These logs are no longer being updated. Use DB Logs to see recent lines.

[04-11:21] EXIT: Noname has left the chat ( 11:20am, July 04 (CDT) ).
[04-11:21] c58ad, ºQ: ahh better
[04-11:26] c127f, ºMab: Yes, is good.
[04-11:26] c127f, ºMab: Let's start off by setting our default color preferences. White is too blaring. How about a nice light grey?
[04-11:48] c127f, ºMab: *peeks* How about this color.
[04-11:48] c127f, ºMab: ?
[04-11:49] c127f, ºMab: I like this nice earthy clay color. Good for fantasy. Denotes either barren lands or heavily forested muchrooms, etc. Good overall default fantasy chat color.
[04-11:50] c127f, ºMab: muchrooms = mushrooms
[04-12:09] c127f, ºMab: Testing. I don't mkaying swear, but I'm seeing if the settings changes took effect.
[04-12:09] c127f, ºMab: Yup, they did.
[04-12:11] c127f, ºMab: glass
[04-12:11] c127f, ºMab: hmm
[04-12:11] c127f, ºMab: hehe, cool.
[04-12:21] c127f, ºMab: test f***
[04-12:29] c58ad, ºQ: yep yep yep
[04-13:46] c127f, ºMab: *fills the chat with pointless babble.*
[04-13:56] c127f, ºMab: hmm
[04-14:07] c58ad, ºQ: weeeh pointless babble is c00l
[04-14:13] c127f, ºMab: hehe
[04-14:19] JOIN: Noname has entered.
[04-14:20] 825cf, Noname: What's this?
[04-14:35] c58ad, ºQ: ???
[04-14:36] c127f, ºMab: It's someplace that hasn't been announced or made public yet. Who are you Noname?
[04-14:43] c58ad, ºQ: hmm...weird
[04-15:04] c127f, ºMab: yeah
[04-15:07] c127f, ºMab: *tests first registered character, hehe*
[04-15:08] c127f, *Mab Fairy Queen: *awakes in her gossamer bed, decorated with sparkling dew covered spider webs, or they look like dew covered spider webs. the sparkles are actually diamonds*
[04-15:14] c58ad, ºQ: *chuckles and helps his mother*
[04-15:28] c127f, *Mab Fairy Queen: *is attended to and all that such stuff, everthing of the architecture made of forest elements, she the size of a small bird, but can be the size of a human should she choose*
[04-15:57] 7651a, ºQ: like that Mab
[04-15:58] c127f, *Mab Fairy Queen: ((LOVE IT!!!!))
[04-15:59] 7651a, ºQ: :D
[04-16:00] 7651a, ºQ: simple but...I think for this chat tis all we need
[04-16:00] c127f, *Mab Fairy Queen: ((Now we need to make our own original icons, which I'm very adept at))
[04-16:01] c127f, *Mab Fairy Queen: ((but before that, we need to decide what the factions are. I think it should be by species, personally with only super rare cross overs where some character lives with and is incorporated into the society of a species not his or her own))
[04-16:06] c127f, ºMab: I guess I'm done solo RPing for now. heh.
[04-16:07] 7651a, ºQ: ahh *nods shortly*
[04-17:02] c58ad, ºQ: hmm
[04-17:03] c58ad, ºQ: testin the css
[04-17:03] c58ad, ºQ: test again
[04-17:05] c58ad, ºQ: better
[04-17:16] c127f, ºMab: What's css? *shows ignorance to the max*
[04-17:17] c127f, ºMab : *
[04-17:55] 7651a, ºQ: Cascading Style Sheets
[05-17:32] 94826, ºMab : Ah, I see. okeydokey
[05-18:15] c2914, ºQ: yeppers
[06-11:56] 7651a, ºQ: weeeeh
[06-12:27] 7651a, ºQ: hmm
[06-12:27] 7651a, ºQ : test
[06-12:27] 7651a, ºQ : damn that's tall
[06-12:30] 7651a, ºQ : hmm
[06-12:30] 7651a, ºQ : a bit better
[06-12:30] 7651a, ºQ : *shall leave it as such*
[06-12:32] 7651a, ºQ: that one done...
[06-13:03] e16d0, ºMab: Cool!
[06-13:04] 7651a, ºQ: ^_^
[06-13:13] e16d0, ºMab: *testing*
[06-13:14] e16d0, ºMab : errr, let's try that again. heh
[06-13:17] e16d0, ºMab : Oooooo! Pixie!!
[06-13:21] 7651a, ºQ: *takes a gander at it*
[06-13:21] 7651a, ºQ : hmm
[06-13:21] 7651a, ºQ: AHHHHHHHHHHHH!
[06-13:21] e16d0, ºMab : You like?
[06-13:21] 7651a, ºQ: O_O *was traumatized-ed-ed*
[06-13:22] e16d0, ºMab : LOL. Doesn't it just make you want to run along the fairy infested vegetation and squirt pesticide and count how many you kill?
[06-13:24] 7651a, ºQ: yeah!
[06-13:25] e16d0, ºMab : LOL. Don't you dare!
[06-13:25] 7651a, ºQ: is it me, my comp or is the chat going SEEE-LOW
[06-13:25] 7651a, ºQ: ??
[06-13:25] 7651a, ºQ: darn *snaps fingers*
[06-13:25] 7651a, ºQ: ruined my plans for utter fairy domination
[06-13:25] e16d0, ºMab : Mmmm, it's you.
[06-13:26] 7651a, ºQ: darn *snaps fingers two seconds away from making pirate noises, glances about for his dog to play his parrot*
[06-13:26] e16d0, ºMab : As queen of the fae, fairies fall under my special protections. *chuckles*
[06-13:29] 7651a, ºQ: *L* like the wtiness protection service....just...with fae?
[06-13:29] e16d0, ºMab : LOL
[06-13:32] 7651a, ºQ: w0000000000000000h
[06-13:32] e16d0, ºMab : heh
[06-13:34] 7651a, ºQ: *yawns, is kinda tired but why? with 8 hours of sleep*
[06-14:05] e16d0, ºMab : *testing*
[06-14:06] e16d0, ºMab : *testing
[06-14:17] e16d0, ºMab : *
[06-14:37] JOIN: Unknown has entered.
[06-14:37] JOIN: Unknown has entered.
[06-15:06] c1d30, ºQ: kick ass
[06-16:12] c1d30, ºQ: F00d!~
[06-16:32] e16d0, ºMab : *ponders food*
[07-00:23] JOIN: Unknown has entered.
[07-00:27] bc7e1, Unknown: nice
[07-00:28] e16d0, ºMab : Thanks!
[07-17:02] e16d0, ºMab: *testing*
[07-17:03] e16d0, ºMab: *testing*
[07-17:03] e16d0, ºMab : *testing*
[07-17:03] e16d0, ºMab : That's better
[07-17:21] e16d0, ºMab : *testing*
[07-17:23] JOIN: God has entered.
[07-17:24] b6628, God: hey Mab!!!!!
[07-17:24] e16d0, ºMab : Okay, now, that's kinda sacreligious, don't you think?
[07-17:25] b6628, God: no, no I don't, cause we're simply an experiment of his, so it doesn't matter
[07-17:26] e16d0, ºMab : *doesn't share that belief* So, it does matter to me.
[07-17:27] b6628, God: hey, this is simply my normal OOC handle, so chill
[07-18:17] e16d0, ºMab : I shant get into a debate in here over it. It does offend me, though.
[07-20:47] 7651a, ºQ : oo look at me I'm a giant *stomps about*
[07-20:58] e16d0, ºMab : LOL
[07-21:21] 7651a, ºQ : Bwagh! *stomps here...and there and there*
[07-21:34] e16d0, ºMab : *cackle*
[07-21:34] 7651a, ºQ : *and oo looky there, stomps*
[07-21:34] e16d0, ºMab : *chuckles more*
[07-21:56] 7651a, ºQ : *does river dance on random town*
[08-01:59] JOIN: Unknown has entered.
[08-01:59] 103b7, ºMab : LOL
[08-01:59] 103b7, ºMab : Giants aren't THAT big in this world, silly Q. hehe.
[08-02:01] EXIT: Unknown has left the chat ( 2:59am, July 08 (CDT) ).
[08-02:01] JOIN: Shinta has entered.
[08-02:07] 103b7, ºMab : *breathes fire all over the chat to steralize it*
[08-02:08] 103b7, ºMab : *then breathes ice over the chat to do the hot cold steralizing thing*
[08-02:08] 103b7, ºMab : *comes along and sweeps up the ice before it melts and make a watery mess*
[08-02:09] 103b7, ºMab : *guards the chat with gigantic might*
[08-02:10] 103b7, ºMab : *sprinkles pixie dust or something over the chat to protect it.* Okay, icon show and tell is over. heh.
[08-02:32] 103b7, ºMab : Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah
[08-02:48] JOIN: Unknown has entered.
[08-03:05] JOIN: Shinta has entered.
[08-03:12] 4ca59, Shinta: *blinks then thwaps Mab*
[08-03:22] 103b7, ºMab : Ow! *rubs head* What was that for?
[08-03:24] 4ca59, Shinta: *points to the Blah*
[08-03:24] 103b7, ºMab : Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah
[08-03:31] 4ca59, Shinta: *thwaps again then pounces*
[08-03:37] 103b7, ºMab : Ow! Gah!!!
[08-03:39] 4ca59, Shinta: *laugh pins then laughs again*
[08-03:40] 103b7, ºMab : Uh, uh. *fights being pinned*
[08-03:44] 4ca59, Shinta: *still pins because of reasons and such.*
[08-03:44] 103b7, ºMab : Grrrrr. *squirms and struggles*
[08-03:46] 4ca59, Shinta: *tis thrown off* Ack!
[08-03:50] 103b7, ºMab : *claps hands together in a dusting off fashion* Serves you right.
[08-03:50] 4ca59, Shinta: .... *pounces again*
[08-03:52] 103b7, ºMab : *evades pounce because she has to go to bed now* Night night
[08-03:52] 4ca59, Shinta: Night
[08-17:32] 103b7, ºMab: *testing*
[08-17:32] 103b7, ºMab : *testing*
[08-17:32] 103b7, ºMab : Dwarves
[08-17:33] 103b7, ºMab : Dragon Ice
[08-17:33] 103b7, ºMab : Dragon Fire
[08-17:33] 103b7, ºMab : Giants
[08-17:33] 103b7, ºMab : Gnomes
[08-17:33] 103b7, ºMab : Demons
[08-17:34] 103b7, ºMab : Fairies
[08-17:43] 103b7, ºMab: Unicorns
[08-17:43] 103b7, ºMab: Doh!! Why does it always switch to Pegasi at first?
[08-17:43] 103b7, ºMab : Unicorns
[08-17:49] 103b7, ºMab: Pegasi
[08-17:49] 103b7, ºMab: Grrrr
[08-17:49] 103b7, ºMab : Pegasi
[08-18:00] 103b7, ºMab : hmm
[08-18:00] 103b7, ºMab : Hmm
[08-18:00] 103b7, ºMab : Merfolk
[08-18:18] 103b7, ºMab: Hmm
[08-18:19] 103b7, ºMab : Sea Nymphs
[08-18:25] JOIN: Nitz has entered.
[08-18:25] 10d53, Nitz: Mwha, Mwah... MWHAAHAHAHAA-*hack, cougH* -ha...
[08-18:26] 103b7, ºMab : LOL
[08-18:26] 10d53, Nitz: ...Muah!
[08-18:27] 10d53, Nitz: Mabberzzzz..........................
[08-18:29] 103b7, ºMab : Oh, that's another handle I should register for myself, that and Mabness. Thanks.
[08-18:31] 103b7, ºMab : There we go. Those two are taken care of. hehe.
[08-18:31] 10d53, Nitz: Nuuu Mabberz..
[08-18:31] 10d53, Nitz: Register meh
[08-18:31] 10d53, Nitz: or summit
[08-18:32] 103b7, ºMab : I will register you when the chat goes live.
[08-18:33] 10d53, Nitz: :-(
[08-18:36] 10d53, Nitz: *Tacklez Mab*
[08-18:37] 103b7, ºMab : Gah!! *tackled*
[08-18:37] 10d53, Nitz: *Ticklez!*
[08-18:38] 103b7, ºMab : EEEEHEEEHEEHEEEE! *squirms8
[08-18:38] 103b7, ºMab : 8=*
[08-18:39] 10d53, Nitz: *Ticklez without mercy!*
[08-18:39] 103b7, ºMab : *giggles & squirms*
[08-18:40] 10d53, Nitz: *Pokez 'er nose* meep
[08-18:40] 103b7, ºMab : *evades because I would have to kill if someone touched my nose*
[08-18:41] 10d53, Nitz: *pokerz!*
[08-18:42] 103b7, ºMab : *evades with mighty chat master power.* You're on my turf now. Muaaaahahahahaha!!!
[08-18:43] 10d53, Nitz: *Uses his multi-chat master powers to pokerz her!*
[08-18:43] 103b7, ºMab : You have no power here!! Ahahahahahaha!! You're powers are nothing next to mine!! *evades with ridiculous ease*
[08-18:44] 10d53, Nitz: :-( *bows to almighty Mab*
[08-18:45] 103b7, ºMab : That's right. *stands proud and regal*
[08-18:45] 10d53, Nitz: *clingz!*
[08-18:46] 103b7, ºMab : Ech! *tries to shake Nitz loose*
[08-18:47] 10d53, Nitz: *Smoochez her cheek and flees*
[08-18:50] 103b7, ºMab : *watches Nitz flee, smirking*
[08-18:51] 10d53, Nitz: *Pouncez!*
[08-18:52] 103b7, ºMab : *evades and disappears in a poof of smoke*
[08-18:53] 10d53, Nitz: Maaaaaaab :( *sob*
[08-18:59] 10d53, Nitz: MAB!
[08-19:01] 10d53, Nitz: Hmph. FINE *poof
[08-19:01] 10d53, Nitz: *
[08-19:31] 103b7, ºMab : *test*
[08-20:10] 103b7, ºMab : *
[08-20:11] 103b7, ºMab : *
[08-20:11] 103b7, ºMab : *
[08-20:11] 103b7, ºMab : *
[08-20:34] c1d30, ºQ : weeeeeh!*is still a giant*
[09-05:50] 103b7, ºMab : LOL
[09-09:13] 103b7, ºMab: *
[09-09:13] 103b7, ºMab : *
[09-09:14] 103b7, ºMab : Ogres
[09-09:14] 103b7, ºMab : Trolls
[09-09:14] 103b7, ºMab : Goblins
[09-09:22] 103b7, ºMab: *
[09-09:22] 103b7, ºMab : *
[09-09:22] 103b7, ºMab : Centaur
[09-09:23] 103b7, ºMab : Whoohoo!
