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[27-19:09] 9f3b4, Khavi : *keeping a wary eye out for any others, she unwraps the bola from her staff and starts spinning it*
[27-19:09] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[27-19:10] b2790, Rikkell Donobar : Krondor... I thought about bringing them here, but I've heard of a thieves guild here... **pulls a gold a silver vase from behind his back, smiling** Gues they wont be too happy that Ive been stealing here.
[27-19:10] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 8:09pm, January 27 (CST) ).
[27-19:10] JOIN: Shiva has entered.
[27-19:10] 6d5cf, Shiva: ((yay dinner))
[27-19:12] 57800, Vex : *just when she starts spinning the Bola.. Vex raises his staff and points the end of it in her direction* Let her feel... Pain... *a simple enough thing.. especialy for that staff.. the pain would be intense..and concentrated on the wrist she's using to spin the bola*
[27-19:12] 290ac, Aralore : Alright...the elements increase in ionization energy as you go from left to right on the periodic chart, and as you go up, the highest being Helium.
[27-19:12] 8905c, Jasamine: *a perfectly curved girl enters the room, her dark blue eyes flash as they look about, a small smile pulls her full red lips as she brushes off her tight leather skirt and tugs at her just as tight midriff*
[27-19:13] 2036d, Tarnis Catadon : What do you need that for **stares at the vase** Why? **laughs** Care for a drink? **gestures to the glimmering inn**
[27-19:14] 8905c, Jasamine: *"Interesting" she mutters to herself, one hand reaches up to play with a long strand of her black hair, the curls frame her pale face, and hide the slave's collar a bit from any stares she might get, she tilts her head, wondering what she would find here*
[27-19:15] JOIN: Ralaphor has entered.
[27-19:15] 9f3b4, Khavi : Aaah! *she crouches over a little, dropping the bola and it spinning and knocking her in the shoulder painfully, her holding her hand up in a knarled fingers in intence pain kind of way*
[27-19:16] 290ac, Aralore : Electronegativities work the same way, about peaking at Fluorine.
[27-19:19] 9f3b4, Khavi : intence = intense
[27-19:20] 57800, Vex : *Vex grins at her..stepping towards her a few steps..* Bad little slave.. you shouldnt strike out at your masters...
[27-19:23] 9f3b4, Khavi : What!?! *looks at him startled* Why you!! *goes into a crouch with a leg aimed to sweep his feet out from under him*
[27-19:26] 2036d, Tarnis Catadon : (( refresh damnit!))
[27-19:29] 57800, Vex : *stabs the staff into the ground on the side she's kicking for.. bracing against it.. her leg would impact against its metal shaft and .. well.. the pain in her leg from the impact would probably be equivilant to her breaking her leg...after he speaks the word tho* Pain....
[27-19:33] b2790, Rikkell Donobar : **((even though tarnis cant read this, accepts his offer and waits for his return))**
[27-19:34] JOIN: Jasamine has entered.
[27-19:34] 9f3b4, Khavi : *actually thinks she did break her leg from the amount of pain she feel and cries out in that startled with terrific pain way as she looses her other footing, falling to the ground, pulling her shin that she thinks he broke up to hug with her arm to try and comfort it enough to get her wits about her again*
[27-19:35] 90f4a, Jasamine: *a perfectly curved girl enters the room, her dark blue eyes flash as they look about, a small smile pulls her full red lips as she brushes off her tight leather skirt and tugs at her just as tight midriff*
[27-19:35] 90f4a, Jasamine: *a perfectly curved girl enters the room, her dark blue eyes flash as they look about, a small smile pulls her full red lips as she brushes off her tight leather skirt and tugs at her just as tight midriff*
[27-19:35] 90f4a, Jasamine: *"Interesting" she mutters to herself, one hand reaches up to play with a long strand of her black hair, the curls frame her pale face, and hide the slave's collar a bit from any stares she might get, she tilts her head, wondering what she would find here*
[27-19:36] 57800, Vex : *steps back from her, laughing madly* Aww.. poor baby hurt herself ?
[27-19:36] JOIN: Tarnis Catadon has entered.
[27-19:37] 6e766, Tarnis Catadon : **now walking back with rikkell back to the glimmering inn ** So you hear of this new guy running around killing humans **speaks in a hush hush sorta way.
[27-19:38] 90f4a, Jasamine: *licks her full red lips and moves towards an empty table, her blue eyes looking about. One hand covering the slave collar about her neck"
[27-19:38] JOIN: AdrianGoldenmoon has entered.
[27-19:39] 9f3b4, Khavi : *a glowering look of loathing it struck in his direction for a flash before her face goes back into a pained expression and she drags herself to her one knee, taking hold of her staff, to use it to try and help her stand with her arm that doesn't have the wrist that is still in a lot of after shock pain. Is in a lot of pain*
[27-19:39] b2790, Rikkell Donobar : **Looks at tarnis, listeniong to his slightly quieter voice** Demon?
[27-19:41] 6e766, Tarnis Catadon : ** they approach the glimmering in tarnis opens the door walking through talking back to rikkell** I think it must be. **looks around the room spotting a few people before moving to a seat which faces the whole room**
[27-19:41] 6e766, Tarnis Catadon : (( who owns JASAMINE ??))
[27-19:42] 90f4a, Jasamine: *takes a seat and crosses her legs, the slit on her skirt opening to reveal her leg, all the way to her tight thigh, making no move to cover it she watches the room, curiosity lighting her eyes*
[27-19:42] 90f4a, Jasamine: She's a runaway))
[27-19:43] 6e766, Tarnis Catadon : ((ahh))
[27-19:43] 6e766, Tarnis Catadon : (( and she is where?))
[27-19:44] 9f3b4, Khavi : ((and she has a skirt with a slit all the way up to her thigh? How scandalous!! *L*))
[27-19:44] 57800, Vex : Admirable.. but futile.. you'll serve Lahmier well... as well as my mistress Kali...*lifts the staff, grasping it by 2 hands lifting it above his head ..spins it once and on the end of the swing he brings the staff down to impact against the side of her head*
[27-19:45] 57800, Vex : ((oh my..does she have a shirt that shows her stomach too ?!))
[27-19:46] 90f4a, Jasamine: o baby))
[27-19:47] 4cfe0, Khalek the Changer: OOC: mmhhmm...
[27-19:48] 4cfe0, Khalek the Changer: OOC: Wanna ride on my "chariot of fire"?
[27-19:48] JOIN: Tyra Lightbringer has entered.
[27-19:48] 90f4a, Jasamine: *laughs quietly as she watches the room, a quiet sound like wind chimes. Her full lips once more pulling into a smile. leaning forward she forgets to cover her collar, her eyes flashing with excitement*
[27-19:49] 90f4a, Jasamine: *blushes* ooo my))
[27-19:49] 57800, Vex : ((*lmao*))
[27-19:49] b2790, Rikkell Donobar : ((so, khalek, you should start attaking things soon))
[27-19:49] 9f3b4, Khavi : *and I'd say that'd knock her her out very effectively, but as he's spinning it, she has time to anticipate and it lands on her shoulder instead.* Aaah!! *cries out as she drops to her hands and knees from the blow. The odds were rather against her from the start. She pants in pain, lots of dizzying pain and her delaying the drugs of the darts wearing off, especially after all the she just did. She feels very dizzy*
[27-19:49] 4cfe0, Khalek the Changer: OOC: Why? Bored without me slaughtering things?
[27-19:50] 9f3b4, Khavi : all the she just did = all the action moves she just did
[27-19:50] 6e766, Tarnis Catadon : **waits for rikkell to sit damnit**
[27-19:50] 6e766, Tarnis Catadon : (( yes, khalek))
[27-19:51] b2790, Rikkell Donobar : ((well, I wanna war, so I figure your the guy to talk too))
[27-19:51] EXIT: Ralaphor has left the chat ( 8:15pm, January 27 (CST) ).
[27-19:51] 57800, Vex : Mmm... *crouches down infront of her, holding his staff still. almost directly infront of him*... exquisite isnt it ? All the lovely pain...theres much more in store for you, little servent of Lahmier... oh yes... *the grin that unfolds itself on his face is akin to that of a chessire cats*
[27-19:52] b2790, Rikkell Donobar : **sits, cus tarnis is impatient**
[27-19:54] 90f4a, Jasamine: *her eyes flash over to Vex and the girl, her head tilting slightly. She wonders why the girl doesnt hurt him, but merely shrugs, it was none of her business, yawning her eyes roam the room once more, she uncrosses her legs and stands, leaning over the table, her tight little shirt showing her cleavage>*
[27-19:55] 9f3b4, Khavi : *looks up at him mostly with her glaring, disoriented eyes, sweat beading on her forehead as she breathes heavily, trying to steady her spinning head. Her hands give out from under her torso, especially with the one wrist still hurting and she falls, tumbling to her side.* ((Jasamine, Vex and Khavi are leagues away from your location))
[27-19:55] 6e766, Tarnis Catadon : Have you seen the notices around about the "demon"? Well you get him I'll give you, 20,000 gold for him. **smiles then noticing the women oddly with an iron callor around her neck** ((unless she isnt in the glimmering inn))
[27-19:55] 90f4a, Jasamine: *she had never been taught better...or maybe she had been taught to do so. She ignored stares she recieved, she'd had them since she'd become a woman. Licking her full red lips she sat down once more, wondering if she could get anything to drink around here*
[27-19:55] 6e766, Tarnis Catadon : ((the-then))
[27-19:56] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ::walks down the stairs, moving for the door to the Inn.. oblivious to his surroundings as he stepped outside::
[27-19:56] 4cfe0, Khalek the Changer: OOC: I'm awaiting words on forces still.
[27-19:56] 57800, Vex : ((20,000 gold ? holy What the Deuce?..))
[27-19:57] 90f4a, Jasamine: I'm sorry darlin, I didnt know ty for info))
[27-19:57] b2790, Rikkell Donobar : (Dammit, there is nothing more fun then a war))
[27-19:57] 90f4a, Jasamine: *is in the inn*))
[27-19:59] b2790, Rikkell Donobar : **Listens to Tarnis, but barely hears him, is busy looking at Jasamine.**
[27-19:59] 57800, Vex : *releases the pain from her leg.. loves his staff.. realy.. he loves it... >_> <_< anyway... he stands up, shifting the staff to his other hand.. gesturing for the other dude* Bind her and pick her up... *which the other dude does.. pulling 2 pieces of rope from his belt, he walks over to first tie her ankles together.. then does the same to her wrists.. picking her up and tossing her over his shoulder*
[27-19:59] 6e766, Tarnis Catadon : **when a bar-maid comes to take his order he tells her to give a a jug of wine to the women with the iron collar**
[27-20:00] 6e766, Tarnis Catadon : ((he-his))
[27-20:01] 6e766, Tarnis Catadon : **leans over talk to rikkell his voice very serious as he points to the collared women** You think she is a slave? Well she has to be. **sighs**
[27-20:02] 90f4a, Jasamine: *red lips pull into a smile revealing perfect, white teeth as she see's the wine placed on her table. She quickly fills a mug with it and takes a sip, her parched throat feeling better as the wine slides down. Thanking the bar maid she plays with her hair once more, her blue eyes roaming the room*
[27-20:04] 6e766, Tarnis Catadon : **rubs his hand over his bald head which he covered in dark blue tattoos of strange patterns and ruins which from where he comes from it the mark of a slave but to other just look..intersting?**
[27-20:04] b2790, Rikkell Donobar : **Glances at tarnis a second** I gues its one of those things, takes one to know one. **Continues to stare at Jasamine, perplexed by her beauty, and ammount of visible skin... he raises his eyebrows.**
[27-20:05] 6e766, Tarnis Catadon : ((he- is))
[27-20:06] 9f3b4, Khavi : *struggles weakly and fights the being tied up thing, but the drugs are overtaking her finally, her spell only delaying them and her not having a chance to cast it again to delay it longer. hisses at the man tying her up, baring her teeth at him, and squirms as she is picked up and thrown over his shoulder. She has a lot of strength for a petite woman, is a petite amazon, a runt for an amazon, but normal sized woman for normal women. by the time he starts to carry her a few steps she finally goes limp,--
[27-20:06] 6e766, Tarnis Catadon : **speaks to rikkell ** Lets go see shall we? **stands up walking over to the apparent slave sitting next to her he clears he throat to get he attention** Hello, M'lady?
[27-20:06] JOIN: Glim has entered.
[27-20:06] 9f3b4, Khavi : --passing out*
[27-20:07] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ::he walked a ways down the streets, glancing over the crowd.. and he waited until he found a fairly crowded place, and off to the side of the street, taking out his flute and playing for anyone who would listen.. and offer some small donation::
[27-20:07] 90f4a, Jasamine: *she leaned back in her chair, her shirt pulling up slightly higher, the black celtic dragon tattoo on her belly showing a little, just the tail of it, but if all could be seen, it was a full black dragon that went from belly button to breast, its mouth wrapping around her pink nipple. Her first master had made her get it. It marked her as his.*
[27-20:07] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 8:48pm, January 27 (CST) ).
[27-20:08] b2790, Rikkell Donobar : **Cuts in front of Tarnis, holding his hand to the lady** Hello Mis, Im Rikkell Donobar, thief, and rebel extrodinaire... and you are?**
[27-20:08] 57800, Vex : *and off they walk down the road... to the CASTEL OF DOOM !.. or wherever he's based out of ... hehe*
[27-20:08] 57800, Vex : ((little TMI for a main room Jasamine))
[27-20:09] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[27-20:09] 90f4a, Jasamine: *giggles quietly as she watches the men fight to introuduce themselves, "Jasamine:" a slightly exoctic voice fills their ears as she nods to them, her hand once more covering her collar*
[27-20:09] 90f4a, Jasamine: its tmi to say breast and nipple?))
[27-20:10] 57800, Vex : ((pg -13 rating))
[27-20:10] JOIN: Tyra Lightbringer has entered.
[27-20:10] 6e766, Tarnis Catadon : **looks at her stomach then back up to her face he will do anything to make he feel less a slave** What are you, M'lady? **tilts his head showing the blue tattoo atop his head sighing**
[27-20:10] 90f4a, Jasamine: *smiles* oops, more nippling))
[27-20:11] a1c74, Glim: (um...)
[27-20:11] 4cfe0, Khalek the Changer: OOC: I guess no more references to my chariot of fire then
[27-20:11] 9f3b4, Khavi : OOC: LOL
[27-20:11] 90f4a, Jasamine: * her brow furrows as she looks up at Tarnis..."I'm a human, what are you?" she laughs quietly*
[27-20:11] a1c74, Glim : (anyone see alec avery for a wile?)
[27-20:11] 90f4a, Jasamine: ))
[27-20:12] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( saw him at 6am ESt this morning o_o )
[27-20:12] 57800, Vex : (( -_-' ))
[27-20:12] 57800, Vex : (( -_-' ))
[27-20:12] JOIN: Squirrel has entered.
[27-20:13] 6e766, Tarnis Catadon : **reachs up grabbing onto her collar** I mean this. **his voice showing no humor just as serious as can be**
[27-20:13] 92794, Squirrel : Alec was on earlier Glim
[27-20:14] 90f4a, Jasamine: *reaches a hand around his wrist, her long nails digging into his skin "you would be wise to let go of that...sir" she hisses through clenched jaw*
[27-20:14] 9f3b4, Khavi : *carried off to the CASTLE OF DOOM*
[27-20:14] b2790, Rikkell Donobar : **Looks at Tarnis, realizing that he is getting in his serious mood, as he does whenever slavery is mentioned., he sit dwon in a chair next to the woman.**
[27-20:15] 92794, Squirrel : And um, NO you can't escape
[27-20:16] 6e766, Tarnis Catadon : **instantly releasers he knowing how it feels to be handled** Sorry, M'lady. **looks to the ground again** I can help you. **motions to the collar**With that.
[27-20:17] 6e766, Tarnis Catadon : ((damnit all typos he-her))
[27-20:17] a1c74, Glim : (will he be on later?)
[27-20:18] 57800, Vex : ((knowing him, he'll find a way to get on))
[27-20:18] 9f3b4, Khavi : OOC: He might
[27-20:18] c88f9, Tyra Lightbringer: (I think Alec...being where he is is sound asleep
[27-20:19] JOIN: Glim has entered.
[27-20:19] 290ac, Aralore : Die chemistry....DIE DIE DIE!!! *punches with pencil*
[27-20:20] 290ac, Aralore : *stabs*
[27-20:20] a1c74, Glim : (were is he?)
[27-20:20] 90f4a, Jasamine: *laughs, sounding slightly mad, her hand falling away as his does, "Thank you for the offer, but no one can help me"*
[27-20:20] b2790, Rikkell Donobar : **pretty much keeps out of this, he was never a slave, he doesnt know how it feels. But he is still perplexed to gaze at Jasamine**
[27-20:20] EXIT: Khalek the Changer has left the chat ( 9:11pm, January 27 (CST) ).
[27-20:20] JOIN: V has entered.
[27-20:21] NICK: V changed nick to Chemistry.
[27-20:21] 4cfe0, Chemistry: *Stabs Aralore back*
[27-20:21] 4cfe0, Chemistry: *Gives bellowing laugh* ho ho ho
[27-20:21] 9f3b4, Khavi : OOC:
[27-20:21] 57800, Vex : ((Iraq))
[27-20:21] 290ac, Aralore : *Dies, but not before destroying chemistry-and all the UNIVERSE IN THE PROCESS!!!*
[27-20:21] 6e766, Tarnis Catadon : **frowns at her statment** How can I not. I know how it feel. I can help you, just let me.
