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[18-22:31] 867a2, Aegnora : *arches an eyebrow at the gesture... he might notice, her hand is surprisingly warm* My name..? *smiles* Aegnora Fellfire, your Majesty
[18-22:31] e0302, Riley: * she lifts her eyes to the guard he insists he goes to get a copy of the lists upon his return she quickly spies a name not checked off and she gives him that name he checks her off with the standard m'aplogies my lady and lets her pass onward she goes into the party *
[18-22:32] c8f7b, Arutha Duthain : *notes that her hand is so warm but brushes it off with a mental gesture* A pleasure to meet you. Are you enjoying yourself so far?
[18-22:32] 290ac, Aralore : *Finishes his talk with the weaponsmith, moving over to Delotha and smiling* Find anyone that can help us look for the key yet?
[18-22:32] 7bb0f, Ralaphor : ((Sorry reposrt))
[18-22:32] JOIN: R has entered.
[18-22:33] c825e, Dre'makius : drops them on the floor and pulls off her cap, a whole set of dredlocks that were not visible tumbling down her head, joining the others that cascade down her back**pulls off her tunic, and her boots, still wearing a blanket tied around her chest**looks at himand grins* Are we going to get embarassed?
[18-22:33] e0302, Riley: * moves quickly into the crowd so that she is swallowed in it her eyes scanning for the king asking several of the young misses in attendence getting sent into the general direction *
[18-22:33] 7bb0f, Ralaphor : *Was kinda lost in thought of something as he looks back to Dre and blinks, smieling* Just for your amusmenet Dre *Turns his back to her*
[18-22:33] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ::he shrugged lightly, rubbing absently at his chin::
[18-22:34] a1241, Kroger : Where you from? The south where they have all those exotic tastes or something?
[18-22:34] 867a2, Aegnora : *half surprised he didn't comment on her name* I did not come here to enjoy myself.
[18-22:34] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : (brb)
[18-22:34] c825e, Dre'makius : *laughs and shakes her head, removing the rest of her clothes and slipping into the bath, sinking into it**flips her hair back so that it extends past the bathtub, not int he water as to not get her dreds wet**grins and closes her eyes, smiling, ingoring the stinging of her wounds*
[18-22:34] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : (oh nm )
[18-22:34] c8f7b, Arutha Duthain : ((When is an attack on the city when you need one?))
[18-22:34] 7725b, Bowdyn : *Strolls silently through the city, heading towards the run down areas of the city, Bowdyn had been spending more time in Town then usual, Even though it sickened him, to see the Kings personal men going about there duties and abusing the people they were suppose to protect.*
[18-22:34] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : *glances up to Aralore as he approached.* Yes. Artanis. However... there might be reason to stay, with how the guards are and whatnot
[18-22:35] a1241, Kroger : ((gotcha))
[18-22:35] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : The south? ::looks at him with blatant confusion in his features:: what are you talking about?
[18-22:35] c8f7b, Arutha Duthain : *arches a brow at her statement* Then why are you here, Lady Aegnora?
[18-22:35] 94c70, Joulina Teyr: *Silently steps back inside. Though even once in there, she remains away from most of the crowd who obviously did these sorts of parties all the time. Instead, she ocuppied herself with the vairous arts in the room.*
[18-22:36] 7bb0f, Ralaphor : *Turns back around and walks to the bathroom door, saying this to Dre as he grabs the handle* Going to close the door
[18-22:36] e0302, Riley: * spies that he is involved in converstation she hovers near by*
[18-22:36] c825e, Dre'makius : whut fore? *looks up at him with her green eyes*
[18-22:36] a1241, Kroger : You know, the geographical coordinate opposite of North?
[18-22:37] 867a2, Aegnora : Your city will fall, if you are not ready.... *smirks*
[18-22:37] 290ac, Aralore : *Frowns, not understanding.* Besides incompetent? The guards seem to be harassing most anyone now. Why does that constitute a good reason to stay?
[18-22:37] a1241, Kroger : ::he takes the cold mug of water that is brought to him by the waiter and sips it, tasting it::
[18-22:37] 7725b, King Narmotur : *The Kings men were still looking for the two girls, that two of their 'brothers' had encoutnered the previous day, Ah the King wanted them, and he would get them.*
[18-22:38] 7bb0f, Ralaphor : *Looks to Dre, and almost look like his mouth was dropped as he blinks and shake his head a little* Umm, privacy *Gulps little* plus your going to need to brush your hair inside the bathroom, if you want
[18-22:38] c8f7b, Arutha Duthain : *is taken somewhat aback by her manner, as mostly women do not concern themselves with military matters much past lamenting the depature of loved sons or brothers or lovers*
[18-22:38] MSG: Ralaphor sent a message to King Narmotur.
[18-22:39] c825e, Dre'makius : Brush My HAIR?! *laughs heartily, throwing her head back**pulls up a few thick tangled strands and shows him* They aint never been brushed and they will never be brushed! THis is permanent mate! called Drelocks
[18-22:39] c8f7b, Arutha Duthain : ((*is a better looking King that Narmotur*))
[18-22:39] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : Becauses, obviously, if they are going to harass innocent people, they need to be harassed.
[18-22:39] c825e, Dre'makius : ((*Dredlocks) And besides.. taking a bath is as natural as breathing. I need no privacy!
[18-22:39] MSG: King Narmotur tried to message Msg Ralaphor Jonburrows70 (not registered).
[18-22:39] MSG: King Narmotur tried to message Msg Ralaphor Jonburrows70 (not registered).
[18-22:39] MSG: King Narmotur sent a message to Ralaphor.
[18-22:40] 867a2, Aegnora : How prepared are you, my dear Arutha Duthain? If a force approached your city right now... Would you be ready?
[18-22:40] 7bb0f, Ralaphor : Ah *Nods a bit as he slowly backs out of the bathroom and wals to the bed, a bit embarassed from what he did, he has to admit*
[18-22:40] e0302, Riley: * lingers back listening*
[18-22:40] 94c70, Joulina Teyr: *Gazes at the tapestry that dominates the decorations of the room, losing herself in throught as she looks at it.*
[18-22:40] e95af, Rav : *sits and waits pondering RP.*
[18-22:41] c825e, Dre'makius : *Chuckles* c'mon... I ain't no lady and I ain't no proper person. So whut is it that is bothering you exactly hmm? *sinks into the bath, resting her arms on the sides of the bathtub*
[18-22:41] c8f7b, Arutha Duthain : *eyes her coldly a moment as he now realizes she isnt a courtier and then speaks, in that overly arrogant matter of fact tone that his father once had* And then some.
[18-22:41] 290ac, Aralore : I do not see the wisdom in this decision..there are other factors here, such as that paladin that is bent on destroying you.
[18-22:41] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : Yes, but what about it?
[18-22:42] 7bb0f, Ralaphor : ...........*Blinks and looks to the bathroom opening and yellsa le* Your wounds
[18-22:42] a1241, Kroger : I asked where you are from.
[18-22:43] c825e, Dre'makius : *yawns slightly* Then don't be so shy and grab those bandages and get in the bathroom. *rolls her eyes* It's not like I wouldn't have had to undress anyway!
[18-22:43] c825e, Dre'makius : *fingers the gash across her chest and frowns*
[18-22:43] a1241, Kroger : Seeing how you contemplated choosing a beverage for so long I thought you were a drinker of fine wines like those I met in the south during my time there.
[18-22:44] a1241, Kroger : ::he chuckled:: Perhaps something my lean pocket could not handle. Some favored Fey Wine and the like.
[18-22:44] 867a2, Aegnora : Are you that certain...? Are you safe right now?
[18-22:44] 94c70, Artanis : *Within the market place, she deals with a few merchants to aquire some items.*
[18-22:44] JOIN: Karn Vailner has entered.
[18-22:45] e0302, Riley: * makes her move slipping well into sight dropping into a low curtsy her head bowed and tone very soft * m'lord... ye sent for me?
[18-22:45] 7bb0f, Ralaphor : ....*Sighs* Alright...*Walks over to a drawer and opens it luckily finding bandages as he walks into the bathroom and kneels by her* Let ee them
[18-22:45] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[18-22:45] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : I can deal with it.... I might search out this paladin again, and have a nice chat *smirks*
[18-22:46] 7725b, King Narmotur : *His men keep a close eye on everyone in the market place, scrutinizing everyone closely.*
[18-22:46] c8f7b, Arutha Duthain : *he does have his rapier at his side so he can defend himself if the need arises....before being distracted by Riley and turns* Y..yes...have the...hor'deurves I requested been set out for the guests?
[18-22:46] c825e, Dre'makius : *yawns again, covering her mouth**looks at him, her eyes a bit red from being tired**sits up a bit straighter, leaning forward* Hmm... which one to pick! *holds out her left arm, which means she has to twist and face him**leans on the side of the tub so that only her arm is visible and as not to embarass him*
[18-22:46] c825e, Dre'makius : *is skinnier than her clothing makes her out to be, but is well muscled where it's important*
[18-22:47] 7bb0f, Ralaphor : *Gently but quickly wraps the first set of bandages around her wounded left arm* Next
[18-22:47] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : No, I carry my own wine... I'm not from here... or anywhere near here, reallly.
[18-22:48] e0302, Riley: * stays in the low curtsy* Aye M'lord.... * she eyes the situation from under her hair*
[18-22:48] 867a2, Aegnora : *folds her arms, glancing past Arutha towards Riley*
[18-22:48] c825e, Dre'makius : *laughs, yawning again**rests her head on the tub edge and closes her eyes* mmmate I be so tired
[18-22:48] JOIN: Morgan McMullen has entered.
[18-22:48] 290ac, Aralore : You know he wasn't interested in chatting. You don't know how powerful he could be hurt. *Crosses his arms, leaning against a nearby wall, the gleam of his white elaborately crafted oathbow a stark contrast to the black cloak that put his face in near total darkness. Burning amethyst eyes are the only permeation of his otherwise vacuous visage, compassionate, compelling, and attempting every bit to be persuasive enough*
[18-22:49] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : *waves vaguely* Oh... I plan on incompasitating him before chatting
[18-22:50] c8f7b, Arutha Duthain : Excellent... *eyes his empty wine glass* There is something wrong with this picture...
[18-22:50] 7bb0f, Ralaphor : Not yet Dre....let see the rest
[18-22:50] c825e, Dre'makius : *looks at him* Can't we just wait till mornin>
[18-22:50] a1241, Kroger : ::he straightens up a bit, looking about the place after sitting for so long:: Oh, from where?
[18-22:50] 7fbbb, Morgan McMullen : *as promised, he's in his respectable shop down in the village, pounding a sword into shape. He has one wooden box finished already. His shirt has been removoed for quite sometime, well worked muscles from the trade move elegantly under his dirty, sweaty skin as the hammer raises, then falls on its target again and again*
[18-22:50] c825e, Dre'makius : I ain't gonna die
[18-22:51] e2676, Hector Ostia:
[18-22:51] 7bb0f, Ralaphor : *Shrugs* As I said, be at least a little descent. No cuts
[18-22:52] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : Myrcoria... it's a little forest town in the middle of absolutely nowhere.. nothing like this.
[18-22:52] EXIT: Hector Ostia has left the chat ( 11:51pm, January 18 (CST) ).
[18-22:52] 7bb0f, Ralaphor : ((Inn, Dre's room))
[18-22:52] e0302, Riley: M'lord your cousin asked me to bring you to him upon my responding to your request
[18-22:52] JOIN: Merr has entered.
[18-22:53] 867a2, Aegnora : *remains silent... waiting*
[18-22:53] 290ac, Aralore : You can't very well chat with someone who is incapacitated...and how are you so sure he's not more powerful? Paladins draw their strength from their deity directly...
[18-22:53] 94c70, Artanis : *Is quite casual in her activity, she could really be any commoner in the city and noone would really know unless they knew her.*
[18-22:53] c825e, Dre'makius : *sighs and wrinkles her nose, now actually becoming a bit bashful* alright alright *has to get out of the tub because the one on her leg is not visible unless she is standing**gets out of the tub, dripping wet and grabs her blanket, the one that she usually has wrapped around herself and wraps herself up in it**sitting down on a chair in the room and pulling it back enough for the cut on her right thigh* 'appy?
[18-22:53] a1241, Kroger : Sounds... quaint. Why didn't you stay? I'm sure you could've done without all... *waves his hand around indicating the slum looking building* ... this.
[18-22:54] c8f7b, Arutha Duthain : ((Krondor...Palace)) *nods* Of course...*turns to Aegnora* Perhaps we shall continue this discussion at a later time... *bows* Good eve..*to Riley* Lead on...
[18-22:55] 7bb0f, Ralaphor : *Grined as he follows her* Did I see a look of bashfulness from a pirate? *Knels in frot of her, wrapping the bandage around her right thgh*
[18-22:55] e0302, Riley: * stands and leads Arutha to a quiet alcove* Your majesty please forgive the deception but your cousin does not wish to see you ... But I must speak to you alone
[18-22:56] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : I probably could have.. but.. small towns become terribly boring. ::knows he means buildings outsid eof this inn because this inn is apparently immaculate::
[18-22:56] c825e, Dre'makius : I ain't no pirate!!...just wish I t'were.... *yawns again, covering her mouth, not bothered by him wrapping up her leg**looks at him and recounts the amount of bandage areas*
[18-22:56] c8f7b, Arutha Duthain : *raises a brow* I had figured. Who are you?
[18-22:56] e2676, Merr : ((mind if i join in on the fun?))
[18-22:56] 867a2, Aegnora : *softly, so only Arutha* Yes... walk away. You may regret it later. But all have regrets in hindsight... Don't they?
[18-22:56] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ((Trendlekim's in a booth away from where ya left your body))
[18-22:56] 867a2, Aegnora : *only Arutha can hear*
[18-22:57] e0302, Riley: It matters not who I am but why I am here M'lord...
[18-22:57] 7725b, King Narmotur : *One of the Kings personal men comes up to the shop Artanis is, and begins to inquire about the two they're looking for, asking the shop keeper basic questions/.*
[18-22:57] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : Because... paladins draw power to smite the wicked. *looks to him* I am not evil.
[18-22:57] c8f7b, Arutha Duthain : *raises a brow at Aegnora's words* Then why are you here?
[18-22:57] 7bb0f, Ralaphor : *Blinks to Dre as he gesturtes her to show next injury* Mean your not a pirate? Then what are you then?
[18-22:58] e2676, Merr : ((i take it no one minds then))
[18-22:58] JOIN: Selene Demarkus has entered.
[18-22:58] e0302, Riley: * looks about at all the party go'ers* Perhaps we can dicuss this perhaps in a place more private
[18-22:59] c825e, Dre'makius : sumthin a lot less respectable.. but gets me by *has to drop the top part of the blanket because she has a gash across her belly that he would have to wrap the bandage around her waist*
[18-22:59] 92794, Squirrel : Merp
[18-22:59] a1241, Kroger : ::clears his throat running his hand though his hair, scratching in spots:: Yeah, well, I'm from the city. Always have been, always will be I guess.
[18-22:59] a1241, Kroger : Doesn't make for a good scout.
[18-22:59] 7fbbb, Morgan McMullen : *lifts what will be a blade as soon as he sharpens it with a large pair of tongs. He curses as he goes to put it in the tub of cooling water because the damned tub is empty. When did that happen? He drops the blade in the pile that had been accumulating in the empty tub and heads for the door, wiping sweat from his forhead onto the back of his leather gloves*
[18-22:59] 290ac, Aralore : *Leans in closer, hushing his voice-perhaps in reverence, respect, or even slight fear of the word* But are you holy?
[18-23:00] 7bb0f, Ralaphor : *Looks to her bare torso and looks up to her, blinking and nods* Stand up, so I can wrap it around your stomach...*Grins* Mummy
[18-23:00] 4a0f7, Selene Demarkus : (( Back...and apparently alone ))
[18-23:00] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : "the city"? that hardly explains anything..
[18-23:00] 867a2, Aegnora : *stayed where she was as Arutha was led off...made sure he heard her, but as he left, he'd not hear his response.*
[18-23:00] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : I do not consider myself holy, no.
[18-23:01] c8f7b, Arutha Duthain : *gestures to a side room which is empty and he enteres it first yes....*
[18-23:01] c825e, Dre'makius : *blinks* Mummy? Bah! Egyptians! *stands and wraps the blanket around her waist, holding onto it**looks at him* Don't you be gettin any idears!
[18-23:01] 94c70, Artanis : *Listens as she finishes her purchase, then silently moves away from the booth.*
[18-23:01] a1241, Kroger : ::laughs:: Your forest must be bigger than I imagined.
[18-23:01] 7bb0f, Ralaphor : *chuckled as he wraps the bandages around her stomach, asking her* Anymore wounds?
[18-23:01] c825e, Dre'makius : ((*yawns* I gotta go to bed.. I got school tomorrow.. I'm gonna die!))
[18-23:02] c825e, Dre'makius : *points to the obvious visible one across her chest just above her breasts* That one p'raps. Least it's assurin you weren't lookin there
[18-23:02] 290ac, Aralore : We should approach this more you know if he works for any sort of guild or organization of fellow paladins, or is close to his we even know what deity he worships?
[18-23:02] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ::stares blankly at him, lost:: Why do you think that?
[18-23:02] 4a0f7, Selene Demarkus : *shrugs to herself and moves further out into the gardens, probably the only one*
[18-23:03] 7725b, King Narmotur : *Upon leaving the shop though, there was a slight chance she could either run into or look the other soldier directly in the face*
[18-23:03] c825e, Dre'makius : ((eyes demarkus.. are you sure we ain't related?)
[18-23:03] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : No idea... *grins*
[18-23:03] e0302, Riley: * moves in behind him shutting the door* I have been sent on behalf of my bennifactor to see you M'lord... Should my bennifactor find it well within his benifit he will throw his hat in with your forces
[18-23:04] e0302, Riley: He wishes to set up a meeting with you
[18-23:04] 7bb0f, Ralaphor : Don't worry, I won't be distracted *Gets up and wraps the bandages across her chest above her breasts as he looks only to the wound, not her breasts. He then looks straight at her and asks her* Any other woundns?
[18-23:04] c8f7b, Arutha Duthain : And who is your bennifactor?
[18-23:05] a1241, Kroger : Have you ever lived in a large popular town for any extended period of time?
[18-23:05] 94c70, Artanis : *She would stop before running into anyone. At this time she did not have her armor on, having left it behind to help appear more commoner-ish. She bows her head.* My pardon, sir.
[18-23:05] JOIN: Liz has entered.
[18-23:05] a1241, Kroger : You did mean that you didn't grow up in one, right?
[18-23:05] e0302, Riley: He wishes to remain unnamed at this time...
