These logs are no longer being updated. Use DB Logs to see recent lines.

[29-01:11] 4a0f7, Averey Lithle : Easy...Mari..calm down
[29-01:12] 7cc86, Mariasha : Mankoi um lle yel mi Mari?
[29-01:13] EXIT: Jerren Skulldeep has left the chat ( 1:30am, January 29 (CST) ).
[29-01:14] 247ce, Connor Rayne : (*pounced..eeps and pins*)
[29-01:19] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ::sets the bowl on the table for Mari to clean himself up with:: You're hurt...::blinks, pointing to the back of his own head, then Mari's head:: Ow
[29-01:19] 7cc86, Mariasha : ( . . . . )
[29-01:20] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ::reaches into his pocket for the baby squirrel and hands him to Averey:: here.. would you take him up?... you should rest too.. we'll be busy tomorrow.. :::smiles, kissing her affectionately:: I'll be up shortly.
[29-01:20] 4a0f7, Averey Lithle : *nods, taking Spark and kisses him back* See you soon
[29-01:21] 7cc86, Mariasha : Ow? *placing his hand back on the back of his head, feeling about the wound with a minor wince*
[29-01:21] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ::looks to Mariasha, nodding::
[29-01:22] 4a0f7, Mierka: ***Pause***
[29-01:23] 7cc86, Mariasha : .... um amin sint lle? *making motions player too lazy/tired to describe, but, evidently mean 'do we know eachother'*
[29-01:26] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ::shakes his head slowly::
[29-01:26] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : No.. :icks up the bowl and offers it to him::
[29-01:26] 4a0f7, Averey Lithle : *heads up to their room*
[29-01:27] 4a0f7, Averey Lithle : ***Gone**
[29-01:27] 7cc86, Mariasha : san' sut ilue amin kahless lle? *backing away a step or two*
[29-01:30] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ::arches a slim brow:: it's just water..
[29-01:31] 7cc86, Mariasha : *being as freaked, worried and frightened as he already is, doesnt need a stranger offering him free drinks. Snatches his dagger off the table and, despite it still being in it's sheath, holds it worods dri in a threatening manner* Leitu cel tuulo' mi!!
[29-01:35] 1e935, Mab : *meanders off to do real life work after fiddling with Bettenchi forces all day*
[29-01:35] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ::sighs, shaking his head, and sets the bowl on the table:: Alright then.. Good night. ::waves:: Bye-bye... ::turns and heads up the stairs to his room, where Averey waits::
[29-01:35] 7cc86, Mariasha : (*waves at Mabby*)
[29-01:36] 7cc86, Mariasha : *quickly gathers up his things once Dri's turned away, and flees out the door, of tho who knows where*
[29-01:37] 7cc86, Mariasha : (off to who*)
[29-01:38] EXIT: AdrianGoldenmoon has left the chat ( 2:35am, January 29 (CST) ).
[29-01:39] EXIT: Mariasha has left the chat ( ).
[29-01:44] e663b, Roki: ...and it dies.
[29-01:52] e663b, Roki: *stabs it..stabs it good*
[29-02:03] c2a0c, Rav : Hi there Roki
[29-02:12] 94c70, Z: *pokes Rav*
[29-02:16] e663b, Roki: *waves*
[29-03:10] JOIN: Connor Rayne has entered.
[29-03:41] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[29-03:46] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[29-03:46] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[29-03:47] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 4:46am, January 29 (CST) ).
[29-03:47] JOIN: joey has entered.
[29-07:39] ae640, W: *looks in*
[29-08:38] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[29-09:09] ae640, W: *pokes around for people*
[29-09:10] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[29-09:14] ae640, W: Howdy!
[29-09:23] ae640, W: Don't you speak?
[29-09:23]       W pokes the wisp
[29-09:23] ae640, W: *pokes the wisp*
[29-09:31] ae640, W: evidently you dont...
[29-09:37] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[29-09:38] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 10:37am, January 29 (CST) ).
[29-09:49] d28f5, Palladia Mors : ROAR!!!!
[29-10:01] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[29-10:01] 08afa, Will-o'-the-wisp: mew
[29-10:01] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 11:01am, January 29 (CST) ).
[29-10:02] 94c70, Z: hmm
[29-10:03] ae640, W: *waves*
[29-10:03] 94c70, Z: Hey W
[29-10:05] 94c70, Z: *baps W for not posting*
[29-10:08] 290ac, Aralore : *Yawnish*
[29-10:09] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[29-10:09] 290ac, Aralore : Wow...eleven o'clock. This is unprecedented for me. It's soooo early.
[29-10:10] 94c70, Z: *doesn't know what sleep is*
[29-10:11] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 11:09am, January 29 (CST) ).
[29-10:12] JOIN: Zaknafein has entered.
[29-10:12] 290ac, Aralore : And what was my incentive? watch The Price is Right. *huggles Z*
[29-10:13] 94c70, Z: ... you're kidding right?
[29-10:14] 290ac, Aralore : Er-um-and to see you! *lavishes Z with attention* :)
[29-10:15] 94c70, Z: o_o I'm not usually on right now myself.
[29-10:20] JOIN: Connor Rayne has entered.
[29-10:20] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[29-10:20] 94c70, Z: And neither is he. *pokes Connor.*
[29-10:20] 86997, Connor Rayne : *grr's, sacks out in his rafter all snoopy like*
[29-10:21] 1d667, Zaknafein : ((Neither am I. Or well I am, but don't usually have anything to rp.))
[29-10:22] 94c70, Z: Snoopy!
[29-10:23] 86997, Connor Rayne : ((hell yeah! *loves da Snoopy*))
[29-10:23] 94c70, Z: *likes the music they play for him too *
[29-10:25] 86997, Connor Rayne : ((*eyes THUG...then ETM...THUG...EMT...*))
[29-10:26] 1d667, Zaknafein : ((*Plays KOTOR.*))
[29-10:27] 86997, Connor Rayne : ((*assaults Zaknafein- still wants to play that*))
[29-10:28] 1d667, Zaknafein : ((hehe..))
[29-11:13] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[29-11:14] JOIN: Namu has entered.
[29-11:14] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 12:14pm, January 29 (CST) ).
[29-11:14] JOIN: Namu has entered.
[29-11:16] JOIN: Roki has entered.
[29-11:17] 2262c, Roki: *ponders Namu* any relation to Shamu ?
[29-11:20] b2eff, Namu : (No??)
[29-11:23] b2eff, Namu : (*ponders Roki* Any relation to Loki?)
[29-11:27] 2262c, Roki: HELL NO
[29-11:27] b2eff, Namu : (ark... okie)
[29-11:27] 94c70, Z:
[29-11:29] b2eff, Namu : (*hides somewhere, so he can work quietly*)
[29-11:30] JOIN: Lt.Hagget has entered.
[29-11:31] d0516, Lt.Hagget : *Studies scroll*
[29-11:32] EXIT: Lt.Hagget has left the chat ( 12:31pm, January 29 (CST) ).
[29-11:32] JOIN: Z has entered.
[29-11:32] 94c70, Z: *thinks that's the shortest cameo she's seen.*
[29-11:33] JOIN: Ivan has entered.
[29-11:33] b2eff, Namu : (*has seen shorter*)
[29-11:34] 94c70, Z: yeah I guess a post like *dies* would be shorter.
[29-11:34] JOIN: Lt.Hagget has entered.
[29-11:34] d0516, Lt.Hagget : ((Glim?))
[29-11:34] 94c70, Z: Nuthin! *eyeshift*
[29-11:35] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[29-11:35] a1c74, Ivan : (That's me)
[29-11:35] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 12:35pm, January 29 (CST) ).
[29-11:35] 94c70, Z: Gett'm Hagget!
[29-11:35] d0516, Lt.Hagget : ((Wanna finish this, or are you down with your char bein' held up?))
[29-11:36] b2eff, Namu : ( ^^ )
[29-11:36] JOIN: Glim has entered.
[29-11:36]       Glim needs to pee...
[29-11:37]       Glim has been holding it for almost 5 days....
[29-11:38] a1c74, Glim : (yes)
[29-11:39] b2eff, Namu : (*whines cause his cereal is soggy*)
[29-11:39] 94c70, Z: aww.. poor Namu.
[29-11:40] a1c74, Glim : (hey Alec, did you suddenly get called out or something?)
[29-11:41] a1c74, Glim : (hm....)
[29-11:41] d0516, Lt.Hagget : *He sets the scroll aside and attends to his uniform, brushing the dust from the parade ground off his uniform as he stands**He strolls from the tent, returning the salutes of the soldiers as he crosses into the makeshift holding cells**The guards outside allow him into Glim's tent, and he stands just inside after he ducks to enter, watching the man before him**Glim's arms should be bound to seperate stakes with chains, and his legs would be bound into a folded up position, limiting movement as well as...
[29-11:42] d0516, Lt.Hagget : restricting blood flow**He doesn't speak, but just watches silently, waiting for the prisoner to respond to his entrance*
[29-11:42]       Glim is asleep
[29-11:44] d0516, Lt.Hagget : *Rolls his eyes and approaches the prone form, aiming a none-to-gentle at the assasin's ribs* Get up, yeh shiftless backstabber. *He rests his hand on the hilt of his sword. You know. Just in case*
[29-11:44] 2262c, Roki: poor glim.. Vincey boys is in Iraq in case you don know, so his online time is limited.
[29-11:45] a1c74, Glim : (i know, he regreted to tell me that when he catured me or i would have tryed to run...)
[29-11:47] b2eff, Namu : (*munches soggy Frosted Flakes, lurking quietly.... quieter now since the cereal not making so much crunching*
[29-11:47] a1c74, Glim : auh *becomes half awake and see's lt.hagget's boots, becomeing fully awake* You here to kill me?
[29-11:48] a1c74, Ivan : (poor me...)
[29-11:48] a1c74, Ivan : (l ol)
[29-11:50] d0516, Lt.Hagget : *He shakes his head, his intense stare radiating hatred and distaste, never taking it from Glim* Yeh'd've been dead long ago if that's what yeh were meant fer. Nay. I'll be wantin' some questions, and then we'll see what happens to yeh after yeh cooperate. Do yeh understan', son? *He paces around Glim's vulnerable form, hand still on his hilt*
[29-11:52] a1c74, Glim : I understand. *watches the boots stride around him*
[29-11:56] d0516, Lt.Hagget : Good. Now, what're yeh called an' where do yeh hail from? *Continues his casual and measured stride, hand still on his hilt, watching Glim's eyes while he answers*
[29-11:57] b2eff, Namu : (...... *sets his cereal aside, as his cats snotty sneezing has made him lose his appetite*)
[29-11:58] IGN: Lt.Hagget ignored b2eff for 172800 seconds.
[29-11:58] d0516, Lt.Hagget : ((*Shifty eyes*))
[29-12:01] a1c74, Glim : my name is glim. i'm from around here. *answers truthfully*
[29-12:03] d0516, Lt.Hagget : An' 'ow long yeh been camped in these parts? 'o d' yeh live with?
[29-12:08] a1c74, Glim : I live alone. I've lived here for all my life, but i've traveled far.
[29-12:09] d0516, Lt.Hagget : ((That's the truth?))
[29-12:11] a1c74, Glim : (my character knows there are palidin's here and he thinks you may be one of them, some can sense lies so he's not going to lie, and if he does i'll say that he just did, so no, he's not))
[29-12:13] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[29-12:15] d0516, Lt.Hagget : ((Thanks.)) Yer doin' good so far, Glim. Now... *He stops pacing and stands at Glim's head, his hand moving from his hilt to cross across his chest* ...these questions are gonna be a bit more tricky, so yeh'll 'ave t' think b'fore yeh answer. Why did yeh attack the man yeh did in the forest? *Referring to Alec, is unwilling to give away the name and rank of the intended target if Glim doesn't already know it*
[29-12:16] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 1:13pm, January 29 (CST) ).
[29-12:16] JOIN: kriel Chaggra has entered.
[29-12:17] NICK: kriel Chaggra changed nick to Kriel Chagg´Ra.
[29-12:17] a1c74, Glim : I was hired to do it.
[29-12:17] MSG: Kriel Chagg´Ra sent a message to Glim.
[29-12:18] d0516, Lt.Hagget : Aye? 'n by whom?
[29-12:19] MSG: Glim sent a message to Kriel Chaggra.
[29-12:19] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[29-12:19] a1c74, Glim : nikademus. *hopes he doesn't get hung for giveing that away...*
[29-12:20] a1c74, Glim : if you go and tell him that i told you, you should just kill me now.
[29-12:21] JOIN: Odette has entered.
[29-12:22] a1c74, Glim : (no school is nice huh?)
[29-12:22] 53101, Odette : (( * peekies* ))
[29-12:23] d0516, Lt.Hagget : Nikademus. *Speaks the name softly, memorizing it for later* Yeh've got nothin' t' worry about, Glim, this creature will be dead shortly. *Speaks matter-of-factly, no trace of arrogance* So. 'ow much did this... Nikademus pay yeh t' do the job? An' did 'e tell yeh why yeh were t' do it?
[29-12:24] JOIN: Kriel Chagg'Ra has entered.
[29-12:25] 616a5, Kriel Chagg'Ra : ((*pokes odette in the booby*))
[29-12:25] a1c74, Glim : i only require a name to find someone, he was going to pay me by giveing me more jobs.
[29-12:25] 53101, Odette : (( yup yup ))
[29-12:26] a1c74, Glim : (kriel is dead, odette is going to kick your ass..)
[29-12:26] 53101, Odette : (( ack !! violation!! ** prods back in the go-nads * ^-^ ))
[29-12:26] b2eff, Namu : (er... *almsot fergot he was lurking*)
[29-12:27] a1c74, Glim : (told you...)
[29-12:29] 53101, Odette : (( heh!.. ok ))
[29-12:29] b2eff, Namu : (*eyes Kriel's piccie*)
[29-12:29] b2eff, Namu : (OOCland)
[29-12:31] a1c74, Glim : and i didn't ask why he wanted it done
[29-12:34] JOIN: Tyra Lightbringer has entered.
[29-12:35] d0516, Lt.Hagget : *Wasn't expecting an answer to his last question* Where an' when did yeh meet with this character?
[29-12:35] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[29-12:36] 53101, Odette : (( * Prods Kriel again for his lack of responding* heh ))
[29-12:36] a1c74, Ivan : (you here??)
[29-12:36] b2eff, Namu : (me?.. no, not really.. I'm more.. over there)
[29-12:37] a1c74, Ivan : (*pokes Lt.Hagget*)
[29-12:38] 53101, Odette : (( Yo Riney.. try 996666 for the hex color.. you and Hagget match ^^ ))
[29-12:39] a1c74, Glim : (opps, wrong char...)
[29-12:41] a1c74, Glim : I met him accross the ocean, about a month ago
[29-12:42] 53101, Odette : (( .. argg ... where'd Kriel go !? ))
[29-12:42] d0516, Lt.Hagget : "Across the ocean"? Now what the hell is a local man like yerself doin' travellin' across the ocean. Did yeh go specifically t' meet this Nikadameus?
[29-12:43] a1c74, Glim : I was doing a job over there and i found someone who wanted a job over here done, because i was comeing back here anyways
[29-12:44] d0516, Lt.Hagget : Aye? An' what job did yeh have over there? Surely not as interestin' as this one.
[29-12:46] a1c74, Glim : I was there to kill someone. A grudge kill.
[29-12:46] a1c74, Glim : someone didn't pay me you see
[29-12:46] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[29-12:49] 53101, Odette : (( m'kay.. boredom seeting in now.. heh))
[29-12:49] d0516, Lt.Hagget : Facinatin'. *He's been watching Glim's eyes the whole time and hasn't seen the flash of untruth he's been looking for this whole time* So now that yeh've failed yer attempt, are yeh gonna try again?
[29-12:51] a1c74, Glim : no, if i did you would know it was me. *thinks ~i probly could get away with it, but i won't try~*
[29-12:51] 2262c, Roki: *could spice things up a little, maybe*
[29-12:54] d0516, Lt.Hagget : Good. 'n if we said we might 'ave a job fer yeh, what would yeh say?
[29-12:55] a1c74, Glim : how much and who, is what i would say.
[29-12:57] b2eff, Namu : (heheh.. there a book on TV bout a kid and a bully, bully kept stealing his lunch, so the boy put laxatives in it )
[29-12:58] 53101, Odette : ((hehe))
[29-12:58] d0516, Lt.Hagget : Well, I can't give yeh the specifics, only the oppurtunity. *He draws his sword and in a moment, the bonds on glim's hands are cut* Yeh're free to stay in the camp as long as yeh agree to an escort, otherwise yeh'll be on yer way.
[29-13:01] a1c74, Glim : Would i be allowed to join your forces, i've never faced someone as skilled as, Alec i think his name was.
[29-13:02] a1c74, Glim : (how does time work in this rp? is it like one day is one day, or like ever 4 hours is one day or what?)
[29-13:04] d0516, Lt.Hagget : ((*Shrug*)) I'll make no promises, as I said, I'll only make the offer. If yeh wish to speak to him, yeh'll have to wait in our camp.
[29-13:05] 53101, Odette : * She sits atop her pure white steed, Gabriel.. her dark eyes look about her, at the people and buildings... her purple and black gown billows in the light breeze..Guards are all around her *
[29-13:05] a1c74, Glim : *nods* i'll wait. I would like to speak to him. And i would be greatfull if i were allowed to have my weapons returned.
