Ruling Deity - War (Honor) - Destruction - Mischief - Hope
Sun - Greater Moon - Lesser Moon - Stars - Darkness
Wild Nature - Sea - Agriculture - Magic - Technology
Muse - Love - Drinking - Joy - Mind

Arda is home to several active deities. Many people who live here find their lives directly affected by one deity or another, whether through choosing to serve as a priest or paladin, for example, or having been chosen by the deity as a champion.

Although all exist, different cultures choose to focus on only particular deities. Therefore, while information is available for those who seek it out, say in a temple or a library, it is only common knowledge to those who live in a location which actively supports worship of a particular deity.

Different cultures also have different names for the deities and represent them in different ways. This is due to the fact that most of them are originally genderless and formless, and thus present themselves to the people however they would be best received. Therefore, they are listed here based on their main attribute rather than by name.

In addition, the Enclave worships three deities. However, as the Enclave people come from another world, these deities are not the same as those on Arda, but rather originate in their galaxy. For more information on them, see the culture section on the Icarus city page.

Ruling Deity

Other Attributes: Life, Death, Heaven, the Underworld, Order, Creation

Names: Nameless Goddess, Celestial Mother, Jade Empress (Xenshi)

Tier: Ultimate Top Tier, Ruling Deity

Holidays: Day of the Dead, Winter Solstice

Places of Worship: Main Deity of Aetharia, especially the Temple of Life in Endal; the Temple of the Ancient Heavens in Everantha; the Temple of Heaven in Avelane; the Temple of Balance in Xenshi; Kaymakli churches

Holy Sites: Sacred Mountain in Dothmar

Avatar of the Heavens: The Seeker of Balance

Champions: Rathien Winterstar; Castien Vandel, Brionellia Everlove, Sister Kaeterynah Aeraviel, Namid Pulsarsio

Blessings: +5 Holy Magic/+5 Wisdom/+5 Strength/+5 Charisma/Ability to turn any Undead/Holy Aura of 100ft/+5 Smite/+5 to rolls against the Undead

Blessings are temporary and are granted so long as one is a Champion. These need to be listed on your profile under Champion Bonuses – will need to be added in as a separate portion. Please notate the bonus along with which deity the bonus is granted from. As the Champions change and ranks change, so will bonuses. Keep an eye on where your characters sit.

Brief History/Folklore:

War (Honor)

Other Attributes: Vigilance, Wisdom, Valor, Chivalry, Law, Justice, Truth

Patron of: Paladins and Holy Knights

Names: Seraphina, General Guan Yu (Xenshi)

Tier: Top Tier Deity

Holidays: Unknown

Places of Worship: Main Deity of Avelane, especially at the Temple of Justice; the Temple of Valor in Endal; the Temple of Balance in Xenshi; Kaymakli churches

Champions: Unknown

Brief History/Folklore:


Other Attributes: War (Violence), Thunder/Lightning

Names: Akordia

Tier: Middle Tier Deity

Holidays: Destructofest

Places of Worship: Main Deity of Zelfar, especially at the Arena and her palace and Kaymakli churches

Champions: Rathien Winterstar [Tier 3], Hunter Gabrielolus [Tier 3], Evelyn Godslayer [Tier 3], Abigor Balthizo [Tier 2], Persephone Asteroeids [Tier 2], Wyvern Samire [Tier 2], Nova [Tier 2], Rhys Zenunim [Tier 1], Firion Balthizo [Tier 1], and Jackal Montgomery [Tier 1]

Blessings: Tier 1 - +1 Strength/+1 Agility/+1 Reflexes; Tier 2 - +2 Strength/+2 Agility/+2 Reflexes; Tier 3 - +3 Strength/+3 Agility/+3 Reflexes

Blessings are temporary and are granted so long as one is a Champion. These need to be listed on your profile under Champion Bonuses – will need to be added in as a separate portion. Please notate the bonus along with which deity the bonus is granted from. As the Champions change and ranks change, so will bonuses. Keep an eye on where your characters sit.

Disciples: Abigor Balthizo, Corbin Shade, and Jackal Montgomery

Disciple bonuses: +2 Strength/+3 Anything Fire related/+5 Poison Resistance.

These need to be listed on your profile under Disciple Bonuses – will need to be added in as a separate portion. Please notate the bonus along with which deity the bonus is granted from. These bonuses are temporary. Keep an eye on where your characters sit with the deities. Please also notate on your character's physical description portion about the black tribal dragon tattoo upon the left side of your character's neck.

Brief History/Folklore: Akordia is one of the youngest in the pantheon, but don't underestimate her for it. She is also one of the most active of the deities. Her father was the original god of destruction, which is probably the reason why those in Xenshi still view the position as having a male deity. Upon his death, Akordia retreated into his realm and took his place. Since then, she has also come to rule over the island nation of Zelfar. While delighting in war and destruction, death is really not her thing because a dead person can no longer do any damage. Akordia is the brutal side of war - violence, destruction, and the idea that "might makes right."

