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[30-17:13] 867a2, Amber: *in that case, she's trying to decide weither to be amused, indifferent... or disturbed*
[30-17:13] JOIN: Jerren Skulldeep has entered.
[30-17:13] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : It's better then nothing
[30-17:14] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep: ((*slinks in the background*))
[30-17:14] 2b27e, Bianca Moonbeam : (( hey Jerren, do you know what happened with Odette ? was she taken or anytihng ? ))
[30-17:15] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep: ((She was taken back to the Rish guy's camp, but she's being well taken care of so he can take her back to her kingdom for like a reward or something.))
[30-17:17] 2b27e, Bianca Moonbeam : (( alright * nod nod * .. well i may be on in an hour or two and if not ill be on surley tommrow.. thanks ^^ __
[30-17:17] 867a2, Aegnora : ((Despite my idea of killing her, or leaving her... no.... he had to have the reward))
[30-17:17] 290ac, Dune : *Looks to Amber, in a sort of "I'm not crazy" kind of way* the grasshopper legs help me to jump higher....
[30-17:18] 867a2, Amber: ... You friend there looks like he could use a little more then grasshoppers to eat..
[30-17:18] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep: ((*ponders playing))
[30-17:18] 867a2, Amber: ((Your friend))
[30-17:18] 94c70, Z : *goes to play game for a while since there's no RP for the moment.*
[30-17:19] 290ac, Aralore : Yeah...the Arcane Archers will just have to learn to live with my magical deficiency. I was lucky they even let a Drow in...
[30-17:19] ae640, Karn Vailner: (( *offers to RP* ))
[30-17:19] ae640, Karn Vailner: (( *kicks clor to stay the one its suppose too* ))
[30-17:19] ae640, Karn Vailner: (( Color* ))
[30-17:20] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep: ((whats your char Karn and is he in ?))
[30-17:20] 94c70, Z : *Has no chars in at the moment til she gets unlazy and sends in her reg form.*
[30-17:20] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : *grins* Me, I have too many of one type of magic
[30-17:20] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : (( Quinell ))
[30-17:21] ae640, Karn Vailner: (( He's a leader of a band of nomads. And he's on the outskirts of the city ))
[30-17:21] 290ac, Dune : That's Adagio. He steals from me.
[30-17:21] 290ac, Dune : *eyes the wolf angrily*
[30-17:22] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep: ((nomads like from the desert?))
[30-17:22] 290ac, Aralore : Drow have innately magical abilities...can't those be enough? Why oh why did they need to make a formalized school of magic required?
[30-17:23] ae640, Karn Vailner: (( Riders of Valkaian - A nomadic people with lots of horses that frequent the plains near what would be the Ural Mountains if this were earth, which it's not earth ))
[30-17:23] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : *chuckles softly* Because there's no fun in letting you get off with your usual magic. Where's the challenge in that?
[30-17:25] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep: ((Sounds good.)) *is out in the forest near town, leaning against the tree and waiting for his operatives to come. They've been delayed several days past when they were expected and he wants them SOON damnit! He wanted to look good having his people be on time.*
[30-17:25] 290ac, Aralore : Easy to say for you. All your innate abilities involve fire...not that I'm complaining. *smirk* Sure served us well in the King's palace...
[30-17:26] 867a2, Amber: I see...
[30-17:27] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : Fire is fun
[30-17:27] ae640, Karn Vailner: *is out riding honing his skills with his sword. Its lightweight metal shining like ice in the sun, and his shield out like a wall. He took pride in his weapons, and spent time every week making sure that he stayed at the top with both weapons. If he had had his spear with him, you would have used that too.*
[30-17:28] JOIN: Small Goblin Band has entered.
[30-17:29] 5d609, Small Goblin Band: Two goblins riding wolves and one perched atop a horse wander through the forest, heading to Jerren's location*
[30-17:29] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[30-17:31] 290ac, Dune : So what's your name? And what interests you in such a wretched soul as me?
[30-17:32] 290ac, Aralore : It's also painful. But I think I can take a little pain every now and again. *smirks*
[30-17:33] 867a2, Amber: *smiles faintly* I am called Amber. As for my interest... well... I'm a poor young, and incredibly bored, woman. I just find it fascinating you are carrying grass hoppers around
[30-17:33] 94c70, Z : *demonic foreplay, coughs. snickers and hides.*
[30-17:33] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : Reeaally? Shall we test that theory?
[30-17:33] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : (( ))
[30-17:34] 94c70, Z : mwahahhaa
[30-17:34] 94c70, Z : *thinks that icon STILL needs red eyes*
[30-17:34] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep: ((Karn?))
[30-17:37] 290ac, Dune : Grass hoppers are so fascinating...and fun to make squirm...most rangers use their knowledge of nature to help people...I use it to torture small animals..
[30-17:38] 290ac, Aralore : *Moderate suspicion creeps into his eyes* You're not gonna have me put my hand over an open flame again are you?
[30-17:40] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : Who... me? *looks totally innocent*
[30-17:40] 867a2, Amber: .. That is sick.
[30-17:42] 290ac, Dune : Sorry...but the animals speak to me...and I can speak to them...they make me crazy. So I bother them, and annoy them, and occasionally pull their legs off.
[30-17:43] 290ac, Aralore : *Chuckles, holding up his hand, a light scar still evident on the obsdian appendage* A happier scar of war, though.
[30-17:44] 867a2, Amber: That is still sick... why not just go somewhere were there are none?
[30-17:44] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : *grins wickedly* That's nothing compared to what I left others
[30-17:44] 290ac, Dune : Nature is my love...and my curse. I cannot leave it. And is everywhere and everything.
[30-17:46] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep: ((damn eeet!))
[30-17:46] 290ac, Aralore : *Grins slowly, gesturing to the bartender for an ale* Maybe I should be jealous. Want a drink?
[30-17:47] 867a2, Amber: *stares at him silently for a long moment*
[30-17:47] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : Certainly... *stands, moving towards him*
[30-17:51] 290ac, Dune : *Sips his drink, smacking his lips softly*...something wrong, Amber?
[30-17:52] 290ac, Aralore : What kind of drink? *sets down a few silver pieces as the ale arrives, sipping it eagerly and pushing the spellbook to the side distastefully* ((*slaps chat*))
[30-17:52] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : An ale as wqell
[30-17:53] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : ((well))
[30-17:53] 867a2, Amber: Just thinking is all
[30-17:57] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep: ((*supposes will have to RP with himself to finish off part of what he's been intending to do all week*))
[30-17:57] 5d609, Small Goblin Band: *finaly, the band meets up with Jerren*
[30-17:57] 290ac, Dune : Thinking is a fairly futile gesture...sometimes I spend my time with bees...most of them have no mental capabilities of their's very...enlightening...*smiles fondly*
[30-17:58] 867a2, Amber: *.. he's nuts* Interesting
[30-17:58] 290ac, Aralore : ((*Crowbars chat*)) Make that two ales...*sets down some more silver, smiling contentedly* Ale's good today...
[30-17:59] JOIN: Ivan has entered.
[30-17:59] 290ac, Dune : And...they sting me. Pain is so freeing...
[30-18:00] a1c74, Ivan : (mmmmm goblins, yum....)
[30-18:00] 867a2, Amber: .. I never liked pain much, myself
[30-18:00] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : Has it? *eyes him* You're not on the way to becoming drunk, are you?
[30-18:01] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[30-18:02] a1c74, Ivan : (is there going to be a fight with goblins?)
[30-18:02] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep: <You took long time.> *the lead goblin speaks* <We are sorry master. THe humans and others tried to hunt us. We started with four wolf riders, two boar riders and an extra horseman in case rider was killed> *Jerren nods* <Wanted here sooner. Ah well. Can make back to kingdom?> *the goblins look to eachother for a moment, not realy sure if they cna themselves* <Will do as you say "Try try try, then try more.> *Jerren nods once more* <You will have huts of your own when you return.>
[30-18:02] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep: ((not unless you want there to be...))
[30-18:03] 290ac, Aralore : Suppose it's possible...I remember when we got drunk. Does that make you a drunkard?
[30-18:03] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep: *this seems to excite the riders. The goblin on the horse hops off it onto the other wolf riders wolf, behind the rider*
[30-18:03] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : *chuckles* Not yet
[30-18:04] a1c74, Ivan : (can i be hunting the goblins?_
[30-18:04] a1c74, Ivan : )
[30-18:04] a1c74, Ivan : (nvm)
[30-18:04] JOIN: Dekan Elsin Nahkal has entered.
[30-18:05] ae640, Karn Vailner: (( Sorry Jerren, got distracted with some stupidity elsewhere ))
[30-18:05] 4f289, Dekan Elsin Nahkal : ((hello?))
[30-18:05] 290ac, Aralore : Well, I'll turn you yet. If there wasn't already an aspect of you that wasn't corrupt. *grin*
[30-18:06] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : I'll have you know, I'm a good girl... and what makes you think I am the one being corrupted? *smirks*
[30-18:07] 290ac, Dune : ((*Eats chat* Won't let me switch handles..probably my connection.))
[30-18:07] 290ac, Dune : Pain is good when starting out with a little...and then increasing it exponentially...
[30-18:07]       Ivan is at the baracks in practiceing against dumy's
[30-18:08] 867a2, Amber: Eh heh... I think I'll pass altogether
[30-18:08] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep: ((S'okay.)) <Run fast and hard. Not let other humans see you. Get killed, not captured.> *the goblins nod and the two wolves spin about and run off into teh north*
[30-18:10]       Ivan is at the baracks in practiceing against dumys
[30-18:11] 555fb, Guien Ventorrell : (( /lacation ))
[30-18:11] 555fb, Guien Ventorrell : ((/ocation))
[30-18:11] 290ac, Aralore : Well, I'll be...I didn't even realize it. Corruption is so insidious...
[30-18:12] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep: ((The forest outside of ))
[30-18:12] 555fb, Guien Ventorrell : ** Damnit you get the jist))
[30-18:12]       Ivan chops ones head off and cleaves into anothers body, then bashes the second one in half with his shield
[30-18:12] a1c74, Ivan : (baracks in )
[30-18:13] 290ac, Dune : Your loss...*pulls out a live grasshopper, offering it to Amber* Want to pull the legs off..?
[30-18:14] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : I'm just that sneaky
[30-18:14]       Ivan turns twards a third one that is 10 yards away and throws his battleaxe at it, it sticks blade first into it's middle, he then drops the sheild and pulls out his greataxe
[30-18:14] 867a2, Amber: No thanks
[30-18:14] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[30-18:15]       Ivan swings verticly at another splitting it in half down the middle
[30-18:16] 6d5cf, Will-o'-the-wisp: crap, i was gnona put a personally drawn avatar up, but dune' puts mine to shame o_o
[30-18:16] 555fb, Guien Ventorrell : **walks around within in a heavy leather cloak the covers his entire body including his face only the moon light from the moon can bee seen reflecting off his pure white eyes, under his hood**
[30-18:16] 290ac, Aralore : I don't know about sneaky. Certainly distracting...*hides another smirk with a sip of his ale*
[30-18:17] JOIN: Guien Ventorrell has entered.
[30-18:17] 290ac, Dune : *Chitters at the grasshopper a moment, who waves its antennae a bit* you'll hurt his feelings..
[30-18:17] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[30-18:18] JOIN: Z has entered.
[30-18:19]       Ivan pulls his greataxe out of whats left of the dumy and swings it in a long arc horazontaly and hits the last one with the flat of the blade, splintering it.
[30-18:19] 867a2, Amber: I will hurt his feelings by not...? Well then... *holds out her hand to accept the grosshopper*
[30-18:20] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 7:16pm, January 30 (CST) ).
[30-18:21] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep: ((Karn, still distracted with the stupidity?))
[30-18:21] 290ac, Dune : *Relinquishes the grasshopper, smiling dementedly*
[30-18:21] 94c70, Z: *thinks it's funny that Dune does to grasshoppers what she and her brothers used to do to daddy long-legs.*
[30-18:22]       Ivan looks around at the remains of the practice dumys, then he straps his greataxe to his back, and picks up his shield and handaxe, putting the handaxe at his side and the shield on his back over the greataxe, then he starts twards the inn for a quick drink
[30-18:23] 04e91, Will-o'-the-wisp: Jerren chu got aim?
[30-18:24] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep: ((don't hurt the daddy long legs! they rock!))
[30-18:24] JOIN: Guien Ventorrell has entered.
[30-18:25] 290ac, Aralore : ((That's so mean, Z!))
[30-18:25] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep: ((anyway... I'm gone to go eat. WBBL))
[30-18:26] 290ac, Aralore : ((Wonder where Sileen went..))
[30-18:26] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 7:23pm, January 30 (CST) ).
[30-18:28] a1c74, Ivan : (nothing ever happens on this chat, the biggest thing i've seen on this chat is a barfighet...)
[30-18:28] a1c74, Ivan : (fight***)
[30-18:29] EXIT: Ivan has left the chat ( 7:28pm, January 30 (CST) ).
[30-18:29] ae640, Karn Vailner: (( Hmm, He never does anything about it.... ))
[30-18:29] JOIN: Nikademus has entered.
[30-18:30] JOIN: Shiva has entered.
[30-18:30] 6d5cf, Shiva: ((lovely name nikademus))
[30-18:31] JOIN: Balthesar Artanis has entered.
[30-18:31] 04e91, Nikademus: ((color))
[30-18:32] 04e91, Nikademus: ((test))
[30-18:32] EXIT: Balthesar Artanis has left the chat ( 7:31pm, January 30 (CST) ).
[30-18:33] JOIN: Kriel Chagg'Ra has entered.
[30-18:34] 290ac, Aralore : ((Guess Sileen's done. *lurk*))
[30-18:35] 556f6, Mab : That's cuz you don't come at the right times of day, Ivan. *wanders back to work and grumps, cuz she wants to play*
[30-18:40] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep: ((*and falls back into the chat* GAH!))
[30-18:41] ae640, Karn Vailner: (( eb ))
[30-18:41] ae640, Karn Vailner: (( wb ))
[30-18:42] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep: ((*gets up and brushes self off.* thanks. You wanna RP? Find the goblins or Jerren? I've got aobut 20 minutes))
[30-18:45] ae640, Karn Vailner: (( Sure, I should be done dealing with stuff now ))
[30-18:45] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep: ((There's three goblins riding on two wolves heading north and Jerren's by himself in the woods with a warhorse))
[30-18:48] ae640, Karn Vailner: (( Hmm... Goblins are always fun to hunt )) Continues his training, Fighting from his horse was the only way he really liked to fight. Sure you can fight from the ground, but a horse, there was just something about towering over your enemy's your sword at head level that was appealing to him.*
[30-18:49] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep: *off int the distance the rustle of something running through the forest coule be heard. Or perhaps a couple of things*
[30-18:50] ae640, Karn Vailner: *Would be rather busy, running his horse in compilicated circles, and weaves, trying to simulate battle.*
[30-18:52] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep: *the noise becomes slightly louder, the sound of padded feet moving at a rapid pace*
[30-18:53] ae640, Karn Vailner: *notices a strange sound, above the sound of his horses footfalls. He stops his horse and listens, placing his hand on the hilt of his sword.*
[30-18:54] 94c70, Z: *poofs for 20*
[30-18:55] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep: *patter patter patter, closer and closer until suddenly two wolves burst forth into the clearing. Atop on is a goblin, apparently the leader, while atop the other is a pair, one sitting behind the one that is in control*
[30-18:56] ae640, Karn Vailner: What the! *he draws his sword and checks the bindings of his sheild. (( Kite sheild )) He watches a moent, then erges his horse forward to intercept them.*
[30-18:58] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep: *the back rider on the second wolf notices Karn and gibbers in goblin at the other two. They both make quick glances to him and leand down, urging their mounts to run faster. Apparently they have no interest in fighting*
[30-18:58] JOIN: Connor Rayne has entered.
[30-18:59] 290ac, Aralore : ((*back to lurkmode*))
[30-18:59] ae640, Karn Vailner: *That was interesting. He gives up on the Goblins as they seem to be more afraid then deadly. Instead, he turns his horse and heads towards where they came from*
[30-19:00] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep: ((heh. that was a short confrontation. Anyway, I'll be on later. Going out for chinese with friends. Everyone take care))
[30-19:00] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : ((*duct tapes herself to being connected* HA!)
[30-19:01] 290ac, Aralore : 290ac, Aralore : I don't know about sneaky. Certainly distracting...*hides another smirk with a sip of his ale*
[30-19:01] 290ac, Aralore : ((*Adds some electrical tape-er-wait-that might block connection :/*))
[30-19:01] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : I distract you...? *leans in towards him, grinning*
[30-19:05] 290ac, Aralore : *Leans in as well, meeting her smile* In a sexy demon sort of way.
[30-19:07] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : How fun... *winks*
[30-19:11] JOIN: Odette has entered.
[30-19:12] 290ac, Aralore : You bet. And I know fun. *leans back once more, slowly, taking another draw from the thin liquid, keeping half an eye on the bartender a moment should he run out of ale*
[30-19:12] 7106b, Odette : (( Save the Rainforest!!! * just watched Fern Gully* heh ^-^ ))
[30-19:14] 04e91, Kriel Chagg'Ra: ((*pokes odette*))
[30-19:15] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : *reaches out, lightly taking his chin into her hand* And what is fun to you?
