racial cap there is is on Dragons and 'half-breeds'
[08-12:36] 92794, Squirrel : Except human elf half breeds
[08-12:36] 92794, Squirrel : But yeah....we need more humans
[08-12:36] fb215, Will-o'-the-wisp: Ah maybe thats what he ment
[08-12:36] 92794, Squirrel : Males too
[08-12:36] 94c70, Z : Squireel yeah but there's like 1 person who plays Half-Elf. Everyone else is half and half of something else.
[08-12:37] fb215, Will-o'-the-wisp: Heh I have a whole new creature in store *evil grin.*
[08-12:37] 92794, Squirrel : Yeah....
[08-12:38] JOIN: Zaknafein has entered.
[08-12:38] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 1:37pm, February 08 (CST) ).
[08-12:39] JOIN: Bakari has entered.
[08-12:39] fb215, Bakari: (*peekage*)
[08-12:39] 92794, Squirrel : .....
[08-12:40] 92794, Squirrel : *blink*
[08-12:40] fb215, Bakari: (Just need someone in the mountain area is all..)
[08-12:42] 92794, Squirrel : *Has no chars in the mountains*
[08-12:42] 94c70, Z : Not I, unfortunately.
[08-12:42] fb215, Bakari: (Hm...)
[08-12:43] 94c70, Z : but, I need to go re-rent a game real quick BBS
[08-12:43] fb215, Bakari: (Mebe I could bring her down then )
[08-12:44] 92794, Squirrel : Maybe
[08-12:48] fb215, Bakari: (*does wanna rp though.*)
[08-12:50] 92794, Squirrel : Mmmkay....who do you want. Rava or Cruward?
[08-12:50] fb215, Bakari: (Ooo..both sound interesting...*pondering.*...Who's Rava?)
[08-12:51] 92794, Squirrel : A Drow...who has rejected Lloth and she's all nice
[08-12:52] fb215, Bakari: (ooo...Drow's are sexah..)
[08-12:52] 92794, Squirrel : *Nods*
[08-12:53] fb215, Bakari: (Alright u can bring that one in if u want)
[08-12:53] 92794, Ravaella Glimmergaunt: ((You want to start us off?))
[08-12:54] fb215, Bakari: (Hey whats that site dedicated to drawings of elfs and stuff?)
[08-12:54] fb215, Bakari: ( I need a setting...)
[08-12:54] 92794, Ravaella Glimmergaunt: ((I would not know))
[08-12:55] 92794, Ravaella Glimmergaunt: ((Currently she is in *oogles shineyness* But she could be anywhere really, like outside wandering around or something
[08-12:55] 92794, Ravaella Glimmergaunt: ))
[08-12:57] fb215, Bakari: (Is it like forest desert what??)
[08-12:58] 92794, Ravaella Glimmergaunt: ((Forest I'm guessing))
[08-12:58] 92794, Ravaella Glimmergaunt: ((Yeah forest))
[08-12:59] fb215, Bakari: (Hm..kay)
[08-13:01] fb215, Bakari: *Sits in a cluster of trees....her horse not to far off she leaning againts the tree looking down to her seeming to be broken, she glares up at her horse then back down to her arm frowning..*
[08-13:03] 92794, Ravaella Glimmergaunt: *Glides through the forest easily, her cloak drawn about her and hidden her form, but the cowl is down, letting the her snow white hair flow back. Enjoying the natural darkness of the forest and nature in general...cause she's a ranger...rangers do that...yeah...*
[08-13:04] fb215, Bakari: *her ears twitch a bit..hearing the fantest sound of a creature..unsure of what it is yet...she looks up and around quickly standing..though wincing as she does..screetching a bit..the screetch a horrific to bring pain to the ears...*
[08-13:06] 92794, Ravaella Glimmergaunt: *Holding out a finger for a robin to perch on, which suddenly flies away. She covers her ears, wincing at the sound...mind going to what could have made that sound...nothing really*
[08-13:08] fb215, Bakari: *Winces as she looks down to her arm..leaning againts the tree on her other side...the mind would come to a certain creature..something different.*
[08-13:09] 92794, Ravaella Glimmergaunt: *Once the pain subsides, she caustiously makes her way towards where the sound came from. Cautiously taking in everything around her, one hand going to the hilt of a sheathed sword on her hip*
[08-13:11] 92794, Ravaella Glimmergaunt: ((*smacks self for repititiion*))
[08-13:13] fb215, Bakari: *Once she steps around she would see the creature, a woman it would seem, the creature pale skinned...and would seem her back is inward slightly but shoulderblaeds clearly seen ware wings would appear, silvery thin hair falling down just to her shoulders, and hardly any clothes of any sort on about her.*
[08-13:17] 92794, Ravaella Glimmergaunt: *Watches the woman it would seem...thinking for a moment about how a woman such as her could make such a sound. Seeing her arm broken brings a sligh wince of pain to her eyes and she takes her hand off the hilt of the blade...walking slowly to the practicly nude creature woman thing*
[08-13:20] fb215, Bakari: *Noticing now Rava....she looks up toward eye dark blue the other silver...she hisses a little skittering back..has yet to trust any creature because of her parents being killed as soon as she was born..and almost herslef killed as well...she watches the drow...her hand moving to her ankle quickly unsheathing her dagger..which is curved blade with a whole down center of the blade..she eyeing her.*
[08-13:21] 92794, Ravaella Glimmergaunt: *A calm, soothing voice comes fro her* Don't be afraid..I mean you no harm. You're hurt, please..I can tend to your wound *steps lightly towards the thing*
[08-13:22] 92794, Ravaella Glimmergaunt: *from
[08-13:22] 92794, Ravaella Glimmergaunt: ((I am typo boy, ph34r my mistakes!))
[08-13:23] fb215, Bakari: *Hisses ..only from fear does two slits beside her shoulder blades slightly open..bringing forth her leather type wings capable of flight..they spread about 12 ft...she watching Rava ...curious is to why she hasnt run yet.*
[08-13:25] 92794, Ravaella Glimmergaunt: Oh my....*watches the wings, halting slightly, but still continues forward slowly, holding out her hands to show she has no intention of hurting the creature* Please, I want to help you
[08-13:26] fb215, Bakari: *Winces..the pain in her arm to much for her to leave....she slouches to the ground sitting...glancing toward Rava then back down holding her arm...and the dagger..*
[08-13:28] 92794, Ravaella Glimmergaunt: *Kneels down in front of her, holding out her hands, palm up, smiling* Please, let me help you...I will not harm you in anyway
[08-13:30] fb215, Bakari: *Still keeps a hold of her dagger she doesnt move, surprisingly lets her tend to her arm watching her..then looking back down to her arm.*
[08-13:35] 92794, Ravaella Glimmergaunt: *Does tend to it, luckily some herbs were nearby and she picks them carefully, messing them together with leaves and sinew. Tying the healing concoction around her arm and waiting for her to feel the relaxing warmth of the herbs healing her arm, soothing the pain away. Meanwhile Rava goes to a tree and hacks off a small section of bark, carrying the wood over and ripping her cloak's sleeves to tie the splint to her arm*
[08-13:37] fb215, Bakari: *Looks up toward Rava then to the side were expected to see her horse yet its seemed to scamper off, then back to Rava...silent still as she lets her tend to it...unsure of what to say..*
[08-13:39] 92794, Ravaella Glimmergaunt: *Smiles at her and stands slowly, holding out a hand* Come on, we need to get you to the healer..
[08-13:40] fb215, Bakari: *Stands slowly but backs away...not wanting to go anywhere but stay where she is...this is where she is familar with.*
[08-13:43] 92794, Ravaella Glimmergaunt: That won't last for long...and at most start to heal your wound. You need the help of a professional healer..please, come with me *again, calm, soothing*
[08-13:45] fb215, Bakari: No......*she cracks her seeming to be two voices in one almost...watching her she takes a few steps back as her wings begin to flap slowly.*
[08-13:46] 92794, Ravaella Glimmergaunt: I promise you, no harm will come to you
[08-13:49] fb215, Bakari: *Shakes her head as she then lifts up off the ground flying off..* (Sorry Rava heh ..kinda lost the mood)
[08-13:50] 92794, Ravaella Glimmergaunt: ((*shrug*)) *Sighs and frowns as she sees the creature fly off, then makes her way back to the city*
[08-13:55] fb215, Bakari: (thanks though)
[08-13:55] 92794, Squirrel : ((NP))
[08-13:55] 92794, Squirrel : Whoops
[08-15:37] EXIT: Squirrel has left the chat ( 2:55pm, February 08 (CST) ).
[08-15:51] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[08-15:53] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[08-16:08] JOIN: Liz has entered.
[08-16:10] c5259, Liz: It's dead today..
[08-16:25] 94c70, Z : It's a Sunday
[08-16:26] c5259, Liz: Bah..
[08-16:27] e663b, Roki: <_< >_>
[08-16:29] c5259, Liz: *sighs*
[08-16:31] JOIN: Cookie Monster has entered.
[08-16:34] c5259, Liz: *listens to Nena again*
[08-16:34] 5d609, Cookie Monster: I see Z, Liz, and ROOOOOOOKIIIIIIIII!
[08-16:35] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[08-16:35] c5259, Liz: *dances*
[08-16:35] 94c70, Z : *munches on Cookie Monster*
[08-16:36] 5d609, Cookie Monster: Ow! *devours Z*
[08-16:37] 94c70, Z : *Is a cookie?*
[08-16:38] c5259, Liz: *whimpers*
[08-16:38] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[08-16:39] 5d609, Cookie Monster: I'm the all devourer. Cookie's just happen to be what satiats my unsatiable maw most of the time.
[08-16:39] e663b, Roki: Cookie.. i've got some good news and some bad news..
[08-16:42] 5d609, Cookie Monster: Tell me.
[08-16:43] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : What you do in forest?
[08-16:43] c5259, Liz: What happened to the banner?
[08-16:43] c5259, Lafiel : I walk
[08-16:45] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : You use wings at all or for decorate?
[08-16:45] c5259, Lafiel : *smiles* I fly
[08-16:50] e663b, Roki: good or bad first ?
[08-16:50] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : As human and horse?
[08-16:51] 5d609, Cookie Monster: Take the first word of the bad news, then the first word of the good news, then the second word of the bad news.
[08-16:51] 5d609, Cookie Monster: ect.
[08-16:52] c5259, Lafiel : As both, yes..*spreads her wings slightly* These are not decorations'
[08-16:53] e663b, Roki: har har. ok..bad first... we've got alot of work to do... ALOT
[08-16:54] 5d609, Cookie Monster: Wor works.
[08-16:55] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : Suppose not. What good have wings if not use them?
[08-16:55] e663b, Roki: good news is... that its 22 mb of individual files..
[08-16:55] c5259, Lafiel : True
[08-16:56] 5d609, Cookie Monster: Whats 22 megs?
[08-16:58] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : Where are you from?
[08-16:58] c5259, Lafiel : The mountains *does'nt say which*
[08-17:00] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : *nods* All race from one mountains or spread across many? *might have to ask the Kobolds what they know about this race... boy will THAT be fun...*
[08-17:00] c5259, Lafiel : We are everywhere
[08-17:01] e663b, Roki: 22mb
[08-17:01] e663b, Roki: as in 22,000 kilobites
[08-17:02] 5d609, Cookie Monster: of images or text?
[08-17:02] e663b, Roki: text
[08-17:03] 5d609, Cookie Monster: *blinks* AS in copy/pasted a bunch of spells from web sites? Where did you find all this stuff?
[08-17:04] e663b, Roki: Netbooks
[08-17:04] e663b, Roki: not all of it is viable for the room, but still.. alot of it has to be gone through
[08-17:06] 5d609, Cookie Monster: Dag yo. And here I was going to try and pull out some of my old D&D books and find some stuff on the net for Gurps... we're gonna have the most comprehensive background chat EVAR!
[08-17:07] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : Hmm. *will definatly have to talk with the Kobolds... or at least try to.* Odd have not heard of you till now.
[08-17:07] e663b, Roki: all that stuff IS D&D based.
[08-17:07] c5259, Lafiel : We tend to keep to ourselves
[08-17:08] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : Why you wander then?
[08-17:09] c5259, Lafiel : Because I don't wish to raise young
[08-17:11] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : Not raise young as tribe?
[08-17:11] c5259, Lafiel : The mares are expected to stay home and have and raise their young. Not to bear arms.
[08-17:14] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : Waste of half of tribe.
[08-17:15] c5259, Lafiel : What do you mean?
[08-17:16] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : Women not doing anything other than care for children. Only have half of people to fight with.
[08-17:16] 94c70, Z : magic isn't background
[08-17:16] c5259, Lafiel : *smiles faintly*
[08-17:16] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : ((what you talkin' bout?))
[08-17:17] e663b, Roki: its more secondary material than background
[08-17:21] JOIN: Squirrel has entered.
[08-17:22] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : What you do then, if not rear child?
[08-17:22] 92794, Squirrel : GO! GO! GO! *Soldiers bust into the room* Hut hut hut hut hut hut hut
[08-17:23] 92794, Squirrel : I need to think up a march song for these soldiers...hmmm
[08-17:23] e663b, Roki: *disavows the soldiers*
[08-17:23] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : ((still we'll have more info on what that chat is and isn't than anyone else))
[08-17:23] c5259, Lafiel : I wander. I had to leave, since I would not rear child. I ran away.
[08-17:23] e663b, Roki: indeed.
[08-17:25] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : Brave to leave whole tribe.
[08-17:25] 92794, Squirrel : *All 3000 of Krondor's elite are disavowed, poofing out of existence*.................damn dude...that sucks.......Weeeeeeeeeeeee!
[08-17:25] c5259, Lafiel : I would rather be along and have this..*reaches into the bag and takes out a finely crafted sword* Than be with my clan and never touch it.
[08-17:27] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : ((o/ *swoops in and conquers Krondor while the soldiers are gone*))
[08-17:27] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : *rae* You warrior?
[08-17:28] c5259, Lafiel : I wish to be..I can fight
[08-17:31] 92794, Squirrel : Hmmmm, I'm bored...
[08-17:31] 92794, Squirrel : Weeeeeeeeeeeee!
[08-17:31] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : Can I see? *indicates the sword*
[08-17:32] c5259, Lafiel : *nods and slowly hands it to him*
[08-17:34] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : *takes it and looks it over appraisingly. Gives a few quick slices with it, nods, and hands it back to her* Is good. You train to use it?
