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[01-16:52] 4f21a, Aldos Firestar: *turns around to find Hannah*
[01-16:52] 3eea1, Squirrel : Mab, do what you are gonna do..I'll read the logs and find out, if you wanna RP it then slap a pause on cause I'm gonna go
[01-16:53] EXIT: Squirrel has left the chat ( 5:52pm, January 01 (CST) ).
[01-16:53] 7725b, Galaldur : *Eventually passes throuhg the entrance of the Inn, stoping for a moment to observe the people and see if his friend was here.*
[01-16:53] ed09b, Valin Darkguard: *He quickly moves over to the bartender, dropping a pounch of coins on the bar. For drinks all around. In order to do this, he reveals his arm, which reveals a black lightly gauntleted hand. He then returns to his table in the corner..seemingly sinking into the shadows. Even within the latern light of the tavern, his table is shadowy*
[01-16:53] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : *glances after Zak as he meanders off... oh no, she's not admiring his backside, naturally not*
[01-16:53] 3a60f, Merina : ((Well, if you're gonna go, I won't worry about it. I'll get ya some other time. ))
[01-16:54] e359c, Shanira Treyan : *watches Valin as he does this. Sighs and, standing, goes over to his table, paying no mind to the shadows* Mind if I sit?
[01-16:54] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: ((is mab here?))
[01-16:55] 6e01e, Zaknafein : *Sure if she could see his backside perhaps. Is wearing a cloak over his clothing.**
[01-16:55] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: *bumps into aldos accidentally* oof..
[01-16:55] 3a60f, Merina : ((Maaaaaaybe Mab is here. ))
[01-16:55] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: ((ish she have aim? ))
[01-16:55] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: ((if so have her aim me, hannah mayhem ))
[01-16:56] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : *admiring the fibers in his cloak then... punk*
[01-16:56] 4f21a, Aldos Firestar: *holds her in place for a moment* Mind yourself, m'dear. *smiles at her and lets go*
[01-16:57] e359c, Shanira Treyan : (( Who was that to, Aldos? ))
[01-16:57] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: sorry *pulls away gently, isnt one for physical contact*
[01-16:57] 4f21a, Aldos Firestar: ((Hannah))
[01-16:58] ed09b, Valin Darkguard: *His voice is almost a whisper...his voice seems to carry only to the ears of the Queen who stands before his table*It is best we do not sit together Your Magesty...
[01-16:58] 6e01e, Zaknafein : ((hehe..))*As a barmaid stops by he goes ahead and orders something to eat and drink.*
[01-16:59] e359c, Shanira Treyan : Why not? *also speaks for his ears only* I feel you owe me an explaination.
[01-17:00] ed09b, Valin Darkguard: ((Note, everyone gets a free drink. Courtisy of yours truely))
[01-17:00] 4f21a, Aldos Firestar: Quite all right. Have a seat. *motions to the stool next to him*
[01-17:00] 4f21a, Aldos Firestar: ((sweet))
[01-17:01] 8244f, Urukhai Raiders : *steals all the ale, whiskey, scotch, beer and wine from The Glimmering Inn.*
[01-17:01] ed09b, Valin Darkguard: I can better protect you.*Said plainly. Usually he does not need further explaining. His methods have proved to be trustworthy and dependable*
[01-17:02] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: mh..*sits...looking up for a more suitable place to sit in the rafters...but stays seated*
[01-17:02] e359c, Shanira Treyan : *snorts* I told you and everyone else I wanted to do this on my own. Why did you come?
[01-17:03] 4f21a, Aldos Firestar: You look nerverous. Something the matter?
[01-17:03] ed09b, Valin Darkguard: You know I am sworn to be by yourside always.
[01-17:04] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: No, im fine..thank you though
[01-17:04] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : (())
[01-17:04] e359c, Shanira Treyan : Even when I do not wish it?
[01-17:04] 6e01e, Zaknafein : *A few moments later his food and driink arive.*
[01-17:04] 8244f, Urukhai Raiders : *Don't give us that look, bub. *
[01-17:06] 4f21a, Aldos Firestar: *rae, but turns back to the barkeep orders some sausages**looks back at Hannah* Hungry at all?
[01-17:06] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : ((Hehe)) *falls completely silent now, listening in on the various conversations around her*
[01-17:07] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: i wouldnt mind a drink..i have flatbreadi n my bag...
[01-17:07] JOIN: Valin Darkguard has entered.
[01-17:09] 4f21a, Aldos Firestar: Well, the kind gentleman over there *points to Valin* has given everyone a free drink. And you
[01-17:09] 4f21a, Aldos Firestar: - may some of my sausages if you like.
[01-17:10] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: *tends not to stare, but glances briefly*
[01-17:11] 94c70, Ryavel : *Is still there, yes, player had to go eat*
[01-17:12] 4f21a, Aldos Firestar: So what will you have?
[01-17:13] 94c70, Ryavel : *errrr, got left so it doesn't really matter*
[01-17:13] 7725b, Galaldur : *Notices Ryavel, smiling faintly he nods to her and moves forward, towards her.*
[01-17:13] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: Water, please
[01-17:13] ed09b, Valin Darkguard: I am tied to you by the word of your father.*Although he didn't answer her question directly, it should be enough.*
[01-17:13] 6e01e, Zaknafein : *IS there. At his table eating and drinking by himself.*
[01-17:14] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[01-17:14] e359c, Shanira Treyan : (( She'll most likely go back to the table ))
[01-17:15] 94c70, Ryavel : (( It's no big deal, Shanira, it happens to me all the time ))
[01-17:15] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: *looks around, eyeing zak, waving him over to sit with them*
[01-17:15] e359c, Shanira Treyan : *sighs* And such an oath is unbreakable. Yes, I know. Still, it's cramping my style..*smiles slightly, joking*
[01-17:16] e359c, Shanira Treyan : (( She's coming back, Ryavel. And just in case you get any ideas.. *chains Ryavel to the chat and table so she can't escape* ))
[01-17:16] ed09b, Valin Darkguard: *He doesn't laugh of course. He only speaks again*Now please, Your Highess, return to your table.
[01-17:16] 4f21a, Aldos Firestar: *passes her order on to the barkeep*
[01-17:16] 94c70, Ryavel : *Returns Galaldur's nod.* Aaye, Galaldur.
[01-17:17] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: Thank you *digs around in her tattered bag, breaking off a piece of flat bread*
[01-17:17] 4f21a, Aldos Firestar: *water and sausages served* Have some, won't you?
[01-17:18] e359c, Shanira Treyan : *does'nt answer, going back to the table and Ryavel, just as Galaldur would approach it* Men *sits down, glancing up at the strange man* Not you, of course
[01-17:18] 6e01e, Zaknafein : *Waves back to Hannah, but shakes his head. He's fine where he is.*
[01-17:18] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: *looks back and nods, offering aldos a piece of her bread afterwards*
[01-17:18] 7725b, Galaldur : Aaye Ryavel. Aa'amin hama?
[01-17:20] JOIN: Tatsuhiko Shido has entered.
[01-17:20] 94c70, Ryavel : *Nods to Galaldur, offering the faintest of smiles. She then looks to Shanira.* A friend of yours? *Referring to Valin*
[01-17:20] 4f21a, Aldos Firestar: *takes a small piece* Thank you. *eats quietly, but happily*
[01-17:21] e359c, Shanira Treyan : *nods* He's my....bodyguard.
[01-17:21] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: mmhmm *nibbles her piece as she waits*
[01-17:21] ed09b, Valin Darkguard: ((Mwahahaha. *Can speak elven too. Shifty eyes*))
[01-17:21] 4f21a, Aldos Firestar: *looks to who she was waving to* A friend of yours?
[01-17:22] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: I hope *smiles briefly*
[01-17:22] 94c70, Ryavel : A mage?
[01-17:22] 94c70, Ryavel : (( *pokes Valin* ))
[01-17:23] 4f21a, Aldos Firestar: What do mean by that?
[01-17:23] e359c, Shanira Treyan : *nods* He my....friend. And..I don't know what he is.
[01-17:23] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: nothing..*chuckles quietly as she hangs her head, resting her elbows on the bartop*
[01-17:24] 7725b, Galaldur : *Takes a seat and nods to Shanira.* greetings.
[01-17:24] 94c70, Ryavel : *Nofd onvr, then gestures to Galaldur lightly* This is my friend.
[01-17:25] ed09b, Valin Darkguard: ((*Poked* *Dies*))
[01-17:25] 8244f, D: o/
[01-17:27] 4f21a, Aldos Firestar: *smiles and continues his meal*
[01-17:27] 94c70, Ryavel : (( Hmm... powerful poke I have ))
[01-17:27] e359c, Shanira Treyan : *smiles at him* Nice to meet you, Mr....? *blinks and flushes, turning to Ryavel* I'm sorry...but I don't know what your name is, either. Mine's Shanira
[01-17:28] JOIN: Aldos Firestar has entered.
[01-17:28] 7725b, Galaldur : *smiles faintly.* I am Galaldur, it is a pleasure to meet you.
[01-17:29] ed09b, Valin Darkguard: ((*Sits back up zombie style*Brrraaaiinnns...*Stalks towards Dan*Braaii-*Stops, seeing not even an appetizer to consume...heads a different way*))
[01-17:29] 8244f, D: you PMS'ing wanna-be male pig
[01-17:29] 3a60f, Merina : (())
[01-17:29] 94c70, Ryavel : (( ouch ))
[01-17:30] 6e01e, Zaknafein : ((heheehe))
[01-17:30] 94c70, Ryavel : I am Ryavel.
[01-17:30] e359c, Shanira Treyan : A pleasure
[01-17:31] ed09b, Valin Darkguard: ((You see what you want to see Dan =p))
[01-17:33] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : *slips out at some point...* *gone*
[01-17:34] 8244f, Ithuel: ((Now to make him pay ))
[01-17:35] 94c70, Ryavel : Likewise.
[01-17:35] BAN: The Sileen-Dragon has eaten 867a2 and chews for 10 seconds.
[01-17:36] UNBAN: Sileen regurgitated up 867a2.
[01-17:36] 867a2, Sileen: Hehehehe
[01-17:36] 867a2, Sileen : I am... totally awesome
[01-17:37] e359c, Shanira Treyan : *finishes her breakfast in silence, then orders a light's too early to get drunk*
[01-17:37] 8244f, D: *pets Sil*
[01-17:37] 867a2, Sileen : *purr*
[01-17:37] ed09b, Valin Darkguard: *Just..sits there...*
[01-17:40] bbfc4, Will-o'-the-wisp: ((Valin, what be you?))
[01-17:41] JOIN: Valin Darkguard has entered.
[01-17:42] bbfc4, Will-o'-the-wisp: ((test))
[01-17:42] ed09b, Valin Darkguard: ((I be...what I am...*eye shift*))
[01-17:43] bbfc4, Will-o'-the-wisp: ((*tackles* ^_^ Silly.))
[01-17:43] 3a60f, Mab : Hannah got booted and is having trouble getting back in. Just FYI.
[01-17:43] bbfc4, Will-o'-the-wisp: ((I'm trying to find a font color...))
[01-17:44] e359c, Shanira Treyan : *drinks in silence, too, thinking*
[01-17:44] bbfc4, Will-o'-the-wisp: ((And actually I think I like this one. Ji Mab. *waves))
[01-17:44] ed09b, Valin Darkguard: ((*Tackled*o.O))
[01-17:44] bbfc4, Will-o'-the-wisp: *Hi
[01-17:44] EXIT: Tatsuhiko Shido has left the chat ( 6:20pm, January 01 (CST) ).
[01-17:47] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[01-17:47] 4f21a, Aldos Firestar: *pays for his meal*
[01-17:48] ae640, Rowyn : (( *continues waiting for Hannah* ))
[01-17:48] e359c, Shanira Treyan : *eventually stands and heads for the door, sick of the silence and the nearly dead tavern*
[01-17:49] ed09b, Valin Darkguard: ((Is it just me or does Dan really smell or did this place die real quick?))
[01-17:51] 867a2, Sileen : It's because I left ICly, all the fun dies when I did :-D
[01-17:51] 4f21a, Aldos Firestar: ((It could be that he smells... but I don't think that's it))
[01-17:53] ed09b, Valin Darkguard: ((Who smells? I didn't see anyone mention anything of anyone smelling. *eye shift*))
[01-17:54] JOIN: Khalek the Changer, Champion of Khaes has entered.
[01-17:54] 662de, Khalek the Changer, Champion of Khaes: Not that then
[01-17:54] EXIT: Khalek the Changer, Champion of Khaes has left the chat ( 6:54pm, January 01 (CST) ).
[01-17:55] JOIN: Khalek the Changer has entered.
[01-17:55] e359c, Shanira Treyan : *looks around, then starts down some random street*
[01-17:55] 8244f, D: burn in hell Valis
[01-17:55] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 6:55pm, January 01 (CST) ).
[01-17:55] 4f21a, Aldos Firestar: ((Uh... uh.... nobody! I didn't see any mention! *backs away and runs out door*))
[01-17:55] JOIN: Khalek the Changer has entered.
[01-17:56] ed09b, Valin Darkguard: *After a moment or so the dark cloaked figure stands and makes his way towards the door. He slips into an alley way...anyone looking in after him, would find him not there*
[01-17:56] 94c70, Ryavel : (( There is just not a whole lot going on. ))
[01-17:57] 662de, Khalek the Changer: OOC: bwahaha
[01-17:58] e359c, Shanira Treyan : *finds herself heading towards a park, situated on the other side of a large and ornate bridge* Hmm..
[01-18:00] ed09b, Valin Darkguard: *Is of course following her, keeping close watch over her*
[01-18:00] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[01-18:01] e359c, Shanira Treyan : *oddly enough, there does'nt appear to be anyone else in this beautiful park* it holy or something? *wanders in deeper, eventually finding a large fountain ringed with benches*
[01-18:03] ed09b, Valin Darkguard: *Do da, do da*
[01-18:04] e359c, Shanira Treyan : *stretches out on her back on one of the benches and watches the clouds, the fountain misting her face*
[01-18:05] ed09b, Valin Darkguard: *Do da do da day*
[01-18:06] e359c, Shanira Treyan : *dozes off*
[01-18:07] 4f21a, Aldos Firestar: *gets up and leaves the tavern* ((real world beckons))
[01-18:07] EXIT: Aldos Firestar has left the chat ( 7:07pm, January 01 (CST) ).
[01-18:07] ed09b, Valin Darkguard: *Silently watches over his charge.&
[01-18:13] e359c, Shanira Treyan : ***Gone***
[01-18:13] EXIT: Shanira Treyan has left the chat ( 7:13pm, January 01 (CST) ).
[01-18:15] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[01-18:15] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 7:15pm, January 01 (CST) ).
[01-18:15] JOIN: Hannah Mayhem has entered.
[01-18:15] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: ((SORRY!!))
[01-18:15] ed09b, Valin Darkguard: ((*Is all alone like...*))
[01-18:16] ed09b, Valin Darkguard: ((*Or not.*))
[01-18:16] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: ((pjj kept going page cannot be displayed on me ))
[01-18:17] bbfc4, Will-o'-the-wisp: ((Hmm...))
[01-18:18] ae640, Rowyn : (( HANNAH!!!!!!!!!!!!! *flying tackles* ))
[01-18:18] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: *sighs heavily*
[01-18:18] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: ((oo, hello ^_^))
[01-18:20] ed09b, Valin Darkguard: ((Maybe I should take this time to find a picture...or actually write up character registration/race application))
[01-18:21] 3a60f, Mab : *will be back in a little while*
[01-18:22] 662de, Khalek the Changer: *Arms folded, he stands upon his disc as it bears him on his journey. The disc zooms along, trailing orange fire. His horned helmet turns to bear down upon his destination, and with a mere flick of his gauntletted hand - him and his retinue all shift in its direction. The Hellriders are lose...*
[01-18:23] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: ((sounds good to me valin ))
[01-18:24] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: *stands atop her barstool, reaching into the rafters and pulling hesrelf into them, lounging back against a beam, dangling a leg over the side idly*
[01-18:24] ed09b, Valin Darkguard: ((Ya, but I'm lazy.))
[01-18:25] ae640, Rowyn : *wonders why she isclimbing into the rafters.*
[01-18:25] 94c70, Ryavel : *is here*
[01-18:26] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: *yawns...*
[01-18:28] JOIN: Phoenix has entered.
[01-18:29] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: *didnt know rowyn was there *
[01-18:29] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: ((greetings phoenix))
[01-18:29] 662de, Khalek the Changer: Mithrenburg *Forms a hissed voice, yet it is not from Khalek or any other from his retinue - the sound seemed to have formed upon the very winds themselves. The eleven discs continue to fly forth in the cities direction.*
[01-18:29] 94c70, Ryavel : *Has taken her leave of the city with Galaldur, scouting about outside the city.*
[01-18:31] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: ((, me too valin ))
[01-18:31] 7725b, Galaldur : *follows with her*
[01-18:33] 94c70, Ryavel : *Speaks quietly to Galaldur about the shadows that had danced around Shanira's feet, the strange acting Drow and the seeming large amount of magic in the city.*
[01-18:34] 8244f, Urukhai Raiders : *Their is only one entrance into the deepest and darkest caverns from which the Uruk-hai linger and group. But the entrance is guarded by several Uruk-hai and their pet Cave Troll. The caverns are linked to the Mithril mine of Mithrenburg, hence why Orc managed to raid and scare the Dwarves within the mines.*
[01-18:34] JOIN: Phoenix has entered.
[01-18:34] ae640, Rowyn : *was paused with Hannah, so would be there*
[01-18:35] 7725b, Galaldur : *listens to her silently, sighing a bit, no this was not good/*
[01-18:36] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: ((i continued later, sorry ))
[01-18:36] 3b971, Phoenix : *The hammer clangs down hard finishing his final silver Scimitar*
[01-18:36] 662de, Khalek the Changer: *And what seems like suicide happens - the eleven discs zoom straight towards Mithrenburg. Their speed is phenomenal - leaving only a trail of orange fire that quickly dissapates within the wind. The Hellriders quickly form up - moving to encircle Khalek.*
[01-18:37] ed09b, Valin Darkguard: *Ears ring. Is being talked about. Not really.*
[01-18:38] ae640, Rowyn : (( oh.. nvm then ))
[01-18:39] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 6:44pm, January 01 (CST) ).
[01-18:39] 94c70, Ryavel : (( DQ!!! *runs* ))
[01-18:40] JOIN: Fisi Bayahond has entered.
