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[31-15:26] 3eea1, Squirrel : *poked* Ya wanna play that way, huh? *prods*
[31-15:27] c6b09, Karlita: *nods* alright... my name is , Karlita..
[31-15:28] 4f21a, Aldos Firestar: An honor and a pleasure.
[31-15:28] c6b09, Karlita: (( eek! * hits the wall from the prod* ..oh yeah ? * pulls out a swordfish and "prods" him* ))
[31-15:30] c6b09, Karlita: * he seemed to be a gentleman.. she slips her hood back, allowing the rest of her long dark hair to tumble down her shoulders..her dark chocolate eyes look at him, smiles*
[31-15:30] 3eea1, Squirrel : *Stabbed!* *Cough* *Gurgle* *Sputter*
[31-15:31] 4f21a, Aldos Firestar: ((*pokes Squirrel w/ a stick and then runs away*))
[31-15:31] c6b09, Karlita: (( *cackles* ))
[31-15:32] 4f21a, Aldos Firestar: *offers an arm for her* Shall we then?
[31-15:32] 3eea1, Squirrel : *Falls!* *Dies!*
[31-15:33] 3eea1, Squirrel : Screw Call of Duty, Ratchet & Clank...Here I come!
[31-15:33] EXIT: Squirrel has left the chat ( 4:33pm, December 31 (CST) ).
[31-15:34] 94c70, Z: *takes the squirrel, skins it, fries it up and makes a sandwich*
[31-15:34] c6b09, Karlita: *nods and takes his arm* im sorry, i didnt get your name ?
[31-15:35] 4f21a, Aldos Firestar: Aldos Firestar, at your service m'lady.
[31-15:36] c6b09, Karlita: lovely to meet you Aldos..* looks around them at all the shops and what not*
[31-15:37] c6b09, Karlita: ((*L*))
[31-15:39] 4f21a, Aldos Firestar: ((gtg)) *senses something in the air* I am sorry m'lady, but I must go. I just remembered a pressing matter. But I believe that the locksmith is just ahead.
[31-15:40] 4f21a, Aldos Firestar: I hope to meet again. *bows, and then departs*
[31-15:40] EXIT: Aldos Firestar has left the chat ( 4:40pm, December 31 (CST) ).
[31-15:40] c6b09, Karlita: (( ok bye)) alright thank you..
[31-15:44] c6b09, Karlita: ((merp))
[31-15:45] JOIN: High Mage Arion has entered.
[31-15:46] c6b09, Karlita: (( *bored* ))
[31-15:49] 662de, High Mage Arion: *Walks down the street, his fine white robes billowing behind him. Keen blue eyes gaze across the denzions of the street, a wordless smile gracing his fine lips. He is the High Mage for the city - the chief advisor to it's leader. One hand brandishes a silver staff, where upon its tip is a claw holding a black obsidian rock.*
[31-15:50] 94c70, Z: *has a necklace with a charm on it that looks like that.*
[31-15:51] c6b09, Karlita: * she turns to see some man in magnifcent robes.. he seemd to be of a high ranking , like herself.. she approaches him, slipping off ehr black cloak, reavealing her white royal gown, with billowing sleeves*
[31-15:51] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[31-15:54] c6b09, Karlita: her*
[31-15:54] 662de, High Mage Arion: *Is Karlita from the city? Or anywhere nearby? Would have a good chance of recognising her if so. Regardless - upon her approach he pauses - and is not your typical bearded wizard. Has no beard for starters, his handsome face finely chiselled with years of wisdom. His voice is strong, and hinting upon some noble line* Good morrow.
[31-15:58] c6b09, Karlita: * she lowers her head and hands* Good marrow your lordship.. i am from a land not to far away... I am Princess Karlita, and if i am not mistaken, are you the high advisor?
[31-16:02] 662de, High Mage Arion: That I am, your Highness. Welcome to Ruapenchi. *Takes a half bow, a measured gesture of goodwill - his blue eyes twinkling with intelligence.*
[31-16:08] 3a60f, Mab : Soooo tired, but .. must..finish...fixing..magic..system...
[31-16:12] 94c70, Z: *ponders RP*
[31-16:13] JOIN: Oyrin Darkune has entered.
[31-16:13] 0e373, Oyrin Darkune : ((I am one sexy PMS'ing wanna-be male pig.))
[31-16:15] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[31-16:15] JOIN: D has entered.
[31-16:15] 38e18, D : oh yes, wannabe male pigs are teh h0tt0r.
[31-16:16] 0e373, Oyrin Darkune : ((...that just dosent have the same effect.))
[31-16:16] 0e373, Oyrin Darkune : ((See. D wan't to take gear off and get down! I rawk!))
[31-16:16] 38e18, D : I wasn't aiming for that effect.
[31-16:17] 94c70, Ryavel : (( Hmm ))
[31-16:18] 0e373, Oyrin Darkune : ((*Feasting! and..and Smoking! Yeah!*))
[31-16:19] 0e373, Oyrin Darkune : *Feasting! and..and Smoking! Yeah!*
[31-16:21] 94c70, Ryavel : *Walks alone as she steps back onto the dusty road that will take her back into Ruapenchi. Galaldur had remained behind as she had not wanted to interrupt what he was doing. She keeps an eye on things as she passes them, watching the people go about the things that they are doing.*
[31-16:22] 3a60f, Mab : *gets waaaaay too much amusement over the filters. rolls laughing*
[31-16:24] 0e373, Oyrin Darkune : *Wouldnt you know it. End of the year celebration ((Permitted yes?)) has started in the town center of Ruapenchi. Bellowing out a drinking song with a bunch of burly looking people..and two hobbits.*
[31-16:24] 38e18, Urukhai Raiders : *own0rz Oyrin's Mithril mine*
[31-16:25] 38e18, Urukhai Raiders : ((^_^@Link))
[31-16:25] 3a60f, Mab : Of course it's permitted. Yay!! Ruapenchi is a big party town tonight!! Look at the festivities!!
[31-16:25] 0e373, Oyrin Darkune : ((*Will spank Rukhs with a wet towel.*))
[31-16:25] 94c70, Ryavel : (( *baps the Urakhai* ))
[31-16:26] 38e18, Urukhai Raiders : ((*Wonders who Rukhs is, they are they Uruks *))
[31-16:26] 94c70, Ryavel : (( *spelled it wrong too, oops* ))
[31-16:27] 0e373, Oyrin Darkune : ((Orc in Dwarvish.))
[31-16:27] 38e18, Urukhai Raiders : ((*patpat for Oyrin and Z*))
[31-16:27] 662de, High Mage Arion: *Well, guesses he is still within the street of Ruapenchi. Got abandoned by the princess.*
[31-16:28] 94c70, Ryavel : (( *smites the UrUkhai * ))
[31-16:28] 94c70, Ryavel : (( haha, gotta love royalty Arion ))
[31-16:28] 0e373, Oyrin Darkune : The strongest brew for the tried and truuuuuuueeee! Comes from the Green Dragon! *Singing*
[31-16:28] 38e18, Urukhai Raiders : *Burn, pillage and the like. Just like Raider's fans.*
[31-16:29] ae640, Rowyn : (( *returns* ))
[31-16:29] 94c70, Ryavel : *As she goes, some people speak of festivities being held in the main square. However, that is not her interest at the moment. She is making her way to the Glimmering Inn. She may even come across Arion along the way.*
[31-16:30] 0e373, Oyrin Darkune : *Laughter and the sort..and more beer!*
[31-16:32] 662de, High Mage Arion: *Hears all the laughter and celebrations - the smile fading quickly from his face as he stares for a moment up into the skies muttering something in an ancient arcanic language. Pauses upon the approach of an Elf, glancing across to her*
[31-16:32] 0e373, Oyrin Darkune : *The hobbits start singing again..and daggummit so does he!*
[31-16:35] 94c70, Ryavel : *Acknowledges Arion's glance with a return glance and then a slight nod as it seems he is paying attention to her. She assumes that he is a mage or wizard of some sort by his dress and exspecially his staff.*
[31-16:38] 662de, High Mage Arion: *His blue eyes seem to grow brighter as he stares at the elf, the smile taking a few moments to grace his lips once more.* It is always a pleasure to see one of the noble race. *Speaks in er...Bettench! The main human language! Wing!*
[31-16:38] 0e373, Oyrin Darkune : "Hey Ho! To the bottle I go, to heal my heart and to drown my woe. The Rain may fall and the wind may blow, but there still be many miles to go! *Takes a large drink.* Sweet is the sound of falling rain and the stream that leaps from hill to plain better than rain or rippling brook is a mug of bear inside this Dwarf! *Last word dosent match what everyone sings..and it is very loud and off tune!*
[31-16:39] 3a60f, Mab : Yeah, you can call it Bettenchi or Basic or whatever for the language. *L*
[31-16:40] 38e18, Urukhai Raiders : *can really ruin the festivities.*
[31-16:40] JOIN: Zaknafein has entered.
[31-16:40] 38e18, Ithuel: *could cause an incident at the festivities.*
[31-16:40] 0e373, Oyrin Darkune : *Can pwn some Orc.*
[31-16:40] 38e18, Kephael : *could join the festivities.*
[31-16:41] 38e18, D : *could pick a freaking character already.*
[31-16:41] 0e373, Oyrin Darkune : *Yes! Join festivites! MORE BEER WOO!*
[31-16:42] 38e18, Kephael : ((*fixes link*))
[31-16:43] 38e18, Kephael : ((**))
[31-16:44] 94c70, Ryavel : *Gives him a slight nod of her head.* Thank you, Master Mage.
[31-16:44] 38e18, Kephael : *A hand should fall onto Oyrin's shoulder in a light pat and a chuckle should manifest itself within his ear.* Easy, Master Dwarf, you do not wish to get too drunk just yet. The festivities have not truely begun.
[31-16:45] 662de, High Mage Arion: -Or perhaps you wish to speak in your own fair tongue?- *His smile grows as he speaks in Elven.*
[31-16:46] 0e373, Oyrin Darkune : Drunk on this! HA! Now if they had some brew that is made by my cousin Varin..then I'd be in trouble but this? Not yet! Come! Drink with me Stranger! *Gets the man a mug of beer.*
[31-16:48] 38e18, Kephael : Indeed, though I am curious what business a Dwarf has outside the mines? *His hand extends to pull up a chair from which he takes a seat at, curling his gloved hands around the handle of the mug, holding it up in a somewhat 'cheers' gesture.*
[31-16:49] 0e373, Oyrin Darkune : *Raises his mug in return.* Orcs my friend. The slimy creatures have taken my mine!
[31-16:51] 38e18, Kephael : Are you have not slain them yet? I'm sure it is nothing your battle axe cannot handle...*he chuckles once more, flicks his wrist back as his head as he downs some of the beer.*
[31-16:52] 0e373, Oyrin Darkune : Indeed...Dwarves are waisted on Cross country! They ran into the deep part of the mines in fear! I need help in catching them!
[31-16:52] JOIN: Oyrin Darkune has entered.
[31-16:52] 38e18, Kephael : Pay for mercenaries, my friend. Simple solution.
[31-16:54] 94c70, Ryavel : *Inclines her head slightly as he shifts into speaking Elven. He was a mage so it was not entirely surprising that he could speak it. Being knowledgeable in more than the tongues of men helped when studying magic. She answers him in kind.* - It has been some time since I have met a Mage so cultured. Do you live in this city? -
[31-16:54] 0e373, Oyrin Darkune : Mercinaries? Bah! I need men of Strength!
[31-16:55] 662de, High Mage Arion: -I currently reside within the city - but I have travelled far and wide. -
[31-16:56] 38e18, Kephael : The darkness is a sanctuary for Orcs, there numbers might of increased from a rabblesome swarm.
[31-16:57] 0e373, Oyrin Darkune : Exactly...Mercinaries are just like elves...they fear. I need men with constitutions of Dwarves! That know no fear!
[31-16:59] 38e18, Kephael : Men do fear, Master Dwarf, it may range from the tiniest of things to the largest and foulest of is without fear..
[31-16:59] 94c70, Ryavel : *Nods once again before giving the area around them a brief glance.* - It is an interesting place. - *She could think of no other word to describe the variety of people and things she had seen so far.* - I have not visited this far sout before. -
[31-17:00] 0e373, Oyrin Darkune : Well, my mine is lost then.
[31-17:01] 38e18, Kephael : Do not give up, I'm sure properly equipped of your fellow dwarves or merceneries could handle the orc. The longer you dwell on it, the more Orc and Goblins that will overrun your mine..
[31-17:02] 94c70, Ryavel : (( South rather ))
[31-17:02] 662de, High Mage Arion: - We try our best to maintain the peace of many races within the city. Still, there are those who elude us and attempt to disturb the peace.- *Could he be referring to certain beings here? Perhaps. His eyes soften slightly, with a lighter shade of blue.*
[31-17:03] 3a60f, Merina : *there even be mermaids in the channels of Ruapenchi, not that anyone knows that as more than legend or myth.*
[31-17:04] 38e18, Urukhai Raiders : *Cooks a mermaid on a big frying pan on the beach. yum!*
[31-17:04] JOIN: Rowyn has entered.
[31-17:05] 94c70, Ryavel : - A noble attempt -
[31-17:06] 3a60f, Merina : *Urukhai would have to catch a mermaid first and that is easier said than done*
[31-17:07] 38e18, Urukhai Raiders : **
[31-17:07] 94c70, Ryavel : (( ))
[31-17:09] 662de, High Mage Arion: -For now, yet I fear there are dark forces at work-
[31-17:10] 94c70, Ryavel : - What sort of dark forces? -
[31-17:12] 662de, High Mage Arion: -I think you are aware of whom I speak of- *Gives a sad smile, but gee, it's so ironic.*
[31-17:15] 94c70, Ryavel : *Has only seen the Drow about these parts causing trouble, so she was not entirely sure if she in fact did know.* - Perhaps. -
[31-17:17] JOIN: Joey has entered.
[31-17:18] 9ba72, Joey: (( *cant help but beat the hell out of his comp after it froze on him and lost everything he typed up for a char , beats it good* ))
[31-17:19] 662de, High Mage Arion: -But I am digressing, are you on some adventure?- *Cocks his head to the side slightly, keen blue eyes focussed entirely upon Ryavel.*
[31-17:20] 3a60f, Merina : ((Awwww, *pats Joey*))
[31-17:22] 94c70, Ryavel : - My companion and I are passing through on our travels. We have no other quest than knowledge. - *That was for now at least. One thing that was certain about time was that it caused things to change.*
[31-17:23] JOIN: Crono Amolia has entered.
[31-17:24] 9ba72, Joey: (( *purrs and then sets off to do the 2 hour work in less time* ))
[31-17:24] 6c848, Crono Amolia : *A man wearing a black hooded robe enters into this new place..*
[31-17:25] 6c848, Crono Amolia : *Looks around for a moment looking for an old friend as he says to himself "hmmm..."*
[31-17:25] 6c848, Crono Amolia : *Looks around for a moment looking for an old friend as he says to himself "hmmm..."*
[31-17:25] 6c848, Crono Amolia : (blah ^on second post*)
[31-17:27] 3a60f, Mab : *would like Crono to get lighter font color that can be read*
[31-17:28] 662de, High Mage Arion: *That seems to perk his attention somewhat - loves knowledge, obsessed with such* -What kind of knowledge?-
[31-17:35] 94c70, Ryavel : - These lands west of our home and the races that live in them. We don't live amongst them ourselves, so we must learn by venturing out to them. -
[31-17:37] 662de, High Mage Arion: -Easily attainable- *Seems almost arrogant in that, but then - is bestowed with great knowledge from his Lord.*
[31-17:42] 94c70, Ryavel : - Yes it is. - *It is easy for them as well, it is merely the method that they choose as they would prefer to live amongst themselves instead of scattered about in cities of men.*
[31-17:47] 3a60f, Mab : *thought she could stay up, but can't. Will return in 4 or 5 hours hopefully* Z has the chat.
[31-17:47] 94c70, Z: mwahaha
[31-17:49] 662de, High Mage Arion: -I belie- *suddenly pauses, looking up to the skies, eyes shifting to a darker shade of blue - almost navy*
[31-17:53] 94c70, Ryavel : *She glances up briefly as he might have seen something. Then returns her gaze to him, watching him carefully.* - Is something wrong? -
[31-17:56] 662de, High Mage Arion: *Seems to ignore her for a few seconds as he stares up into the sky* -I apologise, I must take my leave. There is nothing the matter that concerns you - it is a magical affair- *Bows his head before turning and striding away*
[31-17:58] 94c70, Ryavel : *Watches after him, finding it rather odd.*
[31-18:37] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[31-18:39] JOIN: R has entered.
[31-18:40] 7725b, Galaldur : *Having discovered Ryavel missing.. Galaldur had come back from the forests, searching for her.*
[31-18:40] JOIN: joey has entered.
[31-18:41] EXIT: joey has left the chat ( 7:40pm, December 31 (CST) ).
[31-18:43] 94c70, Ryavel : *Had finally made her way to the Glimmering Inn. She sits at a table alone there.*
[31-18:45] 7725b, Galaldur : *Checks the Inn first, and oh yes he finds her, shakes his head as he makes his way over to her.* Mani naa lle umien? *eyes*
[31-18:46] 94c70, Ryavel : *Looks up at him. No hadn't expected him to track her down. She just shrugs*
[31-18:47] 7725b, Galaldur : *just shakes his head.* Mankoi Ryavel?