[30-19:15] 7106b, Odette : (( gah!! * is poked* hewwo ))
[30-19:17] 04e91, Kriel Chagg'Ra: (odette has been taken to kriel's camp and is in a guarded tent near his own.))
[30-19:19] 7106b, Odette : (( alright heh )) * she wakes up, and blinks her long lashes a few times, looking around the tent shes in...wonders what happend after she fainted.. she cann the the outlines of the guards around her tent ...*
[30-19:20] 290ac, Aralore : *His sly answer possesses no delay* Why, merely your presence elicits an infinite reservoir of joy. *raises an obsidian hand to her wrist gently, glowing eyes casting curious shadows on his vacuous visage*
[30-19:23] 04e91, Kriel Chagg'Ra : *a gruff looking man shoves his head into the tent as he hears movement, then the head dissapears as he calls to some other guards, soon an elegantly dressed man opens the flap and steps in, he is dressed in what he was wearing before, the typical Nish admiral's garb. A smile on his pale face as he strokes the raven perched on his arm* good evening my dear....
[30-19:23] JOIN: Guien Ventorrell has entered.
[30-19:25] 73087, Guien Ventorrell : (( /lacation))
[30-19:25] 73087, Guien Ventorrell : (())
[30-19:25] 7106b, Odette : * she looks up at the man who entered, with her bright blue eyes... remembers him from the day before.. she is sitting on the cot, clad in a purple and black gown. A small daimond necklace graces her pale neck, her blondinsh brown hair surrounds her face in curls.. her dark blood red lips are pursed* .. hello M'lord..
[30-19:26] 73087, Guien Ventorrell : (( **made a sword out of an old 2x4** haha YES))
[30-19:26] 867a2, Amber: Very smooth...
[30-19:27] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : *chuckles softly* Very smooth...
[30-19:27] 7106b, Odette : (( nice ))
[30-19:27] 94c70, Z: *pops back into existance.*
[30-19:28] 290ac, Aralore : ...was it a disappointing answer?
[30-19:28] JOIN: Squirrel has entered.
[30-19:28] ae640, W: *tackles*
[30-19:28] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : No, it was... very smooth
[30-19:28] 92794, Squirrel : *Lights a sparkler and waves it around for Z' entrance*
[30-19:29] 92794, Squirrel : I think I'm gonna do that everytime now
[30-19:29] 04e91, Kriel Chagg'Ra : and, my dear, who might you be? *said with a sly smile on his face as he strokes hte raven's head, the thing caws at her, as if commanding her to speak to it's master.... his own yellowish eyes gazing intensely at her.... *
[30-19:30] 94c70, Z: Squirrel. *catches W*
[30-19:30] 290ac, Aralore : So you like smooth? I can do that...I am an elf, after all.
[30-19:31] JOIN: Guien Ventorrell has entered.
[30-19:31] 92794, Squirrel : Smoooooooth
[30-19:31] 7106b, Odette : * holds her head a little higher* .. I am Lady Odette of Menlara castle, cousin to Karlita of Glen sheen castle, who owns the land around .. and a small army.. * didnt want to leave out any details* ((heh))
[30-19:31] 73087, Guien Ventorrell : ((hey odette go on AIM please))
[30-19:32] 94c70, Z: The land around huh?
[30-19:33] 92794, Squirrel :
[30-19:33] 92794, Squirrel : Mab is so vain
[30-19:33] 73087, Guien Ventorrell : ((why squirrel?))
[30-19:34] 7106b, Odette : (( of course ^^))
[30-19:34] 290ac, Aralore : ((Danged connection. *eyes*))
[30-19:35] 92794, Squirrel : Because she went through all that trouble to make that icon...I mean it is cool,'s this, that....oy
[30-19:35] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : Everyone once in a great while
[30-19:36] 92794, Squirrel : *shuts up*
[30-19:36] 92794, Squirrel : ....*chortle* Couldn't resist
[30-19:36] 92794, Squirrel : *really shuts up now*
[30-19:36] 94c70, Z: *wonders if owns any land.*
[30-19:37] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : ((Yes Z, there is a princess of the place no one knew about, and now the land surrounding it is randomly owned as well. No one likes to compare notes after all))
[30-19:38] 94c70, Z:
[30-19:38] 04e91, Kriel Chagg'Ra : *he continues to stroke the head of the raven, looking impassive a moment, stoic as he thinks, his eyes travel back to her, a sly grin coming across his face* I, Dear woman, Am admiral Kriel Chagg'Ra, prince to the Nish'Apure kingdom.... *he bows slightly a smile playing on his lips a moment, his bird caws loudly and flies from his hand, straight out hte open flap on the tent*
[30-19:38] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : ((*is evil* ))
[30-19:38] 92794, Squirrel : OMG TEH EBUL!
[30-19:38] 7106b, Odette : (( hte jealousy wil drive you... mad!!!!! * quotw from Moulin Rouge that just fit the moment* heh ))
[30-19:38] 94c70, Z: No it's.. EVVVUUUUUUULL!
[30-19:39] 94c70, Z: *has not seen that movie.*
[30-19:39] 290ac, Aralore : ((Ruapenchi.))
[30-19:39] 92794, Squirrel : To quote M "...Hey look, I've got a tail! *swish swish*"
[30-19:40] 290ac, Aralore : So eventually smooth becomes tiring, then?
[30-19:40] 94c70, Z: *won't comment on M's tail *
[30-19:40] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : ((Actually, the lands surrounding Raupenchi are owned by , last that was stated , and King Narmy is the king of it all, and there was only one incognito princess of it... ))
[30-19:40] 7106b, Odette : (( and that was screwed up..heh)) * nods a little bow* nice to meet your aquintance.. Admiral.. *smiles*
[30-19:41] 92794, Squirrel : *laughs away madly*
[30-19:42] 7106b, Odette : (( oh poop.. i g2g.. ill be on tommrow for a little bit.. sorry.. bye )) * falls asleep *
[30-19:42] 92794, Squirrel : *snicker* She's a narcolyptic
[30-19:43] 04e91, Kriel Chagg'Ra : *blinks a moment as hte princess randomly falls asleep* how....odd.... *shakes his head, grumbling something about stupid girls as he exits the tent.... not too pleased with his captive thus far*
[30-19:43] 94c70, Z: haha, She probably has relations to Prince Valium, Squirrel
[30-19:44] 92794, Squirrel : LMAO
[30-19:45] 94c70, Z: *exits to do a little morphing.*
[30-19:45] EXIT: Z has left the chat ( 8:45pm, January 30 (CST) ).
[30-19:45] JOIN: Chima has entered.
[30-19:46] 04e91, Kriel Chagg'Ra : ((fah....))
[30-19:46] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : Depends on the smoothness, and it's qaulity *her, trying to confuse him? Oh no no*
[30-19:47] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 8:46pm, January 30 (CST) ).
[30-19:48] JOIN: Z has entered.
[30-19:49] EXIT: Z has left the chat ( 8:49pm, January 30 (CST) ).
[30-19:49] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[30-19:49] JOIN: Z has entered.
[30-19:49] 94c70, Z: mwahaha
[30-19:49] EXIT: Squirrel has left the chat ( 8:44pm, January 30 (CST) ).
[30-19:49] 94c70, Z: *is going to run out of room on her character chain.*
[30-19:51] 290ac, Aralore : *Rolls his eyes* Good thing for you I've got a soft spot for cryptic women..
[30-19:52] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : *grins*
[30-19:56] 94c70, Chima: (( *tests* ))
[30-19:56] 94c70, Chima: (( you know I can't even remember what color everyone uses :/ ))
[30-19:56] 290ac, Aralore : *Glances down, to the side...perhaps he's shying away from her smile a little*
[30-20:00] 94c70, Chima: (( *test* ))
[30-20:02] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : Suddenly shy now, are we?
[30-20:05] 290ac, Aralore : Well...I wouldn't want you to get sick of's my only endearing trait.
[30-20:06] JOIN: AdrianGoldenmoon has entered.
[30-20:07] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : *chuckles, reaching out to ruffle his hair* Have to cover your timidness by being smooth, hm?
[30-20:12] 290ac, Aralore : *Moves his hand down her arm, bringing it to her cheek gently* I'm not timid.
[30-20:13] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : *smirks* That's a new one on me... *allows the ebony hand to touch her cheek*
[30-20:18] 290ac, Aralore : I'm cunning, and powerful, and Drow....and one-half pure evil, one-half virtuous good.
[30-20:19] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : And so cute and shy and timid it's not funny *smirks*
[30-20:21] 290ac, Aralore : *A frown creases his face* I'm not cute.
[30-20:24] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : Yes you are *grins*
[30-20:25] 290ac, Aralore : *Thinks a moment, trying his hand at the similar tactics* Maybe so. But you're much much cuter than I am.
[30-20:26] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : Yes, we both know that one. But I'm also a lot less timid then you *smirks* You're like a fluffy little bunny...
[30-20:28] 290ac, Aralore : Give me some dignity...*looks away again*...I'm a...dire bunny.
[30-20:29] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : *laughs*
[30-20:29] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : Very dire at that
[30-20:33] JOIN: Sarelth has entered.
[30-20:33] MSG: Sarelth sent a message to Mab.
[30-20:34] 290ac, Aralore : *Arches a brow, gazing into her eyes once more* What's that supposed to mean?
[30-20:35] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : *looks completely innocent*
[30-20:41] MSG: Sarelth sent a message to Mab.
[30-20:42] 290ac, Aralore : I'll have to copy that look to my spellbook...if I could patent that, I'd be invincible.
[30-20:43] EXIT: Sarelth has left the chat ( 9:41pm, January 30 (CST) ).
[30-20:45] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : *innocent looks breaks as she laughs*
[30-20:51] 290ac, Aralore : So what happened that other night with that 'duel' you were in? *affixes an infinitely more suspicious gaze to her now*...did you start that fight?
[30-20:53] 94c70, Chima: (( *tests* ))
[30-20:54] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : He challenged me. He granted me time to help get Artanis before he hunted me down... since I went, we had an honorable fight instead of me being hunted down like an animal. I could have killed him.. but I pulled my blow. Because of that, he got a stab into the stomach. And I can only guess that my sparing him, and fighting honorably, is what in the end convinced him to spare me. He stopped right before striking me down, proclaimed me dead, then seared my wound shut and left me to be picked up by our dear--
[30-20:54] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : Ralaphor
[30-20:55] 556f6, Mab : *sees lots of boots, so puts on a boot too*
[30-20:56] 94c70, Chima : (( *gives Mab big boots* ))
[30-20:56] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : ((*gives Mab da boot!*))
[30-20:58] 290ac, Aralore : When I got that note...I was sick with worry. I don't know...I guess you don't want to hear that sort of thing. Just forget it, I suppose...
[30-20:58] ae640, W: (( *yawns* ))
[30-20:59] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( ::stares blankly:: )
[30-21:00] 556f6, Mab : *booted with big boots?*
[30-21:00] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : It had to be done. *eyes him* And I couldn't tell you... because had you been there, and tried to raise up to protect me, I would have been killed instead of spared
[30-21:02] 290ac, Aralore : Of course. Since I am such a wretched and weakly peasant, unable to affect the outcome of battle in the slightest...
[30-21:03] JOIN: Rav has entered.
[30-21:03] 94c70, Z: *pounces Rav*
[30-21:03] ae640, W: *looks for someone to rp with*
[30-21:04] b8276, Rav : *Is pounced* Hiya everybody!!
[30-21:04] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : Oh, you likely could have turned things in my favor.. but he didn't come alone. *eyes him* And if all else failed, I wouldn't put it past him, or anyone like him, to snipe me while casually walking down the street
[30-21:05] b8276, Rav : I regreat to inform you all that I will not be in tonight. I have to install DSL to my compy!!! YAY!!!!!!
[30-21:05] b8276, Rav : Well, I may be on later if there is time.
[30-21:06] 94c70, Z: DSL shouldn't take that long to install.
[30-21:06] 94c70, Z: unless you haven't gotten it activated yet.
[30-21:07] b8276, Rav : Well, I have to hook everything up so I don't know how long it will take. So yeah.
[30-21:08] JOIN: R has entered.
[30-21:09] 290ac, Aralore : I have a few cohorts of my own...but I'm not stupid. Had he challenged you to honorable, non-lethal combat, I would not have interferred..
[30-21:09] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( o_o woo dsl )
[30-21:10] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : As far as I am concerned, it was for the best, and it's worked out fine. Neither of us are dead, and I'm safe. So hush.
[30-21:10] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : If YOU were involved, there would more then likely have been death
[30-21:10] 94c70, Z: It's not hard
[30-21:10] 94c70, Z: Good luck though
[30-21:11] 7725b, R : *hopes to get DSL after moving *
[30-21:11] b8276, Rav : Thank you. I am now off to set it up. *Is gone*
[30-21:12] 290ac, Aralore : Yeah, for him...damned paladins. They think they own the mortal realms. They should all be dragged out into the streets and administered an arrow in the back, if you ask me...
[30-21:13] EXIT: Rav has left the chat ( 10:11pm, January 30 (CST) ).
[30-21:14] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : I disagree. *glances off* I agreed with him completely... after all, only 1 out of every demon generation is not inheretly evil. He needed proof I was one of those. I gave it to him. Now he'll be an asset to the demon hunt
[30-21:18] 290ac, Aralore : Paladins purport to have mighty ethical codes, but their allegience is as shifty as a common thief's...he'll be an asset only as long as he sees 'virtue' in your actions. And if it isn't convenient for him to find virtue, he won't. Their order is a bloody joke...
[30-21:21] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : How do you know that? He's a foreigner. He has a totally different set of ethics compared to whatever paladins you are familiar with it
[30-21:23] 94c70, Z: *laughing her ass off at Aralore. Thinks it'd be nice for Vince to be here to see this.*
[30-21:27] 290ac, Aralore : ((No. Do not wish Vince were here...under any circumstances. Ugh. Just UGH. My god.))
[30-21:31] 94c70, Z: LOL
[30-21:31] 290ac, Aralore : *Chuckles, arching a brow* Geez. He spared your life, he seems to be more assertive than I am, and you spend more time with him than me. Maybe I should be jealous...
[30-21:32] 290ac, Aralore : *Crosses his arms, a playful smile appearing on his face*
[30-21:32] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : *grins* Likely
[30-21:32] MSG: Z sent a message to Aralore.
[30-21:39] MSG: Aralore sent a message to Z.
[30-21:40] MSG: Z sent a message to Aralore.
[30-21:40] 290ac, Aralore : *Shrugs* He's probably more masculine than I am anyways...((If Vince's character is true to form ;) )) *look inevitably degrades into one of moderate disguntlement as he mutters* more reason to hate paladins.
[30-21:41] 94c70, Z: His character is probably on steroids to be that more masculine
[30-21:42] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : I don't think he was a paladin, come to think of it... (.. and he wasn't played by Vince ) According to him, he was simply a demon hunter.
[30-21:42] 290ac, Aralore : ((Medieval baelrog steriods. Bwahahaha.))
[30-21:43] 94c70, Z: LOL
[30-21:43] 94c70, Z: Ooh.. Delotha's talking about Temna
[30-21:44] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : ((That's who they were talking about the whole time *L* Aralore's just silly and thinking he's all a paladin because he's a demon hunter))
[30-21:45] JOIN: Liz has entered.
[30-21:45] 290ac, Aralore : Details, details...*waves a hand* All's I know is, I've lost every competition I've ever entered into. So run off with him to fight demons...I can sit here grappling with spells. *shakes his head helplessly*
[30-21:45] 94c70, Z:
[30-21:46] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : ... And again... timid. *looks away from him*
[30-21:46] 290ac, Aralore : ((I just like saying Paladin :( ))
[30-21:47] 94c70, Z: It's like saying Jedi hehe
[30-21:48] 7725b, R : *dozes*
[30-21:48] 4a0f7, Liz: *munches on chips*
[30-21:49] 290ac, Aralore : If frustrating is timid, then you're in for a lot of timid. I guess it's just one of those things about accepting a person for his flaws...
[30-21:49] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( ::ignores nicolas... pretty much out of patience at the end of the day:: )
[30-21:50] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : No... it's the casually accepting that, oop! She's going to go with that other guy! Oh well... I'm just going to sit here and get drunk...
[30-21:51] EXIT: Jerren Skulldeep has left the chat ( 8:00pm, January 30 (CST) ).
[30-21:53] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( oh yeah.. ::had a pic that reminded me of Z... looks for it:: )
[30-21:54] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( :: points to avatar :
[30-21:55] 94c70, Z:
[30-21:55] 4a0f7, Liz: Pretty!!
[30-21:55] 290ac, Aralore : You didn't exactly deny what I said. And trying to push through that skull of yours is a decidedly useless I supposed to drug you, find a secret tower to bring you to, and then try to charm you with ancient elvish poetry? You'd free yourself in half a second and burn me at the stake.
[30-21:55] 94c70, Z: *gives Adrian a cookie*
[30-21:56] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( aww ty ::has a cookie:: ^_________^ )
[30-21:57] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( ::looks for Adrian again.. doesn't want to be a girl ^^;;;; :: )
[30-21:57] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : ... Would be kinda amusing...
[30-21:58] 94c70, Z: hehehe
[30-21:59] 7725b, R : *pokes Z, pokes Liz, pokes Adrian.*
[30-21:59] 4a0f7, Liz: *hugs R*
[30-22:00] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( :oked; is a boy again:: yay )
[30-22:01] 4a0f7, Liz: You sure, Adrian?