[29-13:08] a1c74, Glim : and i will take that job.
[29-13:08] d0516, Lt.Hagget : *He shakes his head* My apologies, but yeh'll get yer weapons back when yer on yer way, one way 'r th' other. Yeh've no need for 'em, yeh'll be cared for.
[29-13:10] 53101, Odette : (( bah i g2g ill be back in like an hour.. tell Kriel to wait if comes back and/or if he wanted to RP with Odette..heh ^-^ bbl...))
[29-13:11] JOIN: Z has entered.
[29-13:13] a1c74, Glim : oh good! i feared that i wouldn't be able to get them back ever.
[29-13:15] d0516, Lt.Hagget : *He keeps that stony expression as he looks Glim over silently**After a moment, he speaks again* Yeh're not in friendly hands yet, yeh know that. Yeh attacked one of our men an' that brands yeh as an enemy. Until yeh prove yerself otherwise, that's 'ow yeh'll be treated. Do not leave yer tent unless yeh have to, for yer own good. *He steps around Glim and towards the tent flap, going to return to his scroll*
[29-13:17]       Glim watches as he leaves, then starts to streatch, that position wasn't comfortable
[29-13:18] JOIN: Liz has entered.
[29-13:20] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[29-13:20] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 2:20pm, January 29 (CST) ).
[29-13:20] JOIN: joey has entered.
[29-13:20] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[29-13:22] EXIT: Lt.Hagget has left the chat ( 2:15pm, January 29 (CST) ).
[29-13:24] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[29-13:24] JOIN: Z has entered.
[29-13:24] 4a0f7, Liz: *yawns*
[29-13:25] 19e7e, Will-o'-the-wisp: *gives Liz a bed and then changes into a teddy bear*
[29-13:29] b2eff, Namu : (*crawls ontot he bed and snuggles da teddy bear, since Liz isnt gunna*)
[29-13:29] EXIT: Glim has left the chat ( 2:17pm, January 29 (CST) ).
[29-13:29] NICK: Will-o'-the-wisp changed nick to Shifty.
[29-13:29] a1c74, Ivan : (hm...)
[29-13:30] b2eff, Namu : (link)
[29-13:31] 19e7e, Shifty: *kabonks Namu* Back...back...back I say!!!
[29-13:31] b2eff, Namu : (No!!!)
[29-13:31] EXIT: Ivan has left the chat ( 2:29pm, January 29 (CST) ).
[29-13:34] 19e7e, Shifty: ((*puts itching powder down Namus shirt* Take that!!)))
[29-13:35] 94c70, Z: *pounces Shifty*
[29-13:36] b2eff, Namu : (Hmph *resists, cause he has uber willpower* You cant make me itch *bans Shifty from the bish-e-files*)
[29-13:36] 19e7e, Shifty: ((*am pounced* EEP!))
[29-13:46] JOIN: Liz has entered.
[29-13:51] JOIN: R has entered.
[29-13:51] 7725b, R : hm..
[29-13:51] 19e7e, Shifty: ((*falls asleep*))
[29-13:52] 4a0f7, Liz: *lurks*
[29-13:53] 19e7e, Shifty: ((*pounce tackle huggles the lurking Liz*))
[29-13:54] 4a0f7, Liz: Aaaiiieee!!!!
[29-13:55] 19e7e, Shifty: ((how ya be?))
[29-13:56] 4a0f7, Liz: Good....bored, but good. You?
[29-13:58] 19e7e, Shifty: Me am good.
[29-13:59] b2eff, Namu : (........... *pounces Shifty and Liz*)
[29-13:59] 4a0f7, Liz: Good
[29-13:59] b2eff, Namu : (*eyes Liz* are you the same liz from the VK??)
[29-13:59] 4a0f7, Liz: VK? Explain?
[29-14:00] 19e7e, Shifty: *am pounced*
[29-14:00] b2eff, Namu : (Vampires Kiss......)
[29-14:01] 4a0f7, Liz: No....but I go to Andorra. I think it's the other Liz you're thinking about. There are two of us. I'm Liz #2.
[29-14:01] b2eff, Namu : (ah *nods* Yeesss... Number two *attempted Dr. Evil*)
[29-14:02] 4a0f7, Liz: *edges away and hides behind Shifty*
[29-14:02] b2eff, Namu : (who, does, number 2, work, for)
[29-14:03] 19e7e, Shifty: I havent seen the other Liz in awhile. She had a baby like a month or so ago. *protects Liz*
[29-14:04] 4a0f7, Liz: ??
[29-14:04] 4a0f7, Liz: Aww!!!!
[29-14:07] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[29-14:07] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 3:07pm, January 29 (CST) ).
[29-14:07] JOIN: Rav has entered.
[29-14:07] 19e7e, Shifty: *chuckles* no...I wasent meaning you had a baby Liz, I ment Liz had a baby.
[29-14:07] 9ddde, Rav : Halo all
[29-14:08] 19e7e, Shifty: hello
[29-14:08] 4a0f7, Liz: I know
[29-14:08] b2eff, Namu : (*waves* Hi Rav)
[29-14:09] 19e7e, Shifty: *chuckles as he lays on the floor*
[29-14:09] 4a0f7, Liz: *ponders ICness*
[29-14:14] b2eff, Namu : *Ponders OOCness*
[29-14:15] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[29-14:15] 9ddde, Rav : *ponders just to be pondering*
[29-14:15] 35d31, Will-o'-the-wisp: ((*pokes Twiggit*))
[29-14:15] 4a0f7, Liz: Cold..
[29-14:16] b2eff, Namu : (ow)
[29-14:17] 35d31, Will-o'-the-wisp: ((Heh...figured it was you.))
[29-14:18] b2eff, Namu : (*shrugs* not hard, all my images are hosted at hornyromeo.homestead )
[29-14:18] 9ddde, Rav : Warm. *shrugs as he has no idea whats going on yet again.*
[29-14:18] 9ddde, Rav :
[29-14:18] 4a0f7, Liz: No...I'm cold
[29-14:19] b2eff, Namu : (Medium tempurature)
[29-14:19] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 3:17pm, January 29 (CST) ).
[29-14:19] JOIN: Damien has entered.
[29-14:19] 35d31, Damien: Horny Romeo? LOL *is Gene.*
[29-14:20] b2eff, Namu : (Hullo Geney one)
[29-14:21] 9ddde, Rav : *huggles Liz to warm her up.*
[29-14:21] 35d31, Damien: Geney?
[29-14:22] b2eff, Namu : (*nods*)
[29-14:24] 19e7e, Shifty: Well...time for me to split.
[29-14:25] 4a0f7, Liz: Aww!! No! Don't leave me alone!
[29-14:25] 19e7e, Shifty: Well I got to if I want to get home. If my dad dosent beat me to the comp I will be on tonight.
[29-14:26] b2eff, Namu : (*is here*)
[29-14:26] 4a0f7, Liz: Ok...
[29-14:27] b2eff, Namu : (*hugs Liz* Don't worry, I'm still here)
[29-14:27] 19e7e, Shifty: *sends his army of clones to protect Liz**also his army of Orcs, Barneys, and Stooges*
[29-14:27] 9ddde, Rav : *Waves to shifty* Have a good one. *then wonders off since noone wants him around anyway. j/k.*
[29-14:27] 19e7e, Shifty: *huggles, snuggles, and cuddles Liz* bye...take care hon.
[29-14:27] 4a0f7, Liz: I wanna rp..
[29-14:27] b2eff, Namu : (*pounces Rav*)
[29-14:28] b2eff, Namu : *doesnt quite have a personality yet, but can still be IC*
[29-14:28] 9ddde, Rav : *Is pounced*
[29-14:28] 4a0f7, Liz: See ya
[29-14:29] EXIT: Shifty has left the chat ( 3:27pm, January 29 (CST) ).
[29-14:29] b2eff, Namu : (*drags Rava round* Nuh uh, noones allowed to leave.... cept Shifty... *cuffs Rav to a bed*)
[29-14:30] 1d667, Zaknafein : ((*Wanders off to join R in the rp's screwed department.*))
[29-14:31] 4a0f7, Liz: *joins them*
[29-14:31] 9ddde, Rav : *RaE* Names Rav slick, and you bed cuffing is stupid.
[29-14:32] b2eff, Namu : (well, ya cant go nowhere handcuffed to a bed.. they're heavy and big...)
[29-14:33] 9ddde, Rav : *uses mistical Admin. powers to uncuff himself.* I can go somewhere if I want to.
[29-14:35] b2eff, Namu : (Noooo *tackles Rav* you can't leaaave)
[29-14:35] b2eff, Namu : (*eats his 5th corndog of the hour*)
[29-14:35] 9ddde, Rav : I don't plan on it just yet
[29-14:36] b2eff, Namu : (phew.,... okie dokie then)
[29-14:36] 4a0f7, Liz: *goes to leave...very very bored*
[29-14:37] b2eff, Namu : (*pounces Liz* NOOOO)
[29-14:37] 4a0f7, Liz: Can't stop me.
[29-14:38] b2eff, Namu : (yeh huh *hand cuffs himself to liz *)
[29-14:39] 4a0f7, Liz: Get real.
[29-14:39] EXIT: Liz has left the chat ( 3:39pm, January 29 (CST) ).
[29-14:40] b2eff, Namu : she no fun *cries*)
[29-14:42] 9ddde, Rav : *pokes around for R*
[29-14:42] b2eff, Namu : (*cries cause he's not R and noone wants him*)
[29-14:42] 94c70, Z: *Is here*
[29-14:43] 94c70, Artanis : *Is travelling with Mierka and Gorthius, yes.*
[29-14:44] JOIN: R has entered.
[29-14:44] 7725b, R : *is around*
[29-14:45] JOIN: Liz has entered.
[29-14:45] 4a0f7, Liz: Make up your mind, Z.
[29-14:47] 94c70, Z: *sigh* screw it then, I can't do anything right.
[29-14:47] 1d667, Zaknafein : ((*Hangs with R.*))
[29-14:48] 7725b, R : *doesn't hang with Drow, EYES* *pokes Z*
[29-14:48] 9ddde, Rav : *rolls eyes.*
[29-14:48] b2eff, Namu : (*hangs with R? *)
[29-14:49] 1d667, Zaknafein : ((*Baps R.*))
[29-14:49] 1d667, Zaknafein : ((Yea. Got a problem with it?))
[29-14:50] 7725b, R : *smacks*
[29-14:51] 1d667, Zaknafein : ((*Ducks*))
[29-14:53] 4a0f7, Mierka: *after a while she pauses her horse and looks back in the direction of the city*
[29-14:59] 9ddde, Gorthius: *Rides next to them peting Corith's neck. He is in hsi armor.*
[29-15:03] 94c70, Artanis : *Is silent as she walks along with them, not having a horse she has to get about somehow. Her arms are folded across her chest casually. It felt odd not having most of her belongings anymore, almost as though she were missing vital clothing.*
[29-15:05] 4a0f7, Mierka: *softly* Goodbye...*and even more softly* ...Conall
[29-15:07] 9ddde, Gorthius: *He reaches down with an armored hand.* Would you like to ride, Eri?
[29-15:08] EXIT: Namu has left the chat ( 3:50pm, January 29 (CST) ).
[29-15:09] 94c70, Artanis : *Looks at his hand and then up at Gorthius.* I don't want to be an extra burden. *She knows that a horse can only handle so much weight on its back.*
[29-15:10] 4a0f7, Mierka: *sighs and urges her horse forward to catch up* I already offered
[29-15:11] 9ddde, Gorthius: *He chuckles.* Oh, don't worry Corith could carry us both. Couldn't you boy? *Corith seems to nod his head in responce.*
[29-15:16] 94c70, Artanis : If you insist. *She unfolds her arms to take his hand.*
[29-15:16] 4a0f7, Mierka: *rolls her eyes and grumbles*
[29-15:19] 9ddde, Gorthius: *he pulls her up into the saddle infront of him then slides off the back of Corith. He looks up at Mierka and takes off his helm.* Mind?
[29-15:20] 4a0f7, Mierka: No....*jokingly* Apparently my horse is'nt good enough
[29-15:22] 94c70, Artanis : *Blinks as he slides off.* You didn't have to do that.
[29-15:23] 9ddde, Gorthius: Well, Corith is a warhorse he can carry the extra. *looks at Eri* what 90 pounds plus all of our gear. *He mounts up behind Mierka.* And besides I have to work with you on rideing. *smiles at Eri.* I know.
[29-15:24] 4a0f7, Mierka: My riding is fine..*winces, knowing she's gonna be so stiff in the morning*
[29-15:26] 9ddde, Gorthius: *he nods but does not say anything. as player has to goto work. Gorthius slips into NPC mode.*
[29-15:28] 94c70, Artanis : *Nods as well, falling silent again.*
[29-15:31] 4a0f7, Mierka: *rides next to her* You're quiet
[29-15:35] 94c70, Artanis : I'm sorry. Old habbit, I'm not used to travelling with others.
[29-15:35] JOIN: Squirrel has entered.
[29-15:36] 92794, Squirrel : *Is just here to lurk* Lurky, lurky, lurky....*bites people at random*
[29-15:36] 4a0f7, Mierka: Oh....neither am I
[29-15:44] 94c70, Artanis : Is there.. something you want to talk about?
[29-15:44] 4a0f7, Mierka: No....I guess not
[29-15:45] JOIN: Dre'makius has entered.
[29-15:47] 94c70, Artanis : If there is, let me know.
[29-15:48] 4a0f7, Mierka: I will...
[29-15:48] 94c70, Artanis : *smiles a bit, then looks forward again.*
[29-15:50] 4a0f7, Mierka: I'll miss it, you know...
[29-15:52] 94c70, Artanis : The city?
[29-15:53] 4a0f7, Mierka: *nods* I've never lived anywhere else..
[29-15:54] 94c70, Artanis : We'll be alright. Homes are replaceable.
[29-15:56] 4a0f7, Mierka: *nods* I guess..
[29-15:57] 94c70, Artanis : It's not so bad really. There are a lot of things to see.
[29-15:58] 4a0f7, Mierka: Like?
[29-16:01] 94c70, Artanis : Other places, people, mountains, meadows...
[29-16:05] 92794, Cruward Hawklight : ((Is Dre paused atm?))
[29-16:06] JOIN: Liz has entered.
[29-16:08] 4a0f7, Liz: *nods* I'd like to see a waterfall..
[29-16:11] 4a0f7, Mierka: *nods* I'd like to see a waterfall..
[29-16:14] JOIN: Dekan Elsin Nahkel has entered.
[29-16:14] EXIT: Dekan Elsin Nahkel has left the chat ( 5:14pm, January 29 (CST) ).
[29-16:15] JOIN: Dekan Elsin Nahkal has entered.
[29-16:15] 94c70, Artanis : There's a few around. *smiles*
[29-16:17] 4a0f7, Mierka: Alright
[29-16:21] JOIN: Dekan Elsin Nahkal has entered.
[29-16:22] 82cf6, Dekan Elsin Nahkal : (( and color check ))
[29-16:22] JOIN: Connor Rayne has entered.
[29-16:24] JOIN: Dekan Elsin Nahkal has entered.
[29-16:27] 4a0f7, Mierka: ***Pause***
[29-16:28] EXIT: Mierka has left the chat ( 5:27pm, January 29 (CST) ).
[29-16:30] 92794, Cruward Hawklight : ((I guess so))
[29-16:31] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[29-16:33] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 5:31pm, January 29 (CST) ).
[29-16:37] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[29-16:40] EXIT: Cruward Hawklight has left the chat ( 5:30pm, January 29 (CST) ).
[29-16:43] 290ac, Dune : ((OOOHHHHH let's name the zones, the zones, the zones, let's name the zones of the open SEA!!))
[29-16:44] 290ac, Dune : ((Mesopelagic, bathyal, byssalpelagic, all the rest are too deep for you and me to SEE!!))
[29-16:45] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[29-16:45] 290ac, Dune : ((*Runs around crazily*))
[29-16:53] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 5:45pm, January 29 (CST) ).
[29-16:54] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[29-16:58] JOIN: Dekan Elsin Nahkal has entered.
[29-17:03] 82cf6, Dekan Elsin Nahkal : (('ello?))
[29-17:04] JOIN: Jerren Skulldeep has entered.
[29-17:04] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep: ((Arrr!!))
[29-17:07] 82cf6, Dekan Elsin Nahkal : ((?))
[29-17:07] 290ac, Dune : ((Ick, I don't wanna learn how to drive :/ Omnipotence never learned, and he turned out alright.))
[29-17:07] 82cf6, Dekan Elsin Nahkal : ((care to rp?))
[29-17:07] 82cf6, Dekan Elsin Nahkal : ((how old are you Dune?))
[29-17:08] 290ac, Dune : ((Ick, I don't wanna learn how to drive :/ Jesus never learned, and he turned out alright.))
[29-17:08] 82cf6, Dekan Elsin Nahkal : ((color.....))
[29-17:08] 82cf6, Dekan Elsin Nahkal : ((14 and something months?))
[29-17:15] 290ac, Dune : ((Shut up, Dekan. Learn to read hex codes, ass.))
[29-17:15] 82cf6, Dekan Elsin Nahkal : ((no one will talk?))
[29-17:16] 82cf6, Dekan Elsin Nahkal : ((i dont see how my not having knowledge of reading hex codes constitutes you calling me an ass.))