[18-23:05] c825e, Dre'makius : *shakes her head no, of course the one on her cheek still blazing red**walks over to her clothes and shimmies on her pants before folding up her blanket and wrapping it around her body, tying it around her with some blackened rope*
[18-23:05] 7fbbb, Morgan McMullen : *keeps close to the wall, but he does it so casually that he's not aware that he does it anymore. he scoops up two buckets that sit on the ground behind his shop and walks the small, abandoned path to the river*
[18-23:05] e2676, Merr : *can be found in his humanoid form lurking outside Krondor castle wearing loose black pants and no shoes, he has a brown leather sword belt on with a lovely silver blade in it. his chest is bare with no hair on it, has jet black hair that is medium short and falls messily around his head. his crimson eyes seem to drill into all that he looks at, his skin would be extremly palid white. would see weak being as recently he spent his time starving bound tight in princess Karlita's shed*god i hate that woman....
[18-23:06] 7725b, King Narmotur : *Using his pike to keep her path blocked, he eyes her carefully.* "You should learn to watch where you're going.."
[18-23:06] a1241, Kroger : I would imagine a lost town in the middle of some lost forest would be nothing compared to a port city.
[18-23:07] c8f7b, Arutha Duthain : Then how am I to know if I can trust this mysterious bennifactor?
[18-23:07] 4a0f7, Mierka : *having made plans to meet up with Eri in the marketplace, she searches the stalls for her*
[18-23:07] 290ac, Aralore : You should try to intimidate him, tell him that if he tries to destroy anything that is good he will be stripped of all his paladin abilities and fall in to disfavor with his deity. Dueling him is not safe.
[18-23:07] 94c70, Artanis : Yes, I do ask for your forgiveness. *She does not look at him directly.*
[18-23:07] 7725b, King Narmotur : *always on the look out for women for.. stuff..* "What is your name?"
[18-23:07] 7bb0f, Ralaphor : *Looks to her face and walks in front of her, gently lifting her face by the chin before he pulls his hand back, noticing the cut on her face* I'm afraid I can't heal that.....*Frowns*
[18-23:08] JOIN: Dee has entered.
[18-23:08] 867a2, Aegnora : *inwardly, she laughs... outwardly, she keeps her emotionless mask as she begins to move away, slippered feet moving ever so daintily across the ground... until an familiar smell reaches her nostrils. Her red eyes narrow slightly. Another nightmare....? *
[18-23:08] 4a0f7, Selene Demarkus : *sits down on a bench and looks over a pond, watching carp*
[18-23:08] a1241, Kroger : Living as I did, in a bustling town, I was not prepared for the rigors of being a scout. I was hoping my travels would be the stuff of legends... finding the enemy, bring the battle to them, and coming home.
[18-23:08] 5ae2d, Dee: (( Mm.. This is much like beseen... But the avatar thing is on the wrong side.
[18-23:08] c8f7b, Arutha Duthain : ((*randomly bites Aegnora*))
[18-23:09] 4a0f7, Mierka : *spots her and begins making her way through the crowd to her*
[18-23:09] c825e, Dre'makius : *looks up into his eyes a moiment, a good moment before going back into character and smirking* Well it'll add a nice feature to me face. *grins and pulls on her tunic, it's much too small for her arms, as is now visible, and it just fits down below her waist**ties her pants with a b elt and ties the tunic with a long length of cloth before working on her arm wraps*
[18-23:09] 867a2, Aegnora : ((*falls over*))
[18-23:09] a1241, Kroger : Not sitting on my arse in the cold dark night, while a comrade snores keeping me awake half the night. Not to mention the blasted worms that seem to creep everywhere.
[18-23:09] 94c70, Artanis : Selona. *Lie*
[18-23:09] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : Yes, but I meant which city..
[18-23:09] c8f7b, Arutha Duthain : ((*made her fall over* *wins*))
[18-23:10] c825e, Dre'makius : ((*randomly bites Arutha*))
[18-23:10] 7725b, King Narmotur : "Selona... lovely name." *He reaches out for her chin so he can lift it and get a better look at her face.*
[18-23:10] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : *snorts* I doubt I'd intimidate him... No, I'm actually planning on intimidated whatever thief I can find until I find someone would those... things... *crinkles her nose* Some kind of dart with something that makes people go unconcious
[18-23:10] c8f7b, Arutha Duthain : ((*feels lurved!* o/ *notes Dre back*))
[18-23:10] 4a0f7, Mierka : *narrows her eyes as she sees the soldier and catches that last part* Hey, Selona! *grins*
[18-23:10] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : *glances about the market, then back to Aralore* Want to get into some trouble...?
[18-23:11] e2676, Merr : *sits down against the wall of the castle where there are no guards, resting his week body, is suprised he had the strength to kill for the clothes and sword he is wearing*
[18-23:11] c825e, Dre'makius : ((*Grinz*))
[18-23:11] 7725b, King Narmotur : *The other soldier would now be standing behind Artanis as well.*
[18-23:11] 7bb0f, Ralaphor : will only your beauty...Dre, allow me to ask you this....have know...fully expressed your beauty. You in a dress instead of tunics, a gown to be more specific?
[18-23:11] c825e, Dre'makius : ((My god... after... what.. like... 8 hours my hair is stillw et.... weird..))
[18-23:12] e0302, Riley: M'lord... You have my word that you can trust my bennifactor... but should you not ... I suppose your numbers will suffer greatly should your proceed where you are now
[18-23:12] 94c70, Artanis : *She does not resist this. Hopefully the little things she has done, such as letting her hair hang down loose, would make herself look different enough to be over looked.* Thank you.
[18-23:12] 7fbbb, Morgan McMullen : *enjoys his walk to the river. the cool air on his burning skin. It's something he'll never tire of. He sets the buckets on the river bank and impulsively plunges his hands in the water to bring up a good scoop to wash off his sooted face*
[18-23:12] c825e, Dre'makius : *finishes wrapping up her other wrist and looks at him with a raised eyebrow* me line of business don't accommodate fer a dress. Plus,, my hair would have to be cut... I would no longer be able to have long hair.. This ain't comin out *pulls on a few dreds as she pullsit all back and ties it witha ribbon**looks at him with her startling green eyes* What's the point in expressin beauty when in my life it'll just get me put into a brothel?
[18-23:12] c8f7b, Arutha Duthain : ANd what is to be discussed at this....meeting?
[18-23:13] 94c70, Artanis : *She nearly winces at hearing Mierka's voice, but holds it back.*
[18-23:13] JOIN: Riley has entered.
[18-23:13] 290ac, Aralore : No, I don't, and I don't want you to be in trouble me, it's not all it's cracked up to be.
[18-23:14] 867a2, Aegnora : *This was extremely intriquiging... She turns, moving off in the direction of Merr *
[18-23:14] 7bb0f, Ralaphor : *Looks to Dre with a concern expression* What you mean>
[18-23:14] e0302, Riley: * sighs strongly believing this man has no ears* Negoitations for more man power to your forces....
[18-23:14] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : Oh don't worry... You won't be hurt. I'll keep you safe *smirks*
[18-23:14] 290ac, Aralore : *Sighs*...and since when did I become so cautious? No, no, it just seems that way because you're so reckless.
[18-23:14] 4a0f7, Mierka : *she wears a worn brown cloak, which the hoold is up on, and she pitches her voice higher to sound much younger than she is. She walks with a slight limp as if she were lame* Selona? *nears them, carefully making sure she does not look up at the soldiers*
[18-23:14] c825e, Dre'makius : *slaps her forehead* I'm A THIEF Ralaphor!!! I'm an 18 year old, thief! I am poor, in poverty, I have no house, I have no clothes save for those on me back, I have no possessions nor do I have any money ever! I am a bloody petty theif!!
[18-23:15] 7725b, King Narmotur : *Gazes into Artanis's eyes, Looking for any signs that she might be one of the women they were looking for, he glances away as he hears Mierka's voice.*
[18-23:15] c825e, Dre'makius : *taps him on the forehead* ye be a bit dense! *notes that she had tossed her swords and daggers and pouch beside the chair*
[18-23:15] e0302, Riley: * goes to grab her cloak* however should you not be interested I shall leave
[18-23:15] c8f7b, Arutha Duthain : ((If she mentions the guild...she's a dead woman))
[18-23:16] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : Despite all the things to dislike.. the women around here are certainly beautiful, yknow.
[18-23:16] 290ac, Aralore : ...Last time I believe it was me that bailed you out from those guards...
[18-23:16] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : *laughs softly* Come.. be reckless with me! *holds out her gloved hand to him*
[18-23:16] c825e, Dre'makius : ((that be stoopid!))
[18-23:16] e2676, Merr : *is pretty much the youngest of their kind and looks it only appearing to be about 15*god i really hate that woman!*has little strength even though he has eaten, but strength takes a little time*
[18-23:16] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : You bailed Artanis out, get the facts straight
[18-23:16] c8f7b, Arutha Duthain : Where am I to meet this bennifactor?
[18-23:17] 7bb0f, Ralaphor : ....I knew you were a pirate....but not a thief......thats why this will be your new home hopefully. What I pay to the owner will proabbly let you stay here, for a month, or a year
[18-23:17] 94c70, Artanis : *Her eyes meet his until attention is drawn away again by Mierka.* That's my daughter, sir.
[18-23:17] 867a2, Aegnora : *speaks, voice coming out soft as silk* And what woman is this, that you hate...? *only a colt, how disappointing*
[18-23:17] e0302, Riley: * smiles before turning* Someplace nuetral... you name the time and place
[18-23:17] 7725b, King Narmotur : "What part of the city do you two live inhm?" *the guard to Artanis's rear asks.*
[18-23:18] c825e, Dre'makius : *shakes her head* No.. it's alright. best not to have a permanent residence. And I am not a pirate. I just wish I was.. *sighs and yawns, stretching* I go to sleep now. I need me rest. See you on the morrow! *hops to the bed and hops onto it, smiling that it's a real bed*(I gotta go.. I really need to go to sleep)
[18-23:19] c8f7b, Arutha Duthain : Very well... Trendlekim's in Ruapenchi... on the morrow...around noon.
[18-23:19] e2676, Merr : *stands with the help of the wall drawing his blade weakly having trouble holding it up*what do you want.....?*his voice is very weak and quiet*
[18-23:19] 4a0f7, Mierka : *moves closer to her "mom" and watches the soldiers without giving much of her face away*
[18-23:19] 290ac, Aralore : *Smirks, at least some of his mischeivous drow nature creeping back into his eyes, black lips vaguely illuminated by his eyes* ...of course, how could I forget the irresistable young demoness preparing to tear into the guards as though they were some sort of low grade meat.
[18-23:19] e0302, Riley: * nods and offers her hand* Very well M'lord.... if I may make one small request....
[18-23:20] 7fbbb, Morgan McMullen : *the soot seems to turn to pitch black ink and run down his face. With a few more handfulls of the water, he has revealed the hidden fine-featured man beneath*
[18-23:20] 867a2, Aegnora : How did one of my kin get into such a ragged state...? *slowly approaches him, crimson glinting dimly with inner flame*
[18-23:20] c825e, Dre'makius : (bedtime Ralaphor! I am going to bed!)*Gone*
[18-23:20] a1241, Kroger : The women you say? You have anyone in mind?
[18-23:20] 4a0f7, Selene Demarkus : *listens to the laughter of the people inside and wishes nothing more than to be out riding, not trying to trap a husband*
[18-23:20] 94c70, Artanis : (( Delotha, you'd know her as Eri ))
[18-23:20] c8f7b, Arutha Duthain : WHat is it?
[18-23:20] dfe22, Will-o'-the-wisp : ::laughs:: no, not really..
[18-23:20] 7bb0f, Ralaphor : ......*slowly walks to Dre and tucks her in*
[18-23:21] 7bb0f, Ralaphor : ((night))
[18-23:21] 94c70, Artanis : The west side, sir.
[18-23:21] e0302, Riley: Transportation to the city gates...
[18-23:21] c825e, Dre'makius : *sighs a bit happily that it's a real bed and dozes off**Gone*(night folks!)
[18-23:21] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : Good... *reaches to take his hand* Let's go get some bounties on our heads *smirks*
[18-23:21] EXIT: Dre'makius has left the chat ( A Pirates life for me ).
[18-23:22] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 12:20am, January 19 (CST) ).
[18-23:22] 7bb0f, Ralaphor : ....*Sighs as he walks to exit her room and out the inn*
[18-23:22] c8f7b, Arutha Duthain : My Horsemaster, a man by the name of William will see to it. You will find him outside in the gardens.
[18-23:22] 7725b, King Narmotur : *The guards nod.* "You've probably already received the regular offer then correct?"
[18-23:22] JOIN: AdrianGoldenmoon has entered.
[18-23:23] 290ac, Aralore : ((Heh. I made the same mistake. Eri is easier to type, but harder to remember.)) *Takes her hand, squeezing it gently and nodding* What did you have in mind?
[18-23:23] e0302, Riley: * clasps her cloak with a brief curtsy * Till the Morrow m'lord
[18-23:24] c8f7b, Arutha Duthain : *offers a bow and then re-enters the party to mingle and such*
[18-23:24] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : Go find us some guards getting themselves into trouble, and give them trouble for their trouble *quirky grin, then begins leading him off*
[18-23:24] 4a0f7, Mierka : *nods, but continues to let her "mother" answer as she apparently watches some nearby kids around the age of twelve play*
[18-23:25] 7fbbb, Morgan McMullen : *he smiles slightly as he washes the soot from his arms and chest. He'd forgotten how great it felt to get this stuff off every once in a while. Normally he just works until he falls asleep, and then wakes up to work again. No point in cleaning up*
[18-23:25] 4a0f7, Selene Demarkus : But I have to try...for Papa..*softly*
[18-23:25] 94c70, Artanis : Yessir, but my husband is ill, we can't leave him. *Lies lies, all lies.*
[18-23:25] 1d667, Pug Duthain: *Has been watching over the evening from high above on a balcony.*
[18-23:25] e0302, Riley: * exits and heads directly to the horsemaster to accquire her transportation to teh city gates*
[18-23:26] 4a0f7, Mierka : *again in that high, young voice* Poor papa..
[18-23:26] 290ac, Aralore : *Can't help his nature, is fairly elated at holding her hand, and it seems she could've said just about anything-though perhaps Aralore's definition of "giving the guards trouble" is a bit more mild than hers*
[18-23:26] 7725b, King Narmotur : "I see, you're tending to your husband as you should hm? That is good.. But consider the option for your daughter, she could help.. provide for your family, Its so hard for women such as yourself."
[18-23:26] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : *very likely*
[18-23:27] EXIT: Arutha Duthain has left the chat ( One must love their the face with a shotgun. ).
[18-23:27] a1241, Kroger : Well, next time you see one, you let me know
[18-23:27] a1241, Kroger : I'll be more than willing to set you right if you happen to be overwhelmed by one too many drinks.
[18-23:27] e2676, Merr : ((Aegnora?))
[18-23:28] 4a0f7, Mierka : *shakes her head* It's not hard, Sir. I help out at my uncle's stall *says this proudly* I get a penny per day
[18-23:28] 92794, Squirrel : *hums*
[18-23:28] e2676, Merr : ((nvm, missed you post*feels stupid*))
[18-23:28] 94c70, Artanis : *Had noticed the limp that Mierka was showing off.* I'm afraid she wouldn't be sufficient in duties to His Majesty. She has a lame leg.
[18-23:29] e2676, Merr : it involves the woman i hate*lets the sword drop as he slides down the wall to a sitting position*
[18-23:29] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : Set me right? ::smirks, eyeing him:: what do you mean..
[18-23:29] 4a0f7, Selene Demarkus : ***Pause***
[18-23:29] EXIT: Selene Demarkus has left the chat ( 12:29am, January 19 (CST) ).
[18-23:29] 867a2, Aegnora : What happened...? *moves to stand near him, leaning against the building*
[18-23:30] 7725b, King Narmotur : *Thinks she dosen't ahve to stand really to do certain things..* "That is most unfortunate... but we maybe able to find duties she could preform."
[18-23:31] e95af, Gorthius: *Walks around Ruapenchi looking at the city and all its wonderous sights. He had staied here too long but he was in no real hurry to leave. He liked this city it reminded him of the very city he grew up in as a child but that was a looong time ago.*
[18-23:31] a1241, Kroger : As in making sure you're not really chasing a dog.
[18-23:31] e2676, Merr : a unicorn happened followed by ropes....*dosnt seem very proud of it. leans against the wall looking away from her in slight shame*
[18-23:31] a1241, Kroger : ::frowns:: What else would I mean??
[18-23:31] 94c70, Artanis : I'm sorry sir, but I beg you to ler her stay with me. I need her help so.
[18-23:32] 867a2, Aegnora : *eyes flare with anger* A unicorn ...? And who's ropes followed? Who dared rope one of our kind?
[18-23:32] a1241, Kroger : ((I'ma retype that last one))*::chuckles at his joke, but then frowns:: What else would I mean?? And why are you looking at me like that?
[18-23:32] 290ac, Aralore : *Follows along, eyeing the market square, eyebrows furrowing in moderate nervousness*
[18-23:32] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : I don't know.. ::rubs his face:: your language is hard to understand, sometimes..
[18-23:33] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : *continues to walk through the market place, looking for any stray King's guards *
[18-23:33] 7fbbb, Morgan McMullen : *well, back to business. He picks up the buckets and dunks them in the water, lifting them out full. He takes his time back, still enjoying the air*
[18-23:33] a1241, Kroger : Aye, so are your facial expressions.
[18-23:34] e2676, Merr : ohhh.... they got theirs..... im sure not the one of them will be able to sleep without shivering and seeing an image of me....*smirks slightly*
[18-23:34] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ::he stuck his tongue out at him:: Is that hard to understand..
[18-23:34] a1241, Kroger : ::shakes his head turning to look around the room, then out the window:: I wonder what that guard was doing here earlier.
[18-23:34] 867a2, Aegnora : *calms somewhat, grinning ferally* Good... What is your name, youngling?
[18-23:35] 7725b, King Narmotur : *They do not travel alone, or far from each other, any attempted assault on one, would be suicide.*
[18-23:35] 7725b, King Narmotur : *The regular guards also patrol the areas, less orgnized and well trained.*
[18-23:35] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : *who says she's not suicidal...?*
[18-23:36] e2676, Merr : they call me Merr....*reaches over and grabs the hilt of his sword and uses it as a cane to help himself up*
[18-23:36] 290ac, Aralore : *eep*
[18-23:37] 94c70, Artanis : *Waits silently for them to answer.*
[18-23:37] ae640, W: *wonders whats become of Relonels army*
[18-23:37] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : ((*LOL*))
[18-23:37] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : Who knows... why does it bother you..