[31-18:49] JOIN: Riddonel Doomhaven has entered.
[31-18:49] 94c70, Ryavel : Mani?
[31-18:52] 7725b, Galaldur : Mankoi uma kela?
[31-18:53] JOIN: Squirrel has entered.
[31-18:53] 3eea1, Squirrel : *Sighs and Mutters*
[31-18:54] 94c70, Ryavel : *Doesn't answer his question.*
[31-18:54] 94c70, Ryavel : (( *pokes the squirrel* ))
[31-18:55] 3eea1, Squirrel : *Poked* *Gets a cattle prod* Go ahead, I DARE YA!
[31-18:56] 3eea1, Squirrel : Progressive dinner, Appetizers are at my house. I get to be the coat boy! YIPPEE!
[31-18:56] 3eea1, Squirrel : *said dripping with sarcasm*
[31-18:56] 94c70, Ryavel : (( *fries up more squirrel brain sandwiches* ))
[31-18:57] 3eea1, Squirrel : My comrades! How dare you?!
[31-18:57] 94c70, Ryavel : (( ))
[31-18:57] 662de, High Mage Arion: OOC: I'm in 2004 now. Ph34r
[31-18:58] 7725b, Galaldur : *sighs faintly as he takes a seat next to her.*
[31-18:58] 3eea1, Squirrel : 5:10 left
[31-18:58] 3eea1, Squirrel : 5:09 actually
[31-19:00] 3eea1, Squirrel : Heh, Riddonel DOOM-haven, *L* Great name
[31-19:02] 94c70, Ryavel : *Looks at him.*
[31-19:02] 7725b, Galaldur : *Gives her a look./* Mani?
[31-19:03] 3eea1, Ravaella Glimmergaunt : ((hmmm))
[31-19:07] 94c70, Ryavel : Hisime.
[31-19:11] 7725b, Galaldur : *shakes his head.*
[31-19:13] 7725b, Galaldur : Amin uuma valina.
[31-19:13] 94c70, Ryavel : *says nothing as she knows what he is talking about.*
[31-19:16] 7725b, Galaldur : Amin umma sina ai'ner... *A bit rash maybe but he was quite mad at this point.*
[31-19:18] 94c70, Ryavel : *Looks at him.* Umien mani?
[31-19:22] JOIN: Riddonnel Doomhaven has entered.
[31-19:22] 3eea1, Ravaella Glimmergaunt : ((*wonders what the elves are saying*))
[31-19:23] e8e40, Riddonnel Doomhaven: (( crazy speech))
[31-19:24] 7725b, Galaldur : lle uuma lasta.. lle auta ner quel Taur’ohtar moota yassen.
[31-19:25] 94c70, Ryavel : (( @ Rava ))
[31-19:25] 3eea1, Ravaella Glimmergaunt : ((Another long name, eh? Hehehe *counts letters* I'm still ahead by two letters))
[31-19:26] 94c70, Ryavel : *blinks* N'uma.
[31-19:27] e8e40, Riddonnel Doomhaven: (( bah, poo on you, *is jittery as he waits to see if his char was approved* ))
[31-19:29] 7725b, Galaldur : *Gives her a look.* Mankoi n'? Lle ilvalina yassen amin.
[31-19:33] 94c70, Ryavel : *Simply watches him, that wasn't true.*
[31-19:34] 7725b, Galaldur : *mutters slightly and gets up.* Namaarie.. *Turns and heads for the exit, No he was not happy.*
[31-19:40] 94c70, Ryavel : *Shocked, watches him go.*
[31-19:53] 7725b, Galaldur : *sighs faintly to himself as he steps out.*
[31-20:12] 3eea1, Ravaella Glimmergaunt : ((Tis dead))
[31-20:13] JOIN: Riddonnel Doomhaven has entered.
[31-20:13] c0ea3, Riddonnel Doomhaven: (( *nibbles on ravaella's head* ))
[31-20:14] 3eea1, Ravaella Glimmergaunt : ((*Thwacks DOOMhaven* Heh))
[31-20:15] c0ea3, Riddonnel Doomhaven: (( *falls over and rubs the thwacked area* dont like my name ? ill bite ya next time))
[31-20:15] 94c70, Ryavel : (( *is here* ))
[31-20:16] 94c70, Ryavel : *Got abandoned.*
[31-20:16] 3eea1, Ravaella Glimmergaunt : ((Don't like your name?! I love it, heh Doom *reminded of Invader Zim*))
[31-20:18] c0ea3, Riddonnel Doomhaven: (( nice, ^_^ hopefully the char will get registered and ill be one of the human kings they need i guess ... hopefully ))
[31-20:20] 3eea1, Ravaella Glimmergaunt : *Saunters down the streets, alone again. Same thing she wore last night, only her hair is in a bun behind her head with a few locks hanging down behind her*
[31-20:21] ae640, Rowyn : (( *bounces* ))
[31-20:21] 94c70, Ryavel : *Is still in the Glimmering Inn. She had not gotten up to follow after Galaldur yet*
[31-20:23] c0ea3, Riddonnel Doomhaven: *is leaning against one of the buildings, stainless steel armour covers his body, short blond hair adorns his head and blue eyes peek through the night, his size is immence for most at 6'7" all muscle. he can see the entrance to the Glimmering Inn. he stands there alone. happy for the night, darkness is so much better than the light of day*
[31-20:24] EXIT: Riddonnel Doomhaven has left the chat ( 9:23pm, December 31 (CST) ).
[31-20:24] 3eea1, Ravaella Glimmergaunt : *Walks down an alleyway near the Glimmering and catches a glimpse of Galaldur walking away from the Inn, RaE and makes her way to the tavern*
[31-20:24] JOIN: Riddonnel Doomhaven has entered.
[31-20:27] 94c70, Ryavel : *Shifts a little in her chair. Her gaze then shifts to the mistrels that are preforming.*
[31-20:27] c0ea3, Riddonnel Doomhaven: *his blood red cloak hung over his left shoulder cold eyes stairing at the door. he pushes off the side of the buildingwith his left shoulder and begins to stride towards the Inn, he holds himself like he is more important than commoners* *something about him gives off a inner rage. like its about to explode from his chest and drown out the world*
[31-20:29] 3eea1, Ravaella Glimmergaunt : *Walks behind Ridd a little bit*
[31-20:29] c0ea3, Riddonnel Doomhaven: (( ryavel is your aim name Blackcat03?))
[31-20:32] c0ea3, Riddonnel Doomhaven: *his sences arnt as accute as elfs or others, but he can here some one. he pushes open the door to the inn with a massive leather clad hand. and steps inside with a loud thud as he dosent walk lightly weighing around 340 pounds with everything on*
[31-20:33] 3eea1, Ravaella Glimmergaunt : *And soon after Rava ent0rz, quietly looking over Ridd. He would make a good bodyguard, hmmm*
[31-20:37] c0ea3, Riddonnel Doomhaven: *he prolly would make a good bodyguard, as he is a warking of the kingdom Caranthir Ar-Feiniel* (would be the british islands) * his people fallen and corrupt humans now of a faction called Celebrimbor Lossehelin he is leader of them all. and is extreamly skilled when it comes to war* hmmm * his voice seems to be very deep and cold as ice. he turns around slowly takin gin how this place is structured*
[31-20:39] JOIN: Jace Malliarch has entered.
[31-20:40] d7c72, Jace Malliarch: *Looks around the Inn, then goes to sit at a table in the corner.*
[31-20:40] 94c70, Ryavel : (( Ridd, no. ))
[31-20:41] c0ea3, Riddonnel Doomhaven: (( oh ok , just checking ))
[31-20:41] 94c70, Ryavel : *Watches silently as Riddonnel enters, and then she sees Rava.* ...
[31-20:41] 94c70, Ryavel : (( No problem ))
[31-20:42] 3eea1, Ravaella Glimmergaunt : *Looks around again, letting her eyes adjust to the brightness*
[31-20:44] d7c72, Jace Malliarch: *Calls a barmaid over* "Good eve, Lass. I could use a bit of a break from this parched throut. If you would be so kind as to fetch me a bottle of Honeydew Wine and a small plate of vegetables. Might I say, that outfit is very becoming of you."
[31-20:45] 94c70, Ryavel : *Watches the Drow silently.*
[31-20:45] c0ea3, Riddonnel Doomhaven: *he moves over to the bar as soon as he spots it. he begins to look over the types of drinks they have here. after a minute of browing and seeing as they dont have any Caranthir Ar-Feiniel Ale he frowns slightly and takes a seat, the stool under him would buckel under his weight as the wood groans out* Give me some ... Drow Ale if you even have anything like that *that same cold and steelish voice resonating through his mouth, his eyes catch onto Rava*
[31-20:46] d7c72, Jace Malliarch : *Looks around to see what other patrons are partaking of the fine establishment.*
[31-20:47] 3eea1, Ravaella Glimmergaunt : *Is an attention getter! o/ She eyes, Ryaval a moment and saunters on over to her table, booth, whatever. Gives Ridd a fleeting glance over the shoulder*
[31-20:48] 3eea1, Ravaella Glimmergaunt : ((*kicks out that comma*))
[31-20:48] 94c70, Ryavel : *Has already been eyeing Rava.*
[31-20:48] d7c72, Jace Malliarch : *looks towards the Drow, a mild look of disgust on his face.
[31-20:50] c0ea3, Riddonnel Doomhaven: *mainly looked at her cuase she is drow, and likes drow better than most elfs. he turns away. the steelwoven cloak folding over to touch the ground, and a massive sword can be seen on his back.* here * he tosses a couple coins on teh counter and takes the drink it seems so small in his hands as he raises the glass to his lips*
[31-20:51] 3eea1, Ravaella Glimmergaunt : *Stands in front of Ryaval's table, booth, seat* May I? *spoken in her language, meaning Ryaval*
[31-20:52] 94c70, Ryavel : *Replies in kind to Rava, suspicious.* Why?
[31-20:54] 3eea1, Ravaella Glimmergaunt : To talk? Quell your anger towards me?
[31-20:56] 94c70, Ryavel : *Eyes her cautiously.* If you insist.
[31-20:58] 3eea1, Ravaella Glimmergaunt : *Nods and takes a seat opposite her* I was telling the truth, I'm not like most Drow you've met or heard about
[31-20:58] c0ea3, Riddonnel Doomhaven: *after a minute of sitting at the bar, a man walks through and straight over towards Ridd, he is dressed in platemale and has a bone mask covering his face. a Feline like creature walks next to him, as he reaches ridd the man bows his head slightly and begins to speek in a low tone to him* the men are out doing there duty as we speek, i will keep you informed sire.* ridd turns his head towards the skull masked man* very well. and you continue doing your duty* there words if heard by anyone wouldet really (C
[31-20:59] c0ea3, Riddonnel Doomhaven: give anything off to spy or the such*
[31-20:59] 94c70, Ryavel : *Simply watches her in silence. After all, words were just words. Rava has not done anything to show herself as different.*
[31-21:02] 3eea1, Ravaella Glimmergaunt : Hmmm, perhaps I'll start by buying you a drink? Anything you would like?
[31-21:03] 94c70, Ryavel : No. I am not thirsty.
[31-21:05] 3eea1, Ravaella Glimmergaunt : Hungry?
[31-21:08] 94c70, Ryavel : *Shakes her head no. She really didn't want anything. The only reason she was still there was because she did not know what else to do since Galaldur left.*
[31-21:09] c0ea3, Riddonnel Doomhaven: * the man in platemail slips back out side to do what he was assigned to do. while ridd sits there contemplating and listing in on the other conversations*
[31-21:09] c0ea3, Riddonnel Doomhaven: *unfourtunaltly he cant understand there language*
[31-21:12] 3eea1, Ravaella Glimmergaunt : Well, then *places both hands on the table, clasping one in the other* I think my point has already been established somewhat. I've offered to buy you your food, drink, and I haven't shown you any outward hostility
[31-21:13] 94c70, Ryavel : Yet.
[31-21:15] 3eea1, Ravaella Glimmergaunt : Trust me, dear. I have no reason to attack you, let alone hate you
[31-21:15] JOIN: Shanira Treyan has entered.
[31-21:16] d7c72, Jace Malliarch : *Stands up, walks towards the two bickering females, then in elvish* If it will make either of you stop fighting, I will buy you both a drink.
[31-21:17] 94c70, Ryavel : *Was just called dear by a Drow, blinks.* I have no way of knowing that you would not nor plan to.
[31-21:17] 94c70, Ryavel : (( We're not bickering really ))
[31-21:18] d7c72, Jace Malliarch : ((I know, but I am getting bored of sitting at a table alone. ))
[31-21:19] 3eea1, Ravaella Glimmergaunt : *Smirks* You've been taught to hate me, no? *to Jace* No, but thank you for your offer
[31-21:20] 80dc0, Shanira Treyan : *walks in from off the street. Her feet slightly hurt..she'd been exploring the city all day*
[31-21:22] 94c70, Ryavel : I have more reason than that to dislike your kind. *Her gaze shifts to Jace.* No, I'm not thirsty.
[31-21:22] 3eea1, Ravaella Glimmergaunt : ((*snicker* "Exploring the city"))
[31-21:22] c0ea3, Riddonnel Doomhaven: bloddy hell *hates how he cant understand what the hell there saying. so he just sits keeping to himself for now. just trying to get a ccustom to his not so chaotic enviroment**
[31-21:22] d7c72, Jace Malliarch : Well, then unless you would like more company at you table. Aluve', dubluth.
[31-21:23] 94c70, Ryavel : (( . ))
[31-21:23] 80dc0, Shanira Treyan : *glances around, kinda hoping to see Arutha again. When she does'nt, she moves over to a table with her dancer's grace and waves a serving girl down, ordering a ale*
[31-21:25] 94c70, Ryavel : You may stay, if you wish. *To Jace.*
[31-21:29] 3eea1, Ravaella Glimmergaunt : *waves a hand* Another night, you may find it better to talk with me
[31-21:30] JOIN: Jace Malliarch has entered.
[31-21:31] c0ea3, Riddonnel Doomhaven: *he notices how many serving girls move to a certain table, he turns on his stool, the blood red cloke makes a rasp on the ground as he turns to see the table and notices its a human, and more than that ITS A QUEEN, he sneers at the woman and grunts once obviously digusted in her*
[31-21:31] 94c70, Ryavel : That is to be seen, *To Rava* if I have any reason to trust you.
[31-21:32] d7c72, Jace Malliarch : *looks at Ryavel* I thank you for the invite. If you are sure you don't mind. I will grab my wine and snack.
[31-21:33] d7c72, Jace Malliarch : (( BTW, Aluve' is Drow for I leave you. Dubluth is Drow for Outcast.))
[31-21:34] 867a2, Sileen: Queen exploring the city? Really?? *VEG*
[31-21:34] c0ea3, Riddonnel Doomhaven: (( *takes something back* dosent knotice that shes a queen she just seems upperclass*
[31-21:34] 94c70, Ryavel : *Gives Jace a nod*
[31-21:34] 94c70, Ryavel : (( yes Sileen... with the help of a male companion ))
[31-21:34] 867a2, Sileen: *laughs meniacally and begins plotting*
[31-21:35] 3eea1, Ravaella Glimmergaunt : The time will come, until then *Nods to Jace, not taking the comment as anything bad and makes her way over to the bar, giving Ridd a little company*
[31-21:35] 867a2, Sileen: And ordering an ale no less, very drunk queen
[31-21:35] 867a2, Sileen: Mwehehehe
[31-21:35] JOIN: R has entered.
[31-21:35] c0ea3, Riddonnel Doomhaven: (( i takes back the queen comment, pfft hell she is human thats enought to piss him off as she seems uncorrutand such ... damn my sleepy ness* ))
[31-21:35] 80dc0, Shanira Treyan : (( She's incognito!!! *baps Rid* I told you in aim ))
[31-21:36] 94c70, Ryavel : *Watches Rava go.*
[31-21:37] 80dc0, Shanira Treyan : (( You can't get drunk off of one ale.. ))
[31-21:37] d7c72, Jace Malliarch : ((Mmm, Queen incognito. Always tasty for a midnight snack.))
[31-21:37] 867a2, Sileen: A public figure like the Queen would have her face slapped on coins and whatnot. Unless she has a disguise skill of doom, or never takes her hood off, someone is bound to recognize her
[31-21:37] 94c70, Ryavel : (( Sure you can, if you can't hold your liquor at all ))
[31-21:37] c0ea3, Riddonnel Doomhaven: (( *giggles cause in a sleepy stupor and agrees with sileen* ))
[31-21:38] 80dc0, Shanira Treyan : (( eventually, yes. She's just not doing anything whatsoever to promote who she is ))
[31-21:38] 867a2, Sileen: Oooh yes you can. I don't drink, but I gots friends that do. Someone who doesn't drink can get buzzed off of one wine cooler. Ale has a lot more alcohol then that.