[09-09:25] 103b7, ºMab : Just a few more icons to go.
[09-09:42] 103b7, ºMab: *
[09-09:43] 103b7, ºMab : *
[09-09:43] 103b7, ºMab : Elven
[09-09:43] 103b7, ºMab : Demons
[09-09:43] 103b7, ºMab : Ogres
[09-09:43] 103b7, ºMab : Trolls
[09-09:43] 103b7, ºMab : Halflings
[09-09:43] 103b7, ºMab : Dwarves
[09-09:44] 103b7, ºMab : DragonIce
[09-09:44] 103b7, ºMab : Fairies
[09-09:44] 103b7, ºMab : Unicorns
[09-09:44] 103b7, ºMab : Merfolk
[09-09:44] 103b7, ºMab : SeaNymphs
[09-09:44] 103b7, ºMab : Goblins
[09-09:45] 103b7, ºMab : Giants
[09-09:45] 103b7, ºMab : Pegasi
[09-09:45] 103b7, ºMab : DragonFire
[09-09:45] 103b7, ºMab : Gnomes
[09-09:45] 103b7, ºMab : Centaur
[09-09:45] 103b7, ºMab : The Gen
[09-09:50] JOIN: Naurlote has entered.
[09-09:51] eb775, *Naurlote : ((You know... you are missing something))
[09-09:51] 103b7, ºMab : What? Tell me!! Tell me!!
[09-09:52] eb775, *Naurlote : ((You got all the fantasty creatures and stuff... now how about humans?))
[09-09:53] 103b7, ºMab : LOL
[09-09:53] eb775, *Naurlote : ((Nyuk nyuk))
[09-09:53] 103b7, ºMab : Yeah, we're still deciding how we want to devide those up and if we want to.
[09-09:54] eb775, *Naurlote : ((You want the Rouges, you want the knights, you want the royalty, and and and and....))
[09-09:55] JOIN: Jace has entered.
[09-09:55] 0cb58, Jace: Er, you want ninjas...definatly ninjas! NINJAS RULE!
[09-09:56] eb775, *Naurlote : ((MAYBE ninjas))
[09-09:56] eb775, *Naurlote : ((Assinsins maybe, but this is medivial, no ninjas))
[09-09:56] eb775, *Naurlote : ((Assasins))
[09-09:57] 0cb58, Jace: *Laughs* honestly... you need Thiefs, Monks, Knights, Mage, Paladin, probley Barbarian and Druids
[09-09:57] 0cb58, Jace: buuuuuuut thats the thing, Id just put humans
[09-09:57] 0cb58, Jace: because you see, almost all the species can be Monks... or Paladins... or Druids, or Rangers, so if you just put Human, you have the SPECIES down, and people can tell their job within their profile or roleplay
[09-09:58] eb775, *Naurlote : ((Roughe, swordsman, healer(?) or cleric, barabarian yes, workerman maybe, knight, royalty, mage, etc. etc))
[09-09:58] 103b7, ºMab : Well, that is a lot of icons if we include all those things and then you've got to think that the various species will have those types within their ranks, etc.
[09-09:58] 0cb58, Jace: Monks and Rangers are bad-ass *nods*
[09-09:58] eb775, *Naurlote : ((Say yes, that works too))
[09-09:58] 0cb58, Jace: er, not D-n-D Rangers, but Tolkien Rangers are like fuggin Jedi ;)
[09-09:58] eb775, *Naurlote : ((I'm royalty! o/ )))
[09-09:59] 103b7, ºMab : *loves the picture for Naurlote*
[09-09:59] 0cb58, Jace: THATS WHAT I JUST SAID MAB! *totally and utterly koosh balls her*
[09-09:59] eb775, *Naurlote : ((Sorta))
[09-09:59] 103b7, ºMab : What can I say? I have a delayed reaction with my posts. I saw your post after I posted mine, Jace.
[09-10:00] 0cb58, Jace: Yeah, I know, that just means Im cooler though *sticks his tounge out*
[09-10:01] 103b7, ºMab : We'll prolly have a few Human categories to encourage the used of humans. Afterall, humans can learn magic and be bad to the bone.
[09-10:01] eb775, *Naurlote : ((Look at my bad elf self... woo! *poses*))
[09-10:01] eb775, *Naurlote : ((Baaad to the bone... b-b-b-baaad!))
[09-10:02] eb775, *Naurlote : ((*soings* Ah'm too sexy for my ears, too sexy for my ears, so sexy it hurts!))
[09-10:02] 103b7, ºMab : *switches to Icon that better suits her*
[09-10:03] 103b7, ºMab : There is a lot of work left to do on this chat though, lotta lotta work.
[09-10:03] eb775, *Naurlote : (*sings too*))
[09-10:43] 103b7, ºMab : Omnipotence *this is a test to see if the filter works*
[09-10:43] 103b7, ºMab : Yup, it does.
[09-11:41] 103b7, ºMab : *test*
[09-11:42] 103b7, ºMab : Elven Sylvan
[09-11:42] 103b7, ºMab : Elven Drow
[09-11:42] 103b7, ºMab : Elven Moon
[09-11:42] 103b7, ºMab : Elven High
[09-13:00] e2381, ºMab : *testing filter* fornicating feces
[09-13:00] e2381, ºMab : ROFLOL
[09-14:03] e2381, ºMab: *
[09-14:04] e2381, ºMab : *
[09-14:04] e2381, ºMab : heh, I like that Icon.
[09-14:36] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[09-14:36] e2381, Will-o'-the-wisp: Cooool!!
[09-14:37] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 3:36pm, July 09 (CDT) ).
[09-14:37] e2381, ºMab : hehe
[09-17:07] e2381, ºMab : *
[09-17:37] e2381, : hmm
[09-17:38] e2381, : Okay, that's not good. heh
[09-17:39] e2381, /gfx/adminmab.jpgMab : That's not right either, I suppose.
[09-17:41] e2381, : *
[09-17:51] e2381, Mab : okeydokey
[09-17:51] e2381, Mab : Whoohoo!
[09-17:54] e2381, Mab : Now, me biggum special admin with fancy admin icon.
[09-17:55] e2381, Mab Fairy Queen: dobeedoobeedoo
[09-17:55] e2381, Mab Fairy Queen: ((errr. that last was ooc))
[09-17:58] e2381, Mab : This is Mab having entirely too much fun with the icons.
[09-19:24] e2381, Mab : *testing*
[09-19:24] e2381, Mab Fairy Queen: ((*testing*))
[09-19:25] e2381, Mab Fairy Queen : ((*testing*))
[09-19:29] e2381, Mab OOC: *testing*
[09-19:31] e2381, Mab : *
[09-19:33] e2381, Mab : The smaller flag icons are better, even if they're not as pretty and detailed. yup.
[09-19:37] e2381, Mab Moderator: *testing*
[09-19:38] e2381, Mab Moderator: *testing*
[09-19:39] e2381, Mab OOC: *testing*
[09-19:40] e2381, Mab : okeydokey.
[10-03:53] e2381, Mab : *sets up show and tell again*
[10-03:53] e2381, Mab : The Gen
[10-03:53] e2381, Mab : Demons (icon by Q)
[10-03:54] e2381, Mab : Ogres
[10-03:54] e2381, Mab : Trolls
[10-03:54] e2381, Mab : Goblins
[10-03:54] e2381, Mab : Dwarves
[10-03:54] e2381, Mab : Dragon Fire
[10-03:54] e2381, Mab : Dragon Ice
[10-03:55] e2381, Mab : Unicorns
[10-03:55] e2381, Mab : Pegasi
[10-03:55] e2381, Mab : Gnomes
[10-03:55] e2381, Mab : Halflings
[10-03:55] e2381, Mab : Giants
[10-03:55] e2381, Mab : Fairies
[10-03:56] e2381, Mab : Centaur
[10-03:56] e2381, Mab : Merfolk
[10-03:56] e2381, Mab : Elven Sea
[10-03:56] e2381, Mab : Elven Sylvan
[10-03:56] e2381, Mab : Elven Drow
[10-03:56] e2381, Mab : Elven Moon
[10-03:56] e2381, Mab : Elven High
[10-09:35] e2381, Mab : *
[10-09:35] e2381, Mab : Elven Plains
[10-09:35] e2381, Mab : Elven Desert
[10-11:30] e2381, Mab: *
[10-11:30] e2381, Mab : Human Royalty
[10-11:30] e2381, Mab : Human Enlisted Soldier
[10-11:31] e2381, Mab : Human Thief
[10-11:31] e2381, Mab : Human Peasant
[10-11:31] e2381, Mab : Human Rouge/Pirate
[10-11:31] e2381, Mab : Human Mage
[10-11:31] e2381, Mab : Human Assasin
[10-11:32] e2381, Mab : Human Weapons/Blacksmith
[10-11:32] e2381, Mab : Human Scribe/Bard
[10-11:38] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[10-11:44] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[10-11:44] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[10-15:49] 7651a, Q: dammmn
[10-15:59] 7651a, Q: hmm
[12-09:27] 1e19d, Mab : *
[12-16:08] e31a4, Mab : [D]
[12-16:09] e31a4, Mab : erm
[13-13:08] c2914, Q: hmmmm
[13-13:12] 35954, Mab : I like it, but now we need to adjust the default font color and anything else in the chat of the same color code.
[13-13:14] 35954, Mab : Not bad.
[13-13:14] c2914, Q: :D
[13-13:14] 35954, Mab : Now, the font should be just a mite, just a mit now, greener, but still beige, if you know what I mean.
[13-13:15] 35954, Mab : Something a tiny tad greener than cccc99
[13-13:17] 35954, Mab : but just as light as this font color I'm using.
[13-13:17] c2914, Q: like?
[13-13:18] 35954, Mab : Well, no, looking at it. I think this font color is fine, afterall.
[13-13:18] c2914, Q: heh yep yep
[13-13:18] 35954, Mab : I like the green you chose for the names and idents.
[13-13:22] 35954, Mab : Hmm, I don't like the side bar being that green. That's too much green.
[13-13:22] c2914, Q: like the scrollbar?
[13-13:22] c2914, Q: grrr
[13-13:24] 35954, Mab : yeah, maybe a less yellow beige for the sidebar, a faintest green tint to it or something.
[13-13:24] c2914, Q: hmm
[13-13:24] c2914, Q: post somethin
[13-13:24] 35954, Mab : Okay, let me look.
[13-13:25] c2914, Q: is that green outline ok for the boxes?
[13-13:25] 35954, Mab : ***
[13-13:25] 35954, Mab : Hmmm
[13-13:26] 35954, Mab : Hmmmmm
[13-13:26] 35954, Mab : Hmmmm
[13-13:26] 35954, Mab : Yech
[13-13:26] c2914, Q: like, don't like?
[13-13:26] 35954, Mab : Yes, the green outline looks good on the boxes.
[13-13:26] 35954, Mab : I was talking about the color I barfed up here.
[13-13:26] c2914, Q: w00t
[13-13:27] c2914, Q: *L*
[13-13:27] 35954, Mab : Hmmmm
[13-13:28] 35954, Mab : Now, if I could just find a cross between cccc99 and 99cc99, I think we'd have it.
[13-13:28] 35954, Mab : Hmmmm
[13-13:28] 35954, Mab : Yech
[13-13:29] 35954, Mab : Hmmm
[13-13:29] 35954, Mab : Even yechier
[13-13:29] 35954, Mab : Hmmm
[13-13:29] 35954, Mab : Oooo! getting there.
[13-13:30] 35954, Mab : Hmmmm
[13-13:30] 35954, Mab : Hmmm
[13-13:30] 35954, Mab : Hmmm
[13-13:30] 35954, Mab : Hmmm
[13-13:31] 35954, Mab : Hmmmm
[13-13:31] 35954, Mab : Hmmm
[13-13:31] 35954, Mab : How bout this color?
[13-13:31] c2914, Q: *shifty eyes*
[13-13:31] 35954, Mab : For the side scrollbar thing, I mean?
[13-13:32] 35954, Mab : Hmmm
[13-13:32] c2914, Q: er...ok
[13-13:32] 35954, Mab : Hmmmmmmmmm
[13-13:32] 35954, Mab : i'm still fine tuning the color here.
[13-13:33] 35954, Mab : Hmmmmmm
[13-13:33] c2914, Q: k
[13-13:33] 35954, Mab : Hmmmm
[13-13:33] 35954, Mab : This one, I think. 99bb81
[13-13:34] c2914, Q: ok
[13-13:35] 35954, Mab : but we can still go with this as the default font color.
[13-13:36] c2914, Q: what bout that?
[13-13:36] 35954, Mab : Maybe make the other colors the darker green you've got going for the words.
[13-13:37] 35954, Mab : for the names and idents, I mean.
[13-13:37] 35954, Mab : The arrows and edges darker, perhaps.
[13-13:38] 35954, Mab : Needs to be darker, I think.
[13-13:40] 35954, Mab : Maybe try the scrollbar black and the edges your darker green?
[13-13:41] c2914, Q: hm
[13-13:41] 35954, Mab : That's not to bad, but maybe the lighter greenish on the edges and the arrow.
[13-13:42] 35954, Mab : to = too
[13-13:43] c2914, Q: hmm
[13-13:44] 35954, Mab : *nods* The arrows should be the lighter greenish too, I think.
[13-13:46] 35954, Mab : Whoah, the arrows went neon there.
[13-13:46] 35954, Mab : How about the arrows be cccc99
[13-13:47] c2914, Q: there?
[13-13:47] 35954, Mab : Yeah, that's better.
[13-13:47] 35954, Mab : *nods* I think that looks pretty good.