[18-23:38] 4a0f7, Mierka : *moves closer to her* Momma...I want to stay with you
[18-23:39] 7725b, King Narmotur : "very well, the offer is always open as you understand."
[18-23:39] 7725b, King Narmotur : *The other guard still thinks she'd be useful, plots kidnapping her and forcing her into service in the palace later.*
[18-23:39] 867a2, Aegnora : I am Aegnora.... *reaches a hand out to him* Normally I'd leave you to take care of yourself... but tangling with those wretched unicorns at such a young age shows courage. Let's get you something to eat.
[18-23:39] e95af, Gorthius: *He Walks into the market place to look for a new sword or perhaps something for Corith prvided he ever sees him again. Corith meanwhile is giveing the stable hands a run for thier money by being a nuccence to them. Gorthius looks around to Artanis being surounded by two guards He begins to walk in that direction.*
[18-23:39] a1241, Kroger : ::looks at Adrian as if Adrian had sprouted eagle wings from his ears:: Why? Because I'm AWOL??? That occur to you?
[18-23:39] a1241, Kroger : ::looks at Adrian as if Adrian had sprouted eagle wings from his ears:: Why? Because I'm AWOL??? That occur to you?
[18-23:39] a1241, Kroger : ::looks at Adrian as if Adrian had sprouted eagle wings from his ears:: Why? Because I'm AWOL??? That occur to you?
[18-23:40] 94c70, Artanis : I will consult my husband, sir.
[18-23:40] 7725b, King Narmotur : "You do that." *lowers the pike from her path.*
[18-23:40] 4a0f7, Mierka : *sighs in releif*
[18-23:40] a1241, Kroger : ((sorrry all))
[18-23:40] ae640, W: ... *gives up all atempts to fight anyone with the force he has since everyone outnumbers him 30-40 to 1*
[18-23:40] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : *continues to move around... just waiting to see a King's guard harassing some poor woman or another*
[18-23:41] 7fbbb, Morgan McMullen : ((you can undo them if you want))
[18-23:41] e2676, Merr : *dosnt take her hand*ill manage... but food would be nice...*has pride... pride enough to not take help walking, he hasnt sunk that low yet*
[18-23:41] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ::he shrugged lightly:: But not everyone is after you.
[18-23:41] 7725b, King Narmotur : *Most of the harrassment is done on the westside, in the poorer areas.*
[18-23:41] 290ac, Aralore : *Keeps his eyes peeled too, keen vision good at least for something*
[18-23:42] JOIN: Hida Al'Asid has entered.
[18-23:42] b6687, Hida Al'Asid: ((*kicks his way in*))
[18-23:42] 7fbbb, Morgan McMullen : *walks back into his shop, leaving the door open as usual to keep him from suffocating. He lifts the buckets and pours them over the still-hot blades, never tiring of the hot 'hiss' that escapes from the pile of metal*
[18-23:42] 92794, Ravaella Glimmergaunt : ((*Watches Hida*))
[18-23:42] 867a2, Aegnora : *takes some pride with that* Shift then... run with me. Let us go and hunt.
[18-23:42] 94c70, Artanis : Are we dismissed?
[18-23:43] b6687, Hida Al'Asid: ((heya!))
[18-23:43] 4a0f7, Mierka : Can we go home now, Momma? Papa was'nt doing well..
[18-23:43] 7725b, King Narmotur : "Indeed.." *The other guard attempts to ruffle Mierkas head*
[18-23:43] a1241, Kroger : True enough, but until my pursuers start holding wooden signs with my name on it, I'd rather assume a greater number are.
[18-23:43] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : *heeeeaaaads towards the poorer section, putting on her best "Oh I'm cute and I'm lost" look*
[18-23:44] e95af, Gorthius: *At about that time he would walk up smileing at Eri and Mierka.*
[18-23:44] 7bb0f, Ralaphor : ((Where is everyone? *Wash im rping with the king*))
[18-23:44] 7725b, King Narmotur : *The guards for the most part partrol, looking for the two from yesterday, and yes pretty young women in these area's as well, far and few as they were.*
[18-23:44] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ::he leant back in his seat, relaxing a bit, tired from the day:: What are you looking for, anyway..
[18-23:44] 92794, Ravaella Glimmergaunt : ((*Hasn't gone IC yet*))
[18-23:44] 4a0f7, Mierka : *ducks down but does'nt move away, a typical reaction for a little girl convinced she's a big girl now*
[18-23:45] a1241, Kroger : ::he stares out the window where a troop of armed men are walking by, a covered coach behind them::
[18-23:45] 7725b, King Narmotur : *chuckles* "Cute little child..."
[18-23:45] e2676, Merr : ahh to hell with these pants....*his body lurches forward his skin changing into furr and his limbs changing shape. isnt gonna explain it all becouse he is to lazy, but ends up a huge black flaming war horse pretty much*
[18-23:46] b6687, Hida Al'Asid: ((shall we then?))
[18-23:46] 290ac, Aralore : *Smiles happily, offering up his best "she's cute and I'm with her" expression*
[18-23:46] e95af, Gorthius: *At about that time he would walk up smileing at Eri and Mierka. He looks at the guards still smileing.* May I ask what this is about?
[18-23:46] 94c70, Artanis : Yes, of course dear... *She moves to step past the guard that had been blocking her path.*
[18-23:46] 7bb0f, Ralaphor : ((Wheres the king now?))
[18-23:46] a1241, Kroger : ::whispered more to himself as his thoughts ran through his mind:: The men with wooden signs....
[18-23:46] b6687, Hida Al'Asid: ((*changes color as Merr had it first*))
[18-23:46] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ((trendlekims))
[18-23:46] 7725b, King Narmotur : "It is none of your business..." *eyes Gorthuis.-*
[18-23:47] 4a0f7, Mierka : *moves to follow her mother*
[18-23:47] 7725b, King Narmotur : *the other guard snickers.* "Isn't that just the cutest ghing.. mother bear and baby bear.... bah."
[18-23:47] 92794, Ravaella Glimmergaunt : ((*shrug* You post))
[18-23:48] b6687, Hida Al'Asid: ((where should we have them start?))
[18-23:48] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ::he watched Kroger's expression, and obviously heard his whispers given his sensitive ears..:: They really carry wooden signs?
[18-23:48] 92794, Ravaella Glimmergaunt : ((Up to you))
[18-23:49] a1241, Kroger : ::The troop stop a few buildings down the road, with teh coach in plain view from his vantage at the window. Dismounting is a female, garbed in dark lavender cloak, a dress showing underneath. Her face is hooded, and the emblem of a black hawk is on the back of her cloak. She stops before dismounting, seeing a puddle, which a guard covers with his own cloak and helps her down. Kroger is transfixed it seems by this vision outside::
[18-23:49] 867a2, Aegnora : *As Merr shifts, so does she, the elegant woman fading, blurring... til there stands beside the smaller nightmare, another creature of ebony and flame. Eyes, blazing like the pits of hell themselves stare intently at the younger member of her race... before she rears up, letting out a soul chilling scream, flames flaring up around her... then she abruptly bolts forward, expecting Merr to keep up*
[18-23:49] e95af, Gorthius: He looks at both of the guards* I think it is my buisness. And you'll adress me as Sir as you would all Knights. *He has a stern Knightly demenor about him.*
[18-23:49] b6687, Hida Al'Asid: *Is at the stables, checking up on the horses*
[18-23:50] MSG: Ralaphor sent a message to Gorthius.
[18-23:50] 94c70, Artanis : *Flashes Gorthius a 'careful' look before moving off with Mierka to hopefully blend in quickly with the rest of the crowd.*
[18-23:50] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : *glances sidelong at Aralore* I'm going to be bitterly disappointed if I don't get the usual offer...
[18-23:50] 4a0f7, Mierka : *does'nt say anything, being sure to keep her limp up*
[18-23:51] 7725b, King Narmotur : *Both men smirk at each other and chuckle at Gorthius.* You're titles mean nothing in this kingdom.
[18-23:51] 92794, Ravaella Glimmergaunt : *Is right next to him, brushing a horse*
[18-23:51] 290ac, Aralore : *Pats her arm reassuringly, keen gaze still darting around, though in a practiced and markedly calm and confident way now* You'll get a whole slew of them, I'm sure of it.
[18-23:51] 94c70, Artanis : *Once they are a distance away, she turns glancing back towards Gorthius.*
[18-23:51] a1241, Kroger : ::his concentration broken by Adrian's voice, he answers sarcastically:: Aye, as well as large clubs that have "For tree huggers only" scrawled on teh side.
[18-23:52] e2676, Merr : *throws his weight forward and enters a gallop, is very fast so would catch her but he would be heaving heavilly from lack of strength. as he exhales his breath out of his nose a little jet of flame would shoot*
[18-23:52] 4a0f7, Mierka : *looks back, holding her breath. Gorthius is one of the few friends she has*
[18-23:52] b6687, Hida Al'Asid: The horses look to be well rested love. We can leave at any time.
[18-23:53] 867a2, Aegnora : *oh.. takes it at an easy pace... for a nightmare... through the streets of Krondor, cuasing some panic as people frantically dive aside to avoid being trampled*
[18-23:53] MSG: Gorthius sent a message to Ralaphor.
[18-23:53] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ::he blinked a few times, thrown off by his tone::
[18-23:53] MSG: Ralaphor sent a message to Artanis.
[18-23:53] 867a2, Aegnora : *one nightmare's scary enough, hehehe, imagine two*
[18-23:54] a1241, Kroger : ::he looked at Adrian:: Never you mind, Adrian. It's not important. ::he turns his head back to the window:: What is important is that I'm in the right place after all.
[18-23:55] e95af, Gorthius: *Still smiling.* Very well then. Both of these ladies are under my protection and I wish you to leave them be if they have caused trouble for you then tell me and I will deal with it myself.
[18-23:55] MSG: Artanis sent a message to Ralaphor.
[18-23:55] 7fbbb, Morgan McMullen : *as usual, blissfully ignorant to the commotion outside, due to either distance or competing noise inside his own home. He gets back to work, pounding, sawing, grinding*
[18-23:55] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : How do you know? ::he folded his arms on the tabletop::
[18-23:55] b6687, Hida Al'Asid: ((should like to see the kings men try and take his Drow chick...*))
[18-23:56] 92794, Ravaella Glimmergaunt : Yes *absently said, still brushing the horse*
[18-23:56] 7bb0f, Ralaphor : ((Damn, gotta go anyway. See ya all))
[18-23:56] 7725b, King Narmotur : We will do as we wish, it is simple as that, And I suggest you do not attempt crossing us.. the results will be most.. unpleasant.
[18-23:56] e2676, Merr : *decides that he should show off some for her and so quickens his pace and comes across a man who didnt move in time and bites into his neck, reering up to lift him off the ground and rip out his jugular, he would fall to the ground. comes down crushing his targets rib cage with his hooves, naking sure he is thourghly dead*
[18-23:57] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : Perhaps... *smirks* My beauty might be too much for them to handle, though *said jokingly ofcourse*
[18-23:57] 4a0f7, Mierka : *whispers to her* Do you think he'll be ok, Eri?
[18-23:57] EXIT: Ralaphor has left the chat ( 12:56am, January 19 (CST) ).
[18-23:57] 867a2, Aegnora : *weither his display of brutality impresses her or not, cannot be told.. she gives no heed to it at all really. Foolish colt. *
[18-23:58] a1241, Kroger : ::he points with his finger at the glass window:: See that coach? There's someone in that coach I was aiming to meet here in this town.
[18-23:58] b6687, Hida Al'Asid: When shall we leave?
[18-23:58] 7725b, King Narmotur : *They don't like pointy ears actually... cept the king who's a pervy elf fancier.*
[18-23:59] 7725b, King Narmotur : ((No, They wouldn't try, they don't want her, if they did? or something was started? It'd be very bad for everyone, including the city as a whole. Taking on a city is not a wise idea for a majority of beings in this chat.))
[19-00:00] e2676, Merr : *grabs his vitcem in his mouth carrying him into a back ally and devouring the flesh drom his still slightly alive body*
[19-00:00] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : *pfft. Is dang sexy, even with the ears... and who cares what ears look like, for what they intend?*
[19-00:00] 92794, Ravaella Glimmergaunt : I don't know, Hida
[19-00:00] e95af, Gorthius: I would not dream of crossing you but I don't take kindly to threats. *He stands there watching the two guards and looking from the corner of his eyes for more.*
[19-00:00] 94c70, Artanis : I hope so.
[19-00:00] 7725b, King Narmotur : *Is the only one in the kingdom that likes pointy ear tricks, but dosen't like drow.. to dark.*
[19-00:00] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : Oh really? ::follows his hand to the scene outside::
[19-00:01] 4a0f7, Mierka : Are we going to wait for him?
[19-00:01] b6687, Hida Al'Asid: *moves over and wraps his arm around her waste, giving her a squeeze* When you are ready.
[19-00:01] 290ac, Aralore : *If she's joking, he doesn't seem to notice or care* I'm just glad you didn't realize you were too good to hang around with me until it was too late...*smirk*
[19-00:01] 867a2, Aegnora : *snorts... then moves into the alley after him* [i] Brutality in dreams is one thing... be brutal in person can get you killed. Deaths bring righteous courage to humans.
[19-00:01] a1241, Kroger : ::he taps his finger on the glass to accentuate his point:: I honestly have no clue how I'm going to get close though.
[19-00:02] 7725b, King Narmotur : "They're not threats, They're facts." *He may notice regular soldiers out and about, but perhaps not the Kings men, A few are nearby watching the situation/*
[19-00:02] a1241, Kroger : ::he turns back to lower his eyes on the table::
[19-00:03] 92794, Ravaella Glimmergaunt : *smiles and reaches back to wrap an arm around his waist, sqeezing back* Very well
[19-00:03] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : *can take them!* *chuckles softly* Indeed... *glances around* Hm... must wonder. They are always moving in large packs near each other *glances back to Aralore* Just how many guards does this king have? I swear as many as there are, able to cover each other as they do, they must take up half the population... (( ))
[19-00:04] a1241, Kroger : Could try the old, "Hi all, remember me, yes, I left two nights ago after that big commotion. How about you just turn your heads while I go this way."
[19-00:04] 7725b, King Narmotur : ((...))
[19-00:04] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : Hm.. well.. ::rubs the back of his head absently:: I think I should head out for the night..
[19-00:05] b6687, Hida Al'Asid: Where to from here?
[19-00:05] JOIN: Eric Vikstrom has entered.
[19-00:05] a1241, Kroger : ::he looks up:: Already?
[19-00:05] e2676, Merr : *would seem to shift becoming his palid human form he grabs a dagger off his victem and stabs him repededly on the chest before removing his head as is his ritual*not even any fun*is standing in the nude infront of her but the alley is dark and well clothes dont appear out of thin air*
[19-00:06] 290ac, Aralore : Perhaps he wishes to show that evil is not merely some isolated problem against the backdrop of the masses, but something that is real and tangible and occupies or overshadows nearly every tenet of the mundane, the everyday, in the living world...
[19-00:06] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : Yes.. it's been a long day, for me at least..
[19-00:07] a1241, Kroger : Alright, well, good luck in your travels.
[19-00:07] 7fbbb, Morgan McMullen : *he finishes a couple more and decides to take another break. His mind keeps wandering and he should let it wear itself out before he hurts himself from not paying attention. He moves to the open doors and plants himself on a barrel just outside*
[19-00:07] 92794, Ravaella Glimmergaunt : Wherever we have to go
[19-00:07] 94c70, Artanis : We can try to wait for him. But it seems he wants to intimidate them. *sighs a little.*
[19-00:07] 4a0f7, Mierka : Men...
[19-00:07] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : Thanks.. but I think I'll be around a little while.. ::smiles a bit:: We'll meet again soon, Kroger. Good eve.
[19-00:08] 94c70, Artanis : *chuckles*
[19-00:08] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ::he stood and slid out of the booth, exiting the tavern::
[19-00:08] 867a2, Aegnora : *remains in the horsey form* You've fed... your strength will return. You are on your own once more youngling... *can't help but add* I may find you one more... when you have aged some *inwardly laughs, as she begins to turn away*
[19-00:08] EXIT: AdrianGoldenmoon has left the chat ( 1:08am, January 19 (CST) ).
[19-00:08] a1241, Kroger : ::Kroger nods as the man leaves::
[19-00:08] b6687, Hida Al'Asid: You sound like you're the poet now. *gives her a kiss* Shall we head towards the lands embroiled in war or away?
[19-00:09] EXIT: Morgan McMullen has left the chat ( 1:07am, January 19 (CST) ).
[19-00:09] 4a0f7, Mierka :'s up to you...mother *grins*
[19-00:09] e95af, Gorthius: *His eyes shifts back to the guards in front of him smiling again.* Well, I will give you a bit of wisdom that you can do with as you will. If you are nice to people they are generaly nice to you. Throwing around threats is a good way to end up in a grave. *He turns to walk away from them.*
[19-00:09] 92794, Ravaella Glimmergaunt : Away...I seek peace, Hida
[19-00:10] a1241, Kroger : ::Kroger gets up from the booth and stretches. Eventually he makes his way to teh bar::
[19-00:10] 7725b, King Narmotur : *They snicker at him as he moves off.* "Stupidty is also a speedy way to a hole in the ground..." *they shake their heads and continue to patrol.*
[19-00:10] 7725b, R : Good Night.
[19-00:10] e2676, Merr : *as she turns to leave him he comes forward to grab her around the neck*i didnt give you leave, did i...?*is planing on having fun with her*
[19-00:10] EXIT: R has left the chat ( 1:10am, January 19 (CST) ).
[19-00:10] 215ab, Eric Vikstrom: *he stretechs as he slowly makes his way through the worlderness, he happens to pass Gorthius just as the man seems to be rebuking someone, he lifts a brow and stops to watch*
[19-00:10] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : Perhaps... maybe the best thing to do, is clear out the innocent folk, and then burn this city to the ground.
[19-00:11] b6687, Hida Al'Asid: Peace we shall seek then. *sighs* And let us hope the Rider seeks it as well.
[19-00:11] b6687, Hida Al'Asid: ((anyone seen mab as of late?))
[19-00:12] 867a2, Aegnora : *her eyes flare dangerously as she looks back at him, hellfire eyes blazing more brightly* You don't need to... colt *rears up, jerking her neck free from his human form's arms*
[19-00:12] 92794, Ravaella Glimmergaunt : Yes, I hope that as well
[19-00:14] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[19-00:14] e2676, Merr : colt...?*his eyes burn in a hellish red blaze as he leaps up and procedes to grab her again*im not ready to part..... ive been alone to long
[19-00:14] 94c70, Artanis : *Once the guards are gone, she moves to approach Gorthius.*
[19-00:15] 290ac, Aralore : That's a little drastic, I think...if the ruler could be imprisoned, I'm sure the caliber of guards would be changed..