[31-21:38] c0ea3, Riddonnel Doomhaven: (( so there takes back about taking back the gueen comment MUAHAHAHA ))
[31-21:39] 80dc0, Shanira Treyan : (( Minus the swarms of servant girls...only one ))
[31-21:40] 94c70, Ryavel : (( *can drink a lot before getting buzzed * ))
[31-21:41] c0ea3, Riddonnel Doomhaven: *he notices the one serving girls move to a certain table, he turns on his stool, the blood red cloke makes a rasp on the ground as he turns to see the table and notices its a human, and more than that ITS A QUEEN, he sneers at the woman and grunts once obviously digusted in her*
[31-21:41] 3eea1, Ravaella Glimmergaunt : *Still moves towards the bar*
[31-21:42] 94c70, Ryavel : *She looks to the door for a moment, considering.*
[31-21:44] 80dc0, Shanira Treyan : *notes the sneer and raises a brow* Do you have a problem, Sir? *wonders why he seems so familiar..she's sure she's never met him before*
[31-21:45] c0ea3, Riddonnel Doomhaven: (hay sileen got aim, heh me wanna talk with ya about oni real quick)
[31-21:45] d7c72, Jace Malliarch : (( Why do I suddenly see 'pJJ: Hacked: affix, r0nin - anyone know who, why, where? ' at the top of the chat?
[31-21:45] 867a2, Sileen: Sileen Tenlae is my AIM
[31-21:46] 94c70, Ryavel : (( It's a link the main board ))
[31-21:46] 867a2, Sileen: What are you seeing? I think you are hallucinating
[31-21:46] ae640, Rowyn : (( *ponders RP* ))
[31-21:47] c0ea3, Riddonnel Doomhaven: id say i DO have a problem. *he pretty much hating all of the human kingdoms other than his own* i have a big problem
[31-21:47] 94c70, Ryavel : (( *pokes Rowyn* ))
[31-21:48] 3eea1, Ravaella Glimmergaunt : *takes a seat at the bar*
[31-21:48] 662de, High Mage Arion: *Would know the Queen then. Is like - chief Advisor*
[31-21:48] ae640, Rowyn : (( *falls over* ))
[31-21:49] 867a2, Sileen: Yeah, you'd probably know the queen, if she's your queen
[31-21:49] 7725b, R: ((*pokes Rowyn* pipeweed, elf? *ffers*))
[31-21:49] 7725b, R : ((hmm))
[31-21:49] 80dc0, Shanira Treyan : (( She's queen of Mannossa, btw )) Care sharing that? Or did someone just spit in your breakfast this morning, then again in your drink?
[31-21:50] ae640, Rowyn : (( *twitches as he's poked, repeatedly as it were* ))
[31-21:50] d7c72, Jace Malliarch : ((Queen, didn't even know there was one. ))
[31-21:50] 94c70, Ryavel : *Glances over those in the room. She was still a bit distressed over Galaldur's abrupt departure, even though it did not show.*
[31-21:51] 662de, High Mage Arion: *Then no, is High Mage of Ruapenchi*
[31-21:51] 80dc0, Shanira Treyan : (( There is now......made my country with the help of an admin and put it up in the Hot Spots ))
[31-21:51] JOIN: Riddonnel Doomhaven has entered.
[31-21:52] 662de, High Mage Arion: *Is currently highest ranking person for the city. YAY o/*
[31-21:52] 7725b, Galaldur : *Is out wandering through the town, quietly pondering.*
[31-21:52] ae640, Rowyn : *returns to the bar from his room, via the stairs. He had gone to get his gear, then decided to head back to the bar. He had no where to go at the moment, so the bar was the best bet*
[31-21:55] 1b77e, Riddonnel Doomhaven: Your Alive thats enought to make ony one pissed* always hated the other kingdoms from what he was told as a little boy ... untill he killed his own father for the thrown but thats a different story* I belive all Kings and Queens should be slaughterd and there servants chained up to be worthless slaves *his voice cold and steely as it always it, the blue eyes seem to peirce into her*
[31-21:57] 80dc0, Shanira Treyan : *now she's got both brows raised* My my...that's no way to speak about royalty of any kind
[31-21:58] 3eea1, Ravaella Glimmergaunt : *Um, ok. gone*
[31-21:58] EXIT: Ravaella Glimmergaunt has left the chat ( 10:58pm, December 31 (CST) ).
[31-21:58] d7c72, Jace Malliarch : *Watches as the drow leaves the bar*
[31-21:59] 867a2, Naurlote : *cameo* *High Lady Naurlote Tindomerel (say THAT three times fast), Queen of High Elves, stands once more gazing out from the vantage of her balcony, surveying her lands... Beautiful they were, unsurpassed gardens lit by silver elven lanterns. She dreaded seeing her land possibly in another war*
[31-22:00] 94c70, Ryavel : *Relaxes once Rava is gone. She had not done anything, as much as she had wanted to. She wondered what Galaldur would think of her now. Her attention moves to Ridd and Shanira as the tension seems to rise.*
[31-22:00] d7c72, Jace Malliarch : ((Greetings my Queen.))
[31-22:01] 7725b, Galaldur : *Is out wandering and wondering what to do now, with the problems with Ryavel.*
[31-22:01] d7c72, Jace Malliarch : *looks at Ryavel* So what brings you to such a place as this?
[31-22:01] ae640, Rowyn : *walks over to a near by stool and sits down, watching the bar patrons.*
[31-22:01] 867a2, Naurlote : ((*wave*))
[31-22:01] 1b77e, Riddonnel Doomhaven: hah, royalty means nothing to me. there just as low as commoners * his eyes squint a little * even you queen Treyan *yes he knows her and all of the kings and queens. has to know his enemys. and thats all thanks to our friends painters and portrait makers*
[31-22:02] d7c72, Jace Malliarch : ((*Throws Live Roses to the Elf Queen*))
[31-22:04] 867a2, Naurlote : *Already had they gone through war with the orcs in the past, troublesome creatures, but now talk was abroad of a second war... and this time her father was not alive to lead her people through it. It would be solely on her shoulders. She gives a deep sigh, and slowly turns from the balcony, moving back inside. ... Time would tell if she were ready or not*
[31-22:04] ae640, Rowyn : (( Guess that makes you my queen also *bows* ))
[31-22:04] 80dc0, Shanira Treyan : *her eyes widen slightly* Do I know you? You seem familiar..
[31-22:04] 867a2, Naurlote : ((*tsks* You should not pluck a rose, you should leave it until it's beauty begins to fade, and leave it for others to enjoy as well))
[31-22:05] 1b77e, Riddonnel Doomhaven: (( GO GO ORCS mmmm evil things ))
[31-22:05] d7c72, Jace Malliarch : (( Thus the reason they were not plucked, rather talked into giving there beauty for another even more beautiful.))
[31-22:06] 867a2, Naurlote : ((*waves to Rowyn too*))
[31-22:06] 867a2, Naurlote : ((... Ooo. Clever, I like that ))
[31-22:06] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 10:52pm, December 31 (CST) ).
[31-22:07] JOIN: High Mage Arion has entered.
[31-22:07] 94c70, Ryavel : Very little really. Myself and my companion were passing through on our travels.
[31-22:07] 662de, High Mage Arion: OOC: Test
[31-22:07] 662de, Magister Teklas : OOC: Excellent
[31-22:08] d7c72, Jace Malliarch : (( Well, us elves must preserve the environment. ))
[31-22:08] 1b77e, Riddonnel Doomhaven: there is no reason to know me, your all tryed to erase me and others from the worlds eyes but unfortunatly, us humans dont give up so easy? wouldent you say? *he rolls his head popping the vertibre in his neck. showing off his family crest that holds the cloak in place, he still has his ale in his massive hands and brings the drink to his lips gulping down the liquid befor slamming it down onto the table*
[31-22:10] 80dc0, Shanira Treyan : How the hell did you get off the island, Monster?
[31-22:12] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[31-22:12] JOIN: D has entered.
[31-22:13] 1b77e, Riddonnel Doomhaven: *his face turns into a scowel at the insult from such dirt* have you ever seen a monster? if you want i can show you one *he stands up to show his true height, but standing in his place* I will always find a way to survive
[31-22:13] 38e18, Urukhai Raiders : *o/*
[31-22:13] 867a2, Sileen:
[31-22:13] JOIN: Morgan has entered.
[31-22:14] 38e18, Urukhai Raiders : *don't gimme that look, missy.*
[31-22:14] 1b77e, Riddonnel Doomhaven: (( *hugs the cudily urukhai *))
[31-22:14] 662de, Khaes: OOC: Silly thing, I said no icon.
[31-22:15] 867a2, Sileen:
[31-22:15] 867a2, Sileen: Ha!
[31-22:16] 80dc0, Shanira Treyan : *stands as well. She's much shorter than him, but that does'nt bother her* We will wipe you and your kind out for good. You're a plague on the world.
[31-22:16] 94c70, Ryavel : (( *baps the Uruk* ))
[31-22:16] 38e18, Urukhai Raiders : ((*kisses Sileen*))
[31-22:17] 1b77e, Riddonnel Doomhaven: (( *baps the silly stick elf* evil is better than good ))
[31-22:17] 94c70, Ryavel : *Watches the developement between Shanira and Ridd, finding now that she sort of understands what Randen had said.*
[31-22:17] 94c70, Ryavel : (( *baps Ridd* ))
[31-22:17] 867a2, Sileen: AAAAAHH!! Orc germs! *runs away to go gargle*
[31-22:18] 38e18, Urukhai Raiders : ((*smokes ciggy, looks to Sil* Was it good for you, babbeh?))
[31-22:18] ae640, Rowyn : (( *hears something about evil being better* *baps said person* ))
[31-22:19] 867a2, Sileen: I feel contaminated...
[31-22:19] 38e18, D : *smirk*
[31-22:19] 1b77e, Riddonnel Doomhaven: how do you plan to kill what is unkillable ? *he belives they are all invincable but hell there only mortal* your side will die off befor we ever will *his face a scowel. apperently they keep the storys of him and the Celebrimbor Lossehelin faction hush hush these days* (( kills off all the roses so he can hear the elfs cry like babys ))
[31-22:19] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : ((Bah, evil, good, makes no difference to me))
[31-22:20] 867a2, Naurlote : ((*shoots an arrow through Rid's throat* Mwehehe))
[31-22:20] 80dc0, Shanira Treyan : Nothing is ever impossible. We'll find a way *says this with quiet certainty*
[31-22:21] JOIN: D has entered.
[31-22:21] 1b77e, Riddonnel Doomhaven: (( *ducks and runs away pouring acid on all the living things* ))
[31-22:21] 94c70, Ryavel : (( ))
[31-22:21] 38e18, Ithuel: ((*stabs and devours Naurlote's soul* o/))
[31-22:22] 94c70, Ryavel : (( *smites Ithuel* ))
[31-22:22] 38e18, Urukhai Raiders : ((*decapitates Z*))
[31-22:22] d7c72, Jace Malliarch : ((Good, bad, I'm the gun with the gun!))
[31-22:23] 662de, Khaes: *Evil*
[31-22:23] 94c70, Ryavel : (( *puts the Urukhai in a closet* ))
[31-22:23] ae640, Rowyn : (( The gun with a gun? ))
[31-22:23] 94c70, Ryavel : *Finally, she stands and makes her way towards the exit of the Inn.*
[31-22:24] d7c72, Jace Malliarch : ((Rowyn, it is a movie quote. ))
[31-22:24] ae640, Rowyn : (( I see.. Must have missed that one ))
[31-22:24] JOIN: Oyrin Darkune has entered.
[31-22:24] 1b77e, Riddonnel Doomhaven: (( AWESOME )) * he takes a step forward* you tried befor and here we are stronger than befor youll have a fun time trying. kill us off and kill your selfs off, cause we are just whats inside everyone of you. but we gloryfy in it* he smirks then lets it fade away. the handel of his sword can be seen above his head as it runs along his back*
[31-22:25] BAN: The Sileen-Dragon has eaten 867a2 and chews for 10 seconds.
[31-22:25] 38e18, Urukhai Raiders : *evul*
[31-22:25] d7c72, Jace Malliarch : (( It's from Army of Darkness))
[31-22:25] 867a2, Sileen: *cracks up*
[31-22:25] 8107d, Oyrin Darkune : ((Guys. I'm Trashed. Merry new year.))
[31-22:26] 80dc0, Shanira Treyan : Good...we like a bit of a challenge. *smirks and shifts to the balls of her feet*
[31-22:26] 867a2, Sileen: I love doing that... the ban message is funny
[31-22:26] 7725b, Galaldur : *Returns to the city bench that he and Ryavel had spent part of the previous day, takes his seat.*
[31-22:27] 8107d, Oyrin Darkune : z*Drinking in the town squeare. Drunk. Singing loudly to a drinking song.*
[31-22:28] 1b77e, Riddonnel Doomhaven: i wish we would have a challenge but unfortunatly we dont *stands there unshifting his weight. she seems like a strong queen but that will change in a war she seems far to young to know anything of war*
[31-22:28] 7725b, Galaldur : *notices and watches the Dwarf from a far.*
[31-22:28] 1b77e, Riddonnel Doomhaven: (( *hands out pics of sileen posing* ))
[31-22:28] d7c72, Jace Malliarch : *looks across the table*
[31-22:28] 867a2, Sileen: Doing a I'm evil pose, get it right
[31-22:29] 1b77e, Riddonnel Doomhaven: (( still ))
[31-22:29] 80dc0, Shanira Treyan : You'll see.
[31-22:30] 94c70, Ryavel : *Pauses before leaving, looking to Jace.* I am sorry. THere is someone I need to go find.
[31-22:30] d7c72, Jace Malliarch : No worries, May your travels bring you good fortune.
[31-22:31] 1b77e, Riddonnel Doomhaven: yes i will *every Celebrimbor Lossehelin is trained to kill proficintly woman and men, it dosent matter if you are of one then you will learn to kill the inner rage leands it strenght in the tide of war*
[31-22:32] 94c70, Ryavel : *Her eyes again flickter towards Riddonnel and Shanira again. The big male seemed almost ready to cut his blade into every person in the Inn. She looks to Jace.* Be careful.
[31-22:33] 80dc0, Shanira Treyan : *rolls her eyes and, plotting his downfall, sits back down*
[31-22:33] d7c72, Jace Malliarch : I can take care of myself, but I will. You be careful as well.
[31-22:35] 8107d, Oyrin Darkune : The rain may fall and the wind may blowwwww!!!! But we still havee many miles to go!!!*Drunk and bellowing!*
[31-22:36] 7725b, Galaldur : *chuckles a bit.*
[31-22:37] 8107d, Oyrin Darkune : But lets get one more beer in this old dwarf!!
[31-22:38] 1b77e, Riddonnel Doomhaven: * he takes a step bakc and sits back down looking at the little woman* you watch , and youll see and then youlll cry crimson tears for what you people did, and youll relize your mistake
[31-22:39] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : *and from the corner.... a bout of laughter arises from a clocked figure, right after Riddonel's last statement*
[31-22:39] 8107d, Oyrin Darkune : *Gets up and dances a jig*
[31-22:40] 94c70, Ryavel : I will. *Gives him a nod, then moves towards the door.*
[31-22:42] 80dc0, Shanira Treyan : I think you're completely nuts, besides evil. You belong in a house for the insane and retarded.
[31-22:42] JOIN: Preigh Notrah has entered.
[31-22:42] 8107d, Oyrin Darkune : *Grabs a standing human female and dances with her. Swinging her too and fro then goes back to Dancing his jig alone*
[31-22:42] 7f173, Preigh Notrah : ((Hmm.. who to kill tonight. Ahh, so many faces to peel off so little time. ))
[31-22:43] 7725b, Galaldur : *watches the dwarf still.*
[31-22:43] 1b77e, Riddonnel Doomhaven: *his head quickly turns to face the hodded the cold blue eyes at the cloaked figure* What are you laughing at? *turing his head halfway and speeks to Shan* isnt that what the islands were supose to be? well like i said learn from your mistakes
[31-22:43] JOIN: Preigh Notrah has entered.
[31-22:44] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : *the figure turns, still chuckling, to face our unhappy person* Well, my dear sir, I am afraid I am laughing at you. Both of you really... Do you have any idea for much your two little heads combined could be ransomed? And here you both are, like ninnys, broadcasting in a bar who you are
[31-22:45] 8107d, Oyrin Darkune : *DSances dances dances!*
[31-22:46] 38e18, Urukhai Raiders : ((Psh..))
[31-22:46] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : Plus your sqaubbling is highly amusing
[31-22:46] 8107d, Oyrin Darkune : *Drunk. Grabs Galaldur and dances with*
[31-22:46] 94c70, Ryavel : (( *tosses a peanut at Notrah* Meanie! ))
[31-22:47] d7c72, Jace Malliarch : *Is tempted to knock the dwarf out.*
[31-22:47] 80dc0, Shanira Treyan : *snorts and eyes Del* Well, it's a gold peice per show. Pay up.
[31-22:47] 7f173, Preigh Notrah : ((*Cackles!*))
[31-22:47] 8107d, Oyrin Darkune : ((And yes I'm quite trashe d ooc!(|))
[31-22:47] 1b77e, Riddonnel Doomhaven: I for one accualy want people to know who i am *to del* and im sure my head has a ronsome on it, and she is a queen kill her off and life will be peachy * his men are around the bar well 2 of them are, the othere are off gathering information* And id wathc what you say, you could quickly just loose your head
[31-22:48] 94c70, Ryavel : *Openning the door to the Inn, she exits out onto the darkened street. She looks about, where to start her search.*
[31-22:48] d7c72, Jace Malliarch : Well, your highness, I'll give you a whole 10 gold crowns for a private show then.
