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[02-00:56] 94c70, Ryavel : *Looks to Galaldur a moment, glad that he agrees. She then follows Shanira.*
[02-00:57] 3a60f, Mab : Darn links
[02-00:57] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: *smiles some*
[02-00:58] e359c, Shanira Treyan : *leads them up to her room where a silent Valin watches over Jace. Jace a deep wound that almost goes out the other side*
[02-00:58] 7725b, Galaldur : *follows behind her.*
[02-00:59] 3eea1, Ravaella Glimmergaunt : *Goes to bed*
[02-00:59] EXIT: Ravaella Glimmergaunt has left the chat ( 1:59am, January 02 (CST) ).
[02-00:59] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: unforutnately i must take my leave..*stands from her booth and wanders off, waving* ((~poof~))
[02-01:00] 3b971, Gaffer : *Drifts away into darkness*
[02-01:00] efc93, Tatsuhiko Shido : *waves to Hannah as she leaves*
[02-01:02] efc93, Tatsuhiko Shido : *looks around* Well, since I am quite tired, and no one seems to be requesting my presence... I shall leave as well. *stands, and either gets a room in the inn, or wanders off into the Wilderness*
[02-01:03] efc93, Tatsuhiko Shido : (( *there and back again, gone* ))
[02-01:03] EXIT: Tatsuhiko Shido has left the chat ( 2:03am, January 02 (CST) ).
[02-01:03] 94c70, Ryavel : *Enters the room and then sees Jace. She pauses for a moment at the sight.* How did this happen?
[02-01:04] 6321f, Mab : *is not pestering Z to spiffy up the MOTD*
[02-01:04] 7725b, Galaldur : *Steps in after Ryavel, closing the door behind them.*
[02-01:04] e359c, Shanira Treyan : We were attacked by a man and his henchmen
[02-01:05] 94c70, Z: *eyeshift*
[02-01:08] 6321f, Mab : *L* Cool!
[02-01:09] 94c70, Ryavel : *She moves over to Jace, checking him for the extent of his wounds.*
[02-01:10] 7725b, Galaldur : *Is close behind and begins to assist Ryavel.*
[02-01:12] e359c, Shanira Treyan : *steps back, ready to help in any way they ask her to, shooting a look at Valin*
[02-01:16] 94c70, Ryavel : He is fortunate. *Says this quietly to Galaldur. Between her and Galaldur, they start doing what they can for Jace.*
[02-01:17] e359c, Shanira Treyan : *sits down in a nearby chair, watching, worried*
[02-01:17] 7725b, Galaldur : That he is. *quietly, he begins doing what he can for Jace, carefully concentrating and working.*
[02-01:22] 6321f, Mab : What happened to poor Jace?
[02-01:23] 94c70, Ryavel : (( apparently Ridd try to run him through with a sword. ))
[02-01:23] 6321f, Mab :
[02-01:24] 94c70, Ryavel : *Once she has done what she can for him, most importantly ensuring that he won't die, she looks to Galaldur.*
[02-01:25] e359c, Shanira Treyan : Is he going to be ok...?
[02-01:26] 7725b, Galaldur : *Continues his healing process on Jace for a few more moments before removing his hands from him./-*
[02-01:27] 94c70, Ryavel : *Nods to Shanira.* He will live.
[02-01:27] e359c, Shanira Treyan : *sighs in releif* Thank the god(s)?
[02-01:29] 662de, Khaes: *Thanked*
[02-01:29] 6321f, Mab : *douses Khaes*
[02-01:30] 7725b, Galaldur : *Smiles faintly, It was nice to do good work.*
[02-01:32] c45d2, Aralore : ((AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!WOOOOOO!!!!! Beat them Sith back to where they came from.)
[02-01:32] c45d2, Aralore : )
[02-01:33] 94c70, Ryavel : (( *puts a lid over Khaes' eye* ))
[02-01:35] c45d2, Aralore : ((Yes, I was surrounded, outnumbered horribly! But the decision to fight valiantly was easy. My crew was in danger.))
[02-01:35] e359c, Shanira Treyan : How can I repay you?
[02-01:36] 94c70, Ryavel : *Looks to Shanira.* There is no need.
[02-01:36] e359c, Shanira Treyan : *smiles wearily and stands* My thanks
[02-01:42] 94c70, Ryavel : Who attacked you that he chose to defend you?
[02-01:44] e359c, Shanira Treyan : Doomhaven...the man from earlier. *smiles slightly* He wanted me to join him
[02-01:44] 7725b, Galaldur : *Turns to face Shanria, curious as well.*
[02-01:45] 94c70, Ryavel : I do not think I understand.
[02-01:47] e359c, Shanira Treyan : The large man from the tavern, who threatened me.
[02-01:53] 94c70, Ryavel : Oh, yes. But why did he, *referring to Jace.* choose to defend you?
[02-01:54] e359c, Shanira Treyan : *smiles slightly again* He has chosen to be my escort
[02-01:55] JOIN: Rowyn has entered.
[02-01:57] 94c70, Ryavel : I see. *Looks to Galaldur*
[02-01:58] e359c, Shanira Treyan : And the funny thing is..he said he did'nt want any payment. Said just being seen with me was enough.
[02-01:58] 7725b, Galaldur : *ponders this, glances at Ryavel.* Doomhaven?
[02-02:03] 94c70, Ryavel : I do not know the name. *Shakes her head a little.*
[02-02:03] e359c, Shanira Treyan : He's an evil and isane king. Tried to take over the human race and make himself our god. He and his followers had been exiled.
[02-02:03] 7725b, Galaldur : *blinks slightly, having not heard of him before.*
[02-02:06] EXIT: Rowyn has left the chat ( 2:55am, January 02 (CST) ).
[02-02:06] JOIN: W has entered.
[02-02:08] 94c70, Ryavel : He is trying to do this again?
[02-02:11] e359c, Shanira Treyan : It appears so
[02-02:13] 7725b, Galaldur : *frowns slightly.* What did he say to you?
[02-02:17] e359c, Shanira Treyan : That we cannot stand against him. He will rule the human race and be our god. And if I do not join him, I will be crushed, as with all the other kingdomes.
[02-02:19] 94c70, Ryavel : *Soft sigh* So many say that.
[02-02:19] 7725b, Galaldur : *shakes his head.* I see the arrogane of some beings never change.
[02-02:21] e359c, Shanira Treyan : He's insane and nothing more.
[02-02:23] 7725b, Galaldur : obviously.
[02-02:24] e359c, Shanira Treyan : *shrugs* He'll be put back in his place...hopefully before anyone else gets seriously hurt.
[02-02:25] JOIN: Andaryiel has entered.
[02-02:27] 0a770, Andaryiel : (*lurks, watches..ponders RP*)
[02-02:29] EXIT: Andaryiel has left the chat ( 3:27am, January 02 (CST) ).
[02-02:29] JOIN: Connor Rayne has entered.
[02-02:30] 7725b, Galaldur : Hopefully so. *glances to Ryavel.-
[02-02:32] e359c, Shanira Treyan : *nods* You keep glancing at eachother...why not just say what you're thinking?
[02-02:36] 0a770, Connor Rayne : *into the Glimmering Inn, walks the..boy. Standing about 5'10..he has deep brown eyes, almost black..with black, slightly long but still spiky hair. he's wearing black leather pants with a pair of brown dusty boots..old and worn. his shirt is but of simple dark grey cloth, worn in places. A short sword sits on his hip, a bow clipped to his belt on the other side with a quiver of used as all hell arrows on his back. Definitely hand-me-downs. But this one...he's seen war before.*
[02-02:37] JOIN: Terry has entered.
[02-02:37] e359c, Shanira Treyan : (( *purrs at Connor's pic* ))
[02-02:38] 0a770, Connor Rayne : (LOL *bows*)
[02-02:38] 7725b, Galaldur : *Raises a brow at Shanira* Pardon?
[02-02:40] e359c, Shanira Treyan : *shakes her head* Forgive me, it's been a trying night. But you both keep on looking at eachother. If there is something I should know..
[02-02:40] 94c70, Ryavel : There have been a lot of odd things going on here. That is all.
[02-02:40] 7725b, Galaldur : Oh No, Just.. *gives Ryavel a glance, as she says what he was.* As she said..
[02-02:41] e359c, Shanira Treyan : Such as?
[02-02:42] JOIN: Quas Vulas has entered.
[02-02:42] 0a770, Connor Rayne : *moving through the room, he keeps to himself, though his eyes flicker back and forth a bit. clearly human, the boy seems wary. But not too wary to be paranoid. the kind that you get when you just get off the trail..tired. moving to the bar, the boy talks in quiet tones to the barkeep. thankfully, he isnt asking for ale. he'd probably be laughed out. no..he's simply inquiring on where he can find food.*
[02-02:43] JOIN: Quas Vulas has entered.
[02-02:43] 7725b, Galaldur : Many beings of evil have been sighted within the walls of this city.,
[02-02:45] MSG: Quas Vulas tried to message Connor (not registered).
[02-02:45] e359c, Shanira Treyan : Besides the drow and a demon?
[02-02:46] 00dd7, Connor Rayne : (*isnt registered. has AIM and MSN.*)
[02-02:46] 8f49d, Quas Vulas: Well DUH!
[02-02:47] 94c70, Ryavel : The Drow are bad enough on their own. We should let him rest. *Referring to Jace.*
[02-02:49] e359c, Shanira Treyan : *nods* And me as well, as it's my room
[02-02:49] 8f49d, Quas Vulas: pic test
[02-02:50] 662de, Khaes: *Will corrupt Connor oh yes*
[02-02:50] 94c70, Ryavel : (( *thinks not* ))
[02-02:50] 8f49d, Quas Vulas: test again
[02-02:51] 8f49d, Quas Vulas : much better......... lurks
[02-02:52] 662de, Khaes: *Thinks so. Can offer Connor so many things wink wink*
[02-02:54] 00dd7, Connor Rayne : *heh. is a innocent..well...slightly not innocent aspiring warrior. It takes a bit of convincing for the boy to convince the keep that he's serious, and has money. he pays for a plate of food, sitting at a corner table with a mug of...water. Ha. is too young to drink. He sits in the shadows, like he was taught back home. Stay in the shadows, you're less likely to be messed with. people are afraid of the shadows, right? or at least the boy thinks so.*
[02-02:55]       Quas Vulas wanders into the Inn eyes everyone and his surrounds carefuly
[02-02:55] 94c70, Ryavel : Very well. We take our leave then.
[02-02:56] e359c, Shanira Treyan : *nods and smiles wearily at them* Thank you, for everything
[02-02:56] 7725b, Galaldur : IF you need anything else, do not hesitate to ask. *smiles faintly.*
[02-02:57] 662de, Khaes: *OOC wonders who the player is*
[02-02:57] e359c, Shanira Treyan : Thank you
[02-03:00] 94c70, Ryavel : *Nods slightly , then turns and exits the room.*
[02-03:01] 00dd7, Connor Rayne : *carefully but hungrily, the boy begins to eat his meal. He hadn't had anything to eat for the last day, as his food had ran out and he didn't dare hunt. His arrows wouldn't last that. And it's rather tough to try and hunt with a short sword, or daggers. So this meal was definitely welcomed. tearing into the chicken, he eats ravenously*
[02-03:02] 7725b, Galaldur : *bows slightly then follows her.*
[02-03:03]       Quas Vulas takes a seat at the bar, doesn't sit normal, more like crouches with his feet on the bar stool. He orders a drink enjoying the low light but stays ready
[02-03:03] e359c, Shanira Treyan : *bows in return, then watches as they go, closing and locking the door behind them. Then, glancing over at Jace, goes over to the wooden chair and settles down for the night, to watch him and sleep when she can*
[02-03:03] 94c70, Ryavel : *She moves silently down the stairs to return to the tavern part of the establishment.*
[02-03:04] 7725b, Galaldur : *is right behind her as always*
[02-03:04] e359c, Shanira Treyan : ***Gone***
[02-03:05] JOIN: R has entered.
[02-03:05] EXIT: Shanira Treyan has left the chat ( 4:04am, January 02 (CST) ).
[02-03:06] 662de, Khaes: *Ignored by Connor* *Needs a OOC handle*
[02-03:06] 00dd7, Connor Rayne : *the boy's eyes flicker upwards to look upwards at the arrival of Quas..tensing a bit. he then calms himself mentally and keeps eating. nondescript, Connor. Stay calm. he continues to eat, his stomach getting the best of him.*
[02-03:06] 7725b, Galaldur : sal'merna mata? *asks Ryavel.*
[02-03:07] 00dd7, Connor Rayne : (hm? Sorry....i was filling the registration out. Sorry....I dont think I know you.)
[02-03:09] 94c70, Ryavel : *Nods to him. As she takes a brief look around for a place to sit. She notices the boy, idly wondering if this was the child that Kashian spoke of even if he appeared human. Then she also takes notice of the Goblin and almost visibly raises an eyebrow.*
[02-03:10]       Quas Vulas feels eyes on him and looks over his shoulder at Connor. His eyes seem to glow from under his wooden mask
[02-03:10] 662de, Khaes: *IC is a Ruinous Power called Khaes. Nasty. Evil. Should be changing his colour with every post* *OOC is V*
[02-03:11] 8f49d, Quas Vulas : ((is no goblin is a Troll ))
[02-03:12] 7725b, Galaldur : *Standing nearby, doing the same. Also takes notice.* Sauraea...
[02-03:12] 7725b, Galaldur : ((*pokes the pathetic eye out*))
[02-03:12] 94c70, Ryavel : (( THe icon thingee says you're a goblin ))
[02-03:13] 94c70, Ryavel : (( err nevermind. *tired brain* ))
[02-03:13] 8f49d, Quas Vulas : ((It cool Ryavel I'm tired too))
[02-03:15] 94c70, Ryavel : *Still, a troll is even more odd in a tavern in a city of humans.*
[02-03:16] 00dd7, Connor Rayne : *seeing the troll...he tenses even more and gulps a bit. No fear, fear. he bites his lip then keeps eating, putting on a strong front. Brave ltitle boy..*
[02-03:16] 6321f, Mab : How big is Quas? *still needs species stats on Trolls*
[02-03:17] 8f49d, Quas Vulas : ((6 to 7 feet..... I'll have that all done tomorrow before work))
[02-03:18]       Quas Vulas turns back to face forward. He brings his drink around and under his mask lifting it slightly only to drink but some of it spills down his front
[02-03:19] JOIN: Adam Darkheart has entered.
[02-03:20] 46ebc, Adam Darkheart : ((hey everyone just wondering what happened to me after the inn battle))
[02-03:20] 94c70, Ryavel : *She moves away from the bar, deciding to not go there. But even still, she was considering going elsewhere>*
[02-03:20] 94c70, Ryavel : (( I think the Troll ate you ))
[02-03:21] 46ebc, Adam Darkheart : ((ahhh i see the troll hhmm hahahaha nice))
[02-03:21] 94c70, Ryavel : (( *is kidding* ))
[02-03:21] 8f49d, Quas Vulas : ((will eat every one ))
[02-03:21] 662de, High Mage Arion: OOC: Boo
[02-03:21] JOIN: R has entered.
[02-03:22] 6321f, Mab : You're in High Mage Arion's custody right now, Adam Darkheart.
[02-03:23] 46ebc, Adam Darkheart : ((alright when i get back.. i will make sure to rp that.. i am out for now busy busy hahaha
[02-03:23] 00dd7, Connor Rayne : *eating calmly, he finishes the meal. He felt full almost to the point of sickness. Even though it wasnt a pleasant feeling, he welcomed it. If there was no work to be done here in this city, this would be the last time he would feel like this for a while. As it sat he had to dip into his armor stash for that meal. le sigh. sitting back, he takes his tankard of water up and takes a sip of it, washing the meal with the tasteless liquid.*
[02-03:24] EXIT: Adam Darkheart has left the chat ( people will soon accept the darkness that is ahead.. and me i shall lead the darkness onto everyone ).
[02-03:24] 7725b, Galaldur : *Standing near Ryavel still.* Uma lle mmerna a'auta tanya yamen' Amin Elee?
[02-03:24] 662de, Khaes: *Not of he orders Darkheart to be killed. Is leading this darkness that is coming. Hmph!*
[02-03:25]       Quas Vulas finished with his drink and a bit damp, he reaches into his pouch and pulls out a few coins. Setting them on the bar top one has a bit of blood on it. He chuckles low and leaps off the bar stool
[02-03:25] 6321f, Mab :
[02-03:27] 94c70, Ryavel : tanya aa' naa quel. *Nods to him. No, she was not too sure of this place for sure now. Drow, supposed insane human kings, and now Trolls.*
[02-03:29] 7725b, Galaldur : *nods.* ale'lle. *gestures to the door.*
[02-03:31] 662de, Magister Teklas : OOC: I hate the Mage icon
[02-03:31] 662de, Magister Teklas : OOC: But I love my picture
[02-03:31]       Quas Vulas passes by Connor on his way to the door, there he stops and turns to look at Connor threw the mask. His eyes still glowing.
[02-03:31] 00dd7, Connor Rayne : *finishing the water, he wipes his mouth off on his left sleeve, cleaning it. He'd have to shave soon. This annoying stubble was getting painful. Damnit. he stays in the shadows for the most part but it's very easy to see the boy. Freshfaced...innocent..sheesh. can we say 'KID?!'*
[02-03:32] 00dd7, Connor Rayne : *looks at Quas..internally he's scared. but his face is set and he just stares at Quas. he won't back down...though inside he's going 'SQUEAK!'*
[02-03:33] 662de, High Mage Arion: *Saves the boy, for he steps into the Glimmering Inn - his white robes of prestine quality. The High Mage of Ruapenchi is here! His keen blue eyes radiate with intelligence as he glances across the inn, one hand brandishing a claw-tipped silver staff.*
[02-03:34] 8f49d, Quas Vulas : -for a moment nothing is said Vulas just stares at the boy being sure to stay out of reach. He seems to have the smell of decay on him, then finally he breaks the silence- Niccccccce.... Head.....
[02-03:35] 00dd7, Connor Rayne : *that smell makes him immediately want to vomit, but damnit! we just paid for that meal. he holds it back. he's about to say something when the mage comes in..he looks towards the mage. Whoa...*
[02-03:35] 6321f, Mab : *waits for it....waits for it....*
[02-03:37] 662de, High Mage Arion: *Doesnt have a beard though - his finely chiseled face quite handsome, yet It's his eyes that show the wisdom and age - his oh so bright eyes. Glances across the denzions of the inn - yet one in particular stands out. The Troll!!*
[02-03:39] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 4:35am, January 02 (CST) ).