[30-22:01] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( ::squint:: so pale.. )
[30-22:02] 290ac, Aralore : I'm not a noble paladin. If this fellow challenged me to honorable combat, I'd likely lose-but for the slight possibility of divine intervention, maybe. I'll fight for you, and stay loyally by your side...patch you up when you're wounded. But that is all I have to offer...
[30-22:03] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( Pffft on you, Liz )
[30-22:05] 4a0f7, Liz:
[30-22:05] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( only other adrian pic I have is him kissin on someone so.. nu. back to b&w.. ::huff:: )
[30-22:05] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : I don't care about noble paladins. There was never any issue of me running off with him. And I've never doubted your loyalty, Aralore. What is your deal!? *stands*
[30-22:07] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[30-22:09] 290ac, Aralore : *Frowns, looks down at Delotha's feet and speaks stubbornly* I'm jealous and insecure. It's endearing. And you didn't exactly come out and tell me what just kind of let me worry...
[30-22:10] 4a0f7, Liz: *yawns*
[30-22:12] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : Because, as I said, if I had told you, you might have gotten involved, and killed him, or gotten me killed! Do you know listen?! And I have told you now!
[30-22:12] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( ::is bored.. will talk to self:: ) :: Adrian sits on the grass, resting.. dirt smudged across his hands and face from working out in the forest... he savored the quiet moments::
[30-22:14] 290ac, Aralore : You didn't tell me afterwards, I mean...Just made me think I wasn't really worth telling.
[30-22:14] 290ac, Aralore : Ralaphor told me you were even injured..
[30-22:15] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : You didn't ask then... and I had figured Ralaphor filled you in
[30-22:17] 290ac, Aralore : It's my fault...I'm sorry. I should've asked sooner...I just didn't think you were comfortable talking about it..Ralaphor said he didn't really know everything, and I was infinitely curious...
[30-22:20] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : Hmph. So when I do freely tell you, you begin spazzing that oh my gosh, I';m going to leave you... when technically, I'm not with you in the first place! * eyes *
[30-22:20] 4a0f7, Liz: *curls up*
[30-22:21] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : :: he glanced up into the sky; rather, what little of it he could see through the trees.. thinking back over the events that had brought him here.. what a strange life he'd been leading up til now..::
[30-22:22] JOIN: Mariasha has entered.
[30-22:23] 290ac, Aralore : You're right, of's silly. We're not a couple. I've never been in a couple. *still staring at the floor, as if being reprimanded* I said. Silly.
[30-22:24] 4a0f7, Averey Lithle : *lies curled up under a blanket not too far away, wearied by the day, asleep*
[30-22:24] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : And now you are doing the wounded puppy thing again! Dang it, Aralore! Get up and scream back at me! Quit rolling over!
[30-22:26] fe47e, Chanticleer:
[30-22:28] 290ac, Aralore : Last time I did that, you ran off...*looks up, raising his eyebrow lightly*..upset. Well, I'd rather have you angry at me than hurt by anything I might say. It's not exactly challenging you to a duel, but it has its own purpose.
[30-22:28] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : ... BAH! *turns away, storming towards the exit*
[30-22:29] fe47e, Chanti: *meanders aimlessly through the woods, on his way to grandmothers house ... well, really on his way to nowhere in particular*
[30-22:31] 290ac, Aralore : *Stands in utter silence, moving silently after, skulking toward shadow as soon as he can find it*
[30-22:32] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ::stretches with feline laziness, glancing over at Averey's sleeping form..:: Hm. ::he smiled slightly, turning and looking at the beginnings of their house::
[30-22:32] 94c70, Z: *watches big bad wolf come to get Chanti*
[30-22:33] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : *slams the door of the Glimmering Inn behind her, barely dodges around someone moving in.. and moves off down the street, muttering uinder her breath*
[30-22:34] fe47e, Chanti: (*beats wolfy away with.... um.... um.... Dri obsession?*) *comes across a little..... thingy, looking something like a...... house... or part of one*
[30-22:34] 4a0f7, Averey Lithle : *murmurs softly in her sleep*
[30-22:36] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ::blinks.. seeing a strange figure approaching in the dim light.. he slowly rose to his feet, watching silently::
[30-22:38] fe47e, Chanti: *stummbles towords the little place, spotting the other figure and waving*
[30-22:38] 290ac, Aralore : *Gracefully evades any patrons, following Deloth under cloak of night's shadow and moving after her, shocker lizard following behind and making considerably more noise*
[30-22:39] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : *turns sharply into a dark alleyway, walking towards the end*
[30-22:39] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ::arches a slim brow, wondering who in the world was waving at him.. at least they weren't hostile.. slowly steps a little closer to see::
[30-22:40] fe47e, Chanti: Heloo stranger *calls to the figure* Imma lonely wander in search of some place to sleep.. *giggles to himself*
[30-22:41] 290ac, Aralore : *The lizard wanders up to her, sniffing for scraps of food*
[30-22:41] JOIN: Roki has entered.
[30-22:41] 4a0f7, Averey Lithle : *slowly stirs, waking up at the sound of Chanti's voice*
[30-22:41] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : *turns, glancing down at the lizard* .. Followed me again, eh? *turns back to the back wall of the alley... and ahead of her, a portal rips open*
[30-22:42] 56f03, Roki: *scampers onto his throne before anybody else gets to it >_<!*
[30-22:42] 94c70, Z: *pounces Roki*
[30-22:42] 94c70, Z: *was already in it*
[30-22:44] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ::his eyes widen, recognizing his voice:: I thought--.... ::seems fairly confused.. he didn't die, did he:: Chanticleer?..
[30-22:44] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[30-22:44] 290ac, Aralore : *His form melts from the shadows fluidly, hooking an arm around Delotha's* Going somewhere? I made the mistake of not following you last time.
[30-22:45] fe47e, Chanti: *pauses* Um.... yeah... someone say I was coming? *doesnt recognize the voice... damn heem*
[30-22:46] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 11:44pm, January 30 (CST) ).
[30-22:46] JOIN: joey has entered.
[30-22:46] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : *begins to step through... then before she can get more then a foot in, her arm is hooked. As she's pulled to a halt, she spins around to eye Aralore*
[30-22:47] 4a0f7, Averey Lithle : *sits up, blinking away sleep*
[30-22:50] 7d919, Riddonnel Doomhaven : (( *twitches*))
[30-22:50] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : No... :: remains where he is, anxious.. how did he know he was here? could it really be coincidence..::
[30-22:51] fe47e, Chanti: *slinks forward and closer and such til he see's him*..... DRI!!!!!!! *tackles*
[30-22:52] 4a0f7, Averey Lithle : *her eyes widen as she sees some strange man tackle his fiance*
[30-22:52] 290ac, Aralore : Listen,'re never going to be pleased with much of anything I do. I'll never know to say the right thing, nor will I be able to give you a good argument.
[30-22:53] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : *quirky grin* At least you admit it...
[30-22:53] fe47e, Chanti: (woohoo, Averey say Dri my Fiance ^^ )
[30-22:53] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( her shush )
[30-22:54] 4a0f7, Averey Lithle : *her eyes widen as she sees some strange man tackle her fiance*
[30-22:54] JOIN: Aralore has entered.
[30-22:54] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : :: is attack-ed.. falls backward, not expecting to be pounced on..:: GAH!!!!!!!!!! What?! What?!!
[30-22:54] fe47e, Chanti: (darn, she corrected it)
[30-22:55] fe47e, Chanti: Drrrriiiiiiiiiii! *clings tight and clsoe to him* Where have you been?
[30-22:56] 4a0f7, Averey Lithle : Adrian?
[30-22:57] fe47e, Chanti: Huh? *peeks over to the speaker*
[30-22:58] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : Elsewhere! ::stares at him in disbelief.. a little too close for comfort.. shifts his glance as Chanti looks away:: I've moved on.
[30-22:59] 290ac, Aralore : Why do you keep running from me? I can only follow you if you want me to.
[30-22:59] fe47e, Chanti: Well, obviously you've moved on. you've moved, like, a billion miles away. I never thought I'd see you again ^^
[30-22:59] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : It's easier to run, then to strangle someone?
[30-23:00] 4a0f7, Averey Lithle : *stands, leaving the blanket on the ground*
[30-23:00] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : *because despite her bravado and whatnot, she acutally is insecure... no no, not Delotha*
[30-23:01] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : Well i didn't plan on seeing you either.. ::seems nervous..:: Could you.. get off me? Please?
[30-23:02] fe47e, Chanti: Why? I thought you liked pretty boys in dresses on ya? *rolls off onto the ground next to him* or ya wanna be on top?
[30-23:03] 4a0f7, Averey Lithle : *blinks*
[30-23:04] 290ac, Aralore : *Unhooks his arm from hers and takes a step back, softly hued blue-glowing eyes revealing a not-quite smile on his face as he raises his chin, exposing his neck* Close the portal. I promise if you really want to go through it afterwards I won't bother you or try to follow.
[30-23:06] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : .... *the portal closes*
[30-23:08] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ::closes his eyes, blushing furiously:: No.. ::gets to his feet, brushing off::
[30-23:09] 4a0f7, Averey Lithle : *walks over to Adrian* What's going on?
[30-23:09] fe47e, Chanti: Aww, got my dress dirty for nothing *holds out his hands, expecting Dri to help him up*
[30-23:11] 290ac, Aralore : Now, here's a little exercise in venting your rage. If you think you're strong enough to do so. You may now do with me what you will. *spreads his hands, fingers outsretched* Hit me, kick me, strangle me, do what you like. If you think you can. *smirk*
[30-23:11] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ::stares at him blankly:: Chanti, this is my fiance, Averey.. ::reaches his hand out to her:: This is Chanticleer...
[30-23:12] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : *just eyes him* You are a freak...
[30-23:13] fe47e, Chanti: *raises a brow* Fiance??...... *gets up, not bothering to brush anything off the new dress. eyes Averey*.. That?
[30-23:13] 4a0f7, Averey Lithle : *RaE at Chanti's response* Excuse me?
[30-23:14] fe47e, Chanti: You're excused
[30-23:14] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : Her..
[30-23:15] fe47e, Chanti: Thats what I said
[30-23:16] 4a0f7, Averey Lithle : ..
[30-23:16] 290ac, Aralore : Am I? Or are you scared you aren't agile enough to hit me? It's not like Delotha to refuse a challenge...*grins, circling predatorially*
[30-23:17] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : ... Now you've done it... *turns to keep facing him, as her stance shifts discreetly as well... circling in time with him, watching him...*
[30-23:17] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ::narrows his eyes at him:: Be kind. ::he lowered his hand, as Averey did not take it:: What are you doing here..
[30-23:17] fe47e, Chanti: *examines her, from head to toe* she looks a little fat.
[30-23:18] fe47e, Chanti: Wandering. What are you doing here?
[30-23:19] 4a0f7, Averey Lithle : *moves closer to Adrian*
[30-23:19] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : I'm starting a family.. a real one, this time.
[30-23:20] fe47e, Chanti: Oh.... whats wrong with starting a family with me?
[30-23:20] 4a0f7, Averey Lithle : He's not into that.
[30-23:21] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ::rubs his face with one hand:: You can't give me a family
[30-23:21] fe47e, Chanti: *raises a brow* sure I can... you jsut gotta try twice as much...
[30-23:22] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ::looks at him in total confusion:: What are you talking about? You can't bear children.
[30-23:23] 4a0f7, Averey Lithle : *reaches to take his hand, a bit confused and worried*
[30-23:23] fe47e, Chanti: How do you know? *crosses his arms* If you try non stop for six to eight weeks, it works.... wanna see?
[30-23:23] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[30-23:23] 290ac, Aralore : *Continues to circle, occasionally shifting direction and feinting different ways, bobbing in and out of shadow*
[30-23:24] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : No. ::gets a stern look about him:: you're no woman.. men don't bear children..
[30-23:25] 4a0f7, Averey Lithle : *lets her hand fall as he does'nt take it*
[30-23:25] fe47e, Chanti: *mummbles quietly* So...... theres free children outt here...
[30-23:26] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : *slowly moves in closer... lips curling back, baring her sharp teeth*
[30-23:28] 290ac, Aralore : *Quite out of his league in combat with Delotha-but doesn't tell her that-just continues to circle around, watching her with a dumb smile*
[30-23:29] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : But they're not mine.. ::glances at Averey.. a vicious cycle wasn't it.. he steps close to her, slipping an arm around her::
[30-23:29] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : *aruptly feints a charge, waiting a split second for him to jerk, or start to dodge.. then actually launches in, intent on tackling him!*
[30-23:30] 4a0f7, Averey Lithle : *leans against him* Who's this?
[30-23:31] fe47e, Chanti: Me? I'm Dri's lover.
[30-23:31] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : No you aren't. ::scowls:: I haven't seen you in years.
[30-23:31] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( brb >< )
[30-23:33] 290ac, Aralore : *Dodges as expected, falling for the feint-and subsequently being tackled*
[30-23:33] fe47e, Chanti: Thats not my fault. We've just had a no-contact long distance relationship
[30-23:34] 4a0f7, Averey Lithle : Lover? *looks at Adrian* I thought you were'nt into that..
[30-23:34] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( ok )
[30-23:35] fe47e, Chanti: (webbies)
[30-23:35] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : *slams into him then, to pin him between her and the alley wall, hands snaking out for his wrists*
[30-23:35] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : No.. you disappeared on me.. and I was involved with Lillie.. I married her, remember?
[30-23:36] fe47e, Chanti: No. I do remember you in a basement... *grins*
[30-23:37] 290ac, Aralore : *Struggles, but is inevitably no match for demon strength, letting out a genuine groan of defeat-thought he could dodge better than that, at least*
[30-23:38] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ::sighs, looking to Averey:: At one time I was involved with him..::annoyed:: but that was *years* ago.
[30-23:38] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : *holds him in place, staring at him*
[30-23:39] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( got beat up by a girl XD )
[30-23:39] JOIN: Connor Rayne has entered.
[30-23:39] fe47e, Chanti: (heheheh)
[30-23:40] 290ac, Aralore : *Smirks, embarassed* Alright, I'm not the greatest personal melee combat artist..
[30-23:40] fe47e, Chanti: Years are nothing compared to our relationship
[30-23:42] 4a0f7, Averey Lithle : ...
[30-23:42] 827f2, Connor Rayne : (*ahem*...Lillie and Dri never happened, if you want to get technical.)
[30-23:42] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : ... If it's a fight you know you cannot possibly hope to win... do not bother challenging *squeezes his wrists painfully hard*
[30-23:43] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : There is no relationship, Chanti
[30-23:43] 827f2, Connor Rayne : (Bettenchi is in another realm altoghter...not only that...the room that they were involved in..was a present day setting. This is in medieval setting. )
[30-23:43] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( and how would you know, you weren't there )
[30-23:43] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( it wasnt present-day )
[30-23:43] 827f2, Connor Rayne : (wasnt I? how do you know that.)
[30-23:44] fe47e, Chanti: Yes there is. There msut be. I never forgot you
[30-23:44] 827f2, Connor Rayne : (yes it was. How do you think cars..jukeboxes...computers...they didnt just appear there.)
[30-23:44] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( I dont know what you're talking about. and Im not going to argue with you about it either )
[30-23:44] fe47e, Chanti: (but with a few alterations to times, anyones futuristic history could be altered and made into a medeval history)
[30-23:45] 827f2, Connor Rayne : (BullWhat the Deuce? you dont, Adrian. You know damned well what I'm talking about. the VK was during present times. otherwise the tanks couldnt've come in. it makes no sense.)
[30-23:45] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : That doesn't matter..
[30-23:46] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( I was never there for that. I left because of personal reasons and all that BS didn't happen )
[30-23:46] 290ac, Aralore : *Squints, speaking through clenched teeth*...the purpose ...was never to win.
[30-23:46] fe47e, Chanti: Yes it does. I never forgot you,. always loved you, so we must still have a relationship
[30-23:46] 827f2, Connor Rayne : (you left for personal reasons...and it did happen. I was a Elder there for the longest time. Surprised you haven't figured out who I am now.)
[30-23:47] 827f2, Connor Rayne : (and who are you to say it didnt?)
[30-23:47] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : Then what was the purpose?
[30-23:47] 4a0f7, Averey Lithle : I think you should leave.
[30-23:48] fe47e, Chanti: (*bites connor* It's none of your business anyway)
[30-23:48] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : (Im saying ti didnt when I was there. And I dont care who you are. Goodbye)
[30-23:49] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( I left because of him, he'll make it his business )
[30-23:49] 827f2, Connor Rayne : (*shoves a mini nuke down Chanti's throat* Yeah but you can't erase a entire room history, Adrian. You're not the room owner. Get your crap straight.)
[30-23:49] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( I said goodbye David )
[30-23:50] 827f2, Connor Rayne : (whoopdedo. say it all you want. am i supposed to care?)
[30-23:50] 4a0f7, Averey Lithle : (( *sighs* Connor, will you take it PM or something? I'm trying to rp. ))
[30-23:50] fe47e, Chanti: (Seriously, it's none of your business. Bugger off)
[30-23:51] 827f2, Connor Rayne : (no, Avery. Have fun RPing with a obsessed psycho. Chris, feel free to die anytime now. if Adrian here cant play by standard rules, then whatever.)
[30-23:53] fe47e, Chanti: (I see no problems with Dri's RPing. So what if a few things from other chats have been worked into this chats character hsitory, theres no problems with it and nothing you can do. Who's to say the Dri of Bettenchi never had a relationship with a Lillie in the past?)