[31-22:49] 7725b, Galaldur : *Is quite.. unexpectedly pulled to his feet by the Dwarf as he attempts to dance with him, blinks slightly*
[31-22:50] 8107d, Oyrin Darkune : *Dances oh yeah! Swings him around and around*
[31-22:50] 7725b, Galaldur : *Struggles some as he free's himself from the drunkard!* Please, excuse me master Dwarf. *stumbles back a few steps before fully regaining his balance.*
[31-22:51] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : My dear Queen. You are alone in a bar without your escort... I'd not be making snide comments at me *absently reaches up, pushing back her hood. Only polite to show her face, as these two have shown their's... her features look to be High Elven, and ungodly lovely at that, given who her mother was (I'm an admin, I can get away with it!), but that firey red hair does not belong on any high elf* Now why would I watch what I say? There's no fun at all in that, my dear *winks* Besides, your face turns a----
[31-22:51] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : --- lovely shade of red when you get upset.
[31-22:52] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : *as she speaks, hints of her sharply pointed canines can be seen*
[31-22:52] JOIN: Oyrin Darkune has entered.
[31-22:52] 8107d, Oyrin Darkune : Bah!
[31-22:52] 80dc0, Shanira Treyan : (( who is she? *sighs, starting to feel sick again* ))
[31-22:53] 7f173, Preigh Notrah : ((Hehe, sharply pointed canines. ))
[31-22:53] 7725b, Galaldur : But you sing quite well I must admit. *smirks.*
[31-22:54] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : ((Random wanderer B actually, no one terribly important, she just has a big head! *L*))
[31-22:54] 7f173, Preigh Notrah : *Shall find out ..... soon enough. *
[31-22:55] 94c70, Ryavel : *SHe moves off away from the Inn. She decided that first she would check within the city, hopefully he would not really have gone far.*
[31-22:56] 1b77e, Riddonnel Doomhaven: *he stays eated* as the red head said your with out escort, and i know i can protect my self* he turns to delotha* you could loose your tongue if you speek like that to the wrong person, elf * he shifts his sword so it is slanted now small clicks can be heard as it turns, its just to keep it in place*
[31-22:57] 80dc0, Shanira Treyan : *sighs and does'nt answer. They've both now successfully ruined her good mood. Bah. Takes a deep sip of her ale and very briefly considers world domination*
[31-22:58] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : *smirks, rather evilly actually* Someone could try to take it, but they may lose their in the process...
[31-22:58] 662de, Khaes: World domination... yes...
[31-22:58] 94c70, Ryavel : *Her steps are light as she walks, more relaxed now that she was out of the Inn. The tension in there had grown rather thick and she was happy to be away from it. After all, she had concerns of her own.*
[31-22:58] JOIN: D has entered.
[31-22:59] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : ((their's))
[31-23:01] 7725b, Galaldur : *chuckles a bit to himself as he turns and heads off down another street*
[31-23:01] 1b77e, Riddonnel Doomhaven: thats the way to think, * he smirks at her liking the awnser* if some one trys to take something from you, dont let them just take something of theres* his smile twists and it shows his lightly tinted yellow teeth*
[31-23:02] 80dc0, Shanira Treyan : ~great..he's found someone he agrees with~
[31-23:04] 1b77e, Riddonnel Doomhaven: soon queen treyan, youll hear the storys of old reappear and as i said youll cry crimson tears.
[31-23:04] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : *rolls her eyes* Thank you Master of Obvious Statements
[31-23:06] 80dc0, Shanira Treyan : Will you stop repeating yourself and let me enjoy my evening? *is almost tempted to get up and go for a walk*
[31-23:06] 1b77e, Riddonnel Doomhaven: your welcome wench * his smirk returns to a scowel. his sword clicks a liittle more definatly within a quick hands reach.*
[31-23:07] 38e18, Urukhai Raiders : *And in the deepest caverns, echoeing with perfect unision rumbles the industry of the war machine. Steel collides with heated steal as the iron fist of the Orc works tirelessly, molding the blades, shields and armour to equip their Uruk-hai superiors. Ceremonial markings are painted onto their helmets, brandishing the bronze blade of Joreth. Trees, wood and bark are transported down from the surface to feed their necessary supply of flames to drive them onward, bringing new Uruk-hai from the pits in which-
[31-23:07] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : ... you know, you do talk an awful lot. You obviously hate her guys, yet you just stand there and banter like a little child instead of trying to either capture her, or slit her throat.
[31-23:07] 1b77e, Riddonnel Doomhaven: *is hoping she dose go for a walk, then kidnapping* oh if you insist. but i just want you all to remember the mistake you made
[31-23:07] 38e18, Urukhai Raiders : --they were grown. Readying for war.*
[31-23:08] 80dc0, Shanira Treyan : Yes it *waves a dismissing hand at him*
[31-23:08] 94c70, Ryavel : *Stops where two streets meet. She looks around briefly. There seemed to be so many of these in the town.*
[31-23:09] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : ((Test))
[31-23:09] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : ((Meh!))
[31-23:10] 7725b, Galaldur : *walks down one of those streets quietly.*
[31-23:10] 1b77e, Riddonnel Doomhaven: cuase i have plans for her. i let her live for my own reasons. she is my puppet* siad loud enought so good ol shanira can hear* what should i just kill her? *he pulls out his sword with a swift strok, the slight crimson blade 5 feet long and serrated* yes? * he stnads up and takes a couple steps closer to her* no? *stops where he is... and yes he is insane so he banters and most of the time makes no sence*
[31-23:11] 38e18, Urukhai Raiders : *sums down post to; Clang clang clang. rooowr. clang clang clang.*
[31-23:11] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : *as he advances towards her, one hand slides beneath the cloak over her* Going to try and take my tounge yourself are you? *grins*
[31-23:12] 94c70, Ryavel : *Turns to go back the way she came, perhaps she would have better luck outside the city.*
[31-23:12] 80dc0, Shanira Treyan : *in a very sarcastic voice* Oh...gee..with that persuasion I think I'll go for a walk. I am noone's puppet. Least of all yours.
[31-23:12] 1b77e, Riddonnel Doomhaven: (is stepping towards shanira woops ment to make that clear))
[31-23:13] d7c72, Jace Malliarch : *Being that he is bored out of his mind and doesn't want to drink himself into a stupor, Jace walks over to the human Queen.* If you are having problems, I would gladly assist you. You have but to ask.
[31-23:14] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : *well in that case, she just sits there, and continues to watch him like he's an idiot*
[31-23:15] 80dc0, Shanira Treyan : (( *wonders why the hell her hair smells like mocha* )) *smiles..or tries to, as she's very annoyed, it comes out as a grimace* My thanks, Sir...?
[31-23:15] 1b77e, Riddonnel Doomhaven: would you like me to do that also? want me to take that sharp tongue of your also? * turns to smirk at shanira* good ill be seeing you soon though * is happy to let her go*
[31-23:15] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : Knock yourself out... Literally, please
[31-23:16] 80dc0, Shanira Treyan : *to Rid* I was being sarcastic, dear
[31-23:17] d7c72, Jace Malliarch : *Looks at the young queen* You should not travel this place alone from now on. Though I am sure it seems much more exciting to do thus, people such as these buffoons wil always show up to ruin things.
[31-23:17] 7725b, Galaldur : *Makes his way torwards the outskirts of town*
[31-23:18] 1b77e, Riddonnel Doomhaven: * he then turns on the queen and makes his way towards the red headed elf, his sword now slung out over his shoulder, as he gets close to her and rests his hand on the table , its clad in very thick leather as the table groans under his weight ignoring the queen for now.*would you do it for me?
[31-23:18] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : *glances to Jace* I take offense at that baffoon comment, I've not touched a hair on her head
[31-23:18] 1b77e, Riddonnel Doomhaven: *also ignores the stick elf*
[31-23:19] 80dc0, Shanira Treyan : *gestures for him to sit if he wants, sighing* There was a reason I did'nt come with an entourage. I wanted to do something on my own for once in my life.
[31-23:19] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : Do it for you? Aaaw, what's wrong? Little kingy cannot do it himself? Want me to change your diaper for you as well?
[31-23:20] d7c72, Jace Malliarch : Well, I was more so referring to the overstuffed fellow there. Sir/Madam ((Not sure which, sorry.))
[31-23:20] 94c70, Z: *yawns, bored.*
[31-23:21] 662de, Khaes: OOC: So who wants some evil plot
[31-23:21] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : ((Delotha is definately female. And.. *looks to the left, then right, then leanes forward* Her features are more high elven! She's just got red hair))
[31-23:21] 94c70, Ryavel : (( *Drags Khaes' butt into the RP already* ))
[31-23:22] d7c72, Jace Malliarch : Being on your own is not as wonderful as you would think.
[31-23:22] 1b77e, Riddonnel Doomhaven: and can you lick my ass its dirty * he quickly reaches out to grab her chin just to grab it* id rather have you do it for me, i like little servant girls, cuase well thats all there good for *he continues to ignore the little elf. it asked to help out the stupid queen it dosent deserve his attation*
[31-23:22] 1b77e, Riddonnel Doomhaven: (( i want evil plot))
[31-23:22] d7c72, Jace Malliarch : ((Delotha- Thanks, have been a little out of things. The holiday and the beer and everything else. ))
[31-23:24] 80dc0, Shanira Treyan : (( Tear his hand off!! ))
[31-23:24] d7c72, Jace Malliarch : ((Z> Was it you that I was talking to about my characters Profession?))
[31-23:25] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : *he reaches for her chin... and her response, is to bite his hand. Make note again, she has sharp fangs!*
[31-23:25] 662de, High Mage Arion: *With a deft gesture of his fingers the lock opens ahead of him - leading into the basement of his tower. Glances around before pushing the wooden door aside. Enters, closing the door and relocking behind him. Applies a magical sigil upon the lock - to secure it from any 'tampering' then proceeds down the spiral staircase into the very depths of his tower.*
[31-23:25] 94c70, Ryavel : (( nope, not me
[31-23:25] 80dc0, Shanira Treyan : (( Yay!! ))
[31-23:26] 94c70, Ryavel : ))
[31-23:26] 1b77e, Riddonnel Doomhaven: *as his fingers are in his mouth, the hard leather pretty much keeps his hands fang free. he fiddles and trys to snatch her tongue*
[31-23:27] 94c70, Ryavel : *Speaks quietly to herself as she moves through the streets.* Manke naa lle Galaldur.
[31-23:27] 1b77e, Riddonnel Doomhaven: bad cat
[31-23:27] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : *Nah, fangs would go through if it isn't a hard metal*
[31-23:27] 94c70, Ryavel : (( *would have so kicked Riddonnel's arse already* ))
[31-23:27] 80dc0, Shanira Treyan : (( Jace? ))
[31-23:27] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : *So his hand would still be hurting*
[31-23:28] 7725b, Galaldur : *He soon reaches the outskirts of town and stops at the etrance, looking back, wondering.*
[31-23:29] 1b77e, Riddonnel Doomhaven: (( ah )) * he quickly brings the hilt of his sword down towards her skull, in a reaction to the bite his face explodes in a very red tint as anger begins to consume him* (*eats ryavel* )
[31-23:29] 662de, High Mage Arion: *Proceeds down the staircase, silver staff brandished within his right hand. The black stone within the claw tip begins to shift and warp - morphing into various weird shapes*
[31-23:30] 80dc0, Shanira Treyan : *watches the two*
[31-23:31] 94c70, Ryavel : *Continues on her way, nimbly stepping around various drunks and the like from the city's festivities. Her progress a little slower than she would like.*
[31-23:31] 1b77e, Riddonnel Doomhaven: (( Rekeil > Khaes ))
[31-23:31] 7725b, Galaldur : *sighs to himself, unsure of what to do.*
[31-23:32] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : *the hilt comes down, one gloved hands goes up... moving surprising fast as she now takes full advantage of her demon blood, to catch his hand wielding the hilt, and halt it. If he doesn't manage to dodge somehow, or counter, she releases the now bloodied hand, and grins up at him, a drop of blood slowly trailing from her lips*
[31-23:34] d7c72, Jace Malliarch : ((Sorry Shanira, was reading a message on a forum))
[31-23:34] 662de, High Mage Arion: *Upon reaching the end of the stairwell, he thrusts the morphing stone tip into a special lock upon a thickset door - magically reinforced. The door screams before unlocking and parting as if it was liquid. Steps through into the chamber beyond.*
[31-23:34] 80dc0, Shanira Treyan : (( Do you have IM? ))
[31-23:35] d7c72, Jace Malliarch : ((Several, which do you prefer))
[31-23:36] 80dc0, Shanira Treyan : (( All aim? Or one of each? ))
[31-23:37] 1b77e, Riddonnel Doomhaven: *he pulls his hand away and tears away from her grip, he becomes very silent he is invokeing < Raging strenght> doubleing his strenght just incase* * he hiss at the elf demon as he trys to keep any blood from touching the blade of his sword , he resheash it* you are no elf * his eyes scowel at her.his blody hand grips his cape as his regeneration begins to heal his wounds, explaining why he has lived as long as he has*
[31-23:37] d7c72, Jace Malliarch : ((AIM = Sarelth))
[31-23:37] ae640, Rowyn : (( *ponders rp* ))
[31-23:38] d7c72, Jace Malliarch : (( I use AIM, MSN, Yahoo, & ICQ))
[31-23:39] 94c70, Ryavel : *She moves on towards the city's main entrance, growing ever closer.*
[31-23:39] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : Took you that long to realize this? *lets out a dark laugh as she slides out of the booth, advancing on him as he steps away* You really should learn to pick your fights better... *one hand slips inside her cloak, and she draws out a typical short sword*
[31-23:39] 662de, Khaes: *Within the center of the room, a burning fireraged orange eye faces Arion, contained within a golden ring centered upon a dias.* Time is always in motion, yet patience is limited within the frames of the mind
[31-23:39] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[31-23:40] 7725b, Galaldur : *His gaze shifts back torwards the forest and after a moment of thought, slowly he turns back and heads back down the road, he couldn't just leave like this.*
[31-23:41] 80dc0, Shanira Treyan : It is, so far...when I'm not being threatened, that is.. *eyes the fight* Maybe we should move. Don't want him landing on my table and breaking it
[31-23:41] 1b77e, Riddonnel Doomhaven: * he grips the cloak* i see * he pulls out his sword once more, and invokes <raging speed> making his speed double* a king is never alone* he lets out a ear peircing wistle as the man that talked to him early emergis from out side with that wolfish beast next to him*
[31-23:42] d7c72, Jace Malliarch : That seems like a decent idea.
[31-23:43] JOIN: Jace Malliarch has entered.
[31-23:43] 662de, High Mage Arion: *Immediately falls to his knees, staff held upright still yet his face remains parallel to the floor* O'Lord, this is a pleasant surprise....what is your bidding?
[31-23:44] JOIN: D has entered.
[31-23:44] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : Aaaw... pathetic king who wishes to overtake everyone else cannot even fight his own battles, eh? Ah well... guess I shall have to resort to cheap tactics then *with that, she murmurs something under her breath as she begins to slide around to his side, putting kingy between her and his henchmen...
[31-23:44] 80dc0, Shanira Treyan : *nods, eyeing the beast* But where?
[31-23:44] 94c70, Ryavel : *Catching a brief sight of him in the distance, she calls his name.* Galaldur!
[31-23:44] 93a17, D : *is current at NYE party*
[31-23:44] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : *
[31-23:45] 7725b, Galaldur : *stops and smiles some.* Ryavel.. *He begins moving again, speeding up his pace.*
[31-23:45] d7c72, Jace Malliarch : I believe there was a table open in the corner, unless you wish to leave here entirely.
[31-23:46] 80dc0, Shanira Treyan : *gets up and starts for that corner table, taking her ale with her* This'll do...for now
[31-23:47] 662de, Khaes: *The fires within the eye continue to burn* Pleasanties are well-meant. Are you strong enough Magister? We'll see. Another arrives from the Maelstorm, upon my bidding. This one shall become entrenched within your lands - there is to be war
[31-23:47] 1b77e, Riddonnel Doomhaven: *insulting his pride he lets out a small growel* fine then ... LEAVE US MERIK * he has to as hes told the man leaves* get what you want * and with that the last of the basic rage spells <raging fortitude> causeing his defence to double* *he points the massive 5 foot broad sword at her* *his other hand gripping the cloak of wovern steel*
[31-23:48] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : *her soft chanting ceases, as she gives him a smug smile* Come on then...
[31-23:48] 94c70, Ryavel : *Upon finally meeting up with him, she takes hold of his arm.* Galaldur, n'kela saesa. Amin umuva vee'lle quena, amin vesta.
[31-23:49] 1b77e, Riddonnel Doomhaven: isnt it woman first? * he pulls the sword into a fighting position*
[31-23:49] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : In this, you are the offenser, I am the defender. *winks*
[31-23:50] 1b77e, Riddonnel Doomhaven: (( gots 20 min )) in a fight are there any rules? or do i just break them all? * he stands waiting for her,
[31-23:50] 662de, High Mage Arion: I will observe and absorb what this war brings O Great One. *Remains as he is, not daring to look upon the eye - his God*
[31-23:51] d7c72, Jace Malliarch : So, why do you feel that you must escape your duties, to visit the lower class?
