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[18-04:37] 80dc0, Mierka : *shudders and a fierce light comes into her eyes* I'd rather die before I let a man touch me.
[18-04:37] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : ((Yes yes... "We'd not harm a fly! .. But peoples aren't flies, now are they?"))
[18-04:38] 94c70, Artanis : That's if you're lucky of course.
[18-04:38] 7725b, King Narmotur : ((we'd not screw people either naw naw... *gollumish*))
[18-04:38] 80dc0, Mierka : Lucky?
[18-04:39] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : ((*castrates*))
[18-04:39] d7c72, Trinket: *Inside the building, Trinket can see 4 big people, 3 of them seem to be talking. A few shiny objects catch his attention.*
[18-04:40] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : ((... And Delotha is easily the sexiest woman here.... ))
[18-04:40] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : ((*FLEE!!*))
[18-04:40] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : ((Just 'cause she's insane...))
[18-04:40] 7725b, King Narmotur : ((She's no woman.. she's... an Elf.... we said nothing about elves..))
[18-04:41] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : ((She's still a woman *eyes*
[18-04:41] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : ))
[18-04:41] 7725b, King Narmotur : ((elfwomen))
[18-04:41] 7725b, King Narmotur : (())
[18-04:41] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : ((And her elfishness is WHY she's the sexiest woman... that and her mother was based off a succubus))
[18-04:42] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : ((.. Not that she does that...))
[18-04:42] 7725b, King Narmotur : ((*eyeshifts* I know how to give your ears a good time, come on over sometime. ;P))
[18-04:42] 7725b, Galaldur : ((Men.... sick...))
[18-04:43] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : (( Um... no cutting off my ears! *flees!*))
[18-04:44] 7725b, King Narmotur : ((ear massage maybe *nodsnods*))
[18-04:44] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : ((Oo! Really? ))
[18-04:44] 7725b, Galaldur : ((oh for crying out loud.. only Elven men know how to stimulate the ears of female elves correctly..))
[18-04:44] 7725b, King Narmotur : ((suuuure))
[18-04:45] 94c70, Artanis : Yes, lucky. *Looks to Delotha again.* You mentioned settling a grudge...
[18-04:45] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : ((*rawr@Galaldur*))
[18-04:46] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : Yes... but it can wait.
[18-04:46] 94c70, Artanis : For what?
[18-04:47] 80dc0, Mierka : Eri?
[18-04:47] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : *smirks* Until those street sweepers are dead
[18-04:47] 7725b, Galaldur : ((silly humans. *shakes his head.*))
[18-04:48] 94c70, Artanis : There's a lot of them.
[18-04:48] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : More the merrier
[18-04:49] 80dc0, Mierka : Eri, I'm going down to the tavern to get something to eat and drink *stands*
[18-04:49] 639d4, Mab : *blinks* Is Galadur's player arguing with....himself? *blinks again*
[18-04:49] 94c70, Artanis : (( Don't ask ))
[18-04:50] d7c72, Trinket: *Not seeing anything that looks easy enough to pilfer, Trinket instead looks for food.*
[18-04:50] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : ((*has sexy ears*))
[18-04:50] 7725b, R : we're bored precioussss
[18-04:50] 7725b, Galaldur : ((*has good hands for.. ears and stuff*))
[18-04:50] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : ((He's as silly tired as I feel))
[18-04:51] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : ((Cause I'm making toast))
[18-04:51] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : ((Or I will be))
[18-04:52] 94c70, Artanis : Be careful, Mierka. They'll be looking for you.
[18-04:52] 7725b, Galaldur : I am not
[18-04:52] 7725b, R : I am not
[18-04:52] 80dc0, Mierka : *smiles and nods* I know how to be carefull. I'll be back when I'm done..I promise
[18-04:53] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : I wouldn't go unaccompanied... unless you ave a death wish, or a wish to get captured
[18-04:53] d7c72, Trinket: *Trinket squeezes through a small hole in the wall, to sniff out some food inside, avoiding the big ones that are talking.*
[18-04:53] 7725b, Veryatur : ((*knows a lot but is happily taken*))
[18-04:54] 80dc0, Mierka : *looks at Delotha* I have a wish for neither.
[18-04:55] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : And ofcourse, like any brash youth, you are invicible, right? *rolls her eyes* They are looking for you. They know your face, and they are going to be on guard. Going alone to a public place is begging to be taken
[18-04:57] 80dc0, Mierka : But I'm hungry and I have better things to do than listen to two old ladies gossip and talk about revenge. *is very hungry, tired from the ordeal, and is just mouthy*
[18-04:57] d7c72, Trinket: ((Mab, Would this type of character be acceptable for here, just curious cause I was thinking of registering him. ))
[18-04:57] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : ((Nope! Fuzzy cute things get stepped on!))
[18-04:57] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : ((And eaten by horses))
[18-04:58] 7725b, King Narmotur : ((or... Eaten by the kings men!))
[18-04:58] d7c72, Trinket: ((Delotha, so do big hairy things))
[18-04:58] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : ((Yay!))
[18-04:59] 94c70, Artanis : Bring what you get back here. I will give you five minutes.
[18-04:59] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : .. Alright then. See you in the guard's barracks *wicked grin, then looks away from Mierka*
[18-05:00] 80dc0, Mierka : I won't get caught. See you in five. *heads out the door, habitually keeping to the shadows made darker by night, moving quickly*
[18-05:01] 7725b, King Narmotur : *And they stalk the night..*
[18-05:01] d7c72, Trinket: *Not finding any food, the little creature zips out the doorway as it is being closed by a big creature.*
[18-05:02] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : *will stalk them*
[18-05:02] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : *... later!*
[18-05:02] 7725b, King Narmotur : *will stick her*
[18-05:03] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : *rises* I believe I shall take my leave as well... (('cause I'm getting reeeaaaaallly stupid tired))
[18-05:03] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : *will stick it up their....*
[18-05:03] 80dc0, Mierka : *she moves quickly towards the tavern, not making any sound as she flits from shadow to shadow like some child of the night. Theives are the children of the night*
[18-05:05] 7725b, King Narmotur : *Might l.. nm*
[18-05:05] 7725b, Bowdyn : *Strolls through the night silently, deep in thought about the things going on around him/*
[18-05:05] 94c70, Artanis : I would like to speak to you again some time, if possible. I think maybe we can help each other.
[18-05:05] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : *kinky*
[18-05:05] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : *nods* Until then... *turns, moving off*
[18-05:06] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : *gonna stick it up the king's too*
[18-05:06] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : *got portsl!*
[18-05:06] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : *portals*
[18-05:06] 7725b, King Narmotur : *The men out looking for her and the others though do not see her as she slips by them.*
[18-05:06] 80dc0, Mierka : *grins to herself. At this rate, she'll be there and back before five minutes have passed*
[18-05:07] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : *meanders outside the home thing.. moving brazenly down the streets* *anyone of them are dumb enough to stop her, she'll blow them up*
[18-05:07] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : *... not that way..*
[18-05:09] d7c72, Trinket: *Running down the alley, Trinket sees the big Guards. They do not look friendly and though they have shinies, they look like the sharp pointy kind t hat causes hurts. Trinket tries to jump up to the roof.*
[18-05:09] 94c70, Artanis : (( ))
[18-05:09] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : ((Horses move around))
[18-05:10] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : *FIREBALL! Ah hahahaha!!*
[18-05:12] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : 8(Night!))
[18-05:12] 80dc0, Mierka : (( Night! ))
[18-05:12] EXIT: Delotha Feanor has left the chat ( 6:12am, January 18 (CST) ).
[18-05:14] 7725b, Bowdyn : *seeks some place to find something to eat.*
[18-05:14] 7725b, King Narmotur : *Though the guards keep an eye out it is quite dark.*
[18-05:16] 80dc0, Mierka : *soon reaches the tavern and leaves the shadows, passing the torchlit way and going inside*
[18-05:16] d7c72, Trinket: *Trinket zooms past the guards above them on the roof. As he passes them a tile slips free and falls to the groundbehind them.*
[18-05:16] 7725b, Bowdyn : *Would come in behind Mierka, indeed it was clear he was a soldier of the Kingdom..*
[18-05:18] 80dc0, Mierka : *heads up to the 'tender/Inn Keeper and asks if she can get a meal wrapped up. She hands over the coins*
[18-05:19] 7725b, Bowdyn : *accidentally bumps into Mierka as he approaches the front desk of the Inn Keeper*
[18-05:20] 80dc0, Mierka : *jumps* Watch it *glares at him, not telling him apart from the other men from earlier*
[18-05:20] 7725b, Bowdyn : *backs away carefuly.* Please forgive me m'lady. *looks down on her*
[18-05:21] 80dc0, Mierka : *growls and waits for her food, leaning against the bar in a way so that she can watch for her food and never take her eyes off of him*
[18-05:25] 80dc0, Mierka : (( *hears the call of bed* ))
[18-05:25] 7725b, Bowdyn : *shakes his head slightly, and takes a seat at the bar, ordering food for himself as well.*
[18-05:26] d7c72, Trinket: ((*Sighs cause no one likes a rodent*))
[18-05:26] 80dc0, Mierka : *clutches the bundle of food tightly when it comes and all but runs out of the tavern. Within no time at all, she's back and eating, safe with Artanis*
[18-05:26] 80dc0, Mierka : ***Gone***
[18-05:26] EXIT: Mierka has left the chat ( 6:26am, January 18 (CST) ).
[18-05:27] 639d4, Mab : *pats Trinket*
[18-05:29] d7c72, Trinket: ((* So Mab, think a Character like this would work out? ))
[18-05:32] 639d4, Mab : Possibly. I'm not sure what kind of character Trinket is.
[18-05:33] d7c72, Trinket: (( I could write up a species template for you. He is basically a Kangaroo rat with a bit more brains and some other abilities that have not come into play yet.))
[18-05:33] 639d4, Mab : k
[18-05:34] d7c72, Trinket: ((What kind of info do you need for the species? Is it on the boards somewhere?))
[18-05:35] d7c72, Trinket: ((BTW, I posted in the Hot Spots board about Sir Galin's Kingdom. As Well as clarified his sword a little, it is in his profile.))
[18-05:39] 639d4, Mab : Look on the Species thread for the format. We're kind of trying to cut back on the new species thing, because we're getting so many of just one species and others that no one is playing.
[18-05:40] d7c72, Trinket: ((I understand, The species could be more of a creature of the land, if that helps any. ))
[18-05:41] 639d4, Mab : I dunno.
[18-05:44] d7c72, Trinket: ((It is just an idea, Playing a human, elf or shape shifting creature of any sort, gets a little boring. SOmething that you actually have to RP out things with is much more fun to me. But I may just be odd, as I also like characters that can be beaten up by a goblin, rather than one that can defeat a dragon while bllindfolded and bare handed.))
[18-05:47] 639d4, Mab : Nothing wrong with that, but we have a lot of character possibilities already that fit that description. *shrugs*
[18-05:49] 94c70, Z: *meeps... has only one character that could think about taking on a Dragon.*
[18-05:50] JOIN: Luke has entered.
[18-05:52] d7c72, Trinket: ((I had one that did in in D&D 2nd ed. I was so frightened that I turned him into an NPC instantly and he has been one since.))
[18-05:52] 3e2ed, Luke : hey all
[18-05:53] d7c72, Trinket: ((Humanoids are boring, Dragons are wrong, demons are evil, Unicorns/Nightmares are disturbing, Fae are fun, but a little odd, did I miss any?))
[18-05:54] d7c72, Trinket: ((Well, since there is no one here IC, I think I will switch the OOC myself...))
[18-05:54] NICK: Trinket changed nick to Sarelth.
[18-05:55] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 6:54am, January 18 (CST) ).
[18-05:55] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[18-05:55] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 6:55am, January 18 (CST) ).
[18-05:56] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[18-05:56] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 6:56am, January 18 (CST) ).
[18-05:56] JOIN: Sarelth has entered.
[18-05:56] d7c72, Sarelth: Finally, darn comp is a POS...
[18-05:57] 639d4, Mab : Dragons are wrong? *blinks*
[18-05:58] d7c72, Sarelth: I mean they are wrong as Playable races.
[18-05:59] d7c72, Sarelth: That is just my opinion though. I did have fun playing in a Council of Wyrms game, many moons ago.
[18-06:03] d7c72, Sarelth: Hi Luke, if you are still here.
[18-06:05] 639d4, Mab : Hi Luke. Sorry, was going between chats there.
[18-06:11] 94c70, Z: *notes to Sareth, she's been saying that all along about PC Dragons*
[18-06:12] 94c70, Z: THough Sareth, you could play human and be different than everyone else since most everyone else does play a non-human. hehe.
[18-06:12] 94c70, Z: Anyway, Night folks. *poof*
[18-06:17] d7c72, Sarelth: I am playing a human though. Sir Galin Del'mara.
[18-06:23] d7c72, Sarelth: Mab, where should I send the write-up for the race that Trinket is?
[18-06:30] 639d4, Mab :
[18-06:32] d7c72, Sarelth: I actually just posted it as a free floating thread on the board, if you want to look there.
[18-06:33] 639d4, Mab : k, but I'm going to bed now. I'll read it when I get up.
[18-06:34] d7c72, Sarelth: K, good night. I am doing the same soon.
[18-06:34] 639d4, Mab : Night night
[18-06:39] EXIT: Sarelth has left the chat ( 7:34am, January 18 (CST) ).
[18-08:29] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[18-08:57] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[18-08:57] 3e2ed, Luke : *lurks*
[18-08:59] JOIN: Eric Vikstrom has entered.
[18-09:02] 215ab, Deke Menion : ((*pokes Luke with a long stick*))
[18-09:08] 3e2ed, Luke : bleh
[18-09:11] 215ab, Deke Menion : ((*cackles*))
[18-09:15] 3e2ed, Luke : *shoves an apple in Deke's mouth*
[18-09:17] 215ab, Deke Menion : ((*beats Luke down*))
[18-09:18] 3e2ed, Luke : *squirts holy water in Deke's eye*
[18-09:21] 215ab, Deke Menion : ((*Is no demon so ha ha ha ha*))
[18-09:21] 3e2ed, Luke : *so? it's still water, and constant pressure against the eyeball can do serious damage...*
[18-09:22] 215ab, Deke Menion : ((*Doubts you have a super soaker so nah*))
[18-09:23] 3e2ed, Luke : *has a Super Soaker XP-105, so nyah yourself*
[18-09:26] 215ab, Deke Menion : ((*avoids the death water weapon*))
[18-09:27] 215ab, Deke Menion : ((*avoids the death water weapon*))
[18-09:27] 3e2ed, Luke : *shoots Deke's double post to hell*
[18-09:28] 215ab, Deke Menion : ((bah))
[18-09:30] 3e2ed, Luke : bleh... *heads back to bed*
[18-09:30] EXIT: Luke has left the chat ( I'm what Willis was talkin' bout! ).
[18-09:42] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[18-10:54] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[18-11:13] JOIN: Eric Vikstrom has entered.
[18-11:15] c8f7b, Palladia Mors : *cackle*
[18-11:19] 639d4, Mab : *hungry*
[18-11:20] c8f7b, Palladia Mors : *feeds the Mab*
[18-11:21] JOIN: Eric Vikstrom has entered.
[18-11:21] 639d4, Mab : *eats*
[18-11:25] c8f7b, Palladia Mors : *ponders a skin*
[18-11:29] JOIN: Squirrel has entered.
[18-11:30] 92794, Squirrel : *En70rz&
[18-11:30] 92794, Squirrel : &=*
[18-11:30] c8f7b, Palladia Mors : *pesters Squirrel*
[18-11:30] c8f7b, Palladia Mors : *ish e1337*
[18-11:31] JOIN: Roki has entered.
[18-11:31] 215ab, Deke Menion : Mab, Delete all Fae handels and the faction itself from this chat.I the faction leader have made this choice.
[18-11:33] 92794, Squirrel : Bwahahaha
[18-11:33] 290ac, Aralore : *Yawn*
[18-11:33] 290ac, Aralore : ((Er *Yawn*))
[18-11:35] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[18-11:39] 92794, Squirrel : *Hums*
[18-11:51] 92794, Squirrel : .....
[18-11:53] 215ab, Eric Vikstrom: ((*pats Squirrel*))
[18-11:54] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[18-11:57] 92794, Squirrel : *Bites Eric*
[18-12:00] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[18-12:00] 639d4, Mab :
[18-12:00] 215ab, Eric Vikstrom: ((OWwww))
[18-12:02] 92794, Squirrel : Mwehehehe
[18-12:03] c8f7b, Palladia Mors : *Lords on his Throne of Evil*
[18-12:05] 92794, Squirrel : *pesters Palladia*
[18-12:05] c8f7b, Palladia Mors : *banishes Squirrel-eh to be locked forever in a room with a bored Kender*
[18-12:07] 92794, Squirrel : *shakes fist*
[18-12:09] 215ab, Eric Vikstrom: ((*eye roll*))
[18-12:09] c8f7b, Palladia Mors : *ponders going IC*
[18-12:10] ffae0, Roki: *burninates the throne of evil, and replaces it with his own*
[18-12:12] c8f7b, Palladia Mors : *Throne of Evil grows larger with the burnination and Roki's throne gets assimilated into his own*
[18-12:13] ffae0, Roki: *weeps*
[18-12:14] c8f7b, Palladia Mors : *patpats Roki and gives him his own Jr. Throne of Evil in France*
[18-12:14] 92794, Squirrel : *Points and laughs*
[18-12:15] ffae0, Roki: oh hell no !
[18-12:18] c8f7b, Palladia Mors : *EL*
[18-12:18] ffae0, Roki: *banishes Steve to Wisconson*
[18-12:19] 639d4, Mab : LOL
[18-12:19] 92794, Squirrel : *L*
[18-12:19] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[18-12:20] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[18-12:20] c8f7b, Palladia Mors : *has a lady friend there* Go me!
[18-12:21] ffae0, Roki: *AND forces him to listen to non-stop Justin Timberlake*
[18-12:21] JOIN: D has entered.
[18-12:21] c8f7b, Palladia Mors : *has to put up with that crap anyways from his little unfazed*
[18-12:21] ffae0, Roki: well damn
[18-12:21] 07357, D: You sadistic bastard!
[18-12:22] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 1:19pm, January 18 (CST) ).
[18-12:22] JOIN: Joey has entered.
[18-12:22] ffae0, Roki: *then.umm.... has the Teletubbies tattooed on Steve's forehead*
[18-12:22] 07357, D: hm, loop around ye olde filters it seems.