[30-23:53] 827f2, Connor Rayne : (because. the player of Lillie has said that Lillie never existed. very simple. but like i say. have fun. *is gone*)
[30-23:53] 290ac, Aralore : You needed a way to vent, and you were angry with me...I provided the only way. Face it...I'm better at giving you what you want than you care to admit. If this doesn't vent your frustration..or demon rage...I don't know what will.
[30-23:53] 94c70, Z: ...
[30-23:54] fe47e, Chanti: (Yeah, Lillie never existed in that chat, but Lillie exists in Dri's bettenchi character history)
[30-23:54] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : *smirks* Having you pinned against an alley wall amuses me actually...
[30-23:54] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : We don't have a relationship..
[30-23:55] fe47e, Chanti: Why not? I thought you liked our history together
[30-23:55] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( doesnt matter, chanti. adrian married a different lily.. and i left VK and didnt come back, so I didnt know she was nixed )
[30-23:55] fe47e, Chanti: (*didnt know either *)
[30-23:55] 556f6, Mab : What in the blazes is going on? What is this talk of tanks and jute boxes and huh?
[30-23:56] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : (do you have AIM, Mab? )
[30-23:56] 94c70, Z: *is lost.*
[30-23:56] JOIN: Sarelth has entered.
[30-23:57] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( ::is going to explain all this crap out.. sigh:: )
[30-23:57] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : That's just it, Chanti.. it's history... I've moved on.
[30-23:58] 94c70, Z: VK? *wonders if that's some Vamp thing.*
[30-23:58] 556f6, Mab : What's your AIM Adrian?
[30-23:59] MSG: AdrianGoldenmoon sent a message to Mab.
[31-00:00] 556f6, Mab : Mine is set up the same way, Adrian, so I need yours too.
[31-00:00] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( AnimatedPoison )
[31-00:01] 290ac, Aralore : Yeah...*the shocker lizard circles around, eyeing Delotha*..but you should beware. I'm no paladin..I don't fight fair. *the lizard opens up with tiny little bolts of electricity, a stunning shock. As the lizard does this, Aralore kicks-trying for a quick leg sweep of Delotha*
[31-00:01] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[31-00:01] 290ac, Aralore : ((Fking stupid connection...or chat...or whatever.))
[31-00:02] MSG: Mab sent a message to Adriangoldenmoon.
[31-00:02] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : *jerks back as she's shocked, starting to spin around.. then goes down with a yelp*
[31-00:08] 4a0f7, Averey Lithle : *sighs*
[31-00:08] 94c70, Z: Aralore's lizard has a shocking personality, mwehehe.
[31-00:10] fe47e, Chanti: *thinks he's paused*
[31-00:10] fe47e, Chanti: (*bites Z* thats my patented evil giggle!!)
[31-00:11] 290ac, Aralore : ((That's why Armoleus named him Shoqualotte.))
[31-00:11] JOIN: R has entered.
[31-00:11] 94c70, Z: *swats Chanti* Mine now.
[31-00:12] fe47e, Chanti: (nnnnooooooo *cries*)
[31-00:12] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( dunno ive seen a lot of Delotha's mweheheing )
[31-00:12] 290ac, Aralore : *Leaps away, and so does Shoqualotte, deactivating all light-emanating electricity and moving back into shadow*
[31-00:13] 7725b, Bowdyn : *plots*
[31-00:13] fe47e, Chanti: (arg... but it's mine *whines* I have the copywright *holds up a paper, written in crayon*)
[31-00:13] 7725b, R : *plots*
[31-00:13] 290ac, Aralore : ((*Whispers to Z* Should I tell Deloth that in game terms stunning shock from a shocker lizard only does 2d8 subdual damage?))
[31-00:13] 7725b, R : *offers Z halfing donuts and pipeweed*
[31-00:14] 94c70, Z: *snickers at Aralore* Nah.
[31-00:16] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : *shakes her head.. then slowly rises*
[31-00:16] JOIN: Kroger has entered.
[31-00:16] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : :: kisses Averey's forehead softly:: I'm sorry that we woke you.
[31-00:17] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 1:01am, January 31 (CST) ).
[31-00:17] fe47e, Chanti: Yeah, sorry we woke you *cause he'd still be on Dri if Averey didnt come out*
[31-00:17] 4a0f7, Averey Lithle : You did'nt. He did.
[31-00:18] 94c70, Z: *is still curious about what this vampire stuff is that's in here now..*
[31-00:19] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( VK= Vampire's Kiss Reincarnate= old chat that doesn't work now )
[31-00:19] fe47e, Chanti: (The VK was an old Vampire: the Masqurade chat. Not really related to this chat so I dunno why it was brought up ^^ )
[31-00:19] 521aa, Kroger: *Kroger exits his room at the inn, making his way downstairs garbed in commoners clothing, some brown beat up trousers, a white shirt with a slash in the back, his usual boots and a red ribbon around his right arm. He also brings along a shoulder bag with his things in it*
[31-00:19] 94c70, Z: probably because Vampires don't exist in Bettenchi.
[31-00:20] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( yeah ^^ )
[31-00:20] 521aa, Kroger: ((what?!?! How can that be?!??!))
[31-00:20] 94c70, Z: I know what VK is, I can figure that out considering who all is involved
[31-00:20] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( bc Mab said so )
[31-00:20] 521aa, Kroger: ((it's okay, I'm being sarcastic))
[31-00:20] 94c70, Z:
[31-00:20] 7725b, R : erm..
[31-00:21] 521aa, Kroger: *He nods at a few people that he recognizes as regulars and sits down to await his next meal of the day*
[31-00:21] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[31-00:22] 521aa, Kroger: *Reaching into his shoulder bag he takes out a bangle and a book small, worn and beat up and opens it to a page*
[31-00:23] 290ac, Aralore : *Snickers slightly, watching her carefully*
[31-00:23] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[31-00:24] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : Well.. ::remains at her side, looking at Chanti expectantly::
[31-00:24] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : *turns, looking in the direction the snicker came from... begns softly muttering softly*
[31-00:25] 94c70, Z: well right anyway.. *eyes Adrian and wanders off.*
[31-00:25] fe47e, Chanti: Well *eyes on dri, scanning him head to toe, getting ideas and images in his head fro the past *
[31-00:25] 521aa, Kroger: *He stares idly at teh bangle, it's surface covered with gems all around. The glint of light from one particularly large one seems to entrance him and it is a long while before he realizes the waiter has come and is waiting beside him::
[31-00:26] fe47e, Chanti: (*whacks Z* eyes off my man)
[31-00:26] 290ac, Aralore : Maybe we should call it a truce..? *through abbreviated fits of laughter*
[31-00:27] 94c70, Z: I have absolutely no interest in him Chanti.
[31-00:27] fe47e, Chanti: (are you calling him ugly?? *glares, grabbing his bat*)
[31-00:29] 94c70, Z: ... Maaaybe... *looks at Adrian's avatar.* He looks kinda Feminine for a he. *eyeshifts, scampers off.*
[31-00:29] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : *.. and aruptly, around her, fire flares up in a thick wall... if he is less then 10 feet away, he'd be stuck in the fire wall. Bwahaha*
[31-00:29] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( pfft. ::bonks Chanti:: )
[31-00:30] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( Can't please everybody )
[31-00:30] fe47e, Chanti: (femenine is uber-good *bonked* eep)
[31-00:30] 521aa, Kroger: ::After placing his orders, the usual potatoes, flat bread and scrambled eggs, he gazed at teh book and finally opened it, turing to a page and slowly reading it*
[31-00:30] 94c70, Z: I'm not the one that's marrying you
[31-00:30] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ::turns, sighing, and embraces Averey, his voice quiet enough for her ears alone:: I'm sorry for all this.
[31-00:31] 290ac, Aralore : *Not expecting such a brutal attack, he gets hit by a gout of flame, falling in a heap to the ground, rolling and crying out, attempting to put the flames out*
[31-00:31] fe47e, Chanti: *bites his lip watching the two.... searches his dress a moment, but, alas, has no weapons... so... bites his lip harder*
[31-00:32] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : *no no... wall aruptly, encirlcing them type deal. Unless he was exactly 10 feet away, he's not get hit*
[31-00:32] 7725b, R : eer damn. *eyes Adrians pic.* thought it was a female for the longest time, oops.
[31-00:33] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( XD yeesh )
[31-00:33] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : ((aruptly=arupts))
[31-00:33] 4a0f7, Averey Lithle : *nods and whispers back* We'll talk when he's gone.
[31-00:33] EXIT: Sarelth has left the chat ( 12:56am, January 31 (CST) ).
[31-00:34] 290ac, Aralore : *In that case, is lit up by the flames, freezing in place-ironically-and turning to look at the fire wall, then back at Delotha*'ve gotta show me that trick..
[31-00:34] fe47e, Chanti: (oh!! dri changed piccie back ^^ *thought he still had the fairy one, so was gunna say 'that is a female, R' but can't now *)
[31-00:34] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : *it's a get rid of shadow stactic mainly*
[31-00:34] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[31-00:35] 97c5f, Will-o'-the-wisp: *thinks anyone who would bring a VAMPIRE chat into this room one that was MOTERN DAY is rather out of it ad needs o get a clue*
[31-00:35] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : *grins widely* If you yield now... I won't whoop your butt. Besides, I'm getting tired anyway ((aka, gtg))
[31-00:36] fe47e, Chanti: (*doesnt know anyone whos brought modern day vampire chats into an anti vampy midevil chat*)
[31-00:36] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : ((*thinks many storylines could potentially altered for any circumstance.. just editing details and stuff*))
[31-00:36] 94c70, Z: *eyeshifts*
[31-00:36] 97c5f, Will-o'-the-wisp: The VK was a Modern day Vampire chat room Gnarf
[31-00:37] 97c5f, Will-o'-the-wisp: The VK was a Modern day Vampire chat room Gfunk
[31-00:37] 290ac, Aralore : Alright...I'll yield. But only if I get to come with you. *smirk*
[31-00:37] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : ((Take... I married so and so, and this happened. That can be altered for any chat, any setting, etc.))
[31-00:37] 94c70, Z: *notes this is why she doesn't reu-use characters and just comes up with original things.*
[31-00:37] fe47e, Chanti: (yeah? so? you've never used two variations of a character in 2 entirely diffrent chats before? )
[31-00:37] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : ((*reused Sileen so many times it wasn't funny*))
[31-00:38] 94c70, Z: *frowns* and I can't type today.
[31-00:38] 97c5f, Will-o'-the-wisp: But a chatroom itself can not and one that Adrian didnt even own and one MANY ppl that now are on JJ should not be altered in anyway
[31-00:38] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : ((Cleric in one, Jedi healer in another, white mage in a third... hehehe))
[31-00:38] 94c70, Z: Chanti, me? Nope.
[31-00:38] 94c70, Z: Which is why I've got an endless list of Roleplay characters hehe.
[31-00:38] 97c5f, Will-o'-the-wisp: I dont change a place no i may keep a name but change the history called creativeity
[31-00:38] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : Make it quick then... *portal opens*
[31-00:39] fe47e, Chanti: (NBot you ^^ was talking to the nameless cretin ) *chews his lip some more*
[31-00:39] 290ac, Aralore : *Lizard hops onto his shoulder and accompanies him as he followd Delotha to the portal*
[31-00:39] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : *gone!*
[31-00:39] EXIT: Delotha Feanor has left the chat ( 1:39am, January 31 (CST) ).
[31-00:39] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ::unnerved by Chanti's silecne, he looks to Averey, thinking maybe they should headback to the Inn::
[31-00:40] 290ac, Aralore : *wee*
[31-00:40] 97c5f, Will-o'-the-wisp: oh you know who I am
[31-00:41] 7725b, R : *only reused a few names, never basic characters...*
[31-00:42] 4a0f7, Averey Lithle : Another Mari?
[31-00:42] 94c70, Z: *ponders the new character.*
[31-00:43] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : Seems that way.. only worse. ::laughs softly::
[31-00:43] 97c5f, Will-o'-the-wisp: Adrian why dont you get a brian and stop stealing others Chats and reuseing them for your perpose
[31-00:43] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 1:43am, January 31 (CST) ).
[31-00:44] 4a0f7, Averey Lithle : *sighs*
[31-00:44] fe47e, Chanti: Who's Mari?
[31-00:45] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ::blinks... then smiles suddenly:: He's this little Drow, or half-Drow at least.. looking for an attractive young man in his life.
[31-00:46] 556f6, Mab : How about be drop it, because this argument is stupid and disruptive. There are not rules being broken. The timeline of Bettenchi, the setting and such is not being disturbed. Enough with this pointless debate, please.
[31-00:46] 556f6, Mab : be = we
[31-00:47] 94c70, Z: *hasn't said anything about it.*
[31-00:47] fe47e, Chanti: Oh?
[31-00:47] 7725b, R : *neither, is being good.*
[31-00:48] 521aa, Kroger: *He sets down the book to eat his meal of potatoes, mutton and scrambled eggs*
[31-00:48] 4a0f7, Averey Lithle : *nods* I imagine that he's really lonely, right now..
[31-00:49] fe47e, Chanti: *thinks for a moment, biting his lip still*... Sooo... where is this.. um.. lonely Drow?
[31-00:50] EXIT: R has left the chat ( 1:49am, January 31 (CST) ).
[31-00:50] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : He's trying to figure out who he really is.. y'know. Self-discovery and all..
[31-00:52] fe47e, Chanti: ssooo *slinks over to Dri, lowering his voice though possably not enough to hide it from Averey* How is he?
[31-00:54] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ::raises both brows, making no effort to hide the offense in his voice:: what makes you think I know?
[31-00:55] JOIN: Z has entered.
[31-00:55] JOIN: Merrick has entered.
[31-00:55] fe47e, Chanti: um... she asked if I was another mari.. so.. I jsut assumed...
[31-00:56] EXIT: Z has left the chat ( 1:55am, January 31 (CST) ).
[31-00:56] JOIN: Z has entered.
[31-00:56] JOIN: Z has entered.
[31-00:56] 94c70, Z: mwaha, stupid thing.
[31-00:58] JOIN: Lt.Hagget has entered.
[31-00:59] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ::sighs softly, scratching behind his [own] ear:: You'd like him.
[31-01:00] 6c94b, Lt.Hagget : *Studyin'*
[31-01:00] EXIT: Merrick has left the chat ( 1:55am, January 31 (CST) ).
[31-01:00] EXIT: Lt.Hagget has left the chat ( 2:00am, January 31 (CST) ).
[31-01:01] 521aa, Kroger: ::finished with his meal, he decides to pick a better spot to read... perhaps some air would do him good*
[31-01:01] fe47e, Chanti: *smiles and steps back* Maybe I'll like it around here *eyes the area* I think I'll build a house right over there *points... trying to make conversatyion, instead of running off from his long time lvoe to find someone else**
[31-01:01] 521aa, Kroger: *getting up, he made his way to the door and extied the inn::
[31-01:02] JOIN: Mason has entered.
[31-01:03] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : You've never even built a house of *cards*.. ::laughs softly, his dirtied face seeking Averey's.. comforted by her::
[31-01:04] fe47e, Chanti: ... good observation.. Maybe I'll find myself a drow to build it *nods* I should do that
[31-01:05] 4a0f7, Averey Lithle : I think you and he would get along great
[31-01:06] fe47e, Chanti: *nods and turns...s tops and turns back* any idea where to find a drow?
[31-01:06] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ::shrugs lightly, grinning:: He's around..
[31-01:07] fe47e, Chanti: *nods* right... around... *eyes Dri* how bout a good bye hump? *with an oversized smile*
[31-01:08] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : How about ... not.
[31-01:08] fe47e, Chanti: aww, why not?
[31-01:09] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : I'm engaged.. ::lifts a thin brow at him:: I love her very much; we're going to have a family together. This is it for me.
[31-01:10] 4a0f7, Averey Lithle : *shudders*
[31-01:10] fe47e, Chanti: ... how about a goodbye kiss, then??
[31-01:11] fe47e, Chanti: (*kisses Dri big on the lips, then bounces away in true daffy duck fasion* )
[31-01:12] 94c70, Z: ...
[31-01:13] 521aa, Kroger: ::Kroger passes out of the town and into the forest, sure this was the way to where he had followed Beatrice that one time::
[31-01:13] 521aa, Kroger: Beatrice... now that was a woman...
[31-01:14] e2676, Mason: *walks into the glimmering inn slowly having to duck being about 8'5". has ice blue hair and wings to match that are folded against his back. his feet are big and clawed, manly becouse he wishes not to wear shoes. has on besides that pretty much rags that cover him up, has no really need for real clothes*
[31-01:16] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ::glances at Averey:: How about a hug..
[31-01:17] 4a0f7, Averey Lithle : *nods*
[31-01:18] fe47e, Chanti: *thinks of a hug... wonders if he could settle for a hug... doesnt think he could...* Okay
[31-01:20] 521aa, Kroger: ::Kroger inadvertently happens upon a trio standing in the woods. He starts to back away when he recognizes Adrian and his woman Averey. He decides to approach::
[31-01:21] 521aa, Kroger: Ho there! No, I'm not lost, I actually meant to come to this very place. Amazed that I could find it??
[31-01:21] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ::nods lightly, stepping away from Averey and embracing Chanti lightly:: This is goodbye then.
[31-01:22] fe47e, Chanti: For now *wraping his arms about Dri's waist.. and hands to the ... lower.. back.. ar-.. the arse, yehp*
[31-01:22] fe47e, Chanti: Soon i'll be your neighbor, if I ever find a drow to work for me
[31-01:22] 4a0f7, Averey Lithle : *watches, then smiles at Kroger* Sure you did...though this was my special place.