[08-17:35] c5259, Lafiel : As best as I can, alone *puts it back in her bag*
[08-17:37] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : Armies look for soldiers that trained as soldiers, not trained alone.
[08-17:37] c5259, Lafiel : Then I will never be in a army.
[08-17:38] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : What a warrior do without war?
[08-17:38] c5259, Lafiel : Live
[08-17:39] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : *laughs* True. But why train to fight if never fight?
[08-17:40] c5259, Lafiel : Because I can
[08-17:42] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : *thinks for a moment and nods at the reasonable answer.* Was on horizon all over lands. Someday, might be good to train as true warrior, so can prove self.
[08-17:49] c5259, Lafiel : When I find a willing teacher, I plan to.
[08-17:56] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : Are many out there.
[08-17:56] c5259, Lafiel : Willing to teach a woman?
[08-17:58] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : Some out there, yes. Hear of kingdom far to west that is all women warriors.
[08-17:58] c5259, Lafiel : *blinks* There is such a place? What is it called?
[08-18:00] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : Not know. Was told by woman warrior at inn of town.
[08-18:00] c5259, Lafiel : Hmm..perhaps I will seek this woman out
[08-18:02] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : Might be good idea.
[08-18:02] c5259, Lafiel : *nods* I will
[08-18:05] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : Good luck. Hope we not find eachother in enemy armies. *smiles and turns to leave, Gakasha getting up to follow him*
[08-18:06] c5259, Lafiel : *nods and watches him go, not slipping off her dress untill she can't see him anymore, shimmering back to equine form*
[08-18:07] c5259, Lafiel : *nods and watches him go, not slipping off her dress and sticking it back into the bag untill she can't see him anymore, shimmering back to equine form*
[08-18:07] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : *rides off on Gakasha*
[08-18:08] c5259, Lafiel : *
[08-18:09] c5259, Lafiel : *sets off at a quick walk for the edge of the forest*
[08-18:14] c5259, Lafiel : **Gone**
[08-18:14] EXIT: Lafiel has left the chat ( 7:14pm, February 08 (CST) ).
[08-18:15] EXIT: Jerren Skulldeep has left the chat ( 7:07pm, February 08 (CST) ).
[08-18:36] EXIT: Squirrel has left the chat ( 6:31pm, February 08 (CST) ).
[08-18:53] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[08-20:07] JOIN: Liz has entered.
[08-20:10] JOIN: Cookie Monster has entered.
[08-20:19] JOIN: Tarnis Catadon has entered.
[08-20:19] c5259, Liz: Shoot me...
[08-20:25] 94c70, Z : Bang
[08-20:27] c5259, Liz: *dies*
[08-20:28] 5d609, Cookie Monster: *picks up Liz's body and raises fist to the heavens* KHAAAAAAAAAAAANNN!!!!!
[08-20:29] fc0a0, Mab: *smirk*
[08-20:31] c5259, Liz: *becomes a zombie and eats everyone's brains...except Cookie's because he does'nt have any*
[08-20:31] fc0a0, Mab: *has security lock on her brain which gives the illusion sometimes that she has none*
[08-20:39] JOIN: Tarnis Catadon has entered.
[08-20:40] c5259, Liz: *sighs* Our washer's guess where I get to go..*groans*
[08-20:41] 79ad4, Tarnis Catadon: coin laundry
[08-20:42] c5259, Liz: Yeah...
[08-20:42] c5259, Liz: So..I'll see you later
[08-20:42] EXIT: Liz has left the chat ( 9:42pm, February 08 (CST) ).
[08-20:45] JOIN: Karlita Smenkara has entered.
[08-20:47] 79ad4, Tarnis Catadon: **sits in his room in bettenchi at a table a jug of wine sat upon it. Stares at the jug while one hand holds on to it by its neck, then blinking a few times lets go of the jug before he stands up running hands over his clothes to straighten them out, he then exits his room walks through the bar and out onto the street**
[08-20:48] 70183, Karlita Smenkara: ((hmm))
[08-20:48] fc0a0, Faltren: ((test))
[08-20:49] 5d609, Cookie Monster: hhmmm?
[08-20:51] fc0a0, Faltren: *sneaks through the streets of Rua. He is as stealthy as his current font, blending into shadows, one with the night, as the raven black feathers of his wings testify*
[08-20:51] JOIN: Karlita has entered.
[08-20:53] 79ad4, Tarnis Catadon: **stops in a stabble next to his horse rubbing down the tarnis unties him walking him out to the street then pushs a foot into stirrup pulling himself into the saddle he rides through town slowly**
[08-20:53] 5d609, Cookie Monster: ((and his text...))
[08-20:54] 70183, Karlita : (( bah * kicks" Smenkara " outta the name* ))
[08-20:55] fc0a0, Faltren: *hides behind a large stone pillar as he sees a man on horseback ride by*
[08-20:55] fc0a0, Faltren: ((test))
[08-20:56] EXIT: Tarnis Catadon has left the chat ( 9:53pm, February 08 (CST) ).
[08-20:56] JOIN: Tanis Catadon has entered.
[08-20:56] 70183, Karlita : * she rides out of the courtyard, onto the trail into town. this is the first time she has been out in a while *
[08-20:57] fc0a0, Faltren: *his breathing slowed to death stillness as he folds his wings closer around him like an elaborate feathered cloak, which he often disquises them as*
[08-20:58] fc0a0, Faltren: ((test))
[08-20:59] 79ad4, Tanis Catadon: **leans over in his saddle half asleep one heavily callus hand on the reins of the horse the other resting on the hilts of a dagger sheathed at his waist his sword sheathed diagonally on his back**
[08-20:59] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : *rides back into town on his wolf, after a day's wandering in the woods*
[08-21:00] EXIT: Tanis Catadon has left the chat ( 9:59pm, February 08 (CST) ).
[08-21:00] fc0a0, Faltren: *moves around, against the pillar as Tarnis rides by to keep on the opposite side from Tarnis' view.*
[08-21:01] JOIN: Tarnis Catadon has entered.
[08-21:01] fc0a0, Faltren: ((test))
[08-21:02] fc0a0, Faltren: ((hmm))
[08-21:03] 79ad4, Tarnis Catadon : **nods off in the saddle leaning forward onto the neck of the horse his hand and arms go slack hanging off the side of the horse**
[08-21:04] fc0a0, Faltren: *falls in like a silent phantom behind Tarnis, moving like a ninja almost*
[08-21:07] 79ad4, Tarnis Catadon : **jerks awake he sits up rubbing the sleep from his eyes then taking up the reins oh his horse again his extremely green eyes looking about the areas as he goes**
[08-21:10] fc0a0, Faltren : *is directly behind Tarnis like a shadow. His deep, indigo eyes fixed on Tarnis*
[08-21:12] 79ad4, Tarnis Catadon : **rides through the gates of he straightens in the saddle kicking the horse in the ribs urging it to run which it does he rides toward the woods near **
[08-21:12] JOIN: Karlita has entered.
[08-21:13] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : *As he enters the gates takes note of Tarnis. Gakasha, his extremely large wolf that he rides perks up at the smell of Tarnis coming near*
[08-21:14] 70183, Karlita : (( sorry, screwy comp ))
[08-21:15] fc0a0, Faltren : *when Tarnis urges his horse to a run, he waits just until he is far enough away that he won't reveal himself and then launches into the night sky with the quick beats of his raven black wings.*
[08-21:16] 79ad4, Tarnis Catadon : (( i have to go)) **rides into the woods and out of sight** ((later happy RPing))
[08-21:16] fc0a0, Faltren : ((bah! Okay, see ya)) *he flies up into the night sky*
[08-21:17] 70183, Karlita : * she rides into . clad in a dusty rose colored gown...her dark glittering eyes yake in the scene before her.. *
[08-21:19] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : ((Karlita... should Jerren enter in at the same time from teh same gate as she is?))
[08-21:20] 70183, Karlita : take *
[08-21:21] 70183, Karlita : (( whatever you want, bur shes coming from her own castle ))
[08-21:22] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : *glances at Karlita as he rides in on his wolf*
[08-21:26] 70183, Karlita : * blinks and looks over at Jerren, nods to him *
[08-21:28] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : *smiles at her, revealing slightly yellowed teeth and rides on to the stables*
[08-21:48] EXIT: Jerren Skulldeep has left the chat ( 10:28pm, February 08 (CST) ).
[08-21:51] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[08-22:12] JOIN: Arabella Sook has entered.
[08-22:13] 92794, Arabella Sook : ((Looks like a time for some single RPing))
[08-22:13] 92794, Arabella Sook : ((Heh...woo! *unenthusiastic twirl of a finger*))
[08-22:17] 92794, Arabella Sook : *Nestled in between the sheets of their bed and her partner, Arabella lets out a long and loud yawn to herself, stretching luxouriously beneath the covers and turning to her love, Veronica. Seeing as she is still asleep, she plants a nice, long, slow and passionate kiss on her lips receiving a low moan of pleasure from her. She smiles and runs her fingers along the other's body. It had been so long since they had last seen each other. Two years to be exact and that was far to long for them to be apart*
[08-22:22] 92794, Arabella Sook : *She removes herself from the bed and sits on the side of it, thinking for a long time, occasionaly taking glances back to the other and smiling. Finally bringing herself to stand up, she walks to the bathroom, hips swaying to and fro out of pure excitement. Drawing water for the bath she lowers herself into the water and relaxes, letting the water gently lap at her skin as she puts both arms out on the sides and lays back in the water, her silver hair flowing behind her and out of the water for now*
[08-22:27] 92794, Arabella Sook : *After awhile begins the slow and somewhat enjoyable process of bathing herself, taking a delicate golden bottle and putting a few drops of rose perfumed oil into the bath...watching the oil spread throughout the water and making gentle motions to help the great smelling liquid spread quickly through the water. Bathing her form in the scent of roses and washing away the dirt and other accumulated smells of the past few days. Now for her hair...taking a liquid lather of some sort she coats her hands in it*
[08-22:31] 92794, Arabella Sook : *Rubbing them together she makes a fine shampoo like substance and massages it into her hair, taking time to wash all of it, letting the silver tendrils become soapy and sweet smelling. Slowly submerging under the water, she rubs the hair furiously and clenses the hair free of all the soap. Staying in the tub a little while longer, soaking the warmth of it in, she finally stands and drains the tub. A sudden chill runs through the room and she covers herself with a towel, then slowly drys her form*
[08-22:35] 92794, Arabella Sook : *Getting every piece of skin with the soft cloth and appreciating the feeling of it against her, taking time to wring out her hair and paying special attention to the various jewelery that adorns her having never found a way to remove it, she takes pride in caring for it, polishing it off to a gleaming shine before moving back into the main room to dress. First pulling on the snow white top which went so well with her hair, pushing and sqeezing her chest, conforming to the swell of it so nicely*
[08-22:37] 94c70, Z : hmm
[08-22:39] 92794, Arabella Sook : *Slowly pulling on her dress so that it reaches just above her hips, allowing the beatuful sunkissed skin to be shown to all. The slits on the legs allowing any admiring her a tantalizing glimpse at the shaply legs hidden underneath. She finally pulls on the white garter on her right/left leg, before strapping the black pieces onto her upper thighs and sliding each of the ten knives into the slot before taking a moment to admire herself in the mirror. Beautiful.....but deadly at the same time*
[08-22:42] 92794, Arabella Sook : *Giving Veronica one last kiss on the lips she closes and locks the door to their room, moving into the hallway to the steps of the Gimmering Inn in the city of ((*oogles shineyness*)) and slipping onto a chair at a table, taking note of the somewhat small crowd in the Inn. Looking around for potential customers of her many talents*
[08-22:42] 92794, Arabella Sook : *FIN* ((Damn I'm good))
[08-22:44] 94c70, Z : *has a record of a 10 continue-post solo*
[08-22:45] 92794, Arabella Sook : ((Welll I'm not THAT good yet))
[08-22:47] 92794, Squirrel : *Shall nevah be as good as Z*
[08-22:48] e663b, Roki: ...... Squirreleh...w..t...f...are.. you.. doing...
[08-22:49] 92794, Squirrel : Role playing, WTF does it look like?
[08-22:53] 92794, Squirrel : *wins*
[08-22:55] d7b7c, Palladia Mors : *holds the record...15 post*
[08-22:56] e663b, Roki: ... *just shakes hish ead*
[08-22:56] 94c70, Z : *could beat it*
[08-22:56] d7b7c, Palladia Mors : *eats Z*
[08-22:57] 92794, Squirrel : *Shrug* 7 or 8 I forgot which is my longest is good enough for mw
[08-22:57] 92794, Squirrel : *me
[08-22:58] 92794, Squirrel : 9, maybe?
[08-22:58] 94c70, Z : I think people might kill me if I actually made posts in the chat like I do on message boards.
[08-22:59] 92794, Squirrel : *Oh yes...forgot to do this upon entering* Go team Go!!! Hut hut hut hut hut hut hut hut
[08-23:00] d7b7c, JeKieth : *pops in DDR Mix4 for Squirrel to... DROP THAT BOMB!* *dances*
[08-23:01] d7b7c, Palladia Mors : WTF?
[08-23:02] 92794, Squirrel : *dances too, but fails miserably*
[08-23:03] d7b7c, Palladia Mors : *happy announcer guy* That dance was as great as....*normally* Battlefield Earth...
[08-23:04] 92794, Squirrel : *Shudders and runs off to the bathroom to puke...terrible, terrible, TERRIBLE, movie*
[08-23:05] d7b7c, Palladia Mors : *hence why he said it was as good as Battlefield Earth*
[08-23:06] 92794, Squirrel : ....
[08-23:07] d7b7c, Palladia Mors : I coulda said "*happy DDR announcer guy voice* There's a bug on the floor! Get it! Get it!
[08-23:08] 92794, Squirrel :
[08-23:08] 92794, Squirrel :
[08-23:09] d7b7c, Palladia Mors : *DDR announcer voice* Welcome to Dancing Improv...the steps are made up and the points dont matter.
[08-23:09] 92794, Squirrel : o/
[08-23:12] d7b7c, Palladia Mors : Hehe
[08-23:14] d7b7c, Palladia Mors : What to do...hmmm
[08-23:18] d7b7c, Ember: ((Hmmm))
[08-23:19] JOIN: Veronica Kaelir has entered.