[18-12:23] 1e045, Joey: pfft if steve aint evil then Roki isnt evil
[18-12:23] 07357, D: meh. thats not as bad.
[18-12:23] 1e045, Joey: his eyes*
[18-12:23] 1e045, Joey: *bye his eyes*
[18-12:23] c8f7b, Palladia Mors : *looks up and sees the tattoo* Interesting... *has a 3 yr old cousin he watches all the unfazed*
[18-12:25] ffae0, Roki: my god
[18-12:27] JOIN: V has entered.
[18-12:27] 639d4, Mab : *dances*
[18-12:27] 4cfe0, V: Spice Girls
[18-12:28] ffae0, Roki: Yoko Ono
[18-12:28] 92794, Squirrel : ....
[18-12:29] 4cfe0, V: Hentai
[18-12:29] 4cfe0, V: *violates Palladia*
[18-12:29] ffae0, Roki: Gay Pr0n
[18-12:29] c8f7b, Palladia Mors : *is unfazed* Barbara Streisand.
[18-12:30] 92794, Squirrel : Heh
[18-12:30] 4cfe0, V: *violates Palladia good*
[18-12:31] c8f7b, Palladia Mors : *violated!* *Violates V in the face with a shotgun*
[18-12:35] 4cfe0, V: *Ducks*
[18-12:36] c8f7b, Palladia Mors : *the buckshots turn into Hentai tentacle monsters who then proceed to violate V anyway*
[18-12:37] 4cfe0, V: *mind controls them. talks tentacle language.*
[18-12:41] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[18-12:42] c8f7b, Sothicus Aurelius : ((*eats V's soul*))
[18-12:44] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 1:41pm, January 18 (CST) ).
[18-12:44] JOIN: Eric Vikstrom has entered.
[18-12:45] JOIN: AdrianGoldenmoon has entered.
[18-12:45] JOIN: AdrianGoldenmoon has entered.
[18-12:45] JOIN: AdrianGoldenmoon has entered.
[18-12:48] 215ab, Eric Vikstrom: ((*waits on Soth*))
[18-12:50] c8f7b, Sothicus Aurelius : *is where he always is, within the ruins of Aurelesium his eyes locked upon the Megda stone he had stolen from a temple before he had razed it to the ground and murdered all of its sad it is..that for something so precious...he had to work so much for*
[18-12:51] ffae0, Roki: sooo small.... sooo beautiful.. aaahhh... preeeccious....
[18-12:53] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[18-12:54] JOIN: Riley has entered.
[18-12:56] 215ab, Eric Vikstrom: *happens to be near the ruins out of some ill luck one might say, his hands covered in black gloves as his feet are also hidden beneath black hunting boots.His eyes have a slight redish glow to them.His hair is tied behind him into a nice neat pony tail which hangs to his waist*
[18-12:57] c8f7b, Sothicus Aurelius : *the winds around the ruins would howl and wail and scream a warning as if some fell voice was in the air itself, the cold of the icy wasteland around the blackened keep would be nearly unbearable to withstand for any mortal and the closer to the ruins he would come, the darker the skies become*
[18-12:58] JOIN: Randen Farr has entered.
[18-13:00] 215ab, Eric Vikstrom: *his raises his gloved hand to wipe away the drop of blood that trails from his lips only to glance at his hand as if in awe of the red spot that blends into his gloved hand, he then smirs it by rubbing it with his thumb as he continues to walk towards Soth's location*
[18-13:00] c8f7b, Randen Farr : *wanders about the guildhouse proper hooded and cloaked as always, his thin nimble fingers clasped to eachother behind his back as he is making his way from the common areas towards his study...his...planning room*
[18-13:00] e0302, Riley: * her cloak drawn against her she moves to the door almost looking to sneak out with out being noticed*
[18-13:04] e0302, Riley: * steps out of Randen's study making her way down the hallway noticing Randen she lowers her head*
[18-13:04] c8f7b, Sothicus Aurelius : *before long the black gates of his keep would loom above Eric shattered remnants of their former glory, charred and fact the sound of a heavy block of marble crashing to the ground erupts shattering the silence*
[18-13:05] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[18-13:05] c8f7b, Randen Farr : *smirks as he sees her and moves towards her a bit faster now, looking to snag her arm with his and pull her back into his study, they have much to talk about*
[18-13:07] 215ab, Eric Vikstrom: *he glances a moment towards the fallen marble only to lift a brow as it crashes to the ground*Seems not everything old last....*he chuckles before he turns his gaze towards the Fallen keep once more and continues on*
[18-13:07] e0302, Riley: * as he snags her arm her eyes snap up to his the triple iris blares its colors as she is pulled into his study* What ever happened to ' Riley May I have a word with you ?'
[18-13:07] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 2:05pm, January 18 (CST) ).
[18-13:08] c8f7b, Randen Farr : *raises a finger to where his lips would be within the hood and glances about with brief motions of his head and then cants his head to the side towards his study as if saying that the utmost discretion is needed*
[18-13:10] e0302, Riley: * yanks her arm from his grasp and follows him being silenced*
[18-13:10] c8f7b, Sothicus Aurelius : *sensing something about his keep, he slowly moves from the blackened hall, which is only illuminated by a single shaft of moonlight that breaks through the cracks of the high vaulted ceiling, his armored footsteps clanking against the marble cracked foundation with each step*
[18-13:13] c8f7b, Randen Farr : *in a rare show from him he opens the door for her and allows her to pass through before him and then closes the door before gesturing about as if asking for her to check for any signs of a scrying spell in place...the last thing he needs is to be spied upon*
[18-13:13] 215ab, Eric Vikstrom: *he slowly comes to a stop as he hears someone moving towards him, he stands only 15 steps away as he idly lifts his other hand to ponder the red rose he has been carrying with him, in fact he takes time to raise it to his nose and sniff*
[18-13:15] c8f7b, Sothicus Aurelius : *and in the shadow of that red rose, just ahead of Eric he would see only a pair of reddish orange flames spaced about eye's width apart and should he be within 20 feet, he would have been drawn within that aura of near paralyzing fear that comes with his presence...the stare from those reddish orange flames is cold, almost penetrating*
[18-13:15] e0302, Riley: * finds this show from him rather confusing entering before him feeling out for any sort of magicks in the room... shaking her head gently indicating that she doesnt feel anything out of the norm *
[18-13:17] c8f7b, Randen Farr : *nods and then casts his hood back from his features before locking the door to his study, his voice coming out as is normal for him* Forgive the briefness Riley my dove...but great care is needed.
[18-13:17] e0302, Riley: * stares into him for a moment* what has you so spooked
[18-13:18] EXIT: Squirrel has left the chat ( 1:30pm, January 18 (CST) ).
[18-13:18] c8f7b, Randen Farr : Spies within the Krondorian palace have sent word of a war brewing. All of Krondor is rising up in arms and it seems that even the King is answering his own conscription order.
[18-13:22] e0302, Riley: * draws her hood back concern now evident * I see...
[18-13:23] c8f7b, Randen Farr : This poses significant problems for us *paces, his hands still clasped behind his back before* If we can play this correctly..*brings out his right hand to gesture grandly* All of this...will be nothing more than a child's nursery...
[18-13:26] e0302, Riley: * a small gleam dances in her eyes* What do you want done? * all business this one though the prosepects of it all does indeed brighten her rather dark mood*
[18-13:29] c8f7b, Randen Farr : *continues in his rant* However...should things turn badly...we are going to be squeezed tigher than ever we have....*shakes his head* Its a gamble...but I want you to go to Arutha...and I want you to set up a meeting between the three of us. We will offer him a service we are rather good at...*a dark, playful smile touches his lips*
[18-13:30] e0302, Riley: * nods gently* And if he will not see me?
[18-13:31] 639d4, Mab : *goes to watch a movie and work the same time*
[18-13:32] c8f7b, Randen Farr : Get in touch with...*gestures and then points to her as if the name has come to him* "Laughing" Jack! He's my Nightmaster in Krondor. Tell him to use that courtier under him to gain access to the King's ear through the widowed noble women he works over. We will have this done yet. This is too good an oppourtunity to pass on.
[18-13:33] JOIN: Bianca Moonbeam has entered.
[18-13:34] f8ac2, Bianca Moonbeam : (test)
[18-13:34] c8f7b, Sothicus Aurelius : ((So much for that RP...))
[18-13:35] e0302, Riley: Where is the last place the king was rumored to be?
[18-13:36] c8f7b, Randen Farr : Krondor. According to my intelligence, he is rearming the whole damned military and beefing up the battlements. I think he may be expecting some kind of massive assault.
[18-13:38] f8ac2, Bianca Moonbeam : (test)
[18-13:39] f8ac2, Bianca Moonbeam : (t)
[18-13:39] EXIT: AdrianGoldenmoon has left the chat ( 1:45pm, January 18 (CST) ).
[18-13:40] e0302, Riley: * nods gently * I shall go change and leave at once unless you need me for somethng else?
[18-13:40] f8ac2, Bianca Moonbeam : (t)
[18-13:41] c8f7b, Randen Farr :'ve been in a dark mood as of late...why?
[18-13:41] f8ac2, Bianca Moonbeam : (t)
[18-13:42] JOIN: AdrianGoldenmoon has entered.
[18-13:42] e0302, Riley: * sucks on her teeth a bit* You have noticed....
[18-13:42] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : (test)
[18-13:43] c8f7b, Randen Farr : *nods* When havent I been able to sense your change in moods?
[18-13:44] f8ac2, Bianca Moonbeam : * place a set of new swords out onto a small table near the door, then lays a crushed velvet cloth under them for show. smiles at her work*
[18-13:44] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[18-13:44] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 2:44pm, January 18 (CST) ).
[18-13:45] EXIT: AdrianGoldenmoon has left the chat ( 2:42pm, January 18 (CST) ).
[18-13:45] JOIN: BobTheSniper has entered.
[18-13:45] JOIN: AdrianGoldenmoon has entered.
[18-13:45] f8ac2, Bianca Moonbeam : places*
[18-13:45] e0302, Riley: * levels her eyes at him * I wish I could tell you why my mood has changed but frankly I am unsure myself... perhaps it is just all the tensions coming to head
[18-13:45] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( hey Bob ^_^ )
[18-13:46] 290ac, Aralore : ((*lurkles*))
[18-13:46] EXIT: AdrianGoldenmoon has left the chat ( 2:45pm, January 18 (CST) ).
[18-13:46] JOIN: AdrianGoldenmoon has entered.
[18-13:46] e3a02, BobTheSniper: hey
[18-13:46] e3a02, BobTheSniper: I have no clue what I'm doine
[18-13:46] e3a02, BobTheSniper: doing
[18-13:47] c8f7b, Randen Farr : *nods* Understandable...*reaches up and brushes a hand across her cheek to smooth some of the hair from her face* But do not let it get to you Riley. It will pass.
[18-13:47] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( hm. You should probably check out the links around the Bettenchi logo)
[18-13:48] EXIT: AdrianGoldenmoon has left the chat ( 2:47pm, January 18 (CST) ).
[18-13:48] e0302, Riley: * backs away from him slightly * Just as everything does
[18-13:48] JOIN: AdrianGoldenmoon has entered.
[18-13:49] 94c70, Artanis : *Mierka was still asleep so she moved out from the little place she was staying in to go move about the streets, carefully, to observe.*
[18-13:49] e3a02, BobTheSniper: (I'll do that, but for now I have to work on my animation homework, two walk cycles and two run cycles due on wed!)
[18-13:49] f8ac2, Bianca Moonbeam : * straightensout all the swprds around the front of the shop *
[18-13:50] c8f7b, Randen Farr : *eyes her reaction to this simple gesture with a raised eyebrow and immediatly draws his hand back having not touched her hair though he studies her closely*
[18-13:51] f8ac2, Bianca Moonbeam : (( er lets try that again)) * Straightens out all the swords in the front of the store *
[18-13:51] EXIT: AdrianGoldenmoon has left the chat ( 2:48pm, January 18 (CST) ).
[18-13:51] JOIN: AdrianGoldenmoon has entered.
[18-13:51] e0302, Riley: * locks her eyes on him for a moment before lowering them * I should really go find something suitable to wear should I find my way into the kings pressence
[18-13:53] c8f7b, Randen Farr : *nods* That you should...and the best of luck to you...*ponders her behavior...curious...almost acting as if she couldnt be...*
[18-13:54] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( what is everyone's location?)
[18-13:54] e0302, Riley: * nods gently before turning on heel to escape yes escape his study quickly making her way to her private chambers*
[18-13:54] c8f7b, Randen Farr : ((Guildhouse))
[18-13:54] EXIT: AdrianGoldenmoon has left the chat ( 2:54pm, January 18 (CST) ).
[18-13:54] JOIN: AdrianGoldenmoon has entered.
[18-13:55] e0302, Riley: (( guildhouse))
[18-13:55] f8ac2, Bianca Moonbeam : (( Moonbeams Blacksmith shop ))
[18-13:55] c8f7b, Randen Farr : *draws his hood up before she opens the door to his study and then closes it after her, letting his hood fall back down*
[18-13:55] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( ty )
[18-13:56] f8ac2, Bianca Moonbeam : (np)
[18-13:57] f8ac2, Bianca Moonbeam : * picks up an emerald encrusted sword from the front window of the shop, and practicies with it.. is very good*
[18-13:58] e0302, Riley: * upon reaching her chambers she opens her door and slips in quickly shuts the door locking it taking heavy breaths but quickly goes about finding a gown that would be suitable to meet the King in falls onto a chair with a huff not finding anything remotely close *
[18-13:58] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ::for lack of anything else to do, he walked quietly along the streets of town, not quite familiar with everything just yet having only arrived a few days before, his tiger-like emerald eyes passing over the local businesses::
[18-13:59] c8f7b, Randen Farr : *returns to his usual activities as he is plotting what to do with the King when and if he arrives for the meeting..oh yes it will be quite interesting indeed*
[18-14:01] e0302, Riley: * goes to her door unlocking it before grabbing someone * Take this to Renal.... * places a small note in the palm of his hand simply stating help - r*
[18-14:02] f8ac2, Bianca Moonbeam : * side-step, lung, twist ,step... could be seen by a passerby through the front window. Her raven colored hair is down and around her pale face. she is clad in a white shirt, black pants with brown knee-high boots and a leather apron*
[18-14:03] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ::he paused in his step outside the a blacksmith's shop, distracted by a reflection of light.. he seemed surprised to find a lady weilding a rather expensive-looking sword:: Hm.. ::chuckles softly to himself:: Don't see that everyday.
[18-14:03] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( *-the )
[18-14:04] 290ac, Aralore : ((YEEEEEEEEEEEEEES! @ Icewind Dale.))
[18-14:04] c8f7b, Randen Farr : *is strolling about the guildhouse checking in on things on behalf of the Upright Man as he always does before the random thief finds him and hands him the note, and then he hisses out a thanks and then moves slowly towards her private rooms giving the door a general knock*
[18-14:05] 94c70, Artanis : *She comes near to the Glimmering Inn. She was not particularly headed there, merely roaming about the streets unnoticed, listening and watching the local guards.*
[18-14:06] f8ac2, Bianca Moonbeam : * twist steps, then look out the front window, sees she has an audience, bits her lower lip then sets the sword down on the table in the window..steps back*
[18-14:09] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[18-14:10] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ::he smiled lightly, sorry in a way that he embarassed her.. and brushing the loose wisps of silver hair from his face, he moved to the door and stepped inside the shop::
[18-14:11] EXIT: Pug Duthain has left the chat ( 4:54pm, January 17 (CST) ).
[18-14:11] JOIN: Zaknafein has entered.
[18-14:11] e0302, Riley: * softly speaks* Enter....
[18-14:12] 4dd2c, Will-o'-the-wisp: ((um, after i send in a registration form, do i wait for a response, or do i log in as that char?))
[18-14:12] f8ac2, Bianca Moonbeam : * look up as he enters, then smiles* Welcome to Moonbeam's blacksmith shop. we have many types of swords , all hand-crafted , to fit your every need * syas as though she has spoken it many times...hopes he doesnt critacize her for practicing with the sword*
[18-14:13] f8ac2, Bianca Moonbeam : (( wait for the response or ask Mab to Reg you..))
[18-14:14] 4dd2c, Will-o'-the-wisp: ((thanks!))
[18-14:14] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 3:14pm, January 18 (CST) ).
[18-14:15] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ::heubbed the back of his head absently, grinning:: I'm not particularly needy right now, I don't think but.. I did want to apologize; I didn't mena to stare.
[18-14:15] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( that would have been nice to know XD )
[18-14:15] 1d667, Zaknafein : *From the time, he'd returned home about a week or so ago, he's kept himself busy studying and creating new spells.*
[18-14:16] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( *rubbed, mean ... hoi ._.; )
[18-14:17] f8ac2, Bianca Moonbeam : ((heh ya)) *nods* .. oh, that, its quite alright..*smiles* I am Bianca * holds out a true blacksmiths hand*
[18-14:17] 1d667, Zaknafein : ((As long as you don't try to do something that's not been approved for use by your character you can go ahead and log in withit.))
[18-14:19] f8ac2, Bianca Moonbeam : (( yeah well i usually wait, just in case. heh))
[18-14:20] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ::he smiled in return, extending a porcelain white hand to take hers, oblivious:: Adrian. A pleasure to meet you.
[18-14:22] ffae0, Roki: its official.... we're turning into the Dark Elf Trilogy
[18-14:23] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( ...? )
[18-14:23] f8ac2, Bianca Moonbeam : * shakes his soft hand with her rough one.. thinks he is very handsome, srops his hand* a pleasure Adrien.. * hops up and sits on the counter*
[18-14:23] 290ac, Aralore : ((*is Drizzt* ))
[18-14:24] 94c70, Artanis : (( Not really Roki, the Drow aren't very Drow-ish ))
[18-14:24] f8ac2, Bianca Moonbeam : (( errm ok))
[18-14:25] f8ac2, Bianca Moonbeam : ((*L*))
[18-14:26] 1d667, Zaknafein : ((*Is too.*))
[18-14:26] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : I take it business is slow today.. it seems terribly quiet around here. ::he passed his glance over the items in the shop, wondering how some of these things could be afforded::
[18-14:28] f8ac2, Bianca Moonbeam : *nods* yes it has been .. dunno why.. * sighs , and fiddels with a small pendant around her neck*
[18-14:30] f8ac2, Bianca Moonbeam : (( arg i g2g ill be back on in an hour , sorry)
[18-14:32] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( hm. should probably go for a bit myself)
[18-14:33] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : (btw, how do you contact Mab? Im not about to do anything serious with the character for now, but I think I'd feel better registered ._.; )
[18-14:34] 1d667, Zaknafein : ((Just send in a reg form))
[18-14:34] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : (eh. well already did that so... i guess it's just a wait period now. TY)
[18-14:37] EXIT: AdrianGoldenmoon has left the chat ( 3:34pm, January 18 (CST) ).
