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[20-05:29] b6a12, Mierka : *smiles, then surprises herself when she yawns widely* Oh...I'm sorry..
[20-05:29] 7725b, Conall : *squeezes her softly and chuckles.* It is alright, you've had a very long day.. rest..
[20-05:30] b6a12, Mierka : My cell....
[20-05:31] 7725b, Conall : do not worry about it..
[20-05:32] b6a12, Mierka : *looks up at him* Don't I...don't I have to return?
[20-05:32] 7725b, Conall : No
[20-05:34] b6a12, Mierka : No? *her eyes have begun to drift closed. She knows she should ask about Eri....but she's to far gone in sleep. If he answers, she'll most likely not hear it as her eyes close and she slips into sleep, feeling safe for the first time in a long time*
[20-05:35] 7725b, Conall : *closes his eyes and he would drift into sleep after awhiel too.*
[20-05:35] b6a12, Mierka : ***Gone***
[20-05:37] EXIT: Mierka has left the chat ( 6:35am, January 20 (CST) ).
[20-06:42] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[20-08:51] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[20-09:06] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[20-09:06] 2aeaa, Will-o'-the-wisp: *peeks*
[20-09:11] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 10:06am, January 20 (CST) ).
[20-09:16] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[20-09:21] JOIN: Karlita has entered.
[20-09:21] c34f5, Karlita : (( hello ?? ))
[20-09:21] c34f5, Karlita : (( bah))
[20-09:21] c34f5, Karlita : (( bah))
[20-09:22] c34f5, Karlita : (( bah))
[20-09:30] JOIN: Luke has entered.
[20-09:30] 3e2ed, Luke : black sheep, have you any wool... yes sir yes sir three bags full...
[20-09:31] 3e2ed, Luke : one for the master, and one for the maid, and one for the little boy who lives down the lane...
[20-09:31] c34f5, Karlita : (( haha))
[20-09:32] 3e2ed, Luke : sorry, half tired and I felt full of sarcasm that had to be released
[20-09:33] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 10:16am, January 20 (CST) ).
[20-09:34] JOIN: Riley has entered.
[20-09:36] 3e2ed, Luke : hello Riley
[20-09:38] c34f5, Karlita : (( its ok.. im tired too ))
[20-09:38] 4c42f, Riley: ello
[20-09:39] c34f5, Karlita : (( hello ))
[20-09:41] 3e2ed, Luke : *is listening to Limp Bizkit...* this is the only thing keeping me awake...
[20-09:50] JOIN: Randen Farr has entered.
[20-09:50] 8a6b6, Randen Farr : ((Damnedable chat! *eats it*))
[20-09:52] 4c42f, Riley: * pauses outside of Randen's chambers rapping at the door *
[20-09:53] JOIN: Shifty has entered.
[20-09:54] 8a6b6, Randen Farr : Enter! *the hissing voice of Renal Bloodscalp comes out from inside, as he is thinking it might be one ot the other guildmembers...not someone important like Riley...but hell we shall see now wont we?*
[20-09:55] JOIN: Shifty has entered.
[20-09:57] 4c42f, Riley: * does as he bids she steps through the door eyeing Randen* I can come back at a later time... * a slight growl to her tone*
[20-09:58] c34f5, Karlita : ((bye))
[20-09:58] 19e7e, Shifty: ((howdy ya'll.))
[20-09:59] JOIN: V has entered.
[20-09:59] 8a6b6, Randen Farr : *as she still has the door open he keeps with his current persona*No. Come in, close the door. *notes the slight growl to her she jealous over something? Hmm..women...can never really tell with then now can ya?* *he sits up from his former reclined position and eyes Riley a moment as if trying to read her*
[20-10:01] 4c42f, Riley: * shuts the door keeping her back to him for a moment before turning around... trying her hardest not to look at him directly like maybe that tapestry behind the couch or ... something of the like *
[20-10:04] 8a6b6, Randen Farr : *and once the door is closed, he then drops his persona and the hood of his cloak before staring at her a moment with a thoughtful look marring his features* What did you need Riley?
[20-10:07] 4c42f, Riley: * lowers her eyes for a moment* Trendlekims at noon The king will be waiting
[20-10:08] 8a6b6, Randen Farr : *his features brighten and he grins, already the wheels in his head are turning* Excellent... *moves up to her slowly, almost saunteringly* You've done well my dear Riley...very well indeed.
[20-10:09] 4c42f, Riley: Did you expect anything less ? * as he moves in on her she backs up*
[20-10:10] JOIN: Laertes Espyros has entered.
[20-10:10] 8a6b6, Randen Farr : I had my doubts... *smirks as she recoils from him, which only causes him to move in closer to her, so much like a scared dove is she...*
[20-10:11] 4c42f, Riley: * archs a brow* Doubts? * gets a little distrubed by this* You send me into the lions den and then have doubts?
[20-10:12] EXIT: Laertes Espyros has left the chat ( 11:10am, January 20 (CST) ).
[20-10:13] 8a6b6, Randen Farr : *continues approaching her* Lion's den? How was it the Lion's Den my dove? *almost has a teasing purr to his voice as he moves ever closer on her* You had support if you needed it...
[20-10:14] 4c42f, Riley: There was a formal party ...
[20-10:15] 4c42f, Riley: Women throwing themselves at him a woman almost threatening him... Not ideal of situations
[20-10:17] 8a6b6, Randen Farr : *frowns at this* I did not know.....perhaps I shall have to pay dear "Laughing" Jack a dare he keep something like that from me... *reaches up to smooth back some of her hair*
[20-10:19] 4c42f, Riley: * tries ever so hard not to flinch back and amazingly doesnt is she getting over this squimishness? not likely but doesnt want to give him the satisfaction * I will go if you wish to dress for your meeting
[20-10:22] 8a6b6, Randen Farr : It is barely mid-morning...there is time enough to be comfortable...*and as he smoothes her hair back from her face, his eyes lock on hers, and a slow smile spreads across his features as his hand trails now over her cheek before falling away from her*
[20-10:22] 4c42f, Riley: Well then I will be on my way then....
[20-10:24] 8a6b6, Randen Farr : Besides...I need my voice to speak for me...*his eyes continue to stare into hers a long moment, almost as if he were enjoying her squeamishness*
[20-10:28] 4c42f, Riley: * is finding a bit more strength she stares up into him now* Very well
[20-10:30] 8a6b6, Randen Farr : You're upset about something...tell me...what is it Riley? *leans in towards her, his lips a breath away from hers*
[20-10:31] 4c42f, Riley: It's nothing..
[20-10:32] 4c42f, Riley: (( naughty chat))
[20-10:33] 8a6b6, Randen Farr : ((WTF?))
[20-10:34] 8a6b6, Randen Farr : You're lying to me Riley....*his lips actually brush against hers with a feather's touch before he pulls back slightly* Tell me what it is...
[20-10:35] 4c42f, Riley: * presses her hands to his chest to push back a bit more from him * You could have atleast dressed after your 'sport'
[20-10:38] 8a6b6, Randen Farr : *he chuckles as she pushes back from him* Sport? Do not tell me you are jealous my dear, sweet Riley...*smirks devilishly at her a moment* It matters not as there was as you put it... I had just woken up...
[20-10:38] 4c42f, Riley: jealous
[20-10:39] 4c42f, Riley: * beats enter key* Jealous?you must be joking.... what is there to be jealous of ?
[20-10:40] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[20-10:40] 8a6b6, Randen Farr : It is written all over your eyes my dear...
[20-10:42] 4c42f, Riley: * blinks* I dont know what you are talking about * letting her personal glamour rise a bit to where her eyes are a smokey blue instead of her normal *
[20-10:44] 8a6b6, Randen Farr : Riley...I have known you your entire life...*brushes a hand across her cheek* You could no more lie to me than you could lie to the Gods... *lets his tone drop half a measure to the teasingly alluring*
[20-10:46] 4c42f, Riley: I am not jealous Randen... I have no cause to be jealous... perhaps it is you who wants me to be jealous
[20-10:47] 8a6b6, Randen Farr : Who are you trying to convince Or you? *leans in and presses his lips to hers in just the faintest way possible before pulling away completely from her*
[20-10:48] 4c42f, Riley: * shudders as he turns away ...damn him... it isnt supposed to be like this *
[20-10:48] 4c42f, Riley: * mutters* if it wasnt for that stupid bet
[20-10:50] 8a6b6, Randen Farr : A bet you proposed mind you....*he leans down searching through his wardrobe and pulls out a tunic the same color as pooled blood and then begins unclasping his cloak from around him* And then decided to take farther...
[20-10:52] 4c42f, Riley: Would you have let me back out of it?
[20-10:52] 4c42f, Riley: You knew what the prize was... you could have bargined for something else
[20-10:53] 8a6b6, Randen Farr : Yes... I would have... *slips the on before tucking it into his black pants and then reclasping the cloak around his neck and shoulders*
[20-10:54] 4c42f, Riley: * stares holes into him * But still you let me ......* growls and flings his door open and slams it making her way to her own chambers*
[20-10:55] 8a6b6, Randen Farr : *smirks and continues dressing before pulling the hood over his head and makes his way to her chambers*
[20-10:56] 4c42f, Riley: * locks her chamber's door muttering and cursing herself for being so stupid*
[20-10:57] JOIN: Veronica Kaelir has entered.
[20-10:57] 8a6b6, Randen Farr : *knows she would have locked her door so as he approaches it, he kneels before the lock and begins picking it with his lockpicks*
[20-10:58] 4c42f, Riley: * considered warding the doors but didnt ... she sits at her desk 'killing' it with a dagger*
[20-11:00] 8a6b6, Randen Farr : *and with that familiar click he smiles beneath the hood...he knows he has picked the lock...and then he begins to slowly, soundlessly open her door, knowing she's killing her desk with a dagger...he opens it just enough for him to slip in...and once in he silently slips the door closed and then presses himself into the shadows of the room, melting into them as if he were made of them*
[20-11:01] e05e9, Veronica Kaelir: *She straightens the silky knee-length skirt, tying it off into a knot that hangs low on her pelvis. She needed an alibi, someone to ensure that she wouldn't spend the next few weeks in a prison for theft. Her boots are heavy black leather with metal shinguards and a vast array of buckled straps. Her top is a simple lavender commoner's shirt tied off just above her midriff. Two large hoop earrings adorn the lobe of her either ear, and from her exotic jewelry, it isn't difficult to recognize her as a gypsy*
[20-11:01] 4c42f, Riley: * grasps the dagger and throws it at the wall not knowing he is there*
[20-11:02] e05e9, Veronica Kaelir: *She posesses a dancer's physique, lithe and acrobatic. She may be a performer. Whatever she is, she looks harmless. Her hair is an unnatural shade of platinum silver, her lips tainted to an ivory white. Probably from lipstick, though it never seems to smudge*
[20-11:02] 8a6b6, Randen Farr : *slips just aside of the dagger...that was a little too close for comfort and in a soft, alluring and yet teasing voice he whispers out* Your aim needs improvement Riley...
[20-11:03] 4c42f, Riley: * growls softly* had I known you were there I wouldnt have missed....
[20-11:04] e05e9, Veronica Kaelir: *The low-hanging skirt she wears is slit widely up one side, composed mainly of black material. Her hair is chinlength, and a silver bracer is worn on her either forearm. An armlet encircles the circumference of her left bicep, but aside from all of that, she really looks penniless*
[20-11:04] 8a6b6, Randen Farr : *steps out of the shadows now, fully behind her, his hands resting upon her shoulders, kneading them, working out any tensity that might be there* Now now...such harsh words....surely you do not mean them...
[20-11:05] e05e9, Veronica Kaelir: *She fastens a black feather to one braided strand of hair, giving an amicable wave to two men. Their icy hostility towards one another wasn't quite apparent, but she picked it up*
[20-11:06] 4c42f, Riley: But I do.... * the tension being released from her shoulders* I hate this Randen...
[20-11:06] e05e9, Veronica Kaelir: *She passes a man giving a woman a shoulder rub. Oh, how she wanted one...She could use it. The past few days had been strenuous*
[20-11:06] 8a6b6, Randen Farr : Hate what my dear? *continues kneading his fingers into the soft skin of her shoulders and then moves down her arms in a similar fashion*
[20-11:08] 4c42f, Riley: One bet... one night and everything has been turned upside down
[20-11:09] e05e9, Veronica Kaelir: *She takes a seat at an empty glossed wooden table, crossing one leg over the other tightly at the thigh. A concealed dagger can be seen within the loop of a garter that encircles the shapely circumference of her left thigh*
[20-11:09] 8a6b6, Randen Farr : *continues his attentions is getting her to loosen up hopefully* Regrets?
[20-11:10] e05e9, Veronica Kaelir: *She flirtatiously waves towards the man giving a backrub* Hey, honey. Can I get one next?
[20-11:10] e05e9, Veronica Kaelir: *Hoping she hadn't made a faux pas, and that he wasn't her boyfriend, she bites her lip. She didn't want to get beaten up tonight by a territorial woman defending her man*
[20-11:10] 8a6b6, Randen Farr : ((they're not in a public area Ronica sorreh))
[20-11:11] 8a6b6, Randen Farr : ((though Randen WOULD give her one...*shifty eyes*))
[20-11:11] 4c42f, Riley: No.... and yes....
[20-11:11] e05e9, Veronica Kaelir: (Oh, sorry ...Retract my posts then. I'll just sit in the tavern until you come around)
[20-11:13] 8a6b6, Randen Farr : ((NP *petpets*)) *smirks* Such an indecisive creature....*leans his head around hers and places a soft kiss on her forehead* It isnt because..*drops off a moment, figureing she'd catch his meaning*
[20-11:14] 4c42f, Riley: For the love of the goddess no.... NO.....
[20-11:17] 8a6b6, Randen Farr : Good...though were it so I would have done the...honorable thing...
[20-11:18] JOIN: Squirrel has entered.
[20-11:18] 92794, Squirrel : Mwehehehe
[20-11:18] JOIN: Roki has entered.
[20-11:18] 4c42f, Riley: * nods gently* Well you have no need to
[20-11:20] 8a6b6, Randen Farr : *nods and again plants a kiss on her forehead before melting back into the shadows, and if he has left she might not know just yet*
[20-11:21] e05e9, Veronica Kaelir: *After a smooth ale, she leaves without paying, subtly wandering out the back entrance and into a narrow alleyway. The streets were crowded and easy enough to dissapear into, even for one of her unique looks. The houses she had robbed were all looted, the valuables having been returned to the caravan for dispersal at a later point. All she needed now was to find a safe enough place to enjoy herself for an hour or two*
[20-11:21] 92794, Squirrel : Veronica - Need a color?
[20-11:22] 4c42f, Riley: * she moves from her desk to her chaise before collapsing onto it speaking softly to herself * Dont do this Riley.... its not worth it
[20-11:26] 4c42f, Riley: * still to herself* It just not worth it.... * gets up for a moment and goes to her desk coming to a drawer she opens it going to its hidden bottom pulling a few things out from her childhood *
[20-11:26] 8a6b6, Randen Farr : Ah but it is will see... *drapes a small, very very rare flower over her cheek before placing it with her and then moving out the door*
[20-11:27] e05e9, Veronica Kaelir: (back from afk)
[20-11:28] 92794, Squirrel : Do you need a color? Because I've got a color chart here for ya...
[20-11:28] 4c42f, Riley: * just stares at the flower for a moment before turning to watch him go.... is it possible.... has she gotten to him as much as he her after all these years?(
[20-11:28] e05e9, Veronica Kaelir: *Normally to make a living, she had danced at any number of seedy clubs and taverns. Working with the bards to extract coin or fanners from the crowd as fast as possible. For now, she was just hoping to avoid the authorities*
[20-11:28] e05e9, Veronica Kaelir: (Sure, I could use one)
[20-11:29] 92794, Squirrel :
[20-11:29] 8a6b6, Randen Farr : *possible it is...if it is...who knows...he is gone for the moment though*
[20-11:31] e05e9, Veronica Kaelir: (Thank you so very much)
[20-11:32] 92794, Squirrel : No problem
[20-11:34] e05e9, Veronica Kaelir: *Aside from stripping, she read palms and tarot, occasionally working the crowd in any number of elaborate con-works. Her talent for acrobatics and contortionism opened up a new business however recently, when a drow friend of hers taught her how to scale buildings*
[20-11:35] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[20-11:36] 92794, Squirrel : stripper? wot?
[20-11:37] MSG: Randen Farr sent a message to Squirrel.
[20-11:37] 92794, Squirrel : *ROFL*
[20-11:38] e05e9, Veronica Kaelir: (Grar, what was the message?)
[20-11:39] 92794, Squirrel : Hehehe
[20-11:39] 8a6b6, Randen Farr : ((Nothing important))
[20-11:40] e05e9, Veronica Kaelir: (Gonna make me paranoid)
[20-11:40] MSG: Randen Farr sent a message to Squirrel.
[20-11:41]       Squirrel sage Randen Farr Wot?
[20-11:41] MSG: Squirrel tried to message Msg Randen Farr What (not registered).
[20-11:41] 92794, Squirrel : Son of a
[20-11:41] 92794, Squirrel : What?
[20-11:42] e05e9, Veronica Kaelir: (Be back in about 10 minutes, phone call)
[20-11:42] MSG: Randen Farr sent a message to Squirrel.