[01-18:41] 3b971, Phoenix : *He wipes swet from his forehead, and sits back in his chair*
[01-18:41] 8244f, Urukhai Raiders : *Constructed by the entrance is a small tower mostly composed of rock from the ruins of the mine, planted on the tower is a plentiful amount of archers. The sword armed Uruks were always preoccupied in keeping the Cave Troll in line, which did not require much considering the beast is bound by chains.*
[01-18:42] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: *has her face shoved nearly in her bag again, taking out scraps of paper to write on*
[01-18:45] 662de, Khalek the Changer: *The discs continue to head straight for the entrance, orange dots of fire appearing within the sky as they loom ever closer.* *Khalek himself, unfolds his arms, the shield remaining latched upon his arm through the use of purple tentacles. One gauntletted hand digs out a warped piece of wood as he begins to utter ancient dark words - his horned visage glaring in the direction of the tower. Upon the words, he crushes the piece of wood between his fingers, and calls upon a magical firestorm to erupt within
[01-18:46] 662de, Khalek the Changer: the entrance - including the tower. The Conflagration of Khaes is cast.*
[01-18:48] 3b971, Phoenix : *He cracks his neck and begins to walk toward the door of his shop*
[01-18:49] bbfc4, Fisi Bayahond: *The female Ghidra sits coldly on the back of the wagon as it jostles down the main drag of Ruapanchi. Her wrists are bound by irons, along with her ankles, a chain stretched beteween them. There is also a tough leather collar around her neck, with an iron loop holdig a chain attaching her to the wagon. The driver of the wagon reigns the two large draft horses outside of the Glimmering Inn. He's a large man, half human and half something else, red in the face and boisterous by nature.*
[01-18:49] bbfc4, Fisi Bayahond: *holding
[01-18:51] 3b971, Phoenix : *HE begins his slow walk toward the Glimmering inn hoping to Visit with Lyger and get a drink*
[01-18:51] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: *finishes her writing and shoves the paper back in the bag, napping on her rafter*
[01-18:52] bbfc4, Fisi Bayahond: *He slides off his perch and moves to the back of the wagon, unchaining the girl and dragging her towards the door.* C'mon, you lil PMS'ing wanna-be male pig... *She bares her teeth silently but submits. *
[01-18:53] bbfc4, Fisi Bayahond: *He slides off his perch and moves to the back of the wagon, unchaining the girl and dragging her towards the door.* C'mon, you lil b**ch... *She bares her teeth silently but submits. *
[01-18:53] bbfc4, Fisi Bayahond: ((THere we go. Damned sensors))
[01-18:53] bbfc4, Fisi Bayahond: *censors
[01-18:54] 3b971, Phoenix : *He sees the large horses as he walks toward the Inn HE has never seen sucha specticle before*
[01-18:55] 8244f, Urukhai Raiders : *The Tower shatters, sending the archers into a scorches fall as the Uruks are envelped by the flames cast by this horrific attack, the cave itself shudders violently - rock breaking all from the entrance to make it larger.*
[01-18:55] bbfc4, Fisi Bayahond: *Her wrists and ankles are already rubbed raw and wet from the irons, her neck also beggining to blister. She looks around dejectedly, barely wasting the energy to stand upright. They manage through the door*
[01-18:56] 3b971, Phoenix : *He follows behind the large man and the girl in shakles watching them in a confused manner*
[01-18:56] 867a2, Sileen : Whoever was riding a "nightmare" before this point, as pointed out to me by another chatter, was wrong. Nightmares have only JUST been approved, and are extremely limited.
[01-18:57] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: *sleeps peacefully*
[01-18:58] 662de, Khalek the Changer: *Fuelled by the deaths, the fire ever shifts colour - turning from orange to blue, to green. Reality itself seems to warp as creatures begin to warp inplace of the bodies. The Daemonic Servitors are summoned- around 10 of them - Horrors of Khaes. The Horror's are an everychanging mass of humanoid size - they appear almost like a liquid bordering upon solid state - maws and tentacles forming randomly. A mass of claws, teeth and chaotic magic. The Horrors immediately move forth into the cave - pure beings of
[01-18:58] 8244f, Urukhai Raiders : *And of course the Cave Troll is lying on the ground, its skin scorched but it lives none the less. It's large hammer has been tore from it's possess and its brutish helmet has drawn blood from the sharp ends stabbing into his ear.*
[01-18:59] 662de, Khalek the Changer: Chaotic magic. The firestorm dies down just as the Hellriders and Khalek enter through the cavern mouth after the Horrors.*
[01-19:00] JOIN: Rowyn has entered.
[01-19:01] bbfc4, Fisi Bayahond: *THe large man whirls suddenly, knocking the girl around in the process* YOU, boy...*to Phoenix* Ya need a fine worker?
[01-19:01] 662de, Khalek the Changer: *After being cooked by the firestorm, the cave troll is attacked relentlessly by two Horrors and upon the arrival of the Hellriders has a halberd and multiple sword slashed into it to make sure from the circular retinue blasting through the cavern entrance.*
[01-19:01] 3b971, Phoenix : *Looks up at the large man startled slightly* Maybe what are you good at?
[01-19:02] JOIN: Lyger has entered.
[01-19:02] JOIN: Rowyn has entered.
[01-19:03]       Lyger rides back into town heading stright from the weaponsmith shop. In his hand he carries two dead rabbits which he hunted him self for dinner
[01-19:04] 8244f, Urukhai Infantry : *Within the cavern is a vast opening amongst the rock interior lays a factory; populated by mostly Orcs who mold and craft swords, helmets, chainmails, armour. Though the disturbance outside the mouth of the cavern that now enters their domain causes the bravest and vilest of Orc to back away in retreat.*
[01-19:04] bbfc4, Fisi Bayahond: *He laughs, spittle flying from his lips* Not ME, boy....*chuckles grotequely* This little wench. *jerks on the girls chain* You're a funny feller...listen, I like that. Ah'll make yer a deal.
[01-19:06] 3b971, Phoenix : What do you mean a deal? And why is she bond in such ways? Has she stolen from you?
[01-19:07] JOIN: Brimstone has entered.
[01-19:07] 3b971, Phoenix : bound*
[01-19:08] 662de, Khalek the Changer: *The Horrors of Khaes spill forth into the cavern - unintelligeable babble echoing from their magical forms. They are most definately fearsome creatures - and they unleash a hail of green fired 'arrows' into the mass of orcs. One in particular is rather overzealous - getting right into the thick of it, and unleashing a spread of pink fire into the beleagued defenders. Yet the Hellriders and Khalek himself burst through the opening to fly over the factory - letting the Horrors do their work. Khalek searche
[01-19:09] 867a2, Sileen : *stares at Brimstone's picture and drools*
[01-19:09] bbfc4, Fisi Bayahond: *The man settles back, puffing out his ample gut* This here wench is a Ghidra slave girl, excellent condition. She's striped Hyena, as you'll notice, very rare. Now, she's about the best little worker you'll find ina female, aren't you...?*he nudges her and she nods begrudginly* That's right. She's real smart too...
[01-19:09] beb1a, Brimstone : (*grins*)
[01-19:09] 662de, Khalek the Changer: s for a being of magic - for another Sorcerer, a pathetic one. Reaches through the ebb of magic.*
[01-19:10]       Lyger looks around and doesn't see Phoenix, shurgs and starts perparing the rabbots to cook.
[01-19:11] 3b971, Phoenix : Alright Ill take her I guess.. I mean if oyu have no use for her *Reaches for the chains*
[01-19:11] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[01-19:11] 6e01e, Zaknafein : ((mmmm. Cookie dough blizzard.))
[01-19:11] 94c70, Ryavel : (( *returns* ))
[01-19:13] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: *sleep sleep*
[01-19:13] JOIN: Joreth has entered.
[01-19:13] 6e01e, Zaknafein : *Is still sitting at his table, having gotten lost in thought.*
[01-19:13] bbfc4, Fisi Bayahond: Ah ah....*the man holds the chains away.* We're gonna need to settle on the price...
[01-19:14] bbfc4, Fisi Bayahond: I'mah 'fraid I'm gonna hafta charge you extra fer the irons, Cuz they're stayin on 'er...
[01-19:14] 3b971, Phoenix : Price sure *Pulls out his pouch* How much? ((I luv royalty and there generosity))
[01-19:15] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: *stirs, picking her leg up and crossing her ankles on the rafterbeam*
[01-19:16] bbfc4, Fisi Bayahond: ( does currency go in here?))
[01-19:16] 94c70, Ryavel : (( gold pieces and the like I'd reckon ))
[01-19:17] 867a2, Sileen : .
[01-19:18] 94c70, Ryavel : (( *ponders what sort of trouble to get into* ))
[01-19:18] 867a2, Sileen : .
[01-19:19] 8244f, Joreth: *The Orcs are immediately gunned down with the unique form of arrows, majority of the Orc and Uruks descend further into the cavern as a panicked sorcerer emerges from his meditation room, equipped with his black staff, hued by a blue light. His eyebrow merely lifting at the chaos that occurrs below him, the balcony overlooks the factory, the residence is linked to the surface and the caverns that is.*
[01-19:21] JOIN: Shanira Treyan has entered.
[01-19:21] bbfc4, Fisi Bayahond: *A broad smile cracks his lips* How much you got...?
[01-19:21]       Lyger after skinning the rabbits finds a few veggtables and starts to make a stew
[01-19:21] 3b971, Phoenix : *Hands him the entire pouch* You have a key to those? *reaches for them again*
[01-19:22] e359c, Shanira Treyan : *stirs, still stretched out on that park bench, clothes slightly damp from the mist coming off of the fountain* How long was I asleep?
[01-19:22] JOIN: Squirrel has entered.
[01-19:23] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: *wakes, staying still, looking down at the people in the tavern from her rafter*
[01-19:23] bbfc4, Fisi Bayahond: *After inspecting the pouch he laughs broadly and hits Phoenix on the back* Godd man...Now...You're not gonna be using the key much, but here. *He removes one from a ring of them jingling at his waist*
[01-19:23] bbfc4, Fisi Bayahond: *Good
[01-19:23] 3eea1, Squirrel : Rafter? Wtf?!
[01-19:23] 662de, Khalek the Changer: *For good measure, Khalek mutters an incantation once again - crushing another piece of warped wood - as he unleased another Conflagration of Khaes within the mass of Orcs - a bunched up lot. The intent is merely to cause more devastation and summon more Horrors. Doesn't maintain the firestorm for long, has no need to block off any path or such. Him and his Hellriders immediately fly off again, going low to strike down some Orc's in a pass-by attack before heading towards the balcony and Joreth in
[01-19:23] bbfc4, Fisi Bayahond: *He holds it out, along with the chain*
[01-19:24] 662de, Khalek the Changer: particular.* OOC: Unleashed=unleashes
[01-19:24] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: ((I asked mab she says there are some ))
[01-19:25] 3eea1, Squirrel : What did you do? Fly up there?
[01-19:25] 3eea1, Squirrel : Just wondering cause I'm confused
[01-19:25] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: ((crawled from my stool ^_^))
[01-19:26] 3eea1, Squirrel : Oh...ok *shrug*
[01-19:26] ed09b, Valin Darkguard: *A voice no where*Not to long. It is slipping into the evening.
[01-19:26] 6e01e, Zaknafein : *Just sits there, nursing a drink, looking lost in thought.*
[01-19:26] 3b971, Phoenix : *He grabs it and places it around his neck, he then looks the girl over and grabs the chains* Nice doing buisness with you* He says akwardly un sure of what he had just purchased*
[01-19:27] e359c, Shanira Treyan : *sighs and sits up, stretching* I did'nt mean to doze off
[01-19:27] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: *sort of crouches, making her way over zaks table, looking down at him*
[01-19:28] bbfc4, Fisi Bayahond: *Seizing her moment, the girl lunges away, hopefully wrenching the chains from the new man's grasp. Her seller laughs and heads towards the door* Oh and by the way...No refunds.
[01-19:28] JOIN: Riddonnel Doomhaven has entered.
[01-19:28] 6e01e, Zaknafein : *Doesn't notice Hannah above him.*
[01-19:29] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: *lays on her stomach on the beam, dangling her arms over the sides with her bag hanging from her hands, tapping zak on the back, quickly pulling back up*
[01-19:30] JOIN: Rav has entered.
[01-19:30] 6e01e, Zaknafein : *Seeing as how he sat with his back to a wall, he knew it couldn't have been something thrown at him so he looks up, seeing Hannah.* What're you doing up there?
[01-19:30] 3b971, Phoenix : *He runs after her* Wait girl * he leaps to step on the chain*
[01-19:31] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: ((oops)) sitting *dangles her arms again idly* well, laying
[01-19:32] 6e01e, Zaknafein : I see that. Enjoying yourself up there?
[01-19:32] ed09b, Valin Darkguard: You needed the rest.
[01-19:32] bbfc4, Fisi Bayahond: *She's fast despite her exhaustion. She leaps onto a table, her chains causing quite the stir. She leaps from table to table, not sure which direction to take**The man, by this time, is clucking his horses off into the night*
[01-19:32]       Lyger cooks the stew slowly after chopping up the rabbit meat
[01-19:33] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: yes, how about you?
[01-19:33] e359c, Shanira Treyan : It's not safe to just doze off in a park, even with you around, my friend.
[01-19:33] 6e01e, Zaknafein : Of course.
[01-19:34] 8244f, Joreth: *The Orc are again unable to cause much of a return retaliation and are promptly slaughtered by the firestorm. Yet Joreth does not faulter in fear at the sight of these Hellriders, he tightens his grip onto his staff, eyeing them.*
[01-19:34] 7077c, Riddonnel Doomhaven: *he slips out from the shadows, from behind Shanira. how he displayed himself yesterday wasent his true self, there are many faces to evil. that was one of them* *he has 4 men in the shadows on all sides of the park, his red steel cloak swishes against the ground as he begins to walk towards her, blue eyes beaming*
[01-19:34] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: care to join me? or are you enjoying yourself too much
[01-19:34] 3b971, Phoenix : *He watches her calmly followng her movements, trying to judge where she is goiing to go next*
[01-19:35] ed09b, Valin Darkguard: You were as safe as anywhere else Ma'Lady
[01-19:36] e359c, Shanira Treyan : *hears Ridd's cloak swishing on the grass, she turns and quickly stands, suppressing a groan* I beg to differ. May I introduce the insane and vile king Doomhaven?
[01-19:36] bbfc4, Fisi Bayahond: *She leaps onto Zaknafein's table, probably flinging chains at Hannah and himself on accident as she leaps away again*
[01-19:36] 6e01e, Zaknafein : How about you come down? I only float when returning to my house at the Matron's call.
[01-19:37] 662de, Khalek the Changer: *Gestures with one gauntletted hand - the Hellriders breaking up as only two escort him in towards Joreth now. The others zoom off to slay any Orcs that might disturb their leader. The now, dozens of Horrors run rampage throughout the caverns - multicoloured fire dancing within the darkness from their magical effects. Khalek's disc rides up to the balcony, shield bearing the eye of Khaes latched upon one hand/arm*
[01-19:37] 6e01e, Zaknafein : *In a split second action and having knowledge of scared slaves, he grabs the chain before Hannah can react.*
[01-19:37] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[01-19:38] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: *blinks, pulling back, trieing to keep her balance as she's startled*
[01-19:38] 3b971, Phoenix : Im sorry shes knew, *Leaps toward Zak*
[01-19:39] beb1a, Brimstone : *he stood off in the distance, his cool, steel eyes tearing over the inn before him .. well off to the buildings right, he dons a leather longcoat, lined completely in some type of animal hair, comfortably-fitting black leather slacks, and equally dark boots of the same matterial - his silverish-white hair cast about his face, shifting wih the find before his sharp vision*..
[01-19:39] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: *drops down from the rafters, possibly landing on phoenix as she's unaware of his intentions*
[01-19:39]       Lyger stands at the door way looking out into the night woundering where Phoenix is
[01-19:39] 6e01e, Zaknafein : Perhaps next time you purchase a slave, you should keep better hold on it. They tend to run away from new masters.
[01-19:39] 94c70, Ryavel : *Galaldur having gone off to check on something else or other, she sits in a clearing on a rock. She had collected a few things from where they had been staying, outside of the city, and was now crafting some arrows. One could never have too many after all.*
[01-19:39] ed09b, Valin Darkguard: *He falls silent. He knows of the four men. Has known of them since they stationed themselves. Same for Ridd. Shadows do not hide presence from Valin.*
[01-19:39] bbfc4, Fisi Bayahond: *She is caught in mid leap and falls back like the dog who has reached the end of his rope. She rests on the ground, panting, her eyes on Zaknafein. They are two differnet colors; One is amber brown and the other is blue. Her attetion turns to Phoenix as he moves, her Canine ears twisting*
[01-19:40] ed09b, Valin Darkguard: *Oh...he is no where to be seen. Him talking was just a voice*
[01-19:41] 7725b, Galaldur : *After having taken care of the task, he begins lookign for Ryavel once more.*
[01-19:41] 6e01e, Zaknafein : Hmm.. I've never seen this breed of slave before. Looks as if she'd be good in the underdark. *He says as he looks at the slave.*
[01-19:41] 3eea1, Ravaella Glimmergaunt : Oy Brimstone, take a look at the time period. No leather slacks
[01-19:41] 8244f, Joreth: Well if you've came to kill me then so graciously do so. You do not appear to be of Drow origin, so you purpose here is rather oblivious to me for the moment...*cocks an eyebrow, bringing his other hand forth to curl his fingers around the opaque mighty staff.*
[01-19:42] 3b971, Phoenix : Sorry Zak Shes mine *Reaches for her chain*
[01-19:42] beb1a, Brimstone : (Slacks, as in just another term for pants. Figured if there was leather armor, there could be leather pants, too.)
[01-19:35] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: ((or ok dont post to mine =P)) *scrambles to her feet, brushing herself off as she searches for her bag*
[01-19:35] 94c70, Ryavel : (( *didn't object* ))
[01-19:35] bbfc4, Fisi Bayahond: *Her black-velvet ears prick at Zaknafein's voice, and her tail twitches slightly, not a wag, just motion*
[01-19:35] 7077c, Riddonnel Doomhaven: We meet again Queen, last night was a play simply * his head turns to where Valin is at, as anygood king with spys should know where his enemys are *
[01-19:36] e359c, Shanira Treyan : Right. And tonight would be the encore?
[01-19:36] 6e01e, Zaknafein : I didn't want her anyway. Don't have much of a need for a slave. Except to add to the family collection perhaps. *Lets Phoenix have the chain.*
[01-19:36] 3eea1, Squirrel : Forget it, never mind
[01-19:37] ed09b, Valin Darkguard: *There is no body to be seen. Anywhere.*
[01-19:37] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: ((whats wrong squrirel? ))
[01-19:37] 662de, Khalek the Changer: *Chuckles before speaking, his voice a mix of accents and tones - as if he has many voices all linked together* You pathetic man-thing, do you not recognise the true power? My Master thanks you for your part in all this... *Chuckles once again, joined by the chuckles of the two Hellriders with him - both bearing the same sort of iron armour. One of them with blue tentacles grasping a halberd.*
[01-19:37] ed09b, Valin Darkguard: *The last that was seen of Valin as an actual person was when he was stepping out of the tavern. After that...nothing..*
[01-19:38] JOIN: Rav has entered.
[01-19:38] beb1a, Brimstone : *turning over thought after thought in his mind, he moved forward at a most casual pace, his steps graceful .. eyes attention on his surrounds, darkness doing little to hinder his unnatural gaze*..
[01-19:39] 3b971, Phoenix : *Wraps the chain around his wrist* Now you behave We havent even met yet and your trying to run away..*trys to help her stand*
[01-19:39] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: *becomes frustrated with her search..not seeming to find it anywhere*
[01-19:39] 7077c, Riddonnel Doomhaven: no encore for that drastic horrid thing *he shakes his head as he gets closer to the Queen* So do you really thing im such a twisted indivudual? (( wouldent he have some sort of presence eh? ))
[01-19:40] JOIN: Brimstone has entered.