[18-14:47] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[18-14:49] 94c70, Z: And everyone ran away.
[18-14:49] 290ac, Aralore : ((No, my room has just become a nasty, miserable place to be. Sun is in my eyes, and reflects all the little dust particles.))
[18-14:49] 290ac, Aralore : ((I'm off for a while.))
[18-14:50] 4cfe0, V: smelly
[18-14:50] JOIN: R has entered.
[18-14:52] 7725b, R : *yawns*
[18-15:05] 94c70, Z: *throws peanuts at V and R *
[18-15:20] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[18-15:23] JOIN: Karn Vailner has entered.
[18-15:23] JOIN: AdrianGoldenmoon has entered.
[18-15:24] ae640, W: *looks in*
[18-15:26] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon: (::wonders when the rest of the alphabet is coming:: XD )
[18-15:30] 94c70, Z:
[18-15:31] JOIN: Trinket has entered.
[18-15:35] JOIN: Connor Rayne has entered.
[18-15:35] d7c72, Trinket: ((*Peeks around to see if there is anyone alive in here.*))
[18-15:36] 443ab, Connor Rayne : (((*isnt. hasnt had his coffee*)))
[18-15:36] d7c72, Trinket: ((I know that feeling, I just woke up myself. I hate mornings))
[18-15:37] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( ::wasting time reading profiles:: )
[18-15:37] JOIN: Hector Ostia has entered.
[18-15:37] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[18-15:38] 94c70, Z: *slinks around, bored.*
[18-15:39] 94c70, Z: *should make profiles, but doesn't want to write 5 of them.*
[18-15:40] e2676, Hector Ostia: ((Hello ppl))
[18-15:40] 94c70, Z: Hey Hector
[18-15:40] e2676, Hector Ostia: ((test))
[18-15:40] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : (Im not sure that posting their weaknesses is such a great idea )
[18-15:41] e2676, Hector Ostia: ((test again))
[18-15:41] e2676, Hector Ostia: ((ack))
[18-15:41] e2676, Hector Ostia: ((oh the horor that is pink!))
[18-15:43] 443ab, Connor Rayne : (((It really doesnt matter.)))
[18-15:43] JOIN: Gorthius has entered.
[18-15:45] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( maybe you should be looking at a hexadecimal chart instead then. I dont think you'd have picked pink on your own ^^ )
[18-15:51] d7c72, Trinket: ((Hector, here is a site with a good selection of colors codes. ))
[18-15:51] e2676, Hector Ostia: ((was tryen to remember me old color and whamo))
[18-15:53] e2676, Hector Ostia: ((not again... stupid comp dosnt want to run other sites then i already had open, stupid DNS problems))
[18-15:53] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( hmm : )
[18-15:58] e2676, Hector Ostia: anyone wanna rp?
[18-16:01] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : (kinda. but your character isnt the type that mine would approach >.> and we're writing in the same color )
[18-16:02] 94c70, Z: *wonders who Adrian's type is*
[18-16:03] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( )
[18-16:05] 94c70, Z: Hmm.. wait... a Bard wouldn't approach people?
[18-16:06] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( not burly men who could crush me by sitting on me, no. Im not always a fool ; )
[18-16:07] e2676, Hector Ostia: ((well then...))
[18-16:08] e2676, Hector Ostia: ((dont forget burley men with big axes thaat are very sharp))
[18-16:11] 94c70, Z:
[18-16:11] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( yeah )
[18-16:12] e2676, Hector Ostia: ((is rav around))
[18-16:12] e2676, Hector Ostia: ?
[18-16:12] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : (oh well. I guess I will for a bit , just dont sit on me )
[18-16:14] e2676, Hector Ostia: ((thats a good chap*hives em a good pad on the shoulder and watches as he falls*opps))
[18-16:15] e2676, Hector Ostia: gives*
[18-16:16] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( np.. ::heap on the floor:: )
[18-16:18] e2676, Hector Ostia: *can be seen in the middle of the forest making his way twards town in the center of hundredes of eyes all around him glowing in the dark forest. his stride is great as he moves across the ground talking to the wolves telipathically*~is that so.... ill have to check on that~
[18-16:21] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ::nearer the edge of the forest Adrian stands still, staring up into the looming trees, on the verge of being lost--*again*:: What's with this place anyway.. ::he paused a moment, hearing a collection of footsteps; well, at least one pair.. the sound was so jumbled together he would need a moment to figure out how many creatures were in the distance::
[18-16:22] JOIN: Connor Rayne has entered.
[18-16:24] e2676, Hector Ostia: *would soon come into the less demse forest his 50 or 60 wolf compainions coming into the light*
[18-16:24] e2676, Hector Ostia: dense*
[18-16:24] JOIN: Karlita has entered.
[18-16:25] 161c6, Karlita : (( * peeks* hello ))
[18-16:26] e2676, Hector Ostia: ((hey))
[18-16:26] JOIN: Bianca Moonbeam has entered.
[18-16:27] 161c6, Bianca Moonbeam : (( here as well , heh))
[18-16:27] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ::arching a slim brow he lowered his face and turned in the direction of the sound, his bright emerald eyes widening as the animals approached. he knew wolves traveled in packs but this was a little extreme.. he hastily moved to the nearest tree, climbing a short height to one of the lower branches::
[18-16:27] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( wb Bianca )
[18-16:28] 161c6, Bianca Moonbeam : * she sits atop her bay colored quater horse, Fiona, and lightly trots down the beaten path next to the edge of the forest.. is clad in a dark blue gown with a large sapphire pendant around her pale neck*
[18-16:29] 161c6, Bianca Moonbeam : ((thanks))
[18-16:31] e2676, Hector Ostia: *walks twards the man in the tree*~there is a what in that tree?!~*looks up and spots him*so there is.....~encircle that tree~*the wolves would leap forward to make a big ring around the trees base wide enought to keep someone in the branches from being able to drop down on the other side*
[18-16:32] 161c6, Karlita : (( * kicks comp*))
[18-16:33] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : Hm. ::he leaned a little more against the trunk of the tree, perching steadily on the branch as he looked over the line of defense::
[18-16:34] 161c6, Karlita : * sits atop her bay colored quarter horse, Fiona.. shes is clad in a dark blue gown, a large sapphire around her neck. she is at a slow trot on the beaten path next the forest*
[18-16:36] 161c6, Bianca Moonbeam : * works on a new sword in her shop, steam rises around her slender form as she puts it into a bucket of water to cool teh steel, then hacks at it again*
[18-16:37] e2676, Hector Ostia: *steps out into good light a big silver edged axe over his shoulder*what is you buissness in my lands?*looks kinda scary at the moment*
[18-16:38] d7c72, Trinket: *Scitters around the city*
[18-16:38] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : Eh.. none, really. ::he glanced breifly at his weapon.. is that all anyone did around here was wave steel around?:: Just a traveler, m'lord.
[18-16:38] 161c6, Bianca Moonbeam : * whispers comforting words into Fiona's ears.. teh come up to where Hector and Adrian are..she peers through the tress, sees the wolves, some man in a tree.. and the man she saw the noght before at the Inn.. stops her horse*
[18-16:40] 161c6, Karlita : * whispers comforting wordx into Fionas ears, they come up to where Hector and Adrian are.. she peers through the trees at the wolves, then man in the tree.. then sees the man she saw the night before at the Inn..*
[18-16:41] 161c6, Karlita : * etches waving designs into the hot metal..then sets it into the bucket one last time *
[18-16:42] 161c6, Bianca Moonbeam : * etches waving designs into the hot metal..then sets it into the bucket one last time *
[18-16:42] e2676, Hector Ostia: ~give him a good scaren~*the entire group of wolver would begin to growl all at ounce and a couple near the tree clawing at the trunk*well around here we like travelers.... dont we boys...*the wolves would soon get feircer and begins to look truely scary*
[18-16:43] e2676, Hector Ostia: wolves*
[18-16:45] 290ac, Aralore : ((WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!))
[18-16:45] 161c6, Karlita : * sees the wolves getting aggressive, and her eyes widen.. she hops off of her horse, pulling a small dagger out from under her skirt , which had been atached by a lether strap to her leg. she steps forward* Do not harm him... says loud and clear, her dark brown curls wavering around her pale face and dark eyes*
[18-16:45] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ::the tips of his pointed ears lowered slightly as worry crossed his chiseled features:: Aye, well.. that's.. lovely, really.. ::hesitant, he looks upward to see if he could climb any further safely::
[18-16:46] 161c6, Bianca Moonbeam : * wipes her brow and sighs, setting the finished sword onto the table, before she sits on a stool, thinking* (( * fwaps Aralore* ^_^))
[18-16:48] 290ac, Aralore : *Fwapped, malfunctions*))
[18-16:48] e2676, Hector Ostia: *turns to her*and what be you buisness in my lands?~i want you to circle her as well~*about 4 wolves would leave the tree slinking up to her soon forming a circle around her*
[18-16:48] 290ac, Aralore : ((
[18-16:48] 290ac, Aralore : (( ))
[18-16:49] d7c72, Trinket: *Sits atop the roof of the Glimmering Inn, Watching people entering and leaving, for any signs of shinies or food.*
[18-16:49] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[18-16:50] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ::hearing him address another, he returned his attention to the less-than-welcoming party.. furrowing his brow in puzzlement.. there seemed to be a failure of logic at work here. woman with a small dagger, vs a pack of wolves and hulking man with an enormous axe. he shouldn't be the one in the tree at this point::
[18-16:50] 161c6, Bianca Moonbeam : (( heh * pets* ))
[18-16:50] 639d4, Mab Fairy Queen : *her guests left her and she cannot find Darius. They were requesting her aid and then they left. Puzzeling. Darius, well, he is a different story*
[18-16:52] 161c6, Bianca Moonbeam : shakes as the wolves near her, but she isnt afraid.. holds her dagger out * these are my lands.. I am princess Karlita of Glensheen castle..
[18-16:52] 290ac, Aralore : ((*purr*))
[18-16:53] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ::he dug around in his pockets, but could find nothing.. so standing on the branch, he peered into a small hole in the tree's trunk and pulled out a now-angered squirrel, clasping it with both hands:: I know you wanted better, but really one life for two? ::he looked both hopeful and a bit disappointed with himself before throwing the sacrifical vermin to the circle of wild animals::
[18-16:53] 161c6, Karlita : * shakes as the wolves come near her, but she isnt too afraid* these are my lands.. I am Princess Karlita of Glensheen Castle..
[18-16:56] e2676, Hector Ostia: your lands are they now princess? well they lands rightfully belong to me... and my wolves*at the mention of the wolves glowing eyes would appear from the dark forest*lets say i let you both pass.... and you put away that little sharp thing your holden there and come visit my home? there we can talk about who owns this land, and when we are done ill escort you out of my lands hmm?
[18-16:56] 161c6, Bianca Moonbeam : ((*L*))
[18-16:58] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ::sighs lightly:: Noble thing, he was. ::glances briefly at the two negotiating, and draws his sword, looking down at the wolves.. carefully crouching down, he waved the blade just above their heads:: Lookie, doggies... shiny, shiiiiny...
[18-17:00] 161c6, Bianca Moonbeam : *Rolls eyes* fine.. but take these vermin away..
[18-17:02] 161c6, Bianca Moonbeam : * rolls her eyes* alrigh then.. but please escort these vermin away..
[18-17:02] JOIN: Connor Rayne has entered.
[18-17:03] JOIN: AdrianGoldenmoon has entered.
[18-17:03] 161c6, Karlita : * rolls her eyes* alrigh then.. but please escort these vermin away..
[18-17:03] 443ab, Connor Rayne : *No...Connor and Ryavel are still in the Fae Capital.*
[18-17:03] 443ab, Connor Rayne : *Ryavel tracked Connor down and pulled him back to the capital. They are there now.*
[18-17:04] e2676, Hector Ostia: *to adrian without turning*if you dont put that away ill let them eat you....*to Karlita*id watch what you call them... they dont like being called names.... now princess, put away that toy and ill send most of my freinds away
[18-17:05] 94c70, Ryavel : *yep, dragged his arse back to Fae land.*
[18-17:05] 4cfe0, Khaes: *F-cking hates Elves*
[18-17:06] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ::dramatically:: I'm a lover; not a fighter.. ::sits down on the branch, lifting the sheath and sliding the sword back in::
[18-17:06] 161c6, Karlita : hmmph..* turns back and slips the dagger into her horses satchel*
[18-17:07] 94c70, Ryavel : *But is loveable and pretty*
[18-17:08] JOIN: High Mage Rython has entered.
[18-17:09] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[18-17:09] e2676, Hector Ostia: *as she does so the wolves would turn and leave all exept the biggest two who would come to Hectors side**to adrian*you may move through my land without being bothered....*turns to karlita*would you like help with your horse.... becouse there is no riding her while in my company, we walk...
[18-17:09] NICK: Will-o'-the-wisp changed nick to Hannah Mayhem.
[18-17:09] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ::rests his back against the tree trunk, crossing his legs at the ankles, sitting parallel to the branch as he folded his arms over his chest, muttering:: I've never met a wolf that followed a pig.
[18-17:09] 639d4, Mab Fairy Queen : *okay, so that last post was a flashback to before their return, yeah, that's it. eh heh *
[18-17:10] 9f5f9, High Mage Rython: *Rython is once again at his balcony, one hand clasped on his staff, the other on the gold plated railing. He looks over the city as his eyes furrow in thought.*
[18-17:10] 161c6, Bianca Moonbeam : * after the new sword cools off, she sets it on display next the ones in the front window*
[18-17:12] 161c6, Karlita : no thank you.. * ties her horse to the nearest ttree, and whispers confidance into her ears,then turns and walks to Hector*... lead the way... * glances up at Adrian and nods to him*
[18-17:13] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: *frowns a little as she is becoming displeased and frustrated in finding a suitable site for her store..her bag which is never seen without her is hidden beneath her smokey gray cloak today..hood lowered, her curtain of auburn hair draped over her shoulders*
[18-17:13] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : :eers down at the princess as she moves to go, trying to think of some way to thank her for this later::
[18-17:14] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : (not AGAIN. ugh.)
[18-17:15] 161c6, Bianca Moonbeam : ((*L*))
[18-17:16] e2676, Hector Ostia: *turns around tward the heart of the forest and bigins walking slowly so she can keep up*this way*
[18-17:16] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: *..spots an available building, her boots connecting with the path quickly, again thumping as per usual as she trots over, rubbing her sleeved arm on a window as she peeks in*
[18-17:17] 290ac, Aralore : ((Adrian: Trick for filter evasion...use invisible tags like for italics...such as [ i ] [ /i ] without the's a lot of work, yes, but at least you can type your posts..))
[18-17:17] 290ac, Aralore : ::Peers::
[18-17:18] 161c6, Karlita : * follow him, staying a few feet behind him.. any light coming throught the trees would reflect of off her sapphire pendant, and her dark eyes which are currently scanning the area around her*
[18-17:19] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ::slides his legs over the edge of the branch as he turns onto his stomach, holding onto the branch as he slid down, hanging there for a moment before dropping to the ground with a soft thud:: And they wonder why I'm a bard instead of a soldier. ::winces slightly, rubbing his knee:: Just another step closer to being damned to hell; killing small animals, being saved by women.. Oi. ::decides against going deeper into the forest, and heads back towards town::
[18-17:20] e2676, Hector Ostia: *leads her into the depths of the forest*keep up now... i cant garentee your saftey if you dont keep up...
[18-17:20] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : (but I don't want to use italics?.. )
[18-17:21] 161c6, Bianca Moonbeam : * goes into the back room and up the stairs to the house part of the store, and changes into a white gown, and sits in front of her small morror, and ties her hair up nice like*
[18-17:21] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: *smiles in almost an approving manner as she looks about for the possible owner of the quaint little establishment*
[18-17:22] 161c6, Karlita : * purses her dark lips* i will be fine...
[18-17:25] e2676, Hector Ostia: *soon arrives near a cave and points to a grand log cabbin*that is where i live.... follow me...*walks up to the cabin and opens the door, the wolves taking there leave, entering the cave*
[18-17:25] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ::As the tress become less dense, and the roofs of the town come into view, he slows his pace, fairly annoyed:: Let's write a song about that, hm. Cowering in trees, being saved by brave women, talking to yourself, and eventually being damned eternally. Yes. ::nods to himself, pressing his lips together in a grimace::
[18-17:26] 161c6, Karlita : * walks up behind him, RaE, alittle suprised by his accomidations*
[18-17:26] JOIN: Riley has entered.
[18-17:27] 161c6, Bianca Moonbeam : * she then closes the shop and heads out into the marketplace *
[18-17:30] e2676, Hector Ostia: *opens the door for her*after you...*the inside of the cabbin would be beautifully outfitted with tapistrys and fresh flowers. there would be a nice fire built and incence burning*
[18-17:30] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: *pats herself down for her bag..again smiles as it jingles, her having brought most of what she owns, but the bag is hidden under her cloak..finding some man who happens to own the place, begins to converse and negotiate with him*
[18-17:30] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ::grumbles at himself as he passes by the same part of town he'd been through earlier, ruffling his silver locks::
[18-17:32] 161c6, Karlita : * steps past him and looks around* i am suprised by the decorating.. its nice.. * feels a little uneasy though, being in the middle of the woods, without her guards, with a man who shes doesnt even know his name yet*
[18-17:32] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: *digs her hand into her bag, pulling out a large parcel of coins...handing it over to the man and he turns and walks away..oddly enough jumps around and squeels as she's bought a new home for herself and her books*
[18-17:32] JOIN: AdrianGoldenmoon has entered.
[18-17:33] 161c6, Bianca Moonbeam : * walks slowly through the peasents, thinking about the man who visited her earlier, he had been so kind..*
[18-17:34] 290ac, Aralore : ((It's not for's so : and P are converted to ))
[18-17:34] 290ac, Aralore : ((Or aren't in your case.))