[20-11:43] 92794, Squirrel : Oh, *L*
[20-11:43] 8a6b6, Randen Farr : ((*ish evil*))
[20-11:44] 92794, Squirrel : hah
[20-11:46] 8a6b6, Randen Farr : ((*put Coconut Jello mix in his Priest's Baptismal Font as a practical joke*))
[20-11:47] 92794, Squirrel : ....
[20-11:48] 8a6b6, Randen Farr : ((funny thing set...))
[20-11:48] 92794, Squirrel : *L*
[20-11:49] fd077, Mab : LOL
[20-11:50] 8a6b6, Palladia Mors : Father John was not happy with me...he somehow KNEW it was me....
[20-11:59] fd077, Meg Alayas : *so, anyways, explored Janaris, flying their the hard way, not trusting its portal after the last time, flew back to Ruapenchi, and then went back home through the portal and rested the night and is now coming back through the portal heading to Ruapenchi again. She is in search of two things right now, one is her missing 'friend' Darius, and the other is the keymaster who she hopes will have some answers she is looking for. The last time she saw the keymaster or heard reports of his sitings was in Rua----
[20-12:00] fd077, Meg Alayas : ---and so she's going there now. She steps inside the Fairy Ring and says the correct words* Just one little light in the darkness. Glimmering Inn. *she then takes a step into the portal that forms within the ring.*
[20-12:01] fd077, Meg Alayas : flying their = flying there
[20-12:01] 4cfe0, Khaes: *Nudge portal pathway* *Cackle*
[20-12:06] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 12:35pm, January 20 (CST) ).
[20-12:07] fd077, Meg Alayas : *comes out not at the Glimmering Inn portal, but where a portal should not exist, at least not a 'stable' portal. looks around in alarm and astonishment. She has never had a portal mess up before unless she has messed up. She is quite certain she did everything right*
[20-12:09] EXIT: Squirrel has left the chat ( 12:48pm, January 20 (CST) ).
[20-12:09] fd077, Meg Alayas : *she did note that something seemed to brush against her as she passed through, something wasn't quite right. She looks around. Some rocky hills and some fields. She is still in the right kind of terrain for Rua, but not in the city.*
[20-12:10] fd077, Meg Alayas : *few trees about of a twisted bark variety and semi coniferous style*
[20-12:11] 8bef8, Roki: aww...she didnt come out in Siberia :-(
[20-12:11] fd077, Meg Alayas : (())
[20-12:12] fd077, Meg Alayas : *trees like giant bonsai types that often grow along coastal regions and further inland of them*
[20-12:13] 4cfe0, Khalek the Changer : The infamous Queen of the Fae... *States a voice from above Meg, a steel disc conveying an iron-clad humanoid over Meg, slowly lowering its master towards the ground before the Fae.*
[20-12:14] fd077, Meg Alayas : ((Let's lose the icon for now until I can fix it. *L* ))
[20-12:17] fd077, Meg Alayas : *looks up startled and eyes widen.* You... *kinda has the impression he is responsible for Janaris, flashes of images and impressions she'd gotten from that scene. She backs away from him, nervous.*
[20-12:20] 4cfe0, Khalek the Changer: *Two purple tentacles poke from beyond the shield grappled onto his arm - its eye of Khaes recognisable as being one of the carvings upon the Janaris victim foreheads.* Me *Hovers just a few feet above the ground now, the horned visage staring down upon the fragile fae. Is quite dominating.*
[20-12:20] 8bef8, Morgul the Lich King: ((i wanna plllaaaayyyy toooooooo *weep*))
[20-12:22] JOIN: ladycrowe has entered.
[20-12:23] fd077, Meg Alayas : *shrinks back a bit, intimidated. Doesn't know the level of his power, afterall and he's scary* Why am I here? *concerned tone, not shakey, but fear evident*
[20-12:25] 4cfe0, Khalek the Changer: To Change *Speaks with utter coldness, as if he was an iceburg. Yet his voice is not constant, there are tiny echoes - as if a million voices are repeating what it says with microscopic delay*
[20-12:27] fd077, Meg Alayas : We are constantly changing. However, do not expect me to change in any way you prefer. *boyes (spell?) up her courage some, but still backs up another step*
[20-12:28] 4cfe0, Khalek the Changer: Your change is inevitable. Everything will go according to my masters wishes and prophecies *The disc begins to move forward, as his free gauntletted hand grips the pommel of his sword.*
[20-12:31] fd077, Meg Alayas : *Oh good, generally, Mab is unarmed, because she can't very well carry a sword or such when she shrinks in size* Prophecies have a way of being altered or misread. *backs up to match his advance*
[20-12:34] 4cfe0, Khalek the Changer: *Slowly draws his sword, the enscrolled iron making that 'shiink' sound as it is pulled free. Does this slowly however. Very slowy.* Not when you are the one creating them. Not when you are a God. *Chuckles, the sound as if from a coven of mages rather than one.*
[20-12:38] fd077, Meg Alayas : Well, your "god" is having delusions of granduer, I suspect. *backs up some more*
[20-12:40] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[20-12:40] 4cfe0, Khalek the Changer: Janaris is merely the first step... *Sneers, the disc easily conveying him forward to match her speed* Soon Bettenchi will feel the tread of Him once more and be forever bound in His service. The Wardens have failed, Queen of the Fae. Failed in their ageless task. Lord Ciaran will be pleased
[20-12:45] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[20-12:45] 74d1f, Kali: *Rises from her throne and moves to a wide door leading to a balcony, aggitation mounting. Large volumnous skirts hank low on her hips, tight shirt showing her midriff and enhancing her.. other curves. Frowns. Nothing seems to please her recently. Not the finest fabrics or, strangely enough, the breaking of slaves. It's like she's missing something... Trails a hand idly over the rough stone, looking out upon her city. Eyes distant*
[20-12:46] fd077, Meg Alayas : *knows the name Ciaran from legend. Swallows hard. Ceases backing up only if he ceases his advance*
[20-12:46] 74d1f, Kali: * >_< hank=hang*
[20-12:49] 4cfe0, Khalek the Changer: *His shield now moves as the hand beyond it crushes a warped piece of wood.* Kha'I'aqshy *Gestures with the wood, letting its brittle pieces drop like dust towards the ground in a circular manner. Seeks to cast a Conflagration of Khaes - yet an adaption - to surround him and Meg within a large ring of fire*
[20-12:54] fd077, Meg Alayas : *feels those darn magics happening. Her wings are not manifested at this time. She concentrates, but does not work to disrupt his efforts, instead seeks to put up a shield around herself. Drawback of this shield is she can't effect magic outside it. It is invisible*
[20-12:55] 74d1f, Kali : *She stops for a bit, looking up into the sky. Both palms resting on the stone now, the roughness of it an interesting sensation to her soft hands. A pair of rich brown eyes invade her thoughts, causing her lips to curl up in delight. She shouldn't have let him go... she should have kept him and made him her pet. Such a pretty pet he would have made, too...*
[20-12:58] fd077, Meg Alayas : *not wearing her darn magic shift dress either. doh! If she shrinks she loses her clothes. Needless to say, she wishes to avoid that move.*
[20-12:58] 4cfe0, Khalek the Changer: *Multicoloured fire springs forth from the ground - surrounding them in a technocoloured ring. The flames are quite obviously magical in nature, able to even bypass fire resistance since it's not 'true fire'. Misshaped things waiver in and out of the flames - leering faces, incadescent babble - as if they are both surrounded by the pits of Hell itself.* There is no escape. Your alliegence with the Wardens has doomed you and your kingdom. *Keeps the sword lowered at his side, shield moving off (cont)*
[20-12:58] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[20-13:00] 74d1f, Kali : *She frowns momentarily before remembering to smooth her features. Frowning causes the bad wrinkles... That is interesting... excitment at just the thought of her pretty. Normally she is the one who haunts the dreams of others. Her breath quickens a bit at the memory of his kiss... the kiss of a man taking what he wants rather than simply taking what he is given. Flawless brow creases again as she slaps the cool stone. She will not act like some ninny over a little man*
[20-13:00] 4cfe0, Khalek the Changer: *to the side as he gestures with outstretched fingers* Cysha'I'aqshy *If this gets off, his hand would be like a flamethrower - a cone of pink leaping flames seeping forth from his fingers towards Meg.*
[20-13:04] fd077, Meg Alayas : *well, this is a very special shield. mehehehe. There is a reason it does not allow her to effect magic outside it. It is because it is countering magic. It disrupts the flows of magic immedietely around her and veers them off. Inside, she can work magic, but what good does that generally do? She cannot reach out beyond her shield so long as she has it up. His flames would flow around her in a spectacular display, but not touch her* Perhaps you underestimate the power of the Wardens.
[20-13:06] 74d1f, Kali : *Determined now she turns and moves back into the throne room, her saunter showing a bit of her exitement. She will catch him again, plans be damned... she can always find someone else to spy for her. She will catch him and she will break him. Moves from the throne room with purpose. Will check on the progress of her paladin's training. Smiles cruelly. End Cameo o/*
[20-13:08] 4cfe0, Khalek the Changer: *Indigo eyes blaze from his horned helm at her as the pink fire sweeps over an invisible bubble.* They will fall, just like all in opposition to the Lord of Chaos. *Reaches out into the ebb of magic, attempting to find the strands of magic that bind this sphere of dispellment together. Wants to rip it apart.*
[20-13:08] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[20-13:09] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[20-13:11] fd077, Meg Alayas : *feels his efforts and redoubles her own, adrenaline fueling the alertness of her mind* Well, your lord of chaos sure thinks a lot of himself, now doesn't he. *her straining and concentration is evident on her face*
[20-13:14] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[20-13:14] 4cfe0, Khalek the Changer: *Quite happily lets her pour effort into keeping the spell intact and in use. Trailing orange fire, the spiked disc moves him forward startingly fast - bringing the eyed shield down to bat at Meg - or rather the magical shield itself. Gobble gobble.*
[20-13:20] fd077, Meg Alayas : *gasps and backs away, looking behind her to see the wall of multi colored flames.*
[20-13:20] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[20-13:21] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[20-13:21] 4cfe0, Khalek the Changer: *And upon that risky move to look behind he the disc moves forward again, right hand bringing his rune-encrusted sword around to slash at her hip.*
[20-13:26] fd077, Meg Alayas : *ducks and rolls under his disc and to the side a little, the sword catching the fabric of her gown.*
[20-13:28] fd077, Meg Alayas : ((*deciphers french so she knows how to cook this darn pizza*))
[20-13:29] 4cfe0, Khalek the Changer: *It rips quite easily through the fabric - and its teared edges begin to warp and shift into different colours - and even material. Possibly human flesh. The disc spins, tilting down slightly as if to catch her upon its bloodied spikes. Failing that, would lash out again with the Sword of Change.*
[20-13:29] 4cfe0, Khalek the Changer: *Thats the fabric warping, not the sword*
[20-13:34] fd077, Meg Alayas : Aaah! *as she notices the dress changing oddly. Doesn't trust that. In alarm and with no other choice, as far as she can see, she shrinks out of the dress, flying in a glowing ball. Luckily, this also causes her to be missed by the disc that she didn't see coming as she was being alarmed by the dress. She flies upward even as she shrinks and barely be missed by the swing of his sword that followed or accompanied the charge of his disc. Great, she knew she should have worn her shift, but she had been--
[20-13:36] fd077, Meg Alayas : --planning to move about town and it is rather scandalous for that. Plus, in this case, it was lucky she didn't, because her attire got hit by his sword instead of her, which clues her in to what his sword can do* That's a rather nasty blade you have there. *brave remark from a very frightened fairy*
[20-13:38] 4cfe0, Khalek the Changer: *Glances up at the 'ball' that is now Meg, muttering another ancient word as he points a finger towards it. Three raw green missiles burst forth from his fingertips - their intent to strike and hurt Meg quite muchly. The disc rises to bring him back within striking range..*
[20-13:38] JOIN: Mariasha has entered.
[20-13:40] EXIT: Mariasha has left the chat ( 2:38pm, January 20 (CST) ).
[20-13:42] fd077, Meg Alayas : *is just a little thing now, about the size of a rabbit. She sees the green missiles coming at her and skims between two of them, shrinking more as she does so to ensure she is missed by them, but gets brushed by one and cries in pain, kinda like getting scalded a litte along her one arm*
[20-13:45] c39b4, Royo:
[20-13:45] 4cfe0, Khalek the Changer: *The other two green missiles that missed swerve back to hit her - they are unerringly accurate and focussed - only her sudden shrinking made them miss the first time around. Khalek meanwhile laughs, a dark sound booming between the raging fires around them.* Neth Qhaysh'pha *The free hand gestures in a triangle as he begins to draw eddies of power towards him. Favour of Khaes*
[20-13:45] fd077, Meg Alayas : ((Outside the kingdom of Ruapenchi in some wilderness or urban farm area))
[20-13:47] 4cfe0, Khalek the Changer: ((Same as Meg obviously ))
[20-13:48] fd077, Meg Alayas : *she feels them coming back at her and redirects the flow of magic around them to again send them off course and hopefully dissipate*
[20-13:49] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 2:21pm, January 20 (CST) ).
[20-13:49] JOIN: Zamil has entered.
[20-13:50] fd077, Meg Alayas : *as one can guess, most of Meg's magic is defensive and restorative in nature*
[20-13:51] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[20-13:51] 4cfe0, Khalek the Changer: *They dissappate, dispelled by her actions and lack of real concentration from Khalek anymore. This only allows him to unleash the Favour of Khaes unto a new spell.* Cysha'I'aqshy *Once again, pink flames forming to splutter on his fingers and be unleashed like a flamethrower upon Meg. Yet this time, the spell is much more powerful than before.*
[20-13:54] fd077, Meg Alayas : *attempts to throw up her shield again, but even with that, the flames still get through and burn her some, her wings taking the worst and she falls to the ground in a sudden, unexpected drop*
[20-13:56] 8bef8, Horatio the Bard : *sits on a rock around the meager firepit.. a poker stick in hand.. watching the fire and all that...*
[20-13:59] 4cfe0, Khalek the Changer: *The Indigo eyes within his helm blaze with fiery conviction as he lowers back down towards her, keeping on top of things so to speak. Stabs the Ruinous sword forwards, intending to impale her or at least pin her onto the ground.*
[20-13:59] 74d1f, Naemyr : *Walks back into the campsite, all clean and fresh, short black hair still dripping* The pond is free if you wish to bathe now *Shakes some of the water from her hair*
[20-14:00] fd077, Meg Alayas : *considering that she is the size of a small bird now, she rolls to one side avoiding his blade and groaning in pain. she sends up a magic missile at his face, mostly to distract him*
[20-14:00] 8bef8, Horatio the Bard : *looks up at her, nodding* I'll get to it in a bit.... or do I realy smell that bad? *quirks a brow...a ghost of a smirk on his features*
[20-14:02] 74d1f, Naemyr : *Almost smiled at that* You smell fine... it's the dirt you should be thinking about.
[20-14:03] 8bef8, Horatio the Bard : Why's that ? I never knew dirt was dangerous....
[20-14:03] fd077, Meg Alayas : ((He stinks. Jjust tell him the truth))
[20-14:04] fd077, Meg Alayas : *btw, her spells and their potency are not affected by her size. Just a little note*
[20-14:04] 8bef8, Horatio the Bard : ((*smacks Mab upside the head with a mackeral*))
[20-14:05] fd077, Meg Alayas : (())
[20-14:05] 74d1f, Naemyr : *Eyes him, not saying a word* ((*steals mackeral before any smacking can be done*))
[20-14:05] 4cfe0, Khalek the Changer: *Brings the shield up, the missile impacting upon the piece of equipment and causing the eye to glow with an inner orange fire...*
[20-14:05] 4cfe0, Khaes: * so....*
[20-14:06] 8bef8, Horatio the Bard : *looks away when she eyes him*.. Sorry.
[20-14:06] 4cfe0, Khalek the Changer: *...then as if in a nightmare for her, the missile shoots back forth from the shield back towards her. All of this accompanied by his dark laughter*
[20-14:08] fd077, Meg Alayas : *while he's using his scary shield, she grows a little, and runs under his disc, the missile she sent hot on her heels, she easily dispels it, considering what it is, like flicking away a fly. It served it's purpose of buying her time. She is again the size of a rabbit. Her wings disappear for now until they can recover in a bit*
[20-14:10] fd077, Meg Alayas : it's = ist
[20-14:10] fd077, Meg Alayas : er it's = its
[20-14:11] 4cfe0, Khalek the Changer: *And down comes the disc to squash her, spinning around to help the friction of a crush but also to bring him around to slash out at her with the sword once more if she escaped the disc's clutches* It is pointless to resist the inevitable!
[20-14:12] 74d1f, Naemyr : *Nods* Good. *That settled she sits down, avoiding a puddle. Rained recently, though for the most part things are dry... maybe a few puddles here and there...* So when do we see this city?
[20-14:12] fd077, Meg Alayas : *and lo, there is a convenient rabbit hole, as is to be expected in a place like this. She scurries down it as the disc comes down. Now, he probably thinks he squished her.*L
[20-14:14] 8bef8, Horatio the Bard : It'll be a while...we're still some distance away...