[29-17:17] 82cf6, Dekan Elsin Nahkal : ((or the want for that matter))
[29-17:17] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep: ((*smacks the chat* Refresh damn you!))
[29-17:17] 290ac, Dune : ((Constitutes. So he can use words greater in length than two syllables.))
[29-17:18] 82cf6, Dekan Elsin Nahkal : ((What is up up your ass?))
[29-17:19] 82cf6, Dekan Elsin Nahkal : ((((hmm one to many words))))
[29-17:20] 290ac, Dune : ((It's 'too', not 'to', you pusillanimous ignoramus.))
[29-17:20] 82cf6, Dekan Elsin Nahkal : (((( so you spend all your time looking up new words in a dictionary because your a looser without a life?))
[29-17:21] 290ac, Dune : ((It's loser. That needn't require a dictionary.))
[29-17:22] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep: ((uh... if it will stop the fighting, I'll RP?))
[29-17:22] 82cf6, Dekan Elsin Nahkal : ((what ever i have a life to live later))
[29-17:23] 82cf6, Dekan Elsin Nahkal : ((i would jerren but htis dolt ruined my mood for it))
[29-17:23] 82cf6, Dekan Elsin Nahkal : ((htis=this))
[29-17:23] 290ac, Dune : ((Whatever. Single word. Context, connotation, syntax, diction...wrong, all wrong...simply astounding...))
[29-17:25] 82cf6, Dekan Elsin Nahkal : ((for one who knows so many words it seems you could come up with a better name then that of a book))
[29-17:26] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep: ((ENOUGH! I demand less flame war, more RP!))
[29-17:26] 290ac, Dune : ((Than, dear. Then indicates progression, as in a sequence of events. And it was also a movie :) ))
[29-17:27] 290ac, Dune : ((And a video game..))
[29-17:28] 82cf6, Dekan Elsin Nahkal : ((rp does sound more interesting then a pointless arguement with i played that game))))
[29-17:28] 290ac, Dune : ((And a sandy hill...))
[29-17:29] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[29-17:30] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep: *is in the in, examining a bottle to some very expensive scotch*
[29-17:36] 82cf6, Dekan Elsin Nahkal : ((**walks from the docks in toward the city clad in filty clothes he looks as he walks for a suitable tavern to drink at**))
[29-17:37] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[29-17:37] 82cf6, Dekan Elsin Nahkal : ((**walks from the docks in toward the city clad in filty clothes he looks as he walks for a suitable tavern to drink at**))
[29-17:37] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 6:37pm, January 29 (CST) ).
[29-17:38] JOIN: joey has entered.
[29-17:39] 82cf6, Dekan Elsin Nahkal : AHHHH with out the (()) things damn!))
[29-17:40] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep: *looks moderatly clean himself, though his braided hair is scragly from not having been groomed and his clothing looks to have been used in travel and normal use throughou the days he's been wearing them though they are clean*
[29-17:44] 82cf6, Dekan Elsin Nahkal : **spots a very clean looking tavern that has glass windows that mark its status then deciding on that tavern enters anyone who would see him as he enters would see, a man of 6' 2" blonde hair and blue eyes and a very dark tan wearing gray trousers and a dirty white shirt a harness can be seen that straps his sheathed sword to his back. Moves to an empty table sitting on a stool that faces the room**
[29-17:46] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep: ((this would be the Inn? And what is it with people playing unusualy tall guys. I'm 6 foot myself and I try to play the shorter folk)) *glances over at the tall dirty man*
[29-17:47] 290ac, Dune : ((BBIAF))
[29-17:47] 82cf6, Dekan Elsin Nahkal : (( I am 5' 10" irl but i got one char that is really tall 7' and another that is only 5' something so i made on in the middle))
[29-17:54] 82cf6, Dekan Elsin Nahkal : **he looks up from his stool to the bar-maid as she asks him for is order he then asks for some soup and jug of ale**
[29-17:56] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep: *watches him a moment then goes back to his study of the bottle, placing a hand over his temple as he does so*
[29-18:01] MSG: Dekan Elsin Nahkal sent a message to Jerren Skulldeep.
[29-18:02] MSG: Jerren Skulldeep sent a message to Dekan Elsin Nahkal.
[29-18:04] MSG: Dekan Elsin Nahkal sent a message to Jerren Skulldeep.
[29-18:05] 82cf6, Dekan Elsin Nahkal : ((anyways)) **when the maid returns with his food and drink dekan asks her about the city she only tells him about leaders and the basic lay out of the city he pays her extra for the for the food because she informed him**
[29-18:08] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep: *overhears the dialogue and is mildly surprised at the human's being so forthcoming of information about their kingdom*
[29-18:09] 82cf6, Dekan Elsin Nahkal : ((brb someone rang the door bell))
[29-18:12] 82cf6, Dekan Elsin Nahkal : ((err ok)) **begins to eat his soup from the silver spoon covering the after taste with a drink of ale he lets out a sigh then leans back into the wall behind him**
[29-18:14] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep: *opens the bottle and takes a nip from it, keeping his hand to his temple all the while. He seems to consider the taste as though mulling it over, rather than swallowing it*
[29-18:18] 82cf6, Dekan Elsin Nahkal : **doesnt bother tasting his drink quicly finishing his soup he then moves stands up stretching then grabs of the jug of ale he moves to two posters on the wall that the offer handsom prices for bountys**
[29-18:20] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[29-18:20] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep: *fortunatly, any bounty on him would only be found in Krondor. He motions for a maid to come over to him. He offers her a sip of his drink. The girl looks about warily, as she realy shouldn' be doing this on the job, but takes a nip when her boss isn't looking*
[29-18:24] 82cf6, Dekan Elsin Nahkal : **the corner of his mouth turns up as he read the notices then turns around looking around the room through blue eyes one hand with a hooked thumb in his belt the other holdig the jug of ale. spots the man offering a drink to the maid whom he moves over to** Hello, sir? Are you a resident of his city? I was wondering if you know of a place I might find a good smith.
[29-18:27] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep: *the maid winks at him and moves off to take care of another customer. Jerren looks slightly disapointed, though he keeps ot himself his ponderings about what her wink was for. He looks over to Dekan* What smith you want?
[29-18:28] 82cf6, Dekan Elsin Nahkal : **looks down to the man** I was looking for an iron smith.
[29-18:29] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep: Iron for weapons? Iron for pots? Iron for tools?
[29-18:30] 82cf6, Dekan Elsin Nahkal : **thinks about it a moment not having gone on land for month the idea pops into his head** Black smith...I need a new sword.
[29-18:30] 82cf6, Dekan Elsin Nahkal : ((month-months))
[29-18:36] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep: Know Morgan McMullen. Good smith, can make swords.
[29-18:37] 82cf6, Dekan Elsin Nahkal : Oh. **nods** And where would his smithing shop be at?
[29-18:39] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep: In town. *actualy doesn't know where the guy's locate himself.*
[29-18:41] 82cf6, Dekan Elsin Nahkal : **shrugs** Well I figured that much. **thinks** I think I shall just go fer' a walk. My thanks. **turns on heal walking his cape whirling around behind him he exits the tavern to the cobbled street**
[29-18:43] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep: *nods to him as he leaves then glances over at the tavern wench, who's still working.* Hmm.
[29-18:48] 94c70, Z: ...
[29-18:52] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep: ((...))
[29-18:52] 82cf6, Dekan Elsin Nahkal : ((sorry bout that my friend is going insane **now continues**))
[29-18:53] 82cf6, Dekan Elsin Nahkal : **moves down the street his eyes jumping from building to building looking at inhabitant and signs as he moves his sandled feet dragging on the cobble street as he moves**
[29-18:59] 290ac, Dune : ((Mesopalagic, bathyal, abyssopalagic, all the rest are too deep for you and me to see!))
[29-18:59] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep: ((*must be going, has food to eat and such. WBBL*))
[29-19:01] 82cf6, Dekan Elsin Nahkal : ((later ***pauses himself**))
[29-19:03] 290ac, Dune : ((Let's name the zones, the zones, the zones, let's name the zones OF THE OPEN SEA!!))
[29-19:04] 94c70, Z: *tests zee pic*
[29-19:05] 94c70, Z: *tries again, stupid typoes*
[29-19:07] JOIN: Katzia has entered.
[29-19:08] 290ac, Dune : ((Hrm. My pizza will take eleven minutes to bake...on the other hand, had I put it in eleven minutes earlier, I'd be eating it right now :/ ))
[29-19:08] 94c70, Z: mwehehe.
[29-19:08] b1df9, Katzia: *she walks threw the street and her eyes look around with caution, uncertain where the winds have carried her this time*
[29-19:09] 94c70, Z: *goes back*
[29-19:10] 290ac, Dune : ((*Vices Z*))
[29-19:10] JOIN: Katzia has entered.
[29-19:11] b1df9, Katzia: *she listens quietly heading for the nearest tavern, it has been a long travel and her body could use some plenishment*
[29-19:16] 290ac, Dune : *Sits in the Glimmering Inn, flipping through the pages of a random book and muttering to himself crazily, incoherently*
[29-19:16] JOIN: Squirrel has entered.
[29-19:17] 92794, Squirrel : Hmmm wonder if I should RP or not...
[29-19:30] 92794, Cruward Hawklight : *Hmm, guess this is the only character that could RP at the moment, so out and about he is...the same with his men, many who might be occupying the Glimmering Inn, drinking and having a good time...meh may as well join them, so he steps in and tosses a wave to his crew, who respond by raising their glasses to him. He simply smiles and moves further into the bar, chatting with several crew members, laughing at jokes and such*
[29-19:34] 290ac, Dune : *Looks to Cruward, patting his wolf's head, who bares his teeth at any newcomers that come through the door...goes back to looking at the book and muttering nervously, clothes and armour in disrepair...almost barbarity*
[29-19:36] 94c70, Z: *got Viced *
[29-19:36] 290ac, Dune : (( :) ))
[29-19:37] 92794, Cruward Hawklight : *Doesn't see Dune off the bat or his wolf baring his teeth, laughing hard at one of his crews jokes and patting one on the back* Jolly good tale! *Laughs some more before finishing his socializing and moving farther into the bar, a huge smile on his face*
[29-19:37] JOIN: Karn Vailner has entered.
[29-19:40] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 7:20pm, January 29 (CST) ).
[29-19:42] JOIN: Kriel Chagg'Ra has entered.
[29-19:42] 290ac, Dune : *Looks over his book, frowning, elven features far less noble than expected*
[29-19:43] 867a2, Aegnora : *needs to torment someone*
[29-19:44] 290ac, Dune : *Already tormented*
[29-19:45] 92794, Cruward Hawklight : *Smiles at Dune, giving him a kind nod and wave*
[29-19:45] 92794, Cruward Hawklight : *Isn't tormented*
[29-19:46] 616a5, Kriel Chagg'Ra : *having established a base of operations outside he returns to the city with his usual guard. Nikademus is no where in sight, the spy off searching for kerrek. There is a smile on his face as he strokes the head of the raven that perches on his arm, two knights, dressed in black armor seem to accompany him everywhere, and about 10 of the soldiers he has brought along with him have also come along. He smirks to himself, the people of this nation are so simple, so.... odd in thier customs....
[29-19:48] 290ac, Dune : Demons...there was a demon here...*looks up from his book, snarling ferally at Cruward, flipping rapidly through the pages of the book and affixing an icy stare to it*
[29-19:48] 92794, Cruward Hawklight : *Stops and cocks his head at the man* Pardon?
[29-19:49] 616a5, Kriel Chagg'Ra : and the common man is so weak! in the kingdom of Nish'Apur all hte citizens are trained in the ways of war, here, the common man can barely lift a battleaxe much less use one.**he pushes open the doors to the glimmering inn, his raven letting out a cawing sound as it flies into the rafters, perching up there the bird gazes down angrily at the wolf. **as he moves in one might sense an air of royalty about him, and if one knew of the dress of the Nish military, one would conclude that Kriel is an admiral,
[29-19:49] ae640, Relonel the Slayer: (( *torments Aegnora* ))
[29-19:49] 290ac, Dune : It's wilderness lore. And it isn't unfounded. There is proof...out there..somewhere in the murky forest deeps...almost like the depths of ocean tides, swarming about and threatening to consume all the mortal world in eternal shadow...
[29-19:50] 616a5, Kriel Chagg'Ra : due to the fact he is wearing the garbs of one. His presance seesm to carry a hidden evil with it, something not of this world. Though the presance of said evil is small, if not non-existant. only thoughs sensative to it would be able to pick up on it.*
[29-19:51] 867a2, Aegnora : ((Ha! I am ze Nightmare! You can't scare me!))
[29-19:52] 92794, Cruward Hawklight : Oh, aye...I beleive there are some things out there, never seen them m'self, but stories told aren't always unfounded, but a
[29-19:52] ae640, Relonel the Slayer: (( Cuts the nightmare into little itty bitty peices* ))
[29-19:52] ae640, Relonel the Slayer: (( Cuts the nightmare into little itty bitty peices* ))
[29-19:53] 94c70, Z: *ponders slipping in with her new char.*
[29-19:53] 867a2, Aegnora : *... and she is rather sensitive to the taint of evil, being as she is, herself, evil in her own ways. She watches from where she stands, leaning against a building a few down from the Inn, as Kriel enters into the Glimmering Inn*
[29-19:55] 290ac, Dune : Probably not anymore...but then..demons always take manifest internally as well as in physical reigns of's best to worship them rather than fear them, you know...
[29-19:55] 616a5, Kriel Chagg'Ra : *as he, and his men move into the tavern, they notice the pirates themselves, each heavily armed man shoots icy glares at them. The Nish are reknown for thier cruel punishments to pirates that invade Nish territorial waters. He himself pays no mind to cruward or his men, preferring to move to a secluded booth, he slips into it, the two black knights seem to stand guard at the side of it, while the rest of the men take up tables and other booths. a serving girl comes along in no time, and kriel gives her a
[29-19:56] 616a5, Kriel Chagg'Ra : simple request for food and drink for him and his men. His raven, which had taken to the rafters to avoid Dune's wolf, swoops down and perches on Kriel's shoulder*
[29-19:57] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : *.. were she there... the demon talk would have her laughing hysterically...*
[29-19:59] 92794, Cruward Hawklight : Well, a demon I can't worship....just not my area...kind of "iffy"
[29-19:59] 290ac, Dune : *Is crazy. Probably reading a medieval version of Alice in Wonderland rather than some ancient tome of mystical demon like knowledge. Laugh away*
[29-20:00] JOIN: Z has entered.
[29-20:01] 290ac, Dune : Wilderness lore always makes me edgy...I've spent too many nights in the freezing desert day. And at night, it's so damned hot. Or...or perhaps it's the other way around...*puts a hand to his chin in agitated contemplation*
[29-20:01] 92794, Cruward Hawklight : You're a looney aren't you?
[29-20:06] 290ac, Dune : *Bangs his mug of ale on the counter top, rivulets of thin yellow liquid pooling down to meet the worn wood* I am perfectly of a right mind! It's the rest of the world that is unwilling to believe...and so I am the only one that is SANE!
[29-20:06] 616a5, Kriel Chagg'Ra : *sooner than Kriel expected, his own men had started something with the pirates there at the tavern, tossing insults and leers at Cruaward's men. he, seems to be lost in thought at the moment, his two guards seeming to stand stoic there at the sides of his booth*
[29-20:08] 290ac, Aralore : *Sits on the rooftop of his hut, a thin wooden pipe protruding from his mouth and held in a single hand, shocker lizard, circumnavigating the diminutive establishment as if it were a cat*
[29-20:10] 92794, Cruward Hawklight : ((Uh...Kriel, do you really have to start that What the Deuce? up?)) *Nods* Be it far from me to judge you
[29-20:11] 616a5, Kriel Chagg'Ra : ((just playing my character
[29-20:11] MSG: Z sent a message to Aralore.
[29-20:11] 290ac, Dune : You have to be a believer. You have to have faith in the evil that plagues...because only the good are the victims...
[29-20:12] 616a5, Kriel Chagg'Ra : ((just playing my character's personalities like they would be in real life. Besides, cruward, Its not Kriel whos engaging in taunting your men.))
[29-20:12] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep: ((*returns to the scene of the crime*))
[29-20:13] MSG: Aralore sent a message to Z.
[29-20:15] 616a5, Kriel Chagg'Ra : *Kriel had pulled a small paper map etched out by Nikademus of the outlying countryside, and was looking over it as he waited for the serving girl to come back with his food. his men seemed arrogant, course they were army, and while the army did train some of the most elite fighters the nish produced, they had no respect for a man of the sea. The navy on the other hand, wouid not disrespect the pirates in such a manner*
[29-20:16] 94c70, Z: *stares at AIM.*
[29-20:16] 616a5, Kriel Chagg'Ra : ((*pokes about* aegnora?))
[29-20:16] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep: ((Hey Cruward, where's your char at present?))
[29-20:17] 92794, Cruward Hawklight : *Well Cruward's pirates are made of sturdier stuff and effectively ignore and say goodbye to Kriel's men* *As is Cruward* Well, I'll keep that in mind, mate *waves and exits the Glimmering Inn*
[29-20:19] 290ac, Dune : *Continues to read his book, muttering to himself of demons and analogous fire-engulfed and wretched things*
[29-20:19] 867a2, Aegnora : ((Yes...?))
[29-20:20] JOIN: Dre'makius has entered.