[02-03:39] 94c70, Ryavel : (( *blinks, player got lost while trying to help V... very mean* ))
[02-03:40]       Quas Vulas sees the mage hoping he won't be foolish and attack. Vulas breaks eye contact with the boy and heads for the door, he watchs slightly hunched over making him appear smaller then he is.
[02-03:40] JOIN: Connor Rayne has entered.
[02-03:41] 6321f, Mab : Eeeheeheehee! *loves watching characters turn to wispies*
[02-03:41] 00dd7, Connor Rayne : (*cracks up at Mab* Thank you Mab.)
[02-03:41] 94c70, Ryavel : *Lays a hand gently on Connor's shoulder, yes had approached quietly, and pulls him back a little.* A little young for that one I think. *Referring to the Troll.*
[02-03:42] 662de, High Mage Arion: *Could most likely kick Quas arse... being a High Mage and all and one of the, if not, the most powerful Mage within Ruapenchi. Still, steps aside to let the troll pass - is a do gooder so won't attack. Can smell the stench, and idly wonders if he is a follower of a certain God he learnt about from his Master.*
[02-03:42] 8f49d, Quas Vulas : watches=walks
[02-03:43] 00dd7, Connor Rayne : *jumps when Ryavel touches him, stumbling back. one hand goes for the damaged short sword on his hip as he looks at her with wide eyes. he breathes hard..when he speaks, it's fresh faced, youthful* Holy...assassins make more noise than you! *he then remembers himself* I apologize.
[02-03:44] 6321f, Mab : *clang clang on chat stuff some more. clang clang clang*
[02-03:45]       Quas Vulas hears Connor's words as he passes the mage, Vulas stops at the door and slowly looks back. He whispers to him self.......... No we don't........ before continuing on
[02-03:46] 662de, High Mage Arion: *Lets the troll carry on, vaguely amused and adding that to the list of species to enter the city. Sighs, clicking his silver staff against the floor before continuing on further into the establishment.*
[02-03:46] 94c70, Ryavel : I am sure they do. *She notices Arion. Giving him a slight nod as she recognizes him as the Mage she met a few days ago. She then turns her attention back to Conner, inclining her head just slightly to one side. She had noticed the boy go for the shortsword which she could tell easy enough was not in very good shape.* Were you going to use that? *Referring to the sword.*
[02-03:47] EXIT: Quas Vulas has left the chat ( has vanished into the forest and will return for sssssssome onessssssss.... head ).
[02-03:47] 6321f, Mab Fairy Queen : ((*needs a not as uber more regularish character, because bringing Mab in is kinda anticlimatic*))
[02-03:48] 7725b, Galaldur : *Stands a short distance away from Connor and Ryavel, watching.*
[02-03:48] 00dd7, Connor Rayne : Forgive me. I did not know you were friend. *stumbling over his words, trying to quickly make up for his error. in his haste to be a toughman, he let Ryavel sneak up behind him, then smarted off to her. A lady, no less! Sheesh. he looks down shyly*
[02-03:50] 6321f, Mab OOC: *ponders character*
[02-03:50] 662de, High Mage Arion: *Nods towards Ryavel, curiosity within his bright blue eyes at her company. Still, carries on to the bar and orders a simple glass of water.*
[02-03:51] 94c70, Ryavel : Good. You would not have fared very well with a damaged blade. *She says this quietly to him.*
[02-03:53] 00dd7, Connor Rayne : *he nods respectfully* Aye. I'm saving up for a new one as soon as I can. This holds it's own, I guess. *doesnt make eye contact, showing exactly how naive he is.* Would you care to sit? *trying to be polite*
[02-03:54] 94c70, Ryavel : *Looks towards Galaldur.*
[02-03:55] 7725b, Galaldur : *Moves towards her slowly, keeping an eye on the situation still.*
[02-03:57] 662de, High Mage Arion: *Sips upon the water, before turning to face the Elven couple and their human friend. Forget to mention - is human.*
[02-03:58] 662de, High Mage Arion: OOC: Test
[02-03:59] 94c70, Ryavel : You do not mind if my friend joins me?
[02-04:01] 00dd7, Connor Rayne : *blinks and looks over to Glaladur. Holy crap...he then shakes his head* N-Not in the slightest, M'lady. *it then catches him. pointy ears. Holy god, these were elves! Suddenly he feels very...out of his league. as if man were in audience with gods. shows how little Connor knows* I'd offer to buy you two something...but...well..*sheepish shrug*
[02-04:02] 662de, High Mage Arion: *Hmph. Gods my arse.*
[02-04:02] 6321f, Mab OOC: *ponder ponder ponder8
[02-04:03] 7725b, Galaldur : That will not be needed young one. *faint smile as he crosses his claps his hands together behind his back.*
[02-04:05] 94c70, Ryavel : We have everything we need. *She then sits down in one of the chairs at the table.*
[02-04:06] 662de, High Mage Arion: *Watches over the rim of the glass, his concentration mostly upon the Elves. It's fairly obvious also - is hardly any good at spying.*
[02-04:09] 00dd7, Connor Rayne : Good...*he blinks* Uhm....I am Connor, son of Randle. *offers a hand to them as he takes a seat. is clearly young. he gets the feeling he's being watched and his head turns...looking at Arion. he blinks, looking at him. something....*
[02-04:12] 94c70, Ryavel : *Has noticed Arion watching as well, midly keeping a watch on the Mage herself. She accepts Connor's hand like she has seen Galaldur do.* I am Ryavel.
[02-04:13] 6321f, Mab Fairy Queen : ((*test*))
[02-04:13] 7725b, Galaldur : *Takes onf of the seats as wel.* Galaldur, please to meet you. *only offers a nod.*
[02-04:13] 7725b, Galaldur : *Takes one of the seats and accepts his hand after Ryavel is done.* I am Galaldur.
[02-04:16] 662de, High Mage Arion: *Lets his eyes connect with Connor for a few moments - nothing is betrayed within his blue eyes bar for supreme intelligence and knowledge. Yet does not seem to be looking 'down' upon the boy - still shifts his gaze first, looking to the tip of his staff and at the black rock held within its claw.*
[02-04:16] 6321f, Mab Fairy Queen : *and is dressed like and looks like her present avatar, golden haired, lavender eyes and medium skin tone. However, has her gorgeousness factor toned down via an enchantment to just be a beautiful human and isn't glowing or anything. is in disguise. yup. She slowly treads down the stairs from the upper level of Trendlekim's.*
[02-04:17] 00dd7, Connor Rayne : *shaking their hands, he speaks* it's a pleasure to meet you two. I've never ever met two such as you. I mean..*rambling a bit now. indeed, he cant see anything of Arion other than those eyes. and the amulet around his neck under the isnt glowing. no danger.* I think I'm talking too much.
[02-04:18] 662de, High Mage Arion: OOC: Do you have AIM Connor?
[02-04:18] 94c70, Ryavel : *Lets more of her attention drift to Arion, but not only him, but the staff that he carries also. The Mage had seemed well enough when they met out on the street. But this time he seemed a bit more... shadowy somehow. It was indeed curious.*
[02-04:18] 00dd7, Connor Rayne : *looks over towards Mab and blinks, catching her beauty. Holy jeez....first her...Connor bites his lip a bit, his toes clenching and unclenching. easy kid...*
[02-04:19] 7725b, Galaldur : *chuckles a bit.* You're fine.
[02-04:19] 00dd7, Connor Rayne : (right there under my pic.)
[02-04:22] 662de, High Mage Arion: *Glances across to Mab, before glancing back to the Elves - in particular Galaldur. Stares at him for a few moments, before turning his gaze back to Mab - something was...strange about her.*
[02-04:24] 6321f, Mab Fairy Queen : *isn't presently at Ryavel's beauty level, almost, but is toned down via enchantment. She looks about and recognizes Ryavel, but will Ryavel recognize her with her different coloring and beauty reducing glamour?*
[02-04:25] 7725b, Galaldur : *notices Arions gaze, and finds it most curious but shows no sign of it of course.*
[02-04:25] 94c70, Ryavel : *Aww is flattered by the Fae. But no, she does not readily recognize Mab, though there is a familiar 'sense' about her presence. She then puts her attention back to Connor.* Are you not under the training of another warrior that can help you?
[02-04:27] 00dd7, Connor Rayne : *his attentions turn back to Ryavel and he speaks, truthfully as ever* Nay, m'lady. I was trained by my father, but that training stopped 2 years ago. i what feels right. *shrugging innocently. it's been sheer luck that he's made it this far. he feels very humbled by these two elves*
[02-04:30] 94c70, Ryavel : Why did it stop? *It was evident enough he had not finished.*
[02-04:30] 7725b, Galaldur : *Watches Connor with a faint smile.* free sprit are you?
[02-04:33] 00dd7, Connor Rayne : because...I was given a quest to go out in the world. So I took it to save face on my family. *speaking truthfully to them both. he sits ramrod straight, respectfully speaking*
[02-04:33] 662de, High Mage Arion: *Realizes with a start - she is a magical being. His eyes seem to burn brighter from the realization as his fingers grasp tighter upon his staff - tilting the black rock tip towards him.*
[02-04:33] 00dd7, Connor Rayne : *evident? ha. try freakin' blunt obvious!*
[02-04:35] 7725b, Galaldur : *raises a slight brow.* I see.
[02-04:35] 94c70, Ryavel : *Is still keeping a curious eye on Arion. She does give Connor a nod.* A brave and noble choice.
[02-04:36] 6321f, Mab Fairy Queen : *notices Arion's subtle reaction with suspicion. moves to the bar and takes a stool there. notes the elves she met before, noticing that Galaldur looks all better.*
[02-04:40] 00dd7, Connor Rayne : Aye. I felt it to be as such, M'lady. *looks into her eyes respectfully. not for the first time, he notices how attractive he is. silly boy. and he's too oblivious to notice that her and galaldur clearly're a item*
[02-04:41] 662de, High Mage Arion: *Still, sips upon his drink once more dismissing Mab from his mind for now as he turns back to watching the Elves and their human*
[02-04:43] 6e01e, Zaknafein : ((*WOnders what Arion would think of the Drow. Oh well. Will have to find out another time as Zak's player needs to get her butt to work.*))
[02-04:44] 662de, High Mage Arion: *Already met Drow. Not too impressed*
[02-04:44] 6e01e, Zaknafein : ((*But has he met a Drow wizzard? ))
[02-04:45] 6e01e, Zaknafein : ((Gots to run. Later.))
[02-04:45] 00dd7, Connor Rayne : (check)
[02-04:45] 6321f, Mab Fairy Queen : *doesn't like the uneasy feeling she gets from him. feels the need to lighten the mood, the frivilous fairy coming out in her. She slips from her stool and heads toward the stage in the corner where a minstrel bard is idly sitting. how handy*
[02-04:46] 94c70, Ryavel : *Is not an item with Galaldur, though most probably think that. She gives Connor a nod after his gaze meets hers. Taking her attention away from Arion briefly to put all of it on Connor as she gives him a closer look.* You seem to be doing well enough. *Noting small things like his lack of a good diet. But then her gaze again flickers to Arion, wondering why he was watching them.*
[02-04:47] 7725b, Galaldur : And what have your travels been Like?
[02-04:49] 662de, High Mage Arion: *But is a goody goody! Uneasy feeling bah! Anyway's, his gaze travels away from Ryavel and to the boy himself.*
[02-04:49] 00dd7, Connor Rayne : *yeah, he doesnt have too good of a diet. eats when he can, and has been known to skip...5..meals if he has to. has gotten good at that. also has a small stomach. he shrugs a bit* it is what it has to be, m'lady. I must do my name justice. *his eyes then flick to Galaldur* I've had my share of battles...but mostly solitary. i've moved from city and village, doing odd jobs here and there. his gaze flicks back to Arion. even a naive kid like Connor knows that something is up. a hand comes to his chest-
[02-04:50] 00dd7, Connor Rayne : , index and middle fingers running over the flat oval shaped amulet on his chest. it wasnt glowing...but it never hurt to check.*
[02-04:51] 7725b, Galaldur : *Nods slightly, taking note of a few things about the boy.*
[02-04:52] 6321f, Mab Fairy Queen : *woman's intuition. nothing more. maybe Arion could dispel her feeling some time. She approaches the bard and hands him some coins, asking that he play a lively tune. He begins to play and she starts moving a little to the music, enjoying it*
[02-04:53] 94c70, Ryavel : *Starts to find this all a little uneasy. She looks to Galaldur for a moment, then to Connor.* We were on our way to get something to eat and a few other things. You would like to come so our conversation can continue?
[02-04:53] 662de, High Mage Arion: *The blue gaze doesnt linger upon the boy's face - no, it drifts down his neck and to his chest to rest upon the amulet.*
[02-04:55] 00dd7, Connor Rayne : *a bit too quickly spoken* I would be delighted! *catches himself.* I mean...I would love to. *even through the can be noted. Yes, the boy carries magic. Nothing too potent. defensive, really.*
[02-04:56] 7725b, Galaldur : *rasies a brow, glancing to Ryavel.* Then shall we?
[02-04:56] 662de, High Mage Arion: *His eyes rest upon the bulge of the amulet, rather than the amulet itself. Would be funny if he had x-ray vision to see through clothing but alas.*
[02-04:58] 6321f, Mab Fairy Queen : *music starts to inspire her and in a social butterfly, confident with herself kind of way, she takes up to dancing to the music, just having a good time, not setting out to entertain. Her movements are not dramatic or meant to be theatrical in that sense. However, one might note how feather light her steps are, unnaturally so and floating graceful she is in her casual movements.*
[02-04:59] 00dd7, Connor Rayne : Uhm...aye. definitely. *can feel Arion staring at him...more like the amulet. a hand protectively covers it as he stands. he's getting a bad case of the heebie jeebies...and the amulet is glowing, very dully. he can feel the shifting in it. Like son. he bites his lip as it becomes active*
[02-04:59] 00dd7, Connor Rayne : *will make a note to approach Mab later! has not forgotten her!*
[02-05:00] 662de, High Mage Arion: *Poses no threat to Connor however... is a Light Mage. Note the white robes. Merely... interested. Breaks his gaze, turning to look upon the bard as the music plays.*
[02-05:00] 94c70, Ryavel : *Nods , then stands from her chair, again looking towards Arion trying to gauge what it is he is so intently looking at.* This way. *She steps towards the door.*
[02-05:01] 7725b, Galaldur : *slowly stands up and waits for the boy before proceding.*
[02-05:02] 00dd7, Connor Rayne : *is right there beside him, a credit to his reflexes. weighs maybe a buck thirty soaking wet. 145 with the gear. he follows them quickly, his gaze forward, on Ryavel's neck. Like a true soldier, showing his roots*
[02-05:05] 7725b, Galaldur : *Ah but sticks behind Connor, following a short distance.*
[02-05:06] 94c70, Ryavel : *Stands only 5'4", there's a good chance that Connor is taller than her. Pushing the door open, she exits the Glimmering Inn.*
[02-05:07] 662de, High Mage Arion: *Keeps the elven movements within the corner of his eye, looks upon Mab once more - smiling in response to the music and dancing.*
[02-05:07] 6321f, Mab Fairy Queen : *the song ends and she laughs appreciatively and applauds the minstrel*
[02-05:07] 00dd7, Connor Rayne : *is, standing 5'10. He's looking down at her to be respectful. knows Galaldur is behind him. once they exit, he can feel the amulet die down and quiet out. he exhales, sighing in relief*
[02-05:10] 662de, High Mage Arion: *Finishes the glass of water, placing the empty glass upon the bar whilst lost within his thoughts. Tosses a silver piece idly towards the minstrel before moving off in the direction of the door also - the way the elves exited.*
[02-05:10] 94c70, Ryavel : Where to, Galaldur. *Yes, she continues to speak in common for the boy's sake.*
[02-05:10] 7725b, Galaldur : *Follows Behind Connor, keeping an eye on him and the things around them as usual*
[02-05:11] 7725b, Galaldur : *Follows Behind Connor, keeping an eye on him and the things around them as usual, he looks towards Ryavel as she speaks up.* I believe it was on the left, two streets up from here.
[02-05:12] 6321f, Tarence Kurandi : *accepts the silver with an appreciative nod toward Arion before he departs*
[02-05:14] 662de, High Mage Arion: *Moves swiftly out of the Inn, silver staff clicking against the floor as he moves.*
[02-05:14] 6321f, Mab Fairy Queen : *doesn't notice Arion's departure, enraptured with the entertainment she's purchased. Didn't notice the elves leave either.*
[02-05:15] 94c70, Ryavel : *Glances back for a moment as she recalls the troll.* Perhaps save that for another time. We may want to check our things, if Trolls are roaming. *And yes is already moving towards the direction of the city's exit.*
[02-05:17] 7725b, Galaldur : Very well, *changes direction with them, but glances back slightly, noticing Arion.*
[02-05:19] 662de, High Mage Arion: *Spots the elves, and begins walking in their direction. Smiles and greets various city dwellers upon the way - those that are out and about at this time.*
[02-05:19] 662de, High Mage Arion: *Isn't running after them though*
[02-05:20] 00dd7, Connor Rayne : *he speaks quietly as they go* Why was that man staring at us? *then gulps a bit. he looked back and saw Arion following* And he's followin.
[02-05:21] 7725b, Galaldur : bela de ranga Ryavel. *Glances back towards Connor, suspicous now.*
[02-05:22] 6321f, Mab Fairy Queen : *and heads back up to her room where she is staying*
[02-05:23] 6321f, Tarence Kurandi : *fades out*
[02-05:23] 94c70, Ryavel : He is a Master Mage. That is all I know of him. *She is not running away either, merely walking in the casual fashion one would when they knew exactly where they were going. She looks for a moment at Galaldur, but continues on her way with Connor.* Where do you sleep?
[02-05:24] 6321f, Mab : blegh, told ya trying to RP Mab for anything other than uber purposes was anticlimatic. *sighs*
[02-05:24] 00dd7, Connor Rayne : Wherever my feet give out for the night, m'lady. Why do you ask? *looks at Galadur, arching a brow..innocent but questionining. knows he might be in trouble*
[02-05:25] 6321f, Mab : *goes back to work on chat and things. clang, clang, clang*
[02-05:26] 662de, High Mage Arion: *Continues to follow, suspicious yes, but not necessarily bad.*
[02-05:27] 6321f, Merina : *are they walking by a channel? Good chances they are in Ruapenchi, cuz it's like Venice in that regard. Are they? Huh? Huh? Are they?*
[02-05:29] 7725b, Galaldur : *Keeps to the ear, keeping an eye and ear out to their little friend that was following behind/*
[02-05:30] 94c70, Ryavel : I would think that any warrior on his first quest would have a decent place to rest. *Is alert, but would seemingly have her attention on Connor. She was still leading the way. It would eventually take them out of the city, sooner or later*
[02-05:32] 00dd7, Connor Rayne : I have not but where my feet take me and where I can find a shelter. A warrior is able to live off the land, make do with what he has. *reciting what his father used to drill in him over and over* I exercise that.