[13-13:48] c2914, Q: *nods*
[13-13:48] 35954, Mab : Now, how do you make the bottom one match? That just confused the heck out of me. hehe
[13-13:50] c2914, Q: ehe hold on
[13-13:51] c2914, Q: hmm
[13-13:51] c2914, Q: post somethin
[13-13:52] 35954, Mab : ***
[13-13:52] 35954, Mab : Cool
[13-13:55] c2914, Q: gonna go take a shower
[13-13:58] 35954, Mab : k
[13-14:36] 35954, Mab : The Gen
[13-14:36] 35954, Mab : Demonius Nectus (Demons. Icon by Q)
[13-14:36] 35954, Mab : Ogres
[13-14:36] 35954, Mab : Trolls
[13-14:37] 35954, Mab : Goblins
[13-14:37] 35954, Mab : Dwarves
[13-14:37] 35954, Mab : Dragon Fire
[13-14:37] 35954, Mab : Dragon Ice
[13-14:37] 35954, Mab : Unicorns
[13-14:38] 35954, Mab : Pegasi
[13-14:38] 35954, Mab : Gnomes
[13-14:38] 35954, Mab : Halflings
[13-14:38] 35954, Mab : Giants
[13-14:38] 35954, Mab : Fairies
[13-14:38] 35954, Mab : Centaur
[13-14:39] 35954, Mab : Merfolk
[13-14:39] 35954, Mab : Sea Elves
[13-14:39] 35954, Mab : Sylvan Elves
[13-14:39] 35954, Mab : Drow Elves
[13-14:39] 35954, Mab : Moon Elves
[13-14:39] 35954, Mab : High Elves
[13-14:40] 35954, Mab : Plains Elves
[13-14:40] 35954, Mab : Desert Elves
[13-14:40] 35954, Mab : Humans Royalty
[13-14:40] 35954, Mab : Humans Enlisted Soldier
[13-14:40] 35954, Mab : Humans Thief
[13-14:40] 35954, Mab : Humans Peasant
[13-14:41] 35954, Mab : Humans Rouge/Pirate
[13-14:41] 35954, Mab : Humans Mage
[13-14:41] 35954, Mab : Humans Assasin
[13-14:41] 35954, Mab : Humans Weapons/Blacksmith
[13-14:42] 35954, Mab : Humans Scribe/Bard
[13-15:20] c2914, Q : *is a giant again, stomps randomly*
[13-15:21] 35954, Mab : LOL
[13-15:23] c2914, Q : :D *stompy stompy stompy*
[13-15:24] c2914, Q : *pokes himself in the eye, puts a patch on and cuts off a leg and replaces it with a wooden one, makes a hook with his fingers* argh!
[13-15:24] c2914, Q : me a pirate////argh!
[13-15:32] c2914, Q: heh
[13-15:34] 35954, Mab : Yeah, I thought it would be fun to have pirates. yup yup. Encourage the existence of pirates with cool icon. yup yup
[13-15:37] c2914, Q: hehe
[13-15:37] c2914, Q: argh!
[14-10:36] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[14-18:40] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[14-19:11] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 7:40pm, July 14 (CDT) ).
[14-19:13] JOIN: sisbam has entered.
[14-19:13] 23b9a, sisbam: I HAVE ENTERED!!!
[14-19:16] e8b28, Mab OOC: Yipee!!!
[14-19:16] 23b9a, sisbam: Yay! now you;re a blue dot too!!!
[14-19:16] 23b9a, sisbam: pretty picture
[14-19:17] e8b28, Mab OOC: Thanks! Just me at the puter.
[14-19:18] 7651a, Q: *shifty eyes*
[14-19:20] 7651a, Q: *has a spikey thing*
[14-19:20] e8b28, Mab OOC: *shoots darts are the shifty eyes trying to hit a bullseye in the pupil*
[14-19:21] 7651a, Q : gah!*dodges one, but is nailed in one eye, falls to the side, then pops up again with an eye patch* ARGH!
[14-19:21] e8b28, Mab Moderator: *is a moderator too* bwah!
[14-19:21] 23b9a, sisbam: lol
[14-19:22] 23b9a, sisbam: well, mab, you're just a little bit of everything, aren't you?
[14-19:22] e8b28, Mab Moderator: LOL, YUP!
[14-19:22] 7651a, Q : *has a compulsion to yell BOOM! at the sight of sisbam*
[14-19:22] 23b9a, sisbam: i bet you just feel soooo special with all your different sparkles, don't you?
[14-19:23] 7651a, Q : ..'ello
[14-19:23] 23b9a, sisbam: lol
[14-19:23] 23b9a, sisbam: BOOM!
[14-19:23] e8b28, Mab Fairy Queen : ((I know, that's part of the joke, but there's more to it with her name))
[14-19:23] 23b9a, sisbam: hello
[14-19:23] 23b9a, sisbam: think backwards
[14-19:24] 7651a, Q : oo * since one was jabbed out with a DART!!*
[14-19:24] 23b9a, sisbam: more sparkles!!!
[14-19:24] 7651a, Q : gah! crap! the second "eyes" should be "eye"
[14-19:24] 23b9a, sisbam: now, who could've done such a horrible thing *points accusingly at MAB*
[14-19:25] 23b9a, sisbam: well, now you can wear an eye patch and chics will think you're oh so mysterious
[14-19:25] 7651a, Q : *chuckles* tis why I'm a pirate now! ARGH! *scratches side with finger hook*
[14-19:26] 7651a, Q : *dances on random towns, ya know why?! cause he's a one-eyed giant! bwahaha!*
[14-19:27] 23b9a, sisbam: one eyed giant pirate?
[14-19:28] 7651a, Q : er...*shifty eye* I gave up the pirate
[14-19:29] 23b9a, sisbam: so, basically you're a lopsided cyclops then?
[14-19:30] 7651a, Q : but with a pirat
[14-19:30] 7651a, Q : but with a pirate's parrot...regular size... :D
[14-19:32] e8b28, Mab Fairy Queen : ((LOL, well, Sisbam had to go.))
[14-19:34] e8b28, Mab OOC: Hmmm, just reaized OOCers can't use the Icons. That's no fun. How do we fix that?
[14-19:34] 7651a, Q : weird they should be
[14-19:35] e8b28, Mab OOC: I know, but I can't bring them up.
[14-19:37] 7651a, Q : hmmmmmmm
[14-19:37] 7651a, Q : dunno why or how to change it other than make some public OOC icons
[14-19:38] e8b28, Mab OOC: We could do that. That way it would be even MORE apparent they were OOC.
[14-19:39] 7651a, Q : yep yep yep
[14-19:41] e8b28, Mab Moderator: *
[14-19:45] e8b28, Mab Moderator: Since the dawn of time (don't all good fantasy plots start with that line?) there has been
[14-19:46] 7651a, Q : that or close to it
[14-19:46] 7651a, Q : sorry I'm readin somethin
[14-19:46] e8b28, Mab Moderator: Okay, problem
[14-19:47] e8b28, Mab Moderator: That was supposed to be a much longer speal that I copy and pasted and should have been plenty short enough to fit.
[14-19:48] 7651a, Q : weird
[14-19:48] 7651a, Q : I like the banner heh...looks like it's glowing in the moon light or somethin
[14-19:49] e8b28, Mab Moderator: I do too. You did a great job.
[14-19:49] e8b28, Mab Moderator: Since the dawn of time (don't all good fantasy plots start with that line?) there has been eternity, that concept of never ending. All sentient life has craved this, including those that do not think they do. Sentient life takes many forms on Bettenchi. The pursuit for this thing, this life never ending, this existing physically beyond the mortal coil has been the aim of many a person over the centuries, even of entire races.
[14-19:51] e8b28, Mab Moderator: Okay, non problem. It was my text editor, not the chat.
[14-19:51] 7651a, Q : hmm odd *nodnod**reads up on XML*
[14-19:51] e8b28, Mab Moderator: You like my opening paragraph?
[14-19:52] 7651a, Q : yep yep
[14-19:53] e8b28, Mab Moderator: Cool.
[14-19:57] 7651a, Q : yep yep
[14-20:15] e8b28, Mab : That's better for the moderator ident symbol.
[14-20:16] e8b28, Mab Moderator: *
[14-20:16] e8b28, Mab Fairy Queen : *
[14-20:16] e8b28, Mab OOC: *
[15-06:50] e8b28, Mab : The Gen
[15-06:51] e8b28, Mab : The Demons (Icon by Q)
[15-06:51] e8b28, Mab : The Ogres
[15-06:51] e8b28, Mab : The Trolls
[15-06:51] e8b28, Mab : The Goblins
[15-06:51] e8b28, Mab : The Dwarves
[15-06:51] e8b28, Mab : Dragon Fire
[15-06:51] e8b28, Mab : Dragon Ice
[15-06:52] e8b28, Mab : Unicorns
[15-06:52] e8b28, Mab : Pegasi
[15-06:52] e8b28, Mab : Gnomes
[15-06:53] e8b28, Mab : Pegasi
[15-06:53] e8b28, Mab : Gnomes
[15-06:53] e8b28, Mab : Halflings
[15-06:53] e8b28, Mab : Giants
[15-06:53] e8b28, Mab : Fairies
[15-06:53] e8b28, Mab : Centaur
[15-06:53] e8b28, Mab : Merfolk
[15-06:54] e8b28, Mab : Sea Elves
[15-06:55] e8b28, Mab : Sylvan Elves
[15-06:55] e8b28, Mab : Drow Elves
[15-06:55] e8b28, Mab : Moon Elves
[15-06:55] e8b28, Mab : High Elves
[15-06:55] e8b28, Mab : Plains Elves
[15-06:55] e8b28, Mab : Desert Elves
[15-06:56] e8b28, Mab : Human Royalty
[15-06:56] e8b28, Mab : Human Enlisted Soldier
[15-06:57] e8b28, Mab : Human Thief
[15-06:57] e8b28, Mab : Human Peasant
[15-06:57] e8b28, Mab : Human Rogue/Pirate
[15-06:57] e8b28, Mab : Human Mage
[15-06:57] e8b28, Mab : Human Assasin
[15-06:58] e8b28, Mab : Human Weapons/Blacksmith
[15-06:58] e8b28, Mab : Human Scribe/Bard
[15-11:59] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[16-12:33] a9aa6, Mab : *
[16-21:45] c1d30, Q : hmm test?
[16-21:45] c1d30, Q: *L*
[16-21:53] c1d30, Q: hmm
[16-21:54] c1d30, Q : test?
[16-21:54] c1d30, Q : ah ha!
[16-22:05] a9aa6, Mab: ?

Chat cleared by Q.
[16-22:05] a9aa6, Mab: Why aren't they showing up right? Oh, wait, these were posted before I made the switch over. Now I have to do the show and tell line up again. lol
[16-22:08] a9aa6, Mab: Nice, clean chat.
[16-22:08] c1d30, Q: whoops
[16-22:09] a9aa6, Mab: A bit big there.
[16-22:09] a9aa6, Mab: ROFLOL
[16-22:09] a9aa6, Mab: Something more along the lines of fine print would be better.
[16-22:09] c1d30, Q: *cocky smirk* well I'm just over compensating for*realizes that's a bad thing* I mean *L*
[16-22:09] a9aa6, Mab: ROFLOL
[16-22:11] a9aa6, Mab: Needs to specify that they are not hosted at pjj too, so people know that there isn't a legal loophole like that.
[16-22:12] c1d30, Q: not really if they wanted to steal the icons they'd see they were hosted by you
[16-22:13] a9aa6, Mab: True. Good point.
[16-22:14] a9aa6, Mab: Maybe a clearer font.
[16-22:14] a9aa6, Mab: Although, the size is good.
[16-22:15] a9aa6, Mab : *throws favorite icon up*
[16-22:18] c1d30, Q: better?
[16-22:19] a9aa6, Mab : A little. How about take off the "In other words.. NO STEALING!!" part just to make it shorter.
[22-12:47] 3647f, Mab : The Gen
[22-12:47] 3647f, Mab : Demonius Nectus (Icon by Q)
[22-12:47] 3647f, Mab : Ogres
[22-12:47] 3647f, Mab : Trolls
[22-12:47] 3647f, Mab : Goblins
[22-12:48] 3647f, Mab : Dwarves
[22-12:48] 3647f, Mab : Dragon Fire
[22-12:48] 3647f, Mab : Dragon Ice
[22-12:48] 3647f, Mab : Unicorns
[22-12:48] 3647f, Mab : Pegasi
[22-12:48] 3647f, Mab : Gnomes
[22-12:48] 3647f, Mab : Halflings
[22-12:49] 3647f, Mab : Giants
[22-12:49] 3647f, Mab : Fairies
[22-12:49] 3647f, Mab : Centaur
[22-12:49] 3647f, Mab : Merfolk
[22-12:49] 3647f, Mab : Sea Elves
[22-12:49] 3647f, Mab : Sylvan Elves
[22-12:50] 3647f, Mab : Drow Elves
[22-12:50] 3647f, Mab : Moon Elves
[22-12:50] 3647f, Mab : High Elves
[22-12:50] 3647f, Mab : Plains Elves
[22-12:50] 3647f, Mab : Desert Elves
[22-12:50] 3647f, Mab : Royalty
[22-12:51] 3647f, Mab : Enlisted Soldier
[22-12:51] 3647f, Mab : Thief
[22-12:51] 3647f, Mab : Peasant
[22-12:51] 3647f, Mab : Rogue/Pirate
[22-12:51] 3647f, Mab : Mage
[22-12:51] 3647f, Mab : Assasin
[22-12:52] 3647f, Mab : Weapons/Blacksmith
[22-12:52] 3647f, Mab : Scribe/Bard
[23-16:26] 59ca6, Mab : "I'm wishing on a follow where you are..........I'm wishing on a follow what it means........and I wish on all the rainbows that I've seen........I wish on all the people who really dream..........I'm wishing on a follow where you are..........."
[23-17:17] 59ca6, Mab OOC: OOC
[23-17:18] 59ca6, Mab Moderator: Moderator
[23-17:18] 59ca6, Mab Fairy Queen: IC
[23-17:18] 59ca6, Mab Moderator: Moderator
[23-17:18] 59ca6, Mab : Administrator
[23-17:19] 59ca6, Mab: Administrator
[25-01:06] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[25-01:11] ef2a0, Mab: hi
[17-18:50] JOIN: Sisbam has entered.
[17-18:50] dcee1, Eronel: ((test))
[17-18:50] EXIT: Eronel has left the chat ( 7:50pm, August 17 (CDT) ).