[29-20:20] 616a5, Kriel Chagg'Ra : Brother, where are you? *said in an almost hushed tone as he examines the map before him, he interrupted a moment by the serving girl who brings him some food and drink, after serving said food, the woman hastily retreats from the presance of Kriel and the evil looking knights.**he takes a small portion of the food and places it on the table, his raven swoops down and gobbels up the food that is offered, he watches it a moment, making sure that the bird does not die or some such thing he begins to eat himse
[29-20:21] 616a5, Kriel Chagg'Ra : lf, his men laugh and joke to each other as the pirates leave, no doubt intimidated by the nish warriors.*
[29-20:21] eff6c, Dre'makius : *trots out of the Glimmrin inn behind Cruward* 'allo Cap'n
[29-20:21] 616a5, Kriel Chagg'Ra : ((you seemed to dissapear a moment, jest checking if your still IC))
[29-20:22] JOIN: Jerren Skulldeep has entered.
[29-20:23] 92794, Cruward Hawklight : Ah, well if isn't my new crew member? *chuckles* This might sound funny, but I never caught your name, lass
[29-20:24] eff6c, Dre'makius : *grins* It's Dre'makius M'lord *looks up at him, obviously shorter than he is* Tis a'ight though... I neva really gaeve it aout
[29-20:24] 867a2, Aegnora : *is still standing outside... doing her omnious not moving all too much, and watching peoples and stuff thing*
[29-20:26] 867a2, Aegnora : *... and she is very bored. She pushes from her spot at the wall finally, and slowly moves towards the entrance of the Glimmering Inn*
[29-20:26] 92794, Cruward Hawklight : Ah, well what is ma lass doing tonight? Hmm?
[29-20:27] 616a5, Kriel Chagg'Ra : *after finishing his meal he broods over the map a moment or too longer, then gets up , shoving a hand into his pocket he takes out a small chunk of gold and tosses it to a serving girl. heading twords the door. he will let his men eat and rest, for tomarrow they must begin the search, those two large stoic knights clinging to Kriel*
[29-20:27] eff6c, Dre'makius : *shrugs and smirks, her hands in her pockets* Nuffin really sir
[29-20:28] 867a2, Aegnora : *.. and as Kriel moves out.. he'd bump into Aegnora who just stepped around to move in... *
[29-20:29] 92794, Cruward Hawklight : Oh? Well, what do you say to comin back to the ship?
[29-20:30] eff6c, Dre'makius : *looks up at him and grins* Sure... can show me about roight?
[29-20:30] eff6c, Dre'makius : ((why is it whenever I go to vote on the bleedin polls it doesn't let me?!))
[29-20:30] 616a5, Kriel Chagg'Ra : *as he bumps straigtht on into her he backs up abit, startled, the two men at his sides pull out rather cruel looking longswords and sieze her by the arms, pelting her with questions in a language akin to spanish. He yells out something to the two knights, who almost fearfully let her go, sheathing thier swords*
[29-20:31] MSG: Jerren Skulldeep sent a message to Cruward Hawklight.
[29-20:32] 92794, Cruward Hawklight : ((Go ahead Jerren)) *Nods* Righto, lass
[29-20:33] eff6c, Dre'makius : *grins* So is the rest of the crew also there? Or are they still on ship leave? *looks up at him and then to where they are walking*
[29-20:34] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep: *is sitting by the harbour, by the ship with no name*
[29-20:34] 867a2, Aegnora : *as her arms are grabbed rather roughly, for a brief moment, her eyes flare, appearing as pits into hell itself, before just as quickly fading... She gives the two knights a rather cool look... they won't be sleeping well for awhile, mwahaha... before turning her attention to Kriel.* My apologizes. *if it is of any note, she is once again dressed in all black, making her pale skin seem all the more pale*
[29-20:35] 92794, Cruward Hawklight : They're on their way back, my dear...afraid the mood had been spoiled for the night *Keeps on walking*
[29-20:35] JOIN: AdrianGoldenmoon has entered.
[29-20:36] eff6c, Dre'makius : Oh... well.. that be rather sad....pity... *shrugs and continues along rather light spirited*
[29-20:36] JOIN: Kriel Chagg'Ra has entered.
[29-20:37] 92794, Cruward Hawklight : And what has you in high spirits? Hmm?
[29-20:38] eff6c, Dre'makius : *glances up at Cruward* Why shouldn' I be in 'igh spirits Sir? *grins lopsidedly*
[29-20:39] 92794, Cruward Hawklight : *Shrugs* Just figured there might have been some special reason
[29-20:39] 616a5, Kriel Chagg'Ra : *he offers her a small smile, his own skin seems pale white as well, which is out of place considering the guards, and the men in the tavern. All seem to have heavily tanned skin. His hair is jet black, as is the tattoo that runs along the bottom of his left eyelid. His clothes seem to be of a military kind. And soon enough, the raven which had been cleaning up the scraps of food that Kriel left, swoops over and perches on his shoulder, it cawing a moment as it sees aegnora, it seeming to cower down on his
[29-20:39] 616a5, Kriel Chagg'Ra : shoulder*
[29-20:40] eff6c, Dre'makius : well... I be on me way to a real poirate ship where I am part of the crew. Tha be me reason. And if ye doan't moind me sayin Cap'n... wif a moighty foine lookin cap'n as the cap'n roight eh? *grins*
[29-20:41] 867a2, Aegnora : *jet black hair... pale skin... if he had red eyes, he'd be her twin!* *stares at the Raven a moment... will have to hurt it if it gives her nature away... dratted animals and their senses...* *shifts her red eyes back to Kriel, and slowly takes one step to the side, waiting to see if he shall pass her, or actually speak *
[29-20:42] 92794, Cruward Hawklight : *Grins down at her* I don't mind that at all Dre'markius *chuckles reaching the docks* Allo...what do we have here? *spots Jerren*
[29-20:42] eff6c, Dre'makius : *looks up and spots Jerren and smirks*
[29-20:44] 616a5, Kriel Chagg'Ra : *his eyes seem to be an odd shade of yellow, not red. He looks at her a moment, seeing the likeness of someone familiar in her, before smiling a moment* fascinating..... *said as he looks to her..... seems more than interested. he not moving though, curious to see what she will do. His two guards seem on edge by her, and the raven itself caws at her, as if trying to warn its master about something*
[29-20:45] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep: *looks away from the sea, which he has been introspectively watching for some while and see's Cruward. Gets up and smiles a slightly yellowed smiled* Is good see you again. Not have seen you yesterday, thought maybe offer you show me ship still open today.
[29-20:46] 867a2, Aegnora : ... And what exactly is it that fascinated you so, my dear sir? *tilts her head slightly, sending locks of black hair tumbling over her shoulder*
[29-20:47] eff6c, Dre'makius : *looks at Jerren a bit crosswise and then up at Cruward**stops when he does and looks Jerren over*
[29-20:47] 92794, Cruward Hawklight : Ah yes, the tour! How could I have forgotten? Oh my apologies...come, come *starts up the gangplank*
[29-20:47] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep: *Jr
[29-20:48] JOIN: Brimstone has entered.
[29-20:48] eff6c, Dre'makius : *blinks a few times and lets Jerren go ahead of her*
[29-20:49] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep: ((for Dre's benefit)) *is a short man, with long unkempt hair put up into dreadlocks and filled with beads and small trinkets. Over his pants is a kilt of racoon hides sewn togather*
[29-20:49] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( ::lurkness:: )
[29-20:49] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep: *follows Cruward, looking over to Dre and smiling*
[29-20:50] 616a5, Kriel Chagg'Ra : mmmm ..... similarities, my dear woman, similarities.... *he can only offer her a devious little grin as he obviously looks her over**hasent moved out of the way, either because he enjoys the conversation, or is daft, though the latter is highly inlikely*
[29-20:51] eff6c, Dre'makius : *Grins as Jerren and herself have the same taste in hair**smirks lopsidedly back at Jerren, following the pair up the gangplank*
[29-20:51] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep: ((she doesn't have Jerren's beads thought... ))
[29-20:52] 867a2, Aegnora : There are many similiarities indeed... *smirks as she takes a step towards him, hand extending towards his chin*
[29-20:52] 92794, Cruward Hawklight : Ahhh, where to begin...well this is the main deck of the...well we don't have a name yet, hmm, anyways welcome! *Gestures around, it's your basic ship, for the times back then*
[29-20:53] eff6c, Dre'makius : ((ah but some most similar ))*stops on the main deck and looks along it, grinning from ear to ear, most satisifed*
[29-20:54] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep: *nods and looks about in appreciation. Doesn't know a damn thing about ships other than small river boats, but recognises the heavy need for lots of wood work*
[29-20:54] eff6c, Dre'makius : *puts her hands on her hips and looks around*
[29-20:55] 616a5, Kriel Chagg'Ra : *in a blink of the eye he has snatches her own hand in his, leaning forward he plants a kiss on it, before letting it go, he gesturing twords the street* care to join me for a little conversation? *offered in a militaristically polite manner, the two knights give each other odd looks, and the raven seems to flutter its wings, it takes to flight rising up into the night sky*
[29-20:56] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep: How much weight this ship carry?
[29-20:57] 92794, Cruward Hawklight : Hmmm, a lot?
[29-20:57] eff6c, Dre'makius : A ship wifout a naem eh... *strolls along the main deck,looking at the various riggings and such*
[29-20:57] 616a5, Kriel Chagg'Ra : ((snatches=snatched))
[29-20:58] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[29-20:58] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep: How many men take to control?
[29-20:58] 290ac, Dune : ((*lurks*))
[29-20:59] 867a2, Aegnora : *the man moved swiftly enough to catch her offguard! Most impressive... oh yes, she's intriqued. His guards will still be getting tormenting nightmares, but she'll spare him at least* Very well..
[29-20:59] eff6c, Dre'makius : *sidestepps one of the crew as they try to make a grab for her, waggling her finger at them mouthing the words "no no" with a lopsided grin, continuing her own tour*
[29-21:00] 92794, Cruward Hawklight : Ahhh, my last count 50...*getures to Dre, smirking at the attention she gets* Our most recent
[29-21:01] eff6c, Dre'makius : *jumps up onto the rim of the ship, walking along it with extreme agile despite the ships slight movement in the water**jumps off and walks over to the mast, looking up the rope ladders to the crows nest*
[29-21:02] JOIN: Namu has entered.
[29-21:02] JOIN: Roki has entered.
[29-21:02] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep: *nods* I recall. Saw her get attention of your tri-*cuts himself off and changes to the right word* crew.
[29-21:03] eff6c, Dre'makius : ((Tri?))
[29-21:03] 616a5, Kriel Chagg'Ra : *he smiles abit* I am Kriel Chagg'Ra, Admiral of the Scarlet Naval fleet, and Prince of the Nish'Apur Kingdom. *he begins to move with her twords the main gate that leads out of the city, the two guards taking up positions to either side of him as they move, an ornate cutlass lies sheathed on his belt, it half concealed by the Admiral's coat he wears, the thing slapping against his thigh as he moves*
[29-21:03] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep: ((he was going to say Tribe))
[29-21:03] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( ::eyes dune from depths of lurkyness:: )
[29-21:03] 92794, Cruward Hawklight : *Nods* Well she is the only woman aboard
[29-21:04] 17272, Roki: and I am Roki, High Lord and Master of the Realm of Rokvia, High Mage of the Gold Council and Father of 30 eunuchs
[29-21:04] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep: Why only one?
[29-21:05] eff6c, Dre'makius : *agin sidesteps another pirate, climbing up the rope a ways and leaning outwards, hanging onto it smirking at him and taking off her hat, sweeping it out in a semi bow*
[29-21:06] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep: ((I am Cookie, the Doom Lord, and master of the orbital space factories that shall rain destruction on the Earth, master of the dark sciences and a pretty cool guy if you get to know me))
[29-21:06] 616a5, Kriel Chagg'Ra : ((*smacks roki upside the face with his raven* damn you! stop mocking my title!))
[29-21:06] 92794, Cruward Hawklight : Wellll to tell you the truth, I thought all women were a bit weak, but not this one...she's strong
[29-21:07] 17272, Roki: *cackleS*
[29-21:07] 867a2, Aegnora : *is wearing a simple, unadorned, off the shoulder black dress.. though the off the shoulder bit is hidden beneath the black cloak that drapes over her, fluttering about her as she moves* Impressive title.. I am simply, Aegnora... It translates to fell fire, in the elven language.
[29-21:07] JOIN: Dre'makius has entered.
[29-21:07] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep: Women can surprise. Use to your advantage, not get caught by it.
[29-21:08] eff6c, Dre'makius : ((*pounce tackle huiggles Roki*))*looks out over the harbour, smiling softly to herself,wondering what the open ocean will be like*
[29-21:08] JOIN: Odette has entered.
[29-21:09] 94c70, Z: *bites JJ really really hard*
[29-21:09] c84d6, Odette : (( * pounces in* hewwo ^^ ))
[29-21:09] 92794, Cruward Hawklight : *Laughs* Yes well
[29-21:09] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( hewwo. o_o )
[29-21:10] 616a5, Kriel Chagg'Ra : ((*smacks roki upside the face with his raven* damn you! stop mocking my title!))
[29-21:10] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep: ((*scratches behind Odette's eaR*)) *chuckles* Who's kingdoms best for raiding?
[29-21:10] eff6c, Dre'makius : ((*hums to herself* must go to school tomorrow... nya!! NYA!! ))
[29-21:11] 92794, Cruward Hawklight : We don't raid kingdoms, only ships
[29-21:11] eff6c, Dre'makius : *climbs down from the rope and walks across the deck towards Cruward and Jerren, avoiding two pirates in the process*
[29-21:12] JOIN: Riley has entered.
[29-21:12] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep: Ships not belong to kingdoms?
[29-21:13] 616a5, Kriel Chagg'Ra : *as they move along, his eyes seem to trail her form, his guards keeping a safe distance from her, yet stick close to Kriel* so, Aegnora..... what is it you do? *said with a devious smile on his lips.... they have already left the city walls, exiting twords the outskirts of the city, and beyond that, to one of the forests in the area*
[29-21:13] c84d6, Odette : (( * purrs* ))
[29-21:13] 92794, Cruward Hawklight : Sometimes they do, but we do our best to hopefully avoid them...bounties on out heads and all that, we raid private vessels
[29-21:14] 290ac, Dune : ((*twiddles his thumbs*))
[29-21:14] eff6c, Dre'makius : Sounds loike fun *grins upon hearing what Cruward says, stopping at his side*
[29-21:15] 92794, Cruward Hawklight : Aye m'dear it is
[29-21:15] 94c70, Z: *Thumb wrestles Dune*
[29-21:15] 867a2, Aegnora : .. Various things...
[29-21:16] 94c70, Z: *should make a movie.... Lord of the Thumbs, mwahaha*
[29-21:17] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( im sure that'll be taken care of by the guy who did Thumb Wars XD )
[29-21:18] eff6c, Dre'makius : ((And ThumbTanic and Batthumb and and and))
[29-21:18] eff6c, Dre'makius : ((Frankenthumb))
[29-21:18] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep: *glances between Dre and Cruward.* Why ships choose be independant?
[29-21:18] c84d6, Odette : (( ))
[29-21:19] 92794, Cruward Hawklight : They don't like to be held down by a lot of rules
[29-21:19] 92794, Cruward Hawklight : *In the harbor, aboard his ship*
[29-21:19] eff6c, Dre'makius : *looks at JerreN* Whoi not? Freedom!
[29-21:19] 290ac, Dune : ((The Phantom Cuticle! I remember that :) ))
[29-21:19] 17272, Roki: The Thumb Strikes Back
[29-21:20] JOIN: AdrianGoldenmoon has entered.
[29-21:20] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep: No rules but devoured easily. Hmm. *nod*
[29-21:21] 92794, Cruward Hawklight : *Smirks and nods*
[29-21:21] 94c70, Z:
[29-21:21] JOIN: Liz has entered.
[29-21:21] eff6c, Dre'makius : *Shrugs* Tis loife... moighty foine I'd say
[29-21:23] c84d6, Odette : (( hhrrmm...where'd Kriel go ?? arg..))
[29-21:23] 616a5, Kriel Chagg'Ra : huh.... interesting occupation *Said in a mock sarcastic tone as they enter a heavily wooded area.... his men seem to stick closer to him, as if he would protect them..... a smile on his face as he every now and then looks her over* alright, i'll try something else..... *grins slightly* where are you from?
[29-21:23] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep: ((*snuggles Liz*))
[29-21:23] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( ::burp:: Sorry Odette ^^; )
[29-21:23] c84d6, Odette : (( hehe ))
[29-21:24] 867a2, Aegnora : *quirky grin* No where you are likely to know about.
[29-21:24] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep: If have option, had taken other ship, would sail in two ships?
[29-21:25] eff6c, Dre'makius : *has difficulty understanding Jerren because it sounds like he's skipping words**
[29-21:25] 92794, Cruward Hawklight : One is enough
[29-21:25] c84d6, Odette : (( blah i wanna RP and be like a damsel in distress..heh ))
[29-21:26] 4a0f7, Liz: *yawns*
[29-21:26] eff6c, Dre'makius : *looks about, just standing near Cruward knowing she has a bit of protection from the crew there*
[29-21:26] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( ::stops being a lazy lurker:: )
[29-21:26] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : ((*tosses Odette into a big vat of distress*))
[29-21:27] 867a2, Aegnora : ((I can give you distress Odette... ))
[29-21:27] eff6c, Dre'makius : ((*snuggles up in her blankie* I Dun wanna go to school 'morrow!))