[02-05:32] 662de, High Mage Arion: *Yet continues to follow, even if they head out of the city. Is not bound to the city and is quite aware of the surrounding area still.*
[02-05:35] 94c70, Ryavel : Ro naa sal' eller, Galaldur? *She nods to Connor.* Most can, yes.
[02-05:36] 7725b, Galaldur : uma.. *said quite drly.*
[02-05:36] 6321f, Merina : ((*pouts*))
[02-05:37] 00dd7, Connor Rayne : Aye. *getting a idea...he sees a channel. he speaks softly* If we can swim...I will bank we can find a drain off. I do not think he would follow us into the water.
[02-05:39] 662de, High Mage Arion: *Stops suddenly upon the path, placing the bottom tip of his staff against the ground. His eyes cast on a darker shade, a trick of the light perhaps.* Teleportus Seira Hais *Mutters the words, looking ahead as white and blue flames lick out from his staff and surround him. He is then gone.*
[02-05:40] 94c70, Ryavel : *Looks at the boy curiously for a moment. She knew that he knew Arion was following them, but had he known they were talking about Arion? Hm. She then looks to the water for a moment before turning her gaze to Galaldur.*
[02-05:42] 00dd7, Connor Rayne : *looks at her as she looks at him. shakes his head* i know not what you speak of...but it is clear by the way you speak. We were followed. Even one such as I knew that. Come. *walks towards the channel*
[02-05:42] 7725b, Galaldur : *glances back, noticing that he is gone..* It seems that he is gone.. or up to some trickery..
[02-05:44] 662de, High Mage Arion: *Quite. A magical ring of white/blue fire shoots forth from the ground just in front of Ryavel. The flames are not hot however, though he appears within them.*
[02-05:45] 94c70, Ryavel : *Takes a single step back as her hand drifts to her sword's hilt. She appears otherwise calm as she watches Arion.*
[02-05:45] 00dd7, Connor Rayne : *jumping back...SHIINK! that damaged short sword come out in reflexive defense, Connor's eyes narrowing. he sucked with it...but he had to try. Yes, Connor is jumpy*
[02-05:47] 6321f, Merina : *watching from just below the water's surface*
[02-05:47] 662de, High Mage Arion: There is no need for arms against me, I mean you no harm. *Smiles, his navy blue eyes glancing over each one of them* Pardon my intrusion, I had to wait till we were out of the main part of the city...
[02-05:48] 7725b, Galaldur : *blinks slightly, but instead of backing up he moves forward slightly to move into a defensive position of Connor, one hand moving to the hilt of his own sword*
[02-05:50] 94c70, Ryavel : I apologise. It is not a normal thing to have one appear in such a manner, and so close. *Her green eyes remain on Arion.* Is there something you need?
[02-05:53] 6321f, Merina : *and while they are thus distracted, and having a simple shift to wear, slides up out of the water to behind a nearby barrel*
[02-05:54] 662de, High Mage Arion: Keen senses indeed... *The smile remains, holding the silver staff vertical with his right hand. His left is empty handed, has made no move for any weapon. Looks idly towards Galaldur, eyeing him up and down* How intriguing. *Breaks from that to look back upon Ryavel* Again I apologise, but I did not wish to call after you within the city and it seems you weren't going to slow down.
[02-05:56] 7725b, Galaldur : *Stands his guard, watching Arion carefully./*
[02-05:57] 94c70, Ryavel : Yes we were going somewhere and not expecting any extra company. *Of course this was somewhat suspicious to her, since he could have very well spoken to them while in the Inn.*
[02-05:59] 6321f, Merina : *magic throw over shift like dress, dries off quick, yeah. She belts it and then crouches behind the barrel as soon as she has legs to crouch with. peeks over it to look at the group*
[02-06:00] 00dd7, Connor Rayne : *is more than suspicious. he was staring right at Connor's amulet earlier...and now this. his blade is held at the ready, the chipped and time weakened blade gleaming a bit. he says nothing, knowing his place. They're in front of him, him behind them. he feels like he;s being watched...and he chances a look to his blade..hoping to see a reflection. he doesnt dare look back...but cannot. the blade cannot do reflections. too old and dull.*
[02-06:00] 00dd7, Connor Rayne : (hadda puke, sorry guys.)
[02-06:02] 662de, High Mage Arion: *Might be magically aware but doesnt notice Merina. Hurrah. Continues to direct his attention to Ryavel - it's obvious who is boss* Elves and a human lad, how quaint. *His fingers tighten upon his staff, keen blue eyes flickering back to Galaldur*
[02-06:03] 94c70, Ryavel : *Is merely less reserved than Galaldur.* You were following us for a reason, Master Mage?
[02-06:06] 7725b, Galaldur : *Moves forward, weary of the situation, letting Ryavel speak and take charge was good at times, it taught her important lessons.*
[02-06:11] 662de, High Mage Arion: *Switches into the elven tongue as he speaks towards Galaldur* -A noble if unexpected guard my friend. If I meant harm, do you not think I would have done so by now?- *Coughs for a moment before returning to Bettench aka Common* If not, it would have been a rather pointless trip. *A joke* First let me introduce myself, I am Arion Lightweave, High Mage Advisor to King Narmotur of Ruapenchi.
[02-06:13] JOIN: King Narmotur has entered.
[02-06:13] 7725b, King Narmotur : ((away from me you ungreatful swines!)
[02-06:13] 00dd7, Connor Rayne : *listens, not understanding the elven tongue in the slightest. it sounds like someone sneezed and talked to him. he tenses, taking a step backwards. he felt something back there. his instincts were telling him that much. and they'd never failed him. head turning 45, he will glance back with his eyes, straining his peripheral vision..attempting to see. perhaps he will see Merina?*
[02-06:14] 7725b, R : ((hmm, the bastard king has landed.... yep *smokes*))
[02-06:14] 7725b, Will-o'-the-wisp: ((and don't forget it))
[02-06:15] 7725b, King Narmotur : ((*mutters, goes back to his room*))
[02-06:17] 7725b, Galaldur : -Many things are possible, expect the unexpected.- *he listens to him further* I am Galaldur, I would care to know the reasons you were following us as well.
[02-06:17] 00dd7, Connor Rayne : (*eats the king. like omfg*)
[02-06:17] 7725b, King Narmotur : ((*burns Connor on a pyre* Do not screw with me, I'm not in a pleasent mood.))
[02-06:18] 00dd7, Connor Rayne : (FLAMBE!)
[02-06:21] 6321f, Merina : *listens. hmmm*
[02-06:21] 7725b, King Narmotur : ((mmm *has his guards take him away and do unspeakable things*))
[02-06:21] 7725b, King Narmotur : ((hmm))
[02-06:22] 94c70, Ryavel : An honorable position.
[02-06:23] 6321f, Merina : *as Conner turns, ducks with a small gasp*
[02-06:24] 662de, High Mage Arion: *Inclines his head slightly in acknowledgement - his 'favour' now turning towards Galaldur* I trust you have noticed the rise in dishonourable... *Pauses for a few moments as if searching for a word, abandons* ...things lately.
[02-06:25] 7725b, King Narmotur : ((Test))
[02-06:25] 00dd7, Connor Rayne : *aha! The gasp alerts Connor to it. but he looks back forward. the amulet was starting to make him feel funky again. Danger...but what kind? one eye slightly narrows and he grips the blade tighter..whiteknuckled grip. This was wrong. But he doesnt dare speak. He knows his place*
[02-06:26] 7725b, Galaldur : Indeed, I've noticed many a foul things within this city.
[02-06:27] 662de, High Mage Arion: I fear something terrible is coming my friends. Something that will affect us all. *His eyes suddenly looks weary*
[02-06:28] 94c70, Ryavel : What kind of terrible thing?
[02-06:29] 7725b, Galaldur : *Indeed he has to wonder if it'll affect his kind or not, considering certain facts.* Indeed, I would suggest that your King take a more proactive stance to keeping his lands free of such foul creatures.
[02-06:29] 7725b, Galaldur : That could help to an extent.
[02-06:29] 7725b, King Narmotur : *Is half mad at this point and losing interest in the welfare of his Kingdom of course, resides at his palace, quietly pondering.*
[02-06:30] JOIN: R has entered.
[02-06:30] 6321f, Merina : ((Looks like we'll have to depose the kind soon. *L*))
[02-06:30] 6321f, Merina : ((set him on fire!!))
[02-06:31] 662de, High Mage Arion: *Shakes his head sadly* Unfortunately, we have little in the way of governing our borders - I am overwhelmed with reports and such, but something has disturbed the Drow.
[02-06:31] 7725b, King Narmotur : *and oh yes hates fairys!* ())
[02-06:32] 00dd7, Connor Rayne : *is startig to get very agitated and jumpy. Something was bothering him. his eyes look towards the channel and he wondrs if he could make it...*
[02-06:32] 7725b, Galaldur : Dosen't this Kingdom maintain a standing Army? *a bit surprised by that fact.* Indeed, we've noticed.. *his tone becomes quite dry.*
[02-06:32] 6321f, Merina : *listens*
[02-06:32] 94c70, Ryavel : Their kind is always disturbed.
[02-06:33] 7725b, Galaldur : ((*begins recrutment for two sons* any takers? mwahaha err... -shuts up-))
[02-06:33] 6321f, Merina : (())
[02-06:33] 7725b, King Narmotur : (*begins recrutment for two sons* any takers? mwahaha err... -shuts up-))
[02-06:33] 94c70, Ryavel : *goes NPC cuz player seriously has to go*
[02-06:33] 662de, High Mage Arion: More so than usual, it was rare to see any Drow within the city - now they seem like an infestation. But what troubles me most is that my attempts on divination have failed. I require... *Seems to hesitate* ...assistance to help clarify this cause of unrest.
[02-06:34] 662de, High Mage Arion: *Speaking in Common, so Connor can understand *
[02-06:34] 7725b, Galaldur : Indeed, What has become of the Kingdoms Military? Or has it ever had one?
[02-06:35] 7725b, King Narmotur : ((Good riddence elf! ))
[02-06:36] 662de, High Mage Arion: The Kingdoms army can be deployed upon order of the King, who is not as concerned as I to this sudden... change. *Picks his words carefully, is still loyal to King Narmotur.* I may be wrong... *Smiles, if with abit of grimness* ...but it would ease my mind if matters could be investigated.
[02-06:36] 00dd7, Connor Rayne : *cocks a brow as he continues to listen. he doesnt sheath his blade, nor does he attack with it. he simply listens, wondering if they were going to get to the point. player's sleepy*
[02-06:37] 7725b, Galaldur : *Raises a brow.* He cares not of the evil that wanders within the borders of his own Kingdom? does he not care for his people?
[02-06:37]       King Narmotur dosen't
[02-06:37] 6321f, Merina : (())
[02-06:39] 662de, High Mage Arion: Nothing has happened as of yet to give cause for concern within the Kingdom or its people. I myself put a stop to a Necromancer roaming at the very heart of the city. *Get's to the point* Your collegue told me on how you are adventuring- to explore the lands. I implore you, nay I beg you on old oaths for your help Galaldur.
[02-06:40] 7725b, Galaldur : We are but mere scouts, Of what help could we be?
[02-06:41] 00dd7, Connor Rayne : *colleague? wha? best not be Connor..*
[02-06:42] 662de, High Mage Arion: Light the way! *An exclamation yes* It is almost as if you are a gift from the Heavens and Holy Light itself - I require scouting.
[02-06:43] 7725b, Galaldur : *Raises a slight brow.* Of?
[02-06:43] 6321f, Merina : *listens. scowls and wrinkles her nose at the mention of a necromancer. listens some more. could cause a great deal of trouble, yup*
[02-06:43] JOIN: R has entered.
[02-06:44] 7725b, R : ((Test))
[02-06:44] 662de, High Mage Arion: Two areas are of concern to me - one is Mithrenburg.
[02-06:45] 7725b, Galaldur : *Stiffens slightly.* Continue.
[02-06:47] 662de, High Mage Arion: The other is of the closest entrance to the Underdark itself. I have heard rumours from my runners, but I must have them confirmed.
[02-06:47] 7725b, Galaldur : You wish us to go into the heart of the Drow and see what they're up to?
[02-06:48] 00dd7, Connor Rayne : *his brows raise and he cant help it* Why do you not scry on your own? Why do you seek the help of those you do not know...and for the matter...why did you not come to us in the tavern?
[02-06:51] 662de, High Mage Arion: The Drow are up to something, and it involves Mithrenburg. *Pauses as the boy finally speaks.* I already said, my attempts at divination upon the matter have failed. I have been lucky to have studied under Elven tutorlage(sp), and the Elven heart is not as easily corrupt as that of Man. As to why I did not approach at the tavern, it is a frequent place for the shadows and walls to have ears.
[02-06:53] 7725b, Galaldur : *shakes his head slightly.* You must understand, any such decision in regards to matters like this.. must be discussed between myself and my companion *gestures to Ryavel*
[02-06:53] 00dd7, Connor Rayne : But surely someone of your talent...could prevent as such. *lippy, yes. but this was getting to Connor. this was tense and he was tired..he'd been walking. he looks to Galaldur as he says that. his heart sinks, though he knows he wasnt even officially a part of their party*
[02-06:55] 7725b, Galaldur : *thinks if the boy can grow some pointy ears that might change* ()
[02-06:56] 6321f, Merina : *hmmm. listens*
[02-06:58] 662de, High Mage Arion: *Chuckles at Connor* Even I cannot understand or comprehend the entirity of the Dark Arts. My power and knowledge is to be invested in wisely, not on a whim when their are alternative routes. *Looks back to Galaldur* Of course, I cannot entrust such a task to those readily accessable to myself. I have no desire to see the Drow overrun this kingdom.
[02-07:00] 00dd7, Connor Rayne : *shakes his head* One would think that when it would come to such a dire need as would go to whatever lengths. *realizes his place, silences. is still very aware of Merina back there*
[02-07:00] 6321f, Merina : *she and her people have a vested interest in this kingdom as well*
[02-07:00] 7725b, Galaldur : I understand that, but we have our obligations as well, and will need to discuss it before giving a definite answer.
[02-07:01] 7725b, King Narmotur : ((hmm Note: build navy, begin Depth Charging them pesky mermaids))
[02-07:05] 662de, High Mage Arion: *His keen blue eyes flick back to Connor, appraising the boy* You have much to learn in the ways of arcana young sir. My offer of adventure extends to you also.... *Addresses both of them now* ...and payment is negotiable. My starting offer is 100 gold pieces apiece plus provisions.
[02-07:06] 662de, High Mage Arion: OOC: *Figures 100 gp is "significant"*
[02-07:06] 7725b, Galaldur : *nods slightly, then holds up a hand to silience the boy.* If we decide to take the offer, then we can discuss payment..
[02-07:07] 6321f, Merina : *decides she fancies the looks of all three of the men. Hmmm.*
[02-07:08] 00dd7, Connor Rayne : *yup. he definitely has a lot to learn in the ways of arcana. he can only cast one spell right now. the general light spell. thats all he has. but he's brave. too brave at tmes*
[02-07:12] 6321f, Merina : *Khaes and them would prolly like mer folk in general, at least their style of magic. due to the difficulty of concentration, the siren's song is usually something chaotic, a simple chaotic instruction. She laces lustful desire into the song she starts, a humm, then an echoing, eeriely (spell?) beautiful call, just from behind the barrel. Those who would hear this song would feel compelled to desire the singer in a lustful way. is a tramp. yup*
[02-07:12] 662de, High Mage Arion: Of course, I bid you goodnight. *Bows, before walking away - pausing as he passes Connor - looking quite deliberately to the boy's chest again* Magic is fickle at times, treat it well...
[02-07:14] 7725b, Galaldur : *nods slightly.* Farewell. *watches Arion as he goes and shakes his head slightly, his sensitive ears pick up the singing and he glances towards what seemed to be the source..* hmm..
[02-07:14] 00dd7, Connor Rayne : (*LMFAO@Mab*) *he shudders as Aurion walks by, the amulet responding by glowing a deep blue inside the shirt...warning Connor. but what of? Aurion? or the new song playing...oh yeah. His hot 17 year old blood stirs as he hears the song. is totally magic vulnerable. turning to look at the barrel, he blinks. do the barrel? no. he starts for the barrel, intent on seeing what's begind it*
[02-07:16] 7725b, Galaldur : Connor Rayne, Halt now.. *eyes him slihgtly, his tone forceful and yes commanding.*
[02-07:18] 00dd7, Connor Rayne : Something stirs. *spoken lustfully as he looks at the barrel. but Galaldur's command is strong. and he is a elf...Connor stops in his tracks but still watches that barrel closely. yeah something stirs, Connor. Check your shorts, kid.*
[02-07:18] 6321f, Merina : *should be effecting Gala some too. is a level 3 ability she's using here.*
[02-07:21] 662de, High Mage Arion: *Hears the song, his eyes shifting to a lighter hue of blue as he suddenly turns around.* Sirius Blandeth *Gestures with a free hand, dampening the effect of the song. He himself shaking off its effects. Considering he was close to the boy - he places that hand now upon the boy's shoulder. His eyes narrow towards the barrels before he begins to mutter again.*
[02-07:21] 7725b, Galaldur : *IS jed.. err craves not such things. Indeed It was effecting him to an extent, and at times.. shakes his head.* Connor... c... come.. come now, we.. we will give you shelter for the night. *shakes his head once more, the song affecting him more then he may admit.* ((/*shoves a shock in the mermaids mouth to shut up and let elves get elf sleep and the boy.. well normal sleep* ))
[02-07:24] 00dd7, Connor Rayne : *touched, Connor jumps as if he had a tail and it'd been stepped on. backpedaling quickly, he will fall on his ass right next to Galaldur and scramble to his feet. dampening spell or not, Connor's guess. he speaks*...We..we should make haste.