[31-01:23] EXIT: Mason has left the chat ( 2:14am, January 31 (CST) ).
[31-01:24] 521aa, Kroger: ::sticks his thumbs in his belt:: Aye, that it is. I don't mean to intrude, only seeking a spot to read, perhaps sleep... and then read some more. But I did hear the talking, so I figured I'd come by and check it out.
[31-01:24] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : Eh.. yeah.. maybe. :ulls away, a little more than embarassed:: You'll find him.. ::turns his head, hearing Kroger:: ..hey..
[31-01:24] 521aa, Kroger: ::he looks around, his eyes finally resting on Chanti:: You all planning a get together?
[31-01:25] fe47e, Chanti: *doesnt let go when he tries to remove himself* mmm... ears *openly leans up to nibble em... cant resist the pointy ears*
[31-01:26] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : :anics, pushing him back with his arms, ducking his chin:: Okay, okay, okay!
[31-01:26] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( ::huff...:: )
[31-01:26] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP )
[31-01:26] 4a0f7, Averey Lithle : No...*her eyes narrow dangerously at Chanti* Don't you dare.
[31-01:27] 521aa, Kroger: By the Gods Adrian, this one is worse than the Drow! ::he takes a step away from Adrian and closer to the edge of the vale:: Whatever it is, I hope it's not catching.
[31-01:27] 521aa, Kroger: ::chuckles at his own joke::
[31-01:27] fe47e, Chanti: *frowns at Dri* sorry *eyes Kroger, and immediatly brushes off his dress* who's this? (heheh... P-P)
[31-01:28] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ::moves away from Chanti, returning to Averey's side, mortified::
[31-01:29] 4a0f7, Averey Lithle : *hisses to Adrian* Make him leave!
[31-01:29] fe47e, Chanti: ( ass )
[31-01:29] 521aa, Kroger: ::raises an eyebrow, trying to determine if being noticed is a good thing or a bad thing:: I am Kroger and I need no man to speak for me. If you have a question, ask, you just may not like the answer.
[31-01:30] fe47e, Chanti: .... you a virgin?
[31-01:31] 521aa, Kroger: ::holds up a hand:: Easy peasy, lemon squeezy. I don't knock boots with men. So I figure that's none of your business.
[31-01:31] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( ::cracks up:: )
[31-01:32] fe47e, Chanti: what about ones who look better in dresses then... them? *aims a finger at Averey*
[31-01:32] 521aa, Kroger: That kinda talk once got a soldier reamed with a scabbard, I'm inclined to do the same to you if you keep babbling like an overflowing brook, I do say.
[31-01:33] fe47e, Chanti: Eh. Yer not that good looking anyway
[31-01:33] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ::glances uneasily at Averey, like a puppy who has just been scolded.. and looks to Chanti:: You should probably head out and find a place to stay.
[31-01:33] 521aa, Kroger: What she looks like, or what she wears is none of my concern. And I said I don't need anyone to speak for me. I didn't say I had any opinions on others I wanted to go into detail with you, stranger.
[31-01:34] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[31-01:34] 4a0f7, Averey Lithle : *sighs* This is as bad as some play..
[31-01:34] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 2:34am, January 31 (CST) ).
[31-01:35] 521aa, Kroger: *grunts* True enough. And all I wanted was a quiet place to read a book.
[31-01:35] fe47e, Chanti: I can't stay here? it's all dark and creepy.. and a little breazy too..... *has almsot forgotten the drow off out there waiting for him*
[31-01:36] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : There's a city nearby that's not dark and creepy, and has a warm place for you to stay..
[31-01:36] 4a0f7, Averey Lithle : The drow might even be there..
[31-01:36] JOIN: joey has entered.
[31-01:37] 521aa, Kroger: Drow?
[31-01:37] fe47e, Chanti: which way?
[31-01:37] 521aa, Kroger: ::looks to Chanti:: You're looking for a Drow?
[31-01:37] 521aa, Kroger: I'll show you the way, I just came from there.
[31-01:37] 7d919, Curst Diablos : *out side of the building of Adrian and averey waits curst int he shadows of the night, he watches them closely and this new visitor of theres*
[31-01:37] fe47e, Chanti: Yehp.. a pretty little drow who looking for a pretty little me
[31-01:38] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : :: a wave of relief washes over him... is in the forest
[31-01:38] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ::
[31-01:38] 4a0f7, Averey Lithle : (( They're not in town ))
[31-01:38] 521aa, Kroger: Come along then. No reason to dawdle any longer here.
[31-01:38] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : :: looks apologetically to Kroger:: we'll catch up another time, my friend..
[31-01:38] 521aa, Kroger: ::motions back the way he came to Chanti:: This way... I really do hope we find him...
[31-01:39] fe47e, Chanti: *eyes Kroger* won't kill me, will ya?
[31-01:39] 7d919, Curst Diablos : (( ahhh are you guys ina tent, *shrugs* im pretty sure curst would be following you everywhere))
[31-01:39] 4a0f7, Averey Lithle : *smiles at Kroger* That would be really appreciated
[31-01:39] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( we're just out in the open in the woods )
[31-01:39] 521aa, Kroger: ::smacks his fist into his hand:: Ohhh yeah... one unsuspecting Drow coming right up...
[31-01:39] 521aa, Kroger: Me???
[31-01:39] 521aa, Kroger: Oh no, I won't kill you... what would give you that idea?
[31-01:40] 7d919, Curst Diablos : (( oh ok )) *well then watches them from the shadows of the trees, his eyes intent on all of them, *
[31-01:40] 521aa, Kroger: ::waves to Kroger:: Sure we will... and you're going to buy me an ale... no, make that two!
[31-01:40] fe47e, Chanti: Weird strangers comeing from the woods... don't trust em. Okay, off to the drow we go *with a step and a skip and a 'good bye lover' to dri, he starts ins ome direction Kroger pointed*
[31-01:40] 521aa, Kroger: ::waves to Adrian:: Sure we will... and you're going to buy me an ale... no, make that two!
[31-01:42] 521aa, Kroger: ::Kroger follows close behind Chanti, talking all the way back to town:: Now the first time I came in here, I follow what I thought was a trail...
[31-01:42] 4a0f7, Averey Lithle : *watches them leave with a sigh of releif*
[31-01:42] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ::nods lightly to himself, knowing he owed Kroger for this::
[31-01:42] fe47e, Chanti: Didnt have atrail? I never have a trail. Pain in the foot, it is
[31-01:42] 521aa, Kroger: ::talks to Chanti:: What's your name anyway?
[31-01:43] 7d919, Curst Diablos : * a voice creeps within avereys head* <you sent them into the forest for me? i smell food> *his voice quicklyretreasts from her head as he drops into a very low stance of about 3 feet and he quickly crawls after kroger and chanti
[31-01:43] 7d919, Curst Diablos : (( but a * at the end of my last thingy ))
[31-01:43] fe47e, Chanti: I am, the magnificant Chanticleer... I'm Adrians Lover.
[31-01:44] 4a0f7, Averey Lithle : *gasps* No!!
[31-01:44] 521aa, Kroger: ::Kroger grimaces:: Really?
[31-01:44] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ::glances to Averey:: What? You wanted him gone..
[31-01:44] 521aa, Kroger: ::recovers:: I... errr.. mean, you don't say??
[31-01:45] fe47e, Chanti: I do say. I say it loud I say it proud *hollars, possably getting back to dri and... her* I am Adrians lover!!
[31-01:45] 4a0f7, Averey Lithle : It's Curst! He's going after him!
[31-01:46] 7d919, Curst Diablos : *a soft slithering could be heard from behind chanti and kroger , the leather cloak scrapes accrose the ground as he stalk his prey, red eyes hidden from the cloak and its quite easy to follow such loud humans*
[31-01:46] 521aa, Kroger: ::growls:: You'll scare every living creature out of this forest, Chanticleer. What's wrong with you?
[31-01:46] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : :: his eye twitches slightly, hearing the faint echo:: Gah. Let him have the guy. What man in his right mind wears a dress?
[31-01:47] fe47e, Chanti: Me? Nothings wrong with me. Whats wrong with out?
[31-01:47] fe47e, Chanti: (*cries* that hurts)
[31-01:47] 521aa, Kroger: ((, now that's faaked up))
[31-01:47] 4a0f7, Averey Lithle : What about Kroger?
[31-01:47] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( sorry :oints:: look its Cher )
[31-01:47] fe47e, Chanti: (meh..... *cries some more*)
[31-01:48] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ::smacks his forehead:: You didn't mention him.. ::sighs, starting after Kroger and Chanti::
[31-01:49] 4a0f7, Averey Lithle : *follows*
[31-01:50] 521aa, Kroger: ::Kroger shakes his head:: Look, I dont' even hear a bird cry anymore... you... you... *he blinks and reaches into his satchel, touching the bangle inside, then grabbing the sword in scabbard:: You know what's worse hearing something you don't like....?
[31-01:51] 7d919, Curst Diablos : *saliva begins to drip out of his mouth as he begins to circle in on the duo, maybe he wil go after the loud one first so he can have a meal in peace* hunting party* a voice slitehrs out from his cloak though its to low for most to hear and its also dabed out with the leather cloak*
[31-01:51] fe47e, Chanti: Listening to you?
[31-01:52] 521aa, Kroger: ::frowns:: No fool, it's not hearing anything at all.... we're being followed. Blast it all to the Hells... and all I wanted to do was read my book!
[31-01:53] fe47e, Chanti: Maybes it's Dri!! He dumbed the b*tch and came back to me!!
[31-01:53] 4a0f7, Averey Lithle : (( *headbangs to Lenny Kravitz* ))
[31-01:54] 4a0f7, Averey Lithle : (( Kroger, you got aim? ))
[31-01:54] 521aa, Kroger: ::Grabs Chanti by the scruff of his shirt pushing him onward:: Keep moving, if he wants you as bad as you think, he's probably already waiting at the town. Why disappoint him, eh?? ::Kroger looks around warily, his scout instincts telling him there was probably no way they were getting out of this alive::
[31-01:55] fe47e, Chanti: Drriii!! *runs off back in the direction they're coming from*
[31-01:55] 521aa, Kroger: ((ya, h/o))
[31-01:55] 521aa, Kroger: ((I grabbed you chickenwing))
[31-01:55] 94c70, Z: *ponder ponder ponder*
[31-01:56] fe47e, Chanti: Drriii *tries to run off in the direction of Town *
[31-01:57] 7d919, Curst Diablos : *his claws rip into the ground as he moves like a spider towards his targets, though as chanit runs he also takes off in his direction, like a bird of prey, he saw the movment now hes after it*
[31-01:57] 521aa, Kroger: ::lets him run towards town:: See, I can already see him by the gates, you better hurry... what da...
[31-01:58] 521aa, Kroger: ((averey, try Grimgohl on AIM))
[31-01:58] 7d919, Curst Diablos : * he runs like quicksilver down a steep slope, blurring past kroger and running on all fours*
[31-02:00] aafd3, Chanti: (*booted*)
[31-02:01] aafd3, Chanti: *so, runs along towords town, woohoo*
[31-02:01] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ::sighs, seeing nothing in the distance.. not even sensing the demon's presence::
[31-02:01] 521aa, Kroger: ::Kroger attempts to move with the creature but it is of little use::
[31-02:01] 4a0f7, Averey Lithle : Adrian....
[31-02:02] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ::glances at Averey tiredly:: Hm?
[31-02:02] 4a0f7, Averey Lithle : We can't help them..
[31-02:02] 521aa, Kroger: ::yells:: What da hell is that?
[31-02:03] 7d919, Curst Diablos : *something grabs Curst's attetion as his foot catches a rock and trips him , making him slip and roll bashing his body against the ground till he skids to a stop*
[31-02:04] 521aa, Kroger: ::kroger picks a spot by an oak, stopping to catch his breathe and marvel at the seeming abomination::
[31-02:04] aafd3, Chanti: *skidders to a stop, peeking back at the.. thing.. on the gorund*
[31-02:04] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ::stands still, looking off into the darkness.. his voice quiet:: I know.
[31-02:04] 7d919, Curst Diablos : *his body twitches as that amount of speed and that little rock really put a hurt on his body, he is covered in a thinck leather cloak though his head can now be seen*
[31-02:05] 4a0f7, Averey Lithle : *tears start to slide down her cheeks* I hate him...*meaning Curst*
[31-02:05] aafd3, Chanti: .... ewww... *wants to see Dri more now, so, continues on his way, running towords the town to find Dri*
[31-02:06] 521aa, Kroger: ::Kroger swallows the lump in his throat:: I hope that little bastard kept moving::
[31-02:06] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : Averey.. :: he tilts his head slightly, moving to her and drawing her near, closing her in a warm embrace, pressing his cheek to hers::
[31-02:07] 4a0f7, Averey Lithle : *cries into his shoulder*
[31-02:07] 7d919, Curst Diablos : *after a couple more minutes his body begins to mend it self, red eyes peek out from under the eye lids to see that chanti is to close to town, but the other isnt * gooood* a long cold hiss escapes from his mouth as he rolls over to face kroger*
[31-02:08] aafd3, Chanti: *has escaped, yaaaay... thats good cause guys in dresses are no match for leather faces with red eyes*
[31-02:09] aafd3, Chanti: *but it's also bad cause now he's on a Search for his only other character in this chat*
[31-02:10] 521aa, Kroger: ::Kroger starts to move around the beast in a circular motion to get to the other side::
[31-02:10] aafd3, Chanti: *but on the bright side... Adrians lover lives ^^ *
[31-02:11] 521aa, Kroger: ((I'm gonna kill Adrian's lover))
[31-02:11] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : I'm sorry.. for everything.. ::sighs softly, gently stroking her back::
[31-02:12] 521aa, Kroger: ... great... no armor... no backup... not even a last meal... damn book....
[31-02:12] aafd3, Chanti: (not likey, bottle boy)
[31-02:12] 7d919, Curst Diablos : *his hands take off the leather cloak and tosses to to the side as he pulls him self up to his full height, massive 6 foot arms hange from his shoulders while another pair hang from his middle chest red eyes gleem like a fire within a dark cave*
[31-02:13] 4a0f7, Averey Lithle : We have to try..*suddenly breaks away from him and runs in the direction Kroger and Chanti went*
[31-02:13] aafd3, Chanti: *is in town, left Kroger behind )
[31-02:14] 521aa, Kroger: ::Kroger starts to look for weaknesses in the beast:: Chest is probably too strong to cut through... I'll have to slide my blade along the side... hope i can get it between the ribs... looks spacious enough...
[31-02:15] aafd3, Chanti: (aim for the mouth.. exteriors tough so try for the inside)
[31-02:15] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ::sighs.. but does not follow.. standing motionless.. eventually drawing his arms up to fold over his chest::
[31-02:15] 521aa, Kroger: ... arrms are too long to to block effectively, but probably strong enough to rend me limb from limb... smaller arms must be there to protect once the opponent is on the inside... gotta get rid of those...
[31-02:16] 7d919, Curst Diablos : *his own eyes look for the mans weakness, long 4 inch nails extends from each his reach is 6 feet and he stands 7'3" he begins to advance*
[31-02:16] 521aa, Kroger: ... a whole lotta hair... good to hang off of, expose the throat...
[31-02:17] 521aa, Kroger: :rehensile legs, good for running in straight lines, jumping... bad for side to side, backing up....
[31-02:17] 4a0f7, Averey Lithle : *curst and Kroger would soon hear her coming*
[31-02:17] aafd3, Chanti: (oh! cut off the hair!! he'll lose all his supernatural strength!! and rogain hasnt been invented yet!!)
[31-02:17] 521aa, Kroger: ::clears his throat:: Well Soldier... you live through this one... you get a medal.... yeah right...
[31-02:18] 521aa, Kroger: ((ass))
[31-02:18] 7d919, Curst Diablos : *his body is as thick as leather and claws as strong as steel and regeneration to boot, he begins to advance towards his prey* (( heh little ol me? ))
[31-02:18] aafd3, Chanti: (pfft.. it only works when you say :asses:
[31-02:19] 521aa, Kroger: ::Kroger keeps moving sideways, knowing the beast will have to compensate, giving him a small, miniscule advantage before it can lock it's grip on him::
[31-02:19] 521aa, Kroger: ((I only see one in here, thus the use of the word in the singular))
[31-02:20] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( ::making formula and just lost count of scoops:: Ack ><; )
[31-02:20] aafd3, Chanti: (you were on 12)
[31-02:21] 521aa, Kroger: ::Kroger waits for the creature, standing with a tree to his side::
[31-02:21] 521aa, Kroger: ((ya know, instead of counting, you can go find that drow with the bottle and help Kroger!))
[31-02:21] 7d919, Curst Diablos : *his head follows and feet turn so he dosent have his bakc exposed to the man, though most think of curst as a stupid demon, he is not, just a simple commander of a demon army* ill let you live if you do a task for me
[31-02:21] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[31-02:22] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( i told you he ran away )
[31-02:22] 4a0f7, Averey Lithle : *reaches them just in time to hear Curst say that*
[31-02:22] 521aa, Kroger: ::Kroger readies himself out maneuver the beast:: What's that? Cut your hair??
[31-02:23] 521aa, Kroger: You can understand that a man can be bold when he seen the last seconds of his life... several times.
[31-02:23] 521aa, Kroger: ::Hopes that movement behind him isn't another one::
[31-02:23] 4a0f7, Averey Lithle : (( *sings with Supertramp* ))
[31-02:23] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ::slowly walks back to the place where they had begun building their home, talking to someone who wasn't there:: It's in your hands now. This is my faith in you.