In recent times, the goddess, Gamorrah, has taken to starting a war of sorts with Akordia. Gomorrah's strike at pulling Corbin, Akordia's beloved, into her wicked ploys is what started it all. For a brief time, Corbin Shade was a Disciple of Death, seeing to bringing forth the start of a vicious battle that the Goddess of Darkness saw to making a move upon the city of Ambrose, home of a number of mystic artifacts that Gomorrah seeks for her personal gain in seeing to bringing forth the coming of the next Blood War.


Other Attributes:Tricks, Illusions, Luck

Patron of: Thieves

Names: Eudora, Loki (Isrike)

Tier: Top Tier Deity

Holidays: Aibrean (April) Fool's Day

Places of Worship: Escher Island Temple; Hoodwink Island; Ambrose, Erufu; Kaymakli churches; Isrike temples

Champions: Pack, Flardryn, Morwyn

Brief History/Folklore:


Other Attributes: Perseverance

Sigil: A single lit candle upon a sable shield

Names:Caunardhon Airadan, Xiwang (Xenshi)

Tier: Low Tier Deity

Holidays: Unknown

Places of Worship: Temple of Balance in Xenshi

Champions: Hunter Gabrielolus, Abigor Balthizo, and Ace Alumroot

Disciple/s: Kailani of the Sea

Disciple bonuses: +1 Strength/+1 Charisma/+2 Constitution

These need to be listed on your profile under Disciple Bonuses – will need to be added in as a separate portion. Please notate the bonus along with which deity the bonus is granted from. These bonuses are temporary. Keep an eye on where your characters sit with the deities. Please also notate on your character's physical description portion about the -----------

Blessings: +1 to attack rolls for 5 rounds/+1 to up to a party of 5 on defense rolls for 5 rounds/-1 debuff to enemy rolls for 5 rounds

Blessings are temporary and are granted so long as one is a Champion. These need to be listed on your profile under Champion Bonuses – will need to be added in as a separate portion. Please notate the bonus along with which deity the bonus is granted from. As the Champions change and ranks change, so will bonuses. Keep an eye on where your characters sit.

Brief History/Folklore: "Hope can be found anywhere; from the lips of a child to the lips of a prisoner before being executed."


Other Attributes: Good, Light, Knowledge, Science

Names: Illuvian, Amaterasu (Xenshi), Sol (Isrike)

Tier: Top Tier Deity

Holidays: Summer Solstice

Places of Worship: Main Deity of Etia; Temple of Balance in Xenshi; Kaymakli churches; Isrike temples

Champions: Unknown

Brief History/Folklore:

Greater Moon (Viare)

Other Attributes: Mercy, Healing

Names: Lunasa, Guanyin (Xenshi), Eir (Isrike)

Tier: Middle Tier Deity

Holidays: Lunasa Festival

Places of Worship: Main Deity of Etia; Temple of Balance in Xenshi; Kaymakli churches; Isrike temples

Champions: Unknown

Brief History/Folklore: Long ago when Arda was young, there were three moons, and Lunasa was goddess of the largest. The other two were ruled over by her brother, Mokoi, and another god, Cesilain. Cesilain developed feelings for her and began to persue her. However, her brother grew overly protective and battled Cesilain, warning him to stay away from her. Cesilain would not back down and Mokoi was injured in the fight and his moon shattered to bits. The heartbroken Lunasa gathered up her brother and healed him, and then scattered the bits of his moon across the sky to form the stars. She had mercy on Cesilain, understanding that he had been overcome with passion, and never sought vengeance against him. He took this as a good sign and still persues her to this day.

Lesser Moon (Aon)

Other Attributes: Wealth, Travel, Hard Work

Patron of: Merchants

Names: Cesilain, Caishen (Xenshi), Njordr (Isrike)

Tier: Middle Tier Deity

Holidays: Unknown

Places of Worship: Temple of Balance in Xenshi; Kaymakli churches; Isrike temples

Champions: Unknown

Brief History/Folklore: Long ago when Arda was young, there were three moons, and Cesilain was god of the smallest. The other two were ruled over by Mokoi and his sister, Lunasa. Cesilain developed feelings for Lunasa and began to persue her. He worked tirelessly to bring her gifts and fancy things. Unfortunately, her brother grew overly protective and battled him, warning him to stay away from her. Cesilain would not back down and Mokoi was injured in the fight and his moon shattered to bits. Lunasa gathered up her brother and healed him, and then scattered the bits of his moon across the sky to form the stars. She had mercy on Cesilain, understanding that he had been overcome with passion, and never sought vengeance against him. He took this as a good sign and still persues her to this day.


Other Attributes: Protection, Visions, Prophecy

Patron of: Prophets and Seers

Names: Mokoi

Tier: Middle Tier Deity

Holidays: Unknown

Places of Worship: Kaymakli churches

Champions: Ace, Lorhen, Xiao-Xing

Brief History/Folklore: Long ago when Arda was young, there were three moons, and Mokoi was the god of the one in the middle. The other two were ruled over by his sister, Lunasa, and another god, Cesilain. Mokoi grew overly protective of Lunasa when Cesilain began to persue her and warned him to stay away from her. Cesilain would not back down and Mokoi was injured in the ensuing fight and his moon shattered to bits. The heartbroken Lunasa gathered up her brother and healed him, and then scattered the bits of his moon across the sky to form the stars. From his new vantagepoint, he now watches over and protects those who pray to him.


