These logs are no longer being updated. Use DB Logs to see recent lines.

[10-07:06] f34f9, Mab: Well, I gave you what I wanted you to have, so I guess you're a semi adminny person.
[10-07:08] 867a2, Sileen: Weee
[10-07:09] f34f9, Mab: You can ban and unban and a few other things.
[10-07:09] 867a2, Sileen: I can reset passwords! Yay!
[10-07:12] f34f9, Mab: yeah, I felt that would be handy if you could do that.
[10-07:13] BAN: Sileen banned 866a2 for 20 seconds.
[10-07:13] 867a2, Sileen: .
[10-07:13] BAN: Sileen banned 876a2 for seconds.
[10-07:13] 867a2, Sileen: 1
[10-07:13] BAN: Sileen banned 867a2 for seconds.
[10-07:13] 867a2, Sileen: s
[10-07:13] BAN: Sileen banned 867a2 for 20 seconds.
[10-07:14] f34f9, Mab:
[10-07:15] 867a2, Sileen: YAY!
[10-07:15] 867a2, Sileen: YAY!!
[10-07:15] 867a2, Sileen: You should change your ban screen to "You have been eaten by a dragon. Go away until you are regurtitated"
[10-07:18] f34f9, Mab: LOL
[10-07:18] f34f9, Mab: How do I do that?
[10-07:22] 867a2, Sileen: No idea
[10-07:22] f34f9, Mab: Me neither. hehe
[10-07:32] f34f9, Mab:
[10-07:33] 867a2, Sileen: *LOL*
[10-07:40] f34f9, Mab:
[10-07:46] f34f9, Mab:
[10-07:50] JOIN: Luke has entered.
[10-08:02] f34f9, Mab:
[10-08:10] f34f9, Mab: Now, I need someone to ban to see if it works.
[10-08:10] BAN: Mab banned f34f9 for seconds.
[10-08:12] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[10-08:12] f6fc5, Will-o'-the-wisp: *raises hand* Oh, Oh, Oh
[10-08:14] JOIN: Palladia Mors has entered.
[10-08:14] f6fc5, Will-o'-the-wisp: Tis Ryine/Frrash/Corrax if you're wondering
[10-08:14] 153c5, Palladia Mors : *cackle*
[10-08:14] f34f9, Mab: Hmmm?
[10-08:14] f6fc5, Will-o'-the-wisp: ?
[10-08:15] 153c5, Palladia Mors : Thy doom ist here...*hangs out "Get Doomed Free" cards*
[10-08:15] f34f9, Mab: *waves to Frrash*
[10-08:15] f34f9, Mab:
[10-08:15] f6fc5, Will-o'-the-wisp: *waves back*
[10-08:16] 153c5, Palladia Mors : -_-;
[10-08:16] f6fc5, Will-o'-the-wisp: Stupid University, lost power during the night so they use the PA system to wake our arses up, thought it was something serious
[10-08:17] 153c5, Palladia Mors :
[10-08:18] 153c5, Palladia Mors : Thou art DUMED!!
[10-08:18] f34f9, Mab: *needs to make a face for _ *
[10-08:18] 153c5, Palladia Mors :
[10-08:19] f6fc5, Will-o'-the-wisp: Now Dib, I leave you to your... "Moosey Fate, say Moosey Fate" .....Moosey Fate *giggle* *
[10-08:19] f6fc5, Will-o'-the-wisp: *mad laugh*
[10-08:19] 153c5, Palladia Mors : Yes..we need one for -_-;
[10-08:19] f34f9, Mab: er *needs to make a face for* _
[10-08:19] f34f9, Mab: --_--
[10-08:20] f6fc5, Will-o'-the-wisp: maybe one for O_O and O_o
[10-08:20] 153c5, Palladia Mors : I've got those covered too if Mab'd answer her IM
[10-08:22] 153c5, Palladia Mors : /moo
[10-08:22] 153c5, Palladia Mors : Drat...foiled again on the mooing!
[10-08:23] f6fc5, Will-o'-the-wisp: *Needs to come up with a name, charecter, and all that good stuff*
[10-08:24] f6fc5, Will-o'-the-wisp: er character, first impulse says to put that 'e' there
[10-08:25] 0b5f7, Luke: *comes in, to be a guinea pig for Mab's banning tests* make it short and painless...
[10-08:25] 153c5, Palladia Mors : *as already 3 chars...just needs to come up with a name for the third*
[10-08:27] f6fc5, Will-o'-the-wisp: *L* @ Luke
[10-08:27] BAN: Palladia Mors banned 0b5f7 for 4 seconds.
[10-08:27] BAN: Mab banned 0b5f7 for 20 Muahahahahaha! seconds.
[10-08:27] 153c5, Palladia Mors : *has discovered the power to SMITE ALL THOSE WHO CROSS HIM!* *cackle*
[10-08:28] BAN: Palladia Mors banned 153c5 for 1 smiting seconds.
[10-08:28] BAN: Mab banned 153c5 for 10 Eeeeeheeeheeeheeeee! seconds.
[10-08:29] f6fc5, Will-o'-the-wisp: *shifty eyes*
[10-08:29] 153c5, Palladia Mors : *cackles*
[10-08:30] BAN: Palladia Mors banned f34f9 for 2 doomed! seconds.
[10-08:30] 0b5f7, Luke: *has been banned twice for no reason at all... will do an 'ElvenNadia/Amy' and complain 'til the cows come home until everyone ignores me*
[10-08:31] f34f9, Mab:
[10-08:31] f34f9, Mab:
[10-08:31] f6fc5, Will-o'-the-wisp: zzzzzzzz *snort* Huh?
[10-08:32] 153c5, Palladia Mors : *will smite Luke again*
[10-08:33] f34f9, Mab:
[10-08:33] f6fc5, Will-o'-the-wisp: I hate early morning television
[10-08:33] 0b5f7, Luke: *will change the ban message to something very evil towards those who smite*
[10-08:33] f34f9, Mab:
[10-08:34] 153c5, Palladia Mors : Speaking of which Lukester...I think there should be something in there about never tickling sleeping dragons...
[10-08:35] f34f9, Mab : *will assasinate trouble makers*
[10-08:35] 153c5, Palladia Mors :
[10-08:35] f6fc5, Will-o'-the-wisp: *makes trouble*
[10-08:35] 153c5, Palladia Mors : *will burninate troublemakers all good like that...despite the rumors of his evilocity*
[10-08:36] BAN: Palladia Mors banned f6fc5 for 5 0WNED! seconds.
[10-08:37] f6fc5, Will-o'-the-wisp: Bwaha! First time I've been banned......I feel like a man *L*
[10-08:38] f6fc5, Will-o'-the-wisp: *color change*
[10-08:38] 0b5f7, Luke: done... people now will be warned not to tickle dragons while sleeping
[10-08:38] 153c5, Palladia Mors : How does it feel to be smited?
[10-08:38] 153c5, Palladia Mors : AHR!!
[10-08:39] f34f9, Mab : *closes eyes tight and tenses, waiting to be banned*
[10-08:39] f6fc5, Will-o'-the-wisp: It felt strangly satisfying
[10-08:39] BAN: Palladia Mors banned f34f9 for 10 because I felt like smiting someone with power seconds.
[10-08:39] 153c5, Palladia Mors : Right on then
[10-08:41] BAN: Palladia Mors banned f34f9 for 10 because I am abusing my power seconds.
[10-08:41] f34f9, Mab : Well, darn. I guess because I'm chat master that I can't really be banned and see the message. *L*
[10-08:42] BAN: Mab banned 153c5 for 10 AHAHAHA!! seconds.
[10-08:43] 153c5, Palladia Mors : Then ban me..I have abused my power!
[10-08:43] 153c5, Palladia Mors : I havent been banned!! Whiskey Tango Foxtrot?
[10-08:44] f6fc5, Will-o'-the-wisp: *Fires the mortar round off*
[10-08:44] EXIT: Palladia Mors has left the chat ( 9:43am, December 10 (CST) ).
[10-08:44] JOIN: Sothicus Aurelius has entered.
[10-08:45] 153c5, Sothicus Aurelius : Now let us see you ban he who cannot die!
[10-08:45] 0b5f7, Luke: yay... this should be an anti-climax...
[10-08:48] 153c5, Sothicus Aurelius : *wishes he had a Faction icon*
[10-08:49] f6fc5, Will-o'-the-wisp: zzzzzz
[10-08:50] 153c5, Sothicus Aurelius : Well drat
[10-08:55] 153c5, Sothicus Aurelius : *diskappears*
[10-08:56] 153c5, Sothicus Aurelius : /ext Here I am on the road I am...up on the stage...and there I go...playin the star I go....turn the page
[10-08:57] EXIT: Sothicus Aurelius has left the chat ( Here I am on the road I am...up on the stage...and there I go...playin the star I go....turn the page ).
[10-08:57] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( I can make cool messages too ).
[10-08:58] JOIN: Luke has entered.
[10-08:59] EXIT: Luke has left the chat ( I'm what Willis was talkin' bout! ).
[10-20:27] f34f9, Mab : Sothicus is royalty. Was he originally human? If so, I'd use the human royalty icon for him. If his followers and himself have an altered state, like undead or something, we can make an icon for that. *nods*
[10-20:33] f34f9, Mab :
[10-20:33] f34f9, Mab :
[10-20:36] f34f9, Mab :
[10-20:36] f34f9, Mab :
[10-20:37] f34f9, Mab :
[10-20:42] f34f9, Mab : Hmmm.
[10-20:44] f34f9, Mab : Yeah, I want to steer from faction icons, because upon meeting a person you don't know who their with necessarily, but you can get a jist of what they are from their appearance, even if looks can be deceiving, it takes a bit of doing to hide what you are in your appearance.
[10-20:44] f34f9, Mab : their with = they're with
[11-03:04] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[11-03:04] f34f9, Mab :
[11-03:04] f34f9, Mab :
[11-03:08] f34f9, Mab : -_-;
[11-03:08] f34f9, Mab : Gotta make a smiley for that.
[11-03:09] b4b1b, Will-o'-the-wisp: *dances*
[11-03:13] f34f9, Mab : *had a little too much fun with the smilies creation*
[11-03:13] f34f9, Mab : Making a chat is a lot of work and takes long time. I wish I could wave a magic wand and have it all ready to go.
[11-03:14] JOIN: Vince has entered.
[11-03:14] b31b9, Vince: BWHAAAAAAAAAA!!
[11-03:14] b4b1b, Will-o'-the-wisp: if i wasn't working on my movie i would help*slips you 20*
[11-03:16] f34f9, Mab : *L*
[11-03:16] f34f9, Mab : lol
[11-03:16] b31b9, Vince: Cunt ass mothernarfing son of a wench whore up the ass with the anti-christ mothernarfer!!!!
[11-03:16] f34f9, Mab : That's another smilie I need to make.
[11-03:16] b31b9, Vince: Ah ha!!I found the filter wholes!
[11-03:17] b31b9, Vince: I promise lower taxes,citizenship for Canadians and no wars.VINCE FOR PRESIDENT!
[11-03:17] f34f9, Mab : Okay, narfing works. Thanks for testing. I see something I need to fix.
[11-03:21] b31b9, Vince: HMM ASS BITCH HAG MOTHERNARF, I tell you, NARF!!!ING BITCH WHORE OF A BASTARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[11-03:22] b31b9, Vince: *is proud of himself*
[11-03:22] b31b9, Vince: /grin
[11-03:22] b31b9, Vince: The icon dont work
[11-03:22] f34f9, Mab : I can't do anything about "ass" because it's in too many words and would change words like "glass" etc.
[11-03:24] f34f9, Mab : There is no icon that uses /grin
[11-03:24] b31b9, Vince: Whore doesnt bother you?Or wench?
[11-03:24] f34f9, Mab :
[11-03:24] f34f9, Mab : No, those words can be used in a nonswearing sense.

Chat cleared by Mab.
[11-03:26] f34f9, Mab :
[11-03:27] f34f9, Mab :
[11-03:30] f34f9, Mab :
[11-19:54] f0b9a, Mab :
[11-19:54] f0b9a, Mab : *loves emoticons*
[11-20:03] f0b9a, Mab :
[11-20:23] f0b9a, Mab : ;0
[11-20:23] f0b9a, Mab : OOps!
[11-20:23] f0b9a, Mab :
[12-20:15] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[12-20:20] 867a2, Sileen : Mwehehehe....
[12-20:31] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 9:15pm, December 12 (CST) ).
[12-20:32] 867a2, Sileen: Stealth! HAHA!!
[13-05:42] 3a212, Mab :
[13-05:42] 3a212, Mab :
[13-05:49] 3a212, Mab :
[13-05:49] 3a212, Mab : :0
[13-05:49] 3a212, Mab :
[14-21:46] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[14-21:46] 6c848, Will-o'-the-wisp:
[15-20:10] 867a2, Sileen:
[15-20:10] 867a2, Sileen:
[15-20:10] 867a2, Sileen: O_O
[15-20:10] 867a2, Sileen:
[15-20:19] 867a2, Sileen: :-/
[15-20:19] 867a2, Sileen:
[15-20:19] 867a2, Sileen:
[15-20:24] ae8b1, Mab : That's one of my favorites.
[15-20:28] 867a2, Sileen: Hehe
[15-20:28] ae8b1, Mab :
[15-20:29] ae8b1, Mab :
[15-20:29] ae8b1, Mab :
[15-20:39] ae8b1, Mab :
[16-00:15] ae8b1, Mab : >_<
[16-00:15] ae8b1, Mab :
[16-00:16] ae8b1, Mab :
[16-00:16] ae8b1, Mab : Hmmm, >_< doesn't work. Shucks
[16-00:17] ae8b1, Mab :
[16-00:17] ae8b1, Mab :
[16-00:21] ae8b1, Mab : >_<
[16-00:21] ae8b1, Mab : Hmmm, still doesn't work.
[16-02:17] ae8b1, Mab : Awww, gee..
[16-02:33] ae8b1, Mab : *points at Board*
[16-11:03] JOIN: Palladia Mors has entered.
[16-11:07] ec537, Mab : *dances about*
[16-11:07] ec537, Mab :
[16-11:22] 185f1, Palladia Mors : *pokes Mab with a...pokey...thing...*
[16-11:25] ec537, Mab : Ow!
[16-11:26] 185f1, Palladia Mors : Teehee...*shifty eye* Oh.. AHR!
[16-11:27] ec537, Mab : *makes the image size for avatars bigger*
[16-11:29] 185f1, Palladia Mors : *breakdances*
[16-11:31] ec537, Mab :
[16-11:31] 185f1, Palladia Mors : _
[16-11:31] ec537, Mab :
[16-11:31] 185f1, Palladia Mors : Aww
[16-11:31] ec537, Mab : It needs the semicolon at the end to work.
[16-11:33] 185f1, Palladia Mors :
[16-11:33] ec537, Mab : and I couldn't get this >_< face to work with the filter.
[16-11:33] 185f1, Palladia Mors : lol HOLY CHINESE FOOD BATMAN!!
[16-11:34] 185f1, Palladia Mors :
[16-11:34] ec537, Mab : so you have to typ a slash and grr to get it.
[16-11:35] ec537, Mab : *L*
[16-11:35] 185f1, Palladia Mors :
[16-11:35] 185f1, Palladia Mors :
[16-11:37] ec537, Mab : The "Holy Chinese Food, Batman!" was Sileen's idea. hehe
[16-11:37] 185f1, Palladia Mors : I owe her a hug for that...that made my day
[16-11:39] 185f1, Palladia Mors : NARF, I tell you, NARF!!!ING
[16-11:40] ec537, Mab : Holy Chinese Food, Batman!
[16-11:42] 185f1, Palladia Mors : Mmmmm Chinese food...
[16-11:43] BAN: Palladia Mors banned ec537 for 10 ooops seconds.