[31-02:24] 521aa, Kroger: ((sorry Dri, was talking to Chanti))
[31-02:25] 7d919, Curst Diablos : sarcasam isnt your friend right now you might think of me as weak but ill let you find out for your self* and averey would know he is something pretty mean, he begins to take steps forward* i want the elf woman you saw not to long ago to be lured away with only you
[31-02:26] aafd3, Chanti: (first off.. Chanti doesnt want the drow for a bottle :-P and secondly....... there is no secondly)
[31-02:26] 4a0f7, Averey Lithle : *her eyes widen*
[31-02:26] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( he wants mari to put curst in the bottle )
[31-02:26] 7d919, Curst Diablos : (( pfft ))
[31-02:26] 521aa, Kroger: ::he does not budge, the stench of the creature hitting him. He keeps his bile down:: OH I can't do that, Tall One. You see, they're an item. You want one, you gotta take the whole kit and caboodle.
[31-02:27] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ::he sits down amongst the rocks that have yet to be placed, holding his hand to his chest, grimacing::
[31-02:27] 521aa, Kroger: ::Kroger gets ready for his move, the creature right on target as planned::
[31-02:28] aafd3, Chanti: (I know.. and I was saying... when chanti find the one with the bottle, he aint asking him to run off elsewhere )
[31-02:28] 521aa, Kroger: ((Chanti, one minute you're all raging hormones, next minute you're rational? Say it ain't so!))
[31-02:28] 521aa, Kroger: ((Just bring the bloody drow so he can show him off to Dri! Then Dri will be happy for him!))
[31-02:29] 7d919, Curst Diablos : *a growl escapes his lips* fine then you will brun to ashes* he begins to walk forward towards kroger, ready to activate the firedance, but not yet*
[31-02:29] aafd3, Chanti: (cant.. Drow have amnesia, ran away, doesnt know who he is or how to work the bottle *shrugs*)
[31-02:30] aafd3, Chanti: (*decided when he decided to have amnesia, that a dri kiss would be the cure *)
[31-02:30] 4a0f7, Averey Lithle : *hesitates, not knowing what to do*
[31-02:30] 521aa, Kroger: ((oh for love of donuts, give it up!))
[31-02:31] aafd3, Chanti: (mmm, donuts *drool*)
[31-02:31] 521aa, Kroger: ::Kroger charges in, while the creature is in mid stride, unable halt immediately, due to the nature of it's legs::
[31-02:32] EXIT: Chanti has left the chat ( 3:31am, January 31 (CST) ).
[31-02:32] JOIN: Mariasha has entered.
[31-02:32] 4a0f7, Averey Lithle : *begins to back away*
[31-02:32] 521aa, Kroger: ((great... ))
[31-02:33] 7d919, Curst Diablos : * his arms jets out, ready to grab the blade and kroger's waist*
[31-02:33] aafd3, Mariasha : *wanders aimlessly through the woods... much like Chanti was, cept not in a dress*
[31-02:35] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ::closes his eyes, taking measured breaths, waiting for the tightness to subside::
[31-02:35] aafd3, Mariasha : *for the hellufit, and cause noone gives a poopoo either way, no longer has amnesia, yay*
[31-02:35] 521aa, Kroger: ::he tumbles to the ground using the blade to land it flat on the floor, curling up into a ball as the first hand goes for him. It hits into the creatures' exposed knee which he uses as a natural black and stays well below the short arms that do not reach this low::
[31-02:36] 521aa, Kroger: ((thank the LORD!))
[31-02:36] 521aa, Kroger: ((I meant natural block))
[31-02:37] aafd3, Mariasha : *hears stuff, follows sounds*
[31-02:37] 521aa, Kroger: ((*plays mission impossible music*))
[31-02:38] 7d919, Curst Diablos : *his body already ready for the firedance, he dose it , and as kroger is under his body pretty much he would see curst burst into flames making his whole body one big torrent of flames, * hmmm * he just drops his body to engulf kroger who is ont eh ground and under him*
[31-02:38] 7d919, Curst Diablos : *and the sword did hit but dident cut to deep due to the nature of his skin and he rolled to it*
[31-02:39] 4a0f7, Averey Lithle : *turns and begins running back towards Adrian, tears flowing again*
[31-02:39] 521aa, Kroger: ((kroger was never on teh ground, and I believe you can't do two actions at once, which is firedance and drop, especially since I'm moving through you, not stoppign to attack))
[31-02:39] 521aa, Kroger: ((and I never said he struck Curst ,only rolled under him))
[31-02:39] aafd3, Mariasha : *again, for hellufit, happens to be in Avereys path, yaay*
[31-02:40] 521aa, Kroger: ((oh, and if you notice how horses sit, they don't exactly drop))
[31-02:40] 521aa, Kroger: ((that's what I meant by them legs of yours))
[31-02:41] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ::smoothing the hair away from his face, he whispered, straing to get back up:: what was that for...
[31-02:41] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : (*straining )
[31-02:41] 7d919, Curst Diablos : (( _ missread, ok let me re format my post, and he sorta floped onto you, his body can take some falling damage even when his body its pure flame))
[31-02:41] 521aa, Kroger: ((but I can suck up the BS if you want))
[31-02:42] 4a0f7, Averey Lithle : *runs right into Mari and gets knocked back onto her ass*
[31-02:42] 521aa, Kroger: ((you can drop, it'd just have to be on all fours))
[31-02:42] 7d919, Curst Diablos : (( ... geeze be extreamly hostile, i never even planed on killing him or anything ))
[31-02:42] 521aa, Kroger: ((ok ok, I'm just sayin'))
[31-02:42] aafd3, Mariasha : *does too, hitting his head on a rock and getting amnesia...... j/k!!!.. is jsut knocked over as well*
[31-02:43] 521aa, Kroger: ((ass))
[31-02:43] 4a0f7, Averey Lithle : Mariasha!
[31-02:43] 521aa, Kroger: ((that was to Mari))
[31-02:44] 7d919, Curst Diablos : *as kroger rolls under him, curst trys to grab him with the other hand, sence rally only got one hand up for the sword but he rolled befor his other hand could go for the waist, swiping claws try to rend krogers back*
[31-02:44] aafd3, Mariasha : Blinks, sitting up, all dazed and confused*... B*tch?? *eyes Averey... doesnt think he knows her real name, or she'd be in a bottle*
[31-02:44] 521aa, Kroger: ::Kroger gets hit with the wave of heat, as the creature's body falls::
[31-02:44] 521aa, Kroger: ::A loud curse and groan escape his lips::
[31-02:45] 7d919, Curst Diablos : (( is so lost, and i had to reformat my post *shrugs ok we will go with the firedance idea let confusing ))
[31-02:45] 7d919, Curst Diablos : (( less ... god damn i suck tonight ))
[31-02:45] 4a0f7, Averey Lithle : *gets back up, ignoring the name calling* Run...there's a demon!
[31-02:45] 521aa, Kroger: ((D'OH!))
[31-02:46] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : Alright. Fine. ::he glances slightly upward, slowly retracing Kroger's path out of the clearing::
[31-02:47] 4a0f7, Averey Lithle : (( No! *tries to resist the call of bed* ))
[31-02:47] 7d919, Curst Diablos : (( ok were gonna go with your idea kroger, for get mine *nods* ))
[31-02:47] aafd3, Mariasha : Demon?.... *has worked on a few spells, thinks h may be able to help or something*
[31-02:47] 7d919, Curst Diablos : *he is now on all fours as the demon turns to look at kroger*
[31-02:48] 4a0f7, Averey Lithle : *nods* I need to get back to Adrian...I could'nt help Kroger.
[31-02:49] 521aa, Kroger: ::The hellfires burn away at Kroger's clothing, reducing them to embers, his skin scorched as well. The smell of burned rubber from his boots permeates the air as he rights himself, his back bloody. He stomps and kicks his burning boots away. He yells defiantely:: What is the name of this Beast I face, so I mayest scrawl it's name on it's tomb!!!
[31-02:50] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ::in the distance he can see Averey and Mari.. but he is unaware of their identities.. feeling drained, unable to focus::
[31-02:50] aafd3, Mariasha : ... Adrian? *jumps to his feet*
[31-02:50] 7d919, Curst Diablos : * a rumble erups out fo the firey mouth, spouting flame towards kroger* Curst Diablos*if hes been around for about 50 years he would know the name if he was involved with demons at the time*
[31-02:51] 4a0f7, Averey Lithle : (( Mari...can you IM me? ))
[31-02:52] 521aa, Kroger: ::Kroger sheilds his eyes, his skin already lost any sensation::
[31-02:54] 4a0f7, Averey Lithle : *nods and spots him* Adrian! *runs towards him*
[31-02:54] 7d919, Curst Diablos : your body is naked, your skin is charred and you have no chance against me as we speek * he turns around to full face kroger, curst still remains on all fours*
[31-02:54] 521aa, Kroger: ::Kroger grips his blade in two hands, it's metal already scorching his hands from the heat:: Remember Kroger in Death Curst Diablos!
[31-02:55] 521aa, Kroger: ::Kroger grips his blade in two hands, it's metal already scorching his hands from the heat:: Remember Kroger the Soldier in Death Curst Diablos!
[31-02:55] aafd3, Mariasha : *for some reason or other, possably not wanting to see Averey and Dri hug, so instead, goes to find the demon*
[31-02:56] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : Averey.. ::he extends one hand towards her:: I can't--.. I need to.. rest..
[31-02:56] 7d919, Curst Diablos : *he shakes his flaming head* your not worth it
[31-02:57] 4a0f7, Averey Lithle : *reaches his side and helps him stand* Shh...I know.....let's go back..
[31-02:58] 521aa, Kroger: ::Kroger's vision blurrs, under the sweltering heat, but he sees teh Demon fully::
[31-02:59] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ::walks back with her, kissing her forehead softly, whispering:: Don't leave me again.. please..
[31-02:59] 521aa, Kroger: ::his steps are slow as a battle cry roars from his throat. He takes a step closer...::
[31-02:59] aafd3, Mariasha : *pauses, spotting the 'demon' and Kroger....... ponders for a moment, jsut watching. Eyes kroger, and sighs, figuring he might as well try to help. Removes his favorite little capture bottle from his pocket, and, having picked up the name by now as it';s been mentioned a few times, uncorks the bottle and speaks to it* synthra glak ten' mi Curst Diablos *to which .. windtunnel, suck up Curst, yadda yadda, in short, Curst is in a bottle*
[31-03:00] 7d919, Curst Diablos : train boy, someday maybe you will be the one to take my life * he turns his back to kroger , though is ready for some sort of attack*
[31-03:00] 7d919, Curst Diablos : (( um how do you know my name? ))
[31-03:00] 521aa, Kroger: ((eh... you should probably take that back Curst))
[31-03:00] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( kroger said it )
[31-03:00] 94c70, Z: *about has a heartattack*
[31-03:01] aafd3, Mariasha : (You yelled it yourself when Kroger asked for it... plus kroger said it jsut a moment ago)
[31-03:01] 521aa, Kroger: ((oh.. you don't remember??? scroll back to when Kroger told the demon to speak it's name... then Kroger repeated it when he saw Mariasha))
[31-03:01] 4a0f7, Averey Lithle : *just as softly* I'm sorry....
[31-03:01] 521aa, Kroger: ((all part of my genius master plan))
[31-03:01] 7d919, Curst Diablos : (( so i guess ther is no way to avoid something like that eh? ))
[31-03:02] 521aa, Kroger: ((damn I'm pooped)) ::Kroger swings with all his might at the beast, only to have it disappear right in front of him::
[31-03:02] aafd3, Mariasha : (*shrug* I didnt wanna but Kroger wouldnt shut up until I did)
[31-03:02] 521aa, Kroger: ::Kroger blinks, stunned:: What the...
[31-03:03] 7d919, Curst Diablos : (( *eyes kroger* ok well is there anyway to break out )) *is now in a bottle, a flaming anger shoot up and around the bottle trying to super heat it*
[31-03:04] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : :: disapears into the forest with Averey to rest for the night:: (( night all))
[31-03:04] 521aa, Kroger: ((yea, Mari will let him out once Kroger finds out how he was ripped off from a glorious end))
[31-03:04] 521aa, Kroger: ((nite))
[31-03:04] aafd3, Mariasha : (not from the inside, only if someone from outside opens the bottle again or breaks it... sorry)
[31-03:04] 521aa, Kroger: ((we'll do that right now, no sense keeping Curst bottled up))
[31-03:05] 4a0f7, Averey Lithle : ***Gone** (( Goodnight, peeps........Bed!!!! ))
[31-03:05] 521aa, Kroger: ::Kroger loosk around, his hair still smoking. His eyes land on Mari who is a few feet away::
[31-03:05] aafd3, Mariasha : (pfft, I'm not letting a demon out of a bottle, I'm not mental)
[31-03:05] 7d919, Curst Diablos : *curst = angry angry demon*
[31-03:05] 521aa, Kroger: ((nite))
[31-03:05] EXIT: AdrianGoldenmoon has left the chat ( 4:04am, January 31 (CST) ).
[31-03:05] EXIT: Averey Lithle has left the chat ( 4:05am, January 31 (CST) ).
[31-03:05] 521aa, Kroger: ((it's to be expected when little drow are given powerful relics))
[31-03:06] 7d919, Curst Diablos : (( *smirks* so there is no way out fo the bottle phiscaly eh? ))
[31-03:06] aafd3, Mariasha : *just stares at the bottle, holding it by hte cork to avoid burns... though not the best of ideas even if the cork is secure*
[31-03:06] 521aa, Kroger: ((naw, but like i said, Kroger will have him out))
[31-03:07] 521aa, Kroger: ::Kroger looks at Mari:: Wha... what happened? Where's Curst Diablos?
[31-03:07] aafd3, Mariasha : (nope... sorry)
[31-03:08] aafd3, Mariasha : Shuta oop, bottle boy
[31-03:08] 521aa, Kroger: ::Kroger frowns:: Mari... Morga.. whatever... did you see a demon standing right here???
[31-03:08] 521aa, Kroger: ::Kroger's eyes look down at the bottle:: Bottle... boy...?? Oh No!
[31-03:09] 521aa, Kroger: ::Kroger moves over, in pain to Mariasha:: What have you done! You've changed everything!
[31-03:09] 7d919, Curst Diablos : *his mind races for ideas to get out of the bottle, soon he remembers his demon ability to make portals to other spots * HA!! * his hands begin to work and it seems a red slit appears and opens up into a bright red portal and if its possible for him to travel though his own portals, a nother one would open up about 50feet away from them*
[31-03:09] aafd3, Mariasha : ( :-P bad idea... you'd be a 2 inch demon out in the world )
[31-03:10] 521aa, Kroger: ((do you honestly think someone would create a bottle of holding... and not incorporate an anti-dimensional gating ability to it??? please, stay in the bottle, for your own health))
[31-03:10] aafd3, Mariasha : I save you. Be happy *glares, isn't too happy about it himself*
[31-03:11] 7d919, Curst Diablos : (( pouts)) *though he trys he cant seem to walk out of the bottle and into the real world, closeing the portal again he tryand and super heats it again, as his body is still a raging inferno*
[31-03:11] aafd3, Mariasha : (nope.. porting is allowed, but not recomended)
[31-03:12] 521aa, Kroger: Mari, you don't understand... look, give me the bottle. You have helped enough. I must meet my end honorably.
[31-03:12] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[31-03:12] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 4:12am, January 31 (CST) ).
[31-03:13] aafd3, Mariasha : No! No one touch bottle. Bottle mine!
[31-03:13] JOIN: joey has entered.
[31-03:13] 7d919, Curst Diablos : *continues to shatter the bottle with enough heat*
[31-03:13] 7d919, Curst Diablos : (( err try to shatter ))
[31-03:15] 521aa, Kroger: Mari...
[31-03:15] aafd3, Mariasha : *mystic bottle, no magics effect it. unnaffected by heat, air tight but with mystical airflow to keep those inside alive, yadda yadda... unbreakable unless by outside forces, or if it's opened....*
[31-03:15] 521aa, Kroger: he fought me one on one. For that I have to acknowledge that I wronged him... even if he was foolish enough to tango with the two of us.
[31-03:15] 7d919, Curst Diablos : *but continue to try*
[31-03:15] aafd3, Mariasha : Fine! I let out. You deal. *without waiting, removes the cork and Curst would be spitted back out by the same wind funnel that sucked him in*
[31-03:16] 521aa, Kroger: Give me the bottle Mari, this has to be done. He has to be released.
[31-03:16] 521aa, Kroger: ::he kneels beside the Drow, with a grunt, squinting one eye against the pain::
[31-03:16] 521aa, Kroger: Listen Mari... you did very well.
[31-03:17] 521aa, Kroger: :lacing a hand on the Drow's shoulder he pats it:: You have done for me today something that I do not think anyone else would have done.
[31-03:17] 7d919, Curst Diablos : *ooo* *as he is released he dosent even move, his body so racked with anger and rage its frozen still a loud growl could be heard from the firey beast*
[31-03:17] 521aa, Kroger: You are a true friend.
[31-03:17] aafd3, Mariasha : *glares at him. Hasnt been too happy since he regained his memory.. possably a little more of his drowish side has peeked out*
[31-03:18] 521aa, Kroger: I don't know why Adrian doesn't see that. I failed to see it the first time I saw you.