[18-17:35] 94c70, Z: *drops a peanut on Aralore*
[18-17:35] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ::he paused in front of the same shop, looking at the darkened window, musing:: ... she probably could have lobbed his head off.
[18-17:36] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: *does some weird little dance before regaining her composure..sliding the keys the man had handed her into her bag as she heads to the stables*
[18-17:37] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[18-17:37] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: *begins to pick up her pace, once more trotting*
[18-17:37] 161c6, Bianca Moonbeam : * stops at a table, and buys a peach from the old woman, nibbles it and walks along, near her shop, just thinking *
[18-17:37] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : (okay.. im tired of saying passes and losing the p 0.0; )
[18-17:38] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[18-17:39] e2676, Hector Ostia: thank you*follows her inside and motions to a set of chairs nicely apulstored*if you wouldnt mind*takes the larger chair for himself*
[18-17:40] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ::he sighed, blowing the air from the corner of his mouth, sending shorter strands of hair a-flutter.. after a brief pause, he moves to the steps of the shop and sits down, reaching into his coat for his flute.. turning it over in his pallid hands thoughtfully::
[18-17:41] 290ac, Aralore : ((*Pokes Z*))
[18-17:41] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: * collects her things as she had left them at the stables, strapping them to her horses chesnut colored back, slowly leading him out of the stables, her large bags and sleeping mat shuffle slowly from side to side as her horse walks..*
[18-17:42] 94c70, Z: *Pokes Aralore*
[18-17:43] JOIN: Tarnis Catadon has entered.
[18-17:44] 161c6, Karlita : (brb)
[18-17:44] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 6:37pm, January 18 (CST) ).
[18-17:44] JOIN: Ralaphor has entered.
[18-17:45] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : (hm.. g2g for a bit. bbl )
[18-17:45] EXIT: AdrianGoldenmoon has left the chat ( 6:45pm, January 18 (CST) ).
[18-17:45] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: *pulls him along gently, her head next to his as she reaches to give his nose a rub*
[18-17:46] 35086, Tarnis Catadon : **wakes up from withing the quest chambers in karlitas castle he dresses hisself taking care to make the swords harness his back comfortable then turning on heel walks from the chambers and out of the castle to the cobble street**
[18-17:49] 7bb0f, Ralaphor : ((Wheres everyone?))
[18-17:49] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: *begins thinking of the things she needs and her heart sinks as she realizes how much money this all will be, is becomming overwhelmed as she reaches the comfortably sized "yard" around her building, leading her horse artimus to the back to the small shed like stable, fiited for one horse and maybe a cow or a cart, unstraps the large leather bags from off of his bag and drags them inside*
[18-17:49] 35086, Tarnis Catadon : **looks down both way of the street then turns walking to the main part of the city one hand resting on a dagger the other behind his back**
[18-17:50] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[18-17:50] 290ac, Aralore : ((*Dies* I warded the door with a skull trap to keep monsters out, and our NPC allies walked into it. The skull exploded and then they started attacking me for hitting them!))
[18-17:51] 94c70, Z:
[18-17:52] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[18-17:52] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: Mrr...*gives her temples a rub with her fingertips, as she looks around inside the dusty and dark building, retreiving and lighting an oil lamp afterwards setting it on the floor*
[18-17:53] 35086, Tarnis Catadon : **stops a the first stable he run across talking to the merchant about buying a stud then upon paying the man a boy walks from the stables handing of the reins which tarnis take before stuffing his foot into stirrup and hoisting himself up into the saddle**
[18-17:54] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: *looks to the left of the rear entrance she had just came in through, noticing the stiars...grabs the lamp carefully and heads up them*
[18-17:57] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: *drags her bags upstairs..collecting a few more of her oil lamps and lights the good sized upper floor, setting her bags down in a corner and rolling out her sleeping mat*
[18-17:57] 35086, Tarnis Catadon : **rides through the throng of people eyes watching all around his as he rides towards the portal behind the glimmering inn**
[18-17:58] 35086, Tarnis Catadon : ((where is everyone?))
[18-17:58] 35086, Tarnis Catadon : ( ))
[18-17:59] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: ((in my new building/house somewhat near the tavern))
[18-17:59] e2676, Hector Ostia: thank you*follows her inside and motions to a set of chairs nicely apulstored*if you wouldnt mind*takes the larger chair for himself*
[18-17:59] e2676, Hector Ostia: ((log cabbin in forest with the princess, woot!))
[18-18:00] 161c6, Karlita : * sits down in the chair he pointed at, and places her smooth hands in her lap and looks across the table at him* so.. to business..
[18-18:02] 35086, Tarnis Catadon : **relizing now that he didnt see karlita on his way from the castle begins to wonder where the princess his gone then shugging off the thought keeps riding**
[18-18:02] 161c6, Bianca Moonbeam : * walks through the market again, munching the peach she bought*
[18-18:02] 35086, Tarnis Catadon : ((new color))
[18-18:02] 161c6, Karlita : ((* nods to what Hector said* ))
[18-18:03] 35086, Tarnis Catadon : ((his=has))
[18-18:04] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[18-18:05] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: *yawns as she pulls open one of her big leather bags, laying her contents out all over the floor, thumping downstairs as she begins to search for some sort of broom*
[18-18:05] 7bb0f, Ralaphor : *At the market area, a 5'7 " man that seems to be of 22 is talking to a shoper, wondering where he can find another blacksmith shop. This man's name is Ralaphor, wearing a black coat with dark green long sleeve shirt, dark pants and black shoes*
[18-18:05] e2676, Hector Ostia: yes.....*on the table would be a small thick leather bound book and a signant ring with a wolf on it just like the pendant on his armor. open up the book to one of the first pages and slides her the book*read this...*it would give his family tree then show the area where his ancestors ruled, manly the forest, then below it it would explain how the royal family disappeared into the forest never to be seen again, on the pages that follow it would explain why and what happened after that*
[18-18:06] 161c6, Karlita : * she sighs the n goes back and re-opens the blacksmith shop, *
[18-18:06] 161c6, Bianca Moonbeam : * she sighs the n goes back and re-opens the blacksmith shop, *
[18-18:07] 35086, Tarnis Catadon : **glaces over at the beauty Bianca offering a smile even if she doesnt see it his gaze moving over the rest of the people steering his horse about them**
[18-18:07] 7bb0f, Ralaphor : *The shopper points to Bianca as he nods a thanks to the shopper and jogs to Bianca. As he passes through some people, he asked Bianca* Excuse me, m'lady?
[18-18:08] 161c6, Karlita : * RaE and reads the passges and such* I see... well , my father built my castle and claimed the lands surrounding it about 30 years ago..
[18-18:10] 161c6, Bianca Moonbeam : * sees Tarnis's smiles, and smiles back, then Ralaphor runs up to her as she opens the door* yes sir ?
[18-18:11] JOIN: Tarnis Catadon has entered.
[18-18:11] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: *cleancleanclean after finding the broom and some rags*
[18-18:11] 7bb0f, Ralaphor : *Sighs a bit from the jog and asks her with a smile* May I see your shop?
[18-18:11] 7bb0f, Ralaphor : I'm a bit curious of the weapnary you create in the shop of yours m'lady
[18-18:13] 161c6, Bianca Moonbeam : oh , alright * nods and steps into the shop, lighting the candles around the shop, the reflection dances of the large swords, some ladeled with Rubys and emeralds *
[18-18:14] 35086, Tarnis Catadon : **stops infront of the glimmering inn he hops off his horse tieing reins to a support beem on the building before he enters**
[18-18:14] 94c70, Savvid: *Still in Ruapenchi, though he is seriously considering going elsewhere. This place was kind of boring and well there was no good pie...*
[18-18:14] e2676, Hector Ostia: my familly goes back about 150 just in this book... and well you see i dont care about most of the land i have lordship over but the forest, it is my pride*leans back into the chair a second before getting up and moving over to the kitchen area of the house, taking out two glasses and a bottle of wine that had been chilled by a little stream that flows under his house. walks back to the table filling one glass for himself*would you like some?*shows her the bottle, is actually very polite and lordly(con)
[18-18:15] 7bb0f, Ralaphor : *As he enters, he raises both of his eyebrow in amazement as he looks tot he swords and the jewerly they are ladeled with* Amazing
[18-18:15] 35086, Tarnis Catadon : **still in need of portal key ((eh hem))**
[18-18:15] e2676, Hector Ostia: when not protecting the forest that is his pride*
[18-18:15] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: *begins to fold her few sets of clothes, having already set an oil lamp on every window sill and on a few tables that were left behind, after folding her clothes she places them in the built in cabinets in the upper room near her sleeping mat*
[18-18:17] 35086, Tarnis Catadon : ((what does hannah plan to do with her new building if it is a business then tarnis would fund her))
[18-18:17] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: ((ish gonna be a bookstore/lil convenient store))
[18-18:18] 9af97, Sileen: Nonsense. There must be god pie somewhere Savvid
[18-18:18] 161c6, Karlita : I see... * wacthes him get the glasses and wine* no thank you... * is stil upset from his little wolf invasion* so, now we must decide what to do about your "land".. i grabt you to keep only the forested are you like .. * sighs, and ourses her blood red lips, her curly locks of hari surround her pale face and dark glitering eyes*
[18-18:19] JOIN: Connor Rayne has entered.
[18-18:19] 35086, Tarnis Catadon : **stops at the bar ordering the strongest possible ale in the biggest flask the in might summon then pays the barwench turns on heel walking from the inn and back out to his horse tucking the flask into a saddle bag then stretchs looking up and down the street for something intesesting to do** Hmm
[18-18:19] 161c6, Bianca Moonbeam : really ? thank you.. * sits a top the conter* I am Bianca by the way *nods*
[18-18:20] 161c6, Karlita : grant, forested area **
[18-18:20] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[18-18:20] 7bb0f, Ralaphor : *Walks over to a well made short sword Bianca made as he looks to her and smile with a nod* Ralaphor *Looks to that short sword and takes it off as he holds it in both hands steadily and asks Bianca* Made I try it out?
[18-18:22] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: *sweep sweep, clean clean*
[18-18:22] 161c6, Bianca Moonbeam : * nods* go ahead..
[18-18:23] 35086, Tarnis Catadon : **remembers that he had some armour that should have been don yester day he turns on heel heading to pheonix's shop which he enters spotting his armour he walks over to it he pulls off his harnessed sheath from his back then setting the sword on a table picks up the first part of the armour, very thick and strong leathers with a symbol like that of a medallion on his neck is in the leather and pulls it over his head before looking to his chain mail which he also pulls over his head shrugging the new armour-
[18-18:25] e2676, Hector Ostia: then it is settled, i keep the forest, and it is now in my ownership, officially. thank you milady*takes a sip of the wine elligantly*is there anything i can do for you know milady?
[18-18:25] 35086, Tarnis Catadon : - into the place before reaching over to grab up harnessed sheathed sword which he now buckles to his back to the sheath runs diagonal on his back so the strangle rune scribed hilt pokes above his right sholders which he also shrugs into place after exiting the shop**
[18-18:26] 161c6, Karlita : * the light from the fire twinkels off of her large sapphire pendant*
[18-18:26] 7bb0f, Ralaphor : *Looks tot he sword now holding with his right hand as he first twirled it backwards, then begins to twirl it quickly with such speed and reflex. After all the twilring, he he holds it straight up and nods, putting the short sword back where it was as he looks to Bianca and smiled* You make great swords here
[18-18:27] 161c6, Karlita : * pusehes that question away* i do not know you r name yet sir..
[18-18:28] 161c6, Bianca Moonbeam : *smiles* thank you... * us standing directly in front of him, a short shiny sword pointed at him* shall we ? * RaE*
[18-18:29] 7bb0f, Ralaphor : *Blinks to Bianca and at the sword, looking to Bianca with a raised eyebrow as well* What is thi?
[18-18:29] 7bb0f, Ralaphor : ((thi=this))
[18-18:29] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: *thumps her way down the stairs and out tot he stables again, scrounging around for two buckets which she empties and wipes down, wandering out of her yard and down the street*
[18-18:30] e2676, Hector Ostia: *smiles as he set the glass down*i am called Hector Ostia, or the wolf lord... at you service lady Karlita of Rupenchi
[18-18:31] 35086, Tarnis Catadon : **spots Hannah nodding to her from aways away the begins walking towards he not because he want anything from he but because he wants to get his horse**
[18-18:32] 161c6, Bianca Moonbeam : *smriks, then tosses him her sword, then she turns and grabs a similar one from the table behing her and whips around* dont worry..i am no mere girl when it comes to sword fighting ..
[18-18:32] JOIN: Connor Rayne has entered.
[18-18:33] 161c6, Karlita : alright, Hector.. why do you have so many wolves ? * Raises a thin eyebrow.. knows her guards will be looking for her *
[18-18:33] 290ac, Aralore : ((*Stretch*))
[18-18:34] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: *nods back as she lugs her buckets to some public well, setting them down and wiping her hands on her hips, looking into the well to see if its primed and ready to use*
[18-18:34] 35086, Tarnis Catadon : **pushs his foot into a stirrup pulling himself into the saddle and begins to ride back to karlitas estate wondering where she could have gone**
[18-18:34] 7bb0f, Ralaphor : Ohhhh....*He places the sword onto her counter. since he is already equipped with a longsword and two elvish daggers by his waist sides. He smiled to Bianca as he turns his back to Bianca, but as soon as he took one stpe, he quickly takes out his right elvish dagger and attempts to slash her downward diagnoally to the right. He is not attacking her, just like to see how good is her reflection*
[18-18:35] 7bb0f, Ralaphor : ((*Is way to tired as he waves goodbyr*)) *Ralaphor gets up, heads ffor the sairs to his room to sleep((Night *Poofles*((((Drats, not reflection, reflex I mean))
[18-18:35] 35086, Tarnis Catadon : **stops by Hannah speaking to her** Hey, M'lady do you want some help **looks down on her from his large mount**
[18-18:35] e2676, Hector Ostia: i dont have any wolves, i have a bond with them and they respect and trust me as their leader, and as to why there are so many.... it is simply becouse they are the great pack of this forest, they used to be ununited till i came along and brought them all together
[18-18:36] 161c6, Karlita : * stops his sword with her looking up* nice.. * stpes back, twists then lubges quick at him*
[18-18:36] 161c6, Bianca Moonbeam : * stops his sword with her looking up* nice.. * stpes back, twists then lubges quick at him*
[18-18:36] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: *jumps as she is surprised by his voice, standing upright and looking to the man on the horse..* hm? mm, i think im alright..thank you though..
[18-18:36] 7bb0f, Ralaphor : ((*Blinks* Where the hell did that come from? *Deletes last post*))
[18-18:38] 161c6, Bianca Moonbeam : lunges*
[18-18:38] 7bb0f, Ralaphor : *He then takes out his other dagger and catches the blade in between his daggers, blinking to Bianca and smiled a little nervously to Bianca* I must admit, you have skills with the blade *Slowly pushes Bianca's blade away from him gently, for he does not want to fight, jus tto test each other a bit*
[18-18:39] 161c6, Karlita : and how do you have this power ? * is till sitting properly, her hands are on the table now though*
[18-18:40] 161c6, Bianca Moonbeam : *smiles* thank you, you as well have skills..
[18-18:41] 7bb0f, Ralaphor : *Nods* Thank you *He sheathes his two elvish daggers and asked her* May I ask about that little action we did?
[18-18:41] 35086, Tarnis Catadon : **nodsa to Hannah then rides on through the people then free he kick the horse in the ribs urging it to run which it does**
[18-18:42] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: *lowers the bucket into the well, hand over hand as she releases the rope..wrapping the rope around her right hand as she begins to pull when she feels that the bucket is full*
[18-18:42] 161c6, Bianca Moonbeam : * sets the sword down properly* what do you mean ?
[18-18:43] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[18-18:43] JOIN: R has entered.
[18-18:43] 7bb0f, Ralaphor : Well yes I attacked you only to test your relfex, plus you liked to see how my skills is as well. But none the less, why? Why the test to se ehow my skills was?
[18-18:43] e2676, Hector Ostia: well... do you see the silver wolf bane crest inlaid in my armor... it lets me have a telipathic connection, but besides that im great with all animals
[18-18:43] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: *pulls. again hand over hand as she raises the bucket out of the well, reaching with her left to lift the bucket out and over the edge, setting it on the ground before pouring its contents into one of her own buckets*
[18-18:44] 35086, Tarnis Catadon : ((**is confused by ralaphors talking** ahh **gives up**))
[18-18:45] 290ac, Aralore : ((*lurklurks*))
[18-18:45] 161c6, Bianca Moonbeam : I usually only test people after i have asked if they will purchase a sword.. if they say no.. i kill them... *laughs* no im kidding..i just wanted to know..
[18-18:46] d7c72, Trinket: *Scampers across the road in front of the Glimmering Inn, hunting for edibles.*
[18-18:46] 161c6, Karlita : hmm.. I see.. * sighs* why did you attack that man earlier in the tree ?
[18-18:47] 7bb0f, Ralaphor : *Chuckled a bit* I understand. Anyway, theres a reason why I came in here *sits down on a chair and asks her* See I travel through some areas and notice that blacksmiths have good connections with political and economic problems, including the king's. Do you know of the war and where the king is?
[18-18:47] 7bb0f, Ralaphor : ((*replaces king with princess*))
[18-18:48] 94c70, Z: *drags Aralore out of lurk?*
[18-18:48] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: *repeats and fills her second bucket..standing with a little difficulty as she takes the handles of each bucket into her hands, waddling back to her home, water splashing out every so often from her irregular steps*
[18-18:48] 35086, Tarnis Catadon : ((**signs** I got soul and im superbad))
[18-18:49] JOIN: Oriko Musashi has entered.
[18-18:49] 161c6, Bianca Moonbeam : i hardly know anything at all.. we have Princess Karlita watching over us..
[18-18:49] e2676, Hector Ostia: i was only trying to get him to tell me why he wanted to travel through my forest, i dont let just anyone in unchecked you know*takes a sip of his wine looking at her, she does look rather nice*
[18-18:50] 35086, Tarnis Catadon : ((ahhh sign=sings))
[18-18:50] 7bb0f, Ralaphor : Hmmm *sighs and nodded with a shrug* Oh well, least no trouble has started now *Smile*
[18-18:50] 290ac, Aralore : ((*Dragged* *digs claws in, making screeching noises as he's dragged*))
[18-18:51] ad540, Chaszmyr Waeglossz : ((There are a lot of drow.))