[02-07:24] 6321f, Merina : *sings her yearning call. Just wants some company. yeah. wants to be n0rty*
[02-07:26] 7725b, Galaldur : In..indeed. *with help from the nice female counterpart, she'd surely drag their asses off, strugling toward the forests* come
[02-07:26] 662de, High Mage Arion: *Steps forward as the white and blue flames begin to exit the tip of his staff and encircle himself, Connor, Galaldur and Ryavel. Poof. Teleport they go. This should be quite the experience for the young lad.*
[02-07:27] 662de, High Mage Arion: *But they don't teleport far - no. Only away from the siren call, towards the forest. Yeah. They would reappear almost instantly, the travel being quite disorientating for those not used to it.*
[02-07:27] 7725b, Galaldur : *eerr or transported*
[02-07:28] 6321f, Merina : *peeks up just as they're poofing. pouts and scowls in that "oh pooh" way*
[02-07:28] 6321f, Merina : *be glad it was just one siren*
[02-07:28] 662de, High Mage Arion: *Saves them. Wants a wookie life debt*
[02-07:29] 662de, High Mage Arion: *Damn, wrong game*
[02-07:29] 7725b, Galaldur : *is, blinks slightly, quickly realized what had occured, with a faint sigh.* Come.. *they head into the forests and eventually airrive at the campsite, Connor would be allowed to sleep in the Tent, the Elves? would do other things as they require little rest*
[02-07:29] 00dd7, Connor Rayne : *will use his budding Ranger skills later to find the mermaid later. but right now? we puke. cropping to his knees, Connor retches then pukes. He'd never teleported anywher,e nor used the portals. he'd only walked. on his hands and knees, he loses his earlier dinner..heaving and gasping for air*
[02-07:30] 00dd7, Connor Rayne : *and sleeps. like omfg.*
[02-07:30] 7725b, Galaldur : (((we meed to sleep and night good night err0)
[02-07:30] 00dd7, Connor Rayne : (crop? drop. and do the booty wop.)
[02-07:30] 662de, High Mage Arion: *Doesnt. Teleports away again. Sleeps in a nice comfy bed.*
[02-07:31] 00dd7, Connor Rayne : (yes. Night everyone! very fun game! *will be in tommorrow!*)
[02-07:31] 662de, High Mage Arion: *Poor staff :/*
[02-07:31] EXIT: Galaldur has left the chat ( 8:31am, January 02 (CST) ).
[02-07:32] 6321f, Merina : *dives back into the clean, sparkling channel and looks for some npcs to satisfy her desires. maybe actually finds a merman* *GONE*
[02-08:28] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[02-08:42] JOIN: Luke has entered.
[02-08:57] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[02-09:21] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[02-09:22] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 10:21am, January 02 (CST) ).
[02-09:44] JOIN: Deke Menion has entered.
[02-10:51] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[02-11:02] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[02-11:14] JOIN: Bernard has entered.
[02-11:18] 43d0c, Bernard: OOC: *Is all...back like*
[02-11:23] JOIN: D has entered.
[02-11:24] 43d0c, Bernard: OOC: *Jumps into OOC mode*
[02-11:24] 43d0c, Bernard: Hey look! It's that Dan fellow!
[02-11:26] 09a46, D: Hey it's that guy whatshisfaceagan--oh, yes! That Valis bloke!
[02-11:26] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 12:24pm, January 02 (CST) ).
[02-11:26] JOIN: Bernard has entered.
[02-11:27] 43d0c, Bernard: Ugh. Finding a picture for this character is quite hard.
[02-11:27] 09a46, D: what is he?
[02-11:29] 43d0c, Bernard: Bar tender. However...his looks at to the difficulty. He is like one giant of a man. Many have mistaken him for being a half-giant, but he's not. Not only is he tall large, he's muscle large, etc etc.
[02-11:30] 09a46, D: uh, try pics of Andre the Giant or The Big Show? *RaE*
[02-11:36] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[02-11:38] JOIN: Bernard has entered.
[02-11:39] 43d0c, Bernard: Herm...
[02-11:41] 43d0c, Bernard: My color was not it's normal red! Trechory I tell you!
[02-11:42] JOIN: Bernard has entered.
[02-11:43] 43d0c, Bernard: Blasted computer. Conspiracy I say, yes indeed.
[02-11:57] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[02-12:01] JOIN: Allen has entered.
[02-12:02] 7f173, Allen : Heh, suspicious little narf you are Bernard I say, yes indeed.
[02-12:02] 7f173, Allen : narf? WTF? of course I mean f-u-c-k!
[02-12:03] 43d0c, Bernard: Little? I am anything but little! Oh wait...that's my character Bernard. Bah.
[02-12:03] 7f173, Allen : Hahah!
[02-12:05] JOIN: Bernard has entered.
[02-12:06] 43d0c, Bernard: Ha! I, myself, am not little either!
[02-12:09] JOIN: Allen has entered.
[02-12:09] 7f173, Allen : Riiiight..
[02-12:11] 43d0c, Bernard: *Shifty eyes...kills Allen with his Ghost Army*
[02-12:13] 7f173, Allen : *Impervious*
[02-12:13] EXIT: Allen has left the chat ( 1:13pm, January 02 (CST) ).
[02-12:13] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[02-12:13] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 1:13pm, January 02 (CST) ).
[02-12:13] 43d0c, Bernard: *Mods and kills him anyway.*
[02-12:16] 6321f, Mab : LOL
[02-12:16] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[02-12:16] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 1:16pm, January 02 (CST) ).
[02-12:16] JOIN: Hannah has entered.
[02-12:16] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[02-12:16] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 1:16pm, January 02 (CST) ).
[02-12:17] 6d5cf, Hannah: *sneeze*
[02-12:21] JOIN: Tatsuhiko has entered.
[02-12:22] 6d5cf, Hannah: lalala
[02-12:23] 43d0c, Bernard: lelelele
[02-12:23] 6d5cf, Hannah: oo
[02-12:23] 6d5cf, Hannah: ack, it mesed up my Lol
[02-12:24] efc93, Tatsuhiko : O! What are you doing, - And where are you going? - Your ponies need shoeing! - The river is flowing! - O! Tra-la-la-lally - here down in the valley!
[02-12:27] EXIT: Tatsuhiko has left the chat ( 1:24pm, January 02 (CST) ).
[02-12:27] 6d5cf, Hannah: *bite*
[02-12:30] 43d0c, Bernard: *Reads the MoTD again. Steals Mab's icons, puts them in a bag, and runs off*
[02-12:30] 6d5cf, Hannah: *L*I
[02-12:31] 94c70, Z: hmm
[02-12:32] 94c70, Z: *baps Benard cuz that is her MOTD*
[02-12:32] 6321f, Mab : *shoots down Bernard with great patience, waiting until she's ready. Bang. Hits Bernard right before it's too late from 900 yards away*
[02-12:32] 6d5cf, Hannah: aww, dramatic ^^
[02-12:33] 43d0c, Bernard: *Once again uses those newbie moding skills and ''dodges''*
[02-12:33] 43d0c, Bernard: *Waggles a finger*No more Sean Connery movies for you!
[02-12:33] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[02-12:34] 94c70, Z: *puts Bernard in a bag.*
[02-12:35] 43d0c, Bernard: *Had ''dodged'' the bullet and jumped into his one-man get-a-way vehicle that can ''magiclly'' turn into whatever he wants. Poof! He disappears!*
[02-12:38] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[02-12:45] JOIN: Bernard has entered.
[02-12:45] 43d0c, Bernard: Mab missed me and shot the chat!
[02-12:49] 6321f, Mab : *L*
[02-12:51] JOIN: Bernard has entered.
[02-12:56] 43d0c, Bernard: Damn. Good shot Mab. You managed to kill everyone except me AND the chat.
[02-13:01] 94c70, Z: *dive bombs Bernard*
[02-13:02] 43d0c, Bernard: *Opens fire with the anti-air turrets. Is wearing those old plane goggles, helmet, and scarf which flutters in the wind. Laughs mechanicly*
[02-13:08] 94c70, Z: *drops an anvil on Bernard as she goes*
[02-13:10] 94c70, Z: *yes one of those ones that's got ACME stamped on it*
[02-13:11] 43d0c, Bernard: *Anvil drops on his head. It sits there for a moment then falls off to the side. A giant lump appearing on his head. Swirly eyes.*
[02-13:12] 94c70, Z:
[02-13:15] 43d0c, Bernard: *Falls over. A ghost version of him raises with the number 300,000,000 on it.*
[02-13:16] 94c70, Z: Oooh... like The Cat That Came Back cartoon.
[02-13:58] ae640, W: *looks in*
[02-13:59] 94c70, Z: *pokes W*
[02-14:00] JOIN: Bernard has entered.
[02-14:00] 43d0c, Bernard: *Is here as well*
[02-14:01] ae640, W: *pokes back*
[02-14:01] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[02-14:01] 68aca, Will-o'-the-wisp: *peek*
[02-14:02] 43d0c, Bernard: *Peers back at the peeker*
[02-14:04] 68aca, Will-o'-the-wisp: *peers back at the peerer of the peeker*the
[02-14:04] JOIN: D has entered.
[02-14:04] 43d0c, Bernard: *stares down the peerer of the peerer of the peeker*
[02-14:06] 68aca, Will-o'-the-wisp: ((haha alright you win!!!))
[02-14:06] JOIN: Squirrel has entered.
[02-14:07] 3eea1, Squirrel : *Ent0rz*
[02-14:08] JOIN: Palladia Mors has entered.
[02-14:08] 55fa0, Palladia Mors : *looms*
[02-14:08] 68aca, Will-o'-the-wisp : ((hey what is with the letters -d w z-))
[02-14:09] 43d0c, Bernard: Woo! We've gone from a dead stop, to a shin dig, right on up to a hootin'any! Paaarrr-tay!
[02-14:09] 3eea1, Squirrel : *ph34ra da 4dm1n*
[02-14:09] 3eea1, Squirrel : *Er ph34rs*
[02-14:09] 09a46, Urukhai Infantry : *kills Steve. They do not ph34r the admin.*
[02-14:10] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[02-14:10] 55fa0, Palladia Mors : *pets Squirrel* Good lad... *gives 'im an evil Acorn*
[02-14:11] 3eea1, Squirrel : *chitters away madly and 34ts d4 4c0rn*
[02-14:11] 55fa0, Palladia Mors : *is already dead so cannot be killed twice... is Immortal and Omnipotent*
[02-14:11] JOIN: Shanira Treyan has entered.
[02-14:11] 09a46, D: those are some 1337 skills right there. uh-huh.
[02-14:12] e359c, Shanira Treyan : *sleeps fitfully in that hard wooden chair, as the wounded Jace is currently occupying her bed*
[02-14:12] JOIN: Bernard has entered.
[02-14:12] JOIN: Valin Darkguard has entered.
[02-14:13] 43d0c, Bernard: *Slaughters Dan's puny Orc army with his Ghost army. Again.*
[02-14:13] 3eea1, Squirrel : I have no 1337 skillz
[02-14:13] JOIN: Brimstone has entered.
[02-14:13] 09a46, D: dude, Valis, you have NO army, period.
[02-14:13] JOIN: Tatsuhiko Shido has entered.
[02-14:14] 09a46, D: so I win and you just suxx0rz.
[02-14:14] 43d0c, Valin Darkguard: *He stands near Shanira. He re-covers her with the blanket, wrapping her tightly in it for more comfort.*
[02-14:14] e359c, Shanira Treyan : *she opens her eyes at that, not having been able to sleep deeply anyways* How is he?
[02-14:14] 43d0c, Bernard: Tell that to the ghost army slaughtering your army *points*
[02-14:15] 09a46, D: pffft@Valis
[02-14:15] 43d0c, Valin Darkguard: He is fine. Here.*He produces a small wooden cup with a dark red liquid*Take this. It will help you sleep.
[02-14:16] 43d0c, Bernard: Denile aint just a river in Egypt you know Dan.
[02-14:16] efc93, Tatsuhiko Shido : *staggers into the Glimmering Inn, into the tavern, in a nearly unconscious, sleepy-like state, - throwing himself into a boothe for ultimately falling onto the floor*
[02-14:16] e359c, Shanira Treyan : *shakes her head* I don't need to sleep I'll...*yawns widely* Be fine
[02-14:17] 09a46, Urukhai Archers : *Impales Valis body with lotsa arrows.*
[02-14:17] 09a46, Urukhai Raiders : *Beats Valis up.*
[02-14:17] 09a46, Urukhai Infantry : *stabbity death for Valis.*
[02-14:18] 43d0c, Bernard: *Mods and ''dodges''*
[02-14:18] 43d0c, Valin Darkguard: You need to rest. Your body is at a state of physical exaustion.
[02-14:18] efc93, Tatsuhiko Shido : before*
[02-14:19] 09a46, D: thhbpt!
[02-14:19] 43d0c, Bernard: OOC *Hops IC*
[02-14:20] efc93, Tatsuhiko Shido : (( D'oh, bloody hell, what happened to my pic on the avatar?! ))
[02-14:20] 43d0c, Bernard: *Bernard quirks an eyebrow at the man that just stumbled in, sat at a booth, fell asleep, then fell on his floor. Ah well, not like it hasn't happened before. Hey now, that was the music maker from the night before. Bernard sets down the glass he was polishing and walks down length of the bar beside it and exits into the main part of the room*
[02-14:20] e359c, Shanira Treyan : It has been before, Valin. *unwraps herself and goes to stand* All I need is to be up and about
[02-14:22] 3eea1, Squirrel : *looks around*
[02-14:23] 43d0c, Valin Darkguard: [i]Very well.[i]*He steps away, the cup going back into the confines of his cloak*
[02-14:23] 43d0c, Valin Darkguard: ((D'oh!))
[02-14:24] efc93, Tatsuhiko Shido : Dah. *finds himself on the floor, staring up at the ceiling, too lazy to pick himself up*
[02-14:25] e359c, Shanira Treyan : *stands and, taking a moment to check Jace herself, heads for the door* But I thank you for your concern, Valin. If I collapse, you can tell me "I told you so"
[02-14:26] 43d0c, Valin Darkguard: *He simply stands in the corner, his dark cloak shrouding him further. *
[02-14:27] EXIT: Tatsuhiko Shido has left the chat ( 3:24pm, January 02 (CST) ).
[02-14:27] JOIN: Tatsuhiko Shido has entered.
[02-14:28] 43d0c, Bernard: *He reaches his massive arms down to help the bard back into his ship*Don't over do yourself lad, you might collapse. *He chuckles and winks*
[02-14:29] e359c, Shanira Treyan : And back to silence...not that I expected a answer, anyways. *takes a quick moment to brush her hair before heading downstairs, smiling over at Bernard* He ok?
[02-14:30] 55fa0, Palladia Mors : *stretches*
[02-14:31] efc93, Tatsuhiko Shido : *smiles lightly, nodding to Bernard, pretending to acknowledge what was said to him*
[02-14:31] 3eea1, Squirrel : Grrrr, accursed dog. Yay, I get to take a dog and a kitten to the vet today, and the kitten may have ringworm! I've handled that cat a lot! Fark
[02-14:32] 43d0c, Valin Darkguard: *He of course melts into the shadows and follows, conjoining with her own shadow*
[02-14:33] 55fa0, Arutha Duthain : *slowly enters Trendlekim's Inn, his hair slightly flipped into his face to better obscure his features and soulful brown eyes. He wears a deep purple velvet tunic and dark brown leggings, a ornate looking rapier hanging limply at his left hip and dangles down to just past the tops of his soft brown leather riding boots-- he peers about the inn's common room for a brief moment before slowly making his way towards a table and seating himself with an almost regal grace*
[02-14:34] 43d0c, Bernard: *He looks up as he gently lifts Tatsuhiko into the seat*There you go lad. *He looks up at Shanira*Aye, he's fine. Just a bit sleepy is all. He'll be back to tip top condition with a spot o' sleep.
[02-14:35] e359c, Shanira Treyan : *smiles and nods* That's good..I feared he might be wounded. What's for breakfast, today?
[02-14:35] efc93, Tatsuhiko Shido : *rests his head onto his arms gently, slowly drifting off to the land of slumber*
[02-14:38] 43d0c, Bernard: *Looks down at the bard asleep in his arms. He blinks and then chuckles heartily as he slips out of Tat's ''grasp'' and allowing him to rest on the back of the booth.* That's the ticket. *He stands turning back to Shanira*Whatever you wish of course!
[02-14:38] 55fa0, Arutha Duthain : *spies Shanira as he's looking around once he's seated, his hands folded in an arch on the table as he is awaiting one of the busy bar maidens to attend to him... He reaches up with a gloved hand and sweeps back a stray lock or two of his thick brownish black hair*
[02-14:39] e359c, Shanira Treyan : Hmmmm...Any mutton left over from last night?
[02-14:40] 43d0c, Bernard: We have everything miss, just state your type of food and I'll wave a hand and poof it into existance*he winks Shanira as he makes his way back behind the bar*
[02-14:40] 09a46, D: wait - why is royalty in a tavern?
[02-14:41] 3eea1, Squirrel : For RP's sake?
[02-14:41] 55fa0, Arutha Duthain : ((Travelling incognito))
[02-14:41] efc93, Tatsuhiko Shido : (( Pffft, only royalty wears the velvet crapola. ))
[02-14:42] e359c, Shanira Treyan : (( Because she wishes to be. *snottily* Yours is not to question why )) Hmm...a bit of mutton and some bread, milk, and cheese, please.
[02-14:42] 55fa0, Arutha Duthain : ((Merchants...))
[02-14:43] 55fa0, Arutha Duthain : ((Rich adventurers...))
[02-14:43] 3eea1, Squirrel : It appears Shanira is there to cause trouble
[02-14:44] e359c, Shanira Treyan : (( foolish young nobles. Rich theives ))
[02-14:44] e359c, Shanira Treyan : (( Am not!! ))
[02-14:44] e359c, Shanira Treyan : (( The tavern is part of the Inn. As the tavern is also a cheap place to eat, why would'nt she be there? ))
[02-14:45] 3eea1, Squirrel : Well, Mr. Doomhaven has gotten into a few arguements with you, Jace got run through....
[02-14:45] 55fa0, Arutha Duthain : * of the bar maidens approaches him and apologizes for the wait ect ect* Not a problem at all dear Lady, I know you are busy. I will have a glass of red wine... Krondorian if you have it... *he offers her a pleasant smile, the kind that cannot help but be infectious and so too does she smile and explain that his drink will arrive shortly*
[02-14:45] 43d0c, Bernard: Aye! Commin' right up! *He happily makes his way into the kitchen. He returns only moments later with a plate steaming with food and a glass of milk*
[02-14:45] e359c, Shanira Treyan : (( Bah.... ))
[02-14:45] 3eea1, Squirrel : Wine for breakfast?