[31-03:18] 7d919, Curst Diablos : *the ground under curst's feet begin to change to glass as the fire of his body just superheats everything, he stands there his bakc turned to both of them*
[31-03:19] 521aa, Kroger: ::He looks at teh bottle:: But give me the bottle... it will be returned to you, and I will tell Adrian of your heroism.
[31-03:19] aafd3, Mariasha : No
[31-03:19] 7d919, Curst Diablos : (( kroger i was released))
[31-03:19] 521aa, Kroger: ((haha, ok, thanks))
[31-03:20] 7d919, Curst Diablos : (( its all good))
[31-03:20] aafd3, Mariasha : ( silly kroger, sleepyness if for potheads)
[31-03:22] 521aa, Kroger: ::Kroger backs up, from the heat, weary and turns to Mariasha:: Go now Mari, I'll catch up later.
[31-03:22] aafd3, Mariasha : (undo party!!)
[31-03:22] 521aa, Kroger: (())
[31-03:23] 521aa, Kroger: ((yo, we should definitely be a party... like a posse of adventturers))
[31-03:23] 521aa, Kroger: ::Kroger yells out to the Demon:: Curst!
[31-03:23] aafd3, Mariasha : .... water magic...
[31-03:23] 7d919, Curst Diablos : *he slowly turns his head so he can get a better look at the one who traped him within a bottle, and remebers that face* you had me within your mercy, though you let me out * he begins to let his bod retunr to normal *
[31-03:25] 521aa, Kroger: ::Kroger hears Mari's voice and shoves him behind his leg:: He only did what he thought was right Curst, same as I am doing now. We are not butcher's or common killers.
[31-03:25] 7d919, Curst Diablos : *if kroger plays his cards right he could have a allie*
[31-03:25] 521aa, Kroger: ((*jumps for joy*))
[31-03:25] 521aa, Kroger: ((see Mari, this is what real adventures are made of))
[31-03:26] aafd3, Mariasha : (fer you, maybe, my adventures all include bishis and beds.... *j/k*)
[31-03:26] 521aa, Kroger: ::Kroger looks at his broadsword, then turns it point down and stabs it into the hot earth:: I got my sword stroke... and missed.
[31-03:27] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[31-03:27] 7d919, Curst Diablos : i do not see your logic, i tryied to kill you for food and you still do not try and take my life? * is confused, though he might have to repay him for letting his out of that damn drows bottle*
[31-03:27] aafd3, Mariasha : *grummbles quietly in elvish... had no intentions of letting him out.*
[31-03:28] 7d919, Curst Diablos : (( letting curst out of that damn bottle))
[31-03:28] 521aa, Kroger: ::Kroger raises his chin a bit, staring at a point in the sky over the demon:: Mariasha did what he did to save us both.
[31-03:29] 521aa, Kroger: But you were not given your stroke. I respect you for your battle prowess and power. To not stand here and take mine own in return would be to betray that respect.
[31-03:31] 7d919, Curst Diablos : this drow had nothing to do with our fight. *once his body is back to normal he stnads at full height red eyes buring in the night sky like bonfires* what are you saying? you want me to attack you?
[31-03:33] 521aa, Kroger: ::he sets his jaw, venturing a gaze at the firey points in the sky:: I am not afraid of what may come. I am a Soldier, Curst Diablos. Mine is not to question why... mine is to do or die.
[31-03:33] 521aa, Kroger: ::Kroger breaks the gaze and stares back at the sky:: And I have failed in mortal combat.
[31-03:34] aafd3, Mariasha : ... *glares at kroger, taking up his bottle again and removing the cork*
[31-03:35] 7d919, Curst Diablos : stupid boy * he strides over to kroger* your givin a chance at life again, if you wish to someday best me then train, untill you get to the point where you can stand over one blast of heat then we can see who is better * he cocks his head and darts it over to mari* take a chance and dont toss your life away if you fail
[31-03:36] aafd3, Mariasha : *intends to capture Kroger this time*
[31-03:37] 521aa, Kroger: ((... great))
[31-03:37] 521aa, Kroger: ((... great))
[31-03:37] 7d919, Curst Diablos : (( well then curst get angry again ))
[31-03:38] aafd3, Mariasha : (so? ^^ )
[31-03:38] 521aa, Kroger: ((naw, it's okay, I give Mari a lot of grief))
[31-03:39] 7d919, Curst Diablos : (( *shrugs* ))
[31-03:39] aafd3, Mariasha :
[31-03:39] 521aa, Kroger: ((Plus I'm not on a lot and the bottle is free room and board, he can always carry me around to wherever he happens to be at the time instead of me having to race across teh woods and the farms and the city to get to him... not that I want Kroger to be stuck in there))
[31-03:39] 7d919, Curst Diablos : (( *is sorta just waiting till and hopefully his race is approved* ))
[31-03:40] 521aa, Kroger: ((also, Mari, You need Kroger's full name, not just part of it. You don't think Kroger the Soldier is his whole name, do you?))
[31-03:40] 521aa, Kroger: ((it's a hot pic... hold on, how long have you been waiting?))
[31-03:41] aafd3, Mariasha : (you said it was his full name)
[31-03:41] 521aa, Kroger: ((I never said that))
[31-03:41] 521aa, Kroger: ((go look at the Logs, if you like))
[31-03:41] 521aa, Kroger: ((the admins got his real name))
[31-03:41] 521aa, Kroger: ((I think it was like Jan 16 or something))
[31-03:42] 7d919, Curst Diablos : (( have i been waiting for my race? about 3 days now and still no word but i was told if i find enough people who were interested in the idea and were willing to make a group of them then it would have a good a chance of being approved))
[31-03:42] aafd3, Mariasha : (as I recall *isnt going through weeks of logs* he asked if kroger was you full name, and Kroger said yes)
[31-03:42] 7d919, Curst Diablos : (( *pokes kroger and mari* you 2 plan on posting? ))
[31-03:42] 521aa, Kroger: ((and it was up to mariasha to believe him, was it not? Who says a stranger can't lie to another stranger?))
[31-03:42] aafd3, Mariasha : *post*
[31-03:43] 521aa, Kroger: ::Kroger waits then wonders what the Demon meant:: What do you mean? You're letting me go?
[31-03:43] aafd3, Mariasha : (ya went to the bottle last time so it must have worked)
[31-03:44] 521aa, Kroger: ((yeah, last time when you didn't even finalize the item.))
[31-03:44] 521aa, Kroger: ((then you said it had to be the full name))
[31-03:44] 7d919, Curst Diablos : *he looks down at him* yes, you need training. and if you like i can watch over you as you do so
[31-03:45] aafd3, Mariasha : (it always had to be the full name, thats why I had mari ask if it was the full name, though I guess I soulda asked ooc)
[31-03:46] 521aa, Kroger: ::Kroger eyed the Demon suspiciously:: Training? Watch over me? I don't understand. Where would I go? And why would you protect me?
[31-03:47] 7d919, Curst Diablos : training cuase you need it, watch over you so you dont die by anyone elses hands you go where you think you can train and i would protect you as you let me out of that bottle * his voice is very matter of fact*
[31-03:49] aafd3, Mariasha : *just stands.. glaring and stuff*
[31-03:49] 521aa, Kroger: *Kroger looks at the beast a while longer gauging it's truthfulness as best he can. Finally* Okay. Well... Thank you.
[31-03:51] 7d919, Curst Diablos : dont thank me, just get working * he opens a portal right next to him, the other end is next to his cloak he leans through and eyes the large leather cloak and pulls it though*
[31-03:52] 521aa, Kroger: ::he looks down. Seeing his broadsword he reaches down, pulling it free of the earth. He yells after the demon:: Thank you, but you will not need to "watch over me". I can use an ally, not a mother hen.
[31-03:52] 521aa, Kroger: And I will train.
[31-03:53] 521aa, Kroger: ::Kroger turns to Mariasha:: We ready to go?
[31-03:53] aafd3, Mariasha : (*ponders being evil and jsut stabbing Kroger in the back with his dagger*) where?
[31-03:53] 7d919, Curst Diablos : *as he is standing next to kroger still he wraps his claok around himself and pulls out a book, noting the aura in the book so he can easly find them*
[31-03:54] 521aa, Kroger: Back to the city. I need a healer, and I sent young mistress to look for you.
[31-03:55] 521aa, Kroger: ::Kroger starts limping forward a hand on Mari's back, moving him along gently:: You know... we're a pretty good team.
[31-03:55] 7d919, Curst Diablos : *once he has the signitures he snaps it shut and slips it inside, opens a portal and dissapears into it*
[31-03:56] 521aa, Kroger: You just have to show up quicker.
[31-03:56] 7d919, Curst Diablos : (( kroger you got aim ))
[31-03:56] 521aa, Kroger: ((ya, RedIce611))
[31-03:56] aafd3, Mariasha : *contineus to glare at Kroger... if anyone payed attention to Mari they'd have noticed he wasnt his usual self*
[31-03:57] 521aa, Kroger: ::mutters:: and stop dropping from varying heights in an attempt to kill yourself.
[31-03:58] 521aa, Kroger: ::Kroger frowns as he moves a tree branch out of his path, looking at Mari:: What's eating you?..
[31-03:58] 521aa, Kroger: ::smirks:: We only walked away with our lives.
[31-04:00] aafd3, Mariasha : ....... Adrian.....
[31-04:01] 521aa, Kroger: ::his brows knit in thought:: True... he never did show up to help...
[31-04:02] aafd3, Mariasha : Hate me
[31-04:03] 521aa, Kroger: ::He blinks away his thoughts:: What?? You mean Adrian hates you?
[31-04:03] 521aa, Kroger: Why would you say that? Because of the girl, Averey?
[31-04:03] aafd3, Mariasha : *nods*
[31-04:04] aafd3, Mariasha : *nods.. again*
[31-04:05] 521aa, Kroger: ::Kroger grunts as he has to lift his leg over a log:: No, no, he's just in love. That doesn't mean he hates you.
[31-04:05] 521aa, Kroger: ::shakes his head:: Is everything so black and white with you drow??
[31-04:06] aafd3, Mariasha : He hate............. *glares, evily*
[31-04:07] aafd3, Mariasha : I kill woman
[31-04:07] aafd3, Mariasha : Take Adrian
[31-04:07] 7d919, Curst Diablos : (( no I kill woman))
[31-04:08] aafd3, Mariasha : (I KILLL DAMNIT!!!! *beats up Curst*)
[31-04:08] aafd3, Mariasha : (she stole hte man I ben after for 5 years)
[31-04:08] 521aa, Kroger: ::Kroger swats at some flies that are attracted by his burns:: What you need to do is forget about killing off people and try to have Adrian see you for who you are... a valuable friend, not a conniving murder.
[31-04:09] 7d919, Curst Diablos : (( I KILL *dodges and eats mari* she tryied to kill me ... 2-3 times already ))
[31-04:09] aafd3, Mariasha : Kill her... bottle him....
[31-04:10] 521aa, Kroger: ::the city appears as they break through the treeline:: Nooo, not kill her. Become her friend... you get to him through her.
[31-04:10] 521aa, Kroger: Trust me. Women have a soft spot for dark little creatrues.
[31-04:11] 521aa, Kroger: ::looks pointedly at Mari:: Well they do.
[31-04:11] 7d919, Curst Diablos : (( not for me ))
[31-04:11] aafd3, Mariasha : no care
[31-04:12] 521aa, Kroger: ::shakes his finger at Mari to emphasize his point:: See that there... that's stubbornness... you're not going to get to him like that.
[31-04:13] aafd3, Mariasha : I KILL!!!!
[31-04:15] 521aa, Kroger: Yeah, well, you'll be doin' that after we get to the inn then I guess.
[31-04:15] aafd3, Mariasha : I kill i kill I kill I kill I kill I kill I kill i Kill
[31-04:16] 521aa, Kroger: ::Kroger passes through the town to the inn. He stops in front of it:: Are you coming in?
[31-04:19] aafd3, Mariasha : *heads in, still chanting 'I Kill'*
[31-04:19] 521aa, Kroger: ::Kroger opens the door for them:: Don't you breathe?
[31-04:20] aafd3, Mariasha : *stops his chanting and glares at him, goe sin and yadda*
[31-04:21] 521aa, Kroger: ::avoiding most of the stares he walks to the bar and asks that a healer be sent to his room immediately, putting down a gold piece for this. Turning on his heel, he extends his hand:: Thanks again Mariasha. You were a big help.
[31-04:21] 521aa, Kroger: ::KRoger makes is way to his paid room to await the healer in relative peace and quiet::
[31-04:21] 521aa, Kroger: ((okay, I"m outtie, cya))
[31-04:21] aafd3, Mariasha : *just glares*
[31-04:22] EXIT: Mariasha has left the chat ( ).
[31-04:22] EXIT: Kroger has left the chat ( 5:21am, January 31 (CST) ).
[31-07:23] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[31-10:04] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[31-10:51] JOIN: Z has entered.
[31-11:29] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[31-11:29] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 12:29pm, January 31 (CST) ).
[31-11:37] JOIN: Squirrel has entered.
[31-11:37] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[31-11:38] 92794, Squirrel : *Ent0rz*
[31-11:38] 92794, Ravaella Glimmergaunt : ((*is here*))
[31-11:38] 92794, Panian Urthadar: ((*Told Mab to have this character deleted!*))
[31-11:39] 92794, Lady Eilsaadi : ((*Is here too, not like this one can do anything THAT important*))
[31-11:39] 92794, Cruward Hawklight : ((*And is also here*))
[31-11:39] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 12:37pm, January 31 (CST) ).
[31-11:40] 92794, Squirrel : *Back to OOCness*
[31-11:52] 94c70, Z: *is here*
[31-11:53] 94c70, Z: *working on new stuff*
[31-11:59] 94c70, Z: *throws a peanut at squirrel*
[31-12:04] 92794, Squirrel : /1d18
[31-12:04] DICE: Squirrel rolls = 0 on a 0d18.
[31-12:04] DICE: Squirrel rolls 7 = 7 on a 1d18.
[31-12:05] DICE: Squirrel rolls 7 = 7 on a 1d18.
[31-12:05] 92794, Squirrel :
[31-12:05] DICE: Squirrel rolls 1 = 1 on a 1d18.
[31-12:15] 94c70, Z:
[31-12:25] 94c70, Z: *is all alone*
[31-12:25] 92794, Squirrel : *ish playing PS2*
[31-12:28] 94c70, Z: What game?
[31-12:29] 92794, Squirrel : Ace Combat 3
[31-12:29] 92794, Squirrel : er 4
[31-12:34] 94c70, Z: ooh
[31-12:34] 92794, Squirrel : Now watching MIB 2
[31-12:38] 94c70, Z: Nothing wrong with that.
[31-12:38] 92794, Squirrel : Nope
[31-12:41] 94c70, Z: mwahaha. *done with that part.*
[31-12:43] 92794, Squirrel : K
[31-12:49] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[31-12:51] JOIN: R has entered.
[31-12:51] 7725b, R : *sneaks in and to his corner.*
[31-12:58] 92794, Squirrel : Hobbit...pfft
[31-12:58] 92794, Squirrel : MAGE FORCE SILVER, GO TEAM GO!
[31-12:59] 94c70, Z: *ponders leaving tow in the near future.*
[31-12:59] 94c70, Z: I like the gold better
[31-13:00] 7725b, R : hm?
[31-13:01] 92794, Squirrel : it one moment, hate it the next...right now I'm inbetween
[31-13:02] JOIN: crazy kitty has entered.
[31-13:02] 94c70, Z: Squirrel.. yeah just.. *shrugs* I don't know. It just seems more like a personal playground for a couple people and that's it really.
[31-13:05] 92794, Squirrel : *Shrug* Yeah, I've got an idea for a chat...don't know if it'd be popular though
[31-13:08] 94c70, Z: mostly.. well I'm not too happy with myself and Xanatos nearly losing our characters because M wanted Jen to do it OOC over a situation neither one of them knew the details of IC.
[31-13:10] 94c70, Z: hehe I'm not so sure I'd want to have a public chat on JJ.
[31-13:11] 92794, Squirrel : Thats the thing, not sure if my friends would be interested and I don't want newbies flooding the chat
[31-13:12] 92794, Squirrel : And yeah, me having just got Ryine back and already V is out to get him (and I think Maz is in on it too)...don't want that to happen
[31-13:14] 94c70, Z: yeah well.. worst part of it is you can't say anything about it.
[31-13:16] 92794, Squirrel : Which one is that for?
[31-13:17] 94c70, Z: Which one what?
[31-13:18] 92794, Squirrel : The chat or the thing with Ryine
[31-13:18] 94c70, Z: Both really.
[31-13:19] 92794, Squirrel : Hehe, yeah
[31-13:24] 94c70, Z: *expects to die over there soon anyway*
[31-13:30] 92794, Squirrel : Yeah...shame, liked RPing there too
[31-13:32] 94c70, Z: I did at first. Then it just got too politial and now all the people I did RP with at first are gone or mostly gone.
[31-13:35] 92794, Squirrel : Need to find a new Star Wars haunt
[31-13:38] 94c70, Z: *might ditch SW all together.*
[31-13:40] 92794, Squirrel : Would you be interested in Crimson Skies?
[31-13:41] 290ac, Aralore : ((*lurk*))
[31-13:43] 290ac, Aralore : ((*shiver*))
[31-13:45] JOIN: Lenora has entered.
[31-13:46] c7ff4, Lenora: Misty pale green eyes stared from under the hood figure.