[18-18:51] 161c6, Bianca Moonbeam : * just then notices the beautiful flowers on the table, she looks at their details and smiles* those flowers are lovely.. oh I see.. *blinks*
[18-18:51] 161c6, Karlita : * just then notices the beautiful flowers on the table, she looks at their details and smiles* those flowers are lovely.. oh I see.. *blinks*
[18-18:51] 35086, Tarnis Catadon : **stops his horse at the castle asking the gate gaurd where karlita has gone a frown coming over his face as the guard shrugs then comes slightly angered** How can you not know?
[18-18:52] 161c6, Bianca Moonbeam : so are you interested in buying, or trading ?
[18-18:53] 7bb0f, Ralaphor : I'm sorry.......*Blinks and then smiled* How long you been here?
[18-18:53] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: *eventually waddles her way back home and inside with one bucket after dropping the other off to water her horse*
[18-18:53] e2676, Hector Ostia: you like them? would you excuse me for a second....*gets up and walks to a back door opening it and sliding inside shutting it after himself before she could see inside*
[18-18:54] 35086, Tarnis Catadon : **leans over punching the man in the jaw nearly nocking him over for his knowledge or lack there of** Useless **rides into the court yard letting the horse go after sliding down from the saddle**
[18-18:54] 7725b, R : hm
[18-18:55] JOIN: Squirrel has entered.
[18-18:55] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: *drops an old rag into the bucket after shutting the door behind herself, wandering about the place, washing windows and tables*
[18-18:55] 161c6, Karlita : * Karlitas horse is tied to a tree on the other path to Ruapenchi, not too far from her castle... blinks as Hector does so*
[18-18:55] 161c6, Bianca Moonbeam : oh i grew up in this shop..
[18-18:56] 92794, Squirrel : *Enterz*
[18-18:56] 7bb0f, Ralaphor : OOhhh *Leans against the wall and smiled* Born and raise here as some mercernaries say, right?
[18-18:57] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: ((hello squirrel))
[18-18:57] 35086, Tarnis Catadon : **looks back at the man he just punch scowering at him then turns on heel walking over to a stone bench laying down**
[18-18:58] 92794, Squirrel : Hi Hannah
[18-18:58] 161c6, Bianca Moonbeam : no, my father owned this shoppe.. well he still does.. but he is off on some adventure and im stuck here..
[18-18:59] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: ((how are ya))
[18-18:59] 7bb0f, Ralaphor : *Nodded* I see..this is a fine shop, has anyone shopped here?
[18-19:00] e2676, Hector Ostia: *comes back out with a boquett of flower freshly cut in his hand, but he has them held behind his back, walks over to her*for you*holds out the flowers to her, a lovely mixture of what looks like native flowers, it would have a wonderful scent*
[18-19:00] 92794, Squirrel : meh
[18-19:01] 161c6, Bianca Moonbeam : thanks.. of course they have.. why ?
[18-19:02] 290ac, Aralore : ((*Sneaks back to lurkerishness*))
[18-19:02] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: ((*blanket for squirrel*)) *throws the rag back in the bucket as she finishes...grabbing another old, yet clean rag to dry what she's wiped down*
[18-19:03] 92794, Squirrel : *cuddles up with blanket*
[18-19:03] 161c6, Karlita : * sprised by this kind gist, she slowly takes them form him, then puts her face against them and smells them* oh thank you.. they smell wonderful..
[18-19:03] 35086, Tarnis Catadon : **looks up at the guard he just punched as he approaches** Haven't you had enough? **the gaurd nods the speaks to tarnis "i say lady karlita ride that way" **the guard points tarnis speaks now** why didnt you say that to begin with ya ingrate. **stands up and crawls back up into his saddle riding in the direction the guard to toward a forest area**
[18-19:04] 94c70, Z: *Drags him back out*
[18-19:05] 290ac, Aralore : ((*tackles Z*))
[18-19:05] 35086, Tarnis Catadon : **stops spotting the princesses horse he slides from the saddle and looks around then calls her name** Karlita?
[18-19:06] 94c70, Z: *counter-tackles Aralore*
[18-19:06] e2676, Hector Ostia: *blushes as he moves back to his seat. Hector not really having much human contact for many years*im glad you like them....*takes an uneasy sip of the wine kinda a bit nervious*
[18-19:06] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[18-19:06] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: ((*hopes blanket isnt a mammal eating blanket*)) *smiles, feeling accomplished as she thumps her way back upstairs..rolling out the few decorative peices she has, which happen to be a few oversized area rugs, beautifully woven in reds, greens, and blues*
[18-19:07] 35086, Tarnis Catadon : ((**throws the world havest person on top of z and aralore** ))
[18-19:08] 35086, Tarnis Catadon : ((havest-heaviest))
[18-19:08] 92794, Squirrel : *The blanket shifts and there is a brief struggle before it goes limp then burps*
[18-19:08] 7bb0f, Ralaphor : ((Bianca?))
[18-19:09] 161c6, Karlita : * nods then sets them on the table next to her arm*
[18-19:09] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: ((*blinks...slinks away innocently*))
[18-19:10] e2676, Hector Ostia: so....*oh f it, takes a big gulp of the wine uneasily finishing off the glass*
[18-19:10] 161c6, Bianca Moonbeam : (( yeah i posted ))
[18-19:11] 161c6, Bianca Moonbeam : (( yeah here)) thank you.. what is there something wrong with my shoppe ?
[18-19:12] 7bb0f, Ralaphor : *Shakes his head* Just curious, I only arrived here a weak ago
[18-19:12] 7bb0f, Ralaphor : ((Week*))
[18-19:12] 92794, Squirrel : *Another struggle ensues and Squirrel bursts free of the blanket, beats it into submission then curls up with it again...o/*
[18-19:12] JOIN: Rav has entered.
[18-19:13] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: ((*peeks out from innocent box...o/*))
[18-19:14] e2676, Hector Ostia: ((woot its rav!))
[18-19:14] 161c6, Bianca Moonbeam : yes i have to make swords all the time, because people buy them quick.. where did you come from ?
[18-19:14] 161c6, Karlita : * looks up* yeah..
[18-19:14] cd065, Rav: Your a freak Squirrel... Hey!!all
[18-19:15] 35086, Tarnis Catadon : **walks up a path that leads to a cabin then nocks loudly on the door his hand on a dagger sheathed in his belt**
[18-19:15] 92794, Squirrel : Hey Rav, nIm hehehe
[18-19:15] EXIT: Rav has left the chat ( 8:14pm, January 18 (CST) ).
[18-19:15] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[18-19:15] 35086, Tarnis Catadon : ((squirrel is funny though))
[18-19:16] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 8:15pm, January 18 (CST) ).
[18-19:16] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: * smiles, dusting off some old sturdy chairs that were also left behind..wandering over to the fireplace that sits on the back wall of the room, throwing the broken chairs in before lighting a fire with one of her oil lamps*
[18-19:16] JOIN: Talis has entered.
[18-19:16] 7bb0f, Ralaphor : Ohhh, some kingdom far away. Nothing important *Smile a bit, since whne he answer her, his tone was a little uunneasy. But then he takes out a pouch and take sout two gold pieces and hands them to Bianca, picking up a nice looking short sword and smile to her* Keep the money
[18-19:17] 290ac, Aralore : ((...............*Dead*))
[18-19:17] e2676, Hector Ostia: exuse me one second...... why do they never tell me till they are at my door?!?*muttered to himself as he opens the door*may i help you?*semi annoyed*
[18-19:17] cd065, Rav: *test*
[18-19:18] 161c6, Bianca Moonbeam : I see.. woa thanks.. *smiles*
[18-19:19] 161c6, Karlita : * is startled by the knock, looks at the door as he opens it*
[18-19:19] 35086, Tarnis Catadon : **looks down at the man opening the door** Have you seen the princess in these parts at all. No one has seen her for a while. **turns and looks at karlitas horse** Thats her horse.
[18-19:19] 7bb0f, Ralaphor : *smiled* Your welcome..*Before he leaves, he turns backk to Bianca and asks her* Have you ate?
[18-19:20] 35086, Tarnis Catadon : **attemps to look past the man but he block the doorway**
[18-19:20] e2676, Hector Ostia: and who are you?!?*stands about 6'4"*
[18-19:20] cd065, Rav: Yeah, he is thats why we keep him around *pounces squirrel*
[18-19:20] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: *seats herself on a chair infront of the fire after having retrieved a hefty jug full of rum and her glasses down from her upper room, pouring herself a glass*
[18-19:21] 639d4, Mab : *points to new bounties link*
[18-19:21] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: ((hm *bandaid for aralore*))
[18-19:21] e2676, Hector Ostia: ((hey rav, you doen regs tonight?))
[18-19:21] 35086, Tarnis Catadon : I am lord Catadon. Who are you? **stands a few centimeters over 7'**
[18-19:22] 92794, Squirrel : *pounced* *shakes fist*
[18-19:22] 94c70, Z: *pounces Rav*
[18-19:22] 92794, Squirrel : Caught me off guard again
[18-19:23] ad540, Chaszmyr Waeglossz : ((*gasps@bounty link* Wow, he sounds like bad news.))
[18-19:23] e2676, Hector Ostia: im Lord Ostia, owner of this very forest*isnt going to be intimidated*im going to have to ask you to leave*
[18-19:25] 161c6, Bianca Moonbeam : yeah sorry.. ( i g2g ill be back in an hour))
[18-19:25] 35086, Tarnis Catadon : **looks down at the man knitting eyebrows** Not till you tell me where the princess is.
[18-19:25] 7bb0f, Ralaphor : ((alright, bye Bianca))
[18-19:25] 7bb0f, Ralaphor : ((*Lurks*))
[18-19:27] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: *rubs her eyes as she wanders up the stiars, bringing her sleeping mat down by the fire after turning out all of her lamps, napping some*
[18-19:28] JOIN: Tarnis Catadon has entered.
[18-19:28] cd065, Rav: I might why? *leans aginst wall with hands folded across chest* Of course I did Squirrel You were fighting with a blanket. *then gets pounced by Z* ghhhhh? oh Hi there Z!!
[18-19:28] e2676, Hector Ostia: she is probably in her castle.... i dont deal in the affairs of snotty princess*looks up at him feircly*~i could use some help~*soon the padding of many feet would be heard from the nearby cave*
[18-19:29] e2676, Hector Ostia: ((*wants charecter regged*))
[18-19:29] 92794, Squirrel : Ya, I blame Hannah over there for that...but I'll get my revenge....someday!
[18-19:29] 290ac, Aralore : ((*Lounges, lurks*))
[18-19:30] 35086, Tarnis Catadon : **points to the horse behind him** That horse proves otherwise** Here the padding of feet but dimisses it confused by hector* Help?
[18-19:30] 35086, Tarnis Catadon : ((here-hears))
[18-19:30] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: ((*menacing laugh, pets her mammal eating blanket*))
[18-19:31] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: ((Aralore i bandaided you, so you are not dead))
[18-19:31] 94c70, Z: *DRAGS Aralore out of lurk*
[18-19:31] 290ac, Aralore : ((Thankee :/ ))
[18-19:31] d7c72, Trinket: *Sneaks into Hannahs room, and looks for shinies*
[18-19:32] 290ac, Aralore : ((EEP! *DRAGGED*))
[18-19:32] e2676, Hector Ostia: oh it does does it....*soon some odd 50 to 60 wolves would come up behind him*this is my help
[18-19:32] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: *thought she stated earlier she had locked her building up*
[18-19:32] JOIN: Riley has entered.
[18-19:33] d7c72, Trinket: (9Hannah, I am a rat, do you think locks are really a problem?))
[18-19:34] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: ((true))
[18-19:34] 35086, Tarnis Catadon : **turns looking at the wolves then shrugs returning his gaze to the man in the door** Yes it does. Now tell me where she might be and I can leave your forest.
[18-19:35] e2676, Hector Ostia: *sarcasticly*the wolves ate her...*rolls his eyes slamming and latching the door after him hiding the princess in a back room as he grabs his axe*
[18-19:37] 35086, Tarnis Catadon : **growls as his eyes turn red in rage he pounds a heavy fist into the door yelling** Hey, you ingrate!
[18-19:38] EXIT: Ralaphor has left the chat ( 8:25pm, January 18 (CST) ).
[18-19:39] 290ac, Aralore : ((*Retreats back to lurkerishdom*))
[18-19:39] 35086, Tarnis Catadon : **kicks the door with a boot cladded foot attempting to break the latch**
[18-19:39] JOIN: Ralaphor has entered.
[18-19:39] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: *sleeps lightly, content in the warmth that washes over her from her fireplace*
[18-19:40] 94c70, Z: *sniffs*
[18-19:40] 94c70, Z: Noone to keep me company
[18-19:40] d7c72, Trinket: *looks around, but only finds a bottle of something*
[18-19:41] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: *sleep sleep*
[18-19:41] 290ac, Aralore : ((*Huggles Z*))
[18-19:41] e2676, Hector Ostia: *the door would hold but shudder as he returns with his axe in hand, throws upen the latch and door now with the axe*i asked you to leave nicely, but you seem to think i have your dear princess, witch i dont, now leave before i am forced to strike*
[18-19:44] 35086, Tarnis Catadon : **unsheaths his sword from its diagonal harness on his back and turns around knowing the odds are against him then climb into the saddle of his horse** If she isnt back in a day I am coming back with a army **kicks the horse into a run then on his way past a wolf swing his sword at its head attemping to take it then is gone down the trial in a cloud of dust**
[18-19:44] e2676, Hector Ostia: ((*scratch last * * ))
[18-19:44] 35086, Tarnis Catadon : ((huh?))
[18-19:45] e2676, Hector Ostia: ((nvm))
[18-19:45] d7c72, Trinket: *Tries to open the bottle to see what is inside.*
[18-19:46] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: *the bottle is corked lightly, could easily be pulled open*
[18-19:46] e2676, Hector Ostia: *the wolf would jump back but still getting a nasty gash he leaps forward and gets the wolf in his arms*if you ever return here i will kill you!!
[18-19:48] 35086, Tarnis Catadon : **looks at his arm relizing he got bit then looks at the blade of his sword smiles seeing blood dripping from the blade which he now wipes the blood from on the sword and sheaths it**
[18-19:51] e2676, Hector Ostia: *quickly takes the animal inside cleaning the wound and applying some healing herbs before bandiging it with a peice of his cloack he ripped off*shh its ok, you going to be fine*really does love animals*
[18-19:54] 290ac, Aralore : ((*keeps Z company, too*))
[18-19:55] 35086, Tarnis Catadon : ((**Gone/pause**))
[18-19:55] 92794, Squirrel : Hmmm, to go IC or to make a new character....hmmm
[18-19:56] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: ((make a kitty))
[18-19:56] 92794, Squirrel : To eat da rat...hmmm
[18-19:59] d7c72, Trinket: *As the cork comes out of the bottle, Trinket gets covered in Rum, and drinks some of it*
[18-20:01] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: *rolls, her hand getting wet from the rum on the floor, stirring til she almost wakes*
[18-20:02] d7c72, Trinket: *Lets out a small Hiccup as he stumbles around the room*
[18-20:03] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[18-20:03] EXIT: Ralaphor has left the chat ( 8:39pm, January 18 (CST) ).
[18-20:04] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: *wakes, her eyes cast on the rat...keeping herself from giggling*
[18-20:05] JOIN: Riley has entered.
[18-20:05] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 9:03pm, January 18 (CST) ).
[18-20:08] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: *falls asleep again is out for the night* ((~poof~))
[18-20:09] d7c72, Trinket: *Seeing the big person wake up, Trinket tries to run off into a hole in the floor. He misses by a little bit though.
[18-20:15] JOIN: Connor Rayne has entered.
[18-20:18] cd065, Rav: I'LL be back late all.
[18-20:19] MSG: Palladia Mors sent a message to Riddonnel Doomhaven.
[18-20:20] MSG: Palladia Mors sent a message to Riddonnel Doomhaven.
[18-20:20] 92794, Squirrel : *Pesters Steeve*
[18-20:20] c8f7b, Palladia Mors : *eats Squirrel's soul*
[18-20:20] 92794, Squirrel : Hey! Gimme! *dives in after it*
[18-20:21] c8f7b, Palladia Mors : *buuuuuuuuuuuuuuurp*
[18-20:21] MSG: Palladia Mors sent a message to Oriko Musashi.
[18-20:21] e0302, Riley: * lounges*
[18-20:23] MSG: Palladia Mors sent a message to Tarnis Catadon.
[18-20:24] 92794, Squirrel : *Sloshes around in Steve's stomach* Soul! Soul! Here boy! *whistles*
[18-20:25] c8f7b, Palladia Mors : *his his stomach* Hey!! Quiet in there!
[18-20:25] 92794, Squirrel : Fark you! *Gives Mors indegestion*
[18-20:26] c8f7b, Palladia Mors : *digests Squirrel*
[18-20:26] MSG: Tarnis Catadon tried to message Pallidia (not registered).
[18-20:27] 92794, Squirrel : *Finds soul and "escapes"* It wasn't pretty, but I got out
[18-20:28] c8f7b, Palladia Mors : *flushes Squirrel*
[18-20:28] c8f7b, Palladia Mors : Kinda helps if ya spell it right Tarnis.
[18-20:30] 92794, Squirrel : Curse you, Steeeeeeevvvvvvveeeeeee!
[18-20:30] c8f7b, Palladia Mors : o/
[18-20:31] 92794, Squirrel : *Comes back hours later, wet, smelly, and all kinds of stuff clinging to him*! *points*
[18-20:31] 35086, Tarnis Catadon : ((ahh))
[18-20:32] c8f7b, Palladia Mors : Do I need to get the bug zappper?
[18-20:32] JOIN: Karlita has entered.
[18-20:32] MSG: Tarnis Catadon sent a message to Palladia Mors.
[18-20:32] d7c72, Trinket: *Stumbles around for a while, then passes out in a corner.*
[18-20:33] 92794, Squirrel : nlm
[18-20:34] MSG: Palladia Mors sent a message to Tarnis Catadon.
[18-20:34] c8f7b, Palladia Mors : I'm not into bestiality.
[18-20:35] 92794, Squirrel : That's not what the sheep in the pasture told me.....
[18-20:35] 35086, Tarnis Catadon : ((**looks at the hot pic on the advatar**
[18-20:35] 35086, Tarnis Catadon : ))
[18-20:36] 35086, Tarnis Catadon : ((**lost in more ways then one** comense to jigglen **loves aqua teen hunger force**))
[18-20:37] c8f7b, Palladia Mors : ((*Zorak voice* Guess're an idiot... *Brak voice* Well what if I am?))