[20-14:15] 4cfe0, Khalek the Changer: *Didn't feel the satisfying crunch of bones and there are no spurts of blood or mess. Lifts the disc again - eyes travelling across the ground until he spots the rabbit hole. If he could smirk, he would now. The ring of fire disappates as he ceases the spell, drawing its magic around him as he gestures and speaks out a word to spew forth the pink magical fire right down into the rabbit hole and to travel throughout the warrens. Poor innocent rabbits!*
[20-14:15] 74d1f, Naemyr : *Nods again* And is there anything else I should know?
[20-14:16] 8bef8, Horatio the Bard : Alot...but some of it you'll have to learn from experiance.
[20-14:17] 74d1f, Naemyr : *Yes, like the crowds... it'll be interesting to see her first time in a packed market.... heheheh...* Like what? *Looks idly around for Nuala, noting the cat is off on her own*
[20-14:19] 8bef8, Horatio the Bard : The crowds for one... have you ever been packed in amongst so people so tightly you cant move an inch ? The cell i rescued you from is spacious in comparison to the noon market rush...
[20-14:19] fd077, Meg Alayas : *and fortunately, about this time, she is emerging from another hole a little ways off. Poor rabbits indeed, except it turned out to be a large snake hole and that snake was hot on her trail, but got caught up in the fires. She hides behind a rock, hoping she wasn't spotted*
[20-14:20] 74d1f, Naemyr : *Totally doesn't believe him, but her expression does not convey this* What else?
[20-14:20] 4cfe0, Khalek the Changer: *And begins to pour continuous magical fire down into the different holes and warrens nearby. Killing lots and lots of innocent animals. The underground warrens a raging inferno*
[20-14:21] 8bef8, Horatio the Bard : .... Are you sure you're going to be ready for the city ? Its very very different from what you're used to...espeicaly since you've never been to one.
[20-14:21] 4cfe0, Khalek the Changer: *Pink flames burst out the hole from which Meg made her exit - the stink of burning flesh within the air*
[20-14:22] 74d1f, Naemyr : *Holds her head with pride* I am ready for anything.
[20-14:23] 8bef8, Horatio the Bard : *-_-'*.... pride set aside... are you sure ?
[20-14:24] 74d1f, Naemyr : *Looks at him like he's crazy* Of course I'm sure... I wouldn't have said it otherwise!
[20-14:24] fd077, Meg Alayas : *wrinkles her nose as she hides behind her rock*
[20-14:25] fd077, Meg Alayas : *also takes this time to restore herself some, but that's a lot more difficult than fixing someone else*
[20-14:25] 8bef8, Horatio the Bard : Alright.... alright...calm down *light sigh*.... this is going to be interesting *more to himself*
[20-14:28] fd077, Meg Alayas : *oh, and douses her glow, of course*
[20-14:28] JOIN: Liz has entered.
[20-14:29] 74d1f, Naemyr : *Eyes him a little more... choosing to ignore his last comment*
[20-14:29] 4cfe0, Khalek the Changer: *Soon grows bored of this, having achieved his objectives. Glances around before sheathing his sword and rising back up into the sky. Zooms away. Gone*
[20-14:30] JOIN: R has entered.
[20-14:30] 8bef8, Horatio the Bard : *looks away again when she eyes him... jabs his stick at the fire a bit, rousing it a little*
[20-14:31] fd077, Meg Alayas : *his objective was to scare the dress off Mab*
[20-14:32] 74d1f, Naemyr : *Good, he's learning his place. Smug little smile as she gets some leftover meat from last night and begins to nibble on it*
[20-14:34] fd077, Meg Alayas : *slides down the rock she's leaning against, after watching him leave. shudders a while and restores herself, then flies straight up until she is high enough to see where she is, air thin*
[20-14:36] 8bef8, Horatio the Bard : *if she thinks he's going to call her Mistress or anything..she's got another thing commin !* We should get going...we've still got a ways to travel.. dangerous paths lay ahead of us
[20-14:37] fd077, Meg Alayas : *sees Rua off in the distance and shoots back down toward the ground again. sees her dress looking all weird and stuff and uses a simple cantrip to burn it, then shoots for Rua*
[20-14:37] JOIN: Conall has entered.
[20-14:38] 7725b, Conall : *In the early morning, Conall had slipped out of the room to attend to morning business, discussions with the king and so forth, leaving Mierka alone.*
[20-14:38] 7725b, Conall : ((pleh))
[20-14:40] b6a12, Mierka : *she slowly stirs, turning over and bringing much of the covers with her, not wanting to wake up...afraid that the bed is a dream and she'll wake up back in her cell*
[20-14:40] fd077, Meg Alayas : *flying for Ruapenchi. dumdeedum*
[20-14:40] 74d1f, Naemyr : *It would not do for someone to call her mistress... that's just not her schtick.. that's somoene else's* *Points a piece of cold meat at him like a dagger* You still need to bathe. *With that she gets up and moves to retrieve her weapons. Stands. Turns. Slips. Lands on her back right in that puddle she avoided earlier. Curses*
[20-14:40] JOIN: R has entered.
[20-14:40] 7725b, King Narmotur : *could so turn things into a nightmare for Mierka... cackles*
[20-14:42] fd077, Meg Alayas : *and, you know, flies*
[20-14:42] 7725b, Conall : *attends to stuff*
[20-14:43] 8bef8, Horatio the Bard : *..... bursts out laughing at her... acually points the poker stick at her as he heaves with laughter...and falls off his rock.. avoiding a puddle o/*
[20-14:45] b6a12, Mierka : *opens her eyes and stretches, looking over, notcing that the comforting presense of Conall is gone. She sighs and sits up, running a hand through her black hair, grimacing at the feel of it. Usually her normal dirty state did'nt bother her...but in a room like this..*
[20-14:45] 74d1f, Naemyr : *OH, that does it. Turns so she's kneeling in the puddle, grabs a nice big sopping wet handful of goop and tosses it at him. He should be easy to hit as he's laying on the ground laughing. Whether she misses or not she'll continue to throw mud balls at him*
[20-14:47] fd077, Meg Alayas : *still flying*
[20-14:48] JOIN: Tarnis Catadon has entered.
[20-14:49] fd077, Meg Alayas : *aaaand flies still*
[20-14:50] 7725b, Conall : *The door to Mierka's room would open, A servent women would enter with a platter of food.* Good morning m'lady *her tone is quite reserved*
[20-14:50] 8bef8, Horatio the Bard : Hey ! *smush ! roight in the face !.... glowers...then wipes the mud off his face... looks over at the puddle and crafts himself a mud ball of his own... and chucks it right back at her ! hahaha !*
[20-14:51] fd077, Meg Alayas : *you guessed it, still flying*
[20-14:51] b6a12, Mierka : *blinks and shakes her head* I'm not a me Mierka. *slips out of bed to help her with the platter*
[20-14:53] 7725b, Conall : *The women just nods slightly, smiling faintly at the help she receives, setting the platter down on a table in the center of the room.* Shall there be anything else M'lady?
[20-14:53] 94c70, Z: *wants the steroids Meg uses to have that kind of stamina*
[20-14:53] 74d1f, Naemyr : *Sqeals as his mud ball glances off her forhead. OMG... did she just... squeal? Continues tossing mud with gusto, a grin crossing her face as she attempts to hit him yet again*
[20-14:54] 7725b, R : *pokes around-
[20-14:54] 66646, Guien Ventorrell : **opens a portal stepping out he is within Ruapenchi he stands cloaked completely his hood up fending off the sun his eyes searching the area**
[20-14:54] fd077, Meg Alayas : *well, she's not that far from Ruapenchi. hehe. flies still*
[20-14:55] 8bef8, Horatio the Bard : *grabs another mud ball..rolling through the puddle to avoid the incomming.. as he comes up.. he chucks the ball....and lands right in another puddle..albeit closer to her*
[20-14:55] b6a12, Mierka : *shakes her head at the M'Lady* Mierka. I don't suppose...would it be possible that I have a bath?
[20-14:55] fd077, Meg Alayas :
[20-14:57] 8bef8, Horatio the Bard : ((in the wild with Naemyr.. mud wrestling))
[20-14:57] 66646, Guien Ventorrell : (( ruapenchi in a park near glimmering in))
[20-14:58] 94c70, Artanis : *While Mierka is getting the Nobility treatment, she is still laying on the floor where she had been left the day before. She had since lost track of time having passed in and out of unconsciousness.*
[20-14:58] 7725b, Conall : *The women nods.* yes M'lady, I will start on that right away.
[20-14:59] 74d1f, Naemyr : *Laughs a little as his mud ball hits her right shoulder. Takes up more mud and tosses it his way before preparing to tackle him right into the mud*
[20-15:00] b6a12, Mierka : *smiles gratefully* Thank you
[20-15:00] 66646, Guien Ventorrell : ((wha is meg?))
[20-15:00]       King Narmotur is evil
[20-15:00] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[20-15:00] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[20-15:01] 7725b, Conall : *bows slightly before scooting off to begin heating the water then bringing it in to fill the tub-
[20-15:01] 8bef8, Horatio the Bard : *splat ! that one hits the back of his head... oh no more mercy...grabs a huge hunk of mud with both hands and tosses it her way .. a bit hapazardly of course*
[20-15:01] JOIN: AdrianGoldenmoon has entered.
[20-15:02] b6a12, Mierka : (( Hey!!! *tackles Adrian* ))
[20-15:02] 66646, Guien Ventorrell : ((thats a hot pic adriean))
[20-15:02] b6a12, Mierka : *as she waits, she starts eating, savouring the food*
[20-15:03] JOIN: Mariasha has entered.
[20-15:03] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( ::falls:: hi... and ty )
[20-15:03] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( dont stalk me ::bonks Mari:: )
[20-15:03] c39b4, Mariasha: (*beats everyone away from Dri*)
[20-15:04] 4cfe0, V: Is Adrian male or female :/
[20-15:04] c39b4, Mariasha: (I'm not ^^ I was just about to leave, noticed ya on, thought I'd come and beat everyone away and say buh byes ^^ )
[20-15:04] 7725b, Conall : *After awhile, she returns with a few more servents, first filling up the tub with hot water, and yes providing soap, towls and a change of clothes.*
[20-15:04] c39b4, Mariasha: (None of your busniess *smashes V with a rock*)
[20-15:04] 66646, Guien Ventorrell : (( i assumed female i hope female))
[20-15:05] c39b4, Mariasha: (*batters Guien as well*)
[20-15:05] b6a12, Mierka : *watches them* Thank you
[20-15:06] 66646, Guien Ventorrell : ((**battered**))
[20-15:06] c39b4, Mariasha: (okie, time fer me to go ^^ *waves* buh byes all)
[20-15:07] 74d1f, Naemyr : *Ha! Uses the prepared tackle tactic to avoid said mud ball, then continues with the tackle. If successfull she'll try to get him very muddy*
[20-15:07] EXIT: Mariasha has left the chat ( I am Evil, and Dri obsessed... BEWARE ME ).
[20-15:07] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( male, thanks a lot. :oints to profile:: )
[20-15:07] 7725b, Conall : "Anything more M'lady?"
[20-15:07] b6a12, Mierka : *shakes her head* Would you know what has become of my friends?
[20-15:08] 66646, Guien Ventorrell : ((**suicide!**))
[20-15:09] b6a12, Mierka : (( *prods him onto yahoo* ))
[20-15:09] 4cfe0, V: Your pic looks like a female to me
[20-15:09] 7725b, Conall : *The women givers her a blank stare.* Pardon?
[20-15:09] 8bef8, Horatio the Bard : *tackled and slamed right into the mud, back first, laughs and grabs her as he rolls to the side to get her muddier as well ! when this is over..they're both going to need a bath...*
[20-15:10] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( not here to stay, wa sjust looking for someone.. )
[20-15:10] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( cya later ::waves:: )
[20-15:10] b6a12, Mierka : *shakes her head with a sigh* Nevermind.. (( Bye! ))
[20-15:11] 7725b, Conall : Anything else M'lady? will you require assistance?
[20-15:11] JOIN: Grimolfr has entered.
[20-15:11] JOIN: Squirrel has entered.
[20-15:11] 66646, Guien Ventorrell : i agree V
[20-15:11] 74d1f, Naemyr : *Heh... separate baths... Laughs. Last time she did anything like this it was with her adobpted sister*
[20-15:11] 92794, Squirrel : Blarg!
[20-15:11] b6a12, Mierka : *shakes her head again* No..I'm capable of washing myself.
[20-15:12] 7725b, Conall : "very well. *and they scamper off*
[20-15:12] 7725b, King Narmotur : *sits on his throne, considering.. many things.*
[20-15:12] 8b539, Grimolfr : *returns to the castle*
[20-15:12] EXIT: AdrianGoldenmoon has left the chat ( 4:10pm, January 20 (CST) ).
[20-15:12] b6a12, Mierka : *waits a moment before slipping off her clothes and stepping into the tub, finding the water perfect*
[20-15:13] 4cfe0, High Mage Arion: *Has seemingly disappeared*
[20-15:13] 8bef8, Horatio the Bard : *thats no fun then :-(.... while they're there..he grabs another handfull of mud and chucks it upwards.. hoping its got enough arc on it to come splatting down on her back...*
[20-15:14] fd077, Meg Alayas : *and did I mention, she's still flying*
[20-15:14] 92794, Squirrel : *Mans an AA turrent* We got a bogey!
[20-15:14] fd077, Meg Alayas : (())
[20-15:15] 92794, Squirrel : *Couldn't help it, had to say it*
[20-15:15] 94c70, Z: *Does better than Squirrel, prepares laser guided missiles*
[20-15:15] 8b539, Grimolfr : *enters the castle, dismounts in the court and heads off into the building to wards the throne room of king Narmotur*
[20-15:16] 7725b, King Narmotur : *Receives word some.. fool wishes to meet with him, and yes he needs some amusement, waits*
[20-15:17] 92794, Squirrel : *Shakes fist at Z*
[20-15:17] 4cfe0, High Mage Arion: *The King might notice his favourite wizard advisor hasnt been around for quite abit*
[20-15:17] 74d1f, Naemyr : *Breaks it off, rolling on the ground with laughter. Just so happens to move at the right time to cause his mud ball to hit him rather than her. Barely chokes out the words between bursts of laughter* Enough. Enough...
[20-15:17] fd077, Meg Alayas : *so anyways, restores her glow to hide the fact she's nude as she approaches Ruapenchi*
[20-15:18] 7725b, Conall : *Begins making hi way back to Mierka's room, having completed his tasks.*
[20-15:18] 8bef8, Horatio the Bard : *laughs a bit more.. looking a bit at himself.. square in the middle of one of the puddles...drenched...and muddy....and laughing like a madman... hasnt had this kind of fun since he was a young boy*
[20-15:18] 8b539, Grimolfr : *heads for the throne room and enters*
[20-15:18] 7725b, King Narmotur : *is being quite corrupt with out him.*
[20-15:19] 7725b, King Narmotur : *Watches Grimolf as he enters.* Ah.. Hail.
[20-15:20] 74d1f, Naemyr : *Laughter dies down as she takes a deep breath* Go wash yourself off... that's a little too much dirt... and we may as well stay here the day so we can dry off...
[20-15:20] 8b539, Grimolfr : Greetings mylord
[20-15:20] 7725b, King Narmotur : Greetings *eyes him* What news do you bring, if any at all?
[20-15:20] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[20-15:21] 8b539, Grimolfr : *eyes back* the mountains are peaceful again
[20-15:21] 7725b, Bowdyn : *patrols the borders of the Kingdom, plots.*
[20-15:21] 7725b, King Narmotur : Are they now?
[20-15:21] fd077, Meg Alayas : *and slows as she readies to cross the boarders of the kingdom*
[20-15:22] 8bef8, Horatio the Bard : Hehehe.... yeah... i guess i realy do need a bath thanks to you.. *shoots a playfull glare at her..compromised by a grin as he gets up..soaked*
[20-15:22] b6a12, Mierka : *winces when the warm water reaches her side and takes a moment to get used to it before wetting her hair*
[20-15:22] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 4:00pm, January 20 (CST) ).
[20-15:22] 8b539, Grimolfr : yes mylord. there's nothing left of any... opposition
[20-15:22] JOIN: Ralaphor has entered.
[20-15:23] 7725b, King Narmotur : Good.. good.. There have been many men... men bringing lies to my ears, saying that Armies of orcs and other foes march against us.
[20-15:23] 7725b, Conall : *The door to Mierka's room opens quietly, Conall stepping in, not realizing right off she's in the tub.. oops*
[20-15:24] 8b539, Grimolfr : *the former paladin bows his head before his king, yes, he had used to be a paladin several years ago, but had fallen into darkness. Now he was the complete opposite of the light paladins, technically ananti-paladin, a black guard, out to destroy and to kill instead of protect* Orcs would not dare, afterall we're on the same side
[20-15:24] 74d1f, Naemyr : *Eyes the mud caked fire* I'll coax the fire back to life while you clean yourself off... *Wipes some mud from her face, whipping it to the ground* Then I"ll take yet another bath...
[20-15:24] b6a12, Mierka : *lets off an automatic scream of surprise and hunkers as deep into the tub as she can*
[20-15:25] 7725b, Conall : *Blinks and steps back.* Ack... Excuse me.. I didn't know.