[31-23:51] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[31-23:51] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 12:51am, January 01 (CST) ).
[31-23:52] JOIN: Hannah Mayhem has entered.
[31-23:53] 80dc0, Shanira Treyan : I am not excaping my duties...they're being looked after. And I choose to travel so that I might see the world and get to know it's people, high and low. Understand all clases makes one a better ruler.
[31-23:53] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: *enters the courtyard to the inn, seating herself against a wall outside*
[31-23:53] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : I will not break any rules unless you break them first, m'dear. *smirks, shifting her stance slightly*
[31-23:54] 1b77e, Riddonnel Doomhaven: i do not know any rules * he takes a quick shuffle forward. his sword standing striaght infront of him* i would just like to see what a demon elf is made of, iv never encountered something the likes of you
[31-23:55] 7725b, Galaldur : *Smiles at her and places a hand on her shoulder, clasping it.* Amin uuma merna uma kela lle Ryavel, Amin uma lle merna lasta mani amin nyara lle.
[31-23:55] JOIN: Squirrel has entered.
[31-23:55] 3eea1, Ravaella Glimmergaunt : ((Hmmm))
[31-23:56] d7c72, Jace Malliarch : That it is, but still to travel along is folly.
[31-23:56] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : What makes you think I am a demon? ((*shifty eye*))
[31-23:56] 93a17, D : mmmH
[31-23:56] d7c72, Jace Malliarch : ((Greetings, Hannah))
[31-23:56] 94c70, Ryavel : *Nods a little, looking away some.*
[31-23:56] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : *Tactic #206- Bore opponent to death with small talk*
[31-23:56] 80dc0, Shanira Treyan : I've been "chaperoned" all my life..I needed a break
[31-23:57] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: (('lo'lo))
[31-23:58] 1b77e, Riddonnel Doomhaven: red hair, fangs a strenght that is farm more powerfull than a elf. its just my theaory * he squints and waits longer*( hay i gave you chances to attack . i dont have a death wish ... yet and plus i gtg very soon))
[31-23:59] ae640, Rowyn : (( Howdy Hannah! ))
[31-23:59] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: ((Hewwo))
[31-23:59] 7725b, Galaldur : Amin malia ten' lle ikotane Ryavel.. *watches her, with a faint sigh.*
[01-00:00] 3eea1, Squirrel : Guess I'll just lurk
[01-00:00] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : Oh that sounds silly, thinking I'm a demon just because of that... So are you attacking, or just going to stand there all day?
[01-00:01] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: ((*pokes the lil squirrely*))
[01-00:02] JOIN: Savvid has entered.
[01-00:03] 3eea1, Squirrel : *poked*
[01-00:03] 1b77e, Riddonnel Doomhaven: i think ill leave you for now, we should meet up again red elf. * he slips his sword away *
[01-00:03] d7c72, Jace Malliarch : There is probably a good reason to such Chaperons.
[01-00:04] JOIN: Preigh Notrah has entered.
[01-00:04] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: ((=D))
[01-00:04] 80dc0, Shanira Treyan : Reasons such as they? *gestures towards the pair*
[01-00:04] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : *winks* Just too deadly for you, hm? Or too cute... heheh... *sheaths her sword as well, still looking rather smug*
[01-00:04] d7c72, Jace Malliarch : That is one of the possibilies.
[01-00:05] 80dc0, Shanira Treyan : And the others?
[01-00:06] d7c72, Jace Malliarch : ((Tosses the Squirrell some mixed nuts & a bottle of cherry coke)
[01-00:06] JOIN: Savvid has entered.
[01-00:06] 94c70, Ryavel : (( Gah! Windows is the evil of all evils ))
[01-00:06] 1b77e, Riddonnel Doomhaven: id say both, but we will see. i will be here for sometime befor i leave. i shall see you around * he nods to her liking how she acts, that smug ness reminds him of well himself* *and is gone* ((tosses some rice just incase it will blow it up like it dose to birds*))
[01-00:07] d7c72, Jace Malliarch : Unforseen things, the likes of which should not be spoken of here, in case someone gets ideas.
[01-00:07] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : *rolls her eyes after he is gone, then turns and heads back to her table, tugging her hood up along the way*
[01-00:07] 94c70, Ryavel : Galaldur... *she shifts her stance slightly.* merna lle cael queldur e' amin.
[01-00:08] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[01-00:08] 7f173, Preigh Notrah : *Watching from amoungst the gloom of a large umbra of shadows, near the corner of the bar. His chilling, virulent, yet opulent scrutiny of a gaze remains focused upon Delotha, this crimson elf. He found her scantily interesting - and figured due to the lack of anything else to do, why not see how she fares against a real opponent. Thus, he glides out to emerge from the darkness - his dismal robes bleeding out from the umbra as well, as if the darkness itself had been liquified around him. The
[01-00:08] 80dc0, Shanira Treyan : Well, it's too late to bring an escort from home
[01-00:08] 3eea1, Squirrel : Uhm, rice doesn't make pidgeons and bird blow up...just an old wives tale
[01-00:09] 7f173, Preigh Notrah : -cowl of the attire was raised, thus his face was eclipsed beneath yet another veil of shadow; yet another umbra. However he crosses across the bar's floor, the small metallic spikes lined along the soles of his knee-high leather boots making faint, barely audible clicks with each step. And alas he makes his way over, toward where Delotha is moving. *
[01-00:09] 3eea1, Squirrel : or Urban Legend, what have you
[01-00:09] 1b77e, Riddonnel Doomhaven: (( damn ))
[01-00:09] d7c72, Jace Malliarch : I am sure that I could accompany you, if you wished it.
[01-00:09] 94c70, Ryavel : *Would really be glad that she left the Inn now if she knew Notrah had been lurking around.*
[01-00:10] 3eea1, Squirrel : Yeah
[01-00:10] 3eea1, Squirrel : And South Park: Bigger, Longer and Uncut is on! Super Sweet!
[01-00:11] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: *yawns, stretching her legs before herself and crossing them at the ankles*
[01-00:11] 93a17, D : south park sucks.
[01-00:11] 93a17, D : well, just slapstick funny infact.
[01-00:12] 80dc0, Shanira Treyan : *smiles* Surely you have better things to do, though
[01-00:12] 7f173, Preigh Notrah : ((What time is it where you are, Squirrel?))
[01-00:12] 3eea1, Squirrel : Well, I like it so nyah
[01-00:12] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : *hesitates as she notices Mr. Shadows coming towards her...*
[01-00:12] 3eea1, Squirrel : 12:04 Happy New Year
[01-00:13] 94c70, Ryavel : (( Yay *real enthused* ))
[01-00:13] 94c70, Ryavel : (( *didn't even get to go out and get anything good to drink* ))
[01-00:13] 7f173, Preigh Notrah : *And yes, quite literually is Mr. Shadows. Well, indeed could pronoune his name to be as such, really. Never the less he notices her dubious actions, and as he moves past her - namely behind her, his gauntleted hand slips out, the taloned fingers meaning to gently move through her fiery, elegant red hair. *
[01-00:13] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: ((happy new year ))
[01-00:13] 7725b, Galaldur : Amin uma Ryavel. *Looks at her thoughtfully.*
[01-00:13] 7f173, Preigh Notrah : ((Happy New Year!!! *Opens bottles*))
[01-00:13] ae640, Rowyn : (( 2 more hours ))
[01-00:14] 93a17, D : yup, 2 more hours.
[01-00:15] 80dc0, Shanira Treyan : (( One more, for me ))
[01-00:15] 94c70, Ryavel : *Looks at him again.*
[01-00:16] JOIN: Preigh Notrah has entered.
[01-00:16] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : *Okay... now this guy was freaking her out. As he moves past, fingers brushing her hair, she jerks away, glaring daggers at him... well, blunted daggers anyway*
[01-00:16] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[01-00:16] JOIN: Preigh Notrah has entered.
[01-00:16] 7725b, Galaldur : Lle auta istima sal'.
[01-00:17] ae640, Rowyn : *watches the bars activity from his seat. He might be bored, but he was always alert.*
[01-00:18] 94c70, Ryavel : Istima mani?
[01-00:18] 3eea1, Squirrel : Hmmm, to RP or not
[01-00:18] 7f173, Preigh Notrah : *And as she jerks away a quick flick of that said wrist would send a long, pitch black tendril slipping from the opaque robe's sleeve - it whipping out at her to actually rip the skin from her back from the power behind this certain whip lash. Yes - it's got to be a whip merely stashed on his sleeve ... or is it? Never the less, if it strikes, it sure as hell would feel like one. *
[01-00:19] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: ((rp is always good, theres fireworks going off and tis been the new year for like an hour))
[01-00:20] 3eea1, Squirrel : That movie has warped my fragile little mind *L*
[01-00:20] d7c72, Jace Malliarch : I have nothing that could not be put off for a short time to be sure one as beautiful as you made it home safely.
[01-00:21] 7725b, Galaldur : istima En'palurin..
[01-00:21] 80dc0, Shanira Treyan : *shakes her head, blushing faintly* Home? I'm not going home...not yet, anyway
[01-00:21] 3eea1, Squirrel : I want to RP with Hida, but he is no where to be seen....curses upon him
[01-00:22] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: ((haha))
[01-00:22] d7c72, Jace Malliarch : Well, eventually you would need to go home.
[01-00:22] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : *... Ow?* *she makes a scream, and then immediantly between them, a portal opens... one which she leaps through*
[01-00:23] 80dc0, Shanira Treyan : Eventually, yes. But I don't know when that'll be, and I can't ask you to be my escort for a long time, if that happens to be how long I stay
[01-00:24] d7c72, Jace Malliarch : Why not? I have nothing else to do that it would interfere with.
[01-00:25] JOIN: Brock-o-lee has entered.
[01-00:25] ae640, Rowyn : an elf.. What was it.*
[01-00:25] 80dc0, Shanira Treyan : And how would I pay you? I don't go around carrying a coffer with me
[01-00:26] ae640, Rowyn : *Now that was interesting. A scream, a portal, and a- what.. A man, an elf?*
[01-00:26] 93a17, D : heh.
[01-00:26] 7f173, Preigh Notrah : *Furrows a thin eyebrow, but does not hesitate. He follows her, leaping through it as well - oblivious to where it may lead. However, as he goes through, is [b]highly[/i] aware of his ambient surroundings. Thus, if it leaps to a blade coming right at his neck - he's be prepared. *
[01-00:27] 7f173, Preigh Notrah : *Furrows a thin eyebrow, but does not hesitate. He follows her, leaping through it as well - oblivious to where it may lead. However, as he goes through, is highly aware of his ambient surroundings. Thus, if it leaps to a blade coming right at his neck - he's be prepared. *
[01-00:28] JOIN: Preigh Notrah has entered.
[01-00:28] ae640, Rowyn : *he whispers lightly to himself* Now that, is something you do not see everyday. *there was nothing he could do now so he went back to what he had been doing prior to the happening, watching*
[01-00:28] 662de, Khaes: *Um, forgot what point he was at* *The burning eye shifts into a blue colouration* The winds of magic sweep forth to encase this world. My servant will begin a new war within your lands. Make ready, advise your leader accordingly. Light is to become reason.
[01-00:29] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : *he's go through... and find himself in an alley right outside the tavern, the portal closing behind him, almost on him. Ahead, Del charges around the corner into the street, running like a fiend*
[01-00:29] d7c72, Jace Malliarch : Pay? Who was asking for pay. It would be my honor to escort you.
[01-00:30] 94c70, Ryavel : *Nods to him.*
[01-00:30] 662de, High Mage Arion: I am at your command Lord of Change. *Remains prostated upon the ground*
[01-00:31] 80dc0, Shanira Treyan : *blinks and studies him for a moment, wondering if there's a hidden motive. After today, she's got reason to be suspicious*
[01-00:31] 80dc0, Shanira Treyan : Your honor?
[01-00:31] 7725b, Galaldur : Uma lle merna auta n'alaquel sii'?
[01-00:32] 7f173, Preigh Notrah : *His eyes narrow lightly, and around his legs (beneath the folds of his robes) his skin is encased around an apparantly liquid, pure black substance. And once it has molded around his legs it works as a spring, him leaping high into the air, moving to land into the crowd in the street, merely meters behind Delotha. He then brings both his gauntleted hands around - grabbing the shin of one person in the crowd, and sending him back flying hopefully into Delotha. *
[01-00:32] 7f173, Preigh Notrah : him back flying=him forward flying
[01-00:33] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: *blinks..watching delotha pass from the tavern courtyard*
[01-00:33] 94c70, Ryavel : Manke?
[01-00:34] d7c72, Jace Malliarch : It would serve me well to be seen protecting you. I am but a business man, like most. I have not established myself deeply here yet.
[01-00:34] 662de, Khaes: Change is not without peril. Yet this war will serve to bring others upon our required path. Their path of destiny - the dark ones will become reunited with true darkness. A service will begin, along with a testament to our true power. Remember, the stone is to pass through unhindered High Mage. False Light. Indeed. Eternal Chaos as a result *The eye shifts into a bright green, yet the burning remains as it glares upon Arion*
[01-00:34] 7725b, Galaldur : *turns slightly and gestures to the forest*
[01-00:34] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : *spins around as someone comes flying... and rather then dodging, she braces herself, and actually catches the flying personage. Upon catching them, she quickly thrusts them aside...* *pause*
[01-00:35] 80dc0, Shanira Treyan : And, untill tonight, none knew who I was. I am not yet well known..I can't see how it would serve you.
[01-00:36] 662de, High Mage Arion: I understand. *Remains still, not daring to look upon his God*
[01-00:36] 3eea1, Panian Urthadar : ((V, here's your apprentice))
[01-00:36] 94c70, Ryavel : Amin n'sinta
[01-00:37] d7c72, Jace Malliarch : You are still important to some though. Thus making certain circles aware of what is transpiring.
[01-00:38] 7725b, Galaldur : *takes a breath and nods.*
[01-00:38] 80dc0, Shanira Treyan : *nods* Well, if this is your me Shanira
[01-00:38] d7c72, Jace Malliarch : You can call me Jace.
[01-00:38] 3eea1, Ravaella Glimmergaunt : ((Let's see, what could Rava be doing...))
[01-00:39] 93a17, Urukhai Raiders : *is V's army.*
[01-00:39] 94c70, Ryavel : Mani sii'?
[01-00:39] 80dc0, Shanira Treyan : *holds out her hand to shake his* Pleasure to meet you, Jace
[01-00:40] 94c70, Ryavel : (( *smites the Urukhai* ))
[01-00:40] 80dc0, Shanira Treyan : (( *must be sick in the head...finds the Urukhai kinda hot* ))
[01-00:40] 93a17, Urukhai Raiders : ((psh. ARMY of Uruk-hai. Methinks not.)
[01-00:40] d7c72, Jace Malliarch : Takes her hand and gently kisses it,
[01-00:40] 93a17, Urukhai Raiders : ((...))
[01-00:41] 7725b, Galaldur : *Just shrugs slightly.*
[01-00:41] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: ((~poof~))
[01-00:41] 662de, Khaes: *The eye changes into a pink before the voice hisses out once more, snaking throughout the chamber - mild voices in the background* Do you really? You do not understand all yet, flesh-thing. To understand fully is beyond your mortal existance. The war is to come to pass, yet their shall be no victor bar I. The ceremony will ring the bell of change - the eve of my summoning. Do this, and you shall be rewarded. *And the eye begins to fade - the fires burning brighter for a few moments before it
[01-00:41] 94c70, Ryavel : (( *has .... lots of arrows* mwaha ))
[01-00:41] 662de, Khaes: all disappears, leaving nothing bar the golden ring and it's dias.*
[01-00:41] 94c70, Ryavel : (( aww.. you know I luv you D *pat pat* ))
[01-00:42] 80dc0, Shanira Treyan : My my...*smiles and bows slightly in her seat* You honor me
[01-00:42] 93a17, Urukhai Raiders : ((^_^))
[01-00:43] 662de, High Mage Arion: *And stands, blue eyes shifting into a green. Must ponder over his master's words. Unaware as of yet to one as powerful as he from the Wastes - if not more powerful.*
[01-00:43] 80dc0, Shanira Treyan : (( *steals the Urukhai and does censored things* ))
[01-00:43] 3eea1, Ravaella Glimmergaunt : ((Hmmm, Coke isn't satisying my thirst...Diet Pepsi it is))
[01-00:44] 93a17, Urukhai Raiders : ((...holy crap!))
[01-00:45] 80dc0, Shanira Treyan : (( *snickers* ))
[01-00:45] 3eea1, Ravaella Glimmergaunt : ((I don't think there is a word to describe the utter disgust and unholiness of that act, Shanira))
[01-00:46] 3eea1, Ravaella Glimmergaunt : ((The power of Omnipotence cannot compel that one))
[01-00:46] 80dc0, Shanira Treyan : (( I was just sister hit me for that *is sugar high* ))
[01-00:46] 3eea1, Ravaella Glimmergaunt : ((*L* Pallidia changed the filter I se))
[01-00:46] 3eea1, Ravaella Glimmergaunt : ((e))
[01-00:47] 93a17, Urukhai Raiders : ((Psh. your just jealous, Squirrel.))