[08-23:20] d7b7c, Ember : ((Space Ghost rocks))
[08-23:21] 92794, Squirrel : Brak show = good
[08-23:21] d7b7c, Ember : ((AquaTeen Hungerforce= Numba 1 in da hood G))
[08-23:22] 92794, Squirrel : Sealan is good too
[08-23:23] 92794, Squirrel : *Er Sealab
[08-23:24] d7b7c, Ember : ((Sealab= stupid))
[08-23:24] 92794, Squirrel : Sealab is good!
[08-23:25] fc0a0, Khavi : ((Hmmm))
[08-23:29] d7b7c, Ember : *passes through the gates of (oooo shiney) hooded and cloaked in his red robes, leaning heavily upon his staff as he walks, his golden eyes cast downwards as he walks, whisps of his light brown hair peek from under the depths of his hood*
[08-23:31] EXIT: Squirrel has left the chat ( 12:27am, February 09 (CST) ).
[08-23:34] EXIT: Ember has left the chat ( Meh ).
[08-23:35] 11779, Roki: bbllllaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh *sing-song voice*
[08-23:36] 11779, Roki: ok..theres 5 other ppl in here... there has to be somethin we can aaalll do...
[08-23:36] 11779, Roki: daisy chains not included.
[08-23:38] 94c70, Z : *wants to RP but doesn't have much to RP*
[08-23:38] d7b7c, Palladia Mors : *is willing to RP*
[08-23:39] d7b7c, Palladia Mors : We need a plot event
[08-23:40] 11779, Roki: yes we do...
[08-23:40] 11779, Roki: somethin to start teh war
[08-23:40] fc0a0, Mab Fairy Queen : *steps from the portal behind Trendlekims.
[08-23:40] fc0a0, Mab Fairy Queen : *
[08-23:41] d7b7c, Sothicus Aurelius : ((That's it... *brings in the war-Starter*))
[08-23:41] 94c70, Z : mwahahaha
[08-23:52] d7b7c, Sothicus Aurelius : *a brilliant swirl of magical energies shines brightly in the distance of a small, peaceful little hamlet on the borders of Arcadia as one by one by one skeletal horses bearing armored riders file from the disturbance in the fabric of reality, the first is of course none other than the Knight of the Black Rose himself, the cursed Lord of Aurelesium..the other 4 riders, his servants in life and death, all bearing the mark of the Rose upon their breastplates...though that once lauded symbol is long charred(c)
[08-23:52] d7b7c, Sothicus Aurelius : and blasphemed against*
[08-23:56] JOIN: Dri has entered.
[08-23:59] fc0a0, A Hamlet: ((test))
[08-23:59] fc0a0, A Hamlet : *the peaceful hamlet seems to lay open and inviting, but is not without a militia*
[08-23:59] d7b7c, Sothicus Aurelius : *at a canter the 5 riders make towards the small, podunk town before them, their leader's hellish orange eyes set in a burning gaze upon the town as he draws his sword from his left hip and gives forth a dreadful call to the 4 riders with him, his voice chill and hollow as an empty grave* Burn it to the ground! *the 5 skelatal horses rear up in some frightening synchornized ballet before picking up speed to a full gallop*
[09-00:03] JOIN: Cookie Monster has entered.
[09-00:04] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[09-00:06] 94c70, Z : *for some reason, suddenly thinks about that one village in Rohan in Two Towers*
[09-00:06] dfe22, Dri: (o.O)
[09-00:10] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : ((Which border of Arcadia? South, west, or east?))
[09-00:10] 364ef, Will-o'-the-wisp: ((is this chat cool?))
[09-00:10] d7b7c, Sothicus Aurelius : ((*prods the Hamlet ppl to post*))
[09-00:10] 11779, Roki: *for some odd reason suddenly thinks about that one time at band camp....
[09-00:10] d7b7c, Sothicus Aurelius : ((East.))
[09-00:11] fc0a0, A Hamlet : *people in the militia notice the charging horrors and after pausing frozen in fear for a split second and a couple of them probably wetting themselves, they move to pull the gates closed, cuz this place has a wall around it, just a nice wooden type. Men man the wall at its top*
[09-00:11] dfe22, Dri: ( no of course not )
[09-00:12] 364ef, Will-o'-the-wisp: ((ok. guess i can go elsewhere.))
[09-00:13] 94c70, Z : Roki I don't want to know what you did with your tronbone.
[09-00:14] JOIN: Goblin scout has entered.
[09-00:14] dfe22, Dri: ( wow )
[09-00:14] fc0a0, Mab: ((wanna play some hamlet npc's anyone?__
[09-00:14] d7b7c, Sothicus Aurelius : *just as they did in the days of old, the horrors descend upon the town in frightening precision as the gate closes before them...they still come despite the men on top of the wall manning said pallisade*
[09-00:14] dfe22, Dri: ( volunteers for the slaughter? ;;
[09-00:15] fc0a0, A Hamlet : ((Yay!! Just wing it and make up stuff that seems reasonable for a small hamlet))
[09-00:15] 5d609, Goblin scout: *has been watching the area between Arcadia's eastern marches and the western end of the Dark forest for some while. Happens to notice the black army as he rides southward. He pulls out his map of the area and notes the town that is there* Hmm... *urges his wolf mount to take a closer look*
[09-00:16] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 1:12am, February 09 (CST) ).
[09-00:17] d7b7c, Sothicus Aurelius : ((5 riders on skeletal horses do not an army make))
[09-00:19] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : ((oh, right))
[09-00:19] fc0a0, A Hamlet : *and flaming oil soaked rocks some raining down on Soth and company*
[09-00:19] dfe22, Dri: ( quite alright >.> ..)
[09-00:20] fc0a0, A Hamlet : some = come
[09-00:23] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[09-00:23] d7b7c, Sothicus Aurelius : *and much to no avail mind all the rocks do is knock the riders from their undead steeds who, having served their purposes, ride off and vanish much like a bad dream as he approaches the gate and stands before it, making a gesture with his hands and letting the word fall from his helm in his hollow horrid voice* Igniatious... *and from his hand a flame of black would leap forward to catch upon the wooden pallisades, and invariably himself and his soldiers as they are covered in oil*
[09-00:23] 5d609, Goblin scout: *sees... riders... fighting... bah. Takes a spot on an overlooking hill, pulls out a telescope and watches*
[09-00:27] fc0a0, A Hamlet : *men shout in alarm and pour more hot oil over the attackers*
[09-00:30] d7b7c, Sothicus Aurelius : *the oil catches fire upon the already burning soldiers and himself, and it splashes onto their own pallisades, causing the black flames that consume them to grow and leap and burn all the hotter for it...the 5 burning undead knights approach the gates closer...and he brings his left hand into a fist to punch the gate, and depending on the kind of wood, his hand may or may not go through*
[09-00:31] dfe22, Dri: ( this is hideously boring.. )
[09-00:31] EXIT: Dri has left the chat ( 1:31am, February 09 (CST) ).
[09-00:32] d7b7c, Sothicus Aurelius : ((*eats Dri* How's THAT for excitement?))
[09-00:32] fc0a0, A Hamlet : *his hand would go throught, because the gate is fast burning up. As he punches through, he is met with a spear stabbing through the hole he made, aimed for the weilders best guess to be his under arm where the weilder hopes there is a weak spote, even though he can't see through the gate and is stabbing blindly through the hole*
[09-00:34] fc0a0, A Hamlet : *meanwhile, women and children are being herded into underground hiding places within, the openings covered over and hiden*
[09-00:35] d7b7c, Sothicus Aurelius : *gets stabbed in the underside of his arm, and the speartip actually goes through, but that would also mean that he and his compatriots are within that deadly 20 ft sphere around him...and the soldier would note that though he struck true, no sound of pain eminates from his target, only a sharp jerk of his arm to bring the wielder crashing through the gate*
[09-00:38] fc0a0, A Hamlet : *the guy screams as he gets pulled throught he gate, making a larger hole in it as it happens, unable to let go of his spear before this can happen. Others move forward with spears pointed and form a barracade just inside the gates while others above flee the burning part of the wall before it becomes engulfed*
[09-00:40] d7b7c, Sothicus Aurelius : *and the fires keep spreading to engulf the wooden wall comepletely as the gates are completely engulfed and he stalks through the now dismanted gates towards the barracade of militiamen, his soldiers likewise breaching the wall to clear a path for them*
[09-00:43] fc0a0, A Hamlet : *they hold their ground and point their spears. Meanwhile, others in buildings, on the roofs and about, start shooting crossbow, metal bolts at Soth and crew.*
[09-00:44] 5d609, Goblin scout: *has to readjust when they move past the town walls, but is keeping rapt attention*
[09-00:44] EXIT: Z has left the chat ( 1:13am, February 09 (CST) ).
[09-00:44] JOIN: Muna has entered.
[09-00:45] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[09-00:45] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 1:45am, February 09 (CST) ).
[09-00:46] d7b7c, Sothicus Aurelius : *he decends upon them silently raising the cursed blade that has become the trademark of legends around him and his followers and then swings the sword deftly to cleave towards the closest man to him, a metal bolt lodging itself in his breastplate as one of his subordinates begins firing the town*
[09-00:46] JOIN: Z has entered.
[09-00:50] JOIN: Z has entered.
[09-00:50] fc0a0, A Hamlet : *the one he moves to cleave, attempts to aim his spear to stab Soth in the neck to throw him off from doing so and aiming for a weak point int eh armour, he hopes. The others try similar stuff with the other of Soth's men.*
[09-00:51] NICK: Will-o'-the-wisp changed nick to Z.
[09-00:51] 94c70, Z: Hmm... oops
[09-00:52] d7b7c, Sothicus Aurelius : *and the brave soldiers who defend this town would quickly realize the symbol on his breastplate, a charred rose and though the spearpoint jabs through his neck, it seems to have little effect on throwing off his attack so the man would be cut from shoulder to side*
[09-00:54] 5d609, Goblin scout: ((Sothicus needs a story that stays in either past or present tense))
[09-00:54] d7b7c, Sothicus Aurelius : ((its a bard's telling of the Legend of Sothicus Aurelius))
[09-00:55] 94c70, Z: *wonders what Goblin means*
[09-00:56] fc0a0, A Hamlet : *those guys die. Others wheel out large spiked wheels that are the size of a coach, but are just these big spiked wheels designed to stabbity bowl over attackers. They bring it around the corner of a building and sent it rolling toward Soth and crew*
[09-00:56] 5d609, Goblin scout: ((right, but the story jumps back and forth between present and past tense))
[09-00:58] 364ef, Will-o'-the-wisp: some people write like that.
[09-00:59] 5d609, Goblin scout: ((eh. Just sayin.))
[09-00:59] d7b7c, Sothicus Aurelius : *his crew is busy slaughtering those who stand before them and one does get bowled over by the stabbity wheel thingy as Soth cleaves another spearman in half before getting plugged with more bolts*
[09-01:03] JOIN: Z has entered.
[09-01:04] fc0a0, A Hamlet : *they bring another stabbity wheel thing around and aim it to roll into Soth as Soth is killing their comrades*
[09-01:07] 94c70, Muna: ((*tests*))
[09-01:08] 94c70, Muna: ((..))
[09-01:08] d7b7c, Sothicus Aurelius : *and so it rolls into him, piercing him quite a few times before the black flames that are burning on him from the oil begin to consume the wheel, leaving him pierced through the heart, forehead and stomach by the spikes on the wheel...he brings a hand to the spike in his stomach and throws it like a javelin at one of the men who rolled it at him*
[09-01:09] 94c70, Muna: .
[09-01:10] d7b7c, Sothicus Aurelius : ((Like the pic))
[09-01:11] fc0a0, A Hamlet : *Gah!! That man gets stabbitied by the flaming spike* ((OOOOOOOO! Good Avatar pic, Muna!)) *the other men from the hamlet that aren't being killed at present, race in to try and overwhelm what they see to be the leader, trying to do that dog pile thing*
[09-01:11] 5d609, Goblin scout: *watches, shocked for a second, at these monsters in human form slaughter the militia*
[09-01:11] 5d609, Goblin scout: ((where'd you get it?)0
[09-01:12] d7b7c, Sothicus Aurelius : *and so he is dogpiled upon, slowly being forced to one knee before throwing all of his weight and strength upwards to throw the pile of men off of him as his crew continues slaughtering all of the men, women and children not currently fighting their lord and leader*
[09-01:14] fc0a0, A Hamlet : *women and children are in hiding in clever hiding places underground. He might note, if the battle wasn't so distracting, that it's all men. The men get thrown off and all move to stab Soth simultaneously as they come back at him*
[09-01:16] d7b7c, Sothicus Aurelius : *and stabbed he gets, repeatedly, each swordstrike doing very little damage to his undead form as he reaches down and picks up one of their fallen comrade's swords in his free hand and begins to fight back more efficiently now before exerting the power of his presence full force now over all of those within 20 feet of him*
[09-01:16] fc0a0, A Hamlet : *and what does that do again?*
[09-01:17] d7b7c, Sothicus Aurelius : * one word...a mind consuming, paralyzing fear unlike anything else that these mortal men have ever known, and...if tehy survive would ever know again*
[09-01:18] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[09-01:19] fc0a0, A Hamlet : *most of them stand petrified with fear while others flee from the horror they feel*
[09-01:22] d7b7c, Sothicus Aurelius : *and those who stand petrified are quite easily cut down by him and his now 2 blades as he stalks after those that flee with surprising speed for a walking tin can...most of the town is ablaze now and the sky glows with a harsh silver light from the black flames*
[09-01:27] fc0a0, A Hamlet : *the men FLEEEEE! that were near Soth and those that were not witness the fleeing men, thinking them cowards and advance on Soth. There is nothing they can do for the flaming buildings and the black, unatural color of the flames make them unwilling to even get close to try.*
[09-01:28] fc0a0, A Hamlet : *oh and the pertrified men all died, of course*
[09-01:29] 94c70, Z: EVVUUUUL *couldn't resist.*
[09-01:31] d7b7c, Sothicus Aurelius : *and the men who advance upon him shall also feel the chill of his presence at close range as soon as they cross that 20 ft threshold, both of his blades stained crimson with the blood of their townsfolk one of his soldiers sets fire to one of their temples, flushing the priests out from their sanctuary and promptly slaughters them*
[09-01:32] 5d609, Goblin scout: *tries to get a rough estimate of the numbers killed... impossible of course, but the totals of men killed in battle is somewhat easier*
[09-01:36] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[09-01:36] fc0a0, Will-o'-the-wisp: Dang blasted all. I got kicked again.
[09-01:36] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 2:36am, February 09 (CST) ).