[20-15:25] 7bb0f, Ralaphor : *By the borders, a man on his brown horse who goes by the name Ralaphor, also appears to be 22. Why hes at the border, just to be away from the city for a while, and think. Just think on what to do with the king. Maybe not dethrone him since some that he asks say that the city isnot ready for something like that. Maybe their right, the dethrone must wait. Meantime Ralaphor is sure that he must save Aralore's frined and light the beacon for reinforcementsU ow. While looking over the horizon, a wind blew by
[20-15:26] 8bef8, Horatio the Bard : *chuckles and heads towards the pond*
[20-15:26] 7725b, King Narmotur : Indeed.. Nor would anyone dare challange us.
[20-15:26] 7725b, Bowdyn : *Rides with a dozen horsemen, keeping an eye out for intruders*
[20-15:26] 8b539, Grimolfr : *grins some* indeed mylord *meanwhile his company in the court outside dismounts and readies to get some rest*
[20-15:27] 4cfe0, High Mage Arion: *Doesnt anyone care within Ruapenchi that their High Mage is missing? Pfft*
[20-15:27] 7bb0f, Ralaphor : pushing against Ralaphor lightly, as his hair flows a bit from the wind. And as he looks over the horizon wi his blue eyes, he thinks of someone.....something, he needs more help....Aralore said that the guards can be it possible that there are a rare bunch of the king's guards that does not like the king himself...Ralaphor doubts it...he only wish there were gurds that knows right and wrong*
[20-15:27] 7bb0f, Ralaphor : ((Sorry, Ralaphor does not know Ruapehi has a high mage))
[20-15:28] 92794, Panian Urthadar : *Worships Khaes some more...yay!*
[20-15:28] 92794, Panian Urthadar : ((test?))
[20-15:28] 4cfe0, Khaes: *Worshipped. Eats a soul*
[20-15:28] 92794, Panian Urthadar : ((again))
[20-15:28] 7725b, King Narmotur : *thinks he's god of this land, dosen't care, is nuts.* What else have you discovered in your travels?
[20-15:29] 92794, Panian Urthadar: *TO hell with the icon.....sacrifices something worthy*
[20-15:29] 8bef8, Morgul the Lich King: ((we need some Zaaul worshipers >_< ))
[20-15:30] 7725b, Bowdyn : *Notices a rider up ahead, The group increses in speed to intercept.* Halt! *Bowdyn calls out, no he wasn't in a good mood and if this nut did something stupid... mmmm*
[20-15:30] 8b539, Grimolfr : many lies have been spread throughout the country, mostly from those who don't understand our course of actions... peasents mostly, who have too much time to think instead of working...
[20-15:30] 74d1f, Naemyr : *Fades as she brings the fire back to life...*
[20-15:30] 7bb0f, Ralaphor : *Meanwhile Ralaphr notices a bunch of horsemen riding. Wonders if their just horsemen from another kingdom...or the guards of King Narmotur*
[20-15:31] 4cfe0, Khaes: *Within the cold dank chamber that Panian resides in, the golden ring suddenly begins to vibrate - the room descending into total darkness as all candles are extinguished. The 'apprentice' has never spoke to his God before, never seen the magic golden ring upon a pedestral do this.*
[20-15:31] b6a12, Mierka : *her nose almost under water, she points to the door*
[20-15:31] 7bb0f, Ralaphor : *He click his mouth to make the horse trot to the horsemen. And when he got to them,he stops a bit a distance away from Bowdyn jus to be safe. Yep, there with the king as he glares to them and ask* Is there a problem soldiers?
[20-15:32] 7725b, King Narmotur : Indeed, This is something that cannot be tolerated.
[20-15:32] 7725b, Conall : Forgive me. *turns away and starts to step out.*
[20-15:33] 7725b, King Narmotur : *Indeed, they wore the regular armor of the Ruapenchi Military, which was different than the Kings guards*
[20-15:33] fd077, Meg Alayas : *luckily doesn't seem to have drawn any notice. Heads towards the city*
[20-15:33] 8b539, Grimolfr : Thus I've made sure that several villages near the mountains will be busy with their work, they'll have to spend a "little" more on the next taxes, and if they fail *grins*
[20-15:33] 92794, Panian Urthadar: *Wipes the blade clean then looks at the ring vibrating* My Lord *gets to his knees in front of the pedestral, bowing deeply*
[20-15:33] b6a12, Mierka : You can stay, just keep your back turned. Next time...knock.
[20-15:34] 7725b, Conall : *Does so..* I just didn't think.. but.. I didn't see anything, No... *lies.*
[20-15:34] fd077, Meg Alayas : *deedeedeedeedee, flying to the city*
[20-15:35] 7725b, King Narmotur : *chuckles* Indeed.. I'm sure you'll find a way to take care of it.
[20-15:35] 8b539, Grimolfr : I will mylord
[20-15:35] 8bef8, Roki: *chases after the flying thing with a butterfly net*
[20-15:35] JOIN: Aralore has entered.
[20-15:35] b6a12, Mierka : Good..*eyes him for a moment before hurriedly scrubbing herself, silently mourning that now she can't enjoy her bath*
[20-15:35] b6f1b, Aralore : ((Meh, this is close enough to my colour.))
[20-15:35] fd077, Meg Alayas : *would go and visit the king, but doesn't have any clothes on at the moment*
[20-15:35] b6f1b, Aralore : (( :/ ))
[20-15:35] 4cfe0, Khaes: *Flames lick from the edges of the ring - a burning abyssmal eye burning within* Royalty gathers with wounded pride, some more than others. A fake human, yet royal, will bring word of Our cause. Zaaul is ready to march to war and Teklas is not back yet. Explain your duties. Or do not. *Each sentence speaks in a different deep voice, all of them echoed as if the God is a million voices*
[20-15:35] 7725b, Conall : Though I could leave if you'd prefer.
[20-15:36] 7725b, King Narmotur : *dosen't care*
[20-15:36] b6a12, Mierka : You're already here. Think you can move that screen over here without turning around?
[20-15:36] 8b539, Grimolfr : *has seen enough naked women in his life, knows how they look like, nothing new there*
[20-15:37] 7bb0f, Ralaphor : ((Bowdyn?))
[20-15:37] fd077, Meg Alayas : *cares*
[20-15:37] 7725b, Conall : I can close my eyes as well.. *carefully does this, but keeps his back to her and begins to reposition the screen*
[20-15:38] b6a12, Mierka : Thank you
[20-15:38] fd077, Mab : ((ups the chat refresh))
[20-15:38] fd077, Meg Alayas : *and enters the city, zipping on in*
[20-15:39] 7725b, Bowdyn : *The horsemen quickly surround Ralaphor, and keep him at spear point for the moment.* State your name and business here rider, Speak quickly.
[20-15:39] b6f1b, Aralore : ((Gather round everyone..and I shall tell you a tell...of one wily halfling rogue named Armoleus Dwack.))
[20-15:39] 7725b, Conall : *once he's done... takes a seat somewhere.*
[20-15:39] b6f1b, Aralore : ((Tell you a tell? A tale, too.))
[20-15:40] 92794, Panian Urthadar: *Silence before he speaks* My duty is to serve under you milord, to do your bidding as you see fit
[20-15:40] 7bb0f, Ralaphor : I am Ralaphor and I am only here to relax *Slowly looks around the spears, knowing this will be futile if he tries to fight them, whi he has no intention by the way*
[20-15:40] fd077, Meg Alayas : *heads toward Trendlekim's*
[20-15:40] 7725b, King Narmotur : Very good, we must becareful, there have been strange beings in the city, Elves.. Drow.. Scum that would destroy us.
[20-15:41] b6a12, Mierka : *once she's scrubbed so much she's convinced she'd squeak, she rinses off her body and gets out of the tub, drying herself*
[20-15:41] 7725b, Bowdyn : *Has little trust for anyone..* These are dangerous lands Ralalphor, you do know of this?
[20-15:41] 7bb0f, Ralaphor : *Looking back to Bowdyn and ask with a glare* And you sir, what subject has the king placed you on this border?
[20-15:41] 92794, Ravaella Glimmergaunt : *Would not destroy the king, couldn't care less about him*
[20-15:41] 7bb0f, Ralaphor : ((Ack, delete that last post))
[20-15:41] fd077, Meg Alayas : *flies into the window of the suite she maintains there as she arrives*
[20-15:41] 8b539, Grimolfr : Elves... bah... Lul Gijak-Ishi ((orcish for "panzies"))
[20-15:42] 4cfe0, Khaes: Or is it to serve yourself? Or Teklas? Or knowledge itself? You will have to do till Teklas returns, if ever. He has angered Zaaul in petty theft and destruction. I require that boy...
[20-15:42] 7725b, Conall : *Whistles a tune to himself, waiting.*
[20-15:42] 92794, Lady Eilsaadi : *Would, but she's in the Underdark*
[20-15:42] b6f1b, Aralore : ((Isn't the name just great? Armoleus Dwack.))
[20-15:42] b6f1b, Aralore : *Would, but is laz0r*
[20-15:42] 7bb0f, Ralaphor : ((*repost*)).....I have not seen any army for a while, I'm pretty sure its safe *Continues to look to Bowd yn with a glare and asked* And you sir, what subject has the king placed you on this border?
[20-15:42] 7725b, King Narmotur : indeed, One is being held in the stockcade, pelted by children.. Quite an amusing show as I understand it
[20-15:43] 8b539, Grimolfr : hmmm... I've heard that elves tend to burn well
[20-15:43] b6a12, Mierka : *eventually steps out from behind the screen, clean and dressed, trying to brush her hair with her fingers* You're sure you did'nt see anything?
[20-15:43] 7725b, Bowdyn : Someone must protect this kingdom.. *eyes*
[20-15:43] 94c70, Z: *returns*
[20-15:43] 7725b, Conall : I'm sure. *smiles.*
[20-15:43] 7725b, R : wb
[20-15:44] b6f1b, Aralore : ((*SupahhappyrunningterrificflyingTACKLEHUGGLESZer-Z!!!*))
[20-15:44] b6a12, Mierka : Good.... *streches and sits on the bed*
[20-15:44] fd077, Meg Alayas : *gets dressed in a simple blue dress and subdues her radience to be that of just a really attractive human*
[20-15:44] 7bb0f, Ralaphor : .....*Blinks to Bowdyn.......*Slowly looks tot e spears, then back to Bowdyn, slowly mutte rot Bowdyn* Its pleasant to hear a guard that cares for his kingdom...unlike some...*Looks to the horzion before back to Bowdyyn*
[20-15:44] 92794, Panian Urthadar: Yes, milord...this is a great honor indeed. What is your bidding, my master?
[20-15:45] EXIT: ladycrowe has left the chat ( 4:45pm, January 20 (CST) ).
[20-15:45] 7725b, Conall : Enjoy your bath hm?
[20-15:45] b6a12, Mierka : *smiles* It's great being clean
[20-15:46] 7725b, Bowdyn : You must speak of the Kings Guard, yes they only serve his interests indeed.
[20-15:46] 4cfe0, Khaes: Bring me that boy who travels with Elves. I require him. The Fae know of his location but believe me to be some mere demon creature.
[20-15:46] 7725b, Conall : *chuckles* yes.
[20-15:47] 7725b, King Narmotur : Do they now?
[20-15:47] 7bb0f, Ralaphor : .......and what makes you and your men then?
[20-15:47] b6f1b, Aralore : ((Z, I lost my colour ))
[20-15:48] 7725b, Bowdyn : Isn't it obvious? we're of the Ruapenchi Army.. meh.
[20-15:48] 94c70, Z: *Hugs Aralore* Want me to get it back for you?
[20-15:48] 92794, Panian Urthadar: The fae are foolish in their ways, milord. They will serve us in time, as will all....I will bring you the boy you speak of
[20-15:48] 8b539, Grimolfr : yes, that'S what I've heard, but I guess everything burns well... with the right tools
[20-15:48] b6f1b, Aralore : ((Yus pwease ))
[20-15:49] 7bb0f, Ralaphor : *chuckled a bit sarcastically* And old saying form a wise old man.....ask a ridclous easy question, and oyu'll get a ridiclously easy anr
[20-15:49] 7bb0f, Ralaphor : ((answer))
[20-15:49] 7725b, King Narmotur : indeed.
[20-15:49] MSG: Z sent a message to Aralore.
[20-15:49] b6a12, Mierka : *looks at him* Where did you go?
[20-15:50] 4cfe0, Khaes: Befriend him. You are similary young. Go now *With that the eye extinguishes*
[20-15:50] 7bb0f, Ralaphor : *Looks back ot Ruapenchi, then back Bowdyn, trying not to pay the attention of spears that are pointing at him* What kind of guards are they that has no intnetion of helping
[20-15:50] 7725b, Bowdyn : The man was an idiot then. *shakes his head.* The Kings men are of his own, personal servents who care only for themselves, not the Kingdom, they receive the best of everything, we? we receive what is left over.
[20-15:50] 7725b, Conall : I had some matters to tend too.
[20-15:50] b6a12, Mierka : Oh.. *nods*
[20-15:51] 7725b, Conall : Did you sleep well? *watches her.*
[20-15:51] b6f1b, Aralore : ((YAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THANKS Z!!!!! *hug*))
[20-15:51] b6a12, Mierka : *nods* Better than I remember, actually.
[20-15:51] 8b539, Grimolfr : *nods* mylord, is there any urgent business you want me to take care of?
[20-15:51] 7725b, Conall : *smiles.* I'm glad to hear that.
[20-15:52] 7bb0f, Ralaphor : *Blinks to Bowdyn* Thats something new. Never heard a soldier of the Ruapenchi Army say that about the king.....and your men *Means his pikemen* What of them?
[20-15:52] 92794, Panian Urthadar: Yes, my lord *steps back and exits the chamber quickly going to prepare for his mission*
[20-15:53] 94c70, Z: *hug* No problem.
[20-15:53] 7725b, King Narmotur : *considers this.* Keep an eye o n the people of this city, We took three prisoners, and they had friends.. who may wish to attempt something stupid.
[20-15:53] b6a12, Mierka : And you...?
[20-15:53] b6f1b, Aralore : ((Dlargh...BBIAF))
[20-15:53] MSG: Z sent a message to Aralore.
[20-15:53] 7725b, Bowdyn : *Pikemen?* We do our job?
[20-15:53] 7725b, Conall : I slept very well.. Thank you.
[20-15:54] b6a12, Mierka : *nods* Good..
[20-15:54] 7725b, Conall : *watches her still, silent.*
[20-15:54] 8b539, Grimolfr : yes mylord *bows his head* shall I... interrogate... the prisoners?
[20-15:55] b6a12, Mierka : ...what?
[20-15:55] b6a12, Mierka : (( *shivers at Grim's words and clings to Conall* ))
[20-15:55] 7bb0f, Ralaphor : ((Pikemen-men with spears))
[20-15:56] 7bb0f, Ralaphor : No, do they feel the same as you do
[20-15:56] 7725b, Bowdyn : ((Pikes and spears, not the same, Horsemen do tend to carry spears and lances.. doh.)) *shrugs slightly.* It is best you continue your ride..
[20-15:57] JOIN: Connor Rayne has entered.
[20-15:57] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[20-15:58] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 4:57pm, January 20 (CST) ).
[20-15:58] JOIN: Joey has entered.
[20-15:58] 7725b, King Narmotur : *smirks* I've been tending to one of the prisoners, along with one of my captains.
[20-15:58] 7725b, Conall : Nothing, why?
[20-15:58] be60c, Curst Diablos : (( YAY i got my sprit for rp back))
[20-15:59] b6a12, Mierka : You keep watching me..
[20-15:59] 7bb0f, Ralaphor : ....*tries something stupoid, hope it works as he asks Bowdyn* Sir...I know this may sound crazy....but if I were to tell you..that I may know a way to convince the sotp his reckless acts, then hear me then.....
[20-15:59] 8b539, Grimolfr : *nods*
[20-15:59] 7bb0f, Ralaphor : For you and I probably has the same relationship against him, and if you hear what I have to say..I may perhaps change the king himserlf
[20-16:00] 7725b, Bowdyn : *laughs a bit* Be happy that you're a little funny.. You wont lose your head.
[20-16:00] 7725b, King Narmotur : There is a man who may need tending to though.
[20-16:00] 7725b, Conall : I enjoy watching you.
[20-16:00] 8b539, Grimolfr : hmmm, men are boring, but yes...
[20-16:01] 4cfe0, Khaes: *Panian has a new ring also.*
[20-16:01] b6a12, Mierka : Why?
[20-16:02] 92794, Panian Urthadar: ((Yes, my lord! I will marry you!.....oh...wait...huh?))
[20-16:02] 7725b, King Narmotur : Indeed, just... keep an eye out for these... people.
[20-16:02] 7725b, Conall : You're pretty?
[20-16:02] 8bef8, Roki: 'cuz she's nekkid
[20-16:02] 7bb0f, Ralaphor : When was the last time the king ever done something noble before?
[20-16:03] 8b539, Grimolfr : yes mylord *bows his head, then heads for the exit*
[20-16:03] b6a12, Mierka : You said that last night...
[20-16:04] fd077, Meg Alayas : *walks down the stairs to the bar area of Trendlekims. heads for the back door*
[20-16:04] 92794, Panian Urthadar: *Yes, has a new ring.....muahahaha now to find a fae*
[20-16:04] 7725b, King Narmotur : Good Day.