[01-00:48] 3eea1, Squirrel : Jealous? Perish the thought
[01-00:49] 93a17, D : *L*
[01-00:49] 93a17, D : joooooking.
[01-00:49] 3eea1, Ravaella Glimmergaunt : I knoooooooow
[01-00:49] 3eea1, Squirrel : I knoooooooow
[01-00:50] 3eea1, Squirrel : I wonder if I should make like a fallen angel character...hmmmm
[01-00:50] 93a17, D : gooooood
[01-00:50] 3eea1, Squirrel : That'll be another male for the chat
[01-00:51] d7c72, Jace Malliarch : I am but a servant.
[01-00:51] 7725b, Galaldur : Ta de lle. *simply put*
[01-00:52] 94c70, Ryavel : (( *sits on D out of boredom* ))
[01-00:52] 662de, High Mage Arion: OOC: I wish I had a fking OOC handle
[01-00:52] 80dc0, Shanira Treyan : *shakes her head* We are equals, Jace. I merely have a pretty title and a nice peice of jewelry at home *smiles at him*
[01-00:53] 93a17, D : *squish*
[01-00:53] 3eea1, Squirrel : Well then ask Mab to fking reg one for ya
[01-00:54] 94c70, Ryavel : (( *hugs the squished D* ))
[01-00:55] 3eea1, Squirrel : As we continue the march..of snacky smores
[01-00:56] 93a17, D : the ants are marching one by one...hurrah..hurrah..the ants are marching one by one...hurrah hurrah...
[01-00:56] 94c70, Ryavel : Amin omente istar a're.
[01-00:56] JOIN: Katsumoto has entered.
[01-00:57] 7725b, Galaldur : *raises a brow.* Aiya?
[01-00:57] 3eea1, Squirrel : *burninates ze ants*
[01-00:57] 662de, Khaes: The ants are marching one by one, hurrah hurrah. The ants are marching one by one... hurrah hurrah... *Within the Maelstorm*
[01-00:57] 94c70, Ryavel : *Nods*
[01-00:58] 3eea1, Squirrel : *ROFL*
[01-00:58] 7725b, Galaldur : Mani marte?
[01-00:59] 93a17, Urukhai Raiders : The Uruks are marching one by one, hurrah hurrah. The Urks are marching one by one... hurrah hurrah...
[01-01:04] d7c72, Jace Malliarch : We may be equals as living beings but in the larger scheme of things that is yet to be decided.
[01-01:04] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[01-01:04] JOIN: D has entered.
[01-01:05] 80dc0, Shanira Treyan : I will not refer to you as my servant
[01-01:06] d7c72, Jace Malliarch : Of course.
[01-01:08] EXIT: Squirrel has left the chat ( 1:58am, January 01 (CST) ).
[01-01:08] JOIN: Phoenix has entered.
[01-01:09] 80dc0, Shanira Treyan : How about "friend"?
[01-01:10] d7c72, Jace Malliarch : Friend works well
[01-01:15] 80dc0, Shanira Treyan : *yawns and smiles, standing* Well, Jace, I fear the hour is getting late and I must seek my bed. It's a pleasure meeting you.
[01-01:15] JOIN: Phoenix has entered.
[01-01:15] 3b971, Phoenix : ((*Sits alone*))
[01-01:15] d7c72, Jace Malliarch : The same to you. I Shall meet you again on the morrow. Mayhap we can do some site seeing.
[01-01:16] JOIN: Phoenix has entered.
[01-01:16] 80dc0, Shanira Treyan : *smiles and nods* I would like that. Goodnight *turns and heads upstairs*
[01-01:16] JOIN: Phoenix has entered.
[01-01:17] 80dc0, Shanira Treyan : **Gone**
[01-01:17] EXIT: Shanira Treyan has left the chat ( 2:17am, January 01 (CST) ).
[01-01:18] d7c72, Jace Malliarch : *Goes back to his place for the evening.*
[01-01:19] d7c72, Jace Malliarch : ((Toodles all, must party, before all the beer is gone!))
[01-01:22] ae640, Rowyn : (( And they are all gone.. ))
[01-01:23] JOIN: Bastion has entered.
[01-01:23] bb583, Bastion: (*watches OOC...*)
[01-01:24] JOIN: Rowyn has entered.
[01-01:24] ae640, Rowyn : (( Howdy ))
[01-01:24] f6ef8, Bastion: ((Yo. Happy New Year.))
[01-01:25] ae640, Rowyn : (( another hour yet for me. But happy new year to you ))
[01-01:26] f6ef8, Bastion: ((Ah. PST, eh?))
[01-01:27] ae640, Rowyn : (( Aye ))
[01-01:28] f6ef8, Bastion: ((So what's the deal with this room? i know it's on the a bit drunk to click and find. i just wanna RP.))
[01-01:28] ae640, Rowyn : (( Dun ask me, I'm new roud these parts ))
[01-01:29] f6ef8, Bastion: ((Ah. *pokes the shadows* any admins here?))
[01-01:30] ae640, Rowyn : (( doesn't look like it, but there may be one lurking ))
[01-01:32] 94c70, Ryavel : (( *pokes Bastion* ))
[01-01:33] EXIT: Jace Malliarch has left the chat ( 2:19am, January 01 (CST) ).
[01-01:36] ae640, Rowyn : (( *pounces Ryavel* ))
[01-01:38] 7725b, Galaldur : ((*smacks Rowyn* Off of the Elf you... ELF!))
[01-01:39] ae640, Rowyn : (( Ow! Smack me! *slaps* ))
[01-01:40] 94c70, Ryavel : (( Elf spanking... hmm.. ))
[01-01:41] ae640, Rowyn : (( *points to his crown, all royally like* ))
[01-01:42] 94c70, Ryavel : (( *doesn't see a crown* ))
[01-01:42] ae640, Rowyn : (( Its imaginary... *nods lots* ))
[01-01:43] 7725b, Galaldur : ((Legend in your own mind you are.))
[01-01:44] ae640, Rowyn : (( aye. Its rather fun, you should try it ))
[01-01:48] ae640, Rowyn : (( *scares them both off* bye bye ))
[01-01:50] 7725b, Galaldur : ((don't want to.))
[01-01:55] JOIN: Rowyn has entered.
[01-01:55] JOIN: Phoenix has entered.
[01-01:55] ae640, Rowyn : (( Feel free to RP, *is more then content to watch* ))
[01-02:06] 3b971, Phoenix : *Reads a spell book*
[01-02:34] 3b971, Phoenix : ((Mur)0
[01-02:34] JOIN: Looking has entered.
[01-02:34] f31e9, Looking: *peeks* yello
[01-02:35] 3b971, Phoenix : ((Waves)) IH
[01-02:35] f31e9, Looking: A friend gave me this addy so im just checking out what this is
[01-02:37] 3b971, Phoenix : It is a great chat I encourage you to join
[01-02:41] f31e9, Looking: *Nods* DnD based eh?
[01-02:45] 3b971, Phoenix : Its on twist on that
[01-02:47] f31e9, Looking: ah. guess I should read the "welcome link"
[01-02:50] 3b971, Phoenix : Yeah I suggs oyu read everything
[01-02:50] 3b971, Phoenix : would be helpfu;l
[01-02:55] f31e9, Looking: hmmm those portals are going to be a PMS'ing wanna-be male pig
[01-02:55] f31e9, Looking: nice screener
[01-02:58] f31e9, Looking: any Half-dragon chars possible?
[01-02:58] f31e9, Looking: *has a DnD char that he'd love to bring in*
[01-03:03] JOIN: Rav has entered.
[01-03:03] 261d8, Rav: Happy New Year to anyone who is still here
[01-03:05] f31e9, Looking: Happy New Year to you too.... 2 hours ago !
[01-03:08] 261d8, Rav: Well, I am only a bit late but thats ok
[01-03:08] 94c70, Z: *pokes Rav*
[01-03:08] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[01-03:08] 261d8, Rav: Hey Z
[01-03:09] 94c70, Z: 3 hours ago for me
[01-03:09] 8dcaa, Will-o'-the-wisp: I turned in a form and have yet to be registered.....Mab is soooooooo slow.
[01-03:10] 7725b, R : *pokes RAve*
[01-03:10] 7725b, R : err Rav
[01-03:10] f31e9, Looking: Any admin around?
[01-03:10] 3b971, Phoenix : Wow hi...
[01-03:11] 3b971, Phoenix : ((Not an admin, just surprised that so may peope showed up))
[01-03:11] 94c70, Z: Mab is sleeping methinks
[01-03:11] 8dcaa, Will-o'-the-wisp: Hi.
[01-03:11] 261d8, Rav: Here
[01-03:11] 8dcaa, Will-o'-the-wisp: I sent it like.....a week ago.
[01-03:12] 261d8, Rav: *Is poked by random people* Hello to all
[01-03:12] 261d8, Rav: Thats not Mab thats slow. Whats the character name?
[01-03:12] EXIT: Looking has left the chat ( 4:10am, January 01 (CST) ).
[01-03:13] 8dcaa, Will-o'-the-wisp: I am not Ramdom I am...
[01-03:13] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 4:13am, January 01 (CST) ).
[01-03:13] JOIN: Vince has entered.
[01-03:14] 8dcaa, Vince: *transforms*The incredible Vince.
[01-03:14] 94c70, Z: Oh, yeah, you're random.
[01-03:14] 261d8, Rav: ahhh ok
[01-03:14] 94c70, Z: *cheeky grin*
[01-03:15] 8dcaa, Vince: Deke Menion
[01-03:15] 261d8, Rav: ahh ok Deke AIM me at RavionSantail
[01-03:16] 8dcaa, Vince: *eyes Z* I know you?
[01-03:16] 3b971, Phoenix : Mur and Z f ur reggin people had a gobln wanted regged a wee ago as wel... if you have a chance...I can tremember his name think it started with a G I made it randomly...
[01-03:16] 94c70, Z: *eyes Vince* ... Maybe.
[01-03:17] 8dcaa, Vince: *just blinks at Phoniex*......Yeah....*ponder*....Umm....are you a friend Z?
[01-03:19] 94c70, Z: Hmm, well do you think I'm an enemy?
[01-03:20] 8dcaa, Vince: I am not sure who you are.
[01-03:20] 94c70, Z: I am Z
[01-03:20] 3b971, Phoenix : That was the most horrbly butchered message ever..
[01-03:20] 94c70, Z: Zee one and only Z.
[01-03:21] 7725b, R : *watches the room and smokes.*
[01-03:23] 94c70, Z: *should go find a pic of Suesy for her avatar pic*
[01-03:24] 8dcaa, Vince: *has no idea who Z is still* you know me?
[01-03:27] 94c70, Z: *is the Z. Always knows*
[01-03:28] 8dcaa, Vince: *blink*.....Where did we meet?
[01-03:31] 94c70, Z: Here and there.
[01-03:31] 8dcaa, Vince: a little of everywhere?....Wait......Zhen*smacks himself*Duh.
[01-03:47] DICE: Vince rolls 4, 4, 1, 4 = 13 on a 4d6.
[01-03:48] JOIN: Jade has entered.
[01-03:48] f31e9, Jade: (*pic test*)
[01-03:49] DICE: Vince rolls 5, 2, 6, 2 = 15 on a 4d6.
[01-03:50] DICE: Vince rolls 3, 2, 3, 1 = 9 on a 4d6.
[01-03:50] f31e9, Jade: (nice... it works)
[01-03:51] 3a60f, Mab : Slept too long. Too much sleep headache.
[01-03:51] f31e9, Jade: (*pokes around for admins*)
[01-03:51] 8dcaa, Vince: Bah...i rolled 9?
[01-03:51] f31e9, Jade: (ah... I know that one well.*has them frequently*
[01-03:52] DICE: Vince rolls 1, 5, 1, 2 = 9 on a 4d6.
[01-03:52] f31e9, Jade: (grab 4d6 and roll them yourself... need a computer to do it for you now?)
[01-03:53] 8dcaa, Vince: WTF?..I did it again
[01-03:54] 8dcaa, Vince: I am in Iraq and have no dice....
[01-03:56] f31e9, Jade: (*L*)
[01-03:57] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[01-03:57] f31e9, Jade: (so who's in control of this place?)
[01-03:57] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 4:57am, January 01 (CST) ).
[01-04:05] 3a60f, Mab : Btw, if people wish to use a system of dice in their fights, that is between the two or more players fighting and has to be a mutual decision. However, should dice be incorporated, the two or more players choosing to RP that way are on their own and can have no admin assistence should a disagreement result and will be kindly asked not to fight it out OOCly in the chat should a disagreement result. As an administration we say, no dice. Pardon the pun. *snicker*
[01-04:09] f31e9, Jade: (*looks over the Races for half-dragon*)
[01-04:11] f31e9, Jade: (hmmm, draconian works)
[01-04:12] f31e9, Jade: (*goes to register*)
[01-04:12] 3a60f, Mab : *looks at them too...actually, finishes fixing the wording in the magic system*
[01-04:23] f31e9, Jade: (*works on the profile, and scrounges around for her char sheet*)
[01-04:27] f31e9, Jade: (*has a tough time altering the char to fit with the magic system*)
[01-04:43] f31e9, Jade: (meh... forget it i'll do all the registration stuff tonight at work)
[01-04:44] f31e9, Jade: yay for 3.5" discs and What the Deuce?ty construction site computers that only have notepad)
[01-04:45] f31e9, Jade: (heck)
[01-04:45] f31e9, Jade: (hell)
[01-04:46] f31e9, Jade: (*scratches his head* stupid screaner)
[01-04:46] EXIT: Jade has left the chat ( 5:46am, January 01 (CST) ).
[01-04:54] 3a60f, Mab : *L*
[01-05:10] 261d8, Rav: hmmm
[01-05:14] 94c70, Z: *ponders*
[01-05:14] 261d8, Rav: *ponders makeing a new character.*
[01-05:19] 261d8, Rav: nahh I'll do it later.
[01-05:26] 3a60f, Mab : *ponders too*
[01-05:36] 94c70, Z: RP.. hmm....
[01-07:14] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[01-08:31] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[01-08:37] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[01-10:02] ae640, Rowyn : (( *bounds in* ))
[01-10:50] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[01-10:51] ae640, Rowyn : (( *looks in* ))
[01-10:52] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 11:50am, January 01 (CST) ).
[01-10:52] JOIN: Hannah Mayhem has entered.
[01-10:54] ae640, Rowyn : (( Lo ))
[01-10:55] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: ((hi))
[01-10:57] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: *draped in her dark blue cloak today, hood down as well as her hair, entering trendlekims*
[01-11:00] ae640, Rowyn : *looks up from his deat at the bar. He rarely slept more then 3 to 4 hours. He could sleep when he was old. He watched as Hannah entered trendlekims, but said nothing, just watching.*
[01-11:03] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: *smooths her cloak out against her figure, getting comfortable as she seats herself at the bar, a little too "out of it" to notice rowyns watchful eyes*
[01-11:09] ae640, Rowyn : (( Hehe! Snowing again! ))
[01-11:09] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: ((grrr ))
[01-11:09] ae640, Rowyn : (( *gives Hannah snow* ))
[01-11:10] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: ((YAY))
[01-11:11] ae640, Rowyn : *he decides to wait a bit before talking with Hannah, she seemed 'distant', so he would give her a bit of time.*
[01-11:11] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[01-11:12] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: *fixes her boots against the bottom rung of the stool* Hello rowyn
[01-11:14] ae640, Rowyn : *taken aback a little* Hello. Didn't think you noticed me.
[01-11:15] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: I may be distant..but not that distant..i said hello when i noticed you
[01-11:17] ae640, Rowyn : *he nods* You are wise. I honour that. *Hannah was one of the few humans he didn't think childish. she had her wits about her.*
[01-11:17] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: ((aww, hannah special ^_^))
[01-11:18] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: did you have a pleasant stay here? if you decided to stay..that is..*looks over to him*
[01-11:19] ae640, Rowyn : It was interesting, to say the least. Many things that never happen back home happened in a matter of days. I may stick around awhile longer then I expected.
[01-11:21] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: do you feel like sharing these...things?
[01-11:24] ae640, Rowyn : 3 diffrent races of elves in the same room at the same time without an all out war. A woman that can create small portals. Royalty wandering around. All very interesting concepts.
[01-11:26] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: *chuckles* i must have missed that, i stayed outside in the courtyard and saw a man jump...extremely high
[01-11:32] ae640, Rowyn : ((brb))
[01-11:44] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: ((wait wait))
[01-11:58] JOIN: Hannah Mayhem has entered.
[01-11:58] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: ((@_@))
[01-12:00] ae640, Rowyn : (( back ))
[01-12:00] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[01-12:01] JOIN: D has entered.
[01-12:01] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: ((wb))
[01-12:02] ae640, Rowyn : (( tym had to haul firewood into the garage ))
[01-12:03] ae640, Rowyn : Extreamely high? You don't say. *he chuckled* That is quite new.
[01-12:04] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: it was odd, but fun to watch
[01-12:05] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: I dont believe i can say that my story is as interesting as yours though
[01-12:06] ae640, Rowyn : It is quite interesting. How did he do it?
[01-12:10] 867a2, Sileen: Mew
[01-12:12] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: ((hello sileen )) im not sure..itl ooked like his boots grew or something..