[09-01:37] d7b7c, Sothicus Aurelius : ((*swats the Pixie with a flyswatter to knock him/her/it out and then infects him/her/it with SARS before releasing him/her/it back amongst their people*))
[09-01:37] fc0a0, Mab: *grumbles*
[09-01:38] 5d609, Goblin scout: ((*pats the mab*))
[09-01:38] fc0a0, Mab: I'm one of those that keeps getting randomly booted from pjj.
[09-01:40] fc0a0, A Hamlet : *and these men now realize why their comrades were fleeing in terror as they feel it to. some of them freezing with fear and some of them fleeing like their comrades*
[09-01:40] d7b7c, Sothicus Aurelius : ((*booted Mab with his evilocity*))
[09-01:42] d7b7c, Sothicus Aurelius : *those who freeze are quickly, mercilessly cut down and as he has had enough of chasing these men about in their fear he drops the blade in his left hand and chants in his horrid voice* Tisha moula tempa.. *a bolt of green energy that resembles a flame would strike out as he points to one of the fleeing men*
[09-01:43] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[09-01:43] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 2:43am, February 09 (CST) ).
[09-01:44] fc0a0, A Hamlet : *that man catches flame and screams in agony and his comrades around him flee all the faster making for the front gate as the only immediate way in or out of the flaming town*
[09-01:46] d7b7c, Sothicus Aurelius : *and so they would run into one of his soldiers who begins cutting them down as they flee, another solider, is busy setting fire to any other temples in the town and killing the priests outright, while the third is searching the buildings for more people and the 4th is piling the dead bodies one on top of the other while Sothicus is busy pulling the spikes from himself and launching them javelin style at various living defenders*
[09-01:53] fc0a0, A Hamlet : *men are just running all over, some on fire, some getting cut down, some accidently killing themselves in their fright and a few still brave enough to attack, but not many. The women and children are still hiding underground in various locations*
[09-01:55] d7b7c, Sothicus Aurelius : *the third soldier...who had been searching for just such bunkers of people stumbles upon one under a burning temple and so he sets to work on breaking through the door as the chaos and mayhem aboveground continues without relent as the other 3 soldiers and Soth are slaughtering every living creature in sight*
[09-01:59] fc0a0, A Hamlet : *I think it's safe to say that all the men get killed but a couple who slipped through some small gate door or out a sewer under the gate or something. Gotta have survivors to tell the tale. The women and children underground that were just discovered all kill themselves. Okay, they don't. hehe. Instead, they cover another opening that looks like any sort of wall and flee down a tunnel. mweeeheeheeheeeeee*
[09-02:00] fc0a0, A Hamlet : *so, the tunnel is disguised and the soldier would find an empty underground bunker kind of thing*
[09-02:02] d7b7c, Sothicus Aurelius : *once all the men are dead his horrid voice calls out* Find the rest....kill them all! *a horrid cry of voices not native to breathing and good things shriek out (think the Ringwraiths) as the 3 who are above ground begin searching each and every building for survivors as he moves towards the pile of dead bodies and chants over it* Tisha moula tempa...*the pile of bodies would burst into flame*
[09-02:05] 5d609, Goblin scout: *takes note of teh corpses being burned... can't see whats going on in the tunnels, but assumes the worst from the shriek*
[09-02:07] 94c70, Z: *should come kill the Goblin*
[09-02:08] fc0a0, A Hamlet : *at least Soth cleans up his messes. The women and children upon discovery of their sanctuaries, would all flee down tunnels which openings are disguised as just wall of the undground places they were waiting*
[09-02:09] 5d609, Goblin scout: ((why you kill the goblin? he's so cute and green))
[09-02:10] d7b7c, Sothicus Aurelius : *the soldiers follow the fleeing women as they cannot all flee before the soldiers catch glimpsesof them* *takes some of the priests bodies which have not been burned and re-erects parts of the wall, and impales the holy men upon them as some kind of grim ward*
[09-02:10] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[09-02:11] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 3:10am, February 09 (CST) ).
[09-02:12] fc0a0, A Hamlet : *they flee out the other ends of the tunnels and trigger tunnel cave ins as soon as all those who could make it are out of the tunnel. They had a good head start, most of them*
[09-02:12] 94c70, Z: Hmm.. *doesn't like green?*
[09-02:13] d7b7c, Sothicus Aurelius : *the crushed undead creatures shriek again as they float through the ground, devoid of the corporeal form and in a horrifying blaze of dead light vanish from sight*
[09-02:14] JOIN: Goblin scout has entered.
[09-02:15] 5d609, Goblin scout: *watches teh burning and impaling for a moment, then hears the shrieks. Takes that as his cue to get the hell out of there. Folds up his telescope, puts it in his pouch, and urges his wolf to the Dark Forest to report this*
[09-02:16] 5d609, Goblin scout: ((*hates it when explorer can't load for no good reason*))
[09-02:17] fc0a0, A Hamlet : *the women and children would proceed to some predecided emergency location*
[09-02:18] d7b7c, Sothicus Aurelius : *follows, having spotted some of the children and heard them crying for their mothers*
[09-02:19] fc0a0, A Hamlet : *well, the tunnels wouldn't be inside the city or that close, but okay. They duck and hide, cuz you're not killing the women and children on my watch. muahahaha!*
[09-02:21] d7b7c, Sothicus Aurelius : *crushes your watch and kills the womenz and childrenz any old ways BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!*
[09-02:22] fc0a0, A Hamlet : *falsity false false. They run avey!!!! Wheeee!!!*
[09-02:23] d7b7c, Sothicus Aurelius : *uses his last spell Power Word: Tacticle NUKE on the womenze and childrez!!...err...ok not really...damn...they got away*
[09-02:24] fc0a0, A Hamlet : *hehe*
[09-02:24] 5d609, Goblin scout: ((good thing they aren't as mobile as most knights of DOOM))
[09-02:31] EXIT: Goblin scout has left the chat ( 3:24am, February 09 (CST) ).
[09-02:33] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[09-02:34] fc0a0, Will-o'-the-wisp: I got Wispified AGAIN!!!!!
[09-02:34] fc0a0, Will-o'-the-wisp: It always eats my posts when it does that too!!
[09-02:35] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 3:34am, February 09 (CST) ).
[09-02:37] fc0a0, A Hamlet : *and eventually, the women and children make there way into the borders of Arcadia and spread the word of what happened, but weren't actually there to witness who did it before they fled and caved in the tunnels. The word of what happened gets spread from Arcadia via portal to and Krondor and other kingdoms around Arcadia.* *GONE*
[09-02:40] fc0a0, Swarm of Pesky Pixies : *patrol the mountains of the Fae kingdom looking for signs of EEEEEEEEVUUUUULL!!*
[09-02:42] 94c70, Z:
[09-02:52] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : ((They might find a lone goblin rider, but no real evil...))
[09-02:53] 94c70, Muna: (( *should find the goblin.* ))
[09-02:54] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : ((Why? I can bring him out. ))
[09-02:54] 94c70, Muna: (( *smiles* ))
[09-02:55] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : ((Unless you intend to kill him... thats just not nice))
[09-03:01] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : ((ello?))
[09-03:01] 94c70, Muna: ((No, no killing ))
[09-03:03] JOIN: Goblin scout has entered.
[09-03:05] 5d609, Goblin scout: *speaks in goblin to his wolf* <Hurry Moojash! Dark men slay and burn us both if we don't make it to Black Forest!> *the wolf seems to aknowledge this by running a little faster, but not by much. Wolves may be smarter mounts than horses, but they don't have the endurance*
[09-03:09] 5d609, Goblin scout: ((could I ask you to post faster?))
[09-03:10] 94c70, Muna: (( *is pondering her entrance.*))
[09-03:11] 5d609, Goblin scout: ((I do need to sleep sometime. ))
[09-03:11] 94c70, Muna: (( Oh well I was for the most part kidding, so go ahead and go to sleep. ))
[09-03:13] 5d609, Goblin scout: ((ah kay. Answer my two questions before I go though? Whats your char and where'd you get the pic?__
[09-03:20] 94c70, Muna: (( I got the pic off of a fantasy art site. The character, you will have to wait and see ))
[09-03:23] EXIT: Jerren Skulldeep has left the chat ( 4:01am, February 09 (CST) ).
[09-03:24] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[09-08:23] JOIN: Tinker has entered.
[09-08:24] c34f5, Tinker : (hm... noone is on...)
[09-08:58] c34f5, Tinker : ...
[09-08:58] EXIT: Tinker has left the chat ( 9:58am, February 09 (CST) ).
[09-09:30] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[09-11:43] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[09-11:43] d7b7c, Will-o'-the-wisp: Sooooooooooooooqviet...
[09-13:29] JOIN: Gaffer has entered.
[09-13:30] e9c88, Gaffer : ((Stab Stabb hack stab_))
[09-13:47] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[09-14:11] 94c70, Muna: *Clad in a simple outfit of deep blue, this woman sits upon a boulder near a portal. At her side is a longsword imbedded with a series of four jewels on its hilt. This is no normal port, howerve. It is one that few would be brave enough to travel through. But she has known of the cursed Knight which dwells in this place for many years. Now had come the time to visit him. Her strange blue-grey tinted hair whips about in the breeze as she sits upon her perch, waiting.*
[09-14:12] JOIN: Sothicus Aurelius has entered.
[09-14:12] d7b7c, Sothicus Aurelius : (Doooooom)
[09-14:14] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[09-14:15] d7b7c, Sothicus Aurelius : *within moments, the portal she sits beside would flare to life, the magical vortex opening within its bounds, and if this boulder she sits upon is within 20 feet of said portal, she would feel a sense of overwhelming dread that would cower even the staunchest of souls as he walks through the portal, his armor blackened by the abyssal fires that damned him into this half existance...neither living nor dead, his armor is checked and punctured many times, as though he is come fresh from battle*
[09-14:19] 94c70, Muna : *Ah, no is much smarter than that. She is outside his range, though undoubtedly he would still notice her presence there. And though the feeling of dread may eventually be put upon her, she is no mere human as her appearance would show. She slowly stands, silently for the moment. She didn't want to provoke him after all.*
[09-14:21] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[09-14:21] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 3:21pm, February 09 (CST) ).
[09-14:22] d7b7c, Sothicus Aurelius : *knows she is there and unless she were Divine or Undead, the fear would affect her all the same..he continues to step from the portal as the swirling vortex of magical energies ebb and eventually fade from visible sight, each of his footfalls are followed by a hollowed crunch of centruies old snow and ice*
[09-14:22] JOIN: Joey has entered.
[09-14:23] d7b7c, Sothicus Aurelius : ((no AIM Joey?))
[09-14:23] 89741, Joey: (( heh ill turn it on one sec))
[09-14:24] 94c70, Muna : Lord Aurelius.
[09-14:26] d7b7c, Sothicus Aurelius : *turns the sound of metal grating upon metal shatters the windy silence of the icy wasteland surrounding them as he would arch a brow if he had them...but he doesnt so the hellish reddish orange of his "eyes" narrow balefully as his voice chill and harsh billows foully from behind the helm like stale air in a recently opened crypt* Who are you to come to this place?
[09-14:29] 94c70, Muna : Someone who has seen your conquests, someone who knows what she seeks.
[09-14:31] d7b7c, Sothicus Aurelius : *he eyes her a moment, those smoldering eyes narrowing in scrutiny over her temporarily halted in his advance towards his keep, though one of his minions moves on heedless of the conversation that his lord and this...woman are having*
[09-14:33] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[09-14:34] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 3:33pm, February 09 (CST) ).
[09-14:35] 94c70, Muna : You are powerful, Lord Aurelius. You strike fear into any who come near you. But what do you get for this? Nothing. You are alone. I've come to offer a change to this.
[09-14:36] d7b7c, Sothicus Aurelius : *his voice echoes forth, as chill and hollow as ever as he shifts in his stance slowly, turning to more face the woman addressing with him* Solitude...bears with it its own form of bliss....
[09-14:41] 94c70, Muna : Your castle is empty, your battles for not. What if you and yours *Referring to his men that travelled with him.* could fight such battles and gain the power from them that is rightfully deserved? This is what I offer you, and more.
[09-14:44] d7b7c, Sothicus Aurelius : And why should I take your word over what I've already been given? *his cold voice would seem all the more bitter in its tone with these words, for there have been many who have promised him things, Puck...the Fae of Avalon, Khalek, a servant of the Ruinous Powers..and now...this woman here...who offers him what he already has...power*
[09-14:46] 89741, Riddonnel Doomhaven : (( *will kill all* ))
[09-14:46] d7b7c, Sothicus Aurelius : ((*points out that Ridd has not the power to kill him*))
[09-14:47] 89741, Riddonnel Doomhaven : (( *points out soth should be more like sloth cause he damn slow* ... that was horrible))
[09-14:47] 94c70, Muna : *Not just power but more power.* And what have they given you? The Fae only want to stop you. The powers of Mithrenburg *referring to Khalek* only want to ensure that you are out of their way. *She moves slowly to walk about him some.* In reality they only want to take what is yours.
[09-14:49] d7b7c, Sothicus Aurelius : ((*razes Ridd's country and sows salt in the fields*))
[09-14:49] 94c70, Chima: (( *smites Ridd* ))
[09-14:50] 89741, Riddonnel Doomhaven : ((nothing grows there anyways * enslaves Chimas women* ))
[09-14:50] 94c70, Chima: (( *smited first so wins* ))
[09-14:51] d7b7c, Sothicus Aurelius : *those unsettling hellish reddish orange eyes narrow and seem to glow more brilliantly beneath the charred metal of his armored helm and never leave her, watching her every move as his arms slowly move to cross over his chest, covering the charred rose on his breastplate, his tattered and near ruined cloak drapes over his shoulders more with this motion*
[09-14:51] 89741, Riddonnel Doomhaven : ((*regenerates then enslaves her women*))
[09-14:53] d7b7c, Sothicus Aurelius : ((*slaughteres Ridd's soldiers and then Ridd himself before burning the dead bodies*
[09-14:53] 89741, Riddonnel Doomhaven : (( dont make me go into my seriph form))
[09-14:54] d7b7c, Sothicus Aurelius : ((*is immune...has Rune of Protection: Joey*))
[09-14:55] 89741, Riddonnel Doomhaven : (( has rune of protection : Steve ))
[09-14:56] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[09-14:56] d7b7c, Sothicus Aurelius : ((*disenchants Joey's rune*))
[09-14:56] 94c70, Muna : It makes sense, does it not? The Fae, allied with the Elven races who aide the kingdoms of men. Why would they want to really give you anything? Mithrenburg, she births her own armies. Armies that will be sent out to conquer all, even you Lord Aurelius. They don't need you. I, on the other hand, am a being of action, much as you are. *Most of what she says is indeed fact and known somewhat well. However, parts of it are of her own making.*
[09-14:57] 89741, Riddonnel Doomhaven : (( he cant sence its a rune of protection : Steve ))
[09-14:58] 94c70, Chima: (( *should kill RIdd while he's in * ))
[09-14:59] 89741, Riddonnel Doomhaven : (( :I ))
[09-14:59] d7b7c, Sothicus Aurelius : No such army ever sent against me has ever succeeded...*this is not an idle boast...nor is it a boast is simply a stated fact even dating back to when he was a mortal man, and a Knight of the Rose, when he lead an army, it succeeded in its task no matter the dangers...and he was cursed into this form..not by an army...but by a vengeful Goddess*
[09-15:01] 89741, Riddonnel Doomhaven : (( i gtg ttyl bye ))
[09-15:02] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[09-15:09] 94c70, Muna : It is no normal army. *She stops in her walking to turn and face him fully again.* But that is no matter. Their leader is only talk. All that he desires is your magical possessions. I... want to work with you. To have you lead my men. You were a great warrior when you were mortal and are even greater so now. You were betrayed and these people continue to attempt to betray you. Arcadia will burn in the wake of your footsteps.