[18-20:38] e2676, Hector Ostia: ((*thunderclease voice*haha, stupid humans*steals roof*))
[18-20:39] 7060b, Karlita: * must have fallen asleep at the table, wakes up in the back room*... wha ??
[18-20:41] d7c72, Trinket: *Wakes up several hours later, Scurries off to find food.*
[18-20:41] e2676, Hector Ostia: *is sitting on a large bed in the next room over from her cradling the large wolf in his arms tears of anger and of being afraid that the wolf wont make it streak down his cheek*
[18-20:42] 92794, Squirrel : ......
[18-20:42] 7060b, Karlita : (( ack * pokes her color in* ))
[18-20:44] 7060b, Karlita : * stands up then exits the room, and lookins into the room Hector is in, watchs him*
[18-20:45] 35086, Tarnis Catadon : **is on horse back on the trial back to karlitas castle on about halfway there now only walking the horse and cursing aloud**
[18-20:46] 35086, Tarnis Catadon : ((i might be kicked off the net due to a phone call so if i stop thatin thats why))
[18-20:47] e2676, Hector Ostia: **there would be the howling of wolves staring as they hear his thoughts, he could kill her boyfreind dude right now*
[18-20:48] 35086, Tarnis Catadon : ((thatin-talkin))
[18-20:48] 92794, Squirrel : test
[18-20:48] 92794, Squirrel : Oooo that looks nice
[18-20:49] 92794, Squirrel : .
[18-20:50] 92794, Squirrel : .
[18-20:50] 7060b, Karlita : what happened ?*looks at the wolf* whats wrong ?
[18-20:50] 92794, Squirrel : Sorry for the floodage
[18-20:54] 92794, Squirrel : .
[18-20:54] e2676, Hector Ostia: *his eyes are blood shot as he looks to her, through gritted teeth*you are no longer welcomed in my home... get out!*sets the wolf down intending to drive her off, all this being her fault for not going with the guy*
[18-20:54] 007f9, Tarnis Catadon : ((back))
[18-20:54] 92794, Squirrel : .
[18-20:55] c8f7b, Palladia Mors : Hmmm
[18-20:55] 92794, Squirrel : *eyes Mors*
[18-20:55] 7060b, Karlita : * steps back aghast* what are you talking about ??
[18-20:55] c8f7b, JeKieth: *eyes back*
[18-20:56] 92794, Squirrel : *Eyes*
[18-20:56] EXIT: Riley has left the chat ( 9:21pm, January 18 (CST) ).
[18-20:56] c8f7b, JeKieth : ((*has da first Centaur*))
[18-20:56] JOIN: Riley has entered.
[18-20:57] e0302, Riley: * test*
[18-20:58] 290ac, Aralore : ((99 bottles of beer on the wall..99 bottles of beer..))
[18-20:58] 007f9, Tarnis Catadon : **stops his horse reining around to face where he just came from thinking about heading back and kill some wolf, these thoughts out of anger that the man forced him to take actions he didnt wish to take**
[18-20:58] e2676, Hector Ostia: he is going to die becouse you your freind*points to the wolf*and freinds of those that would kill one of my wolves arnt welcome here!*is soon standing next to her, goes to grab her arm*
[18-20:59] 007f9, Tarnis Catadon : ((**shoots the bottle off the wall** zero bottles of beer on the wall...))
[18-20:59] c8f7b, JeKieth : *canters about his workshop the forge having just been stoked for the day's work, should there be any customers today...buisness for him has been rather slow, but then again...its always slow for him....but when a customer does come in... it is more than enough to keep the forge opened, repaired, stocked and with a bit of money left to spare*
[18-21:00] 290ac, Aralore : (( ))
[18-21:00] JOIN: Randen has entered.
[18-21:01] JOIN: Randen Farr has entered.
[18-21:01] JOIN: Liz has entered.
[18-21:02] 7060b, Karlita : * screams and backs up then turns to run.. the scream is loud and piercing *
[18-21:02] c8f7b, Randen Farr : ((there we go)) *and with permission given he slips into her chambers with a faint cracking of the door, and then he closes it behind him without a word said before looking to see where she is*
[18-21:02] b6a12, Liz: Hello!
[18-21:02] e0302, Riley: * is near her wardrobe* I dont believe I have anything suitable...
[18-21:03] c8f7b, JeKieth : ((Hey Liz)) *with the forge stoked and ready for the day's buisness he then canters towards the large gate that allows entrance to his forge as it is an open air forge not incased in a building..and then opens the gate, the sign of welcome for him*
[18-21:03] 007f9, Tarnis Catadon : **looks at his wrist severly biten but quickly his attention goes to a scream from where he just came from without though he kicks his horse into a sprint unsheathing his sword enabling its sheild keeping all thing within 10' of him away**
[18-21:03] d7c72, Trinket: ((*Waves at Liz*))
[18-21:04] 007f9, Tarnis Catadon : ((though-thought))
[18-21:04] 007f9, Tarnis Catadon : ((**pokes liz with toaster stroodle**))
[18-21:05] e2676, Hector Ostia: *makes chase planning on driving her all the way out of the forest*get out! get out! get OUT!
[18-21:06] 007f9, Tarnis Catadon : **makes it to the edge of the forest stopping his horse**
[18-21:06] 7060b, Karlita : * screams and runs out the door and through the woods* help!!
[18-21:06] NICK: Zaknafein changed nick to Pug Duthain.
[18-21:07] 007f9, Tarnis Catadon : **finally spots karlita and rides off the path heading into the woods soon at karlitas side holding out a free hand to help he up the other holding his sword with the shield still active to those he wishs not to be near him**
[18-21:08] 007f9, Tarnis Catadon : ((to help her up not he))
[18-21:08] c8f7b, JeKieth : *fades on the centaur...more to come later*
[18-21:08] JOIN: Ralaphor has entered.
[18-21:09] c8f7b, Arutha Duthain : (('er we go))
[18-21:09] 92794, Squirrel : *Sigh* Bored
[18-21:09] e2676, Hector Ostia: *right as he gets to the door iside his head he feels its death and falls to his knees*no..... no.....*breaks down in tears forgeting his anger*
[18-21:10] c8f7b, Randen Farr : You without suitable rare...*moves towards her wardrobe silently*
[18-21:10] EXIT: Liz has left the chat ( 10:02pm, January 18 (CST) ).
[18-21:10] 7060b, Karlita : * looks up and sees Tarnis, and grabs his hand *
[18-21:10] e0302, Riley: * glances over her shoulder at him* I should be dressed as a courtier but I dont see anything worthy...
[18-21:10] JOIN: Selene Demarkus has entered.
[18-21:11] 7bb0f, Ralaphor : ((too lazy to put ni a pic yet))
[18-21:11] e0302, Riley: * rolls her eyes* how often do I get tapped to do these sort of things
[18-21:11] MSG: Ralaphor sent a message to Tarnis Catadon.
[18-21:11] c8f7b, Randen Farr : Lets have a look...c'mon...model for me *smirks teasingly*
[18-21:12] 007f9, Tarnis Catadon : **pulls karlita up infront of his letting he sit side saddle then kicks his horse into a sprint out of the forest then back on to the main path heading toward the princesses castle** You-- Okay-- M'lady
[18-21:12] JOIN: AdrianGoldenmoon has entered.
[18-21:12] e0302, Riley: * starts to pull things out holding them over her frame as he observes*
[18-21:12] 1d667, Pug Duthain: *Had sent Arutha off to be taken care of while the guests arrived for the ball. He'd greeted all the ladies and their families, being mindful of his tounge which tended to slip on occasion. Finally all guests had arrived and he joined everyone in the ball room. After a short mingling he took control of the gathering again. Using magical means he raised his voice so that all could hear him.* Ladies and gentlemen, exteemed guests, I now present to you my counsin and your Lord, King Arutha Duthain.
[18-21:13] MSG: Tarnis Catadon sent a message to Ralaphor.
[18-21:13] c8f7b, Arutha Duthain : *is in his study, propped up in an overstuffed chair by a fireplace, pouring over something as if it will help him in getting the forces ready for a possible attack*
[18-21:13] 1d667, Pug Duthain: His duty this evening will be to enjoy himself and find a woman who meets his eye and his taste to share the rest of his life with. *Pug then gestures to the top of the stairs.*
[18-21:13] c8f7b, Randen Farr : *scrutinizes each and every thing she holds over her frame with a most discerning eye*
[18-21:14] b6a12, Selene Demarkus: *looks up from the crowd of the other nobles, sipping from a glass of wine*
[18-21:14] JOIN: Dre'makius has entered.
[18-21:14] e0302, Riley: * gets frustrated and starts tossing things onto the floor before reaching for something new in teh back of her wardrobe*
[18-21:14] 7bb0f, Ralaphor : ((Sorry, didnt see what yo wrote Tarnis))
[18-21:15] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ::must have nodded off on the steps... he opened one eye, then the other, glancing around::
[18-21:15] 007f9, Tarnis Catadon : **the castle now in veiw tarnis lets the horse slow to a trot nothing sheathing his sword the shield going away**
[18-21:15] c8f7b, Arutha Duthain : *a guard comes to notify that he has been summoned and so...he sighs and closes his book as Pug is announcing him...he is dressed overly elaboratly for him, his simple crown adorning his head as he moves to the top of the stairs and begins his descent towards the ground floor, his face set in a mask of royal neutrility silently seething at Pug for this...oh yes...will have Pug killed...after the war*
[18-21:15] e2676, Hector Ostia: *when he does get off the floor he goes inside to get the body and bury it*
[18-21:15] 1d667, Pug Duthain: *After a moment of no one showing at the top of the stairs, he groans.* Please ladies and gentlemen, drink and mingle while I go discover what's keeping the King. *He quickly exits heading toward the study knowing that's more than likely where Arutha has gone. He likes his silence these days.*
[18-21:16] 007f9, Tarnis Catadon : ((ralaphor lookin the messages link under profiles and above registration..))
[18-21:16] 7bb0f, Ralaphor : ((ohhhhhh))
[18-21:16] c825e, Dre'makius : *saunters into the Theives guild, a rather impressed look on her face despite the slash on her cheek and the new tears in her tunic and pants*
[18-21:16] 007f9, Tarnis Catadon : ((ggr freakin typos nothing-now))
[18-21:16] 7060b, Karlita : * breaths hard* ..yes thank you
[18-21:16] c8f7b, Randen Farr : Hold....*raises his hand at waht she pulled out* Try it on..*turns from her so she may dress*
[18-21:16] MSG: Ralaphor sent a message to Tarnis Catadon.
[18-21:17] c825e, Dre'makius : Oohhhhh!!! AAAAaaaaa PIRATES life for me!!! *grins and looks around*
[18-21:17] d7c72, Trinket: ((Night all.))
[18-21:18] MSG: Tarnis Catadon sent a message to Ralaphor.
[18-21:18] b6a12, Selene Demarkus: *curtsies along with the rest of the woman, the men bowing, as he appears. As is proper. She gives an inward sigh. She'll be glad when this is all over and she can go back home and have fun while Daddy's away*
[18-21:18] d7c72, Trinket: *Finds a small area to go to sleep and passes out for the night.*
[18-21:18] e2676, Hector Ostia: *once he is in a good six foot grave he walks off solemly without his axe tward town*
[18-21:19] c825e, Dre'makius : When I was young a forty, with the wind upon me back, My grandpappy had a sickle, and me dad a sore bad back, But I mehearties had a dream and nuthin could come from us betweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeennnnnnn*Grins oh so widely and jumps onto a table, grinning at a few of the theives* AAAAAAAAAAAaaaaa PIRATES LIFE FOR ME!
[18-21:19] 1d667, Pug Duthain: *Will have to ensure he dies inbattle rather than be killed by his King.*Greetings my Lord. Go mingle and enjoy the night. You are to find you a woman who meets your standards. And if not, I'll find one for you.
[18-21:19] 007f9, Tarnis Catadon : **enters the front gate of the castle halting his horse in the court yard he swing a leg over the saddle jumps to the ground then holds out a hand to help the princess down**
[18-21:19] 290ac, Aralore : ((*Twiddles his thumbs*))
[18-21:19] EXIT: Trinket has left the chat ( 10:18pm, January 18 (CST) ).
[18-21:20] 7060b, Karlita : *faints, falling sideways*
[18-21:20] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : Forget it. After what happened tonight, I'm not leaving town. ::he stood and brushed hos clothes off::
[18-21:20] e0302, Riley: * slips behind a screen to change slipping into a gown of smokey blue silk the bodice embrodier* sp?* with light blue tapestry teh gown is off the shoulder iwth long bell sleeves she steps out from behind the screen un pining her hair* Y ou may look
[18-21:20] 1d667, Pug Duthain: *Pug then turns and slips off into the croud, heading off to a higher vantage point to watch over the event undisturbed.*
[18-21:20] c8f7b, Arutha Duthain : *looks over the assembled guests, watching them bow and pay their propers as is due him....and then as he walks up to Pug, he takes him by the shoulder as if embracing him...he is his cousin after all..and during the embrace he leans in and whispers while smiling* You bastardized half son of a Drow mongrel...I will see you hanged for this...*said in his usual half threatening tone*
[18-21:20] 7bb0f, Ralaphor : Slowly walking through the streets, passing by some people, Ralaphor hears some singing not far, wondering whats that all about as he tries to follow the source*
[18-21:21] c825e, Dre'makius : Yo! Ho! And Really bad eggs! The wind in the sails and a bucket of ale! Yo! Ho! The sun and the spray oh I want to be pirating everyday! But I me mates *Grins and hops away as a theif tries to grab her ankle* Shall grope and scrape and be a true hearted theif with all me mates cause although I could be a pirates mateeeeeyyyyyyy!!!!!!*grins and winks at another theif* A THEIFS LIFE FOR ME!! HAHA!
[18-21:21] c8f7b, Randen Farr : Hmmm...*motions for her to come closer, his eyes narrowing in further scrutiny*
[18-21:21] 7060b, Karlita : * as she is set down she smiles up at Tarnis* thank you so much... that man is named Hector and he owns the forest.. he forced me to come with him...
[18-21:22] e0302, Riley: * takes a few more steps closer to him *
[18-21:22] c8f7b, Randen Farr : *one of the theives throws a half eaten loaf of bread at Dre and tell her to shut up*
[18-21:22] c825e, Dre'makius : *grins and sits satisfyingly in a chair and leans back, grinning from ear to ear at a few other theives a nice heavy weight sitting in her pocket* *whistles* AN ALE MATE! Where the devil is that FARR Character!
[18-21:22] c8f7b, Randen Farr : *makes a circular motion with his finger*
[18-21:22] 1d667, Pug Duthain: *Is grabbed as he tries to turn away. * Ah but then you'll miss my charming personality, my lord. *He whispers in response.*
[18-21:23] c825e, Dre'makius : *catches it and nods curtly to the theif* Ye be mighty kind.. shall I sing ye a'nuther? you seriously don't mean for me to shut me up?
[18-21:23] 007f9, Tarnis Catadon : **offers a false smile in hopes of lightening the mood** I will deal with that man another time. Now, did he hurt you?
[18-21:23] 1d667, Pug Duthain: *Then he continues his departure
[18-21:23] 1d667, Pug Duthain: *
[18-21:23] c825e, Dre'makius : *grins and looks around* I Be lookin Fer BLOODSCALP!!
[18-21:24] 639d4, Mab : *amused by Dre'makius. amused by Arutha. pouts that she can't join in the fun. stupid work*
[18-21:24] 7060b, Karlita : no.. im fine . i just need a hot bath and a change of clothes*
[18-21:24] 7bb0f, Ralaphor : *Continues to follow the source of the singing, now getitng louder*
[18-21:24] c825e, Dre'makius : I be lookin a farrrrr for a BLOODSCALP! Please do tell me maties where I find Mr. Bloodyscalp? *grins, tearing off a chunk of bread and chewing on it8
[18-21:24] c8f7b, Randen Farr : (Random thief) He be about...go lookin fer him yerself...
[18-21:24] c825e, Dre'makius : (*bows to the lady mab* I can sing ye a nuther ))
[18-21:25] b6a12, Selene Demarkus: *watches him a moment longer then, setting her wine glass down, and moves over to a wall to watch the crowds. She has no real wish for the crown..she's only a pawn in her father's bid for more power. Even in times like these, that's all he cares about. He thinks that when she becomes Queen, and he beleives she will, he'll gain more power and lands. Sighs and shakes her head, knowing it would'nt be long before her parents spot her against the wall and "encourage" her to throw herself over the King*
[18-21:25] 007f9, Tarnis Catadon : Okay, good. Keep your gaurds alert and don't let any strangers into the castle for the rest of the night. **voice is serious**
[18-21:26] c8f7b, Arutha Duthain : *sighs as Pug leaves and then forces a smile and begins mingling putting on a decent act of enjoying himself and as soon as he can, he stops a steward and grabs himself a glass of wine*
[18-21:26] c825e, Dre'makius : Bah! Such a fine prize mefinds and must go lookin for the man wantin it! For shame for shame.. Ah well. *chews on the last chunk of bread and gets up* Tis me duty. I shall return Mates! *grins and hops out of the Guild* [i] Oooooohhhhh!!!!!!!!!!! WHENNNN IRISH SKIES ARE SMILIN!! And the WORLD Is Filld with Gold! I'll be hoppin houses! Till me empty pocks be fulled!
[18-21:27] JOIN: Kroger has entered.
[18-21:27] c825e, Dre'makius : Bah! Such a fine prize mefinds and must go lookin for the man wantin it! For shame for shame.. Ah well. *chews on the last chunk of bread and gets up* Tis me duty. I shall return Mates! *grins and hops out of the Guild* Oooooohhhhh!!!!!!!!!!! WHENNNN IRISH SKIES ARE SMILIN!! And the WORLD Is Filld with Gold! I'll be hoppin houses! Till me empty socks be fulled!
[18-21:27] 7060b, Karlita : * nods* I wont.. thank you again, she reaches up and pulls his head down and kisses his cheek*
[18-21:27] 7bb0f, Ralaphor : *Blinks as Dre jumped right out of the door in front of him, singing a pirate song as he corss his arms against his chest* Just a innoncnet woman hmm?
[18-21:27] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ::walking along the streets, it seems next to no one is out and about.. and it didn't feel right at all to him.. not really sur eof what to do, he decided to return to Trendlekim's::
[18-21:27] NICK: Z changed nick to Joulina Teyr.