[27-20:22] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( anyone know/talk to Liz OOC )
[27-20:22] 6e766, Tarnis Catadon : (( ADRIAN yes i do she is not online))
[27-20:23] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( yeah I know. hold on )
[27-20:23] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( sign on AIM please? )
[27-20:23] 290ac, Aralore : I'm just going to take...every single smegging molecule from here to the end of all creation and compact it back down into the great miserable mistake that started it all and make it happen all over again. Only this time...I'll remember to compensate, so that the next universe gives me some muscles and a position as captain of whatever the latest recreational hobby is.
[27-20:24] 90f4a, Jasamine: *rolls her blue eyes and looks to him, "Just drop it..." she mutters*
[27-20:26] 6e766, Tarnis Catadon : **angered he slams a heavy doubled fist on the table the talks through his teeth** Fine! **stands up going back to his table talking under his breath** Stupid, females.
[27-20:27]       Glim is sleeping, still locked up in a tent...
[27-20:27] 90f4a, Jasamine: *giggles and stares at the departing man, rolling her eyes once more. "Men, they all think they can save the world" laughing quietly she returns to staring about the room, boredom starting to creep in*
[27-20:32] 92794, Cruward Hawklight : *And for the hell of it a bunch of pirates burst into the Glimmering in, not a raid though, leading his men on leave. They quickly fill the tables, boistrous laughter filling the room, loud grunts and orders shouted about. Cruward himself walks in after them, much different than his crew as he is dressed somewhat for the occasion. The rest of his men being the brutes that they are, half dressed*
[27-20:36] 6e766, Tarnis Catadon : **now in his chair rikkell soon fallows sitting next to him**
[27-20:38] 6e766, Tarnis Catadon : **looks at the group rushing the room his hand instantly grabs for his dagger though he doesnt pull it from it sheath just holds it till he sees their intent then realing the dagger he places the hand on the table**
[27-20:39] ae640, Karn Vailner: (( *is bored* ))
[27-20:40] 6e766, Tarnis Catadon : **stands up as rikkell do they both leave the glimmering in and into the night ** ***GONE**
[27-20:40] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : :: continues to play for the strangers in the streets.. a coin or two occasionally tossed his way, clinking across the ground at his feet::
[27-20:44] 92794, Cruward Hawklight : *Laughs slightly watching his men enjoy themselves, they'll be here for awhile and they did deserve it. Sits at a booth away from his men, just enjoying being off that ship for once*
[27-20:54] 92794, Cruward Hawklight : ((*killed the chat*))
[27-20:55] c88f9, Tyra Lightbringer: (*fiddles with profile and kicks the out of alligned pics*)
[27-20:56] 9f3b4, Khavi : ((While you're killing the chat, have you voted on the little poll at the end of the nominations thread?))
[27-20:58] 92794, Cruward Hawklight : ((Just did Mab))
[27-20:59] 92794, Cruward Hawklight : ((Jasamine? Still around?))
[27-21:00] 9f3b4, Khavi : ((dunno. Me going to go sleeping time now for a little nappy. ))
[27-21:01] 92794, Cruward Hawklight : ((See ya Mab))
[27-21:02] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( ::doesnt understand the whole nomination poll thing.. is just staying out of it:: )
[27-21:07] 867a2, Sileen: *scans down... and at Aralores post..*
[27-21:08] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[27-21:08] JOIN: Tenma Enzeru has entered.
[27-21:09] JOIN: AdrianGoldenmoon has entered.
[27-21:10] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : :: he lowered the instrument, sighing softly.. he tucked the flute away into his coat, crouching to pick up the scattered coins.. muttering to himself:: Blasted demons..
[27-21:11] e39c5, Tenma Enzeru : ((Rrrrrrr@MySQL))
[27-21:13] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : ... Now if I were a massively prejudiced demon hunter.. Where would I be? *is once again on a rooftop... no, don't ask how she got there, she's just that good... scanning the streets absently*
[27-21:14] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : :: pulls his pocket open, dropping the coins in.. weary from the night before.. he turned his eyes to the heavens, bitter towards his deity:: why would you have them take our child.. what have I done that you cannot forgive..
[27-21:15] e39c5, Tenma Enzeru : *is seated about a hundred yards from the gates of , in the seza position of meditation, he rests upon his knees, his hands resting upon them silently, his back rigidly straight yet his head is slightly bowed and his eyes are closed, his sword lies before him in its laquered wood sheath as a gust of wind blows his hair about which is still tied back into the traditional topknot of his people*
[27-21:18] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : Probably outside the city... *hops down from the rooftop... Scene goes dark a moment, then appears again as Delotha moves outside the city gates, hood once more in place.*
[27-21:18] 92794, Cruward Hawklight : *Drinks with his men, woo*
[27-21:19] JOIN: Odette has entered.
[27-21:19] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 10:08pm, January 27 (CST) ).
[27-21:19] JOIN: RIley has entered.
[27-21:19] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : :::he thinks for a few moments.. wondering again about that squirrel he had killed weeks before... he had thought of it earlier that day, and still was bothered by it..:: I really should check... ::he began walking towards the gates of the city, intent on returning to that place in the forest::
[27-21:20] 2cb93, Odette : (( * peeks* hewwo ^^ anyone free to RP in ?? ))
[27-21:20] 92794, Cruward Hawklight : ((*is*))
[27-21:20] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( ::wondering what's the deal with the flashy raupenchi :: )
[27-21:20] JOIN: Cookie Monster has entered.
[27-21:21] EXIT: Cookie Monster has left the chat ( 10:20pm, January 27 (CST) ).
[27-21:21] JOIN: Jerren Skulldeep has entered.
[27-21:21] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep: ((I am!))
[27-21:21] e39c5, Tenma Enzeru : *and is still there...a hundred yards outside of the gates leading into seated as was previously described, his heartrate and breathing perfectly controlled to conserve strength and store energy for the fight brewing to come..can sense someone approaching though he knows not who*
[27-21:21] JOIN: Squirrel has entered.
[27-21:22] 2cb93, Odette : ((heh ok)) * she walks near the Glimmering Inn, clad in her flattering white gown. guards from Karlita's castle surround her as she walks, her guards had been killed*
[27-21:22] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : *moves til she's about 3 yards away, then stops, folding her arms... waiting*
[27-21:23] 2cb93, Odette : her own**
[27-21:24] 2cb93, Odette : (( ))
[27-21:24] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep: *enters into the in a few moments after Odette, carrying a small intricatly cared figurine in his hand. Looks among her armed gurads with apprehension*
[27-21:26] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : :: passes the gates, a bit lost within himself.. worried, angry, bitter..::
[27-21:26] e39c5, Tenma Enzeru : *stands, his eyes bolting open, his hand immediatly going for his sheath which he dusts off in a ritualistic manner before turining to face Delotha, his black eyes narrowed at her as he slides the sheath entire back into its holding place*
[27-21:26] 92794, Cruward Hawklight : *They would notice the Inn filled with men of all sorts, drinking heavily, laughing loudly, your basic pirate. And another man sits off in a corner to a booth all by his lonesome, sipping some wine*
[27-21:26] 2cb93, Odette : * hasnt entered the Inn yet* (( heh sorry))
[27-21:27] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep: *sees pirates then... still, something to worry about. Takes a seat in one of the untaken tables*
[27-21:27] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : ... I have finished my buisness. *eyes him as she just stands there, arms folded*
[27-21:28] 2cb93, Odette : * she enters in AFTER Jerren, two guards post themselvs at the door and the others follow in Odette's footsteps. she looks around and smiles to herself. normal people..*
[27-21:29] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : :: glancing up as he walked, he noticed two strangers in the distance.. not wanting any more trouble than had already found him, he changed his path to walk a further distance aside from them::
[27-21:29] 92794, Cruward Hawklight : *Sip...looks around, noting Jerren...then Odette, hmmm*
[27-21:30] EXIT: Squirrel has left the chat ( 10:26pm, January 27 (CST) ).
[27-21:30] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep: *looks over to the newly armed men entering... thinks for a moment they're after him, but its a short lived fear. They don't know who he is in these parts.*
[27-21:30] 290ac, Aralore : *muttermuttermuttermutter*
[27-21:31] 290ac, Aralore : Lattice breaking...
[27-21:31] 2cb93, Odette : * any light from candles or lit pipes would reflect off of the inlaid diamonds of her gown. Her dark eyes look from face to face, and she sits at a small table near the bar *
[27-21:31] e39c5, Tenma Enzeru : Gozoku *he says silently as he stares down at Delotha, his black eyes narrowing into almond shaped slits as his right hand drops to his left hip to clasp the fingers about the hilt of the strange sword at his side which is big enough to be a bastard sword*
[27-21:31] 290ac, Aralore : dissociation of molecules..
[27-21:32] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep: *is a short man with hair in long unkempt braids that are intertwined with beads and little charms*
[27-21:32] 94c70, Z: *ponders RP*
[27-21:33] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : ... Gozoku? *arches an eyebrow*
[27-21:34] 92794, Cruward Hawklight : *Several men start up games...many involve drinking, some start up darts, others...well they just drink and talk*
[27-21:35] 2cb93, Odette : * she orders a honey rum from the mousey little kitchen boy who hurries back to get it. she scans the area, noticing all the mens drinking and such..sighs*
[27-21:36] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep: *watches silently... though seems to relaxy by the pirate's antics. Feels like home*
[27-21:37] 94c70, Z: hmm.. *tries to recall where she's supposed to be.*
[27-21:38] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ::enters the forest, the trees growing denser as he walked.. his emerald eyes searching, trying to remember the path he had taken that day::
[27-21:38] e39c5, Tenma Enzeru : It allows me to speak in your foul tongue....demon...*spits that last word out as if it really surmised her entire existance...she is foul and evil and cruel and therefore must be eliminated*
[27-21:39] 92794, Cruward Hawklight : *You might now it, might not, but the leader just enjoys the time to himself, sipping the wine although his eyes seem to be glued to Odette, not because of her beauty...well that and the fact that she seems like royalty...hmmm*
[27-21:39] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : *sighs, rolling her eyes* You are hopeless...
[27-21:40] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep: *could technicaly be considered royalty... Tries to get an idea of who's in command by who's defering to who*
[27-21:41] 2cb93, Odette : * she receives her drink, and pays the little boy a wealthy heap of gold coins that making a clanking sound as they fall into is dirty open palms. her large lips purse into a smile as he scurries off, she leans back in her chair, and downs the whole glass... guards ar posted every which way around her and the Inn*
[27-21:41] e39c5, Tenma Enzeru : The just often are...*and with that he leaps forward at her with the suddenness of a cobra striking its prey and draws his sword for a downward arc to sever her shoulder to hip*
[27-21:42] 290ac, Aralore : AND THEN THERE'S FRITZ HABER!...who heroically prolonged World War I by helping the germans synthesize ammonia for bombs :/ that's a bit of a downer...
[27-21:42] 94c70, Artanis : *Sits within Aralore's hut actualling taking the time to eat a little again. Assumes she's alone, so simply sits there and listens to the silence around her. Silence was not always a good thing, it allowed too much time to think. Before was not so bad, but now all she could think about was what happened.*
[27-21:43] 290ac, Aralore : I don't think that's on the test though :/ just calculation stuff.
[27-21:43] 290ac, Aralore : Hess's law. I remember most of that..
[27-21:43] 92794, Cruward Hawklight : *Oh yeah, guards, her poise, yup that's royalty alright...Jerren, wellll maybe*
[27-21:44] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : ((.. Aralore isn't babbling that in chracter is he?))
[27-21:44] 92794, Cruward Hawklight : ((*Would laugh his ass off if he is*))
[27-21:44] 290ac, Aralore : No. World War I hasn't happened IC.....
[27-21:44] 290ac, Aralore : ...Yet.
[27-21:45] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : :: he stops, finding some familiarity about him at last.. although it would take some further thinking back to remember which tree he had climbed into::
[27-21:46] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep: *doesn't look at all like royalty... more like a captain of cavalry from a poor forest comunity if anything*
[27-21:46] 290ac, Aralore : I'd go IC, but Aralore would show up in front of Deloth and Tenmoo and be like "WTF" and then Deloth would be all "GET IN THERE, DEFEND MY HONOR!" and Aralore would be all "NO I'M TO LAZY N00BZ" and then Ten would be all 'pwn3d"
[27-21:47] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : (( .. Are you drunk?))
[27-21:47] 94c70, Artanis : (( *would RP with Aralore but... yeah...* ))
[27-21:47] 94c70, Artanis : (( *has no honor to defend* ))
[27-21:47] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep: ((we should gather a ww1. All the bad guy kingdoms against an aliance of good guy kingdoms. Cept none of this colonization greed and senseless slaughter due to trench warfare...))
[27-21:47] 290ac, Aralore : No. Burnt out from studying.
[27-21:48] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( ::entertained, regardless of his sobriety : )
[27-21:48] 290ac, Aralore : And I haven't done much studying :/
[27-21:48] 290ac, Aralore : I don't drink! *hic*
[27-21:49] e39c5, Tenma Enzeru : (( couldnt pwn me to save your life *is unpwnable*))
[27-21:49] 92794, Squirrel : *pwns Steve*
[27-21:50] 290ac, Aralore : Er...but in my scenario, you said 'pwn3d' Ten :/
[27-21:50] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : *launches back* Just nothing... I am just.. You are just a prejudiced creep attacking an unarmed opinion! *reaches down, jerking out her sword* You are so blinded by your hate of demons, you cannot see I'm an elf
[27-21:51] 94c70, Artanis : *Her back rests gently against the cott that has been her bed these recent nights. Her appearance was somewhat unkept, her hair was loose from the braid she usually wore it in and hadn't been combed out. The dark tresses flowed out down her back and over her shoulders. She held in one hand the bit of dried meat that she was slowly picking at, chewing the bits she would take off slowly almost thoughtfully. She would have to aquire a new sword and armor as well. Though she could deal without the latter for-
[27-21:51] 2cb93, Odette : * coughs quick then sets the glass down, smirking to herself...her guards raise their brows at her*
[27-21:51] JOIN: Karn Vailner has entered.
[27-21:51] JOIN: Dre'makius has entered.
[27-21:51] 94c70, Artanis : -long enough. The hut was still dark inside. She had made no attempt to kindle any sort of light. Why should she? She really had no care to see herself let alone anyone really see her.*
[27-21:52] e39c5, Tenma Enzeru : ((*was talking to squirrel* *forces Squirrel to commit Seppuku for dishonoring his family*))
[27-21:52] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : :: at last spying the tree, noting the claw marks in the trunk, he nimbly climbed up to the lower branch he had perched upon weeks before, looking for the hole in the tree's trunk and peeking inside.. finding a baby squirrel cowering and shivering in the far corner::
[27-21:52] 92794, Cruward Hawklight : *Studies Odette* My, my...what would royalty be of all places...*smirks*
[27-21:52] 94c70, Artanis : (( *throws a shoe at Aralore* You know you could like ask Artanis and Mierka to leave if you want ))
[27-21:52] 0df7a, Dre'makius : ((Aralore get your ass IC, I need to talk to you))
[27-21:53] 5d609, Hida Al'Asid: ((*steals Squirrel away to his desert people*))
[27-21:53] 290ac, Aralore : Nah. I'll just change the locks when I want 'em out. 'course..the hut is mostly straw and windows...
[27-21:53] 290ac, Aralore : I CAn'T I HAVE CHEM EFF ESS TOMORROW IS a am I supposed to do? WTF is a born-haber structure!?
[27-21:53] 0df7a, Dre'makius : *rides down from the inner circle of housing near the palace, heading towards the Glimmering Inn, looking for an elf named Aralore*
[27-21:53] 290ac, Aralore : Too many's making me CRAZY!
[27-21:53] e39c5, Tenma Enzeru : *as she would land from her launch she would be met either in the face or the chest with a wooden sandal coming towards it with the snapped precision of a kick as he seems to not wish to waste words*
[27-21:53] 0df7a, Dre'makius : ((*pities Aralore*))
[27-21:54] 290ac, Aralore : Love is all around, NO NEED TO WASTE IT! You can have the town, why DON'T YOU TAKE IT!? You're GONNA MAKE IT AAAAFTER AAAALLL!!!
[27-21:55] JOIN: Squirrel has entered.
[27-21:55] 92794, Ravaella Glimmergaunt : *Travels with Hida*
[27-21:55] 0df7a, Dre'makius : ((*thwaps Aralore* Either rp, or go study. You're wasting time and filling space))
[27-21:55] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep: ((should Jerren be able to hear that Cruward?))
[27-21:55] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ::he frowned slightly, his voice quieted:: I should have known.. I'm so sorry, little guy.. ::carefully reaches into the hole, cupping the tiny creature in his pale hands and drawing him out::
[27-21:56] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : *stumbles back as the sandle smacks into her front, only getting her sword halfway out*
[27-21:56] 92794, Cruward Hawklight : ((*shrug* Could if he wants to))
[27-21:57] 0df7a, Dre'makius : *hmm... she either wants Aralore or Delotha.. one or the other*
[27-21:57] 290ac, Aralore : *Sniffles* *Wanders off*
[27-21:57] 2cb93, Odette : * tosses her wavy brown hair back, and leans on the table*
[27-21:58] e39c5, Tenma Enzeru : *and as she is stumbling backwards he would then plant and then pivot on his foot to send a sidelong slash towards her hips, in a one-handed grip to cut her cleanly in twain*
[27-21:58] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep: *hears it and smirks, but takes more interest in Odette. He hasn't seen any royalty just going about their bussiness of being royalty*
[27-21:59] 0df7a, Dre'makius : *continues through the town, looking for anything that might prove to be..... intersting*
[27-21:59] 92794, Cruward Hawklight : A pity we're on leave *laughs silently taking another sip*
[27-22:01] 290ac, Aralore : *lies down and dies somewhere...preferably in a puddle of hydrogen sulfate*
[27-22:01] JOIN: Dre'makius has entered.