[02-14:45] efc93, Tatsuhiko Shido : *sleeps peacefully upon the boothe table* (( *points at Shanira, chanting* Trouble, trouble, trouble... ))
[02-14:46] 43d0c, Bernard: *Er...some of it isn't steaming...*
[02-14:46] e359c, Shanira Treyan : *sits down at a nice corner table, somewhat paranoid of people sneaking up on her, and smiles as her breakfast arrives* It looks great!
[02-14:47] e359c, Shanira Treyan : (( Leave me alone! *whimpers and hides under her desk, rocking ))
[02-14:47] 55fa0, Arutha Duthain : ((Anytime is a good time for wine...especailly for someone from Krondor *nods*))
[02-14:47] 3eea1, Ravaella Glimmergaunt : *sneak, sneak, sneak*
[02-14:47] 3eea1, Ravaella Glimmergaunt : *jk*
[02-14:48] 3eea1, Squirrel : Back to OOC madness
[02-14:48] 43d0c, Valin Darkguard: ((*Glares at those who dare insult his charge. Shifty eyes*))
[02-14:49] 3eea1, Squirrel : Yessss well I am off to take those animals to the vet, that kitten better not have ringworm....
[02-14:49] EXIT: Squirrel has left the chat ( 3:49pm, January 02 (CST) ).
[02-14:50] efc93, Tatsuhiko Shido : *stays alseep for a while* ((BRB))
[02-14:51] 55fa0, Arutha Duthain : *smiles and nods to the maiden as she brings him his wine...she informs him that it was the last of the bottle from Krondor and he smiles a bit wider* My thanks....Here...keep the rest as a tip *hands her a golden coin in payment...she blushes and thanks him before skittering off...makes a habbit of tipping waiters and such rather gets better service that way demmit*
[02-14:51] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[02-14:52] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 3:51pm, January 02 (CST) ).
[02-14:52] 43d0c, Bernard: *He sets her stuff before her*There you go missie.
[02-14:52] e359c, Shanira Treyan : *begins to eat, finishing off her mutton before yawning again, seeming a bit more awake. She looks around and blinks, noticing Arutha* Hey...when did you get in?
[02-14:53] JOIN: Connor Rayne has entered.
[02-14:54] a1107, Connor Rayne : (*lurks*)
[02-14:55] 55fa0, Arutha Duthain : Just recently...and yourself? *arches a brow as he raises the lip of the crystal glass to rest between his lips as he slowly drains some of the contents from the glass, savoring the very flavor of the dark red liquid before setting the glass down slowly*
[02-14:56] 09a46, D: howabout no you crazy Krondorian bastard...
[02-14:56] e359c, Shanira Treyan : *smirks slightly, noticing his choice of drink so early in the day* Recently as well
[02-14:56] 09a46, D: hah, theres a word not filtered.
[02-14:56] 43d0c, Bernard: *Heads back behind the bar*
[02-14:57] 55fa0, Arutha Duthain : ((*stabs D in the eye*))
[02-14:58] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[02-14:59] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 3:58pm, January 02 (CST) ).
[02-14:59] JOIN: Hannah Mayhem has entered.
[02-15:01] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: *strolling along in the courtyard, wearing her smokey gray cloak today with her favorite blue broach, her hood down, as per usual as well as the decorative silver lining which is washed over the bottom of her cloak, covering her boots*
[02-15:01] 55fa0, Arutha Duthain : Slept well I hope? *smiles genuinely, his smile seeming strained though*
[02-15:02] e359c, Shanira Treyan : *shakes her head* No.....I'm suprised I actually slept at all..*looks at him* What's wrong?
[02-15:03] 55fa0, Arutha Duthain : Oh? How so? *raises a brow at the knowledge of her lack of sleep though at her question he gestures dismissively with a black gloved hand* Nothing...why do you ask?
[02-15:04] 6fb9d, Ezekiel : ((*ponders*))
[02-15:04] e359c, Shanira Treyan : You look strained.
[02-15:05] 55fa0, Arutha Duthain : No..far from it I assure you...
[02-15:05] 43d0c, Valin Darkguard: ((Hey! It's an Amish lad!))
[02-15:05] 6fb9d, Ezekiel : ((*fixes pic*))
[02-15:06] MSG: Arutha Duthain sent a message to Ezekiel.
[02-15:06] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: *adjusts her bag and shoulders as she strolls, lazy like, enjoying a breeze*
[02-15:07] MSG: Ezekiel sent a message to Arutha Duthain.
[02-15:07] JOIN: Bernard has entered.
[02-15:08] e359c, Shanira Treyan : Right..*shakes her head and eats in silence*
[02-15:08] MSG: Arutha Duthain tried to message Ezekial (not registered).
[02-15:08] MSG: Arutha Duthain sent a message to Ezekiel.
[02-15:08] efc93, Tatsuhiko Shido : *snooooore*
[02-15:09] MSG: Ezekiel sent a message to Arutha Duthain.
[02-15:10] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: ((*eating marshmallows*))
[02-15:10] 55fa0, Arutha Duthain : *watches her a moment before turning his soulful brown orbs towards the others in the room...a cautionary movement probably from a paranoid mind...but who knows as on the surface he's just enjoying a wine*
[02-15:11] MSG: Arutha Duthain tried to message Aha (not registered).
[02-15:11] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[02-15:11] MSG: Will-o'-the-wisp tried to message Ezekial (not registered).
[02-15:12] a1107, Connor Rayne : *hm. it's been a good night or so since Connor was taken by the Elves, willingly, i might that time, Connor slept deeply then was up as early as his road weary body would allow. Now he's up and moving again...this time he's a lot more careful than he was. the boy is wary now, his eyes slightly flickering back and forth as he moves through the courtyard. he's wearing battered leather pants, a dirty grey shirt with some holes in it. his weaponry's pretty battered..a damaged short sword, long bow-
[02-15:12] e359c, Shanira Treyan : *finishes her meal and stands, taking her milk over to join him* How's pug?
[02-15:12] 55fa0, Arutha Duthain : ((*grrrs @ the chat for eating his handle*))
[02-15:13] a1107, Connor Rayne : with a quiver of 7 arrows that've clearly seen better days. clearly hand-me-downs. he looks like the picture, clearly youthful.*
[02-15:13] 55fa0, Arutha Duthain : As troublesome as ever, Dear Lady... *offers a faint, hopefully less strained smile*
[02-15:13] 43d0c, Bernard: ((*Ponders making a Knight character. The stereotypical knight full of valor, honor, etc etc...that could be fun...))
[02-15:14] MSG: Arutha Duthain sent a message to Bernard.
[02-15:15] efc93, Tatsuhiko Shido : *slowly awakens, keeping his head upon his arms on the boothe*
[02-15:15] e359c, Shanira Treyan : *smiles and shakes her head* Would you care to go for a walk with me, Arutha?
[02-15:15] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: *glances to connor during her stroll, holding her hands lightly, folded behind her back*
[02-15:17] 6fb9d, Ezekiel : ((*yawns*))
[02-15:17] 55fa0, Arutha Duthain : With you, dear lady? *a more genuine unforced smile touches the corners of his lips* I would be honored...
[02-15:18] MSG: Arutha Duthain sent a message to Ezekiel.
[02-15:18] MSG: Bernard tried to message Arutha Dunthian (not registered).
[02-15:18] 43d0c, Bernard: ((D'oh!))
[02-15:19] a1107, Connor Rayne : (X posts!)
[02-15:19] e359c, Shanira Treyan : 'Tis only a walk....nothing so great about it *smiles slightly, finishing her milk*
[02-15:20] MSG: Bernard sent a message to Arutha Duthain.
[02-15:20] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: ((dont watn to rp w/ me? ))
[02-15:20] a1107, Connor Rayne : (i forgot something with Connor, Hannah. *nodnod)
[02-15:20] efc93, Tatsuhiko Shido : *looks around the tavern, as if he had awaken in a cave filled with goblins and trolls*
[02-15:21] 6e01e, Zaknafein : ((*peeks*))
[02-15:21] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: ((ok : ))
[02-15:23] 94c70, Z: *She sits quietly at their small encampment. The young human was still sleeping and Galaldur had gone off to hunt. Meanwhile, she considered what all Arion had said the night before.*
[02-15:23] 55fa0, Arutha Duthain : So say you...but a walk in good company can be as heavenly as a thousand servants to attend up on you I hear *smiles slightly as he sets aside his unfinished wine*
[02-15:24] 94c70, Ryavel : *She sits quietly at their small encampment. The young human was still sleeping and Galaldur had gone off to hunt. Meanwhile, she considered what all Arion had said the night before.*
[02-15:24] e359c, Shanira Treyan : *laughs as she stands* You, sir, have the mouth of a poet!
[02-15:25] 55fa0, Arutha Duthain : And the wits of a mule at times *smiles and stands, the rapier at his side clattering lightly with the movement*
[02-15:25] efc93, Tatsuhiko Shido : *looks over at Shanira and the other fellow, as he has a slight memory of her face, just before he stumbled into slumber*
[02-15:26] e359c, Shanira Treyan : Happens to everyone, that *heads for the door, having no doubt that Valin's following in his own way*
[02-15:27] a1107, Connor Rayne : *a stirring from the tent..with little noise but way more than enough for a elf to hear...the boy awakens. he never undressed, as he rarely does unless to bathe. his weaponry are at his side, the damaged goods close. they were precious to him, what can we say? He blinks as he looks around a bit, his eyes adjusting*
[02-15:27] JOIN: W has entered.
[02-15:27] 55fa0, Arutha Duthain : That it does.. *chuckles softly as he holds the door open for her*
[02-15:28] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: *steps out of the courtyard, wandering about the town, looking for flatbread to purchase*
[02-15:28] 94c70, Ryavel : *Hearing the noise that he makes, she glances back towards Connor's direction.*
[02-15:28] e359c, Shanira Treyan : Why, thank you *grins and steps out onto the street* So...where shall we go?
[02-15:30] 55fa0, Arutha Duthain : *follows her out onto the street before he glances around a moment* I care not...anywhere particular you care to go?
[02-15:30] efc93, Tatsuhiko Shido : *sits up straight and stretches* Ahhh... *clutching onto his lute, happy that it wasn't taken*
[02-15:30] 43d0c, Valin Darkguard: *Of course. Is actually ''one'' with her shadow right now*
[02-15:31] e359c, Shanira Treyan : Hmm...there is a park I wish to return to..I fear I might've lost something there and I wish to search for it*
[02-15:31] JOIN: Riley has entered.
[02-15:31] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: *pulls her extremely long hair back into a tight ponytail*
[02-15:32] 55fa0, Arutha Duthain : Alright said park... *nods sagely...knows that Valin is there...isnt stupid since he knows she's one knows about him..thankfully..*
[02-15:33] a1107, Connor Rayne : *at first he doesnt know where he is. bad idea for a aspiring warrior. his eyes flickering, it takes about 2 seconds for it to come to him. the Elves. With a bit of a doofy smile, he sits up a bit, hands holding him up. pulling himself up to a crouching position, he quickly places his weaponry on his body and moves from the tent to look over at Ryavel. his heart jumps as he sees omfg. woah..wait. that other guy. he blinks, putting that out of his head* Morning, m'lady. *a polite bow*
[02-15:33] e359c, Shanira Treyan : *smiles gratefully and heads to the park with the fountain in search for the other part of her sash. Mannossan silk is not cheap*
[02-15:34] 55fa0, Arutha Duthain : *follows her step for step* Perhaps I shall get to see some of your dances later? *is rather intrested in seeing her dance...may be a king..but he IS a man after all*
[02-15:35] efc93, Tatsuhiko Shido : *stands up slowly, putting his lute on his back via a leather strap about his body, - quietly making his way out of the bar, and into the city*
[02-15:35] e359c, Shanira Treyan : Perhaps.
[02-15:37] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: *hums a little tune to herself, kicking a rock as she strolls*
[02-15:37] 55fa0, Arutha Duthain : Good... the cards have favored me recently and I would commission you...if you'd agree.. *smiles, walking along side her with his hands clasped behind his back*
[02-15:39] 43d0c, Valin Darkguard: *While in this form, he is able to rest his exausted ''body''. However he still keeps a watchful eye over his Lady.*
[02-15:39] JOIN: D has entered.
[02-15:40] 94c70, Ryavel : *Nods to him.* Did you get enough sleep?
[02-15:40] efc93, Tatsuhiko Shido : *wanders about the town, feeling very out of place, not even knowing where he's wandering off to*
[02-15:40] e359c, Shanira Treyan : *idly wonders what Valin would think of that, as she'd been traveling under the guise of a dancer* fees are not cheap *smirks slightly, then begins paying close attention to the ground, searching*
[02-15:41] a1107, Connor Rayne : Aye. I did. Forgive me for sleeping so long. That was the first nights sleep I've had where I didn't feel so threatened. *conceals a yawn as he looks towards her, smiling a bit, dorkishly despite his looks. hey what can we say? Mr. Innocence here.* And you?
[02-15:41] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: *bumps into tatsuhiko, all coincidentally like, falling onto her butt* im so clumsy
[02-15:42] 43d0c, Valin Darkguard: *Doesn't care. He only looks after her well being after all. He's not one to judge something like this.*
[02-15:42] 55fa0, Arutha Duthain : Nothing worth the coin ever is cheap dear lady... *smiles as he casts his eyes down to assist in her search* What pray tell are we looking for?
[02-15:43] efc93, Tatsuhiko Shido : *suddenly bumps into Hannah, as state, - not budging all that much, because of his graceful stature* Oh! I'm awfully sorry there, female. I should have been watching myself. *offers a hand to help her up*
[02-15:44] JOIN: Statheros Oridaen has entered.
[02-15:44] d2dc2, Statheros Oridaen : ((Ooo...lots of people...))
[02-15:44] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: hannah..its hannah..*takes the offer, brushing herself off as she stands* sorry
[02-15:44] 94c70, Ryavel : I had a good rest. Are you hungry?
[02-15:46] efc93, Tatsuhiko Shido : *checks about her person* Oh, yes, Hannah, I remember you now. *stands there, arms crossed*
[02-15:46] e359c, Shanira Treyan : The other half of my sash....I lost it
[02-15:47] a1107, Connor Rayne : *is about to decline hre food. he cant take that from her...when his stomach betrays him, letting out a rather unceremonious growl, he frowns* Despite what that *offers a wan smile*
[02-15:47] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: you seemed to have cleaned me out of flat bread, so i went to find some more, would you like to come?
[02-15:47] 55fa0, Arutha Duthain : Oh no... *sounds genuinely distressed over it...or is he just being one will know...* *is searching the ground and the bushes and such*
[02-15:48] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[02-15:48] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 4:48pm, January 02 (CST) ).
[02-15:48] JOIN: Maiougi Hitosashi has entered.
[02-15:48] 09a46, Urukhai Infantry : ((Correction, lots of people who are going to die.))
[02-15:48] 94c70, Ryavel : If you want to be strong, you have to eat right.
[02-15:49] efc93, Tatsuhiko Shido : *chuckles... blushing just a touch* Why I'd love, ... I mean, yes, I'd be... er... honoured actually, to join you. *nervous chuckle*
[02-15:50] e359c, Shanira Treyan : *finds it not too far from the fountain. The corpses of the dogs and the men have been removed, but the cleaners were not able to get all of the blood off the grass. He might notice that. She picks up her sash and mournfully examines the end where it was sliced off*
[02-15:51] a1107, Connor Rayne : I cannot take your food, m'lady. *shyly spoken as he looks at her. he cant help but look at her. oh yeah, a crush was forming. silly boy, Elves arent for man. But does he know that? noooope.*
[02-15:51] 55fa0, Arutha Duthain : *does notice the blood and such* Poor lads....
[02-15:52] e359c, Shanira Treyan : *looks at him* Poor lads?
[02-15:52] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: alright, let us wander *laughs*
[02-15:52] a1107, Connor Rayne : (*thwacks D*)
[02-15:53] 94c70, Ryavel : Why not? *Inclines her head slightly.* We have enough to share.
[02-15:54] 55fa0, Arutha Duthain : Someone must've died *motions towards the blood*
[02-15:55] a1107, Connor Rayne : It is unjust. You need your food. *looking at her. he was starting to have a hard time formulating any defense. Everytime he looked into her eyes...sheesh. Steel thyself, boy.&
[02-15:55] a1107, Connor Rayne : It is unjust. You need your food. *looking at her. he was starting to have a hard time formulating any defense. Everytime he looked into her eyes...sheesh. Steel thyself, boy.*
[02-15:56] e359c, Shanira Treyan : They did. Too bad their leader did'nt. *sits down on a nearby bench*
[02-15:58] 55fa0, Arutha Duthain : *raises a brow* What happened?
[02-15:59] 94c70, Ryavel : By your ways, is it not just as unjust to refuse an offer?
[02-15:59] e359c, Shanira Treyan : I was attacked. They died.
[02-16:00] a1107, Connor Rayne : *Damnit. She has him there...he purses his lips and has to laugh* You have me there. perhaps a bit.
[02-16:01] 09a46, Urukhai Infantry : ((*stabs Dave*))
[02-16:01] 55fa0, Arutha Duthain : Who attacked you? *eyes widen slightly...hadnt figured her to be able to defend herself so well with a bodygaurd about*
[02-16:01] a1107, Connor Rayne : (*murders D. is wounded!*)
[02-16:01] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: *ponders over what to buy as they reach a shop*
[02-16:01] 94c70, Ryavel : (( *smites the Urukhai* ))
[02-16:02] 94c70, Ryavel : *Won. Yes, amused. She holds out to him some waybread.* You can come sit down too.
[02-16:03] 09a46, Urukhai Infantry : ((o/))
[02-16:03] 09a46, Urukhai Infantry : ((oh, wait... x_x))
[02-16:03] e359c, Shanira Treyan : King Doomhaven and his men. I did what I could but my....friends were the ones who did most of the fighting *pouts sligghtly* I wanted to kick some ass and they would'nt let me.
[02-16:04] efc93, Tatsuhiko Shido : *stands near Hannah as she ponders*
[02-16:04] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[02-16:04] 55fa0, Arutha Duthain : I see...