[17-18:51] dcee1, Mab: ((test))
[17-18:55] JOIN: Eronel has entered.
[17-18:57] 4fcde, Eronel: can i enter text
[17-18:57] 4fcde, Eronel: can i enter text
[17-18:58] 4fcde, Eronel: is this thing working?
[17-18:58] dcee1, Mab: Erm, what are ya doin? Typing nothing?
[17-18:59] 4fcde, Eronel: no, i'm typing stuff it's just not showing up
[17-18:59] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[17-18:59] 867a2, Will-o'-the-wisp: No no... you don't want 000000...
[17-18:59] dcee1, Mab: Yeah, it's working, Eronel, but your font is black. LOL
[17-19:00] 867a2, Will-o'-the-wisp: Try C00A1A
[17-19:00] 4fcde, Eronel: no, it's pink
[17-19:00] 867a2, Will-o'-the-wisp: See?
[17-19:01] dcee1, Mab: She wants Hot pink
[17-19:01] 4fcde, Eronel: shut up
[17-19:01] 867a2, Will-o'-the-wisp: Hot pink... hold up... I'll get it...
[17-19:01] 867a2, Will-o'-the-wisp: Hm
[17-19:01] 867a2, Will-o'-the-wisp: Hm!
[17-19:02] 867a2, Will-o'-the-wisp: Hmmm?
[17-19:02] 867a2, Will-o'-the-wisp: F86F8F
[17-19:02] dcee1, Mab: Okay, the fickle thing wants Red now. *kicks her*
[17-19:03] dcee1, Mab: That's a nice pink though. I like that.
[17-19:03] 867a2, Will-o'-the-wisp: What shade?
[17-19:03] NICK: Will-o'-the-wisp changed nick to Sileen.
[17-19:04] 867a2, Sileen: Anything in mind?
[17-19:04] 867a2, Sileen: Hehe
[17-19:04] 4fcde, Eronel : did it work?
[17-19:04] 867a2, Sileen: WOOT! She's got it!
[17-19:04] dcee1, Mab: Looks like it did. You're a pirate?
[17-19:04] 4fcde, Eronel : cool, look at me! look at me!!!
[17-19:05] 4fcde, Eronel : I told you. I'm a bad a**!!!
[17-19:06] 4fcde, Eronel : Briana, you can't be the same red as me...*kicks her*
[17-19:06] 867a2, Sileen: Suuuure you are
[17-19:06] 867a2, Sileen: Ow! You little...! I GAVE you that red!
[17-19:06] 867a2, Sileen: *snort*
[17-19:07] 4fcde, Eronel : OH, I am, I am!!
[17-19:07] 4fcde, Eronel : OH, I am, I am!!
[17-19:07] 4fcde, Eronel : *kicks her again*
[17-19:07] 867a2, Sileen: *mutters*
[17-19:07] 867a2, Sileen: *catches foot, and yanks *
[17-19:07] dcee1, Mab: I like the pink you use in ToW, Sileen. I think you should use Sileen's signature color. :o)
[17-19:08] 867a2, Sileen: *peer*
[17-19:09] 4fcde, Eronel : thanks for the red, pink is for sissys!!!
[17-19:09] 867a2, Sileen: *points at Eronel and imitates a deep creepy voice* You are in my domain now, my darling sister... I'd watch your step, or I'll kill your character!! MWAHAHAHAHA-*cough cough cough choke* ... haha...
[17-19:10] 4fcde, Eronel : Muah ha haaaaa
[17-19:10] 4fcde, Eronel : You can't kill me you sissy, you're only a voice, remember?
[17-19:10] 4fcde, Eronel : You don't have a little light by your name like i do...hehehee
[17-19:11] dcee1, Tarence Kurandi: ((test))
[17-19:11] 4fcde, Eronel : OOOOOH! Is that my hottie there?
[17-19:12] dcee1, Tarence Kurandi: ((test))
[17-19:12] 4fcde, Eronel : I want a picture too *whines* (I'm a whiney pirate)
[17-19:12] 867a2, Sileen: ... Oh no...
[17-19:12] 4fcde, Eronel : I'm talking to myself....*twidles thumbs*
[17-19:12] dcee1, Tarence Kurandi: ((Hmmm, I have the pic size set to puny. How do I change that?))
[17-19:12] 4fcde, Eronel : I hope you're not asking me
[17-19:13] 867a2, Sileen: Can't remember
[17-19:13] 4fcde, Eronel : Yummy!!!
[17-19:14] 4fcde, Eronel : I want an Obi Wan Kenobi of my very own, to hug and squeeze and call him "Obi"...hehe
[17-19:14] 4fcde, Eronel : ....and do a few other unmentionable things to too......*wink*
[17-19:14] dcee1, Tarence Kurandi: ((LOL))
[17-19:15] dcee1, Tarence Kurandi: ((ehem, Eronel. You'll notice that I'm using OOC brackets for my posts?))
[17-19:15] 4fcde, Eronel : what does (( )) mean?
[17-19:15] dcee1, Tarence Kurandi: ((That's cuz I'm not talking in character, remember?))
[17-19:15] 4fcde, Eronel : OOC? does that mean talking, but not rping?
[17-19:16] 4fcde, Eronel : (( oh yah...i'm a nerd))
[17-19:16] 4fcde, Eronel : ((so complicated))
[17-19:16] dcee1, Tarence Kurandi: ((hehe))
[17-19:16] 4fcde, Eronel : ((i smell chicken!!!! Yum Yum))
[17-19:16] 4fcde, Eronel : yo ho ho and a bottle of rum(singing)
[17-19:17] dcee1, Tarence Kurandi: ((test))
[17-19:17] dcee1, Tarence Kurandi: ((There we go, now we got the bigger avatars going))
[17-19:18] dcee1, Tarence Kurandi: ((That would be)) Yo ho ho and a bottle of rum *singing*
[17-19:20] dcee1, Tarence Kurandi: *exits the magic portal, which at the coastal tavern of Treyfarg takes the form of a gazibo (spell?) of sorts*
[17-19:20] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[17-19:21] c7d23, Will-o'-the-wisp: ((am i back?))
[17-19:21] c7d23, Will-o'-the-wisp: no no
[17-19:21] dcee1, Tarence Kurandi : ((Nope, you're not back right. You musta put the pass in wrong))
[17-19:22] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 8:22pm, August 17 (CDT) ).
[17-19:23] JOIN: Eronel has entered.
[17-19:23] c7d23, Eronel : ((am i back?00
[17-19:23] c7d23, Eronel : ((oh good))
[17-19:23] dcee1, Tarence Kurandi : ((There ya go, now don't forget your color code and stuff))
[17-19:23] c7d23, Eronel : ((you're a sisssy scribe?))
[17-19:23] dcee1, Tarence Kurandi : ((Oh, there, you dinna for get it. hehe))
[17-19:24] c7d23, Eronel : *swigs down a big drink of ale while sitting at bar*
[17-19:24] dcee1, Tarence Kurandi : ((I'm a bard, a bard, get it write. hehe, get it? "write"? *snicker*))
[17-19:24] c7d23, Eronel : ((i forgot my color code but it appeared anyway))
[17-19:24] c7d23, Eronel : ((nerd))
[17-19:25] dcee1, Tarence Kurandi : ((Cool, sometimes i'll make a cookie))
[17-19:25] c7d23, Eronel : *bangs on counter for another drink*
[17-19:25] c7d23, Eronel : Let's keep it coming, shall we?
[17-19:25] c7d23, Eronel : ((cookie?)) ((chocolate chip))
[17-19:26] c7d23, Eronel : (( that sounds good))
[17-19:27] c7d23, Eronel : (( where are you? where's briana))
[17-19:27] dcee1, Tarence Kurandi : *walks from around the little back garden area where the portal is and enters the front door of the tavern, he has a lute strung on his back and a flute in tube attached to his belt. He also has a couple daggers, but ya can't see those so readily. On his back is a pack which contain the various tools used by a scribe*
[17-19:27] c7d23, Eronel : ((*twidles thumbs all by herself*))
[17-19:28] c7d23, Eronel : ((he is a sissy...))
[17-19:29] 867a2, Sileen: ((But he's a cute sissy... and just because he's a musician does not mean he's a sissy, there have been some of them bard types that are excellant with knives))
[17-19:29] dcee1, Tarence Kurandi : ((ehem)) *he scans the tavern and sees Eronel swigging her drink and ponders her occupation. can he tell what she does by her appearance? what does she look like?))
[17-19:29] dcee1, Tarence Kurandi : )) = *
[17-19:30] c7d23, Eronel : *looks up briefly and resumes gurgling down drink. She is wearing baggy pirate pants, knee boots and a blousy shirt (typical) covered by a long scarlet cloak*
[17-19:30] c7d23, Eronel : ((=*........what's that?
[17-19:33] JOIN: Eronel has entered.
[17-19:33] dcee1, Tarence Kurandi : *he assumes her a pirate from her attire and crosses to the bar with a faint clump of his boots and takes a seat casually, one stool down from Eronel. glances over at her before ordering an ale*
[17-19:34] c7d23, Eronel : *she has lots of weapons on various hidden places of her person. you can tell she's not a "lady"*
[17-19:34] c7d23, Eronel : And just what, sir, are you looking at
[17-19:34] c7d23, Eronel : ?
[17-19:35] c7d23, Eronel : *she's very drunk*
[17-19:35] c7d23, Eronel : *but she holds her liquor pretty well anyways*
[17-19:35] c7d23, Eronel : Well, if you're going to look, then buy me another round!
[17-19:36] dcee1, Tarence Kurandi : *hehe, he could tell that by the way she is gurgling her drink and he raises an eyebrow at that. He looks forward awkwardly and then back at her* I was just wondering what you were drinking, because you seem to be enjoying it.
[17-19:36] c7d23, Eronel : *slaps a hand across his shoulder, kind of flirting...sort of*
[17-19:37] c7d23, Eronel : Oh, this? It's um......Bartender! What is this you've been serving me? My friend here would like a round too! .......his treat!
[17-19:41] dcee1, Tarence Kurandi : *blinks, a bit taken aback by her familiarity and volunteering him to pay, but he catches glimpses of her weaponry and gets an idea of her personality and decides that to go along will be the wisest course in this case. he nods to the bartender that it is even as she says and reaches into his coin purse to get the needed curency*
[17-19:52] c7d23, Eronel : *you may think it a little odd that she's making him pay since there is a good sized bag of gold coins sitting on the counter by her drink, but that's just the kind of gal she is...*
[17-19:53] c7d23, Eronel : Thank you, my good sir! Your manners do you credit for now I shant have to kill you! *breaks into hysterical drunken laughter*
[17-19:56] c7d23, Eronel : whoo....*wipes tears from eyes from laughing so much*
[17-19:56] dcee1, Tarence Kurandi : *he shakes his head and can't help but laugh too, even though he knows that it is very probable that she really means what she says. is quite the handy man with a dagger though, very good with one, in fact*
[17-19:56] c7d23, Eronel : ((she's cracking herself up)
[17-19:57] c7d23, Eronel : ((lol))
[17-19:57] c7d23, Eronel : ((you're good at this rping, funny thing))
[17-19:58] c7d23, Eronel : *slugs down the last of the drink and slams her hands down on the counter*
[17-19:59] dcee1, Tarence Kurandi : ((Comical RPs are my favorite))
[17-20:00] c7d23, Eronel : WELL! *getting up from stool and staggering a bit* I must go! *tosses a few coins towards the bartender on the counter and then a gold coin to your guy too*Thanks for the drink! *winks*
[17-20:00] c7d23, Eronel : *suddenly.......*
[17-20:02] dcee1, Tarence Kurandi : *catches the coin mid air barely looking at it to do so. uses the force. okay, just kidding. he's just good that way, the kind with eyes in the back of his head, although not literally. hehe. * I didn't catch your name. *calls after her*
[17-20:03] c7d23, Eronel : lol
[17-20:03] dcee1, Tarence Kurandi : ((was that OOC or IC?))
[17-20:03] c7d23, Eronel : ((i mean LOL))
[17-20:04] c7d23, Eronel : Well, *hiccup* that is because I didn't throw it. *slurred chuckle*
[17-20:05] c7d23, Eronel : *just as she's about to reach the door it bursts open*
[17-20:06] c7d23, Eronel : *with amazing deftness (considering her drunken state) she dodges out of the way sword drawn*
[17-20:06] dcee1, Tarence Kurandi : *gets down from his stool and takes a step toward her* Are you going to get back alright...........*stops as the door bursts open and looks puzzled and startled* What the..?
[17-20:06] c7d23, Eronel : *bursting through the door are the local police types*
[17-20:07] c7d23, Eronel : It was him! *points at tarence.*
[17-20:08] dcee1, Tarence Kurandi : ((ROFLOL)) *he looks stunned and does that "me?" gesture*
[17-20:08] c7d23, Eronel : *police types look at each other for a moment, puzzled, look at tarence then back at eronel with angry expressions*
[17-20:09] dcee1, Tarence Kurandi : Bloody hell. *he grumbles, and slips a hand near one of his daggers*
[17-20:10] c7d23, Eronel : ((i'm waaaaiiiting.....))
[17-20:10] c7d23, Eronel : ((lol....bloody
[17-20:11] c7d23, Eronel : *dashes towards/past tarence pushing him toward police types as she passes*
[17-20:12] c7d23, Eronel : I'll just let you handle this while I make a hasty retreat...if you don't mind *wink*
[17-20:13] dcee1, Tarence Kurandi : *is pushed toward the police types and looks at them with an "eheh" expression* eheh. *says it even. then after just the briefest pauses and before the police types can really respond he says to them* Bye!! *and dashes to the side to dart around them to the front door*
[17-20:16] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[17-20:16] dcf78, Will-o'-the-wisp: *is just lurkin*
[17-20:18] c7d23, Eronel : *has gone out back door and runs right into tarence coming out front door* *smack*
[17-20:19] c7d23, Eronel : *police types are chasing tarence out front door and find them in muddled heap*
[17-20:20] dcee1, Tarence Kurandi : Ooof!! I'm terribly...It's you! What was that about? *kinda catches her by the shoulders. the police type soldiers are starting to come out the front door*
[17-20:20] c7d23, Eronel : GET OFF ME!!!