[01-19:40] 6e01e, Zaknafein : *Looks to Phoenix.* You know nothing of slaves, do you?
[01-19:40] e359c, Shanira Treyan : *takes a step back, beleiving it would be in her best interest to keep some distance between them* Yes.
[01-19:41] bbfc4, Fisi Bayahond: *Her ears twitch further at hi voice. It isn't apparently whether or not she uderstands what he's saying, but as the hand comes towards her she growls, showing pointed teeth. Her ears pin back*
[01-19:41]       Lyger turns away from the door and returns to the stew cooking. Grabbing a wooden bowl Lyger scoops out some of the stew tired of waiting for Phoenix
[01-19:41] ed09b, Valin Darkguard: *Yes, but it's a non visable one. Well, it's sort of visable...*
[01-19:42] 3b971, Phoenix : She is no slave she is a worker I have hired *pulls his hand back*
[01-19:43] 8244f, Joreth: Part in what. might I query? *he keeps his eyebrow lifted, remaining unphased by the Hellrider's, keeping his posture upright even for a man of his age.*
[01-19:43] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: *says from her hunched over position, her eyes scanning the floor for her bag* A worker has the rights to come and go as they please..*mumbling to herself*
[01-19:43] 6e01e, Zaknafein : *Watches the slaves reaction to him.*Hmm.. *Speaks something in the Drow language to see what sort of reation he gets.* You are wrong Phoenix. She is a slave. If she were a worker, she'd have come to you looking for work and wouldn't be wearing chains.
[01-19:44] ed09b, Valin Darkguard: *A dark and almost rumbling voice seems to call forth from seemingly all around Ridd*Keep your distance...and bring your men into the open...there is no need to try and hide them in the shadows.
[01-19:45] 3b971, Phoenix : *Pays no mind to hannah* Maybe... we shall see I have yet to even speak to her.
[01-19:45] 3b971, Phoenix : ((Sorry Hanah...))
[01-19:45] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: (( it ok!!))
[01-19:45] bbfc4, Fisi Bayahond: *Her ears twist to Zaknafein, but her eyes stay locked on Phoenix, gauging, judging.*
[01-19:45] 662de, Khalek the Changer: For growing us an army man-thing *His free hand draws forth his rune-encrusted sword. Quite obviously magical as the runes themselves glow in yet again - a multitude of every-changing colours. The shield remains latched upon his other arm* My Master wishes to bestow gifts upon you... *Again the chuckle from the Hellriders.*
[01-19:45] 6e01e, Zaknafein : SHe will not speak.
[01-19:46] beb1a, Brimstone : *hands sit curled at his sides, traveling parallel to one side of the building, his eyes remain forward for the most part .. steps even, pace unchanging*..
[01-19:46] 94c70, Ryavel : *Is focused on her work. She does not think that Galaldur would be looking for her.*
[01-19:46] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: *her movements excited as she finds what she's looking for under a table, grabbing the bag and cligning to it*
[01-19:47] 3b971, Phoenix : You do not know *Trys to help her up again* Cmon come with me...
[01-19:47] 3b771, Riddonnel Doomhaven: i just want you to listen to me for a minute * he is a might big man trained for years in war * why should i take my men out if hiding if you your self Valin stay hidden? *he dosent look around or startled, there are much worse things in Caranthir Ar-Feiniel* they stay hiddin as long as you do *his voice back to the queen*
[01-19:48] 6e01e, Zaknafein : I do know. I am a Drow and we hold more slaves than we do servants, guards and the rest of the house. You should be careful. She may bite you.
[01-19:48] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: *digs and rummages through her bag, happy to find all of its contents are there*
[01-19:49] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: *side glaces, watching brimstones feet..*
[01-19:49] EXIT: Squirrel has left the chat ( 8:38pm, January 01 (CST) ).
[01-19:49] 7725b, Galaldur : *Quietly moves around outside of the town, having last seen her heading off in this direction.*
[01-19:49] bbfc4, Fisi Bayahond: *She backs away from him, ears flat, but restrains growling. She watches...*
[01-19:49] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: ((are you still there lyger?))
[01-19:49] 3b971, Phoenix : She may bite me and if she does I deserve it for not being getle enough... That would be my own fault *Keeps his hand there waiting*
[01-19:50] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: ((less u didnt enter the building brimstone, i wasnt paying attention =) ))
[01-19:50] b1810, Lyger : ((yea I'm here just kinda hanging in the weaponsmith shop))
[01-19:50] e359c, Shanira Treyan : And why should I? Between you and that woman I've had a very annoying past few days
[01-19:51] beb1a, Brimstone : *nearing the corner, he closes the distance between himself and the inn .. arm nearly brushing against the wall, he stops momentarily, then takes two steps forward- head turning to his right, looking over the front of the structure*..
[01-19:51] 6e01e, Zaknafein : *Laughs. Just laughs. He'd hoped Phoenix wasn't so ignorant about slaves, apparently Zak was wrong. All he can do is laugh.*
[01-19:51] beb1a, Brimstone : (No, he hasn't yet.)
[01-19:51] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: ((ok scratch my post ^^))
[01-19:52] bbfc4, Fisi Bayahond: *She won't take his hand, even if she is aware of what he's trying to do. She croaks something in Ghidran, in the Dialect of her people, to the extent of "What are you doing/What do you want of me?"*
[01-19:52] 3b971, Phoenix : Please come with me I promise no harm shall be fall you... *a gentle compationate look in his eyes*
[01-19:53] JOIN: Theodin has entered.
[01-19:54] beb1a, Brimstone : *body follows soon after his head on rotation, moving toward again .. weaving around and bushes and exterior woodwork - he made is way to the front doors*..
[01-19:54] bbfc4, Fisi Bayahond: *She stands guardedly, pulling herself up to her full 5' 2'', her ears still rotating nervously. She appears to have no intention of moving...*
[01-19:54] 94c70, Ryavel : *She softly sings to herself as she works, there was noone else around so nothing to worry about.*
[01-19:55] 8244f, Joreth: The Uruk-hai bow only to those who grow them. I did not grow an army for you or your master - they serve one purpose and that is to wage away against the Drows. *he sneers almost, continuing to shoot a deadly glare at the Hellriders.* Bare gifts? And what is it your master offers, hm?
[01-19:55] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[01-19:56] 4e437, Theodin: (( So where does this chat revolve around? ))
[01-19:56] 3b771, Riddonnel Doomhaven: Why should you cause your out numbered 5 to 2, maybe or show what kind of queen you are and listen to the other royalty maybe? *he takes another large stride forward. ready for any kind of strike from the hidden coward* and that night was nothing
[01-19:56] 3b971, Phoenix : Come with me *he points to the door* I dont know if I can take those off here *He points to the shackles and does a motion resembling that of removing the shakels on his own wrists*
[01-19:57] 6e01e, Zaknafein : *Shakes his head and continues to laugh.*You do and you'll be out a worker. ((Read the Welcome.))
[01-19:57] 7725b, Galaldur : *cants his to one side slightly as hears song in the distance, smiling faintly he knew it could only be one person... starts walking towards the source*
[01-19:57] beb1a, Brimstone : *a gloved hand reaches out, taking a hold of the left door handle, he opens it slowly, his eyes taking in the interior - light thuds against the flooring as he heads in, closing the door behind himself*..
[01-19:57] 867a2, Sileen : It revolves around me
[01-19:57] 662de, Khalek the Changer: I intend to follow on with that intention against the Drow. War can serve so many purposes man-thing *The screams of Orcs and Daemonic babble fill the cavern as a war rages beyond them* Immersion into magic itself
[01-19:58] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: *stands with her bag all in one piece, happy, she brushes her dusty blue cloak off, fixing her hair, sliding her gray eyes across the patrons in the room*
[01-19:58] 3b971, Phoenix : ((*Points to the board* Theodin you got some readin to do..))
[01-19:58] e359c, Shanira Treyan : *letting a hint of ice come into her voice, she takes another step back, one hand half moving to the sword at her side* You have given me little reason to listen to you. Your kind live only for death and hate.
[01-19:58] 867a2, Sileen : Mwaha
[01-19:59] JOIN: Aralore has entered.
[01-19:59] 4e437, Theodin: * walks into the tavern*
[01-19:59] c45d2, Aralore : ((...))
[01-19:59] ed09b, Valin Darkguard: *His voice once again emits from out of no where*Take another step and each of your men will die and I will be back to stop your advancement before you can so much as lift a hand againt Her Magesty
[01-19:59] 4e437, Theodin: (( Hmm. My internet browser is acting up again ))
[01-20:00] bbfc4, Fisi Bayahond: *She just looks at him, her tail coming up to twitch slightly, perhaps a mocking wag*
[01-20:01] 3b771, Riddonnel Doomhaven: i wouldent do anything rash Treyan *his voice equally icy if not more so* and we only live for survival. and maybe revenge* and back to Valin* i have no worry of you bodyguard. expendable simply expendable*
[01-20:01] 3b771, Riddonnel Doomhaven: (( *pauses for a min* ))
[01-20:01] 3b971, Phoenix : *Begins to walk toward the door trying to lead her*
[01-20:01] 4e437, Theodin: *looks around, then takes a seat*
[01-20:02] e359c, Shanira Treyan : ***Pause***
[01-20:02] beb1a, Brimstone : *immediately seeing those present, his ideas for stopping at the place change, quite a bit .. he moved further in, just taking the place in with his steel-blue eyes - hands holding eachother loosely behind his back*..
[01-20:02] bbfc4, Fisi Bayahond: *Doesn't move.*
[01-20:03] 8244f, Joreth: Oh, and how so, foul creature? *He moves his staff to his side, one hand resting on it loosely yet it manages to keep a rigid vertical stance beside it.*
[01-20:04] 867a2, Sileen : ... *goes back to drooling over Brimstone's image*
[01-20:04] 6e01e, Zaknafein : *Shakes his head at Phoenix and his slave.*
[01-20:04] 3b971, Phoenix : I dont wish to pull you.. please come peacefully *Leans toward the door*
[01-20:05] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: *looks up, decideing to slip into the rafters again, climbing onto a table etc, pulling herself onto a beam*
[01-20:06] bbfc4, Fisi Bayahond: ((*drools over Joreth's image* Yea baby...))
[01-20:06] 662de, Khalek the Changer: Through the Maelstorm *Seems almost amused by Joreth, as if someone who exists with such lack of knowledge is a mere child.* Do you accept our Gift man-thing? *Again the Hellriders chuckle, although tighten their grips upon their respective weapons. *
[01-20:07] beb1a, Brimstone : *he pauses, eyes cast over a shoulder at the animalistic girl, trailing across the chains .. resting on the one holding the other end...*
[01-20:07] e359c, Shanira Treyan : Stop where you are, Doomhaven, and I won't be forced to.
[01-20:07] 94c70, Ryavel : *hums softly.* Amin ham aru i'naur ar'now en' ilya tanya amin cael'elee, En' laide-loter ar' wilwarinr e'lairer tanya cael'wanwie
[01-20:07] c45d2, Aralore : *Saunters into the inn with night's silence, burning amethyst eyes regarding the fellow patrons with calm resign...a beautifully crafted white bow is slung over his shoulder along with two quivers, and a soft female's voice constantly whispers, emanating from the large bow...for those who could understand Elven, it speaks mostly hushed battle exclamations, repeating the phrase "swift defeat to my enemies" every time the drow's black hand fancies strumming the taut string as if it were a harpsichord.*
[01-20:08] JOIN: Riddonnel Doomhaven has entered.
[01-20:08] bbfc4, Fisi Bayahond: *Her eyes narrow and her eyes take a sweep over the room, before, with the slightest flick of tail, she bolts towards the door*
[01-20:09] ae640, Rowyn : (( *ponders going IC* ))
[01-20:09] 8244f, Joreth: Either way, foul creature, I have no choice it seems. *He never possessed any interest in the Ruinous powers, he was more concerned about his campaign against the Drow Elves, claiming their land for himself along with all their possessions.*
[01-20:09] 6e01e, Zaknafein : *Wouldn't bother with a bow, prefers a wand or his spells.*
[01-20:09] 3b971, Phoenix : *Is pulled violenlty but hold firmly to the chain*
[01-20:09] 7725b, Galaldur : *Listens to the sweet words, he comes closer, walking lihgtly as not to alert her of his presense.*
[01-20:09] JOIN: Brimstone has entered.
[01-20:10] JOIN: Brimstone has entered.
[01-20:10] ed6c0, Riddonnel Doomhaven: you couldent do a thing to me, only the coward would have a chance *said all smugly that blond hair hanging over one eye and his left hand under the steel woven cloak that can be used as a sheild*
[01-20:10] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: *pulls her hood up, resting it atop her head as she leans back, laying horizontally on a beam, crossing her ankels and arms*
[01-20:11] e359c, Shanira Treyan :'d be suprised. If you wish to speak, stop where you are and speak. Or else I'm leaving.
[01-20:11] 6e01e, Zaknafein : One day he will learn how to handle slaves upon purchase. *Said more to himself since everyone has left him.*
[01-20:11] 94c70, Ryavel : En' malina lasser ar' maksa e' yavie tanya cael'wanwie, Yassen amrun hisie ar' celeb anor ar' sul deno' adin loske. *She pauses for a moment thinking she had heard something.*Amin ham aru i'naur ar'now en' sut i'palurin tenna' sii' Iire hrive yallume avaene ehtele' tanya amin aa' il ele.
[01-20:11] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: *is still above zak, hasnt left*
[01-20:12] beb1a, Brimstone : *watches a brief moment longer before his steely vision cuts back across half of the room, settling on the bar .. steps take him forward, hands unfolding and falling to his sides - appearing to be a normal man of a little over average height*..
[01-20:12] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[01-20:12] 8244f, Joreth: ((*wishes Z could speak oh I don't know ENGLISH *))
[01-20:12] 662de, Khalek the Changer: There is always a choice man-thing - yet the time of making one is elusive *The horned helmet hides any emotion upon his face. The disc suddenly slowly begins to approach the balcony once more - upon closer inspection its spikes are coated with old blood stains.*
[01-20:13] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[01-20:13] bbfc4, Fisi Bayahond: *Sensing her control, she pulls herself out the door and up to road*
[01-20:14] bbfc4, Fisi Bayahond: *to=the
[01-20:14] 6e01e, Zaknafein : *Looks to Hannah.* Think I should go help him?
[01-20:14] ed6c0, Riddonnel Doomhaven: *stops* as you wish, now i want you to think about something. im not here to kill you only other kingdoms. and if you were FORCED out of your lands to be umond commoners that would have loved to kill you for your status * he is trying to make her to see what he sees*
[01-20:14] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: would he accept it? *turns her head to look to him*
[01-20:15] c45d2, Aralore : ((Joreth: You mean Common ))
[01-20:15] 94c70, Ryavel : (( *doesn't know how* ))
[01-20:16] 7725b, Galaldur : ((Oh Auta miqula orqu!)) *Continues to sneak up on her, quietly as possible.*
[01-20:17] 867a2, Aegnora: ((*dies laughing!!*))
[01-20:17] 3b971, Phoenix : *Is dragged the opposite direction he wants to go* Wait stop *Reaches out and grabs a thick tree trunk forcing them both to stop*
[01-20:17] 4e437, Theodin : (( ugh... ))
[01-20:18] c45d2, Aralore : *Fiddles around in his pocket a moment, withdrawing a pipe and some various mixed up...indulgences. He lights the pipe with steadfast eagerness, lowering his cloak and his guard for that one brief moment of orgiastic pleasure and colour as he puffs out, seating himself at a chair nearby*
[01-20:18] 867a2, Aegnora: ((Llie n'vanima ar' lle atara lanneina))
[01-20:18] JOIN: Riddonnel Doomhaven has entered.
[01-20:18] beb1a, Brimstone : *placing himself on a seat, he orders drink from the tender, voice low, quiet .. turning half way, he props an elbow up on the bar - eyes scanning over those who remain*..
[01-20:19] 6e8fe, Will-o'-the-wisp: is that a true language you folk are speaking there, or just elegant gobbledegook?
[01-20:19] 4e437, Theodin : *looks around at the various people in the bar*
[01-20:20] c45d2, Aralore : ((It's Elven, I think..))
[01-20:20] 6e01e, Zaknafein : I honestly don't know. But it would be better than him being lead around on the end of a chain.
[01-20:20] 94c70, Ryavel : (( It's a true, fictional language hehe ))
[01-20:20] 867a2, Aegnora: ((Hm..))
[01-20:20] 7725b, Galaldur : ((*shakes his head*))
[01-20:21] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: why i do believe you're starting to become friendly *grins down at him* good luck
[01-20:21] 8244f, Joreth: Then I suppose I offer you my army, foul creature, if your minions would halt slaying them to justly.
[01-20:21] 6e8fe, Will-o'-the-wisp: but you're making it up?
[01-20:21] ed6c0, Riddonnel Doomhaven: and try to imagin your own people in a unrest for the deeds done to them. They want blood now and with blood will come freedome. all i am is a humbel king trying to give my people freedome that you wont be able to give me or anyone else * he stands there strraight up. hopeing she can see what its like to have a country out of order*
[01-20:21] 867a2, Aegnora: ((So...))
[01-20:21] 7725b, Galaldur : ((no..))
[01-20:22] 94c70, Ryavel : (( *didn't know it bothered D so much, will stop.* ))
[01-20:22] 6e01e, Zaknafein : Nay. I am not friendly. *Sits back down deciding to let the man figure it out on his own.*
[01-20:22] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[01-20:22] JOIN: Maiougi Hitosashi has entered.
[01-20:22] 8244f, Joreth: ((*wants to understand what they're saying *))
[01-20:22] bbfc4, Maiougi Hitosashi: *is still pulling...*
[01-20:22] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: *chuckles*
[01-20:22] 94c70, Ryavel : (( *didn't know anyone really read her posts * ))
[01-20:22] bbfc4, Fisi Bayahond: *is still pulling*
[01-20:23] 8244f, Joreth: ((actually, keep speaking it, because I won't feel as nerdy as understanding Elvish or Klingon *L*))
[01-20:23] 8244f, Joreth: ((which I don't know how to speak anyway *L*))
[01-20:23]       Lyger keeps the site low for when Pheonix returns, takes a seat near the fire keeping warm and wishes he bought him self a book to read as to entertain him self
[01-20:23] c45d2, Aralore : *places the hood back up over his shock of white hair again, puffing his pipe contentedly and watching the patrons, preparing to get a drink but lost in the moment for now* ((Who all is at the Inn?))
[01-20:23] beb1a, Brimstone : *when his drink arrives, he pays as needed, coins taken from a small brown bag from a coat pocket .. a hand gently takes the glass by two fingers nd thumb, lifting it to his lips for a sip to savor*..
[01-20:23] 867a2, Aegnora: ((Translation of what I said, in Elvish, is You're ugly and your mother dresses you funny))
[01-20:24] beb1a, Brimstone : (*is, at the bar, or whatever area drinks and/or food is gotten from*)
[01-20:24] 3b971, Phoenix : I didnt want to do this *Pulls hard* But you leave me no choice..