[09-15:14] d7b7c, Sothicus Aurelius : *he stares at her for a long moment in silence, the only sounds around them is the howling bitterness of the wind as fell voices seem to wail out warnings of impending death should one approach any closer than what they have already...and ewven that is finally hushed in the depths of his silence before he shatters it with the low rumbling of his dread voice* In all your words that you have spake thus have said nothing that I have not already known...
[09-15:22] 94c70, Muna : Then you know I speak the truth and that is all that matters. What say you, Lord Aurelius? I can give you the strength of soldiers. You, only have to lead them for me. *She watches him with light grey eyes that might almost appear white.* We want the same things. Together we both will be stronger. Together, noone will betray us for they will not live long enough.
[09-15:24] d7b7c, Sothicus Aurelius : Do we really desire the same things, Demon? *yes...knows what she is as he steps closer, drawing her within his sphere of dread, his eyes narrowing horiffically and giving off an ominous glow, to where that hints of charred flesh are visible around the slit in the helm that allows sight*
[09-15:26] 94c70, Muna : *There is a momentary pause as he puts her into his sphere.* You act as I do. Our reasons may be different, but that is of no matter.
[09-15:29] d7b7c, Sothicus Aurelius : Then if you know my mind so well...what is it I want, Demon? *he fires off these words coldly, the ominous glow of his eyes dimming into hollow sockets that present a much more frightening picture*
[09-15:32] 94c70, Muna : Revenge... your people and your Goddess abandoned you, cursed you to this place.
[09-15:33] d7b7c, Sothicus Aurelius : I wanted revenge at one want naught more than be able to rest at long last...*his words are hauntingly chilled in the air, seeming to make the point of them all the more poignant*
[09-15:36] 94c70, Muna : Is that all?
[09-15:38] d7b7c, Sothicus Aurelius : *his eyes give away the affirmative to her question, he has been "alive" for well over 500 years...500 years of having to live and suffer through the fresh memories of killing his beloved wife and child in a baseless fit of jealous in and day out being forced relive the horror of being burned alive in his own keep every moment of every day*
[09-15:41] 94c70, Muna : *Takes a step closer to him, crazy demon yes.* And if I can give you both? Revenge.. and redemption.. What say you then?
[09-15:43] d7b7c, Sothicus Aurelius : You would first have to offer me some proof...*cold, buisness like tone*
[09-15:47] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[09-15:47] 94c70, Muna : Very well. *Shifts her gaze towards the portal for just a brief moment before she returns it to Soth.* I can't prove to you the latter, not here not now. But perhaps in proving the first you will know that I am a woman of my word. Will you travel with me?
[09-15:50] d7b7c, Sothicus Aurelius : *he gives no clue to either the affirmative or the negative concerning her request for the longest moment...and then he turns towards her and the portal, and moves past her to activate the stone arch*
[09-15:54] 94c70, Muna : *She permits him to do this with no intervention. Once the gate is active, she would do the rest. Upon giving the destination location, the portal fully activates and she steps through.*
[09-15:55] d7b7c, Sothicus Aurelius : *he steps through as well, his presence fading from his keep*
[09-15:59] 94c70, Muna : *On the other side, they come into a darkened tunnel. And if he is able to feel any sensation of temperature, the air around them was much hotter than that around his own keep. Her movements lead the way down this tunnel and eventually up through a long series of stone steps.* This is my place. THe lands outside are mine. I have spent much time here, waiting, preparing.
[09-16:05] fc0a0, Mab: Whoo! Bad peoples on the move. *grooves*
[09-16:06] 94c70, Muna : (( Where? *eyeshift* ))
[09-17:44] JOIN: Brimstone has entered.
[09-17:46] JOIN: Rav has entered.
[09-17:48] EXIT: Brimstone has left the chat ( 6:48pm, February 09 (CST) ).
[09-18:08] ab564, Rav : I'll be back on laters!!!
[09-18:09] 7d9cf, Roki: you will ? DAMN!
[09-18:33] JOIN: Tarnis Catadon has entered.
[09-18:39] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[09-18:40] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 7:39pm, February 09 (CST) ).
[09-18:41] JOIN: Axis has entered.
[09-18:41] 7e274, Axis : (('ello))
[09-18:51] 7e274, Axis : *sitting in the Glimmering inn in a dark corner watching the room.*
[09-19:01] JOIN: Dre'makius has entered.
[09-19:02] JOIN: Tarnis Catadon has entered.
[09-19:02] efc3e, Tarnis Catadon: ((Hello.))
[09-19:04] 7e274, Axis : ((hey.))
[09-19:05] 45d87, Dre'makius : *sleeping on her side in a room in the Glimmering Inn**is haunted by dreams, nightmares of her friends death*
[09-19:07] efc3e, Dekan Elsin Nahkal : **Is sleeping on a stool that is placed in the corner the room him a dre share his back leaning into the corner his arms crossed over his chest**
[09-19:08] 7e274, Axis : *As he sits he wonders why he is here and who he really is. He was different than the humans and elves around him, he knew that much. He is so lonley but doesn't realize it.*
[09-19:09] 45d87, Dre'makius : *groans softly, twitching a bit in her sleep**her eyes twitch, her hands begin to twitch and finally she snaps upward, screaming out* NOOO!! GUIENN!!!
[09-19:10] efc3e, Dekan Elsin Nahkal : **sits up with a jolt looking at dre he sighs the upon streching stands up moving onto the bed next dre wrapping one arm around her** Shh, shh.
[09-19:12] efc3e, Dekan Elsin Nahkal : ((take out the "the"))
[09-19:12] JOIN: Tarnis Catadon has entered.
[09-19:13] 45d87, Dre'makius : *pushes him away, frantic**looks around* Guien.. he ... he has to be alive.. he promised!! *jumps off the bed and tears out of the room, running down the stairs*
[09-19:14] JOIN: Rav has entered.
[09-19:15] 7e274, Axis : *head snapps around hood off for a change at the sound of running feet on the stairs*
[09-19:16] 16ff6, Dekan Elsin Nahkal : **stares at dre a moment the stand up fallowing her down the stares and into the commons**
[09-19:16] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[09-19:17] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 8:16pm, February 09 (CST) ).
[09-19:18] 45d87, Dre'makius : *tears out of the glimmering inn* He has to be alive... GUIEN!! *runs out, running up the street*
[09-19:18] JOIN: Squirrel has entered.
[09-19:19] 92794, Squirrel : GO! GO! GO! Hut hut hut hut hut hut hut
[09-19:19] 16ff6, Dekan Elsin Nahkal : **fallows dre out onto the streets** Guien is gone, Dre. **moves in closer to her speaking in a low voice** He is gone.
[09-19:19] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[09-19:19] 7e274, Axis : *stands up staring after the man who just rabn out of the inn* what in....
[09-19:21] 45d87, Dre'makius : No! He's not! *looks at dekan and shakes her head* he must be at home.. asleep.. where I left him! *moves to run again*
[09-19:23] 16ff6, Dekan Elsin Nahkal : **reachs out now bear hugging Dre so she can't move he is still shirtless wow what a slut he is** You know he isn't ye' saw what happend as well as I did.
[09-19:24] 92794, Arabella Sook : .
[09-19:24] JOIN: Polaris13 has entered.
[09-19:25] 7e274, Axis : *sits back down and watches the door to see if they return*
[09-19:25] EXIT: Polaris13 has left the chat ( 8:24pm, February 09 (CST) ).
[09-19:25] 45d87, Dre'makius : No... No I didn't!>.. It's a lie! he said he would never die!... he can't die,.... *begins to sob, buring her face in his chest, tears running down her face* he said he wouldn't die
[09-19:27] 16ff6, Dekan Elsin Nahkal : He may have said that but you saw his head you held it **doesnt mean to be so brutal. one of his hands are now placed on the back of he head** Jus' let it out, lass.
[09-19:27] JOIN: Polaris13 has entered.
[09-19:28] 16ff6, Dekan Elsin Nahkal : ((he=Her))
[09-19:30] 45d87, Dre'makius : *her arms wrap around him, her hands digging into his back, tears flowing out of her eyes* but he said.... *her voice is tiny... weak* he said he wouldn't...
[09-19:30] EXIT: Squirrel has left the chat ( 8:30pm, February 09 (CST) ).
[09-19:30] JOIN: Squirrel has entered.
[09-19:30] 68aca, Polaris13: *wanders into the tavern, a girl wearing a black hooded cape, the hood up, a pair of yellow eyes peering out from underneath it*
[09-19:32] 16ff6, Dekan Elsin Nahkal : **holds the hugging like position one hand still on the back of her head** I am sorry, lass. But ya saw his head..there was now body wit it.
[09-19:32] 7e274, Axis : *his own gold cat slit pupils mark hers and narrow before mostly going back to the door*
[09-19:33] 68aca, Polaris13: *looks around at the inhabitants of the Tavern, observing the goings on and walks over to the bar, sitting down on a stool*
[09-19:33] 45d87, Dre'makius : *sniffles**just cries, her body trembling*
[09-19:35] 7e274, Axis : *his chews on a gloved talon and wonders what that was all about. He shrugs and returns to his contemplation*
[09-19:35] 16ff6, Dekan Elsin Nahkal : **they stand in the street one arm wrapped around he the other stroking the hair on her head which he hopes is some sort of comfort** Shall we go back to the room? Or for a walk?
[09-19:35] 45d87, Dre'makius : *swallows* w....walk
[09-19:35] 68aca, Polaris13: *takes a short glance over at Axis before resting her head on her arms on the bar, closing her eyes*
[09-19:37] 16ff6, Dekan Elsin Nahkal : **turns from her leaving the arm wrapped around her he begins to walks with her toward the ocean front but not to the bussle of the dock but the peacful beach**
[09-19:37] 68aca, Polaris13: *sighs quietly*
[09-19:38] 7e274, Axis : *pulls his hood up so that it's shadow covers his silver hair and odd eyes. So doing he relaxes a bit*
[09-19:38] ab564, Talis : *Comes in the back entrence and heads over to the bar. He is taking a break from working in the stables to eat abit. He steps behind the bar to talk to one of the barmaids. She happily bounds off as she goes to get him something to eat. He steps over to where Polaris is.* What will it be? *He looks to be about eightteen or so.*
[09-19:39] 68aca, Polaris13: *about 17, sporting a sword in a hilt alongside her skirt*
[09-19:40] 68aca, Polaris13: *glances at Axis again, this time watching them longer*
[09-19:41] 7e274, Axis : *meets polarises gaze from under the cover of the hoods shadow*
[09-19:41] 92794, Arabella Sook : test
[09-19:42] ab564, Talis : *Is also sporting a sword at his hip. He speacks to polaris again abit louder.* What will ya be haveing miss?
[09-19:42] 45d87, Dre'makius : *walks with him, watching the ground, not really paying attention to much, just the thought of dead Guien in her mind*
[09-19:42] 68aca, Polaris13 : *stares a few seconds, then looking back at the bar*.......
[09-19:43] ab564, Talis : ((T3wo corrections 1-speacks=speaks, 2 polaris=Polaris.))
[09-19:44] 68aca, Polaris13 : (sorry, missed the first post x.x)
[09-19:44] 68aca, Polaris13 : *looks up at Talis* Nothing....
[09-19:44] 68aca, Polaris13 : Maybe something later...
[09-19:46] 16ff6, Dekan Elsin Nahkal : **they walk down the one of the main streets toward the docks but dekan soon changes the course down another street which heads toward the beach**
[09-19:46] 7e274, Axis : *watches Polaris and has no weapons visable. He sits perfectly still draped in cloak and hood now*
[09-19:46] ab564, Talis : *He shrugs and moves on to another coustomer just as the barmaid brings his dinner out to him. He says something to her and she giggles. he then picks up the plate of food and mug of water and moves off to a table.*
[09-19:47] EXIT: Squirrel has left the chat ( 8:41pm, February 09 (CST) ).
[09-19:50] 45d87, Dre'makius : *sighs deeply* why did he die... why did he have to die.... why
[09-19:50] 68aca, Polaris13 : *pulls her hood farther over herself, feeling Axis's eyes boring into her*
[09-19:51] 16ff6, Dekan Elsin Nahkal : You knew him, not I. You tell me why someone might want him dead. **keeps arm around he the come closes to the beac the smell of the ocean very strong dekan breaths it in deeply**
[09-19:52] 7e274, Axis : *sits back comfterably ensconsed in the shadows and cloak eyes half closed*
[09-19:53] ab564, Talis : *Goes about eating his meal and drinking his water. When he is done with that he would head back out to the stables finishing some work.*
[09-19:54] 94c70, Artanis : *She emerges back into sight of their camp. She had gone out several hours ago to scout ahead. The broadsword was now strapped to her back and the modified bow was in her right hand.*
[09-19:54] 45d87, Dre'makius : *looks up when the smell of the ocean reaches her nostrils* those waters must be forgiving... the boat is my calling.... out there.... where it isn't cruel
[09-19:54] 68aca, Polaris13 : *pulls her hood off, not being watched anymore, revealing a pale white face and raven black hair with a streak of bright pink in it, folds her arms again, staring at the bar, thinking*
[09-19:55] 7e274, Axis : *still vaugly watching her but not in an obviuos manner*
[09-19:56] ab564, Gorthius: *has keeped the fires going and maintained the horses.* How when the souting trip?