[27-22:01] 2cb93, Odette : (( crap i cant see the screens its being dumb.. i g2g abyways sorry , ill be on tommrow afternoon. bye ^-^ )) * leaves the bar*
[27-22:02] 0df7a, Dre'makius : *oh what words would prove interesting... wanders around with a horse and turns a bend and What-ho!*(s?)
[27-22:02] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : *as he's spinning, she finishes getting the sword out, and jerks it to the side, narrowly blocking before she's split in two... as it is, it still cuts a bit into her side, and she does wince*
[27-22:02] 290ac, Aralore : *sits up* Suzy took a batthe one day, but she would bathe no more, instead of using H20 it was H2SO4!
[27-22:02] 290ac, Aralore : batthe = bath, rather.
[27-22:02] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ::holding the creature to his chest, he jumped down from the tree, a little jolted by the imapct.. but after giving himself a minute to recover, he started the walk back to the city gates::
[27-22:02] 0df7a, Dre'makius : ((*taps Aralore on the head* shhh... no chemistry))
[27-22:02] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( en route to Raupenchi )
[27-22:03] e39c5, Tenma Enzeru : ((I had a rhyme about that using Johnny and a drink))
[27-22:03] 92794, Cruward Hawklight : *In the Glimmering Inn, along with his men*
[27-22:03] 290ac, Aralore : But Dre, we have perfect chemistry.
[27-22:03] 0df7a, Dre'makius : ((*poeks TEnma* /Location?))
[27-22:03] 94c70, Artanis : *And with the cameo done and since JJ is being an arse, fades out cuz player just might go pass out in her nice warm waterbed.*
[27-22:03] 0df7a, Dre'makius : ((do we?))
[27-22:04] e39c5, Tenma Enzeru : ((Outside fighting Delotha)) *scrapes his blade along hers a moment as she blocks the spinning attack before he jerks away and settles into a neutral stance, the blade held before him in a two handed grip*
[27-22:04] 0df7a, Dre'makius : ((I needs that Elf!))*gallops towards the main gates, on search!*
[27-22:04] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep: Hmm... strange things these ones do.
[27-22:04] 290ac, Aralore : But Dre...I can CHANGE! *latches onto Dre's heels*
[27-22:05] 92794, Cruward Hawklight : *Glances toward Jerren, quirking an eyebrow*
[27-22:05] 0df7a, Dre'makius : ((Weep! Hallo there Aralore...))
[27-22:05] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep: ((*at the Inn, glancing about*
[27-22:05] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : ... You are such a jerk... attacking me before I had my weapon out... What was that about your kind being honorable ? *shifts her grip on her sword, as she settles into a defensive stance, ignoring the blood seeping through her clothing*
[27-22:05] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : :: glances down at the little furball, feeling guilty:: Maybe we could stop and get something for you too..
[27-22:06] EXIT: Ravaella Glimmergaunt has left the chat ( 10:55pm, January 27 (CST) ).
[27-22:06] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[27-22:06] 290ac, Aralore : Yeah, Ten Moo! Go back to Albuquerque! *Tomahtoes him*
[27-22:07] 0df7a, Dre'makius : ((*tries to keep warm!*))
[27-22:07] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep: *glances back*
[27-22:07] 92794, Cruward Hawklight : Pardon me, but...what did you do?
[27-22:07] 92794, Cruward Hawklight : Pardon me...what did you say?
[27-22:08] JOIN: a Band of Orcs has entered.
[27-22:08] e39c5, Tenma Enzeru : ((*grabs Aralore by the throat and dribbles him/her/it like a basketball*)) Your weapon was drawn enough...*his tone is icy, even for the stone-faced En'Tai warrior and so he feints with a strike towards her shoulder but at the last second pulls it inwards to slice at her chest*
[27-22:09] NICK: Aralore changed nick to A Cabal of Hob-Goblins.
[27-22:09] 0df7a, Dre'makius : *rides and rides and rides away, looking for an Elf*
[27-22:09] 290ac, A Cabal of Hob-Goblins : *hob-knobs with the Orcs*
[27-22:10] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ::glances up as the trees grew less dense around him.. going over his notes in his head::
[27-22:10] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep: ((*orders the hob-goblins to stop that*)) Never seen royalty. Come in, spend gold as though dirt, then leave.
[27-22:11] 9f7f0, a Band of Orcs : *Sit camped... the forest surrounding them.*
[27-22:11] 290ac, A Cabal of Hob-Goblins : HAHAH! Get it!?!? Hob-knobs!? Eh...eheh...nevermind...noone loves me. *sulk*
[27-22:12] 0df7a, Dre'makius : ((*huggles Aralore*))
[27-22:12] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : *.. and as he's moving in, she hooks her leg out, aiming to kick his heels out from beneath him, as her sword flares up.. as his first attack was going for a shoulder that was rolling away, she didn't try to block it.. and so her sword is up to bap aside his slice*
[27-22:12] 290ac, A Cabal of Hob-Goblins : *huggles-er-who is Dre?*
[27-22:13] 92794, Cruward Hawklight : Because they can, my dear man
[27-22:13] 0df7a, Dre'makius : *and once around another bend she comes upon a battle! Between a human and a.... ELF!* Halt! *rides up**she needs that elf* By order of the King of !
[27-22:13] 0df7a, Dre'makius : ((Doubt you know me. Gemini I am known more often by))
[27-22:14] 9f7f0, a Band of Orcs : *Bare their weapons.*
[27-22:14] ae640, Karn Vailner: (( Gemini aye? ))
[27-22:14] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ::approaches the gates to the city.. closing his hand s alittle more around the creature.. wary of the people in Raupenchi::
[27-22:14] e39c5, Tenma Enzeru : *her hook for his heels connects, but not to the effect she had been hoping for as most of his weight was on his back foot and as her sword is occupied with driving his to the side he shifts his body with a flash and sends another snapped kick for her solar plexus, intent, if it hits, to drive the breath from her lungs*
[27-22:14] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep: With no use for their kingdom... very strange. You are?
[27-22:15] 0df7a, Dre'makius : ((That be me yes.))
[27-22:15] 92794, Cruward Hawklight : Cruward
[27-22:15] ae640, Karn Vailner: (( Interesting ))
[27-22:16] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[27-22:16] 0df7a, Dre'makius : ((WHo be you Karn Vailner?))
[27-22:16] JOIN: Sarelth has entered.
[27-22:16] 290ac, A Cabal of Hob-Goblins : GEmmY-chu!
[27-22:16] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : *.. is only half elf. Mwehe. Though it's not obvious at the moment. She's got dem gloves on* *as his foot flies up, her free hand snatches out, aiming to catch that foot by the ankle* ... *she would answer da Dre', but she's a wee bit preoccupied with fighting for her life. Dang honor at having to go through with duels*
[27-22:16] 0df7a, Dre'makius : ((that it makes it so interesting))
[27-22:16] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 11:16pm, January 27 (CST) ).
[27-22:16] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep: Am Jerren. You are with these men? *indicates the rest of the pirate band*
[27-22:17] JOIN: Ralaphor has entered.
[27-22:17] 7bb0f, Ralaphor: (( what the hell is going on here?((
[27-22:17] 92794, Cruward Hawklight : Yes *chuckles slightly* All of them *smirks* sadly *grins taking another sip*
[27-22:17] 0df7a, Dre'makius : *snarles and rides nearer* HALT! BY ORDER OF THE KING OF ! I ORDER YOU TO LAY DOWN YOUR WEAPON IMMEDIATELY!
[27-22:18] 0df7a, Dre'makius : ((aralore?....doth I know you?))
[27-22:18] d7c72, Sarelth: Ralaphor, I was going to ask that myself.
[27-22:18] 0df7a, Dre'makius : ((or is it dost?))
[27-22:18] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep: Don't like being one of them?
[27-22:18] 7bb0f, Ralaphor: ((Where is everyone, and whats going on???))
[27-22:18] 92794, Cruward Hawklight : I was kidding
[27-22:19] 94c70, Z: It's called Midterm madness I believe Ralphy
[27-22:19] e39c5, Tenma Enzeru : *and so she does grab his foot...yay for her...but as she grabs his foot he leaps up and swings his other foot for a kick to the back of her head, and should it hit it would most likely send them both sprawling to the ground*
[27-22:19] d7c72, Sarelth: <--- Is in a room with a computer.
[27-22:19] 290ac, A Cabal of Hob-Goblins : Oh, dearie, I'm noone of import, just a lost fragment of an enigma of a conundrum wrapped up in a cookie kind of soul!
[27-22:19] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep: Ah. You are mercenaries?
[27-22:20] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep: ((*DEVOURS THE COOKIE SOUL!*))
[27-22:20] 92794, Cruward Hawklight : Of a sort
[27-22:20] 0df7a, Dre'makius : ((*currently trying to get Delathor!))*snarls, getting very impatient* I don't care who you are... *growls and moves the horse over towards Tenma and Delotha as they tumble, drawing her longsword**the tip dances at the side of the horse as she waits for a moment where she can stop or seperate the two*
[27-22:21] JOIN: Liz has entered.
[27-22:21] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ::upon entering the city, he stops at the market.. needing to get food both for Averey, and now for the squirrel::
[27-22:21] 9f7f0, a Band of Orcs : *Begin marching.*
[27-22:21] 290ac, A Cabal of Hob-Goblins : chemistry in here
[27-22:21] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : *.. answers Dre' now* Shut up! We're having a due- *cut off as a foot hits her hand, and goes sprawling into him with a "Agh!", with enough force to knock him over*
[27-22:21] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep: You are employed here?
[27-22:21] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : ((hand=head))
[27-22:22] 7bb0f, Ralaphor: ((Ummm where is everryone?))
[27-22:22] d7c72, Sarelth: So if the orcs are a band, what type of music do they play?
[27-22:22] 0df7a, Dre'makius : *looks down at Delotha* You will hold your tongue. By order of the king you are to come with me Delotha.
[27-22:22] NICK: A Cabal of Hob-Goblins changed nick to Aralore.
[27-22:22] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( streets of Raupenchi )
[27-22:22] 290ac, Aralore : <---------- Jerren's sexy stomach
[27-22:22] 0df7a, Dre'makius : *just pulls the name out of her arse because she got told it by Ralaphor and just hopes she won't make a total fool of herself*
[27-22:23] 92794, Cruward Hawklight : I'm independantly employed *Sips his wine, watching his men in the Glimmering Inn*
[27-22:23] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep: ((inn))
[27-22:23] 4a0f7, Averey Lithle : *steps out of the Inn, looking around*
[27-22:23] 7bb0f, Ralaphor: ((What is the square root of 32 times 2 divde bye 6))
[27-22:23] 7bb0f, Ralaphor: ((Aralore))
[27-22:24] e39c5, Tenma Enzeru : *lands on his stomach with a grunt as he rolls aside and then kick-flips himself up to his feet in a smooth motion, retaking his neutral posture with his strangely shaped bastard sword, he would look like no kind of human Dre has ever seen/heard tell of yes... he has almond shaped eyes that are black, his weapons are unlike anything seen in or anywhere else for that matter, his armor, while sparse and light, still seems to be highly effective in combat as Delotha is bleeding and wounded and he (c)
[27-22:24] e39c5, Tenma Enzeru : (c) isnt ...* ((Fighitng outside of ))
[27-22:24] 290ac, Aralore : Ralph: 1.8856
[27-22:26] 7bb0f, Ralaphor: ((wrong!))
[27-22:26] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : *.. she knows her name! Curses.. the king's out to get her now is he? Poor fool, he'll get it... oh yes... * *flips up herself, only to a more croutching position, one hand extended out, palm facing Tenma, sword pulled back, pointing in a line upward* .. As I was saying... we're having a duel. The King can stuff it until we are done.
[27-22:26] 290ac, Aralore : Er
[27-22:26] 290ac, Aralore : No.
[27-22:27] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep: A good way to live.
[27-22:27] 7bb0f, Ralaphor : *Outside of , Ralaphor slowly trots through the field, singing in elvish on his brown horse. He is having a good time, until he noticed Delotha and Tenma fighitng, and Dre trying to interfere as he blinks to her and click his horse to run for the three. When he gets there, he looks to the two fighting and asks them* What's going on? *Looks to Dre* Dre explain?
[27-22:27] 290ac, Aralore : I worked it out on my graph0ring calc
[27-22:27] 0df7a, Dre'makius : *looks down at Tenma, her eyes slightly narrowed, finds him intruiging, but does not make it plain* You are to case you're attack. This elf is in charge of the King and I have been sent to collect her. You are to lay down your arms or recieve the wrath of our good lord and king. *looks down at Delotha* You have one moment to keep your trap shut or I will do the deed myself! *rides up beside Delotha and the sword tip rests against the back of her neck* Now you will come with me. It willbe a matter of moments
[27-22:27] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : *Yeah, highly effective in combat... while his opponent stands there with arms crossed talking to him, gulliby trusting he's got an honor thing going so would at least let her draw her weapon for a fair fight, but nooo...*
[27-22:27] 0df7a, Dre'makius : then you may return to your duel/.
[27-22:28] 92794, Cruward Hawklight : Aye, always something fun to do
[27-22:28] 7bb0f, Ralaphor : ((k, whats the square root of 11724893473748))
[27-22:28] 290ac, Aralore : (2ã(32))/6 p30n
[27-22:28] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : *It appears HER sense of honor is completely different from this foreign ilk's*
[27-22:28] 290ac, Aralore : ((Glergh, not showing special rad sign properly :/
[27-22:28] 0df7a, Dre'makius : *raisess a hand to Ralaphor and acts as if she doesn't know him* Knight you will keep your comments to yourself. *her accent is almost totally gone, efficiently hidden* this is a matter of his Royal Highness, nothing of your concern.
[27-22:29] 290ac, Aralore : 3424163.179
[27-22:29] 290ac, Aralore : and wtf
[27-22:29] 290ac, Aralore : WTF am I calculating this for you?
[27-22:29] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : :: with some of the money he carried in his pocket, he bought a pouch of nuts to give the squirrel.. and some fresh fruit and bread for Averey.. ::
[27-22:29] e39c5, Tenma Enzeru : *to Dre, his voice cold and deep* Leave...this is between me and the demon. You have no place here....*he stares coldly at Delotha, his eyes not moving from her form...he has honor enough to not attack her now...and she had her hand on her weapon when he attacked...that was honorable enough for his society*
[27-22:30] 7bb0f, Ralaphor : ......*Glares to Dre as he shakes his head, not beleiving that she is lieing as he looks to Delotha and Tenma* What business do you two act on upon yourselves? Why are you two fighting?
[27-22:30] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep: Except when given the work detail.
[27-22:30] 7bb0f, Ralaphor : ((Lol, I don't know Aralore ))
[27-22:30] 4a0f7, Averey Lithle : *waits for him*
[27-22:31] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep: ((*takes out "the" in post, to give Jerren that hint of not having mastered the language*))
[27-22:31] 92794, Cruward Hawklight : *Laughs* Yes, quiteenjoyable
[27-22:31] 0df7a, Dre'makius : I have every right warrior. By his King's honour and rules I am here to collect what indeed he wants. This is still in his lands, therefore his word is still law *her gaze flashes to Ralaphor and she snarles* SILENCE! You will keep your nose out of this Knight! This is a matter of his Royal Majesty and I shall fullfill my duties Now. leave.
[27-22:31] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : ... And if you try to force me to go anywhere, especially to see that stuck up king, I'll be forced to hurt you... *and to Tenma* I prefer half elf, if you don't mind. *actually, her hands weren't on her weapon, they were folded against her chest. She didn't go for the weapon until he attacked*
[27-22:32] 290ac, Aralore : BTW, square root of 32: sqrt (32) is best written 4sqrt(2)
[27-22:32] 0df7a, Dre'makius : Trust me Lady Delotha,,, it will only be a moment. Then you may return to your untimely death.
[27-22:33] 7bb0f, Ralaphor : *Sighs as he looks to Dre's horse and said to it* Drake, Karliik rath ulu nin. Usstan zhal deal xuil nindol
[27-22:33] e39c5, Tenma Enzeru : *she could have had hidden daggers under her used to dealing with tricksier things than Delotha so hehe* *his voice regards Dre pointedly his voice more commanding than probably any she has heard* You will not interrupt this battle. If you continue upon this course, I will be forced to take your head back to your Lord and present it to him as a trophy for your ignorance...
[27-22:35] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : :lacing the smaller pouch into the larger pack with the fruit and bread, he made his way back to the Inn, stroking the squirrel's head gently with his finger::
[27-22:35] 0df7a, Dre'makius : *blinks a moment, as her horse, of it's own free will, turns and heads back into at a steady gallop**manages to sheath her sword and grip the reigns, pulling back* Drake No! *growls as the horse slows to a mere trot but continues through the gates and back into *
[27-22:35] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep: What your band's name?
[27-22:36] 7bb0f, Ralaphor : *Looks back to the two and ask them* Now what's going on here, why do you two fight?
[27-22:36] 4a0f7, Averey Lithle : *her eyes brighten with releif when she spots him, then narrow with curiousity. Is that a squirrel?*
[27-22:37] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : .. Well that's settled... Shall we?
[27-22:37] 92794, Cruward Hawklight : Our name? We don't have one...yet
[27-22:37] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : It's a duel . Do not interfere
[27-22:38] 0df7a, Dre'makius : *finally stops her horse in and sighs exhasperatedly, knowing it won't move, knowing it won't go back, knowing he told it to come here and that it'll stay**rests her elbows on the saddle and puts her head in her hands and cound just weep.. right there*
[27-22:38] e39c5, Tenma Enzeru : *tilts his neck in each direction, a sickening wet pop ensues after each motion of his neck and shoulders as he settles back into his stance of neutrality, narrowing his eyes once again upon Delotha*
[27-22:38] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : :: he glanced up as he neared the Inn, surprised to find Averey waiting:: G'evening..