[01-20:24] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 9:21pm, January 01 (CST) ).
[01-20:24] 662de, Khalek the Changer: *Thrusts his shield bearing arm upwards, whispering a few ancient archaic words. The Horrors of Khaes relent from their slaughter - moving backwards, along with the other eight Hellriders.* Ever the veil of shadow man-thing *The two escort Hellriders move to each edge of the balcony - in a flanking posture as Khalek himself glides towards the side of Joreth* Announce their new leader. Khalek the Changer, Champion of Khaes
[01-20:25] 867a2, Delotha Faenor : .
[01-20:25] ed6c0, Riddonnel Doomhaven: (( there is a language for klingon? ))
[01-20:25] bbfc4, Fisi Bayahond: *falls back onto the ground and turns to look back at him*
[01-20:25] JOIN: Phoenix has entered.
[01-20:25] e359c, Shanira Treyan : It is because of you and others like you that they want blood. You have brought this upon yourself. And if there is civil unrest in your kingdom, I hope it brings you down.
[01-20:25] EXIT: Phoenix has left the chat ( 9:25pm, January 01 (CST) ).
[01-20:26] c45d2, Aralore : (( ))
[01-20:26] JOIN: Jace Malliarch has entered.
[01-20:26] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[01-20:26] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: *lays her back on her stomach, breaking another peice of flat bread off and holding her arm down* want some?
[01-20:26] JOIN: Squirrel has entered.
[01-20:26] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 9:26pm, January 01 (CST) ).
[01-20:27] 3eea1, Squirrel : Hmmm
[01-20:27] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[01-20:27] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 9:27pm, January 01 (CST) ).
[01-20:27] JOIN: Gaffer has entered.
[01-20:27] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[01-20:28] 3b971, Gaffer : *Scowers about the outside of Town*
[01-20:28] 3eea1, Ravaella Glimmergaunt : ((Hmmm, again))
[01-20:28] ed6c0, Riddonnel Doomhaven: oh its not civil unrest cause of me you see. its cause of you and all of the ones who banished us. i know they wont rise against me. i treat them as well as i can *shakes his head befor shifting his weight* and if ou cant understand that then i guess my perposal is useless to you
[01-20:28] 6e01e, Zaknafein : Usstan inba mzild ogglinnar taga abbilen. *He says slipping back into his on tongue.* Nau g'rftte.
[01-20:28] d7c72, Jace Malliarch : ((Hannah, Are you feedings the squirrels again?))
[01-20:28] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: (( no hello))
[01-20:28] c45d2, Aralore : *After a little while he stands, moving over to the bar and calling out in an unfathomably tranquil voice* Barkeep, I'll have a pint.
[01-20:29] 94c70, Ryavel : (( *is happy with being nerdy... keeps all the boys from flirting with her* ))
[01-20:29] 3b971, Phoenix : You must not run, you must come back with me..
[01-20:29] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: *blinks* uh huh...i understood every word of that..
[01-20:29] e359c, Shanira Treyan : We banished you for a reason.
[01-20:30] 6e01e, Zaknafein : Huh? Oh Sorry. I said I have more enemies than friends and no thanks.
[01-20:30] d7c72, Jace Malliarch : ((Ryavel, Ain't nothin wrong with a nerdy girl.))
[01-20:30] bbfc4, Maiougi Hitosashi: *A face peeks out from behind a curtain on the stage, Amber eyes scanning the room, passing over Zak and Brimstone, Hannah and anyone else*
[01-20:30] 3eea1, Ravaella Glimmergaunt : ((Perhaps a darker color))
[01-20:30] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: alright..what made you say that? *nibbles the rejected bread*
[01-20:30] 6e01e, Zaknafein : Say what?
[01-20:31] e359c, Shanira Treyan : ***Pause***
[01-20:31] ed6c0, Riddonnel Doomhaven: yes well im still unclear on what reason that was, can you enlighten me on the subject?
[01-20:31] c45d2, Aralore : ((Please, please, Ryavel. We're trying to give ourselves a good name. We prefer the term "intellectual."))
[01-20:31] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: what made you say something the..other languege
[01-20:31] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : *she hears voices from another section of the park... familiar voices at that. A slight smirk comes to her lips as she halts in her steps, head tilting ever so slightly as she listens to the conversation in the distance*
[01-20:31] beb1a, Brimstone : *his eyes squint lightly, returning the glass to the bartop .. brilliant hues always moving across the room slowly, examining, watching - ears tuned to anything of interest, of knowledge*..
[01-20:32] ed6c0, Riddonnel Doomhaven: ((**PPAAUUSSEE**))
[01-20:32] 3eea1, Ravaella Glimmergaunt : ((Fanboys and Fangirls))
[01-20:32] bbfc4, Fisi Bayahond: *Just blinks*
[01-20:32] 6e01e, Zaknafein : Mostly habbit. In the underdark everyone learns our tongue for trading.
[01-20:32] 120c4, Rav: Riddonnel AIM me at RavionSantail
[01-20:32] 120c4, Rav: please
[01-20:33] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: ah, i see..
[01-20:33] 8244f, Joreth: *He looks to the two Hellriders then at Khalek. He takes a deep breath as he moves to the ledge of the balcony, clearing his throat as the Orc and Uruks who remained seemed to eventually regard him.* You shall no longer fight under the banner of the Bronze blade of Joreth, but the under the eye of Khaes as Khalek the Changer, Champion of Khaes leads you against the Drow.
[01-20:33] 3b971, Phoenix : Here lets establish a few things *points to himself* Phoenix *Points to her*
[01-20:33] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: will you take me sometime? *shifts onto her stomach, looking down at him*
[01-20:34] d7c72, Jace Malliarch : (( Sarn lil Olathur ssin del lililythiiri!))
[01-20:35]       Lyger leaves the weaponsmith shop to take Haste to the stables
[01-20:35] 6e01e, Zaknafein : *Looks up at her.* To the underdark? You wouldn't like it there. We're not all nice and pretty as you see here upon the surface.
[01-20:35] 94c70, Ryavel : (( and to just make it worse for you D, there was a time I could do Klingon as well as Vulcan ))
[01-20:35] bbfc4, Maiougi Hitosashi: *She comes out fully onto the stage. She shakes some red hair from her face and her Vulpine ears twitch. Three tails of the same nature curl delicately behind her. She clears her throat, a soft noise*...
[01-20:35] c45d2, Aralore : *Sips his drink when it arrives, throwing down a few silver pieces to cover it*
[01-20:35] 94c70, Z: but oh well... I'll be on AIM if anyone wants to RP with me.
[01-20:36] bbfc4, Fisi Bayahond: Fisi. *Her voice is rough. She's tired of playing, tired of everything, ready enough to sumbit one more time to her fate.*
[01-20:36] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: whats it like?
[01-20:36] 8244f, Joreth: (( Holeh Crap, Z.))
[01-20:36] 3eea1, Ravaella Glimmergaunt : ((Anyone want me IC?))
[01-20:36] 662de, Khalek the Changer: *Oh yes, his Master will be most pleased. Although bet's his Master already know how this was to turn out. Khalek and his disc remains hovering nearby to Joreth.*
[01-20:37] e359c, Shanira Treyan : (( Sorry, Delontha...but we should'nt be paused for longer than 15 mins ))
[01-20:37] 3eea1, Ravaella Glimmergaunt : ((*color change*))
[01-20:37] 3b971, Phoenix : Fizzy? I shall call you Fizzy and you will be my Fizzy and I shall keep you forever..*Extends his hand*
[01-20:38] beb1a, Brimstone : *another sip from his glass as it's once again brought up to his lips .. this place held an high amount of interest to him, such races interacting with one another - all things considered...*
[01-20:38] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : ((I'm patient))
[01-20:38] bbfc4, Fisi Bayahond: *She snaps at the hand, probably pinching some skin*
[01-20:39] 94c70, Z: *hangs out with Sileen*
[01-20:39] 3b971, Phoenix : Ouch bad Fizzy *Stands* Now come with me..
[01-20:39] 6e01e, Zaknafein : The city I'm from is beautiful. Despite being beautiful, it's not a safe place for a human. You'd be treated as a slave. I don't think there is much I could do to help unless a potion of changing were to be used.
[01-20:39] e359c, Shanira Treyan : (( Yay ))
[01-20:40]       Lyger makes sure Haste is safe and confortble for the night before returning to the shop
[01-20:40] ed6c0, Riddonnel Doomhaven: (( *continues to work on the oni * ))
[01-20:40] 3eea1, Ravaella Glimmergaunt : ((Anyone, IC offer? Going, going))
[01-20:40] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: *sighs, disappointed, hanging her head along side teh beam, glancing upside down at brimstone*
[01-20:40] 7725b, Galaldur : ((hmmm....))
[01-20:40] EXIT: Galaldur has left the chat ( 9:40pm, January 01 (CST) ).
[01-20:41] bbfc4, Fisi Bayahond: *cocks her head to the side <What an odd man..>*
[01-20:41] 6e01e, Zaknafein : What is wrong? *He asks upon hearing her sigh.*
[01-20:42] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: just curious is all *looks back to him and smiles*
[01-20:42] 8244f, Joreth: *He turns to Khalek, brow creased.* It is done.
[01-20:42] beb1a, Brimstone : *the humans eyes are met with his own, his attention having shifted, again .. peering up at her through a while vail of hair*..
[01-20:42] 3b971, Phoenix : *Nods his head in the direction of his shop* This way you must be hungry, you know food *does an eating motion*
[01-20:42] 3eea1, Ravaella Glimmergaunt : ((Gone again then))
[01-20:42] EXIT: Ravaella Glimmergaunt has left the chat ( 9:42pm, January 01 (CST) ).
[01-20:42] d7c72, Jace Malliarch : *Walks into the tavern. Walks to the bar* Give me a glass of Moonbeam wine, if you have it, please.
[01-20:43] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: *hangs her head and watches brimstone again, admiring his hair*
[01-20:43] bbfc4, Maiougi Hitosashi: *Despite being disreguarded by the people on the Tavern, she begins to perform anyway. She removes 3 glowing balls from her Kimono-like sleeves, and begins to juggle them. They're not true props, in actuallity they are her own magic*
[01-20:43] bbfc4, Maiougi Hitosashi: *in
[01-20:43] 6e01e, Zaknafein : Nothing wrong with that. It is not often humans come to us. We do not generally use light.
[01-20:43] bbfc4, Fisi Bayahond: *She cocks her head again*...
[01-20:43]       Lyger sits back down by the fire
[01-20:44] 3b971, Phoenix : Food *Pulls some bread from his pouch* Food *shakes it about*
[01-20:44] 662de, Khalek the Changer: *Thrusts his sword sharply forward at the gut of Joreth as he turns around - never put away the weapon after all.* Indeed, it is done *The runes upon the sword continue to glow and flicker in different colours as it twists and distorts reality - for it is the Sword of Change. A mighty weapon, and symbol of Khaes' might.*
[01-20:44] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: i dont understand *said as she looks at brimstone, staring in more of a curious manner than rude*
[01-20:45] beb1a, Brimstone : *he nods once, lightly, to the girl overhead .. unblinking orbs linger a second longer, a blink and they're set elsewhere in the room*..
[01-20:45] 6e01e, Zaknafein : What don't you understand?
[01-20:45] 120c4, Rav: Riddonnel do you have AIM?
[01-20:45] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: use light? *smiles to herself and looks back to zak*
[01-20:45] ed6c0, Riddonnel Doomhaven: (( greatjeckeljoe))
[01-20:46] 3b971, Gaffer : *He flows seemlessly through the darkness hiding in shadow to shadow stalking*
[01-20:46] 3b971, Gaffer : ((Colour change)
[01-20:48] d7c72, Jace Malliarch : ((Isn't a gaffer the person that works the lights in a Movie studio?))
[01-20:48] 8244f, Joreth: *His eyes widen abruptly as the blade passes his skin and slices through flesh, his mighty and powerful grip on his blade is lost as its once great stance trembles lightly as he almost seems unable to comprehend the pain.*
[01-20:48] beb1a, Brimstone : *another drink of his wine, steel-blue irises on the creature performing entertainment on the stage .. this place seems to get more and more compelling*..
[01-20:49] bbfc4, Fisi Bayahond: *She watches the bread. Not her preffered choice of meal...*
[01-20:49] 6e01e, Zaknafein : No. We generally don't use it. Our eyes can switch from what you see to ultraviolet so that we can see in the dark. It is why if you come across me durring the day time outdoors, I have my cowl over my head. The brightness of your sun, stings my eyes. My chosen profession gives me a lesser degree of pain from it but it is still too much.
[01-20:49] JOIN: Tatsuhiko Shido has entered.
[01-20:49] 3b971, Phoenix : I have more there *Points back to town* More food...
[01-20:50] 662de, Khalek the Changer: Behold my Masters gift man-thing. Embrace it, live it, be it... *Calls out, before cackling, the Hellriders joining him in shouts of jubilent glee.*
[01-20:52] efc93, Tatsuhiko Shido : *quietly and nonchalantly enters the common tavern*
[01-20:52] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: Hmm..are most of your kind as civil as you?
[01-20:52] bbfc4, Fisi Bayahond: *She makes a motion something of a nod, but doesn't move*
[01-20:53] bbfc4, Maiougi Hitosashi: *She adds a forth ball, grinning now that she has an audience*
[01-20:53] 3b971, Gaffer : Come on back here *tugs lightly* More food, other food....
[01-20:53] 94c70, Ryavel : *Oops player missed Galaldur's last post. She again pauses, listening.*
[01-20:53] bbfc4, Maiougi Hitosashi: *She tosses one up, keeping the other 3 going, and balances it on her nose*
[01-20:53] beb1a, Brimstone : *he turns on his seat, facing the direction of the stage .. glass held lightly in his left, gloved hand, a timer as he gradually drinks from it - his ankles cross, resting back against the bar*..
[01-20:54] 6e01e, Zaknafein : No. And I'm not civil. Just restraining myself. Anyone else would have killed any Elves they came across the minute they came across them. Except for the few rare Drow who usually don't survive long enough to make it to the surface and are good. *Spits upon the floor at the thought.*
[01-20:54] 3b971, Phoenix : This way more food come with *tugs lightly* cmon...
[01-20:55] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: are you restraining yourself against me?
[01-20:55] bbfc4, Fisi Bayahond: *follows, her ears pricked mildly*
[01-20:55] efc93, Tatsuhiko Shido : *slightly nervous in his step, moving over to an empty table - sitting, keeping to himself*
[01-20:56] 6e01e, Zaknafein : You are not an Elf. However it is difficult to think of you not as a slave.
[01-20:57] bbfc4, Maiougi Hitosashi: *She flicks the ball on her nose up and catches it with her foot, now standing on one leg. The other three continue to turn in the air*
[01-20:57] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: i see..*hangs her head to the other side of the beam she lays on, her gray eyes watching tatsuhiko, but speaks to zak* will that ever go away?
[01-20:57] 3b971, Phoenix : *His nose perks with the smell of rabbit stew as they near his home*
[01-20:57] 7725b, Galaldur : *pauses as well, watching her with a faint grin.*
[01-20:57] e359c, Shanira Treyan : (( Del, you still here? ))
[01-20:58]       Lyger stares idealy into the fire, thinking back
[01-20:58] bbfc4, Fisi Bayahond: *Hers perks as well, and she swallows the excess saliva forming in her mouth. It has been more than three days since her last decent meal*
[01-20:59] efc93, Tatsuhiko Shido : *feels the presence of Hannah's eyes prying on himself, not moving at all to steal a glance*
[01-20:59] 6e01e, Zaknafein : I cannot say.
[01-20:59] 3b971, Phoenix : *He pushes the door open* Lyger you home.. we have a um guest...
[01-21:00] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: *hmphs to herself, furrowing her brow as she didnt win a glance, looks back to zak* do you wish it to go away?
[01-21:00] 94c70, Ryavel : *Turns slightly to glance behind her.*
[01-21:00] bbfc4, Maiougi Hitosashi: *She kicks the ball up, and it joins the three. She moves the rotation to one hand and tosses the four up, up and up, catching them in her sleeve. She extends empty hands and bows*
[01-21:01] 6e01e, Zaknafein : I am uncertain as to what you mean.
[01-21:01] beb1a, Brimstone : rotating the glass lightly between a couple of fingers and thumb, his gaze mainly holds to the animal-like woman, but do catch movement of others, or merely stray as to not blatantly stare*..
[01-21:01] 7725b, Galaldur : Vanima. *smiles at her.*
[01-21:01] bbfc4, Fisi Bayahond: *She moves in behind him, her ears and her eyes alert*...
[01-21:01] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: what i you rather think of me not as a slave, but as a friend?
[01-21:01] b1810, Lyger : -Looks up- I brought home dinner.... who's your friend.... -looks at the one behind Pheonix- What's your friend?
[01-21:02] beb1a, Brimstone : *setting his drink down, leather-clad hands come together in five consecutive claps*..
[01-21:02] efc93, Tatsuhiko Shido : *takes a glance at Hannah as she moves her eyes elsewhere*
[01-21:02] 3b971, Phoenix : She is our new worker.. I bought her service from her brother and she is here to work now.. her name is Fizzy..
[01-21:03] 8244f, Joreth: *He grunts lightly as his organic matter seems to twist and distort in reponse to the blade, his form and stature changing. Constantly rippling and shifting with the power of change - the skin blisters into eyes, maws open on distended limbs, flames lick from screaming orifices and gout out in blasts of multicoloured fire. His appearance an abomination born and spat out from hell itself.*
[01-21:03] e359c, Shanira Treyan : You were banished because you tried to take over the human world and be worshiped as a god. You're insane.
[01-21:03] bbfc4, Maiougi Hitosashi: *She notes the applause and bows again, letting out a high, bark-like laugh* Arigatou...
[01-21:03] 8244f, Joreth: ((*gets rid of image.*))
[01-21:04] b1810, Lyger : Fizzy? She here to help hunt dragons too?
[01-21:04] 3b971, Phoenix : Are you hungry *To Fisi* ?
[01-21:04] 3b971, Phoenix : Im not sure she is of few words...
[01-21:04] bbfc4, Fisi Bayahond: *wanders over to the pot or some such to where the food might be cooking and stares in*
[01-21:05] 94c70, Ryavel : Lle n'bela ve' tanya. *Maybe scolding him for trying to be sneaky.*
[01-21:05] 6e01e, Zaknafein : I do not know. In Drow society friendships only last as long as are necessary. Or until we can find a way to dispose of them. I doubt you'd want that kind of friendship. But I could try.
[01-21:05] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[01-21:05] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: we are not in drow society, we are on the surface world..big difference, or so i've gathered from you..
[01-21:06] beb1a, Brimstone : *a side of his lips curl slowly into a faint smile .. glass back in hand, he watches to see if there will be more, after letting his eyes pass across the room once again*..