[19-00:15] 4a0f7, Mierka : *follows*
[19-00:15] 867a2, Aegnora : And you'll be alone again! *rears around as he grabs, moving to slam him into the alley wall*
[19-00:16] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : Hm.. alright. Empty out the city, then destroy the castle
[19-00:16] a1241, Kroger : ::Kroger arrives at the bar, sitting on a stool waiting for the bartender to make his way back::
[19-00:16] 215ab, Eric Vikstrom: *his ears pick up the coversation or Aralore and Delotha which makes his laugh mildy to himslef, though his eyes remained locked upon the scarlet rose his twrils within his hand*The two of them actually think they can take this city?
[19-00:16] b6687, Hida Al'Asid: Word is that many places are aflame with war, and many others prepair for it. Where can we go?
[19-00:17] 290ac, Aralore : Either way, there'd be little way to stop the king without...chaos...
[19-00:17] e2676, Merr : *hits the wall hard but now he is pissed and thinks she dosnt want him becouse of his age, so tryes again but this time in his horse form, goes to push her against the wall with renewed spirit*
[19-00:18] 92794, Ravaella Glimmergaunt : We will just travel then, until we find peace
[19-00:18] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : *smirks* Very well then... portal outselves into the kingdom's chamber, grab him, portal out.
[19-00:19] e95af, Gorthius: *Still smileing he looks at Eri and Mierka* Hello.
[19-00:19] b6687, Hida Al'Asid: ((what a woman's answer. "Where are we going" "Somewhere"))
[19-00:19] 4a0f7, Mierka : *smiles at him* Hello
[19-00:19] 290ac, Aralore : Someone just as corrupt as him would be instituted as ruler, unless lasting change could be made, and enough people listened...
[19-00:20] 867a2, Aegnora : *wouldn't let him get that far... oh no precious... as he begins to shift, she wheels on him, those sharp hooves slamming down on his head with KO force for any normal horse... but this is her being somewhat gentle on him, it would only render HIM unconcious*
[19-00:20] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : So put someone nicer on the throne.
[19-00:20] 94c70, Artanis : You should be more careful, Sir Gorthius.
[19-00:20] 215ab, Eric Vikstrom: *his brow lifts as he glances up towards Delotha upon hearing her speak of a portal, he slowly begins to walk now in a attempt of moving himself around her to postion himself behind her and Aralore*
[19-00:21] JOIN: Kroger has entered.
[19-00:21] JOIN: Penniavas has entered.
[19-00:21] b6687, Hida Al'Asid: As you say. Shall we head back to the inn?
[19-00:21] JOIN: Vesarn has entered.
[19-00:21] e2676, Merr : *ouch. slamms into a wall passed out before he hits it. lays on the ground limp passed out*
[19-00:22] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 1:21am, January 19 (CST) ).
[19-00:22] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 1:21am, January 19 (CST) ).
[19-00:22] JOIN: Vesarn has entered.
[19-00:23] 92794, Ravaella Glimmergaunt : Yes
[19-00:23] 867a2, Aegnora : *snorts out twin plumes of flame as he falls, glaring down at him* .. Insolent whelp... *with that, she turns.. and move off*
[19-00:23] 290ac, Aralore : Fairer, to be sure...what do you think, Delotha, is monarchy the career for you? *grins*
[19-00:23] 867a2, Aegnora : ((moves))
[19-00:24] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : Heck no. I wouldn't have the patience to deal with monarchy.
[19-00:24] b6687, Hida Al'Asid: *pets her mount once before turning and heading out into the streets with her, arms still wrapped about her*
[19-00:24] a1241, Kroger : ::Kroger drums his hands on the top of the bar, then decides to head on up instead:: No sense hanging aimlessly around here.
[19-00:24] e2676, Merr : ((not the w word*covers ears and does little dance*im not listening lalala))
[19-00:24] b6687, Hida Al'Asid: ((anyone know if Mab's been ignoring her registration ways?))
[19-00:24] a1241, Kroger : ::he departs up the stairs to his room::
[19-00:24] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[19-00:24] EXIT: Kroger has left the chat ( 1:24am, January 19 (CST) ).
[19-00:25] 949ad, Vesarn: ((anyone up for buying a slave?))
[19-00:26] 215ab, Eric Vikstrom: *alomost directly behind Aralore and Delotha now, he stops short about 15 feet behind them and chuckles to himself*
[19-00:26] 92794, Ravaella Glimmergaunt : *Walks with him, her hands on his now, lightly tracing over his* Do you thin we could go to Father Desert?
[19-00:26] 290ac, Aralore : Me either. I barely had time to run the-mmh...nevermind...*looks around some more for guards, pondering if he can help at all in Delotha's quest for...trouble-and if he should be more averse to it*
[19-00:26] 92794, Panian Urthadar : *Could buy a slave*
[19-00:27] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : *stops abruptly, looking back at the chuckling figure*
[19-00:27] 94c70, Artanis : *Wouldn't let Delotha take over Ruapenchi.*
[19-00:27] e95af, Gorthius: *His smile never leaves his face.* I am always careful Eri and you don't have to refer to me by Sir only those who are not worthy of a horse's tail have too.
[19-00:28] b6687, Hida Al'Asid: ((*raises hand!*)) *looks off into the distance for a moment, considering* Its possible. My tribe has already held my funeral, so I would have no family to return to. But I could take you to one of the cities. Perhaps an oasis.
[19-00:28] 4a0f7, Mierka : But you are a'nt it only proper to call you "Sir", Gorthius?
[19-00:28] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[19-00:29] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : *wouldn't let Delotha take over Ruapenchi either*
[19-00:29] 949ad, Vesarn: ((really? ))
[19-00:29] 92794, Ravaella Glimmergaunt : I would enjoy that've seen my home, I'd like to see your's
[19-00:30] 215ab, Eric Vikstrom: *his grey eyes are fixed upon the rose held between his black gloved hands while his silver hair is tied neatly behind him in a tight pony tail.He is dressed in black clothing and wears a small smile upon his placid lips*
[19-00:30] 92794, Panian Urthadar : *Is allowed a slave, yes*
[19-00:31] b6687, Hida Al'Asid: ((I would, but Hida's girlfriend likely would get mad at him.)) We will have to buy supplies for such a trip. And a necklace like yours.
[19-00:31] 949ad, Vesarn: ((where you be then? I dont have a master so...))
[19-00:32] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : And what, my dear sir, is so funny?
[19-00:32] 290ac, Aralore : *Would :D*
[19-00:32] JOIN: Squirrel has entered.
[19-00:32] EXIT: Merr has left the chat ( 1:24am, January 19 (CST) ).
[19-00:32] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[19-00:32] 94c70, Artanis : I aprecciate that. But... you don't know what these men are capable of.
[19-00:33] 92794, Panian Urthadar : *Probably wondering around, doing things for his own master*
[19-00:34] 290ac, Aralore : *Looks back as well, frowning at Eric in mounting concern*
[19-00:34] b6687, Hida Al'Asid: ((the main city... actualy, I could have another character by you.))
[19-00:34] 949ad, Vesarn: *is in one of the markets with a few other slaves, collared to a post like a dog as he sits there, waiting with his head bowed for a purchaser*
[19-00:34] JOIN: Jerrel Skulldeep has entered.
[19-00:34] b6687, Jerrel Skulldeep: ((check))
[19-00:34] e95af, Gorthius: *He nods* Yes, it would be but my friends never call me "Sir" not even my comrads did. *He looks at Eri* I have seen plenty of men like them in my time. I know what they can do.
[19-00:35] b6687, Jerrel Skulldeep: check
[19-00:35] 4a0f7, Mierka : *nods*
[19-00:35] 94c70, Artanis : (( Gorthius, Eric is with Delotha and Aralore.. we're not in the same area far as I know ))
[19-00:36] 215ab, Eric Vikstrom: *he lifts his grey eyed gaze towards Delotha now as he offers the most charming of smiles though it might seem a bit odd with a drop of dryed blood upon the edge of his lips*You mean to counqer a city, just the two of you?Such a fools errand.*he simply smiles once again as turns his eyes back towards the rose as if it was the most beautiful thing he has ever seen*Not that I care, but this city might be my home.
[19-00:36] b6687, Jerrel Skulldeep: ((behold... my other green text using char.))
[19-00:36] 92794, Ravaella Glimmergaunt : ((Don't know how Rava would react)) Then, I guess we should go to the market
[19-00:37] MSG: Mierka sent a message to Eric Vikstrom.
[19-00:37] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : Who said anything about conquering? I'm planning on burning it to the ground... *isn't, really, but feels ornery*
[19-00:37] b6687, Jerrel Skulldeep: *walks down the streets into the market. Is simply interested in what wares the human city has. Notices the slave sellers*
[19-00:37] MSG: Aralore sent a message to Delotha Feanor.
[19-00:37] MSG: Mierka sent a message to Eric Vikstrom.
[19-00:38] b6687, Hida Al'Asid: Indeed. *leads towards the market*
[19-00:38] 949ad, Vesarn: *rubs his face a little bit, more or less dozing there, leaning against the post quietly, oblivious to those around him*
[19-00:38] 94c70, Artanis : If you're certain. We need to get off the streets.
[19-00:38] 92794, Ravaella Glimmergaunt : *Is lead, yay*
[19-00:38] 4a0f7, Mierka : They are looking for us
[19-00:38] 290ac, Aralore : And I intend to find her enough flint, steel, and lamp oil to complete such a task! *ridiculously holds a finger up into the air for effect*
[19-00:39] JOIN: Merrick has entered.
[19-00:39] JOIN: R has entered.
[19-00:39] 949ad, Vesarn: ((hey Jerrel do you have a messenger of some sort? like icq...))
[19-00:39] e2676, Merrick: (test)
[19-00:39] b6687, Jerrel Skulldeep: ((I've got Yahoo IM. Darthwar2099))
[19-00:40] 215ab, Eric Vikstrom: *laughs again at this as one hand lowers to rest upon the hilt of his sword, his eyes still upon the rose though*I am afraid I can not allow such a thus I issue my challenege to you, the prize being the city.*he would then make as if he was going to draw his sword though he would simply toss the rose at her and give a mocking bow*My challenge, dear lady.
[19-00:40] b6687, Hida Al'Asid: *stops by one of the jewelers. Looks among the wares for a gold necklace simialr to hers*
[19-00:40] e95af, Gorthius: ((That was a responce to Mierka not Eric))
[19-00:40] e2676, Merrick: ((color already in use hmmm))
[19-00:41] e95af, Gorthius: *he nods* Why, are they looking for you?
[19-00:41] 92794, Ravaella Glimmergaunt : *Sifts through the various necklaces*
[19-00:41] 94c70, Artanis : (( *is now getting lost.* ))
[19-00:42] 4a0f7, Mierka : *looks at Eri* They want to press us into service
[19-00:42] 215ab, Eric Vikstrom: (())
[19-00:43] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : *snatches the rose from the air, then looks from it, to him* What kind of joke is this...?
[19-00:43] EXIT: Panian Urthadar has left the chat ( 1:33am, January 19 (CST) ).
[19-00:44] JOIN: Talone has entered.
[19-00:45] b6687, Hida Al'Asid: Father Desert does not like those that shame themselves with riches. Your one necklace he will find acceptable, but it is better to make a sacrifice equal to what you wear to appease him.
[19-00:45] e95af, Gorthius: Really? Now for what reason do they want you in thier servise? *He thinks for a moment* ahhh, never mind.
[19-00:45] 215ab, Eric Vikstrom: *he draws the sword very slowly to let the noise of th seath sliding against the blade fill the air, his eyes locked and cold as stone*Tis my challenge, lady.To you or both of you if you wish.
[19-00:46] 92794, Ravaella Glimmergaunt : And what do you suggest, my love?
[19-00:47] b6687, Hida Al'Asid: A necklace like yours. It is a small sign of repsect, but small signs lead to a much happier travel.
[19-00:47] 7725b, King Narmotur : *The Kings personal men, and the regular soldiers maintain the security of the city, portaling into the Kings Lair would not be wise.*
[19-00:47] 290ac, Aralore : Your challenge is meaningless. You have no valid claim to the city, nor is it under your authority to give...
[19-00:47] b6687, Jerrel Skulldeep: *walks up to Vesarn and grabs him by his chin, forcing it up*
[19-00:48] e2676, Merrick: *a young moon elf seeming to look about 19 im human years walks down the cobled street dressed in a dark blue cloak to match his long blue hair and blue eyes with golden flecks in them, his pale blue tinged white skin showing brilliantly in the moonlight*
[19-00:48] 4a0f7, Mierka : Yeah...and I would rather die, than do that
[19-00:48] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : *call it a weakness, call it a strength... Delotha could never turn down a challenge.* Very well then... *reaches to her side, drawing her blade* I accept your challenge *smirks* Even though my claim to burn the city was in jest... *shifts her stance, blade in one hand, rose in the other*
[19-00:49] 949ad, Vesarn: *gurls, eyes snapping open as he scrambles to his feet, grabbing at the collar to avoid choking.* Guh... Uhm... sir?
[19-00:49] 94c70, Artanis : Yes.. so if you don't mind, you can acompany us if you wish.
[19-00:49] b6687, Jerrel Skulldeep: Slave, yes? What you do?
[19-00:49] 92794, Ravaella Glimmergaunt : I see and should I buy you one? or... *looks up at him*
[19-00:49] 215ab, Eric Vikstrom: Perhaps my loyalty is to the king, none the less I am finished with my words.Stand now and meet my steel or flee and live....*his eyes narrow as he widens his stance a bit*Peraps I like this King Narmotur...*his eyes glance towards Delotha as he gives a nod*Ladies first...
[19-00:50] JOIN: Connor Rayne has entered.
[19-00:51] 949ad, Vesarn: *looks up at Jerrel, blinking his slate eyes a few times. The elf licks his lips then replies* Sir... I work in stables and handle horses.
[19-00:51] b6687, Hida Al'Asid: I don't think that stealing jewelry will make the town guards any happier with our presences.
[19-00:51] bc803, Talone : *A cloaked figure sits perched in a nearby tree along the road. Shrouded in darkness the figure watches with dark golden eyes as the passbyer's walk by the tree*
[19-00:51] b6687, Jerrel Skulldeep: *stares back into Vesarn's with his own very bright green ones* You can handle other animals, yes?
[19-00:52] JOIN: Chaszmyr Waeglossz has entered.
[19-00:52] 92794, Ravaella Glimmergaunt : *Smiles* No, I don't thin so either *takes out a small coinpurse and hands over the necessary payment, plus extra...hos's that for sacrifce?*
[19-00:52] JOIN: Gorthius has entered.
[19-00:52] e2676, Merrick: *walks under the tree his elven eyes boreing into the darkness but he keeps moving. stands about 5'2" pretty big for one of his kind*
[19-00:53] 949ad, Vesarn: *blinks a few times* Uhm... Like dogs? Yes, I think I can...
[19-00:53] b6687, Jerrel Skulldeep: *grins wickedly* Like dogs... and pigs?
[19-00:53] 290ac, Aralore : *Whispers into Delotha's ear, his elven oathbow in turn whispering into his* we plan on killing this disreputable wretch?
[19-00:54] e95af, Gorthius: *shrugs* That is up to you if I join you tonight or not. I don't mind either way.
[19-00:54] 4a0f7, Mierka : *to Eri* It would be safer..
[19-00:55] 949ad, Vesarn: *his brow furrows slightly, and he swallows nervously as he rubs a hand under the collar, holding it away from his skin * Pigs? Uhm... I know a little about them.
[19-00:55] bc803, Talone : *A soft growl seeps past the figures lips. The scent of elven kind was familiar. Slowly it crept out onto the branch with ease the soft growl content but soft*
[19-00:55] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : *whispers back* I plan on fighting him... He's issued a challenge, and I'm going to see it through. Step back on this one, Aralore. *tosses the rose back to Eric... then immediantly after charges in, second hand reaching up to catch the hilt of the sword as well as she charges in*
[19-00:56] JOIN: Apphylon the Many has entered.
[19-00:57] b6687, Jerrel Skulldeep: hmm... how far you can walk in day?
[19-00:58] bba4e, Apphylon the Many: ** A dark figure emerges from the cool night, body covered by a full lenght trench coat buttoned to the collar. The ground quivers with each step of his foot as his black combat boots peak from behind his black shroud. cold black lenses cover his phosphorescent eyes**
[19-00:58] e2676, Merrick: *his ears twitch hearing the growl, turns readjusting the bow on his back*
[19-00:58] 215ab, Eric Vikstrom: *he crouches slightly as if he means to meet the charge, his eyes narrowed though he simply side steps as she charges in, letting the rose drift in the air.His side step would take place right before her blade would be in range of him, the idea of the move is to let her speed take her right past him while he brings the hilt of his sword backwards to meet with her back as she passes*
[19-00:58] bba4e, Apphylon the Many: ((whos in the tavern??
[19-00:59] b6687, Hida Al'Asid: You seem very accepting of all this. *as they walk away from teh merchan*
[19-01:00] 949ad, Vesarn: Uhm... maybe twenty miles? *he shifts a little bit.* I'm not the strongest...
[19-01:00] 92794, Ravaella Glimmergaunt : I feel like I must, plus...*Stops him and looks into his eyes* I love you and I don't want to lose you
[19-01:01] 290ac, Aralore : *His fingers wiggle, itching to nock his bow and aid Delotha..but he obeys her wishes, moving up to a wall and leaning against it, trying to reassure himself that she'll not be harmed as the duel unfolds*
[19-01:01] b6687, Hida Al'Asid: I promise you have little to worry about. *kisses her on the lips*
[19-01:01] bc803, Talone: *Climbs out onto the branch fully and watches the elf tilting her head slightly and grins slightly whispering her voice soft but dark* elf...
[19-01:02] e95af, Gorthius: ((*pokes Z*))
[19-01:02] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : *.. and as he sidesteps, the blade arcs out to lay into him as she'd go past, forcing his immediate action to be a block instead of taking advantage of her passing... one foot turns, digging into ground to level herself, as she pivots around just after passing... she still skids back some, even with her foot placing, but keeps mosting facing him the whole time*
[19-01:02] b6687, Jerrel Skulldeep: Hmm... *squits at him* How much you sell for?