[16-11:46] ec537, Mab : Hey
[16-11:47] 185f1, Palladia Mors : Eat my What the Deuce? freak-o
[16-11:47] 185f1, Palladia Mors : See I said it was ooops seconds
[16-11:48] 185f1, Palladia Mors : Ahh... please dont stab me
[16-11:49] ec537, Mab : hehe
[16-11:50] ec537, Mab : *stabity stab stabs*
[16-11:51] 185f1, Palladia Mors :
[16-11:52] 185f1, Palladia Mors : *bleed bleed bleed bleed bleed bleed bleed bleed bleed bleed bleed bleed bleed bleed bleed bleed bleed bleed bleed bleed bleed bleed bleed bleed bleed bleed bleed bleed bleed bleed bleed bleed bleed bleed bleed bleed bleed bleed bleed bleed bleed die* What the Deuce?!
[16-12:04] ec537, Mab :
[16-12:05] ec537, Mab : 0
[16-12:05] ec537, Mab : Okay, that didn't work. hehe
[16-12:06] ec537, Mab :
[16-12:07] 185f1, Palladia Mors :
[16-12:08] 185f1, Palladia Mors : For some reason...that doesnt look right...a halo next to a skull and crossbones
[16-12:08] 185f1, Palladia Mors : Ooo what is the thief icon like?
[16-12:09] 185f1, Palladia Mors : Shweeeeeet
[16-12:09] ec537, Mab : That looks so funny next to the skull and crossbones.
[16-12:09] ec537, Mab : Oh, you noticed that too. I didn't see your post before posting the same thing. *L*
[16-12:12] 185f1, Palladia Mors : *is observant*
[16-12:19] 185f1, Palladia Mors : Nothin's cooler than ice yo
[16-12:20] ec537, Mab : *is slow*
[16-12:21] 185f1, Palladia Mors : Oooo assassin
[16-12:32] ec537, Mab : Yup, mortor and pestle *not sure if spelled right* Nighty Night!
[16-20:28] 23750, Mab : So much to do and so little time
[16-20:47] 23750, Mab :
[16-20:47] 23750, Mab : z
[16-20:47] 23750, Mab : LOL
[16-20:48] 23750, Mab :
[16-20:49] 23750, Mab : zzzzzzzzzzzzz
[16-20:49] 23750, Mab :
[16-21:15] 23750, Mab :
[16-21:17] JOIN: Ravee has entered.
[16-21:17] 6c329, Ravee: L Nice
[16-21:18] 23750, Mab : hehe
[16-21:18] 23750, Mab : Thanks
[16-21:21] 23750, Mab :
[16-21:22] 6c329, Ravee: *nod nod* Scary smilies
[16-21:22] 23750, Mab : LOL
[16-21:23] 23750, Mab : This one is my favorite.
[16-21:23] 23750, Mab : followed closely by this one.
[16-21:26] 6c329, Ravee: ........Scary
[16-21:27] 23750, Mab : *L*
[16-21:28] 23750, Mab : *whistles* *is innocent* nooneenoonee!
[16-21:34] 23750, Mab : *flutters about*
[16-21:51] JOIN: Luke has entered.
[17-00:31] 23750, Mab :
[17-00:33] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[17-00:33] 23750, Mab : *dances* Aaaaaahaaahaa! That is tooo funny!
[17-00:40] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[17-00:41] 5cf61, Will-o'-the-wisp: Ahh! That's creepy Mab...
[17-01:20] 23750, Mab : *L*
[17-01:27] JOIN: Luke has entered.
[17-01:30] 23750, Mab : WHOOOHOOOO!! *has spiffy registration form* Thanks Luke!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Wheeeeee *dances*
[17-01:31] 5cf61, Will-o'-the-wisp: Quit that Mab.
[17-01:35] 869e5, Luke: *chuckles* no worries Mab
Chat cleared by Mab.
[17-01:41] 5cf61, Will-o'-the-wisp: *steals Mab's icons*
[17-01:41] 23750, Mab : *is subject to clearing the chat whims, at least until actual RP starts*
[17-01:42] 23750, Mab : You better not steal my icons!! They're MINE MIIIIIIIIIIIIIINE!!!!!!!!!!!
[17-01:47] 23750, Mab : *wonders who Will-o'-the-wisp is*
[17-01:49] 23750, Mab :
[17-01:58] 5cf61, Will-o'-the-wisp: Uh... no one...
[17-02:01] 23750, Mab : Come on, fess up.
[17-02:02] JOIN: Luke has entered.
[17-02:08] 23750, Mab : *dances* *dances* *dances* *dances*
[17-02:11] 5cf61, Will-o'-the-wisp: Ahh!
[17-02:12] 869e5, Luke: shake shake shake! shake shake shake! shake your booty! shake your booty! yah!!
[17-02:15] 869e5, Luke:
[17-02:18] 23750, Mab : *L*
[17-02:20] JOIN: Ryine has entered.
[17-02:21] 3eea1, Ryine: So bored, need....rp....going to....ddddiiieeee *gurgle* *cough*
[17-02:22] 3eea1, Ryine: Oy
[17-02:23] 23750, Mab : Well, we have a reg form for here now. *dances some more*
[17-02:23] 3eea1, Ryine: Oh hey, lookit that
[17-02:25] 23750, Mab : Hmm?
[17-02:25] 3eea1, Ryine: Neat, organized, and you give what you want people to give. *thumbs up* Good job Mab
[17-02:26] 3eea1, Ryine: The reg form that is
[17-02:33] 23750, Mab : Thanks!
[17-02:33] 23750, Mab : Luke set up the reg form. I just told him what I wanted to have on it. *L*
[17-02:36] 3eea1, Ryine: *Is already creating a character, bwahahaha* Looks like if I create a female Drow, I'll be the one torturing instead of me being tortured! *plots*
[17-02:37] 23750, Mab : ROFLOL
[17-02:38] 3eea1, Ryine: And I'm always on and willing to RP, so if the person I capture is always'll be fun. I won't make them wait days on end
[17-02:39] 23750, Mab : Just think, if you're the first to reg a character in a given species that isn't defined yet, you could dictate how that species is, for the most part, with admin approval.
[17-02:40] 23750, Mab : We actually have rules to try and counter that captured limbo problem. Tell me what you think of the latest copy of the rules.
[17-02:40] 3eea1, Ryine: Mab, can I have the first letter of your first and the last letters of your first name along with the first letter of your last name?
[17-02:42] 23750, Mab : Why?
[17-02:43] 3eea1, Ryine: Character name generator, mine isn't getting anything good
[17-02:43] 23750, Mab : zzzz *tests*
[17-02:44] 23750, Mab : M is the first letter of my first. I is the last letter of my first. B is the first letter of my last name.
[17-02:45] 3eea1, Ryine: Heh MIB, Men In Black *L* Sorry, 2:42 AM lots of little things are funny
[17-02:45] 23750, Mab : How many of the last letters of my first name?
[17-02:46] 23750, Mab : *L* MAB is actually my initials, as well as the fairy queen in Shakespeare. hehe
[17-02:47] 3eea1, Ryine: Ah so that explains the OOC hancle, thats all I need, lets see what we come up with *inputs*
[17-02:48] 3eea1, Ryine: Not to shabby a name, hmmm
[17-02:49] 3eea1, Ryine: The being able to dictact would be cool, hmm. And the character in limbo problem solving sounds good
[17-02:49] 3eea1, Ryine: er dictate
[17-02:49] 23750, Mab : hehe
[17-02:51] 23750, Mab : Yup, we got Fairies, Merfold, Sea Elves, and Giants covered, other than what is listed on the board, oh and the Sylvan Elves have been set up, I just haven't posted it yet. Everything else still needs write ups, other than what isn't on the board.
[17-02:52] 3eea1, Ryine: I really wouldn't know how to dictate a character class so I'll rely on what you and your sis give, unless I come up with an idea
[17-02:53] 3eea1, Ryine: And I just came up with one of the greatest names using R E H as my letters, sweetness
[17-02:55] 23750, Mab : Well, Q defined the Demons and Jace defined the moon elves and Liam defined the Drow and Sileen will define the High elves and I defined the Unicorns and Pegasi. It was a communal (spell?) effort.
[17-02:57] 3eea1, Ryine: The only problem I have with the Drow is the height restrictions or could I change that by a couple inches? Just for this char? *pleads*
[17-03:03] 3eea1, Ryine: uhm
[17-03:05] 3eea1, Ryine: Well, get back to me on that. *Goes to sleep*
[17-03:05] EXIT: Ryine has left the chat ( 4:05am, December 17 (CST) ).
[17-03:17] 23750, Mab : The the height guidelines is a problem because....?
[17-04:13] 23750, Mab :
[17-04:17] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[17-04:26] 23750, Mab : *dances**dances**dances**dances*
[17-04:28] 23750, Mab : So I lied when I said I wouldn't be having any animated icons in Bettenchi.
[17-04:38] 94c70, Will-o'-the-wisp: hmm.
[17-04:38] 23750, Mab :
[17-04:43] 94c70, Will-o'-the-wisp: Oh.. *must go read race descriptions to decide what to be if it comes to play.*
[17-04:45] 23750, Mab : What we got written out so far is on the board. More will be added soon.
[17-04:54] 94c70, Will-o'-the-wisp: Should make that board match the chat colors too
[17-05:17] 23750, Mab : Yeah, that's a good idea.
[17-11:33] JOIN: Palladia Mors has entered.
[17-11:33] 26ee8, Palladia Mors : O.o
[17-11:34] 26ee8, Palladia Mors :
[17-11:42] 23750, Mab : Dance with me!!
[17-11:44] 26ee8, Palladia Mors :
[17-11:48] 26ee8, Palladia Mors :
[17-11:54] 23750, Mab : *chuckles*
[17-12:10] 26ee8, Palladia Mors : *prod*
[17-13:18] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[17-15:09] 23750, Mab : *now has to figure out how to make the board match the chat. yup yup*
Chat cleared by Mab.
[17-16:01] JOIN: sisbam has entered.
[17-16:02] 23750, Mab : Hey, look, she's lower case. *L*
[17-16:02] 23750, Mab : *dances**dances**dances*
[17-16:03] 23750, Mab : If you want to fix your OOC handle from being lower cased to Upper case type this: /nick Sisbam
[17-16:18] 23750, Mab : *bored*
[17-16:22] JOIN: sis has entered.
[17-16:22] NICK: sis changed nick to Sisbam.
[17-16:23] ccfd3, Will-o'-the-wisp: s
[17-16:23] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 5:23pm, December 17 (CST) ).
[17-16:23] JOIN: sisbam has entered.
[17-16:23] ccfd3, sisbam: s
[17-16:24] ccfd3, sisbam:
[17-16:24] ccfd3, sisbam:
[17-16:24] ccfd3, sisbam: grr
[17-16:25] ccfd3, sisbam: GRR
[17-16:25] ccfd3, sisbam:
[17-16:25] ccfd3, sisbam:
[17-16:25] ccfd3, sisbam: narf
[17-16:25] ccfd3, sisbam: narf
[17-16:25] ccfd3, sisbam:
[17-16:26] ccfd3, sisbam: narf
[17-16:26] ccfd3, sisbam: NARF, I tell you, NARF!!!
[17-16:26] ccfd3, sisbam: LOL
[17-16:26] ccfd3, sisbam:
[17-16:26] ccfd3, sisbam: narf
[17-16:27] ccfd3, sisbam:
[17-16:28] ccfd3, sisbam: if i narf alot this it what i'll be........
[17-16:28] ccfd3, sisbam:
[17-16:28] ccfd3, sisbam: or better yet........
[17-16:28] 23750, Mab : *L*
[17-16:29] ccfd3, sisbam: Wooooo baby......
[17-16:29] 23750, Mab : *dies*
[17-16:30] ccfd3, sisbam: i want to narf somebody.......
[17-16:30] ccfd3, sisbam:
[17-16:31] ccfd3, sisbam: that was my evil twin talking....
[17-16:31] 23750, Mab : ROFLOL
[17-16:31] ccfd3, sisbam: hmmmm......?
[17-16:35] ccfd3, sisbam: blah blah blah
[17-16:36] ccfd3, sisbam:
[17-16:37] 23750, Mab :
[17-20:04] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[17-20:18] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[18-09:14] JOIN: Palladia Mors has entered.
[18-09:22] 8d090, Palladia Mors : In AD 2101 War was beginning...
[18-09:30] 39bef, Mab : *blinks* It was?
[18-12:52] JOIN: Ryavel has entered.
Chat cleared by Mab.
[18-17:00] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[18-17:01] 94c70, Will-o'-the-wisp: *messes up the screen, mwaha*
[18-17:07] 39bef, Mab : Oh yeah?
Chat cleared by Mab.
[18-17:09] 94c70, Will-o'-the-wisp: *eyeshifts, paints the walls blue.*
[18-17:11] 39bef, Mab : Grrrrr
[18-17:12] 39bef, Mab :
[18-17:15] 94c70, Will-o'-the-wisp:
[18-17:32] JOIN: Ravaella Glimmergaunt has entered.
[18-17:32] 3eea1, Ravaella Glimmergaunt : ((Test))
[18-17:32] 3eea1, Ravaella Glimmergaunt : ((Oooo))
[18-17:32] 3eea1, Ravaella Glimmergaunt : ((Excellent))
[18-17:37] EXIT: Ravaella Glimmergaunt has left the chat ( 6:32pm, December 18 (CST) ).
[18-17:53] 39bef, Mab : Mmm, good font color for a Drow
[18-17:58] JOIN: Ravaella Glimmergaunt has entered.
[18-17:58] 3eea1, Ravaella Glimmergaunt: ((Tis a very good color))
[18-17:59] 3eea1, Ravaella Glimmergaunt : ((Arrrr))
[18-18:03] 3eea1, Ravaella Glimmergaunt : ((>_<))
[18-18:07] EXIT: Ravaella Glimmergaunt has left the chat ( 7:03pm, December 18 (CST) ).
[18-18:31] 39bef, Mab : hehe
[18-18:51] 867a2, Naurlote : ((Mwahaha!!))
[18-18:58] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[18-19:00] 39bef, Mab : We're getting there. Chat's almost ready.
[18-19:01] JOIN: Aleinn Duinn has entered.
[18-19:01] 789c0, Aleinn Duinn :
[18-19:02] 789c0, Aleinn Duinn : ((This is more Alein I think))
[18-19:02] 867a2, Naurlote :
[18-19:03] 789c0, Aleinn Duinn : ((pic test))
[18-19:03] JOIN: Aleinn Duinn has entered.
[18-19:05] 789c0, Aleinn Duinn : ((Who kick starts this grillfest?))
[18-19:12] 867a2, Naurlote : ((Mmmm..... me)) *stands at one of the balcony of the center of High Elven power, the castle... something... I forgot the name, sue me... overlooking the grand castle gardens. Though her clear blue eyes do not proudly peer over the well kept gardens, instead, they stare almost wistfully out towards the horizon*
[18-19:12] 789c0, Aleinn Duinn : *wanders the gardens of the capitol city of the High Elves, his hooded cloak drawn tightly around his fine, delicate features, his white hair pulled and tucked into the hood as he walks, head slightly bent forward to avoid notice of his burning red eyes, though, despite this slightly downtrodden appearance, he moves with the smooth, even gait of a trained, leathal soldier*
[18-19:16] 867a2, Naurlote : *movement from below catches her eyes, which are drawn to the hooded figure moving through the gardens... she studies him for a long moment, then finally identifies him, from the cloak, and the stride specific to him. Aleinn. She watches him silently for the moment..*
[18-19:19] 789c0, Aleinn Duinn : *he pauses for a moment at one of the beautiful floral displays looking voer it, raising one of his gloved hands to gently caress over the delicate petals his red eyes softening just a moment and for that instant, were anyone to look at him, he would look most like his father, save for the ivory white hair and burning red eyes...after lingering at the flower a moment he makes his way into the palace and towards the balcony his deep baritone voice rumbling from behind Naurlote* You wished to see me Highness?
[18-19:21] 39bef, Mab : Hmmm, Aleinn is kind of on the yummy side, going by his avatar pic.