[09-19:57] 45d87, Dre'makius : ((I gotta go Dekan))
[09-19:58] 45d87, Dre'makius : ((sorry))*sits on the beach, lost in thought**GONE*
[09-19:59] 94c70, Artanis : It was quiet, strangely enough. I've seen orcs in these parts before. It's almost surprising that there's no sign of them now.
[09-19:59] 68aca, Polaris13 : *shaking her head puts her face in her hands*
[09-19:59] ab564, Gorthius: ((when=was))
[09-20:00] 6869d, Dekan Elsin Nahkal : The ocean is unforgiving, lass. And the boat calls us both. **lets his arm drops from her side**
[09-20:01] ab564, Gorthius: *he scrathes his chin in thought.* They may have moved but what could have made them move I wonder? *He seems to be talking to himself.*
[09-20:01] 7e274, Axis : *stands up and with one last long look at Polaris slowley glides across the floor towardsthe stairs, silent as death*
[09-20:02] 6869d, Dekan Elsin Nahkal : ((ah ok )) ***GONE**
[09-20:04] 94c70, Artanis : *Shrugs lightly* I don't know. It's not neccessarily a bad thing, it's just strange. *She changes the subject for the moment though.* H ow are things here?
[09-20:04] 68aca, Polaris13 : *takes her hands from her face, putting one on the bar, as if grasping it for stability*
[09-20:05] ab564, Gorthius: *he smiles* Thats true. Things are good here. The horses are feed and cared for. Dinner is cooking hope you don't mind rabbit stew again. *He chuckles. As he does not carry a bow he can only catch rabbits.*
[09-20:06] 7e274, Axis : *as he reaches the stairs he looks around one last time and sighs a little sadly. He had found no answers her. Only more questions.*
[09-20:07] 68aca, Polaris13 : *looks at him from the corner of her eyes, their irises starting to turn a strange crystal blue color*
[09-20:08] 94c70, Artanis : *Returns his smile lightly * No, it's fine. And Mierka? *She knows the girl has been rather emotionally stressed lately.*
[09-20:10] ab564, Gorthius: *He shrugs* I am not sure. Somethings bothering her and she won't talk to me. Has she at least talked to you?
[09-20:11] 7e274, Axis : *toses back his own hood as he goes up and his golden cat-eyes meet hers breifly and lock with hers. The dim light strikes brilliant highlights ib his silver hair as the candle light flickers*
[09-20:11] 68aca, Polaris13 : *looks at him full on*.....
[09-20:12] 7e274, Axis : *his gaze locks with hers*
[09-20:13] 94c70, Artanis : No, not much. *Sighs softly.* She is lovesick though, that much I can see.
[09-20:14] 68aca, Polaris13 : *curses under her breath, closing her eyes slowly*
[09-20:15] ab564, Gorthius: *he nods* Well, she is still young it is her tight.
[09-20:15] ab564, Gorthius: ((tight=right))
[09-20:15] 7e274, Axis : *his eyes bore into her suspiciuosly*
[09-20:16] 68aca, Polaris13 : *opens her eyes again, back to the yellowish color they first were*
[09-20:16] 68aca, Polaris13 : *sits back up straight on the stool*
[09-20:16] JOIN: Luna has entered.
[09-20:17] 7e274, Axis : *notes the change in her eyes as he watches. *
[09-20:18] 68aca, Polaris13 : *sits up and stares at him watching her again*......
[09-20:18] 68aca, Polaris13 : *rather blank look to her face*.....
[09-20:18]       Luna hides in the darkness her golden eyes narrow as she watchs
[09-20:19]       Luna sits in the darkness her golden eyes narrow as she wathcs
[09-20:19] 87dc9, Luna: **watchs
[09-20:19] 7e274, Axis : *grins a little bit and gives her a nod as he slowley glides up the stairs watching her carefully*
[09-20:20] 94c70, Artanis : Yes, I know. I've seen it before.
[09-20:20] 68aca, Polaris13 : *thinking to self: I scare everyone, it seems.......*
[09-20:21]       Luna 's copper cat ears twich as she picks up voices,
[09-20:22] ab564, Gorthius: *He smiles* That was one of the thing that we Dragon Riders were never really allowd. *he chuckles as he smiles.8
[09-20:22] ab564, Gorthius: ((8=*))
[09-20:22] 7e274, Axis : *still smiles as he reconsiders and heads back down the stairs and walks towards polaris, slowley and silently*
[09-20:22] 94c70, Artanis : What? Love?
[09-20:23] 68aca, Polaris13 : ...........*staying silent sees him approaching from the corner of her eye*
[09-20:24]       Luna sniffs the air, a sent pricked her nose, the sent made her lose her balance and she feel down with a clank
[09-20:25] 7e274, Axis : *seats himself near to her with a whisper of cloth.*
[09-20:26]       Luna freezes hoping know one heard her she lets out a little eep as she tries to pull her self up but falls down as if something was holding her down
[09-20:27] 68aca, Polaris13 : *looks at him*....
[09-20:27] 68aca, Polaris13 : You are....?
[09-20:27] ab564, Gorthius: Yeah, it was said to cloud our minds and judgement.
[09-20:28] 7e274, Axis : *says in a quit but fliud voice* Axis...and you?
[09-20:29] 94c70, Artanis : Do you think that's true?
[09-20:30] 68aca, Polaris13 : Polaris...
[09-20:31] 68aca, Polaris13 : *just a squiet*
[09-20:33] 7e274, Axis : a pleasure....
[09-20:33] ab564, Gorthius: I don't know, I never have questioned it. I do remember falling in love with a woman from one of the sister villages. But she too, became a Dragon Rider not long after I did. So that never really worked out and after that I never gave it any more thought.
[09-20:34] 68aca, Polaris13 : As well to you...
[09-20:34] JOIN: Alyvirn has entered.
[09-20:35] 72092, Alyvirn: *~ Yawns softly, looking around and walkign in~*
[09-20:35] 7e274, Axis : *his eyes flicker over her features* a wanderer *still in the low voice*
[09-20:35] 94c70, Artanis : It does good things for people. There are no happier people in the world than those who love each other.
[09-20:36] 7e274, Axis : ((meant to have a ?))
[09-20:36] 68aca, Polaris13 : Yeah....
[09-20:36] 68aca, Polaris13 : Of sorts....
[09-20:36] 72092, Alyvirn: ... I need to get an image... ~* Yawns again~*
[09-20:37] 7e274, Axis : I see.
[09-20:38] 68aca, Polaris13 : I left my house...I couldn't stand my parents. And you are a...?
[09-20:39] ab564, Gorthius: *he nods* I guess, I have hardened myself aginst it and focused on my duties for so long I am not really sure what love is any more. *he smiles and looks into the fire. His is sitting alot closer then normal to it.*
[09-20:39] JOIN: glim has entered.
[09-20:39] EXIT: glim has left the chat ( 9:39pm, February 09 (CST) ).
[09-20:39] 7e274, Axis : I am something of a wanderer myself. I have no past.
[09-20:40] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[09-20:40] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 9:40pm, February 09 (CST) ).
[09-20:40] JOIN: Aralore has entered.
[09-20:40] 72092, Alyvirn: *~ Stretches softly, yawning and runnning fingers through silvery blodn hair, lookign aroudn sleepily with lightning blue eyes, archign outfit rufflign lightly with movemebt~*
[09-20:41] 68aca, Polaris13 : I see...
[09-20:41] 68aca, Polaris13 : Your eyes are a wonder...
[09-20:42] 72092, Alyvirn: ~* Rubs back of head and blinks~* ... speakign to me?
[09-20:42] 94c70, Artanis : *Has sat down to be sitting with him.* I've never had anyone myself. But I remember how happy my mother was when my father was still around.
[09-20:42] 7e274, Axis : Indeed. Yours are a bit unusual for a human as well....
[09-20:43] MSG: Aralore sent a message to Mab.
[09-20:44] 72092, Alyvirn: ~* Yawns once again, lookign up a little~* I've had them all my life.. no changein color at all.. makes me wonder if I am full human *~ Shrugs lightly~*
[09-20:45] 68aca, Polaris13 : *wasn't talking to Alyvirn*
[09-20:45] 7e274, Axis : ((are you talking to us Alyvirn?))
[09-20:45] 68aca, Polaris13 : Well...
[09-20:45] 72092, Alyvirn: * didnt know that. a thousand appologies*
[09-20:45] MSG: Mab sent a message to Aralore.
[09-20:45] 68aca, Polaris13 : I suppose so...I'm not too much of a human, though...
[09-20:46] 68aca, Polaris13 : *no prob, Kris...*
[09-20:46] 72092, Alyvirn: * too sleepy andd braindead to notice anything*
[09-20:47] 68aca, Polaris13 : I don't think of myself as much...
[09-20:48] 7e274, Axis : indeed...
[09-20:48] MSG: Aralore sent a message to Mab.
[09-20:49] 68aca, Polaris13 : They tend to change with my a way...
[09-20:51] JOIN: Kroger has entered.
[09-20:51] 68aca, Polaris13 : I can't show my emotions, otherwise, well...well they're shown through my eyes. It's been that way, as far as I remember...
[09-20:51] 7e274, Axis : interesting....*runs his fingers through his hair*
[09-20:52] JOIN: Polaris13 has entered.
[09-20:52] MSG: Mab sent a message to Aralore.
[09-20:52] 7e274, Axis : I have few emotions....
[09-20:52] JOIN: Brimstone has entered.
[09-20:52] 7e274, Axis : So I wouldn't know.
[09-20:53] JOIN: Polaris13 has entered.
[09-20:53] ab564, Gorthius: ((Sorry got lost in a hunt)) *he looks at her and smiles* I do remember visiting my great gandneice and seeing how happy she was with her family but alas I don't belive I will know that feeling.
[09-20:53] JOIN: AdrianGoldenmoon has entered.
[09-20:53] 68aca, Polaris13: (Axis, my AOL's messing up...if you have AIM, IM me at ShortGloomyGirl)
[09-20:54] 7e274, Axis : ((righto))
[09-20:55] JOIN: Alakina has entered.
[09-20:55] MSG: Aralore sent a message to Mab.
[09-20:55] 94c70, Artanis : I don't think I ever will either.
[09-20:55] a1655, Kroger: ((who do I have to e-mail about a charrie lost in limbo?))
[09-20:57] 7bc41, Alakina : (( * peeks*))
[09-21:00] JOIN: Lita has entered.
[09-21:01] ab564, Rav : Whos lost in limbo?
[09-21:01]       Lita pulls on her fighting gloves and yawns
[09-21:01] a1655, Kroger: ((I am, but I now have to bounce, I'll get back tomorrow))
[09-21:01] EXIT: Kroger has left the chat ( 10:01pm, February 09 (CST) ).
[09-21:01] 87dc9, Lita: what a boaring life people can have
[09-21:01] MSG: Mab sent a message to Aralore.
[09-21:02]       Lita pulls on her fighting gloves and yawns
[09-21:02] 87dc9, Lita: what a boaring life people can love
[09-21:02] ab564, Gorthius: *he nods and looks deep into the fire a bit of sweet drips from his brow as he is a little too close for him.*
[09-21:02] 7bc41, Alakina : ((heh))
[09-21:03] MSG: Mab sent a message to Aralore.
[09-21:03] 7bc41, Alakina : (( * does the "Rav has a hot pic" dance* heh ))
[09-21:04]       Lita fixs her tight shirt
[09-21:04] 94c70, Artanis : *She too is silent for a long moment, watching the flames lick the air. But then she looks at him again.* Are you alright?
[09-21:05] MSG: Aralore sent a message to Mab.
[09-21:05] EXIT: Aralore has left the chat ( 10:05pm, February 09 (CST) ).
[09-21:05] 7bc41, Alakina : * lays at the bottom of the river, and playes with some water weeds... sighs, the strands of pearls waving about her slender form, and blue tail *
[09-21:07] JOIN: tinker has entered.
[09-21:07] EXIT: tinker has left the chat ( 10:07pm, February 09 (CST) ).
[09-21:07] MSG: Mab sent a message to Aralore.
[09-21:08] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon: ( test )
[09-21:09] JOIN: Polaris13 has entered.
[09-21:09] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[09-21:09] beb1a, Brimstone : *seated on a tree branch, perfectly balanced, no more than ten feet up .. his tome open in his lap, icicle-like writing utensil in one gloved hand, bowl of his pipe held in the other - his clear, intelligent gaze passing over the ground below, toward the inn he was positioned near*..
[09-21:09] 68aca, Polaris13: *walks back into the Tavern*
[09-21:10] 7bc41, Alakina : (( nice color Adrian ^-^ ))
[09-21:10] 7e274, Axis : *to polaris* I belive we may have something in common
[09-21:10] 68aca, Polaris13: (SUC-FRIGGIN-CESS...)
[09-21:11] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon: ( ty.. for the other one though. Cant be manly in plum XD )
[09-21:11] 68aca, Polaris13: Oh..? *walks over to him, hands folded in front of her*
[09-21:11] 7e274, Axis : ((heh))
[09-21:11] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon: ( ::shakes it off:: )
[09-21:11] 7bc41, Alakina : ((heh))
[09-21:12] 7e274, Axis : *continuing the previuos conversation* do you have a destination?
[09-21:12] ab564, Gorthius: *He moves back from the fire abit more as he realizes that he is too close.* yeah i am fine just thinking and that got me too close to the fire.
[09-21:13] 68aca, Polaris13: At this point, no...
[09-21:14] 7bc41, Alakina : * digs in the silt, and pulls out a small clam. she rips it open, and sucks out the soft insides...tosses the clam peices onto shore *
[09-21:14] 7e274, Axis : *carefully in very measured tones* perhaps we should travel together. It is no longer same to wander alone. not these days.
[09-21:15] 94c70, Artanis : Thinking about anything in particular?
[09-21:17] beb1a, Brimstone : *his hues are crystalline, nearly reflective of light, if there were any around him .. watching through pure-white bangs - his writing temporarily on hold*..