[19-01:02] 92794, Ravaella Glimmergaunt : *Smiles and hugs him tightly*
[19-01:02] 94c70, Artanis : *Nods* Very well then. This way. *She then turns and leads the way through the streets towards the place she had been calling home.*
[19-01:03] 4a0f7, Mierka : *follows, anxious to be within those safe walls* Thank you for letting me spend the night
[19-01:04] 949ad, Vesarn: *glances to his slaver, who states* Five peices. He's weak and not of good quality. one of the others would probably suit you more Lord
[19-01:04] e2676, Merrick: *heard what he was called but just turns and moves on his way slightly creeped out*
[19-01:04] b6687, Jerrel Skulldeep: What others?
[19-01:04] e95af, Gorthius: *He too follows along quitely.*
[19-01:05] 215ab, Eric Vikstrom: *indeed he alters his move to bring his hilt a little lower to catch the blade on with the bottom of the hilt and drive it down,he would also spin as she does only to take a step forward and lean into the movement to attempt to drive his shoulder into her chest to took advantage of her sliding,since his hilt meet her sword from above and should have driven the blade downwards*
[19-01:05] bba4e, Apphylon the Many: ((who is in the tavern))
[19-01:05] 949ad, Vesarn: *the slaver guestures to a few humans tied nearby.
[19-01:05] b6687, Hida Al'Asid: *hugs her back just as tight* Though I do like to roam... I will like to show you my home.
[19-01:05] b6687, Jerrel Skulldeep: What they can do?
[19-01:06] bc803, Talone: *Chuckles softly and drops out of the tree landing on the ground crouched as she sniffs the air slightly* mmm
[19-01:06] 639d4, Mab : The Mabtom of the opera is here, inside your minds....muaaahahahahahahaaaahaaa!!! * echoing and sinister, chilling*
[19-01:06] 949ad, Vesarn: They're stronger and can do more menial work than that thing. I don't even know what he is.
[19-01:06] 949ad, Vesarn: ((That was the slaver, sorry))
[19-01:07] e2676, Merrick: *moves down the cobbled street away from the creepy creature*
[19-01:07] 92794, Ravaella Glimmergaunt : Now who's the poet? *Smirks slightly*
[19-01:08] b6687, Hida Al'Asid: Whatever god that gave you form.
[19-01:08] bba4e, Apphylon the Many: (( nice mab))
[19-01:09] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : *momentum of her sliding would be able to throw off his shoulder to chest enough to knock her over, though it still strikes, and makes her go "oof!"* *snarls a bit, lips curling back... to expose the sharp canines. She braces herself, arm mucles flexing slightly, before she puts the full demon heritage strength into yanking her sword, and his sword, upward... to try and force both blades up, and hit his head if he doesn't back off, or over his head if he does.*
[19-01:09] bc803, Talone: *Aww she's not creepy just curious is all. She follows him slowly purring. Has a weird elven fetish O.o*
[19-01:09] bba4e, Apphylon the Many: (( nice mab))
[19-01:09] 94c70, Artanis : There was no where else for you to stay. *Continues to lead the way.*
[19-01:09] 92794, Ravaella Glimmergaunt : Elistraae, the god of beauty and all that is good
[19-01:10] 4a0f7, Mierka : *looks at her* How do you know? *has never told her about being homeless*
[19-01:10] 639d4, Mab : hehe
[19-01:10] MSG: Hida sent a message to Mab.
[19-01:10] 215ab, Eric Vikstrom: *his head shifts backwards as both blades come upwards though as she is the one pushing them upwards he makes a quick kick at her stomach since she is busy pushing the blades upwards*
[19-01:11] 290ac, Aralore : *Winces, frowning with concern and biting his lower lip as he watches the duelists compete*
[19-01:11] b6687, Hida Al'Asid: THat would make sense.
[19-01:12] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : *staggers back as the foot connects.. ripping her blade free from his*
[19-01:12] e2676, Merrick: *comes up to a tree and leans against it to think**has his hood thrown back his blue hair spilling onto the cloak being quite long*
[19-01:12] MSG: Mab sent a message to Hida.
[19-01:12] b6687, Jerrel Skulldeep: Weak slave no rise up. Turns Vesarn's head to look at his ears* Not man ears... what you?
[19-01:12] 92794, Ravaella Glimmergaunt : *Smiles and hugs him very tightly* I don't know what I would do if I lost you
[19-01:12] b6687, Hida: ((*pat pats poor mab*))
[19-01:13] b6687, Hida Al'Asid: Revenge would be a good start.
[19-01:13] 949ad, Vesarn: *his ears, what was left of them, is just crumpled, scarred flesh, like they'd been burnt or sliced off roughly. He closes his eyes a moment, swallowing hard as he lets his head be turned* Elf. I am an elf.
[19-01:13] 215ab, Eric Vikstrom: *he fakes a quick jab with his blade only to step left and kick a foot full of dirt upwards into the air and towards her eyes*
[19-01:13] e95af, Gorthius: It would be safer for you to stay with Artanis then on your own. I am sure you can take care of yourself Mierka but it would be the better idea.
[19-01:13] 92794, Ravaella Glimmergaunt : But it wouldn't bring you back
[19-01:14] bc803, Talone: *Stops after the elf stops and tilts her head at him before creeping foreward, her black cloak hiding her form*
[19-01:14] 94c70, Artanis : *Simple logic deduction.* You'd have gone there instead of back to me if you had a safe place of your own.
[19-01:14] bba4e, Apphylon the Many: **leaves the tavern and steps out onto the cobbled stone road. peers through his dark lenses at the colder winters night and begins to levitate, first just a few inches and then a couple feet. there he stayed with is arms out and head back staring at the satrs^^
[19-01:14] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : *Dirty tactic! ... Literally* *turns her head, eyes closing as the dirt hits her face..*
[19-01:15] e2676, Merrick: *slips off into thought not listening to what is going on around himself*
[19-01:15] b6687, Hida Al'Asid: It would make my spirit happier.
[19-01:15] b6687, Jerrel Skulldeep: Why your ears scarred to make look like human?
[19-01:15] 92794, Ravaella Glimmergaunt : Mine would be in torment though
[19-01:15] 4a0f7, Mierka : *looks down, not saying anything. Ashamed that she's homeless and that they knew..*
[19-01:16] 949ad, Vesarn: *opens his eyes again, and his body shudderS* I... I dont remember... they were... torturing me.
[19-01:16] bba4e, Apphylon the Many: **a sigh escapes from his lips as a shooting star, seemingly right in front of his face, darts through the sky and disappears in a small orange flash**
[19-01:16] 215ab, Eric Vikstrom: *his blade then comes around only to shift so that the flat of the blade would meet her back in a move ment to send her painfully to the ground*
[19-01:16] bc803, Talone: *Purrs and stand up. Is about 5'11", a pretty good height for her kind. She moves closer to him and licks her lips, her face still hidden in darkness say for her eyes*
[19-01:16] 949ad, Vesarn: ((his ears are literally missing.. like just a few stubs of flesh left. Completelyhacked off, not just the tips))
[19-01:17] b6687, Hida Al'Asid: hmm... WIll take this one. Spirit broke. Very good.
[19-01:17] 92794, Ravaella Glimmergaunt : ((*pretends it wasn't Hida that said that*))
[19-01:17] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : *makes a grunt as the flat connects, sending her falling...*
[19-01:17] b6687, Jerrel Skulldeep: hmm... WIll take this one. Spirit broke. Very good.
[19-01:18] 949ad, Vesarn: *The slaver nods* Five peices then. Are you sure you dont want one of the stronger ones?
[19-01:18] b6687, Hida Al'Asid: ((<.< >.>) Think how I would feel in the same situation.
[19-01:18] b6687, Jerrel Skulldeep: Have no strong task masters like this land has. *hands him the coins*
[19-01:18] e2676, Merrick: *mutters to himself*well that would mean... no....*goes back to thinking silently his eyes sliding shut*
[19-01:18] 92794, Ravaella Glimmergaunt : Then we must never lose each other
[19-01:19] 215ab, Eric Vikstrom: *he smirks as he would lower his blade to rest near her neck, so close indeed that a slight movement might drive the blade into her throat*Do you yeild?
[19-01:19] 92794, Ravaella Glimmergaunt : ((*should go soon, is sleepy*))
[19-01:19] bba4e, Apphylon the Many: **glides slowly to a nearby tree and floats to a soft sit in the highest branch. there he sits and stares at the endless horizon.surface as dark as nothingness but sky as bright as heaven**
[19-01:19] 290ac, Aralore : *Takes a step forward, restraining himself from intervening...the shocker lizard contained within his satchel pokes its head up, watching nervously by empathic bond*
[19-01:19] 949ad, Vesarn: *is sold, and the slaver unhooks his chain from the post and hands it to Jerrel* no refuns.
[19-01:20] b6687, Hida Al'Asid: Agreed. ((*sends Rav to bed*))
[19-01:20] 92794, Ravaella Glimmergaunt : *Fade, shows Hida how she loves him* ((*falls over*))
[19-01:20] EXIT: Ravaella Glimmergaunt has left the chat ( 2:20am, January 19 (CST) ).
[19-01:20] bc803, Talone: *Slowly moves to be a few inches from the elven man and looks down at him. She smiles and leans foreward and sniffs him lightly* mm elven
[19-01:21] 94c70, Artanis : *Stops once she gets there and gestures to them so that they may enter first. Gorthius might notice that it really isn't bigger than a single room hut.*
[19-01:21] 4a0f7, Mierka : *goes inside and sits in one corner, near a wrapped up bundle*
[19-01:22] e2676, Merrick: *snaps out of it stumbling away slightly his hand yerning for his blade but he leaves it in its sheith*what the ell.....
[19-01:22] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : *stays where she is a moment... then slowly rises.. ripping off her gloves, and letting them drop to the ground... when she turns, her blue eyes have changed. Now they are tinted with red* ... No... *flexes her uncovered hands. They are deformed, palms smaller then usual, fingers longer, and skinnier ar the ends, then at the base, with wicked looking claws extending from the tips* *yanks up her sword... then advances on him once more, more slowly now... a feral look in her eyes, as the demon rises in her*
[19-01:22] MSG: Artanis sent a message to Aralore.
[19-01:23] JOIN: Talone has entered.
[19-01:23] MSG: Aralore sent a message to Artanis.
[19-01:23] b6687, Jerrel Skulldeep: *takes the chain* None needed. Come elfhorsecleaner. Find work for you.
[19-01:24] bc803, Talone: *Steps back and blinks her golden eyes peering from the dark hood*
[19-01:24] 949ad, Vesarn: *looks at Jerrel and walks along obediently, arms hanging by his sides, one hand stil holgint the collar in case he's yanked*
[19-01:25] 215ab, Eric Vikstrom: *Eh oh...his blade rises with her as she stands to her feet, his narrowed in midly madness as his ring begins to glow softly*What magic is this?.....*since his blade is stii held upwards he would bring it sideways to meet with her cheek as she picks up her weapon*
[19-01:25] bba4e, Apphylon the Many: ** spots two elven figues walking down the road. what fair creatures so beautiful and sneaky.smiles mischieviously**
[19-01:26] e95af, Gorthius: *He looks around the room then to Artanis.* Do you think you'll be safe here?
[19-01:26] e2676, Merrick: *turns on his heel again to walk off*is that thing following me*said to himself lowly. shivers slightly a chill going down his spine*
[19-01:26] MSG: Artanis sent a message to Aralore.
[19-01:26] 4a0f7, Mierka : *is silent*
[19-01:27] 94c70, Artanis : As long as I have my sword. It'd be their deaths if they came inside to taunt me. But they won't, their strength is in numbers. They'll keep their taunts out on the street.
[19-01:27] 867a2, Aegnora : *her arm twists around as the blade comes at her, slamming the palm against the flat of the blade to knock it aside.. as she steps in, her own blade stabbing in towards his chest*
[19-01:27] bc803, Talone: *Giggles softly sounding quite girlish* Maybe I was following you elven man
[19-01:27] b6687, Jerrel Skulldeep: *leads him to a slightly disreputable stable where he keeps his mount* Show you Gashaka. You groom and feed twice day. Very important.
[19-01:27] 949ad, Vesarn: ((whee. pretty rainbow))
[19-01:27] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : *her arm twists around as the blade comes at her, slamming the palm against the flat of the blade to knock it aside.. as she steps in, her own blade stabbing in towards his chest*
[19-01:28] 949ad, Vesarn: *nods* Yes sir... what quality hay have you arranged for Gashaka? *he asks in very timid tones.(
[19-01:28] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : *... talk about PMS, right?*
[19-01:28] e2676, Merrick: *is creeped out by this thing and quickens his pace*
[19-01:29] bba4e, Apphylon the Many: **seems one of the elven creature is following the other.but why?? why would one run away from such a fair creature
[19-01:30] bc803, Talone: *Mews softly and grins.* Awww.*Giggles softly anf crouches slightly letting him get ahead of her before bolting after him pouncing him*
[19-01:30] 215ab, Eric Vikstrom: *he trys to step left only to have the blade slice into his shoulder, his teeth clenching as he turns his and pulls it back in a attempt to slice her hand wide open as she pushes his blade away*
[19-01:31] bba4e, Apphylon the Many: *watches the playful game and is amused by the confused faces the seeked has been making**
[19-01:32] b6687, Jerrel Skulldeep: Quality?
[19-01:32] bba4e, Apphylon the Many: ** laffs out loud as the game has become physical**
[19-01:32] b6687, Jerrel Skulldeep: ((*scratches behind Talone's ear*))
[19-01:32] e95af, Gorthius: Good. *he give hsi nod of aprovel as if it were needed.* If you need anything I will be more than happy to help.
[19-01:33] bc803, Talone: ((*Croones and mews* ^.^))
[19-01:33] MSG: Aralore sent a message to Artanis.
[19-01:33] 949ad, Vesarn: Errr... yes. Standard feed, quality, low quality... they each cost differently *stil thinks its a horse*
[19-01:33] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : *already yanked her hand back after shoving the blade aside, and as he steps back, she steps in, jerking the blade around to come for his neck this time...*
[19-01:33] 4a0f7, Mierka : *smiles*
[19-01:34] e2676, Merrick: *walking along his beautifull hair blowing in the wind when whamo he is pounced, going down face first onto the ground. his shoulder securly pinned as moon elves arent creatres of physical strength but nimbleness, and that wont help him in his current state. has the wind knocked outa him*
[19-01:35] b6687, Jerrel Skulldeep: Cow steak. Good raw. He eats any cut. Go for cheap.
[19-01:35] bba4e, Apphylon the Many: ((so is this insomniacs anonymous??))
[19-01:35] 949ad, Vesarn: *blinks at this, and looks into the stall with his large eyes* ... oh my.
[19-01:36] 215ab, Eric Vikstrom: *he stumbles to the left from the pain of his wound which lets her blade pass just inches from his neck, his own blade would then come upwards to drive for her exposed stomach*
[19-01:36] 4a0f7, Mierka : (( Pretty much ))
[19-01:36] bc803, Talone: *Giggles softly her hood coming back away from her face as she leans foreward and whispers in his ear* You aren't very playful elven man.*Purrs softly and climbs off of him standing her hair falling into her face*(insomniac?! where?!*falls over*)
[19-01:36] bba4e, Apphylon the Many: ((good im not as alone as i feel))
[19-01:37] MSG: Artanis sent a message to Aralore.
[19-01:37] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : *seeing the blade coming for her stomach, she yanks the blade back and angles the hilt down to block the blade coming to her stomach... as the claws of her hand arch in to shred into his arm*
[19-01:37] 94c70, Artanis : *She considers for a few moments.* What keeps you here, Gorthius?
[19-01:37] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : *OTHER hand*
[19-01:38] b6687, Jerrel Skulldeep: *in the stall is a VERy large wolf, chewing on the leg of a deer perhaps. Jerrel yells to it in Goblin* Gashaka! Ish Ish! Hiyasha!
[19-01:38] JOIN: AdrianGoldenmoon has entered.
[19-01:38] e2676, Merrick: *slowly rolls over looking up at her and caughs tryen to c atch his breath*aww.....*is glad he was wearing some leather armor*
[19-01:38] 949ad, Vesarn: *blinks a few times* ... Is this the uh, dog you mean sir? *he asks in a faint voice*
[19-01:40] bc803, Talone: *Giggles and turns to tuck something back into her cloak. It kind of peaked out when she pounced the poor guy*
[19-01:40] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ::he quietly strolls down the emptied streets, unable to rest as he thoughthe could not long ago; sighing quietly as he pulled the silver locks away from his face::
[19-01:41] 215ab, Eric Vikstrom: *he swings his blade sideways to catch her legs, or stomach depending on far down she angled his blade,his elbow moving upwards to catch her arm at the elbow and save him from the claws*
[19-01:41] 4a0f7, Mierka : *looks at him, interested in his answer*
[19-01:42] e2676, Merrick: *gets up slowly dusting himself off*why me...? what did i do wrong...?*is talken to a god or something*
[19-01:42] b6687, Jerrel Skulldeep: Like dog. War wolf. Smart like wolves, stronger, bigger, but loyal. ISH ISH! HIYASHA! *the wolf gets up and stalks over to them. Jerrel Grabs it by the snout and looks into its eyes for a second. Finaly the wolf lowers its gaze and tries to pull its muzzle away* Gashaka. Kuiagaka! Kagga kui ehoot! *points to Vesarn*
[19-01:42] bba4e, Apphylon the Many: **caught a glance at an object that peaked out of the seekers cloak and becomes intrigued**
[19-01:43] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : *hand caught nothing but air I suppose....* *as he pulls his blade back to take another swing at her, she pushes in, switching to holding the blade one handedly, to block the incoming blade, and thrust it to the side... meanwhile, her other hand snaps out, going for grabbing his throat*
[19-01:44] 215ab, Alec Avery : ((test))
[19-01:44] bba4e, Apphylon the Many: ** sense an object walking down the street and spots a silver haired individual wandering the streets in solitude**
[19-01:44] 949ad, Vesarn: *looks nervously at the wolf and reaches a hand out for it to smell like a normal dog * Uhm... what are you saying to it?