[18-19:22] 789c0, Aleinn Duinn : ((And he's a spittin image of pappy... with his Mamma's hair and eyes...and temper..))
[18-19:22] 867a2, Naurlote : *turns halfway to look back at him* Good evening, Aleinn Duinn. Your report...?
[18-19:23] 867a2, Naurlote : ,
[18-19:27] 789c0, Aleinn Duinn : *his baritone voice rumbles out against the stone of the room as he raises his hooded head, the shade created by it covers the redness of his eyes, though as burningly intense as they are...they can still be felt* No change in our position as of yet, Highness....there have been no new insurgencies in a little over a month, and as for any rabble....they come in groups no more than 5...the uprising has been put down...and 5 men were hanged a week hence for inciting insurrection against the Crown...
[18-19:27] 39bef, Mab : Naurlote consorts with the Drow? *scratches head* Not that I object, just curious. heh
[18-19:28] 789c0, Aleinn Duinn : ((He's half Drow...and the High Elf Icon looked silly with him))
[18-19:28] 867a2, Naurlote : ((Use the high elf dang it! Suck it in!))
[18-19:30] 867a2, Naurlote : ((If it makes you feel any better Mab, I haven't the foggiest clue what he's up to or anything, I was just asked to come in, so I did, and am trying to BS through the gobbily gook))
[18-19:30] 39bef, Mab : "Shake that shimmy baby!" "To the left to the right, baby shake that shimmy right"
[18-19:31] 789c0, Aleinn Duinn : ((But it looks silly with his bombadness))
[18-19:33] 39bef, Mab : Why, cuz it's got a crown? How else was I gonna differentiate from the other elves?
[18-19:34] 789c0, Aleinn Duinn : ((I'll be good...for now...and use the High Elf Icon...))
[18-19:34] 867a2, Naurlote : ((*edits his last sentence out, from ".. and 5 men.. " on*)) And did any of the orcs escape...? *stares where his eyes should be empressionlessly. His intense stare still gives her some chills, but other the years, she's grown accostumed to it.*
[18-19:35] 867a2, Naurlote : *..Besides. She was queen now, no longer a princess. She couldn't let such things get to her*
[18-19:36] 789c0, Aleinn Duinn : One did, Highness...their War Shaman...though with the embarrasment he suffered on the battlefield, I do believe it will be the last we hear from that particular Shaman *he shifts a bit in his rigid stance and some of his ivory white hair plumes out around his shoulders and defiantly breaks from the hood's shelter into plain sight, a blatant sign of his mother's heritage*
[18-19:39] 39bef, Mab : *needs to make an orc icon and an undead icon. hehe*
[18-19:41] 867a2, Naurlote : *A heritage she's not forgotten, but for his father's sake, she ignores. She gives a slight nod* You've done very well, Captain. You are to be commended. *she offers him a slight smile... all she ever does lately, since the Orc/Elf wars, and the death of her father, and beloved*
[18-19:43] 39bef, Mab : "Why shakin that shimmy that way?""Why shakin that shimmy that way?"
[18-19:44] 39bef, Mab : "Why ya shakin that shimmy that way?""Why shakin that shimmy that way?"
[18-19:45] 39bef, Mab : Still didn't get it right. Ah well then. *L*
[18-19:45] 789c0, Aleinn Duinn : *bows his head at this praise, causing more of his ivory hair to spill out from beneath his hood, his baritone voice breaking out against the silence again* Thank You there anything else you require of me? *as he raises his his head again from the bow, the hood falls back from his head, revealing fully his finely chiseled, and delicate features, a perfect blend of his Drow/High Elf blood with the pale skin of a High Elf, and the white hair, and burning red eyes of a Drow*
[18-19:47] 867a2, Naurlote : At the moment, no. *through the course of talking, the slight smile fades once more* You and your men are to take a week's leave. You have done well. Take time to rest now, and give your men some time with their families. .. to turn this around, is there anything you require Captain?
[18-19:50] JOIN: Ravaella Glimmergaunt has entered.
[18-19:50] 3eea1, Ravaella Glimmergaunt : ((Actual RP? Whoah *in the classic Keanu Reeves style*))
[18-19:52] 789c0, Aleinn Duinn : Another 50 men to accompany my detatchment on the way back to the outpost, Highness...we incurred some casualties during the battle, and I have a sneaking suspicion that we are due for an en masse...*his baritone voice rumbles within his mail clad torso as his gloved hands come to rest behind his back, clasped together each in each as he ponders a moment and then continues on* Other than that Highness...we should be fine against whatever they throw at us... *has usually been right when predicting(c)
[18-19:52] 789c0, Aleinn Duinn : the battle tactics of his that creepy precognition way...maybe its divine intervention...who knows*
[18-19:56] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[18-19:56] 867a2, Naurlote : *nods* I will see to it. Anything else?
[18-19:56] 94c70, Will-o'-the-wisp: *takes a peek at the RP*
[18-19:58] 789c0, Aleinn Duinn : *gives a faint shake of his head in the negative, though no more sounds come from him, his eyes locking onto hers almost as if trying to bore a hole into her soul with those burning red Drow eyes that have more than once cowed a cocky noble into a whimpering child*
[18-20:01] 867a2, Naurlote : *stands there staring back at him, sparkling sapphire matched with fiery red... and inwardly, there's a brief struggle as she fight down the urge to flinch away from those eyes. Eventually, she concides defeat in a very discreet fashion, turning away to look over the gardens* .. They are beautiful are they not?
[18-20:03] 789c0, Aleinn Duinn : *turns to step beside her, his boots thudding softly on the elegant floor of the chamber as he glances out over the gardens with her, silent for what seems like the longest of moments before he speaks* I've yet to see anywhere more so...
[18-20:06] 867a2, Naurlote : It's always been the pride of my family... *gets a bit of a wistful*
[18-20:07] 867a2, Naurlote : *..look*
[18-20:09] 3eea1, Ravaella Glimmergaunt : ((hmmm, could do a monologue))
[18-20:09] 789c0, Aleinn Duinn : *nods* My father would bring me here as a child...
[18-20:10] MSG: Aleinn Duinn sent a message to Ravaella Glimmergaunt.
[18-20:11] 867a2, Naurlote : ... ... ... As would mine.
[18-20:12] 867a2, Naurlote : *pain flares through her eyes briefly, though just as quickly fades, hidden behind the emotionless mask*
[18-20:13] 789c0, Aleinn Duinn : I am sorry to hear of his passing, Highness...he was a great man... *is trying to be all nice and consoling...nothing like his Drow heritage...*
[18-20:17] 867a2, Naurlote : *nods* He was an excellant leader, far greater then I will ever be. His loss was mourned by all... But life goes on.
[18-20:20] 789c0, Aleinn Duinn : Do not sell yourself so short Highness... you have done well these past 3 decades....aside from the occasional Orcish border skirmish, we are living in an opulent peaceful time...there are none really who go hungry save by choice....poverty is down... *goes on a bit..swelling her head...yes...Royals love to hear how good they are...*
[18-20:25] 867a2, Naurlote : *light smile* Ah.. but many of these tasks were taken care of by others, especially during the first decade. As for the peace, there is often a time of peace after war, when everyone looks inward, and takes more joy in the life they could have lost. For now, I have been leader in name only, as my people have been doing well with leading themselves. When a full crisis breaks... then we shall truely see if I am equal to my father, even though I wish that time would never come. My people have been through...
[18-20:25] 867a2, Naurlote : ...enough
[18-20:29] 789c0, Aleinn Duinn : That they have, Highness...though, as it does with all great things, time and the Gods will throw us another test to keep us on our toes, and as always, things will change...though...we do not.. *he says this softly as he is a High all rights..birth, blood, raising...and yet...he is still it might seem a little funny coming from him*
[18-20:30] 867a2, Naurlote : Times change, so change we must to suit them. Something I am sometimes tempted to beat into the thick skulls of some of the nobles...
[18-20:31] 867a2, Naurlote : ((tempted to beat this into))
[18-20:32] 789c0, Aleinn Duinn : *he chuckles....yes...he actually chuckles, the dark sound of mirth escaping in a rumble from his throat as he seems to take delight in such thoughts of physically beating change into some of the nobles*
[18-20:35] 867a2, Naurlote : *cannot seem to help smiling at a mental image of that as well, but for entirely different reasons I'm sure*
[18-20:38] 789c0, Aleinn Duinn : *looks out over the balcony as the sun is setting, casting the sky afire with brilliant pale gold,s blues, oranges and pinks, it being a veritable symphony of color and beauty...he looks over to her and sees the fading light cast upon her he forces himself to be stoic as his rumbling baritone voice echoes again* I should perhaps retire for the eve, Highness, if you have nothing further to discuss with me...I am quite sure my father would like to know I am here and well...
[18-20:41] 867a2, Naurlote : *turns to look at him, the light catching in her eyes as she gives a small nod* You are dismissed, Captain.
[18-20:46] 789c0, Aleinn Duinn : *inclines his torso in a bow before her, as is only proper given her station as he then draws the hood of his cloak back over his head, obscuring his Drow features once again before he pivots on the balls of his feet in that cold, precise military manner and stalks off, his boots sounding dully against the elegant floor of the chamber, the image of her in the light as it caught her haunting he allows himself the briefest and faintest of smirks...before forcing that cold marble like (c)
[18-20:46] 789c0, Aleinn Duinn : visage back to his face*
[18-20:49] 867a2, Naurlote : *looks back out as he walks away... watching as the flood of colors slowly fades into night, and as darkness begins to settle fully over the land, she finally turns... and heads inside*
[18-20:55] 789c0, Aleinn Duinn : *once outside of the palace and away from Queen Naurlote, he mounts his horse, a beautiful black mare both high spirited and well trained and spurs her onward at a lesuirely cant towards the gates under the guise of taking one last ride for the night to soothe his nerves*
[18-20:57] 39bef, Mab : *makes public banner for Bettenchi, yup yup*
[18-20:59] 3eea1, Ravaella Glimmergaunt : ((*She awakes in her bed with a luxerious stretch and yawn, stirring under the covers and rolling onto her side before fully awakening. Greeted with a "Good morning, mistress" from one of her slaves, she greets him back and rises from the four poster bed, white sheets tangled about soon straightend by a few more slaves as the male slave who greeted her places a white silken robe about her. She smiles at him and the rest before making her way out of the bedroom, tying the silken robe closed. After some (c)))
[18-21:00] 789c0, Aleinn Duinn : ((One heck of an OOC post))
[18-21:01] 3eea1, Ravaella Glimmergaunt : ((That was supposed to be IC...))
[18-21:01] 789c0, Aleinn Duinn : ((I know...just been a smart aleck))
[18-21:02] 3eea1, Ravaella Glimmergaunt : ((*was about to add "smartass" to that last comment too*))
[18-21:03] 3eea1, Ravaella Glimmergaunt : (c) grooming, her hair is tied into a ponytail that sits atop her head. A few more greetings from her slaves as she moves about the house*
[18-21:03] 789c0, Aleinn Duinn : *moments later, he arrives at the predetermined meeting he quickly surveys the surrounding area, a habit he's picked up since starting this masquerade he's been pulling for about 20 years this is all second nature to him...upon finding the place clean, he dismounts and stakes his horse so that she might graze along the length of rope that her stake gives her as he stands there silent as a tomb, his head bowed, mentally whispering the evening prayer to Lloth*
[18-21:09] 3eea1, Ravaella Glimmergaunt : *A sudden thought comes to mind as she finishes a meal, she has somewhere to be...So she makes her way to the bedroom and dons the leather armor (see profile for descrption) and sheaths a longsword before placing it on her left hip piece, after that she grabs a longbow and quiver of arrows. Slinging those over her back she heads out on a rented horse, following the tunnels of the Underdark to the place where Aleinn is*
[18-21:12] 39bef, Mab Fairy Queen : *sits upon an ethereal (spell?) throne, reminiscent of plants and nature, her thrown is, with gossamer tassles and dew like sparkles. She is her full human like size and w/o her wings, but she will fly out soon. It'll soon b time to tour her domain and visit those of her allies and friends*
[18-21:12] 39bef, Mab Fairy Queen : (( thrown = throne yup, I'm with it. *grooves*))
[18-21:13] 789c0, Aleinn Duinn : *hears Ravaella's approach in the distance, good...she was running late...and despite her being a female and normally over him socially...he is however Dread Lord in the KnightPriests of Lloth, the sole vestige of male power in Drow if he wanted to he could have her tortured and murdered for displeasing him...but hey...he knows its quite a journey from the Underdark to where he is so he cuts her some slack* *she would find him leaning against a tree, his arms folded across his powerful (c)
[18-21:14] 39bef, Mab Fairy Queen : ((ehem, so it should read....."her throne is adorned with gossamer tassles and dew like sparkles")
[18-21:14] 789c0, Aleinn Duinn : (for an elf) chest, his swords hanging at each hip, the holy symbol of the Elven Goddess dangling from his neck, though more promienently is the Obsidian Spider of Lloth which is crested in a ruby hourglass, a symbol of his status*
[18-21:14] 3eea1, Ravaella Glimmergaunt : ((Oh Mab, you're so terrible *L* j/k))
[18-21:15] 39bef, Mab Fairy Queen : ((So my first real IC post in this chat was a typo disaster. What can I say? ))
[18-21:16] 789c0, Aleinn Duinn : ((mine wasn't ))
[18-21:17] 39bef, Mab Fairy Queen : ((SHUP!))
[18-21:18] 3eea1, Ravaella Glimmergaunt : *As soon as she enters the area, the horse would slow as she guides it to a strong tree and would tie it's reings around a sturdy branch before climbing down off the horse and walking to Aleinn* Forgive my tardiness, Dread Lord Duinn. I was kept by some pressing matters
[18-21:18] 789c0, Aleinn Duinn : ((*grabs a can of Fae-B-Gon* Dont make me use this...))
[18-21:20] 3eea1, Ravaella Glimmergaunt : ((Extra strengh?))
[18-21:21] 789c0, Aleinn Duinn : *nods his acceptance of her apology as he kicks himself off of the tree he was leaning against as he was taking a brief moment to admire the sunset...something no full Drow ever really gets to experience without horrid horrid pain in the eyes* Do not let it happen again...*his cold even paced steps bring him towards her as he would have his hood cast down from his face revealing its pale High Elven features, crested with the Drow white hair and red eyes* What is the status of the training I had ordered?
[18-21:26] 39bef, Mab Fairy Queen : *anyways, end cameo*
[18-21:26] 3eea1, Ravaella Glimmergaunt : It is coming along very well, sir. They shall be ready within the next two weeks
[18-21:27] 39bef, Mab : Back to being admin.
[18-21:27] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[18-21:30] 789c0, Aleinn Duinn : ((*devours Mab*)) *nods his head regally his eyes narrowing in thought as he is plotting his next move in this shadowy chess game...his baritone voice rumbles forth once again as he speaks* When you go back to camp, spread the word along the proper chains that as soon as they are ready...they are to go into the Orcish lands disguised as High Elven Patrols...I want the Orcs in such a frenzy they go on a murderous rampage....
[18-21:30] 867a2, Naurlote : ((*snicker*))
[18-21:32] 3eea1, Ravaella Glimmergaunt : *Nods* As you wish sir, I shall alert all.
[18-21:33] 789c0, Aleinn Duinn : Any important orders from the Ductus or Matriarch I am to be aware of? *arches one of his brows upwards as he regards this Drow woman before him...actually nearly smirking at the fact that she calls him "sir" instead of the usual "male" that is common in Drow society*
[18-21:36] 3eea1, Ravaella Glimmergaunt : *Wouldn't really want to piss off a Dread Lord now would she? So she'll regard him as "sir" to keep on his good side. Shakes her head* I am not aware of any, if there was such information, I suggest checking back with them as soon as you can.
[18-21:41] 789c0, Aleinn Duinn : Very well....Inform Ductus Viconia I will be attending his Golden Celebration within the week from then on, you are to go about your duties as normal... While there I will inspect the army's progress personally...