[17-20:20] dcee1, Tarence Kurandi : *and does all that in a muddled heap, apparantly*
[17-20:21] c7d23, Eronel : ((lol))
[17-20:21] dcee1, Tarence Kurandi : You ran into me! *kinda pushes away from her as he gets up, not in the mood to be a gentlmen.*
[17-20:22] c7d23, Eronel : Well, if YOU were inside handling things like you're supposed to be doing then I wouldn't have rub into you!
[17-20:23] c7d23, Eronel : *huffs as she gets up to her feet and takes a fighting stance, facing police solidiers who are not watching in amusement*
[17-20:24] c7d23, Eronel : *now, not not*
[17-20:24] c7d23, Eronel : ((now watching in amusement...))
[17-20:25] dcee1, Tarence Kurandi : And how was I supposed to handle things, pray tell? *the police types surround them. He finally notices them and gets into a ready stance himself* I think you owe me a name now.
[17-20:27] c7d23, Eronel : Tell you what, you don't get killed in the next few minutes and I'll show you how to handle things and not only tell you my name, but I'll buy you a drink......ha ha
[17-20:28] c7d23, Eronel : *lunges, sword drawn at the police types, quite skillfully "handling things"*
[17-20:29] c7d23, Eronel : Unh, think you could make yourself useful? Or do you just want to sing to them?
[17-20:29] c7d23, Eronel : *fighting*
[17-20:30] dcee1, Tarence Kurandi : *gives her a scowling glance at that last remark. has umm, more daggers than I first said and flings one to take nick a soldier's ear. doesn't want to kill the local authorities, afterall. is trying to be law abiding, but Eronel is making it very difficult*
[17-20:36] c7d23, Eronel : *pulls sword out of dead soldier guy. deftly grabs dagger tarence threw after it nicks soldiers ear and rams it in the guys back* That's how you do it, Pretty! *blows him a kiss as she runs yelling towards a couple more soldier guys coming to join the brawl, leaving two well armed soldier guys for tarence to "play" with*
[17-20:37] NICK: Will-o'-the-wisp changed nick to Lord Soth.
[17-20:38] c7d23, Eronel : ((cute))
[17-20:38] dcee1, Tarence Kurandi : I don't know what you did to piss these guys off, but they are very pissed off. *bwahaha, steals a movie line* Gaah!! *has at the soldiers, cuz they're gonna kill him anyway. Starts flinging daggers lightning fast and with lethal accuracy between the eyes of the two. doesn't play. makes short work of them*
[17-20:38] dcee1, Tarence Kurandi : ((Very nice pic, Soth))
[17-20:39] c7d23, Eronel : ((!))
[17-20:41] dcf78, Lord Soth: ((*smiles all big*))
[17-20:41] dcee1, Tarence Kurandi : ((hehe))
[17-20:43] c7d23, Eronel : Now that's more like it. *kicking soldier on ground with dagger between his eyes. two bodies lying in the road behind her. Me? Oh, they just can't take a joke. *squats down to remove and coin purses and valuables from dead body*
[17-20:43] c7d23, Eronel : ((oops forgot a * there))
[17-20:45] dcf78, Lord Soth: ((*ponders where to come in at*))
[17-20:46] c7d23, Eronel : ((just don't try to take any money from me or I'll have to gut you. I worked hard at "acquiring" it. *chuckle*))
[17-20:47] dcee1, Tarence Kurandi : *doesn't do likewise for his kills. feels bad for killing them and is very annoyed* What kind of joke? *in a kind of irritated, "I expect an explanation" tone*
[17-20:49] dcf78, Lord Soth: ((*steals money from her, runs for his life*))
[17-20:50] c7d23, Eronel : ((you better hope you run faster than i do!!!))
[17-20:51] dcf78, Lord Soth: ((*trips and falls, burns the money*))
[17-20:51] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[17-20:52] dcee1, Tarence Kurandi : ((*peers at wisp*))
[17-20:52] c7d23, Eronel : ((boy scout? that was a fast fire.))
[17-20:54] c7d23, Eronel : Oh, it was nothing......really serious. *sounding very sweet and innocent and batting eyelashes* Just a little fun and games....*nods head towards a now fading cloud of smoke in the direction of the sea*
[17-20:55] c7d23, Eronel : Some people just have no sense of humour.
[17-20:56] dcee1, Tarence Kurandi : *follows her, wanting to know more about what drove him to kill two men* Sense of humor about what? *in a "do tell" "please continue" but more insistent tone*
[17-20:56] dcf78, Lord Soth: ((*nod nod nod* ten years))
[17-20:58] c7d23, Eronel : ((chuckle))
[17-21:01] c7d23, Eronel : Alright already, but first, I need a drink *stepping over bodies into door of tavern* Nothing like a fight to take the drink right out of you....
[17-21:01] dcf78, Lord Soth: ((i shall rule the world. *falls out of his throne*))
[17-21:04] dcee1, Tarence Kurandi : Ah, yes. *follows, stepping respectfully around the dead bodies* I believe you owe me something. *let's it hang what he means*
[17-21:05] dcee1, Tarence Kurandi : (("Keep the dolls, just let me keep the girls"))
[17-21:05] dcee1, Tarence Kurandi : ((LOL))
[17-21:06] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[17-21:06] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 10:06pm, August 17 (CDT) ).
[17-21:07] dcf78, Lord Soth: ((*lets Tarence have the girls and takes the women*))
[17-21:08] dcee1, Tarence Kurandi : ((LOL))
[17-21:09] dcee1, Tarence Kurandi : ((Eronel got booted. She'll brb))
[17-21:10] JOIN: Eronel has entered.
[17-21:10] dcf78, Lord Soth: ((okies))
[17-21:10] dcf78, Lord Soth: ((speak of the devil*runs*))
[17-21:11] 2b6d6, Eronel : ((*throws rock at him*))
[17-21:13] dcee1, Mab: *holds her mighty chat master sword of truth over her head He-man style* I HAVE THE POWER!! *in echoing awe inspiring voice*
[17-21:14] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[17-21:14] dcf78, Lord Soth: ((*gets hit in the back of the head, falls face first*))
[17-21:15] 2b6d6, Eronel : ((yeah, until orko does some stupid mistake to take the power away accidentally))
[17-21:15] dcee1, Tarence Kurandi : ((ROFLOL))
[17-21:15] dcf78, Lord Soth: ((*steals sword and runs away*))
[17-21:16] dcee1, Mab: *sends lightning bolts after the fleeing, I mean Soth*
[17-21:16] 2b6d6, Eronel : I owe you......? *blinks at him in surprise* Oh ok, I'll buy this time. *snaps at bartender, holds up two fingers*
[17-21:17] 2b6d6, Eronel : ((LOL......sloth...))
[17-21:17] 2b6d6, Eronel : ((you do a lot of running away, Sloth....*wink*))
[17-21:19] dcf78, Lord Soth: ((*growls, drops the sword and comes back after Mab*))
[17-21:21] dcee1, Tarence Kurandi : Yes. *in that "yes indeed, naturally" tone* Your name for starters
[17-21:24] 2b6d6, Eronel : Well, *gulp gulps drink* I thought you would've figured THAT out by now.... Eronel, Captain Eronel to you. *bows slightly mockingly*
[17-21:24] 2b6d6, Eronel : ((Bond, James Bond......))
[17-21:25] dcf78, Lord Soth: ((*trips and falls on his way* demmit.. i always fall. *cries*))
[17-21:27] 2b6d6, Eronel : bettenchi((cry baby))
[17-21:27] 2b6d6, Eronel : ((lol...woops))
[17-21:28] dcf78, Lord Soth: ((*cries harder when called a cry baby*))
[17-21:29] 2b6d6, Eronel : ((cry baby *points and laughs*))
[17-21:32] dcee1, Tarence Kurandi : Oh, the mighty Captain Eronel. Yes, I've heard of you. *bards and scribes are always up on the latest gossip* I thought Eronel was a guy. *now, he knew she was a chic, but he's teasing her.*
[17-21:33] 2b6d6, Eronel : ((chic? woman...WO-MAN!!!!))
[17-21:34] dcee1, Tarence Kurandi : ((hehe))
[17-21:34] dcf78, Lord Soth: ((*bites Eronal*))
[17-21:34] 2b6d6, Eronel : *scoffs* Like a, could think up HALF the stuff I do!
[17-21:34] dcf78, Lord Soth: ((*eronel*))
[17-21:34] 2b6d6, Eronel : ((kinky.......*wink*))
[17-21:35] dcee1, Tarence Kurandi : *chuckles* True *takes a drink of his whatever she ordered for them*
[17-21:36] 2b6d6, Eronel : *noises out in the street. shouting and running about* Maybe we should continue this charming little repetoire somewere else?
[17-21:36] dcf78, Lord Soth: ((*lol*))
[17-21:37] dcee1, Tarence Kurandi : *notes her stunning vocab for a pirate. thinks there is more to her than meets the eye or then even her reputation speaks of* Yes, that might be...wise. *gets up from his stool*
[17-21:38] dcf78, Lord Soth: ((*bites both Mab and Eronel*))
[17-21:39] 2b6d6, Eronel : ((honey, you can't handle BOTH of us......))
[17-21:39] dcee1, Mab: Yeeeeouch!!! *jumps up in startled alarm* *feels weird posting such things in a guy character handle. hehe*
[17-21:39] 2b6d6, Eronel : Your place or mine? *winks*
[17-21:40] dcee1, Tarence Kurandi : Well, I just got in town and was about to find lodgings. So...*smirks* I guess yours.
[17-21:40] 2b6d6, Eronel : ((mab is a girl))
[17-21:41] dcee1, Tarence Kurandi : ((yes, Mab is, but Tarence is a guy so I switch handles to respond to OOC stuff. *snicker*))
[17-21:42] dcf78, Lord Soth: ((*smirks* really?))
[17-21:42] dcf78, Lord Soth: ((i can't *lol*))
[17-21:45] dcee1, Mab: I'm too much alone to handle. *snicker*
[17-21:45] 2b6d6, Eronel : ((Pl-eeeaaasse!))
[17-21:46] 2b6d6, Eronel : ((*rolls eyes*))
[17-21:47] dcee1, Mab: LOL
[17-21:47] dcee1, Mab : *hums*
[17-21:48] 2b6d6, Eronel : Good! Let's go. *slams mug on counter and gets up* Back door. *grabs his shoulder and pulls him toward back door* You gonna sing me to sleep? *tease*
[17-21:49] 2b6d6, Eronel : ((mab the queen...hehe))
[17-21:49] dcf78, Lord Soth: ((*lol*))
[17-21:50] dcee1, Tarence Kurandi : Well, we'll have to see about that. *is practically marched out the door, or feels like he is, which looks rather amusing*
[17-21:51] 2b6d6, Eronel : ((brb.....bedtime story time))
[17-21:53] dcee1, Tarence Kurandi : ((k))
[17-21:59] dcee1, Tarence Kurandi : ((*twiddles thumbs* Once upon a time....))
[17-22:00] 2b6d6, Eronel : ((back...had to sing the good night song too.....))
[17-22:01] dcee1, Tarence Kurandi : ((LOL))
[17-22:02] dcf78, Lord Soth: ((*waves* well imma head outt here))
[17-22:02] 2b6d6, Eronel : ((don't let the door hit you.....j/k hehe))
[17-22:02] dcee1, Tarence Kurandi : ((K, see ya later Soth. I'll keep ya posted on the finishing stages of chat construction))
[17-22:03] 2b6d6, Eronel : ((see ya!))
[17-22:03] 2b6d6, Eronel : ((see ya!))
[17-22:03] 2b6d6, Eronel : ((see ya!))
[17-22:03] 2b6d6, Eronel : ((woops, a little over zealous there))
[17-22:04] dcee1, Tarence Kurandi : ((Itchy enter finger?))
[17-22:04] 2b6d6, Eronel : ((can we keep the picture of him even if he leaves *anxious*))
[17-22:04] dcf78, Lord Soth: ((okies. *scratches that enter finger for Eronel*))
[17-22:04] 2b6d6, Eronel : ((hee hee))
[17-22:05] dcf78, Lord Soth: (( ))
[17-22:05] dcee1, Tarence Kurandi : ((*chuckles*))
[17-22:05] 2b6d6, Eronel : (( oooh, baby! here i come!!!!!))
[17-22:08] dcf78, Lord Soth: ((*waves and goes POOF*))
[17-22:09] 2b6d6, Eronel : ((sooo..........?))
[17-22:10] dcee1, Tarence Kurandi : ((*waves back and then waves the smoke away coughing*))
[17-22:10] 2b6d6, Eronel : ((*in a seductive voice.....* now that we're alone......))
[17-22:10] dcee1, Tarence Kurandi : ((LOL))
[17-22:11] dcee1, Tarence Kurandi : ((*dies*))
[17-22:11] 2b6d6, Eronel : ((*chuckle*))
[17-22:14] JOIN: Eronel has entered.
[17-22:16] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[17-22:16] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 11:16pm, August 17 (CDT) ).
[17-22:16] JOIN: Eronel has entered.
[17-22:18] 2b6d6, Eronel: *leads him towards the harbour through the trees and backs of buildings, not on the street*
[17-22:19] 2b6d6, Eronel: Of course, I'll have to sneak you in.....*glancing over her shoulder* I don't want my men to think I've gone soft bringing home a pretty boy like you.
[17-22:20] 2b6d6, Eronel: *chuckles* Besides, they might want you for themselves......
[17-22:21] dcee1, Tarence Kurandi : Pretty boy? *in a "what the...? I do protest" growly tone. as he follows* They do that and they'll find themselves like those two soldiers.
[17-22:21] 2b6d6, Eronel: *laughs*
[17-22:22] 2b6d6, Eronel: Don't worry, most of my crew is more into the entertaining themselves at the local brothels types.
[17-22:23] dcee1, Tarence Kurandi : How comforting to know. *dryly*
[17-22:24] 2b6d6, Eronel: I think I'll be keeping you all to myself anyway. It sure doesn't hurt either that you can toss around those daggers with such "talent". I might just have a use for you...............besides singing me to sleep. *smirks*
[17-22:24] 2b6d6, Eronel: ((you're being drafted...))
[17-22:25] dcee1, Tarence Kurandi : *gets the feeling he's being drafted, and finds Eronel very difficult to argue with, rather being fast talked and swept along before he knows what is happening*
[17-22:26] dcee1, Tarence Kurandi : Use for me?