[01-21:06] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: *looks to tatsuhiko, not content in being defeated, just waits and stares*
[01-21:07] 6e01e, Zaknafein : Oh yes. Very big difference. So large it'd probably frighten you so see Drow society up close. *Is not intending to scare her or frighten her from wanting to see it, just stating it how it would seem.*
[01-21:07] 662de, Khalek the Changer: *Kicks the mutating mass of Joreth off the end of his blade, marvelling at the sight of his Lord's power. The monster that is Joreth would possess a degree of intelligence - enough to obey his most simple commands.* You are most richly rewarded. Now you serve me, for I am the Champion of Khaes. A Changer of Ways. *Turns to the gathering of Orcs that bore witness to this* Behold the new power of these lands. Witness the Lord of Change!
[01-21:08] efc93, Tatsuhiko Shido : *turns to look away from Hannah for a moment, - suddenly finding himself staring back at her, slightly tilting his head to the side in curiousity*
[01-21:08]       Lyger gets Fisi and Pheonix a bowl of rabbit stew, he hands Pheonix's his and approches Fisi. He hands it to her and speak...... I Am Lyger.
[01-21:08] ed6c0, Riddonnel Doomhaven: is THAT why? tisk tisk * he chuckels lightly at the memory* well insanity is only a word Treyan. a word to make the ones who try to make a difference.
[01-21:08] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: *wrinkles her nose and smiles as she succeeds* would i even be able to see anything..seeing as light is of no use down there..
[01-21:09] e359c, Shanira Treyan : What do you want, Doomhaven? I have'nt all night
[01-21:09] 6e01e, Zaknafein : Yes. We do use torches in some places.
[01-21:10] 3b971, Phoenix : *He turns and locks the door hoping she will not try to run again but unsure*
[01-21:10] bbfc4, Maiougi Hitosashi: *Her hands work the fur of one tail, rubbing it upwards till a ball of fire appears, about the size of a baseball. She holds it aloft on one finger and twirls herself beneath it*
[01-21:11] ed6c0, Riddonnel Doomhaven: there dosent seem to be a point now. your to set in your "pure and good" ways to even listen
[01-21:11] bbfc4, Fisi Bayahond: *She takes the bowl cautiously, accepting this boy for he seems young. She growls over the food however, retreating to some corner to drink it feverishly*
[01-21:12] efc93, Tatsuhiko Shido : *much too nervous of any folk these days and does not have a thought in his mind of making any greeting or such with Hannah at the moment*
[01-21:12] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: maybe i will go by myself sometime then, if you do not wish to take me *looks away from tatsuhiko, to zak, and from zak to brimstone*
[01-21:13] JOIN: D has entered.
[01-21:13] e359c, Shanira Treyan : I'm still here, are'nt I?
[01-21:13]       Phoenix watches her cautiosly takin in her everymovement.. Contemplating what he had done..
[01-21:13] 7725b, Galaldur : *smirks at her.* Ta naa iire lle uma poika ar'helda'.
[01-21:13] b1810, Lyger : Hey relax there's plenty for all
[01-21:13] 6e01e, Zaknafein : You won't be able to get there. It is not safe to wander the tunnels alone. Especially for a human. Many dangers are there. And you could not pass the portal. If you wish to see it so bad, I shall take you when I return next.
[01-21:13] beb1a, Brimstone : *fire, something that catches his eyes instantly .. staring at the ball of flame briefly, then his gaze lowers to the floor - a moment to polish off his wine and the glass is placed back onto the bartop, he stands*..
[01-21:14] b1810, Lyger : -turns to Pheonix- Think she can learn to speak
[01-21:14] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : *spy spy*
[01-21:14] ed6c0, Riddonnel Doomhaven: very well then ... join me * he takes a couple steps closer to her*
[01-21:15] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: *stares at brimstone again curiously* will i get hurt?
[01-21:15] 8244f, Urukhai Raiders : *And in a unision cheer, the Orcs and Uruks give their roar of approval with these new arrangements, waving their large blades and bulkly fists into the air - bloodlust still lay in their minds, they followed whoever would satisfy it.*
[01-21:15] 94c70, Ryavel : *Doesn't say anything to him, just gives him a look.*
[01-21:16] 6e01e, Zaknafein : With me? No. I can ensure your safety. But you will have to remain with me. No wandering about on your own.
[01-21:16] ed6c0, Will-o'-the-wisp: (( *hopes some one whipes out the little elfs* ))
[01-21:16] bbfc4, Fisi Bayahond: I can. *THe words are simple, roughly pronounced. She doesn't look at them, just into her empty bowl*
[01-21:16] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: *quietly, to herself* we'lll see about that..
[01-21:17] d7c72, Jace Malliarch : *Realizing that his charge is elsewhere, Jace deiced to go looking for her.*
[01-21:17] e359c, Shanira Treyan : Join you?? *takes another few steps back. She can't tell if Valin is still there or not...with him she can't always tell. But if he is'nt...maybe she should head for the saftey of the tavern*
[01-21:17] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 10:16pm, January 01 (CST) ).
[01-21:18] b1810, Lyger : -Looks at Fisi- Want more?
[01-21:18] 3b971, Phoenix : I guess thats a yes... *sips his soup*
[01-21:18] 6e01e, Zaknafein : *Heard that.* I'm serious. You wander about on your own and you may well be taken and forced into slavery in another house or worse.
[01-21:18] bbfc4, Maiougi Hitosashi: *She rolls the ball between her shoulders and back, then sliding it down her back onto her tails*
[01-21:19] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : *must... not... laugh... will give away position...*
[01-21:19] bbfc4, Fisi Bayahond: *She nods, a bit preplexed by the kindness. She decides if it is a trick, she might as well die on a full belly*
[01-21:19] d7c72, Jace Malliarch : *Wanders towards the city park*
[01-21:19] beb1a, Brimstone : *he makes toward the doors he entered through, his place same as before, body holding much grace .. light sounds as leather boots make contact with the floor - eyes lifting to the doors*..
[01-21:20]       Lyger smiles and takes her bowl filling it from the pot before handing it back
[01-21:20] JOIN: Riddonnel Doomhaven has entered.
[01-21:20] efc93, Tatsuhiko Shido : *cautiously but politely asks a barmaid for a clean glass of water, waiting patiently as she leaves for it*
[01-21:21] b1810, Lyger : Where'd you find her
[01-21:21] 662de, Khalek the Changer: Change is afoot. Rebuild, and begin growing once more. We will plunge these lands into war - and bring them into a realm of darkness and chaos! *His voice booms across the cavern, the Hellriders zooming over the Orc's like magical gods. The Horrors spit up pink and green fire into the air.*
[01-21:21] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: *frowns as she doesnt get a returned look from brimstone, looking to zak again*
[01-21:21] ed6c0, Riddonnel Doomhaven : yes join me in my cause. and i will let you have half of the spoils * is very set on his ways of revenge and with her or not he will get it.*
[01-21:21] 3b971, Phoenix : I purchased her...Im not sure whom from...
[01-21:22] e359c, Shanira Treyan : Join you? You're insane! *begins backing away* This meeting is over. *her voice is very cold* You're even crazier than I thought.
[01-21:23] bbfc4, Fisi Bayahond: *She tops off her second bowl, her eyes flick back and forth between the two*
[01-21:23] 120c4, Rav: Tetsuhiko please AIM me.
[01-21:23] b1810, Lyger : Not sure from whom? Just someone you met on the road?
[01-21:24] b1810, Lyger : -Glances at Fisi- If you want more help your self
[01-21:24] 120c4, Rav: umm Tatsuhiko
[01-21:24] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: yes, well, i suppose if you let me go that will be good enough..*sigh*
[01-21:24] ed6c0, Riddonnel Doomhaven : hmm *he quickly whips around to block her off* well if not then why let you go? *his sword begins to click as it changes positions*
[01-21:25] 7725b, Galaldur : *chuckles faintly.* Amin lakwena Ryavel, Amin hiraetha. *moves towards her*
[01-21:25] beb1a, Brimstone : *a turn of the handle and he pushes the door open, stepping out into the night .. white hair that seems almost laced in silver tosses about as the wind catches it - a quick glance over his shoulder, then he closes the door behind him*..
[01-21:25] e359c, Shanira Treyan : *glares at him* Get out of my way. Now.
[01-21:26] 3b971, Phoenix : At the inn actaully.. he seemed quite glad to be rid of her... Im not sure why..
[01-21:26] 6e01e, Zaknafein : *Shakes his head, wondering why a human would want to see a city burried deep underground.*
[01-21:27] ed6c0, Riddonnel Doomhaven : how can you make me? it seems as though your bodyguard has left you * his hand raises to grip the handel of his sword*
[01-21:27] d7c72, Jace Malliarch : *Spotting Shanira, trying to back away from the larger man, Jace readies his longsword and rushes to intercept what appears to be an oncoming attack.
[01-21:28] e359c, Shanira Treyan : *shrugs her shoulders, her long silk sash slips from them to her hands, even as Jace shows up*
[01-21:28] efc93, Tatsuhiko Shido : *eventually receiving his mildly clean glass of water, - giving the barmaid a few coins*
[01-21:29] ed6c0, Riddonnel Doomhaven : (( jace were in the park ))
[01-21:29] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: *half frowns again, hoping she didnt come off as silly to him, looking to tatsuhiko again*
[01-21:29] 94c70, Ryavel : *Stares at him a moment longer before turning away as if to put her attention back to what she was doing.*
[01-21:29] bbfc4, Maiougi Hitosashi: *Her tail flicks the ball into the air and she catches it. She tosses it at Zaknafein with a playful* Heads up, kuro-sennyo!
[01-21:29] beb1a, Brimstone : *turns, walking off into the darkness .. bound to return to such an interesting place - gone*..
[01-21:29] ed6c0, Riddonnel Doomhaven : (( nvm i stupid))
[01-21:29] 8f49d, Lyger : Hmmm -takes a seat by the fire- Guess we will have to wait and see. Cause in my oppinion she seems fine, maybe this bloke was hard up for money
[01-21:29] 7725b, Galaldur : *Moves up beside her.* Ryavel..? *looks at her, a bit concerned..*
[01-21:30] d7c72, Jace Malliarch : ((I saw, I came, I stopped a darned powerful sword swing. ))
[01-21:30] 3b971, Gaffer : *The shadows conceil him as he stalks about the town*
[01-21:30] EXIT: Brimstone has left the chat ( 10:29pm, January 01 (CST) ).
[01-21:31] 94c70, Ryavel : Uma?
[01-21:31] 6e01e, Zaknafein : *Catches the ball as if it were nothing, changing it's color slightly, he throws it back.*
[01-21:31] ed6c0, Riddonnel Doomhaven : (( maybe if i drew my sword and swung you would have ))
[01-21:32] 3b971, Phoenix : Maybe she looks nice enough..
[01-21:32] 7725b, Galaldur : lle rutha?
[01-21:32] JOIN: Valin Darkguard has entered.
[01-21:32] d7c72, Jace Malliarch : ((I know, from where he was it looked like you might be attacking. ))
[01-21:32] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: have i disappointed you at all, in any way
[01-21:33] 8f49d, Lyger : Well I sleep light if she intents to try anything
[01-21:33] ed6c0, Riddonnel Doomhaven : *his head cocks to see the high elf rushing towards him. his hand grips his cloak and raises it up like a sheild.*
[01-21:33] 8244f, Urukhai Raiders : *And as though that where enough intiative, the Orcs disregard the bodies of their fallen comrades, some even throwing them into the fire which they use to construct their weapons. The blacksmiths return to making their weaponry and armour as they once again continue their efforts to further the war effort against all who opposed them.*
[01-21:33] bbfc4, Maiougi Hitosashi: *She catches it again in her sleeve and hops off the stage, moving over to theri table* Konichiwa.
[01-21:34] 6e01e, Zaknafein : No.
[01-21:34] bbfc4, Fisi Bayahond: *During all this she has folded up in her corner, trying desperately to stay awake. Her head keeps nodding, eyes heavey*...
[01-21:34] d7c72, Jace Malliarch : *Jace, not seeing a weapon ready, stops short of the man.* What treachery transpires here?
[01-21:34] 6e01e, Zaknafein : *Nods to Mai.*
[01-21:34] e359c, Shanira Treyan : *lahses her sash at his face, trying to miss Jace. Should it hit Ridd, it would feel like a leather whip. Love that Mannossan silk*
[01-21:35] 3b971, Phoenix : I doubt she will.. Shes not dumb Just afraid.. Think we should take the shakles off?
[01-21:35] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: hello *from her spot in the rafters*
[01-21:35] 94c70, Ryavel : *Nods*
[01-21:35] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : *.. her sword slides back in her sheath. Foolish Queen had another defender from the sounds of it*
[01-21:35] bbfc4, Maiougi Hitosashi: *smiles and bows*
[01-21:35] e359c, Shanira Treyan : Nothing. He's merely being just insane.
[01-21:36] 8f49d, Lyger : Hmmm. If you believe she is harmless then I will trust your feeling.
[01-21:36] efc93, Tatsuhiko Shido : *takes small sips of his water, taking a glance at Hannah if she ever stops looking at him, - feeling a look from her before*
[01-21:36] 7725b, Galaldur : *Falls silent for a long moment as he stares at her..* Mankoi?
[01-21:37] 3b971, Phoenix : Oh I do not think she is harmless.. ((has the burn marks from the ground to prove it)) But I feel it will show trust..
[01-21:38] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: *feels an akward silence falling over them, shifts her attention back to tatsuhiko*
[01-21:38] 662de, Khalek the Changer: *Smirks beyond his helm, lowering the disc unto the balcony as he steps off. Resheathes his blade, before gesturing to the milling Horrors - their screams echoing throughout the chamber as their grip on reality begins to break. Many seem to phase in and out of existance, whilst others have another task - flying out to slam and merge into the mudpits upon where Uruk-hai are grown - to imbue it with the chaotic magic itself. Some groups of Uruk-hai are going to be 'blessed' with mutations.*
[01-21:38] ed6c0, Riddonnel Doomhaven : your smart elf... and what treachery? ask her she would know all about it now back off this is no elf affair.*he grips the cloak still his hand also on his handel to the sword. as he turns back to shanira*
[01-21:39]       Lyger nods in agreement and understanding
[01-21:39] 2fc9c, Valin Darkguard: *The deep voice speaks*I warned you Ridd. Now your men will die *From the very shadows inwhich the men keep themselves, a hand seems to materialize from a darker shadow then the rest behind them. A single knife is thrown at the back of their necks. This happens in quick succesion to Valin speaking. Each knife throw happens within a second inerval of each other. Since they are spread apart, alarm can hardly be risen quick enough for the others to even remotely know what happened. Even with neck guard
[01-21:39] 2fc9c, Valin Darkguard: s, the daggers are aimed for just above, meaning right at the base of the skull*
[01-21:39] e359c, Shanira Treyan : What treachery have I done?
[01-21:40] 2fc9c, Valin Darkguard: *Meaning four knives. Not one knife for all of them*
[01-21:41] bbfc4, Fisi Bayahond: *Her eyes slip closed and sleep washes over her silently*
[01-21:41] e359c, Shanira Treyan : *smirks as Valin speaks*
[01-21:41] 94c70, Ryavel : *Looks at him questioningly* Mani?
[01-21:41] ed6c0, Riddonnel Doomhaven : *as he dose this there beasts massive sized dogs are released and begins to stand on gueard* banished me * and with that he quickly goes for a punch to the gut witht he hand with the cloak holding hand to knock her breath out well if it hits that is*
[01-21:42] bbfc4, Maiougi Hitosashi: So, Kokudo, Ona...What's up? *looks to them both*
[01-21:42] efc93, Will-o'-the-wisp : *keeps his attention on Hannah for a moment (oddly enough), sipping his water every now and then*
[01-21:43] bbfc4, Fisi Bayahond: *sleeping*
[01-21:43] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: *waves her fingers at him playfully, looking to mai briefly* nothing out of the ordinary, and yourself?
[01-21:43] 6e01e, Zaknafein : Just a bit of conversation, before I take my leave into the city to see what I can find.
[01-21:43] e359c, Shanira Treyan : *dodges to the side, moving a second after he starts to, him only grazing her side* Bastard!! *rolls away, shrugging her shoulders which causes her silk sash to fall to her hands*
[01-21:44] 7725b, Galaldur : Mankoi uma rutha yassen Amin?
[01-21:44] d7c72, Jace Malliarch : *Trying to move quickly, Jace tries to kick Riddonnel's leg out from under him.* I will not leave!
[01-21:44] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 10:42pm, January 01 (CST) ).
[01-21:44] 8244f, Urukhai Raiders : *The Orcs pulling the Uruks from the mudpits pay no regard to the Hellrider's interference, not daring to question their new leaders, especially after the slaughter that transpired several moments ago.*
[01-21:45] bbfc4, Maiougi Hitosashi: Mmmm. *nods*
[01-21:45] 2fc9c, Valin Darkguard: *And instead of hitting her, he hits a cloaked Valin, he seems to have materialized inbetween them. His arms are under his cloak. Could he be able to see, his hand would be ''missing''. He takes the full blunt of the blow to his lightly armored stomach. He does not double over however.*
[01-21:45] 3b971, Phoenix : "HE uncuffs her while she sleeps and tosses the cuffs the table*...Lets get to work*starts carving*
[01-21:45] 2fc9c, Valin Darkguard: ((Jace, IM me, AnEndlessReverie))
[01-21:46] 94c70, Ryavel : *shakes her head.* Ilnaa.
[01-21:46] 6e01e, Zaknafein : I suppose I got your special attetion because of my trick with your fireball?
[01-21:47] 3b971, Phoenix : ***Pause***
[01-21:47] ed6c0, Riddonnel Doomhaven : ... Valin *he pulls out his sword fully, the 5 foots long sword just in time to get hit by the elf. he let slides a little but being 340 pounds with all his armor on hes a weighty man* *he quickly spins the massive sword sright towards Jace's chest*
[01-21:47] bbfc4, Maiougi Hitosashi: AYe. That and the fact there was no one else here, save for the man *nods to Tatsu* And how do you know I wasn't coming to speak with the lady?
[01-21:48] 6e01e, Zaknafein : I don't.
[01-21:48] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: *blinks, staying quiet*
[01-21:48] JOIN: Tatsuhiko Shido has entered.
[01-21:49] e359c, Shanira Treyan : *ok..she does'nt get hit, but she still does the other actions* Don't you dare! *lashes her sash at the sword, hopefully wrapping it around the sword. Should this happen, she would pull. As her sash is Mannossan silk, it has all the properties of a whip*
[01-21:49] 6e01e, Zaknafein : But it is not often you come across a Drow who plays with magical fireballs I'm sure.
[01-21:49] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : *... eh. They have the situation handled. She shifts position a bit, settling down to one knee as she watches, vaguely amused by the happenings... She also half pondered coming in on Riddy's side, just to even things a bit... Hm... nah... he was a pompous jerk*
[01-21:49] ed6c0, Riddonnel Doomhaven : (( go go ego ))
[01-21:50] JOIN: Savvid has entered.
[01-21:50] efc93, Tatsuhiko Shido: *covers a yawn with a hand, watching the room quietly*
[01-21:51] JOIN: Joey has entered.
[01-21:52] d7c72, Jace Malliarch : *Jace rolls out of the way, his elvin reflexes helping him, The sword hits the ground where he was.*
[01-21:52] bbfc4, Maiougi Hitosashi: Sei. But it's not often I find a girl who enjoys sleeping in the rafters. *grins*
[01-21:52] 2fc9c, Valin Darkguard: *Valin suddenly drops exteremly low, spinning at the same time Ridd spins. A obsidian black, gleaming sword finds its way slicing through the air at the back of Ridd's knees.*
[01-21:52] JOIN: Tatsuhiko Shido has entered.