[01-12:12] ae640, Rowyn : (( Howdy! ))
[01-12:13] ae640, Rowyn : Hmm, that is very interesting. *he rubs his chin and slips into a thought*
[01-12:13] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[01-12:14] 6d5cf, Will-o'-the-wisp: ugh sorry *is hannah brb*
[01-12:14] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 1:14pm, January 01 (CST) ).
[01-12:14] JOIN: Hannah Mayhem has entered.
[01-12:14] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: yes, could be quite useful im sure..
[01-12:16] ae640, Rowyn : ((brb ))
[01-12:18] ae640, Rowyn : I'm sure. *he continues pondering the subject racking his already highly resourceful mind*
[01-12:20] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: everything alright? *looks to him again*
[01-12:22] ae640, Rowyn : Yes, everything is fine. *he gives up trying to figure this new subject out* Can I get you something?
[01-12:34] 3a60f, Merina : *speeds through the channels that run through Ruapenchi and darts under the foundations where only extremely thick, tower like pillars hold the buildings up from under water*
[01-12:37] 94c70, Z: hmm
[01-12:41] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: ((omgosh im so sorry, i was giving my bird a bath))
[01-12:41] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem:
[01-12:43] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: *pause for both players*
[01-12:47] 3a60f, Merina : *such nice clean ocean waters under and around Ruapenchi, thanks to the enchantments on the city. She speeds through the water like nothing you've ever seen. Wheee, dart, dodge, straight shot, dart, dodge, straight shot, like a streak of something shiney and pale through the water, just a glimpse* *end cameo*
[01-12:49] JOIN: Hannah Mayhem has entered.
[01-12:49] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: ((ooo, mermaidy?))
[01-12:50] 94c70, Z: Hehe.
[01-12:52] 3a60f, Merina : ((made her pic meself. *beams*
[01-12:52] 3a60f, Merina : ))
[01-12:53] 3a60f, Mab : *listens to the soundtrack to moulin rouge. now feels like having her characters spontaneously break out into song*
[01-12:54] 8244f, D: noooo!
[01-12:56] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: ((wow, its lovely ))
[01-12:58] 3a60f, Merina : ((Danke!!))
[01-13:00] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: ((what did you make it with))
[01-13:03] 3a60f, Merina : ((Poser and Photo Paint))
[01-13:04] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: (did it take a while? I"ve never done stuff like that beofre..i sketch, but i cant do that ))
[01-13:08] 3a60f, Merina : ((It took a while, a day or so, because I kept having to render it and make a tiny adjustment and adjust the lighting, camera angle, etc, etc.))
[01-13:12] 94c70, Z: *can draw, but isn't very good with digital graphics*
[01-13:13] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: ((yeah i cant really see'll try to do it as a sketch and it'll come out bad))
[01-13:15] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: ((i used to do alot of cad things..for school and stuff, took like three years of it..))
[01-13:15] 94c70, Z: I suppose if I actually took a class on 3D modeling I could do it, but well.. hehe..
[01-13:22] JOIN: R has entered.
[01-13:22] 7725b, R : *stumbles in*
[01-13:27] JOIN: Squirrel has entered.
[01-13:27] 3eea1, Squirrel : *tripped R* *Shifty eyes*
[01-13:28] 94c70, Z: *kills squirrel, fries it up, and has a sandwich*
[01-13:28] 3eea1, Squirrel : I gotta get this one picture for my avatar, it'll be great if I can find it
[01-13:33] 8244f, D: R as in Rukh?
[01-13:34] 3eea1, Squirrel : R is Galaldur methinks
[01-13:34] 3a60f, Merina : ((I've played with cad stuff once or twice))
[01-13:34] 94c70, Z: No.
[01-13:34] 94c70, Z: It's not Rukh
[01-13:35] 3a60f, Merina : ((Sorry, was posting new threads on the board.))
[01-13:35] 3a60f, Mab : Turns back into an admin.
[01-13:36] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: ((its ok ))
[01-13:36] 8244f, D: is it Galaldur?
[01-13:37] 94c70, Z: Yes
[01-13:38] 8244f, D: *nods*
[01-13:38] JOIN: Pappy has entered.
[01-13:38] 141bc, Pappy: Booyah!!
[01-13:39] 141bc, Pappy : *checks out this human peasant thingie*
[01-13:39] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: ((pappy? do you visit the den?))
[01-13:39] 141bc, Pappy : *noddage* Sometimes Hannah Mayhem
[01-13:40] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: ((i visit there too ))
[01-13:40] 141bc, Pappy : eep! *tries to rid this standard house lookin thingie*
[01-13:41] 141bc, Pappy : *politely smiles to hannah mayhem* Mmmm.... yes I think I've seen you on thee avatar there at one time o' another.
[01-13:41] 141bc, Pappy : *tries out tha halflings*
[01-13:41] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: ((i havent been there in a while tho ))
[01-13:42] 141bc, Pappy : I've been there more so recently.........and online more so recently *chuckles* May be that way for the next three solid months *pouts* Tis all my fault anywho......
[01-13:43] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: ((eh?))
[01-13:43] 141bc, Pappy : ROGUE!
[01-13:43] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[01-13:43] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: ((whats all your fault))
[01-13:44] 141bc, Pappy : I am a dumbass that likes to total cars whilst under thee influence of alcoholic beverages..... blah..... but that's changed! *chuckles*
[01-13:44] 141bc, Pappy : Human enlisted soldier *blinks*
[01-13:45] 141bc, Pappy : Heheheh.... bard......
[01-13:45] 141bc, Pappy : Willothewisp my love!
[01-13:45] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: ((you're goofy o.O))
[01-13:45] 141bc, Pappy : This is thee only bearable one.... looks like a shield fro' my point of perspective
[01-13:46] 141bc, Pappy : Goofy......perhaps ;o)
[01-13:46] 3a60f, Mab : Well, I'm glad it looks like a shield, because it's supposed to. heh
[01-13:47] 3a60f, Mab : *drew all the icons*
[01-13:47] 141bc, Pappy : Sweet dreams are made of these, who am I to disagree, travelled the world and seven seas, everybody's lookin for somethin, some of them want to use you, some of them wanna get used by you, some of them want to abuse you, some of them want to be like you
[01-13:48] 8244f, Urukhai Archers : ((*test*))
[01-13:48] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: ((i like the foot ))
[01-13:48] 3a60f, Mab :
[01-13:48] 141bc, Pappy : Mab I had to frown at thee foot one...... cuz I just recently got o'er a sprained ankle *chuckles madly*
[01-13:49] 3a60f, Mab :
[01-13:49] 141bc, Pappy : Where's tha hannah and archers fro'?
[01-13:49] 8244f, Urukhai Infantry : ((*test*))
[01-13:50] 94c70, Z: *should go kill some Urukhai *
[01-13:52] 141bc, Pappy : How'n the sam blue hell does one pronounce Urukhai?
[01-13:52] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: ((i can change my color urukhai if u want))
[01-13:52] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: ((oo roo Kaye))
[01-13:52] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: ((i think))
[01-13:53] 94c70, Z: Uruk- hai (sounds like high)
[01-13:53] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[01-13:53] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: ((yeah, what z said ))
[01-13:54] 141bc, Pappy : Mmmmmm..... ibuprofen 800MG, flexeril, and ultram........ *devours*
[01-13:57] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : ((Mew))
[01-13:57] 6e01e, Zaknafein : ((*Peeks*))
[01-13:57] 141bc, Pappy : Delotha and zak! Oh how I've missed you two!
[01-13:58] 3a60f, Mab : Gee, I wonder who Delotha could be.
[01-13:58] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : (())
[01-13:58] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : ((Me? I have no idea who Delotha is... *shifty eye*))
[01-13:59] 94c70, Z: Oookay
[01-13:59] 94c70, Z: It's Allen's new girlfriend!
[01-13:59] 141bc, Pappy : Could be like..... one of those Feanor' know.
[01-13:59] 94c70, Z: well Notrah's rather.
[01-14:01] 141bc, Pappy : NO MORE MUSIC! It gives me a mighty headache!
[01-14:02] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : ((I am not Allen's girlfriend, I haven't seduced him ye-... er... I mean...))
[01-14:02] 3a60f, Mab : ROFLOL
[01-14:03] 867a2, Delotha Feanor :
[01-14:06] 3a60f, Mab :
[01-14:06] 3eea1, Squirrel : Wow, I missed a lot
[01-14:07] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: ((bye everyone ))
[01-14:07] 141bc, Pappy : *hides thee acorn from squirrel*
[01-14:07] 141bc, Pappy : Buhbye hannah! Take care!
[01-14:08] 3eea1, Squirrel : Mab, did you get my reg form?
[01-14:09] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[01-14:10] 3a60f, Mab : I don't know, Squirrel. Rav handles the reg forms.
[01-14:10] 3a60f, Mab : Sileen handles species submissions.
[01-14:11] 3eea1, Squirrel : Ah, alright. Cause it's not very detailed, I didn't even put in a history for the char.
[01-14:11] 3eea1, Squirrel : I'll get on it, V was just buggin me to get his apprentice regged
[01-14:11] 867a2, Sileen: Mwahahahaha!!
[01-14:12] 3a60f, Mab : hehe
[01-14:13] 8244f, D: I think I'm basically playing all of V's armies *LOL*
[01-14:14] 3eea1, Squirrel : *L* Yup
[01-14:14] 94c70, Z: *gets out lots of arrows and uses them on D*
[01-14:15] 94c70, Z: *is the good side, will be the one to take down V and his armies and his apprentice*
[01-14:15] 3eea1, Squirrel : Don't make me cast green fire on your goody two shoe arse
[01-14:15] 8244f, D: Z=the entire and the only 'good' army.
[01-14:15] 8244f, D: thus D and V=will win the war! o/
[01-14:16] 94c70, Z: You think your magic can hold up against mine?
[01-14:17] 8244f, D: psh. I have the Ruinous powers working with me, I will own.
[01-14:17] 3eea1, Squirrel : Oh, I don't know
[01-14:18] 8244f, D: oh, wait I have a good guy character...
[01-14:18] 8244f, Kephael : *neglected by player *
[01-14:18] 94c70, Z: *grins at Squirrel*
[01-14:19] 94c70, Z: Yes, no neglecting Faramir
[01-14:19] JOIN: Karlita has entered.
[01-14:20] ae640, Rowyn : (( *shivers* ))
[01-14:20] 8244f, Kephael : **
[01-14:20] 23240, Karlita: (( * peeks* ))
[01-14:22] 23240, Karlita: (( *romps the pic of feromere (sp?) * heh ))
[01-14:23] 94c70, Z: *points to her post where she spelled Faramir*
[01-14:23] 6e01e, Zaknafein : ((*Points to that one too.*))
[01-14:24] 23240, Karlita: (( *isnt cool enough to make smilies* heh ))
[01-14:25] 3eea1, Squirrel :
[01-14:30] 3eea1, Squirrel : *Killed the chat* *Hides knife* <.< >.>.......^_^
[01-14:31] 23240, Karlita: (9what))
[01-14:32] 3eea1, Squirrel : !!!!!!1111!!!!!11111oneoneoneone
[01-14:32] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : ((*tackles Squirrel* MURDERER!!))
[01-14:33] 3eea1, Squirrel : *Tackled!* *Shifty eyes* *Bites!*
[01-14:34] 23240, Karlita: ((*L*))
[01-14:35] 3eea1, Squirrel : I should show you guys this cat I have. Two years old and it's bigger than a 13 year old cat
[01-14:37] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : ((AAAHH! *throws the Squirrel away* Nasty booger!))
[01-14:37] 3eea1, Squirrel : *Chitters away madly*
[01-14:42] 23240, Karlita: (( * giggles and pets the young/old cat* ))
[01-14:42] 8244f, D: *calls a Rodent exterminator.*
[01-14:43] 3eea1, Squirrel : *Chews on the phone cord*
[01-14:43] 8244f, D: *is using a cellphone*
[01-14:44] 3eea1, Squirrel : *Short circuits the entire cell phone network by knawing on a transmitter*
[01-14:47] 94c70, Z: *watches squirrel get fried by all the electrical current*
[01-14:48] 8244f, D: haha.
[01-14:51] 3eea1, Squirrel : *Is indestructable like the rabbit in that one game*
[01-14:51] 3eea1, Squirrel : *Raymond was his name?*
[01-14:51] 8244f, D: *shrug*
[01-14:54] JOIN: Shanira Treyan has entered.
[01-14:57] JOIN: Joey has entered.
[01-14:57] e359c, Shanira Treyan : (( *lurks in, well, lurkyness* ))
[01-14:58] EXIT: Joey has left the chat ( 3:57pm, January 01 (CST) ).
[01-14:58] JOIN: Riddonnel Doomhaven has entered.
[01-14:58] 94c70, Z: Hmm.. RP or no
[01-14:59] 3eea1, Squirrel : Damn, I can't find the name of that game
[01-15:00] 3eea1, Squirrel : *L* *Got past the filter, yet again*
[01-15:00] 004ea, Riddonnel Doomhaven: (( im just gonna sit here and look at the screen, i gtg soon so heh no point in rping...))
[01-15:00] 3eea1, Squirrel : DOOM, doom, doom
[01-15:01] 3eea1, Squirrel : I miss Invader Zim
[01-15:01] e359c, Shanira Treyan : (( *slowly dies from boredom* ))
[01-15:02] 004ea, Riddonnel Doomhaven: (LOL )
[01-15:05] 6e01e, Zaknafein : ((*Died of boredom a long long long time ago.*))
[01-15:06] e359c, Shanira Treyan : (( *sighs* Hooked on a chat and no rp.. ))
[01-15:08] 3eea1, Squirrel : It's the holidays, the day time is almost always dead
[01-15:08] 7725b, R : ((*pokes the Drow*)
[01-15:09] 3eea1, Ravaella Glimmergaunt : ((Which Drow you talking about?))
[01-15:10] 94c70, Z: *could RP with Shanira*
[01-15:11] ae640, Rowyn : (( *yawns* ))
[01-15:11] e359c, Shanira Treyan : (( *is numbing her brain with pinball* ))
[01-15:11] 7725b, R : ((all of them))
[01-15:12] 6e01e, Zaknafein : ((((*Pokes R.*))))
[01-15:13] e359c, Shanira Treyan : (( Wanna know what I hate? People asking if you have a char in a chat, all eager to rp with you. And then, whenever the char is'nt where their chars are or is'nt on the same side, they ask you to make a new that'll most likely get ignored. *growls* No more ))
[01-15:13] ae640, Rowyn : (( *will rp with folks* ))
[01-15:14] 94c70, Z: You're paused Rowyn
[01-15:14] 94c70, Z: That's the way to tell'm Shanira
[01-15:14] 94c70, Z: You don't have to make a new char to RP with me
[01-15:15] e359c, Shanira Treyan : *yawning, she makes her way down from her room to the common room, sniffing in hopes of getting a hint of what breakfast would be*
[01-15:15] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[01-15:15] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[01-15:15] 6e01e, Zaknafein : ((hehe.. Don't need a new one with me either.))
[01-15:15] JOIN: D has entered.
[01-15:15] ae640, Rowyn : (( I am? drats ))
[01-15:15] 8244f, D: *makes a new char to RP with Z*
[01-15:16] 94c70, Z: *hugs D*
[01-15:16] e359c, Shanira Treyan : (( Nice to know ))
[01-15:17] 94c70, Z: *should just go IC and see who shows up*
[01-15:17] 6e01e, Zaknafein : ((Silly D.))
[01-15:18] e359c, Shanira Treyan : (( *has gone IC* )) *makes her way over to a table in the corner but not too far from the fire, and waits for a serving girl to notice her*
[01-15:19] 3eea1, Squirrel : *Starts making a regular human character so he can RP and What the Deuce?e*
[01-15:19] 3eea1, Squirrel : Stupid filter
[01-15:20] 94c70, Z: lmao
[01-15:20] 8244f, D: *hugs Z back*
[01-15:20] 6e01e, Zaknafein : ((*L*))
[01-15:21] e359c, Shanira Treyan : (( That person who did the asking is all silent now....awww....I think I disappointed her ))
[01-15:22] 94c70, Ryavel : *Has again wandered off. She steps into the Glittering Inn, the wooden door closing behind her.*
[01-15:23] 3eea1, Squirrel : *Thwacks Z* Glimmering, get it right you silly girl
[01-15:23] e359c, Shanira Treyan : *looks up as Ryavel walks in, then smiles at the servant girl who finally comes, and orders breakfast*
[01-15:24] 94c70, Ryavel : (( Glittering sounds so much better though *eyeshift* ))
[01-15:27] 94c70, Ryavel : *Moving away from the door slowly, she looks about the room briefly. She sees Shanira, recalling her from before having been argueing with Riddonnel.*
[01-15:27] JOIN: Riddonnel Doomhaven has entered.