[27-22:39] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep: Hard to strike fear when have no name to yell in battle.
[27-22:39] 7bb0f, Ralaphor : *Looks to Delotha, noticing the two are using weapons* Fight with hands, not weapons. *Knows Delotha's capablity as he goes on* Aralore will be upset if you die, or somebody dies *Looks back to Tenma* Fight with hands, okay? *Looks to the two before he rides back tot he gates of . Hopes they listen. When he gets there, he rides next to Dre and glares at her* Dre I love you but wha you were doing was sucide, you could have gotten yourself killed
[27-22:39] 4a0f7, Averey Lithle : Adrian...*smiles*
[27-22:40] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : *eye twitches at the pops* ... Ugh... that was terrible... You sure you are human? *quirky grin* *shifts her stance slightly, widening it some*
[27-22:40] JOIN: Jerren Skulldeep has entered.
[27-22:41] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : I can't fight with hands, Ralaphor, I have /claws/... ... And Aralore... will have to deal.. He's better off with someone else anyway *keeps her gaze focused on Tenma as she speaks*
[27-22:41] 92794, Cruward Hawklight : Not really, my men do their job well. A name isn't needed, but it does sound kind of funny when he take prisoners and tell them we have no name *smirks*
[27-22:41] 0df7a, Dre'makius : *looks forward, a very very angry look on her face* Lis'en Mate! Tha' was nuffin of yer bizzness d'you unnerstan' me?! I 'ave a job tuh do and if Oi caen't be left to do tha then I doan't git payed! Unnerstan'?! *her eyes look to his, furious*
[27-22:42] e39c5, Tenma Enzeru : *levels his blade to the side in a delicate grip, the left hand just barely touching the hilt for balance while his right hand clasps it fiercly and as she is distracted with talking and widening her stance he leaps foward at a run, pushing himself to his limits to make a run by sweep of his sword to cleave her in half at the hips*
[27-22:42] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : Averey.. ::returns her smile and stops to kiss her affectionately::
[27-22:42] 7bb0f, Ralaphor : .....Dre.....*Puts his hand onto her's, looking deeply into her eyes with such a sad look*
[27-22:42] 0df7a, Dre'makius : I ain't no pretty li'tle princess.... that caen't go and do the proper work. You ruined moi rythem Knoight. *sighs and looks back down at her saddle, closing her eyes* you step'd in where you weren't needed
[27-22:42] 7bb0f, Ralaphor : *Side, didn't Dre say that she has no more jobs?*
[27-22:43] 4a0f7, Averey Lithle : *kisses him back, then looks down at the squirrel* Who's this?
[27-22:43] 0df7a, Dre'makius : *nope.**Is still employed by her employer and still has to gather information**never said she didn't have any more jobs to do*
[27-22:44] 7bb0f, Ralaphor : By lieing that you were the king's guard. Delotha was a prisoner there, she was staked. She knows them and hate them. If you were going on with that act, you could have been killed
[27-22:44] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : *aha, was watching him closely the whole time.. so is ready for 'em!* *swings her sword out, enough to knock his blade aside, then shoots her leg out with a kick of her own... wincing as it pulls on wounded skin... but kick o' death!*
[27-22:44] 7bb0f, Ralaphor : *Frowns* Sasha.....
[27-22:45] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep: *rae's* You bother with prisoners?
[27-22:45] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ::glances down, opening his hands slightly to expose the little furball:: He'll die alone out there..
[27-22:45] 0df7a, Dre'makius : Doan't you try and butter me up Knoight! *her eyes flash to his* You doan't seem to unnerstand the real picture here! I have a job to do I ain't doin this for pennies!
[27-22:46] 4a0f7, Averey Lithle : We can't have that happen..
[27-22:46] 92794, Cruward Hawklight : Aye, ransoms help with payments
[27-22:46] e39c5, Tenma Enzeru : *her kick o death would graze his side, sending him stumbling a bit as he skids for a controlled stop, thereby preventing any kind of immediate counteroffensive towards her for the briefest of moents as he is more concerned with keeping his footing*
[27-22:47] 7bb0f, Ralaphor : What I understand is what you were doing could have gotten you killed!! *Looks to Dre with a fierce look* If you need help getting in, at least let me asks Delotha. I know her, alright?
[27-22:47] 7bb0f, Ralaphor : ......side if you ever got killed.....*Looks away* My soul would have died as well
[27-22:48] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : *.. and while he's keeping his footing, her blade yanks back after deflecting his past, and while it's still to the side, on the other side of her blade, her blade lashes in, coming in towards his neck... if he doesn't pull a mad dodge, then it'll stop right before striking... but we all know he'll perform a mad dodge*
[27-22:48] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : Agreed.. ::glances about briefly:: what're you doing out here.. alone.. ::raises a slim brow::
[27-22:48] 0df7a, Dre'makius : I doan't need her to get IN... I need her to map the place for me. *sighs and shakes her head, her shoulders drooping when he talks about her getting killed* listen.,.. Ralaphor.... I've been a thief all me loife.... been in worse situations than breaking up a duel by usin a fake alias... seriously....
[27-22:49] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep: hmm... *rubs chin* Never tried that before*
[27-22:49] 92794, Cruward Hawklight : *chuckles* Gave you an idea, my friend?
[27-22:49] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep: ((never tried that before was supposed to be his words*
[27-22:49] 7bb0f, Ralaphor : *Looks to Dre* Has it been against a foreigner who has the strength of a demon, and half demon?
[27-22:49] 7bb0f, Ralaphor : Have you ever face supernatual?
[27-22:50] 92794, Cruward Hawklight : ((Post stands))
[27-22:51] 4a0f7, Averey Lithle : Waiting for you...I was worried.
[27-22:51] 0df7a, Dre'makius : are you tryin to lecture me on me job? *looks at him as if he's crazy**looks back down* Listen I have a job to do and I will do it because I am being paid to do it understand?!
[27-22:53] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : My apologies, love... I didn't want to disturb your sleep.. had some things to do. :ffers her the baby squirrel::
[27-22:53] 7bb0f, Ralaphor : .....*As he was about to speak, he growls to her before he trots back to the gate of , ignoring her for now, seeing that its hopeless trying to talk to her in another way of doing her job side going up to someone's face like Delotha*
[27-22:54] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep: A possibility.
[27-22:54] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( ::feels alone in the smiley plague:: )
[27-22:54] e39c5, Tenma Enzeru : *surprisingly he doesnt pull a mad dodge as he has his footing by the time the slash comes for his neck, and as her slash is closing in he would thrust his sword backwards towards her side/stomach area, knows he may die..but he will take her with him and that would make his death all the more honorable*
[27-22:54] 0df7a, Dre'makius : *truns her horse and growls* Ralaphor! *gallops up to him and turns in front of his horse* Now don't you go and do something stupid. You don't know what you're getting into!
[27-22:54] 92794, Cruward Hawklight : *Laughs* Well, good luck Jerren
[27-22:54] 4a0f7, Averey Lithle : *gently takes it* How is your chest?
[27-22:55] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : My chest? ::repeats, not sure of what she meant.. no one had wounded him..::
[27-22:56] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep: You normaly stay here, or you have home elsewhere?
[27-22:56] 7bb0f, Ralaphor : .....I wasn't....I was just goingo wait for Delotha and asks her help to teling me if she knows any secret entrance to the castle....for you Sasha *DOesn't bother to look at Dre* Side, you don't need to be money to be can live so much better without can be with me....*Sighs as he slowly trots into the city, still know the fact that she will be the one doing something stupid*
[27-22:57] 92794, Cruward Hawklight : My home is my ship, I travel everywhere
[27-22:57] 0df7a, Dre'makius : *now knows that she literally could weep* Ralaphor.... *rides up along side him, her voice all choked up sounding* I took on a job and I intend on finishin in...... I have lived without money...... remember?
[27-22:58] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep: You are sailor? *this actualy gets his interest more than anything*
[27-22:58] 7bb0f, Ralaphor : .....*Continues to trot* Can you still live without money.....
[27-22:59] 92794, Cruward Hawklight : Aye *nods*
[27-22:59] 7bb0f, Ralaphor : ...if not....then I do not know....*Sighs, has this calm face, but inside, he is very torn and heart*
[27-22:59] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : *... and her blade stops an inch before striking his neck, mouth starting to part as if she's about to say something... and then his sword embeds itself into her stomach, and her mouth just forms an "O" of surprise as she stands there, blade near his throat, staring with a shocked look into his eyes*
[27-22:59] 0df7a, Dre'makius : you think I'm doin this just for money? *trots her horse farther forward to sidle into his, making his stop* You think I don't care or summat?!
[27-23:00] 7bb0f, Ralaphor : ((When I am done with Ralaphor, time for me to bring in a criminal.((
[27-23:00] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep: Have always wanted to ride ship.
[27-23:01] 7bb0f, Ralaphor : Do you? Cause I know deep inside of you, you don't. I know yor stronger then this. But please tell me *Still trot,s but now looks to Dre* If not for the money then for what?
[27-23:01] e39c5, Tenma Enzeru : *twists his blade a bit in satisfaction before jerking the blade free and spinning around to face her, yet he does not strike her down just yet...he wants to see the look of her face from having his blessed steel imbedded in her innards*
[27-23:01] 7bb0f, Ralaphor : ((Noooooo Delotha is dead))
[27-23:02] 4a0f7, Averey Lithle : You acted as if it gave you pain, last night
[27-23:02] 92794, Cruward Hawklight : Really? Mine is in the harbor, look for the one with out a name *smirks* Tommorow, I'll bring you aboard, give you the grand tour
[27-23:03] 0df7a, Dre'makius : You don't think I care?! You don't think I care bout you?((Damnit! Geezus Delotha if you just went with me!)) I also have an honour to fullfill and if you can't understand that then.... then..... Then you have some serious thinkin to do! Cause you have to understand the thief before you start courting her! *she looks at him, her eyes glazed over and her entire expression choked up as she is overwhelmed with sadness and misunderstanding*
[27-23:03] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : *.. blessed steel actually doesn't do all that much to her... does sting some, but.. eh..* *winces as he twists the blade.. and staggers back from him, one hand rising to clutch over her stomach* ... shoulda... killed you... blasted upbringing...
[27-23:03] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep: You take me as hostage while you at it? *asked jokingly, though there might be a hint of warryness*
[27-23:03] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : *... raises her sword back up with one hand, other still clutching over her stomach, as she stares at him grimly. Will keep going dang it! Isn't doen yet*
[27-23:03] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : ((doen=down))
[27-23:04] 9f7f0, a Band of Orcs : *Reaches closer to the city...*
[27-23:04] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : Oh... that.. well... ::reaches for the Inn door:: We should talk about that..
[27-23:04] 7bb0f, Ralaphor : ((Which city?))
[27-23:05] 92794, Cruward Hawklight : My friend, you are not one we would take as prisoner, and we are on leave at the moment...a violation of pirate's code to take prisoners during this time
[27-23:05] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[27-23:05] e39c5, Tenma Enzeru : You fight...despite being on death's door....there is honor in you yet demon...*he says these words sincerely as he raises his blade to prepare for her attack* I shall give you an honorable death...
[27-23:05] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 12:05am, January 28 (CST) ).
[27-23:05] 7bb0f, Ralaphor : *Slowly stops as he looks to Dre*.....Sasha....*Slowly put his hand onto her cheek* I know you care of me.....I care of you even more.....I love you.....I just don't want you to die.....I do not want anyone to die
[27-23:05] JOIN: Rav has entered.
[27-23:06] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep: Why you have code?
[27-23:07] 4a0f7, Averey Lithle : *frowns* Adrian? Is everything alright?
[27-23:07] 0df7a, Dre'makius : and I won't. *she practically snaps* I've been too long in this game to die right now and the thing is I ain't just doin it so that I can have some pocket change, food in me belly and a warm place to sleep and a horse to keep me company.. I'm doin it cause I have an honour and a code to fullfill and I am doin that. If you can't understand that.. then... *she tears her gaze away, a few tears rolling down her cheek**her voice lowers, incredibly saddned* Then you 'ave some thinkin to do mate
[27-23:07] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : *says nothing, standing there, jaw clenched tightly as she forces herself to keep standing...*
[27-23:08] 92794, Cruward Hawklight : To keep us in order, there are many pirates out there. No code and well the seas wouldn't be safe, neither would the lands
[27-23:08] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : .. Do me a last favor... since I'm being a good little demon in your eyes...
[27-23:08] 9f7f0, a Band of Orcs : *Stands at the gate... *
[27-23:08] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep: Hmm. What else in code?
[27-23:09] 7bb0f, Ralaphor : ....then what is more important...*Only a single tear falls down* Our love....or your honor......*Looks away before he snap his reign, making the horse run as he goes through the city, somewhere to the Glimmering Inn*
[27-23:09] e39c5, Tenma Enzeru : *he then takes the same posture as he took with the running attack, the left hand acting as little more than a counterweight...allowing her clearly in his motions to speak her piece before she dies an honorable death*
[27-23:09] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : Nothing has changed.. ::smiles slightly, stepping inside and holding the door for her:: You've never noticed, or maybe even seen, my scar..
[27-23:10] 92794, Cruward Hawklight : To not attack each other, of course, and....well so many others as well *sighs* Had to memorize all of it
[27-23:10] 0df7a, Dre'makius : *looks down, her body consumed by grief as tears roll freely out her eyes* damnit papa! I hate you..... I hate you so much... *sniffles* that's why I want to be a pirate...that's why...
[27-23:10] 4a0f7, Averey Lithle : *follows him* Your scar?
[27-23:11] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : Look for an ebony skinned elf by the name of Aralore.. and tell him Delotha said sorry... and... *hesitates... * .. good bye. *widens her stance slightly... my she's looking pale*
[27-23:12] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep: Few that can write, yes?
[27-23:12] 7bb0f, Ralaphor : *Gets off his horse quickly as it continues on, with Ralaphor himself walking to a wall and put his hand on it, sighing very deeply* Sasha......
[27-23:12] 0df7a, Dre'makius : *wipes her eyes, sniffling* why did you have to be right papa.......... why.... *the horse begins to walk under it's own conviction, heading towards the Glimm'rin inn* That's right Drake.... the good ales.... *sighs*
[27-23:13] 92794, Cruward Hawklight : Yes, at first, but a lot them know now
[27-23:13] ae640, Relonel the Slayer: *stands around looking menacing as always, now with added support in his army, and feling better about the attack.*
[27-23:14] e39c5, Tenma Enzeru : *his sword chinks with the motion of his hand as he says in a perfectly neutral voice* Fear not Demon...your friend will join you in the next life soon enough... *he then shifts his stance, bringing the blade up over his head and to the side slightly in what is known as the Mountain of Power, which is only good for one last single stroke of the sword*
[27-23:14] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : Yes.. ::touches the area over his heart:: I have one here...
[27-23:14] 7bb0f, Ralaphor : ((What city are they att Relonel?))
[27-23:15] 0df7a, Dre'makius : *rdies up to the Glimmering Inn and dismounts, not caring where her horse goes**knows she has money in her pouch and heads in**walks towards the bar, a dark expression on her face*
[27-23:16] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep: You have all human crew?
[27-23:17] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : .... *at that.. her eyes turn red... * Touch one hair on his head... *lips curl back, flashing her fangs* Oh no... I was more then fair to you.. honorable... held back burning you to a cinder for a fair fight! And you repay this with telling me you are going to kill an innocent bystander?! *sword drops from her hand* I understand the hate for demons.. but you go too far with this , Utinu en lokirim!
[27-23:17] 92794, Cruward Hawklight : *And once again, Glimmering Inn is very busy...lots of pirates around, blah blah blah* Now I do, I did have a few elves, but for some reason or another they left for women they had met *laughs softly*
[27-23:18] ae640, W: None, they're just kinda in limbo atm
[27-23:18] 7bb0f, Ralaphor : *Notice Dre coming to the Inn, but he sighs, knowing she is in no mood to talk to him as he frowns and just, sighs sadly*
[27-23:18] 0df7a, Dre'makius : *suddenly her eyes perk up as she sees the pirates**wipes away her tears and rubs her hands together**jumps up on the bar and calls out* Yo Ho Mates! Drinks all "round on me!
[27-23:18] 7bb0f, Ralaphor : ((oh))
[27-23:18] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep: No discipline?
[27-23:19] 4a0f7, Averey Lithle : *reaches out to lay a hand over his* What happened?
[27-23:19] 92794, Cruward Hawklight : More like...great lovers *shakes his head slightly* *The pirates cheer loudly and crowd around Dre, ordering a fresh batch of drinks...large crew too...hmmm*
[27-23:20] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ::gently takes her hand and moves to an empty table to sit:: I was born with a bad heart.. that's why my mother didn't want me...
[27-23:20] 0df7a, Dre'makius : *grins, looking down at them all, moving her feet so not to get caught up with them* Join me in a round mates!!! YO HO YO HO And Really Bad eggs! A Pirates Life FOR ME!
[27-23:21] 4a0f7, Averey Lithle : Oh...*softly squeezes his hand*
[27-23:21] e39c5, Tenma Enzeru : He is Drow is he not? *said coldly, if not neutrally, his eyes blazing with a zealous fervor*
[27-23:22] 92794, Cruward Hawklight : *The pirates repeat after her and cheer before swigging down the drinks*
[27-23:22] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : The scar.. well.. nevermind that.. ::seems a bit anxious:: This could be a good thing, if it happens that is..