[02-16:05] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: *holds out a small handful of coins to tatsu* buy what you wish, friend
[02-16:05] e359c, Shanira Treyan : *sighs* One of my friends was wounded....but I think he'll be ok
[02-16:06] 55fa0, Arutha Duthain : That is good
[02-16:06] a1107, Connor Rayne : *bites his lip then takes the waybread. Damn it looked good. walking over, he takes a seat a bit away from her. he didnt wanna seem too forward. hell Galaldur'd probably murder him.* I thank you for your hospitality. Something was very wrong last night. Even I knew that.
[02-16:07] efc93, Tatsuhiko Shido : *accepts the coins* Thank, ye, fema - ... Hannah. *looks over the shop's wares, and storage*
[02-16:07] a1107, Connor Rayne : (*kicks his yahoo in the junk with his work boots* work!)
[02-16:07] JOIN: Brimstone has entered.
[02-16:09] e359c, Shanira Treyan : *nods, silent*
[02-16:09] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: *purchases some bread and the likes, placing it in her bag*
[02-16:09] 94c70, Ryavel : You may want this also. *She hands him a container of water. The waybread would provide more than any trail ration, but it was a bit salty and drier than other breads.* There are a lot of things in this world that are not easily discernable, exspecially magic.
[02-16:10] 55fa0, Arutha Duthain : *whispers a brief prayer for the fallen*
[02-16:11] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[02-16:12] a1107, Connor Rayne : *the water accepted, he bows his head in respect* Thank you. *he then nods quietly as he eats, swallowing before speaking* Aye. May I ask what you make of the proposal?
[02-16:12] efc93, Tatsuhiko Shido : *nervously purchases a few apples, a loaf of bread, and a pouch of tobacco, putting them in a sack*
[02-16:12] e359c, Shanira Treyan : The city is no longer safe....
[02-16:12] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[02-16:12] JOIN: Allen has entered.
[02-16:13] 7f173, Allen : *Eyes Brimstone idly.. * Hmm..
[02-16:13] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: good choice *smiles up at him*
[02-16:13] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: ((darnit, anotehr person w/ this color *searches for new*))
[02-16:13] 09a46, D: *eyes Allen*
[02-16:13] 6e01e, Zaknafein : ((*Just lurks for now.*))
[02-16:13] 7f173, Allen : I only use this color OOCly, Hannah. You don't gotta change your color, I will though if it bothers you.
[02-16:13] 94c70, Ryavel : I am not sure. It is dangerous to travel to such places.
[02-16:13] beb1a, Brimstone : (*blinks* Uh..)
[02-16:14] 7f173, Allen : *Gouges D's eyes out with a rusty spork*
[02-16:14] 09a46, D: mah eyes! Why?!
[02-16:14] JOIN: Allen has entered.
[02-16:15] 94c70, Z: *sits on Allen*
[02-16:15] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: ((no it doesnt bother me ))
[02-16:15] a1107, Connor Rayne : Aye. I believe the same. *almost speaking to her like she was a god. he couldnt help himself. He wants to join help them...but he didnt know if they'd even do it* If you decide to undertake this...I will help as much as I can.
[02-16:15] 7f173, Allen : 'Cause they looked at me funny .. besides, they'd make a better decoration for a car then being used for you to see, D. :-P
[02-16:15] 7f173, Allen : *Sat on, w00t. *
[02-16:16] 7f173, Allen : *Z should notice that he is very comfortable, yep yep. *
[02-16:16] 09a46, D: i lurve you too, Allen.
[02-16:16] EXIT: Brimstone has left the chat ( 5:13pm, January 02 (CST) ).
[02-16:16] 55fa0, Arutha Duthain : It never totally was m'kady...
[02-16:17] 55fa0, Arutha Duthain : ((kady= lady))
[02-16:17] efc93, Tatsuhiko Shido : *smiles at Hannah lightly* ... *looks up at the sky* Argh ... you know what, I really must be heading, ...
[02-16:18] e359c, Shanira Treyan : Perhaps not....but it has gotten worse for me in the past two days.
[02-16:18] JOIN: V has entered.
[02-16:18] 662de, V: *feels naked*
[02-16:18] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: alright..
[02-16:18] 7f173, Allen : *Throws some censor bars at V*
[02-16:19] e359c, Shanira Treyan : (( *hands V a blanket* ))
[02-16:19] 662de, V: Danger danger... high voltage
[02-16:19] EXIT: V has left the chat ( 5:19pm, January 02 (CST) ).
[02-16:19] JOIN: Khaes has entered.
[02-16:19] efc93, Tatsuhiko Shido : *trots off away from town, waving behind him at Hannah, going to a nearby forest* ((GONE))
[02-16:19] 7f173, Allen :
[02-16:19] EXIT: Tatsuhiko Shido has left the chat ( 5:19pm, January 02 (CST) ).
[02-16:20] 94c70, Ryavel : *Looks to the boy again.* I will have to speak to Galaldur before making any decision to do as the Mage requested. *She then pauses for a moment as she recalls the interest that Arion had had in Connor's medallion.* What is it that you wear around your neck?
[02-16:20] 55fa0, Arutha Duthain : I am sorry to you have somewhere safe you can go?
[02-16:20] 94c70, Z: *snuggles down all comfy like on Allen then*
[02-16:20] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: *waves back, heading for the inn once again*
[02-16:21] 7f173, Allen : *content*
[02-16:21] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: ((*blanekt for allen and z *))
[02-16:21] 09a46, D: *blind.*
[02-16:21] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 5:12pm, January 02 (CST) ).
[02-16:21] 662de, Khaes: *Deep within the Maelstorm, the mutating mass sits upon a throne of fire - a loud parp echoing throughout the realm* Who put that whoopie cushion there? It was you wasn't it Zaaul...
[02-16:21] e359c, Shanira Treyan : Well, the Inn is out of the question now. I can no longer stay there. I know of no other places.
[02-16:22] 7f173, Allen : *L*
[02-16:22] 43d0c, Valin Darkguard: ((*Kneels behind Dan, motioning for Allen to push*))
[02-16:23] 7f173, Allen : *Throws a rock at Dan to prove as the push .. doesn't feel like getting up. *
[02-16:23] 09a46, D:
[02-16:23] a1107, Connor Rayne : *a hand comes to his chest as she asks of his amulet. reaching in, he pulls the small elliptical amulet* A family heirloom, passed from my father to me. He told me once that he obtained it from a magical source, but he would not tell me. He wore it in the field of battle. it glows when danger is near..of any sort. it is very handy. *taking it off with a simple duck/sweep of his head, he passes it to her*
[02-16:24] 55fa0, Arutha Duthain : I wish there was something I could do....
[02-16:24] 6e01e, Zaknafein : *Is out wandering the city, the cowl of his cloak up and shielding his eyes from the sun. He passes through the park.*
[02-16:24] e359c, Shanira Treyan : What could you possibly do?
[02-16:24] 7f173, Allen : *Contemplates ICness*
[02-16:24] 94c70, Ryavel : You can keep it. I was curious as to what it was. The Mage seemed quite interested in it.
[02-16:25] 662de, High Mage Arion: *Muses upon his thoughts within the tower, hands clasping the balcony rail as he gazes across the majestic city of Ruapenchi. His emerald eyes narrow to thin slits.*
[02-16:25] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[02-16:26] 55fa0, Arutha Duthain : I am sure...given enough time I could think something up...
[02-16:27] e359c, Shanira Treyan : Given the way things are going, unless you have a fortress you could lend me, I don't see how. *looks at him* You know very well who I am.
[02-16:27] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: *yawns as she strolls, entering the courtyard*
[02-16:28] JOIN: Allen has entered.
[02-16:28] 7f173, Allen: hm
[02-16:28] EXIT: Allen has left the chat ( 5:28pm, January 02 (CST) ).
[02-16:29] JOIN: Allen has entered.
[02-16:29] 7f173, Allen : Nooooow, I'm good.
[02-16:29] 7f173, Allen : Ooookay, now I'm good... heh.
[02-16:30] 55fa0, Arutha Duthain : That I do m'lady...hence why I think what help I could offer would not be feasable for what you need.
[02-16:31] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: *sits on the ground, content with her purchases she takes a piece of bread out, breaking off pieces, nibbling it*
[02-16:31] a1107, Connor Rayne : I know. That is what scares me the most...he was very...interested in it. Most mages would not care of such a small trinket as this, when they have so much more. *replaces it around his neck*
[02-16:32] e359c, Shanira Treyan : *sighs and shakes her head, glaring out at nothing in particular* If not for that fool Doomhaven, I'd still be a noone and hence left alone. *looks at him* And it's Shanira.
[02-16:33] 94c70, Ryavel : Is that all it does for you? Warn you of danger?
[02-16:33] JOIN: Allen has entered.
[02-16:33] 662de, High Mage Arion: *Saved Connor from dirty sex with a Mermaid! Oh wait... :/*
[02-16:34] 94c70, Ryavel : (( ))
[02-16:35] 662de, High Mage Arion: *Theoretically could have taken the amulet during the teleportation yet didn't.*
[02-16:38] JOIN: Valin Darkguard has entered.
[02-16:39] a1107, Connor Rayne : Aye. Tis all it does for me. Nothing more...nothing less. it glows blue. the deeper the blue, the worse the danger. As my father says. Forewarned is forearmed.
[02-16:39] a1107, Connor Rayne : *ha. is a cherry boy. hasnt even kissed a girl. what's sex? what's dirty sex?*
[02-16:40] 09a46, Urukhai Raiders : *kisses Connor..oh wait :*
[02-16:40] 7f173, Allen : *Blinks at image* old is Connor?
[02-16:40] 662de, High Mage Arion: *Still, stands upon the windswept tower, orange eyes gazing off into the horizon. Ponders upon the significance of the boy - knuckles turning white as they grasp the rail tighter*
[02-16:41] 662de, High Mage Arion: OOC: My guess is 17
[02-16:41] 43d0c, Valin Darkguard: ((*Snaps pictures of the orc kissing Conner*Then posts them in the squares of all cities and towns*))
[02-16:41] 662de, High Mage Arion: OOC: Still, looking like that we have to wonder whether it has been the intervention of Gods that have kept him so innocent :/
[02-16:42] 7f173, Allen : And he hasn't gotten laid.. ? Damn, the times of Bettenchi are rough.
[02-16:42] 94c70, Ryavel : He is right. You can be prepared without magic, however.
[02-16:42] 7f173, Allen : Quite.
[02-16:43] 662de, Khaes: *Intervened - has something special planned for Connor and requires him all pure and innocent.*
[02-16:45] a1107, Connor Rayne : (Connor is 17.)
[02-16:47] a1107, Connor Rayne : (that he's spent the past 2 years on the road on his own. before that he didnt pay attention to girls. he was too busy trying to be like his dad and fight.) *he looks to her* How do you mean, m'lady?
[02-16:47] e359c, Shanira Treyan : *nods and wishes him well when Arutha says something about having a appointment to get to, leaving her alone in the park*
[02-16:47] 7f173, Allen : Still .. wouldn't puberty have eventually caught up with him?
[02-16:48] 662de, High Mage Arion: OOC: Puberty doesn't mean you have sex though
[02-16:48] a1107, Connor Rayne : (of course. but idolization can easily take over that.)
[02-16:48] 7f173, Allen : It can drive one to make more moves towards women, and eventually he would have stumbled upon some ho.. heh.
[02-16:48] 94c70, Ryavel : By being aware of the things around you. There is a lot your surroundings can tell you.
[02-16:49] 662de, High Mage Arion: OOC: *ignored women :/*
[02-16:49] 662de, High Mage Arion: OOC: *hasn't the wallet*
[02-16:49] 94c70, Ryavel : (( Not all characters are sex driven ))
[02-16:49] 7f173, Allen : 'course they aren't. But most guys are.
[02-16:50] e359c, Shanira Treyan : *eventually stands and starts making her slow way back to the Inn*
[02-16:51] a1107, Connor Rayne : *nods. it makes total sense to him on that issue. its something he's trying to teach himself. live off the land. the old hermit drilled that into Connor's head. he looks at her* Aye. of course. *taking the knowledge she shares with zest, memorizing it*
[02-16:51] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: *continues to nibble her bread in the courtyard*
[02-16:54] 662de, High Mage Arion: *pfft. told him about not relying on magic. Not liked ever. Even when V rps good guys, they are never liked. Should stick to bad guys*
[02-16:55] 7f173, Allen : *LOL*
[02-16:55] 94c70, Ryavel : (( LOL ))
[02-16:55] e359c, Shanira Treyan : ****Gone, for the lack of anything else to do****
[02-16:55] 94c70, Ryavel : (( poor V ))
[02-16:56] EXIT: Shanira Treyan has left the chat ( 5:55pm, January 02 (CST) ).
[02-16:56] 662de, Khalek the Changer: *Walks upon the balcony overseeing the factory, two Hellriders to either side of him.*
[02-16:57] 94c70, Ryavel : *Nods approvingly. This boy was not so bad. He was far from as rash or crazy acting as most the others she had seen within Ruapenchi.*
[02-16:57] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: ((gone too))
[02-16:58] 09a46, Urukhai Raiders : *Yup, there is about a good 500 Uruk-hai armed and willing to go ^_^*
[02-16:59] a1107, Connor Rayne : *you eyed the one thing that means the most! Our precious! bringing the bread up, he takes a bite, ignoring the salty taste of it. It was far saltier than any bread he's had but it was food. food=good* That is why I do not carry more than this. If I can live off the land...make do with what She has given me...I can survive anywhere. *sagelike words from the innocent one. He doesnt truly understand that there are places where you cannot do this.*
[02-17:01] 94c70, Ryavel : You must always know where you are going. For there are places where even the earth is barren.
[02-17:01] 662de, Khalek the Changer: *Turns his horned helmet towards a certain mudpit - one whence he commanded the Horror's to merge with.* There are those most blessed by the chaotic winds... *Gestures to the birth of Uruk-hai from the "Mutant Pit"*
[02-17:05] a1107, Connor Rayne : *looks at her, his eyes slightly widening. this was new information to him* Surely you jest. *but then he catches the look in her eyes* ....or perhaps not.
[02-17:06] 94c70, Ryavel : You will learn this eventually.
[02-17:08] a1107, Connor Rayne : *gulps a bit. barren lands...that surely meant trouble. he takes another bite of the bread* I have never had bread such as this.
[02-17:10] 662de, Khalek the Changer: *The Northern Wastes are quite barren.*
[02-17:11] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[02-17:16] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[02-17:18] JOIN: R has entered.
[02-17:18] 94c70, Ryavel : *Slightly amused by that.* Probably because you have not met any of my people before.
[02-17:19] a1107, Connor Rayne : Nay. I have not met any of your people before. The most...exotic..*blushes. doesnt want to offend* I have ever met was a halfling, a year ago. most of my travels have been in solitude, off paths and simply alone until i come across a town. *that being because he's too clumsy and tends to talk to much. self imposed, if you will. he shrugs, looking at the bread*
[02-17:22] 94c70, Ryavel : Alone? That is not always safe. *She does not say that that applies mostly to those who are inexperienced.*
[02-17:22] JOIN: Allen has entered.
[02-17:24] 7725b, Galaldur : *Treks through the forest on his way back towards the camp, having had a decent time hunting.*
[02-17:27] a1107, Connor Rayne : *he says nothing to that at all, just looks at the bread, then to her. what can you really say to it? and not be offensive, i mean. after a long moment, he just looks up at her, just...watching her. not lustfully..not sexually...just memorizing her features*
[02-17:31] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[02-17:31] 7725b, Galaldur : *Appears from the treeline, carrying the game that he'd killed over one shoulder and his bow in his left hand.* I've returned.
[02-17:32] JOIN: Bernard has entered.
[02-17:32] 94c70, Ryavel : *She looks off into the distance as Galaldur returns.* Ah, good. And our friend is now awake.
[02-17:33] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[02-17:33] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 6:33pm, January 02 (CST) ).
[02-17:34] JOIN: Connor Rayne has entered.
[02-17:36] c4962, Connor Rayne: *looks up from his reverie to see Galaldur. he instantly feels guilty for looking at Ryavel and he looks away, standing* i can help with that.
[02-17:37] 7725b, Galaldur : *smiles faintly as he moves towards them* That is good. *soon he sets the animal down near the tent and leans his bow up against a stump.*
[02-17:38] JOIN: Squirrel has entered.
[02-17:38] 3eea1, Squirrel : Bwah
[02-17:40] c4962, Connor Rayne: *looks at the animal. he blinks, trying to figure out the best way to skin it. he walks over towards it, pulling a dagger*
[02-17:40] 7725b, Galaldur : *Glances at Connor.* You don't have to do that.
[02-17:40] 94c70, Ryavel : *Watches Connor for a moment, then shifts her gaze to Galaldur.*
[02-17:41] 3eea1, Squirrel : He's gonna kill ya! Watch out!
[02-17:42] c4962, Connor Rayne: (*breaks Squirrel's oversized tooth then uses that tooth to slit his throat*)
[02-17:42] c4962, Connor Rayne: *looks at him then her, smiling weakly. he doesnt have the guts for it, but he'll try* I have to earn my keep, do I not? It is only fair.
[02-17:43] 7725b, Galaldur : *ow.. if he pukes into that meat... wont be happy.* Mmm, Have you done it before?
[02-17:44] 3eea1, Squirrel : I don't know if you were trying to be funny with that.....cause it wasn't
[02-17:44] 94c70, Ryavel : (( *stuffs Squirrel into a box* ))
[02-17:45] c4962, Connor Rayne: (*buries that box* i thought it was.)
[02-17:45] 94c70, Ryavel : (( *sends him to V* ))
[02-17:46] c4962, Connor Rayne: *looks to Galaldur. not answering, the look on his face is apparent. he doesnt know how and has never done it*
[02-17:47] 94c70, Ryavel : *Simply watches to see how this turned out. SHe was not sure what Galaldur thought about the human boy.*
[02-17:47] 3eea1, Squirrel : wasn't so....try harder next time
[02-17:48] 94c70, Ryavel : (( *found it funny* har har har ))
[02-17:48] 3eea1, Squirrel : *Thwacks Z*
[02-17:50] 7725b, Galaldur : *Watches him for a moment then smiles finatly.* It is alright, You should rest some more.
[02-17:52] 94c70, Ryavel : You could show him, Galaldur.
[02-17:52] 7725b, Galaldur : IF he wises.
[02-17:53] EXIT: Squirrel has left the chat ( 6:48pm, January 02 (CST) ).
[02-17:54] c4962, Connor Rayne : Aye. That I do. I would need to learn this if I am to learn the lay of the land without magic. *quietly spoken. he knows this is going to be sick. but he's being brave..partly to impress Ryavel. Awwww*
[02-17:54] JOIN: Savvid has entered.