[29-21:27] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : You not want... what word... band of ships?
[29-21:27] eff6c, Dre'makius : ((*Tosses Odette into a vat of PMS* Now that's distress!))
[29-21:28] 92794, Cruward Hawklight : Not at the moment
[29-21:28] MSG: Jerren Skulldeep sent a message to Odette.
[29-21:28] c84d6, Odette : (( eep! * distress oozes around her* ))
[29-21:28] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : :: he stood out in the forest in the place where they intedned to build their home, the sleeves of his white poet's shirt rolled up to his elbows, his hands set on his hips as he surveyed the land... he was able to purchase the supplies earlier, and with some difficult negotiating, had his horse to help him transport it all here::
[29-21:28] 4a0f7, Liz: *curls up and sleeps*
[29-21:28] 4a0f7, Liz: I gotta go IC..
[29-21:29] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( ew ::grabs a kleenex and swipes the ooze away from the babies:: )
[29-21:29] MSG: Odette sent a message to Jerren Skulldeep.
[29-21:29] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : Would not want?
[29-21:30] c84d6, Odette : (( hehe * huggels Adrian and Nicolas * ^-^ ))
[29-21:30] eff6c, Dre'makius : *whistles nonchalantly, tempted to go search the lower levels...but thinking better of it for a moment*
[29-21:30] 92794, Cruward Hawklight : No my friend not now at least
[29-21:30] 616a5, Kriel Chagg'Ra : ((ya still can be a damsel if ya want, odette))
[29-21:31] 92794, Cruward Hawklight : *Smiles down at Dre*
[29-21:32] eff6c, Dre'makius : *winks up at Cruward*
[29-21:32] c84d6, Odette : (( heh thanks Kriel ))
[29-21:32] 616a5, Kriel Chagg'Ra : you would be surprised, fair woman.... i have visited many lands in my military conquests... *said with a smile as they continue to move through teh darkened woods..... his eyes easily adjust to the darkness, it not effecting him that badly*
[29-21:32] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : ((What is the decided name for the North Sea?))
[29-21:33] c84d6, Odette : * she rides on the edge of the forest, a top her loyal white steed, Gabriel... she clad in a black gown with a deep purple petticoat over it. *
[29-21:33] 290ac, Dune : ((*lounges languously*))
[29-21:34] 290ac, Dune : ((*lounges languously*
[29-21:34] 867a2, Aegnora : *doesn't seem all too bothered with the dark either* .. Honeslty, I do not even know the name of the land I was born in. I have traveled so often afterwards, that I can affiliate no place as a homeland.
[29-21:34] eff6c, Dre'makius : ((no idea JErren))
[29-21:35] 4a0f7, Averey Lithle : *smiles as she looks at him* Ready?
[29-21:36] JOIN: Band of Obnoxious Bandits has entered.
[29-21:36] eff6c, Band of Obnoxious Bandits: *travelling the forest watching Odette*
[29-21:37] JOIN: Group of Goblins has entered.
[29-21:37] eff6c, Band of Obnoxious Bandits : *grumbling, grinning, making obscene hand gestures, playing cards on the run, watching Odette*
[29-21:37] eff6c, Band of Obnoxious Bandits : *seraching for a colour**watching Odette**grinning madly* We take her! Yes we take her! Yes yes her! HER!
[29-21:37] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : ((we'll say... The Cold Sea... and you two will have to remember it because I sure won't.)) You sail in Cold Sea?
[29-21:38] eff6c, Dre'makius : *looks at Crurward* we sail in Cold sea mate?
[29-21:38] 92794, Cruward Hawklight : Aye, I've been most everywhere in the world
[29-21:38] 5d609, Group of Goblins: *shoves the Bandits into another color*
[29-21:38] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : Krondor have strong Navy?
[29-21:38] eff6c, Dre'makius : *Shoves the Goblins into the toilet* Our colour! Our Colour! wes found it! *goes after Odette*
[29-21:39] 92794, Cruward Hawklight : Yes, yes
[29-21:39] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ::turns to her, his hair tied back away from his face with a thin black ribbon:: As ready as I'll ever be.. ::smiles in return, although the task was a bit daunting::
[29-21:39] eff6c, Band of Obnoxious Bandits : *Shoves the Goblins into the toilet* Our colour! Our Colour! wes found it! *goes after Odette*
[29-21:39] 616a5, Kriel Chagg'Ra : *he smiles knowingly, they arn't too far from odette and said bandits.... his guards seem to look up, one of them putting a hand on kriel's shoulder, he stops and looks back to the man* yes, jerin, what is it?
[29-21:39] c84d6, Odette : * she doesnt notice the bandits. she just rides along, her thought in the clouds *
[29-21:40] eff6c, Band of Obnoxious Bandits : *followS Odette* You want Distress... we give you distress HA!**follows FOLLOWS!*
[29-21:40] 867a2, Aegnora : *tilts her head, listening to the voices in the distance... doesn't really care one way or another about what's going on. Merely annoyed it's distracting this interesting conversationalist*
[29-21:40] JOIN: Jerin has entered.
[29-21:41] 4a0f7, Averey Lithle : *pats his shoulder* Just take it a step at a time
[29-21:41] eff6c, Dre'makius : *looks at Jerren, raising an eyebrow* Whoi all the questions mate?
[29-21:42] 616a5, Jerin: Mi'lord, i heard something.... *said in a compleatly respectful tone, his eyes set on kriel as he nods to teh distance*
[29-21:43] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : Wanting to learn.
[29-21:43] 616a5, Kriel Chagg'Ra : *he nods* alright, i suppose its up to us to see what it is then, afterall, cant have some foolish intruders near our basecamp can we? *he looks to aegnora* do you mind if I attend to this, fair woman..... perhaps you would like to tag along?
[29-21:43] 92794, Cruward Hawklight : *Eyes him* Hmmm, well have you learned enough?
[29-21:43] eff6c, Dre'makius : and whoi's that? *Folds her arms across her chest and scrutinizes Jerren with her gaze*
[29-21:44] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : *to Cruward* Never can learn enough. *to Dre* Knowledge is power.
[29-21:44] eff6c, Band of Obnoxious Bandits : *just keep following, just keep following, just keep follow follow follow just keep following just keep following just keep follow follow follow what do we do we follow follow just keep following**grunts and grins and grumbles and sniggers as they follow odette* prizee... priiiizzzzeee
[29-21:45] 867a2, Aegnora : *smirks* I'll tag along... it might be amusing.
[29-21:45] eff6c, Dre'makius : Aye tis true and I believe yer arsenal is big 'nuff sir. Got nemore questions before you make yer way off?
[29-21:45] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : Yeah. ::eyes her briefly, then sets to work placing the frame for the foundation::
[29-21:46] 4a0f7, Averey Lithle : *helps him*
[29-21:46] c84d6, Odette : * hears some noises , and RaE * what in the world ? * trys to look around, but her corset makes it hard for her. she stops her steed*
[29-21:46] eff6c, Band of Obnoxious Bandits : *they stop, all hushed, still like statues, watching Odette* wait wait
[29-21:47] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : I couldn't help Mari last night.. ::as he works::
[29-21:47] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : *notices the subtext of Dre's wording and looks to Cruward* Have overstayed visit?
[29-21:47] 92794, Cruward Hawklight : *Nods* I think so mate
[29-21:48] 4a0f7, Averey Lithle : Oh?
[29-21:48] 616a5, Jerin: *he heads off with the other guard in the direction of the sounds, soon he can be heard moving through the forest twords the bandits. the sound of metal against metal heard as he unsheathes the cruel looking longsword**the other guard follows in step*
[29-21:49] eff6c, Dre'makius : *walks up beside Jerren and gently puts a hand on his shoulder, slowly guiding him towards the gangplank* sorry bout the trouble sah.. sorry we couldn' get the tea ready but.. ya know we 'ope your stay was noice. We'll be seein you around now mate. Take care
[29-21:49] 616a5, Kriel Chagg'Ra : *follows the two guards, a smile on his face as he unsheathes the ornate cutlass, its blade has obviously been sharpened, and intricate designs are on the hilt and the blade itself..... he twirls it in his hand masterfully as he follows the guards*
[29-21:49] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : He was afraid of me..
[29-21:50] 4a0f7, Averey Lithle : Afraid?? Of you? *her eyes widen in surprise*
[29-21:50] eff6c, Band of Obnoxious Bandits : *some look behind, and around**one whispers* you grab the lady *one whispers to another* you grab the horse**other whispers* rest of you... move... take out those uffers *all nod and two break off and head towards Odette at a good speed, one heading straight for the horse the other moving to Grab Odette**the other... oh lets say... 5 run back towards the sounds they heard*
[29-21:51] 92794, Cruward Hawklight : *Nods to Jerren as he is escorted off*
[29-21:51] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : *nods* You do well in raids. Grow strong. *smiles at her and walks off the deck*
[29-21:51] eff6c, Dre'makius : *smiles and tips her hat off to him* Boi now *watches him go then heads back to Cruward*
[29-21:52] c84d6, Odette : * is grabbed by a bandit, screams* lemme go !
[29-21:52] 92794, Cruward Hawklight : *Quirks an eyebrow at Dre* Well, that was fun
[29-21:52] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ::chuckles, checking his alignment::.. yes he asked if we knew each other.. so I said no..
[29-21:52] 4a0f7, Averey Lithle : You lied?
[29-21:53] eff6c, Band of Obnoxious Bandits : Woo hoo got the laedy! *one screams* Woo Hoo got the Horse!! *the one with Odette throws her over his shoulder, and runs down the road with the other bandit*
[29-21:53] eff6c, Dre'makius : *nods and grins slightly* summat bout him that tells me ain't roight to be talkin much more.. *looks up at Cruward*
[29-21:53] 616a5, Jerin: *he and his fellow black knight raise thier swords as the enemy comes into view, letting out a truely firesome war cry as the charge forward, swinging at the first two that come into distance, thier swords whizzing through the air*
[29-21:54] 92794, Cruward Hawklight : I don't think he's dangerous, my dear...just curious is all, but a lot of questions..yes a bit unnerving
[29-21:54] eff6c, Band of Obnoxious Bandits : Weep! *the first two try and defend themselves, falling at their swords, but another rushes forward, taking on both Jerin and his fellow with two swords in his hands as his mates come up and circle Jerin and his black knight*
[29-21:54] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : *puts a hand to his temple as he walks toward the entrance to teh docks*
[29-21:54] 616a5, Kriel Chagg'Ra : *he can hear the other two bandits signal thier friends, and he peels away from teh two guards, slinking through the night like a shadow as he moves twords the two that have the horse and odette*
[29-21:55] eff6c, Dre'makius : ah well... I always trust me gut... and summat bout him tells me that.... we may git a bit o' trubble... *shrugs*
[29-21:55] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : *is too dangerous!*
[29-21:55] 867a2, Aegnora : *stays back from the fight... watching, observing...*
[29-21:55] 92794, Cruward Hawklight : *Nods* We'll know soon enough
[29-21:56] 616a5, Jerin: *he catches the man with the two swords blade with his own, his fellow knight circles behind him and guards his friends back, the sound of metal striking metal is heard clearly through the night*
[29-21:56] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[29-21:56] MSG: Cruward Hawklight sent a message to Jerren Skulldeep.
[29-21:56] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 10:56pm, January 29 (CST) ).
[29-21:56] eff6c, Band of Obnoxious Bandits : *fightin fighting, swinging at the belly, swinging at the head, all being blocked**are all really dumb ya know**one gets real scared and runs off, too afraid*
[29-21:57] JOIN: Jerin has entered.
[29-21:57] JOIN: joey has entered.
[29-21:57] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : I lied, yes.. ::tosses some stray sticks out of the way:: he shouldn't be following me around for the rest of his life... ::arches a slim brow:: or *mine*.
[29-21:57] eff6c, Band of Obnoxious Bandits : *the other two bandits run off and look behind and see that Kriel is chasin them* let the laedy go mate! Alright mate! gotta let the laedy go! *lets go of odette and they both go tearin off**The rest of the bandit crew scatter, at least one more getting gutted before they go*(gotta jet)
[29-21:58] c84d6, Odette : *squirms * let go !!
[29-21:58] eff6c, Dre'makius : *nods and yawns, stretching a bit* ne way Cap'n.. I be fit for bed... must... get a bit o' sleep sumtoime right?
[29-21:58] JOIN: Nish Army strike force has entered.
[29-21:58] eff6c, Dre'makius : (must go!)
[29-21:58] 5d609, Group of Goblins : *a pair of goblins riding wolves and a third perched atop a large war horse emerge into the clearing a couple dozen feet from where the bandits are fighting*
[29-21:58] 290ac, Aralore : *Wanders on into the Inn, shocker lizard perched comfortably upon his shoulder as he moves up to the bar and asks for the usual ale, setting down a few silver pieces*
[29-21:58] eff6c, Band of Obnoxious Bandits : *run out of the area**GONE*
[29-21:58] 4a0f7, Averey Lithle : True..*smiles* I think we've got this one done
[29-21:58] EXIT: Band of Obnoxious Bandits has left the chat ( WE be cowards! Awful Cowards! We be awfully cowardly men! ).
[29-21:59] 92794, Cruward Hawklight : *Smiles* Aye..go ahead I'll post some gaurds up
[29-21:59] f83cc, Curst Diablos : (( *eyes the room))
[29-21:59] 616a5, Nish Army strike force: ((oh, no need for the rest of us then... *the 38 men frown* okay.....well just ...go back to being npcs then..... *grumbles*))
[29-21:59] eff6c, Dre'makius : *grins and waggles her finger at him* they be entrin mate... I need no guards *grins and puts her hand on his shoulder, and winks, heading down into the guts of the ship**GONE*
[29-22:00] eff6c, Dre'makius : ((*Pities the Army strike force* awwww... sorry... school on the morrow! CIAO!!))
[29-22:00] EXIT: Dre'makius has left the chat ( Sleep... ah! ).
[29-22:00] 867a2, Aegnora : *turns slightly, regarding the goblin on wolf back*
[29-22:00] 616a5, Kriel Chagg'Ra : *as the men let her go, he rushes forward, the sword held in his hand, he yells something at the retreating bandits in the nish tounge*
[29-22:00] 92794, Cruward Hawklight : She'll be a spot 'o trouble *chuckles to himself and goes about doing things he needs to* *Gone*
[29-22:01] EXIT: Cruward Hawklight has left the chat ( 11:00pm, January 29 (CST) ).
[29-22:01] 5d609, Group of Goblins : *The goblins look to Kriel with some amount of caution*
[29-22:01] c84d6, Odette : * is very shaken up .. she shivers a bit*
[29-22:01] 616a5, Jerin: *they loom over the dead men.... sneering at the bodies , then thier heads turn twords the goblins.... frowning deeply they raise their swords in a defensive manner*
[29-22:02] c84d6, Odette : *screams as she sees teh goblins. she starts to run into the woods*
[29-22:03] 867a2, Aegnora : *rolls her eyes as Odette screams and takes off*
[29-22:03] 290ac, Aralore : *Thanks the bartender as the drink comes, sipping it carefully and glancing to a familiar dartboard on the wall*
[29-22:03] 616a5, Kriel Chagg'Ra : *he twirls the sword skillfully in his hand as he grabs odette by the shoulder, his slightly yellow eyes send a dark look at the goblins, warning them to stay back, see..... he caught odette as she was trying to run to the woods* Shhhhh woman.... be calm and you will survive this
[29-22:04] 5d609, Group of Goblins : One of the goblins urges his wollf to walk foreward slightly and holds up his hand. Speaks to his mates in goblin* <Care for horse. Run if trouble. Will try parlay> *in common* GREETINGS!
[29-22:04] 867a2, Aegnora : *.. personally would have let the foolish woman run off and get herself killed. But she's just evil like that*
[29-22:04] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ::nods, beginning the next layer of wall:.. hearing a faint noise in the distance: Hm..
[29-22:05] f83cc, Riddonnel Doomhaven : *is back in ruppenchi, in the glimmering in just ariving through a protal, his massive body learing above the ground as me makes his way towards a table, his steel woven cloak straped nicely to his neck*
[29-22:06] 4a0f7, Averey Lithle : What is it?
[29-22:07] c84d6, Odette : * as she is grabeed and talked to .. she calms down*
[29-22:07] 616a5, Jerin: *the two black knights move forward and soon join Kriel....thier swords bloody from the dead bandits not too far away.... *
[29-22:07] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : Dunno.. it's probably nothing.. ::shrugs lightly, continuing::
[29-22:08] c84d6, Odette : (( crap . i g2g, just do whatever )) * faints*
[29-22:08] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[29-22:08] 5d609, Group of Goblins : *glance glance at the two new soldiers coming in*
[29-22:08] 4a0f7, Averey Lithle : (( *hopes it's nothing* )) *nods and continues working*
[29-22:08] 616a5, Kriel Chagg'Ra : *he raises the sword at the goblins, its blade shimmering in the pale moonlight... one of the black knights grabs the horse by the riegns and leads it back twords kriel as they enter NPC mode....the woman becoming limp in his arms the frowns, hating the fact the stupid girl fainted...*
[29-22:09] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : :: hums a tune, trying to think up some words..::
[29-22:10] 867a2, Aegnora : *just stands off to the side... watching the group of goblins and Kriel and them, smirking in amusement as the girl faints... She behaves though, resisting the urge to make the girl awake in a cold sweat*
[29-22:10] 7bb0f, Will-o'-the-wisp: ((Oh man *Ish ralaphor* WHere are the goblins?))