[27-23:23] 4a0f7, Averey Lithle : If what happens?
[27-23:23] 0df7a, Dre'makius : OHhhh ME Pappy t'was a blightar! *laughs and dances around their hands, dancing around the bar* And Me mum a sorrow Soul! He worked her fingers to the bone and that be mighty Bold! AIn't I Roight Mates! *downs a good tank of ale*
[27-23:23] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep: *smirks* Who that one? *indicates of course Dre*
[27-23:24] 9f7f0, a Band of Orcs : *One orc, obviously of high rank grumbles, breaking the silence.* They are here...
[27-23:24] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : He's given up that life... Damn you! Just because one is born of an evil society, does not condemn them to being evil themselves!
[27-23:24] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ::leans over the table a bit to be closer, lowering his voice:: Remember the demons said we must be in good shape to be any use to them? Or else they'd need another one to take our places?
[27-23:25] 4a0f7, Averey Lithle : *nods* Yes...
[27-23:26] JOIN: Roki has entered.
[27-23:26] 92794, Cruward Hawklight : I don't know, but she seems a regular pirate to me *smiles at her antics* And she knows the talk well *Pirates laugh raucously and down their drinks, cheering her on*
[27-23:26] e39c5, Tenma Enzeru : does...*those three simple words fall from his lips in cold, detatched judgement as he reaffirms his grip upon his sword and then lashes out with a sweeping stroke of his sword that would most certainly cleave her in twain, had he not stopped it just short of slcing her, only a small line of blood would drip from her forehead if she doesnt block the attack*
[27-23:27] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : Well.. a malformed heart leaves me with physical limitations.. and that's no good for a slave to have.. ::raises his thin brows emphatically:: If such a disability were inherited...
[27-23:27] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep: Would look so, yes.
[27-23:28] 0df7a, Dre'makius : 'NOTHER ROUND MATES! Don't be stingay! OOOOoooohhhhhhhh The Wind in me sails and the sun on me skin we be sailin around just wit men uv our Kin and we go to the southern shores and the Ilses ooooffffff freeeeeeeeeeeee-dom.... A PIRATES LOIFE FOR ME!! *laughs and dances, picking up another tank and dancing around the bartop* YO HO YO HO It's a Pirates loife for me!
[27-23:28] 4a0f7, Averey Lithle : Our child...we could keep it?
[27-23:28] 9f7f0, a Band of Orcs : *The band organizes its numbers, each soldier filing into position. One group wield spears, and upon order begin to cast them over the city gates.*
[27-23:29] 7bb0f, Ralaphor : *Looks inside the Glimmering Inn to see her getting drunk around real pirates, and when the lead pirate said she is a regular pirate, he know knows that it is not safe to go in there and save her if trouble stirs*
[27-23:29] 616a5, Cyrano Chagg'Ra : ((delotha, can i IM ya?))
[27-23:29] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : *no time to incinerate him... no! Can't die! He's gonna kill- ... what the, he stopped?* *gives him a look of confusion*
[27-23:30] 92794, Cruward Hawklight : *Continues to observe her* I wonder... *The pirates of course take her offer and order all around, clapping her own, stomping their shoes, enjoying her song and liveliness*
[27-23:30] 7bb0f, Ralaphor : ((Wheres the army band of orc?))
[27-23:31] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep: Where she gets her money?
[27-23:31] 92794, Cruward Hawklight : I do not know
[27-23:31] 0df7a, Dre'makius : *swings around a post and goes dancing across the bartop* Yo Ho oh Bring me the seas! The sun and the spray and My crew of Mateeeeyyyyss! *flashes a smile at all of the pirates* Yo Ho don't hold nuffin back cause we're all one in the same on the very same DEEECCCCKKKKKKK!!!!!! A PIRATES LIFE FOR ME!
[27-23:31] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : Should be able.. it wouldn't make for a very useful slave.. ::smiles wistfully:: But... that's only if it's inherited..
[27-23:32] e39c5, Tenma Enzeru : *lets the blood from the slight knick in her skin drip down from her head before pulling his blade away, wiping it clean on the sheath and then sliding it back in, the steel singing its glory at having tasted blood today* You are now dead, demon....*can he be joking...toying with her?*
[27-23:32] e663b, Roki: ....and realy bad eggs
[27-23:32] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep: ((It was said as a finish to his question... but that doesn't matter))
[27-23:32] 92794, Cruward Hawklight : *Most join in her chorus too, drinking, clapping, all that good stuff*
[27-23:32] 0df7a, Dre'makius : ((YES Roki!))
[27-23:33] 9f7f0, a Band of Orcs : *spears blaze past the Glimmering Inn... some landing near it.*
[27-23:33] 616a5, Cyrano Chagg'Ra : ((sileen, can i IM ya?))
[27-23:33] 0df7a, Dre'makius : C'mon Mates! Sing! YOHO!! *dances across the bartop* Yo HO! YOOooooooooo HOOOOO!!! *grins and spins and dances, drinking a bit more*
[27-23:34] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep: ((*blinks* The orcs are in the city?))
[27-23:34] 7bb0f, Ralaphor : *Blinks to the spears as he gasp* Oh no......*Runs to his horse and gets on as he ruuns very fast towards the gate*
[27-23:34] 92794, Cruward Hawklight : *Indeed they do*
[27-23:34] 4a0f7, Averey Lithle : *bites her lower lip* Is it a bad thing to hope for such a thing?
[27-23:35] 0df7a, Dre'makius : Pirates gold as I've been told is a treasure that many would love to behold but me mateys and me yes you've gotta see we buried it somewhere on our voyage of the seass! A pirates loife for me! A Pirates loife for me! And really bad eggggss!!
[27-23:35] 7bb0f, Ralaphor : ((Whats the army again Band of Orcs?))
[27-23:35] 9f7f0, a Band of Orcs : *Outside the city, firing away.*
[27-23:35] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : Given the alternative.. ::draws ina deep breath::.. I doubt it..
[27-23:35] 7bb0f, Ralaphor : ((How many of them and what ranks, umm spears claveries, what?))
[27-23:35] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : *gives him a look like he's gone completely mad... sprouted a third eye.. any number of things... and then... promptly collaspses. Blood loss and all.*
[27-23:35] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : *mutters* ... close to it at least
[27-23:37] 4a0f7, Averey Lithle : *nods and sighs* Why does he want our child?
[27-23:37] 92794, Cruward Hawklight : *Most by now have joined in her song, some even pulling out handcrafted instruments and begin playing a tune to match the singing*
[27-23:37] e39c5, Tenma Enzeru : *and with that he would start a small fire and take one of the sticks used in the fire and stab it into her stomach, where his sword had pierced, cauderizing and searing the wound shut, a most unpleasant thing to undergo in the least*
[27-23:37] 0df7a, Dre'makius : *dances signs, is having jolly good fun*
[27-23:38] 9f7f0, a Band of Orcs : *Only 50-75 in numbers... Some wielding swords, some blunts, axes and miscellaneous others..*
[27-23:38] 92794, Cruward Hawklight : *As are most of the pirates*
[27-23:38] 7bb0f, Ralaphor : ((ah))
[27-23:38] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep: *chuckles, nodding to the singing. Its kinda like parties back home.*
[27-23:38] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ::shakes his head slowly:: I don't know, but I don't like to think too deeply into it.. fundamentally I think he is seeking out your pain..
[27-23:39] MSG: Cyrano Chagg'Ra sent a message to Delotha Feanor.
[27-23:39] 0df7a, Dre'makius : *finishes a song and spins, bowing low before the pirates taking off her hand and swinging it to the side as she bows**her dreds are long and flop to the side as she bows, their held together by a black ribbon* Thankee mates!! Thankee!!
[27-23:40] 0df7a, Dre'makius : ((hand=hat))
[27-23:40] 92794, Cruward Hawklight : *Sits back enjoying himself, taking an interest Dre and giving her a standing ovation* *The pirates join in with him*
[27-23:40] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : *.. the flames lick around the stick.. but do not actually touch her, though she does make a nice painful cry as the stick pokes into her innards... the cretin kept her alive to torture her!* ... no good... pendant... blocks fire...
[27-23:41] 0df7a, Dre'makius : *looks over towards Cruward and grins* Be Thar thy Capitain Mates?! *looks down at the rest of the crew*
[27-23:41] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep: *claps as well, yipping in high pitched voice*
[27-23:41] 4a0f7, Averey Lithle : I did'nt do anything to him. I swear, Adrian..
[27-23:41] 7bb0f, Ralaphor : *As he reaches the gate, he make his horse run up the stauirs and to the top, seeing 75 orcs as he growls* The orcs are here, but not much....*Rides back down and runns to a guard who is playing with his horn. Ralaphor grabs the horn as the guard yells to Ralaphor. Meanwhile, gulloping through the street, Ralaphor blows the horn loudly as the citizens blinks to the horn, meaning the enemy is hear as they all panic and such. Soldiers of comes by with archers, spearmen, and calveries. The horn
[27-23:41] 0df7a, Dre'makius : *is practically beaming with pride and joy*
[27-23:41] e39c5, Tenma Enzeru : *reaches for the pendant and then gives it a sharp yank to rip it from her neck before he tries again to cauderize the wound*
[27-23:42] 7bb0f, Ralaphor : wielding Ralaphor blows near the Glimmering Inn before he gullops back to the gate. As he rides, he gullops past the army and yells to them* Get to the gates, the orcs are here!!
[27-23:42] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : I believe you.. to him it's guilt by association... which isn't right at all..
[27-23:43] 7bb0f, Ralaphor : *The sound of the horn being blown can be hard throughout very loudly*
[27-23:43] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : *.. screams*
[27-23:43] 92794, Cruward Hawklight : *Bows his head* Aye, M'lady. Quite the show you put on, I must thank you for that. Gentleman! *addresses his crew* Please doll out the sum to her! *the pirates all pay her 5 pieces each, big crew..lots o money*
[27-23:43] 0df7a, Dre'makius : *her ear twitches and she hears the horn but she is more interested in the pirates**Real pirates!**has always wanted to see real pirates.. be in the company of real pirates!*
[27-23:44] 4a0f7, Averey Lithle : I hardly think a demon cares about right and wrong
[27-23:44] 0df7a, Dre'makius : *blinks and puts up her hands* Many thanks M'Lord but I do it merely for the honour of the comp'ney of yer crew sir. Nuffin more.
[27-23:44] e39c5, Tenma Enzeru : *he then withdraws the stick to make sure the wound has been seared shut with the removal of her pendant, and if it is, he hands it back to her before stalking off...if she is meant to live she will...if not she wont...*
[27-23:45] 9f7f0, a Band of Orcs : *The lead orc, apparently of some importance steps forward... then to the side as a large tree trunk, assembled for door-bashing is wheeled behind him. It approaches the city gate... the soldiers holding their footing.*
[27-23:45] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep: *his attention turns to teh horns blowing outside... pulls a medium sized mace from his side and gets up, looking out into the window*
[27-23:45] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : I don't know much of demons.. ::hears the horn faintly through the clamor inside the Inn:: What is that..
[27-23:46] 7bb0f, Ralaphor : *Twenty archers are then gather on top of the gate and then ready themselves to fire. Meanwhile, the spear men, the sword wielders and calveries, adding up to the same amount as the orc bands ready themselves if the orcs get past the gate. Meanwhile Ralaphor gets off his horse and runs to the stairs to the top. Looking to the band of orcs, he order the archers to hold until the orcs attack*
[27-23:46] 92794, Cruward Hawklight : Ahhh, but I can honestly say this is the best leave they have ever had in awhile...their spirits have been hightened by your song, I and my crew feel obliged to at least pay for your service
[27-23:46] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : *is given the pendant... alas, is not awake to accept it* *lies there outside the gates, bleeding from a cut to her side, stomach wound that's cauterized shut... and going no where for the time being*
[27-23:46] 4a0f7, Averey Lithle : I don't know...
[27-23:46] 7bb0f, Ralaphor : *Meanwile, one of the offciers of the Army blows the horn three more time to warn everyone*
[27-23:47] 0df7a, Dre'makius : Nay Nay... nuffin of payment sir. However.... *thinks a moment* p'raps... when you make leave.... you can take one more on your ship? *grins*
[27-23:48] e39c5, Tenma Enzeru : *moves off towards now at his fastest run, can almost outrun a horse you know*
[27-23:49] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : *oh boogers and snot... is going to be run over by orcs.. Yup, is dead*
[27-23:49] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : I brought you something to eat from the market..
[27-23:49] 9f7f0, a Band of Orcs : *A soldier Spots Delotha lying outside the gates...* Kiiiilll them!
[27-23:49] 92794, Cruward Hawklight : *Thinks...a woman on a ship full of men....uh...distraction* Per'apes, my dear
[27-23:50] 0df7a, Dre'makius : *puts her hands on her hips* Don't think I won't work.... I am as strong as any man... and as resourceful. Plus.. *bows again deeply* The men can have their leave anyday *is meaning of course only harmless singing.....*
[27-23:50] 7bb0f, Ralaphor : Ohhhh no.........FIRE!!! *The archers then fire upon the orcs, and now, volley after volleys of arrows is fired upon the orcs.Meanwhile 10 more archers position thesmelves on the top of the gate, til Ralaphor spotted Delotha and gasp, eyes widen* Delotha.....
[27-23:50] e39c5, Tenma Enzeru : *he sets in a defensive position...oddly enouigh in front of Delotha* Photus Invoctem!! *screams these words and as he does so the heavens would part with blinding light to scorch the orcs as they run towards him and Delotha...any and all evil within a 6 yard radius would begin to incinerate*
[27-23:50] 4a0f7, Averey Lithle : *smiles* Thank you... *frowns when she hears the horn again* we're being attacked..
[27-23:51] 7bb0f, Ralaphor : *As the arrows are fired, Ralaphor noticd Tenma* The foreigner
[27-23:51] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : Well.. of course, what else. It's been such a great day. :bviously sarcastic, leaning back in his chair::
[27-23:51] 92794, Cruward Hawklight : Uh huh...well, your strength and resourcefullness will come in for the men...
[27-23:53] 4aca2, Kashian Toricavius : *has been whatching the ending of the fight between Dolotha and Tenma from the shadows of the castle walls. He watches as Tenma begins to walk away at about that same time he also notices the band of Orcs charging twords her. He jumps into thier path to stop them as best he can.*
[27-23:53] 0df7a, Dre'makius : *looks around at the men and then back at Cruward, obviously not thinking about that issue about one woman and many men* Sir... I can pull my weight.... I will not disappoint
[27-23:53] 4a0f7, Averey Lithle : *eyes him, then looks away*
[27-23:54] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : *newp... not moving. Is breathing still, though! ... and so is going to need new clothing after this.. she's bled.. a lot.. miracle she's alive at all, really.*
[27-23:54] JOIN: Kroger has entered.
[27-23:54] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep: *leaves from Cruward's company and goes out the door to watch the battle*
[27-23:56] 7bb0f, Ralaphor : ((Band of Orcs?))
[27-23:56] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : Averey... I won't let it happen.. you know that, don't you?
[27-23:56] c3daa, Kroger: ::Kroger enters Trendlekim, exhausted and weary, a blackened axe strapped to his back and his tunic spoltched in some places. He makes his way to the bar, dodging serving wenches and enibriated patrons::
[27-23:56] 92794, Cruward Hawklight : *Eyes her, eyes his men, knows that they are loyal, but ever since those elves....* Alright, you may crew my ship
[27-23:57] 0df7a, Dre'makius : *Grins and bows deeply again* My thanks M'lord! Youwill not regret this!
[27-23:57] 4a0f7, Averey Lithle : *looks at him* Let what happen?
[27-23:58] 7bb0f, Ralaphor : ((Hello, band of orcs))
[27-23:58] c3daa, Kroger: ::Reaching the bar, he looks around pulling out some coin from his pouch, making sure not to over pay the 'tender. Positive he has the right amount, he eyes the man and waits for him to approach::
[27-23:59] 4aca2, Kashian Toricavius : *is of course outside of the spells radius as much as he can be. He unsheaths his rapier and readies himself to protect the fallen half-demon. He also does not wish to bring Tenma's attention to him.*
[27-23:59] 4aca2, Kashian Toricavius : ((Calling all bands or Orcs))
[27-23:59] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : I won't let him take the child.. ::folds his slender hands on the table:: We'll get through this alright.
[28-00:00] e39c5, Tenma Enzeru : *is likewise protecting the fallen half demon...but shhhh he wont admit it* ((Heeeeeeeere orcy orcy orcy!))
[28-00:00] 0df7a, Dre'makius : ((Just for Krogers sake: Ther is a group of pirates huddled around the bar and I'm on the bar itself, standing on it))
[28-00:00] 92794, Cruward Hawklight : Let's hope dear. My ship is at the docks, just look for the one without a name
[28-00:00] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : *passed out, gonna die unless healed... and the player is a kitty*
[28-00:00] c3daa, Kroger: ((Much obliged Dre'makius))
[28-00:01] 0df7a, Dre'makius : Aye Aye Cap'n! *nods* When do ye set sail sir?
[28-00:01] 4a0f7, Averey Lithle : *nods* I hope so...I will not let him have our child.
[28-00:01] e39c5, Tenma Enzeru : ((*pets Delotha's player for being a kitty and would note that her side would have clotted with blood by now and would have stopped bleeding*))
[28-00:01] 0df7a, Dre'makius : ((*bows* No problem sir!))