[02-17:56] 7725b, Galaldur : *nods* very well then. *kneels down and removes the skinning knife he always kept with him.*
[02-17:56] JOIN: Savvid has entered.
[02-17:58] 94c70, Ryavel : *Watches them some time, before eventually turning her attention to the small fire to ensure it would be ready in order to cook the meat.*
[02-17:59] c4962, Connor Rayne : *he watches, steeling himself for what was to come. To be honest....he'd never killed anything in his life. He'd never had to. Other than rabbits. This was a bigger story. he watches Galaldur then takes a deep breath and nods*
[02-18:02] 7725b, Galaldur : watch carefully.. *begins the process, slowly going about it so Connor could see EXACTLY how he does it, indeed Galaldur probaly knows what it might do to the boy, but hey.. only one way to learn.*
[02-18:03] c4962, Connor Rayne : *a couple times he retches but swallows it back down as much as he can. he shudders a bit as the blade cuts the major arteries, blood going everywhere. but he never looks away, to his credit.*
[02-18:07] 94c70, Z: I'll come back to RP later.
[02-18:07] 7725b, Galaldur : *Continues to work painfully slow for Connor,* Now watch..
[02-18:08] 7725b, Galaldur : ((err))
[02-18:09] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[02-18:09] c4962, Connor Rayne : (*is just as lost too, Galaldur*) *takes slow, short breathes, trying not to inhale the blood scent as it makes him sick. he watches, almost turning green*
[02-18:10] 7725b, Galaldur : *smirks slightly, but attempts to concel it as he works towards the end.*
[02-18:12] JOIN: Oyrin Darkune has entered.
[02-18:13] bab8f, Oyrin Darkune : ((Locations meh friends?))
[02-18:14] c4962, Connor Rayne : (forest with the elves, trying not to lose my lunch)
[02-18:14] 94c70, Ryavel : *Is outside the city with Connor and Galaldur*
[02-18:15] 43d0c, Bernard: ((The Glimmering Inn.))
[02-18:16] JOIN: D has entered.
[02-18:16] bab8f, Oyrin Darkune : *Well then...riding along in a pony driven cart on a dirt road in the woods...near Connor and Ryavel and Galaldur mayhaps. Singing to himself and smoking. The back of the Cart is laden with many things from casks of beer to boxes of leaf to axes and sharpening stones.*
[02-18:16] 09a46, Urukhai Infantry : *In Mithrenburg, forming an army big enough to destroy the Drow *
[02-18:17] 7725b, Galaldur : *would note the Camp is well hidden within the forenests and away from any roads, finsihes up.* Perhaps you can prepare the next one tomorrow *grins*
[02-18:17] bab8f, Oyrin Darkune : ((You will burn!!!!)) *Well since out of sight...maybe not earshot. Singing loudly!*
[02-18:18] JOIN: R has entered.
[02-18:18] 09a46, Urukhai Infantry : * Bring it, Dwarf, we would cut off your head if it stood a little higher from the ground *
[02-18:18] c4962, Connor Rayne : *is about to flat lose his lunch and it shows. he looks to Galaldur and nods, putting his best front forward* Aye. I shall do that. *a tense voice. he speaks* may I go real quick? I....
[02-18:18] 7725b, Galaldur : ((, well I wont be around for much longer so ))
[02-18:18] 7725b, Galaldur : Yes *carefully moves the meat AWAY from the boy*
[02-18:20] c4962, Connor Rayne : *standing, he lurches off into the forest a decent ways before he bends over and pukes, for tjhe second time in as many days. dry heaves for the most part save for the salty drybread of Ryavels, which hurts as it's salt. salt+acid- PAIN. he can hear Oyrin's music but right now....he's losing it*
[02-18:20] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[02-18:21] bab8f, Oyrin Darkune : ((Bring your pretty face to my axe..))
[02-18:21] JOIN: Preigh Notrah has entered.
[02-18:21] 09a46, Urukhai Infantry : ((*brings his pretty face to his axe....oh wait...x_x*))
[02-18:21] 94c70, Ryavel : *Hears Oyrin's singing.* Dwarves...
[02-18:21] 7725b, Galaldur : ((*gives Oyrin some... beer*)) *chuckles a bit at Connor, continues prepairing dinner*
[02-18:21] bab8f, Oyrin Darkune : ((test))
[02-18:22] 7f173, Preigh Notrah : *The legions of Lloth shall never be destroyed. Especially not by such annoyances such as the Orc Armies - be it the Uruk-Hai, or the Ruinous Powers. The Drow shall never fall. *
[02-18:23] 662de, Khaes: It is true that none shall fall, neither Drow or Uruk-hai.
[02-18:23] bab8f, Oyrin Darkune : *Ooo..and some Mithril, yes. The cart is now loaded with manythings to sell to the people of raupenchi.*
[02-18:25] 94c70, Ryavel : *Now that Connor is of getting sick or whatever, she moves a little closer to Galaldur and speaks to him.* Mani uma lle nowa tel'istar?
[02-18:26] 7725b, Galaldur : Amin n'sinta *shakes his head slightly.*
[02-18:26] JOIN: Preigh Notrah has entered.
[02-18:27] 7f173, Preigh Notrah : *No. *
[02-18:27] 09a46, Urukhai Infantry : *No?*
[02-18:28] c4962, Connor Rayne : *ha. need Mithril. but cannot afford itr. cant even afford leather armor. after he pukes, he pulls that small canteen and takes a swig, careful not to touch it with his puke stained lips. washing his mouth out, he spits the dead water out and looks up. what is that sound? he starts in that direction*
[02-18:28] 7f173, Preigh Notrah : *In answer to Khae's question, no. The Uruk-hai shall fall - pitifully. The Drow, however, shall survive. Survive, and triumph. *
[02-18:28] 7f173, Preigh Notrah : *In answer to Khaes' question, no. The Uruk-hai shall fall - pitifully. The Drow, however, shall survive. Survive, and triumph. *
[02-18:30] 94c70, Ryavel : Ar' ho lema? *Looks at him curiously.*
[02-18:30] 662de, Khaes: *Scoff. Not if the Drow have a multitude of races, although doesn't need such. Can thwat the Drow with just his warbands*
[02-18:30] 662de, Khaes: *Didnt make sense, but then, is chaotic.*
[02-18:31] 7f173, Preigh Notrah : *The warbands shall stand no match before the power of the KnightPriests of Lloth. Hahah!*
[02-18:32] 94c70, Ryavel : (( *thinks Khaes' post made sense* ))
[02-18:32] c4962, Connor Rayne : *keeps moving, his footfals light. his weapons were so close to breaking they werent heavy at all. and since he only wore armor...thats light too. so he's maybe...145 at the heaviest. this is where he utilizes what Ryavel taught him. his ears listen hard to the sounds of the singing and he moves in that direction*
[02-18:33] 662de, Khaes: *Thinks that is such a boast - the KnightPriests will be slain, their souls devoured to eternal torture within the Maelstorm*
[02-18:33] 7f173, Preigh Notrah : *We shall see... *
[02-18:34] 7725b, Galaldur : *shrugs slightly.* Amin uuma malia a'auta eska en'Mori'Quessir
[02-18:35] c4962, Connor Rayne : (*wonders if Oyrin is around*)
[02-18:36] 94c70, Ryavel : Mani manka ro naa forya?
[02-18:40] c4962, Connor Rayne : * Oyrin isnt here...the singing stopped. A brow lifts. hmm...what would Father do? Connor leaps up, taking advantage of his wiry body to grapple a tree branch and pull himself up onto it. He's now about 11 foot off the ground. crouching, he looks, trying to see*
[02-18:41] 7725b, Galaldur : *shakes his head slightly.* Lye nyra heru en'Laumil en'sina eleuva mani ron quena.
[02-18:46] JOIN: Brimstone has entered.
[02-18:46] 94c70, Ryavel : Mani tel'nessa edan? Uma lye sana ro yassen lye?
[02-18:49] 94c70, Ryavel : *And since Galaldur's player had to go all quick like, she nods to him after they end their brief talk. She then moves off in the direction that Connor had gone in.*
[02-18:51] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[02-18:51] JOIN: W has entered.
[02-18:53] beb1a, Brimstone : *he stood next to a tree, his attire a set of leather garb, black in color and held with properly placed metal fastens and bottons .. nothing of obvious royalty, nor of a commoner, a comfortable medium - his sharp eyes drift over the inn and the darkness around him*..
[02-18:53] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[02-18:54] JOIN: Brimstone has entered.
[02-18:54] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 7:53pm, January 02 (CST) ).
[02-18:54] JOIN: Hannah Mayhem has entered.
[02-18:54] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[02-18:56] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: *wanders into the courtyard, tossing an apple idly, dressed as before in her smoke colored cloak and blue broach, her long auburn hair back in a tight ponytail, her boots thumping along the ground as she walks*
[02-18:56] JOIN: Allen has entered.
[02-18:57] 7f173, Allen : 'eh, who are you Brimstone?
[02-18:57] beb1a, Brimstone : (Just another player.)
[02-18:58] 7f173, Allen : With a name.. ? That I may know, by any chance?
[02-18:58] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: ((with a nice picture ))
[02-18:58] 867a2, Sileen : Yes, his name is Brimstone
[02-18:59] 867a2, Sileen : And yes, his picture is nice. *empties bucket o' drool*
[02-18:59] MSG: Brimstone sent a message to Allen.
[02-19:01] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: ((greetings sileen ^^))
[02-19:02] 7725b, Galaldur : *told her to go find him while he cooks!*
[02-19:03] beb1a, Brimstone : *a pipe sat between his lips, fashionable but not overly fancy .. a delightful hint of tobacco wafting about his form, huffs of smoke cast from his mouth occasionally - a glove-clad hand brushed across the bark of the tree, taking a few steps toward*..
[02-19:04] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[02-19:04] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: *stops a few yards from trendlekims, polishing her apple against her shoulder, when content with its...shinniness..she bites it*
[02-19:06] 94c70, Z: *pounces Sileen*
[02-19:06] JOIN: Allen has entered.
[02-19:06] 09a46, Urukhai Infantry : *And out from the Mithrenburg mines, marches a mighty force brandishing the eye of Khaes on their steel helmets, the formation is simple and broke into companies who each hold a single flag which again - wields the eye of Khaes. The unision of footfalls booms across the abandoned mine and leaks out to join that already taking place outside. The company leading the Uruks out is formed completely out of longspear armed Uruk-hai, majority of the Uruks are equipped with sword and shield, but however one--
[02-19:07] 09a46, Urukhai Infantry : --or two companies are completely formed from archers. They remain deadly silent as they march forth to their intended target - the city that Khalek has commanded them to lay an assault upon.*
[02-19:08] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: ((where are you brimstone? ))
[02-19:08] beb1a, Brimstone : *the wooden pipe was taken from his jaws with two fingers, smoking was no habit to him, not of a hobby to help pass time .. something to do on his travels, and in some cases, after meals, it was nearly relaxing, for what little he needed of that - his movement kept him going forward, a comfortable pace, in aboslutely no rush what-so-ever*..
[02-19:08] beb1a, Brimstone : (Outside the inn, to the left of the building. Say, roughly, 50 feet away from it's side. Headed toward the front.)
[02-19:09] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: ((alright ^_^ do you have aim?))
[02-19:09] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: ((mines hannah mayhem if you do))
[02-19:09] beb1a, Brimstone : (Only MSN, sorry.)
[02-19:10] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: ((i got that too ))
[02-19:10] beb1a, Brimstone : (Gimme. I'll add you if you like.)
[02-19:10] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: ((
[02-19:11] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: *seats herself against an outside wall, resting her forearms on her raised knees as she enjoys her treat*
[02-19:12] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: *seats herself against an outside wall, resting her forearms on her raised knees as she enjoys her treat*
[02-19:12] 662de, Khalek the Changer: *Flies forth halfway through the march, his mighty disc carrying him forth across the Uruk-hai. Unlike Joreth, is also a warrior and quite willing to lead by example - this perhaps earning greater respect from the Orcs. Needless to say, six Hellriders fly in formation - funnily enough a vertical ring - as if Khalek himself is the pupil of an eye.*
[02-19:14] beb1a, Brimstone : *a light billow of smoke drifts from the burning embers of his pipe, the wooden instrument quite long, for personal reasons .. held at his sides between drags, he advanced toward the inn - mind nearly wild in thought, wanting to know so much of the place, he had seen such amazing things from the previous night, perhaps this one would bring such alluring interests*..
[02-19:17] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: *looks about casually, catching a glimpse of brimstones hair, having admired it the previous night*
[02-19:17] ae640, W: *ponders RP*
[02-19:17] 94c70, Z: *is pauseded*
[02-19:18] 94c70, Z: *tosses peanuts at the Uruks*
[02-19:18] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: ((*pokes the letters*))
[02-19:21] beb1a, Brimstone : *the only abnormal feature about the man, this surprisingly white hair, tinted delicately in a silver gleam .. a color of aged men, something his youthful face doesn't naturally coordinate with - but his handsome appearance, unnatually, fits perfectly*..
[02-19:22] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: *blinks, digging in her bag for another apple and holding it up as he passes, staying quiet*
[02-19:25] beb1a, Brimstone : *he seems most unaware of Hannah's presense, if she is within his sight of now .. the lengthy pipe meets his lips once more, a draw to keep it lit against the chilling night - his steps go unsilenced, moving along the inn's wall, toward the front, a corner of it, same as the previous night*..
[02-19:26] 6e01e, Zaknafein : *Wanders about the city, cowl still drawn about his head.*
[02-19:26] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: *shrugs, putting the spare apple back in her bag, munches her own*
[02-19:27] 09a46, Urukhai Infantry : *march march march.*
[02-19:29] 662de, Khalek the Changer: *Zoom zoom zoom*
[02-19:29] beb1a, Brimstone : *again, he stopped at the corner, a pause, for longer this time .. turning the pipe over, h tapped repeatedly on it with a gloved finger, discarding any remains from inside onto the earth - curling it into a fist slowly, his steel-blue eyes wandered the area before, having seen it only once before, but once was never enough for him*..
[02-19:30] JOIN: Squirrel has entered.
[02-19:31] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: ((AH, A SQUIRREL *prod*))
[02-19:31] 3eea1, Ravaella Glimmergaunt : test
[02-19:32] 3eea1, Squirrel : Just had to see for myself *sigh*
[02-19:32] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: ((see what? ))
[02-19:33] 3eea1, Squirrel : Brimstone's Icon, was curious what it was
[02-19:34] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: ((ooh )) *outstretches her legs and crosses them at the ankles, tossing her apple core into a bush, hopeing some..animal or something would finish it*
[02-19:37] beb1a, Brimstone : *a step or two forward, his head rotating to cast a cool glance over one shoulder, than the other .. boot-clad feet taking him toward the door - the hand wrapped loosely over his pipe finds a coat pocket casually, leaving it there before returning to his side*..
[02-19:42] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: *stands, brushing her backside off, taking a stroll around the courtyard*
[02-19:44] beb1a, Brimstone : *he tugs on the ends of each glove, flexing fingers to fit them in perfectly, as if they were not already .. staring squarely at the door, a hand takes up the left handle, opening it - and again, his eyes take in the room prior to his body entering, the smallest of frowns graces his lips*..
[02-19:44] beb1a, Brimstone : *seems the place is lacking in it's patrons as opposed to the previous night, but regardless, he enters .. closing the door behind him*..
[02-19:48] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: *looks to the doors, debating getting a drink or not..decides to*
[02-19:48] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: *her boots again thumping as she makes her way inside*
[02-19:52] beb1a, Brimstone : *he tossed a quick look to the stage, his eyes narrowed delicately for a split second, but soon their gaze found the bar .. the drink of previous night might do him good - though the empty place did not suit him well, his attention caught at the sound of anothe entered, but he does not look- yet*..
[02-19:52] 6e01e, Zaknafein : *Is still wandering about the city, having bought a few items while he was wandering. Most items fit neetly in the pockets inside his piwafwi.*
[02-19:52] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: *washes her smokey gray eyes over the ..surprisingly small amount of patrons in the tavern, scanning for a place to sit*
[02-19:56] beb1a, Brimstone : *he placed himself before the bar, the same seat at before, abjusting his leather coat accordingly .. his head turned slowly, eyes peering through a lightly shade of white hair - staring at the girl he recognizes from last night, but his gaze doesn't linger long, soon back on the tender as he orders himself a drink*..
[02-19:57] 3eea1, Squirrel : *Lurks*
[02-19:59] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: *takes out the apple from before, making it shiny..wandering over to brimstone and placing it before him, afterwards sitting herself on a stool*
[02-19:59] JOIN: Rav has entered.
[02-20:00] JOIN: Morgan has entered.
[02-20:02] beb1a, Brimstone : *after his drink order was in place, his sight lowers to the apple, and soon after, the giver thereof .. a light nod, per usual, before he places a hand around it, grappling the apple firmly*..
[02-20:02] eb8aa, Rav: Hey all..
[02-20:03] 6e01e, Zaknafein : *Enters the tavern after spending the day out in the city.*
[02-20:03] 94c70, Z: *pounces Rav*
[02-20:04] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: ((hi rav)) *crosses her ankles, setting ehr feet on the bottom rung of the stool, staying quiet...reasonably intimidated*
[02-20:04] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[02-20:04] 3eea1, Squirrel : Hey Rav
[02-20:06] beb1a, Brimstone : *he situated himself at the bar, seated comfortably .. an elbow propped onto the bar, that attached to the arm and hand holding the fruit - it raise infront of his face, he spun it and held it apot a few fingertips and the tip of his thumb before taking it in his grasp again*..
[02-20:07] beb1a, Brimstone : *through the spin, he looks it over, checking .. wary, but not making the gesture obvious - he wasn't used to 'gifts' from others, if at all*..
[02-20:08] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: if you dont like it i have bread instead...*looking to the door, seeing zak, smiles some as she feels reasonably more comfortable with him there*
[02-20:09] 867a2, Aegnora: .
[02-20:10] 55004, Morgan: *clank clank clank. The doors to his working area are thrown wide open to let the heat out as he works on what appears to be chest armor still it it's early stages. Naturally, he's covered in soot and sweating as the heavy hammer pounds the metal into shape*
[02-20:11] 6e01e, Zaknafein : *He moves over to an empty table somewhat in the shadows, cowl still drawn atop his head.* Zhal'la yutsu delmah ulnin * He says to no one but himself.*
[02-20:11] beb1a, Brimstone : *his head tips very lightly, the motion speaking it's own comments .. he may or may like it, but he hasn't taken a bite yet - and he sets back down onto the woodwork of the bar top, just as his drink comes*..