[01-21:53] 7725b, Galaldur : *smiles faintly.* quel. *finds a place nearby to sit.* Llie lina uuma vanima
[01-21:53] d7c72, Jace Malliarch : ((Ego???)
[01-21:54] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: *looks to mai, still quiet*
[01-21:54] JOIN: Valin Darkguard has entered.
[01-21:55] ed6c0, Riddonnel Doomhaven : *the hit knocks him off balance as he falls to his knees on the ground, his massive cloak get spun around, the edges like razor blades*
[01-21:56] JOIN: Savvid has entered.
[01-21:56] d7c72, Jace Malliarch : *Jace stands up in a flurry of movement* You can't stand against all of us, if you surrender we will let you live!
[01-21:56] efc93, Tatsuhiko Shido : *slowly looks up into the rafters, to check if it is sturdy enough for himself and his lute*
[01-21:56] JOIN: Valin Darkguard has entered.
[01-21:56] 6e01e, Zaknafein : I have no comment on that.
[01-21:56] ed6c0, Riddonnel Doomhaven : * his swrod is also serrated egde like a saw. it would cut the hell out of the silk sash, but wouldent be puled free from his mighty grip*
[01-21:56] e359c, Shanira Treyan : *smirks* ~maybe~
[01-21:57] e359c, Shanira Treyan : *pulls back her sash* Dammit
[01-21:58] 2fc9c, Valin Darkguard: *Still in a spinning motion, think an ice skater doing the twirl thing from a crouching position. As he falls to his knees, Valin spins upwardly, the obsidian sword lashout out at the man's throat. Should it get past his defenses, he stops, only milimeters away from the man's throat*
[01-21:58] ed6c0, Riddonnel Doomhaven : hah * by letting out a ear peircing wistle 4 massive dogs appear out of the dark, the jaws open showing red teeth and jet black fur, they run in a blue of motion towards the group* Valin you killed my men but not the beasts they had with them * (( and idid tell you about them ))
[01-21:59] 662de, Khalek the Changer: *Spins around, entering the previous chambers of Joreth - has changes to make. Indeed. Will definately require new decorations. Clicks his fingers, for the mutated spawn to follow. Two Hellriders remain upon the balcony as guards - the rest make haste in restablishing some notion of security.*
[01-21:59] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: *dangles her arms, twiddling her fingers*
[01-21:59] bbfc4, Maiougi Hitosashi: What do you have comment on then, Kukudo?
[01-21:59] ed6c0, Riddonnel Doomhaven : *but it dosent get that far as the spinning cloak deflects the sword. as it it made of woven steel*
[01-21:59] e359c, Shanira Treyan : *now stuck with a medium length whip and sword, she goes on the defensive as the dogs appear* Call them back, now!
[01-22:00] 2fc9c, Valin Darkguard: *He smirks as the hooded Valin leans inwardly, still holding the sword to his throat*I did not forget*His free hand suddenly flies out of his cloak. In the moonlight the glint of metal would be seen as four metal objects (shirken) fly towards the dogs. His aim is dead on, aiming for right between the eyes*
[01-22:00] JOIN: Savvid has entered.
[01-22:00] 6e01e, Zaknafein : Not much really. I'm as much out of place here on the surface as she is in the rafters.
[01-22:00] 2fc9c, Valin Darkguard: *Er..sort of right on. Throwing four objects and holding someone at sword edge is rather tricky.*
[01-22:01] d7c72, Jace Malliarch : *Jace turns towards the nearest dog. As the first gets close, the Quick Elf spins around trying to knock the beast out rather than kill it.*
[01-22:01] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: *looks back and forth from mai to zak, sideglancing to tatsuhiko every so often*
[01-22:02] ed6c0, Riddonnel Doomhaven : *2 dogs die and one is knocked out, the last one launces for Valins neck* ((im being forced off the comp, *sigh * i am truely sorry, heh if you want to pause i will be on tomarrow around this time id love to finish this fight* ))
[01-22:02] e359c, Shanira Treyan : *lashes her sash as soon as a dog is within range, putting enough force in it to bite deeply, maybe even kill*
[01-22:02] bbfc4, Maiougi Hitosashi: Taibouseikatsu. *nods*
[01-22:02] d7c72, Jace Malliarch : (Sounds Good Ridd
[01-22:03] efc93, Tatsuhiko Shido : *speaking to himself* Silly fool, wasting time. *swiftly jumps on top of the table he's sitting at and up to the rafters, getting himself situated, - settling in a corner*
[01-22:03] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: *nods as if she understands, which she clearly doesnt*
[01-22:03] 6e01e, Zaknafein : If you'll excuse me, I think I'm going to go for a walk. It seems dark enough to not sting my eyes so bad. *Look to Mai.* What?
[01-22:04] 94c70, Z: *slips into lurky mode since there isn't really much to do*
[01-22:04] JOIN: Valin Darkguard has entered.
[01-22:05] 2fc9c, Valin Darkguard: ((We have to pause? Awww....))
[01-22:05] d7c72, Jace Malliarch : ((SO, Valin, Shanira, Ridd, wea re in agreement as to pausing))
[01-22:05] e359c, Shanira Treyan : (( Not really.......Valin and I did'nt want to ))
[01-22:06] bbfc4, Fisi Bayahond: Taibouseikatsu. HArd life, it means. For you. *Her tails twitch idly*
[01-22:06] bbfc4, Maiougi Hitosashi: Taibouseikatsu. HArd life, it means. For you. *Her tails twitch idly*
[01-22:07] 2fc9c, Valin Darkguard: ((Heck no. Here...I'll get the three of us away...damn this is going to tire him out))*He spins the blade away from Ridd's throat, effectivly slicing the dog in half. He holds out another hand and Jace, Shanira, and himself would suddenly seem to melt into the ground. No more traces of them are left in the park*
[01-22:07] d7c72, Jace Malliarch : ((Well, this battle is sort of a not a walk away event))
[01-22:07] 6e01e, Zaknafein : Ah. Not too hard for I can always return home. *Pulls up the cowl of his cloak, standing and heads for the door.* Have an nice one.
[01-22:08] e359c, Shanira Treyan : (( I suppose...but I was having fun, I have nothing to do ))
[01-22:08] 2fc9c, Valin Darkguard: *My mistake, he also spoke the words*Shadous Steppon*
[01-22:08] d7c72, Jace Malliarch : ((guess I was wrong...))
[01-22:09] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: bye bye *waves to him*
[01-22:09] e359c, Shanira Treyan : (( Yep.. ))
[01-22:09] 6e01e, Zaknafein : *Heads out the door into the city. And fades out as player has a headache and is gonna go to bed.*
[01-22:10] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[01-22:10] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: *looks down to where tatsuhiko had once been..confused as she doesnt find him*
[01-22:10] bbfc4, Fisi Bayahond: Adiosu.
[01-22:10] bbfc4, Maiougi Hitosashi: Adiosu.
[01-22:10] 94c70, Z: *has nothing to do either*
[01-22:10] JOIN: Valin Darkguard has entered.
[01-22:10] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: did you want to come up too? *looks to mai..still confused*
[01-22:11] efc93, Tatsuhiko Shido : *takes his lute from his back, positioning it correctly on his knee, - tuning the strings*
[01-22:12] e359c, Shanira Treyan : What the.....*everything goes dark as she goes unconscious*
[01-22:12] 2fc9c, Valin Darkguard: *They would ''reappear'' in a dark alleyway in the middle of the city. However both Jace and Shanira would more then likely be unconcous, a shadow step like that was not meant for beings like them. However, Valin quickly moves to awake them*
[01-22:13] 662de, Khalek the Changer: *Redecorates. La la la. Bright blues and purples are the colours of the day. Any Elven spies monitoring Mithrenburg would have witnessed the "Arrival" event - where the entrance to the mines erupted in a multicoloured firestorm - summong mishapen and morphing figures that dashed into the cave. Any scouts/spies would have witnessed the arrival of eleven iron-clad warriors riding flying discs at Mithrenburg and their entrance into the caves. Apart from this - nothing else would be known.*
[01-22:14] 94c70, Z: *thinks Mab needs a map cuz she doesn't know where that is*
[01-22:14] bbfc4, Maiougi Hitosashi: Sadaka....sure...*With a little flips she jumps onto a table and pulls herself up inot the rafters with them*
[01-22:14] bbfc4, Maiougi Hitosashi: ((Come chill in the rafters man, that's the place to be.
[01-22:15] bbfc4, Maiougi Hitosashi: ))
[01-22:15] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: *sits up, lookin where the noise is comin from, finding tatsuhiko* Hello over there
[01-22:16] JOIN: Valin Darkguard has entered.
[01-22:17] efc93, Tatsuhiko Shido : *looks up from his look in Hannah's direction, to see where the voice had come from, - his ears obviously perking up and his cheeks blushing just a little* Hello.
[01-22:17] bbfc4, Maiougi Hitosashi: *Her Vulpine ears flick to Tatsu* Lute?
[01-22:18] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: *swings her feet*
[01-22:19] efc93, Tatsuhiko Shido : *turns his attention to Maiougi* Yes? Tis a lute. *shows the instrument*
[01-22:19] 94c70, Z: *figures it out.*
[01-22:20] e359c, Shanira Treyan : *groans and stirs, then sits up, immediately alarmed* what happened?
[01-22:20] bbfc4, Maiougi Hitosashi: *nods* Can you play?
[01-22:20] JOIN: Squirrel has entered.
[01-22:21] 3eea1, Squirrel : Back again
[01-22:21] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: ((*pokes squirrel*))
[01-22:22] 3eea1, Squirrel : *poked*
[01-22:22] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: ((hi )) *watches tatsu and mai*
[01-22:22] efc93, Tatsuhiko Shido : *chuckles in a nervous manner* I believe I can play a little, but others tell me I'm the best. *plays some notes on the lute*
[01-22:23] 2fc9c, Valin Darkguard: You are in the middle of the city.*He assists her in sitting up*
[01-22:23] 3eea1, Squirrel : *prods*
[01-22:23] e359c, Shanira Treyan : And Doomhaven? *holds her head* Ooo...
[01-22:24] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: ((*fall* @_@)) *reaches her feet across to the paralell beam, resting her toes on it*
[01-22:24] 3eea1, Squirrel : o/
[01-22:24] bbfc4, Maiougi Hitosashi: Sousou! Very nice. If you play I shall dance...
[01-22:25] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: ((*throws acorn*))
[01-22:25] efc93, Tatsuhiko Shido : *smiles lightly* Then dance, you shall. *starts to play a song he composed himself, leaving a calming affect for those who listen*
[01-22:25] 3eea1, Squirrel : *Catches it and chitters away madly*
[01-22:26] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: *lays back on the beam behind her, pulling her hood over her eyes as she listens* (( bad squirrel, bad *shakes finger*))
[01-22:27] 3eea1, Squirrel : *Bites!* I need a good RP, yes
[01-22:27] 94c70, Z: *tries to find a decent map, grr*
[01-22:27] bbfc4, Maiougi Hitosashi: *She sways with the music, balancing gracefully on the rafter. Her tails sway and wave as she dips and turns*
[01-22:27] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: ((ouch, make one))
[01-22:27] 94c70, Z: *needs a good RP too since she has sort of gotten stood up everywhere else*
[01-22:28] 2fc9c, Valin Darkguard: Still back in the park.
[01-22:28] d7c72, Jace Malliarch : *Slowly coming back to consciousness* What happened? I remember a big dog and a dark cloud?
[01-22:28] e359c, Shanira Treyan : *smiles slowly* Good..
[01-22:28] efc93, Tatsuhiko Shido : *smiles, watching Maiougi as he continues his song on the lute*
[01-22:29] 3eea1, Squirrel : *Ponders*
[01-22:29] 2fc9c, Valin Darkguard: *He swivals his good to look at Jace*You are in an alley.
[01-22:29] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: *fears she may fall asleep, sits up*
[01-22:29] 94c70, Z: *Ponders too, also beats her search engine into giving her a decent map*
[01-22:29] 2fc9c, Valin Darkguard: ((lemme guess...The person that handles registration is not on at the moment?))
[01-22:30] 3eea1, Squirrel : Nope, he's around somewhere
[01-22:31] 94c70, Z: (( Nah, he's on ))
[01-22:31] 94c70, Z: *eats the OOC button*
[01-22:31] 3eea1, Squirrel : I have summoned him
[01-22:32] e359c, Shanira Treyan : *slowly stands, looking mournfully at her sash* Damn..
[01-22:32] 2fc9c, Valin Darkguard: ((Woo...I just send a registration form, that's why I wanted to know.))
[01-22:32] d7c72, Jace Malliarch : ((Z> What type of map are you looking for?))
[01-22:33] 3eea1, Squirrel : Pffft, he'll get around to it sometime. Patience dear RPer, patience
[01-22:34] 2fc9c, Valin Darkguard: *Unknown to the both of them, Valin is exteremly exausted. He used his shadow abilities quite a bit, expecially to step the three of them out there.*((Oh I have full patience. Was just wondering and all.))
[01-22:35] NICK: Rowyn changed nick to W.
[01-22:35] e359c, Shanira Treyan : *looks at them* Are you alright
[01-22:35] ae640, W: *yawns*
[01-22:35] e359c, Shanira Treyan : ?
[01-22:35] 120c4, Rav: I am here what is needed of me
[01-22:35] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: ((*poketh w*))
[01-22:35] 3eea1, Squirrel : *points to Valin*
[01-22:37] d7c72, Jace Malliarch : I think I am ok, looks around, then suddenly winces in pain, holding his side.
[01-22:37] 2fc9c, Valin Darkguard: ((*Is pointed at*))
[01-22:37] ae640, Will-o'-the-wisp: ouch why poketh w?
[01-22:37] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 11:37pm, January 01 (CST) ).
[01-22:38] bbfc4, Maiougi Hitosashi: *Still dancing...*
[01-22:38] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: *yawning* ((cuz i wanted ta ))
[01-22:39] 2fc9c, Valin Darkguard: *He stands...then moves foward, letting her take care of Jace or whatever*
[01-22:39] 120c4, Rav: Valin what did you need my good fellow?
[01-22:39] efc93, Tatsuhiko Shido : *continues his song until it is either over or Maiougi stops dancing*
[01-22:39] d7c72, Jace Malliarch : /dancing
[01-22:39] d7c72, Jace Malliarch :
[01-22:39] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: (())
[01-22:39] e359c, Shanira Treyan : Jace..*goes over to him* How bad is it
[01-22:40] d7c72, Jace Malliarch : *jace looks down at the wound* I guess I wasn't as fast as I thought!
[01-22:40] 3eea1, Ravaella Glimmergaunt : *And yes, Rava comes strolling into the Glimmering Inn, dressed like she has been for the past few days. The black corset, black dress, black lace wrappings on her arms. She likes black...cause she's a Drow*
[01-22:40] e359c, Shanira Treyan : ?
[01-22:40] bbfc4, Maiougi Hitosashi: ((Oh yea ^_^)) *sits down on the rafter, smiling*
[01-22:41] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: *Peeks down at rava*
[01-22:41] efc93, Tatsuhiko Shido : *smiles, finishing the song*
[01-22:42] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[01-22:42] e359c, Shanira Treyan : ?
[01-22:43] JOIN: Rowyn has entered.
[01-22:43] 3eea1, Ravaella Glimmergaunt : *Aww, the song ended. She caught a few notes of the tune and liked it actually. Shrugs and seats herself at a table, not noticing the people in the rafters*
[01-22:43] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 11:43pm, January 01 (CST) ).
[01-22:44] e359c, Shanira Treyan : Lift your shirt
[01-22:44] JOIN: W has entered.
[01-22:44] d7c72, Jace Malliarch : I think I will be ok, I just need some sleep... *Passes out*
[01-22:45] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: that was lovely
[01-22:46] e359c, Shanira Treyan : *rushes to catch him as he falls. To Valin* How close are we to the inn?
[01-22:47] 3eea1, Ravaella Glimmergaunt : *Looks, people are in the rafters....*
[01-22:47] 2fc9c, Valin Darkguard: Right around the corner*He returns to her side*
[01-22:47] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: Hello *waves to rava*
[01-22:47] 94c70, Z: They can fly Rava, they can fly
[01-22:48] e359c, Shanira Treyan : *starts carrying Jace as best as she can* Let's get him up to my room
[01-22:48] efc93, Tatsuhiko Shido : *takes up his lute and carefully makes his way to the part of the rafters that Hannah is sitting in, - letting her greet someone else before drawing her attention*
[01-22:49] 3eea1, Ravaella Glimmergaunt : *Tilts her head to the side a little and waggles a few fingers to Hannah in greeting*
[01-22:49] ae640, W: I want to fly...
[01-22:50] bbfc4, Maiougi Hitosashi: *waves down, grining*
[01-22:50] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: ((*tuck tapes some feathers to ya back* GO ))
[01-22:50] 662de, Khalek the Changer: *Can fly. Has a nifty disc*
[01-22:50] JOIN: BF1942 Key has entered.
[01-22:50] 94c70, Z: *gives W a Mon Cal cruiser*
[01-22:50] 15c8a, BF1942 Key: I will trade valid BF1942 Key for Neverwinter Nights CD key. heck i will even throw in Road to Rome key as well.
[01-22:50] 15c8a, BF1942 Key: any takers?
[01-22:50] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: ((er duct tapes**))
[01-22:51] 3eea1, Squirrel : No, now go avay
[01-22:52] 2fc9c, Valin Darkguard: *He takes Jace from her*Her Magesty should have her arms free.*Turns not allowing discussion and heads out of the alley way, heading for the inn*
[01-22:52] 15c8a, BF1942 Key: no, i think i will stay and everyone answer
[01-22:52] e359c, Shanira Treyan : ***Pause***
[01-22:54] bbfc4, Maiougi Hitosashi: ((HAs no idea what this "Key" is...))
[01-22:54] d7c72, Jace Malliarch : ((BF1942key - Why would anyone in an RPG chat want to trade you a CD Key. Just go DL Kazaa or something.
[01-22:54] 3a60f, Mab : zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
[01-22:55] ae640, W: aye. 'sides I like NWN
[01-22:55] 94c70, Z: *GRRRRR* *Can't get NwN to work on her computer, whines*
[01-22:55] JOIN: Gaffer has entered.
[01-22:56] 94c70, Z: (( But yeah, like Jace said... go get Kazaa or something ))
[01-22:57] 3a60f, Mab : Warez or the like should not be discussed in Bettenchi. *is not liable*
[01-22:57] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: ((i might get boooted again so if i dont respond thats why))
[01-22:58] d7c72, Jace Malliarch : ((Z, did you ever find the maps ou were looking for?))
[01-22:58] 94c70, Z: No.
[01-22:58] 94c70, Z: but speaking of which.... Maaaaaaab!