[29-22:11] 290ac, Aralore : *Pulls out his spellbook, opening it and getting out the various quills and inks for spell copying...and works tediously*
[29-22:11] 5d609, Group of Goblins : ((in the forest)) *they look to the sword warily* We.. want no... fight.
[29-22:12] 4a0f7, Averey Lithle : *works npcly because her player's got a bad headache and is going to bed*
[29-22:12] 7bb0f, Will-o'-the-wisp: (( forest?))
[29-22:12] 4a0f7, Averey Lithle : ***Gone***
[29-22:12] EXIT: Averey Lithle has left the chat ( 11:12pm, January 29 (CST) ).
[29-22:12] 5d609, Group of Goblins : ((ya))
[29-22:13] 7bb0f, Will-o'-the-wisp: ((k))
[29-22:13] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 11:13pm, January 29 (CST) ).
[29-22:13] 616a5, Kriel Chagg'Ra : *his voice turns darker than usual, a voice akin to his father's, in that, it can make some of the bravest men turn to cowards* then.....begone... *said in almost a hiss at the goblins...... his anger rising with the turn of events..... *
[29-22:13] JOIN: Ralaphor has entered.
[29-22:14] 7bb0f, Ralaphor:
[29-22:14] 5d609, Group of Goblins : *the leader looks shaken a bit, but glances to his companions the back to Kriel* Want no fight! Going... town. Not fight!
[29-22:15] 5d609, Group of Goblins : (( forest))
[29-22:15] f83cc, Riddonnel Doomhaven : (( *wait pauses his char for a min* ))
[29-22:15] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : (just as well.. too many upset babies ><;;;; ) ::continues building alongside her late into the night::
[29-22:16] EXIT: AdrianGoldenmoon has left the chat ( 11:15pm, January 29 (CST) ).
[29-22:17] JOIN: Chaszmyr Waeglossz has entered.
[29-22:17] 867a2, Aegnora : *.. this was starting to get rather dull...*
[29-22:17] 7bb0f, Ralaphor : *Is in the Glimmering Inn, smoking his pipe, not knowing theres goblins at the forest*
[29-22:18] JOIN: Rav has entered.
[29-22:19] 616a5, Kriel Chagg'Ra : *without needing to gesture, the two black knights begin stalking forward, thier swords held in an aggressive stance.... they look pissed, prolly by the fact that the goblins are not leaving the presance of the admiral.......**he sheathes his sword, will let the knights take care fo the damn goblins.... heaving the girl up onto his shoulder, he looks about, his voice returning to it's normal tone* aegnora, you still around here?
[29-22:19] f83cc, Riddonnel Doomhaven : (( kriel where are you? ))
[29-22:21] 616a5, Kriel Chagg'Ra : ((out in the forest, confronting the goblins))
[29-22:22] 867a2, Aegnora : I am still here...
[29-22:22] 5d609, Group of Goblins : <Ride. Find new way to Skulldeep. Protect horse.> <You fight two humans?> <Yes. GO!> *the Rider of the horse kicks it and gets it to begrudgingly turn about and head back into the forest, the other wolf rider following after*
[29-22:24] 290ac, Aralore : *Glances to Ralaphor, inclining his head slowly and sighing as he spares a look back at his spell book*
[29-22:25] 41156, Talis : *Is wondering along in the forest very lost, very much alone. he continues to wonder around untill he hears a horse galoping and wha sounds like something is chaseing it or following it . which he could not be sure of. He kneels down behind a bush to watch*
[29-22:25] JOIN: Lone Goblin has entered.
[29-22:25] 616a5, Kriel Chagg'Ra : *he smiles* then come out into the open, dear woman.... and give me an idea of what to do with this girl,,,,,, *he chuckles slightly , his two guards watching the goblins seemingly depart, they not giving chase, instead they return to the sides of Kriel, swords still at ready* terribly sorry all this had to happen.....but i can never give up a good battle.... even if the ones i am fighting are cowardly bandits....
[29-22:26] 7bb0f, Ralaphor : Hmm? *Looks to Aralore and smile, noddinh to him, knowing hes doing things on spells as he continues to smoke away*
[29-22:28] 290ac, Aralore : *Closes the book in distaste, replacing it within his robes and moving silently up to Ralaph* So what happened with Delotha there the other night..? I didn't ask her much about the duel. Figured she didn't much like talkin' about it.
[29-22:28] 5d609, Group of Goblins : *the goblin on horse and goblin on wolf pass Talis, both speaking in Goblin* <Zagashu never beat two humans!> <Maybe, not Krondor. Might fight differant>
[29-22:29] 5d609, Lone Goblin: ((this will be the Goblin that chose to remain behind*)) *watches Kriel, readying spear if Kriel's men try to follow his brothers*
[29-22:29] 7bb0f, Ralaphor : *Looks to Aralore and continues to smoke his pipe as he answers* She was in a duel....with one of the foreigners
[29-22:30] 867a2, Aegnora : *steps out, glancing after the goblins and whatnot, then to him* Leave her.
[29-22:31] 5d609, Lone Goblin: *sees Aegnora come out now, pretty much assumes he's going to die if they choose to fight*
[29-22:31] 290ac, Aralore : Why? Did the foreigner provoke the attack?
[29-22:33] 41156, Talis : *He watches as they ride past him. He notices that they are creatures that he has never seen before one is riding a horse and others are riding wolves. He even hears them as the talk but does not understand them at all. He moves slighly snaping a twig beneath his feet he holds as still as he can hopeing they didn't hear him.*
[29-22:33] 7bb0f, Ralaphor : *Sighs deeply through the smokes* Honestly I do not know
[29-22:33] 616a5, Jerin: you really think i should? *said in a sarcastic tone as he lists what he could do with her* i could take her back to my camp, ravage her numerous times, then kill her..... but she is not an enemy.... and, she looks like royalty *said simply, the two guards sticking close to his sides* i will take her back to my camp, and wait untill the stupid thing awakes...... *he examines aegnora a moment* i would still like to converse with you though......
[29-22:34] 616a5, Kriel Chagg'Ra : you really think i should? *said in a sarcastic tone as he lists what he could do with her* i could take her back to my camp, ravage her numerous times, then kill her..... but she is not an enemy.... and, she looks like royalty *said simply, the two guards sticking close to his sides* i will take her back to my camp, and wait untill the stupid thing awakes...... *he examines aegnora a moment* i would still like to converse with you though......
[29-22:35] 867a2, Aegnora : *chuckles* If you are going to be busy ravaging random women, I'll leave you to it.
[29-22:36] 5d609, Group of Goblins : ((only one wolf rider. The other one stayed behind)) *they don't hear him immediatly, but the wolf does notice and its rider snaps to attention* <Sound!>
[29-22:37] 41156, Talis : *He stays as still as he can watching them.*
[29-22:38] 290ac, Aralore : *Nods* Delotha isn't exactly always liberal with the details..*shakes his head, face echoing moderate frustration*
[29-22:38] f83cc, Riddonnel Doomhaven : (( *unpauses* )) *lasu his rage beast slips out from behind him, a black cat creature that stands up to his mid waist follows close behind him, a steel reserve is within his eyes as he makes his way out the door of the glimering inn*
[29-22:39] 616a5, Kriel Chagg'Ra : *he tosses her a slight grin* you sure? you could always join in on the ravaging..... *said in a playfull tone, before he shakes his head* no i won't do such a ghastly thing..... if she angers me a great deal when she awakes.... then perhaps, if not i will return her to her native home, and claim whatever reward i can for the deed.... *he smiles at her, offering his free arm, teh other one holding the girl up on his shoulder* shall we continue on our way?
[29-22:39] 5d609, Lone Goblin: <Mushuga! Find!> *the wolf begins to snif the air, smelling for any animal that might have caused it. Begins walking to Talis' position*
[29-22:40] 94c70, Artanis : *Has since helped Mierka and Gorthius set up camp. She had stayed at Mierka's side until she was asleep. Then she had moved away, closer to the small fire that'd been built, or is being worked on.*
[29-22:41] 41156, Talis : *Gets kinda nervous as his hand reaches for his sword. He has waits to see what happens next.*
[29-22:42] 867a2, Aegnora : *laughs* Join in on the ravaging, or the being ravaged? *moves to his side, and gently slides her arm into the crook of his*
[29-22:42] 7bb0f, Ralaphor : *Shrugs*
[29-22:43] 5d609, Lone Goblin: *the wolf rider moves the brush out of the way with his spear, revealing Talis.*0
[29-22:44] 5d609, Group of Goblins : *the wolf rider moves the brush out of the way with his spear, revealing Talis.*0
[29-22:45] 616a5, Kriel Chagg'Ra : *he lets out a small smile as one of the guards approaches him, he hands the fainted odette to the man and he carries the woman with the help of his fellow guard, one holding the girl by the arms, the other by the legs...... his eyes travel over aegnora as he leads the small group into the woods, not near the lone goblin though....* whatever you would dear woman......
[29-22:45] 7bb0f, Ralaphor : How is she doing as of now Aralore?
[29-22:46] 867a2, Aegnora : *smirks as she catches him looking her over* Trust me when I say... I do not think you would enjoy it very long
[29-22:46] 41156, Gorthius: *He has set up his tent for Mierka to sleep in then has set himself to start the fire. He didn't like fires at all in fact he hated them. His body is much colder then that of a normal human due to his bond with Sorianel. After the fire is started in the pit that he has made for it he goes to tend to the horses. Corith seems to want to help him unsaddle the other horse. Gorthius smile at the young warhorse as it seems to help him.*
[29-22:46] f83cc, Riddonnel Doomhaven : *he moves eyes half open, blond hair rustling as he walks, a steady thud of his boots can be heard as he walks through the city on his way to the forest to train with lasu away from his own kingdom*
[29-22:47] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[29-22:48] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 11:47pm, January 29 (CST) ).
[29-22:48] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[29-22:48] 94c70, Artanis : *She silently watches Gorthius as he takes care of the horses.*
[29-22:48] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 11:48pm, January 29 (CST) ).
[29-22:48] 41156, Talis : *Looks up at the strange being and the wolf. His hand remains on the hilt of his blade. He stands up waiting for what happens next.*
[29-22:48] JOIN: joey has entered.
[29-22:48] 290ac, Aralore : Eh...*shrug* Hard to say. I can't ever tell with her...*looks down, shaking his head sadly*
[29-22:49] 7bb0f, Ralaphor : *chuckles as he finally finishes his pipe and puts it away, looking to Aralore and asks him* Aralore...I have a question to ask you
[29-22:50] 616a5, Kriel Chagg'Ra : 8they move through the forest, and soon come upon a mass of tents in a clearing, campfires burning here and there, some men are sleeping some are awake, and a good portion of the warriors, seem to be women.**he heads twords his own tent, letting the two guards move the woman into a tent near his own* really? why is that..... *said in a curious tone as warriors seem to bow before him, he paying them no mind* *there are enough tents around to house 40 people, not a very big camp, but then again, not very
[29-22:50] 616a5, Kriel Chagg'Ra : small either*
[29-22:50] 5d609, Group of Goblins : *doesn't know common like Zagashu* <Who you!?>
[29-22:50] f83cc, Riddonnel Doomhaven : *his movements swift and the razor cloak tears up the ground as he walks, lasu moves around inthe shadows his shinycoat reflects the light yet he is hidden* * once reaching the gate of the town lasu jets out so the guards dont do anything stupid, while ridd follows and trys to catch up*
[29-22:54] 867a2, Aegnora : Just trust me on this one. *chuckles*
[29-22:55] 41156, Talis : *Watches the being for a moment. As if a sudden understanding came over him. Did he understand what the being had said in its strange tongue or was it his imagination? He didn't know. He stands there watching the being as it spoke to him not saying anything as if waiting to see if it spoke again.*
[29-22:55] JOIN: Kriel Chagg'Ra has entered.
[29-22:56] 290ac, Aralore : Ask away. I'm an open book..
[29-22:56] 5d609, Group of Goblins : <Who you? Drop your sword or I stick you!> *shakes his spear threateningly*
[29-22:59] 616a5, Kriel Chagg'Ra : *There are armed sentries posted at certain places, and several people are in the treetops, high powered crossbows at ready**he leads her into his own tent, which has a nice bed, several chairs made of collapsable material, a desk likewise made of said material, maps and reports on it, he gestures to a chair* alright, i suppose i shall...though *said with a smile and a wink* i would lovve the oppurtunity.....
[29-22:59] 7bb0f, Ralaphor : Umm....if you had a friend who you care fora great deal of heart, and shes leaving, what would you do? You don't want her to leave but she wants to. none the less she'll never forget of you. What do you do
[29-22:59] JOIN: Namu has entered.
[29-22:59] MSG: Jerren Skulldeep sent a message to Kriel Chaggra.
[29-22:59] 41156, Gorthius: *he sets Mierka's horses gear near the tent then begins to undo his own gear from Corith. Corith seemed happy that the saddle and what not was off of him as he began to prance around abit. Gorthius wispers something in Corith's ear then picking up his saddle from the ground he moves it closer to the fire. He uses the saddle as a seat as he sits next to Eri. He then picks up one of the saddlebaggs and pulls some dried meat out. Offering some to Eri as he sets his bag down.*
[29-23:00] f83cc, Riddonnel Doomhaven : *once away from town he gets up to lasu tosses one leg around him and lets out a loud whistle, and lasu takes off as fast as a horse, red eyes gleaming in the night heading towards the forest the 5 inch talons shread the ground like it was soft flesh from a baby* * and off into the forest he goes*
[29-23:01] 94c70, Artanis : *Is probably the only one that didn't have any gear. Still must get herself a new sword and track down the Dwarf Durin. She takes the offered meat.* Thank you.
[29-23:01] 867a2, Aegnora : Perhaps someday... if you are amusing *grins widely*
[29-23:02] 41156, Talis : could almost sware that the being was talking to him and he understood the language.* <I am Talis and my swrod stays where it is> *He now begins to wonder where that came from as he moves his hands away from the blade.*
[29-23:02] 290ac, Aralore : Well...when Delotha left...I simply went a long with her. *chuckles* ...I don't remember her going very far, though. So it seemed to all work out in the end. You just have to assess your priorities...and what you're willing to sacrifice...
[29-23:03] f83cc, Riddonnel Doomhaven : (( where is delotha? ))
[29-23:03] 7bb0f, Ralaphor : *Not ready to tell Aralore that he is in love with a thief named Sasha cause, hes shy as he nods to him* I understand
[29-23:04] 5d609, Group of Goblins : *blinks... has only ever seen one other human speak in goblin* Why you sneak in bush?
[29-23:04] 41156, Gorthius: Your welcome Eri. *He smiles at her.* So tell me what is your story? I am courious as to what your hideing.
[29-23:05] 94c70, Artanis : *She tears off a piece of the dried meat and chews on it after popping it into her mouth. Her gaze shifts from the fire to him.* Hiding?
[29-23:05] 94c70, Artanis : (( *is now hungry for beef jerky* ))
[29-23:05] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : *Where is Delotha? Very good question... wouldn't YOU just love to know..*
[29-23:06] f83cc, Riddonnel Doomhaven : (( not really ust wondering ))
[29-23:07] 616a5, Kriel Chagg'Ra : *he smiles, he himself, looks highly amused by all this, he takes off the overcoat and hands it on a crude coatrack, likewise undoing the belt attached to the cutlass... he lays down on the bed, head turned twords her, she can either sit on the chair..... or join him in the bed... course, he has a good idea she will take the chair* so i am here to amuse you then....thats....well, amusing in its own way........
[29-23:07] 41156, Talis : *He stares that the being still not knowing what it was or why it was on a wolf.* <Who are you and why do you ride a wolf.> *Why did he just say that? How can he understand this being? many other things ran though his mind also.*
[29-23:08] 867a2, Aegnora : Basically... yes. *actually sits on the bed with him*
[29-23:09] 5d609, Group of Goblins : I am Mojush! I am of the Boggart tribe, wolf riders! Why do you skulk in the bush?
[29-23:09] 5d609, Group of Goblins : < >
[29-23:10] 41156, Gorthius: *He takes a bite of another piece of meat.* Yes, I get the feeling that your hideing something from the world. When you get to be my age and have seen as much as I have you get that way from time to time.
[29-23:10] MSG: Joey sent a message to Aegnora.
[29-23:11] 616a5, Kriel Chagg'Ra : *he cannot help but laugh abit at that* you know, that is funny.... very funny... *he seems relazed as he lays on the bed, his eyes straying from her fine form a moment as he looks off for a moment, thinking* so how shall i amuse you then? *said suddenly, his eyes returning to her*
[29-23:11] 290ac, Aralore : *Would love to know * *Arches a brow at Ralaphor, smirking* Why? Some strapping young maiden caught your eye, and you're thinking about following her to the ends of the mortal realm? Trust me, you'll probably find you've made a big mistake...