[09-21:17] 7bc41, Alakina : * decides shes hungary for... man flesh.. she swims up onto the edge of the shore, then pulls herself out of the water.. her tail turns into a pair of pale skinny legs.. she appears to be wearing a thin gown of all the blues and greens seen in water. Her soaked blue hair surrounds her pale face, and alrge blue eyes. Thin strands of small pearls are wrapped in her hair and around her slender form; a starfish bracelet on her left arm*
[09-21:18] 7bc41, Alakina : large *
[09-21:21] 3c6eb, Roki: .. who wants some new spells on the board.. raise yer hands !
[09-21:22] ab564, Gorthius: No not really. but what ever it was *He wipes the sweet from his brow.* I was thinking hard about it. *he looks at Eri and smiles.*
[09-21:22] 94c70, Z: *wants Ice Cream!*
[09-21:23] 94c70, Artanis : *That was sort of puzzling.* You don't know what you were thinking about?
[09-21:23] beb1a, Brimstone : *back flush against the trunk of the tree, legs straight across a wide branch, ankles crossed .. brilliant gaze settles down onto the two exposed pages again, his writing resumes - taking long, slow draws from his beautiful pipe*..
[09-21:23] 3c6eb, Roki: nobody wants spells ? /frown
[09-21:23] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon: ( ::Raises hand:: )
[09-21:24] 7e274, Axis : ((later folks from me and the kicked off Polaris.))
[09-21:24] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon: ( ::and the other one bc no one else is:: ^^; )
[09-21:24] beb1a, Brimstone : (Yes, three cheers for spells, yay.)
[09-21:24] 7e274, Axis : ((*raises hand*))
[09-21:25] JOIN: Tarnis Catadon has entered.
[09-21:26] EXIT: AdrianGoldenmoon has left the chat ( 10:24pm, February 09 (CST) ).
[09-21:26] JOIN: Dri has entered.
[09-21:28] 3c6eb, Roki: level 1's are up.
[09-21:29] dfe22, Dri: ( killeded )
[09-21:29] 3c6eb, Roki: lvl 2's are up
[09-21:31] 7bc41, Alakina : * she walks like she is floating... out of the deep forest.. into ... *
[09-21:31] 3c6eb, Roki: and a few lvl 3's
[09-21:32] 3c6eb, Roki: if any of ya'll want more of a certain spell type.. lemme know so i can start digging... :-D
[09-21:32] beb1a, Brimstone : *gloved hand moving most fluidly over the half-lettered page .. his day had been surprisingly eventful, recording his memories onto the page - garbed in his usual loose, black-leather attire*..
[09-21:32] ab564, Gorthius: Well, The thing is. *He pulls out his dragons tear medallion.* With this I can comunicate to Soranel. some time she rammbles on and on I just listen intently soem times too intently. This is one of my many secreats.*he places the medallian back into hsi shirt.* If the wrong people were to get ahold of that then she would be doomed.
[09-21:35] 7bc41, Alakina : * would be near Brimstone now, walking, her dark blue eyes takeing the town in... her gown seems to float arounder her, oddly, *
[09-21:35] JOIN: Brimstone has entered.
[09-21:37] beb1a, Brimstone : *his hand pauses briefly, blinking seldom .. the mouth of his pipe leaves his lips, exhaling a thin stream of grey forward - eyes never leave the two pages, one egg-shell white, clear, other nearly full of text*..
[09-21:39] 94c70, Artanis : Oh. *She says this quietly, falling silent for a few moments.* I didn't mean to pry into something private.
[09-21:40] 7bc41, Alakina : (( ))
[09-21:42] dfe22, Dri: ( hmm? )
[09-21:42] 3c6eb, Roki: men ? :_(
[09-21:42] 3c6eb, Roki: men ? :-(
[09-21:43] JOIN: Sothicus Aurelius has entered.
[09-21:43] ab564, Gorthius: *he shakes his head* Your not. Sorianel knows about you and Mierka. So you may as well know about her.
[09-21:44] 7bc41, Alakina : (( * reffering to Brimy* heh ))
[09-21:44] beb1a, Brimstone : *he resumes, without even looking at the page, finishing it off with a flat, almost shimmering blue content .. ankles uncross, legs dropping over each side of the branch, boot-clad feet hang roughly five feet from the ground - head unmoved, he peers over to the side*..
[09-21:46] 7bc41, Alakina : * starts to sing, just a bit.. lureing any willing man to her...*
[09-21:46] d7b7c, Sothicus Aurelius : *makes no note of the rise in temperature for he is not affected by such nothing to him..but he listens, stalking up the stone staircase along with her as she rants on about owning these things*
[09-21:49] beb1a, Brimstone : *left hand crosses over to the bare, remaining sheet of paper .. tip of the ice-like pencil down, pipe mouth set between his lips again - he stares, listening, wondering..*
[09-21:49] 94c70, Artanis : Oh? I hope it is good things.
[09-21:52] 94c70, Muna : *She says nothing more about it. After all she was merely stating facts of where he was, there was no deceptions. Eventually, she would lead him to a set of large doors which would open before them and lead outside. She steps up and stops at the short stone wall, the open area leaving a view of a large expanse of the desert land below. The sun's rays beating down on everything they touch. This would include the large crowd of armored and armed beings below, thousands of them.* This... *indicating the-
[09-21:53] 94c70, Muna : -massed army.* would be your tool of revenge. You would command them, they would be loayal to you. *Unless of course he turned on her with them. She ultimately controlled them.*
[09-21:54] EXIT: Dri has left the chat ( 10:42pm, February 09 (CST) ).
[09-21:55] 7bc41, Alakina : (( i g2g bye , ill be on tommrow ))
[09-21:55] ab564, Gorthius: *he smiles* Well, so far it is.
[09-21:56] beb1a, Brimstone : *pulling the blue silk bookmark out from between the previous pages, he places it smooth into the crease of the open fold .. closing one hand to a soft fist, he pulls the writing instrument away, book closed soon after - longcoat unbuttoned enough to slip both into their places inside*..
[09-21:56] beb1a, Brimstone : (Pfft.)
[09-21:57] 94c70, Artanis : Good, I'm glad. *smiles a bit.* What is she like?
[09-22:00] d7b7c, Sothicus Aurelius : *looks out over the assembeled masses, his hellish scarlet eyes narrowing in close scruitiny as the dreaded eyes look almost at each individual soldier in turn as if perosnally measuring their worth, thinking, perhaps reconsidering what he originally had planned for the Knights of the Rose denied his wife and child a proper burial...oh yes...those memories have come back to him now....*
[09-22:01] beb1a, Brimstone : *withdrawing his pipe from his jaws, he turns it over and taps spent tobacco from the bowl, down ten feet below .. pocketing that, he turns on the branch, repositioning himself - one hand braced on the branch he is seated on, other against the trunk of the tree*..
[09-22:02] ab564, Gorthius: well, she has always been good to me. She takes care of me as if I were one of her youngs sometimes its rather amuseing. *he chuckles* Her mate on the other hand does not belive in allowing humans around no matter what. But she is a very beautiful woman. She is a white dragon that breaths ice rather than your typical fire breathing dragon. Thats why I can't like fire much. I am at home in artic tempatures.
[09-22:04] 94c70, Muna : They will follow you to death, if I tell them to. *Shifts her gaze from the view below to Soth.*
[09-22:04] 3c6eb, Morgul the Lich King: *meanwhile elsewhere... there's a much larger army...and a much more capable being ...heh heh heh*
[09-22:05] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : *meanwhile elsewhere.... she's brooding*
[09-22:05] 94c70, Artanis : I've heard of this before.
[09-22:06] d7b7c, Sothicus Aurelius : If you tell them so...*keeps his dread gaze over the gathered masses* Arcadia....*his voice echoes within his helm in such a manner as to frighten even a battle hardened veteran of war his eyes narrow and glow more brilliantly beneath the helm* I can hear their cries....
[09-22:07] beb1a, Brimstone : *pushing off, he drops to the ground easily .. hands reach to brush bits of bar off his leather garb - head rotates in a scan before him, body turning toward the building*..
[09-22:09] beb1a, Brimstone : (barK, that is. yar.)
[09-22:09] ab564, Gorthius: *Looks at her and smiles* well, she started to talk to me about one of her young who is causeing trouble in a small village and her mate is encouriging it. She is afraid that the people will rise aginst her and try to harm her and her other young.
[09-22:10] 94c70, Muna : Yes. A wonderful sound is it not? This is my proof to you. These men and those being trained will be at your command. You will lead Arcadia to its destruction, their land, their fear, their pain.. it will all be yours.
[09-22:11] beb1a, Brimstone : *moving forward, he headed toward the tavern .. hands folded behind his back, coat tail rippled lightly in his wake - his hopes held high for nighly entertainment, knowledge..*
[09-22:11] 94c70, Artanis : Really? I had thought all the dragons had gone into hiding, away from the rest of the races of the world.
[09-22:14] ab564, Gorthius: Well, that was what was to happen by the decree of the Elders but not all of the dragons had listened. those who are rebealing aginst the Elders like Sorianel's mate may cause things to go really bad for thoese like Sorianel.
[09-22:15] 94c70, Artanis : That's something indeed to be concerned for. I hope the best for her.
[09-22:16] d7b7c, Sothicus Aurelius : Not just Arcadia...*his voice drops to almost inaudable tones* Anywhere where they are harbored...will burn....*he is of course meaning his former order..the Knights of the Rose...they did after all deny his wife and infant child a proper burial*
[09-22:18] ab564, Gorthius: Well, see thats where my people came in along time ago. It was our job to make sure things like this didn't happen and to protect all the dragons who wished for peace. But with many of the dragons rebealing agianst the Elders and being as I am the last of my people there is almost nothing I can do.
[09-22:19] beb1a, Brimstone : *stepping up to the front doors, his hands undo, one reaching out for a handle .. he opens the wooden entrance, stepping inside - a blink turning his eyes normal again, steely-blue hues cast over the room*..
[09-22:22] 94c70, Muna : Yes.... they are in quite a many places. I will help you with this, if you help me.
[09-22:25] beb1a, Brimstone : *closing the door as quitely behind him as possible, he advanced toward the bar .. eyes tearing over any persons present, boots connect soild with the flooring below them - his pace slow, at his own ease*..
[09-22:25] 94c70, Artanis : There are no allies?
[09-22:25] d7b7c, Sothicus Aurelius : And that is....?*turns from the gathered army and settles his unholy gaze upon her, scrutinizing her again with his eyes*
[09-22:28] beb1a, Brimstone : *ordering a meal and drink from the tender behind the bar, he pays in advance .. content to settle here for the night, regardless of the popularity - turning, he moves toward a comfortable table with a view, though it serves little purpose*..
[09-22:28] ab564, Gorthius: Not many if there are any at all. The Elders and some good dragons want to fade back from the minds of mortals, While Some want revenge on the mortals for makeing them go into hideing or something like that.
[09-22:33] 94c70, Muna : To lead them. *Gesturing to the amassed people outside, indicating the fighting forces in general.* Lead them for me and when it is time for your redemption allow me to keep the lands you conquer for you.
[09-22:33] 94c70, Artanis : I wish, there was something I could do.
[09-22:34] beb1a, Brimstone : *lowering himself gracefully into a seat, he draws out his book from inside his coat .. placing it carefully onto the table, he opens it to the marker, gathering the abnormal pencil-like writing instrument from the crease - he goes to work, starting on the right, remaining page*..
[09-22:39] d7b7c, Sothicus Aurelius : *he withdraws inwards towards himself as if pondering, considering her offer, his eyes straying to her amassed forces and gives no verbal reply, only the sound of metal grating against metal as the helm droops forward an inch and then straightens in a nod*
[09-22:40] ab564, Gorthius: As do I. But unfortunatly there is not much anyone can do but wait and see what happens next. See when I was but a mear 150 years old thats when the Elders decited that the time of dragons and mortals was over. Many dragons where out raged but understood. Some of the younger and the tainted or evil dragons would still cause trouble. They disbanned the Dragon Riders only allowing four of us to remain. We where the blessed as they called us. We were the ones who where given the honor of having half of a ...
[09-22:40] JOIN: Just watching has entered.
[09-22:41] 94c70, Muna : Wonderful. *She steps back away.* And once our enemies have been struck down, I will give you your redemption.
[09-22:42] beb1a, Brimstone : *awaiting his meal, he begins to script, tip of a obviously magical item put to paper in order to create text .. his gaze leaves the page occasionally, to peer before him, over the nearly-vacant room - mind turning over thought of tomorrow*..
[09-22:43] d7b7c, Sothicus Aurelius : *he now looms over his newly acquired army...such as it is..and if he had a face...a cold, mirthless smirk would touch his lips*
[09-22:43] ab564, Gorthius: ...Dragons heart of course they could not leave us behind due to our expanded lives. Now after six thousand years I am the only one left. I alone can be called upon if a Dragon war were to break out. But, the elders don'w want it to come to that so they are trying to figure out some way of getting all dragons to move to some other place.
[09-22:44] d7b7c, Sothicus Aurelius : ((Feck that...we're stayin in our homes...err...I mean...umm...*drifts away*))
[09-22:44] 94c70, Muna : *Watches him in silence. Her first victory, her first step towards her goals.*
[09-22:46] beb1a, Brimstone : *the maid brings his meal, book drawn into his lap to make room .. though still writing in it - a light nod offered in thanks*..
[09-22:46] 94c70, Artanis : I see. *Frowns a little.*
[09-22:47] 867a2, Amber: ((Now now.. if it'll keep the remaining dragons safe, we should. What can we do as it is?))
[09-22:47] EXIT: Just watching has left the chat ( 11:40pm, February 09 (CST) ).
[09-22:49] ab564, Gorthius: I hope for the ske of the world a Dragon War does not break out . They are quite devistateing to the world as we know it. I myself have never seen such a war but I have heard tales of them. *he lets out a long mornful sigh as he remember the other Riders as they died. he turns his attention back to the flames.*
[09-22:51] ab564, Gorthius: ((ske=sake))
[09-22:51] beb1a, Brimstone : *setting his writing utensil down, he collects the silverware offered and digs in soon after it's served .. a full meal waiting for him to devour, topped with two glasses of the best wine the establishment houses - slacking lightly in his seat, he makes himself comfortable, recapping the day over in his mind*..
[09-22:51] 94c70, Artanis : *She reaches over with one hand to rest it lightly on his arm. She could tell the sadness that was in his sigh.*
[09-22:52] ab564, Gorthius: *he looks at her forceing a smile to his lips* Thank you.
[09-22:54] 94c70, Artanis : I'm here for you, Gorthius.
[09-22:55] d7b7c, Sothicus Aurelius : *could care less for her goals....will have his revenge...and such*
[09-22:56] 94c70, Muna : *An easy enough thing to give him.* Would you like to return to your Keep now?