[01-22:59] d7c72, Jace Malliarch : ((Z, What type of maps do you need, I can find you a few probably))
[01-22:59] 3eea1, Ravaella Glimmergaunt : ((*Waits for the RP to continue*))
[01-23:00] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: *whistles to herself, bored like*
[01-23:01] d7c72, Jace Malliarch : *Remains unconscious*
[01-23:01] JOIN: R has entered.
[01-23:01] EXIT: W has left the chat ( 11:59pm, January 01 (CST) ).
[01-23:01] JOIN: Rowyn has entered.
[01-23:02] efc93, Tatsuhiko Shido : *finally gets up the courage to say more than a greeting to Hannah, speaking directly to her* So, female, why have your eyes been on me most of the time I've been here?
[01-23:02] 3eea1, Ravaella Glimmergaunt : *Brings her attention back down again, sighs*
[01-23:03] ae640, Rowyn : *sits down at one of the empty tables in the inn, tired of the bar and its stools, and the odd drinks that everyone was drinking.*
[01-23:03] 3b971, Gaffer : *Now that the night is in full bloom he decides to make his entrance*
[01-23:03] JOIN: Gaffer has entered.
[01-23:04] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: because i havent seen you before *looking to rava, frowning, but still speaking to tatsu* you must have been looking just as much to notice
[01-23:05] efc93, Tatsuhiko Shido : *blushes a little...* Yes, I have. But mostly because I've felt your eyes on me.
[01-23:06] bbfc4, Maiougi Hitosashi: *Watches the two*...
[01-23:07] 3eea1, Ravaella Glimmergaunt : *Clasps her hand together and leans back in her seat to relax a little*
[01-23:08] 3b971, Gaffer : My thirst needs parched *His voice says gruffly as he flows from shadow to shadow speadily toward the tavern*
[01-23:10] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: Hannah *holds her hand out, carefully so's she doesnt fall*
[01-23:10] 3b971, Gaffer : ((unparched))
[01-23:11] EXIT: Fisi Bayahond has left the chat ( 11:10pm, January 01 (CST) ).
[01-23:12] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: *crosses her other arm to extend ehr hand to mai, to shake as well*
[01-23:12] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: ((haha, two fer one er))
[01-23:13] efc93, Tatsuhiko Shido : *shakes Hannah's hand, cautiously* Tatsuhiko.
[01-23:14] bbfc4, Maiougi Hitosashi: *shakes her hhand carefully* Douzoyoroshiku. (Pleased to meet you). I am Maiougi, but you may call me Miko, if you wish.
[01-23:14] bbfc4, Maiougi Hitosashi: *hand
[01-23:14] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: nice to meet you two, tatsuhiko and Miko *shakes their hands firmly*
[01-23:15] bbfc4, Maiougi Hitosashi: *Grins foxily*
[01-23:15] JOIN: Bernard has entered.
[01-23:16] 2fc9c, Bernard: ((Yes everyone. Your friendly bartender has arrived!))
[01-23:16] efc93, Tatsuhiko Shido : Likewise, Hannah... *still getting used to being around people, from being alone for so many years*
[01-23:16] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: ((hi))
[01-23:17] 3eea1, Ravaella Glimmergaunt : *Hums a little diddy*
[01-23:18] 3b971, Gaffer : "The doors to the inn burst open with an eerie darkness, red eyes glow faintly shrouded by the intense darness he flows over to a seat at the bar and materializes* Ale ...
[01-23:18] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: *sticks her hand down through the rafter bluntly*Hannah *to rava*
[01-23:18] 2fc9c, Bernard: *The stairs to the tavern creak and groan ever so silently as Bernard decends the stairs. He is one giant of a man. Many of mistaken him for a being with half-giant blood, but this is simply not so. Not only is he massive in height, he is massive in size all around. Although he is not fat, like your stereotypical bartender, he is large. However it is mostly pure mostle. Never again would you ever see a reguler human of this size and shape. Despite a somewhat itimadating size, he carries a certain happiness
[01-23:19] 3eea1, Ravaella Glimmergaunt : *Wishes Hida was here, yes. Stops to look at the door to look at Gaffer, then back up to Hannah* Oh, hello up there *smiles warmly* Ravaella, but you can call me Rava *shakes her hand*
[01-23:20] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: *shakes back firmly* Hello rava
[01-23:20] 94c70, Z: *Looks at Bernard's description and can't help but think of those big burly guys in the HALLS commercial "Breathe my friend, breath." *
[01-23:21] 2fc9c, Bernard: about him. He wears a smile on his face which mirrors his clean tunic and such. As he reaches the button step he finishes putting on the white smock that he normally wears on duty. He slides through what would be an ''employee only'' entrance to behind the bar. Both massive, tree trunks, of arms stretchout before him, his fingers interlocking as he pops a few bones. He sighs the sound of relief* Ah, that's the ticket. A bit o' pop in the bones and I'm ready for the day. Right then, who needs a drink
[01-23:22] 3eea1, Ravaella Glimmergaunt : *Nods to her, happy for some interaction*
[01-23:22] 2fc9c, Bernard: *He speaks with a genuine smile upon his face. His words are kind and can't help but make an easy goer smile or chuckle as the way he carries himself*
[01-23:24] bbfc4, Maiougi Hitosashi: *Now that the tavern's filling, she decides it's probably time to do what she's paid for. She looks to Tatsu.* Would you be kind enough to play while I do a number?
[01-23:25] efc93, Tatsuhiko Shido : *sits down carefully* Certainly. *takes the lute in hand, strumming it at first to check its tune, and starts to play afterwards*
[01-23:26] 3b971, Gaffer : *He drinks his ale and loomingly looks about the tavern*
[01-23:26] 2fc9c, Bernard: Music? Excellent! Always said this place would be more lively with a spot o' music! Play on dear guests! Grace these wooden walls with the beautiful sound of your muse!
[01-23:28] efc93, Tatsuhiko Shido : *smiles cheerfully at Bernard, playing on, as requested and instructed*
[01-23:28] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: *yawns, leaning back*
[01-23:28] 3eea1, Ravaella Glimmergaunt : *Smiles as Tatsuhiko plays* Lovely tune
[01-23:29] MSG: Lyger sent a message to Gaffer.
[01-23:29] bbfc4, Maiougi Hitosashi: *With a playful leap she makes it onto a table, a begins a lively dance as only a Fox could*
[01-23:29]       Gaffer Spits on the floor as he turns to watch the sho w..
[01-23:30] MSG: Gaffer sent a message to Lyger.
[01-23:30] efc93, Tatsuhiko Shido : *returns the smile to Ravaella and nods, continues playing without missing a beat or a note*
[01-23:31] bbfc4, Maiougi Hitosashi: *She draws out a fan and snaps it open, twirling and prancing, her 3 fox-tails waving*
[01-23:31] MSG: Lyger sent a message to Gaffer.
[01-23:31] 2fc9c, Bernard: *Bernard eyes Gaffer and furrows an eyebrow*Can I ask ye' not to do that mate? I try to keep a clean tavern an' all. *He smiles heartily*It's more invitin' to the people if they know there's a nice establishment with affordable prices
[01-23:32] JOIN: Valin Darkguard has entered.
[01-23:33] MSG: Gaffer sent a message to Lyger.
[01-23:33] 3b971, Gaffer : *Places his empty glass on the ground and spits into it* Comprimise?
[01-23:34] e359c, Shanira Treyan : *eyes him as she follows* I'm quite capable of carrying him.
[01-23:34] 3eea1, Ravaella Glimmergaunt : *Watches the show, admiring the Fox people*
[01-23:34] 2fc9c, Bernard: *He nods his head and smiles*Aye, works for me! *He picks up another glass and his rag and begins to polish the glass, looking around for someone who might need to quench their thirst*
[01-23:34] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: *looks about for rowyn*
[01-23:35] MSG: Lyger sent a message to Gaffer.
[01-23:36] 2fc9c, Valin Darkguard: Your Magesty need not do such a thing.*He walks up the steps to the tavern*
[01-23:37] bbfc4, Maiougi Hitosashi: *Her grin is a light as her feet, and she enacts a Kitsune spell of simple enchantment. Soon vibrant and beautiful colors are swirling around her, pulsing with the rythmn of the tune*
[01-23:37] e359c, Shanira Treyan : *moves to go in front of him, as he probably does'nt know where her room is* That's crap and you know it.
[01-23:39] efc93, Tatsuhiko Shido : *watches the colors surrounding Maiougi, continuing his tune, - slowly changing to a higher tempo*
[01-23:39] 3eea1, Ravaella Glimmergaunt : Absolutly beautiful
[01-23:39] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: *manages to settle on a beam, sleeping*
[01-23:40] bbfc4, Maiougi Hitosashi: *She follows the beat, as do the colors, breaking into a sort of jig, laughing her high, bark-like laugh*
[01-23:41] 2fc9c, Valin Darkguard: Bound to you I am, so you I will serve*Has been saying this her entire life, despite what she says. Even asking him to call her by her by her name won't do any good. Has looked over her all her life, acting even as a father figure, playing with her, etc. He still refuses to allow her to do ''unroyal like things''. He crosses the tavern as quickly as possible, heading for the stairs. Had already purchased a room*
[01-23:42] 2fc9c, Bernard: *Eyes the man cloaked in dark, carrying the other man, and a woman following him. Bernard simply quirks an eyebrow, shrugs and returns his gaze over the bar which he loves so much. Smiling he sets the glass down and fishes around under the bar for something.*
[01-23:42] efc93, Tatsuhiko Shido : *laughs as does Maiougi, watching her dance to his up-beat tune*
[01-23:42] 3b971, Gaffer : *He drops hs whip to the floor it is shielded with the darkness of his cloak*
[01-23:43] e359c, Shanira Treyan : *snorts* I'm not helpless. At least take him to my room and not some "stranger's"
[01-23:44] 2fc9c, Valin Darkguard: Would I take him anywhere else?*He stops at the bottom of the stairs for a moment, waiting for her to go up beside him or near him*
[01-23:44] 3eea1, Ravaella Glimmergaunt : *Smiles at the laughter, tapping her feet in tune to the music. Enjoying herself very much*
[01-23:45] e359c, Shanira Treyan : *goes up the stairs first, leading them to her room and unlocking the door*
[01-23:46] 3b971, Gaffer : She is very good at dancing *his ears perk up a bit*
[01-23:46] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: *lays her head on her bag, still sleeping lightly*
[01-23:46] 2fc9c, Bernard: *He grins as he returns from under the bar with a small object in hand. It's a small flute, much, much to small for such a giant of a man. He calls out to the music maker*Mind if I join lad? *He holds up the small flute, which looks like a small pencil in his giant hands to show the music maker his tool of music making*
[01-23:47] 867a2, Aegnora: ((Test))
[01-23:48] 2fc9c, Valin Darkguard: *Before she can really do anything about it, he slips into the room before her, quickly survaying it. Finding it empty he allows her entrance by moving further into the room*
[01-23:48] 867a2, Aegnora: ((Hm... ah well. Guess it'll be link instead of avatar..)0
[01-23:48] bbfc4, Maiougi Hitosashi: *twirls and bends, the colors following, stretching herself up and back* ((OOoo...pretty horsey...))
[01-23:49] e359c, Shanira Treyan : *does'nt say anything, knowing it'd be useless* Take his shirt off so I can bandage his wound
[01-23:49] efc93, Tatsuhiko Shido : *grins slightly to Bernard, still playing the song, on the beat* You may join in, if you can keep up.
[01-23:49]       Gaffer watches her ever move ntently she s one of the most beautful creatres he had ever seen...
[01-23:49] 2fc9c, Bernard: ((Hey! It's a Nightmare horse thing! *Has a magic card with that on it. Really good card*))
[01-23:50] d7c72, Jace Malliarch : *The wound is a large cut on his side, it is almost clear through to the other side.*
[01-23:50] 3eea1, Ravaella Glimmergaunt : *Still watches, still enjoying herself, yup*
[01-23:50] d7c72, Jace Malliarch : ((Bernard, it is called a Nightmare))
[01-23:51] e359c, Shanira Treyan : (( Run through? ))
[01-23:51] 3b971, Gaffer : ((5/5 no summonng sickness, and all other creatures tap when it comes in play))
[01-23:51] 2fc9c, Bernard: *He grins as he raises the small flute to his lips*I'll have to buy you an ale to wet your lips when I'm through lad. *he winks and he begins to play. The melodic tune that comes out of it is nothing short of beautiful*
[01-23:51] bbfc4, Maiougi Hitosashi: *Her vulipe ears tipped with black flick back and gorth as she moves, the three white tips of her tails bobbing. Along with the color the sleeves of her Kimono shirt flow with her, making her appear even more etherical*
[01-23:52] bbfc4, Maiougi Hitosashi: *vulpine
[01-23:52] 2fc9c, Bernard: ((No, actually it's a Black */* who's strength and toughness is equal to the amount of swamps you control.))
[01-23:52] bbfc4, Maiougi Hitosashi: *forth
[01-23:52] 2fc9c, Bernard: ((And yes Jace, I know.))
[01-23:52] bbfc4, Maiougi Hitosashi: ((Bah.))
[01-23:53] 2fc9c, Valin Darkguard: *Does as he is told after shutting the door...*
[01-23:53] 3b971, Gaffer : ((Sorry was thinking Thunder mare.. mur who knew))
[01-23:53] efc93, Tatsuhiko Shido : *watches Maiougi, as he plays, not seeing this kind of beauty in quite some time*
[01-23:54] 3b971, Gaffer : *He flicks his whip eagerly*
[01-23:55] d7c72, Jace Malliarch : ((I always prefered Slivers to Falming horses. ))
[01-23:55] 2fc9c, Bernard: ((I think I might have that one...but I would really hate to search through my thousands of cards. I'm usually pretty good at remembering what cards I have, no matter how many I have.))*He keeps on up with Shido, pipin' away at his flute, the melody acting as a needle, helping to weave together a sweet tapestery of musical story*
[01-23:55] 867a2, Aegnora: ((Mew?))
[01-23:55] 3eea1, Ravaella Glimmergaunt : *Smiles, watches, lalalala, enjoying herself, turns at the sound of a whip, narrowing her eyes slightly and one hand goes to the sword sheathed under her dress*
[01-23:55] e359c, Shanira Treyan : *hisses with an indrawn breath* This is bad...I need hot water and a healer
[01-23:56] 94c70, Z: *pokes Aegnora*
[01-23:56] 2fc9c, Bernard: ((Pfff. Slivers. Someone tried to play an all sliver deck against me. They lost terribly.))
[01-23:56] e359c, Shanira Treyan : (( Anyone play a healer?? ))
[01-23:56] efc93, Tatsuhiko Shido : (( Blasted cheap slivers. ))
[01-23:56] 2fc9c, Valin Darkguard: *He nods and moves towards the door...almost reluctant to leave her*
[01-23:57] d7c72, Jace Malliarch : ((Bernard, than they were not playing my sliver deck.))
[01-23:57] 94c70, Z: *does sorta*
[01-23:57] 3b971, Gaffer : ((Hates Slivers.. Kavus rule)) Barkeep another Ale *drops a gold coin*
[01-23:58] d7c72, Jace Malliarch : ((Gaffer, I have a Kavu Deck as well. ))
[01-23:58] 94c70, Z: *would love to have a horse, but lives in a 3rd story, 2 room apartment... not possible*
[01-23:59] e359c, Shanira Treyan : (( You do, Z? ))
[01-23:59] 2fc9c, Bernard: ((Jace, if you have an all sliver deck you are in the crap hole if your opponet has a ''When *Bah, can't remember the name* comes into play, chose a card type. Target player removes all of said type from the playinf field, graveyard, and library from the game.))
[01-23:59] 2fc9c, Bernard: ((Which is one reason why I never play a mono deck.))
[01-23:59] 3b971, Gaffer : *Waits impatiently for his aleI*
[01-23:59] 94c70, Z: Well.. yeah sorta. Ryavel is capable of healing.
[02-00:00] 2fc9c, Bernard: ((I have bloody three of'd think I'd remember it.))
[02-00:00] efc93, Tatsuhiko Shido : *continues the song, nearly losing the feeling in his fingers from the long long tune, - almost feeling the need to finish it off somehow*
[02-00:00] 662de, Khalek the Changer: OOC: Extinction
[02-00:01] 867a2, Aegnora: ((*can't have a horse, they be too expensive... but can play the horse of doom dang it!*))
[02-00:01] bbfc4, Maiougi Hitosashi: ((*sighs to Rava* They're talking Magic...we're done for...))
[02-00:01] d7c72, Jace Malliarch : ((Bernard, Depends on when you cast that and whether I counter it or not. ))
[02-00:01] 2fc9c, Bernard: *There would be no waiting for Gaffer, even as Bernard plays, he skillfully manages to pour another ale for him, switching between fingers, which are now a blur.*
[02-00:01] bbfc4, Maiougi Hitosashi: *Is also feeling the strain, but keeps up her magic and her smile*
[02-00:01] 94c70, Z: *isn't talking about Magic*
[02-00:01] 3eea1, Ravaella Glimmergaunt : ((zzzzzz...huh? wha?))
[02-00:02] 3eea1, Ravaella Glimmergaunt : *Still listens*
[02-00:02] d7c72, Jace Malliarch : ((Extinction only kills the creature type. And only effects the ones in play))
[02-00:02] 2fc9c, Bernard: ((*Ends conversation out of politness for other people.*Just had to say the word folks))
[02-00:02] 662de, Khalek the Changer: OOC: Extinction is the card name I believe
[02-00:02] ae640, Rowyn : (( Wow that took longer then expected ))
[02-00:02] efc93, Tatsuhiko Shido : (( *has a horse, yet, smaller, and a smaller face, some call it a Daschund, I call it a bonzai horse, little children can ride on it* ))
[02-00:03] 94c70, Z: *hasn't played Magic in ages*
[02-00:03] 662de, Khalek the Changer: OOC: I havent played Magic for years - I played Ice Age, then abit of that Urza series when I restarted. I play Warcry now.
[02-00:03] d7c72, Jace Malliarch : ((Bernard, if you want to chat about MtG Anytime, feel free to message me. ))
[02-00:03] 2fc9c, Valin Darkguard: *He turns to her*Leave him and come with me to find a healer. As you know I'm not good with...negotionation...
[02-00:03] 662de, Khalek the Changer: OOC: Although I havent played Warcry for a good 6 months. I only got stuff from the base set and the Winds of Magic set
[02-00:04] 3eea1, Ravaella Glimmergaunt : ((Oh, I get it, Magic that card game. Yeah I had friends who played that, I just like to look at the cards and the pictures. Some of them had nifty quotes))
[02-00:04] 94c70, Ryavel : (( *hasn't played Magic in... 8 years or so* ))
[02-00:04] e359c, Shanira Treyan : *shakes her head* Someone needs to stay and watch him. You stay and I'll go
[02-00:05] bbfc4, Maiougi Hitosashi: ((Um...I sorta nned to go soon...))
[02-00:05] bbfc4, Maiougi Hitosashi: *need
[02-00:05] 7725b, Galaldur : *Leads Ryavel back into town, oh yes, he was about to make an offer she couldn't refuse../
[02-00:06] d7c72, Jace Malliarch : ((Well, I am out, must go sleep, later all.))