[02-20:12] beb1a, Brimstone : *and as before, he pulls a small pouch from one pocket of his black, leather coat .. opening it with a pulled sting that keeps it held shut, he pays the tender as much as needed, and nothing more*..
[02-20:12] eb8aa, Kashian Toricavius : *The hooded figure of Kashian walk into the Glimmering Inn useing the back entrence. His hood is pulled up to hide his face and all other features of what he is. He steps up to the bar for a moment quitely talking to one of the barmaids. After a moment the maid walks away then brings back a small tea pot and two tea cups. He places a few coins onto the counter then picking up the tea pot and cups He turns and walks to an empty booth in the back. he sits down then pours himself a cup of tea.*
[02-20:14] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: *orders herself a glass of wine, and has a barmaid bring a mead over to zak, resting her elbows on the bartop, staring at her twiddling fingers* Hannah
[02-20:18] 6e01e, Zaknafein : *Blinks at the arrival of the mead. He hadn't ordered anything.*
[02-20:19] 3eea1, Panian Urthador: ((test))
[02-20:19] beb1a, Brimstone : *he stares over at the human without moving his head, each hand taking an item .. apple in once, glass of wine in the other - he lifts the red fruit to his face, frightully close, taking a draw off it, it's smell to detect any poison or even worse, any type of bane*.. Brimstone. *the voice is soft, low, friendly but not overly so .. his unnatural senses should be keen enough to pick up on any toxin within the fruit, the man takes no ricks, the acceptance of such a thing pushing his bounds already...*
[02-20:19] EXIT: Panian Urthador has left the chat ( 9:19pm, January 02 (CST) ).
[02-20:20] JOIN: Squirrel has entered.
[02-20:20] 3eea1, Panian Urthadar : ((test))
[02-20:22] 3eea1, Ravaella Glimmergaunt : ((test))
[02-20:23] eb8aa, Kashian Toricavius : *he takes a sip of his tea as he looks about the room.*
[02-20:23] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: Nice to meet you, i would..offer my hand to shake, but it seems yours are full..*nervous chuckle..shifting to glance towards zak*
[02-20:23] 3eea1, Panian Urthadar : ((test again))
[02-20:24] 3eea1, Panian Urthadar : ((Good everything works))
[02-20:25] 55004, Morgan: *lifts the chest plate with a large pair of tongs and replaces it into the fire to re-soften the metal. He wipes the sweat from his forhead with the back of his hand, then wipes his hand on the leg of his pants. His lips are parched with the heat in the room, but this piece needs to be done*
[02-20:25] 3eea1, Ravaella Glimmergaunt : ((Morgan, need a color?))
[02-20:25] JOIN: Tatsuhiko Shido has entered.
[02-20:26] 6e01e, Zaknafein : *Takes a drink of the mead before he reaches into a pocket of his cloak and removes a wand he'd purchased, looking closely at it to see if he could find any minor flaws that would inhibit the type of magic he'd put in it.*
[02-20:26] 55004, Morgan: ((I'll get one in a second. I'm trying to decide which one fits him the best. Thanks, though))
[02-20:26] 3eea1, Ravaella Glimmergaunt : ((NP))
[02-20:26] 867a2, Aegnora: *It is night... and most good little farmers have gone to bed. Including the one that has foolishly determined that her cave was a good place to explore... and to take a leak. Dang smell was still there, offending her nostrils everytime she went inside... and so tonight, this creature of ebony and flame stands at the edge of this man's fields, staring towards his little cottage*
[02-20:27] beb1a, Brimstone : *smelling nothing dangerous, he takes a singlar bite .. once followed by yet another simple nod - his eyes are kept forward, behind the bar, both hands still occupied*..
[02-20:28] efc93, Tatsuhiko Shido : *quietly walks into the Trendelkim's tavern, with a lute strapped to his back, - sitting at an empty boothe*
[02-20:28] 3eea1, Ravaella Glimmergaunt : *And what the hell, Rava walks into the Glimmering Inn behind Shido. Takes a moment to let her eyes adjust before walking inside*
[02-20:29] 94c70, Z: *works on her new char until she is unpaused*
[02-20:30] ae640, W: *pokes Z as she works* To help you work!
[02-20:30] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[02-20:30] 6e01e, Zaknafein : *Still has the cowl of his cloak upon his head. Only way anyone would be able to tell what he is, is because his hands are exposed while he looks at the wand.*
[02-20:31] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: is it to your liking? *nurses her wine, having shifted back to her original position, her fingers wrapped around the neck of the glass*
[02-20:31] 94c70, Z: *dies*
[02-20:31] efc93, Tatsuhiko Shido : *looks around the room for any familiar faces, - spotting a few - taking out his pouch of smoking tobacco, along with his pipe instrument, - in hopes of not intruding the comfort of the other patron, he prepares his pipe, and lights it up, - smoking it*
[02-20:32] eb8aa, Kashian Toricavius : *he seems to be conteplateig something as he sips his tea. he looks away form the people with in the wonderful Inn to look at the table.*
[02-20:32] 867a2, Aegnora: *... Inside, the poor man stirs in his sleep, whimpering at some unseen fear. Beside him, his wife rouses from her slumber, and looks blearily at him, gently shaking him as she speaks his name. The man lashes out at her while still in his sleep, making a loud cry... their baby begins to cry.. children wake and panic... and outside, a safe distance away, the Nightmare smiles*
[02-20:32] efc93, Tatsuhiko Shido : patrons*
[02-20:33] 867a2, Aegnora: ((Test))
[02-20:34] 3eea1, Ravaella Glimmergaunt : *Spies Hannah, gives her a nod. The same to Shido, though she narrows her eyes at seeing Zak the little whelp. Walks in firther to see Kashian?*
[02-20:34] beb1a, Brimstone : *again, a nod as before, simple acknowledgement in regards of the apple .. after thorough chewing of the bite, he takes up a drink of his wine*..
[02-20:34] efc93, Tatsuhiko Shido : *returns the little nod to Ravaella*
[02-20:36] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: mm..if my presence botheres you..just say so...*catches rava's nod and returns one as she's nervously looking about*
[02-20:36] 6e01e, Zaknafein : *Had he noticed or even cared about Ravaella's presense he'd have returned a disdainful look of his on in response to hers.*
[02-20:37] eb8aa, Kashian Toricavius : *sits in a booth by the stage by himself not looking around. Just stareing at the table as he sips his tea.*
[02-20:38] beb1a, Brimstone : *he says nothing, nor makes a gesture to ward her off .. instead, he circles on his seat, facing a majority of the room - back to, and against the bar, food in one hand, drink in the other*..
[02-20:39] 55004, Morgan: (now does this color define my character as a person?)
[02-20:39] 55004, Morgan: ((no))
[02-20:40] efc93, Tatsuhiko Shido : *gets up from the boothe, feeling that he has greeted everyone he noticed, - jumps up onto the table, climbing up to the rafters, settling himself on a beam*
[02-20:40] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[02-20:41] 3eea1, Ravaella Glimmergaunt : *Walks up to Kashian's booth then and notices his attention is wandering, clears her throat a little and smiles to him*
[02-20:42] eb8aa, Kashian Toricavius : ((ok, Tatsuhiko you do realize that there is a second floor and its not likely to be rafters that can be climbed on.))
[02-20:42] 3eea1, Ravaella Glimmergaunt : ((They cleared it with Mab))
[02-20:42] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: ((i asked, kashian, there are rafters ))
[02-20:42] beb1a, Brimstone : (She spokeith, and there were rafters, and it was good.)
[02-20:43] efc93, Tatsuhiko Shido : (( Uh, yeah, what they said. ))
[02-20:43] 55004, Morgan: *steps back into the little nook that serves as his living area. There is a half a jug of wine left, but Morgan learned at an early age that wine and 'smithing just does not mix. He curses as his drinking water is gone. Oh well. He grabs his bucket and walks out the open doors.*
[02-20:43] eb8aa, Kashian Toricavius : ((ok)) *does not make any real move to look at her he waves his hand at the empty seat across from him.*
[02-20:44] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: *scratches the back of her head as she hangs it, looking at him briefly as she is confused*
[02-20:44] JOIN: Bernard has entered.
[02-20:45] 3eea1, Ravaella Glimmergaunt : *Erm...okay, takes the offered seat and looks at him, clasping both hands on the table in front of her*
[02-20:46] eb8aa, Kashian Toricavius : Would you like some tea *he then gestures to the small tea pot and the tea cup.*
[02-20:46] JOIN: Morgan has entered.
[02-20:46] beb1a, Brimstone : *he keeps his gaze forward, on the room, his attentive ears on anything of interest to him .. the same story, different day, but the place was beginning to fill up, to house those unexpected to deal with others - just what he wanted, and at this point, he did not seem to pay any mind to Hannah, though her presense was clear to him*..
[02-20:47] 3eea1, Ravaella Glimmergaunt : I'd love some, thank you, Kashian
[02-20:47] efc93, Tatsuhiko Shido : *retrieves his lute from his back, and starts to tune it again*
[02-20:49] 55004, Morgan: (damn!) *swings the bucket as he walks the beaten path to a river. His energy is surprisingly ample due to how long he'd been working. The cool outside hair is quite a relief on his dirty skin*
[02-20:49] JOIN: Tatsuhiko Shido has entered.
[02-20:49] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[02-20:49] JOIN: D has entered.
[02-20:50] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: *her posture improves as she looks up, the familiar lute again making her feel more comfortable in her place, looking about for the source*
[02-20:50] beb1a, Brimstone : *his attention was momentarily caught on the lute, and the Elf possessing it .. perhaps would would be some entertainment this night*..
[02-20:50] JOIN: Bernard has entered.
[02-20:50] eb8aa, Kashian Toricavius : *he nods his head still not looking at her he picks the tea cup setting it on its bottom then picks up the tea pot and pours Ravaella some tea. when the cup was full he slides it twords her then sets teh pot down on the table.* What can I do ffor you this fine evening?
[02-20:50] 64899, Bernard: ((Who plays the High Mage?))
[02-20:51] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: He is very good..*pries her eyes away from tatsuhiko to look to brimstone*
[02-20:51] efc93, Tatsuhiko Shido : *does not look around for anyone or anything watching him, just tunes it, - checking for the accurate tune of each string*
[02-20:52] 55004, Morgan: ((tests everything))
[02-20:52] 662de, High Mage Arion: OOC: Hullo
[02-20:53] beb1a, Brimstone : *a turn of the apple in his right hand, a fresh area left uneaten form him .. soon enough brought to his lips, taking another chunck out - a mere, quick glance cast to Hannah before his presently stern gaze settles upon the Elf again*..
[02-20:53] 3eea1, Panian Urthadar : ((Your apprentice, my lord))
[02-20:54] 64899, Bernard: ((Right. Who are you? I need to know if your someone I know so I can butter up a way to get myself a High Mage in cahoots with your own.))
[02-20:55] 662de, High Mage Arion: OOC: I am best known as V
[02-20:55] 3eea1, Ravaella Glimmergaunt : *Watches him and takes the cup in one hand, taking a delicate sip of the tea before setting the cup down* I was wondering if we could finish that talk, the one started awhile ago? *quirks an eyebrow*
[02-20:55] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: *grins as she feels some confidence flowing through her, after winning a glance, sipping her wine heavily*
[02-20:55] 662de, High Mage Arion: OOC: And excellent@Panian
[02-20:56] 64899, Bernard: ((V...Hmm. Can't say I do. Blast. *Plots*))
[02-20:57] eb8aa, Kashian Toricavius : *He nods as he sips his own tea* I don't see why not.
[02-20:57] 3eea1, Panian Urthadar : ((*smirks*))
[02-20:58] 64899, Bernard: ((V...TenmaEnzeru or Steve I think? Blast my mind for being so forgetful.))
[02-20:58] 6e01e, Zaknafein : *Puts the wand away after deciding it will serve his purpose.*
[02-20:58] 662de, High Mage Arion: OOC: No, I am the V from projectjj's original creation. SoD administrator. My best known character is Klave/Valek
[02-20:59] beb1a, Brimstone : *he sits in wait, dressed between the royal men and a mere common folk .. placed at the bar, his eyes remain mostly on the Elf playing with his lute - hit hopes held high, the apple and wine contained in each hand consumed at equal rate*..
[02-20:59] efc93, Tatsuhiko Shido : *finds that the strings' tunings are accurate enough for his standards, - begins to play a soft, slow, calming song on his lute*
[02-21:00] 3eea1, Ravaella Glimmergaunt : *Gives a nervous cough, maybe a bit humorous one* It has been awhile, could you perhaps, refresh my memory?
[02-21:00] beb1a, Brimstone : *and with music starting, he nods to himself, twice .. a little motion expressed with faint movement of his abnormally colored hair*..
[02-21:01] eb8aa, Kashian Toricavius : *he chuckles* I was going to allow you to do that for me. *Still does not look at her in any manner.*
[02-21:01] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[02-21:03] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: *pulls the strap of cloth from around her ponytail off, letting her extremely long hair down to drape over her shoulders*
[02-21:03] MSG: Bernard sent a message to High Mage Arion.
[02-21:04] efc93, Tatsuhiko Shido : *felt that Brimstone's eyes were on him, - glances at him, and shows off a little, using complex finger movements and note combinations*
[02-21:04] 3eea1, Ravaella Glimmergaunt : Hmmm *taps her chin thoughtfully as player searches through logs, in the meantime...looks at whatever he is looking at* Something has caught your attention? Yes?
[02-21:05] MSG: High Mage Arion sent a message to Bernard.
[02-21:05] JOIN: Zaknafein has entered.
[02-21:06] 867a2, Aegnora: *... much later, after she feels he has lost enough sleep... and is likely to have trouble sleeping again... she finally turns, and bolts away, flaming hoofs beating in a steady rymth as she takes to the main road in the distance..*
[02-21:06] beb1a, Brimstone : *his highly intelliectual gaze sits mostly on the elf for now, seemingly impressed with the musical presentation .. to him, it is a shame the Elf male was not around to mix his skill with the animalistic female of previous night, what a work of beauty that surely would have been - regardless, he enjoys what there currently is*..
[02-21:09] efc93, Tatsuhiko Shido : *continues to play the little song on the lute, changing it to a slightly more upbeat tempo*
[02-21:09] 09a46, Urukhai Infantry : *And the army of Uruk-hai, hailing under the banner of Khaes arrives in the majestic port city of Janaris. The army is meets the fortress wall sounding the city, linking to either side of the Ruapenchi. Forming along a long line as they stare up at the wall and the city defenders, stomping their feet in unision as they ready themselves for the battle about to commence.*
[02-21:10] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: he played last night, for a long while..was very pleasant..
[02-21:11] 64899, Bernard: *The stairboards of the tavern creak once again as the ever cheerful Bernard decends the stairs. He already has his smock on. He nods to a few regulers and giving them a hearty hello and a friendly wave. He rounds the ''corner'' and slips behind the bar, ready to take on his daily duty.*
[02-21:11] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[02-21:13] eb8aa, Kashian Toricavius : *has been looking in the logs* No just thinking about things.
[02-21:13] 6e01e, Zaknafein : *Sits at his table.*
[02-21:13] 3eea1, Ravaella Glimmergaunt : What, exactly, if you don't mind my asking?
[02-21:13] 662de, Khalek the Changer: *Rides across the breast off the Uruk-hai, his disc trailing orange fire.* Remember, I want slaves. Capture every woman and child - butcher the rest. Their pathetic men-at-arms are to be slaughtered without mercy. *The Hellriders speak out also, in different tones of voice - yet the same message, as if they are linked to Khalek somehow.*
[02-21:13] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: but it seems i cant pull a conversation out of you..fortunately, i love a challenge..*raises a brow, looking at him as she brings her wine to her lips for a drink*
[02-21:14] JOIN: W has entered.
[02-21:14] beb1a, Brimstone : *he leans is leather-bound body toward Hannah slowly, enough to propose a whisper her way*.. He is skilled with that instrument. *a little nods before straightening himself again*..
[02-21:15] ae640, W: *ponders RP again*
[02-21:15] 94c70, Z:
[02-21:15] 94c70, Z: Oh, what a time to be paused frak
[02-21:15] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: *pulls her lips into a small smile* you play?
[02-21:16] 981ab, Will-o'-the-wisp : *ponders revealing himself*
[02-21:16] 09a46, Urukhai Infantry : ((revealing yourself? ewww...))
[02-21:17] JOIN: Liz has entered.
[02-21:17] e359c, Liz: Hooked...I'm hooked
[02-21:17] 64899, Bernard: ((*Gets out the ol' censor bars*))
[02-21:17] 981ab, Will-o'-the-wisp : *baps the Uruk-Hai*
[02-21:17] ae640, W: *ponders what the Uruk's are planing*
[02-21:17] beb1a, Brimstone : *a drink from his glass, slow turning of the half-gone apple within his opposite hand .. a slight shake of his head in answer to the quest, his face showing little disgust on the subjest, as if he was... above it..*
[02-21:18] efc93, Tatsuhiko Shido : *yawns softly, - stopping the song abruptly, - just strumming chords every now and then, looking around the room*
[02-21:18] 09a46, Urukhai Infantry : *and for the record is NOT invading Ruapenchi but is attacking a port city near the Ruapenchi channel *
[02-21:19] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: might i ask what you do do?
[02-21:19] ae640, W: dang...
[02-21:19] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: *putting a bit of emphasis..on*
[02-21:20] 3eea1, Ravaella Glimmergaunt : ((*Has found what they were talkign about*))
[02-21:20] e359c, Liz: *eyes ICness* So tempting
[02-21:20] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 10:11pm, January 02 (CST) ).
[02-21:21] 662de, Khalek the Changer: Begin the assault, lay waste to this sore sight upon my eyes *Draws his archaic sword, the runes glowing in eerie shifting colours, as he points it forward towards the city* *Begins to mutter a dark incantation, crushing some fungus within his spare gauntletted hand - chaotic energy sweeping forth to fill the nearest Uruk-hai to him - to bring them into a Frenzy.*
[02-21:21] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[02-21:22] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 10:21pm, January 02 (CST) ).
[02-21:22] beb1a, Brimstone : *a glance to Hannah, though a sheet of nearly parted silverish-white hair, a subtile smile passes across his lips briefly .. attention, and alert eyes soon finding themselves on the Elf again, the smile abrutly ends at the musician appears to become lazy*..