[28-00:01] 7bb0f, Ralaphor : ((Giving them five minutes, and Iam just going to say we got the orcs))
[28-00:01] c3daa, Kroger: ::Kroger looks at the congregation around the table, not making much eye contact with the bartender due to some rowdy pirate atop the bar. He listens as he fingers a coin in his palm::
[28-00:02] 92794, Cruward Hawklight : One week from now, we set sail with or without you
[28-00:02] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : *isn't bleeding... but still have a friggen hole in her stomach! That's not good for long life, y'know?*
[28-00:02] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ::rubs his chin thoughtfully, quiet:: It'll all work out... somehow..
[28-00:03] 4a0f7, Averey Lithle : We will survive
[28-00:03] JOIN: Kroger has entered.
[28-00:03] 0df7a, Dre'makius : *grins and looks amongst the other pirates* Sumone give me the ((damnit.. can't think of it... Polka instrument..... um... whats it called?))
[28-00:03] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : (accordion)
[28-00:04] 92794, Cruward Hawklight : *A pirate hands her one*
[28-00:04] c3daa, Kroger: ::Kroger looks at the congregation around the bar, not making much eye contact with the bartender due to some rowdy pirate atop the bar. He listens as he fingers a coin in his palm::
[28-00:04] 0df7a, Dre'makius : ((Thank you!)) Sumeone give me the accordion!! *gets one from a pirate and sits on the bar, legs dangling over the edge**starts to play it slowly* now that I be part of yer crew.. might as well sing 'nuther song roight boys?
[28-00:05] 92794, Cruward Hawklight : *Resounding chorus of Right!*
[28-00:05] e39c5, Tenma Enzeru : ((Accordian *pets Delotha's player again and mentions that cauderized means that the hole is closed and clean of infection....and therefore she'd be long as she RESTS*))
[28-00:05] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : What about the one last night.. ::glances about them briefly, uncertain of the other patrons..:: our, uh.. keeper..
[28-00:05] c3daa, Kroger: ::Kroger is a bit taken with the comraderie exhibited by this group, leaning against the far end of the bar listening in on their antics::
[28-00:06] 7bb0f, Ralaphor : ((THats it, the orcs are dead, we got them))
[28-00:07] 7bb0f, Ralaphor : *After ordering the army to stay on guard at the gate, Ralaphor exits the city and gullops to Tenma and Delotha, glaring to Tenma* What did you do to her?
[28-00:08] c3daa, Kroger: ::Kroger unstraps the metal weapon at his back, his eye taking in the regulars who are also around tonight.::
[28-00:08] 0df7a, Dre'makius : So! *smiles as she plays a few chords* OOooooooooOooooohhhh I be a lonely lass... travellin on land with a sorry jack-arse... *grins and looks from pirate to pirate* Me pap was a bastard and me mum she werked hard..... so it ain't a mistake when I am not too equipped with the best! *grins and plays a few more chords, light, and funny* things *grins* bbuuuuuutttttttttttt I knows I am home..... when I set foot on the sweet crome of the deck! *plays a few more chords* Ooooooohhhhhwwwwoooooo the Riggins call me
[28-00:08] 4a0f7, Averey Lithle : *looks at him* It is a fool Curst. He only said what he said to spare our lives..we are to only call him "Master" when Curst or any of his "friends" are around.
[28-00:08] e39c5, Tenma Enzeru : *watches with grim satisfaction as the orcs roast alive in their onslaught, the foul stench of burned flesh fills the air as he ignores Ralaphor for the moment as he sets about giving thanks to Ming for the power to clease this evil from the world*
[28-00:09] 7bb0f, Ralaphor : Foreigner!......*sighs to Tenma and asks him* You won.....and yet you did not kill her, why?
[28-00:09] c3daa, Kroger: ::Kroger laughs hearing the song that is being played, quite amused::
[28-00:10] 0df7a, Dre'makius : caaaallll meeeeeee To places I've never beeeeeennn I've never been faraway and freeeeeee faraway and free Ohhh the ships callin meeeeee The ships callin me And I'll tell you boys as we Fill our Mugs and Joyyyysssss!!! *grins*
[28-00:10] 92794, Cruward Hawklight : *Chorus her: "Aye the Riggins call me!"*
[28-00:10] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : I don't know who his friends are.. ::rubs the back of his neck lightly:: Are you going to eat or what?
[28-00:10] 4a0f7, Averey Lithle : I'm not hungry..
[28-00:10] 4aca2, Kashian Toricavius : *Reseaths his rapier at seeing the final out come of the Orcs.* Because he is a good hearted man. Now stop bugging him.
[28-00:10] e39c5, Tenma Enzeru : *his voice is raised in En'Tai-ese a quick flowing language that is very phonetic in base*
[28-00:10] 0df7a, Dre'makius : *jumps up onto her feet* AAAAAaaaaaaa PIRATES LIFE FOR ME!!! *plays a few more notes and spreads her arms wide, bowing deeply*
[28-00:11] c3daa, Kroger: That bard could learn a thing or two from this one... ::Thus reminded of the fellow he met several days ago, he scans the room intently to see if Adrian was about::
[28-00:11] e39c5, Tenma Enzeru : *softly as he is finsihed his prayers* She is dead...
[28-00:11] 7bb0f, Ralaphor : *Blinks* What?
[28-00:12] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : Well what if someone else is.. ::smiles softly::
[28-00:12] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : *... laying there...*
[28-00:12] 92794, Cruward Hawklight : *Rowdy chorus and more drinks are ordered*
[28-00:12] 7bb0f, Ralaphor : *Slowly trots to Delotha herself, shaking his head* saved can't save someone who's already dead
[28-00:12] c3daa, Kroger: ::He claps at the performance, soon finding Adrian at a booth his eyes darting around the room from time to time. Making sure of his position, Kroger turns and hails the bartender::
[28-00:13] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : *breathing?*
[28-00:13] 4aca2, Kashian Toricavius : *Looks at Ralaphor.* Don't ask. Now run along and go play gaurd or something.
[28-00:14] c3daa, Kroger: ::Talking as loudly as he dared without drawing attention, he reminded the bartender of the promise he had made, slapping down a few cold silver pieces on the table. The bartender moves behind the bar, pulling out a bundle and walks it over to Kroger. Annoyed, the bartender growls at him:: Thought you'd forget about this hunk of metal!
[28-00:14] JOIN: Namu has entered.
[28-00:14] 7bb0f, Ralaphor : *Trots to Kashian and looks to Tenma, glaring to Kashian* You seem to know of his kind......what is this foreigner? *Looks to Tenma*
[28-00:14] e39c5, Tenma Enzeru : She died an honorable death... I would not see the honorable dead trampled by the unclean....*says this in a cold, superior tone that he gets when dealing with those he considers under him and with that he leaves Delotha there to live or die on her will not his*
[28-00:14] 4a0f7, Averey Lithle : *blinks and looks down at the small animal* I had almost forgotten..*takes a nut and gives it to it*
[28-00:15] c3daa, Kroger: ::Kroger smirks:: Not on your life, sir. I appreciate your patience. ::With that, Kroger turns and makes his way to the afore mentioned booth, making sure to catch Adrian's attention way before he got there::
[28-00:15] 4aca2, Kashian Toricavius : *Looks at Ralaphor* Take her to a healer if she is still alive and let it be at that. *Whatches Tenma for a moment. He is hooded with a new cloak so that his face may not be seen.*
[28-00:16] 7bb0f, Ralaphor : .....*Gets off his horse and slowly walks to Delotha, kneeling by her. Knows a technique of findinout out if someone is dead or not, he puts two fingers on her throat to know if tehres a pulse or not*
[28-00:16] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ::blinks:: I didn't mean him... ::turns his head, something catching his eye.. he seems surprised to see Kroger approaching::
[28-00:17] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : *is breathing, goober, she's still alive*
[28-00:18] 0df7a, Dre'makius : *smiles and continues to play tunes, some slow and sad, some long and fun, some moderate, singing to them sometimes*
[28-00:18] 4a0f7, Averey Lithle : *chuckles* Then eat...*her attention focused on the baby squirrel, she does'nt yet notice Kroger*
[28-00:18] c3daa, Kroger: ::Kroger the Soldier grins a bit seeing Adrian. He nods as he approaches:: Greetings and salutations. I hope I am not interrupting.
[28-00:18] 7bb0f, Ralaphor : She is alive.....*BLinks as he pick her up and place her over his shoulder gently. He walks to his hrose and places her on the horse. He gets behind Delotha and snaps the rein hard for the horse to enter the city and find a healer as quickly as possible*
[28-00:18] 7bb0f, Ralaphor : ((Anyone a healer?))
[28-00:19] 92794, Cruward Hawklight : *And they cheer her on, keeping the drinks coming, appaluding her, treating her like one of the group*
[28-00:20] e39c5, Tenma Enzeru : *walks off with that cold, measured pace that he gets after such a fight and then 75 kills hot damn its been a great day for the forces of good*
[28-00:20] 0df7a, Dre'makius : *smiles, feels like she finally belongs somewhere**continues to play, once in a while glancing up at Cruward*
[28-00:21] 7bb0f, Ralaphor : ((Anobdy a healer?))
[28-00:21] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : Not me either! ::gives her a funny look.. returning his attention to Kroger:: G'evening..
[28-00:21] 0df7a, Dre'makius : ((not I))
[28-00:21] 92794, Cruward Hawklight : *He just stands, leaning against the wall, smiling at her*
[28-00:22] 7bb0f, Ralaphor : ((if nobody a healer, then npc priests will heal her))
[28-00:22] 4a0f7, Averey Lithle : *looks up at Kroger* No..
[28-00:22] e39c5, Tenma Enzeru : ((Sil: IN respose to your IM before you poofed... *Dr. Evil voice* Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigghhht......))
[28-00:23] 0df7a, Dre'makius : *gets back up on the bartable and walks across it* Yo Ho and Blow the man down! It's a long ways away down to locker daveeeessss Yo ho and blow the man down! *turns and smiles, breaking into another tune* I was in a house of plenty, the food was much obliged, I drank till me guts turned black, and could see nuthin 'fore me eyes
[28-00:24] c3daa, Kroger: ::He smiles at Adrian and Avery and adds a brief nod:: Thank you. ::In his left hand he carries a pint of ale he picked up at the bar. Placing the tarnished black axe that is in his off-hand on the floor, he grabs a chair nearby and sets it by the table, his equipment a bit too cumbersome to shove into a seat in the booth. Sitting down his begins to unwrap a bundle under his arm which turns out to be a sword in it's scabbard and proceeds to look it over:: So, how are you both this day?
[28-00:24] 7bb0f, Ralaphor : *As he rides inside the city, he stops near some priests as he blinks to them and tells them as some soldiers came to help Delotha down* Get her some help, she needs to be healed now, quickly! *The preiets nodded as the soldiers carrying Delotha and the priests head to a church to heal her*
[28-00:24] 92794, Cruward Hawklight : *Aye!*
[28-00:25] 4aca2, Kashian Toricavius : Tell, me something there Warrior of good and light. Do you kill demons for fun or for a reason?
[28-00:25] c3daa, Kroger: ::he looks back up when satisfied with the weapon, his eyebrows raised::
[28-00:25] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ::thinks this over a moment, reaching into his pack and drawing out a piece of fruit, handing it to Averey::...different.
[28-00:25] MSG: Dre'makius sent a message to Cruward Hawklight.
[28-00:26] e39c5, Tenma Enzeru : I kill them to erase their taint from this world..*said stoically, neutrally as he reaches up and reties the topknot of hair that had come undone during the battles*
[28-00:26] JOIN: Brimstone has entered.
[28-00:27] 4a0f7, Averey Lithle : *takes it, finding herself suddenly starving, where she had'nt been a moment before* Alive..*bites into it*
[28-00:27] 7bb0f, Ralaphor : *Rubbing his head, Ralaphor gallops his way to the inn and gets off quickly, as the horse stands there. Enters the inn and then walks to the table, not caring for the pirates at the moment, heck forgot that Dre is there*
[28-00:27] 92794, Cruward Hawklight : ((kyrssk Dre))
[28-00:28] beb1a, Brimstone : (Hm .. location?)
[28-00:28] 4aca2, Kashian Toricavius : You know thats why the demons fight too. To raid the taint from the world. *He shakes his head.* Well, I have a job for you if your wishing to take it.
[28-00:28] 7bb0f, Ralaphor : ((Inn))
[28-00:28] 0df7a, Dre'makius : *continues to play, continues to sing, continues to make a big ruckus!*
[28-00:28] 0df7a, Dre'makius : ((Glimmering Inn))
[28-00:29] c3daa, Kroger: ::cocks his head curiously:: Different... and alive? Talk like that does not bode well.
[28-00:29] 92794, Cruward Hawklight : *And they drink more, sing more, yay!*
[28-00:29] 7bb0f, Ralaphor : *Ignores Dre, just lets her have her fun, as long as she does not get into trouble*
[28-00:29] e39c5, Tenma Enzeru : Speak quickly, gaijin I am in no mood to waste time today.. *his eyes narrow, and yet he does not stop walking away from Delotha and Kashian towards the city*
[28-00:30] 0df7a, Dre'makius : *has just joined a band of pirates and she isn't going to get in trouble? Pppsssshhhhawww!!*
[28-00:30] 0df7a, Dre'makius : *someone missed the earlier conversation**sighs and smiles, yawning slightly* well mates.... have we had our fill?
[28-00:30] c3daa, Kroger: ::Kroger looks back at the pirates, his eyes resting on the female performer when things get very loud and laughs, turning back to the two in the booth:: With all this excitement, I can't imagine it being all bad, eh?
[28-00:31] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : It should be wonderful.. ::Reaches across the table, scooping up the baby squirrel so that Averey could eat:: Should be...
[28-00:31] 2ca01, Namu: (*peeks*)
[28-00:31] c3daa, Kroger: ::he pulls the sword from the scabbard, scrutinizing the blade before closing it again and strapping it to his waist::
[28-00:32] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( Glimmering Inn )
[28-00:32] 92794, Cruward Hawklight : * a few nod, stumbling off into the night, most staying for more drinks, but yeah most of them have had their fun*
[28-00:32] 4a0f7, Averey Lithle : *digs into the food* But is'nt.
[28-00:33] 0df7a, Dre'makius : *drops a good amount of gold pieces on the bartop before sliding off the bartop itself, handing the accordion to whichever pirate that takes it and then stretches, yawning*
[28-00:33] 7bb0f, Ralaphor : ..............
[28-00:33] beb1a, Brimstone : *he enters the tavern, black leather coat settling around him .. his exquisite pipe curving down from his lips, smoldering due to his draws off it - light thuds against the solid flooring as he advances toward the bar*..
[28-00:34] 4aca2, Kashian Toricavius : *Begins to walk twords the city with Tenma.* Well, here is the thing. There is a demon stalking a friend of mine her name is Averey. The demon has threaned to kill her then when he found out that she was with child. He has demanded the child for her life and the life of her lover. I did my best to talk him down from this but in my curent condition would have been no good against him. So I begain to give him an offer he could not refuse. Well, the offer ended out that my friend and her lover are now slaves..
[28-00:34] 0df7a, Dre'makius : ((*huggles Ralaphor*))
[28-00:34] c3daa, Kroger: ::Kroger watches the squirrel, then Averey a moment before his eyes shoot over at Adrian. Even the squirrel did not look too happy. A frown crosses his features:: What's happened?
[28-00:34] c3daa, Kroger: ::he quickly adds:: ... if I may be so bold as to ask.
[28-00:34] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : :: pulls the dagger from his boot with one hand, using the end of the hilt to break the nut into smaller pieces:: You should name him, Averey.. you are better with names than I..
[28-00:35] 7bb0f, Ralaphor : ((*huggles back* *))
[28-00:35] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( :oints to Kashian's post for OOC-Kroger to know:: )
[28-00:35] 92794, Cruward Hawklight : You are more than welcome to stay on the ship tonight, either with the crew or in my quarters
[28-00:35] 7bb0f, Ralaphor : *Looks to Dre now seeing her really drunk*
[28-00:35] c3daa, Kroger: ((got it))
[28-00:35] 4aca2, Kashian Toricavius : to me and this demon. But, he still wants her child. I have no way to stop him but I have given an oath before all the gods and goddess to protect all three of them no matter the cost to me. *He looks at Tenma for a reaction.*
[28-00:36] 4a0f7, Averey Lithle : *looks at the Squirell* I don't know..
[28-00:36] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : A lot of things have changed since we last met.. ::looks to Kroger, passing the smaller pieces to the squirrel:: Averey and I have become very close..
[28-00:36] 0df7a, Dre'makius : *looks up at Cruward* Really? well... now 'ow could I pass up an oppourtunity like that. *grins* we have an accord.. I agree
[28-00:36] 92794, Squirrel : *Bites whomever he is closest too*
[28-00:37] 2ca01, Namu: (*wonders if Squirrel has rabies*)
[28-00:37] e39c5, Tenma Enzeru : What does this demon look like? *is intrigued...and yet will do it as it is his duty mandated by Ming and his son, Oriko Musashi* (*bitten!* *bites Squirrel back*)
[28-00:37] beb1a, Brimstone : *lowering himself with grace onto a seat at the end of the bar, longcoat adjusted accordingly .. he orders a drink from the tender when his attention is caught*..
[28-00:37] 0df7a, Dre'makius : ((*sh only has rabies for people with hot pink font*))
[28-00:37] 92794, Cruward Hawklight : *Chuckles* But to which?
[28-00:38] c3daa, Kroger: ::a nervous twitch suddenly affects Krogers right eye, as he flexes his right hand beneath the table:: It's not that idiot Drow, is it???
[28-00:38] 0df7a, Dre'makius : uh... prefer your quarters mate.... I ain't stoopid *smirks and leans on the bar*
[28-00:38] 7bb0f, Ralaphor : *sighs, rubbing his head about what dre is doing*
[28-00:39] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ::chuckles, shaking his head:: Haven't seen him for days, actually.. he was hurt that I was mad at him the night you were freed..