[17-22:27] dcee1, Tarence Kurandi : ((lol))
[17-22:27] 2b6d6, Eronel: Heh heh. You never know when you might come in handy.....
[17-22:28] dcee1, Tarence Kurandi : Sure, if you need a lively tune. *smirks*
[17-22:29] 2b6d6, Eronel: Lively, huh? And energetic? *come hither look*
[17-22:30] 2b6d6, Eronel: *they get to the piers and she points to her ship. A sleek ship from red wood, scarlet painted trim*
[17-22:30] 2b6d6, Eronel: There she is...
[17-22:31] dcee1, Tarence Kurandi : Er. *wipes his brow. dang! good thing he is wearing loose trousers. gets his composure back and gives a sly smirk* Very energetic. *looks as she indicates her ship* She's a beauty. *but isn't looking at the ship when he actually says that*
[17-22:38] 2b6d6, Eronel: *grins maliciously at the boat* I feel like stirring them up a bit. You game? *draws her sword, grabs his hand, and marches him up the boarding plank..........fade out*
[17-22:40] dcee1, Tarence Kurandi : *gets an "Ah crap!" expression when she mentions stirring "them" up, but allows himself to be marched up the boarding plank. yup...fade out*
[20-02:29] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[22-13:07] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[22-13:07] 0ae46, Will-o'-the-wisp: Hmmm?
[22-13:08] 0ae46, Will-o'-the-wisp: I'm a Will-o'the-wisp? That's not right.
[22-13:08] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 2:08pm, August 22 (CDT) ).
[22-13:08] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[22-13:08] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 2:08pm, August 22 (CDT) ).
[22-13:08] 0ae46, Mab: There I am.
[22-13:08] 47aa9, Q: mhmm
[22-13:10] 0ae46, Mab: I'm thinking for the plot page we should use the lighter font at the top there that we use for the board and the funny clip. What do you think?
[22-13:13] 0ae46, Mab: No, then again, the main font green would be better. I'm fickle.
[22-13:14] 47aa9, Q: the color of the banner or the color for the links???
[22-13:19] 0ae46, Mab: The main body color, I think is best.
[22-13:23] 47aa9, Q: *nodnod*
[08-16:12] 50082, Mab Fairy Queen: ((test))
[08-16:12] 50082, Mab Fairy Queen: ((test))
[08-16:12] 50082, Mab Fairy Queen : ((test))
[08-16:13] 50082, Mab Fairy Queen : ((test))
[08-16:13] 50082, Mab Fairy Queen : ((test))
[08-16:18] 50082, Mab Fairy Queen : *dew sparkles on the shelf mushrooms and the webbing attached to them as the sun streaks through the trees at a steep angle. Soon, the dew will be frost instead and the leaves will turn their varying vibrant shades. They always do, without fail. There is never a season in this enchanted wood that is not as rich and intense as a season can be.*
[08-16:21] 50082, Mab Fairy Queen : *This is the wood where fae folk meet. This is the forest that has never known fire or disaster, where the trees are as old as the oldest dragon and tower to mountain heights.*
[08-18:24] 50082, Mab: Administrator
[08-18:25] 50082, Mab Moderator: Moderator
[08-18:25] JOIN: E has entered.
[08-18:25] 73728, E: Hey Mab, it's me Eric. You know, the Cancer Kid
[08-18:25] 50082, Mab Moderator: Yup, Me know.
[08-18:27] 50082, Mab: So, how ya doin? hehe
[08-18:29] 50082, Mab OOC: Setting my avatar for my various handles. hehe
[08-18:36] 008cb, Mab: Administrator
[08-18:36] 008cb, Mab Moderator: Moderator
[08-18:36] 008cb, Mab Fairy Queen : Member/Character
[08-18:37] 008cb, Mab OOC: OOC Handle
[08-18:37] 008cb, Mab : The Gen
[08-18:37] 008cb, Mab : Demons
[08-18:37] 008cb, Mab : Ogres
[08-18:37] 008cb, Mab : Trolls
[08-18:38] 008cb, Mab : Goblins
[08-18:38] 008cb, Mab : Dwarves
[08-18:38] 008cb, Mab : Dragon Fire
[08-18:38] 008cb, Mab : Dragon Ice
[08-18:39] 008cb, Mab : Unicorns
[08-18:39] 008cb, Mab : Pegasi
[08-18:39] 008cb, Mab : Gnomes
[08-18:39] 008cb, Mab : Halflings
[08-18:39] 008cb, Mab : Giants
[08-18:39] 008cb, Mab : Fairies
[08-18:39] 008cb, Mab : Centaur
[08-18:40] 008cb, Mab : Merfolk
[08-18:40] 008cb, Mab : Sea Elves
[08-18:40] 008cb, Mab : Sylvan Elves
[08-18:40] 008cb, Mab : Drow Elves
[08-18:40] 008cb, Mab : Moon Elves
[08-18:40] 008cb, Mab : High Elves
[08-18:41] 008cb, Mab : Plains Elves
[08-18:41] 008cb, Mab : Desert Elves
[08-18:41] 008cb, Mab : Royalty
[08-18:43] 008cb, Mab : Enlisted Soldier
[08-18:43] 008cb, Mab : Thief
[08-18:43] 008cb, Mab : Peasant
[08-18:43] 008cb, Mab : Rogue/Pirate
[08-18:43] 008cb, Mab : Mage
[08-18:43] 008cb, Mab : Assasin
[08-18:44] 008cb, Mab : Weapons/Blacksmith
[08-18:44] 008cb, Mab : Scribe/Bard
[27-22:48] 66b0e, Mab : Checks in on her chat still under tedious construction to make sure it doesn't get deleted while it is still being constructed methodically.
[27-22:50] 66b0e, Mab Fairy Queen : *sleeps in a magestic bed that speaks of nature and woodland by its very design, somewhere in her enchanted forest*
[14-16:20] 50bad, Mab Fairy Queen : ((*checks on chat again*))
[27-03:30] b06bb, Mab Fairy Queen : ((*checks on chat again*))
[29-06:54] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[29-06:54] NICK: Will-o'-the-wisp changed nick to Mab.
[29-06:55] 1594a, Will-o'-the-wisp: ((test))
[29-06:55] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 7:54am, October 29 (CST) ).
[29-06:57] 1594a, Mab OOC: *wonders what in the heck that was about.*
[29-06:57] 1594a, Mab : I am queen of all I survey, being the only person that comes to this chat so far, it's not hard to be such.
[29-08:17] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[29-08:18] 1594a, Mab : Hi! *waves*
[29-08:23] 418de, Will-o'-the-wisp: not a bad little chat...
[29-08:24] 1594a, Mab : Thanks!
[29-08:25] 1594a, Mab : It still has a lot of work to go on it, refinements, a few layout schematics, like the main tavern and stuff, etc.
[29-08:25] 418de, Will-o'-the-wisp: indeed *patters off to class*
[29-08:31] 1594a, Mab : See ya!
[08-08:57] JOIN: k has entered.
[08-08:58] a40fe, k: hmm cool *is Q*
[08-08:58] JOIN: He who shall not be named has entered.
[08-08:59] fc2fc, He who shall not be named: *peeks*
[08-08:59] a40fe, k: *shifty eyes*
[08-08:59] EXIT: k has left the chat ( 9:59am, November 08 (CST) ).
[08-08:59] a40fe, Q: ahh better
[08-09:03] 43b62, Mab : Thanks! You like it, Q? Luke made the pretty words for me.
[08-09:06] fc2fc, He who shall not be named: Hmm.. I have no name
[08-09:09] 43b62, Mab : Hehe
[08-09:11] fc2fc, He who shall not be named: *cackles doomily as none shall name him*
[08-09:13] 43b62, Mab : I am Mab, the fairy queen.
[08-09:13] 43b62, Mab Fairy Queen : OOC: and now I'm Mab the fairy queen in my actual character handle.
[08-09:14] 43b62, Mab Fairy Queen : OOC: I bet we're going to have like 3 pages of just OOC jabber before we finally launch this chat. LOL
[08-09:15] fc2fc, He who shall not be named: Hehehehehehehe
[08-09:21] fc2fc, He who shall not be named: I shall NOT be named...therefore I am unconquerable!
[08-09:22] 43b62, Mab Fairy Queen : OOC: Rumplestilskin?
[08-09:23] fc2fc, He who shall not be named: Wrong!
[08-09:23] NICK: He who shall not be named changed nick to The Left Hand Of Mab!.
[08-09:23] fc2fc, The Left Hand Of Mab!: *randomly starts pimp-smacking things*
[08-09:41] 43b62, Mab : LOL
[08-09:46] fc2fc, The Left Hand Of Mab!: *runs through Mab's hair la de da de da*
[08-09:58] EXIT: The Left Hand Of Mab! has left the chat ( 10:46am, November 08 (CST) ).
[08-09:58] JOIN: Palladia Mors has entered.
[08-09:59] fc2fc, Palladia Mors : *cackles doomily*
[08-10:00] 43b62, Mab : *chuckles*
[08-10:01] fc2fc, Palladia Mors : *grabs large flyswatter and chases Mab around wiht it* C'mere you
[08-10:02] 43b62, Mab : Aack! *grows to her full human size and her wings disappear.* Try that now, smarty!
[08-10:02] 43b62, Mab : Aack! *grows to her full human size and her wings disappear.* Try that now, smarty!
[08-10:04] fc2fc, Palladia Mors : *blinks and swats Mab with said flyswatter*
[08-10:05] 43b62, Mab : Ow! *rubs head, or, wherever*
[08-10:06] fc2fc, Palladia Mors: *cackles manaically* *clears throat and arranges papers for icon test*
[08-10:06] fc2fc, Palladia Mors: Cursed blank icons!
[08-10:07] 43b62, Mab : hehe
[08-10:09] fc2fc, Palladia Mors : *thinks said blank Icon
[08-10:10] 43b62, Mab : Hrm?
[08-10:10] 43b62, Mab : *likes the Scribe/Bard icon for her admin handle*
[08-10:11] fc2fc, Palladia Mors : *keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeells typo* That shoulda been thunk! *thunks blank icon repeatedly*
[08-10:11] 43b62, Mab : hehe
[08-10:12] fc2fc, Palladia Mors : *loves the demon icon for him* *preens*
[08-10:14] 43b62, Mab : Q actually made that Icon. It's the only one I didn't draw. I like it too!
[08-10:16] fc2fc, Palladia Mors : *ponders how to doom....wherever they are now*
[08-10:17] 43b62, Mab : Oh, another thing that needs to be done is a list of magic abilities. Of course, this list can be added to as people come up with stuff, but we need an established list for the magic users.
[08-10:19] fc2fc, Palladia Mors : *nods* That can be one of the things my char can do ^.^
[08-10:21] fc2fc, Palladia Mors : Errr....wait...never mind *blinks*
[08-10:21] fc2fc, Palladia Mors : *plots*
[08-10:23] 43b62, Mab : Yeah, when we get the list, I'll make a link at the top with the html, like I've done the other stuff.
[08-10:23] fc2fc, Palladia Mors : Should we start a hit list for me and make it public? *cackles*
[08-10:24] 43b62, Mab : Ummm, sure, I guess. *snickers*
[08-10:25] fc2fc, Palladia Mors : *cackles doomily*
[08-10:40] fc2fc, Palladia Mors : the Gen?
[08-10:44] 43b62, Mab : Yeah, not many of them going to be allowed. Your suggestion of 3 is a good number.
[08-10:46] fc2fc, Palladia Mors : *wears his shiney Badge O Power proudly*
[08-11:11] 43b62, Mab : *chuckles*
[09-12:50] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[09-12:51] JOIN: Tindomerel has entered.
[09-12:51] JOIN: Tindomerel has entered.
[09-12:55] a7000, Mab : Tindomerel? What a neat name.
[09-12:55] 867a2, Tindomerel: ((Why thank you :D))
[09-12:58] a7000, Mab : *hums*
[09-12:59] a7000, Mab Fairy Queen : *does queen stuff.*
[09-13:00] a7000, Tarence Kurandi : *was last seen on a ship where he was coerced into stirring things up, by Eronel*
[09-13:04] JOIN: Naurlote has entered.
[09-13:04] 867a2, Naurlote : Royal
[09-13:04] 867a2, Naurlote : Solider
[09-13:04] 867a2, Naurlote : Thief!
[09-13:05] 867a2, Naurlote : Meager peasant
[09-13:05] 867a2, Naurlote : Rouge! Weee!
[09-13:05] 867a2, Naurlote : Magic is my frieeenndd
[09-13:05] 867a2, Naurlote : Sneak sneak...
[09-13:05] 867a2, Naurlote : Weapons are good
[09-13:05] 867a2, Naurlote : Scribey scribe
[09-13:05] 867a2, Naurlote : Sploosh
[09-13:06] 867a2, Naurlote : Tree!
[09-13:06] 867a2, Naurlote : I've got red eyes! Mwahaha!
[09-13:06] 867a2, Naurlote : Bluuueee mooooon!!!
[09-13:06] 867a2, Naurlote : *sticks nose up in the air and sniffs disdainfully*
[09-13:06] 867a2, Naurlote : Grass! Lots of grass!
[09-13:07] 867a2, Naurlote : It's hot out here...
[09-13:07] 867a2, Naurlote : What's a gen?
[09-13:07] 867a2, Naurlote : Oooh
[09-13:07] 867a2, Naurlote : Deeeemoooon!!!
[09-13:08] a7000, Tarence Kurandi : LOL
[09-13:08] 867a2, Naurlote : Ogre smash! *bash bash*
[09-13:08] 867a2, Naurlote : TROOOLL! The ancient yule tide carol...
[09-13:08] 867a2, Naurlote : EH hehehehehe!! Gob gob gob!!!
[09-13:09] 867a2, Naurlote : Hmph. Stupid elves *rubs beard*
[09-13:09] 867a2, Naurlote : I ate too many peppers...
[09-13:09] 867a2, Naurlote : I had one too many icee!
[09-13:09] 867a2, Naurlote : Poke poke, neigh?
[09-13:10] 867a2, Naurlote : Flap flap, neigh?
[09-13:11] 867a2, Naurlote : Hm... gnomes... inventor types, oh yes, and sometimes with impossibly long names. I am MalaksonofGhalakwhomadetheinventionthatlooksatstarsthatmadetwinklesand.......