[18-21:43] 3eea1, Ravaella Glimmergaunt : *Nods* I shall, Dread Lord
[18-21:45] 789c0, Aleinn Duinn : *nods* Also...on a personal note...give this...*produces a sealed scroll, bearing the white tree emblem of the House of Duinn upon it as it is bound with a green silken cord* to my mother...*he then hands her a small purse of coins, the usual payment for her side work for him*
[18-21:48] 3eea1, Ravaella Glimmergaunt : *Takes the scroll in one hand, looking over the emblem. Then the purse of coins* I trust she can be found at your estate? *attaches the purse to a notch on her armor, by the hip*
[18-21:49] 789c0, Aleinn Duinn : If not...then she will be at the Temple she serves in...*says this..with a touch of emotion in his he still doesnt quite know how to deal with his mother...given how he was concieved and all*
[18-21:52] JOIN: a curious person has entered.
[18-21:52] 3eea1, Ravaella Glimmergaunt : *smirks slightly and puts the scroll on another notch* Very well, anything else you wish of me?
[18-21:55] 39bef, Mab : Okay, who knows how to set up the public link over at pjj, you know, the public listing thing with the little picture?
[18-21:55] 3eea1, Ravaella Glimmergaunt : ((Not I))
[18-21:56] 789c0, Aleinn Duinn : No... I must return to the city before suspicions are aroused.... Uth'stan N'dos *ah..the traditional farewell for one of Lloth's warrior order...and with that he pivots on his foot and mounts his house and rides off back in the direction of the city, drawing the hood of his cloak back over his head and goes to his father's estate to spend some time with dear ol pappy*
[18-21:56] 789c0, Aleinn Duinn : ((Not I said the Spider to the Fly))
[18-21:57] 39bef, Mab : I'll ask Q. hehe
[18-22:00] 3eea1, Ravaella Glimmergaunt : *Nods to him as he departs and climbs atop her own horse, setting the money and message in a satchel on the saddle before ridding off and delivering his message to the camp/s? Then riding off to where she would find his mother and deliver the message as promised. After her night is done she would return to the Underdark and check on her bar*
[18-22:02] 789c0, Aleinn Duinn : ((Gonna be turning in))
[18-22:03] 3eea1, Ravaella Glimmergaunt : *After that is done, she would return to her house and seeing as how all that took up most of the night, she returns to bed* ((Yay! Got to RP *feels content now*))
[18-22:04] 789c0, Aleinn Duinn : ((*patpats*))
[18-22:05] 3eea1, Ravaella Glimmergaunt : ((Haven't gotten to RP in awhile))
[18-22:07] EXIT: Aleinn Duinn has left the chat ( Just like the pied piper led rats through the streets....we dance like Marionettes swaying to the Symphony...of Destruction ).
[18-22:08] 3eea1, Ravaella Glimmergaunt : ((*Waves and vanishes*))
[18-22:09] EXIT: Ravaella Glimmergaunt has left the chat ( 11:08pm, December 18 (CST) ).
[18-22:35] JOIN: Rav has entered.
[18-22:51] 39bef, Mab : *dances*
[18-22:52] 1cfad, Rav: *L*
[18-23:06] 39bef, Mab : *is totally going to wear that dancing icon out*
[18-23:11] 1cfad, Rav: *L*
[18-23:11] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[18-23:19] 4a04c, Will-o'-the-wisp: Ryine wants to kill me. I have to hide somewhere. *looks around*
[18-23:20] 39bef, Mab : /' target='_blank'>http/
[18-23:21] 39bef, Mab : Hmm, okay, ummm, I see a problem with one of my smilie icons. *L*
[18-23:22] 39bef, Mab :
[18-23:22] 39bef, Mab :
[18-23:25] 39bef, Mab : Who be ye, wispy person?
[18-23:27] 39bef, Mab : WotW? You there still?
[18-23:29] 39bef, Mab : *knows who WotW was. yup yup*
[18-23:33] 4a04c, Will-o'-the-wisp: *still here... kind of*
[18-23:36] 39bef, Mab : *L*
[18-23:37] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[18-23:37] 39bef, Mab : *wanders off for shower, because I'm sure everyone will sleep easier knowing that Mab regularly showers*
[18-23:56] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[18-23:59] 39bef, Mab : *aaaaaaaaaaaand is back*
[19-00:01] 1cfad, Rav: WB
[19-00:03] 39bef, Mab : Merci!
[19-00:06] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 1:01am, December 19 (CST) ).
[19-00:06] 39bef, Mab : *pokes WotW, cuz is overly familiar friendly that way* Hi!!!
[19-00:06] JOIN: Rav has entered.
[19-00:06] 1cfad, Rav: there
[19-00:07] 1cfad, Rav: thank you Mab
[19-00:12] 39bef, Mab : np
[19-00:19] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[19-00:19] 94c70, Will-o'-the-wisp: *lurks whilest being brain dead.*
[19-00:22] 39bef, Mab : and who be ye, my wispy friend?
[19-00:25] 39bef, Mab : *feels like being a mage*
[19-00:36] 39bef, Mab :
[19-00:36] JOIN: Z has entered.
[19-00:36] 94c70, Z: *was the wispy friend*
[19-00:40] 39bef, Mab : *figured that out. heh*
[19-00:47] 1cfad, Rav: yay
[19-00:47] 1cfad, Rav: hmmm
[19-00:48] 1cfad, Rav: much better
[19-00:48] 39bef, Mab : "Why ya shakin that shimmy that way?""Why ya shakin that shimmy that way?"
[19-00:56] 94c70, Z: *Looking for a color*
[19-00:57] 1cfad, Rav: *L*
[19-00:57] JOIN: Ravaella Glimmergaunt has entered.
[19-00:57] 3eea1, Ravaella Glimmergaunt : ((*Has an excellent color for a Drow*))
[19-00:59] JOIN: Ravaella Glimmergaunt has entered.
[19-00:59] 3eea1, Ravaella Glimmergaunt : ((whoops))
[19-01:01] 39bef, Mab : *blinks*
[19-01:01] 39bef, Mab :
[19-01:02] 3eea1, Ravaella Glimmergaunt : (())
[19-01:04] 39bef, Mab : *chuckles*
[19-01:05] 3eea1, Ravaella Glimmergaunt : ((Nice smilies ^_^))
[19-01:06] 39bef, Mab : Danku
[19-01:07] 39bef, Mab :
[19-01:07] 3eea1, Ravaella Glimmergaunt : ((:/))
[19-01:09] 39bef, Mab : Oh, I changed that one, because it was messing with links and stuff. hehe.
[19-01:09] 39bef, Mab : Now, it requires a dash for a nose.
[19-01:09] 39bef, Mab :
[19-01:10] 3eea1, Ravaella Glimmergaunt : (())
[19-01:10] 3eea1, Ravaella Glimmergaunt : ((Haha! Success!))
[19-01:10] 1cfad, Rav:
[19-01:10] 1cfad, Rav: oh how fun
[19-01:12] 1cfad, Rav: :0
[19-01:12] 1cfad, Rav:
[19-01:14] 3eea1, Ravaella Glimmergaunt : ((*hums*))
[19-01:15] JOIN: Z has entered.
[19-01:16] 94c70, Z: *tests*
[19-01:16] 39bef, Mab : Yes, yes. Smilies are the funness.
[19-01:16] 94c70, Z: oh crap
[19-01:16] 39bef, Mab : Pretty Fairy!!!
[19-01:16] 94c70, Z:
[19-01:16] 39bef, Mab : oh crap?
[19-01:17] 94c70, Z: *kills her computer for making her lose everything she did*
[19-01:17] 94c70, Z: yeah... computer crashed, ate my reg form
[19-01:18] 3eea1, Ravaella Glimmergaunt : ((*L* That sucks Z))
[19-01:18] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[19-01:20] 39bef, Mab : Oooooh Nooooo! That's just terrible!!
[19-01:20] 94c70, Z: yeah, it does.
[19-01:21] 94c70, Z: *is Z the Fae yep*
[19-01:28] 94c70, Z: *listens to the crickets*
[19-01:29] 39bef, Mab : *is a cricket* chirup chirup chirup chirup
[19-01:33] 3eea1, Ravaella Glimmergaunt : ((*ponders monologue or bed*))
[19-01:34] 94c70, Z: *oddly enough likes the sound of crickets*
[19-01:35] 3eea1, Ravaella Glimmergaunt : ((*Or screw both, hop on Crimson Skies no, better yet Battlefield and shoot stuff*))
[19-01:37] 94c70, Z: *is pondering ETM to satisfy her taste for violence*
[19-01:39] 39bef, Mab : hehe
[19-01:39] 3eea1, Ravaella Glimmergaunt : ((*Waves and goes to shoot stuff on Battlefield*))
[19-01:39] EXIT: Ravaella Glimmergaunt has left the chat ( 2:39am, December 19 (CST) ).
[19-01:57] 1cfad, Rav: there all done
[19-01:58] 39bef, Mab :
[19-02:03] 94c70, Z: *isn't going to try the reg form again tonight*
[19-02:05] 1cfad, Rav: aww why not Z
[19-02:09] 1cfad, Rav: *is done whit his.*
[19-02:13] 94c70, Z: because, I don't have the patience or attention span for it.
[19-02:13] 94c70, Z: It requires more creativity than I have right now.
[19-02:14] 1cfad, Rav: aww come now its not that hard
[19-02:15] 39bef, Mab : *eyes reg form. The line for email address has disappeared. That's not good. hehe*
[19-02:23] JOIN: Kashian Toricavius has entered.
[19-02:24] 1cfad, Rav: hmm need a good shade of red
[19-02:26] 1cfad, Kashian Toricavius : ((*test*))
[19-02:26] 1cfad, Kashian Toricavius : ((*test*))
[19-02:28] 1cfad, Kashian Toricavius : ((*test*))
[19-02:30] 39bef, Mab : I'd go with the demon icon, since the other two are for humans, but it's up to you. hehe
[19-02:31] 94c70, Z: *likes the brown*
[19-02:32] 39bef, Mab : Try cc0021
[19-02:33] 39bef, Mab : *tests for kicks*
[19-02:33] 39bef, Mab : *tests again*
[19-02:33] 39bef, Mab : *tests*
[19-02:33] 1cfad, Kashian Toricavius : ((*test*))
[19-02:33] 39bef, Mab : Hmmm
[19-02:34] 39bef, Mab : Go with cc0000 It's better.
[19-02:34] 1cfad, Kashian Toricavius : oh I like
[19-02:34] 1cfad, Kashian Toricavius : *test*
[19-02:34] 39bef, Mab : It matches the icon better. *grins*
[19-02:35] 1cfad, Kashian Toricavius : this one is redder
[19-02:35] 1cfad, Kashian Toricavius : hehe, Oh and the brown is 9952BC
[19-02:37] 39bef, Mab :
[19-02:37] 1cfad, Rav: see I told you
[19-02:38] 1cfad, Rav: hmmm maybe not
[19-02:38] 1cfad, Rav: *test*
[19-02:38] 1cfad, Rav: *test*
[19-02:39] 1cfad, Rav: *test*
Chat cleared by Mab.
[19-02:39] 39bef, Mab : Muahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[19-02:40] 94c70, Z: *paints the walls BLUE!!!*
[19-02:40] 1cfad, Rav: *test*
[19-02:40] 1cfad, Rav: *shrugs* oh well I can't remember what it was now
[19-02:41] 1cfad, Rav: *test*
[19-02:42] 94c70, Z: Logs Rav, Logs
[19-02:43] 1cfad, Rav: ok now what
[19-02:43] 1cfad, Rav: what do logs have to do with finding a color code?
[19-02:44] 39bef, Mab : right click the logs and select view source.
[19-02:50] 94c70, Z: mwahahaha HTML source
[19-02:51] 94c70, Z: *is a doof, has a tendancy to memorize her color codes*
[19-02:52] JOIN: Rav has entered.
[19-02:53] 1cfad, Rav: well that did not work so well
[19-02:55] 1cfad, Rav: I memorize all the ones that I use but not the ones that I toy with
[19-02:56] 39bef, Mab : Well, I like the blue you're using now, Rav
[19-02:59] JOIN: Kashian Toricavius has entered.
[19-03:00] 1cfad, Will-o'-the-wisp: thank you its the one I always use
[19-03:00] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 4:00am, December 19 (CST) ).
[19-03:01] JOIN: Rav has entered.
[19-03:01] 1cfad, Rav: thank you
[19-03:03] 1cfad, Rav: there much better
[19-03:04] 39bef, Mab : hehe, set up your character chain yet?
[19-03:05] 1cfad, Kashian Toricavius : thats what I was doin actually
[19-03:07] 39bef, Mab : Ah *nodsies*
[19-03:07] 1cfad, Kashian Toricavius : I think I will set up my profile later
[19-03:12] 39bef, Mab : Spiffy!
[19-03:13] 1cfad, Kashian Toricavius : I am going to need a good pic of this charater. I will find one laters now for bed. Good night Mab and Z *waves and wonders off to bed.*
[19-03:14] 39bef, Mab : That last smilie reminds me of Julia Roberts. hehe.
[19-03:14] 39bef, Mab : zzzzzzzzzzzzz
[19-03:15] EXIT: Rav has left the chat ( 4:15am, December 19 (CST) ).
[19-06:11] 867a2, Sileen:
[19-08:25] JOIN: Palladia Mors has entered.
[19-08:26] cdbba, Palladia Mors : /sleep
[19-08:26] cdbba, Palladia Mors : Grr
[19-08:26] JOIN: Merlin has entered.
[19-08:27] 611b9, Merlin: ((hi! I just wanted to find out what this chat was all about))
[19-08:27] cdbba, Palladia Mors :
[19-08:28] cdbba, Palladia Mors : Hello.. I'm one of the Admins... I tell ya what... IM me at TenmaEnzeru0420 and I'll walk ya through it
[19-08:31] 611b9, Merlin: ((I have to leve in five minutes but sure))
[19-08:33] 611b9, Merlin: ((I cant seem to log on right now. Stupid computer. It's so against me!))
[19-08:33] cdbba, Palladia Mors : Well... feel free to try and reach me at some time... I can walk ya through pretty much anything and I'm around quite a bit
[19-08:38] cdbba, Palladia Mors : *needs to get working on some profiles...pfeh*
[19-08:40] 611b9, Merlin: ((heh bye!))
[19-08:40] EXIT: Merlin has left the chat ( 9:40am, December 19 (CST) ).
[19-08:43] cdbba, Palladia Mors : What the Deuce?! There's treachery afoot
[19-08:45] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[19-08:48] cdbba, Palladia Mors : 'llo Will
[19-09:13] 26667, Will-o'-the-wisp: Hello.
[19-09:14] 26667, Will-o'-the-wisp: That whole half heart thing was based off of Dragonheart, wasn't it? *loves that movie.*
[19-09:16] 26667, Will-o'-the-wisp: *figures hes the only one in here now.*
[19-09:16] cdbba, Palladia Mors : Yes...yes it was
[19-09:17] 26667, Will-o'-the-wisp: Ooo...I was mistaken...sweet ^_^
[19-09:17] cdbba, Palladia Mors : Sorry...htmling... Working on one of my profiles
[19-09:17] 26667, Will-o'-the-wisp: Lemme come up with a better name.
[19-09:17] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 10:17am, December 19 (CST) ).
[19-09:18] JOIN: Statheros Oridaen has entered.
[19-09:18] 26667, Statheros Oridaen: Better.
[19-09:18] cdbba, Palladia Mors : So..whatcha think of our little plot?
[19-09:20] 26667, Statheros Oridaen: Well I love Dragonheart, so I love the is definitely sweet.
[19-09:20] cdbba, Palladia Mors : Good. Any clue on what you might wanna play?
[19-09:22] 26667, Statheros Oridaen: I've got a race I'd like to submit though...not sure if its even possible.