[19-01:44] bc803, Talone: *giggles softly* Oh nothing. You elves are so jittery sometimes.*Glares a bit and her hand shoots to her back as a tail slips out under the cloak. She snatches it and curls it around her waist*
[19-01:45] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ::he absently reached to one of his delicate pointed ears and turned one of the many earrings decorating it's edge, sighing softly, thinking back over the faces that haunted his dreams::
[19-01:45] b6687, Jerrel Skulldeep: You under him. *Geshaka sniffs Vesarn for a moment*
[19-01:45] bba4e, Apphylon the Many: **judging by the look of the wanderers face he realizes he is not the that lives in solitude
[19-01:45] 215ab, Eric Vikstrom: *the hand would indeed catch his throat and because he is counting on the demon to be strong as hell he would bring both feet upwards while letting her hand clapse around his neck thus giving him the support he needs to drive both feet forward at her face, as both his and her sword were knocked aside*
[19-01:46] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : *He's that flexibe? Wha-huh?*
[19-01:47] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : *said she was stepping into him while grabbing, he'd not have room to get his feet up*
[19-01:47] 215ab, Eric Vikstrom: *indeed....being 6'0 he would also have the reach*
[19-01:47] e95af, Gorthius: ((sorry I got sidetracked)) I am not sure. I like Ruapenchi it reminds me of the city that I grew up in. *he is still smileing for some reason or another.*
[19-01:47] e2676, Merrick: jittery...?*mutters*and she wonders why...*back in a normal tone*is there something i can do for you milady, gives a little bow all proper like*
[19-01:47] 4a0f7, Mierka : What city was that
[19-01:47] bba4e, Apphylon the Many: ** cathces a glimpse of a tail poking out from underneath the seekers cloak and becomes more intrigued
[19-01:47] 4a0f7, Mierka : ?
[19-01:49] bc803, Talone: *Shakes her head* No..I was just bored and was looking for some play was all*Grins, her white teeth gleaming sharp and beastial like*
[19-01:49] 949ad, Vesarn: *blinks, holding very still as he's sniffed* Errr... yes sir. *he replies finally
[19-01:49] bba4e, Apphylon the Many: **floats gently down out of his tree and in front of this wandering silver locked stranger. examines this stranger through his dark lenses****
[19-01:50] b6687, Jerrel Skulldeep: *suddenly the wolf grabs his arm by the teeth and drags him down to the ground*
[19-01:50] e2676, Merrick: *shakes his head*im not a child you know....*notices the sharp teeth*if you dont mind me asking, what are you?
[19-01:50] 215ab, Eric Vikstrom: *he would have to bend his legs before he extends them, so the distance shouldn't be to much of a issue*
[19-01:50] bba4e, Apphylon the Many: hello
[19-01:51] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ((this may sounds stupid but you never know.. are you visible))
[19-01:51] 949ad, Vesarn: *yelps and drops easily, going completely rigid and whimpers a bit* Ow... ow...
[19-01:51] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : *... and as he'd have to pull back to have room to leap up in the first place, what with her being in his face... she tightens her grip as he tries to get loose, so his leap causes the claws to rip into his neck, leaving deep gashes in the sides of his throat... can we saw "Ouch"? but he'd get his move off, flying like ninja to kick her back, and send her stumbling*
[19-01:51] 94c70, Artanis : *Gives Gorthius an odd look.*
[19-01:51] e95af, Gorthius: It was the city of Foriantise high in the mountains of Colventius (Aka a city in the Rocky Mountains).
[19-01:52] 4a0f7, Mierka : it nice there?
[19-01:52] bc803, Talone: *Blinks and steps back* You wouldn't know probably. My kind is very rare...*She whispers softly her hood falling back slowly, her dark hair seen*
[19-01:52] bba4e, Apphylon the Many: (( understood and yes indeed i am visible))
[19-01:53] e2676, Merrick: try me...*studys her, he himself is very well read and has alot of magical knoledge*
[19-01:53] bba4e, Apphylon the Many: (( just a side not u dont hafta be a child to play :-)
[19-01:53] b6687, Jerrel Skulldeep: You show belly and throat! You show submissive that way! *the wolf bites down on his shoulder and shakes him about*
[19-01:53] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ::he stopped abruptly, staring wide-eyed, almost cross-eyed in alarm:: Myehh.. h..ello.??..
[19-01:54] 215ab, Eric Vikstrom: *he would land on his back with a large thud his eyes blinking a moment as he see's spot and other weird shapes, something warm and thick seems to be seeping down the front of his cloak yet he forces himself to stand once more*
[19-01:54] bc803, Talone: Have you ever heard of a Bastet?*Looks at him her eyes boring into him*
[19-01:54] e95af, Gorthius: Yes, it really cold there most of the time but the skies are bluer than anyother that I have ever seen in my life. When the sun shines there its like your in a dream. *He gets a looks of remeberence.*
[19-01:54] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : *hisses out, almost in a mocking tone* Do you yield...?
[19-01:55] 4a0f7, Mierka : Maybe someday..I'll go there
[19-01:55] JOIN: Apphylon the Many has entered.
[19-01:56] 215ab, Eric Vikstrom: *he doesn't respond he simply uses his sword to brace himself as he blinks his eyes a few times kneeling upon the dirt*
[19-01:56] bba4e, Apphylon the Many: ((kiks the comp))
[19-01:57] e2676, Merrick: once.... *moves forward and opens her cloak and finds the tail as he thought he would*i knew it..... *stares into her eyes*
[19-01:57] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : ... ... *glances down at her bloody claws... then just turns away from him, going to retrieve her gloves*
[19-01:58] bba4e, Apphylon the Many: ((kiks the comp))
[19-01:58] 949ad, Vesarn: *yelps in pain again and cries* I cant when he's holding onto me *frantically tries to lift his hand to the jaw on his shoulder, struggling to get to his feet, nearly in a panic*
[19-01:58] bba4e, Apphylon the Many: (( where was i))
[19-01:58] bc803, Talone: *Murrs softly, spots decorating her body as her hood falls back revealing her features.* Only once?
[19-01:59] 215ab, Eric Vikstrom: Demon...I yeild not.*with a light thrust he pushes himself up to his feet, blood covers his tunic but still he forces himself up, the neck would having cloded by now*
[19-01:59] b6687, Jerrel Skulldeep: No touch him! Fall limp!
[19-02:00] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ((you said hello and freaked me out ^^; ))
[19-02:00] e2676, Merrick: only once....*studies her and goes to unwrap her tail*
[19-02:00] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : *gives a dismissive wave in his direction* I've done enough damage... *continues on* Come on, Aralore
[19-02:00] 949ad, Vesarn: *struggles again, groaning as the teeeth pinch his skin and he struggles to make himself limb, instead ending up ocmpletely tense and immobile.*
[19-02:01] bba4e, Apphylon the Many: hello may i ask your name stranger??
[19-02:01] b6687, Jerrel Skulldeep: *and he gets thrashed some more*
[19-02:02] bc803, Talone: *Backs away from him slightly her tail unraveling from her waist as she stands there body bare only covered by simply loin cloths. She tilts he rhead at the elven man her eyes not wavering from him*
[19-02:02] 215ab, Eric Vikstrom: *he holds his stance with some effoet though he smiles as to walk away with him still standing leaves him the victor as the rules of duels go*
[19-02:02] bba4e, Apphylon the Many: ((i have a tendencie of freaking others out))
[19-02:03] 94c70, Artanis : I can assure you that any city is better than this one, at least right now.
[19-02:03] 949ad, Vesarn: *screams slightly and shudders, lowering his head slightly, tryign to loosen up. HIs body curled up slightly as he tried to hold still * Please stop him... it hurts...
[19-02:03] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : *in this case... she doesn't care. She knows she woulda whooped him *
[19-02:03] 4a0f7, Mierka : *nods her agreement*
[19-02:03] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ::he stood silent a moment, watching the stranger warily::...Adrian..
[19-02:04] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ((well not everybody is talented enough to float around ^^ )
[19-02:04] b6687, Jerrel Skulldeep: You have to show submit! Worthless handler if cannot submit to wolf!
[19-02:04] 215ab, Eric Vikstrom: *smirks as he raises his blade in mild salute*Round one to me, lady demon...*he would then turn his back upon her just for insult before he stalks away*
[19-02:04] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : *Ha! Turned her back to him first*
[19-02:05] e95af, Gorthius: *looks at Mierka* I don't think it exists any more but someday me and Soranel will have to take you there. *To Eri* Well, I hope that things can get better here.
[19-02:05] 949ad, Vesarn: I'm trying! I... I really am... *he stammers as he's shaken, shoulder slamming into the wall. His body shudders, and he finally gets himself to relax, though he shivers still.
[19-02:05] 4a0f7, Mierka : It does'nt? *looks sad*
[19-02:05] 94c70, Artanis : It will, someday.
[19-02:05] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : *and.. erm... meanders off*
[19-02:05] EXIT: Delotha Feanor has left the chat ( 3:05am, January 19 (CST) ).
[19-02:05] 215ab, Eric Vikstrom: ((*sticks his tounge out at Sileen*)) *Gone*
[19-02:05] e2676, Merrick: *finds her beautifull even if she is only wearing loin clothes*come...*motions for her to follow and makes his way to a shop that sells clothing so as to get her properly dressed*
[19-02:06] bba4e, Apphylon the Many: adrian. adrian, why is it you give me such odd looks??
[19-02:07] b6687, Jerrel Skulldeep: *finaly the wolf lets go and snifs close to Vesarn's face, accepting his submission then giving him a small nip on the neck. Wanders over to Jerrel who scratches behind its ear* Iashoora! Iashoora! Yip ip! Ieeka.
[19-02:08] bc803, Talone: *Blinks and looks at him tilting her head creeping along all fours her tail swaying* What for?
[19-02:08] b6687, Jerrel Skulldeep: I leave you here. Wolf eat you if you try and escape.
[19-02:08] 949ad, Vesarn: *flinches at the nip, laying there, shuddering still.he finally started up, rubbing his shoulder and looking dazed and in shock, watcing the wolf carefully*
[19-02:08] 949ad, Vesarn: Y... yes sir.
[19-02:08] EXIT: Vesarn has left the chat ( 3:08am, January 19 (CST) ).
[19-02:09] bba4e, Apphylon the Many: ((ive had a lot of time to practice considering i live in solitude))
[19-02:09] e95af, Gorthius: *He shakes his head sadly* I have not been there for since the dragons decited to seperate themselves from humans. When they made the desition I too had to go with them. Never to see my home again. *give Eri a nod in responce.*
[19-02:09] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : I've had.. a really long day. ::sighs, the tension seeming to seep out with his breath:: My apologies..
[19-02:11] 4a0f7, Mierka : Oh...*tears come to her eyes*
[19-02:11] bba4e, Apphylon the Many: no apologies necesarry. would you like a drink.** takes out a vile of red liquid from around his neck and holds it up to him** perks me up.
[19-02:12] e2676, Merrick: clothes.... open the door to the little store and follows her in talking to the tailor. soon he would have a elegant rubie red dress ready with a spot for her tail, it would have all the undergarments with it as well, being he knows she dosnt have any*
[19-02:12] e95af, Gorthius: Why are you crying Mierka? *he tilts his head to one side in confusion.*
[19-02:13] 4a0f7, Mierka : Because it is sad
[19-02:13] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : That's alright.. ::he smiles slightly, reching into his coat and pulling out a silver flask:: Just as prepared, I suppose.
[19-02:14] bc803, Talone: *Murrs softly* Clothes..bah..I never had to wear clothes why should I now?*Plops down in front of the door her tail flicking*
[19-02:14] 290ac, Aralore : ((Stupid chat didn't refresh.))
[19-02:14] 290ac, Aralore : ((Sry.))
[19-02:14] 290ac, Aralore : *Follows along and so forth*
[19-02:14] bba4e, Apphylon the Many: aha yes but what is your liquid may i ask
[19-02:15] b6687, Jerrel Skulldeep: ((you tell em talone!))
[19-02:15] e2676, Merrick: becouse its proper and lady like....*hands her the clothes*there is a dressing room in the back...
[19-02:15] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : Bloodwyne. ::he glanced briefly at the vile around his neck:: Yours?
[19-02:16] 94c70, Artanis : *Allows the two of them to talk while she prepares some food.*
[19-02:16] bba4e, Apphylon the Many: **opens the vile and pours the liquid down his throat. his complexion begins to darken very slightly from pale to less pale. Returns the vile to his neck and tucks it in his long coat**
[19-02:17] bc803, Talone: *Bats at the clothes* Pffft rowr...clothes....I like my fur and loins
[19-02:18] bba4e, Apphylon the Many: my fathers own blood spilt by a human
[19-02:18] bba4e, Apphylon the Many: my fathers own blood spilt by a human
[19-02:19] bba4e, Apphylon the Many: it is a constantly regenerating source of energy and life
[19-02:20] e2676, Merrick: you dont want to please me...*has a soft and convincing voice*i would like to see you in it.... it would mean alot to me*coxes her into it, hopefully*
[19-02:20] e95af, Gorthius: *He nods* Yes, it is but my people lived good lives and will always sit high in the minds of Dragons. Never truely forgoten about. I belive that after the Dragons left or faded form thier memory they moved on to much better places and things. One must always be happy about that.
[19-02:20] bba4e, Apphylon the Many: r u a human??
[19-02:20] 4a0f7, Mierka : *nods* I hope what you say is true
[19-02:20] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : And you would have a stranger on the street drink it? ::his expression wavered between shock and uneasiness::
[19-02:21] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : A half-breed; although half is human.
[19-02:21] e95af, Rav : Apphylon the Many AIM me please.
[19-02:22] b6687, Jerrel Skulldeep: *heads back to the inn and opens the door to it* ((whos in the inn?))
[19-02:22] e2676, Merrick: ((*wants raves icon**steals it*))
[19-02:22] e2676, Merrick: rav's*
[19-02:23] bba4e, Apphylon the Many: yes it is harmless
[19-02:23] bc803, Talone: *Giggles and pays with the clothes* You elven men are so sensitive sometimes.*Rises and doesn't even bother with the dressing room just dresses right there hissing softly* Stupid clothing...I like my loins...they breath more*
[19-02:24] e95af, Gorthius: Well, there is one thing that I have learned about people in all my years. They always move on when something happens to them be it good or bad. I belive that they have done just that.
[19-02:24] bc803, Talone: (*Plays)
[19-02:24] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : I'm surprised you even asked if I was human..
[19-02:24] 4a0f7, Mierka : *nods* Hopefully..
[19-02:24] bba4e, Apphylon the Many: my father was not a greedy man he would have wanted me to share with those in need
[19-02:24] e2676, Merrick: *sees her naked before he can turn around, isnt quite sure he wanted to, not that it was bad tho*
[19-02:25] b6687, Jerrel Skulldeep: ((nobody at the inn?))
[19-02:26] bba4e, Apphylon the Many: y r u surprised
[19-02:26] bc803, Talone: *Would she really be naked with fur all over her body? Yes! She dresses and shifts slightly standing and smooths out the dress* it hugs too much
[19-02:27] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ::he stared at him for some time, wondering if he was serious...:: ears..
[19-02:29] e95af, Gorthius: So do I. *He smiles thoughtfully to Mierka.*
[19-02:29] e2676, Merrick: its supposed to..*turns around looking her over*you look beatiful...*turns to the talor having more dresses made and sent to his room. turns back to her noticing how perfect it fits, hey after living some odd 100 years its easy to guess girls dress sizes.*
[19-02:30] bba4e, Apphylon the Many: yes but body figures can be deceiving. for example many think i am a vampire but I AM NOT A VAMPIRE IN ANYWAY
[19-02:31] bc803, Talone: *Huffs softly and looks at the dress* well I guess that's good...*looks at the dress and likes it, is just really stubborn. Her tail sways in delight*
[19-02:31] 4a0f7, Mierka : *smiles back at him*
[19-02:32] bba4e, Apphylon the Many: i may add tho that ur ears r very beautiful
[19-02:32] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ::he winced slightly at his sudden change of tone:: well...alright then. I guess that could be true.
[19-02:32] e2676, Merrick: *is suprised she hasnt said something about the undergarment being uncomfortable yet*well shall we*motions to the door*
[19-02:33] bba4e, Apphylon the Many: ((sorry finger slipped onto caps)
[19-02:33] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : Thank you.. ::isn't really sur ehow flattered he should be.. not entirely used to that kind of statement from men::
[19-02:33] 94c70, Artanis : I have some stew done if either of you want any.
[19-02:34] 4a0f7, Mierka : *her eyes light up at the mention of the stew* I'll have some
[19-02:34] bc803, Talone: *Looks at the door and shakes her head* I don't know about that elf
[19-02:35] e2676, Merrick: *opens the door walking out, holding it for her*i heard that...
[19-02:35] JOIN: Apphylon the Many has entered.
[19-02:36] bba4e, Apphylon the Many: there is no problem in expressing beauty in an object or a person of the same gender
[19-02:37] bc803, Talone: *Wallks out and shifts* Well what am I supposed to call you? You never gave me your name
[19-02:38] e95af, Gorthius: *He smiles at the idea of food but figures that since he has a baby dragons appitite he should onl;y eat alittle bit.* I'll have some as well. Thank you.
[19-02:38] 94c70, Artanis : Help yourselves.
[19-02:38] e2676, Merrick: Merrick, thats what i am called.*leads her to the glimmering inn for food opening the door for her again*
[19-02:38] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ::he blinked:: I... didn't say there was..
[19-02:38] 4a0f7, Mierka : *does help herself, taking a large bowl*
[19-02:40] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[19-02:41] bc803, Talone: *Stops looking at the inn* I'm Talone...
[19-02:42] bba4e, Apphylon the Many: u seemed a little off with my comment
[19-02:42] e2676, Merrick: a pleasure Talone*steps inside after her and finds a sutable table pulling out a chair for her*
[19-02:42] e95af, Gorthius: ummm do you have a bowl I seem to have left mine with my traveling gear. *He simles jokingly.*
[19-02:43] 4a0f7, Mierka : *is spooning the great tasting stuff into her mouth*
[19-02:43] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : Who are you anyhow.. ::he replaced the flask into his coat::
[19-02:43] bc803, Talone: *Doesn't move from the door a bit worried.* mrowr
[19-02:48] e2676, Merrick: come on... its on an inn, they serve food.... its ok....*goes to get her*
[19-02:49] 94c70, Artanis : *Offers him an extra bowl, and yes notices that he smiles an awful lot.*
[19-02:50] 4a0f7, Mierka : *thinks it's nice when he smiles*
[19-02:51] bc803, Talone: But but....*Looks at him her eyes like that of a feline cornered almost panicked*
[19-02:52] e95af, Gorthius: *Takes the bowl* Thank you. *He smiles alot because both him and Soranel are in a good mood. He turns to get a small amount of the stew.*
[19-02:52] e2676, Merrick: its ok...*comes up behind her and nudges her forward*
[19-02:53] bc803, Talone: *Mews softly and walks foreward slowly*
[19-02:54] 4a0f7, Mierka : Will I ever get to meet Soranel?
[19-02:55] JOIN: Apphylon the Many has entered.
[19-02:55] e2676, Merrick: *nudges her into the chair.*your fine, just relax...
[19-02:55] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( wb )
[19-02:56] bba4e, Apphylon the Many: (ty sorry admin convo there trashin my char i gotta get a new one ill be back tho eventually)
[19-02:57] bc803, Talone: *sits down her tail laying on the floor curled around the leg of the chair* ok
[19-02:58] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[19-02:58] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 3:58am, January 19 (CST) ).