[09-13:12] 867a2, Naurlote : Haaairy feet! ... It would really suck to be a halfling female. Can you imagine waxing those things?
[09-13:12] 867a2, Naurlote : *squish* ... Dang it! Stepped on another one!
[09-13:13] 867a2, Naurlote : *flutter flutter* Te hehehehehe!
[09-13:13] 867a2, Naurlote : Neigh? Grumble? Mrow?.... wait... no...
[09-13:14] 867a2, Naurlote : *bubble... bubble bubble* Spuulrp.
[09-13:14] 867a2, Naurlote: BLAnk!
[09-13:14] 867a2, Naurlote : Ooo.. empty nade nothingness.
[09-13:14] 867a2, Naurlote : *ROFLMHO*
[09-13:14] 867a2, Naurlote : Ah dear
[09-13:15] 867a2, Naurlote: Okay, I'm done
[09-13:16] a7000, Mab OOC: Yeah, that one doesnt' count, it's just a pjj icon, but I thought it was hilarious.
[09-13:16] 867a2, Naurlote: It is :-D
[09-13:17] 867a2, Naurlote: Hm... I can't remember if Naur was a high elf, or a moon elf...
[09-13:23] a7000, Mab OOC: Naurlote was a High Elf.
[09-13:23] 867a2, Naurlote: ((Mwah. Okay. I am the leader type for the high elves! Fear me!))
[09-13:24] 867a2, Naurlote: *slinks off*
[09-13:24] EXIT: Naurlote has left the chat ( 2:24pm, November 09 (CST) ).
[09-13:24] a7000, Mab OOC: Hehe
[09-14:21] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[09-14:21] 94c70, Will-o'-the-wisp: *frollics around, wee*
[09-14:21] a7000, Mab : LOL
[09-14:22] a7000, Mab Moderator: *has forgotten what the moderator star looks like*
[09-14:27] 94c70, Will-o'-the-wisp: *reads and reads.*
[09-14:27] a7000, Mab Moderator: hehe, sorry about that.
[09-14:28] NICK: Mab changed nick to Mabby.
[09-14:28] a7000, Mabby: *plays around*
[09-14:34] 94c70, Will-o'-the-wisp: *sitll trying to read*
[09-14:35] a7000, Mabby: hehe. Am I that bad a writer?
[09-14:37] 94c70, Will-o'-the-wisp: I'm doing other things too. But nnn...
[09-14:42] a7000, Mabby: hehe
[09-14:42] NICK: Mabby changed nick to Mab.
[09-14:43] a7000, Mab: 6 days and my honey gets home.
[09-14:44] 94c70, Will-o'-the-wisp: Okay... so you really want me to spit out opinions? lol
[09-14:52] 94c70, Will-o'-the-wisp: *whistles.*
[09-14:56] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[09-14:57] a7000, Mab : Yeah, opinions are good.
[09-14:58] 94c70, Will-o'-the-wisp: *likes this one better.. tests*
[09-14:59] 94c70, Will-o'-the-wisp: Okay, well the rules look okay to me... granted I don't exactly go around reading rules lol I don't usualy do anything to break them.
[09-15:00] a7000, Mab : Oooo! Pretty Avatar!!
[09-15:01] a7000, Mab : I'm glad ya like the rules. I need to add a clause about tying up someone's character forever.
[09-15:02] 94c70, Will-o'-the-wisp: The opening plot, I think there are a lot of vague details.
[09-15:03] a7000, Mab : What needs reworking. That plot is a high concern, even though it'll likely get ignored no matter how good I can make it. LOL
[09-15:04] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[09-15:05] 94c70, Will-o'-the-wisp: Well.. you have like " Stone of (whatever her name is)" things like that.
[09-15:06] 94c70, Will-o'-the-wisp: Why did people start forgetting about the Dragons?
[09-15:07] 94c70, Will-o'-the-wisp: What happened to make the younger generations feel that the Dragons were tryong to be oppressive?
[09-15:07] 94c70, Will-o'-the-wisp: How did this effect the other races?
[09-15:08] 94c70, Will-o'-the-wisp: Why do the 3 small stones have to be together to find it? That's basically a detail about the magic in this world, but that is generally important.
[09-15:16] a7000, Mab : Oooo! Good points to ponder.
[09-15:16] a7000, Mab : Okay, enough of the cheesy grin icon. hehe
[09-15:26] 94c70, Will-o'-the-wisp: LOL
[09-15:39] 94c70, Will-o'-the-wisp: Oh... you might want to put limits on the magic too.
[09-15:39] 94c70, Will-o'-the-wisp: Otherwise you're going to have people pulling out all kinds of stuff out of their butts.
[09-22:46] a7000, Mab : Yeah, in the reg form they are limited to 2 magics and 2 out of the ordinary skills to start out with.
[09-22:47] 94c70, Will-o'-the-wisp: What are those skills and magic?
[09-22:49] a7000, Mab : We're still developing the list.
[09-22:52] 94c70, Will-o'-the-wisp: M'kay.
[09-22:54] 94c70, Will-o'-the-wisp: *flies around.*
[10-03:55] 94c70, Will-o'-the-wisp: .
[10-05:08] a7000, Mab : Heh
[10-05:09] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[10-05:10] JOIN: Vince has entered.
[10-05:11] 215ab, Vince: Interesting......*looks around*
[10-05:18] 215ab, Vince: ((All in all I agree with the rules board.It's a little nit picking but eh..*shrugs*It gets the point across
[10-05:21] a7000, Mab : hehe
[10-05:23] 215ab, Vince: Storyline seems pretty cool also.
[10-05:24] a7000, Mab : I just based the rules off of observations. They're still a work in progress, but I think they're coming along nicely.
[10-05:24] a7000, Mab : Thanks! A friend pointed out some good points for the plot below that I'm going to address.
[10-05:29] JOIN: Vince has entered.
[10-15:20] 94c70, Will-o'-the-wisp: *flies around some more.*
[10-17:52] 9c81f, Mab : *chuckles*
[10-17:57] 94c70, Will-o'-the-wisp: *flutters down on Mab's head.*
[10-17:58] 9c81f, Mab : *looks up in a kind of cross eyed way trying to see what's there*
[10-18:12] 94c70, Will-o'-the-wisp: *waves*
[10-18:14] 9c81f, Mab : *waves back*
[10-18:15] 9c81f, Mab : I want this chat to be opened already, but there is still so much work left to do on it first. *sighs*
[10-18:15] 94c70, Will-o'-the-wisp: Like what?
[10-18:21] 9c81f, Mab : The magic abilities list, sprucing up the plot, umm, making the species list for what we've got defined so far, etc.
[10-18:21] 9c81f, Mab : species list = species stats
[10-18:21] 94c70, Will-o'-the-wisp: Ah.
[10-18:22] 94c70, Will-o'-the-wisp: Well, what I'd suggest is maybe looking at different sources and using the common things.
[10-18:22] 94c70, Will-o'-the-wisp: Like there's always Humans, Elves, Dwarves, Half-Elves in most Fantasy things.
[10-18:22] 94c70, Will-o'-the-wisp: and Dragons too, but you don't see people actually playing a Dragon as a character because they're usually rather powerful.
[10-18:23] 94c70, Will-o'-the-wisp: Dragons are rather awesome in D&D and DragonLance.
[10-18:23] 9c81f, Mab : We are for the magic, but we want the species to have a certain uniqueness, enough that people realize that although this can have a lot of LotR elements, it isn't LotR, etc.
[10-18:24] 94c70, Will-o'-the-wisp: Oh, well I don't mean just LOTR.
[10-18:25] 94c70, Will-o'-the-wisp: There are a lot of authors that use elves and their varying classes.
[10-18:25] 94c70, Will-o'-the-wisp: Dwarves just seem to be another popular thing, the species often represents a set of personality qualities when you look at it.
[10-18:29] 9c81f, Mab : Yeah
[10-18:29] 9c81f, Mab : We are drawing a lot from sources like that, just a bit here and a bit there and making up stuff, etc.
[10-18:33] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[10-18:34] f6fc5, Will-o'-the-wisp: heh
[10-18:34] f6fc5, Will-o'-the-wisp: I'll get around to making a char for here sometime or another
[10-18:38] 9c81f, Mab : Cool! We'll hopefully get it put together the rest of the way sometime or another.
[10-18:40] f6fc5, Will-o'-the-wisp: btw it's Frrash
[10-18:45] 9c81f, Mab : I know, I figured that. *chuckles*
[10-18:46] f6fc5, Will-o'-the-wisp: ok
[10-18:46] 94c70, Will-o'-the-wisp: *hasn't considered a char yet*
[10-18:50] 9c81f, Mab : *hasn't considered but two characters and one was just a throw together tryout one*
[10-18:51] 9c81f, Tarence Kurandi : OOC: *might recognize from PotC chat*
[10-18:51] 9c81f, Mab Fairy Queen : OOC: *had to have character based on namesake*
[10-18:52] 9c81f, Mab Moderator: *moderates*
[10-18:53] 9c81f, Mab OOC: *gabs OOCly*
[10-18:53] f6fc5, Will-o'-the-wisp: *watches Mab flood0rz*
[10-18:55] 9c81f, Mab OOC: *can*
[10-18:58] f6fc5, Will-o'-the-wisp: then do it
[10-19:00] 9c81f, Mab OOC: *is*
[10-19:00] 9c81f, Mab : The Gen
[10-19:01] 9c81f, Mab : The Demons
[10-19:01] 9c81f, Mab : The Ogres
[10-19:01] 9c81f, Mab : The Trolls
[10-19:01] 9c81f, Mab : The Goblins
[10-19:01] 9c81f, Mab : The Dwarves
[10-19:02] 9c81f, Mab : The Fire Dragons
[10-19:02] 9c81f, Mab : The Ice Dragons
[10-19:02] 9c81f, Mab : The Unicorns
[10-19:02] 9c81f, Mab : The Pegasi
[10-19:02] 9c81f, Mab : The Gnomes
[10-19:02] 9c81f, Mab : The Halflings
[10-19:03] 9c81f, Mab : The Giants
[10-19:03] 9c81f, Mab : The Fairies
[10-19:03] 9c81f, Mab : The Centaur
[10-19:03] 9c81f, Mab : The Merfolk
[10-19:03] 9c81f, Mab : The Sea Elves
[10-19:03] 9c81f, Mab : The Sylvan Elves
[10-19:04] 9c81f, Mab : The Drow Elves
[10-19:04] 9c81f, Mab : The Moon Elves
[10-19:04] 9c81f, Mab : The High Elves
[10-19:04] 9c81f, Mab : The Plains Elves
[10-19:04] 9c81f, Mab : The Desert Elves
[10-19:05] 9c81f, Mab : Human Royalty
[10-19:05] 9c81f, Mab : Human Royalty
[10-19:05] 9c81f, Mab : Human Enlisted
[10-19:05] 9c81f, Mab : Human Thief
[10-19:05] 9c81f, Mab : Human Peasant
[10-19:06] 9c81f, Mab : Human Rogue/Pirate
[10-19:06] 9c81f, Mab : Human Mage
[10-19:06] 9c81f, Mab : Human Assasin
[10-19:06] 9c81f, Mab : Human Weapons/Blacksmith
[10-19:06] 9c81f, Mab : Human Scribe/Bard
[10-19:24] 94c70, Will-o'-the-wisp: *looks*
[11-02:11] JOIN: Palladia Mors has entered.
[11-02:12] 5f0c6, Palladia Mors: *looms doomily*
[11-02:14] 5f0c6, Palladia Mors : *even puts on a shiney new Icon...ok so its not shiney nor new...but doom on all who tell him otherwise*
[11-02:32] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[11-02:33] e0c40, Will-o'-the-wisp: *looms doomilier*
[11-02:34] 5f0c6, Palladia Mors : *mauls and dooms Will o th' Whisp and lords over whomever that may be with his Admin Badge of Power filled DOOM!*
[11-02:35] e0c40, Will-o'-the-wisp: *mauled doomed and flashed* whoa.
[11-02:36] 5f0c6, Palladia Mors : Your cheesy Keanu Reeves like dialogue will not save thee!
[11-02:38] e0c40, Will-o'-the-wisp: *L* it was an accident!
[11-02:39] 5f0c6, Palladia Mors : *evil aura*
[11-02:42] e0c40, Will-o'-the-wisp: *lights candle...shines it on aura*
[11-02:44] 5f0c6, Palladia Mors : *aura blinks and then devours the candle*
[11-02:45] e0c40, Will-o'-the-wisp: *pokes aura while its close enough to devour candle*
[11-02:45] 5f0c6, Palladia Mors : *aura then devours Jen*
[11-02:48] e0c40, Will-o'-the-wisp: *devoured*is evil too, then*
[11-02:51] 5f0c6, Palladia Mors : Yes....with your added life force... I GROW STRONGER!!!!
[11-02:52] e0c40, Will-o'-the-wisp: yus. but i tainted it. :D better evil.
[11-02:52] 5f0c6, Palladia Mors : You cannot taint me....I was already tainted
[11-02:54] e0c40, Will-o'-the-wisp: ...added jen? that doesn't count?
[11-02:54] 5f0c6, Palladia Mors : You cannot make a pure thing more pure...
[11-02:56] e0c40, Will-o'-the-wisp: *tackle*
[11-02:56] 5f0c6, Palladia Mors : *tackled as he was too busy preening and looking evil*
[11-02:57] e0c40, Will-o'-the-wisp: *musses hair and preenage*
[11-02:58] 5f0c6, Palladia Mors : *BITE!*
[11-02:59] e0c40, Will-o'-the-wisp: *twitch*
[11-03:00] 5f0c6, Palladia Mors : *smirks and preens*
[11-03:02] e0c40, Will-o'-the-wisp: *sits behind and stares*
[11-03:02] 5f0c6, Palladia Mors : *is in midair floating upon his ego*
[11-03:06] e0c40, Will-o'-the-wisp: *pops ego*
[11-03:07] 5f0c6, Palladia Mors : *has an Ego 10x stronger than that of Han cannot be popped*
[11-03:08] e0c40, Will-o'-the-wisp: drat.
[11-03:10] 5f0c6, Palladia Mors : *smirks and fades into Admindom*
[11-03:10] EXIT: Palladia Mors has left the chat ( ~Deine Grosse macht mich Klein... Du darfts mein Bestrafer sein...Ja~ ).