[02-00:06] efc93, Tatsuhiko Shido : (( Duely noted. )) *nods to Maiougi, in the intention of finishing up this little entertainment, and slightly changes the tune to a sort of finishing... uh.. fashion*
[02-00:06] 2fc9c, Bernard: ((*chuckle* Goblin Kaplunkers: ''You go first, it only short jump.'' ''AIIIIIEEEEE'' ''Hmmm...we go other way now''))
[02-00:06] 94c70, Ryavel : *Onto IC. Is still with Galaldur. They had returned all their things to their little encampment hidden nicely outside the city and had returned. She walked along with him down the dusty streets careful to not bump into beings hurrying around, mostly humans.*
[02-00:07] bbfc4, Maiougi Hitosashi: *Finishes, then. HE colors slowly fading as she dips into a bow, her energy expended for the evening*
[02-00:07]       Gaffer Cracks the whip insatibly "more dancing"
[02-00:07] 2fc9c, Valin Darkguard: *He nods and moves back into the room*
[02-00:07] bbfc4, Maiougi Hitosashi: *The
[02-00:08] e359c, Shanira Treyan : *turns and heads downstairs, pausing in the tavern* I don't suppose there's a healer in here?
[02-00:08] 3eea1, Ravaella Glimmergaunt : *Claps and takes out a small bag of coins* That was beautiful, here take this *holds the entire purse out* You both deserve it
[02-00:08] 3eea1, Ravaella Glimmergaunt : *Eyes Gaffer*
[02-00:08] 2fc9c, Bernard: *He stops playing as well, chuckling to himself. He stows the small flute and looks around again. Once again he furrows a brow at Gaffer*I think she's a spot bit o' tired there lad. Same might be said for the music maker over yonder *winks at Shido*
[02-00:09] EXIT: Jace Malliarch has left the chat ( 1:06am, January 02 (CST) ).
[02-00:09] 3b971, Gaffer : ((Ill Heal him the Goblin way muhuhaha))
[02-00:09] 2fc9c, Valin Darkguard: *Like hell he was going to let her out of his site. He melts into the shadows...*
[02-00:09] bbfc4, Maiougi Hitosashi: *Her ears flick to the Goblin* Sorry sir, I think I'm about done. *smiles broadly and takes the bag. She splits the coins evenly between herself, Tatsu and Bernard* Thank you kindly, m'lady. *bows*
[02-00:10] efc93, Tatsuhiko Shido : (( Goblins have the best quotes. Goblin Spy: "Isn't he on our side?" "Yep." "Why's he spying on us?" "Don't ask." (pardon the Magic talk) ))
[02-00:10] 7725b, Galaldur : *Walks along beside Ryavel, observing the various Humans and others of the city, As he walks with her he subtly drops an offer that hopefully she could not refuse.* Malia ten’ vasa? *Looks to her as he asks this.*
[02-00:10] bbfc4, Maiougi Hitosashi: ((It's cute. A boy thing ^_^))
[02-00:11] 3b971, Gaffer : ((Throw rocks and bombs and.. ahh boss? How do we get down?
[02-00:11] e359c, Shanira Treyan : *sighs* Guess not...*heads out into the street and in the direction of where she thinks she saw a healer's sign, earlier*
[02-00:11] 2fc9c, Bernard: *He returns the coins to her*Nay miss, I'll not be needing those. *He smiles warmly at her*
[02-00:11] 94c70, Ryavel : *Cosniders this for a moment and nods. Why not? He was teasing her earlier it was the least he could do.*
[02-00:11] bbfc4, Maiougi Hitosashi: ((You have AIM, Tatsu?))
[02-00:12] efc93, Tatsuhiko Shido : (( Heh, if you're speaking about Magic, I know a girl that has more a collection than myself. )) *takes the coins and puts them in his coin pouch quickly* Thanks, female. *speaking to Mai, normally calling anyone by their gender*
[02-00:13] 2fc9c, Bernard: ((Tell that to the girl who whooped my ass in a tourny a short while ago.))
[02-00:13] bbfc4, Maiougi Hitosashi: Well, I'll not be needing them either. We're both on the patroll, ey? *tosses them to Tatsu, then* Here lad, Arigatou for your gracious playing. You should really look into getting employed here. *grins*
[02-00:13] bbfc4, Maiougi Hitosashi: *patroll= payroll
[02-00:13] 3eea1, Ravaella Glimmergaunt : *Bows her head in return, lets say there were 15 gold pieces in there*
[02-00:13] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: *still sleeping on a little shadow covered rafter*
[02-00:13] 2fc9c, Bernard: ((Goblin Piker: Once he'd worked out which end of the thing was sharp, he was promoted to guard duty))
[02-00:14] efc93, Tatsuhiko Shido : (( Yes, I do have AIM, it's TatsuhikoShido0 ))
[02-00:14] 7725b, Galaldur : *Watches her for an answer and grins slightly.* Quel.. saiquel. Manke a' mata hm?
[02-00:14] bbfc4, Maiougi Hitosashi: And by the way, you can call me Miko, if you like.
[02-00:15]       Gaffer puts whip away, he must be a good boy for a while...
[02-00:15] 2fc9c, Bernard: ((This one is cheesy: Goblin Bowling Team: Flag was out of his league-this game wasn't up his alley, but the team couldn't spare him if he split.))
[02-00:15] efc93, Tatsuhiko Shido : *takes the extra coins, given* Thank, ye, Miko.
[02-00:16] e359c, Shanira Treyan : *does indeed find a healer and does'nt care one bit as he's closing up shop. The promise of gold gets him to extend his hours and offer his services*
[02-00:16] 94c70, Ryavel : Amin n'sinta. *As she walks with him, they draw ever closer to the Glimmering Inn.*
[02-00:17] 94c70, Ryavel : (( *woulda helped Shan, but oh well * ))
[02-00:17] bbfc4, Maiougi Hitosashi: *nods and bows* Thank you, ittou (all of you), for a wonderful evening *smiles her Foxiest*
[02-00:17] 2fc9c, Bernard: ((Ooo. elves comming a calling. Do I get to speak elvish? Woooo!))
[02-00:18] 94c70, Ryavel : (( hehe, Bernard ))
[02-00:18] 3eea1, Ravaella Glimmergaunt : *Chuckles and waves to her* Thank you for the show *saunters up to the bar*
[02-00:18] 662de, Khalek the Changer: *Ascends the tower, to the surface city or what remains of it. Gazes out across the horizon, both gauntletted hands clamping down upon the rail.* This cannot do... *Suddenly, feels the nudge of tentacles from the shield. His horned helmet visage turns towards the piece of equipment* Soon my precious... soon you will taste upon the infidel magic... *Reaches out to stroke one of the purple tentacles before returning his gaze back to the horizon.* *Cameo appearance over.*
[02-00:19] bbfc4, Maiougi Hitosashi: *yawns* Aye. Good evening everyone *heads out to restore her energy*
[02-00:19] e359c, Shanira Treyan : (( Awww.. )) *makes her way hurriedly back to the in, describing the wound*
[02-00:19] 2fc9c, Valin Darkguard: *He looks to Ravaella*What can I get ye' miss? Ale seems to be the ever popular drink o' the evenin'.
[02-00:19] 7725b, Galaldur : *ponders quietly as they walk along, out of the corner of his eye he notices a restaurant of some sort, he gestures to it.* Mani tanya yamen'?
[02-00:20] 3b971, Gaffer : /watches the pretty Fox walk out of his life... He is lonely again...
[02-00:20] 94c70, Ryavel : (( BUt I dunno Bernard. I came IC cuz I thought Shanira needed it but it looks like she doesn't now ))
[02-00:20] bbfc4, Maiougi Hitosashi: *Makes her way back to her apartment and is -gone-*
[02-00:21] EXIT: Maiougi Hitosashi has left the chat ( 1:20am, January 02 (CST) ).
[02-00:21] 2fc9c, Bernard: *He looks to Ravaella*What can I get ye' miss? Ale seems to be the ever popular drink o' the evenin'.
[02-00:21]       Gaffer watches as the pretty fox walks from his life, leaving him lonely again...
[02-00:21] 3eea1, Ravaella Glimmergaunt : *Nods and takes a seat* I don't know, perhaps a red wine or sorts?
[02-00:21] e359c, Shanira Treyan : (( I do...but I did'nt think anyone IC was gonna help, thats why I grabbed a npc ))
[02-00:22] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: *sighs and stretches, laying on her stomach on the beam*
[02-00:22] 94c70, Z: *shrugs* It's okay Shan, it's been my luck of the draw today RP wise.
[02-00:24] e359c, Shanira Treyan : (( I could still work it in...x all that about getting him, having her run into you instead..besides, it's more fun with a pc ))
[02-00:24]       Gaffer looks over at Rava and his cloak dissapates... The drow is a familiar dark face he can relate too...
[02-00:26] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: *stands and wanders across the rafters carefuly and quietly, sliding down into a booth*
[02-00:26] 662de, Khalek the Changer: *Or perhaps not* Inform Erasus to march forward. Our armies will meet, yet we require significant servants to rebuild the surface city. The Uruk-hai are of no use in that. *Gazes long and hard, as if he can map out the world with sight alone.* Go now. *With a whoosh, a Hellrider flies out - orange fire trailing the disc's path as the warrior moves off northwards.*
[02-00:26] 3eea1, Ravaella Glimmergaunt : *Looks over at the troll and then looks back forward, he was going to start some trouble while she was enjoying herself so he doesn't desrve a nod or anything*
[02-00:27] 3b971, Gaffer : ((Wasnt gonna start trouble..and is a goblin)) These people do not fear your power Great Drow?
[02-00:28] 662de, Khalek the Changer: A riddle if there is ever to be one... *murmurs to himself, before turning from the view and swiftly returning into the tower.* *Fade out*
[02-00:28] 94c70, Ryavel : Mani uma lle nowa? *She gives a slight shrug. She had not been to any other place than the Glimmering Inn.*
[02-00:28] efc93, Tatsuhiko Shido : *takes a glance at Hannah, making his way down from the rafters, onto the ground, and stands near her booth* Pardon, mind if I sit, and chat?
[02-00:28] e359c, Shanira Treyan : (( Z? ))
[02-00:28] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: *nods* be my guest..
[02-00:29] 94c70, Ryavel : (( Yessum? ))
[02-00:29] 3eea1, Ravaella Glimmergaunt : *Looks at the goblin then* Apparently not *sips at the wine*
[02-00:29] e359c, Shanira Treyan : (( *rolls her eyes* Do you have aim? ))
[02-00:30] 7725b, Galaldur : Winya yamen' naa quel, uma?
[02-00:30] 94c70, Ryavel : (( yep ))
[02-00:30] 94c70, Ryavel : (( *and yes hands Shan her eyes back* ))
[02-00:30] e359c, Shanira Treyan : (( BlackCat792 ))
[02-00:30] 2fc9c, Bernard: *whistles as he polishes a glass*
[02-00:31] 94c70, Ryavel : (( Oh! *would have never guessed* ))
[02-00:31] 3b971, Gaffer : That is interesting are all kinds welcomme in this city *Reaches for a pipe*
[02-00:32] efc93, Tatsuhiko Shido : *nods to Hannah and takes a seat* Pardon again, mind me inquiring why you have been alone most of this evening?
[02-00:32] 3eea1, Ravaella Glimmergaunt : It's a friendly city
[02-00:32] 662de, High Mage Arion: *Stresses over news of Drow and Goblins in the city*
[02-00:32] 3b971, Gaffer : Is this a smokign establishment? *Packs cherry Tobacco into it*
[02-00:33] ae640, Rowyn : (( BlackCat792... I know that aim! *pounces* ))
[02-00:33] 94c70, Ryavel : (( Ruapenchi has Golbins? eeew ))
[02-00:34] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: been sleeping
[02-00:34] 2fc9c, Bernard: Only if those around allow of course *He smiles cheerfully. Most tavern's are smoking establishments...unlike the modern world...smoking is good. Mostly because it's natural stuff and doesn't have all that other crap in it*
[02-00:34] c45d2, Aralore : ((DIE EVIL SITH!!!! *eats KOTOR*))
[02-00:34] 3b971, Gaffer : ((*Cries* Im a misunderstood elf))
[02-00:35] 3eea1, Ravaella Glimmergaunt : It's no problem to me *sip*
[02-00:35] e359c, Shanira Treyan : (( *x's her posts with the npc healer* )) *steps outside of the tavern and looks around, a very worried look on her face*
[02-00:35] 3b971, Gaffer : *Smokes blowing it away from Rava*
[02-00:35] efc93, Tatsuhiko Shido : Ahh, yes... good slumber, I could use it myself soon enough. *puts his lute against the booth side*
[02-00:35] 120c4, Rav: I am done with my work for now. *streches*
[02-00:35] 94c70, Ryavel : (( Nuh uh Rav! ))
[02-00:36] 3eea1, Ravaella Glimmergaunt : ((My character has been regged?))
[02-00:36] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: *eases her bag beside herself on the booth*
[02-00:36] 3eea1, Ravaella Glimmergaunt : ((My new character that is))
[02-00:36] 662de, High Mage Arion: *Spits out herbal tea over some paperwork upon reading another report of fighting aimed towards a certain royal - a Shanira Treyan. Wonders how on earth he is going to find the time to deal with all these recent events and satisfy his Lord.*
[02-00:36] 3eea1, Ravaella Glimmergaunt : *Leans back, sip*
[02-00:37] 3eea1, Squirrel : Rav, you got some spliain to dooooo
[02-00:38] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: excuse me if im distant, im out of sorts when im tired
[02-00:39] efc93, Tatsuhiko Shido : Oh, quite alright, I'm certain every living being is...
[02-00:39] e359c, Shanira Treyan : (( *perks at her char's name* ))
[02-00:39] 120c4, Rav: Over AIM
[02-00:39] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: oh, wheres my head *leans her forehead on her palm, her elbow rested on the table* would you like something to drink
[02-00:40] efc93, Tatsuhiko Shido : Nay, thank ye, Hannah, though. I believe I am quite good for the night...
[02-00:41] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: alright..*digs around in her back, finding a piece of flat bread to offer* bread?
[02-00:41] 2fc9c, Valin Darkguard: *Waiting for customers*
[02-00:42] JOIN: R has entered.
[02-00:42] 2fc9c, Bernard: ((*Sigh*It seems that I have to get going. So, I bid adeu adeu adeu...or however that goes.))
[02-00:42] 94c70, Ryavel : Deanam. *She was honestly not too sure in this city. Drow in the Inn, there was no telling what else could be hiding around here. Her gaze skims the area, passing over the entrnace of the Glimmering Inn as Shanira comes wandering out.*
[02-00:42] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: ((bye bernard ))
[02-00:43] efc93, Tatsuhiko Shido : *smiles* Thanks,... have not eaten in a couple days, *receives the bread, taking a big bite from it* ...
[02-00:43] 2fc9c, Bernard: ((If that's the R I think it is, you better get your ass on AIM quick fast and in a hurry.))
[02-00:43] e359c, Shanira Treyan : *her gaze locks on Ryaval and hurries over* Could you help me? Please? I'm trying to find a healer
[02-00:44] 7725b, Galaldur : *shrugs slightly and wonders if maybe he shouldn't have asked.*
[02-00:44] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: you're a shy one
[02-00:44] 7725b, R : ((heh, doubt it))
[02-00:45] efc93, Tatsuhiko Shido : Yes... I guess I am. *eats more of the bread* There's a good reason for it, too.
[02-00:45] 7725b, Galaldur : *blinks slightly as Shanira comes up.* Excuse me?
[02-00:45] 94c70, Ryavel : Greetings, Shanira... *Yes she believed that is what she had said her name was.* A healer? *glances at Galaldur for a moment.*
[02-00:45] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: would you like to share that reason with me?
[02-00:46] 3b971, Gaffer : *watches the tender leave and watches a much smaller one come in his place* ((Bye BErnsrd))
[02-00:46] e359c, Shanira Treyan : *nods* A friend was very badly hurt while protecting me
[02-00:46] efc93, Tatsuhiko Shido : *eases himself within his seat* Yes, I guess I shall... I know this might sound a bit queer, but this place, and everything in it, is quite new to me... I have not been around living people or settlements for a good... forty years.
[02-00:46] 3a60f, Mab : *wonders what has happened to the Bettenchi Banner.*
[02-00:47] 3eea1, Ravaella Glimmergaunt : *sssssiiiiiiipppppp, licks her lips. mmm good*
[02-00:47] 120c4, Rav: wha......?
[02-00:47] 94c70, Ryavel : (( V ate it ))
[02-00:47] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: ooh...that makes sense..*lays her head heavily on her arms*
[02-00:47] 2fc9c, Bernard: *He sighs as he looks out a window at the arcing moon*Well, time for me to set in. Don't worry folks! We're still open, your ever loyal place of drinking and good times will not let you down! My good friend Jaques will be here for the remander of the evening! *He claps his massive hands on a rather meak and scrawny looking bartender. He chuckles and heads upstairs.*
[02-00:48] 7725b, Galaldur : *Glances to Ryavel.* gwaith maite fallana ve'lye.. *looks back to the women.*
[02-00:49] c45d2, Aralore : ((Why did I decide to anger an entire base of Sith?))
[02-00:50] 662de, Khaes: *burp* Bettenchi is now mine
[02-00:51] 3a60f, Mab : *L*
[02-00:51] efc93, Tatsuhiko Shido : *chuckles* Perhaps. But to explain it more, I used to be apart of an Elvish settlement. Feeling an awkward need to leave the camps, and set out on my out, I went to live by my lonesome in a forest, away from people. Only to find corpses from long wars past... lived there for a long time, never seeing a living soul. *finishes the bread*
[02-00:52] 3a60f, Mab : Yeah, the fusia is oh so menacing and ominous a font color, V.
[02-00:52] 3b971, Gaffer : ((Aralore aim?))
[02-00:52] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: *slides another peice of bread to him*
[02-00:52] c45d2, Aralore : ((?))
[02-00:53] 662de, Khaes: *Font colour changes with every post. It's a little trick to mimic the Change.*
[02-00:53] MSG: Aralore sent a message to Gaffer.
[02-00:53] MSG: Aralore sent a message to Gaffer.
[02-00:53] efc93, Tatsuhiko Shido : *takes the bread* Thank, ye. *munches on it* Aside from the rest I've seen here, you seem to be the most friendly and kind.
[02-00:54] 94c70, Ryavel : We can help you. *Yes, without asking Galaldur. But this was a good thing, how could he argue with that?*
[02-00:54] 3b971, Gaffer : ((Do You have Aim?))
[02-00:54] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: and you seem to be the most hungry *chuckles*
[02-00:54] e359c, Shanira Treyan : *releif floods her face* Quickly, then *turns and hurries back inside the tavern*
[02-00:54] 3a60f, Mab : That'll do for now. I prefer Q's smaller one.
[02-00:54] 7725b, Galaldur : *has no problem with it really.* Indeed, we can. *though he was curious to who she was*
[02-00:56] e359c, Shanira Treyan : (( You met her breifly earlier, Galaldur ))
[02-00:56] 7725b, Galaldur : *has no problem with it really.* Indeed, we can.
[02-00:56] efc93, Tatsuhiko Shido : *chuckles* Aye. But you keep offering. I can't deny an offer from a charming female. *small grin*