[19-09:22] cdbba, Palladia Mors : *ponders* IM me and we'll see whatcha got. TenmaEnzeru0420
[19-09:25] 26667, Statheros Oridaen: Can't use AIM at work...heh...they've got the firewall set up. Though I was working on a merger between a Human and a Dragon...and I can't find the pic for the life of me...but its like a humanoid, with dragon parts in cerain looks pretty sweet.
[19-09:26] cdbba, Palladia Mors : Its called a Draconian... from Dragon Lance yes?
[19-09:29] 26667, Statheros Oridaen: Not sure...I think it was part of a game at one point, but someone drew a sweet looking fan art pic of it...I'm trying to upload it right now..
[19-09:30] cdbba, Palladia Mors : ok
[19-09:33] 26667, Statheros Oridaen: There, check that out.
[19-09:35] cdbba, Palladia Mors : Hmm.....*ponder* As cool as that is...he'd prolly just be a human with a dragon claw grafted as his arm instead of a seperate race...
[19-09:37] cdbba, Palladia Mors : However... I'd need to confer with the others
[19-09:43] 26667, Statheros Oridaen: Sure, no prob.
[19-09:44] 26667, Statheros Oridaen: I was just thinking another race because his eyes are dragon-like as well..iunno, whatever works, its cool. ^_^
[19-09:44] cdbba, Palladia Mors : tell ya what though... email me the details you wanted to go over my email is posted on the boards under "First Topic...Go me!" and I'll bring it up to the others
[19-09:47] 26667, Statheros Oridaen: Cool cool...thanks a lot.
[19-09:50] cdbba, Palladia Mors : Anytime ^_^
[19-09:52] JOIN: Karlita Smenkara has entered.
[19-09:52] cdbba, Palladia Mors : *hangs up a sign that says "The Admin is now In*
[19-09:52] 1815b, Karlita Smenkara: (( * peeks* ))
[19-09:53] JOIN: Karlita Smenkara has entered.
[19-09:54] 1815b, Karlita Smenkara: (( bah , does my pic show up ? ))
[19-09:55] 26667, Statheros Oridaen: ((Nope.))
[19-09:56] cdbba, Palladia Mors : Nope...who's your pic sever?
[19-09:56] 1815b, Karlita Smenkara: (( eh, oh well))
[19-09:57] cdbba, Palladia Mors : Yeah...Liv's site doesnt promote remote's whatcha the pic to your comp....and go to and upload it...its free and allows remote linking
[19-09:59] 1815b, Karlita Smenkara: (( ah im to lazy, heres nicole ))
[19-10:01] cdbba, Palladia Mors : Mrow
[19-10:01] 1815b, Karlita Smenkara: (( well i g2g, eh, i may be back later... Salute` ))
[19-10:02] cdbba, Palladia Mors : Auf Wiedersehen...
[19-10:06] 26667, Statheros Oridaen: K, just sent ya an email...its from my work address, so its gonna show up as thats me. ^_^
[19-10:14] cdbba, Palladia Mors : Right on...can I reply to this address without getting you in serious trouble?
[19-10:17] 26667, Statheros Oridaen: yeah its cool.
[19-10:18] 26667, Statheros Oridaen: Woah...weird...wasn't expecting that face..
[19-10:19] cdbba, Palladia Mors : Alrighty then...As soon as the other admins awaken and arise from their slumbered states I'll show them the email and see what we can come up with
[19-10:22] 26667, Statheros Oridaen: Cool cool, thanks. ^_^
[19-10:25] cdbba, Palladia Mors : NP
[19-10:25] 26667, Statheros Oridaen: *wants to RP now, but is patient.*
[19-10:26] 26667, Statheros Oridaen: Wow, that face is kinda scary..heh.
[19-10:28] cdbba, Palladia Mors : No... this is scary...
[19-10:30] 26667, Statheros Oridaen: LOL
[19-10:31] cdbba, Palladia Mors : You gotta thank the owner of the chat Mab for that
[19-10:33] 26667, Statheros Oridaen: Thats pretty frickin cool..
[19-10:34] cdbba, Palladia Mors : Yup
[19-10:37] cdbba, Palladia Mors :
[19-10:37] 26667, Statheros Oridaen: *yawns*
[19-10:37] 26667, Statheros Oridaen: How do you do all those?
[19-10:37] 26667, Statheros Oridaen: -_-'
[19-10:37] 26667, Statheros Oridaen: Damn, no workie..heh.
[19-10:39] cdbba, Palladia Mors : Its a semi colon for that one 'migo
[19-10:40] 26667, Statheros Oridaen:
[19-10:40] 26667, Statheros Oridaen: Very cool.
[19-10:42] cdbba, Palladia Mors : Yup
[19-10:47] cdbba, Palladia Mors : *smites the room*
[19-10:49] 26667, Statheros Oridaen: Why?
[19-10:52] cdbba, Palladia Mors : It froze on me
[19-10:55] 26667, Statheros Oridaen: Ah.
[19-10:55] 26667, Statheros Oridaen: Ah crap...forgot something I wanted to add on to the char..
[19-10:57] cdbba, Palladia Mors : Email it
[19-10:59] 26667, Statheros Oridaen: Cool, thanks. ^_^
[19-11:01] cdbba, Palladia Mors : Not a prob... *stabs the html*
[19-11:11] 26667, Statheros Oridaen: *helps with the stabbing.*
[19-11:14] JOIN: Statheros Oridaen has entered.
[19-11:14] 26667, Statheros Oridaen: test
[19-11:14] 26667, Statheros Oridaen: ugh..
[19-11:15] 26667, Statheros Oridaen: test
[19-11:15] 26667, Statheros Oridaen: test
[19-11:22] cdbba, Palladia Mors : Heh
[19-11:29] cdbba, Palladia Mors : Stop... Hammah Time!
[19-11:32] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[19-11:34] 26667, Statheros Oridaen: Heheheh.
[19-11:34] 26667, Statheros Oridaen: Ack!
[19-11:34] 26667, Statheros Oridaen: Test
[19-11:34] 26667, Statheros Oridaen: Ah..better.
[19-11:35] 26667, Statheros Oridaen: Bored..
[19-11:42] 39bef, Mab : *blinks. shifty eyes* *whistles*
[19-11:42] 26667, Statheros Oridaen: Heeeeeey, 'nother Admin...*pounces Mab, but makes sure not to claw her with his one arm.* ^_^ I don't know ya, but I'll hug ya anyways *hugs*
[19-11:44] 39bef, Mab : *likes hugs*
[19-11:44] cdbba, Palladia Mors : *pokes Mab into oblivion*
[19-11:47] 39bef, Mab : *disseminates*
[19-11:47] 26667, Statheros Oridaen: Ooo...big word..heheh.
[19-11:48] cdbba, Palladia Mors : Oooo
[19-11:49] cdbba, Palladia Mors : I got one better though. Antidisestablishmenttarianism
[19-11:49] 26667, Statheros Oridaen: *gives more hugs, good mood, good mood.*
[19-11:50] 26667, Statheros Oridaen: The sad thing is, I actually understand that one somewhat...whether its a word or not, I have no clue..heh.
[19-11:52] cdbba, Palladia Mors : It is a legitimate word. It is the longest word in the English Language
[19-11:57] 26667, Statheros Oridaen: Ah..well its a sucky word 'cause its so damn nyah. ^_~
[19-11:57] cdbba, Palladia Mors : Do not make me smite you
[19-12:00] 26667, Statheros Oridaen: Heeeeeeeee.. ^_^
[19-12:02] cdbba, Palladia Mors : Check yer mail there Paco... The Almighty Admins have made their judgement
[19-12:04] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[19-12:05] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 1:05pm, December 19 (CST) ).
[19-12:05] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[19-12:05] 94c70, Will-o'-the-wisp: errr... oops?
[19-12:07] 26667, Statheros Oridaen: Which one did you send it to?
[19-12:09] JOIN: Z has entered.
[19-12:09] cdbba, Palladia Mors : Your hotmail
[19-12:10] 26667, Statheros Oridaen: Ah...can't check that one yet...they've blocked every way to get to hotmail at work..heh.
[19-12:12] cdbba, Palladia Mors : Well... Main thing we need... BACKSTORY!! I cannot club this into your head enough
[19-12:12] 26667, Statheros Oridaen: Origin stuff?
[19-12:13] 39bef, Mab : Yeah, dat stuff
[19-12:15] 94c70, Z: yeah you got to write an essay to get regged.
[19-12:16] 26667, Statheros Oridaen: Oh, thats definitely cool...I just didn't want to bust out this whole elaborate origin, and have it declined, yuno? Heh.
[19-12:16] cdbba, Palladia Mors : Do eeeet!! OBEY ME!! *looms doomily*
[19-12:16] 26667, Statheros Oridaen: I don't mind it at all...the more detailed, the better.
[19-12:17] 94c70, Z: hehe. *will be the only one stuck in OOC land.*
[19-12:17] cdbba, Palladia Mors : As I said in the email...send it to me...
[19-12:18] cdbba, Palladia Mors : *pokes Z* Who be ye?
[19-12:18] 94c70, Z: I be Z
[19-12:18] cdbba, Palladia Mors : Unacceptable *pies*
[19-12:20] 94c70, Z: *pies back* =====[}
[19-12:21] cdbba, Palladia Mors : *swats the Pie away with his Admin-y goodness*
[19-12:22] 94c70, Z: *eats the Admin-y goodness*
[19-12:24] cdbba, Palladia Mors : What the Deuce?! There's treachery afoot!
[19-12:24] EXIT: Z has left the chat ( 1:22pm, December 19 (CST) ).
[19-12:25] JOIN: jim has entered.
[19-12:25] JOIN: Z has entered.
[19-12:25] 1815b, jim: sup
[19-12:25] 94c70, Z: *tries to get the auto thing to work*
[19-12:26] cdbba, Palladia Mors : Greetings Jim
[19-12:26]       jim opens a beer
[19-12:27] 1815b, jim: salutations
[19-12:27] 39bef, Mab : The auto thing?
[19-12:27]       jim scratches his head
[19-12:28]       jim shrugs
[19-12:29]       jim sips his beer
[19-12:29] 1815b, jim: ah need me a damn bar
[19-12:29] 1815b, jim: meet me at the tavern
[19-12:30] cdbba, Palladia Mors : *pies Jim*
[19-12:33] 39bef, Mab : We need a name for the Main Tavern, but it's location is where Italy would be on earth, even though Bettenchi isn't earth.
[19-12:34] 39bef, Mab : it's = its
[19-12:38] 26667, Statheros Oridaen: *knows Jim is 15.* Illegal!
[19-12:43] 94c70, Z: Mab there's an autologin function.
[19-12:44] 39bef, Mab : *is 6 years old...well, emotionally, inner child like, anyway*
[19-12:44] 94c70, Z: So, who be Morr and Oridaen?
[19-12:45] cdbba, Palladia Mors : MOTD check
[19-12:45] 94c70, Z: Mors even
[19-12:47] cdbba, Palladia Mors : I be the Evil Admin
[19-12:47] 94c70, Z: Uh huh.
[19-12:48] cdbba, Palladia Mors : Most know me from SW chats as Liam Kincaid
[19-12:50] 94c70, Z: I take it you're not responding to AIM?
[19-12:51] cdbba, Palladia Mors : No one has AIMed me
[19-12:55] cdbba, Palladia Mors : *pies Z for fooling him*
[19-12:55] 94c70, Z: *Poofs out of the way, mwahaha*
[19-12:59] cdbba, Palladia Mors : *has a Z homing Pie*
[19-13:01] 2e9c7, Mab : *shakes head chuckling* Come guys, focus. Name, name of main tavern. Help me out here. hehe
[19-13:02] cdbba, Palladia Mors : Stardock
[19-13:04] 2e9c7, Mab : Hmmm *considers*
[19-13:05] 2e9c7, Mab : I need to post the floorplan to the tavern.
[19-13:06] cdbba, Palladia Mors : Yes
[19-13:07] cdbba, Palladia Mors : Inn of the Last Home
[19-13:08] 94c70, Z: You should have a map of the 'world' too.
[19-13:12] 2e9c7, Mab : We will have a map of the world, once it's more established. The basic terrain is based on earth, to make it easy to reference. Everything is just more fantastical and larger than life on Bettenchi.
[19-13:12] cdbba, Palladia Mors : Not to mention a map of the Ruins of Aureleisum...
[19-13:14] 2e9c7, Mab : That's your baby, Mors
[19-13:16] cdbba, Palladia Mors : But I no good mit Graphics... If I give layout you make pretty?
[19-13:19] 94c70, Z: well... you're going to have a lot of wierd stuff if you let people coming in make up the places in the world too
[19-13:19] 94c70, Z: like I can't even say where my character is from because I'm supposed to make it up.
[19-13:22] cdbba, Palladia Mors : She's from Cheeseville!
[19-13:23] 94c70, Z: hehe
[19-13:24] 94c70, Z: *is kind of serious though... doesn't know much about fantasy, but is required to make up everything in order to RP in a world that's already supposed to be established*
[19-13:24] 2e9c7, Mab : I might make layout pretty, Mors, if you give layout.
[19-13:25] cdbba, Palladia Mors : V00t! *huggles Mab*
[19-13:27] 2e9c7, Mab : It's got established elements, but a lot of the elements are left to players' creating. There is no way we could map out every last place on Bettenchi. We can just lay out the main hot spots. We've got Naurlotte's place and Queen Mab's and the Demons base in what would be Africa somewhere, if this were earth, the tavern in what would be Italy, if this were earth, etc.
[19-13:29] 94c70, Z: o_o I don't mean every detail *sigh* nevermind.
[19-13:31] cdbba, Palladia Mors : And Soth's ruined keep would be on the Volga River in Russia were this earth
[19-13:33] 94c70, Z: I wish you the best.
[19-13:33] EXIT: Z has left the chat ( 2:33pm, December 19 (CST) ).
[19-13:41] cdbba, Palladia Mors : *looms doomily*
[19-13:44] 26667, Statheros Oridaen: *still works on origin.*
[19-13:51] 26667, Statheros Oridaen: Whoo..all sent.
[19-13:51] 26667, Statheros Oridaen: Sorry if its really long...and let me know if I spelt anything wrong.
[19-13:58] cdbba, Palladia Mors : Right on
[19-13:58] cdbba, Palladia Mors : I'll look over it when I can
[19-14:02] 26667, Statheros Oridaen: Cool, wait...look at it NOW! *craps the whip* LOL just kiiiiiiiding *hugs a leg like an innocent child* ^_______^
[19-14:06] 26667, Statheros Oridaen: Omnipotence...*cracks...really kills a joke if you can't spell...
[19-14:06] 26667, Statheros Oridaen: LOL Omnipotence for using the Lor'ds name...good one.
[19-14:06] 26667, Statheros Oridaen: *Lord's
[19-14:09] cdbba, Palladia Mors : *whaps the "innocent child" upside the head with a rolled up newspaper before shaking his leg* Get it off!! Get it off!!
[19-14:10] 26667, Statheros Oridaen: *drools and humps leg* LOL jk
[19-14:10] 26667, Statheros Oridaen: So you guys bleeped out other words too?
[19-14:14] cdbba, Palladia Mors : O_O *throws Stath into a wall head first*
[19-14:14] cdbba, Palladia Mors : Yes we did
[19-14:14] 26667, Statheros Oridaen: Shit
[19-14:14] 26667, Statheros Oridaen: Oops...sorry...thought it would bleep it..
[19-14:14] cdbba, Palladia Mors : Vulgar word for crap becomes "What the Deuce?"
[19-14:14] 26667, Statheros Oridaen: Good thing I didn't use the F word
[19-14:15] 26667, Statheros Oridaen: Hmm...weird...didn't for me.
[19-14:15] 26667, Statheros Oridaen: I like the Omnipotence one though...thats good.
[19-14:16] 2e9c7, Mab : *L*
[19-14:17] 2e9c7, Mab : Oh, use the F word. Go on, it's funny. *L*
[19-14:17] 26667, Statheros Oridaen: Fuck
[19-14:17] 26667, Statheros Oridaen: O_O
[19-14:18] 26667, Statheros Oridaen: Maybe it only works with regged users or somehting?