[29-23:11] 94c70, Artanis : *chuckles.* Old man's intuition? *jokingly.*
[29-23:12] 7bb0f, Ralaphor : *glares to Aralore* I did not say I fell in love *Looks down in a shy like matter*
[29-23:12] 41156, Talis : <I hide here because I did not know what was comming up the path.> *Still wondering how he knew what the being was saying.* <I don't mean to be rude but what are you?>
[29-23:13] 867a2, Aegnora : What are you going to do? Dance for me? *grins evilly*
[29-23:15] 41156, Gorthius: *he smiles at this.* Yes, something like that. Would you care to tell me or would you like to keep it to yourself?
[29-23:16] 5d609, Group of Goblins : *the goblin interogator is interupted as the lone goblin rides back to find his brothers* <Mojush, what you find?> *the one with the spear looks over to their leader* <Human that speak goblin. Not King.><one of Kings new friends?> <Doesn't know what we are.> <Human that not know what goblin is?>
[29-23:16] 616a5, Kriel Chagg'Ra : mmmmm no.... no i will not dance for you *smirks some, letting out a slight yawn* i'm much too relaxed at the moment to dance for you....though.... if you really are set on the idea... i suppose i could humor you.... *his body is still streached out languidly on the nice bed....*
[29-23:17] 290ac, Aralore : *Shrugs* You don't have to tell me. My love life is somewhat nonexistent. So don't be worried about being upstaged with me..
[29-23:18] 867a2, Aegnora : Very tempting... *grins devilishly* But I suppose I shall let you relax
[29-23:20] 41156, Talis : *He watches as the two speak listening to them not saying anything.*
[29-23:20] 94c70, Artanis : *She looks away from him to the fire again, placing another small piece of the meat in her mouth.* I'm not sure what you think I'm hiding. I'm not an outlaw or a criminal, if that is the sort of thing you mean.
[29-23:20] 7bb0f, Ralaphor : ......*sighs deeply* Sorry......there is someone......
[29-23:21] 290ac, Aralore : *Smiles mischievously, eyeing Ralaph* As long as she isn't a callgirl or a paladin, you'll be alright. Those are my only two rules about dating.
[29-23:22] 5d609, Group of Goblins : *the leader rides up on his wolf. The horse rider stays back from all of this in case he must make a quik escape. The leader speaks to Talis in a broke common* How know Goblin and not know Goblins?
[29-23:22] 616a5, Kriel Chagg'Ra : *he smirks some at her.... then suddenly, he snatches her by the wrists and roughly pulls her ontop of him, then flipping he straddles her, an all too devilish grin on his face* how about, if you pin me, i dance.......and if i manage to keep you down, well, then we'll see.....*his muscles are lean but quite powerfull*
[29-23:23] 7bb0f, Ralaphor : *looks to Aralore in a strange way, then chuckles to him*
[29-23:24] 41156, Gorthius: *He watches her.* No, Its nothing like being a criminal or an outlaw. Is something much closer to your heart. Kind of like who you are. *watches for her for a moment as he takes another bite.*
[29-23:24] 867a2, Aegnora : *eyes widen... holy cra-!* *falls atop him, as he wished... but as he's trying to roll them over, she sticks a leg out to keep him from rolling to bottom* Is that all...?
[29-23:25] 41156, Talis : *He shrugs* I don't know. It just came to me as Mojush spoke. I may have known at one time but I have forgotten manythings.
[29-23:27] 290ac, Aralore : Come to think of it...I haven't formally tried courting a female in about a quarter of a century...*scratches his chin thoughtfully*...and I don't remember ever being overly successful.
[29-23:27] 5d609, Group of Goblins : *It takes the leader a moment to absorb this. He's not too good with common. Switches over to Goblin* Why forget things?
[29-23:28] 7bb0f, Ralaphor : *Eyes widen with a smile with a sound that he tried not to laugh as he smile to Aralore* I did not want to hear that Aralore
[29-23:30] 94c70, Artanis : *She chews silently on that piece of meat, considering. Considering what had happened, she owed it to him to tell. However, she feared the possible concequences.*
[29-23:31] 41156, Talis : *It takes him a moment to switch back to Goblin. He srugs.* <I am not sure, I just woke up one day only knowing my name and afew other things.> *he looks around at all the goblins.*
[29-23:31] 290ac, Aralore : Yeah. But enough about my illustiously boring career...what's your luck generally? Drow and human female alike regard me with enmity.
[29-23:32] 7bb0f, Ralaphor : *Blinks to Aralore* What you mean?
[29-23:33] 616a5, Kriel Chagg'Ra : *he smiles abit as he coninues to try and force her below him, smirking abit as his own leg wraps around hers* yes... *Said simply in his efforts to pin her, his jet black hair matching her own.....*
[29-23:33] 5d609, Group of Goblins : *the one on the horse speaks up* <King knows goblin. Not know things> *Mujush berates him* <King not know things because King BABY when found!> <Hush. *to Talis* You speak goblin. Are there other things you can do?
[29-23:33] 41156, Gorthius: If you don't wish to tell me that is fine. Just know that I am here when you are ready to talk. *He smiles warmly at her. He is still wearing his armor save for his helm which sits on the saddlehorn. His saber at his side, his shield sits within reach as does the bastardsword that he has.*
[29-23:34] 290ac, Aralore : I mean with your love life. The ladies mobbing and trampling over each other at your heels?
[29-23:35] 7bb0f, Ralaphor : Ohh.....well to be honest this lady I am courting with is the first
[29-23:35] 41156, Talis : *He shrugs again.* <I don't know like what?> *He looks at the leader wondering what he had in mind.*
[29-23:35] 94c70, Artanis : *Sighs a little.* It's not something I've talked about in a long time.
[29-23:37] 5d609, Group of Goblins : <You said you knew your name and a few other things. What other things?>
[29-23:37] 290ac, Aralore : That's good. The first time is always the most always goes dooooown from there...
[29-23:37] 41156, Gorthius: Well, when your ready to talk about it my ears are always open. *He continues to watch her. Corith in the mean time is eating on some grass with the other horse.*
[29-23:38] 7bb0f, Ralaphor : ....what about you Aralore?
[29-23:39] 867a2, Aegnora : *ain't no way, no how, she's going to let him win... he goes for catching her legs, but one leg is already extended out, much more difficult, and when he DOES go for it... her other leg lifts up a moment, and the knee come down towards his sensitive parts*
[29-23:39] MSG: Jerren Skulldeep sent a message to Talis.
[29-23:40] 41156, Talis : *he chuckles* <Well, I know what things are called. Like your on a wolf and thats a tree.> *He points at the wolf then a tree.* <I may know many other things but as to what they are I don't know.>
[29-23:40] 94c70, Artanis : Could you... not tell Mierka?
[29-23:42] 5d609, Group of Goblins : <But not know Goblins. You strange one.>
[29-23:42] 290ac, Aralore : I couldn't get another woman to so much as look at me until I was around a hundred or so...and even then, she couldn't be tricked into even liking me..
[29-23:42] MSG: Talis sent a message to Jerren Skulldeep.
[29-23:43] 616a5, Kriel Chagg'Ra : *he is barely able to lift his other leg up to push her knee away, instead getting kneed in the thigh.... course this manuvere cauzes him to loose his balance, and he is flipped onto his back,,, a look of surprise washing over his face*
[29-23:43] MSG: Jerren Skulldeep sent a message to Talis.
[29-23:44] 41156, Gorthius: I will not tell anyone. I will leave that up to you when you tell the world your secrets. *He smiles at her to let her know he tells true.*
[29-23:44] JOIN: R has entered.
[29-23:44] 7bb0f, Ralaphor : How old are you as of now?
[29-23:45] 867a2, Aegnora : *twists her wrists free from the hold, then immediantly spins her hands around to grab his wrist and shove them down, as her legs slam over his*
[29-23:45] 7725b, Bowdyn : *Continues patroling the border of his country, half wondering what had possessed the two elves to do what they did, but on the other hand, what in the hell had possessed the King to make the deal he did.. he must be going insane.*
[29-23:46] 7725b, King Narmotur : *is, hears about it from Conall every damn day now..*
[29-23:46] 94c70, Artanis : I just don't want her to think that I've lied to her.
[29-23:48] 290ac, Aralore : Age is somewhat of a matter of pride for I don't like to reveal it....*chuckles*
[29-23:48] 616a5, Kriel Chagg'Ra : *he struggles, but not as harshly as he should, a smile on his face as he looks up at the woman who has him pinned, a smirk on his face* well, mi' that you have me.......what will you do?
[29-23:48] 867a2, Aegnora : Hold you to what you said, and make you dance.. *smirks*
[29-23:50] MSG: Jerren Skulldeep tried to message Tails (not registered).
[29-23:50] MSG: Talis sent a message to Jerren Skulldeep.
[29-23:51] MSG: Group of Goblins sent a message to Talis.
[29-23:52] 41156, Gorthius: I can not blame you there. *He takes another bite of the meat.*
[29-23:52] 616a5, Kriel Chagg'Ra : *he smirks and nods, shifting abit under her wieght... licking his lips slightly* your going to have to get off me, if you really want me to dance....
[29-23:52] 7bb0f, Ralaphor : *Chuckles to Aralore as he gets up and stretches* I'm going up now
[29-23:52] MSG: Ralaphor sent a message to Bowdyn.
[29-23:53] 867a2, Aegnora : Do I have to?
[29-23:54] MSG: Bowdyn sent a message to Ralaphor.
[29-23:54] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[29-23:56] JOIN: Brimstone has entered.
[29-23:56] 616a5, Kriel Chagg'Ra : *he can only grin deviously as she stays on him, smirking abit* i take it you like to be the dominant one in a relashionship, based on your..... *he thinks of an....appropriate word....* affinity.... to be on top of the situation?
[29-23:56] MSG: Ralaphor sent a message to Bowdyn.
[29-23:56] 94c70, Artanis : Most of my things were taken from me when we were caught, but not everything. *She takes off the chain around her neck which at the end has a small light weight medallian at the end. She offers it to him to look at. The only thing on it being the crest of her father's family.* My given name by my Mother is Artanis.
[29-23:57] 41156, Talis : *He nods* <Well, thats what happens when you froget your entire life.> *He smiles at them.*
[29-23:57] MSG: Bowdyn sent a message to Ralaphor.
[29-23:57] MSG: Bowdyn sent a message to Ralaphor.
[29-23:58] 290ac, Aralore : Take care...
[29-23:58] 7725b, King Narmotur : ((I want everyone thats 'involved' in the attacks on to PM me now.. *eyes*))
[29-23:58] 290ac, Aralore : ((Sorry, heh. *woozy, out of it*))
[29-23:59] 5d609, Group of Goblins : *smiles back at Talis with unclean pointy teeth* <Perhaps see you again some day. We go.>
[30-00:00] 41156, Gorthius: *he takes the medallian and looks it over then hands it back.* So, whats the secret?
[30-00:00] 867a2, Aegnora : You could say that... *not that she's even been in a relationship, but still* *releases his wrists, sitting up*
[30-00:00] 7bb0f, Ralaphor : ((PM?))
[30-00:00] MSG: Ralaphor sent a message to Bowdyn.
[30-00:01] MSG: Bowdyn sent a message to Ralaphor.
[30-00:01] EXIT: Brimstone has left the chat ( 12:56am, January 30 (CST) ).
[30-00:02] 290ac, Aralore : *Exits the bar a few minutes later, and is gone-ish blah*
[30-00:02] 290ac, Aralore : ((GTG sleep, heh. Cya!))
[30-00:02] 616a5, Kriel Chagg'Ra : *he chuckles slightly and places his hands on her thighs, shes not off him, assumes shes straddling him still, since she did not get off, she just sat up* i think i can dance a jig, that is, unless you want to dance with me.... *said as a small offer... the guards outside resist the urge to look inside*
[30-00:03] 94c70, Artanis : Narmotur is the younger brother to my Father. *She says this kind of slowly, unsure as she watches the fire having taken the necklance back.*
[30-00:04] 41156, Talis : *he nods* <perhaps> *He smiles.* <good jouney to you?>
[30-00:06] MSG: Ralaphor sent a message to Bowdyn.
[30-00:06] 867a2, Aegnora : *laughs* It'll be far more amusing to just watch... *gets off him, moving to one of the chairs*
[30-00:08] MSG: Bowdyn sent a message to Ralaphor.
[30-00:08] 7bb0f, Ralaphor : (( holy crap Artanis))
[30-00:08] MSG: Ralaphor sent a message to Bowdyn.
[30-00:08] 5d609, Group of Goblins : <Good jouney.> *the three ride off*
[30-00:08] 5d609, Group of Goblins : ((needa get going. Catcha later))
[30-00:09] 41156, Gorthius: So, Your infact royalty huh? *He nods.*
[30-00:10] 7725b, Bowdyn : *In light of certain things... The riders of had intensified there patrols on the borders, hunting for raiding parties of Orcs and Goblins, the rest of the main military force was pretty much dedicated to the defense of the cities or simply hadn't been deployed by the king.*
[30-00:11] MSG: Ralaphor sent a message to Artanis.
[30-00:11] MSG: Bowdyn sent a message to Ralaphor.
[30-00:11] 5d609, Group of Goblins : *airn't raiding! Are on semi-legitimage business!*
[30-00:12] 94c70, Artanis : Not surprised?
[30-00:12] 7725b, Bowdyn : *hates goblins!*
[30-00:12] 7725b, King Narmotur : *hates everyone and everything at this point.*
[30-00:12] 5d609, Group of Goblins : *distracts Bowdyn with orcs*
[30-00:13] 616a5, Kriel Chagg'Ra : *he smiles abit...... sitting up he slides off the bed standing he moves to the exit to the tent, motioning for jerin to get his instrument the man rushes off, and soon enough he returns with what looks like a violin in his hands, he stays outside and plays a song well known to the nish sailors.... after a moment of listening to the music, his feet seem to move to it, one arm in front of him, the other behind him as he dances to the music, quite gracefull in his movements*
[30-00:14] 616a5, Kriel Chagg'Ra : ((*laughs at narmotur*))
[30-00:16] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : *avoids Narmotur's attention*
[30-00:16] 41156, Gorthius: At my age nothing really suprises me. *He smiles.* In six thousand years you see many things that are supriseing. I have seen many of those things and it no longer effects me.
[30-00:16] 7725b, King Narmotur : *has some others to pay attetion for him as well, eg*
[30-00:17] 94c70, Artanis : *Nods slightly.*
[30-00:17] 867a2, Aegnora : *if he's outside, she stands and moves to lift the tent flap... and watches him intently, very amused, yet fascinated at the same time*
[30-00:18] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[30-00:20] 616a5, Kriel Chagg'Ra : *he is in the tent with her, dancing to the jig, the man outside simply plays the tune.... several soldiers,,, mostly women, look over at the tent, smirking to themselves as they begin gossiping to each other..... inside the tent, his feet move rapidly to the music,*
[30-00:27] 867a2, Aegnora : *chuckles softly, watching still... and even begins to clap in time*
[30-00:28] 41156, Gorthius: *He smiles at her.*
[30-00:30] 94c70, Artanis : He'd have killed us if he knew. That's why I took what I did from him.
[30-00:32] 616a5, Kriel Chagg'Ra : *he smirks some as he continues to dance, spinning every now and then as his feet move on the dirt floor.... his eyes closing a moment as he continues to dance.... a thing he has not enjoyed for such along time*
[30-00:34] 41156, Gorthius: what was that?
[30-00:36] 7725b, Veryatur : *Watches over Tal'Dolen from the balcony of the Royal house, silently, deep in thought.*
[30-00:36] 867a2, Aegnora : *laughs softly.. is actually fully laughing now, and continues to let him dance, grinning. She finally stands.. moving over... and as he spins, she steps in, catching his hands to start dancing with him*
[30-00:37] 94c70, Artanis : The beatings and everything. He didn't believe anything I said, or just said he didn't.
[30-00:38] 616a5, Kriel Chagg'Ra : *Is surprised by her sudden apperance, but his own fingers intwine with hers, a smile on hsi face as he begins to sway and spin with her, almost as if he was lost in his dancing*
[30-00:39] 867a2, Aegnora : *is actually having a fairly good time.. and she can dance, even in this awkward two legged form*
[30-00:41] 41156, Gorthius: *He nods* I see. Well, I guess I owe you my thanks.
[30-00:43] 616a5, Kriel Chagg'Ra : *he smiles as they dance, his eyes straying from her face to her.....other parts..... that tight dress she wears making the entire dancing thing that much more enjoyable.... he picks up the pace abit, trying to see if she can keep up, his feet moving double time to the music*
[30-00:43] 867a2, Aegnora : *pulls away after a little while* Alas... I really need to be off.
[30-00:44] 94c70, Artanis : It's alright. I got you into it.
[30-00:46] 616a5, Kriel Chagg'Ra : *and as she pulls off he laughs abit, looking back out the tent he motions for jerin to kill the music and he does so, he then looks back at her, smirking abit* your welcome back to this camp whenever you wish, though, in a week i will be gone, so.... if you wish to visit me, come back before that *smiles abit*
[30-00:46] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[30-00:47] 867a2, Aegnora : Oh... if I really wanted, I would find you. *smirks, then moves towards the exit of the tent* Until later...
[30-00:47] EXIT: Aegnora has left the chat ( 1:47am, January 30 (CST) ).
[30-00:47] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 1:46am, January 30 (CST) ).
[30-00:48] 616a5, Kriel Chagg'Ra : adios, mi amore..... *is what she would hear, his native tounge would sound much like a screwed up form of spanish..... He bowing slightly to her as she begins to leave*
[30-00:49] JOIN: Connor Rayne has entered.