[19-02:58] e2676, Merrick: *goes to the bartender ordering food for her and then goes up to his room after giving her the number and telling her that food is on the way.* ***gone***
[19-02:58] JOIN: AdrianGoldenmoon has entered.
[19-02:59] e95af, Gorthius: Possibly, she seems to shy away from most people though. *He spoons some of the stew into the bowl. Then goes to sit away from the fire.*
[19-02:59] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( heh.. right ^^; ::cough:: not a good idea to say that kind of stuff in a logged, monitored room)
[19-03:00] 4a0f7, Mierka : I don't blame her *softly*
[19-03:00] bc803, Talone: *As soon as she is done eating she bolts out of the inna nd strips her clothes off and darts intot he forest if there is one* ~GONE~
[19-03:00] 94c70, Artanis : *Eats some of the stew herself.*
[19-03:01] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ::he shivered suddenly, regretting he came back outdoors for a while... myeh.. best to just go back and force himself to sleep.. anything but this::
[19-03:01] EXIT: AdrianGoldenmoon has left the chat ( 4:01am, January 19 (CST) ).
[19-03:01] bba4e, Apphylon the Many: (yes i know but im really not afraid)
[19-03:05] bba4e, Apphylon the Many: (adrian do u know ne chats where they allow "vampieric" creatures)
[19-03:08] e95af, Gorthius: *He sits down on the floor as close to Artanis and Mierka as he can but as far from the fire as he can. Does not like fire in the least he perferes the cold air more. he takes a bite of the stew.*
[19-03:10] 4a0f7, Mierka : *smiles to herself, loving this moment of tranquility*
[19-03:15] 94c70, Artanis : *Is silent, her thoughts on her upcoming venture.*
[19-03:15] JOIN: Roki has entered.
[19-03:15] e95af, Gorthius: *He too is enjoying the peace but twith him its allways peacefull when not in battle.*
[19-03:22] JOIN: R has entered.
[19-03:23] 94c70, Artanis : You two like it? I see my cooking hasn't killed you yet.
[19-03:23] 4a0f7, Mierka : *smiles* It's wonderfull..*polishes off her bowl and stands*
[19-03:25] e95af, Gorthius: Yes, it very good. *takes another bite.* It would take quite abit more then bad cooking to kill me. *he chuckles* This is most defenately better then what I make.
[19-03:25] 7725b, King Narmotur : *The Kings men had been watching the hut and had begun to plan accordingly. 48 Men from the kings personal guard company had been dispatched to the area, plus Regular soldiers had been assigned to watch over the streets around the area, The guardsmen had slowly moved in, surrounding the hut, and Longbowmen were ready to do their job as well.*
[19-03:25] 4a0f7, Mierka : *goes to get more* Can I?
[19-03:26] 94c70, Artanis : Of course.
[19-03:26] 4a0f7, Mierka : *smiles and gets more, sitting back down where she was*
[19-03:28] e95af, Gorthius: *He too finishes his bowl thinking seconds would be good but hold off on that. He stands up then looks at Artanis.* uhhh where should I put this?
[19-03:29] 94c70, Artanis : Just set it to the side, I'll take care of it later.
[19-03:31] e95af, Gorthius: *Nods and does so.* Thank you that was quite good. *he then walks back to where he was sitting but stands this time.*
[19-03:31] 4a0f7, Mierka : *eats this bowl more slowly, savouring it* This is good
[19-03:32] 7725b, King Narmotur : *Men cover the rear door, Longbowmen taking aim on it, while up front a dozen men prepare.. A massive axe crashes through the front door, and that moment a horn is blown, signaling the raid, a second blow would break the door down, and the dozen men, some armed with spears, others with swords and shields pour in.*
[19-03:33] 94c70, Artanis : *Turns about, drawing her sword.*
[19-03:33] 4a0f7, Mierka : *screams and leaps up, dumping her stew as she grabs her wrapped up sword, the cloth falling to the floor*
[19-03:34] 7725b, King Narmotur : *The spear men would attempt to use the length of their spears to there advantage, as Mierka goes for her sword, a spearmen would thrust it rowards her, attempting to prevent her from reaching it, or hiting her.. very badly.*
[19-03:35] 7725b, King Narmotur : *The others would keep Artanis at distance too.*
[19-03:35] e95af, Gorthius: *As a reflex when the first bite of the Ax hit the door he would draw his saber and stand ready for a fight.*
[19-03:35] 4a0f7, Mierka : *attempts to jump back, brining her back against the wall of the tiny home* Stay back! *holds her sword shakily*
[19-03:36] 7725b, King Narmotur : "Put down your arms and noone will get hurt!"
[19-03:36] 94c70, Artanis : Get out.
[19-03:36] e95af, Gorthius: ((hold on there kingy boy wait till everyone posts befor making another))
[19-03:37] 7725b, King Narmotur : ((*was making a few continued posts, isn't going to screw anyone over.*))
[19-03:37] e95af, Gorthius: ((Order of posts is to be this King, Artanis, Mierka, then Gorthius.))
[19-03:37] 7725b, King Narmotur : ((...))
[19-03:37] 7725b, King Narmotur : ((*sometimes has to make MUTIPLE posts to get the evnets across.. pelh*))
[19-03:38] 7725b, King Narmotur : ((anyway, go post.))
[19-03:39] e95af, Gorthius: ((This is true but wait till everyone posts take all action of all men then wait.))
[19-03:40] 7725b, King Narmotur : ((I am? jeez.)) *They keep the three at distance with their spears, the swordsmen keeping behind them.* "No, you're all to be placed into arest and taken into our custody immediately."
[19-03:41] e95af, Gorthius: Whats the charge? *in a rather demanding voice*
[19-03:44] 94c70, Artanis : *Glances at Mierka and Gorthius for a moment.*
[19-03:45] 4a0f7, Mierka : We have done nothing wrong
[19-03:46] JOIN: Eric Vikstrom has entered.
[19-03:46] e95af, Gorthius: Whats the charge? *in a rather demanding voice*
[19-03:47] 215ab, Alec Avery : ((test))
[19-03:48] 7725b, King Narmotur : "Put DOWN your Weapons.... NOW!" *The mans voice is MUCH more demanding than Gorthius's, the other men keep them at bay.*
[19-03:49] 215ab, Alec Avery : *he slowly moves his horse past the city as he yawns midly to himself, the captians party having himself and 10 archers with him while the rest of his army is camped near by with roughly 20,000 men in arms at ready.As he glances about at the nearing city his blue eyes glance upon the guards gathered about Gorthius and Mierka.*Hmm...seems a conflict is about.
[19-03:50] 94c70, Artanis : *Keeps hold of that sword, eyeing them.*
[19-03:50] 94c70, Artanis : (( You can't see us, Alex, we are inside a house inside the city ))
[19-03:51] 7725b, King Narmotur : ((Excuse me? And Camping a army that big that flippin' close is.. not going to be accepted.))
[19-03:51] 215ab, Alec Avery : ((Near by being like 15 miles...))
[19-03:51] 4a0f7, Mierka : *grips her sword tighter. She does'nt know how to use it yet, but she can still hurt*
[19-03:51] 7725b, King Narmotur : ((Not to mention this is inside the city? and 15 miles would probably be within the territory.))
[19-03:52] 215ab, Alec Avery : ((Calm yourself...Paladins are lawful good, no intention to undermind a king as they make the laws in thier city....geez.I was just glancing at the conflict but if it is in a house I wouldn't see it.))
[19-03:53] e95af, Gorthius: Not until I know the charge. If its valid in my eyes then I will cooperate with you other wise my weapon does not leave my hand. *Is ready for anything*
[19-03:54] 7725b, King Narmotur : ((A house deep within the City at that. And I don't care who they are, some wouldn't take lightly to forces.. regardless of whom they are being within these borders.))
[19-03:54] e95af, Gorthius: ((He is right about the distance thing too. Your army would not be premitted to be that close.))
[19-03:55] 7725b, King Narmotur : "You're to be taken in for questioning.. in regards to suspicious activity"
[19-03:56] 215ab, Alec Avery : (( far from the city is the boarder?I'll just say they are at that distance to keep them out of the Kings territory.I don't need to be stepping on any toes, so to speak))
[19-03:56] 94c70, Artanis : We've done nothing wrong. You've no right to interrupt our meal.
[19-03:56] 4a0f7, Mierka : *just glares at them*
[19-03:57] 7725b, King Narmotur : ((Exactly its not known, until the map is finished, but I'd said quite a bit more then 20 miles...))
[19-03:58] 215ab, Alec Avery : ((I'll say they are 22 miles away for good measure))
[19-03:58] 7725b, King Narmotur : ((How about just standing outside the borders of the Kingdom? becuase they wont be coming into use period.))
[19-03:59] 94c70, Artanis : (( Okay, let's just chill and get back to RPing ))
[19-04:00] e663b, Roki: listen to Denathor....*l*
[19-04:01] e95af, Gorthius: That does not tell me the charge. What suspicious activity would that be? *He watches every man that has entered this small hut.*
[19-04:01] 215ab, Alec Avery : ((I need to have the army some what within reach..I will leave them at 22 miles to stay outside of your characters kingdom and avoid any hostile relations between your kingdom and the one I am with))
[19-04:04] 7725b, King Narmotur : "Underminding and resistance to the authority of this Kingdom, Criminal behavoir, shall I continue?" *The men move foward with their spears, in an attempt to push them against the wall even further, others await outside.*
[19-04:05] 94c70, Artanis : *Doesn't back up, in fact she bats away the spear pointed at her with her sword.*
[19-04:06] 4a0f7, Mierka : *swings her sword at the spear like an axe*
[19-04:07] e95af, Gorthius: *does not move as they do so* We have yet to undermind or resist but if you wish I can make that chage true. I personaly do not wish to fight you but I will if I must.
[19-04:08] 215ab, Alec Avery : *continues on into the city*
[19-04:09] 7725b, King Narmotur : "They are underminding no?" *He side steps as he speaks, allowing more spearmen to enter, the ones dealing with Artanis and Mierka deal with the attacks, THe apparent commander gives a nod towards Mierka, The spearmen back off of Artanis, only aiming to control her for the moment, as two other spearmen jab there weapons directly at Mierka, aiming to hurt her, severly.*
[19-04:10] 4a0f7, Mierka : *having no way to evade them, she cries out in pain as they spear her, her sword dropping from her fingers as she slumps against the wall, bleeding badly*
[19-04:11] 94c70, Artanis : *She move sto intercept their jabs at Mierka with another swipe of her sword. She then gives the Commander a glare.*
[19-04:11] 94c70, Artanis : *or not*
[19-04:12] 4a0f7, Mierka : (( a bit carried away ))
[19-04:12] 7725b, King Narmotur : ((*will fix it* ))
[19-04:13] 4a0f7, Mierka : (( *hunts down a glass of milk in the meantime* ))
[19-04:16] e95af, Gorthius: *Hearing Mierka's cry of pain he would no longer talk but slash at one of the mens back with extream force. If in fact it does hit it should kill him. He then readies himself for the next one.*
[19-04:17] 4a0f7, Mierka : (( *comes back with a glass of kool-aid, instead* ))
[19-04:18] 7725b, King Narmotur : *Artanis would manage to intercept one of the jabs, but the second hits the intended target. Gorthius on the other hand? He would have to close much distance and avoid being jabbed by the spearmen, as they are using the length of the long spears to keep their foes at bay, the commander smirks.* "You have no choice now, Put down your arms or the girl WILL die, do not be stupid. save her."
[19-04:20] e95af, Gorthius: ((OK, then nix my post))
[19-04:22] 94c70, Artanis : *Attempts to manuever herself to be between them and Mierka.* Leave and I can save her.
[19-04:22] e95af, Gorthius: ((You have to realize that spears are no good indoors for they are clumsy and long.))
[19-04:23] e95af, Gorthius: *Stands his ground for now*
[19-04:23] 4a0f7, Mierka : *slowly slides down to the floor, her hands over the spear wound, her face going pale*
[19-04:26] 7725b, King Narmotur : ((Unless you're holding a few advantages, which I am. Indeed, in open combat? yes they're going to have some problems, but they were able to gain a foothold rapidly, and pin the three against the wall. *has plans for.. the other things that could/will happen.*))
[19-04:27] 7725b, King Narmotur : "IF you do not put down your arms, she will bleed to death, trust me." *They allow her to reach the girl, but it mattered not.*
[19-04:27] e95af, Gorthius: ((How many men are in this one room house at this time?))
[19-04:29] 94c70, Artanis : *Sighs a little, she looks to Gorthius.*
[19-04:30] 7725b, King Narmotur : ((at the moment? six. three spearmen.))
[19-04:30] 4a0f7, Mierka : *whispers* hurts..
[19-04:32] e95af, Gorthius: *Is fully concentrated on the spearman in front of him as sudenly he cuts the spear in half with his saber. He then redies himself for an attack*
[19-04:32] JOIN: Eric Vikstrom has entered.
[19-04:38] 7725b, King Narmotur : *With that, the spear falls harmlessly to the ground as the soldier draws his short sword and stays on the defense, the commanding officer chuckles.* It is a shame that you chose death for the girl... Perhaps you need some more time to reconsider.." *With sword in one hand, and a torch in the other, he nods to the men to with draw, carefully, using their weapons to protect themselfs, he meanwhile? casually brushes the torch along the wall, and finally drops it on the ground, aiming simply to set the hut-
[19-04:38] 7725b, King Narmotur : ablaze*
[19-04:40] 215ab, Alec Avery : *the fire catches the attention of his ever watchful eyes.He pulls back on the reins of his horse only to narrow his eyes and waves for his men to follow, he heads for the direction of the fire*
[19-04:41] 7725b, King Narmotur : *His path would be blocked by other soldiers, keeping Alec far away from the scene..*
[19-04:41] 94c70, Artanis : *Since they are withdrawing and setting the place on fire, she moves to get Mierka up.*
[19-04:42] 4a0f7, Mierka : Ery...*tries to stand and can, but not without a lot of help*
[19-04:43] e95af, Gorthius: *Sheaths his saber then quickly moves twords Artanis and Mierka. He would pick Mierka off of her feet then look around quickly for an exit.* Go get out of here
[19-04:44] 215ab, Alec Avery : *his men seem to be blocked by soilders though he does notice that noone seems to be moving to put out he fire.He narrows his eyes as he hails the closest soldier to ask what is happening*
[19-04:44] 7725b, King Narmotur : ((*would note that the fire would not be showing many signs of ANYthing this soon, plus the distance... heh)) "Military Business, Now please move along."
[19-04:45] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[19-04:46] 94c70, Artanis : There's a lot of men out there I'm sure. Are you sure you can make it with her?
[19-04:47] 7725b, King Narmotur : *Outside, they would already be formed up, spearmen blocking the pathes, Bowmen with their weapons ready and Swordsmen ready to take them into custody as soon as they exited.*
[19-04:48] 4a0f7, Mierka : *holds onto him, hand over her wound* Where's a drow when you need one? *meaning Aralore*
[19-04:48] e95af, Gorthius: *he nods* Is there another way out?
[19-04:48] 215ab, Alec Avery : *frowns slightly as he pulls his horse back a little seeings as it seems to be getting uncomfortable*On who's orders?
[19-04:49] 7725b, King Narmotur : "By order of the King, Criminals are currently being arrested, now move along."
[19-04:49] e95af, Gorthius: ((how are they formed?))
[19-04:52] f2a5f, Gorthius: ((NVM i answered it.))
[19-04:52] 215ab, Alec Avery : What charges do they face that you would risk burning them rather then taking them alive?
[19-04:52] 7725b, King Narmotur : ((The Spearmen have the paths blocked, shield and spears deployed in a shield wall of sorts, a few bowmen are positioned behind them, ready to open fire, the other swordsmen are to the side of the hut and out of the way of harm for the moment.))
[19-04:53] 7725b, King Narmotur : *Glares.* "Things happen in these raids, I do not know if they're burning alive or not.."
[19-04:53] f2a5f, Gorthius: ((keep in mind that you just set the hut on fire.))
[19-04:54] 4a0f7, Mierka : (( *is hearing strange sounds coming from some boxes. Is scared* ))
[19-04:54] 215ab, Alec Avery : *just a note, as a paladin he can sense both truth or lie in a person and rather there hearts are set on good or evil*
[19-04:54] 4a0f7, Mierka : (( *goes to find one of her cats* They can sense evil ))
[19-04:54] 7725b, King Narmotur : ((*should know that well. and isn't going to let those men roast alive.* if you all want to be stupid and stay in? hehe they'll back off.)) *Indeed, he was being the turthful as told..*
[19-04:55] 7725b, King Narmotur : *but is annoyed none the bloody less*
[19-04:55] f2a5f, Gorthius: ((just a note Alec these men would not be telling a lie and would be neutral))
[19-04:56] f2a5f, Gorthius: ((*pokes Z*))
[19-04:58] 94c70, Artanis : ...
[19-04:59] 94c70, Artanis : No.. meet me in the western woods if you make it. *She then rushes out of the hut, ready to take on the first she comes to*
[19-05:00] 4a0f7, Mierka : Eri!!
[19-05:01] f2a5f, Gorthius: *follows suit but with Mierka in his arms. he looks around then curses an a strange language.*
[19-05:02] 7725b, King Narmotur : *Two swordsmen from each side would suddenly come upon the party as they come out, attacking from both sides, the risk to Artanis and Gorthius was, either way they attacked, they'd have to worry about a sudden slice to their backs, or to the rear of their legs.*
[19-05:04] 215ab, Alec Avery : *he watches he scene unfold from where the guards have him held at bay*
[19-05:05] 7725b, King Narmotur : ((Actually, no you wouldn't. The hut this is going on at, is in a part of town, you'd likely not travel to, and wouldn't be seen from other areas.))
[19-05:06] 94c70, Artanis : *She wouldn't be too surprised by this, She'd turn quickly to deflect the guard's attack that moves on her with a skillful move of her sword.*
[19-05:06] 4a0f7, Mierka : Watch out!
[19-05:09] f2a5f, Gorthius: *Also would have been expecting a tactic like this. He spins around useing Mierka's feet to catch the guard in the face nocking him to one side. Then taking a slight cut to the back of his leg but does the same to the other gaurd to move past them into the alley.*
[19-05:09] 215ab, Alec Avery : ((Such a picky king, arent you?*L*))
[19-05:11] f2a5f, Gorthius: ((Where is Mierka's injury?))