[18-21:28] e0302, Riley: Do you think it is worthy? * does a little turn*
[18-21:28] c825e, Dre'makius : *stops short and looks at Ralaphor* Course me be innocent!!! Innocent as the day I was born! Tis it a crime to sing the songs I know? *looks at him with a massive grin and breaks out into song again* When the Scotts be filled with WHISKY!! And the Brits all proud and Gay! I'll be lootin Treasures! All the live long day! WHOO!
[18-21:28] 1d667, Pug Duthain: *Gets partway through the crowd and decides to enjoy himself a little, mingle and such. While Arutha was centerstage, he was the host as he set the whole thing up.*
[18-21:29] a1241, Kroger : ::Kroger walks down from the rooms upstairs, much rested from yesterday and in better spirits::
[18-21:29] c8f7b, Randen Farr : *ponders eyeing how it holds to her form with no small ammount of enjoyment before giving a curt nod* It will be fine.
[18-21:29] 007f9, Tarnis Catadon : **leans down accepting the kiss** Night M'lady. **thinks** M'lady may I keep chambers again here tonight?
[18-21:29] b6a12, Selene Demarkus: *smirks as she watches various women, hopefull for the crown, begin to mob towards him, trying to make their mass approach seem accidental. Really, it's a race to get to him first.* ~Look at can father really expect me to compete with them? They're more wealthy then I am, more gracefull then I am, more proper.. *smirks* ~then I am...and many are much more pretty. It's a pity most of them have nothing but cotton between their ears~
[18-21:30] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ::he stepped into Trendlekim's, again surprised to find it fairly deserted.. he'd almost never been to such an emptied bar::
[18-21:30] e0302, Riley: Very well then.... * turns to lightly pin up her hair* Anything goes for me to get my audience?
[18-21:31] c8f7b, Arutha Duthain : *will REALLY kill Pug for this... nothing bores him more than mindless chatter with the nobles* *sips his wine slowly before raising a small silken cloth to dab at his lips to wipe away any stray bits as he is starting to get swarmed* *bows deeply* Ladies...
[18-21:31] c8f7b, Randen Farr : Anything you feel is nessecary.
[18-21:31] 639d4, Mab : *Ooooos @ Selene's pic*
[18-21:31] e2676, Hector Ostia: *goes into the glimmering inn and orders and ale and when he gets it gets drunk*
[18-21:32] 7bb0f, Ralaphor : *Follows Dre* No its not a crime, but it is a crime to lie cheat and steal, as a pirtae *Grins to Dre*
[18-21:32] JOIN: Tarnis Catadon has entered.
[18-21:32] e0302, Riley: * nods* Anything else? * turning to face him before reaching for her cloak*
[18-21:32] c825e, Dre'makius : ((LOL Hector!! The ale is drunk?))
[18-21:32] a1241, Kroger : ::Kroger walked towards the door, stopping when he saw one of the persons who he'd seen with the nobleman from the night before::
[18-21:32] 639d4, Mab : *Oooos @ Adrian's pic too*
[18-21:33] 639d4, Mab : *Oooos @ Riley's pic too*
[18-21:33] b6a12, Selene Demarkus: *leans back and watches the pansies with the king with obvious amusent*
[18-21:33] 7060b, Karlita : * nods* you may.. goodnight Tarnis.. * she turns and heads inside to sleep*
[18-21:33] c8f7b, Arutha Duthain : ((*feels unlurved by Mab* *commits suicide*))
[18-21:33] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ::eyes Hector briefly.. much less fond of his company at this point, but in no mood to even bother with him... he turned and quietly took a seat in a booth, looking out the window::
[18-21:33] e0302, Riley: (( thankye))
[18-21:33] e2676, Hector Ostia: ((add a comma after gets it, makes more sense))
[18-21:34] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( :ohs at Mab's pic:: pretty ^^ )
[18-21:34] EXIT: Karlita has left the chat ( 10:33pm, January 18 (CST) ).
[18-21:34] JOIN: Connor Rayne has entered.
[18-21:34] 639d4, Mab : *already Ooooo'd @ Arutha's pic before*
[18-21:34] 1d667, Pug Duthain: *Will most certainly make sure to die upon the battlefield. If he could see Arutha he'd be grinning. Loves to see him squirm. Especially since he's been crabby and cranky for a time now. A wife and then kids! That's what Arutha needed. A reminder that there's more to life than running the kingdom. And Pug was gonna see him get that.*
[18-21:34] 94c70, Joulina Teyr: *Another slender figure enters the place of the party. Dressed in a rich teal colored elegant gown, brown hair pinned up elaborately. Gracefully, she moves in from the door towards the mingling crowd.*
[18-21:35] e2676, Hector Ostia: *gets drunk and sad, passes out*((would bother with more rp but dinner is very soon))
[18-21:35] 007f9, Tarnis Catadon : **enters the castle and enters the guest chamber where he strips down to trows setting his armour on a table and takes his sword to bed with him then falls asleep his wrist bleeding all over then bed**
[18-21:36] c825e, Dre'makius : *sigh and mocks him as she continues to walk* tis a crime to lie and steal like a pirate blah blah blah *Rolls her eyes* And you're a faery.
[18-21:36] a1241, Kroger : ::Kroger walks over to the booth where Adrian took his seat:: Ehh.. greetings. I was wondering if you shared a table with the nobleman who was kind enough to lend me some coin for my room last night.
[18-21:36] 639d4, Mab : Thanks, Adrian. It's a two year old pic. I'll eventually get one that is more up to date. Hair is longer now.
[18-21:36] 007f9, Tarnis Catadon : ((**gone** Laters happy RPing to all and to all happy RP **all santa like**))
[18-21:36] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ::hearing his body collapse onto the floor, ponders doing inappropriate things to Hector's unconscious body, but decides against it, murmuring to himself:: the better man..
[18-21:37] c8f7b, Arutha Duthain : ((*was oooo'd* *feels lurved*)) *is making his way through the mob, kissing each of the womens's hands as he lets them introduce themselves as he comes upon Selene* *slowly takes her hand in his and raises it to his lips to kiss her hand gently* Thank you for your attendance. Might I have the pleasure of your name?
[18-21:37] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ::he glanced up at Kroger abruptly, realizing he was being spoken to:: eh.. no, I didn't.. I didn't know him.
[18-21:37] c8f7b, Randen Farr : My Key would be useful probably.
[18-21:37] e0302, Riley: * clasps her cloak and nods* I suppose it would
[18-21:38] 7bb0f, Ralaphor : I'm no faery. Maybe you are..*Grins as he stops, leaning against the wall* With the inside spirit of a troll
[18-21:38] b6a12, Selene Demarkus: Lady Selene Demarkus, M'Lord *smiles slightly at him* Pleasure to meet you
[18-21:38] a1241, Kroger : ::impatient with his own error, Kroger nods abruptly:: My apologies, I did not mean to bother you.
[18-21:38] a1241, Kroger : ::impatient with his own error, Kroger nods abruptly:: My apologies, I did not mean to bother you.
[18-21:38] a1241, Kroger : ::impatient with his own error, Kroger nods abruptly:: My apologies, I did not mean to bother you.
[18-21:38] 94c70, Joulina Teyr: (( *tests* ))
[18-21:38] c8f7b, Randen Farr : *reaches into his cloak and hands it to her with a faint smirk*
[18-21:38] a1241, Kroger : ::he takes a look over his shoulder at the noise::
[18-21:38] e2676, Hector Ostia: ((im off to dinner bbl))
[18-21:38] a1241, Kroger : ((da fackk!?!?!?))
[18-21:39] c825e, Dre'makius : Bah to you! You ruin me mood! *has a gash that is still bleeding across her cheek, and her tunic is torn across her chest(strategically of course) across her belly and down one of her sleeves, a bit of blood soaked into the sleeve(not much) and a strip is torn out of the leg of her pants with a loverly gash showing, but not deep enough to kill or disease*
[18-21:39] e0302, Riley: * reaches for the key her hand brushing against his before she snaps her hand back *
[18-21:40] e0302, Riley: Shall I find you once I return?
[18-21:40] e0302, Riley: Shall I find you once I return?
[18-21:40] c8f7b, Arutha Duthain : *he smiles faintly, a small hint at a real smile* The pleasure is mine, please do enjoy the ball. *and with that he slowly releases her hand and continues on, making his way through the crowd*
[18-21:40] JOIN: Ralaphor has entered.
[18-21:40] c8f7b, Randen Farr : *nods* I should be in my study.
[18-21:41] a1241, Kroger : ::Kroger looks to the door as another soldier decked out in cleaner gear than his own walks in with an air of authority. Seeing this, he scoots into Adrian's booth and pulls his hood over his head::
[18-21:41] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( ::beats the echo demons with a stick:: )
[18-21:41] 7bb0f, Ralaphor : *Blinks to her, now seeing her clearly now as he walks to her and holds her arms* Walking out like a corpse, your all wounded!
[18-21:41] b6a12, Selene Demarkus: *smiles after him, her lips barely moving* Not likely *shakes her head and leaves the wall to mingle with the crowd, exchanging meaningless pleasantries, knowing her parents are watching*
[18-21:41] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : :: he raised a slim brow at the stranger:: What is it?
[18-21:42] e0302, Riley: Very well then... * moves to go past him pulling up her hood* I will return as soon as I am able m'l...* pauses* Randen.... * corrects herself quickly attempting to move past him *
[18-21:42] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[18-21:42] 94c70, Joulina Teyr: *There were many people here already, her emerald gaze passing over the crowd of people already there. Instead of just barging through, she chose to merely remain comfortablely free of the pressure caused by so many bodies so close to you. She had even thought that she had seen Lord Duthian within the crowd, but eventually her gaze travelled over the decorated room admiringly.*
[18-21:42] c825e, Dre'makius : *rae's at him and smirks* Ach tis nuthiN!! I be fine, Need nuthin but a good ol bath in sum loverly spring water... a few bandages and sumthin to sew me clothes shut so I don't freeze.
[18-21:43] c8f7b, Randen Farr : *nods and whispers to her as she passes something he has never said in all the long years she has known him* Safe journey...
[18-21:43] c825e, Dre'makius : Anyeay... I be looking after meself.. I've got someone to find... or else I will be a corpse *pulls from his grasp and trots towards the guild* I see ya round there knight
[18-21:44] c8f7b, Arutha Duthain : *and his little wanderings brings him towards Joulina as she is admiring the room, he speaks up from behind her* It was my father's....*is referring to the piece she's currently admiring* It was one of his most treasured things.
[18-21:44] 1d667, Pug Duthain: *He quietly keeps an eye on Arutha from off to the side of the larger portion of the gathering. His poor cousin. Stuck with all those women around him. Being the alouf wizard he was, Pug was glad it was Arutha that everyone's attention was on. Pug prefered the more quiet solitary life.
[18-21:44] 7bb0f, Ralaphor : *Makes a disappoitned face as he follows Dre and asks her* Well at least get cleaned up and patched up now, just to make you look a little decent from not having those cut
[18-21:45] 7bb0f, Ralaphor : (( "cut(s)"))
[18-21:45] c825e, Dre'makius : *smirks and looks at him* All part of the pre-sent-ation. *Grins* If I ain'tbe hurt then it showed I didnae work. I be talkin to you later. *bows and grins, winks at him* Bye now Knight! *trots into the guild, closing the door behind her*
[18-21:46] a1241, Kroger : Oh nothing...
[18-21:46] c825e, Dre'makius : *bellows* I Be lookin Fer BLOODSCALP!
[18-21:46] c8f7b, Arutha Duthain : *cannot state his intent on beating his cousin silly when he gets the chance to enough*
[18-21:47] 7bb0f, Ralaphor : ...*Sighs as he watches her walk to the guild. He then walks to the guild, just to be sure on if she'll be alright in this guild as he leans against the wall by the door, wwaiting for smotingto happen*
[18-21:47] 94c70, Joulina Teyr: *Startled she turns around.* It's lovely, M'Lord. *She gives him a slight, but graceful bow.*
[18-21:47] a1241, Kroger : ::he turned his head to the side, to see the man's movements. He whispered so as not to be heard and moved his eyes to the top of the table as the newcomer looked around:: I prefer not to attract attention is all.
[18-21:47] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ::his mind starts to wander.. thinking about that woman.. what was her name?.. Brianna.. he could almost still feel the roughness of her hand as he absently rubbed his fingers together::
[18-21:47] a1241, Kroger : After last night...
[18-21:47] a1241, Kroger : I'm sure some people would want to know what I'm doing here.
[18-21:48] b6a12, Selene Demarkus: *sighs and heads for some patio doors, open to let in a cool breeze from the gardens. She hates crowds and she hates trying to win a husband...what need has she for one? Satisfied that her parents are occupied, she slips outside to the public garden*
[18-21:48] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : Hmm? ::sets his tiger-like eyes on the stranger:: what about it
[18-21:48] c8f7b, Arutha Duthain : *he then bows himself, taking her hand in his and raising it to his lips to give it a soft kiss* Our thanks for your attendance...might we have the pleasure of a name? *he smiles faintly*
[18-21:49] c825e, Dre'makius : *wipes a hand over her face getting a frustrated, knowing she has but little time**stalks into the guild, looking from face to face* I be lookin... fer Bloodscalp!
[18-21:50] 1d667, Pug Duthain: *He watches as Selene slips out through a set of patio doors. So soon after ariving. Hmm. Slips out the doors as well.* Evening my lady. Is something wrong?
[18-21:50] 94c70, Joulina Teyr: *Nervous, faint color comes to her cheeks. This was the first of these ocassions that she had been sent to.* Joulina Teyr, M'Lord. It's a pleasure to be here.
[18-21:50] b6a12, Selene Demarkus: *half turns and shakes her head* No...nothing's wrong, M'lord
[18-21:50] c8f7b, Randen Farr : *and like a wraith he billows out of the shadows, an ominous hush comes over the crowd of thieves in the common rooms his voice hissing out darkly* So is a wonder you are still alive... *then spies Ralaphor, his voice hissing further as it isnt a building but a turnoff from the underground roads that they built into the streets* Who gave you leave to enter here?
[18-21:51] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[18-21:51] a1241, Kroger : ::he looked up slightly before folding his hands on the table, picking at the old cuts on his fingers, before folding them tightly:: The nobles have a firm grip here in this town I believe.
[18-21:51] c825e, Dre'makius : *Glances back**Freezes**Puts a hand on her forehead*~'es gonna get me KILLED!~
[18-21:51] c8f7b, Arutha Duthain : Are the decorations meeting your standards then? *says teasingly at her scrutinizing the decor*
[18-21:52] e0302, Riley: * pauses gently looking at him for a moment with a gentle nod feelin as if she is going to be walking straight into the lions den... she leaves Randen and her chambers behind making her way to the portal stepping up to it setting the key speaking gently 'all that glitters is gold' "Krondor" she waits for the portal to activate stepping through to find herself in Krondor with a gentle shiver will never get use to such travel*
[18-21:52] a1241, Kroger : I don't know the man's rank here, but if it's anything like other places I've been I may have done more harm than good. To myself and my career.
[18-21:53] a1241, Kroger : ::The armored soldier hangs by the bar for a few moments, not finding the bartender and slowly makes his way out::
[18-21:53] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : Aye.. ::he rolled his eyes in exasperation:: that fool passed out on the floor over there sent his wolves after me for steppin' into "his" lands... a forest, for gods sake.
[18-21:54] 1d667, Pug Duthain: It is rather nice don't you think? *He asks as he motions out at the garden surrounding them.*
[18-21:54] 7bb0f, Ralaphor : ((Ohhhhhhh wait a min, whos the thief king?))
[18-21:54] 94c70, Joulina Teyr: Do they? Why yes. I would have to say they escede what I could have imagined. *smiles softly.*
[18-21:55] c8f7b, Randen Farr : ((Me))
[18-21:55] 7bb0f, Ralaphor : ((Ohhhhhhhhhhhh I see. Randorf hes outside))
[18-21:55] b6a12, Selene Demarkus: *nods* I suppose...*frowns slightly* But I like the wilds better. Everthing's exactly as it's not changed to look like something else.
[18-21:55] 94c70, Joulina Teyr: (( He's the guy that stole your clothes yesterday ))
[18-21:55] 7bb0f, Ralaphor : ((Err Randen))
[18-21:55] c825e, Dre'makius : (Ralaphor just get away from the guild building.. it warrents death for you to be there univited)
[18-21:55] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[18-21:55] 7bb0f, Ralaphor : ((Ohh))
[18-21:56] c8f7b, Randen Farr : ((And I have an ENTIRE guild of thives..))
[18-21:56] c825e, Dre'makius : ((*taps foot on ground* Can we please move on. I do have to go to bed))
[18-21:57] 7bb0f, Ralaphor : Hmm? *Looks to Randen and blinks as he nods* Sorry, something wrong? *Blinks, not knowing if this a guild to be honestly since thieves have the tendency of hiding them perfectly, so Ralaphor does not know that where Dre went its a guilf*
[18-21:57] c8f7b, Arutha Duthain : I am glad then..*forces a good nautred chuckle from him as he raises his glass to take a sip of the wine he has with him* enjoy yourself
[18-21:57] 1d667, Pug Duthain: The wilds.. *He says as if thinking to himself.* Ah yes, I tend to avoid them as much as possible. This garden has looked like this for as long as I can remember.
[18-21:57] c8f7b, Randen Farr : I belive you have something for me? *he hisses out again, darkly, most annoyed at her loudness...*
[18-21:57] 7bb0f, Ralaphor : *Moves away from the building so that hes a good distance awayfrom he "guild" but also good enough distance to hear what Randen has to say*
[18-21:57] JOIN: Milliardo Constantine has entered.
[18-21:57] b6a12, Selene Demarkus: *looks at him* It has never changed?
[18-21:58] 7bb0f, Ralaphor : *Blinks to Randen and, now seeing him back inside as he blinks to the guild and walks away*
[18-21:58] 94c70, Joulina Teyr: I will do my best, M'Lord.
[18-21:58] c825e, Dre'makius : *Grins and pulls out of her pocket said ruby as spoken of**holds it out flat on her palm and nods graciously to him* As per agreement, *her voice has lowered, and become more serious*
[18-21:58] 7bb0f, Ralaphor : ((Wit wait time out))
[18-21:58] 7bb0f, Ralaphor : ((Dre told me that the guild is not in the city))
[18-21:58] 1d667, Pug Duthain: Not while I've been here. And it's been quite a long time.