[30-00:51] 41156, Gorthius: Don't worry about it. I was where I needed to be.
[30-00:53] 94c70, Artanis : *Looks at him again.* Do you mean that?
[30-00:54] 20f97, Connor Rayne : ((Let's all catch thumbtacks..with our bare eyes...ready? WHOOP! *throws em up in the air..waits* wait for it...*catches em, point the eye..bellows and runs*))
[30-00:58] 94c70, Ryavel : (( *chases Connor* ))
[30-01:02] 20f97, Connor Rayne : (((*chased!* Ooooh..goin' my way?)))
[30-01:07] 41156, Gorthius: *he nods* Yes, I could never let one such as yourself go into something like that alone. I fight for the good of all things.
[30-01:09] 94c70, Artanis : Good judge of character too, hm?
[30-01:17] 41156, Gorthius: *He nods* I try to be but some times thats hard to do.
[30-01:19] 94c70, Artanis : *smiles a bit.* So, why are you here now? I mean, we're not exactly standing and fighting.
[30-01:27] 41156, Gorthius: I am here to do what I have always done. To serve and protect the dragons. Sorianel Wanted me to find something in my long life a new cause if you will. I think I have found one
[30-01:28] 94c70, Artanis : I'm not sure what to say to that in response.
[30-01:36] 41156, Gorthius: Be proud. You have the last of the Dragon Riders at your side. *He stands drawing his saber. He then takes a knee before her with tip of his blade in the ground. He bows his head to her.* I am in your servise.
[30-01:41] 94c70, Artanis : *She kind of stares at him for a long moment as if she'd never seen anything like it before.* I... you don't have to do that, Gorthius. I'm glad to know that you're a friend.
[30-01:42] JOIN: R has entered.
[30-01:45] 41156, Gorthius: *he looks up at her and smiles.* Lady Artanis, I am a knight. I live to serve and protect that of the humans and the dragons alike. I always do what I don't have to as long as it is in service of those I choose to serve. My own kingdom has long since passed. I have no true reason to live save for to protect what is important to all.
[30-01:50] 94c70, Artanis : *Watches him again for a long moment before nodding once.* Thank you.. *She seems to be saying this quite a lot lately.* Is there anything I can do for you in return?
[30-01:50] JOIN: Roki has entered.
[30-01:53] 41156, Gorthius: *He stands as he shakes his head.* No *He reseaths his saber.* Its what I do, I ask for nothing in return. *He sits back down on his saddle.*
[30-01:54] 94c70, Artanis : But what if I want to?
[30-01:56] 41156, Gorthius: My lady, You have nothing that I want. *He smiles at her.* But, just to humour you. What do you have in mind?
[30-01:57] 7725b, Galaldur : *Silently Galaldur along top of the outer battlement of Tal'Dolen, It was dusk now and things had been quiet in the region for sometime, Laumil Patrols had been on a higher level alert for sometime now, carefully watching the borders. But Galaldur had chose not to return to that duty, having no partner since Ryavel left. Instead he'd been tending to Military Matters within the City and mostly keeping to himself and yes avoiding Yorrondal as much as possible, he'd grown tired of her almost constant -
[30-01:57] 7725b, Galaldur : harassment in regards to Ryavel, It was simply his business and his business alone. And it was now a mute point, she'd made her choice, going off with Connor to whatever end. It had been some months since they'd left Tal'Dolen and indeed he caught himself thinking about Ryavel... and Connor, and what fate they may have met up with.*
[30-02:00] 94c70, Artanis : I don't know. I don't have a lot to offer.
[30-02:01] 7725b, Galaldur : And with those thoughts, there was a pang of regret in regard to what he hadn't been able to do during the time they had in the city, he'd intended to talk to her about something, but duty had kept him from doing that. The fact had been they'd hardly seen each other during the weeks in Tal'Dolen, she'd spent much of her freetime with Connor, and it wouldn't have been proper to discuss certain matters with him nearby. But though it hurt that she left as she had, he could understand why she did it but
[30-02:01] 7725b, Galaldur : he failed to understand that she'd said nothing to him, not a word, a note, nothing. But that was in the past now, and somehow he was unsure if he'd ever see either one of them again. The only thing he had left to concentrate on was the defense of his people.*
[30-02:03] 41156, Gorthius: Thats ok, I don't need anything at all. Just the chance to do what I have always done. *He smiles.*
[30-02:08] 94c70, Artanis : *returns the smile.* I'm honored.
[30-02:10] 41156, Gorthius: *He nods his head.* I am honored to be in your sevice. As well I serve Mierka. *He smiles and looks to the tent that she is sleeping in.*
[30-02:13] 94c70, Artanis : I'm sure she'd be just as glad to know. *She bends her knees, bringing them up to her chest, wrapping her arms around them.* Were do you suggest we should go from here?
[30-02:15] 41156, Gorthius: *shrugs* That depends on what you have in mind of doing. What is it you wish to accomplish?
[30-02:18] 94c70, Artanis : I wanted to get Mierka out of there. You and I, we can defend ourselves, she can't. And I don't trust Narmotur, he'll be looking for us.
[30-02:22] 41156, Gorthius: *He nods* That is very true. But, I think you should give Mierka abit more credit. She can take care of herself fairly well but she seems to give in easily to pampering. If I didn't know better I would say that she has never had such things.
[30-02:24] 94c70, Artanis : She hasn't. She's been on the streets for as long as she can remember. *Lowers her head a little to allow her chin to rest on her knees.* I know I'm not offering her much more than that, but maybe one day...
[30-02:46] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[30-03:01] 41156, Gorthius: *he nods* We'll at least your trying. Things will look up for her eventualy.
[30-03:15] 94c70, Artanis : I hope so. She deserves better
[30-03:20] 41156, Gorthius: *He nods* I will agree. We can teach her to defend herself abit better.
[30-03:24] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 3:46am, January 30 (CST) ).
[30-03:24] JOIN: joey has entered.
[30-03:27] 94c70, Artanis : You will help me with this?
[30-03:29] 41156, Gorthius: *he nods* Yes, I have trained quite afew warriors in my time.
[30-03:30] 94c70, Artanis : Good. I'm glad. I'm not a teacher, I've never done it before. And... well I lost my own sword in the fight.
[30-03:33] 41156, Gorthius: *he smiles and nods as he reaches for his basterdsword.* Can you use one of these? *As he picks it up. It has a leather sheath that is decorated with a dragon.* I recived my first one when i first joined the Dragon Warriors before I became a Knight. *He hands it to her.*
[30-03:37] 94c70, Artanis : I couldn't take yours, Gorthius.
[30-03:38] 41156, Gorthius: *he smiles* I have my saber. Here take this one untill you can get another of your own. *He again offers it to her.*
[30-03:40] 94c70, Artanis : *She accepts it carefully.* I'm going to owe you a lot at this rate, you know.
[30-03:44] 41156, Gorthius: You, will owe me nothing Eri. It is my duty to help everyone in need no matter the cost to me. *He smiles.*
[30-03:45] 94c70, Artanis : I know, but... *No, she didn't really know what to say.*
[30-03:48] 41156, Gorthius: *He smiles.* Don't worry Eri. In the end things will turn out for the best.
[30-03:51] 94c70, Artanis : I hope you're right. And.. I'm sorry, it's a little odd to me to not give you something in return. *looks at him again.* Old habbits die hard I suppose. I've been out here so long, I'm not accustomed to such luxuries.
[30-03:54] 41156, Gorthius: *He nods* Well, I think you'll do something in the end to pay me back.
[30-03:55] 94c70, Artanis : It'll be well deserved.
[30-03:58] 41156, Gorthius: We'll just have to see when we get to that point. *He smiles at her.*
[30-04:01] 41156, Gorthius: ((*test*))
[30-04:02] 94c70, Artanis : *returns the smile softly.* You'll have to share your adventures some day. Six thousand years is a long time to live. Do you even experience anything new and different anymore?
[30-04:07] 41156, Gorthius: *smileing* Yes, all the time. No two days are ever alike. some days are abit more boreing then others but I enjoy those days when I can.
[30-04:10] 94c70, Artanis : You really must be a great warrior to have survived this long. *She truely found something there in him to deeply respect.* I wish I could have experienced some of it, but I don't think I would want to live forever.
[30-04:15] 41156, Gorthius: Well, I have done what I could to survive this long. *he gets a sad look in his eyes.* The only thing that I regreat about living so long is I have out lived all of those that I cared about. But the experiances are almost worth the cost that I have paid.
[30-04:15] JOIN: Roki has entered.
[30-04:15] 56f03, Roki: Mmmmooo OOOOOOo ooooooo
[30-04:16] 41156, Gorthius: ((Meroooooooooooo))
[30-04:16] 94c70, Artanis : (( *Gets ready to make hamburgers and steaks* ))
[30-04:17] 94c70, Artanis : That must be sad for you. And Mierka and I won't be any different. *She frowns a little as she watches the fire. But then she pushes herself to her feet.* I'd love to stay here longer with you, but I should probably get some rest also.
[30-04:18] 41156, Gorthius: ((moo?))
[30-04:20] 41156, Gorthius: *he stands up as well.* Very well Eri, Sleep well. I will be up for awhile.
[30-04:22] 94c70, Artanis : *She gives him a bow of her head.* Rest well, Gorthius, when you do. *She lingers for a moment longer truely wishing there was more she could give. But she soon moves off to join Mierka in getting a few hours of sleep.*
[30-04:25] 41156, Gorthius: *bows likewise. He watches her go into the tent then sits back down on his saddle.*
[30-04:27] 41156, Gorthius: *he eventually falls alseep. yes in his armor and useing the saddle as a for a head rest.*
[30-04:47] JOIN: R has entered.
[30-08:12] JOIN: Riley has entered.
[30-08:12] EXIT: Riley has left the chat ( 9:12am, January 30 (CST) ).
[30-09:32] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[30-10:50] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[30-12:13] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[30-12:31] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[30-12:31] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 1:31pm, January 30 (CST) ).
[30-13:29] JOIN: Dwugz has entered.
[30-13:30] 356cf, Dwugz: greetings....always greetings *steps from the shadows, smile apon her face*
[30-13:33] 356cf, Dwugz: is anyone here may i ask?
[30-13:44] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[30-14:24] JOIN: Roki has entered.
[30-14:34] JOIN: ladycrowe has entered.
[30-14:35] 74d1f, ladycrowe: *shifty eyed* ... *pokes Roki*
[30-15:00] 74d1f, ladycrowe: *eyes wasted dots*
[30-15:00] 74d1f, ladycrowe: <_< >_>
[30-15:00] 74d1f, ladycrowe: *recollects dots*
[30-15:10] 74d1f, ladycrowe: *wanders off*
[30-15:10] 74d1f, ladycrowe: oh look! a faerie! *wanders after faeries and into oblivion...*
[30-15:10] EXIT: ladycrowe has left the chat ( 4:10pm, January 30 (CST) ).
[30-15:19] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[30-15:34] JOIN: Lt.Hagget has entered.
[30-15:34] 5b00b, Lt.Hagget : *Studies scroll*
[30-15:35] EXIT: Lt.Hagget has left the chat ( 4:34pm, January 30 (CST) ).
[30-16:31] 867a2, Sileen : Yes... you all think you are so clever. Oh no, no one will know I'm here... but you know what? I see all! I can tell you are there, waiting, lurking... I can those beady little eyes...
[30-16:32] 290ac, Aralore : ((Did you see me coming? :) ))
[30-16:33] 867a2, Sileen : Oh yes, I knew you were there.
[30-16:34] 867a2, Sileen : I know of another as well... *throws a brick at Z* Wake up you! MWAHAHAHA!!
[30-16:35] 290ac, Aralore : ((Foiled again :( ))
[30-16:35] 94c70, Z: *cowers in a corner to save her precious double mushroom swiss-cheeseburrger.*
[30-16:35] 867a2, Sileen : I see all! o/
[30-16:36] 94c70, Z: *could fool Sileen*
[30-16:36] 867a2, Sileen : Likely.. but that's beside the point
[30-16:37] 94c70, Z:
[30-16:37] 94c70, Z: YOu'd still see me but not know it's me
[30-16:38] 94c70, Z: *Tosses Sileen's brick back at her.*
[30-16:38] 867a2, Sileen : Meh!
[30-16:38] 867a2, Sileen : *hit in between the eyes* *goes cross eyed, then falls over*
[30-16:38] 94c70, Z : *tests*
[30-16:39] 94c70, Z : oooh
[30-16:39] 867a2, Sileen : *thud*
[30-16:39] 94c70, Z : *test*
[30-16:39] 94c70, Z : meh
[30-16:39] 867a2, Sileen : What's that ?
[30-16:40] 94c70, Z : *Is a travelling Salesman.* I got any kind of vaccuum cleaner you want.
[30-16:40] 867a2, Sileen : Mew?
[30-16:40] ae640, W: *bounds in*
[30-16:40] 867a2, Sileen : *L*
[30-16:43] 290ac, Aralore : ((*Lurk*))
[30-16:47] 290ac, Aralore : ((OMFG Oil of Speed = so s3x3h))
[30-16:47] 290ac, Aralore : ((Just thought I'd put that out there :/ ))
[30-16:50] 867a2, Sileen : .. Anyone want me to RP?
[30-16:51] 290ac, Aralore : ((me-san!))
[30-16:52] 867a2, Sileen : Who do ya want? Delotha? Aegnora? Amber? Or Naurlote? (probably a silly question, teehee)
[30-16:53] 290ac, Aralore : ((Hm...I dunno who any of those are, so I'm gonna go with the first one :) ))
[30-16:53] 94c70, Z : *would RP, but hasn't sent in her new char yet*
[30-16:54] 94c70, Z : *so plays with her new magnifier lamp-thingee and finishes her second burger instead.*
[30-16:54] 867a2, Sileen : Aegnora's my nightmare, she's kinda evil, Amber is a dragon, mwaha, Naurlote is the High Elven Queen
[30-16:55] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : *is.. meanwhile.. sitting in the Tides*
[30-16:55] 290ac, Aralore : ((Who or what is Delotha?)) *Sits at the bar, shocker lizard bullying a squirrel, copies his spells like usual*
[30-16:55] 290ac, Aralore : ((TIDES ROFL))
[30-16:55] 94c70, Z : The TIdes? LOL
[30-16:55] 290ac, Aralore : ((Unless that is a bar here :/ )
[30-16:55] 290ac, Aralore : )
[30-16:55] 94c70, Z : This isn't ToW Sileen
[30-16:55] 290ac, Aralore : ((Could very well be. But then it's no bar Aralore's ever seen.))
[30-16:56] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : *cough, is sitting in the Glimmering Inn...*
[30-16:57] 94c70, Z : *giggles*
[30-16:57] 94c70, Savvid: *should go get pie from Dune.*
[30-16:58] 290ac, Aralore : *Doesn't see Delotha, shaking his head and eyeing the spell book and placing a hand on his forehead* The Order is going to kill me if I can't remember this...*looks up at the ceiling thoughtfully* Is it too late to become a sorcerer..?
[30-16:59] 290ac, Dune : *Has no pie :(*
[30-16:59] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : *at a booth! Sitting at a booth, absently watching Aralore* ... Likely
[30-17:00] 94c70, Savvid: *drat*
[30-17:00] 867a2, Amber: *gives Dune pie*
[30-17:00] JOIN: Karn Vailner has entered.
[30-17:03] 290ac, Dune : *woohoo for pie*
[30-17:04] 867a2, Amber: *in another part of the Glimmering Inn, she sits at a table, with one leg crossed over the other, and hands resting ever so daintily in her lap. She is in her human form today... russet hair dangling over her shoulder in a slender braid, leaf green eyes casually staring off into space, as if she is day dreaming... though she listens, very intently to the conversations around her, homing in on any with the word "dragon"*
[30-17:05] 290ac, Aralore : *Blinks, looks up* I know that voice...*smirks and looks around for Delotha*
[30-17:05] 94c70, Z : This has totally no relevance, but you know.. Sean Connery looks good before his days with Grey hair.
[30-17:06] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : You should, it's been shrieking at you for a few months now.
[30-17:06] JOIN: Bianca Moonbeam has entered.
[30-17:06] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : ((He still somehow looks good))
[30-17:07] 290ac, Dune : *Muttermutter insanely to himself* ...the devil lives here! He lives in Pandemonium with a giant fire-breathing dragony dragon, but he's coming here in the morning...
[30-17:07] 94c70, Z : I know. o_o it's just shocking to see him that young
[30-17:07] 867a2, Amber: *Ah! Heard dragon! She shifts her attention discreetly to Dune*
[30-17:08] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : ((Now I'm curious..))
[30-17:08] 2b27e, Bianca Moonbeam : (( * peeks* ))
[30-17:09] 290ac, Aralore : Yes, but it's the good kind of shrieking...the kind that distracts me from evil wizardry.
[30-17:09] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : But if I distract you too much, you'll never learn anything
[30-17:09] 290ac, Dune : *Carefully pulls the legs off of a grasshopper, feeding the small creature to his scraggly wolf sitting next to him, who snaps it up in malnourished glee*
[30-17:10] 867a2, Amber: *... er... didn't hear him then, if he's not in the Inn*
[30-17:12] 290ac, Aralore : I never learn anything attention span is too short...and this takes too long...I'll never get out of the most basic kinds of spells...
[30-17:12] 290ac, Dune : *In the Inn, brought grasshoppers with him :)*