[20-16:05] 94c70, Ryavel : *Outside of the room they were given, outside of the place it is in more like, she takes care of the horse that they have left. The other one had to be put down, unfortunately.*
[20-16:05] 7725b, Bowdyn : *shakes his head, silent, he knew the 'offical' story of hwo the king came to power, but.. he had suspicons.*
[20-16:05] 8b539, Grimolfr : *leaves the throne room and heads for his company, which is still waiting for the order to be dismissed. He puts them into shifts, to help the current garrisson*
[20-16:05] fd077, Meg Alayas : *opens the back door and looks out to see if anyone is looking and then heads to the portal gazebo*
[20-16:05] 7725b, Conall : And it rings true this morning
[20-16:06] 92794, Panian Urthadar: *Heads out into the city, no cape and cowl, dressed like in the pic and has that nice shiny's magical too*
[20-16:07] 7bb0f, Ralaphor : When was the last time the king has made made political peace with other countries. When was the last time that sometime the people needed him and he answer their prayers?
[20-16:07] fd077, Meg Alayas : *heads to the portal and steps up the steps*
[20-16:07] JOIN: Vicious has entered.
[20-16:07] 7bb0f, Ralaphor : ......when was the last time the king went into a war...cause your not doing anything about it.....
[20-16:07] acc60, Connor Rayne : *he's walking around a bit in the fae capital. His mind was at ease for the first time in a while and he was actually comfortable. Things had calmed down..he's watching fae flit back and forth*
[20-16:08] 8b539, Grimolfr : *heads up on the largest tower to have a look at the city*
[20-16:08] 7725b, Bowdyn : *gives a simple hand gesture for his men to clear a path for Ralalphor.* Be gone.
[20-16:08] 4e437, Vicious: (( where are the all the armies gathering again, krondor? ))
[20-16:08] b6a12, Mierka : Are you always this flattering?
[20-16:09] be60c, Curst Diablos : (( no ))
[20-16:09] 92794, Panian Urthadar: *Magical senses attuned to the things around him and he picks up on Meg's....makes a mad dash for her*
[20-16:09] 7725b, Conall : I only speak the truth Mierka.
[20-16:09] 8b539, Grimolfr : *some of his soldiers head off to get a rest, others take their assigned positions*
[20-16:09] 4cfe0, High Mage Arion: *His tower is the highest and Grimolfr is not allowed in it*
[20-16:09] be60c, Riddonnel Doomhaven : (( last time i knew it was mablung ))
[20-16:09] b6a12, Mierka : Always? *eyes him*
[20-16:09] JOIN: Tarnis Catadon has entered.
[20-16:10] 7725b, Conall : yes.
[20-16:10] 4cfe0, High Mage Arion: ((So far Relonal's army is upon the continent. Khalek has his armies at Mithrenburg))
[20-16:10] b6a12, Mierka : *nods and looks at him*
[20-16:10] 7bb0f, Ralaphor : ..*looks over to the path that he soldiers cleared for him, then back to Bowdyn and asked him* Look...I know you love your country, but if your king does not do something about it, then there won't be Ruapenchi, or any other kingdoms....just ashes.....and poor homes made by the survivors who then became slaves under this dark force, including your own people....*Has this concenr look* If you listen to me for a little moment of listening, just a little moment, then you will not regret it....please.....
[20-16:11] fd077, Meg Alayas : *looks around to see if anyone is looking as she enters the portal and readies to place the key. Don't know if Panian is going to get her in time before shse operates the thing. mweehehehehe*
[20-16:11] 7bb0f, Ralaphor : Your kingdom might be in danger........
[20-16:11] be60c, Mortis Militis : (( where is relonal, err W ))
[20-16:11] 4e437, Vicious: (( mablung it is )) * a group of 100 people approach mablung, they are hooded so that their faces are hidden*
[20-16:11] 7bb0f, Ralaphor : And we must unite or we will fall....
[20-16:11] d4bad, Tarnis Catadon: ((....hmm))
[20-16:12] 92794, Panian Urthadar: *Mad dash for her....come on, ccooooommmmmeee oooonnnn*
[20-16:12] fd077, Meg Alayas : (( *L*))
[20-16:13] 8b539, Grimolfr : *watches the city*
[20-16:14] 94c70, Ryavel : *Glances about when she is finished. There was some concern over the situation still as the Fae had seemed relatively quiet since they had arrived, as had Connor.*
[20-16:14] fd077, Meg Alayas : *sees Panian making a mad dash for her as she places the key and her eyes widen in alarm*
[20-16:14] 7725b, Conall : *smiles.* is there anything I can do?
[20-16:14] 7725b, Bowdyn : *shakes his head* I know far more about the situation of this kingdom than you, Change will come, but only when everyone is ready.
[20-16:15] b6a12, Mierka : You can join me. I don't bite. Well..I won't bite you.
[20-16:15] 92794, Panian Urthadar: Wait! Wait! Please...I need to talk to you! *still running, has that nifty ring too*
[20-16:15] be60c, Riddonnel Doomhaven : *He continues to stair out from the city of mablung, right smack dab in the middle. far off through the Telescope he spots them these hooded figures, though nothing odd is happining they must not be of tha magic man* (( Vicious , mablung is a 50 mile wide city))
[20-16:15] 4e437, Vicious: (( I really dont have alot of time, finals are around the bend, so I guess my small army enters the city and with go to war NPC if needed ))
[20-16:15] 7bb0f, Ralaphor : ((Tats a yes or no Bowdyn?))
[20-16:15] 7725b, Conall : Good.. I'm not in... *coughs* Thank you. *gets up and moves towards her.*
[20-16:16] 7725b, Bowdyn : ((figure it out IC?))
[20-16:16] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[20-16:16] be60c, Riddonnel Doomhaven : (( hmmm ok that works too ))
[20-16:16] b6a12, Mierka : You're not in..what?
[20-16:16] 8bef8, Roki: 50 miles !? thats bigger than NYC
[20-16:17] 7bb0f, Ralaphor : what is your answer tthen?
[20-16:17] 7725b, Bowdyn : Ride now... while you have your head still.
[20-16:18] be60c, Riddonnel Doomhaven : (( i would think so, heh like how everything is laid out on bettenchi, everything is larger and i guess more land , so ridd kept building ))
[20-16:18] 7725b, Conall : *chuckles* Nothing, nothing. *takes a seat on the edge of the bed*
[20-16:19] b6a12, Mierka : No...*pokes him lightly* Tell me
[20-16:19] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[20-16:19] fd077, Meg Alayas : I'm sorry, but I really am in quite a hurry. Some other time. *is glad she didn't say the title of her portal where Panian could hear. stands there holding the key to the spot it goes*
[20-16:19] acc60, Connor Rayne : *the fae had been quiet...Connor wasnt worried about that. walking..he will find Ryavel after a while. he smiles brightly* M'lady!
[20-16:20] 7bb0f, Ralaphor : ......*Sighs sadly now, as he make his horse turn slowly to the path the soldiers cleared for. At the end of that path, he ooks ove rhis shoulder to Bowdyn and said*.....your king hasaken three innnoncent victims for his own amusement...I am tyring mym best to help a friend who needs to save them....if you change your mind.....*Looks down and continues to ride on, for hes right, the kin has taken three victims as prisoners and all three of them has done nothing wrong. Aralore, who is a friend of Ralaphor
[20-16:20] 92794, Panian Urthadar: No, wait! Please
[20-16:20] 7bb0f, Ralaphor : needs to save them or else something horrible might happen to him as he continues to trot toward the city*
[20-16:21] 7725b, Bowdyn : They're not the first... do not attempt anything stupid, you will die if you do.
[20-16:22] 7bb0f, Ralaphor : ....*Ignores Bowdyn comment. Ralaphor thought that ther as more to Bowdyn, but sadly he is mistaken. All Bowydn will do is waitjust patrol until the city is under attack at some point and everything will be too late*
[20-16:22] fd077, Meg Alayas : What is it you need? I do not know you sir. *stands there*
[20-16:22] 8b539, Grimolfr : *leans against the wall and smirks slightly at the city*
[20-16:22] 7725b, Conall : *chuckles* Just being silly, You said you do not bite, and I was just.. making an attempt at bad humor, I'm not into being bit.. *tries to explain his way through... screwedup/
[20-16:23] b6a12, Mierka : *RaE* You are definately a strange man.. *shakes her head*
[20-16:24] 7725b, Bowdyn : *Thinks Ralalphor is just a fool who'll get himself killed, knows the Politics of this Kingdom and how to work it to their advantage, They would be rid of the King.. but not today./*
[20-16:24] 7725b, Conall : *frowns.* wh?
[20-16:24] 7725b, Conall : (err why even))
[20-16:24] 8b539, Grimolfr : *should visit the prisoners*
[20-16:26] b6a12, Mierka : I did'nt think anyone's into biting. Why would they be?
[20-16:26] 7bb0f, Ralaphor : *Ralaphor is not going to dethrone the king. Just wants to save the innoncent lives and light the beacon for reinforcements, that way the king will have no choice but to make a statement of war or something. But that won't happen, cause of Ralaphor's only chance of getting tot he beacon and the three prisoners by the only true soldier of Ruapenchi, now just washed away*
[20-16:26] fd077, Meg Alayas : *taps her foot, okay, doesn't really*
[20-16:27] 7725b, Conall : There are strange people out there Mierka... you must be careful in this world. *nods
[20-16:27] 92794, Panian Urthadar: *Comes up onto the gazebo, huffing and puffing like he is tired...good actor* Please...I need to know *huff*
[20-16:28] d4bad, Guien Ventorrell : **opens a portal exiting into Ruapenchi near the glimmering inn his white eyes searching the area carefulling then relaxes and begins walking about his cloak coving all parts of his body from the sun**
[20-16:28] b6a12, Mierka : I always am, Conall. I can't risk letting down my guard for even a moment.
[20-16:28] 8b539, Grimolfr : *is one of these strange people*
[20-16:28] 7725b, Conall : *nods.* That is good.. but do not think I am strange..
[20-16:28] 7725b, King Narmotur : *is too*
[20-16:29] fd077, Meg Alayas : *regards him. looks like just a really attractive human right now. tilts her head, holding the key in place*
[20-16:30] b6a12, Mierka : I try not to *smiles slightly*
[20-16:30] 92794, Panian Urthadar: A fae...*huff* are you? *Books, learned a lot about the different magical creatures out there*
[20-16:31] 8b539, Grimolfr : *turns away from the view and heads into the castle*
[20-16:31] be60c, Curst Diablos : *is sitting in a corner of the glimmering in, his whole body covered in a massive thick leather cloak, nothing sits on his table, not even a chain under him to most he would look like a young child wraped up in a oversized cloak, as he seems to stand 5'*
[20-16:31] 7725b, Conall : *smiles and offers his hand*
[20-16:32] fd077, Meg Alayas : *eyes flutter* Do I look like a fae? *in a tone that suggests she's not and he's silly for assuming*
[20-16:32] b6a12, Mierka : *takes it slowly*
[20-16:32] 7725b, Bowdyn : *Him and his men ride on.*
[20-16:33] 7725b, Conall : *gives her hand a gentle squeeze* good.
[20-16:33] 94c70, Ryavel : *She turns at hearing Connor's voice.* Connor... did you enjoy your walk?
[20-16:33] b6a12, Mierka : *smiles a bit wider* Yes...good
[20-16:34] 92794, Panian Urthadar: The beauty...far greater than any human could possess *looks up at her* Please, I need to find one
[20-16:34] 8b539, Grimolfr : *steps into a corridor*
[20-16:35] d4bad, Guien Ventorrell : **turns walking toward the glimmering in soon enters looking about the tavern with pure white eyes then moves to a empty table**
[20-16:35] fd077, Meg Alayas : *but is subdueing her beauty to be within what it possible for a human, although looks like a really attractive human nonetheless, but still within what could be human* I thank you sir, but surely you exaggerate. Why do you need to find a fae?
[20-16:35] 7725b, Conall : Shall I join you again? *smiles.*
[20-16:36] 8b539, Grimolfr : *walks on*
[20-16:37] b6a12, Mierka : *thinks a moment, then nods* I'd like that
[20-16:37] be60c, Curst Diablos : * he himself stays still, though his eyes are looking under his cloak into a glowing book that reveals the surounding area and if there are anyone around and where there at, also the race*
[20-16:37] acc60, Connor Rayne : It was good...but not with you. How do you fare this day? *looking at her with a smile*
[20-16:37] 92794, Panian Urthadar: A friend....he disappeared
[20-16:37] 7725b, Conall : *smiles, he crawls up towards her, soon laying down.
[20-16:38] fd077, Meg Alayas : Oh? What friend would this be? *raises a brow*
[20-16:38] b6a12, Mierka : *she lays down next to him, again using his chest as a pillow* Is this alright? I mean..don't you have duties you need to see to?
[20-16:39] d4bad, Guien Ventorrell : **orders from a wondering barmaid some fine wine the sends he on her way his eyes seach the room coming upon the lump of a cloak in the corner frowning abit**
[20-16:39] 94c70, Ryavel : I am well. Perhaps, I can join you now?
[20-16:40] 7725b, Conall : *wraps one arm around her.* do not worry yourself of it.
[20-16:40] 92794, Panian Urthadar: He is a very good friend and I have been sent to find's said he went with some elves
[20-16:40] fd077, Meg Alayas : It he went with some elves, then why do you seek fae?
[20-16:40] fd077, Meg Alayas : It = If
[20-16:41] b6a12, Mierka : I don't want you to be in trouble...
[20-16:41] 92794, Panian Urthadar: I was told by a wise man to seek the fae because they know
[20-16:41] 8b539, Grimolfr : *goes to have a look for the prisoners*
[20-16:41] be60c, Curst Diablos : *he knotices the Demonius on the book though they seem to rairly leave there little haven, he begins to wonder why this one is here*
[20-16:42] fd077, Meg Alayas : Oh? *knows that there is no way anyone should know of Connor's whereabouts unless by sinister means and so that sets off alarm bells, that and that he somehow miraculously knows she is fae or suspects her to be.* What is this friends name?
[20-16:42] b6a12, Mierka : (( *hopes Grim does'nt find them* He looks scary ))
[20-16:43] d4bad, Guien Ventorrell : **knits eyebrows then looks away from the odd lump of what ever**
[20-16:43] 4cfe0, V: The Most Idiotic Minion Award for 2004 goes to.... *drum roll* Panian Urthadar!
[20-16:44] acc60, Connor Rayne : Of course. *he offers a hand to her if she's knelt down*
[20-16:44] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[20-16:44] 7725b, Conall : I wont, do not worry.
[20-16:44] 94c70, Artanis : *Is in the cell the guards tossed her into the night before. Still having not moved or anything, the beatings being rough as she has not been given time to recover from them fully before the next started.*
[20-16:44] 8b539, Grimolfr : *heads down into the dungeons*
[20-16:45] be60c, Curst Diablos : *if he is still looking at the lump a small hand appears out of a slit, resembling a withered kids arm and would motion for him to come to him*
[20-16:45] 94c70, Ryavel : *Takes his hand as she gets to her feet, accepting his gesture though she did not need the support to get up.* What all have you seen?
[20-16:45] b6a12, Mierka : That's all I seem to do..
[20-16:45] f7e6a, Will-o'-the-wisp: ((ehm, is there an administrator online right now?))
[20-16:46] fd077, Meg Alayas : ((*shifty eyes*))
[20-16:46] 94c70, Z: Admins are always lurking about Will
[20-16:46] 8b539, Grimolfr : *enters the dungeon area*
[20-16:46] 7725b, Conall : *holds Mierka closely to his chest./* shh.. its alright now.
[20-16:47] f7e6a, Will-o'-the-wisp: ((eh, yes... i need to speak with one.....))
[20-16:47] b6a12, Mierka : ***Pause***
[20-16:47] d4bad, Guien Ventorrell : **catchs this odd looking hand moving about from the corner of his eye then turning see what the hand intends he then stands up walking over to the odd lump sitting down across from him he talk very low his voice smooth** Hello, **pauses** sir?
[20-16:47] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[20-16:48] be60c, Curst Diablos : *as the hand retunrs back into the cloak a small cold hiss could be heard from under the hood of the cloak* why are you here?
[20-16:49] acc60, Connor Rayne : *her touch in his hand excites him emotionally. he loved her touch so much. we wont get into the sexual.* Ihave traveled for 2 miles in most directions. Some amazing things I have seen. Fae at play..but they cease when I'm present.
[20-16:49] 94c70, Z: You got AIM?
[20-16:49] f7e6a, Will-o'-the-wisp: (( undeadcommie))
[20-16:50] 92794, Panian Urthadar: ((hmmm))
[20-16:50] 4cfe0, Khaes: *Flick. The ring sets Panians skin on fire*
[20-16:51] d4bad, Guien Ventorrell : **snits his eyebrows again at this hissing voice** Why am I here? I am here to, **whispers lowly** to kill some lowly humans who infest this world.
[20-16:51] fd077, Meg Alayas : ((Your post, Panian))
[20-16:52] 94c70, Ryavel : We are likely a strange sight to them and are wary.
[20-16:52] 94c70, Z: You're not showing as online
[20-16:52] 92794, Panian Urthadar: HIs name wa...*screams in pain, holding his hand which is now on fire, spreading quickly*
[20-16:52] f7e6a, Will-o'-the-wisp: (( yeah sorry, its on now))
[20-16:53] 94c70, Artanis : *Does not move still, nor does she notice the approach of any footsteps. Her senses are out of it for the most part.*
[20-16:53] fd077, Meg Alayas : *furrows her brows and sends out a bolt of ice, sorta like magic missle at Panian's hand*
[20-16:54] be60c, Curst Diablos : hmmm *has nothing against human, they are food to him when hes hungry though Guiens reponce was not a good one in his ears* who?