[31-13:46] 92794, Squirrel : Eh heh...Lenore...qouth the raven "Never more"
[31-13:47] 290ac, Aralore : ((Hiya, Lenora.))
[31-13:47] c7ff4, Lenora: the figure did not move from wear she stood only stared.
[31-13:48] c7ff4, Lenora: Lenora kept the capes hood over her pale face, hiding her self was the best.
[31-13:49] c7ff4, Lenora: Lenora spoke slowly, "hello to thee." she said bowing
[31-13:49] 92794, Squirrel : Hey, make it less confusing could ya put * before and after actions? Or use the /me function?
[31-13:50] 290ac, Aralore : ((Actions are in present tense here, as well.))
[31-13:50]       Lenora shock her head in a yes motion.
[31-13:51] 94c70, Z: Crimson Skies... can't recall seeing it.
[31-13:51] 92794, Squirrel : *shrug* Some people use past tense...then mix in present...heh
[31-13:52]       Lenora walked a little way back from the person talking.
[31-13:52]       Lenora looks around hoping know one followed her.
[31-13:54] c7ff4, Lenora: if i may ask has any one seen by any chance royal guards looking about?
[31-13:54]       Lenora said under her hood.
[31-13:55] 290ac, Aralore : ((Past tense is stagnant, dead, carrying little emotion to a scene. While it is used occasionally, yes, newcomers should be encouraged to use the present.))
[31-13:56] 94c70, Z: Past tense only works well for Message Board play.
[31-13:56] c7ff4, Lenora: ....
[31-13:57]       Lenora steps away from Aralore
[31-13:58]       Lenora misty pale green eyes stare at the person called Aralore.
[31-14:01]       Lenora feels an odd energy present lurking in the air
[31-14:01] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[31-14:03]       Lenora lets out a sigh knowing that it was not the person looking for her.
[31-14:04] 290ac, Aralore : ((Man, that was some good pot pie...))
[31-14:05] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[31-14:05] c7ff4, Lenora: O.o
[31-14:06] 94c70, Z: *ponders RP*
[31-14:06]       Lenora tries fixing the boy cloths she wears to hide her self.
[31-14:07] JOIN: Veronica Kaelir has entered.
[31-14:07] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[31-14:08]       Lenora mumbles to her self as she tries to fix the shirt she wears.
[31-14:08] JOIN: Veronica Kaelir has entered.
[31-14:09]       Lenora triped over her hooded cape and fell backwards on her back her hood came off.
[31-14:11]       Lenora lay there cursing at her self.
[31-14:11]       Lenora soft white skin glowed in the dim light as she opened her pale green eyes.
[31-14:13]       Lenora pulled her self up her long white ponytail came out from under her cape.
[31-14:16] EXIT: Lenora has left the chat ( 3:11pm, January 31 (CST) ).
[31-14:16] JOIN: Veronica Kaelir has entered.
[31-14:16]       Lenora soft white skin glowed in the dim light as she opened her pale green eyes.
[31-14:17] EXIT: Lenora has left the chat ( 3:16pm, January 31 (CST) ).
[31-14:17] JOIN: Veronica Kaelir has entered.
[31-14:18] a2de8, Veronica Kaelir : ((Sorry for all the entrances))
[31-14:19] JOIN: Roki has entered.
[31-14:20] 92794, Squirrel : *Waves to Veronica* *Is Zan from Tides of War*
[31-14:21] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[31-14:22] 94c70, Z: *knows Veronica?*
[31-14:22] JOIN: Veronica Kaelir has entered.
[31-14:32] 290ac, Aralore : ((*sulk*))
[31-14:35] 94c70, Z: *pokes Aralore*
[31-14:36] 290ac, Aralore : ((*poked* *dies*))
[31-14:36] 94c70, Z: oops
[31-14:37] 94c70, Z: *sighs, has writer's block*
[31-14:58] a2de8, Veronica Kaelir : Ick
[31-15:08] 92794, Squirrel : Lurky lurky
[31-15:09] 94c70, Z: *too*
[31-16:15] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[31-16:17] 94c70, Z: *...lurks...*
[31-16:20] 290ac, Aralore : ((*pokles Z*))
[31-16:21] JOIN: Zaknafein has entered.
[31-16:27] 94c70, Z: *falls over*
[31-16:27] 94c70, Z: *tries to get finished with this Kingdom thing so she can bring her new char in.*
[31-16:34] 94c70, Z: FOOD!!!
[31-16:34] MSG: Z sent a message to Aralore.
[31-16:46] MSG: Aralore sent a message to Z.
[31-16:46] MSG: Aralore sent a message to Z.
[31-17:28] JOIN: Liz has entered.
[31-17:47] JOIN: Liz has entered.
[31-17:55] c5259, Liz: Bah..
[31-17:59] 010e2, Mab : *works on forces one last time before she calls it done, cuz blegh. We just can't wait all day for every well intended helpful person with advice to put his or her stamp of approval on things, especially since some of them take their dear sweet time about doing so.*
[31-18:00] c5259, Liz: *pats*
[31-18:05] 010e2, Mab : hehe
[31-18:08] c5259, Liz: Why is it so dead today?
[31-18:09] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[31-18:09] 010e2, Mab : It sometimes is Saturday night.
[31-18:10] c5259, Liz: *sighs*
[31-18:10] 010e2, Mab : It usually picks up late on Saturdays.
[31-18:10] c5259, Liz: I hope so
[31-18:14] 010e2, Mab : :0
[31-18:14] 010e2, Mab : oops
[31-18:14] 010e2, Mab :
[31-18:15] c5259, Liz: I gotta go...
[31-18:15] EXIT: Liz has left the chat ( 7:15pm, January 31 (CST) ).
[31-18:15] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 7:09pm, January 31 (CST) ).
[31-18:23] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[31-18:24] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 7:23pm, January 31 (CST) ).
[31-18:24] JOIN: Hannah Mayhem has entered.
[31-18:25] JOIN: Oyrin Darkune has entered.
[31-18:25] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem:
[31-18:26] JOIN: Oyrin Darkune has entered.
[31-18:26] JOIN: Oyrin Darkune has entered.
[31-18:27] JOIN: Oyrin Darkune has entered.
[31-18:27] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: ((problems oyrin?))
[31-18:28] 23948, Oyrin Darkune : *Riding his cart on the road to trendlekims, singing a song that reminds him of the great mountain halls of the dwarves. Smoking a pipe too.*
[31-18:29] 010e2, Mab : We made you the former King of the leaderless remnant of scattered Dwarves, Oyrin.
[31-18:31] JOIN: Brimstone has entered.
[31-18:31] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: *makes her sleeping mat before getting dressed, smoke colored cloak covers her today*
[31-18:36] 290ac, Aralore : *Sits at the bar, reading from his spellbook boredly, flipping pages blandly in the Glimmering Inn*
[31-18:37] 23948, Oyrin Darkune : ((Ii saw. It rawks.))
[31-18:37] 23948, Oyrin Darkune : *Rolls into town. His singing turns to humming as the horses hoves clop down the stone streets*
[31-18:39] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: ((omgosh..))
[31-18:40] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: ((*sighs*))
[31-18:48] 290ac, Aralore : *Dabs a quill in ink, marking the fading parchment with it shocker lizard stands perched on his shoulder, gazing at the colors in the spellbook curiously*
[31-18:48] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: ((i cant do thi sright now, im sorry..))
[31-18:48] EXIT: Hannah Mayhem has left the chat ( 7:48pm, January 31 (CST) ).
[31-20:16] 290ac, Aralore : ((Why'd it have to die!? It was my ONE escape from the drudgery of REALITY!!!))
[31-20:24] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[31-20:25] JOIN: Liz has entered.
[31-20:25] c5259, Liz: Everyone has lives
[31-20:27] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 9:24pm, January 31 (CST) ).
[31-20:27] JOIN: Hannah Mayhem has entered.
[31-20:28] 290ac, Aralore : ((I WON'T BELIEVE IT! *covers his ears :(*))
[31-20:28] c5259, Liz: *chants it over and over*
[31-20:29] c5259, Liz: Well...since there's noone to rp with in here, I'm gonna hit another chat.
[31-20:29] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: *pulls herself reluctantly down the glimmering inn's stairs, holding her dark gray cloak tightly, blanketing herself, lifting her eyes which also happen to be gray to peer about the room as her boots thump each step, hood lieing over her back..her darker auburn hair coating it and her shoulders*
[31-20:30] 290ac, Aralore : ((RP with us, Liz.))
[31-20:30] c5259, Liz: You never rp with me. In fact, you tend to ignore my chars. So...I'll pass.
[31-20:30] EXIT: Liz has left the chat ( 9:30pm, January 31 (CST) ).
[31-20:30] 290ac, Aralore : *Glances to Hannah briefly, before returning his gaze to his spell book and mumbling something in Draconic*
[31-20:31] 290ac, Aralore : ((...))
[31-20:33] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: *lifts a brow some, pursing her lips as her thirst overcomes the need to invistage the mumbles..seating herself at the nearest barstool*
[31-20:34] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: *leans forward, laying her elbows on the bar as she lifts her boots, resting the toes of them on the bottom rung of the stool, waiting for service*
[31-20:35] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[31-20:38] JOIN: AdrianGoldenmoon has entered.
[31-20:39] 290ac, Aralore : *Sips his ale, his shocker lizard moving away from him to skulk towards the shadows...a small belt affixed to the creature...Aralore holds out one hand carefully, a quill carefully removing itself from the belt and floating into Aralore's hand for him to write with some more arcane symbols*
[31-20:41] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: *as she manages to gain the tender's service without voicing herself, she very softly and smoothly asks for a strong wine, letting her hands fall away from the bartop and rest on her lap after pre paying the man for the drink*
[31-20:42] 290ac, Aralore : The wine here is terrible...I'd recommend a good glass of ale...
[31-20:43] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: If you were addressing me, any wine is a good far as sipping purposes go..*lifts her eyse from the bar and looks to aralore*
[31-20:45] 290ac, Aralore : *Purses his lips, glancing up to meet Hannah's stare, shaking his head*...Not this wine. The bar keep probably goes in back and smashes the grapes with his feet himself ten minutes before he serves it...*eyes the bar keep warily, smirking*
[31-20:47] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: *fights off a smile and settles for a small grin, letting it crawl across her face as she peels her eyes away from him, looking to the bartender as he arrives with her drink*
[31-20:52] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: *waves him away after she nods, fingering her glass idly and slowly, watching aralore*
[31-20:53] 290ac, Aralore : So, what's your name? *sips his ale, looking distastefully at his spell book before closing it altogether*
[31-20:53] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: Hannah, and you?
[31-20:55] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[31-20:56] 290ac, Aralore : Aralore...of house Edzil, twenty-seventh house of Klarkaronde. *rolls his eyes at the lowly noble Drow house, his only real identification...he doesn't know if it's been overtaken in some bloody coup or another, else he's refer to it as no house worth mentioning*
[31-20:57] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: Why are you above ground..? *tilts her head some, resting her fingertips around the neck of her glass*
[31-20:58] 290ac, Aralore : *Chuckles, shaking his head as he looks away, eyes distant with the memory of several human lifetimes*...would you believe me if I said it was long ago, in a valiant battle for ethics and morals and ideals of freedom..?
[31-20:59] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: *a smile slowly crawls across her face as she shakes her head*
[31-21:03] 290ac, Aralore : When I was very young...thirty, maybe forty...I lived in the Underdark. One day, while training in the use of martial weapons, I saw an infintely bright light...a portal. Venturing through it were a pair of arguing wizards...
[31-21:04] JOIN: Liz has entered.
[31-21:05] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: mmhmm..*has yet to try her drink, she listens intently*
[31-21:05] 290ac, Aralore : ((Liz, you're always RPing with someone else! I didn't want to disturb you..but I didn't ignore you. In fact, Aralore specifically asked that Mierka be spared, if memory serves.))
[31-21:06] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( why am I always the other man ><; )
[31-21:07] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: ((o_o))
[31-21:08] 290ac, Aralore : Apparently they were testing new spells they'd created for teleportation...clearly they'd planned to end up in a more hospitable place than the Underdark. They grabbed me, and I was no real match for them...their spells ensured that...and struck a deal with me. I was miserable in the Underdark, and so in exchange for the material spell components necessary to open up the teleporter again they granted me protection from the light sensitivity normally experienced by Drow..and let me come with them.
[31-21:10] c5259, Averey Lithle : (( *ponders where to start* ))
[31-21:10] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: *straightens her posture, taking all of it in ..staying quiet for a moment as she ponders*...I see..
[31-21:14] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: Why were you miserable? *looks to him again*
[31-21:14] 290ac, Aralore : Eventually they were killed in their sleep by thugs..they hadn't invested much in protection of their work. I hunted all responsible down, eventually...
[31-21:14] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: Sorry for interrupting you *laughs..8
[31-21:15] EXIT: Averey Lithle has left the chat ( 10:15pm, January 31 (CST) ).
[31-21:15] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: I'm sorry to hear about them..
[31-21:17] 290ac, Aralore : The Underdark is a harsh reality. Men are not treated very well, down there. Any escape would've been welcome, and they provided it. Unfortunately, I'd developed already a nasty drug habit...but eh, I've cut back...
[31-21:19] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: I'm glad you've ...escaped, then, or are at least a little less uncomfortable in your surroundings *pushes her glass away, the thirst having subsided for the moment*
[31-21:22] 290ac, Aralore : Most abovedark people hate and fear the's better than hanging around Drow, though...*chuckles*
[31-21:22] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: I've befriended two least i like to think of them that way..*slouches forward some again*
[31-21:24] 290ac, Aralore : That's wonderful. You're a lot more open-minded than most above...
[31-21:25] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: Yes, well,..i dont give my trust out lightly anymore *smirks, looking at the bartop*
[31-21:27] 290ac, Aralore : Anymore? *His eyes are curious, gently prying* When did you give it out lightly?
[31-21:27] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[31-21:27] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: Whenever i met someone new, incidents have led me to believe that people are not as kindly as i'd like to think *washes her eyes over his face*
[31-21:32] 290ac, Aralore : People tend to be shifty of allegience...
[31-21:34] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: what was that you mumbled as i came down for a drink?
[31-21:34] JOIN: Karn Vailner has entered.
[31-21:36] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: *winks as she retrieves her drink, looking to it as she sips it, her head cocking back as it is rather bitter..surprised he was right ..setting it down adn pushing it away afterwards, wanting nothing more to do with it*
[31-21:36] 290ac, Aralore : You mean the Draconic I was reciting?
[31-21:37] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: Yes *wipes her lips with her palm, watching him as she fights off a cough*
[31-21:41] JOIN: Dre has entered.
[31-21:42] JOIN: Dre'makius has entered.
[31-21:42] 290ac, Aralore : Just trying to memorize a spell...
[31-21:42] JOIN: Squirrel has entered.
[31-21:43] 1ee93, Dre'makius: ((*yawns and stretches8))
[31-21:44] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: I thought i smelled..*chuckles, forgetting the ill tasted drink*
[31-21:44] 92794, Cruward Hawklight : ((*ish here*))
[31-21:44] JOIN: Roki has entered.
[31-21:44] JOIN: Ralaphor has entered.
[31-21:44] e663b, Roki: All Your Base Are Belong To Roki
[31-21:44] 6c848, Ralaphor: ((What I miss?))
[31-21:44] 1ee93, Dre'makius : ((Ohh cool. service!))*saunters out of her chambers, dancing to the side as a pirate makes a dive for her**smirks and trots towards main deck*
[31-21:44] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: ((*ish pokes em*))
[31-21:46] 92794, Cruward Hawklight : *Can be found chatting with some crew members in the galley, letting out a racous laugh and sipping a cup o mead*
[31-21:46] 290ac, Aralore :, no, it wasn't about you. Just a bit of magic to remember for the next day...
[31-21:46] e663b, Roki: meh.. if anybody wants to rp wif meh for some unknown reason.. lemme know, i'll be lurkin and wurkin on st00fa
[31-21:47] 1ee93, Dre'makius : *walks towards the galley, her hands folded behind her back with a very very prideful look on her face as she ascends towards Cruward*
[31-21:47] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: ((*poketh rokieth*))
[31-21:48] 1ee93, Dre'makius : ((*snuggles the Roki!*))
[31-21:48] 6c848, Ralaphor: ((test))
[31-21:48] 6c848, Ralaphor: ((No snuggles from me? :-())
[31-21:48] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: *smiles, digging around in her bag for an apple..setting it on the bar after she finds it, pushing it to start it rolling towards him*
[31-21:48] 92794, Cruward Hawklight : *Looks at Dre'markius smiling and lifts his cup to her, the other members following suit and taking a gulp from the cup*
[31-21:49] 1ee93, Dre'makius : ((awww *snuggles the ralaphor two fold*))
[31-21:49] e663b, Roki: *..snuggled by someone he doesnt know*
[31-21:51] 1ee93, Dre'makius : *bows deeply as she reaches the group, grinning from ear to ear* Already in good spirits eh mates?
[31-21:51] 6c848, Ralaphor: ((Mmmmmmm))
[31-21:52] 290ac, Aralore : *Stops the apple with a hand, examining it carefully* What's this for..?
[31-21:52] 92794, Cruward Hawklight : *The group chuckles* Aye my dear we are, care to join us?
[31-21:52] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: Keeping me company, and being honest about the wine
[31-21:54] 1ee93, Dre'makius : *grins* I would certainly most Cap'n. *grins accepting a pint of mead from one of the other crew members and raises the glass in a mutal toast, having a drink of it*