[19-14:18] 26667, Statheros Oridaen: *something
[19-14:19] 2e9c7, Mab : Nope, but you showed me some holes I have to fix. Thanks!
[19-14:19] 26667, Statheros Oridaen: prob. *scratches head and smiles innocently.* I paid my dues by cursing...god I love america..LOL
[19-14:20] 2e9c7, Mab : Okay, that should fix it.
[19-14:20] 26667, Statheros Oridaen: brb, gonna grab a snack.
[19-14:20] 26667, Statheros Oridaen: Narf
[19-14:20] 26667, Statheros Oridaen: Awsome.
[19-14:20] 26667, Statheros Oridaen: *Awesome
[19-14:20] 26667, Statheros Oridaen: What the Deuce?
[19-14:20] 26667, Statheros Oridaen: Ass
[19-14:20] 26667, Statheros Oridaen: Well that one still works..heheh...brb.
[19-14:22] cdbba, Palladia Mors : Holy Chinese Food, Batman!
[19-14:24] 26667, Statheros Oridaen: back..what word is that?
[19-14:24] 26667, Statheros Oridaen: Asshole
[19-14:24] 26667, Statheros Oridaen: Damn, that one works...
[19-14:25] cdbba, Palladia Mors : What the Deuce?!! There's Treachery afoot!!
[19-14:25] 26667, Statheros Oridaen: LOL...that saying is funny as hell.
[19-14:26] 26667, Statheros Oridaen: What two words are those?
[19-14:26] cdbba, Palladia Mors : The first one is vulgar for "Crap" the other is one I just decided to type in
[19-14:26] 2e9c7, Mab : Yeah, we can't fix "ass" because it appears in words like "glass" and "class" and "asses" etc. It would change all of those.
[19-14:28] 26667, Statheros Oridaen: Ah..heheh.
[19-14:29] 2e9c7, Mab : glass
[19-14:29] 26667, Statheros Oridaen: Oh, well that sucks.
[19-14:29] 2e9c7, Mab : There's Treachery afoot!!
[19-14:29] 2e9c7, Mab : hehe, well, that one works now.
[19-14:30] 26667, Statheros Oridaen: Did you guys fix the B word?
[19-14:32] cdbba, Palladia Mors : What the Deuce?! There's Treachery afoot!!!
[19-14:33] 26667, Statheros Oridaen: Narf What the Deuce? Bitch
[19-14:33] 26667, Statheros Oridaen: Oops...last one is still there..heheheh. ^_^;
[19-14:34] 26667, Statheros Oridaen: *hopefully isn't going to get in trouble for excessive cursing.* Heh
[19-14:34] cdbba, Palladia Mors : *gets his smiting stick*
[19-14:34] 26667, Statheros Oridaen:
[19-14:36] 26667, Statheros Oridaen: *rubs some baby powder on his dragon pimpslap* Oohhhh yeah!
[19-14:37] 2e9c7, Mab : Okay, fixed that one too.
[19-14:38] cdbba, Palladia Mors : *revs up his Aura of Ph33r*
[19-14:38] 26667, Statheros Oridaen: PMS'ing wanna-be male pig
[19-14:38] 26667, Statheros Oridaen: LOL
[19-14:39] 26667, Statheros Oridaen: Narf What the Deuce? PMS'ing wanna-be male pig
[19-14:40] cdbba, Palladia Mors : Holy Chinese Food, Batman!!!
[19-14:41] 26667, Statheros Oridaen: Whats that one? And whats that Treachery one?
[19-14:43] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[19-14:43] cdbba, Palladia Mors : Chinese food is the C word and Treachery is a-hole
[19-14:44] 65f3e, Will-o'-the-wisp: Blast you Mab! You beat me to the punch...A fantasy chat...bah. I knew I shouldn't have been lazy when I started making mine =p
[19-14:44] 26667, Statheros Oridaen: C word?
[19-14:44] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[19-14:44] 26667, Statheros Oridaen: Mab did good. ^_^ *hugs*
[19-14:45] 65f3e, Will-o'-the-wisp:
[19-14:45] 65f3e, Will-o'-the-wisp: Oh I'm not saying Mab didn't, the chat looks very good indead. Probably better then I could have done. I
[19-14:47] 65f3e, Will-o'-the-wisp: Enzeru..what does that mean? Your the second person who has a screen name with that in it...
[19-14:49] cdbba, Palladia Mors : It means Angel in Japanese
[19-14:50] 2e9c7, Mab : *L* I've actually been working on this chat for oh.......gosh, 5 months now. It's still not completely finished, but I decided to launch it anyway.
[19-14:50] 65f3e, Will-o'-the-wisp: Ah yes... You have that elven dictionary don't you Mab =)
[19-14:50] cdbba, Palladia Mors : *helped!!*
[19-14:50] 65f3e, Will-o'-the-wisp: I've HAd mine for about 4 weeks. Worked on it for about..oh..say...three days. Pretty much still working on the History. I even have the ''how the universe was created speel.
[19-14:51] 2e9c7, Mab : Bettenchi means "Other world" in Japanese.
[19-14:51] 2e9c7, Mab : Actually, I think my sister has the elven dictionary, or a friend of hers. *L*
[19-14:53] 65f3e, Will-o'-the-wisp: I have it. And I'm not to bed in speaking and recalling from memory if I do say so myself.
[19-14:53] 2e9c7, Mab : Maybe we could combine our fantasy chat ideas? *raises a brow in an asking, "interested?" fashion* This chat's plot has some good elements, but it also has a lot of looming gaps.
[19-14:54] cdbba, Palladia Mors : *is working on a Drow Lexicon*
[19-14:56] 65f3e, Will-o'-the-wisp: I really don't have much =p
[19-14:57] cdbba, Palladia Mors : Hey...still combining is good...*floats about on his doom throne*
[19-15:00] 2e9c7, Mab : but what you do have, combined with what we have?
[19-15:01] 65f3e, Will-o'-the-wisp: Nothing really. I have a "Universe Created'' speel...and a whole bunch of ideas. However those ideas don't coincide with your chat.
[19-15:03] 2e9c7, Mab : ah well. You're welcome here, at any rate.
[19-15:19] 26667, Statheros Oridaen: died..*revives!*
[19-15:22] 26667, Statheros Oridaen: *takes a nap at work.*
[19-15:24] 2e9c7, Mab : hehe
[19-15:30] 65f3e, Will-o'-the-wisp: Mab killed it!
[19-15:31] 2e9c7, Mab : *stabbity stab stabs* Die chat! DIE!!! ........*blinks* wait...uuuuuh.....
[19-15:37] 65f3e, Will-o'-the-wisp: Mab...put down the knife...easy does it...
[19-15:39] 2e9c7, Mab : *shudders and drops the knife, stunned* What have I done? *in a frantic whisper*
[19-15:41] 65f3e, Will-o'-the-wisp: *Allows her to collapse against shoulder. Pets hair.*It's okay...*restrained tears* It's okay...we're gonna get through this...
[19-15:43] 2e9c7, Mab : *sobs, getting his shoulder all nice and soggy. SNIFF!* It'll never be the same again...*choked, trembling voice* What have I done?
[19-15:47] 65f3e, Will-o'-the-wisp: *Takes her by the shouldrs and pushes her roughly back. Looks into her eyes*Mab...there's something I have to tell you...I-I'm really *puts hand near neck and peels off mask* your brother...
[19-15:50] 2e9c7, Mab : brother? *eyes all glossy and bambi wondered, a sparkle flashing and rotating in them briefly before fading.* My Brother!! *throws arms around him and sobs joyfully*
[19-15:51] 26667, Statheros Oridaen: *wakes up after co-worker kicks his chair.*
[19-15:53] 26667, Statheros Oridaen: Yeah, he loves you like a sister in west virginia..LOL
[19-15:53] 65f3e, Will-o'-the-wisp: Yes...and now we're together again in our home town of Shady Elms. *He looks at her again* There-there's more...our mother...she-she...she is having your boyfriends baby...that's right...they cheated with one another on you.
[19-15:54] 65f3e, Will-o'-the-wisp: We should write corny Soap Operas. They are fun.
[19-15:57] 26667, Statheros Oridaen: *tests out icons*
[19-15:57] 26667, Statheros Oridaen:
[19-15:57] 2e9c7, Mab : *L*
[19-15:57] 26667, Statheros Oridaen: ;-;
[19-15:57] 26667, Statheros Oridaen: Aww...heh.
[19-15:57] 2e9c7, Mab :
[19-15:57] 26667, Statheros Oridaen:
[19-15:57] 26667, Statheros Oridaen: That dude isbeasty.
[19-15:58] 26667, Statheros Oridaen: *is beasty
[19-15:58] 2e9c7, Mab : What was that supposed to be? The " ;-; " one?
[19-16:00] 26667, Statheros Oridaen: Iunno...crying I think?
[19-16:00] 26667, Statheros Oridaen: ;_;
[19-16:00] 26667, Statheros Oridaen: Err...something like that.
[19-16:02] 26667, Statheros Oridaen: Alright, its 5. Time to roll the narf out. Seeya all later.
[19-16:11] JOIN: Merlin has entered.
[19-16:13] 65f3e, Will-o'-the-wisp: Pfff. Merlin.
[19-16:13] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[19-16:13] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 5:13pm, December 19 (CST) ).
[19-16:13] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[19-16:13] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 5:13pm, December 19 (CST) ).
[19-16:14] ccf2f, Merlin: umm whats wrong with the namke
[19-16:14] ccf2f, Merlin: name*
[19-16:15] 3a4ed, Q: doody doo dee doo
[19-16:16] 3a4ed, Q: s randomly
[19-16:16] ccf2f, Merlin: hello Q
[19-16:17] 65f3e, Will-o'-the-wisp: Ah-ha! I knew you would be around here Q somewhere....
[19-16:17] 3a4ed, Q: yo
[19-16:17] 3a4ed, Q: um...k...
[19-16:17] 2e9c7, Mab : *L*
[19-16:18] 3a4ed, Q: *is spikey* ^_^ *referring to "dot"*
[19-16:19] 3a4ed, Q:
[19-16:19] 3a4ed, Q: /stinky
[19-16:19] ccf2f, Merlin: ((umm, k, yeah...*grins uneasilly*))
[19-16:20] 65f3e, Will-o'-the-wisp: Er...somewhere Q..whatever. I need sleep.
[19-16:20] 3a4ed, Q: why is there no /stinky emoticon?!
[19-16:20] 65f3e, Will-o'-the-wisp: /kill Q forever
[19-16:20] 3a4ed, Q: *can not cool like d'at*
[19-16:21] 65f3e, Will-o'-the-wisp: Damn. Doesn't work.
[19-16:21] 3a4ed, Q: exactly
[19-16:21] 3a4ed, Q: bwahahaha
[19-16:22] 2e9c7, Mab : What would be a good icon for /stinky ?
[19-16:22] 2e9c7, Mab : and /kill ? That would be cool.
[19-16:22] 3a4ed, Q: poo with steam comin out of it
[19-16:22] 3a4ed, Q: or a stick man dancing..then he pauses and a stinky squiggly line comes out of his bottom
[19-16:23] ccf2f, Merlin: (())
[19-16:23] 3a4ed, Q: why you seem unseasy Merlin?
[19-16:23] 3a4ed, Q: er...uneasy...even
[19-16:24] ccf2f, Merlin: ((im gonna come back when some other people are hera))
[19-16:24] ccf2f, Merlin: ((im gonna come back when some other people are hera))
[19-16:25] EXIT: Merlin has left the chat ( 5:24pm, December 19 (CST) ).
[19-16:25] 3a4ed, Q: .....umm..........kay...
[19-16:26] 3a4ed, Q: heh woah! O_O
[19-16:26] 3a4ed, Q: darn
[19-16:26] 3a4ed, Q: heh
[19-16:26] 3a4ed, Q:
[19-16:26] 3a4ed, Q: sweet!
[19-16:27] 2e9c7, Mab : Oh, oops! I forgot to change the refresh to a little faster.
[19-16:27] 2e9c7, Mab : I had it set slower for until the chat was launched. Silly me.
[19-16:27] 3a4ed, Q: hehe
[19-16:27] 3a4ed, Q: *thinks he may have driven poor ol' Merlin away*
[19-16:28] 2e9c7, Mab : There we go.
[19-16:33] 3a4ed, Q: ahh....bit better...but...why so long?
[19-16:33] 3a4ed, Q: I mean i don't mind it....just curious ^_^
[19-16:38] 2e9c7, Mab : because the clicking too fast drives me batty.
[19-16:49] 3a4ed, Q: heheh
[19-16:49] 3a4ed, Q: oooo
[19-16:49] 3a4ed, Q: *wanders off to draw*
[19-22:43] JOIN: Z has entered.
[19-22:52] JOIN: Statheros Oridaen has entered.
[19-22:53] d2dc2, Statheros Oridaen: test
[19-22:53] d2dc2, Statheros Oridaen: Hmm...good good.
[19-22:56] 94c70, Z: Hmm?
[19-22:56] d2dc2, Statheros Oridaen: Nothin, just testing out my font...last time I came out with hot pink..
[19-22:59] 94c70, Z:
[19-22:59] 94c70, Z:
[19-22:59] 94c70, Z: *blinks* Mab's smiley happy.
[19-22:59] d2dc2, Statheros Oridaen:
[19-23:01] 2e9c7, Mab : *works on the board and other details*
[19-23:02] d2dc2, Statheros Oridaen: *hugs Mab for no reason.* ^_^
[19-23:02] 94c70, Z: hehe
[19-23:03] 94c70, Z: *wonders what else she can type to get a face*
[19-23:05] 2e9c7, Mab : *is hugged.* Awww
[19-23:05] d2dc2, Statheros Oridaen: LOL How'd you do that one?
[19-23:08] 94c70, Z: *slinks off into her corner.*
[19-23:08] JOIN: Codes has entered.
[19-23:09] b10ac, Codes: Hum.....
[19-23:10] d2dc2, Statheros Oridaen: *wonders if his idea was approved, sheepish grin towards Mab.* ^______^
[19-23:11] b10ac, Codes: ...
[19-23:12] EXIT: Codes has left the chat ( 12:11am, December 20 (CST) ).
[19-23:19] 2e9c7, Mab : Did you send the ideas to me or Palladia Mors?
[19-23:19] 94c70, Z: *battles viruses for someone, mwahaha* silly kids and their toys.
[19-23:20] 2e9c7, Mab : btw, to see what you type to get all the faces, go to this link. Just ignore the swear word filters.
[19-23:20] 2e9c7, Mab :
[19-23:20] 94c70, Z: LOL that should be 'snarf' not 'narf'
[19-23:22] d2dc2, Statheros Oridaen: Yeah, I sent 'em to Mors...though he said I needed an origin, so I sent him one...hmm...maybe he might have replied to my work addy, which I can't check at home..
[19-23:23] 2e9c7, Mab : Possibly, Statheros
[19-23:23] 2e9c7, Mab : Snarf? Isn't that what Pinky says?
[19-23:23] d2dc2, Statheros Oridaen: Crappy...*le sigh.* Ah well...guess I'll wait for Mors to come on.
[19-23:25] 94c70, Z: No!
[19-23:25] 94c70, Z: well.. it might be... but.... It was from ThunderCats originally
[19-23:27] 2e9c7, Mab : *L* Oh yeah. I remember that.
[19-23:40] d2dc2, Statheros Oridaen:
[19-23:41] 94c70, Z: ow.. *gets her butt kicked*
[19-23:46] d2dc2, Statheros Oridaen: Self abuse, or from another? Heh.
[19-23:51] JOIN: Statheros Oridaen has entered.
[19-23:53] 94c70, Z: Videogame
[19-23:54] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[19-23:56] d2dc2, Statheros Oridaen: Ah.
[20-00:08] d2dc2, Statheros Oridaen:
[20-00:18] d2dc2, Statheros Oridaen:
[20-00:18] 94c70, Z: *creats her character*
[20-00:22] d2dc2, Statheros Oridaen: *wishes he had the OK to create his char.* Gotta wait for Palladia Mors..