[28-00:39] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[28-00:39] 92794, Cruward Hawklight : Very well, I'll stay with the crew....unless you want....
[28-00:39] JOIN: Mariasha has entered.
[28-00:39] 4a0f7, Averey Lithle : *smiles* I actually feel sorry for him
[28-00:40] 4aca2, Rav : *is bitten. Bapps squirrel on the head.* Stop that. don't make me roast your nuts again.
[28-00:40] c3daa, Kroger: ::Kroger rubs his face, trying to forget what little he remembers. With a sigh, he looks at both of them:: So you two are mates. That in and of itself is good.
[28-00:40] 0df7a, Dre'makius : *raises both hands in the air* listen mate it's your quarters.... far be it for me to kick you out of them
[28-00:41] 2ca01, Mariasha : (nnnnoooooooooo *stabs Averey a few million times*)
[28-00:41] 92794, Squirrel :
[28-00:41] c3daa, Kroger: ::he raises a surprised eyebrow at Averey:: Sorry?? You must be having some tainted fish for dinner. That little cretin does NOT have my sympathies.
[28-00:41] c3daa, Kroger: Forget that he's even Drow. Any intelligent being would prefer to make friends than enemies.
[28-00:42] 4a0f7, Averey Lithle : Anyone can see he's half insane. Would'nt you feel sorry for someone like that?
[28-00:42] beb1a, Brimstone : *paying a few cheap coins for his drink as it arrives .. he turns, back to the bar - brilliant eyes cutting over the room, an acute scanning. ears equally attentive*..
[28-00:42] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[28-00:43] c3daa, Kroger: ::shakes his head:: All I know is someone who is not in their right mind is a liability. Especially crazy spell hurlers.
[28-00:44] 92794, Cruward Hawklight : It's up to you, I don't want to intrude on you *flashes her a smile*
[28-00:44] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( ::bonks Mari:: Schtop. )
[28-00:44] 0df7a, Dre'makius : *smiles and winks* Ye won't be. Trust me. No issues here... *shrugs* I 'ave no problem with the floor either... *shrugs* been sleepin in stables most me loife anyway
[28-00:44] 2ca01, Mariasha : *[i]THUNK[/]... thats the sound of Mari hitting the ground, after jumping from a second floor window*.... *rrrrrrrrggg... thats the sound of Mari, after discovering he wasnt high enough, and the ground was too soft*
[28-00:44] 2ca01, Mariasha : *THUNK... thats the sound of Mari hitting the ground, after jumping from a second floor window*.... *rrrrrrrrggg... thats the sound of Mari, after discovering he wasnt high enough, and the ground was too soft*
[28-00:45] c3daa, Kroger: ::raises his hand to stop any forthcoming comments from Adrian:: Now Adrian, you may think I'm being harsh, but until he stared fooling with it magics, I took your kindness towards it to mean it was at least not inclined to attack anyone.
[28-00:45] 4aca2, Kashian Toricavius : ((*pokes Tenma* you still there?))
[28-00:45] e39c5, Tenma Enzeru : ((I posted fool!))
[28-00:46] 0df7a, Dre'makius : ((*huggles Ralaphor again*))
[28-00:46] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ::nods lightly:: I think it's good.. ::smiles at Averey.. apparently oblivious to the conversation about Mariasha::
[28-00:46] 92794, Cruward Hawklight : Be far from it for me to tell a woman to sleep on ther floor
[28-00:46] c3daa, Kroger: ::raises his hand to stop any forthcoming comments from Adrian:: Now Adrian, you may think I'm being harsh, but until it started fooling with it magics, I took your kindness towards it to mean it was at least not inclined to attack anyone.
[28-00:47] 4aca2, Kashian Toricavius : ((ghhh all the green. *L is a fool*))
[28-00:47] 7bb0f, Ralaphor : ((Still here *Huggles Dre*))
[28-00:47] 0df7a, Dre'makius : *shrugs and yawns* well.. I know I want to sleep... so why don't we figure this out on the ship?
[28-00:47] 7bb0f, Ralaphor : *Acts as if he does not know Cru and Dre for now*
[28-00:47] e39c5, Tenma Enzeru : ((Everyone wants to be like da badass samurai...))
[28-00:48] 4a0f7, Averey Lithle : Very good...*grins at Adrian*
[28-00:48] 2ca01, Mariasha : (Kenshin Himura?!?!)
[28-00:48] 92794, Cruward Hawklight : Alright *leads her to the ship, as to what happens, will leave the up to Dre* *FadE*
[28-00:48] 7bb0f, Ralaphor : *He was relaxed, until Dre said she wants to go on his ship. He clinches his fist, not beleiving what Dre got into herself*
[28-00:48] 4aca2, Kashian Toricavius : *He desribes Curst as best he can. when you have known someone for thousands of years you tend to give a full desription.* So will you do it if not for me then for Averey and her unborn child?
[28-00:48] beb1a, Brimstone : relaxing the heels of his boots settle against the rungs of the stool he sits upon .. watching sharply through the white over-hangly bangs of his mane - such a collection intrigues him heaivly*..
[28-00:49] 0df7a, Dre'makius : *is a harmless 18 year old who has no idea of things of the....dirty...nature**she sleeps**as she passes by Ralaphor she rests a hand on his shoulder and looks down at him a moment* tomorrow Knight. Tomorrow. *leaves to the ship**GONE*
[28-00:49] e39c5, Tenma Enzeru : (( fool! *whaps Mariasha*)) *answers with a curt nod, the spell having given him the ability to speak common ended so he answers in his native language* Hai
[28-00:50] c3daa, Kroger: ((*ish confuzzled, what's good?))
[28-00:50] 2ca01, Mariasha : (yer no samurai!!)
[28-00:50] EXIT: Dre'makius has left the chat ( OOohhhh SLEEP! ).
[28-00:50] EXIT: Cruward Hawklight has left the chat ( 1:48am, January 28 (CST) ).
[28-00:51] e39c5, Tenma Enzeru : ((*is the baddest samurai*))
[28-00:51] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : (you said them being mates is good in and of itself )
[28-00:51] 4aca2, Kashian Toricavius : *He nods in return.* I'll take that as a yes. So what will you ask for payment. There is onething I have learned in my time is nothing is ever free.
[28-00:51] 7bb0f, Ralaphor : ....*Looks to Dre and sighs* Sasha......
[28-00:51] 2ca01, Mariasha : *drags himself painfully to his feet*Amin uum ve' vell elli lant.... ta creme....
[28-00:52] 7bb0f, Ralaphor : *Is having a very miserable day as he heads up the stairs to his room*
[28-00:52] 2ca01, Mariasha : (why would anyone wanna be like a bad samurai??)
[28-00:52] 7bb0f, Ralaphor : ((I'mout to.Night eveyrone))
[28-00:52] e39c5, Tenma Enzeru : *with that he says nothing, as if he is pondering what to ask for payment...yes...some sake would be would decent food...misses the comforts of home* ((Bad as in bad-ass))
[28-00:53] 2ca01, Mariasha : (Night Ralph)
[28-00:53] 2ca01, Mariasha : (I have a cute ass, guess I'm just luckier then you)
[28-00:54] e39c5, Arutha Duthain : ((*is the h0tt0r King*))
[28-00:54] EXIT: Ralaphor has left the chat ( 1:52am, January 28 (CST) ).
[28-00:54] c3daa, Kroger: ((sorry, I was up to "crazed spell hurlers"))
[28-00:55] JOIN: Jerren Skulldeep has entered.
[28-00:55] c3daa, Kroger: ((Mari... da hell you talkin' 'bout?))
[28-00:55] 4aca2, Kashian Toricavius : *he walks along with Tenma wondering what he;ll ask for and if he'll understand him.*
[28-00:55] 2ca01, Mariasha : *wobbles a moment, then stummbles into the door of the glimmering inn* Begat ner naivae um ta *mummbles to himself before stummbling inside, on his way back to his room*
[28-00:56] 2ca01, Mariasha : (shooshy bottle boy, this between me and the horrible samurai.... )
[28-00:56] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep: ((*kicks Mariasha's ass till it ain't cute no more and sends his goblins to harass Arutha's people*))
[28-00:56] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[28-00:56] e39c5, Tenma Enzeru : (*is not horrible! is HONORABLE*)
[28-00:57] 2ca01, Mariasha : (crap, you kicked it into uber-cuteness)
[28-00:57] beb1a, Brimstone : *standing, he moves to a booth to rest there with his drink .. a free, gloved hand working over the platinum buttons of his longcoat*..
[28-00:57] e39c5, Arutha Duthain : ((*speshul calvalry makes kibble of Goblins that harrass his ppl*))
[28-00:58] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep: ((*fades back into the forest to strike again!*))
[28-01:00] c3daa, Kroger: ::he yawns, covering his mouth at the last second:: Well, hopefully your times together will be better than the present. Personally, I'm exhausted. I traveled out a ways, ended up in some village, got attacked, fought off some strange creature... found it again, hacked it to bits and scorched this borrowed axe in the process. ::motions to the axe at his side:: Are you two staying around these parts for very long?
[28-01:01] 4a0f7, Averey Lithle : *nods* Well..for a while at least
[28-01:02] 2ca01, Mariasha : *stummbles across the inn towords the stairs, wobbly and disoriented... maybe a little drunk*
[28-01:02] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ::nods in agreement:: We'll have to..
[28-01:02] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep: ((right, who's in the inn?)
[28-01:02] 2ca01, Mariasha : (meeee)
[28-01:03] beb1a, Brimstone : (*is*)
[28-01:03] c3daa, Kroger: ((Kroger, Inn))
[28-01:04] c3daa, Kroger: ::raises his eyebrows:: You found work?!
[28-01:04] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( in inn ^^; )
[28-01:05] 4a0f7, Averey Lithle : *smiles bitterly*
[28-01:05] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep: *enters into the inn, looking about at its patrons. Notes the pirates are gone*
[28-01:05] beb1a, Brimstone : *he withdraws his tomb from inside his coat, placing it's spine against the end of the table.. a useable angle for him to write on - attentive eyes keeping record of that present around him, one hand holding firm to his pipe, other on the abnormal writing utensil he uses*..
[28-01:06] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : Not.. quite.. ::laughs nervously, hearing some drunkard staggering his way around the stairs::
[28-01:07] 2ca01, Mariasha : (Elven johnny Depp quotes: Dara mankoi sa vell rum wanwa )
[28-01:09] 2ca01, Mariasha : *happens to trip over a chair... anything to delay him getting to his room and stuff. As he already ahd to pull himself up earlier, he just drags himself along to the bottom step*
[28-01:10] c3daa, Kroger: ::He drinks his ale to pass quiet pauses with them. Unsure about the awkwardness at the table, Kroger puts on a smile and decides to move on:: Yes, well, let me not keep you two from whispering sweet nothing's to each other. I'll be staying at the inn for another fort night or two. Maybe we'll see each other again.
[28-01:11] c3daa, Kroger: ::he turns to the noise at the staircase, his eyes turning to slits as he sees the form of the Drow:: Excuse me... ::with a nod to both Adrian and Averey he moves to the stairs::
[28-01:11] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep: *rae's the drunk Drow... thats a sigt few people ever see... goes to take a seat at a table*
[28-01:11] 4a0f7, Averey Lithle : *smiles at Kroger* I would like that
[28-01:12] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ::nods a bit, watching him go.. setting the sleepy squirrel on the table to rest::
[28-01:13] 2ca01, Mariasha : *up the stairs he starts, dragging himself along slowly*
[28-01:13] c3daa, Kroger: ::Kroger watches Mari move drunkenly up the stairs, a step at a time. He balls his fist and murmurs to himself:: Why I aughta...
[28-01:13] 4a0f7, Averey Lithle : *smiles* I don't know what to name him..
[28-01:13] c3daa, Kroger: ::he stops at the foot of the steps, pondering what Adrian and Averey had said::
[28-01:14] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep: ((Krogers the Dwarf, right?))
[28-01:14] c3daa, Kroger: ((Kroger the Human Soldier))
[28-01:14] c3daa, Kroger: ((there's a dwarf around here???))
[28-01:14] 2ca01, Mariasha : *isnt really drunk... jsut sorta jumped outta the second story window, and belly flopped on the ground.. it hurt but didnt do what he wanted* *blinks at Kroger* um ta... linta
[28-01:15] c3daa, Kroger: ::He rests his elbow on the guardrail of the stairs:: Common, Small One. I need to hear it in Common.
[28-01:16] c3daa, Kroger: ::looks the creature up and down:: You look like you belly-flopped into a mud pit. What happened?
[28-01:16] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ::looks to her, then at the squirrel, and back to her again:: Well.. maybe after having him around a few days, something will jump out at us..
[28-01:16] 2ca01, Mariasha : .... *thinks it through a moment, and just nods in responce to the second post*
[28-01:18] c3daa, Kroger: ::shakes his head:: Why am I not surprised...
[28-01:18] 4aca2, Rav : *fades into the night.* bye all
[28-01:18] 2ca01, Mariasha : ... *ignores and continues his draggin of self up the steps*
[28-01:18] 4a0f7, Averey Lithle : *nods* Alright..*has eaten all of the food*
[28-01:18] beb1a, Brimstone : *continues to scribble away in his book, attention away from it more than not .. his clear glass taken up to his lifts occasionally - little hope held for the building tonight, his need for insight properly covered in the earlier times of the day*..
[28-01:19] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep: *after all the commotion decides to sit down*
[28-01:19] 2ca01, Mariasha : (Bye Rav *waves*)
[28-01:20] c3daa, Kroger: ::not feeling like going up to his room, he decides to go over to the bar. He watches the Drow ascend the steps and is overcome by a strange feeling akin to sympathy. He sighs bringing his hand to his head:: Yo, listen... maybe you need a drink... to forget about your, uh, fall.
[28-01:20] JOIN: Z has entered.
[28-01:21] 2ca01, Mariasha : *shakes his head* need fall again
[28-01:21] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep: *heads over to the bar where the other human is, though a couple of seats removed from him*
[28-01:22] c3daa, Kroger: ::looks around for the dancing pirate lass who is apparently gone. Turning to the drow, he grows impatient:: It didn't work last time. I'll do you a favor, you have a drink with me, and I'll make sure it works the second time around.
[28-01:22] c3daa, Kroger: ::he cocks his head to the side:: I know a little bit about torture, if you like that better, I was in the military after all.
[28-01:22] 4a0f7, Averey Lithle : *yawns softly*
[28-01:23] EXIT: Rav has left the chat ( 2:18am, January 28 (CST) ).
[28-01:23] c3daa, Kroger: ::motions with a sweeping hand:: This doesn't look too much different from that.
[28-01:23] c3daa, Kroger: What you're doing, that is.
[28-01:23] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ::blinks... mildly surprised.. although he really should have expected it:: I don't know if I have a job in place with that smith.. but until I can find something, I'll be entertaining.. ::glances up at her::
[28-01:23] 2ca01, Mariasha : *nods* Drink... kay. *thumps back down to the bottome of the stairs*
[28-01:24] 4a0f7, Averey Lithle : *blinks, confused* Entertaining?
[28-01:25] beb1a, Brimstone : *a well-placed view from the booth he sat himself in .. he keeps observant watch over those present - his sharp eyes snapping between the open pages of his book, and the exposed room*..
[28-01:25] c3daa, Kroger: ::he rolls his eyes, murmuring to himself:: Note to self: Don't buy strangers drinks anymore. Especially those with magical bottles.
[28-01:26] c3daa, Kroger: ::he moves around Mari and gets to the bar, sliding onto a stool and waving over the bartender::
[28-01:26] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep: *watches the human and the drow*
[28-01:26] 2ca01, Mariasha : *drags himself along the floor after Kroger*
[28-01:27] c3daa, Kroger: :lacing a few silver on the counter he reserves a room for himself for the next couple of nights and orders up some water and food:: What'll you sir?
[28-01:28] c3daa, Kroger: *Placing
[28-01:28] JOIN: Mariasha has entered.
[28-01:28] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : Music.. playing, singing, dancing..
[28-01:28] c3daa, Kroger: *Placing a few silver on the counter he reserves a room for himself for the next couple of nights and orders up some water and food* What'll you what is your name anyway drow-kin?
[28-01:29] 4a0f7, Averey Lithle : *nods* If that is what you want to do
[28-01:31] 2ca01, Mariasha : .. call me.... Ishmael
[28-01:31] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : It's what makes money.. ::Reaches into his pocket, drawing out a full pouch of coin, dropping it on the table between them.. smiling a bit:: You know.. we can't live in this Inn forever... we'll need to find a place of our own.
[28-01:31] 4a0f7, Averey Lithle : *smiles* A place in which to raise our child...
[28-01:32] c3daa, Kroger: Ishmael? What kind of name is that? Sounds like I stepped in something... ::shakes head, truly confused::
[28-01:32] EXIT: Sarelth has left the chat ( 11:22pm, January 27 (CST) ).
[28-01:33] c3daa, Kroger: YOu need a better name than that. You're not even human, you can come up with something better than that.
[28-01:34] 2ca01, Mariasha : .... *tries to think of another name, something diffrent, something unheard of*.... I.. Kroger... *brains not working right at the moment*
[28-01:34] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep: ((*blinks, then shakes head*))
[28-01:36] 2ca01, Mariasha : (*mummbles some, as noone got his Ishmael joke*)
[28-01:36] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep: ((I got it... it was just bad.))
[28-01:36] c3daa, Kroger: ::shakes his head:: Wha?? No, no, you... *sighs*
[28-01:36] 2ca01, Mariasha : (nooo, yer bad!! *bites*)
[28-01:38] 2ca01, Mariasha : .... I... Elf?