[01-15:28] 6f997, Riddonnel Doomhaven: (( go go insane kings ))
[01-15:28] e359c, Shanira Treyan : *leans back, stretching the kinks out of her back, and waits for her breakfast*
[01-15:28] 94c70, Ryavel : (( *would've kicked Riddonnel's arse if he had confronted her like that* ))
[01-15:29] e359c, Shanira Treyan : (( She's slow to get truly angry...but once she is.. ))
[01-15:30] 6f997, Riddonnel Doomhaven: (( yea yea all talk elfy , ))
[01-15:32] 94c70, Ryavel : (( *grin* ))
[01-15:34] 94c70, Ryavel : *The place seemed much fuller today, little room to sit as she did not see any readiable places to sit except at tables already occupied.*
[01-15:35] e359c, Shanira Treyan : *notes the elf's predicament and waves to catch her attention, gesturing to a free chair*
[01-15:36] 6e01e, Zaknafein : *Comes down the stairs of the inn, cowl off his head.*
[01-15:36] JOIN: Rowyn has entered.
[01-15:36] ae640, Rowyn : (( *waits for Hannak* ))
[01-15:36] ae640, Rowyn : (( Hannah that is! ))
[01-15:37] 3eea1, Squirrel : Is Rowyn paused with Mab, that's who I saw him with last
[01-15:38] 94c70, Ryavel : *Pauses briefly as she catches Shanira's hand gesture. She moves towards, stopping once she gets to her table.* There is something you needed?
[01-15:38] ae640, Rowyn : (( nope nope, Hannah ))
[01-15:38] 94c70, Ryavel : (( Hannah, they were RPing earlier ))
[01-15:38] 3eea1, Squirrel : Ah
[01-15:38] e359c, Shanira Treyan : *shakes her head* No, only noticed the lack of free tables and meant to offer you to join mine
[01-15:41] 94c70, Ryavel : I see. *She looks about again for any possible trouble before she takes the offered seat.*
[01-15:42] 6e01e, Zaknafein : *Despite the place being full, he had no trouble finding a seat. Must be his skin color. Takes a seat at one of the now empty tables.*
[01-15:42] e359c, Shanira Treyan : *notes this and chuckles slightly* He started it
[01-15:43] 94c70, Ryavel : *Wouldn't be surprised if Zak just pushed someone out of a chair either*
[01-15:44] 94c70, Ryavel : *Looks back to Shanira.* He is not the one that concerns me.
[01-15:44] 6e01e, Zaknafein : *Now would he have to do that? Although he should! *
[01-15:45] e359c, Shanira Treyan : Who, then? Him? *gestures towards Zak*
[01-15:47] 6e01e, Zaknafein : *AH damn. Is noticed.*
[01-15:51] 3eea1, Squirrel : Hmmm
[01-15:54] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[01-15:56] 3eea1, Squirrel : Yup
[01-15:56] 94c70, Ryavel : *Glances off towards Zak, eyeing him only for a brief moment. Her attention remaining on Shanira.* Him and his kind, yes. There seems to be many of them in this city.
[01-15:58] e359c, Shanira Treyan : *nods* I had noticed that..
[01-15:59] 6e01e, Zaknafein : *Glares at the approaching barmaids, as he's not wanting anything to eat or drink at this time. Catches Ryavel's glance. *
[01-16:00] 94c70, Ryavel : They are a dangerous breed.
[01-16:01] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : *and guess who meanders on in at this point... Yup, it's Delotha! Our favorite cross breed **through the entrance she slips, hood pulled low to mask her features, though a strand of her obnoxiously long firey red hair drapes over her front, out of the concealment of her hood*
[01-16:01] 3eea1, Ravaella Glimmergaunt : *Is not dangerous, just sexxeh*
[01-16:02] 6e01e, Zaknafein : *Is dangerous and damn proud of it.*
[01-16:03] e359c, Shanira Treyan : *eyes Delotha as she enters* There are many dangerous breeds about, lately.
[01-16:03] JOIN: Aldos Firestar has entered.
[01-16:04] 4f21a, Aldos Firestar: *strolls back on into town, armor bit tarnished and cloak torn some*
[01-16:04] 94c70, Ryavel : *Doesn't think Rava is sexy.* What else have you seen? *had not made any notice of Delotha the day before.*
[01-16:05] 3eea1, Squirrel : *L*
[01-16:05] 4f21a, Aldos Firestar: *makes his way to the tavern*
[01-16:05] e359c, Shanira Treyan : Demons....insane kings..
[01-16:06] JOIN: D has entered.
[01-16:06] 6e01e, Zaknafein : *Hasn't seen Delotha before.*
[01-16:06] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : *absently scans over the interior... and her gaze pauses on Shanira* Well if it isn't the rebellous Queen! Out for another stroll are you? Have an escort this time, I hope? *and yes, was saying that loudly enough for anyone in the bar to hear* *slight chuckle*
[01-16:07] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : *and just for a random thought, found Zaknafein kinda sexy*
[01-16:07] 6e01e, Zaknafein : *uh....... uhoh.*
[01-16:08] JOIN: joey has entered.
[01-16:08] e359c, Shanira Treyan : I do have an escort, Miss. *uses that term lightly. Granted, though, Jace is'nt around and she's not sure that Delotha knows he's her escort now*
[01-16:08] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : ((*L*))
[01-16:08] 3eea1, Ravaella Glimmergaunt : *'least Hida thinks she's sexxeh* ((*Curses his player for not coming on in so long*))
[01-16:09] 3a60f, Mab Fairy Queen : *speaking of queens, comes down the stairs. Okay, just kidding, doesn't actually.*
[01-16:09] 94c70, Ryavel : Demons..? *SHe starts to ask this when Delotha speaks up. Her green eyes shift their focus to look in the hooded woman's direction.*
[01-16:10] 4f21a, Aldos Firestar: *takes a seat at the bar, and asks the barkeep for some wine*
[01-16:11] NICK: Will-o'-the-wisp changed nick to Valin Darkguard.
[01-16:11] ed09b, Valin Darkguard: ((Mabby, can you IM me at AnEndlessRevere please?))
[01-16:11] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : Uh huh *glances to Ryavel* If you are going to broadcast your identity over bars, you really should have more then one elf for an escort *lifts her head enough for the dim light to illuminate her face... High Elven by the features, but the sharp fangs, seen as she is grinning broadly, and the firey red hair definately are not. She gives a wink, then lowers her head once more as she moves towards an empty booth*
[01-16:12] NICK: joey changed nick to RIddonnel Doomhaven.
[01-16:12] e359c, Shanira Treyan : *glares* It is not I who's doing the broadcasting.
[01-16:13] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : *her only answer is a soft snicker*
[01-16:13] 4f21a, Aldos Firestar: *pulls his cloak hood over, and slumps down at the bar*
[01-16:14] 4f21a, Aldos Firestar: *trys to listen in on the other patrons for something... interesting*
[01-16:15] 94c70, Ryavel : *Keeps her eyes on Delotha, noting her appearance.* I see it as none of your concern who the Lady keeps company with.
[01-16:15] 6e01e, Zaknafein : *Notices Aldos and Delotha as well as the confrontation between her and Shanira.*
[01-16:17] 4f21a, Aldos Firestar: *sips on his wine*
[01-16:17] e359c, Shanira Treyan : She's merely one of those who think everything is her business. Sad, really.
[01-16:17] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : *absently turns to face Ryavel* It is not my concern, more then likely... but since when have I cared about trivial details like that? Queens can go prancing around all they like among the riffraff. They just eventually will have to pay the consequences of their flightiness.
[01-16:18] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : Now now Queen, as I said.. I know it's not my buisness, I just don't really care *winks again*
[01-16:18] e359c, Shanira Treyan : Flightiness? *raises her brows* I am hardly flighty
[01-16:20] 94c70, Ryavel : If you do not care, then why make a confrontation about it?
[01-16:20] 3eea1, Squirrel : BEcause she can?
[01-16:21] JOIN: D has entered.
[01-16:22] 8244f, Urukhai Archers : **
[01-16:23] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : I almost never get involved, unless I am dying of boredom, but I will occasionally give, as I see it, advice... Just the other day our darling Queen was argueing back and forth with another man, and has already broadcasted to the regulars who she is. Yet today, she is back again, and as far as I can tell, has taken no additional steps to conceal herself. She's just begging for someone to kidnap her.... Plus I am visciously teasing her, as she is lounging about in a bar getting drunk instead of tending---
[01-16:23] 8244f, Urukhai Infantry : **
[01-16:23] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : -- to her kingdom. Slothful people annoy the hell out of me
[01-16:24] 3a60f, Merina : *dares someone to throw rubbish in the channels of Ruapenchi, just dares them*
[01-16:25] e359c, Shanira Treyan : *growing annoyed now* I never broadcasted who I was. It was he who announced it, over and over. Has it ever occured to you that what I am doing may one day serve my kingdom? By knowing the people??
[01-16:25] 3eea1, Ravaella Glimmergaunt : *Throws an apple core in the channel*
[01-16:25] 8244f, Urukhai Raiders : *Who says they don't throw their rubbish into the channels?*
[01-16:26] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : Knowing the people in a bar, eh? *snickers*
[01-16:27] e359c, Shanira Treyan : I do not spend all my time in the bar! I am eating breakfast, not getting drunk. What I do with my time is no business of yours!
[01-16:28] 94c70, Ryavel : *Shakes her head.* You should pay no mind to her. *Speaking to Shanira*
[01-16:28] 4f21a, Aldos Firestar: *ears perk up**turns to Shanira* It would bode you well not to broadcast that information now, your majesty.
[01-16:28] ed09b, Valin Darkguard: *The shadows under Shanira's flicker slightly. Hardly noticable. It must be the candlelight dancing around*
[01-16:29] 8244f, D: *Considers a king char*
[01-16:30] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : Random people saying who you are, you broadcasting... Makes no difference. Your cover is blown, and everytime you come out, you are foolhardily putting yourself in danger now. Tell me... what will your kingdom do if they loose their Queen? *smirks* I will bet, despite my warning, I will find you out here again... ever so daintily eating food among wolves.
[01-16:30] 8244f, D: king of the horselords
[01-16:30] 3eea1, Squirrel : *Considers a nonmagical character* OMFG
[01-16:30] 8244f, D: and lord of the dance
[01-16:30] e359c, Shanira Treyan : *does'nt answer any of them, now in a royal fume. If she had a tail, it'd be lashing. Mutters something under her breath. Does not like being chastised. She has a reason for everything she does, always has. Has also hated when people question her decisions. She's her own person, is'nt she?*
[01-16:31] JOIN: Lahmier has entered.
[01-16:31] 662de, Lahmier: Lord of Dance....
[01-16:31] EXIT: Lahmier has left the chat ( 5:31pm, January 01 (CST) ).
[01-16:31] 8244f, D:
[01-16:31] e359c, Shanira Treyan : *glares at her* I can very well take care of myself, thank you very much. They will not lose their queen. There will always be a queen on the throne.
[01-16:31] ed09b, Valin Darkguard: ((*Will kill Dan. Vows* =p))
[01-16:31] 6e01e, Zaknafein : *Sounds like Shanira needs a Drow to wreak havoc on the folks. Finds it odd that he's not the center of attetion agaiin.*
[01-16:32] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : *laughs at the look on her face* Your face is such a lovely shade of red, your Majesty. What's wrong? Can't deal with being second guessed? Get used to it, honey. As a dictator, everyone is watching you, everyone is finding fault in things you do. Especially when you are stupid
[01-16:32] 8244f, Urukhai Infantry : ((Come get some PMS'ing wanna-be male pig....*lures Valis*))
[01-16:32] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : *is such a wench, isn't she?*
[01-16:32] 3eea1, Squirrel : *L* @ filter
[01-16:32] 8244f, Urukhai Infantry : ((*loves that filter. LOVES *))
[01-16:33] 3a60f, Merina : ((ROFLOL))
[01-16:33] 3eea1, Squirrel : IE hates?
[01-16:33] ed09b, Valin Darkguard: ((*Quickly raises a massive insta ghost army, much like the one in the third Lord of The Rings. Slaughters Dan's puny forces*))
[01-16:33] 94c70, Ryavel : *Her attention is drawn momentarily from Delotha as she notices the flickering shadows. Sure it could have been an illusion caused by the candlelight, but it seemed slightly off natural.*
[01-16:33] 8244f, Urukhai Archers : ((*kills Valis before he gets the chance*))
[01-16:34] ed09b, Valin Darkguard: *The shadows at Shanira's feet seems to tug at her very clothes.*
[01-16:34] e359c, Shanira Treyan : *clenches her fists and very seriously considers shaving all that nice red hair off of that head before slitting that pretty throat* Go to hell. *angrily downs her milk. After all, who has booze with their breakfast*
[01-16:34] ed09b, Valin Darkguard: ((*Okay, commands them as one of their own now. Slaughters Dan's army anyway.*))
[01-16:35] e359c, Shanira Treyan : *blinks, thinking she feels a tugging. Frowns*
[01-16:35] 8244f, Urukhai Raiders : *x_x*
[01-16:35] 3a60f, Merina : ((*points to description of Ruapenchi in the Hot Spots thread where it explains how Ruapenchi magically cleans up after itself and that includes the ocean waters.*))
[01-16:36] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : An even lovlier shade of red. My my Queenie... Can you not take critism from one lowly person? How do you even plan on running a kingdom? Or is your kingdom run through fear of your temper tandrums? *grin widens*
[01-16:36] 3eea1, Squirrel : I wanted to see what you would do if I did throw an apple core into the channel, since ya dared someone
[01-16:37] 94c70, Ryavel : *Glances up to Shanira again, then takes the oil latern off of the center of the table, setting it down on the floor. She watches to see what effect this has on the odd acting shadows.*
[01-16:38] 6e01e, Zaknafein : *Goes way out of character for him, but even Drow had rules about fighting in public and well this was definately public. Stands and goes over to Delotha and Shanira.* This is not the place for such a display. Surely this would be better handled in private? *He says in his best, yet highly accented common.*
[01-16:38] 3a60f, Merina : ((I know, I got distracted elsewhere and didn't get to respond to your post in time, Squirrel. hehe))
[01-16:39] 3eea1, Squirrel : Just respond to it anyways
[01-16:40] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : *is a good ways away from Shanira actually, so he could only go between them at best* *glances up at him, smirking* But it is so amusing watching royalty's veins bust
[01-16:40] ed09b, Valin Darkguard: *The shadows beneath her stop flickering about. Then a person from off to both Delotha and Shanira's right emerges from the shadowy corner of the tavern. He bares a pitch-black cloak which is drawn about his body such that nothing within the confines of the cloak can be determined. An equally dark hood is drawn about the figures head. Even in the light, the face behind the hood seems to remain shadowed. He steps inbetween Shanira and Delotha. A deep and somewhat rumbling voice emits forth from under the (c
[01-16:40] 94c70, Ryavel : *gives Zak a look before turning her attention to the curiousity at hand*
[01-16:41] 6e01e, Zaknafein : Then you should do so in private.
[01-16:41] ed09b, Valin Darkguard: hood.* That is quite enough. The both of you, go on about your buisness and do not further interupt the fine people of this tavern and their own buisness. *His voice is almost...compelling.*
[01-16:41] e359c, Shanira Treyan : I can take critcism. *takes a deep breath and swallows all that anger..nice trick she learned* My people love me. I rule through love, not fear or hatred. *forces herself to smile sweetly at the Drow* That is not necessary...I am do..*does'nt finish as Valin seems to comes out of nowhere* Valin...
[01-16:42] ed09b, Valin Darkguard: *Oh, by the way, the shadows don't stop upon the latern beign set on the ground. The shadows would draw back and behave like normal shadows should.*
[01-16:42] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : Meh.. *shrugs a bit, looking ready to say something else, then turns a bit as a man slips from the shadows, arching an eyebrow at him*
[01-16:44] JOIN: Aldos Firestar has entered.
[01-16:44] 4f21a, Aldos Firestar: ((lousy comp...))
[01-16:44] 3a60f, Merina : ((I can't, I didn't have enough information to go on, Squirrel. I didn't know where she was standing in relation, etc.))
[01-16:45] 6e01e, Zaknafein : *Blinks as he gets a smile. Plays nice and returns one.* Good day then. *He turns and begins to make his way back to his table.*
[01-16:45] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[01-16:45] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 5:45pm, January 01 (CST) ).
[01-16:45] JOIN: Hannah Mayhem has entered.
[01-16:45] 3eea1, Ravaella Glimmergaunt : *Is standing on the edge of a channel, staring doen into it*
[01-16:46] 94c70, Ryavel : *Sits back in her seat, finding that odd. She then looks upon Valin as he makes his presence known. What was it with all these people being dark and creepy?*
[01-16:46] ed09b, Valin Darkguard: *The hooded figure seems to look between them both.*If that is all...[i]*The hood swivals to look at the bartender*[i]A round for everyone present.*He does have the money to do so...he will pay in a moment, when he sees that it is indeed all between the two*
[01-16:47] 7725b, Galaldur : *Enters the city and slowly makes his way towards the Inn.*
[01-16:47] ed09b, Valin Darkguard: ((Whoops...))
[01-16:47] 4f21a, Aldos Firestar: *looks over at Valin and smirks*
[01-16:47] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: *pushes her fingers back through her thick straight hair, leaving it down for today as she wanders inside*
[01-16:49] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : *chuckles slightly, but falls silent for now... she's said her piece after all, Queen can now do with it what she will. Which will probably be nothing... stupid humans*
[01-16:50] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: *chews her lower lip as she ponders what to order, running her hands over her hips, smoothing out her dark blue cloak which pools around her boots*
[01-16:51] 6e01e, Zaknafein : *Since no one stopped him he'd returned to his previous table.*