Name: Peter Hoffman

Gender: Male

Race: Human

Age: 34

Height: 5'10"

Weight: 150lbs

Appearance: Peter has a lanky build, shoulder length wavy light brown hair, blue eyes, and lots of freckles. There is a tattoo marking him as part of the thieves' guild on his right shoulder, but he almost always keeps it hidden. The particular design of it is only familiar to those who know a lot about the secretive guild anyway, so to the average person it would just appear decorative.

Place of Origin: Avelane

Currently Resides: Avelane

Family: Robert Hoffman (younger brother), Mary Hoffman (mother), Andrew Hoffman (father, deceased)

Current Occupation: Full-time Tailor. On rare occasion, also Rogue/Thief if you can talk him into it and have a plan as he doesn't have a head for strategy like that.

Former Occupations: Stage magician, street magician, thief, pickpocket

Skills and Abilities:

  • Archery: 1 (exp: 100)
  • Handguns: 1 (exp: 100)
  • Throwing knives and darts: 5 (exp: 1500)
  • Finding and disabling traps: 1 (exp: 100)
  • Safe-cracking: 5 (exp: 1500)
  • Lock-picking: 10 (exp: 5500)
  • Pickpocket: 10 (exp: 5500)
  • Slight of Hand: 10 (exp: 5500)
  • Jewel appraisal: 1 (exp: 100)
  • Tailor: 10 (exp: 5500)
  • Sneak: 10 (exp: 5500)
  • Disguises: 5 (exp: 1500)
  • Impersonations: 5 (exp: 1500)
  • Bluff: 10 (exp: 5500)

Magic: None (all his magic tricks have nothing to do with magical energies and everything to do with the skills listed above)

Contests Won: Panty Raid (1st - leveled up his sneak skill)

Special Items:

  • A pink metal dagger with ruby hearts encrusted into the handle
  • A body pillow of Rathien
  • A golden panty scepter
  • Event/Quest Currency: 0

Weaknesses/Flaws: Peter's main weakness is that he is very cowardly and willingly admits it, so it's difficult to convince him to go into danger. However, his high bluff skills tend to help him through once he's in the dangerous situation. He is also pessimistic, very weak to pretty women, and a bad cook (he'll eat his own food, but it's highly advised that you do not!). He cheats at cards if he thinks he can get away with it and frequently lies to wiggle out of trouble or get what he wants.

Personality: The most noticeable thing about Peter is his healthy sense of humor (sarcasm, quick wit, snappy insults, puns, cheeky). He is also a total flirt, very loyal to friends, charismatic, and cheery. Also, he is very precise when working on something as he takes pride in his work.

Hobbies/Interests: Card games, magic tricks, crossword puzzles, doodling, painting, dancing, drinking, and flirting with all the lovelies. Also, he loves fuzzy animals and a good cup of tea.

Dreams/Aspirations: Peter would like to be able to have some fun while still maintaining a low profile in hopes that his past misdeeds never catch up to him. He also hopes to set a good example for his little brother through his mostly reformed lifestyle.

Backstory: Peter grew up the oldest of two boys in a poor single-parent home. He became the man of the house at a very young age as his paladin father left on an adventure one day and never returned. His mother had no training in any skilled labor, so she took up a job as a waitress out of necessity and the family was just barely scraping by on that. Peter found he had a natural talent for slight of hand tricks and started to put them to use as a pickpocket and stealing from fruit stands as early as age seven. His mother never inquired where he got the money even though she was sure it was something he shouldn't be up to as she was grateful for the extra food on the table. At the age of ten, his trickster ways naturally landed him in trouble as he stole from the wrong person. It turned out that he was part of the secret thieves' guild in Avelane, and seeing potential in Peter, he took him under his wing as an apprentice and later brought him fully into the guild. There he began learning more tricks of the thieving trade which led him to bigger scores.

In his spare time he also began using his slight of hand gift to develop a wonderful repertoire of magic tricks. As a late teenager, he earned some money as a street performer to make himself look a little more legitimate, and by the time he was in his early twenties, he'd been picked up by a club. Naturally, in a world where magic does exist, an entertainer of this type was not as big of a deal, but his charisma carried him through as he was able to entertain with a mix of comedy and tricks to delight crowds. Still, it was only an occasional gig and he continued to supplement his income by picking up jobs through the thieves' guild.

This all came to a screeching halt for him a few years ago when his little brother, Robert, was caught in a robbery and sent away to prison. As crime in Avelane is severely punished, Robert is still serving time. Peter saw what kind of a life he'd brought his brother into and vowed to clean up his act. Since he was a child, he had also been working on his sewing skills, first just mending his and his brother's clothing and then moving on to stitching up disguises for himself and also costumes for his magic act. So, he decided to put what he'd learned to good use and applied to work as a tailor's assistant at a mens' tuxedo and suit store, doing alterations and custom-made suits. Under some guidance of the lead tailor, he soon was able to work on his own and got bumped up a level. It doesn't pay much, but it is enough for him to get by without needing to supplement with more nefarious acts, so he believes that he is finally living a clean life. However, his name is still known among a few darker circles and so on very rare occasion he does still take up a thieving job, but it takes a lot more to talk him into it now that it isn't necessary.

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