[09-22:57] d7b7c, Sothicus Aurelius : Yes...I have many things to...handle...
[09-22:57] ab564, Gorthius: *he nods* As I am for you.
[09-22:59] 94c70, Muna : Of course... *With that, she would turn away and lead him back to the portal. Once there, she would activate it for him.*
[09-22:59] 94c70, Artanis : *smiles softly.*
[09-23:00] d7b7c, Sothicus Aurelius : *steps up to the portal* Est Sularas Oth Mithas...*steps through and steps out moments later back in his frozen wasteland*
[09-23:02] beb1a, Brimstone : *works away on his meal, a full supper of multiple courses .. savouring ever bite and drink, he kept to himself, the only real thing to presently do - amused and occupied with his thoughts*..
[09-23:04] d7b7c, Ember : ((Now time for some big leeeezard fun))
[09-23:04] 94c70, Muna : *Does not follow him. In fact, she turns and retreats back into the depths of her own sancturary*
[09-23:04] 3c6eb, Roki: here leeezard leeezard leeezard...
[09-23:05] 94c70, Z: *baps Roki for getting in her head*
[09-23:05] d7b7c, Ember : ((*squishes Roki*))
[09-23:06] 867a2, Amber: ((IWe're not leezards! We dun do that tounge thing!))
[09-23:06] 867a2, Amber : ((*baps that "I" off there*))
[09-23:06] ab564, Gorthius: *he returns the smile then stands up* I must go for a walk. *he turns and begins to walk away.*
[09-23:08] d7b7c, Ember : *was flying yes...flying about with the greatest of ease and then begins circling to land in a clearing of the woods, still in his true form, pausing as he catches a scent he cant rightly place at the moment isnt too far from the Arcadian border*
[09-23:09] beb1a, Brimstone : *cutting into meat and spooning up warm broth, he continues consuming his meal .. forced to listen to the night dead-silence of the tavern - closing his tome with a free hand, little use for it now*..
[09-23:13] 94c70, Artanis : *Stands as he does. But she remains still as he starts to walk off.* Do you wish to be alone?
[09-23:18] beb1a, Brimstone : *sitting in content with his food and drink, he thinks back to days not so long ago .. the build had been filled with interesting creatures, he could find such high interest within the walls - feeling perhaps tonight was a less eventual one, for once. a shame, but he kept himself in high spirits*..
[09-23:22] ab564, Gorthius: *he bends down next to hsi gear and armor.* I think it best. * He begins to pack his gear into a back pack. He takes some dry rations out of the saddlebags placeing them into the pack.* I am not sure how long I will be gone but I will catch back up with you with in time. Corith will stay with you and Mierka. *he begins to adorn his armor.*
[09-23:22] 3c6eb, Roki: tomorow... i plan on getting a few Pyro spells up on the if anybody's got some pyro spell suggestions.. mail meh.
[09-23:23] beb1a, Brimstone : (D&D, Player's Guild.)
[09-23:24] beb1a, Brimstone : (Guide, even.)
[09-23:25] 3c6eb, Roki: i'm not about to run out and spend 35 bucks and get a handbook
[09-23:25] d7b7c, Ember : *realizes the scent is that of death...and massive ammounts of it at that...he frowns and takes flight is old death...and he continues flying towards Rua*
[09-23:25] d7b7c, Ember : ((WTF?!)
[09-23:25] d7b7c, Ember : ((WTF?!)
[09-23:26] beb1a, Brimstone : (Heh. In that case, try the internet. I'm sure it's not enough information for enough ideas. Might save time of fabricating whole ideas up.)
[09-23:27] EXIT: Amber has left the chat ( 12:06am, February 10 (CST) ).
[09-23:27] 3c6eb, Roki: i've got nearly 23 megs of stuff dl'ed already. i'm just asking ya'll for suggestions as well. the stuff i have doesnt all cover YOUR needs.. at least i dont think it does *shrugs* input from you guys is always needed.
[09-23:28] beb1a, Brimstone : *after his meal, he stands and takes his leave of the inn .. a brief travel through town before moving on to the vast world - off to cover other specific areas*..
[09-23:31] 94c70, Artanis : *This really catches her attention.* You're leaving?
[09-23:33] beb1a, Brimstone : *gone*..
[09-23:33] EXIT: Brimstone has left the chat ( 12:33am, February 10 (CST) ).
[09-23:34] ab564, Gorthius: Only for little while I have to go north. I will meet you in Krondor if thats where your heading. *he finishes putting on his armor. he goes back to packing his gear.*
[09-23:36] 94c70, Artanis : Yes. But... will you be safe?
[09-23:37] ab564, Gorthius: *he looks up.* Yes, I will be fine. I have not made it over six thousand years by not staying safe.
[09-23:39] 94c70, Artanis : Alright. I understand. *She watches him for a moment.* You know we would go with you if we could help.
[09-23:42] ab564, Gorthius: *he shakes his head* I wish you could come with me. But this is something I must do alone. Please take care of Corith, He'll take care of you. *he stands up hefting the pack to his left shoulder.* I will return as soon as I can. *he sticks out his hand.*
[09-23:45] 94c70, Artanis : He'll be taken care of. *She pauses for a moment, then takes his outstretched hand into hers.* Safe Journey, Gorthius.
[09-23:49] ab564, Gorthius: *he pulls her to him in a half hug.* Same to you Artanis. Stay safe and don't lose hope. If for some reason you deside not to go to Krondor then send a message to the Inn there I will get it amd meet up with you where ever else you went. *He takes a step back to take one last look at her.* Tell Mierka that I shall return soon and to keep her eyes on the north at night. *he smiles at this.*
[09-23:57] 94c70, Artanis : *This sort of makes her feel bad about not being able to go with him. Though she does end up returning the half embrace before he steps away.* We both will watch the northern night skies.
[09-23:59] ab564, Gorthius: *he smiles.* Good, Then I shall see you then. *He takes two steps back then bows to her. After standing back up he turns and begins to walk to the north.*
[10-00:01] 94c70, Artanis : *She stands silent, watching him go.*
[10-00:02] JOIN: Cookie Monster has entered.
[10-00:03] ab564, Gorthius: *After some time has passed he would fade from her sight.* **gone for now*
[10-00:03] 5d609, Cookie Monster: (())
[10-00:04] 94c70, Artanis : *Sighs quietly some time after he is gone. And it is sometime later that she finally goes back to the fire.*
[10-00:04] 94c70, Z: Not too many Locations now Cookie, all the RP just ended
[10-00:06] 5d609, Cookie Monster: drat.
[10-00:07] 94c70, Z: Who were you going to RP?
[10-00:08] 5d609, Cookie Monster: Probly my Goblin king, allthough I haven't played my dervish in a while.
[10-00:10] 94c70, Z: Dervish?
[10-00:12] JOIN: Durin has entered.
[10-00:12] 5d609, Cookie Monster: Dw0rf!
[10-00:12] JOIN: Squirrel has entered.
[10-00:12] bf6ba, Durin : G0blin-Man!
[10-00:13] 5d609, Cookie Monster: Squirrel!
[10-00:13] 94c70, Z: Ah.
[10-00:13] 92794, Squirrel : <_< >_> Eek! *hides*
[10-00:13] 94c70, Z: *pounces Durin*
[10-00:13] 92794, Squirrel : Oh...
[10-00:13] 92794, Squirrel : Go team go! Hut hut hut hut hut hut hut
[10-00:14] bf6ba, Durin : * Is slain...he never stood a chance really*
[10-00:14] 92794, Squirrel : *loves doing that*
[10-00:15] 94c70, Z: *Revives*
[10-00:15] 92794, Squirrel : *Curses MSN yet again and listen's to room mate snore*
[10-00:15] 94c70, Z: *points and laughs at Squirrel*
[10-00:16] bf6ba, Durin : *is revived...loves doing that*
[10-00:16] 92794, Squirrel : *Sulks in corner*
[10-00:18] 94c70, Z: *has a roommate, is allowed.*
[10-00:19] 94c70, Z: Hey.. does Durin want to finish being paid?
[10-00:19] bf6ba, Durin : Getting paid for a job is always a plus!
[10-00:19] 5d609, Cookie Monster: *baps Z* Dammit, I thought we all agreed to convince the dwarves that you aren't payed for doing stuff.
[10-00:20] bf6ba, Durin : *plots against CM*
[10-00:21] 92794, Squirrel : *Just to show where his mind is* I wonder what kind of payment for what kind of job *smirk*
[10-00:21] 94c70, Z: *sics Big Bird on CM*
[10-00:21] 94c70, Z: *Thought Squirrel's mind was always in that mode*
[10-00:22] 92794, Squirrel : Could be.....nevah know...
[10-00:22] bf6ba, Durin : Nice to see your mind is still wedged immobile in the proverbial gutter..*l*
[10-00:22] 5d609, Cookie Monster: *devours bird, but not the dw0rf as they're too hairy to eat*
[10-00:23] bf6ba, Durin : Indeed, CM..It's our best defense
[10-00:23] 92794, Squirrel :'s nice though. Good rent, view is spectacular...
[10-00:23] 94c70, Z:
[10-00:23] 94c70, Z: *snickers, won't comment on Squirrel*
[10-00:24] 94c70, Z: Yay MSN is back
[10-00:24] 94c70, Z: *has a whole one person out of 147 online *
[10-00:25] 92794, Squirrel : *eyes MSN* WORK, FOR THE LOVE OF GOD WORK!!!!!
[10-00:25] 5d609, Cookie Monster: *laughs as he sits at his Yahoo IM*
[10-00:25] 92794, Squirrel : yay!
[10-00:26] 94c70, Z: Yahoo is the only one I don't have.
[10-00:29] 92794, Squirrel : Eh heh....Yahoo = Bad expieriences
[10-00:30] 5d609, Cookie Monster: At least it's not part of the evil empires.
[10-00:32] JOIN: Dri has entered.
[10-00:32] 92794, Squirrel : Where're those pixies? EEEVVVVVUUUULLLL!!!!
[10-00:33] 94c70, Z: *ponders sicking Muna on someone... eyes them all.*
[10-00:33] dfe22, Dri: Weeeeeeeeee!
[10-00:33] 92794, Squirrel : Who's Muna?
[10-00:34] 94c70, Chima: *The door of the Glimmering Inn opens as she enters. She entirely ignores anyone that is in or at the bar as she leads Durin to the stairs that lead to the rental rooms.*
[10-00:34] 94c70, Muna : *Is Muna.*
[10-00:34] 92794, Squirrel : WTF?!?!?!?!? @ Steve
[10-00:35] 92794, Squirrel : Signing on and off AIM a million times....he MUST be bored
[10-00:35] bf6ba, Durin : *The smaller figure follows just behind Chima, warily eyeing the surroundings...He hasn't lived this long by being the trusting sort*
[10-00:36] 94c70, Z: *Was wondering about Steve's AIM too *
[10-00:39] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : *is sitting at one of the corner tables, eyes closed and a hand on his temple, leaving his food untoutched*
[10-00:40] dfe22, Dri: :: Dri rolls over, rustling the bushes.. which in turn scares her half to death and she jolts awake, frantically skittering to get out of the shrubbery.. rolling forward into the open grass, she picks at small twigs and leaves stuck in her ruby red hair, grumbling::
[10-00:41] 94c70, Chima: *Moves up the stairs and then down the hall. At one of the doors, a woman stands guard outside. It was easily noticeable that she had come with Chima. With a nod, the door is opened for them and Chima leads Durin into the room. In the center is the large chest.* It isn't locked, you may look at what is inside if you wish.
[10-00:46] dfe22, Dri: :: Getting to her feet, she meanders along, picking her tail clean as well... hearing the incessant growling of her tummy, she decides that it would be best to stop in this city before she starved to death.. she was reluctant, in fear of being found again, but she had to eat.. holding her head up high-- hardly high standing at 4'8-- she strode past the guards, dragging her chains along the ground::
[10-00:46] 5d609, Hida Al'Asid: *is out wandering the forest, looking about the land, trying to accept this will be his home for a while to come. He wears a white wool hooded cloak over his head and body, obscuring most of his figure, though the handles of two swords to poke out from his hips*
[10-00:48] bf6ba, Durin : * He's taking a risk,opening that chest..It could be a trap...but it's a risk he's willing to take, though it show on his face...He reaches over carefully and opens the chest, keeping the rest of his body as far away as possible, which probably looks semi-comical*
[10-00:48] 92794, Ravaella Glimmergaunt: *Got left alone....*
[10-00:48] 5d609, Hida Al'Asid: ((only cause you left Hida. ;P))
[10-00:49] 5d609, Hida Al'Asid: ((or she could find him in the woods))
[10-00:49] 94c70, Chima: *It does appear comical, but she seems to give no notion that she thinks this. There is no trap, however. The chest would open easily. Inside it is as full as it could be with what he requested.*
[10-00:49] JOIN: Apex Shinmaru has entered.
[10-00:50] 92794, Ravaella Glimmergaunt: *Never left Hida....or could be there right beside him, in her cloak and armor. Longsword sheathed under the cloak to her armor*
[10-00:51] bf6ba, Durin : *Raises a brow as he looks over the treasure....Then reaches a gloved hand in and snatches up a handful, bringing it in for a close inspection under his narrowed dark eyes*
[10-00:52] 5d609, Hida Al'Asid: ((Taht works. I meant I saw she had had an RP all to herself with some demon critter))
[10-00:52] 92794, Ravaella Glimmergaunt: ((Pffft, you weren't on))
[10-00:53] 5d609, Hida Al'Asid: ((bah. On, off, it gets all fluid in cyberspace))
[10-00:54] 92794, Ravaella Glimmergaunt: ((Anyways...))
[10-00:54] dfe22, Dri: :: She gnawed absently on her finger, large green eyes darting about anxiously as she walked the streets of the city, looking for a place to eat.. her shoes jingling merrily with each step::
[10-00:54] 94c70, Chima: *Watches him, silently.*
[10-00:55] 5d609, Hida Al'Asid: *steps on a twig, and sighs when it snaps* So much noise.
[10-00:55] bf6ba, Durin : * Finally, a grin breaks out on his weathered features as he replaces the handful, closing the chest* You're true to your word, Highness...
[10-00:57] 92794, Ravaella Glimmergaunt: *Laughs lightly* It's ok Hida *steps over a twig* Mistakes are...*snap...she looks down, having stepped on a twig* inevitable *smirks in the darkness*