[18-21:59] a1241, Kroger : ::Kroger pulls his hood back a bit looking through the window:: Well I'd believe it
[18-22:00] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 10:55pm, January 18 (CST) ).
[18-22:00] a1241, Kroger : ::sighs:: I joined because I thought I would serve the Greater Good.
[18-22:00] JOIN: Rav has entered.
[18-22:00] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ::looks at Kroger, wondering why he spoke so sporadically...:: well... either way, i thought this would be a pleasant place to visit, but it's turning out to be rather hostile.
[18-22:00] c8f7b, Randen Farr : *nods and with a flicker of motion takes the ruby from her and secrets it in one of his pockets within the cloak that covers him to the point of being featureless* You get to live for now...the first rule you need to know is...Do no work that endagers the life of another member. the will pick up as you go along.. *fades back into the shadows*
[18-22:00] b6a12, Selene Demarkus: *shakes her head* How boring
[18-22:01] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : I'm not sure where the Greater Good is out here.
[18-22:01] e95af, Rav : Hello to all again
[18-22:01] c8f7b, Arutha Duthain : *nods and moves on, deciding to get some fresh air, he too moves out to the patio*
[18-22:01] a1241, Kroger : Now all I deal with is morons pulling rank and nobles sending men off to battle to die for what they think belongs to them. Erroneously, of coruse.
[18-22:01] 867a2, Sileen : Mew
[18-22:02] c8f7b, Arutha Duthain : ((technically its not. Its below the city))
[18-22:02] c825e, Dre'makius : Do no work that endagers the life of another member? *Scratches head* Darndest thing I ever heard.. ah right well.. a rule is a rule *bows slightly and heads out of the guild, sighing a bit as she becomes a bit tired*
[18-22:02] 3e2ed, Luke : *hugs Sileen, the kitty*
[18-22:02] e95af, Rav : Hey there Sil *pets the kitty*
[18-22:02] 1d667, Pug Duthain: Possibly. But it has it's purposes. Great place for young children to hide.
[18-22:03] JOIN: High Mage Rython has entered.
[18-22:03] 94c70, Joulina Teyr: *In silence, she stands there watching him as he goes. She considered actually follwoing him as there had seemed to be something wrong. However, it ocurred to her that it might be rude as they had just met.*
[18-22:03] 867a2, Sileen : *hugs back* *purr* *is loved*
[18-22:04] 7bb0f, Ralaphor : *Stands by another building far from the guild that Dre entered. Looking around since she might come down this road,hopefully, he will ask her what was that about*
[18-22:04] JOIN: Dre'makius has entered.
[18-22:04] b6a12, Selene Demarkus: Perhaps..*smiles* If you're a child. *chuckles* Which neither one of us are
[18-22:04] c8f7b, Arutha Duthain : *paces about the patio, unaware of the others on it and he takes a long pull of his wine glass, is gonna need a lot of wine to get through THIS night...gee...thanks cousin*
[18-22:04] 290ac, Aralore : ((Heya Sileen.))
[18-22:04] c825e, Dre'makius : *wanders up the streets, a bit tired**scratches the back of her neck, her energy a bit drained as she thinks longingly on a hot bath*
[18-22:04] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ::leans his elbow on the table, resting his face against his hand:: that's why I left the life of a soldier..
[18-22:04] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[18-22:04] c825e, Dre'makius : *wanders up the street Ralaphor is on*
[18-22:05] a1241, Kroger : ::Kroger looks up, trying to read the man's intentions, if there were any::
[18-22:05] 92794, Squirrel : .....*hugs Sileen*
[18-22:05] 7bb0f, Ralaphor : *Looks to Dre and says to her* Some tavern you go to.whats with them?
[18-22:06] c825e, Dre'makius : Nuthin *Yawns, the back of her hand against her mouth and stretches* Just a place I go where I can get sum food
[18-22:06] 1d667, Pug Duthain: No, that we're not. However, we once were. Arutha and I used to play hide and seek. He never could find me. *Ah don't mention it, it's all in the good of the kingdom.*
[18-22:07] e0302, Riley: * moves well within the city walls seeking out a livery to employ a carriage and driver to the palace*
[18-22:07] 7bb0f, Ralaphor : With a owner that didn't allow me to come in *Follows Dre*
[18-22:07] 0820e, High Mage Rython: *Is...doing Mage stuff*
[18-22:07] c825e, Dre'makius : you ain't poor. You can afford yer own food. *walks with her shoulders hunched, trying to think of where she can sleep*
[18-22:07] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ::he only stared blankly back at him:: .. Its no kind of life, you realize already.
[18-22:08] c8f7b, Arutha Duthain : *finally drains the wine out of his glass before spying Pug and Selene and sighs, had hoped to duck everyone and move away and escape the party*
[18-22:08] b6a12, Selene Demarkus: *chuckles* Never?
[18-22:08] a1241, Kroger : ::Kroger shakes his head, rubbing at his temples:: I'm sorry for staring. I didn't introduce myself either, I'm Kroger.
[18-22:09] 867a2, Aegnora : *a quick flash of flame, the sound of wind... then all is still. But on the patio with our darling single king Arutha... another figure has appeared. She is silent for now, watching Arutha... looking rather amused. She knows what nightmares to give THIS king tonight. Mwehehe*
[18-22:09] a1241, Kroger : ::he passes his hand slowly over the table::
[18-22:09] c8f7b, Arutha Duthain : *overhears Pug and stalks over, his eyes set in a look of mock anger* Slandering our good reputation, Cousin?
[18-22:09] e0302, Riley: * after all arrangements mad she is assited into the carriage and settles in for the journey to the palace speaking softly to herself* Safe Journeys? He has sent me into the Lions Den...
[18-22:10] 867a2, Sileen : *randomly pounces Aralore* HI!
[18-22:10] e95af, Rav : If anyone has a character that they sent in the form for some tima ago. And your wondering why its not regged yet AIM me.
[18-22:10] 7bb0f, Ralaphor : Hmm...*Side he knew that going by going inside, he might embarass Dre. He wanted to talk to Dre outside as he continues to follow Dre and speaks with her* You need to be also need to be rested....*Sighs as he loos t the glimmerinn* I know the perfect area, if you want *Looks to Dre*
[18-22:11] 1d667, Pug Duthain: Not unless I gave myself away usually. *Laughs at Arutha's comment as he comes up from behind.*No no. Now why would I do that my lord? I was only telling the lady how you could never find me in the garden wwhen we were children.
[18-22:11] c825e, Dre'makius : *stops and turns, looking at him a bit dully* If you be payin for a room and a 'ot bath... and a dinner and a breakfast... plus enough fresh water, goats milk and cheese to suit me, then alright. I'll come.
[18-22:11] 94c70, Joulina Teyr: *Taking a deep breath she gathers her courage, then follows the path that Arutha had taken out to the patio. It was likely not her place, but then why should she not be concerned for her Lord? The worst he could do was send her home. Upone arriving, she tentively steps out onto the patio.*
[18-22:11] 7bb0f, Ralaphor : *Chuuckled* Consider it lady *Grins as he gestures her to go first, knowing that this might annoy Dre*
[18-22:12] c825e, Dre'makius : But I ain't no whore so don't you be thinkin bout nuthin like that
[18-22:12] e0302, Riley: * allows herself the luxury of dozing off as the carriage makes its way to the palace*
[18-22:12] c825e, Dre'makius : *looks at him and then grins*~Got me free food and a comfy bed! ANd a BATH!~*Grins and doesn't care about the chivarly, is just wanting that bath so badly!!*
[18-22:12] c8f7b, Arutha Duthain : Scandalous lies all of it...*mock haughty look* *sees its Selene he's talking to* Lady Selene...*offers a brief smile*
[18-22:12] c825e, Dre'makius : *walks into the Glimmrin inn*
[18-22:13] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ::he took his hand for a firm shake:: Adrian.
[18-22:13] JOIN: Selene Demarkus has entered.
[18-22:14] 290ac, Aralore : ((*pounced* :) ))
[18-22:14] 1d667, Pug Duthain: Now now, cousin. You know you never could find me. But if you will excuse me, I have some things to attend to.
[18-22:14] 7bb0f, Ralaphor : *Follows Dre inside as he walks to the couunter and asks for a key to a lady. Snaps his finge,he turns to her and says to her* by the way, since we both got to a bad start, I'm Ralaphor, and yours?
[18-22:14] c825e, Dre'makius : ((*Eyes selene's last name* Demarkus... Dremakius... Demarkus.. Dre'makius.. BE we related?!))
[18-22:14] b6a12, Selene Demarkus : Sire...*a grin tugs at the corners of her mouth* All lies? I doubt that..
[18-22:15] c825e, Dre'makius : *extends a hand* Dre'makius I be called Sir. *smirks*
[18-22:15] b6a12, Selene Demarkus : (( *L* Who knows? ))
[18-22:15] 867a2, Sileen : How's life?
[18-22:15] 1d667, Pug Duthain: *Bows to the lady, nods and smirks at Arutha. He then turns re-entering the ballroom and disappearing into the crowd.*
[18-22:15] a1241, Kroger : ::he nodded looking sideways out the window:: I guess you could say I left the Service too... except no one knows I'm gone yet.
[18-22:16] 290ac, Aralore : ((Still treating me-well, let's say it's treating me ))
[18-22:16] c8f7b, Arutha Duthain : That it is...we have never failed to find that boisterous lunkhead...*gives a good natured chuckle...that is of course forced...but it is doubtful Selene would notice*
[18-22:16] a1241, Kroger : I just don't know how I'll make a living now, not that I was getting paid so much before., but still....
[18-22:16] c825e, Dre'makius : Mr... Knight *Grins* Think I be callin ya by yer name now? *grins* not likely! *snatches the key and grins, trotting towards the stairs breaking out into song* Ohhh!!! The day be long and the hours hard! The trek is far and wide! I be workin my fingers to bone! And me bum be tough as hide! But I say YOU! *hops up a few stairs* Are mighty blue if you aint got a craft! But Behold me hearties I be true! I BE HAVIN A BATH!!*laughs and runs up the stairs*
[18-22:17] 7bb0f, Ralaphor : *Extened his hand and gives it a nice shake as he turns to the bar owner and takes out a pouch, paying the ownder one gold pieces and 15 silver. Eyees widen,t eh ownder nodded quickly aand gives Dre a key to her room. Before he gave Dre the key, Ralaphor snag the key and keeps it in his hand, looking to Dre* First, you must get bandaged
[18-22:17] 7bb0f, Ralaphor : ((DOH!))
[18-22:17] 94c70, Joulina Teyr: *Stops in her forward movement seeing Selene there already. A sigh escapes her in disappointment, or perhaps also in relief. She was a little frightened to approach him. She even takes a small step back.*
[18-22:17] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ::he laughed, shaking his head:: that's no way to get out..
[18-22:17] c825e, Dre'makius : ((mweeehehee!))
[18-22:17] 7bb0f, Ralaphor : ((Dre, the bar ownder did not have a key in his hand yet))
[18-22:18] c825e, Dre'makius : BAH TO BANDAGES!!! BATH BATH!! *runs grinning at Ralaphor!* MWEEHHEE!!
[18-22:18] c825e, Dre'makius : ((Okey then I snatched the key from you!))
[18-22:18] 7bb0f, Ralaphor : ((side it was my turn to post ;_;__
[18-22:18] b6a12, Selene Demarkus : I don't know...he seems pretty capable of escaping and disappearing, to me.. *watches as Pug goes away..kinda liked him* Better then you, if I may say so.. *glances over and spots Joulina* Look..a sparrow comes for your attention.
[18-22:18] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : well... I took up music. It doesn't pay much better.
[18-22:19] a1241, Kroger : ::Kroger raised an eyebrow, then as if acknowledging his point nodded curtly:: I suppose you're right.
[18-22:19] c8f7b, Arutha Duthain : *turns and offers a faint smile to Joulina* M'lady what brings you out of doors?
[18-22:19] c825e, Dre'makius : Mr... Knight *Grins* Think I be callin ya by yer name now? *grins* not likely! *snatches the key and grins, trotting towards the stairs breaking out into song* Ohhh!!! The day be long and the hours hard! The trek is far and wide! I be workin my fingers to bone! And me bum be tough as hide! But I say YOU! *hops up a few stairs* Are mighty blue if you aint got a craft! But Behold me hearties I be true! I BE HAVIN A BATH!!*laughs and runs up the stairs*
[18-22:19] b6a12, Selene Demarkus : *watches them*
[18-22:20] 867a2, Aegnora : *flexes her hand slightly, glancing down at the elegant black gloves extending up her arms.. finery was not her strong suite. But what she had worked, flowing midnight gown that covered her front.. hiding the scar given by that blasted unicorn... , fire opal jewelry... she rather liked the ironic touch of the fire opals... **she glances up. Two there were after the king at the moment... both should easily be chased away. A cruel smirk passes her lips for a brief moment, before quickly fading... and she----
[18-22:20] a1241, Kroger : I could not accept the way things were... the way things are.
[18-22:20] 867a2, Aegnora : seems to just appear from the shadows near Arutha and Selene*
[18-22:21] 7bb0f, Ralaphor : *Blinks and glare as he follows Dre* Your going to need bandages aftter the bath you know that
[18-22:21] c825e, Dre'makius : Mr... Knight *Grins* Think I be callin ya by yer name now? *grins* not likely! *snatches the key and grins, trotting towards the stairs breaking out into song* Ohhh!!! The day be long and the hours hard! The trek is far and wide! I be workin my fingers to bone! And me bum be tough as hide! But I say YOU! *hops up a few stairs* Are mighty blue if you aint got a craft! But Behold me hearties I be true! I BE HAVIN A BATH!!*laughs and runs up the stairs*
[18-22:21] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : ((Hm..))
[18-22:21] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : So what now, then?
[18-22:21] b6a12, Selene Demarkus : (( I have to go for a half hour...don't get me into anything ))
[18-22:21] c825e, Dre'makius : *grins* first the bath, then the bandages. Then we worry! *keys open the door and trots in, b-lining it the bathroom*
[18-22:21] 7bb0f, Ralaphor : ((*Blinks to Dre* Deja vue))
[18-22:21] b6a12, Selene Demarkus : ***Pause***
[18-22:21] 867a2, Aegnora : ((but what she had worked would do))
[18-22:22] c825e, Dre'makius : ((Quite))
[18-22:22] a1241, Kroger : ::looking to change the subject, he hailed a waiter and ordered some water for himself:: Would you like anything, er, Adrian?
[18-22:22] 94c70, Joulina Teyr: I.. *For a brief moment seems uncomfortable, but then she reminds herself of her place.* It seemed something was wrong when you left. I wanted to be sure it wasn't something I did, or didn't do.
[18-22:22] 7bb0f, Ralaphor : *Looks to Dre and asks her* Want me to...*shes already in the bathroom as he sighs, closing his eyes* Wait for you in here or my room.....*Shrugs as he walks to her bed and sits down, feeling his pants and shirt to feel if he still has his pouch of money, and he does*
[18-22:23] 867a2, Aegnora : ((*squints at Joulina* That you, Z?))
[18-22:23] c825e, Dre'makius : I don't care what you do. I ain't that modest! *starts to fill the bathup with prepared hot water and a very small bit of cold, peeling off her wrist bandages like lightning(*
[18-22:23] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : No thanks.. ::he slouched a bit in his seat::
[18-22:23] c8f7b, Arutha Duthain : No not at all Lady Joulina...*he offers what bit of a smile he can* I just came out for a bit of air that is all...*and he then bows to Aegnora as she steps outta nowhere* Grand soft evening m'lady...
[18-22:24] 94c70, Joulina Teyr: (( Shhh! *eyeshift* ))
[18-22:24] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : *leans against the wall of a random building... pondering what trouble she could get into* ((And if I don't end up on the bounties, I'm going to make myself!!))
[18-22:24] 7bb0f, Ralaphor : *Mutters* I can see that.....
[18-22:25] JOIN: Connor Rayne has entered.
[18-22:25] 867a2, Aegnora : Good evening... *a gentle, so not her, smile touches her lips, as she watches the two of them. Now.. how to politely, ugh she hated being nice about it, pull aside Arutha...*
[18-22:25] 57d86, Connor Rayne : (*leaps on Joulina's back* MUSH!)
[18-22:25] c825e, Dre'makius : drops them on the floor and pulls off her cap, a whole set of dredlocks that were not visible tumbling down her head, joining the others that cascade down her back**pulls off her tunic, and her boots, still wearing a blanket tied around her chest**looks at himand grins* Are we going to get embarassed?
[18-22:25] c8f7b, Arutha Duthain : (( got a date with Tenma Delotha.))
[18-22:26] 290ac, Aralore : *Stands there, talking to a random weapons smith about what kind of range he can get with his bow, not far from Delotha, considering the issue of where to find a good key to where they need to go in the back of his head*
[18-22:26] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : I thought you were broke anyway.. ::he eyed him suspiciously::
[18-22:27] e0302, Riley: * she is jostled awake at the stopping of the carriage as teh footman opens the door assiting her out taking an good look about she waits as the carriage drives off she removes her cloak revealing her dress she moves foreward being quickly approached by a guard asking to see her invitation searching her cloak * I seem to have left it in my carriage and my driver has already left... * he goes to get someone to check her name she reaches for him * No... I dont think that is needed...
[18-22:27] 94c70, Joulina Teyr: Of course. I'll leave you to your company, M'Lord. *She was a little puzzled by Aegnora's appearnace.*
[18-22:27] c8f7b, Arutha Duthain : *taking her for one of the masses of young women who were dragged here at Pug's invitation for this little shindig he takes her hand in his and kisses it softly* Thank you for your attendance this evening. Might we have the pleasure of your name?
[18-22:27] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : (()) *glances sidelong at Aralore... he still seemed engrossed in his conversation. Now what was she to do about him? It was much more difficult to willingly put oneself into dangerous situations when there was someone else there. Someone she didn't want hurt... Dang, men make life difficult*
[18-22:28] JOIN: Connor Rayne has entered.
[18-22:28] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[18-22:28] 94c70, Artanis : *is out and about in Ruapenchi, being sure to go unnoticed, at least as unnoticed as any average passerbay would be.*
[18-22:29] a1241, Kroger : ::leans back:: I am... doesn't mean I'm not good for it.
[18-22:30] a1241, Kroger : I spoke with the Innkeeper earlier. He needs someone like me to help around here a bit.
[18-22:30] a1241, Kroger : Said he'd make it worth my while, at least for the week.