[20-16:54] 156a4, Connor Rayne : *he smiles warmly* I can understand that. I felt the same way at first in that night in the inn when I met you all. But they should fear not...I do not wish harm on them..they are beautiful. *free of intolerance..hatred..fear..well..fear until it comes to losing Ryavel*
[20-16:55] 4cfe0, Khaes: *Elements of the fire lick at the young one's clothing - setting it alight just as the main source is extinguished by the ice bolt. Burn baby burn*
[20-16:55] d4bad, Guien Ventorrell : **has everthing against humans** Any human leaders I can get to. And any other that I please.
[20-16:55] 92794, Panian Urthadar: *Drops to the ground writhing in pain*
[20-16:56] 8b539, Grimolfr : *would laugh at the burning guy, if he was there*
[20-16:56] 94c70, Ryavel : Yes, but they still do not know us. I will let you show me the way.
[20-16:58] fd077, Meg Alayas : *watches, suspicious. removes the key and approaches him, walking down the steps*
[20-16:58] be60c, Curst Diablos : * a low growl escapes from under the cloak* you kill humans for pleasure?
[20-16:59] 8b539, Grimolfr : *enters Artanis' cell, since the guards seem to be asleep or something*
[20-16:59] 4cfe0, Khaes: *Leaves Panian to burn, the fire quite real and seemingly natural. If Meg doesnt help him - then oh well, poor Panian*
[20-17:00] d4bad, Guien Ventorrell : **shakes his head slowly** I kill to keep the spread of humans. I don't take pleasure in the kill.
[20-17:00] 156a4, Connor Rayne : Tis understandable. *he smiles almost charmingly, if not for the shyness. he begins to lead her around, pointing various things he found the best out. the Portal that has been henceforth known as Prince's Dancefloor..the place where the fae can be seen playing..he speaks softly* when do we venture out?
[20-17:00] 92794, Panian Urthadar: Please! The evil is after me, it has been ever since I started this journey! *more screams*
[20-17:01] b6a12, Mierka : *shivers* Is it?
[20-17:01] 7725b, King Narmotur : *The guards are on duty!*
[20-17:01] 7725b, Conall : yes..
[20-17:01] 94c70, Artanis : *Still she does not seem to notice, she may infact appear to be unconscious as her eyes are closed and she does not move. However, she is vaguely aware of the sound of the door opening.*
[20-17:01] 8b539, Grimolfr : *wonders where they are then! (())*
[20-17:01] 8b539, Grimolfr : *closes the door behind himself and eyes her* so....
[20-17:02] fd077, Meg Alayas : *just sent ice at him, but apparantly Panian inadvertantly dodged it before it could encase the fire? That was silly of him. She sends another bolt at him to douse the flames*
[20-17:02] b6a12, Mierka : I wish I could beleive that..
[20-17:02] 7725b, Conall : Why don't you? *he asks as he looks deeply into her eyes, curious.*
[20-17:03] be60c, Curst Diablos : i see * his tone lightens, cuase at least hes not killing for pleasure*
[20-17:03] 94c70, Ryavel : *Lets him show her these things, glad to see him in such good spirits again.* I do not know. The Queen said they may be able to help. I have not heard any new word. We must be patient.
[20-17:04] 92794, Panian Urthadar: *And now practicly all of his body is incased in ice*
[20-17:04] 94c70, Artanis : *groans softly in response, shifting only slightly.*
[20-17:04] 4cfe0, Khaes: *Doesnt do anything more. Has expended more effort that he really wanted.*
[20-17:04] fd077, Meg Alayas : *and he is practically ignoring her dousing of the flames and so deserves to die*
[20-17:04] 94c70, Z: Popcycle! *Munch*
[20-17:04] d4bad, Guien Ventorrell : Yes **thinking a moment** Why are you here?
[20-17:05] 8b539, Grimolfr : *stops not far from her and looks down at her* wake up
[20-17:05] 92794, Panian Urthadar: *The flames are out now too?*
[20-17:06] 94c70, Artanis : *opens her eyes some, squinting.*
[20-17:06] fd077, Meg Alayas : *oh, alright then. hehe. She crouches over him and studies him a moment as the ice quickly melts. is he conscious? She tries to determine*
[20-17:06] b6a12, Mierka : Because, in my bones, I know this cannot last. Something bad is about to happen..whether to me or one of my friends..I can't tell.
[20-17:06] be60c, Curst Diablos : to find something, i have found it and now i guard it * is refearing to another domonius*
[20-17:07] 8b539, Grimolfr : *narrows his eyes at her while looking down, she'd notice that he's quite tall, standing about 6'7 above her.* ah, good
[20-17:07] 7725b, Conall : *nuzzles her forehead gently, whispering.* Nothing bad will come to you Mierka.
[20-17:08] 92794, Panian Urthadar: *Just a murmered cry of pain* *and that's all he says*
[20-17:08] d4bad, Guien Ventorrell : Gaurd it? Gaurd what? **looks out a window noting that it is now dark**
[20-17:08] JOIN: Morgoth Leviathis has entered.
[20-17:09] JOIN: Goury has entered.
[20-17:09] 2aeaa, Goury: ((peeks))
[20-17:09] b6a12, Mierka : (( Goury!!!!! )))
[20-17:10] be60c, Curst Diablos : *continues to stay under his cloak* something that is of no concearn to you
[20-17:10] 156a4, Connor Rayne : But..what of...*he looks at he. He still believes she isnt well upstairs but he keeps it to himself for the most part.* What was told to me? Your death...
[20-17:10] 2aeaa, Goury: ((allo??))
[20-17:11] 2aeaa, Goury: ((hey Liz))
[20-17:11] b6a12, Mierka : *sighs, pressing closer* Promise? (( *is Averey* ))
[20-17:11] be60c, Curst Diablos : (( *ello goury ))
[20-17:11] b6a12, Mierka : (( Got aim or something yet? ))
[20-17:11] 7725b, Conall : I promise.. *he whipsers before delivering a soft kiss to her forehead, trying to reassure her.*
[20-17:12] fd077, Meg Alayas : *sighs and places her hands upon him to heal him, careful and cautious of any draw backs to her doing so. Would begin healing as soon as shse deemed it safe*
[20-17:12] d4bad, Guien Ventorrell : **frowns at the lump a idea coming to him** Do you know anything of this city or it's leaders?
[20-17:12] 94c70, Ryavel : I will not leave you Connor. I made that promise.
[20-17:12] JOIN: Sir Galin Del'Mara has entered.
[20-17:13] 2aeaa, Goury: ((not at moment, seems to not be working properly.))
[20-17:13] 2aeaa, Goury: ((allo Curst))
[20-17:13] 92794, Panian Urthadar: *Doesn't do anything, stays still, not really all there at the moment...why did his lord do this to him? He deserved it, yes. So that is a good thing...yeah*
[20-17:13] 2aeaa, Sir Galin Del'Mara : *Walks into the Glimmering Inn*
[20-17:13] 2aeaa, Goury: *glances around Ruaphenchi forest for another moment before continuing on his way into town.*
[20-17:14] 94c70, Artanis : *Yeah, he does look tall. But then everything looks tall when you're flat on your back on the ground.*
[20-17:14] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[20-17:14] be60c, Curst Diablos : i know of this city and i dont care for its leader, a king of course but i know my way around * inside he closes the book and tuckes it into a pocket on the inside*
[20-17:14] b6a12, Mierka : *sighs, feeling very safe at the moment, beleiving him*
[20-17:14] 8b539, Grimolfr : *watches her for a few seconds* so, you're one of those prisoners
[20-17:15] JOIN: Averey Lithle has entered.
[20-17:15] 2aeaa, Goury: *making his way into town, he heads for the Glimmering Inn.*
[20-17:15] 156a4, Connor Rayne : We cannot control when we leave the other..*he stops and looks at her. but he's not frowning.*
[20-17:15] d4bad, Guien Ventorrell : Hmm. I will have to see to finding who and where the leader resides.
[20-17:15] 7725b, Conall : *closes his eyes and ponders silently, holding her.*
[20-17:16] b6a12, Averey Lithle: *pauses at the gates to the city, feeling a bit nervous about going in. The last time was'nt bad, though*
[20-17:16] 2aeaa, Goury: ((Galin, the motherzard is bloody hell to defeat.))
[20-17:16] b6a12, Mierka : *slowly wraps her arms around him the best she can and hugs him lightly*
[20-17:17] 2aeaa, Sir Galin Del'Mara : ((Shh, that is OOC Knowledge. ))
[20-17:17] 94c70, Artanis : What do you want? *speaks quietly.*
[20-17:17] 7725b, Conall : *smiles at her, and at the fact that he was gaining her trust.. but was it good or bad for her? That remained to be seen. Conall begins huming a light tune.*
[20-17:18] 2aeaa, Goury: *approaching the inn, he takes a quick look around, glancing up and down the streets to see if the creature is still after him.*
[20-17:18] 94c70, Ryavel : *Looks at him, silent for a moment.* Who do you believe does?
[20-17:19] 8b539, Grimolfr : just want to ask you a few... questions *grins*
[20-17:19] b6a12, Mierka : *hoping to see a friendly face soon, she passes through the gate and into the city, slowly making her way through the crowds towards the Inn*
[20-17:19] b6a12, Averey Lithle: *hoping to see a friendly face soon, she passes through the gate and into the city, slowly making her way through the crowds towards the Inn*
[20-17:19] fd077, Meg Alayas : *it's a good thing for Mab that he tipped her off. hehe. She finishes healing him. la la la. and backs away from him, weakened. Thanks a lot of the whole weakening thing. Her subduing spell flickers out and she is all gorgeous beyone belief again and stuff. She backs up into the portal again, placing the key, hoping he remains unconscious*
[20-17:19] b6a12, Mierka : *listens, trying to name it*
[20-17:20] 2aeaa, Goury: *Pausing near the door, he watches the crowd.*
[20-17:21] 7725b, Conall : *continues softly humming*
[20-17:21] b6a12, Averey Lithle: *Goury might be able to see her making her way towards the inn, her red hair tumbling over her shoulders in a complex fall of braids*
[20-17:22] b6a12, Mierka : *smiles*
[20-17:22] 92794, Panian Urthadar: *How did he tip her off? A wise man could know, they know a lot of stuff, if not that a prophet, I mean come on there are ways he could know....stays unconcious though...*
[20-17:22] JOIN: Ralaphor has entered.
[20-17:22] EXIT: Ralaphor has left the chat ( 6:22pm, January 20 (CST) ).
[20-17:22] 7725b, Conall : *pauses.* Do you like?
[20-17:22] 94c70, Artanis : *sighs a little, it was going to happen again.*
[20-17:23] b6a12, Mierka : It's beautiful...what is it?
[20-17:23] 2aeaa, Sir Galin Del'Mara : *sits down in the Inn to have a meal*
[20-17:23] 2aeaa, Goury: *notices the falling red hair of the beauty known as Averey.* M'Lady Averey. *he raises his hand in a simple wave.*
[20-17:23] fd077, Meg Alayas : *not with the wards around the areas they've been in with only brief ventures forth. It's enough to make her suspicious. She Activates the portal in hushed tones* Know the right channels. Where Fae do light the way. *the portal opens*
[20-17:24] d4bad, Guien Ventorrell : **stands up looking around slowly then speak to the lump** I shall go and seach for humans to give me information **nods the walks out of the inn to the streets**
[20-17:24] 92794, Panian Urthadar: *still unconsious, yeah*
[20-17:24] d4bad, Guien Ventorrell : ((seach=search....the=they...))
[20-17:25] b6a12, Averey Lithle: *spots him and smiles, making her way up to him* Sir Goury...what a pleasure to see you.
[20-17:25] 7725b, Conall : *shakes his head* I'm not sure.. I just remember the tune from when I was younger.
[20-17:25] fd077, Meg Alayas : *and she glances back at Panian one last time and then enters the portal, coming out in her own lands within the Fairy ring. What? Doesn't Panian want to wake up in time to follow her? hehe*
[20-17:25] b6a12, Mierka : Oh..*slightly disappointed* I like it. Do you know any others?
[20-17:26] 2aeaa, Goury: *a slight smile crosses his face as he reaches down to her hand, drawing it to his lips* Moreso a Pleasure to see your uncompromising beauty.
[20-17:27] fd077, Meg Alayas : * and is looking like dis right now*
[20-17:27] 7725b, Conall : *grins at her.* maybe.
[20-17:27] 156a4, Connor Rayne : I know not, m'lady. But..I fear.
[20-17:27] 92794, Panian Urthadar: *Heh, no doesn't want to follow her...all he needs is the chant, thanks Meg! Peeks open his eyes after a little bit....excellent she's gone, well he has the chant to the portal now to find the keymaker and prepare some more*
[20-17:27] b6a12, Averey Lithle: *blushes and shakes her head* Always the charmer *allows him to kiss her hand*
[20-17:28] b6a12, Mierka : *eyes him, a smile tugging at her lips* Maybe?
[20-17:29] 2aeaa, Goury: *kisses her hand, then eyes the door.* Join me inside for a drink, or perhaps something to eat M'lady
[20-17:29] 94c70, Ryavel : Then I will fight at your side until I can no longer follow you.
[20-17:30] 7725b, Conall : *The grin on his face begins to grow a little.* You enjoy my musical talent hms?
[20-17:30] b6a12, Averey Lithle: *nods* Of course....
[20-17:30] 156a4, Connor Rayne : *a deep blush crosses his face as he looks down, biting his lip as a shy smile crossing his face*
[20-17:30] b6a12, Mierka : *nods* I do
[20-17:31] fd077, Meg Alayas : *she ventures to where Ryavel and Connor are, looking like she does in her avvy still, which is prolly different than last they saw her*
[20-17:31] d4bad, Guien Ventorrell : (( ))
[20-17:31] 7725b, Conall : *begins huming a different tune then*
[20-17:31] fd077, Meg Alayas : ((Land of the Fae Earth equivalent location = Bavarian Alps))
[20-17:32] 94c70, Ryavel : *Smiles faintly. But then her attention is averted as Meg approaches. She speaks quietly to Connor.* Connor.
[20-17:32] b6a12, Mierka : *grins, pleased*
[20-17:32] 2aeaa, Goury: *holds the door to the Inn open, allowing Averey to go first.* after you
[20-17:32] 2aeaa, Goury: (( Glimmering Inn, Ruaphenchi))
[20-17:32] b6a12, Averey Lithle: *smiles faintly and goes inside* Thank you *looks around*
[20-17:33] fd077, Meg Alayas : *hands them a shield of virtue and a sword of truth. okay, doesn't really*
[20-17:33] 156a4, Connor Rayne : *he turns to look at Meg..confused again. Another fae? he doesnt recognize her. his brows furrow*
[20-17:33] 290ac, Aralore : ((Back-ish :/ ))
[20-17:33] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[20-17:33] 7725b, Conall : *Grins at her as he continues the little tune, enjoying her reactions*
[20-17:33] 92794, Panian Urthadar: *Makes his way back to where he stays and prepares more, that's it for him unless Khaes wants to kick Panian's butt*
[20-17:33] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 6:33pm, January 20 (CST) ).
[20-17:33] JOIN: joey has entered.
[20-17:34] 2aeaa, Goury: *is about to head for one of the booths, when he notices Galin.*
[20-17:34] 3f571, Curst Diablos : (( *fing comp ))
[20-17:34] b6a12, Mierka : *her eyes brighten with a bit of happiness as she listens, smiling*
[20-17:35] b6a12, Averey Lithle: Looks like we have another friend here
[20-17:35] JOIN: Guien Ventorrell has entered.
[20-17:36] 7725b, Conall : *Continues the little musical tune, indeed he'd not seen her this happy thus far*
[20-17:36] fd077, Meg Alayas : Hello again. *switches to skin and hair pigments that he'd recognize right before his eyes*
[20-17:36] b6a12, Mierka : ***pause***
[20-17:36] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[20-17:36] 2aeaa, Goury: Indead it does. Shall we join at his table??*smiles as he looks into her eyes.*
[20-17:37] 2aeaa, Sir Galin Del'Mara : *Watches as Goury and Averey enter the tavern*
[20-17:37] 94c70, Ryavel : *Nods her head to Meg.* Greetings once again. *Is not overly surprised by the shift in appearance.*
[20-17:37] b6a12, Averey Lithle: *nods, glad to be surrounded by people she knows* I would like that *heads for Galin's table*
[20-17:37] EXIT: Mierka has left the chat ( 6:36pm, January 20 (CST) ).
[20-17:37] 156a4, Connor Rayne : *his eyes widen as he sees her switch..* Incredible..*a awed voice*
[20-17:38] 2aeaa, Goury: *Follows closely behind the elvin beauty.* Sir Galin, a pleasure to see your not dead yet.
[20-17:38] 3f571, Curst Diablos : (goury you at the glimmering inn? ))
[20-17:39] 2aeaa, Sir Galin Del'Mara : I am pleased with the fact myself. Good day to you both.
[20-17:39] d4bad, Guien Ventorrell : **walks the streets scanning the area for humans his eys pure white reflect any light that happens to be around**
[20-17:39] 2aeaa, Goury: ((yep, just gonna have a little meeting and leave.))