[11-03:12] e0c40, Will-o'-the-wisp: *smirk*
[11-03:12] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 4:12am, November 11 (CST) ).
[12-08:41] JOIN: Palladia Mors has entered.
[12-08:41] a2987, Palladia Mors : Nocturn Eternis....Nocturne Eternis... *fades in all spooky like*
[12-08:47] a2987, Palladia Mors : *points to baord before poofing*
[13-06:24] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[13-06:24] JOIN: Palladia Mors has entered.
[13-07:08] 9b07b, Mab : *peers*
[13-12:14] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[13-12:15] 94c70, Will-o'-the-wisp: *peeks to check things.*
[13-19:20] JOIN: Naurlote has entered.
[13-19:20] 867a2, Naurlote : .
[13-19:21] 867a2, Naurlote : .
[13-19:21] 867a2, Naurlote : Mwaha
[14-18:38] JOIN: Palladia Mors has entered.
[14-19:12] 7b247, Palladia Mors : *stalks Naurlote*
[14-20:03] JOIN: Naurlote has entered.
[14-20:10] 7b247, Palladia Mors : *stalking Naurlote*
[14-20:27] 867a2, Naurlote : ((O_O))
[14-20:28] 867a2, Naurlote : ((Mew?))
[14-20:34] 7b247, Palladia Mors : *stalks from Admin land*
[14-20:46] 867a2, Naurlote : ((Mew!))
[14-21:03] 7b247, Palladia Mors : I see you my pretty pretty pretty
[14-21:03] 867a2, Naurlote : ((*hides*))
[18-13:44] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[18-14:30] JOIN: Naurlote has entered.
[19-10:53] JOIN: Sothicus Aurelius has entered.
[19-10:54] 3b7d5, Sothicus Aurelius : *is doing a profile test and is OOC*
[19-10:57] 3b7d5, Sothicus Aurelius : *strokes ego*
[19-15:23] JOIN: Naurlote has entered.
[20-23:26] JOIN: Naurlote has entered.
[21-12:56] JOIN: Naurlote has entered.
[25-16:57] 71d9f, Mab : *looks about, makes to do list of stuff left to do before launch*
[25-18:02] JOIN: Naurlote has entered.
[25-18:09] 71d9f, Mab : *noogies Naurlote*
[25-18:14] 867a2, Naurlote : ((AAAAHH!!! Sister abuse! Sister abuse!))
[25-18:36] EXIT: Naurlote has left the chat ( 7:14pm, November 25 (CST) ).
[25-19:02] JOIN: Naurlote has entered.
[25-19:12] 71d9f, Mab : LOL
[27-02:26] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[27-02:27] 8235b, Mab : :)
[27-02:29] ab6ae, Will-o'-the-wisp: ... make it stop. Its going to kill me...
[27-02:35] 8235b, Mab : What's going to kill you?
[27-14:27] 8235b, Tarence Kurandi : *is somewhere*
[01-11:01] JOIN: Naurlote has entered.
[07-00:29] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[07-00:48] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[07-19:50] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[08-03:13] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[08-03:26] 61521, Mab : Now, to remember how to set up emoticons in these chats.
[08-03:46] 61521, Mab :
[08-03:51] 61521, Mab :
[08-03:51] 61521, Mab : That just makes me smile.
[08-03:53] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[08-03:53] 94c70, Will-o'-the-wisp: yay!
[08-03:54] 61521, Mab : Give it a try. Just type the colon and parenthesis smile.
[08-03:56] 94c70, Will-o'-the-wisp:
[08-04:04] 61521, Mab :
[08-04:06] 61521, Mab :
[08-04:14] 61521, Mab :
[08-04:42] 61521, Mab :
[08-05:06] 61521, Mab :
[08-05:11] 61521, Mab :
Chat cleared by Mab.
[08-05:21] 61521, Mab :
[08-05:24] 61521, Mab :
[08-05:24] 61521, Mab :
[08-05:24] 61521, Mab :
[08-05:24] 61521, Mab :
[08-05:25] 61521, Mab :
Chat cleared by Mab.
[08-05:27] 61521, Mab:
[08-05:28] 61521, Mab: *likes her smilies*
[08-22:09] cf0f5, Mab:
[08-22:11] cf0f5, Mab:
[09-01:51] cf0f5, Mab:
[09-02:06] cf0f5, Mab:
[09-02:20] cf0f5, Mab:
[09-02:23] cf0f5, Mab: />
[09-02:24] cf0f5, Mab: />
[09-02:24] cf0f5, Mab: okay, why isn't that one working?
[09-02:25] cf0f5, Mab: />
[09-02:29] cf0f5, Mab: NARF, NARF I tell you!!!
[09-02:29] cf0f5, Mab: narf
[09-02:34] cf0f5, Mab: narfing
[09-02:34] cf0f5, Mab: shimmy shimmy
[09-02:35] cf0f5, Mab: />
Chat cleared by Mab.
[09-02:36] cf0f5, Mab: />
[09-02:36] cf0f5, Mab: Hmmm, why isn't that working?
[09-02:37] cf0f5, Mab: />
[09-02:37] cf0f5, Mab: *cries*
[09-02:37] cf0f5, Mab: />
[09-02:38] cf0f5, Mab: />
[09-02:38] cf0f5, Mab: />
[09-02:38] cf0f5, Mab: />
[09-02:38] cf0f5, Mab: />
[09-02:38] cf0f5, Mab: />
[09-02:39] cf0f5, Mab: />
[09-02:39] cf0f5, Mab:
[09-02:39] cf0f5, Mab:
[09-02:39] cf0f5, Mab: Okay, this is weird.
Chat cleared by Mab.
[09-02:41] cf0f5, Mab: *cries*
[09-02:41] cf0f5, Mab: Whyfore my smilies no working today?
[09-03:02] cf0f5, Mab: />
[09-03:02] JOIN: Luke has entered.
[09-03:03] cf0f5, Mab OOC: />
[09-03:03] cf0f5, Mab OOC: See, they no working, but the last two and they were all working yesterday.
[09-03:03] cf0f5, Mab OOC:
[09-03:04] cf0f5, Mab OOC: The frown works, which is appropriate, because that's how I feel about my smilies not working.
[09-03:04] 68a38, Luke: />
[09-03:05] cf0f5, Mab: *lip quivers* See. *lip quivers more* I don't understand it.
[09-03:05] cf0f5, Mab:
[09-03:06] 68a38, Luke: they should all be working... I'm not sure why they're not...
[09-03:08] cf0f5, Mab: Maybe they'll up and start working again later.
[09-03:08] cf0f5, Mab:
[09-03:09] cf0f5, Mab: Aren't they cute, though?
[09-03:10] 68a38, Luke: try putting quotation marks where shown: <img src=[color=#FF0000]"[/color]http/[color=#ff0000]"[/color]> *hopes this turns out like expected...*
[09-03:10] 68a38, Luke: nope... didn't work *L*
[09-03:11] 68a38, Luke: <img src="URL HERE">
[09-03:13] cf0f5, Mab: Okay, I'll try that.
[09-03:14] cf0f5, Mab:
[09-03:14] cf0f5, Mab: Hmm, it changed my double quotes to single quotes when I saved the changes and now it doesn't give the address of the pic, at least.
[09-03:15] cf0f5, Mab:
[09-03:15] cf0f5, Mab:
[09-03:15] cf0f5, Mab:
Chat cleared by Mab.
[09-03:16] cf0f5, Mab: Was getting messy.
[09-03:17] cf0f5, Mab:
[09-03:17] cf0f5, Mab: *cries*
[09-03:18] JOIN: Luke has entered.
[09-03:19] cf0f5, Mab:
[09-03:22] cf0f5, Mab:
[09-03:24] 68a38, Luke: have a look at the one from the TOW room, and try putting in the </a> tag at the end... it might help
[09-03:24] cf0f5, Mab: So, I type </a> at the end?
[09-03:27] cf0f5, Mab: /'>
[09-03:27] 68a38, Luke: yeah, with a space in between... exactly like you see it there
[09-03:27] 68a38, Luke: hrmm
[09-03:27] 68a38, Luke: *shrugs* I dunno...
[09-03:28] 68a38, Luke: maybe Tino is updating something with the system
[09-03:28] cf0f5, Mab: Nope, the </a> tag at the end didn't help.
[09-03:29] cf0f5, Mab: /'>
[09-03:30] cf0f5, Mab: Well, I'll give it a couple days and see how things go.
[09-03:30] cf0f5, Mab: They were all working yesterday.
[09-07:52] cf0f5, Mab OOC: /'>
[09-07:53] cf0f5, Mab: />
[09-07:53] cf0f5, Mab: I just don't understand it.
[09-07:54] cf0f5, Mab:
[09-07:56] cf0f5, Mab: *cries to the ceiling* WHY!?! WHY!?! WHY DON'T ALL MY SMILIES WORK ANYMORE!!?!?!
[09-08:01] cf0f5, Mab : Maybe if I put on a magician's hat, it'll work.
[09-08:02] cf0f5, Mab : *sighs*
[09-08:02] cf0f5, Mab : />
[09-08:03] cf0f5, Mab : Waaaaaaaaaah!!! *stomps around in a frustrated tantrum*
Chat cleared by Mab.
[09-08:03] cf0f5, Mab : Fine, I'll just clear the chat.
[09-08:07] cf0f5, Mab : Somehow, I've just got to get the other emoticons working again. I just gotta. heh
[09-19:11] c88f9, Q: /'>
[09-19:11] c88f9, Q: hmm
[09-19:12] c88f9, Q:
[09-19:12] c88f9, Q:
[09-19:12] c88f9, Q:
[09-19:13] c88f9, Q:
[09-19:13] c88f9, Q: narf
[09-19:13] c88f9, Q: NARF, NARF I tell you!!!
[09-19:13] c88f9, Q: NARF, NARF I tell you!!!!
[09-19:13] c88f9, Q: hehe
[09-19:13] c88f9, Q:
[09-19:13] c88f9, Q:
[09-19:13] c88f9, Q:
[09-19:13] c88f9, Q:
[09-19:13] c88f9, Q:
[09-19:13] c88f9, Q: :
[09-19:22] f34f9, Mab : :/
[09-19:22] f34f9, Mab : What in the? Why isn't that smilie working?
[09-19:23] f34f9, Mab : :/
[09-19:24] c88f9, Q: :/
[09-19:24] c88f9, Q: I don't see it in the filter at al
[09-19:24] c88f9, Q: *all
[09-19:25] f34f9, Mab : Weirdness, it was there before, obviously, because I used it below.
[09-19:27] f34f9, Mab :
[09-19:27] f34f9, Mab : /'>
[09-19:27] f34f9, Mab : Now the others aren't working again.
[09-19:27] f34f9, Mab : Is there a limit?
[09-19:29] f34f9, Mab : /'>
[09-19:29] f34f9, Mab : /'>
Chat cleared by Mab.
[09-19:31] f34f9, Mab : /'>
[09-19:32] f34f9, Mab :
[09-19:32] f34f9, Mab : *blinks* Awwww, mannn, is there a limit on the number of filtered pics one can use?
[09-19:37] JOIN: Abyss has entered.
[09-19:37] c88f9, Abyss: coolness
[09-19:42] JOIN: Naurlote has entered.
[09-19:45] 867a2, Naurlote : Mmm
[09-19:45] 867a2, Naurlote :
[09-19:46] c88f9, Will-o'-the-wisp: ...
[09-19:47] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[09-19:48] JOIN: Abyss has entered.
[09-19:48] c88f9, Abyss: smiley face... cool
[09-19:51] f34f9, Mab : Thanks
[09-19:53] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[09-19:53] 8d060, Will-o'-the-wisp: test test
[09-19:53] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 8:53pm, December 09 (CST) ).
[09-19:54] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[09-19:54] f34f9, Mab : /'>
[09-19:54] 8d060, Will-o'-the-wisp: test /'> /'> /'> test
[09-19:56] c88f9, Abyss: cooly
[09-19:56] 8d060, Will-o'-the-wisp: test test
[09-19:59] f34f9, Mab : Thanks sooooo much!!! Yippee!!
[09-19:59] 867a2, Naurlote :
[09-20:11] 867a2, Naurlote :
[09-20:12] 867a2, Naurlote :
[09-20:15] f34f9, Mab : hehe
[09-20:23] f34f9, Mab :
[09-20:24] f34f9, Mab : NARF, I tell you, NARF!!!
Chat cleared by Mab.
[09-20:28] f34f9, Mab :
[09-21:24] JOIN: Sileen has entered.
[09-21:24] 867a2, Sileen: mew
[09-21:25] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 10:24pm, December 09 (CST) ).
[09-21:25] JOIN: Sileen has entered.
[09-21:31] EXIT: Sileen has left the chat ( 10:25pm, December 09 (CST) ).
[10-05:00] f34f9, Mab: *enjoys making smilies*
[10-05:18] f34f9, Mab:
[10-05:19] f34f9, Mab:
[10-05:19] f34f9, Mab:
[10-05:38] f34f9, Mab:
[10-06:02] f34f9, Mab:
[10-06:19] f34f9, Mab: >:o
[10-06:19] f34f9, Mab: >:o
[10-06:20] f34f9, Mab:
[10-06:39] JOIN: Sileen has entered.
[10-06:39] 867a2, Sileen: :>
[10-06:39] 867a2, Sileen: >:>
[10-06:39] 867a2, Sileen: >
[10-06:39] 867a2, Sileen: Boogers
[10-06:41] 867a2, Sileen:
[10-06:41] 867a2, Sileen: Mwehehehe....
[10-06:42] f34f9, Mab: I couldn't use the > symbol, because it conflicted with the other filter url's and I didn't wanna mess with figuring out the order to list them in to get around that like Tino did for the face.
[10-06:44] 867a2, Sileen:
[10-06:44] 867a2, Sileen: >:o
[10-06:44] 867a2, Sileen:
[10-06:44] 867a2, Sileen:
[10-06:47] f34f9, Mab:
[10-06:50] f34f9, Mab:
[10-06:55] 867a2, Sileen: I'm more special
[10-07:03] f34f9, Mab: *blinks* You have the admin icon. I must have given you an admin thing when I was reflagging you. hehe
[10-07:04] f34f9, Mab Moderator: This is what the moderator thing looks like.
[10-07:05] 867a2, Sileen: Oops