[20-00:27] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[20-00:28] 2e9c7, Mab : Eureka!! I found it!!
[20-00:31] d2dc2, Statheros Oridaen: Eh?
[20-00:31] d2dc2, Statheros Oridaen:
[20-00:32] 2e9c7, Mab : Oh, just one of the species descriptions I misplaced.
[20-00:35] d2dc2, Statheros Oridaen: Ah.
[20-00:36] d2dc2, Statheros Oridaen: *lingers like the dead, moaning.* Uhhhnnn...
[20-00:51] d2dc2, Statheros Oridaen: *listens to Greenwheel.* Its tiiiiime, to forget myself....Tell me where to find shelter, somewhere here!
[20-00:53] 2e9c7, Mab : hehe
[20-00:53] d2dc2, Statheros Oridaen: Ever heard of the band?
[20-00:53] d2dc2, Statheros Oridaen: I think this one song was on the Spider-Man soundtrack.
[20-00:54] 2e9c7, Mab : Hmm, dunno. I'm not good at knowing who sang what.
[20-00:55] d2dc2, Statheros Oridaen: Ah...what kinda music do you listen to?
[20-00:56] 94c70, Z: *jams to Jon Bon Jovi*
[20-00:57] d2dc2, Statheros Oridaen: *changes it up to Static X* Need something hard to jam to.*
[20-00:58] d2dc2, Statheros Oridaen: Bah...too many *
[20-01:06] JOIN: Special K has entered.
[20-01:06] EXIT: Statheros Oridaen has left the chat ( 1:58am, December 20 (CST) ).
[20-01:07] 15491, Special K: ((eh... I admit it, people, I might need help here.))
[20-01:09] EXIT: Special K has left the chat ( 2:07am, December 20 (CST) ).
[20-01:10] 2e9c7, Mab : Okeydokey. *blinks*
[20-01:11] JOIN: Ravaella Glimmergaunt has entered.
[20-01:12] 3eea1, Ravaella Glimmergaunt : ((Hmmm))
[20-01:16] 3eea1, Ravaella Glimmergaunt : ((Oh, new posts on the board.))
[20-01:16] 3eea1, Ravaella Glimmergaunt : ((Nothing too imporatnt though))
[20-01:19] 2e9c7, Mab : Nothing too important? *L* That's because they're just set up stuff. Their content is coming soon.
[20-01:20] 3eea1, Ravaella Glimmergaunt : ((Well, anyways...Any help with the bar's name would be nice))
[20-01:21] 94c70, Z: *creates! Mwahaha*
[20-01:23] JOIN: Luke has entered.
[20-01:23] 41b5b, Luke: *peeks in for a moment* hey all... how 'bout 'The Glimmering Inn'?
[20-01:25] 2e9c7, Mab : Oooo! That could be it's statis Title, like how people feel about it, like Satine was called "the Sparkling Diamond" in Moulin Rouge.
[20-01:26] 3eea1, Ravaella Glimmergaunt : ((It's not an Inn tho))
[20-01:26] 3eea1, Ravaella Glimmergaunt : ((It could be...hmmm *ponders that while player goes to get some food*))
[20-01:28] 41b5b, Luke: anyways, I'm off... see ya's...
[20-01:28] EXIT: Luke has left the chat ( 2:28am, December 20 (CST) ).
[20-01:30] 94c70, Z: Ravaella, a lot of taverns in Fantasy have a few rooms too
[20-01:33] 2e9c7, Mab : *fixes Welcome and readies to reupload htm file*
[20-01:34] 2e9c7, Mab : Okay, uploaded.
[20-01:38] 3eea1, Ravaella Glimmergaunt : ((*Back and still considering, hmmm*))
[20-01:42] 2e9c7, Mab : It's an Inn, but a tavern as well. It's both.
[20-01:43] 2e9c7, Mab : and it is owned by Mr. & Mrs. Trendlekim.
[20-01:44] 3eea1, Ravaella Glimmergaunt : (( Who are the Trendlekim's?))
[20-01:47] 2e9c7, Mab : Characters that I just made up. *L* The tavern needed to be owned by somebody.
[20-01:49] 3eea1, Ravaella Glimmergaunt : ((And here I thought I owned my own bar & Inn...))
[20-01:49] 3eea1, Ravaella Glimmergaunt : ((And yes it is now an Inn too))
[20-01:51] 2e9c7, Mab : Yeah, but yours isn't the main gathering place Inn, which is based in what would be Italy on earth. If yours becomes more popular, so be it. I don't mind, but the chat needed a main placeybob.
[20-01:53] 3eea1, Ravaella Glimmergaunt : ((Ah))
[20-01:56] 3eea1, Ravaella Glimmergaunt : ((Well I'm gonna go, Night Mab))
[20-01:57] EXIT: Ravaella Glimmergaunt has left the chat ( 2:56am, December 20 (CST) ).
[20-01:58] JOIN: Statheros Oridaen has entered.
[20-01:59] d2dc2, Statheros Oridaen: Hmm..
[20-02:02] d2dc2, Statheros Oridaen: Couldn't stay away for too long.
[20-02:04] 2e9c7, Mab Moderator : *test*
[20-02:06] d2dc2, Statheros Oridaen: Mab, you're dedicated, I'll give ya that..
[20-02:07] 2e9c7, Mab Moderator : *L*
[20-02:08] 94c70, Z: *wonders who Ori is*
[20-02:09] d2dc2, Statheros Oridaen: *is a nobody.* Yepyep...I RP in MDC though.
[20-02:14] 2e9c7, Mab Moderator : *dances around*
[20-02:14] d2dc2, Statheros Oridaen: LOL Mab...*hugs*
[20-02:15] d2dc2, Statheros Oridaen: Alright, well I'm going to go watch some anime, then pass out...considering its already 3am...
[20-02:15] d2dc2, Statheros Oridaen: Night all.
[20-02:15] d2dc2, Statheros Oridaen: oh, BTW, I RP Damien, Edward Elric, and Cannonball in MDC if anyone was curious.
[20-02:16] d2dc2, Statheros Oridaen: *poofs, waving.*
[20-02:16] EXIT: Statheros Oridaen has left the chat ( 3:16am, December 20 (CST) ).
[20-02:16] 2e9c7, Mab OOC: See ya Oridaen
[20-02:19] 2e9c7, Mab Fairy Queen : *and her enterage (spell?) small as it is, is readied and she departs with them on a beautiful white steed, it's saddle and bridle and trimmings very gossamer and fairy like. Those traveling with her follow on horses as well and with one wagon of provisions*
[20-02:20] 2e9c7, Mab Fairy Queen : ((it's = its *and fixes all other punctuation and grammar errors*))
[20-02:25] 2e9c7, Mab Fairy Queen : *she rides through lush green forests with trees larger than redwoods of both pine and deciduous types, moss and ferns and shroons adorn the floor of the forest around the trees, themselves covered with sparkling dew in this early morning hour that her small caravan is departing in. Mists curl about amoung the trees as well as they press out of Mab's kingdom capital*
[20-02:26] 94c70, Z: hmm.. *will ahve to check on who that is*
[20-02:32] 2e9c7, Mab Fairy Queen : OOC: hehe
[20-02:37] 2e9c7, Mab Fairy Queen : *and so her yearly journey begins* *fade out*
[20-03:09] 2e9c7, Mab : *makes a few clarifying notes on the board*
[20-04:02] JOIN: Ravaella Glimmergaunt has entered.
[20-04:03] 3eea1, Ravaella Glimmergaunt: ((NEW POSTS ON THE BOARD))
[20-04:03] 3eea1, Ravaella Glimmergaunt: ((NIGHT))
[20-04:03] EXIT: Ravaella Glimmergaunt has left the chat ( 5:03am, December 20 (CST) ).
[20-05:21] JOIN: Z has entered.
[20-05:25] 2e9c7, Mab :
[20-05:25] 2e9c7, Mab : *tidies, clarifies, cleans, refines, etc*
[20-05:27] 2e9c7, Mab : *adds important rule she forgot about unregged characters and if they can kill regged ones or not. They can't. heh*
[20-05:31] 2e9c7, Mab : *refines rules layout. will then tackle the plot some more.* Z! HELP ME!!! *L*
[20-05:56] 2e9c7, Tarence Kurandi : *enters Trendlekim's and approaches the bar strip in the back, taking a stool at the bar and looking about at the various patrons. He has a lute and a large sachel looking pack over his shoulder, slung and held by thick leather straps*
[20-06:20] 2e9c7, Tarence Kurandi : *and pause there for now*
[20-07:17] JOIN: Palladia Mors has entered.
[20-07:30] 8184d, Palladia Mors :
[20-07:38] 8184d, Palladia Mors : We got chicken so good it'll make you wanna smack yo Momma
[20-08:20] 2e9c7, Mab : LOL
Chat cleared by Mab.
[20-09:24] 2e9c7, Mab : *uses power* Muahahahaha! *dances*
[20-09:34] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[20-09:40] 2e9c7, Mab : *waves at WotW*
[20-09:42] 2e9c7, Mab : *heads off for a nap*
[20-10:10] db1f0, Q: *test ban message*
[20-10:10] BAN: The Q-Dragon has eaten db1f0 and chews for 30 seconds seconds.
[20-10:11] UNBAN: Q regurgitated up dbf10.
[20-11:17] JOIN: Statheros Oridaen has entered.
[20-11:33] d2dc2, Statheros Oridaen: *works on his char.* ^_^
[20-12:10] JOIN: Statheros Oridaen has entered.
[20-12:43] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[20-13:00] 867a2, Sileen: .
[20-13:00] BAN: The Sileen-Dragon has eaten 867a2 and chews for 10 seconds.
[20-13:00] UNBAN: Sileen regurgitated up 867a2.
[20-13:01] 867a2, Sileen: *dies laughing*
[20-13:37] JOIN: Ravaella Glimmergaunt has entered.
[20-13:38] 3eea1, Ravaella Glimmergaunt : ((*ponders monologue*))
[20-13:38] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[20-13:40] 9fa3b, Will-o'-the-wisp: *Peeps*
[20-13:40] 3eea1, Ravaella Glimmergaunt : ((*pokes the peeper*))
[20-13:44] 3eea1, Ravaella Glimmergaunt : ((hmmm))
[20-13:45] 9fa3b, Will-o'-the-wisp: *Peeps louder?*
[20-13:45] 9fa3b, Will-o'-the-wisp: Feel like rpin'?
[20-13:45] 9fa3b, Will-o'-the-wisp: *Shifty glance* ...with someone who's never even been here before?
[20-13:46] 3eea1, Ravaella Glimmergaunt : ((O_O))
[20-13:46] 3eea1, Ravaella Glimmergaunt : (())
[20-13:47] 9fa3b, Will-o'-the-wisp: *Narrows eyes* A nice drow? Isn't that a paradox?
[20-13:48] 3eea1, Ravaella Glimmergaunt : ((Truth is sometimes stranger than fiction, plus she can get mad so it isn't like a complete paradox))
[20-13:49] 3eea1, Ravaella Glimmergaunt : ((And I'm not a sinister type much, so evil isn't a strong suite of mine))
[20-13:49] 9fa3b, Will-o'-the-wisp: But evil is sexy. :
[20-13:50] 3eea1, Ravaella Glimmergaunt : ((um...ok))
[20-13:51] 9fa3b, Will-o'-the-wisp: ...ok.
[20-13:51] 9fa3b, Will-o'-the-wisp: Well, anyway, I'm outta here if there's no rpin' goin' on. Have fun doin' whatever it is you're here to do.
[20-13:52] 3eea1, Ravaella Glimmergaunt : ((Will do))
[20-13:54] 3eea1, Ravaella Glimmergaunt : ((*back to pondering*))
[20-14:02] 3eea1, Ravaella Glimmergaunt : ((*Awakens in her four poster bed, the white satin sheets making a slight swishing sound as she looks about. Soon a male slave enters and bows to her with a "Good Morning, Mistress"* Good Morning, Shafel *Treats her slaves well and it shows by not using the diminutive term 'slave'. Shafel blushes and thanks her, then looks to the other occupant of the bed. "I trust a good night was had?". Ravaella smiles and looks over at the young male Drow.* Yes, Shafel. You are correct *places a gentle kiss on the---))
[20-14:05] 3eea1, Ravaella Glimmergaunt : ---brow of the young slave and covers herself with the covers as Shafel retrieves a robe and places it around her* Thank you, Shafel. You are dismissed *He bows and exits the room as she places the covers over the young slave, smiling down at him. Nothing much has happened since her meeting with the Dread Lord. She moves about the room, tightening the robe and looking things over. Soon she traverses the rest of the house, receiving greetings from her other slaves and greeting them right back. She---
[20-14:10] 3eea1, Ravaella Glimmergaunt : ---enjoys her life as it is. Simple, no worries, but that will change. Agreeing to be the Dread Lord's scout for the army will surely bring danger if ever in battle, but that is in the future, and this is now. After all is well in the house, she dresses in a black corset and black pants made of fine material and hops on an awaiting steed, taking a jaunt through the Underdark. Eventually she arrives at the The Gauntlet, her tavern/Inn. Dismounting and tying the steed to a post, Ravaella walks in and---
[20-14:14] 3eea1, Ravaella Glimmergaunt : ---casts a glance about, smiling. The place wasn't full, a mere amount of occupants were inside, drinking, relaxing and what not. A saunter up to the bar and she checks things over with one of the head slaves. As soon as that is done she moves about and talks to the different customers, freshining up drinks, laughing at the jokes told by all and what not. She is a nice Drow, though it may be unheard of, and many of the customers have had their day brightened by her. Another check of the upstairs Inn---
[20-14:19] 3eea1, Ravaella Glimmergaunt : ---greeting those who are moving about, making sure their stay was pleasent. She soon moves to an unoccupied room and sits on the bed, looking around the room with a satisfactory smile. Her slaves did well in their job and she appreciated each and every one of them, though soon the time would come when she would have to replace one of them. She frowns at the thought of losing such a good slave. He was old and the time was coming for him to lay to rest. Soon she would retire him and make sure his---
[20-14:20] 3eea1, Ravaella Glimmergaunt : ---last few days were satisfactory. Then the time would come to track another possible slave. Something she enjoyed...*
[20-14:28] 3eea1, Ravaella Glimmergaunt : *END MONOLOGUE*
[20-14:29] 3eea1, Ravaella Glimmergaunt : ((5 continuous posts, gonna have to work on getting more material for monologues, hmmm))
[20-14:42] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[20-14:42] d0085, Will-o'-the-wisp: *eyes from sneaky adminland*
[20-14:43] d0085, Will-o'-the-wisp: used my SW char's name as a Slave? Ooo... I shallt surely smite thee for that
[20-14:44] 3eea1, Ravaella Glimmergaunt : ((It was the first thing that came to mind *shrug*))
[20-14:45] 3eea1, Ravaella Glimmergaunt : ((Sides, you haven't used that char for awhile))
[20-14:50] 3eea1, Ravaella Glimmergaunt : ((test))
[20-14:50] 3eea1, Ravaella Glimmergaunt: ((there))
[20-14:51] 3eea1, Ravaella Glimmergaunt: ((If there is no more to say, then I am off to play Black & White.....))
[20-14:51] EXIT: Ravaella Glimmergaunt has left the chat ( 3:51pm, December 20 (CST) ).
[20-15:08] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[20-19:59] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[20-19:59] JOIN: Z has entered.
[20-20:07] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[20-20:16] 2e9c7, Mab : *dances*
[20-20:19] 2e9c7, Mab : Shafel is a slave now? *L*
[20-20:23] 94c70, Z: He is?
[20-20:26] 2e9c7, Mab : According to Ravaella. *L*
[20-20:26] 2e9c7, Mab : *likes how the Laumil Elves' icon matches font color*
[20-20:30] 2e9c7, Mab : *goes to reg some peeps*
[20-20:37] 94c70, Z: Huh...