[20-17:40] b6a12, Averey Lithle: *laughs softly at Goury's greeting* Good day to you, Sir Del'Mara...may we join you?
[20-17:40] 2aeaa, Goury: Very good friend. *reachs for a chair.*
[20-17:40] 92794, Panian Urthadar: *So I guess that's it for him*
[20-17:40] 92794, Panian Urthadar: *Gone*
[20-17:40] EXIT: Panian Urthadar has left the chat ( 6:40pm, January 20 (CST) ).
[20-17:41] 3f571, Curst Diablos : *from under the cloak he watches Goury, as he never moved the book is again open reading every one in the tavern*
[20-17:41] fd077, Meg Alayas : Not so very incredible. It's a simple skill and a necessary one. *considering her natural pigment is no pigment whatsoever* So, what shall we do about your troubles? *steps over to a nearby tree and the bark seems to split along what looks like a knot in the trunk and a hole in the tree expands*
[20-17:42] 2aeaa, Goury: *orders a glass of tea, and a meal for himself, and whatever Averey wants.*
[20-17:43] 156a4, Connor Rayne : (Crap. can we pause? i gotta go to school.)
[20-17:43] 2aeaa, Goury: *seats himself.*
[20-17:43] d4bad, Guien Ventorrell : **stops in an ally waiting for humans to come out his hands resting on a rope around his waist**
[20-17:44] fd077, Meg Alayas : *pause*
[20-17:44] 2aeaa, Goury: (( Hey Averey.. You mind if I pause, and we pick up where we left off tomorow around 4pm for us?? Have to give a friend a lift home, and then head home to study for my test.))
[20-17:44] b6a12, Averey Lithle: *sits down as well, ordering the same thing he does, though having water instead of tea*
[20-17:44] d4bad, Guien Ventorrell : **stops in an ally waiting for humans to come out of the glimmering inn, his hands resting on a rope around his waist**
[20-17:44] b6a12, Averey Lithle: (( Ok ))
[20-17:45] 94c70, Ryavel : (( *can pause* ))
[20-17:45] 3f571, Curst Diablos : *that familure voice rings into galins head* < im glad you lived to, i missed my toy>
[20-17:45] 2aeaa, Goury: (( thanks, and I will talk at you tomorrow..)
[20-17:45] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[20-17:45] 2aeaa, Goury: *****gone******
[20-17:45] EXIT: Goury has left the chat ( 6:45pm, January 20 (CST) ).
[20-17:45] b6a12, Averey Lithle: ***Gone***
[20-17:45] 2aeaa, Sir Galin Del'Mara : ((Thatis gonna be one long meal and greeting session. ))
[20-17:46] 2aeaa, Sir Galin Del'Mara : ((Well, I gotta run too, Toodles))
[20-17:46] 3f571, Curst Diablos : (( bah you paused to galin? ))
[20-17:46] EXIT: Meg Alayas has left the chat ( 6:44pm, January 20 (CST) ).
[20-17:47] 2aeaa, Sir Galin Del'Mara : ((Goury is my Ride))
[20-17:47] d4bad, Guien Ventorrell : ((everyone is pausing))
[20-17:47] 3f571, Curst Diablos : (( not me damn it ))
[20-17:48] 2aeaa, Sir Galin Del'Mara : ((Bye all, see you in about an hour))
[20-17:48] EXIT: Sir Galin Del'Mara has left the chat ( 6:48pm, January 20 (CST) ).
[20-17:48] d4bad, Guien Ventorrell : (( me either... i wanna rp ..**think of how to have curst and guien can rp** hmm))
[20-17:51] 290ac, Aralore : *Sits at the bar, drinking and sulking, drinking and sulking*
[20-17:53] 3f571, Curst Diablos : (( if you think of it i might come *trys to do a angels in the outfeild type thing* ))
[20-17:54] 94c70, Z: *drinks with Aralore*
[20-17:54] EXIT: Averey Lithle has left the chat ( 6:45pm, January 20 (CST) ).
[20-17:54] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[20-17:55] d4bad, Guien Ventorrell : (( i am outa ideas))
[20-17:57] 290ac, Aralore : ((*Breaks a bottle, gets into a drunken fight with Z with the shard of broken bottle*))
[20-17:58] 94c70, Z: *Uses a chair against Aralore's broken glass*
[20-17:58] d4bad, Guien Ventorrell : (**gones from no where with a giant fat man throwing his on the two fighters** now now children..
[20-17:59] d4bad, Guien Ventorrell : ))
[20-17:59] d4bad, Guien Ventorrell : ((gones i mean comes))
[20-18:08] d4bad, Guien Ventorrell : ((**drove everyone away now leave also**))
[20-18:10] 290ac, Aralore : ((*Dies*))
[20-18:12] 3ec83, Mab : Ooo! I see a lot has happened since I left.
[20-18:21] JOIN: Karlita has entered.
[20-18:22] 11a25, Karlita : (( hello ? ))
[20-18:25] 11a25, Karlita : (( errm ok..arg ))
[20-18:25] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[20-18:26] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 7:25pm, January 20 (CST) ).
[20-18:28] 11a25, Karlita : ((bored...))
[20-18:39] 3ec83, Mab : *pats*
[20-18:40] 94c70, Z: *Turns on t he radio*
[20-18:44] 3ec83, Mab : *dances to the radio*
[20-18:48] 3e2ed, Luke : *secretly films dancing Mab*
[20-18:51] JOIN: Odette has entered.
[20-18:52] 11a25, Odette : ((*L*))
[20-18:55] 3ec83, Mab : hehe
[20-18:55] 3ec83, Mab : Hi Luke
[20-18:55] 3ec83, Mab : Hi Odette
[20-18:55] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[20-18:55] JOIN: Squirrel has entered.
[20-18:56] 92794, Squirrel : Merp?
[20-18:56] 3ec83, Mab : *decides to be a tree elf*
[20-18:57] 92794, Squirrel : Darn Hippies
[20-18:57] 92794, Squirrel : Peace Mab *peaces sign*
[20-18:58] 92794, Squirrel : Err *peace sign rather*
[20-18:58] 3ec83, Mab : LOL
[20-18:59] 3ec83, Mab : Yup, I'm going to have V send more baddies played by you. *snicker*
[20-19:00] 92794, Squirrel : Funny, ha ha ha *dripping with sarcasm*
[20-19:00] 92794, Squirrel : in fact
[20-19:01] 92794, Squirrel : nlm
[20-19:01] 92794, Squirrel : There!
[20-19:01] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[20-19:02] 92794, Squirrel : No one saw that
[20-19:03] 3ec83, Mab : *giggles uncontrollably* Awww, but your baddies are so much fun and ...transperant. *L*
[20-19:04] 94c70, Z: LOL
[20-19:04] 94c70, Z: "Here's your sign"
[20-19:04] 92794, Squirrel : Ok Ok Ok I get it, I can't play evil worth a crap
[20-19:05] 92794, Squirrel : I had an fell through....gawd
[20-19:05] 92794, Squirrel : Just rub it in >_<
[20-19:07] 94c70, Z: *cackles evilly*
[20-19:07] JOIN: AdrianGoldenmoon has entered.
[20-19:07] JOIN: Chaszmyr Waeglossz has entered.
[20-19:07] ad540, Chaszmyr Waeglossz : ((I am the most evil ever.))
[20-19:08] 94c70, Z: *is most evilest*
[20-19:08] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( so we've heard... many times.. >.>; )
[20-19:08] 4cfe0, V: No. I am
[20-19:09] JOIN: D has entered.
[20-19:09] 3ec83, Mab : *L*
[20-19:09] 92794, Squirrel : Course V could have given me some ideas about what to do since he should know I don't play evil worth a What the Deuce?!
[20-19:09] 07357, D: sorry who owns an entire army of Orcs? Oh, me? kthx *is the evilest*
[20-19:10] 4cfe0, V: Sorry, I dont publish the Dummies Guide to Being Evil
[20-19:10] 07357, Urukhai Infantry : we are teh evul.
[20-19:10] 4cfe0, V: who owns the orcs. me ktnxbye
[20-19:11] 07357, D: the islanders vote burnation on V
[20-19:11] 3ec83, Mab :
[20-19:13] 92794, Squirrel : Well, then I guess your lackey goes to someone who CAN play evil
[20-19:13] 07357, D:
[20-19:15] EXIT: Squirrel has left the chat ( 8:13pm, January 20 (CST) ).
[20-19:17] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : I If there's someone, unregistered, who's playing and is really not behaving as their type of chracter should, do we still have to acknowledge them..)
[20-19:17] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : *(
[20-19:18] 3ec83, Mab : No, Adrian, not if they're just way out in left field. No reason to acknowledge a clown.
[20-19:20] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( okay. juuust checkin. .. )
[20-19:21] 3ec83, Mab :
[20-19:24] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[20-19:28] 290ac, Aralore : *Writes methodically in his spellbook at the bar, dipping a quill in ink and writing precariously the various arcane draconic symbols*
[20-19:30] JOIN: Karn Vailner has entered.
[20-19:30] ae640, W: *appears*
[20-19:31] 07357, D: *applauds W* Okay, now pull a rabbit out of your hat.
[20-19:31] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ::steps into Trendlekim's, unnerved by the quiet outside, but apparently finds very little difference indoors::
[20-19:33] JOIN: AdrianGoldenmoon has entered.
[20-19:33] 290ac, Aralore : *Mutters softly to himself, shocker lizard watching boredly, staring over the symbols on the countertop*
[20-19:33] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( myeh. )
[20-19:35] ae640, Relonel the Slayer: *grabs a rabbit from his hat, and throws it at D*
[20-19:36] 07357, D: *clobbered by rabbit*
[20-19:36] JOIN: Dre'makius has entered.
[20-19:36] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ::glances at the stranger momentarily, tempted to ask him something, but decides against it... he looked pretty busy.. turning, he took a seat at a randomly chosen table, slouching in his chair::
[20-19:41] 94c70, Z: Poor Aralore :/
[20-19:41] fd7dc, Dre'makius : *sits upon a stable window, a horse sticking it's head out beside her, comfortable with her prescence**whittles away at a piece of wood*
[20-19:42] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[20-19:44] 6cd4c, Will-o'-the-wisp: {how can i contact the admin}
[20-19:48] 290ac, Aralore : ((Aralore isn't gonna wait long until he starts his search for Eri and Delotha. He's not too enchanted with Ralaphor's support.))
[20-19:49] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ::crossing his booted feet at the ankles, he seemed to stare blankly at the wall across from him, thinking.. composing... in his mind::
[20-19:50] 6cd4c, Will-o'-the-wisp: {or i can just sit here }
[20-19:51] 7bb0f, Will-o'-the-wisp: ((*Ish Ralaphor* Not tha many good guys you know, plus he just got here, he does not know anyone. But he can convince people to help out))
[20-19:51] 3ec83, Mab : Whatcha need wisp?
[20-19:52] 7bb0f, Will-o'-the-wisp: ((if they're willing enough that is))
[20-19:52] 6cd4c, Will-o'-the-wisp: {ahh mab yes i need to knwo how the hell to start a human kingdom of my own...considering your still excepting them?}
[20-19:53] 3ec83, Mab : Yup, we still are. First thing ya gotta do is pick an earth equivalent location that isn't taken already. From there, decide what you want your kingdom to be like and present it to us for approval and, upon being approved, presto, instant kingdom, just add water.
[20-19:54] 6cd4c, Will-o'-the-wisp: {well ya but what parts of the world havent been taken yet..? and how to i present it to you?)
[20-19:54] fd7dc, Dre'makius : *continues to whittle away at the piece of wood, the horse watching her*
[20-19:55] JOIN: Guien Ventorrell has entered.
[20-19:55] 3ec83, Mab : To find what's been taken and what hasn't, read the hot spots thread. It's all listed there. You can AIM any of us admins to present it.
[20-19:56] 6cd4c, Will-o'-the-wisp: {could i AIM you now and just tell you my kindom...?
[20-19:56] be071, Guien Ventorrell : ((mad i could give this ralaphor guy kingdom i dont like to run kingdoms with out regged char))
[20-19:56] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( ::read the boards through... always forgets what they say XD :: )
[20-19:57] be071, Guien Ventorrell : ((i mean my land))
[20-19:57] 3ec83, Mab : Yes, MabQueenF
[20-19:57] be071, Guien Ventorrell : (( i dunno for got what i was talking bout))
[20-19:58] 6cd4c, Will-o'-the-wisp: {your not on mab..}
[20-19:58] fd7dc, Dre'makius : *looks towards the horizon, watching the sun go down*
[20-19:59] 3ec83, Mab : I am on, but I need your AIM for you to see me. Muahahahaha!
[20-19:59] be071, Guien Ventorrell : ((oh is supposed to rp with dre...where is dre?))
[20-19:59] 7bb0f, Will-o'-the-wisp: ((heh *Blinks to Guien, not knowing whats hes trying to say*))
[20-19:59] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( :: pokes Mab's elf icon.. as he's looking all psuedo-Link :: and HA! I remembered about the p )
[20-19:59] be071, Guien Ventorrell : ((can see mab **feel special** ))
[20-20:00] 6cd4c, Will-o'-the-wisp: {thecause456}
[20-20:01] fd7dc, Dre'makius : ((I gotta go for an hour Guien... I'll be back around 10:00 est. OK? Ttyl!))*paused self**GONE*
[20-20:01] be071, Guien Ventorrell : ((dr dre is the name he a head of the game rocken with a cuff and crease))
[20-20:01] 290ac, Aralore : ((OK, set your kingdom here -----> o <- Ruapenchi (__MASSIVE GARGANTUAN KINGDOM__) ))
[20-20:01] be071, Guien Ventorrell : (( but then i only got an hour **pout**))
[20-20:02] 290ac, Aralore : ((Hey, Early Edition is on! Ooh, anybody remember Early Edition?))
[20-20:03] be071, Guien Ventorrell : (( yes i does))
[20-20:03] be071, Guien Ventorrell : (( want to RP NOW))
[20-20:03] 290ac, Aralore : ((*Should probably be doing homework* Ooh, c'mon NO MATH HOMEWORK!))
[20-20:03] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( yeah.. poor kitty. he was the *real* hero of the show )
[20-20:04] 290ac, Aralore : ((FK! It's the longest assignment yet...just my stupid, idiotic, LOUSY luck eff ess.))
[20-20:04] 3ec83, Mab : I was thinking the same thing about this elf icon, Adrian. *L*
[20-20:04] be071, Guien Ventorrell : (( do your homework in school!))
[20-20:04] JOIN: Trinket has entered.
[20-20:05] 290ac, Aralore : ((I can't, I have it second block, there's no time.))
[20-20:05] be071, Guien Ventorrell : ((ah that suck i never have homework and if i do i did half in school))
[20-20:06] be071, Guien Ventorrell : ((i need a pic for tihs dude))
[20-20:06] be071, Guien Ventorrell : ((and a profile))
[20-20:06] 94c70, Z: Math homework is nothing!
[20-20:07] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[20-20:07] be071, Guien Ventorrell : ((ew ugly colored profile **drops a anvil on Z** shh))
[20-20:08] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( :: doesn't have homework anymore..sigh... waits around for strangers hopelessly for 2 days now XD :: )
[20-20:10] d7c72, Trinket: *Scampers out of teh Cellar of the Glimmering Inn into the common room.*
[20-20:12] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[20-20:14] be071, Guien Ventorrell : (( anyone wanna dude hates humans so i might try to kill ya though))
[20-20:15] d7c72, Trinket: ((I ain't human))
[20-20:15] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : (I'm just sittin in the tavern so.. go ahead >.> ))
[20-20:15] be071, Guien Ventorrell : (( i know ya hairt rat mole))
[20-20:16] be071, Guien Ventorrell : ((hairy))
[20-20:17] d7c72, Trinket: ((Rat Mole??? I resemble that... Er resent))
[20-20:17] d7c72, Trinket: ((The hairy aspect I will accept though. ))
[20-20:18] be071, Guien Ventorrell : ((just a joken but, mew ))
[20-20:19] 4cfe0, Khaes: *Hates everyone*
[20-20:19] JOIN: Tarnis Catadon has entered.
[20-20:19] be071, Guien Ventorrell : **hates those who hate him and most others to**
[20-20:20] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ::he trance of sorts was interrupted, hearing tiny feet skittering..::
[20-20:20] d7c72, Trinket: ((And today our eye is the sky reporting on hate cries in Bettenchi))
[20-20:20] be071, Guien Ventorrell : **now uncloaked his very pale almost green skinned face the only thing visible on his as he enters the inn looking around with pure white eyes**
[20-20:20] d7c72, Trinket: ((Hmm, in not is))
[20-20:21] d7c72, Trinket: *Seeing the strange looking big person, Trinket scitters under a table.*
[20-20:21] be071, Guien Ventorrell : ((trinket you know what ur pic is of right?))
[20-20:23] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ::leaning forward, his forearms crossed on the tabletop, he turns his head slightly as the inn's door creaked open::
[20-20:23] 290ac, Aralore : ((Math hurts my brain ))
[20-20:23] d7c72, Trinket: ((Yes, I know exactly what it is, Pokemon #151 Mew, the first pokemon, can learn any ability, TM, or HM in the games. Only one exists))
[20-20:23] be071, Guien Ventorrell : ((**claps** yay!))
[20-20:25] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( o.O;;;;;;; )
[20-20:25] 290ac, Aralore : ((Seems like a pretty random number for the very first pokémon.))