[28-01:38] c3daa, Kroger: Elf?? You want to name yourself after a race?
[28-01:38] c3daa, Kroger: You need something like.... Widget.. or ...
[28-01:38] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ::nods, glancing at the sleeping critter briefly, amused:: Where would you like to go?
[28-01:39] 2ca01, Mariasha : *shakes his head at Widget*
[28-01:40] c3daa, Kroger: well, something diminuitive... small.
[28-01:41] 2ca01, Mariasha : *shakes his head at Small.......... clambers onto a stool*
[28-01:41] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep: ((damn you Twiggit! You are a disgrace to the league of evil humanoids!))
[28-01:41] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( XD )
[28-01:41] 2ca01, Mariasha : (I am no evil humanoid... I am...... uh......... uhhhhh..... Bishounian????)
[28-01:42] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( ::bonk:: bishounen. )
[28-01:42] 4a0f7, Averey Lithle : I'm not sure...
[28-01:42] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( and NU you arent bishie anymore after that haircut XP )
[28-01:42] 2ca01, Mariasha : (thats bishounen, I say bishounian, the species )
[28-01:43] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : I'm not really sure either.. but I am certain I don't want to live in this city.
[28-01:43] 2ca01, Mariasha : (*cries* its not my fault they botched my hair cut. it wasnt supposed to be this short :'( )
[28-01:43] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep: ((*sends Twiggit to boot camp* HAHAHAHAHA!))
[28-01:44] c3daa, Kroger: *smirks* You want a big strong name, like Morgan?
[28-01:44] 2ca01, Mariasha : ....... Morgan. Mari is Morgan.....
[28-01:45] JOIN: Connor Rayne has entered.
[28-01:47] 2ca01, Mariasha : (I gotsa go in 15 minutes)
[28-01:47] c3daa, Kroger: You sure? ::drinks from his mug of cold water:: It's a mighty fearful name... you have to be able to handle it properly.
[28-01:47] 4a0f7, Averey Lithle : In the forest?
[28-01:47] 2ca01, Mariasha : *nods*
[28-01:48] c3daa, Kroger: ::shrugs shifting an eye over at Mari to see his reaction:: You might be challenged for a name like that....
[28-01:48] c3daa, Kroger: (oki))
[28-01:48] c3daa, Kroger: ... might even get yourself a little drowish lady friend, if you play your cards right.
[28-01:48] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ::absently wondering aloud:: I should get another pouch.. :icks up the pouch with the coins, and the emptied one that had the food in it; only nuts remained now.. and he dumped the coins into the larger.. then scooped up the little squirrel and placed him in the smaller pouch to sleep:: The forest? Yes.. that would be lovely.. But I suppose we'd have to build a place..
[28-01:49] 2ca01, Mariasha : *shrugs* Die tonight
[28-01:49] c3daa, Kroger: Not that I would know of such things. ::drinks more::
[28-01:49] 4a0f7, Averey Lithle : *nods* It would'nt be that hard..
[28-01:49] 5d609, Hida Al'Asid: ((*got a drowish lady friend!* o/))
[28-01:50] c3daa, Kroger: :uts his mug down:: You want to kill someone?
[28-01:51] c3daa, Kroger: *puts his mug down* You want to kill someone tonight?
[28-01:52] 2ca01, Mariasha : *shakes his head* no no... I die. No more life
[28-01:52] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : Maybe not.. ::watches her quietly.. smiling..::
[28-01:53] 5d609, Hida Al'Asid: *from the other side of teh bar* How you know you die?
[28-01:53] c3daa, Kroger: ::raises an eyebrow:: And why is that? Do you mind not raising your voice??
[28-01:54] 2ca01, Mariasha : *doesnt raise his voice??* I kill I
[28-01:54] 4a0f7, Averey Lithle : We could do it..*her eyes brighten at the prospect* Make a home for ourselves with our two hands..
[28-01:55] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep: ((hida's post= Jerren's)) Why kill self?
[28-01:55] c3daa, Kroger: ::Kroger suddenly remembers he has to show up to work tomorrow bright and early* You need to stop standing by the Hashish vendor. Look, I'm goin' upstairs, I paid for whatever other drink you'll want. I suggest you start anew with your Morgan name and aim for greener pastures. I'll see you around Morgan. ::he slaps the drow on the back, none too hard and makes his way to the stairs:(darn, I gotta bounce))
[28-01:56] c3daa, Kroger: ::he runs up the stairs to his room and disappears::
[28-01:56] c3daa, Kroger: ((later all))
[28-01:56] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ::nods, really having no talent for such things.. but willing to learn..:: It would make it worthwhile to stay..
[28-01:56] EXIT: Kroger has left the chat ( 2:56am, January 28 (CST) ).
[28-01:57] 2ca01, Mariasha : *aims a finger at Averey* she why
[28-01:57] 4a0f7, Averey Lithle : *nods*
[28-02:00] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ::reaches across the table for her hand, smirking lightly:: We'd better start early... before it falls completely on me..
[28-02:00] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep: *looks over to Avery then back to Mariasha* And what htat?
[28-02:01] 2ca01, Mariasha : That (insert B word here)
[28-02:01] 4a0f7, Averey Lithle : *laughs* It won't.. *grins and squeezes his hand* We'll build it right
[28-02:02] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep: You kill self over dog?
[28-02:02] 2ca01, Mariasha : Yes. (B) take man, I die.
[28-02:04] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : Not literally fall on me.. ::laughs:: The task, I mean.. finishing it myself.
[28-02:04] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep: Dog not taken by man? *obviously, there's a problem with communication here.
[28-02:05] 4a0f7, Averey Lithle : You'll have me to help
[28-02:05] 2ca01, Mariasha : No. *throws his glass across the room at Averey.... most likely missing by a dozen yards or so... what with being an injured elfy*
[28-02:07] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep: *glances at the bartender then to Mariasha* Need find something worth doing. Life not worth dog.
[28-02:07] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : I know... what I mean is that if we don't finish it in time together, I'll have to finish it.. you can only do so much work for so long now.. ::his ears twitched lightly, hearing the glass shatter::
[28-02:08] 4a0f7, Averey Lithle : *smiles, ignoring the shattering's a tavern, after all* Just because I'm with child won't make me helpless..
[28-02:09] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : Not helpless, no.. just don't overwork yourself, is all I'm trying to say.
[28-02:10] 2ca01, Mariasha : (*cries cause Dri is ignoring him*) *grummbles quietly, removing his favorite little bottle from his pocket and eyeing Averey*
[28-02:11] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( ::isnt having him leave Averey and the baby for anyone :: )
[28-02:12] 4a0f7, Averey Lithle : *nods* I won't...
[28-02:12] 2ca01, Mariasha : (Dri was mine fiiirrrstt)
[28-02:14] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( Chanti not mari )
[28-02:14] NICK: Mariasha changed nick to Chanticleer.
[28-02:14] 2ca01, Chanticleer: (My Dri!!)
[28-02:14] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( its too late theres a baby >< )
[28-02:15] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( ::bonk:: )
[28-02:15] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep: *looks back at the direction Mari was looking at* See no dog...
[28-02:16] 2ca01, Mariasha : (*cries, asked ya here cause he were lonely and wanted a Dri friend*) Yes dog!!!
[28-02:17] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( ::has to go soon:: ) Well, it's something to think about.. ::smiles:: It's getting late..
[28-02:17] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep: Elves, not dog.
[28-02:18] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( Dri will be friends.. not friends with benefits or boyfrineds or boinkfriends )
[28-02:18] 4a0f7, Averey Lithle : *nods and stands* Want to see if we can give our child some company? *smiles at him*
[28-02:20] 2ca01, Mariasha : Elf is dog *stands and hobbles over, decideing he'll jsut kill Averey before he does off with himself*
[28-02:21] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ::grins, leading her to the stairs, not seeing tiny Mariasha wobbling nearer::
[28-02:22] 2ca01, Mariasha : (yeees benefits.... or else 'nobody' going in the jar )
[28-02:22] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep: *walks up behind Mari, pulls out his mace and smacks Mari upside the head with just enough force to knock him out cold*
[28-02:23] 4a0f7, Averey Lithle : *does spot Mari...then Jerren come up and hit him* What the..?
[28-02:23] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( ::cracks up:: )
[28-02:23] 2ca01, Mariasha : (*sure hopes it aint one of thsoe spikey maces*) *THUNK thats the sound of mari hitting hte floor............. " " .. thats the sound of him out cold*
[28-02:25] 4a0f7, Averey Lithle : (( *LOL* ))
[28-02:25] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ::blinks, hearing the thud..:: Hm?.. :: still.. he had been tempted.. his mind was set elsewhere::
[28-02:25] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep: ((Its a good solid metal one...)) *looks non chalont (sp?) at Averey and Adrian* Ow me.
[28-02:26] 2ca01, Mariasha : (Nonchalant)
[28-02:27] 2ca01, Mariasha : (and "Owe"
[28-02:27] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep: ((thats it))
[28-02:27] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( I say ow )
[28-02:27] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( okay okay ^^ )
[28-02:27] 4a0f7, Averey Lithle : Owe you?
[28-02:28] 2ca01, Mariasha : *hugs the floor, the ever so dirty floor everyone takes for ganted... but where would they be without it, huh? So, repays the floor with a great, big, unconscious hug*
[28-02:29] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ::chuckles, nodding:: The favor will be returned..
[28-02:29] 2ca01, Mariasha : (pfft, they dun know Mari was gunn kill Averey!!)
[28-02:30] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( sure dont but Jerren knew he didnt like Averey.. suspicion alone ^^ )
[28-02:30] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep: *leans down and checks the back of Mariasha's skull, to make sure there's no serious denting. Satisfied with the swelling and the bleeding gets up, finishes his drink and heads out of the bar* ((Cookie will sleep... NOW!))
[28-02:30] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : (( hehe night ::waves:: )
[28-02:30] 2ca01, Mariasha : (Jerren did, but all Dri and Averey see is some stranger bonking their Drow friend on the noggin)
[28-02:31] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( well you know what. he's getting laid so I dont thnik he's worried about that right now )
[28-02:32] 2ca01, Mariasha : (well I beat ya to it, Mari got laid first....)
[28-02:32] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep: ((*gets off scot free!*))
[28-02:33] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( haha my baby laughed at you Mari )
[28-02:33] 4a0f7, Averey Lithle : *smiles* Shall we?
[28-02:34] EXIT: Jerren Skulldeep has left the chat ( 3:32am, January 28 (CST) ).
[28-02:34] 2ca01, Mariasha : (what?!?! Mari got laid out *points* dont see him on the floor?!?!) *suuure, lets jsut leave Mari on the floor in the middle of the room... mhmm... no evil drow hater persons ever come into bars*
[28-02:34] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : :: nods, continuing his way up the stairs, his free hand carrying the squirrel:: The key is in my pocket..
[28-02:35] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( thats how it works sometimes. i get laid. you get laid out. XD )
[28-02:35] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( such is the life of a god )
[28-02:35] 2ca01, Mariasha : (*cries* I dont like)
[28-02:35] 2ca01, Mariasha : (Dri should be mine :'( *sniffles*)
[28-02:38] 4a0f7, Averey Lithle : *digs it out*
[28-02:39] 2ca01, Mariasha : (*chops off avereys hands for diggin in dris pockets*)
[28-02:40] EXIT: Mariasha has left the chat ( mhmmm, who cares about the drow, huh? nnnooooo-ooonnneee. So what if he nice, thought full, occasionaly obsessive and mental, he still a Drow on the outside, and thats what reall counts, huh ).
[28-02:40] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ::waits for her to open the door, drawing the pouch mostly closed::
[28-02:43] 4a0f7, Averey Lithle : *opens the door and goes inside*
[28-02:47] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ::follows in behind her, pushing the door shut again with his foot.... he set the pouched squirrel down on the windowsill, making sure the window itself was locked.. and turning, he moved quickly to her, shrugging out of his coat, and raising both hands to cup her face, kissing her with fervor:: Mmm.. I love you, so much.
[28-02:50] 4a0f7, Averey Lithle : **fades**
[28-02:50] EXIT: AdrianGoldenmoon has left the chat ( 3:47am, January 28 (CST) ).
[28-02:51] EXIT: Averey Lithle has left the chat ( 3:50am, January 28 (CST) ).
[28-06:06] JOIN: Kroger has entered.
[28-06:07] EXIT: Kroger has left the chat ( 7:06am, January 28 (CST) ).
[28-06:32] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[28-06:32] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 7:32am, January 28 (CST) ).
[28-09:07] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[28-09:16] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[28-09:56] JOIN: Roki has entered.
[28-09:57] JOIN: Sarelth has entered.
[28-10:06] 57823, Roki: holah
[28-10:41] JOIN: Tyra Lightbringer has entered.
[28-11:10] 6c848, Tyra Lightbringer: Has a profile!
[28-11:21] 290ac, Aralore : ((TYRA! That is teh s3x3hness))
[28-11:25] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[28-11:26] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 12:25pm, January 28 (CST) ).
[28-11:27] 290ac, Aralore : ((*Claps his hands together* ALRIGHT, time to get down to business and IC.))
[28-11:33] 290ac, Dune : *Hops into the Glimmering Inn, uttering a demonic laugh as he brandishes a small leather pouch in cupped hands...following behind the dirty, touled-hair elf's footsteps is a wretched looking wolf, following his every movement and sitting next to him on the floor. He takes a seat at a nearby bar stool, throwing down some gold pieces and baring yellow, rotten teeth at the bar tender* Get me a drink, damn you! I don't care what it is!
[28-11:35] 290ac, Dune : ((This colour looks like someone's. Maybe I'd better change it. BRB))
[28-11:40] JOIN: Roki has entered.
[28-11:41] 57800, Roki: m0000
[28-11:51] 290ac, Dune : ((Hokai, back.))
[28-11:54] 290ac, Dune : *Reaches into his leather pouch, carefully pulling out his prey...a grasshopper*
[28-11:59] 290ac, Dune : *Snickers evilly, carefully pulling the legs off the grasshopper...when he is complete, he throws the grasshopper to his wolf, who snaps it up greedily*
[28-12:03] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[28-12:05] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 1:03pm, January 28 (CST) ).
[28-12:26] JOIN: Lt.Hagget has entered.
[28-12:26] d8586, Lt.Hagget : *Studyin' his scroll*
[28-12:27] 94c70, Z: ...
[28-12:27] d8586, Lt.Hagget : *Yep.*
[28-12:28] 94c70, Z: *pounces Hagget*
[28-12:29] d8586, Lt.Hagget : ((*Emits a surly grunt*))
[28-12:30] d8586, Lt.Hagget : *Thinks about reviewing the troops.... but finds he's too lazy to get out of his seat*
[28-12:33] d8586, Lt.Hagget : ((*And the nplayer finds himself too lazy to keep this window open*))
[28-12:33] EXIT: Lt.Hagget has left the chat ( 1:33pm, January 28 (CST) ).
[28-12:35] 290ac, Dune : *Continues his demonic ritual, pulling the legs off the grasshoppers and feeding the small creatures to the wolf..pockets the legs surreptitiously*
[28-12:39] JOIN: Rikkell Donobar has entered.
[28-12:39] JOIN: Guien Ventorrell has entered.
[28-12:40] JOIN: Rikkell Donobar has entered.
[28-12:43] 9fe94, Rikkell Donobar : **Throws the door of the glimmering in open and takes a stroll down the street**
[28-12:44] 37a6a, Guien Ventorrell : **comes from a portal onto of a roof looking down on the street infront of the at all the passing humans he pretty much ignores anything but human his eyes are attracted to rikkell** Hmm
[28-12:45] 37a6a, Guien Ventorrell : ((ah 's glimmering inn i meant))
[28-12:46] 9fe94, Rikkell Donobar : **Has the feeling of being watched, but figures it to be paranoia, ((of all people, he picks me... figures)). Keeps his eyes peeled for easy targets, shops and such.**
[28-12:47] JOIN: jim has entered.
[28-12:47] c34f5, jim: sup
[28-12:47] 37a6a, Guien Ventorrell : **hops down from the roof he is upon landing about 15 yards behind rikkell now fallowng him as he walks waiting for the dumb human to make a mistake but guien is impatient so he may just take rikkell away**
[28-12:47]       jim jim opens a beer
[28-12:48] c34f5, jim: /watches them run
[28-12:48]       jim watches them run
[28-12:49] JOIN: Dre'makius has entered.
[28-12:49]       jim shakes his head
[28-12:49] c34f5, jim: sup, dre
[28-12:49] c34f5, jim: they're running around i guess
[28-12:50] JOIN: Me has entered.
[28-12:50] 9fe94, Rikkell Donobar : **stops... being a trained thief, he knows when hes being followed... he pauses briefly and continues his wlk, keeping his throwing daggers close at hand.**
[28-12:50] ade17, Dre'makius: ((hey Jim))
[28-12:50] c34f5, jim: sup, me
[28-12:51] c34f5, Me: hey
[28-12:51] ade17, Dre'makius : *has found her horse by the Glimmring in and pets it's neck* Sorry mate for leavin you 'ere the whole noight... *takes the reigns and turns, walking towards home*
[28-12:51]       jim swings his axe over his head noone would dare attack him for he would spill his beer and when that happens, jim gets mad
[28-12:52]       jim burps
[28-12:52] JOIN: Tyra Lightbringer has entered.
[28-12:52] 37a6a, Guien Ventorrell : **seeing that rikkell noticed him he runs forward at him with mildly silent feet he then slams into after opening a portal infront of them attemping to push rikkell through in tirn fallowing him**
[28-12:53] 6c848, Tyra Lightbringer: Hey Jim-no bob?