[20-20:38] 2e9c7, Mab : *needs/wants/desires to incorporate Laumil Elves into opening plot history.*
[20-20:42] 94c70, Z: *has been informed*
[20-20:45] JOIN: Ravaella Glimmergaunt has entered.
[20-20:47] 3eea1, Ravaella Glimmergaunt: ((No characters mentioned in furture or previous posts are related to other characters from other chats, it is purely coincidence....and I didn't want to make up a new name for an NPC))
[20-20:50] 94c70, Z: Huh?
[20-20:50] 3eea1, Ravaella Glimmergaunt: ((Just feel like I need to defend myself there))
[20-20:58] 3eea1, Ravaella Glimmergaunt: ((mmmkay *ponders staying or going to LAN place, hmmm*))
[20-21:01] EXIT: Ravaella Glimmergaunt has left the chat ( 9:58pm, December 20 (CST) ).
[20-21:16] 2e9c7, Mab : No need to defend. We were amused is all.
[20-21:18] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[20-21:18] 69f68, Will-o'-the-wisp: is so green....reminds me of miracle-gro.
[20-21:18] 94c70, Z: *is lost*
[20-21:19] 69f68, Will-o'-the-wisp: *isn't lost*
[20-21:22] 94c70, Z: *looks at her map*
[20-21:22] 2e9c7, Mab : *finds the lost and is found*
[20-21:31] 69f68, Will-o'-the-wisp: okay.
[20-21:31] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[20-22:10] 69f68, Seeta: ((*test0r*))
[20-22:11] 2e9c7, Mab : test0ring what?
[20-22:12] 69f68, Seeta: ((not sure.))
[20-22:15] 2e9c7, Mab : heh
[20-22:17] 69f68, Seeta: ((a color i had not typed in. *nod*))
[20-22:18] 2e9c7, Mab : *L*
[20-22:18] 2e9c7, Mab : *ponders changing laugh smilie to not be so scary looking.*
[20-22:18] 2e9c7, Mab :
[20-22:19] 69f68, Seeta: (( it looks more like it has a beak.))
[20-22:19] 2e9c7, Mab :
[20-22:19] 69f68, Seeta: ((*test*))
[20-22:20] 94c70, Z: *lurks*
[20-22:22] 2e9c7, Mab : Perhaps laugh smilie would look better toothless?
[20-22:25] 69f68, Seeta: ((I like that last one.))
[20-22:26] 2e9c7, Mab : Thanks. That's the cheesy grin. You get it by typing / + cheese only w/o the space and the plus sign.
[20-22:28] 69f68, Seeta:
[20-22:29] 2e9c7, Mab : hehe
[20-22:29] 2e9c7, Mab :
[20-22:30] 2e9c7, Mab : Yeah, that's better for the laugh, not so scary. *L*
[20-22:31] 69f68, Seeta: (("it's going to bite me!!!!"))
[20-22:31] 2e9c7, Mab :
[20-22:34] 69f68, Seeta: ((O_O))
[20-22:35] 2e9c7, Mab : *goes to make a quick smilie for that last face you did*
[20-22:41] 69f68, Seeta: ((a quickie huh?))
[20-22:43] 2e9c7, Mab : Yup!! Just finished. *goes to set it up*
[20-22:44] 2e9c7, Mab : How's that?
[20-22:45] 69f68, Seeta: ((eyes need to be bigger. *pause* not to sound bad.))
[20-22:46] 2e9c7, Mab : *goes to try it with bigger eyes*
[20-22:52] 2e9c7, Mab :
[20-22:52] 2e9c7, Mab : *blinks*
[20-22:54] 2e9c7, Mab : *scratches head* Now, I know I uploaded the new icon.
[20-22:54] 2e9c7, Mab :
[20-22:54] 94c70, Z: Looks like he ate too much
[20-22:54] 69f68, Seeta: ((like..half the face, eyes))
[20-22:55] 2e9c7, Mab : *does it again for good measure*
[20-22:56] 2e9c7, Mab : Hmm, why isn't the new smilie showing up?
[20-22:57] 2e9c7, Mab : Ah, there we go.
[20-22:58] 2e9c7, Mab :
[20-22:58] 69f68, Seeta: ((not a clue.))
[20-22:59] 2e9c7, Mab : How's that, with the bigger eyes?
[20-23:00] 2e9c7, Mab :
[20-23:00] 69f68, Seeta: ((don't know. they don't look bigger.))
[20-23:01] JOIN: Galean Arrowan has entered.
[20-23:02] 2e9c7, Mab :
[20-23:02] 406cb, Galean Arrowan : ((hey all *is otherwise known as Luke*))
[20-23:03] 2e9c7, Mab : They don't?
[20-23:04] 69f68, Seeta: ((no. they don't. ))
[20-23:04] 2e9c7, Mab : Hiya Luke
[20-23:05] 2e9c7, Mab : Hmm, well, they are significantly bigger, see, I posted the original eye size with this other emoticon. for comparison.
[20-23:05] 69f68, Seeta: ((g'evening Luke.))
[20-23:05] 69f68, Seeta: ((it works either way.))
[20-23:08] 2e9c7, Mab : Yeah.... anyways, ummm, *gets back to work on stuff*
[20-23:09] 69f68, Seeta: (( exactly. * do things also*))
[20-23:09] EXIT: Seeta has left the chat ( 12:09am, December 21 (CST) ).
[20-23:12] 406cb, Galean Arrowan : ((*quick colour test*))
[20-23:12] 406cb, Galean Arrowan : ((last one...))
[20-23:13] 406cb, Galean Arrowan : ((no, this is the last one...))
[20-23:13] 406cb, Galean Arrowan : ((*will go with this one*))
[20-23:19] 2e9c7, Mab : I like that one.
[20-23:21] 406cb, Galean Arrowan : ((thanks))
[20-23:35] JOIN: Cookie Monster has entered.
[20-23:36] b6687, Cookie Monster: <.< >.>
[20-23:38] 2e9c7, Mab : hehe
[20-23:44] b6687, Cookie Monster: hello
[20-23:49] 94c70, Z:
[20-23:51] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 12:34am, December 21 (CST) ).
[20-23:51] JOIN: Kaine has entered.
[20-23:52] 7725b, Kaine: *peeks*
[20-23:52] b6687, Cookie Monster: *peeks back*
[20-23:55] 2e9c7, Mab : *ponders making a blinking smilie*
[20-23:56] 94c70, Z: *is creating names*
[20-23:57] 2e9c7, Mab : Cool!
[20-23:57] 7725b, Kaine: *pokes people*
[20-23:58] 2e9c7, Mab : *is doing work while wanting to spend more time here. heh*
[20-23:59] 2e9c7, Mab : *needs to make a crying smilie too.*
[20-23:59] b6687, Cookie Monster: Any political settings for teh world set up or will it just be determined by what happens with what players feel like?
[21-00:00] 2e9c7, Mab : Pretty much what players feel like, especially with the humans. The High Elves and a couple other species have some political structure already.
[21-00:02] 2e9c7, Mab : That reminds me. I need to make an orc icon.
[21-00:02] b6687, Cookie Monster: Cool. Does the area that the chat take place in have any sort of kingdom to it yet?
[21-00:07] 406cb, Galean Arrowan : ((*puts up profile*))
[21-00:18] 2e9c7, Mab : The area that the main tavern is in still needs a human kingdom established. I'm hoping for a player to play the ruler of that area. It's in terrain much like italy and the city is much like Venice.
[21-00:19] 2e9c7, Mab : Sorry it took so long to answer. I was making the orc icon.
[21-00:20] b6687, Cookie Monster: I did a bit of study of medieval history if you ever want advice. Italy was generaly a bunch of city states. Not that that governs anything about anything in this world.
[21-00:22] 2e9c7, Mab : Still, it might be interesting to base it off of that. *intrigued*
[21-00:23] 2e9c7, Mab : And we now have Orcs.
[21-00:24] b6687, Cookie Monster: o/
[21-00:26] 2e9c7, Mab : *puts on desert elves icon*
[21-00:27] 2e9c7, Mab : and non-regged people should be able to select to be an orc, human peasant, or human enlisted soldier now.
[21-00:27] 2e9c7, Mab : Of course, non-regged people can be whatever they like, but those are the icons available. *nods*
[21-00:28] 94c70, Z: *pokes Mab's aim*
[21-00:28] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[21-00:29] 2e9c7, Will-o'-the-wisp : Mweeeheeheehee
[21-00:29] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 1:29am, December 21 (CST) ).
[21-00:29] b6687, Cookie Monster: check
[21-00:29] b6687, Cookie Monster : /
[21-00:29] 2e9c7, Mab : Is my aim not working?
[21-00:30] 94c70, Z: Actually, for a long time, most of Europe/Russia/Asia were nomadic for a long long time. Exspecially in the northern regions. Even about the time of Castles and the like in England and such, there were still a lot of temporary settlements and stuff.
[21-00:30] b6687, Cookie Monster : o/
[21-00:30] 94c70, Z: wow.. *kicks the slow refresh*
[21-00:30] b6687, Cookie Monster : True, but this is apparently the southern Europe area.
[21-00:30] b6687, Cookie Monster : better set that down to 22
[21-00:31] 94c70, Z: I use 10
[21-00:31] 406cb, Galean Arrowan : ((*sets his to 20*))
[21-00:31] 94c70, Z: Cookie, not all of it. Laumil isn't even in Europe
[21-00:32] 2e9c7, Mab : Oh, yeah, let me fix the refresh.
[21-00:35] b6687, Cookie Monster : Laumil?
[21-00:35] 2e9c7, Tarence Kurandi : *is still paused in the tavern called Trendlekim's*
[21-00:36] 94c70, Z: Yes, a supposed Elven City. *eyeshifts* hehe
[21-00:37] 406cb, Galean Arrowan : ((Obi-Wan!))
[21-00:37] 406cb, Galean Arrowan : ((*shuts up again*))
[21-00:38] b6687, Cookie Monster : Keep talkin Galean, don't want a chat to go quiet now do ya?
[21-00:39] 406cb, Galean Arrowan : ((usually it goes quiet when I do talk, so I ain't taking that risk))
[21-00:39] 94c70, Z:
[21-00:41] 2e9c7, Mab : *tests*
[21-00:42] 2e9c7, Mab : So, do we like the 'laugh' icon now that Z just used?
[21-00:42] b6687, Cookie Monster :
[21-00:42] b6687, Cookie Monster : looks good
[21-00:44] 2e9c7, Mab : Cool!
[21-00:44] b6687, Cookie Monster : Anyone feel like RPin right now?
[21-00:44] 2e9c7, Mab :
[21-00:45] 94c70, Z: I'd RP if I could get my char regged8 @ Mab
[21-00:46] JOIN: Raevaella Glimmergaunt has entered.
[21-00:46] 3eea1, Ravaella Glimmergaunt : ((*adjusts name*))
[21-00:47] 2e9c7, Mab : *checks email*
[21-00:47] 3eea1, Ravaella Glimmergaunt : ((Oh man, can't beleive I did that. Fell asleep in fron tof the TV for 2 hours))
[21-00:47] 2e9c7, Mab : Have you sent a registration, Z?
[21-00:50] 94c70, Z: no... I have to fill in the essays
[21-00:52] 2e9c7, Mab : *L*
[21-00:55] 3eea1, Ravaella Glimmergaunt : ((*Looks about* Someone said something about RPin?))
[21-00:56] b6687, Cookie Monster : I did... but since Z got me started, I'm now working up a char registration thingy.
[21-00:57] 3eea1, Ravaella Glimmergaunt : ((Feck))
[21-00:58] 2e9c7, Mab :
[21-00:59] JOIN: Galean Arrowan has entered.
[21-00:59] b6687, Cookie Monster : just about done though.
[21-01:00] 406cb, Galean Arrowan : ((*took ages on registration*))
[21-01:01] 3eea1, Ravaella Glimmergaunt : ((Couldn't of took me more than an hour, least I think so))
[21-01:04] b6687, Cookie Monster : Don worry, I type fast.
[21-01:04] 80f55, Mab : So we take registration seriously. What can I say? *L*
[21-01:05] 406cb, Galean Arrowan : ((the stuff from my registration is all in my profile))
[21-01:08] 80f55, Mab : Nifty!
[21-01:13] 3eea1, Ravaella Glimmergaunt : ((test))
[21-01:14] 3eea1, Ravaella Glimmergaunt : ((*sigh* I really wish the full pic would work))
[21-01:14] 80f55, Mab : Nice
[21-01:15] 3eea1, Ravaella Glimmergaunt : ((Course that will change as soon as I am able to scan the image I based her off of))
[21-01:16] 94c70, Z: (( *thinks it's too bad Ravaella is female* ))
[21-01:17] 3eea1, Ravaella Glimmergaunt : ((*shrug* I figured I would try RPing a female. I think this chat has much possibility and it would give me a chance to RP a lot...that is as soon as more people start coming in and stuff))
[21-01:18] 94c70, Z: (( I just found an awesome pic of a male drow ))
[21-01:18] 94c70, Z: (( that's all nothing big, actually though you might get disappointed when the chat floods with female chars hehe ))
[21-01:18] 80f55, Mab : *blinks* *really needs to make a blinky icon, but that requires animation and so has to hold off on it*
[21-01:19] 3eea1, Ravaella Glimmergaunt : ((*blink* Huh?))
[21-01:20] 94c70, Z: (( *is afraid to make a female char for that reason* ))
[21-01:20] 94c70, Z: (( Huh what? ))
[21-01:21] b6687, Cookie Monster : Done!
[21-01:22] b6687, Cookie Monster : Much longer than I expected but O well.
[21-01:22] 3eea1, Ravaella Glimmergaunt : ((*Mulls that over for a second*))
[21-01:23] 3eea1, Ravaella Glimmergaunt : ((Well, if that happens I'll go back to male characters and...kill off the women?))
[21-01:24] b6687, Cookie Monster : *hopes Mab's still on to do reging*
[21-01:25] b6687, Cookie Monster : Though if not I assume I'm allowed to play...
[21-01:26] 80f55, Mab : Yup! *checks email*
[21-01:26] 80f55, Mab : yup to both things you said
[21-01:26] 94c70, Z: (( Oh, yeah, Rav. I didn't mean no offense. But it just seems that RPs fill up with Female chars and then there's hardly no male ones ))
[21-01:26] b6687, Cookie Monster : neat! brb
[21-01:27] EXIT: Cookie Monster has left the chat ( 2:26am, December 21 (CST) ).
[21-01:27] JOIN: Hida Al'Asid has entered.
[21-01:27] b6687, Hida Al'Asid : ((ravaella, still up for RP?__
[21-01:28] 3eea1, Ravaella Glimmergaunt : ((Yes to hida))
[21-01:28] 3eea1, Ravaella Glimmergaunt : ((Guess I haven't been around long enough to see that))
[21-01:30] b6687, Hida Al'Asid : ((where should we have our chars meet? My guy's a wandering nomad from the desert, so he can be anywhere's convenient for you))
[21-01:32] 3eea1, Ravaella Glimmergaunt : ((How about that main bar place Mab came up with, unless your char would know about the Underdark, then perhaps Rav's own bar))
[21-01:34] 80f55, Mab : *waits for Hida to turn into a Will-o'-the-wisp*
[21-01:34] b6687, Will-o'-the-wisp : will o the wisp!
[21-01:34] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 2:34am, December 21 (CST) ).
[21-01:35] 80f55, Mab : hehehehe
[21-01:35] JOIN: Hida Al'Asid has entered.
[21-01:36] b6687, Hida Al'Asid : ((Bar of Mab's if you wouldn't mind))
[21-01:36] b6687, Hida Al'Asid : ((Bar of Mab's if you wouldn't mind))
[21-01:36] 3eea1, Ravaella Glimmergaunt : ((NP))
[21-01:37] 80f55, Mab : It's called The Glimmering Inn or more often called Trendlekim's *nods*
[21-01:37] 80f55, Mab : and think Venice when in town there.