[20-20:25] be071, Guien Ventorrell : **speaks in a smooth yet loud voice to the whole inn** I will pay gold for anyone giving valuable information about this kingdom! **move in the the tavern more his hands tucked inside his cloak**
[20-20:25] d7c72, Trinket: One of teh few pokemon in my game that I am overly proud of, including my full Eevee evolution team))
[20-20:26] d7c72, Trinket: ((They made him #151 because he is not catchable.))
[20-20:26] be071, Guien Ventorrell : ((they go in order of which they are descovered i thought))
[20-20:26] be071, Guien Ventorrell : ((er discovered))
[20-20:27] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : :: the corner of his mouth twitched briefly, wondering why he was bellowing to a nearly empty room::
[20-20:27] be071, Guien Ventorrell : ((DAMN BUSH and his random What the Deuce? noone cares about))
[20-20:27] d7c72, Trinket: ((Yes, I think that was how it worked, Mew was just the Extremely rare one that could only be gained under special circumstances.))
[20-20:28] 290ac, Aralore : ((PAX has Early Edition. Watch that, Guien!))
[20-20:28] d7c72, Trinket: ((Well Guien, if you want to continue the topic of Pokemon, feel free to IM me.))
[20-20:28] be071, Guien Ventorrell : (( i am why to rusty on that subject))
[20-20:29] be071, Guien Ventorrell : ((what the hell....why=way))
[20-20:29] d7c72, Trinket: ((No worries on my part, it is just a hobby for me, not the true obsession it is for some. I have AIM, Yahoo, MSN and ICQ though if you are interested.))
[20-20:30] be071, Guien Ventorrell : **move over to the table Adrian is at pulling one slender thin pale green hand knocking loudly on the thick wooden table** You there, what do you know?
[20-20:31] be071, Guien Ventorrell : ((NakedIndian8869 aim me then))
[20-20:31] be071, Guien Ventorrell : ((**turns off the tv and bush with his "IF WE DO NOT WIN THEN WE ARE THE LOSERS ess ness** well dah))
[20-20:35] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : I know nothing of this kingdom but this very city, m'lord.. ::he glanced up at him with bright green irises, feeling unfortunate speaking this truth:: I am new to these lands. My apologies.
[20-20:35] JOIN: Roki has entered.
[20-20:36] be071, Guien Ventorrell : **frowns pulling his other hand out flipping a gold coin to the man** Good luck then. ** give a fake smile**
[20-20:37] 94c70, Z: Aralore, what Math level are you in?
[20-20:38] 290ac, Aralore : ((Pre-Calculus.))
[20-20:38] 94c70, Z: Awww you'll survive
[20-20:38] be071, Guien Ventorrell : (( i am in algrabra i suck in math yet excell in computers odd ))
[20-20:38] 94c70, Z: *was in Calc II in college before she stopped taking math*
[20-20:39] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ::his glance absent-mindedly followed it as it clattered onto the table:: Thank you, m'lord. Good luck to you as well.
[20-20:39] be071, Guien Ventorrell : ((im only a freshman))
[20-20:39] 94c70, Z: I didn't feel like taking another 2 semesters of Calculas and then a semester of engineering math though so.. pleh..
[20-20:39] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[20-20:40] 290ac, Aralore : (( Math needs to be easy...EAAAAAAAAAASY))
[20-20:42] 94c70, Z: *finds it easy, just finds it BORING*
[20-20:44] be071, Guien Ventorrell : **nods to the man then unexpectedly makes a weird hand gesture and speaking in an odd tounge the points at adrian a ball of fire sparts on his clothes catcing him on fire** Good-bye, human. **turns walking from the tavern into the streets**
[20-20:45] be071, Guien Ventorrell : ((WELL z your just lucky i suck at math massively))
[20-20:46] 94c70, Z: *is just smart so nyah*
[20-20:47] 290ac, Aralore : ((You're not overly prodigal in English either...KIDDING! :-D ))
[20-20:47] be071, Guien Ventorrell : ((the=then))
[20-20:47] JOIN: R has entered.
[20-20:48] be071, Guien Ventorrell : (( I can be good in english but its too much work ))
[20-20:48] 4cfe0, V: *did A-level Maths* *never again*
[20-20:48] 4cfe0, V: *finds the term of freshman highly amusing.* Fresh, just for me? How sweet.
[20-20:49] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : GAH!!!!!!!!!!! :: isn't human, but is fearful of fire of this kind regardless.. in a panic he jumped from his chair, throwing off his cloak, which was where most of the flames had clung, and without thinking, risked burning his hands by beating out the other scattered flames on his clothes::
[20-20:49] be071, Guien Ventorrell : ((v you sound like you been in prison and a new bus load came in and your horny....))
[20-20:49] 7725b, Bowdyn : hmm..
[20-20:49] 7725b, R : hmm
[20-20:50] 4cfe0, V: Never been to prison. I'm a good boy
[20-20:50] 4cfe0, V: *sips tea*
[20-20:50] 94c70, Z: *isn't familiar with other system rankings*
[20-20:50] 4cfe0, V: *first cup of tea he has had within the last 24 hours*
[20-20:50] 4cfe0, V: We call everyone "students" here. We have no rankings
[20-20:51] 4cfe0, V: well... primary school, secondary school, college, university. thats it
[20-20:51] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( thats the last time I volunteer to play with you )
[20-20:51] 4cfe0, V: "Hi, I'm a Year 7" means first year of secondary school.
[20-20:54] 94c70, Z: YEah but I mean subject wise. You guys don't use things like, Algebra, Calculas, Trignometry and such do you?
[20-20:55] 3e2ed, Luke: *learnt Algebra and Trig. in General Maths, in years 7-12*
[20-20:55] 4cfe0, V: Of course not, we only learn addition and subtraction /sarcasm
[20-20:55] 3e2ed, Luke: *actually used algebra in an IQ test thing*
[20-20:55] 4cfe0, V: You learn elements of Algebra and Trig in year's 7-11 (secondary school level)
[20-20:55] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[20-20:56] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ::wincing at the pain searing through his hands, and random smaller spots on his body, he stamped out the fire in his cloak on the floor::
[20-20:57] 3e2ed, Luke: 7-12 in Oz, V
[20-20:57] 94c70, Z: Not what I meant V I didn't know if you named them like that or not.
[20-20:58] 4cfe0, V: years 12-13 are college level. GCSE up to year 11
[20-20:58] 4cfe0, V: 12-13 are AS/A level
[20-20:58] 4cfe0, V: 14 onwards is University
[20-20:59] 3e2ed, Luke: every country's education levels are different
[20-21:00] 3e2ed, Luke: K-6: Primary... 7-12: Secondary/High... onwards is either college or Uni... and here, only up to year 10 is compulsory... 11 and 12 are pretty much voluntary
[20-21:00] 290ac, Aralore : ((!!!!))
[20-21:01] 290ac, Aralore : ((Diagnosis Murder is on!))
[20-21:01] 4cfe0, V: years R-6 = primary, 7-11 = secondary, 12-13 = college, 14+ University. Everyone MUST do up to the end of Secondary School. College is optional as is University.
[20-21:01] 94c70, Z: hehe
[20-21:02] 290ac, Aralore : ((Oh god. *choke* I have so little to live for! *sob*))
[20-21:02] 94c70, Z: 80's TV Aralore
[20-21:03] 290ac, Aralore : ((*Cries*))
[20-21:04] JOIN: Phoenix has entered.
[20-21:06] 290ac, Aralore : ((Hehe...Andy Griffith is the greatest.))
[20-21:06] JOIN: ladycrowe has entered.
[20-21:06] d7c72, Trinket: ((Myself I like the Back to the Futire movies from the 80's. ))
[20-21:09] d7c72, Trinket: ((Wow, that killed the chat.))
[20-21:09] JOIN: Tarnis Catadon has entered.
[20-21:09] 2e098, Phoenix : I like em as well
[20-21:10] 290ac, Aralore : ((Uberly.))
[20-21:10] 4cfe0, V: Canada has no education system
[20-21:10] 4cfe0, V: M is in Uni. Nuff said
[20-21:10] d7c72, Trinket: ((We don't?))
[20-21:11] 74d1f, ladycrowe: Canada does too have an education system *baps V*
[20-21:11] 4cfe0, V: Not a very good one obviously
[20-21:11] db228, Guien Ventorrell : ((Hey adrian sorry i had phone call that kicked me offline and had to take it))
[20-21:12] d7c72, Trinket: ((And to think, those years in Elementary, Junior High and High school didn't exist... Guess College and University are lies too. Darn ))
[20-21:12] 74d1f, ladycrowe: There's nothing wrong with it... so far as I've paid attention...
[20-21:12] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : (uh yeah w/e. you set me on fire >< )
[20-21:12] JOIN: Zaknafein has entered.
[20-21:13] 4cfe0, V: Trinket - asl?
[20-21:13] db228, Guien Ventorrell : (( i know i am bored so we start off again?))
[20-21:13] d7c72, Trinket: ((Well, I am not in University, but I am in College. I am 25/male and in Alberta))
[20-21:14] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[20-21:14] 4cfe0, V: Cool. Got a picture?
[20-21:14] db228, Guien Ventorrell : ((cananda is like lil america...from the simpons but not true either way))
[20-21:15] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 10:14pm, January 20 (CST) ).
[20-21:15] db228, Guien Ventorrell : ((simpsons rather))
[20-21:15] JOIN: Joey has entered.
[20-21:15] 290ac, Aralore : ((You really don't wanna give him that Trinket...))
[20-21:15] JOIN: Milliardo Constantine has entered.
[20-21:15] d7c72, Trinket: ((Only one that is a few months old and is on my yahoo profile.))
[20-21:16] d7c72, Trinket: ((SO if you can find that, you can see me. ))
[20-21:16] 4cfe0, V: How do I see that? :/
[20-21:16] 74d1f, ladycrowe: *Recently moved to Ontario from AB ^_^*
[20-21:16] 290ac, Aralore : ((He lubes up and rolls around in them when no one but the British government is watching from well-placed spy-cams. Yes, this is V's true, disturbing life.))
[20-21:16] JOIN: Liz has entered.
[20-21:16] d7c72, Trinket: ((Why is that Aralore?))
[20-21:16] c31bf, Curst Diablos : (( trinket you play glain right? ))
[20-21:17] d7c72, Trinket: ((V, you would have to know my Yahoo ID ))
[20-21:17] 74d1f, ladycrowe: *smirk*
[20-21:17] d7c72, Trinket: ((Curst, you mean Galin, and Yes.))
[20-21:18] 4cfe0, V: Aralore is crazy. Ignore him.
[20-21:18] 4cfe0, V: Trinket - What is your Yahoo ID?
[20-21:18] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : (no; you set me on fire )
[20-21:18] JOIN: Sarelth has entered.
[20-21:18] 290ac, Aralore : ((Don't give it to him! He keeps little boys in his back room!))
[20-21:19] d7c72, Sarelth: Which one V, I have a couple actually. ))
[20-21:19] JOIN: Tarnis Catadon has entered.
[20-21:19] db228, Tarnis Catadon: (( HE IS A PRIEST!!!!!!!!!!))
[20-21:20] d7c72, Sarelth:
[20-21:20] db228, Tarnis Catadon: (**switchs to guien s/n**)
[20-21:20] 4cfe0, V: That's a lie
[20-21:20] d7c72, Trinket: *Squeaks and runs around the tavern, having spotted a cat.*
[20-21:20] 4cfe0, V: I dont have a back room
[20-21:20] d7c72, Trinket: *Runs into a tiny hole in the floor and vanishes*
[20-21:21] 4cfe0, V: and legal age is 18 whch is hardly a young boy
[20-21:21] 74d1f, ladycrowe: V's lying.. he does have a back room *innocent whistle*
[20-21:21] db228, Guien Ventorrell : yea hah, v i saw you on with that lil boy dont ask why i was there!
[20-21:21] 4cfe0, V: and whichever yahoo thingy that has the picture
[20-21:22] 290ac, Aralore : ((Pfff - V's an archbishop, he got his degree at a reiglious school's web site :/ ))
[20-21:22] d7c72, Sarelth: Ladycrowe, I don't wanna know how you know that...
[20-21:22] 74d1f, ladycrowe: *shifty eyed* No... no you really don't...
[20-21:22] 290ac, Aralore : ((Reiglious? Religious. I'm too heathen to even utter the word without bursting into flame.))
[20-21:23] d7c72, Sarelth: V, look at the one listed on this ID. Since I am Trinket.
[20-21:23] EXIT: Trinket has left the chat ( 10:20pm, January 20 (CST) ).
[20-21:23] db228, Guien Ventorrell : i want a ooc name damnnit
[20-21:23] 4cfe0, V: *win*
[20-21:23] 4cfe0, V: I dont find you attractive, sorry to break that to you
[20-21:24] 290ac, Aralore : ((At least, I call V archbishop anyway. When we're..alone.))
[20-21:24] c31bf, Curst Diablos : V are you bi?
[20-21:24] d7c72, Sarelth: Who? Me? Never said you did.
[20-21:24] 4cfe0, V: Shush Choir Boy
[20-21:25] 290ac, Aralore : ((That pic is sexy, Sarelth.))
[20-21:25] d7c72, Sarelth: Should I start to worry now?
[20-21:25] 4cfe0, V: Curst - why? are you interested in me?
[20-21:26] d7c72, Sarelth: I think that pic is horrible myself, Yahoo blew it up so large it looks like crap.
[20-21:26] b6a12, Liz: *thinks Curst and V would make a cute couple*
[20-21:26] d7c72, Sarelth: Looks much better on the ICQ profile.
[20-21:26] 290ac, Aralore : ((Sarelth: DAMN right you should. You're now going to receive an exorbitant sum of letters smacking of British perfume. It will stink up your house with V-smell :/ ))
[20-21:26] db228, Guien Ventorrell : LMOS
[20-21:27] c31bf, Curst Diablos : oh ya know just wondering *wistles and continues to look at v*
[20-21:27] c31bf, Joey: eep need to be in ooc name
[20-21:27] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[20-21:28] db228, Guien Ventorrell : ahh i want a ooc name ya all suck large hairy testes ya know
[20-21:28] c31bf, Joey: i deem the color code ff0000 to be my offical color for all my chars *nods and gets it copywrited*
[20-21:28] 4cfe0, V: Joey - asl?
[20-21:29] d7c72, Sarelth: *looks around with a frightened look on his face.*
[20-21:29] 290ac, Aralore : ((Foist, Joey, that's the generic standard universal banal mundane color for purest RED on all monitor screens. SECOND, it's copyrighted © I think is the symbol...THIRD, DON'T ANSWER ANYTHING V ASKS))
[20-21:30] d7c72, Sarelth: Well, I shall now go find some food, since I am hungry and this is getting odd.
[20-21:31] c31bf, Joey: (( well fine then aralore be that way )) (( im 18 m ))
[20-21:31] 74d1f, ladycrowe: *sits and watches the conversation go by... quite inerested in what people have to say... seeing as it's getting interesting and all..*
[20-21:32] 290ac, Aralore : ((Awh I'm sorry *huggles Joey*))
[20-21:32] 4cfe0, V: 18/m/??????
[20-21:32] 4cfe0, V: you are just about legal
[20-21:32] c31bf, Joey: (( *huggs back* tanko*)) (( unitedstates ))
[20-21:33] db228, Guien Ventorrell : V, is gunna came rape the virgin anuses
[20-21:33] c31bf, Joey: (( to bad im taken ))
[20-21:33] 4cfe0, V: taken by whom?
[20-21:33] db228, Guien Ventorrell : came-come
[20-21:33] 290ac, Aralore : (("My lord....eeeeeeeeeeeeeez that...leeeeeeeeeeeegal?" "I will make it legal."))
[20-21:33] db228, Guien Ventorrell : he is taken by amy
[20-21:34] c31bf, Joey: my gf, she dosent rp, she wants to but she says its to hard
[20-21:34] db228, Guien Ventorrell : rp aint hard ya just need creativity
[20-21:34] c31bf, Joey: Guien knows
[20-21:35] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( ::is ashamed someone a/s/l'ed the room..:: )
[20-21:35] 4cfe0, V: I bet she says its too hard
[20-21:36] c31bf, Joey: V are you horny or something?
[20-21:36] db228, Guien Ventorrell : i bet its rather muffeled
[20-21:36] 290ac, Aralore : ((Yeah, but it was V, Adrian, you had to figure it was gonna come sometime.))
[20-21:36] db228, Guien Ventorrell : i dont like the word horny said by a man
[20-21:36] d7c72, Sarelth: What is wrong with A/S/L, it is good to know what age people are. Lets you know what is innapropriate to say, sometimes.
[20-21:37] 74d1f, ladycrowe: *rae@Joey's question... he apprently doesn't know V very well...*
[20-21:37] b6a12, Liz: *dozes, comforted by their bickering and small talk*
[20-21:37] db228, Guien Ventorrell : specially when it is said after a open mouthed icon thinger
[20-21:38] c31bf, Joey: nope i dont when ever i rp and he says something its small and not this much
[20-21:38] db228, Guien Ventorrell : **sits on liz** hey wake up gurlay
[20-21:39] 4cfe0, V: I may be horny, or I may not be
[20-21:39] 290ac, Aralore : ((Usually I tell people How old is the universe?/N/A/Centre of the Earth))