[19-05:12] 4a0f7, Mierka : (( Her side ))
[19-05:12] 7725b, King Narmotur : ((no..)) *With the alleyway being covered, they'd mostly be trapped, The two men dealing with Artanis, attack her relentlessly from in front and to the rear, she would likely make short work of one if thats all there was though. The Guards after Gorthius, soon regain their stature, and give chase, another two come up to Gorthius's left. he would soon be boxed in.*
[19-05:14] 215ab, Alec Avery : I wish to know what charges the criminals are being held by...*his eyes upon the guard once more*What crime are they guilty of?
[19-05:15] 7725b, King Narmotur : *They simply ignore Alec at this point, tired of him. And it would not be wise to start anything, five men were posted here, and others weren't far away.*
[19-05:15] f2a5f, Gorthius: Galtioic. *he sighs then sets Mierka down.* I'll open up a hole you just run. *he would then draw his saber again to face the gaurds infront of him for now.* ((How many are in the Alley?))
[19-05:16] 4a0f7, Mierka : *leans against a wall, still bleeding from her side, starting to feel very light headed*
[19-05:16] 215ab, Alec Avery : *has ten archers behind him and they are all mounted which is also a advantage since most of the guards seem focused on the "criminals"*
[19-05:17] 7725b, King Narmotur : ((six spearmen, with shields and spears deployed, he also has to worry about the four others coming up behind and to his left, armmed with short swords.)) *Most would be a very incorrect term.*
[19-05:18] 94c70, Artanis : *Would be making her attacks to provide Gorhtius a way out.*
[19-05:19] f2a5f, Gorthius: ((huh? that makes no sence. Are the six spearmen, shieldmen in the alley or comming from behind?))
[19-05:21] 7725b, King Narmotur : ((err *coughs* no... I'll state this again, six spearmen are holding the line at the Alley, shieldwall, spears deployed. These would be ahead of him, he would also have to worry about the four swordsmen to his rear and left.))
[19-05:21] 215ab, Alec Avery : ((I think he means the six spear men are coming from the front of the alley and other from behind you as a alley is a either a two way street or dead in))
[19-05:21] f2a5f, Gorthius: ((and spearmen don't carry shields.))
[19-05:21] 215ab, Alec Avery : ((dead end))
[19-05:21] 94c70, Artanis : (( So.. ten guys Gorth, 4 behind, 6 in front ))
[19-05:22] 215ab, Alec Avery : ((Actually....the romans had holes in some of thier shields so the spearmen could use spears and shield at the same time))
[19-05:22] 7725b, King Narmotur : ((err.. quite correct. *blinks*))
[19-05:23] 215ab, Alec Avery : ((Very large shields.....just hide behind them and stick your spear through the hole in the shield and move forward.Its like fighting a wall of armour))
[19-05:24] 4a0f7, Mierka : (( That'd be scary to see ))
[19-05:24] f2a5f, Gorthius: *He pops his neck then resheaths his blade.*
[19-05:25] 215ab, Alec Avery : ((Hence why the romans ruled the world.))
[19-05:25] 7725b, King Narmotur : ((indeed, not a 'historic' example, but a example none the less of the concept can be seen in the FOTR Prologue.)) *One of the men would foolishly try to tackle Gorthius from behind if possible, while Artanis manages to slay two of the swordsmen.. the Officer gives a signal to two of his bowmen to fire upon Artanis.**
[19-05:26] f2a5f, Gorthius: ((It was also quite in afective way of fighting. those men used short spears. my idea of a spearman is the more dangerous one. The one that stood behind a shield and killed that way. it was also more efective.))
[19-05:27] 215ab, Alec Avery : ((True that, Gorth))
[19-05:28] 7725b, King Narmotur : ((For this situation? its perfect, takes less men, .))
[19-05:28] f2a5f, Gorthius: *The man would not beable to do so as Gorthius wold simply watch him do so and move out ot the way. As the man would move past he gets triped and falls on his face.*
[19-05:29] 215ab, Alec Avery : *if he sensed any evil intent or hints of lies in these men he might indeed strike them down but not seeing anything at least immediatley wrong, he draws his men back and turns to leave*
[19-05:30] 7725b, King Narmotur : *Only the kings personal men are evvil.*
[19-05:30] 94c70, Artanis : *She moves to get to Gorthius, but is only welcomed by an arrow flying past her on one side, the second though finds her shoulder. She lets out a cry of pain as she stumbles forward.*
[19-05:31] 215ab, Alec Avery : (())
[19-05:31] JOIN: R has entered.
[19-05:32] 215ab, Alec Avery : *though his riding would take him around the area of the fight he would go back to his original mission and make for the castle, he needs to see the king(when he is avalible))
[19-05:33] 7725b, King Narmotur : *The incident draws a few snickers from the other men, as he attempts to get up. the commanding officer comes forth, keeping a safe distance still.* "You're trapped, like rats, Tis a pitty, surrender your arms now, or they'll both die before your eyes."
[19-05:33] 7725b, King Narmotur : *is around, as always.*
[19-05:34] 4a0f7, Mierka : *finds her eyelids growing heavy*
[19-05:35] 215ab, Alec Avery : *heads towards the castle in that case*
[19-05:35] f2a5f, Gorthius: *As the man would be getting up Gorthius would then stomp his foot on the mans back then drawing his saber placeing it at the base of the man's skull.* Stand back or he dies. *Watches carefuly*
[19-05:35] 94c70, Artanis : *gritting her teeth, her longsword held tightly in the hand of her uninjured side, she tries to force herself back to her feet.*
[19-05:36] 4a0f7, Mierka : *her eyes close, blood seeping between her fingers, where she's got a hand over her wound*
[19-05:37] 4a0f7, Mierka : ***Gone***
[19-05:37] 4a0f7, Mierka : (( Sorry I can't stick around, but if I'm caught still up....*shudders* Scary parents ))
[19-05:41] 7725b, King Narmotur : *The CO laughs.* " "And you think this will bring you freedom? Kill that man, and these two?" *gestures to the women.* "They will suffer for your mistakes, You're trapped, hopless, noone will save you. You have two options, Death for yourself and perhaps your friends or? Life for all of you.. The choice is yours alone." *The Bowmen would train their arrows on Gorthius now.While a SOldier attempts to knock Artanis back to the ground from her bad side.*
[19-05:42] EXIT: Mierka has left the chat ( 6:41am, January 19 (CST) ).
[19-05:43] 7725b, King Narmotur : *Guards would be standing at the main gate as always.*
[19-05:44] 94c70, Artanis : *She would make a somewhat more clumsy attempt to defend herself with a one handed swing.*
[19-05:45] f2a5f, Gorthius: *He looks at the man with his ice cold blue eyes.* Perhaps your right. Now I will take your word on this. Both of the women will no longer be harmed and they live? *He removes the sword from the man's neck but does not reseath it or take his foot off of him.*
[19-05:46] 215ab, Alec Avery : *his horses slow to a stop as he hails the guards*I bring word from the land of Arcadia, I, Alec Avery Captain of the Knights of the Rose, request a audience with the king.
[19-05:46] 7725b, King Narmotur : "They will not suffer the punishements for the murder of that man No, They will live." *The guard blocks her blow, but then attempts to deliver a powerful, two handed counter strike.*
[19-05:47] 7725b, King Narmotur : *At the gate.. after some debate.* "You will need to relinquish your weapons Captain Avery."
[19-05:48] 94c70, Artanis : *She attempts to block, though only manages to keep herself from getting hit. THe force of the blow knocking her back.*
[19-05:49] 215ab, Alec Avery : My men will wait here, but I would request that they hold my weapons for me.
[19-05:50] f2a5f, Gorthius: *He takes his foot off the man and infact helps him up but makes sure that the man can not do anything to him or Mierka as he does this.* Very well then. Under one condition that we go of our own free will and not by force. That means you get our weapons but we will not be tied up. agreed?
[19-05:52] 7725b, King Narmotur : *Smiles.* "Of course, surrender the weapons, and we will march you back, quite simple." *The soldier attacks Artanis again, another powerful blow, caring little for the little discussion between his Commander and the riftraft
[19-05:52] 7725b, King Narmotur : * "That is acceptable." *
[19-05:55] f2a5f, Gorthius: *he then steps twords the commander still holding his sword but with it pointed to the ground. He would walk past him to where Artanis is fighting.* Enough!! Its over now Eri relinquesh your weapon. *In a voice that would stop the fight. that is if its allowed to happen.*
[19-05:57] 215ab, Alec Avery : *he turns to one of his archers only to hand over his sword and dagger and thus he would be unarmed.He then dismount from his horse and turns to nod to the guard*Proceed when ready.
[19-05:58] 7725b, King Narmotur : *Two guards come forth to lead Alec to the Kings Chamber*
[19-06:00] 215ab, Alec Avery : *Follows*
[19-06:01] 94c70, Artanis : *She gives up her sword to move her arm out of the way of the attack, winces with this movement.*
[19-06:01] 7725b, King Narmotur : *They would lead him through the halls of the Castle, until finally coming to two large wooden double doors, As they open, A direct view of King Namortur siting on his throne would come to Alec.*
[19-06:03] 7725b, King Narmotur : *Raises a hand, causing the man assaulting Artanis to back off.*
[19-06:05] 7725b, King Narmotur : ((BRB))
[19-06:05] 215ab, Alec Avery : *he would enter the chamber very slow and with his head held high to further show the pride his holds in his rank but not boastful pride.Upon reaching the proper place before the Kings throne he would kneel to one knee in respect and bow his head*My Lord,I bring a message from the lands of Arcadia.
[19-06:12] 94c70, Artanis : *Chooses to remain on the ground. Her hand that had held her sword now clutching her shoulder.*
[19-06:12] 7725b, King Narmotur : "Very well, surrender your arms now, toss them aside.."
[19-06:13] 7725b, King Narmotur : *Eyes Avery as he approaches.* Then do go on, I don't have a lot of time, I'm quite busy.
[19-06:14] f2a5f, Gorthius: *He watches this then hands his sword to the commander.*
[19-06:17] JOIN: Roki has entered.
[19-06:21] 215ab, Alec Avery : So be it, My Lord.*he stands then to his full height of 6'0 even.*My queen sends her wishes a hopes for you to have a long and wealthy reign upon your throne.I am here to offer a opening of trade between our two countries and I have braught with me a gift from Arcadia.*he then turns his eyes back as two of the ten archers he came with start to carry forth a large treause chest filled will gold, jewels and rubies of different size and color*
[19-06:21] 215ab, Alec Avery : ((wishes and hopes..typo))
[19-06:23] 7725b, King Narmotur : *hmms slightly, Atleast he wasn't bringing lies like the previous man.* Indeed, we're doing quite well on our own, however.. Open trade is always a good thing.
[19-06:23] 94c70, Artanis : (( *thought the Archers stayed behind.* ))
[19-06:24] 7725b, King Narmotur : ((*too*))
[19-06:25] 94c70, Artanis : *Isn't going anywhere really. Her shoulder hurts badly from the arrow shot into her. She sort of glances up at Gorthius. She would really have prefered to have died as opposed to where she is headed now.*
[19-06:25] 7725b, King Narmotur : *Guards within the hall watch over their king.*
[19-06:25] 215ab, Alec Avery : Your wisdom is most becoming, My Lord.We extend our arms to you in peace and bid you keep these treasures as a show of our good will and most glorious future in trade and peace.((I needed some way to bridge the triubte forward))
[19-06:26] 7725b, King Narmotur : *The Commanding Officer carefully accepts the sword from Gorthius and backs away.* Both of you, move over to the young girl, carefull.
[19-06:27] JOIN: Trinket has entered.
[19-06:28] f2a5f, Gorthius: *He helps Eri to her feet then heads over twords Mierka and picks her up seeing as she more than likely passed out from the pain.*
[19-06:30] 7725b, King Narmotur : *
[19-06:30] 7725b, King Narmotur : *Watches Alec, no apparent emotions showing on his face.* Indeed.
[19-06:31] 94c70, Artanis : *She moves on her own once she is on her feet again, moving with Gorthius. She glances at Mierka as he picks her up, worry flashes through her eyes.*
[19-06:33] 7725b, King Narmotur : "Those of you that are injured, may lay down and receive medical attetion now." *waves a few men in to attempt to take care of the fire, which is.. mostly out of control.*
[19-06:33] f2a5f, Gorthius: *He looks at Eri.* I had no choice. I am sorry. *He thens walks back twords the commander.*
[19-06:34] 215ab, Alec Avery : If you pleases you then a portal might be set near here to open trade between our two kingdoms?
[19-06:35] 7725b, King Narmotur : There is already a portal within the City.
[19-06:36] 94c70, Artanis : *She watches him walk away, back towards the commander as she stands there, her expression deadpan.*
[19-06:36] 94c70, Artanis : (( Not to mention you can't build portals. ))
[19-06:36] 7725b, King Narmotur : *The commander watches as
[19-06:37] 215ab, Alec Avery : a portal yes.But not one that leads to the lands and shores of Arcadia.
[19-06:37] 7725b, King Narmotur : *The commander watches as Gorthius comes forth again, he still holds the mans saber. meanwhile a few men move towards Artanis and the girl, they're unarmmed, intending only to help.*
[19-06:38] 7725b, King Narmotur : *shakes his head.* How empty is your head? POrtals are not just.. created, and all you need is a correct key you dolt. *mutters*
[19-06:39] JOIN: R has entered.
[19-06:39] f2a5f, Gorthius: *he watches the men carefully as they approch him.*
[19-06:39] 94c70, Artanis : *She does not resist.*
[19-06:42] 215ab, Alec Avery : *is'nt much of a magic user really and knows little of it save what he can use*Of course, my apologizes....*makes a humble bow*Forgive me ignorance, My King.*he then rises to his full height once more only to offer a polite diplomatic smile*Then shall I take my leave while I am still a welcome guest, My lord.*bows once more*
[19-06:42] 7725b, King Narmotur : *nods to him.* I will consider your offer, Thank you..
[19-06:43] 94c70, Artanis : (( *was waiting for Avery to break in half with all the bowing in that post* ))
[19-06:44] EXIT: Trinket has left the chat ( 7:39am, January 19 (CST) ).
[19-06:44] 7725b, King Narmotur : *They move past Gorthius and begin tending to the two women, of course Artanis would prolly not like the part of removing the arrow, but alas.*
[19-06:45] f2a5f, Gorthius: *Is holding Mierka.*
[19-06:46] 215ab, Alec Avery : ((As the probverb says"Humble words before a king saves a fools head"))
[19-06:46] 7725b, King Narmotur : ((how did he go from walking towards the commander to holding her? ))
[19-06:46] 94c70, Artanis : *Clenches her jaw tightly, a mixed growl and wimper escapes her as the arrow is removed. She then breathes heavily for a few moments from the pain and then obvious relief.*
[19-06:47] 215ab, Alec Avery : *he turns then and takes his leave from the Kings hall, leaving the treasure behind of course for the kings use.He would no doubt be escourted back to his men?*
[19-06:48] 7725b, King Narmotur : *indeed he would.*
[19-06:49] 7725b, King Narmotur : *They continue tending to Mierka and Artanis both, a few men move closer, to make sure that nothing happens to their fellow guards.*
[19-06:50] 215ab, Alec Avery : *once he remounts and retrieves his weapons he would lead his men away from the castle*
[19-06:51] f2a5f, Gorthius: ((He walk over there and picked her up then walked twords the commander.)) *he stands there as they tend to her He sets her on the ground to make it eisier for them. Then contiues to walk twords the commander.*
[19-06:59] 94c70, Artanis : *Makes no move against the guards.*
[19-07:00] 7725b, King Narmotur : *As they provide the treatment, they'd also search them for any other weapons of course*
[19-07:03] 94c70, Artanis : *Has none. Her dagger was in the hut and Durin still had her bow.*
[19-07:04] f2a5f, Gorthius: *He would stand next to the commanding Officer acepting no treatment for the wound on his leg. His hands are place on his lower back as his posture stays true to his rank. He also makes no move on the gaurds. If checked for weapons they woudl find nothing*
[19-07:05] 7725b, King Narmotur : *Once all the checks are completed, and medical treatment rendered, theywould back off from the three, even the CO.* "Very well... you do understand, if you attempt to flee, you will die? You're in our city, our tuff, we're prepared to track and find you in this city, Your chances of success are next to none."
[19-07:08] f2a5f, Gorthius: I do not belive any of us has the tendancies to flee. Just lead the way and we'll follow you. *He watches them carefully*
[19-07:09] 94c70, Artanis : *Lowers her head, gazing at some spot on the ground.*
[19-07:11] 7725b, King Narmotur : "You shall carry the young one then."
[19-07:13] f2a5f, Gorthius: *He nods then goes to pick her up from the ground. He does so then turns and awaits for the men to move*
[19-07:14] 7725b, King Narmotur : "Form up!" *calls out, and soon, the soldiers begin forming around Artanis, Gorthius and yes Mierka.*
[19-07:15] f2a5f, Gorthius: *Watches and still waiting for the order to move out.*
[19-07:17] 94c70, Artanis : *Whispers quietly so only Gorthius can hear.* This isn't what I wanted things to come to.
[19-07:18] JOIN: R has entered.
[19-07:19] 7725b, King Narmotur : "Move out!" *They begin moving down the street, the guards keeping a tight formation around the prisoners*
[19-07:19] f2a5f, Gorthius: *in a low tone* I know, We were just out numbered thats all. Keep your head up don't show them that they have broken you. *gets ready to move out.*
[19-07:21] 7725b, King Narmotur : *is going to get the pleasure of 'breaking' her **
[19-07:21] 94c70, Artanis : *Sighs softly.* You don't know what lies ahead of us.
[19-07:22] 7725b, King Narmotur : *could break Gorthius instead..* *they begin marching towards the castle.*
[19-07:23] f2a5f, Gorthius: No, but we'll have to deal with it as it comes. *He keeps his Knightly demeaner about him walking with his head held high and proud.*
[19-07:25] 7725b, King Narmotur : *The commanding officer almost cackles as they continue.*
[19-07:25] 94c70, Artanis : *mutters quietly to him, she too was looking forward.* Slavery... if we're lucky.
[19-07:26] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[19-07:27] 215ab, Alec Avery : *happens to be at the castle gates still, his brow furrow as he notices the guards and prisoners moving towards him and his men.He pulls his horse to a stop so that he might glance upon them as they past.On his breast plate is a rose esgina which states his knight hood*
[19-07:27] 7725b, King Narmotur : *They wouldn't be marching towards the main gate actually.*
[19-07:28] 7725b, King Narmotur : ((not only that you said you actually were leaving so hehe))
[19-07:30] 215ab, Alec Avery : ((Nice late))
[19-07:30] f2a5f, Gorthius: Just one more adventure to add to my books. *He turns his head looking at her smileing*
[19-07:30] 7725b, King Narmotur : ((pardon?))