Other Attributes:Evil, Necromancy

Patron of: Necromancers

Names: Gomorrah

Tier: Top Tier Deity

Holidays: Unknown

Places of Worship: Zelphanasta; Kaymakli churches

Champions: Unknown

Brief History/Folklore:

Wild Nature

Other Attributes: Flora, Fauna, Air, Sky

Names: Ethairen, Vidarr (Isrike)

Tier: Top Tier Deity

Holidays: Unknown

Places of Worship: Kaymakli churches; Isrike temples

Champions: Unknown

Brief History/Folklore: Long ago, Ethairen found herself ensnared by a human hunter. Whether this was literal or he just managed to catch her heart is unknown, but eventually a son was born to them, Jorrin.


Names: Dwynwen, Mazu (Xenshi), Ran (Isrike)

Tier: Middle Tier Deity

Holidays: Unknown

Places of Worship: Temple of Balance in Xenshi; Kaymakli churches; Isrike temples

Champions: Unknown

Brief History/Folklore:


Other Attributes: Harvest, Animal Husbandry

Names: Jorrin, Shennong (Xenshi), Gefjun (Isrike)

Tier: Low Tier Deity

Holidays: Unknown

Places of Worship: Main Deity of Costilla; Temple of Balance in Xenshi; Kaymakli churches; Isrike temples

Champions: Unknown

Brief History/Folklore: Jorrin started out as just a demi-god, born of the union of the wild nature goddess Ethairen and a human hunter. He grew to be much like his father, and once old enough, he began to visit tribes of the various races on Arda and taught them how to tame nature through farming and domesticating animals. The people began to celebrate him in thanks for his help, and thus eventually he became elevated to the rank of full godhood. However, he still had much of his mother in him, and thus is known to also throw wild harvest celebrations and even participates in Eudora's hijinks on occasion.


Patron of: Mages, Sorcerers, Wizards, etc.

Names: Timaeus

Tier: Middle Tier Deity

Holidays: Unknown

Places of Worship: Avelane temples; Erufu temples; Kaymakli churches

Champions: Unknown

Brief History/Folklore:


Names: Julskinka

Tier: Middle Tier Deity

Holidays: Unknown

Places of Worship: Kaymakli churches

Champions: Unknown

Brief History/Folklore:


Other Attributes: Music, Arts, Poetry, Inspiration

Patron of: Bards

Names: Harpyr, Bragi (Isrike)

Tier: Low Tier Deity

Holidays: Unknown

Places of Worship: Kaymakli churches; Isrike temples

Champions: Unknown

Brief History/Folklore:


Other Attributes: Fertility, Matchmaking, Passion, Desire

Names: Marghana, Yuexia Laoren (Xenshi), Freyja (Isrike)

Tier: Low Tier Deity

Holidays: Day of Love and Desire (Valentine’s Day)

Places of Worship: Temple of Balance in Xenshi; Kaymakli churches; Isrike temples

Champions: Unknown

Brief History/Folklore:

(image goes here)


Other Attributes:

Names: Charisma



Places of Worship:

Champions: Unknown

Brief History/Folklore:


Other Attributes: Celebration

Gender: Versalie, Nanna (Isrike)

Tier: Low Tier Deity

Holidays: Unknown

Places of Worship: Unknown

Champions: Unknown

Brief History/Folklore: Versalie is the least well-known of all the Ardanian deities due to the fact that she mysteriously disappeared two thousand years ago. Since then, most of the written records and art and shrines to her have also disappeared or were destroyed. Only those who are old enough to have been around near the time of her disappearance and those gifted with sight of the past are even aware that she did exist at all. Sad as it may be, she is the forgotten goddess.


Other Attributes: Mind, Psionics, Truth, Domination, Control

Patron of: Psions and Truth Seekers

Names: Heliot; The Crimson Eye

Tier: Low Tier Deity

Holidays: Unknown

Places of Worship: Temple of Truth in Ambrose; Temple of Focus in Everantha

Heliot's Eye: Mirantha Winterspell

Lord-Commander of Heliot's Psionic Order: Elinthia Autumnfire

Disciple/s: Evelyn Godslayer

Disciple bonuses: +2 Psionics/+2 Mental Resistance/+1 Diplomacy

These need to be listed on your profile under Disciple Bonuses – will need to be added in as a separate portion. Please notate the bonus along with which deity the bonus is granted from. These bonuses are temporary. Keep an eye on where your characters sit with the deities. Please also notate on your character's physical description portion about the crimson eye tattoo upon their right wrist

Champions: Evelyn Godslayer, Aneka Nightstar, Elinthia Autumnfire

Blessings: +2 Charisma/+1 Intelligence

Blessings are temporary and are granted so long as one is a Champion. These need to be listed on your profile under Champion Bonuses – will need to be added in as a separate portion. Please notate the bonus along with which deity the bonus is granted from. As the Champions change and ranks change, so will bonuses. Keep an eye on where your characters sit.

Brief History/Folklore: